Sunday, October 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 8 2017

Hey guys it's Stephen and Ellie the Chihuahua! We upload new videos every Sunday on

the Relax My Dog YouTube channel and today we're gonna be making Ellie a

witch outfit for Halloween, she's gonna be a little witch! If you'd like to try

this tutorial then you're gonna need the following items some black fabric, black

lace, black elastic, adhesive glittery stickers, some black card, a bowl, scissors,

a pen, a glue gun, and some devil horns! Well actually, uh, they're just for me!

You're going to need the assistance of a little dog, Ellie the Chihuahua is

perfect. The black cloth that I've got is kind of elasticated which is great

because it's gonna give Ellie some room to move and to breathe, I'm gonna put it

around Ellie just so I've got a rough idea of the size I need to cut this

fabric to, I'm going to allow extra room around her neck and I want the fabric to

kind of end where her tail is, okay so I've kind of got a good idea of where I

need to cut it now, thank you! I'm just gonna cut the fabric

down, it doesn't matter if this is a little bit ripped or not 100% straight

because you know it's a witch and I don't think witches are going to be on

the cover of Vogue anytime soon! I've cut my fabric down to size gonna test that

on Ellie to make sure it's about right, ooh and that looks perfect! Now I'm gonna

get those adhesive stickers, stick them on the fabric in areas that are going to

cover her back and her sides

Great we've got a nice even coverage of stickers there,

that's the cape done! The next stage is to make her witches hat and we're going

to use the black card, this is probably the most difficult element of this whole

look, using the small bowl we're just gonna trace the outline of a circle and

cut that circle out. Ah, now we've got our circle you want to bend the card to find

the middle point which is about here, give it a little pinch and from that

point take your scissors and go and cut straight into the middle

pinch, so we've got a little gap there now, from this we're gonna overlap the card

and give it a twist, we made a little cone there got this excess card on the

top I'm just gonna cut that away because we don't need it. We have the beginning

now of our witches hats which is perfect! Here comes the fun part, we're

gonna get our glue gun which is very hot so be very careful and we're just

gonna glue one side of the card, fold it into that cone shape and stick it down

where we've glued, and it's done, that easy! Using that black elastic we've got,

this is just gonna go around her neck so we can hold the cone in place, that size

will be perfect for Ellie! Apply small amount of glue either side of the inside

of the cone, you take that elastic and you're just gonna stick it into the glue,

now we've got the perfect party hat! To decorate this a little bit more, I'm

gonna use that black lace that I've got, gonna apply some of the glue just to the

front of the cone here and then we can attach this small bit of felt to the

cone to give it a bit more detail, and there we have it! A nice little witch's

hat! And we're gonna put this on Ellie - "Ellie!"

- Should we put your cape on? The great thing about having this stretchy fabric

is you can just tie it into a bow at the front, doesn't that look great! I'm just

gonna put a hat on she's not gonna like this

Oh there we go! And that's it, that's the complete

look, Ellie's witches outfit, you look amazing!

it's worth just saying, you want to make sure that you're supervising your dog at

all times if you're going to make this outfit for it, because there's a lot of

pieces that she could rip off and eat, but it is a fantastic little outfit for

her, super personalised and she looks adorable! If you enjoyed this video give

us a like! I want to know what you're dressing your dog up as for Halloween so

please tell us in the comments below, be sure to subscribe and hit that

notification bell so you know when we're uploading videos

we can't wait to see you next week! See you later!

For more infomation >> How To Make A Halloween Witch Costume For Dogs | Easy DIY Doggy Witch Costume For Halloween! 🎃🐶👻 - Duration: 4:29.


Experience Pilar 7 - New Miradouro - Ponte 25 de Abril - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Experience Pilar 7 - New Miradouro - Ponte 25 de Abril - Duration: 2:33.


43 COSAS QUE INTENTARÉ HACER ANTES DE MORIR | SESMA | (Iniciativa Valentí Sanjuan) - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 43 COSAS QUE INTENTARÉ HACER ANTES DE MORIR | SESMA | (Iniciativa Valentí Sanjuan) - Duration: 7:30.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Try These Great Natural Remedies for Gastritis - Duration: 3:40.

Try These Great Natural Remedies for Gastritis If you are following medical treatment for

gastritis, see a doctor before stopping or combining it with these natural options in

case there is any contraindication.

Gastritis is a digestive issue that takes place when the stomach lining is irritated

by excessive production of stomach acid.

It is a common problem, almost always caused by poor eating habits, but can also be caused

by a bacterial infection.

The main symptom is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the belly.

It�s almost always accompanied by pain, inflammation, and indigestion.

While it may come sporadically, oftentimes it turns into a recurring condition that can

lead to complications if left untreated.

Fortunately, in addition to doctor-recommended treatments, there are also natural solutions

that can help treat gastritis without triggering any side effects.

In this article, we�d like to share 7 great natural remedies for gastritis.

Try them at the first sign of gastritis.

Natural Remedies for Gastritis 1.

Potato juice Potato juice is a natural antacid that helps

regulate the pH of your stomach in order to control the burning feeling and pain caused

by gastritis.

In addition, it reduces excessive production of gas while reducing inflammation levels

associated with the condition.

What do I do?

Extract the potato juice and consume 3 or 4 tablespoons.

Take 2 times a day if symptoms persist.

�We recommend reading: Are You Suffering from Gastric Reflex?�


Coconut water to treat gastritis Well-known for its high nutritional value,

coconut water is a healthy option for fighting this digestive problem.

Its alkaline power reduces excessive acidity.

Plus, since it�s an excellent for hydration, it helps support the detoxification of your


What do I do?

Have half a cup of coconut water (100 ml) at the first sign of gastritis.

If the problem continues, consume up to 3 times a day.


Natural yogurt The live cultures in natural yogurt are excellent

at fighting the bacteria H. Pylori, which is responsible for chronic gastritis.

These probiotics regulate the pH of your gastrointestinal tract.

Meanwhile, they also fortify the barrier that protects your stomach from too much acidity.

What do I do?

Have 2 cups of natural yogurt a day (250 g) until the problem is gone.


Strawberries Strawberries contain phenolic compounds that

can help reduce inflammation of the stomach lining.

Thus, they improve symptoms of gastritis.

The antioxidants in them fight the negative effect of free radicals and also support the

regeneration of your mucous membranes.

What do I do?

Make a tea with dried strawberry leaves and consume 2 times a day.

Have 3 to 5 ripe strawberries every day.

For more infomation >> Try These Great Natural Remedies for Gastritis - Duration: 3:40.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - TRY TO GOLDEN BREAKS 3.11.0 LATEST WORKED SO CLOSED [NO CHEATS] OCTOBER 2017 - Duration: 5:43.


call of duty 4 and shout-out - Duration: 9:05.

actually getting carried man I'm not having this shit I'm not having this man

I'm getting carried so hard fuck this a diamond getting carried by a fucking

one I've never heard that really all right so I don't have fuckin shitty win

ten games with a fucking I was it the fucking here you're a bandit ding yeah

and all I get is a target charm are you fucking bullets are you piss off

you bought a hold of time you're up to your fucking face oh then all that that

was so much effort I guess she target

hey I barely ever use your phrase I usually I don't want using actually I

don't take action I've got zero killed you take and the guy who's s it hasn't

ashed I run up the stairs this bottle pocket

but one fog way that was real light yeah are you probably script

yeah everything


I saw I was like huh there's ages are you fucking serious

okay si oh yeah is it you using so I thought my papa guys so I got three

trailers summons up so game please check out his channel is a good you to be to

see luminaries are going to check him out

I'll leave link to all these and the next paid person is Li oat and he's got

19 sub he does of a mixture in play flawed yes yes he's gay I mean make the

last person so far is noble Benny he has

the last photo was a couple don't find it go check out your channel trying game

up to 50 I believe and like I said I'm on I'm on

a caution money wasn't it um yes I'm gonna and if you do want a shout-out you

want a shout-out just put in the comment a hashtag to exceed shout out and I will

give you a shout out hopefully


that's not like nice fish

Oh a dog again IQ struck IQ strong

I didn't Ashley so shit this game I go up go up

I love going in hash or have to go -

they say if you would like shower spit in the car accident a shake

I'm also hoping to a game eight and I hurried by platinum that's just

embarrassing ask you once it yes I believe that's it for this video

oh please ash I said

For more infomation >> call of duty 4 and shout-out - Duration: 9:05.


Hoe een achterveren vervangen op een FIAT PUNTO HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.

Use a socket №18

For more infomation >> Hoe een achterveren vervangen op een FIAT PUNTO HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.


Fascisme Communisme - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Fascisme Communisme - Duration: 6:18.


J Sexton

For more infomation >> J Sexton


[동빛/TheEastLight.] 승현아 사랑해! Seunghyun, I love you! - Duration: 0:36.

SG: It's delicious when eating it fast.

ES: Is it more delicious?

SG: Huh?

ES: Is it more delicious?

SG: Yeah.

SH: Why are you copying me?

SC: When you drink fast...eating NakJi...

ES: Eat it like...

ES: ...quickly like that.

SH: I'm saying, why are you copying me?!

JW: We copy you because we like you.

ES: We love you.


WJ: Seunghyun hyung I love you.


SC: Seunghyun ah!

SC: ...I love you~

JW: Why? Why you...

SG: You don't love us?!

For more infomation >> [동빛/TheEastLight.] 승현아 사랑해! Seunghyun, I love you! - Duration: 0:36.


Una bella notizia per i fan di Ozge Gurel: ecco di cosa si tratta - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Una bella notizia per i fan di Ozge Gurel: ecco di cosa si tratta - Duration: 3:53.


Countryballs- MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL without CHINA - Vietnamball - Hongkongball - taiwanball - Duration: 3:14.

Countryballs Animation Channel

Notice: This video is only used for entertainments without the aim at any country. Not politic or harmful is its content. Only fun comments are allowed. No insulting or critical comments are to be made. Bad languages and critical comments should be deleted and banned for life. Countryballs Animation

Countryballs Taiwan : Hey Vietnamball, Wake up!

Countryballs Taiwan : Hey hey,calm down man. I'm Taiwan, not USA.

Countryballs Vietnam : So Do you wanna anything?

Countryballs Taiwan : Don't you remember today is mid-autumn?

Countryballs Taiwan : We could see the most beautifull moon of year.

Countryballs Vietnam : Mid-autumn with China? I must go to sleep! You should go to sleep too!

Countryballs Taiwan : No,Vietnam. China sets firework with North Korea.

Countryballs Vietnam : Really?

Countryballs Vietnam : Let's go to watch the moon now.

Countryballs Taiwan : wait for me! I must call to Hongkong!

Countryballs Taiwan : Hello Hongkong! What are you doing?

Countryballs Hongkong: I'm finging my umbrella.China hides my Umbrella.

Countryballs Hongkong: He doesn't give me my umbrella. I'm so confuse.

Countryballs Taiwan : Don't worry my friend. Today is mid-autumn. I'm with you and Vietnam. Let's go watching our moon.

Countryballs Hongkong: Where are you now?

Countryballs Taiwan : I'm in Vietnam's house.

Countryballs Hongkong: OK,wait me a minute.

Countryballs China : It's so much of fun, North Korea.

Countryballs North Korea: Yeah,Murica and everyone will be afraid of me!

Countryballs North Korea : You are my best friend ,China.

Countryballs China : Yeah,North Korea!

Countryballs China : But I must back to my clays now!

Countryballs China : I will see you soon!

Countryballs North Korea : OK, my mate!

Countryballs Hongkong : This moon is so beautifull!

Countryballs Vietnam : Yeah, best of mid-autumn festival.

Countryballs Taiwan : Yep, best of mid-autumn festival ever.

Countryballs China : Oh my greats clays

Countryballs Vietnam : Enjoying this time without China ,sure of fun.

Countryballs Taiwan : Yeah,If China of here - everything will of ruined.

Countryballs Hongkong: Without China,I can into feel the independence.

Countryballs China : AIYA, There you are my kids

Countryballs Vietnam : fu*k

Countryballs Taiwan : China is of here!

Countryballs Hongkong: Does he will kill all of us?

For more infomation >> Countryballs- MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL without CHINA - Vietnamball - Hongkongball - taiwanball - Duration: 3:14.


Kozidrak i Pietras ruszą we wspólną trasę. Pogodziły ich... 2 MILIONY - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Kozidrak i Pietras ruszą we wspólną trasę. Pogodziły ich... 2 MILIONY - Duration: 2:06.


[여고생 일상] 추석연휴 일상브이로그 | WHAT I DID ON CHUSEOK, KOREA VLOG // 노잼주의 - Duration: 4:51.

I took this yesterday in movie theater!

And she is my lovely cat ♡

I worn kimono when i went to Japan and took this pic!

Shall we watch my phone gallery?

Those are the videos for my youtube

This is....

My Inspiration gallery!

I've collected some photos here

My favorite actress, Rachel Anne McAdams!

I like this scene in 'About Time'

They look so happy


Keira Knightley!

She is so pretty!

And IU!

She is soooo beautiful

And those are (lol)

My selfies lol

I took this in movie theater yesterday

My friend is so cute!

This is probably my best shot

Next is Kakao Talk!


I'll send her an emoticon too

Let's fight! lol

Also, there is a sound!

Shall we hear that song again?

For more infomation >> [여고생 일상] 추석연휴 일상브이로그 | WHAT I DID ON CHUSEOK, KOREA VLOG // 노잼주의 - Duration: 4:51.


TESLA MODEL X P100D LUDICROUS 2018 Test Drive | Best Suv - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> TESLA MODEL X P100D LUDICROUS 2018 Test Drive | Best Suv - Duration: 13:01.


Pray Sam Smith ft. The Boss Baby | Animated Version | Cartoon Mix - Duration: 2:07.

Im young and Im foolish I make bad decisions

I block out the news Turn my back on religion

Dont have no degree Im somewhat naive

I have made it this far on my own

But lately that shit ain't been getting me higher

I lift up my head and the world is on fire There's dread in my heart

And fear in my bones I just don't know what to say

Maybe I'll pray Pray

Maybe I'll pray I have never believed in you, no

But I'm gonna pray

You won't find me in church Reading the Bible

I am still here and I'm still your disciple I'm down on my knees

I'm begging you, please I'm broken, alone and afraid

Im not a saint I'm more of a sinner

I don't want to lose but I fear for the winners When I try to explain

The words run away That's why I am stood here today

And I'm gonna pray Pray

Maybe I'll pray Pray for a glimmer of hope

Maybe I'll pray Pray

Maybe I'll pray I've never believed in you, no

But I'm gonna

Won't you call me?

Can we have a one on one please?

Let's talk about freedom Everyone prays in the end

Everyone prays in the end Oh, won't you call me?

Can we have a one on one please?

Let's talk about freedom Everyone prays in the end

Everyone prays in the end

Oh, I'm gonna Pray

I'm gonna Pray

I'm gonna Pray

Pray for a glimmer of hope Maybe I'll pray

Pray Maybe I'll pray

I've never believed in you, no But I'm gonna pray

For more infomation >> Pray Sam Smith ft. The Boss Baby | Animated Version | Cartoon Mix - Duration: 2:07.


Sam Smith - Pray (Lyrics / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:44.

Sam Smith - Pray Lyrics

For more infomation >> Sam Smith - Pray (Lyrics / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:44.


My weight loss journey (Week 90) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> My weight loss journey (Week 90) - Duration: 4:22.


Aarhus hardball field 07-10-2017 - My new team - Duration: 6:56.

Kim: Remember the goverment is your friend.

Got it!

Clear so far.

Kim: Wanna move up?

No, another one wanted to move up.

What are you doing?

Kim: I thought I got protection on my knockels, but I did not.

We have got 2 (friendlys) in the middle here. Nothing is happening here. I don't know about over there.

Maybe you should push with them and keep that way.

Teammate: It's just that this is a bit red (10m safety distance).

We have got 3...

...not our team on arena, so I think we are gonna hear if they are comming from there.

Kim: *mumbling*


He is ours. [repeat x2]

Jan: I got him.

Jan: Yea, I got him.

Mikkel: I'm under fire from the bottom.


Have we got any more on arena?

Jan: We need to be minimum 2 guys on arena, so they don't get us from behind.

I'm taking that. I'm not of any use over here.


We have got enemys right though here. That one! [repeat]

We have got enemys comming out from the middle!

Enemy on the left down!

Got it.

Patrick: *mumbling*

We have got massive forces donw here.

Jan: Allan give 'em dry on. (Danish phrase of kicking ass).

Got it!

Viva la revolución!!!!11ONE


Clear ahead.

Enemy ahead!

Patrick: Where?

In front of the camper.

Mikkel: Right in front?


He is crouched.

Jan: Does he have armband over there?

Ref: It is 9 people ageinst 1.

Ref: 12 ageinst 1.

Ref: 12 ageinst Niels.

Enemy (Niels): HIT!!!

Is there anyone without armbands alive throw up your arm! [repeat]

Damn nice played.

Ref: Game over! [repeat]

For more infomation >> Aarhus hardball field 07-10-2017 - My new team - Duration: 6:56.


Przekopywanie ogródków działkowych Koszalin Sianów Kołobrzeg - 605 385 772 - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Przekopywanie ogródków działkowych Koszalin Sianów Kołobrzeg - 605 385 772 - Duration: 0:20.


Episode 14 My body's self diagnostic system - Duration: 3:59.

It gets even weirder in non-physical!

in my last entry I shared the general outline of my ayahuasca journeys the hallmarks of the path, and the insights

that I received. There's another aspect of the journeys that I left out though

and that's what I'm going to talk about in this episode.

This aspect happened every time I began a journey. Approximately 30 minutes into

the existence...into the experience or so. What would happen is two consciousnesses

would arrive, taking control of my left hand and my right hand. Using my hands

they would examine my physical body. They wouldn't touch it they would just hover

over it like this, analyzing every part that they could. Intermittently they

would talk to each other, using my fingers and a kind of language that I I

couldn't understand directly. But I could converse with them I could ask them

questions about my about my health and they would they would answer. If I had a

bruise or a cut on my arm, for example, they would hover over that part of my

body, examine it, and then they'd tell me whether or not the injury was a problem

or not. After a thorough examination of my body my entire body would be taken

over by a larger consciousness or a larger presence. This presence wasn't

separate from me, it was a part of me. It would tell me to lie on my back and once

I did this it began systematically moving parts of my body in ways that

tested every range of motion of my limbs. In some cases the motion was

extraordinary. My body parts were flying around and

moving at a speed and with a timing I didn't know my body could achieve. As I

said I was 100% alert during these experiences and my my wife my wife was

there too watching the entire thing. The presence

would then direct me onto my stomach and the process would continue then it would

turn me on my back and it would it would then make my arms and hands move in

circles around each other in a velocity I couldn't repeat or replicate in

waking consciousness. The movement would be so fast the wind created by it would

would move the sheets in the blankets. During these exercises I would tell my

wife what the presence was doing and I would say like,

for example, "it's testing this, now it's testing that". We watched in fascination

as the movements continued sometimes for 90 minutes or longer. The presence was

aware of the objects in the room. It would ask me to tell my wife to get off

the bed then it would position my body in the center of the bed so I could take

full range of my motions. It would tell me to move the pillows and the blanket so

they wouldn't obstruct the exercises. Sometimes the communication between

these presences caused my wife and I to laugh because it was just really it was

a remarkable sight to behold. Now you may ask if I recorded these experiences and

I have to say...the idea never crossed my mind because they were so personal and I

never thought that I'd be doing a blog about this. I can only say that if you're

piqued by what I'm describing here, you should do your own primary research try

ayahuasca for yourself. But be forewarned; if you're wedded to certain conclusions

you may be in for very bumpy experiences.

Next up a bumpy experience I had with

mother ayahuasca on Mother's Day. I'm Perry Gruber, founder of Copiosis.

For more infomation >> Episode 14 My body's self diagnostic system - Duration: 3:59.


Borys LBD - Lady In Red (Pani Ratowniczko) (Audio) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Borys LBD - Lady In Red (Pani Ratowniczko) (Audio) - Duration: 4:56.


Its Flat! Curved Water (Płaska Ziemia) (Napisy PL) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Its Flat! Curved Water (Płaska Ziemia) (Napisy PL) - Duration: 3:49.


Meghan Markle prête à quit­ter la série Suits pour Harry ? - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle prête à quit­ter la série Suits pour Harry ? - Duration: 2:36.


Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples in 5 Minutes Fast Pimple Popping Methods - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples in 5 Minutes Fast Pimple Popping Methods - Duration: 4:50.


乾燥対策!敏感肌の海外スキンケア・サプリ Essential Products for Dry and Sensitive Skin - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 乾燥対策!敏感肌の海外スキンケア・サプリ Essential Products for Dry and Sensitive Skin - Duration: 7:46.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - TRY TO GOLDEN BREAKS 3.11.0 LATEST WORKED SO CLOSED [NO CHEATS] OCTOBER 2017 - Duration: 5:43.


:0164: Up-date Rose Budding / گُلاب پر لگنے والے پیوند کا نتیجہ - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> :0164: Up-date Rose Budding / گُلاب پر لگنے والے پیوند کا نتیجہ - Duration: 5:58.


Agar Tum Miljao Neha Kakkar Best Love Romantic Lines Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:35.

Direct Downloading Link In Description

For more infomation >> Agar Tum Miljao Neha Kakkar Best Love Romantic Lines Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:35.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


O que fazer na Holanda em outubro? - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> O que fazer na Holanda em outubro? - Duration: 3:30.


Tente não rir - piadinhas sem graça - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Tente não rir - piadinhas sem graça - Duration: 7:02.


Żony Hollywood ocenią kandydatów na Masterchefa. Ale się wystroiły! - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Żony Hollywood ocenią kandydatów na Masterchefa. Ale się wystroiły! - Duration: 1:36.


How To Make A Halloween Witch Costume For Dogs | Easy DIY Doggy Witch Costume For Halloween! 🎃🐶👻 - Duration: 4:29.

Hey guys it's Stephen and Ellie the Chihuahua! We upload new videos every Sunday on

the Relax My Dog YouTube channel and today we're gonna be making Ellie a

witch outfit for Halloween, she's gonna be a little witch! If you'd like to try

this tutorial then you're gonna need the following items some black fabric, black

lace, black elastic, adhesive glittery stickers, some black card, a bowl, scissors,

a pen, a glue gun, and some devil horns! Well actually, uh, they're just for me!

You're going to need the assistance of a little dog, Ellie the Chihuahua is

perfect. The black cloth that I've got is kind of elasticated which is great

because it's gonna give Ellie some room to move and to breathe, I'm gonna put it

around Ellie just so I've got a rough idea of the size I need to cut this

fabric to, I'm going to allow extra room around her neck and I want the fabric to

kind of end where her tail is, okay so I've kind of got a good idea of where I

need to cut it now, thank you! I'm just gonna cut the fabric

down, it doesn't matter if this is a little bit ripped or not 100% straight

because you know it's a witch and I don't think witches are going to be on

the cover of Vogue anytime soon! I've cut my fabric down to size gonna test that

on Ellie to make sure it's about right, ooh and that looks perfect! Now I'm gonna

get those adhesive stickers, stick them on the fabric in areas that are going to

cover her back and her sides

Great we've got a nice even coverage of stickers there,

that's the cape done! The next stage is to make her witches hat and we're going

to use the black card, this is probably the most difficult element of this whole

look, using the small bowl we're just gonna trace the outline of a circle and

cut that circle out. Ah, now we've got our circle you want to bend the card to find

the middle point which is about here, give it a little pinch and from that

point take your scissors and go and cut straight into the middle

pinch, so we've got a little gap there now, from this we're gonna overlap the card

and give it a twist, we made a little cone there got this excess card on the

top I'm just gonna cut that away because we don't need it. We have the beginning

now of our witches hats which is perfect! Here comes the fun part, we're

gonna get our glue gun which is very hot so be very careful and we're just

gonna glue one side of the card, fold it into that cone shape and stick it down

where we've glued, and it's done, that easy! Using that black elastic we've got,

this is just gonna go around her neck so we can hold the cone in place, that size

will be perfect for Ellie! Apply small amount of glue either side of the inside

of the cone, you take that elastic and you're just gonna stick it into the glue,

now we've got the perfect party hat! To decorate this a little bit more, I'm

gonna use that black lace that I've got, gonna apply some of the glue just to the

front of the cone here and then we can attach this small bit of felt to the

cone to give it a bit more detail, and there we have it! A nice little witch's

hat! And we're gonna put this on Ellie - "Ellie!"

- Should we put your cape on? The great thing about having this stretchy fabric

is you can just tie it into a bow at the front, doesn't that look great! I'm just

gonna put a hat on she's not gonna like this

Oh there we go! And that's it, that's the complete

look, Ellie's witches outfit, you look amazing!

it's worth just saying, you want to make sure that you're supervising your dog at

all times if you're going to make this outfit for it, because there's a lot of

pieces that she could rip off and eat, but it is a fantastic little outfit for

her, super personalised and she looks adorable! If you enjoyed this video give

us a like! I want to know what you're dressing your dog up as for Halloween so

please tell us in the comments below, be sure to subscribe and hit that

notification bell so you know when we're uploading videos

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For more infomation >> How To Make A Halloween Witch Costume For Dogs | Easy DIY Doggy Witch Costume For Halloween! 🎃🐶👻 - Duration: 4:29.


Przekopywanie ogródków działkowych Koszalin Sianów Kołobrzeg - 605 385 772 - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Przekopywanie ogródków działkowych Koszalin Sianów Kołobrzeg - 605 385 772 - Duration: 0:20.


Experience Pilar 7 - New Miradouro - Ponte 25 de Abril - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Experience Pilar 7 - New Miradouro - Ponte 25 de Abril - Duration: 2:33.


Como emagrecer depois da gravidez – treino de 4 minutos - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Como emagrecer depois da gravidez – treino de 4 minutos - Duration: 4:59.


A alegria de Viver, Henri Matisse [Fauvismo] Séc. XX - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> A alegria de Viver, Henri Matisse [Fauvismo] Séc. XX - Duration: 1:57.


Borys LBD - Lady In Red (Pani Ratowniczko) (Audio) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Borys LBD - Lady In Red (Pani Ratowniczko) (Audio) - Duration: 4:56.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 8 EKİM 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ FULL | KEREM CANBULAT & İLKER DURALI | Youtube - Duration: 26:08.


Jak vyměnit pružina zadního zavěšení na FIAT PUNTO NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.

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