Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 11 2018

In 2003, Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame on the Game Boy Advance became the first game

in the series to be officially released in the west.

The game was retitled simply Fire Emblem and went through a number of changes and tweaks

in its localization.

Today we'll be focusing on one of the more peculiar alterations though.

For those who haven't played it, Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame features a self-insert

character referred to as the "Tactician."

While the character's default name is "Mark," the game outright asks players to fill in

their own name, birth month, and gender.

In the original Japanese release however, the game also asks the player to provide their

blood type as well.

Some would ask why this was removed from the western releases, but others might also wonder

why blood types were in the game in the first place.

After all, this isn't a game like Trauma Center where a blood transfusion might be


Instead, this is a reference to a popular belief in Japan that one's blood type effects

their personality among other things, similar to one's zodiac sign in western astrology.

Yet, while western astrology is based upon ancient beliefs of reading the stars, the

"Blood Type Personality Theory" has roots in early 20th century scientific theory.

Back in 1901, the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner first published his discovery

of multiple human blood types in an article titled, "Agglutination phenomena of normal

human blood".

This landmark discovery would go largely unrecognized though, until 1909 when Landsteiner classified

human blood into the 4 groups,A, B, AB, and O, known today as the ABO blood group system.This

research paved the way for safer and more successful blood transfusion methods, eventually

earning him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930.

This discovery would go on to make waves outside of the medical field, leading scientists and

theorists of the time to research other ways differing blood types affected people.

This first appeared in Japan in 1916 when Kimata Hara, a Japanese doctor, published

a research paper alleging a link between someone's temperament and their blood type.

However, this idea failed to gain traction until 1927 when Takeji Furukawa, a professor

of Ochanomizu University, published a series of articles titled, "The Study of Temperament

Through Blood Type".

According to Rachel Nuwer in a report for the Scientific American, "Furukawa's research

claimed that individual blood types—A, B, O, and AB—reflected the personalities of

those who carried them.

Using questionnaires but providing no controls or statistical tests, Furukawa presented intricate

behavioral charts defining the various blood types and concluded that a correlation between

blood types and personality exists."

Nevertheless, despite Furukawa's lack of credentials and questionable methodology,

the paper helped influence the Empire of Japan to commission further studies in the hopes

of training and breeding superior soldiers.

The study was even published in the west within The Journal of Social Psychology in 1930 under

the title, "A Study of Temperament and Blood-Groups".

After World War II though, this theory began fading away into obscurity.

That changed in 1971 however, when a Japanese journalist by the name of Masahiko Nomi released

a book titled Understanding Blood Type Affinity, which revived and expanded on Furukawa's


Despite the fact that Nomi had no medical background, his book went on to become a best-seller

in his home nation of Japan.

[10] He followed this success by continually publishing more books further developing what

is now known as the Blood Type Personality Theory up until his death in 1981.

After passing away, Nomi's son, Toshitaka Nomi, took over his father's book line,

releasing dozens more himself that have sold over 6 million copies in Japan.

Toshitaka further promotes the Blood Type Personality Theory under a private group named

the Human Science ABO Center, whose goal isn't to, quote, "rank or judge people, but to

smooth relationships and help make the best of one's talents."

So, what does the Blood Type Personality Theory say anyway?

Well, specifics vary between theorists, but Kanae Nakamine concisely breaks the fundamentals

of each blood type's general characteristics down in her article "Japanese Blood Types:

And What They Say About Your Personality."

Essentially, "People with [Type A blood] are described primarily as kichōmen, or well-organized.

They like to keep things neat but can be stubborn and get stressed out easily.

They also value harmony with others."

"[People with type B blood are] generally described as jikochū, or selfish.

They are also known for their creativity.

…Type B has a strong sense of curiosity, but at the same time, loses interest easily."

"[The AB blood type] is a hybrid of A and B, two different personalities mixed together.

They are often seen as dual-natured and complicated.

For example, they are shy like A types, but also are outgoing like type B. …AB people

are kawarimono, or eccentric."

"[And people with type O blood are] often described as rakkanshugi, or optimistic.

They are outgoing, have leadership abilities, and are able to set the mood for groups of


They don't care much about little things…they're often late to events (and sometimes rude),

[but] O types are incredibly resilient and flexible, enabling them to roll with the punches."

These theories haven't fallen on deaf ears either, as the Blood Type Personality Theory

has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan.

A few examples can be seen with things like Japanese dating services, such as "Exciting!

Blood Type Goukon," who pair couples based on their blood type compatibility.

Or products such as ABOBA, a condom brand line including condoms specially made for

each blood type as well as relationship advice based upon your blood type pairing.

Collectibles like Japanese baseball cards also feature each player's blood type alongside

their typical stats too.

And there even exist foods that are advertised to customers of each blood type.

For example, Pokka Corp. once marketed "Soda for the Sympathetic" to those with O type

blood, claiming to load the drink with multivitamins to help an overachieving O burn energy more


Whereas those with type B blood had "Soda for the Curious," which included extra protein

purportedly to promote "mental stamina" to fuel a B's unabating curiosity.

This theory has spread into other South East Asian countries as well, as can be seen with

the South Korean movie, My Boyfriend is Type-B, a romantic comedy starring two star-crossed,

or rather, blood-crossed lovers.

There exists no scientific proof that one's blood type effects their personality as numerous

scientific studies have failed to reproduce the theory's claims.

Nevertheless, in 2016,Nifty conducted a survey on 3,355 Japanese people that found 29% of

males and 45% of females claimed to believe in the theory to some extent.

It's no surprise then that blood types have found their way onto the bios of characters

from Japanese video games.

An example of this can be seen in the Resident Evil Archives, an official companion book

covering the first five main entries in the series, which lists the blood types of many

of the series' characters alongside their age, height, and weight.

For instance, the unwavering, head strong series hero Chris Redfield suits the best

aspects of his O type blood.

Just as the ruthlessly calculating Albert Wesker lines up with the worst aspects of

O type personalities.

Meanwhile, a character such as the crafty two-faced Ada Wong perfectly suits the supposed

dual-nature of AB blood type.

Still, these references to the Blood Type Personality Theory would go completely over

the heads of most western gamers.

Thus, localizers will sometimes remove references to blood types from games when releasing them

overseas - like with Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame and quite a few other titles.

But that's all we have time for today.

If you're interested in learning more about this peculiar aspect of Japanese pop culture

then consider looking into Kanae Nakamine's aforementioned article on Tofugu.com, we've

provided a link in the description below and as always, until next time, thank you for


For more infomation >> Why Japanese Games Show People's Blood Types - Duration: 7:41.


Subway Surfers

For more infomation >> Subway Surfers


6 diferenças entre amor e costume - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> 6 diferenças entre amor e costume - Duration: 7:02.


GRAN TURISMO SPORT - Audi Vision GT (Legendado) - Versão Completa - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> GRAN TURISMO SPORT - Audi Vision GT (Legendado) - Versão Completa - Duration: 4:13.


Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 e 2 - Trailer de Anúncio | Switch - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 e 2 - Trailer de Anúncio | Switch - Duration: 2:19.


Question 6 - Hon Christopher Finlayson to the Attorney-General - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Question 6 - Hon Christopher Finlayson to the Attorney-General - Duration: 6:30.


Familia exige que se aclare la muerte de su hijo a manos de la policía | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Familia exige que se aclare la muerte de su hijo a manos de la policía | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> FEDERAÇÃO GALÁCTICA - [AMADA FAMÍLIA DO ESPAÇO, LEVEM-ME A BORDO] - 05.04.2018 - Duration: 14:17.


Masters of Anima - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Masters of Anima - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 1:26.


Dreamer viaja fuera del país y pierde su derecho a regresar | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Dreamer viaja fuera del país y pierde su derecho a regresar | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.


7 recomendações para combater a conjuntivite de forma natural - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 7 recomendações para combater a conjuntivite de forma natural - Duration: 7:25.


Borran el Despacito de Luis Fonsi de YouTube | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Borran el Despacito de Luis Fonsi de YouTube | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.


Menores hispanos no asisten a la escuela por miedo a la Migra | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Menores hispanos no asisten a la escuela por miedo a la Migra | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.


I Vini Fortificati - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> I Vini Fortificati - Duration: 1:48.


DieuGirl Live Stream - Duration: 55:39.

For more infomation >> DieuGirl Live Stream - Duration: 55:39.


Se lanzan de un segundo piso para huir de las llamas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Se lanzan de un segundo piso para huir de las llamas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.


BBB18: Em noite de paredão, Kaysar dispara: "Eu sou a única esperança da minha família" - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Em noite de paredão, Kaysar dispara: "Eu sou a única esperança da minha família" - Duration: 3:25.


Rey emérito Juan Carlos de España es operado con éxito de una rodilla - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Rey emérito Juan Carlos de España es operado con éxito de una rodilla - Duration: 2:24.


✅ Fortnite Update: How Big is the Size of V3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, How to Download - Duration: 4:08.

Fortnite Battle Royale V3.5 Patch Size and Dimensions Less than 10 Gb, Fortnite Update

its 3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, Learn How to download V3.5 Patch..?

Port a Fort fortnite trailer

Hey Guys, Fortnite have announced the new v3.5 update, which is scheduled to release

April 11th at 4 AM EST/ 1 AM PST.

The new update is expected to introduce several new items/changes into the game, as well as

implement fixes to the game's numerous glitches.

But before we continue don't forget to subscribe our channel because we give fortnite v bucks

giveaway every week and Like this video for more upcoming videos on other challenges of


Fortnite v3.5 Patch size is not yet released but this time it is expecting to be less than

10 Gb as per the last v3.4 patch size, Also downtime should be expected considering the

type of update that this is.

If there is any downtime, then matchmaking will most likely be disabled about 20-25 minutes

prior to the start of the Update.

Fortnite announced this upcoming update on their official Twitter page, mentioning the

recently announced Port-a-Fort.

The new Port-a-Fort is a grenade-like item that, upon being thrown, opens up into a massive,

automatically built fort that provides defense for the player who threw it.

Earlier on April 10th, Fortnite released a teaser video that shows how the new item will


That will not be the only novelty that comes with v3.5 update as a Epic Games Community

Coordinator Chris_Attalus has hinted on Reddit that friendly trap indicators will also be


furthermore, there are several issues in the game that Fortnite has said they will address

in update v3.5.

They have marked the following bugs on their Trello community board as ones whose fixes

have been found and will be implemented in the April 11th patch.

So here is the List of Bugs whose fixes have been found and will be implemented in the

April 11th patch,

Bug Number 1,

General Hitches During Gameplay on Console,

The amount of longer hitches on console has steadily increased over the last few builds.

root cause is blocking loads and this bug will be fixed in v3.5 patch,

Bug Number 2,

Unable to Build,

Players were encountering an issue with building even with the correct amount of materials,

Fortnite believe that they have enough information to continue testing this bug. they will continue

to monitor and will provide updates if this changes.

Bug Number 3,

Floating Weapons and Unable to Shoot,

Quickly cycling through weapons or switching to build mode can cause your weapon to appear

to float or keep you from being able to shoot or build.

so hopefully this bug will also be fixed in v3.5 patch on April 11, Bug Number 4,

Random Controller Vibrations,

Controllers are vibrating at times when they shouldn't.

hopefully this will be resolved in upcoming update,

Bug Number 5,

Small Objects Rendering Late,

There is minor LOD popping on small shrubs, a small number of trees and some wooden crates

and hay-bales.

Fortnit developers are looking into this matter, Bug Number 6,

Rabbit Raider Outfit Visual Problem,

Players may notice visual problems with the ears while wearing the Rabbit Raider outfit.

so hopefully this bug will also be fixed in v3.5 patch on April 11,

so if ever face any issue regarding fortnite, comment below and your issue will be resolved

in just 1 hour, Also If you want some more latest news on fortnite, and get a chance

to earn some free Vbucks, Subscribe Wiki Tips channel now, and don't forget to comment after

subscribing, thanks for watching,

For more infomation >> ✅ Fortnite Update: How Big is the Size of V3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, How to Download - Duration: 4:08.


BBB18:Jéssica é eliminada com 73,396 dos votos no BBB18 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> BBB18:Jéssica é eliminada com 73,396 dos votos no BBB18 - Duration: 0:41.


5 snacks que favorecen la pérdida de peso - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> 5 snacks que favorecen la pérdida de peso - Duration: 9:08.


Why Japanese Games Show People's Blood Types - Duration: 7:41.

In 2003, Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame on the Game Boy Advance became the first game

in the series to be officially released in the west.

The game was retitled simply Fire Emblem and went through a number of changes and tweaks

in its localization.

Today we'll be focusing on one of the more peculiar alterations though.

For those who haven't played it, Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame features a self-insert

character referred to as the "Tactician."

While the character's default name is "Mark," the game outright asks players to fill in

their own name, birth month, and gender.

In the original Japanese release however, the game also asks the player to provide their

blood type as well.

Some would ask why this was removed from the western releases, but others might also wonder

why blood types were in the game in the first place.

After all, this isn't a game like Trauma Center where a blood transfusion might be


Instead, this is a reference to a popular belief in Japan that one's blood type effects

their personality among other things, similar to one's zodiac sign in western astrology.

Yet, while western astrology is based upon ancient beliefs of reading the stars, the

"Blood Type Personality Theory" has roots in early 20th century scientific theory.

Back in 1901, the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner first published his discovery

of multiple human blood types in an article titled, "Agglutination phenomena of normal

human blood".

This landmark discovery would go largely unrecognized though, until 1909 when Landsteiner classified

human blood into the 4 groups,A, B, AB, and O, known today as the ABO blood group system.This

research paved the way for safer and more successful blood transfusion methods, eventually

earning him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930.

This discovery would go on to make waves outside of the medical field, leading scientists and

theorists of the time to research other ways differing blood types affected people.

This first appeared in Japan in 1916 when Kimata Hara, a Japanese doctor, published

a research paper alleging a link between someone's temperament and their blood type.

However, this idea failed to gain traction until 1927 when Takeji Furukawa, a professor

of Ochanomizu University, published a series of articles titled, "The Study of Temperament

Through Blood Type".

According to Rachel Nuwer in a report for the Scientific American, "Furukawa's research

claimed that individual blood types—A, B, O, and AB—reflected the personalities of

those who carried them.

Using questionnaires but providing no controls or statistical tests, Furukawa presented intricate

behavioral charts defining the various blood types and concluded that a correlation between

blood types and personality exists."

Nevertheless, despite Furukawa's lack of credentials and questionable methodology,

the paper helped influence the Empire of Japan to commission further studies in the hopes

of training and breeding superior soldiers.

The study was even published in the west within The Journal of Social Psychology in 1930 under

the title, "A Study of Temperament and Blood-Groups".

After World War II though, this theory began fading away into obscurity.

That changed in 1971 however, when a Japanese journalist by the name of Masahiko Nomi released

a book titled Understanding Blood Type Affinity, which revived and expanded on Furukawa's


Despite the fact that Nomi had no medical background, his book went on to become a best-seller

in his home nation of Japan.

[10] He followed this success by continually publishing more books further developing what

is now known as the Blood Type Personality Theory up until his death in 1981.

After passing away, Nomi's son, Toshitaka Nomi, took over his father's book line,

releasing dozens more himself that have sold over 6 million copies in Japan.

Toshitaka further promotes the Blood Type Personality Theory under a private group named

the Human Science ABO Center, whose goal isn't to, quote, "rank or judge people, but to

smooth relationships and help make the best of one's talents."

So, what does the Blood Type Personality Theory say anyway?

Well, specifics vary between theorists, but Kanae Nakamine concisely breaks the fundamentals

of each blood type's general characteristics down in her article "Japanese Blood Types:

And What They Say About Your Personality."

Essentially, "People with [Type A blood] are described primarily as kichōmen, or well-organized.

They like to keep things neat but can be stubborn and get stressed out easily.

They also value harmony with others."

"[People with type B blood are] generally described as jikochū, or selfish.

They are also known for their creativity.

…Type B has a strong sense of curiosity, but at the same time, loses interest easily."

"[The AB blood type] is a hybrid of A and B, two different personalities mixed together.

They are often seen as dual-natured and complicated.

For example, they are shy like A types, but also are outgoing like type B. …AB people

are kawarimono, or eccentric."

"[And people with type O blood are] often described as rakkanshugi, or optimistic.

They are outgoing, have leadership abilities, and are able to set the mood for groups of


They don't care much about little things…they're often late to events (and sometimes rude),

[but] O types are incredibly resilient and flexible, enabling them to roll with the punches."

These theories haven't fallen on deaf ears either, as the Blood Type Personality Theory

has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan.

A few examples can be seen with things like Japanese dating services, such as "Exciting!

Blood Type Goukon," who pair couples based on their blood type compatibility.

Or products such as ABOBA, a condom brand line including condoms specially made for

each blood type as well as relationship advice based upon your blood type pairing.

Collectibles like Japanese baseball cards also feature each player's blood type alongside

their typical stats too.

And there even exist foods that are advertised to customers of each blood type.

For example, Pokka Corp. once marketed "Soda for the Sympathetic" to those with O type

blood, claiming to load the drink with multivitamins to help an overachieving O burn energy more


Whereas those with type B blood had "Soda for the Curious," which included extra protein

purportedly to promote "mental stamina" to fuel a B's unabating curiosity.

This theory has spread into other South East Asian countries as well, as can be seen with

the South Korean movie, My Boyfriend is Type-B, a romantic comedy starring two star-crossed,

or rather, blood-crossed lovers.

There exists no scientific proof that one's blood type effects their personality as numerous

scientific studies have failed to reproduce the theory's claims.

Nevertheless, in 2016,Nifty conducted a survey on 3,355 Japanese people that found 29% of

males and 45% of females claimed to believe in the theory to some extent.

It's no surprise then that blood types have found their way onto the bios of characters

from Japanese video games.

An example of this can be seen in the Resident Evil Archives, an official companion book

covering the first five main entries in the series, which lists the blood types of many

of the series' characters alongside their age, height, and weight.

For instance, the unwavering, head strong series hero Chris Redfield suits the best

aspects of his O type blood.

Just as the ruthlessly calculating Albert Wesker lines up with the worst aspects of

O type personalities.

Meanwhile, a character such as the crafty two-faced Ada Wong perfectly suits the supposed

dual-nature of AB blood type.

Still, these references to the Blood Type Personality Theory would go completely over

the heads of most western gamers.

Thus, localizers will sometimes remove references to blood types from games when releasing them

overseas - like with Fire Emblem: The Sword of Flame and quite a few other titles.

But that's all we have time for today.

If you're interested in learning more about this peculiar aspect of Japanese pop culture

then consider looking into Kanae Nakamine's aforementioned article on Tofugu.com, we've

provided a link in the description below and as always, until next time, thank you for


For more infomation >> Why Japanese Games Show People's Blood Types - Duration: 7:41.


The reason why I don't like to play Fortnite - Duration: 0:24.

Drop It

Bwah bwah Bwah BWAH

BOB BOB bob bob Bob Bob BOB BOB




BOB BOB bob bob Bob Bob BOB BOB

Nyow nyow Nyow NYOW


senpai, YEAH

Wow wow wow wow

DIT DIT dit dit Dit Dit DIT DIT


Idk I'm tired...

For more infomation >> The reason why I don't like to play Fortnite - Duration: 0:24.


TWICE - JEONGYEON (Line Evolution) • APR/2018 - Duration: 2:28.



For more infomation >> TWICE - JEONGYEON (Line Evolution) • APR/2018 - Duration: 2:28.


WATCH Mark Zuckerberg Get Grilled By Senate On Whether Facebook Is A Monopoly - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> WATCH Mark Zuckerberg Get Grilled By Senate On Whether Facebook Is A Monopoly - Duration: 6:27.



hey you guys what's up so this is going to be my home decor haul

it is more vlog style I like vlog style videos and you guys seem to - yeah gotta

moisturize my hands I'm just showing you guys what I got taking you around

watching me set up stuff and you know obviously telling you guys where

everything is from and just so you know all of the links of some of the things

will be in the description box some of the links of some of the things will be

in the description box everything that I could find yeah let's get into it my

fingers were so dry so you guys know that I'm on my skin care game and one of

the things I noticed about Seattle which is where I live the air in my apartment

is dry and so I was looking for a humidifier but I also wanted to add

sense to my apartment and UPS is being loud outside the window I wanted to find

a way to add more sense so on Jun Naturals sent me this diffuser I've been

using it for almost a month maybe even longer maybe longer but it's cute as

hell and it fits my space perfectly as you can see I already have wood here I

have wood floors so it just fits the vibe like perfectly the theme is kind of

white and wood and so this is literally the perfect diffuser anyways it's from

anjou naturals as you see there and it's super easy to use very self-explanatory

it's gotten a 1 hour 3 hour in a six hour mode for the mist to actually

stream out into your apartment so that's perfect I really appreciate the fact

that they sent me so many central oils so there's lemongrass tea tree

peppermint sweet orange eucalyptus and lavender in the morning time I love to

throw in lemongrass and maybe some sweet orange and at

I love to throw in lavender and peppermint so those are my combos right

now this smells really good I've never tried this mix sweet orange and lavender

but I actually recommend this this is nice already it's just adding so much

freshness and it makes the air really crisp

I had another diffuser slash humidifier which this also acts as a diffuser for

essential oils and a humidifier so that helps with my hair that helps with my

skin and it just clears the air so this is one of my favorite things that I got

and then of course I have a discount code for you guys so check the

description box for the discount club highly recommend getting a diffuser

regardless of if it's this one I highly recommend getting one and a humidifier

for your space ok now I want to show you guys this lamp I got a whole a plan

alright I have about three lamps in my apartment but they're ones that I've had

for a minute now actually brought them from my last apartment to here and it's

time to get something that actually fits my space and fits my personal style

alright so I got this big old box now this company is a light up I am so

excited I was struggling between which lamp I actually wanted to get this is

the one that I settled on and I'm really happy with it but there were so many

good options and again it's following that whole wood theme I didn't expect

that my hope that I would have a lot of wood pieces but so I'm opening this and

yes I have for a little second and I waited to film

this for you guys this is huge okay damn this is big okay this is way

too big I think okay well we got the lampshade now let's open this house to

do if he doesn't know it's kind of like a studio with a one bedroom I'm trying

to picture this in my space and it's difficult for me right now so alright do

not discard any contents remove everything from the plastic branch into

the hole in stick place the lampshade onto the socket is secured with socket

ring screw in the bulb not included I thought it was cool because it's kind of

like the tree you guys can see is like a tree look at how large that thing is and

as it fit in the space at all okay that lamp was huge I don't think that's gonna

fit in my space and I think I'm gonna have to exchange it for a smaller lamp I

did the measurements and I don't know if I just did them incorrectly but that is

way larger than I expected it to be but it's so nice and I love that it has the

little hooks because I'm hanging my scars on there I want to be hanging

coats but you know my scarves or even my little rubber elastic band that I use

for working for attention it's a great idea I still

recommend that you guys check them out if you're looking for an affordable lamp

that also gives you that modern wood aesthetic and vibe then check out a

light up because they have amazing ones on there and there were some that we're

sold out that I think they might be restocking that I really like so I got

things are all over the place so this is actually from The Container Store now I

just have so much clutter under my bathroom sink there are a lot of

products that I do not use so I got this organizer

it's so cute so it's a mesh organizer and it was hard for me to find ones that

would actually fit under my sink because the sink pipe or whatever comes down

below of course and there were a lot of storage things even on Amazon that were

narrow enough to fit under that space so for this one I'm ended it out and it

fits perfectly and then it also has a drawer and then a top section where you

can have your products kind of hanging out the top way that it works is you

take out one of these if I can get it out and it slides in here

there so it slides on top so you can fit products that are taller on the bottom

space and then whatever you want to top as well welcome to my bathroom I'm on

the floor I have a rug down here so this is a mess

let me show you guys Oh perfect okay so this is going to yes let me show you

this mess under here I know I'm ashamed look it's a hot-ass mess I'm going to

make space on this side by this stuff I'm not going to actually use or I never

really reach for it so I guess this is also a little declutter situation I

think I'm going to do a giveaway with the Camille Rose natural the leave-in

collection so the whole space is cleared out but it is disgusting because of all

my oils my own little oil concoctions and stuff and my large bottles of their

little they seeked out on to it oh and there's still oil stains on the white

part great okay well this was a much needed video because I didn't know that

I was this trifling

all right so what I did is actually put this lining what was left of it on the

left-hand side because that's not where the roly's shell thing is going to be

just cutting this to fit that back section this could be cool to kind of

tell you guys what I have so I have this sunny Isle Jamaican black castor oil

infused with hemp seed oil I've got a trash in here so I'm going to throw that

out and I'll just throw out anything that is just not speaking to me anymore

and I'm gonna clean these products off a little bit all right so I'll put this

baby here and I'll put it at the bottom so the taller products can stay on the

top all right I also have my now solutions hobo oil I also have my pure

vitamin E oil tea tree oil I also have this daughter of Eve herbal hair growth

oil I love this oil but because it's been hidden under here I haven't reached

for it so that's perfect and I love that on my scalp I've got some neem oil from

Alafia so I've got this rose hair elixir by the innate life I love this stuff so

I also have another DIY product I told you guys I've been experimenting with my

friend Monique Ellis she also has a YouTube channel right here is a luckier

than mine but she's growing it so extremely long I think she's at waist

length or past waist length so we have been formulating some hair growth

products and this butter is another one that we have worked on so this foil is

for my brows I use a bamboo toothbrush and I actually am trying to regrow my

brow hairs back

this deep conditioner by the main choice I actually really like this this is

really good and I actually put this in my DIY deep conditioning treatments now

and I really like this so I think I'm gonna grab a couple more of these so I'm

almost done and it still looks kind of cluttered to me and I think I'm just

keeping things imagining that I'm gonna use them in the future and I really need

to just get rid of them honestly I'm happy for a long time but let's see the

ingredients water glycerin hydrolyzed corn syrup water they're PvP polysorbate

20 glycerine Carver more of them okay those are gone water sit a row alcohol

is the second ingredient shea butter korre steer Oconee and chloride

triglyceride glycerin sweet almond oil stearic acid uh-uh

No Wow so I pretty much have oils deep conditioners conditioners a couple of

moisturizers a lot more oils and one curl defining Provence and they're here

I also have some cocoa butter wafer and then some unrefined shea butter some

organic unrefined shea butter shea butter a regular color applicator bottle

I use this for my Russell clay and aloe vera juice shampoo which is just amazing

and I'll make a video on that well maybe that's linked to a couple of videos that

I use to make mine because this is the clarifier that I have used personally

that leaves my hair defined still moisturized super cleanse the private

village is gone not stripped at all amazing literally you guys I got rid of

so many products let me show you that is insane and it was just a whole bunch of

BS like stuff that I never reached for ever again after using it maybe once or

twice and it just was sitting in there keep it simple

back to the basics really that's what I'm doing for real I just can't there's

no reason to have all of these things and also it takes up space that you

could be filling with products that maybe actually do work so if you do a

lot of product reviews or whatever or you just are a product junkie in your

order of products go through your little stash every once in a while and clear

some things out because you know you're not reaching for most of that stuff

anymore maybe you are so I've got my apogee

two-step treatment they're a clergy car-lympic texture treatment my eco back

there some deep conditioners a lot of oils in that back section empty bottle

empty applicator bottle empty spray bottle cocoa butter shea butter behind

that is my DIY mango butter and also some more deep conditioners my tgin one

I've got my bentonite clay back there some products back there by the unite

then I'm still trying to work into my routine to see if I actually like them

or not some oils up here witch hazel those conditioners and shampoos I'm not

throwing this out um this video is super long-winded but you guys see that I got

rid of a lot of my hair products I also have a couple of things left to show you

guys that I purchased so I got this suction cup and it has a double hook for

my shower so I also got this current it's not a shower curtain my stall sized

shower is larger than regular stalls but and it's also taller than regular stalls

so I have to do a little DIY situation I got this off of Amazon and it's

actually a curtain that you would use in your living room and I think it's 54 by

85 or 84 what I like about it is you can see out of it really well it lets in a

lot of natural light but you can't see somebody inside you know what I mean so

as you can see I have a plastic liner inside so I haven't had an issue with it

getting wet and it's the perfect length look at that the perfect length I still

got this over the door hanger for whatever I had a shower cap on there I

have a robe a silk scarf and then my it's one of my exfoliating rags and it's

actually from Ghana I believe I got that on Amazon as well

I did get that on Amazon

that's really all I wanted to show you guys I hope you enjoyed this video give

it a thumbs up if you do and you can find everything that I've talked about

for the most part in the description box with direct links I will see you guys in

my next video I'm sure you guys noticed by now but if

you're on Instagram and you follow me these highlights here you can see what I

eat I know like you guys are interested in what I actually eat so under

breakfast it's not just breakfast so I probably change this to food but I have

smoothies and what I eat sometimes on the daily and the ingredients that I use

I have hair I have skin so yeah make sure you guys check the IG out

For more infomation >> NEW APARTMENT DECOR HAUL // DECLUTTER MY HAIR PRODUCTS WITH ME - Duration: 15:46.


Why Introverts Make Great Heroes - Duration: 3:34.

Why Introverts Make Great Heroes

There is one thing that makes introvert a great hero in any discourse.

It is all about its uniqueness.

We typically see hero depicted as a person who's brave.

That person will go uphill and downhill to fight bad people, and it is basically what

we usually see from heroes.

However, if you think about it, it is boring.

Most of the time, you will know the ending considering the fact that discourse with heroes

in it will fight for the bad and live happily ever after in the end.

We know that structure inside of our brain because of multiple videos, movies, and novels

we consume.

That happens because one thing: the heroes are usually extroverts.

In various discourses, extroverts always become the heroes.

They are depicted to have a great capability in leading their armies, and they can solve

problems quickly.

Though they are sometimes reckless, they can get things done anyway.

We all know this kind of trait of extroverted heroes, and we have been bombarded with that

impression time to time.

However, it is worth noting that introverts actually can be great heroes too.

Introvert heroes are rare, but they are gold.

Introverts can be great heroes because they actually solve problems differently from extroverts.

They usually don't use brute force solely for solving problems.

In fact, their punches may not be effective to disable their enemies.

Though they are considered heroes, they don't want to use their power because they think

there is another way to properly solve the problem.

Introverted are really great heroes in which they are thinking before acting.

They have strategies, plans, and considerations before doing everything.

Moreover, we are also aware that they have backup plans when things eventually go wrong.

They are really capable in making such plans because they have observed the enemies and

the problems.

That way, they can react accordingly.

It is quite interesting to see introverts as heroes because they really have special

ability to solve problems without using brute force.

However, there is one thing.

Introverted heroes are emphasized that they use their brains instead of taking risk and

do what they impulsively.

It unfortunately shows that introverted heroes do not have enough power to do things what

they want.

When it comes to solving personal problem, for instance, introverted heroes are usually

left behind with other extroverts because they are slow.

When it comes to romantic relationship, we often see introverted heroes are taken advantage

of and are always one step behind extroverted characters.

Despite of that fact, introverts heroes usually have their own ability to grab the attention

of people around them.

They don't show themselves until time allows that.

They really don't want to be the central of attention, making them as great heroes

that look cool and charming.

Introverts are really capable of being great heroes.

However, it is worth noting that discourses with heroes do not always require them to

use super power.

Some introverted heroes really look cool when they show the way they think strategically

to solve puzzling issues.

For more infomation >> Why Introverts Make Great Heroes - Duration: 3:34.


New Armor Titan EXPLAINED! Attack on Titan Chapter 104 Attack on Titan Theory - Duration: 3:28.

What is this new armored Titan look? So what's up guys Foxen here! A new armored

Titan design dropped in the latest attack on Titan chapter! It shocked Eren

so much that he stopped Midway into eating the jaws Titan. But surprise it's

not a new warrior this is still Reiner piloting his Titan. The question is what

the hell happened to Reiner? Why does this armored Titan look so armorless?

There's a couple possibilities of what's going on here. First off was it a

transformation due to having maybe low energy? Reiner had just done this partial

transformation to save himself and Falco. Did this sudden weird Titan shift use

too much energy? If you think back to Hange's experiments Eren was only able to

make a few full functioning Titans for himself. After a certain point the

resulting Titans weren't fully under his control and then just started becoming

deformed. Could this be similar to what happened to Reiner? In the case of Reiner

potentially the limit on his total normal functioning Titans is much lower.

It could be similar to how it seems like the user of the Colossal Titan uses

a lot more energy. Just becoming the armored Titan keys a lot more compared

to someone say like Eren becoming his attack Titan. perhaps something like double

the amount. Second possibility did Reiner stop mid-transformation? This

possibility could be explained by the previous low energy theory but what if

instead Reiner simply messed up becoming the armored Titan? I mean how many times

does one really get to practice from going from a partial transformation into

a full Titan transformation. What I mean is that potentially Reiner was still in

this Titan mode while he was stuck in that chunk of Titan flesh. Then Reiner

simply tried to become a full armored Titan. The only problem with this was

that half of the armored Titan or some percentage of it was already used by

that hand shield structure. Due to those it resulted in what you saw in armored

Titan there was only 50 to 70% of the regular mass. You can't see chunks of the

armor sticking out. This could have been where the chest and armor parts would

have formed but instead stopped. Possibility number three perhaps his

armor form was fully intentional by Reiner. What I mean is that Reiner

subconsciously made this form to rescue the Jaws Titan.

For this Reiner required a much lighter faster body hence why you see this new

form with less armor plating. At the same time though it is possible that Reiner

was also really hoping to die by the hand of Eren. In other words this form

that he took on also covered as a way for Eren to take him out way easier

Unfortunately as he saw Eren just decided to leave him there.

So which of these options do you think is the reason? Perhaps it could be a

combo of all of them. Ironically the person that wants to die the most is

being kept alive by the curse of the armored Titan. Ladies and gentlemen I

give you the cure to the curse of Ymir, his name is Reiner but hey that's an

attack on Titan theory! Anyway more important let me hear from you, question

of the day. What is your theory for this new armored Titan look? Was Reiner just

having issues getting it up? Was it low energy? Or did Reiner simply want to die?

Go ahead and give this video colossal thumbs up and subscribe! More attack on

Titan videos are coming including the discussion on the latest chapter. By the

way spring anime season has begun in check out my reviews from I hear

Acadamia and the SAO spin-off and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> New Armor Titan EXPLAINED! Attack on Titan Chapter 104 Attack on Titan Theory - Duration: 3:28.


폴란드해군 킬로급 잠수함에서 어뢰 하역 훈련 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 폴란드해군 킬로급 잠수함에서 어뢰 하역 훈련 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:46.


Melania Has Been Repeatedly DENIED What Michelle Got 3 Times In Her FIRST Year – Why ? - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Melania Has Been Repeatedly DENIED What Michelle Got 3 Times In Her FIRST Year – Why ? - Duration: 7:29.


Ash vs Evil Dead | Season 3, Episode 8 Preview | STARZ - Duration: 0:44.

Pablo, I lost my daughter on my watch.

I gotta do something.

All we have to do, is get into that rift,

- grab them. - Walk away Ray.

Save Kelly and your daughter, Ash Williams.

And when you send that bitch Ruby to hell,

tell her I'll be waiting.

If it finds you, it'll take you too.



- two and a half. - Three!

[ screaming ]

For more infomation >> Ash vs Evil Dead | Season 3, Episode 8 Preview | STARZ - Duration: 0:44.


The Ingraham Angle 04/10/18 10PM | April 10, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:31.

For more infomation >> The Ingraham Angle 04/10/18 10PM | April 10, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:31.



Hey guys, it's Angel, welcome back to my channel

Today, I'm going to show you a small newborn cloth diaper haul that I got from Diaper Junction

Just like all my other Diaper Junction videos, this is not a sponsored video. I purchased these diapers with my own money

at full price. ... well, some of them were on sale

but the regular price that everyone else can get

That said I do have an affiliate link for Diaper Junction which is down in the description below

So if you're looking to purchase any cloth diapers whether they're for newborns or older babies or toddlers

I would really appreciate it if you would support me and use that link to do your shopping with them

You still have access to the exact same prices

I just get a really small commission from your purchase, and that would really help our family out a lot

okay that said, let's go ahead and get started now

I actually got this order a few months ago

It was before I actually knew whether we were having a boy or a girl, so all the prints that I selected are

Gender-neutral and actually I like to try to purchase gender neutral things

When I purchase baby gear and especially newborn diapers because I just find if they're gender neutral

It's a lot easier to resell them to other people

versus very very gendered items

And I don't know I just think they're in the newborn diapers for such a short time

Then I don't care about prints as much for them

I just want to have

the kind of diapers that I like how they function so this time I went with a couple that I know that I like and

Then also I'm going to try a couple

New ones that I haven't tried before because there've definitely been some new newborn diapers that have come out since the last time

I cloth diapered a newborn. so the first thing I got is a Diaper Rite

Which is Diaper Junction's brand

of bamboo flats

I really like using flats. I usually use flour sack towels as flats, but I wanted to try out something

that's a little bit thicker and

More, you know fancy,

but especially for newborns

It just really makes it a lot more cost-effective if you use things like flats and prefolds with covers

Instead of things like pockets and all in ones

And newborns go through the diapers like

So much faster than an older baby. You might only need

You know five or six diapers a day even and you know as few as five or six

Whereas a newborn you're gonna probably use at least ten probably more like twelve to fourteen diapers per day

So even if you're washing every other day

Which is pretty frequent, you'd still need quite a few of them and since you're using them for

a pretty short amount of time

it just helps keep things a lot more affordable if you stick more to

Covers more so than all in ones

So I do still have a few newborn covers from last time that I did save and also I'm gonna purchase a few more

in the coming

Couple of weeks so that I have those

and the good thing about

The covers as well as you can reuse the cover if it doesn't have poop on it so you don't need a cover for every single

flat or pre fold

and I do still have newborn pre folds also from Kerrigan, so I think once I get a couple more covers and

The rest of the diapers that I'll show you here in a minute, and then I also have some

Secondhand diapers that I purchased that I'll probably show you in a future video

I think between all of those things that I should have my newborn stash covered

And if it's anything like the last time I think I used them for about

some of them for about a month and some of them for about two months cuz there's

Some that run smaller and some that run larger so even though Kerrigan was a big, baby

She was just about nine pounds. We still got a few weeks use out of her newborn diapers

We definitely still felt that it was worth getting them

It's just you obviously don't want to invest as much

Money in a newborn stash cause you're not gonna use it nearly as long as your one size - which you will probably use

for literally years

Both of my kids were three and a half when they potty-trained so that's quite a bit of use

So speaking of covers I did get this one from Diaper Rite so I like this color combo with

maroon and the gray snaps,

it was just really handsome and

Oh, it's just like a really nice thick material. It feels like a really good quality cover

And it's got the double gussets here in the legs which is especially important with newborns

Especially breastfed newborns because their poop is just so runny, and it helps keep it contained within the diaper

So it doesn't blow out the legs especially cuz their legs are so teeny and skinny

So we got this and I like when covers have these little like I don't know what to call that

Pocket plot .. slot. I don't know


I will admit. I am NOT a huge fan of

Folding around my baby and having to use a snappy

I really like using pad folds and just tucking them in here and calling it a day, and then my last two

Diaper Rite products are these two newborn all in ones so I got this navy blue color

And I also got this print which I believe is called underway

and I love it because it's the NWU print! Cuz my husband is in the Navy and

Oh so cute

Open it up

So it's got kind of it's got this little part here where the flap kind of tucks in

I got the natural fiber, the bamboo, but yes, this looks like a really nice one

And it does seem like it's kind of on the larger size, so it should fit for a little bit longer

I also got this Thirsties newborn diaper. I really love Thirsties

I think that they're a really good quality brand that's still on the more affordable side and

I love their aplix or hook and loop or velcro. whatever you want to call it

They have a really they use really good quality that it just stays sticky forever

It's very durable, and it just gives you a better fit

Especially with newborns because they're just so tiny and sized and shaped so differently

it's a flap that's sewn on one end I got this one is the regular kind not the natural so it is a like a stay dry and

Microfiber on the other side so soft. I love how soft brand-new diapers are I wish they stayed this soft

Anyway, this is just a really cute print, like the ocean. I thought it was really cute

I definitely feel like I'm gonna want to get at least another couple of the Thirsties because I do

definitely love their diapers in one size as well, and I got 2 imagine diapers

so I got this one which is the stay dry, and this one which is the bamboo

Let's go ahead and open those up. It says it fits 5 to 13 pounds... ooo this one's red inside

It's so soft again. This is like a micro fleece

It's sewn on one end and then snaps on the other so it'll stay put

And I'm trying to remember what this print is called. I have it in one size as well that kerrigan would wear

I just love this print. It's very cute of course very navy ish and the red is just striking. I love that

It's red inside, and then there's this one with the little

Elephants I'm trying to remember what that one's called

I'll put it in text. I'm sure

Trumpet I think or something like that and this one is yellow inside

It's got the bamboo this time and the same thing it snaps on one end and is sewn on the other

It's just so cute and just so gender-neutral. I really think imagine has some great prints

And they're also an extremely inexpensive brand so it would be one definitely worth checking out if you haven't tried them before

and last but not least I got some CJ's butter the shea butter balm

I love CJ's. I usually buy the little tester sizes

Just because they're so convenient for like just popping in your diaper bag

And taking with you on the go

But I wanted to get a larger one to keep at home and the warm vanilla cake is my favorite scent, it smells

So good smells like a baking cake. Oh, yes. It's very creamy

It works really well to protect their skin, and if they have just like a very slight

Irritation or a slight rash happening. It usually does the trick and makes it go away

So unless it's just a really bad rash this more than takes care of it for us

But most of the time this does the trick and it smells amazing

I'm so excited to try them out on his little bum I just love putting cloth diapers on newborns

They're just so adorable

And it's honestly the easiest time cloth diapering when they're exclusively breastfed

you don't even have to rinse or

Spray, or do anything to their dirty diapers you literally just put it right in the pail and just right in the wash

It's completely water-soluble. They totally get clean sometimes

They might get a little bit stained, but then you sun them, and it comes right out

It's really easy so yeah, if you can't tell already. I really love cloth diapering

I really love cloth diapering newborns and older babies and just

Everywhere in between. I am so glad I get to do it one more time

Now don't forget to hit that subscribe button down below so that you don't miss out on any of my future cloth diapering videos

Baby related videos all kinds of videos that you might find interesting

thanks so much for watching, bye!

For more infomation >> NEWBORN CLOTH DIAPER HAUL - Duration: 9:42.


✅ Fortnite Update: How Big is the Size of V3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, How to Download - Duration: 4:08.

Fortnite Battle Royale V3.5 Patch Size and Dimensions Less than 10 Gb, Fortnite Update

its 3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, Learn How to download V3.5 Patch..?

Port a Fort fortnite trailer

Hey Guys, Fortnite have announced the new v3.5 update, which is scheduled to release

April 11th at 4 AM EST/ 1 AM PST.

The new update is expected to introduce several new items/changes into the game, as well as

implement fixes to the game's numerous glitches.

But before we continue don't forget to subscribe our channel because we give fortnite v bucks

giveaway every week and Like this video for more upcoming videos on other challenges of


Fortnite v3.5 Patch size is not yet released but this time it is expecting to be less than

10 Gb as per the last v3.4 patch size, Also downtime should be expected considering the

type of update that this is.

If there is any downtime, then matchmaking will most likely be disabled about 20-25 minutes

prior to the start of the Update.

Fortnite announced this upcoming update on their official Twitter page, mentioning the

recently announced Port-a-Fort.

The new Port-a-Fort is a grenade-like item that, upon being thrown, opens up into a massive,

automatically built fort that provides defense for the player who threw it.

Earlier on April 10th, Fortnite released a teaser video that shows how the new item will


That will not be the only novelty that comes with v3.5 update as a Epic Games Community

Coordinator Chris_Attalus has hinted on Reddit that friendly trap indicators will also be


furthermore, there are several issues in the game that Fortnite has said they will address

in update v3.5.

They have marked the following bugs on their Trello community board as ones whose fixes

have been found and will be implemented in the April 11th patch.

So here is the List of Bugs whose fixes have been found and will be implemented in the

April 11th patch,

Bug Number 1,

General Hitches During Gameplay on Console,

The amount of longer hitches on console has steadily increased over the last few builds.

root cause is blocking loads and this bug will be fixed in v3.5 patch,

Bug Number 2,

Unable to Build,

Players were encountering an issue with building even with the correct amount of materials,

Fortnite believe that they have enough information to continue testing this bug. they will continue

to monitor and will provide updates if this changes.

Bug Number 3,

Floating Weapons and Unable to Shoot,

Quickly cycling through weapons or switching to build mode can cause your weapon to appear

to float or keep you from being able to shoot or build.

so hopefully this bug will also be fixed in v3.5 patch on April 11, Bug Number 4,

Random Controller Vibrations,

Controllers are vibrating at times when they shouldn't.

hopefully this will be resolved in upcoming update,

Bug Number 5,

Small Objects Rendering Late,

There is minor LOD popping on small shrubs, a small number of trees and some wooden crates

and hay-bales.

Fortnit developers are looking into this matter, Bug Number 6,

Rabbit Raider Outfit Visual Problem,

Players may notice visual problems with the ears while wearing the Rabbit Raider outfit.

so hopefully this bug will also be fixed in v3.5 patch on April 11,

so if ever face any issue regarding fortnite, comment below and your issue will be resolved

in just 1 hour, Also If you want some more latest news on fortnite, and get a chance

to earn some free Vbucks, Subscribe Wiki Tips channel now, and don't forget to comment after

subscribing, thanks for watching,

For more infomation >> ✅ Fortnite Update: How Big is the Size of V3.5 Patch Notes for Pc, Ps4, Mobile, Ios, How to Download - Duration: 4:08.


Great speed of a cat with short legs! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:30.

I'm gonna throw this,

One, two



Only got your eyes bigger, not moving yourself.

Time for the treats, kitties!



Did you wake up, Lulu?

I should wake up too!

Oh my.

Then 5 more minutes.

No? Mommy should wake up right now?

OK, I got it, Lulu.

OK, stop looking at me like that!

I feel even pressured...

OK, I'm going.

Wait for a moment.

Let's go have some food.

Yum yum! Let's go.

Come here, kitty.

You look so happy today!

Based on you tail, haha.


Let's have breakfast.


Here you are, kitty.


Here you have

this one.

Hold on. I will get you breakfast.

Please don't move around the camera.

Come here.


Oh sweeties.

Come this way,

Lulu and Lala.


Are you just gonna lying over there after breakfast?

Showing your belly?

You got no hair there.

How come you are showing your belly?

Your eyes are rolling.

You should not fall asleep right after having meals.

You gotta work out.

Gotta work out after having meals

to avoid yo yo effect.

Check this out.

It will blow your mind!

I'm gonna throw it for you!

One, two



Only got your eyes bigger, not moving yourself.


Don't wanna play this?


Can't reach?

You gotta wake up to catch it!

Gotta wake up!


Yeah, good!


You got it stolen from the brother with longer arms.


I think you lost your weight.

I feel great that you are getting healthier.


I worried you so much

because you legs were not good.

Do you know how much I worried about you?

I fell really bad and

had a hard time then.


Both of us had hard times.

But now you're getting better since you've been working out and

having some nutritional supplements.

Thank you, Lulu.

Embarrassed? Gonna scratch your back?

We moved into the bigger house

for you to play around.


Yeah? Bigger house, huh?

When you're running from the end of the aisle

like an athlete,

I feel even better.


You look so full and sleepy.

Gotta work out, kitty.


You got much stronger these days.

Strong enough to fight against Momo.

What are you doing in there?

That was funny.

Don't bite Lulu, Momo. He was just grooming you.

No claws, kitties.


Lulu won eventually.

Momo is bigger but got lost.


He's trying to get it back.

'How dare you!'

'It's mine!'



is happy that Lulu looks

so happy these days.



It's time for you to have nutritional supplements.


You don't want to?

You like it?

'Pet my chin~'


You don't you wanna move?

I'll get you nutritional supplements.

Let's go.

Did you open your eyes?

Wanna come with me?


If you don't come with me, I'll get other kitties nutritional supplements but for you.

I'll get other kitties nutritional supplements.

You should have it before sleeping.

Let's have it, Lulu.

Where are you? Come here. I got it for you.





Clean up the spoon.

OK, stop.


Now, it's time to take a nap.

Hope you get even better, Lulu.

I think he got some muscles

after running straightly, as you mentioned.

Doctor: Yes. When you build a building,

Doctor: even if you use iron bars to make structures,

Doctor. the building wouldn't be strong enough without concrete walls.

Doctor: The bone is strong

Doctor: but it gets weaker as time goes by.

Doctor: So we need something to reinforce it,

Doctor: and that is the muscle.

Doctor: If you have more muscles,

Doctor: bones are able to bear out

Doctor: more weights.

Doctor: So, like I said,

behaviors such as trying not to slip on the carpet

Doctor: or trying to jump high

Doctor: can be hard on Lulu.

Doctor: So if you care about these things,

Doctor: Lulu doesn't have to have the surgery right now.

For more infomation >> Great speed of a cat with short legs! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:30.


Selling Victoria's share in Snowy Hydro [Samantha Ratnam - 29 March 2018] - Duration: 5:14.

I rise to speak on this motion allowing for the sale of Victoria's share in Snowy Hydro

to the commonwealth.

The Snowy Hydro scheme is iconic in Australian history, and in this day and age of climate

change, it continues its significance as a key source of renewable energy for the nation.

It is also a dividend-producing asset for the Victorian government.

The Greens will not be opposing this motion allowing the sale.

However, we do have a number of concerns.

Giving the commonwealth 100 per cent control over the hydro is setting the scene for privatisation.

While we appreciate that the Victorian government has secured a commitment from the commonwealth

— that it will not sell the hydro — that is not a commitment that can necessarily be

relied upon, particularly into the future.

If a future government sells Snowy Hydro to private interests, it will be a travesty.

Let us face it: we cannot trust the Turnbull government on renewable energy.

They have no commitment to addressing climate change and fail to understand the need for

a rapid transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy.

Having proponents of coal as the sole owners of Australia's largest renewable energy project

does not bode well for the future of renewable energy policy.

It is also always important to provide scrutiny when a government seeks to capitalise a dividend-producing


Snowy Hydro provides the Victorian government an annual dividend of over $100 million while

delivering renewable energy to thousands of Victorian homes.

Will the benefits of this sale outweigh selling our share?

What the sale does provide Victoria is $2 billion.

Unsurprisingly, we have some thoughts on what sorts of productive infrastructure that $2

billion should be invested in to maximise the benefit for our community now and into

the future.

The obvious place to start is to invest the funds from selling a renewable energy asset

into more renewable energy assets.

Invest in the transition to a clean economy and bringing down energy costs.

For example, the government could invest in solar and battery infrastructure for all schools.

When schools let out for the day in the afternoon their solar panels could be charging batteries

and could be plugged into the grid to provide clean energy to the surrounding communities.

We could fund energy efficiency programs for our homes, particularly for low-income people

and people in rental properties, who have difficulty accessing such cost-saving measures.

We could provide access to solar panels and batteries for a wide swathe of the community,

allowing for heating and cooling that does not hurt the planet.

Imagine a renewable energy hub in the Latrobe Valley.

We should dedicate the necessary funds to transition away from harmful fossil fuels

and into a clean jobs, rich future for the valley.

My colleague in the other place Ms Sandell has noted that with renewables becoming cheaper

and cheaper the government can get ahead and be the ones who are actually taking advantage

of this by announcing an auction for renewable energy for 1500 megawatts rather than the

existing 650 megawatts.

While we welcome and support the government's renewable energy target, something we have

campaigned on for years, we can now be more ambitious because we know the demand is there.

The government has received more applications than they expected, and it is cheaper.

The sale of Snowy Hydro provides an enormous opportunity to accelerate Victoria's transition

to a clean energy economy and bring down power prices.

There are also other ways in which the funds from the sale could be used for the benefit

of Victorians.

We are in the midst of a housing crisis, yet the government can only find $185 million

over four years to invest in new public housing.

This is not even a drop in the bucket of what is needed to reverse the decline in public


Let us not forget it is called public housing because it is provided by the state as an

essential part of the social safety net, yet instead of investing in public housing Labor

is selling off public housing to private developers.

Let us use this windfall to seriously address the crisis in housing.

Let us seriously invest in public housing.

Let us seriously deliver on reducing the 35,000 long waiting list for public housing.

Let us give people who need shelter safe homes to live in.

Public transport is another example of productive infrastructure that could do with more government


Public transport commuters could be relieved of the pain of trains that do not show up,

overcrowded trams and slow buses or no buses.

We could commit to Metro 2 and high-capacity signalling on our busiest lines, relieving

congestion and getting people where they need to go faster.

Let us not waste the proceeds of the sale.

The Greens are ready to work with the government to ensure investment in projects that will

benefit Victoria now and into the future, such as renewable energy, public housing and

public transport.

For more infomation >> Selling Victoria's share in Snowy Hydro [Samantha Ratnam - 29 March 2018] - Duration: 5:14.


Sharam Diniz VLOG #10 SKIN CARE - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> Sharam Diniz VLOG #10 SKIN CARE - Duration: 11:41.


#258 how to draw padi kolam|easy rangoli designs with 5 dots|chukkala|latest simple geethala muggulu - Duration: 3:55.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #258 how to draw padi kolam|easy rangoli designs with 5 dots|chukkala|latest simple geethala muggulu - Duration: 3:55.


WATCH: Ted Cruz Humiliate Zuckerberg For Targeting Conservatives Diamond & Silk And Chick-fil-A. - Duration: 10:45.

WATCH Ted Cruz Humiliate Zuckerberg For Targeting Conservatives Diamond & Silk And Chick-fil-A.

As usual Senator and 2016 Republican Presidential candidate, Ted Cruz has the back of the American

people, and when it came to getting the bottom of Mark Zuckerberg's, and Facebook political

biased he didn't let us down.

On Tuesday the Republican Senator from Texas took Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg

to task on whether, or not the social media monopoly was in the business of suppressing

free speech from conservative sources, such as the popular pro-Trump duo Diamond and Silk

and the fast-food chain Chick-fil-A.

Here is more on the grilling via Talking Points Memo:

"There are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and

other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship,"

Cruz told Zuckerberg during a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.

"There have been numerous instances with Facebook," he continued, before listing

a few, starting with a 2016 Gizmodo report that former Facebook employees claimed the

website's "trending" sidebar had suppressed conservative-leaning stories.

"In addition to that," Cruz continued, "Facebook has initially shut down the Chick-fil-A

appreciation day page, has blocked a post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two

dozen Catholic pages and most recently blocked Trump supporters Diamond and Silk's page,

with 1.2 million Facebook followers, after determining their content and brand were,

quote, unsafe to the community.

To a great many Americans that appears to be a pervasive pattern of political bias."

Zuckerberg didn't answer the individual examples the senator asked him.

He just sidestepped them like he sidestepped most questions which were asked during the

first day of testimony on capitol hill.

error in how the situation was handled.

"We have communicated directly with Diamond and Silk about this issue.

The message they received last week was inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate

with our community and the people who run Pages on our platform," a Facebook spokesperson

said in a statement to Fox News.

But Diamond says Facebook did not reach out to them regarding the issue following the


"They never communicated to us.

The last communication that we got was they deemed us unsafe to the community," she


What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> WATCH: Ted Cruz Humiliate Zuckerberg For Targeting Conservatives Diamond & Silk And Chick-fil-A. - Duration: 10:45.


Baby's Umbilical Cord - What Should You Do With It Immediately After Birth? - Duration: 3:12.

Hi there, Sylvia here from Rock The Cradle.

Let's talk cord clamping - what do you do with your baby's umbilical cord after

birth? Well, you have options. There are four options of what you can do with the

cord and it's good to know what they are because if you know me, the more you know

your options the more positive birth experience you will have. So after the

baby comes out, baby is placed on mom's belly and the umbilical cord is still

attached to the placenta. For the past few decades doctors have been

immediately clamping that cord as soon as the baby is out. They put a little

plastic clamp on it and then the partner can either go and

cut and sever the cord. However, in the placenta there is about of third cup -

about a hundred ml of blood, baby's blood, that instead of going back to baby

is being discarded. That's been going on.. caregivers have often just been

cutting the cord immediately. A second option which is something that clients

are requesting more and more because there's more knowledge about it now is

delaying the cord clamping. So perhaps delaying a minute, one minute, two minutes,

three minutes - even longer - until the cord stops pulsing. Midwives have been doing

this for a long time just letting the cord.. putting the placenta in a

bowl and the cord will be cut perhaps within the hour. This allows baby's blood

to go back to baby increasing the irons - the iron cells, the blood cells - and

creating less anemia later on, etc. Now the third option would be to clamp the

cord quite quickly, though you can wait a little bit, and then donate the blood to

Hema Quebec or your local blood bank. The issue that's happening at the

moment, especially in our blood bank here, is that 80% of the samples are being

discarded. Either there's not enough in the sample

or they have too much of one blood type or there are issues with

the blood sample. So that's unfortunate because parents are donating the blood

and they want it to be used of course because it can save lives. The fourth

option would be to clamp the cord quite quickly after the baby's born and to

store it in a private bank so while you're donating to a

public bank before now you would be storing it in a private blood bank

for later use, if baby were to get sick or a sibling or a cousin or a

family member, those stem cells could be used to hopefully cure the ailment at hand.

So there you have it those are your four

options and yes the more options you have again like I said the more positive

your birth experience will be. Hope to see you soon bye!

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