Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 11 2018

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we'll talk about the next topic you knew that dishwashing sponges

are one of the biggest sources of bacteria knows how to clean them and

disinfect them so do not go and stay with us until the end of

this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

do not forget to like this video share it with your family and friends

and subscribe to our channel now we go with the information

To avoid getting infected we must disinfect the sponge or the cloth with the

that we wash the dishes daily in this way, we avoid the proliferation of

bacteria in the sponges to wash are one of the most used utensils of

the kitchen by facilitating the cleaning of the dishes and helping to maintain everything

impeccable however this object that seems to be so useful and ideal to clean

can go from being one of the great allies of hygiene to being one of the

Worst enemies of health when the function is not used properly

of this element is to remove the remains of food that remain in the

dishes and after having served food

During this process a large part of these remains are absorbed by the sponge and

combined with moisture create a favorable environment for growth

bacterial especially due to the fact that it remains wet until its

next use bacteria like the collings

'Staphylococcus aureus' and salmonella can survive in the sponge during

hours and even days after the first contact

This is why the importance of

frequently disinfect this element apart from applying the common soap

sponge the dirtiest item in the home for doctor phil tender teacher

clinical of microbiology and pathology of the university of new york the thing more

dirty that may be in a house is a sponge to wash dishes even more

that a toilet lid or a garbage can this object is made with

small absorption openings that are the ones that facilitate the elimination of

waste but also those that conserve all those substances and microorganisms

that leaks in the cleaning process the remains of food that are attached to the

sponge can remain for some time when it is not disinfected and

For every 20 minutes that remains moist a new bacterium develops

the use of dish soap might be to think that the sponge remains clean and

there is no risk of rubbing it on the plates

However, this is not enough since the product can not be eliminated

complete the pathogens that are inside with the remains of food

the best way to avoid poisoning or diseases caused by a sponge

full of bacteria is by disinfection

It is paradoxical to have to wash an item that is used for cleaning

But the truth is that it is necessary and is the most effective way to eliminate

microorganisms such as cleaning and disinfecting bacteria in a

research conducted by the US agricultural research service in the

In 2007, several tests were carried out to determine which was the most

effective to eliminate the pathogens that accumulate in the sponges the first thing that

was done was to soak them at room temperature in a solution of

minced meat in order to favor the amount of microbes for

Subsequently, the analysis was immersed for three minutes in a

10% solution of bleach then in lemon juice for 1 minute is also

introduced in the microwave one minute to finish washed in a dishwasher

with drying cycle the results showed that with bleach and

lemon juice manage to reduce by 37 and 87 percent the bacteria heat it

in the microwave ends up with 99.9 percent of the microorganisms a

result similar to that of the dishwasher therefore the study concluded that the

most effective way to eliminate bacteria and mold from this utensil is

heating it in a microwave or in the dishwasher with a drying cycle to

your disinfection in the microwave should be rinsed with clean water and put

heat for 2 minutes at maximum temperature plus this can also be

take care of the following tips clean the sponge after each wash

adopt a rotation system with two sponges in order to always use

one clean while washing the other check the utensil and try to remove

all the remains of food that remain after washing the dishes after

Use the sponge to dry it to prevent moisture and growth

the bacteria if the dishes or utensils are smeared

of some type of animal fat the ideal is to clean them first with paper

disposable kitchen instead of removing the remains with the sponge you had idea of

all this ends this way another edition of your channel

remedies easy 24 do not forget to share this video with your

family and friends in your social networks leave your opinion in the box

comments and give him I like I am francisco sucre and see you in a

next video until next time



Inés Gómez Mont reveló sus rituales para la hora del parto | HOY - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Inés Gómez Mont reveló sus rituales para la hora del parto | HOY - Duration: 1:28.


Numerología angelical: este es el significado del número 1 | HOY - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Numerología angelical: este es el significado del número 1 | HOY - Duration: 1:53.


El nuevo vídeo de Los Morancos ironiza con Letizia, Cifuentes, Urdangarin y la corrupción... - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> El nuevo vídeo de Los Morancos ironiza con Letizia, Cifuentes, Urdangarin y la corrupción... - Duration: 4:17.


Doña Letizia y Felipe VI muestran su complicidad tras la polémica en Palma... - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Doña Letizia y Felipe VI muestran su complicidad tras la polémica en Palma... - Duration: 2:28.


Fiscales alemanes y españoles abordan la entrega de Puigdemont - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Fiscales alemanes y españoles abordan la entrega de Puigdemont - Duration: 1:42.


Doña Sofía no fue la primera: El agravio de doña Letizia a otra veterana 'royal' - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Doña Sofía no fue la primera: El agravio de doña Letizia a otra veterana 'royal' - Duration: 4:19.


Ni rastro del LetiziaVsSofia: "Felipe y Letizia vuelven al "todo es tan hermoso".... - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Ni rastro del LetiziaVsSofia: "Felipe y Letizia vuelven al "todo es tan hermoso".... - Duration: 2:19.


Descubre qué tan productivo en el día eres según tu rutina de sueño | Dr. Juan - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Descubre qué tan productivo en el día eres según tu rutina de sueño | Dr. Juan - Duration: 7:02.


Versión Completa. Álvaro Bilbao: "Entender el cerebro de los niños para educar mejor" - Duration: 45:04.

For more infomation >> Versión Completa. Álvaro Bilbao: "Entender el cerebro de los niños para educar mejor" - Duration: 45:04.


¿Por qué mi hijo nunca se quiere ir a dormir? Álvaro Bilbao, neuropsicólogo - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué mi hijo nunca se quiere ir a dormir? Álvaro Bilbao, neuropsicólogo - Duration: 5:25.


GRL PWR: Elena Martín - Capítulo 5 | Playz - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> GRL PWR: Elena Martín - Capítulo 5 | Playz - Duration: 10:42.


"I found who's responsible for the fire!" - Elif Episode 708 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:33.

Get in here.

What is going on?

This is the man responsible for the fire last night, Kerem. Here, I brought him.

What? How?

- Sir, I swear, I- - He was the nightguard during the fire.

- The fire was started at his duty. - Sir, I swear, I didn't do anything.

Cut it!

I've brought to you, to confront him for the damage he's done, then send him out.

Hold on a second.

Is that right, what he says?

No, sir, I swear blind that I had no faults.

The fire started all by itself, the flames were already risen by the time I got there.

If you don't put out the cigarette you smoke, sure the flames will rise!


- Filiz, is Mr. Tarik in his room? - No, Ms. Rana.

He's in Mr. Kerem's room, with the nightguard he thinks as guilty.

What do you mean, I don't get it.

So there's a responsible. Was that the nightguard?

I don't think so.

I mean, there's nothing for sure yet,

but Mr. Tarik thinks that the nightguard is guilty.

That's what Mr. Tarik thinks then.

I'm telling you the truth, sir, I don't do that sort of things at work.

Last year I stopped smoking when I got the job here, then threw away my last cigarette.

I didn't even inhale the smoke ever since.

If you don't believe me, ask my wife. She'll tell you the truth.

I'm not smoking, believe me, I'm not!

How did the fire start then?

I don't know, sir, I told you.

- I was cruis- - What do you mean "I don't know"?

Weren't you the nightguard of that depot?

Or you were...

- You were asleep at that time? - No, I was awake, I swear!

I told you, I heard something in the morning. I went out to see what's going on...

But when I got back, the flames were risen.

I did what I could to put the fire out,

But unfortunately, flames were all around the building.

Don't lie to us.

Why would I lie? I swear, I'll swear on anything you want, but I'm telling you the truth.

- Alright, alright, calm down. - He just swears, and you're gonna believe him?

He's lying, clearly. There was that so called sound, he goes out to check,

Then the flames are all around,

- He's lying! - We're not after a scapegoat, uncle.

We want to find who's responsible for it!

We can't blame anyone with predictions before investigating, alright?


I've brought you the responsible for the fire,

now you're telling me that we didn't investigate enough!

That beats all, Kerem. I can't believe.

If you keep going with this mindset...


I can't be bothered with this anymore.

Sir, you tell me, could anyone betray where they eat from?

- I swear on everything, I didn't do that. - Alright.

I get it.

Calm down.

Take a seat, let's have a conversation.

Please, we'll just talk for a bit.

For more infomation >> "I found who's responsible for the fire!" - Elif Episode 708 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:33.


9 tips realmente efectivos contra la caída de cabello - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> 9 tips realmente efectivos contra la caída de cabello - Duration: 8:51.


Zoido interpela al juez alemán del caso Puigdemont: 'Que me explique qué considera violencia' - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Zoido interpela al juez alemán del caso Puigdemont: 'Que me explique qué considera violencia' - Duration: 6:14.


Are You Sleeping? (Dino) & ...

For more infomation >> Are You Sleeping? (Dino) & ...


VIP Second Aakra | Prize Bond 750 Rawalpindi | Prize Bond Pakistan - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> VIP Second Aakra | Prize Bond 750 Rawalpindi | Prize Bond Pakistan - Duration: 10:34.


What Squad Are You? Take the Quiz Now! 📝 | Knight Squad | #KnowYourNick - Duration: 1:55.

Welcome to Knight School!

- Yeah! - Yeah!

[music playing]

This is so cool!

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[dance music playing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

- For Astoria! - For Astoria!

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[evil cackling]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

Corn dog!

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

Squad hug!

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

Shrimp Calzones!

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

My butt's gonna love that!


[horn blowing]

[crowd cheering]

[horn blowing]

[crowd cheering]


[horn blowing]

[crowd cheering]


Up top, Prudy!


For more infomation >> What Squad Are You? Take the Quiz Now! 📝 | Knight Squad | #KnowYourNick - Duration: 1:55.


iZap4u - Zap #208 (Short edit) - 2018 - Duration: 20:26.


For more infomation >> iZap4u - Zap #208 (Short edit) - 2018 - Duration: 20:26.


Minute Vlog: Day Twentyfive - Duration: 1:06.

Minute Vlog: Day Twentyfive

Hi to all! Never give up!

Finish what you have started!


Betty Friedan wants to say the exact same thing

let's here it

How could have we known where all these leeds

but we knew that we need to go through it.

So, she said it all. What do you think?

Tell me in the comments, and see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> Minute Vlog: Day Twentyfive - Duration: 1:06.


Fence Armor Round Rural Installation - Galvanized Steel (New Design) - Duration: 1:49.

We always like to set Fence Armor off the ground, usually about an inch and a half to two inches

If you use a 2x4 on the ground right up next to it. You'll be able to set it there.

I like to set in the center screw as you see here

Not all the way through,

but just about, so that you can slide behind the Fence Armor through the slot

That slot allows you to encompass the post basically post it or between five and a half inches to six and a half inches

so you've got enough play on the circumference for that. Then you cinch down that screw to kind of hold it in place.

And at the top and bottom you'll find the other holes that you can align if you can't align them, then you certainly can

Pre-drill a little a little bit, but most likely you'll find the hole there as we the pitch is only about three-quarters

between them. Then you want to tighten down the top or the bottom one and

cinch those down and

Basically at that point you you've got it fastened

So depending on what kind of cedar posts you're using or what kind of posts you have

The round will allow that to happen

Three screws is plenty if you want to put more you can

Generally we use stainless steel screws, and if you bought them from us

that's what you would be using. So again keeping it off the ground keeps out the moisture,

and of course puts the center line cut right at the center line of the of the product. You can confirm the height, but that's not necessary

You'll also notice here in the picture that I used the measuring tape just to show you that

certainly between five and a half to six and a half inches

That's what this is designed for if your posts are bigger

Then of course you can use multiple pieces and grow the diameter based on those pieces

Thanks for buying Fence Armor

For more infomation >> Fence Armor Round Rural Installation - Galvanized Steel (New Design) - Duration: 1:49.


The Second Human Buzz Out on the Moon Aldrin Passed the Test of Lie "L" Shows a UFO Seeing. Truths - Duration: 4:11.

Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 team, who went to the Moon on July 20, 1969, was the first person to set foot on our wake. The other astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the eve then became second man. Two names, some strangers they saw

he was subjected to a lie detector because of his discourse on things. Aldrin passed this test in a frightening manner. When we think about the world of extraterrestrial life, we leave the world at a certain time of history and go far

people come to my mind. Their experience is always more effective when they say it. For example, astronauts of the Apollo 11, the first operation to successfully manage the Moon. Who knows how many times in their lives

they ask questions about aliens, and they answer how many. Obviously we do not know. The biggest question is, indeed, the greatest and most mysterious question that we have to go through,

the Soviet Union has gone bankrupt, maybe we can not think of this as a fictitious idea, but in this videomuz the members of the Apollo 11 team, which we assume you are on the moon, see the answers about seeing a UFO in space

and he passed it, so he saw a UFO. If there is not a reality, this is a fiction that will look behind the scenes in this video.

The team, commanded by Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the Moon with Apollo 11, was already two, including himself. Other astronaut Buzz Aldrin landed on the surface immediately after his commander,

He was assigned. Aldrin is now 88 years old and lives in the USA. We lost Armstrong in 2012. Aldrin's claims, however, always bring UFO theories back to the agenda.

Lie detectors used to understand that someone is lying, they have a 100% stiffness. The only thing that can not be understood with them is how convinced is the thought of the person being tested. Because if something

if we can really believe, we can sing it realistically enough to forget that it is a lie. Buzz Aldrin successfully passed these tests for UFOs....

The BioAcoustic Entity in Ohio, USA, did not lie in tests conducted by three major NASA astronauts, including Ice Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. So they were fully convinced of what they saw.

Buzz Aldrin claims that during the Apollo 11 campaign he organized for Moon, he saw clearly a strange object with L-shape and could not explain it. Two other astronauts Mitchell and Cooper claim to have seen UFOs more than once in the interviews and tests.

To put it briefly, after these assertions, the odds of being or existence of two possibilities about UFOs have changed. They either exist or are astronauts who have succeeded in convincing themselves

They fabricated. but as I do in every videotape, the first thing to convey to you is the religious and scientific direction of the job is mentioned in the first 224,000 auctions, so many life forms are alive here, but unbelievers

Let's explain the scientific side for this reason, logically speaking, why did not they say that they saw it during the live broadcast, that was live broadcast in 1969,

Let's say that a problem does not occur in the case of silence why we say today why they say this is the question that needs to be asked this shout why these are emerging yours. If you've watched it all the way you like the video

you can subscribe to the channel or you can support me by liking the video. You can express your opinions about this issue by writing your comment on Yada comment on the next video if you want to help the next video position.

For more infomation >> The Second Human Buzz Out on the Moon Aldrin Passed the Test of Lie "L" Shows a UFO Seeing. Truths - Duration: 4:11.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT High up! Navigatie | Parkeersensoren | Cruise Co - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT High up! Navigatie | Parkeersensoren | Cruise Co - Duration: 0:59.


Gossip U&D, Sara e Lorenzo: il pianto disperato prima della scelta - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Sara e Lorenzo: il pianto disperato prima della scelta - Duration: 3:57.


Sex of Insects

For more infomation >> Sex of Insects


Emily Ratajkowski Talks About 'I Feel Pretty' And Her Recent Marriage | TODAY - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Emily Ratajkowski Talks About 'I Feel Pretty' And Her Recent Marriage | TODAY - Duration: 4:00.


Come usare l'olio di cocco per bloccare i capelli grigi prematuri, il diradamento e la caduta - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Come usare l'olio di cocco per bloccare i capelli grigi prematuri, il diradamento e la caduta - Duration: 4:39.


"I found who's responsible for the fire!" - Elif Episode 708 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:33.

Get in here.

What is going on?

This is the man responsible for the fire last night, Kerem. Here, I brought him.

What? How?

- Sir, I swear, I- - He was the nightguard during the fire.

- The fire was started at his duty. - Sir, I swear, I didn't do anything.

Cut it!

I've brought to you, to confront him for the damage he's done, then send him out.

Hold on a second.

Is that right, what he says?

No, sir, I swear blind that I had no faults.

The fire started all by itself, the flames were already risen by the time I got there.

If you don't put out the cigarette you smoke, sure the flames will rise!


- Filiz, is Mr. Tarik in his room? - No, Ms. Rana.

He's in Mr. Kerem's room, with the nightguard he thinks as guilty.

What do you mean, I don't get it.

So there's a responsible. Was that the nightguard?

I don't think so.

I mean, there's nothing for sure yet,

but Mr. Tarik thinks that the nightguard is guilty.

That's what Mr. Tarik thinks then.

I'm telling you the truth, sir, I don't do that sort of things at work.

Last year I stopped smoking when I got the job here, then threw away my last cigarette.

I didn't even inhale the smoke ever since.

If you don't believe me, ask my wife. She'll tell you the truth.

I'm not smoking, believe me, I'm not!

How did the fire start then?

I don't know, sir, I told you.

- I was cruis- - What do you mean "I don't know"?

Weren't you the nightguard of that depot?

Or you were...

- You were asleep at that time? - No, I was awake, I swear!

I told you, I heard something in the morning. I went out to see what's going on...

But when I got back, the flames were risen.

I did what I could to put the fire out,

But unfortunately, flames were all around the building.

Don't lie to us.

Why would I lie? I swear, I'll swear on anything you want, but I'm telling you the truth.

- Alright, alright, calm down. - He just swears, and you're gonna believe him?

He's lying, clearly. There was that so called sound, he goes out to check,

Then the flames are all around,

- He's lying! - We're not after a scapegoat, uncle.

We want to find who's responsible for it!

We can't blame anyone with predictions before investigating, alright?


I've brought you the responsible for the fire,

now you're telling me that we didn't investigate enough!

That beats all, Kerem. I can't believe.

If you keep going with this mindset...


I can't be bothered with this anymore.

Sir, you tell me, could anyone betray where they eat from?

- I swear on everything, I didn't do that. - Alright.

I get it.

Calm down.

Take a seat, let's have a conversation.

Please, we'll just talk for a bit.

For more infomation >> "I found who's responsible for the fire!" - Elif Episode 708 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:33.



Hey guys, it's Annika. Welcome to my channika!

So today, I'm in my bathroom,

and I wanted to do an April . . .

Sorry if this sounds a little bit echo-y.

[knock on door] Yeah?

Okay. So I wanted to do a skincare video

using this new skincare brand

that I've been obsessed with.

And I also wanted to do an April playlist video.

So I decided to do two-in- one.

I'm going to be doing a skincare and April playlist video.

I know it's only April 5th,

but I started curating my playlist in the middle of March.

I've been listening to this playlist

since the middle of March, so . . .

If you want to listen to this playlist,

my Spotify is anni.kax.

The playlist, I think, is just called "April 2018."

Somebody's calling me. MC.

What do you want, b--? Are you okay?


Baby, you were crying that whole time?

Before we get started,

I first wanted to apologize about the lighting.

And second, I wanted to say that this video

is sponsored by Ebanel, which is . . .

or a-BAN-ul?

E. B. A. N. E. L.

Eban . . . EH-buh-nul.

a-BAN-ul. It's a-BAN-ul.

It's pronounced a-BAN-ul.

Basically, they're just this skincare line,

and I'm frickin' obsessed with them.

So we are going to be doing that.

I'm going to tell you a little bit about each product

and then we're gonna get started

into the playlist video and doing my face.

They sent me everything that I would need

to do a complete skincare video.

So the first thing is

this Alpha to Omega Sherbert Cleanser.

"Sherbert." Sherbet Cleanser.

It removes makeup, impurities, and excess oils.

So you can use this to take off your makeup,

and you can also use it to clean your face.

And the packaging! Sister. The packaging is so cute.

It's just a little tub, and then the product is in there.

Okay. Let's get started on the playlist.

This is so cute.


Eww. I hate myself so much.

There's soap in my eye. Oh f--!

I just look like such a snack right now.


Ebanel Ultimate Brightening Peeling Gel.

This sh-- is so cool.

I put it on my face and I was like,

I thought that my face was reacting to it weirdly.

Like it was pilling up on my skin.

But then I read the back,

and that was my dead f-ing skin.

Hey Siri . . .

I wish I had Alexa.

Siri's a thot.

Do you see the f-in gross pills on my face?

That's my f-ing dead skin.

Yes! We learned this in Spanish class!

My face is so soft.

Okay. Next product is their

Age Defying Liposomal Retinol Moisturizer.

This is a great moisturizer, but I would recommend

that if you're going out into the sun

to wear SPF over it, because

Retinol make your sun more sensitive to skin, I think.

Retinol make your sun more sensitive to skin, I think.

I'm so out of breath. Holy sh--.

Okay, more music. I know all the words to this song.

Wait. I need to catch my breath first,

if I'm gonna show off my rap skills.


My camera ran out of space,

but now I'm going to be using their Hydrogel Mask.

I don't really like sheet masks,

but I'm gonna do it for the video.

We have one more product after that,

so don't get too excited. The video isn't over.

It's too loud.

Should I pull my hair back?

I look so ugly with my hair back, though.

Okay. There's a paper part and then a little gel part.

I don't know if I'm supposed to use the gel part.

I don't think I am.

Why are all the songs nowadays

called "Drew Barrymore"? I don't get it.

I have two songs this month for you

called "Drew Barrymore."

Who is this b--? I know who she is, but why?

This tastes really bad.

Feels so good on my face.

I have like eight Kehlani songs on this video.

Oooh, my face feels . . . .

This would be so good for underneath foundation.

Okay. I'm gonna be using their Bio Drying Lotion.

I assume that it's kind of like the Mario Badescu one.

It's the same kind of thing. You don't shake it.

You just get a Q-tip.

Oooh, I don't want to break a nail.

Another Drew Barrymore!

Like, why?

Got it.

I f-- with this song so hard.

It's kind of old, but whatever.

It's really old, but whatever.

This song is so cute.

I'm literally breaking a sweat.

I just ripped out two of my eyelashes.

Okay. I didn't know if I should put this song in,

but . . . I'm not trying to offend anybody.

It's just a song, and I like it.

We did it! We made it through the video!

I'm sorry this was so crazy long.

Unedited, it's 30 minutes.

Let's see how short I can get it down to.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and

don't forget to check out Ebanel's products.

I love them so much.

I'm so excited that we got to collab

on a video together. So, yeah.

For more infomation >> FUNNY A$$ APRIL PLAYLIST AND SKIN CARE VIDEO!! - Duration: 13:30.


Zuckerberg tells lawmakers 'I'm sorry' for data abuses - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Zuckerberg tells lawmakers 'I'm sorry' for data abuses - Duration: 1:36.


I Am a Missionary: Episode 16 - Brooke Atchley - Duration: 1:14.

I knew that as a young teenager that I wanted to do something that honored God

and shared God's love with those who were on the fringes of society

that others found to be difficult with

and folks that didn't feel comfortable

within the church and it became obvious that God was calling me to be a missionary,

to help bridge the gap between those who were

outside of the church to those inside of the church.

I help organize missional efforts of the

83 churches that make up the Tazewell district, so my job is to encourage

empower and educate those who sit within our pews, to reach those

outside of our pews in a loving way.

I love the Appalachian Mountains.

I love the Appalachian people.

I love watching them discover who God is and how

God has called them to love their neighbor.

They have within it, within themselves a God-given gift

and watching that bloom,

that's my absolute favorite part of doing what I do.

For more infomation >> I Am a Missionary: Episode 16 - Brooke Atchley - Duration: 1:14.


Hyundai i30 1.6I I-MOTION Parkeersensoren, Cruise- & Climate Control, 16'' LM velgen * - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6I I-MOTION Parkeersensoren, Cruise- & Climate Control, 16'' LM velgen * - Duration: 0:59.


xXx - I Love My Sex - Duration: 3:28.


And I love my sex


I love the dresses



And jewels

I love my money


And I love my sex

And I love my sex


And I love my sex

And I love my sex


I love the dresses



And jewels

I love my money


And I love my sex

For more infomation >> xXx - I Love My Sex - Duration: 3:28.


Bruno Winawer - pisarz, naukowiec i popularyzator nauk - Duration: 1:32.

Bruno Winawer died 74 years ago on April 11, 1944.

He was a physicist, a writer

and finally a known, also radio, popularizer of the achievements of science and technology.

He not only had a doctorate in physics from Heidelberg,

he was also the assistant of the Nobel laureate, Piter Zeeman.

He has published several scientific papers in professional journals abroad.

After 1920, he devoted himself to literature.

He was a columnist,

and he won the accolades in Bernard Shaw's comedies

"Peace negotiations" (1917),

"The solution of prof. Pytel "(1919),

"FF rays" (1921),

"R. H. Engineer "(1923),

"Defense of Keys" (1935),

and novels

- "Doctor Przybram" (1924)

or "Debt of Honor" (1929).

Also in literary creativity

he often came back to matters related to science,

making their heroes scholars and inventors.

After the outbreak of World War II, he fled to Lviv,

but from where he returned to Warsaw.

Due to his origin in 1941-1942, he was in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Then he was hiding on the Aryan side.

He died of tuberculosis in 1944.

Antique shop presents numerous Winawer books in pre-war editions,

available at

For more infomation >> Bruno Winawer - pisarz, naukowiec i popularyzator nauk - Duration: 1:32.


Udar mózgu – objawy i przyczyny - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Udar mózgu – objawy i przyczyny - Duration: 8:49.


Where Did The Moai Statues On Easter Island Come From? - Duration: 4:37.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Rapa Nui, otherwise known as Easter Island, is the home of the mysterious and majestic

statues known as the Moai.

These have taken up residence in pop culture, showing up everywhere from television shows

to comic strips.

But what are they, and where the heck did they come from?

Let's explore.

If you want more videos like this, check out our "Biggest Debated Topics" playlist

on the channel.

Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: Where did The Moai Statues On Easter Island

Come From?

Let's start off by dispelling a rather prevalent misconception.

Many mistakenly refer to these statues as the Easter Island Heads.

However, these statues are more than just heads; they were actually made with torsos

as well.

The problem is, many of them have been largely covered by the ground, such that only the

head is visible.

One other misconception is with regards to the hat-like things seen on certain statues.

As it turns out, these aren't hats, but are actually meant to signify hair tied in a ball

on top of the head.

The natives called these pukao, but they would be better known to us as topknots.

It was believed that mystical power, or mana, was preserved in the hair, leading chieftains

to refrain from cutting their hair.

This has some interesting parallels to the biblical tale of Samson, although that's likely


So, these aren't just heads, they're whole bodies, and they aren't hats, they're


What else do we know about these hulking statues?

Well, there are almost 1000 statues, some reaching as much as 10 metres in height, and

up to 86 tons in weight.

The majority were carved from Rano Raraku, a volcano found in the region, using compressed

volcanic ash called Tuff, which is easy to carve.

This was important, since the stone tools used would not have had the same effect on

harder materials.

So, great, we know how big they are, and how they were made, but why the heck would they

go through all the trouble?

Well, these statues were built to honour important people, such as chieftains, after their death.

This is why each stone has unique features; they were meant to represent specific people

with their own characteristics.

They would then be placed on stone tombs for the person of honour, called ahu.

As one would suspect, the statues seemed to be of religious importance to the people of

the island.

Jacob Roggeveen (ya-cobe ro-ka*-fain), the first European visitor to the island in 1722,

wrote in his ship log that he saw people praying to the idols, and even saw some whom he assumed

to be priests, performing even more intensive prayers and rituals.

However, for all we do know, one question has confused researchers for years: How on

earth did they transport these statues, weighing up to 86 tonnes, from the quarry to their

eventual resting places?

Something tells me they didn't rent a Uhaul.

One thing that we believe quite strongly is that the statues were transported upright.

When looking at moai that fell over while being transported, some on their front and

some on the back, it seems likely that they were moved upright so that they didn't need

to try to lift them when they reached their destination.

With regards to how this upright transportation was achieved, there are two main ideas.

The first and most accepted idea is that they rolled them along on logs, allowing for relatively

quick and safe transportation.

This would also explain the disappearance of trees seen on the island, although some

claim that it could have been an invasive species of rats that caused this.

However, a second rather interesting explanation has been given for this pickle.

By attaching ropes to the top of the head, and leaning it back and forth, you can cause

the statue to slowly move forward, similar to how you would shift a heavy fridge.

This lines up with the oral tradition of the people of the island, who claimed that the

statues walked to their destinations.

It could be that this rocking motion is what they were referring to.

However, this method doesn't explain where the trees went, and would be rather dangerous

since they could fall over.

Not to mention that this is significantly slower than the roller method.

Finally, we should probably touch on one further explanation for these stones: Aliens.

This is an explanation that many view as highly unlikely, but draws a good deal of attention

from more conspiratorially-minded folks.

Some claim that the people simply couldn't have moved the statues such far distances,

and that it must have been the work of advanced aliens with their own goals.

However, much of the evidence points to a human source to these statues, particularly

the finding that the statues found in higher elevations tended to be significantly smaller

than the others.

This supports a human origin, since it would be more difficult for people to manoeuvre

them uphill.

If aliens were in charge, they likely wouldn't be limited in this respect.

And now we return to our question: Where did The Moai Statues On Easter Island Come From?

Well, if we're being technical, most of them came from Rano Raraku, a volcanic crater

on the island, since that's where their materials were taken from.

However, if we're looking at the more common question of how they came to be placed where

they are, whether it be human or alien, the scientific consensus is that humans did the


We're not certain how, but we have a number of theories, which will require further evidence

to confirm one way or another.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide what you believe, or maybe even go

to Easter Island and discover the truth yourself.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know what you think of all this in the comment section.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> Where Did The Moai Statues On Easter Island Come From? - Duration: 4:37.


Pacifica Pineapple Curls Review - Duration: 5:30.

check out the curly penny Amazon shop for all of my favorite products and merch, link down below in the description box

Hey ya'll, so today

I will be reviewing the new Pacifica pineapple curls line for curly hair

this brand is

100% vegan

And cruelty free and I'm so happy to say that all of these products are sulfate free and silicone free. Low key

I really wanted to try these because they are the most freaking beautiful products

I've ever seen, so I'm really excited to try. First the shampoo, the shampoo contains argan oil, olive oil, pineapple extract,

papaya and hydrolyzed quinoa protein. The consistency is very thin and runny, and

This whole line smells like piña colada, and it's soooo good.

So I'm gonna work it through my scalp, and I found that this shampoo is very low lathering. When I rinsed it out

I was kind of surprised because it felt more like a co-wash. It was really, really gentle

So this is definitely great for hair that is dry and struggles to preserve moisture. If your hair is oily

You might need to use this multiple times. For a deeper clean I'm going to use my shampoo brush

Time to rinse. So there are two conditioners, there's the deep conditioner mask and the rinse out conditioner

I'm gonna use both so we can compare the results

first the rinse out conditioner

this contains jojoba oil, olive oil, raspberry extract

pineapple extract

Rice bran, coconut oil and linseed. The consistency is like a lotion

It has a good amount of slip. At first, the tangles were struggling a bit

But as I worked it through more and more my tangles

Disappeared. When I rinsed it out my hair it felt very moisturized

I think this is a great overall conditioner for weightless moisture if you don't want to weigh down your hair

It's definitely not heavy or greasy. Next is the curl nourishing mask

This contains meadowfoam seed oil, olive oil, avocado oil

hydrolyzed quinoa protein, hydrolyzed rice protein

coconut oil, raspberry extract

Pineapple extract and linseed oil. The consistency is like very thick body lotion

I immediately noticed that this has way better slip and the moisture that it delivers is definitely heavier

I think the conditioner is best for thin hair textures, or waves and loose curls

And the mask is excellent for thick hair or curls and coils. It did a great job with my tangles

I'm gonna leave them in for five minutes, and then rinse out

So I'm not gonna use any styler because this line does not contain any


and obviously my

Results are going to be frizzier

and more undefined than usual since I will not be using any styler. So I want to show you guys my hair without

Styler and with some styler so we can see the full potential of the line

I'm gonna plop for 10 minutes, air dry and show you the results

So here are the results. So like I mentioned before I don't have styler in my hair which explains

Why it looks a little frizzier than usual, but my hair feels really moisturized.

And I really love the fact that it does not feel weighed down. My hair doesn't feel greasy

It doesn't feel like it has buildup of any kind

So I'm gonna do this whole routine again with my favorite

Styler, so we can see the full potential of the line as if I were using it on a regular wash day.

Alrighty, so here are my results


Styler. I used the curls coconut hair milk

And then I followed that up with the mop top curling custard

Which is my favorite combo right now. And also my shirt has pineapples on it because, you know, pineapple curls...

pineapple curls...

So, let's take a good gander y'all. My hair feels moisturized but most of all it feels

Fluffy. My hair is actually very thin and fine, so I struggle a lot with my hair getting weighed down

But these products really did allow me to have like this fluffy

breathable moisture, if that makes sense.

Plus, look at these. They're so

Freakin pretty, like, when I saw these I shrieked. Like, it brought the girly girl out of me cuz I was like

oh my gosh they're so pretty I want to try them. So I'm really happy I finally

Got to try these. All in all, I really don't have any complaints

But I really really wished that this line had a leave-in conditioner or a spray or a gel

Something, something that we can follow up the products with. So I'm just gonna cross my fingers for that

Ultimately, I do think that this line can work for all hair types. If you are looking for moisture

That's not going to weigh down your hair, definitely consider this line. Alrighty ya'll,

That was my Pacifica pineapple curls wash day review. Comment down below what you think of m


Comment like and subscribe if you like what I'm doing, and comment down below any other

Brands and products you would like me to wash day review. Thank you for watching, and I hope that you have a great day


For more infomation >> Pacifica Pineapple Curls Review - Duration: 5:30.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Dynamic Navigator / Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Dynamic Navigator / Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:02.


Jeep Cherokee 2.4I SPORT PLUS Airco 4WD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Jeep Cherokee 2.4I SPORT PLUS Airco 4WD - Duration: 1:00.


Reverse Flash Is Harry Wells REVEALED!? - The Flash 4x17 Breakdown - Duration: 8:58.

good evening dr. wells it's been 1078 days since we last spoke how can I be of


a lot has changed since then

what is good YouTube Warsty here will a video on the fascism for most

recent episode episode 17 no an annoyed if you're into the flash CW show that's

currently in its fourth season maybe you should think about subscribing to this

channel as we cover all flash theories news trailer breakdowns sometimes and

episode reviews so episode 17 for me was a major filler yes guys it was a filler

episode kind of like the episode of Supergirl it's coming back to me that

also looks like a filler this was a major filler episode I don't know why CW

went on a four-week break and then came back with a massive filler now why do I

say a fill-up because the post credit scene the ending scene the last two

minutes of this episode gave is more plot development than the rest of the

other 43 minutes so we get reintroduced to Gideon again which is awesome Gideon

is a future AI that Barry Allen kind of created I guess well at least at least

Gideon said Barry Allen created it I'm not really sure so Gideon when Gideon

was reactivated Gideon said it's been 1,000 days plus which takes us literally

to the end of season 1 when it was revealed during the Christmas episode it

was revealed that actually reverse flash is Harrison well but he wasn't really it

was just like in his body or nursery both thought what's interesting is the

thinking cap was plugged into what I believe is going to be dark matter now

Cisco told him not to use dark matter with it

what I think's going on here guys is that every time Harrison wells uses

Harry well sorry every time Harry well she uses the thing in cap he gets more

addicted to it more addicted to the power he's so obsessed with being now

able to outsmart the think Becky sharp whatever you wanna call her or him he

just wants to be the smartest person on the show again now it's kind of hard to

work out because by the end of it it's like is Harry wells trying to pretend to

be reverse flash or is Harry wells earth-2 not really on the show or was it

Harry wells earth one all along now no can say he died but did he really so you

could say a lot of theories like reverse flash returns there's so many things

that actually could happen but I will go into a video more debt over the weekend

about that so the a main narrative was catching a metahuman called know who

could basically manipulate Gravel gravitational pull and hence why we're

seeing Barry Allen get like poured up into the air and during

this episode now I mean what powers are quite boring I can't really understand

why to think of once the powers because he essentially can already do it with

his thinking shit now I did find the kind of projection Sina

that's Cisco made was kind of interesting because the thinker in that

kind of simulation was pretty funny now what was kind of interesting is the

Weeping ability that the mechanic keeps getting put on herself is constant so

the mechanics in a constant loop where she discovers what them what the thinker

is doing but then like the thing has got that advanced that the thing can now do

mind control and now wipe your memory so every time the thinker's wife a

container mechanic realizes what's going on and then we get swiped so it's almost

like ultimately team flash are going to have to end up helping her at some point

and there wasn't really any plot development with the kind of thinker

because obviously we're still looking for the final two metas obviously we've

got no no and Edwin Gauss who can kind of essentially will get team flash into

thinking layer it in next next week's episode so breacher comes over you need

Cisco's help so essentially breaches losing his powers because he's getting

old so he retires and Cisco kind of has been given the opportunity to go over to

earth 19 and take over his job as breacher so with Cisco going to me I

don't think he is but I think what this is trying to tell the audience is that

the thinker is going to have a much less ori cisco is going to have much of a

last role next season so i'm expecting him to drop down to like half the

episodes that he does because to be honest team flash is pretty saturated at

the moment guys there's too many people on team flash that not a lot didn't get

any like overall development I mean the flash hasn't really got that much

development when you think about it seen as he's the main star I mean the problem

I have with this season is Barry Allen isn't a CSI anymore he's a private eye

with ralph which that whole situation is it's a bit strange now is ralph going to

die I don't think he's gonna die maybe might die because obviously the think is

going to have his power at some point in order for Neal Sandilands but the actor

Neil sunlight itself so the male version of the thinker can actually come back

what was interesting is during the kind of breacher party episode where breacher

went to take out the Crucifier the head of the

vampires I think that's what he said Cisco didn't even attempt to attack the

Crucifier I think that's what it's called so I find it kind of funny I did

like the ability of that null had the ability to kind of put people into Aaron

and obviously they come down when they're ready but it was a kind of

strange ability to have now Jay and Silent Bob wins episode I thought it's

pretty funny how the directors actually asked obviously this episode was

directed by Kevin Smith but people in charge of show actually asked Kevin

Smith if he wanted a basically come into the episode so Jay and Silent Bob off

see Kevin Smith character didn't talk like normal so it was kind of

interesting so really really I'm hopeful for next week's episode of flash it does

look pretty cool but at the end of day next week's episode of flash it could be

all like a simulation of what Ralph wants to happen it's like a simulation

of Ralph trying to be better but if it's actually realistic what's happening in

the trailer then it does a pretty cool now I will do a trailer breakdown if I

get time guys I don't normally get time but sometimes I think it's ridiculous to

do a trailer breakdown for every single thing when nothing happens but the main

takeaway plots from this are Harrison wells is gonna get evil but not in the

sense of most people were thinking what do you become reverse-flash maybe maybe

is you already verse 5 is so linked to the kind of coffee shop girl jitters

girl Dawn Allen kind of theory could all be linked to that but I think it will be

interesting because we don't know to think as planned

the thinker could have all you've figured all could have already figured

it all out now what I don't understand guys I need your help here is I'm pretty

sure a barstool and reverse-flash had the kind of chip to activate Gideon so I

mean you could see that Harry had second thoughts that's why his hand went away

from like the control panel before you activated Gideon

and again Gideon's like oh it's been so long so I hope there is more time volt

scenes and this isn't just a tongue-in-cheek scene but we see it once

and we don't see it again because Gideon's needed Gideon like obviously I

guess Harry's gonna ask get Gideon how does the thinker gets defeated because

obviously we know based on berry tart that the thinker will get to feel it's

just a case of how and when and as we know now the kind of mystery girl

character is gonna lead into the semi-final lead in season 5 anyway guys

this is a bit of a brief I freestyle these reviews I used to script

everything but I think it's pretty boring free spike I think it's pretty

boring scripting it inside so men though tone like I don't know

some of you I guess but anyway guys please like scrub and comment it would

be awesome like Senate slide video I do flash videos oh wait one week along and

if you want to subscribe that would be awesome let me know is reverse flashback

is Harrison wells going to turn evil or has he already been evil always time or

it's actually the original Harrison wells and earth one that did die yes I

know he did die or did he you can never tell on these kind of fictional comic

book related shows what's actually going on really but it's going to be

interesting as the thinker kind of can't stay in the body that they're in for

much longer so I think it is pretty safe that rest in peace Ralph that Ralph I'm

gonna predict that rap will be gone it afternoon after episode 18 because let's

be honest guys he's not been seen filming anywhere at the moment and I

think they're up filming episode 21 ish so where's Ralph

I think Ralph is literally going to be rest in peace after next week's episode

anyway guys please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another

video guys are very soon and catch your later

For more infomation >> Reverse Flash Is Harry Wells REVEALED!? - The Flash 4x17 Breakdown - Duration: 8:58.



For more infomation >> 7 WAYS ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY AS A TEENAGER (FREE GIFT CARDS???) - Duration: 5:51.


ASMR with SMALL OBJECTS - Duration: 18:53.


Today, I'm really close to the camera

to show you what my cat did to me.

No, not for this.

Because I'll be using small objects

to make some relaxing sounds, maybe.

Or maybe not, I don't know.

Let's try this.

This one looks like a strawberry.

And I'm a bit hungry.

But I think that If I eat it, I'll have of problems after.

I'm not sure if this strawberry is very natural.

Let's try the next item.


It's not easy to make good sounds with small objects.

OK, next.

A bit closer.

7:02 Let's go to the next item.

No, the next item isn't my small eyebrows.

No, not this.

I should cut it!

No, not today!

9:08 Let's go to the next.

Daruma is always good for a little bit of nail tapping.

10:25 Have a look to Daruma.

You can see it clearly now, can't you?

The Daruma is the best for tapping.

11:51 Kneadable eraser.

In the little box.

This should be good for tapping too

but first let's play with this.

14:00 OK, so let's do a bit of gentle tapping on the little box.

16:22 OK. I know that a lot of people like this kind of sound.

And this is a small object so let's do it.

18:19 OK, so for today, it will be all for the small objects.

I hope that you have enjoyed this video.

If yes, you can leave me a comment or a like or...

you can do whatever you want...


Have a good night!

For more infomation >> ASMR with SMALL OBJECTS - Duration: 18:53.


There's what inside of me??! - Duration: 19:43.

oh my god

It's been forever as you guys know I am still on my lousy phone

most of you might not know I have a computer now I'm a MacBook and so I got

my videos a lot better now and it's been my dream I finally have them and I also

look like shit I need to take a shower but yeah we can make a vlog so that's

exactly what I'm doing clearly I bounced on my phone so not the

best quality especially since my volume my phone sucks

butthole but when I roll with it because that's all we have and we can't do much

about it so we couldn't deal with it dudes but what we are they basically

just know we're just gonna just chills until they act you school I have um how

to take a shower come my room do all the shit and take you guys along with me

might be born back flog but later I might this is the same vlog I'm probably

gonna explain to you what has been happening to me last month and what has

been going on in my life and it's pretty interesting always to me I never thought

that I would have it but if you want to know that stay tuned and I will talk to

you guys in a little bit fun okay so I just I'm still wanting to watch I'm just

gonna throw my clothes and this is what I'm wearing

sorry I'm gonna wear this black top long-sleeve this little like whatever

this is and then just these skinny jeans with

little holes in the knees look like this cute and it's basically an ad with dole

shoes right there so that's get dressed and this is what

my outfit looks like there's the shirt and these skinny jeans that you can

really give me you see but I have a c-major is not done but you can let it

dry a little bit then I'll brush it out later so that's all you got right now

so that's right now I'm probably gonna go up in it well sit on the couch

I'll show you sit on oh shit on that couch edit the clips already like

recorded and edit my new intro hopefully it's gonna be good I don't know I'm not

done again so don't be like like oh this is not good why would you edit this ba

bla not done it yet so don't be hating but I'm popping it also watch a movie

like why not so probably make some popcorn why not

because popcorn is the bomb right


so I have finished Mane's kind of sticky finished get my popcorn and my drink and

I'm just gonna edit I'm not so much of that cause it's like editing whatever

it's boring how would you kiss movie can push me

what couldn't watching no because no those kids movies I'm going to finish

watching trolls will see them and if they write there I decided to watch to

roll because trolls with my favorite movie you know

hmm so it's fitting a hot minute since I have set a sit-down talk with you guys

and just explain what exactly is going on so that's what I'm gonna do as you

guys heard earlier it is actually currently at 234 I don't wait 50 years

for the stand tablet to charge as you guys know I do not have a camera yet I'm

not gonna be ordering a cheap one off Amazon one side the money and then

tripod and stuff and hopefully you can get this for the vlog injured on the

roll hopefully I say hopefully but I won't be

recording every day and published that once a week maybe or like once maybe

that twice every week three times a week I don't know yet exactly so we'll have

just to find out I'm gonna be displaying to you guys what has been going on with

me and lighted by journalist I don't think any of you guys knows it except my

family but I was in the hospital for about four days

um on March 23rd I woke up that day with excruciating pain under my left my right

chest like right underneath my boob my breast whatever it was excruciating and

this pain happens like every month maybe so I'm used to it by now and you she'll

just go and take a hot bath not in this case this case did not it was totally

different um it just lasted all day all you put a picture of me that I took

that morning of March 23rd up right now

after like later that day I I texted my mom and was like I'll try for the

screenshot and I'll post a picture of the screenshot of me telling her I'm

March 23rd March 23rd asked her she can take me to the doctor well doctor the

hospital and she was at work so obviously she's home I asked my parents

I did we went to the ER we were there probably were like well let me tell you

a long time I thought don't want driver's ed so I drove is that later

that night I've got done with drivers that at 8 6 to 8 okay we went right

after my driver's ed class I didn't get to the hospital till midnight

so yeah that's four hours of being in the ER so we were sitting there waiting

for freaking results forever we got there and like probably 20-30 minutes

after we got there my mom arrived after um mom arrived

we got an ultrasound and right then and there I knew what's wrong with me I knew

was wrong with me I had gallstones multiple of them a lot

of them and I know there's something wrong with me from the moment I started

getting this pain I started getting this paper paint probably four months prior

to me going to the hospital and I just knew it was wrong with me like right

then there I just knew it so they put the ID on me which all took post a

picture right here and what that ID looked like sorry my camera kind of

light stopped recording I don't even know where it was but so I arrived after

really like figured out what I had we had to wait for a little bit and then

request a room at the hospital so we ended up added go by ambulance to the

hospital also post a picture right now of what it looked like when I was in the

gurney it was it

it was believed one actually um after that we worked at the hospital at

midnight I was there probably 20 minutes by myself maybe into my mom and my

sister arrived my sister arrived it's been the night one night and she came

visiting me like public another one all the time and then my grandparents

visited me probably like the entire time I was there except for one day so after

that we got my IP fell out at the ER so I did get another one in and it hurt

like it hurt um and then a lot suppose a fixture

right now of what me my sister in the hospital bed good I took a couple

pictures and after that we just sat there and I lay down I felt sleep better

I still had this excruciating pain so they gave me um what I wasn't benadryl

it was like morphine I think was morphine they gave me they give me

morphine to lower my pain and it helped so well I was so grateful that they had

those drugs for me like you have no clue oh my god doctor that we sat there and I

talked with the surgeons I talked with the doctors and they all right I'm back

sorry I mean you keep freaking cutting out um forgot where I was

damn it let's talk on my search and they decided I needed surgery so they had my

blood or I got my blood drawn my probably five times at the hospital you

see if my level go down all my levels were up like bad like bad that my liver

everything was up so they could not do the surgery so these ideas let me home

back to the fourth day it's kind of happy but kind of sad because I kind of

liked the hospital and then we had to go the next Monday

after I got out my blood drawn again my lungs were still high so we're gonna

wait again and I'm gonna blood drawing last Monday well this like yesterday I

think ya know we're both on yesterday and so what my mom looked at my chart

like my my chart and saw that every single everyone except for what my

levels were I think like 4.0 64 and now they're just 46 point 46 so a dick

decrease a hell of a lot but not to the point where it's normal and that was my

liver function which you know like dose through urine and if you guys do not

know what a gall bladder is or gall stones are I have to definition on my

phone so I'm gonna read that to you if you guys do not know what it is and also

put it up on the screen just in case you want to read it or whatever just in case

you guys do not know what it is because I still basically don't even know what

it is all I know is that like it goes through your gall bladder I don't know

but if you guys are wondering no you do not need your gallbladder if you guys

don't know my name is Madison Galston my last name is Galston and everyone makes

a joke of Oh Madison gall stones ha ha ha Madison gall stone has gall stones

your ass it's annoying but it's hilarious at the same time and my mom

had surgery for her gall bladder removed too so it's kind of like hereditary if I

want to read the definition to you have screen shots and I'll put up on the

screen as well so you guys can see but here it is

I'll gallbladder you've all better as a 4 inch Pierce shaped organ it's

positioned under your liver in the upper right section of the abdomen the

gallbladder stores bile and can in combination a fluid and a combination

of fluids fats and cholesterol bile helps break down fat from food in your

intestine intestine the gallbladder delivers bile into the small intestine

intestine and test time I don't want to say I taught a test and I don't know why

I said intestine but that's what the gallbladder is and what it does

basically what it does and I want to put up what gall stones are on the screen

you know read back to you so you know exactly what it is

so gall stones it's a hardened deposit deposit within the fluid of the Gulf in

the gall bladder it's small organ under the liver and it

is very common but not common in my age you don't know I'm 15 turning 16 you

know like oh two weeks I think and it's not really common like my age group but

very few get it so that's basically what it is there are and you can get it

removed and just keep it and like see if they pass which I wouldn't recommend it

feels literally feels like you're in a heart attack I feel for her if you ever

had a heart attack I'm very sorry but that's what it is that's what it feels

like at least like it rule radiates from your where the pain normally started to

your back to your heart it hurts like hell so I recommend if you guys feel

pain like that ever just tell you mom she better safe than sorry cuz my friend

told me I started get it checked out and I didn't listen to him and I could have

already had it out by now and I've used it because I don't listen to him he said

you probably go get it checked out I was like nah fine

that was like four months ago when it first happened so better safe than sorry

if you think oh yeah I can get it to stop hurting well know it'll come back

trust me it'll come back worse so I recommend going the doctor or the

hospital of ER wherever you want to go to just to be safe permanent hospital

the doctor or the ER better safe than sorry just to see because you never know

and this happened to me and it's not fun at all like whatsoever it is not fun

also another thing that happened to me my grandpa has heart issues so if you

guys enjoyed this video I know it's not like Oh days vlog but I just thought

like something to me later I might go babysit or might go out to eat other

than that nothing really happening so I just thought that I'll just stop it

quick oh I did it I'll have it all ready for tomorrow but you guys to watch and

enjoy and what up you guys enjoyed it please give a thumbs up hit that Bell

button do you know whatever app host hit that red subscribe button so you know

well so you're subscribed I greatly appreciated it

I'll keep you I know I just I'll keep you updated I'm true whatever happens to

me and like my surgery and how it feels and blah blah blah but as for now that

is that for my video so I hope you enjoy it again and I'll see you next time back

peace out you

okay guys so as you know I recorded earlier it's an action it almost

midnight right now so it's almost actually Wednesday when I reported this

it was Thursday this morning but I have big big change this is actually going in

the same blog so be the end of the vlog but I decided I wanted a little bit of

change with my hair so I kind of dyed it obviously who looks the same like what

did you do to your hair it's the exact same eye lenses I'll insert some photos

right now if you can't tell like in camera of how it looks but I'll try to

get my best angle up see if you guys can see it I don't know if you guys will be

able to but and then that's good if you can't here are some photos but here is

what I did tell you see I wiped in my tips I bleached my tips I was actually

gonna read I my hair but I didn't so this is just what I have so far it's a

room way notice one more in person but if you can kind of see that yeah so

that's what I did after probably two hours ago and I'm in love with it I hope

you got a tutor so hope you guys like it so

For more infomation >> There's what inside of me??! - Duration: 19:43.


Find Profitable Dropshipping Products The Easy Way! (Product Recommendation) - Duration: 10:31.

what is up hustlers, are you tired of spending hours trying to find profitable

niches or drop shipping products well in this video I'm gonna drop it to let my

laptop here and basically go through one of my favorite drop shipping product

research tools that by the way is completely free on top of that I'm

actually going to give you a product suggestion for the month that is gonna

work well if you mark it up correctly it can thank you in dollars so let's go

show you is a tool a product research tool called texture here we go and

actually I want to recommend you don't use this tool for various reasons so it

is it is a paid tool it is a paid Shopify drop shipping product research

tool and it is getting rather popular however I've used it for a couple of

months and I'm not a big fan of it so I want to save you guys a couple

bucks here a couple of dollars look what it is is it's essentially a you know

Ally Express product curation tool however there are a few cool nifty

things to this like they basically show you the Aliexpress figures they also

show you similar Facebook ads are running so in that sense it is cool

because they callate Facebook and Aliexpress data together but you know

for for the price that you're paying it's not that great because they only

release I believe a product or to each date and I was using this for a month or

two but look let's let's quickly get into it and I'll show you what this is

but look let's let's click into a tool here what I don't like about it is and

this available info would be available if I was signed up and registered

however ideally my account about a month ago it shows your Facebook ad data in

exactly the detailed targeting as in you know what's an ad copy and targeting you

should be using on Facebook in my experience I did give this a few goes

and I did not like the results at all it was not great it

they're completely off the mark when it comes to Facebook data so you want to be

really wary of that like a lot of people wasting their money putting in to ad

spend when the targeting is completely off you know

I flex targeted these items myself and found that a success through that so I I

just feel like they're throwing up a lot of random products based on previous

popularity and some of these products are long overdue as in as in like

they're not going to show anymore and some of the data is completely off

you know selling price on Alex versus 3995

oh sorry Pro cost on Aliexpress is $11 you want to sell it for $39 you know I

feel like they're bit generous with a profit margins it's not very realistic

but you know what it works with some people but again in my experience it

hasn't worked for me I'd be a bit skeptical skeptical of this tool and I

just wanna let you guys know this because it is a growing tool nothing to

get against Peck star it's just you guys gonna be a little bit skeptical of these

tools however what I do want to recommend and this is an awesome tool

and is completely free in comparison to Peck so which is paid it's a very very

simple tool and it's called thieve guys you might have heard of it it is an

awesome awesome tool I am in no way affiliated to this company nor is this a

paid endorsement at all this is just literally my personal suggestion to help

you guys out that's literally what I'm doing here

there's nothing I'm not affiliated to this company at all anyway so what this

tool is it's a very great curation device by thieves in collaboration with

Aliexpress so what they do is pick out a bunch of products rather than you know a

product daily and as you can tell if you just stroll through the this website

there is a lot of high high quality products here so if you look through

this site to be honest without even thinking that is connected to Aliexpress

it literally looks like a high quality website like with high quality products

and that's what feeb is it basically curates

the best of Aliexpress in my experience as well the product quality in the

product selection here is great most more often than not

you gonna see cells if you pick up these items so if I were you I would go

through the site just take a look if it's within your niche you know spend

ten bucks on a with Facebook ad spend the only thing is of course it doesn't

give you Facebook data nor does it give you suggestions in terms of targeting

which is fine anyway because you don't want to be competing with a whole bunch

of other people on CPCs because if everyone's having the same thing it's

gonna get really really competitive not like it already isn't so on top of that

guys I want to give you a quick example and I'm gonna tell you guys my

suggestion my suggestion for a product for a product food for this month

basically so what I want to do basically is give you my suggestion for a winning

product this month okay so I actually stumbled across this product through

thieve and I'll tell you exactly what it is now I actually sold a couple a couple

of these earlier so these four charges I literally found this exact product on

the-- this bad boy right here and it is as simple as this it is literally a

piece for controller dual charge docks so it literally charges your arm your

place of PlayStation 4 controllers it's three dollars ninety six from Aliexpress

guys it is so cheap to give you an example let's do a quick search on

google so ps4 controller charges you're literally gonna like retail that the

official price for the official product is thirty five dollars roughly okay so

this will roughly be $40 u.s. in the US now that is you can literally mark this

up by ten times guys not that you should but I'm just saying

realistically you can still make a sale if you mark this up ten times now that

is a bloody good product guys and on top of that why this is a really good

product is because you're not infringing on copyright guys you're not however you

are picking backing piggybacking on the PlayStation interests and that is a huge

huge thing so this product is actually quite amazing and since that firstly

it's really cheap there's demand for it guys

a lot of people obviously owning own ik plays Asian for and they need to charge

they need to charge their controllers look is you guys gonna jump on this

bandwagon here I'm gonna so quickly suggest some targeting options here just

on top of my head because targeting is a fine art on Facebook guys a lot of

people they usually end up using the same targeting options and they don't

see any results but look you need to think outside the box

most people will be thinking hey let's our flex target PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 controllers flex target gaming and that's it like something

really simple however I know that fortnight as a video game if you guys

have heard is a very very popular video game at the moment so I would be flexed

targeting people with play safety for that knee twice wireless charging and

also have our into fortnight which is a very popular game at the moment so this

is going to be a lot of interest around that so guys that is a really good

product right here at the moment especially if you're running a tech

niche store if you're not if you're running a general store this is going to

work just as well I mean it is a very useful product and a lot of people do

need these sorts of things and the final thing I want to add is when you're

looking through thieve guys another really important thing is to evaluate

market demand for products so you don't want to just I mean it's great and it's

fine to you know just go through the site and just pick out random items and

throw five ten dollar ad spend budgets onto them just to test them which does

work however there is ways that you want to evaluate market demand for the

product right and the first thing is Google Keyword planner I'm not gonna go

into that because I need to hook into my AdWords account which is what what I'm

not going to do right now so keyword planner is more of an advanced tool but

a very simple tool that achieves Cilla result is Google Trends guys so Google

Trends super-important I'm sure you guys may have heard of it already literally

you just it basically collects all the data from Google searches together and

shows you the traffic for those certain keywords now if a keyword is very

popular at the moment you know there's demand for that certain product I know

PlayStation 4 controls aren't the best example just because a lot of people

need wireless charging or doctor charging

every single day basically so you know this works better for trends however it

still is good to you basically confirm the demand for that

specific product so just as an example right now I'm gonna type in PlayStation

4 charger for example right and you're gonna see sort of a graph here and here

we go guys so this is quite interesting this is a worldwide search you can even

scale it down to your specific country but look it's not doing too badly and

this spike is surprisingly not surprisingly I could say in Christmas

during Christmas so 99 denotes that this was the the

point where it had highest amman and then it sort of dropped down again not

surprisingly after Christmas but it is jumping back up at 63 so look it is a

good time to start selling these charges and if you're not in the technique this

isn't relevant to you just check out these guys it is a very very useful tool

and I've found success through quite a few products actually on this on this

site it is a big very awesome site and it is kind of locating Paris into

texture which I do not like but just an FYI guys so let me know how you go with

this tool because I'm very curious you guys fine winning products and let me

know otherwise I hope you guys enjoyed this video and give it a thumbs up and

subscribe if you haven't already otherwise have seen the next video and

as always guys thanks for watching keep on hustling

For more infomation >> Find Profitable Dropshipping Products The Easy Way! (Product Recommendation) - Duration: 10:31.


TOAD'S AUDITION TAPE -Animated Short - Duration: 0:43.

I'm one of the princess' royal guards!

I wanted to get my music career started because she's a



here's my cover of Adele!


It's me!

*realizes he messed up the lyrics*

You're on your own now . . .

For more infomation >> TOAD'S AUDITION TAPE -Animated Short - Duration: 0:43.


FAKE NEWS: isso vai afetar meus investimentos? - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> FAKE NEWS: isso vai afetar meus investimentos? - Duration: 1:48.


Port o Fort Gameplay in Fortnite: Battle Royale (NEW FORTNITE UPDATE) - Duration: 1:59:46.

For more infomation >> Port o Fort Gameplay in Fortnite: Battle Royale (NEW FORTNITE UPDATE) - Duration: 1:59:46.



For more infomation >> CURIOSIDADES SOBRE O FENWAY PARK - Duration: 10:46.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we'll talk about the next topic you knew that dishwashing sponges

are one of the biggest sources of bacteria knows how to clean them and

disinfect them so do not go and stay with us until the end of

this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

do not forget to like this video share it with your family and friends

and subscribe to our channel now we go with the information

To avoid getting infected we must disinfect the sponge or the cloth with the

that we wash the dishes daily in this way, we avoid the proliferation of

bacteria in the sponges to wash are one of the most used utensils of

the kitchen by facilitating the cleaning of the dishes and helping to maintain everything

impeccable however this object that seems to be so useful and ideal to clean

can go from being one of the great allies of hygiene to being one of the

Worst enemies of health when the function is not used properly

of this element is to remove the remains of food that remain in the

dishes and after having served food

During this process a large part of these remains are absorbed by the sponge and

combined with moisture create a favorable environment for growth

bacterial especially due to the fact that it remains wet until its

next use bacteria like the collings

'Staphylococcus aureus' and salmonella can survive in the sponge during

hours and even days after the first contact

This is why the importance of

frequently disinfect this element apart from applying the common soap

sponge the dirtiest item in the home for doctor phil tender teacher

clinical of microbiology and pathology of the university of new york the thing more

dirty that may be in a house is a sponge to wash dishes even more

that a toilet lid or a garbage can this object is made with

small absorption openings that are the ones that facilitate the elimination of

waste but also those that conserve all those substances and microorganisms

that leaks in the cleaning process the remains of food that are attached to the

sponge can remain for some time when it is not disinfected and

For every 20 minutes that remains moist a new bacterium develops

the use of dish soap might be to think that the sponge remains clean and

there is no risk of rubbing it on the plates

However, this is not enough since the product can not be eliminated

complete the pathogens that are inside with the remains of food

the best way to avoid poisoning or diseases caused by a sponge

full of bacteria is by disinfection

It is paradoxical to have to wash an item that is used for cleaning

But the truth is that it is necessary and is the most effective way to eliminate

microorganisms such as cleaning and disinfecting bacteria in a

research conducted by the US agricultural research service in the

In 2007, several tests were carried out to determine which was the most

effective to eliminate the pathogens that accumulate in the sponges the first thing that

was done was to soak them at room temperature in a solution of

minced meat in order to favor the amount of microbes for

Subsequently, the analysis was immersed for three minutes in a

10% solution of bleach then in lemon juice for 1 minute is also

introduced in the microwave one minute to finish washed in a dishwasher

with drying cycle the results showed that with bleach and

lemon juice manage to reduce by 37 and 87 percent the bacteria heat it

in the microwave ends up with 99.9 percent of the microorganisms a

result similar to that of the dishwasher therefore the study concluded that the

most effective way to eliminate bacteria and mold from this utensil is

heating it in a microwave or in the dishwasher with a drying cycle to

your disinfection in the microwave should be rinsed with clean water and put

heat for 2 minutes at maximum temperature plus this can also be

take care of the following tips clean the sponge after each wash

adopt a rotation system with two sponges in order to always use

one clean while washing the other check the utensil and try to remove

all the remains of food that remain after washing the dishes after

Use the sponge to dry it to prevent moisture and growth

the bacteria if the dishes or utensils are smeared

of some type of animal fat the ideal is to clean them first with paper

disposable kitchen instead of removing the remains with the sponge you had idea of

all this ends this way another edition of your channel

remedies easy 24 do not forget to share this video with your

family and friends in your social networks leave your opinion in the box

comments and give him I like I am francisco sucre and see you in a

next video until next time



Eliminada, Jéssica nega affair com Lucas no BBB e dispara: "Ele era como o meu irmão" - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Eliminada, Jéssica nega affair com Lucas no BBB e dispara: "Ele era como o meu irmão" - Duration: 3:11.


How to say the days of the week in 6 languages - Duration: 7:00.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday and Sunday

On+ the day of the week

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag

Samstag or Sonnabend and Sonntag

Am+ the day of the week

Am Montag/ am Dienstag/am Mittwoch/am Donnerstag/ Am Freitag

Am Samstag/Sonnabend and am Sonntag


Samedi and dimanche

Le jour is a male noun- the day therefore le lundi

Il giorno means the day therefore il+ day of the week - il lunerdi can mean on Monday.

Lunerdi/martedi/mercoledi/giovedi/venerdi/Sabato and domenica- La domenica.

il+ lunerdi/martedi/mercoledi/giovedi/venerdi/sabato.

and domenica is a female noun la domenica. Yes, Sunday is a female noun in italian.

Lunes/martes/miercóles/jueves/viernes/sabado/ domingo- male noun- el dia- the day.

El lunes/ el martes etc- on Monday- On Tuesday


For more infomation >> How to say the days of the week in 6 languages - Duration: 7:00.


Enquete vencedor BBB18: Kaysar, Gleici, Família Lima, Breno ou Paula; quem deve vencer? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Enquete vencedor BBB18: Kaysar, Gleici, Família Lima, Breno ou Paula; quem deve vencer? - Duration: 3:28.


04/04/2018 - Laboratório de Inovação SSP/SC HubSSP - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> 04/04/2018 - Laboratório de Inovação SSP/SC HubSSP - Duration: 1:43.


How is this POSSIBLE - Fishing is INCREDIBLE !! - Duration: 6:46.

good morning

you liked so much the last video of trouts

that I decided to make another one

I hope they are so hungry as me

one thing I tell you

where is the spring

don't stop raining for 2 months

maybe less, 1 month

sick of rain


rain can come now, I'm ready

au, #$!# this hurts

always have a scissor ready

looks like gardening

this is only for tough guys

this is only for tough guys

I'm going to get you girl

she's playing with me

there she is

so big

she is crazy

she is crazy

I was thinking that you were bigger

she is really healthy


let's go

second round

fish !

oh, impressive

just happen exactly the same thing as last week

2 casts 2 fishes

so wild, crazy

stop it

this one is bigger

didn't even took her from the net

she is lively

what a beauty

thank you

for this excellent moment

the lure is destroyed

but still

3rd cast

I'm being to positive

I'm thinking this is to easy

there it is !


what a monster

broke my terminal

if you are wondering why I putted the rod in the water

was because she was running into the sticks

and to avoid being stucked in the sticks

what a run !

3rd cast in a row


I'm exausted

my feet hurts

hope you like it

I know wasn't very long


since you loved the last one

decided to make another one


a lot of people have been asking the fishing shirt from Ultimate Fishing

and I already gave some

inclusive in the Mora exposition

but I cant give to everyone

so I decided to do a giveaway

it's so easy as this

you only need to subscribe to the channel

and leave any comment on this video

anything you want


later I will giveaway

one shirt like this one

to a random comment

stay awesome

and cya next time

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