Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 11 2018

The area we are going to talk about today is shrouded in secrecy, and for that reason

it has become the focus of conspiracy theorists.

Is it a hiding place of aliens and weather control technology, or it is merely a location

where the USA develops highly advanced military machinery?

It is often referred to as a "Black Site" where "Black Projects" take place, with

black basically meaning, "highly classified."

Today we'll look at one of the most mysterious black sites in the world, in this episode

of the Infographics Show, What Do We Know About Area 51?

We are told it's called Area 51 because it was named that in some documents pertaining

to the Vietnam War.

The Central Intelligence Agency gives it a far less mysterious name and calls it Homey

Airport and Groom Lake.

This is a restricted area in Nevada, about 83 miles (134 km) northwest of Las Vegas.

In 1955, the site was first used for flight testing, but what happens there now is largely


The down to Earth theory is that the U.S. conducts secret military exercises there,

which includes the testing of weapons that are in development.

The reason it remains so secret, of course, is because the U.S. doesn't want any of

these experiments falling into the hands of its real or possible enemies.

Before we get into any of the more outlandish theories about Area 51, we'll tell you what

we do know.

First of all, it's a restricted area, but according to most sources we can find, it

is not as heavily guarded as you might expect.

You can follow a dusty desert road close to the area, but at some point, you'll find

"No Entry" signs that warn trespassers they could take the brunt of deadly force

if they go any farther.

It is patrolled but not as aggressively as you'd think, and it's more likely you'll

be told to go back or receive a fine rather than be shot at, if you wander into the site.

You can't fly over it, and if you attempt to fly a drone over there, you will no doubt

get in trouble.

According to some sources, the area is surrounded by cameras and sensors, with one website stating,

"the base knows every Nevada desert tortoise and jackrabbit that hops the fence."

You can get up to the gates, however, and you'll have to follow the aptly named "Extraterrestrial

Superhighway" to get there.

We found there is even an 'adult entertainment club' called the "Alien Cathouse" just

west of Area 51.

What we are trying to say is that it's not as off the grid as you might think.

Ok, so we now know what kind of place we're looking at.

But what happened there in the beginning?

It was a child of the Cold War with the Soviet Union; the U.S. wanted to test its military

equipment in a far-off place.

The military wanted personnel and engineers to go and work there, and for that reason,

so we are told, they gave it the nice-sounding name of "Paradise Ranch".

The first testing would be of a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft known as the U-2 program.

Soon the locals would spot weird things in the air, or pilots would see strange high-flying

aircraft, and this is where the speculation started regarding aliens and such.

Because the government could say nothing about this, the UFO theories seemed almost credulous.

Since then, all manner of covert operations have taken place at Area 51, which you can

find by looking at declassified documents.

These include building and testing the "Bird of Prey" black project stealth aircraft

in the 90s.

There are too many projects to mention, but no doubt aircraft are still being secretly

built and tested there today.

The latest developments are all secret, but you can check those declassified documents

to see what went down there in the past.

According to one expert, he believes present projects involve "more exotic forms of radio

communication, directed energy weapons, and lasers."

So, what is all the fuss about?

Well, some people believe it's much more than a place where aircraft is developed,

and advanced weapons tested, but a site where the USA's biggest secrets are kept – such

as where the moon landings were filmed and faked.

It's not the moon landings, however, that have attracted the most attention.

It's aliens.

If you've seen our show on Roswell and those people that say they saw aliens at the Roswell

site, one might wonder what happened to our little green friends.

Well, perhaps they were taken to Area 51 and still remain there now.

Does that sound crazy to you?

It might sound crazy if you haven't heard of the name, Bob Lazar.

Lazar is a 59-year old American engineer that told the world he had worked on reverse engineering

several flying saucers.

He made this public at first under a pseudonym when his face was blacked out in an interview

on American TV in 1989.

He also claimed he had been given briefing documents explaining that he'd be dealing

with aliens from the southern constellation of Reticulum, and that these aliens had been

on Earth for around 10,000 years.

To power their aircraft, they used the unknown element, "Element 115".

Lazar's critics say he falsified his academic records, but Lazar says they were wiped by

the government.

The only evidence is his testimony, but it must be said he is now a businessman and has

no history – that we can find – of mental illness.

In a recent interview, he said, "Look, I know what happened is true.

There is no doubt.


Of all the conspiracy theories, this has the most credibility, only because this supposed

whistleblower seems to have no reason to lie and does have a background that could put

him inside Area 51.

Whatever the case, his words certainly kicked-off years of speculation as to what goes on in


From that point on, many people – without entering solid proof – have said the site

is riddled with underground tunnels leading to warehouses full of alien technology and

even captured aliens.

But not all the theories involve big-headed green men on a protracted vacation to Planet


Others believe a group called the "Majestic 12", who we discussed in our Illuminati

show, actually disseminate alien stories about the base because it's really being used

to hatch their plan of ruling over the world.

Aliens are a cover, a diversion story.

How will they rule the world?

Well, they might start by de-populating the planet.

One of the conspiracy theories out there about Area 51 is that it is the place where weather

control is developed and practiced.

Before you get carried away, we should mention that many projects of the USA have been involved

with weather control, including Project Cirrus and Project Storm Fury, and while these were

benign, who's to say similar weather control projects couldn't be used more nefariously?

That's what the doomsday believers tell us, anyway.

What about the faked moon landings?

Why was that flag waving in the wind when there is no wind on the moon?

NASA says it's because the flag was being twisted by Buzz Aldrin.

Was filmmaker Stanley Kubrick in on the deal?

Much cheaper to hire him than actually go to the thing.

There are countless theories out there stating that the landing was a hoax, but these have

so far all been debunked.

We don't have time to go through them all, but you can easily find them on the web.

One of the non-conspiracy related issues involving Area 51 is that around the site there is a

lot of radioactive waste and people have actually died from radiation poisoning.

Civilians who worked there have complained of "rashes, racking coughs or dreadful skin


This has led to lawsuits being filed.

In 2013 the LA Times called this, "The real cover-up."

So, yes, the American government is certainly working on some very experimental things in

Area 51, and what goes on in there is kept secret for a reason.

But it's anyone's guess as to what is happening as you are watching this show, but

there can be no doubt it is related to destructive forces.

You may have your own theories or can provide more information as to the conspiracy theories,

but we certainly cannot find any compelling evidence that supports some of the more outlandish


So, what do you know about Area 51 that we haven't mentioned here?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Actually Happens in the Bermuda


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Happens At & What Do We Know About Area 51? - Duration: 7:11.


Why Saudi's Crown Prince Just Met With Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos - Duration: 3:36.

- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

is a new generation in the Saudi Royal Family.

He's going to be the first of the next generation

to rule Saudi Arabia.

He's very young, and he has some different ideas

about where Saudi Arabia should go.

So what he's doing here

is he's looking to attract businesses

to open in Saudi Arabia,

to bring jobs, to bring an entrepreneurial spirit,

and to bring some dynamic activity to the Kingdom.

Donald Trump, being the President of the United States,

the Crown Prince is really concerned about Iran.

That's really their primary geo-political issue right now.

So his meeting with the President

is designed to express Saudi policy towards Iran.

They would like the President to really take a hard stance

on Iran, on Iran's activities, particularly in Yemen,

as that threatens Saudi Arabia directly.

And they would also like Donald Trump

to take a very tough position on the Iran Nuclear Deal.

They're very concerned about Iran's ability

to develop a nuclear weapon,

and they've stated that if Iran acquires,

or looks like it's going to acquire a nuclear weapon,

they will do so as well.

One of the things that Mohammed bin Salman

is very interested in doing is

he's interested in setting up tech hubs, essentially,

in Saudi Arabia.

He announced this great new city called NEOM

that they would like to open on the Red Sea,

to be really an innovation center in the Middle East.

And so his meeting with Bill Gates

is probably designed to further those goals.

So Jeff Bezos, be CEO of Amazon,

one of the things that Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudis

are looking to do, is they're really looking to establish

Saudi Arabia as a logistics hub.

They see its orientation and its location in the Middle East

as very valuable to that,

and one of those things is bringing in data centers.

Apparently, the Middle East is very bereft

of cloud computing and data centers,

and so they're in talks with Amazon

to bring a data center to the Red Sea Coast,

and I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal

is announced very soon.

Oprah has a media empire,

and the King and the Royal Family has recently decided

that Saudi Arabia will open movie theaters

around the country.

This is a new development.

Most of the movie theaters closed in the late '70s.

And now they want to open movie theaters.

There will be some interesting restrictions.

Some of them may have separate seating for men and women,

but he's looking to really get Saudi Arabia's

arts and cultural and entertainment scene jump-started.

So I see his meeting with Oprah as part of that initiative.

For many, many years, the Saudi economy

has largely been dependent on the sale of oil,

and on oil revenues.

And his goal is to diversify the economy

and to create a much more dynamic place

that is not dependent on oil revenues

from the National Oil Company or Ramco.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Why Saudi's Crown Prince Just Met With Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos - Duration: 3:36.


劉芮麟曬出玉自寒海報,沒想到卻被網友神P:熱巴也被坑 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 劉芮麟曬出玉自寒海報,沒想到卻被網友神P:熱巴也被坑 - Duration: 4:01.


The Real Hustle - S06E11 - Best Ever Cons (2008): 1:47 - 1:58 - Duration: 0:12.

So we've picked our marks. We're gonna pick their pockets

and along come the Hare Krishnas, Japanese tourists, buses.

Eventually, we manage to get it right.

This is the three-way pickpocket.

For more infomation >> The Real Hustle - S06E11 - Best Ever Cons (2008): 1:47 - 1:58 - Duration: 0:12.


Wheels On The Bus

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus


"Il suo cuore… colpa vostra". Romina e la salute di Al Bano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> "Il suo cuore… colpa vostra". Romina e la salute di Al Bano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:00.


Anticipazioni Il Segreto maggio e giugno 2018: cambia la programmazione - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Il Segreto maggio e giugno 2018: cambia la programmazione - Duration: 4:16.


Je suis fatigué-e d'être fatigué-e : 7 techniques pour avoir plus d'énergie - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Je suis fatigué-e d'être fatigué-e : 7 techniques pour avoir plus d'énergie - Duration: 10:22.


Estes São os Alimentos Que Você NUNCA Deve Requentar - Aqui Esta o Porque! - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Estes São os Alimentos Que Você NUNCA Deve Requentar - Aqui Esta o Porque! - Duration: 2:25.


Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Airdream 92pk Selection Clima, Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Airdream 92pk Selection Clima, Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D AIRSCAPE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D AIRSCAPE - Duration: 1:00.


FalaFreud - Como é viver fora do país e como lidar com isso - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> FalaFreud - Como é viver fora do país e como lidar com isso - Duration: 3:15.


O Câncer Morre Quando Você Come Estes 7 Alimentos! - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> O Câncer Morre Quando Você Come Estes 7 Alimentos! - Duration: 8:24.


Perjetimet e Hazan dhe Yagiz menjehere pas puthjes - Episodi 42 - Zonja Fazilet dhe te bijat - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> Perjetimet e Hazan dhe Yagiz menjehere pas puthjes - Episodi 42 - Zonja Fazilet dhe te bijat - Duration: 9:09.


Make B. #NaoPrecisoMasQuero | O Boticário - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Make B. #NaoPrecisoMasQuero | O Boticário - Duration: 1:01.





Sony A7 III in Stock and Shipping in US - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 3:11.

Sony A7 III full frame E-mount camera now in stock and shipping from major authorized

Sony USA dealers in US.

Sony has expanded its full-frame Alpha 7 range, introducing the Sony A7 III.

With a price tag of $1,999, the camera boasts a new backside-illuminated, 24-megapixel sensor

and 4K video recording with S-Log.

It can also shoot full resolution pictures at up to 10fps and has a quad-VGA OLED viewfinder.

Sony a7 III body: $1,998 : Amazon | B&H Photo Video | Adorama.

Features at a glance: 24.2MP Back-Illuminated Exmor R CMOS Image


ISO range of 100 – 51200 (expandable to ISO 50 – 204800 for still images).

15-Stop dynamic range at low sensitivities.

AF system featuring 693 phase-detection AF points covering 93% of image area, 425 contrast

AF points and fast.

Improved Eye AF. 10 fps continuous shooting with either mechanical

shutter or silent shooting and full Auto Focus/Auto Exposure tracking.

5-axis optical in-body image stabilization with a 5.0 step shutter speed advantage.

High-Resolution 4K shooting with full pixel readout and no pixel binning across full-width

of full-frame sensor.

710 shots per charge with NP-FZ100 battery.

Joystick, Dual SD Card Slots, SuperSpeed USB Type-C 3.1.

Available in April for about $2000 US.

Sony a7 III Accessories: Sony VG-C3EM Vertical Grip: $348 at Amazon,

B&H, Adorama.

Sony 64GB SF-G Series UHS-II SDXC Memory Card: $119.99 at Amazon, B&H, Adorama.

For more infomation >> Sony A7 III in Stock and Shipping in US - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 3:11.


FalaFreud - depressão pós parto - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> FalaFreud - depressão pós parto - Duration: 1:27.


COMO MANDAR UMA FOTO EM HD NO TWITTER! | Tutorial ✏️ - Duration: 1:04.

How to submit a photo on hd on twitter!

For you who are a thumbmaker or something, start sending everything with quality!

Let's Go!

After that, just load the image and wait for the results!

First - Import your image for the photoshop;

Second - Click in opacity and place 99%.

After that, just load the image and wait for the results!

I hope it helped you !

Do not forget to do this every time you send a photo to twitter!

This way, it will be easier to attract more people to your work as a thumbmaker!

And consequently, sell more thumbnails!

Leave her like in the video!

Do not forget to sign up for the channel too!

Comment below on what you think about this technique!

Bye Guys !

For more infomation >> COMO MANDAR UMA FOTO EM HD NO TWITTER! | Tutorial ✏️ - Duration: 1:04.


Call Out My Name - The Weeknd (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 4:14.

We found each other I helped you out of a broken place

So call out my name (call out my name) Call out my name when I kiss you so gently

I said I didn't feel nothing, baby but I lied I almost cut a piece of myself for your life

So call out my name (call out my name, baby) So call out my name when I kiss you

For more infomation >> Call Out My Name - The Weeknd (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 4:14.


Wirklich schwanger: Denise Temlitz & Pascal werden Eltern! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Wirklich schwanger: Denise Temlitz & Pascal werden Eltern! - Duration: 2:23.


Wirklich schwanger: Denise Temlitz & Pascal werden Eltern! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Wirklich schwanger: Denise Temlitz & Pascal werden Eltern! - Duration: 2:23.


China vai implantar sistema de observação submarina 'para ciência e segurança nacional' - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> China vai implantar sistema de observação submarina 'para ciência e segurança nacional' - Duration: 2:09.


Ainda confinado, Breno faz aniversário e tem surpresa no BBB18 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Ainda confinado, Breno faz aniversário e tem surpresa no BBB18 - Duration: 2:54.


Michelle Hunziker e gli auguri "speciali" a Tomaso Trussardi per il ... - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Michelle Hunziker e gli auguri "speciali" a Tomaso Trussardi per il ... - Duration: 2:23.


What Happens At & What Do We Know About Area 51? - Duration: 7:11.

The area we are going to talk about today is shrouded in secrecy, and for that reason

it has become the focus of conspiracy theorists.

Is it a hiding place of aliens and weather control technology, or it is merely a location

where the USA develops highly advanced military machinery?

It is often referred to as a "Black Site" where "Black Projects" take place, with

black basically meaning, "highly classified."

Today we'll look at one of the most mysterious black sites in the world, in this episode

of the Infographics Show, What Do We Know About Area 51?

We are told it's called Area 51 because it was named that in some documents pertaining

to the Vietnam War.

The Central Intelligence Agency gives it a far less mysterious name and calls it Homey

Airport and Groom Lake.

This is a restricted area in Nevada, about 83 miles (134 km) northwest of Las Vegas.

In 1955, the site was first used for flight testing, but what happens there now is largely


The down to Earth theory is that the U.S. conducts secret military exercises there,

which includes the testing of weapons that are in development.

The reason it remains so secret, of course, is because the U.S. doesn't want any of

these experiments falling into the hands of its real or possible enemies.

Before we get into any of the more outlandish theories about Area 51, we'll tell you what

we do know.

First of all, it's a restricted area, but according to most sources we can find, it

is not as heavily guarded as you might expect.

You can follow a dusty desert road close to the area, but at some point, you'll find

"No Entry" signs that warn trespassers they could take the brunt of deadly force

if they go any farther.

It is patrolled but not as aggressively as you'd think, and it's more likely you'll

be told to go back or receive a fine rather than be shot at, if you wander into the site.

You can't fly over it, and if you attempt to fly a drone over there, you will no doubt

get in trouble.

According to some sources, the area is surrounded by cameras and sensors, with one website stating,

"the base knows every Nevada desert tortoise and jackrabbit that hops the fence."

You can get up to the gates, however, and you'll have to follow the aptly named "Extraterrestrial

Superhighway" to get there.

We found there is even an 'adult entertainment club' called the "Alien Cathouse" just

west of Area 51.

What we are trying to say is that it's not as off the grid as you might think.

Ok, so we now know what kind of place we're looking at.

But what happened there in the beginning?

It was a child of the Cold War with the Soviet Union; the U.S. wanted to test its military

equipment in a far-off place.

The military wanted personnel and engineers to go and work there, and for that reason,

so we are told, they gave it the nice-sounding name of "Paradise Ranch".

The first testing would be of a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft known as the U-2 program.

Soon the locals would spot weird things in the air, or pilots would see strange high-flying

aircraft, and this is where the speculation started regarding aliens and such.

Because the government could say nothing about this, the UFO theories seemed almost credulous.

Since then, all manner of covert operations have taken place at Area 51, which you can

find by looking at declassified documents.

These include building and testing the "Bird of Prey" black project stealth aircraft

in the 90s.

There are too many projects to mention, but no doubt aircraft are still being secretly

built and tested there today.

The latest developments are all secret, but you can check those declassified documents

to see what went down there in the past.

According to one expert, he believes present projects involve "more exotic forms of radio

communication, directed energy weapons, and lasers."

So, what is all the fuss about?

Well, some people believe it's much more than a place where aircraft is developed,

and advanced weapons tested, but a site where the USA's biggest secrets are kept – such

as where the moon landings were filmed and faked.

It's not the moon landings, however, that have attracted the most attention.

It's aliens.

If you've seen our show on Roswell and those people that say they saw aliens at the Roswell

site, one might wonder what happened to our little green friends.

Well, perhaps they were taken to Area 51 and still remain there now.

Does that sound crazy to you?

It might sound crazy if you haven't heard of the name, Bob Lazar.

Lazar is a 59-year old American engineer that told the world he had worked on reverse engineering

several flying saucers.

He made this public at first under a pseudonym when his face was blacked out in an interview

on American TV in 1989.

He also claimed he had been given briefing documents explaining that he'd be dealing

with aliens from the southern constellation of Reticulum, and that these aliens had been

on Earth for around 10,000 years.

To power their aircraft, they used the unknown element, "Element 115".

Lazar's critics say he falsified his academic records, but Lazar says they were wiped by

the government.

The only evidence is his testimony, but it must be said he is now a businessman and has

no history – that we can find – of mental illness.

In a recent interview, he said, "Look, I know what happened is true.

There is no doubt.


Of all the conspiracy theories, this has the most credibility, only because this supposed

whistleblower seems to have no reason to lie and does have a background that could put

him inside Area 51.

Whatever the case, his words certainly kicked-off years of speculation as to what goes on in


From that point on, many people – without entering solid proof – have said the site

is riddled with underground tunnels leading to warehouses full of alien technology and

even captured aliens.

But not all the theories involve big-headed green men on a protracted vacation to Planet


Others believe a group called the "Majestic 12", who we discussed in our Illuminati

show, actually disseminate alien stories about the base because it's really being used

to hatch their plan of ruling over the world.

Aliens are a cover, a diversion story.

How will they rule the world?

Well, they might start by de-populating the planet.

One of the conspiracy theories out there about Area 51 is that it is the place where weather

control is developed and practiced.

Before you get carried away, we should mention that many projects of the USA have been involved

with weather control, including Project Cirrus and Project Storm Fury, and while these were

benign, who's to say similar weather control projects couldn't be used more nefariously?

That's what the doomsday believers tell us, anyway.

What about the faked moon landings?

Why was that flag waving in the wind when there is no wind on the moon?

NASA says it's because the flag was being twisted by Buzz Aldrin.

Was filmmaker Stanley Kubrick in on the deal?

Much cheaper to hire him than actually go to the thing.

There are countless theories out there stating that the landing was a hoax, but these have

so far all been debunked.

We don't have time to go through them all, but you can easily find them on the web.

One of the non-conspiracy related issues involving Area 51 is that around the site there is a

lot of radioactive waste and people have actually died from radiation poisoning.

Civilians who worked there have complained of "rashes, racking coughs or dreadful skin


This has led to lawsuits being filed.

In 2013 the LA Times called this, "The real cover-up."

So, yes, the American government is certainly working on some very experimental things in

Area 51, and what goes on in there is kept secret for a reason.

But it's anyone's guess as to what is happening as you are watching this show, but

there can be no doubt it is related to destructive forces.

You may have your own theories or can provide more information as to the conspiracy theories,

but we certainly cannot find any compelling evidence that supports some of the more outlandish


So, what do you know about Area 51 that we haven't mentioned here?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Actually Happens in the Bermuda


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Happens At & What Do We Know About Area 51? - Duration: 7:11.


Why Saudi's Crown Prince Just Met With Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos - Duration: 3:36.

- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

is a new generation in the Saudi Royal Family.

He's going to be the first of the next generation

to rule Saudi Arabia.

He's very young, and he has some different ideas

about where Saudi Arabia should go.

So what he's doing here

is he's looking to attract businesses

to open in Saudi Arabia,

to bring jobs, to bring an entrepreneurial spirit,

and to bring some dynamic activity to the Kingdom.

Donald Trump, being the President of the United States,

the Crown Prince is really concerned about Iran.

That's really their primary geo-political issue right now.

So his meeting with the President

is designed to express Saudi policy towards Iran.

They would like the President to really take a hard stance

on Iran, on Iran's activities, particularly in Yemen,

as that threatens Saudi Arabia directly.

And they would also like Donald Trump

to take a very tough position on the Iran Nuclear Deal.

They're very concerned about Iran's ability

to develop a nuclear weapon,

and they've stated that if Iran acquires,

or looks like it's going to acquire a nuclear weapon,

they will do so as well.

One of the things that Mohammed bin Salman

is very interested in doing is

he's interested in setting up tech hubs, essentially,

in Saudi Arabia.

He announced this great new city called NEOM

that they would like to open on the Red Sea,

to be really an innovation center in the Middle East.

And so his meeting with Bill Gates

is probably designed to further those goals.

So Jeff Bezos, be CEO of Amazon,

one of the things that Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudis

are looking to do, is they're really looking to establish

Saudi Arabia as a logistics hub.

They see its orientation and its location in the Middle East

as very valuable to that,

and one of those things is bringing in data centers.

Apparently, the Middle East is very bereft

of cloud computing and data centers,

and so they're in talks with Amazon

to bring a data center to the Red Sea Coast,

and I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal

is announced very soon.

Oprah has a media empire,

and the King and the Royal Family has recently decided

that Saudi Arabia will open movie theaters

around the country.

This is a new development.

Most of the movie theaters closed in the late '70s.

And now they want to open movie theaters.

There will be some interesting restrictions.

Some of them may have separate seating for men and women,

but he's looking to really get Saudi Arabia's

arts and cultural and entertainment scene jump-started.

So I see his meeting with Oprah as part of that initiative.

For many, many years, the Saudi economy

has largely been dependent on the sale of oil,

and on oil revenues.

And his goal is to diversify the economy

and to create a much more dynamic place

that is not dependent on oil revenues

from the National Oil Company or Ramco.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Why Saudi's Crown Prince Just Met With Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos - Duration: 3:36.


劉芮麟曬出玉自寒海報,沒想到卻被網友神P:熱巴也被坑 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 劉芮麟曬出玉自寒海報,沒想到卻被網友神P:熱巴也被坑 - Duration: 4:01.


The Real Hustle - S06E11 - Best Ever Cons (2008): 1:47 - 1:58 - Duration: 0:12.

So we've picked our marks. We're gonna pick their pockets

and along come the Hare Krishnas, Japanese tourists, buses.

Eventually, we manage to get it right.

This is the three-way pickpocket.

For more infomation >> The Real Hustle - S06E11 - Best Ever Cons (2008): 1:47 - 1:58 - Duration: 0:12.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 T.SPARK PROGRESSION Airco ECC Licht metaal APK 19-04-2019 Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 T.SPARK PROGRESSION Airco ECC Licht metaal APK 19-04-2019 Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.


Where Did Life Come From? (feat. PBS Space Time and Eons!) - Duration: 13:40.

Hey guys, Joe here.

Some people would argue the most important year in the history of soup was 1962, when

Andy Warhol released his soup-er soupy pop art.

But I think soup's best year came a decade earlier, in 1952, when a scientist named Stanley

Miller first cooked up primordial soup.

Miller's experiment took some simple chemicals, like those found on early Earth, bubbled them

up through a tube, zapped them with electricity, and after a few days, floating in this soup,

he found amino acids–the building blocks of proteins, and one of the essential ingredients

for life.

This idea–that life's origins could be found in a puddle of chemicals–is an old


In the 1920s, two different scientists theorized about life arising from what they called a

"prebiotic soup".

And this soupy speculation even goes back (unsurprisingly) to Charles Darwin, who in

1871 wondered if life may have formed from chemicals "…in some warm little pond…"

What made Miller's experiment so special was it gave us proof: regular non-life stuff

could become cool life stuff super-easily.

But… everything "living" we see today, even the most basic bacteria, is so complex,

built of such intricate machinery, it's impossible to imagine they just popped into

existence out of some soup.

That's because they didn't.

We're going to go on a journey in search of the origin of life, and along the way there

will be a few forks in the road, maybe a couple speedbumps, and we're going to need help

from a couple friends.

We'll come to see that Miller's primordial soup isn't exactly how this story began.

But the FIRST question we should ask isn't how life started, it's when.

Life on Earth couldn't exist before Earth existed, and it formed around four and a half

billion years ago, at the dawn of the Hadean Era/Eon.

Soon after that, another planet collided with the young Earth, melted the entire crust,

and created the moon in the process.

After the crust cooled, there was even some liquid water… at least for a little while.

Because for the next couple hundred million years, Earth was showered with hundreds of

massive space rocks.

The oceans boiled away, the crust melted again, and Earth was basically no place for life…

until things settled down about 4 billion years ago, at the dawn of the Archean Eon.

This is the earliest possible time that life could have started on Earth, the beginning

of what we call the habitability boundary.

And fossil and chemical evidence tell us that early microbes existed by 3.7 billion years

ago, what's known as the biosignature boundary.

At some moment in here, non-life became life: we call this abiogenesis.

Now, I don't have a time machine.

As far as I know, no one does.

Therefore we can't go back and find that exact moment.

But if we could, what would we look for?

This brings us to the next big question on this journey… what is life?

You'd think biology would have a good definition for life, the thing it studies.

But as a biologist I can tell you this is much harder than it sounds.

In one chapter of biologist JBS Haldane's 1949 book What Is Life? he literally writes

"I am not going to answer this question."

Life is a board game, a delicious breakfast cereal, and a highway?

According to the dictionary, it's the time between birth and death.

But none of these definitions really help us.

I think we might be asking the wrong question, because life isn't a thing that things have,

life is what living things do.

In school, many people learn a checklist for the characteristics a thing must have in order

to be "alive": MRS GREN.

But this list came from looking at life as we know it today.

Life at the very beginning was probably much simpler.

A physicist, Erwin Schrödinger, looked at all these things that life does and saw something

only a physicist would see:

According to the second law of thermodynamics,  . But inside of living cells there's a

huge amount of order and complexity.

In 1944, Schrödinger defined life as a struggle against entropy– the persistent resistance

of decay, the preservation of DISequilibrium.

Since then we're learned a lot more about entropy, and it may be that the rise of complexity

is as inevitable as its decay.

That sounds pretty good.

Life creates these little closed systems where it works to keep things nice and ordered.

But this definition still leaves out one important thing: Living things evolve.

Inside the very first living things must have been molecules–chains of atoms–that carried

information–instructions for building things or codes for doing stuff.

Those molecules must have copied and made more of themselves, some a little different

than the others.

And a few of those codes and instructions must have been better at doing whatever they

did, so they made even more of themselves.

What we're describing is evolution by natural selection, Darwin's famous idea, and for

life to move forward, it must have been there from the beginning.

Life is a product of evolution.

With all this in mind, maybe we're finally able to come up with a better definition:

Life began the moment that molecules of information started to reproduce and evolve by natural


And now that we have a definition we can make some rules for what something

has to do to be "alive".


A living thing must work to avoid decay and disorder


To do that, a living thing has to create a closed system, or be made of cells


They have some molecule that can carry information about how to build cell machinery


This information must evolve by natural selection Sounds pretty good, but rules are one thing.

The ultimate question is how would this actually happen?

Let's take these rules one by one.

What would it require for these things to arise?

And–most importantly–how likely are each of these steps based on what we know from

good 'ol real, actual, hard science?!

Today, no matter where we look on the tree of life, most cell machinery is made of protein–

chains of folded amino acids.

When modern cells make proteins, they copy genes from DNA into RNA and then use that

RNA as a blueprint for making the proteins.

We call this universal pathway the central dogma of biology,

because it sounds really cool, and because it's something that all life shares.

But there's a paradox hidden in here–a puzzle.

It's a chicken and egg problem!

DNA needs proteins to make more of itself.

And cells need DNA and the instructions it holds to make proteins.

So which came first?

We can solve this paradox in a pretty simple way.

Just get rid of DNA and protein in the earliest days of life, and let RNA do everything.

RNA is the molecular cousin of DNA.

It contains the same four-letter alphabet code as DNA, only T is replaced by a similar

molecule, U.

And instead of two strings in a helix, RNA is usually found in just one string.

RNA is special, because in addition to carrying information in that 4-letter code, it can

fold up into interesting shapes and actually do stuff.

The same way that protein enzymes can do all kinds of chemical reactions, RNA enzymes–called

ribozymes–can work life's machinery too.

It's now thought that life began in an RNA world.

Before DNA became a more permanent form of storage, different RNA chains could have carried

information and been the machines for all of life's important chemistry.

Unfortunately, the RNA-only world went extinct more than 3 billion years ago, but we can

make these RNA enzymes today.

Scientists have constructed ribozymes that can copy themselves, just like DNA gets copied.

And those copies occasionally have errors or changes, so RNA can evolve too.

If you need more proof you can find it right inside your cells.

The ribosome, the massive structure that stitches amino acids into protein, is mostly RNA.

We also find nucleotides, the single molecular units of RNA, inside a bunch of other molecules

our cells need for metabolism.

This all makes sense only if the earliest days of living chemistry were dominated by


And it solves our chicken and egg problem.

The RNA world takes care of two of our four rules: A molecule that can carry information

(3), and that can evolve (4).

To find answers for the other two, we need to ask one more question: Where did life begin?

There's been a lot of theories about where life came from, but they boil down to these:

Either life arose on Earth, or life arose somewhere else and was brought here.

It's well-known that space is full of the chemical building blocks of life, from amino

acids to DNA and RNA letters...

...buried inside meteorites like this one that fell on Australia in 1969.

It shows the chemistry that makes biological molecules can happen pretty much anywhere.

But the idea that life was delivered to Earth on space rocks, which goes by the awesome

name panspermia… well there's just no proof it ever happened, and it doesn't really

explain the origin of life anyway.

It just moves it somewhere else.

Life probably started here.

No… zoom out a little.

We know early Earth had plenty of chemical ingredients, but the problem with that old

idea of primordial soup is that soup can't do anything on its own–those chemicals can't

react without outside energy.

We get a hint of where this primordial energy came from by looking (again) at our own cells.

Instead of lightning, or heat energy, our cells pile up a bunch of hydrogen ions (protons)

on one side of a wall, let 'em flow downhill, and use this like a water wheel to push on

cellular machinery (and make things like ATP in the mitochondria)

We burn food to keep our hydrogen pump going, but the first life forms wouldn't have been

able to do this, because tacos hadn't been invented yet.

Instead, they would have needed some natural source, and they could have found it at the

bottom of the ocean.

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are covered in microscopic little pockets, which could have

served as molds for the first cells.

Molecules with one oily water-hating end and one water-loving end have a neat habit of

forming bubbles and sheets all on their own

and there were plenty of these in the chemical soup near deep sea vents, ready to give rise

to the first cell membranes.

These vents also create natural streams of hydrogen ions near those little pockets in

the rock.

Imagine an early life form sitting there, wrapped in its little membrane bubble,

with a free source of energy flowing by, powering all the work it takes to create ordered life

and resist entropy.

But this would have been the absolute simplest form that life could take.

For this life form to become life that looks like what we know today, a lot more stuff

had to happen: it had to switch from storing its genetic information in RNA and started

using DNA.

Instead of using RNA and ribozymes to run all its cellular machinery, it had to start

stitching amino acids into proteins.

This opened up new possibilities for making and storing energy that let early life become

free-living and more complex.

One of these complex life forms is the ancestor of everything alive today, the last universal

common ancestor, or LUCA.

This is the end of our journey, searching for the origin of life on Earth.

A lot has happened since.

This story is based on things we've actually seen, not just on what's possible.

We've figured out when life could have started.

We've come up with rules for what life is.

We've found clues inside our own cells that explain how the first life satisfied these

rules, and where that life might have started.

The only question we haven't answered is why, but that's not really a question for

science, is it?

There's still quite a few gaps to fill in this story, and if you're looking for a

nice, neat answer for how life started, you're probably not going to find it.

Life is just a thing that happens.

It's still happening today, and it will evolve and continue as long as there's a

place it can happen.

Darwin didn't know it when he wondered about that warm little pond, full of chemicals,

giving rise to life, but his theory of how things change and adapt turned out to be so

powerful it encompasses life not just in its endless forms, but also in its first ones.

Stay curious.


That was a LOT.

This is probably the deepest story I've ever done on this channel, and it's one

that involves some of the science I actually used to do, so this was a lot of fun for me.

I hope you enjoyed it too.

But this is only part of the story of how life began.

What happened before, to made Earth a place where life could happen?

And what happened after chemistry became biology, what life form lives at the bottom of our

tree of life?

For those answers, go check out these videos from our friends at PBS Space Time and Eons.

For more infomation >> Where Did Life Come From? (feat. PBS Space Time and Eons!) - Duration: 13:40.


Top 10 Extinct Animals Being Brought Back To Life - Duration: 8:37.

Everything has its time - as the old saying goes.

Throughout the Earths history, species have come and species have gone.

For the first time though, humans have reached a point where they may be able to bring back

some species from the grave.

Some people argue this is a bad idea, others cant wait to see it happen - either way, it

seems like its going to become a reality in the not too distant future.

My name is Danny Burke, this is the Top 10 Extinct Animals Being Brought Back To Life.

Lets start off at number 10 now with The Dodo.

The Dodo is one of the famous extinct animals of all time - responsible for coining the

phrase -as dead as a Dodo-.

The last of these birds was thought to have died in 1662.

They were only found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

They lived in harmony with the ecosystem there and had no natural predators until humans

arrived and killed them off for food.

Scientists discussed the possibility of bringing back the Dodo from extinction during a TEDx

discussion in Washington DC in 2013.

The Dodos closest living relative is the Nicobar pigeon and some say that one of its eggs could

be fused with the cell of a Dodo to create a living Dodo!

Next up at number 9 we have the Mammoth.

This is perhaps one of the most famous extinct animals of all time - society has been obsessed

with these wooly elephant cousins for decades.

Interesting fact - although most of them died out about 10,000 years ago, a small population

of Mammoths survived on Wrangle Island off the coast of Russia until just 3,600 years


Humans were running around at the end of the bronze age during then.

Anyway, because of how recently they died and how many of their bodies became frozen

in the permafrost, scientists have actually been able to extract cells from mammoth remains.

The plan is to splice specific mammoth genes into the genome of an elephant embryo to create

a mammoth elephant hybrid with all the mammoth traits we recognise.

This wouldnt just be for no reason either, some scientists say that these new mammoths

could help prevent tundra permafrost from melting and releasing huge amounts of greenhouse

gas into the atmosphere.

Moving on to number 8 we have the Thylacine.

This species died out in the 1930s after being hunted to extinction in its native Australia.

It may look like a dog, but the Thylacine actually belonged to the Marsupial family

and was a relative of kangaroos and koalas.

A group of Australia scientists led by Michael Archer have previously worked on bringing

back the Thylacine from extinction.

They called themselves the Lazarus Project.

Their efforts only managed to capture some fragments of the Thylacine DNA and not enough

for a true clone.

Still, even this was enough for people to see the Thylacine as a strong candidate for

eventual de-extinction.

Next up at number 7 now we have the Gastric Brooding Frog.

This little frog was native to the Eastern coast of Australia and went extinct less than

100 years ago.

It got its name from its interesting method of reproduction.

The females would swallow their fertilised eggs which would then hatch into tadpoles

in the frogs stomach before being vomited out into the water.

Sounds gross but it worked.

Because of how recently they went extinct, Scientists recovered enough genetic material

to create living embryos.

They havent been used to create an actual Gastric Brooding frog yet but some argue that

even this means that they are already back from extinction.

Moving on to number 6 now we have The Bucardo.

The Bucardo was a wild goat native to the Pyrenees - the last one, a female named Celia,

died in January 2000.

Scientists preserved her cells and attempted to bring the species back from the dead.

They injected the nuclei from Celias cells into goat eggs that had been emptied of their

DNA, then implanted 57 of them into different goat surrogate mothers of closely related


Only 7 of them became pregnant and 6 of those had miscarriages.

One of the goats successfully gave birth to a clone though.

Fernandez-Arias held the newborn calf in his arms - he said it was struggling to breath

and all of their attempts to help failed.

The calf died 10 minutes later, it was found to have a faulty lung caused by a genetic


At the time, it was the closest the world had come to de extinction - and still remains

a possible candidate.

Moving on to number 5 we have The Quagga.

The Quagga is an extinct subspecies of the plains Zebra and lived in South Africa.

The last wild Quagga was hunted to extinction in 1878.

The last captive one died in Amsterdam 5 years later.

Because of their close relation to plains Zebra, some scientists have created the Quagga

Project which is attempting to use selective breeding to create a new subspieces that strongly

resembles the Quagga.

In 2016, the project announced they had 6 individuals showing the prefered patter.

The goal is to have 50 of them and then move them to a protected area for continued breeding.

Will this count as the Quagga being brought back from extinction?

Let me know what you think …

At number 4 now we have Stellers Sea Cow.

This sea mammal was discovered by Europeans in 1741 on Bering Island in the northern Pacific.

It went extinct just 27 years later after being hunted into extinction for its meat,

fat and hide.

It belonged to a group of species known as Dugon-gidae.

The only surviving species of that group is the Dugong.

Some scientist hope that if enough Sea Cow DNA can be recovered, they can fuse it with

the egg of a Dugong and bring back the Sea Cow from extinction.

One major problem though is size.

Modern Dugongs are a fraction of the size of the extinct sea cow so the pregnancy would

extremely difficult.

Its a problem thats still being worked on though!

Next up at number 3 we have The Passenger Pigeon.

OK, this one might not be as cool to some of you guys - but give it a chance.

In the 1860s, there were billions of these pigeons across North America.

One account said that flock once passed over southern Ontario that was a mile wide, 300

miles long and took 14 hours to pass overhead.

Less than 50 years later, they were extinct - mainly due to mass hunting.

Enough specimens have been preserved so that scientists could reconstruct the birds entire


The plan would be to fuse this with the egg of the passenger pigeons closest living relative

- the band tailed pigeon.

However, there is no guarantee that the band tailed pigeon will tend to the egg or look

after any successful hatchlings.

At number 2 now we have The Auroch.

About 10,000 years ago, the prehistoric settlers of India and Eurasia domesticated the Auroch

- an animal that looks a lot like a cow.

Thats because all modern day cattle are the descendants of the Auroch.

The Auroch itself went extinct in the wild but scientists are hoping to bring it back

through back breeding.

This is where they breed cattle together that resemble the Auroch, they take the calves

that most resemble the Auroch and breed them etc etc until eventually you get something

that resembles the Auroch.

One example of this thats already happened is Heck Cattle - however, some people have

debated whether these even really look like Auroch - theyre also a lot smaller too.

Maybe theyll get their one day though.

And finally at number 1 we have the Carolina Parakeet.

This bird was hunted to extinction 100 years ago.

It was native to the eastern US which surprised me because its plumage would suggest it was

more tropical.

Its feathers were also the reason it went extinct - many of them were hunted so that

the feathers could be used in womens hats which were fashionable at the time.

Some remained as pets or in captivity but eventually they all died out.

As with many of the others on our list, their extinction being quite recent is a reason

why they make a good candidate for de extinction.

Some people worry though that if they were brought back, history would just repeat itself

all over again as their feathers would instantly become valuable.

Well thats all the facts and science talk out of the way - now its time for your opinion.

What do you think of de extinction?

Is it good to try and right the wrongs that humans made in the past - or are we toying

with nature in a very unatural way?

Let me know your thoughts - my name is Danny Burke, thanks as always for watching guys

and Ill see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Extinct Animals Being Brought Back To Life - Duration: 8:37.


Top 10 Ways To Cheat In Fortnite - Duration: 5:22.

Recently, Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, was in the news for suing a 14 year old boy

for using cheats in Fortnite.

The player, Caleb Rogers aka Sky Orbit, had released videos on his YouTube channel featuring

him using those cheats, and claims that Epic Game's lawsuit is attempting to sue him

for creating said cheats, which he states he downloaded off of a popular cheat website.

Ah the drama.

So of course, we're taking a closer look at cheats in the game with our top 10 ways

to cheat in fortnite list.

A lot of these are hacks, some are glitches, and some are the real deal in terms of cheats

that aren't allowed in the game.

With that in mind, let's jump in!

10 Infinite Glide

9 God Mode There's a lot of 'God Mode' glitches

and cheats that players have claimed to figure out on YouTube.

Some involve some of the glitches we have coming up on this list that act as a way to

hide and be invisible from other players.

Some are glitches that consist of you going to certain areas and doing a move like the

worm in order to become next to impossible to target by your foes.

Others claim to be cheats that make you invincible to attacks, and those ones in particular are

the reason why God Mode isn't higher on our list – they seem to be more rumour than

tangible cheat.

Videos posted on YouTube of players using God Mode are, yes, invincible to attacks,

but rarely do you see any means of actually activating that cheat.

So if any of you guys out there have been able to do that, give us a shout in the comments

below, and perhaps we'll include it in one of our next Fortnite videos.

8 Know Where to Land While this isn't exactly a cheat per say,

it's definitely a bit of a knowledge hack.

Knowing where to land in Fortnite battle royale can make or break your match.

We all know how important it is to land somewhere that has loot chests so you stand a chance

against any foes you'll run into in the earlier moments of your game.

Hell, we've even done a video on it.

And there's a ton of articles online about it.

Definitely a necessity when it comes to giving you a fighting chance.

7 No Glider Glitch While some players may just focus on landing

in areas that they know are stacked with loot, others have found a glitch that gives them

the upper hand on that, and removes some of the risk when it comes to encountering other

players immediately in the game – especially ones who decided to land in the same area

as you.

The no glider glitch removes your glider when you jump off the battle bus, meaning you get

to the ground a whole lot faster.

Now the game has an auto parachute feature as soon as you approach the free fall limit.

This can be delayed if you land as close to the shoreline as possible, since the auto

parachute system does work above bodies of water.

6 Wallbreach The Wallbreach glitch can be found located

under a bridge that's located just south east of Shifty Shafts.

There's a set of grassy stairs under the bridge that you go up.

You can then jump inside of the breach, which makes you invisible.

The down side?

Sometimes if grenades are thrown nearby, you don't have any protection and will still

go down from the blast.

You also won't be able to climb out of it once you go in.

But luckily that's not the only glitch that allows you to go invisible in the game-

5 Underground glitch In various parts of the Fortnite map, depending

on where you dig – or by total accident – you can find yourself underground.

The benefit to this?

Players who aren't also underground can't see you, similar to our previous number, which

makes it quite easy to track them and knock them out of the game before they even realize

what's hit them.

But, be careful – if you jump up or the glitch opens up a smaller height of underground

coverage, your head may pop up, making you a tad vulnerable to any sharp shooters who

may get the jump on you.

4 Roof Hack Yet another invisibility hack, the roof hack

is a bit more versatile than our last two numbers.

Essentially, you build a roof and hide inside of that.

But the downside – it's a structure, meaning other players can easily see it, and may destroy


Plus side is that it does give you an advantage to take them out before they take you out.

The trick is to use the edit button to enter and exit it at will, and it'll provide protection

from all sides if you're under attack.

3 Chams You can get your hands on cheats that enable

chams, which are like wallhacks but with an added bonus – enemy players who are in front

of walls or large objects appear as red, while enemy players who are behind walls or large

objects appear as green.

So obviously, it gives you an advantage in knowing where your opposition is, allowing

you to detect and hunt them down much easier.

2 ESP Cheat Speaking of knowing where your opposition

is, Fortnite has its own ESP cheat.

If you're unfamiliar with what that is, an ESP cheat or ESP hack that lets you know

the locations of every player in the game – it stands for Extra Sensory Perception.

It's a cheat for those who prefer to still maintain more clarity in the game in terms

of graphics and aesthetics, and don't really want to deal with seeing a bunch of red and

green clumps on their screen that come with chams.

Although many players like to combine chams with ESP and our next number-

1 Fortnite Aimbot An aimbot is a cheat in first person shooters

that lets you shoot enemies without having to aim, meaning you can take out foes with

much less accuracy and much less skill.

In this clip by youtuber TongueTwisterGaming, you can see that holy trinity of cheats all

in play – ESP, Chams and Aimbot – all at work.

And look how easily they manage to take down their opponents?

Yeah, piece of cake.

There we have it friends!

Which of these cheats or hacks have you tried before?

Have you ever been booted from Fortnite for giving these cheats a go?

Let us know in those comments below.

If you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting those like and subscribe buttons

if you haven't already, and don't forget to check out the videos featured in our playlist

that's currently flashing on your screen right now for more fortnite and top 10 gaming


In the meantime, thanks for watching!

Catch you all in the next one!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Ways To Cheat In Fortnite - Duration: 5:22.


The Real Reason Why Hollywood Dropped Hilary Swank - Duration: 7:09.

Hilary Swank first won fame and acclaim for her groundbreaking performance in 1999's Boys

Don't Cry.

As if that wasn't impressive enough, she did it all over again five years later when she

won a second Oscar for Clint Eastwood's boxing drama Million Dollar Baby.

And then, all of a sudden, Hollywood stopped talking about her.

In March 2018, she reminded the world that she'd stepped away from the screen scene to

help her father recover from a major operation.

"For those of you that don't know, my dad got a lung transplant."

"And yeah I took three years off to help him through that life journey."

But her hiatus seemed to last longer than that, as she dropped from household name status

to barely there over the last decade.

From a series of low-performing projects, to her pivot to personal and professional

pursuits outside of Tinseltown, to a bizarre political scandal, Hilary Swank gave studios

more than enough reason to look elsewhere during casting.

But can she make a comeback now?

Too much, too soon

They say that winning an Oscar can be a curse.

But winning two in the span of five years?

That's double trouble.

Swank faced considerable backlash in Hollywood after she won her second Best Actress Oscar

in 2005.

"I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream."

By then, there was a growing feeling that Swank had been excessively rewarded for her

talents, at the expense of others.

Suddenly, the actress had gone from starring in 90210 to boasting the rare honor of two

Academy Awards on her shelf, while edging out the likes of Kate Winslet and Annette


But beyond the politics of who deserved what, Swank was inevitably set up for failure by

the Academy's lavishing so much praise on her.

By age 30, she had far exceeded expectations, and accomplished more than most actors could

ever dream of.

At that point, there was really no place to go but down -- especially since films like

Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby weren't easy to come by, even for an actress of her


Swank tried to reclaim that momentum with dramatic turns in films like Freedom Writers

and Conviction, but critics were only mildly impressed and audiences just weren't interested.

As a result, Swank became a difficult actress to place in Hollywood.

She was great in those lightning-in-a-bottle leading roles, but if the films were too high

brow, fans failed to turn up.

If they were too low-key, though, they threatened to mar her hard-won reputation as a prestige


Her subsequent choices were key, and yet ...

Crash and burn

After she won her first Oscar for Boys Don't Cry, Hilary Swank made some confusing movie


On the one hand, she starred in Christopher Nolan's well-regarded psychological drama

Insomnia alongside Al Pacino in his prime.

On the other, she also hopped right into the cheesy disaster movie genre with The Core,

which was a massive flop and did her highlights reel exactly zero favors.

And the same thing happened to her again after finding second success in Million Dollar Baby.

She shifted wildly between starring in prestige movies that were too mediocre for Oscar consideration

and mainstream flicks that seemed more geared towards making money than satisfying audiences.

One of her roughest patches came in 2009, when she starred in the Amelia Earhart bio-pic

Amelia, which was in every sense a disaster.

Reviews were terrible, and box office returns were even worse.

Swank's days of Oscar glory started to feel like a thing of the past even then, and her

most memorable role from the era ended up being a pretty generic romantic comedy called


I Love You.

For her part, Swank has taken the hits and misses in stride, telling The Independent

in 2014:

"You're an artist and you're putting yourself out there, and you take that leap, and sometimes

you fly and sometimes you fall."

Of course, it wasn't just her flailing filmography that caused the actress problems.

An international incident

In 2011, Hilary Swank traveled to Chechnya to attend controversial leader Ramzan Kadyrov's

birthday celebration.

In a strange address to the crowd, Swank lavished praise on the capital city of Grozny and thanked

Kadyrov for the invitation, saying:

"I hope someday, when you get your opera house built, maybe I'll have a film premiere here."

Aside from being generally bizarre, the visit was also problematic for the actress.

Swank had positioned herself as a strong advocate of social issues in many of her films, but

Kadyrov had a record of alleged human rights violations, which prompted considerable backlash

from the film community.

Swank ended up firing her manager and agents and was reportedly even dropped by her PR


She released a statement which read:

"I deeply regret attending this event.

If I had a full understanding of what this event was apparently intended to be, I would

never have gone."

Perhaps not coincidentally, Swank saw a two-year gap in between projects around this time,

but she's since devoted her downtime to visiting orphanages in India and helping to set up

schools in Ethiopia.

She also launched her own charity called Hilaroo, which helps connect children with support

animals to encouraging healing for both.

That's a lot of clean up work.

Outside work

Swank's absence from the spotlight has also had to do with things beyond her own control.

In 2015, the actress revealed that she had recently put her career on the back burner

in order to take care of her ailing father, who had just had a lung transplant.

During Swank's self-imposed hiatus to care for her father, however, she did begin to

pursue another passion: fashion.

In 2016, she launched Mission Statement, a high end clothing line described as "aesthetic


The brand is a hybrid of high fashion and workout clothes, including everything from

$900 leather pants to $145 sports bras.

Speaking with Forbes about her foray into entrepreneurism, Swank said:

"I feel it parallels making movies in that you start with an idea and have to find the

right artisans to collaborate with bringing that vision to the world."

She also made it clear that while she intends to manage the clothing company, acting is

still a priority, adding:

"With a full-time acting career (of which I'm still so passionate) and getting a new

company off the ground (of which I maintain creative and managerial leadership) this can

sometimes be a challenge [...] The guiding light for me is that I'm passionate about

both of them (and want to excel in both of them) so I somehow manage to find sufficient

time every day.

I also have incredible support and teams in both worlds — without which I would not

be successful."

While it's easy to highlight actresses whose Hollywood careers have taken a backseat to

their entrepreneurial efforts — Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, and Kate Hudson, just

to name a few — it's a lot harder to find ones who've successfully managed both.

But Swank has given us plenty of reason lately to believe she's not done entertaining the

masses just yet.

Not only does she star in the 2018 Sundance debut What They Had but she's also trying

on a new medium for size.

Turning to TV

Like more and more big screen stars are doing these days, Swank attempted a pivot to television.

In 2014, she was cast in the Starz drama The One Percent, a highly buzzed project from

acclaimed Birdman director, Alejandro Iñárritu.

However, the show has since found itself in development limbo, so Swank returned to the

film scene with a very small part in the well-received Steven Soderbergh film Logan Lucky.

But Swank hasn't given up on the idea of being a part of the peak TV era just yet.

In fact, she appears in the new FX limited series, Trust, which was helmed Oscar-winning

director, Danny Boyle and centers on the story of oil heir John Paul Getty III.

The small screen experience has been revelatory for Swank, as she told Variety in January


"The beauty of television is everything gets revealed as you go.

There's such beauty in that it is so human.

It's so hard to tell a story in two hours.

I'm coming to recognize that."

In other words, even though she made a name for herself in the movie business, she, like

many others in the industry now, is finding out that the television arena gives actors

a lot more room to stretch their legs.

"It's incredible what you -- when you put your mind to something, you know, when you

recognize what you're capable of, it's incredible -- if you get out of your own way."

If she's half as good on this new series as she was in her finest film moments, well,

we might be seeing her take over an entirely different awards season circuit in the very

near future.

Thanks for watching!

Click the NIkci Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Why Hollywood Dropped Hilary Swank - Duration: 7:09.


[EXO-Mini Fic] My Love From Goryeo (고려에서온 내사랑) [Teaser] - Duration: 3:06.

[Prepare to find a special story]

[To make your heart]

[Warm again...]

[My Love From Goryeo]

[This isn't a translation, It's just a fiction]


You will not take it back really, right?

Bring it back!

I said I did not take it!


Bring it back!

Let me go, let me!


What should I do, Will I be as cute as you?


Do you have a magic pill?


If you want to know why I'm so beautiful

You should ask your brothers

Wook brother

Did you know what Heasoo was eating?

Why she so beautiful


You wiill eat like her?

Stop laughing now!

Will not you tell me really?

Men don't care about this


Why you kill this cute bird?

Are you still a person?

[When the honor is exchanged with life]

You must quickly get rid of Wang Eun

So there will be no one to take the throne

We will have no end to the power!

You should not do this

I know you can do anything

If you are the right person

It's your own, But why do you kill Eun!


Eun is the most suitable person

Now, Eun is not here anymore

You should take care of yourself

He will be happy

I'll protect you


[Fate makes them meet]

Why I feel like...

I'm drowning?

Oh my!!!




What are you talking?

So now...

I am in your era really?

I understand now

When hyun was in the Goryeo

It's has some happen


So he came here, right?

Is it possible if we…

will be otherwise

more than friends?

He's mine!

I got him!

I got him!!!!

Park Chanyeol

Byun Baekhyun

Do Kyungsoo

Kim Jongin

Oh Sehun

Kim Junmyeon

[My Love From Goryeo]

For more infomation >> [EXO-Mini Fic] My Love From Goryeo (고려에서온 내사랑) [Teaser] - Duration: 3:06.


The BEST Way To Approach A SHY GIRL & Get Her To Open Up - Duration: 8:28.

Matt: So I got a question from a guy recently on how to deal with shy girls. So in this

video I want to talk about how to flirt with, connect with, and escalate on a shy

girl. Because I mean how do you know if she's not into you or just really really

shy? And what the heck do you do if she doesn't talk much?

My name is Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man and i'm going to teach

you how to connect with shy girls.

Anchor: He has mastered the art of seduction.

Narrator: Many boot camps encourage men to be assertive.

Matt: We've done all the testing we know what works.

Matt: The shy girl typically shows hesitation to engage in the interaction.

Which means it's gonna be a little bit of a bumpy ride trying to get her to

talk. Let alone give out her number to you, or go on a date. Not to worry though,

we'll solve that soon enough. Many shy girls actually create barriers

to keep men out of their life, and there are plenty of reasons for this

broken family, feeling insecure or lack of safety, low self-esteem, and even

culture. For example, in Asia, it's very uncommon for a man to approach a girl on

the streets, and oftentimes the woman will look at you like you're crazy and

be really really shy. I remember feeling like I was getting rejected a few times

when I was in the Philippines, and I know like online it's super super easy I know

you know the girls typically like me. Not to sound like I have an inflated

ego or anything, but it wasn't normal that I was getting this many rejections.

So I decided to be a little bit more persistent than I normally would, and I

got the girl's phone number even though she was looking at me like I was a

serial killer or something like that, just like, wanting to get away from the

situation. But I got her phone number and she text me something like "Oh, I'm so

sorry, I was so nervous, you know you're so handsome."

What the heck? Here's a quick checklist to let you know if you're dealing with a

shy girl - She barely maintains eye contact and keeps staring down at the

ground, crosses her arms and keeps fiddling with her fingers, very soft

almost inaudible voice when talking, *voice too soft for captions* prefers to speak in shorter sentences,

and is close ended most of the time. "What do you like to do for fun?" Jen: "Shopping."

Matt: So we're gonna have to break these barriers, but don't worry because mastering the art of

connection can get even the most shyest girl to open up, and you only really have

to keep three simple things in mind. But before I get to those things, make sure

to subscribe to this channel. If you're not already subscribed, hit that

subscribe button because I got a lot of cool videos and I don't want you to miss

them. Number one, match her energy. But you've got to do it the right way.

Mirroring is a powerful neuro linguistic programming tool to establish rapport

with a stranger. You see people tend to trust and feel

more comfortable around other people that are more like them. When you mirror

a person's energy, body language, words that they're using, facial

expressions, etc. it can create a very powerful connection but be careful doing

this with a shy girl you don't want to start mimicking her beta and submissive

body language and start acting all timid and shy, because that will seem nervous

which is not very attractive. However if you approach her as a loud high-energy

alpha it will probably scare her. The key is to match her energy and shy girls are

usually pretty low energy so you may have to crank it down a notch or two.

Even if you're at a high energy club but you approach a shy girl, lower your

energy a little bit at first to make her feel comfortable and then slowly bring

your energy back up which will lead her into a more fun, outgoing state. Tip

number two, be comfortable. You need to be totally at ease with yourself and with

her even though she might be acting a little bit strange. Most guys get nervous

around shy girls because they're not sure if the girl is interested in them

or not and then they start second-guessing themselves. Instead just

have fun and start talking, and don't be worried if she's not responding much

don't let any of that affect you. Now I've spent a lot of time in Asia where

there's a lot of shy girls, and so I go into the date with this attitude of I'm

gonna have fun no matter what even if she's really shy and kind of boring and

not contributing much I'm still gonna have a good time, I'm still gonna talk

and do things that I enjoy and I like to warm up before dates to get myself into

a social state just in case I have to do most of the talking and so I might get

to the venue a little bit early if it's a bar, just start talking to people in

the bar, to warm up or if it's during the day I might walk through the park a

little bit early and just make comments and ask questions to people around me

just to get my social juices flowing. And be okay with silence. Don't make it

awkward. She might just be taking her time to open up, so keep smiling and be

comfortable with a little bit longer than usual moments of silence. Here's a

few tips to help: Keep a friendly and warm smile and cheerful demeanor, the

less threatening you are, the better. But remember to keep a confident tone to

your voice and body movements. Maintain some distance when you first speak to

her, you want her to feel safe, so limit the

physical contact at first. You can start by reaching out and shaking her hand

after a good introduction. Tip number three, shy girls talk way less than

outgoing girls. So you'll probably have to take on the conversational burden and

talk more than her. It's actually okay to just start talking about yourself. You

can ask her questions, but if that doesn't work just start talking about

yourself. This will get things going and at least keep things interesting. But

remember to give her a chance to talk, too, if she wants. Feel free to share whatever

you want with her, including your life story. This will help her get to know you

and make her feel more comfortable with you and eventually she'll start to open

up. Well, hopefully. If I'm on a date with a shy girl one thing I like to do is

show her pictures on my phone because that way it creates more conversation, I

don't have to think of things to say, I just show her the pictures that turns

into conversation, hopefully. And I'm sitting next to her when I do that, in

fact I'll move next to her to show her the pictures which creates more physical

intimacy, plus she gets to know me better through the pictures and seeing my

lifestyle. And if she feels comfortable sitting close to you, that's a huge step

in escalating the interaction. I even like to use pictures as a way to

escalate sexually - "This is also in Japan this is the penis festival that they do

every year with a giant phallic statues." Now always give her an opportunity to

speak and open up by asking her open-ended questions. Simple ones that

she doesn't have to use too much mental energy to think of the answers, like

"What's your favorite thing to do for fun?" or "Do you have any brothers and sisters?"

Jen: "Yes." Matt: "Really? Tell me about them." Once she's opened up a bit it's time to escalate. I

recommend starting slow and just see how she reacts. Joke around with her and

gently touch her, you'll see whether or not she reacts positively to this and

you'll know she's comfortable with that. Now if she reacts negatively it's best

to just lay back for a little while and maybe escalate again later after you've

established a little bit more rapport. If it's positive then just keep slowly

working your way up maybe you put your hand on her lower back as you're

escorting her through the door or maybe you tickle her and see how she reacts to

that, just don't be creepy here. You want to be assertive, but remain a gentleman.

It often only takes one creepy mistake like cracking a sexual joke way too

early, or rubbing her leg with your hand, something like that,

to totally turn off a shy girl. If she's being receptive, then it means she's

allowing you to breach her defenses. Shy girls just tend to need a little bit

more time to warm up so don't give up. All you need to do is take it slow one

step at a time. If you want to learn more about how to escalate with shy girls, or

really any girl, I created a free Escalation Cheat Sheet that lists some

of my best ways to spark sexual attraction, turn a girl on, and escalate

all the way to the bedroom. It's filled with advanced escalation techniques that

will turn a platonic friendly vibe into a more sexual "I want to rip your clothes

off!" vibe. This is very useful when you're talking to girls and it's going nowhere.

Click the image in the bottom right of the screen right now to download your

free Escalation Cheat Sheet. There's also a link down in the description. Get it,

because you'll want to keep it handy before you go out. And if you're not

already subscribed, hit that subscribe button. And if you want us to work with

you in field make sure to check out our bootcamp schedule. My name is Matt

Artisan from The Attractive Man and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> The BEST Way To Approach A SHY GIRL & Get Her To Open Up - Duration: 8:28.



For more infomation >> GFINITY ELITE SERIES @LONDON #1 | vs. EXCEL PAINTER - Duration: 7:12.


Nightcore → Freaky Friday (Lil Dicky / Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:45.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore → Freaky Friday (Lil Dicky / Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:45.


try THIS recipe if you SUCK at cooking - Duration: 15:05.

For more infomation >> try THIS recipe if you SUCK at cooking - Duration: 15:05.


CNNs April Ryan Asks 'Ridiculous' Question, Sarah Sanders Humiliates Her. - Duration: 4:09.

CNNs April Ryan Asks 'Ridiculous' Question, Sarah Sanders Humiliates Her.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has no time for the histrionics of the ultra-liberal

members of the White House press corps.

That was evidenced on Tuesday when Sanders summarily dismissed April Ryan, a White House

correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks and a CNN contributor, for her "ridiculous

question" about President Donald Trump and his future.

"Question: With all of this turmoil, particularly last week, has the president at any time thought

about stepping down before or now?", April Ryan asked at the press briefing on Tuesday.

"No, and I think that's an absolutely ridiculous question," Sarah Sanders fired

back, cutting Ryan short and calling on another reporter.

A defiant Ryan shot back at Sanders, saying "It's not a ridiculous question."

But Sanders ignored her and moved on, which angered Ryan even more.

The incident is far from the first time that April Ryan and Sarah Sanders have butted heads

since President Donald Trump came to office.

Her "hard-hitting" journalism continues to push the boundaries of the ridiculous,

as Sanders said.

It was around Thanksgiving when Ryan and Sanders had their most noteworthy, and sensational

interaction over a pie that the White House press secretary baked.

"I dont cook much these days, but managed this Chocolate Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving

at the family farm!"

Sanders wrote along with a photo of a pecan pie she said she baked for Thanksgiving.

The pie was so beautiful that Ryan could not believe she really baked it, and demanded

evidence that it was real, coining the phrase "#PieGate."

"I am not trying to be funny but folks are already saying #piegate and #fakepie Show

it to us on the table with folks eating it and a pic of you cooking it.

I am getting the biggest laugh out of this.

I am thankful for this laugh on Black Friday!": Ryan said in response to the photo.

In true Sanders fashion, the tough as nails, quick witted press secretary offered to bake

one for Ryan.

"Don't worry @AprilDRyan because I'm nice I'll bake one for you next week #RealPie

#FakeNews," she wrote.

And it the classless fashion we have come to expect from the mainstream media, Ryan

insinuated that Sanders who attempt to kill her.

"Okay I want to watch you bake it and put it on the table.

But forgive I won't eat it.

Remember you guys don't like the press," she said.

But that is far from the only time an unhinged Ryan made herself look like more of a clown

than a journalist.

Days after "#PieGate" Ryan was on CNN talking to host Don Lemon when she said that

some reporters in the White House briefing room were "from the same party" as the

president and insinuated that Sanders and the White House were racist.

Yes, seriously, after eight years of bowing to former President Obama by a White House

press core compromised primarily, if not near entirely, of liberals, Ryan had the nerve

to complain that some reporters in the press corps now happen to be conservatives.

"Some of these reporters were embedded with the candidates, and when they come in, they

feel a friendship to a certain extent with them, then you have reporters who are from

the same party," she said.

"And now if you question, you're considered someone from the opposing party, versus just

trying to get the facts.

And God forbid, you are someone of a different race, I was speaking of myself, you're considered

an opposition.

I don't bring my politics, I just ask questions about what's right and wrong, or things

that go on in Washington."

April Ryan does not bring her politics in the briefing room the same way the Good Humor

man doesn't bring ice cream to your neighborhood on his truck.

There is not one time I can remember where Ryan was not hostile towards Sarah Sanders.

But now when it is given back to her, she cries.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> CNNs April Ryan Asks 'Ridiculous' Question, Sarah Sanders Humiliates Her. - Duration: 4:09.


King - We Are The Temples (napisy PL) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> King - We Are The Temples (napisy PL) - Duration: 4:15.


Announcement Regarding the Explorers Layout - Duration: 0:34.

So in conclusion,

milk should definitely be used to fuel rockets.


What the heck

Pls verify it



thanks for watching and ill see-


j e e z

What's with all these letters


Wait a second


o w

he ded

For more infomation >> Announcement Regarding the Explorers Layout - Duration: 0:34.


IAS Toppers Tina Dabi And Athar Aamir Khan Get Married And Shunned Interfaith Taboos - Duration: 5:14.

IAS Toppers Tina Dabi And Athar Aamir Khan Get Married And Shunned Interfaith Taboos

He may have lost the first rank of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination in 2015 to her, but he clearly won her heart.

Shunning the inter-faith taboos, IAS toppers Tina Dabi and Athar Aamir- ul-Shafi Khan became husband and wife in an idyllic locale in the Valley.

To solemnise their relationship, the lovebirds chose Kashmir's picturesque, Pahalgam as their wedding venue.

Announcing her wedding to the love of her life, Tina tweeted, "I'd like to talk to you about our wedding.

Athar and I got married on 20th March by in Jaipur by Collector Shri Siddharth Mahajan.

Then we planned two wedding celebrations.

The Kashmir celebration happened recently.

The Delhi wedding celebration will be held on 14th April." .

While Tina is from Delhi, her hubby, Athar Amir hails from Jammu and Kashmir.

Tina with her parents and relatives flew to Pahalgam for the wedding celebrations that was hosted by the groom's side.

For their court wedding in Jaipur, Tina looked beautiful in a red saree with a full-sleeved golden blouse.

Athar opted for a maroon shirt with black pants.

For their wedding ceremony in Pahalgam, bride Tina looked resplendent in a flower printed red and grey lehenga and she completed her look with minimal jewellery and makeup.

Complementing his bride, the groom looked dashing in golden sherwani and pagdi.

For the uninitiated ones, Tina met Athar for the first time at the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) office in North Block for a felicitation function on May 11, 2015.

It was a love at first sight for them.

They fell in love with each other, and Tina was floored by Athar's wit and charm.

Once in an interview, Tina said, "It was a love-at-first-sight.

We met in the morning and by evening Aamir was at my door." .

While many supported the couple for taking a stand against and courage for an inter-religion marriage, some tried to stop their marriage.

A right-wing Hindu nationalist political party in India, Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha called Tina and Athar's relationship and union, 'Love Jihad' which is an alleged trend of Muslim boys tricking in non-Muslim girls into marriage.

But no objections or obstacles were big enough for the much-in-love couple to call off their wedding. .

Congress President Rahul Gandhi congratulated the couple on their wedding and he hopes, in the age of growing intolerance and communal hatred, Athar and Tina become an inspiration to everyone.

Rahul Gandhi tweeted, "Congratulations Tina Dabi and Athar Amir-ul-Shafi, IAS toppers, batch of 2015, on your wedding! May your love grow from strength to strength and may you be an inspiration to all Indians in this age of growing intolerance and communal hatred.

God bless you." .

Congratulations to the newly-wedded couple, Tina Dabi and Athar Amir-ul-Shafi Khan!.

For more infomation >> IAS Toppers Tina Dabi And Athar Aamir Khan Get Married And Shunned Interfaith Taboos - Duration: 5:14.


2018 RKM MK93 Rockchip RK3399 Hexa Core Android 4K TV Box Review - Super Fast - Duration: 19:10.

greetings and welcome to TV box stop. the channel for the best reviews in TV

boxes and accessories on today's video I have the review of the MK39 by RKM and

this is a Rockchip RK3399 hexa Core box this is the first TV box for 2018 that I have

seen that runs on the Rockchip Hexa core CPU so let's see what this box has to

deliver so stay tuned I have more after this so I'm back and thanks for staying

with us what I have here is the box that the MK 39 is shipped in it's a strong

well labeled box with some specifications at the bottom here it

shows that the model is the MK 39 the cpu as we already know is the hexa core

2.0 gigahertz RK $33.99 the GPU is the Mali t8 64 it's indicating that the CPU

is a dual CPU divided into two cores the operating system is Android 7.1 it has

four gigabytes of RAM and 32 gigabytes of internal storage

it has Ethernet LAN speeds of up to 1,000 megabits per second and it comes

with a USB port type C so I'll confirm these specs in my review and I'll now do

the unboxing

so in the box you get the MK 39 TV box itself you get this infrared remote the

remote looks simple and nice but if you are a power user and perform more

advanced functions like installing Kodi add-ons or playing android games a

bluetooth air mouse or mini touchpad keyboards would be a better option

you get one HDMI cable a 12 volts 2 amps Universal DC power adapter and there's

no quick setup users guide let's examine the box the box is made of a strong

black plastic housing with the rkm branding at the top to the back you get

one HDMI port one USB 3.0 port you get one rj45 Ethernet LAN port one optical

audio port one year phone jack a DC power input and an external antenna to

the side you have two USB 2.0 ports a micro SD card slot and a USB type-c port

there's nothing on the other side to the front you have a blue LED power light

and to the bottom you have some ventilation holes so I'll now set this

up on my TV and when I return I'll continue so I'm back and as I start up

the Box you have this rkm startup animation that takes a couple of seconds

then you're taken to the operating systems user interface or launcher for

short so here we are at the launcher and I must say that for my first rkm TV box

review I find that this launcher has a really nice appearance the interface is

fast and responsive it comes with a big long shortcuts bar for adding shortcuts

to the launcher simply click the Add button and select which app you would

like to add to the launcher it comes with a navigation bar at the bottom and

a status bar at the for easy navigation and multitasking

let's take a look at the app section in the app section as you can see you get a

bare minimum set of your regular apps like Chrome browser Netflix the Google

Play Store YouTube and an app called iperf this app is used for testing Wi-Fi

signal speeds so I'll pause the video for a second and I'll install some

system information and benchmarking apps needed to complete the rest of my review

so I'm back and first I'll check to see if the box is roofing it shows that the

box is roofing running on android 7.1.2 nougat operating system to some people

having root access doesn't matter but to others who use specialized apps that

require root access to work this is a big deal it allows you to install any

app from the Google Play Store or buy your apk file format without

restrictions I now have the DRM information the DRM information shows

that this box only has support for cen C clear key which means that Netflix can

only show in standard quality let's take a look at its system and hardware

information it shows that the manufacturer is Rockchip and the model

is the MK 39 below it shows that the box comes with four gigabytes of RAM and

here it shows the remainder of RAM and internal storage from the 32 gigabytes

after the Android installation in apps installed on the Box the CPU is the

rockchip rk3288 core processor divided into two cores the quad-core cortex a53

running at 1.2 gigahertz and the dual-core cortex a7 t2 running up to 1.4

gigahertz for a total of six cores below it also shows that the box has support

for both 32 and 64-bit abis which allows the box to run both 32 and 64-bit

applications the display is powered by the AR m mali p 860 quad-core GPU with a

refresh rate of 60 hertz the box has dual band 5.8 gigahertz Wi-Fi support

and Wi-Fi direct is supported the version of Android installed on the

box is Android 7.1.2 Newton and below again it shows that the box is roofing

the operating temperature of the box is between 55 to 60 degrees Celsius on

normal room temperature and around 45 to 50 degrees on passive cooling the box

comes with codecs for playing 4k videos like h.264 HEV C and vp9 decoding and a

couple of others all needed for the playback of HD media and that's it for

system and hardware information and I'll now move on to the benchmarks first I'll

show the memory read and write speeds the MK 39 has a ram copy speed of 6400

26 megabytes per second the internal storage has a read speed of 151

megabytes per second and a write speed of 85 and the sdcard reader has a read

speed of 14 megabytes per second in a write speed of 14 these scores are among

the highest in the industry for a TV box I'll now show the results of the Wi-Fi

speed test I tested both the 2.4 and 5.8 gigahertz bands on my 40 megabytes

internet package and the results show that under both bands the box hit the

maximum speed of my internet package with every try this means that the MK 39

with the included external antenna has very good Wi-Fi reception I now have the

results of the new version of the antutu benchmark keep in mind that this new

version produces a score that's a bit higher than the previous version and in

a second I'll also show the results from the previous version just for reference

the results showed that the MK 39 on the new version got an an to to score of 100

1,492 this score is the highest score for a TV box for the first quarter of

2018 just for reference here is the score from the previous version and now

I have the results of the Geekbench for CPU benchmark this benchmark carries out

a series of time tasks and upon completion a score is given on how fast

the Box performs so in the end the MK 39 got a Geekbench for score of 1068 single

core in 2,496 multi-core these scores are twice as high as regular TV boxes on

my channel for the final benchmark I have the ice storm extreme GPU benchmark

part of the 3d mark series of GPU tests tailored to a specific Android mobile

device when all tests were complete the MK 39 got an ice storm extreme score of

ten thousand eight hundred and ninety five again this score is way above

average and confirms that the MK 39 is a high-end TV box and that's it for the

benchmarks the next part of my review focuses on online movie streaming

YouTube and 4k video playback first I'll start with the Kodi application I

installed the latest stable version from the Google Play Store and it installed

without issues I also installed an updated list of the latest Kodi add-ons

for April 2018 that are currently working a link to a fellow youtuber on

how to install these add-ons can be found in the description area

he usually posts regular videos on the latest Kodi add-on so be sure to

subscribe to his channel other ways to stream free movies is by the use of

standalone applications this is done by downloading and installing the app in

the form of an apk file format hence giving them the name movie streaming

apks some of the popular ones include terrarium TV


streamium megabox HD

and mob trial

these apks can be downloaded and installed directly from one location

using the aptoide app store i'll now run the YouTube application I install the

Android TV version from the aptoide app store because it plays YouTube in 4k

quality so now I'll run a 4k video sample to demonstrate

as you can see the Android TV version of YouTube plays in 4k quality on this box

and here's the stats for nerds information

I'll now run some 4k video samples to test the box's 4k playback capabilities

the 4k samples ran okay even the 4k jellyfish video at 400 megabits per

second bitrate that started off a bit slow and then played after and for my

final demonstration I'm playing two games to test the box's 3d gaming

performance these games are compatible with game pads so let's take in some

gaming action

so the games ran very well and the graphics were of the highest quality

I've seen for the Real Racing 3 game during gameplay the Box did not overheat

and this is a good sign for this box putting it among the best Android TV

boxes for gaming so to summarize this review I'll do a quick overview of its

pros and cons first the MK 39 has the best TV box hardware in the industry the

benchmark scores are way above average for a regular TV box it streams online

movies in HD quality and it played all my 4k video samples it plays 3d games on

the highest graphics settings and while doing so the box does not overheat on

the flipside the only fault I could find on this box was that it comes with an

infrared remote and I could not get my key mapping app to work due to

inappropriate permissions so this puts the MK 39 among the best TV boxes for

2018 and I highly recommend it for purchase so viewers there you have it

this brings to an end my review of the MK 39 hexa core Android 4k TV box if

you're interested in this device see the link in the description area for more

information thanks for watching remember to like this video if you found it

informative share it with your social media friends and subscribe to this

channel for more TV box stop videos

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James Barker Band Talks Tattoos and Junos Win (Interview 2018) - Duration: 8:11.

Hey everybody!

We're "James Barker Band"!

Hey it's Connor Malbeuf for Western TV, I'm with "James Barker Band"

Thanks for being with us guys!

No problem!

Yeah so James Barker, how did you end up getting the name out of all of this?

Um we uh… we uhh…

I was gonna say arm wrestle but that doesn't sound good so I'm gonna say we had like

a tickling competition and I won.

So you're just the leader of the group.

No just the best tickler!

Okay. Just the best tickler.

Now I know a lot of people that are actually fans of your music- including myself, but no

one really knows how you guys actually met.

So how did that- like if one person could explain the story.

Okay, buckle up your seats ladies and gentlemen.

So Connor and I actually went to band camp together when we were about 16 so that's

when we met.

We started together playing like rock and funk and weird angry teenage music and we

met Taylor because he was running a recording studio so we'd recorded there so we kinda

recruited him and then we recruited Bobby who was playing in another couple of bands

that we used to play shows with and stuff so we kinda stole him away.

Now there's a lot of screaming girls at the front of your concerts and if you guys

were to choose who's the hottest person of your bad who would it be?

Oh we can do individually.

So you- yeah let's- Who is the best looking?


You can say yourself.

So we'll start with you James.

Yeah me.

You think you're the hottest?


I think my progression over the years has been the best.

I wasn't good looking but now I am.

This isn't a math class!


Michael, but he's not here right now.

Who's Michael?

He's our steel guitar player.

Is this a joke? He's 6'6.

Okay he's 6'6.

That would- that would kill anybody.

He's got size 15 shoes?

No, he's bigger than that- almost 20

Like size 18 shoes.

Anyway, you know what they say about shoe size!

Big shoes means big socks!

I think it is true.

Um so- [laughter] So you guys just-

I mean what if he wore short socks with long shoes?

Like ankle socks? Yeah.

Or no socks at all?



So you guys won a Juno for "Favourite Country Album".

It's your first record.

You did that with your debut record!

So do you feel like you've hit your peak?

Like what's happening next?

Do you want a Grammy next?

A Razzie?

What do you guys want?

No we expect a quick decline, plummet even, into obscurity.

That's kind of the game plan, so.

Okay so do you guys want a world tour?

Do you want to be in Nashville?

Cause a lot of the time Canadian bands or Canadian musicians, it's hard to break out

into the United States landscape.

Is that the goal of yours?

That's actually been something that we've been pursuring- pursuing now- pursuring [laughter]-

pursuing now for almost a year, we've been touring all over the States, going to radio


I think we're at number 57 on the Billboard Chart right now in America so-

Almost a hit!

Just- almost a hit!

Just finally made it on there.

Oh I'm a radio- I have a radio background so we want you to be below the hits so that

we can play you more.

Exactly, so it's actually finally starting to get some traction down there- it's a

big country!

Now you guys have a lot of tattoos.

Starting from the end down, what's one tattoo you regret?

Oh I have- I guess… we'll go collective.

We have "Dude" and "Sweet" tattooed like on our- "Dude" and "Sweet".

Yeah like on our neck.

I don't know if you can see it.

Pull it down.

Oh and in like an awful font!


Well you know…

And yourself?

Cause you've got a lot.

I had a bad one but- it was like really tiny and I got it covered up with a massive-

What was it?! [laughter]

It was a guitar pick.


So a little cliché.


What was under the guitar pick?

It was a heart.

It was a heart above my heart under- You were in love with someone at one point.


[laughter] And uhh and yeah no now it's a massive lion which is much better.


And yourself?

I got this dumb- the first time we went to Nashville we all got matching tattoos-

not matching- we all got tattoos.

Show the camera!

Don't put it up there.

We all got tattoos and I was like "I want a guitar on my arm!" and the guy was like

"Okay" and I was like "I don't wanna look" when he was tattooing me, and then

I opened my eyes and there it was.

Like a silhouette

There's no inside of the guitar.


No detail and it's not even straight!

It's like warped! [laughter] I blame the tattoo artist.

One, two, three, four, five, six, wow!

He got that right!

One thing right in the whole situation.

Okay now we're gonna play a rapid fire, we always do this with whoever we have.

We had Lil Yachty last- two weeks ago?

We didn't really answer anything cause he doesn't like to talk that much but- he's


Don't recommend a collaboration if I'm gonna be honest.

So, first thing, who is someone you would never collaborate with?

Never collaborate with?


Lil Yachty.


He said Lil Yachty.

Lil Yachty?

Um probably- we used to play with a band called "Highway 12" so probably "Highway 12".


What about you?

Oh I'd agree with that.

I just don't wanna potentially screw myself out of any potential situations.

I was gonna say like, I don't know, "The Rolling Stones" or someone like super famous,

just in the sense that like you'd be so scared going into it that you like wouldn't

know how to function.

And how about you Bobby?

Uh… ooh I'm trying to think of someone I don't like.

I can't think right now.

A lot of them have passed away or not here with us anymore.

I was gonna say pick someone who's like dead, but I was like "No, that's offensive!".

So we can't do that.

[laughter] Now is there someone you've always wanted to beat in an award category?

Like be in the same- So say you're up against like Luke Bryan.

Or like you just beat Tim Hicks in an award, is there someone you just have a competition

with and you just wanna beat?

Um, not really, unless we did it playfully, like we like to pick on people a little bit

so I mean we could say like "High Valley" cause they beat us like 95% of the time so

probably like back and forth because I know if we beat them they're not gonna beat us

up even though they can.


I was gonna say like I think if we were in a category with like Keith or like a Dierks

or whatever, in the same category I think that would be surreal in the sense that like

"It's okay like please let's lose" like just so we can say we're in the same category.

Yeah they'd be like "And the winner is Dierks Bentley" and they go to pan to him

in the crowd and he's not there cause he didn't come cause he has a show.

They'd have a photo, like a clip art photo of him.

Yeah exactly!

And we're a standing ovation for him

And any for you, or is that about it?

That's it!

Yeah I can't think of any.

Okay now is there someone on your social media account that follows you that's

really really important?


Who follows you?

I feel like you've got someone Bobby.

Yeah we've got some Leaf players.


So some players on the Leafs.

The sports ones- like there's big musician ones but because we meet musicians, when the sports ones follow us-

Dart Guy!

The Dart Guy from the Leafs game!

Who's that?

He's got like- he's painted his face like- Oh him!



I don't get- what was that?

I have no idea, I thought you would've got it and you would've told me.

Okay, now- We've got a Playboy model that follows us.

Khloe Terae.

Never heard of Playboy, what is Playboy?

I've never heard of it.

And what is a drink or ritual you do before every show?

Oh we do this thing before the show- What are the drinks?

Well, sometimes it's rye and Coke, sometimes it Coors Banquet.

Always Coors- all we drink before shoes is Coors- no we do this, we do this-

Are you guys sponsored or something?

Yeah they spon- our last tour was the "Game On" tour presented by Coors Banquet, so.

But we do love Coors Banquet.

But we do do a ritual.

We do this thing called "feed the chicken" where you- everybody…

What is happening?

You feed the chicken!

This is a very country thing- I'm not gonna lie.

It's actually I think from "American Dad" originally.

"American Dad".

I think so- Con you said you saw it on "American Dad" yeah.

And to close this out, each person is gonna take the microphone and they're gonna say

one thing to their mom or their dad.

What are they gonna say?

Uh, I told you I would be at Western University one day.

You made it.

I'll get you that cheque on Monday.

Uh I told you I'd still be at home at 28.

And yourself James?

Um yes I'm good for dinner on Sunday, sorry I forgot to text you back Mom.

[laughter] There you have it, "James Barker Band" is still a family-oriented group and apparently they're

living at home with their parents!



Thanks for watching Western TV, make sure to like, share and subscribe!

We'll see ya later guys, thank you.

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