Thursday, April 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 12 2018


What do you want your tattoo to be?

A chameleon, a symbol from my childhood.

To always remind me of who I am.

Priamo Cabrales is dead.

Priamo's injuries suggest he didn't do it himself.

Besides, we found this piece of sock.

What I do know is that this guy saw something here,

and that's why he was killed.

We just intercepted a message Pharisee received.

There's a shipment arriving from Zurich at 8 today.

FBI. Sir!

Stay away from him.

Don't talk to him. Don't even look at him.

Same goes for you. Understood?

Alejandro, you need to see this.


Let's begin.

We arrested a passenger by the name of Jean-Baptiste Deville.

He was hiding a consignment of diamonds in a book.

Diamonds have always been a way to move money around.

Just one could cost thousands of dollars on the market.

Eight million dollars, to be accurate.

They must be blood diamonds coming from African mines.

Trafficking diamonds is a recent cartel trend.

They're getting more sophisticated.

Here's the interesting part, though.

These diamonds came from Zurich.


The city where Roxana Rodiles

is being investigated by Interpol.


We're assuming the cartel's starting to negotiate

with people in Africa.

When Roxana Rodiles appeared on their radar,

they looked into things and found out

there was someone else involved.

A general by the name of...

Joao Nkomo.

Turns out this general is an ambassador in Angola.

They're all connected.

In the end, all roads lead back to the same person:

Roxana Rodiles.

Who's here to visit me?

How should I know? I'm not psychic.

How are you?

As best as you can be in here.

I'm very sorry.

You and I have a conversation pending.

I know.

I haven't forgotten that I'm indebted to you.

Thank you for what you did for Puma.

I'm glad you remember.

I'm guessing it's time to pay up, right?


We have a problem and I'm concerned.


Remember the body that was found in the desert?

The gringo.


I got a call from SEMEFO.

Ballistics confirmed that several bullets

came from a standard issue federal police gun.

Is this the report I asked for?

No, sir. It's a proposal.


You asked me to give you a report

on the inmates ready to re-enter society, right?

Was it that difficult?

It wasn't. Just a long process.

That's why I'm presenting you this project.

Look, I asked you...

Sir, I take my job seriously.

We laid the groundwork for this project before Borges died.

Blah, blah, blah...

Honey, this isn't up for discussion.

What did you call me?

Look, Mendiola.

I came here because I didn't want to be rude,

but I report to the warden, not you.

If you don't have the decency to listen to me,

then I'm not going to waste my time.

-Thanks. -Alright, fine.

Sorry. I'm listening.

Can we continue?

I'm sure you know that I'm looking for evidence

that'll lead to Captain Alejandro Ferrer's suspension

on grounds of human rights violations.

So you want my testimony?

I want the truth.

Telling the truth is my strong suit.

That's what I want.

Captain Ferrer is an animal. He's stubborn and arrogant.

When I was arrested, I had no idea what was happening.

One day I was in Zurich,

and the next I was in a warehouse.

They wouldn't even let me see a lawyer.


He took you to a warehouse and wouldn't let you see a lawyer?

That's exactly what he did to the Customs agent.

So this is the Federal Police's new MO?

To interrogate suspects in warehouses?

I still remember what he said.

Listen to me!

You're going to talk whether you want to or not.

Where's Montalvo and what were you doing with all that money?

Answer me.

I begged for mercy, but he kept yelling,

"I'm your lawyer, your judge..."

The good cop and the -------.

I'll even be your priest if you want.

Tell me where Montalvo is

or I swear you won't see the light of day in a long time.

That's Captain Ferrer for you. That's what he said.

You remember it clearly.

Some things leave a mark.

Some memories stick to your skin.

Captain Ferrer left a permanent mark, like a tattoo.

I'm very sorry.

When I remember that, I feel sorry for myself.

I asked him to let me use the restroom,

but he threatened to lock me up in prison forever.

I peed all over myself.


would you be willing to testify to the DA?

What do you think?

The idea is to stimulate the inmates' cultural knowledge.

They're asking for new spaces themselves.

Spaces like the forum.

Having inmates like Guillotine asking for that...

Well, it's an opportunity we shouldn't waste.

We could assign different activities

based on each of the inmates' profiles.

Sports are also...

I like your enthusiasm.


But they're criminals. We've talked about this before.

We don't have the resources to satisfy their need for sports

or any of that other --------.

They'll just have to make due

with their ridiculous poetry readings for now, alright?

Mr. Attorney General, this is Lula Pineda.

There's something important we must discuss.


One, two, three... I can't hear you, Puma!

How am I supposed to shake my hips if...

What am I...

Hey, honey?

What are you two up to?

We're practicing for Guillotine's recital.

The one we're doing to welcome the warden.

This one's going to make a fool of herself singing.

Screw you.

If Guillotine can recite poetry, why can't Ochun sing?

That's why I like you, sister!

How was your visit?

Who was it?

Her name's Lula Pineda. She's a human rights activist.

Ooh! Sounds serious.

Come on. Spill it.

Seems juicy.

She's on a mission to destroy Captain Alejandro

and I was able to help.

Good. I hope they get him.

I hope they ruin his life like he ruined ours.

He deserves it.

Oh, it'll definitely happen. You'll see.

You got your ass kicked,

but at least you got Bauser off your back.

Hey, Kid. I need to talk to Roxana.

You're supposed to stay away from her.

Look, I've tried to play nice, but my patience has run out.

-Mother warned you. -I don't care!

I will see Roxana, period.

I just don't know how.

<i> I'm still hoping my son</i> <i> is here.</i>

<i> I can't help but think...</i>


No, damn it! Are you serious?

----! Don't do this to me.

Come on! God, please...

Don't do this to me!

What's wrong?

Boss, please help me. Help me!

What is it?

They were telling her the secret today, the biggest one.


That they're siblings?

What? No, that she's married.

If you already know, quit ------- around.

No, boss. You always fix it.

What do I do?

Beats me.

Do I look like a technician?

What do I do, damn it?

Do you want me to kick your ass again?

No, but...


Hi, sweetheart. How's it going?

Everything's great.

Gonzalo, here's the book I took yesterday.


You can't come in here.

I can't make any promises, Alejandro,

but I think I can look into the diamond trafficking thing.

Let's meet up, then.

How about 3:00 PM?

Sure. See you there.

Hey, Rossellini.

You did something new with the place.

Good memory.

I need to ask you a question, but as friends.

Please be honest.

Has anyone with diamonds stopped by?

That's a yes, right?


No, I haven't gotten any diamonds.

Don't take me for a fool. I've helped you.

Remember when I warned you about the peso devaluation?

Come on, man. Help me.

Look, the cartel makes me pay for protection

and they force me to appraise their diamonds.

I'm not proud of it.

If my family found out, they'd kill me.

They're bringing them from Zurich, right?

My lips are sealed.

Are you deaf? You can't come in.

But Mother...

So what are you waiting for? Get out!

Obey me and get going!

Anselmo, you don't have to do this.

We're in prison.

It's inevitable that Tilapia and I

run into each other.

Stay out of this, please. This is between him and me.

-Anselmo... -Roxana, it's fine.

He and I made a deal. Deals are meant to be honored.

Alright. I'll go.

-I don't want to cause a scene. -Good.

What's wrong? He and I made a deal.


Has anyone seen Princess?

Her name's Roxana.

Who's asking?

I am.

What for?

My cell's TV is out and today's the finale of my novela.

You want to use her TV to see your show?

Are you kidding me?

In my cell?

My, my, how times have changed.

Mamba's asking us to see a novela.

I'm asking if it's possible.

What's in it for us?

You know what?

I talk to the boss, not to you two --------.

Well, that's all. Please leave your books.

If you want to take one, please let me know.


What do you want?

I want to talk.

I want to remind you

that I've done everything you've asked of me.

Thanks, but I have to go.


Don't play hard to get, please.


I want us to be together. I'm sure you want that too.

-Really? -Yes.

I mean, why else be in a co-ed prison?

Why be in prison at all?

Look, I've been very patient with you.

I've done everything you asked me to do.

Tilapia's safe, Bauser left him alone,

and thanks to you, he's still alive.

You're mine.

I just want what belongs to me.

You're the best thing that's happened to me in here,

but I don't belong to anyone.


Roxana, please. Don't turn your back on me.

I'm talking to you, damn it!


Stay back or I'll kill you!

Tell Cordero what's going on.

Stay put and you, shut up!

I just want to talk to Roxana peacefully.

You see? I'm calm.

Stay back, ------!

No, don't! Let go.

-Listen to me! -Let go!

Listen to me!

I've given you everything and you've given me nothing!

No, you're a very special man!

Don't give me the runaround! Don't butter me up!

I just want to hear you say you love me!

I can learn to love you,

but I don't like being forced to do things.

But this is who I am! I take what I want!

No, no!

Get off me!

For more infomation >> Enemigo Íntimo | Capítulo 36 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:33.


M&B Ripoll, servicios informáticos para empresas y despachos profesionales (Partner de acens) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> M&B Ripoll, servicios informáticos para empresas y despachos profesionales (Partner de acens) - Duration: 2:37.


Neuropatía diabética: qué es, síntomas y causas - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Neuropatía diabética: qué es, síntomas y causas - Duration: 8:07.


Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.

When Ford was going to erase Stan's mind, he put "Stanley Pines" into the memory gun.

However, Stan had been living his life with fake identities for about 30 years until that

point, so he really wasn't "Stanley Pines" anymore.

The first memory that came back to stan was waddles, and he was living as Stanford Pines,

or more specifically, Grunkle Stan, when he got that memory.

So maybe its the individual's alias that they associate most with that must be inputted

to delete their memory, so inputting "Grunkle Stan" into the gun might have deleted his

more recent, but better memories.

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.


La nueva vida de David Morales tras su paso por 'Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa' - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> La nueva vida de David Morales tras su paso por 'Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa' - Duration: 2:26.


"Pensé que se había sentido mal y.": el fan al que Justin Bieber le rompió el celular es argentino - Duration: 5:17.

"Pensé que se había sentido mal y ...": el fan al que Justin Bieber le rompió el celular es argentino

Justin Bieber protagonizó un polémico episodio en el que quedó registrado cómo agredía a un fan que quería sacarse una selfie con el cantante canadiense.

Justamente, el muchacho al que agredió y terminó con su celular roto, era argentino.

Para colmo, el ex de Selena Gómez se quedó con la camiseta argentina.

Mauro Leonel es el nombre del joven cuya imagen recorrió el mundo, luego de que se viera cómo Justin Bierber lo agredía, rompiéndole el celular.

Las imágenes no cayeron muy bien en el mundo del espectáculo, aunque no sorprendieron a nadie, ya que es típico de Justin tener esos arranques inesperados.

Un amigo me invitó a jugar el sábado a la tarde, llegué 15 minutos tarde y me encontré a Justin Bieber jugando.

Cuando me entero, le mando mensaje a mi hermana y me pidió que lo salude o me saque una foto con él.

Yo tenía una camiseta de Argentina en el auto y pensé que si le daba la remera, me daba la foto.

Sabía que tuvo problemas y que era mala onda, indicó el muchacho en diálogo con el portal

Cuando termina el partido, me acerco y le doy la camiseta, pero ni me dijo gracias.

Le pido la foto y se va.

Después, me lo cruzo cuando se está yendo.

Fue una secuencia rápida.

Se queda parado en el cordón de la vereda, buscando a alguien.

Pensé que se había sentido mal y me estaba buscando.

Cuando lo veo, le digo que era yo quien le dio la camiseta.

Le vuelvo a pedir la foto y se queda pensativo, sin contestar, agregó.

Después me acerco, le toco el hombre e intento sacar la foto.

Ahí es cuando pasa lo que se ve en el video.

Cuando agarro el celular, le pregunto por qué hacía eso si le había dado un regalo.

Y me dice gracias, ya sé, la querés de vuelta.

Me dio mucha bronca.

Más que nada porque me rompió el teléfono.

Mi hermana se siente mal por lo que me hizo pasar.

Fue un momento feo, manifestó Mauro.

Y completó: Muchas personas dicen que invadí su espacio y me acerqué mal, que no le avisé antes.

Hubiese sido distinto si me decía que no quería fotos.

Pero al no recibir esa respuesta, fue confusa la situación.

Por eso me termino acercando, finalizó.

For more infomation >> "Pensé que se había sentido mal y.": el fan al que Justin Bieber le rompió el celular es argentino - Duration: 5:17.


Borealia. ¡Lo raro siempre mola! - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Borealia. ¡Lo raro siempre mola! - Duration: 0:31.


Sheila : son étrange réac­tion à la mort de son fils - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Sheila : son étrange réac­tion à la mort de son fils - Duration: 1:17.


Rajoy presentó a Rivera como un "robot" sin la "idea de España" y no al caso de Cifuentes. - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Rajoy presentó a Rivera como un "robot" sin la "idea de España" y no al caso de Cifuentes. - Duration: 5:04.


Meghan Markle, ses parents vont-ils se remarier ? - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle, ses parents vont-ils se remarier ? - Duration: 1:17.


Nostalgia por la pareja Antonio-Melanie en las redes sociales - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Nostalgia por la pareja Antonio-Melanie en las redes sociales - Duration: 3:45.


Belén Esteban deja KO a Toño Sanchís - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban deja KO a Toño Sanchís - Duration: 4:28.


8 Ball Pool - Playing With Beautiful Girl In Istanbul 2018 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Playing With Beautiful Girl In Istanbul 2018 - Duration: 5:01.


Chunnu Munnu The Do Bhai (HD) Telugu Rhyme For Children | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Chunnu Munnu The Do Bhai (HD) Telugu Rhyme For Children | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 1:50.


Analizamos el look de Máxima de Holanda en su último acto (con protesta incluida) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Analizamos el look de Máxima de Holanda en su último acto (con protesta incluida) - Duration: 3:08.


"Yo me había ido a descontrolar un poco a Paraná...": Julián Serrano detalló cómo empezó su romance - Duration: 3:50.

"Yo me había ido a descontrolar un poco a Paraná...": Julián Serrano detalló cómo empezó su romance

A Julián Serrano no le duró mucho la soltería.

De hecho, los rumores decían que había dejado a Oriana Sabatini por Malena Narvay, pero ellos negaron la relación al principio.

Sin embargo, luego aparecieron juntos.

Ahora, están juntos.

Y se hizo cargo de cómo la conquistó.

En su paso por Morfi, todos a la mesa, el actor y reconocido youtuber señaló que en relación con su nueva relación amorosa con su compañera de elenco que: "Yo creo que le entré por el lado del humor.

Yo me había ido a descontrolar un poco a Paraná y después volví y empezamos a salir a merendar, al principio no a cenar.

Ahora estoy muy enamorado".

Yo como las uso de muy chico como que estoy acostumbrado si me dicen cosas malas, y al principio, incluso, me servían de motor.

Pero me molesta cuando critican a mis parejas, me pasó con las últimas cuatro, critican mucho el físico.

agregó el joven.

"Yo era muy tímido, y en la escuela me molestaba muchísimo cuando mis compañeros hablaban mientras el profesor explicaba algo, no es que yo estuviera prestando atención, pero me molestaba muchísimo, así que todo el tiempo andaba diciendo 'shhh'.

Era re buchón", agregó.

"Mi consejo es que traten de resguardarse en un grupo, porque una persona sola es un target muy fácil.

A mí me molestaban porque era bajito, pero a verdad es que nunca sufrí bullying, no podría decir eso, y tampoco se daba en mi curso", reconoció el joven, que saltó a la fama con Youtube primero, hasta que Cris Morena lo descubrió.

For more infomation >> "Yo me había ido a descontrolar un poco a Paraná...": Julián Serrano detalló cómo empezó su romance - Duration: 3:50.


Mô Phỏng Dùng Khí Cụ Cạo Vôi Răng - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Mô Phỏng Dùng Khí Cụ Cạo Vôi Răng - Duration: 0:49.


La magie du traitement nocturne du ronflement|LSF TV - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> La magie du traitement nocturne du ronflement|LSF TV - Duration: 4:29.


El pequeño Nyan, hijo de Jesé Rodríguez y Aurah Ruiz, desfallece ante : "Estás tan triste" - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> El pequeño Nyan, hijo de Jesé Rodríguez y Aurah Ruiz, desfallece ante : "Estás tan triste" - Duration: 8:30.


Información sobre los pingüinos que debes conocer y que te sorprenderá - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Información sobre los pingüinos que debes conocer y que te sorprenderá - Duration: 12:10.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


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For more infomation >> how to use z3x tool pro 29 5 crack free for all - Duration: 7:52.


8 Ball Pool - Playing With Beautiful Girl In Istanbul 2018 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Playing With Beautiful Girl In Istanbul 2018 - Duration: 5:01.


Hiệp Đen ai chống lưng cho mày Sơn Mặt Quỷ giám không [tin tức giang hồ] tv bodoi - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> Hiệp Đen ai chống lưng cho mày Sơn Mặt Quỷ giám không [tin tức giang hồ] tv bodoi - Duration: 13:17.


Epidemie spalniček je tady! Proč rodiče nenechávají své děti očkovat? - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Epidemie spalniček je tady! Proč rodiče nenechávají své děti očkovat? - Duration: 1:59.


"Top Chef 2018" : Joël Robuchon est l'invité prestigieux des quarts de finale - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> "Top Chef 2018" : Joël Robuchon est l'invité prestigieux des quarts de finale - Duration: 4:30.


[김기식 파문 확산] 검증 맡은 조국 민정수석 '방패' '저항 세력의 불순 의도' 인식도| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> [김기식 파문 확산] 검증 맡은 조국 민정수석 '방패' '저항 세력의 불순 의도' 인식도| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 3:12.


Travis Scott Type Beat

For more infomation >> Travis Scott Type Beat


I Was Shocked When I Try to Purchase these Fruits | Only For Rich People - Duration: 3:36.

10 most expensive fruits and veggies in the world sicker itchy Apple these

apples were cultivated in Japan and each Apple costs $21 translating to the best

in the world second Ichi are washed with honey

unbranded by hand to ensure they are blemish free they are a whopping 15

inches around and weigh up to 2 lbs they are grown or pollinated by hand using a

tiny ramp buddha shape appears this Buddha shape appears from China will

make you immortal when eaten according to a study they are blown in special

mouths to give them that unique shape and will set you back $1 each

tamago mangoes tire no tamago mangoes which translates to egg shape and

mangoes were grown in Japan the highest price ever paid for a pair of these

unusual mangoes is a $3,000 which is unbelievable

pineapple this pineapple might look ordinary but it was grown in the last

gardens of Heligan in the UK and a single one will cost you $1,600 the

pineapples are grown in mud structures filled evade the rotting manual which

makes the fruit grow super fast and keeps them ripe and it's the only garden

in the whole of Europe that can grow pineapples the most expensive pineapple

ever sold from their last gardens of Heligan was an unbelievable $15,000

Samiha of cream strawberries this immediate wind strawberries are

completely red and said to be the most beautiful strawberries in existence with

perfect green leaves and white seeds it costs around $85 for 12 of these tasty

berries square watermelon these crazy square watermelons are grown in special

sprayed boxes in Japan and can weigh up to 13 lbs

they taste like regular watermelons but the people who buy them typically use

them as decorations at $800 for one watermelon they are not exactly a cheap

snack the Ruby Roman these Japanese grapes are ruby Romans are table grapes

they are roughly the size of a ping-pong ball

a single bunch of these Jain grapes will cost you four thousand dollars compared

to just three dollars for a pound off the regular grapes thence you watermelon

this dense socotra melon comes from Japan Yoga Street and as well as being

almost black is much bigger than an average watermelon there's only around

10,000 of these watermelons grown every year they cost around six thousand

hundred dollars each artistic banana this bananas features

stunning artwork by dedicated banana artists only the mega-rich buy these

bananas because even though they only last a few weeks the integrate fruity

artworks fetch tens of thousands of dollars at auction Yerbury King melons a

pair of Newberry King melons once went for $23,500 another product of the

island of Hokkaido the hybrid orange-fleshed melon is highly prized

for its sweetness and as garmet writes beautiful proportions the melons are

grown in greenhouses and even given hands to prevent sunburn thank you for

watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> I Was Shocked When I Try to Purchase these Fruits | Only For Rich People - Duration: 3:36.


Anna Kamieńska poetka i tłumaczka - Duration: 0:55.

Anna Kamieńska was born April 12, 1920, 98 years ago.

She was a poet and translator,

translating from many languages, including

from Russian, Belarusian, Slovak, Bulgarian, Latin and Hebrew.

Her poetry was characterized by the brevity of form, the concreteness of imaging and the prayer character.

There were frequent motives of human suffering, loneliness and death.

She published the following volumes of poetry:

"Education" (1949), "Sources" (1962), "The Second Happiness of Job" (1974) and "Silence" (1979).

She wrote about folk literature

("Desiring Literature" from 1964),

and the Bible ("Faces of the Book" of 1981),

she also created for children and youth.

She died in 1986.

Please visit

For more infomation >> Anna Kamieńska poetka i tłumaczka - Duration: 0:55.


Program akceleracyjny #WARSAW booster'18 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Program akceleracyjny #WARSAW booster'18 - Duration: 1:07.


REACTOR Mech Mod l by Bypass Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 12:19.

I've just made a review and didn't record it

Well...Made...Talked with turned Off camera

Sashka molodec

Yo-ho-ho! Hello everyone! Alex from VaperMD is with you

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guest is Reactor mechanical mod by Bypass Mods

These guys was previously made the Ферзь mechanical mod. I have 2 reviews on the channel - on Ферзь v1 and v2 - I don't remember for sure what versions was that

Who is interested - in this corner will be both of them and you can watch either of those reviews

And recently Bypass mods has presented new mechanical mod - Reactor

This mechanical mod is favorably differs in height with Ферзь. And it have several interesting features

But we'll talk about all of that in close up. Let's dive down

Okay, folks. It's time to unbox this metal tube packaging. Yes, Bypass Mods also send me this cloth and this tube. It's written Reactor, mechanical mod by Bypass Mods, on this side we have social media information and 18+

And on this side we have a Material - this is brass, black color and serial number 005

And of course it's written Made in Russia

The cover unscrews like so. And inside of this cap we have the bag with spares

It includes 2 massive o-rings for changing throw of the button, custom hybrid stabilized wood sleeve and 810 drip tip

And inside of this tube we have a mechanical mod itself in a bag

Of course have User manual in Russian

Anyway. I always be recommending to read User manuals before use. Information is always useful

In this handy cloth bag we have a mechanical mod Reactor. Now a little bit of technical specs

Our today guest is made out of brass and available only in black color, at least at the moment

This is powder coating. This mod is fitting up to 25mm atomizers and powered by 1*18650

This mod features constant contact and have auto-adjusting for battery height and atomizer pin length

Also you can adjust the throw on the button with o-rings, which is comes in kit

One of the features of this mod is swappable beauty rings - so-called sleeves. Sleeves could be made of aluminum or stab wood

Also with aluminum Bypass Mods can achieve wide spectrum of colors

Okay, that was regarding technical specs. Let's get to the detailed look, and at the top we have a hybrid 510 connection. As you can see small part of that connection is without coating, and it's good

Also we have a cutout, which will prevent sticking of atomizer and reduce the heat sink

I have no complains about threading in this 510 connection. It's only left to clean it a bit

Lower we have a bevel, since the main diameter of this mod is 26mm

Lower we have a deepenings on the tube for comfort grip of this mod. Someone like to grab mechmod higher, someone like to hold it lower

Going lower. Here we have that custom sleeve. In this case it's aluminum and it matches the color of the mod

And on the bottom we have a cover which held the button and the sleeve

Very. Beefy. Wide. Threads. Great threading, I like it a lot. Threads like this is gonna be very easy to clean

When you unscrewed the cover you can get rid of the sleeve or swap it. As I said before this is aluminum sleeve

Here we have o-ring to fixate the sleeve

Also Bypass Mods sent me this custom stab wood sleeve

This is hybrid stab wood, and, unfortunately, I've run into some issues with it

It's cracked. It's cracked in place of connection acryl and wood. Maybe it's sorta technical nuance, but still this isn't pleasing

Also these gaps are bothering me. It's hard to get rid of them, but guys said they'll fix this issue

It's very sad that this sleeve has cracked. Manufacturer should be aware of this issue and being prepared to the feedback. And they should think up this moment

Okay, we're done with the sleeves, let's move on. Look at these beefy threads again and inside everything is great as well

Fool-proof protection feature is there, edge for button is there. Overall, everything is made nice and great

And now, friends, it's time to talk about the button - the heart of any mechanical mod. As you can see this button is fixed inside and have constant contact

Let's see how all of this works

This is anti-arc spacer. It is removable and it is silver-plated

Sadly, I have no information is it solid silver piece or it is silver-plated brass

Moving forward. In here we have insulator and 2 holes for unscrewing this button

You can unscrew the button counter clockwise like so and get access to the insides of the button

Inside we have pretty thick o-ring and lower part of the button

So the button look like so. Also you can adjust the throw of it by screwing and unscrewing. And when you press it the contact is happening

On the bottom of the button we have manufacturers logo, serial number and vent hole. Not the biggest vent hole, but it's there

Regarding this o-ring. As I said it's for adjusting throw of the button and for adjusting for the length of atomizer pin, because, for example, Battle Deck have very protruding and long pin

In this case you gonna need thinner o-ring

In the kit we have 3 o-rings - thick, medium and thin. I'm using medium

The button is working due to this spring which is fixed inside

Let's continue and assemble it back. Pay attention - if you screw this part to the end - the button will be inside and you won't be able to press the button. So I suggest to unscrew it untill it'll be flush.

After that put the spacer back into place, insert the battery positive side down. Though this sleeve is cracked it's still holding, and after this done screw the button

Since we have a fool-proof protection inside we can put the atomizer in the very end

Everytime this shit is happening with CSMNT. It's good RDA, but in certain moments is hella inconvenient

Now it bites the o-ring



O-ring, what is wrong with you?

Defect CSMNT? Wat?

What is wrong with you, Csmnt?

Who said CSMNT is Top RDA? Not me for sure

Let's support Russian RDA makers

Here it is. Here what's happen - I've got auto-fire

To prevent it from happening we need to swap the o-ring. Well, at least I showed you why you need these o-rings

After I swapped the o-ring everything is good. And here was a close up for our today guest

Let's go back to face-time, change the drip tip and try it

Thanks for your attention in close up

Let's go~

It's great. It works, it performs. On the top we have GLM RDA. This mod works perfectly with that RDA

Anyway, I found several cons in this mech mod, which we are going to discuss right now

First con isn't that much of a con. It's more of a thing that you should be aware of. The button of this mod is free-floated. It turns right and left, and by that you can adjust the throw of it

But when you use it for some period of time you might miss the moment when you unscrewed it.

And if you missed that moment you will have to fully disassemble the button, because otherwise you are unable to screw that part back

So be aware of it, it's important

One of the major cons of this mod is stab wood sleeve, which is cracked

It cracked in the place where acryl is connecting with the wood. It's technical problem. It's unpleasant and manufacturer, in the first place, should be aware that it could happen

Okay, friends. I'm done with the cons, let's talk about nitpicks

I had several nitpicks to this mod, and I told them to the manufacturer and received that answer

Yes, we are aware of it. We'll fix the gaps, we know. On the edge we'll do the bevel

So my nitpicks are no more, let's talk about pros

First pro to this mod I'll give for quality of manufacturing. Great fittings, beefy and buttery smooth threads. Guys did a great job here

Next pro I'll give for compact size in terms of height and compared to the previous mech mod of that company

Yes, this is not the lowest mechanical mod on the Russian market, there is mods that lower than this one

But when compared with the previous one - new mechmod is win in height and it's a pro

Next pro I'll give for constant contact realization. Guys from Bypass Mods make it in their own way, not like others. Yes, some ideas may be common, but this button is unique

Next pro I'll give for swappable sleeves feature. Let's say if guys start to make pure brass sleeves, pure SS sleeves - with them you can match the appearance of mechanical mod and your favorite RDA

If you have SS colored RDA, Brass RDA, Copper RDA - you will be able to pick the sleeve and do matchy-matchy. It's cool.

Next pro goes for a kit content. There is everything for this mod to work as you please.

And last pro I'll give for performance. Dry cotton, let's go

I need to saturate it after all

Try number two

Aaaayeee. Now it's performing. This is how this mod works and it's working great

Okay, we're done with nitpicks, pros and cons. Now let's talk about price

This mod is gonna cost you 6500 rubles(104.52$ at the moment) and I think this is a good price for this mod

Everything made good in this mod, so that price is justified. A pro for a price tag

At this point I'll finalize

I want to say big thanks to Bypass Mods for sending me this mechanical mod for review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Leave a comment - what do you think about Bypass Mods company and their products? Do you use mechanical mods? If you use - write which one

If you already the owner of the Reactor - leave your pros and cons in the comments

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, hit the like button, share this video with your friends. And click the Bell button

And I'm saying goodbyes for now

We'll see you soon. Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> REACTOR Mech Mod l by Bypass Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 12:19.



For more infomation >> JEFF SESSIONS CAUGHT COLLUDING WITH OBAMA - Duration: 12:49.


Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.

When Ford was going to erase Stan's mind, he put "Stanley Pines" into the memory gun.

However, Stan had been living his life with fake identities for about 30 years until that

point, so he really wasn't "Stanley Pines" anymore.

The first memory that came back to stan was waddles, and he was living as Stanford Pines,

or more specifically, Grunkle Stan, when he got that memory.

So maybe its the individual's alias that they associate most with that must be inputted

to delete their memory, so inputting "Grunkle Stan" into the gun might have deleted his

more recent, but better memories.

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.


Wolves Summit - kwiecień 2018 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Wolves Summit - kwiecień 2018 - Duration: 0:59.


What it's like to lose a champion belt UFC and a new tattoos Cody "no love" Garbrandt - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> What it's like to lose a champion belt UFC and a new tattoos Cody "no love" Garbrandt - Duration: 5:55.



Hello welcome back with me isengdudegame

Okay this time like always we do guild war

VS TheOrigin

The problem is can we do *4 / *3 guild war???

Can we do it??

Okay we try bomb R1

For R2 we use Frigate combo

Is the enemy on will??

If they will then SURAMMMM


My Malaka is faster... damn...


Please dont miss...


Can we kill Chandra?? I hope..

Okay good...

Def break??? nice...

We need to kill Theomars...

Okay we hit this and kill it...

Nahh this R2 is more scary

If Molong dance we dead....

I hope we can kill it...

OMG no one dead...


Damn it...

Damn this Molong...


Hit Okeanos...

All dead please

Kill Molong..

Its weird this time Kahli dead.. Usually Lushen die..

Okay we try this one...

For R1...

We bulldozer...

I hope

For R2...

With Ninja....... no other option...

Rina to tank Seara, or we can use light Golem

But if use Golem wedont have healer... just leave it like this lets goo...

Wish me luck.... yeahhh....

My feeling says SURAMMMMM

WOW... WOW... If we can not kill Ritesh this is very SURAM...


Can we kill it??

Not dead...

LOL..... ouch....


We hit Khmun...

Okay.... no sacrifice no victory... LOL......


Ouch no stun.... damn you....

Kill Seara.... nice lets go..... so far so good....

Ouch Orion is still dangerous with def break...

Ouch no damage...

OMG still can procs you Perna...

Not dead........

Ninja passive help a lot... this is 100% win..


Slash and kill it....

If they will we dead...

Using Racuni...

Where is Bulldozer... hmmmm....

Okay lets try it, hope we lucky...

Not many option left... other already dead.... btw this is guild war or siege battle??

I hope we can kill Chasun or we will dead..

STOP!!!! enoughh...

Please bomb dont miss... Please...

Damn not dead...

I just think we can kill it now if pop endure by bomb


Ouch dead... procs please...

Procs please ( and kill us all)

Damn it...

No stun...

I really hope Imesety not dead...

STOP!!! nice...

Can we kill them??

Okay ready... very good....


We need to kill Gemini first...

We stun him, its not stun...

Racuni is damn good... TOP...

TOP.... Nice..... NICESUUUUU

LOL cant break the shield....

Can you break my Khmun shield Perna????

Break if you can..... hahahhaha... die you by my Ninja

Okay we kill, not taking risk...

Thats overkill...


Our attacker only Ninja?? its not my Khmun can do damage too..

Racuni is crazy... must build monster...

You must have this team also, not bad for siege battle

Thank for watching till end.... Comment like subscribe.... support... support.... bye bye....



Confused Lawmakers Question Mark Zuckerberg - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Confused Lawmakers Question Mark Zuckerberg - Duration: 2:49.


The Saddest Part About Paul Ryan Leaving - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> The Saddest Part About Paul Ryan Leaving - Duration: 2:25.


The Face Yoga Method: My Session with Fumiko Takatsu - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> The Face Yoga Method: My Session with Fumiko Takatsu - Duration: 7:06.


VLOG: IT'LL BE ALLRIGHT | Finnish video - Duration: 6:21.

Good morning, today it's Tuesday, it's about nine thirty. I'm just having some morning coffee.

I have a bit of a headache today, I don't know why. Maybe I haven't had enough water or... coffee.

But, a little fresh air will definitely help. First on the agenda today, or first thing I need to do

I have to go to the post office, I need to send off our wedding invitations.

This pile is going abroad and this one to Finland. We're sending them to the US, UK, Sweden and Norway.

This Finland pile is smaller because we're giving many of them ourselves here at home.

I still need to Dave's granddad's address still... so once I get that, we can get going.

All right so I just came back home. I still have a bit of a headache, I don't know why.

I'm maybe feeling a little bit... not sick but maybe a little poorly.

I don't know what's going on so we'll see how this day continues... I made myself some tea, that always helps

So... it'll all be allright

Now it's already six o'clock in the evening...

I did some work, I edited and stuff like that and then my parents came over and my mom saw straight away that

I wasn't quite all right.

And turns out I had 37,3 so a little bit of a temperature so... that's probably why I had a headache.

But anyway, I'm feeling ok at the moment, Dave just went out for drinks with some people from Splay

I was supposed to go with but I just couldn't so... sucks.

This was this day, but! This is what I'll do, I'll film some more tomorrow because tomorrow...

... this is happening. Finally! We're going with my sister to Stockmann's Hullut Päivät (sales event)

Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow so that we can go.

But yeah so let's say thanks for today and goodbye for now and I'll see you tomorrow.

Hullut Päivät was everything I wanted it to be. I'm feeling a bit better today thank god.

I have some work to do and what else... oh and later tonight we once again have one of these preview events

Today's movie is Rampage. It's... Dwayne - is he called Dwayne Johnson? The Rock?

The Rock's new movie Rampage. So, we'll see if it's good or not.

We just got back home. Dave's making us some food there in the kitchen. The movie was quite good.

I enjoyed it. The Rock is always the boss.

It's now quarter past 8. So we're just gonna eat and then we'll go to bed. Standard evening.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you again in a few days. Bye!

For more infomation >> VLOG: IT'LL BE ALLRIGHT | Finnish video - Duration: 6:21.


Donald Trump Wants to Fire Robert Mueller - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Wants to Fire Robert Mueller - Duration: 3:36.


오늘자 훈련소 퇴소한 이민호의 늠름한 자태 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 오늘자 훈련소 퇴소한 이민호의 늠름한 자태 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:44.


Governo, telefonata Salvini-Di Maio. Torna l'asse M5s-Lega - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Governo, telefonata Salvini-Di Maio. Torna l'asse M5s-Lega - Duration: 7:37.


Innovation - Duration: 42:05.

For more infomation >> Innovation - Duration: 42:05.


Carolina Callouts - Duration: 41:35.

For more infomation >> Carolina Callouts - Duration: 41:35.


Disscusions on flag store - Duration: 0:31.

OK, I'm gonna need a flag center that sells 4x6 inch flags that isn't so far away

I prefer the ones with a 10 inch black plastic staff with a gold spear topper

These are the flags that I wanted that the flag store doesn't have

even a flag base

For more infomation >> Disscusions on flag store - Duration: 0:31.


My First "Just Drive Away" Uber Riders - Duration: 0:26.

Are you waiting on Uber?


Uh, yeah.


Uhh, hey, you done fu*ked up!

Alright, we can't have the cigarette in the car.


* Random yelling of obscenities *

For more infomation >> My First "Just Drive Away" Uber Riders - Duration: 0:26.


Add HBO on Hulu for $4.99/M...

For more infomation >> Add HBO on Hulu for $4.99/M...


VLOG: IT'LL BE ALLRIGHT | Finnish video - Duration: 6:21.

Good morning, today it's Tuesday, it's about nine thirty. I'm just having some morning coffee.

I have a bit of a headache today, I don't know why. Maybe I haven't had enough water or... coffee.

But, a little fresh air will definitely help. First on the agenda today, or first thing I need to do

I have to go to the post office, I need to send off our wedding invitations.

This pile is going abroad and this one to Finland. We're sending them to the US, UK, Sweden and Norway.

This Finland pile is smaller because we're giving many of them ourselves here at home.

I still need to Dave's granddad's address still... so once I get that, we can get going.

All right so I just came back home. I still have a bit of a headache, I don't know why.

I'm maybe feeling a little bit... not sick but maybe a little poorly.

I don't know what's going on so we'll see how this day continues... I made myself some tea, that always helps

So... it'll all be allright

Now it's already six o'clock in the evening...

I did some work, I edited and stuff like that and then my parents came over and my mom saw straight away that

I wasn't quite all right.

And turns out I had 37,3 so a little bit of a temperature so... that's probably why I had a headache.

But anyway, I'm feeling ok at the moment, Dave just went out for drinks with some people from Splay

I was supposed to go with but I just couldn't so... sucks.

This was this day, but! This is what I'll do, I'll film some more tomorrow because tomorrow...

... this is happening. Finally! We're going with my sister to Stockmann's Hullut Päivät (sales event)

Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow so that we can go.

But yeah so let's say thanks for today and goodbye for now and I'll see you tomorrow.

Hullut Päivät was everything I wanted it to be. I'm feeling a bit better today thank god.

I have some work to do and what else... oh and later tonight we once again have one of these preview events

Today's movie is Rampage. It's... Dwayne - is he called Dwayne Johnson? The Rock?

The Rock's new movie Rampage. So, we'll see if it's good or not.

We just got back home. Dave's making us some food there in the kitchen. The movie was quite good.

I enjoyed it. The Rock is always the boss.

It's now quarter past 8. So we're just gonna eat and then we'll go to bed. Standard evening.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you again in a few days. Bye!

For more infomation >> VLOG: IT'LL BE ALLRIGHT | Finnish video - Duration: 6:21.


M&B Ripoll, servicios informáticos para empresas y despachos profesionales (Partner de acens) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> M&B Ripoll, servicios informáticos para empresas y despachos profesionales (Partner de acens) - Duration: 2:37.


CHiPs and Salsa - Duration: 21:29.

For more infomation >> CHiPs and Salsa - Duration: 21:29.


3 remédios à base de alho para tratar fungos vaginais - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> 3 remédios à base de alho para tratar fungos vaginais - Duration: 6:59.


Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.

When Ford was going to erase Stan's mind, he put "Stanley Pines" into the memory gun.

However, Stan had been living his life with fake identities for about 30 years until that

point, so he really wasn't "Stanley Pines" anymore.

The first memory that came back to stan was waddles, and he was living as Stanford Pines,

or more specifically, Grunkle Stan, when he got that memory.

So maybe its the individual's alias that they associate most with that must be inputted

to delete their memory, so inputting "Grunkle Stan" into the gun might have deleted his

more recent, but better memories.

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Theory - Why Didn't Stan Lose All His Memories? - Grunkle Stan, Stanley Pines, - Duration: 0:57.


網紅朝聖「知名自 殺森林」真的遇到有人想不開!堅持跟著對方「一個擁抱阻止悲劇」被讚爆! - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> 網紅朝聖「知名自 殺森林」真的遇到有人想不開!堅持跟著對方「一個擁抱阻止悲劇」被讚爆! - Duration: 6:04.


The Chairma's Ear - S03E04 - IV Commonwealth/PPR encore - Duration: 14:36.

Ladies, listen

It went quite well...

with Rysiek... but this is only the first stage

Yes, we handled Rysiek, but this is just the beginning

We may not like each other...

We don't like each other...

but we bite our lips and stand together

We set aside our differences and pursue a common goal

My vagina belongs to me!

And... what is the goal?

We take everything to the left of PiS


I set goals here

I am the leader, not you

If I hadn't supported you, you wouldn't be


Then we still would have Rysiek

So, it might be better that we have her...

We will see


how are we supposed to do anything without any money?

Save the women!

Rysiek's not with us...

What? Rysiek snot?


And if there is no Rysiek, there is no money

He got the money with a lick and a promise

He had contacts...

No more women dictatorship!

We're broke

So, we need to...

...organize a collection... - We need to start a fundraiser

Will you...


repeating everything I say

only using different words?

When you stop talking first, I won't have to repeat what you say

Anyway, a "fundraiser" sounds much better than a "collection"

A fundraiser collects money

A collector collects funds. - Stop it!

Local elections are coming. If we lose, we're done!

We have to meet with Grzesiek and talk things through

Agreed. - Right

You see?

I wouldn't kill you to say "agreed"

if we agree, instead of "right"?

It wouldn't! But I don't have to. This is a democratic party!

We want a doctor, not a prosecutor!


What brings me here?


Authentic respect

and a sincere desire to thank you

That's funny

you, Leszek from SLD, thank me? For what?

In '89 it seemed

that the project my life depended on

- PPR -

was going to fall

That my friends and I lost

I mean

the guys from the services were still trying

cheating... Some partnerships, enfranchisements

generally - a sham

Socialism went bankrupt

The dissolution of the Soviet Union

Total catastrophe!

Better dead...

...than red! - Mariusz!

I don't take offense

You can say everything

But it's important what you do

And even more important

how you finish

Why have you dressed like that?


After all, I'm the first soldier of the Commonwealth!

Don't compromise yourself! Take it off right now

Yes sir!

Take it off!

Dear ladies, first and foremost I would like to thank you for inviting me to this

lavish dinner

I feel like an American secretary of state

I don't even remember the last time I've eaten salty sticks

With Rysiek we discussed indulging ourselves with cheeses...


and grapes

But Rysiek is no more

Forget about him, sir

Don't remember about him, sir

Now, it's us - women

No more women dictatorship!

It really got ultra-modern

Except uteruses we also have brains!

We'd like to

propose a joint list for local government elections

To be together in the elections

And then what?

We share the candidates for presidents of cities fifty-fifty


Is that so?

Mateusz, sadly, women will overthrow your government badly!

Dear ladies

you don't even have any money

without Rysiek

You are like

Christmas tree without roots in a pot

- it will live for a while

and wither

We've got

ambitions and... the will to fight

we've got enthusiasm and we're very brave



the money. What you need are names

Well known




And Rysiek - was such a name

But Rysiek is finished. - Disgraced!

And besides


is a diminutive

not a name

From: Ryszard

Girls... what do you want to trade with me?

Think it over and let's talk again

Sleep on it

Sleep on it yourself!

You'd better...

get some sleep!

Take your hands off our wombs!

What are you saying? IV Commonwealth is PPR encore?


you praised Gierek for being a patriot

After all, it's neo-communism as far as the eye can see

The First Secretary rules

Political office, party, conventions...

party television, party press... - Oh, come on...

Communism was gone once and for all

"Pilot, aviator...


the pride of our days!"

Kolobrzeg - do you remember?

Those were the days! I wish they were back


That uniform

Airforce is also bad?

So why did you make me

a minister? I can't even dress up like a real soldier?


Yes sir!


Is everyone on this post getting stupid?

Healthy Poland - rotten West, right?

Honest people -

lying elites

Good rulers -

opposition financed

by CIA

Everything is the same as before

What's wrong? - I'm sorry. Memories...

Don't cry

And we attack different professions

judges, doctors...

Do you want 500 PLN? Here you are!

Doesn't matter if you're standing or lying down...

No no no. It's not like that

And the best -

telling people how to live

because the rulers know better

Bringing up a new citizen:

don't work on Sunday

rest, pray

don't breed animals

don't drink alcohol after 10 p.m.

...but procreate

"A stewardess and a sailor

what a good joke!

How really difficult

it is for them to cope!"


Admiral is no good either?

It's a rear admiral!

I knew a navy blue would be better...



Yes sir...

With communism

we also didn't accept refugees

and we didn't like Germans, just like today

My God...

My whole youth


I chased them off

I said that I don't have any mates there if you're not there

And I don't need any partners, I'm married

I'll be honest with you:

I don't accept that you're not there

And that's okey-dokey. All's dandy. Forget it

I'll start something new. Mine. - What?

I have a plan planned

Listen, Rysiek... Why don't you...

join me?


For real?

I'm from Opole

You're from Wroclaw...

We need to stick together


we play together...

like check and mate

I'm offering you... the finance minister in the Shadow Cabinet...


...and the deputy prime minister. What the hell!

So, in politics

friendship is a real deal

Of course!

Oh, listen... friend

You had your ways of getting money in Modern, right?

Do you still have these contacts?

Deputy Prime Minister...

Sure! Why?

Just asking... like one friend...

to another

Our judges

our prosecutors

our priests


but also, the nationalization of banks

100% communism

Come on!

Back then

people were dying, they were beaten

put into prisons...

Some were in prison, some not... OK, that wasn't fair

A man can be destroyed in so many ways. - Leszek...

What are you getting at?

I offer you my services as the deputy prime minister

You can't be serious. - Why not?

There's no room for Antoni, because

you're moving more to the left, so it's more for me

That's too bold...

Why "too bold"? Your followers will buy everything

They bought the fact that you dumped Beata, Antoni... that you took on a bankster

for prime minister, they'll love me too

just tell them to trust you

But you belonged to PUWP

Now I'll belong to PiS

It's not such a big difference

There are many comrades in your party already

My vita is beautiful

I didn't put people in prison

I didn't order people to shoot, thanks to me Poland entered the Union, NATO, Afghanistan

But you belonged to Self-Defence

Together with your beloved Rysiek. And am I worse than him?

And I don't like those old Solidarity fighters, just like you

That Wladek who was lying on Krakowskie Street...


who was signing... that Henryka, what supposedly stopped the tram...

I don't like them as much as you!

Perhaps a bit less

I don't like Adam from "Wyborcza" either

I was his fault my government fell. The magazine...

What do you say...

comrade Jaroslaw?

Take it easy, girls

Grzesiek is a sly fox...

A cunning coyote!

...but he is compromised

Your tombs, our wombs!

Umm... why?

Well, he's compromised by his friendship with Rysiek, who is compromised to the square root

Why don't we dump him and talk with the left wing?

I suggest to ignore him and take a step towards the left

Who exactly?

Exactly Adrian and Barbara

because they are not discredited

O! Barbara!

I want to tell you, that I'm finished with you after this embarrassment

What embarrassment? - What are you talking about?

You have the nerve to ask?

You claim to be so modern and when it comes down to it...

Even the Chairman voted for women!

I'm finished with us as well. - Screw you!

I wonder who's screwing who

to start with



I want to unite the left wing

Mhm... meaning who?

Meaning me, you, The Greens, the ones about vaginas, Leszek and Wlodek

We can't count on the spinsters from Modern because they are a disgrace

What Wlodek?

The one in the yellow sweater

But... please don't compromise yourself!

But Adrian... - But Baska! Screw you!

Mr Wlodek!

Mr Wlodek...

The united left wing

You, I, Leszek, The Greens, the ones about vaginas...

and Adrian

What Adrian?

Well, that lumpish one from Together

Please, don't compromise yourself Ms Barbara

This Adrian is

an embarrassment of the left!

At least he's wearing a sweater



there is an idea

to unite the left wing

Why don't you join us?

No, my child

I play in a different league than your vagina girls

I will compromise myself now in quite a different company

What company?

Figure it out on yourself, Basia

If not vaginas, then ...?

"Golden rims, golden rims

like the Sun in July..."

Now good?

Now good

You are

a serious Minister of National Defense

Not a clown

Swear that you will stop compromising yourself

I swear!

For more infomation >> The Chairma's Ear - S03E04 - IV Commonwealth/PPR encore - Duration: 14:36.


Analizamos el look de Máxima de Holanda en su último acto (con protesta incluida) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Analizamos el look de Máxima de Holanda en su último acto (con protesta incluida) - Duration: 3:08.


The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell Today | MSNBC Live April 11 2018 - Duration: 5:40:04.

For more infomation >> The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell Today | MSNBC Live April 11 2018 - Duration: 5:40:04.


Daymond John Makes A Deal With This Bodybuilder On The Tank - Duration: 7:30.

Best of Shark Tank TV

Daymond John Makes A Deal With This Bodybuilder On The Tank

hello sharks my name is Stan efforting my company is

the cooler and i'm asking for $50,000 in exchange for 15% of my company

i'm an IFBB professional bodybuilder and world-record power lifter known

throughout the industry as the white rhino and I'm the reigning title holder

of the mr. Olympius world's strongest pro bodybuilders bank I've been trading

amateur and professional athletes for over 25 years and I tell my athletes if

you want to press a 200 pound dumbbell overhead then you'd better get proper

nutrition before your workout and if you want a deadlift 600 pounds

then you'd better stay hydrated and if you want to flip an 800-pound

tire you better get plenty of protein to recover from your workout that's why I

invented the cooler it's the world's only cooler with in a cooler first it's

a double wall insulated cooler that holds a gallon of ice water that you can

drink while exercising or throughout the day if you want a protein shake or a

energy drink while you're training here you go ice cool if you want a snack or a

meal replacement drink after the cooler comes with the second shaker bottle I

designed it to hold some protein or carbohydrate powder for your post

exercise nutrition now remember the ice water goes in here and when the shakers

go in the water keeps them cold the cooler keeps three drinks

all together inside one ice cold container so what do you say sharks you

won't find a cooler business for your investments together we could crush the

competition I have some samples thank you

thank you I can really see the supplying two heavy-duty lifting people because

they always have the protein shakes always have the water it's locked

containers but do you see it as a wide product I think the average guy would

use it because I I noticed the average guys in the gyms all the time if their

gym bags are loaded with multiple different drinks you know first of all

the average girl should be included here but when you think your anniversa ly

about a product you want to have it be convenient for a broad mass audience

because listen white rhino I said to little skepticism amongst the Sharks but

you could blow that away by telling us you've sold a lot of them well I've been

16 months on the market I've sold 120 thousand dollars worth of product how

did you sell that's not bad that's not bad at all I have a national distributor

the largest one in the country has seven regional warehouses and they supply over

30,000 locations what kind of locations General Nutrition Center or Vitamin

Shoppe mom-and-pop nutrition stores it's selling any online I am half of my sales

are online why do you sell it for I pay $7 I sell it for 30 to 95 so

you've made some decent money off of this it pays for itself

I'm breakeven thus far on an aggressive travel schedule I've traveled all over

the country with all the different shows yes when I go to the Expos I expect

bodybuilders and power lifters to come up and buy my product but I find that

over half of the consumers are moms and dads children police officers and

firemen just telling me a soccer mom the line in the road absolutely there's 30

million kids a year that sign up for kids sports stay what's been your

biggest challenge why haven't you sold a million dollars worth as opposed to 20

my biggest challenge is when it sits on the Shelf at a store you can't tell what

it is or what it does right I have to touch every customer and what I want to

do now is I want to try and utilize either an infomercial or a QVC style

presentation to talk to those soccer moms to show them the benefits of the

product so I can reach thousands of people at once what's your background

have any other business Fisher run I do it might be easy to judge this book by

its cover but I've turned three startup companies

into multi-million dollar businesses and I started an engineering firm last year

we did five million dollars in gross sales now I became a silent partner in

that firm a year and a half ago so I could focus full-time on the cooler you

know wiper I know you're an impressive guy when you first walked out here I

thought okay meathead guy but you've got a really

good background love the passion and like what you've done and you're you're

the brand kind of thing but it's extremely vertical and danisha

I don't think I'm gonna make any money I like you white right now I really do but

I know Thank You mr. Wong here's what I see Stan it's a good idea you know how

to sell it but what's missing is an accelerant I don't see what that

accelerant is it's gonna take your and a hand combat to sell it that's a problem

for me and so for those reasons I'm out okay thank you

when I invest in a product I like something that I can sell to all my

customers this is very very neat you spoke about it's great great infomercial

the thing a lot of people don't understand is is that infomercials are

extremely difficult nine HUD have 10 fail this on QVC because of your

audience which i think is much more sports oriented and that I don't see as

a heavy QVC watching audience I'm sorry I see the opposite I think you're trying

to make a niche product and appeal to to why the base I wish it was a more

hardcore I know thank you Damon that leaves you and me and I need

help carrying his tire out of here so I'm gonna make a video I know it

definitely doesn't look like it but I have a lot to do with Fitness we're late

yeah I just sold my CrossFit because you don't look like body no huh you're the

reverse are you saying Damon's that before II think so

yeah all right I'm gonna make you an offer buddy

so over here come 50,000 for 15% are you sure you want to make the white rhino

mad but get ugly here yeah okay so I'll give you $50,000 for a third of the

company I think that's a fair off but before I make a final decision I do have

to ask the big guns

guys Damon you gotta do just don't squeeze man I think I made a great deal

Damon understands the industry he understood the product he knows the

players so it was these match what we know now is the white rhino has a new

partner the Black Riders a something else we're

never gonna have a disagreement

For more infomation >> Daymond John Makes A Deal With This Bodybuilder On The Tank - Duration: 7:30.


Como evitar a flacidez no rosto com 6 exercícios faciais - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Como evitar a flacidez no rosto com 6 exercícios faciais - Duration: 6:40.


Regele Hagi dă verdictul! Îl vrea pe Lupescu, la conducerea FRF: "Niciodată - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Regele Hagi dă verdictul! Îl vrea pe Lupescu, la conducerea FRF: "Niciodată - Duration: 4:17.


Focus Infotainment: Kia Stinger GT Line (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 7:35.

Hello there, We Drive friends!

In this video I'll show you the infotainment system of the new Kia Stinger

We have a 7'' tablet-like touchscreen display

When it's turned off it shows date and time

Such a useful screensaver

Let's turn it on

When you turn it on, the main page shows you the navi

Radio informations

And then virtual buttons to ''All the menus'', ''Informations'' and ''Personal Menu''

Let's try the Personal Menu

Right now it shows the Contacts button

But it is customizable, I can add more buttons to it

Some shortcut buttons

Let's see the Multimedia ones

Let's choose AUX

Add it

So as soon as I get in the car, instead of searching ''AUX'' through all the menus

All I have to do is press ''Personal Menu'' and then ''AUX''

Right now there's no AUX connection but it's a very useful feature

Then we have

''All the Menus''

This shows 2 subpages

As you can see

Phone, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay

Radio, Multimedia, Current Position

In the second one there's Navigation, A/C, Settings and Personal Menu

Phone: right now is connected to my phone

It shows the calls list

And also, if you load them, all of your contacts

It is a very simple system, right here you can dial a number

Very simple

Then the Informations

You can have these infos if the car is connected to Internet

Right now I have my phone's hotspot on, so if I click on ''Weather''

The car will show me the weather forecast, in this case, of my current position

Then you can have Traffic informations

No infos right now

Then there's ''POI'', Points of Interest

Let's search ''Near My Position'', a petrol station

Let's see what happens

The car found some petrol station, and if I click on one of them

It will give me directions to it on the Navi

Very useful and simple to use!

This car has normal AM/FM Radio and also DAB, the Digital Radio

Perfect audio quality

Thanks to the Harman Kardon sound system

But also thanks to the fact that DAB Radio provides perfect audio quality, way better than the classic AM/FM

Now let's try Multimedia

Right now my iPhone is connected via Bluetooth

So I can use apps such as Apple Music, Spotify

So I can play my music via Bluetooth

But I can also choose

Not to use bluetooth

But the Apple CarPlay system, now I plug my phone in

Via the USB port down here


It is checking the device...Apple CarPlay, ok

Now the Apple CarPlay button became available

This button is available also in the main Menu page

Right here, instead of ''Personal Menu'', now let's click on it

I have to unlock the phone

Perfect, as you can see right now

Enzo just sent a message to our We Drive Whatsapp group chat

Here I have Whatsapp, Spotify

And many other apps: Kia

From which I can go back directly to the main Kia menu

Audiobooks, Maps, Messages, Music

Let's open Spotify

Here's Spotify, let's check this playlist


Super-handy, I love Apple CarPlay because

I have all my phone stuff in hand while I'm in a car

Let's go back to the menu

Here's the Navi

Very intuitive Navi here


Let's write a random address

Via Enrico De Nicola

Cassano delle Murge

I press ok and then I get directions to get there

Set it as destination

You can actually set...let me turn off Apple CarPlay because today in We Drive they are chatting a lot

Let me get back to the Navi

I can add a stop

A middle stop before getting to my destination

And I can also add this address to my address book

If somebody calls me telling me ''You have to go to that place''

I can simply add it to the address book to link the given address to that person's phone number

A very useful feature for people who drive a lot

Let's get back

Main Navi menu now

I can insert GPS coordinates

Then the Kia Service button

With this one, I can put the Kia Service as my destination, right now we're very near to one

Then I can use previous destinations

I can use some addresses of my address book

I can also load on the Infotainment some planned itineraries

I can add some Custom Points of Interest

Then there's Route, with all the settings

Or we can also add some Favorites

Very simply

You press Navi, then Favorites, and then Home, Office, Favorite 1, 2, etc.

Another button is for the A/C

From this one you can't change temperature or vents' speed

It is used for having just informations about the temperature

And the speed of the vents

Because down here you have no further screens

And then it has some useful settings such as the automatic anti-mist

And also the Intelligent Ventilation

If you have the A/C off and there's humidity in the car

The car automatically detects it and excretes it

A very clever system

Now I turn off the car

The car says goodbye with a jingle, this one customizable, too!

Well, give us a Thumbs Up if you liked this video

Let us know in the comments your thoughts about the Kia Stinger's Infotainment System

Let us know if you like it or you prefer other cars' systems, and share this video

And subscribe to our channel!

For more infomation >> Focus Infotainment: Kia Stinger GT Line (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 7:35.


Adriana Krnáčová se rozhodla skončit v politice: Už nechce býtprimátorkou Prahy - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Adriana Krnáčová se rozhodla skončit v politice: Už nechce býtprimátorkou Prahy - Duration: 1:31.


Dette middelet lindrer leddsmerter på en uke - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Dette middelet lindrer leddsmerter på en uke - Duration: 2:41.


Shimmer and Shine | Dressed in colorful balloons # 96 | FSS - Duration: 10:15.

wow, beautiful dress

wish i could wear it

what is going on

no no

go home

Something makes you sad

I dream of a dress but can not buy

I have a good way

blow the ball

Then finish together

really creative

This is naturally mild

I can not go down anymore

help help

ha ha, the lanyard is finished

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