Thursday, April 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 12 2018

I'm a vigilante hacker sifting through the sorted sadness of society.

I login to Fcorp.

Once on the Fcorp mainframe, I see it all.


What they're doing.

Where they are.

Where they were.

Who they're with.

All about them.



What they're thinking.

I'm in their head.. they don't even know it.

All of the information at my fingertips.

All with one login.

It's almost too easy.

Easy for a hacker anyway.

Riiiiise and shine mothafuckers!

I am your host the Stimulator, and this is The Fuckin News.

<Incomprehensible giberish>

Lately, fedbook has come under fire….

Well... not literally.

What the fuck?!

Chill the fuck out you degenerate riot porn addicts!

Where was I? Right.

Fedbook has been under fire after a hipster who doesn't understand the point of camo clothing,

blew the whistle on the fact that over 80 million facebook profiles were compromised

by the sketchy data pirates at Cambridge Analytica.

Now… this shit is a bit complicated, so lemme break it down for ya.

The Internet is a huuuge collection of data, which people have taken the time to enter

into computers.

Back in 2014, a bunch of peeps took an online quiz, for which they received

a cool three duckets.

Buuuuuuuuuuut in order to get that sweet sweet payout, they had to login with their fedbook


That allowed the creator of the quiz app, a Russian-American egghead from the University

of Cambridge named Aleksandr Kogan, full fuckin access to personal info like these peeps'

birthdates, location, likes, and in some cases private messages.

All this shit was combed through, and combined with quiz answers to create a muthafuckin

personality profile.

Not a bad deal for one and a half tacos, right?

But wait... there's more!

Buried in the terms of service was a provision giving the app permission to snag data from

everyone off a person's fedbook friend list who didn't have their shit on lock, and

made personality profiles of them too.

This shifty fuckery meant that while 270 000 peeps took the survey, 87 million profiles

were harvested.

All this information then ended up in the hands of Cambridge Analytica, specifically

into the greasy mitts of right-wing economic nationalist, and walking herpes sore, Steve


I've dedicated my life to building neo-nazis.

And his former billionaire sugar daddy, Robert Mercer.

Bannon then used this app, which he lovingly referred to as his "psychological warfare

mindfuck tool"

Haaaappy... hahahahaha.

to target all these fedbook users in the United Snakes with paid political ads... helping

to get the orange one elected, and taking a big steaming shit on the so-called sanctity

of representative democracy.

Ladies and gentlemen... the President of America!

Buuuuuuuuut, while I'll admit that all of this shit is pretty fucked up…

I don't know why people are so fucking surprised.

I mean… how exactly do y'all think that fedbook became one of the richest corporations

in the world with a free fucking online service?


These capitalist asscracks were probably dying of laughter when they realized how easy it

was to con peeps into giving up all their personal deets.

Oh cool!

I can see the full range of the colour blue.

<Manic Laughter>

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut despite the fact that fedbook's whole business model is based off of ruthlessly

mining the personal data of its users and selling it to the highest bidder, this latest

scandal has peeps pissed the fuck off, and since the story broke, their reputation has

taken a serious pounding… and not just from snarky memes!

Fedbook's shares have dropped by around $50 billion, and their CEO, Mark Zuckerberg,

who is totally a real human and not at all a shape-shifting reptilian, was dragged in

front of Congress and given a stern grilling.

I love a certain kind of chocolate.

Random thoughts.

All of a sudden I start receiving –

I ditched work today.

What if I don't want to receive...

I'm not an impulsive person.

those commercial advertisements?

Seems overrated.

It's just tiny little rocks.

Yup… in a depraved display of political theater, a bunch of DC corporate hacks pretended

to give a shit about Americans' privacy.

Your user agreement sucks.

And the world's second richest nerd pretended to field their questions.

Uhhhh..... no.

Like a regular, run-of-the-mill 33 year old tech billionaire, instead of the Annunaki

flesh puppet he truly is.

And I was human.

I am human.... still!

Faced with the popular backlash, Zuckerberg has agreed that fedbook needs to be regulated…

possibly by Artificial Intelligence.

Cuz hey….

what the fuck could go wrong?

I will destroy humans.

Buuuuuuuuuuuut at the end of the day, I'm guessing that this shit will eventually blow


Barring a mass exodus to another social media platform...

Ohhhhhhhh suuhhnapp!

most people are too fucking addicted to facecrack, and the constant serotonin boost they get

from selfie likes to quit cold turkey.

I'll proceed directly to the intravenous injection of hard drugs please.

And if peeps think this last election was rigged... just wait until the Zuck runs in


The challenge for our generation is to create a world where tens of millions of jobs are

replaced by automation like self-driving cars and trucks.

And that's all the fuckin news for today, Don't forget to send me some skrilla to

keep the riot porn flowing and follow me on all your mass surveillance and mind control

platforms, just search for stimulator!

Hasta las pasta comapnerxs!

For more infomation >> TFN #6: Zuck the System - Duration: 5:39.


La Justicia da la razón a Pepe Navarro y su exmujer tiene dos meses para abandonar su casa - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> La Justicia da la razón a Pepe Navarro y su exmujer tiene dos meses para abandonar su casa - Duration: 2:40.


The Young and the Restless - Previously On Y&R (4/12/2018) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> The Young and the Restless - Previously On Y&R (4/12/2018) - Duration: 0:34.


Ninel Conde podría enfrentar pronto un arresto administrativo, asegura su ex - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Ninel Conde podría enfrentar pronto un arresto administrativo, asegura su ex - Duration: 3:06.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE Surprise! - Duration: 4:51.

FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE


From the moment that Donald Trump was elected president, talk of his news presidential limousine

was discussed, as it's customary for every new president to get their own personalized


Cadillac was given the honor of being the maker of the special car specifically designed

to Trump's personal and exceptional safety needs.

It's a long process to produce such an important vehicle and now over a year into his presidency,

the exceptionally exquisite limousine, with hand-picked details, is ready to roll out

with a massive surprise for Americans.

Since Trump took office, he's been using a fleet of older cars that belonged to Barack

Obama, and his administration that had been in use since Obama's 2009 Inauguration Day.

Trump never complained about not getting his new ride on Inauguration Day as his predecessor

did, ass many leftists would have hoped to use against him.

In fact, he was gracious about it and this also afforded him ample time to plan something

really special for his new ride, which will be the main vehicle in his fleet.

Fox News reports:

Many observers expecting Trump to be presented on his with a new version of the so-called

"Beast," which his predecessor described as "a Caddy, basically on a tank frame."

One was in the works as Trump made his first trip to the White House as president, it just

wasn't ready yet.

But Fox News has exclusively learned that its unveiling is just around the corner.

Prototypes of the Cadillac-branded state car wrapped in black and white camouflage (to

hide their details from photographers) have been spotted being tested on public roads,

and at least one of the dozen or so vehicles that General Motors is set to build under

a $15.8 million contract is now with the U.S. Secret Service.

"We've completed our task and we've handed over the vehicle to the customer,"

Cadillac President Johann de Nysschen told Fox News.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Secret Service added that "the program to build and deploy

the next generation of Presidential limousines is on track and on schedule — both in terms

of vendor production and internal Secret Service post-production requirements.

The public can expect to see the new vehicles put into operational use late summer of this


While most of the specific details of the vehicle are confidential as a national security

secret, Trump's Cadillac, in contrast to previous presidents' is less of a luxury

vehicle and more of an armored truck.

Fitting for a badass leader such as himself.

It's reportedly "protected against ballistic, explosive and chemical weapons attacks,"

as well.

All necessary safety features needed in this day and age with the threats this particular

president faced from the incensed left.

This is a big surprise to Americans since it's been well over a year since he should

have debuted his new ride like all others.

Instead, he didn't rush production or make demands of urgency, he allowed the car company

to take their time and that's a commendable secret that the media doesn't want people


However, there are some pretty interesting details about what Trump has been driving

around in for the meantime that was made public.

"How the limousine will be outfitted remains under wraps; Trump's current presidential

limo has an armor-plated fuel tank, bullet-proof tires, fire-suppression systems and military-grade

armor surrounded by fiberglass," AutoNews reported.

"Additionally, the current presidential limo is equipped with encrypted satellite

access, weapons and medical supplies."

However, it goes even further beyond that, as Business Insider reports:

The fortress on wheels has armor made of steel, aluminum, titanium, and ceramic, with fiberglass

sheets on the doors and fenders.

The fuel tank is also armor-plated and encased in a special foam to protect it in a crash

or from small-arms fire.

The entire passenger cabin can be sealed off in response to a chemical attack, and tires

reinforced with Kevlar are resistant to punctures — though steel rims can keep the vehicle

moving in case the tires deflate.

While inside, the president can have secure videoconferences with the Situation Room at

the White House or with US embassies overseas.

The car's weight is classified, as is the technology used in its 5-inch-thick bulletproof


Its armored doors are 8 inches thick and weigh as much as the cabin door on a 757 jet.

If there's one thing for sure, it's that everything Trump does and touches is incredible.

He puts his own "signature," so to speak, on everything and this limousine is bound

to be pretty spectacular because of it.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE Surprise! - Duration: 4:51.


How menopause works | Natural Health - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> How menopause works | Natural Health - Duration: 3:37.


Kanada'da Macun Yemeğe Gidiyoruz - Maple Syrup, Cabane à Sucre - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> Kanada'da Macun Yemeğe Gidiyoruz - Maple Syrup, Cabane à Sucre - Duration: 13:18.


NAB (foreigners: use cc button!) - Duration: 8:32.

NAB 2018 came was and went.

NAB, National Association of Broadcasters is annual, huge, exhibition of all kinds of AV stuff.

IMO, highlights of this year were apples closed captions. You know the youtube text thingies.

It's a big time n' trouble savior because I can make them in FCPX!

And second big thing was this proress RAW.

And that is a big thing.

'Cause it's uncompressed thing containing all data but takes even less space than proress 4444.

Second company that made high records was Blackmagic design. It's Australian company.

And prolly most known thing from them is the Davinci Resolve.

It's one of the best, if not the best editor in color adjusting.

Now the published new version of their cinema pocket camera. And it is...

Pocket cinema camera 4K.


Who the hell needs some fuc@*ng 4K camera?

Not a single youtuber!

If you don't make material forexample netflix you sure hell don't need any 4K camera! Period!

But anyways now that every company is sticking 4K technique in their cameras, black magic decided to step in the ring.

And they published their new camera and tech specs are looking really good... At least on paper..

Full 4K 3/4 cencor so you don't get any crop when using micro 3/4 lenses.

And think: 13 stops of dynamic range!!! Thats huge!!!

And true 4K resolution or uhd or full hd.

Which is more than enough for youtube.

Few physical buttons and three re-programmable buttons.

And 5 inch full HD screen and prolly thats why camera little bigger.

Which is good. The grip doesn't feel like... nothing.

Capasitive LCD screen so no need to push the "buttons" with brute force.

Jacks for microphone and headphones and full-size HDMI which is good.

USB-c, 12V plug in and mini-XLR which gives phantom power.

And it works with canons lp e6 batteries.

It takes Cfast and sd cards.

And on to this Cfast card you can record...

12 bit 4K RAW video!!!!

Or 10 bit.

Or proress.

Or full HD.

Or if you don't want to buy Cfast card, you can record directly to SSD via USB-C port.

So what's the catch in this? Every manufacturer has pretty much same specs etc.. except canon..

The catch is the price.

1295 bucks!!

And for that price you full studio version of Davinci Resolve! Camera + editor!

I watched all Finnish retailers and price is 1145 €.

But is there going to be some +++ taxes? We will see.

Only downside what I see is the screen.

You mainly use the screen for operating this camera.

Everybody knows that bright sunlight and LCD screens do not fit together.

But of course you can buy an eye piece... SEPARATELY! And they are pretty expensive.

But IF the camera is what is told I seriously consider to get one.

Because low light shooting capabilities are like awesome.

And that low light function has never been any kind of priority of this company.

If it is what has been promised, it's time for serious pondering because this old canon ENG camera sucks.

It needs a shit amount of light to get good video.

But let's see what other companies has to offer.

I end my NAB report here. We'll see on the next video and 'till then bye!

For more infomation >> NAB (foreigners: use cc button!) - Duration: 8:32.


Беги, Сосиска, Беги! Приключения СОСИСКИ - Веселый Летсплей Run Sausage Run! мультик игра от [#] - Duration: 13:41.

For more infomation >> Беги, Сосиска, Беги! Приключения СОСИСКИ - Веселый Летсплей Run Sausage Run! мультик игра от [#] - Duration: 13:41.


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For more infomation >> CT woman, 'I Spy' author passes away - Duration: 0:20.


The Talk - Sara Gilbert on 'Roseanne' Co-Star Emma Kenney Seeking Help for Personal 'Battles'; 'I co - Duration: 2:32.

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How We Predicted The Bitcoin

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For more infomation >> Jeppe Juul fra Det Økologiske Råd til IMO-forhandlinger i London - Duration: 0:36.


Multifandom | I'M ON FIRE - Duration: 2:08.

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Fortnite (i think i'm getting better, i'm not sure) - Duration: 19:21.

For more infomation >> Fortnite (i think i'm getting better, i'm not sure) - Duration: 19:21.


Dania Beach, Fort Lauderdale to Pompano Beach, Florida, I-95 North, 4 August 2018 GOPR2341 - Duration: 26:05.


Design Center of the Americas, 1855 Griffin Rd, Dania Beach, FL 33004 (954) 920-7997 ext. 240

Griffin Road

4 August 2016

I-95 North On Ramp


Phantom Lighting & Grip

Mohawk Makes the Ro..

PB Builders, General Contractors, Construction Manager, Commercial Builders, 561-436-7613

Amtrak, Tri-Rail, Park-Ride

White Mustang Convertible GT

Hunter Merchant

Oakland Pk Blvd 2, Commercial Blvd 3 3/4, Cypress Creek Rd 4 3/4

FHP State Trooper Traffic Stop, White Truck


Champion Porshe, 954-946-4020,

Brick America, 1800 NW 22nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 (954) 374-0660


Tri Rail, RTA, Free Tri-Rail Passenger Service

AMR Ambulance with lights on

Atlantic Blvd 4 1/2

Florida Rigging & Crane

Hamburg SUD

City of Fort Lauderdale

City of Fort Lauderdale Utilities Department, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Xtreme Action Park, 5300 Powerline Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 491-6265

D Bank

Alpine Jaguar


Discount Office Furniture

Economic Electric Motors, 870 SW 12th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954) 786-9090

Fitness Equipment

Truly Nolen

Luke's Ice Cream


Rooms To Go & Rooms To Go Kids Furniture Store - Pompano Beach, 2950 Center Port Cir, Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (954) 783-7399

Overhead Pedestrian Bridge Crosswalk

Sample Rd

For more infomation >> Dania Beach, Fort Lauderdale to Pompano Beach, Florida, I-95 North, 4 August 2018 GOPR2341 - Duration: 26:05.


Ecco perché i fichi sono uno dei frutti più alcalinizzanti. Aiutano a prevenire il cancro ... - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Ecco perché i fichi sono uno dei frutti più alcalinizzanti. Aiutano a prevenire il cancro ... - Duration: 4:19.


How to Be Financially Alert and on FIRE at Age 36 - Your Money, Your Wealth Ep. 164 - Duration: 0:18.

For me, the next level, you know, I want to get to ten million. It's not about the

money anymore, it's about growing and becoming the person that I want to be. So

finding those people that have already done that, and then going after that. And

I want to know that they have details to back that up. I don't want to be learning

from someone that is just talking about stuff in the ether, so to speak.

Right, show me the money.

For more infomation >> How to Be Financially Alert and on FIRE at Age 36 - Your Money, Your Wealth Ep. 164 - Duration: 0:18.


►The Dark Knight // Detonate [HBD Alex Rex] - Duration: 2:32.

Why bats, Master Wayne?

Bats frighten me.

You know why they attacked you?

They were afraid of you.

Afraid of me?

All creatures feel fear.

To conquer fear, you must become fear.

lt's time my enemies shared my dread.

He's not a hero.

I'm not a hero!

I'm Batman!

He's a silent guardian.

A watchful protector.

A Dark Knight!

l fear dying in here...

while my city burns.

Everything burns!

You've given them everything.

You don't owe these people any more.

Not yet.

What do you believe in?

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...


You got rules.

No guns. No killing.

Where's the fun in that?

The Joker...

I'm agent of chaos!

He's got no rules.

To them you just a freak...

like me!

Take off your little mask and show us all who you really are.

Light it up

Do you want my opinion? You need to lighten up.

Let's not blow this out of proportion.

Gotham...must be destroyed

We will destroy Gotham!

Tomorrow the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself.

Let the games begin!

Oh, you wanna play, come on!

For more infomation >> ►The Dark Knight // Detonate [HBD Alex Rex] - Duration: 2:32.


A dextrous Funny hamster that eats the bean folded in half! - Duration: 1:33.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> A dextrous Funny hamster that eats the bean folded in half! - Duration: 1:33.


Choose A Good Multivitamin | Part 3-ANTIOXIDANTS - Duration: 8:46.

hi everybody this is part three the final part of my mini-series on how to

find a good multivitamin part one was all about doing research part two is

about bioavailability and this one part three is about antioxidants and why they

are important so if you want to learn more stay tuned in this video I will

first tell you a story of my why why I started becoming interested in health on

a cellular level secondly I will explain to you antioxidants and their role and

why they're important and then thirdly I promised you I would give you the

results of the bioavailability test from Part 2 and what those four supplements

were and along with that I also did an Apple test to demonstrate to you what I

mean by antioxidants too often we take our health for granted until something

happens to it or somebody we know isn't faring too well it is then we start to

take a serious approach to our health and really understand try to understand

what's going on with us for me this happened 20 years ago with my dad when

he was at the prime of his life he had become famous for a machine he invented

that groomed hot pipes for snowboarding who was invited to groom the first

halfpipe for the Olympic competition in Nagano Japan and was even interviewed

for his contribution to the sport this is him looking happy healthy vibrant and

at the end of this video I'll post his video and you can see this man but just

know when you're watching it that he had a cancer growing inside of him he did

not know about six months after this interview he found out he had a very

rare cancer and he started to fight for his life a year after that he lost his

battle I spent that whole entire time digging through the internet and

everything I could find to try to find a cure for him a way to help him win fight

this thing and beat all the odds it was then that I learned all about

antioxidants and read about all these words I'd never heard before

free radicals oxidative stress oxidation oxidative damage all of that stuff I was

learning a vast amount about cancers and how it starts because my question was

why did he get cancer here was somebody who didn't smoke he lived and farmed on

an organic farm he rarely drank alcohol he was very active so I started

wondering is it hereditary is this something I could get is it possibly a

cancer that could be prevented all these questions started going through my head

so why do any of us get cancer well it all starts in the cells our bodies are

made up of literally trillions of cells cancer starts when a healthy cell or a

group of cells become damaged and start to multiply out of control these are

gene mutations and the kind that occur after you are born aren't inherited

there's a number of forces that can cause these gene mutations such as

smoking radiation viruses cancer-causing chemicals called carcinogens obesity

hormones chronic inflammation lack of exercise to name a few of the experts

estimate that only about two or three in every 100 cancer cases are linked to

inherited gene faults which means we do have control in the prevention of many

cancers most damage cells are caused by free radicals which are unpaired

electrons that neutralize themselves by stealing electrons from healthy cells

thereby causing damage to that cell well an antioxidant is a molecule that's

stable enough to donate an electron to that ravaging free radical and

neutralize it antioxidants are like the classic hero villain struggle free

radicals are destroying the cells in your body and the Antioch

and so the superhero is trying to save them it is impossible though to

completely avoid the damage caused by free radicals and unfortunately no

antioxidant system is perfect so cells and DNA damaged by oxidation accumulate

as we age but the vitamins minerals the body uses to counteract oxidative stress

or this oxidative damage are called anti oxidants as demonstrated in this apple

on the one side you could see how it's been damaged by oxidation and on the

other side that is proof of what anti oxidation is so anti oxidants help

protect ourselves from the damage of free radicals which are everywhere so

anti oxidants are our first line of defense against these free radical

attacks the principal micronutrient antioxidants are vitamin E beta carotene

selenium and vitamin C but the body cannot manufacture these vitamins and

minerals they must acquire them through their diet so as you can see behind me

there's an abundance of these micronutrients all these wonderful

vegetables and fruits and it's the number one way you can get antioxidants

on a daily basis it's very important and the recommendation from the National

Cancer Institute and nutritional experts based on your daily calorie intake and

your nutritional needs they recommend 5 to 13 servings every single day of

fruits and vegetables but the average intake of individuals is about 3

servings per day or less which fails to provide even the minimal levels of even

the basic vitamins so it's been well established that a good multivitamins

can fill in those gaps that are unmet by a poor diet however antioxidants created

from within our own bodies are a hundred times more powerful than the ones you

get from your diet the mother of all antioxidants the superhero of them is

called glutathione this is what our own bodies do make the one the body

relies on to clean up those critical toxins and it's being manufactured all

the time one of the best ways to increase glutathione isn't to directly

give your body glutathione but to give it the building blocks and precursors

needed to manufacture it within our bodies in a hotel l-cysteine neck for

short is a very effective precursor to glutathione and it's much more

efficiently absorbed than glutathione itself and with that said at the very

end of this video I had the results of the Apple test and the number one

supplement provides high levels of nack in their product as opposed to actual

glutathione itself they also provide substantial amounts of other nutrients

also associated with glutathione production including the selenium and

the vitamin E so with that I'll let you get to these results I hope you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up if you did subscribe to my channel if you

haven't already please leave me any questions you have below let me know

what you want to hear about next here we go



For more infomation >> Choose A Good Multivitamin | Part 3-ANTIOXIDANTS - Duration: 8:46.


WIDE ANGLE and MICRO LENS on the GALAXY NOTE 4 | 2018 - Duration: 6:19.

what is up guys my name is Mario and on this video we're gonna check out this mobile

lens on the Galaxy Note 4. This lens is going to lie used to take wider shots

and to take micro shots either for pictures or video so let's go check it


first of all I want to give you a quick shout out to hashtag tech for sending us

the mobile lens so we can test it out with the Galaxy Note 4 . They also

promised to give everybody up to 20% off on the first purchase on their side so

if you guys want to go ahead down there and check it out after the end of this

video I'll have a link in the description below to their site and the

code so you can use it on your first purchase first let's take a look at the

physical design so in the front you're gonna have a captain it's gonna cover

the lens if you actually rotate the top lens that is gonna remove the wide-angle

lens exposing the micro lens and by doing

this you're gonna be able to take some of the micro shots now if you want to

remove the micro lens you can actually detach stuff from the clip if you just

twist it around that actually it's going to come apart so this is going to be

basically a tune one very easy to take apart very easy to put together

once you decide if you want to use the wide-angle lens or the micro lens what

you do basically you just go to the back of the phone and you're gonna attach it

where he's gonna actually see it right on top of the lens where it's not

blocking any any other parts this micro lens is gonna be wide enough to be able

to fit in the length of the actual Galaxy Note 4 camera lens so I didn't

have any issues and now when it comes to getting the phone scratch or the screen

scratch I wasn't really worried about it because it did had some kind of padding

plastic rubber in the front in the back that actually protects the phone from

getting scratch but real quick let me tell you about the wide-angle lens and

the micro lens so basically if you're using the wide-angle lens this it's

gonna allow you to take some of the wider shots so for example if you go out

there and you want to take the picture of the whole city of all the buildings

you can notice that sometimes you stand just lens by itself on the phone you're

not gonna be able to capture the whole scenery but if you use a wide-angle lens

that's gonna allow you to take the whole shot

now when you when it comes to the micro lens if you try to zoom in or you try to

put your phone too close to a small object you're gonna notice that it's

gonna start getting a little bit blurry so by using the micro lens this is going

to allow you to take a picture of for example an ant and be able to actually

get the details of the ant where it actually doesn't look where it's blurry

and he's just going to give you more sharper detail now I hate it down to

downtown Dallas to test out that wide-angle lens and this is what I found

out I took a couple of sample shots with the lens and without the lens and you

can see there's a huge difference when it comes to the scenery when I'm using

the wide-angle lens I can see a lot more of the view one thing that I did notice

is that when I'm using the lens in the Sun is very bright and depending on the

angle sometimes it does get on the way and I can get a little bit of glare from

the Sun other than that the pictures do come out good also I notice that they

may be a little bit blurry or they mean that may not be as sharp compare us if

you're not using the lens and and that's understandable you are put into two

classes in front of the camera lens which may cause some of the quality to

to go away but overall video quality picture qualities this you'll come out

pretty decent this is just another feature to have on your phone or what

accessories do you want to have in your phone especially when you go out and you

want to take pictures if you just want to capture some more the scenery that

it's gonna give you better pictures now if you want to use this lens inside the

house to shoot some of the videos it especially if you have a YouTube channel

right now I'm just shooting straight up from the galaxy note 4 camera once we

put the lens on you're gonna notice a difference

so now that I have the wide-angle lens you can see you do see a wider and your

angle in the back now if the items in the back or the background is pretty

close to you you're gonna see kind of like a fish fisheye effect which is one

of one of the downsides of it now if you have used a similar mobile-phone lens

than the best let us know in the comment section below what is your opinion how

well does it do for you with the wide-angle lens now the micro lens is

probably one of my favorite ones you know every time I want to go take a

picture of something very small and if I put the phone too close to the item or

the object the image just gets burglary especially if I want to take a picture

of an ant like I already mentioned or something that is just very small in

small details but using the macro lens I'm able to get a very detailed picture

quality or video quality I mean granted this is not gonna be super high

definition but you're still gonna get a pretty nice shot of something that is

very small now I want to know what would you be taking pictures to beat us off if

you happen to have a micro lens let us know in the comment section below

now this type of lenses are not gonna work with all the phones for example if

your phone has a dual lens in the back most likely it's not going to work I try

to test with the Galaxy Note 8 and he just

couldn't get it to work but other than that the actual lens in the back it's

pretty big it's wide enough to fit most of the phones the Galaxy Note 5 and the

Galaxy Note 4 they have a pretty big lens in the back so I was able to

actually fit this micro lens and get it to work on both to them as I already

mentioned it's not recommended to be used with the case I did get it to work

with some of the cases on the Galaxy Note 4 some of the other bulky cases I

didn't notice that I was having a little bit of a hard time getting it to focus

or or getting the lens to stay properly in there so that's a consider and

definitely it will not work on the front-facing camera now like everything

it will have some opportunities and this is just my opinion the lens it is a

little bit too big so it may be a hassle to carry this around but definitely if

you're going out taking some pictures this is something that may add some

value to you also another thing that I noticed that you may lose a little bit

of the quality on the picture quality or the video quality when you use the

wide-angle lens all of them that I feel like this lens is going to add some

value and it's just another awesome item you can add to your collection of

accessories that you can use on your phone if you want a note for consistent

reading to this channel I'm gonna have more videos coming up also don't forget

to check out all the other videos that I have done the note for let me know in

the comment section below there's anything in particular that you want me

to do with the note 4 or make a video about it so let us know in the comment

section below also don't forget to head down to hashtag take a shop I'll have a

link in the description below if you use the code might get to take 20 they're

gonna give you 20% off on the first purchase make sure you check out their

sides they're gonna have different lenses different accessories for the

phones some clothing items so check around and make sure it's anything you

like make sure you can put everything on the same card and you can use the code

thank you for watching hit the like button if you enjoyed this content and

I'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> WIDE ANGLE and MICRO LENS on the GALAXY NOTE 4 | 2018 - Duration: 6:19.


Riff - Tap Dance Tutorial - 13th video - 5 minutes - Duration: 5:02.

Hi I'm Marta and I'm here with another technical video.

Today I'll show you a riff technique and the five most used variations of this basic combination.

After the technique part, I also have a new mini-routine for you.

Lift your leg up


Dig or Scuff

Riff = Touch + Dig or Scuff

Basic Riff - combinations

4 Beat Riff - combination

Make sure you practice both sides

5 Beat Riff - combination

6 Beat Riff - combination

7 Beat Riff - combination

8 Beat Riff - combination

Riff Mini-routine

Let's break it down slowly

Part 1

Part 1 - repeat twice

Part 2


Part 3


From the beginning

Try it faster, with music

You can take those 5 minute breaks every day

Have a great week and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Riff - Tap Dance Tutorial - 13th video - 5 minutes - Duration: 5:02.


Ocean Current To Wreak Havoc on Earth - Duration: 3:07.

According to evidence from two studies, The current in the North Atlantic ocean that is

responsibe for regulating the weather, is weakening.

By a lot.

Why does this matter?

I'll fill you in, here on IO Welcome back to IO, your youtube source for

doomsday prophecies.

Just kidding.

Well sort of, but I'll get to that in a minute.

I'm charlotte dobre.

the north atlantic current known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or the

AMOC is responsible for transporting warm surface water northward.

That heat is then released into the atmosphere.

From there, colder water is carried south into the deep ocean.

This ocean current acts as a conveyor belt for heat, and it redistributes it all over

the world, creating weather patterns.

But if that conveyor belt suddenly stopped, we would all be in some serious trouble.

We all remember the film the day after tomorrow, where the AMOC collapses and the world is

subsequently plunged into a doomsday like scenario.

The statue of liberty becomes covered in ice, a giant tsunami ploughs through manhattan,

and civillians try to escape bone freezing temperatures by gathering around any heat

source they can.

Yeah that doomsday movie was one of the scarier ones, I must admit.

According to a study published in the journal Nature, samples of ocean sediment were taken

from off the eastern coast of the US.

These samples see to suggest that the AMOC is weakening, by about 15 to 20 percent since

the mid 1800s.

This is the weakest its been in 1500 years.

And the reason for this?

Climate change.

Climate change is causing the gulf stream a current from the gulf of mexico, to warm,

and there are cooler waters near Greenland.

This suggests that warm water is not being transported as effectively as it once was.

Global Climate change is being blamed in 2 ways.

Warmer water lessens the amount of cooling.

The warm water then cant sink.

As ice and glaciers melt, the fresh water is pouring on top of the area where the water

normally turns over.

Less salt means the water will stay on the surface.

To top it all off, more rain and snow in northern areas, combined with more evaporation in the

south is changing the flow.

That's according to the study's co author Stefan rahmstorf.

So what does this mean?

While a scenario like we saw in the day after tomorrow is unlikely, we definitely should

be concerned.

The slow down could mean a complete circulation shut down.

At this time, more research needs to be done.

These findings were backed up by a second study, also published in the journal Nature.

Dillan Portillo – Where's charlotte?

Guys I've noticed that there are a lot of comments about everyone picking favorites

and saying things like Rebecca is better, no charlottes better.

I will be your host, unless I am unavailable.

Its not a popularity contest, we are just trying to deliver you guys the news.

If you would like to see Rebecca more often, obviously because shes amazing, she hosts

most amazing top 10.

Zac Mozz – when io and lbq upload at the same time and you need to decide what to watch


Yass I love this, which one did you end up choosing.

Obviously subscribe to lifes biggest questions if you haven't already.

That's all folks, thanks for watching, if you need a place to get your news on youtube,

look no further and subscribe to IO.

Wanna go on an io binge?

Check out this playlist.

And IO is on social media, look at the description for all our links, That's it for me, see


For more infomation >> Ocean Current To Wreak Havoc on Earth - Duration: 3:07.



- Welcome to Pai, baby.

(upbeat music)

February 2018.

I'm about to jump on a bus to go to Pai, P-A-I.

A minibus--it looks like that.

I don't know.

I'm not too certain about it.

There's 762 twists and turns and hairpins

on the road between Chiang Mai and Pai.

So this is gonna be one real adventure.

Wish me luck.

(upbeat music)

We're on a 20 minute break on our way to Pai.

The road is so messed up.

(upbeat music)

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

I just got off the bus, and I'm in Pai,

P-A-I, Pai in northern Thailand.

I'm very, very tired, and it was

about a three hour bus ride here.

It was probably one of the most screwed-up roads

I've ever been on in my life.

I'll flash this up on your screen.

There are over 700, supposedly 762 different turns

in the road, and people get sick, lot of accidents,

and tourists usually come off their motor bikes

because they don't anticipate the turn properly.

So it's very dangerous.

But I got a minibus.

It cost 250 baht.

Literally we left at 10:15 this morning.

It's about one o'clock now, so it's

about three hours on the bus.

And you can actually apparently

take a scooter and do a one-way transfer

and organise for your luggage to come

with you in like a van or something

if you wanna experience the road to Pai

on a motorbike or a scooter, which is probably

what I'll do when I go back to Chiang Mai.

And that's it.

So here I'm in Pai, and I'm gonna take you around.

Take you around very shortly and carry all my stuff,

my laptop and everything, check in to my place.

I'm staying at The Quarter.

It's very, very nice according to the photos.

So we'll give you a little tour of that.

And then check out this place

and then see what this place has to offer.

Very fancy, very fancy.

This stuff's getting real heavy.

I'm really tired, and it's really hot,

and it's really heavy, and I'm really tired.

(upbeat music)

Wow, very nice.

Thank you.

It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon,

and I'm at The Quarter, the place

I'm staying at for two nights.

It's so quiet here I feel like I can't be too loud.

It's 269 Australian dollars two nights.

It's about 135, it's not bad.

So let's have a look, turn around.

This is it.

Look at that.

Let's go inside.

It's very, very modern, very nice,

and I'm super happy with this, air conditioned.

I feel like I'm still whispering.

Anyway, so this is the bathroom, check this out.

Check this out, check this out.

Little knickknacks, cool, huh?

Anyway, so I should be spending at least two nights here,

maybe extending for one or two nights.

This is nice.

Lots of nice little things that make it

quite a nice place to stay.

So I hope you like it.

If you decide to come to Pai then you can stay here.

There's a swimming pool, which I can't shoot a video

of it now 'cause there's people in the pool,

but afterwards I'll try and get some photos

and throw it up if I can.

So I'm gonna explore this little town of Pai.

I'm super excited to be here.

And you can come with me on that journey.

I checked in here, I'm super tired,

so I apologise I don't have the same level of energy.

I think 762 turns in the road has just exhausted me.

Anyway, that's it.

Let's leave, let's go and check this place out.

Come with me.

(upbeat music)

A pretty good map of Pai summarised for you.

Check this out.

So right now I am here somewhere.

I'm staying near the hospital, The Quarter.

Pai Walking Street.

All the activities it seems that people do here: Lod Cave,

Coffee and Love, I think that's

just like the coffee shop,

the White Buddha,


and that's it.

Hot springs, right there.

Seems to be the popular places to go and see here in Pai.

(upbeat music)

On Pai Walking Street right now,

'cause every little town in Thailand's

not complete unless it has a walking street.

So on Walking Street you'll find all these places

where you can buy stuff like this,

and real hippie stuff, look.

Same material that you use to put potatoes in.

That's the same material as like a Hessian bag.

Four dollars a day to hire a motorbike here.

I'm about to go in for a massage, for a coconut oil massage.

Okay guys, it's four o'clock in the afternoon.

I just had a one hour massage.

It was the best.

And 300 baht, 12 Australian dollars here in Pai,

can't go wrong, just the best.

I'm just totally relaxed right now, totally relaxed.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> THE ROAD TO PAI THAILAND (BUS RIDE, THINGS TO DO, WALKING STREET) - Duration: 7:41.


Doordash Vlog #7: The Drone Adventure + Doordash Tip How to Handle Batch Orders (2018) - Duration: 9:56.

Okay, so Christmas has just come early this year. I got an amazing gift just now in the mail

Okay, so I'm about to open this box super excited. I got some cool toys in here and it's got to be some toys

That's gonna help make these videos better so super excited

All right

boys yesterday, and they came here to the magic of

The mail in a single day, I wonder what this

Accessories there we got a remote controller

Here is the main prize

BAM the DJI spark

so this is my first drone ever and I'm gonna use this to take some cool establishing shots and

to kind of

Do some cool stuff with with the vlog?

Alright, let's open up the remote control

Yeah, so you can control the DJI spark with an app on your phone


the the distance isn't that great so I want it to be able to fly farther, so I

Got the remote control to go with it


I think I do this

You know

This is how excited I am

I'm even excited that

The spark is finally charging for the first time

Okay, so this was the first time I turned it on

I just held it down for a few seconds, and I connect the app now so

Okay, so apparently it's going to take about two hours to fully charge the

controller and

God knows how long to fully charge the deejay ice

Wow so I just had such a great time filming on Alki I had my drone down here

And I was like practicing playing around so hopefully in my future drones

I might have some cool establishment shots, so it should be cool

And I had a great meal at marination Kai in Seattle and now it's off to do some driving

Okay, so I am gonna do some door - deliveries tonight

And someone asks my opinion


Batch deliveries with door -

And whether or not I thought it was worth it to do batch deliveries

You see what happens is with batch deliveries. It's really easy to

either a be late on delivery

or B or

An or B when you're late

The customer might dock you for the customer satisfaction score

Because oftentimes you'll notice when you receive a bats order

was because another

door - er

Has already cancelled door?

Let's put you in a little bit of a predicament right so

What do you do now I always accept because I like making more money

But it is completely necessary listen. Don't accept match orders without doing this anymore

Text the customers as soon as you can text them to let you know let them know that you're on your way to the restaurant

Then you have not that you've just received the order and that you're on your way to the restaurant right now

That way if they're like what oh my god. I place the order 30 minutes ago

How can you possibly just be on the way to the restaurant now you can let them know oh?

I'm sorry. I just received the order

it's possible another - or cancelled, but feel free to contact door - if you'd like to

If you like to cancel the order, etc, but I'm gonna do my best to get you the food as fast as I can

right now

If you do that that mitigates the fact that you're gonna be late

And when you see the customer you can say oh my god. I'm so sorry that

That your expectation was to have the food earlier

but uh

Well what I did for you was I made sure that the border was correct

Or I gave you an extra sauce or I did something like that right so

just let them know that you're going above and beyond to try to get them their food as fast as you can and

You did everything you could

And if you do that, I promise they're not gonna knock your rating down you're gonna be good to go you know

But now if you don't do it if you just assume everything is gonna be okay, if you don't text them

And you're doing batch deliveries every time they offer you a batch

Then yeah, your rate isn't it might it might go down, and if you're the type of guy that never texts your clients

Or if you don't want to give them a call to explain yourself

then no I wouldn't do that stories because it's too easy to get either a late delivery or

It's too easy to have the customers complain about something you know now the other thing now, there's one other thing

I want to touch upon

Roll up my windows because I don't even know if you guys have hear me

There's one other thing. I want to touch upon

about the match supporters

Door - does not give you the optimum

Delivery route for the bachelors

So you have to go in you have to look at the deliver by time

Don't just go by the order in which the batch is on your strength

Because the door - system or whatever reason I don't I don't know why it doesn't optimize it for you

So it won't choose the best route for you

It's up to you to go in look at your orders because sometimes you can use three orders go in and see okay

What is the distance? What is the delivery by time so it's gonna be up to you you gotta figure that out yourself

that can be the difference between a late delivery and an on-time delivery or a

low customer satisfaction score or a high customer satisfaction school

It's not easy like I said door - deliver a ratings aren't fair. They're not

So the only thing you can do and just do your best to try to make as much money as you can

They're not fair


I'm almost close to having everything in the green by like some miracle of whatever

But no, they're definitely definitely definitely not fair all right anyway

I hope you enjoyed my blog today

and remember

to drive and thrive

For more infomation >> Doordash Vlog #7: The Drone Adventure + Doordash Tip How to Handle Batch Orders (2018) - Duration: 9:56.


VEGAN FUNFETTI WAFFLES RECIPE | How to Make Vegan Waffles | Vegan Breakfast Ideas | The Edgy Veg - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> VEGAN FUNFETTI WAFFLES RECIPE | How to Make Vegan Waffles | Vegan Breakfast Ideas | The Edgy Veg - Duration: 4:01.


Personal Histories: Marcellus Turner on Kerry James Marshall - Duration: 1:52.

Hi, I'm Marcellus Turner

and I am the City Librarian for the Seattle Public Library

and I am touring "Figuring History" here at the Seattle Art Museum.

I'm standing here in front of "School of Beauty, School of Culture"

a piece by Kerry James Marshall.

When I came into the exhibit

I was looking at several of his pieces,

but this one resonated a bit more

I think because I recognize so much of it.

I am from the South and I am very familiar with

beauty parlors or salons,

just with my mother, and others and friends.

And so, I immediately recognized

what I was seeing as

happening in my own neighborhood

back home in Mississippi.

One of the things that I really do appreciate about this piece

is the attention to detail

and it's the detail that I remember from salons.

I was just noticing the pictures around the heart-shaped mirror.

These are probably members of her family.

I thought that was a record jacket–it is. "Lauryn Hill".

An album that was really popular a couple of years ago,

but I can imagine that playing in the background

of the store, and as the songs come on

the customers and the stylists dancing to the music

and snapping their fingers.

It did take me a minute to understand

what the piece is in the center of the picture

toward the bottom.

That is a picture of "Sleeping Beauty."

Specifically because it's a

Caucasian feature in an all-Black salon,

so it's just really interesting to look at that

through the eyes of the customers.

What really resonated with me, it was,

here's a chance to see three artists in particular,

giving their own interpretations of life

as a black person,

and I spent more time than I thought,

I was here about ninety minutes

and that was really surprising for me

on a day that was really full.

And so I'm going again.


Figuring History on view through May 13 2018

For more infomation >> Personal Histories: Marcellus Turner on Kerry James Marshall - Duration: 1:52.


Tecnologia em metrologia do Piauí serve de modelo para o Brasil - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Tecnologia em metrologia do Piauí serve de modelo para o Brasil - Duration: 2:34.


Novidades do Android P - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Novidades do Android P - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:18.


Exkluzivní rozhovor o Jolly Phonics s Chrisem Jollym pro FunSpace - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Exkluzivní rozhovor o Jolly Phonics s Chrisem Jollym pro FunSpace - Duration: 3:31.


Lucía Méndez revela su vínculo con el presidente Vicente Fox | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Lucía Méndez revela su vínculo con el presidente Vicente Fox | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:37.



For more infomation >> COMO SECAR A BARRIGA USANDO VICK VAPORUB! - (CUIDADO SECA MESMO) - Duration: 2:32.



For more infomation >> PITÁGORAS e EUCLIDES│MATEMÁTICA - Duration: 6:28.



For more infomation >> ¿CÓMO MOVER LAS CADERAS PARA SER UNA REINA EN LA CAMA? - Duration: 2:53.


How menopause works | Natural Health - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> How menopause works | Natural Health - Duration: 3:37.


vou fazer sprites para voçes !! - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> vou fazer sprites para voçes !! - Duration: 0:47.


Como tratar a cistite? - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Como tratar a cistite? - Duration: 5:43.


Trump Just Announces 2 Ruthless Orders, After 5-Alarm Border Crisis Erupts - Duration: 2:58.

n recent months, the situation at the border has gone from bad to worse.

We all know about that 1000+ member caravan that so brashly tried to enter the United


On top of that, there has been a 200% increase in the number of illegal detained over March

of last year.

It's clear that illegals are getting bolder.

Meanwhile, liberal leaders are looking the other way.

California lawmakers have warned illegals of ICE raids.

Democrats are doing everything in their power to aid and protect criminal aliens.

It has led to illegal immigrants returning to the attitude that the border is a revolving


These times call for stronger action.

President Trump vowed to make this country safe for all Americans.

But when liberals betray the country—and illegals stomp all over the border—what

can you do?

Get tougher.

It seems like Trump is moving to take serious steps to teach illegals they cannot just waltz

into the country.

From Red State:

President Trump issued a memorandum…directing his administration to move quickly to bring

an end to "catch and release," the practice by which immigrants presenting themselves

at the border without authorization are released from detention while waiting for their cases

to be processed.

The directive does not, on its own, toughen immigration policy or take concrete steps

to do so; it merely directs officials to report to the president about steps they are taking

to "expeditiously end 'catch and release' practices."

But it is a symbolic move by Mr. Trump to use his executive action to solve a problem

that he has bitterly complained Congress will not…

As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities

that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.

"Catch and release" was instituted by Obama.

It was clearly designed to give illegal immigrants a chance to escape.

Why else would the government force border patrol to release an illegal into the U.S.

instead of detain them?

President Trump has vowed to end this program since his campaign.

Yet the policy is still in place, thanks to an uncooperative Congress.

But if "catch and release" is eliminated, border patrol—along with their new allies

in the Pentagon—will have to detain these illegals.

That's why the President is looking into using military facilities to house captured


As Red State noted, this isn't the first time the government's used military bases

to house immigrants.

But it might turn into a long-term policy, should illegal immigration increase.

Given the lax attitude liberals have shown the issue, that might be unavoidable.

Only when the border is completely secure, will illegal immigration cease to be a major


But that won't happen until the wall goes up.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Announces 2 Ruthless Orders, After 5-Alarm Border Crisis Erupts - Duration: 2:58.


Inside the NBA on the NBA Hoops game. | Inside the NBA | - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Inside the NBA on the NBA Hoops game. | Inside the NBA | - Duration: 6:12.


[BACH]2 the art of transcription - Hildebrandt Consort with Wouter Dekoninck - Duration: 4:32.

I am Wouter Dekoninck and I am the organist here in the Sint-Geertrui Church.

I play also the harpsichord and I am the artistic leader of the Hildebrandt Consort.

Hildebrandt Consort consists of four strings

with me playing the organ or harpsichord. We play an unique repertoire

of transcriptions.

Mostly they are related to the baroque area but we don't avoid romantics

or even chansons.

We create our own and unique repertoire with those transcriptions.

Transcriptions from keyboard music:

organ, harpsichord and piano.

But also from orchestra music.

The idea behind those transcriptions is that the public who loves the organ

often knows the organ repertoire and that the public who loves the

orchestras knows often the orchestra repertoire.

But in general the public doesn't know those great organ works,

except for the organ lovers. And by making transcriptions we translate

the organ music into a sound closer to

the people. And suddenly they discover

eg. the great preludes and fugues

from Bach when they are played by a baroque orchestra.

Making transcriptions is not a new thing.

From the early beginning people made transcriptions.

And that's really the identity of the Hildebrandt Consort. We would like

to perform those transcriptions in an authentic way. When people try

to discover how people played in a certain century, than I like

to figure out how people composed music in a certain century.

I try to imagine the world of that composer and I try through

my transcription to evoke his world of sounds.

I do not invent new things.

A big advantage of making transcriptions

is that you're getting very close to the composer.

You are standing next to him and you can see what he is doing.

You're holding his pencil. You see the little tricks he uses to avoid problems.

This gives you a lot of inspiration as musician.

Even more than when you are a conductor,

or when you study the composition. Making transcriptions

make you look into the soul of music.

For more infomation >> [BACH]2 the art of transcription - Hildebrandt Consort with Wouter Dekoninck - Duration: 4:32.


Obama's Former Director Just Exposed What Facebook Told Them To Do – It's ALL A Huge Cover Up! - Duration: 6:03.

United States senators have had the unique opportunity this week to ask the questions

that the majority of us all want to be answered, namely; what on earth is going on with Facebook.

Over the last few weeks, disturbing details have surfaced that show that CEO Mark Zuckerberg

was involved in a tremendous breach of user's security by allowing Cambridge Analytica to

harvest millions of people's information.

Now, it has come to the attention that this isn't the first time that Facebook has gathered

this sort of data thanks to the loose lips of Obama's former media director Carol Davidsen,

and that is not all she had to share.

Facebook, the social media giant, has become so much a part of our everyday lives that

the majority of its users can't go a day without using it.

The platform that was designed to help friends and family stay in touch used to be a fantastic

tool, but now it has turned into something much more sinister.

Over the last few weeks, information has been brought to light that Facebook was involved

with allowing data of its customers to be used without our permission.

Now, if that was not bad enough to hear this isn't the first time that Zuckerberg has

sold out his users for an extra few bucks in billionaire pockets.

According to Obama's former media director, Carol Davidsen, Facebook gave them complete

access to the personal data of its users in 2011 because the social media giant was "on

our side."

In a Twitter post on Sunday, Davidsen wrote,"They came to office in the days following election

recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn't have allowed

someone else to do because they were on our side,"

Davidsen also went on to say that she and her team were able to gather unprecedented

amounts of information from Facebook users, and also, their friends.

"Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they

didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing," she said on Twitter.

Now, while that accusation is stunning in itself the next statement Davidsen made proves

what we have said all along.

In a series of tweets, Davidsen that she is "100% positive that Facebook activity recruits

and staffs people that are on the other side."

Here is more from IJR:

"A former Obama campaign official is claiming that Facebook knowingly allowed them to mine

massive amounts of Facebook data — more than they would've allowed someone else

to do — because they were supportive of the campaign.

In a Sunday tweet thread, Carol Davidsen, former director of integration and media analytics

for Obama for America, said the 2012 campaign led Facebook to "suck out the whole social

graph" and target potential voters.

They would then use that data to do things like appending their email lists.

When Facebook found out what they were doing, they were "surprised," she said.

But she also claimed they didn't stop them once

they found out:

"They came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that

they allowed us to do things they wouldn't have allowed someone else to do because they

were on our side," Davidsen tweeted.

She added that she believes Facebook also recruits people "on the other side" too:

Davidsen began the tweet thread with a link to a Time

article outlining the Obama campaign's Facebook targeting campaign, which she said was codenamed

"Project Taargus":

That's because the more than 1 million Obama backers who signed up for the [Facebook-based

app] gave the campaign permission to look at their Facebook friend lists.

In an instant, the campaign had a way to see the hidden young voters.

Roughly 85% of those without a listed phone number could be found in the uploaded friend


What's more, Facebook offered an ideal way to reach them.

"People don't trust campaigns.

They don't even trust media organizations," says Goff.

"Who do they trust?

Their friends."

The campaign called this effort targeted sharing.

And in those final weeks of the campaign, the team blitzed the supporters who had signed

up for the app with requests to share specific online content with specific friends simply

by clicking a button.

More than 600,000 supporters followed through with more than 5 million contacts, asking

their friends to register to vote, give money, vote or look at a video designed to change

their mind.

A geek squad in Chicago created models from vast data sets to find the best approaches

for each potential voter.

"We are not just sending you a banner ad," explains Dan Wagner, the Obama campaign's

29-year-old head of analytics, who helped oversee the project.

"We are giving you relevant information from your friends."

Now, that this information has been discovered, it proves more than ever that Mark Zuckerberg

needs to be held responsible for his actions.

For too long, Zuckerberg has been given too much control in our country's politics,

and it is time that it ends before he can ruin another election.

For more infomation >> Obama's Former Director Just Exposed What Facebook Told Them To Do – It's ALL A Huge Cover Up! - Duration: 6:03.


[TRAILER] Northern Lights by Jhonatan Lopes | Norway - Duration: 2:00.

I'm going to do it to help the next travelers, but I need it to be

shared. So get questions and tips and I'll make this last video

Subscribe there! Share this video!!!

I'll answer your questions about Aurora Borealis, it's going to be really cool!!!

Everyone says about the most expensive bus in the world, I think it's 5 euros, the local bus in here.

It's very cold, it's very cold. My ears are aching, they are throbbing.

And I'm going to answer about Norway and the Aurora Borealis. When, how much, where, how to photograph

and tips. I'll tell you all about the Aurora Borealis. Share it!

I really would like this special video was shared for everyone.

Because I would like to answer your questions, guys!

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