Thursday, April 12, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 12 2018

We are exposed to radiation on a daily basis, most commonly via energy from the sun, but

heavy doses can be hazardous or even fatal, particularly radiation given off from the

disintegration of nuclear and atomic waste.

Today we're going to be exploring places on our planet in the radioactive red zone.

We're looking for the worst of the worst places to avoid, in this episode of the Infographics

Show: Most Radioactive Places on Earth.

At number 10 is The Mediterranean Sea that surrounds the Italian Peninsula and its islands.

It's waves break the coasts of 22 countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

This idyllic area has been used as a disposal site for radioactive and other toxic waste

for nearly 30 years.

The Italian mafia has also been accused of dumping hazardous waste into the Mediterranean,

and 40 ships carrying loads of radioactive materials have gone missing since 1994.

So it's worth taking a full body suit if you're planning on going snookering in this


And the Italian mafia doesn't just dump waste in their own backyard.

At 9 we have The Somali Coast.

During the 1980s, numerous Swiss and Italian companies secretly dumped hazardous waste

along the coast.

An Italian crime syndicate sank at least 30 ships loaded with waste off the shores of


The United Nations' Environment Program believes that the rusting barrels of waste

washed up on the Somalian coastline during the 2004 Tsunami, were dumped as far back

as the 1990s.

Birth defects and cancer are still common in the area up to this day.

Number 8 is The Hanford Site, in Washington, USA.

This place was an integral part of America's atomic bomb project and manufactured the plutonium

used to produce the first nuclear bomb used at Nagasaki.

During the cold war, production ramped up and Hanford supplied the plutonium for most

of America's 60,000 nuclear weapons.

It has since been decommissioned, but the area is still home to a huge amount of nuclear

waste and will continue to be a risk area for many years to come.

At number 7 is Mayak, in Russia's north-east.

The industrial complex of Mayak, has had a nuclear plant for decades, and in 1957 was

the site of one of the world's worst nuclear accidents.

At Karachay, Mayak, a poorly maintained storage tank exploded, releasing 50-100 tons of high-level

radioactive waste.

Experts believe that Karachay may be the most radioactive place in the world, and over 400,000

people have been exposed to radiation from the plant.

Lake Karachay is so tainted by the nearby nuclear facilities that in 1990, just standing

on the shore for an hour would give you more than enough radiation to kill you.

On the plus side, lakefront property there is likely very inexpensive.

At number 6 is Sellafield, located on the west coast of England.

Sellafield is where, in the early 1950s, a facility produced the Plutonium-239 required

for the UK's first nuclear bomb.

In 1957, the plant was the site of the worst nuclear accident Great Britain has ever seen.

The Windscale Fire blazed for three days, releasing radioactive gases.

It has been linked to 240 cases of cancer.

The plant releases some 8 million liters of contaminated waste into the sea on a daily

basis, making the Irish Sea the most radioactive sea in the world.

And it is home to one of the largest inventories of untreated waste, including 140 tonnes of

civil plutonium, the largest stockpile in the world and enough to make hundreds of nuclear


Number 5 is another site in Russia, this time Siberia where a chemical facility is packed

with nuclear waste.

Sitting in uncovered pools are thousands of liters of liquid waste and 125,000 tons (113

million kg) of solid waste.

In 2000, The Guardian newspaper reported that a joint team of Russian and American radiation

monitors assessed rivers in the area of a top-secret Russian nuclear weapons complex

in Siberia, reaching the conclusion that contamination had reached "staggering" levels, the worst

ever monitored, and was out of "rational control".

At number 4 is Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan.

From 1946 to 1968, the Zapadnyi Mining and Chemical Combine at Mailuu-Suu produced and

processed more than 10,000 tons of uranium ore, mostly to supply the USSR's nuclear

weapons program with fissile material.

By 2006, it was considered one of the top ten most polluted sites on Earth, as was mentioned

in that year's Blacksmith Institute report.

Today, 36 waste dumps are scattered throughout the area, with just under 2 million cubic

metres of unsecured radioactive mining waste.

At number 3 we have The Polygon in Kazakhstan.

This place was the Soviet Union's primary location for testing its nuclear weapons during

the Cold War and holds the record for the largest concentration of nuclear explosions

in the world.

An unnerving 700,000 people live in the area and though the impact of the radiation exposure

was kept under wraps by the Soviets, until the facility closed in 1991, Scientists today

estimate that over 200,000 people have health conditions resulting from the radiation.

At number 2 is one of the world's worst and most well remembered nuclear accidents…Chernobyl.

The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design.

The accident released 100 times more radiation than the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs.

It caused over 6 million people to be exposed to radiation, and estimates as to the number

of deaths that will eventually occur due to the Chernobyl accident, range from 4,000 to

as high as 93,000.

Even today, the word Chernobyl conjures up horrifying images of human suffering.

And at number 1 is Fukushima, Japan.

Fresh in our minds, in March 2011 a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 triggered

a tsunami along the east coast of Japan.

The tsunami wave flooded the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, causing three nuclear meltdowns, hydrogen-air

explosions, and the release of radioactive material.

This led to uncontrollable fires, and the release of radioactive steam and hundreds

of thousands of litres of contaminated water.

The effect of the Fukushima earthquake in Japan is said to be the longest-lasting nuclear

danger in the world.

The Fukushima disaster was the most significant nuclear incident since the Chernobyl disaster

and the second disaster to be given the Level 7 event classification of the International

Nuclear Event Scale.

So, do you live near any of these sites?

How terrified are you of being exposed to radioactive poisoning?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Could the Black Death Happen Again!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Most RADIOACTIVE Place In The World - Duration: 6:19.


Look, Up in the Sky! [CreepyPasta Illustration] - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Look, Up in the Sky! [CreepyPasta Illustration] - Duration: 4:51.


Russell Westbrook needed 34 rebounds in two games to average a triple double again. HE DID IT. - Duration: 1:15.

Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year

WASHINGTON — President Trump told aides to look again at re-entering negotiations

on the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a massive Asia-heavy trade deal that Trump repeatedly

denounced on the 2016 campaign trail and had killed just last year, Republican lawmakers

said Thursday.

GOP senators and governors from the Midwest, who met with Trump to argue that a looming

trade war with China would hurt U.S. agriculture, said they told the president that partnering

with other Asian countries would put pressure on the Chinese to end unfair trade practices.

Lawmakers did not know how seriously Trump was about seeking to re-join the Trans-Pacific

Partnership (TPP), a proposal he attacked as the kind of trade deal that helped ship

jobs overseas.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the TPP negotiations shortly after taking office in early 2017,

and has bragged during political rallies about killing the deal.

"Clearly, it's a deliberative process," said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., one of the Republicans

who met with Trump.

The delegations from Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, and South Dakota

visited Trump to express concern about trade conflict with China.

The Trump administration's threats to put tariffs of Chinese goods has led to counter-threats

by China on U.S. goods — moves that agriculture leaders say will lead to higher prices for


Trump is also threatening to withdraw from another major trade deal, the North American

Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The president told reporters at the lawmakers' meeting that the sides are still negotiating

a better NAFTA agreement, and there is "no timeline" for final decisions.

Trump told his guest he would take steps to help farmers, including new ethanol support.

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the group

told Trump they would "prefer trade as opposed to aid," and urged him to take another look

at the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Roberts and other attendees said Trump asked Larry Kudlow, the new director of the National

Economic Council, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to take another look at


"He looked Larry Kudlow right in the eye and said, 'Go get it done,'" Sasse said.

Delegation members said they shared concerns about Chinese trade practices — "China cheats

in lots and lots of ways," Sasse said — but a tariff war might not be the best way to

get them to change.

The other TPP members — Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New

Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam — are negotiating their own trade agreement, without

the United States.

Joining that group would expand U.S. markets, and "that puts pressure on China," said U.S.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., who also met with Trump.

For more infomation >> Russell Westbrook needed 34 rebounds in two games to average a triple double again. HE DID IT. - Duration: 1:15.


Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year - Duration: 3:13.

Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year

WASHINGTON — President Trump told aides to look again at re-entering negotiations

on the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a massive Asia-heavy trade deal that Trump repeatedly

denounced on the 2016 campaign trail and had killed just last year, Republican lawmakers

said Thursday.

GOP senators and governors from the Midwest, who met with Trump to argue that a looming

trade war with China would hurt U.S. agriculture, said they told the president that partnering

with other Asian countries would put pressure on the Chinese to end unfair trade practices.

Lawmakers did not know how seriously Trump was about seeking to re-join the Trans-Pacific

Partnership (TPP), a proposal he attacked as the kind of trade deal that helped ship

jobs overseas.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the TPP negotiations shortly after taking office in early 2017,

and has bragged during political rallies about killing the deal.

"Clearly, it's a deliberative process," said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., one of the Republicans

who met with Trump.

The delegations from Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, and South Dakota

visited Trump to express concern about trade conflict with China.

The Trump administration's threats to put tariffs of Chinese goods has led to counter-threats

by China on U.S. goods — moves that agriculture leaders say will lead to higher prices for


Trump is also threatening to withdraw from another major trade deal, the North American

Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The president told reporters at the lawmakers' meeting that the sides are still negotiating

a better NAFTA agreement, and there is "no timeline" for final decisions.

Trump told his guest he would take steps to help farmers, including new ethanol support.

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the group

told Trump they would "prefer trade as opposed to aid," and urged him to take another look

at the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Roberts and other attendees said Trump asked Larry Kudlow, the new director of the National

Economic Council, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to take another look at


"He looked Larry Kudlow right in the eye and said, 'Go get it done,'" Sasse said.

Delegation members said they shared concerns about Chinese trade practices — "China cheats

in lots and lots of ways," Sasse said — but a tariff war might not be the best way to

get them to change.

The other TPP members — Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New

Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam — are negotiating their own trade agreement, without

the United States.

Joining that group would expand U.S. markets, and "that puts pressure on China," said U.S.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., who also met with Trump.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year - Duration: 3:13.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...



For more infomation >> PITÁGORAS e EUCLIDES│MATEMÁTICA - Duration: 6:28.


Hearthstone: dietro le quinte di Boscotetro (IT) - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Hearthstone: dietro le quinte di Boscotetro (IT) - Duration: 5:19.


Testamos o batom que não sai nem com beijo! | Intense | O Boticário - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Testamos o batom que não sai nem com beijo! | Intense | O Boticário - Duration: 2:29.


Pesca no rio Douro - Fishing in Douro river - Duration: 9:30.

this is a fish

which I had not fished for some time

hi fishermens

it's on Easter Sunday

and my parents came to see me, there are two reasons why I am not with them

the first is because I'm crazy about fishing

I hope they don´t see this

and the second is because on Friday I went fishing with João and his father

He and his father wanted to meet me because they see my videos

and since I did not have much time

to be able to kayak fishing I fished with them

I apologize to all the subscribers I can not fish with

but I only have Saturday mornings for fishing

so I have a lot to do

and I love kayak fishing

and be with you at same time, it's not bad will

it's not elitism

it is not physically possible to be everywhere, I also have to leave time for the family

Friday we skunk

we fish for like 3 hours

I got like 8 hits, I think I am starting to suck at fishing

or if the fish is very small

I try to change everything

and today I am trying to see if the fish is very small

and yes, the fish is very small

I fished with two different rods


RTX from Okuma

and I was fishing with Cannibal Shads

and with this Ribworms

it was hard, I lost lot´s of lures

I got 2 Zanders / Walleyes

very small

one of them by the belly

and the other one was a very small fish too

I used jig heads more long to get to the end of the lure

and more, I have this piece of Ribworm

I cut so the lure don´t be so big

and has you can see they are very small and near the shore

Sorry for the bells, here in the villages ...

we have always heard this, in cities you must not be accustomed to this

but here you got this at every hour

and my other rod

my black savage

I love this rod

is my goto, is the rod I use for all kind of fishing

and look at this, 20 grams, I usually don´t fish like this

let me explain


I started with this small tungten bullets

and the weather is starting to warm up

finally, after so much rain, so much ice and so much snow

and when it warms the tourist boats walk with tourists through the Douro

and the dam opens for them to pass

and we got current , sometimes 10 grams is enought but when they open we need more

so I can only feel the bottom with 20 grams

I am using this new crayfish from Savage

is a pack with 3 lures

with 3 different colors

let me see if I can show you the three colors

this is more dark

is what I am using today

the watters are dark because of the rain

this is more natural

people who fish for Barbel know this is the perfect size

when the streams got less water

I will show you what some people use for Barbel

and how to catch them

this crayfish from this size are perfect

this pack have this three colors

in this case I am using a 20 grams sinker

but in this case I needed

because we need to fish at the bottom

bait by the tail

you can use a small hook because any Barbel can swallow this easy

and go for the back of the lure

fish on

this is a fish

that I don´t fish for some time

this is a good fish

I think this is the first Barbel of the year

he is fat

doing lot´s of noise

he like crayfish

like I was saying

I got the Barbel and released

is something that can happen, be fishing and even with imitation of fish catch a Barbel

What matters is that I was finally able to film a release

with the new law you can´t release Zander / Walleye

or at least can not show the release

To the wise, half a word is enough

and is 8:30 at this moment

yes, is 8:30

I will end this fishing

three fish, now I am meeting my family

I will listen good, but it was worth it.

For more infomation >> Pesca no rio Douro - Fishing in Douro river - Duration: 9:30.


Palestra da Anitta em Harvard - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> Palestra da Anitta em Harvard - Duration: 14:06.


Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso, i motivi della fine svelati a Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso, i motivi della fine svelati a Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 3:05.


5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:37.


Anticipazioni Il Segreto e Una Vita dal 16 al 21 aprile 2018: laddio di Fè - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Il Segreto e Una Vita dal 16 al 21 aprile 2018: laddio di Fè - Duration: 4:03.


Ecco come utilizzare il limone per sbarazzarsi del dolore alle ginocchia - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Ecco come utilizzare il limone per sbarazzarsi del dolore alle ginocchia - Duration: 2:09.


5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:00.


5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 5 succhi anticancerogeni e alcalinizzanti - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:00.


Amalibras: gosto de viajar mês junho e julho. - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Amalibras: gosto de viajar mês junho e julho. - Duration: 0:31.


Amalibras: prefiro outubro novembro e dezembro. - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Amalibras: prefiro outubro novembro e dezembro. - Duration: 0:30.





Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 13 aprile: Gemma lascia il programma - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 13 aprile: Gemma lascia il programma - Duration: 4:05.


Gigi e Anna: separati ma sempre al telefono - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Gigi e Anna: separati ma sempre al telefono - Duration: 4:10.


LULA, DILMA e a ORATÓRIA - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> LULA, DILMA e a ORATÓRIA - Duration: 4:07.


Mira cómo reaccionó Raúl Araiza con Rafael Inclán | HOY - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mira cómo reaccionó Raúl Araiza con Rafael Inclán | HOY - Duration: 0:53.


L'appello disperato di Romina per Albano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> L'appello disperato di Romina per Albano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:45.


Novidades do Android P - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Novidades do Android P - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:18.


Hearthstone: dietro le quinte di Boscotetro (IT) - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Hearthstone: dietro le quinte di Boscotetro (IT) - Duration: 5:19.


The Most RADIOACTIVE Place In The World - Duration: 6:19.

We are exposed to radiation on a daily basis, most commonly via energy from the sun, but

heavy doses can be hazardous or even fatal, particularly radiation given off from the

disintegration of nuclear and atomic waste.

Today we're going to be exploring places on our planet in the radioactive red zone.

We're looking for the worst of the worst places to avoid, in this episode of the Infographics

Show: Most Radioactive Places on Earth.

At number 10 is The Mediterranean Sea that surrounds the Italian Peninsula and its islands.

It's waves break the coasts of 22 countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

This idyllic area has been used as a disposal site for radioactive and other toxic waste

for nearly 30 years.

The Italian mafia has also been accused of dumping hazardous waste into the Mediterranean,

and 40 ships carrying loads of radioactive materials have gone missing since 1994.

So it's worth taking a full body suit if you're planning on going snookering in this


And the Italian mafia doesn't just dump waste in their own backyard.

At 9 we have The Somali Coast.

During the 1980s, numerous Swiss and Italian companies secretly dumped hazardous waste

along the coast.

An Italian crime syndicate sank at least 30 ships loaded with waste off the shores of


The United Nations' Environment Program believes that the rusting barrels of waste

washed up on the Somalian coastline during the 2004 Tsunami, were dumped as far back

as the 1990s.

Birth defects and cancer are still common in the area up to this day.

Number 8 is The Hanford Site, in Washington, USA.

This place was an integral part of America's atomic bomb project and manufactured the plutonium

used to produce the first nuclear bomb used at Nagasaki.

During the cold war, production ramped up and Hanford supplied the plutonium for most

of America's 60,000 nuclear weapons.

It has since been decommissioned, but the area is still home to a huge amount of nuclear

waste and will continue to be a risk area for many years to come.

At number 7 is Mayak, in Russia's north-east.

The industrial complex of Mayak, has had a nuclear plant for decades, and in 1957 was

the site of one of the world's worst nuclear accidents.

At Karachay, Mayak, a poorly maintained storage tank exploded, releasing 50-100 tons of high-level

radioactive waste.

Experts believe that Karachay may be the most radioactive place in the world, and over 400,000

people have been exposed to radiation from the plant.

Lake Karachay is so tainted by the nearby nuclear facilities that in 1990, just standing

on the shore for an hour would give you more than enough radiation to kill you.

On the plus side, lakefront property there is likely very inexpensive.

At number 6 is Sellafield, located on the west coast of England.

Sellafield is where, in the early 1950s, a facility produced the Plutonium-239 required

for the UK's first nuclear bomb.

In 1957, the plant was the site of the worst nuclear accident Great Britain has ever seen.

The Windscale Fire blazed for three days, releasing radioactive gases.

It has been linked to 240 cases of cancer.

The plant releases some 8 million liters of contaminated waste into the sea on a daily

basis, making the Irish Sea the most radioactive sea in the world.

And it is home to one of the largest inventories of untreated waste, including 140 tonnes of

civil plutonium, the largest stockpile in the world and enough to make hundreds of nuclear


Number 5 is another site in Russia, this time Siberia where a chemical facility is packed

with nuclear waste.

Sitting in uncovered pools are thousands of liters of liquid waste and 125,000 tons (113

million kg) of solid waste.

In 2000, The Guardian newspaper reported that a joint team of Russian and American radiation

monitors assessed rivers in the area of a top-secret Russian nuclear weapons complex

in Siberia, reaching the conclusion that contamination had reached "staggering" levels, the worst

ever monitored, and was out of "rational control".

At number 4 is Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan.

From 1946 to 1968, the Zapadnyi Mining and Chemical Combine at Mailuu-Suu produced and

processed more than 10,000 tons of uranium ore, mostly to supply the USSR's nuclear

weapons program with fissile material.

By 2006, it was considered one of the top ten most polluted sites on Earth, as was mentioned

in that year's Blacksmith Institute report.

Today, 36 waste dumps are scattered throughout the area, with just under 2 million cubic

metres of unsecured radioactive mining waste.

At number 3 we have The Polygon in Kazakhstan.

This place was the Soviet Union's primary location for testing its nuclear weapons during

the Cold War and holds the record for the largest concentration of nuclear explosions

in the world.

An unnerving 700,000 people live in the area and though the impact of the radiation exposure

was kept under wraps by the Soviets, until the facility closed in 1991, Scientists today

estimate that over 200,000 people have health conditions resulting from the radiation.

At number 2 is one of the world's worst and most well remembered nuclear accidents…Chernobyl.

The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design.

The accident released 100 times more radiation than the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs.

It caused over 6 million people to be exposed to radiation, and estimates as to the number

of deaths that will eventually occur due to the Chernobyl accident, range from 4,000 to

as high as 93,000.

Even today, the word Chernobyl conjures up horrifying images of human suffering.

And at number 1 is Fukushima, Japan.

Fresh in our minds, in March 2011 a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 triggered

a tsunami along the east coast of Japan.

The tsunami wave flooded the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, causing three nuclear meltdowns, hydrogen-air

explosions, and the release of radioactive material.

This led to uncontrollable fires, and the release of radioactive steam and hundreds

of thousands of litres of contaminated water.

The effect of the Fukushima earthquake in Japan is said to be the longest-lasting nuclear

danger in the world.

The Fukushima disaster was the most significant nuclear incident since the Chernobyl disaster

and the second disaster to be given the Level 7 event classification of the International

Nuclear Event Scale.

So, do you live near any of these sites?

How terrified are you of being exposed to radioactive poisoning?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Could the Black Death Happen Again!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Most RADIOACTIVE Place In The World - Duration: 6:19.


Look, Up in the Sky! [CreepyPasta Illustration] - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Look, Up in the Sky! [CreepyPasta Illustration] - Duration: 4:51.


Russell Westbrook needed 34 rebounds in two games to average a triple double again. HE DID IT. - Duration: 1:15.

Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year

WASHINGTON — President Trump told aides to look again at re-entering negotiations

on the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a massive Asia-heavy trade deal that Trump repeatedly

denounced on the 2016 campaign trail and had killed just last year, Republican lawmakers

said Thursday.

GOP senators and governors from the Midwest, who met with Trump to argue that a looming

trade war with China would hurt U.S. agriculture, said they told the president that partnering

with other Asian countries would put pressure on the Chinese to end unfair trade practices.

Lawmakers did not know how seriously Trump was about seeking to re-join the Trans-Pacific

Partnership (TPP), a proposal he attacked as the kind of trade deal that helped ship

jobs overseas.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the TPP negotiations shortly after taking office in early 2017,

and has bragged during political rallies about killing the deal.

"Clearly, it's a deliberative process," said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., one of the Republicans

who met with Trump.

The delegations from Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, and South Dakota

visited Trump to express concern about trade conflict with China.

The Trump administration's threats to put tariffs of Chinese goods has led to counter-threats

by China on U.S. goods — moves that agriculture leaders say will lead to higher prices for


Trump is also threatening to withdraw from another major trade deal, the North American

Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The president told reporters at the lawmakers' meeting that the sides are still negotiating

a better NAFTA agreement, and there is "no timeline" for final decisions.

Trump told his guest he would take steps to help farmers, including new ethanol support.

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the group

told Trump they would "prefer trade as opposed to aid," and urged him to take another look

at the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Roberts and other attendees said Trump asked Larry Kudlow, the new director of the National

Economic Council, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to take another look at


"He looked Larry Kudlow right in the eye and said, 'Go get it done,'" Sasse said.

Delegation members said they shared concerns about Chinese trade practices — "China cheats

in lots and lots of ways," Sasse said — but a tariff war might not be the best way to

get them to change.

The other TPP members — Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New

Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam — are negotiating their own trade agreement, without

the United States.

Joining that group would expand U.S. markets, and "that puts pressure on China," said U.S.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., who also met with Trump.

For more infomation >> Russell Westbrook needed 34 rebounds in two games to average a triple double again. HE DID IT. - Duration: 1:15.


Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year - Duration: 3:13.

Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year

WASHINGTON — President Trump told aides to look again at re-entering negotiations

on the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a massive Asia-heavy trade deal that Trump repeatedly

denounced on the 2016 campaign trail and had killed just last year, Republican lawmakers

said Thursday.

GOP senators and governors from the Midwest, who met with Trump to argue that a looming

trade war with China would hurt U.S. agriculture, said they told the president that partnering

with other Asian countries would put pressure on the Chinese to end unfair trade practices.

Lawmakers did not know how seriously Trump was about seeking to re-join the Trans-Pacific

Partnership (TPP), a proposal he attacked as the kind of trade deal that helped ship

jobs overseas.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the TPP negotiations shortly after taking office in early 2017,

and has bragged during political rallies about killing the deal.

"Clearly, it's a deliberative process," said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., one of the Republicans

who met with Trump.

The delegations from Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, and South Dakota

visited Trump to express concern about trade conflict with China.

The Trump administration's threats to put tariffs of Chinese goods has led to counter-threats

by China on U.S. goods — moves that agriculture leaders say will lead to higher prices for


Trump is also threatening to withdraw from another major trade deal, the North American

Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The president told reporters at the lawmakers' meeting that the sides are still negotiating

a better NAFTA agreement, and there is "no timeline" for final decisions.

Trump told his guest he would take steps to help farmers, including new ethanol support.

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the group

told Trump they would "prefer trade as opposed to aid," and urged him to take another look

at the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Roberts and other attendees said Trump asked Larry Kudlow, the new director of the National

Economic Council, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to take another look at


"He looked Larry Kudlow right in the eye and said, 'Go get it done,'" Sasse said.

Delegation members said they shared concerns about Chinese trade practices — "China cheats

in lots and lots of ways," Sasse said — but a tariff war might not be the best way to

get them to change.

The other TPP members — Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New

Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam — are negotiating their own trade agreement, without

the United States.

Joining that group would expand U.S. markets, and "that puts pressure on China," said U.S.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., who also met with Trump.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump asks staff to look at new talks on trade deal he killed last year - Duration: 3:13.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Rush Makes 'Odd' Observation About Zuckerberg Testimony, Congress Won't Be Happy - Duration: 4:19.

Rush Makes 'Odd' Observation About Zuckerberg Testimony, Congress Won't Be Happy.

As he watched Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testify this week, conservative

talk radio host Rush Limbaugh made an "odd" observation.

Congress is not going to be happy about this.

According to The Daily Caller, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said on Wednesday

that many members of Congress do not know enough about technology in order to properly

question Mark Zuckerberg, and this is primarily because of their ages.

"Did you watch any of the Zuckerberg testimony?"

Limbaugh asked his listeners.

"Were you at all amazed at how — I gotta be careful — I don't want to be insulting


I'm really not trying to be insulting.

I wasn't surprised.

It was sad to see the relative ignorance of members of the House and Senate on tech matters.

It was embarrassing in a couple occasions.

The questions were literally embarrassing."

"The realization that these people don't have even a basic understanding of tech and

what social media is and how it operates and what its purpose is.

I think part of it is due to many of their ages," he added.

Others appear to have made the same observation:

Some on Twitter were quick to point out the group of senators questioning Zuckerberg weren't

exactly digital natives — the average age of the lawmakers at the hearing was 62, and

the median age of the chairs and ranking members of the two Senate committees holding the hearing

was nearly 80.

[Source: Vox]

Now, before any of the usual suspects get their panties in a wad and call this ageism,

let's put a couple of things into perspective.

In general, people in their 80's do not have the same understanding of social media

as people who are in their teens, twenties, or thirties.

There's really no disputing that.

A great-grandmother simply is not as adept at navigating and understanding Facebook as

a millennial.

Thus, Rush has raised a concern which is absolutely valid: Will a group of elderly politicians

be effective in their questioning of Facebook mogul Mark Zuckerberg?

The answer to that is probably no.

Many of them have already shown that they don't really know what they're talking


Just look at what Sen. Orrin Hatch, the 84-year-old Republican from Utah, asked early on in Tuesday's

five-hour hearing.

"If [a version of Facebook will always be free], how do you sustain a business model

in which users don't pay for your service?"

posed Hatch.Zuckerberg paused a moment before answering, "Senator, we run ads."

He, and his staff sitting behind him, then grinned before Hatch moved onto his next question.

At best, most of the lawmakers in charge of questioning Zuckerberg only have a basic understanding

of the way his company operates.

Take, for example, Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii:

Even senators known as the more tech savvy of the bunch experienced hiccups.

Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii, asked if Facebook could track what one user

emails another on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the encrypted messaging service — which doesn't use email — that Facebook

bought in 2014.

He also asked Zuckerberg several times if messages sent on WhatsApp can be used to target


"Is there some algorithm that spits out some information to your ad platform, and

then let's say I'm emailing about 'Black Panther' within WhatsApp, do I get a WhatsApp

— do I get a 'Black Panther' banner ad?"

Schatz asked.

Each time, Zuckerberg responded that WhatsApp messages are fully encrypted, which means

they can't be read by Facebook or used for ad targeting.

[Source: CNET] Good grief.

This is embarrassing.

These members could have, at the very least, brushed up on their knowledge of the way Facebook

operates over the weekend.

It really isn't rocket science.

After all, millennials seem to have figured it out, and their claim to fame is eating

Tide Pods.

Get it together, Congress.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Rush Makes 'Odd' Observation About Zuckerberg Testimony, Congress Won't Be Happy - Duration: 4:19.


The Untold Truth Of The Walmart Kid Yodeler - Duration: 4:40.

The "Walmart yodeling kid" — or "yodel boy," as he's being called — became an internet

phenomenon after a video of him belting out a spirited version of Hank Williams' "Lovesick

Blues" in an Illinois Walmart went viral.

Since then it's been a whirlwind, with an appearance on Ellen, a college scholarship,

and an invitation to appear on the biggest stage in country music - the Grand Ole Opry.

So just how has 11-year-old Mason Ramsey done it?

Here's everything you didn't know you wanted to know about the Walmart yodeling kid.

Not his first rodeo

Though the world is just now learning about the Yodeling Kid, it's not for a lack of effort

on Ramsey's part.

According to The Southern Illinoisan, he's actually been a fixture of the local music

scene since he was 3 years old.

At an age when most kids have barely mastered the potty, Ramsey opened for country star

Josh Turner, who called Ramsey "the real star of the show."

The country music community took notice, and Ramsey went on to open for Kenny Rogers, Gene

Watson, and the Bellamy Brothers, as well.

Still, the internet didn't catch on despite Ramsey's best efforts.

After an earlier upload of Ramsey singing "Lovesick Blues" didn't make an impression,

Ramsey got some traction after local Kentucky radio station Beaver 100.3 saw a different

clip of the kid singing in a local Walmart.

Even that didn't go viral, though.

It turned out that, like a true country boy, Yodel Kid needed help from more than just

a beaver - he needed a hog.

Like a pig in mud

Ramsey might be the biggest YouTube star in the universe right now, but it was actually

the viral video hub ViralHog that first discovered Ramsey and turned him into a superstar, boosting

his signal nearly a week before the smash clip hit YouTube.

According to ViralHog, Ramsey's cart-stopping performance happened at the Harrisburg, Illinois

Walmart on March 24, 2018, where

"He was very excited to stop and sing for a group of customers that had gathered."

Just how popular has Ramsey become?

The original Hank Williams version of "Lovesick Blues," which was released way back in 1950,

reached #4 on the Spotify Viral 50 Chart.


Ellen's DeGenerosity

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres has featured so many viral stars that, by now, they're

as much of a staple of her show as dancing, scaring people, and giving away free stuff.

It was the Walmart yodeling kid's turn on April 10th, 2018.

And he did not disappoint his fans, offering vast insight into the daily life of a budding

musical superstar.

"Do you like LA?"

"Yeah, but I'm a country boy."

And what does that mean, exactly?

"And out in the old country, all we do is bale straws of hay and next thing you know,

you sittin' under a tree takin' a nap with your hat down and a weed in your mouth."

Ellen, of course, made all his dreams come true, presenting him with a $15,000 college

scholarship and an invitation to play at the Grand Ole Opry.

"I called my friends at the Grand Ole Opry.

And they want you to perform there Saturday."

"Oh my God!"


Now that's something to yodel about.

Walmart is rolling in it

Knowing there will probably never be a golden marketing opportunity like this ever again,

Walmart jumped on the Mason Ramsey train with the excitement of a possum eatin' a sweet


Not only did they make a Yodel Kid snapchat filter, the mega-retailer announced it was

"putting on a concert at his local Walmart to let him shine!"

"Join me for a special concert at Harrisburg Walmart store."

And it proved to be a hit, with tens of thousands of fans watching the concert live on Facebook

and Twitter.


That giant guitar

So what's the deal with Ramsey's adult size guitar, which looks like a gigantic movie

prop next to the tiny Yodeling Kid?

According to Ramsey's granddad, it's a very special guitar that was bequeathed to Ramsey

by a deceased mentor.

"He inherited his guitar from this older fella.

He left it in his will for him."

Ramsey noted that the guitar is, indeed, just as heavy as it looks, but we're sure the Yodeling

Kid will eventually grow into it.

Yodeling into your DMs

Though it took a while for Ramsey to catch his big break, he's certainly making the hay

while the sun shines.

After going viral, Ramsey immediately launched official Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

pages, racking up over a million combined followers.

And that's just the beginning.

Though he's still so young, and he shot to fame in the quirkiest way possible, the truth

about the Walmart yodeling kid is that he's been putting in his dues for almost his entire


Now that he's gained the national spotlight and set up shop on social media, we don't

see this little superstar fading from fame anytime soon.

We're rooting for you, Mason — keep on yodeling!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Walmart Kid Yodeler - Duration: 4:40.


Process for Successful Drawings - Caricature Essentials - Duration: 11:10.

So, I figured a good way to end the course is with a caricature, finally, of Stan the Man himself,

Mr. Prokopenko.

Stan's likeness is a little tricky.

It could go many different ways.

Even with his heavy eyebrows and manly stubble, he still has kind of a baby face.

So to help me out, I decided to use the Spirit Animal technique from Lesson 12 to come up

with the exaggeration.

After some thought, I've determined that Stan's Spirit Animal is

...a beet.

Now I know what you're thinking, it's just because he's Ukrainian and I'm stereotyping.

And that's not true at all.

Stan is actually a huge fan of beets.

Every time I see him at lunch, he's enjoying pickled beets or beet salad or just a big

ole' bowl of borscht.

His favorite song is Beat It.

The man is beet-crazy!

If you see him at a convention or out on the street, feel free to just give him a handful

of beets.

He'll eat them raw.

Of course Stan's large cranium and thin neck coincidentally worked really well with the

beet shape.

So I begin with some thumbnail sketches, to try and figure out how to make Stan's face

work on this beet.

I soon realize his features should sit low on his head, because his forehead and hair

take up more real estate than on the average person.

I think the concept here is a good start.

But the features aren't executed in a way that's accurate to him.

So I end this one and try sketching from a different angle.

For this second sketch, I maintain the same basic concept of the inner beet spirit, but

I thicken the beet-neck just a bit at the top.

I also like the idea of really small features set into a large wide head.

It's just funnier.

This one is working much better than the first sketch.

Although I'm not a fan of straight-on views.

I prefer more dynamic angles that allow me to show the three-dimensional quality of a face.

So I move on to a photo with a more interesting angle.

Again, I try to maintain the beetroot proportions for the head shape and then place the features

on top of that.

In this thumbnail sketch, I'm able to draw a more dynamic angle which I push even further

to give it more visual interest.

And there's even a slightly sassy expression on his face that I try to make more obvious

in my sketch.

Because of the interesting angle and expression, I feel like this is the one that I can take

to the next stage.

The likeness needs some work, but that's what the rough sketch is for.

I begin the rough sketch by tracing directly over the thumbnail.

I use some simple guides to align the features in perspective on the head.

And I slow down a bit to give more attention to each feature.

More time than I allowed in the thumbnail sketch phase anyway.

One of the distinctive traits about Stan that isn't strictly physical is the darkness around

his eyes.

His eyes are heavy-lidded, but also a slightly darker tone than the rest of his face.

So I try to indicate that in my rough sketch.

At this point, it feels pretty good, but I'm not entirely sold on the likeness yet.

Something I've learned about likeness is that it's usually easier to see with the use of

light and dark values, rather than with just lines.

I could continue crosshatch shading to darken the values, but for the sake of speed, I add

some more shading with a large brush.

It's pretty rough and simple, but I think it does add some visual information to define

the likeness which wasn't there before, like the volumes of the forehead and cheeks.

When I squint down and blur my eyes, I really see it.

So It's just enough to confirm that I'm on the right track even if it's not perfect yet.

For this next stage in developing this caricature, I flip the rough sketch over to better see

any structural problems and then draw a Reilly Abstraction on top of it.

The rhythm lines of the Abstraction are drawn from one side of the head to the other to

help check if things are lined up or if they need to be moved.

Some features, like the eyebrows, are going to be asymmetrical, so I allow for that and

look for unintended distortions and asymmetries.

I discover that the ear I drew on the rough sketch was too low.

But for the most part, everything else was in a good spot.

Even if all the features are determined to be well-placed, these geometric rhythm lines

are most helpful because they act as an idealized template of Stan's head - sort of a cleanser,

washing away the rough lines of the earlier sketch, so that I can trace much more nicely

designed shapes and features in the right locations at the next stage.

Oh, and besides the ear being too low, the Abstraction helps me figure out that the head

would look better if the forehead was more bulging in front.

After a quick check, I flip it back around, dim down the Abstraction and begin my final

linear drawing on new layer, tracing over the Abstraction, but with much more attention

to the exact shapes of the contours and features and also to the quality of my lines.

This lesson is all about drawing caricatures with special attention paid to the visual design.

As I've said, a good exaggeration and likeness is not enough.

To draw at a professional level, you need to slow down and spend time creating a refined

look or visual design.

It doesn't have to be realistic and based on anatomy, like my work.

You can draw abstractly or simple and cartoony.

But whatever it is, you need to figure out what you want the finished style to be and

then keep working on this until you've achieved that look.

Tracing over the previous drawing is a great way to do that.

Now, the problem with being the judge of your own progress is that while you're learning,

your artist's eye may not be able to see all the flaws that a more experienced artist may see.

As you continue your studies, your eye will improve, followed by your hand's ability to

make the right marks.

But during this time is when it's important to have a teacher, mentor or at least another

artist at a higher level of development help you and let you know where you can improve.

Eventually though, you'll be able to look back on your older work and wonder why you

missed all those drawing problems the first time around.

With my linear lay-in finished, I now add the soft edges.

Wherever a form transitions from a light to dark value, that transition will be either

a hard, firm, soft or lost edge.

Once those transitions are all in, I finally start to add the values, which is the final

stage of this drawing.

I always seem to have the most success in a drawing or painting when I work on a middle

grey background.

In the premium version of this course, I demonstrate shading drawings with different strategies.

On my David Bowie caricature, I shade on a white background, which shows how it negatively

affects my perception of the values on the face.

Working on a white background prevents me from shading as darkly as I should because

the bright white fools my eyes into thinking a value I use on the face is darker than what

it really is.

A light-middle grey, as I've used here, sets me up right in the range of what Stan's caucasian

flesh tone already is.

So even before I begin, I'm in the right value range.

Most of the time in a realistically shaded portrait like this is spent working in the

middle range of values.

Or the halftones.

The dark accents and bright highlights are fun and give the drawing more visual punch.

But they wouldn't work if the the middle values aren't properly figured out and correctly

placed first.

The meat of the portrait is in the halftones.

They are what's going to sell it to the viewer.

And the halftones are usually all within a very narrow range on the value scale.

So there's not much room for error.

If you shade the halftones with too much contrast, the subject will look shiny or metallic.

If you don't have enough contrast, the portrait will look dull and flat.

And if you don't shade and cover the shapes evenly, you may get spotty or streaky effects

where bits of light or dark peek through your strokes.

So make sure you're using the right tool for the job.

Most of the Photoshop brushes I'm using to shade here are very subtle brushes already.

One stroke from them doesn't cover much because they have heavy textures applied to them.

I have to keep on adding stroke on top of stroke to lay down a value.

It's similar to using very light pressure with a hard charcoal or graphite on a rough paper.

In fact, I think my main brush here is called "Shady Graphite" by Kyle Webster.

It comes standard with the latest version of Photoshop.

But you can find or even create similar brushes in other painting apps.

Also, it probably goes without saying, but when shading a drawing or painting, use the

largest brush for an area that you can.

You want to be able to cover broad areas with less brush strokes.

But to get hard edges or for textures like the hair and stubble you'll need a smaller brush.

But those should be used sparingly, lest you end up with a streaky and sketchy rendering.

Most of your time in a drawing like this will be spent using large brushes.

Some final bits of advice to create professional quality caricatures with a strong sense of

design are: First and foremost, keep working on it until you can't make it any better.

Push yourself to draw and paint like the people you admire.

If you get to the end and aren't sure if it's a success, get up, walk away and come back

to look at it with fresh eyes.

Or flip it in reverse one more time to examine it backwards.

If there are any structural problems, they'll be much more obvious.

If you can correct those problems, then do so.

If there are just too many problems to fix, you may need to go back a few steps and start

again from your rough sketch or Abstraction.

Thanks everybody for watching and a big thank you to Stan for allowing me to be a part

of the Proko family.

Hey guys, there are several more in depth demonstrations for this lesson.

To get access to extended versions of the main lessons,

and all of the extra fully-narrated caricature demonstrations,

be sure to get the premium course on

For more infomation >> Process for Successful Drawings - Caricature Essentials - Duration: 11:10.


Luigi was a COP!? Mario, BEWARE! - Duration: 5:10.

You're under arreesssst!

Now for those of you who have watched my video about how old Mario is, we know that Mario

has had a ton of different jobs.

In that video I determine Mario's actual life based on all his career choices…

But the thing is, I never stopped to wonder about his brother.

The focus is always Mario, Mario, Mario.

What about Luigi?

We know he worked in a bottling factory with Mario at one point…

But did you know Luigi was also a cop?


Do I have some news for you.

Today we're diving back into the chaos of the german Club Nintendo.

A never-ending thank you to Opentrain and their amazing team for bringing these comics

to life in English for all of us to enjoy.

Today we have a bit of a shorter comic, but still pretty interesting in what it entails.

This is Super Mario, In the Rush of Speed!

Our story starts with a nipple-less Mario brushing his teeth.

Well, I guess someone could argue that his hand is blocking it, but now that we have

some closure in Odyssey, we gotta be alert about these kind of things.

Anyways, Mario is brushing his teeth while listening to the radio in the other room.

The news is playing and a very concerning message comes through.

"Brooklyn: Today the minister of traffic enacted a new law for speed limits.

According to it, from now on the allowed maximum speed for dinosaurs is 80 DP" DP apparently

stands for Dino Powers, a metric of speed.

Of course, this miffs Mario to no end.

He quickly gets dressed and grabs his cape while grumbling that no one is going to turn

his Yoshi into a snail on his watch.

He sploings out the window, whatever the hell that means, and begins to glide down to his

crosseyed Yoshi.

While descending he tells Yoshi the shocking news, and then adds something quite interesting.

He mentions that the Minister of Dinosaurs, the person who set this new speed rule, actually

drives a F-Zero Racer.

He then whuuuuumps Yoshi with a mighty pull of his air breaks and demands Yoshi to burn


Which, Yoshi then realizes that Mario pretty much contradicted himself.

Go fast, but actually we need to be slow.

Yoshi, who is the fastest dinosaur alive takes off and soon Mario spots the Minister of Dinosaurs


Yoshi is racing neck and neck with a mysterious person driving the Blue Falcon.

This person looks like Captain Falcon… but if we look a little closer…

Nathaniel Scuttlebug Bandy every single time.

He just happens to be dressed exactly like Captain Falcon mind you.

But before Mario has a moment to wrooooom over to Captain's place, Officer Luigi stops

him dead in his tracks with a mighty pfffffft.

Yoshi quiiiiitsches - alright, I'm done with these sounds.

Yoshi slams on the breaks at the site of the mighty white glove and menacing L. Mario,

who claims he was only going 80 DP, argues with his brother and asks him why he's wearing

such a silly costume.

Luigi corrects his foolish brother by telling him from now on he is to refer to him as "Officer


Luigi promptly corrects him again saying he was going at least 100.

Mario can't seem to fathom all the changes recently and fills us in by stating that recently

turtle kicking was also banned.

He descends off Yoshi in a spin jump only to be stopped by police chief Luigi once again.

Spin jumping is prohibited between 1 pm to 3 pm, and thus Mario is charged with a fine

of 60 coins.

Mario, defeated by this latest ruling, shatters his tailbone on the ground with a mighty thud.

He reaches out, dazed, and asks "If I'm not allowed to do anything any more, may I

at least bid farewell to this ridiculous story?"

Yoshi tries to cheer him up by stating that together they are a unstoppable duo, but Mario

isn't having it.

The comic then promptly closes with a photo of Yoshi eating the letter "e" out of

the word "end".

So this comic came out in 1992 and it's one of the first times I've ever seen Luigi

featured as holding a different occupation.

Well, there's also this one - but I'll cover that one another time.

I really want to know how Captain Falcon of all people became the Minister of Dinosaurs,

and beyond that, why he had established all these silly rules for the kingdom.

That is, assuming he was the one who set the other rules besides just the speed limit thing.

I also want to know why Luigi changed careers so early on to become a police officer of

all things.

Knowing Luigi nowadays, he's not really too stern of a fellow.

The Super Mario lore grows thicker…

But now that I've dumped that on all of you, I'd of course love to hear your thoughts.

Is officer Luigi now your favorite Luigi?

How about Captain Bandy Falcon being Minister of Dinosaurs?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

And with that…

Thanks for tuning in to this dino-citation!

Be sure to subscribe, hit the bell icon, set a reminder on your phone, mail yourself a

letter, have your future self go back in time to tell you to do all of this, because if

you don't, YouTube probably won't notify you of my next upload.

I kid, but I guess not really.

Thanks for watching guys and gals, and until my next video, cheers!

For more infomation >> Luigi was a COP!? Mario, BEWARE! - Duration: 5:10.


The Truth About Giada De Laurentiis - Duration: 4:11.

One of Food Network's best-loved stars, Giada De Laurentiis rose to fame in 2003, with her

first TV show, Everyday Italian.

But while De Laurentiis has been in the limelight for a number of years, there are still some

things that even her most devoted fans don't know about her.

Here's the untold truth of Giada De Laurentiis.

"Let's have some fun"

Growing up Giada

De Laurentiis has worked in TV for a number of years, but the family's showbiz connections

didn't start with her.

Her maternal grandfather, Dino De Laurentiis, was a famous movie producer.

Her mother, Veronica De Laurentiis, was an Italian actress and her father, Alex De Benedetti,

was an actor and producer who knew Dino well, according to The Daily Meal.

After her parents got divorced, she took her mother's last name, and moved with her to


"All the trials and tribulations of being a small child in a different country actually

made me the person I am today."

It wasn't smooth sailing, at first, for the aspiring chef.

"I have a large head.

In fact when I was a kid, people used to make fun of the size of my head."

De Laurentiis also told The Chew that as a child, she was gifted a nickname that kinda

rhymed with "Giada":

"What was your nickname as a kid?

Jabba the Hutt.

Because the Star Wars movie came out, and that was what all the kids called me."

First lady of the Vegas Strip

De Laurentiis opened her first restaurant, Giada, in The Cromwell on the Las Vegas Strip

in 2014.

And according to Elle, that also made her the first woman to have her own restaurant

on the Strip.

"So you don't need many ingredients, but you need great ingredients.

Because if you only have four, those four better be top of the line, and they better

have a ton of flavor."

In February 2018, De Laurentiis opened her second Vegas eatery, Pronto by Giada, at Caesar's


Truffle pass

If you're over all-truffle-everything, you might want to hit up De Laurentiis' recipes.

When asked what food trend she's tired of, she told The Feast,

"Truffles in everything.

[...] Truffles are something that should only be used when in-season.

[...] It doesn't make you more of a gourmet cook to use truffle in everything."

Her mini-me

In March of 2008, De Laurentiis gave birth to daughter Jade, with ex-husband, Todd Thompson.

While you've likely heard references to Jade or seen her on Giada at Home, you might not

know that Jade and Giada share a name — sort of.

SheKnows reported that "giada" is Italian for "jade," so both of their names have the

same meaning.

As for her zero-prenup divorce from Thompson, De Laurentiis is said to be forking over a

whopping $9,000 a month in child support.

Tragedy turned advocacy

In 2003, De Laurentiis' younger brother, Dino, died of skin cancer at just 31 years old.

She told ET,

"He was the person I turned to for everything.

When something great happened in my life, when something bad happened — I would talk

to him 2-3 times per day."

De Laurentiis later recorded a PSA for Stand Up To Cancer, in her brother's honor.

"He died from melanoma when he was 31.

Every hour someone dies from melanoma.

It doesn't have to be someone you love."

Feeling the #fails

Just because she's a celebrity chef doesn't mean she hasn't had her share of cooking disasters.

De Laurentiis told The Feast she nearly ruined Thanksgiving, while working a catering job

back in the day, remembering,

"They had a big dog, and I wasn't used to cooking around dogs.

I tripped over the dog once I put the turkey on the platter.

Once the turkey hit the floor, that dog got to it before I did."

And De Laurentiis's first Today Show appearance wasn't exactly flawless.

She told Jimmy Fallon that during her cooking segment:

"Matt Lauer, with a fork, cuts my supposed grilled chicken breast…"

" is completely raw."

She then recalled,

"He runs to the back, spits it out, and says to the camera.

She tried to poison me….your career is over."

Last Meal

De Laurentiis revealed to Health magazine that her last meal would be a seven-layer

chocolate cake.

And she's even planned out exactly how she would enjoy those final earthly bites, saying,

"I would eat all of the frosting on the outside, then I would peel off the cake and eat the

layers in between."

Sounds like a last meal to satisfy any serious sweet tooth!

"Look how gorgeous that is!"

"It screams Giada, look at that!"

"No, it doesn't I'm not pink glitter!


Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Giada De Laurentiis - Duration: 4:11.


Pesca no rio Douro - Fishing in Douro river - Duration: 9:30.

this is a fish

which I had not fished for some time

hi fishermens

it's on Easter Sunday

and my parents came to see me, there are two reasons why I am not with them

the first is because I'm crazy about fishing

I hope they don´t see this

and the second is because on Friday I went fishing with João and his father

He and his father wanted to meet me because they see my videos

and since I did not have much time

to be able to kayak fishing I fished with them

I apologize to all the subscribers I can not fish with

but I only have Saturday mornings for fishing

so I have a lot to do

and I love kayak fishing

and be with you at same time, it's not bad will

it's not elitism

it is not physically possible to be everywhere, I also have to leave time for the family

Friday we skunk

we fish for like 3 hours

I got like 8 hits, I think I am starting to suck at fishing

or if the fish is very small

I try to change everything

and today I am trying to see if the fish is very small

and yes, the fish is very small

I fished with two different rods


RTX from Okuma

and I was fishing with Cannibal Shads

and with this Ribworms

it was hard, I lost lot´s of lures

I got 2 Zanders / Walleyes

very small

one of them by the belly

and the other one was a very small fish too

I used jig heads more long to get to the end of the lure

and more, I have this piece of Ribworm

I cut so the lure don´t be so big

and has you can see they are very small and near the shore

Sorry for the bells, here in the villages ...

we have always heard this, in cities you must not be accustomed to this

but here you got this at every hour

and my other rod

my black savage

I love this rod

is my goto, is the rod I use for all kind of fishing

and look at this, 20 grams, I usually don´t fish like this

let me explain


I started with this small tungten bullets

and the weather is starting to warm up

finally, after so much rain, so much ice and so much snow

and when it warms the tourist boats walk with tourists through the Douro

and the dam opens for them to pass

and we got current , sometimes 10 grams is enought but when they open we need more

so I can only feel the bottom with 20 grams

I am using this new crayfish from Savage

is a pack with 3 lures

with 3 different colors

let me see if I can show you the three colors

this is more dark

is what I am using today

the watters are dark because of the rain

this is more natural

people who fish for Barbel know this is the perfect size

when the streams got less water

I will show you what some people use for Barbel

and how to catch them

this crayfish from this size are perfect

this pack have this three colors

in this case I am using a 20 grams sinker

but in this case I needed

because we need to fish at the bottom

bait by the tail

you can use a small hook because any Barbel can swallow this easy

and go for the back of the lure

fish on

this is a fish

that I don´t fish for some time

this is a good fish

I think this is the first Barbel of the year

he is fat

doing lot´s of noise

he like crayfish

like I was saying

I got the Barbel and released

is something that can happen, be fishing and even with imitation of fish catch a Barbel

What matters is that I was finally able to film a release

with the new law you can´t release Zander / Walleye

or at least can not show the release

To the wise, half a word is enough

and is 8:30 at this moment

yes, is 8:30

I will end this fishing

three fish, now I am meeting my family

I will listen good, but it was worth it.

For more infomation >> Pesca no rio Douro - Fishing in Douro river - Duration: 9:30.














For more infomation >> BROWN SUGAR vs WHO NEEDS CLOTHES? RIHANNA FENTY BEAUTY BODY LAVA | Brown / Dark Skin - Duration: 9:18.


Star Trek DeepOnion | Episode 2 Destination Airdrop - Duration: 13:10.

Space the final Frontier.

These are the voyages of the Starship DeepOnion.

It's continuing mission to seek out new members, build a great community, improve lives, and

to boldly go where no cryptocurrency has gone before.

Star date log 3018, it has been a month since we have entered the Binance system, we have

a steady flow of onions, but are always on the lookout for more.

The plans for our new fleet of long range fighters have been safely secured away in

our DeepVault on planet Crex24.

Based off of old sci-fi movie archives from Earth, Star Games, Star Fight, Star Wars,

something like that, these new war ships could be a game changer.

I can't wait to take one for a spin.

Alright let's see what is in the weekly news letter from High Commander Deeper.

Ahh, VokAin is up to his old antics I see.

mmm what else, Commodore Vaas is looking to train a new captain, nice, there are a bunch

of good candidates.

Mmm anything else, ok, yup, good.

Last airdrop...Wait, I almost forgot.

I will need to prepare soon, if I am going to make it there on time.

Might be a good time to test out one of our new ships.

Speaking of ships, I need to make sure those plans are secure still at our DeepVault.

Nothing Evans can't handle.

Where is that Robot?

Deep Onion.

Hello Evans, how are you?

Deep Onion.


Why are you sad?

Deep Onion.

You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

The last week has bit a bit boring right?

Deep Onion.

I have another task for you.

This is the frozen planet Crex24, I believe you searched there for onions in the past.

As you know the new DeepVault is there.

I need you to go there and make sure our plans for our new ships are safe and secure and

haven't been tampered with.

Easy as that?

Take the long range shuttle as always, and make sure to use the TOR gate.

Any questions?

Deep Onion.


I will be taking one of the new fighters for a test spin and heading to the Airdrop destination.

This will be the last one.

Deeper is having us meet at the planet, Cryptopia.

Come join me when you are done.

Deep Onion.

That will be all, good luck.

Open terminal.

Call Commander Impressive.

Captain Taylor how are you?

Good, just getting ready for the airdrop.

Can you believe I almost forgot.

You must be getting old.



Just wanted to let you know I am taking one of our new fighters out to the airdrop, I

want to get a feel for it.

Good, I will be in one as well.

Captain DogLover will have a new one too, I believe.

Great I will me you guys there.

OH and don't get sidetracked again with any other coins.

We don't want them.

Not Deep Onion.

All right, let's see what this ship can do.

Deep Onion

Not Deep Onion!

Deep Onion!

Deep Onion!

Reaper's you are in Deep Onion controlled territory.

Leave now peacefully.

Well this is not good.

Evasive maneuvers.

This one is getting a little close to me.

Looks like you could use a hand?

Nice of you to join me, let's show these Reapers what DeepOnion is

made of!

They are going to regret this.

On me!

Let's take them out.

There they are!

Ahh ha did you see that?

I need some help here I got someone on my tail.

Those were the last ones.

Great job everyone! Evans you made it!

Thanks for the help!

Deep onion!

All right guys, let's prepare for the airdrop.

Hey Evans, who is that?

Deep Onion.

Found a new friend eh?

Good, we will have to get him a uniform when we get back to the ship.

Deep Onion.

Here comes High Commander Deeper.

Time for the Airdrop.

Deep Onion

Deep Onion

I am going to miss these.

Evans let's get back to the ship.

The crew's participation in the weekly contests has been amazing, that reminds me I need I

need to pick the winners

All right here we go we got the url in here, 24 unique commenters great, and the first

winner is Jims Hui.

It is a very good resource for use to understand what DeepVault is and the use case scenario,

thanks for sharing.

You are welcome.

Pick another winner.

And our next winner is, Trisun Rey.

I understand it more because of your simple and understandable presentation.

I am looking forward to the next one, keep it up.

Congratulations to the winners, to claim your prize come to the main deck where this forum

is located and this video is posted.

Drop a comment down below with a comment with your Wallet.

If you want to be entered into the next weeks video make sure to make a comment on the YouTube

video, like and subscribe.

I'll See you in the forum, Take Care.

For more infomation >> Star Trek DeepOnion | Episode 2 Destination Airdrop - Duration: 13:10.


HEART SIGNAL 2 하트시그널 시즌 2 | SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 | FULL EPISODE! | Watch NOW FOR FREE! - Duration: 1:26:48.

For more infomation >> HEART SIGNAL 2 하트시그널 시즌 2 | SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 | FULL EPISODE! | Watch NOW FOR FREE! - Duration: 1:26:48.


Tflow | DAWLOM DYALOM Ft. Mourad khali - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Tflow | DAWLOM DYALOM Ft. Mourad khali - Duration: 4:07.


LATEST NEWS: Trump believes Mueller's probe has 'gone too far' : White House Says - Duration: 4:57.

President Trump believes he can fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller because the investigation

of Russian meddling in the 2016 election has "gone too far" with the raids on his personal

attorney, the White House said Tuesday.

"He certainly believes he has the power to do so," Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee

Sanders said during an afternoon press briefing.

Sanders remarks came amid controversy over the warrants executed Monday on the office

and hotel room of Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer and one of his most trusted confidantes.

The case was referred to New York's southern district prosecutors by Mueller.

Interim Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman wasn't involved in the searches because

he was recused by Justice Department officials under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein,

according to reports.

The Justice Department bars employees from taking part in investigations or prosecutions

if they have "a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially

involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution, or who

would be directly affected by the outcome."

Berman, a Republican, donated $5,400 to Trump's campaign, was a member of the presidential

transition team and met with Trump prior to his January appointment by Attorney General

Jeff Sessions.

Any case in which Berman is recused automatically goes to his No. 2, Robert Khuzami, a former

Securities and Exchange Commission official, a law-enforcement source said.

Rosenstein personally signed off on the raids, the New York Times reported and CNN, citing

multiple sources, said Trump was mulling his ouster despite warning from both Republican

and democratic congressman not to fire either Mueller or Rosenstein.

The FBI raids sought records related to the $130,000 Cohen paid porn actress Stormy Daniels

as part of a "hush agreement" — signed 11 days before the election — involving

her claim of having had a one-night stand with Trump in July 2006.

But the feds were also after evidence tied to the $150,000 that former Playboy Playmate

Karen McDougal says she was paid by the National Enquirer to suppress her claim of having had

a 10-month affair with Trump during 2006 and 2007, according to reports.

In a statement, the Enquirer's parent company, American Media Inc., said it "has, and will

continue to, comply with any and all requests that do not jeopardize or violate its protected

sources or materials pursuant to our first amendment right."

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, "will fully cooperate with any search for

the truth regarding the threats, cover-up and lies concerning the NDA [non-disclosure

agreement] and $130k payment," her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweeted Wednesday.

Prosecutors have also asked the Trump Organization for any records related to the payment, according

to the Wall Street Journal.

A Trump Organization rep said, "We do not generally comment on such matters, but have

and will continue to comply with inquiries from proper authorities."

In addition, the warrant covered documents tied to Cohen's ownership of New York City

taxi medallions, CNN reported.

Cohen, in his first public comments since the raids, later told CNN that while they

were "upsetting, to say the least," he bore no ill will toward the feds.

"I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided," he said.

"But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure

were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful.

And I thanked them at the conclusion."

Cohen's description contrasted with Trump's assertion Monday that the feds "broke into

the office of one of my personal attorneys."

Cohen also said that he's been rethinking how he handled the payment to Daniels — which

both he and Trump have said Trump didn't know about — and that he'd be "lying"

if he said he wasn't worried about the fed probe.

Trump — who on Monday also blasted the FBI searches as "an attack our our country,

in a true sense" — repeated his condemnation Tuesday morning in a pair of tweets declaring

that "Attorney–client privilege is dead!" and adding: "A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!"

But the Justice Department has lengthy guidelines covering searches of "the premises of an

attorney," including use of a special team to review the seized records and weed out

"any privileged material."

Former federal prosecutor J. Bruce Maffeo also told The Post that there are many scenarios

in which communications that might seem privileged aren't, including any shared with a third

party, such as a secretary who emails a lawyer on behalf of a client who — like Trump — doesn't

use email.

Attorney-client privilege is also waived if the lawyer is believed to be helping the client

commit fraud, a rule known as the "crime-fraud exception," Maffeo said.

For more infomation >> LATEST NEWS: Trump believes Mueller's probe has 'gone too far' : White House Says - Duration: 4:57.


Heidi Daus "Everyday Elegance" 3pc Bangle Bracelet Set - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Heidi Daus "Everyday Elegance" 3pc Bangle Bracelet Set - Duration: 5:42.


Your World With Neil Cavuto 04/12/18 4PM | April 12, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:29.

For more infomation >> Your World With Neil Cavuto 04/12/18 4PM | April 12, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:29.


Valerie (Tribute to Amy Winehouse) - Bruno Mars | Karaoke Version - Duration: 4:41.




For more infomation >> Valerie (Tribute to Amy Winehouse) - Bruno Mars | Karaoke Version - Duration: 4:41.


The Global Reach of Child Evangelism Fellowship - Duration: 1:17.

Hi, I'm Mark Vroegop, lead pastor of College Park Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.

For a number of years I've just been amazed at the global reach of Child Evangelism Fellowship®

Well, about three years ago I was in a basement of a church in Ukraine,

and I saw literature and materials that had come from Child Evangelism Fellowship.

And nearly wherever I go all over the world it's remarkable

that in many of those countries, if not most of them, CEF has works that are happening

trying to reach children with the Gospel.

There's something special about the way in which CEF is able to take the Gospel,

put it into the language of the people, train local workers,

and then send them forth to try and reach children in their own country.

And for that reason I think CEF is on the cutting edge of Gospel presentations for children.

It's wonderful that children at an early age, no matter what language they speak, can hear the good news of Jesus.

CEF is doing a great work both locally and globally to try and reach children for Jesus.

And so I'm really grateful that they're part of a strategic network of people and ministries

trying to accomplish that mission of reaching the world.

Hey, thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this then like and subscribe to our channel for more.

Don't forget to check out our other videos.

For more infomation >> The Global Reach of Child Evangelism Fellowship - Duration: 1:17.



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Real Money - Risky Business | Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:31.

You know, I met my wife down here about 30 years ago

and I was down here, I was

singing "Two Tickets to Paradise" and I looked down and this beautiful girl was crying.

Her eye make up was running down here cheeks, like a little girl lost a puppy

or something.

I've been singing--but the guitar solo came around.

I bent down and she said, "Hey baby, you're standing on my fingers."

Eddie and I have been friends, we all played together in clubs in the 70s

and we're still buddies.

We were at different rehabs together.

Everybody, have a great time tonight!

How about a hand for the band here?

I really do love playing with Sammy. We get on stage together and that's just a blast.

It's great down here for Sammy's party but I am worried about the kids because

leaving them at home is just...

[Eddie making a weird noise]

I don't know.

Dez, how much do you think it's gonna cost just by the looking...

a little gander at the car?

It looks like it's gonna be pretty expensive.

Might not be that bad.

But it looks bad, so yeah, I'm pretty screwed.


For more infomation >> Real Money - Risky Business | Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:31.


FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE Surprise! - Duration: 4:51.

FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE


From the moment that Donald Trump was elected president, talk of his news presidential limousine

was discussed, as it's customary for every new president to get their own personalized


Cadillac was given the honor of being the maker of the special car specifically designed

to Trump's personal and exceptional safety needs.

It's a long process to produce such an important vehicle and now over a year into his presidency,

the exceptionally exquisite limousine, with hand-picked details, is ready to roll out

with a massive surprise for Americans.

Since Trump took office, he's been using a fleet of older cars that belonged to Barack

Obama, and his administration that had been in use since Obama's 2009 Inauguration Day.

Trump never complained about not getting his new ride on Inauguration Day as his predecessor

did, ass many leftists would have hoped to use against him.

In fact, he was gracious about it and this also afforded him ample time to plan something

really special for his new ride, which will be the main vehicle in his fleet.

Fox News reports:

Many observers expecting Trump to be presented on his with a new version of the so-called

"Beast," which his predecessor described as "a Caddy, basically on a tank frame."

One was in the works as Trump made his first trip to the White House as president, it just

wasn't ready yet.

But Fox News has exclusively learned that its unveiling is just around the corner.

Prototypes of the Cadillac-branded state car wrapped in black and white camouflage (to

hide their details from photographers) have been spotted being tested on public roads,

and at least one of the dozen or so vehicles that General Motors is set to build under

a $15.8 million contract is now with the U.S. Secret Service.

"We've completed our task and we've handed over the vehicle to the customer,"

Cadillac President Johann de Nysschen told Fox News.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Secret Service added that "the program to build and deploy

the next generation of Presidential limousines is on track and on schedule — both in terms

of vendor production and internal Secret Service post-production requirements.

The public can expect to see the new vehicles put into operational use late summer of this


While most of the specific details of the vehicle are confidential as a national security

secret, Trump's Cadillac, in contrast to previous presidents' is less of a luxury

vehicle and more of an armored truck.

Fitting for a badass leader such as himself.

It's reportedly "protected against ballistic, explosive and chemical weapons attacks,"

as well.

All necessary safety features needed in this day and age with the threats this particular

president faced from the incensed left.

This is a big surprise to Americans since it's been well over a year since he should

have debuted his new ride like all others.

Instead, he didn't rush production or make demands of urgency, he allowed the car company

to take their time and that's a commendable secret that the media doesn't want people


However, there are some pretty interesting details about what Trump has been driving

around in for the meantime that was made public.

"How the limousine will be outfitted remains under wraps; Trump's current presidential

limo has an armor-plated fuel tank, bullet-proof tires, fire-suppression systems and military-grade

armor surrounded by fiberglass," AutoNews reported.

"Additionally, the current presidential limo is equipped with encrypted satellite

access, weapons and medical supplies."

However, it goes even further beyond that, as Business Insider reports:

The fortress on wheels has armor made of steel, aluminum, titanium, and ceramic, with fiberglass

sheets on the doors and fenders.

The fuel tank is also armor-plated and encased in a special foam to protect it in a crash

or from small-arms fire.

The entire passenger cabin can be sealed off in response to a chemical attack, and tires

reinforced with Kevlar are resistant to punctures — though steel rims can keep the vehicle

moving in case the tires deflate.

While inside, the president can have secure videoconferences with the Situation Room at

the White House or with US embassies overseas.

The car's weight is classified, as is the technology used in its 5-inch-thick bulletproof


Its armored doors are 8 inches thick and weigh as much as the cabin door on a 757 jet.

If there's one thing for sure, it's that everything Trump does and touches is incredible.

He puts his own "signature," so to speak, on everything and this limousine is bound

to be pretty spectacular because of it.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> FOX EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Long-Awaited Limo Just Rolled Out And Gives Americans A MASSIVE Surprise! - Duration: 4:51.


Heroes of Envell - Episode 01 - New Game - Animated series 2018 Moolt Kids Toons - Duration: 11:00.

Okay, guys!

I'm coming.

These kids…

Today they leave their laptop at school.

Tomorrow it's their head at home.

Heroes of Envell

New Game

Turner, what do you have there under the notebook?

- Nothing. - That's not true, Mrs Johnson!

Art is playing a game!

And Kira, Vic and Phill are playing with him!

Here, I caught them on video!

Arthur, Kira, Victor and Phillip, stand up!

Put your phones on my desk. And hurry up!

But Mrs Johnson! We'll miss the raid!

Tons of loot! Rare event! Please, it's very urgent!

Andersson, what is this pirate lingo?

We are in school, not at sea.

Could we have the phone for just one minute?

Turner, humility is not your virtue.

That much I understand.

You'll all get your phones back after classes.

Mark, your phone too.

That's not fair! Why me?

For the same reason:

using your phone during the lesson.

What's the plan?

Go in, find the phones, start the game

and collect the bonuses till the promo ends.

Phill, how much time do we have left?

Three minutes.

Let's go!

Move, move, move!

They are not here.

- They should be! - What about Jane's phone?

- Two minutes. - We won't make it.

We can access the game with my password through any browser.

- From someone else's laptop? - Who'd find out?

What was that?

Who cares!

It's not working. Let's leave before we get into trouble.

I can smell the trouble already.

You okay, Art?

I'm fine.

Where's Mrs Johnson?

The question is, where are we?

What do you mean?

Hold on!

- Where are we? - No idea.

I fell asleep, and I woke up,

and there was a castle, mountains, and whatever this place is.

Oh, I see.

You're playing a prank on me, aren't you?

Sure, Art. We built all of this especially for you.

Hello! Don't you get it?

Somebody kidnapped us and threw us in here.

With no phones.

And the promo's over.

Watch your step!

Who could've built all this?

I don't know. But they went cheap on roads.

There are huge letters in the sky.

What letters, Vic?

Huge ones.

Is this a dead-end?


My name is Buckwit!

I'm your guide in the world of Envell.

- Game?! - Yes, yes.

This is all a computer game with the most real-life experience in the world.

Full immersion, literally.

To start your adventure, please select your characters.

Can we exit?


Unfortunately, first you need to select a character

and complete your first mission.

I take the sorcerer!

- I'm the thief! - Knight!

And I guess I'll take the... weird one.

Well, let's start!

Not bad!

Your first mission

is to defeat the practice monster.

That's it?

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

New players?


They can be a nice addition

to my collection.

We should call the iron... what's his name!

- Buckwit! - I'm here.

Buckwit, what do we do?

Ah, but I don't answer questions during battle.

During battle?

Get rid of him already!

What is all this?

Not fair! I hit him!

Phill, smash him with something!

Right, right! Just a sec!

Oh, I think I need to power-level the spell.

Kira, catch!

Piece of cake!

How about some real enemies?



Take them back!

Art, what's the plan?

It's okay. They are only bots.

Can't we handle bots?

Let's play!


- Do you want to save the game and exit? - Yes!


Oh, the bell!

I'm telling you, it was VR.

Someone snuck in on us and put glasses on our heads.

Come on, it wasn't virtual reality! It was all for real.

It's nothing else but...

who knows what else...

Kira, what do you think?

Either all of us went crazy,

or that was magic.

Phill, you got a text.

I'll read it later.

Wait! But our phones are at school.

That's magic!


Yes, my Lord!

Some players just completed

the training mission.

Go stop them!

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