Monday, April 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 23 2018

As soon as the first white hair appears, not everyone was excited.

Although currently the white hair more accepted and more and more people

prefer to maintain the natural color of hair, the appearance of these white wires still causes

uncomfortable in many things.

This is especially the case for the most young people, who are increasingly seeking ways to

these wires.

But why does the hair lose its color?

Like our skin, the hair receives its coloration of a pigment, melanin.

As we get older, we losing the ability to produce this pigment,

and the appearance of white wires is inevitable.

The activity of melanocytes decreases with age and the body gradually stops producing


In addition, factors such as predisposition genetics, malnutrition, hormonal fluctuations,

smoking, pollution, stress, use of products inadequate hair and certain diseases such as

chronic constipation, sinusitis and of the thyroid can be the cause of the problem.

According to scientists, each hair follicle has a kind of "melanogenic clock",

which slows the production of melanin, causing loss of hair pigmentation.

Instead of covering the gray wires with colors try this natural remedy.

with only 2 ingredients:

Aloe vera in gel The aloe vera gel is excellent for

scalp because your vitamins have antioxidant and can soothe an irritation

on the scalp.

In addition, the gel reduces hair oiliness and repairs damage caused by hair products.

Vitamin E Some researchers defend the idea of

that the aging process is on to oxidative stress.

Vitamin E plays an important role because it can help protect against free radicals,

which cause problems to our body.

In addition, it promotes healthy growth of the wires.

Here's how:

Put 2 teaspoons of aloe vera into a canister

Add the contents of one capsule of Vitamin And the canister

Mix the ingredients until Massage this mixture into the

scalp and let it act throughout the night Wash the hair the next morning To

obtain good results and restore pigmentation hair, it is advisable to apply this

recipe 1 or 2 times, every day.

Try and tell us the comments like this remedy helped you!

For more infomation >> Eliminate White Hair Without Spending Too Much Using Only 2 Ingredients! - Duration: 4:02.


Ferretti renegó que el Clásico Regio sea la última fecha antes de iniciar la Liguilla - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Ferretti renegó que el Clásico Regio sea la última fecha antes de iniciar la Liguilla - Duration: 0:36.


Rafael Márquez fue elegido como el Jugador en la Zona de la Jornada 16 presentado por AutoZone - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Rafael Márquez fue elegido como el Jugador en la Zona de la Jornada 16 presentado por AutoZone - Duration: 0:30.


Is Cyberpunk 2077 a First Person Shooter? - Duration: 5:43.

Long answer: fuck no

And I started like this because if you're here only looking for a quick answer, you

have it, you don't need to watch the rest of the video

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the MadqueenShow!

I am your host the MadQueen!

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 news video for you, and today we're going

to talk about this "leak"

oh, boy

reported by, link in the description, according to which, Cyberpunk

2077 will be a first person shooter

This new information comes from an inside source that also claims, and, honestly, I'm

trying not to laugh here, that the studio is working on a fragment of the game the action

of which will take place on the moon

Guys, I promise this is not an April Fool's news

And, yes, I suppose that you realized that I used the international symbol of quotes,

"leaks", yes

Usually, I'm not this sarcastic with leaks, I try to respect the work of my colleagues

but in this case, we're talking about a leak that contradicts every single piece of information,

every single piece of official information, that we have regarding Cyberpunk 2077 so,

I must confess that this new info has me a little shocked, not to mention that I honestly

don't believe it, and here are the reasons why

Still, we are talking about an Open World RPG

This is true RPG

Yes, this man that you just saw is Adam Kiciński, CEO of CD Projekt, the Polish developer that

is now working on Cyberpunk 2077

and, well, if I was to accuse Adam Kiciński of lying, I would wait until I have proof

First of all, in this conference, we were given some information regarding Cyberpunk

2077 and one of the first things that we were told about it, was that we were talking about

a true RPG, a solid story with a lot of ramifications and, you know, again an RPG, that is not a

First Person Shooter

We know from previous interviews that the heads of the Polish developer CD Projekt are

people that have a lot of experience playing pen and paper roleplaying games, so, it's

very difficult for me to believe that people that have such experience in these games cannot

know the difference between a first-person shooter and a roleplaying game

second, we know that Mike Pondsmith is supervising the project

Mike Pondsmith is the original creator of the world of Cyberpunk, and he said in an

interview that he was requested many times before to make a video game on his universe

Cyberpunk, but he refused, but CD Projekt was the perfect studio to do so because they

weren't just going to create a universe that was more or less cyberpunk just to put the

brand "Cyberpunk" on it, but, that we were talking about a studio that really understood

the meaning of the universe that Mike Pondsmith created

Again, this universe is not a universe of a first-person shooter

We fought to find somebody who was enough of a fan of the world and the game to not

wanna go changing around, or to stick a label of "Cyberpunk" on it and then do something

totally different, so when CDPR approached us what we realized really rapidly is that

these guys are fans, these guys know the material, they were quoting things back to me that I've

forgotten, they got it

As we mentioned several times in the past, we're talking about a game that's going to

have both options, first and third person

so, honestly, I don't really know where this information comes from, but it's not the first

time that we see a lot of leaks that allegedly come from inside sources but they've been

already debunked in the past

I honestly don't know what else can I say about that, because with a very little check

I believe that it was easy to see that this information is incredibly, incredibly unlikely to be true

But, one channel I do trust when it comes to leaks about Cyberpunk 2077 is The Triple

S League who have proven in the past a lot of accuracy

they have a rate of a 100% accuracy right now, everything they leaked has been confirmed

so, yes, you're going to find a link in the description to visit the Triple S League because

I am sure that they will have some insight regarding this subject

Well, folks, thanks for watching

I hope you found this information, I don't know, useful?

Is that useful?

Not even amusing

Don't forget to take a look at our Cyberpunk 2077 lore Playlist to know more about the dark future

See you in next videos and stay being amazing!

For more infomation >> Is Cyberpunk 2077 a First Person Shooter? - Duration: 5:43.



For more infomation >> #HablemosDe: DIFERENCIAS ENTRE SERIES Y TELENOVELAS - Duration: 10:27.


Continúa el silencio de la directiva de Chivas sobre los adeudos a sus jugadores - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Continúa el silencio de la directiva de Chivas sobre los adeudos a sus jugadores - Duration: 1:57.


FIT FORNES Cómo Rockefeller encontró grandes medicamentos y LA destruccion curas naturales - Duration: 5:49.

How Rockefeller Found Big Pharma And Destroyed Natural Cures

Apr 20, 2018

It has been said that the Rockefeller family has affected modern society to a degree but

what most do not realize is just how much they have made an impact.

The family name has now been linked to the suppression of natural medicine to found big

pharmaceutical companies and make big money.

The West Has the Best and Most Profitable Healthcare in the World

The west is home to some of the best healthcare in the world.

Anyone in an emergency which needs prompt medical treatment is better off than those

living elsewhere.

In the west, people receive healthcare that is much better than what is offered in an

establishing nation.

However, it is often overlooked that healthcare is now a multi-trillion dollar industry in

the west.

The mainstream medicine of today is based on treating people who are ill with drugs,

radiation, and operations that are very pricey.

What many people do not realize is that the Rockefeller family was the first to recognize

the opportunity to take full advantage of what has become an ecosystem with huge profits.

Anyone Questioning Big Pharma Is Branded a Quack and Conspiracy Theorist

Today we live in a world of social media censorship, and anyone who even dares to question the

intentions of any of the big pharmaceutical companies is branded insane and given the

label of a crazed conspiracy theorist.

Any information brought forward about recovery residential or commercial properties of holistic

practices and plants that cannot be patented are branded phony news as they are considered

to threats to the drugs of the big pharmaceutical companies.

John D. Rockefeller realized the opportunity first.

He was an oil mogul who was the first person in the USA to become a billionaire.

By the start of the 20th century, he had 90% control over oil refineries in the US with

his company Standard Oil.

In 1900, researchers came across petrochemicals, and they found out that it was possible to

make many chemicals out of oil.

The first plastic, which was Bakelite, was made in 1907 from oil.

Turning Point Came On Realization Pharmaceutical Drugs Could Come From Oil

The turning point came when researchers found out that vitamins could be produced from oil

and presumed pharmaceutical drugs.

This was a financially rewarding opportunity for Rockefeller as he concluded that he could

monopolize not only the oil business but also chemical and medical industries.

Petrochemicals were a new discovery that could be patented and which would bring about maximum


The only thing stopping Rockefeller was the fact that herbal and natural remedies were

popular in the USA at that time.

About half of the medical professionals in the US were practicing holistic medicine,

based on understandings from Europeans and Native Americans.

This meant that Rockefeller had to get rid of what was significant competition.

He made use of a strategy that was time-proven, problem-reaction-solution.

The concept works when developing an issue that would bring terror to people and then

offer them a solution that was pre-planned.

He got the help of Andrew Carnegie; he had made lots of money monopolizing the steel


The Carnegie Foundation sent Abraham Flexner on a trip around the nation, and he was given

the task of reporting the status of medical facilities along with the medical colleges

in the United States.

This led to the Flexner Report, and this eventually led to modern medication of today.

Flexner Report Led To Practitioners of Holistic Medicine Jailed

The report stated that a revamp was needed along with the centralization of medical institutions.

Following the report, half of the medical colleges were closed down.

Natural medications and homeopathy were rubbished, and some of the medical professionals who

practiced holistic medicine were sent to prison.

Rockefeller gave over $100 million to medical facilities and colleges to help with the transition

and to try to change the minds of doctors and researchers.

The General Education Board was also founded.

Not long after medical colleges became homogenized and structured and students realized that

medicine utilized drugs that were patented.

Scientists were also given huge grants to study recovery residential or commercial properties

of different plants, and how they were able to cure diseases.

What they were really doing was finding the chemicals in the plants and then recreating

the compound so that it could be patented.

Cures for Illnesses Such As Cancer Would Be Bad For Business

100 years later and medical colleges produce doctors who do not know anything about holistic

practices or the many benefits that herbs have to offer.

The government in the United States invests 15% of the Gross domestic item in mainstream

health care.

This is a system focusing on symptoms, and it produces a flurry of repeat paying clients

that is never-ending.

Despite much advancement in medicine, there is still no cure for cancer, diabetes, autism,

asthma or even the common cold.

Cures for any of these illnesses would only be bad for business.

John D. Rockefeller was even behind the establishment of the American Cancer Society in 1913.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Cómo Rockefeller encontró grandes medicamentos y LA destruccion curas naturales - Duration: 5:49.



For more infomation >> HOMBRES LOBO, LICANTROPOS, CASOS REALES - Duration: 1:07:41.


3 ingredientes de belleza natural que tienes en tu cocina - Duration: 2:23.

Hi everyone! Today I want to share

3 ingredients I use for cooking and for my beauty routine

Ingredients are: Raw and unfiltered local honey

sea salt and coconut oil

Honey is great for your skin. Very antibacterial, antioxidant

Use it on your scars, bruises...

to clean your skin as a face cleanser

I use it to clean my face every morning

you use it just like you'll use soap

I've using sea salt as a scrub for years

I just exfoliate my body with it

This also helps to clean out my energies (according to my alternative doctor)

when I can't go to the beach I do this 4 times a week

and the coconut oil

I use to hydrate my face, my body

for my nails and cuticles

its 100% natural

and another tip I love is to use residues of coconut oil in your hands

to hydrate your hair

I do this at night to make sure it don't look too greasy

it helps with split ends and to hydrate your hair in general

That was it! I hope you enjoyed it!

try it at home

leave me your comments and questions

share your tips for natural beauty below

so we can all learn from you too!

Don't forget to subscribe and check my website and Instagram for more tips!

Instagram: @FoodFromTheHeart

see you soon and Thank you!!!

For more infomation >> 3 ingredientes de belleza natural que tienes en tu cocina - Duration: 2:23.


The Cherry Blossoms of Ikegami Honmonji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:57.

Erected where the Japanese Saint Nichiren supposedly died in 1282, Ikegami Honmon-ji has since been the administrative headquarters,

as well as the training and living quarters, of the Nichiren Shu followers.

It's also a famous cherry blossom spot around the amazing temple and pagoda.

Located on top of a hill within Tokyo's Ota ward, Ikegami Honmon-ji features many temples

and other cultural attractions that are worth checking when visiting Tokyo.

Among these attractions you will find the Statue of Saint Nichiren, the Choeido Temple,

the grave and bust of Rikidozan, the father of Japanese professional wrestling during the Showa period,

a magnificent five storied pagoda built in 1608, the majestic Ikegami Honmon-ji main hall

or Daibo and finally the Tahoto, a large two story red pagoda located on the west side of the main temple.

For more infomation >> The Cherry Blossoms of Ikegami Honmonji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:57.


LuckyYoungKids - JCBG & K.I.D - Miel 🍯 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> LuckyYoungKids - JCBG & K.I.D - Miel 🍯 - Duration: 2:59.


El vértigo (1926 Francia) Le vertige - Duration: 2:10:56.

For more infomation >> El vértigo (1926 Francia) Le vertige - Duration: 2:10:56.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8)/DEURTJES/ TREKHAAK -APK 03-2019! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8)/DEURTJES/ TREKHAAK -APK 03-2019! - Duration: 1:09.


2018 04 23 11 23 14 KXTV DT KXTV 00 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 2018 04 23 11 23 14 KXTV DT KXTV 00 - Duration: 1:23.



Pompki są jednym z pierwszych ćwiczeń, których uczymy się w życiu. Jest ono bardzo popularne i wielu trenerów traktuje je jako punkt wyjścia w treningu siłowym, wygląda również na łatwe do wykonania, choć w rzeczywistości tak nie jest.

Zgodnie ze statystykami około 75 milionów ludzi żyjących w Europie, Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz Japonii, cierpi z powodu osteoporozy.

Badania pokazują, że trening siłowy może znacząco poprawić stan zdrowia kości. Zanim zapiszesz się na siłownie warto wzmocnić ciało ćwiczeniami, które możesz wykonać w domu.

Idealnym rozwiązaniem w tej sytuacji są pompki, ponieważ angażują do pracy wiele grup mięśniowych, takich jak: mięśnie klatki piersiowej, barki, tricepsy oraz mięśnie brzucha.Jak zintensyfikować trening pompek?

1. Zachowaj poprawną technikę.Brak kontroli nad poprawną techniką wykonywania pompek skutkuje zahamowaniem postępów oraz angażowaniem do pracy nieodpowiednich grup mięśniowych.

Twoje ciało powinno być ułożone w jednej linii, nie pozwól biodrom opadać na podłogę, dodatkowo zwróć uwagę na zakres ruchu w jakim się poruszasz – powinien być maksymalnie duży.

Zacznij na wyprostowanych ramionach i opuść się klatką piersiową na tyle nisko, by delikatnie dotknąć podłogi.

2. Zmniejsz rozstaw dłoni.Po wykonaniu klasycznych pompek, spróbuj dłonie rozstawić na szerokości barków. Jeżeli nie znasz tego wariantu, sam prędzej czy później spróbował byś takiej alternatywy.

Pompki w takiej formie są znacznie trudniejsze do wykonania za sprawą odrobinę innej motoryki ruchu. Zdecydowana większość obciążenia przenoszona jest przez tricepsy i środkową część mięśni klatki piersiowej.

3. Umieść stopy na podwyższeniu.Mogłeś zobaczyć lub słyszeć o takiej modyfikacji. Uniesienie nóg powoduje inny rozkład obciążenia pomiędzy stopami i ramionami.

w tym wariancie jeszcze większe obciążenie trafia na Twoje dłonie, stąd jest to dodatkowy bodziec dla mięśni klatki piersiowej, barków i tricepsów.

Warto wspomnieć, że zmienia się również kąt, tworzący się pomiędzy tułowiem a ramionami, przekłada się to na większe zaangażowanie wyższych części klatki piersiowej. 

4. Zmień ułożenie dłoni.Pompki w tradycyjnej formie wymagają podparcia na całej dłoni. Poprzez wsparcie się na palcach lub pięściach generujemy większą odległość pomiędzy klatką piersiową i podłożem.

Dzięki tej technice zakres ruchu w stawach barkowych będzie znacznie większy, przez co mięśnie lepiej się rozciągną. Zmiana sposobu podparcia znacząco utrudni wykonanie ćwiczenia, lecz warto stawiać sobie coraz większe wyzwania.

5. Ustaw dłonie bliżej bioder.W klasycznej wersji pompek dłonie oparte są niemal w linii barków, spróbuj zatem przesunąć je odrobinę niżej, w stronę miednicy.

Ta modyfikacja przeniesie obciążenie na znacznie słabsze grupy mięśniowe, dzięki czemu będziesz w stanie wzmocnić swoje słabe punkty. Jak widzisz, nie potrzeba żadnego obciążenia i sprzętu, by zwiększyć poziom trudności treningu.

6. Pompki na jednej ręce.Jest to najtrudniejszy wariant pompek na naszej liście. Zanim wdrożysz to ćwiczenie do swojego treningu, wzmocnij się z pomocą pięciu wcześniejszych.

Pompki na jednej ręce stanowią duże wyzwanie, gdyż obciążenie przenoszone niegdyś przez oba ramiona, spoczywa teraz na jednym. Dla niektórych jest to ćwiczenie niemożliwe do wykonania, pomimo miesięcy treningów.

Podsumowanie.Trenując regularnie pompki, doświadczysz pozytywnych zmian w Twoim organizmie. Nie próbuj zasłaniać się wymówkami, ponieważ jest to ćwiczenie odpowiednie nawet dla osób nie mających nic wspólnego z treningiem siłowym.

Stosując się do powyższych wskazówek, pokonasz stagnację mięśniową za każdym razem i w razie potrzeby dostarczysz inny, większy bodziec mięśniowy.



CRH Pennies - Another First Found! - Duration: 10:58.

Hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got another penny box to hunt

if you watched my last penny hunt you'll notice in that video that I picked up

this beautiful 2000 S proof it's in circulated condition but it's my first

proof penny that I've ever found coin roll hunting so I'm excited about that

now I'm hoping to find even more good finds in this box so without further ado

let me start with these coins in this roll and we'll loop you along the way if

you find something cool wish me luck that's a good sign very first roll

towards the end of the roll the 1944 wheat cent then you know what's not in

that bad of shape fronts a little digged up it a little bit crusty but it's got a

good detail all right we're on the board with the 44 okay everyone we're in the

9th roll got a wheat cent right here

yeah the back some pretty good shape well here is it

is that another 1919 s hold on

it is unbelievable we've hunted about a hundred boxes of pennies in the last six

months and I got my first one a month ago I got another one about three or

four days ago and we got our third one ever today unbelievable 3 1919 s's in

the last 30 days after having none for months it's one pretty good not much

left to this bad boy but the back max not that bad we'll take it all just one

of the box throw to one in our collection sweet I made a mistake guys

only our second wheat set of the Box let's get back to the hunt - roll number

11 guys pretty good spill here let me go ahead and show you what I'm looking at

where we at we got a wheat cent there and a Canadian

there let's start with the Canadian all right

1985 first one of the box goes right there now let's pull the wheat set out

looks pretty new 1946 you know what not a bad 46 at all we'll take it now we

have three wheat cents in the box let's get back to the hunt

hole number 17 got another wheat cent it's an orange one or a reddish one

1950s I believe

yep 1950s we'll take it especially because that gives us for wheat cents

now in the box next roll roll 18 another wheatie

this one is a 1949 D pretty good shape too so that makes me happy that's now

five Wheaties in the first 18 rolls very next roll, roll 19 - the box is

heating up we've got another wheat cent here guys and it's a 1955 it's not the

double die obverse but we'll take a closer look

still cool to get a 1955 in the box that is now our sixth wheat cent so let's keep

looking roll number 22 second coin down almost an Ender got another wheat cent

here it's a little worn looks pretty cool though I like the tone on it let's

see what it is

1936 so we got a 1936 Philadelphia in the box

alright that's my second oldest one other than the 1919 s so we'll take it

and more importantly that's 7 wheat cents already in the first 22 rolls and

we still got this one to go through so let's go through them roll number 27

and we've got ourselves a Canadian 1985 we'll take it

second Canadian to the box let's keep looking all right everyone roll number

40 and I see it peeking out right here we got a wheatie peeker again that could be

kind of old but it's the last year instead oh well we'll still take it so

we'd said 1958 d hang out with your buddies

eight of you but eight is not enough well let's get back to the hunt same

roll as that 58 Wheatie guys and we've got ourselves what appears to be an

older Canadian oh hold on oh man it's a great year and it's damaged how does the

front look we've got a 1944 King George Canadians cent copper cent and it is

trashed what a bummer gosh that would have been

a nice coin well it is what it is at this point but we'll take it anyway

looks like someone was trying to press into it or hammer a punch into it maybe they're

gonna make jewelry out of it either way they didn't finish the job but they

finished the coin that's for sure we'll put it with the Canadians too bad

it's in bad shape roll number42 guys found ourselves

another wheatie 1946 it's not in bad shape either we'll take it that's wheat

cent number two four six eight who do we nah - it's wheat cent number nine

we'll take it let's get back to the hut all right guys forty fifth roll in and

looks like I might have a first here it is it appears to be in 1943 wheat cent it

is let me take a closer look at this date yep and if it's a steel wheat cent

which it appears to be based on its color and condition it'll stick to a

magnet and it does we've got our first ever steel wheat cent found in a box of

pennies now I have found them in customer rep roles as well as some rolls

bought online to see what kind of coins you got in them but I've never got

one in a bank sealed box of pennies it's toasty but it's a 43 wheat cent and which

is really cool about that is that make wheat cent number 10 and we've got five

from the 40s three from the 50s one from the 30s and one 1919

well let's keep finishing up this hunt same roll guys just a few pennies later

another 1958 1958 d wheat cent that's wheat cent number 11 all right

all right guys very next roll got another wheat cent it's pretty toasty

but it's a 1938 look like a 28 for a second but you can see the bottom of the

three we just triple check on this before I get too ahead of ourselves

yeah that's a 38 1938 D we'll take it not in the greatest condition but it

makes a dozen wheat cents for the box and our third three 40s I'll take it

let's keep looking maybe we have a hot spot we're all 49 got another wheat cent

and it appears to have been cleaned 1957 it's in pretty good shape but that

doesn't look like regular toning to me but we'll take it

it is now wheat sent number 13 alright guys another box of pennies

hunted - lots of copper lots of discards as usual we got three 2017 peas and a

2018 D look at the number of oh nine s on there twenty crazy

we got three Canadians one was a 1944 King George but damaged beyond repair I

did end up with seven 1959 which I like we got 13 wheat cents we got a 1919 s a

1936 and a 38d we got a steely 1943 1944 Philadelphia 46 Philadelphia another 46

Philadelphia and a 49 Denver to go along with a 1950's of 55 57 D and 258 DS I've

got three copper pennies to weigh up and I pulled out this 1969 D because it's in

kind of cool shape that was a fun hunt you got it first in there of steely and

lots of wheaties! 13 of them If you enjoyed the hunt with me guys please give the video

a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> CRH Pennies - Another First Found! - Duration: 10:58.


Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK GT-LINE (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK GT-LINE (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:14.


Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK GT-LINE (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDI 100 PK GT-LINE (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:10.


Wisata Seribu Batu - Vlog Bahasa Sabu - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Wisata Seribu Batu - Vlog Bahasa Sabu - Duration: 5:34.


أولاد السوشيال ميديا - مترجم - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> أولاد السوشيال ميديا - مترجم - Duration: 4:52.


BREAKING News From Waffle House THEY GOT HIM!!! - Duration: 2:05.

BREAKING News From Waffle House THEY GOT HIM!!!

The man accused of killing four people at a Waffle House in Nashville is now in custody,

according to a tweet from the Metro Nashville Police Department.

Travis Reinking, 29, was last seen hours after the attack Sunday morning, walking along some

woods near that apartment, wearing nothing but a black pair of pants.

Reinking was captured in a wooded area near Old Hickory Boulevard and Hobson Pike, according

to a tweet from Metro Nashville Police Department.

He was arrested on Monday, just over an hour after cops admitted he led police on a chase

in a stolen BMW days before the rampage.

The Nashville Metro Police Department said Travis Reinking, 29, stole a BMW from a dealership

in Brentwood on Tuesday and led authorities on a chase before they lost him in heavy rush

hour traffic, Fox News reports.

Metro Nashville Police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters cops chased the vehicle, but

then opted to track the car via a GPS device.

The vehicle was recovered the same day at Reinking's apartment complex in neighboring


Aaron said authorities did not know Reinking's identity at the time since he did not provide

identification, at the dealership before taking the vehicle.

"They had no idea who the man was," he said.

Travis Reinking, 29, remains on the loose after using the gun, pictured right, to open

fire at a Waffle House in Tennessee on Sunday, cops say.

(Metro Nashville Police Department)

From top to bottom, left to right: DeEbony Groves, Joe Perez, Akilah DaSilva and Taurean

Sanderlin were killed on Sunday after a gunman opened fire at a Waffle House in Antioch,



What do you think about this?

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USA facts today

For more infomation >> BREAKING News From Waffle House THEY GOT HIM!!! - Duration: 2:05.


5 Receitas de Poderosos Sucos para Limpar o Organismo e Desinchar Rapidamente! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 5 Receitas de Poderosos Sucos para Limpar o Organismo e Desinchar Rapidamente! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:03.


Renault Clio GT met Cruise, Climate, Navi en Pano Unieke auto!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio GT met Cruise, Climate, Navi en Pano Unieke auto!! - Duration: 0:54.


Get a New Trane AC System - Get up to $6,000 in California Energy Rebates - We Pay the Tax! - Duration: 1:01.

Attention San Diego

It's time to spring into action

before the weather really heats up

your tired old AC system is inefficient and working double time

which costs you money

out with the old in with the new

you need a new high tech energy efficient Trane heating and cooling system

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a new AC system can save you as much as 60% on your energy bill

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I would recommend West Coast to anyone

for a limited time, West Coast Heating and Air will pay the tax on your new system

plus, you can qualify for up to $6,000 in California Energy Rebates and Incentives

now thats savings!

call today

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For more infomation >> Get a New Trane AC System - Get up to $6,000 in California Energy Rebates - We Pay the Tax! - Duration: 1:01.


Eat 2 Spotted Bananas Per Day For One Month & This will Happen To You - Healthy Eating || Life Care - Duration: 4:20.

If you're like most people, you enjoy eating bananas as they are ripening.

As a result, you buy a week's supply of bananas when most of them are still slightly


You eat them during the week as they ripen and turn all-yellow and are still spotless.

Toward the end of the week, as they start developing brown spots, which eventually cover

the entire banana, you throw them out because you think they are rotten and no longer of

any benefit to you.

After all, you would throw out other fruits that are overripe and less tasty.

Think again!

Research tells us that an increasing number of brown patches on a banana means not only

that it is riper, but also that it contains improved qualities to strengthen your immune


Those qualities are contained in Tumor Necrosis Factor, or TNF, which is found in bananas.

It is a substance that fights cancer by helping to move body cells toward infected or inflamed

areas in our bodies.

As a result, those cells are destroyed, thereby preventing tumor cells from growing and from


Combined with high levels of antioxidants, which bananas also contain, they help to boost

white blood cells and thereby strengthen our immune system.

It makes sense, therefore, to eat those bananas rather than toss them in the garbage.

Now I will show you, all the benefits of spotted bananas.

Number one.

They lower blood pressure.

The reason bananas can help to lower your blood pressure and to protect you against

stroke or heart attacks is that they are low in sodium and high in potassium.

This means that they are a heart-healthy food.

Number two.

A source of iron.

Anemia can be reduced through the intake of dietary iron, which is present in bananas.

It helps to encourage the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, thereby strengthening

the blood that flows through your body.

Number three.

Provide great energy.

Should you be ready for a workout at the gym, or be taking exercise in another way, munching

on a banana or two before you start your workout session, will provide you with additional

energy, that lasts for an hour or two, plenty of time to complete your session.

Your body's endurance is increased by the low glycemic carbohydrates, as well as the

minerals and vitamins that are found in bananas.

In addition, the potassium found in bananas helps to guard against cramps in your muscles.

Number four.

Safe on the stomach.

People who suffer from ulcers are often advised to avoid certain foods.

The reason is that, even though those foods might be nutritious, they can cause pain and

even damage to the ulcers.

Bananas, however, can be safely eaten by those suffering from stomach ulcers as they are

soft and smooth.

If anything, the pulpy texture of a banana protects the stomach lining from acids and

other forms of irritation.

Number five.

Helps to overcome depression.

The reason that bananas can help to overcome depression is that, they contain high levels

of tryptophan, which is changed into serotonin in our bodies.

Serotonin makes you happier, more relaxed and generally improves your mood.

Number six.

Calm the nervous system.

Many things can cause you to become stressed or moody from time to time.

Consider eating a few bananas.

They can regulate blood sugar and contain B vitamins, which help naturally to soothe

the nervous system.

The result is an improvement in your mood.

Number seven.

Control body temperature.

When the weather is hot you might want to remember that eating a banana can lower your

body temperature.

It is also true that bananas will lower your body's temperature when it is heated up

as a result of some type of fever.

For more infomation >> Eat 2 Spotted Bananas Per Day For One Month & This will Happen To You - Healthy Eating || Life Care - Duration: 4:20.


김어준 찾은 서지현 검사, 그러면 정봉주는? 진실은 무엇입니까? - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> 김어준 찾은 서지현 검사, 그러면 정봉주는? 진실은 무엇입니까? - Duration: 9:18.


Seat Ateca 1.4 EcoTSI 150pk Xcellence + Technology2 + 18 inch + Alcantara - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Seat Ateca 1.4 EcoTSI 150pk Xcellence + Technology2 + 18 inch + Alcantara - Duration: 1:07.


Roblox Murder Mystery w/ Sadie hawkberg! - Duration: 20:10.

Hey guys it's me Epicawesomedrago, And today's actually my first video on this channel.



I also have another channel... If it's still there



Well, it's technically NOT a channel...

but I (No But's Missy)

UM... Beanie Boo Videos... (I really don't make them anymore...)

which I don't exactly do anymore. (Like i Said)

But (I said no but's), anyway guys were gonna play ROBLOX Murder Mystery

and...................... Um,


I'm also playing here with my friend, S-Sarah but,

I think she'd perfer if I called her "Sadie Hawkberg" (If that sounds famliar to any of u)


u guys, i leave the a-a... link to her Channel in the description (box) bellow

-loudly whispered: Sadie Hawberg-

so......... YA!

gonna be playing with Them (her) guys! (C'mon Sadie)

(Sorry i didn't feel the subtitles were vital, or essential, so i decided not to do them)

For more infomation >> Roblox Murder Mystery w/ Sadie hawkberg! - Duration: 20:10.


VLOG - I open up about my lazy eye & surgery. - Duration: 21:16.

hello my beautiful babes I am vlogging about something very very personal today

I am digging my makeup by the way today I'm digging it did a very like cool sort

of I actually I think on snapchat I said I did a warm eye but it's not it's cool

me making my sticks you guys the perfectionist me is like I said I'm also

like really digging my hair because it's just really nice and like a soft wave I

also have a tutorial on my channel make sure you guys check it out on how to get

this actual look I love it so much so I am on my way to an appointment so

this topic is very very dear to me very very personal and to be honest with you

guys I wasn't sure if I was even going to bring this up or ever even talk about

it I think being your true self and being

confident with you know your imperfections the good and bad in

yourself basically is I think something that I'm really learning now at this age

and again this has just been something that I just I really wasn't sure if I

was going to even talk about it because it's just all personal you guys and it

was it has been a little bit of a struggle I won't say it's been a huge

struggle because you know I've made it this far but it's definitely been

something that I've always questioned you know why why did this have to happen

or you know why me kind of thing I do believe that you were served the life

that you were served and you were served certain things certain imperfections

about yourself and especially with self-esteem these days it's like really

hard for people to accept imperfections about yourself and that's just what this

vlog is gonna kind of be about the reason why I decided to actually talk

about it was to be very honest with you to me I figured you know what people

need to hear this and there's people out there that have imperfections and

they're so insecure about them and I really just want to sorry where is my

toilet paper roll at anyways I just want you guys to know that you know everybody

is improv nobody is perfect and we all have our

imperfections I have my imperfections the whole point of me wanting to even

open up about this is basically about bullying self-esteem confidence

imperfections and I just really want to speak for the people that find it so

hard to talk about their imperfections and for the people that have been

bullied for their imperfections you know I really feel for you I have been strong

about the situation and to be honest with you like I said I've made it this

far so this isn't really for me I want to really really really help other

people just understand that don't let your imperfections get in the

way of living your best life like honey I am living my best life with

imperfections or not that's exactly what I'm doing right now so you're probably

wondering what it is some of you have probably noticed and I just want to say

one thing before I get started about what I'm gonna be talking about might

have noticed this imperfection in me but probably said to themselves

yeah that's an imperfection but you know what she's still beautiful and she just

still does her thing and I still love her you know I really want to take this

moment to commend you guys because you guys are real people you guys are loving

people caring people because if not you would have made a comment about it and

to those of you who have made a comment about it to be very honest with you I

have just never been raised like that if there's somebody that has this massive

scar in their face because just my mom did not raise me like that you just

don't go up to that person and go you have the big scar in your face I just

don't believe personally in my opinion that you should point it out you know

that person knows they have that imperfection I'm pretty sure they know

like I said my mom taught me you you just don't do that you know and you know

some of you have pointed it out and said you just want me to talk about it

because maybe you have this imperfection to you know those people I can

understand I just don't know with you know comments like pointing it

out I'm just like really I will see an imperfection in someone but I see right

past it and I go back to how they are as a person and their personality I've

gotten a few comments about it not a whole lot of them to be very honest with

you guys be another day my stand with it is my stand with it so whatever you have

to say about it to be honest with you it doesn't affect me so for the longest

time ever since I was born I was born with a lazy eye it's definitely been

something that you know it's always been an imperfection of mine I I do have a

lazy eye I want to open up about it I I know that those comments are coming from

a jealous place you know people probably wonder like damn she has a lazy eye but

she still you know what she still takes care of herself she's still beautiful

Haley I am so beautiful you think I'm gonna use this lazy eye as a crutch to

stop me from living my life absolutely not I refuse to so the appointment that

I'm going to is for you know the doctor to kind of go over what are the steps

that I can take I'm thinking of getting it is called the technical term is

called strabismus and a lot of people actually have this problem some more

than others I don't have it that bad and I'm very thankful for that I have been

operated twice I had it ever since birth something that my parents noticed right

away and they operated me I believe as soon as 19 months almost when I was two

years old and that was a very difficult decision for my parents to make you know

I always every time you know I'm feel so grateful for you know the vision I still

do have and the talents that I have been given and gifted with I think about like

wow you have this imperfection but you have so much more to offer that this

thing doesn't even matter I just really think about all the stress and my

parents must have had to go under you know imagine you have this little baby

and this baby has this imperfection and someone tells you yeah we can fix this

but we have to operate hers I just think that I was very courageous

and my mom told me that she as soon as she got inside of the room at the

hospital she literally broke down she's like I didn't want to give you to them

because I didn't know you know what are they gonna do to my baby they must have

had to been extremely strong and I just really truly truly truly appreciate it

I know someone personally that they're you know their child has it and they

don't really want to do anything about it that's their choice but for me I'm

very thankful that my parents did something about it because when I was

born with it it was bad you know and they really were like no like I really

think that when she rose up she wouldn't want this you know taken care of but

again like every time I think about I just get super super emotional because I

just I cannot imagine you know having to do that to my child and making that

decision for them you know yeah so I was operated twice they fixed everything

everything was good I wore glasses at a very very young age but I would go to

school and like fight with my mom and say like I don't want to wear the

glasses because you're not cool like nobody else wears them I'm not pretty

with them now I don't mind wearing glasses it's just being like on YouTube

and an influencer of course like when I take my pictures and stuff I thought I

would rather not wear them I wear contacts like when I go out and stuff

like that just somewhere like fancy but on a normal day basis I wear my glasses

and funny enough a lot of people tell me that glasses do suit me and I feel like

they suit me so I'm very grateful that they actually suit me they look good on

me and I actually like picking out glasses I've always loved it it's

something that I've done ever since I was like a little girl so I don't mind

it like filming right now I'm not Halle I don't have any contacts on and when I

do like other videos and I don't have my glasses on I'm not even wearing any

contacts so I'm not even like seeing 100% when I'm filming for you guys so

that's a fun fact feel like no it's I don't know it's like the surgery is

wearing off but the reason why it's called the lazy iris for businesses

because lazy so if you are not you know exercising it or using it over time it

just gets weak and but has taken a long time it's only started to kind of like

show around I would say maybe like two years ago ish where I really started to

notice it back again so that's what this appointment is about I want to talk to

her about my options I've been to a spa years ago and that's why I kind of

scared me away from it because he said he had to like touch both of my eyes

which I'm not comfortable with I just really hope that you know some of you

guys can relate to this whether you have a lazy eye whether you get bullied you

know at school or outside or at work or wherever it is or if you have an

imperfection that you're uncomfortable with I really hope that you know what I

really get through this video and the message that I send is that just accept

you were born with these imperfections some of our imperfections can be fixed

some of our imperfections can't be fixed but at the end of the day like I always

say we always have two options we can sit here and we can be negative about it

like I can sit here and be like I believe the guy I don't want to YouTube

because people are gonna see it and I don't want to do Instagram because

people are gonna notice it there but what I did instead was said to myself no

stuff this is what you enjoy doing you know you're a beautiful girl inside and

out you have this imperfection yeah but who doesn't have an imperfection just

because you can see yours doesn't mean it's that much more

important you know one of the people who are who are ill inside letting you know

that that's what they're suffering with you know I feel for those people too

wasn't really a struggle growing up it was only it only started to kind of

bother me when I started to do YouTube and Instagram because I was like

physically out there and showing my face all the time but I just really realized

that you know I love what I do more than this imperfection basically is what I'm

trying to say and you have to just keep moving forward you really happy that I'm

opening up about it to you guys for a belly a story you can use your

imperfection as a crutch and as an excuse and as a band-aid to cover up all

your other talents that you have or what you have to bring to the world or you

can use your imperfection to help other people and that's what I'm trying to do

right now I want to come out and say it yes mama

no no if the options are kind of too risky to be honest with you guys I don't

think I will go for it but I'm just hoping that she says that you know she

can help me out and that we can do the surgery again since I've got

it before I am like when it comes to this I'm always like 50/50 I'm like

super positive about it and then I'm just like yeah but what if that's just

kind of my way of dealing with it and being prepared for the good or for bad

news you know what I mean at the same time and I think that's important and I

think that that's mature because this is a very serious topic you know it's not a

joke oh I don't want to risk anything kind of just who I just kind of like

telling you guys you know the truth I want you guys to know you know that I'm

not perfect as everybody has something everybody has something that they're

going through and you know what regardless of good or bad news you know

I know that I will leave there and with more information more knowledge and I've

always felt guilty if I wanted to do something to my eyes I feel like I'm

being like greedy like just you know keep your imperfection and don't ask for

too much stuff and don't be greedy you know and try to make it perfect but I

don't think I'm asking for much so I just feel so good that I'm going to

somebody that really knows this sort of issue and has dealt with this so many

different times and has you know fixed it for many people at different times

I'm gonna go and I'm going to recap you guys after about what she said and kind

of what I decide and then I'm just kind of curious to see if it's something that

I'm actually gonna go through with and if not you know what I'm just going to

continue to live my life the way I've been living it you know I know I've said

imperfection so many times in this video but it is it's an imperfection and I

think it's important to accept imperfections you know whether it can be

fixed or not like I mentioned and if it's something that it's too risky to

fix I'm not gonna do that I'm not going to to risk the beautiful life that I

have for something like that you know and I think that when you are forced to

do with something that's not 100% perfect I think it only makes you

stronger you know I think that sometimes fixing every single thing sometimes can

teach you that okay everything has to be perfect you know and I'm like that but I

want to accept that not everything has to be perfect and you're going to be

okay if not everything is perfect that's what I want to know you guys I have to

just show you this balm of it so look at this

hello put on my boohoo fercho I mean this is a little bit off-topic but it's

okay wanting to take a photo with this outfit

because I didn't take a photo yet with this chop that I got from forever 21

absolutely love it this blouse I tie it up on the front here and we can do the

one in one shoulder thing let's just bow okay one-one second guys

yeah nope yep just be cool just be cool put it over the one shoulder yep that's

it okay this is when things go wrong so I'm actually like filming two pugs right

now right now I'm doing a grocery vlog for you guys but I also wanted to catch

up on how my appointment went yesterday first I had to do a couple of tests with

the assistant and then the actual doctor sees you afterwards but when the doctor

first came in and started like talking to me I felt to be very honest with you

guys I felt a little bit rushed I didn't like that this is a very serious issue

to me and it's probably I mean the most serious issue to me in my life

personally so I just felt like I wasn't my issue wasn't important I honestly

felt like that there just wasn't a time where she was like do you have any

questions or concerns it was kind of just like okay well this is what I see

here are the options and you can come back and let me know like what you kind

of want to do it just like I said to her I'm like I came to you to get your

opinion like based off of what you see and if this was you like what would you

do would you even do this you know do you think that it's something I should

do do you think there's gonna be a massive improvement here's what she told

me she told me that depending where I look and depending how far an object is

that it'll do different things you know and and I already had that idea in my

mind but and I'm not gonna give up because I just don't something is just I

don't know I'm just not like fully content with what I heard she basically

was saying that she can't fix one way without sacrificing another thing so

basically if I'm looking to the side and she fixes that problem then when there's

a camera far in front of me that there might be a slight change that way so she

can't just fix it as a whole I'm no doctor I don't know

if it's just because of how you know after all these years if maybe what

it's just resulted to now so conclusion is my decision right now is still very

indecisive I'm not I'm not ready to just be like yeah okay let's do this so she

told me to book an appointment so I did I went ahead and booked another

appointment to see her this appointment would be for me she's saying look at

your pictures look at your videos and stuff like that and kind of see what's

important to you and if it's important to you when you're looking over here or

looking over there and that's more important to you than I can fix that and

for me I'm just like hmm what I got from it is you I have to choose I have to

choose if it's more important for me in far pictures to fix something or when

I'm filming and I'm big for me if that's gonna be the case I'm just gonna stay

the way I am I'm going to look into another doctor I found another one in

Toronto I think I'm going to contact him but again it's gonna take months for me

to get this on appointment it took me months to get this one so I should have

like done this before there's this thing inside of me saying

like you don't really want to do this because I've been living with this for

such a long time you guys and it's it's been you know a little bit of a

challenge for me but at the end of the day I have overcome it in so many ways

you know the fact that I'm even putting you know this imperfection out in the

public world where everybody can hear that I have this problem is is huge and

it tells me how confident I am with it leaving that appointment these were the

thoughts that ran through my mind so the first thing I thought to myself was okay

well you heard what she said stuff you know it's uh it's not what you really

wanted to hear you wanted to hear that she could fix it not a problem and this

wouldn't be that big of a deal that's what she wanted to hear but you didn't

hear that the other thing is I thought automatically is okay well again the

reality is that you've been dealt to this card yet since birth this is the

cards you know this is the cards I've been dealt and I said to myself you know

you've accepted these cards they've been dealt for years regardless if you guys

have an imperfection or whatever it is that you are unhappy about yourself that

you were dealt whether it can be fixed or not from me what helps me is I'm just

like you know what you make the best out of it which is what I

am currently doing or you can sit there and dwell on it you know I I'm not gonna

lie there's there's been some days where I can dwell on it you know every every

human can't help to be like why why did it have to be like this you know it's

just human nature this is what it is by dwelling it's just like stressing

it's just like worrying about something worrying about something never helps you

in any way at all at the end of the day there's a physical problem right so

there's a problem worrying is literally like a something orbiting around the

promis'd and around and the worries never going to fix this issue right here

it's never going to fix it and I think that naturally we worry and naturally we

stress of course you know when I heard that answer I was like okay great like

here we go again the end of the day I'm comfortable with the fact that if I go

ahead with this and this new doctor says yep I can make it a lot better

cool I'm comfortable with that this one said that it will improve but I just

didn't like that she's like you have to be very particular about what you want

to fix because something else might get a little bit worse that I don't like I

would rather to stay the way if by any chance he says you know you know is this

risk there's at risk whatever I probably wouldn't do it I'm comfortable with that

and if I choose even if he says that he can make this so much better but I

choose not to because I just my heart just doesn't feel right or my intuitions

telling me no no no stuff to stay the way you are I'm okay with that decision

- I'm okay with the fact that I'm not perfect

always been a struggle to make everything perfect in my life but I've

learned that it's not challenged to understand that not everything is

perfect - so powerful you guys and it's helped me grow so much not everything is

perfect nothing nothing and there's actually beauty in and recognizing the

imperfections because it's only made me stronger and when I talk to people

sometimes it's uncomfortable because you know I can feel personally when my lazy

eye comes out I can feel it and or if I'm nervous or uncomfortable or or tired

that's I know it's gonna come out more so if some of you do have it I know

that you sometimes experience social anxiety and the people who do have it we

know that there is techniques and things that we do that we know helps you learn

tricks on how to do certain things it's just it comes with every every

imperfection everything that you have to deal with or if someone has a scar in

their face and they they've they've learned to weigh how to cover it so good

with makeup that's just that's just something you learn based off of your

imperfection it's just like that I think I'm gonna cancel this appointment and I

think I'm going to get in touch with a new one and my sister doesn't even

notice it when I'm talking to her but again it's because I'm comfortable with

her so I know that it doesn't even like it doesn't even happen I don't know how

to how to explain it for those of you who have it I know you guys I know you

guys are feeling me through the camera right now I know you guys are feeling me

and I try someone new and see how that works out for me and overall I'm still a

happy person I'm still you know gonna go off my life

and do what I love and the last thing I want to do is is risk anything and just

because of this imperfection if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys

give it a thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe I am gonna be doing

more advice videos cuz you guys love my last one thank you guys so much for all

the love that you guys gave to me so thank you guys so much for watching I

really hope that my story was somehow relatable to you guys and if you guys

want to share your experience down below make sure you guys leave a comment I

would love to hear your story and thank you guys so much for watching

I will see all of my babes next time

For more infomation >> VLOG - I open up about my lazy eye & surgery. - Duration: 21:16.


Why I No Longer Accept Review Samples From AMD! - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Why I No Longer Accept Review Samples From AMD! - Duration: 8:35.


Do we need preachers, teachers, or congregations? | UNLEARN - Duration: 14:20.

I have heard some people argue that we don't need preachers, teachers, or congregations,

but what does the Bible say about this?

It's time to UNLEARN the lies.


Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.

My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we UNLEARN the lies

and dig deeper into the truth of God's Word.

Now, let's get started.

I have heard some people argue that we don't need teachers because we have the Holy Spirit

to teach us.

On top of that, I recently heard someone say that we should't even have churches or congregations,

and that we should just read the scriptures and not allow anyone to teach or even have

discussions about it.

So, I think we need to look at what the Bible says to find out the truth.

Lets begin with the final words that Yeshua gave to His disciples, also known as the Great


"And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven

and on earth.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING them to observe all things that I

have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


- Matthew 28:18-20

Yeshua commanded the disciples to go and teach others, and we see the apostles doing this

throughout the book of Acts.

In fact, the first thing Peter did after receiving the Holy Spirit was to go out and preach the

gospel to those in Jerusalem.

The book of Acts also tells us that those in the church continued in the apostles doctrine

or teaching.

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of

bread, and in prayers."

- Acts 2:42

We also see that Paul was teaching and preaching the Word of God everywhere he went.

"Paul and Barnabas also remained in Antioch, TEACHING and PREACHING the word of the Lord,

with many others also."

- Acts 15:35

In fact, Paul spent a year and a half in Corinth teaching.

"And he continued there a year and six months, TEACHING the word of God among them."

- Acts 18:11

Paul referred to himself as an apostle, preacher, and teacher.

"for which I was appointed a PREACHER and an APOSTLE… a TEACHER of the Gentiles in

faith and truth."

- 1 Timothy 2:7

"to which I was appointed a PREACHER, an APOSTLE, and a TEACHER of the Gentiles."

- 2 Timothy 1:11

"For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in

the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I TEACH everywhere in every church."

- 1 Corinthians 4:17

Paul also spoke about the importance of speaking words that are easy to understand in order

to teach others.

"yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may

TEACH others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue."

- 1 Corinthians 14:19

This confirms two things.

First, that there are churches, congregations, or assemblies, and second that in the congregation

there should be teaching taking place.

Paul also urged others to teach good doctrine and to stay away from foolish disputes.

"As I urged you when I went into Macedonia - remain in Ephesus that you may charge some

that they TEACH no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which

cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith."

- 1 Timothy 1:3-4

"And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful

men who will be able to TEACH others also."

- 1 Timothy 2:2

The Bible also tells us that women should not be teachers of men.

"And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in


- 1 Timothy 2:12

However, this does not forbid women from teaching other women or children, in fact, he says

that women should teach other women.

"the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not

given to much wine, TEACHERS of good things - that they admonish the young women to love

their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient

to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed."

- Titus 2:3-5

This should be an encouragement to women that you have a responsibility in the church to

teach the younger women how to be godly wives.

The Bible also talks about elders, deacons, bishops, and those who have oversight in the


"This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop (overseer), he desires

a good work.

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good

behavior, hospitable, able to TEACH" - 1 Timothy 3:1-2

The word translated "bishop" here is the Greek word "episkopé", which means "oversight,

supervision, or judgment".

This indicates someone who has been given a position of authority over others.

It says that these men must be "able to teach", which indicates that they will be

teaching the congregation they oversee.

Notice that it also refers to this type of oversight as a position in the church.

"If a man desires the position of bishop, he desires a good work."

This is definitely speaking about someone having a position of authority over others,

and the Bible says it is a "good work".

This is not looked down upon, it is a good thing.

Not only are there elders and deacons who teach, but the Bible also says the elders

who teach are worthy of their wages.

"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who

labor in the word and doctrine.

For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain," and,

"The laborer is worthy of his wages."

- 1 Timothy 5:17-18

The "elders who rule well" indicates that there is order and the elders have some sort

of authority in the church, and those who teach are worthy of "double honor" and

it goes on to explain that this has to do with giving them the wages they deserve.

Paul also makes a similar argument that those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel.

"Who ever goes to war at his own expense?

Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit?

Or who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock?…

For it is written in the law of Moses, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out

the grain."

Is it oxen God is concerned about?

Or does He say it altogether for our sakes?

For our sakes, no doubt, this is written, that he who plows should plow in hope, and

he who threshes in hope should be partaker of his hope.

If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material


Do you not know that those who minister the holy things eat of the things of the temple,

and those who serve at the altar partake of the offerings of the altar?

Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the


- 1 Corinthians 9:7-11, 13-14

If a worker is worthy of his wages, are not those who labor in the Word of God worthy

to receive payment for their labor?

We willingly pay for things that we see value in.

For example, we are willing to pay a restaurant for the food they cook, and we are willing

to tip the waitress for serving us.

We are willing to pay the gas station for the fuel we put in our car.

We are willing to pay the electric company so that we can have electricity in our homes.

Why is it different when someone devotes their life to teaching the Word of God?

Why is it different for someone who sacrifices their life to care for the flock?

They are worthy of double honor because they are fighting for your souls.

I bring this up because there are many people who seem to think that those who teach the

Word of God should do so at their own expense, contrary to what the Bible teaches.

The Bible also talks about those who teach and correct others without causing strife

or quarrels.

"But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to TEACH, patient,

in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance,

so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the

snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."

- 2 Timothy 2:23-26

Not only do elders teach and correct against false doctrine, but they are also there to

pray for the needs of the people.

"Is anyone among you sick?

Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him

with oil in the name of the Lord."

- James 5:14

The Bible tells us to appoint elders.

These men are selected to lead, teach, and shepherd the people of God.

"For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are

lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you"

- Titus 1:5

The Bible also refers to teachers being appointed by God, and identifies them as a spiritual

gift to the church.

"Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.

And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers,

after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.

Are all apostles?

Are all prophets?

Are all teachers?

Are all workers of miracles?

Do all have gifts of healings?

Do all speak with tongues?

Do all interpret?

But earnestly desire the best gifts…"

- 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

Notice that not all are teachers, but teachers are appointed by God.

This is also similar to what is said in Ephesians about what has become known as the five-fold


"And He Himself gave some to be APOSTLES, some PROPHETS, some EVANGELISTS, and some

PASTORS and TEACHERS, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the

edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the

knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the

fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried

about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness

of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him

who is the head--Christ-- from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every

joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share,

causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love."

- Ephesians 4:11-16

These verses not only identify leadership roles in the church, but they also tell us

why we need them.

These men are appointed by God to equip the saints, edify the Church, and keep the people

away from false doctrine.

We also see that these roles are needed until all have unity in faith and become a perfect


Obviously we have not attained unity or perfection yet, so there is still a need for apostles,

prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

We also see a similar section in Romans about how there are different parts of the body,

and how we should use our gifts as we function in the body, and it specifically mentions

those who teach.

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,

so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:

if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in

our ministering; he who TEACHES, in TEACHING; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives,

with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."

- Romans 12:4-8

We see over and over in the Bible that not only are teachers a valid part of the body

of Messiah, but they are considered to have special gifts and calling in the body.

However, we are also given a warning that not many should become teachers because of

the stricter judgment they will face.

"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a

stricter judgment."

- James 3:1

Some people want to become teachers so they can make a name for themselves, but that is

the wrong motivation.

A true teacher simply wants to help others have understanding.

They don't seek glory for themselves, they realize that they are simply a servant of

the Master, Yeshua.

True teachers have a heart for the people of God, and their desire is to lead people

to God.

In fact, Peter spoke about these things in his exhortation to those who lead the congregation.

"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the

sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd

the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,

not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but

being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the

crown of glory that does not fade away.

Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders.

Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists

the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

- 1 Peter 5:1-5

Peter indicates that the responsibility of the elder is to be a shepherd to the flock

of God.

To oversee the congregation with humility and to be an example to others.

He also instructs those in the congregation to submit to the elders.

If there are no shepherds, the sheep will wander.

If there are no teachers the people will do what is wright in their own eyes.

If there are no leaders the people will be in anarchy.

Those who say we don't need teachers or leaders in the Church are being rebellious

just like Korah.

Listen to what Korah and those who joined his rebellion said to Moses and Aaron.

"They gathered together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, "You take too much

upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is

among them.

Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?"

- Numbers 16:3

Those who don't come under God's appointed leadership are walking in rebellion against


We know that Moses and Aaron did not exalt themselves above the assembly, they were chosen

by God to lead the people.

Likewise, God has also selected apostles, teachers, leaders, shepherds, and evangelists

to lead His people.

"And He Himself gave some to be APOSTLES, some PROPHETS, some EVANGELISTS, and some

PASTORS and TEACHERS" - Ephesians 4:11

Those of us who have been called by God to teach and preach are not exalting ourselves,

we are following the commandment given to us by God.

"For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me;

yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!"

- 1 Corinthians 9:16

I hope this teaching helps to correct the error of rebellion that is becoming more and

more popular.

Those who say we don't need congregations or leaders or teachers are walking in the

same rebellion as Korah.


Thanks for watching.

If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can

UNLEARN the lies with us.

If you want to see more videos like this one, subscribe to my channel.

I want to say a special thank you to those who support this ministry.

We truly appreciate your prayers and generosity.

Thank you so much.

And remember, the truth will set you free.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Do we need preachers, teachers, or congregations? | UNLEARN - Duration: 14:20.


CRH Pennies - Another First Found! - Duration: 10:58.

Hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got another penny box to hunt

if you watched my last penny hunt you'll notice in that video that I picked up

this beautiful 2000 S proof it's in circulated condition but it's my first

proof penny that I've ever found coin roll hunting so I'm excited about that

now I'm hoping to find even more good finds in this box so without further ado

let me start with these coins in this roll and we'll loop you along the way if

you find something cool wish me luck that's a good sign very first roll

towards the end of the roll the 1944 wheat cent then you know what's not in

that bad of shape fronts a little digged up it a little bit crusty but it's got a

good detail all right we're on the board with the 44 okay everyone we're in the

9th roll got a wheat cent right here

yeah the back some pretty good shape well here is it

is that another 1919 s hold on

it is unbelievable we've hunted about a hundred boxes of pennies in the last six

months and I got my first one a month ago I got another one about three or

four days ago and we got our third one ever today unbelievable 3 1919 s's in

the last 30 days after having none for months it's one pretty good not much

left to this bad boy but the back max not that bad we'll take it all just one

of the box throw to one in our collection sweet I made a mistake guys

only our second wheat set of the Box let's get back to the hunt - roll number

11 guys pretty good spill here let me go ahead and show you what I'm looking at

where we at we got a wheat cent there and a Canadian

there let's start with the Canadian all right

1985 first one of the box goes right there now let's pull the wheat set out

looks pretty new 1946 you know what not a bad 46 at all we'll take it now we

have three wheat cents in the box let's get back to the hunt

hole number 17 got another wheat cent it's an orange one or a reddish one

1950s I believe

yep 1950s we'll take it especially because that gives us for wheat cents

now in the box next roll roll 18 another wheatie

this one is a 1949 D pretty good shape too so that makes me happy that's now

five Wheaties in the first 18 rolls very next roll, roll 19 - the box is

heating up we've got another wheat cent here guys and it's a 1955 it's not the

double die obverse but we'll take a closer look

still cool to get a 1955 in the box that is now our sixth wheat cent so let's keep

looking roll number 22 second coin down almost an Ender got another wheat cent

here it's a little worn looks pretty cool though I like the tone on it let's

see what it is

1936 so we got a 1936 Philadelphia in the box

alright that's my second oldest one other than the 1919 s so we'll take it

and more importantly that's 7 wheat cents already in the first 22 rolls and

we still got this one to go through so let's go through them roll number 27

and we've got ourselves a Canadian 1985 we'll take it

second Canadian to the box let's keep looking all right everyone roll number

40 and I see it peeking out right here we got a wheatie peeker again that could be

kind of old but it's the last year instead oh well we'll still take it so

we'd said 1958 d hang out with your buddies

eight of you but eight is not enough well let's get back to the hunt same

roll as that 58 Wheatie guys and we've got ourselves what appears to be an

older Canadian oh hold on oh man it's a great year and it's damaged how does the

front look we've got a 1944 King George Canadians cent copper cent and it is

trashed what a bummer gosh that would have been

a nice coin well it is what it is at this point but we'll take it anyway

looks like someone was trying to press into it or hammer a punch into it maybe they're

gonna make jewelry out of it either way they didn't finish the job but they

finished the coin that's for sure we'll put it with the Canadians too bad

it's in bad shape roll number42 guys found ourselves

another wheatie 1946 it's not in bad shape either we'll take it that's wheat

cent number two four six eight who do we nah - it's wheat cent number nine

we'll take it let's get back to the hut all right guys forty fifth roll in and

looks like I might have a first here it is it appears to be in 1943 wheat cent it

is let me take a closer look at this date yep and if it's a steel wheat cent

which it appears to be based on its color and condition it'll stick to a

magnet and it does we've got our first ever steel wheat cent found in a box of

pennies now I have found them in customer rep roles as well as some rolls

bought online to see what kind of coins you got in them but I've never got

one in a bank sealed box of pennies it's toasty but it's a 43 wheat cent and which

is really cool about that is that make wheat cent number 10 and we've got five

from the 40s three from the 50s one from the 30s and one 1919

well let's keep finishing up this hunt same roll guys just a few pennies later

another 1958 1958 d wheat cent that's wheat cent number 11 all right

all right guys very next roll got another wheat cent it's pretty toasty

but it's a 1938 look like a 28 for a second but you can see the bottom of the

three we just triple check on this before I get too ahead of ourselves

yeah that's a 38 1938 D we'll take it not in the greatest condition but it

makes a dozen wheat cents for the box and our third three 40s I'll take it

let's keep looking maybe we have a hot spot we're all 49 got another wheat cent

and it appears to have been cleaned 1957 it's in pretty good shape but that

doesn't look like regular toning to me but we'll take it

it is now wheat sent number 13 alright guys another box of pennies

hunted - lots of copper lots of discards as usual we got three 2017 peas and a

2018 D look at the number of oh nine s on there twenty crazy

we got three Canadians one was a 1944 King George but damaged beyond repair I

did end up with seven 1959 which I like we got 13 wheat cents we got a 1919 s a

1936 and a 38d we got a steely 1943 1944 Philadelphia 46 Philadelphia another 46

Philadelphia and a 49 Denver to go along with a 1950's of 55 57 D and 258 DS I've

got three copper pennies to weigh up and I pulled out this 1969 D because it's in

kind of cool shape that was a fun hunt you got it first in there of steely and

lots of wheaties! 13 of them If you enjoyed the hunt with me guys please give the video

a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> CRH Pennies - Another First Found! - Duration: 10:58.


When Oppa Wants to Come Over: A Makeup Transformation lolol (ft. Mimi) - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> When Oppa Wants to Come Over: A Makeup Transformation lolol (ft. Mimi) - Duration: 12:28.


Man City goalkeeper Ederson admits: I want to score a PENALTY this season! - Duration: 2:51.

Man City goalkeeper Ederson admits: I want to score a PENALTY this season!

The Brazilian ace is renowned for his impressive footwork and even scored a couple of goals during his earlier career in South America.

City fans chanted his name when Pep Guardiolas men were awarded a spot kick during their 5-0 thrashing of Swansea on Sunday.

Gabriel Jesus took it instead and missed, with Bernardo Silva pouncing on the rebound to score.

Ederson admits he is desperate for the chance to take one and has told Guardiola he would love to be the teams new penalty taker.

"Hopefully it will happen (before the end of the season), Id like to score" Man City star Ederson He said: I heard them chanting my name, asking me to take the penalty, but Gabriel went there.  Unfortunately he missed it and Bernardo happily scored.

But if the manager had asked me to go there, definitely Id score.

Im not sure if I would be able to do set-pieces, but Im good at penalties, either using power or technique on shooting it.

But City have its regular penalty-takers and we are well-served.

If Pep asks me to take it, Im there.

Hopefully it will happen (before the end of the season), Id like to score. Ederson has been a revelation this season and reckons helping City become champions has silenced the critics who questioned the £35m fee he cost them from Benfica.

He added: I am very happy to be a champion, because I have always dreamed of playing in the Premier League and I had the opportunity to make this wish this year.

  I arrived with a heavy weight (on his shoulders) because my contract was very expensive and there were a lot of doubts in some English newspapers, but I was able to show my value.

For more infomation >> Man City goalkeeper Ederson admits: I want to score a PENALTY this season! - Duration: 2:51.


أولاد السوشيال ميديا - مترجم - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> أولاد السوشيال ميديا - مترجم - Duration: 4:52.


SAN FRANCISCO #VLOG WHAT DID I DO? | NODRAMA'driana - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> SAN FRANCISCO #VLOG WHAT DID I DO? | NODRAMA'driana - Duration: 5:23.


Struthers man makes public signs asking for kidney donation - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Struthers man makes public signs asking for kidney donation - Duration: 2:20.


I GOT DISCORD HYPESQUAD AYY // Fortnite because it's popular - Duration: 43:01.

For more infomation >> I GOT DISCORD HYPESQUAD AYY // Fortnite because it's popular - Duration: 43:01.


Barbabietola per abbassare la pressione, combattere i tumori e depurare il fegato - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Barbabietola per abbassare la pressione, combattere i tumori e depurare il fegato - Duration: 6:33.


Brokuły i ich niesamowite korzyści dla zdrowia - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Brokuły i ich niesamowite korzyści dla zdrowia - Duration: 11:10.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool NAP - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool NAP - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 5DRS NIEUW MODEL, LM velgen, Airco, Mistlampen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 5DRS NIEUW MODEL, LM velgen, Airco, Mistlampen - Duration: 1:08.


Opel Mokka 1.4i-16V Turbo/140pk Cosmo Autom. ECC Navi+Camera SK-dak Leder Trekhaak PDC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4i-16V Turbo/140pk Cosmo Autom. ECC Navi+Camera SK-dak Leder Trekhaak PDC - Duration: 0:55.


Expert Claims Bitcoin (BTC) Will Be Bigger Than Tesla & Skype - Duration: 30:31.


For more infomation >> Expert Claims Bitcoin (BTC) Will Be Bigger Than Tesla & Skype - Duration: 30:31.


Some Is Good. More Is Better. - Duration: 7:41.

Hi, it's Beth, and I'm coming to you today from Sacramento, California, where spring

has sprung. Daffodils are in full bloom, the azaleas are coming out, the wisteria

has exploded, and it is just absolutely gorgeous. The pistachio trees are just

going wild, and I love it. So, if you're in a part of the country where that's not

quite happening for you yet? Just embrace with me the fact that it's

coming -- as is change. So, what I want to talk to you about today is the idea of

what is enough. What is enough. A few years ago -- several years ago, now -- I had

the pleasure of doing some work and spending some time with Dr. John Ratey

and Dr. Ratey is out of Harvard, and he is one of the leaders on understanding and

researching how physical activity impacts our ability to learn. It has a

strong impact on how our brain processes new information and creates new learning.

He did a massive study on the impact of a little physical activity --

treadmills, those types of things -- for kids right before academic

classes and what happened with their grades. I'm telling you this story

because when he was presenting to a massive group of physical educators and

fitness people, a question kept coming up, which was: "What's the perfect dosage?"

And I loved what he said. His answer was: "Some is good, and more is better."

Some is good, and more is better. As I'm working with folks

all around the country on how to improve communication and how to be able to show up

in conflict without being triggered, how to be able to go to work

and engage with people with less drama and less chaos and find more joy in their

work and in what they're doing, and more peace within themselves, it's so

important that I remember to let people know that as you're practicing and

trying on new skills and working to show up differently, some is good and more is better.

I realize that -- myself included -- I always

have this idea of what's perfect. I have to show up perfectly all the time.

If this is gonna work, I have to do it perfectly. But the truth of the matter is

as we're learning new behaviors and we're trying on and trying out new ways

of being in the world, we need to practice, we need to explore, we need to

be uncomfortable -- and that's a big shift. So, a lot of people I work with, they tell

me, "Yes, every time I have to give feedback or every time I have to receive

feedback, every time I have to go into my employee review or performance review, I

tell myself, 'This time, I'm not going to get upset. This time, I'm not going to

blow up. This time I'm not gonna shut down. I'm not going to become defensive.'"

and they make that commitment. Or maybe the commitment is -- I just had this with a

client the other day -- "This time, from now on,

I am going to give clear communication. I'm going to give clear directions. I'm

going to make sure everybody on the team is on the same page when

they leave the meeting." Okay, well, the commitment is great!

The tough part -- as a matter of fact, the commitment is easy. I commit every

year to lose weight and exercise more. I commit all the time. That's great, but the

work is in the practice of the new behaviors and

getting comfortable with what initially feels very uncomfortable. So, if you're

someone who makes a commitment every day that you're gonna go into the office and

not be Debbie Downer when you get there ... I'm thinking of one

person who has this goal. They show up and they can't help it, they get in the

door and, as soon as they're in the door, they complain about the commute, they

complain about the baby not sleeping, they complain about their spouse, and so

the behavioral change for them, the steps to making change, are to

practice showing up and saying, "Hey, good morning! Great to see you." That's it.

That's it, but in the beginning that feels uncomfortable because they have

their routine. Maybe, for you, the baby step is to show up when you're

getting feedback and when you hear what's being said, to first take a breath,

say, "Thank you." Say, "Let me consider that and get back to you," instead of

responding in the moment. Maybe, if you're the person who doesn't give clear

directions, whose communication creates confusion, it's taking a breath, stopping,

and saying, "Are there any clarifying questions?" and allowing people the

opportunity to bring those questions forth -- and breathing while you answer

them versus getting impatient with others. Whatever your baby step is,

whatever little behavioral shift you want to make, whatever change you're

thinking about doing, remember to reward yourself for the try. Because in the

beginning, it's gonna feel uncomfortable. You might be afraid it's sloppy.

Sometimes, you might do really well with the new behavior and then fall apart.

You might come in and say, "Good morning, it's nice to see you," and then at break you might

go into a litany of how bad your evening was -- but you know what? You got a few

steps further in practicing the positive behavioral change. Commitment is easy,

change is uncomfortable, and some is good, but more is better.

Perfectionism is not the definitive success or failure as you're learning

how to do things differently. So, I'm going to ask you to think about what's

one tiny shift? What's one little baby thing that you can commit to doing

differently and seeing how it feels when you get comfortable? And remember: Some is good,

and more is better. Alright, until next time, this is Beth with your

little bit of Beth.

For more infomation >> Some Is Good. More Is Better. - Duration: 7:41.


The Middle | Cover - Duration: 3:16.

Take a seat

right over there, sat on the stairs

Stay or leave,

the cabinets are bare and I'm unaware

Just how we got into this mess, got so aggressive

I know we meant all good intentions

So pull me closer

Why dont you pull me close?

Why dont you come on over?

I just cant let you go

Oh baby,

Why dont you just meet me in the middle?

Im losing

my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle

in the middle


Why dont you just meet me in the middle

Im losing

my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle

In the middle

Take a step

back for a minute, into the kitchen

floors are wet

the taps are still running, dishes are broken

how did we get into this mess, got so aggressive

I know we meant all good intentions

So pull me closer. Why dont you pull me close?

Why dont you come on over? I just cant let you go

oh Baby

why dont you just meet me in the middle?

Im losing my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle

In the middle

Looking at you I cant lie

just pouring out admission

regardless of my objection

and its not about my pride

I need you on my skin. Just

come over, pull me in, just

oh baby

Why dont you just meet me in the middle

Im losing my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle

In the middle no no


why dont you just meet me in the middle

Im losing my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle

in the middle


why dont you just meet me in the middle

Im losing my mind just a little

so why dont you just meet me in the middle


In them middle, middle

For more infomation >> The Middle | Cover - Duration: 3:16.


من باريس..SHAYFEEN & OUENZA & TOTO & MADD & WEST - TCHA RA و الوينرز05 حاضرة (فيديو كليب) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> من باريس..SHAYFEEN & OUENZA & TOTO & MADD & WEST - TCHA RA و الوينرز05 حاضرة (فيديو كليب) - Duration: 4:15.


May The Toys Be With You - Star Wars Kenner Toys Exhibit Vlog at Experience Barnsley - Duration: 15:59.

May The Toys Be With You - Star Wars Kenner Toys Exhibit Vlog at Experience Barnsley - May

The Toys Be With You bring the magic of the greatest saga in the galaxy to Barnsley.

May The Toys Be With You is an exhibition of vintage Star Wars toys, movie posters and

memorabilia, currently showing at Experience Barnsley until the 15th July 2018.

The exhibition is both a celebration of the now highly collectable vintage toy line and

also of the iconic design work and art of the Star Wars movies.

From X-Wing Fighters to lightsabers, these fantastical designs have fired our imaginations

and stamped their place on our cultural landscape.

For little kids and �big kids� alike, this is an unmissable opportunity to view

many rarely seen Star Wars treasures.

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We review toys from the latest movies like SOLO: A Star Wars Story, Avengers Infinity


DC Comics Collections like Bombshells, Designer Series, Icons & Batman Animated Series.

I review action figures of my favorite characters like; Batman, Harley Quinn, The Joker, Darth

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May The Toys Be With You - Star Wars Kenner Toys Exhibit Vlog at Experience Barnsley

may the toys be with you,vintage,star wars,kenner,kenner toys,may the toys be with you exhibition,may

the toys be with you 2018,star wars vintage toys,star wars exhibit,2018,experience barnsley,barnsley,barnsley

museum,toys,star wars may the toys be with you,may the fourth be with you,may the 4th

be with you,vlogging,vlogger,vlog,star wars vintage exhibition,may the toys be with you

vlog,barnsley may the toys be with you,barnsley star wars exhibit

For more infomation >> May The Toys Be With You - Star Wars Kenner Toys Exhibit Vlog at Experience Barnsley - Duration: 15:59.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


5 Receitas de Poderosos Sucos para Limpar o Organismo e Desinchar Rapidamente! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 5 Receitas de Poderosos Sucos para Limpar o Organismo e Desinchar Rapidamente! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:03.


Eliminate White Hair Without Spending Too Much Using Only 2 Ingredients! - Duration: 4:02.

As soon as the first white hair appears, not everyone was excited.

Although currently the white hair more accepted and more and more people

prefer to maintain the natural color of hair, the appearance of these white wires still causes

uncomfortable in many things.

This is especially the case for the most young people, who are increasingly seeking ways to

these wires.

But why does the hair lose its color?

Like our skin, the hair receives its coloration of a pigment, melanin.

As we get older, we losing the ability to produce this pigment,

and the appearance of white wires is inevitable.

The activity of melanocytes decreases with age and the body gradually stops producing


In addition, factors such as predisposition genetics, malnutrition, hormonal fluctuations,

smoking, pollution, stress, use of products inadequate hair and certain diseases such as

chronic constipation, sinusitis and of the thyroid can be the cause of the problem.

According to scientists, each hair follicle has a kind of "melanogenic clock",

which slows the production of melanin, causing loss of hair pigmentation.

Instead of covering the gray wires with colors try this natural remedy.

with only 2 ingredients:

Aloe vera in gel The aloe vera gel is excellent for

scalp because your vitamins have antioxidant and can soothe an irritation

on the scalp.

In addition, the gel reduces hair oiliness and repairs damage caused by hair products.

Vitamin E Some researchers defend the idea of

that the aging process is on to oxidative stress.

Vitamin E plays an important role because it can help protect against free radicals,

which cause problems to our body.

In addition, it promotes healthy growth of the wires.

Here's how:

Put 2 teaspoons of aloe vera into a canister

Add the contents of one capsule of Vitamin And the canister

Mix the ingredients until Massage this mixture into the

scalp and let it act throughout the night Wash the hair the next morning To

obtain good results and restore pigmentation hair, it is advisable to apply this

recipe 1 or 2 times, every day.

Try and tell us the comments like this remedy helped you!

For more infomation >> Eliminate White Hair Without Spending Too Much Using Only 2 Ingredients! - Duration: 4:02.


Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer uma deliciosa empada de frango com Sanderson Rosolem - 23 de abril - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer uma deliciosa empada de frango com Sanderson Rosolem - 23 de abril - Duration: 13:11.


Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: como a hérnia de disco tem afetado a saúde da população! - Duration: 20:21.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: como a hérnia de disco tem afetado a saúde da população! - Duration: 20:21.


VINGADORES: GUERRA INFINITA | Trailer (2018) Dublado [4K] - Duration: 2:18.

The entire time I knew him,

he only ever had one goal.

To wipe out half the universe.

If he gets all the infinity stones,

he can do it with a snap of his fingers.

Just like that.

Tell me his name again.


We got one advantage.

He's coming to us.

We have what Thanos wants.

So, that's what we use.

Let's talk about this plan of yours.

I think it's good, except, it sucks.

So, let me do the plan, and that way, it might be really good.

The end is near.

And when I'm done,

half of humanity will still exists.

Perfectly balanced.

As all thing should be.

I hope they remember you.

I'm Peter, by the way.

Doctor Strange.

Oh, you're using your made up names. Then I am Spider-man.

For more infomation >> VINGADORES: GUERRA INFINITA | Trailer (2018) Dublado [4K] - Duration: 2:18.


Ancianato De Locos 🤩🤪😁 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:55.

For more infomation >> Ancianato De Locos 🤩🤪😁 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:55.



For more infomation >> BEBA ISSO TODO DIA DE MANHA E FIQUE MAGRA PARA SEMPRE!!! - Duration: 2:06.



For more infomation >> HOMBRES LOBO, LICANTROPOS, CASOS REALES - Duration: 1:07:41.


The Cherry Blossoms of Ikegami Honmonji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:57.

Erected where the Japanese Saint Nichiren supposedly died in 1282, Ikegami Honmon-ji has since been the administrative headquarters,

as well as the training and living quarters, of the Nichiren Shu followers.

It's also a famous cherry blossom spot around the amazing temple and pagoda.

Located on top of a hill within Tokyo's Ota ward, Ikegami Honmon-ji features many temples

and other cultural attractions that are worth checking when visiting Tokyo.

Among these attractions you will find the Statue of Saint Nichiren, the Choeido Temple,

the grave and bust of Rikidozan, the father of Japanese professional wrestling during the Showa period,

a magnificent five storied pagoda built in 1608, the majestic Ikegami Honmon-ji main hall

or Daibo and finally the Tahoto, a large two story red pagoda located on the west side of the main temple.

For more infomation >> The Cherry Blossoms of Ikegami Honmonji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:57.


Como Eliminar Rizo en Premiere - Duration: 1:23.

ripple delete

For more infomation >> Como Eliminar Rizo en Premiere - Duration: 1:23.


Trend ❤ Girls Make Guys Lose Sleep Many Nights Tik Tok - Duration: 25:43.

For more infomation >> Trend ❤ Girls Make Guys Lose Sleep Many Nights Tik Tok - Duration: 25:43.


3 ingredientes de belleza natural que tienes en tu cocina - Duration: 2:23.

Hi everyone! Today I want to share

3 ingredients I use for cooking and for my beauty routine

Ingredients are: Raw and unfiltered local honey

sea salt and coconut oil

Honey is great for your skin. Very antibacterial, antioxidant

Use it on your scars, bruises...

to clean your skin as a face cleanser

I use it to clean my face every morning

you use it just like you'll use soap

I've using sea salt as a scrub for years

I just exfoliate my body with it

This also helps to clean out my energies (according to my alternative doctor)

when I can't go to the beach I do this 4 times a week

and the coconut oil

I use to hydrate my face, my body

for my nails and cuticles

its 100% natural

and another tip I love is to use residues of coconut oil in your hands

to hydrate your hair

I do this at night to make sure it don't look too greasy

it helps with split ends and to hydrate your hair in general

That was it! I hope you enjoyed it!

try it at home

leave me your comments and questions

share your tips for natural beauty below

so we can all learn from you too!

Don't forget to subscribe and check my website and Instagram for more tips!

Instagram: @FoodFromTheHeart

see you soon and Thank you!!!

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