Sunday, April 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 22 2018

Division of Segments and Angles.

Level 4.

In this video we will go over more challenging example involving midpoints, bisectors and


Let's go ahead and jump straight into the first example.

In the diagram, point X is the midpoint of segment VZ, the length of segment VW equals

5, and the length of segment VY equals 20.

Find the coordinates of point W, X, and Y.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram of a number line with points located at particular

coordinates along with the measurement of two line segments.

We are asked to determine the coordinates of three of these points.

Alright let's start the problem by marking the diagram with the given information.

We know that point X is the midpoint of segment VZ this means that segment VX and segment

XZ are congruent so the segments lengths are also equal to one another.

We also know that the length of segment VW is equal to 5 and the length of segment VY

is equal to 20.

With this information we can determine the coordinates of each of these three points.

For point W we know that its coordinate is going to be 5 units to the right of point

V, which has a coordinate of negative 12.

Moving 5 units to the right from negative 12 we land on negative 7.

In a similar fashion the coordinate of point Y is going to be 20 units to the right of

point V in this case point Y will have a coordinate of 8.

Lastly the coordinate of point X can be determined by finding the length of segment VZ and taking

half this length.

To find the length of segment VZ we can compute the absolute difference of the segment's

endpoint coordinates.

Doing that we obtain 34.

We now take half this length, which is equal to 17 and use it to find the coordinate of

point X by moving either 17 units to the right of point V or 17 units to the left of point

Z doing that we obtain 5 for the coordinate of point X and this is our final answer.

Alright let's take a look at the next example.

Segment EH is divided by point F and point G in the ratio 5 to 3 to 2 from left to right.

If the length of segment EH is 30, find the length of segment FG and name the midpoint

of segment EH.

In this problem we are provided with a line segment that is divided into 3 smaller segments.

We are given the length of one of these segments as well as the ratio of the lengths between

these 3 segments.

We are asked to determine the length of one of the segments and identify the midpoint

of the largest segment.

For this type of problem we are going to make use of the geometric relations that are provided

to us and use them to set up an algebraic relation.

We know from the problem that the length of the 3 segments are in the ratio of 5 to 3

to 2 since we do not know the actual length of each of the segments we are going to use

a variable and let the length of segment EF be equal to 5x, the length of segment FG equal

to 3x, and the length of segment GH equal to 2x.

This way the algebraic expressions are consistent with the ratios given to us.

Next we notice that point E, F, G and H are collinear this means that the length of segment

EF plus the length of segment FG plus the length of segment GH will be equal to the

length of segment EH.

Using this geometric relation we can go ahead and substitute the algebraic expressions for

the length of each segment as follows.

Now it is just a matter of solving for x so we collect like terms and divide both sides

of the equation by 10 doing that we obtain x equals 3.

With this value of x we can now determine the length of each line segment.

In this case line segment EF is equal to 15, line segment FG is equal to 9 and line segment

GH is equal to 6.

Notice that line segment EF has the same length as segment FH they are both equal to 15 this

means that point F is the midpoint of segment EH since it divides segment EH into two congruent

segments and this is our final answer.

Alright let's try the next example.

Given that the length of segment OM is equal to x plus 8, the length of segment MP is equal

to 2x minus 6, and the length of segment OP is equal to 44.

Determine if point M is the midpoint of segment OP.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram of a line segment along with some algebraic

and numerical expressions which represent the lengths of two smaller line segments.

We are asked to determine if a point represents the midpoint of a line segment.

In order to determine if point M is the midpoint of line segment OP we are going to use the

definition of a midpoint along with the algebraic and numerical expressions provided in the


We know that the length of segment OP is equal to 44 so if point M is the midpoint of line

segment OP then it will bisect the segment into two congruent segments each measuring

half of 44 in this case each one will measure 22.

We can use this length and set it equal to the algebraic expressions representing segment

OM and MP.

We will then solve for x for each equation.

If we happen to get the same solution for both equations then we can conclude that point

M is the midpoint of line segment OP.

If we get a different solution for each equation then we can conclude that point M is not the

midpoint of line segment OP.

So solving for x on each equation we obtain x equals 14 for the first equation and x equals

14 for the second equation.

This means that point M is the midpoint of line segment OP, since the same value of x

satisfies both equations and this is our final answer.

Alright let's take a look at the next example.

Point B and point C are trisection points of segment AD, and the measurement of segment

AD equals 12.

Find the length of segment AB and segment AC.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram, the measurement of a line segment and the

fact that two points are trisection points of a line segment.

We are asked to determine the length of two smaller line segments.

We are first going to label the diagram with all the given information in this case the

length of segment AD is equal to 12.

We will also mark segment AB, segment BC and segment CD with single tick marks since point

B and point C are trisection points of segment AD.

Recall that trisection points split a line segment into three congruent segments.

Now that we have labeled the diagram we can go ahead and start solving for the length

of segment AB and segment AC.

We know that the length of segment AD is equal to 12.

We also know that segment AD is split into three congruent segments.

Each of the congruent segments has a measurement equal to twelve divided by 3 which is equal

to 4, this is also the measurement of segment AB.

The measurement of segment AC will be equal to twice the measurement of segment AB in

this case it will be equal to 8 and this is our final answer.

Let's end the video with the final example.

If the length of segment AB is equal to x plus 3 and the length of segment AE is equal

to 3x plus 6 find the length of segment AE.

In this problem we are provided with algebraic expressions representing the lengths of two

distinct line segments.

We are asked to find the length of one of these segments.

From the previous example we know that segment AB measures 4 so we can equate this value

with the variable expression x plus 3.

This will allow us to solve for the unknown variable x.

Doing that we obtain x equals 1.

Now that we know the value of x we can go ahead and substitute it into the algebraic

expression representing the length of segment AE.

Substituting this value for x and simplifying we obtain 9 for the measurement of segment

AE and this is our final answer.

Alright in our next video we will continue gong over more challenging examples involving

midpoints and segment bisectors.

For more infomation >> Geometry: Division of Segments and Angles (Level 4) | Examples III - Duration: 10:06.


Minecraft - FAILING AT BEDWARS!!!!! - Dr. Purd - Duration: 10:01.

Sub to me to see more Redstone videos!!! I'm trying to get to 100 subs before the end of June!!

For more infomation >> Minecraft - FAILING AT BEDWARS!!!!! - Dr. Purd - Duration: 10:01.


DARREN & ERIC GO FOR AN EPIC HIKE - Swallow Falls, Deep Creek and the Power Station - Duration: 10:12.

Hi this is Darren's Toys and today

we're gonna go get some railroad ties

from the same trail we went before

So Darren, and I are going for quite a long hike today.

We're gonna hike

down river to the power plant.

It's a several mile journey

I had done last year, and he's going with me this time.

So come along with us, and it's gonna be a great time!

This is kinda just like the Wisp a little bit.

-Hey Darren, what's at the end of this trail?

The power plant

-and what's the power plant from what lake?

Deep Creek Lake

That's right Deep Creek Lake.

So the very first stop on this trail is upper Swallow Falls.

Check this out.

[Music and River Sounds throughout]

I have in my backpack.. I have a Rice Crispy Treat.

Hey Darren. What which falls are these?

These are lower lower Swallow Falls.

Yeah these are lower. Lower Swallow Falls.

Darren, what do you think of this?

It's so awesome!

This is a rock.

We're gonna see some railroad ties and we're even gonna see the Power Plant.

So Darren actually put me up to this. He watched another video that we had done, and he's been

asking me, "Can we go all the way down to the power plant?"

Can we see those railroad ties that you saw on your on your hike? So he's been wanting to go along.

And we finally got a break in the weather

So it's gonna be a lot of fun to see

how he does.

The foliage just gets crazy the further you go the more dense that the rhododendron gets

and the trail virtually disappears on you. So this used to be a train track

Essentially, the trails there, but like I said sometimes it disappears on you for a little bit you have to fight through that.

So I guess we'll see. Hopefully we make it.

We've reached another really cool spot on our hike.

This is where

Muddy Creek enters into the Youghiogheny River and

you can see Muddy Creek Falls from here, although

you're on the other side of the river, so you can't walk up to it, but you can see it in the distance

It's really awesome



So this is another cool thing that we always see along this trail.

We don't know what it is, but what do you think it is Darren?

A house.

He thinks it's a house. It may have been something for

fuelling the steam engines. Let's go check it out!

-A train station...

So far so good. Darren is quite the trooper I must say.

This trail is really brutal and

it's probably not a trail you would normally take your kid on.

If it gets too crazy, we're going to turn back.

Right here's another structure that's not as visible when you're walking on the trail

Stacked rocks..

When we were kids we used to bring our pedal bikes down this trail. We'd ride our bikes here,

and we didn't really have any other option so.

Up until this part of the trail, it's not too bad,

but this is where it's gonna start to get a little bit worse.

I'm sure you may be familiar with Deep Creek Lake.

This is Deep Creek the actual creek.

Is this the end of the trail?

No, this is where a lot of people turn around though

It gets.. the going gets tough from here.

You sure you're up for this?

I'm wanna do it.

We're still going

I just got a cobweb in my mouth.


This is so much fun. I can't believe we're doing this.

Darren keeps asking me if we're there yet?

Are we close to the power plant?

and I'm like no we're not there yet

Hey Darren, I think that's the campsite down there


That's where fires are.

Yeah, there's a fire pit here.

Doesn't look like anyone's had a fire.

Darren look a little beach.

Still got a long ways to go.

Hey Darren check out what I found.

-How did that get there?

Maybe this used to be a railroad crossing!


I think that this probably got washed down the river

when the river was really high

What do you think?

Definitely an old tire.

Look It's even got a tube in it.. weird.

It's some kind of a fossil isn't it?

Nature is so fun!

Darren you're a trooper.

I found a railroad tie sort of

What do you think of this railroad tie?

It's so cool.

Just went through one of the most difficult parts

I had to carry Darren at one point

Yeah, this isn't for the faint of heart.


Someone tied these orange markers here,

and we believe that these are

sort of telling us which way to go because

it has gotten really thick right here

It's just more more and more rhododendron.

We ended up having to abandon those ribbons

I had to carry Darren for a little bit.

Stick to the trail and don't follow the ribbons!

Gotta say that really wore us out

I'm hoping that there's another way out of here cuz it's gonna be a long walk back.

I see some kayakers down here

We have made it to the railroad ties

Hey Darren, do you see the railroad pins?

Look there's one right here.

The track would have went right through here.

or maybe here.

Isn't that cool?


We just found something else that's really cool.

Wow how deep is it?

He's got a stick and he's gonna stick down in there.

How far does it go?

Definitely got a solid bottom.

Some kind of steam engine operation.

Maybe some water for the steam engines.

What is it?

- a pocketknife!

Finders Keepers

That's a nice one!

Somebody lost that. I doubt they're gonna be back for it.

Hey Darren. Do you hear the powerplant?

[60 Hz humming]

[foot steps in leaves]

That is so cool!

[loud humming]

Darren and I decided to head

up the hill


we're making it. We're making good progress, but

believe me when I tell you this is brutal.

We found the

We found the pipes to


[out of breath]

carry the water for the hydroelectric power.

Have a look at this.

[humming in distance]

There still some snow down there!


Yeah, look!

Oh my gosh you're right, Darren!

-Alright, you know where to pick us up at?

Phone call: I think so yeah.

We're where the cliffs are.

We just went up the cliff.

I'll be there in a minute. Okay. See ya bye

Yeah someone needs to maintain that trail.

It would make it so much better.

That's it for this episode.. peace!

[river sounds]

For more infomation >> DARREN & ERIC GO FOR AN EPIC HIKE - Swallow Falls, Deep Creek and the Power Station - Duration: 10:12.


Ariana Grande - No Tears Lef...

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - No Tears Lef...


Albano Carrisi e Romina Power: balli, baci e scherzi da innamorati | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Albano Carrisi e Romina Power: balli, baci e scherzi da innamorati | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:33.


Special 1,000 Subscribers! (News and Thanks) - Duration: 5:03.

What about cosmologists, all beauty? Here the person who speaks is the Canal Vini Singularity

And the Singularity just completed 1000 Subscribers


(Best music of celebration)


Are Cosmologists all right? Here the speaker is the Vini of the Singularity

We are here with Bertolini


We are with Pedro Bragatto

And the Singularity has just completed 1000 Subscribers


So long face, waiting for these 1000 enrollees (John)

The Channel grew very fast, even being a channel of scientific dissemination (Vinícius)

That everyone knows that in Brazil has no incentive for science

But thank you very much, thank you very much to the Channel Universe Astronomical

Who shared

He shared, viewed our channel,

liked our content and shared by itself (John)

By free spontaneous will (Vinícius)

By free spontaneous will, both on Facebook, and on YouTube itself (John)

We know that it is a very large Channel

Very good taste that he did it for us, so thanks man d: D

Just look at this inscription chart, what a wonderful graph (Vinicius)

I also wanted to thank USP here from São Carlos

They helped a lot in the publicity (Pedro)

Yes, there was an interview that Pepy did (João)

Pepy did two interviews (Vinícius)

This very famous guy

The Singularity group are basically three people

I do almost everything

It helps in spreading and is now starting to do captions

Which is helping a lot

I would kill myself to write captions

João Carlos is now writing the scripts

He writes a bible, like a scientific article (Vinicius)

Sometimes I exaggerate a bit in scientific terms, but... "Tamo Ai"

Inside joke

At Canal, we are thinking of creating new

For example, a chart on Quantum Mechanics

That we will explain from scratch to those who do not understand anything

It's a picture that has few people on YouTube doing, so we'll start doing

We're going to start doing a series about General Relativity that Pepy understands a lot (Vinícius)

I understand (Peter)

He is an Albert Einstein

And then we'll open up to other pictures like questions and answers (John)

Yes, we want to make a picture called Singularity Answers

That you send the questions and we respond obviously (Vinícius)

And we will start, at least I want to start, I do not know if it will work, but I will

Creating a channel called Exact for Hasty

We will address mathematics, physics and chemistry

Let's use many videos, many beautiful visual effects to simplify these things

Only it will take some time to come up (João)

Yes, to start creating, you will get more or less one video per week if everything works out

We are going to talk about gravitation, Newton's laws, mathematics, chemistry, all things

Easy understandings, for example of complex subjects

Like Quantum Mechanics and everything else

And we're thinking about making sequential videos

For example, I had made a mini series called What is Time?

That will have about three videos

So when you have a very complicated subject, we'll do a mini-series to address it

If you like the video let your like (João)

Comment there in the comments if you have any questions, suggestions or anything (Vinícius)

The social network links are there in the description (Peter)

Sign up for the Canal (Vinícius)

And until the next one and spoke (All)

Let's record fast right (John)


X times (John)

This is very normal guy (Vinícius)

(Nerd Explanation)

Subtitles: Pedro Bragatto / Correction: Vinícius Dutra

For more infomation >> Special 1,000 Subscribers! (News and Thanks) - Duration: 5:03.


Tè verde per combattere acne e punti neri - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Tè verde per combattere acne e punti neri - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:24.


Tè verde per combattere acne e punti neri - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Tè verde per combattere acne e punti neri - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:24.


Promoting RANDOMS EVERY Time I LOSE! (THEY KICKED ME)😡 - Duration: 11:10.


For more infomation >> Promoting RANDOMS EVERY Time I LOSE! (THEY KICKED ME)😡 - Duration: 11:10.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:11.


Mente sana in corpo… paleolitico (Il cibo, unico "doping" consentito) - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Mente sana in corpo… paleolitico (Il cibo, unico "doping" consentito) - Duration: 8:51.


Dieta saudável e gostosa! (almoço) - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Dieta saudável e gostosa! (almoço) - Duration: 2:50.


This Incredible Anti-Aging Mask Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger - Duration: 3:14.

As we get older, they appear on the face: lines of expression and wrinkles.

Its appearance in general is influenced sun exposure, stress and poor diet.

Some people call for surgeries, others for expensive beauty products.

In today's video, we'll share a a recipe that makes a lot of success on the internet,

because their results are very good.

Here's what you'll need:

Bananas This fruit is rich in potassium, so

is great at preventing wrinkles, in addition to minimize skin blemishes.

Ginger Not only does it reduce inflammation, but it is also

a powerful antioxidant, which means which inhibits dangerous free radicals that

damage and age our skin.

Egg This ingredient provides protein and

the fabric.

In addition, it is a source of lutein, which keeps our skin hydrated and youthful.

Egg white is heavily used in recipes of beauty.

Olive oil Olive This is probably the ingredient

with higher concentration of fatty acids essentials and vitamins.

Here's how to make the mask: Ingredients 1/3 of a banana

ripe 1 teaspoon ginger dry powder; 2 tablespoons olive oil

or almond oil; 1 egg white.


Make the banana until the consistency is a paste and mix with the ginger and


Once done, add the white and mix until it forms a smooth cream.

Then put the mask on the face, neck and chest, and let stand for about 15


When the time is up, wash it off with warm water. and wash your face with cold water.

You will feel your skin renewed and still more beautiful!

But before, do not forget to take the test of allergy.

Apply a small amount on your skin and wait a few minutes to see if you

has an allergic reaction.

For more infomation >> This Incredible Anti-Aging Mask Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger - Duration: 3:14.


Peter, the apostle of the junta. Caltagirone - Sicily - Duration: 6:22.

Always in the collective imagination, the Easter party is linked to the memory of St. Peter who runs to announce to Our Lady that Jesus has risen.

La sua figura, imponente e gioiosa, dà inizio alla Festa secondo un rituale, quasi intimo e riservato, tramandato dalla famiglia che, con devozione e rispetto, lo custodisce durante l'anno.

The dressing of the statue, his arrival in the Church, his wandering around the city and his return after the breakaway, are something that not everyone knows and that is worth telling ...

For more infomation >> Peter, the apostle of the junta. Caltagirone - Sicily - Duration: 6:22.


È possibile che cani della stessa cucciolata abbiano padri diversi? - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> È possibile che cani della stessa cucciolata abbiano padri diversi? - Duration: 4:38.


Zaparcia – 9 zdrowych sposobów na ich zapobieganie - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Zaparcia – 9 zdrowych sposobów na ich zapobieganie - Duration: 7:34.


要保青春美麗!三種維他命 吃出好膚質 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 要保青春美麗!三種維他命 吃出好膚質 - Duration: 2:04.


3 succhi che favoriscono la circolazione delle gambe - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> 3 succhi che favoriscono la circolazione delle gambe - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:38.


GF15, spuntano alcuni sms choc di Matteo, sulla sua ex Paola Di Benedetto !! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> GF15, spuntano alcuni sms choc di Matteo, sulla sua ex Paola Di Benedetto !! - Duration: 2:13.


Joyce Meyers Lieblings-Bibelverse – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 25:00.

For more infomation >> Joyce Meyers Lieblings-Bibelverse – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 25:00.


Surprise Cups & Balloons Toys Kids Video - Duration: 11:54.

Surprise Cups & Balloons Toys Kids Video

For more infomation >> Surprise Cups & Balloons Toys Kids Video - Duration: 11:54.


Eldo Boss #3 - Finalizar e Debater - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Eldo Boss #3 - Finalizar e Debater - Duration: 2:55.


Supremo sob tensão: Cármen Lúcia fala de Rosa Weber e fato chama a atenção - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Supremo sob tensão: Cármen Lúcia fala de Rosa Weber e fato chama a atenção - Duration: 4:20.


Laminine - tumore allo stomaco - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Laminine - tumore allo stomaco - Duration: 10:45.


Geometry: Division of Segments and Angles (Level 4) | Examples III - Duration: 10:06.

Division of Segments and Angles.

Level 4.

In this video we will go over more challenging example involving midpoints, bisectors and


Let's go ahead and jump straight into the first example.

In the diagram, point X is the midpoint of segment VZ, the length of segment VW equals

5, and the length of segment VY equals 20.

Find the coordinates of point W, X, and Y.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram of a number line with points located at particular

coordinates along with the measurement of two line segments.

We are asked to determine the coordinates of three of these points.

Alright let's start the problem by marking the diagram with the given information.

We know that point X is the midpoint of segment VZ this means that segment VX and segment

XZ are congruent so the segments lengths are also equal to one another.

We also know that the length of segment VW is equal to 5 and the length of segment VY

is equal to 20.

With this information we can determine the coordinates of each of these three points.

For point W we know that its coordinate is going to be 5 units to the right of point

V, which has a coordinate of negative 12.

Moving 5 units to the right from negative 12 we land on negative 7.

In a similar fashion the coordinate of point Y is going to be 20 units to the right of

point V in this case point Y will have a coordinate of 8.

Lastly the coordinate of point X can be determined by finding the length of segment VZ and taking

half this length.

To find the length of segment VZ we can compute the absolute difference of the segment's

endpoint coordinates.

Doing that we obtain 34.

We now take half this length, which is equal to 17 and use it to find the coordinate of

point X by moving either 17 units to the right of point V or 17 units to the left of point

Z doing that we obtain 5 for the coordinate of point X and this is our final answer.

Alright let's take a look at the next example.

Segment EH is divided by point F and point G in the ratio 5 to 3 to 2 from left to right.

If the length of segment EH is 30, find the length of segment FG and name the midpoint

of segment EH.

In this problem we are provided with a line segment that is divided into 3 smaller segments.

We are given the length of one of these segments as well as the ratio of the lengths between

these 3 segments.

We are asked to determine the length of one of the segments and identify the midpoint

of the largest segment.

For this type of problem we are going to make use of the geometric relations that are provided

to us and use them to set up an algebraic relation.

We know from the problem that the length of the 3 segments are in the ratio of 5 to 3

to 2 since we do not know the actual length of each of the segments we are going to use

a variable and let the length of segment EF be equal to 5x, the length of segment FG equal

to 3x, and the length of segment GH equal to 2x.

This way the algebraic expressions are consistent with the ratios given to us.

Next we notice that point E, F, G and H are collinear this means that the length of segment

EF plus the length of segment FG plus the length of segment GH will be equal to the

length of segment EH.

Using this geometric relation we can go ahead and substitute the algebraic expressions for

the length of each segment as follows.

Now it is just a matter of solving for x so we collect like terms and divide both sides

of the equation by 10 doing that we obtain x equals 3.

With this value of x we can now determine the length of each line segment.

In this case line segment EF is equal to 15, line segment FG is equal to 9 and line segment

GH is equal to 6.

Notice that line segment EF has the same length as segment FH they are both equal to 15 this

means that point F is the midpoint of segment EH since it divides segment EH into two congruent

segments and this is our final answer.

Alright let's try the next example.

Given that the length of segment OM is equal to x plus 8, the length of segment MP is equal

to 2x minus 6, and the length of segment OP is equal to 44.

Determine if point M is the midpoint of segment OP.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram of a line segment along with some algebraic

and numerical expressions which represent the lengths of two smaller line segments.

We are asked to determine if a point represents the midpoint of a line segment.

In order to determine if point M is the midpoint of line segment OP we are going to use the

definition of a midpoint along with the algebraic and numerical expressions provided in the


We know that the length of segment OP is equal to 44 so if point M is the midpoint of line

segment OP then it will bisect the segment into two congruent segments each measuring

half of 44 in this case each one will measure 22.

We can use this length and set it equal to the algebraic expressions representing segment

OM and MP.

We will then solve for x for each equation.

If we happen to get the same solution for both equations then we can conclude that point

M is the midpoint of line segment OP.

If we get a different solution for each equation then we can conclude that point M is not the

midpoint of line segment OP.

So solving for x on each equation we obtain x equals 14 for the first equation and x equals

14 for the second equation.

This means that point M is the midpoint of line segment OP, since the same value of x

satisfies both equations and this is our final answer.

Alright let's take a look at the next example.

Point B and point C are trisection points of segment AD, and the measurement of segment

AD equals 12.

Find the length of segment AB and segment AC.

In this problem we are provided with a diagram, the measurement of a line segment and the

fact that two points are trisection points of a line segment.

We are asked to determine the length of two smaller line segments.

We are first going to label the diagram with all the given information in this case the

length of segment AD is equal to 12.

We will also mark segment AB, segment BC and segment CD with single tick marks since point

B and point C are trisection points of segment AD.

Recall that trisection points split a line segment into three congruent segments.

Now that we have labeled the diagram we can go ahead and start solving for the length

of segment AB and segment AC.

We know that the length of segment AD is equal to 12.

We also know that segment AD is split into three congruent segments.

Each of the congruent segments has a measurement equal to twelve divided by 3 which is equal

to 4, this is also the measurement of segment AB.

The measurement of segment AC will be equal to twice the measurement of segment AB in

this case it will be equal to 8 and this is our final answer.

Let's end the video with the final example.

If the length of segment AB is equal to x plus 3 and the length of segment AE is equal

to 3x plus 6 find the length of segment AE.

In this problem we are provided with algebraic expressions representing the lengths of two

distinct line segments.

We are asked to find the length of one of these segments.

From the previous example we know that segment AB measures 4 so we can equate this value

with the variable expression x plus 3.

This will allow us to solve for the unknown variable x.

Doing that we obtain x equals 1.

Now that we know the value of x we can go ahead and substitute it into the algebraic

expression representing the length of segment AE.

Substituting this value for x and simplifying we obtain 9 for the measurement of segment

AE and this is our final answer.

Alright in our next video we will continue gong over more challenging examples involving

midpoints and segment bisectors.

For more infomation >> Geometry: Division of Segments and Angles (Level 4) | Examples III - Duration: 10:06.


Minecraft - FAILING AT BEDWARS!!!!! - Dr. Purd - Duration: 10:01.

Sub to me to see more Redstone videos!!! I'm trying to get to 100 subs before the end of June!!

For more infomation >> Minecraft - FAILING AT BEDWARS!!!!! - Dr. Purd - Duration: 10:01.


DARREN & ERIC GO FOR AN EPIC HIKE - Swallow Falls, Deep Creek and the Power Station - Duration: 10:12.

Hi this is Darren's Toys and today

we're gonna go get some railroad ties

from the same trail we went before

So Darren, and I are going for quite a long hike today.

We're gonna hike

down river to the power plant.

It's a several mile journey

I had done last year, and he's going with me this time.

So come along with us, and it's gonna be a great time!

This is kinda just like the Wisp a little bit.

-Hey Darren, what's at the end of this trail?

The power plant

-and what's the power plant from what lake?

Deep Creek Lake

That's right Deep Creek Lake.

So the very first stop on this trail is upper Swallow Falls.

Check this out.

[Music and River Sounds throughout]

I have in my backpack.. I have a Rice Crispy Treat.

Hey Darren. What which falls are these?

These are lower lower Swallow Falls.

Yeah these are lower. Lower Swallow Falls.

Darren, what do you think of this?

It's so awesome!

This is a rock.

We're gonna see some railroad ties and we're even gonna see the Power Plant.

So Darren actually put me up to this. He watched another video that we had done, and he's been

asking me, "Can we go all the way down to the power plant?"

Can we see those railroad ties that you saw on your on your hike? So he's been wanting to go along.

And we finally got a break in the weather

So it's gonna be a lot of fun to see

how he does.

The foliage just gets crazy the further you go the more dense that the rhododendron gets

and the trail virtually disappears on you. So this used to be a train track

Essentially, the trails there, but like I said sometimes it disappears on you for a little bit you have to fight through that.

So I guess we'll see. Hopefully we make it.

We've reached another really cool spot on our hike.

This is where

Muddy Creek enters into the Youghiogheny River and

you can see Muddy Creek Falls from here, although

you're on the other side of the river, so you can't walk up to it, but you can see it in the distance

It's really awesome



So this is another cool thing that we always see along this trail.

We don't know what it is, but what do you think it is Darren?

A house.

He thinks it's a house. It may have been something for

fuelling the steam engines. Let's go check it out!

-A train station...

So far so good. Darren is quite the trooper I must say.

This trail is really brutal and

it's probably not a trail you would normally take your kid on.

If it gets too crazy, we're going to turn back.

Right here's another structure that's not as visible when you're walking on the trail

Stacked rocks..

When we were kids we used to bring our pedal bikes down this trail. We'd ride our bikes here,

and we didn't really have any other option so.

Up until this part of the trail, it's not too bad,

but this is where it's gonna start to get a little bit worse.

I'm sure you may be familiar with Deep Creek Lake.

This is Deep Creek the actual creek.

Is this the end of the trail?

No, this is where a lot of people turn around though

It gets.. the going gets tough from here.

You sure you're up for this?

I'm wanna do it.

We're still going

I just got a cobweb in my mouth.


This is so much fun. I can't believe we're doing this.

Darren keeps asking me if we're there yet?

Are we close to the power plant?

and I'm like no we're not there yet

Hey Darren, I think that's the campsite down there


That's where fires are.

Yeah, there's a fire pit here.

Doesn't look like anyone's had a fire.

Darren look a little beach.

Still got a long ways to go.

Hey Darren check out what I found.

-How did that get there?

Maybe this used to be a railroad crossing!


I think that this probably got washed down the river

when the river was really high

What do you think?

Definitely an old tire.

Look It's even got a tube in it.. weird.

It's some kind of a fossil isn't it?

Nature is so fun!

Darren you're a trooper.

I found a railroad tie sort of

What do you think of this railroad tie?

It's so cool.

Just went through one of the most difficult parts

I had to carry Darren at one point

Yeah, this isn't for the faint of heart.


Someone tied these orange markers here,

and we believe that these are

sort of telling us which way to go because

it has gotten really thick right here

It's just more more and more rhododendron.

We ended up having to abandon those ribbons

I had to carry Darren for a little bit.

Stick to the trail and don't follow the ribbons!

Gotta say that really wore us out

I'm hoping that there's another way out of here cuz it's gonna be a long walk back.

I see some kayakers down here

We have made it to the railroad ties

Hey Darren, do you see the railroad pins?

Look there's one right here.

The track would have went right through here.

or maybe here.

Isn't that cool?


We just found something else that's really cool.

Wow how deep is it?

He's got a stick and he's gonna stick down in there.

How far does it go?

Definitely got a solid bottom.

Some kind of steam engine operation.

Maybe some water for the steam engines.

What is it?

- a pocketknife!

Finders Keepers

That's a nice one!

Somebody lost that. I doubt they're gonna be back for it.

Hey Darren. Do you hear the powerplant?

[60 Hz humming]

[foot steps in leaves]

That is so cool!

[loud humming]

Darren and I decided to head

up the hill


we're making it. We're making good progress, but

believe me when I tell you this is brutal.

We found the

We found the pipes to


[out of breath]

carry the water for the hydroelectric power.

Have a look at this.

[humming in distance]

There still some snow down there!


Yeah, look!

Oh my gosh you're right, Darren!

-Alright, you know where to pick us up at?

Phone call: I think so yeah.

We're where the cliffs are.

We just went up the cliff.

I'll be there in a minute. Okay. See ya bye

Yeah someone needs to maintain that trail.

It would make it so much better.

That's it for this episode.. peace!

[river sounds]

For more infomation >> DARREN & ERIC GO FOR AN EPIC HIKE - Swallow Falls, Deep Creek and the Power Station - Duration: 10:12.


Why 'Whys' Don't Work - Duration: 3:27.

The question 'why', has always been very important for me throughout my career.

I'm by nature a curious person that questions. I need to know the purpose, the

reason, the why behind something before I do it. I hate being told what to do if I

don't understand the reason why it has to be done. And why was how my team and I

at AirAsia X were willing to question a lot of the existing assumptions and

beliefs that dogmas and orthodoxies that existed in the low-cost carrier industry

to revolutionize it. I talked about how we challenge the free seating belief

that low-cost carriers held by introducing assigned seats. We also

introduced the ability to pre-book your meals we challenge the idea that

low-cost carrier flights must only be point-to-point and that you can't

provide connecting transfer services without increasing costs. Well, we were

able to introduce the fly-through concept at AirAsia X and has since

generated over 50% of passenger traffic. AirAsia X wouldn't have been where it is

today, if we didn't challenge that core held belief of low-cost carriers using

only point-to-point flights. However, what I've learned from our team of

psychologists at Naluri is that the question 'why', is not helpful in a

stressful situation when you're dealing with someone who is under a lot of

pressure. Because the question 'why' connotes an inference that, that person

is guilty. "Why did you do that?" and it puts the person on a defensive. It's very

hard to respond to 'why'. For example, a depressed person may very well say "look

I don't know why I'm in this state, I simply am. And I can't explain it."

Research has also shown that when children are distressed, when they're

crying, maybe they did something. And it's our natural tendency to ask, "why? why did

you do that?". And what research has shown is that it actually encourages children

to lie because they don't know how to react

because they feel like it's a threat to their existing situation. Instead, it's

better to ask 'what', "what happened?", "how did that happen?", in a more

non-judgmental way. It allows it opens up the conversation focusing on accepting

and validating that person's experience rather than making them feel defensive

that they have to justify why they did something or how they felt about something.

So, the next time you're in a conflict situation, see if you can hold back

that instinct to ask why and focus on just listening, validating what that

person has said and asking them what happened.

For more infomation >> Why 'Whys' Don't Work - Duration: 3:27.


INTERVIEW WITH SOPHIA THE ROBOT انترفيو مع الروبوت صوفيا - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> INTERVIEW WITH SOPHIA THE ROBOT انترفيو مع الروبوت صوفيا - Duration: 3:40.


The Story of Azshara (Questing Zone) [Lore] - Duration: 14:09.

Hello everyone!

Last time we did the story of the lost isles ending with the goblins being send over by

Thrall to officialy join the Horde lead at the time by Garrosh hellscream.

I asked you what zone you wanted to see next and the majority of you wanted to see the

story of Azshara since we might as well wrap up the goblin that's what

we're going to do today!

The name Azshara might ring a bell for some of you out there as that's the name of Queen

Azshara who once ruled the night elves.

Their empire was vast, but when she and her highborne tried to summon Sargeras and the

Legion into the world, a resistance was formed and the war of the ancients played out.

In this very location Huln Highmountain carved out his legend, earned the blessing of Cenarius

and took on the dreadlord Tichondrius.

He was of course not alone in his battle, night elves, demigods, furbolgs, all kinds

rose up against Azshara's plans and even some of her own highborne resisted their queen.

You might know about Dathremar Sunstrider who after the war lead his people to Quel'thelas.

You might even know about Prince Farondis who plotted against the queen and got his

people cursed for his efforts, but there were even more.

With the aid of the blood elf Malynea Skyreaver, who wants to uncover the history here before

the goblins transform it into a fuel depot or something, we find out about the unsong

heroes of the war.

The mages at the mennar academy had fallen far from the queen's graces.

They would've been a powerful asset in the war to come, but they refused to fall back

when the rest of the city fell.

Instead of regrouping outside the city to join in the counter-asssault, they stayed

behind, erecting magical barriers and turning their once quiet home into a fortress.

Refugees streamed to the mennar academy in the first terrible days of the invasion, and

survivors rallied to mount a defense.

Hearing this tale while playing a nightborne was quite a feeling of dejavu.

History doesn't record what happened next...for there were no survivors.

The raging demons left little more than the ruins we see today, and the secrets of the

academy lay burried under the soil of Azshara.

Until recnetly, the latent magical energies of the academy grounds attracted the attention

of the blue dragonflight, and she wasn't able to study them.

The attention of the dragons is now elsewhere and by collecting some artifacts from the

site, Malynea is able to use her scrying magic, turning Kalytha's ring into a gateway to

her soul.

At Lake Mennar, we touch her spirit.

The ring allows us to see the world as she sees it, forever reliving her final hours.

Defenders are trying to hold the line while the mages while as it turns out, the highborne

were not merely baricading themselves in, they were actively working against their 'beloved'


Their last moments were used to create a sarcen stone hidden in the lake by Kalytha.

This stone drew energy away from the portal through which the demons were flooding into


They bought the world enough time to retaliate and strike back.

Without the highborneat Lake Mennar, the world might have been lost.

That portal was fueled by the well of eternity and became incredibly unstable at the end

of the war.

The demons were sucked back to where they came from, but the violence split the land


The night elves mighty empire was lost beneath the waves while the queen and those that followed

her were turned into the naga by the old gods.

This small piece of land was part of that empire and still holds the name of their queen,

for some reason, guess they never bothered to change it.

It does explain why we see so much naga activity in the area and since they're kinda in the

way of the goblins and the horde claiming that sweet beach side property, we make sure

to deal with them.

It's not quite that easy though as the naga have sea giants working them.

Usually they're not that friendly towards eachother but as we discovered, the naga hold

the heart of Arkkoroc which they use to enslave the sons of arkkoroc.

Arkkoroc was a sea giant, supposedly the god of the sea giants, that used to hang out at

the temple of Arkkoran.

Wasn't a bad guy either helped us out with a quest or two, but with the cataclysm it

appears that he has fallen to the naga that are now using his heart.

We make sure to take that power away from them as well as bombard them with some sweet

goblin explosives.

Now these days you can step out the backdoor of orgrimmar and you'll walk right into

the zone, right into the middle of a war, but that wasn't always the case.

Very similiar to Silithus for example, Azshara was one of those zones where nobody ever really


Apperantly they planned to have a battleground take place here called Azshara crater, a battleground

similar to alterac valley, but since they were still so busy with trying to balace the

fight in alterac, they never got around to finishing the azshara battleground.

It has been mentioned a couple of times in the years that came after but as we can see,

no battleground in Azshara as of yet.

Instead what the zone in classic offered was a world raid boss, Azuregos of the blue dragonflight

and he was part of the scepter of the shifting sands questline.

He spend his time exploring Azshara and its magical interestes, teaching a murloc how

to talk and tried to befriend Archmage Xylem.

Time and time again adventurers would rally together and strike down the blue for shiny

trinkets and gold, quite tragic really while out of tragedy a relationship flourished.

He spend so much time in the spiritrealm that he developed a bond with the spirit healer


He quite likes it here.

No strangers to poke and prod him, besides the whole physical aspect, he's quite happy.

Only problem is that with the cataclysm we saw Deathwing take charge and the black dragonflight

is on the hunt for the blue.

Kalecgos has asked us to convince Azuregos to team up with him and although Azuregos

doesn't really want to hear it at first, the idea of him coming to Kalec's rescue...

there's no way he could ever live it down.

Maybe he'd even make him one of those little sunwell girls of his very own, Anara is cast

aside but she doesn't mind.

She knew that their arrangement was temporary.

She'll be fine as we join Kalec and Azuregos with taking care of the black dragon threat

too which azuregos plans to rededicate himself entirely to make sure Kalec never steps up

to take Malygos' place as the new aspect.

It's the most noble cause he can think of and I'm sure he'll be very succesfull.

Another powerful spellcaster that's hanging out in the zone and has done so for quite

some time is the one Azuregos tried to befriend, Archmage


Described as being very dangerous and acting odd compared to other humans, this archmage

reminds me a lot of someone like the guardian Medivh.

Even back in classic he had us help him out with collecting ab unch of materials that

he needed, all the way activing very odd.

Rambling on about his apprentices and research.

This hasn't changed a lot with the cataclysm as his reptuation still draws in those brave

or foolish enough to try and learn from one of the best.

He's a man of style though, so proper wardrobe is required and even getting to the wizard

is a challenge all on its own.

But those that do, those that prove themselves worthy get the chance to undergo the trial

of frost, fire and shadow.

Each offering great dangers, but the rewards, mainly the achievements are well worth it.

At the end of the line we're even rewarded with a faded wizard hat to remind us of the

glorious days of being Xylem's apprentice.

His quest for knowledge and artifacts of powers placed him on a dangerous path as he came

in contact with an ancient grimoire from the Legashi ruins.

During Legion we returned to his tower finding the already excentric mage quite out of his


He has stolen the focusing iris from the dalaran vaults and has no intention of giving it back.

Heroes were forced to confront him in battle at the eye of eternity, but were kind enough

to just smack some sense into him and spare his life.

Of course most traveled to this zone for their water offered by Duke Hydraxis after doing

his quests and earning the proper reputation.

He could be found on an island northeast of the Ravencrest monument, this massive weird

statue potentially named after Kur'talos Ravencrest, but we're not really sure.

The water from Hydraxis was used to douse the runes in molten core which allowed you

to challenge the majordomo and eventually Ragnaros himself.

There were a couple of other smaller things to be found in the zone, like a questline

where you took a blood elf traitor, or gather ancient tablets or get some spicy new trinkets

but all in all, not much was done with the zone, not until the Cataclysm and the arrival

of the goblins.

A beautiful rear gate lets us step right out of orgrimmar into the zone reshaped by the

goblins to resemble the Horde symbol.

Their explosions, rocketway, fuel depos and of course Gallywix' pleasure palace have

tapped into the potential of the land, potential to make as much profit as possible.

Taking the land from the night elves is no easy task, but with priests dropping in from

the sky to sell their services and the aid of heroes freshly joined the Horde turns the

tide of battle.

They're able to send fear into the heart of the enemy, take heads and kick butt, step

by step we claim the land for the Horde.

The elves do their best to retaliate, but dabble amateuristcly in the arcane arts, constructs

easily turned against them.

They also try to set up an allegiance with the furbolgs, one that the horde skillfully

outmanevours and actually turns the furbolg against the alliance.

How you might ask?

Pretending to be an ambassador of the elves and rip out the leaders belly piercing of


I actually wondered who had owned the land of Azshara before goblins and the Horde took

their claim and the reason why I mention that the Horde is taking it from the night elves

is because that's specificly states in a quest.

After a bad ass assaination we fight Mariel Dawnsong and Captain Grunwald, taking them

both out.

Chaw says: Very impressive, imagine the fear this will cause in northwatch when they see

what happened to one of their precious officers in night elf lands.

Well done, our assault proceeds and would eventually send the night elves in retreat,

clearing a path for the horde's invasion into Ashenvale.

But war isn't the only thing that we help out with.

The goblins also set up a secret labratory which has gone a bit south of cheese as they


Now of course buildings can be rebuild, goblin hair burned by fire will regrow, but their

most prized experiment has gone missing.

We're asked to check in with subject 9, a raptor they imported from the barrens and

has been given super intelligence.

Her benefactors used their diminutive intellect to construct an interplanatry transport.

The rocket as it's currently designed is quite a death trap, but with the secret rocket

plans from the laboratory achieves, she should be able to modify it into something that won't

instantly kill her.

We ring the door buzzer and out comes a mutan goblin, got quite a wolverine situation going

on which might explain why everything's on fire.

This is actually X Nizzlebex, the Lab director who's not looking too great.

We put him down, collect the plans, even collect the offspring of Subject 9 and Subject 4,

the latter now even nice enough to call or write.

With her unique offspring of cognitively superior raptors gathered, subject 9 is off into the

great dark beyond.

Farewell Azeroth.

I leave behind a world steeped in filth and wracked by cataclysm.

Safe journeys Velocistar, may we one day in the great dark beyond meet again.

I'm sure you'll have a lot to teach us.

Next to this lovely relocation we also make sure to to get out the rection core matrix

from the fuel slumps or this whole place is going to blow itself to outland.

That core is made out of 100% refined Azsharite, not to be mistaken for Kaja'mite or Azaraite,

nah nah this is Azsharite native to the area and during classic actually used for the Loramus

Thalipedes questline.

It's been used to forge weapons of fel power, but they've discovered that it's capable

of focusing enormous amounts of energy.

This might be the biggest goblin discovery since Kaja'mite, but what is it?

Where does it come from?

Why is it located only here?

We gather some fresh samples, enough to have them up in their neck with this stuff trying

to solve this mystery and maybe the local friendly giant can help.

We gather up a nice meal for Gormungan, trying to get nice and friendly, and he eventually

spills the beans and informs us that Azsharite is made by the giants.

Specificly, it's giant shit...litteraly...this is what the giants in the area poop out and

they don't actually clean up after eachother.

Probably one of the very first poop quests implemented into the game but its origin doesn't

actually scare the goblins off, in fact they want more!

Giants go to the bathroom every 15 to 25 years...barring any tummy trouble... a production rate far

too low so we try to fix it.

Rumor has it that the gnomes in the area have a massive laxative, ordered by Mrs. Gadgetspring

who wanted to use it to get Blimo Gadgetspring out of a giant who digested him.

We steal the laxative and try to feed it to the giant, but he's not amazed.

Maybe we can scare the precious material out of him.

Giant things are often scared of much smaller things so we try shrinking ourselves down

in size, mount a rocketway rat and use it to scare Gormungan.

It works a little bit too well as he smacks us so hard we return to regular size, but

again no poopies.

We'll have just have to break the news to grapplehammer that Azsharite is going to remain

the rarest substance on the planet.

We'll have to use it sparingly while that core we recovered, that's delivered near

the massive canon the goblins build up in the zone.

A canon that as far as I'm aware has never really been used.

The bomb we just created will carry on it's journey though but that's a story for another


For now this is the story of Azshara and for those that are wondering, what about Gallywix?

Didn't he get like a massive pleasure palace in the zone?

Yeah he did, but the goblin himself isn't around much.

Disapointing really considering it has a nice ocean view, a grenade golf course, luxury

pool all kinds of good stuff.

The only time we really saw the trade prince here was during the rogue order hall campaign.

Noggenfogger sends us out to infiltrate the sauna, steal the key and get out of there

with Gallywix' one-of-a-kind love potion.

Perhaps in the future we'll see the tradeprince hang out more, perhaps we'll even get that

battleground one day but for now we've reached the end.

The choice is up to you.

Would you like to follow the bomb and discover what it's going to do or would you like

to see the story of a completely different zone?

Let me know in the comments down below and for now thank you very much for watching everyone!

Subscribe and hit that bell if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one

aaaaand until next time guys....see ya!

For more infomation >> The Story of Azshara (Questing Zone) [Lore] - Duration: 14:09.


7 Nastiest Fallout Factions - Duration: 6:33.

Most factions in Fallout aren't exactly renowned for their friendliness.

Many are hostile to outsiders, and some will even go out of their way to wreak as much

havoc across the Wasteland as they can.

These are the 7 Nastiest Fallout Factions.


Slaver's Guild: Let's be real for a moment, there's a lot of questionable stuff going

on in Fallout 2.

But perhaps the most sadistic comes from the Slaver's Guild.

As the name suggests, it a group that operates a slave trade out of the New California Republic.

They operate in a sort of secrecy, since NCR Rangers are permitted to shoot slavers on


The Rangers don't get to do all the killing, though.

If you're unlucky or just stupid enough to try to sell slaves with the Slaver's

blessing, you'll likely be killed.

Aside from the, the Slaver's Guild is sort of your everyday slave trade operation.

The slaves are property and treated as such.


The White Glove Society: At first glance, the White Glove Society might just appear

to be weirdos in masks who operate an otherwise ordinary, albeit high-end, casino.

However, as many unfortunate wastelanders and travelers could attest to, if they were

still alive, there is far more to them than meats the eye.

They do offer standard casino games like Blackjack and Roulette, the main attraction of the casino

is their restaurant, The Gourmand, which is well-known for it's luxurious and succulent


Their steaks are human meat.

That's where I was going with this.

They kill people, cook them, then turn them into dinner.


Caesar's Legion: A group of brutal Roman wannabes, the Legion despise democracy and

frivolous luxuries.

To the Legion, there are those who exist to survive, and those who live to serve a greater

purpose, who can look death in the eye and tell it to fuck off because they've got

shit to do.

Those who exist to survive are animals and are beneath them.

Almost sub-human, which is why they're treated as slaves most of the time.

Humans do not have inherent value simply because they're alive.

All need to be judged based on their own merits.

They also crucify people.

To be honest, there's more to the Legion than can fit in 120 words.


The Jackals: The Jackals are seemingly your run-of-the-mill gang in Fallout.

Originating from Vault 15 alongside several other groups, they, with the Vipers, were

once a relatively dominant and feared group in the Mojave area until they were both almost

wiped out by the NCR many years before New Vegas takes place.

The thing about the Jackals is that, unlike many gangs that are obsessed with drugs, they

are cannibals.

They are savages that file their teeth into razor sharp points, allowing them to easily

rip and tear flesh from those who are unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Rather than outgun their victims, they usually rely on ambushes and outnumbering them to

defeat and feast on them.



In a world where people might not even be people, you've got a group of kind-hearted

folk who assist those they can and help the Commonwealth prosper.

Well, not quite.

Doctor Roslyn Chambers arrived at the Covenant prior to the events of Fallout 4 and turned

it into a place to help those who suffered at the hands of synths.

They're pretty anti-Synth, to the point where they developed the SAFE test to ensure

no synths infiltrate their settlement.

If you pass, you're great and are allowed in.

If you fail, there's a pretty good chance you'll be kidnapped and taken to their Compound

where you'll be interrogated and tortured, because only a synth could fail their test.

Random Fun Fact: Many of the questions in the Covenant's SAFE test are the same questions

used in Vault 101's GOAT test in Fallout 3.


Think Tank: The scientists who are a part of the Think Tank are scientists and researchers,

the greatest and brightest minds pre-war Earth had to offer, who survived in Big MT when

the Great War took place.

After the war, the executives began work on a project to allow them to survive long into

the future by transferring their brains and consciousness into "think tanks".

Brains in robots.

The other researchers and workers died.

The Think Tank is responsible for many atrocities that riddle the Wasteland such as Cazadors,

Night Stalkers, and the red cloud at the Sierra Madre Casino to name a few.

Growing tired of experimentation, they created the sonic fence that now surrounds Big MT.

Even after erecting the fence, they still occasionally send out drones to collect travelers

from the Mojave, who are quickly lobotomized.

Honorable Mentions: Oregon's Cannibals.

Not much is known about them because they're relatively simple.

They're a tribe of cannibals located near Arroyo.

They travel in groups of 6, use spears and knives to kill people, then eat them.

To be honest, they're not the most fucked up group in Fallout but, I mean, they eat


They had to be on this list.

Raiders: Raiders are perhaps the most common enemy in Fallout through their various different

types of factions.

They're all savages who kill without mercy and steal from those who aren't strong enough

to fight back.

Not the nicest people in the world.


The Master's Army: Like many factions throughout both Fallout and entertainment, they, The

Master, believe that they're doing something for the betterment of humanity.

In reality, though, they are monsters.

The Master's plan is/was to turn what remained of humanity into the perfect beings by forcing

them to evolve, usually via FEV.

What resulted from his plan to create perfection in the form of Super Mutants was a number

of abominations releasing out into the Wasteland; including but not limited to Centaurs, Floaters,

and Nightkin.

Here's the thing though.

As bad as that is, The Master actually had another goal.

You could look at the Super Mutants as a means to an end.

His real goal was Unity.

Just as The Master was the result of the blob of former Richard Moreau absorbing creatures

he came across, he wanted all of humanity to join him in Unity.

If you think about it, it makes sense.

There can't be any conflict or wars if everything is one.

For more infomation >> 7 Nastiest Fallout Factions - Duration: 6:33.





agario - FFA SOLO STARSHOVE TEAM KILLER! takeovers from teams! - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> agario - FFA SOLO STARSHOVE TEAM KILLER! takeovers from teams! - Duration: 9:48.


Swingyde Golf Training Aid - Putting Drills - Duration: 4:49.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to talk to you about how we can improve our putting using one of

my favorite golf training aids.

The training aid is the Swingyde Golf Training Aid.

And today I am going to show you how to use it to improve our putting.

If you are interested in this stay tuned.


So welcome back to the channel.

If this is your first time here.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

One of the best ways to help improve your golf would be to hit the subscribe button

and click on the bell notification and then you are on your way.

Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite training aids.

The swingyde golf training aid.

I have mentioned this training aid before and I have produced some videos and I will

put a link to the playlist at the top of the page.

And today we are going to use it for putting.

So what I have done is I have attached it here.

I didn't worry about using the screws for this one down the bottom.

So I have attached it to the bottom of the putter and I have got the elastic band that

comes with the swingyde and put it in through there.

So all I need to do is to put my hand inside the swingyde.

Sorry inside the elastic band.

And when I take my grip.

As I swing the putter.

If I can swing keeping it lightly attached to my wrist.

I am using a wrist free swing.

If I swing and I let my left wrist change the angle and break down.

I can feel that digging in to my wrist.

So it's a really good way of developing correct wrist routine through the shot.

We don't want this left wrist breaking down.

That gives us extra momentum which is something we won't be able to allow for.

We want to be able to control our length of swing and the rhythm of our putting stroke.

We don't want a third variable which s wrist action in the putting stroke.

So if I just hit one here.

So we take my set up.

I will just try and keep my wrist out of the stroke.

Keep the swingyde attached to the wrist.

And that is a pretty wrist free stroke.

Just hit the lip and t missed.

So that's one way we can use it.

Of course the other thing we can do is I can take that out of my wrist and then I can turn

it around the other way.

Like so.

Then I can use it much the same way.

This time I am putting my right wrist into the elastic band.

And in much the same manner.

I am going to swing and if I feel that digging into my right wrist.

It means I am using my wrists.

So we will try again.

I have got to say it feels really uncomfortable.

But it is very effective.

So from there.

Back and through.

And that one had a little too much speed.

And it lipped out.

And then of course the third way we can use it is we can utilize 2 swingydes.

So why not use 1 let's use 2.

So I have attached them in the same manner as I have described previously.

But now they are both on the putter.

So what I need to do here is I need to put my left hand through this elastic band.

And my right hand through this elastic band.

And when I swing.

I am keeping both of the swingydes attached.

There should be no digging in to my wrists as I use my wrists.

I want to keep it as wrist free as possible.

Take my set up.

And straight in the hole.

So it's a really good way of using a swingyde and using 2 swingydes.

So whether you are using the left wrist.

The right wrist or both.

They are all really effective.


I think it's a great way to practice putting.

It's another use for the awingyde.

So as I said.

I make no money out of the swingyde.

I don't sell them.

I just use it and have been using it now for about 25 years.

It is one of the best training aids on the planet.

So give that a try.

I would love to know if you have used thus in the past.

In the same way.

And thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald the golf doctor.

And I look forward to seeing you ij the next video.

For more infomation >> Swingyde Golf Training Aid - Putting Drills - Duration: 4:49.


Lekue Silicone Steam Case with Tray and Cookbook - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Lekue Silicone Steam Case with Tray and Cookbook - Duration: 9:30.


Is Canopy Growth Stock A Buy? - Duration: 5:08.

Canopy Growth is this a weed company that will grow like an absolute weed or get pulled


I know there is a lot of interest around the marijuana market so I wanted to talk about

the biggest marijuana company out there Canopy Growth.

We'll get into the basics of the company and the potential for growth.

I'm going to finish with a fact about the company that when I heard it it almost damn

well knocked me off my seat.

But before we start don't forget to subscribe to grow your knowledge on good old investing

and the stock market.

Talk a little bit about the company Ok let's begin with learning a bit about

the basics of the company.

Canopy Growth is a medical marijuana company based in Smith Falls, Ontario and it was founded

in 2014.

So it's a relatively new company, as you'll find most marijuana companies are.

But Canopy Growth is actually the biggest marijuana stock in the world in terms of market


Although they're based in Canada they have a fairly healthy presence around the world.

The company has operations in Canada, Spain and Germany.

They also do business in Australia, Jamaica, Chile and Brazil.

Yip a pretty interesting mix of countries there.

Now let's talk about the companies structure.

Canopy growth owns two subsidiaries.

One is called Tweed Inc and the other is Bedrocan Canada Inc.

Tweed Inc is a producer of medical marijuana.

Their licence covers around 168,000 square feet which enables them to sell approximately

3,540 kilograms of medical marijuana a year.

Bedrocan has slightly less area of production facility of 52,000 square feet.

They sell medical grade cannabis that appeals to a slightly different market then tweeds.

Ok so now you have a fair idea about the company, it's structure and history lets see the

potential that this company might have.

First of all as I'm sure most of you will be aware that recreational Cannabis is set

to be made legal in Canada.

Let's take a look at how big this market is set be.

The CIBC world markets estimated that the Marijuana market will be between $5 to $10

billion dollars.

That's a very big market for Canopy Growth to try grab a hold of.

Canopy Growth currently has 30% of the market share in the medical marijuana sector.

They have the opportunity to get a similar percentage in the recreational sector which

is a lot bigger then the medical one.

So that is Canopy Growth's biggest development opportunity.

To seize a hold of the recreational marijuana sector when it is legalized.

And Canopy growth is currently preparing itself to take a market share in this sector.

As you should hope they would be.

They claim to have the largest inventory of Cannabis available among other marijuana companies.

So when it get's legalized they can immediately supply customers.

They also have a stockpile of cash available for further acquisitions to grow the company

even more.

So I've basically just hit you with a bunch of positives about the business.

This is what I found when initially learning about the potential for marijuana companies

and the potential for Canopy Growth.

But no matter how good the business is we should not pay an infinite price for it.

As Charlie Munger says.

Canopy Growth is currently selling for a price of $30.01 dollars and they have a market cap

of around $6 billion.

But as you can see they're losing money.

They have positive revenue but negative earnings.

I mean Which is fair enough you know a lot of that money is probably spent on growing

their business, right???

So as most investors would do I looked at the income statement to see where their revenue

was going.

This next thing that I saw made me think that I'd lost touch with reality and was seeing


Seriously it is bad.

So you go through the income statement at the start things look pretty normal.

And then you come across this.

Almost $18 million dollars of Canopy's revenue is going towards the management.

As extra compensation.

The company only made $21 million dollars of revenue.

That's over 80% of revenue going towards the managers.

I have to say that is the most bizzare and rigged income statement I have seen in a long


They're a new business, with shareholders looking for at least some return on investment

and managers are just sucking the money away.

If I ever owned Canopy Growth the very first thing I would do, is sack every manager receiving

share based compensation, on a level as high as that.

This is just crazy.

But investors seem to blind to it all.

Or maybe just dumb.

I got to say I'm not sure.

They want to pay a price that high for rigged management.

Let's wrap this up.

Canopy Growth is a solid business and they have opportunity for real growth.

It's all in the name.

But there seems to be something dodgy going on with the management.

I don't think they give a shit about the shareholders at all.

That's what it seems like anyway.

Don't forget to like the video or dislike, I'm sure this one will get a fair amount

of dislikes as well but fair enough.

Also share this video with anyone who is thinking about investing in Canopy so that they are

aware of the business they are getting into.

Looking forward to what you think of Canopy in the comments.

For more infomation >> Is Canopy Growth Stock A Buy? - Duration: 5:08.


Sơn Tùng M-TP - Chắc Ai Đó Sẽ Về Reaction - Duration: 6:53.

I had to get that out of the way

안녕!! Hola!! Hello!! Xin Chào!!


Today we're going to react to another mv of Son tung MTP

Beba: Are you ready Eli: We're ready girl, we'll leave the title up here

Beba: Did you hit your finger? Eli: Yeah Beba: One~ Two~ Three!!

Eli: I thought it was going to... Beba: I know right

This is just the intro

The date in Puerto Rico is written the same way but here they write it differently

Beba: Yeah Eli: right? Beba: Yes

Eli: In Puerto Rico is the day/month and then Beba: The year

Here is the opposite

I didn't know other places wrote it like that too

It might depend on the way you say it

She's about to cry

It sounds like a melody you would hear in christmas

Eli: To fall asleep Beba: Your right!

If he were to appear in front of me I would cry too

Just by looking at him

I can only imagine

Just kidding I would probably run away

Imagine me running after seeing him

His voice is beautiful here

Was it a goodbye video from her

It looks like that

She looks happy

He's so freaking cute

Both: Her lips

Why did the broke up

He did that because she was lying like that too

This is so sad

Maybe she's not alive

Don't say that I'm about to cry

Don't cry

(His voice is so beautiful)

This song is magical

So sad!

Please comeback

Don't let it end like that

And the music sound so celestial

This melody is so beautiful so...

Beba: I'm not going to lie Eli: I would go to sleep with this song

I thought she was going to appear until the very last minuet

Maybe she's not alive

No, don't say that

No, don't say (mocking her) But like I said it reminds me of a christmas song I don't know why

But it sounds so celestial and beautiful

Beba: I agree Eli: His voice was beautiful too

Beba: There were many parts where I got goosebumps Eli: Yeah at the beginning of the video

When he started singing

Why was I so dramatic

I don't know

Both: I loved it

This was all for today's video we hope you enjoyed it

If you did don't forget to like, comment, subscribe

And we'll see you in our next one

Why did you say like that?

For more infomation >> Sơn Tùng M-TP - Chắc Ai Đó Sẽ Về Reaction - Duration: 6:53.


Hairy Soul Man - Up Close and Extremely Personal: Pop That Tittie Out - Duration: 4:19.

Lieutenant Peters caressed sergeant Jeffries inner thigh

Squeezing his swollen mound.

A jet of hot liquid erupted from the sergeant all over Lieutenent Peters

And it was at that moment he knew.

the lacerated wound on Sergeant Jeffries leg had become badly infected

And if not properly treated within the next couple of days

The sergeant would surely die in an undignified and horribly painful way.

Oh hello, Hairy Soul Man again

The human body is an incredible thing

It has the capacity to perform feats of incredible strength and endurance,

and is often the symbol of our sexual wants and desires.

But modern society has over sexualised it so much

that sometimes we forget the evolutionary purpose of some of our Anatomy

Let me explain

Mama I'm so hungry,

ain't it plain to see.

I want to place that hard nipple

In between my teeth.

Oh mama why are you teasing me?

Just want a little taste.

And I'm gonna keep on screaming

Until that tittie is up in my face.

You gotta pop that tittie out

'cause your babies hungry.

You gotta pop that tittie out

Oh 'cause you gots to feed your child.

You gotta pop that tittie out,

oh and it don't matter where you are

'cause if someone's got a problem that sounds like,

That's their problem.

You know I like it when you push me around.

I fall asleep under your rolling charms.

Oh and when I awake you like to hold me close

you know I'm helpless when I'm in your arms.

Oh mama, Why are you always trying to change me?

when you know what I need.

Just let me unclip that nursing top

'cause it's time to feed.

Well I'm sorry boys if you're confused

when you see a tittie you can't jerk off to.

Why won't you let this lady feed her baby

without making her feel super shady.

Pop it out.

Pop it out.

Pop it out.

Pop it out.

Pop it out.

Pop it out.

You gotta pop it, pop it out.

You gotta pop that tittie out, cause your baby's hungry.

You gotta pop that tittie out, oh 'cause you gotsta feed your child.

You gotta pop that tittie out, oh and it don't matter where you are.

'Cause is someone's got a problem

That sounds like that's their own uneducated

stupid fucking problem.

Alas of time has come to an end

Thank you so much for watching, and as they say in Rwanda 'Dusangire Karyohe'

which of course means

"I would love to stay in chat for I haven't had conversation this good in quite some time

But as you know I have a prior engagement which has been in planning for well over a month".

For more infomation >> Hairy Soul Man - Up Close and Extremely Personal: Pop That Tittie Out - Duration: 4:19.


Perfect Beautiful With The Pam By Simblissity Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Perfect Beautiful With The Pam By Simblissity Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:45.


WhatsApp এর গোপন সেটিং। WhatsApp Hidden Future 2018 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> WhatsApp এর গোপন সেটিং। WhatsApp Hidden Future 2018 - Duration: 1:43.


50 STATES, 50 PUNS! (MUST WATCH!) - Duration: 8:10.

50 puns, best puns

pun challenge, puns challenge, pun video

I love states my love puns 50 state 50 puns in my friends are coming

do you mind if you do grocery store love potatoes potatoes so much use me waiter

you guys have a good like a small soda like a mini soda agent named mink

I like mean but he was kind of stupid anytime you do something stupid I just

go why oh oh I don't really speak Spanish so I ask my Mexican friend I

said how do you save home in Spanish she said and I said you know I wanted a car

wash today yeah I have to wait 30 minutes for there Washington of course

was it called the Guinness World Records no or or a Guinness world so I have this

friend named mich and every time we go out with our friends you don't like fish

so every time they see mich they click on Michigan so Jim Indiana had a baby

Jim Indiana her baby yeah brother cousin Bob asked where did the baby come from

then Jim goes Indiana blue ken was like 5 years old he already felt like a big

boy and his mom part masses will be so every night she went by Ken and cookie

them in his mom I don't get tucked in anymore

ok I'm gonna tuck you in

dude I think I found your girlfriend yeah but I don't know she has a

boyfriend no I wonder if she does do you mind asking her for me I'll ask

when Shambo had a baby was the date column the New Yorker for days sons left

right up down side to side hey from high school he moved to Russia did you know

I'm sure this guy was tired of his girlfriend sighs hey all day she's

giving the worst attitude ever finally snap he said hey if you can change I

took away that game a chance to remember from high school

oh yeah I miss me I found this kit that helps you put pieces together for your

life oh my god no it's called committing it but these is that you're not

understanding you just not connecting Marron never finishes our sentences she

just starts your sentences and she doesn't finish it curious about what

she's in the same everyone is always says Meryl and Marilyn isn't that your

friend IDO don't call her a toe Colorado Sonia's favorite drink is the Callie

from the bar sure what is the Callie every single time yeah so then she goes

get surgery she goes to the bathroom but the bartender keeps going a County a

California a California one California California

sounds like weird accent California you know what's cool about babies well make

a lot of noise we just make a little noise I was walking down the street the

other day and some girl was sipping her drink you're drinking her Starbucks and

sometimes I'll talk to her but she was like in the middle of drinking her drink

and he kept getting irritated that she's not responding

I was like ooh mrs. sippin Mississippi go drink relax so I learned about this

new game if everyone sits in a circle and kicks a car so it's me Jim and

massive plane so I choose it Jim chooses Massachusetts you know what an ass purse

sounds like for crashes so stupid I have to download the app to confirm my

reservation I'm gonna poop on your faced water my resume yeah so I have a friend

that does the craziest airs one of my friends dared him to eat dirt and he did

what go and he goes like you must sicko you Mexican you know you must sicko I

applaud you to different places at the same exact time but so one of my

friend's dad's can't see bahama every time I princes say Mahalo he goes like

follow mama mama mama we're going on a vacation to the Bahamas so one of my

teachers always brings this kid to class and what's even weirder is that this kid

takes off his clothes and starts running around the class just are saying

oh why did you do that bro why man why why this girl Anna was so conceited she

wanted her own mountain she wants cause I'm what's your favorite name again

George little Kwan's parents didn't know what he wanted for Christmas they kept

asking like hey you want a new Playstation like no you want a new bike

No said you want a new chair see oh I know this building Anna and she's a

great ping-pong player she went to the finals of a tournament and was in the

face of Lou and that is scared of you but the college called Anna Anna

Louisiana no easy I have a Russian friend his name is Olaf

so there will be a stockman Zola I was like so Allah you're never gonna do

drugs right he's like never and I was like never never

oh no my friends no cousin he goes escape goes with his mom and then they

go to the pencil section and it was full of pencils kid turned to the mom said

mom is this Pennsylvania Kim and Kanye we're playing dodgeball with the kids

right and Incognito's a fast one and North's right there he's like North


that was all 50 states Tanja never sent me home no doubt we didn't this one

which one of you miss a single one if you think we missed one go watch the

whole video again if you laugh with us or enjoy the video show it to your

friend maybe don't like it too hit that thumbs up button and don't forget to

subscribe because I'm on this channel we only put out one of the kind videos

until next time

creative puns, pun channel, state puns

united states puns

puns with states

why did you do Oh bro hit me so much the third seventh day

For more infomation >> 50 STATES, 50 PUNS! (MUST WATCH!) - Duration: 8:10.


Mobile Pet Groomer Pasadena CA 818-796-2000 Mobile Pet Groomer Pasadena CA - Duration: 1:16.

Mobile Pet Groomer Pasadena CA. Is your pride and joy in need of a little pampering?

At King's Mobile Pet Spa, grooming is what we do best, and we're armed and ready with

all the tools required to send your little one on a one-way-journey to spoil-ville!

We pride ourselves on our diverse and thorough range of treatments, from bathing to blow-drying,

nail-clipping, cutting, shaving and beyond.

We've literally got their whole little (or big) bodies covered!

Battling with unwelcome ticks and fleas?

Our medicated shampoos and treatments will make those pests a thing of the past!

No need to put your pets in the car anymore – at King's Mobile Pet Spa, we conveniently

come to you at your home or office.

We accept dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes, and can't wait to welcome them to the family.

So, don't wait – we're waiting to pamper your pet to perfection!

Please call us or visit our website for more information.

We're always happy to be of service!


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