Thursday, February 14, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2019

 La gran movilización del domingo en Madrid no fue tan potente como esperaban el PP y Ciudadanos, aunque sí lo suficientemente contundente como para dar un no rotundo y fuerte a Pedro Sánchez en la calle

Además, la concentración contó con varios elementos que pueden ser considerados negativos, al menos para una parte de Cs: la visualización de los tres partidos como un solo bloque de derecha, las exageraciones del manifiesto, con claras inexactitudes, o la foto de Albert Rivera con Santiago Abascal que algunos entienden que mina la transversalidad del partido naranja

 Sin embargo, PP y Cs entienden que la concentración movilizó a sus votantes y arrinconó al Gobierno y al PSOE

Con lo que las dos formaciones anunciaron ayer que volverán a tomar la calle para exigir la marcha de Sánchez, el fin de las cesiones a los independentistas y la convocatoria de elecciones

 Albert Rivera aseguró, tras el Comité Permanente de Cs, que su partido va a convocar una manifestación en Barcelona para el próximo domingo por la mañana con el mismo objetivo y el mismo lema que la concentración de Madrid: «Por una España unida

Elecciones ya».  El PP, al igual que Ciudadanos, quiere que la protesta de Colón marque el inicio de una etapa de beligerancia en la calle

«No descartamos absolutamente nada», aseguró la vicesecretaria general de Comunicación, Marta González

«Queremos impulsar el espíritu de Colón», apuntó. Para ello, los populares han creado una web (yovoy desde la que coordinarán las próximas manifestaciones -si las hubiere- y aglutinarán a los descontentos

 Rivera elogió la protesta del domingo por su «civismo» y el «clamor patriótico» que mostraron cerca de «200

000 ciudadanos de diferentes ideologías, procedencias y generaciones que quisieron estar juntos para defender la Constitución y la democracia frente a las posibles negociaciones que lleve a cabo el presidente del Gobierno con sus socios separatistas»

Se trató, dijo, de «un clamor de dignidad».Ahora, en Barcelona Por eso, Cs apuesta ahora por trasladar esa protesta al escenario donde «están intentando quebrar el orden constitucional» y donde el president de la Generalitat llama a los españoles «bestias taradas»

Varias asociaciones pequeñas habían anunciado su voluntad de manifestarse en Barcelona

También lo hizo el PP de Cataluña, cuyo presidente, Alejandro Fernández, anunció la semana pasada su intención de convocar una manifestación «unitaria» en la Ciudad Condal

 Pero el presidente de Cs aseguró ayer que su partido se siente en la obligación de «convocar y liderar esa marcha» al ser la formación más votada en Cataluña

La manifestación partirá de la plaza Urquinaona y terminaría en la plaza de Sant Jaume, donde está la Generalitat

Rivera quiere que el resto de los partidos constitucionalistas se adhieran. De lo que no quería hablar en la rueda de prensa era de su foto con Santiago Abascal, a la que trató de restar toda la trascendencia posible

En su opinión, lo que demostraron «los partidos constitucionalistas» es que supieron «aparcar las diferencias» y compartieron «una movilización transversal»

Rivera no quiso responder sobre el malestar que esta imagen ha provocado en una parte de Cs

Especialmente en la candidatura de Manuel Valls para la Alcaldía de Barcelona. En su opinión, la pregunta no debería ser por qué estaban Cs y Vox, sino por qué Sánchez parece «más cómodo con Torra y sus 21 puntos que con la Constitución y con Cs»

 Los populares hacen más autocrítica. Pese a la euforia que muestra el PP de puertas para afuera, en Génova reconocen que fue un «error» sostener en el manifiesto de Colón que Sánchez «acepta» las 21 peticiones de Torra

Fuentes populares lo ven una «inexactitud». El discurso oficial es que el texto leído por tres periodistas tuvo «una gran parte de veracidad»

 Por otro lado, el PP acusó a TVE de manipular su cobertura de la protesta en la madrileña plaza de Colón «para que pareciera menos multitudinaria y quitarle toda la importancia»

«La retransmisión fue un cúmulo de manipulaciones groseras que demuestran la falta de neutralidad de una cadena pública que pagamos todos», aseguró a este diario el portavoz del Grupo Parlamentario Popular en la Comisión Mixta de RTVE, Ramón Moreno

«TVE se ha puesto al servicio exclusivo del Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez», apostilló

For more infomation >> PP y Ciudadanos no bajan la presión contra Pedro Sánchez y volverán a tomar la calle - Duration: 8:16.


Une multitude de faux dieux. (167). - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Une multitude de faux dieux. (167). - Duration: 5:19.


AbsoЯute Zero - 【Iza yoi sakuya to nare】/ AbsoЯute Zero - 【いざ宵裂く矢となれ】 - Duration: 4:04.

Be a arrow to tear the dawn

Even the night I disappoint you

I can't say sorry at all

Why you remain silent

Mysterious Jack

After I make up my mind

Suspicion something sabbath already

Moment carrying preciously



Slip off from the image


Parts of the gear


Won't fill up (A Perfect and elegant servant)

A way I seeking

Never changing loyalty

Can reach your number one

Be a arrow to tear the dawn now

Disappeared yesterday waxing and waning

Count fifteen nights and I swear


The name you call me

To bloom without a lie

Running through thousands of nights and time

Made knight perfectionism, but

Maybe somewhere, a slipped ideal

Maid knight pretend to play the fool

But I will stay by your side

I can't hide

When stopped raining

Unexpectedly tearfulness

A hidden mask

Look at your honest carefully

Surprisingly unsurprising

Jack the ripper

A rumor who called


Inclined yesterday


Today start moving


Change -Story- nobody can notice (A Perfect and elegant servant)

Tiny but I surely got is

You, a piece to save

Can you see the circle and bright moon?

Be a arrow to tear the dawn now

Guide with the orbit

Beyond the sixteenth night


If you wish

Stop the time and let's get out

You can control the fortune as you wish

Made knight I will wrap you

With a love with no trickery

Made knight greatest surprise

Betray the necessary

If needles of the clock

Take a break

Let's start the our world

Be a arrow to tear the dawn now

Disappeared yesterday waxing and waning

Count fifteen nights and I swear


The name you call me

The name you call me

Running through thousands of nights and time

Made knight perfectionism but

Maybe somewhere, a slipped ideal

I will stay by your side

With a look like ignorance

For more infomation >> AbsoЯute Zero - 【Iza yoi sakuya to nare】/ AbsoЯute Zero - 【いざ宵裂く矢となれ】 - Duration: 4:04.


MOUSE GAMER REVIEW - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> MOUSE GAMER REVIEW - Duration: 13:05.


NO SÉ SI HACERLO... | Noche De Pajas - Duration: 55:40.

For more infomation >> NO SÉ SI HACERLO... | Noche De Pajas - Duration: 55:40.


[단독]박봄, 8년만 신곡 컴백..3월 솔로 앨범 발표 '확정' - KN Channel - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> [단독]박봄, 8년만 신곡 컴백..3월 솔로 앨범 발표 '확정' - KN Channel - Duration: 2:51.


La estrategia de las defensas de los líderes del 'procés': desacreditar la Justicia - Duration: 4:45.

 En un proceso penal, los escritos que presentan los abogados defensores suelen ser cortos

El trabajo principal recae en la Fiscalía y el resto de las acusaciones, que deben desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia para probar la culpabilidad de los acusados, proponiendo pruebas, citando a testigos y presentando documentos a los magistrados

Porque en los procesos judiciales en un Estado de Derecho se juzgan hechos, nunca ideas

 El juicio del 1-O, sin embargo, será diferente. En este proceso, el principal objetivo de los abogados de los líderes soberanistas será combatir el fundamento del delito de rebelión: que en la preparación y desarrollo del procés hubo disposición a utilizar la violencia para lograr la independencia de Cataluña

 Aunque los abogados defensores han coordinado una acción conjunta, sobre ellos planea el debate de si realizarán una actuación más técnica que política durante el juicio y si será unitaria o se evidenciará la división entre los más cercanos a Carles Puigdemont y los afines a Oriol Junqueras

 En el desarrollo de las sesiones y la declaración de cada uno de ellos, que ocupará la primera parte del juicio, se verá si hay fisuras en esta estrategia inicial

Para empezar, hay una clara diferencia entre los nueve procesados por rebelión (Junqueras, Forcadell, Sànchez, Cuixart, Turull, Rull, Forn, Romeva y Bassa) y los otros tres acusados por malversación y desobediencia (Borràs, Vila y Mundó)

Mientras los primeros han hecho en sus escritos de defensa alegatos sobre la vulneración de derechos humanos y se han caracterizado por pedir la declaración como testigos de importantes figuras políticas, como el Rey Felipe VI o los ex presidentes Mariano Rajoy y Carles Puigdemont, los segundos han preferido ofrecer un perfil más bajo e incluso han rechazado la vía unilateral que se siguió para proclamar la independencia

Objetivo: Estrasburgo Algunos escritos de defensa no se limitan a negar la violencia y refutar los hechos que se juzgan, sino que tienden a incorporar numerosa jurisprudencia, principalmente de tribunales internacionales, para denunciar una supuesta vulneración de derechos fundamentales, listar presuntas irregularidades procesales y calificar la causa de política

 Esta cuestión será importante, ya que todos los acusados saben que el Tribunal Supremo no será el fin del proceso judicial

Si son condenados, tienen intención de presentar un recurso al Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo, donde sólo se estudian vulneraciones de derechos humanos en los procesos y no cuestiones judiciales más técnicas

Por eso, la intención de los acusados y sus abogados será recordar todo lo que puedan cómo el Estado, presuntamente, vulneró los derechos de los catalanes que votaron el 1-O

For more infomation >> La estrategia de las defensas de los líderes del 'procés': desacreditar la Justicia - Duration: 4:45.


El Gobierno dice que Pedro Sánchez usó el Falcon para ir a un concierto "por interés general del paí - Duration: 5:57.

 Los desplazamientos de Pedro Sánchez y el uso de recursos públicos, sobre todo aeronaves, para viajes personales están en la picota

La oposición, sobre todo PP y Ciudadanos, han pedido explicaciones reiteradas en estos meses sobre el gasto de estos desplazamientos, pero el Ejecutivo se niega a facilitar los datos, amparándose en una ley franquista para calificarlos de «materia clasificada»

 En esta defensa de los viajes del presidente del Gobierno, desde Moncloa han dado un paso más e, incluso, consideran que los desplazamientos que Sánchez realizó a Castellón para asistir al Festival Internacional de Benicássim (FIB) o a La Rioja para asistir a la boda de su cuñado «tienen como objetivo el interés general del país, y se realizan con estricto cumplimiento de todo el ordenamiento jurídico»

 Así se desprende de una respuesta parlamentaria del Gobierno al diputado de Ciudadanos Miguel Gutiérrez

Afea a Sánchez declarar «secreto oficial» el viaje al FIB, así como «su desplazamiento en helicóptero oficial hasta La Rioja para asistir a la boda de su cuñado»

Y le pregunta: «¿Qué motivos hay para que el Gobierno, de manera sistemática, declare secreto oficial los viajes personales del presidente para los que se emplea un importante dispositivo de medios de titularidad pública?»

"Desmesura", "derroche" La respuesta del Gobierno, la ya mencionada, escueta: «Los desplazamientos del Presidente del Gobierno tienen como objetivo el interés general del país»

Para Cs, «la polémica suscitada por la desmesura, cuando no derroche, de los medios públicos en celebraciones privadas no ha dejado de crecer»

 «El Gobierno toma por tontos a los españoles, que son quienes le pagan las horas de vuelo con sus impuestos», señala a este diario Miguel Gutiérrez

«Según la respuesta del Gobierno, el viaje de Sánchez en Falcon a un concierto de rock, la asistencia en helicóptero oficial a la boda de su cuñado o el desplazamiento a Valladolid en avión presidencial, con lo económico que resulta el AVE y lo bien que funciona, son actividades 'de interés general para el país'

Parece que Sánchez les ha perdido el respeto a los españoles, pero no les ha perdido el miedo: por eso se niega a convocar elecciones»

 El PP también insiste criticar que el Ejecutivo tilde estos viajes como materia clasificada

La diputada del PP Beatriz Escudero pregunta al Ejecutivo su opinión «acerca de si la utilización del avión Falcon y del helicóptero de Presidencia del Gobierno para asistir, junto a su esposa, a un concierto o a la boda de un cuñado, se considera materia clasificada»

 Una vez más, el Gobierno considera que así es. «Los informes sobre movimientos de aeronaves militares, como los planes de protección de autoridades y pasajeros sometidas a la misma y, en concreto, los informes y datos estadísticos sobre movimientos de fuerzas, buques o aeronaves militares, tienen la consideración de materia clasificada, en virtud del Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 28 de noviembre de 1986, en relación con la Ley 9/1968 de 5 de abril, reguladora de los Secretos Oficiales y modificada por la Ley 48/1978, de 7 de octubre», es su respuesta

 Y añade: "Todo ello avalado por la Sentencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo Sección 7ª de la Audiencia Nacional de fecha 23 de octubre de 2017 y por el propio Consejo de la Transparencia y Buen Gobierno en su Resolución del 15 de febrero de 2016"

For more infomation >> El Gobierno dice que Pedro Sánchez usó el Falcon para ir a un concierto "por interés general del paí - Duration: 5:57.


CuadroXCuadro: 'Annie Hall' o todo lo que no debes hacer en una relación - Duration: 7:10.

Su ideología nazi no es un secreto, y desde hace algunos años se reveló al mundo (a través de una interpretación de algunos textos, irónicamente) que no se trató de un error, sino de una realidad que muchos han pensado pudo haber influido su obra

Esto no es seguro. Si Heidegger era nazi y antisemita, poco tiene que ver con sus teorías sobre la estética y el arte

O al menos, pensar así resulta más sencillo para cualquiera que se ha sentido atraído hacia sus ideas

Entonces, ¿hemos de sentir culpa por leerlo y concordar con su pensamiento ahora que sabemos la verdad de su persona e ideología política? Y peor aún, ¿su obra tiene la capacidad de transformarse?, ¿pierde valor o veracidad? Lo mismo sucede con uno de los más grandes poetas franceses que para su infortunio, era "maldito"

Estamos hablando de Charles Baudelaire, un poeta que encontró belleza en la decadencia y que le regaló al mundo una serie de poemas cuya profundidad no se puede poner en duda

Entre ellos, hay algunos sobre la belleza y la mujer como objeto de deseo: "Un relámpago

Noche. Fugitiva belleza cuya mirada me hizo, de un golpe, renacer. Salvo en la eternidad, ¿no he de verte jamás?"

Algunos estudios sobre su obra literaria y Baudelaire, apuntan a que el poeta era un misógino, algo que en la actualidad resulta inconcebible para un artista que, en teoría, debería definir sus horizonte a un lado contrario

De este modo, ¿su obra más grande como Las flores del mal pierde valor o veracidad? Aquellas que actualmente defienden el lugar de la mujer, con justa razón, pero son lectoras de Baudelaire, ¿han de verse contrariadas? Otro gran ejemplo es Woody Allen, un cineasta icónico con un historial fílmico impresionante

A finales de la década de los 60 fue que comenzó su carrera como guionista, productor, director y actor, recibiendo un total de cuatro premios Oscar

Su fama mundial y el reconocimiento como una de las figuras más grandes del cine, lo salvaron cuando su hija Dylan Farrow lo acusó de haber abusado sexualmente de ella cuando era una niña

En una carta publicada el 1 de febrero de 2018 en The New York Times, Dylan reveló su infancia con Allen, marcada supuestamente por el abuso

Pro fue hasta 2018 cuando Allen se enfrentó al escrutinio público marcado por los movimiento de igualdad de género y denuncia como #MeToo y Time's Up

La última cinta de Allen junto con Amazon, A Rainy Day in New York, parece nunca tendrá un estreno y ya han sido varias las celebridades que han negado su relación profesional con el director

¿Estas acusaciones han de manchar su obra fílmica, demeritar la calidad de sus producciones y borrar la trascendencia de sus personajes? Allen, como mencionamos, es un ícono de la industria del cine

Tiene bajo su nombre poco más de 40 producciones fílmicas, y que en algunas participó como director, guionista y protagonista

Una de las más grandes, sino es que la más conocida, es Annie Hall, ganadora del Oscar en 1978 para Mejor Película

Este galardón no se libró de las controversias y críticas. Annie Hall venció a The Goodbye Girl, Julia, The Turning Point, y el punto de quiebre, a Star Wars: Episode IV

Esta comedia romántica también se llevó Mejor Guión Original y Director para Allen, la primera junto a Marshall Brickman, y Mejor Actriz para Diane Keaton, una de sus musas (quien también lo defendió durante las acusaciones más fuertes)

Annie Hall nos presenta a Alvy Singer, un hombre de mediana edad dedicado a la comedia, típico del universo de Allen: nervioso, bajo estrés constante, ágil en sus comentarios pero un completo fracaso para la estabilidad de pareja

Singer, durante la película, intenta descubrir qué salió mal de su relación romántica con Annie Hall, una mujer liberal pero con ideas concretas de su vida a futuro

Para Allen, esta cinta representa un antes y un después. Sus trabajos previos como Everything you always wanted to know about sex (But were afraid to ask) y Love and Death, son graciosos con un límite difuso entre el humor negro y el drama

En cambio, Annie Hall es distinta, es graciosa pero también es profunda y reflexiva, incluso triste

Annie Hall, a través de Alvy Singer y alimentado de Annie, es todo lo que una relación no debe ser o hacer

Pero también es todo lo contrario. Es la declaración de autenticidad de una persona que, con seguridad, afirma que no va a dejar antiguas dependencias por las razones que sean como miedo o comodidad

Annie Hall es, sin duda, la película más seria de Allen que nos regaló, también, frases memorables y orgánicas, al igual que las relaciones

Es decir, se aplican a diversas circunstancias y los principios más básicos no se caducan ni adecúan

For more infomation >> CuadroXCuadro: 'Annie Hall' o todo lo que no debes hacer en una relación - Duration: 7:10.


MÁY ĐÁNH BÀI - Cờ Bạc Bịp Hướng Dẫn Đánh Bài Lá Bịp Và Dùng Máy Đánh Bài Bịp Hiệu Quả Nhất - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> MÁY ĐÁNH BÀI - Cờ Bạc Bịp Hướng Dẫn Đánh Bài Lá Bịp Và Dùng Máy Đánh Bài Bịp Hiệu Quả Nhất - Duration: 11:55.


El juez archiva la querella contra Baltasar Garzón por confabular para hacerse con el 'caso Gürtel' - Duration: 2:39.

 El Juzgado de Instrucción 50 de Madrid ha archivado la querella contra el ex magistrado Baltasar Garzón por "confabular" para hacerse con el caso Gürtel

El juez ha decidido dar carpetazo a la causa, impulsada por Pablo Crespo, mano derecha del líder de la trama, Francisco Correa

Según confirman a EL MUNDO fuentes judiciales, la decisión ha sido adoptada al considerar que la trama de corrupción relacionada con el PP es ya cosa juzgada

 La decisión del juez Esteban Vega se produce apenas dos meses después de que admitiera a trámite la querella tras advertir en la actuación de Garzón "indicios de un delito de prevaricación judicial"

La denuncia interpuesta por Crespo, asistido por el letrado Miguel Durán, se basaba en las grabaciones de las conversaciones entre Garzón y el comisario José Manuel Villarejo desveladas por Moncloa

com. Crespo denunció una "confabulación instrumental" entre el ex magistrado y el comisario jubilado, en estos momentos en prisión acusado de liderar una organización criminal, para preparar el caso Gürtel contra el PP y alterar las normas de reparto de la Audiencia Nacional para que el primero fuera el instructor

 El ex número dos de Correa, condenado a 37 años de prisión durante el primer juicio de la trama, ya ha presentado un recurso contra el archivo de las actuaciones

For more infomation >> El juez archiva la querella contra Baltasar Garzón por confabular para hacerse con el 'caso Gürtel' - Duration: 2:39.


Vinculan a proceso a sacerdote acusado de abuso sexual en Ciudad Juárez - Duration: 1:34.

Aristeo Trinidad Baca Permanecerá bajo prisión preventiva.  Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (SDPnoticias)

- El padre Aristeo Trinidad Baca fue vinculado a proceso penal por los delitos de violación y abuso sexual con penalidad agravada

   La audiencia de vinculación a proceso se realizó en Ciudad Judicial, donde además se informó que prevalece la medida cautelar de prisión preventiva impuesta al sacerdote

     Afuera de Ciudad Judicial manifestantes chocaron toda vez que algunos -principalmente familiares y la congregación de la iglesia Santa María-, exigieron la libertad del religioso haciendo oración, mientras que organizaciones demandaban justicia para la niña de 11 años de edad que fue víctima de agresión sexual

     La defensa del párroco solicitó enfrentar el proceso penal en libertad, pero la petición fue rechazada por el juez, por lo que permanecerá los dos siguientes meses en prisión en espera de la siguiente audiencia


For more infomation >> Vinculan a proceso a sacerdote acusado de abuso sexual en Ciudad Juárez - Duration: 1:34.


FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 15 - Duration: 16:21.

Hi, I'm Larry Withers and welcome to day 15 of Figuary: Figure Drawing Month.

One of the most gratifying aspects of Figuary is seeing all the fabulous drawings posted on Instagram.

On display is a wealth of talent and inspiring artwork.

I personally have learned so much about different techniques and styles from those of you who

have shared your work.

It's truly is a privilege, and I would encourage you to see the breadth of artwork for yourself.

Remember to post your Figuary drawings to Instagram: #figuary

Also visit our partners at Love Life Drawing Channel for daily figure drawing instruction

throughout the month of Figuary.

Good luck with today's drawings and we'll see you back here tomorrow.

We hope you enjoy today's Figuary drawing session.

To continue drawing from this model, follow the link below.

For daily instruction throughout the month of Figuary follow the link below to Love Life Drawing.

Also subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 15 - Duration: 16:21.


Meghan Royals Es - Conacyt se deslindó de nuevo caso de contratación de personal sin estudios - Duration: 3:53.

María Chávez García estudió hasta la secundaria, pero desde el 1 de diciembre de 2018 se desempeña en la Secretaría de Energía como secretaria administrativa del Fideicomiso del Fondo Sectorial Conacyt – Secretaría de Energía- Sustentabilidad Energética

Mediante la plataforma Declaranet, que pertenece a la Secretaría de la Función Pública (SFP), se confirmó que la servidora pública se ha desempeñado como diputada federal, asesora del Senado de la República y demostradora de lencería por catálogo

Chávez García fue demostradora de la empresa de lencería femenina Vicky Form, pero con trayectoria en la política como auxiliar de regidor en Ecatepec, Estado de México, asesora de un senador, y diputada federal por el distrito 7 de Ciudad de México por Morena (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional) de 2015 a 2018

No aceptó hacer públicos sus datos patrimoniales ni su salario, a pesar de que el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador había asegurado que todos los funcionarios públicos deberían abrir sus información patrimonial

Conacyt se deslindó A través de un breve comunicado el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) señaló que los contratos del fideicomiso los establece la Secretaría de Energía, según las Reglas de Operación de Fondo

"Es facultad de la Secretaría de Energía hacer esa designación, según las Reglas de Operación del Fondo, De igual forma en los contratos de Fideicomiso del Fondo Sectorial Conacyt-Secretaría de Energía-Sustentabilidad Energética, se establece que la SENER designará al Secretario Administrativo"

La noticia se une a la de subdirectores que, o no tenían licenciatura o contaban con estudios en diseño de modas, nada relacionado con la ciencia

David Alexir Ledesma presentó su renuncia como subdirector de la Coordinación de Comunicación del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), luego de darse a conocer que no tenía experiencia y apenas estudia el tercer semestre de la licenciatura

El acoso en redes sociales lo obligó a dejar su cargo. Un día antes, Conacyt separó a Edith Arrieta Meza del cargo de subdirectora en la Comisión Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados

Y es que sus "saberes del maíz mexicano" no se equipararon al hecho de que estudió diseño de modas

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Conacyt se deslindó de nuevo caso de contratación de personal sin estudios - Duration: 3:53.


Winning Lake In Winter - Like A Boss - Colorful Life #702 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Winning Lake In Winter - Like A Boss - Colorful Life #702 - Duration: 5:28.


Pete Davidson compared himself to Kevin Federline in clip snapped before Ariana Grande split Daily - Duration: 4:18.

Pete Davidson compared himself to Kevin Federline in clip snapped before Ariana Grande split Daily

Pete Davidson compared himself to ex Kevin Federline in a comedy clip he filmed while he was dating .

The Saturday Night Live star, 25, appeared on the show Kevin Hart: What the Fit, with the premise being the two comics helping a family move.

Oh, my God, youre engaged to Ariana Grande! a familily member named Skylar told Davidson, who answered, Yes I am I am Mr. Grande its me, the new Kevin Federline; how are you? 

Parallels: Pete Davidson, 25, compared himself to Britney Spears ex Kevin Federline, 40, on the YouTube show Kevin Hart: What the Fit, which he filmed while he was dating Ariana Grande

In the clip, the Staten Island, New York native suffered an allergy attack due to a pair of dogs the family had on the premises.

As a medic asked what his name was, Davidson. My real last name is Grande, but I go by Davidson.

The bit was filmed before Davidson and Grandes October split.

The songstress told last week that she penned three versions of her hit thank u, next amid a tumultous time in her romance with the comedian.

Funnies: The Saturday Night Live star, 25, appeared on the YouTube show Kevin Hart: What the Fit, with the premise being the two comics helping a family move

Way back when: The bit was filmed before Davidson and Grandes October split 

Labels: Pete called himself the new Kevin Federline in the comedy clip 

In my relationship by the time things were, like, up and down and on and off and so I didnt know what was gonna happen, said the Grammy winning artist, 25. And then we got back together and so I had to make a different version of it. 

And then we broke up again and so we ended up going with that version.

Grande said that she just wanted to cover all the bases in making sure the romance driven song accurately reflected what was going on in her life by the time she released it.

Oops: In the clip, the Staten Island, New York native suffered an allergy attack due to a pair of dogs the family had on the premises

Recovering: Davidson removed his oxygen mask and inhaled from a vape pen 

Theres a version where I was getting married, she said. Theres a version where Im not getting married. Theres a version with nothing, were not talking about anything. But we all knew the first version was gonna be the version we ultimately went with.

Davidson is currently linked to British actress Kate Beckinsale, 45. 

Federline, 40, became a pop culture focal point amid his romance with another pop superstar in Britney Spears, with the pair getting married in 2004 and splitting three years later. The former husband and wife have two sons, sons Sean, 13, and Jayden, 12. 

Then and now: Grande and Davidson were snapped at the MTV VMAs last year in NYC, while Federline and Britney Spears were seen 12 years earlier at a Grammys bash in LA 

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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd

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For more infomation >> Pete Davidson compared himself to Kevin Federline in clip snapped before Ariana Grande split Daily - Duration: 4:18.


Loa Kéo karaoke Mini [ Âm Thanh Siêu Chất ] Hoxen LG-8 - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Loa Kéo karaoke Mini [ Âm Thanh Siêu Chất ] Hoxen LG-8 - Duration: 7:57.


Crochet Booties / क्रोशाचे बूट - Duration: 21:52.

Crochet Booties

Hello friends, myself Alka welcome you to Kalopasak.

Friends you will surely like to crochet these beautiful baby booties.

we have also seen one crochet booties in red colour which are simple to make.

That video was named as Crochet boot for newborn.

The making of these booties is also very simple.

Though here we are making it in small size but you can make it any size you want.

You have to measure the length of the base for whom you are making boots.

For example, here it is 12 cm.

Then we have to start with chains of length 12 cm.

Thus in this video, we are going to see, how to make these beautiful baby booties.

Hope that you like this video, if you like then please press LIKE... button. Also COMMENT ....


Friends we have chosen this white yarn for this boot pattern.

It is little bit BULKY because generally for boot we choose bulky yarn.

Then we have crochet hook suitable for the yarn.

Here we have selected 5 mm hook for this yarn.

You will also need tapestry needle, scissor and measuring tape.

We shall start with chains, we have to make chains such that their length should be 12 cm.

You know how to make slip knot, so let us start with slip knot.

Then go on making chains till the total length is 12 cm.

Let us measure it.

Yes it is 12 cm.

Thus for 12 cm, I have to make 18 chains.

If your yarn is not so bulky then you may have to make more chains for 12 cm.

Now let us make 1 chain extra because our next round is of single crochets (sc)

R1: single crochet 1 in each st starting from second chain, chain 1 turn.

You know, how to make single crochet, let us see again.

single crochet: Insert hook in the next ch, yarn over take the hook out of the ch, there are 2 sts on the hook, yarn over and pass through both the sts on the hook.

single crochet: Insert hook in the next ch, yarn over take the hook out of the ch, there are 2 sts on the hook, yarn over and pass through both the sts on the hook.

Complete this row then ch 1 turn. Next I will show.

So friends I have finished first row and now I have 18 sts.

R 2: Same as row 1.

Be your work little bit tight so that the shape will be perfect and remain same.

Repeat this row 1 till the breadth of this rectangular piece will be 5 cm.

I will complete this and then show, what to do next.

So friends I have finished the work till the width is 5 cm.

Now we shall work half the stitches only. That is here onward we work sc on 9 sts only.

Work sc on 9 sts till the height of that extended part is 4 cm.

Ch 1 turn, next row: sc 1 on each of the 9 sts, ch 1 turn.

Repeat this row till the height is 4 cm

So friends here we have finished 4 cm and previous 5 cm work.

Now we shall extend the length by adding 9 more chains from this side.

We have to develop U-shape.

So work 14 chains more.

Next row: sc 1 on each of these 9 chains and original 9 sts, thus 18 scs.

For that we make ch 1 turn and the sc 1 on each of next 9 chs and 9 sts starting from second.

Next row sc 1 on each of 18 sts.

Repeat above row till the height of this part is 5 cm.

From second chain make sc 1 in each ch and then in each st.

After this row again we have 18 sts.

Thus we have 9 scs on the 9 chs which is our extension.

Now just have sc 1 on each next 9 sts

Next row, ch 1 turn and again 18 scs on 18 sts.

Repeat till the height of this part is 5 cm.

Complete this then I will show you the next part.

We make ch 1 and turn.

Then sc 1 in each st. (18 sts)

So friends here we have our U-shape ready.

Now we shall thread the yarn on this side by the tapestry needle and pull the thread to get the side close.

We thread it simply through the holes created by scs; just as running stitch.

We have thread it, now just pull the thread and make the sts close.

We bring all the sts close and also try to close the hole created in this way.

Now fix it by a knot.

Another knot to get it fixed.

If there is hole then close it by weaving the sts.

But because of the bulky yarn we used, we don't have any hole still have a last knot to fix every thing.

After that sew the two side with the same yarn.

We simply use running stitch to sew these sides.

Friends, we have to sew this side and another, so please sew them, then I will show the next part.

Friends, I finished my sewing part and see how beautiful the boot is!!!

Now to decorate this either you can make that pink flower as I had made to first boot or

there are many ready made small flowers available, you can stitch any one of them to both the shoes.

Not let us see, how to make that small pink flower.

For which I have selected this thin yarn so that our flower should be small.

We also take the crochet hook suitable for that which is 2.5 mm.

We start wit the magic loop and 6 scs in that.

To make magic loop: make a loop by wrapping round the fingers.

Insert the hook in that loop.

Work ch 1 and then 6 single crochet in that loop.

After 6 scs in the loop, pull the yarn and close the loop.

Join with the first first sc stitch by slip st.

On each of these 6 sts of scs, we shall make 6 pedals.

For pedal, make ch 3 and in the first st make 2 incomplete double crochet.

For incomplete double crochet: YO insert the hook in the st, YO get the st out there are 3 sts on the hook, YO and pass through the 2 sts out of 3

After 2 incomplete dcs YO and pass through all sts on the hook.

Lastly make ch 3 and join it with the same st where we have started this pedal.

Make 6 such pedals one on each st.

Then I will show, how to sew it.

For the second pedal make slip st in the next st. and make second pedal there.

Now let us see, how to sew the small pink flower to the shoe.

Thread the tapestry needle and insert it where the flower, you want to sew.

See how beautiful they look!!

Fix the flower by having knot on wrong side.

Friends, here are the beautiful baby booties.

I think that you must like it and you will surely make it.

If you like please COMMENT ..., SHARE ... and LIKE ....

Friends, please DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE....

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Crochet Booties / क्रोशाचे बूट - Duration: 21:52.


The 3 things Man Utd players did to anger Solskjaer in PSG defeat - Duration: 1:44.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reportedly let rip at Manchester United's players after their defeat to PSG

  The Norwegian publicly admitted his side had been beaten by a better team after the 2-0 setback at Old Trafford

  But the Sun reports he felt United played into PSG's hands and could have done much more about the goals they conceded

 It was the first time United had lost since Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho at the helm

 PSG took the lead through Presnel Kimpembe as he fired home from Angel Di Maria's corner

 Solskjaer is said to have been livid with United's players conceding from a set-piece

 United pressed forward for a leveller and were caught out as Mbappe scored from a counter

 United's interim boss had warned his players that they needed to be patient in possession - because their opponents were so good on the ball

 And he also felt United had been too rash in tackling, incurring too many needless cards which ultimately led to Pogba's dismissal

 United now have a mountain to climb to reach the quarter-finals ahead of the return leg on March 6

  They are back in domestic action on Monday night when they take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge

For more infomation >> The 3 things Man Utd players did to anger Solskjaer in PSG defeat - Duration: 1:44.


The 3 things Man Utd players did to anger Solskjaer in PSG defeat - Duration: 1:34.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reportedly let rip at Manchester United's players after their defeat to PSG

  The Norwegian publicly admitted his side had been beaten by a better team after the 2-0 setback at Old Trafford

  But the Sun reports he felt United played into PSG's hands and could have done much more about the goals they conceded

 It was the first time United had lost since Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho at the helm

 PSG took the lead through Presnel Kimpembe as he fired home from Angel Di Maria's corner

 Solskjaer is said to have been livid with United's players conceding from a set-piece

 United pressed forward for a leveller and were caught out as Mbappe scored from a counter

 United's interim boss had warned his players that they needed to be patient in possession - because their opponents were so good on the ball

 And he also felt United had been too rash in tackling, incurring too many needless cards which ultimately led to Pogba's dismissal

 United now have a mountain to climb to reach the quarter-finals ahead of the return leg on March 6

  They are back in domestic action on Monday night when they take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge

For more infomation >> The 3 things Man Utd players did to anger Solskjaer in PSG defeat - Duration: 1:34.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tutoring Manchester United strikers in extra training sessions - Duration: 3:39.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has held private after-training sessions with his Manchester United forwards in a bid to help them adapt to his tactics

 The Norwegian has delegated training duties to Michael Carrick and Kieran McKenna since taking charge at Old Trafford, preferring instead to observe sessions

 The 45-year-old has transformed United's style of play since replacing Jose Mourinho in mid-December and has placed more demand on his forward players, who he wants to press high up the pitch when his side are without the ball

 Solskjaer has favoured a front three of Anthony Martial, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard at Old Trafford and the trio have helped to reestablish United as a counter-attacking side

 However, Solskjaer feels there's still plenty of improvement to be made and Metro understands he's been taking sessions with his forward players after training to help them improve on their positional play, anticipation and movement

 Mourinho favoured Romelu Lukaku in a central role at Old Trafford and the Belgian in particular became accustomed to playing with his back to goal but Solskjaer wants his strikers to play on the half-turn in order to be ready to turn defence into attack within moments

 The sessions have only lasted around 15 to 20 minutes each time but are another clear indication of Solskjaer's hands-on approach to improving the United squad, something that was lacking in his predecessor Mourinho

 Solskjaer lauded Kylian Mbappe's movement for Paris Saint-Germain's second goal at Old Trafford on Tuesday and says his strikers failed to match the Frenchman's willingness to get into the box

 'There was a couple of times down our right-hand side we created something, but we never filled the box

Runs into the box, run in to get a tap-in like Mbappe did for his goal,' said Solskjaer

 'The second goal, that was quality by them. The ground he makes up that boy [Mbappe] to get into the box is for all the strikers that want to be out there, that's how to get into the box and get those five or six extra goals

I've been talking about how our strikers should try to get that.'  Solskjaer is fond of Martial and was delighted to see the Frenchman sign a new five-year deal but he made it clear to the winger that he needs to make more runs into the box to boost his scoring figures

 'I'd like him to make a few more runs in behind because he doesn't miss chances,' said Solskjaer

 'He's a fantastic finisher. He needs to get more chances, you've got to read and sniff maybe [score] some scruffy goals at times

 'Him and Marcus score loads of 'worldie' goals but those tap-ins and making them runs could go a long way to do that [boosting his scoring figures]


For more infomation >> Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tutoring Manchester United strikers in extra training sessions - Duration: 3:39.


Mason Ashley - Ever Had You (Official Music Video) 4k - Duration: 3:49.

We like to fight ourselves to sleep

Say I hate you like they say I love you

There's no need for counting sheep

I'll be counting steps 'til we fall through

I know that we're on borrowed time

You singing to me getting lost downtown

Me waking up wearing a smile

Anything to push away the doubt


Maybe you're just working late or maybe it's not working like it's supposed to

You've been busy playing games while I've been busy playing songs about you

I love your voice when you beg me to believe you

But we both know I'm no good at that

Those eyes wander all the time

I know I'm not the only you think of

When you're here I forget to mind

Forget the fights, forget the lies, get what I want

What I want is what we are

Midnight moments with your hand in mine

Dancing with me by your car

Broken hearts under a broken street light


Maybe I just think too much Or maybe you don't try enough or want to

Cause even after all this time I know that I don't know you like I'm supposed to

I love your voice when you beg me to believe you

We both know I'm no good at that

I'd be out of my mind to leave you

But I'd be even crazier to think I ever had, ever had, ever had you

I already feel myself losing you I already feel myself losing you

I already feel myself losing you

I already feel myself losing you I already feel myself losing you

I already feel myself losing you

I already feel myself missing you I already feel myself missing you

I'm all packed and ready to run before you say goodbye

I already bought flowers for our grave, we haven't even died

For more infomation >> Mason Ashley - Ever Had You (Official Music Video) 4k - Duration: 3:49.


(G)I-DLE ON CRACK EN ESPAÑOL #1 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> (G)I-DLE ON CRACK EN ESPAÑOL #1 - Duration: 2:34.


Trump: I'll sign deal, and declare national emergency for wall money - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Trump: I'll sign deal, and declare national emergency for wall money - Duration: 1:57.


How I pack my prints for shipping | Ellone Andreea Etsy Shop - Duration: 5:19.

Hello guys and welcome to another video! If I seem a bit tired it's because I am.

I just got home from the office and I decided to sit down and film, because I'm

about to pack some prints that you guys ordered from Etsy, and I thought it was a

good idea to actually film the whole process and show you how I put

everything together. So because prints are quite difficult to

handle and pack, I took all the necessary steps for them to get to you in one

piece. Because one of the things that I was really concerned about before

opening the shop, while I was thinking about opening the shop, was shipping and

I think; I think I managed to clear that out because thank goodness no one

complained until now, that their prints did not get to them in good shape, so

yeah, I'm really happy about that! If there's background noise I apologize. I

am currently in the living room and the kitchen is also nearby so you may hear

the fridge, so I'm sorry about that. So my prints come in these black folders

which I make myself. I know that may seem like a waste of time for any business

person, but for me it's really important to have everything handmade by me, so

that's why I spend some extra time on making these folders.

And they look like this on the inside; and I'm so excited that so many of you

like this picture because this is one of my all-time favorite pictures and yeah

I'm really happy that you you like this picture! And of course you can easily

take out the picture if you don't want to have it in this folder. I just use

them because I want it to be really presentable and really nice when it gets

to you. And I'm then placing the folder in these hard cardboard envelopes for

them to get shipped safely to you. So, before I show you how I pack everything

I just wanted to take a second and thank each and every one of you. It means the

world to me that you are supporting me with purchasing my prints or magnets and

also those of you who are on Patreon and support me each and every month. It means

the world to me because, all the money that I make help me give into Ellone

and it helps me develop and it helps me get better equipment and get costumes or

you know getting fabrics so I can put together costumes and it's, it's so nice

and yeah, I'm just blabbing... So I just wanted to say that I really appreciate

it and it means the world to me that you are so supportive! It's more than I could

ever wish for. So, thank you so much!!! Okay, so I will move on to showing you how I

package everything. So what the final product looks like when it's ready to

head out towards each and every one of you. Stick around if you want to see how

I do that.

Okay so that was it for today's video. Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you

have any suggestions or if you like the packaging, if I should change something

if there was something you didn't like about it... Your feedback is really helpful

for me and I would gladly receive your criticism if you have any. So okay... See

you all in my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> How I pack my prints for shipping | Ellone Andreea Etsy Shop - Duration: 5:19.


「LIVE」Puyo Puyo eSports (#21): 1v1 - Duration: 1:52:16.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Puyo Puyo eSports (#21): 1v1 - Duration: 1:52:16.


EXCLUSIVE - Triple Frontier Trailer - Duration: 2:38.

I have never had a feeling as pure

or proud

as completing a mission with all of you.

Everything we've done for the last 17 years...

Trying to make a difference...

And we never took a dime.

You've been shot five times for your country,

and you can't even afford to send your kids to college.

I got a job for you.

I'm retired.

Fish, I need a pilot.

I got the new baby now.

This can change you and that baby's life forever.

We finally get to use our skills for our own benefit.

All right. Let's do it.

We're gonna get Gabriel Martin Lorea.

Head of one of the biggest drug cartels.

I've got estimates he's got over $75 million in cash.

If you're not gone forever after you make your move,

we are dead.

You cannot go back to your normal life after tonight.

You guys need to own the fact that what we're about to do is criminal.

Everyone to the office, right now.

Jesus Christ.

Come on!


The guards, they're back. We gotta go.

All right, we can each take a backpack of cash, and we're gone.


There's about $100 million waiting in the van out there.

We are not leaving them any of this money.

What's the alternative here?

We need to hunt quickly.

That's not what I signed up for.

Time's up.



That was a shit show back there, man. We don't leave messes like that!

It wasn't just Lorea's money.

A lot more people are gonna come after you.

You lied to us.

They got every town covered.

So we go through 'em.

It's always a little harder than you think it's gonna be.

It's too late to walk away.

Crash-land here, we all die.

Lose the money!

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE - Triple Frontier Trailer - Duration: 2:38.


আমার জীবনে কেন ভ্যালেন্টাইন ডে নাই !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> আমার জীবনে কেন ভ্যালেন্টাইন ডে নাই !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:36.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA 7 persoons Trekhaak PDC - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA 7 persoons Trekhaak PDC - Duration: 1:12.


Ben Affleck on Ending His Reign as Batman - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Ben Affleck on Ending His Reign as Batman - Duration: 2:29.


Reviewing Top Rated Beauty Products - Tried and Tested: EP149 - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Reviewing Top Rated Beauty Products - Tried and Tested: EP149 - Duration: 9:22.


4 Months Later - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> 4 Months Later - Duration: 1:15.


Ледники в Антарктиде разрушаются глобального мирового потопа не избежать! - Duration: 1:49.

Thwaites Glacier Glacier in western Antarctica, nicknamed

scientists 'the most dangerous in the world' is in a state

destruction and from here it is about to fall off a huge

a piece.

If this glacier is completely destroyed, then it is alone

able to raise the sea level by 65 cm.

The destruction of part of the glacier was filmed by satellite

NASA, after which the article was published in the journal

Science Advances

The picture shows a heavily sagging part of the glacier,

300 meters high and about 4 km long.

According to scientists, a cavity has formed in it, where it leaks

warm sea water and intensified the melting process.

Previously, this cavity contained an estimated 14 billion.

tons of ice.

The Tewäts Glacier flows into Pan Island Bay, the sea

Amundsen and is considered the most vulnerable part of a large

West Antarctic Ice Sheet which

covers an area of ​​about two million square

kilometers and occupies a volume of 25.4 million cubic


At the moment, along with the Tweits glacier, quickly

two other large glaciers are also decreasing in size

West Antarctica - Pan Island and Smith Glacier.

This is due to the fact that the melting of the ice sheet

in recent years, going much faster and falling

snowfall can no longer compensate for the loss.

When all these three glaciers melt and this happens

according to scientists, at least after 200 and at most after

thousand years, then the world ocean level will rise by 3.3


In this case, there is more evidence that

Thawates glacier melting rate increases

every year due to the increase in the average sea temperature

as a result of global warming.

For more infomation >> Ледники в Антарктиде разрушаются глобального мирового потопа не избежать! - Duration: 1:49.


Woman reveals how her bodybuilder Tinder date turned into a 'monster' - Duration: 9:02.

A brave domestic abuse survivor who was repeatedly beaten by a man she met on Tinder has told her story in a bid to help other women come forward

Bethan Thomas-Rowlands, 23, was smitten when she began chatting to Garth Rees, 22

Bethan from Bridgend, south Wales was swept off her feet by the 'charming' bodybuilder who not only impressed her – but was an instant hit with her family

Writing for Fabulous in The Sun, Bethan revealed how her lover turned into a 'monster' when they moved in together, four months after they started dating

He launched a campaign of abuse which would include breaking into her home, fracturing her ribs and emptying a kettle over her

Bethan said her family 'loved' Garth but that as quickly as they fell in love – he began to change

Recalling the first attack, she said: 'I planned to visit my mum on her birthday but Garth had other ideas

He told me I was going nowhere, before wrapping his hands tightly around my throat and squeezing hard

'I sobbed, begging him to stop. I could barely breathe. Then he told me: 'Look at the size of you

If I wanted to hurt you or kill you, I would.' 'Then, moments later, he staggered backwards

He couldn't apologise enough and told me he didn't know what had come over him.'Bethan's boyfriend apologised and begged her to not to leave him, and while she decided to stay, she took snaps of her neck

However, the violence continued.Garth would 'off the handle over the smallest inconvenience' and violently assault Bethan, she told The Sun

He would then tell her to make up excuses for the beatings he told her she 'deserves' like falling down the stairs, Bethan said

She added: 'When Christmas Day arrived, I had to plaster on my most convincing smile

It was the worst Christmas of my entire life, but I couldn't bear to spoil the occasion for my family

'It made me sick to my stomach to see him putting on a show for my parents – playing the impressive, doting boyfriend whilst knowing he was abusing their daughter behind their backs

'Garth had total control over me. He loved dictating who I could be friends with and he'd fly into a rage if I did something he didn't like

'After Bethan's sister told her parents about the abuse it got worse, she said, until one day he fractured her ribs

Bethan said he spat in her face and called her 'fat and ugly'.After months of abuse Garth met someone else, and told Bethan he wanted to break up

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From 'Mr Right' to savage killer: Friend of Tinder stalker. Share this article Share 11 shares She left him and moved in with her parents before buying herself a new home

But Garth did not move on and instead broke into her house after a failed bid to win her back

Bethan wrote: 'I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud bang.'Throwing on my dressing gown, I ran downstairs and to my horror, I found Garth standing in the hallway

'You ruined my life, now I'm going to ruin yours,' he yelled, punching me. 'He then accused me of messaging his new girlfriend and poured the kettle over me – thankfully the water was cold

'I screamed as he dragged me to the floor, stuffing the cord of my dressing gown in my mouth

'He then stole my phone and ran out in the street, before jumping into his car. A passer-by called the police

'Garth Rees, 22, of Bridgend, appeared at Cardiff Crown Court, where he admitted two counts of controlling or coercive behaviour

He was jailed for 16 months and given a five-year restraining order was for Bethan and another woman

Bethan said: 'I was sorely disappointed by his sentence.'He's a danger to himself and to the public – and I don't think he'll ever change

'If he doesn't hurt somebody else, he'll come back for me and finish what he started

'I just hope my story will encourage one other victim of domestic violence to speak out

I might not have got the justice I'd hoped for, but that doesn't mean you won't.'If you are being abused contact the National Domestic Abuse Violence freephone helpline on 0808 2000 247

For more infomation >> Woman reveals how her bodybuilder Tinder date turned into a 'monster' - Duration: 9:02.


Celebrity Big Brother winner Tamar Braxton tells all - Duration: 18:38.

 She may not be able to endure 30 seconds in a haunted house, but Tamar Braxton just survived the scariest house of all: the Big Brother house

And not only did she survive, she thrived! Tamar won season 2 of Celebrity Big Brother in epic fashion, becoming only the second person to ever win a U

S. Big Brother season unanimously (after season 10's Dan Gheesling).  How did she do it? Was she shocked by the result? Whose vote surprised her the most? And does she think Ricky Williams would have won had be brought Lolo Jones or Dina Lohan to the end instead? We asked the new champion all that and more just an hour after she stepped out of the house

(Also make sure to read our exit interview with runner-up Ricky Williams.) Monty Brinton /CBS  ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off congratulations

As a Big Brother superfan, how does it feel? TAMAR BRAXTON: I mean, I can't even really put it into words

It's like the best day on top of the best feeling. I've been watching this show since Chicken George

And I can't believe that I was actually blessed to be a part of it, let alone win

Like, that is crazy to me.  And Tamar, you didn't just win, you become only the second person to ever win unanimously after Dan Gheesling who is a Big Brother legend

You must be freaking out. I am. I'm telling you right now, it hasn't all settled in yet

And, as a matter fact, Omarosa told me that. And I'm like, "I thought I heard Julie say that, but not really

What?" I'm just freaking out. I can't believe it. I can't believe it, I feel like I'm in a dream right now

 This had to have meant more to you than it would have to any of the others just because of your fandom of the show, right? I would hope so

I was actually in the house and people were asking questions about Big Brother and I was getting so annoyed and trying to keep my cool

And we're at the finals and you don't know what happens during the finale show? I'm like, "Oh my God this is an abomination

What?" Like what you talking about? Like, "What's HOH? How can I use the power of veto?" And I'm like, "Are you serious? I want to kick you out of this house right now

"  How did you feel about your chances before the votes were revealed? You're sitting next to Ricky, I'm sure you're doing the jury math in your head

How are you feeling? You know, when you're watching it's totally different than when you're sitting there

And because I am Tamar and I don't think I'm going to win anything because I've never won anything

As a matter of fact, I won Big Brother before I won a Grammy! [Laughs] I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, they're voting for Ricky

Oh, they're voting for Ricky." You know, because Ricky, although he did kind of butt heads with everybody in the house, I mean, let's just be honest, I kind of did too

[Laughs] I spoke my mind, but at the end of the day, I mean, to be honest, I did try to be kind

As kind as I could.  Which jury vote surprised you the most? You know whose vote surprised me? It was Joe

And that's because before he left the house, he and Ricky really did bond. And, I was kind of the reason why Joe left the house because I wanted to keep Kandi safe

And so, I thought that he was going to vote for Rick. And so I'm elated. I can't believe it

I just can't believe it.  Is there anyone you think you couldn't have beaten at the end? There are several people that I couldn't beat at the end

I mean, let me start with Kato, let me start with Tom, let me start with Dina. I didn't think I could beat her

I didn't think I could beat Kandi, she had a lot of friends in the house. I didn't think I could beat Lolo

I mean, when you're in that bubble, you feel like everybody's chances are better than yours

Especially because, yeah I am Tamar and I am outspoken and sometimes loud with it

So, for me, I just thought that I put a huge target on my back for nobody to vote for me

Although, I really did like a lot of people. I feel like I made lifelong friends

I'm at a loss for words. I don't even know what I'm talking about right now. I just can't believe I'm here as the winner

Like this is crazy! Like, what is going on?  Let's say Ricky doesn't bring you to the end

Let's say he brings Dina or Lolo with him to the end. How does he do? Against Lolo, he has a better chance at getting more votes

Basically, Dina was the mama of the house and a lot people respected her. But she absolutely didn't have any game play, really

[Laughs] She didn't win any competitions, and that's not to necessarily say that you were bad at Big Brother

Just for Big Brother fans, it just means that I'm not voting for you. Because I wouldn't have

I would've voted for Ricky because he did win three HOHs and he could've won at the end

And, two Vetoes, especially when it counted. So, I think that he probably would've gotten at least one or two or maybe three votes if he would've brought Lolo

 If he brought Lolo, who do you vote for then? Ricky? Oh for sure, I would've voted for Ricky

 Were you worried your emotions were going to get you in trouble in the house, because you even referenced that in your closing remarks a bit? You know, I was concerned

And I was concerned because it seems like I got into it with people right before they left the house

[Laughs] So, for me, I was really nervous. But, then again, I really had some good moments with everyone in the house

After Kato made his statement, I went up to Kato and we had a heart to heart. And right before Tom left, I told him that I really wanted to hit the reset button and go out to dinner

As a matter of fact, we have a date coming up. And, yeah. I felt like I made a good connection with Ryan and Jonathan as well

 What about your whole arc with Kandi? Because obviously, you guys have a history and then it seemed to go off the rails a little bit in the house there

But then you guys got it back. Yeah, we got it back because we wanted it. We wanted to make amends more than we wanted to fight and that's for the both of us

I just think that's a testament to life. When you want to get along, when you want to do something, and it's another person involved, they've got to want it too

You've got to work at it. And we constantly worked at our relationship in the house

I wasn't too happy to see her face, I'm not going to lie, when I first saw her. But, in the end I'm really grateful that she was there

And I'm really grateful of the friendship that we've been able to have in the house and outside of the house

 You've been watching this show for 19 years. So what ended up being the hardest part about being in there? Oh, let me just tell you something, sharing the bathroom with boys

I just couldn't believe it. I'm like, "Okay, we have to segregate this bathroom. You mean I'm going to take a shower next to Tom Green and Kato and Ricky?! Like, that can't work

" And sharing a toilet room with the boys. That, and also, I'm really good at cooking and I really love cooking, but I'm going to take a break from it because I cooked every single day in the house

 Who'd you end up getting closest to? Who is the person you think you'll have the longest, deepest, relationship with outside the house? Oh, hands down Ricky

Hands down. We've had some magical conversations about life, about astrology, about being positive and the future

I haven't seen the show, so I don't know what you all seen, but he's an amazing human being

And, I'm grateful for him and I'm grateful he took me to the end. Ricky is a great guy and I'll be his sister for life

I was calling him my brother like a week ago. And, I called him my brother because we were able to reach each other on a different level

On a brother, sister, I've known you forever, level.  Okay, tell me about this house you're going to buy

Well, right now, I'm in an apartment. I just … I don't even know if I'm divorced

[Calls out to the room] Does anybody know?  PERSON WITH TAMAR ANSWERS: No, you're not

[Laughs] Okay, when everything went down with [being let go from] The Real, a lot of things changed

And, unfortunately not really in my favor. But, I'm grateful for the person that I've become from all the hardships that I've been through

And the growth that I have received from all the changes that has been made. And so my son and I are going to be moving to a house

And every day he asks me to go back to his old house and that's just not available to him anymore

And I promised him a month and a half ago before I moved into the house that mom will be working hard to not replace it, but build towards our future and getting us a new house

Because we do live in an apartment and that's nothing that I'm ashamed of. Sometimes you've just got to start over to start right

I'll say it again: @TamarBraxtonHer is God's gift to reality television. #BBCeleb pic  — Dalton Ross (@DaltonRoss) February 14, 2019  Related content: Ricky Williams on his fateful Celebrity Big Brother choice Celebrity Big Brother season finale recap: The winner takes it all Celebrity Big Brother winner revealed Celebrity Big Brother type TV Show seasons 1 Genre Reality run date 02/07/18 Cast Julie Chen Network CBS Complete Coverage Celebrity Big Brother

For more infomation >> Celebrity Big Brother winner Tamar Braxton tells all - Duration: 18:38.


Royal Az - The mum of two, who broke her wrist in the crash, said the 'whole thing feels managed'. - Duration: 2:07.

 The woman who broke her wrist when the Duke of Edinburgh pulled out in front of the car she was in can't believe he escaped prosecution

 Emma Fairweather, 46, said: "I don't know if everyone would have been treated that way

"  The mum of two ad­­­­ded: "It's not a shock. I think he surrendered his licence last weekend to avoid prosecution

He will have been heavily advised. The whole thing feels managed."    Philip, 97, could have been charged with driving without due care and attention

But yesterday it was an­­­nounced no action will be taken due to his advancing age and his decision to give up his licence

 Emma was in a Kia driven by pal Ellie Townsend, 28, when the accident happened near the Queen's Sandringham estate four weeks ago

  Ellie suffered cuts to her knee while her baby son was unhurt. The duke wal­­­ked uninjured from his overturned Land Rover

In a letter to Emma expl­aining the decision not to press charges, senior prosecutor Joseph Stickings said he had "considered her views about a prosecution"

 Emma said: "I don't recall saying I didn't want there to be a prosecution. It's baffling

"  The CPS said: "We decided it would not be in the public interest to prosecute." Read More Top news stories today

For more infomation >> Royal Az - The mum of two, who broke her wrist in the crash, said the 'whole thing feels managed'. - Duration: 2:07.


Garnorax Male Enhancement — World Best Male Libido Enhancer Formula - Duration: 1:55.

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For more infomation >> Garnorax Male Enhancement — World Best Male Libido Enhancer Formula - Duration: 1:55.


How to make decorative tree pot (With English Caption) - Duration: 32:34.


This is a tree pot made using cement for garden decoration

It's a leaf style pot. I take the help of a big leaf to make it

this one is also made the same way

now I will show you how I built this pot from the beginning

this is an aluminum net

I am using this net so that the soil doesn't move out through the hole present in the pot

you can also use bricks piece instead of this net

now I am spreading some wooden husk over it

over that, I am spreading some soil

this is the mixed soil which I generally used in tree pots

I am planting this plant here, for now

separate some soil here to set it

now you can decorate it by spreading some gravels over the soil, it also helps in keeping the soil intact, I will do it later

now see I will plant a cactus plant here

I have made the plant at home.

this is a very easy process. just take these small buds that are coming out from the sides and plant it

but please do it very carefully, it has many thorns over it which may pierce your hand.

For more infomation >> How to make decorative tree pot (With English Caption) - Duration: 32:34.


Talking Education with Tanya Plibersek - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Talking Education with Tanya Plibersek - Duration: 2:03.


Possible hotels for Kim and Trump say their bookings are full, but security is not too tight yet - Duration: 2:31.

so in less than two weeks away from the second North Korea summit Viet Nam's

foreign minister and protocol chief wrapped up their visit to the north on

Thursday and now we're expecting the to negotiating size of Vietnam to put their

summit preparations into high gear for more or less connecter easy one who is

in the host city of Hanoi that's you and tell us where you are and do you see any

signs that preparations have already started soon I'm now standing in front

of the Sofitel legend Metropole Hanoi now this is one of the likely places

where North Korean leader Kim jong-un is to stay during his summit with President

Donald Trump nips next week now the security here isn't ITA ask the hotel

reception about the room availability they said they cannot take reservations

from February 25th to 28th because it's almost full and also as they have quote

delegations staying here now when I try to confirm if she means the North Korean

delegation will be staying in the hotel she said it's confidential there are a

number of other places that have been mentioned for Kim stay including de

Melia Hanoi and the state guesthouse that's located very close to the North

Korean embassy but when we called email yeah Hanoi they said the delegation will

be staying elsewhere and neither side seemed to have any ongoing preparations

for a state leaders visit from what we saw outside now yesterday we also went

to the JW Marriott hotel that's where president Trump is widely expected to

stay the security wasn't too tight there yet but we did have some difficulties we

were approached by the hotel personnel telling us that we can only film the

hotel close up with our phones and the Vietnam National Convention Center just

next day JW Marriott seemed to be tighter on security it's speculated to

be the summit venue but we were blocked from passing by the street next to it or

even filming it all right chew on that what's the

atmosphere like there and the Vietnamese people excited for this historic event

happening in their country yes Jian oh well we went to the North Korean embassy

late last night but there was no significant sign of preparations for the

summit and as for locals they don't really seem to be aware or that bothered

of the upcoming historic summit they all seem to be going about their daily lives

and that's all from me for now but I will be updating updating you on the

latest from here Hanoi

For more infomation >> Possible hotels for Kim and Trump say their bookings are full, but security is not too tight yet - Duration: 2:31.


【6人合唱】ピーナツバタージェリーラブ | Peanut Butter Jelly Love - Country Girls 【歌ってみた】Happy Valentines Day! ♥ - Duration: 4:36.

[ Awaka ]

[ All ]

[ All ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika | Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Miuky ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Rii ]

[ Rii | Maika | Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Ayuna | Miuky ]

[ All ]

[ Maika ]

[ All ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ All ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Miuky | Ayuna ]

[ Awaka | Rii | Maika ]

[ All ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Maika ]

[ Awaka | Icchan ]

[ Rii | Miuky ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika ]

[ All ]

[ Awaka ]

[ All ]

[ Rii ]

[ Maika ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Miuky ]

[ All ]

[ Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika ]

[ Icchan ]

[ All ]

[ All ]

[ Maika ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Maika | Awaka | Miuky ]

[ All ]

[ Rii ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Rii | Miuky ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Icchan ]

[ All ]

[ Icchan | Maika ]

[ Ayuna | Miuky ]

[ Awaka | Rii ]

[ Awaka ]

Happy Valentines Day~!

For more infomation >> 【6人合唱】ピーナツバタージェリーラブ | Peanut Butter Jelly Love - Country Girls 【歌ってみた】Happy Valentines Day! ♥ - Duration: 4:36.


Lawrence's Last Word: The Candidates Vote | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Lawrence's Last Word: The Candidates Vote | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 4:42.


Maldición de Jenni Rivera persigue a Luz Ramos o coincidencia? - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Maldición de Jenni Rivera persigue a Luz Ramos o coincidencia? - Duration: 2:35.


Trees and Binary Trees -- Swift 4.2, Xcode 10 - - Duration: 11:16.

- You've got an overview of what a tree is.

Now it's time to focus on one in particular,

the binary tree.

They're the foundation for a lot of other tree structures

and instrumental in many algorithms as well.

Binary trees, like all trees,

are made up of a hierarchical collection of nodes.

And like all tree nodes, those nodes hold some data

and keep track of their child nodes.

What turns a tree into a binary tree

is the simple constraint

that each node have, at most, two child nodes,

and that is actually enough information to get us started.

- [Jessy] You now know that a tree is made up of nodes,

so start by creating a BinaryNode class.

That's a generic type

like the others you've implemented in this course.

Remember that in all trees, nodes have a value.

We've also told you

the essential constraint of a binary tree.

Each parent can have, at most, two child nodes.

They're usually called the left child and right child,

so create an optional variable for each.

And we'll need an initializer to set value.

To build a binary tree, all we need to do

is create and connect a bunch of binary nodes.

- [Catie] Jump over to BinaryTreeTestCase.swift to do that.

We'll create all of the nodes inside a closure

and they'll just contain some Ints.

Executing that closure defines a tree that looks like this.

- [Jessy] If you'd like a way

to visualize your binaries trees in the debugger

instead of having to draw them out,

we've included a handy extension for you

back in BinaryTree.swift.

Jump back and uncomment that extension.

And then back in the test class,

print the tree's description.

Open the debugger with Shift + Command + Y

and find your tree diagram.

- [Catie] Now we have a binary tree,

but what can we do with it?

How do we go through a tree

like we might iterate through an array?

- Iterating through a tree

is commonly referred to as traversal.

Because trees aren't linear like an array,

traversing trees is a little more complicated

than just going from left to right.

Should nodes in the left have precedence?

How should the depth of a node relate to its precedence?

The answers to those questions

will depend on the problem you're trying to solve.

There are some general styles of traversal

that can be used with any tree.

Depth first traversal starts at the root node

and traverses all the way down one branch

visiting nodes as it goes

and exhausts that branch before backtracking.

A level order traversal also starts at the root

but then visits all the nodes at each level

before dropping down to the next level.

There are also some traversal algorithms

particular to binary trees

and the first one we'll implement is in-order traversal.

- [Catie] You might think of traversing a tree like a ship

sailing along the coast of a strangely shaped island.

Each node is a port it might visit as it sails along,

but it doesn't necessarily have to visit a port it passes.

A traversal algorithm tells the ship

what order to visit the nodes in.

In our examples, each time the ship visits a node,

it will record the value of that node in the ship's log.

In-order traversal descends all the way down the tree

and visits the nodes on the ascent,

stopping at the left child, then the parent,

and then the right child.

To visit the nodes in this tree using in-order traversal,

our ship starts traveling from the root.

Passes the first left child node

because that node still has a left child to explore,

and moves down to that left child.

Having moved all the way down to a leaf node,

the ship visits that node with a value of zero.

Then sails on to visit its parent with a value of one.

And finally, the ship exhausts this branch

by visiting the right child and picking up five.

Then the ship sails up the tree to visit the root node

and records the value seven.

Now it can traverse the right side of the tree.

The first node it finds has a child,

so it continues down to visit its left child

and collects the value eight.

The ship sails back up to visit eight's parent

and records its value, nine.

This node has no right child, so the traversal is finished.

Let's give that a try in code.

- [Jessy] Create an extension of BinaryNode

to store your traversal methods.

And start the first one traverseInOrder.

It works like so.

If the current node has a left child,

recursively visit that child first.

Then visit the node itself.

And if the current node has a right child,

recursively visit that child.

- [Catie] To see if that's working,

jump over to the test file

and in the traverseInOrder test, create an empty testArray.

Then use the traverseInOrder method to traverse the tree.

And in the closure, append the value of each node

to the testArray.

And finally, compare the testArray

to what you expect to see.

You can use the diagram we made with the ship

to create the expected result.

- [Jessy] Another type of traversal algorithm

is pre-order traversal.

This type of traversal always visits the current node first,

then visits the left and right children recursively.

Once again, you descend

all the way down one side of the tree

before heading back up to explore the other.

In this type of traversal,

the ship will always visit every node as it passes.

To traverse this tree using pre-order traversal,

our ship starts at the root node

and records that value, seven.

Then it sails down to visit the left child, one.

And continues down to the left to visit zero.

Now it can visit one's right child, five.

Then the ship travels back up

to find the root's right child and visits nine.

And finally, the ship visits the only child nine has, eight.

Eight has no children of its own,

marking the end of this pre-order traversal journey.

- [Catie] The method for pre-order traversal

will use all of the same code, just in a different order.

So, start by copying traverseInOrder,

pasting that just below, and renaming it traversePreOrder.

As Jessy said, this algorithm visits the current node first,

so move that call to visit to the top of the method.

Then the left child is recursively visited

followed by the right child.

These lines are in the correct order,

so we just need to change the method name

to traversePreOrder.

- [Jessy] To test this one, head back to the test file

and copy the contents of the previous test

into the next one.

Change the method to traversePreOrder.

And update the expected result in the assertion.

Again, we can refer to the diagram we made earlier.

- [Catie] The last type of binary tree traversal

we'll explore is post-order traversal.

This one only visits a node

after all of its children have been visited

starting with the left child.

So, our ship begins its final journey at seven again.

Passes the first node,

visits the leaf node there to record zero.

Then visits the right leaf node five.

Now, it can visit their parent and records its value, one.

The ship passes the root node again.

It can't visit that root

until all of the children have been visited.

So it travels down past nine to visit its left child, eight.

And then sails up to visit nine

because nine has no right child.

And finally, visits the root node seven.

Seven being the root node has no parent,

so the post-order traversal journey is done.

- [Jessy] Again, all of the ingredients we need

to implement a post-order traversal algorithm

are already written.

Make a copy of traversePreOrder

and change the name to PostOrder.

In a post-order traversal, the current node is visited

only after both of its children are visited,

so we'll visit down to the bottom of the method.

And we still want to visit the left child recursively

before the right child,

so the other two lines are in the right place.

Just update the method call to traversePostOrder

and we're ready to test the last traversal algorithm.

- [Catie] As you may have guessed,

you can just copy the contents of the previous test

and paste them into the test for traversePostOrder.

Change the method to PostOrder.

And finally, update the expected result

based on the diagram we made.

- [Jessy] And that's it, three different ways

to traverse your binary tree.

For more infomation >> Trees and Binary Trees -- Swift 4.2, Xcode 10 - - Duration: 11:16.


Nożyk obrotowy fiskars - unboxing - Duration: 1:20.

Hi, my name is Dorota Freitag, I'm from

Today I have for you my opinion about fiskars product - I am unboxing and trying new cutter.

It is new for me.

I would like to use it for the first time with you.

This cutter is rotary and it helps to cut out decoupage paper (classic).

I need the pad - I already had it.

You will find a little instruction on the cutter.

I start cutting.

The first impression is ... WOW!

It feels so soft under the finger because of the rubber handle.

It is very comfortable, sharp and easy to cut with.

You can replace the "knife".

My opinion is very positive and I am happy to share it with you.

I will definitely use it during my workshops.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Nożyk obrotowy fiskars - unboxing - Duration: 1:20.


Ferma 2019. Carmen Negoiță a făcut-o pe Brigitte să plângă! «Nu răstălmăci Biblia și nu fi perversă» - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Ferma 2019. Carmen Negoiță a făcut-o pe Brigitte să plângă! «Nu răstălmăci Biblia și nu fi perversă» - Duration: 4:53.


✅ Vídeo: Frota reage a acusações contra o PSL e esmaga laranja na Câmara - Duration: 1:21.

 O deputado federal Alexandre Frota (PSL-SP) esmagou uma laranja na tribuna do plenário da Câmara na manhã desta quinta-feira (14/2) ao comentar as acusações contra seu partido, que vive uma crise após a Folha de S

Paulo revelar esquema de candidaturas laranjas. "Laranja podre, no PSL, será esmagada", disse Frota, esmagando com a mão a fruta que retirou do bolso ao final do discurso que fez na tribuna

São informações da Folha de S.Paulo.  No mesmo discurso, Frota, que já atuou em filmes adultos, disse que um deputado do PSol, a quem apelidou de "vovô Smurf", o chamou de "ator pornô"

 "Não sabia que ele era meu fã. Mas a verdadeira pornografia está lá do outro lado

Vendo o PSol falar, os meus filmes parecem 'Sessão da Tarde'", disse o parlamentar

 Após a encenação, funcionários do plenário disseram que a equipe de limpeza teve que entrar em ação para higienizar a tribuna, coberta por um carpete

 Assista ao vídeo com Frota e a laranja:  

For more infomation >> ✅ Vídeo: Frota reage a acusações contra o PSL e esmaga laranja na Câmara - Duration: 1:21.





CuadroXCuadro: 'Annie Hall' o todo lo que no debes hacer en una relación - Duration: 7:10.

Su ideología nazi no es un secreto, y desde hace algunos años se reveló al mundo (a través de una interpretación de algunos textos, irónicamente) que no se trató de un error, sino de una realidad que muchos han pensado pudo haber influido su obra

Esto no es seguro. Si Heidegger era nazi y antisemita, poco tiene que ver con sus teorías sobre la estética y el arte

O al menos, pensar así resulta más sencillo para cualquiera que se ha sentido atraído hacia sus ideas

Entonces, ¿hemos de sentir culpa por leerlo y concordar con su pensamiento ahora que sabemos la verdad de su persona e ideología política? Y peor aún, ¿su obra tiene la capacidad de transformarse?, ¿pierde valor o veracidad? Lo mismo sucede con uno de los más grandes poetas franceses que para su infortunio, era "maldito"

Estamos hablando de Charles Baudelaire, un poeta que encontró belleza en la decadencia y que le regaló al mundo una serie de poemas cuya profundidad no se puede poner en duda

Entre ellos, hay algunos sobre la belleza y la mujer como objeto de deseo: "Un relámpago

Noche. Fugitiva belleza cuya mirada me hizo, de un golpe, renacer. Salvo en la eternidad, ¿no he de verte jamás?"

Algunos estudios sobre su obra literaria y Baudelaire, apuntan a que el poeta era un misógino, algo que en la actualidad resulta inconcebible para un artista que, en teoría, debería definir sus horizonte a un lado contrario

De este modo, ¿su obra más grande como Las flores del mal pierde valor o veracidad? Aquellas que actualmente defienden el lugar de la mujer, con justa razón, pero son lectoras de Baudelaire, ¿han de verse contrariadas? Otro gran ejemplo es Woody Allen, un cineasta icónico con un historial fílmico impresionante

A finales de la década de los 60 fue que comenzó su carrera como guionista, productor, director y actor, recibiendo un total de cuatro premios Oscar

Su fama mundial y el reconocimiento como una de las figuras más grandes del cine, lo salvaron cuando su hija Dylan Farrow lo acusó de haber abusado sexualmente de ella cuando era una niña

En una carta publicada el 1 de febrero de 2018 en The New York Times, Dylan reveló su infancia con Allen, marcada supuestamente por el abuso

Pro fue hasta 2018 cuando Allen se enfrentó al escrutinio público marcado por los movimiento de igualdad de género y denuncia como #MeToo y Time's Up

La última cinta de Allen junto con Amazon, A Rainy Day in New York, parece nunca tendrá un estreno y ya han sido varias las celebridades que han negado su relación profesional con el director

¿Estas acusaciones han de manchar su obra fílmica, demeritar la calidad de sus producciones y borrar la trascendencia de sus personajes? Allen, como mencionamos, es un ícono de la industria del cine

Tiene bajo su nombre poco más de 40 producciones fílmicas, y que en algunas participó como director, guionista y protagonista

Una de las más grandes, sino es que la más conocida, es Annie Hall, ganadora del Oscar en 1978 para Mejor Película

Este galardón no se libró de las controversias y críticas. Annie Hall venció a The Goodbye Girl, Julia, The Turning Point, y el punto de quiebre, a Star Wars: Episode IV

Esta comedia romántica también se llevó Mejor Guión Original y Director para Allen, la primera junto a Marshall Brickman, y Mejor Actriz para Diane Keaton, una de sus musas (quien también lo defendió durante las acusaciones más fuertes)

Annie Hall nos presenta a Alvy Singer, un hombre de mediana edad dedicado a la comedia, típico del universo de Allen: nervioso, bajo estrés constante, ágil en sus comentarios pero un completo fracaso para la estabilidad de pareja

Singer, durante la película, intenta descubrir qué salió mal de su relación romántica con Annie Hall, una mujer liberal pero con ideas concretas de su vida a futuro

Para Allen, esta cinta representa un antes y un después. Sus trabajos previos como Everything you always wanted to know about sex (But were afraid to ask) y Love and Death, son graciosos con un límite difuso entre el humor negro y el drama

En cambio, Annie Hall es distinta, es graciosa pero también es profunda y reflexiva, incluso triste

Annie Hall, a través de Alvy Singer y alimentado de Annie, es todo lo que una relación no debe ser o hacer

Pero también es todo lo contrario. Es la declaración de autenticidad de una persona que, con seguridad, afirma que no va a dejar antiguas dependencias por las razones que sean como miedo o comodidad

Annie Hall es, sin duda, la película más seria de Allen que nos regaló, también, frases memorables y orgánicas, al igual que las relaciones

Es decir, se aplican a diversas circunstancias y los principios más básicos no se caducan ni adecúan

For more infomation >> CuadroXCuadro: 'Annie Hall' o todo lo que no debes hacer en una relación - Duration: 7:10.


Dalla teoria alla pratica, composizione con incastri e fresate per decorare - Duration: 14:39.

For more infomation >> Dalla teoria alla pratica, composizione con incastri e fresate per decorare - Duration: 14:39.


【6人合唱】ピーナツバタージェリーラブ | Peanut Butter Jelly Love - Country Girls 【歌ってみた】Happy Valentines Day! ♥ - Duration: 4:36.

[ Awaka ]

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[ Icchan ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika | Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Miuky ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Rii ]

[ Rii | Maika | Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Ayuna | Miuky ]

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[ Maika ]

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[ Icchan ]

[ Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

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[ Miuky ]

[ Maika ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Icchan | Miuky | Ayuna ]

[ Awaka | Rii | Maika ]

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[ Ayuna ]

[ Maika ]

[ Awaka | Icchan ]

[ Rii | Miuky ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Maika ]

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[ Awaka ]

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[ Rii ]

[ Maika ]

[ Icchan ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Miuky ]

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[ Rii ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Miuky ]

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[ Maika ]

[ Awaka ]

[ Maika | Awaka | Miuky ]

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[ Rii ]

[ Miuky ]

[ Rii | Miuky ]

[ Ayuna ]

[ Icchan ]

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[ Icchan | Maika ]

[ Ayuna | Miuky ]

[ Awaka | Rii ]

[ Awaka ]

Happy Valentines Day~!

For more infomation >> 【6人合唱】ピーナツバタージェリーラブ | Peanut Butter Jelly Love - Country Girls 【歌ってみた】Happy Valentines Day! ♥ - Duration: 4:36.


Virginia Cavaliers getting ready for the upcoming baseball season - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Virginia Cavaliers getting ready for the upcoming baseball season - Duration: 3:40.


✅ Alice Wegmann assume namoro: 'Tenho sido tão feliz' - Área VIP - Duration: 2:16.

 A atriz Alice Wegmann usou seu Instagram, nesta quinta-feira (14), para assumir o seu namoro com o agente artístico e cozinheiro Miguel Ribas Gastal

 Ela compartilhou algumas fotos do casal no 'Valentine's Day', o Dia dos Namorados no exterior, e na legenda do post contou um pouco da relação dos dois

 "Ele me disse: 'queria propor um diálogo', silêncio breve, 'eu já não sei bem de como te chamar

Acho que chegamos no ponto em que tá faltando uma palavra, não que isso importe tanto mas queria saber o que você acha?' Silêncio longo, então eu disse: 'não que eu tenha a necessidade de rotular nada, acho que a gente se entende e isso basta, mas eu concordo'

Tenho sido tão feliz com você por perto, já não sabia mais o que era um namoro, mas na minha cabeça é basicamente isso o que a gente tem", começou o texto

 "Pensei: eu durmo lá, ele dorme aqui, mensagens de manhã, de tarde, de noite, pra contar as novidades, do vizinho e cafuné pra gente dormir sossegado

Ele me empresta a blusa verde do Bob Marley que combina com nossos olhos de girassol e ri da minha cabeça avoada e joga água quando o blindex embaça pra continuar me vendo quando saio do banho antes e a gente se bota pra cima e quer estar junto mais e mais e tem sido o suficiente

Então ele me disse: 'eu tô seguro', eu tô segura também, eaí eaí. Você quer ser meu namorado? #happyvalentines, que a gente continue tendo a liberdade pra se escolher e pra aprender um com o outro mais um tanto", escreveu ela

 Conheça o novo namorado da atriz – Deslize:    Alice não assumia nenhum relacionamento desde 2016, quando terminou seu relacionamento com Pedro Malan

 + Após BBB19, Gustavo reata namoro com repórter do Faustão Luisa Mell reata casamento com o empresário Gilberto Zaborowsky  Foi assim, na festa de aniversário de 4 anos do filho do casal, Enzo, que Luisa Mell e Gilberto Zaborowsky reataram o casamento

 Na hora do parabéns, o casal trocou beijos e foi aplaudido pelos convidados

Veja os clicks!  Veja também:  Alice Wegmann fala sobre sua nova personagem em 'Órfãos da Terra' Ex-BBB Gleici Damasceno desmente fim de namoro com Wagner e exibe lindo presente Rômulo Arantes Neto fala sobre os boatos de namoro com Kéfera Buchmann

For more infomation >> ✅ Alice Wegmann assume namoro: 'Tenho sido tão feliz' - Área VIP - Duration: 2:16.


✅ Alejandro Amenábar se separa e namora com médico de 24 anos - Duration: 1:03.

O cineasta chileno Alejandro Amenábar já está em um novo relacionamento, após seu divórcio no ano passado do consultor financeiro David Blanco

O diretor de filmes como Os Outros, Mar Adentro e Regressão, está saindo, desde o verão passado, com um jovem médico espanhol de 24 anos, 23 anos mais novo que ele, segundo o jornal espanhol El País

Segundo a publicação, o relacionamento começou logo após o estudante se formar em Medicina pela Universidade Rey Juan Carlos, na Espanha

De acordo com a imprensa local, o jovem não acompanhou o diretor na festa dos prêmios Goya - o Oscar do cinema espanhol - dia 2 de fevereiro, porque ele estava se preparando para as provas para médico residente

For more infomation >> ✅ Alejandro Amenábar se separa e namora com médico de 24 anos - Duration: 1:03.


✅ Amigos e familiares se despedem de Deise Cipriano, do Fat Family - Duration: 2:00.

 Amigos, familiares e fãs se despedem da cantora Deise Cipriano, do grupo Fat Family, que morreu de câncer no fígado na última terça-feira (12/2)

Com velório aberto ao público, o corpo da artista está sendo velado desde 3h da manhã desta quarta (13), na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo

 Simony, ex-integrante da Turma do Balão Mágico, foi uma das que fez questão de dar seu adeus para a amiga, de quem era amiga há 23 anos

"Ela tinha a voz mais linda que já ouvi, uma voz inigualável que não teve seu devido valor porque hoje o dinheiro manda mais que o talento", afirmou a cantora a revista Quem

Simony acompanhou Deise durante o tratamento do câncer. Em publicação no Instagram, disse ter ficado "sem chão" ao saber da morte da amiga

Amigos e familiares se despedem de Deise Cipriano, do Fat Family   10 FOTOS  Já Talita Cipriano, filha única de Deise e ex-participante do The Voice Kids, ganhou palavras de consolo dos amigos

O corpo de Deise será sepultado às 17h, no Cemitério Vale dos Reis, e também será aberto ao público

 Câncer no fígadoDeise enfrentava um câncer no fígado desde agosto do ano passado, e passou duas temporadas em UTIs

Ela estava em casa há quase um mês fazendo exames de rotina, e se submeteu a uma sessão de quimioterapia no dia 31 de janeiro

 Com náuseas, febre e dificuldade para se alimentar, foi internada na UTI do Instituto do Câncer de São Paulo na segunda-feira (11/2)

Porém, na manhã de terça (12), foi sedada e entubada após ter uma falta de ar e queda da pressão arterial

Acabou falecendo aos 39 anos.  

For more infomation >> ✅ Amigos e familiares se despedem de Deise Cipriano, do Fat Family - Duration: 2:00.


Ferma 2019. Jorge a fost eliminat de Silviu Țolu și s-a întors la familia sa - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Ferma 2019. Jorge a fost eliminat de Silviu Țolu și s-a întors la familia sa - Duration: 4:01.


Dost say Mazaaq | Pasport,Papo,Neko,Dittu,ManzorKirlo,Airport | Funny Clips By Pendu Bachy 😍😀😀 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Dost say Mazaaq | Pasport,Papo,Neko,Dittu,ManzorKirlo,Airport | Funny Clips By Pendu Bachy 😍😀😀 - Duration: 5:38.


Kim Kardashian neagă că şi-a făcut operaţie la nas. Ea explică de ce arată, totuşi, diferit - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian neagă că şi-a făcut operaţie la nas. Ea explică de ce arată, totuşi, diferit - Duration: 1:53.


New Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki Song 2019 || Saraiki Song || Latest Punjabi And Saraiki - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> New Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki Song 2019 || Saraiki Song || Latest Punjabi And Saraiki - Duration: 8:04.


Kinga Rusin pokazała w walentynki coś niesamowitego. Fani się rozpłynęli - Duration: 5:02.

 Kinga Rusin postanowiła pochwalić się specjalnym zdjęciem. Gwiazda TVN pokazała w walentynki swoją romantyczną duszę

Internauci rozpływają się nad szczęściem dziennikarki. Kinga Rusin jest dziś jedną z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych dziennikarek

Jest aktywna na wielu płaszczyznach: jako prowadząca „Dzień Dobry TVN", właścicielka ekologicznych kosmetyków, również jako wpływowa aktywistka działająca na rzecz praw zwierząt

Kinga Rusin pokazała się w walentynki. Fani są zachwyceni Jej konto na Instagramie śledzi ponad 400 tysięcy fanów

Nie ma szans, by aktywność Kingi Rusin w social media przeszła niezauważenie. Tym bardziej w taki dzień jak walentynki

Sama gwiazda zadbała dziś o romantyczną otoczę święta. I to jak. Paweł Domagała z córką Ferdka z Kiepskich wzbudzili emocje

Wygląd żony muzyka jest nieziemski  Dziennikarka postanowiła zaakcentować święto zakochanych

Wybrała klasyczny, ale za to jak romantyczny sposób. Publika zachwyca się dziś zdjęciem Kingi Rusin i jej ukochanego o zachodzie słońca

 Fani rozpływają się nad uczuciem płynącym ze zdjęcia. Czy magia chwili przekuwa się na życie gwiazdy? Wielu widzi w szczęściu dziennikarki nadzieję

 – Uwielbiam panią, ponieważ trzyma Pani fason. Niezależnie od sytuacji. Fajna z Pani Kobieta

Myślę, że pokazała Pani innym, że z rożnych kryzysów można wyjść zwycięsko dla samej siebie

Dużo szczęścia życzę przede wszystkim Pani i Wam – pisze jedna z fanek śledzących Kingę Rusin na Instagramie

 Kolejni internauci dziękują za tak miłosny przekaz. Zdają sobie sprawę, że mimo życiowych rozterek i trudnych relacji damsko-męskich wygrywa szczęście

 – Pani Kingo daje Pani nadzieję, że można jeszcze uwierzyć w miłość, wszystkiego najpiękniejszego – pisze kolejny z internautów

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ I FILMEM – Kingo, cudowne, bardzo romantyczne zdjęcie

Życzę Państwu dużo miłości i słońca w sercach na całe życie – głosi kolejny z komentarzy, które pokazuje zadowolenie fanów

 Bez odpowiedzi pozostaje jednak pytanie o mężczyznę na zdjęciu. Dziennikarka była związana z Markiem Kujawą, jednak w ostatnich miesiącach media „kolorowe" rozpisywały się o jej zbliżeniu z byłym mężem, Tomaszem Lisem

 Gwieździe pozostaje pogratulować Walentynek pełnych szczęścia spędzonych w ramionach ukochanego mężczyzny

  ZOBACZ TAKŻE:   źródło: Instagram

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