Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2019

 El ex conseller catalán Josep Rull ha negado "legitimidad moral" al Tribunal Constitucional, al que ha acusado de actuar al dictado del Gobierno para dejar en su mínima expresión la autonomía de Cataluña durante el procés

"El Tribunal Constitucional se ha dejado instrumentalizar", ha declarado el ex conseller de Territorio y Sostenibilidad en el juicio al 1-O a preguntas de la ex fiscal general Consuelo Madrigal, que le pide 16 años de prisión por rebelión con malversación

 Rull ha reconocido que recibió media docena de resoluciones del Constitucional informándole personalmente del bloqueo de diversas resoluciones de la Generalitat y conminándoles a no seguir adelante con el referéndum

A continuación ha criticado la urgencia con la que actuó en todo momento el tribunal, así como la aplicación sistemática del artículo que permite la suspensión inmediata de las decisiones recurridas, que se convirtió en "normal" cuando debía ser "excepcional"

La consecuencia es que, a su juicio, "la autonomía de Cataluña quedaba absolutamente minimizada"

 "El Constitucional tiene un déficit de autoridad moral. Es mi convicción y es una convicción compartida por personas relevantes en el mundo jurídico, político y con cierta autoridad moral", ha afirmado Rull, que ha vuelto en varias ocasiones sobre la "falta de legitimidad moral" del TC

 Rull ha recuperado este miércoles la fórmula con la que el martes el ex consellerTurull trató de explicar por qué el Govern no acató la suspensión del referéndum: porque había que "ponderar" esa resolución con el mandato de las urnas

"El dilema es imperio de la ley -principio democrático. Nosotros ponderábanos siempre los dos elementos"

 Los ataques al TC han llegado al tiempo que el Constitucional notificaba la sentencia en la que anulaba el intento del Parlament de investir como president a Carles Puigdemont sin que este tuviera que comparecer ante la Cámara

"La celebración del debate de investidura sin estar presente en el Parlamento el candidato privaría a la Cámara de elementos de juicio necesarios para que pudiera valorar si el candidato propuesto merece o no su confianza, por lo que afectaría a una garantía necesaria para asegurar el correcto ejercicio de la función representativa", afirma el TC, que añade que "una investidura en ausencia vulneraría el derecho de los diputados a ejercer su cargo público sin perturbaciones ilegítimas y de conformidad con lo previsto en la ley y los principios constitucionales, lo que conllevaría, a su vez, la lesión del derecho de los ciudadanos a participar en los asuntos públicos a través de sus representantes"

 Rull es el quinto acusado en declarar y el quinto que lo hace en castellano. Como los anteriores, ha protestado por la decisión del tribunal de no conceder una traducción simultánea, sino sucesiva

Antes de escuchar el reproche, el presidente del tribunal, Manuel Marchena, ha informado a las partes de que va a acelerar el ritmo de la vista oral y que en el mes de marzo habrá sesión de juicio tres días más de los previstos

El Supremo acelera el juicio con más sesiones en marzo La sala del Tribunal Supremo ha acordado acelerar el juicio en las próximas semanas, añadiendo sesiones que no estaban previstas para el próximo mes de marzo, con las elecciones generales del 28 de abril próximo en perspectiva

El presidente de la sala, Manuel Marchena, ha anunciado este miércoles a las partes algunos cambios en el calendario previsto para el juicio, con lo que las tres primeras semanas de marzo habrá sesión también los lunes, además de los martes, miércoles y jueves, programados inicialmente, informa Efe

  La sala acordó ayer señalar para la semana próxima las declaraciones del ex presidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy, el ex presidente catalán Artur Mas y el presidente del Parlament, Roger Torrent, entre otros políticos citados como testigos, con la intención de alejarlos de la campaña electoral

For more infomation >> Rull niega "legitimidad moral" al Constitucional y le acusa de dejarse "instrumentalizar" por el Gob - Duration: 6:13.


El Gran Camino. Almería, Granada y Málaga - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> El Gran Camino. Almería, Granada y Málaga - Duration: 1:02.


The Garage - Roland y el Fabuloso Mundo Textil de Continental - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> The Garage - Roland y el Fabuloso Mundo Textil de Continental - Duration: 5:20.


Cuando le dices "basta" a un viaje - Duration: 11:58.

From Liberia I arrived in the city of Man, in Ivory Coast.

I found a hotel...

It cost me 3.000 CFA.

It's 5,5 USD.

And this is what you obtain.

You need to poop outside...

But you can take a shower here. I am washing my clothes.

This is the best you can obtain for 3.000 CFA.

And this one is really cheap because the ones that cost 25 USD are not much better.

I took all the mud out of my bicycle, washed my clothes and went to the mountain to walk.

It's a farmers area.

But there were a few meters to the viewpoint where there was nobody.

There I was met by one of the former guides who, according to what they told me, now dedicates himself to stealing and assaulting the visitors.

He tried to attack me physically but he could not because I got blind brute force.

All that happened was that I was left with some scratches and without a cell phone.

So I owe you the videos. Let's see some pictures.

I told you this very simplified, right?

Luckily there was a Lebanese in the city who helped me and accommodated me.

He helped me to find a new cell phone. A really cheap one.

And he took me to see the monkeys!

And he advised me not to go to Abidjan, the capital, by bicycle because I would have to go through at least one very dangerous place, even for locals.

So I took a bus.

Neither the first nor the last time, right?

I stayed like two weeks in Abidjan and I had a great time there.

I tried to exchange money and get photocopies for two hours.

I didn't manage to change money because they say that the dollars I have are old and they want to give me much less. And no.

So... What I am doing is...

To get photocopies, a Lebanese helped me. I am loving them, they help me every time.

He made me go up to his office and took the photocopies for free.

And now I have to take two buses to Cocody to the Ghanian embassy (50 degrees).

And they cheated me to buy food. They overcharged me and I'm eating a bread with nothing inside.

Ivory Coast is being hard.

But well...

I I became friends with a Lebanese group.

I am having a Lebanese breakfast.

With Arab bread, satar, pizza...

And mint tea.

I became friends with a big group of Argentinians working in Ivory Coast.

I am in the house of some Spaniards and an Argentine!

From San Juan province!

But he is not cooking meat. What is it?


And here we have a Ivorian cat that speaks Argentine (Spanish).

Well, he understands...

I was surprised at how big and developed the city is compared to the others I had seen in Africa.

We just celebrated a birthday party. Look at this...

This is the "plateau" of Abidjan, the city centre.

An amazing view...

I went to the nearby beaches.

We are in Assinie.

Assinie beach.

to reach the beach you need to go through a bar.

And, I went to continue the trip by bicycle.

But this time without camera.

It's 6 am. It's just dawning.

I'm going to the road but I'm not going to record because Abidjan is a big city and everyone knows what a video camera is.

I am eating rice with something spicy.

A wheel went flat. I did 50 km in 5 hours but now I stopped because I am very tired.

I'm very slow... I just bought too much water and I don't know where I'm going to put it...

I miss the motorbike.

The trucks pass me really close by the side. They expect me to go to the sand but if I do that I fall. I just fell.

I am going to continue to Gana.

When I arrived at the border with Gana, it was raining really hard.

And it's going to rain like this for 2 or 3 hours...

It's terrible!

They didn't let me sleep in the immigration office because the area was militarized.

But they allowed me to put my tent inside of the police office.

The next day I went by bicycle to a nearby town.

I stayed at the house of a teacher who took me to rural schools.

The body parts.

The city, that for me was really small, was kinda charming.

And there was a fort next to a beach where you weren't allowed to bathe, I don't know why.

But the fort was ok.

Fort of 1663 used for the slave trade.

I am here and I need to burn time... 5 hours before to come back to the house where i am staying at...

Inside a high school...

And I'm surrounded by children. I am always surrounded by children watching what I am doing.

They don't know what I'm doing, but well... They also don't know that I'm trying to record them.

I have like five of them, some are hidden behind.

The rest of the days without internet and electricity I dedicated myself to watch the ants go by, read and study. It was only two days.

From there, I went to Accra (the capital).

I didn't know what I would do later because of the problem with some visas.

I am in Gana, Accra.

There are several cyclists who are trying to get visas for Nigeria and the Congo indifferent embassies.

It's being impossible because they now have elections, the violence is rising exponentially and they don't allow foreigners to enter until a few months after the elections; until everything calms down.

So, I can't get the visas.

How do you skip two countries without money, I have no idea. Also here every time I take a flight with the bicycle cost at least 800 euros.

So that is one problem. On the other hand...

Another subject is that I am getting bored.

¿Why? Yes... the pool behind...

¿Why I am not enjoying a lot?

Imagine that you only take ice cream for a year.

Even if you love ice cream now, you will end up hating it.

You end up tired after much of the same thing.

Another reason is that after the experience with Kimie I also miss having a support next to me, someone to share the trip.

Someone I can talk with, that understand what's happening...

Someone with whom I can laugh in stressful situations. Or not, maybe to have a bad mood both of us but know that she is here.

So, ¿What should I do?

Do I come back or not?

In Accra (Ghana) I visited the Botanical Garden.

I pampered myself, mostly with nice food.

And finally... ¿What happened?

I am finally at the airport.

Three stops...

I have three stops... Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal... I don't know...

I am here waiting for my luggage.

Now, if you are Argentinian, when you go inside Buenos Aires you have an amazing new system.

You put the passport on the macchine, a finger and raisins. No more queues!

Hey... I was waiting for 20 minutes here...

Will it start working?

Please forgive the little material I had for this video because my cell phone was stolen...

But, now I am in Buenos Aires, the adventure continues.

I am planning the next adventure and meanwhile I have a little surprise prepared for you here in Buenos Aires.

See you in the next video?

Subscribe! :)


For more infomation >> Cuando le dices "basta" a un viaje - Duration: 11:58.


Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.


La primera decisión del okupa Pedro Sánchez como presidente: cambiar el colchón de Rajoy y pintar.. - Duration: 6:01.

¡Acojonante! El okupa Sánchez justifica la anécdota en su Manual de Resistencia, que este 19 de febrero de 2019 ha salido a la venta y es ya el hazmerreir de propios y extraños,

esgrimiendo que no quería hacer bueno el refrán de que dos que duermen en el mismo colchón acaban siendo de la misma opinión .

Subraya Segundo Sanz en OKdiario que una de las mayores expresiones del narcisismo del presidente del Gobierno,

Pedro Sánchez, aparece ya nada más comenzar su primer libro de memorias, 'Manual de Resistencia (Ediciones Península-Grupo Planeta).

El jefe del Ejecutivo socialista cuenta que su primera decisión tras llegar al poder en junio de 2018 fue la que tomó junto a su mujer,

Begoña Gómez: cambiar el colchón que utilizaban su antecesor y su esposa, Mariano Rajoy y Elvira Fernández-Balboa, y pintar el dormitorio.

Tras un auto-prólogo de tres hojas, Sánchez inicia su relato con un epígrafe titulado 'Mi primera decisión como presidente y no tarda lo más mínimo en soltar a bote pronto el episodio del colchón.

La primera decisión -escribe- de un presidente del Gobierno suelte tenerse por crucial.

No sólo significa el inicio del ejercicio en el cargo, sino que además lleva consigo la fuerza simbólica de condensar una visión política y ejemplificarla con una sola acción, que trasladará a un nuevo mensaje político.

Y tras este párrafo introductor, el líder socialista se recrea en su aterrizaje en La Moncloa: Siendo fiel a la verdad y a la cronología,

debo decir que mi primera decisión como presidente del Gobierno la tomé con mi mujer, Begoña, porque las cuestiones de intendencia se anteponen a casi todo.

Esa primera decisión fue renovar el colchón de la cama de matrimonio y pintar nuestra habitación del Palacio de la Moncloa.

Decidimos no cambiar más, salvo por razones que entiende cualquiera que haya vivido en un piso amueblado.

Precisamente, por eso, porque cualquier que haya vivido en un piso amueblando, generalmente de alquiler, ya sabe lo que ello conlleva,

el presidente del Gobierno no sólo no se ahorra esta particular escena de familia en el libro,

Junto a ello, también justifica la anécdota esgrimiendo que el refranero asegura que 'dos que duermen en el mismo colchón acaban siendo de la misma opinión,

y yo quería mantener mi criterio alejado del de mi predecesor. de abundante contenido político, sino que además la incluye destacadamente en su arranque.

Como si le pudiera una obsesión enfermiza con el ex presidente Rajoy, Sánchez pasa justo a continuación a señalar:

nadie tenía dudas de las grandes diferencias políticas entre Rajoy y yo, motivadas por cuestiones ideológicas, pero también generacionales y quién sabe por cuántos motivos más.

De este modo, concluye la primera página de estas memorias de Sánchez, que ya las ha publicado pese a ni siquiera haber terminado su mandato.

NO LO ESCRIBIÓ Y NI SE HA LEIDO EL LIBRO; La prueba más evidente de que Pedro Sánchez no ha escrito de su puño y letra 'Manual de Resistencia, aparece en las páginas 191 y 192 de la publicación.

Aquí, el líder socialista afirma que dimitió como diputado un viernes a última hora, cuando en realidad lo hizo un sábado y a plena luz del día.

En concreto, apenas seis horas antes de que Mariano Rajoy fuera investido por el Congreso como presidente del Gobierno.

Y es que Pedro Sánchez, como reconoce en el prólogo del libro, ha contado para la redacción de esta obra con la exdiputada de UPyD y PSOE Irene Lozano,

luego nombrada por él mismo secretaria de Estado para la España Global (antigua Marca España), adscrita al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.

El abuso del Falcon; Este narcisismo del presidente ha sido objeto de polémica durante los últimos ocho meses, sobre todo a cuenta del uso abusivo del avión presidencial,

el Falcon de la Fuerza Aérea española, con cargo al dinero de todos los contribuyentes,

y de la aparición en decenas de vídeos de auto-bombo elaborados por la secretaria de Estado de Comunicación para ensalzar la imagen de Sánchez como jefe del Gobierno.

Se da además la circunstancia de que ni siquiera Sánchez ha elaborado este libro (de 315 páginas y coste 20,50 euros) en solitario.

Para su redacción, ha contado con la asistencia inestimable de la ex diputada de PSOE y UPyD Irene Lozano,

luego nombrada por el propio presidente secretaria de Estado de la España Global (antigua Marca España), adscrita al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.

En el prólogo, Sánchez reconoce así el papel de amanuense de su colaboradora: Este libro es fruto de largas horas de conversa con Irene Lozano, escritora, pensadora, política y amiga.

Sirvan estas líneas de agradecimiento. Ella les dio forma literaria a las grabaciones, prestándome una ayuda decisiva.

For more infomation >> La primera decisión del okupa Pedro Sánchez como presidente: cambiar el colchón de Rajoy y pintar.. - Duration: 6:01.


Harto de SUV´s: Prueba un familiar campero | Volvo V90 Cross Country - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> Harto de SUV´s: Prueba un familiar campero | Volvo V90 Cross Country - Duration: 13:13.


Cristina Cordula, un accident de voiture mortel - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Cristina Cordula, un accident de voiture mortel - Duration: 1:27.


Beatrice Borromeo surprend, son étonnante réaction face à Karl Lagerfeld - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Beatrice Borromeo surprend, son étonnante réaction face à Karl Lagerfeld - Duration: 1:25.


Jeremy Menez podría salir a la banca del América | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Menez podría salir a la banca del América | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 1:36.


US : Caleb McLaughlin & More 'Stranger Things' Kids Wish Millie Bobby Brown A Happy 15th Birthday - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> US : Caleb McLaughlin & More 'Stranger Things' Kids Wish Millie Bobby Brown A Happy 15th Birthday - Duration: 3:16.


XQC Reddit Recap #11 - Th0t Battle Royale [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 25:24.

XQC Reddit Recap #11 - Th0t Battle Royale [ +Twitch Chat ]

For more infomation >> XQC Reddit Recap #11 - Th0t Battle Royale [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 25:24.


Резиночки для волос Простые Цветы из фоамирана - Duration: 6:11.

Flower pattern in the description below the video

For more infomation >> Резиночки для волос Простые Цветы из фоамирана - Duration: 6:11.


パラコードでキーホルダーの編み方!ねじり編み Paracord DNA knot keychain - Duration: 5:44.

This time, I tried to make a twisted key chain with para cord ♪

The metal fitting used this time, With Naskan

It is carabiner.

String of the shaft, Cut it by the length of completion × 2 + 8 cm.

For this time we will set the length of completion to 8 cm.

I will joint it after cutting.

Next we will install it on the metal fittings.

I also attach it to the carabiner.

This completes the axis.

For braiding cords, Both colors were cut at about 60 cm.

I will also join this string.

I will go through the knot.

Through the center,

I will tighten.

Make a ring with the left string,

Lower the right string,

Pass through the loop from the bottom.

I will weave this operation repeatedly.

Ring on the left,

Lower the right string,

Pass through the loop from the bottom.

I will twist naturally as I knit it.

I knit it to the bottom.

Cut the extra part,

I will stop fraying with a writer etc.


This twisted knitting, It seems that it is also called DNA knot when it is English name ♪

This video is also recommended.

Subscribe thank you.

Until the end, thank you for listening.

For more infomation >> パラコードでキーホルダーの編み方!ねじり編み Paracord DNA knot keychain - Duration: 5:44.


La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 4: selon Illan, Virgil aurait été infidèle envers Cloé! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 4: selon Illan, Virgil aurait été infidèle envers Cloé! - Duration: 4:36.


Duo with my friend part 2 - 8 kills game (win) - Duration: 15:42.

I hope y'all like the video and subscribe.

Today I am playing with my friend again SKX

And I hope you like the video and share it.

For more infomation >> Duo with my friend part 2 - 8 kills game (win) - Duration: 15:42.


ILE DE FLORES INDONESIE VLOG #6 : vivre en autarcie à Wae Rebo, une expérience incroyable ! - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> ILE DE FLORES INDONESIE VLOG #6 : vivre en autarcie à Wae Rebo, une expérience incroyable ! - Duration: 6:24.


How to disassemble 📱 Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) SM-J810 Take apart - Duration: 10:51.

Hello and welcome!

Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,

we glad to offer you a new video

in which we look at how to disassemble

📱 Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) SM-J810

For more infomation >> How to disassemble 📱 Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) SM-J810 Take apart - Duration: 10:51.


¿Por qué no te invitan a comprar bonos?: 5 Claves - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué no te invitan a comprar bonos?: 5 Claves - Duration: 5:38.


金門查賄辦不停!翁姓縣議員候選人收押 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 金門查賄辦不停!翁姓縣議員候選人收押 - Duration: 1:57.


Zaburzenia koncentracji u dzieci – jak je zauważyć? - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Zaburzenia koncentracji u dzieci – jak je zauważyć? - Duration: 7:29.


40 Ideas for Independent Work (Not Busywork!) - Duration: 18:50.

You're working with this child, and that child has nothing to do.

What do you do?

Here are some ideas!

Welcome to the Simply Charlotte Mason podcast.

I'm Sonya Shafer.

Homeschooling comes with its own set of blessings and challenges.

One of the challenges is figuring out what one child can do while you're busy helping

a different child.

A home school is very much like a one-room schoolhouse.

You're managing several children across several grade levels—with only one teacher.

It's a fact of life that you won't be able to be with each child all the time.

Sometimes you will need to assign work to be done independently.

But remember that any independent work that you assign to a child should have a purpose.

And that purpose is not just to keep him busy.

Don't require a child to spend his time doing busywork.

Especially in a Charlotte Mason home school, we want to be careful that we're respecting

the child as a person.

So make sure that any independent work you assign will be of real benefit to the child,

will contribute to educating the whole person.

The trick is coming up with independent work that meets that criteria, especially in the

younger grades when a student might not be reading and writing fluently yet.

So today I want to share 40 ideas for purposeful independent work in a Charlotte Mason home


These are ideas taken from the programmes used in Charlotte's schools.

They are based on actual assignments that Charlotte mentioned or extensions of those


All of them have educational value.

They are not just busywork.

They will help your child to grow in different aspects of learning and living.

They will encourage your child to develop and practice the techniques of self-education

that Charlotte valued so highly and used so often.

Now, one caveat: Your student will gain the most benefit from these assignments if the

habits of obedience and full attention are in place.

These suggestions assume that your child will purposefully stay on task even without your

direct supervision.

Of course, you'll want to keep an eye on the time and make sure any independent work assignment

doesn't overstay its welcome.

But hopefully, these suggestions will give you some ready-to-go ideas when you need to

assign independent work to one child while you're working with another.

Ideas for Younger Grades Let's start with ideas for the younger grades—about

first through third, students who are still solidifying their reading and writing skills.

(And, by the way, if you want a printed copy of these ideas, follow the link to the blog


You'll find them all written out there.)


Listen to a portion of an audiobook.

It could be a professionally narrated audiobook or, if you know ahead of time that you're

going to be unavailable, you could make a recording yourself, reading the book aloud.


Draw a narration or audio-record a narration, using a digital voice recorder.


Do word-building.

Give a word-building challenge that fits the level of your child's reading skills.

For example, you might assign a beginning reader to see how many words he can build

with -en at the end.

For your more experienced readers, you could assign more difficult words to build, such

as thinking of words with a silent gh or words that have at least one silent letter.

You can level this assignment up or down to fit the student.


Prepare the next reader story.

If your student is at the stage where he is reading aloud to you from a reader, assign

him to look through the next story in that reader and see how much he can pre-read so

he will be ready to go when it comes time to read it aloud.

If he gets stuck on a word, he can write it down or put a sticky note on that page.


Copy or transcribe some favorite lines from a poem.

If you have a third grader, you can also have him study the spelling of the words he is

transcribing and be prepared to write some of those words from memory.


Play dominoes.

Line up dominoes, end to end, making sure that any ends that touch have the same number

of dots.

That is a good way to work on visual discrimination and the skills of matching patterns.

Plus, the child can be creative and decide which dominoes he wants to turn in which direction.

Ideas for All Grades Now here are some ideas that could work for

both younger and older students.


Work on memorizing (or reviewing) a poem or Bible passage or lines from Shakespeare.

If your student isn't reading yet, audio-record the selection for him to listen to as he memorizes

or to check as he reviews.


Listen to a song or story or rhyme in the foreign language that you are learning.

Mason's Living Languages dot com is a great resource to help you find those.


Listen to music of the term's selected composer.


Look through pictures of the term's selected artist.

Have your student select one picture from the ones that you've already introduced, look

at it, then turn it over and try to draw its elements from memory.

This isn't an exercise in duplicating technique; it's an exercise in remembering details accurately.


Determine a given route on a world map or U.S. map.

Choose a region that the student is familiar with and challenge him to find the best route

from point A to point B. You can designate whether he is allowed to fly or must go by

land or by sea.


Complete a math number sentence card or two.

These cards contain a handful of number sentences related to one specific number or one specific


They can also contain a combination of number equations from previously studied tables.

If you have to step away from a math lesson for a moment, give your child a number sentence

card and have him write the answers to the equations on his slate.

Allow him to use concrete objects to find the answers if needed.


Sketch or paint something from the nature table.

If you have brought some nature items indoors, your student can take some time to look closely

at an object of his choice and try to draw or paint it in his nature notebook.


Sketch or paint a nature object of interest from a field guide.

Some nature friends do not live close to you, so your child might like to look through a

beautifully illustrated field guide and choose a nature object that he doesn't usually get

to see.

By drawing or painting that object from the illustration or photograph, he will be encouraged

to look at it more closely.


And speaking of looking closely, you might assign your child to watch a nature friend

quietly for a few minutes to see what habits he can observe.

Such friends might include birds on a feeder, ants on a sidewalk, or kittens in a box, for



Do a special outdoor study.

Part of nature and science lessons for Charlotte's students included doing a special study, whether

dog training, flower pressing, gardening, or whatever.

Time to work on that special study makes a good independent assignment.


Build a model of a building from the historical period you are studying.

If you have read about a famous construction, assign your student to build a model of it.

You can level this assignment up or down by determining the amount of detail that should

be included and what materials you want him to use.

Younger students can build with wooden blocks; older students might create more intricate

models by designing their own interlocking pieces from cardboard.



Assign your student to do a certain number of sit-ups or push-ups or jumping jacks.

Or give him some heavier objects to move from one location to another.

Physical strength and fitness play an important part in being healthy and able to serve others

well in life.


Practice a musical instrument.

If your child takes piano lessons or violin lessons or guitar lessons, or any other musical

instrument, assign him to practice while you're occupied elsewhere.


Look through interesting reference books with photographs.

Your child could look through field guides; science picture books; large books of animals,

plants, inventions, distant lands, birds, famous architecture, Bible lands; or even

an illustrated book on first aid.


(Okay, Charlotte didn't include this one, but I think we can use it if we're careful.)

Watch pre-approved educational videos.

Try to select videos that contain ideas, not just dry facts.

You could use videos on nature, history, science, famous people, fine arts, math, geography,

and more.

Be sure to preview them, in order to make sure the content is appropriate for the child

who will be watching.


Tidy the school supplies area.

Students at Charlotte's schools were responsible to help with work around the property.

Teach your child to leave a place better than he found it.


Work on chores.

Home skills make excellent independent work assignments.

Just make sure you assign a chore that the child already knows how to do, so he can accomplish

it successfully without the need to interrupt and ask you for help.


Work on a handicraft project.

Select a handicraft that the child has already had lessons in and is ready to work on a larger


You can level this assignment up or down by having the child follow a pattern or by challenging

him to design his own pattern.


Practice drawing in perspective.

If you keep a simple guide handy, even your non-readers should be able to follow the sample

drawings and learn about perspective.

As an example, take a look at the little book, Beginner's Guide to Perspective by Victor

Perard, available from Dover Publications.


Practice drawing an object in the house.

The student could select a piece of furniture or a household scene to draw, or tell him

to gather 3–5 small objects and create a still life picture using them.


Draw a plan of one room in the house, or your yard, your property, or even all the rooms

in the house.

Younger students could draw the plan in a tray of sand.

Older students could be required to draw the plan to scale.


Create your own pictures with parquetry blocks.

Most parquetry block sets come with cards that have design ideas already printed on


Get rid of the cards and challenge your student to create his own picture using the geometric


Ideas for Older Grades And here are some ideas for older students—around

fourth grade and up—who can easily read and write.


Read leisure-time books.

Charlotte had a list of extra books that students could read in their spare time, on weekends,

or during the holidays.

You might do the same.


Read school book assignments.

As students gain confidence and fluency in reading for themselves, they should begin

to read more and more of their school books independently.


Write a narration or go through a previously written narration and polish it.


Study a passage for dictation.

This might be a passage from one of your student's school books or from another good literary



Work on your Book of Mottoes.

Some people call this journal a commonplace book.

It's basically a record of interesting quotes from the books you are reading.

Charlotte had older students transcribe two lines per week into their Book of Mottoes,

and I'm sure many students did more.


Work on your Book of Centuries.

An older student might make sure he is current on making entries in his Book of Centuries,

recording pertinent historical people and events in their respective centuries.

He might also look over a century already studied and write a short description of those

years as a whole.


Review Latin words and conjugations.

If your child is studying Latin, you might assign a few minutes to look over the vocabulary

he is learning.


The same applies to any language your child is learning.

Assign him to review any foreign language vocabulary words.


Parse and analyze an assigned sentence.

If your child has learned how to parse and analyze or diagram a sentence, pick a sentence

or two out of a book and let him review those important grammar skills.


Plan a nutritious and delicious meal.

This assignment is a mixture of science, economics, and home skills.

For the economics part, you can give a maximum amount that he is allowed to spend on that

meal or meals.

Have him plan a whole week of lunches, if you want to increase the challenge level.


Study a portion of a world map or a regional map and create some questions for you or a

younger sibling about that map.

The questions should be designed to help the person look closely and notice details.

For example, how many rivers flow through our town?

What are their names?

What is the closest mountain range to our town?

What is the closest ocean?


Read current event articles and locate any mentioned regions on a world map.

There you go: 40 ideas to keep your student engaged and learning even when you need to

help someone else for a few minutes.

With these independent work assignments, you can encourage your children to keep learning

for themselves.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe through iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,

or your favorite podcast app so you don't miss an episode.

You can also subscribe to the audio version of this podcast or read the blog post on our

website at

All of those links will be in the notes along with links to the resources that I mentioned.

And remember, the blog post will have all 40 ideas for you to print if you want a copy

of them.

Thanks for joining me.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> 40 Ideas for Independent Work (Not Busywork!) - Duration: 18:50.


कलेजी पाव - Kaleji Pav Recipe In Marathi - Mutton Liver Masala Dry - Mumbai Street Food - Smita - Duration: 4:03.

Kaleji Pav is a street food which is very famous in Mumbai.

It is fun to eat and tasty and also easy to make.

So let's see how to make it.

I am making this dish on one iron flat pan.

Pan is nicely heated.

First I will put 2 spoon of oil.

Then 2 tablespoon of ghee (clarified butter).

Ghee has been melted.

Into that I will sauté 8 finely chopped onions till they turn brown.

If you don't have iron plat pan then you can also use iron frying pan.

Onion has turn nice and brown.

Now to this I will add 1 teaspoon ginger paste and 1 teaspoon of garlic paste..

..I will cook that till it raw smells go away.

Now let's add spices to it.

2 tablespoon of red chilli powder.

1/2 spoon of turmeric powder.

And 1 tablespoon of garam masala powder.

I will sauté these all for few seconds.

Now I have taken 1 kg of Kaleji (liver).

Which I have cooked adding some salt, 1 spoon of ginger paste and 1 spoon of garlic paste.

Now I will add that in.

The water in which I cooked the liver, I will add that water into this.

Little of it, to turn it moist.

Around 1/2 a cup.

I have cooked this nicely for 5 to 7 minutes.

Now into this I will sprinkle 2 finely chopped green chillies.

Add 1/2 juice of lemon too.

Add some salt too.

If you have added salt properly while cooking the liver then taste before you add it more.

As we make it on iron pan, it soaks the water and this dish gets turning dry.

So to keep it moist, you can add that liver stock in between.

Our flat pan cooked liver is almost ready.

Now let's roast the pav (puffed bread) nicely in butter.

Pav are roasted, liver is cooked and ready.

Garnish it with some finely chopped coriander leaves.

Now let's plate this dish.

And our Kaleji pav is ready to eat.

This is perfect, quick and tasty dish for the Kaleji lover's.

So do try this dish. and let me know.

And for more tasty recipes, subscribe to Ruchkar Mejwani.

For more infomation >> कलेजी पाव - Kaleji Pav Recipe In Marathi - Mutton Liver Masala Dry - Mumbai Street Food - Smita - Duration: 4:03.


Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.


Hawkins County man attacked by robbers posing as stranded motorists - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Hawkins County man attacked by robbers posing as stranded motorists - Duration: 0:29.


Number Train | Bob The Train | Preschool Learning Videos For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:13.

Let's learn the Numbers











For more infomation >> Number Train | Bob The Train | Preschool Learning Videos For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:13.





Hé lộ thời điểm tổ chức trận Siêu cúp Việt Nam – Hàn Quốc sau khi bị hoãn, khán giả phải chờ mỏi mắt - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Hé lộ thời điểm tổ chức trận Siêu cúp Việt Nam – Hàn Quốc sau khi bị hoãn, khán giả phải chờ mỏi mắt - Duration: 2:38.


Good News from Korean E-9 free Work Visa Update 2019 - Duration: 4:16.

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Good News from Korean E-9 free Work Visa Update 2019 - Duration: 4:16.


Jordyn Woods branded 'traitor' by Kardashian fans as she's trolled over 'cheat' scandal - Duration: 3:20.

  Jordyn Woods has been branded a "traitor'" by Kardashian fans as she was viciously trolled over claims she cheated with Khloe 's boyfriend Tristan Thompson

 Khloe is said to be "completely devastated" by allegations Kylie Jenner's best friend Jordyn, 21, hooked up with the sportsman during a house party on Sunday night

 Fans of the family's reality shows have also been left furious by the reports - and they have been voicing their disgust by bombarding Jordyn with nasty messages

  Her Instagram page has been flooded with snake emojis, while others have branded her a "traitor" for "betraying" the famous family

 One wrote: "You bit the finger that fed you!!!"  Another added: "I can't believe u! Kylie made u who u r today and khloe helped she made u her model! How could u betray them like this?"  A third wrote: "Traitor

I hope you realised khlo and Ky treated you like family.  "I hope you can sleep at night

" Read More   A source told TMZ that Jordyn was seen making out with Tristan at a party at his LA mansion on Sunday night

 They said: "Everyone was just hanging out, smoking Hookah and drinking when they were instructed to stop all use of cell phones or leave

 "It's not unusual for phones to be confiscated while at the party with high-profile people

 "However, the vibe was chill and nobody was really checking for security until later in the night

  "Once partygoers put their phones away, Kylie Jenner 's best friend Jordyn Woods arrived to the late-night kickback

 "Thompson and Woods were all over each other, and, it wasn't just 'friendly.'  "They couldn't keep their hands off of each other

"  The source added: "When partygoers asked to use their phone, they were told that they may as well leave if they needed to do so as Jordyn wouldn't be leaving anytime soon

 "Jordyn didn't leave the party until the early hours of 7 a.m." Read More Khloe Kardashian supported by Kourtney as she emerges after Jordyn Woods rumours  Tristan also appeared to respond to the allegations by tweeting 'FAKE NEWS' - though he later deleted the post

 Khloe and Tristan share 10-month-old baby daughter True Thompson and have maintained a long-distance relationship for the past year

 The reality star's family have made no secret of their feelings towards the Cleveland Cavaliers player

 In January Kim called Khloe an 'idiot' for staying with Tristan. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Read More More on Khloe Kardashian

For more infomation >> Jordyn Woods branded 'traitor' by Kardashian fans as she's trolled over 'cheat' scandal - Duration: 3:20.


संयुक्त Arab ने कहा आतंकवाद के खिलाफ वह Bharat के साथ |PM Modi and Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman - Duration: 4:04.

Saudi Arabia with Indian Against terrorism

Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meet PM Modi

For more infomation >> संयुक्त Arab ने कहा आतंकवाद के खिलाफ वह Bharat के साथ |PM Modi and Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman - Duration: 4:04.


✅ Breaking News - Solskjaer urges Manchester United winger Sanchez to 'find himself' - Duration: 2:14.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer admitted he did not have the answer to Alexis Sanchez's struggles at Manchester United after the winger failed to make an impact against Paris Saint-Germain

Sanchez replaced the injured Jesse Lingard just before half-time on Tuesday night but the Chilean was largely ineffective as PSG scored twice within 15 minutes of the restart at Old Trafford

Solskjaer has inspired an upturn in form for several United players since he was installed as caretaker coach on December 19 but the former Arsenal man is still struggling to find his best form

  Share this article Share 979 shares The 30-year-old has only made three starts under Solskjaer amid injury issues and a lack of form

Sanchez may start the FA Cup fifth round tie at Chelsea on Monday if Martial and Lingard fail to recover but Solskjaer insists he is powerless to improve him

'I can't do anything about Alexis Sanchez,' Solskjaer said. 'When he plays he needs to find himself because we know there's a quality player there

' Solskjaer admitted PSG's 2-0 victory provided a 'reality check' for United, who had not lost since Jose Mourinho's last match in charge at Liverpool on December 16

 He said: 'Today we weren't at their level. This is a level up from what we've played against, the games we've had

We had a great run. 'We came into the game in a great frame of mind and great form but of course it was a big step up

 'They have quality from the 'keeper to the striker. There is a reason why they are favourites for the Champions League

That's the level we need to aim for. ' Share this article Share 979 shares

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Solskjaer urges Manchester United winger Sanchez to 'find himself' - Duration: 2:14.


Soi Cầu Miền Nam,Ngày 21/2/2019 ,Dự đoán xổ số miền nam,THẮNG LỚN LIÊN TIẾP RỰC RỠ - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Soi Cầu Miền Nam,Ngày 21/2/2019 ,Dự đoán xổ số miền nam,THẮNG LỚN LIÊN TIẾP RỰC RỠ - Duration: 7:12.


लो WhatsApp पर भी होने लगे हैं तीन तलाक | Indore Latest News | Divorce is on wattsap - Duration: 1:10.

Three Divorce Is ON wattssap

Indore News

Three Divorce Is On wattssap

For more infomation >> लो WhatsApp पर भी होने लगे हैं तीन तलाक | Indore Latest News | Divorce is on wattsap - Duration: 1:10.


Jazz Unlimited Free Internet 2019 | Get Free Internet | For Life Time On Jazz Sim - Duration: 3:39.



For more infomation >> Jazz Unlimited Free Internet 2019 | Get Free Internet | For Life Time On Jazz Sim - Duration: 3:39.


健康も学力も睡眠から 元気で賢い子が育つ寝室3つのポイント - Kyo Channel - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 健康も学力も睡眠から 元気で賢い子が育つ寝室3つのポイント - Kyo Channel - Duration: 2:52.


How to Change YouTube Channel URL URDU/HINDI New Video 2019 - Duration: 2:26.


Today i am going to show you How to change Channel URl.

After start the i have a request please subscribe my channel & press the bell icon

To get all new updates.

Let's Start The Video.

First off all open chrome Browser.

Click onyour account logo

then setting

advance setting

click Here.

Type Your Url

& confirm

copy txt & confirm choice

And Now your Channel URl has Been Changed

I hope you like this video Iff you Like the videoplease like comment Subscribe & Share thirs video

Thanks For Watching.

For more infomation >> How to Change YouTube Channel URL URDU/HINDI New Video 2019 - Duration: 2:26.


Imparare l'inglese - I quattro tempi verbali del futuro - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Imparare l'inglese - I quattro tempi verbali del futuro - Duration: 3:49.


아리아나 그란데가 1964년 비틀즈 이후 최초로 빌보드 핫 100 신기록을 세우다 - Duration: 5:59.

아리아나 그란데가 새 앨범 'Tha k U, Next 로 신기록을 세웠 . 빌보드는 1 일(현지시각) 아 아나가 핫 100 차트에서 '7 R ngs', 'Br ak Up Wit Your Gir friend, I m Bored', 'Thank U, Next'로 1위 터 3위까지 차지 다고 밝혔다. 가 한 명이 핫 1 0 차트 1, 2 3위에 모두 이 을 올린 건 19 4년 비틀즈 이후 최초이자 빌보드 100 역사상 번째다.  비틀 는 1964년 5 간 1~3위를 차 했다. 4월 4일 는 5위까지 모두 차지하는 대기록을 세운 바 있다. 리아나 그란데는 신이 신기록을 세 다는 사실을 믿지 못하다가 뒤늦게 닫곤 팬들에게 감 를 전했다. i laughed w en i saw his bc i hought y' ll edited it. thank u from th bottom o my heart for so m ny reason . first t me since he beatle huh. tha 's wild. thought his was a joke when i saw it 'm not ki ding. i l ve u. so uch. alwa s have n ill. than u for ev rything. ttps://t. o/133Fp69 fT — Aria a Grande @ArianaGr nde) Febr ary 19, 2 19 처음에는 러분이 합성한 건 줄 알고 빵 터졌 . 진심으로 감사 린다. 비틀즈 이 최초라니 대박이 . 농담하는 게 니고, 처음에는 짜 장난인 줄 알 다. 여러분을 사 한다. 여태껏 그 왔고, 앞으로도 찬가지다. 모든 에 감사드린다. still can believe his is re l fr. tha ks for ma ing histo y with ya girl toda . and for making me feel love . bye cry ng. — Ari na Grande (@ArianaG ande) Feb uary 19, 019 진짜라니 여전히 믿을 수 다. 함께 역사를 만들어준 여러분께 감사드린다. 사랑 는 느낌이다. 안 , 이제 울러 갈 거다. nonn just fac timed me nd scream d "ANYTHI G ELSE U ANNA DO?" my team m de me thi and it's pretty so i'm posti g it and lso i'm s very pro d and gra eful for verything but i pro ise i'll hut the f ck up aft r this. c ngrats te m, i love u. thank so much. pic.twitt pxO9lR — riana Gra de (@Aria aGrande) ebruary 1 , 2019 할 니가 영상통화를 더니 "이제 또 고 싶은 일 없니 "라고 물었다. 리 팀(팬들)이 걸 만들어줬다. 무 예뻐서 이곳에 공유할 수밖에 없 다. 자랑스럽고 사하다. 이제 입 다물겠다. 정말로 약속한다. 축하해 여러분. 정말 사 하고 감사드린다. 한편, 빌보드에 따르면 드레이크 시 지난해 같은 록을 세울 뻔했으 1위, 2위, 위에 올라 기록 신이 불발되고 말 다.  김태우 에 터: taewoo kim@huffp

For more infomation >> 아리아나 그란데가 1964년 비틀즈 이후 최초로 빌보드 핫 100 신기록을 세우다 - Duration: 5:59.


Натуральная косметика Макошь - Duration: 4:58.

West reached for natural cosmetics - well, we followed him. We also had needleworkers who began to make natural soap themselves and create natural skin care products. For example, the founders of the company "Makosh" (makosh.sayt) Paul and Anna Babkina from Yekaterinburg. It began with the fact that they decided to do some This is a common interesting thing. And first engaged in soap manufacture. Then they started making natural creams, scrubs and shampoos for themselves. And then they decided to create their own brand and turn their hobby into a business. They started their business in 2014. Created their creams and scrubs first at home. Then rented a production facility. The whole process of creating cosmetics is manual (so you didn't have to buy expensive equipment). The first business investment is 100,000 rubles saved on the purchase of an apartment. Then, in the fall of 2015, they received a grant of 300 thousand rubles for the development of production from the regional government. The rest of the company goes without loans - there is enough money both for itself and for investments in the development of new types of products. The company employs only a few people. But they create more than 86 product items: this is soap, and scrubs, and shampoo, and even natural deodorants. Everything is packed in wooden jars. Liquid products are poured into branded bottles. Almost everything is bought up with a bang (per month, about 4 thousand units of products are sold). It is sold both through its own website, and through distributors and numerous online stores and simply shops of natural cosmetics. If at first the founders of a business had to look for partners for the sale of products, then today they go to them themselves. You can read more about Makosh products on its VK page - Secrets of success? It seems to me, The most important secret of success for young entrepreneurs is that they are engaged in an interesting business and consider it useful for society. Do not dream "just earn a bunch of dough and relax." And they just make and enjoy life here and now. Parting words for start-up entrepreneurs (and not only for them) I found on the page of Pavel Babkin (vk. com / pavel.s.babkin). That's the whole secret of your future successful business.

For more infomation >> Натуральная косметика Макошь - Duration: 4:58.


(ENG SUB)Much better than I expected? HWASA - TWIT MV reaction! - Duration: 8:48.

Hello my dear subscribers this is GoToe

Today's MV is

Hwasa's solo debut song


Most of you already knew it

Normally I didn't see the MV of solo artist

except special situation

The reason why I choose this MV is

I was convinced that this song would never be ordinary

There will be a lot of surprises when I look at MV

It can be a rhythm of song itself

, performance

or composition of MV

I was convinced something was going to happen

When I think about female solo artist

First I thought HYUNA

, CL


are commonly mentioned I think

Recently, JENNY did her solo activity with SOLO really successfully

(Her MV is over 200M view)

LISA did her solo performance so well too

While this generation is changing

I thought she was going to take care of that

It is so meaningful that this song is a starting point

That's why I choose this

Let's talk about it more after see this

Let's go

I am so exciting now

This MV has a story maybe?

I love this choreo

Fortunately, Color is similr with her

What can I say with this rhythm?

I think It is sound of Korean traditional instrument??

How can it be so attractive??

We can Imagine JYP with that clothes

(Every Korean can imagine)

There is no ordinary part as expected

This sound is so charming

That sound is really toxic

So... unconventional

I can't understand story yet

there are so many things to see except story

Choreo looks so attractive too

I really like this choreo


I think it looks similar with choreo of MAMAMOO a bit

It look so fit with MAMAMOO's song

I love it bcz many people can enjoy it

(Especially to me also)

I expected it to be unusual

This rhythm is.. so unique....

It is really the best

That is... WHEE IN??

(She is my bias)

I've already adapted to choreography

I don't know why but I love this part

I really like it

Obviously HWASA,

Her voice is

Nobody can follow it

Really unique are

(That part is more prominent in this song)

Nobody can imitate it

(Only for her)

Suddenly, song will start soon maybe

I can expect these now!!

Actually this song is


What did I mentioned before




All of those are special

I think rhythm is the best

Add her voice in this rhythm.... Awesome


I can't understand story at all

That's not important

There are so many things to see in MV

Clothes are special...

We saw TWIT of HWASA today

Overall I think it was what I expected

There was no ordinary part

I thought the outfit would be quite dramatic

It was a little more extraordinary than I thought

There were some unexpected parts

Recently, when I saw her awards ceremonies and various stages

It was a well-predictable range

I can imagine some clothes

The clothes with the same color as my clothes and the clothes with vinyl are the first to come up

At the beginning of the second verse, the yellow, black double-headed head and its costumes were impressive

In some cases, underwear was exposed in the middle

Unlike other music videos that emphasize sexy

what I felt in this MV was

Everytime they showed

Previously, They always highlighted the scene.

But not this time

Rather, They exposed a little to the edge of the screen.

I do not know if it was intended to do so

Thanks to them, I could concentrate more on musical things

Rather, sexy seemed to be more prominent

That is so cool

and I think the best was rhythm

I am not sure what was that instrument

But I guess that is one of Korea traditional instrument

I've never heart that sound in KPOP songs before

It is great to be able to create such sophisticated and addictive music with these instruments

and her unique voice

her special mood

only allowed to her

Everyone see this video really know about that well than me

So I don't talk about it more

but compare to MAMAMOO songs

It was so good that she seemed to have seen better things in her solo song

and finally

I really like this choreo

I think it is so well made

I am not talking about special mood of this song

I think this choreo is also fit with MAMAMOO's next song too

Their choreo stlye

It is really Advantage of their choreo

It is not to easy, not to hard

Everyone can dance with those songs if you want and enjoy

But it is so hard to feel like them

The only feeling of MAMAMOO

The feeling was so well marked

It was so good

I really want to dance well with this song

This is my personal feeling of this song of HWASA

Entire feeling is so nice to me

I can understand why this song is 1st in chart now

I hope her music life is full of happiness not only in MAMAMOO but in SOLO too

this is the end of this video

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Much better than I expected? HWASA - TWIT MV reaction! - Duration: 8:48.


I DON'T NEED A FILTER by L'Occitane en PROVENCE | L'Occitane - Duration: 1:20.

I'm Joanna and I'm

a designer at L'Occitane.

My name is Lobar, and I am

a Beauty Advisor at

L'Occitane in Washington, D.C.

I'm Kristina, and I don't

need a filter to hide behind.

Filters are meant to conceal

and disguise us.

They focus on what we think

shouldn't be there,

instead of helping us embrace

what is there.

I don't need a filter.

I don't need a filter

to feel beautiful.

I grew up with American culture

at school

with Mexican culture

and traditions at home.

And I fully embrace being both

Mexican and American

I don't need a filter to laugh

without fear of the future.

I won't need a filter to hold

my newborn baby.

To show my true emotions.

To embrace my religious beliefs

to shower my friends and family

with love

To motivate my teams

to be their best selves.

I don't need a filter to

learn something new everyday.

I don't need a filter to

embrace both my cultures.

That's authenticity and that's

the most beautiful thing.

I feel beautiful when I have

the courage to just be me.

I don't need a filter

Because there is no

blueprint for beauty.

For more infomation >> I DON'T NEED A FILTER by L'Occitane en PROVENCE | L'Occitane - Duration: 1:20.


Woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym – czy pozwala schudnąć? - Duration: 6:52.

Woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym – jak wpływa na utratę wagi? Odchudzanie jest złożonym i indywidualnym procesem. Choć bazę stanowią zbilansowana dieta i aktywność fizyczna,

wiele osób stosując się do tych zaleceń nadal ma trudności z utratą zbędnych kilogramów.

Kompletna zmiana swoich nawyków jest szczególnie trudna kiedy prowadzi się siedzący tryb życia.

Każdy marzy o idealnej sylwetce, więc jak to pogodzić? Pamiętaj, że metabolizm nie działa u wszystkich tak samo.

Dla jednych sama woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym będzie wystarczająca by zrzucić choć trochę kilogramów,

dla innych napój w połaczeniu z dieta i sportem może nie przynieść efektów jakich oczekujemy.

Warto jednak uwzględnić w swojej diecie napoje pochodzenia naturalnego, które mogą okazać się niezwykle przydatne w procesie odchudzania.

Woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym jest bogata w składniki odżywcze, spowalnia wchłanianie cukrów i dostarcza błonnik wspomagający obniżanie złego cholesterolu.

Regularne spożywanie tego zdrowego napoju, nie tylko wspomaga detoksykację organizmu, ale poprawia też odporność i zapobiega niektórym chorobom.

Ponadto zmniejsza wydzielanie hormonów głodu i jest niskokalorycznym sposobem nawadniania organizmu.

Cytryna i jej korzyści w procesie odchudzania: Spożywanie soku wymieszanego z wodą zapewnia szereg nieoczekiwanych korzyści dla naszego organizmu, np.

Ze względu na bogactwo witaminy C oraz szereg niezbędnych minerałów – cytryna stanowi środek wzmacniający funkcje odpornościowe organizmu. utratę zbędnych kilogramów.

Od zawsze wyróżnia się właściwościami moczopędnymi, przeciwutleniającymi i alkalizującymi, które zapewniają mnóstwo korzyści zarówno dla zachowania odpowiedniej wagi,

Regularne spożywanie soku z cytryny zwalcza stany zapalne i chroni tkanki przed antygenami, które zakłócają ich prawidłowe funkcjonowanie. jak i ogólnego zdrowia.

Zawiera przeciwutleniacze znane jako polifenole, które sprzyjają redukcji komórek tłuszczowych w organizmie.

Zawarty w niej kwas cytrynowy stymuluje produkcje żółci w celu koordynacji trawienia lipidów.

Dzięki zawartości błonnika pokarmowego poprawia proces trawienia i łagodzi nerwobóle żołądka.

Sprzyja kontroli złego cholesterolu i zmniejsza ryzyko cukrzycy.

Oprócz tego jest bogata w minerały takie jak: wapń, żelazo, jod, magnez, cynk, selen, sód, potas i fosfor.

Pozytywny wpływ siemienia lnianego na odchudzanie: W ostatniej dekadzie uwzględnienie nasion lnu w codziennej diecie stało się dość popularne.

Zawdzięczamy to ostatnim doniesieniom naukowym na temat dobrodziejstw tych ziaren.

Jednym z ważniejszych właściwości jest ich leczniczy wpływ na układ trawienny czy koncentrację.  Choć nasiona są niewielkich rozmiarów pozwalają swobodnie kontrolować wagę i hormony.

Zawiera w sobie kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3, doceniane ze względu na ich działanie przeciwzapalne i sercowo-naczyniowe.

28% siemienia stanowi błonnik pokarmowy, który sprzyja kontroli poziomu cholesterolu i wspomaga proces trawienia.

Zawarte w nasionach przeciwutleniacze wspomagają funkcjonowanie komórek w organizmie i hamują negatywne skutki stresu oksydacyjnego.

Siemię lniane zawiera też śluz, który wspiera równowagę poziomu glukozy we krwi.

Wykazuje obecność enzymów pomocnych w redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej z uwagi na zwiększenie przyswajalności węglowodanów przez organizm.

Co więcej niezwykle korzystnie wpływa na kondycję skóry, włosów i paznokci.

Woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym – przygotowanie: Aby w pełni wykorzystać możliwości tego naturalnego nektaru bogów najlepiej jest stosować się do przepisu. Ostrzegamy: codzienne stosowanie napoju poprawia samopoczucie,

dodaje energii, jednocześnie wspierając odchudzanie! Składniki: 4 szklanki wody (1 litr), 2 łyżki siemienia lnianego (20 g), Sok z 1 cytryny.

Przygotowanie: Na samym początku należy zagotować wodę w garnuszku.

Gdy osiągnie punkt wrzenia, dodaj nasiona siemienia lnianego i zmniejsz ogień. Pozostaw na 3 – 4 minuty i zdejmij z ognia.

Przykryj garnek pokrywką i pozostaw na tak długo, aż uzyska odpowiednią konsystencję.

Gdy będzie gotowe spożycia, należy przecedzić wywar i dodać sok z cytryny.

Można też zalać łyżkę nasion szklanką ciepłej wody, zostawić na noc. Napój spożywamy rano na czczo.

Sposób użycia: Wypij szklankę wody z cytryną i przygotowanym siemieniem lnianym. Podziel przygotowany napój na kolejne 3-4 porcje.

Pij co najmniej 3 razy w tygodniu! Jeśli nadal nie zastosowałeś siemienia lnianego i soku z cytryny w swojej diecie, mamy nadzieję, że ten artykuł Cię do tego zainspiruje. Przekonaj się, że idealna sylwetka nie musi bazować tylko na cierpieniu i wyrzeczeniach! Oczywiście pamiętaj o aktywności fizycznej i zbilansowanej diecie.

For more infomation >> Woda z cytryną i siemieniem lnianym – czy pozwala schudnąć? - Duration: 6:52.


Cuando le dices "basta" a un viaje - Duration: 11:58.

From Liberia I arrived in the city of Man, in Ivory Coast.

I found a hotel...

It cost me 3.000 CFA.

It's 5,5 USD.

And this is what you obtain.

You need to poop outside...

But you can take a shower here. I am washing my clothes.

This is the best you can obtain for 3.000 CFA.

And this one is really cheap because the ones that cost 25 USD are not much better.

I took all the mud out of my bicycle, washed my clothes and went to the mountain to walk.

It's a farmers area.

But there were a few meters to the viewpoint where there was nobody.

There I was met by one of the former guides who, according to what they told me, now dedicates himself to stealing and assaulting the visitors.

He tried to attack me physically but he could not because I got blind brute force.

All that happened was that I was left with some scratches and without a cell phone.

So I owe you the videos. Let's see some pictures.

I told you this very simplified, right?

Luckily there was a Lebanese in the city who helped me and accommodated me.

He helped me to find a new cell phone. A really cheap one.

And he took me to see the monkeys!

And he advised me not to go to Abidjan, the capital, by bicycle because I would have to go through at least one very dangerous place, even for locals.

So I took a bus.

Neither the first nor the last time, right?

I stayed like two weeks in Abidjan and I had a great time there.

I tried to exchange money and get photocopies for two hours.

I didn't manage to change money because they say that the dollars I have are old and they want to give me much less. And no.

So... What I am doing is...

To get photocopies, a Lebanese helped me. I am loving them, they help me every time.

He made me go up to his office and took the photocopies for free.

And now I have to take two buses to Cocody to the Ghanian embassy (50 degrees).

And they cheated me to buy food. They overcharged me and I'm eating a bread with nothing inside.

Ivory Coast is being hard.

But well...

I I became friends with a Lebanese group.

I am having a Lebanese breakfast.

With Arab bread, satar, pizza...

And mint tea.

I became friends with a big group of Argentinians working in Ivory Coast.

I am in the house of some Spaniards and an Argentine!

From San Juan province!

But he is not cooking meat. What is it?


And here we have a Ivorian cat that speaks Argentine (Spanish).

Well, he understands...

I was surprised at how big and developed the city is compared to the others I had seen in Africa.

We just celebrated a birthday party. Look at this...

This is the "plateau" of Abidjan, the city centre.

An amazing view...

I went to the nearby beaches.

We are in Assinie.

Assinie beach.

to reach the beach you need to go through a bar.

And, I went to continue the trip by bicycle.

But this time without camera.

It's 6 am. It's just dawning.

I'm going to the road but I'm not going to record because Abidjan is a big city and everyone knows what a video camera is.

I am eating rice with something spicy.

A wheel went flat. I did 50 km in 5 hours but now I stopped because I am very tired.

I'm very slow... I just bought too much water and I don't know where I'm going to put it...

I miss the motorbike.

The trucks pass me really close by the side. They expect me to go to the sand but if I do that I fall. I just fell.

I am going to continue to Gana.

When I arrived at the border with Gana, it was raining really hard.

And it's going to rain like this for 2 or 3 hours...

It's terrible!

They didn't let me sleep in the immigration office because the area was militarized.

But they allowed me to put my tent inside of the police office.

The next day I went by bicycle to a nearby town.

I stayed at the house of a teacher who took me to rural schools.

The body parts.

The city, that for me was really small, was kinda charming.

And there was a fort next to a beach where you weren't allowed to bathe, I don't know why.

But the fort was ok.

Fort of 1663 used for the slave trade.

I am here and I need to burn time... 5 hours before to come back to the house where i am staying at...

Inside a high school...

And I'm surrounded by children. I am always surrounded by children watching what I am doing.

They don't know what I'm doing, but well... They also don't know that I'm trying to record them.

I have like five of them, some are hidden behind.

The rest of the days without internet and electricity I dedicated myself to watch the ants go by, read and study. It was only two days.

From there, I went to Accra (the capital).

I didn't know what I would do later because of the problem with some visas.

I am in Gana, Accra.

There are several cyclists who are trying to get visas for Nigeria and the Congo indifferent embassies.

It's being impossible because they now have elections, the violence is rising exponentially and they don't allow foreigners to enter until a few months after the elections; until everything calms down.

So, I can't get the visas.

How do you skip two countries without money, I have no idea. Also here every time I take a flight with the bicycle cost at least 800 euros.

So that is one problem. On the other hand...

Another subject is that I am getting bored.

¿Why? Yes... the pool behind...

¿Why I am not enjoying a lot?

Imagine that you only take ice cream for a year.

Even if you love ice cream now, you will end up hating it.

You end up tired after much of the same thing.

Another reason is that after the experience with Kimie I also miss having a support next to me, someone to share the trip.

Someone I can talk with, that understand what's happening...

Someone with whom I can laugh in stressful situations. Or not, maybe to have a bad mood both of us but know that she is here.

So, ¿What should I do?

Do I come back or not?

In Accra (Ghana) I visited the Botanical Garden.

I pampered myself, mostly with nice food.

And finally... ¿What happened?

I am finally at the airport.

Three stops...

I have three stops... Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal... I don't know...

I am here waiting for my luggage.

Now, if you are Argentinian, when you go inside Buenos Aires you have an amazing new system.

You put the passport on the macchine, a finger and raisins. No more queues!

Hey... I was waiting for 20 minutes here...

Will it start working?

Please forgive the little material I had for this video because my cell phone was stolen...

But, now I am in Buenos Aires, the adventure continues.

I am planning the next adventure and meanwhile I have a little surprise prepared for you here in Buenos Aires.

See you in the next video?

Subscribe! :)


For more infomation >> Cuando le dices "basta" a un viaje - Duration: 11:58.


Genitori Renzi, i sospetti di Matteo: «I grillini sapevano» - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Genitori Renzi, i sospetti di Matteo: «I grillini sapevano» - Duration: 8:01.


Imparare l'inglese - I quattro tempi verbali del futuro - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Imparare l'inglese - I quattro tempi verbali del futuro - Duration: 3:49.


How to FIX a broken/ cracked tablet screen- CHEAP!!! - Duration: 4:25.

Hey what's up everybody this is Roy

And welcome to another brand-new fixing video on this channel

so today in this video we're going to fix a broken screen

of our Windows 10 tablet

so this is iBall Slide Windows 10 tablet with a

Which I bought near about three years ago

and it's a pretty good tablet it's just so cheap

it's around three thousand Indian rupees

near about $40

I ordered two of this tablet from

As you see the price was Rs 2999

two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine rupees

and now the price is around five

thousand two hundred rupees

and it's sold out

so many people commented that

I told them a fake price but reality's the price was two thousand nine hundred

ninety-nine rupees and few months back I dropped the tablet from my hand on the

floor and it shattered the screen and as you see that as the screen is not

working right now

so in this video I'll show you guys how can you fix any tablet

broken LCD screen or broken front panel or broken touch or charge doesn't working

this kind of problem at your home with some tips and tricks so first thing we

need to do we need to open the tablet and figure out the model number of the

broken parts so here we have the model number of the broken touchscreen


next go to aliexpress or any other e-commerce

website like ebay calm and search for the part number here P b70 is

when you ovulate seven to search so here is the touch screen

and from my experience

I can say that Aliexpress price is little bit cheaper than any

other website in this planet

so go ahead order from Aliexpress or if you want

order from ebay you can do that but their price is little bit on the higher side

on the lowest price is $7.5 and on Aliexpress is around $7 so

I've ordered it from Aliexpress and three weeks later it arrived on my

doorstep so let's unbox it and find out what's inside the box I love the fact

that sellers shipped in well protected package so that the

digitizer did not get damaged while shaping so now here is the brand new

digitizer and we need to replace the

Old on with this new one so first

we're going to remove the back cover of the tablet so for removing the cover

we're going to use our pray tools and insert the pair tools and remove the

back cover so and here is the part on our button

next we're going to need a plastic like this to remove the front glass of this

tablet so insert the plastic below the glass as you see the front glass is

addressed with the tablet using some kind of glue so using this kind of

plastic you can easily remove the front glass from the tablet so as you see guys

I able to remove the front glass and disconnect the digitizer connected cable

from the motherboard now remove the broken touch panel from

the tablet next we're going to clean the LCD screen so there will be no dust we

also use isopropyl alcohol so that is skin will be 100% neat and clean after

killing the LCD we will remove the protective plastic cover from the

touches field and attach it front of the LCD using provided 3m adhesive next you

will probably allow the digitizer with the LCD screen so that touch works

perfectly and put some pressure so that the adhesive properly attached with the

tablet next connect the digitizer we won't feed the motherboard

now let's power on the tablet and check the touch screen is it working

check it ok as you see guys now the touch is clean is our King 7

successfully repaired the touch screen and if you guys want to replace the

whole LCD screen that also possible just find the model number of your LCD screen

google it and you will find some purses link I also provided some parts is

link in the description below so if you want to check it check it guys so guys

thanks for watching the video hope you learned something from the video I'll

see you on my next video till then bye back

For more infomation >> How to FIX a broken/ cracked tablet screen- CHEAP!!! - Duration: 4:25.


DIY 🌺 Narcissus made out of egg carton 🥚 It's easy! (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #573 - Duration: 4:35.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make narcissus out of egg carton.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut off one piece of an egg carton.

Align the height. This is a corona of narcissus.

Make a hole.

Cut off a second piece of the egg carton.

Make the incisions on the sides and cut the shape of petals.

Cut off a third piece in the same way as the second one but this time cut off 2 petals.

Make the holes.

Cut a side of egg carton...

...and make the incisions.

Make a long narrow leaves.

Paint the corona, petals and stamens by using yellow paint.

Paint the leaves by using green paint.

Let the paint dry.

Paint the ends of stamens and corona by using an orange marker.

Cut the strips out of green tissue paper.

Apply glue on the end of a drinking straw.

Attach the stamens.

Secure them by using glue.

Add the corona.

Glue it.

Now, add 4 petals.

Glue them.

Add 2 remaining petals.

Wrap the stalk by using green tissue paper...

...and attach the leaves.

And it's done.

This is the way to make a beautiful bouquet of narcissi.

Instead of normal egg carton you can also use big egg carton tray.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY 🌺 Narcissus made out of egg carton 🥚 It's easy! (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #573 - Duration: 4:35.


2001 F350 7.3 Dually 4x4 - Her First Big Girl Job Test - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> 2001 F350 7.3 Dually 4x4 - Her First Big Girl Job Test - Duration: 14:40.


Tag en diplomuddannelse i skoleledelse - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Tag en diplomuddannelse i skoleledelse - Duration: 1:00.


☀️WAKING UP AT 5AM - MY 5AM MORNING ROUTINE 2019 - Duration: 10:55.

how in the heck do people get up at 5 o'clock 6 o'clock

early early early crazy I know right and what are people actually doing that

early in the morning why would someone do that to themselves in this video I'm

gonna take you through my 5 a.m. morning routine and show you how I get stuff

done I'm a mom of three with a full-time career so keep on watching and you know

over here we like to make the mundane and just a little bit insane I'm gonna

tell you a little secret come here know a little bit closer yep

that's good that's good it takes a lot of practice but I know that you can do

it so if you keep watching me and all my 5 a.m. videos you're gonna feel so

motivated you're gonna spring out of bed tomorrow

morning and you're gonna feel real good

good morning it is early luckily got Messier

I literally just rolled out of bed let's see oh damn it is

4:53 the Pavey was up at about 420 to nurse so get my booty up a bright and

early we're gonna have a kick-ass day and

we're gonna eat a lot of shit does everybody feel really good if you

want to come along with me Thank You bud watching but first let's

get some coffee shall we yeah buddy

the kids like sleeping the whole flippin get some stuff done but our hour and a

half before they wake up but we can be very quite so don't make the beep

mocha goodness

well now that we've gotten the coffee out of the way the next thing that I

like to do is the creative part of my life and that is blogging YouTube and

Instagram absolutely love it it gives me a high of being creative and putting

value out there for the world so I'm just going through now checking that

this is the only time in the day when I really get to do this sort of stuff

because I do have a career and a family and kids so I make full use of my

mornings to do this sort of stuff here I'm just creating an Instagram post I do

whatever aspires me and it's on my mind for that particular post I'm really into

a blue theme lately I love the sky it's just absolutely beautiful it makes me

think about having your head in the clouds which essentially to me means

dreaming really big so dream big you all dream big

just gonna finish up a last few things here before I head on upstairs and put

on my mom hat tell me how do you make time in your life for hobbies and things

that really inspire you also I rely so heavily on this planner here to keep me

organized for all the things I don't know how people survive with that one

so this morning and my daughter wanted to help with her laundry and putting it

in the washing machine and I was like yeah girl I am all for that self

sufficiency life so at this stage in her life she thinks it's fun and cool so I

definitely want to positively reinforce that and you know what she did a pretty

darn good job she's very interested in dressing herself so I fully support that

as long as it's weather appropriate may look a little bit funny somedays so I

just offer some guidance here and there but she generally does pretty good

now I'm just gonna do my daughter's hair here it is so much easier when she's

sitting and contained eating breakfast watching a show that sort of things so

this is when I try to do it she's less of a wiggly worm

so doesn't you look perfect but it gets the job done and you better believe it

this is my second cup of coffee YUM

so now that I'm all dressed and ready for the gym I'm just gonna make my bed

here I make my bed every single day if it is unmade I feel like there's a piece

of me missing or something it is such a habit that I have ingrained

so all chaos could be going down but as long as the bed made I am good and again

more diaper changes and they never end

you better believe I'm eating my son's leftover oatmeal and not ideal but I

don't want it to go to waste and at least I'm getting something to eat here

for breakfast before we head to the gym

some of you are not going to believe this but I actually floss every day and

I don't say that to be like yay I floss I'm so so so fabulous but really it's

just a habit that I've gotten into and I can't see this stuff so there you go the

importance of habits especially good ones bad ones those are hard to break

so now that we are back from the gym I'm just gonna jump in the shower quick and

get all refreshed and that's a wrap oh oh here in the mouth thank you so

much for watching I truly appreciate it I hope I inspired

you to wake up earlier give you some ideas if so go ahead hit that subscribe

button give this video a thumbs up share all the goodness time for this moment to

get something to eat and get to work and it is just about 11 o'clock so we got

quite a few things accomplished today and I hope I motivated you to do the

same we'll see in the next one check you later Gator whoa whoa whoa whoa wait one

minute one minute one last thing that I want to know what do you all like to do

when you get up earlier or why do you want to get up earlier tell me let me

know put it in the comments let's have a discussion

what is it felt waking early that you would like to do or would like to be

doing maybe we can get some dialogue going and encourage one another to get

our booties up to get all the good things done that really inspire us and

motivate us to live our best lives and with that without further ado peace



For more infomation >> ☀️WAKING UP AT 5AM - MY 5AM MORNING ROUTINE 2019 - Duration: 10:55.


Karl Lagerfeld claimed tests showed he was totally healthy just months before death - Duration: 2:18.

Karl Lagerfeld claimed tests showed he was totally healthy just months before his death

The late fashion icon - who died yesterday aged 85 - gave an update on his health last April and he predicted he'd live another 10 years

During a chat with , the Chanel boss said he'd undergone a battery of tests and been given a clean bill of health

He said: "I've had every test under the sun and they can't find anything wrong "Call me back in 10 years and we'll talk about it again

" The late designer added that he was in good shape physically after giving up a diet that lasted 15 years

Lagerfeld added: "Yes [I'm in good shape]. That said I don't get fat anymore. "I was on a diet for 15 years, but now I can eat all I want without ever gaining a gram

It's very strange." He went on to insist his work leading the design team at Chanel kept him fit

Lagerfeld's death was confirmed yesterday after he passed away in a Paris hospital aged 85

In the chat in April, 2018, the designer also revealed his funeral plans - insisting he wanted to be cremated and asked for his ashes to be interred with those of his beloved mother

He also made it clear that he wanted to have his ashes mixed with those of his cat, Choupette, if she died before him

He has been survived by his furry companion Choupette, who was famous in her own right for her lavish lifestyle and lucrative modelling contracts

His loss has been mourned by fans and famous faces across the globe, with celebrity tributes coming in from stars such as Victoria Beckham, Naomi Campbell and Kylie Minogue

For more infomation >> Karl Lagerfeld claimed tests showed he was totally healthy just months before death - Duration: 2:18.


Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.


惦惦吃三碗公!阿滴出賣啾啾鞋結婚照...逆天老婆「深V抹胸禮服」曝光!網:吃太好了! - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 惦惦吃三碗公!阿滴出賣啾啾鞋結婚照...逆天老婆「深V抹胸禮服」曝光!網:吃太好了! - Duration: 4:25.


陳法蓉近照曝光,51歲卻美似18歲少女,網友:第二個趙雅芝 - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> 陳法蓉近照曝光,51歲卻美似18歲少女,網友:第二個趙雅芝 - Duration: 11:15.


【ENG SUB】プレゼント開封 + 誕生日配信コラボの発表 + 登録者500人突破 | Gift Unboxing + Birthday Live Collab + 500 Subscribers - Duration: 13:35.


So we've meet again in a video, everyone.

Hello, it's Aira! For today..

I thought of filming a gift unboxing video which I've not done in a while.

But that's not all!

Once I've opened up my gifts,

There'll be an announcement regarding my channel.

For anyone who's interested to know what it is, please watch until the end of this video.

Last month, from my Amazon's wishlist..

My subscribers have sent me 2 items.

They are these.

The boxes are really big but..

The things inside are really not that big.

But well, you know how it is..

Because it's Amazon, the boxes are always really big.

The first item..

Is this!

Who is it from..

"Wear it cutely and do your livestream, okay?"

It's from Yuzuneko!

I wonder if you can see it?

Thank you, Yuzuneko!

I already know what's inside this package but..

Shall we show it to everyone?

This is..

When Yuzuneko bought this for me, it was probably when..

Igy and I announced that we've been dating.

I wonder if she wanted to say "congratulations" to me?

I got this!

A headset!

Thank you!

Actually I don't own any headsets at all..

But I thought it would be handy for gaming if I had one..

So I put it on my wishlist.

Here it is, ta-dah!

This is um..

What's the name.. Logicool!

Logicool.. if it's overseas then I guess it'll be Logitech.

To be honest, I'm not really sure if these are good headsets or not..

But there seems to be a lot of people using these..

So I thought of trying them out.

Shall we reveal what's inside? Hold on..

Actually for this unboxing video..

I got these gifts last month but..

I've been really busy lately..

I've really not had time at all.

Time for shooting a video..

Time for editing a video..

I didn't really have time to edit a video whatsoever.

I've really kept you waiting, Yuzuneko.

I'm sorry!

Eventhough I said that I was going to open it in an unboxing video immediately..

I took this long.

By the way, this really isn't opening up..

This is difficult.

It's a chore just to open it!

That's nice, this is what it looks like..

It's really nice and blue.

Eventhough I was told to use this when I'm doing my livestreams..

I've not been able to use it at all since receiving it.

I'm sorry.

If I were to put it on..

My ears are in the way.

What will happen to my ears?

My ears are in the way!

I guess it'll look like this.

Eventhough my ears are really in the way..

I guess something like this.

Something like this.

When you put this on, you can't hear anything at all.

It's nice for when you're gaming.

Thank you for this, Yuzuneko!

Maybe one day I'll test the microphone quality of this in a livestream..

There's a proper microphone for it.

Thank you! I'll treasure it!

The next gift is..

It was blue just now but this time it's a small..

Um what do you call it..

It's a red package.

This came from Element.

"Catch dem monsters - from Element"

Is what's written on it.

This is actually..

I talk to Element quite a bit and..

In Twitter DMs and stuff, we get along and chat quite often.

Since the both of us like Pokemon..

We were talking about Pokemon GO.

Talking about how 'this' is really useful..

And how I should get it for myself too.

But instead Element bought it for me.

That something is..



Anyone who plays Pokemon GO would know this but..

This thing called the Poke Ball Plus,

If you have this,

You can play Pokemon GO wherever and whenever.

I was thinking I wanted one..

So I added it into my wishlist.

But it was bought for me within 5 minutes.


Like a Pokemon Ball..

Poke Ball.. ta-dah!

Because I'm using my phone right now to record this video..

I want to try it out but I can't..

Since Pokemon GO is on my phone.

But it's lighting up.. I wonder if you can see it..

It works!

This is nice, thank you Element!

How will this turn out.. when the recording is over,

I will test it out later.

I will let you know how this turns out or how to connect to it via DM.

But thank you, Element.

I will treasure it.

Let's play Pokemon GO. Let's play lots of Pokemon GO from now on.

Well the gift unboxing part is over for now.

My channel's announcement!

I would like to talk about it for a while.

Next month on March 10..

It'll be my birthday.

My birthday this year is actually on a Sunday,

So I will be able to livestream as per usual on that day.

I'd like to do a birthday party livestream.

And on that day, a special guest,

My boyfriend Igy..

There's a duo livestreamer called Dio and Igy..

And Igy is my boyfriend so..

I thought of doing a livestream together with him.

When we started dating, I didn't officially announce it on my channel..

So since we'll be livestreaming together on that day,

If you have any questions or things to ask us,

Do come and hang out with us.

I think we'll be doing a normal Monster Hunter World livestream..

But I'm thinking of doing a livestream together with him while connected via party chat.

Next month on March 10, on Sunday,

I'm thinking maybe sometime in the evening..

When it's close to my birthday, I think I will do another announcement on my Twitter or something.

If you guys would like to, please come hang out with me on my birthday party livestream!

Next month, Igy will be coming to Singapore,

For about a week after my birthday,

I don't think I will be able to livestream for about a week..

But during that time, I was thinking of filming some videos or doing a livestream with Igy.

If you guys have any videos you might like to see, do let me know!

I want to film some travel videos in Singapore..

Or maybe a video where the both of us will be answering your questions.

Well we're thinking of a few ideas..

But for that one week,

I don't think I'll be able to livestream,

So I'm sorry about that.

But I think I will be able to post lots of fun videos..

So look forward to that!

And this isn't really an announcement but..

I'll be talking about how I would like to continue on with my channel from now on.

As you guys already know,

I'm always doing gaming livestreams where I show my face on camera..

But showing my face on livestreams can be really tiring,

How do I say it, when I'm livestreaming,

This really blinding light..

Proper hairstyle and clothes..

Not switching on my electric fan eventhough it's really super hot (because it's noisy),

When I'm livestreaming, it's a lot tougher than it seems.

But if I keep doing livestreams like that over and over again,

I'll get really tired and lose motivation for doing it.

From now on, I will be doing livestreams where I will show my face..

And even when I'm not showing my face, I want to livestream as per usual.

So from now on, I think there will be livestreams where I will not be showing my face on camera,

But it seems like I can livestream for even longer hours when I'm not showing my face,

I figured that would be better.

In conclusion, I think from now on, I will only be showing my face on livestreams occasionally.

But in exchange, I want to be posting lots more fun videos.

Song covers or a video like this..

I would like to film them more and upload them,

So do look forward to that from here on out!

And lastly,

Was it this week?

I managed to reach 500 subscribers!

Everyone, thank you so much!

I look forward to getting along with you from now on too.

Eventhough 500 subscribers really took a while..

Reaching 500 subscribers took a long time but..

But from now, I'd like to work even harder to reach 1,000 subscribers.

Because I'm thinking of turning my YouTube into a full-time job someday,

I'm going to work hard until I'm able to monetize my channel.

Thank you so much for 500 subscribers!

I guess that's about it for today's video.

For my livestreams, I will be doing it on the weekends as per usual,

And on weekdays, song covers or videos like this..

I would like to upload more videos.

So let's make lots and lots of nice memories with everyone this year!

And make sure you come hang out with me on my birthday party livestream next month!

Well then, that's it for today's video.

Everyone, until the next livestream or video,

Let's meet again! Byebye!

For more infomation >> 【ENG SUB】プレゼント開封 + 誕生日配信コラボの発表 + 登録者500人突破 | Gift Unboxing + Birthday Live Collab + 500 Subscribers - Duration: 13:35.


Yangın Sad Trap Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat 2019 FREE - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Yangın Sad Trap Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat 2019 FREE - Duration: 3:27.


Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG EconomyPlusLine 5-Drs Airco Navi+Camera+BT 14"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG EconomyPlusLine 5-Drs Airco Navi+Camera+BT 14"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:53.


Glitter Baby Carriage Coloring and Drawing | Learn Colors for Kids | Magic Fingers Art - Duration: 6:10.

Magic Fingers!

Hello guys! Today we are going to draw a baby in a carriage. Let's draw!

First I'm drawing the carriage.

I'm drawing the wheels of the carriage.

And here is the baby! Look how cute he is.

Wakey wakey!

Magic finger!


How are you little cutie?


The baby has brown hair.

The wheels are brown.

Look the baby is so happy. He loves his carriage.






This carriage is so colorful.


And now it's glitter time!

Purple glitter

Green glitter

Orange glitter

Red glitter

Let's blow!

Pink glitter

Look at those colors!

Now, let's take a tour with the baby!

He loves wandering around

Bye-bye little baby.

If you want me to draw something, please comment below. See you on next video...

For more infomation >> Glitter Baby Carriage Coloring and Drawing | Learn Colors for Kids | Magic Fingers Art - Duration: 6:10.


उदीत नारायण झाको सुमधुर आवाजमा रहेको नेपाली चलचीत्रको पुरानो पुरानो गीतहरुको Evergreen Jukebox Vol-1 - Duration: 1:44:48.

Hey Guys! यो Jukebox को Like यम 700 राखेको छु ।यम पुरा भएपछी अर्को Jukebox हाल्छु।

For more infomation >> उदीत नारायण झाको सुमधुर आवाजमा रहेको नेपाली चलचीत्रको पुरानो पुरानो गीतहरुको Evergreen Jukebox Vol-1 - Duration: 1:44:48.


Criminalização da Homofobia (STF): o melhor caminho? - Duration: 15:50.

For more infomation >> Criminalização da Homofobia (STF): o melhor caminho? - Duration: 15:50.


Sonhar é bom, juntos é ainda melhor! - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Sonhar é bom, juntos é ainda melhor! - Duration: 2:32.


Após Boatos de Traição, Atrizes Tomam Atitude FORTE contra Marina Ruy Barbosa que Surpreende - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Após Boatos de Traição, Atrizes Tomam Atitude FORTE contra Marina Ruy Barbosa que Surpreende - Duration: 1:36.


🦉 Ponteira de Coruja em Crochê - Duration: 22:29.

Hello, I'm Regina Stein from Ateliê MariaRê and in this class I'll teach you how to make

this owl pencil topper. Let's learn?

To make the owl topper, we'll need light pink Bella thread, number 4301,

and leftovers as well, also from Bella thread, in colors: white,

light blue number 501 and light yellow number 229.

Of a 2.5mm-long crochet needle,

of a darning and an embroidery needles, of pins, of rows' marker

and of black beads. We'll need balls' embroidery threads in colors black and orange,

white sewing thread and of silicon fiber for the filling.

Let's start the owl topper from the bottom, through that part that attaches to the pencil.

So, firstly, we'll make eight chains.

This part will be done with the light pink thread.

Now we'll close these eight chains with a slip stitch.

So, we'll insert the needle in the first chain that we've made

and we'll pull the thread

forming a circle.

Now, let's make the first row.

To mark the first stitch's height, we'll make a chain.

And we'll make a single crochet inside each one of these chains, in a total of eight stitches.

So, let's make a single crochet over each chain.

We've finished the eight stitches, the thread has been fastened according the stitches being made,

we can cut it.

In the next rows, from the second to the twelfth, we'll keep this number

of stitches. We'll make a single crochet over each stitch without increases nor decreases

and we'll work in spiral, that is, we won't close this row.

We'll insert the needle in the first stitch that we've made

and we'll keep on working normally. This was the first stitch of the second row,

we'll put the marker before it.

And we'll keep making a stitch over each stitch,

in a total of eight stitches in each one of the rows, from the second to the twelfth one.

We've finished the twelfth row, now we'll make the thirteenth.

It'll have a sequence of a decrease followed by two single crochets,

we'll repeat this sequence twice and, by the end of the thirteenth row,

we'll have six stitches.

So, let's make a decrease.

Let's put the marker before it.

Then, we'll make two single crochets.

Once more.

A decrease.

And two single crochets.

Now, we'll make the fourteenth row. It'll all be made in increases,

we'll make an increase over each of these stitches totalizing six increases

and, by the end of the fourteenth row, we'll have 12 stitches.

So, we've made the first increase, let's put the marker before it.

And we'll keep making an increase over each stitch.

We'll do this until the end of the row.

The next row will be the fifteenth, it'll have a sequence of a single crochet followed

by an increase, we'll repeat this sequence six times and, by the end of the fifteenth row,

we'll have 18 stitches.

So, a single crochet.

Then, an increase.

Once more.

A single crochet.

An increase.

Let's repeat this sequence until the end of the row.

We've finished the fifteenth row and we've 18 stitches. In the next rows, from the sixteenth

to the nineteenth, we'll keep these 18 stitches.

We'll make a single crochet over each stitch and we won't make increases nor decreases.

So, we'll make a stitch over each stitch until the end of this row, which is the sixteenth,

and, then, in the same way, until the end of the nineteenth row.

We've reached the end of the nineteenth row, now we'll make the twentieth row.

It'll have a sequence of seven single crochets followed by a decrease,

we'll repeat this sequence twice and, by the end of the twentieth row, we'll have 16 stitches.

So, we'll make seven single crochets.

Then, a decrease.

So, once more, seven single crochets followed by a decrease.

And this was our last row, we'll tie the thread up

by making a slip stitch and let's cut it.

The thread is already cut, just pull it.

Now, let's put the filling.

Let's put the silicon fiber inside this part here, which is the head,

without letting it pass to this tube here, to this part, which is the pencil socket.

So, let's put the filling here until this head gets firm, without the stitches bursting open.

Let's pass the thread by a darning needle and let's close the head's opening.

Let's leave the finish here on the side.

Let's pick the outside handle up,

and the outside handle.

The outside one.

And the outside one.

Let's keep sewing on like this until the end of the opening.

When reaching the end,

we can tie the thread up.

And we'll leave it at any point in the head.

Here, we'll pull the tips

to form the owl's head.

Now, we'll make the eyes' spots.

We'll start making a magic ring,

let's fasten the thread,

and we'll make six single crochets inside this ring.

After this, let's close the ring.

And let's cut this thread to make the finish.

The thread is already cut, just pull it.

Now, let's pass this tip through a darning needle.

Let's insert the needle in the side of the first stitch that we've made,

pass the thread to the back

and re-enter in the place from where the thread exited from.

And our finish is done, now we'll fasten the thread back here and we'll cut it.

Let's hide this thread's leftover in the same manner. The eyes' spot is done,

now let's pin a bead on it. Let's pass the black embroidery thread through a regular

sewing needle, let's make a kinkle at the tip and let's sew the bead here in the center

of this wheel here to form the eye.

Let's sew this bead here in the center.

Let's leave it pretty firm.

And we can finish it back here.

The first spot is done, let's make the second spot in the same way.

Now, we'll sew them both on the head. Let's put the spot on the head,

its tip here it's with two rows from the top

and this side one aligned with the head's center.

We'll use the common white sewing thread to sew it, so it gets more

delicate, because this is a pretty tiny piece and if we sew it with the thread that we

use to crochet, it may look rough.

So, common thread, a sewing needle with a kinkle at the tip.

And we'll make some stitches

fastening this spot on the head.

So, we'll pick a head's

piece up,

we've passed the needle underneath the spot,

like this.

And again on the head.

Doing so, the sew will look pretty delicate

and it won't deform our piece, which is pretty tiny.

We've reached the end, let's tie up the thread.

Now we'll lean the other spot here on the side, at the same height,

and we'll use this thread here to sew it, like this then.

Let's move to this side here

and let's sew the second spot leaning on the first one.

Let's do this all around it.

We've reached the end, let's tie up the thread.

And we'll leave it at any point of the head and cut it.

The eyes are in place, now let's embroider the owl's beak.

Let's make the beak's embroidery with orange balls' embroidery threads and a tipped needle.

Let's make a kinkle here at the tip and let's fasten it in the center, the beak will be made here,

in the base of the eyes' circles, of both spots. So, we'll fasten the thread here

because as we go making the embroidery, the kinkle will disappear.

So, we'll mark a "V",

using both spots as "V" tips, right?

Like this.

Now we'll fill this space here.

Let's make some stitches

to fill all this area.

Now we'll make a stitch in the upper part.

Just to leave the beak straight.

And here we'll pick a thread up, carefully,

to make a finish

and leave the thread back there of the head.

Now we can cut this it.

The beak is done, now we'll make two thread tufts

here at the tips of the owl's head. Let's pick an yellow thread up

and let's fold it,

and fold it again like this, you got four threads.

Let's pick our owl up, insert the needle here on the tip of the head

and let's pull this tying through the middle, through here, it'll get folded like this.

We'll pull it


A handle was formed here

and, now, we'll pick all these threads up and we'll pass it through the handle, like this,

and we'll pull them.

Doing so, we've made a tuft.

Now, we'll cut this tuft so it won't be so big.

Let's pick a tipped needle up

and let's open each one of these threads here, notice that they do open.

In fact,

it's made by many threads, all thin. So, we'll undo this twist

and we'll open each one of these threads.

Like this.

And we'll do the same thing in this side here.

The owl's thread tufts are done, now we'll make a little bow to put here.

With the blue thread, we'll make five chains.

Now we'll insert the needle in the first chain that we've made

and we'll make a slip stitch.

The first part of the little bow is done, now we'll make four chains.

Let's insert the needle in the same place that we've inserted it firstly,

and let's also make a slip stitch here,

like this.

Now, we'll cut the thread and tie it up.

The thread is cut, just pull it.

We'll leave this tip here to sew the little bow on the head.

We'll hide this one underneath some stitches here and tie it up.

So, with a darning needle, we'll tie this thread up,

let's fasten it down here

and let's cut it.

Now we'll pass this other thread through the darning needle

and let's sew the little bow on the owl's head.

Let's lean the little bow here on the side of the head and let's make stitches around the center,

we'll do three turns here, fastening it well,

to form the little bow's center.

So we've made the first one,

let's make two more.

The little bow is done, let's tie it up.

Let's pick the base of the thread here

and let's leave this thread at any place of the head.

And let's cut it.

Our owl is done. Now, let's put it on a pencil.

Here it is.

If you think this sock part is too large,

you can decrease the number of rows and make it smaller.

Doing so, it get's pretty firm on the pencil, but you can decrease it.

Did you like the class? So, like the video, subscribe to the channel.

If you want to know more about other Ateliê MariaRê's projects, access: See you next class!

For more infomation >> 🦉 Ponteira de Coruja em Crochê - Duration: 22:29.


Crenças Limitantes: Live - Como elas Impedem a Manifestação dos Sonhos | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 52:57.

For more infomation >> Crenças Limitantes: Live - Como elas Impedem a Manifestação dos Sonhos | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 52:57.


Toro Bit Investimentos Digitais,Forex,Trade Esportivo.#canalbitcoinnetwork# - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Toro Bit Investimentos Digitais,Forex,Trade Esportivo.#canalbitcoinnetwork# - Duration: 7:09.


Резиночки для волос Простые Цветы из фоамирана - Duration: 6:11.

Flower pattern in the description below the video

For more infomation >> Резиночки для волос Простые Цветы из фоамирана - Duration: 6:11.


Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Working It With Jess, Kelsie & Caylen - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:57.





japanese movie, Nanami Matsumoto, part 2 - Hots TV - Duration: 3:21.

Thank you all for watching the video. Please subscribe to the channel to support me. have a nice day

For more infomation >> japanese movie, Nanami Matsumoto, part 2 - Hots TV - Duration: 3:21.


Khloé Kardashian termina com Tristan Thompson após descobrir traição com melhor amiga de Kylie, Jord - Duration: 4:02.

OMGGGG! Segundo informações do TMZ, a musa Khloé Kardashian decidiu terminar o relacionamento com o jogador Tristan Thompson após descobrir uma nova traição do rapaz… dessa vez com ninguém menos que Jordyn Woods, melhor amiga de Kylie Jenner!

De acordo com as fontes do site, Tristan teria passado o Valentine's Day (quinta, dia 14 de fevereiro) ao lado de Khloé e sua filha, True, de dez meses, em Los Angeles

Na noite de domingo (17), ele teria dado uma festa em sua mansão em Los Angeles, onde acabou ficando com Jordyn Woods, melhor amiga de sua cunhada Kylie Jenner

Khloé teria dado um fim ao relacionamento assim que descobriu a traição. Ainda segundo a publicação, parece que dessa vez a chance de o casal voltar é quase nula

Tanto Khloé como Tristan pareciam ter uma relação amistosa com Jordin. Em setembro, por exemplo, os dois chegaram a ser vistos de mãos dadas na festa de aniversário de 21 anos da amiga de Kylie

Poucos minutos após a bomba do TMZ vir ao ar, o E! News informou que Tristan havia tuitado "FAKE NEWS" e que depois teria acabado deletando a publicação

Já Khloé comentou em um vídeo do Hollywood Unlocked em que o editor do site, Jason Lee, dava mais detalhes da traição e detonava o jogador

Segundo o editor, Tristan chegou a tomar a precaução de recolher os celulares de todos os presentes, mas ainda assim deixou que as pessoas continuassem na festa

Os dois teriam fumado juntos e trocado várias carícias. Jordyn teria passado a noite com Tristan, saindo da casa dele só às sete da manhã do dia seguinte

No vídeo, o editor do Hollywood Unlocked ainda diz que não é certo as pessoas dizerem que a traição é uma maldição que assombra a família Kardashian

"Se um cara não presta, ele não presta", dispara. "E Tristan, o fato de que você dormiu ou ficou com a melhor amiga da irmã da Khloé… e Kylie, o fato de que sua melhor amiga estava lá… Tire-a daí agora! E tire ele também!"

Khloé comentou no vídeo de Jason com vários emojis de uma pessoa gritando (comumente usado para dizer que alguém está soltando o verbo), enquanto suas amigas disseram "FATOS FORTES!" e "Amém!"

Por enquanto, nem Kylie nem Jordyn se pronunciaram sobre o assunto

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian termina com Tristan Thompson após descobrir traição com melhor amiga de Kylie, Jord - Duration: 4:02.


Another fundraiser being held for RPD Officer Ainsworth - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Another fundraiser being held for RPD Officer Ainsworth - Duration: 0:28.


Meghan królewska - Joanna Kulig URODZIŁA! - Duration: 2:36.

 Joanna Kulig URODZIŁA! Aktorka powitała na świecie swoje pierwsze dziecko. Ojcem jest jej mąż, Maciej Bochniak, reżyser i scenarzysta, odpowiedzialny m

in. za film "Disco Polo". Aktorka przez ostatnie miesiące ciąży przebywała w Los Angeles, gdzie zajmowała się promocją nominowanego do 3 Oscarów filmu "Zimna wojna"

Przed porodem Kulig nie wróciła już do Polski, ze względu na ryzyko porodu na pokładzie samolotu (dalekie podróże po 7

miesiącu ciąży nie są wskazane). Płeć dziecka aktorka trzymała w tajemnicy. Dziecko Joanny Kulig i Macieja Bochniaka miało przyjść na świat w prestiżowej klinice w Los Angeles - tej samej, w której rodziła sama Beyonce

Czy tak się stało? Sprawdź PONIŻEJ, co już wiadomo!Joanna Kulig urodziła dziecko Joanna Kulig została mamą

O radosnej nowinie poinformował jako pierwszy serwis Powołano się na słowa producenta filmowego, Piotra Dzięcioła, który jest obecnie w Los Angeles: Joasia urodziła kilka dni temu - powiedział serwisowi

 To pierwsze dziecko Kulig i Bochniaka. Para poznała się w 2006 roku na planie filmu „Środa, czwartek rano

" Nie wiadomo jeszcze, czy Kulig urodziła córkę czy syna oraz jak razem z mężem dali dziecku na imię

Nie podano też żadnej informacji na temat tego, gdzie rodziła aktorka. Przypomnijmy, że już w tę niedzielę, 24 lutego, rozdanie Oscarów

Czy Joanna Kulig pojawi się na oscarowej gali? Dzięcioł w rozmowie z mówi: Nie wiem jeszcze, czy do nas dołączy…  Świeżo upieczonym rodzicom serdecznie gratulujemy!  

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Joanna Kulig URODZIŁA! - Duration: 2:36.








Themístocles explica sobre tramitação da reforma administrativa na Alepi - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Themístocles explica sobre tramitação da reforma administrativa na Alepi - Duration: 0:27.


Nu a fost răpus de droguri, dar pneumonia i-a venit de hac! Ozzy Osbourne, de urgenţă la spital - Duration: 6:03.

Ozzy Osbourne, în vârstă de 70 de ani, este cunoscut pentru excesele pe care le făcea în tinereţe, dar şi pentru caracterul volatil

Nimeni nu şi-l poate imagina pe rockerul excentric, fost membru al formaţiei de heavy metal Black Sabbath, răpus doar de o simplă pneumonie, ţinând cont că el a "supravieţuit" ani întregi petrecuţi în turnee, înconjurat de alcool şi diferite subtanţe interzise

Iată că vârsta îşi spune cuvântul şi Ozzy este nevoit să accepte că nu mai are forţa pe care o avea odinioară

Ozzy Osbourne a fost nevoit să anuleze mai multe concerte din cauza faptului că s-a îmbolnăvit de pneumonie

Se pare că tratamentul nu îşi face efectul aşa cum fmailia artistului s-ar fi aşteptat, iar managementul nu a avut de ales şi a anulat nu doar concertele din Europa, ci şi cele programate în Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, în luna martie

Admiratorii cântăreţului s-au îngrijorat atunci când au aflat veştile, ţinând cont că nu Ozzy a fost cel care a făcut anunţul, ci soţia acestuia, care a subliniat că artistul trece prin moment cu adevărat dificile

Potrivit, doctorii l-au sfătuit pe artist să stea departe de scenă cel puţin şase săptămâni

În ultima perioadă cântăreţul s-a confruntat cu mai multe probleme de sănătate, în toamna anului trecut suferind o intervenţie chirugicală din cauza unei infecţii la mână

Şi atunci a fost nevoit să amâne o serie de concerte care ar fi trebui să aibă loc în Marea Britanie

Se pare că o viaţă întreagăm trăită sub deviza "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" începe să îşi lase amprentele asupra stării lui Ozzy

Ozzy Osbourne şi Sharon trăiesc o poveste de dragoste atipică.Nu de puţine ori soţia lui Ozzy, Sharon a făcuit afirmaţii pe care mulţi dintre oameni le-ar considera bizare

Ea a povestit despre viaţa alături de unul dintre cei mai cunoscuţi staruri rock şi a mărturisit că au fost multe momente în care a fost la un pas de a renunţa

Cele mai multe conflicte din cadrul cuplului au pornit de la infidelitatea de care artistul a dat dovadă în repetate rânduri

Ea a susţinut căa fost înşelată de nenumărate rânduri de partenerul de viaţă. În plus, acesta s-a internat la o clinică specializată în tratarea dependenţelor atunci când a realizat că nu doar stupefiantele sunt slăbiciunea lui, ci şi femeile mult mai tinere decât el

Confrom Daily Mail,mariajul lor a trecut prin momente dificile, iar în 2016 cuplul s-a aflat în centrul unui scandal legat de adulter, dar se pare că Sharon este hotărâtă să nu lase micile sau marile probleme să stea în cale împlinirii lor matrimoniale

într-un interviu acordat publicației The Telegraph, Sharon a declarat: "Au fost șase la număr, o adolescentă din Rusia, o maseuză din Anglia, una de aici, din America, bucătăreasa noastră…

Avea câte o amantă în fiecare țară. Dacă erai femeie și îi făceai lui Ozzy masaj sau îi ofereai de mâncare, Dumnezeu știe ce urma să se întâmple

Atunci când am aflat despre coafeză am fost complet șocată.pentru că nici una dintre aceste femei nu erau vedete, Ozzy o făcea pur și simplu pentru a-și umple un gol pe care îl resimțea"

Ea a mai adăugat: "Am supraviețuit oricărei întâmplări, am supraviețuit drogurilor, alcoolului, vom reuși să depășim și faza femeilor numeroase"

For more infomation >> Nu a fost răpus de droguri, dar pneumonia i-a venit de hac! Ozzy Osbourne, de urgenţă la spital - Duration: 6:03.



For more infomation >> S.O.S. NAUSEA: RIMEDI PER SCONFIGGERE LA NAUSEA GRAVIDICA - Duration: 15:57.


Jazzman Kerndl: Rychlý převoz na JIP! Vykašlával krev, dceru za ním nepustili! - Duration: 2:06.

 Známý zpěvák a jazzman ještě o víkendu vystoupil na prestižním Česko-Slovenském plese, kde už se potýkal s těžkou virózou

„Stěžoval si, že mu není dobře, ale nechtěl zklamat. Je ze staré školy, chtěl za každou ceny splnit své závazky," prozradil zdroj ze zákulisí plesu

Po návratu domů se však jeho stav rychle zhoršil, když zpěvák začal vykašlávat krev

Nemocnice ani rodina však bližší informace neposkytují.    Ani sama Kerndlova dcera Tereza se několik hodin o tátově stavu nedozvěděla – nesměla! „Stála na pódiu The Voice, který moderuje poprvé, a nechtěli jsme, aby byla pod tlakem

Po poradě s rodinou to před ní celý den tajili a řekli jí to až v noci, když skončila," zní z natáčení pěvecké soutěže

   Kerndlová na příští dny zrušila všechny pracovní závazky. „Je to pravda a je nám to líto, dnes třeba měla být hlavním hostem několikahodinového vysílání na Impulsu, ale rodina je pro Terezu na prvním místě

Odjela na Moravu, za tátou do nemocnice ji ale zatím nepustili," potvrdil manžel a manažer Kerndlové René Mayer s tím, že jazzman by už měl být mimo bezprostřední ohrožení života, v nemocnici si ale nějaký čas poleží


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