Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 20 2019

 A Mega-Sena sorteia, nesta quarta-feira (20/2), um prêmio estimado em R$ 32 milhões

O sorteio do concurso 2.126 da modalidade será realizado no Caminhão da Sorte, estacionado na avenida Frederico Ozanam, 6

000, em Jundiaí (SP).  As apostas podem ser feitas até às 19h (horário de Brasília) desta quarta, em qualquer lotérica do país e também no Portal Loterias Online (www

loteriasonline.caixa.gov.br). Clientes com acesso ao Internet Banking Caixa podem fazer suas apostas pelo seu computador pessoal, tablet ou smartphone

Para isso, basta ter conta corrente no banco e ser maior de 18 anos.  O serviço funciona das 8h às 22h (horário de Brasília), exceto em dias de sorteios, quando as apostas se encerram às 19h, retornando às 21h para o concurso seguinte

 Para jogar pela internet, no Portal Loterias Online, o apostador precisa ser maior de 18 anos e efetuar um pequeno cadastro

O cliente escolhe seus palpites, insere no carrinho e paga todas as suas apostas de uma só vez, utilizando o cartão de crédito

O valor mínimo da compra no Portal (que pode conter apostas de todas as modalidades disponíveis no site) é de R$ 30,00 e máximo de R$ 500,00 por dia

(Com informações da Caixa)

For more infomation >> ✅ Cruze os dedos: Mega-Sena pode pagar R$ 32 mi nesta quarta (20/2) - Duration: 1:33.


✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.

 O ministro Marco Aurélio Mello, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), rejeitou um recurso apresentado pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro contra a sentença que o obriga a pagar R$ 10 mil em indenização por danos morais à deputada Maria do Rosário (PT-RS)

 A decisão foi publicada na edição dessa terça-feira do "Diário de Justiça Eletrônico"

A defesa do presidente da República ainda pode recorrer à Primeira Turma da Corte

 Também foi mantida a determinação de que o presidente publique uma retratação em jornal de grande circulação, além de sua página no Facebook e do YouTube

Isso porque a ação judicial contém o trecho de uma fala pública de Bolsonaro em que ele afirma que "jamais pedirá desculpas a Maria do Rosário"

 O processo diz respeito a declarações de Bolsonaro, em 2014, quando ainda era deputado federal e declarou que a então colega não merecia ser estuprada porque ele a considera "muito feia" e ela não "faz o seu tipo"

 Por essa mesma declaração, o atual presidente da República virou réu no Supremo mas a ação foi suspensa na semana passada porque, como chefe do Executivo federal, ele não pode responder por fatos anteriores ao mandato

 Em agosto de 2017, a Terceira Turma do STJ (Superior Tribunal de Justiça) manteve a condenação

Bolsonaro, no entanto, recorreu ao STF no final daquele ano, argumentando que o veredito contraria o princípio da imunidade parlamentar

Segundo ele, havia um "antagonismo ideológico" entre ele e a parlamentar gaúcha

 Os advogados de Bolsonaro alegam que, na ocasião em que concedeu a entrevista polêmica, ele estava no exercício de um mandato parlamentar

A Constituição assegura imunidade nesses casos, ressaltaram.  Maria do Rosário foi reeleita no ano passado para a sua quinta legislatura consecutiva na Câmara dos Deputados

Ela obteve mais de 97 mil votos.  Em decisão de oito páginas na última quinta-feira, Marco Aurélio Mello rejeitou o recurso de Bolsonaro com o argumento de que o presidente tentava reanálise de provas e que isso não é possível, de acordo com o entendimento já consolidado do STF

 "Ficou assentado pelas instâncias coletoras da prova nada concernir à atividade parlamentar as ofensas do recorrente", escreveu o ministro na decisão

No mesmo despacho, Marco Aurélio também aumentou o valor que Bolsonaro deve pagar como honorários à defesa da deputada petista, de 10% para 15% do valor da indenização

 Jean Wyllys  Bolsonaro também sofreu nova derrota no processo em que acusa o seu ex-colega Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) por calúnia, injúria e difamação

O TJ-RJ (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro) julgou improcedente uma ação em que o então deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ)

 A ação se baseia em uma entrevista publicada pelo jornal "O Povo", em agosto de 2017, e na qual Wyllys se refere a Bolsonaro usando termos como "burro", "canalha" e "racista"

Ele também utilizou as palavras "desonesto", "desqualificado", "fascista", "corrupto", "canalha", "nepotista", "boquirroto" e "responsável por lavagem de dinheiro"

 No processo, Bolsonaro pedia R$ 20 mil de indenização por danos morais, pleito que acabou negado na sentença assinada pela juíza Marcia Correia Hollanda, com base no argumento de que Wyllys contava com imunidade parlamentar até o ano passado

BolsonaroJean WyllysMaria do Rosárioprocessostf

For more infomation >> ✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.


female vocal trance №7 - Duration: 1:05:46.

For more infomation >> female vocal trance №7 - Duration: 1:05:46.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.


Klopp looking forward to reunion with Lewandowski and Hummels - Duration: 5:00.

Jurgen Klopp has admitted his one wish for the season would be to win the Premier League as he prepares to relaunch Liverpool's European campaign against former charges Mats Hummels and Robert Lewandowski

Liverpool face Bayern Munich tomorrow in the first leg of their last-16 clash and Klopp has revealed that Dejan Lovren, who has been struggling with a hamstring issue, will be given every chance to prove his fitness for the game at Anfield

There will be a makeshift defence, with midfielder Fabinho set to take over from the suspended Virgil van Dijk, but Klopp is relishing the opportunity to take on a familiar foe once again in a competition that has always captivated Liverpool fans

Jurgen Klopp has admitted his one wish for the season would be to win the Premier League Klopp's side take on Mats Hummels (R), Robert Lewandowski (L) and Co when they face Bayern Munich in the Champions League on TuesdayKlopp, however, recognises the prize they want him to deliver above all is the Premier League and he hopes Liverpool, who trail Manchester City on goal difference, can put that right this season

'If you would have to decide, for all Liverpool fans it is clear, it is the Premier League,' said Klopp

'But now we play Champions League and they all expect that we will do our best tomorrow night

'Thank God we don't have to make this decision, eh? And we will not know today or tomorrow, we have to give it our all, and play very passionate football, the football we expect when we come to Anfield

'We expect a good atmosphere but we know the part we have to play. It will be outstanding tomorrow night

I am looking forward to it, it is something to enjoy. Klopp enjoyed such success with Lewandowski and Hummels while at Borussia Dortmund'There is a lot of power involved in that

The experience of our crowd is that it is able to go from 100 to 120, 130, 140 percent

I would never have thought that was possible, but it happened a couple of times already

'Klopp will be reunited with Hummels and Lewandowski, two players with whom he enjoyed such success with Borussia Dortmund

Lewandowski once told Sportsmail how he used to have €50 bets with Klopp to improve his finishing and his old boss is aware of the threat they pose

'I worked together with these two boys and I loved it, two fantastic players,' said Klopp

'I have to be really thankful because without them, probably my career would not be the same

We all benefited from each other.'I remember my first phone call with Mats Hummels and the first time I saw Robert Lewandowski

That is part of my life, part of my history.'I know a lot, I would not say I know everything about them, but I followed their path and their way and I really like them

But tomorrow night we will try everything to make sure they don't shine. Difficult, but we will still try!' 'I worked together with these two boys and I loved it, two fantastic players,' the Reds boss saidThis is the start of a 10 day spell in which Liverpool will also face trips to Manchester United and Everton but Klopp insists there are no distractions

We cannot think about it in a different way,' said Klopp. 'I don't think if you ask Manchester United before they face Chelsea, then they are thinking about our game

I don't think so.'We had only tough months this season. There was not one month where we thought 'oh good, only these opponents!' It's always tough, and we have to be ready for that and hopefully we are

We have to be 100 percent focused for the game tomorrow night, otherwise we don't have a chance


For more infomation >> Klopp looking forward to reunion with Lewandowski and Hummels - Duration: 5:00.


Máy ép cám viên trục đứng 3A3Kw M3 - SĐT: 0948912688 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Máy ép cám viên trục đứng 3A3Kw M3 - SĐT: 0948912688 - Duration: 3:10.


Oli e grassi naturali che fanno bene alla dieta - Duration: 7:03.

Alcuni alimenti ricchi di oli e grassi naturali non solo non ingrassano, ma possono aiutarci a controllare il peso e a prenderci cura della nostra saluta cardiovascolare.

In generale, si pensa che per perdere peso bisogna evitare ogni tipo di grasso.

Tuttavia, esistono alcuni alimenti i cui oli e grassi naturali fanno bene, e non devono essere esclusi quando si segue una dieta.

È importante ricordare che i grassi sono uno dei nutrienti che il corpo richiede per funzionare correttamente.

In realtà, i grassi sono vitali per ottenere energia e mantenere un aspetto salutare.

Quelli che dovremmo eliminare dalla dieta sono quelli di bassa qualità, che aumentano il colesterolo cattivo (LDL) nel sangue e mettono a rischio la salute cardiovascolare.

Continuate a leggere per scoprire gli alimenti ricchi di oli e grassi naturali che dovete consumare frequentemente.

Avocado; L'avocado è uno degli alimenti con oli e grassi naturali più comune.

Negli ultimi anni è diventato un frutto di moda, motivo per cui è facile trovarlo nei negozi ad un prezzo abbastanza accessibile.

Un avocado di medie dimensioni contiene 24 grammi di oli naturali di eccellente qualità e circa il 40% del suo peso è fibra.

Questi due fattori lo rendono un componente ideale per le insalate, i frullati o per mangiarlo solo.

La sua consistenza cremosa lo rende particolarmente adatto per preparare condimenti,

che potrete sostituire a tutti quelli che contengono quantità eccessive di sodio e conservanti.

Noci; Il secondo alimenti ricco di oli e grassi naturali sono le noci. La dose quotidiana raccomandata è da ¼ a ½ avocado.

Questi frutti sono ricchi di acidi grassi omega 3, che aiutano a ridurre il colesterolo cattivo (LDL) nel sangue e migliorano la salute dei vasi sanguigni e del cuore.

Si consiglia di mangiare una piccola porzione di noci più volte alla settimana.

Dal momento che le noci sono anche ricche di carboidrati, l'ideale è limitare il consumo a 5 noci per ogni porzione.

Potete mangiarle a colazione o dopo i pasti, combinandole con qualche proteina per evitare di aumentare i livelli di glucosio.

Quando comprate le noci, fate attenzione a scegliere quelle biologiche.

Se le comprate già sgusciate, controllate che non vi sia sale aggiunto o altri ingredienti che possano danneggiare la vostra salute.

Formaggio; Trovare il formaggio in questa lista sorprenderà molti di voi.

Il formaggio, infatti, non viene in genere associato agli alimenti ricchi di oli naturali, ma lo è, a meno che non scegliate le opzioni light o prive di grassi.

Il contenuto di oli e grassi naturali si deve al fatto che il formaggio si produce a partire dal latte intero.

Per prendersi cura della salute, bisogna optare per alternative di buona qualità.

In questo modo otterrete calcio, fosforo, selenio e vitamina B12.

È importante, quando mangiate formaggio, evitare di combinarlo con altri ingredienti grassi.

Ad esempio, evitate tutti gli altri condimenti, oli vegetali e fritture.

Quello che potete fare è combinarlo con ingredienti salutari, creando un piatto equilibrato, come verdure o cereali.

Pesci grassi; Le sardine e il salmone sono due buoni esempi di alimenti ricchi di oli e grassi naturali.

Infatti, queste specie ittiche sono ricche di acidi grassi omega 3, calcio e vitamine e sono molto usati nella dieta mediterranea.

Quando cucinate questi pesci, evitate di aggiungere altri grassi; invece, optate per una cottura al forno, al vapore o alla piastra.

Per equilibrare il consumo di grassi, accompagnate il pesce con una buona porzione di verdure.

Questo significa consumare almeno una o due tazze di verdure miste, in insalata o cotte.

Oli vegetali; L'ultimo degli alimenti ricco di oli naturali, che dovete includere regolarmente nella vostra dieta sono proprio gli oli vegetali.

Questi includono l'olio d'oliva, l'olio di cocco e qualsiasi olio commestibile di buona qualità.

Quando si usano questi oli è importante evitare le fritture perché, per quanto siano naturali e sani,

questo tipo di cottura non è salutare per il benessere cardiovascolare.

Una buona alternativa per trarne i migliori benefici è usare l'olio a crudo, per condire l'insalata.

Se usato con questo fine, è sufficiente aggiungere 1 o 2 cucchiaini di olio alle vostre pietanze.

Considerazioni generali sul consumo di oli e grassi naturali.

Anche se il consumo di oli naturali è benefico per la salute, è importante tenere a mente alcune precauzioni per evitare possibili disturbi.

Bisogna fare attenzione alle porzioni e non esagerare nell'uso.

È importante anche variare il tipo di alimento grasso.

In questo modo eviterete di annoiarvi della "solita minestra" e potrete sperimentare nuove opzioni, sempre salutari.

E voi? Mangiate alimenti ricchi di oli e grassi naturali? Quali sono i vostri preferiti?

For more infomation >> Oli e grassi naturali che fanno bene alla dieta - Duration: 7:03.


Diciotti, voto online e giunta per l'Immunità: vince il no al processo per Salvini - Duration: 5:18.

Annuncio Annuncio  Ieri lunedì 18 febbraio gli iscritti del Movimento 5 stelle hanno partecipato alla votazione online sulla piattaforma Rousseau

Lo strumento di partecipazione diretta ha confermato il notevole numero di cittadini votanti: in favore dell'immunità si sono espressi 30

948 utenti, mentre hanno detto di essere contrari altri 21.469 iscritti, che in percentuale sono rispettivamente il 59,05% contro il 40,95%

Al momento dell'annuncio dei risultati, sul blog dei 5 stelle, si è fatto notare il fatto che fosse la prima volta che tante persone, esattamente 52

417, votassero in una consultazione di una sola giornata. L'associazione Rousseau, a dicembre scorso, aveva annunciato ufficialmente di aver superato la quota di 100 mila iscritti

Dal canale Politica Vittorio Feltri a La Zanzara: 'Gli ebrei rompono da decenni con la Shoah, ma basta' di Federico Sanapo Segui il Canale Politica Segui il Canale Politica per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Politica ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio   Gli utenti hanno deciso di salvare Matteo Salvini  Gli iscritti hanno dunque deciso di salvare Matteo Salvini dal processo sul caso Diciotti

Il vicepremier Luigi di Maio ha scoperto il risultato nel momento in cui era in corso l'assemblea congiunta di tutti i parlamentari

Logicamente l'esito del voto ha segnato una grande svolta per il Movimento 5 stelle, ma come ha annunciato Di Maio, anche se il Movimento e la sua base hanno scelto di salvare il governo, l'ultima parola spettava comunque alla giunta per le immunità del Senato, che si è riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13:30

Matteo Salvini, intanto, ha ringraziato gli utenti per la fiducia e per il risultato ottenuto, ma ha dichiarato che non sarebbe rimasto "troppo deluso" se fosse accaduto il contrario e annuncia che sarebbe disposto ad affrontare qualsiasi tipo di votazione nei suoi confronti; poiché ha raccontato di essere molto tranquillo e di avere la coscienza a posto

Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo

Politica Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Matteo Salvini Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Elezioni Politiche Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Lega Nord Segui + Aggiungi a My Home M5S Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio   La giunta per le Immunità del senato riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13

30  La giunta per le Immunità del senato, riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13:30, ha deciso per il no alla richiesta del Tribunale dei ministri di Catania di processare il ministro Matteo Salvini

A favore della proposta di Maurizio Gasparri, di dire no all'autorizzazione, sarebbero stati in 16, contro altri 6 che invece erano contrari

 Alla fine delle votazioni si sono scatenate le prime polemiche del Pd, i cui esponenti urlavano la parola "Vergogna"; alla provocazione ha reagito il senatore del Movimento 5 stelle, Giarrusso, che ha risposto dicendo che lui non ha i genitori ai domiciliari, mimando contemporaneamente il gesto delle manette

Dal canale Matteo Salvini Salvini chiude i porti alla Ong tedesca Sea Eye di Domenico Camodeca Segui il Canale Matteo Salvini Segui il Canale Matteo Salvini per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Matteo Salvini ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio    Di Maio tra non molto tempo annuncerà le quattro forze politiche europee con le quali verrà steso un accordo di programma; in attesa delle votazioni di fine maggio, che saranno determinanti per il Movimento 5 stelle

Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2019/02/18/diciotti-il-voto-degli-iscritti-m5s-vince-il-no-al-processo-per-salvini-con-il-5905-delle-preferenze/4981424/ https://www


shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia

For more infomation >> Diciotti, voto online e giunta per l'Immunità: vince il no al processo per Salvini - Duration: 5:18.


Mega truffa ai vip: fregati Federica Panicucci e Vasco. Quanti soldi hanno perso - Duration: 3:58.

     Una truffa nel commercio di diamanti che ha coinvolto come vittime vip del calibro di Vasco Rossi ha portato la Gdf di Milano a eseguire un sequestro preventivo da oltre 700 milioni nei confronti di cinque banche e due società

Si ritiene che la rockstar abbia investito una cifra che si aggira sui 2,5 milioni di euro

 L'indagine sulla presunta truffa è oordinata da Riccardo Targetti e il decreto di sequestro, firmato dal gip Natalia Imarisio, è così suddisivo: 83 mln riguardano Bpm e Banca Aletti, 32 mln Unicredit, 11 mln Intesa e 35 Mps

Il resto è suddiviso tra le due società, la Intermarket diamond business spa (Idb) e Diamond Private Investment spa (Dpi)

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)      La prima avrebbe avuto un profitto legato all'ipotesi di truffa aggravata per 149 mln, la seconda per 165 mln

Alla cifra di oltre 700 mln di arriverebbe con 179 mln di autoriciclaggio per Idb e di 88 mln per dpi

Secondo gli investigatori risparmiatori e investitori avrebbero acquistato i preziosi a prezzi gonfiati e i presunti autori della truffa avrebbero utilizzato anche false quotazioni per raggiungere lo scopo

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)     Il ruolo delle banche, come intermediari, sarebbe stato centrale con gli stessi istituti che secondo l'accusa sarebbero stati a conoscenza del meccanismo

Si tratta di una svolta importante in una vicenda che vede coinvolte diverse decine di migliaia di risparmiatori

Nell'inchiesta, gli investigatori hanno ricostruito le posizioni di circa un centinaio di clienti

Tra questi come detto anche Vasco Rossi, che secondo quanto emerge dalla carte avrebbe investito 2,5 milioni di euro

Simona Tagli avrebbe fatto un investimento da circa 29mila euro e Federica Panicucci da circa 54mila euro

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Gli investigatori hanno ricostruito le posizioni di circa un centinaio di persone truffate, ma i raggiri sarebbero stati compiuti nei confronti di tanti altri soggetti

Il sequestro è stato eseguito a carico di 7 persone indagate e di 7 enti indagati, ossia le 5 banche e le due società Intermarket Diamond Business spa (IDB) e Diamond Private Investment spa (DPI), per le ipotesi di reato di truffa aggravata e autoriciclaggio


For more infomation >> Mega truffa ai vip: fregati Federica Panicucci e Vasco. Quanti soldi hanno perso - Duration: 3:58.


Ogni giorno proveremo a capire e spiegare il tempo che viviamo con la serietà, il rigore e la passi - Duration: 9:34.

Secondo una previsione temeraria del presidente del Consiglio, l'avvocato Giuseppe Conte, il 2019 sarà un anno bellissimo

La speranza di tutti è che abbia ragione. L'evidenza di questi primi cinquanta giorni direbbe il contrario

Siamo entrati ufficialmente in recessione. Le previsioni di crescita del nostro Pil sono franate allo 0,2 per cento, il gradino più basso d'Europa

La produzione industriale è balzata all'indietro del 5,5 per cento. Si è scoperto che l'agognato reddito di cittadinanza non arriverà a destinazione per un milione e mezzo di lavoratori poveri: sei su dieci degli aventi diritto, più della metà

In Abruzzo, alle Regionali di dieci giorni fa, ha votato il 53 per cento, una percentuale allarmante, tranne per chi pensa che la democrazia parlamentare sia un orpello da smantellare, un ostacolo tra popolo e capipopolo

Le uniche cose che salgono, e non pare di buon auspicio, sono il livello dell'insofferenza verso chi rema contro, dal Quirinale al Vaticano, e il volume delle minacce contro i nemici, dovunque si annidino

Bankitalia e Consob? «I vertici andrebbero azzerati» è l'opzione zero di Matteo Salvini

Azzerati. Come gli sbarchi dei migranti. O le canzoni straniere, da intervallare per legge con musica nostrana doc

Il giorno di San Valentino, a Melegnano, provincia di Milano, sul muro della casa di una famiglia che aveva da poco adottato un ragazzo senegalese è comparsa questa scritta: "Pagate per questi negri di merda"

È come se la natura di tanti italiani si stesse rapidamente trasformando, incattivendosi

Insieme a molti diritti su cui si fonda la nostra comunità, stanno saltando i valori che quei diritti sottendono e sostengono

Stavamo seduti sopra un vulcano di rabbia e rancore, e non ce ne eravamo accorti

  Se abbiamo forti dubbi su un 2019 bellissimo, abbiamo una certezza sul 2018: è stato un anno incredibile, l'eruzione di un'Italia delusa, spaventata, e anche un po' spaventosa

È passato un anno, anche se sembra molto di più: 4 marzo 2018, un voto che cambia connotati e anima a un Paese, che da lì ha cominciato freneticamente a scollarsi, a disunirsi, a isolarsi da quell'idea di Europa che aveva contribuito a edificare, per inseguire pericolose alleanze con Paesi e concezioni del mondo lontani anni luce dai pilastri ideali della nostra Costituzione

Un anno durante il quale la sinistra ha assistito attonita al proprio disfacimento, dilapidando milioni di consensi e di speranze, in attesa di una rinascita che con fatica, e ci auguriamo con umiltà, proprio in queste settimane stava assumendo un qualche contorno riconoscibile (le ultime vicende di casa Renzi di certo non aiutano)

Un anno dove la Terra che ci ospita ha visto peggiorare il suo già precario stato di salute, nell'incuranza e nello sfregio dei Grandi che dovrebbero invece proteggerne il cuore

E così la scienza, oltraggiata dall'incompetenza al potere. L'Internazionale dell'egoismo, del «me ne frego», ha rotto argini che sembravano incrollabili

E l'Italia è un fronte avanzato di questa ondata globale di "disumanesimo".  Alzi la mano chi, un anno fa, avrebbe potuto immaginare che il ministro dell'Interno sarebbe stato indagato per sequestro di persona, oppure che l'ambasciatore francese a Roma sarebbe stato richiamato in Patria in segno di protesta, o ancora che una parlamentare di Forza Italia avrebbe guidato un gommone per forzare un blocco e verificare lo stato di salute di un'umanità derelitta tenuta in ostaggio su una nave a cui era negato l'approdo a un porto

E chi poteva spingersi a prevedere che persino la vittoria al Festival di Sanremo di un cantante milanese, ma di origini egiziane, sarebbe stata additata come una mossa contro il popolo sovrano?  È così, credo, che si senta il lettore di Repubblica quando ogni mattina apre il giornale: incredulo

Davvero siamo arrivati fin qui? Davvero, prima gli italiani? Davvero si possono mischiare nella stessa frase le parole "pacchia" e "migranti"? Davvero se uno muore durante un arresto ci si può chiedere: e che doveva fare la polizia, offrire cappuccino e brioche? Davvero Ong e trafficanti sono sulla stessa barca? Davvero una piattaforma digitale privata, dal dubbio funzionamento e dall'oscuro reticolo di interessi e scopi, può indirizzare le scelte strategiche di un governo? Ecco, al cittadino disorientato mi sento di garantire soltanto una cosa: ogni giorno proveremo a capire e spiegare il tempo che viviamo, tempo imprevisto e dagli esiti imprevedibili, con la serietà, il rigore e la passione civile che sono il vero patrimonio di questo giornale e della comunità che rappresenta

Comunità eterogenea, che mai come oggi, nei mille rivoli nei quali manifesta il suo dissenso non verso un esito elettorale legittimo ma contro gli squarci alla democrazia che quell'esito quotidianamente produce, ha il bisogno vitale di una casa comune dove ritrovarsi

Ecco, noi siamo quella casa. E siamo aperti, ogni ora e ogni giorno, nelle edicole e nel vasto universo digitale

Pronti a informarvi, ma insieme ad accogliervi, ad ascoltarvi, a progettare con voi un'altra Italia possibile, e possibilmente più umana

  Nel suo primo editoriale, il primo giorno di vita di Repubblica, il 14 gennaio 1976, Eugenio Scalfari scriveva: «Questo giornale è un poco diverso dagli altri

Anziché ostentare un'illusoria neutralità politica, dichiara esplicitamente d'avere operato una scelta di campo

È fatto da persone che appartengono al vasto arco della sinistra italiana, consapevoli di esercitare un mestiere fondato su un massimo di professionalità e anche di indipendenza»

Vent'anni dopo, il 6 maggio 1996, il secondo direttore di Repubblica, Ezio Mauro, rilancerà la sfida: «Repubblica non è un partito, come hanno semplificato in troppi, e non ha mai avuto un orizzonte diverso da quello del giornalismo

Ma è certo qualcosa di più di un giornale. Qualcosa in cui un pezzo d'Italia si riconosce, uno strumento di identità libera ma collettiva»

Il terzo direttore, Mario Calabresi, che mi passa il testimone e che idealmente abbraccio per il grande lavoro e le indispensabili dosi di modernità che ha saputo iniettare nelle vene del giornale, il 16 gennaio 2016 si presenta così: «Ho messo in valigia ciò che penso sia più necessario per combattere la crisi di fiducia che oggi la società ha verso l'informazione: capacità di mettersi in discussione, di correggersi in modo trasparente e di coltivare dubbi, che per me sono il sale della vita»

Come giornalista, non sono un figlio di Repubblica e non mi sono formato in questa scuola

Ma sono cresciuto anch'io, professionalmente e non solo, in sintonia con il lungo percorso di questa straordinaria avventura giornalistica e culturale

Da oggi ne prendo in prestito la guida, ringraziando l'editore per l'onore che ha voluto concedermi

Il giornale, specie un giornale che è qualcosa di più di un giornale, vive di sintonia profonda con i propri lettori

Quelli che l'hanno sostenuto nelle tante battaglie per un Paese più civile. Quelli che andremo a cercare per allargare la nostra casa comune

Il 2019 non sarà un anno bellissimo per l'Italia, ma faremo di tutto perché non diventi bruttissimo


For more infomation >> Ogni giorno proveremo a capire e spiegare il tempo che viviamo con la serietà, il rigore e la passi - Duration: 9:34.


✅ Marina Ruy faz revelação e bota ponto final em polêmica com Loreto - Duration: 1:35.

 Cansada do burburinho envolvendo seu nome tanto nos bastidores da Globo quanto na internet, Marina Ruy Barbosa decidiu colocar um ponto final na polêmica com José Loreto e Débora Nascimento

Em ligação ao jornalista Leo Dias, do Fofocalizando, a ruiva se pronunciou contra todas as acusações

 Em 30 minutos, a global citou um complô de atrizes da emissora carioca contra ela, e enfatizou que não é a pivô da separação de Loreto e Débora

"Triste e decepcionada", como descreveu Dias, Marina abriu o jogo, também, sobre a festa íntima que teria dado em sua casa

Marina Ruy faz revelação e bota ponto final em polêmica com Loreto   9 FOTOS  Direta, ela contou que a celebração estava realmente prevista para acontecer, mas um erro de interpretação gerou informações erradas, culminando no fim da ideia

Portanto, Marina cancelou o evento, comparecendo à casa do ator Marcelo Novaes, para onde a festa foi deslocada

 Com todo o elenco de O Sétimo Guardião, a celebração contou com a presença, então, de Marina – com o marido, Alexandre Negrão – e José Loreto – acompanhado de Débora, até então sua esposa

A festa transcorreu sem incidentes, e o clima em torno do casal atualmente separado seria de harmonia


For more infomation >> ✅ Marina Ruy faz revelação e bota ponto final em polêmica com Loreto - Duration: 1:35.


✅ Maycon é o quinto eliminado do Big Brother Brasil 19 e Tiago Leifert dá puxão de orelha nos brothe - Duration: 1:33.

 Maycon foi o quinto eliminado do Big Brother Brasil 19 nesta terça-feira, 19, com 55,72% dos votos

Rodrigo recebeu 42,37% dos votos, e Tereza 1,91%.  Tiago Leifert aproveitou o anúncio da eliminação para fazer algumas críticas aos brothers

O apresentador poupou a delicadeza ao dizer que os participantes não poderiam mais irem ao paredão tão facilmente, uma vez que Tereza foi a berlinda com apenas dois votos

Além disso ele ainda falou que a época que o programa está, já era para eles estarem recebendo um grande número de votos

 Na hora de sua saída, o mineiro ainda deixou um recado aos brothers: "Não vim aqui para que minha presença notada e sim minha falta seja sentida"

 No paredão, que foi formado no último domingo, 17, o anjo da semana, Carolina, imunizou sua amiga, Isabela

 Maycon foi indicado pelos líderes Danrley e Elana.  Em votação aberta, Hariany, Paula e Maycon votaram em Rodrigo, fazendo ele ser indicado pela casa com 3 votos

Mas o paredão triplo desta semana seria formado pelos dois mais votados pela casa

Sendo assim, a terceira indicada foi Tereza, que recebeu 2 votos, de Gabriela e Rízia

For more infomation >> ✅ Maycon é o quinto eliminado do Big Brother Brasil 19 e Tiago Leifert dá puxão de orelha nos brothe - Duration: 1:33.


Grupo De Desafio De 21 Dias - (ATENÇÃO!!!!) 17.397,44 Em 30 DIAS - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Grupo De Desafio De 21 Dias - (ATENÇÃO!!!!) 17.397,44 Em 30 DIAS - Duration: 1:09.


Houston Police: No More "No Knock" - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Houston Police: No More "No Knock" - Duration: 2:13.


People Skills For Business | Lanny - Duration: 0:40.

Hi! My name is Lanny from Jakarta.

On the next International Welty Cell,

I will share about

Basic People Skill for Professional Network Builder.

Why is it important to keep growing?

Why do I need to keep learning

and increase my ability

to communicate when interacting with other people?

I will share this on

February 26th, at 7 PM.

Are you curious?

Look forward for next week!


For more infomation >> People Skills For Business | Lanny - Duration: 0:40.


Fake news Tristan Thompson tweets and DELETES reaction to claims he cheated with Jordyn Woods� Dai - Duration: 5:18.

Fake news Tristan Thompson tweets and DELETES reaction to claims he cheated with Jordyn Woods  Dai

Tristan Thompson took to to defend his reputation after reports dumped him for cheating with s best friend Jordyn Woods. 

The Cleveland Cavalier, who has a 10 month old daughter with Kardashian, denied the rumors, writing: FAKE NEWS and nothing more just shy of 5pm on Tuesday.

His denial was short lived, however.

Thompson, who was previously embroiled in a cheating scandal before their daughters birth last year, quickly deleted his reaction. 

Dont believe it: Tristan Thompson took to Twitter to defend his reputation on Tuesday following reports he cheated on Khloe Kardashian

Undo: The Cleveland Cavalier above in January quickly deleted his reaction, however

Tristans reported tryst happened over the weekend while he came to visit Khloe and daughter True in Los Angeles for Valentines Day, according to .

While the basketball player tried to play the role of doting partner and dad, he couldnt hold up the good guy act for long.

While hosting a party at his LA home, Tristan was seen smooching Jordyn, 21, according to sources who spoke to .

Thompson and Woods were all over each other, and, it wasnt just "friendly," the party attendee divulged.

Khloes seemed to corroborate the cheating allegation on her social media, liking Hollywood Unlockeds Instagram post about the scandal.

Party girl: While hosting a party at his LA home, Tristan was seen smooching Jordyn, 21

Confirming the facts? And her best friend Malika Haqq wrote in the comments section, STRONG FACTS. Khloe reacted with several emojis of someone yelling

Her best friend Malika Haqq also commented on the matter, writing: STRONG FACTS under the post. Khloe then reacted with several yelling emojis.

She, sisters Kim and Kourtney, and mom Kris still appear to be following Jordyns accounts, however.

Tristans latest cheating scandal appears to be the final straw for Khloe, who reportedly broke things immediately after learning of the infidelity.

She has had enough, an insider told TMZ.

Not gonna take it any more: Tristans latest cheating scandal appears to be the final straw for Khloe, who broke things immediately after learning of the infidelity

Once a cheater... This is far from Tristans first time in hot water over infidelity. Last Spring he was caught in two incriminating videos with women. Above Thompson is seen February 5

This is far from Tristans first time in hot water over infidelity.

Last April video emerged of the basketball player getting handsy with a pair of women at a Washington DC hookah lounge.

The video, which was originally from October of 2017, came to light mere days before the birth of he and Khloes daughter. 

The scandal intensified as another video, this time showing Thompson checking into an NYC hotel with a different woman, came to light.

Cast away: The siren also cast Woods as a model for her Good American jeans

As Kylie Jenners longtime BFF, Jordyn has been a near constant fixture in the Kardashian Jenner universe.

The model appeared on the makeup CEOs reality show The Life Of Kylie and the pair collaborated on a makeup collection together.

Jordyn and Khloe have also worked together. The model was featured in a campaign for Kardashians Good American jeans brand.

And back in September, Kardashian and Thompson even attended Woods 21st birthday party, where the then couple were supposedly seen holding hands and having fun together.

Back in September, Kardashian and Thompson even attended Woods 21st birthday party together, where the then couple were supposedly seen holding hands and having fun

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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd

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For more infomation >> Fake news Tristan Thompson tweets and DELETES reaction to claims he cheated with Jordyn Woods� Dai - Duration: 5:18.


Oana Zăvoranu apare în ultimul videoclip al lui Pepe? Fanilor nu le-a venit să creadă când au văzut- - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Oana Zăvoranu apare în ultimul videoclip al lui Pepe? Fanilor nu le-a venit să creadă când au văzut- - Duration: 2:41.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.


Is je accountant een cijfercoach? - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Is je accountant een cijfercoach? - Duration: 6:26.


Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT SPORTY WAGON - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT SPORTY WAGON - Duration: 0:59.


James Hardie Cement Siding Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Cement Siding Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 2:35.

James Hardie Cement Siding Arlington Heights IL

Chicagoland Builders is proud to be an "Elite Preferred Contractor" with James Hardie Fiber

Cement Siding.

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You want to ensure you're buying the best possible product when you choose to re-side

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James Hardie invented fiber cement and remains the leader in the field.

Siding is exposed to Mother Nature all day, every day, for years.

Weather, water, time, fire and pests—all can lead to trouble.

That's why James Hardie's hardworking products are engineered to stand up beautifully,

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James Hardie® fiber cement products combine beautiful design with high performance.

Time and time again, James Hardie siding beats their competitors on both curb appeal and


James Hardie ColorPlus® Baked-on technology has greater resistance to fading, chipping

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It's the easiest way to choose a gorgeous color for your house, and feel confident in

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Their ColorPlus Technology comes in a variety of gorgeous colors curated by their color


There are many reasons to choose James Hardie siding over vinyl, the first of which is appearance.

James Hardie siding is over five times thicker than vinyl, allowing for a more authentic

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Also James Hardie siding is more fire-resistant than vinyl siding.

Vinyl may crack and warp from the elements; James Hardie siding won't melt and are resistant

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James Hardie siding is not only less expensive than wood siding it doesn't attract pests,

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All James Hardie siding products come with a 30-year, non-prorated warranty and trim

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With Chicagoland Builders what you get is competitive pricing, the experience you want,

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For more infomation >> James Hardie Cement Siding Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Cement Siding Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 2:35.


✅ Após separação, Débora Nascimento recebe elogios - Área VIP - Duration: 2:00.

 No ar na novela "Verão 90", a atriz Débora Nascimento está passando por um momento complicado na sua vida pessoal, acontece que ela terminou recentemente o seu casamento de seis anos com o ator José Loreto, após ter descoberto uma suposta traição

 Porém, o comportamento profissional da artista, vem sendo motivo de elogios nos bastidores da emissora carioca: "Todo mundo sabe que ela está sofrendo com a separação, mas ela está sendo super profissional e discreta

Continua com seu bom humor e seguindo firme nas gravações. Ela também não comenta nada com ninguém nem chora pelos cantos e isso acaba desarmando qualquer um que tente entrar no assunto mesmo longe dela

Débora parece plena", disse um integrante da equipe de "Verão 90" ao UOL

 O término do casamento de Débora com Loreto, foi confirmado pela assessoria de imprensa da atriz no último sábado (16): "Débora Nascimento e José Loreto não estão mais juntos

A atriz conta com a compreensão de todos os fãs e amigos da imprensa nesse momento"

Apoio  A notícia que chocou o mundo dos famosos nos últimos dias foi a da separação dos atores José Loreto e Débora Nascimento

O casal, que tem uma filha de apenas 10 meses, Bella, ficou junto por cerca de 6 anos

 Após o anúncio do término, Débora Nascimento começou a receber inúmeras mensagens de apoio, tanto de famosos quanto de anônimos

Uma das celebridades que ganhou muito destaque, foi a da também atriz Alice Wegmann

 No espaço de comentários da última foto que Débora tinha publicado até então, Alice comentou: "Ainda bem que o mundo tem mulheres como você! Que sua filhota cresça com todo esse amo que você dá… E que vocês duas se bastem, sempre! Love!"…Confira! Leia também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Após separação, Débora Nascimento recebe elogios - Área VIP - Duration: 2:00.


Boogeyman 2: Noite 8 - Nightmare Night [GAMEPLAY LEGENDADO PT BR] - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Boogeyman 2: Noite 8 - Nightmare Night [GAMEPLAY LEGENDADO PT BR] - Duration: 6:44.


Bestar,furniture fittings,Wardrobe connecting rod,hardware fitting,counting and packaging machine - Duration: 1:49.

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For more infomation >> Bestar,furniture fittings,Wardrobe connecting rod,hardware fitting,counting and packaging machine - Duration: 1:49.


✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.

 O ministro Marco Aurélio Mello, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), rejeitou um recurso apresentado pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro contra a sentença que o obriga a pagar R$ 10 mil em indenização por danos morais à deputada Maria do Rosário (PT-RS)

 A decisão foi publicada na edição dessa terça-feira do "Diário de Justiça Eletrônico"

A defesa do presidente da República ainda pode recorrer à Primeira Turma da Corte

 Também foi mantida a determinação de que o presidente publique uma retratação em jornal de grande circulação, além de sua página no Facebook e do YouTube

Isso porque a ação judicial contém o trecho de uma fala pública de Bolsonaro em que ele afirma que "jamais pedirá desculpas a Maria do Rosário"

 O processo diz respeito a declarações de Bolsonaro, em 2014, quando ainda era deputado federal e declarou que a então colega não merecia ser estuprada porque ele a considera "muito feia" e ela não "faz o seu tipo"

 Por essa mesma declaração, o atual presidente da República virou réu no Supremo mas a ação foi suspensa na semana passada porque, como chefe do Executivo federal, ele não pode responder por fatos anteriores ao mandato

 Em agosto de 2017, a Terceira Turma do STJ (Superior Tribunal de Justiça) manteve a condenação

Bolsonaro, no entanto, recorreu ao STF no final daquele ano, argumentando que o veredito contraria o princípio da imunidade parlamentar

Segundo ele, havia um "antagonismo ideológico" entre ele e a parlamentar gaúcha

 Os advogados de Bolsonaro alegam que, na ocasião em que concedeu a entrevista polêmica, ele estava no exercício de um mandato parlamentar

A Constituição assegura imunidade nesses casos, ressaltaram.  Maria do Rosário foi reeleita no ano passado para a sua quinta legislatura consecutiva na Câmara dos Deputados

Ela obteve mais de 97 mil votos.  Em decisão de oito páginas na última quinta-feira, Marco Aurélio Mello rejeitou o recurso de Bolsonaro com o argumento de que o presidente tentava reanálise de provas e que isso não é possível, de acordo com o entendimento já consolidado do STF

 "Ficou assentado pelas instâncias coletoras da prova nada concernir à atividade parlamentar as ofensas do recorrente", escreveu o ministro na decisão

No mesmo despacho, Marco Aurélio também aumentou o valor que Bolsonaro deve pagar como honorários à defesa da deputada petista, de 10% para 15% do valor da indenização

 Jean Wyllys  Bolsonaro também sofreu nova derrota no processo em que acusa o seu ex-colega Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) por calúnia, injúria e difamação

O TJ-RJ (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro) julgou improcedente uma ação em que o então deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ)

 A ação se baseia em uma entrevista publicada pelo jornal "O Povo", em agosto de 2017, e na qual Wyllys se refere a Bolsonaro usando termos como "burro", "canalha" e "racista"

Ele também utilizou as palavras "desonesto", "desqualificado", "fascista", "corrupto", "canalha", "nepotista", "boquirroto" e "responsável por lavagem de dinheiro"

 No processo, Bolsonaro pedia R$ 20 mil de indenização por danos morais, pleito que acabou negado na sentença assinada pela juíza Marcia Correia Hollanda, com base no argumento de que Wyllys contava com imunidade parlamentar até o ano passado

BolsonaroJean WyllysMaria do Rosárioprocessostf

For more infomation >> ✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.


✅ Barbra Streisand proibiu papel de parede de tabloides no banheiro de casa - Duration: 1:17.

O ator James Brolin, marido de Barbra Streisand, revelou no programa The Talk, que a atriz e cantora o proibiu de decorar seu banheiro com capas de tabloides com relatos infundados sobre seus supostos problemas matrimoniais

O casal comemorou seu 20º aniversário de casamento no ano passado, e segundo o ator, quando estavam fazendo a reforma de um dos banheiros de sua casa, ele sugeriu colocar como papel de parede, essas imagens das fofocas sobre eles

Mas a atriz não permitiu, ele conta. "Eu só acho que essas histórias são tão engraçadas, mas (ela disse) não ao papel de parede, então eu ainda tenho uma pilha de caixas

tenho capas e histórias e coisas que estou guardando, então um dia, talvez eu construa um anexo!", brincou

Notícias Relacionadas   29/10/2018 | 02h00m - OFuxico Barbra Streisand afirma que os homens se assustavam com ela   12/09/2018 | 10h00m - OFuxico Tom Cruise quer Barbra Streisand na Cientologia   28/02/2018 | 16h00m - OFuxico Barbra Streisand tem dois cachorros clonados em casa

For more infomation >> ✅ Barbra Streisand proibiu papel de parede de tabloides no banheiro de casa - Duration: 1:17.


Ford Fiesta T100pk Navi 16"Lmv Cruise Pr.Glas BTooth El.r/Sp. 1.0 EcoBoost Hot Hatch Sport Edition O - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta T100pk Navi 16"Lmv Cruise Pr.Glas BTooth El.r/Sp. 1.0 EcoBoost Hot Hatch Sport Edition O - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Clio dCi 110pk Intens R-Link, Bose, Camera, 17"velgen - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio dCi 110pk Intens R-Link, Bose, Camera, 17"velgen - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.


黄晓明半夜发微博"我尽力了,但没能留住你",到底怎么了? 最后的真相被揭露......数以百万计的粉丝正在受苦! - Duration: 14:55.

For more infomation >> 黄晓明半夜发微博"我尽力了,但没能留住你",到底怎么了? 最后的真相被揭露......数以百万计的粉丝正在受苦! - Duration: 14:55.


✅ Cruze os dedos: Mega-Sena pode pagar R$ 32 mi nesta quarta (20/2) - Duration: 1:33.

 A Mega-Sena sorteia, nesta quarta-feira (20/2), um prêmio estimado em R$ 32 milhões

O sorteio do concurso 2.126 da modalidade será realizado no Caminhão da Sorte, estacionado na avenida Frederico Ozanam, 6

000, em Jundiaí (SP).  As apostas podem ser feitas até às 19h (horário de Brasília) desta quarta, em qualquer lotérica do país e também no Portal Loterias Online (www

loteriasonline.caixa.gov.br). Clientes com acesso ao Internet Banking Caixa podem fazer suas apostas pelo seu computador pessoal, tablet ou smartphone

Para isso, basta ter conta corrente no banco e ser maior de 18 anos.  O serviço funciona das 8h às 22h (horário de Brasília), exceto em dias de sorteios, quando as apostas se encerram às 19h, retornando às 21h para o concurso seguinte

 Para jogar pela internet, no Portal Loterias Online, o apostador precisa ser maior de 18 anos e efetuar um pequeno cadastro

O cliente escolhe seus palpites, insere no carrinho e paga todas as suas apostas de uma só vez, utilizando o cartão de crédito

O valor mínimo da compra no Portal (que pode conter apostas de todas as modalidades disponíveis no site) é de R$ 30,00 e máximo de R$ 500,00 por dia

(Com informações da Caixa)

For more infomation >> ✅ Cruze os dedos: Mega-Sena pode pagar R$ 32 mi nesta quarta (20/2) - Duration: 1:33.


✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.

 O ministro Marco Aurélio Mello, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), rejeitou um recurso apresentado pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro contra a sentença que o obriga a pagar R$ 10 mil em indenização por danos morais à deputada Maria do Rosário (PT-RS)

 A decisão foi publicada na edição dessa terça-feira do "Diário de Justiça Eletrônico"

A defesa do presidente da República ainda pode recorrer à Primeira Turma da Corte

 Também foi mantida a determinação de que o presidente publique uma retratação em jornal de grande circulação, além de sua página no Facebook e do YouTube

Isso porque a ação judicial contém o trecho de uma fala pública de Bolsonaro em que ele afirma que "jamais pedirá desculpas a Maria do Rosário"

 O processo diz respeito a declarações de Bolsonaro, em 2014, quando ainda era deputado federal e declarou que a então colega não merecia ser estuprada porque ele a considera "muito feia" e ela não "faz o seu tipo"

 Por essa mesma declaração, o atual presidente da República virou réu no Supremo mas a ação foi suspensa na semana passada porque, como chefe do Executivo federal, ele não pode responder por fatos anteriores ao mandato

 Em agosto de 2017, a Terceira Turma do STJ (Superior Tribunal de Justiça) manteve a condenação

Bolsonaro, no entanto, recorreu ao STF no final daquele ano, argumentando que o veredito contraria o princípio da imunidade parlamentar

Segundo ele, havia um "antagonismo ideológico" entre ele e a parlamentar gaúcha

 Os advogados de Bolsonaro alegam que, na ocasião em que concedeu a entrevista polêmica, ele estava no exercício de um mandato parlamentar

A Constituição assegura imunidade nesses casos, ressaltaram.  Maria do Rosário foi reeleita no ano passado para a sua quinta legislatura consecutiva na Câmara dos Deputados

Ela obteve mais de 97 mil votos.  Em decisão de oito páginas na última quinta-feira, Marco Aurélio Mello rejeitou o recurso de Bolsonaro com o argumento de que o presidente tentava reanálise de provas e que isso não é possível, de acordo com o entendimento já consolidado do STF

 "Ficou assentado pelas instâncias coletoras da prova nada concernir à atividade parlamentar as ofensas do recorrente", escreveu o ministro na decisão

No mesmo despacho, Marco Aurélio também aumentou o valor que Bolsonaro deve pagar como honorários à defesa da deputada petista, de 10% para 15% do valor da indenização

 Jean Wyllys  Bolsonaro também sofreu nova derrota no processo em que acusa o seu ex-colega Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) por calúnia, injúria e difamação

O TJ-RJ (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro) julgou improcedente uma ação em que o então deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ)

 A ação se baseia em uma entrevista publicada pelo jornal "O Povo", em agosto de 2017, e na qual Wyllys se refere a Bolsonaro usando termos como "burro", "canalha" e "racista"

Ele também utilizou as palavras "desonesto", "desqualificado", "fascista", "corrupto", "canalha", "nepotista", "boquirroto" e "responsável por lavagem de dinheiro"

 No processo, Bolsonaro pedia R$ 20 mil de indenização por danos morais, pleito que acabou negado na sentença assinada pela juíza Marcia Correia Hollanda, com base no argumento de que Wyllys contava com imunidade parlamentar até o ano passado

BolsonaroJean WyllysMaria do Rosárioprocessostf

For more infomation >> ✅ O Supremo manteve a decisão que condena Bolsonaro a indenizar a deputada Maria do Rosário e a se r - Duration: 3:27.


female vocal trance №7 - Duration: 1:05:46.

For more infomation >> female vocal trance №7 - Duration: 1:05:46.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.


Klopp looking forward to reunion with Lewandowski and Hummels - Duration: 5:00.

Jurgen Klopp has admitted his one wish for the season would be to win the Premier League as he prepares to relaunch Liverpool's European campaign against former charges Mats Hummels and Robert Lewandowski

Liverpool face Bayern Munich tomorrow in the first leg of their last-16 clash and Klopp has revealed that Dejan Lovren, who has been struggling with a hamstring issue, will be given every chance to prove his fitness for the game at Anfield

There will be a makeshift defence, with midfielder Fabinho set to take over from the suspended Virgil van Dijk, but Klopp is relishing the opportunity to take on a familiar foe once again in a competition that has always captivated Liverpool fans

Jurgen Klopp has admitted his one wish for the season would be to win the Premier League Klopp's side take on Mats Hummels (R), Robert Lewandowski (L) and Co when they face Bayern Munich in the Champions League on TuesdayKlopp, however, recognises the prize they want him to deliver above all is the Premier League and he hopes Liverpool, who trail Manchester City on goal difference, can put that right this season

'If you would have to decide, for all Liverpool fans it is clear, it is the Premier League,' said Klopp

'But now we play Champions League and they all expect that we will do our best tomorrow night

'Thank God we don't have to make this decision, eh? And we will not know today or tomorrow, we have to give it our all, and play very passionate football, the football we expect when we come to Anfield

'We expect a good atmosphere but we know the part we have to play. It will be outstanding tomorrow night

I am looking forward to it, it is something to enjoy. Klopp enjoyed such success with Lewandowski and Hummels while at Borussia Dortmund'There is a lot of power involved in that

The experience of our crowd is that it is able to go from 100 to 120, 130, 140 percent

I would never have thought that was possible, but it happened a couple of times already

'Klopp will be reunited with Hummels and Lewandowski, two players with whom he enjoyed such success with Borussia Dortmund

Lewandowski once told Sportsmail how he used to have €50 bets with Klopp to improve his finishing and his old boss is aware of the threat they pose

'I worked together with these two boys and I loved it, two fantastic players,' said Klopp

'I have to be really thankful because without them, probably my career would not be the same

We all benefited from each other.'I remember my first phone call with Mats Hummels and the first time I saw Robert Lewandowski

That is part of my life, part of my history.'I know a lot, I would not say I know everything about them, but I followed their path and their way and I really like them

But tomorrow night we will try everything to make sure they don't shine. Difficult, but we will still try!' 'I worked together with these two boys and I loved it, two fantastic players,' the Reds boss saidThis is the start of a 10 day spell in which Liverpool will also face trips to Manchester United and Everton but Klopp insists there are no distractions

We cannot think about it in a different way,' said Klopp. 'I don't think if you ask Manchester United before they face Chelsea, then they are thinking about our game

I don't think so.'We had only tough months this season. There was not one month where we thought 'oh good, only these opponents!' It's always tough, and we have to be ready for that and hopefully we are

We have to be 100 percent focused for the game tomorrow night, otherwise we don't have a chance


For more infomation >> Klopp looking forward to reunion with Lewandowski and Hummels - Duration: 5:00.


Máy ép cám viên trục đứng 3A3Kw M3 - SĐT: 0948912688 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Máy ép cám viên trục đứng 3A3Kw M3 - SĐT: 0948912688 - Duration: 3:10.


Liverpool sent WARNING by Man Utd legend Paul Scholes: 'We don't want them to do that' - Duration: 2:33.

 The Reds are fighting Manchester City for the title and face their arch-rivals at Old Trafford

 And Scholes still thinks United taking on Liverpool is a bigger rivalry than the Red Devils taking on City

 The Oldham manager has warned Liverpool that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's United will do everything they can to stop them matching the record of Premier League titles held outright by the Red Devils

 He told Sky Sports: "Of course I will be watching on Sunday, definitely. It's the big one really

 "It certainly was when I was playing. Obviously City have done better over these last few years but United vs Liverpool is a big, big game

 "Liverpool are going well and so are Manchester United. I think it's the biggest rivalry in English football

 "We know if City keep going the way they are it may overtake it a little bit. "You'd expect two Manchester teams to be the biggest rivalry but I don't think it is

 "I still think it's Liverpool for Man Utd, especially with Liverpool trying to match United's record of winning the league

 "We don't want them to do that." Liverpool currently sit second in the Premier League

 They are level on points with City but do have a game in hand over Pep Guardiola's side

 That match is against United as their title rivals play in the Carabao Cup final against Chelsea

 Liverpool could be top of the Premier League table by then if they can secure a point at Old Trafford from 2

05pm. But it will be a tough task to beat Solskjaer's United. Since the Norwegian replaced Jose Mourinho he has lost just one match - the clash against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League

For more infomation >> Liverpool sent WARNING by Man Utd legend Paul Scholes: 'We don't want them to do that' - Duration: 2:33.


Vụ sa't h ại nữ sinh ở Điện Biên: Sao có thể nhận thưởng trong nỗi đau của gia đình nạn nhân? - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Vụ sa't h ại nữ sinh ở Điện Biên: Sao có thể nhận thưởng trong nỗi đau của gia đình nạn nhân? - Duration: 5:32.


Piers Morgan on why the US and UK shouldn't allow ISIS brides to return home - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Piers Morgan on why the US and UK shouldn't allow ISIS brides to return home - Duration: 5:53.


Brothers told police Jussie Smollett was upset threatening letter didn't get enough attention - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Brothers told police Jussie Smollett was upset threatening letter didn't get enough attention - Duration: 1:48.


Jeff's Tuesday Night Forecast - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Jeff's Tuesday Night Forecast - Duration: 4:18.


Meghan Markle DINNER at a swanky New York restaurant with Serena and Jessica - after baby shower - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle DINNER at a swanky New York restaurant with Serena and Jessica - after baby shower - Duration: 6:02.


Royal Az - Why This Is Us Star Susan Kelechi Watson Refused to Use a Stunt Double for Beth's Dancin - Duration: 6:37.

 This Is Us fans finally got the Beth backstory episode they've been asking for — and it was so worth the wait!  Viewers learned the deep importance of dance, specifically ballet, to Susan Kelechi Watson's character

After all, as her on-screen mom, Phylicia Rashad, said Beth was the "little island girl who danced before she could walk" at 18 months old

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 And much how Beth reconnected to her love of ballet after so many years, the actress also has a personal passion for dance

Rather than bringing on a double for the choreography in the "Our Little Island Girl" episode, Watson insisted on putting in the work herself

 "Dance is so important to me because it's a way of expression without speaking," Watson tells PEOPLE

 "I think for me it's a more thorough way of expression. I can dance something and people will know exactly how I feel

Things that I can't even find the words for," she explains. "I love to be in my skin in that way

For Beth, she was dancing before she could walk, so there's something about it, it's innate

"  Not only did the TIU writers incorporate Watson's Jamaican background into Beth's backstory, but they also mirrored Watson's real-life experience as a dancer into Beth's ballet journey via actresses Akira Akbar, who played young Beth, and Rachel Naomi Hilson, who portrayed teenage Beth

 "My mom would tell me how she would take me to department stores and they would play the music over the loudspeaker

I would walk off somewhere, and she would find me between the clothing racks, and I would be dancing to the music," says Watson, who studied ballet, modern, tap, jazz, African, Brazilian and Caribbean dance

 "My mom said there was never a time when music played that you did not dance. I do that to this day

… I think Beth and I have that in common," she adds. "Her way of even moving through the world started through dance

Not walking, but dancing. That says a lot about your spirit in terms of how she communicates and wants to communicate in her life

"  Watson studied ballet when she was younger but stopped at around age 12 or 13

"My body didn't fit the dance form, and I received a lot of criticism because of that

They made me feel unwanted in that dance form, but I found my voice in different forms," she explains

 Though she no longer regularly practices ballet, Watson reveals her pointe came back right away during rehearsals for Beth's backstory

"It's so funny what your body remembers and just doesn't let it go," she says, adding that a lot of the plies, releves, batmas and chasmas also came right back thanks to muscle memory

 "I felt amazing. I danced and danced this dance, I mean we must've done it maybe 15 times in a row, and I never got tired," Watson recalls of shooting the dance scenes with director and choreographer Anne Fletcher, who's known for her work in Step Up, Bring It On and Hairspray

 "Every time we did it, it was different and I felt her spirit move through me

The joy that she would feel being able to do this again, and I also felt my own experience of being back in my dance body again," Watson says

"This control you gain over your body again. We don't do this every day, we are walking, sitting and running

There's something different when your body flutters to the music or you fly across the room or move in a certain way that you don't normally do every day

You can feel the freeness of it and yet you feel the control there as well — that's dance

"  The episode was also a chance to bond with Rashad, who was involved in the creation of a scholarship at Howard University that Watson earned

 "We're special to one another," Watson says. "It was a great chance to reconnect

I'm always learning from Phylicia and she was really quite generous in our scenes together

It was an amazing opportunity to act with her in this way, with this material. And for us to be in this relationship, mother and daughter

"  As fans previously learned in a flash-forward scene, a fiftysomething Beth has found her second act as a dance teacher and is running her own studio

Watson wants fans to know that if Beth can do it, they can also live out their childhood aspirations

"We owe it to ourselves to fulfill our dreams," she says.  This Is Us airs Tuesdays (9 p

m. ET) on NBC.

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Why This Is Us Star Susan Kelechi Watson Refused to Use a Stunt Double for Beth's Dancin - Duration: 6:37.


SEO Trends In 2019 - Things to do now! - Duration: 4:28.

Hi there!

I'm Jay and today I am going to tell you FOUR SEO trends for 2019, that if you're not already,

should be doing now!

Today I am going to talk about Mobile First SEO, Voice Search, Video Content, and an old favourite

that should never be forgotten, User Experience

Let's get straight into it first with, Mobile First SEO and Mobile Friendly Websites

These days we have the entire internet in the palm of our hand.

So it's no wonder people are using it to search for products and services.

But with 60 - 90% off all Google searches, depending on the industry, happening out of

a Mobile there is no wonder they introduced "Mobile First Indexing" in March of 2018.

Mobile first indexing is essentially just giving a lot more weight into whether or not

your site is mobile friendly.

Speaking of things being in the palm of your hand, Virtual Assistants.

Voice Search.




And, Alexa.

These weird robotic ladies of our lives that can make calls, book haircuts, or even just

order products straight to your homes these days.

In 2019, this trend will only grow.

For example, Google voice searching is already about 1 in 5 of every Mobile Search.

So that mean's out of every Google Search in general, that means roughly 12% of those

are voice searches.

A lot of people argue that Voice Searching isn't going to be a thing.

But the truth is, it's already here in a big way.

So you should be optimising for Voice Search as well.

Long Tailed Voice Orientated Keywords, Local SEO, and make sure your results show up as

a Featured Snippet.

So what do I mean when I say long tailed voice orientated keywords and local seo.

Well I can give a pretty good example.

Hey Siri, where's the closest burger place?

THR1VE is the closest option I see.

It appears to serve Burger and averages 4 stars.

Want to try that one?

Uh, No it's okay, thank you though.

You're welcome.

So if it's already a thing, why wouldn't you try capitalise on the market.

And if it goes away in the future, it's no wasted effort.

At least you did what is currently trending.

2 trends down, and 2 more to go.

But if this video has been helpful so far, and you like how I'm delivering this information.

Then liking this video goes a long way in telling me to create more content like this.

So the next trend is Video Content.

What we're doing now.

Video Content is huge.

It's been important for a long time, and at the rate it's growing it will continue to

be incredibly important.

If you aren't already working on Video Content, and I don't mean facebook and instagram stories

despite those being an important part.

What I mean is actual SEO optimised full production video content.

Then you might want to start looking at it for 2019, cause it's only getting bigger.

Afterall, Youtube has over 1 Billion Users, 1/3 of online activity is estimated to be

Video Watching, 92% of mobile video viewers share the video after.

Speaking of Mobile, don't forget to add those captions to your content.

85% of videos viewed on a mobile are without sound, so subtitles and captions really increase

your viewer retention.

And the overall, User Experience is good.

Which brings me to my last trend, and it's kind of a trend that's not going anywhere.

It's User Experience.

User Experience is incredibly important.

And it will always be incredibly important.

Which is why I think it's so crucial to always remind people with an A.I. like Rank Brain

playing such an important role in deciding where you rank in Google or overall watch

time the reason why you're video will rank.

It can never be understated how important user experience is.

You may be able to get people to your site, or to start watching your video but can you

deliver the information or content to them in a way that keeps them on your site.

or keeps them till the end of the video.

And so on this topic, I have a challenge for you.

It would be brilliant if you could leave your answer in the comments with the #BeBetter.

Out of these Four trends, or any other focus you might have for this year, what do you

want to be better at?

What are you going to focus on?

Are you going to work on User Experience?

Are you going to work on optimising your video content?

Let me know in the comments, I look forward to reading it.

And we can all #BeBetter together.

And that's all four trends, voice search, video content, Mobile first, and user experience.

We make videos weekly, and we'd love for you to subscribe or comment about what more you

want to see.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> SEO Trends In 2019 - Things to do now! - Duration: 4:28.


Getting up close to the LIFE-SIZE LEGO Bugatti! - Duration: 3:46.

I'm Lucas! I'm Ava!

And today we're going to be seeing this (LEGO Bugatti Chiron) in real life!

So I hear this is in town for a week. In Toronto.

Let's check it out!

Hey, this isn't it.

This is just the sign!

This car has 5000 horse power.

This is the Devel Sixteen. It's the fastest car in the world.

This car is worth $2.2 million dollars.

See look, here it is!

This is what we're here for. It's the Bugatti LEGO Chiron.

How many LEGO pieces are there? Comment down below (pause)!

Answer in 3, 2, 1.

How many pieces are there?

Over a million pieces!

Yes, over a million pieces. Wow!

We're going to build this at home.

Check this out. (Vroooom of the engine).

You build your car and you can race it and then you put it on the display for everyone to see.

Bye guys! Live, Laugh, CREATE!

For more infomation >> Getting up close to the LIFE-SIZE LEGO Bugatti! - Duration: 3:46.


Snow storm comes with major costs for the city - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Snow storm comes with major costs for the city - Duration: 1:28.


Resepi Karipap Paling Mudah. Bukan Karipap Oksigen | Curry Puff - Duration: 3:01.

1 onion

2 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon chilli paste

curry leaves

1 tablespoon curry powder (mixed with water)

100 gram chicken breast

300 gram potato (diced)




puff pastry

egg for bake only

fried or bake 170ºC / 347ºF for 30 minutes

don't forget to like, comment and share

don't forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> Resepi Karipap Paling Mudah. Bukan Karipap Oksigen | Curry Puff - Duration: 3:01.



Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.

In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with

the links to where you can buy the new adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and

notification bell to be notified every time i upload a video.

Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.

As you know Adidas will be releasing the adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any

resale Predictions.

Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase

links daily.

Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this

video or that thumbs down if you didn't.

I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.



New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.

The video will start in 8 Cancel The early teaser showed us a lot of sand and a cave full of wonders, then the set photos showed us Will Smith as the genie - sans the blue

Now we have the trailer for Aladdin ahead of its 2019 release, and our first look at Will Smith in all his blue - very muscular - glory

The actor is in full genie mode for the first trailer for Guy Ritchie 's live-action Aladdin remake, which dropped during the Grammys

We learnt last year that the 'blue' look was being worked on still, which is why the hue was missing from the early teasers

Now the trailer gives us a proper look at the colourful character as Aladdin takes the lamp from the Cave of Wonders

Smith zooms in to say: "You really don't know who I am? Genie, wishes, lamp — none of that ringing a bell?!" Fans reactions have been, well, a little mixed

Others took it a little too far. We also got to see Jasmine all dolled up, and Aladdin looking a little shocked to meet the big old Genie

Aladdin also stars Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, Mena Massoud as Aladdin and Marwan Kenzari as vizier Jafar

It's the second Disney live-action remake this year, with Dumbo set for a March release

Fans can also look forward to The Lion King  this summer. Aladdin is released in cinemas on May 24, 2019

For more infomation >> New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.


Brandon's Girlfriend on Siesta Key | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:51.

Brandon's Girlfriend on Siesta Key | Heavy.com

As is the case with many romantic reality television shows, relationships are constantly changing on Siesta Key.

Take Alex, for example.

He dated Madisson at one point, then moved onto a relationship with Juliette, but then that ended.

And now, the two seem to be together, but Cara, his other ex-girlfriend, may want to throw a wrench in that relationship.

And Alex isn't the only one whose status is constantly changing.

Brandon Gomes, another of the show's stars, was dating Madisson for a while.

Then, he admitted to cheating on her, and Madisson ended things for good.

But now, he's asked Madisson to star in his music video about their relationship.

Does that mean they're back on? And wait, isn't Madisson in a relationship with Ben? Who is Brandon dating these days?.

Read on.

Previews for tonight's episode show Ben getting jealous when his girlfriend, Madisson, stars in a music video with Brandon, her ex.

In one preview, Ben tells Canvas Brummel and Tawni Nix that he's uncomfortable with what Madisson is doing, but then Tawni tells him, "I just know if you were my man, I wouldn't be doing something like that," and he flirts straight back.

Is it possible that Madisson and Brandon could be getting back together? Based on Ben and Madisson's recent Instagram feeds, it seems the two are still going strong and Madisson will not get back together with Brandon.

Then what's the deal with Camila? And who is Alana? On Brandon's birthday episode, singer Alana shows up at his party, and shortly after asks if he has a girlfriend.

He tells her that he's just started Camila, and it's really new.

Brandon tells Alana, "Relationships are a lot of responsibility.

Well, you know, right?" And then Alana responds, "I've never been in a relationship.

Never." (Check out Brandon and Alana's song, Somber, below.).

Unfortunately, Brandon's Instagram doesn't give too much away when it comes to his love life.

Camila and Brandon most recently posted a picture together in November 2018, and it's been three months since.

And as the show's viewers know, three months is a lifetime in the world of Siesta Key.

But it is interesting that Brandon didn't ask Camila to be in his music video.

Ben and Tawni both pointed that out in their conversation.

In a preview clip for tonight, Tawni asks Ben, "Why wouldn't Brandon use his current girlfriend for a music video?" Ben then responds, "I guess mine's better.".

But will things between him and Camila last if he's already flirting with Madisson? Only time will tell.

Be sure to tune into Siesta Key tonight at 9pm ET/PT.

For more infomation >> Brandon's Girlfriend on Siesta Key | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:51.


New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.

The video will start in 8 Cancel The early teaser showed us a lot of sand and a cave full of wonders, then the set photos showed us Will Smith as the genie - sans the blue

Now we have the trailer for Aladdin ahead of its 2019 release, and our first look at Will Smith in all his blue - very muscular - glory

The actor is in full genie mode for the first trailer for Guy Ritchie 's live-action Aladdin remake, which dropped during the Grammys

We learnt last year that the 'blue' look was being worked on still, which is why the hue was missing from the early teasers

Now the trailer gives us a proper look at the colourful character as Aladdin takes the lamp from the Cave of Wonders

Smith zooms in to say: "You really don't know who I am? Genie, wishes, lamp — none of that ringing a bell?!" Fans reactions have been, well, a little mixed

Others took it a little too far. We also got to see Jasmine all dolled up, and Aladdin looking a little shocked to meet the big old Genie

Aladdin also stars Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, Mena Massoud as Aladdin and Marwan Kenzari as vizier Jafar

It's the second Disney live-action remake this year, with Dumbo set for a March release

Fans can also look forward to The Lion King  this summer. Aladdin is released in cinemas on May 24, 2019

For more infomation >> New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.


Trump administration to cancel $929 million in California high-speed rail funding - Duration: 11:10.

The fate of California's high-speed rail project was cast into further doubt Tuesday when the U

S. Department of Transportation announced plans to cancel $929 million in grant funds, a move that some viewed as political payback

 The action marks an escalation in the battle between President Trump and the state of California since Gov

Gavin Newsom said last week that the project lacked a path to complete a statewide system and vowed to scale back the $77-billion mega-project

Advertisement >  The Transportation Department also said it was "actively exploring every legal option" to get back an additional $2

5-billion grant that is being used to finance the construction of 119 miles of rail line in the Central Valley

 The two federal grants represent about one-fourth of all the funding for the project to date — money critical to completing the Central Valley portion and finishing environmental reviews for other segments between San Francisco and Los Angeles

If the funds are lost or tied up in a long legal battle, the state would probably have to either make up the money elsewhere or further curtail the project

 Newsom on Tuesday vowed to block the move, arguing that it was political payback by the Trump administration

 "It's no coincidence that the Administration's threat comes 24 hours after California led 16 states in challenging the President's farcical 'national emergency,'" Newsom said in a statement, referring to Trump's emergency declaration to secure funding for his wall on the Mexican border

"The President even tied the two issues together in a tweet this morning. This is clear political retribution by President Trump, and we won't sit idly by

This is California's money, and we are going to fight for it."  Earlier in the day, Trump had declared on Twitter, "The failed Fast Train project in California, where the cost overruns are becoming world record setting, is hundreds of times more expensive than the desperately needed Wall!"  Ronald Batory, chief of the Federal Railroad Administration, the transportation agency that made the grants in 2009 and 2010, laid out a lengthy legal argument Tuesday for why the state was out of compliance with the grant agreement

Batory said in a three-page letter to California High Speed Rail Authority Chief Executive Brian Kelly that the state "has materially failed to comply with the terms of the agreement and has failed to make reasonable progress on the project

"  Batory alleged that the state had failed to spend required matching funds, falling short by $100 million as of December

He argued that it will fail to complete the Central Valley construction by a 2022 deadline required by the grant

Batory also said the state has not submitted required financial information — such as reports on what has been delivered to date — that would allow federal regulators to oversee the grants

It also has failed to take corrective actions after regulators raised concerns in 2017 and 2018

 The letter also cited Newsom's State of the State speech last week that outlined a plan to build a limited operating segment between Merced and Bakersfield as a "significant retreat from the state's initial vision and commitment

"  The rail authority said Tuesday afternoon that it would respond in detail to those allegations in coming days

 Newsom said in his speech that the project needed to be rethought and that the initial run would be within the Central Valley, not the San Francisco-to-Los Angeles route voters approved a decade ago

 "But let's be real," Newsom said in the speech to lawmakers. "The current project, as planned, would cost too much and respectfully take too long

There's been too little oversight and not enough transparency.… Right now, there simply isn't a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L

A. I wish there were. However, we do have the capacity to complete a high-speed rail link between Merced and Bakersfield

"  In the hours that followed Newsom's speech, Trump demanded that California return $3

5 billion in federal funds, and headlines proclaimed the Democratic governor was abandoning the ambitious project championed by his predecessors — a story line that Newsom denied and one that his team has scrambled to correct

 Although Newsom said the full project will eventually be completed, his tough remarks clearly sent a signal about his tepid support for the project and triggered some managers in the project office to consider leaving

 Whether the Trump administration can actually cancel the $929-million grant, which in legal terms is called "de-obligating" the funds, remains unclear

The possibility of ordering a refund of the $2.5-billion grant that is already being spent is even a bigger legal uncertainty

Advertisement >  Former congressman Jeff Denham, a Central Valley Republican who chaired the House rail subcommittee and is an outspoken critic of the project, spent years with his staff trying to figure out whether it would be possible to de-obligate the funding and ultimately decided it could not be done by congressional act

 The federal action to terminate the grant wades into uncharted legal territory

 "I can't recall of any precedent," said Art Bauer, a longtime state Senate Transportation Committee staffer who was deeply involved in the early planning on the high-speed rail

"They never claw back money. They are saying you are not getting money we committed to you

They are setting up a big fight."  But in this case, Bauer said, "the governor unwittingly gave the federal government a reason to back away from the project

"  Although the federal regulators alleged that the state violated the terms of the grant, Bauer said such performance is typical in federal funding for transportation

"Just look at any highway project. They are never done on schedule or on budget. They are often not done within the original scope

 "The supporters of the project are really going to go through the roof," he added

"I imagine a good part of the congressional delegation will gang up on the Department of Transportation and the federal Railroad Administration

But there is no love lost."  The Trump administration action is likely to add further fuel to critics, including those in California, who want the project stopped

Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-Bakersfield) said Tuesday that the entire project should be scrapped and funds redirected to Central Valley projects that would benefit the state

 Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno), a vocal critic of the project, said, "It doesn't matter what the state says about not giving the money back," he said

"The feds can, in fact, claw that money back." Times staff writer Sarah D. Wire in Washington contributed to this report

For more infomation >> Trump administration to cancel $929 million in California high-speed rail funding - Duration: 11:10.


Henderson takes Man Utd opportunity as Bayern boss gets it wrong - Duration: 6:12.

  Henderson galvanised everything  Sometimes it doesn't take a goal. Sometimes it doesn't take a good save, or even a near miss

 On a tense Champions League evening, it was instead a more mundane contribution that sparked Liverpool into life

 Jordan Henderson, sensing the danger, sprinted a fair distance to nick the ball off the toes of Serge Gnabry inside the penalty area as Bayern Munich threatened

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  It came midway through a first half in which Liverpool were struggling to find their groove and play their way into the game

 Anfield, boisterous and buoyant before kick-off, had become concerned by what they were witnessing

 Henderson's intervention didn't just galvanise the crowd, it roused Jurgen Klopp's side into finishing the half strongly

 Nor was it the skipper's only significant play, one perfectly-weighted throughball that created a chance for Mohamed Salah nailing the unfair myth he only passes the ball sideways

 With Fabinho forced into centre-back duties, the onus was on Henderson to provide the drive and impetus in the engine room

 He didn't disappoint, by some distance Liverpool's best performer before the break and still going strong in the closing stages

 Having sat out the last two games, Henderson knew this was an opportunity to stake a claim ahead of Old Trafford on Sunday

The captain grabbed it with both hands. The Bayern manager got it wrong  Bayern boss Niko Kovac couldn't have got it any more wrong

 Speaking ahead of the game, he declared: "I can't imagine the game will finish goalless

"  Given Bayern had kept only two clean sheets in their previous 17 away games in Europe but had scored in 21 consecutive matches going into the tie, it was hardly an outlandish claim

 But incident was rare on an evening reminiscent of an old school European heavyweight encounter

 Liverpool, whose early slumbers highlighted they'd not played in 10 days, will believe they did enough to score

Mohamed Salah sent a decent header wide, Sadio Mane drew a smart stop from Manuel Neuer with a header and Joel Matip twice could have done better

 The best chance, though, fell to Mane, the in-form Senegalese dragging a shot wide on the turn when completely unmarked in the area

 Credit must go to Roberto Firmino. The Brazilian, a major doubt through illness, clambered off his sickbed to deliver a performance that, after some recent missteps, suggested he was finding his rhythm

 But Liverpool, in terms of their final ball and finish, weren't quite there, unable to capitalise on their first-half momentum in particular

Click through the gallery below to see the best pictures from the match The best pictures from Liverpool vs Bayern Munich View gallery  "The best draw it could have been," said Klopp

 Now it's up to Bayern to decide whether they want to come out and play in the second leg

 And that may play into the hands of Liverpool given one away goal could change the entire dynamic of such a finely-balanced tie

It was never going to be over after one game  Jurgen Klopp was telling anybody within earshot that this didn't matter more than a regular Champions League knockout tie

 But even his carefully-chosen words betrayed him.  Beating Bayern, as it has been for much of his managerial career, remains kind of a big deal

 And his almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the German champions meant the Reds boss was all too aware of the task facing his side

 Those Liverpool supporters believing the tie could be done and dusted at Anfield were forgetting this is a Bayern side that has reached the Champions League semi-finals in six of the last seven seasons

 That nous was evident during a containing display which smacked of negating the home side and ensuring the second leg in Germany proves decisive

 Of course, Liverpool have been here before, and don't Bayern know it.  In 1981, the Reds were held to goalless draw by the Bundesliga side at Anfield in the European Cup semi-final but won through on away goals

 Thoughts of a repeat, though, can wait. This wasn't perfect by any means, but it was no mortal blow for Klopp's side  And confidence and momentum remains when Premier League hostilities resume with Manchester United looming on the horizon

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For more infomation >> Henderson takes Man Utd opportunity as Bayern boss gets it wrong - Duration: 6:12.


Takeaways From The Timess Investigation Into Trumps War on the Inquiries Around Him The New York T - Duration: 3:08.

Takeaways From The Timess Investigation Into Trumps War on the Inquiries Around Him The New York T

WASHINGTON — President Trump has called the Russia investigation a hoax, a witch hunt and fake news. But since he has been in office, Mr. Trump has tried to end the inquiry into his campaigns possible coordination with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, opening himself up to questions about whether these efforts constitute attempts to obstruct justice.

A review by The New York Times found a continuous, behind the scenes effort by Mr. Trump to undermine multiple investigations that have touched his presidency. That includes seeking to derail federal law enforcement through targeted political appointments and a public campaign to discredit the Russia investigation, led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Here are some takeaways from The Times report about pressure inside the Trump administration to protect the president from those inquiries.

After subjecting his first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to protracted humiliation over Mr. Sessionss decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation and then firing him, Mr. Trump asked his newly installed acting attorney general, Matthew G. Whitaker, if one of the presidents perceived allies could take control of the federal investigation in New York involving him.

Mr. Whitaker, a loyalist who had told people that his job was to protect the president, said no. The person Mr. Trump wanted, Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, had already recused himself over another routine conflict of interest.

Mr. Whitaker has told associates that part of his job was to jump on a grenade for the president, a comment not previously reported. But there is no evidence that Mr. Whitaker took further steps to wrest the sprawling inquiry from career Justice Department prosecutors. Mr. Whitaker did tell some associates that the New York prosecutors needed adult supervision.

The presidents moved beyond his typical criticism of individuals into a mosaic of efforts to undermine every facet of the investigation. That includes attacking the investigators, raising questions about the legitimacy of law enforcement investigative tools and discrediting witnesses — most of whom were close allies he once praised.

The president cheered efforts by Republican loyalists in Congress who began investigations into cases and pressed for details about confidential Justice Department investigative procedures. One loyalist, Representative Matt Gaetz, a second term Republican from Florida, spearheaded this campaign in July 2017 while he killed time at an airport in between flights.

Mr. Trumps lawyers liked the lawmakers campaign to erode Americans confidence in the F.B.I., the federal governments premier law enforcement agency. And they especially liked that Mr. Trump has been a persistent and public participant in it, because, the lawyers say, it is implausible that Mr. Trump could be part of a secret conspiracy.

President Trump has publicly criticized federal investigations, opening him up to possible obstruction of justice charges.

White House lawyers were concerned about the varying public accounts of the reasons behind Mr. Flynns abrupt departure. Mr. Flynn resigned on Feb. 13, 2017, after it was reported that he was in touch with Russias ambassador to the United States at the end of 2016 and discussed recent Obama administration sanctions. because he inadvertently misled Vice President Mike Pence and other senior White House officials about his discussions with the Russian ambassador.

The next day, the president and his advisers met in the Oval Office to discuss how to explain Mr. Flynns departure. One of the advisers mentioned in passing that the House speaker at the time, Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, told reporters that the president had asked Mr. Flynn to resign. Mr. Trump liked that version better than the explanation Mr. Flynn gave in his resignation letter and instructed his press secretary at the time, Sean Spicer, to say that when he briefed the news media.

During a lunch with one of his longtime allies, Chris Christie, the former Republican governor of New Jersey, Mr. Trump said that firing Mr. Flynn would end the Russia inquiry.

This Russia thing is all over now because I fired Flynn, Mr. Trump said, according to a .

Mr. Christie disagreed with that assessment. This Russia thing is far from over, Mr. Christie wrote that he told Mr. Trump, who responded: What do you mean? Flynn met with the Russians. That was the problem. I fired Flynn. Its over.

Jared Kushner, the presidents son in law and senior adviser, was also at the lunch with Mr. Christie and viewed the firing the way his father in law did. Thats right, firing Flynn ends the whole Russia thing, Mr. Kushner said, according to Mr. Christies book.

For more infomation >> Takeaways From The Timess Investigation Into Trumps War on the Inquiries Around Him The New York T - Duration: 3:08.


Klopp says Man City snubbed Liverpool over potential Sancho move - Duration: 3:41.

Jurgen Klopp has revealed Liverpool were interested in signing Jadon Sancho but were frustrated due to top Premier League clubs being unwilling to do business with each other

Liverpool face Bayern Munich in the Champions League on Tuesday night and it was a discussion about the state of German football - and the reason so many Bundesliga clubs are keen on signing young English players - that led Klopp to name-check Sancho

The 18-year-old left Manchester City in August 2017 and has become one of the hottest talents in Europe since Borussia Dortmund signed him for £8million; if the Germans ever look to sell Sancho, he will almost certainly cost more than £100million

Jurgen Klopp has revealed Liverpool were interested in signing Jadon Sancho in 2017 Klopp believes his former club completed some shrewd business when they landed Sancho, but feels they had an easier task to get him because the Premier League's top six clubs would rarely - if ever - do business that would strengthen a rival

'Buying English players is a smart idea because we would never have a chance to get Sancho,' said Klopp

 'We are not blind - we saw him, we liked him and then we think "Can we get him?" No

Because English clubs don't sell to other English clubs.'I don't know exactly what the reason is for that but they don't do it

Now they can go to Germany which is a wonderful league. I don't see German football in a bad situation

'  They were left frustrated as Man City were unwilling to do business with Premier League rivalsFor all that Bayern Munich have had a difficult season, Klopp is under no illusion about the task Liverpool face to try and reach the quarter-finals

Bayern have been to the semi-finals in six of the past seven season and appeared in the last in every season since 2012

'The game is in a situation where the club (opponent) is not overly happy then it makes you more focused,' said Klopp, who is without the suspended Virgil van Dijk and is fretting about the fitness of Roberto Firmino

'It gives you really 100 per cent concentration on that game, nobody is flying brain wise in Bayern at the moment because they chase the league in the Bundesliga and they want to be as successful as possible and want to be in the cup and all that, and everything is possible for them

'So we have to be aware of that. That's what we are. We don't underestimate ourselves, we don't think we are not good enough

'We are a proper competitive side that's really cool, and in our stadium with our people we are a proper force

Emotion is very positive so let's show it.'

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