Ethereum ETH is breaking it's 50 Day Moving Average resistance level, let's take a look at Price Predictions & Technical Analysis to see if a breakout is soon to come after today.
Government Regulation | Token Taxonomy Act | Banks and Ripple XRP - Duration: 45:39.-------------------------------------------
A Abominável Criatura (The Unnamable - 1988, EUA - Legenda: Pt-Br) (H. P. Lovecraft) - Duration: 1:23:50.-------------------------------------------
ケンコバ、ザコシショウのスキャンダルを暴露 「健康ランドで…」 - Duration: 3:26.ひとり芸No.1決定戦『R-1ぐらんぷり』。昨年は先天性の視覚障害を持つ漫談 、濱田祐太郎が同期のゆりやんレトリィバァを破り、優勝をつかみ取った。そんな笑いの 典が今年も開催される
動画配信サービス「GYAO!」では、『R-1ぐらんぷり 2019』の見どころに り、より大会を楽しむための特別番組『ガチンコ! R-1への道』を、明日15日から 週金曜日に配信
しらべぇ取材班は今回、番組の収録現場にお邪魔して、番組MCのケンドーコバヤシ、 回ゲストの濱田、アキラ100%、ハリウッドザコシショウにインタビューを行った。 ■大会は今回で第17回目 2002年に第1回大会が開かれた『R-1』は、 回で第17回目
陣内智則やバカリズムなど、バラエティ番組の中核をなす実力派たちも演者としてネタを 露してきた。そうした歴史の中で、チャンピオン3人の印象に残っている芸人やネタを教 てもらった
濱田:僕はデビューした直後くらいから、『R-1』のDVDを買って、ナオユキさん ネタをずっと漫談作る参考にしてました。喋る順番とか、どういう風に話を組み立てたら いのかって
だから、最初の『R-1』の目標は「ナオユキさんと同じところまで勝ち残る」でした。 ザコシショウ:とにかく明るい安村くんかな。僕が優勝した前の年に一緒に出てたんで けど、すごい勢いがあったから、なんかすげえ印象に残ってますけどね
ケンコバ:あれは難しいところではあるよね。安村は『R-1』の前に話題になっち ってたから、不意打ちができない。ちょっとひねっていかなアカンというかね。まあ、ひ って一番アカンかったのは天津の木村やけどね
タイムスリップするエロ詩吟みたいな(笑)。「何をしてんねん」って言ったもん。「な でエロ詩吟がタイムスリップすんねん」って。 ■ケンコバ「最低やと思った」 アキラは、事務所の先輩であるザコシショウが優勝した2016年度大会が印象的だった 話す
しかし、アキラとは対照的に、ザコシショウと吉本の養成所で同期であり、ユニットを んでいた元相方のケンコバは落胆していたらしい。 アキラ:僕はシショウが優勝した年 準決勝まで残って、敗者復活ゾーンまで初めて行けたんです
そのとき、シショウの優勝を同じ事務所の芸人さん何人かと一緒にモニターで見てたとき 感動しましたね。 ザコシショウ:でしょ? ケンコバ:俺は最低やと思ったけどな
ザコシショウ:なんでやねん。お前はメディアにそういうこと言うやろ。 ケンコ :こいつ、こんな芸風のクセに、普通にちょっと目うるませて、両手で授与されてて…。 ちゃくちゃ怒りましたもんね
偉いさんが優勝の目録を持ってきたでしょ? 「そんなもん、ドロップキックせーよ!」 て。それやったら、マジで天下取れたと思うよ。 ザコシショウ:そんなもんしてみー
大惨事やで。天下取ったじゃなくて、排除されるよ。 次ページ ■『R-1』は 人にとってチャンス12
Singer Ryan Adams hits back over claims of sexual misconduct - Duration: 7:58.Singer-songwriter Ryan Adams has hit back at a report in which women accused him of sexual misconduct after he offered to help them with their music careers
Seven women reportedly claimed the 44-year-old offered to help them with their music careers but then turned things sexual, and he sometimes became emotional and verbally abusive
A 20-year-old female musician said Adams had inappropriate conversations with her while she was 15 and 16, the New York Times reported
Identified by her middle name Ava, she said Adams exposed himself during a video call
Adams' ex-wife, actress and singer Mandy Moore, said Adams was psychologically abusive toward her throughout their marriage
Their divorce was official in 2016. The Times said the accounts have been corroborated by family members or friends who were present at the time
Phoebe Bridgers interview: 'Ryan Adams and I got together on his 40th birthday. I'd just turned 20' Adams' lawyer denied the claims to the Times
Responding to the report on Twitter, Adams said: "I am not a perfect man and I have made many mistakes
To anyone I have ever hurt, however unintentionally, I apologize deeply and unreservedly
"But the picture that this article paints is upsettingly inaccurate. Some of its details are misrepresented; some are exaggerated; some are outright false
I would never have inappropriate interactions with someone I thought was underage
Period. "As someone who has always tried to spread joy through my music and my life, hearing that some people believe I caused them pain saddens me greatly
I am resolved to work to be the best man I can be. And I wish everyone compassion, understanding and healing
" Adams released his debut album in 2000and has earned seven Grammy nominations. He famously covered Taylor Swift's Grammy-winning "1989" album in 2015, a year after its release
He has also worked as a producer behind the scenes for acts like Willie Nelson and Jenny Lewis
Last month Adams performed at a tribute concert for the late rock singer Chris Cornell
Ava said Adams constantly questioned her about her age throughout the nine months they exchanged text messages
The report said she never showed him any identification, and he had pet names for her body parts
"If people knew they would say I was like R Kelley lol," he wrote to her via text in November 2014, when he was 40 and she was 16
R. Kelly has been accused of sexual misconduct with women and girls but has denied the allegations
"Mr. Adams unequivocally denies that he ever engaged in inappropriate online sexual communications with someone he knew was underage," Andrew B
Brettler, Adam's layer, told the Times. The singers Phoebe Bridgers and Courtney Jaye said Adams behaved inappropriately during their relationships
In an interview with The Telegraph last year, Bridgers said recounted when she met Adams in 2015
"A mutual friend in LA was like, 'Ryan would like you'. He really was just trying to get me recording and trying to get Ryan to hear me, but Ryan was like, 'Let me see a picture of her'
" Bridgers says that she and Adams "ended up hanging out all night and recording a song together called Killer
Then, a couple of weeks later, he was suddenly trying to hook up with me. I was super-down and had just broken up with my high-school boyfriend
We slept together on his 40th birthday and I'd just turned 20." Moore, one of the stars of NBC's award-winning "This Is Us," burst on the scene as a teen singer and had musical success in the late '90s and early 2000s
She claimed Adams stalled her music career and told her, "'You're not a real musician, because you don't play an instrument
'" "His controlling behaviour essentially did block my ability to make new connections in the industry during a very pivotal and potentially lucrative time - my entire mid-to-late 20s," 34-year-old Moore said to the Times
✅ O Partido Novo quer uma lei para poder devolver a verba do Fundo Partidário aos cofres públicos - Duration: 2:54.Com oito deputados federais, a estreante bancada do Novo na Câmara dos Deputados vai tentar por meio de um projeto de lei devolver os R$ 4,3 milhões que recebeu até agora do Fundo Partidário, que é formado com recursos públicos e atualmente representa a principal fonte de renda das agremiações políticas brasileiras
As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. No ano passado, a legenda fez consultas no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) para saber se poderia repassar o dinheiro para o orçamento de outras áreas, como Saúde e Educação
A resposta do tribunal foi que a verba é pública e só pode ser utilizada para os seus fins originais
Ou seja: se o Novo devolvesse o benefício ao Fundo, ele seria repassado para os demais partidos
A solução encontrada foi depositar os R$ 92 mil mensais a que a sigla tem direito em uma conta até que fosse encontrada uma solução
Pelo projeto, que foi assinado por todos os integrantes da bancada, seria facultativo aos partidos a decisão de usar ou não o Fundo
Quem optar por abrir mão, pode repassar a verba para o caixa do governo
Enquanto na primeira semana de trabalho na nova legislatura os 513 deputados apresentaram mais de 600 projetos de lei, o Novo protocolou apenas dois
Um que acaba com o fundo eleitoral – criado para as eleições de 2018 e, na ocasião, constituído por um montante de R$ 1,7 bilhão de recursos públicos – e o outro que permite devolver o dinheiro do Fundo Partidário para o caixa da União
A sigla defende a volta da doação de pessoa jurídica nas campanhas. "Desde que o partido nasceu, o Novo tentou várias vezes doar para a Lava-Jato, hospitais ou para o Ministério da Educação usar em educação básica, mas não conseguimos
Montar um partido é um belo negócio. A sigla recebe dinheiro mesmo antes de ter deputado", disse o deputado Vinicius Poit (Novo-SP)
Manutenção Segundo a assessoria do partido, o Novo paga sua manutenção com doações dos filiados
Dos 30 mil inscritos, 20 mil estão em dia com a mensalidade de R$ 28 por mês
A legenda não tem sede própria na maioria dos Estados. Conforme portaria do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) publicada em janeiro, das 35 legendas registradas na Corte, 21 cumpriram os requisitos previstos na cláusula de barreira instituída pela Emenda Constitucional 97/2017 e terão acesso ao Fundo Partidário
O montante estabelecido na Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) foi de R$ 927,7 milhões
Os partidos recebem recursos de acordo com o porcentual de votos válidos que as siglas receberam nas eleições mais recentes
Watch For More Dockless E-Scooters Coming To Denver - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
Two Minute Tip - Top Tips for Using Stencils With Ease - Duration: 4:34.hi everyone welcome to hedgehog Hollow today is a 2 minute tip and it's another
viewer requested one so last week I did these sticky sheets in your Misti and
how to install them and check that top right hand corner and today I'm going to
show you two ways to stick down your stencil so I mentioned that you can
stick down your stencil or your piece of paper when working on a mat or on your
table using sticky sheets I'm going to show you that I'm also going to show you
another way I stick my stencil down when I'm working with different mediums
that's my preferred way of working so I'm going to show you both of those in a
quick 2 minute ish tip so this is a new stencil from Ranger it's one of Simon
hurry stencils it's cord looks like rain now of course we'll link everything up
for in the description and here I have a piece of watercolor paper and working on
my glass mat and here I have a piece of sticky sheet now the sticky sheets come
in big sheets or small sheet I know a lot if you bought the smaller ones that
fit in the sidekick when they were out of stock so what you can do is you can
adjust and pop it down on your surface and you can pop your piece of paper down
on top there and now when I'm working but even if I'm coloring I like this
it's my paper it doesn't move anywhere so this is a really nice way to work
maybe if you're stamping or you're putting down mediums and things this is
a great way to go so just cut your sticky sheets down and use a smaller one
you can do that now another thing you can do is you can put your paper just on
the edge like this and you can also then just put your stencil on the edge like
so so that holds your stencil as well and then you can take a little bit of
ink take your blending tool these are the new tonic blending tools and you can
just go in or you can use a brush wherever you want like this I'm not you
asked me does it affect just a key sheet if you get ink on it now I've stamped on
numerous sticky sheet so I've put ink on the edge like this yes it does look less
in their life a little bit you can't wash the ink off but it's no big deal
don't worry about it too much but you can see there my stencil doesn't move
and it's super easy to work with now outside of sticky sheets is another way
I like to work with stencils and a few of you have asked me about it as well
greg's time my two minutes is up but I'm gonna keep going anyway
so another thing you can do is you can take your stencil you can take your
cardstock turn it over and then take either my favorite purple tape which I
will again link up for you this is not the thermo web tape this hon this is
just a masking tape but I think it's awesome it's just a temporary tape the
only time I ever use anything different is if I'm working with watercolors then
I use frog tape again I'll link up the exact one because frog tape is
waterproof but it still peels off and it doesn't harm your paper now this is the
new thermo web purple tape and the only reason I bought this one is because it
fits in a tape dispenser and you know me and my nails I really struggle sometimes
get the ends off my tape well look at this how cool is this because now I can
just peel it off it's a dispenser and I just found out
from Hannah that you can buy this dispenser as a stiletto a black stiletto
how cool so she's ordered me one I'm Anderson
that's incoming again I'll get her to link that up for you too so again I can
just do this but the great thing is if I'm working with mediums or if I'm
coloring look I can just turn to whichever way is convenient for me and I
can just keep going so that is today's 2-minute tip I don't think I went too
far over my time limit today so I think I kept you pretty short and sweet so
there are my top tips for securing your stencils when you're working and holding
your projects down on your mats tables whatever your work surface is with a
sticky sheets check the links at the description check out your exclusive
headshot caller coupon codes don't forget that Friday newsletter as well
that has all your exclusive coupon codes and sales that comes out every week sign
up at the Hedgehog hollow comm don't forget to hit that subscribe button and
ring the bell for notifications and give us a thumbs up if you enjoy today's
2-minute tip where those four minutes I'm told and thank you so much for
joining me I'll see you again soon happy stamping everyone bye
Portland City Council votes to pull out of JTTF - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
✅ Grávida, Thaeme exibe barriga e revela: "11 kg pra conta" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:14.A cantora Thaeme está radiante, ela está nos sétimo mês de gestação de sua primeira filha, a Liz
Através de suas redes sociais, ela vem compartilhando com seus seguidores os detalhes de sua gravidez, lindos clicks e vídeos
Na noite desta quarta-feira, 13, a cantora postou em seu feed do Instagram uma foto exibindo a sua barriguinha e revelou quantos pesos ganhou
No click, ela aparece com um vestido preto. "É… tem bebê crescendo no forninho! 11 kg pra conta! Nos stories da pra ver melhor o tamanho
assim parece estar menor! #7meses #7monthspregnant #Liz #MeuPresente", escreveu ela na legenda
Confira o registro: Nos comentários, Thaeme foi muito elogiada pelos seus fãs e seguidores
"Que linda!!!!", "Vc está linda e radiante!!! Da pra ver em seu rosto a satisfação em ser mamãe
Parabéns e muita saúde para vcs", "Que mamãe mais linda", "Tá lindaaaa", foram apenas alguns dos elogios
De biquíni, sertaneja Thaeme exibe barrigão de seis meses e surpreende fãs A sertaneja compartilhou na ferramenta stories de seu Instagram, no último dia 04, uma 'selfie' em frente ao espelho exibindo seu barrigão de grávida, deixando os fãs encantados
Para complementar a imagem, a loira colocou uma figurinha de coração, em referência a todo o amor que já sente pela filha
Confira! Cantora sertaneja Thaeme revela dúvida em relação ao parto A cantora Thaeme, como já noticiamos aqui, está grávida da sua primeira filha
E sempre ela vem compartilhando com os seus seguidores no Instagram, novidades em relação a gestação da pequena
ela publicou um click onde aparece com o seu marido, Fábio da Lua, exibindo o seu barrigão
Na legenda, ela confessou uma dúvida em relação ao parto. Saiba mais! Confira também: Grávida, Ticiana Villas Boas revela sexo do bebê Grávida, Luiza Possi brinca com formato da sua barriguinha: 'Será que ela comeu uma jabuticaba?' Sertaneja Thaeme emociona ao comentar nova gravidez após aborto espontâneo
Majora's Mask: An Introspection - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Danrley dança sozinho na pista e faz colher de microfone - Duration: 0:33.Na pista da Festa A Todo Vapor, Danrley dança e canta sozinho uma música sertaneja, usando uma colher como microfone
Depois, Rízia se junta a ele e os dois dançam juntos. Danrley dança sozinho na pista do BBB19 — Foto: TV Globo
Conte insultato in Parlamento Ue: 'Burattino di Salvini e Di Maio' - Duration: 3:42.Annuncio Annuncio Ieri il premier Conte era a Strasburgo per un intervento in Parlamento dove, tra le altre cose, ha sostenuto ancora una volta il si al seggio Ue all'Onu e ha ribadito la necessità di un fronte comune sul tema migranti
Dopo il suo intervento, gli attacchi sono arrivati non solo dal leader dei liberali Guy Verhofstadt ma anche dai socialisti di Bullmann e dall'europarlamentare Pd Daniele Viotti
Botta e risposta L'attacco più duro, forse, è arrivato da Verhofstadt: 'Mi domando per quanto tempo ancora lei sarà il burattino mosso da Salvini e Di Maio'
La replica del premier è stata: 'Io burattino non lo sono. Interpreto e sono orgoglioso di rappresentare un intero popolo'
Poi ha aggiunto 'Forse burattini sono coloro che rispondono a lobby e comitati d'affari', facendo riferimento a ciò che in seguito è stato espresso da una nota dei 5 Stelle: 'Verhofstadt stesso ha dichiarato di far parte di sette fra Comitati e consigli di amministrazione
Dal canale Politica Strada vs Giordano, scontro sui migranti a Cartabianca: 'Sei da ricovero psichiatrico' di Domenico Camodeca Segui il Canale Politica Segui il Canale Politica per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Politica ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio Chi è allora il burattino?'. Anche il leader dei socialisti e democratici, Udo Bullmann, si è espresso contro l'operato del premier gialloverde: 'Non è questa l'Italia che conosciamo' e, riferendosi al tema migranti, ha continuato con 'il vostro governo deve smettere di mostrarci questo viso inumano, sui migranti'
Botta e risposta anche con l'europarlamentare Pd Daniele Viotti, il quale ha mostrato come i numeri delle presenze in Consiglio europeo del governo gialloverde siano molto bassi
'Chiedete scusa, all'Italia serve un governo presente in Europa'. Pronta la risposta del premier italiano che, lanciando una frecciatina al Partito Democratico, ha affermato il mancato presidio del partito di centrosinistra per l'Ema, per il quale, a detta del premier: 'Ne paghiamo ancora le conseguenze'
Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Politica Segui Matteo Salvini Segui M5S Segui Lega Nord Segui Pubblica Amministrazione Segui Annuncio Il contrattacco di Salvini Il vicepremier e ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini non si è fatto sfuggire l'occasione per riconfermare l'ostilità nei confronti dei 'burocrati europei'
Il ministro ha posto l'accento, ancora una volta, sui 'disastri di questi anni' causati, secondo lui, dagli stessi 'burocrati europei' e, prendendo le difese del premier Conte, ha aggiunto che 'è davvero vergognoso' che questi ultimi 'si permettano di insultare il governo e il popolo italiano'
In ultima battuta, è certo che 'il 26 maggio i cittadini finalmente manderanno a casa questa gente', con un chiaro rimando, in piena campagna elettorale, alle elezioni europee di maggio
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html Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia
Unlimited 4G Hotspot for $20 per Month! - Duration: 4:13.The solution for unlimited hotspot data through your cell phone is finally here
and it's cheap. How about $20 a month cheap. Stay tuned to find out how. I've
been looking for this solution for a long time and I'm so excited to share it
with you. If you're like most people you want to cut the cord from your cable TV
provider and cell phone service has been an attractive alternative. The problem is
that the major carriers throttle your data usage after 22 gigabytes or so or charge
you so much for truly unlimited data that you'd be better off keeping your
cable or DSL service. If you're like me you want a solution that checks off
these boxes. Use way more than 22 gig of data per month. Watch online TV using
Roku, Apple TV, or other devices. Connect iPad, laptop, desktop, Alexa, Google home
and other devices that require Wi-Fi or wired connections. A low monthly cost -
cheaper than cable. Something that works with AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint.
For the past two years I've been hunting for the right solution to this challenge
and finally found the answer. It's the MoFi 4500 4G LTE router. This device is a
wireless router that distributes your cell data to devices on your internal
network by using a SIM card from your cell phone. All you must do is add an
extra line to your existing cell plan and plug that SIM card into the MoFi
router. With the major carriers you can add a line for $20 or less.
Sounds great but you're probably wondering how that bypasses the data
limits. Stay with me here. There are two types of data measured by
your cell phone carriers - tethered data and streaming data. When you create a
hotspot on your cell phone and share it to other devices the carrier recognizes
it as tethered data and all the plan data limits apply. Once you use up your
tethered data the speed is throttled to 3G or slower and it's useless for all
but basic functions. You can barely browse a webpage much less play a video
or watch TV. Streaming data, on the other hand, is excluded from your monthly
data limits. This is for streaming YouTube videos, Netflix, playing music and
the like directly on your mobile device. The reason the MoFi 4500 is such a
great solution is because it has a feature in the configuration settings
that makes all your data appear to be streaming data from your cell phone
rather than tethered data and its set this way out of the box. Even when you
share your Wi-Fi or wired connections to other devices on your internal network.
All the data is seen by the carrier as streaming data. Now, there are limits to
streaming data too. Most carriers will allow 50 gigabytes and then de-prioritize
the traffic rather than dropping you to glacial speeds. However, the
prioritization only happens when you are over the streaming limit and the tower
you're connected to is busy. That rarely occurs.
I've watched TV, browsed the Internet, downloaded files, and used well over
100 gigabytes of data each of the past two months with no slowdown at all.
So if you're looking for cheap, unlimited data through your existing wireless
carrier for internet TV and all your home devices I highly recommend the MoFi
4500 4G LTE router. I'm not sponsored by MoFi Networks, but it has been a
great solution for me so I wanted to share with you. I'll put a link to the MoFi
router in the description of this video. You may need a micro SIM card
adapter to fit the sim card into the MoFi router, so I've included that link
as well. I'll also include a link to an optional Yagi antenna. The Yagi antenna
can enhance your signal if you're in a remote location with limited cell
coverage. Please share your experiences with the MoFi router in the comments
or any other technology you find useful for your connectivity needs. I'd love to
hear if it works for you as well as it has for me. Hey, if you want to see more
videos like this one please subscribe and if you've enjoyed this video be sure
to click the thumbs-up and leave a comment. I really do appreciate your
Procura-se Líderes!!! - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
BBB19: Sisters reclamam de comportamento de Maycon: "Insuportável" - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
dis connected - Official Trailer - Duration: 2:08.Hey, Chris. How's that app going?
What app?
That thing. What's it called?
Huh, what is Fetch?
- It's a dating app. - That's not what everyone uses it for.
Pretty sure it is actually...
That and one-night stands.
Sure they do.
Should I flirt or say hi or...
Oh! Thank her for swiping right!
Pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?
Yay, indeed. Who's crazy enough 'not' to sprinkle beautiful pineapple on their pizza?
Hey. Can I call you?
Sorry, I can't speak right now. Soon though.
Alice, you don't just meet people you find on dating sites in real life.
Why are you both so against me?
You guys don't think I messed up, do you?
Cause I definitely could have, but at the same time I just don't think I did so...
Why do you care? Why do you care so much?
All you do is just sit there texting her when you could be hanging out with us, your real friends.
Then how come you went on Fetch?
Because I was forced to.
We would have never met if you didn't though. Aren't you glad we met?
We still haven't actually met.
Maybe we weren't meant to meet in real life.
Fiat 124 Spider - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
✅ Seis anos mais novo! Conheça o novo namorado (gato) de Aline Riscado - Duration: 1:15.Aline Riscado escondeu o novo namoro por algum tempo, mas o romance veio à tona nesta semana
Separada desde o término com Felipe Roque, em outubro de 2018, a modelo já foi fotografada aos beijos com Nicolas Vasquez Pernes, de 25 anos
O rapaz, de acordo com observações do jornal Extra, começou a seguir a amada recentemente nas redes sociais
Ela retribuiu a atividade, sem medo de exposição. Pernes é formado em Engenharia de Produção e já foi estagiário do BNDES
Seis anos mais novo! Conheça o novo namorado (gato) de Aline Riscado 7 FOTOS O mais novo casal do pedaço já foi alvo de paparazzi, que divulgaram fotos dos amantes em praia da Barra da Tijuca
Pernes é natural do Rio de Janeiro e, no Instagram, exibe sua paixão pelo Nordeste brasileiro
Ele e Aline ainda não publicaram fotos juntos.
dieta 17 dias funciona ? depoimentos dieta dos 17 dias 2019 dietas 17 dias grupo vip funciona mesmo? - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
✅ Emocionado, Leo Dias agradece recado de Datena sobre seu vício: ''Estímulo maior'' - Duration: 1:24.Leo Dias se emocionou com o carinho do apresentador, José Luiz Datena! Durante o programa Brasil Urgente desta quarta-feira, 13, o âncora abriu o coração e entre uma matéria e outra ele mandou um recado para o colega de profissão
"Eu quero mandar um abraço apertado – abraço mesmo de verdade, porque já sofri isso dentro da minha casa – ao Leo Dias", anunciou ele
Datena se referiu ao filho Vicente, que enfrentou problemas com drogas aos 19 anos
Contente com a preocupação do jornalista, o colunista usou suas redes sociais para agradecer a mensagem
"Em momentos como este, em que eu me afastei um pouco das redes sociais, ouvir algo vindo de José Luiz Datena, um dos grandes comunicadores do Brasil, é um estímulo maior a acordar amanhã e ter a certeza de que eu sou muito abençoado por Deus
Obrigado, Datena", legendou. Leo anunciou que teve uma recaída e está em São Paulo na casa da amiga, Lívia Andrade
Mais cedo, o apresentador brincou com o tamanho da casa da amiga. Veja o vídeo AQUI
Dodge Dakota - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 124 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
✅ Para Barroso, ministro do STF, momento político atual é "sombrio" - Duration: 2:20.O ministro Luis Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministrou nesta quarta-feira (13/2) uma aula magna no Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios (MPDFT)
Para ele, "apesar da fotografia sombria do momento atual", o "filme" dos últimos 30 no Brasil é positivo
Sob o tema "Constitucionalismo democrático – a ideologia vitoriosa do século XX", Barroso fez defesa da Constituição de 1988, que completou 30 anos em 2018, para alunos da pós-graduação da Fundação Escola Superior
Ele afirmou também ser radicalmente contra a convocação de assembleia constituinte para modificar a Carta Magna brasileira, especialmente no momento de polarização política no país, mas que o discurso sobre a possibilidade de constituinte perdeu força e já não é mais preciso combatê-lo como há alguns meses
Pouco antes das eleições, o então candidato a vice-presidente da República, Hamilton Mourão, defendeu uma constituinte com "notáveis" sob a justificativa de que a Constituição de 1988 deu início à crise política que o Brasil vive
"Poucos países conseguiram tirar tantas pessoas da pobreza extrema como nós conseguimos nos últimos 30 anos
E apesar da fotografia sombria desse momento histórico dos 30 anos da democracia brasileira, o filme da democracia brasileira é um filme bom
A fotografia é devastadora, mas o filme é bom e foi essa a Constituição que nos ajudou a fazer a transição bem-sucedida", disse
Democracia Barroso também fez comentário sobre o perigo que vivem democracias pelo mundo, citando países como Hungria, Polônia e Turquia
"O mundo vive neste momento um momento certo nível de apreensão com a crise da democracia e o temor com a crença na democracia esteja em alguma medida se afrouxando em muitas partes do mundo, com a ascensão de governos autoritários", disse o ministro, citando os países europeus comandaria pela extrema-direita
"Muitas vezes por um apoio, pelo apelo direto à cidadania e a instintos mais primitivos
A autocracia se instala aos poucos, passo a passo, e as pessoas só se dão conta quando todos os passos já foram dados e aí se tem uma ditadura, como aconteceu claramente na Venezuela", completou o ministro
Cadillac BLS - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
✅ O Partido Novo quer uma lei para poder devolver a verba do Fundo Partidário aos cofres públicos - Duration: 2:54.Com oito deputados federais, a estreante bancada do Novo na Câmara dos Deputados vai tentar por meio de um projeto de lei devolver os R$ 4,3 milhões que recebeu até agora do Fundo Partidário, que é formado com recursos públicos e atualmente representa a principal fonte de renda das agremiações políticas brasileiras
As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. No ano passado, a legenda fez consultas no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) para saber se poderia repassar o dinheiro para o orçamento de outras áreas, como Saúde e Educação
A resposta do tribunal foi que a verba é pública e só pode ser utilizada para os seus fins originais
Ou seja: se o Novo devolvesse o benefício ao Fundo, ele seria repassado para os demais partidos
A solução encontrada foi depositar os R$ 92 mil mensais a que a sigla tem direito em uma conta até que fosse encontrada uma solução
Pelo projeto, que foi assinado por todos os integrantes da bancada, seria facultativo aos partidos a decisão de usar ou não o Fundo
Quem optar por abrir mão, pode repassar a verba para o caixa do governo
Enquanto na primeira semana de trabalho na nova legislatura os 513 deputados apresentaram mais de 600 projetos de lei, o Novo protocolou apenas dois
Um que acaba com o fundo eleitoral – criado para as eleições de 2018 e, na ocasião, constituído por um montante de R$ 1,7 bilhão de recursos públicos – e o outro que permite devolver o dinheiro do Fundo Partidário para o caixa da União
A sigla defende a volta da doação de pessoa jurídica nas campanhas. "Desde que o partido nasceu, o Novo tentou várias vezes doar para a Lava-Jato, hospitais ou para o Ministério da Educação usar em educação básica, mas não conseguimos
Montar um partido é um belo negócio. A sigla recebe dinheiro mesmo antes de ter deputado", disse o deputado Vinicius Poit (Novo-SP)
Manutenção Segundo a assessoria do partido, o Novo paga sua manutenção com doações dos filiados
Dos 30 mil inscritos, 20 mil estão em dia com a mensalidade de R$ 28 por mês
A legenda não tem sede própria na maioria dos Estados. Conforme portaria do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) publicada em janeiro, das 35 legendas registradas na Corte, 21 cumpriram os requisitos previstos na cláusula de barreira instituída pela Emenda Constitucional 97/2017 e terão acesso ao Fundo Partidário
O montante estabelecido na Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) foi de R$ 927,7 milhões
Os partidos recebem recursos de acordo com o porcentual de votos válidos que as siglas receberam nas eleições mais recentes
Ethereum ETH Breaking MAJOR RESISTANCE 50 Day Moving Average! Breakout Soon? Price Prediction Today - Duration: 26:06.Ethereum ETH is breaking it's 50 Day Moving Average resistance level, let's take a look at Price Predictions & Technical Analysis to see if a breakout is soon to come after today.
Government Regulation | Token Taxonomy Act | Banks and Ripple XRP - Duration: 45:39.-------------------------------------------
A Abominável Criatura (The Unnamable - 1988, EUA - Legenda: Pt-Br) (H. P. Lovecraft) - Duration: 1:23:50.-------------------------------------------
ケンコバ、ザコシショウのスキャンダルを暴露 「健康ランドで…」 - Duration: 3:26.ひとり芸No.1決定戦『R-1ぐらんぷり』。昨年は先天性の視覚障害を持つ漫談 、濱田祐太郎が同期のゆりやんレトリィバァを破り、優勝をつかみ取った。そんな笑いの 典が今年も開催される
動画配信サービス「GYAO!」では、『R-1ぐらんぷり 2019』の見どころに り、より大会を楽しむための特別番組『ガチンコ! R-1への道』を、明日15日から 週金曜日に配信
しらべぇ取材班は今回、番組の収録現場にお邪魔して、番組MCのケンドーコバヤシ、 回ゲストの濱田、アキラ100%、ハリウッドザコシショウにインタビューを行った。 ■大会は今回で第17回目 2002年に第1回大会が開かれた『R-1』は、 回で第17回目
陣内智則やバカリズムなど、バラエティ番組の中核をなす実力派たちも演者としてネタを 露してきた。そうした歴史の中で、チャンピオン3人の印象に残っている芸人やネタを教 てもらった
濱田:僕はデビューした直後くらいから、『R-1』のDVDを買って、ナオユキさん ネタをずっと漫談作る参考にしてました。喋る順番とか、どういう風に話を組み立てたら いのかって
だから、最初の『R-1』の目標は「ナオユキさんと同じところまで勝ち残る」でした。 ザコシショウ:とにかく明るい安村くんかな。僕が優勝した前の年に一緒に出てたんで けど、すごい勢いがあったから、なんかすげえ印象に残ってますけどね
ケンコバ:あれは難しいところではあるよね。安村は『R-1』の前に話題になっち ってたから、不意打ちができない。ちょっとひねっていかなアカンというかね。まあ、ひ って一番アカンかったのは天津の木村やけどね
タイムスリップするエロ詩吟みたいな(笑)。「何をしてんねん」って言ったもん。「な でエロ詩吟がタイムスリップすんねん」って。 ■ケンコバ「最低やと思った」 アキラは、事務所の先輩であるザコシショウが優勝した2016年度大会が印象的だった 話す
しかし、アキラとは対照的に、ザコシショウと吉本の養成所で同期であり、ユニットを んでいた元相方のケンコバは落胆していたらしい。 アキラ:僕はシショウが優勝した年 準決勝まで残って、敗者復活ゾーンまで初めて行けたんです
そのとき、シショウの優勝を同じ事務所の芸人さん何人かと一緒にモニターで見てたとき 感動しましたね。 ザコシショウ:でしょ? ケンコバ:俺は最低やと思ったけどな
ザコシショウ:なんでやねん。お前はメディアにそういうこと言うやろ。 ケンコ :こいつ、こんな芸風のクセに、普通にちょっと目うるませて、両手で授与されてて…。 ちゃくちゃ怒りましたもんね
偉いさんが優勝の目録を持ってきたでしょ? 「そんなもん、ドロップキックせーよ!」 て。それやったら、マジで天下取れたと思うよ。 ザコシショウ:そんなもんしてみー
大惨事やで。天下取ったじゃなくて、排除されるよ。 次ページ ■『R-1』は 人にとってチャンス12
Singer Ryan Adams hits back over claims of sexual misconduct - Duration: 7:58.Singer-songwriter Ryan Adams has hit back at a report in which women accused him of sexual misconduct after he offered to help them with their music careers
Seven women reportedly claimed the 44-year-old offered to help them with their music careers but then turned things sexual, and he sometimes became emotional and verbally abusive
A 20-year-old female musician said Adams had inappropriate conversations with her while she was 15 and 16, the New York Times reported
Identified by her middle name Ava, she said Adams exposed himself during a video call
Adams' ex-wife, actress and singer Mandy Moore, said Adams was psychologically abusive toward her throughout their marriage
Their divorce was official in 2016. The Times said the accounts have been corroborated by family members or friends who were present at the time
Phoebe Bridgers interview: 'Ryan Adams and I got together on his 40th birthday. I'd just turned 20' Adams' lawyer denied the claims to the Times
Responding to the report on Twitter, Adams said: "I am not a perfect man and I have made many mistakes
To anyone I have ever hurt, however unintentionally, I apologize deeply and unreservedly
"But the picture that this article paints is upsettingly inaccurate. Some of its details are misrepresented; some are exaggerated; some are outright false
I would never have inappropriate interactions with someone I thought was underage
Period. "As someone who has always tried to spread joy through my music and my life, hearing that some people believe I caused them pain saddens me greatly
I am resolved to work to be the best man I can be. And I wish everyone compassion, understanding and healing
" Adams released his debut album in 2000and has earned seven Grammy nominations. He famously covered Taylor Swift's Grammy-winning "1989" album in 2015, a year after its release
He has also worked as a producer behind the scenes for acts like Willie Nelson and Jenny Lewis
Last month Adams performed at a tribute concert for the late rock singer Chris Cornell
Ava said Adams constantly questioned her about her age throughout the nine months they exchanged text messages
The report said she never showed him any identification, and he had pet names for her body parts
"If people knew they would say I was like R Kelley lol," he wrote to her via text in November 2014, when he was 40 and she was 16
R. Kelly has been accused of sexual misconduct with women and girls but has denied the allegations
"Mr. Adams unequivocally denies that he ever engaged in inappropriate online sexual communications with someone he knew was underage," Andrew B
Brettler, Adam's layer, told the Times. The singers Phoebe Bridgers and Courtney Jaye said Adams behaved inappropriately during their relationships
In an interview with The Telegraph last year, Bridgers said recounted when she met Adams in 2015
"A mutual friend in LA was like, 'Ryan would like you'. He really was just trying to get me recording and trying to get Ryan to hear me, but Ryan was like, 'Let me see a picture of her'
" Bridgers says that she and Adams "ended up hanging out all night and recording a song together called Killer
Then, a couple of weeks later, he was suddenly trying to hook up with me. I was super-down and had just broken up with my high-school boyfriend
We slept together on his 40th birthday and I'd just turned 20." Moore, one of the stars of NBC's award-winning "This Is Us," burst on the scene as a teen singer and had musical success in the late '90s and early 2000s
She claimed Adams stalled her music career and told her, "'You're not a real musician, because you don't play an instrument
'" "His controlling behaviour essentially did block my ability to make new connections in the industry during a very pivotal and potentially lucrative time - my entire mid-to-late 20s," 34-year-old Moore said to the Times
✅ O Partido Novo quer uma lei para poder devolver a verba do Fundo Partidário aos cofres públicos - Duration: 2:54.Com oito deputados federais, a estreante bancada do Novo na Câmara dos Deputados vai tentar por meio de um projeto de lei devolver os R$ 4,3 milhões que recebeu até agora do Fundo Partidário, que é formado com recursos públicos e atualmente representa a principal fonte de renda das agremiações políticas brasileiras
As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. No ano passado, a legenda fez consultas no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) para saber se poderia repassar o dinheiro para o orçamento de outras áreas, como Saúde e Educação
A resposta do tribunal foi que a verba é pública e só pode ser utilizada para os seus fins originais
Ou seja: se o Novo devolvesse o benefício ao Fundo, ele seria repassado para os demais partidos
A solução encontrada foi depositar os R$ 92 mil mensais a que a sigla tem direito em uma conta até que fosse encontrada uma solução
Pelo projeto, que foi assinado por todos os integrantes da bancada, seria facultativo aos partidos a decisão de usar ou não o Fundo
Quem optar por abrir mão, pode repassar a verba para o caixa do governo
Enquanto na primeira semana de trabalho na nova legislatura os 513 deputados apresentaram mais de 600 projetos de lei, o Novo protocolou apenas dois
Um que acaba com o fundo eleitoral – criado para as eleições de 2018 e, na ocasião, constituído por um montante de R$ 1,7 bilhão de recursos públicos – e o outro que permite devolver o dinheiro do Fundo Partidário para o caixa da União
A sigla defende a volta da doação de pessoa jurídica nas campanhas. "Desde que o partido nasceu, o Novo tentou várias vezes doar para a Lava-Jato, hospitais ou para o Ministério da Educação usar em educação básica, mas não conseguimos
Montar um partido é um belo negócio. A sigla recebe dinheiro mesmo antes de ter deputado", disse o deputado Vinicius Poit (Novo-SP)
Manutenção Segundo a assessoria do partido, o Novo paga sua manutenção com doações dos filiados
Dos 30 mil inscritos, 20 mil estão em dia com a mensalidade de R$ 28 por mês
A legenda não tem sede própria na maioria dos Estados. Conforme portaria do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) publicada em janeiro, das 35 legendas registradas na Corte, 21 cumpriram os requisitos previstos na cláusula de barreira instituída pela Emenda Constitucional 97/2017 e terão acesso ao Fundo Partidário
O montante estabelecido na Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) foi de R$ 927,7 milhões
Os partidos recebem recursos de acordo com o porcentual de votos válidos que as siglas receberam nas eleições mais recentes
Learn to Trade Stocks-------------------------------------------
Who's Don''t Like with this Car ??? 2019 Ferrari Portofino | Lobud Review - Duration: 3:18.Who's Don''t Like with this Car ??? 2019 Ferrari Portofino | Lobud Review
Who's Don''t Like with this Car ??? 2019 Ferrari Portofino | Lobud Review
Who's Don''t Like with this Car ??? 2019 Ferrari Portofino | Lobud Review
The Rabbit Performs "Isn't She Lovely" | Season 1 Ep. 7 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
"If I don't gossip, I feel like a weirdo" - So how to stop gossiping? (Yulting Rinpoche) - Duration: 4:17.gossiping is very hard to,
very hard to not try,
not indulge in.
Because from the small, small time,
we have been
practiced, or we have been indulging in too much gossiping
that we tend to gossip a lot.
It also, in this, the one who asked the question,
also is suffering from
feeling left out, right?
Feeling left out.
Like if the question says it,
if I don't gossip, I feel like a weirdo.
So that means to fit in, actually, to fit in,
we are gossiping, right?
Actually, even though you gossip,
the thing is that you can reduce your gossip.
Isn't that right?
Gossip meaning I'm not saying the
gossip like the baseless gossip.
Suppose somebody has not done something.
Is there a base for gossip, actually,
or are all gossip baseless?
(faintly speaking)
(faintly speaking)
I'm saying the baseless gossip.
Rumor, yeah, type of rumor.
So, even though you cannot practice fully,
for a beginner, as I said,
Buddha's way is very open.
So, even though if you...
You must not say every time
that I'm just a beginner, I cannot practice.
Try to practice more and more.
But if you cannot practice at first time,
you must try to reduce the gossip level.
Suppose your level is at level 10 of gossiping,
(audience laughs)
your level is at level 10 of gossiping,
you must try to reduce the level to level nine,
then slowly to level one.
Then you won't felt,
you won't feel the need of gossiping.
Also, the cause of this is,
the cause of gossiping in this,
first, we must recognize the cause, right?
The cause of gossiping in this particular question
is the suffering of fitting in.
So, first, to be comfortable with yourself.
Don't feel like you're a weirdo.
And if you delete that cause,
then you won't feel the need to gossip.
So, in short, what I mean is just reduce your level,
reduce your level of gossip.
In a way, that's also practicing.
Practicing, when we say practice,
we usually think of meditating,
meditating and sitting in a posture.
We must not think like that.
There are many levels of practice.
Whichever you feel you can do the most
and cultivate it from that level,
reduce, you can do from a reduce level
to cultivating to a higher and higher,
higher and higher level.
So that's one way of doing it.
So, one way of not gossiping,
you can also think of the effects of gossiping,
what will be the effects if what you will feel
if somebody gossips about you.
If you think about that, then
I think you would get a little bit less gossip, gossipy.
AMG @ 3 Positivity in Your Career-Don't Burn Bridges - Duration: 1:43.- Greetings from Colorado.
It's Adam Saupe.
I'm a senior talent advisor here
at The Anthony Michael Group
where we help organizations build
best in class regulatory and quality teams
and help candidates progress their career.
On today's AMG at 3, I wanna talk about positivity.
That's obviously a buzzword,
especially at this time when it's a new year
and everyone's making new year's resolutions.
However, I do believe it's tactical professionally, as well.
I'll give you two recent examples that have come up.
One is in the interview phase.
Everyone is essentially running from something
or towards something.
If a hiring manager asks you the question,
hey, why would you be considering making a move,
always make sure to avoid making negative talk
about your current organization
or the organization you've just left, personnel,
including your boss or supervisor,
and make sure that it's about that specific opportunity
that you're going toward.
And in addition to that, make sure it's specific
to that organization.
It's not improving my commute.
It's gotta be a compelling reason
that you're interested in interviewing
with that particular organization.
Secondly, is to not burn bridges.
When you're leaving an organization
under any circumstances, make sure you do it the right way.
It'll come back to haunt you nine times outta 10.
Make sure you're giving adequate notice,
making sure you are being very gracious
about everything you learned and everything
that you've enjoyed about the time you've spent there
and also that you're helpful in the transition process,
whether that's succession planning,
helping do onboard or training somebody
that's going to be taking your spot.
Again, it's such a tight-knit and small world,
especially in life sciences, as we all know.
You just never know where you'll bump into somebody.
So like I said, don't burn bridges.
Do things the right way.
Again it's Adam Saupe with The Anthony Michael Group.
See you again next time at three.
The Peacock Performs "I Can't Feel My Face" | Season 1 Ep. 7 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
oh my god break heart!why Gino pull mouth of mom like that,Gino pity don't catch mom,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:29.oh my god break heart!why Gino pull mouth of mom like that,Gino pity don't catch mom,Nature Wildlife
「Livestream」Tetris 99 Day 1! - Duration: 2:31:07.-------------------------------------------
Absolutely Gorgeous $100k Tiny House with Two Main Floor Sleeping Areas | Modern Tiny Living - Duration: 4:04.Absolutely Gorgeous $100k Tiny House with Two Main Floor Sleeping Areas | Modern Tiny Living
How Do I Save MY MARRIAGE from Divorce | RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR MEN - Duration: I totally screwed this video up one of my favorite things to do is what I do
with my family to look over the videos that we make of just the old times we
had because at the time when perhaps I shot it you know I just whatever was
happening was happening it was good and it was fun and it's beautiful but then
looking back on it and being so grateful that I have those moments to be able to
see my son be able to see my sons grow up my wife and how she was or maybe we
were so in our heads that day anyway I had a good day today we went to the
thing curry it's this place in Austin that eyes for kids as super cool it's
all like science-based I wish I wish I could play there but anyway whatever but
man it was it was amazing and I just wanted to put this together about
married life because being a married man is tough it's hard it's hard and I want
to make a series of videos on that like when is a divorce you know on the table
what should we do if we're going through a divorce you know what happens with
life after kids but in today's episode it's about how to save your marriage and
how to get through the hardships because from what I know from having the men's
group with married men with men have gone through divorces with men who've
seen rough times in their lives is the greatest thing about masculinity is how
much pressure were given and how we survive from that is how you get
something good check out this podcast it's gonna be
more of them that have to do with the subject and I will talk to guys soon hey
guys my name is Steve Mayeda and I'm a men's coach in Austin Texas I'm a BJJ
practitioner wim HOF enthusiasts have an amazing family for awesome boys and a
beautiful wife and what this podcast is about is about being as the better man
what we talk about is tried and trued because we've been doing it groups men
just like you
like how do I save my marriage so this is a question that we have written in
from the Austin men's Development Board come join us over there it's good stuff
but more importantly we're on our Wednesday night call our TSL online our
men's development excellence call to groups
merging into one you should definitely come and check it out because what we do
and what we've done since 2006 it's pretty amazing man pretty freakin
amazing we have a group of guys that look for the solution that lives the
solution that live the answer if you want to meet guys that are like
yourselves who might have the problems that you have or maybe they're going
through problems that you've had but if achieves a level of excellence
and unify upon that that's what we're at but if you want to join the free group
that's awesome as development so we have this question about saving our marriage
and it's kind of tough because within our group we've been talking about this
a lot we've been talking about our relationships our marriage our married
lives some of the guys are single in fact like about two-thirds of the group
is single but over 1/3 has been married or is currently married and so on and
it's interesting because we if we don't know you how do we save your marriage
and there's all this chatter online about how to be a great man how to save
your marriage you know hold the Alpha frame or all this sort of stuff and so
much of that is BS and there could be truth in it you know most of this stuff
it's like generally good advice to communicate and all these different ways
but if we don't know where you're starting at what can we do but in
talking about this because we know each other you know we we bleed with each
other we fly out from all around the country and meet each other and every
treats and all the sort of stuff we know each other we've worked those guys on
here who've been a part of our courses since 2012 2009 that are on the call
right now and see the one thing that it comes down to when it comes down to your
marriage is you and what kept coming up for us is the
identity workbook and I'll put a link in here it's from 2009 to 2015 the one that
we use then if you're put off by a spelling or poor use of grammar or
whatever ramblings that I did then well sorry it may not be for you but if you
want a tool that literally hundreds of guys who went through those courses and
probably it's more like thousands the would say is the number one tool from
that course it's the identity workbook in fact they'd say the identity workbook
and the community the calls and so on which made it so unique but the thing
about the identity workbook that is so powerful is that it only focuses on you
it only looks at you and part of the reason for that and one of the things
that got written in is you know this guy saying you know my wife is gaslighting
me and all this stuff and she says this about me and that about me and man this
is this is what happens in a marriage that's what happens with women and men
when they come together you don't need to worry about her problem as a woman
and her evolutionary background of it and this is why women do things fuck all
that you don't need to worry about society and the socio-economic problems
that force her and you to act certain ways that make you a victim in something
look if you're a victim you're still a victim I don't care if it's happening to
you if you enter into the game of life and something happens to you it's still
your fault but the thing that you need to do is you need to work on yourself
you need to analyze yourself you is a man you as a man you as a human being
are built and made to take anything life gives it you and be able to live through
it a marriage or a unification between two people that man is a pretty amazing
thing and I don't want to get into the you know monogamy non-monogamy sort of
thing look it guys at different points in your life you're going to want to
give yourself to a woman this is something we were actually talking about
a couple hours ago it's almost midnight here in Austin Texas
this group is talking me up how many guys here talking we got nine people on
the call interacting and we started this call at 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. about 30
guys have probably rotated through it but one of
the things that we are talking about in terms of the the guys who are divorced
like man I never want to get married again
you know be pointless and so on and some do and whatever but a lot of the guys
will say that man I never want to get married again and they say like man it's
so pointless it's just the cultural lie and I was like man that's that's
bullshit itself too because it's not a cultural lie it's something that we all
feel at times when we're with a woman it's a part of seduction it's a part of
sex it's a part of how we feel and connected with women we will want man
will won't want to dedicate our lives to them for that moment in that moment you
know we make the mistake you might say but we want to just give ourselves
completely to that woman that's a beautiful thing and that's a great thing
that that we as men need to be aware of this all being said that when were in
that reciprocation in connection that we have with one another when we're in that
relationship it's our job to be our best it is our job it is your job if you want
to save your marriage to be your best if you are not being your best then you
cannot have this discussion your best isn't defined by what she says is wrong
with you listen to that if you are basing what your best is on what she
says is wrong with you then you have no ground to stand on you are not built by
somebody else you are not lived by somebody else you are not led by
somebody else and I don't mean that in the Alpha way you are ultimately led by
you and she is ultimately led by her and so on and everybody in this world you
need to build yourself up and if you don't do that
if you do not do that then you really have no right to have an opinion about
everything because the world gets done to you you do not do to the world again
this is not about power this is not about you being better and so on but if
you do not take care of yourself if you do not truly claim what pure
responsibility and self responsibility is all about which is knowing yourself
looking at what affects you looking at what hurts you looking at your patterns
looking at all these different things but existing in the world as you
then the world gets done to you how can you not be a victim with that again if
you're a victim I don't care if somebody lied to you I don't care if you got
another man I've been victimized terribly in my life but you know what I
shouldn't have been playing that game I didn't it's a fucked up thing to say
because the one thing that comes to my mind has to do with kidnapping abduction
and sexual assault I should not been in that game I should
not been in that I did not know enough about life I did not know happens
happens so we need to learn from these things
if life delivers you a tragedy if life victimizes you you must learn from it
but in all of that how do we become our best well I mean one of the things that
we do we talk about it we analyze it we sit as a group we we share what is wrong
with ourselves when we're angry when we get hurt when our wife makes us mad when
we get in a big tragic fight over and over again for the third time or
whatever in the last month with our wife we come to the group and we're pissed
off and we're angry we're allowed to vent but ultimately somebody in that
group says you know what hey Steve or whoever it is look how are you being
your best how are you being your best in fact I
talked about this when it came down to giving a talk about fatherhood you know
when I do an appoint my life I couldn't see my kids for five years I actually I
didn't know was five years at the time but yeah I knew was a while and one of
the guys in the group said Steve shut up just stop like I get you're mad I get
that the courts are fucked up I get that all these things are happening but you
as a father at least from his definition she says
from my definition is that I need to be the best for my sons how can you be the
best for your sons even if your sons are in front of you even if they're not
there right now even if they won't be in front of you for a month just so it
turns out it was five years how are you gonna be the best and what was so
important about that you know I was still angry and all this other stuff
that I focused on being the bed I focused on getting my emotions in
check I focused on being solid I focused on being a leader and one of the things
about being a leader which is so important about this entire conversation
that we are having is that as a leader you also realize that you're going to
fail that you may lead your family into a mistake a tragedy a loss and your job
is to wear that loss learn from it but get up and start again let's also put it
this way - your wife is gonna be a leader in ways she's gonna do that she's
gonna do these things it's not about being a power struggle it's so much of
what I hear god it's it's almost as if men are studying masculinity without
ever living masculinity and that's your fault believe me I don't care what
environment you're in unless it's a prison but if you're in the u.s. if
you're in a western country you have the opportunity to be a man you have the
opportunity to be a husband it's not society's it's not you know the culture
and all these things you know it's not because there was a sitcom that didn't
have a male hero on it i watch through those same things so did many other
people it's that you didn't go out and find it so we all have these excuses why
do you need to live that why do you need to own that excuse the number one thing
that you can do right now to save your marriage is of course yes listen to your
wife you know what are some of the textbook things and again this is a
weird thing when I get a written in question because I don't know what your
situation is you could have mental illness she could have mental illness
that could be all these different things that I don't know what's going on
because those do have factors in it again never any of those things never is
that an excuse for not being your best self but of course you know a woman
wants security she wants to be appreciated she wants to be loved she
wants to be adored all these things a man a man wants to be respected a man
wants to be believed in those are some tagline things but what would be worse
is that if your wife knew that you were doing those things just to please her
what would be even worse if she knew you were doing those things just to please
her because you feared what she thought of you because then that would prove
that whatever she did think of you that you feared was true
guys how you're gonna solve the problems of your life than all the problems it
was funny because they said man it's funny Steve because you made a video
about how to get your girlfriend back guess what the same way you get your
girlfriend back is the same way you keep your girlfriend which is the same way
you keep your wife which is the same way you better your life you focus on
yourself you devoutly look at who you are and build that and if you do god man
you build the life around you the ecosystem around you that is right for
you but if you're living in conflict most of
the time you're living someone else's life
step it up guys gentlemen if if that is something that speaks to you I really
encourage you I really encourage you there's no reason ever to be alone
there's no reason to ever wonder what it's like to be around guys who are
focused and driven and who are happy I mean that was one of the things we were
talking about some great coaches out here that I really like there's a lot of
bad coaches in the men's development industry but we were talking about David
Tian we were talking about Hans co-main we were talking about Steven crush three
very very very different people but we were talking about it and we were we
were saying like man what's david's group about because david has you know a
certain type of demographic of guys that he helps and there's a specific result
that you see with them you know they tend to be very financially successful
and so on not everybody in his group but the people at the top at the upper tiers
of it honza's it's like these passionate romantic lovers and trap
when you look at what happens in our group and they're all just great in some
in different ways and and our group is active man our group is always talking
we're huge on community I mean we're on a call that's you know going on its
sixth hour actually almost at seventh hour at this point and it'll go on even
more tonight and then we have a call on Sunday that goes on for sometimes 15
hours or that's the average is 15 hours actually we have calls Saturday you have
meetups that we livestream locally in Austin you know on Thursdays and there's
just a lot of camaraderie a group that is always communicating always talking
but the level of sense of self that is within us the level of camaraderie the
level of happiness that everybody has no matter what walks they have in life that
exists and guys don't ever think that that doesn't exist hit me up shoot me an
email you know shoot me a message or whatever but most importantly if you
really want to get a hold of me go to the Austin men's Development Board on
Facebook if you're not on Facebook understand its some point we'll get off
there but send me a message let's talk masculinity is here it's
happening it's never been without you don't fool yourself and live the lie of
what the culture the media the the culture of hysteria is telling you where
it is because it's a beautiful thing and I I just thank you so much for watching
and if you're having struggles with this shoot me an email you know it's all down
below in the show notes or if you're watching this on Facebook come and visit
us at our groups but be a part of what we're doing because we we are men living
in excellence there is so much going on there's so much happening with Austin
men's development and it doesn't matter where you live in the world be a part of
it don't sell yourself short from that there's the free group if you want to
step it up and really make some moves in your life there's the paid group men's
development excellence and there's other tiers that go up beyond there but that's
a good starting point guys living your best life living your best life is
something you owe to yourself so don't sell yourself short from that
today alright thanks so much for watching thanks so much for being a part
of the family we'll talk to you soon
Boost Stock Returns 📈 with Covered Calls (No Added Risk) - Options: Part 1 - Duration: 28:35.In my conversations with Insiders about the way I plan to invest in some opportunities
and even in the email I sent everyone last week about how I planned to play a specific
stock, I mentioned three different options strategies that I would use (or might use)
to improve my returns long-term.
After that, I had a flood of requests for additional information and context; specifically,
how these strategies work and when it makes sense to use them.
So, that's gonna be our theme for the week.
If you're interested in adding some additional investment tools to your strategy arsenal,
then you're gonna wanna stick around!
Hey there, my name is Stephen Spicer and it's my goal to help you invest smarter.
And by mastering even these three 'basic' option strategies, you'll be able to do
just that - you'll be equipped to increase your returns without any additional research
BEYOND what you're already doing.
You can take that research (that you should be doing) and actually profit from your existing
thoughts on a particular stock.
You'll see what I mean.
So, in this video, I'm going to dive into using covered call options, and then in the
next two videos I'll explain and explore how and when you might want to use Long-term
Equity AnticiPation Securities and then the benefits of selling cash-secured put options.
So, if you're interested in learning these strategies that could help you invest smarter,
hit subscribe and the notification bell so that you don't miss a thing.
When you understand covered call options, you'll be able to take the analysis you
already have, identify the price at which you plan to sell out of it anyway on its way
up (whether because that would mean the stock is now over or even just fairly priced and
so you'd be selling out anyway in order to take advantage of some other better opportunity)
- so with this, you can take that information, that plan, and profit from it today ...regardless
of what the stock actually ends up doing.
By the end of this video, you're going to understand exactly how this beautiful strategy
works and when it might make sense for you to use.
Now, remember, I'm speaking to a lot of people here, so, I understand that many of
you will be at different levels of understanding when it comes to options in general.
So please, if some of this is too basic for you, use the detailed timestamps in the description
to hop around and get to the parts that will help you the most - that's the reason I
spend so much time on those for EVERY video.
So let's get started with the basics.
An option is a contract that allows its owner to control (buy or sell) a separate asset
at a fixed price (called the 'strike price' or 'exercise price') for a specific period
of time.
And they don't just exist in the stock market.
I've used them with my real estate before.
Say, for example, you go to sell a rental house that you own, and the current tenant
reaches out saying they're interested in purchasing your house.
For whatever reason, they can't qualify for financing now, but they'd like the ability
to buy it from you at some point within the next few months.
I wanna sell it.
But I have no guarantee that it would actually sell over those next few months anyway, but
if I take it off the market, just for the chance that my tenants are able to secure
funding in that time, (if I do that) I'm taking a ton of potential buyers off the table
just in favor of this one POTENTIAL buyer… that doesn't sound like a great deal to
Unless... they pay me for it.
So, to make my waiting worth it and to compensate me for the risk that the tenant is ultimately
unable to purchase anyway…
They pay me $500 for the option to purchase this home for $50,000 at any point within
the next 3 months.
There you have the basics of an option contract.
If they end up getting the money and exercising their option by purchasing the house from
me, great!
It might have been on the market this long or longer anyway, so obviously it was worth
it to me.
And, having the exclusive right to purchase this house was obviously worth it to them,
so it's a win-win.
If they don't get the money (or for whatever reason don't end up buying the house) within
that allotted time period, well, either they pay me another $500 to extend their exclusive
right for another quarter, for example, or I put it back on the market - I may have lost
some opportunities over those three months and the value of the house may have changed
a bit, but that $500 I made (by selling my tenant the option contract) was pure profit.
There are, of course, other considerations, but hopefully you get the general idea.
This might happen to you at some point in the future.
You're trying to sell your car.
Somebody approaches you who REALLY wants it but needs a month to pull together enough
money to buy it.
You could just say "sorry, tough luck," or… you could make them pay you for the
You'll take it off the market for a month and (during that time) they'll be the only
ones that can buy your car from you.
Or maybe you're on the other side of the deal.
You're the one who really wants the car, but you just need a little more time to get
the cash.
You approach the seller and offer to pay them $100 for that exclusive option.
So even if you don't see them all the time, hopefully you can understand why option contracts
But, although they absolutely do exist in other places, nowhere is there quite as vast
a tradable market for them as you'll find in financial markets.
Specifically, we'll be looking at the stock market.
A stock option contract is quoted like this…
Clearly, there are many more variables with options than when you're just dealing with
buying or selling shares of a stock.
It's important that you understand what you're looking at here and some of the more
important terms associated with trading options.
The first letters tell you upon what stock this option is based.
The stock is represented here by its ticker symbol - the 1, 2, 3, or 4 letter code assigned
to that particular company.
Usually, one quote - one contract - like this represents control over 100 shares of the
underlying stock.
Next you see the date that the option expires.
This is the last day that you could trade this option.
They usually expire on the 3rd Friday of a given month.
The next number you see is what's called the "strike price" for the stock.
It's the price that the stock, if this option is exercised, will change hands, regardless
of the underlying price at the time.
So, in this example, this option gives its owner the right to exchange each share for
$50, whether the underlying stock price is $70, or $30, or whatever.
Then, the quote tells you which kind of option we're dealing with here.
At the most basic level, there are only two different kinds of options: calls and puts.
(Throughout this series we'll explore both of those - in this video, specifically, we'll
be going through a specific call option strategy.)
In brief, a call option gives its owner the right (but not the obligation) to buy stock
at a specified price within a specific period of time.
A put option gives its owner the right (but not obligation) to sell stock at a specified
price within a specific period of time.
And finally, rounding out this quote, you see the "premium" or cost per share of
the option.
You'll recall that option contracts usually represent 100 shares of the underlying stock.
The quoted price you see is PER SHARE.
So usually, to figure out how much you'd need to pay in order to own this contract,
you have to multiply this price by those shares.
So, $1.10 per share times 100 shares equals $110.
To own this contract - this 'right' to a specific stock - you'd have to pay $110
(plus whatever commissions).
Using option contracts allows you to pay a relatively small amount of money to control
assets worth much, much more.
It's a form of leverage - using a small tool to control (and potentially profit from)
much larger assets.
Let's explore the power behind this concept briefly.
If you were bullish on a stock (the made up XYZ company, in this example) - expecting
it to go up in the future - and its current price is $45, you could buy 100 shares for
Or… you could essentially control 100 XYZ shares by purchasing that contract we just
looked at.
All you have to do is pay $110 and now you have the right (but not the obligation) to
buy it for $50 per share before March 15th (in this case).
So let's say you do that - you own this contract now.
Let's look at some extreme possible outcomes to fully explore the implications here.
Your risk - your exposure to this stock - is limited.
Meaning, if the stock actually goes down over this period, you're only out that $110 you
paid for the option.
If it drops to less than $43.90, you would have been down more than that $110 anyway.
And just to hit the extremes of this example to prove the point, if the stock price tanked
over that time, or the company goes bankrupt… again, you're out that $110, no more.
If you had actually held the stock, you would have lost MUCH more.
On the other hand, what if the underlying stock goes up?
Well, because the strike price of the option you own is $50, any move above that price
- which for a call option is considered to be "in-the-money" - would justify you
exercising that contract.
If it moved up to $51, for example, you could buy those 100 shares for $50 each, or $5,000
total, and then immediately sell them for the market price of $51 each, or $5,100, if
you wanted to.
Did you make a profit there?
No, you'd still be out $10 - the $5,100 you just made, minus the $5,000 you paid,
left you with $100, but you can't forget the original $110 you paid for the option
to begin with.
So, to be profitable would require the stock to move above $51.10 - the strike price plus
the premium paid.
But then, because you're using leverage here, every move higher would represent a
significant potential return.
For example, if the underlying stock moved up to $55, you could instantly make $500 by
exercising the contract at $50 per share - paying that $5,000 for your 100 shares - and immediately
selling those shares for $5,500.
Factor out the $110 investment you made in this option to begin with - you've realized
a profit of $390.
On a $110 investment… that's not bad!
That's pretty great actually - a more-than-350% return on investment.
And, on an annual basis, it's FAR more than that when you consider that was done over
a month's time (as I record this in February).
Just for fun - and to demonstrate the power of leverage here - let's make it go up another
On March 15th, the stock price of that underlying stock just hit $65.
You exercise the option and immediately sell those shares.
After subtracting out your initial investment in the contract, you profited $1,390, or more-than-1,250%
return in a single month!
So, you can see the power this leverage could give you: you know exactly how much you have
on the line, if things go wrong, and you have the potential to profit significantly, if
things go as you expect.
Now remember, even that $10 move (from $45 to $55) was a more than 20% jump for the underlying
stock over that month - absolutely possible, but that's not going to happen that often
for you.
More often than not, options expire worthless.
And therein lies a big risk for casual investors...
There's a temptation to see that potential and buy option contracts that represent far
more shares than you were initially even considering with the underlying stock.
For example, you had $5,000 to spend on that aforementioned stock deal.
You decided to use the power and leverage of options to 'play' your thesis instead
of stocks.
You could just spend that $110 to control those 100 shares that you're interested
BUT, think about how much you could control with all of that $5,000!
That could buy you like 45 of those contracts, instead of just one.
Maybe you drool over that 350% return (we talked about) be realized for your entire
$5,000 (instead of just on a measly $110) - that would be it growing from $5,000 to
more than $17,000 in just a month... yeah, that's tempting.
But you have to remember that most options expire worthless - which means a 100% loss
on whatever you paid for those contracts.
If you spend all $5,000 on options - that would be irresponsible - you're risking
If you spend $110 on the option to control $5,000 worth of stock - you're putting 2.2%
of the funds you have allocated for this position at risk - which MAY be a prudent move, for
They can be a valuable tool.
But when you see their power, the temptation is absolutely there to use them to speculate,
or worse, to gamble.
And that's extremely dangerous.
That's the reason that Warren Buffett publicly criticizes derivatives as "financial instruments
of mass destruction" (an option contract is a derivative - it's value is derived
from the underlying stock).
Like a bomb, you must use caution when around them!
And please don't take this series of videos as me telling you TO use them.
I'm not.
They have the power to blow up someone's entire portfolio if you're not careful.
But, I'm not naive - I know you're exposed to them, at least conceptually - you hear
about people using them.
So obviously, the temptation to use them yourself will be there.
And I don't want to just discourage it, because...
I use them - heck, Buffett uses them (and we'll talk more about that in a later video).
But, I do want to make sure you're careful and I'd like to help however I can.
If you're planning to get into options anyway and only after you've done a ton of research
and really understand them and all the implications that come with owning them, I'd recommend
starting with one of the three strategies I mentioned earlier, and that's why I'm
going to walk you through each one.
Now, there's one more aspect of options trading that you'll need to understand before
the idea of covered calls - the first strategy we're gonna explore - can make sense.
Here it is: when you bought that option contract from earlier for $110, where did it come from?
Someone had to sell it to you.
That could be the market maker, could be your broker, or it could just be another individual
trader interested in taking the other said of that bet.
Remember, most of the time option contracts expire worthless.
Meaning the one who made that purchase lost 100% of their premium.
Which would also mean that the person who sold the contract made $110 on the deal (minus
commissions, of course).
Sounds great, right?!
Being on that side of an option contract like this is called selling or writing a call option.
You are essentially paid that $110 so the buyer has the right to buy 100 shares at $50
per share FROM YOU.
But that means that you now have the OBLIGATION to sell them those shares at $50 should they
choose to exercise their right.
If you don't own any shares of XYZ already, but choose to sell a call option - also called
a short, or naked, or uncovered call - your potential loss, in theory, is unlimited.
If the price of the underlying stock just keeps going up, as long as you own that short
call, you'll keep losing more and more money!
With our example from earlier, if the stock price were to soar to $65 per share, of course
the owner will exercise his or her option to buy those shares at $50.
That means, you HAVE to sell them 100 shares for $5,000 - 100 share that you do not have.
So, to get them, you will HAVE to buy them in the open market for roughly $6,500, for
an immediate loss to you of $1,500.
Well, minus the premium they paid you of $110 - so, an net loss of $1,390.
If the stock price had gone up by $5 more before expiration, you would have lost another
$500, just like that.
And sure, it's unlikely that the stock would double in price over that month, but it's
not impossible.
If that happened, you'd be out almost $4,000… you get the point.
All that risk, just for the chance to make the relatively small profit of $110?
For traders who are interested in dipping their toes into the world of options, I'd
recommend selling calls ONLY when you already have the shares on hand to satisfy any potential
execution of your contract.
In other words, you already own 100 shares of XYZ and THEN you sell a single call option
This is called writing (or selling) covered calls.
Let me give you a quick example of when I might use this strategy.
Now, I rarely purchase shares in a stock unless I expect significant upside potential at least
within the next couple of years.
So I'm not using this strategy right out of the gate.
(There are some others I might use right from the beginning, and I'll cover those next
time in the next couple of videos - so, subscribe, cause obviously this stuff is gonna help you
invest smarter!)
So, why wouldn't I use covered calls right from day one?
Well, if I'm expecting high upside potential… writing those calls would cap my potential
gains while still being exposed to the downside that comes with owning actual shares.
With the example from earlier, I buy 100 shares at $45 for $4,500.
Let's say, I immediately turn around and write that call option from earlier.
You pay me $110.
If they expire worthless (which, as we know, they likely will) I just made over 2% AND
I still own the stock.
Pretty cool, right?
BUT, if my thesis plays out - perhaps quicker than expected - and the stock price jumps
up to $65 per share, for example, if I had just owned the stock, I'd be up more than
40% on that position.
But because I had sold that call option to you, of course, you're going to exercise
it - you're going to buy those shares from me for $5,000, and now, I've only made $610
on the deal and I'm no longer in this stock that I had researched and liked and expected
good things from over the long run.
Not the end of the world.
That was a quick 13% return on my position.
But, like I said, I'm only entering a position if I see a reasonable possibility for 50-100%
upside over the next year.
I know all my positions won't do that - I just need one or two of them to do that each
year for me to hit my personal investment goals.
But if I'm capping ALL of my positions to a 10-15% gain, just so I can make that 2%
return from all their premiums - that may not be a terrible strategy for some, but for
me, I'm shooting myself in the foot - it won't work with my holistic strategy.
And I hope that makes sense.
Obviously, this strategy is at least not as dangerous as any of the others we've talked
about so far.
That's why I'd recommend this one (or perhaps one of the next few we'll cover)
before trying to get any more creative (which I don't recommend anyway).
But let me tell now how I personally incorporate this strategy into my trading:
What if, when I entered XYZ at $45, my thesis (that came from my detailed analysis) suggested
a fair value of $90 per share.
If after a while - it doesn't really matter how long - the stock price is approaching
that number - let's say it's at $80 after a year - that's when these can really come
in handy.
Now, as people who have been through my value investing course know, if some fundamentals
have changed and my thesis has weakened, I'd likely be most comfortable just selling my
shares at this point - locking in my 75% gain.
Or, if that fair value price for XYZ was still at $90 (meaning the percentage upside potential
was now WAY less than at first), and I felt pretty confident about some other opportunities
I was finding as having 50-100% upside potential - again, the best move for me would likely
be to just sell those XYZ shares.
But, if the fundamentals (and consequently my thesis) are still strong, if I'm not
really seeing better opportunities out there, and if perhaps that fair value price has been
creeping (or might creep) up a bit - then this strategy is perfect!
Have you ever been in that position, where your trade has gone your way, you feel like
it's starting to peak or maybe the stock is getting close to being overvalued, but
you just really don't want to sell it.
You think she has just a little more to go - you know, you have a price in mind when
you would like to sell it.
That happens.
A lot of people, in this situation, will put stop losses below the current price - just
in case the price starts to fall.
I think that's smart.
But, if you're not going to sell it, because you'd like to see it go up just a little
more before you do.
You might as well profit from that MINDSET.
If XYZ is at $80, maybe you put a stop loss in (to sell your 100 shares and lock in your
gains) at $72, just in case.
But if your research and analysis suggest that it has more upside potential - and you've
told yourself that once it hits (say) $90, that's when you'll sell.
You can profit from that mindset TODAY - while it's still hovering around $80.
Why not write a call option with that $90 strike price?
Write them 30-45 days out, when the 'time decay' is really working for you (that's
the time period where most options lose most of their value at an increasing rate - which
is good for the seller of the option).
By doing that, you could pull in an extra percent or two in profit every month as long
as your stock hovers around that price.
If the stock unexpectedly crashes, well, hopefully the stop loss we talked about earlier will
catch it locking in your 60% gain.
If it spikes up, you might be forced to sell your shares for $90, giving you a 100% gain.
But every month that it just trades sideways - within that $72-90 range - you're making
passive income.
Essentially, you're lowering your cost basis for this overarching 'play' on this particular
position - XYZ, in this case.
For simplicity's sake, let's say you're able to sell a single call option - covered
by your 100 shares - for a post-commission profit of $100 each month.
Now, for your final calculation, once you do exit this position, you're lowering your
cost basis (in other words, the net amount you have invested into each share).
So, you started with $45 invested into each share, right?
Now, each month that these contracts expire worthless, you're pocketing that $100 and
essentially lowering your cost basis by $1 per share.
So, if after 10 months, one of those two scenarios finally plays out - the stock falls or surges
- pushing you out of your underlying shares, your new cost basis (after those 10 months)
for your ROI calculation, would be (in this simplistic example) $35 - $10 less than your
initial $45.
So now, an exit at $72 would represent a gain of 105% on this position.
And an exit at $90 would represent a gain of almost 160%.
Remember, if you hadn't used the options there and had just used that stop loss (and
then discipline on the upside, to sell at $90) you would have only realized a 60-100%
return ...and you still would have waited those 10 months.
But because of this 'simple' strategy, you were able to realize the much greater
return of 105-160% for that overarching position - XYZ.
That was a lot.
I hope not too much.
I hope I got your wheels turning.
If you'd like more strategy videos like this one, please let me know by hitting that
like button and telling me in the comments.
And don't forget to subscribe (at the very least) so that you don't miss the next videos
in this series.
I look forward to getting to know you better and helping however I can.
Take care.
Nỗi Đau Của Ký Ức - Hương Tràm 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
ロスの巨大カーミーティングへハコスカで行ってみた!たくさんのアメ車の中でゼロスカへのアメリカ人の反応は?Nissan Skyline Hakosuka Crowd Reactions Galpin - Duration: 10:15.Hey everyone, I am Steve. This is Steve's POV
We are here today and Galvan Motors Galvan is home of the world's largest Ford dealership
But not only for it they've got Mazda
Volkswagen gas Calvin Auto Sports. There's so much this part of the Galvin group here. It is an amazing car show. It happens yearly
I happen to be invited this year to come and take part of what is the second year of the tuning cars here at the
Mazda store, let's go take a look and walk around
Let's check out some of the cool cars that are here. Not only in this lot of Japanese cars
Let's go check out some American muscle cars some exotic cars, whatever else you stumble across right now
Take it all
How I near what a cute car one of Japan's cutest cars, I have a video on one of these they're awesome
We got a real Pozos open mic here, I've never seen one in America meet work
Mike is setting up real balls up the style gotta get one of these one day I think in the US and myself do badass
Can you imagine driving on the 405 freeway coming over the bar? Adina isn't doors soft
Right-hand-drive a little post box. Awesome. Austin small the wood man
poor inside in the bed
Get out the light
Inside the galton shop. Now. This is where they do a lot of the customizing for Galpin auto supports inside
This is not typically open and check out back here
It's all roped off right now, but check out this Pontiac you never see this is 72 73
Maybe 74. Let's check out the rust the shot
Check out those spray boots back there. How many boots is that? One two?
At least three spray booths right there beautiful equipment
Collection cars not just boards and American stuff that check it out together proceedings
Inventor Charms w/ 1,000-foot Harp - William Close's World's Best Audition - Duration: 3:08.[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Earth Harp playing ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
That's awesome.
Yo, I have chills!
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Oh, my gosh.
Corden: Ladies and gentlemen,
William Close and his Earth Harp, everybody.
I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before.
Isn't a regular harp enough?
To give yourself this amount of extra work,
to carry this around with you?
Well, you know, it's great,
'cause the strings are going out,
tying into the studio here
and actually turning the studio into the instrument.
So, today, we're inside the instrument.
We're inside the instrument.
Hill: Very nice.
Faith, do you think we'll ever see an Earth Harp,
perhaps, on your next album?
-Yes! -Uh, yes.
I would -- I would -- Can I come up?
Can she have a go? Yeah, come on.
-Get up here. -Oh, my God.
Get up there.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Wow. Nice to see you. -Get the gloves on.
Come on. You've got to have a go.
-Want to try? -Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Here. Faith, go for it. Over you go.
-Okay. Whoo! -Okay.
Give it your best, Faith. Go on.
So, you can just pinch the string
and run your hand along it.
[ Note plays ]
-Yeah. -Oh.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Oh, that's amazing. That's amazing.
Faith Hill!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Incredible, honestly.
That was beautiful.
AMG @ 3 Watch this if You Employ People on an H1B Visa - Duration: 1:07.- Greetings from Colorado,
and welcome to another AMG at Three.
It's Adam Saupe, I'm a senior talent advisor
here at The Anthony Michael Group,
where we help organizations build best
in class regulatory and quality teams,
and help candidates progress their careers.
As noted on a previous AMG at Three,
H1B visa sponsorship is in the news.
It's a big deal, this is geared towards hiring managers
who have people that would require sponsorship
or a transfer on your team, which most regulatory
and quality teams have those folks.
I would recommend strongly, nurturing,
just like you would nurture a potted plant.
You know, make sure you are reaching out
to those people proactively, where you feel like
they might not have as many opportunities today.
Once that switches, they're going to be highly sought after.
So make sure you are retaining them,
motivating them, engaging them,
finding out what's important, just as you,
obviously, probably already do.
But just as another reminder to keep that in top of mind,
especially as I believe that will,
hopefully, change here in the next couple weeks.
Look forward to seeing you next time at three.
Has the Bee Been Revealed on 'The Masked Singer' Yet? | - Duration: 4:56.Has the Bee Been Revealed on 'The Masked Singer' Yet? |
The Masked Singer has instantly become one of Fox's top-rated television series.
The show follows a group of masked celebrities who perform each week for a panel of judges that includes Nicole Scherzinger, Robin Thicke, Ken Jeong, and Jenny McCarthy.
At the end of each episode, the audience's votes determine who will stay and who will go.
While the bee's identity hasn't technically been revealed, the Internet (and the rest of America) has decided it is none other than Grammy-winning singer Gladys Knight.
How do we know this?.
First of all, the bee's voice is nearly a perfect match to Knight's.
The bee has also referenced her "long" career multiple times, adding that she hopes to prove herself to a younger generation (hence her singing songs like Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball".) The bee has also provided the clue that she started singing in the '50s.
Another clue is from a recent video where we saw kitchenware– Gladys is well known for her culinary expertise.
The video also contains peaches– one of Gladys' most well-known songs is "Midnight Train to Georgia." So that matches up, as well.
As Pop Sugar points out, it was Knight's performance at the Super Bowl this year that really convinced fans she was the famous bee.
The outlet writes, "What truly sealed the deal was Knight's soulful performance of the national anthem at the Super Bowl this year, which convinced many fans of The Masked Singer — even those who previously thought the Bee might be Tina Turner — that Knight is indeed behind the wacky black and yellow costume.".
The bee has certainly contributed to the number of awards that the masked singers have accumulated in total.
Not only has Knight won seven Grammy Awards, but she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.
She has six number one R&B albums and 11 number one R&B singles.
As Gold Derby points out, the bee says she started singing in the '50s.
It was in 1952 that Knight won "Ted Mack's The Original Amateur Hour" at the ripe age of seven.
And how have the judges done at guessing the bee's identity? At the start of the show, the judges didn't seem to get it.
Robin Thicke said he believes it's Diana Ross, while Jenny McCarthy suggested Mary J.
Last week, however, both Jenny and Robin agreed that they think the singer is Gladys Knight.
(Ken, in true Ken fashion, still holds it is Diana Ross.).
Will the bee join the other unmasked singers, or will she continue on her track record of setting the bar high until the finals? So far, Antonio Brown, Tommy Chong, Margret Cho, Terry Bradshaw, and Ricki Lake have been unmasked.
Tonight, another celebrity will take off their mask.
Will it be the bee? Only time will tell.
Tune into the show tonight at 9pm ET/PT on Fox.
Khloe Kardashian Morphs Into Marilyn Monroe With Bright Red Lip & Platinum Blonde Bob — New Pic - Br - Duration: 2:39.Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and so is her hairstylist! Khloe Kardashian showed off her new trim and color on Feb
12, and it's giving us major Marilyn Monroe vibes. Khloe Kardashian, 34, just put a modern spin on the "blonde bombshell" look that Marilyn Monroe made iconic in films like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
After rocking long buttery waves for months, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star chopped her hair (eight inches!) and lightened it a shade or two
She revealed a closer look at the hair makeover, along with a bold red pout, to her Instagram on Feb
12. "Ahhhhh thank you @traceycunningham1 for always going along with my craziness!! Coloring my hair at 6am in the rain!" Khloe wrote, and poked fun at hairstylist and family friend Jen Atkin for "taking time away" from little sister Kendall Jenner, 23, to chop off "about 8 inches" of hair! See the new beauty look below — we threw in a comparison to Ms
Monroe. Kylie Jenner, 21, may be the hair chameleon of the sisters, but Khloe comes in close second
Instead of Marilyn, it was the Game Of Thrones' dragon queen, Khaleesi, that Khloe seemed to imitate on Feb
5! She was rocking waist-length hair and crimped curls, just like the GOT character
But Khloe underwent her hair makeover in time for Stormi Webster's first birthday party on Feb
9, which she debuted in an adorable aunt-niece photo. Everyone's changing up their 'dos in the KarJenner family! Both Kendall and Kris Jenner experimented with bangs in the past two months, and Kylie's back to rocking her natural black hair after a blonde (and at one point, silver) phase
Even Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick's 6-year-old daughter, Penelope, just got her very first haircut! Khloe revealed the exciting milestone with yet another aunt and niece selfie on Feb
11, which also showed off Khloe's new hairstyle. We can't wait to see the other hair makeovers that 2019 has in store for us
For now, reminisce on the biggest celebrity hair makeovers of 2018!
Royal Az - Andy Cohen Explains His Decision to Become a Single Parent - Duration: 4:34.Andy Cohen knows it takes a village to raise a baby. In a chat with PEOPLE and Weekly Editorial Director Jess Cagle for this week's issue of PEOPLE, the 50-year-old Watch What Happens Live host introduces son Benjamin Allen and says he "didn't want to wait" any longer to become a father, even if it meant doing it as a single parent
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
"It's not something in your mind — 'Oh, I want to do this alone.' But I like being alone," explains Cohen
"I didn't want to wait. To me it would have to be a very special person to say, 'Let's do this together
' And I would love that, and that person could be having coffee down the street at this moment and I'll meet him soon
" "I will say, my first night back in New York City, I had a moment where I was in the apartment and [Benjamin] was upstairs and I was like, 'Wow, man, this is on you,' and it was heavy," admits the Bravo personality, who welcomed his baby boy via surrogate on Feb
4. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter
Meet Andy Cohen's Baby! The Bravo Host Describes His Experience in the Delivery Room Cohen says that alongside his willingness to raise baby Benjamin in a single-parent household, he has a ton of support from friends, a baby nurse and "a swarm of women around who are ready to love on this boy" — likely at least in part referring to the Real Housewives
And his approach to dating will likely shift a bit, now that he has a child's interest to take into account
"I think that I will probably be looking for different types of guys," Cohen tells PEOPLE
"I'll be looking for guys you want to bring home to Mom or bring home to your son
" "It's not going to be a revolving door of 'This is your new uncle,' " says the star, who split from boyfriend Clifton Dassuncao last March
Cohen tells Cagle that he "always knew [he] wanted a family" but "as a gay man, I never thought it was in the cards for me
" "When I came out to my parents in 1988, my mom said she had to mourn the life that I wasn't going to be able to have
And that life meant getting married and having kids," he recounts. "[At that time] people were dying of AIDS; [that's] what was happening in the gay community
So all these years later, gay men are raising families and getting married. There were points where I thought that it was too late for me or that I was really focused on my career, and I was having too much fun to think about it
It was still there nagging at me in the back of my head." "Turning 50 also played a big part
I just realized that now was the time. From the time I decided, 'Okay, I'm doing this,' which was December 2017, for the entire year of 2018 I lived my life as though it was my last year on the planet," Cohen continues
"I knew that I was turning a page on that chapter in my life. It's not to say that I can't go to a party anymore, but things are changing
" For more about Andy Cohen's life as a new dad, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday
Two Minute Tip - Top Tips for Using Stencils With Ease - Duration: 4:34.hi everyone welcome to hedgehog Hollow today is a 2 minute tip and it's another
viewer requested one so last week I did these sticky sheets in your Misti and
how to install them and check that top right hand corner and today I'm going to
show you two ways to stick down your stencil so I mentioned that you can
stick down your stencil or your piece of paper when working on a mat or on your
table using sticky sheets I'm going to show you that I'm also going to show you
another way I stick my stencil down when I'm working with different mediums
that's my preferred way of working so I'm going to show you both of those in a
quick 2 minute ish tip so this is a new stencil from Ranger it's one of Simon
hurry stencils it's cord looks like rain now of course we'll link everything up
for in the description and here I have a piece of watercolor paper and working on
my glass mat and here I have a piece of sticky sheet now the sticky sheets come
in big sheets or small sheet I know a lot if you bought the smaller ones that
fit in the sidekick when they were out of stock so what you can do is you can
adjust and pop it down on your surface and you can pop your piece of paper down
on top there and now when I'm working but even if I'm coloring I like this
it's my paper it doesn't move anywhere so this is a really nice way to work
maybe if you're stamping or you're putting down mediums and things this is
a great way to go so just cut your sticky sheets down and use a smaller one
you can do that now another thing you can do is you can put your paper just on
the edge like this and you can also then just put your stencil on the edge like
so so that holds your stencil as well and then you can take a little bit of
ink take your blending tool these are the new tonic blending tools and you can
just go in or you can use a brush wherever you want like this I'm not you
asked me does it affect just a key sheet if you get ink on it now I've stamped on
numerous sticky sheet so I've put ink on the edge like this yes it does look less
in their life a little bit you can't wash the ink off but it's no big deal
don't worry about it too much but you can see there my stencil doesn't move
and it's super easy to work with now outside of sticky sheets is another way
I like to work with stencils and a few of you have asked me about it as well
greg's time my two minutes is up but I'm gonna keep going anyway
so another thing you can do is you can take your stencil you can take your
cardstock turn it over and then take either my favorite purple tape which I
will again link up for you this is not the thermo web tape this hon this is
just a masking tape but I think it's awesome it's just a temporary tape the
only time I ever use anything different is if I'm working with watercolors then
I use frog tape again I'll link up the exact one because frog tape is
waterproof but it still peels off and it doesn't harm your paper now this is the
new thermo web purple tape and the only reason I bought this one is because it
fits in a tape dispenser and you know me and my nails I really struggle sometimes
get the ends off my tape well look at this how cool is this because now I can
just peel it off it's a dispenser and I just found out
from Hannah that you can buy this dispenser as a stiletto a black stiletto
how cool so she's ordered me one I'm Anderson
that's incoming again I'll get her to link that up for you too so again I can
just do this but the great thing is if I'm working with mediums or if I'm
coloring look I can just turn to whichever way is convenient for me and I
can just keep going so that is today's 2-minute tip I don't think I went too
far over my time limit today so I think I kept you pretty short and sweet so
there are my top tips for securing your stencils when you're working and holding
your projects down on your mats tables whatever your work surface is with a
sticky sheets check the links at the description check out your exclusive
headshot caller coupon codes don't forget that Friday newsletter as well
that has all your exclusive coupon codes and sales that comes out every week sign
up at the Hedgehog hollow comm don't forget to hit that subscribe button and
ring the bell for notifications and give us a thumbs up if you enjoy today's
2-minute tip where those four minutes I'm told and thank you so much for
joining me I'll see you again soon happy stamping everyone bye
CLEAR ICE vs. FROZEN MILK (Pomegranate) EATING ASMR ✅ - Duration: 2:03.CLEAR ICE vs. FROZEN MILK (Pomegranate) EATING ASMR ✅
Unlimited 4G Hotspot for $20 per Month! - Duration: 4:13.The solution for unlimited hotspot data through your cell phone is finally here
and it's cheap. How about $20 a month cheap. Stay tuned to find out how. I've
been looking for this solution for a long time and I'm so excited to share it
with you. If you're like most people you want to cut the cord from your cable TV
provider and cell phone service has been an attractive alternative. The problem is
that the major carriers throttle your data usage after 22 gigabytes or so or charge
you so much for truly unlimited data that you'd be better off keeping your
cable or DSL service. If you're like me you want a solution that checks off
these boxes. Use way more than 22 gig of data per month. Watch online TV using
Roku, Apple TV, or other devices. Connect iPad, laptop, desktop, Alexa, Google home
and other devices that require Wi-Fi or wired connections. A low monthly cost -
cheaper than cable. Something that works with AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint.
For the past two years I've been hunting for the right solution to this challenge
and finally found the answer. It's the MoFi 4500 4G LTE router. This device is a
wireless router that distributes your cell data to devices on your internal
network by using a SIM card from your cell phone. All you must do is add an
extra line to your existing cell plan and plug that SIM card into the MoFi
router. With the major carriers you can add a line for $20 or less.
Sounds great but you're probably wondering how that bypasses the data
limits. Stay with me here. There are two types of data measured by
your cell phone carriers - tethered data and streaming data. When you create a
hotspot on your cell phone and share it to other devices the carrier recognizes
it as tethered data and all the plan data limits apply. Once you use up your
tethered data the speed is throttled to 3G or slower and it's useless for all
but basic functions. You can barely browse a webpage much less play a video
or watch TV. Streaming data, on the other hand, is excluded from your monthly
data limits. This is for streaming YouTube videos, Netflix, playing music and
the like directly on your mobile device. The reason the MoFi 4500 is such a
great solution is because it has a feature in the configuration settings
that makes all your data appear to be streaming data from your cell phone
rather than tethered data and its set this way out of the box. Even when you
share your Wi-Fi or wired connections to other devices on your internal network.
All the data is seen by the carrier as streaming data. Now, there are limits to
streaming data too. Most carriers will allow 50 gigabytes and then de-prioritize
the traffic rather than dropping you to glacial speeds. However, the
prioritization only happens when you are over the streaming limit and the tower
you're connected to is busy. That rarely occurs.
I've watched TV, browsed the Internet, downloaded files, and used well over
100 gigabytes of data each of the past two months with no slowdown at all.
So if you're looking for cheap, unlimited data through your existing wireless
carrier for internet TV and all your home devices I highly recommend the MoFi
4500 4G LTE router. I'm not sponsored by MoFi Networks, but it has been a
great solution for me so I wanted to share with you. I'll put a link to the MoFi
router in the description of this video. You may need a micro SIM card
adapter to fit the sim card into the MoFi router, so I've included that link
as well. I'll also include a link to an optional Yagi antenna. The Yagi antenna
can enhance your signal if you're in a remote location with limited cell
coverage. Please share your experiences with the MoFi router in the comments
or any other technology you find useful for your connectivity needs. I'd love to
hear if it works for you as well as it has for me. Hey, if you want to see more
videos like this one please subscribe and if you've enjoyed this video be sure
to click the thumbs-up and leave a comment. I really do appreciate your
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