Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2019

 Arsenal midfielder Matteo Guendouzi is being eyed by Paris Saint-Germain after his Premier League success

 According to the Express, the French giants are keeping tabs on their former youth product with a view to a summer move following his impressive form for the Gunners

  Guendouzi was released by the Parisians as a 15-year-old and subsequently made his senior breakthrough with Lorient before a summer move to Arsenal

 The 19-year-old has flourished under Unai Emery and become a firm favourite for his combative midfield performances

 With limited funds to spend in the summer, however, they could be tempted to cash-in to allow Unai Emery to reinvest

 Guendouzi cost around £7million in the summer but would reportedly cost around £60million after emerging as a top prospect

 Paris Saint-Germain are desperate for a new central-midfielder to replace the outgoing Adrien Rabiot

 They failed in a bid to sign Everton's Idrissa Gueye in January and could now look to rectify an expensive mistake by trying to tempt Guendouzi back

For more infomation >> PSG 'keeping tabs on Arsenal ace' - Duration: 1:26.


✅ Aos 77 anos, Ney Matogrosso nada nu e impressiona fãs: ''Oh, lá em casa!'' - Duration: 1:15.

 Ney Matogrosso, no alto de seus 77 anos, é famoso pela sua excentricidade e boa música

 Mas, vira e mexe, o cantor aparece com uma história inusitada - como quando compartilhou a visão de OVNIs com seus fãs

   E para se refrescar durante este verão, o músico aproveitou a tarde deste sábado, 16, para dar um mergulho e ficar bem pertinho da natureza

Tão perto, de fato, que resolveu entrar nu em águas naturais.   A foto mostrou Ney em uma espécie de rio, com uma cachoeira ao fundo

E seu corpão em forma impressionou os fãs! O artista recebeu diversos elogios enfatizando o quão bonito ele está, e o quão em forma

   Algumas fãs foram mais além e apostaram na ousadia. "Oh, lá em casa", brincou uma, ao passo que diversas outras fizeram insinuações sensuais para o cantor

   Veja a foto:

For more infomation >> ✅ Aos 77 anos, Ney Matogrosso nada nu e impressiona fãs: ''Oh, lá em casa!'' - Duration: 1:15.


✅ Maju Coutinho estreia no 'JN' e ganha elogio de Bonner: 'Talento de sempre' - Duration: 1:31.

 Maju Coutinho estreou na bancada do "Jornal Nacional" na noite deste sábado (16)

A jornalista foi elogiada por diversas pessoas, entre elas, William Bonner, que não poupou palavras de carinho para a colega de profissão

"Na foto copiada do insta do Rodrigo Bocardi, a dupla que registrou um marco histórico no Jornal Nacional

Na estreia na bancada, Maju Coutinho foi Maju. Segurança, tranquilidade e o talento de sempre", escreveu Bonner

Fernanda Gentil , que se prepara para seu primeiro trabalho no cinema, comentou a publicação e também falou bem de Maju: "Sorte a nossa de ver essa história ser escrita

Parabéns".  RODRIGO BOCARDI E ELIANA ELOGIAM MAJU EM POSTS  O jornalista Rodrigo Bocardi também ficou satisfeito com o sucesso de Maju Coutinho

Ele usou seu perfil no Instagram para falar sobre a estreia da amiga ao seu lado, no "JN"

"Feliz em estar contigo nesse degrau", escreveu. A apresentadora Eliana fez uma postagem cheia de carinho

"Fiquei orgulhosa em te ver nesta bancada. Você merece. Mulher, competente, inteligente, gata e representa de forma brilhante as negras do nosso Brasil"

For more infomation >> ✅ Maju Coutinho estreia no 'JN' e ganha elogio de Bonner: 'Talento de sempre' - Duration: 1:31.


✅ Wagner Moura e Jean Wyllys trocam selinho em estreia de filme - Duration: 1:10.

 No Festival de Berlim para lançar o filme Marighella, seu primeiro como diretor, Wagner Moura contou com a presença de Jean Wyllys na sessão de gala do longa-metragem, nesta sexta (15/2)

Após a exibição, os amigos trocaram um selinho em uma festa, momento flagrado pela Mídia Ninja

    Ex-deputado federal, Wyllys fez sua primeira aparição pública depois de deixar o Brasil em janeiro, justificando receber ameaças de morte

Ele preferiu não passar pelo tapete vermelho, onde Wagner Moura e equipe mostraram uma placa em homenagem à vereadora Marielle Franco, assassinada em março de 2018, no Rio de Janeiro

 No filme Marighella, o cantor e ator Seu Jorge interpreta o guerrilheiro, poeta e militante político baiano que participou da luta armada contra a ditadura militar

Morreu em um tiroteio em novembro de 1969, em São Paulo.  

For more infomation >> ✅ Wagner Moura e Jean Wyllys trocam selinho em estreia de filme - Duration: 1:10.


WWS S6 - Episode 17 - WEBCAST - Duration: 23:32.

From The Last Stop Studios

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota

You're watching The White Wall Sessions

Tonight on The White Wall

Lot Lizard

The Velcro Ultrasound

Kid Dakota

and Beard

The White Wall Sessions is presented

by Last Stop CD Shop

Something for everyone in the family

at your one stop entertainment shop

The White Wall Sessions is sponsored by

Workplace I.T. Management

The Evolved Approach to I.T.

Bell Incorporated

the face of packaging innovation

and J. Rieck Lutherie

Handcrafted Musical Instruments

Ladies and Gentlemen

The White Wall Sessions

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

Karen walks in

Karen talks like she

needs to

ruby lips red eyes pale skin

so cold

karen walks in

karen talks like

I used to

watch her heaven bound right

in the cold

so cold

so cold

so cold

so cold

so cold

so cold

Get Right by it

Find it out

Just stick by it

right by it

Sound it out

Can't get right

Can't stay right

sound it out

sound it










I'm going to seek you out

Sick Sick Sick

Try the fire

You wanna fight it out

of the light




insider, insider

so defiant

terror eyes

can't get right

can't stay

never doubt it

sound it or set it.







fire, fire, fire

Destroy it




I'm going to seek you out

Sick Sick Sick

Try the fire

You wanna

fight it out.






Announcer: Promotional items

for The White Wall Sessions

provided exclusively by Minuteman Press

Downtown Sioux Falls.

Mention The White Wall Sessions for a 10% discount.

[Commercial Break]

Chad: Liquid hot Starma

[Background Chatter]

Chad: Starma, Oh, Starma . . sorry

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

1 am

1 am

Blow all the

candles out

candles out


the news

Wiped a tear


your face

Every year

Every year

Whittle down

Unique freak misplaced

Unique freak misplaced

Float on clouds

Take time to lose your way

Take time to lose your way

Drifter down

Get Dark and melt again

Get Dark and melt again

In the night

Stars go by

You can't feel the heat

You can't feel the heat

Feeling (Ohhhh)


Feeling (Ohhhh)


Feeling (Ohhhh)


Feeling (Ohhhh)


[Applause] - Chad: Thank you.



[Drums Warm Up with Background Chatter]

[Drums Warm Up with Background Chatter]

[Drums Warm Up with Background Chatter]

[Drums Warm Up with Background Chatter]

Take the dogs for a walk

Take the dogs for a walk

Take the dogs for a walk

around the block

At the whites and the blacks

At the lights and the darks

At the squirrels and the cats

they will bark

They don't discriminate

There's nothing back there

Yeah, they drink from plastic cups

And eat off paper plates

they don't use

silver spoons

do you remember when we used to go

All the numbers that we used to know

But where has everybody gone?

please tell me

Where did everybody go?

They don't discriminate

There's nothing back there

Yeah, they drink from plastic cups

And eat off paper plates

they don't use

silver spoons and them

do you remember when we used to go

All the numbers that we used to know

do you remember when we used to go

All the numbers that we used to know

But where has everybody gone?

please tell me

Where did everybody go?


Where did everybody go?


Where did everybody


Take the dogs for a walk

Take the dogs for a walk

Take the dogs for a walk

Take the dogs for a walk

around the block


[Applause] - Darren: Thank you.

See third time is the charm

This song is off our first album

it is called "So Pretty"

[Commercial Break]

[Background Chatter]

Joe: Borrowed

[Background Chatter]

[Background Chatter]

Joe: Alright, the first one is called "Borrowed"

I'm gone

But I'll be back tomorrow

You left

With a heart you said you'd only borrow

I'm aware

You're probably never coming back

I am scared

So what do I do with that?

I'm gone

But I'll be back tomorrow

You left

Behind all of this sorrow

Don't know why

I carry it around

Guess that I

Am waiting for the sound

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who

I'm gone

But I'll be back tomorrow

You left

With a heart you said you'd only borrow

I know

You're never coming back

I know

You're never coming back

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who

Woo Who


[Applause] - Joe: Thank you.


Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

For more infomation >> WWS S6 - Episode 17 - WEBCAST - Duration: 23:32.


Zuppa di cipolla e aglio per combattere l'influenza - Duration: 4:00.

In questo articolo vi presentiamo la ricetta originale della zuppa di cipolla e aglio per combattere l'influenza. Un vero toccasana.

Questa ricetta sfrutta la bontà e i benefici dei suoi due ingredienti principali, utilissimi per eliminare i virus che provocano l'influenza.

Impara la ricetta della zuppa di cipolla e aglio per stare subito meglio! Quali sono le proprietà dell'aglio? È un antibiotico naturale molto potente;

Ha proprietà antinfiammatorie e antibatteriche; Agisce come disintossicante per metalli pesanti; Ha proprietà espettoranti.vasodilatatrici e antisettiche.

Abbassa la pressione sanguigna e il colesterolo; Aiuta a tenere sotto controllo il diabete; Agisce nel sistema respiratorio,

epatico e gastrointestinale (acidità, flatulenze, diarree, ecc.); Allevia i sintomi dell'artrite.

Quali sono le proprietà della cipolla? Ha proprietà antinfiammatorie, antibiotiche, antibatteriche e anticoagulanti;

È un disintossicante naturale ed elimina i batteri; Aiuta ad abbassare la pressione arteriosa alta; Stimola la digestione.

Aumenta la produzione del colesterolo buono e riduce quello cattivo; Regola i livelli di zucchero nel sangue; È eccellente per curare l'influenza. Ricetta della zuppa di cipolla e aglio per curare l'influenza.

Per questa meravigliosa zuppa avrete bisogno dei seguenti ingredienti: 1 cipolla; 1 testa d'aglio; 3 rametti di prezzemolo; 1 patata; 2 foglie di alloro; un po' di zenzero; mezzo cucchiaio di origano; 2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva.

La preparazione è semplicissima: Tagliate la cipolla in rondelle sottili; Tagliate l'aglio in fettine sottili; Grattugiate la patata e lo zenzero.

Fate cuocere finché il tutto non sarà diventato morbido. Mettete il tutto in una pentola insieme a 3 bicchieri d'acqua.

Spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete il prezzemolo e l'olio di oliva.

Potete anche aggiungere del succo di limone e sale marino a piacere.

Tenete in considerazione che questa zuppa aiuta anche a prevenire le malattie, non solo a curarle.

La cipolla è un prodotto venerato da secoli dalla medicina cinese e da quella ayurveda perché è ottima per risolvere i problemi di congestione.

Ci sono indizi che dimostrerebbero che veniva addirittura utilizzata nell'Antica Grecia e dalle popolazioni native dell'America con lo stesso fine.

La cipolla assorbe infatti i germi che si trovano nell'aria e, allo stesso tempo, li distrugge quando si trovano all'interno dell'organismo.

Per esempio, potete tenerne una accanto al letto per respirarne l'odore e tenere alla larga molte malattie.

Siamo certi che non vedete l'ora di provare questa squisita zuppa di cipolla e aglio.

Abbiamo ragione? Immagini per gentile concessione di Stu_spivack, Krista e Pelican.

For more infomation >> Zuppa di cipolla e aglio per combattere l'influenza - Duration: 4:00.


✅ Rafaella Justus visita as sobrinhas gêmeas, filhas de Fabiana Justus - Área VIP - Duration: 1:56.

 Rafaella Justus, filha dos apresentadores Ticiane Pinheiro e Roberto Justus, mostrou que é uma titia bem atenciosa e bem coruja

 Ao lado da irmã Luiza Justus, a pequena, que está com nove anos, foi visitar as sobrinhas recém nascidas, Chiara e Sienna, filhas da empresária e digital influencer Fabiana Justus e Bruno Levi D'Ancona

 Nas redes sociais, Luiza compartilhou o momento que ela e Rafinha admiravam uma das gêmeas, Sienna

 "Duas tias apaixonadas", escreveu ela.  Veja o momento:    Além disso, as irmãs também cuidaram da mais nova mamãe, fazendo massagem nos pés de Fabi

Nos stories ela contou que os pés, mesmo após o nascimento das filhas, continuam inchados

 "Eu tenho as melhores irmãs do mundo", escreveu a influencer.  Veja:  + Em click raro, Luan Santana posa com a mãe e a parabeniza: "Pessoa que me faz continuar" O nascimento  A manhã foi de muita festa para a família Justus! Nesta terça feira (12), a digital influencer Fabiana Justus, filha de Roberto Justus, deu à luz as pequenas Chiara e Sienna, fruto de seu casamento com o empresário Bruno Levi D'Ancona

   Em imagem compartilhada na ferramenta stories de seu Instagram, Fabiana Justus agradeceu o apoio e disse que daria mais informações depois: "Sienna e Chiara nasceram! Depois conto tudo para vocês! Obrigada por todo o carinho, por cada oração e toda energia maravilhosa que senti por aqui a gravidez toda! Elas escolheram a data do aniversário delas: 12/02/2019!"…Veja a foto!  Depois em uma nova publicação, a nova mamãe compartilhou pela primeira vez um click do rostinho das filhas Chiara e Sienna

 Confira o registro! Alta do hospital  Fabiana e as filhas gêmeas receberam alta na tarde desta última sexta-feira sexta-feira (15)

 "Hoje trouxemos nossos pacotinhos para casa! Dia muito muito especial! Let the adventure begin…", escreveu ela

 Veja também: 

For more infomation >> ✅ Rafaella Justus visita as sobrinhas gêmeas, filhas de Fabiana Justus - Área VIP - Duration: 1:56.



Ronaldo meet with fake cristiano ronaldo

When Ronaldo couldn't speak English

What you think about "concentrao"?

"concentrao"? That is a player?

Yes he is player.

Concentrao?... Coentrao!

Cristiano Ronaldo pranked Ricardo Quaresma

Cristiano Ronaldo woken up by Iran fans at World Cup

Cristiano Ronaldo walks out of an interview

Ronaldo very angry for again doping test

Ronaldo is worried of damage for car

Ronaldo upset because he couldn't score

Ronaldo crying because he first time win champions league

Cristiano Ronaldo Old Man Prank



శని శుక్రుల కలయిక వల్ల ఈ రాశుల వారు కోట్లు గడిస్తారు | Most Luckiest Zodiac Signs - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> శని శుక్రుల కలయిక వల్ల ఈ రాశుల వారు కోట్లు గడిస్తారు | Most Luckiest Zodiac Signs - Duration: 4:15.





I play video games with friends - Duration: 4:09:03.

For more infomation >> I play video games with friends - Duration: 4:09:03.


'Estúdio C': conheça Camila Barbieri - Duration: 2:54.

Nascida em Anchieta, Santa Catarina, Camila Barbieri é formada em jornalismo pela Pontifica Universidade Católica do Paraná

Aos 10 anos Camila decidiu que iria trabalhar com comunicação. Hoje, com 30 anos, integra a equipe do Estúdio C e é a mais nova comunicadora a fazer parte do elenco do programa

E para conhecê-la um pouquinho mais, fizemos algumas perguntinhas! Confira: Por que escolheu a comunicação? Com 10 anos já tinha decidido que queria ser jornalista e trabalhar com comunicação

Sempre fui muito curiosa e falava demais hahah! Desvendar mistérios e curiosidades, conhecer personagens, histórias e levar tudo isso ao público é o que me motiva diariamente e essa troca de experiência faz a gente crescer mais e mais

Como foi entrar para o Estúdio C? Foi uma honra poder fazer parte desse time já como produtora e agora será mais especial ainda percorrer o Paranazão registrando belas imagens e histórias

O Estúdio C tem isso em seu DNA: valorizar nosso estado e nossa gente, que são sensacionais

Quais são os seus hobbies? Jogar futebol (muito), ler, ouvir música e jogar pôquer com os amigos

Qual é o seu sonho? Participar da cobertura de um evento internacional como Copa do Mundo, Oscar, Jogos Olímpicos

Qual é o seu prato favorito? Spaghetti ao sugo com muuuuito queijo parmesão. Qual é o seu lugar favorito, no Paraná? Ilha de Superagui

Qual sua banda paranaense favorita? Pompeu e os Magnatas. Qual foi o seu melhor momento, no Estúdio C? Por enquanto, minha matéria de estreia, entrevistando o elenco de Sai de Baixo

estreia é estreia né, amigos! Baixe o aplicativo da RPC para participar da nossa programação e ficar por dentro das novidades Curta a página oficial do Estúdio C e siga @estúdioCnaRPC no Instagram saiba mais Conheça a apresentadora Daiane Fardin Conheça Leonardo Portiolli

For more infomation >> 'Estúdio C': conheça Camila Barbieri - Duration: 2:54.


"Mi sento male". Emma, la foto in bagno spaventa i fan: ecco che cosa è successo - Duration: 3:42.

     Venerdì 15 febbraio è partito dal Pala Florio di Bari l'"Essere qui tour" di Emma Marrone

Una nuova tournée che vedrà la cantante salentina impegnata fino al primo marzo, quando è in programma il suo concerto al Palazzo dello sport di Roma

Il concerto che si è tenuto a Bari è stato un successone. I biglietti sono andati presto sold out, ma dopo la performance l'artista lanciata da Amici di Maria De Filippi ha fatto preoccupare i suoi fan

 Emma ha infatti pubblicato tra le sue Storie di Instagram una foto in cui si mostrava accasciata sul pavimento del bagno con questa didascalia: "In realtà finisce sempre così, io che mi sento male, adesso lo sapete, io non ho segreti con voi

Grazie a Francesca Savini perché cattura sempre la verità". Lo scatto di lei seduta in terra e quelle parole hanno subito colpito il suo esercito di sostenitori che, allarmati, hanno cominciato a bombardarla di domande per sapere cosa fosse successo

(Continua dopo la foto)      Visto il clamore suscitato da quel post, Emma è intervenuta subito sui social con un'altra Storia per bloccare qualsiasi possibilità di fraintendimento

In realtà, come accaduto altre volte, è successo che terminato il concerto, alla fine del quale ha ringraziato Bari per averle regalato "una carica pazzesca", la cantante è crollata, ma sta bene

Crollata nel senso che ha scaricato tutta la tensione accumulata durante il primo live del suo nuovo tour

(Continua dopo la foto)     "Ragazzi, la mia ultima storia avrebbe dovuto solo farvi ridere – ha fatto sapere la Marrone dopo aver ricevuto un'infinità di messaggi da parte di fan preoccupati per la sua salute – Era per farvi capire che sul palco faccio la figa, poi mi crollano tutte le ansie, le tensioni e vado in bagno e piango

Mi sento male, mi viene da vomitare. Tutte queste cose da vecchia!". (Continua dopo la foto) Insomma, niente di grave, nulla di cui preoccuparsi

Solo ansia post concerto. La cantante ha semplicemente sfogato tutta la tensione accumulata prima e durante il debutto del suo nuovo tour e sta bene

E sicuramente non immaginava di essere fraintesa con quella foto dal bagno che invece ha generato allarme tra i suoi tanti, tantissimi fan

Tutto a posto dunque. E via alla seconda data, in programma al Palacalafiore di Reggio Calabria


For more infomation >> "Mi sento male". Emma, la foto in bagno spaventa i fan: ecco che cosa è successo - Duration: 3:42.


Finlandia, neve e freddo ma gli studenti vanno a scuola in bicicletta a -17 gradi - Duration: 3:10.

"Mi raccomando bello di mamma, copriti bene che fa freddo". La password per lasciare casa prima di andare a scuola è universale

Sul freddo invece possiamo discuterne. Per noi magari una decina di gradi (sopra lo zero ovvio) possono compromettere la giornata, tra spray nasali e abbigliamento da sommozzatore di lana

In Finlandia no. Il "bello di mamma" in questo caso sono oltre mille studenti della Metsokangas Comprehensive School di Oulu

E il freddo è misurato sui -17 gradi centigradi. Copriti? Va bene, soprattutto perché a scuola questi giovani finlandesi ci vanno in bicicletta

  La foto di Pekka Tahkola sta facendo il giro del mondo. All'esterno dell'edificio, si vede una montagna di neve coperta da una distesa di biciclette

Qui i ragazze e ragazzi, per raggiungere la scuola, usano prevalentemente la bici: su 1200 iscritti tra i 7 e i 17 anni, 1000 scelgono i pedali: «Abbiamo organizzato uno studio in Finlandia per vedere quanti studenti fanno uso della bici

Questi di Oulu sono risultati i migliori».   Pekka Tahkola è un ingegnere della Navico Ltd

e lavora anche per la città di Oulu. Organizza spesso delle uscite invernali con la bici e il suo settore è quello della mobilità "smart": «Quello che avete visto - spiega a mnn

com - è normale da queste parti. Anche io da ragazzo, in inverno, utilizzavo la bici

E' successo (e succede) anche a -30 gradi». Pianure, laghi, lo scenario che circonda i finlandesi è quello di una natura spettacolare che spinge le persone all'uso della bicicletta: «Abbiamo le infrastrutture che aiutano i ciclisti e le strade sono ben tenute

Questo ci consente di pedalare in fretta e con facilità, anche in condizioni difficili come quelli invernali

E le distanze sono più brevi di quelle percorse con l'automobile».

For more infomation >> Finlandia, neve e freddo ma gli studenti vanno a scuola in bicicletta a -17 gradi - Duration: 3:10.


Isabella afirma: 'Se eu quisesse já tinha beijado' - Duration: 0:46.

Isabella conversa com Paula sobre Maycon e diz: "Não quero ser grossa com ele. Ele sabe que eu não quero

Se eu quisesse já tinha beijado, você não concorda?". Logo depois, Isabella diz: "Eu gosto dele de verdade, mas não para ficar

Um carinho muito grande, mas não quero mais ficar com ele!". Paula e Isabella conversam — Foto: TV Globo

For more infomation >> Isabella afirma: 'Se eu quisesse já tinha beijado' - Duration: 0:46.


福原遥「心に響いている作品」3年A組の秘話語る - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 7:01.

 菅田将暉(25) 演の日本テレビ系連 ドラマ「3年A組- から皆さんは、人質 す」(日曜午後10 30分)に出演中の 原遥(20)が、作 への思いや収録秘話 どを語った

 菅田演じる主人公 高校美術教師が、生 29人を人質にして 室に立てこもり、か て自殺した生徒の死 真相に迫るという異 の学園ドラマ。生徒 ちは、時に団結し、 に反目しながら、教 に向き合っていく姿 印象的だ

福原は、謎の死を遂 た生徒とともに水泳 員だった水越涼音を じている。 収録現 の雰囲気を聞くと「 ごく熱い現場です」 即答した。同世代の 演者たちによる演技 意見を交わし合うに やかな雰囲気を想像 たが、「みんな芝居 好きで、この作品を いものにしようと思 ている人ばかり

例えば、前室でスマ を持っているような は誰もいません。物 の性格もあるので、 段は仲がいいのに、 場では仲良しグルー みたいに集まること なく、教室に入った みんな一切、話しま ん

集中しています。真 に芝居に取り組んで ます。みんな自分の 番いいものを出そう 必死です。それぞれ 汗水流しながら切磋 磨(せっさたくま) ている感じ」。そこ なれ合いはなく、演 者として、最大限の のを表現しようとす 真剣勝負の場のよう

 菅田とは、怒鳴り を交えながら魂の激 いぶつかり合いとも える迫力の演技を見 て、視聴者を引きつ ている。「涼音は頑 り屋で努力家。いろ なことがあって心が れている設定

(ドラマは)間違っ 方向に行ったのを先 が正しくしてくれる 容。先生に全部を見 れているというか、 じていても、心の奥 たくさん響くものが ります」。 熱演が 題になっている菅田 存在や演技をどのよ に感じているのか

「菅田さんは、役と じゃなくて、伝えた ことが本当にある方 それを真っ正面にぶ けてくれました。そ 気持ちを受け取った いう感じでした」と い刺激を受けている  この作品を通じ、 優として、人として 何を感じているのか

「(菅田演じる)先 は、1人の生徒を叱 ていても『みんなに っている』と、いつ 言っていますが、生 役だけでなく、見て る方にも絶対に響い いる作品だと思って ます

例えば『うわべだけ 物事を決めるな』『 敗をおそれて失敗し い人生なんて成功し い。失敗して、もが て、もがいて、頑張 て、また戻って、ま 頑張ることが正解』 いう趣旨のセリフは 当に心に響きました

先生の言葉1つ1つ 、本当に重みがあっ 、見ている人の人生 変えるような言葉ば り。私も自分を見つ 直す、きっかけにな ています」。 多く 作品に出演してきた 、今回強く感じてい ことがある

「視聴者に思いを伝 たいというパワーは これまで感じたこと ないほどの強さ。ど トレートに伝える作 。共演者みんな『芝 でこんなに心拍数の がることはない』と っています

緊張もするし、みん でいいものを作ろう いう強さが本当にあ 現場。今まで以上に お芝居が好きになり した」。女優として 機を迎えている。【 野由喜】 ◆福原遥 ふくはら・はるか) 998年(平10) 月28日、埼玉県生 れ

09年NHK・Eテ 「クッキンアイドル アイ!マイ!まいん 」のほか、16年日 テレビ系ドラマ「レ タル救世主」などに 演。18年テレビ朝 系「声ガール!」で 演

映画は17年「チア ダン~女子高生がチ ダンスで全米制覇し ゃったホントの話」 ほか、17年「女々 」、19年4月公開 4月の君、スピカ。 に主演。血液型A。 ◆「3年A組-今か 皆さんは、人質です  遺書もなく突然亡 なった学園のスター 徒の死をめぐり、美 教師が生徒29人を 質にとり、亡くなっ 生徒の死の真相を探 、同時に人質の生徒 ちに人として生きる で大切なことを懸命 教える姿を描く

For more infomation >> 福原遥「心に響いている作品」3年A組の秘話語る - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 7:01.


福原遥「心に響いている作品」3年A組の秘話語る - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 7:01.

 菅田将暉(25) 演の日本テレビ系連 ドラマ「3年A組- から皆さんは、人質 す」(日曜午後10 30分)に出演中の 原遥(20)が、作 への思いや収録秘話 どを語った

 菅田演じる主人公 高校美術教師が、生 29人を人質にして 室に立てこもり、か て自殺した生徒の死 真相に迫るという異 の学園ドラマ。生徒 ちは、時に団結し、 に反目しながら、教 に向き合っていく姿 印象的だ

福原は、謎の死を遂 た生徒とともに水泳 員だった水越涼音を じている。 収録現 の雰囲気を聞くと「 ごく熱い現場です」 即答した。同世代の 演者たちによる演技 意見を交わし合うに やかな雰囲気を想像 たが、「みんな芝居 好きで、この作品を いものにしようと思 ている人ばかり

例えば、前室でスマ を持っているような は誰もいません。物 の性格もあるので、 段は仲がいいのに、 場では仲良しグルー みたいに集まること なく、教室に入った みんな一切、話しま ん

集中しています。真 に芝居に取り組んで ます。みんな自分の 番いいものを出そう 必死です。それぞれ 汗水流しながら切磋 磨(せっさたくま) ている感じ」。そこ なれ合いはなく、演 者として、最大限の のを表現しようとす 真剣勝負の場のよう

 菅田とは、怒鳴り を交えながら魂の激 いぶつかり合いとも える迫力の演技を見 て、視聴者を引きつ ている。「涼音は頑 り屋で努力家。いろ なことがあって心が れている設定

(ドラマは)間違っ 方向に行ったのを先 が正しくしてくれる 容。先生に全部を見 れているというか、 じていても、心の奥 たくさん響くものが ります」。 熱演が 題になっている菅田 存在や演技をどのよ に感じているのか

「菅田さんは、役と じゃなくて、伝えた ことが本当にある方 それを真っ正面にぶ けてくれました。そ 気持ちを受け取った いう感じでした」と い刺激を受けている  この作品を通じ、 優として、人として 何を感じているのか

「(菅田演じる)先 は、1人の生徒を叱 ていても『みんなに っている』と、いつ 言っていますが、生 役だけでなく、見て る方にも絶対に響い いる作品だと思って ます

例えば『うわべだけ 物事を決めるな』『 敗をおそれて失敗し い人生なんて成功し い。失敗して、もが て、もがいて、頑張 て、また戻って、ま 頑張ることが正解』 いう趣旨のセリフは 当に心に響きました

先生の言葉1つ1つ 、本当に重みがあっ 、見ている人の人生 変えるような言葉ば り。私も自分を見つ 直す、きっかけにな ています」。 多く 作品に出演してきた 、今回強く感じてい ことがある

「視聴者に思いを伝 たいというパワーは これまで感じたこと ないほどの強さ。ど トレートに伝える作 。共演者みんな『芝 でこんなに心拍数の がることはない』と っています

緊張もするし、みん でいいものを作ろう いう強さが本当にあ 現場。今まで以上に お芝居が好きになり した」。女優として 機を迎えている。【 野由喜】 ◆福原遥 ふくはら・はるか) 998年(平10) 月28日、埼玉県生 れ

09年NHK・Eテ 「クッキンアイドル アイ!マイ!まいん 」のほか、16年日 テレビ系ドラマ「レ タル救世主」などに 演。18年テレビ朝 系「声ガール!」で 演

映画は17年「チア ダン~女子高生がチ ダンスで全米制覇し ゃったホントの話」 ほか、17年「女々 」、19年4月公開 4月の君、スピカ。 に主演。血液型A。 ◆「3年A組-今か 皆さんは、人質です  遺書もなく突然亡 なった学園のスター 徒の死をめぐり、美 教師が生徒29人を 質にとり、亡くなっ 生徒の死の真相を探 、同時に人質の生徒 ちに人として生きる で大切なことを懸命 教える姿を描く

For more infomation >> 福原遥「心に響いている作品」3年A組の秘話語る - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 7:01.


✅ Amy Schumer celebra seu primeiro aniversário de casada - Duration: 1:12.

Amy Schumer e seu marido, o chef Chris Fischer, estão celebrando seu primeiro ano de casados

A atriz de 37 anos, que espera seu primeiro filho com Chris, usou o Instagram para comemorar o marco romântico

Publicando uma foto que mostrava o casal deitado no chão com seu cachorro Tati, ela escreveu: "Estes palhaços estão casados há um ano, e estão muito felizes por isso"

Fischer também se expressou sobre a importante data: "Te amo Amy, você traz felicidade e alegria a cada parte da minha vida, é a melhor coisa que me aconteceu

Te amo com cada pedaço do meu coração". Notícias Relacionadas   12/12/2018 | 21h00m - Ará Rocha Amy Schumer: 'Este bebê me faz parecer gorda?'   08/12/2018 | 23h00m - OFuxico Amy Schumer explica porque Meghan Markle é sua 'inimiga'   01/12/2018 | 18h00m - Ará Rocha Amy Schumer vai se dedicar à linha de roupas para 'mulheres reais'

For more infomation >> ✅ Amy Schumer celebra seu primeiro aniversário de casada - Duration: 1:12.


MIDANG KACAPI | SUNDA | TRADITIONAL ART & CULTURE | (Cover Didin "Jentreng") - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> MIDANG KACAPI | SUNDA | TRADITIONAL ART & CULTURE | (Cover Didin "Jentreng") - Duration: 6:51.


👍 Костюм Обезьянка для девочки — Магазин ❤️ - Duration: 0:56.

🌟 🇺🇸 Suit the Monkey for the girl — Shop 🌟

For more infomation >> 👍 Костюм Обезьянка для девочки — Магазин ❤️ - Duration: 0:56.


✅ Bolsonaro assina demissão de Bebianno, dizem interlocutores do governo - Duration: 2:26.

 O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) assinou neste sábado (16/1) a demissão do ministro da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência, Gustavo Bebianno

A dispensa do auxiliar deverá ser publicada no Diário Oficial da União na próxima segunda-feira (18)

A informação foi confirmada ao jornal Estadão por dois interlocutores de Bolsonaro

 Em conversas reservadas, Bolsonaro avaliou que o chefe da Secretaria-Geral quebrou a relação de confiança com ele ao "vazar" áudios de diálogos entre os dois

O ministro nega o vazamento.  Preocupados com a alta temperatura da crise, auxiliares do presidente observam, por sua vez, que Bebianno ainda pode criar muitos problemas para o governo, se a demissão não for revertida, porque seria o que se chama no jargão político de "homem bomba"

Um desses interlocutores, que conversou recentemente com Bolsonaro, disse ao Estado, porém, que a situação é insustentável e a decisão do rompimento, "irreversível"

 Segundo esse auxiliar, que falou sob a condição de anonimato, a decisão de Bolsonaro não se deve à interferência do vereador Carlos Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ)

O filho de Bolsonaro chamou Bebianno de "mentiroso" logo após o ministro ter concedido entrevista ao jornal O Globo dizendo que não estava isolado no Palácio do Planalto depois da denúncia, publicada pelo jornal Folha de S

Paulo, de que teria patrocinado candidaturas laranjas do PSL em 2018, para desviar recursos do Fundo Eleitoral

À época, Bebianno presidia o PSL.  Presidente apoiou filho Na tentativa de mostrar que não havia crise, o ministro afirmou a O Globo que, no dia anterior, falara três vezes com o presidente, então internado no Hospital Albert Einstein, recuperando-se de cirurgia para reconstrução do trânsito intestinal

Carlos Bolsonaro desmentiu essas conversas no Twitter e o presidente endossou a atitude do filho, horas depois, em entrevista à TV Record

 Ao tomar conhecimento dessa atitude, o presidente – que já havia resolvido manter Bebianno no cargo – ficou furioso e decidiu dispensá-lo

Na sexta-feira, em conversa ríspida com o ministro, chegou a oferecer a ele uma diretoria na Itaipu Binacional, mas Bebianno recusou

"Não estou no governo por causa de cargos. Sou uma pessoa leal", afirmou o chefe da Secretaria-Geral

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro assina demissão de Bebianno, dizem interlocutores do governo - Duration: 2:26.


令人震惊的新闻! 吴秀波丑闻再次发酵! 不仅陈玉林,卓薇指责吴秀波轻微性侵犯! 什么是真相? 吴秀波被捕了? 数百万中国人感到震惊! - Duration: 12:53.

For more infomation >> 令人震惊的新闻! 吴秀波丑闻再次发酵! 不仅陈玉林,卓薇指责吴秀波轻微性侵犯! 什么是真相? 吴秀波被捕了? 数百万中国人感到震惊! - Duration: 12:53.





新型ポロ、新エンジン「1.5TSI Evo」搭載による走りはどうなのか【新型ポロ TSI R-Line試乗記】 - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 新型ポロ、新エンジン「1.5TSI Evo」搭載による走りはどうなのか【新型ポロ TSI R-Line試乗記】 - Duration: 7:40.


핫 뉴스!! "긴급이라고 불리는 사고" 박원순의 가속 스캔들 - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> 핫 뉴스!! "긴급이라고 불리는 사고" 박원순의 가속 스캔들 - Duration: 13:28.


PSG 'keeping tabs on Arsenal ace' - Duration: 1:26.

 Arsenal midfielder Matteo Guendouzi is being eyed by Paris Saint-Germain after his Premier League success

 According to the Express, the French giants are keeping tabs on their former youth product with a view to a summer move following his impressive form for the Gunners

  Guendouzi was released by the Parisians as a 15-year-old and subsequently made his senior breakthrough with Lorient before a summer move to Arsenal

 The 19-year-old has flourished under Unai Emery and become a firm favourite for his combative midfield performances

 With limited funds to spend in the summer, however, they could be tempted to cash-in to allow Unai Emery to reinvest

 Guendouzi cost around £7million in the summer but would reportedly cost around £60million after emerging as a top prospect

 Paris Saint-Germain are desperate for a new central-midfielder to replace the outgoing Adrien Rabiot

 They failed in a bid to sign Everton's Idrissa Gueye in January and could now look to rectify an expensive mistake by trying to tempt Guendouzi back

For more infomation >> PSG 'keeping tabs on Arsenal ace' - Duration: 1:26.


SweetPea fear with Dee Dee why don't like before Pea? |Poor SP hurt with leg much |Monkey Daily 2618 - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> SweetPea fear with Dee Dee why don't like before Pea? |Poor SP hurt with leg much |Monkey Daily 2618 - Duration: 10:17.


Marsau Gets Grilled for Not Wearing His Wedding Ring | Love and Marriage: Huntsville | OWN - Duration: 3:13.

Hey, Marsau, I heard someone went live with us last night.

Oh, yes, freaking out at parties.

So what I'm going to say to you and Maurice

and Martell is that straight up, one of your guys went live.

I'm not lying.

No, that's messed up.


Marsau, are y'all ready to tell the truth now?

Yeah, listen, we ain't Martell.


We're going to have to go through a whole jury trial

before we going--

Well, Marsau, well, we know, Marsau, that you're

going to lie out to the end.

But we know the truth.

Oh, my god.

We're going to lie out to the end?

Well, be prepared.


Mel gonna tell, hey, somebody went live, to me?

Since I know what I did?

That must be edited video, CGI, green screen.


Hypothetically, is going to strip club a bad thing?

It depends on what you do while you're there.

Well, that's more the point because going to church

is bad if you're doing it--

I mean, it depends what you do when you're

there, no matter what it is.


So what that means is, we can be honest.

We're not lying.

- We didn't go to a strip club. - We did not go to a strip club.

No, they went to a club, correct,

that had strippers in the back.

OK. Well, there you go.

- Where they nude dancers? - No, they weren't.

They weren't nude.

They were wearing bikinis.

You know why?

Because it's Miami.

And it's appropriate for the beach.

Were you guys throwing money at them?

We did pay for services. I know we paid for the bottle.

Marsau, were you buying bottles last night?

I-- I did buy a few bottles.

Y'all know Martell don't usually drink.

So what has shocked me is that he drank with y'all last night.

He actually had a drink though.


I drank three or four drinks.

Of the $1,300 I spent.

So you spent $1,300 on drinks?

- Y'all spent $1,300 on drinks? - [INAUDIBLE].

Something ain't right with that, Marsau.

Well, it's my brother. I don't care.

That ain't your brother.

You should [INAUDIBLE].

You said you spent $2,800 on drinks.

I did.


You did not say you spent $2,800.


What's wrong with you?

My relationship with my mother-in-law,

[INAUDIBLE], it's--

it's like-- you know?


Latisha, you look so good in that.

Oh, that ring.

Let me see that, girl.

Oh, that is nice.

That is nice, I'm telling you.

Marsau, let me see your hand.

Marsau, you haven't got your ring?

Marsau, where's your ring? Ah!

It's gone!

It's gone!

Didn't you spend $2,800?

Did you throw the ring-- did you throw the ring on the stripper

too? Make it ring?

I'm not gonna get upset.

My ring-- my ring-- my finger gets fat when I drink.

Your finger don't get fat.

The thing that is annoying me about Marsau right now

is that the ring symbolizes that yes, you're married.

When you're out with your guys, you know, you're ring says,

this guy right here is off-limits.

So I can understand that sometimes

you may forget your ring.

But overall, you should try to have your rings on, especially

when you're going out.


For more infomation >> Marsau Gets Grilled for Not Wearing His Wedding Ring | Love and Marriage: Huntsville | OWN - Duration: 3:13.


3-in-1 Budget Friendly & Compact Alcohol Markers - Tri-Blend from Spectrum Noir Pens - Duration: 7:06.

hi everyone welcome it's a hedgehog Hollow today I wanted to show you about

the new crafters companion spectrum noir tri-blend pens and when we did art back

from creative Asian video with Greg you can take down the top right hand corner

we showed you what try bones were all about but I thought I'd just do a quick

piece coloring with them they gave me this little card of pre-printed with

these pretty leaves on and I have two different colors here I have the purples

and I have the greens so I thought we just do a quick coloring I can show you

what they're all about and let you know my thoughts on them so as always these

just my opinions and kind of how I get on with them so this is the green and I

can open this one up this is the purple so they did give these to me I didn't

purchase them but let's have a I have you spectrum Noirs before not alcohol

markers skill builder you can check that out in the top right hand corner as well

now the idea was to try blends these are the normal spectrum noir colors but in

one pen you've had three colors you have a light you have a medium and you have a

dark color this one's kind of stiff so you can see here I have three shades and

it even tells me it says light it says mid and it said dark on my piece here

and on the end it says purple blend so it tells me what I'm working with and

then the same on the green so I have a dull green blend and then I have my mid

my dark and my light so as always one coloring with alcohol markers I have a

piece of regular printer paper underneath so we're gonna start off with

our light color so we're gonna work on this leaf over here and what I like to

do is to saturate my cardstock now I'm gonna assume that this is

spectrum noir cardstock this is not something I've stamped out we'll see how

it goes now the other thing is if you find a

color blend that you really like you can buy them in individual markers so say

for instance you love this dull green and you use it all the time on all your

leaves you could buy these three colors individually which is great you can't

refill the try blends themselves but you can get the three colors and then they

would be refillable so I'm making sure this is well saturated and normally what

I would do is check that I can see that image on the other side and I kind of

can apart from at the top here so I'm just gonna make sure that I can do that

they are quite a fact barrel compared to say a Copic or some of the other pens

then I'm gonna go to the mid shade if you don't say that I'm noticing is the

cardstock is wobbling and I'm gonna assume that that is their cardstock as

opposed to the markers themselves so I'm gonna go back to my light now this is

great because the customer marker I think reg and I looked up the other day

was around about the seven dollar mark so cost of kind of one Copic you're

getting three colors in here so I'm just doing my kind of normal coloring going

through all three shades and then back again blending them out except a

sculpture the same way I would blend with any alcohol marker just to make

sure I get that nice blend it's also great if you're limited on space because

of course one marker slot is going to store all three colors for you and this

is the regular spectrum noir ink so you're not having any kind of different

ink in here this is more about the fact in the convenience that you have three

in there but of course you are getting less ink you don't have a full market in

here particularly think in the mid and the dark here in that middle piece you

have kind of two colors in that middle piece your lights you're gonna have more

in here as well so you can see that I've got a really nice blend

in that green and that was pretty easy to use let's try the purple as well so

I'm going to start off with my light I'm going to color this one in here so I'm

using this bullet nib I know they only come in a bullet nib as well making sure

I've saturated and then I'm going to go to my mid they do like that they've

printed on and I like the fact they chose a bullet over all the different

options I mean I tend to use my copics which have a brush I think with that

thicker barrel and the shorter kind of area that you're working with

I think her bullet nib is probably the better choice and then blending out

nicely as well

so again you can see that I've blended out my purple and I have a really nice

blend in there so I've got some really nice shading in there so I do really

like these try lands and I think it's a really nice idea to have these pens at a

nice price point so you know I like my new bows because again you get three

pens that blend together perfectly a good price point so again if you're

looking for something a good price point a good quality alcohol markers

I think these try brands are really worth ago so I hope you enjoyed this

quick kind of look at those spectrum noir tri blends check out the links in

the description below as well we have any coupon codes we'll add those for you

as well you can of course always check out the

Hedgehog holo calm we have a crafty sales page and every Friday we send out

a newsletter with all of the latest savings in as well so you can sign up to

that on our page too don't forget to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell

to get notifications of all of our future videos - including our Hedgehog

holo happy hour where Greg and I crafts together as well and if you enjoyed this

video do give us a thumbs up and I'll see you again very soon happy stamping

everyone bye

For more infomation >> 3-in-1 Budget Friendly & Compact Alcohol Markers - Tri-Blend from Spectrum Noir Pens - Duration: 7:06.


🍌 How To Stop Masturbating & Should You? - by Dr Sam Robbins - Duration: 5:03.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

For whatever reason, I get asked a lot of questions about masturbating.

And since this channel is about YOU, I do my best to address and discuss the topics

you're most interested in.

Because of this, I've done a couple videos about masturbating, including one entitled:

"WARNING: The Negative Effects Of Masturbation".

And if you haven't already seen that video, you can do so after you see this one.

There's a link below, in the description area to that video.

I bring this up because I've had over a dozen guys asking and commenting in that video,

"how do I stop masturbating?".

Keep in mind that masturbation is normal and it's not bad for you.

However, in the original video I discussed when and how "too much" masturbation can

be unhealthy - for both your body and your personal life.

Again, you can get the details when you watch that original video.

But today, I want to discuss 3 effective ways that you can stop or more importantly, reduce


Become Aware

No matter what happens or what I share with you to do today, you FIRST need to become

more aware of when you're focused or obsessed about masturbating.

You need to become more cognizant and aware of your thoughts, triggers and actions, as

it pertains to masturbating.

Otherwise, you'll go back to your old habits.

Stop Watching Porn

So, one of the biggest reasons, causes, and/or catalysts for masturbating is watching porn.

You may be horny and want to masturbate and so forth.

However, just going to a porn site or you start watching porn, immediately "puts the

wheels in motion" and there's not stopping it.

So my suggestion is you stop watching porn.

And if you can't control yourself and know you're going to go to some porn sites, just

get an app on your browser or phone to BLOCK you from allowing you to go to porn sites.

In the description area, I've listed a few sites with more information about these apps

or browser extensions.

The bottom line here is you need to remove things that bring you temptation to masturbate.

Get Busy

One big reason people masturbate or masturbate too much is they're bored.

They have too much time on their hand.

So, you need to get busy.

Go to the gym, exercise, spend time with friends, go for walks, start a new business, go read

and feed your brain.

Do productive work

Bottom line is you need to find a substitute for the time and energy spent on masturbating

and put it towards something else that's productive and betters and improves your life.

Be Patient For some people, stopping something "cold

turkey" works.

I don't recommend this when it comes to stopping a drug addiction, since you can have

very negative physical reactions.

However, stopping cold turkey with masturbating is an option because there won't be any

negative, physical consequences.

However, maybe the goal isn't to stop, but to reduce the masturbation.

For example, if you're doing it every single day, maybe your goal is to reduce it to once

or twice weekly.

If that's the case, every week reduce it by one day and in about a month, you've

gone from 7 times weekly to twice weekly.

If you're doing it multiple times daily, every day, then you need to slowly reduce

that to once daily, 7x weekly and then eventually down to 1-2x weekly.

Again, I'm just using these examples since i don't know what's going on in your personal


Bottom line is you can either stop or dramatically reduce the masturbation.

Make a plan and execute it.

Be patient and don't punish or shame yourself.

Just keep making improvements, so you don't go back to your old habits.

Summary So in summary

Reduce temptation and stop watching porn and going to porn websites.

And if you can't control yourself, get apps that block porn sites

Boredom a big cause for masturbating.

So get busy, go outside, spend time with friends, go exercise and get that energy out and keep

yourself busy.

Make a plan, execute it and be patient.

Don't punish or shame yourself.

Just keep making improvements.

Did you like this?

Give it a thumbs up!

Have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 🍌 How To Stop Masturbating & Should You? - by Dr Sam Robbins - Duration: 5:03.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta 21 % KORTING (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta 21 % KORTING (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:15.


Suspected carjacker rams into police cars, leads officers on wild chase - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Suspected carjacker rams into police cars, leads officers on wild chase - Duration: 0:27.


Game of Thrones 6x8 REACTION: ¨NO ONE¨ - Duration: 19:37.

She's a fu**ing terminator.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my reaction channel!

My name is Pilar,

and today I'm going to be reacting to episode 8 of season 6 of Game of Thrones.

Okay guys, before going straight to the reaction,

don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already,

and to click that little bell,

so you know as soon as I upload a new Got reaction!

And also remember that those of you

who would like to watch early access reactions

can do so on my Patreon page!

There you can already find reactions to episodes 9, 10 and some of season 7 as well! :)

So hope to see you around there!

And well, no more to say, let's press play now!

I hope you guys enjoy this reaction!

Season finale is coming!!!

What's there after wester-

Me too!

Omg that's exciting, I want to see if there's more.

She cute.

Aww it's been a while since someone took care of her.

I swear this must be the first time someone takes care of her.

Right? Cause she was alway souronded by men.

Who are this?

The ones that killed all those-

That's so disgusting.

Kill em' Hound. Kill them.

But not those boys.


I love you Hound.

I love you.

Religion & Power...

is something that's always been together since the beginning societies..

Just like Cersei did.

Where's he going?

Which expedition?

I forgot about it.

Did they talked about this?

Mine too...

Lancel Lannister is very handsome.

If the High Septon finds about this...

Oh man, he is terrifying.

He took his head off.

He cut his head off!

Hey you.

She loves him. SHE LOVES HIM!

*and so do I*

conflict of interests


Okay I have good vibes about this.

Hope I'm not wrong.

Is he going to give him the sword back?

How beautiful!!!

Oh please, that's sword is amazing.

I can't.

Please love eachother.

Jaime can you please give her just one kiss?

Kiss goodbye. Please.

Just a little kiss.

A quick one.

Tommen you little fu**er.

She wants to look him in the eye.

And that pu**y wont look.

There she is.

How can he do that to his own mother?

What the fuck is wrong with this little brat?

About what?

What is it? I don't remember this.

What is it?

Cersei brings out Evil Jaime.

Don't Jaime, you are not like this.

Brienne do something.

Good one Jaime. Good job!

Is he going to betray Jaime or them?

He wants him dead. He told them to kill him.

Is he going to open the gates?

Yeah, cause black fish said: kill him.

Good job Jaime. You are brilliant.

So Jaime will take the Castle.

and all of its-

the- umm..

and riverrun's army will go to the battle of winterfell?

I bet he has already escaped.

Wait what about his army for Sansa?

Or no more army?

Lannister flags!

Is he watching Brienne as she leaves?

That looks like a firebender's fleet! lol

Wow that pyramid. Wow.

Oh God!

Oh Right!

There you go. Come on-

Easy boys, easy. Don't fight.

Calm down.

She kind of looks like Melissandre,

and I just remembered that Melissandre once told Arya: ¨We will meet again¨

That time they met.

We still need to see them meet again.

There's a man standing there.

Is that the girl with another face.

Good one Terminator.

Arya has healed from what I see.

Oh she's gonna get trapped in an alley.

She's like a fu**ing Terminator.

She took her eyes out?

I don't get this.

*sees Jaquen's smirk*

Is he going to take out her eyes again?

I don't understad this!!!

I dont get this.

I don't get this. I swear I don't.

Am I stupid?

Like. I don't get it.

How did she-

I don't understand what just happened.

If someone could please explain this to me on the comments section please.

I'm kind of lost here.

What to say about this episode?

1) I tought that girl couldn't die-

cause she was also no one.

I don't understand why Arya was able to kill her.

I didn't understand that.

I don't understand why Arya was able to kill her that girl who was no one.

So there's that.


Why did Jaquen said: ¨...¨

and then she says: No, I'm Arya.

and then she leaves, and he LETS her leave.

Why would Jaquen let her leave and not kill her?

I don't get it. I don't get any of this.

Like, all this objective of Arya becoming no one was-

was useless...

and then Jaquen just let's her go?

After she killed that- girl.

I don't get it.

So Arya is heading to Winterfell now?

Oh God please take winterfell back.

I know is probably not going to happen but-

please take Winterfell back and let Jon, Sansa and Arya be reunited and live happily ever after.

Oh! And Rickon! And Bran of course!

Tho Bran is onto something bigger now. But at least let Rickon finds them.

Okay so Jaime took over riverrun.



went back alongside Podrick to meet Sansa again.

My question is...

Did Brienne convince Riverrun's army to fight for Winterfell?

I'm assuming she didn't.

Cause we only saw her leaving on her own.

So... I don't understand


I don't get what heppened there

Is Riverrun's army going to join Sansa? Or aren't they?

Another thing.. about the Hound.

Is The Hound going to join that group men-

*that are kinda of religious too*

is he going to join them now-

and fight against the white walkers?

Did I get that right? Is that what they told him to do now?

I think that's really cool.

I really like Sandor Clegane.

I love his character.

I love him he is one of my favorite characters.

Another doubt I have:

where's Varys going?

Varys went to Westeroes...

that's what I got-

but why?

What's that kind of pact he said to Tyrion?

I don't know if I have bad memory or-

I don't know what happened.

but I forgot.

So, where's Varys going?

What's his objective?

Did they already say that?

If they didn't say it then don't tell me.

I guess I'll find out about it on my own.

The High Septon is controling Tommen-

that means: The high Septon is basically controlling the 7 kingdoms.

or at least Kings Landing and everything that happens there.

Like, can you even realize how much power this man has?

How are they going to get rid of him?

Cause I don't have a single clue.

I can't even make a small prediction about how

is Cersei going to get her power back, her son back,

to take back her-

everything she lost.

I don't know guys.

Truly I can't think of one thing.

I don't know if I'm the problem but I can't think about any way out for that.

I don't know... Unless she joins Daenerys and-

I don't even know what I'm saying.

So another thing about Cersei-


The Mountain is not going to be able to fight for her in the trial by combat,

cause trials by combat are now forbidden.

That clearly was the High Septon manupulating Tommen.

So she is going to go to a normal trial?

and what after that?

What is Loras going to do?

What's goign to happen-

you guys I'm sorry but I don't have a clue.

God. I'm stressing to much about it.

I love making predictions but I don't know what to say about this.

And last thing I want to say is that

I can't wait for Yara to meet Daenerys

and I'm really looking forwards that encounter.

I want to see if Daenerys joins her or her uncle.

Because of his fleet.

So let's see what happens there.

And, it was a great episode. I liked it.


I hope you enjoyed my reaction.

And as always thank you so much for watching till the end.

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already,

to leave your comments down bellow, I'm always excited to read them,

and to like the video if you enjoyed it.

And I'll see you soon for episode 9 The Battle of Bastards.

That title...

That title you guys.

That title.

I can't wait. I cannot wait.

I know you can't wait either. And me neither.

So exciting. So exciting.

I'll see you then,

for episode 9.

Big kiss to you all,

and once again thank you for joining me.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 6x8 REACTION: ¨NO ONE¨ - Duration: 19:37.


Phantoms stumble against Team USA U17's - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Phantoms stumble against Team USA U17's - Duration: 0:20.


Arsenal FC's goalkeeper situation gets even worse with yet another injury ● #AFC News - Duration: 3:41.

Deyan Iliev picked up an injury in Arsenal's 4-0 win over Tottenham Hotspur on Friday,

which leaves the club very light in the goalkeeping position.

Iliev was forced off with 13 minutes of the u23 North London derby left to go, with young

Tom Smith coming on in his place.

Smith turned 17 less than three weeks ago, and he hasn't even featured for the Arsenal

u18s before, let alone the u23s.

Meanwhile, Emi Martinez has gone out on loan to Reading for the remainder of the season,

Daniel Barden has left for Norwich City and Karl Hein has also picked up an injury.

Fortunately, the u18s have just taken James Hillson on loan, so he may be called upon

much more than anyone expected.

If Iliev ends up being out for an extended period of time, Arsenal's goalkeeping options

will be as follows:

For the u23s, Okonkwo would be most likely to take up a starting role, as he's been

on the bench for the team on nine occasions this season.

That would make the talented but very inexperienced youngster Arsenal's third-choice goalkeeper.

Hillson would probably take up the u18 spot, with Smith playing back up at either level.

If anything then happened to Leno or Cech, you'd have to imagine the club would consider

recalling Matt Macey or Emi Martinez.

Let's hope the injury is nothing serious, and Iliev is available again soon.

On the other side of things, this is a great opportunity for Arsenal's young goalkeepers

to train with the first-team a bit more.

Hillson had his first session with the senior side on Friday, and it's unlikely to be

his last now.

Arsenal goalkeeper David Ospina admits he's set to return to the Emirates as Napoli are

unlikely to make his loan move permanent.

The Colombian moved to Naples last summer following the arrival of Bernd Leno to north


Napoli expected to make Ospina's transfer permanent at the end of the season and installed

a requirement to buy should the goalkeeper make a certain amount of appearances at the


However, Ospina has made just 17 appearances this term and is unlikely to trigger the option.

Alex Meret has recently returned from injury to take the number one spot and Ospina doubts

the Serie A club will sign him this summer.

'My current situation is that I am on loan for this season and there's a clause based

on the number of games, so if I play regularly, it'll become an automatic purchase,' Ospina

told Radio Blu.

'When the situation doesn't depend on me, all I can do is wait for the decisions

to be made by Napoli.

'The club had just spent a lot of money on Meret, a young goalkeeper with a great

future ahead of him, so I knew that when he came back from injury, this might happen'

Petr Cech, Leno's understudy, is set to retire at the end of the season and the no.2

spot at Arsenal is likely to be up for grabs again.

However, Ospina is determined at the age of 30 to become first choice elsewhere.

For more infomation >> Arsenal FC's goalkeeper situation gets even worse with yet another injury ● #AFC News - Duration: 3:41.


[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Red - Duration: 4:19.

[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Red

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Red - Duration: 4:19.


Tin Showbiz - Tình tiết mới: Cựu thành viên Zero 9 tố Tăng Nhật Tuệ "gạ tình" bất ngờ bị "phản đòn" - Duration: 6:28.

Nam ca sĩ Tino – "gà" trong công ty của Tăng Nhật Tuệ bất ngờ lên tiếng trước tin đồn không hay về thầy của mình

   Mối quan hệ đổi tình – tiền trong showbiz hiện nay không quá xa lạ, tuy nhiên vì nhiều lý do khác nhau mà không ít nạn nhân đã không nói ra sự thật

Xuất hiện trong chương trình Người giấu mặt – nam sinh viên đồng thời là cựu thành viên của một nhóm nhạc đã lên tiếng về những góc khuất sau ánh hào quang

 Không chỉ tổ ông bầu "gạ tình" cũng như đòi hỏi để có được sự nổi tiếng, sau khi từ chối lời đề nghị nam ca sĩ trẻ đã bị đuổi khỏi công ty và dùng bạo lực giữa chốn đông người

 Tuy nhiên đến thời điểm hiện tại nhân vật được nhắc đến nhiều nhất chính là nhạc sĩ, ca sĩ, ông bầu Tăng Nhật Tuệ vẫn chưa lên tiếng xác nhận

Phía dư luận lại chia thành nhiều luồng khác nhau cho rằng rất có thể đây là sự thật hoặc chỉ là chiêu trò Pr để nổi tiếng giống Phan Ngọc Luân và Đàm Vĩnh Hưng cách đây không lâu

  Phan Ngọc Luân cũng nhận đủ "gạch đá" khi lên mặt báo giả mạo chuyện tình cảm với Đàm Vĩnh Hưng để được công chúng chú ý

  Giữa cơn dư luận đang chĩa mũi về Tăng Nhật Tuệ, nam ca sĩ Tino đã lên tiếng về cựu thành viên nhóm nhạc Zero 9

 "Là anh, anh cũng trả lời là chưa, bởi vì sự thật em biết rõ hơn ai khác, nhưng trừ anh và các bạn "đồng nghiệp" của em

Ở 1 số câu chuyện, Người ở lại chưa chắc là vua nhưng kẻ rời đi (bị đuổi) chắc chắn là giặc

Có thể em đang hả hê với những thứ em đã vẽ lên, nhưng em quên mất em đã mất đi những gì

Anh ước gì những bạn trong công ty của anh Tuệ cũng bị giống em để đứng ra bênh vực em

 Nói nhiều thành nói dai, nói dài thành nói dở. Chỉ nhắc nhở rằng, nếu em đã và đang nói sự thật thì em còn thiếu vài chi tiết như là: Em quỵt tiền vài shop quần áo trước khi em vào cty và cty đã đứng ra giải quyết cho em như thế nào; Em lả lơi với vài người con trai trước khi em xoá mess và bị quản lý phát hiện như thế nào; Mẹ em đã năn nỉ thầy em (người em đang đem ra để mọi người thương hại em hiện tại) dạy em thành người như thế nào; Hay điều đơn giản là cả công ty đã cố gắng hết sức bên cạnh em để tập vật lý trị liệu cho bệnh "gật đầu bất chấp mọi lý do" của em như thế nào

Còn rất nhiều thứ anh chưa nói ra lắm, nếu em thật sự muốn minh bạch thì cứ mời đại diện pháp lý của em qua gặp anh, ít nhất trước khi nói về "nghĩa-lý" thì cái "tình" của em cũng ko đáng để ai muốn đứng lên vì em

 Nếu thực sự em đã "gánh chịu" nhiều đến như vậy, anh cũng thương em lắm, nhưng rất tiếc là không phải vậy

 Vào thời điểm các bạn cùng công ty (cũ) với em đang tất bật tập luyện để ra sản phẩm thì em lại loay hoay lần này đến lần khác để tìm sự thương hại của những người không quen biết, chúc em may mắn, nhưng anh nghĩ may mắn thuộc về những người chăm chỉ chứ không phải em, cố thêm lần nữa nhé, cứ ở không mà lên án, mọi người có thể nghe em kể chuyện 1 lần nhưng có thể sẽ thích nghe nhạc của những nghệ sĩ chăm chỉ hơn

– Tino viết bức tâm thư khá dì trên trang cá nhân, chỉ ra nhiều điểm khuất trong quá khứ của nam thanh niên này trước khi đầu quân vào công ty của Tăng Nhật Tuệ"

 Cuối dòng chia sẻ nam ca sĩ cũng không quên chúc cựu thành viên Zero 9 bằng nhiều từ ngữ ẩn ý: "Chúc em mau thành người, tuổi trẻ bồng bột ai cũng phải trải qua, vấp ngã thì mới lớn, vấp ngã do sỏi đá ven đường thì mình có kinh nghiệm bước tiếp, vấp ngã do sỏi đá mình vẽ ra thì chỉ có lòng thương hại của người dưng làm hành trang cho chặng đường sắp tới, âu cũng là do em lựa chọn, chúc em thành công, anh nói vậy chứ anh thương người lắm, nhưng phải là người thì anh mới thương"

  MinKook được cho là người đứng ra tố Tăng Nhật Tuệ đã cư xử không đúng với mình trong thời gian hoạt động ở công ty cũ

 "Anh sẽ đưa em lên thật cao nhưng em phải yêu anh, em phải là của anh. Còn không, em sẽ không còn là gì hết" – Lời "gạ tình" thẳng thừng từ ông bầu với thành viên nhóm nhạc đã khiến cư dân mạng phẫn nộ từ tối hôm qua đến giờ

   Kiểm tra lại mốc thời gian trước đây, mặc dù chính thức debut với 7 thành viên nhưng chỉ sau vài tháng hoạt động MinKook đã thông báo rời khỏi boyband với lý do tập trung cho việc học tập

Điều này khá trùng hợp với những chia sẻ của nhân vật giấu mặt lên sóng tố ông bầu của mình trên một trang truyền thông

For more infomation >> Tin Showbiz - Tình tiết mới: Cựu thành viên Zero 9 tố Tăng Nhật Tuệ "gạ tình" bất ngờ bị "phản đòn" - Duration: 6:28.


Why do I get lines on my nails and how to eliminate them | Natural Health - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Why do I get lines on my nails and how to eliminate them | Natural Health - Duration: 6:55.


Gay mayor accused of sexual harassment as #MeToo reckoning comes to West Hollywood - Duration: 16:46.

For years, Mayor John Duran has been a public avatar for West Hollywood's cheekily sexual culture

 From the City Council dais, he joked about wearing gold lamé underwear and announced a public forum on anal cancer named Booty Call to Action

But he was also accused by another councilman of looking for sex on the dating app Grindr during public meetings

Advertisement >  Even after the city paid $500,000 in 2016 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Duran's former council deputy — whom Duran hired after meeting on Grindr and having sex with him — Duran was reelected

 For many, it seemed West Hollywood was the town that #MeToo forgot.  But now, amid new allegations of sexual harassment against Duran by members of the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, some West Hollywood residents and politicians are saying enough is enough and that times have changed

Three of the city's five council members have called on Duran to resign, saying he has become a distraction

 Protesters are planning to converge on the City Council meeting Tuesday to call for Duran's ouster and call for action in another scandal: the recent deaths of two gay black men in the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck, a white, wealthy Democratic donor and LGBTQ activist

For several years, Duran worked as an attorney for Buck.  Last week, Robert Oliver resigned as vice chair of the city's Public Safety Commission in protest after other commissioners declined to condemn Duran

 "It is time that the #MeToo movement comes to West Hollywood," he said.  Duran, 59, has refused to step down, describing himself as a proudly sensual gay man who lived through a sexual revolution colliding against a prudish #MeToo movement that's too quick to judge

Bawdiness is just part of who he's always been, Duran said, and he's not going to change now

 "There's a culture clash going on," the mayor said. "If somebody expresses himself or herself sexually, that doesn't make it harassment, per se

"  "People are thinking that anything sexual is harassment because somebody feels it is unwelcome, but you have to open your mouth and say, 'No, I don't want this

' … Otherwise, how are any of us able to navigate the sexual politics of 2019? I just think there are bigger, more complex issues at play, that everyone needs to take a timeout and slow down

It can't be accusation equals guilt."  Three current or former members of the Gay Men's Chorus have accused Duran, the longtime board chairman, of crude sexual comments and engaging in unwanted touching

 Chorus member Brian Phillip Nichoalds said Duran slipped his hand inside Nichoalds' waistband and made sexually charged comments

Joey Firoben, a former member, said Duran made inappropriate comments to him too

 Jason Tong, 23, who was both a singing member and part-time employee of the chorus, said that, in October, Duran came up behind him and put two fingers inside his waistband, near his hips, in a changing room before a show in Glendale

Tong said he turned around and made eye contact with Duran, who silently left the room

 "I sort of went into a shocked state," Tong said. "It all happened very quickly, five seconds or so

… I went to the next changing room over and told a couple of my friends what happened

Only then did I realize I had been violated by someone."  Tong said he was upset Duran was trying to blame a generational difference and that he "knows lots of older gay men who definitely understand the idea of consent

" Advertisement >  "No matter how old you are, it's very easy to ask first," he said

 Oliver, 29, said the accusations against Duran go beyond "gay culture" and colorful language

 "It's his generation that made it possible for me to be an out, proud, liberated, married gay man today," Oliver said

"But it's my generation's responsibility to take the lessons that we have learned collectively as a society and bring those to our LGBT community and teach his generation

"  On Tuesday, City Council members Lindsey Horvath, Lauren Meister and John D'Amico posted similar statements to their individual Facebook pages calling for Duran to resign

 "Our City cannot focus on the work of the people when we have to address new and numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, including whether our Mayor used his title to solicit sexual favors," Horvath wrote

 City Atty. Mike Jenkins said state law does not allow the council of a general-law city to remove one of its members

 Duran told The Times that he thought his colleagues violated the state's open-meeting law, the Ralph M

Brown Act, by coordinating the statements, which were all posted within four minutes of each other

Jenkins said in an email that "the statements reflect the individual views of each council member and are not the result of a coordinated effort

"  Councilman John Heilman is the only member who has not publicly addressed the allegations

Former West Hollywood Public Safety Commissioner Robert Oliver resigned in protest of fellow commissioners' silence about the accusations against Mayor John Duran

(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)  Duran has been on the council since 2001 and served four terms as mayor, a largely ceremonial title that rotates annually

 In a Facebook statement Wednesday, Duran wrote that gay people fought hard in the 1970s and 1980s for "the right to maintain sexuality in the midst of plague and to come out on the other side into marriage equality

… Am I the only gay man in town who uses bawdy sexual humor? Or says inappropriate things? Nope

"  "So, will I resign? Those of you who know me — well know the answer. HELL NO."  Jeremy Goldbach, director of the Center for LGBT Health Equity at USC, said a certain level of off-color and gallows humor is part of life for many gay men who survived the AIDS crisis and that one of the defining characteristics for the LGBTQ rights movement is a willingness to push the boundaries on sexuality

"But I don't think the historical experiences in the LGBT community somehow provide permission for the way somebody acts today," he said

"We're in a different time now, especially when people are in positions of power … In those situations, it doesn't matter if you think something is offensive

What matters is the experience the other person is having."  Steve Martin, a former West Hollywood councilman who is gay, said gay elected officials have to "follow the established rules" because they represent everyone, not just the LGBTQ community

Advertisement >  "Wrapping yourself in the flag of gay sexual liberation is just a dodge for irresponsible conduct," Martin said

"Elected office is a public trust; this ain't no nightclub, this ain't no disco, as the song goes

Bathhouse conduct is not appropriate at City Hall or in any professional setting

"  In October, Mike Gerle, the city's events services coordinator, formally complained to West Hollywood's human resources department about Duran

Gerle said he was working at a city-sponsored protest at West Hollywood Park with a giant balloon depicting President Trump as an infant when he heard Duran make a sexually charged comment to a photographer lying on the ground, saying he was "always on his back

"  Gerle, 53, also formally complained that Duran made inappropriate sexual advances toward his boyfriend, Dennis Gleason, on Grindr during a city-funded trip to a National League of Cities event in Washington, D

C., in 2018.  In Grindr screenshots provided to The Times, Duran asked to come to Gleason's room

Gleason declined, saying it was "a little too close to home" and that he worked for Los Angeles City Councilman Joe Buscaino and was dating Gerle

 Duran wrote: "Oh my god. I didn't realize that. Disregard!"  A few minutes later, he wrote: "[Oral sex] shouldn't count

But Gerle would Hate me." A few minutes later, he asked again for a sex act, then wrote, "Oh come on

That was slightly funny."  Gerle, a former International Mr. Leather, said he and Gleason have an open relationship and that his boyfriend can have sex with whomever he wants — but that Duran crossed a line because he kept pursuing Gleason even after Gleason indicated he was uninterested

 "It's about consent … He has this sense of entitlement that because we're gay, 'I can do whatever I want with you because that's our culture

' He's decided that's our culture. He doesn't understand that every gay man gets to decide what interactions he has

You don't get a pass."  Gleason, 37, the policy director for Buscaino, said Duran's statements about a generational divide "sounds like the same thing, to me, as 'locker-room talk

'"  In a Feb. 11 letter to Gerle, the city said his complaints were unsubstantiated and that Human Resources "recommends continuing to limit your interaction with Mayor Duran, per your request, without diminishing your job responsibilities or opportunities for advancement

"  In an interview with the WeHo Times, a local news website, Duran dismissed his accusers from the chorus

Duran said that before Tong made a complaint, he had never heard of him.  "I looked him up on Facebook and of course, he's a skinny Korean kid with pimples on his cheek … Look at this guy

It's just not happening. It's not credible," Duran told the publication.  API Equality-LA, an Asian and Pacific Islander LGBTQ rights organization, condemned Duran's "victim-blaming and racist statements," saying "Asian men have long been discriminated against in gay communities

"  Estevan Montemayor, president of the board for Christopher Street West, the nonprofit that produces L

A. Pride, said Duran's comment was "very Trumpian."  "He has dismissed his accusers because of the way they look and who they are

It's the same tactic. It is deplorable," said Montemayor, who said he had long considered Duran a friend

 Tong said he felt like he was being body shamed but that "like every skinny, queer person of color who happens to be relatively young, it's not like I haven't been victimized like this before

"  And besides, Tong added: "I'm not Korean; I'm Chinese."

For more infomation >> Gay mayor accused of sexual harassment as #MeToo reckoning comes to West Hollywood - Duration: 16:46.


Super Bowl 53 Prop Bets: Will Spongebob Squarepants Show Up? - Duration: 3:42.

 This past November, Stephen Hillenburg — creator of the beloved Nickelodeon show Spongebob Squarepants — passed away following a battle with ALS

 If you are a millenial, you probably grew up watching Spongebob. Sometimes, I'll go back and watch it to this very day

Only the first few seasons, though … the classics.   Super Bowl 53 Props: Cashing in on Over/Under 5

5 Canine CommercialsRead now  One of the classics was an episode called "Band Geeks

" Squidward attempts to form a band to prove his arch-rival Squilliam Fancyson wrong, but Spongebob, Patrick and other Bikini Bottom regulars aren't exactly your everyday Beethovens or Eddie Van Halens

 With the "Bubble Bowl" coming up quickly, Squidward loses faith and tells Squilliam that the band died in a marching accident

But what do you know, the band showed up! And they were good!     Following Hillenburg's death, a petition began going around in hopes that "Sweet Victory" would be played at the Super Bowl to honor him

That petition has over a MILLION signatures.    With that said, there have been odds posted on whether or not a Spongebob "costume/inflatable" will be used during the halftime show

When I first saw them yesterday, "yes" was +500.  The odds have since moved: Yes +465, No -638

 Just because there's a petition doesn't mean Maroon 5 will actually play the song, though

 But wait. What's this?    Who was that I saw 32 seconds into the video?  SPONGEBOB SQAUREPANTS

   I don't know what it means exactly, but you don't just toss Spongebob into a hype video like that and then not include him whatsoever

 At nearly a 5-1 payout, you have to take the risk here. My main concern is that they sing a few seconds of that song and do not have a costume or inflatable Spongebob anywhere

They could show him on the jumbotron or not show him at all, but I think they do have to show him in some fashion to put it into context

Some older folks aren't going to know the reference, otherwise.  Nevertheless, that Spongebob reference is absolutely worth it at this payout

If it were closer to even odds, maybe I'd lay off.  The Pick: Yes +465 Ridiculous Bonus Prop  If Spongebob does make an appearance, there's another bet that will be graded: will he kneel in protest? Yes +3000, no -20000

 Last time I checked, Spongebob wasn't huge on political statements. Maybe the person in the costume decides to pull a stunt on his own, but I don't think it's in Maroon 5's plans

I guess that's why you have to put down $20K to win $100. And in case you were wondering, the max risk for this is FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS

   Yeah, count me out on this prop. Can't be putting a new 5 Series on the line on a Spongebob prop

For more infomation >> Super Bowl 53 Prop Bets: Will Spongebob Squarepants Show Up? - Duration: 3:42.


Brit family detained in Syria 'went on holiday and joined ISIS by mistake' - Duration: 2:08.

 A British family detained in Syria claim they joined ISIS by 'accident' - while on holiday

 Now they've made a desperate appeal on Channel 4 News begging to come home.   Shabina Aslam, 29, claims they never knew they were travelling to Syria, Birmingham Live reports

 Aslam,  her mum Safiya Zaynab, 51, and sister Alireza Sabar, 17, say they miss the UK and want to return

 The family, from Didsbury, Manchester, left Britain five years ago for a family holiday  They say a relative told them they were going to Turkey "but ended up in Syria" instead

Read More Family of Brit ISIS poster girl say 'jihadi brides are better in prison than dead'  Aslam told Channel 4: "I don't regret anything because we came on holiday, which then turned into this

 "I don't know how, it's never been explained to me.  "We all miss our life before, we miss freedom, independence, no fear

 "We want to go back to England, back to my family, I want my children to have a normal life

" Read More Revealed: Shamima Begum's middle-class terrorist husband who 'plotted atrocity in Europe'    Zaynab's husband, Sabar Aslam, still lives in Didsbury and says he has been spoken to by police a number of times

  He told   The Daily Telegraph : "They left me four years ago and that's the end of the story

 "They are not brave people, they are very soft people.  "I don't think they would be joining something like ISIS

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Brit family detained in Syria 'went on holiday and joined ISIS by mistake' - Duration: 2:08.


How to download PUBG Mobile on PC - Duration: 8:59.

Hi guys

if you want to play PUBG mobile on your PC and laptop

And if you want to play pubg mobile on any normal PC or laptop

With emulator

Then you are on right way

I tried it on a lot of emulators BlueStacks NOX and many more

I have seen a lot of problems

After that I made video on this emulator

It is so wonderful emulator

You should install it

It will download pubg mobile automatically

After that play and enjoy it

I'll tell you the complete installation process

I have recorded the gameplay you are watching from it

Graphics are so smooth

Without wasting any time let's start video

First of all open your web browser

I will provide link in description

Whenever you will click on it

the website will appear in front of you

I'm going to press enter

This type of interface will appear in front of you

Scroll down and

Press download button

Whenever you will press download button

Downloading will begin

Now our file is download

Now go to downloads

After that you will get it in programs

Double click

Press install button

Friends it will get some time for installation so you have to wait for it

You must have internet connection for that

It will download some files from internet

As you see

Now the emulator have been installed

Press start button

As soon as update will be completed

This option will appear in front of you

Click on Ok

Whenever you will press ok this page will appear

Double click on it

Game will start

You can login from Twitter Facebook and you can also play such as guest

I am going to login from Facebook

I agree

here you can login from Facebook

Enter your Email and password

And login

Now we have started pubg mobile

Guys if my video is informative for you then press like subscribe and press Bell icon

Whenever I will upload new video you will get Notification

If you have any question please comment below I will try to answer you immediately

For more infomation >> How to download PUBG Mobile on PC - Duration: 8:59.


주인에게 방치돼 쓰레기 집에서 '썩은 음식' 먹으며 버틴 강아지 - Duration: 2:41.

먹을 것 하나 없는 집에서 쓰레기에 둘러싸인 채 방치되던 강아지가 극적으로 구조됐다.

지난 9일(현지 시간) 영국 일간 메트로는 영국 잉글랜드 머지사이드 주에 있는 한 가정집에서 구조된 강아지 티미(Timmy, 16)에 대해 전했다.

주민의 신고를 받고 동물구조단체 가 현장에 도착했을 때, 단체 직원들은 경악을 금치 못했다.

그 집은 여성 데일리(Daley, 60)의 소유로, 온통 쓰레기로 뒤덮여 있었고, 늙고 병든 강아지가 홀로 그곳에 방치돼 있었다.

당시 현장에 있었던 단체 직원은 "여기저기서 악취가 진동했고 파리가 들끓고 있었다"며 "도저히 사람이나 동물이 살 수 없는 환경이었다"고 설명했다.

이어 "발견 당시 티미는 모든 것을 포기한 것처럼 소파에 힘없이 앉아 있었다"며 "볼에는 거대한 종양이 생겨 보기 힘들 정도로 끔찍한 몰골이었다"고 밝혔다.

또한 티미는 오랫동안 굶주린 배고픔에 썩은 음식을 먹어 건강이 매우 좋지 못했고, 제대로 몸을 가누지 못했다.

집 주인 데일리는 쓰레기 더미에 녀석을 방치한 채로 다른 곳에서 편안히 살았던 것으로 전해졌다.

단체 직원은 티미를 동물병원으로 옮기고, 데일리를 동물 학대 혐의로 경찰에 신고했다. 

현재 데일리는 1,075파운드(한화 약 151만 원)의 벌금과 징역 6개월을 선고받았다.

또 10년 동안 어떤 동물도 소유하지 못하도록 금지시켰다.

한편 티미는 종양 제거 수술을 받고 건강을 되찾았으며, 현재 새 가족에게 입양돼 한적한 농장에서 행복하게 살아가고 있다.

For more infomation >> 주인에게 방치돼 쓰레기 집에서 '썩은 음식' 먹으며 버틴 강아지 - Duration: 2:41.


The looming concerns Bayern Munich have about Anfield visit - Duration: 2:18.

 Niko Kovac admits he is concerned about Bayern Munich's defensive problems ahead of their Champions League showdown with Liverpool

 The German champions, who lost winger Kingsley Coman to an ankle injury , warmed up for Tuesday's last 16 first leg at Anfield with an unconvincing 3-2 victory over Augsburg on Friday night

 Twice, their lowly Bavarian neighbours led but Bayern were indebted to a double from Coman before David Alaba's winner

   Augsburg went in front inside 15 seconds as Leon Goretzka scored the fastest own goal in Bundesliga history

 "We struggled to get into the game," Bayern boss Kovac said. James Pearce's Scouting Report  "I can't remember conceding a goal so early, that was very annoying

 "We knew that Augsburg wanted to play man against man and that they are a physical side

But we couldn't organise the side and it took 35 minutes to settle it somehow.  "Every shot is a goal at the moment

When we have the ball, we don't play like I expect the team to play.  "Their second goal is a good example

The second ball with all that room in the back is something that can't happen, Liverpool would punish us for that sort of mistake

 "Defensively, we need to be better working backwards, and that is something that will be going into my analysis

"  Kovac fielded what was expected to be his starting line up at Anfield, but he may be forced into a reshuffle after Coman limped off late on

 The France international left the WWK Arena with his left ankle heavily strapped

Franck Ribery is the most likely to fill the void.  "It looks like another tendon injury," Kovac said

 "According to the doctors, it does not look so good. It is disappointing because with him in the side we have a different dynamic

We will find out more when we get the scan results on Saturday."  The news coming out of Munich was more positive this morning, after a scan eased concerns about ligament damage

 But Kovac believes the impending tie with Liverpool proved to be a distraction for some of his players as Bayern struggled to take control against industrious but limited opposition

   "Maybe some had Liverpool on their minds, that's possible. It's not good but they're human," he added

 "Is that the team that will play against Liverpool? Players can play themselves into the side but also out of the squad

 "We took on the fight, especially in the first half. It was more clear cut in the second half

Taken altogether, it was a workmanlike but deserved victory."

For more infomation >> The looming concerns Bayern Munich have about Anfield visit - Duration: 2:18.


女歌迷主動獻身 林俊傑動怒:怎麼這麼賤? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 女歌迷主動獻身 林俊傑動怒:怎麼這麼賤? - Duration: 2:19.


Food Poisoning Symptoms, Causes & Prevention Tips (How To Prevent Food Poisoning At Home) - Duration: 5:35.

Causes And Symptoms Of Food Poisoning And Prevention Measures.

Food poisoning occurs when sufficient numbers of particular types of bacteria, or their

toxins, are present in the food you eat.

These bacteria are called pathogens.

Causes of food poisoning.

Pathogens such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and E coli may be found in our food-producing


Care in processing, transport, storage, preparing and serving of food is necessary to reduce

the risk of contamination.

Food poisoning bacteria can multiply very quickly, particularly in certain conditions.

The factors that affect bacterial growth include.


In ideal conditions, one bacterium can multiply to more than two million in seven hours.

Temperature - Food poisoning bacteria grow best in the temperature range between 5 �C

and 60 �C.

This is referred to as the �temperature danger zone�.

This means that we need to keep perishable food either very cold or very hot, in order

to avoid food poisoning.

Nutrients - most foods contain enough nutrients for bacteria to grow.

This is especially the case with potentially high-risk foods such as dairy and egg products,

meat and poultry and seafood.

Water - bacteria need water for their growth.

Without water, growth may slow down or stop.

That is why dry foods do not spoil.

pH - �is the measure of acidity or alkalinity and is also important for controlling bacterial


Low pH (acid conditions) generally stops bacterial growth, but where the pH of food is neutral,

as is the case for many foods, most bacteria grow quite well.

Symptoms of food poisoning.

The symptoms of food poisoning may vary depending on the type of bacteria causing the illness.

Symptoms can range from mild to very severe.

They can occur almost immediately after eating, or a number of hours later, and they can last

from 24 hours to five days.

When you get sick, you usually experience one or more of

the following.

nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea.

vomiting,fever, headaches.

Some food-borne pathogens cause other symptoms.

For instance, pathogenic Listeria bacteria may cause miscarriage or meningitis in susceptible


Food poisoning can also lead to other long-term illnesses and symptoms.

How to prevent food poisoning.

There are some simple rules you can follow to minimise the risk of food poisoning, these


Hand Washing.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water (warm or cold) and dry them before handling

food, after handling raw food � including meat, fish, eggs and vegetables � and after

touching the bin, going to the toilet, blowing your nose or touching animals (including pets).

Eat Well Cooked Meal.

Make sure poultry, pork, burgers, sausages and kebabs are cooked until steaming hot,

with no pink meat inside.

Don't wash raw meat (including chicken and turkey) before cooking, as this can spread

bacteria around your kitchen.

Store raw meat on the bottom shelf Always cover raw meat and store it on the

bottom shelf of the fridge, where it can't touch or drip onto other foods.

Use separate chopping boards.

Use a separate chopping board to prepare raw food, such as meat and fish.

This is to avoid contaminating ready-to-eat foods with harmful bacteria that can be present

in raw food before it has been cooked.

Wash worktops.

Wash worktops before and after preparing food, particularly after they've been touched by

raw meat (including poultry), raw eggs, fish and vegetables.

You don't need to use antibacterial sprays: hot, soapy water is fine.

Wash dishcloths.

Wash dishcloths and tea towels regularly, and let them dry before you use them again.

Dirty, damp cloths are the perfect place for germs to spread.

Keep raw meat separate.

It's especially important to keep raw meat away from ready-to-eat foods, such as salad,

fruit and bread.

This is because these foods won't be cooked before you eat them, so any bacteria that

get onto the foods from the raw meat won't be killed.

Don't Eat Expired Foods.

Don't eat food that's past its use-by date, even if it looks and smells okay.

Use-by dates are based on scientific tests that show how quickly harmful bugs can develop

in the packaged food.

Freezing raw chicken reduces the levels of campylobacter bacteria but doesn't eliminate

them completely.

The safest way to kill all traces of campylobacter is by cooking chicken thoroughly.

Keep your fridge below 5 degree Celsius.

Keep your fridge temperature below 5 degree Celsius and use a fridge thermometer to check


This prevents harmful germs from growing and multiplying.

Avoid overfilling your fridge.

If it's too full, air can't circulate properly, which can affect the overall temperature.

Refrigerate leftovers quickly.

If you have cooked food that you're not going to eat straight away, cool it as quickly as

possible and store it in the fridge or freezer.

Use any leftovers from the fridge within two days.

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