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✅ Em segredo, Sandra Bullock doa milhões sempre que há um desastre natural - Duration: 1:58.Sandra Bullock é uma das atrizes mais conhecidas de Hollywood. O amor dos fãs por ela ultrapassa a sua atuação e chega ao seu cerne solidário
A atriz apoia diversas causas sociais, como direito dos animais e a luta pela educação em locais vulneráveis
Mas, o que muita gente não sabia, é que a diva sempre doa milhões para locais que foram atingidos por catástrofes
Sua última ação que foi à público foram as doações para combater os incêndios que se espalharam por dias pela Califórnia, EUA, no final de 2018
A atriz doou cerca de R$ 1,6 milhões [US$ 400 mil] para a Cruz Vermelha americana, e mais R$ 400 mil [US$ 100 mil] para a Sociedade Humanitária de Ventura County à época
Em 2011, quando o grande Tsunami e onda de terremotos atingiu o Japão, a musa também ajudou financeiramente com cerca de R$ 4 milhões [US$ 1 milhão] para a Cruz Vermelha local e para grupos de resgate e socorros
Em 2010, após o terremoto que destruiu o Haiti, a atriz doou a mesma quantia para o Médicos Sem Fronteiras poderem prestar socorro aos necessitados
A quantia também foi doada na ocasião do Furacão Katrina, que destriu Nova Orleans e a Flórida, nos EUA
A quantia foi revertida para compra de alimentos e ítens básicos para cerca de 68 milhões de famílias
No mais, Sandra doa parte de sua renda para diversos acidentes e catástrofes, nacionais e internacionais
"Eu fico feliz em poder ajudar. Somos todos uma grande família aqui, quer sejamos humanos, ou animais peludos, ou tenhamos penas", declarou ela à People em 2018
Nieuwe sekstape opgedoken waarin R. Kelly 14-jarig meisje misbruikt - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
✅ Mileide Mihaile entra com processo contra Wesley Safadão e Thyane Dantas, diz revista - Área VIP - Duration: 2:04.Mileide Mihaile – Reprodução: Instagram A história entre Mileide Mihaile e a família de Safadão ganhou mais um capítulo! Segundo informações da Revista Glamour, Mileide entrou com novo processo contra a família de seu ex-marido
O processo inclui seu Wesley Safadão, Thyane e sua ex sogra, Dona Bil
Tudo deu início devido aos linchamentos digitais que Mileide vem recebendo e dos atritos envolvendo o filho do ex-casal, Yhudi
São dois processos: um por calúnia, injúria e difamação e outro que pede uma indenização de R$ 900 mil por danos morais
Ainda segundo a publicação, Mileide pede que a família de seu ex marido se abstenham de falar o seu nome e o de seu filho nas redes sociais, sob pena de multa diária
As ações tramitam na Comarca de Fortaleza, no Ceará. + 'Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu', diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Por causa do filho Yhudy, Wesley Safadão entra na Justiça contra Mileide Mihaile O cantor Wesley Safadão, explicou em seu Instagram, o motivo pelo qual não levou o filho Yhudy, para a festa de Neymar que acontece em Paris
Na ocasião, ele viajou com a sua atual esposa, Thyane Dantas, e os filhos, Ysis e Dom
Ele disse que entrou na Justiça, pedindo para levar o filho para a viagem, porém, Mileide não liberou a ida do pequeno com o pai… Confira os detalhes! Mileide Mihaile se manifesta após nova confusão com Wesley Safadão Ao tomar conhecimento das acusações feitas pelo cantor Wesley Safadão, de ter proibido o filho Yhudy de viajar com ele, que é pai do garoto para Paris, a digital influencer Mileide Mihaile resolveu enviar uma carta para a imprensa, esclarecendo o ocorrido, e dando a sua versão dos fatos
Saiba mais! Confira também: Thyane Dantas se manifesta após nova polêmica entre Wesley Safadão e Mileide Mihaile "Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu", diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Mileide Mihaile e Antonia Fontenelle se encontram e trocam declarações
大学入学前俺「友達たくさん呼ぶために色々準備しとくか」→ 結果wwwwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.一人暮らしの大学生にはやや広い1LDKにした スマブラやマリカ、マリパ等複数人 わいわいできるゲームを用意した 大画面で遊べるように55インチのテレビを用意し 映画観賞会が出来るようにメジャーなdvdやブルーレイをたくさん用意した 5 1chのスピーカーも用意した 漫画もある程度用意した 部屋は常にアロマを焚く うにした 誰かと一緒に飲むために冷蔵庫に常に数十本と酒をストックしている 家 焼肉とかできるようにでかいホットプレートやたこ焼き機、土鍋等を用意した 彼女が きてムフフなことができるようにセミダブルのベッドにした 大きめのソファも2つ配 して人がたくさんきても大丈夫なようにした ___ /ノ^, ^ヽ\ / (◎) (◎) / ⌒(__人__)⌒::: l ⊂ ̄ヽ_| | ┬-| | <_ノ_ \ `ー'´ / ヽ ⌒, /____,、ノ / / (__/ ( ( ( ヽ__ \_,ヽ (_/(_/ 何これコピペ? 5: >>3 の悲しみを綴った 大学に入学してから四年目になるが彼女はおろか友達は誰一人とし 遊びに来てくれたことはない そもそも友達いない 中間おすすめ記事 あそびに ってやるよ どこだ? わかる ガチでわかるぞ Switchないから…… 1 >>6 茨城県 >>7 辛いよな >>8 あるんだよなあ 1 なにもせずポンポン友達出来るわけちゃうからな 1 ここまで極端じゃないけど気 ちはわかる 遊びに来るような友人いないのに誰か来たとき用の食器やコップいくつか 意しちゃったしな 1 でも掃除捗らない? めっちゃ綺麗な状態維持できるから えわ 大学入ったら彼女作れるだろうなと思ってたけど4年間で今後も彼女作れないで ろう事を学んだ 2 >>1 一番必要なのは女っ気であり 部屋にこだわる金 るなら自分の車を出せるかどうかのが遥かに強力 3 そんなことより就活しろ >>26 頭になかったわ確かに車は大事そうだな さすがに親に買ってもらえ さそう >>33まだ学生でわいわいする夢叶えてないから院進学する そもそももう 遅れだ 3 サークルとか入ったのか 4 部屋は大学の近場に借りた? 4 いや、流石にそんだけあったら行くわ ちゃんと友達作ろうとした? 4 って 友達作ろうとしなかったんか? 5 >>41 徒歩10分圏内 >>42>> 4 入学したてのころは積極的に話しかけたけどコミュ力ないから話が続かなかった 今でもすれ違えばおう!ってやるけど一緒に飯食ったことすらない サークルは入った ど故に馴染めなかった 5 >>51 変にウェイ系サークル入るより自分と同じ うなやつがいる所のほうが居心地いいぞ、サークルとかやってると同学科のやつと話すと 話題増えるしな 60: >>51 高校ではどうだったんよ 高校の頃の友達 かおるやろ 5 友達に来て欲しいなら、とにかく大学から近いところに 住むの 一番 5 コミュ力ないと分かっててそんな部屋用意したのか?すごいな 6 具とか用意する時はめっちゃワクワク数ヶ月後を妄想しながら買うんだよな そんな未 は来ないのにな 6 バイトとかゼミの人とは付き合いないの? 6 >>61 の中残酷 >>63バイトしてない ゼミの人とはゼミ室では普通に話すけどそれまで 関係 今度遊びきてよと行ったら行く行くって返してはくれた 7 >>61 切 い 長野だったら遊びに行くのに こういうやつって最初は親しげで気使ってくれる い奴なんだけど 馴れてくるとうざいこと言ってくるゴミクズになるよな 引用元: すすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:n wsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Corso Uncinetto Tunisino - Lez. 3 - le Diminuzioni Singole e Multiple (sub. eng. y esp.) - Duration: 13:53.hello everyone, welcome to the 3rd lesson of the basic Tunisian Crochet course
in the 2nd lesson we learned the various types of increases
in this lesson we learn the various types of decreases
lesson 3: single and multiple decreases
we learn 3 types of single decreases
and multiple decreases
that is, those decreases we make at the beginning and at the end of the row,
if we have to decrease 2 or more stitches
we learn the decrease by skipping 1 stitch
by weaving 2 stitches together
and the decrease in the return pass
if you have not seen the rest of the course, find the link to the playlist in the information box, and in the upper right corner
even in this case I prepared a sample for each type of decrease
which we will do at the center or at the beginning and at the end of the row
in these samples I wove 2 decreases in each row
for each type of decrease we will weave a new row
to learn how to make the decreases
the 1st type of decrease we learn is obtained by skipping 1st
decrease (dec) 1: skip 1st
so very simply, we skip the st that we have to decrease
in this row we make 1dec in the 4th and in the 6th stitch
the 1st stitch, as we know, it is already on the hook
in the 4th point we must decrease
so we skip this vertical bar
and we weave 1Tss in the 5th stitch
let's make another decrease
we skip the vertical bar of the next stitch (the 6th)
and we weave 1Tss in the 7th stitch
we complete the forward pass, weaving 1Tss in any st
we weave the return pass, as we have learned, through 1 loop for the 1st stitch,
and 2 for all the other stitches
this is the result with this kind of decrease
as you can see also in the other rows
no holes are created
this kind of decrease usually, is used within the rows
it can also be done at the beginning and at the end of the row, but in this way the holes will be more evident
so it is better to use it within the row
the 2nd type of decrease is made by taking 2sts together
decrease 2: by weaving 2sts together (tog)
so for example, in the next row we weave:
3Tss 2dec 3Tss
let's see how
the 1st st is already on the hook
so 2Tss
for the decrease we take 1Tss weaving
passing under the vertical bars of the next 2 sts
YO and pull up the loop
this is 1 decrease (Tss2tog)
let's see another decrease
in this way we weave 2Tss together (=Tss2Tog)
we complete the forward pass by weaving 1Tss in every stitch
even in this case, we weave the return pass as we know
through 1 loop for the 1st stitch
and 2 for the others stitches
this decrease has this form
no holes are formed, but also in this case it is preferable
to weave this decrease within the row
because, as for the 1st type of decrease, if we weave it at the beginning and at the end, we will see a small hole
The 3rd type of decrease we learn is made in the return pass
decrease 3: in the return pass
this kind of decrease is perfect to do
at the beginning and at the end of the row
I teach you how to make the decrease
at the beginning and end of the row
and also how to weave the next row
when in the previous line, we decreased at the beginning and at the end of the line
therefore, we weave 1dec in the 1st and last stitches
in this sample I weave
1dec at the beginning and at the end of each row
we learn how to weave when in the previous row
we have woven 1 decrease in the 1st stitch
when we have woven 1dec at the beginning of the previous row,
the vertical bars of the first 2 stitches,
this and this
in the upper part they converge in a single stitch
the loop that I have on the hook
just because we made 1dec in the previous row
when in the previous row we have woven 1dec
we must not only skip the 1st vertical bar, we must remember to skip the 2nd one too
and start with the 3rd vertical bar
we weave 1Tss in every stitch up to the penultimate
in the previous row we have woven 1dec even at the end of the row
so this is the vertical bar of the penultimate stitch
this is the edge stitch
this is the vertical bar of the penultimate stitch
and even these converge because I made 1dec in the previous row
so to weave the edge stitch
we do not insert the hook just under the 2 threads of the last stitch,
but also under the vertical bar of the stitch of decrease
in this way
YO and pull up a loop
this is the forward pass weaving Tss
when in the previous row we have woven the decreases, in the return pass, at the beginning and at the end of the row
now let's see how to make the decreases in the 1st and last st, in the return pass
let's see how to make the decrease in the last stitch of the row
so, instead through 1loop, as we usually do for the 1st stitch,
through 2 loops
in this way we make the decrease
the edge stitch, and the previous stitch
and as we have seen before,
the 2 vertical bars converge, because we made the decrease
we close all the other stitches through 2 loops
until we have 3 loops on the hook
and to make 1dec even at the beginning of the row
let's close these 2 stitches together
so for the last point through 3 loops
in this way we made 1dec at the beginning of the row
let's review how to make the forward pass of the next row
at the beginning we skip the first 2 vertical bars
because it's the decrease, and it's already on the hook
so let's start with the 3 vertical bar
and for the last stitch
we pass below the vertical bar of the decrease
and below the 2 threads of the last stitch
in this way
and if we want to decrease again
for the last stitch we pass the crochet by 2 loops
and all the others passing through 2 loops
as long as 3 loops remain on the hook
and to make the decrease in the 1st stitch of the row, we pass through these 3 loops
as you see this decrease from a perfect result,
there are no holes
and it is used at the beginning and at the end of the row
The last decrease we learn today is the multiple decrease
multiple decrease
we use this kind of decrease when
we have to decrease 2 or more stitches, at the beginning or at the end of the row
this sample has 18 points in the basic row
we will see how to decrease 4 stitches at the beginning and 4 at the end of the row
weaving the 10 central stitches
we want to decrease 4 stitches at the beginning of the row
so let's work the closing row in the first 4 stitch
insert hook under the 2nd vertical bar
YO and pull up a loop
and let the crochet pass through the loop on the hook
and 4
1, 2, 3 and 4
these are the points we have closed
now we are weaving 10 Tss
the 1st is already on the hook
and we close the last 4 stitches of the row
so we want to close 4 stitches at the beginning
and 4 stitches at the end of the row
insert hook under the vertical bar of the first stitch I want to close
YO and pull up a loop
this loop remains on the hook
insert hook under the vertical bar of next stitch
YO and pull up a loop
and close the previous stitch
so we closed the fourth last stitch
the edge stitch
in total we closed 4 stitches
1, 2, 3 and the edge stitch
to complete we weave a chain and cut the yarn
we pull the yarn with the crochet hook
and we pull to tie
in this way the thread is already knotted
we continue to weave with a new yarn
and we weave the return pass with the 10 points we have on the crochet
this is the new edge stitch
so YO and insert hook through only 1 loop
and for all other stitches YO and through 2 loops
when the work is complete
with a needle we fix the yarn that we have added
after making the decreases at the end of the row
we sew it on the back
let's knot and hide the yarn
do not pull the thread too much
otherwise the last stitch will tighten
and this is the result
for today the tutorial has come to an end
we have learned 4 types of decreases
the decrease by skipping 1 stitch
taking 2 stitches together
on the return pass
and the multiple decrease at the beginning and at the end of the row
as always, I thank you for choosing to see this tutorial
I hope you find it useful
if you have any questions leave me a message under the video
if you like, you can follow me on my Facebook page and in Instagram
find the links in the information box
I'll wait for you in the next tutorial
and I always send you a big hug and a kiss
Raffaella Carrà e Renato Zero irriconoscibili al mare - Duration: 3:40.Beccati insieme al mare, le due icone della tv e della musica italiana hanno lasciato i fan a bocca aperta. Raffaella Carrà e Renato Zero hanno davvero scioccato tutti.
Nessuna esagerazione: gli ultimi scatti che li ritraggono in vesti informali, nella vita di tutti i giorni, li mostrano irriconoscibili.
La soubrette-icona bolognese e il cantante romano erano a passeggio per le strade cittadine quando l'obiettivo dei fotografi del settimanale Oggi ha immortalato la scena.
In tal modo è stato messo in mostra un fisico ben diverso da quello a cui hanno abituato negli anni.
Il discorso vale per entrambi, visto che il pubblico era abituato a vederli in ben altre vesti.
Lo stile eccentrico e la vitalità di un tempo sembrano scomparsi, lasciando il posto purtroppo ai segni del tempo.
Cos'è successo a Raffaella Carrà e Renato Zero Raffaella Carrà (pronta a tornare in tv) è apparsa sempre magra e in forma,
ma il volto e la postura un po' curva hanno messo in evidenza i suoi 75 anni.
Invecchiata e in abiti molto semplici – indossa un cappellino bianco, una t-shirt rossa a manica corta e un pantalone bianco – l'iconica Carrà ha lasciato interdetti i fan sembrando improvvisamente invecchiata e meno energica.
Non è la prima volta che il cantante fa preoccupare tutti per la sua salute. Discorso simile per Renato Zero, appesantito e irriconoscibile.
Per fortuna però l'indiscrezione sui presunti problemi di salute è già stata ampiamente smentita.
Qualche chilo in più è stato causato semplicemente per motivi 'mangerecci'.
D'altronde bisogna ammettere che il tempo passa per tutti, anche per due idoli come Raffaella Carrà e Renato Zero.
I loro fan più appassionati, quindi, gli perdoneranno di essersi lasciati un po' andare.
L'impressione generale è che qualche trasgressione alimentare di troppo e qualche cura estetica in meno abbiano lasciato il segno. Nulla di preoccupante, ovviamente.
In fondo queste due metamorfosi fisiche, per di più immortalate fuori dal loro ambiente professionale, non andranno di sicuro a pregiudicare l'incredibile e duraturo successo dei due 'big'.
Renato Zero è gay? Chi è il fidanzato Renato Zero, da sempre un'icona indiscussa della comunità LGBTQ grazie alla sua verve ribelle e provocatoria,
è spesso stato al centro di alcuni gossip e voci circa la sua presunta omosessualità.
Voci su cui Zero aveva costruito il suo impero fatto di dichiarazioni sibilline e metafore ambigue che avevano fatto schizzare alcuni singoli come L'altra sponda,
canzone che trattava del tema di essere diversi, in cima alle classifiche.
A confermare i pettegolezzi sull'orientamento sessuale del re dei sorcini è stata l'attrice Serena Grandi,
che avendo condiviso in gioventù lo stesso palazzo con il cantante, aveva raccontato durante la sua esperienza nella casa del Grande Fratello Vip: "Renato Zero è sempre stato gay,
Il diretto interessato, però, non ha mai confermato. anche se all'epoca conviveva con una donna".
✅ Filha de Fátima e Bonner, Beatriz Bonemer posa de biquíni em viagem: 'Sereia' - Duration: 1:09.Beatriz Bonemer, filha de Fátima Bernardes e William Bonner, está curtindo dias de descanso em Cancún
Aos 21 anos, a jovem que já apareceu em aula de dança com a mãe compartilhou foto de biquíni ao aproveitar praia de Quintana Roo
"Acho que encontrei o paraíso", escreveu a irmã de Laura e Vinícius na sua conta de Instagram
Os seguidores da herdeira dos apresentadores elogiaram a beleza da garota
"Linda, maravilhosa", escreveu um. "Bronzeada", completou outro. "Sereia", acrescentou um terceiro
E houve quem comparasse Beatriz à jornalista dona do "Encontro": "Está a carinha da mãe"
Um dia antes, a estudante já havia aparecido contemplando a paisagem do hotel onde está hospedada
Renato Zero, Loredana Bertè e Cristiano Malgioglio: gelo dietro le quinte - Duration: 2:09.Perché Renato Zero non parla più con Loredana Bertè e Cristiano Malgioglio Da tempo Renato Zero ha interrotto i rapporti con due colleghi famosi,
L'artista ha rivisto i due ad un recente evento musicale a Verona ma dietro le quinte è regnato il gelo. Loredana Bertè e Cristiano Malgioglio.
I tre hanno mostrato grossa indifferenza, nonostante i forti legami del passato.
A rivelarlo è il settimanale Spy, nella rubrica gossip di Madame Royale.
"Dopo il concerto a Verona, dietro le quinte, Zero ha sfiorato due famosi colleghi, Cristiano Malgioglio e Loredana Bertè.
E subito è calato il gelo: i tre si sono ignorati e ognuno è andato per la propria strada. Loredana e Renato non si parlano da tempo.
Tra Malgioglio e Zero questioni irrisolte risalgono addirittura agli anni Settanta", si legge sulla rivista Mondadori.
Anche Loredana Bertè e Malgioglio non si parlano da anni Non solo con Renato Zero, Loredana Bertè e Cristiano Malgioglio non si parlano da tempo.
I due si sono punzecchiati più di una volta, anche via social, ma non hanno mai chiarito le dinamiche del loro litigio.
"È stata la delusione più grande. Su Zero, invece, la situazione sembra più chiara. Ormai si sente Dio.
Ha avuto dei comportamenti discografico-finanziari scorretti nei miei confronti", ha raccontato Loredana qualche anno fa a Il Corriere della Sera.
Renato non vuole essere nominato nella fiction su Mimì Una situazione davvero complicata,
tanto che Renato Zero non ha dato il consenso alla Rai per fare il suo nome nella fiction su Mia Martini, con protagonista Serena Rossi.
E pensare che il cantante ha iniziato la sua carriera proprio insieme alle sorelle Bertè…
✅ Mileide Mihaile entra com processo contra Wesley Safadão e Thyane Dantas, diz revista - Área VIP - Duration: 2:04.Mileide Mihaile – Reprodução: Instagram A história entre Mileide Mihaile e a família de Safadão ganhou mais um capítulo! Segundo informações da Revista Glamour, Mileide entrou com novo processo contra a família de seu ex-marido
O processo inclui seu Wesley Safadão, Thyane e sua ex sogra, Dona Bil
Tudo deu início devido aos linchamentos digitais que Mileide vem recebendo e dos atritos envolvendo o filho do ex-casal, Yhudi
São dois processos: um por calúnia, injúria e difamação e outro que pede uma indenização de R$ 900 mil por danos morais
Ainda segundo a publicação, Mileide pede que a família de seu ex marido se abstenham de falar o seu nome e o de seu filho nas redes sociais, sob pena de multa diária
As ações tramitam na Comarca de Fortaleza, no Ceará. + 'Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu', diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Por causa do filho Yhudy, Wesley Safadão entra na Justiça contra Mileide Mihaile O cantor Wesley Safadão, explicou em seu Instagram, o motivo pelo qual não levou o filho Yhudy, para a festa de Neymar que acontece em Paris
Na ocasião, ele viajou com a sua atual esposa, Thyane Dantas, e os filhos, Ysis e Dom
Ele disse que entrou na Justiça, pedindo para levar o filho para a viagem, porém, Mileide não liberou a ida do pequeno com o pai… Confira os detalhes! Mileide Mihaile se manifesta após nova confusão com Wesley Safadão Ao tomar conhecimento das acusações feitas pelo cantor Wesley Safadão, de ter proibido o filho Yhudy de viajar com ele, que é pai do garoto para Paris, a digital influencer Mileide Mihaile resolveu enviar uma carta para a imprensa, esclarecendo o ocorrido, e dando a sua versão dos fatos
Saiba mais! Confira também: Thyane Dantas se manifesta após nova polêmica entre Wesley Safadão e Mileide Mihaile "Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu", diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Mileide Mihaile e Antonia Fontenelle se encontram e trocam declarações
✅ O ministro Bebianno foi atacado nas redes sociais e em grupos de WhatsApp pró-Bolsonaro - Duration: 4:05.O exército digital que deu sustentação à campanha que elegeu Jair Bolsonaro presidente foi acionado para uma ação de ataque ao ministro-chefe da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência, Gustavo Bebianno, alvo da primeira grande crise do governo
Pelas redes sociais, militantes ligados ao vereador Carlos Bolsonaro, o mais radical dos filhos do presidente, passaram a compartilhar vídeos, áudios, imagens e textos contra o ministro, cuja exoneração está prevista para ser publicada nesta segunda-feira (18) no Diário Oficial da União
A estratégia é fragilizar ainda mais o ministro que, de saída do Planalto, pode se tornar uma voz de oposição contra Bolsonaro
A aliados, Bebianno tem feito duras críticas ao presidente, de quem se aproximou como um fã
A ideia, segundo integrantes desses grupos, é mostrar que "Bebianno é o traidor, por ter se aliado à mídia" e afastar de Bolsonaro a imagem de que não é leal a seus apoiadores
Neste domingo (17), passou a circular em grupos de WhatsApp um áudio intitulado "O Verdadeiro Bebianno", cujo conteúdo é uma conversa durante a campanha eleitoral entre o ministro e um apoiador de Bolsonaro no Ceará
No diálogo, Bebianno cobra o militante Edson Alex por supostamente ter divulgado um texto crítico a ele
Nele, afirmava-se que Bebianno e o agora deputado federal Julian Lemos, então presidente e vice do PSL, haviam tornado a legenda em "um grande balcão de negócios"
O texto é intitulado "Bandidos tomaram de assalto o partido do Capitão e hoje colocam em risco a candidatura do próximo presidente do Brasil
" No áudio, que voltou a circular neste domingo, Bebianno ameaça processar o militante
"Se você está dizendo que não foi, eu vou pela esfera cível e criminal e vou f… a vida de quem escreveu aquele bando de impropérios, entendeu? No lugar de a gente estar unido fica um bando de babaca criando esse tipo de viadagem, de babaquice", diz Bebianno na conversa
No sábado (16), o deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) compartilhou em seu perfil em uma rede social uma postagem na qual Bebianno é criticado e que chama de "jumento" quem diz que Carlos atrapalha o pai
Na postagem compartilhada por Eduardo e replicada entre os grupos bolsonaristas, Bebianno é apontado como envolvido na sabotagem da escolha de Luiz Philipe de Orleans e Bragança para vice-presidente e num esquema de utilização de laranjas durante as eleições de 2018
E o texto conclui: "Se fosse qualquer outro ministro e Bolsonaro o defendesse, a mídia e membros do establishment iriam dizer que o presidente estaria passando pano pra corrupto, mas como grande parte está defendendo Bebianno, somos levados a concluir que ministro tem amigos no establishment e que o buraco é mais embaixo
E ainda tem jumento que diz que o Carlos atrapalha o pai. Vocês são idiotas ou o quê?"
Em seu perfil no Instagram, Bebianno foi criticado ao postar um texto falando sobre lealdade
Apoiadores de Bolsonaro o chamaram de "traidor". A mensagem atribuída ao escritor Edgard Abbehusen diz que: "O desleal, coitado, viverá sempre esperando o mundo desabar na sua cabeça"
Bebianno não cita o nome do presidente na publicação. Eleitor de Bolsonaro, Bebianno se aproximou do então deputado federal por intermédio do engenheiro Carlos Favoretto
Na época, se ofereceu para assumir a defesa de Bolsonaro em algumas ações e ganhou a confiança da família
Outsider na política, foi Bebianno quem articulou a manobra que tirou Bolsonaro do Patriota e viabilizou sua candidatura pelo PSL
O ministro enfrenta um processo de desgaste provocado por denúncias envolvendo justamente supostas irregularidades na sua gestão à frente do caixa eleitoral do PSL, partido dele e de Bolsonaro
A crise foi amplificada pelo vereador Carlos Bolsonaro, filho do presidente, que foi às redes sociais dizer que Bebianno mentiu ao falar ao jornal O Globo que havia conversado três vezes com o presidente na última terça-feira (12)
A declaração foi dada para negar que ele estava protagonizando a crise
carlos bolsonaroGustavo Bebiannomilitantesredes sociaisWhatsApp
언리얼엔진도 레이트레이싱 본격 지원 그리고, DLSS 에 대항하는 AMD의 행보 - Duration: 3:32.hola! nice to meet you.
It is Ato.
NVIDIA can finally use dlss You are now.
Battlefield v The first title that dlss applies to
It came out.
In a few days, Metro Exodus And then,
Domestic users do not know when and how I ask you to buy ....
Epic Games Really ..
When will you open the store in Korea? !!!
Anyway, for NVIDIA, It is a situation that can not be delayed.
I can not wait to see you alone and metro Because it is not.
In the meantime, from NVIDIA's perspective There was good news.
It's served by Epic Games. Racing on Unreal Engine 4
It is news that technology is included.
Released through the Unreal Engine Forum According to the content, Unreal Engine 4
Support dxr.
And related to raytracing technology There will be more features
I will.
Unreal to support these features Engine 4.22 will be launched at the end of 2019
Generation replaced for game production It is aimed at
We have a Ray through Unreal Engine 4 Meet a game with tracing
It is expected to see around 2020 I think I will.
By the way...
Unreal Engine for Game Production I know it's used a lot, but
Games that support raytracing To the fact that there are many
You can associate and think I mean.
But when that happens, It should be supported ...
Just ruthlessly racing racing I do not think it's supportive.
Another news.
Somewhat conflicting with the news I just gave you Maybe that's what's happening.
nvidia about amd's Radeon 7 release Jenson Hwang's aggressive in ces
Make a few words between the two companies I had a nervous breakdown.
Things were not over yet I see.
Through a patch of Battlefield v two days ago NVIDIA rtx graphics card dl
I have finally applied ss to the game It is. Whether amd is targeting dlss
Unknown .
According to the announcement made through pcgamesn amd develops solutions for smaa and taa
It is said that it is proceeding.
Aside from the complex technology stories Simply put, NVIDIA
Against the newly introduced dlss To make amd separate like nvidia
Windows that do not require hardware Framework such as ml or directml
To implement a performance similar to dlss I'm ready.
Competition between companies in terms of consumers Can lead to good impact and results
I think it is.
However, amd has not heard anything like this again This project disappears or is famous
I hope there is nothing wrong.
This video is here.
If the video was good, And every day it new news and informative
If you want to watch the content video I would appreciate your subscription.
I will return to the next video I will.
Thank you for watching.
[AGENDA] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 18 February 2019 — K-POPNL - Duration: 2:31.K-pop Nederland K-pop Comeback & Concert Agenda Week of 18 February 2019
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Week
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Month
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks in March
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in The Netherlands
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in Europe
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Missing something? Let us know in the comments.
『おかあさんといっしょ』体操のお兄さん&パント!お姉さん卒業 次世代にバトンタッチ - Duration: 5:04.拡大写真 ( から)秋元杏月、 尾誠、上原りさ、 林よしひさ (C ORICON N wS inc. NHK・Eテ 『おかあさんとい しょ』(月~土 8:00、午後に 放送)で、第11 体操のお兄さんを めていた小林よし さ、パント!のお さんを務めていた 原りさが、3月末 もって卒業するこ がわかった
18日、東京・渋 のNHK内で行わ た記者会見で発表 れた。 これまで 体操のお兄さんと ては歴代最長とな 14年間にわたっ 親しまれてきた「 しお兄さん」こと 林と、7年間にわ って「パント!」 コーナーに出演し きた「りさお姉さ 」こと上原が卒業
4月1日からは、 たに12代目体操 お兄さんとして福 誠、1981年か 続いてきた「身体 現のお姉さん」が わって、新たに「 代体操のお姉さん として秋元杏月が 演し、体操も「か だ☆ダンダン」に 更する
今回の卒業につ て、小林は「率直 2つのホッとした 持ちがありました ひとつは、きのう る前にふと『あし の会見に、本当に 者のみなさんが来 くれるかな
幸せなニュースが ったら、そっちに ってしまうのでは いか』と思ってい のですが、たくさ の方に集まってい だき、安心しまし 」とにっこり
続けて「もうひと は、気持ちf切れ ことなく、努力し 体操のお姉さんを けることができた とです」と明かし
上原も「子ども ちと共有できたこ は、私の人生にお て、何にも変えら ないステキな時間 した
これからは、いち 聴者として、新し 4人を応援してい たい」と呼びかけ いた。 歌のお兄 んの花田ゆういち う、歌のお姉さん 小野あつこは引き き出演
3月29日の放送 最後に、新旧のお さん・お姉さんが タジオに出演し、 聴者に交代のあい つをする予定とな ている
[外部サイト]【 真】紅白にも出演 た体操のお兄さん パント!のお姉さ 【写真】現役音大 だったたくみお姉 ん、だいすけお兄 んとの2ショット 【写真】あつこお さん、だいすけお さんの卒業に号泣 2代目うたのお兄 ん・ゆういちろう 兄さん初登場 「 和感ない」「爽や 」の声も横山だい け バラエティー 出演 「絶対に会 たくない人」と対 横山だいすけ、声 デビュー「引き出 が一つ増えた」
藍井エイルが4月17日にニューアルバム「FRAGMENT」をリリースする。 - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
✅ Em segredo, Sandra Bullock doa milhões sempre que há um desastre natural - Duration: 1:58.Sandra Bullock é uma das atrizes mais conhecidas de Hollywood. O amor dos fãs por ela ultrapassa a sua atuação e chega ao seu cerne solidário
A atriz apoia diversas causas sociais, como direito dos animais e a luta pela educação em locais vulneráveis
Mas, o que muita gente não sabia, é que a diva sempre doa milhões para locais que foram atingidos por catástrofes
Sua última ação que foi à público foram as doações para combater os incêndios que se espalharam por dias pela Califórnia, EUA, no final de 2018
A atriz doou cerca de R$ 1,6 milhões [US$ 400 mil] para a Cruz Vermelha americana, e mais R$ 400 mil [US$ 100 mil] para a Sociedade Humanitária de Ventura County à época
Em 2011, quando o grande Tsunami e onda de terremotos atingiu o Japão, a musa também ajudou financeiramente com cerca de R$ 4 milhões [US$ 1 milhão] para a Cruz Vermelha local e para grupos de resgate e socorros
Em 2010, após o terremoto que destruiu o Haiti, a atriz doou a mesma quantia para o Médicos Sem Fronteiras poderem prestar socorro aos necessitados
A quantia também foi doada na ocasião do Furacão Katrina, que destriu Nova Orleans e a Flórida, nos EUA
A quantia foi revertida para compra de alimentos e ítens básicos para cerca de 68 milhões de famílias
No mais, Sandra doa parte de sua renda para diversos acidentes e catástrofes, nacionais e internacionais
"Eu fico feliz em poder ajudar. Somos todos uma grande família aqui, quer sejamos humanos, ou animais peludos, ou tenhamos penas", declarou ela à People em 2018
2月25日(月)放送のフジテレビ系ドラマ「トレース~科捜研の男~」第8話に、E-girlsの石井杏奈が出演する。 - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
はなわの楽曲「咲きほこれ埼玉」がテレビ埼玉の開局40周年記念ソングに決定した。 - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
振り返る「平成元年」の芸能界(2)小柳ルミ子・大澄賢也、「元祖格差婚」顛末 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 3:26.芸能界の「格差婚」 いえば、平成元年に結婚 たこの2人、小柳ルミ子 大澄賢也が元祖ではない ろうか。 「当時の小 は36歳で歌手・ダンサ として最も脂の乗った時 、対する大澄は当時23 でまったく無名のバック ンサーでした
ディナーショーで全国を るうちに恋に落ち、交際 始から1カ月も経たずに 撃婚。2人の熱に浮かさ たようなオノロケぶりは ワイドショーの格好のネ として世間を大いに騒が ました
4月に東京プリンスホテ で行われた"3億円挙式 では濃厚なディープキス 何度も見せつけ、参列者 ちもさすがに呆れていま たね(笑)」(ワイドシ ー関係者) そんな ブラブ状態は長続きする ずがないと誰もが思って た通り、平成9年ごろか 大澄の不貞や夜遊びが報 られるようになり、平成 2年に離婚することにな た
「大澄は子供を望ん といいますが、小柳は、 あなたの稼ぎだけではと も暮らせない』と仕事を ーブしようとしなかった 大澄もタレントとして月 300万円~400万円 収入があったといいます 、小柳はまだ一人前とは めていなかったようです (前出・ワイドショー関 者) そんな小柳か 大澄の心が離れていき、 に女性を作ってしまった うだ
「直接の原因が大澄 女性問題だけに、小柳は 大澄に"慰謝料1億円を うか、無名のダンサーに るか"の二者択一を迫っ と報じられました。大澄 、慰謝料1億円を選択し 別れたとされ、小柳の非 さに批判の声が上がり仕 も激減してしまったんで 」(夕刊紙記者) の後、大澄は頑張って慰 料を払い終えた──とい ことになっているが…
「1億円の話は、小 を悪者に仕立て上げるた に流されたストーリーに ぎなかったという話があ んです。実際、後に女性 の取材で小柳のマネジャ が、慰謝料は一銭も受け っていないことを明かし いましたね
それでも小柳は、離婚か 約6年後に、大澄の出演 ュージカルの楽屋を突然 訪れたといいます。そし 、ただただ驚く大澄に先 として愛あるダメ出しを て、これをもって2人は 解したようです
1億円のことに小柳が言 したことはなく、聞かれ も『(真相は)墓場まで っていきたいんです』と 答を拒んでいます」(芸 記者) 藤原紀香と 内智則、高島礼子と高知 生、安達祐実と井戸田潤 矢口真里と中村昌也など 平成を彩った格差婚夫婦 多くは、やっぱり離婚し いる
平成の30年間が示した は、そんな悲しい現実だ たとも言えそうだ。 露口正義)
HIV VİRÜSÜ NE DEMEK? - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Bản tin Horoscope - Không chạy theo 'trend' khoe quà Valentine, Hari Won 'chơi lớn' khi công khai q - Duration: 2:10.Hari Won - Trấn Thành là một trong những cặp vợ chồng đẹp đôi nhất Vbiz. Không chỉ khiến khán giả ngưỡng mộ về ngoại hình xứng đôi mà còn bởi chuyện tình cảm lãng mạn như phim khi vượt qua vô vàn sóng gió
Dù đã kết hôn được hơn 2 năm nhưng cả hai vẫn thường xuyên chia sẻ những hình ảnh "tình bể bình" đời thường trên trang cá nhân
Không theo "trend" khoe quà ngày Valentine, bà xã Trấn Thành "chơi độc" khi tiết lộ món quà kỷ niệm cưới có giá trị "khủng" sau dịp lễ tình nhân 4 ngày
Nàng có nhẫn kim cương còn chàng sở hữu chiếc đồng hồ mà nhiều người ao ước. Kèm theo bức hình trên Instagram, nữ ca sĩ còn chia sẻ câu chuyện không được cầu hôn bằng nhẫn kim cương thú vị: "Quà kỷ niệm cưới
Chồng mình cầu hôn bằng chiếc nhẫn kết hôn. (Thật sự hai đứa ko biết là lúc cầu hôn là phải đưa kim cương, quá ngây thơ
) Vậy mà mình ok mới ghê. Sau đó bao nhiêu người hỏi là nhẫn kim cương đâu mới nhớ là à!!! Nhưng lúc đó đã quá muộn vì đã nhận lời rồi
Lúc mà mình cưới. Mình rất là muốn mua cho chồng một chiếc đồng hồ xịn kỷ niệm cưới
Đeo suốt đời và mỗi lần nhìn là nhớ đến hôn nhân. Mà lúc đó chưa kiếm ra đc hàng ưng ý
Nên thôi mình đưa tiền mặt luôn. (Số tiền đó dành cả năm trời mới có huhu) Và nói với anh ấy là mốt a lấy tiền này mua đồng hồ nhé
Và anh ấy đã ok! Hihi. Sau khi kết hôn. Ông cũng e ngại chuyện chưa tặng nhẫn kim cương hay sao
nên dắt mình đi mua nhẫn kim cương!!! Thật sự lúc đó mình quá xúc động. Thật ra lúc đi mua mình còn nghĩ kim cương và hột chớp chớp nó cũng như nhau không khác gì nhiều
Đó là sai lầm. Chứng kiến mới biết là khác lắm. Lúc nhận cái đó thật sự mình xúc động
Ngày nào cũng coi nhẫn, mà cũng thấy hơi hơi ngại vì anh ấy chưa mua được đồng hồ
Nhưng. cuối cùng a ấy đã có. Nãy lén lén lấy bill coi giá và hoàn toàn sài dư sức trong số tiền mình đã đưa cách đây hơn 2 năm hihi
Coi mà mừng muốn chết, tuy đã cưới hơn hai năm nhưng dù sao chồng mình cũng có đồng hồ kỷ niệm cưới! Mừng quá đi!" Sau khi dòng trạng thái được chia sẻ, mọi người đều tỏ ra thích thú về kỷ niệm đáng yêu của cặp vợ chồng
Hơn tất thảy, ai cũng tò mò về giá trị món quà của cả hai. Được biết, chiếc đồng hồ của Trấn Thành thuộc thương hiệu Hublot - một thương hiệu đồng hồ xa xỉ của Thụy Sĩ
Items này có tên là Big Bang Sang Bleu Titanium Pavé được bán ở các store Việt Nam với giá khoảng 857 triệu đồng
Còn chiếc nhẫn kim cương tỉ mỉ của giọng ca Anh cứ đi đi cũng có giá tiền tỉ. Quả không hổ danh cặp đôi chịu chơi bậc nhất showbiz Việt
Đẹp+ Dát hàng hiệu trị giá 3,5 tỷ đồng, Trấn Thành - Hari Won chiếm trọn spotlight thảm đỏ tuần qua
永野と阿佐ヶ谷姉妹・江里子が4月にスタートするドラマ「神ちゅーんず(仮)」(ABC、テレビ朝日ほか)に出演する。 - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
마일리지 1000원당 20마일 최초 카드사용 이벤트/삼성카드 기존도 참여 가능 - Duration: 3:07.I found that there is ash ~ Do not you know why this is not so popular ?!
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✅ Luh LÃvia lança primeiro EP da carreira solo - Duration: 1:10.Luh Lívia lançou o seu primeiro EP da carreira solo, intitulado Madre da Peste
Em parceria com a Sony Music, o trabalho conta com cinco faixas inéditas e a música Cansa, que retrata na letra a voz da mulher moderna, já lançada em clipe no mês de dezembro
A co-produção do trabalho ficou por conta da própria cantora, que vive uma nova experiência musical, mas preservando o rock e pop
"A essência desse primeiro trabalho ainda vai soar rock e pop.natural do processo de transição que vivencio depois de anos com a banda
Incluímos elementos diferentes na composição dos arranjos. E cada vez mais eu irei me reinventando
Agradeço a todos que acreditam em minha poesia. Não somos nada sozinhos", disse ela
Madre da Peste já está disponível no Spotify.
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✅ Em segredo, Sandra Bullock doa milhões sempre que há um desastre natural - Duration: 1:58.Sandra Bullock é uma das atrizes mais conhecidas de Hollywood. O amor dos fãs por ela ultrapassa a sua atuação e chega ao seu cerne solidário
A atriz apoia diversas causas sociais, como direito dos animais e a luta pela educação em locais vulneráveis
Mas, o que muita gente não sabia, é que a diva sempre doa milhões para locais que foram atingidos por catástrofes
Sua última ação que foi à público foram as doações para combater os incêndios que se espalharam por dias pela Califórnia, EUA, no final de 2018
A atriz doou cerca de R$ 1,6 milhões [US$ 400 mil] para a Cruz Vermelha americana, e mais R$ 400 mil [US$ 100 mil] para a Sociedade Humanitária de Ventura County à época
Em 2011, quando o grande Tsunami e onda de terremotos atingiu o Japão, a musa também ajudou financeiramente com cerca de R$ 4 milhões [US$ 1 milhão] para a Cruz Vermelha local e para grupos de resgate e socorros
Em 2010, após o terremoto que destruiu o Haiti, a atriz doou a mesma quantia para o Médicos Sem Fronteiras poderem prestar socorro aos necessitados
A quantia também foi doada na ocasião do Furacão Katrina, que destriu Nova Orleans e a Flórida, nos EUA
A quantia foi revertida para compra de alimentos e ítens básicos para cerca de 68 milhões de famílias
No mais, Sandra doa parte de sua renda para diversos acidentes e catástrofes, nacionais e internacionais
"Eu fico feliz em poder ajudar. Somos todos uma grande família aqui, quer sejamos humanos, ou animais peludos, ou tenhamos penas", declarou ela à People em 2018
Nieuwe sekstape opgedoken waarin R. Kelly 14-jarig meisje misbruikt - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
✅ Mileide Mihaile entra com processo contra Wesley Safadão e Thyane Dantas, diz revista - Área VIP - Duration: 2:04.Mileide Mihaile – Reprodução: Instagram A história entre Mileide Mihaile e a família de Safadão ganhou mais um capítulo! Segundo informações da Revista Glamour, Mileide entrou com novo processo contra a família de seu ex-marido
O processo inclui seu Wesley Safadão, Thyane e sua ex sogra, Dona Bil
Tudo deu início devido aos linchamentos digitais que Mileide vem recebendo e dos atritos envolvendo o filho do ex-casal, Yhudi
São dois processos: um por calúnia, injúria e difamação e outro que pede uma indenização de R$ 900 mil por danos morais
Ainda segundo a publicação, Mileide pede que a família de seu ex marido se abstenham de falar o seu nome e o de seu filho nas redes sociais, sob pena de multa diária
As ações tramitam na Comarca de Fortaleza, no Ceará. + 'Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu', diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Por causa do filho Yhudy, Wesley Safadão entra na Justiça contra Mileide Mihaile O cantor Wesley Safadão, explicou em seu Instagram, o motivo pelo qual não levou o filho Yhudy, para a festa de Neymar que acontece em Paris
Na ocasião, ele viajou com a sua atual esposa, Thyane Dantas, e os filhos, Ysis e Dom
Ele disse que entrou na Justiça, pedindo para levar o filho para a viagem, porém, Mileide não liberou a ida do pequeno com o pai… Confira os detalhes! Mileide Mihaile se manifesta após nova confusão com Wesley Safadão Ao tomar conhecimento das acusações feitas pelo cantor Wesley Safadão, de ter proibido o filho Yhudy de viajar com ele, que é pai do garoto para Paris, a digital influencer Mileide Mihaile resolveu enviar uma carta para a imprensa, esclarecendo o ocorrido, e dando a sua versão dos fatos
Saiba mais! Confira também: Thyane Dantas se manifesta após nova polêmica entre Wesley Safadão e Mileide Mihaile "Quero pegar meu lindo e inesquecível troféu", diz Mileide Mihaile sobre o Prêmio Área VIP Mileide Mihaile e Antonia Fontenelle se encontram e trocam declarações
大学入学前俺「友達たくさん呼ぶために色々準備しとくか」→ 結果wwwwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.一人暮らしの大学生にはやや広い1LDKにした スマブラやマリカ、マリパ等複数人 わいわいできるゲームを用意した 大画面で遊べるように55インチのテレビを用意し 映画観賞会が出来るようにメジャーなdvdやブルーレイをたくさん用意した 5 1chのスピーカーも用意した 漫画もある程度用意した 部屋は常にアロマを焚く うにした 誰かと一緒に飲むために冷蔵庫に常に数十本と酒をストックしている 家 焼肉とかできるようにでかいホットプレートやたこ焼き機、土鍋等を用意した 彼女が きてムフフなことができるようにセミダブルのベッドにした 大きめのソファも2つ配 して人がたくさんきても大丈夫なようにした ___ /ノ^, ^ヽ\ / (◎) (◎) / ⌒(__人__)⌒::: l ⊂ ̄ヽ_| | ┬-| | <_ノ_ \ `ー'´ / ヽ ⌒, /____,、ノ / / (__/ ( ( ( ヽ__ \_,ヽ (_/(_/ 何これコピペ? 5: >>3 の悲しみを綴った 大学に入学してから四年目になるが彼女はおろか友達は誰一人とし 遊びに来てくれたことはない そもそも友達いない 中間おすすめ記事 あそびに ってやるよ どこだ? わかる ガチでわかるぞ Switchないから…… 1 >>6 茨城県 >>7 辛いよな >>8 あるんだよなあ 1 なにもせずポンポン友達出来るわけちゃうからな 1 ここまで極端じゃないけど気 ちはわかる 遊びに来るような友人いないのに誰か来たとき用の食器やコップいくつか 意しちゃったしな 1 でも掃除捗らない? めっちゃ綺麗な状態維持できるから えわ 大学入ったら彼女作れるだろうなと思ってたけど4年間で今後も彼女作れないで ろう事を学んだ 2 >>1 一番必要なのは女っ気であり 部屋にこだわる金 るなら自分の車を出せるかどうかのが遥かに強力 3 そんなことより就活しろ >>26 頭になかったわ確かに車は大事そうだな さすがに親に買ってもらえ さそう >>33まだ学生でわいわいする夢叶えてないから院進学する そもそももう 遅れだ 3 サークルとか入ったのか 4 部屋は大学の近場に借りた? 4 いや、流石にそんだけあったら行くわ ちゃんと友達作ろうとした? 4 って 友達作ろうとしなかったんか? 5 >>41 徒歩10分圏内 >>42>> 4 入学したてのころは積極的に話しかけたけどコミュ力ないから話が続かなかった 今でもすれ違えばおう!ってやるけど一緒に飯食ったことすらない サークルは入った ど故に馴染めなかった 5 >>51 変にウェイ系サークル入るより自分と同じ うなやつがいる所のほうが居心地いいぞ、サークルとかやってると同学科のやつと話すと 話題増えるしな 60: >>51 高校ではどうだったんよ 高校の頃の友達 かおるやろ 5 友達に来て欲しいなら、とにかく大学から近いところに 住むの 一番 5 コミュ力ないと分かっててそんな部屋用意したのか?すごいな 6 具とか用意する時はめっちゃワクワク数ヶ月後を妄想しながら買うんだよな そんな未 は来ないのにな 6 バイトとかゼミの人とは付き合いないの? 6 >>61 の中残酷 >>63バイトしてない ゼミの人とはゼミ室では普通に話すけどそれまで 関係 今度遊びきてよと行ったら行く行くって返してはくれた 7 >>61 切 い 長野だったら遊びに行くのに こういうやつって最初は親しげで気使ってくれる い奴なんだけど 馴れてくるとうざいこと言ってくるゴミクズになるよな 引用元: すすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:n wsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
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How Christian Missionaries Convert Indians ⛪🇮🇳 - Duration: 13:43.-------------------------------------------
Simple Cajon Trick To Help You Practice Way More (Quietly) - Duration: 5:59.Hey, Cajon Drummers, you know what?
If there's one thing that I think we can all agree on, that is simply that we need to practice more and
we have all of these excuses and possibly real reasons as to why we can't practice
So a big one for a lot of us and me definitely is noise
If you live with your family or you're sharing with other people you start practicing late at night pretty soon
someone's gonna knock on your door and you have to stop and you know even worse than that
you're just very worried that you're bothering other people as you're trying to practice and
it's not gonna help we gotta fix this problem. We have to practice more. So let me explain
the towel and the white
these white discs are
specifically for making washing machines less noisy. So you kind of put on a load of washing and the
whole thing's shaking. Alright, so for a lot of people, it's too noisy
Put these under your washing machine
or your cajon
Sorry, your cajon, put them under the cajon and then the towel maybe you can guess how we're gonna use the towel
But in three steps and I'll do it before and after so you can see exactly how powerful of a little DIY
modification this is we're gonna do three steps to silence my cajon so we can practice anytime we like
Let's go
All right, so as you can see from that setup video I've been working on my technique
Alright, so let's get on to our before and after examples actually
I'm gonna show you the sound levels on the screen so you can see
directly just what a difference this
silencing mod makes let's get started
Alright so there you go you can see for yourself this hoodie made a huge difference
Sneaky little product placement there. You can buy these. Link in the description. And no, but you should definitely
stop using that excuse. It's too loud. I can't practice now
I'll practice later when I'm not going to bother other people. No
get yourself some of those white little washing machine
silencer discs I'm sure there's a better name for them, but they're like $1.00 so look in your dollar shop
I found them in the dollar shop here in Japan so you can find them
That's really useful if you're in an apartment or something and you've got neighbors below and you want to stop that shockwave
kind of going through the floorboards. So otherwise I'm sure we all have towels where we're living, right?
So those two things a little bonus if you want the third one with the hoodie just use your own hoodie. It's fine
Um, but those things combined you're totally covered for practice, right?
So what are you gonna do now?
If you're going to watch another cajon lesson, please do if you are gonna watch another cajon lesson
and you're normally the kind of person who watches it and
practices maybe
some of the time but not all the time. Get your cajon silenced ready to go. Late night practice mode
activated. check out another one of my videos and
practice along. You'll find it so much better right if you if you think about how many hours
you could add to your daily or weekly or monthly
practice just by
silencing your cajon. I think you're gonna improve so much as a cajon player. So that's it for me for this video
I will see you I'll see members so we have members vide on the channel
We'll have members video up tomorrow night and then two days later on Thursday night,
we'll have the everybody video going up online as well
So I will see you 1 or 2 times more this week and then again next week and week after
Very happy with the momentum on the channel right now. Let me know your comments or questions
down below the video
Please subscribe if you'd like to see more videos like this in the future and if you want
notifications for when I upload there is a little bell icon that you can check give that a go as well
I will see you later
Happy silent,
long practice sessions. See you on the next video. Bye
Chelsea news: Granovskaia and Abramovich want THIS from Sarri or he's sacked - Laurens - Duration: 1:30.That is according to ESPN FC pundit and European football expert Julien Laurens. Sarri was only appointed as successor to Antonio Conte in July 2017
But his long-term future at Chelsea is already in doubt after a poor run of results since the turn of the year
After a strong start to the season, the Blues have slipped down to sixth in the Premier League table following three straight away defeats
Chelsea are still in all three cup competitions, including the final of the Carabao Cup where they face Manchester City next weekend
But like Conte, Laurens cannot see a cup win saving Sarri his job. He instead thinks director Marina Granovskaia and owner Roman Abramovich want clear examples Sarri is taking the club in the right direction "I'm not sure it [winning the FA Cup] would be enough," Laurens said
"It was not enough for Antonio Conte, for example. "Let's not forget as well, before talking about if Sarri could get sacked, they have't even sorted out, they're going to go to court with Antonio Conte over the fee that they will pay him for him leaving and sacking him in the summer
"That's not even sorted out yet and already there could be another manager out of the door with which they will have to negotiate as well a fee for sacking him
"It would be a bit of a mess, I don't think an FA Cup would be enough. "I think what the Chelsea fans want to see and the directors as well, Marina Granovskaia and Roman Abramovich, is to see if he can take that team forward
And so far we haven't seen much improvement. "Yes the start of the season was okay, they were playing good and we praised him for that
"But since then they haven't moved forward at all and there's no improvement really
"And if you lose your best player in the summer, which looks very, very likely in Eden Hazard, there's not many chances that if Sarri's still there, the team keeps improving
"I think that's the biggest issue."
Favourite Dream | Bob The Train Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes & Children Songs - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:25.Favourite Dream...
Ralph Lauren: How He Built a Strong Family - Duration: 2:57.Ralph Lauren is a worldwide known fashion designer and businessman.
In 1967 he established a company called Polo Ralph Lauren and in 1968 released the first
male clothes collection.
His free and easy style attracted attention of millions of people, thus becoming more
and more famous.
That's was the main reason to start working on a female line of clothes and that's what
he did in 1971.
Apart from being a designer of an own brand, he also creates interior items, accessories,
perfumes and even goods for animals.
A few years ago, Forbes estimated his fortune in almost eight billion dollars and included
him in the rating of the richest people in the world.
Of course, when it comes to work, the public sees Lauren as a King of fashion, however,
when he is home, he turns into a devoted family man.
For more than fifty years, Ralph has been happily married to Ricky Lauren, to be exact
since 1964 and up till present moment.
It would be interesting to know that a couple met at ophthalmologist center, where Ricky
worked as a receptionist.
It was definitely love at first sight and soon after the two love birds tied the knot
They are an amazing example of a long-lasting love.
The couple's first child, a son Andrew was delivered in 1969.
All children in Lauren's family always had a free choice not only in terms of a profession
but life in general.
And so, Andrew decided to pursue a career in acting, which he thought would be suitable
for him.
Nonetheless, it turned out that people in the filmmaking industry were more interested
in his dad's business rather than his job opportunities as an actor.
But Andrew didn't give up and decided to work backstage.
Today, he is one of the best film producers with many titles and works that were nominated
for Oscars.
The second son David was welcomed in 1971 and he is the only child that works in father's
fashion business.
Apart from having a successful career, he is also married to Lauren Bush and together
they are parents to one child.
The third kid, a daughter Dylan became a wonderful addition in 1974.
All her life she has been passionate about candies and so, no wonder she founded her
own confectionery company that's currently one of the biggest in the whole world.
However, the queen of candies dreams of creating a Disneyland of Candy.
She has been married to Paul Arrouet since 2011.
The couple is also parents to fraternal twins who were born due to surrogate service, as
Dylan is very busy with the candy business.
The weight of us ║ Jughead & FP Jones - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
Heather Nauert's Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 6:34.Heather Nauert's Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
In December 2018, President Trump announced that he was tapping Heather Nauert to be the new US ambassador to the UN.
Nauert, a former Fox News presenter and State Department spokesperson, would have taken over the job from outgoing UN ambassador Nikki Haley.
But on February 16, Nauert said she had withdrawn from consideration for the job.
News reports said that Nauert was withdrawing because she had once employed a nanny who didn't have a proper working visa.
Nauert herself said that she was withdrawing because the past few months had been "grueling" for her family.
In a statement released by the State Department on February 16, Nauert said, "I am grateful to President Trump and Secretary Pompeo for the trust they placed in me for considering me for the position of US Ambassador to the United Nations.
However, the past two months have been grueling for my family and therefore it is in the best interest of my family that I withdraw my name from consideration.
Serving in the Administration for the past two years has been one of the highest honors of my life and I will always be grateful to the President, the Secretary, and my colleagues at the State Department for their support.".
Here's what you need to know about Heather Nauert's family:.
Her Husband, Scott Norby, Is an Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley.
Scott Norby, Heather Nauert's husband, is the executive director of private equity and credit at Morgan Stanley, in New York.
According to his LinkedIn page, Norby has been in that position since 2014.
He's previously worked for UBS and for Goldman Sachs, and he did another stint with Morgan Stanley earlier in his career, from 1998 to 2005.
Norby holds an MBA from the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, and a degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin and Madison.
Nauert & Norby Have Two Sons. .
Heather Nauert and Scott Norby married in 2000, according to Neuert's biography on IMDB.
The couple has two children: Peter, born in 2009, and Gage, born in 2010.
Nauert often posts photos of her boys exploring the great outdoors or helping her garden.
On February 16, Nauert announced that she was withdrawing from consideration for the position of UN ambassador; in a statement, Nauert said that the process had been gruelling for her family.
News reports also said that Nauert had once employed a nanny who did not have legal working papers, although the nanny was in the country legally.
Nauert's Father, an Insurance Executive, Passed Away After a Bout With Cancer.
Nauert's father, Peter, passed away in 2007 after battling cancer.
He was an insurance executive who was also nown for his charitable work, especially in the field of children's health.
Peter Nauert contributed to, and helped to fund raise for, organizations like St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Chicago, and Holiday Home Camp.
Nauert Is One of Four Siblings.
Heather Nauert has three brothers: Justin, Jonathan, and Joseph.
Joseph, the youngest of Heather's brothers, graduated from the Naval Academy in 2018, and Heather took to social media to talk about how proud she was of her "baby brother." He also played on the Naval Academy football team.
Her Mother, Cheryl Nauert, Is an Insurance Agent in Colorado Springs.
Cheryl Nauert lives in Colorado Springs, where she works as an insurance agent.
She grew up in Osh Kosh, wisconsin.
Cheryl once appeared beside her daughter Heather as part of a "Cooking With Friends" special on Fox; you can watch the segment here.
Heather bragged that her mother is an experienced hunter who knows how to "field dress" a deer; she joked that it is hard to find a picture of herself as a child without a dead bird somewhere in the photo.
For her part, Cheryl praised her daughter as a great cook and joked that Heather was "hard to focus" as a child.
The Grapevine is closed as cars spin out in falling snow in Tejon Pass - Duration: 2:06.WIth snow falling in the Tejon Pass, the Grapevine was closed Sunday evening after several cars spun out on the 5 Freeway, the California Highway Patrol said
Snowfall elevations were expected to drop to 2,500 feet, and authorities warned that highway closures could make holiday travel in the mountains dicey
Advertisement > "That's really the main concern — slick conditions on the major passes," said Kathy Hoxsie, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service
For a few hours Sunday morning, Southern California looked like its summer self: clear, blue skies with the mountains ringing the Los Angeles basin visible and beautiful in the distance
But yet another Pacific storm — though significantly lighter than previous systems — brought scattered showers in the afternoon before tapering off Sunday night
Southern California skies should clear by Monday morning, but the chilly, overcast conditions that have prevailed this soggy winter aren't behind us quite yet
Another mild storm could descend on the Los Angeles area later in the week. The National Weather Service is predicting a 40% chance of rain — "very light and widely scattered" — on Thursday, Hoxsie said
Liverpool and Man City claim made about Man Utd star Paul Pogba - 'he would excel' - Duration: 2:38.Pogba has put in a series of poor performances this season that have seen him axed by Jose Mourinho
It's unclear whether he will start against Liverpool on Sunday but Sutton is in no doubt about one thing - he would thrive under their boss Jurgen Klopp
United sit 16 points behind the Reds after just 16 games of the season. "Paul Pogba would excel under both Pep and Klopp - better than he would do under the manager now," Sutton said while appearing on BT Sport's Saturday Morning Savage
Fellow pundit Tim Sherwood, appearing alongside Sutton on the show, agreed. "I think Pogba needs to play in a philosophy that he's used to playing in," he added
"We saw how brilliant he was at Juventus, he went and won the World Cup, he's a different class
" The show's host Robbie Savage had earlier savaged Pogba's boss Jose Mourinho over how Manchester United are failing
"Why can't Mourinho get the best out of record signing Paul Pogba? Do you seriously think Klopp or City boss Pep Guardiola would struggle to harness his talent?" he told the Mirror
"And even if United were to part company with Mourinho, who has the stature and the personality to take on the job? "They aren't going to get Klopp or Guardiola, and Zinedine Zidane doesn't seem to be in any rush to try his luck in English football
"Mauricio Pochettino hasn't won a trophy yet, and United would have to pay big compensation to Tottenham to get him
"Much as it pains me to say it, Manchester United are drifting - and I've got no idea how it's going to change
"Realistically, the only trophy they can win this season is the FA Cup. And winning that wasn't enough to save Mourinho's predecessor Louis van Gaal
Arsene Wenger WORRIED for Arsenal and admits uncertainty over own future - Duration: 3:00.The Wales international has signed a pre-contract agreement with Juventus and will officially join the Turin club on July 1, once his existing deal with the Gunners expires
The 28-year-old has spent the last 11 years in north London – largely under the stewardship of Wenger, who signed the midfielder from Cardiff when he was still a teenager in 2008
"It will be a loss for Arsenal. I must say it will be an interesting move for Ramsey," said Wenger, speaking at the Laureus Sport for Good presentation
"He is a player who is great going forward. His main quality is he can keep the final ball and he makes interesting runs from deep
"You don't find many players today who can make midfield runs off the ball. It will be an interesting addition for Juventus
" Wenger has been out of work since leaving the Emirates Stadium at the end of last season although he continues to be linked with a host of top management positions – including at Real Madrid and Paris St Germain
The Frenchman said in October that he expected to return to management by the start of this year although he was unable to shed any light on his future on Sunday
He said: "My future is unknown – even for me. I enjoy daily life now and I have been travelling a lot recently all over the world
"I am enjoying a little bit less pressure. And more freedom as well. But I miss the competition
" Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieira – two of Wenger's former players at Arsenal – have had contrasting introductions to European management
While Henry lasted just three months at Monaco before being replaced recently by his predecessor Leonardo Jardim at the Stade Louis II in January, Vieira has steered Nice to seventh in Ligue 1
Wenger said: "Both have the qualities to be outstanding managers. "If you arrive in October, and the team is in a very bad position, you have three months
Because in January everybody starts to become nervous that things could go very badly
"You have less time when you arrive in the middle of the season. That is what happened to Thierry
"How he bounces back will be very important. I think he has the quality and desire to make a career and a career is judged on the longer period
Aviation News #27. Airbus A380, RAF Tornado, NASA, Drone Pilots - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
Build a landing page with WordPress using the block editor [Gutenberg] - Duration: 26:03.Hi there!
My name is Robert and in this video
I'm gonna show you how to build a landing page with WordPress.
This Landing Page is built using the new WordPress Block editor.
Do you believe that?
Yes, it is, and I've done it in under 30 minutes.
All these nicely designed sections and elements are built using the so-called Gutenberg editor
and you can easily do it yourself.
A step by step guide coming up, so keep watching.
If you don't know what theme to use, I recommend Neve a super fast and featherweight theme
which works great with the new WordPress Blocks editor.
Here are just a couple of things you will get.
First of all, it gives you a lot of options to change the page layout, and secondly, you
will be able to adjust the page width too.
I'll show you more features Neve comes with, so just install it for now and move to the next step.
Otter Blocks comes with enhanced blocks and many features that you won't find in the default blocks.
For example, the default heading block comes with options to change the headings, font
weight, and style, you can set a link too, add a strikethrough if you want that, but
that's pretty much everything.
One more thing you can do is to change the heading alignment here.
That's it.
I know you want more options, so with the Advanced Heading from Otter, you can change
the text color, font size, typography and you can set shadow properties too.
More about its features and settings coming up, so stay with me.
Without further ado, let's start building the Landing Page.
Make sure you have the latest version of WordPress and the Bloks Editor on, so you won't face
any issues during the creation process.
We need to add a page, first, so go ahead and click on Add New over here.
The first field you see is the title of your page, so add one related to what your page
is about, and then move your mouse right below the title.
See the plus icon on the left?
Push it to add your first block.
Also, you can use the latest blocks on the right.
If you haven't installed the Otter Blocks plugin yet, you will see only the default
Most Used blocks here, so make sure you install and activate that plugin.
While the block editor comes with many blocks and columns by default, Otter Blocks have
more to offer.
It gives you the opportunity to structure the page in sections and use different backgrounds
for each section, as you can see on this page.
You also have a lot more options to make each section look exactly as you want it.
Let me show you how it works.
First, click on the Section block or choose the same block over here.
Select the Single Row layout this time and then hover over it until you see the thin
blue line around the Section Column and the Section.
Remember that these are elements you can configure separately.
See the difference between them in the options panel on the right?
One more thing we need to do before moving on is to change the page settings, in the
document tab over here.
Don't see the Page Settings tab on your dashboard?
Make sure you install and activate Neve, the WordPress theme mentioned earlier.
For now, set the Container to Full Width, the Customizer Setting to No sidebar and disable
all components below.
Enable individual Content Width and set it to 100.
If you do that, you won't see any space on the left or on the right side of your content
when you preview the page.
There is nothing you can see right now, obviously, but we will start adding content immediately,
so keep watching.
Don't worry about saving your work step by step because is done automatically.
Just to make sure you are safe to move to the next step, click on Save Draft here.
I will add a background to this section, first, as you can see here.
So, click to see the setting options for this Section.
Not the Section Column, but the Section itself.
Now, go to the Style tab and set the Background Type as an image.
You can choose a simple color or gradient too, but we will stick with the image type
this time.
Just upload the image you want to see here, a quality image.
A good resource where you can find free quality images is, for example, but the
best one will be your own photo.
That is for sure.
Next, click the Background Settings icon over here.
Set the Background Attachment to Scroll if you want to see this effect, or choose Fixed
to stick it with the content on scrolling.
See how it looks?
The Background Position I choose here is the Center Center, Background Repeat is No-repeat.
and the Background Size is Cover.
Next, let's add the elements: A logo, the "Awesome Wood Things" heading
and the button below.
See the plus icon when hovering over the section?
Click on it and choose the image block.
Upload your own logo and then adjust its settings.
Align it to the center of the screen in this drop-down, set the Image Size to Medium here
and that's it.
The text element I will add next is the Advanced Heading box.
Make the Heading Color white, type whatever you want in the field, WordPress Landing Page
for example, and then align it to the center of your screen.
Now, select the Font Family in this drop-down as Aladin if you want the same font family
I used on this page.
If not, feel free to select another font.
Next, set the Font Size to 100 and turn on the Shadow Properties below.
If you want the same effect I have on my landing page, click on Shadow Properties, set the
Opacity to 100 and set the Blur effect to 5 or even more if you want the text to pop out.
Let's add the last element this section has- the button.
Choose the Button Group block offered by Otter, set the Number of Buttons to one, then go
ahead and change the Color & Border settings.
To create the same button I use on this page, set the Color here to white, the Background
color to green and then copy the color code.
Set the border of the button to white and the Border Width to two.
The Border Radius I've used is 100 but you can set the value you want.
Align the button to the center of your screen in this drop-down, type in your text, something
like "Watch the video" or whatever else, adjust the padding if needed here, then set the position
of the icon to the right.
Choose the video icon in this drop-down and you are done.
One more thing before moving to the next section is to head over to the group settings, and
in the Typography Settings set the font size to 25.
Feel free to change other things here, like the Font Family for example.
Let's see what we have created so far.
To do that, I will click on Preview over here.
Well, I think the section height is too small so I will go back to the editor and I will
search for the Custom Height in the Section Structure over here.
I will set this value to 800, push Save Draft to save the changes instantly
and check out the preview again.
Better, right?
The button height is too small!
So, here is what you need to to to adjust it:
Set the Line Height to 50 over here.
Save draft and check the preview one more time.
Actually, this thin white space above the first section is something that doesn't look
so good.
Can we fix it?
Sure, no problem.
To do that, go back to the Section settings again and check out the Margin Top control
in the Padding & Margin settings.
Set this value to -10 and that's it.
We are done with the first section, so we can move to the next one.
For the Shapes & Design section, we will use three columns and three Font Awesome Icons
First, we need to add the heading that says Shapes & Design.
So, click on the plus sign here and choose the Advanced Heading block.
Type in Shapes & Design set the text alignment to center and set the Font Size to 38, for
Looks good, right?
I wanna let you know that you can pause the video any time you wish, and practice what
you learn.
Also, check the timestamps in the description box below to jump over the steps, any time you want.
Next, I will add a new section for the shapes you see below this heading block.
This time I will choose the Equal layout with three columns, like so, then I will start
adding the icons one by one.
To make this process faster, I will add the Font Awesome Icons block in the first column,
I will customize it to look exactly like the first icon on this Landing Page
and then I will duplicate it.
So, change the icon to "atom" in this drop-down, set the icon size to 150 and the Padding to 20.
The color of the icon will be green in our case and the border will be black.
To recreate the same border you see here, we need to set the border size to 3 and its radius to 14.
The first shape is done so, click on more options over here and duplicate the block.
Click and hold your mouse over this area and drag the block to the next column, like so.
To delete the default paragraph block you see below, type in something then click here
and Remove Block.
Duplicate the Font Awesome Block once again and move it to the last column.
Now, let's customize the icons.
The block in the middle will need to have a dog shape so search for the dog icon here and click on it.
Do the same in the last block but this time search for the baby-carriage icon.
Well done!
The second section is ready and we can preview what we have done so far.
Well, the icons seem to be too far from each other, so, go back to the block editor, hover
over the section until you see the thin blue line of it and click to see its options.
Set the width of the section as wide, and that's it.
Just preview the page again so you can be sure everything looks as it should be.
The heading is the first here too, but I want to work a little bit faster, so I will duplicate
the Shapes & Design heading block created earlier, then I will move it down.
Next, change the text to "Watch the video", for example, then add another section below.
Single Row layout will be just fine, again.
The background of this section will be a single color, green, so head over to the style tab
in the settings panel and change its color here.
To use the same color as you have for the icons, click on that box and copy the color
code you see here.
Go back to the section settings and paste the color over here.
Next, set the width of the section to full and then get rid of all paddings in the Layout settings.
To finish add a video block and use the "insert from URL" option.
Paste the video link of your choice in this field then hit enter.
Make it smaller by setting the Padding Control to 100 for the Section Column.
One more thing I want to mention is to make sure the video is aligned to the center.
So far so good so we can move to the next section.
The Pricing Table section is the most time-consuming step in this video so you can click on pause
and have a good cup of coffee before moving on.
Add another section below the video and this time uses the Template Library.
The cool thing about this resource is that you have a lot of ready-made blocks, and you
can filter them out by categories in this drop-down.
Just use the Pricing Table for now and make it look like the page you saw at the beginning of the video.
First, remove the heading block with the big 05 in it and then set the Margin Top for the
following heading block over here.
Change the font and then make some fine adjustments so we can have the same look as you can see here.
First, click on the section and change the Padding Top here to 50 and the Padding Bottom to 80.
Change the background color to white and use the same heading block for each pricing table.
You can do that by changing the Font Family with Aladin
then set the size of the font to 40 over here.
Duplicate then move the block to the next pricing table, delete the default one and so on.
Next, I will show you how to change the background color for each pricing column.
Let's start with the area behind the price.
Hover over it until you see the Section Column.
Click on it and change the background color to brown.
Copy the color and do the same with the thin line above.
This time you need to change the color of the Border here.
In order to have that same slightly curved line, as you can see here, set the Border
Top value to 7 and the Border Radius to 7 too.
Do the same with the Push Cart pricing column and then change the color on the pricing column
in the middle.
The column that stands for the Dog Shape will have a green background, so again, go ahead
and change the color here, and here.
Just remember to change the values of the Border Top and Border Radius to 7.
Remove the "Per Month" text boxes then change the text content below the prices.
If you need lees text lines here, remove what you don't use and change
the text in the remained field like so.
Wood Type, Shape Size, Shape Color, Safe For Kids, Fats Delivery.
Remove the default blocks in the following pricing tab and you can duplicate and drag
over the text field from the left, or you can edit them as well.
It's your choice, so use the method you prefer.
I do prefer the copy-paste method because it seems to be the fastest way.
I don't know why is giving me this empty space above the text when I paste it here but don't
worry because you can hit the backspace button on your keyboard to get rid of it.
Finally, let's change how the call to action buttons look by default and make them look
and act exactly the way you see here.
Start by changing the colors.
To do that, click on the first button and head over to the Color & Border settings, here.
First I will copy the brown color code from this element then I will paste it here.
As you can see, this is the text color.
Next, use the same code in the Border color field, here.
The only thing left to change is the background color on hover so go ahead
and click on the Hover tab over here.
Set the Hover Background color to the same brown used earlier.
Looks great, right?
The following button will be green so copy the color code here and repeat the process
from the brown button.
Change the Color, Border and Hover Background.
To make things faster, remove the Button Block here and duplicate the first button created.
Drag it over to the last pricing column and you are done.
There is one more thing you should do, actually, an that is to add the icons you see on the
buttons over here.
It's so easy to do it.
For the first button, go to the Icon Settings section and set the Icon Position to the left.
Select the Atom icon in the Icon Picker drop-down then moves to the next button.
Select the dog icon and for the last button select the baby-carriage icon, here.
Finally, you need to change the button text with "buy now", for example, and you can paste
the link to the product page in this field.
Save your changes and you are done.
The Pricing Section is finished.
Curious how it looks?
Let's check it out.
It looks ok but I think we can make it better.
The pricing table will pop-out if we will add a shadow effect to each column, so let's
do it and see how it works.
Go back to the Block Editor and click on the Section Column for the first pricing tab.
Head over to the Style Tab in the Block settings and go to the Border options.
Enable the Box Shadow here and adjust its settings if needed, then
do the same for each pricing tab.
Save the changes and check out the preview one more time.
Much better, right?
What's next?
This is the last section for this Landing Page and here is what you need to do.
Use the section block one more time and then click on Template Library.
Here, select the Get In Touch template.
Remove the first block because we don't need it on this page, and then set the top margin
of the following heading block to zero or more if you want to have some space between
the heading and the top margin of the section.
Next, change Font Family in the Style tab over here and the section image you see in
the background, over here.
Adjust the Background Overlay opacity until you get the best look and then click to save
the changes.
Now, I will show you how to create a contact form using the WP Forms plugin.
Click on Add New form over here.
Choosing a simple form in the next step will be just fine, so click to create a Simple
Contact Form, here.
Set the field size of each element to Large in the Advanced Options panel
and hide all the labels.
For the first and last name fields, hide the sub-labels too.
Finally, add some text in the placeholder field of each element.
First Name here, Last Name here, Email here and Message over here.
If you want to change the button text, go to the settings tab and change what you see here.
You can type in Send Message, for example.
Once you are done, click on Save and then copy the shortcode you see in the embed pop-up.
Go back and edit the page, then paste the shortcode in this field.
Save your changes then go ahead and preview the page.
It looks stunning, right?
One more thing you should do before hitting the publish button is to get rid of this subtitle
or change the text with something like "send us a message using the form below".
Finally, click Publish and we are done!
Now you know how to build a landing page with WordPress by using its own Block Editor.
How cool is that?
Use what you've just learned to create high converting Landing Pages for your marketing
strategy on Facebook and Google.
More of that, you can use Neve, your active WordPress theme, to create full websites for
a Vet Center, Lawyers, Doctors and so on.
Check it out yourself by navigating to Appearance / Neve Option on your dashboard.
You can import and use any template with one click, for free.
Is there any question you have about WordPress Blocks?
What do you think about the new way of adding content to your WordPress website?
Leave a comment below so we can chat about it.
More about WordPress in the videos I've published lately.
See you in the next one.
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Trong lần đi chơi này, Trấn Thành không ngại vung tiền tặng bà xã những món quà đặc biệt
Ở clip trước đó được bạn bè Trấn Thành đăng tải, nam danh hài "bị ép" phải tặng bà xã 2 chiếc túi hàng hiệu trị giá 10
000 USD (tương đương 230 triệu đồng). Thẳng tay chi hàng trăm triệu mua túi xách nhưng trái lại, cặp vợ chồng danh hài - ca sĩ lại khiến fans cười ngất khi tiếc rẻ 50
000 đi xe. Cụ thể, trong clip mới nhất giọng ca xứ Hàn đăng tải, mặc dù đoàn du lịch của vị trưởng phòng Ơn giời cậu đây rồi có tới 5-6 thành viên nhưng chỉ thuê 1 chiếc xe túc túc
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We are on our way to Gorakh Hill
We took a stop to let the jeep cool down a little bit.
We also needed a break as we were sitting uncomfortably in the jeep and the roads are bad.
Our jeep is gone? Is it?
Hey is that our ride?
Friend: Yeah. You thought driver would leave us here? lol
Haha I thought he is gone
My voice is getting bad.
I have few numbers of friends, the friends I've got...
Are much better and more caring than most of the lovers out there.
We have been travelling for 11 hours and still there's 10 minutes drive ahead. Our car broke down.
I might get silent soon
I don't know when are we going to reach there.
Now I am kind of exhausted
Bro are you enjoying?
At its best.
I feel happy for paying for this trip
So we have reached after 12 hours. Everyone of us is super tired
Now we will get a camo, put our stuff away and have dinner
It will be fun now. So the fun begins
Hello everyone. We travelled to Gorakh Hill.
And This place is beautiful. It's really cold up here but the scenary is amazing
It was a great experience and one of the most memorable experiences yet.
So I am going to miss this trip a lot
But now we have to go back
We are too tired to go back but there is no other option so we have to go.
So we will go down from these mountains in 2 hours and 30 minutes
And after that we will be travelling about 9 hours to get home.
So another journey begins
Car broke down again.
Let enjoy the view atleast
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