happy valentines day
happy valentines day!
hppy st. vlentine ... jffjhfjh
happy st valentines!
why am i speaking so stupidly
gay rights
首度宣布胎兒性別!前TVB花旦曬七個多月巨肚孕照 - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
【SCP基金會動畫】SCP-2662 -克蘇魯滾粗!S4E3 (CC) - Duration: 11:02.-------------------------------------------
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 29:48.-------------------------------------------
ХУДШАЯ ВЕТКА В МИРЕ ● WoT Blitz - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
13/02/2019 11:41 (R. Oito de Novembro, 12 - Pirajá, Salvador - BA, 41290-200,) - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
西野七瀬 卒業コンサートLV、ディレイ・ビューイングも緊急決定 - Duration: 0:31.2019年2月25日(月)に、 24日に開催される『乃木坂46 7th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE Day4 ~西野七瀬 卒業コンサート~』の模様を、 全国の映画館でディレイ・ビューイングを実施することを決定した。 既報の通り、 2月24日(日)に京セラドーム大阪にて開催される 『乃木坂46 7th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE Day4 ~西野七瀬 卒業コンサート~』 の模様は、 全国の映画館で生中継される。 この応募には、 西野七瀬の最後のステージを見守りたいファンが殺到していること、 さらに、 どうしても当日観られないファンのために、 この度、 翌日のディレイ・ビューイングが緊急決定した。 また、 ディレイ・ビューイング限定で、 西野七瀬からのメッセージも上映(予定)。もちろん、 当日京セラドーム大阪に参加ファンも、 翌日もう一度、 大スクリーンで見納めることができる。是非、 お近くの映画館で楽しみんでほしい。
✅ Polícia fecha fábrica de Ferraris e Lamborghinis falsas - Duration: 1:16.Policiais do Deic (Departamento Estadual de Investigações Criminais) de São Paulo apreenderam carcaças falsas de carros de luxo na Vila das Mercês, zona sul de São Bernardo do Campo, na grande São Paulo
As réplicas eram de automóveis das marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini. A denúncia sobre a "fábrica" foi feita pelo escritório de advocacia que representa as marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini no Brasil
Três supostos responsáveis pela produção prestaram esclarecimentos. Ninguém foi preso
Os agentes descobriram que no local haviam duas linhas de montagem, com carrocerias similares às marcas italianas, conhecidas pelos carros super luxuosos que podem custar milhões de reais
De acordo com a polícia, o proprietário do local tentava vender as cópias por até R$ 180 mil, valor equivalente ao IPVA dos carros originais
Foram apreendidos quatro modelos dos veículos na linha de montagem. A polícia ainda vai decidir o que fazer com as réplicas
Boyd Sports to manage E-Twins baseball team, alcohol sales approved at stadium - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Alessandro Sortino: età, altezza, peso, moglie e figli. Tutte le curiosità, la carriera e la vita pr - Duration: 3:58.Alessandro Sortino è stato uno dei protagonisti storici de , il programma Mediset in onda dal 1997
Figlio di Sebastiano Sortino, dal 2005 al giugno 2012 direttore della "Commissione per i Servizi e i Prodotti" dell'Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, e, in precedenza, direttore generale della Federazione na Editori Giornali dal gennaio 1977, Alessandro Sortino è un giornalista professionista che ha incominciato la sua carriera nel 1995 scrivendo sul settimanale Vita e collaborando con la cronaca di Roma del quotidiano la Repubblica
Il successo a livello televisivo arriva nel 1997 con l'ingresso ne e collabora con il programma fino al 2008, quando decide di dimettersi lamentando una censura dall'editore (gruppo Mediaset) sul servizio dedicato alla famiglia Mastella, in seguito all'arresto di Sandra Lonardo, moglie del ministro della giustizia Clemente Mastella e alle conseguenti dimissioni del ministro che porteranno alla caduta del Governo Prodi II
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Il servizio non è mai andato in onda. Su internet è stato diffuso uno spezzone di un filmato di Sky TG 24 nel quale Elio Mastella, il figlio di Clemente, accusa Sortino di essere raccomandato dal padre membro dal 2005 al giugno 2012 dell'Authority per le comunicazioni
Alessandro Sortino ha collaborato con le redazioni di programmi come "B.R.A. – Braccia rubate all'agricoltura", "Matrix", "Exit – Uscita di sicurezza" e "Malpelo"
Per il cinema ha firmato insieme con l'amico Filippo Roma (anche lui iena) il soggetto e la sceneggiatura del cortometraggio Sempre i soliti (titolo originale Topi d'appartamento, 1997), diretto da Mario Monicelli
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Nel 2007 ha vinto il Premio giornalistico televisivo Ilaria Alpi nella sezione dedicata ai temi del lavoro
Nel 2012 una giuria di critici gli ha attribuito il Premio giornalistico televisivo Ilaria Alpi per un servizio sull'Ilva di Taranto andato in onda su Piazzapulita
Nel 2012 gli è stato conferito, per la sua attività giornalistica, il Premio Borsellino
Alessandro Sortino collabora con le emittenti LA7 e Rai 3. Nel 2014 approda a TV2000, dove ricopre i ruoli di vicedirettore e direttore creativo
Du anni dopo è uno dei creatori del programma condotto da Enrico Lucci, anche lui ex iena, Nemo – nessuno escluso
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Nel 2019, su Rai 2, conduce ''Popolo Sovrano'', da lui ideato, scritto e condotto
Una trasmissione che ricalcherà lo stile di ''Nemo – Nessuno escluso''. Nel 2001 Alessandro Sortino ha sposato Cecilia, la sua attuale moglie
La coppia ha avuto due figli. Il giornalista è nato a Roma il 14 dicembre 1969; è alto 181 centimetri e pesa circa 110 chili
portano bene, quella volta che Enrico Lucci seguì Il Volo in uno dei tanti tour in America tour e predisse il futuro…
Gabriela do BBB19 sofre ataques nas redes sociais e perfil é bloqueado - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
✅ Polícia fecha fábrica de Ferraris e Lamborghinis falsas - Duration: 1:16.Policiais do Deic (Departamento Estadual de Investigações Criminais) de São Paulo apreenderam carcaças falsas de carros de luxo na Vila das Mercês, zona sul de São Bernardo do Campo, na grande São Paulo
As réplicas eram de automóveis das marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini. A denúncia sobre a "fábrica" foi feita pelo escritório de advocacia que representa as marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini no Brasil
Três supostos responsáveis pela produção prestaram esclarecimentos. Ninguém foi preso
Os agentes descobriram que no local haviam duas linhas de montagem, com carrocerias similares às marcas italianas, conhecidas pelos carros super luxuosos que podem custar milhões de reais
De acordo com a polícia, o proprietário do local tentava vender as cópias por até R$ 180 mil, valor equivalente ao IPVA dos carros originais
Foram apreendidos quatro modelos dos veículos na linha de montagem. A polícia ainda vai decidir o que fazer com as réplicas
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 500 Avantgarde Youngtimer NAP Panoramadak luchtvering - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
BBB19: Elana e Danrley vencem a Prova do Líder pela segunda vez consecutiva - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
"This is My Story" Testimony by Ian Hendarto - Duration: 3:53.Hi Ian.
Hi Jose.
How are you?
I'm good.
Can you tell us the story about how you first started F&B business?
I tried to build business after business but I always failed.
Until one day I found a product, it was Italian dessert.
I tried to make it and we sold it online.
Since then, I like to run F&B business and I saw that I was on the right track.
In short, because I like F&B business
I tried to find another product, and I found one from Japan,
we sell it and now we have several stores in Indonesia.
What are the challenges and what you have you learned at JPCC
that are helpful or applicable to you in your daily life as a businessman?
When we talked, Jose mentioned,
"Start with one chili pepper tree, take care of it until it grows big."
My challenge was how to be faithful in little things.
Another challenge was how I had to let go of my ego,
and all my pride so I could do the little things.
Many entrepreneurs who have a lot of money nowadays
are not patient enough to start small.
Then I also learn how to be persistent,
how to have determination in the process.
This was where I failed many years ago.
Every time problem occurs in my business, I gave up.
But in JPCC I learn how to be persistent.
I remember 1 Corinthians 3:14,
"If a man builds on work that lasts,
he will receive his reward."
Our mission is to build generation of stars.
What does being a star mean to you?
During my time at JPCC I learn that to become a generation of stars
is not just about earning a large income,
or building a business empire, but I learn how to impact people even more.
I know that all I am today is because of God's love and grace.
So I thought, as a businessman
I would like to leave a legacy
that I will be known for as a businessman
who lived an upright and pleasing life before God.
What I'm trying to do in this company right now is
to bring values into the lives of my employees.
I deliberately give them my time to sit together
and teach them about how values of life should be in their family.
How they can develop their values in managing their personal finance.
So even if one day they no longer work at my place, they will be respected.
And right now we are helping some young entrepreneurs
that might be facing the same challenge that I faced before.
I tried to meet them and teach them
the right way to walk their path.
I believe through all of these, God is glorified.
YeLLa Playz Reacting To 200k Subscribers THANK YOU - Duration: 4:35.200K thought I'll never see this day
Come on broooooooooo..............2 more subs
come on baby
200K in HERE!!! I can't believe can't leave it thought I'd never
never thought I will see this day y'all never thought I would see this day y'all not know what my
channel was at first I was risking my channel we have the week after week on
Saturdays streaming Dragon Ball super just for you guys I know most people
didn't know how to find the series on Fuji TV even though the English subs came out later
most of the community wanting to see it at 6:30 central time and our risk
channels trying to do this finally I stuck with this channel "YeLLa Playz"
grind it all the way up to 41K they struck it down again and it was gone
terminated then I did some research maybe a year later 11 months to
the exact date and I found out that they wasn't in partners with toei animation
at all so I file a counter counter-notification
I file a counter notification and I was able to get this channel back
I never thought I'd see 200k on it so fast
I wanna thank everybody all my subscribers all 2,000 I want to thank
all 200k you guys 200k in to subscribers actually for all the support
everything y'all stucked with the videos when the livestreams wasn't there I appreciate
everybody who stuck with me throughout this journey to 200K subscribers
yella playz and I'm signing out
アウディQ4 eトロン・コンセプト、スケッチ先行公開 3月ジュネーブ発表 - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Globo toma atitude após acusações de racismo no BBB19 e brothers podem ser expulsos a qualquer - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
Breaking Celeb News | Andrew McCabe says DOJ discussed removing Trump from office - Duration: 6:48.-------------------------------------------
Justin Bieber este în depresie şi are nevoie de tratament! A amânat din nou nunta cu Hailey Baldwin - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Rodrigo é interrompido e dá bronca: 'Espera aí que estou falando' - Duration: 1:34.No gramado, os brothers estão brincando de mímica. Enquanto Rodrigo faz uma mímica, parte dos confinados reclama que está demorando
O carioca então diz: "Gente, de boa, eu acho que brincadeira é para a gente se divertir"
Os brothers reclamam e ele continua: "Espera aí que eu estou falando. Por favor. A gente não pode perder o respeito
A gente já falou de roubo, vamos levar na boa". Rodrigo é interrompido novamente por concordâncias e discordâncias e dá bronca: "Só um instante
Por favor. Só isso. Eu respeito todo mundo quando fala, quando eu estiver falando, por favor
Tem um rigor que a gente não precisa ter". Rodrigo é interrompido e dá bronca: 'Espera aí que estou falando' — Foto: TV Globo
MY SIM COOKED HER BABY! | The Sims Creepy Pasta (HD) 2019 - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
STAREA DE SĂNĂTATE A ZINEI DUMITRESCU ESTE DIN CE ÎN CE MAI REA: "AM LUAT LEGĂTURA CU CEI DE LA CIMI - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Entro il 2028 nuova missione con astronauti: "Ma il nostro vero obiettivo è che gli umani possano an - Duration: 2:06.La Nasa accelera i piani, sostenuti dal presidente americano Donald Trump, per tornare sulla Luna e questa volta per "rimanerci"
Lo ha detto l'amministratore della Nasa, Jim Bridenstine, durante una conferenza stampa nel quartier generale di Washington
"E' importante tornare sulla Luna il prima possibile", ha osservato Bridenstine, auspicando di inviare gli astronauti entro il 2028
"E questa volta quando andremo sulla Luna non lasceremo solo bandiere e impronte per poi ritornarvi dopo 50 anni
Stiamo facendo qualcosa di totalmente diverso rispetto ad ogni altro Paese del mondo - ha proseguito - quello che stiamo cercando di fare è rendere sostenibile che gli umani possano andare e venire"
L'ultima persona ad aver camminato sulla Luna è stato Eugene Cernan nel dicembre del 1972, con la missione dell'Apollo 17
Prima di inviare di nuovo esseri umani, la Nasa intende mandare una sonda spaziale sulla Luna entro il 2024 e ha già invitato il settore privato a presentare offerte per la sua costruzione
La scadenza per la presentazione delle offerte è il 25 marzo prossimo.
[기자수첩]지겹다 공식입장, 짜증난다 사실무근 - Duration: 4:49.【서울=뉴시스】 지윤 기자 = ' 식입장 정리 중입 다.'방송사와 매 지먼트사는 국가단 인가, 아니면 외 기관일까.'[공식 '이라는 문패를 연예 기사가 하 에도 수천 건씩 아진다. '[단독 '이라고 박은 보 가 나오면 연예담 기자들은 '공식 장'을 구걸한다. 방송사와 매니지먼 사, 홍보대행업체 게.그들은 연예인 의 보호자를 자처 며 하루에도 수백 번 같은 말을 반 한다. 열애·결혼 음주운전, 캐스 등 각양각색 이 가 발생한다. 공 입장은 그러나 ' 인 중', '논의 중', '긍정 검 ', '사실 무근 등 단 몇 마디 정리된다. 이 의 내용을 추가해 기사화하면 바로 의가 온다. '우 끼리 한 얘기인데 , '기자님이 편 서 한 말인데', '개인적으로 한 이지 공식입장은 닌데'라는 식이다 '기레기'(기자 쓰레기)가 되는 은 시간문제다. 슈를 파고들어 정 들여 쓴 기사를 놓았건만 '사실무 ', '오보'라는 공식입장 탓에 가 뉴스라는 의혹을 다. 홍보팀은 으 장을 놓는다. 구 적인 이유는 대지 않고, 사실이 아 라면서 '당장 기 를 내려달라'는 만 되풀이한다. 여 잘못된 내용이 있으면 언론사를 대로 언론중재위원 에 제소하거나 명 훼손 등으로 고소 면 된다. 하지만 그런 경우는 많지 않다. 왕이나 다 없는 연예인을 건 린 죄에 대해서는 '법적대응' 등의 문구로 겁을 줄 이다. 온라인 연 매체 절대다수는 들의 공식입장을 대로 받아 쓴다. 사실을 전한 기자 바보가 되기 십 이다. '이런 기 기가 또!'라는 위의 댓글도 어김 이 달린다. 아무 1000만 기레 시대로 접어들었 지만, 허탈하기 이 없다. 홍보팀 말을 잘 들으면 좋은 기자, 공식 장과 다른 정보를 내면 '기레기'가 되는 셈이다.연예 공식입장의 생태 는 '짜고 치는 스톱'이나 다름없 . 매니지먼트사나 홍보대행업체가 특 매체에 사전 정 성 기사를 제공하 단독이 나온다. 포털사이트 메인에 해당 기사가 걸리 , 다른 기자들이 전화한다. 그러면 홍보팀은 다른 매 에 공식입장을 내 는다. '검토 중 혹은 '논의 중 이라며 처음 듣는 소리인 듯 연기한 . 공식입장은 뻔 기에 굳이 연락하 않고 기사를 작 하는 기자들도 부 기수다. '우라까 '(다른 언론사의 기사를 대충 바꿔 제 기사처럼 내는 행위)해 시간을 축한다. 이제는 화하지 않아도 홍 팀이 알아서 카카 톡, e-메일, 자메시지 등을 통 공식입장을 보내 다. 다람쥐 쳇바 도는 나날들이다 연예기자들은 공 입장의 딜레마 속 서 지쳐간다. 오 도 마음 속으로 친다. '지겹다 식입장, 짜증난다 사실무근.' 그러 가 또 고민한다. 홍보팀에 전화를 것인가 말 것인 . 문화스포츠부 lain@news s.com
✅ Veruska, mulher de Boechat, usa aliança do marido e se declara: "Te amo pra sempre" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:10.O jornalista Ricardo Boechat faleceu neste último dia 11, após a queda do helicóptero em que estava
Neste dia 14, quando se comemora o Valentine's Day, data equivalente ao Dia dos Namorados, Veruska emocionou a web
+ Jornalista da Band, Ricardo Boechat morre após queda de helicóptero A viúva do jornalista usou sua rede social para contar que recebeu o melhor presente de sua vida e com um click ela exibiu a aliança de seu marido
"E no meio de tanta dor, recebi o melhor presente que eu poderia receber, já sem esperanças de conseguir
Meu coração é só amor. Te amo pra sempre", declarou ela. Confira o registro: Os seguidores de Veruska se emocionaram com a publicação e através dos comentários deixaram muitas palavras de apoio e conforto a ela
"Muita fé e paz no seu coração e de suas meninas doce Veruska", comentou uma primeira seguidora
"Que Deus em sua infinita bondade,te dê forças para seguir em frente!Paz", desejou uma segunda internauta
"Deus te console, e te faça sentir que ele está bem. Um dia Jesus. Te devolve ele
Fique em paz", escreveu uma outra. Vale lembrar, que logo após o anuncio da morte de seu marido, Veruska já havia emocionado a todos com uma imagem do casamento, em que o casal aparece abraçado
"Pior dia da minha vida", ela definiu. Confira o registro! + Mulher de Ricardo Boechat chega ao velório do jornalista aos prantos Mãe de Ricardo Boechat fala sobre o jornalista e emociona Mercedes Carrascal, mãe de Boechat, desabafou sobre o filho no velório de Boechat ao portal Band
"Ele não fazia as coisas solicitando recompensas. Fiquei de boca aberta com os depoimentos das pessoas, de todas as classes socias, sobre o meu filho", disse ela no velório ao portal da Band
Emocionada, ela falou sobre as qualidades de seu filho. Confira na íntegra! Confira também:
Il nuovo Suv Citroen C5 Aircross arriva in Italia - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
✅ Gretchen revela desejo profissional que ainda não foi realizado - Duration: 2:42.Gretchen é a convidada da noite no programa Sensacional, da Rede TV! Durante uma entrevista bem descontraída com Daniela Albuquerque, que irá ao ar a partir das 23h30, a estrela abordará diversos temas de sua vida profissional e pessoal, além disso, em tom de revelações, a morena contará um desejo profissional que ainda não foi realizado, o que surpreenderá a apresentadora e os telespectadores
Com mais de 40 anos de carreira, ela, que começou a fazer sucesso no final dos anos de 1970, contará que só ficará realizada 100% quando atuar em um musical dirigido por Jorge Fernando
Segundo ela, a união do trabalho dos dois só tende a dar certo, afinal, ambos conhecem o estilo um do outro e isso só pode agregar em uma parceria profissional
"Esse é o grande sonho da minha vida, mas já estou até quase desistindo porque ele está sempre megaocupado, eu moro fora
Amaria fazer o musical com ele, porque sei que ele gosta do meu trabalho e temos uma química muito legal
Já o encontrei, fui assistir às peças dele, então acho que seria incrível
É meu sonho mesmo fazer um musical no Brasil com a direção do Jorge Fernando", pontua a celebridade
Ainda no ramo profissional, Gretchen relembrará uma parceria com Ludmilla
Segundo a diva, ela entrou em contato com a cantora de forma despretensiosa e, para sua surpresa, teve um retorno rapidíssimo da funkeira
Isso acabou resultado na gravação do hit Chacoalha. "Pedi para ela fazer uma música para mim e nem imaginei que ela fosse me responder
Meia hora depois ela: 'Olha, está pronta. Escuta aí e vê se você gosta'
Mandei para o meu produtor e está aí a música", comentará, orgulhosa da obra, que fala de empoderamento feminino
Por fim, de olho um pouco em sua vida pessoal, ela, que completará 60 anos no próximo dia 29 de maio, revelará o que pensa da terceira idade
Segundo a celebridade, ela não vê isso de forma negativa e ainda se arriscará em mandar mensagens para as mulheres que tem algum tipo de dificuldade em enfrentar esta fase da vida
"Acho que tenho que falar para as mulheres que 60 anos é uma idade incrível
Hoje eu estou maravilhosa! Digo isso para todas as pessoas que me seguem
A gente tem que se amar", afirma ela.
13/02/2019 12:33 (R. das Mercedárias, 17 - Dom Avelar, Salvador - BA, 41315-170,) - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 2.4 D5 R-Design Aut. Navigatie Leder Camera Drivers Support 5 Cilinder 215PK! - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
13/02/2019 12:27 (R. da Bolívia, 2 - Porto Seco Pirajá, Salvador - BA, 41230-195,) - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
Attorney Michael Avenatti Claims He Has New Video Of R. Kelly Sexually Assaulting Underage Girl - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
13/02/2019 11:35 (R. Oito de Novembro, 118 - Pirajá, Salvador - BA, 41290-200,) - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
フォルクスワーゲン公式、TロックRのスケッチ 300psか ジュネーブショー - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Raimondo pushes for gun control bills - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
仮想通貨相場弱気でも機関投資家達は強い投資意欲!?今後の価格予想!!仮想通貨XRP.リップルとBTC.ビットコイン今後の影響とは?最新ニュース!2019年2月暗号通貨最前線最新情報 - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
吴秀波和郝田林是两个好兄弟! 只是因为这个原因导致他们的事业和生活在眨眼之间被破坏了! 什么是真相? 当真相曝光时,数百万人恐慌! - Duration: 10:57.-------------------------------------------
【SCP基金會動畫】SCP-2662 -克蘇魯滾粗!S4E3 (CC) - Duration: 11:02.-------------------------------------------
首度宣布胎兒性別!前TVB花旦曬七個多月巨肚孕照 - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
sn valentin - Duration: 0:29.happy valentines day
happy valentines day!
hppy st. vlentine ... jffjhfjh
happy st valentines!
why am i speaking so stupidly
gay rights
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 29:48.-------------------------------------------
ХУДШАЯ ВЕТКА В МИРЕ ● WoT Blitz - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Лекция "Национализм и православие" (часть 5) - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
13/02/2019 11:41 (R. Oito de Novembro, 12 - Pirajá, Salvador - BA, 41290-200,) - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
西野七瀬 卒業コンサートLV、ディレイ・ビューイングも緊急決定 - Duration: 0:31.2019年2月25日(月)に、 24日に開催される『乃木坂46 7th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE Day4 ~西野七瀬 卒業コンサート~』の模様を、 全国の映画館でディレイ・ビューイングを実施することを決定した。 既報の通り、 2月24日(日)に京セラドーム大阪にて開催される 『乃木坂46 7th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE Day4 ~西野七瀬 卒業コンサート~』 の模様は、 全国の映画館で生中継される。 この応募には、 西野七瀬の最後のステージを見守りたいファンが殺到していること、 さらに、 どうしても当日観られないファンのために、 この度、 翌日のディレイ・ビューイングが緊急決定した。 また、 ディレイ・ビューイング限定で、 西野七瀬からのメッセージも上映(予定)。もちろん、 当日京セラドーム大阪に参加ファンも、 翌日もう一度、 大スクリーンで見納めることができる。是非、 お近くの映画館で楽しみんでほしい。
✅ Polícia fecha fábrica de Ferraris e Lamborghinis falsas - Duration: 1:16.Policiais do Deic (Departamento Estadual de Investigações Criminais) de São Paulo apreenderam carcaças falsas de carros de luxo na Vila das Mercês, zona sul de São Bernardo do Campo, na grande São Paulo
As réplicas eram de automóveis das marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini. A denúncia sobre a "fábrica" foi feita pelo escritório de advocacia que representa as marcas Ferrari e Lamborghini no Brasil
Três supostos responsáveis pela produção prestaram esclarecimentos. Ninguém foi preso
Os agentes descobriram que no local haviam duas linhas de montagem, com carrocerias similares às marcas italianas, conhecidas pelos carros super luxuosos que podem custar milhões de reais
De acordo com a polícia, o proprietário do local tentava vender as cópias por até R$ 180 mil, valor equivalente ao IPVA dos carros originais
Foram apreendidos quatro modelos dos veículos na linha de montagem. A polícia ainda vai decidir o que fazer com as réplicas
Learn to Trade Stocks-------------------------------------------
Fin Asks Baker for a Second Chance - Law & Order: SVU (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI GT-Line, Nap Navi Clima Lmv Cruise - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Preview: Twist It Like It's Stir Fry | Season 7 | MASTERCHEF JUNIOR - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
フォルクスワーゲン公式、TロックRのスケッチ 300psか ジュネーブショー - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
tinkering with: controlling motors - Duration: 22:28.look at that isn't that grand so this is coffee black ripe pale ale from barn
hammer brewing what do we say here rich roasted coffee unfiltered rye Pale Ale
oh wow there is so much coffee in that I'm gonna be awake all night whoo you
may remember this monstrosity I was working on a few weeks ago it's intended
to be just sort of a motion base for a future eventual robotics project and I
was using this sort of module here too as a motor driver which is exactly what
it is but then I got to thinking what else could I used to drive the motors I
mean okay so let's step back a minute a motor driver is basically something that
takes the low current 5 volts pulse width modulation signal from the
microcontroller and turns it into a higher current signal I guess for lack
of a better word a higher current
control for the motors and these toy motors aren't all that high demand but
who knows I might find something else to use and maybe even not in five volts so
these particular ones are running out 5 volts but so I got to thinking what are
my options I mean a premium module is super simple but there are other ways of
doing it so the most common way of driving or controlling a DC motor is
using the good old h bridge in each bridge is essentially four switches
surrounding a motor if switch 1 and 4 are turned on then the motor is
connected to the positive and the negative in this way and turns one
direction which is three and two are turned on
then the positives on this side of the motor and negatives on this side of the
motor and it turns the opposite direction which is what this drawing
here is showing the voltage in this way or the voltage this way now that's a
very simple way of doing it and these switches could be relays or they could
be BJT transistors or they could be MOSFETs or pretty much anything in a lot
of cases you can get them in in a single ICU packaged or you can create it out of
discrete transistors if you want to there's a few warnings though a few
things you have to look out for these particular states right here if you have
switch one and two turned on then you're going to short your power supply same as
if you got switch three and four both turn on your power supply then a lot of
the IC versions of an h-bridge take care of that internally but if
you're building your own it's just something you got to look out for the
other states you can have is with multiple switches open so there's
nothing on this side or nothing on this side and with those the motor coasts if
you have both switches to the high side or both switches to the low side
connected that essentially creates a short across the motor and if the motor
is being driven by momentum or whatever that essentially shorts its output
voltage which will be creating and it causes a braking type of thing obviously
as the motor gets slowed down that reduces but just something to keep in
mind might be useful but normally there's just the these three types of
states motor moves left motor moves right and motor coasts that most people
will want to use so as the Wikipedia article said you could either use
discrete components or you could use integrated circuits so what I have here
is one two three different I guess that is
a fourth one as well but I don't have the chip version of
that so there's a few different ICS that can do this and we'll take a little bit
of a closer look at some of these so the first one is the same module that I had
was playing with in my little project there it uses the L 9 1 1 0 s and
actually the module has two of them on it so it can drive two separate motors
so there is the L 9 1 1 0 chip and as you can see it doesn't take a lot of
circuitry to make it happen as a matter of fact none except for inputs and
outputs because I don't have a loose motor that doesn't take up too much
space I'm just using a couple of LEDs backward or back-to-back so when one is
turned on the other one is turned off so if we put one input high then we
essentially have one direction of our motor or in this case just one polarity
and if with the other input high we get the other polarity happening now then we
could replace either of those inputs with a PWM source and then we can dim it
so there's on the one input and there's on the other input you can actually see
the PWM happening a little bit on the camera until it speeds up so and again
those are just standing in for for my motor so that's an option and that's
when he said what I was experimenting with the other one and this one has the
eat well let's let's go take a look at the datasheet of that chip and we'll
just just see what's going on inside it here's the OL 90-110 chip it's capable
of switching between two and a half and 12 volts but 800 milliamps continuous
current per channel so that could be a limiting factor
depending on what motor you're putting on it it says down here somewhere it can
handle up to two amps for a short period of time but you wouldn't want to do that
for very long otherwise you risk letting the smoke out basically it just has two
channels a and B in and a and B out and then it's got 2 VC C that are in
parallel to ground that are in parallel which which basically just doubled up
for current handling more than anything else and here's the standard connection
diagram for it the motor goes across the two outputs forward signal and backwards
signal and that's it whichever one you take hi causes the
motor to do that magic and if you pulse with modulated or pulse it at all that
causes exactly the same thing to come out here only with a higher current
handling capability so another option is the driver which is on this board here
which is the l-29 3 chip now this board is actually a shield for we must D 1
Mini which I don't have any of at the time being so I can't play with that one
directly but I do have the dip version of it here so I'm gonna just hook that
up to my pulse width modulation source and we'll play with that actually let's
know what let's go and take a look at the datasheet for that guy first and
just see what its claim to fame is the l293d quadruple F H bridge drivers have
H drivers this is the version that I've got the dip of the 16 pin it also comes
in a 28 pin which doesn't have any more functionality it's just physically
bigger it has a little bit more heatsink and ground pins on it and a bunch of
non-connected I guess just to spread the heat around I'm not sure anyway it can
handle a little bit higher voltage than the 9110 that we were looking at a
minute ago it can its minimum voltage on the switch side it's four and
a half volts but it can handle up to 36 volts and up to one amp per channel for
the big version or six hundred milliamps per channel for the 16 pin version and
here's the example diagram or the example circuit that they have in the
datasheet which is pretty much what I'm going to throw it together on the
breadboard in a minute here so because it's got four drivers you can control
four output lines in this case they've got these two lines each going to a
single motor this one reference to ground and this one reference to the
high side so a high voltage on this is going to turn him on and a low voltage
on this side is gonna turn him on but these ones are just unidirectional if
you connect up to as in this side and again in our mark there are familiar
shape here so one of them drives one side of the motor one of them drives the
other side of the motor take this one high and this one all of the motor goes
in one direction the opposite and it goes in the other direction and then one
other thing that this chip has it's got an enable pin here so you can just keep
a steady pulse going on here and to stop the motor you just take the enable low
and again the same one over here you could take them stop them both just by
taking pin nine low okay this one's a little bit Messier on there just because
it's got two channels but basically this is set up exactly the same as that
schematic and that I showed you in the datasheet so these two are the two
unidirectional motors and this pair over here is pretending to be the
bi-directional motor so right now I've got the the two inputs to the two
different unidirectional motors common with my PWM input and I've got the
enable pin here pulled high so now then with the PWM at fully at one end
100 percent duty cycle this one is on and as I swing across now I met 100
percent duty cycle so this one is on and that's exactly how it showed in the in
the schematic because one of the motors LEDs in this case was reference to the
high side and one is reference to the ground side now that I'm just going to
move things around and we'll connect on to this side and see what happens over
here and obviously it's gonna work the way we expect it to but let's just see
it anyway okay so I've lifted the enable line for
these two LEDs and I've pulled the enabling for this one high right now I'm
connected to just one of the of the inputs with my pulse width modulation
there you can see again it controls that speed now then if I can if I connect my
motor or my PWM to the other one you notice it was still 100% and that now
it's running hundred-percent in the opposite direction and vice versa this
demonstration will be a lot better if I actually had a motor that I could fit on
here and show all this stuff simultaneously but I mean I hope this is
getting the point across that it's just another way of controlling any kind of
output current really and the polarity of it so to use this properly you would
again need two PWM outputs from your microcontroller one for forward and one
for reverse so the other possibility the other module that I've got is this one
which is the UL in 2003 chip and this module generally is sold for controlling
stepper motors the small little stepper motors that come in the starter kits and
whatnot and it's not an h-bridge exactly either
it's a different implementation let me show you the datasheet and here is that
ellen 2003 a actually it's a whole series of chips that are that just have
different packages and different current handling capabilities and whatnot but
it's the whole le in two thousand and something family so they're rated a 500
milliamps per channel and it's got or you got here seven channels on it it can
handle it can switch up to fifty volts so that gives us some options but as you
can see in the book diagram it's not really an h-bridge it's just Darlington
transistor arrays it's showing it as an amplifier here and I guess it kind of is
a current amplifier but not really sort of these are more typically used for
those small small stepper motors and I'm not going to run this one up in this
demonstration I'm just showing it to you as an option as it mentioned in the
Wikipedia article you could just as easily build these out of discrete
components and here is the BJT the bipolar Junction transistor version or
one version of it anyway this uses two PNP transistors and two NPN transistors
since I'm not putting a motor in there for my demonstrations I'm not going to
bother with these protection diodes in here I'm also not going to bother with
these photo transistor or photo transistor based Isolators opt Isolators
that's what they are in this example he's talking about using
those to keep your control signals completely separate and protected for
your motor motor voltage and any induced spikes and any other crap coming from
there so how this works how he's got it wired here because he's using these off
toys laters that also isolates the base current of each of these transistors too
so basically there's the pull-up or pulldown resistors and a series resistor
on the base side those I'm gonna leave in my circuit and
what he's got is this one and this one tied together onto one line and this one
and this one tied together on the other line so when he hits his forward voltage
turns this guy on and this one on and the motor rotates put the reverse on
that turns this guy and this guy on the motor goes the other direction so when
we're using the BGP circuits you have to be a little bit more careful because
there isn't internal logic preventing you from creating a short if you turn
this transistor and this transistor on simultaneously you're gonna create a
short straight to ground same thing with over here so I've got
this one the top one on this side turned on which pulls high and I've got that
turned on by pulling its base down because it's a PNP this one down here is
an NPN so I'm gonna turn it on either by taking its base high there you go or by
giving it a PWM signal and then I can bring it up and down similarly if I
disconnect that I can take the one the PNP from up there you hit the PWM signal
and take the NPN over here and pull it high and then I could PWM that one which
essentially again this is my forward or reverse directions right so that's
another way that's going to take for control whine so unless you use the off
twice leaders like the schematic that we saw in the computer earlier did and
that's why he's using the opto isolator z' so that basically he can control two
things at once without having to use four whines I don't happen to have any
off the way so leaders kicking around right now I'm sure there's something a
mailbag coming up soon but I don't have any right now now let's take a look at
the mosfet version of exactly the same thing so here's the mosfet version looks
very similar and that steam that seemed you know h-shaped thing there so this
one uses two N channel MOSFET sand to p-channel MOSFETs up here and up here
the p-channel MOSFETs are switching to the high side and the n-channel MOSFETs
are switching to the low side we've just got a pull-up resistor here and here
which in my example I think I mean use 10k just cause it's not that important
you just want something that's not gonna drag that much current so that keeps it
in a state where both of these guys are turned off and both of these guys are
turned on with with two at the bottom turned on that essentially has the motor
shorted out so that's that break condition that they were talking about
the Wikipedia article so then you just have to switch the two gates low on one
side or the other to cause either this no either this one or this one to turn
on so if you switch this side low that turns off this guy turns on this guy and
since this one's already turned on by the POE up you get a voltage through
this way and the same thing if you leave this one open and pull this one down
then you get there flow through this way alright yeah yeah that's it
and again the autocrat pores are just to protect your logic supply from any
spikes and crap generated by the motor I have my pedia because I'm tied into the
common gates of these two again P channel MOSFET in channel MOSFET pull-up
resistor preventing them from or putting them into a known state same thing here
this side pull-up resistor so that pull-up resistor is basically turning on
the end channel and off the P channel same thing here but when we apply PWM to
those gay let me get one direction or one of our
LEDs coming up let me move that to the other side and run our PWM in then we
get our opposite direction or in this case the other LED I'm just kind of hard
for you to see there you go so any nuts and these MOSFETs are the most powerful
devices of all of these things these are what are they so there's the end channel
MOSFET that I'm using this the IRF Zed 44 in it is what we got here rated for
max 49 amps continuous at 100 degrees Celsius 35 amps and what is its voltage
other fifty five volts and the p-channel MOSFET is a IRF ninety five forty which
doesn't have exactly the same specs it's got a little bit higher voltage just a
little bit lower current so now of course I have to ask myself which one of
these options am I going to use in my little cheesy robotics project here I
honestly don't know this is a fairly clean option it doesn't have optic up we
I think whatever I'm going to do though I think I am going to opt a couple it
just to keep the noise from the switching and the motor noise and the
inductive kickback and whatnot out of my day to control whines when I was working
on this thing originally I just put a capacitor on there across the motor
across the power lines just to smooth it out so that the motor noise wouldn't be
getting into the microcontroller but I can't do that until I get some auto
couplers in which I'm sure are somewhere in transit or in the mailbag stream
somewhere but until then I have a little bit of thinking to do and a little bit
more experimenting to do but that's just an overview of controlling motors using
a few different methods from my or controller I can are do you know I
hope anybody who is thinking about getting into this found some of this
useful and I hope it wasn't too misleading anybody with more experience
or who spotted something that I did completely and totally wrong or stupid
can please comment down in the comments or anybody who thought this is great has
other suggestions for different motor driver methods that would be awesome too
as always thanks for watching and I will talk to you later
New law requires BART to build housing at station - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
NJ TRANSIT Seat Standoff Caught On Camera - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Perrin High School Basketball Team In Playoffs For First Time Since End Of World War II - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Megan Young and Mikael Daez Play The Newlywed Game - Duration: 10:08.Hello!
Hey, guys! What's up? Mikael Deaz here.
And Megan Young.
And guess what we have a surprise! We're newlyweds!
No, we're not.
This is the newlywed game.
Why are we playing this? Why is Preview making us do this?
Because you can play it even if you're not newly wed.
Now I know.
I will inception that into your head.
Let's see if you get this right.
Okay, is this like one, two, three and then we go?
What's your answer?
FIGHT CLUB?! What the--!?
That is not true! She never talks about Fight Club!
This is the only movie she ever talks about!
Tama? Take two? I'm kidding!
But only because you can never talk about Fight Club. So...
That's the first rule.
She talks about this one more. I win.
One point.
Who's doing the point system now?
I don't know may scoring ba to?
I'm putting a scoring system. Gosh.
Oh may scoring system! Great!
So you have zero. Next, question!
Can we specify like--Yeah, we're really going to get into this. Exercise?
A certain exercise?
Which exercise?
So hard cause you always change!
I know! I guess right now?
Yeah, I think I got one.
So like a specific exercise? Yeah.
I'm putting down a specific exercise.
So okay, this is hard 'cause Mikael does like so many different things.
But--Yeah, we workout six days a week so... But this is something that he's been doing for a while. So...
I don't know if this is your favorite. Yeah, I know. I'm curious what she's going to say.
Let's go! Three, two, one!
Push and pull.
Push and pull...No!
No! Okay, yeah, see she didn't get it.
Yeah, so this is the exercise I like now.
That is how I break down my split.
So push, pull, legs.
Yeah, tough question.
Good job, Preview. Gosh, so complicated!
So one point, zero points?
Is that how you score it? I don't know how you score this? Game.
'Wag kang gumawa ng sarili mong score kasi mananalo ka.
Mahirap pala ng mga questions.
What is my pet peeve? Pati ako hindi ko alam kung ano pet peeve ko!
Oh, okay! I have it! I have it!
So why does he know more about me than I know about myself?
Oh my God guys this is an amazing thing that you're going to find out about Megan.
Okay, go.
One, two, three!
I said yabang. I don't like mayabang people.
Okay, can I show mine yet?
Okay. Okay.
Not using...
Megan absolutely HATES it. Oh okay, can I change--When I don't use a placemat when I eat. And I don't know why.
I tell her I'm going to clean the table naman. And for whatever reason--even when I'm eating fruit. Like an apple, she wants me to use a placemat.
And I'm like I don't need to use a damn placemat!
Okay, here's my new pet peeve.
No points though, but Mikael does this all the time. He leaves his socks everywhere.
Not just my socks. My briefs, too.
He leaves his briefs on the table.
What? Uy, hindi naman! They're clean though! Nakakahiya!
He likes to clean his bag out a lot so para malinis yung bag niya he forgets na he has a clean pair of underwear there.
I got back at you!
Doesn't happen often.
But it's sponsored naman di ba? By your favorite underwear brand? Hanford? Yes.
What?! Tough.
I'm going to put down three.
Okay. Oh, okay! Well. Me also.
There are three that stick out.
P.S. I'm on a diet so this question makes me sad. But anyway.
Okay, one, two, three.
Steak, pancakes, halo-halo.
Aw, no scrambled eggs.
Steak, pancakes, scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs is like interchangeable!
So I get points for this!
Food is the way to my heart. I'm very transparent about these things.
My God, dude, that's just like--
Ah, sorry!
HOW DARE YOU?! No, you know why--
HOW DARE YOU! How dare you. Oh my God.
Dude, last night she streamed Ragnarok for three hours! And you're telling me you don't spend the most time on this app?!
Let me explain. Let me explain.
IG I use on my phone. Ragnarok I have an emulator on the PC.
I'm like so addict I out it on the PC so I don't have to play it on my phone so I can still do other things while playing my game.
Hindi lang yun. Sobrang addict niya kailangan ko siyang bigyan ng budget.
Every month.
Kung hindi. O, ano.
I will control you! Kidding! But I help her out.
You offer me budget.
Mikael? That's--That's so easy.
Sana tama spelling mo di ba?
Oo nga eh.
Laugh trip to kung hindi tama yung spelling!
Three, two, one, go!
Antarctica. I drew a boat.
I drew the glaciers.
That does not look like glaciers.
Have you seen a glacier?
Not yet. I've seen a glacier. Yeah, but it doesn't mean it looks like that.
Yeah, but anyway Antarctica. It is the goal. I'd love to take bones and I to--on a three week Antarctic expedition.
Maybe Preview will sponsor us next time?
Thanks Preview, in advance. Shoot tayo dun guys, tara!
Grabe may pa-drawing ka pa. Effort ba yan?
One, two, three.
Hands. Freakin'. Down.
Megan misses first.
And then Mikael will miss me when I'm right in front of him.
I have a weird way of missing people--or missing her, specifically. She'll be gone, for let's say two weeks, I don't miss her at all for those two weeks.
And then once she's in front of me, on the door step, that's when I say, "Oh my God, I missed you so much."
But during the time she's away I don't miss her at all.
I don't know why. It's weird.
That's okay. At least when I'm home you're always with me. Yeah, that's cool.
Okay, I like that question. Next!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Magandang question to. Pag-isipan muna natin to.
Hindi ko na kailangan pag-isipan.
Who fell in love with who first? Not who said "I love you" first.
Ikaw talaga eh. Ang daya mo.
Did we talk about this?
Hindi pa nga eh kaya nga okay yung question.
Why? Okay. So if you say it first that doesn't mean that you didn't fall in love with the person first?
No, what was the moment? What was the moment?
But why would you say it if you didn't mean it?
No, no, no, no! Because it could be before that? Iba kasi when you say the "I love you" and when you felt that you loved the person.
So, when, sino yung na-in-love muna?
Ako alam ko na may sagot na ako.
One, two, three, go.
Okay, you justify. I have a good justification for mine. Why?
Well, I'm just basing it off the fact that you said "I love you" first.
No nga! Daya!
I don't know eh!
No, okay. I think she will agree with me with my story.
Sabay because Megan and I actually had an amazing first kiss.
Oh yeah we did!
So I think that that was the point--Come on! Right? High five!
My reflexes are so mabilis!
So yeah it was the first kiss. I would say. Yeah? Right?
Do you agree? Wait. Yes. That was a crazy first kiss.
A bit drunk. But it was good.
Oh, interesting.
It's a combination of things.
Okay, three, two, one, go.
Check Ragnarok then banyo.
Ragnarok is more important that going to the bathroom.
Play endless frontier or make coffee.
Somewhat...It's a combination of all four answers I would say.
But I think this comes... Playing games definitely comes before the coffee. Because you have your phone already. 'Cause you have a time limit.
And you have your phone already. Yeah.
Games come first. Games are like the most important thing.
And this routine has been going on for at the very least 400 days straight. Without a miss.
I'm so proud of us. I know I'm just always logged on to my game.
Alright, my turn.
My question to you is...
So hard to choose!
Why are you making me choose like this?
The greatest cup of coffee--write down your answer I don't know! I'm going to write down mine.
[mouths] He just proposes to me.
Wait lang ha I'm drawing kasi.
I have a good question don't I?
It was a really good question.
Tomorrow to, ha! Oo nga!
Game? Wait, wait, wait!
Okay, one two, three!
Coffee is life. We get married in a coffee shop!
Tomorrow?! Yeah.
We have the best cup of coffee and we get married.
Not gonna happen. Coffee muna.
Bakit coffee muna? And then we chorva. And then we chorva? Get married. Joke lang.
Okay, so I wasn't expecting that obviously there's a disparity in this relationship at this point.
Thank you Preview for wedging something between us.
We're good. I'm happy!
I love you.
Cool. I think that ends the game.
Okay, you owe me a cup of coffee then.
Bye, guys.
Rare transplant could let girl, 2, see world - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Brad Pitt first discovered since joining Jennifer Aniston's B-Day [Hot] - Duration: 14:08.Back in action! Brad Pitt was first seen since driving his fans wild when he attended Jennifer Aniston's last birthday party
The Oscar winner, 55, resigned on Thursday, February 14, in Los Angeles and looked casual in a black hoodie, a gray T-shirt, dark jeans, and white slip-on sneakers
His gray flat beanie and brown aviator sunglasses carried him back, carrying a bag on his shoulder
Pitt has been celebrating her 50th birthday from Aniston at her star-studded celebration at Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood on Saturday, February 10th to get out of the limelight
"Jen briefly talked to Brad," said a source Us Weekly exclusively after the party
"Once she hugged him and thanked him for coming … It did not seem like a big deal to Jen
The invitation went to a ton p eople and he accepted. She was happy he was there, but that was it
The source added that the Fight Club star "seemed to enjoy … meeting old friends" while he was briefly in the bash
George and Amal Clooney Reese Witherspoon Ellen DeGeneres Pitts ex-fiancee Gwyneth Paltrow Courteney Cox Lisa Kudrow [19659009] David Arquette and many other celebrities
43 Jennifer Aniston over the years See gallery FERRIS BUELLER – Pictured: Jennifer Aniston as Jeannie Bueller – Photo: Alice S
Hall / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank 1990 Photo by Jennifer Aniston at an ABC pool party in Los Angeles, California (Photo by Barry King / WireImage) FRIENDS – Pictured: Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green – (Photo by Reisig & Taylor (NBC / NBCU photo bank via Getty Images) FRIENDS – Season 1 – Image: (back lr) Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay, David Schwimmer as Ross Geller, Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing (from left), Courteney Cox as Monica Geller, Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green – (Photo by Reisig & Taylor / NBC / NBCU Bank on Getty Images) FRIENDS – Pictured: (left) Courteney Cox as Monica Geller, Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay in "Friends", circa 1995
(Photo by NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) [19659022] 255721 02: Jennifer Aniston Poses on January 4, 1996 in Aspen, CO In her role as Rachel in the television series "Friends," actress Aniston starred in the movies "Picture Perfect" and "She's The One
" (Photo by Russell Turiak / Liaison) 1997 Jennifer Aniston stars in the movie "Until then you were"
(Photo by Getty Images) FRIENDS – Season 4 – Pictured: (from left) Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani, Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay (Photo by Gerald Weinman / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) UNITED STATES – NOVEMBER 3: Jennifer Aniston arrives at the premiere of the film Meet Joe Black at the Ziegfeld Theater
(Photo by Richard Corkery / NY Daily News Archive about Getty Images) 372882 01: Jennifer Aniston Stars in "Friends", season 1999-2000
Photo by: Warner Bros. NBC Co-hosts Courteney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, and Jennifer Aniston at "The 10th Annual Fire & Ice Ball," a gala event hosted by Lilly Tartikoff and Ronald O
Perelman for money for the Revlon / UCLA Cancer Research Program for Women. 12/11/00 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by Kevin Winter / Getty Images) PASADENA: Actress Jennifer Aniston of the TV show "Friends" won her People's Choice Award for the "Favorite Female Television Performer" during the 27th Annual People & # 39 ; s Choice Awards on January 7, 2001 in Pasadena, California
AFP Photo Lucy NICHOLSON / (Photo credits should read: LUCY NICHOLSON / AFP / Getty Images) Jennifer Aniston on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" at NBC Studios in Burbank, California
9.5.01. Los Angeles. Photo by Kevin Winter / Getty Images. Jennifer Aniston during the 54th Primetime Emmy Awards – Press Room at The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, USA
(Photo by Gregg DeGuire / WireImage) Jennifer Aniston (Photo by J. Merritt / FilmMagic) Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt during the Los Came Polly premiere in Los Angeles at the Man's Chinese Theater in Hollywood , California, USA
(Photo by Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic) Jennifer Aniston during the 9th Hollywood Film Festival Awards Gala Ceremony – Show at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, California, USA
(Photo by J.Sciulli / WireImage) Jennifer Aniston, presenter (Photo by Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic) LOS ANGELES, California – December 9: Actress Jennifer Aniston arrives at the premiere of FX Network's "Dirt" at the Paramount Theater on December 9, 2006 in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by Charley Gallay / Getty Images) NEW YORK – DECEMBER 17: Jennifer Aniston attends the Late Show with David Letterman at the Ed Sullivan Theater on December 17, 2008 in New York City
(Photo by James Devaney / WireImage) MARRAKECH, MOROCCO – NOVEMBER 26: The actress Jennifer Aniston attends the gala evening to celebrate the reopening of the hotel La Mamounia on November 26, 2009 in Marrakech, Morocco
(Photo by Fizcairn / WireImage) NEW YORK – MARCH 16: Jennifer Aniston attends the premiere of "The Bounty Hunter" at the Ziegfeld Theater on March 16, 2010 in New York, New York City
(Photo by James Devaney / WireImage) LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON – Episode 876 – Pictured: (lr) Jennifer Aniston with host Jimmy Fallon during an interview on August 1, 2013 – (Photo by: Lloyd Bishop / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) MADRID, SPAIN – FEBRUARY 22: Actress Jennifer Aniston visits & # 39; El Hormiguero & # 39; TV show on February 22, 2011 in Madrid, Spain
(Photo by Juan Naharro Gimenez / Getty Images) Actress Jennifer Aniston arrives at the "Horrible Bosses" premiere of Los Angeles at Grauman's Chinese Theater on June 30, 2011 in Hollywood, California
LOS ANGELES, CA – OCTOBER 17: Jennifer Aniston arrives as ELLE in honor of Hollywood's most highly esteemed women at the 18th Annual Women in Hollywood Tribute; at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills on October 17, 2011 in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by Gregg DeGuire / FilmMagic) BEVERLY HILLS, CA – NOVEMBER 15: Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston attend the 26th Annual American Cinematheque Awards Ceremony at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on November 15, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California , (Photo by Jason LaVeris / FilmMagic) TORONTO, AM – SEPTEMBER 14: The actress / producer Jennifer Aniston will appear during the "Life Of Crime" premiere during the Toronto International Film Festival 2013 at the Roy Thomson Hall on September 14th 2013 in Toronto, Canada
(Photo by Isaiah Trickey / FilmMagic) HOLLYWOOD, CA – NOVEMBER 21: Actress Jennifer Aniston speaks on stage during a Q & A after the screening of & # 39; Cake & # 39; during the Variety Screening Series 2014 in ArcLight Hollywood on November 21, 2014 in Hollywood
California. (Photo by Imeh Akpanudosen / Getty Images) LOS ANGELES, California – August 19: Jennifer Aniston arrives at the premiere of Lionsgate's premiere of "She's Funny That Way" at Harmony Gold on August 19, 2015 in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by Steve Granitz / WireImage) SANTA MONICA, California – January 17: The actress Jennifer Aniston arrives at the 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards at Barker Hangar on January 17, 2016 in Santa Monica, California , (Photo by C Flanigan / Getty Images) HOLLYWOOD, CA – APRIL 13: Actress Jennifer Aniston attends the Open Roads World Premiere of & # 39; Mother's Day & # 39; of the TCL Chinese Theater IMAX on April 13, 2016 in Hollywood, California
(Photo by Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 16: The actress Jennifer Aniston is seen walking in Soho on June 16, 2016 in New York City
(Photo by Raymond Hall / GC Images) NEW YORK, NY – June 24: Jennifer Aniston seen on the streets of Manhattan on June 24, 2016 in New York City
(Photo by James Devaney / GC Images) NEW YORK, NY – SEP 30: Jennifer Aniston is in the West Village on September 30, 2016 in New York City
(Photo by Alo Ceballos / GC Images) WESTWOOD, California – December 7: The actress Jennifer Aniston arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere & # 39; Office Christmas Party & # 39; at the Regency Village Theater on December 7, 2016 in Westwood, California
(Photo by Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic) LOS ANGELES, CA – DEC 8: Jennifer Aniston is on December 8, 2016 at & # 39; Jimmy Kimmel Live & # 39; in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by RB / Bauer-Griffin / GC Images) American actress Jennifer Aniston turns to the 89th Academy Awards on February 26, 2017 in Hollywood, California
/ AFP / Mark RALSTON (Credits should be MARK RALSTON / AFP / Getty Images) LOS ANGELES, CA – APRIL 4: Jennifer Aniston takes on April 4, 2017 at the premiere of HBO's "The Leftovers" season 3 in Avalon Hollywood part in Los Angeles, California
(Photo by JB Lacroix / WireImage) American actress Jennifer Aniston gesticulates while attending a photo shoot before a dinner for the launch of a Louis Vuitton leather goods collection in collaboration with American artist Jeff Koons at the Louvre posing in Paris April 11, 2017
/ AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS (image credits should be GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP / Getty Images) PARIS, FRANCE – APRIL 14: The actress Jennifer Aniston is leaving the store on April 14th by Dries Van Noten, 2017 in Paris, France
(Photo by Marc Piasecki / GC Images) Actors Jennifer Aniston (L) and Justin Theroux attend Jason Bateman's star unveiling ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on July 26, 2017 in Hollywood, California
/ AFP-PHOTO / VALERIE MACON (Credit should be VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images) BEVERLY HILLS, CA – JANUARY 07: In this handout photo provided by NBCUniversal, presenters Carol Burnett were standing and Jennifer Aniston during the 75th Annual Golden Stage Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 7, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California
(Photo by Paul Drinkwater / NBCUniversal via Getty Images) HIDE CAPTION SHOW CAPTION Pitt and Aniston left after five years of marriage in October 2005
She dated with Vince Vaughn before she married Justin Theroux in August 2015
The Friends alum and Theroux, 47, separated in February 2018. For his part, Pitt began dating Mr
& Mrs. Smith Costar Angelina Jolie after his separation from Aniston , He married the star Maleficent 43, in August 2014, but in September 2016 she filed for divorce
(The By the Sea canyons share six children: Maddox, 17, Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 12 and the twins Knox and Vivienne, 10
) A source revealed Us that Pitt joined again after the death of her mother, Nancy Dow, in May 2016 with Aniston
"She was touched that he knew what a difficult time it was," the source said. Another insider revealed that the actress Dumplin had called the director "the day after [her birthday] to thank him for coming
" Source link
The Greatest - Duration: 44:06.-------------------------------------------
Water Stain Removal Straight Razor Restoration - Duration: 13:26.Welcome to Your Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Water Stain Removal! Hey
Eric here with Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you!
Leslie asked: How do you get your razors so shiny? Alright let's do this we're
starting right now! I'm gonna use my Parker Best Silver Steel tonight and it
is pretty shiny right! Now here's the thing all of my razors I actually
purchased them already shiny for the most part okay now if you look right
here on the back of that spine you're gonna see that it does have water stains
all right so we're gonna take care of that tonight now first thing I'm gonna
do is I've got this polishing compound kit and I will be using the black
tonight and there you go you can see all the different kinds and what they do you
can go ahead and pause that and read it if you want but you can pick this up off
of Amazon easy enough all right yeah I will be using my dremel with a felt pad
now if you had like a six inch bench grinder you could also put a polishing
pad on that and it would even be quicker all right but I have my Dremel alright
and stay tuned to the end because I have a special tool that can do something
nothing else can do to help clean eraser all right very cool stuff now
here's what we do we're going to blow
that wheel which so far they've got a pretty well loaded but I'm just going to
go ahead and load that up a little bit more just like that
and I've got that on like five thousand okay so it will actually be easier it
will be easier to load now to polish we're going to pull that up to about
15,000 okay because I think it's going to work better in that way yeah now I'm
going to go ahead and leave that razor closed and we're gonna start polishing
and now just a minute but what you need to do is wear your high protection okay
you know before
you know you're gonna find that that's gonna really help you out a lot
now we're going to stop there for just a moment and we're gonna go ahead and wipe
it off get it cleaned off a little bit and see how we're doing that is looking
much better now we still have a bit more to go but it is right getting better
especially down on this end that is really good so let's go ahead
and keep going
right now let's go ahead and get that cleaned off and see how we're doing okay
we're getting there very nice very nice all right we're at
okay I think we are just about where we need to be we're going to go ahead and
put some more polishing compound on that pad
there we go yeah let's do a little bit more with this and I'm not getting that
blade hot while I'm doing this all right yeah let's see
there you go with that you know nice now we could go ahead I'm gonna switch out
that felt pad so just this simple you just unscrew that felt pad we're gonna
screw another one on okay and it really is that simple as long as you don't use
a whole lot of pressure it's fine it all works good okay so there's that
now what I'm gonna do this time is I want that white diamond with the diamond
yeah we have got that all nice and cleaned up beautiful and there are there
is some pity in that and we're probably not being able to do much with that
using this method but I think we can make it a little bit shinier
and it really is just this easy it just takes time and patience
right now let's get that cleaned off again and see how we're doing okay that
looks pretty good right there all right yes very nice
and it does have some pity now this is new old stock and there is no talent it
was sitting around for everyone but that's fine
there you go check that out in that beautiful that is really good it is so
shiny all right now for this secret tip all
right what I use is a fiberglass pencil okay and that is just perfect for
reaching in here all right so we do like this we're going to get that nice and
cleaned up in there all right and you know you don't need to have more
help than you need though but we do this this is going to clean that up really
nicely in there oh yeah look at that in a brilliant and
I'm going to get a little bit more out and we're going to do right there
here we go there and there and that is looking good
yes it is and then I'm also gonna just use that right there to clean that up a
bit right there yeah oh maybe a little bit right there
yeah that's looking good
you're right there we go so secret tip right here
fiberglass pencil you can get right in here right in between the scales and
this will go ahead and clean that area up this fiberglass pencil works great on
these chippings as well you can clean out those nicely
using this alright now here we go that is what it looks like now what do you
think in that good yeah much shinier much less stained it's got some pity
which I guess if I tried harder I could probably work my way through but that's
not bothering me it is now shiny eye dude straight razor edge Friday specials
on the first and third Friday of every month you can click on this card to see
why your won't buy your first straight razor in 2019 yeah
now I also get my ideas for these straight razor edge Friday specials from
you so down in the comments go ahead leave me questions comments suggestions
maybe even ideas for upcoming street razor edge Friday special and we will
get that going for you all right now if you're doing around here go ahead and
give me a hashtag Moo down in the comments as well and put comments and
questions if you have them we'll do our very best to answer those I also do
shave of the day videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by for that always
good now down in the description of this video I've got a ton of links down there
for straight razor shaving and honing videos and playlists as well so you can
check that out click over here to see my latest video click down here on the
video especially picked out to you click over here on me subscribe
comment share this video with friends have a great shave and a good day and I
will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!
JKA - Devising - Duration: 3:14.Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading
Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Young nigga rising to the top, can't you see It's that nigga with high hopes and 17
Crown world and everything you see beneath Combat leading to ruin given killing machine
I'm going face up Put yellow tape up
I'm going rogue so if you hide yourself we still wont makeup
Yeah I'm a replacer Exceed your mental a creator
Communicator, educator and facilitator uh Ball rolling like a rodent with a tank and
a wheel Check the ideals cuz the rulers only rule
what's real Looking real one-sided like we popping wheels
Ancient hieroglyphics and tablets, we cracking seals
Contrast the system I kill a common with the rhythm
Templates, scenarios and algorithm Precise measurements be calculating straight
to middle Populace is way too damn redundant, it's a
Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading
Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading Dreaming, seeing, scheming, leading
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Sitting and devising I be steady analyzing
I be always supervising Can't trust niggas who be lying
I be mobilizing Yeah we on the uprising
Yeah we be overlying Yeah this shit be appetizing
High intelligence, that's what's relevant Get your money and make it elegant
I don't play around I make it evident So don't waste my time if you're irrelevant
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Stand up, devising Sit down, devising
Walking, devising Talking, Devising
Will Smith reveals why he turned down massive movie role - Duration: 4:14.The star reveals that he turned down the lead role of Neo in 1999 sci-fi smash The Matrix — a role that later went to Keanu Reeves
"This is one of them stories I'm not proud of, but it's the truth," Smith says in a candid video posted to his official YouTube channel this week
He explains that the offer came during a "crazy time" in his career: 1996 box office behemoth Independence Day had catapulted him to movie star status
The following year, he took some convincing to star in Men In Black. "I was like, 'I'm not doing another alien movie, I don't want to be the alien movie guy'," he recalls
He filmed Men in Black — another huge success. A year later, he was offered The Matrix, the brainchild of up and coming twin sibling filmmakers The Wachowskis
"They came in and made a pitch for The Matrix. As it turns out, they're geniuses
But there's a fine line in a pitch meeting between genius and what I experienced in the meeting," Smith says
The actor then impersonates the siblings in their pitch meeting, struggling to coherently explain their vision for the striking visual effect known as "bullet time" scene in The Matrix's most iconic scenes
"So dude, we're thinking, like, imagine you're in a fight, and you jump. Imagine if you could stop in the middle of the jump
But then people could see around you 360 (degrees) while you jumping. And then we're gonna invent these cameras, and people gon' see the whole jump when you're in the middle of the jump," Smith recalls the Wachowskis telling him
The pitch left him cold — so Smith made Western action comedy Wild, Wild West instead, a decision he said he's "not proud of
" The film was savaged by the critics and a rare box office disappointment for the star, who says he felt like apologising to the public once it hit cinemas
Still: No regrets. "Keanu was perfect. Laurence Fishburne (who played Morpheus) was perfect
If I had done it, because I'm black, then Morpheus wouldn't have been black — they were looking at Val Kilmer
I probably would've messed The Matrix up. I did y'all a favour!" Watch Smith recount his biggest career misstep below:
Royal Az - 'Breakfast in Bed' and 'Sweet Love Notes': Inside Meghan Markle's Perfect Valentine's Da - Duration: 4:20.When it comes to romance, Meghan Markle doesn't hold back. Thanks to her former love of social media and her now defunct lifestyle website, The Tig, the Duchess of Sussex has given us major insight into her romantic side
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
Meghan, who is expecting her first child in the spring with husband Prince Harry, once wrote: "Without fail, every February 14th, I wake up feeling like I'm immersed in a Robert Doisneau photo, waiting with bated breath to be dipped into a kiss
This is all happening in black and white, of course. And in Paris, if I had my way
But delusions of francophile grandeur aside, Valentine's Day is special wherever you happen to find yourself
And in terms of gifts, be it breakfast in bed, a sweet love note, or a single flower, it really is the thought that counts
" And it doesn't stop with Valentine's Day. Meghan admitted she enjoys finding little ways to share her love every day
"If given the option between fingers to keyboard, or pen to paper, I will always choose the latter," she once wrote on The Tig
"Because amongst the throwback things that I love (a '62 porsche speedster à la Dylan McKay in 90210, a bevy of Vargas girls, a Busby Berkeley film, or cooking over a charcoal grill), what trumps all is my love of writing (and receiving) a handwritten note
" "Let's discuss the simple pleasures in life: holding someone's hand so seamlessly that you can't decipher their fingers from your own, fresh baked bread smeared with briny French butter, a smile that says you are endlessly adored, the sizzle and smell of sautéing onions, and finding the perfect book
" "Perhaps it's the girly girl in me. Maybe it's the fact that if given the choice between punk and pretty, I will always vote for pretty
For women looking like ladies. For the opportunity to wow with class and grace and fairytale level ball gown beauty
" "Some days you have a bite of food that makes you go 'woah.' Your eyes widen, you look down at the plate, almost pushing things around with your fork to see what's making it so special
You take another bite, smiling as you do so, almost laughing, because it's just so damn good
" "There's nothing like a jewel box-sized restaurant to add to the intimacy and coziness of a night out — because, let's be honest — some the best meals of our lives have less to do with the food specifically, and more to do with the overall experience; the space being high on the list
" "It's easy to grab another T-shirt for your man — but you'll likely steal it for PJs anyway
Instead, give him something creative that he'll actually enjoy." "[I] think it's safe to say that we all fall in love a little bit every day
Be it with your partner, your crush, even a person in passing that energetically makes your heart go pitter pat
Whatever the case may be, when you meet someone that makes you beam, you must take note
Plans for new library cause commotion in South Roanoke - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
"햄은 역시 토튼햄이지!"···아재 개그 후 '현타' 와 부끄러워 어쩔 줄 몰라하는 손흥민 - Duration: 3:21.김한솔 기자 = "햄은 역시 토튼햄이지!" 원치 않은 '아재 개그'를 한 뒤 자괴감에 빠진 손흥민의 모습이 웃음을 안긴다.
지난 14일 유튜브 채널 'Shoot for Love 슛포러브'는 손흥민의 런던 라이프를 최초 공개하게 된 비하인드 스토리를 전했다.
영상은 손흥민의 런던 라이프를 연출한 면도기 광고 제작기로, 슛포러브 제작진이 그에게 다양한 지시사항을 전달하는 모습이 담겼다.
먼저 손흥민은 제작진으로부터 묘기에 가까운 일들을 지시받았다.
빵을 토스터기에 던져 넣는가 하면 계란을 한 번에 뒤집는 등이 바로 그것이다.
대망의 햄 촬영 장면에서는 모두를 '빵' 터지게 하는 비밀 대사가 숨어있었다. 슛포러브 제작진은 손흥민에게 "햄은 역시 토튼햄이지!"라는 대사를 요청했다.
'토튼햄'이란 토트넘을 이르는 말이지만 여기에 '햄'이 강조되면서 아재 개그가 완성된 것이다.
손흥민은 이 대사를 듣고 당황하면서도 웃음을 참지 못했다.
이어 해당 멘트를 곱씹으며 "누가 짰느냐"는 분노를 표출(?)하기도 했다.
본 영상에서 손흥민은 이 대사를 아무렇지 않은 척 시도했지만, 멘트 직후 자괴감에 빠진 듯 고개를 들지 못했다.
그는 "아 미치겠다"며 부끄러워해 여성팬들의 마음을 사로잡았다.
또 손흥민은 "아침을 먹어야겠다" 등의 오그라드는 대사를 연습하며 발연기도 시도했다.
이 모습을 본 누리꾼들은 "너무 귀엽다", "아재 개그여도 손흥민이라 잘 소화했다", "SON연기 잘했다" 등의 댓글을 달며 응원했다.
한편 손흥민은 최근 아시안컵 이후 소속팀에 복귀하자마자 왓포드, 뉴캐슬, 레스터시티, 도르트문트를 상대로 네 경기 연속 골을 터뜨리며 절정의 기량을 뽐내고 있다.
The best cheesy Valentines from around the NFL - Duration: 4:08.11:02 AM ETJeremy WillisESPN.com FacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint Can't you feel the love around the NFL? It's Valentine's Day, of course, and NFL teams are certainly in the spirit
Whether you think the holiday is a corporate creation or the day to share your deepest affections and sentiment, we can all enjoy a candy heart and a cheesy pun
The Atlanta Falcons, living up to their reputation as the league's leading Casanova, has won the day, sending cards to every other team
Here are some of the Falcons' heart-shaped best: pic.twitter.com/bHwfhFdLsJ— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/lt27sURgMj— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/vvFyiSXifh— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/7rPxLALGwF— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/yRuZNbj8uk— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/IY2HcXWcTu— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/cYzjqYVX1Q— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/z1jYPlGU3h— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/sIXqhshhLf— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 pic
twitter.com/kSVdKazB9q— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) February 14, 2019 It's hard to compete with Atlanta, but others around the NFL tried:Happy #Valentines Day, #CowboysNation!Be sure to tag that special someone! 💘 pic
twitter.com/YFlCSf4ACO— Dallas Cowboys (@dallascowboys) February 14, 2019 Happy #ValentinesDay! We love you, #ChiefsKingdom
pic.twitter.com/vwRk4YpuHv— Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) February 14, 2019 Even more Big Blue #ValentinesDay cards! pic
twitter.com/lAtVvDgZse— New York Giants (@Giants) February 14, 2019 Spread love today 💙#ValentinesDay pic
twitter.com/oO8L5IPY0R— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) February 14, 2019 Happy #ValentinesDay Saints fans! pic
twitter.com/2gNHAGaNOI— New Orleans Saints (@Saints) February 14, 2019 The perfect cards for your special someone
#ValentinesDay pic.twitter.com/VsXgTRezSu— New York Jets (@nyjets) February 14, 2019 We're a hot topic
pic.twitter.com/rsHOaRBPdi— Chicago Bears (@ChicagoBears) February 14, 2019 Be sure to hold your loved ones close this #ValentinesDay! 🧡 pic
twitter.com/fxwbbRFxII— Cleveland Browns (@Browns) February 14, 2019 We Vike you a lot, #Vikings fans 💜Happy #ValentinesDay! pic
twitter.com/AeIyDLxwoN— Minnesota Vikings (@Vikings) February 14, 2019 Nothing but ❤️ for #DUUUVAL pic
twitter.com/812rzwZCPh— #DUUUVAL (@Jaguars) February 14, 2019 Happy #ValentinesDay! 🖤💛 pic
twitter.com/EvU7Vh6Pnl— Pittsburgh Steelers (@steelers) February 14, 2019 Those three little words every #Packers fan loves to hear on #ValentinesDay "Go Pack Go" 💚💛 pic
twitter.com/SKhW5Qk2qc— Green Bay Packers (@packers) February 14, 2019 This #ValentinesDay, celebrate with the ones you love
#FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/XruiSBq1dw— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) February 14, 2019 Happy #ValentinesDay! Out here
pic.twitter.com/oYjpGhvUNh— Detroit Lions (@Lions) February 14, 2019 Happy Valentines Day, Bolt Fam
💕 pic.twitter.com/SeJBVcjk8c— Los Angeles Chargers (@Chargers) February 14, 2019
How to Propagate Purple Flower Plant "Mona Lavender" or "Plectranthus" WITH UPDATE //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 7:16.welcome back to my channel
in this video
i'm going to show you how to propagate mona lavender plant
i'm going to propagate the plant by stem cuttings
cut the stem with a sharp knife or blade just below the last leaf pair
here the stem cuttings are ready to pot
i'm going to use some small plastic cups to plant these cuttings
i just put the coco peat in the cup for potting
place the cutting in the coco peat
after planting , water them immediately
and keep the soil moist until the cutting is growing strongly
after two weeks
we can see the results
we can see the roots
all the mona lavender cuttings have grown well
now ready to transplanting
use equal part of coco peat and garden soil or sand and some natural compost
and then re plant them in the potting soil
after potting water them completely
and then water them once in a week
do not pour much water because mona lavender prefers dry to average moisture levels with very well-drained soil
and place them or grow in partial shady areas
thanks for watching
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