Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

 Comencemos por decir que llamar las cosas por su nombre no es algo malo. Decir "celulitis" no debería venir cargado de una connotación negativa, aunque la sociedad nos haya hecho creer lo contrario

De la misma forma deberíamos poder decir sin pena tengo acné, tengo estrías, tengo celulitis

Porque somos humanos, porque así son nuestros cuerpos y porque es natural.  Pero regresemos al tema que nos trajo aquí en primer lugar, Selena Gomez

Hace unos días hablamos sobre cómo se dejó ver en playas mexicanas: rodeada de amigas, viviendo su mejor vida y presumiendo su celulitis

Aplaudimos el mensaje de #bodypositivity que dio con estas imágenes aunque algunos de nuestros seguidores señalaron que habíamos juzgado las imágenes con demasiado escrutinio y que hablar de su celulitis "estaba fuera de lugar"

 Ahora, hablemos de la relevancia de este momento.  No es ninguna casualidad que esas fotografías hayan llegado a las redes

Es una realidad que todos los mers revisan con lupa cada foto que suben y cuando se trata de una celebridad, ¡ni hablar! cada detalle está perfectamente cuidado

Además, Selena Gomez ha declarado antes que ni siquiera tiene en su celular, por lo que es probable que alguien más lo haga por ella, lo cual significa que han pasado por un filtro más además de su propia aprobación

 Su cuerpo tan natural como luce en las imágenes, es intencional y ahí es donde se encuentra el mensaje positivo

¿Y qué importa si tiene celulitis?  ¡Exactamente! Es el mensaje que ha transmitido

En las fotografías Selena aparece con un cuerpo perfectamente natural, sin retoques, demostrando perfección sin ser perfecta y esas pequeñas marcas de celulitis gritan al mundo ¡soy una mujer real, como tú! El poder de la influencia  Es importante decir que por más de dos años, Selena fue la persona más seguida en

En octubre 2018, Cristiano Ronaldo rompió su récord, pero actualmente se mantiene como la segunda persona con más followers con 145 millones

Es importante que Selena use su relevancia e influencia para enseñarnos que está bien ser normal

Querernos y presumirnos como somos. Sus fans lo agradecen  El mensaje de body positivity ha quedado claro para sus seguidores y se lo han agradecido en los comentarios

 "¡El cuerpo real y hermoso! Gracias por enseñarnos la belleza pura en vez belleza falsa" escribió @butterfly

radi "Esta foto me enseñó que las celebridades con belleza NATURAL existen".   I know I'm not the only one  Selena Gomez no es la única que intentó mostrar aceptación esta semana

Sam Smith se unió subiendo una foto de él sin camisa en la que expresó que nunca se había sentido cómodo haciéndolo hasta que decidió deshacerse de sus inseguridades y aceptar su cuerpo y sus curvas tal y como son

 *Aplausos a las celebs reales del siglo XXI*

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - ¿Por qué es importante hablar de (y aplaudir) la celulitis de Selena Gomez? - Duration: 2:04.


New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.

okay guys so today we have the Dyna rivals destroy and devour and dumbness

wrecks who have slash action war action devour action New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

he is totally awesome there he is in the blocks opens his mouth way up you got

the controls on the tail you have arm controls here for grabbing action

similar to the in the Raptor but at a much bigger scale you can see compared

to my hand there I mean this is one awesome figure in a big open box and it

has really cool sound and if you look at the back of it it lights up destroy and

devour and dumbness wreck so there is some of the other ones you could get and

fall time there is is card there he is in size comparison to Owen so you can

see this is a huge figure so I think we should go ahead and open her up and

check her out okay and here she is out of the box

we're gonna go ahead and start with the head here you could open its mouth up

with your hand it does light up inside it will swallow like full-sized action

figures or smaller dinos there there you can see the size of the head the head

does also move up and down you have the controls in the tail similar

the t-rex there you can see chomping and grabbing action you've got the spikes on

top on top here you have one action button here you've got the other action

button in the back there and I mean this is overall just such an awesome figure

compared to the one Hasbro made you got full movement sideways movement on the

arms you could move the arms up and down so you could get different grabbing

action there you have slashing action noise there and that means the detail

this is about the same size as the regular indominus rex from Hasbro but

the detail is astounding especially compared to Hasbro I mean Mattel did a

fabulous job with this I have reviewed every single indominus rex as ever out

there and none of them come close to this one I mean it is just totally

awesome check that out and the action in the tail lets you create a lot of cool

videos new for 2019 this is our destroying deflower indominus rex this

is a larger scale future dinosaur she has activation on the tail as well

as the back we also have authentic sounds from the head as well as the arms

the back as well as forward button activates those dagger like claws as

well as moving outside the town most importantly about the institution devour

and ominous Rex we can have her bend down to pick up prey she brings them up

we open up the jaw and she gobbles come down and do it pro that's very cool now

you'll see a grand LED light in her throat that's one to give a syllable

I was head of human figures it's much more see yeah I should have brought some

of mine it's it's just like watching a lizard slow down it leaves a weird

feeling great do we talk or just do the actress yeah Eve actions fuck yeah you

good bend her down okay that was perfect

okay yep okay that was perfect perfect first time I've done that so click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want

For more infomation >> New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.


Diseños internacionales: revelan detalles de los exclusivos looks de los animadores de Viña 2019 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Diseños internacionales: revelan detalles de los exclusivos looks de los animadores de Viña 2019 - Duration: 4:44.


Pedro Sánchez busca el aval de las urnas a su diálogo con Quim Torra - Duration: 12:33.

 España se sienta de nuevo en el diván el próximo 28 de abril. Para analizarse, para aclararse, para saber hacía dónde va

El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, anunció ayer la convocatoria de elecciones el último domingo de abril con el propósito de escrutar a un país que en los últimos tiempos resulta indescifrable

La imposibilidad de aprobar unos nuevos Presupuestos ha precipitado el final del Ejecutivo socialista y ha abierto un largo proceso electoral con una llamada a las urnas en dos meses consecutivos

Apenas un mes después, el 26 de mayo, se celebran europeas, autonómicas y municipales

Los españoles podrán pronunciarse y, según el presidente, «lo que decidan siempre, siempre, siempre será un acierto»

 Acaba así una legislatura, de la más singulares de la democracia, que ha conocido dos presidentes -Mariano Rajoy y Pedro Sánchez- y que fue alumbrada tras dos comicios sucesivos, los de diciembre de 2015 y los de junio de 2016

Y en los que, por primera vez, un Ejecutivo alcanzó La Moncloa gracias a una moción de censura

 Consciente de que «sin presupuesto no se puede gobernar», Sánchez reunió ayer de manera extraordinaria al Consejo de Ministros y habló con el Rey para comunicarle la fecha de unas elecciones cuyos primeros días de campaña discurrirán en Semana Santa

El 5 de marzo se disolverán las Cortes Generales con la publicación del decreto de convocatoria y la campaña electoral comenzará el 12 de abril de madrugada

 Pero prácticamente desde ya los votantes estarán sometidos al bombardeo electoral

Están en juego muchas cosas pero, como nunca, la idea de qué es España. El presidente lo asumió ayer sin ambages

«¿Qué España queremos? La derecha con sus tres partidos entiende que en España sólo caben ellos

Nosotros defendemos una España distinta, en la que caben todos. Esa es la gran diferencia entre la foto de la plaza de Colón (la manifestación contra él impulsada por PP, Ciudadanos y Vox) y lo que defiende esta Gobierno»

En un lado, un «155 permanente» para Cataluña y, en el otro, la apertura de un diálogo con los independentistas que desemboque en un acuerdo dentro de los límites de la Constitución, según su disyuntiva

Una apuesta por la polarización como la que en su día Mariano Rajoy buscó con Podemos

 El veto de ERC y PDeCAT a sus cuentas, tras intentar la búsqueda de una salida política negociada y aceptar exigencias como una mesa de partidos ajena a las instituciones y un mediador, ha puesto en bandeja a Sánchez situarse en el medio de estos dos extremos y apostar «por el sentido común y la moderación»

Este es el espacio que el PSOE se dispone a ocupar. «El Gobierno tiene programa, lo ha escrito blanco sobre negro en los Presupuestos, nadie puede decirle que cedió al chantaje de los separatistas porque le han tumbado la legislatura», sostienen desde el Ejecutivo

Explotarán eso. "Hay derrotas parlamentarias que son victorias" El partido, por primera vez en muchos meses, le acompaña

El hecho de no haber alcanzado ningún pacto con el independentismo ha dado oxígeno a Sánchez y también a sus barones, que firman ahora una tregua hasta que se desvele el resultado electoral

«Hay derrotas parlamentarias que son victorias a veces», defendió en su intervención en La Moncloa

«Ahora mismo, la política necesita salir de este bloqueo en el que lo han sumido los extremos»

 Hasta Susana Díaz le ha respaldado públicamente y ha pedido que «todo el mundo tome nota de lo que pasó el 2 de diciembre» en Andalucía, donde la «derecha del PP y de Ciudadanos han unido sus votos a la extrema derecha de Vox, a la que pretenden blanquear»

Por ello pidió para que el 28 de abril haya una «movilización importante», especialmente «de quienes en su momento se quedaron en su casa porque pensaban que eso no era posible, pero ha sido posible»

 Con Andalucía, no como síntoma de hacia dónde camina la sociedad española sino como antídoto de lo que puede ocurrir, los socialistas afrontan unos comicios en los que esperan aglutinar el voto útil del centro izquierda para frenar un pacto a la andaluza que daría poder nacional a Vox

«Toda elección es importante y ésta mucho más», indicó ayer Sánchez». «Apelaremos a la movilización y a la máxima participación porque eso dará una legitimidad parlamentaria y social al resultado»

Moncloa tiene encuestas que le dan 110-120 escaños El presidente busca en las urnas el refrendo al «giro social» que, en su opinión, ha representado su proyecto, pese a sus escasos diez meses de duración en el Gobierno

«España es un país con un problema fundamental, que es la desigualdad. Social, de género e intergeneracional»

 Moncloa tiene en su poder encuestas que otorgan al PSOE entre 110 y 120 diputados y avalan la opción de poder gobernar únicamente con el PNV y con Podemos

Pero en estos momentos, tan lejos aún de la cita con las urnas, el presidente no excluye nada

Ayer apenas hizo algún reproche a los independentistas e insistió que nunca renunciará al diálogo: «Para resolver nuestras desavenencias y, sin duda alguna, la crisis territorial»

Ni descartó, a preguntas de los periodistas, volver a conformar una mayoría más amplia con su participación ni hacerlo con Ciudadanos

«Dejemos que hablen los españoles», dijo sobre las alternativas de pactos poselectorales

 El PSOE y el Gobierno no ven imposible que Ciudadanos acabe apoyándoles si su resultado es bueno y Vox entra en el Congreso como elefante en cacharrería a costa del PP

«¿Qué hará entonces Rivera?», defienden. No obstante, Cs parece resuelto a exportar el pacto de Andalucía a nivel nacional mientras mantiene el veto al PSOE de Sánchez

«Cada uno elige los amigos con los que ir», dijo el presidente tras censurar que le pongan un «cordón sanitario» a él y «no a la ultraderecha»

Dos bazas: situarse en el centro y contra "las derechas" Los socialistas, a tenor de estos primeros apuntes, jugaran sus bazas en dos ejes

Uno, situándose en el centro, entre los independentistas y los partidos de la derecha

Y dos, proyectándose como alternativa y freno al acuerdo entre PP, Cs y Vox. En ambos casos, la apelación al voto útil operará en contra de los intereses electorales de Podemos

 El PSOE, además, hará un campaña con gran incidencia en la búsqueda del voto femenino, al que el PP parece haber renunciado con su acercamiento a los argumentos de Vox y la defensa de Pablo Casado de volver a la ley de supuestos del aborto de 1985

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero edificó su mayoría parlamentaria sobre el voto de las mujeres en un momento de radicalización del PP, en la primera etapa de Rajoy

Sánchez pide ahora su confianza. «Y lo que decidan bien decidido está».

For more infomation >> Pedro Sánchez busca el aval de las urnas a su diálogo con Quim Torra - Duration: 12:33.



For more infomation >> MY FIRST 1000 SUBSCRIBERS! LOVE YOU ALL - Duration: 0:45.


làm gì để giảm cân sau tết/GIẢM BÉO - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> làm gì để giảm cân sau tết/GIẢM BÉO - Duration: 9:08.


Dura crítica de Claudia Villafañe a Maradona: "Diego no vio a Dalma embarazada" - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Dura crítica de Claudia Villafañe a Maradona: "Diego no vio a Dalma embarazada" - Duration: 3:25.


RTVE, reforma constitucional, ley 'mordaza'... promesas incumplidas - Duration: 10:54.

 La decisión de Pedro Sánchez de adelantar las elecciones generales al 28 de abril supone un final abrupto para la legislatura

La actividad en el Congreso de los Diputados se interrumpirá el próximo 5 de marzo y muchas iniciativas quedaran varadas, inacabadas, pese a que algunas de ellas llevan meses siendo debatidas por los partidos y se encuentran en fase final para su aprobación -por ejemplo los cambios en la ley mordaza o la ley de muerte digna-

 Además, ocurre que muchas de estas iniciativas políticas que no se materializarán en nada son grandes apuestas de Pedro Sánchez, algunas de las credenciales con las que impregnó su llegada a La Moncloa

Ayer, en la intervención donde anunció las elecciones, aludió a varias de ellas, y a otras muchas medidas que están en marcha en el Congreso y que ahora quedan sepultadas

«Un Gobierno con una firme vocación [.] dar una respuesta colectiva a los desafíos que tenemos: la despoblación» En septiembre, la ministra de Política Territorial y de Función Pública, Meritxell Batet, anunció que la Estrategia Nacional frente al Reto Demográfico, con la que el Ejecutivo pretendía «paliar» el problema de la despoblación y el envejecimiento, estaba previsto que se aprobara en la primavera de 2019

Por tanto, no verá la luz.«Planeamos garantizar una RTVE pública objetiva y plural» El PSOE fue uno de los defensores del concurso público, que se ha demostrado como un gran fiasco

El Gobierno, ante el estancamiento y la demora del proceso, lanzó un decreto para nombrar de forma paralela un consejo de administración provisional, que no obtuvo el respaldo en el Congreso

Así, Sánchez se vio forzado a designar una administradora provisional, Rosa María Mateo, que se perpetua en el cargo

El comité de expertos valoró a los candidatos y los calificó, figurando una lista de 20 nombres finales

Pero varios de ellos han recurrido el concurso. No se ha avanzado más. Así, hasta los trabajadores de RTVE muestran su hartazgo y exigen que se resuelva ya

«Impulso a dos reformas constitucionales, que han sido largamente pedidas»  El gabinete de Pedro Sánchez se ha mostrado desde el principio partidario de reformar la Constitución

Una de sus medidas estrella fue el anuncio de la supresión de los aforamientos. Tras meses de rodeos, fue aprobada por el Consejo de Ministros en noviembre

Suponía que miembros del Gobierno, diputados y senadores perderán el aforamiento respecto a delitos en su vida privada

No se llevará a cabo. A día de hoy, el plazo de enmiendas se extendía hasta el 18 de febrero

Asimismo, el Ejecutivo aprobó eliminar el término «disminuido» de la Constitución y sustituirlo por «persona con discapacidad»

El Congreso comenzó a trabajar en ello, y, de hecho, se decidió ir más allá y reforzar la protección de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad

Pero no dará tiempo. «Se ha bloqueado la derogación de la ley mordaza»  La mayoría de PP y Cs en la Mesa del Congreso -órgano rector de la Cámara- sí mantuvo bloqueada la reforma de la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, conocida como Ley mordaza, con peticiones de prorrogar para presentar mejoras al texto

Pero Cs la desbloqueó en febrero de 2018. El Congreso inició los trabajos, que se encuentran en fase ponencia, es decir, en la tarea de elaborar un informe final que vote la Cámara

Pero estos trabajos se suspenderán con la convocatoria electoral. La promesa de Sánchez fue derogar esta normativo, aunque luego se conformó coeliminar el núcleo duro, los artículos más polémicos

«Poniendo fin a un Gobierno asediado, como he dicho antes, por la corrupción» La condena al PP por Gürtel desencadenó la moción de censura que desalojó a Mariano Rajoy llevó a La Moncloa a Pedro Sánchez

La oposición (PSOE, Podemos y Cs) creó una comisión de investigación sobre la financiación irregular del PP -la caja B, los papeles de Bárcenas

-, con la que han pretendido acorralar a los populares y a la que han citado a dirigentes como José María Aznar, Esperanza Aguirre, María Dolores de Cospedal

Esta semana, PP y PSOE se aliaron para no citar a Rajoy y empezar ya a elaborar el informe final de conclusiones

No está claro que puedan acabarlo. El final de la legislatura, además, impedirá poner en marcha en el Senado la comisión de investigación sobre la tesis de Pedro Sánchez, auspiciada por la mayoría absoluta del PP en esta Cámara, tras la dudas generadas por su autoría

«Se ha bloqueado la tramitación de la ley la eutanasia» Es cierto que el PP y Cs han bloqueado en la Mesa del Congreso la propuesta del PSOE de despenalizar la eutanasia

Sin embargo, sí avanzó en su trámite parlamentario la conocida como ley de muerte digna

De hecho, fue aprobada por el Congreso y tan sólo está pendiente de ratificación por el Senado

Las predicciones situaban el 1 de abril como fecha para que esta Cámara la tramitara

Una normativa con muchos meses de trabajo detrás y que se quedará, ésta sí de verdad, a las puertas

Decaerá y no valdrá el trabajo realizado. «Se han aprobado 13 leyes en el Congreso de los Diputados y más de 25 Reales Decretos Ley» Aunque la fragmentación política ha ralentizado, e incluso adormecido el trabajo parlamentario, es cierto que se han aprobado cosas

En concreto, en esta legislatura 15 proyectos de ley; 17 proposiciones de ley, 52 reales decretos ley o siete leyes orgánicas

Pero se trata de una recolecta escasa, comparada con otras legislaturas. Entre 2011 y 2015 se aprobaron 160 proyectos de ley; 76 reales decretos ley o 41 leyes orgánicas

En esta legislatura, la XII, en el Congreso se han presentado 66.864 iniciativas, lejos de las 105

341 de la X legislatura; las 122.650 de la IX o las 161.593 de la VIII.

For more infomation >> RTVE, reforma constitucional, ley 'mordaza'... promesas incumplidas - Duration: 10:54.


[OPEN] Battlewinner's Art Raffle - Duration: 1:23.

Welcome one and all!

...I have no better way to start this video

You're here for my art raffle, which means you're either one of our 77 subscribers, or you've found our advertising.

Either way, thanks for being here. But you don't care about all this, you're here for the free art.

Without further ado, here's how you can enter.

Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in your disqualification.

StEp OnE

Post this picture somewhere.

Link to download in the description.

Most likely you're watching this video from the picture's link, and that's precisely the point.

Make sure that you can provide proof that you've reposted it, preferably with a link to where you posted it.


Write a comment including the link to your reposted picture and a link to the character you would like drawn.

I can do dragons cats or humans or anything similar to those species.


Tell a friend!

Yes, I have no way of knowing if you do this, but please do, okay? It does help.

I'll check all your links and reply to you a number and letter combination if you're accepted.

This is because there will be three winners to this, one being the dragon-like character, another being the cat-like character, and the other being the human.

If any category goes without an entry, it will be replaced with another dragon-like winner.

Should this raffle get a lot of entries, there could be more winners, but I won't confirm anything just yet.

That brings this really quick video to a close, please do join the raffle, as you really have nothing to lose, right?

Spread the word, and subscribe to PewDiePie.

For more infomation >> [OPEN] Battlewinner's Art Raffle - Duration: 1:23.


No se guardó nada: Ignacio Lastra habló de sus opciones de ingresar al nuevo reality de Mega - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> No se guardó nada: Ignacio Lastra habló de sus opciones de ingresar al nuevo reality de Mega - Duration: 4:51.


Actualité TV - «Le rêve d'un fou» lui avait été envoyé peu de temps avant sa disparition: découvrez - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - «Le rêve d'un fou» lui avait été envoyé peu de temps avant sa disparition: découvrez - Duration: 1:55.


Meghan Royals Es - El dictador Nicolás Maduro llamó a los militares a preparar un "plan especial de - Duration: 3:34.

El dictador de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, llamó este viernes a militares a preparar un "plan especial de despliegue" en la frontera con Colombia frente a lo que denunció como "planes de guerra" de los gobiernos de Donald Trump e Iván Duque

Maduro, en un acto con el alto mando de la Fuerza Armada, pidió evaluar "qué nuevas fuerzas" son necesarias para que "sea inviolable, imbatible, inexpugnable, la frontera"

"¡Eso es para ya!", clamó. "No estoy exagerando. Anunciaron en la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump e Iván Duque, planes de guerra contra Venezuela", expresó el gobernante socialista al referirse a un encuentro sostenido por los presidentes de Estados Unidos y Colombia, el miércoles, en Washington

Al inicio de la reunión con Duque, Trump ratificó que considera "todas las opciones" ante la crisis en Venezuela y advirtió que Maduro comete un "terrible error" al impedir el ingreso al país petrolero de cargamentos de alimentos y medicinas en ayuda humanitaria

Más temprano, este viernes, Maduro calificó de "migajas" de "comida podrida" la asistencia enviada por Estados Unidos a Colombia a solicitud de Juan Guaidó, opositor jefe del Parlamento que ha sido reconocido por medio centenar de países como presidente interino de Venezuela

El gobierno chavista considera la ayuda humanitaria como el primer paso de una invasión militar encabezada por Estados Unidos

Un cargamento de medicinas y alimentos está almacenado desde el 7 de febrero en Cúcuta (ciudad colombiana fronteriza con Venezuela), cerca de un puente bloqueado por militares venezolanos con contenedores de carga, un camión cisterna y otros obstáculos

Guaidó asegura que esa asistencia ingresará "sí o sí" el 23 de febrero, cuando cumplirá un mes de haberse proclamado luego de que el Legislativo declarase "usurpador" a Maduro al denunciar su reelección como "fraudulenta"

Maduro acusó al opositor de 35 años de ser "títere" de Trump y un "Judas". Este viernes, en una videoconferencia transmitida en vivo vía Instagram, Duque prometió a Guaidó apoyarle de "manera decidida" para el paso de la asistencia por la frontera

Con información de AFP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: La OEA advirtió que no están dadas las condiciones para convocar en el corto plazo a elecciones libres y transparentes en Venezuela Aviones militares de los Estados Unidos llevarán más ayuda humanitaria a la frontera con Venezuela EEUU sancionó a cinco funcionarios venezolanos "cercanos al ex presidente Maduro"

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - El dictador Nicolás Maduro llamó a los militares a preparar un "plan especial de - Duration: 3:34.


Meghan Royals Es - "Green Book", nominada al Oscar como mejor película, entre lo más destacado de l - Duration: 4:46.

Green book: una amistad sin fronteras Género: Drama, Comedia Dirección: Peter Farrelly Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años Duración: 130 minutos Sinopsis: En los años 60 cuando Tony Lip (Vigo Mortensen quien se pone en la piel de Aragorn en El señor de los anillos) es un italoamericano que trabaja de guardia en un club nocturno de Nueva York

Desafortunadamente lo despiden y en la búsqueda de un nuevo empleo, Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali, quien hace de Juan en Moonlight), un exitoso pianista lo contrata

Este nuevo desafío llevará a Tony a recorrer todo Estados Unidos por la gira musical de su jefe y entre un público estricto, Lip se enfrentará a los prejuicios raciales de la época

Battle Angel Género: Acción, Romance Dirección: Robert Rodriguez Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años Duración: 125 minutos Sinopsis: Ambientada en el siglo XXVI, los creadores de Avatar presentan una ciencia ficción que mezcla acción real y personajes animados

Battle Angel narra la historia de Alita (interpretada por Rosa Salazar, Lucy en BirdBox) una cyborg semihumano quien es rescatada de la chatarra por el científico Dr Dyson Ido que la reconstruye y la adopta como su hija

Mientras que Alita va creciendo, no cabe duda que tiene habilidades fuera de lo normal y para probar estos dones se pone a prueba para obtener respuestas sobre su origen

Sin poder recordar su pasado y con mucha voluntad de averiguarlo, la cyborg inicia una aventura en la búsqueda de la verdad en una batalla que cambiará el mundo

Feliz día de tu muerte 2 Género: Terror, Misterio, Thriller Dirección: Christopher Landon Clasificación: apta para mayores de 13 años Duración: 100 minutos Sinopsis: Dos años más tarde, Tree nuevamente accede en un bucle temporal para averiguar la causa por el cual entró en primer lugar en una serie de eventos inesperados

Además debe enfrentarse con Lori que luego de resucitar por el bucle, regresa en busca de la venganza Tampoco tan grandes Género: Comedia Dirección: Federico Sosa Calificación:apto para mayores de 13 años Duración: 79 minutos Sinopsis: Lola recibe una llamada inesperada y se entera que su padre acaba de morir

A un mes de su casamiento, la protagonista termina en un viaje con su ex novio, la hermana de él y la pareja de su papá

Escape Room sin salida Género: thriller Dirección: Adam Robitel Calificación: apta para mayores de 16 años Duración: 100 minutos Sinopsis: seis personas están atrapados en un "escape room"

Nadie sabe cuál es la razón por la que están encerrados en estas habitaciones y el creador de ellas puso una trampa mortal en cada uno de los cuartos

Lo único que saben las víctimas es que el mínimo error que cometan les valdrá la vida

La gran aventura Lego 2 Género: Acción, Aventura, Animación, Comedia, Familia Dirección: Mike Mitchell y Trisha Gum Calificación: apta para todo público Duración: 106 minutos Sinopsis: pasaron cinco años desde su estreno que logró emocionar a todo su público

Ahora, los LEGOS deberán enfrentar una amenaza. Los villanos LEGO Duplo, provenientes del espacio exterior, llegarán para destruir todo, sin la posibilidad de que los ciudadanos puedan reconstruirlo

Esta guerra provocará que Emmet (voz interpretada por Chris Pratt), Lucy (Elizabeth Bank) y Batman (Will Arnett) descubran mundos desconocidos y encuentren una nueva galaxia musical

La favorita Género: comedia Dirección: Yorgos Lanthimos Calificación: apta para mayores de 16 años Duración: 120 minutos Sinopsis: en el siglo XVIII Inglaterra está en guerra contra Francia

Durante esta crisis el trono lo ocupa la reina Ana pero ella se encuentra en un grave estado de salud

Lady Sarah Churchill, la íntima amiga de la reina, se hace cargo de ella y gobierna el país

Abigail Mash llega al palacio para cumplir el rol como criada. Con su simpatía se gana el amor de Sarah y, gracias a la afinidad que comparten, Abigail aprovecha para tomar la posibilidad de volver a sus raíces aristocráticas

A lo largo de esta estrecha amistad, la criada busca cumplir sus ambiciones sin que nada ni nadie se interponga en su camino

El tío Género: drama Dirección: Eugenia Sueiro Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años Duración: 76 minutos Sinopsis: Dalmiro (César Bordón) tiene una disciplina rutinaria hasta que sufre la muerte de su hermano

A causa de esta triste pérdida debe enfrentar una nueva vida: ocuparse de sus sobrinos, su cuñada, de una deuda y de un viaje

¿Podrá el tío manejar toda esta situación? Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 3 Género: Animación, Familia, Aventura Dirección: Dean DeBlois Calificación: apta para todo público Duración: 104 minutos Sinopsis: la preferida de los niños regresa con su tercera parte

El comienzo de esta saga empezó con una rara amistad entre un adolescente vikingo y un dragón

 Hipo y Chimuelo encontraran sus nuevos caminos: ser el jefe del pueblo y gobernante de Berk a lado de Astrid y por el lado del dragón, ser el líder de su raza

Como los dos están en un buen puesto, se tendrán que enfrentar a la Furia Luminosa que evaluará esta fuerte amistad

El regreso de Mary Poppins Género: Fantasía, Música, Familia Dirección:  Rob Marshall Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años Duración: 130 minutos Sinopsis: la niñera mágica volverá a la vida de los niños Banks que ahora son unos jóvenes adultos y tendrá que recuperar la felicidad que desapareció en la vida de los hermanos por causa de la pérdida de un ser querido

Somos una familia Género: Drama Dirección: Hirokazu Kore-eda Calificación: apta para mayores de 16 años Duración: 120 minutos Sinopsis: esta película japonesa que está nominada para los Oscars cuenta la historia de Osamu y su hijo, quienes descubren a una pequeña en el medio de un frío glacial

Osamu y su esposa acceden a cuidar a esta niña a pesar de que sean una familia pobre y la chiquita tenga muchas complicaciones que afrontar

Aunque la situación parezca difícil, esta familia se encuentra feliz, pero un accidente saca a la luz secretos ocultos que revelan los lazos de parentesco

El Vicepresidente Género: Drama, Historia, Comedia Dirección: Adam McKay Calificación: apta para mayores de 16 años Duración: 132 minutos Sinopsis: George Bush elige como mano derecha a Dick Cheney, un empleado burocrático

Durante los años de trabajo, de la mano del presidente, se transforma en el hombre más poderoso del país

Creed II Género: Drama, Acción Dirección: Steven Caple Jr. Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años con restricciones Duración: 129 minutos Sinopsis: Adonis Creed, el hijo de Apollo Creed, seguirá entrenándose con la leyenda del boxeo, Rocky

El joven intentará conseguir el histórico título que ganó su padre en 1979. Glass Género: Thriller Dirección: M

Night Shyamalan Calificación: apta para mayores de 13 años con restricciones Duración: 129 minutos Sinopsis: esta ficción es la tercera parte de la trilogía compuesta por El protegido y Split

 GLASS encuentra a Dunn mientras persigue desesperadaemente a Crumb. Tras encuentros muy intensos llega Price con secretos ocultos de ellos dos que logrará cambiar la vida de todos

Dragon Ball Super Broly Género: Animación Dirección: Tatsuya Nagamine Clasificación: +13 Duración: 100 minutos Sinopsis: Goku y Vegeta se encuentran con Broly un guerrero Saiyan distinto a cualquier otro guerrero que ambos hayan enfrentado en el pasado

Spider Man un nuevo universo Género: Animación Dirección: Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, Rodney Rothman Clasificación: +13 Duración: 117 minutos Sinopsis: Desde que Miles Morales fue picado por una araña y adquirió superpoderes, pasa sus días patrullando la ciudad y persiguiendo al villano Merodeador

Para aprender los gajes del oficio, contará con un un gran maestro: el mismísimo Peter Parker

Juntos tendrán que hacer equipo con los spider-man de diferentes universos para poder enfrentar el peligro de una amenaza inminente

Aquaman Género: Acción Protagonistas: Amber Heard, Jason Momoa, Nicole Kidman Dirección: James Wan Clasificación: +13 Duración: 143 minutos Sinopsis: Warner Bros

Pictures y el director James Wan nos traen una aventura llena de acción que abarca el vasto y sorprendente mundo submarino de los siete mares, Aquaman, protagonizada por Jason Momoa en el papel principal

La película revela la historia de origen de Arthur Curry, mitad humano y mitad atlante, y lo lleva al viaje de su vida, uno que no solo lo forzará a enfrentar quién es en realidad, sino a descubrir si es digno de quién es él

Nació para ser… un rey. SEGUÍ LEYENDO El escenario elegido para recrear el femicidio de Alicia Muñíz en la serie de Carlos Monzón La escena de violación que protagonizó Calu Rivero en "Campanas en la noche"

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - "Green Book", nominada al Oscar como mejor película, entre lo más destacado de l - Duration: 4:46.


Bản tin Horoscope - Review ngắn album 'Thank U, Next' của Ariana Grande: Nước mắt cũng đến ngày phả - Duration: 1:46.

Nếu nhìn lại năm 2018 của Ariana Grande, đó sẽ là một bức tranh nghệ thuật tuyệt đẹp với 2 gam màu chính: màu hồng của sự thành công rực rỡ trên con đường sự nghiệp và màu đen của những nỗi buồn phiền trong chuyện tình cảm cá nhân

Từ những cảm hứng nảy ra từ một năm đặc biệt với mình như thế, Ariana Grande đã tiếp tục sáng tác và sản xuất âm nhạc trong khi album Sweetener (ra mắt vào tháng 8 năm 2018) còn chưa nguội hẳn…

Để hôm nay, ta tiếp tục được cầm trên tay album Thank U, Next mang đầy đủ 2 sắc màu đó, cũng là ngày ta nhìn thấy Ariana Grande trưởng thành thật sự ở mọi phương diện

Album được lấy cảm hứng từ những thăng trầm cuộc sống trong suốt một năm qua của Ariana Grande, từ câu chuyện tình với Pete Davidson vấp phải nhiều phản đối từ số đông người ngoài, người yêu cũ một thời sâu đậm Mac Miller ra đi đột ngột… Điều kì lạ rằng, tất cả mọi chuyện đen tối này đều đổ ra ngay lúc sự nghiệp của Ariana Grande đang dần leo lên đỉnh cao

Dòng đời muốn hạ gục cô, nhưng thay vì nằm đó chôn thân mình trong buồn đau, Ariana Grande đã vực dậy nhanh chóng và đáp trả lạnh lùng vào mặt cuộc đời rằng "Cảm ơn, tiếp theo"

Một lời cảm ơn đầy cay cú vì đã khiến cô liên tục mất tinh thần như thế, nhưng cũng thật sự phải cảm ơn vì nhờ thế, cô thêm mạnh mẽ hơn trên con đường sự nghiệp đang dần chín muồi của mình

Nếu nói cho đúng, Thank U, Next chính là bản nâng cấp của Sweetener và cũng có thể nói đây là album gây tiếng vang về mặt truyền thông lớn nhất trong sự nghiệp của Ariana Grande tính đến thời điểm hiện tại

Khi người người nhà nhà đang dõi mắt về Ariana Grande để chờ xem phải chăng cô chính là nhân tố của vụ nổ 10 năm tiếp theo của làng nhạc thế giới hay không, và với một Thank you, next hiện đang chiếm trọn cảm tình của giới truyền thông, các nhà phê bình âm nhạc và cả người nghe nhạc toàn cầu, ta có quyền tiếp tục hi vọng vào điều đặc biệt cô nàng này sẽ làm được trong năm nay

Điểm đáng nói là, album này dường như đã rút lại những kinh nghiệm từ album trước

Phần sản xuất âm nhạc đã được chỉn chu hơn trong các ca khúc, với chất nhạc R&B tươi vui kết hợp với phần lời đầy chất tự sự - một sự kết hợp tuy ngược đời nhưng lại hóa ra gây thú vị đến lạ

Cũng chính thế, album không gây ra sự buồn bã sầu thảm như những album khác viết về chuyện tình cảm đổ bể

Với một Thank U next, Ariana Grande đã cho ta thấy cuộc sống của một ngôi sao đôi khi cũng đầy những vấn đề rắc rối, cũng cho ta thấy một phần khác trong con người cô, một Ari góc cạnh, sắc bén hơn và cũng mạnh mẽ hơn rất nhiều

Chỉ thế thôi, với sự cật lực và bền bỉ theo thời gian, Ariana Grande đã cho ta được lắng nghe đến tận 2 album trong thời gian chưa đến 1 năm

Những gì cô nàng này làm là sự cống hiến hết mình cho nghệ thuật, với những điều như thế, Grammy chắc chắn không còn có thể ngó lơ Ari được nữa rồi

Nhạc Thank You, Next giúp Ariana Grande vượt xa kỷ lục của BTS

For more infomation >> Bản tin Horoscope - Review ngắn album 'Thank U, Next' của Ariana Grande: Nước mắt cũng đến ngày phả - Duration: 1:46.


Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.

 A scary ride! Friends alums and were aboard a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing on Friday, February 15, Us Weekly can confirm

 The former costars and BFFs were headed to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for a girls' trip when things went awry

According to TMZ, their private jet experienced difficulties around 11 a.m. when the aircraft lost a wheel during takeoff

 A source tells Us that film producer and 's wife, , who both worked with Aniston on Dumplin', were also on board

 "She's going to take a new plane from Ontario to Cabo later today," the insider revealed on Friday

 TMZ reports that the crew didn't feel comfortable landing in Cabo with the missing tire, rerouting to Ontario, Canada, with a full fuel tank

They then reportedly circled for hours to burn off enough fuel in order to make a safe landing

 CBS reported that while the jet's landing was a little wobbly, no one on board was injured

 Days earlier, the Oscar nominee celebrated her 50th birthday with a swinging party attended by hoards of celebrity guests, including , , , and ex-husband

 The Cougar Town alum, 54, posted a sweet note for her longtime pal on her special day, sharing a photo of the two of them together on Instagram

"The world definitely got brighter the day this girl was born," she wrote on Monday, February 11

"Happy birthday sweetheart! Love you!"  The two women have been friends since their time on their NBC hit in 1994

The Office Christmas Party actress was also spotted leaving Cox's home in February 2018 following news of her split from ex-husband

 Aniston opened up about the pair's friendship to More magazine in January 2014

"There's absolutely no judgment in Court," she said at the time. "You'll never feel scolded

She's extremely fair, ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving. I've slept in her guest bedroom a lot

Without giving away too much of my private stuff, all I can say is she's been there for me through thick and thin


For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.


[ORGANIC MUSIC] 2NE1 - 그리워해요(Missing you) _ COVER by 신유미 (SHINYOUME) - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> [ORGANIC MUSIC] 2NE1 - 그리워해요(Missing you) _ COVER by 신유미 (SHINYOUME) - Duration: 4:51.


King Snow Globe Clash Royale Spin-A-jSALEj #32 - Duration: 0:48.

j SALE j

King Snow Globe Clash Royale

For more infomation >> King Snow Globe Clash Royale Spin-A-jSALEj #32 - Duration: 0:48.


The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This Time - Duration: 1:12.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This

Time The Undertaker thrilled fans for decades but everything great must come to an end even

if it is legendary Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that The Undertaker's WWE

contract as a wrestler has expired The Dead Man is not booked for WrestleMania or the

next Saudi Arabia event It was also said that if the Prince wants to see The Undertaker

then they will probably be able to offer him enough money to make another Saudi Arabia

event This really does beg the question about what The Undertaker's next move is He could

be a shoo-in for the WWE Hall Of Fame as well The biggest question is where he will appear

next as his appearances are bringing him to the Starrcast II event in May Friends what

are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This Time - Duration: 1:12.


Man Utd transfer target Tanguy Ndombele hailed as 'new Paul Pogba' - Duration: 1:56.

 Lyon midfielder Tanguy Ndombele has been attracting serious interest from top European clubs

  The combative Frenchman is said to be wanted by Manchester United , Manchester City and Juventus in the summer with other giants circling with a view to a move

 The 22-year-old has now been backed by manager Bruno Genesio to emulate superstar Paul Pogba as one of the leading midfielders in the game

 Ndombele, who ironically replaced Pogba to make his international debut last October, is already considered a top defensive midfielder

 Yet Genesio reckons he will soon start adding more goals to his game and develop a similar skill-set to Pogba, which would see him fit in at top clubs

  "I do not like comparisons, but indeed, Ndombele can be a new Pogba," he told Tuttosport

 "He is strong physically and above all technically.  "Tanguy with the first touch manages to jump even three players and when he starts dribbling he is difficult to stop

 "He can play in any position in the midfield.  "He started scoring, but in the future, I expect him to develop at the goal level

He must become a midfielder with 8-10 goals per season.  "Tanguy Ndombele will become a leading midfielder

 "I would not be surprised to see Juventus, but I would like to enjoy him a little more here at Lyon


For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer target Tanguy Ndombele hailed as 'new Paul Pogba' - Duration: 1:56.


Giồm hồ Bản Viết I Nông Cúc I Hát Lượn Then hay 2019 I Album hồ Bản Viết I Tập 18 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Giồm hồ Bản Viết I Nông Cúc I Hát Lượn Then hay 2019 I Album hồ Bản Viết I Tập 18 - Duration: 4:08.


How to learn MORE English with Emma - Duration: 7:52.


My name is Emma, and in today's video I want to tell you about a very exciting opportunity;

but before I talk about this really great opportunity, I wanted to tell you a little

bit about myself and what I do.

So, I hope you see this heart, here.

I put this heart here because I want to talk something that's very close, and near and

dear to my heart, and that is teaching English.

I believe English learning or learning the English language can help people change their

lives for the better.


A lot of you are learning English, and I want to ask you: Why are you learning English?

Maybe some of you want a promotion at work, maybe some of you are looking for a new job

or the love of your life, maybe some of you want to travel and see the world and you know

English is going to help that goal; for others it might be about studying at a different

university abroad; or maybe for those of you who work in business, maybe English can help

you conduct your business better.

Whatever the reason, there are many, many reasons why somebody might learn English,

and I'm here to help you with your goal.

So, my job is to help you meet your goals-whatever they are-by providing free English lessons.

I have been doing this for a very long time.

Since 2011, I have been creating YouTube videos about all sorts of things related to English;

from listening, to grammar, to vocabulary, to test preparation.

I create a lot of videos about English-language learning.

But what a lot of people don't realize is that these videos take a lot of time and effort

to create, so I wanted to talk a little bit about that.

What goes into creating one of our videos?

Well, first of all, our videos require a team.

You see me in front of the camera, but we have people working behind the camera who

I'd like to thank; we have people who film, people who edit, who produce, we have people

who create the closed captioning at the bottom of the videos to help our learners understand

them better.

So, we are a team who create these videos.

The second thing I wanted to say is that these videos take a lot of time and effort, and

we're very happy to create these videos because they are very important to a lot of people;

and we believe in free, accessible education.

So, let me tell you a little bit more about myself and why I do what I do.

So, I have spent years learning on how to teach and what goes into learning a language.

I have gone to different conferences, I have taken many courses and certifications, as

well as recently I obtained a master's related to language learning.

Another thing that a lot of people might not know about me is I still work full time.

So, during the day I work and I teach; and it's in the evenings and on weekends when

I do my passion.

Well, my passion is teaching, but I mean my passion at work of creating these free videos.

So, some of you might wonder: Why do you spend your evenings and weekends creating these


Well, to me they're very important for the following reasons.

I like to help to create these free videos because I think they really help people.

I've met a lot of different people who have watched my videos, and I'm always glad to help.

I think that English can help people reach their goals, and I want to be a part of this

and I want to help people reach their goals, so this is one reason why I do this.

I also very much believe in accessible education.

To me, I like the idea of a fair world; I like the idea of free education where it doesn't

matter how much money you have, and it doesn't matter where you live, or even what...

If you have a disability or not.

I like the idea of everybody having access to education.

So, one reason I create these videos is to make the world more accessible and to provide

free education for all.

I also think it's important that when you know something, you should share it when it

comes to new research, or new information, and new knowledge.

I've spent a lot of time learning about the best ways to learn a language, so I like sharing

this with others.

Finally, I love sharing my culture.

I'm a very proud Canadian and a very proud Torontonian, which is somebody from Toronto.

So, in these videos I get to talk a lot about my city and my country, and I get to share

aspects of my culture, and I also love learning about other people's cultures, so doing this

really helps me to do that.

So, I wanted to take a moment to thank you.

Thank you for watching, thank you for your comments, thank you for your kindness.

I think I have some of the best fans in the world, and some of the...

I would say the best audience in the world - you guys are amazing, and I really appreciate

all of the things you do.

I also wanted to offer, for those of you who want to maybe do more support, I also wanted

to offer something.

This is the exciting opportunity I was talking about earlier.

I want to tell you about the idea of patron.

So, if you're interested, you can show your support by becoming a patron.

This might be a new word for you.

What's a "patron"?

Well, a "patron" is somebody who supports creators, so they support artists, painters,

maybe writers, or directors.

In this case, I'm a teacher, but I'm also a creator.

So, a patron is somebody who supports creators.

How do they do this?

There's many different ways to support creators; sometimes it can be through money, it can

be through endorsements, it can be through telling people about a teacher or a creator

- there's many different ways to support and to become patrons.

So, I invite you to become a patron.

And I'm going to tell you a little bit about how being a patron can benefit you.

So, not only by becoming a patron will you support me, and what I do, and my work, and

my mission of the following; you will also, as a thanks, receive some additional content

that's not available on YouTube.

So, the content...

There's a lot of different things that you will be able to see as a thank you for becoming

a patron.

So, to find out more about the benefits you would receive, as well as what's involved

in the process of becoming a patron, please check out my website

and learn more.

Again, I want to thank you for watching this video, as well as for being so supportive.

You guys are the best.

Until next time, thank you and take care.

For more infomation >> How to learn MORE English with Emma - Duration: 7:52.


츄츄와 함께 한다는 것 - Duration: 16:40.

Mommy sometimes..

sometimes don't know how to

understand you..

Are you going to come to mommy like that? (Laugh)

Is it time to have breakfast, Chairman MoMo?


Alright! Let's have breakfast first!

Let's go!


Are you going to poop first

before you have a meal? Gosh..

(Litter sound)

Okay, empty your stomach first and then come~ (Litter sound)

(Litter sound)

Let's go! Let's have a meal~ (Litter sound)

Let's see..


First, you should do some exercise before eating.

(Bowl noise)

(Bowl noise)

Kitties.. Gosh.. (Laugh)

(Come down)

Let's go and have breakfast, my baby!

(Bowl noise)

Breakfast, breakfast~

(Bowl noise)


Yum, yum, yummy, yummy~

Yum, Yum, Yummy, yummy~


Okay, look at here!

Hold on!


Very delicious~!

Is it tasty?

Baby, you should eat some more..

ChuChu: (Sniff sniff~)

Awww, did you forget that you were on the middle of eating?


Let's have it at the room.

For my ChuChu, Here's a special...


Room alone!



My baby...

My kitty?

Eat alone here.

I'll close the door also! Here!

Good girl!


(Close door)

ChuChu: (Sneeze) (Close door)

(Scratch floor)

(Drink water)


Okay, let's check if my baby finished her meal.

Come here~



Let's see. Did you finish the meal?

No! You didn't!

You left some. What is this?

Kitty.. Here!



Do you feel bad or angry?

Are you not going to eat?

It must be delicious.

Try it. Just a bite.




Who would even say to you that you should eat?

I don't know what to do. You eat too small, baby.


My baby, you should eat at least a spoon of food at a meal.

Awww, good girl!

Good girl!

Did you eat it?

You spat it out... (Laugh)

Here! Only this!

Right! Just like that! Good girl.

Good. Did you eat it?

Don't spit it out and swallow it!


No, no, no!

There's nothing over there. Look here!


Here, here!

Yes, my baby, you were eating the breakfast just now.



What's wrong?

Here! Look at this. What is this?

Yes, this is food!

Food... (Laugh)


Hello? This is cat food.

Awww, did you get excited? This is cat food!

What? What are you doing, baby?

Come here! Here's breakfast!

Oh, hello? I am cat food.

I am really delicious food.

Come and have a bite, please.


Come and get me, I am food!


What is that..?

Mommy sometimes..

sometimes don't know how to

understand you..

Are you going to come to mommy like that? (Laugh)

This is delicious meal~

If you don't feel like coming, I'll go.


Awww, you got excited!


Hold on, hold on, hold on!



Did you get some interested?

Then, mommy will give you a bite.


Look at you!

Right! Awww, delicious, isn't it?

No, please swallow..

Let's try again. Did you eat it?

Awww, good girl.

Here! One more!

Delicious, right?

Good! Awww, delicious!

If you eat two more... Hey... please come here!

Look! Here!

Here, baby. Come here.

Right! One! One last!

One final bite!


No, no! Just one more.

Do not spit it out and eat it!


No... (Laugh) Baby, it's here!

Just one!

Why did you spit it out? Right!

See? Good job, girl! (Clapping)

Oh! See this? You finished! Good job!

Oh~ Good job! (Clapping)

Now, go and get some water. Now, water!

Drink some water.

Mommy will take the water bowl...

I will take you to the water bowl. Let's go and drink water!

Let's go, let's go! Let's go to drink some water!

(Vacuum noise)

(Vacuum machine dragging sound)


Oh, gosh..

Awww, pity!



Did you get scared because

there was scary thing was moving around?


Mommy will put you there, my baby..

Go in there and say 'Help me!'.


Did you sigh?

Gosh, what's happening?

It was surely a peaceful afternoon.

A big giant creature came and ate everything, right?

Let's go!





Are you a cute baby kitty?


Stay in here.


ChuChu, stay in a cave.







It's time for exercising!

(Toy sound)

Come here! (Toy sound)

(Toy sound)


It's time for exercising! Let's exercise together!

(Toy sound)

Come here! (Toy sound)


You are so funny..


(Toy sound)


Nope! (Laugh)

No~ We should play together!

What should I do if you bite and hold it like that? Huh?


(Toy sound)

- 2000 Years Later -



Let's go!

Did you come, ChuChu? Are you going to play together?

Come here, ChuChu~



ChuChu, let's play!

Gosh, hold on!

TT, you just played a lot, so

could you let ChuChu play this time?

Okay? Good girl!

With your two legs..

Catch it!

Mommy was too fast, mommy was too fast, right.

I'm sorry. Mommy will hold like this..

It was too fast. Here! Right!

You got it..!

You got it..!

You caught it!

You should get it, like that!

Bite it! Bite!

Bite! Right! Yes!

With your legs.. Yes! like that and bite!

Bite! Bite!

LuLu: Bite!

LuLu: LuLu got it!

Oh gosh.. (Laugh)

Hey! (Laugh)

Hello? Let it go!

Be nice. ChuChu will play right up there.

Let it go, kitty~


Mommy will bite you if you keep doing like that!

I will bite your head first!

Do you want to play with this, ChuChu?


Oh gosh..

This butterfly, which wants to play with ChuChu,

has staring wings,

LuLu: Bite!

(Laugh) Oh gosh..



It's ChuChu's turn! Okay, let's move ChuChu!

Let's go with mommy!

We'll go right there.



(Turn on the light)


It's time to eat dinner! Let's have dinner!

Were you waiting for dinner, LuLu?

You are really fast!


Let's have dinner with mommy!

Come here, come here!

Where's the spoon? Today's dinner is!

Here, here~

The spoon.. Oh, here!


Come here, here. (Footstep)


(Bowl sound)

(Bowl sound)

(Bowl sound)

Kitties, let's have dinner!

Yummy dinner!

Yummy, yummy~ (Bowl sound)

(Bowl sound)

Let's have dinner!


My kitties, let's have dinner.



Baby kitty, let's go for dinner.

Were you ready about half? (Laugh)

Let's go. Let's go to the room.

Look at your ears..

How can you be that small, baby..

Is it delicious? You don't even recognize that I just touched you.

Having fun, my baby.

Awww, you are eating so well.


Do you have to finish it?

You should eat all.

For more infomation >> 츄츄와 함께 한다는 것 - Duration: 16:40.



When they came to know I am an Indian...

Most of them asked me

do you worship Cows in India?

Don't you eat beef?

he has come to deliver milk

he refilled the milk bottle

buying dry fruits is a good option

everything costs 33 Lira

this is ...

bit salty

150 grams wallnut


some sweet

candies for children

veg noodles for me

1.5 Lira for one packet

total 33 lira

Highways are called Autobahn in German

same here in Turkey

He didn't understand Highway

but understood when I said Autobahn

kid was asking for cigarette

while I was waiting for a ride

i saw this bus which passed through was coming back

this is a team of Mountaineers

They will do trekking in Mountains from Kayseri

They saw my rucksack and came to offer me a ride

he knows English

he belongs to Rize where I am planning to go

People are searching me on social media on their mobile phones

half of the passengers are looking at my profile now

Outskirts of Kayseri

Almost everywhere I visited in Turkey

people used to ask about my religion when told them that I am in Indian

They asked - Are you a Hindu

Do you worship cows

yes, we do

Do you also eat beef!

Why 'Indian Cow' has become so popular in the last 4-5 years!

Though I worship and love all the animals

I wasn't aware that there was a police establishment

they came to tell me to stop making video

Now I am not showing them in the camera

I was able to understand partially whatever they were saying

but i tried to be ignorant

Usually taxi drivers do this

they show that they don't understand your language

and try to take undue advantages

i also wanted them to realise that

i am not a Turkish

i am going to Sivas, doing hitchhiking

at first I said that I am from India

and shook hands

its not that hot

but my skin has already got tanned

Kept waiting for a long time. didn't get a ride

its 12:30 pm

its been more than 11/2 hour now

I am eating these dry fruits

now feeling energetic

I also made this

Lutfen means Please

Some people told me that I don't look like a foreigner

People have soft corner for Indians

So I mentioned HINT

means Indian in local language

LUTFEN worked. I got a ride

have to go that side

it took a while to make them understand

He came back to pick me up

its 2 pm

had to wait for 1 1/2 hour for this lift

many people like me

he is going quite far

I wanted to go to pee

but then suddenly I got the lift

that too for a long distance

Now I am going to travel a long distance

He is differently abled

He is not able to walk

His car is modified

Operates gears through his hands

If you want to see this landscape

then travel between Kayseri and Sivas

even beyond Sivas

this is very beautiful

For more infomation >> WHY DO YOU WORSHIP COW IN INDIA! - Duration: 20:09.


Post Malone - Wow | Choreography by Nick Demoura | Sheaden Gabriel - Duration: 0:51.

Shawty mixing up the vodka with the LaCroix

G-Wagen, G-Wagen, G-Wagen, G-Wagen All the housewives pullin' up

I got a lot of toys, 720S bumpin' Fall Out Boy

You was talkin' sh** in the beginning Back when I was feelin' more forgivin'

I know it piss you off to see me winnin' See the igloo in my mouth when I be grinnin', yeah

Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me. Hunnid deep when I roll like the army

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (Wow, wow)

Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me. Yeah, your grandmama probably know me

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow"

Everywhere I go (Hey)

For more infomation >> Post Malone - Wow | Choreography by Nick Demoura | Sheaden Gabriel - Duration: 0:51.


clara & roman | you've thought that I'm weak - Duration: 2:00.

you don`t deserve my forgiveness

you don`t deserve my love

For more infomation >> clara & roman | you've thought that I'm weak - Duration: 2:00.


I Will Always Love You Уитни Хюстон для саксофона в сопровождении фортепиано - Duration: 4:34.

How can I get notes? Find out by watching this video.

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For more infomation >> I Will Always Love You Уитни Хюстон для саксофона в сопровождении фортепиано - Duration: 4:34.


Story Time: Awkward Boy Stories | Nikki Vicente - Duration: 17:16.

Hey guys, it's Nikki again. And today it's Valentine's Day and I thought it would

be a great time, very appropriate to share some awkward boys stories with y'all,

because I've never done that before.

I never touched on awkward crushes or middle school stories about crushes and

boys... and some girls. So I thought today I would share them with you just so we can

laugh at ourselves. Mostly me. So I hope you guys enjoy and I hope you guys

get to know me a little bit. Today's a bit of a chill, long, story time video, so

grab a snack, grab a drink, grab anything. Grab a hand to hold, if you have one.

Alright, so I went to an all-girls school growing up, in Miriam College. I know some

of you know Miriam College. I live in the Philippines. It's one of the more known

all-girls schools here, aside from Poveda or AC or AA or any of

those other schools. It was fun studying there. The person involved in this story,

let's name her Anna. Anna in middle school, she was one of my bestest friends along

with a bunch of other girls, like we called ourselves... forgot what we called ourselves.

Fantastic Five or something? By the way, I still know her today and we

went to the same college and we say hi to each other.

I'm sure it won't be a problem, me sharing this story, because I'm not exposing her

identity and it's really more about me than her so... and she's a really good

person, she's really nice, really friendly. But this story is not nice.

So Anna and I were really close. I went to her house all the time and hung out with our other friends.

By the way guys, just for context I was in Grade Five, so this is a middle

school embarrassing story. I was in Grade 5 and she told me that she wanted to

introduce me to her cousin... which let's name him Mark, which was actually the

real name of the "cousin". I'm doing this um... you'll know why I'm doing this, all right.

So Anna was like "Hey you should meet Mark, my cousin, I'll give him your number

or I'll give you this number", whatever I don't remember how it happened, but Mark

and I started texting, all right, and I was like "Oh yeah sure cool" I mean I was

like... how old was I back then? 2005, six, seven... Um 2007, so I was around seven, eight

nine, 10, 11... like 11 years old? I was young, all right, and dumb. So I was like alright,

I've never seen him before, there wasn't... I don't think we had Facebook yet before

or maybe there was Friendster, I don't know. But the point is I didn't

know what Mark looked like or how old Mark was. "Mark". Again you will know

why I'm doing this. So I was like alright, let's go, and then Mark

and I started texting, it was great, and then I fell in love with him.

I know it sounds stupid to fall in love with someone you've never met,

but... I mean via text, not even like chat or video call or like friggin Omegle

or something. No. It was just texting. I was like "Oh Anna, uh..." I'm just inventing

possible conversations that we might have had. This is not verbatim, like this

is not word per word the conversation we had, but I remember, you know, I was really

liking Mark and then probably told Anna, like "Hey, it's really nice talking to your cousin and everything",

so I decided to take it to the next level, so I said,

I'm gonna call Mark at Anna's house, so I dialed up Anna and back then

telephoning someone was really... I mean that was a normal way to communicate

especially like three-ways. I know some of you did that.

So I telephoned her and then I... someone picked up, I'm not sure who it was,

from her house, and I said "Hey can I talk to Mark, Anna's cousin?" and then

someone answered, they were like, "There's no Mark here, uhh, wrong number."

And I was like "No, I'm Nikki, Anna's friend and I just want to talk to Anna's

cousin, Mark". And then the other person who answered, a maid or their aunt, whoever,

I don't know, or her sister, I don't know. And then they were like "Again, wrong number,

there's no Mark here". And then I was texting Anna, I was like, "Anna, that's really weird...

I called your house and they said there wasn't a Mark there". I remember she said

something like "Oh I don't know, I'm out for a walk right now, or I'm outside the

house right now so I don't know why they said that". And then later on, not later that day,

but like... I don't know how long after that. I discovered that Mark

was not a real person and it was Anna texting me all along using that number,

that random number she probably bought a sim or something and had an extra phone

and was pranking me the whole time, the whole time.

You can imagine how heartbroken my 11-year-old, 12-year-old self was. I was in love and I just

realized I was in love with a non-existent person. So, there's that.

That, I can say, was my first heartbreak with "Mark", "Anna's cousin".

Now you know why I'm doing this this whole time. Mind you guys, before I found out that he wasn't a real person,

I would kind of cry about him, because like... I don't know, like I was

really into him and then it didn't feel like he was into me or... just like...

I think we would like set up dates together but like he wouldn't show up or

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if I'm just imagining these things

because it was such a long time ago, but I know I remember distinctly laying down

my bed and then crying to "Go On Girl" by... is it Ne-Yo? "Go on girl, go on girl..."

I was feeling that song, because I was so heartbroken with my relationship with Mark.

And then I realize he's not a real person, so there. That's the story of my imaginary boyfriend

and since then, Anna and I kind of drifted apart for obvious reasons.

I mean, I was a good prank, if it lasted for like a day or something?

But no it lasted for days, if not weeks.

So it was awkward.

Um, yeah, and we say hi sometimes to each other when we were in college

and just decided not to talk about the story about Mark. There's that.

Alright so... Let's move on to high school. Again my childhood,

growing up in MC, it wasn't that bad, like I had good friends,

I enjoyed studying there, but like I said there were definitely some moments there

that kind of um... it was really awkward and I'd just wanna cringe and I still cringe to

this day when I think about it. Another cringe-worthy story I have for you is

prom season. So here in the Philippines, we only have one prom, that's when

you're a junior in high school, and when you're a senior you have a grad ball,

is what you call it, like graduation ball. So when I was a junior obviously we had

prom and we're an all-girls school, so we can ask people outside of school to be

our dates. So that's what I did. I knew this guy and he is still friends with

some of my friends today so I won't say his name out loud here on camera.

Let's just name him Ben. So this guy named Ben... That doesn't suit him at all... but, Ben.

So Ben and I... I forgot how we met but we were both into music and I was.

I used to write songs back in high school, and he had a band. I think he still is

in the band today. So I'm not sure if that's how he met, but that was our, like,

common interest, like me would do gigs together, stuff like that. So we were

kind of close. And then I was friends with his friends as well from the band.

I'm not sure if it was a soiree we met at, maybe it was. Because in all-girls schools,

in all-boys schools, we do soirees. What that is is like we do like...

get-togethers, like parties outside of school to get a chance interact

with the opposite sex, because like I said all-girls school, so not many males there,

just the teachers, I guess. So there, I think I met Ben in a soiree.

So like I said, we were... I think we kind of liked each other, but then we didn't

really talk about it. Again, very blurry memory. I'm just telling you like the

general plot of my life and what happened. But I remember texting him my

promposal. I asked him "Hey you wanna go to prom with me?" like it wasn't a big

deal or anything, like it was just a text and it wasn't a big deal to me, just

asking him to prom. And he said yes. And my prom... I mean it wasn't, uh, it wasn't

the best prom ever. It was nice because I got to spend time

with my friends, but like, me and Ben, we just really didn't click, like we had the

most awkward prom dance ever, where we were like dancing and then we were like,

we didn't know where to put our heads, so like we did like a forehead-to-forehead action,

it was like really cringey. Maybe at the time it wasn't for him,

or maybe at the time, I was just in denial, but looking back now, it was kind

of cringey. Like, I mean, obviously, we just weren't meant for each other that way

we were just meant to be friends, but that happened. And then funnily

enough the next day after prom, that's where I met my ex-girlfriend.

Another long story. Some of you don't even know that I had a

girlfriend in the past, but I did. Just dropped a bomb probably on some of you,

but that's not the story today. Anyways it's about Ben. I'm not sure

about the timeline in this story but... so he went to prom with me and it was all

fine and dandy whatever. He studied in Ateneo High School (AHS),

which is right next to Miriam College so the reason I'm telling you that is I was

invited to a talk for... I think it was an Ateneo Grade School (AGS) talk. I don't know why

I specifically was invited, but me and a bunch of other girls from MC were

invited to talk to the boys in the grade school about puberty or growing up

or I remember that we had to talk about masturbation and like my thoughts on it,

was it wrong? I remember saying "Guys, don't masturbate" because I mean there

were parents there. What was I supposed to say? Like tell a bunch of seventh graders

to masturbate in front of their parents and teachers? I mean I wasn't

gonna do that, so I was like "Yeah don't masturbate.

It's... no, don't do it." That's another awkward story in this awkward story,

but I remember that day so I went over there. So I went over there to the AGS,

we just walked, because, like I said, it's just next to each other. Walking there and

then we did a talk and everything and then during the break, like I said, Ben

studied in AHS as well, so it was just around the area of the

talk. AGS, AHS, whatever. Whatever. So he met up with me along with

his other friends during the break of the talk that day. And I was with a bunch

of other girls. And then like I said it was prom season, and then he had like

this big illustration board that he had with him that had like a drawing of

like an iPhone in front, like an iPhone home screen. I was like, what's happening?

And the guys around him were like "ooooh", you know how guys, like boys, kind of like

are rowdy and like making noise when something's happening, something's about to happen.

I was like alright "maybe he's gonna ask you to prom". Imagine I'm in the

middle and then Ben's right in front of me with a big illustration board and

then we were surrounded by MC girls and AHS boys and then he was like,

like he wanted me to like unlock the iPhone illustration, and then I did that,

like slide to unlock, like before. Right now you don't slide to unlock,

you just push a button or it reads your face, whatever. But before, you had...

for those of you who didn't know, you had to slide to unlock like an iPhone before,

for some of you who don't know that. And then he was like... he opened the illustration board

and it was like "will you go to prom with me?" or something.

like I said, very blurry memory, but it was a promposal. It was a promposal and then...

I mean what was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to say, "No, I don't want to go to

prom with you because my prom was awkward"? Or I don't know. I didn't know what to say, alright.

I didn't know what to say. Ben if you're watching, don't be offended, it was

years ago and right now it's just funny story to me, it's a funny story.

So I said, "yeah sure I'll go to prom with you" and then everybody was like "Ooh yeah, she's going to prom with him" blahblahblah.

And then, after a while, I don't know what happened but I backed out

from going to prom with him, I don't know why.

And I remember, Ben's friend, let's just name him George. George got

really mad at me and called me names or or a name. I just remember one name but

he was really mad and... for me cancelling on his friend, Ben. To be honest it was a

bitch move that I did, I said yes and then I cancelled, so it was a bitch move.

I shouldn't have done it. But right now it's just a funny story looking back,

because I mean I was immature and it was a bitch move. But yeah it was awkward and

after that we stopped talking, but today I mean I guess if we see each other we'll

say hi, because like I said some of my friends are his friends, so there's that.

Weird prom story for y'all. I mean it's really unfair what I did, because I asked

him to prom and he said yes and he actually went to my prom, and then he

asked me to his prom and I said yes, but then I didn't go to his prom,

which was really unfair of me, but yeah call me a bitch, but that's what's happened.

That's what happened. So there.

Anyways we're back from the commercial break.

So that's the end of the prom story. I have just one more story to share with you because this video is

gonna be so long if I keep on talking about boys and stories happened to me,

but maybe I'll do another one but here I go with the last one. This is also a

prom-ball story but this time it's ball, grad ball, and it didn't happen

during my prom season. It was when I was a freshman in high school, alright.

And it was with another AHS boy, let's name him Brian, alright.

So I was in the AHS fair, some of you know what that is, it's a fair,

I mean it's a festival, fair, carnival, whatever you call it, that is held every year.

We also have that in Miriam, but I was in the AHS fair with a bunch of friends and

then we were just walking around, just walking around, and then this one guy...

What did I name him again? Brian. This one guy Brian, and his friend... let's say Danny.

Brian and Danny. Danny was really cute but then Brian was like, you know... He was a guy.

And then I found out they were both seniors, and then me and Cessy

were like "oh Danny's really cute, like... and then Brian's like... yeah he's cool as well."

The whole day, we just went around with Brian and Danny with the fair...

We rode rides and stuff and we played games, we went around, just met people.

It was really crazy, because we had just met Brian & Danny that day, but we went around

the whole fair together that day. And then we had a great time, alright.

And the whole time, like me and Cessy were like crushing on Danny, but like

obviously Brian was the one who's like more engaging with us, which was kind of nice,

he was really friendly and we appreciated that, like he was a nice guy.

Again, if you guys are watching, which I don't think you are, sorry.

Anyways, so... what happened... Apparently Cessy's brother was friends with Danny.

And then obviously Danny was friends with Brian. And then one day, Cessy gave me like this...

like calendar or something, that apparently was from Brian to give to me.

And I was like "How did Brian give that to you" and she was like "Oh my brother is friends

with Danny, and Danny's friends with Brian", so that's how... that's the trail, that's the trail of the gift.

And then I opened the gift, it was a... like I said it was a calendar.

And then it was like this board and then here at the top is

where the the months were and it was each paper was a month so

you could just had to flip it. And behind each paper was like a message for

me from Brian. And then he was like "Oh I was wearing this color when I met you"

and blah blah blah. I still have the calendar to this day, alright.

At the time I was like, I mean I was a freshman and then this guy was a senior and to me,

at the time it was like "Woah, what are you doing? You're older than me, like what are you doing?"

To me it was like so weird. But now if like a 26-year-old guy did that to me,

I wouldn't find it weird, because I mean it's not weird now at this age

for that age difference, but at the time, when I was younger, I was like whoa.

It was like super controversial to me, like what is he doing, giving me a calendar full of letters?

And at the end... at the end it was like,

"If you haven't guessed yet, it's me Brian, and would you want to go to ball with me?

It's on this day blah blah". And then again, I felt weird about it, so I told Cessy,

"I think I don't want to go with him to ball, because it's just weird,

I don't know him that well, we just met that day, and can you tell him no?" Or like

I'll just text him no. I don't know how I rejected him but I did and I'm sorry,

Brian if you're watching, which, again, I don't think you are, but yeah. It was just...

It was awkward.

Alright guys, those are all the stories I have for you today.

I hope you enjoyed each and every awkward boy story.

And if you liked this video, leave a comment down below if you want to see more of my

stories or like story time videos. I have a lot of awkward and embarrassing stories

that I can share with you and we can all cringe at my stories, so just let me know

if you want to hear more of them. For now, happy Valentine's Day. I hope you guys

enjoy and feel the love today or you felt the love today, because I might post

this after Valentine's Day, I'm pretty sure I will. I love you. I love you

for watching my videos and leave a comment down below to say hi and like

this video if you liked it.

Be sure to follow me on my Instagram, it's @nikkivicente,

or on Twitter, it's @NCLVCNT.

And with that, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe, and all that good stuff.

And remember: stay monumental!

Bye! <3

For more infomation >> Story Time: Awkward Boy Stories | Nikki Vicente - Duration: 17:16.


Susan B. Anthony Day! - Duration: 3:25.

Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820.

She was a school teacher who became a social reformer.

She worked against slavery & fought for women's rights.

The 19th Amendment, which guarantees a woman's right to vote, was named in honor of Susan B. Anthony.

USCIS 100:77

What did Susan B. Anthony do?

Happy Birthday, Susan B. Anthony!

For more infomation >> Susan B. Anthony Day! - Duration: 3:25.


說了我愛你,絕對負責你一生幸福的星座! - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> 說了我愛你,絕對負責你一生幸福的星座! - Duration: 7:51.


New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.

okay guys so today we have the Dyna rivals destroy and devour and dumbness

wrecks who have slash action war action devour action New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

he is totally awesome there he is in the blocks opens his mouth way up you got

the controls on the tail you have arm controls here for grabbing action

similar to the in the Raptor but at a much bigger scale you can see compared

to my hand there I mean this is one awesome figure in a big open box and it

has really cool sound and if you look at the back of it it lights up destroy and

devour and dumbness wreck so there is some of the other ones you could get and

fall time there is is card there he is in size comparison to Owen so you can

see this is a huge figure so I think we should go ahead and open her up and

check her out okay and here she is out of the box

we're gonna go ahead and start with the head here you could open its mouth up

with your hand it does light up inside it will swallow like full-sized action

figures or smaller dinos there there you can see the size of the head the head

does also move up and down you have the controls in the tail similar

the t-rex there you can see chomping and grabbing action you've got the spikes on

top on top here you have one action button here you've got the other action

button in the back there and I mean this is overall just such an awesome figure

compared to the one Hasbro made you got full movement sideways movement on the

arms you could move the arms up and down so you could get different grabbing

action there you have slashing action noise there and that means the detail

this is about the same size as the regular indominus rex from Hasbro but

the detail is astounding especially compared to Hasbro I mean Mattel did a

fabulous job with this I have reviewed every single indominus rex as ever out

there and none of them come close to this one I mean it is just totally

awesome check that out and the action in the tail lets you create a lot of cool

videos new for 2019 this is our destroying deflower indominus rex this

is a larger scale future dinosaur she has activation on the tail as well

as the back we also have authentic sounds from the head as well as the arms

the back as well as forward button activates those dagger like claws as

well as moving outside the town most importantly about the institution devour

and ominous Rex we can have her bend down to pick up prey she brings them up

we open up the jaw and she gobbles come down and do it pro that's very cool now

you'll see a grand LED light in her throat that's one to give a syllable

I was head of human figures it's much more see yeah I should have brought some

of mine it's it's just like watching a lizard slow down it leaves a weird

feeling great do we talk or just do the actress yeah Eve actions fuck yeah you

good bend her down okay that was perfect

okay yep okay that was perfect perfect first time I've done that so click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want

For more infomation >> New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.


Hilary Duff's 'Younger' Costar Nico Tortorella Drinks Her 'Delicious' Breast Milk - US News - Duration: 2:35.

  made a very bold decision while hanging out with his Younger costar . The actor shared a video on his Instagram Stories on Friday, February 15, of himself drinking a cup filled with the singer's breast milk

 "I'm for real doing this right now," Tortorella, 30, announced before taking a big gulp during an event for the castmates' Paramount Network dramedy

He looked pleasantly surprised with the taste before exclaiming, "Oh, my God! It's delicious

"  The Scream 4 star then finished what was left in his cup before tilting it toward Duff, 31, and asking her whether he could "have some more

" She held up a freezer bag of her breast milk, laughed and replied, "You're a sicko, dude

"  The Lizzie McGuire alum and her boyfriend, , welcomed their daughter, Banks, in October 2018

Duff is also the mother of son Luca, 6, whom she shares with ex-husband .  After Duff announced her second pregnancy in June, Tortorella told Us Weekly exclusively that he knew about the news months before fans

"We had to [keep it a secret]," he said at the time before joking, "That's . That's expensive material

"  And just like Tortorella, the mom of two has no shame in being daring. She revealed in November that she drank her placenta shortly after giving birth

"Most delightful smoothie I've ever had," she said on Dr. Elliot Berlin's "Informed Pregnancy" podcast

"I haven't had a smoothie that delightful since I was 10. It was calorie-filled with juice and fruit and everything delicious

"  Duff and Koma, 31, have been dating on and off since January 2017.

For more infomation >> Hilary Duff's 'Younger' Costar Nico Tortorella Drinks Her 'Delicious' Breast Milk - US News - Duration: 2:35.


Lana Still Bitter About Ronda Rousey Replacing Her on Total Divas - Duration: 1:31.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Lana Still Bitter About Ronda Rousey Replacing

Her on Total Divas Lana and Rusev were not picked back up for Total Divas even though

the show is coming back for another season Instead Ronda Rousey will be joining the cast

after Lana and Rusev were deemed as extremely unlikable by an E! Network focus group Ronda

Rousey has an opponent on Sunday at the Elimination Chamber and Lana is rooting for Ruby Riott

We previously reported how Lana called Rousey overrated but it didn't stop there Because

according to Lana Rousey hasn't changed the game at all in WWE in spite of what The

Baddest Woman On The Planet might think She 100% percent change the game in UFC but this

is WWE and she hasn't changed the game here WWE isn't likely to book Ronda Rousey vs

Lana any time soon Not only are the two on different brands but it might not be a fair

fight at all That won't stop Lana from hating on Rousey pretty hard as she roots for Ruby

Riott to take her title on Sunday Friends what are your thought about this Have your

say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Lana Still Bitter About Ronda Rousey Replacing Her on Total Divas - Duration: 1:31.


Leslie Marshall, Bill Weld's Wife: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 6:38.

Leslie Marshall, Bill Weld's Wife: 5 Fast Facts |

Bill Weld is the former governor of Massachusetts.

On February 15, Weld announced that he is considering mounting a primary challenge against President Trump.

Speaking at an event in New Hampshire, Weld called the president "unstable" and said that Trump had put the country in "peril." Weld told his supporters, "our president is simply too unstable to carry out the duties of the highest executive office in the land," Weld said.

He added, "I'm here because I think our country is in grave peril, and I cannot sit any longer quietly on the sidelines.

We have a president who openly praises and encourages despotic and authoritarian leaders abroad while going out of his way seemingly to insult and even humiliate our Democratic allies.".

Weld is married to the writer Leslie Marshall; between them, they have eight children from previous marriages.

Here's what you need to know about Leslie Marshall:.

Leslie Marshall Is Weld's Second Wife & They Married in 2005.

Leslie and Bill got married in 2005, after the end of Bill's 26 year marriage to Susan Roosevelt Weld.

New York Magazine reported that Weld's marriage to Susan fell apart when he took a job in New York City and Susan stayed in Boston with the couple's children.

The long distance relationship created problems in the marriage and, according to New York Magazine, led Bill to start an affair with Leslie Marshall.

Marshall was a long-time family friend and divorcee who was living in New York City.

"Bill has never been a womanizer," Scott Asen, an old friend of Weld's, told New York Magazine.

"He took a step from one to the other.

You can't call it a frivolous act.".

Bill and Susan had five children together: David, Ethel, Mary, Quentin, and Franny.

Marshall Is a Published Novelist & Magazine Writer.

Marshall is the author of a novel titled "A Girl Could Stand Up." The novel tells the story of a girl raised by two of her uncles.

A review in the Guardian describes the novel as "ponderous" and full of "wilfully kooky characters" with "aggressively strange names, chaotic daily lives and cartoonish incidents and accidents.".

Marshall is has also written for magazines and newspapers, including The Washington Post; RealSimple; O; and InStyle.

Marshall Has Three Children from a Previous Marriage.

Leslie Marshall was divorced when she first began a relationship with Bill Weld.

She has three children: twin daughters and one son, three years younger than the twins.

Weld has five children of his own from his marriage to Susan Roosevelt Weld.

Marshall Grew Up in Washington, DC & Attended the National Cathedral School.

Marshall grew up in Washington DC and attended the National Cathedral school, a private high school for girls.

The school's website says, "An NCS education amply prepares one for her future, wherever that may lead.

Here she builds confidence, gathers allies, tests strengths, finds the courage to explore new areas of interest, and discovers resilience — life lessons that she will never outgrow.

She also experiences a stimulating academic life, priming her for a lifetime of learning.

Nothing is beyond the grasp of an NCS woman, and we are both proud and unsurprised to count stateswomen, Olympic athletes, and rocket scientists among our alumnae.".

Weld's First Wife Was a Descendant of Theodore Roosevelt.

Before marrying Leslie Marshall, Bill Weld was married to Susan Roosevelt Weld for 26 years.

Susan is the great-granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt.

She and Bill have five children together: David, Ethel, Mary, Quentin, and Franny.

New York Magazine reported that Weld's marriage to Susan fell apart when he took a job in New York City and Susan stayed in Boston with the couple's children.

The long distance relationship created problems in the marriage and, according to New York Magazine, led Bill to start an affair with Leslie Marshall.

Marshall was a long-time family friend and divorcee who was living in New York City.

For more infomation >> Leslie Marshall, Bill Weld's Wife: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 6:38.


sandy吳姍儒慚愧大遲到!嚇歪「爬進去下跪道歉」 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> sandy吳姍儒慚愧大遲到!嚇歪「爬進去下跪道歉」 - Duration: 4:11.


Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.

 A scary ride! Friends alums and were aboard a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing on Friday, February 15, Us Weekly can confirm

 The former costars and BFFs were headed to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for a girls' trip when things went awry

According to TMZ, their private jet experienced difficulties around 11 a.m. when the aircraft lost a wheel during takeoff

 A source tells Us that film producer and 's wife, , who both worked with Aniston on Dumplin', were also on board

 "She's going to take a new plane from Ontario to Cabo later today," the insider revealed on Friday

 TMZ reports that the crew didn't feel comfortable landing in Cabo with the missing tire, rerouting to Ontario, Canada, with a full fuel tank

They then reportedly circled for hours to burn off enough fuel in order to make a safe landing

 CBS reported that while the jet's landing was a little wobbly, no one on board was injured

 Days earlier, the Oscar nominee celebrated her 50th birthday with a swinging party attended by hoards of celebrity guests, including , , , and ex-husband

 The Cougar Town alum, 54, posted a sweet note for her longtime pal on her special day, sharing a photo of the two of them together on Instagram

"The world definitely got brighter the day this girl was born," she wrote on Monday, February 11

"Happy birthday sweetheart! Love you!"  The two women have been friends since their time on their NBC hit in 1994

The Office Christmas Party actress was also spotted leaving Cox's home in February 2018 following news of her split from ex-husband

 Aniston opened up about the pair's friendship to More magazine in January 2014

"There's absolutely no judgment in Court," she said at the time. "You'll never feel scolded

She's extremely fair, ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving. I've slept in her guest bedroom a lot

Without giving away too much of my private stuff, all I can say is she's been there for me through thick and thin


For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.


The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This Time - Duration: 1:12.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This

Time The Undertaker thrilled fans for decades but everything great must come to an end even

if it is legendary Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that The Undertaker's WWE

contract as a wrestler has expired The Dead Man is not booked for WrestleMania or the

next Saudi Arabia event It was also said that if the Prince wants to see The Undertaker

then they will probably be able to offer him enough money to make another Saudi Arabia

event This really does beg the question about what The Undertaker's next move is He could

be a shoo-in for the WWE Hall Of Fame as well The biggest question is where he will appear

next as his appearances are bringing him to the Starrcast II event in May Friends what

are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> The Undertaker Reportedly Retired for Real This Time - Duration: 1:12.


MGPB Viking Longship Raid Review - Duration: 3:24.

Ha, ha, we vikings are ...

oh should I wear my glasses?

we vikings are king of the north

snow and wind doesn't both us, NO!

Oh I think I need my glasses, ya, hahaha


Yea the enemy is at the gates Lego!

ha ha doing a review in the snow!

Cause you know I'm a viking, we don't care about snow. Ah.

Now talk about complicated instructions...Jeez-Us. Lego has got them up on that

but you know the articulation of the figures and the entire build

Gets a huge thumbs up from this Viking

Yea I'm part Swedish.

For more infomation >> MGPB Viking Longship Raid Review - Duration: 3:24.


The 50 Subscriber Q&A thing - Duration: 3:40.

Hello Internet, my name is The Nerdy Gamer, and recently we hit 50 subscribers on YouTube, which is pretty cool.

So I did a Q&A to celebrate

and so basically we're going to be going over your guys' questions and answering them

and it's gonna be a cool time, so let's go

honestly, I'm very excited to see what questions you guys' have asked,

so let's get right to the first ques-

Sub to me

I think the absolute worst part about this

is that his username is Jake Pauler

W H Y .

Well here's our first actual question,

"Does your channel have a focus on something or is it just all over the place with no meaning?"

Mostly it's focused on Geometry Dash,

and also memes.

like, lots of, lot- lots of, lots of memes

very much many memes, yes.

Alright, DoubleDare has said:

"Do you plan to do any other games besides Geometry Dash?"

I do, it's just that Geometry Dash is, like, the only thing I can easily record,

because I don't have a capture card or know how capture card work

also i don't have any games on my computer I can record.

so. . . yeah.

but more games are hopefully gonna come soon

umm, and uh. . . yeah.

Alright, Blobbyfish has said:

"Do you play Smash Bros?"

well- *cough*

uh, sorry, uh- *Cough*

*headphone warning*

* C O U G H *

yes I do.

ye, I-I do.

Alright, Not Noobless has said "Gg"

Uh, Thank you? I mean, that's not a question, but thank you?

landon Studios has said "Oh dang." *oi swer word!!!*

Again, not a question, but thank you, I guess.

SubVoxX has said:

"What the heck? What is my life? What have I missed out on? Did I forget I'm your sixth subscriber?" *OI SWER AGAIN smh*

I can't answer that because those are questions about you and not me.

but thanks for the comment anyway.

Lolinburgs says:



The. . .


t h e . . .

the. . .

Uhm. . .

Y E S .

Avocatious says: Can you run Roblox?

I don't know, I don't play Roblox.

He also says: Would you consider buying Infinity Pods? All your music in the snap of a fingers!

I don't think Airpods are a relevant meme anymore, but thanks for the question anyway.

Next one: "Thanks for 1,000 subs guys"

Honestly though, like,

i'm surprised I was able to get 50 subscribers this fast, thank you for that.

uh, yeah, a thousand subs would be pretty cool I guess.

I Love Hax says:





T H A N K Y O U S U B T O S U B G I V E L O V E .

o k .

And finally, Not Noobless gave an actual question:

"Are you puregnot?" (said like pure-ge-not)

no, I'm Christian actually.

Wait hold on. . .

Purgenot. . .

Puregg. . .


Pure-gnot. (A gnelf)








Well no.

I'm of the Male gender

and I thought that would hav been obvious

But ok

Well anyways that's the video

Those were all the questions I got

Thank you for the 50 subscribers

It's pretty cool

Uh, just. . .

Thank for subscribing, it's pretty neat-o

I'm literally just repeating myself now

But uh, yeah thanks for 50 subs

And uh, expect more content

Coming up. . . Uh, yeah. . .

Alright, I'll see you in another video,



For more infomation >> The 50 Subscriber Q&A thing - Duration: 3:40.


Today's agenda: building my empire. Wearing my smile like it's my armor - Duration: 2:28.

Today's agenda: building my empire. Wearing my smile like it's my armor

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> Today's agenda: building my empire. Wearing my smile like it's my armor - Duration: 2:28.


Como Cristo nos quer alimentar? (Homilia Diária.1085: Sábado da 5.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Como Cristo nos quer alimentar? (Homilia Diária.1085: Sábado da 5.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:34.


A Verdade Inconveniente sobre o Partido Republicano - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> A Verdade Inconveniente sobre o Partido Republicano - Duration: 5:33.


Mortal Kombat 11 Analisis de Jade Gameplay e Historia! - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat 11 Analisis de Jade Gameplay e Historia! - Duration: 10:45.


✅ Gabriela abre o coração e desabafa sobre homossexualidade: ''Pedi para Deus tirar isso de mim'' - Duration: 1:52.

 O BBB 19 está dando o que falar! Nesta sexta-feira, 15, Gabriela abriu o coração para Rodrigo e relembrou de um momento importante na sua adolescência

   Logo cedo a sister descobriu que era homossexual, entretanto, a aceitação não foi fácil

  No começo, a paulista procurou auxílio na religião, pois achava que estava errada em sentir o que sentia

 "Quando eu percebi que eu gostava de meninas, eu comecei a ir na igreja, pedi para Deus tirar isso de mim

Eu tinha uns 14, 13 anos. Rezava, rezava, rezava, pedia, pedia. que estava errado, que minha mãe ia ficar chateada", começou a contar

   Na época, a jogadora não queria estar na situação e procurou a ajuda de um padre

 Gabi disse também que chegou a falar com um padre sobre o assunto: "Eu peguei e falei para ele que estava errado, que eu estava sentindo coisas estranhas há muito tempo, que eu não queria sentir e queria dar exemplo para minha mãe

 Aí ele falou: 'Você acha que isso daí é seu maior erro?'. Eu falei: 'É'", revelou

 O religioso não deixou de falar sobre os sentimentos de Gabi e continuou seu discurso

 "Você está se torturando à toa, está se machucando à toa. Você não precisa, você é muito nova para ficar sentindo tudo isso

É muita coisa para você sentir sozinha.  Estou feliz que você veio falar comigo, mas eu acho que você deveria falar com a sua mãe sobre isso", finalizou


For more infomation >> ✅ Gabriela abre o coração e desabafa sobre homossexualidade: ''Pedi para Deus tirar isso de mim'' - Duration: 1:52.


✅ Laudo do IML aponta morte de Boechat por politraumatismo - Duration: 2:56.

 Laudo do Instituto Médico Legal (IML) indica que o jornalista Ricardo Boechat morreu em decorrência de politraumatismo causado pela queda do helicóptero e colisão com um caminhão na alça de acesso do Rodoanel com a Rodovia Anhanguera, no início da tarde de segunda-feira (11/2)

O piloto Ronaldo Quattrucci também morreu no acidente. O motorista do caminhão teve ferimentos leves

São informações do G1.  De acordo com os exames, não foram encontradas sinais de fuligem na traqueia nem nos pulmões de Boechat

Além disso, o teste de dosagem de monóxido de carbono detectou uma concentração abaixo de 10% de carboxiemoglobina no sangue, o que, segundo o IML, indica que a vítima já havia morrido antes de ser exposta ao gás

Foram observados sinais de traumatismo torácico e abdominal, caracterizando politraumatismo

 Uma câmera de segurança da CCR Rodoanel, concessionária responsável pelo rodoanel registrou o acidente

 O helicóptero passa entre dois viadutos do Rodoanel Mário Covas que ficam sobre a Anhanguera

O caminhão atingido pela aeronave também aparece nas imagens, na alça de acesso à rodovia – a colisão, no entanto, não foi filmada

Em seguida, uma fumaça preta surge no canto esquerdo do quadro.  Quando a imagem é aproximada, detalhe do vídeo mostra uma possível fumaça saindo da aeronave antes de atingir o caminhão

 O vídeo mostra o helicóptero surgindo em meio às nuvens, como um ponto esquerdo

De repente, faz uma curva e começa a perder altitude. Parece sair um pouco de fumaça do helicóptero, e a descida é rápida

 Em direção ao Rodoanel Enquanto isso, carros e caminhões seguem normalmente pela estrada

O helicóptero vai em direção aos viadutos do Rodoanel que passam sobre a Rodovia Anhanguera, até que desaparece atrás do viaduto e reaparece bem perto do chão, antes de atingir o caminhão

 Segundos depois, uma fumaça branca surge no canto esquerdo do vídeo e vai aumentando, até ficar densa e preta

Na imagem aproximada é possível observar muitas pessoas à beira da rodovia

Elas pararam para ver o que tinha acontecido e tentar ajudar as vítimas

 "A imagem mostra o helicóptero taxiando, perdendo altitude, balançando e descendo entre os viadutos

A cena não mostra, mas os esquis da aeronave pegam na parte superior do caminhão e ocorre a colisão, que depois fez o aparelho pegar fogo e matar o jornalista e o piloto

Foi uma fatalidade", afirmou o delegado. O caso foi registrado como desastre aéreo e morte acidental

 Veja imagens e vídeos do acidente:   O helicóptero com sigla PT-HPG caiu com Ricardo Boechat em São Paulo  

For more infomation >> ✅ Laudo do IML aponta morte de Boechat por politraumatismo - Duration: 2:56.


✅ Fabiana Justus deixa a maternidade com as gêmeas, Chiara e Sienna - Área VIP - Duration: 2:18.

 A empresária e digital influencer Fabiana Justus, filha do apresentador Roberto Justus, deixou a maternidade com as filhas gêmeas recém-nascidas, Chiara e Sienna, na tarde desta sexta-feira (15), em São Paulo, ao lado do marido, Bruno Levi D'Ancona

 Nas redes sociais, ela compartilhou com seus seguidores um registro da saída do hospital e falou sobre a alegria de ter as gêmeas em casa

 "Hoje trouxemos nossos pacotinhos para casa! Dia muito muito especial! Let the adventure begin…", escreveu ela

 Veja o post:    A publicação que até o momento já tem 80 mil curtidas, recebeu diversos mensagens de felicitações

"Parabéns, Deus abençoe vocês!", "Olha o orgulho dos papais… Parabéns!!!", "Presente de Deus

Muita saúde para suas meninas", "Sejam muito felizes nessa nova aventura… Cada dia uma emoção diferente e o amor que só aumenta!", "Ahhh que família linda

Toda felicidade do mundo pra vocês", foram algumas das mensagens que o casal recebeu

 + Roberto Justus posa com as netas recém-nascidas: "Muita emoção" O nascimento  A manhã foi de muita festa para a família Justus! Nesta terça feira (12), a digital influencer Fabiana Justus, filha de Roberto Justus, deu à luz as pequenas Chiara e Sienna, fruto de seu casamento com o empresário Bruno Levi D'Ancona

   Em imagem compartilhada na ferramenta stories de seu Instagram, Fabiana Justus agradeceu o apoio e disse que daria mais informações depois: "Sienna e Chiara nasceram! Depois conto tudo para vocês! Obrigada por todo o carinho, por cada oração e toda energia maravilhosa que senti por aqui a gravidez toda! Elas escolheram a data do aniversário delas: 12/02/2019!"…Veja a foto! Fabiana Justus mostra pela primeira vez o rostinho das filhas gêmeas  Através de seu stories do Instagram, Fabiana Justus compartilhou uma foto sua logo após o parto, porém não havia mostrado o rosto das pequenas

Em uma nova publicação, a nova mamãe compartilhou pela primeira vez um click do rostinho das filhas Chiara e Sienna

   Na foto publicada no perfil oficial de Fabiana, ela aparece deitada e segurando as pequenas em seus braços, ao lado aparece o marido Bruno Levi, que usa uma touca e está bastante sorridente

Confira o registro!  Veja também: 

For more infomation >> ✅ Fabiana Justus deixa a maternidade com as gêmeas, Chiara e Sienna - Área VIP - Duration: 2:18.


✅ Segunda Temporada de Júnior Bake Off está saindo do forno! - Duration: 2:00.

No sábado (16), estreia no SBT a segunda temporada de Júnior Bake Off, às 22h15

No reality, 12 participantes com idades entre 8 e 12 anos disputam o título de o melhor confeiteiro júnior do Brasil

A atração será apresentada por Nadja Haddad, enquanto o júri continua sob a responsabilidade da chef confeiteira Beca Milano e do padeiro Olivier Anquier

No primeiro episódio, os participantes terão que fazer as já conhecidas prova criativa e a prova técnica

Na primeira, o desafio vai ser fazer um "bolo selfie", ou seja, que seja a cara deles

Vale retratar o passatempo preferido, o que gosta de comer, a cor preferida

Na segunda, os pequenos confeiteiros terão que reproduzir uma linda vitrine de frutas com gelatina

"A segunda temporada está linda. É sempre emocionante e divertido trabalhar com crianças

Elas são espontâneas, criativas e ao mesmo tempo solidárias umas com as outras

É surpreendente ver a desenvoltura delas na cozinha", comenta Beca, sobre a experiência vivida no reality

"Todo trabalho que envolve crianças é encantador. Agora, imagine juntar crianças encantadoras e talentosíssimas no que diz respeito à confeitaria

Fórmula perfeita para todos ficarem impactados. E essa edição do Júnior Bake Off eu garanto que será assim", complementa Nadja Haddad

Confira alguns cliques desta nova temporada: Notícias Relacionadas   09/01/2019 | 11h48m - Karen Vieira Nadja Haddad será apresentadora de prêmio de gastronomia   07/01/2019 | 16h25m - Pedro Ungheria Adriana Alves celebra data mais importante de 2018   12/10/2018 | 22h00m - Pedro Ungheria Otávio Mesquita desbrava as belezas de Amsterdam

For more infomation >> ✅ Segunda Temporada de Júnior Bake Off está saindo do forno! - Duration: 2:00.


✅ Luciano Huck e filho Benício se divertem ao notar 'semelhança': 'Cara do papai' - Duration: 2:55.

 As postagens feitas por Luciano Huck na qual seus filhos aparecem sempre ganham comentários sobre a semelhança do apresentador do "Caldeirão" com os herdeiros

Mas, nesta sexta-feira (15), foi o global que se divertiu ao gravar um vídeo em que aparecia ao lado de Benício, filho do meio dele e de Angélica

"Beni, você saiu a cara do papai", afirmou Luciano usando um filtro virtual que o deixava com careta

"Que nada!", respondeu o pré-adolescente, em tom divertido, também com o recurso

"Cara de um, focinho de outro", acrescentou na legenda. Apresentador visitou comunidade afetada pela chuva  No fim de semana posterior à semana marcada por tragédias por conta da tempestade, Luciano visitou a comunidade do Vidigal acompanhado por Roberta Rodrigues e Jonathan Azevedo

"A verdade, Jonathan e Roberta, é que as favelas tem toda a sua potencial cultural, vocês dois são a prova viva disso

Mas eu não conheço nenhum país do mundo que seja justo e as pessoas sejam obrigadas a morar assim ainda, com esgoto a céu aberto, vala de água

A verdade é que a gente precisa urbanizar essas comunidades todas, isso sim!", disse durante sua passagem pela comunidade, na qual conversou com moradores e visitou casas atingidas

Curiosidade e coragem de menino são destacadas pelo pai  Em seu aniversário mais recente, Benício ganhou uma homenagem de Luciano na web na qual o apresentador enumerou as qualidades do herdeiro

"Pense em alguém gente boa, amoroso, inteligente, bom de papo, capaz de fazer amigos, carinhoso que só ele

Companheiro para qualquer parada, curioso como nunca vi, onde a coragem e a cautela andam juntas, aventureiro, que dança, que toca, que constrói e desconstrói, que ama e gosta de ser amado

E puxou a mãe: é lindo. Hoje é o dia dele. Feliz aniversário, Beni. Te amamos", disse sobre o herdeiro, já filmado por ele em uma aula de jiu-jitsu derrubando o professor

Montagem com foto criança confunde internautas  Após o "10 years challenge", desafio em que diversos famosos lembraram na web como estavam há 10 anos atrás, fotos de celebridades interagindo com suas versões quando crianças viralizaram nas redes

O apresentador postou uma foto "abraçado" a ele mesmo criança com a legenda "É nós!"

No entanto, diante da postagem, diversos seguidores acreditavam que se tratava de um herdeiro de Luciano

"Tal pai. Tal filho", escreveu uma. "Quando o filho do Luciano Huck é mais parecido com o Luciano Huck do que o próprio Luciano Huck

", opinou outra, confusa com o clique. "Cópia do pai", opinou uma terceira

 (Por Marilise Gomes)

For more infomation >> ✅ Luciano Huck e filho Benício se divertem ao notar 'semelhança': 'Cara do papai' - Duration: 2:55.


✅ Mulher de Thammy Miranda chora ao começar processo de fertilização - Duration: 1:37.

 Em Miami, nos Estados Unidos, Andressa Ferreira iniciou, nesta sexta-feira (15/2), o processo de fertilização in vitro

Na mesma clínica que Karina Bacchi esteve para começar a gerar Enrico, de 1 ano, a mulher de Thammy Miranda surgiu chorando em vídeos publicados nas redes sociais

 Na manhã desta sexta, Andressa fez a retirada dos óvulos e declarou, aos prantos: "Estou muito nervosa"

"Não se preocupe, nós vamos cuidar bem de você, é normal se sentir assim", garantiu uma das enfermeiras nas imagens

Mulher de Thammy Miranda chora ao começar processo de fertilização   8 FOTOS   Na semana passada, a modelo havia contado aos fãs como se daria o processo de fertilização

"Comecei a tomar medicamentos no domingo [3]. São 10 dias direto tomando esses hormônios, que são para aumentar os óvulos e preparar o corpo para receber o embrião

Esses medicamentos nós compramos no Brasil e custaram em torno de R$ 10 mil, fora todo o restante do processo

A compra do sêmen vai dar em torno de R$ 100 mil", disse. Antes disso, ainda em janeiro, ela acalmou seus seguidores: "Eu vou ficar grávida, mas são várias etapas até acontecer"

For more infomation >> ✅ Mulher de Thammy Miranda chora ao começar processo de fertilização - Duration: 1:37.


New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.

okay guys so today we have the Dyna rivals destroy and devour and dumbness

wrecks who have slash action war action devour action New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

he is totally awesome there he is in the blocks opens his mouth way up you got

the controls on the tail you have arm controls here for grabbing action

similar to the in the Raptor but at a much bigger scale you can see compared

to my hand there I mean this is one awesome figure in a big open box and it

has really cool sound and if you look at the back of it it lights up destroy and

devour and dumbness wreck so there is some of the other ones you could get and

fall time there is is card there he is in size comparison to Owen so you can

see this is a huge figure so I think we should go ahead and open her up and

check her out okay and here she is out of the box

we're gonna go ahead and start with the head here you could open its mouth up

with your hand it does light up inside it will swallow like full-sized action

figures or smaller dinos there there you can see the size of the head the head

does also move up and down you have the controls in the tail similar

the t-rex there you can see chomping and grabbing action you've got the spikes on

top on top here you have one action button here you've got the other action

button in the back there and I mean this is overall just such an awesome figure

compared to the one Hasbro made you got full movement sideways movement on the

arms you could move the arms up and down so you could get different grabbing

action there you have slashing action noise there and that means the detail

this is about the same size as the regular indominus rex from Hasbro but

the detail is astounding especially compared to Hasbro I mean Mattel did a

fabulous job with this I have reviewed every single indominus rex as ever out

there and none of them come close to this one I mean it is just totally

awesome check that out and the action in the tail lets you create a lot of cool

videos new for 2019 this is our destroying deflower indominus rex this

is a larger scale future dinosaur she has activation on the tail as well

as the back we also have authentic sounds from the head as well as the arms

the back as well as forward button activates those dagger like claws as

well as moving outside the town most importantly about the institution devour

and ominous Rex we can have her bend down to pick up prey she brings them up

we open up the jaw and she gobbles come down and do it pro that's very cool now

you'll see a grand LED light in her throat that's one to give a syllable

I was head of human figures it's much more see yeah I should have brought some

of mine it's it's just like watching a lizard slow down it leaves a weird

feeling great do we talk or just do the actress yeah Eve actions fuck yeah you

good bend her down okay that was perfect

okay yep okay that was perfect perfect first time I've done that so click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want

For more infomation >> New Video Unboxing Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 5:32.


✅ Breaking News - Meet the Six Nations superhumans... (including an ex-slaughterman!) - Duration: 6:42.

This year's Six Nations is almost upon us, where superhuman players will strike fear into their opposite numbers, be it with their colossal height, huge weight or Herculean strength

 Even among the giants, powerhouses and big-hitters who will grace the northern hemisphere's premier international competition over the coming weeks - starting with France against Wales on Friday night - these players stand out for their extraordinary physical abilities

  The man mountain that is Devin Toner will front up once again for Ireland this year

The second-row wears a size 15 boot and towers above his opponents at 6ft 10in. Toner is of the mould of locks from yesteryear, prized for their beef rather than their dexterity and footballing skills in the close quarters

Share this article Share The La Rochelle prop is the heaviest player in the tournament, having tipped the scales at 24 stone (although he may be closer to 22 stone now)

He is so big that he had to have his debut jersey - against Fiji back in 2014 - specially made for him as his frame was too large to fit into France's regular-sized tops

 He weighs twice as much as the tournament's lightest player, Wales scrum-half Tomos Williams, and is heavier than the average adult male panda bear

 Good luck stopping him. Jacques Brunel was inundated with calls to include Demba Bamba in this year's Six Nations squad – and he answered

The 20-year-old may be wet behind the ears — he made his debut only in November — but if he gets his chance in this campaign then watch out

 He was national judo champion when he was 14 and claims the upper-body strength he harnessed in the sport is the reason he is such a terrifying ball carrier

He could be France's next wrecking ball. Jamie Bhatti built his solid frame outside the conventional confines of the gym

The Glasgow Warrior once spent five years lugging around cow carcasses as part of his job as a slaughterman

'Poor cows, man,' he told the BBC. 'Standing killing cows all day. I'll have killed 100,000 cows and I remember thinking at the time, 'I can't be in here for the rest of my days

I just can't be'.'From the abattoir to the Test arena, via a job as a doorman at Dusk nightclub in Stirling, the 25-year-old will hope to make a dent in this year's campaign after earning his Scotland recall

Sergio Parisse is a beacon of Italian rugby. At the ripe old age of 35, he is ripped to the hills and his 6ft 4in frame hits his opposite number like a train

With 134 caps - the most of anyone in this year's competition - the No 8 has certainly been there and done that

When he steps out against Scotland at Murrayfield for his 66th Six Nations appearance, he will take over Brian O'Driscoll as the player with the most outings in the competition

 Parisse is Italy's talisman and a bona fide legend of northern hemisphere rugby, expect all good things from the Azzurri to centre around the giant back-rower

Billy Vunipola will be England's most lethal weapon with ball in hand this campaign

The Saracens No 8 will hope to rekindle his best form when he puts on the white jersey and one thing is for sure, there will have been no shortage of work in the gym

Vunipola, when his knee allows, typically squats up to 230kg and will often put 50kg on his back and explode into the air in barbell jump drills

His power sessions have enabled him to become one of the most vaunted back-rowers in the game

The scariest sights in this Six Nations may not be in the form of giants. Indeed, for many forwards the sight of a jet-heeled winger flying towards them might be the most terrifying of all

England's Jonny May has recorded a sprint speed faster than eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt

In 2017, he clocked a 40-metre sprint speed of 10.49 metres per second during one of Eddie Jones's training sessions

Truly frightening for those forwards a little soft around the edges. Tomos Williams will have to haul down players twice his weight during this year's championship (see Uini Atonio)

The Cardiff Blues scrum-half has made his own mark on Welsh rugby, lauded for his sniping ability and fleetness of foot around the field

He may be small but make no bones about it, the 24-year-old will mix it with the big boys over the next two months

Dan Robson is poised to make his England debut when Jones's men head to Dublin. Standing opposite him will be Toner – a remarkable 1ft 4in taller than him

The Wasps scrum-half will be clinging on to these giants' legs for dear life during the tournament

But, as the old adage goes: the bigger they are, the harder they fall.And finally, let's spare a thought for the youngsters! The youngest of all is Romain Ntamack, the exciting Toulouse back who will make his debut against Wales on Friday night

If the name sounds familiar that's because he's the son of Emile Ntamack, who won 46 caps during a brilliant career with France and Toulouse in the 1990s

 Ntamack Jnr will no doubt show just why he is one of the most exciting prospects in French rugby - but will he stack up to the physical tests against these beasts? Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Meet the Six Nations superhumans... (including an ex-slaughterman!) - Duration: 6:42.





RTVE, reforma constitucional, ley 'mordaza'... promesas incumplidas - Duration: 10:54.

 La decisión de Pedro Sánchez de adelantar las elecciones generales al 28 de abril supone un final abrupto para la legislatura

La actividad en el Congreso de los Diputados se interrumpirá el próximo 5 de marzo y muchas iniciativas quedaran varadas, inacabadas, pese a que algunas de ellas llevan meses siendo debatidas por los partidos y se encuentran en fase final para su aprobación -por ejemplo los cambios en la ley mordaza o la ley de muerte digna-

 Además, ocurre que muchas de estas iniciativas políticas que no se materializarán en nada son grandes apuestas de Pedro Sánchez, algunas de las credenciales con las que impregnó su llegada a La Moncloa

Ayer, en la intervención donde anunció las elecciones, aludió a varias de ellas, y a otras muchas medidas que están en marcha en el Congreso y que ahora quedan sepultadas

«Un Gobierno con una firme vocación [.] dar una respuesta colectiva a los desafíos que tenemos: la despoblación» En septiembre, la ministra de Política Territorial y de Función Pública, Meritxell Batet, anunció que la Estrategia Nacional frente al Reto Demográfico, con la que el Ejecutivo pretendía «paliar» el problema de la despoblación y el envejecimiento, estaba previsto que se aprobara en la primavera de 2019

Por tanto, no verá la luz.«Planeamos garantizar una RTVE pública objetiva y plural» El PSOE fue uno de los defensores del concurso público, que se ha demostrado como un gran fiasco

El Gobierno, ante el estancamiento y la demora del proceso, lanzó un decreto para nombrar de forma paralela un consejo de administración provisional, que no obtuvo el respaldo en el Congreso

Así, Sánchez se vio forzado a designar una administradora provisional, Rosa María Mateo, que se perpetua en el cargo

El comité de expertos valoró a los candidatos y los calificó, figurando una lista de 20 nombres finales

Pero varios de ellos han recurrido el concurso. No se ha avanzado más. Así, hasta los trabajadores de RTVE muestran su hartazgo y exigen que se resuelva ya

«Impulso a dos reformas constitucionales, que han sido largamente pedidas»  El gabinete de Pedro Sánchez se ha mostrado desde el principio partidario de reformar la Constitución

Una de sus medidas estrella fue el anuncio de la supresión de los aforamientos. Tras meses de rodeos, fue aprobada por el Consejo de Ministros en noviembre

Suponía que miembros del Gobierno, diputados y senadores perderán el aforamiento respecto a delitos en su vida privada

No se llevará a cabo. A día de hoy, el plazo de enmiendas se extendía hasta el 18 de febrero

Asimismo, el Ejecutivo aprobó eliminar el término «disminuido» de la Constitución y sustituirlo por «persona con discapacidad»

El Congreso comenzó a trabajar en ello, y, de hecho, se decidió ir más allá y reforzar la protección de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad

Pero no dará tiempo. «Se ha bloqueado la derogación de la ley mordaza»  La mayoría de PP y Cs en la Mesa del Congreso -órgano rector de la Cámara- sí mantuvo bloqueada la reforma de la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, conocida como Ley mordaza, con peticiones de prorrogar para presentar mejoras al texto

Pero Cs la desbloqueó en febrero de 2018. El Congreso inició los trabajos, que se encuentran en fase ponencia, es decir, en la tarea de elaborar un informe final que vote la Cámara

Pero estos trabajos se suspenderán con la convocatoria electoral. La promesa de Sánchez fue derogar esta normativo, aunque luego se conformó coeliminar el núcleo duro, los artículos más polémicos

«Poniendo fin a un Gobierno asediado, como he dicho antes, por la corrupción» La condena al PP por Gürtel desencadenó la moción de censura que desalojó a Mariano Rajoy llevó a La Moncloa a Pedro Sánchez

La oposición (PSOE, Podemos y Cs) creó una comisión de investigación sobre la financiación irregular del PP -la caja B, los papeles de Bárcenas

-, con la que han pretendido acorralar a los populares y a la que han citado a dirigentes como José María Aznar, Esperanza Aguirre, María Dolores de Cospedal

Esta semana, PP y PSOE se aliaron para no citar a Rajoy y empezar ya a elaborar el informe final de conclusiones

No está claro que puedan acabarlo. El final de la legislatura, además, impedirá poner en marcha en el Senado la comisión de investigación sobre la tesis de Pedro Sánchez, auspiciada por la mayoría absoluta del PP en esta Cámara, tras la dudas generadas por su autoría

«Se ha bloqueado la tramitación de la ley la eutanasia» Es cierto que el PP y Cs han bloqueado en la Mesa del Congreso la propuesta del PSOE de despenalizar la eutanasia

Sin embargo, sí avanzó en su trámite parlamentario la conocida como ley de muerte digna

De hecho, fue aprobada por el Congreso y tan sólo está pendiente de ratificación por el Senado

Las predicciones situaban el 1 de abril como fecha para que esta Cámara la tramitara

Una normativa con muchos meses de trabajo detrás y que se quedará, ésta sí de verdad, a las puertas

Decaerá y no valdrá el trabajo realizado. «Se han aprobado 13 leyes en el Congreso de los Diputados y más de 25 Reales Decretos Ley» Aunque la fragmentación política ha ralentizado, e incluso adormecido el trabajo parlamentario, es cierto que se han aprobado cosas

En concreto, en esta legislatura 15 proyectos de ley; 17 proposiciones de ley, 52 reales decretos ley o siete leyes orgánicas

Pero se trata de una recolecta escasa, comparada con otras legislaturas. Entre 2011 y 2015 se aprobaron 160 proyectos de ley; 76 reales decretos ley o 41 leyes orgánicas

En esta legislatura, la XII, en el Congreso se han presentado 66.864 iniciativas, lejos de las 105

341 de la X legislatura; las 122.650 de la IX o las 161.593 de la VIII.

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