Today International News 13 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Mijn Onzekerheid Fixen met Drugs - PETRUS (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 17:40.-------------------------------------------
MA NOUVELLE MOTO : KTM 450 EXC R SUPERMOTARD - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished Negotiable | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
2000HP GTRlar yarışa nasıl hazırlanıyor ? Hangi modifikasyonlar yapılıyor? - Duration: 11:33.-------------------------------------------
DELICIOUS!! Pineapple Orange Banana Smoothie-Vitamix - Duration: 2:09.I'm gonna start off with a half a cup of unsweetened cashew milk you can use
regular milk, soy milk, almond milk, water even if you want to. I have one orange.
Now I'm going to add half of a frozen banana. I have some frozen pineapple. sometimes I
add this sometimes I don't. I will today of course. I'm going to add some nonfat
plain Greek yogurt. That was probably about 1/4 of a cup. I like to use this
peanut butter powder you can use regular peanut butter if you want. I'm
going to add two scoops of that. And for some sweetness I like to add three
prunes plus that will help you go poo-poo. You could add honey if you'd rather,
plain own sugar or some dates that's up to you. Just need something for a little
sweetness. And that is that. You can add some ice in here too if you want to. Now,
I'm going to turn down the volume when I do this because it's so loud. I really
don't want to blow your ears out. But I'm going to turn it on and slowly go up to number 10 and let it go for about 30
seconds to one minute.
That was probably about 40 seconds... And there you go,
one of my favorite smoothies so far in the morning.
คล็อปป์ ปาดเหงื่อ!! ต่างดาว เปิดศึก ชุดขาว ล่าลายเซ็นสตาร์ หงส์แดง เสริมโหดเกมรุก - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
หลังบ้านต้องมาก่อน!! หงส์แดง จัดหนักพร้อมทุ่มซื้อ "เดอ ลิกต์" ยืนคู่ ฟาน ไดจ์ค - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Jbey - MA FORCE EST EN TOI | ONE SHOT#44 - Duration: 2:44.- Hello Sonia ?
I wanted to tell you...
"Je t'aime"
- Oh really ?
- When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on
And you're always there
to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
And you're still there
to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
I'll guess I'll
never know
the reason why
You love me like you do
But that's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
I find my strength in you
The wonder of you
The wonder of you
- Hi dear subbies !
Watch another song just below
and if you enjoyed this one,
- Like it, share it, comment on it !
and subscribe !
Welcome to our friend Félix
He is a humorist, he does sketches on his channel
and he wants to do a One Man Show
So check his channel, it's terrific !
and Wonder of youuuu !
День полный сюрпризов и подарков для Люси и ее семьи, мамы Барби и папы Кена - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Скандинавская мифология: Котел Гимира - Duration: 11:30.-------------------------------------------
'DISSO EU NÃO FALO', DIZ HELENO SOBRE CANDIDATOS LARANJAS DO PSL - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
OG(old gamer)ますたーのワンダーランドウォーズ 第63幕(2/3)【注目度1316.0 サンドリヨン】 - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
Аниме приколы #174 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы под музыку - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
[Chương 59] ✔ Truyện ✔ [ Love by chance the series ] ✔ Được Gọi Là ✔ Tình cờ yêu - Duration: 15:49.-------------------------------------------
ЛИНИЯ ФАСОВКИ КРЕМА В ТУБЫ - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Join the original Trans Siberian Railway - Moscow Beijing 18 days by Juergen Schreiter - Duration:
POUSOS E DECOLAGENS EM GUARULHOS - PARTE 269 - Duration: 13:19.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo dovrebbe scegliere Claudia Dionigi, lo rivela una talpa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
Juventus: un prestito da oltre 200 milioni di euro... Ma per cosa?! - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
La sovranità di Dio e la responsabilità dell'uomo - Parte 2 - Duration: 25:55.-------------------------------------------
Paula solta o verbo no BBB19 e diz que a Globo será processada: "Eu sou terrível" - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Alessio Pomaro - Lo stato attuale e futuro della Voice Search - #SMConnect - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Como MATAR os CUPINS Definitivamente Com Essa Receita Caseira... - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 produtos INCRÍVEIS da CES 2019 | Submarino - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
✅ Aurora Ramazzotti e l'album dei ricordi: spunta pure Alessia Marcuzzi - Duration: 3:20.Momento nostalgia per Aurora Ramazzotti. La figlia di Eros e Michelle Hunziker ha pubblicato su Instagram una serie di foto che ripercorrono alcune tappe della sua vita: tra queste, spicca un'immagine in cui appare in braccio ad Alessia Marcuzzi
«Posa naturale e allegria come sempre», scrive la ragazza ironizzando sul suo broncio
Proprio la Marcuzzi, poco tempo fa, le aveva proposto di partecipare all'Isola dei famosi, ma lei ha rifiutato: «Sono timida e ho l'alluce valgo, mi vergognerei a mostrarlo», aveva scherzato motivando il suo «no»
Non sorprende che le due abbiano un ottimo rapporto dato che Alessia è un'amica di famiglia, legata sia a Eros che a Michelle, e ha assistito in prima persona alla crescita di Aurora
Tra facce buffe e qualche smorfia, la giovane Ramazzotti ha pubblicato nelle sue story anche una simpatica immagine di lei bambina, con indosso una larga fascia per capelli: «Andre Agassi chi?», ha scritto nella didascalia, tirando in ballo il celebre tennista che – per un lungo spezzone di carriera – faceva di questo accessorio una sorta di marchio di fabbrica
Tra le foto postate da Aurora, ce n'è una insieme all'amica Sara Daniele – figlia del compianto Pino – in partenza per un viaggio in Perù, un'altra in cui aveva deciso di tingersi i capelli di «blu caraibico», una mentre tiene la mano alla sorellina Sole, altre due con uno splendido abito lungo in occasione del suo diciottesimo compleanno, una infine al matrimonio della mamma con Tomaso Trussardi
«Ok, ho finito, mi sentivo nostalgica», ha concluso nell'ultima foto, lasciando poi spazio agli scatti della campagna pubblicitaria fatta per Trussardi Jeans
Aurora sorride, per lei è uno splendido momento sia a livello professionale che sentimentale: fa l'opinionista a Mai Dire Talk e la love story con Goffredo Cerza va a gonfie vele
Un periodo felice, nonostante una difficoltà non da poco: «Vivo sotto scorta perché mia mamma ha ricevuto lettere dove qualcuno minacciava di sfregiarmi con l'acido se non avessimo pagato una grossa somma», ha raccontato a Verissimo
«Vicino a me ho Sergio, la mia guardia: lo adoro, facciamo tutto in simbiosi
Anche se non è facile rinunciare a un po' di libertà». «Sono felice comunque, non mi manca niente»
E l'album dei ricordi lo testimonia. More
Gaze and non verbal gestures UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES OF OUR SCHOOL
stronger connection and deeper hypnosis
fascination: deep states with just the gaze
Magnetic attraction will change the state of consciousness
She is moving closer and closer without even a word or a physical contact
observe her non verbal behavior
Now the session continues behind a wall
This is an advanced technique that Dr. Paret teaches at his courses
She is in deep trance and continues to react to the energy of the operator
Something amazing happens
She reacts very strongly entering very beneficial state of magnetic ecstasy
deep change of brainwaves
she feels strong energy, her breathing is slower, body reacts strongly
With Non verbal magnetism techniques the highest state of hypnotic influence is achieved
In this deep state the person takes a new direction at unconscious level and reconnects with her true self
Magnetic influence is very strong and affects even through a wall without words or touch
Now LUCA opens the door
Incredible! What have you done?
What did you feel?
He was dragging me from all directions
It was like a magnet, a strong attraction
Contact us and comment
Now she feels energized and powerful
Afrobeat Instrumental 2019 ''Real Love'' [Afro Pop Type Beat] - Duration: 3:28.BUY 1, GET 3 FREE | BEATSBYSV.COM
Amerika'da Geyiklere Ne Oluyor? Zombi Salgını Başladı mı? - Duration: 13:47.Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran İnsanları!
Daha önceden de küresel bir salgın hakkında pek çok video yapmıştım.
Ogünlerden bugünlere geldiğimizde yaşanan olaylar konunun ne denli ciddi olduğunun
ve küresel bir kanosa ne kadar yaklaştığımızın adeta kanıtı gibi.
Bazı konular da kafanızın karışık olduğunu biliyorum…
Videoya geçmeden önce 18 kasım videom ve hakkında ortaya atılan bazı
iddialara cevap vermek istiyorum.
Sevgili Kaan Ünsal Alphan'nın eleştiri hakkında mükemmel bir videosu var.
O videonun linkini de açıklamaya bırakıyorum.
Arkadaşlar öncelikle 18 kasım yalan prim vesaire tarzı pek çok eleştiri yapıldı.
Biliyorsunuz eleştirmenlik diye bir meslek var.
Yani bir konuyu eleştirmek için o konuda ciddi bilgi birikim sahibi olmak gerekir.
Bu bağlamda da benim 18 kasım videomu eleştirmek Post apokalipse nin kelime anlamını dahi
benden öğrenen 2 kelime doğru düzgün Türkçe konuşamayan zır cahillere düşmez.
Prim tüm medya platformlarının doğasın da var prim amacıyla belli başlı videolar
yaptığım doğru.
Ancak asla prim için insanlara yalan yanlış bir bilgi vermedim.
Prim için yaptığım videolar Pinokyo, Pamuk Prenses, Kırmızı başlıklı kız gibi
masal videolarıdır.
Bunların de içeriklerinde yalan yahut yanlış bir bilgi yoktur.
Ben Kült TV için ihtiyacım olan primi bu şekilde sağladım yazık ki bazıları kendilerine
gerekli primi Kült TV'yi olmayan bilgileriyle eleştirerek hatta hakaret ederek cevap alma
umuduyla sağlamaya çalışıyor.
Benim asla hiçbir zaman kendimi ispat etmeye ihtiyacım olmadı.
Kendimi hiç kimseyle bir rekabet içerisin de görmedim.
Yardım isteyen herkese de elimden geldiğince yardım ettim ve canlı yayınlarda da videolarda
da özel mesajlaşmalarda da her zaman neysem o oldum.
Fakat bir takım kişiler topluma karşı farklı konuşurken yalnız kaldıklarında
başka şekilde davranarak hatırı sayılır bir ikiyüzlülük örneği sergiliyorlar.
18 kasım videom da deepworld adlı haber portalının iddialarını sizlerle paylaştım.
Bunlar benim şahsi iddialarım değildi.
Ayrıca 18 kasımda zombi kıyameti başlayacak diye bir ibare videonun hiçbir yerinde yoktur.
18 kasımda Amerika'da sansasyonel bir olay olacağından bahsedilmektedir.
Nihayetin de tamda videoda bahsettiğim tarihte sarı yelekliler hareketleri patlak vermiştir.
Tek bir farkla olaylar Amerika değil de Avrupa'da başlamıştır ve halen de devam etmektedir.
Dünyanın en başarılı kahini olarak kabul edilen Nostradamus'un dahi kehanetleri'nin
%70'i doğru çıkarken bu kadar ufak bir sapma son derece normaldir.
Açıkçası 18 kasım videosu dünya çapında youtube üzerinde yayınlanmış en başarılı
bilgi videolarından bir tanesidir.
Nitekim gerçekleşecek bir olayı günü gününe bildirmiştir.
Zombieclock sitesine gelecek olursak bana ait olduğuna dair bir takım iddialar var
bunlar külliyen yalandır.
Adminiyle aşağı yukarı 3 senedir irtibat halindeyim.
Siteyi Türkiye'den de ziyaret edenler olduğunu söyledi ve benden Türkçe içerik talep
etti bende kırmayarak kendilerine ilettim bu bağlamda Kült TV'ye özel bir menü
Bu siteye de bir takım eleştiriler yapılıyor.
Açıkçası irtibatım olmasına rağmen bende çok fazla tanımıyorum.
Admini eski bir Amerikan deniz piyadesi ve bir çok sıcak bölgede görev yapmış kriz
konularında deneyimli bir kişi ayrıca 350.000$ civarında post apokalipse için yatırım
yaptığını biliyorum.
Bende bir sığınak projesi için vakti zamanın da kendisiyle fikir alışverişinde bulunmuştum.
Sayaç sürekli 0 lanıyor ancak zombi kıyameti başlamıyor diyen arkadaşlar yeterli bilgi
birikimleri olmadığı için konuyu derinlemesine göremiyorlar.
Şöyle ki uzun süredir yaptığım gözlemler neticesin de sayaç her sıfırlandığında
48 saat içerisin de dünyada mutlaka büyük bir olay gerçekleşiyor.
Yunanistan'da ki Orman Yangını, Irakta ki elektrik kesintisi ve bazı devlet adamlarının
yaptıkları sansasyonel açıklamalar bunlara güzel bir örnektir.
Bu açıklamalarımla umarım aklınızı karıştıran bazı sorulara cevap vermeyi
Şimdi gelelim salgın konusunda yaşanan sıcak gelişmelere.
Eylül 2018 tarihinde deepweb'e 30 dakikalık bir video yüklendi.
Bu videoda Fema kamplarında güvenlik görevlisi olarak çalışan birisiyle röpörtaj yapılıyordu.
Görevli özetle idam mahkumlarının resmi evraklarda ölmüş gibi gösterilerek femaya
ait tesislerde geliştirilen bir takım virüsler için kobay olarak kullanıldığını anlattı.
İzleyen ilk haftada röpörtajı yayınlayan kullanıcı adama ulaşamadığını ailesiyle
irtibat kurduğunu fakat onlarında adam için polise kayıp başvurusu yaptığını yazdı.
1 ekim 2018 de Amerika'da central parkta zombi rakunlar hadisesi patlak verdi.
Bilinmeyen bir virüs rakunları çıldırtıyor ve zombi gibi davranmalarına sebep olarak
sonunda öldürüyordu.
O zamanlar İnstagramda bunun bir deneme olduğunu ve yakında başkaca hayvanlarda da bu tarz
denemelerin yapılacağını açıklamıştım.
Park karantinaya alındı ve tüm rakunlar yok edilerek virüs ortadan kaldırıldı.
Tüm bunlar yaşanırken Afrika'dan da sık sık salgın haberleri geldi.
Günümüze gelelim.
Amerika ve kuzey Kanada milli parklarında tıpkı benim instagram da bahsettiğim gibi
geyikleri zombiye çeviren bir virüs bir anda yayıldı ve hızla da yayılmaya devam
Virüs salya yoluyla bulaşıyor ve ot obur geyikler bir anda hem cinsleri de dahil et
yemeye başlıyor ayrıca şuurlarını ve doyma hislerini kaybediyorlar.
İlk 3 günde 3 büyük milli park karantinaya alındı bile.
Amerikan Salgın Önleme merkezi yaptığı ilk açıklama da Virüsü tanımlayamadıklarını
söylediler sonrasındaysa 40 senedir geyikler de üremiş genetik bir hastalık olduğunu
başkaca hayvanlara da bulaşmaya başladığını ancak insanlara bulaşıp bulaşmayacağını
henüz bilmediklerini açıkladılar.
Ancak bu açıklama bilimsel çevrelerce gülünç bulundu.
Nitekim 40 senedir olan bir virüsün bir anda aktif olup bir salgına sebebiyet vermesi
ayrıca 3 günde mutasyona uğrayarak başka hayvanlara da bulaşmaya başlaması genetik
olarak imkansızdır.
Amerikan Salgın Önleme Merkezine göre virüs ilk olarak 5 gün önce sadece 2 geyikte görüldü
ve ardından birbirlerini ısırarak sayı kısa sürede binlere katlandı.
Görgü tanıkları geyiklerin aynı filmlerde ki zombiler gibi davrandığını ve bunun
çok korkunç olduğunu söyledi.
Ayrıca salgının gerçekleştiği bölgelerde esrarengiz fema karavanları ve mobil laboratuvarları
da sık sık görülüyor.
Oralara mangal yakmaya gitmediklerini de tahmin edersiniz.
Amerikan Salgın Önleme merkezinin yaptığı bu açıklamaları unutun çünkü hepsi çöp.
Olayların ardında çok daha büyük bir şey var. 2002 yılında Nobel Tıp Ödülü
kazanan Amerikanın önde gelen biyologlarından Howard Robert Horvitz virüsü yakinen inceledi
ve tüm bilim dünyasına kinayeli bir soru sordu.
Madem bu virüs iddia edildiği gibi 40 sene evvel doğada peyda oldu genetik kodlaması
neden Afrika'da son 5 yılda gözlemlenen salgınlar ve Central parkta ki rakunlar da
tespit edilen virüsünkiyle aynı?
Bu soru aslında bir soru değil kocaman bir cevaptı.
Ortada dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerinde zaman zaman görülen bir virüs var ve her
görüldüğünde de temelde aynı virüs olmasına rağmen bir takım değişiklerle
ortaya çıkıyor.
Yani virüs laboratuvarlarda update edilip yeni varyasyonları deneniyor.
Endişelenmeyin geyik salgını çok yakında bitecek.
Ancak bu olaylar neticesin de virüsün son halini görmüş olduk ve tamamlanmak üzere
olduğunu iyice anladık.
Şimdi gelelim sonrasında ne olacağına.
Artık bundan sonra salgın haberleri bıçak gibi kesilecek belki 1 kere daha hayvanlar
üzerinde son bir deneme yaparlar ancak ondan sonra virüs artık tamamen hazır hale gelecektir.
Unutmayalım ki yavaş yavaş kusursuz hale getirilen bu virüs henüz nano teknolojiyle
de desteklenmedi.
Tamamlandığı zaman birde nano teknoloji ile programlandığın da işte o zaman kaosu
Yine de insanlara bulaştığında şahsi görüşümce aşina olduğumuz zombiler gibi
Nihayetin de virüs duyguları ve bilinci yok etse de beslenmek ateş ve yükseklik
gibi tehditlerden uzaklaşmak ve üremek gibi iç güdüsel fonksiyonları yok etmeyip daha
da ön plana çıkartmaktadır.
Buradan yola çıkarak bu yeni hastalıklı bir insan türü olup su içmeleri, nefes
almaları ve üremeleri son derece olasıdır.
Ayrıca geyiklerden öğrendiğimiz kadarıyla hiçte öyle yavaş hareket etmiyorlar aksine
son derece süratliler.
Yani şartlar ben böyle bir salgında hayatta kalacağım diyenler için oldukça zor.
Ayak sesleri duyulan bu salgın yayıldığında ne yapabiliriz?
Türkiye'de güvenli bir bölge var mı?
Böyle bir hayatta kalma mücadelesini kazanabilir miyiz?
Kıyamette hayatta kalma rehberi isimli videomda bu sorulara cevap vermeye çalışmıştım.
Ancak değişen şartlar ışığında bu sorulara verilmesi gereken bazı cevaplarda
değişti bende bu yüzden sizler için bir sürpriz hazırladım.
Merhaba Kült Tv'nin arastiran insanlari Ben Tuncer Merez,
Malesef ki son zamanlarda artan zombi istilasi soylentileri ve ortaya cikan
akil almaz goruntuler beni de oldukca endiselendirmeye baslamis durumda.Insan ister istemez boyle
bir durumla karsilasirsak ne yapmaliyiz diye dusunmeden kendini alamiyor.Eger zombilerle
yuzlesmek zorunda olursak hayatta kalabilmek adina neler yapabiliriz,gelin bi goz atalim.
Diyelim ki salgin basladi.zombiler geldi korkmayi bir kenari birakin ve acilen dusunmeye baslayin.Cunku
yapacaginiz planlar sizin geleceginizi belirleyecek.
Oncelikle evlerinizden disari cikmayi unutun.fakat evdeyken guvende oldugunuzu sanmayin cunku
Katta bile olsaniz zombiler hemen heryere ulasabilecekler dir.Kendinize bir barikat
kapinizin zili caldi.endiselenmeyin.zombiler zile basmaz.cok sevdiginiz komsunuz sizden
yardim istiyor.Kapiyi acmadan once delikten bakarak komsunuzun isirilmamis oldugundan
emin olun.sonra iceri alin.cunku bu noktada komsu komsunun kulune
muhtactir sozu hayat bulacak.nedeni,stok yiyecege ihtiyacinizin olacak olmasi.
Komsunuz yasliysa daha sanslisiniz.
Muhtemelen evinde torba dolusu antibiyotik ilac, agri kesici , vitaminler ve sargi bezleri
olacaktir.Kapinin arkasina ne kadar esya varsa yigarak acilamayacak duruma getirin.Sonra
sosyal medyadan ve televizyondan son durumu takip
edin.Hukumet buyuk olasilikla aciklama yapacaktir.Boylece nereleri daha guvenli durumda fikir sahibi
olabilir siniz.Bu arada ailenizi, arkadaslarinizi arayin ve guvende olduklarindan emin olun.sayet
cevap vermiyorlar yada telefonun diger ucundan ilginc cigneme tarzi sesler geliyorsa uzgunum.Bunun
ne demek oldugunu biliyor sunuz.Fakat cevap verirlerse guvenli biryerde bulusmaya calisin.Umarim
evinizde deri ceket,deri pantolon ve deri eldiven tarzi giysiler vardir.Cunku sizi isiriklardan
koruyacak en iyi kiyafetler bunlar olacak.Kazak veya tshirtlerden uzak durun.
Geldik yiyecek meselesine.Eger ogrenci evindeyseniz muhtemelen zamaniniz daha dar olacak.Bir an
once guvenli yoldan bir supermarkete ulasmaya calisin.Protein ve karbonhidrat agirlikli
yiyeceklere yonelin.Az tuketip sizi uzun sure ayakta tutabilecek besinler onlar olacak.Buzdolabi
olmadan uzun sure dayanabilecek yiyeceklerden alin.Makarna, pirinc, ve konservelere yonelin.Tabi
suyuda unutmayin sakin.Bir saniye ya!
Neden alisveris moduna girdiniz ki?
Siz en iyisi marketin kapilarini sikica kapatip saglama alin ve koca supermarkette yasamaya
devam ederek benim cocukluk hayalimi gerceklestirin.
Umarim marketin icerisinde ecza bolumu vardir.
Geldik silahlanmaya.Buyuk bir supermarketteyseniz bahce malzemeleri bolumune gidip, balta, cekic
tarzi aletler edinin.Kucuk bir marketteyseniz bicak, makas ne bulursaniz alin yaniniza.
Bir market istilasi sirasinda zombilerin kafalarina hedef almayi unutmayin.
Egr zenginseniz ve babanizin bir yati varsa kral sizsiniz.Zombilerin yuzemedigini hatirlatayim.Saklandiginiz
yerde internet hala varsa ve telefonunuz da yaninizdaysa mutlaka youtube'tan beni ve
Kult tv yi takipte kalin.Cunku muhtemelen canli yayin acip sizlerle irtibat halinde
olacagiz dir.
Haa son olarak eger Adana'da yasiyorsaniz arkaniza yaslanin ve hayatin tadini cikarmaya
devan edin.
Ne demek istedigimi anladiniz Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için
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Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!
Paula se revolta por Diego ter sido eliminado do BBB19 sem transar com ela: "No meu sonho" - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Presa 3 vezes nos EUA Brasileira participante de Reality Show da TLC - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Paul heeft (bijna) alle voertuigen waar Jan Lammers ooit in heeft gereden! - Duration: 4:42.My name is Paul Beijersbergen
I collect every car in miniature that Jan Lammers drove.
Like race cars and demo cars.
The unique thing about it is
that I have 472 scale models right now.
And I built or rebuilt 80% of them by myself.
It is has always been my passion
and it got a bit out of hand.
People think that it is unique
that I have Jan his complete career over here.
Many others collect Ferrari's,
police cars of little trucks.
I only collect the vehicles Jan drove.
My collection got very big, because he drove so many cars.
So only red Ferrari's
someone else likes them, but it don't.
That's a matter of taste in hobbies.
This is my little office.
This is where I have everything that I need
It is quite full,
but everything I need is here.
My paint stock
and over here
Tongs and sandpaper.
I have got everything, little brushes
This is Jan his last action
They should have sailed from Scheveningen
to Wassenaar with an old sailing car from Simon Stevens.
But the car was very heavy,
so it almost wasn't moving at all.
I wasn't planning on reproducing it
but if you have nothing to do, you just keep going.
Yes, this is my display cabinet.
And when you ask me about my favorite piece
I will say the Jaguar XJ9
Which Jan won Le Mans in.
It is also
a really special model
because of his win.
It is also possible to take it apart.
And it looks so perfectly detailed.
It really is
my most beautiful piece.
The doors can also be opened.
This model is really fantastic.
That's where Jan won the 24 hours of Le Mans in.
The Castrol version stands over there
Which he won the 24 hours of Daytona in.
He even met and got knighted by the Queen of England,
because Jaguar is an English team.
So this is the most beautiful piece in my collection.
They are all beautiful of course,
but this one is really special to me.
And this is my flagship.
An original helmet from Jan Lammers.
Which he wore in 1979.
It was a little bit on an investment,
but I think it is really nice.
I even reproduced his helmets.
But it is really special to have an original here.
It belongs here as the flagship of the collection.
Of course it is signed as well.
It all started in 1970.
And my passion for car sports was starting to grow.
That was some years ago
and the passion is still there.
I still watch every Formula 1 race.
I don't think I ever missed one,
because you can watch it all online these days.
So I don't think I will ever stop collecting.
DR. BRIAN CURTIS 021319 - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
"Quando li guardo in faccia… Sì, loro hanno rovinato mia sorella e stanno in tv". Loredana Bertè par - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
#Disney Frozen - Oltre la Storia, Elsa di Arendelle [TRAILER] - Duration: 3:27.
A kingdom
A queen
A Power of dark origins
A broken family
Between a war for the Keyblade dominion
The Love of a sister
And a curse from another world
Waiting for the next chapter
GameXFiles analyses Story...
And theories...
Dieser FISCH kann im dunkeln LEUCHTEN! - Der GloFish - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Ce a apărut pe pagina de Facebook a Andreei Mantea după ce s-a aflat că e într-o relație? E clar! In - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Today International News 13 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24 - Duration: 4:39.Today International News 13 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Mijn Onzekerheid Fixen met Drugs - PETRUS (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 17:40.-------------------------------------------
MA NOUVELLE MOTO : KTM 450 EXC R SUPERMOTARD - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished Negotiable | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
2000HP GTRlar yarışa nasıl hazırlanıyor ? Hangi modifikasyonlar yapılıyor? - Duration: 11:33.-------------------------------------------
DELICIOUS!! Pineapple Orange Banana Smoothie-Vitamix - Duration: 2:09.I'm gonna start off with a half a cup of unsweetened cashew milk you can use
regular milk, soy milk, almond milk, water even if you want to. I have one orange.
Now I'm going to add half of a frozen banana. I have some frozen pineapple. sometimes I
add this sometimes I don't. I will today of course. I'm going to add some nonfat
plain Greek yogurt. That was probably about 1/4 of a cup. I like to use this
peanut butter powder you can use regular peanut butter if you want. I'm
going to add two scoops of that. And for some sweetness I like to add three
prunes plus that will help you go poo-poo. You could add honey if you'd rather,
plain own sugar or some dates that's up to you. Just need something for a little
sweetness. And that is that. You can add some ice in here too if you want to. Now,
I'm going to turn down the volume when I do this because it's so loud. I really
don't want to blow your ears out. But I'm going to turn it on and slowly go up to number 10 and let it go for about 30
seconds to one minute.
That was probably about 40 seconds... And there you go,
one of my favorite smoothies so far in the morning.
คล็อปป์ ปาดเหงื่อ!! ต่างดาว เปิดศึก ชุดขาว ล่าลายเซ็นสตาร์ หงส์แดง เสริมโหดเกมรุก - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
หลังบ้านต้องมาก่อน!! หงส์แดง จัดหนักพร้อมทุ่มซื้อ "เดอ ลิกต์" ยืนคู่ ฟาน ไดจ์ค - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Jbey - MA FORCE EST EN TOI | ONE SHOT#44 - Duration: 2:44.- Hello Sonia ?
I wanted to tell you...
"Je t'aime"
- Oh really ?
- When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on
And you're always there
to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
And you're still there
to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
I'll guess I'll
never know
the reason why
You love me like you do
But that's the wonder
The wonder of you
(The wonder of you)
I find my strength in you
The wonder of you
The wonder of you
- Hi dear subbies !
Watch another song just below
and if you enjoyed this one,
- Like it, share it, comment on it !
and subscribe !
Welcome to our friend Félix
He is a humorist, he does sketches on his channel
and he wants to do a One Man Show
So check his channel, it's terrific !
and Wonder of youuuu !
День полный сюрпризов и подарков для Люси и ее семьи, мамы Барби и папы Кена - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Скандинавская мифология: Котел Гимира - Duration: 11:30.-------------------------------------------
'DISSO EU NÃO FALO', DIZ HELENO SOBRE CANDIDATOS LARANJAS DO PSL - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
OG(old gamer)ますたーのワンダーランドウォーズ 第63幕(2/3)【注目度1316.0 サンドリヨン】 - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
Аниме приколы #174 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы под музыку - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
[Chương 59] ✔ Truyện ✔ [ Love by chance the series ] ✔ Được Gọi Là ✔ Tình cờ yêu - Duration: 15:49.-------------------------------------------
ЛИНИЯ ФАСОВКИ КРЕМА В ТУБЫ - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Join the original Trans Siberian Railway - Moscow Beijing 18 days by Juergen Schreiter - Duration:
What Most People Don't Know About Liza Koshy - Duration: 3:59.If you've spent any time on the internet within the last five years, Liza Koshy has likely
popped up in at least one of your feeds.
In 2019, the YouTube star and TV personality landed a spot on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list.
Here are some things you may not know about this rising superstar.
Subscriber numbers are proof of Koshy's success.
In 2017, she passed a major YouTube milestone when she got more than 10 million subscribers
in a little under two years.
Koshy's second channel, Liza Koshy Too, gained millions of subscribers as well, and in 2017,
there was a total of one billion lifetime views between the two channels.
In a video on her main channel titled "Thank You For Everything," Koshy expressed her gratitude
to her 10 million subscribers.
"YouTube and you, too, helped build my confidence."
By January 2019, her subscribers reached 16 million on her main channel and 7.5 million
on her second channel.
In 2018, Koshy took a much-needed 10-month break from her main YouTube channel.
In January 2019, she returned to her newer channel, Liza Koshy Too, to explain why she
needed to step back from the platform.
In the video titled Why I Took A Break, Koshy explained that she had started dealing with
some mental health issues and creative burnout.
"I don't care about the quantity of videos that I post, I cared about the quality.
That's why I stopped making them."
While Koshy never went into too much detail, she did say that she had lost her enthusiasm
and that she had been faking her happiness a lot.
She also shared that she was extremely proud about how much work she had done on herself
during that time.
"Forget a net worth, talk about my self worth, ha ha, yuh."
Towards the end of 2017, Variety reported that Koshy would be starring in a new comedy
series for YouTube Red called Liza On Demand that would premiere with eight half-hour episodes
in 2018.
The show would be about Koshy taking on different odd jobs to, quote, "[make her] side hustle
[her] real hustle."
At the time, Koshy said in a statement,
"I can't wait to bring #LizaOnDemand to my YouTube audience and hopefully a new audience
According to What's Trending, by August 2018 Liza On Demand was being called one of the
biggest hits on YouTube Red, and her fans were very much on board.
"Liza, I'm gonna need you to promise me that you're not gonna airbnb my room while I'm
I would never…"
"I know you've already done it twice."
"... do that again."
Koshy interviewed celebrities on the red carpet pre-show for the 2018 Met Gala, an exclusive
fashion event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Decked out in a daringly sheer dress, she spoke with stars like Rihanna, Madonna, Ariana
Grande, and more.
In an Instagram post on her personal page, Koshy wrote,
"It was an honor, a blessing, and a sweaty dream to be Vogue's interviewer at the Met
Gala's red carpet.
Rihanna, J-Lo, Ariana… y'all looked good, but standing next to me, you looked even better."
It was Koshy's second time hosting a red carpet pre-show; the first was in 2017 when she hosted
the Golden Globes carpet for Twitter.
One particularly likable trait about Koshy is the fact she keeps it real with her fans,
and that includes spilling potentially embarrassing social media mishaps.
She told Clevver News about a time when she was about to Snapchat her bath bomb in the
tub when she noticed a not-safe-for-work reflection in the picture.
"I was just about to upload it when I realized that my breasteses were in it!"
"OH MY…"
"It was so bad.
I never posted it."
Talk about a close call.
"I almost got exposed."
In November 2017, Koshy took on a slightly different YouTube role: she became the very
first digital star to take part in Vogue's "73 Questions" series.
Koshy originally parodied the series on her own YouTube channel in a video titled "73
Questions with Jet Packinski," which featured Koshy as one of her popular characters.
As of February 2019, that video has over 26 million views.
In Vogue's video featuring Koshy, she joked that the best part of her job is that she
can't get fired.
"Can you describe your channel in three words?"
"Uh, three words?
Introvert gone wild."
Check out one of our newest videos right here!
Plus, even more The List videos about your favorite stuff are coming soon.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Give Ugly Men a Chance - Duration: 3:09.(upbeat music)
- Let me ask you a question,
I just want the guys to get out the way.
Anybody interested in the other two,
I'm serious, I'm giving you a shot.
(audience shouting)
You got a husband.
(audience shouting)
They pointed at.
She says, "Steve, yeah, but I got a husband."
(audience yelling and laughing)
I'm sick of his ass though.
(audience shouting)
- Listen to me. You know he's smooth though.
You know, but see a lot of women get high, he ain't cute.
If you gotta cute man, I'm a tell you something,
you ain't got (bleeps).
(audience shouts)
Cute ain't (bleeps).
Get you a regular lookin ass man that just look all right.
You know somebody you might have to explain
a couple things about it.
(audience laughing and shouting)
But you know, he look alright. But cute men ain't...
I don't even have cute friends.
All my friends is ugly.
Cuz I like ugly ass men, cuz you can count on their ass.
They show up they do (bleeps) what they say they gonna do.
You know, they reliable.
Some (bleeps) pop off they hard, that come with it.
You know, we start scrappin' you ain't gotta worry about
his punk ass talkin about a (moaning).
(audience laughs and shouts)
The (bleeps) you doin.
You see what's happenin over here, we gotta come out is it.
Ugly ass men is best.
- We're going to ag 1.
- I've been ugly, listen, I've never been attractive.
I knew it, listen to me.
My momma told me (laughing) when I was nine,
she said, listen, listen baby.
(audience laughing)
Go on get out that mirror
cuz you're not fixin to be attractive.
We don't have attractive men in our family,
but what I want you to do is learn
how to treat a woman with respect.
Work real hard, know how to take care of a woman
and you can get the one you want.
Don't worry about being pretty.
Your daddy ain't pretty.
(audience laughing)
None of your brothers is pretty.
Your and nose and lips, you're gonna grow into 'em.
Cuz (bleeps) was the same size when I was nine (laughing).
I was in the mirror one time doing like this.
She said, "you gonna grow in to them, but right now,
they a lot, so just get out the mirror
and quit lookin at yourself." (laughs)
(audience shouting and laughing)
I'm telling you (laughing) soak.
(upbeat music)
How Hasbro Makes Action Figures Look Just Like Movie Stars - Duration: 4:04.This isn't actually Paul Rudd.
It's an action figure of Paul Rudd.
And it's got a lot more detail than
the action figures you may be used to.
You've probably seen action figures like this before.
It's based on a movie,
has some accessories,
and it kind of looks like the star.
I think?
Definitely not an exact resemblance.
Up until a few years ago,
action figures didn't really look
like their movie counterparts.
That changed when Hasbro introduced
its Photo Real technology in 2017.
Used on both its Marvel Legends
and "Star Wars" Black Series lines,
the technology allows the company
to create figures with faces that
look exactly like the actor they're based on.
The figures begin like most others.
Things like accessories, outfits, and points of articulation
are all planned out digitally,
and a basic sculpt and molds of the figure are created.
Once we have a 3D sculpt that
we're in love with, that matches our design spec,
it gets turned over to the model shop.
They will cast it, which is a process
of taking the files, growing the files,
taking those pieces, casting them in rubber molds
so that we can make duplicates.
Narrator: Once the duplicates are made,
the process of making this plain white figure
look just like its character can begin.
It starts with some pretty high-res photos
of the actor in costume.
The photos are provided by the studio.
In this case, Marvel, which works with Hasbro
to make sure they get the photos
and angles they need.
But for something like "Star Wars,"
which didn't have lifelike action figures in mind
when it began filming more than 40 years ago...
So a lot of it kind of relies on on-set photography,
especially for kind of getting some
of the character likenesses.
Really just being able to capture
every angle of the character,
every angle of the costume,
and really being able to accurately
recreate that in a digital sculpt.
Narrator: Once the reference photos are chosen,
the real fun begins.
Dwight: We will take these types of images,
and we'll send them down to our model shop,
and they will take these into different programs,
cut them apart, and reconfigure them.
I can show you that we use our 3D modeling software.
And in here, we take all the photo reference
that they've given us, zoom in, get all these details.
We create multiple layers,
and we just kinda go in here,
and we start refining different shapes, different colors.
Narrator: The sculptors use the reference photos
and the already-crafted head sculpts
to digitally recreate the actors
and paint their face onto the digital sculpt.
When I get the head in, it's actually
just like a plain, blank, white head.
And then from there, I add all the colors.
I'm just constantly going back and forth
between the reference and the sculpt
and painting, and we try to recreate it.
Narrator: The artist might add some blush,
refine the eyes, increase the overall saturation -
basically making sure any detail in the actor's face
is mirrored in the figure.
Add shading to underneath Harrison Ford's scar,
so we make sure that comes out in the sculpt.
Anywhere that we feel like we want to accentuate.
His brow line, he kinda has a serious look,
so I put some shading in there so
when it prints, it really accentuates the sculpt.
Narrator: Once the face is finished,
it's printed onto the head sculpt.
Finally, the sculptor will assemble
the different parts of the figure
and paint the non-Photo Real parts.
Tony: We'll prime this out, the whole figure.
We'll base out the figure.
Then we'll start doing all the hand-painting.
All the details.
We've got our green here.
So just going in, hand-painting all those details.
And then by the end of it,
we've got a fully painted model.
Narrator: Because the process is so new
and secretive, there were a few things
Hasbro couldn't show us.
But once the model is complete,
Hasbro, its manufacturing partners,
the licenser, and the actor all work together
to make sure everyone loves
both the figure and the packaging it will come in.
And a few months after everyone signs off on it,
it's ready for store shelves.
S T R A N G E I S N ' T ? - Duration: 3:24.You might know everything I'm going to do
but that's not going to help you,
since I know everything you're going to do!
*Detranslated bulldick.Please,english friends,translate this video*
Most Hilarious Photobombs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud - Duration: 12:09.Most Hilarious Photobombs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Improving Super Smash Brothers: Rayman - Duration: 10:40.Since YouTube's a hard place to try and make your start,
I've been trying to be somewhat strategic
with the smash videos I've made so far!
Cheat the system a bit, ya know?
Smash is announced with the Inklings
so let's talk about them!
Ridley is rumored?! I better hurry on that one!!!
...Daisy got in???
Alright! I guess she might net me some views..
But today! Today is different! Today's episode is for me!
Because today, we're talking about
my most wanted character! Someone that I've hoped
would join the roster since Smash Brothers began!
I LOVE Rayman!
You've got all these gaming mascots based off of
real-life people and animals and whatnot... But then!
You see THIS!
What... is this?
I had no idea! Still don't!
But my six-year-old brain gravitated to this oddity and I fell in love with his games!
Rayman legends is one of my favorite games of all time
and Rayman 3 might be my favorite! (Very heavy nostalgia bias there)
Naturally that led to a desire to see him in Smash Bros!
But I never expected him.
Just a dream of mine that made me happy to think about, and at the time that's all I needed it to be!
He wasn't in melee and that was okay!
He wasn't in brawl and I wasn't fazed.
And he won't appear in Smash 4 either but that's just fine and-
*Duke's Brain Explodes*
Why would you do this to me...
I was content! I was satisfied!
I could have gone my whole life without this dream
EVER becoming a reality, and I would have been happy!
But over these last few years I've gotten so CLOSE!!!
He's even gotten on a roster, just not the right one!
It's been ridiculous...
I've been teased SO many times with zero payback
And after all this, I just... I kind of feel like I deserve it!
That Rayman should be in the game!
He'd be a great character! Very unique!
And here is how he'd work!
We've got to go the extra mile for this one!
Because on a surface level, Rayman's not that interesting of a fighter...
and that's coming from someone who ranks him above every other video game mascot!
Many point to his moveset in legends as a way he could work in smash, and yeah that would work!
We'll use that as a baseline, but, that's just punches and kicks
They reach a bit further than other characters, but still!
No, if Rayman is on the roster, we need to embrace what makes him unique
What he possesses that makes him so special!
Or rather, what he lacks!
Rayman is dismembered! As such, his moveset should take full advantage of this!
Attacking in ways that are only possible when you're not limited by your limbs!
What other character can bounce their torso around like this?
That thing could easily work as a heavy projectile!
He's also got to be able to control his descent,
the helicopter hair needs to be an important part of his play style!
Peach's umbrella is an obvious comparison here,
but I'd like a little more versatility!
I would also argue that Rayman should be one of the fastest characters in the game
but also one of the lightest!
Right around... here!
Heavier than Mewtwo, but lighter than Pikachu because
Because somehow that's possible!
The last thing he should have is range, pure and simple.
He's basically a walking amalgamation of projectiles,
so his moveset should take full advantage of that!
Now what does that mean from a gameplay perspective?
Having a character that hasn't got it all together?
Well, first, I think there'd be a unique rhythm to his attacks!
They are very very fast, just Bam! Hitbox! No muscles to wind up for Rayman!
But they have a LOT of end lag, moreso than any other character, by FAR.
But here's where things get interesting...
That lag, that time it takes before Rayman can attack again,
It only affects the limb he throws out!
It may take a second or two for Rayman's fist to come back to him, but that's okay!
He's got plenty of limbs to work with in the meantime!
Because of this, Rayman actually has different versions of some moves,
weaker attacks he'll throw out if his preferred limb isn't available!
Take his up air! Normally he throws a high kick to the skies!
But if he tries to do that again, he's got to use his other foot,
and if he does it again, there's no feet left
so he kind of just does this week head butt motion
It creates a unique dynamic, where your limbs are a resource
that the player has to manage to play Rayman optimally
You'll also notice that several of these attacks leave a lot of gaps in Rayman's body.
This is another benefit of being limbless!
Rayman may have reach, but he's not a big target, just a collection of smaller ones!
Ya slot a Ganondorf back air right here, and guess what?
That's gonna whiff!
But... that's overpowered! Right?
Well... kinda...
As I said, he's not a big target
He's a collection of smaller ones
and the small ones can be hit too!
While they're attached to his main body,
or... following it, I guess?
Hitting them works the same as hitting any other character
but while they're trying to get back to his body,
you can knock them away to delay their return!
It's counter play! You can cripple Rayman's move set if you isolate his limbs away from him!
Forcing him to use the weaker moves in his arsenal!
As for specific moves, I said we were using Legends as a baseline
Which already fills out most of his moveset.
He's got a jab combo he can use while moving
His down air gets him back to the ground almost instantly,
and the reach of his smash attacks is absurd!
Let's talk about his hair next!
Rayman joins the ranks of Yoshi and Jigglypuff as a
character who's up special kinda sucks,
at least for recovering.
Instead, pressing the up special causes his hair to start or stop spinning!
Slowing his fall speed to a crawl!
Again, very similar to peach!
But Rayman's hair is a simple toggle.
It's instant, a stance change, and he can still attack while using it
And if he uses this on the ground, let's say he fires a gust of wind above him
No damage on that, just a vertical gust bellows
Keeps your foes above me while you wait for your limbs to come back
For his other specials, one is super obvious
A generic, charged up projectile because we just don't have enough of those yet!
But to make Rayman's a little more unique, his acts like a boomerang!
Though it doesn't deal as much damage on the way back
He can charge this while moving, and both his fists can be used for the move!
So, you have two shots!
So that's his neutral special, obviously, but from here it gets tricky
as while Rayman has had a lot of abilities over the years
Not many stand out as must-haves
You could argue the Lum swing, but I think that works better as a grab and tether recovery
Some people suggest the plum like smash flash 2 does but... I just don't like that... at all
But... what else besides those is important to his history?
Oh for God's sake...
Look, love them or hate them, you can't talk about Rayman without them
they nearly cannibalized his series!
And while an actual rabbit would work better as an Assist Trophy in my opinion,
The plunger guns they and Rayman use would make for a good move!
This will be the side special!
On its own, it's not the best projectile
It doesn't travel very quickly...
You have to reload it after firing and it's a plunger. Doesn't do much damage
But this is also a skill shot!
Much like Mewtwo's Disable, if you hit your opponent when they're facing you,
the plunger will stick to their face!
And they'll be temporarily stunned as they try to pull the plunger off!
Lastly, Rayman's down special!
I mentioned his torso as a projectile earlier, and I like that idea!
So let's have some fun with this!
Press the down special and Rayman will dropkick his torso
Kind of like the Kung foot minigame from Legends, there's your reference for ya!
But unlike his other limbs, his stomach will not return to Rayman.
Instead, the rest of Rayman rubber bands back to his stomach!
It may not be the strongest in terms of referencing his history, but doesn't it sound like fun?!
And that's Rayman in Smash Brothers!
A very odd character that the series has never seen the likes of before!
He's a tricky opponent with excellent control over his own mobility
but he has to manage his limbs properly to succeed
if he fails to do so, he can't withstand much punishment
Still, the sheer power he has along with his unorthodox style
will surely make him a fearsome foe on the battlefield!
So I think smash would be improved if Rayman was in the game, but what about you?
What do you think the limbless wonder should be in smash?
And if not him, what changes do you think could improve the series?
Share them in the comments below and maybe they'll be featured in the next Peasants Perspective!
Generally there'd be some Adventure mode story slideshow thing going here
I started that in the first Smash episode but I think I'm going to stop now
Sorry if that disappoints you but it just stopped being fun for me
and I don't want to force myself to do something I don't enjoy
So now you're just stuck with me talking over this artwork
It's nice, right?
Go follow MattArtsXIII on Twitter
He's already drawn several more thumbnails for me and they all look so good
He's a great artist, give him some love!
Also, Annoying Bokoblin got the final destination background,
So thank you! That was cool! I did not want to do that myself!
I'll have a link to that video in the description
He's fine with you using it as long as you give credits so if you make videos, you know, why not? It looks good!
I'm just rambling at this point, but there was a bit of a style change for this episode that will be continuing in the future
I edit Know Your Moves episodes for Relax Alax now, and I'm not gonna stop that from bleeding into my own content
I hope that's not a cause for complaints, I can't see why it would be, but if it is...
Sorry? I guess? Drop shadows on blank backgrounds look good, what can I say?
Next episode is gonna be different.
It started as a smash video for a long time veteran of the series
but became something else
Because I don't feel like said veteran gets enough love in their own series
So, we're going to talk about them next, and an idea I have for a game starring them!
See you then!
Gavin Newsom's office says he's fully committed to high-speed rail between SF, LA - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Lil Baby, Gunna - Close Friends (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Princess, are you sleeping? | Marichat | Adrienette [Miraculous ladyBug Speededit] - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
10 Cancelled Mcdonald's Items That People Still Talk About - Duration: 13:09.Love it or hate it, McDonald's is here to stay. And whether you have a table with your
name unofficially on it in your favorite McDonald's outlet, or you haven't been to the place
in a long time, there are certain menu items that you still remember either fondly or not.
Truth is, every now and then McDonald's would surprise us with an item that would
leave us gobsmacked. And by the time you collect your jaw off the floor, that item has vanished.
Just like that. And then you're left with nothing but memories of all the good times
you shared together and all the fireworks it ignited on your tongue. So let's take
a walk down memory lane and relive the ten cancelled McDonald's items that people still
talk about.
McSalad Shakers
Salad in a tall transparent cup with a lid like a dome, what could possibly go wrong?
Nothing. This was McDonald's way to celebrate the new millennium. Back in 2000, this innovative
way to eat salad arrived at every outlet in the country. Maybe it was McDonald's trying
to encourage people to eat more salads. Or maybe the customers were just bored with the
unwieldy bowls of salad that they've been served so far. This new approach was nothing
short of revolutionary. You opened the lid and piled up your favorite dressings as you
went along. When done you replaced the domed lid and gave it a hearty shake to spread the
yummy goo all over the green bits. Sounds easy and fun? It sure was. People started
ordering the McSalad Shakers and shaking them all over the place. Not only was this new
way to eat salad more enjoyable, the portable packages made it easy to carry salad with
you wherever you went. On a flight, in a taxi, while commuting, or just take it home. Salad
became everyone's favorite companion thanks to this novel idea. And just like that, three
years later, it was off the menu. No more cute cups of salad for us.
Arch Deluxe
Arch Deluxe was McDonald's attempt to reimagine itself as a place for grownups. Ronald McDonald
and the kid play area in the stores were associating the brand with children. So how do you appeal
to adults who don't have kids to steer them to the entrance of the arched potato fries?
Enter Arch Deluxe. The answer that adults all over the country have been waiting for.
It's sophistication in the form of a sandwich. Even the marketing campaign targeting adult
customers showed children turning away from this sophisticated food item. And if you're
wondering how showing customers shun a product would help market it, especially with a brand
that has never been remotely associated with culinary sophistication as McDonald's, your
guess is as good as mine. It turns out the kids got it right. This item which was really
nothing more than a potato sesame bun with a roundish slice of bacon and some peculiar
mustard didn't do the trick. Adults still went with the chicken nuggets and the Big
Macs leaving the pricey and high-calorie Arch Deluxe behind. Now when we remember it, it's
with amusement and nothing else.
Big N Tasty
This was McDonald's answer to the Burger King's Whooper. Competition runs deep between
the fast food giants. And when a food item works somewhere, there's no shame in borrowing
the idea, repackaging it and offering it to your own customers. Not that we, the customers,
are complaining. Back in 1997, this new addition to the Ronald McDonald's menu was added
to celebrate the opening of a theme park in California called Disney's California Adventure.
The theme park hit it big among the Californians but Big N Tasty didn't. Californication
proving too elusive for the new food item, Big N Tasty moved beyond state lines and later
spread on the global scene under a different name. Worldwide it was known as Big Tasty,
having dropped the N. But that too didn't impress customers. So the item started to
make cameo appearances on the dollar menu. Just think about that for a second. A quarter-pound
beef meat patty in a sesame seed bun along with tomato, lettuce, dill pickle slices,
onions, mayonnaise, and ketchup, all for one dollar. Sounds like a dream. But in 2003,
it was replaced on the dollar menu by the Double Cheeseburger. Finally in 2011, Big
N Tasty was no more. It still lives in our memory, though, which probably says something
about its replacement.
When borrowing ideas from your competitors doesn't work, maybe you should try getting
inspiration from different cuisines altogether. Like, say, Italian. In the late 80s, McDonald's
ventured into the sauce soaked world of Italian food. McSpaghetti was just one idea. There
was also McPizza. And you can guess why neither of them has survived even as a faded memory
in our collective conscience today. They were just not good. Let's leave it at that. When
you come for the burger and fries, then having to wait for a dish that takes too long to
prepare isn't going to go down well with the customers. Which is what happened to the
Italian flavored McSpaghetti. Another reason for the short-lived experiment not taking
off was the competition. Italian restaurants offered much more variety, flavors, and originality
than the McDonald's knockoff. Try to imagine it, burger and spaghetti? They don't go
together, do they? Which is exactly why the Italian inspired menu disappeared from the
stores just as quickly as they appeared. But if you find yourself one day in the Philippines,
you can still order a McSpaghetti and see for yourself if it was really a good idea
to serve pasta in a McDonald's outlet or not.
Hula Burger
Here's another product that was targeting a niche market. In this case, the niche market
was the Catholic market. Since Catholics over 14 shouldn't eat meat on Fridays, the chain
was having slow days in predominantly Catholic areas. Something had to be done. If you can't
bring the faithful Catholics to McDonald's on Fridays, then take an alternative food
item to the Catholics as a compromise. And that's when the idea for Hula Burger was
born. The recipe was simple. Take out the meat and replace it with a slice of pineapple.
Oh, and the pineapple is grilled of course. Stuff it with cheese in a bun and it becomes
a non-meat alternative to a regular burger. Or so they hoped anyway. But it very much
wasn't. You can grill pineapple as much as you like but it will never taste like a
juicy slab of beef. Just ask any carnivore. Eventually, the company realized that it would
take more than pineapple and cheese to seduce the faithful and pulled the vegetarian burger
off the market.
Lobster is delicious seafood. I think most of us can agree on that. And when you want
to eat lobster you usually head to a seafood restaurant and gorge yourself on the delicate
morsels of lobster meat. What you don't do however is go to a McDonald's and order
a lobster sandwich. It just doesn't sound right. But perhaps out of boredom, someone
decided to give the McLobster the green light and see how people would take it. So what
was the McLobster? It's a hot dog bun stuffed with lobster meat and special sauce. And in
1993 was selling for $6. Sounds like a deal, right? Not really. At first, people clamored
to try the novel item on the menu. Probably they were propelled by the other seafood item
called Fillet-O-Fish which as a meat alternative was flying off the shelves. But unlike the
Fillet-O-Fish, the lobster variety didn't really catch up even with the special sauce
which itself was probably a variety of ketchup. Today you can still order a McLobster in New
England and Canada where the lobster supply is plentiful.
Angus Third-Pounder
It is well known that McDonald's takes their time when introducing new food items to their
menu. Sometimes they'd go for years running the same menu. Maybe it's because they believe
that if it's not broken why fix it. And in the case of the Angus Third-Pounder, they
were probably right. It was the first addition to the menu since Big N Tasty had made its
appearance in 2001. The Angus Third-Pounder was born in 2009. Right from the start, it
boasted a few tantalizing factors that were guaranteed to make it a success. It had full
slices of bacon, a rarity in the fast food world, and it also came loaded with glorious
rings of red onions. The idea behind it was bigger was better. After all, a third pounder
is larger than a quarter pounder. And since the Quarter Pounder was crushing it, then
obviously the third pounder would rule supreme. Only it didn't. Thanks to the size and full
slice of bacon, the Angus Third-Pounder was more expensive than other items on the menu
like the Big Mac and the Quarter Pounder. It was selling at $4.49 and that was enough
to turn off consumers. In 2013 it was phased out in American outlets even though it remains
popular in countries like Australia and Argentina.
This one is a real classic. It first appeared in 1984. And it wasn't just the sandwich
itself which was innovative, but also the packaging was quite elaborate and, let's
just say, complex. The McDLT belongs in the same family as Big N Tasty but was a decade
older. But unlike Big N Tasty, McDLT really took the innovation in packaging a bit too
far. The styrofoam box that contained the McDLT had two containers. One for the cold
ingredients and the other for the hot ingredients. The idea was you used those ingredients to
build your own custom sandwich. Use as much as you like of each container to make the
sandwich that suited you. Sounds revolutionary, right? In fact, it was really out there, it
had done away with the main rule that made fast food appealing to people. It's the
rule of pre-made and prepackaged food. A sandwich is something you unwrap and set your teeth
into. Not something you have to assemble. That simple oversight was enough to doom McDLT
almost from the get go. Another issue was the custom boxes. Styrofoam isn't exactly
environmentally friendly and the pile of waste grew with every sandwich sold. So after a
long 7 years, the McDLT was finally shelved in 1991 to the great relief of environmentalists
Onion Nuggets
If you like onion and chicken nuggets you're going to love this one. Who knows; maybe after
you finish watching this you'd take to the internet and call for its immediate return.
In the late 1970s, McDonald's decided to roll out this revolutionary concept and see
how the customers reacted. Onion Nuggets were just diced onions mixed with bread and fried.
In other words, the onion was getting the chicken nuggets treatment and it was loving
it. The only problem was, the customers didn't agree. The idea somehow seemed good only on
paper. During the testing stages of the new food item, the customers simply loathed the
product. The company went ahead anyway and the product didn't do quite as expected
once it hit the menu. It was discontinued in the 80s, but rumor has it that a sample
of the now-defunct Onion Nuggets still survives in Elk Grove, Illinois. We assume it's kept
under maximum security and no visitors are allowed to even set their eyes on that relic
of culinary innovation. To this day, you'll find people calling for the return of Onion
Orange Hi-C
The last item on our list might still be fresh in your memory. Especially the heartbreak
it caused to millions of people who enjoyed that very soda. People just loved their burger
with Orange Hi-C. And when it was discontinued, not only did the customers complain, but even
the staff at McDonald's outlets were still moaning about it months after it disappeared.
To this day, many people are mystified by McDonald's decision to remove such a popular
beverage from their menu. At the time the company had said that Orange Hi-C was to be
replaced by another soda. Namely, Sprite TropicBerry. But the replacement process wasn't a smooth
one. Many outlets kept serving Orange Hi-C until they'd run out of stock. In fact,
people loved their Hi-C so much that they would seek out the stores that still sold
it. Since its disappearance from the menu, many petitions have appeared online asking
for the return of this orange soda. Whether that will happen or not remains unknown, but
one thing is for sure: people did enjoy their orange beverage with their Mickey D's French
fries and burgers. Who can blame them? I guess nothing is forever when it come to fast food
menu items. How long before the Big Mac disappears? Oh no that could never happen.
Help yourself to seconds by staying right there and clicking on our next great video!
And if you would like to become an official BabbleTopper, click on the join link in the
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Trick Daddy Almost Ruins Joy's Fundraiser | Love & Hip Hop: Miami - Duration: 4:14.(Khaotic) I don't mind donating.
Oh, (bleep)!
(Khaotic) Oh! (bleep)!
I'm hanging here at my Free Joy campaign car wash.
I see Trick and the first thing I'm thinking,
I hope he got my damn money in his pocket for this divorce.
Trick Daddy Dollars. What's up, my brother?
What do you do, my boy?
I came to the car wash today 'cause I didn't believe it,
plus I wanted to see one of them fine girls
put some Armor All on tight ass. (laughs)
I came to support old Joy, you heard me?
Did you read the shirt?
Free Joy. You need to get involved. You been missing.
I played my part.
Thanks for coming.
Joy having a car wash? She should have saved
some of that money I was giving her.
(Khaotic) Man, I'm glad you pulled up, though, man.
I got a record for you. I need you.
Who did the record?
Okay, Hollywood cool. He cool.
Yeah, he got a dope mixed track...
(Joy) How much are you gonna pay for that record.
Don't act like you ain't got no money.
Hey, I gave you what I can give you.
That was chump change.
What the (bleep) is that?
$40 closer to the number where she need to be.
(Joy) No! See? No, no, no, no, no.
Don't let her fool y'all, acting like I'm holding her back.
Ooh, Lord!
I done spent all I'm gonna spend.
You need more.
Hold on. Now, listen.
This is getting a little heated.
Let me take y'all over here.
We ain't got nothing to talk about.
Y'all wasting y'all time, man.
You always running. What you running from?
You missed a spot.
You my do. You legally my do!
I'm not your do.
Pay for the divorce!
Come back!
I'm-- I'm leaving.
Come back!
Stop assaulting me.
Get out. Where the money at?
I got the $40.
Give it to me.
I gave her everything when we was married,
but I ain't never felt appreciated,
not one goddamn time.
Will you shut the door?
You need to get out of the car 'cause we not finished.
Get out of the car.
I'm not getting out of the car.
I'm about to pull off.
You went and got real cheap.
Take your cheap ass on.
40 (bleep) dollars?
(bleep) you, you cheap bitch!
(bleep)! (bleep)!
What's up with it?
What's up? What happened?
Don't cry, sister!
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be free. You're gonna be free.
The only good that's coming out of today
is that I really see who my true friends are.
Trina! I'm gonna happen.
Wash, wash!
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Your friend came by-- Trick.
Did he leave any money?
He gave me $40.
That's why my voice is gone,
'cause I was so busy yelling at him.
But anyway...
And I'm happy you're here.
You know, I wanna thank you for last time.
It did mean a lot to me for us to share that moment
about my struggles with you, so...
I was happy to be there for you.
I actually just did an amazing interview
with Tarana Burke.
The Tarana Burke?
The Tarana Burke.
And she's having this event for the Me Too movement.
So I think you guys should come with me.
I would like you guys to come.
Oh, I wanna come.
You should come.
I would love to come.
Well, you know what? I'll let you guys catch up.
I'm gonna go knit-wire some machines over there.
Okay. Well, how do you feel overall?
I just feel...
like this is something
I shouldn't even have to do.
I think this was a way for me
to try to make some cash quick.
We did okay,
but, you know, I don't know.
So why don't you just ask me?
You got so much stuff on your plate
and you always helping me,
and it's not fair to you.
Oh, Lord. (chuckles)
Cry. It's okay.
I'm just tired.
I'm tired of being in this situation.
It's making me miserable,
and I can't go back to that.
I'm in a happy place right now.
I'm on my way to...
being Miss Positivity.
You know?
I'm gonna just do something for you.
I got a something for you.
Here you go. This is for you.
This is to help you out.
Call your lawyer and say you're getting a divorce.
No, I can't.
No, you have to take it. You have to take it.
Thank you!
Switch - Obsession - Duration: 3:10.Numbers and status, don't have a place here Viral obsessions fade but You remain the same
Words and opinions are nothing but white noise I only hear Your voice
Light in the darkness, You are my heart's desire Let my obsession be what You have done for me
In the end, what they think doesn't matter I refuse to be bound to their standards By Your love I am free
When the world is shouting, You are peace around me You have seen me and You call me as Your own
Nothing else can silence what You speak with purpose There is nothing that defines me but Your love
Without condition, I am accepted Jesus Your love for me is all that I'll ever need
I refuse to obsess over status I refuse to obsess over fame You are enough for me
When the world is shouting, You are peace around me You have seen me and You call me as Your own
Nothing else can silence what You speak with purpose There is nothing that defines me but Your love
In the end, what they think doesn't matter I refuse to be bound to their standards You are enough for me
In the end, what they think doesn't matter I refuse to be bound to their standards By your love I am free
When the world is shouting, You are peace around me You have seen me and You call me as Your own
Nothing else can silence what You speak with purpose There is nothing that defines me but Your love
周冬雨自爆上学时没人追?当看到她上学时旧照,网友:我也不敢追 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Monster Truck Dan: Clash of Giants | Kids Songs | Cartoon Videos For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 17:08.Monster Truck Dan - Clash of Giants
кафе с енотами в корее / какие (дикие) еноты ! 맹쿤 라쿤 카페 - кенха/kyungha/경하 - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
7 Reasons Metro Exodus Is The Best Metro Game Yet | PC Review - Duration: 18:47.Welcome to Rock Paper Shotgun, where today we're stepping into a dog eat dog world,
where desperate times force people to desperate measures and cruel overlords mess with the
fates of the common man.
But enough about the Epic Games Store exclusivity deal, I want to talk about Metro Exodus.
More specifically, I'm here to tell you why I think it's the best Metro yet and
the perfect culmination of Artyom's story.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that it's the best single player first person shooter
I've played in a few years.
At a time where everyone is going Battle Royale crazy, 4A Games have stuck to their guns - their
weird, hand pumped gas guns - and delivered their most ambitious solo adventure yet.
Forget 100 people battling for supremacy, I'm not sure you'll meet 100 people in
the entire game.
Although these new humanimal enemies would be amazing at PUBG - camouflage to die for.
Before we pop on our gas masks and step out into the wilderness, a couple of quick things
- I will try and keep this as spoiler-free as possible, there won't be any cutscenes
or story details.
And if you do enjoy this video, I'd love it if you'd give it a like and subscribe
to the channel.
To everyone who does, I raise a glass of impressively physics-enabled alcoholic beverage...
And to those that don't, you only get a bitter dose of Fartizin.
God knows what Fartizin cures.
Anyway, let's get on with it.
The first reason I love Exodus kind of applies to the wider series.
To me Metro is the opposite of a power fantasy - which is what most games boringly adhere
Metro is a struggle fantasy - a game that revels in the toil of a decaying world.
It's a world so harsh and unforgiving, even the rotting landscapes are decorated with
paintings of rotting landscapes.
Traditionally Metro consigns you to cramped tunnels, lit with a flashlight that has to
be cranked for power every few minutes.
And when you do get out into the light, the air is so toxic you're forced to wear a
gasmask, meaning you can't really see all that amazing art design.
Oh, and those gulping breaths aren't gasps of wonder at the majestic Soviet architecture
- that's you suffocating because you forgot to manually change your air filter.
No, Metro doesn't shepherd you to the end credits and Exodus is true to this.
It repeats all the awkward mechanics established over two games, but adds fun new ones.
Like holding up your map to get your bearings - very Far Cry 2, which is another masterpiece
of deliberately unfriendly game design.
Or you get weapons clogging with dirt to increase the chance of jamming.
And even though it's a bit silly, I quite like that tumbleweeds throw twigs straight
onto your eyeballs.
It all combines to conjure this immersive, hard edged world.
The best change is swapping currency for crafting.
Instead of exchanging bullets for supplies, you use your backpack to whip up air filters,
health packs or basic ammunition.
You're constantly weighing your needs: do you hold back chemicals for an emergency air
Is a Tikhar flame capsule worth more than three medkits?
Yes, you had to make similar calls when buying goods in previous games, but those decisions
were limited to Metro stations dotted throughout the story.
With a craft bench on your back at all times you're free to make bad decisions whenever
you want, and there's a greater tension because of it.
A question I've seen a lot in the comments is whether Metro's oppressive vibe can exist
outside of the claustrophobic setting of Moscow's underground.
Exodus does take us to plenty of tunnels, but the meat of the story is spent in three
larger sandbox areas.
But don't think of these maps as traditional open worlds.
While bigger and more free flowing than before - there are no lines of broken cars penning
us in here - there are plenty of tricks to focus the storytelling.
In the boglands of the Volga River, for example, action is confined to islands navigated by
rowboats, with poison-spitting shrimps preventing you from idly exploring.
And areas of high toxicity encourage fast sightseeing before you grow a hand out the
side of your face, or something.
Later, in the sinister remnants of a kids summer camp, steep valley walls and crevices
turn a vast forest into a more delicate creep through warring territories.
Far from from feeling penned in by invisible walls however, you can simply go wherever
is logical.
Where the map is at its most open - in the deserts of the Caspian sea - a pair of binoculars
cut it down to size, pinpointing areas of interest.
At first I thought this might spoil the fun of discovery, but it fits with the fiction
- you're not meant to be holidaying in this grim world, but getting in and out fast and
acting on whatever intel you can scrape together.
In the Caspian desert the binoculars really do guide you away from a lot of empty sand
- something I only discovered by wasting time driving my dusty old banger out to the empty
It wasn't time wasted however - splatting mutants on the windscreen will always make
a trip worth taking.
But if the maps are not as open as you might expect, they're open enough for the desired
effect: the excitement of seeing an ominous structure on the horizon and wondering what
horrors it contains, or the tactical thrill of approaching enemy outposts from any angle.
The simple ability to tackle landmarks in an order of your choosing can have big ramifications
- items scavenged in one place might make a huge difference elsewhere.
I'm still kicking myself that the last location I cleared out in the Caspian was the hiding
place of the sniper scope I really needed for the previous three hours of exploration.
In moments like this, open maps feel like a perfect fit for a scavenger sim.
What's really impressive is how the game keeps you on a retractable dog leash, letting
us scamper freely around the maps before reeling us back in when there's something important
to show us.
I touched on this my previous video, but only by playing the whole game do you see how well
4A Games maintain the scripted thrills they mastered in 2033 and Last Light.
The team has long cited Half Life as an inspiration for their games and I'm glad they haven't
totally given up the set piece-driven corridor shooter.
With Valve showing zero interest in the genre they perfected, I'm glad someone is carrying
the torch.
Even if you do have to pump every three bloody minutes.
In the context of Exodus, scripted action sometimes means visiting a standalone level.
Longterm fans will be pleased to hear that Exodus isn't just sandboxes from start to
I'm glad we get to visit more traditional tunnels, if only to see how recent updates
to the 4A Engine bring them to life.
This engine has some of the best lighting I've ever seen, especially if you boost
it with RTX Ray Tracing, and watching a flashlight slice through the dark murk of the underground
is a great showcase for the studios' tech team.
But I also love the way 4A draw you into interior locations within the sandbox, places where
they have total control over space and pacing.
At one point I was exploring an old terminal - quite a harmless bit of scavenging - only
for it to turn into a huge game of cat and mouse.
Or should that be catfish and mouse?
When you see what radiation has done to local wildlife you'll never be able to flush a
goldfish down the toilet again.
Likewise, a trip down into buried archives allows 4A to unleash spiderbugs for a third
These scuttling nightmares have to be driven away with your torch as they attack from all
In these moments you could be playing 2033 or Last Light, but then you're only 20 minutes
- and tens of dead spiders away - from bursting back out in the open and left to your own
devices again.
Compare this to the other open worlds - those of Bethesda, Avalanche, even Rockstar - and
you'll see games that handle scale with ease, but sometimes struggle to assert themselves
in more intimate action.
Exodus is one of very few games to strike that balance.
The only real downside to a more open Metro, is it gives monsters more angles of approach
to murder you as you try to go sightseeing.
Which is bad, unless you're attacked by a demon, who gives you the kind of view a
sightseer dreams of.
The answer to this, is guns, but not your usual guns.
This isn't a world of gleaming military toys, but that actually works in Metro's
When you have to carefully nurture a gun - giving it little chemical baths at the workshops,
and hunting down shiny new parts - it feels that much more fulfilling when it's in your
hands, doing the job you prepared it for.
Personally I've always been a sucker for Metro's silenced revolver - as soon as I
had one in 2033 and Last Light I wouldn't swap it for the whole game - especially when
I could buy a times four scope and deliver headshots with impunity.
Once I pieced it together in Exodus not even a pack of watchman could wipe the grin from
my face.
Of course, other dream weapons are available and Exodus encourages you to create your own
with a quick modding system that alters the nature of a gun in just a few seconds.
What I love about this building system is the way you adapt on fly - popping on a night
vision scope for dark caves, or removing suppressors and extra shotgun barrels when you know you're
about to meet something big and nasty.
Because these parts are scavenged from dropped guns or found at locations around the map,
there's a real sense of making do with what you've got.
For a good portion of the game I was stuck using an ill suited night vision sniper scope
out in the burning sun, just because I hadn't found the right part.
All this would be meaningless if they handled like peashooters, but with ammo being so scarce,
4A work very hard to make sure each pull of the trigger feels rewarding.
Thumping a ball bearing into a goon's heads from 100 feet feels as unpleasant as it sounds.
Like Anton Chigurh and his bolt gun in No Country For Old Men it's mechanical and
matter of fact.
And while noise is generally best avoided, I can't resist the Valve rifle - the sound
of the shot reverberating across the desert is sexy enough that I don't care if every
bandit knows I'm coming.
Of course, guns are only ever one solution in Exodus.
And while 4A do force your hand in regular gunfights, you are free to creep through much
of the game - even more so than in previous entries.
Metro's stealth is a strange beast as it's quite rudimentary when you describe it.
You have a visibility meter on your wrist and can extinguish most lights in the world
to make it your shadow-y playground.
But that's kinda it.
Compared to Deus Ex or Dishonoured it's very barebones, but if it feels exciting to
succeed with these rules I guess it kinda doesn't matter?
I love the quiet approach: watching enemy headlamps to estimate their line of sight,
and systematically turning off the lights to make the world more amenable to my lurking
Just the sound effect of Artyom blowing out a candle gives me a chill - it's an aggressive
puff of air, from a pair of lungs that know they're going to be doing some damage in
the next few minutes.
I like to imagine this is how Batman blows out the candles on his birthday cake.
But I do wonder if it's slightly overpowered.
The AI is pretty generous, with henchmen often failing to hear nearby attacks.
And once you start succeeding in stealth it can tip the entire survival scales in your
favour as you'll be using fewer bullets and medkits.
Familiarise yourself with the throwing knife - which is an instant kill on most enemies
and can be retrieved for endless reuse - and you can go for long stretches without doing
any crafting.
On one hand this feel like a reward for smart stealth play, so it didn't really upset
me, but I was playing on Hardcore difficulty, because I wanted to feel the proper squeeze
of the survival struggle.
But as it is, I often felt one step ahead of the game.
I wonder if the inclusion of a quick save is also to blame - the previous games limited
you to strict checkpoints, so were a bit harder as a result.
Perhaps a Ranger playthrough will shut me up - but I didn't fancy taking on the game
without HUD elements in my first attempt.
One stealth-related idea I did really like is using the day/night cycle to gain an advantage.
By sleeping in safe houses you can jump to night, where guards are more likely to be
The flipside is poor visibility - and your flashlight will give you away - and more monsters
come out at night.
I think the risk/reward element would have more sting to it if nocturnal stealth didn't
give you such a huge advantage - but it's still appreciated.
One way to up the difficulty is to attempt a non-lethal run - or as non-lethal run as
you can be outside of forced shootouts.
Traditionally, Metro has rewarded forgiveness - if you can call a punch to the head forgiveness
- with good and bad endings.
Exodus' conclusion is apparently more elastic than good or bad - it's hard for me to test
as I've only played through once.
I didn't have another 20 hours to play through and experiment.
But endings aside, you'll probably want to let people live just because they're
so rich in character.
Metro has always been good at introducing lore without forcing exposition or reading
down your throats - and that task is even harder here, as each sandbox area has its
own political situation that needs to be introduced and rectified in the brief time you're there.
But it's handled very well - the core story objectives bring you through the basics, but
if you take the time to explore the map you'll meet other characters who pad out the story
or allow you to impact its future.
I'll always get a kick out of hearing NPCs chat about the things I've been up to elsewhere
in the game.
Sometimes these decisions can simply be made by holstering your gun at an opportune moment,
showing the locals that you're not so bad.
This is particularly brilliant in Volga, where a cult of electric-fearing luddites can be
scared witless with your flashlight.
By the time you come to leave each level you have a great sense of what it was about and
what the future might hold for it.
While part of me is sad that we don't get to see what the Nazis and Reds - the warring
factions of Moscow's Metro - are up to these days, the amount of story Exodus gets through
in 20 hours is pretty impressive.
This would be the natural place to slide into story discussion, but that would spoil it.
I will say that I think the final stretch of the game will divide opinions.
After showing us the potential of the outside world the game begins to contract over its
final few hours - a fitting send off for this particular series, but one that might annoy
people giddy on fresh air.
So instead of looking at the broad strokes, I want to celebrate the little touches, as
it's in the attention to detail that Metro has always separated itself from noisier shooters.
Things like the lonely rooms of empty houses, telling us little stories about the people
who occupied them.
I mean, whoever lived in this place knew how to party - they've got it all: booze, an
accordion, a weird triangle guitar thing and a big ass jar of pickles.
Or the way that killing enough enemies in an area may force a surrender, letting you
walk around the surviving guards deciding whether to knock them out or execute them
You don't want to get a bad reputation, so do choose carefully.
Or the moments monster launch themselves at you, letting you see snapping teeth and creepy
mouth suckers up close.
As horrible as it is, the monster designs are kind of amazing, so it's appreciated.
Or there's those brief moment you decide to throw caution to the wind and pick up a
gatling gun, even though you know it's the least ammo efficient gun in the whole game.
You just gotta give it a go just once to hear the mechanical whir of the chamber.
Or all the bespoke hand animations, from shaking gas cans to listen to precious fuel sloshing
inside or lighting up a cigarette rolled from old newspaper.
The fact that the game has several scenes of old friends standing around smoking together
is a lovely, lived-in touch.
Even if it is obnoxious to blow smoke clouds into another man's face.
And if all else fails, who wouldn't want to indulge the childhood fantasy of yanking
on the train's whistle.
Just don't do it while two very serious Russians are having a very serious conversation
about saving mankind.
That wouldn't be smart.
It's in these little moments that the magic of what 4A has achieved is felt.
Metro Exodus is a survival action game that has expanded its canvas, without losing the
edge of desperation in all that extra space.
And has held on to an attention to detail that was hard to pull off in the confines
of a tunnel, let alone in vast deserts and valleys.
There are few shooters that have stretched their formula this far without losing what
made the formula work in the first place.
As a huge fan of story driven single player action games, it's such a relief to see
the genre continue with this much skill and care.
I hope you've found this video review useful and informative - there's plenty of stuff
better illustrated with spoiler-y gameplay, but you should discover that for yourself.
If you've played Metro Exodus yourself I'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments
- and if you've got questions about what I've said, pop them down there and I will
answer them as soon as I can.
If you enjoyed this video I hope you'll give it a thumbs up and think about subscribing
to Rock Paper Shotgunl.
Why not check out our recent Resident Evil 2 review, or our preview of fellow post-apocalyptic
shooter, Rage 2.
I'd love it you came back to the channel again for more good stuff on PC gaming.
Hopefully we'll see you soon.
Bye for now.
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Manitha Vazhiyil Naam Nirpom Thanniyai
Theadal Iraiyil Namm Yaengi Irupom
Athil Manitha Innangal Annaithum Poiyoo
Mudhal Murai Kadhal Ennul Vandhadhu
Romba Naal Neendi Kondey Sendrathu
Oru Naal Ellam Sithari Ponathu
En Vazhvey Kelvi Kuriyai Aanathu
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Oodikondey Iru Un Vazhvil Ethanai
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Odu Odu Odi Konde Iru Neeyum Thirumba Paarkamal
Oodikondey Iru Un Vazhvil Ethanai
Thadaigal Vanthalum Thaandi Kondey Nee Irunthiru
Valiyai Nee Baaramaai Paarkaathe
Vizhiyil Un Kanneerai Kootadhe
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Valiyai Nee Baaramaai Paarkaathe
Vizhiyil Un Kanneerai Kootadhe
Tholaivil Nee Manathinai Veikaathe
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CLC 1st WIN (For Cheshire) - Duration: 0:53.EK: Your hair is covering Eunbin
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SH: Come here
S: Thank you so much
S: We promise to work harder from now on guys
SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE today » 30 Easy tips that work // Part 1 - Duration: 9:15.Life can be busy and hectic and complicated sometimes
Luckily, we also have homemade cookies and my awful singing to help us through it
But for this video I sat down and made a list of 30 more things that can help you to simplify your life today
Simplifying can be a bit of a process
But if you ask me it is one of the best things that you can do for yourself, because it just makes life so much
more enjoyable. These 30 tips are all very easy to accomplish and very effective the minute you start doing them
Simple living here we come.
Since there are 30 tips in total
I cut this video up into two parts. Today is part 1 and part 2 will go up in a few days as well.
So let's begin with the first of 15 tips to simplify your life today for this video
The first tip is to make sure that your thoughts, your ideas, your to-do's, have a place to go.
Because if we keep them in our mind all the time
It's kind of hard to
stop thinking about them and all the things that we still have to do. And they also call this a mental sweep, where we just
write down everything that keeps bubbling up in our mind.
One thing that I have adopted into my daily life is bullet journaling. It's how I keep track of everything in my life
basically. It only takes me about 15 minutes a week and because I know it has everything I need in there
I won't forget stuff
My mind has become so much calmer. Getting organized and writing stuff down is a great way to simplify your daily life
The next tip is to simplify your wardrobe or even declutter your closet. If we have a closet full of stuff of clothes and accessories
It can really complicate things
Especially in the mornings. And there's really no one correct way to go about this
You can do a capsule wardrobe if that's your thing. There is plenty of inspiration to find about that on YouTube as well
What works for me is, I only have about 30 hangers in my closet and when they are full that means that something has got
To go before I buy something new
also making sure that your clothes easily match each other and
Not buying things that are too difficult to match or that you can only wear with type of clothing
For most people simplifying usually starts with downsizing and decluttering your home
And I also think that's a great place to start. I talked about this a lot on the channel
So I will link a few videos down below to help you out
And this video right here is also a great guide for how to declutter your home if you want to check that out
I personally find it very calming for me
when I start my day to have a short to-do list of all the things that I want to get done that day. And you
can even make this list the night before if you prefer. I don't want to make my day too packed with stuff and to-do's
So I always leave room for spontaneous things
But I do find that when I have this list
I can stop all the planning in my head because I know it's on paper somewhere and I won't forget
Something that can really complicate our day and overwhelm us is when we let the little things pile up
So a great way to simplify is to have a rule for yourself
If something a task a chore takes five minutes to do or less
Then do it now without delay. If it takes more than five minutes, then write it down or break it up into smaller tasks
But I do find that when I do this consistently
The little things don't pile up as much and my mind is a lot clearer
for most of us the only time when we can truly
Unwind and relax and process everything that happened is when we take some alone time
And this doesn't even have to be much even just taking five or ten minutes will often do the trick
For me, simple living has a lot to do with keeping things clear in my head and not letting life overwhelm me. If we let
simplicity into our life a large part of the complications will often leave on their own and
Making a little time to be alone each day can truly work wonders for this
Our mind is an amazing thing because it can generate thousands of thoughts each day. Some are really positive
Some are just really random and then there are the thoughts that really don't serve us
So tip number seven is to stop
ruminating on these negative thoughts and don't let yourself fall into the rabbit hole if you find that this is going on that you keep
Ruminating on the same thoughts then get some perspective. Go out of the house or let in some fresh air,
call a friend, read a book, or even meditate.
Whatever works for you to get out of that mental state and climb out of the rabbit hole.
A big, big part of simplifying your life is simplifying your
commitments and learn to say no.
In fact,
if you only take away one thing from this video then make it this one
Saying no can be a tricky thing and a lot of us have at least one or more
commitments in our life, that if we are being truly honest we would feel great relief if we didn't have to do them anymore.
If you ask me, life is busy enough. We don't need all these extra commitments in our life that we don't truly
enjoy they make it even busier.
So sit down get out your calendar and start making a list of all your commitments in your life.
I'm sure that there will be some on this list that you can't really get out of right now
But I'm also sure that there will be some that you can let go of
So simplify your commitments and free up so much more of your precious time and energy
Tip number nine is to eat mindfully
So no distractions just really taking a time to enjoy your food and this has all kinds of benefits
Of course
you will enjoy your food a lot more and also it will satisfy you a lot more because 50 percent of saturation comes from
Mindfully enjoying your food
It also gives you a few times a day to give your thinking mind a break
Because we all have to eat a few times a day, right? So enjoy that and eat mindfully.
A big part of simple living is to have your priorities straight to know who you are and what you find important in life
So tip number 10 is to stop comparing yourself to other people
Because when we do it's very easy to see things in other people that we feel we either lack or that we fail in
comparison. And this can shake your confidence
This can blend into your priorities making them fuzzy and making you doubt things
Of course, we can still keep learning things from others
But when we stop comparing ourselves to others that's when life really gets instantly easier
Declutter your handbags. This will make it super easy for you to get out of the house in the morning. For me,
this process really is super simple because I only have one handbag
One winter coat one wallet and only a few pairs of shoes and my handbag already has all the essentials in there
So I never have to worry about what to bring with me and I can be ready to leave the house within 30 seconds
Number 12 stopped with the multitasking. I know it sounds super effective doing more things at the same time, but in the end
Multitasking is not more effective at all
In fact
It's really hard to do things properly
and efficiently
when you're trying to do multiple things at once and
so you will find that you have to go back to it if you want to do it properly. And it will also drain your
energy because we are not built to focus on multiple things. So focus on the task at hand get it done right and quickly
That feeling you can get when your finances are a mess that can be so stressful
So simplify your life by taking charge of your finances. Now, I don't mean make more money
I just mean get a clear understanding of the money that goes in and the money that goes out
You can also make some saving goals for yourself. For example or goals about paying back credit card debts
You can also make a list of all your monthly
Expenses and see if there are some on there that you don't really make use of and maybe you can cut them out
When we surround ourselves with positive people life instantly gets sunnier
Because we get influenced by each other and so hanging around with people
Who always look on the bright side of life and who try to make it the best out of any given situation
will inspire us to do the same. And this also works the other way around so try to avoid
hanging out with people who drain your energy and who make your life more complicated.
Tip 15, when you feel overwhelmed by
tasks then use the Eisenhower matrix. This lets you plot all your tasks into one of four boxes.
If the importance is high and the urgency is high
Then the strategy is to just try and get it done
If the importance is high
But the urgency is low then take it off your list for today and schedule it for later sometime if the urgency is high
But the importance for you is low then the strategy is to delegate or push back
for example phone calls meetings all kind of time eaters and
When the importance and urgency are both low then do we really have to do it at all?
Thanks so much for watching give the video a like and share it around and of course share your favorites simplifying tips in the comment
Section stick around for part 2 don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you soon. Bye bye
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