Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2019

it's Tuesday and Tuesday usually means that it's a teaching video but I

feel like talking Tuesday I feel like talking today I just feel like chatting

because there's been some gear announcements from Canon that have

excited me and annoyed me so I want to talk about the canon EOS RP and what I

love about it but also what makes me so mad about it so let's get into it

first of all what I love about the canon eos RP and if you guys want more details

on this fro from jared polin froknowsphoto.com in that stuff go check

that out if you want rambling and ranting here anyways the canon eos RP

when i saw the announcement i was like a full-frame camera for $1,300 i think

personally that this is gonna be the highest selling mirrorless camera ever

made or at least made to date it essentially gives a massive amount of

people access to full-frame cameras that they wouldn't have had before I think

its massive and I think it's gonna be massive for Canon and yes the specs

people and the specs guys that hang out on YouTube channels and the forums are

gonna talk about things like a lack of 24 frames per second at 1080p they're

gonna talk about the fact it's got a 6D mark 2 sensor which never got great

reviews but the average consumer doesn't care they're getting a full-frame camera

for $1,300 that's incredible and that's what I love about it but it's kind of

also when I hate about it I hate the fact that I paid full price for the

Canon EOS R which was $1,000 more expensive when I don't feel like there's

$1,000 worth of value in this compared to the RP that's what makes me mad about

the RP if we think about the things that this has that the RP doesn't yeah it

does faster frames per second photo wise yes it can do 24 frames per second at

1080p yes it has this manual function bar which I could really live without to

be honest and it's got the LCD on the which again I can live without but

doesn't really have a thousand dollars worth of value more just because it has

a better sensor and because it could do 24 frames per second at 1080p I really

don't think so and it almost makes me think that Canon released the are with

the idea that this was gonna be like a prototype to show off some new tech as

well as a data generating tool where they could throw this out in the field

and then see what people really thought about it what they liked about it what

they hated about it and then improve in the future but I don't want to be a part

of an experiment as a user I just want the best product and I almost feel like

canon shouldn't have released the are what they should have done is they

should have released the eos RP along with like a big-time super pro version of the

are like a 1 DX replacement and have both sides of the spectrum they could

have had the entry-level and they could have had the pro the R which i have and

i purchased kind of lingers in this in-between area where it doesn't really

have any any need i guess as soon as the pro version comes out anyway so it kind

of annoys me that I have the EOS R but that being said it has grown on me so

much and even though I think it's probably now overvalued I do love it and

I do think that I even like it more than my 5d Mark 4 I'm also mad because I want

the canon RP and I'm mad because I just bought the R and AM at myself because I feel

like I'm falling into this trap of consumerism where I just always want the

newest thing all the time and I'm mad because I do think I can actually

justify it because I have a YouTube channel that I can talk about it and

then I can kind of use it as an investment in my business and I do think

that I probably will get the RP despite the fact that I feel like I kind of got

ripped off so let's talk about that let's talk about the future of my gear I

have right now the 5d Mark for which I've been shooting stills on I have the

EOS R which I've been doing vlogging and video on as well as street photography I

think that i'll buy the eos RP I get to Singapore at the

start of March and I think I'll probably buy it there and I don't think I'll get

rid of the 5d mark for just yet but I do think that if I really am happy with the

video quality of the Canon EOS RP i will probably ditch the 5d Mark 4 and then

just kind of like simultaneously vlog with both of the arm mount cameras I

like the fact that the RP is only 440 grams and super light because I'm

finding my Ronin s to be really kind of almost a deterrent to filming yes it's a

brilliant tool but it's really hard to vlog on it's really hard to film myself

on and by using the lighter RP I feel like I could you know switch to a

lighter gimbal like the we bill or something like that and then of course I

can still use the Ronin for really epic cinematics if I need it so I think that

that's probably the way I'm leaning I'm also really excited about a couple

of the lenses that are coming out let me talk about those really quick as well

Canon announced the development of six lenses that are gonna come out hopefully

by the end of 2019 there's two on that list that have me just like so excited

one of them is the 15 to 35 millimeter F 2.8 and the reason I'm so excited about

that is because I feel like it'll allow me to actually get rid of two lenses

I'll be able to get rid of my 16 to 35 f/4 and my 14 millimeter of 2.8 I kind

of used those lenses for totally different things essentially I only use

that 14 millimeter for Star photography whereas with a 15 to 35 of 2.8 I can

essentially merge those two lenses into one and it would save room in my bag the

other lens I'm so excited about actually is the 70 to 200 F 2.8 I didn't miss my

70 to 200 F 2.8 for a really long time I switched it in preference of the 100 to

400 which I really love this lens but since we've been in Asia I've been

missing that lens I've really been missing the F 2.8 especially out in at

nights or in lower light situations and stuff like that so I feel like I want

70 to 200 again but because of the amount of space it takes up in my bag I

don't feel like I can really justify it until now and I'm not sure if you guys

have seen photos of this 70 to 200 so I'll lay one out over my face now but it

looks like it's gonna be one of those lenses that you know pushes in and out

and it should save space in my bag because the problem with my bag isn't

necessarily the weight of it it's just that I don't have room because when you

have telephoto lenses like this they need to lay flat in a bag like this and

it essentially takes up two or three slots that you can put in Al and the 70

to 200 potentially looks like I'd be able to stick it in my bag like this

which means that if I got rid of the 14 millimeter I could replace it with the

70 to 200 and not really add much in terms of size to my bag so those things

got me really excited I'm excited about the Canon EOS RP I think it's gonna be

probably the most used vlogging camera on the market especially once you know

things like that 24 to 240 millimeter lens come out I think that pairing will

be huge in the vlogging world I'm excited about the future again and I

mention this on the EOS our video when I talk to of my thoughts they're the thing

that excited me most about this camera wasn't anything in this camera it was

more just about the future and what was coming and the things that are coming

out right now and that are being developed they're really exciting and

I'm super stoked for the future now I want you guys in the comments section to

let me know what gear you're excited about I don't care if it's Canon or Sony

or Fuji or Pentax or Nikon in the comments let me know what gear you're

stoked about right now what gear you're thinking about buying and also let me

know your thoughts on the canon eos RP as for the vlog in a couple days i have

a vlog where i'm going to talk about taiwan and my photos from taiwan kind of

the mini portfolio i put together from my time in taiwan and then after I'm

heading to botanas here in the Philippines to do some landscape

photography and some nature photography and it should be a lot of fun so I'll

see you guys there peace

For more infomation >> Canon EOS RP: I'm MAD! - Duration: 8:37.


Try Hard English Siege Battle Video Top 50 - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 26:18.

For more infomation >> Try Hard English Siege Battle Video Top 50 - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 26:18.


DAIGO、つるの剛士と共作の「ウルトラマンR/B」主題歌は「US」と自画自賛 - Duration: 3:13.

DAI語で「ウル ラソング」と自画 賛   [映 .com ニュー ]人気ヒーローの 画最新作「劇場版 ルトラマンR/B ルーブ) セレク !絆のクリスタル の完成披露上映会 2月19日、東京 丸の内ピカデリー 行われ、出演の平 雄也、小池亮介、 原有沙、濱田龍臣 主題歌「ヒカリノ ズナ」を手掛けた るの剛士とDAI O、武居正能監督 舞台挨拶に登壇し

  史上初めて兄 ウルトラマンが主 公のテレビシリー の撮影が昨年3月 ら始まり、昨年末 終了

映画も続けて撮っ いたため、兄の平 は「やっと来たな いう感じ。テレビ は家族や兄弟の絆 テーマに掲げてい けれど、劇場版に 投影されています と自信の笑み

弟の小池も「ルー の集大成にふさわ い作品です」と言 に力を込めた。  「ヒカリノキズナ はつるのが作詞、 AIGOが作曲

共に多忙な合間を っての作業になり つるのは「DAI Oのスケジュール なさすぎて、最終 には鼻歌で送って た曲で歌詞を書い 」と苦笑い

それでも、「出来 がった時は感無量 った」と満足げだ

For more infomation >> DAIGO、つるの剛士と共作の「ウルトラマンR/B」主題歌は「US」と自画自賛 - Duration: 3:13.


Réforme des retraites: une hausse du pouvoir d'achat? - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Réforme des retraites: une hausse du pouvoir d'achat? - Duration: 8:42.


I'm Winning - The Doubleclicks [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:09.

(peaceful music)

(lightning crash)

(ominous music)

(lightning crash)

(cheery music begins)

I was jumping on shells ♫

I was falling down holes

there was a 3D open world out there

but I was stuck in a side-scroll

I could've been winning at checkers

but I was losing at chess

until I solved the biggest puzzle and I unlocked the treasure chest and now

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning,

I'm winning

I am using the right name, finally

♫ I'm a player

not an obstacle

I am redefining possible

I have a new victory condition

there are many more that two ways to win

i'm winning

♫ i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning

I'm winning

I'm using the right name, finally

left right left right b a and start

listen to me and love with your heart

pick up the piece and roll the dice

you can help a person have a better life

maybe it's new and maybe it's hard,

can't you try to care

cause players like me and my friends have always been there!

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am using the right name, finally

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning


For more infomation >> I'm Winning - The Doubleclicks [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:09.


🎮ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №116 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> 🎮ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №116 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 10:17.


More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.



For more infomation >> More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.


Écologie: ces 2 lycéennes mobilisent la Belgique - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Écologie: ces 2 lycéennes mobilisent la Belgique - Duration: 8:23.


Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.

Iowans would no longer need a permit to carry a firearm or to buy a gun in a person-to-person

sale under a bill under consideration by the Iowa Senate.

"I don't see why it would be in Iowa's best interests to have government regulate

the law-abiding and not have any way to regulate the lawbreakers," said Sen. Jason Schultz,


Anyone wishing to buy a gun from a federally-licensed firearms dealer would still be required to

have a valid permit to carry or complete a federal background check, if the bill becomes


But that would no longer be the case for person-to-person sales and sales that don't fall under federal

law, Des Moines News reports.

NO PERMIT: A bill moving through the Iowa legislature would lift a requirement for residents

to need a permit to buy or carry a gun in the state.

If the bill passes, Iowa would join the other 14 states that have adopted similar laws,

the newest being South Dakota on Feb. 1.

Democrat Sen. Tony Bisignano stated that he does not support the bill because it allows

handguns to be sold at gun shows and through personal sales without the need for a permit,

background check, or gun safety class.

Under the measure, which an Iowa Senate subcommittee approved Monday, Iowans would still be able

to obtain permits to carry firearms if needed when they travel out-of-state or for other


But they wouldn't need to have a permit to carry firearms in Iowa.

It seems common knowledge that anyone interested in owning a firearm needs to get educated

and proper training when they purchase a firearm.

It should be left up to the individual where they obtain the education and training, with

that being said, they should have a State and County site that for a small fee, provides

the safety.

When you share to your friends you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this video with your friends and family.

Thank you, we appreciate it!

For more infomation >> Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.



If it doesnt work try re-installing roblox

For more infomation >> *NEW* ROBLOX - HACK/GUI ARSENAL GUI (INSANE)| AUTO AIM LOCK, AUTO UPDATE ESP, 100% WIN | (FEB 19) - Duration: 10:46.


Dyson Pure TP01 Cool Tower HEPA Purifier and Fan with Re... - Duration: 26:01.

For more infomation >> Dyson Pure TP01 Cool Tower HEPA Purifier and Fan with Re... - Duration: 26:01.


Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished - Duration: 5:00.

Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House - Appliances furnished

For more infomation >> Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished - Duration: 5:00.


How to Add a New User to Your WordPress Website - Duration: 1:38.

hello in this video I'm gonna be showing you all how to add a new user to your

WordPress website adding a new user to your WordPress website will allow them

to add and change content on your website so what you're going to want to

do is come down here to or go over to the navigation menu go to users and go

to add new it should take you to a page that looks like this and what you want

to want to do is fill out the required information as you can see right here it

says required as you can see the three things I have highlighted are optional

so once you have the required fields filled out what you want to do is come

down here to password to set your password for your new user so what

you're going to do is click on show password and as you can see we're press

has automatically generated a password for you but you're going to want to

change that and right down here you can see how strong your password is so let's

go and change our password let's call it let's do this and now it's strong so

once you have filled out required fields and created a password for your user

what you want to do is now click what row you want on them have and if you

want them to have access to be able to you know edit the pages and posts and

add media and whatever else you need them do you're going to want them to be

an administrator or an admin for short and once you have done that click add

new user in now they have access to change content on your WordPress website

For more infomation >> How to Add a New User to Your WordPress Website - Duration: 1:38.


Caso Diciotti, Laura Boldrini: "Di Maio e M5s hanno venduto l'anima a Salvini per la poltrona" - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Caso Diciotti, Laura Boldrini: "Di Maio e M5s hanno venduto l'anima a Salvini per la poltrona" - Duration: 7:03.


Uomini e donne oggi, Ida Platano furiosa con Guarnieri: 'Ti rovino' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne oggi, Ida Platano furiosa con Guarnieri: 'Ti rovino' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:47.


U&D, oggi scontro tra Ida e Roberta, Paolo a Sabrina: 'Ti amo' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> U&D, oggi scontro tra Ida e Roberta, Paolo a Sabrina: 'Ti amo' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:21.


Formula E's BMW i8 Safety Car Has Us Wishing For An i8 M - Duration: 2:22.

The 2019 BMW i8 Safety Car premiered at Formula E's opening round for 2019 in Mexico on Saturday, February 16

BMW's hybrid sports car has been a staple in Formula E for a number of years, with the electricracing series acting as the perfect location to promote the car

For the 2018/2019 Formula E season, thei8 safety car has been adorned with an updated livery and it looks great

The German automaker focused heavily on ensuring that spectators are provided with an interesting perspective of the i8 and its paint when looking down at it from grandstands

The livery across the engine cover and roof includes elements of blue and whit,e while the rest of the car also pairs the blue and white with purple and black

As with BMW i8 Safety Cars used in previous Formula E seasons, the vehicle is outfitted with a number of bespoke parts

These include a huge rear wing, a front splitter that protrudes well in front of the bumper, sports seats, and a roll cage

It really makes us wish BMW built an i8 M.In its most recent form, the i8 features a mid-mounted turbocharged 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine with 228 hp and 236 lb-ft (320 Nm) of torque

Coupled to this engine is a 141 hp electric motor that lifts combined power to 368 horses, allowing for a 0-62 mph (0-100 km/h) time of 4.6 seconds

In an ideal world, we'd love to see BMW further develop the hybdird powertrain to at least 500 hp

When combined with some chassis upgrades and new aerodynamics, the world could have a BMW i8 M to lust over

For more infomation >> Formula E's BMW i8 Safety Car Has Us Wishing For An i8 M - Duration: 2:22.


Orgânico verão #6 - SóCiro | San Joe | Lourena - Singular (Áudio Oficial) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Orgânico verão #6 - SóCiro | San Joe | Lourena - Singular (Áudio Oficial) - Duration: 4:46.


Annalisa Chirico, rifatta e innamorata: le parole su Salvini e Montezemolo - Duration: 2:12.

Annalisa Chirico, rifatta e innamorata: le parole su Salvini e Montezemolo

Annalisa Chirico è rifatta: la verità sui rapporti con Matteo Salvini e Luca Cordero di Montezemolo Annalisa Chirico è rifatta.

La giornalista si è ritoccata il naso, come confessato nel corso di un'intervista al programma radiofonico Un giorno da pecora.

L'ho rifatto in una clinica privata, ho speso circa 6mila euro", ha confidato l'esperta di politica e costume. "Avevo una gobbina che non mi piaceva.

In realtà non è la prima volta che Annalisa confessa il suo ritocchino estetico: già durante una puntata di CR4- La Repubblica delle donne,

dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di opinionista fissa, ha ammesso la verità.

Nell'ultima intervista ha voluto pure fare chiarezza su due amicizie importanti della sua vita: quella con Matteo Salvini e quella con Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.

Annalisa Chirico: nessuna storia con Salvini e Montezemolo "Con Salvini siamo amici da molto tempo.

La nostra amicizia è nata da un'intervista che gli feci per il Foglio", ha chiarito Annalisa Chirico nella trasmissione di Radio 1.

La 32enne ha aggiunto di non aver apprezzato l'appellativo di "badante volontaria" che le è stato affibbiato da Dagospia dopo le foto in barca con Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.

"Questa cosa l'ho trovata un po' sgradevole ma forse si riferiva al divario d'età.

Lui non è il mio fidanzato", ha puntualizzato la Chirico. Luca è molto dinamico ed agile.

Annalisa Chirico è single ma innamorata di un uomo Annalisa Chirico è single ma innamorata di un uomo dall'identità top secret. "C'è qualcuno che mi piace, sono un po' innamorata.

Lui lo sa? Quasi, glielo faccio capire… ma quando sono innamorata divento un po' maldestra, tipo Bridget Jones", ha confessato la giovane.

For more infomation >> Annalisa Chirico, rifatta e innamorata: le parole su Salvini e Montezemolo - Duration: 2:12.


BBB 19: Tiago Leifert se revolta e ameaça ao vivo: "Vocês vão se arrepender disso" - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> BBB 19: Tiago Leifert se revolta e ameaça ao vivo: "Vocês vão se arrepender disso" - Duration: 3:25.


'Basta…': Al Bano Carrisi perde le staffe, arriva la decisione che fa discutere. ... - Duration: 14:02.

For more infomation >> 'Basta…': Al Bano Carrisi perde le staffe, arriva la decisione che fa discutere. ... - Duration: 14:02.


Jason George on the impact of Barack Obama's election - Duration: 1:40.

My twins were born when Barack Obama won the presidency.

That inauguration was one of the most hopeful moments of my life.

When he won, I had

two babies laying on my chest.

I got a little choked up,

because I'm looking at the next generation

and that they are always going to know this,

as opposed to hoping for it the way I had to when I was a kid.

When he was sworn in,

about 1.8 million people went to DC to witness President Obama,

the son of a black father from Kenya

and a white mother from Kansas,

become the first black US president.

Obama was the first African-American to win the White House–

but there were others who came before him

and had their names on the ballot.

In 1888, Frederick Douglass became the first black man

nominated to be a presidential candidate–

just 18 years after African-American men,

were given the right to vote.

In 1968, Shirley Chisholm became the first black female US congresswoman–

and then four years later became the first black woman

to make a major-party bid to be president.

In 2005, Condoleezza Rice became the first black woman–and second woman ever–

to be secretary of state in the United States.

Just over forty years before Obama's inauguration,

many African-Americans couldn't even vote.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965,

helped overcome a lot of legal barriers

that were put in place to prevent black people from getting to the polls.

Back when that was passed,

there were six black members of Congress.

There's still a long way to go but today,

there are more than fifty.

In honor of Black History Month,

take a moment to thank Barack Obama–

and all the black politicians who changed history.

For more infomation >> Jason George on the impact of Barack Obama's election - Duration: 1:40.


Thomas and Friends Totally Thomas Town Surprise Box - Duration: 8:02.

Kids Toys Play!

Hey guys what are we up too? SURPRISE BOX! We've got our Thomas and Friends surprise box, I wonder

what could be in here? Oh looks like a package from we got a

package from Totally Thomas Town! We're gonna open this up and see what's inside.

Well I can listen to that all day. What is this, paint splattered James? Yeah. This

is a really cool James. I've never seen this one before. New mini! Thomas the Tank

Engine oh and that's I Yong Bao. Oh cool!

Yeah! Oh that was a good one! Yeah! Lots of cool, oh look how bright this is.Do you

think it's Thomas wooden railway, do you think it's Thomas Trackmaster? Oh oh I know

whose tender this is. Another one? We got Conners coaches? Is this Conners coaches?

is someone else's coach? I think it might be Caitlin's. Oh there's the Sodor brass

band in this one. I think that this might be Conners coach what do you think? Let's

see what that is with the bubble wrap. Who's it gonna be? What. Thomas. Who's

Thomas? I never heard of Thomas. This is original Thomas I think. Ok, are we ready

for Thomas to go to Sodor? Oh, we're off. What do you think is he fast enough to go on

to our races? I like his color I wish they made this

guy - hey what happened he's shunting. Oh, look at this guy, he's just a shunting machine.

Forget Connor and Caitlin, we're just gonna shut everything. We got lots

more in here what else do you see William? Is this Conner? Do you think this

is Connors? Yeah finally! Connor looks awesome! I

don't think I've actually ever seen a track master Connor in real life before.

This is an old track master Conner because he's loud, but he has a lot of detail on him.

It looks really good winning! Thomas? Connor has some of the coolest

detailing I've ever seen on a track master. Doesn't he look awesome, what you

think? Yeah! What do we have now? Oh more bubble wrap. That's gonna be a

good one. Who's that's gonna be, Caitlyn? Oh wow here's Caitlyn and she looks a

lot different than Conner. From the front to the sides this is really kind

of unique. Who do you think looks better? Caitlyn?

I can't believe how different these two engines look. Oh it's getting slamed! Caitlyn's

tender. Here's Caitlyn she's old track master too, but she's also really loud. I

don't think she's breaking any speed records. What do you think, William? And now

Thomas, who's gonna catch him first? Looks like Conner is catching up on


Thomas is winning the race, Oh James goes down corner mainland now pushing on

Thomas pushing on Carter pushing on James Young Bao! This was awesome too. I

know that is abbey repair shed. This is actually what the Steamworks was before

that we have the Steamworks so we got a lot of the same pieces that we

eventually had in the Steamworks. Oh, okay cool show us look at it oh we got all

our tools back there there's a door oh it's just paint

So we can go green or blue or red or orange or yellow well there's a lot of colors in

there. Oh look is this another tender, oh you know whose tender that is?

Well I know whose tender this is, we're gonna have a lot of fun unboxing this

guy. The second I haven't seen details on the tools this much. There's the

paintbrush, and here's the oil can. This is actually a lot of detail.

Hey you think talk we can fit track master Thomas on there? Thomas it's time for a paint

job. Oh, he's getting a nice deep paint job? Connor and Caitlin racing around in

circles it looks like. You guys are so loud!

He's getting painted blue. Why not paint him Red? That would really make James happy.

Where does L B S C Stand for? I don't even know! I don't know what L B S C stands

for. I know I think I know what this piece is.

Yep it is! Finally we have Hiro! This is a big day for us!

Okay Hiro are you happy about being on our Channel? Nope! Okay looks like Hiro is actually gonna be chasing Caitlin here, and Hiro is caught up already. Caitlin

catch it up on Hiro now. Their half and half now. Bubble wrap! Okay!

Derailed at the bubble wrap! that came in derailed because of bubble wrap! Who would

have thought guys? What's gonna happen? Hiro keeps on keepin on! Oh wow,

James is twitching! Now what do you think that piece is? If this is the one piece

of track, we've been waiting for this. Oh yeah! We've been waiting for this for

that, what's that one episode with Paxton? I forget the name of that episode, guys

if you know what episode I'm talking about get in the comment section let us

know we might redo that one. What's our next piece William? Mmm this looks like a

good piece.

This is Wellsworth station! What happens here? Show me. So we pushed on the roof

and a stop and go. So he's buying his ticket, and now he's ready to go. Oh it's

got the clackety tracks on here, doesn't it? So we finally have a Wellsworth, and you

got a map of Sodor in the background. Here's Thomas at waterton he's

going on the wacky track, Oh! That track is wacky! Yeah go go Thomas, lift him up!

Okay we got two more things left in this box let's grab them and open them up. I

want color green! oh those two I want blue. How about red! I'll get the red I'll

get the red! Race? Yeah Elsbridge flower company. Fuss around

with Karen keep this in here? Nope. You got a Thomas I got it yes oh that looks

really flour-covered Thomas. Okay so maybe we

should paint Thomas a flour, oh hey did you get caught in there? Put him all the

way back again. Come on yeah he gets caught right there.

Oh ho that's gonna be fun. Oh you did paint him green. That's good you went

from blue and now he's green hey wait a minute. Hey Liam let's have a race. Who do

you think is gonna win? Hiro, you think Hiro? I'm gonna go with Thomas.

These hedges are ready to go are you ready William? ready set go! and they are

off! Oh wow looks like Hiro and Caitlin are

going really good Thomas now pulling ahead of Caitlin, but Hiro is definitely in

the lead here. Connor definitely comes in last, but as Hiro comes in first followed

by Thomas Caitlin and Connor! What do you think wait do we have a winner in Hiro?

Do you think he's gonna be a good racer? What about Thomas did pretty good

too. I really like this Thomas, he's nice. Connor was a huge disappointment I'm

very disappointed in you Connor. Oh what happened flour car came in.

Flour's on you! So Liam what was your favorite piece from Totally Thomas Town. I

think I can guess. Yeah I think it was the engine shed. You really like this

piece don't you? I really like this old school Thomas track master I could have a

lot of fun with him. Guys get in the comments section, we would

love to hear from you, what your favorite piece from Totally Thomas town is!

For more infomation >> Thomas and Friends Totally Thomas Town Surprise Box - Duration: 8:02.


Dep. Sanderson apoia arrozeiros e agradece convite - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Dep. Sanderson apoia arrozeiros e agradece convite - Duration: 2:02.


New Munni- ২০১৯ সালের জনপ্রিয় গান- ও জ্বালা শয় নারে আর- O Jala Shoy Nare- নিউ মুন্নি- SJ Live Song - Duration: 9:29.
















For more infomation >> New Munni- ২০১৯ সালের জনপ্রিয় গান- ও জ্বালা শয় নারে আর- O Jala Shoy Nare- নিউ মুন্নি- SJ Live Song - Duration: 9:29.


La legge di attrazione applicata alla seduzione - Duration: 5:03.

hello everyone in this video I want talk about the law of attraction

applied to the seduction then that what is the law of attraction the law

attraction is a non resonance law is a supermarket of wishes reads of

resonance what it means means that if I want to attract love into mine

life I have to develop the frequencies of love, that is, I must open liberate

the energy of the heart chakra because if I looked for which has blocked that if

they do not enjoy the energies of love never developed attraction then not

absolutely nothing to afford close your eyes and think

intensely to a person that this appear in your life is useless

wasting energy will waste time in the meantime the law of implementation is a law

universal always works for us to draw what we have inside what is inside of

we tend to attract it so we have to change within us

meanwhile what it means that if I I want a person I do not have to

absolutely be afraid of not having this person or be afraid of losing it

because emotionality and what it does trigger the law to pull us

we attract what we are afraid of if we fear we will be abandoned we will attract

in our lives, people who are there they will abandon if we fear to be

rejected china we will not be hermit of people who they will refuse us by law

traction so we do not have to develop for

attract and seduce those we want develop a characteristic

indispensable fundamental that yes call the detachment

from the result we must make some actions have a positive intention to do

of actions that go in the direction where we want to go to reach

the goal we have set ourselves but having detachment from the result that is not being

absolutely bound to the result post we must have dreams

dreams are very important but not we must never allow these dreams

they become needs because if we are needy we will not get anything not

we will attract nothing in the seduction who it is hungry will die of hunger

this is a fundamental fact a fundamental concept so if you want

really use the law of seduction attraction you have to

starting from yourself must start with you same to develop that security

certainty that presence inside that you know you can do it

you do not know how you do not know through which ones Massive methods you can do it

and then it will be the universe that will put itself in motion you will find all the situations

details so that they may happen to the gods events of situations

we could say to the captain of events synchronous that make it happen to you

just that situation will happen to you just that event you want and

inexorably it will be a universe that is will appreciate to do it you must

simply act in one direction but with status from the result detachment of the

result means that I do not care that is, it is not that my happiness depends

from this from that I am happy inside however it is condemnation starting from these

presupposed the law of attraction yes can apply seduction and you will get

truly amazing results intention

action detachment from the result

these are the three characteristics intention action detachment from the result

it must be repeated like a mantra if you want reach an intention goal

action and detachment from the result well for this video is all follow me also on the

maximum instagram page taramasco subscribe to the channel and sign up too

new channel happiness well-being of which you place the link and description hello a


For more infomation >> La legge di attrazione applicata alla seduzione - Duration: 5:03.



watch the video and find out what happened

She was curious about rapid regressions. She wanted to let go of past emotional problems

Dr. Paret uses a rapid method non verbal and immediate

follow my breathing, deeper

10, 9 sleep is better

automatic trance


like the video and comment

she enters regression

I touch you here and you are in the past, 3,2,1 where are you

girl: i am at home

are you alone or with somebody

girl : i am with friends

How old are you?

see what you see around

which sounds do you listen?

which color do you see?

how do you feel?

girl: i am scared

why you feel scared

girl: i can't translate

follow me get up and let go

after the regression she goes instanly in deeper hypnosis

emotional liberation &mesmeric crise

Magnetic touches activate the first reactions

liberative crise begins

The UNCONTROLLED body movements bring LIBERATION

Dr. Paret uses sounds and specific breathing to take the subject deeper into the emotional burden

she is entering deeper into herself

Stimulation of the Cerebellum activates strong emotional response

observe what happens

Her body starts to react strongly and she starts to let go the past emotional trauma

Catharsis and Liberation

Solar plexus healing stimulate the Vagus nerve and rebalances the entire nervous system

relief from all blockages, tensions and traumas

Dr. Marco Paret World's expert in Nonverbal Hypnosis

Dr. Paret's school: Unique techniques for unique results

Non Verbal Hypnosis (mesmerismus) improves concentration levels, memory, mental focus, confidence, motivation and self-esteem.

It decreases self-doubt, reduces stress and bring deep emotional relief Contact us now www.marcoparet.com/contact

After this non verbal therapy she felt relieved and more confident, she was able to let go of these painful emotions from her past

For more infomation >> SHE ENTERS CRISIS WHILE SHE IS HYPNOTIZED IN THE PAST - Duration: 8:25.


★TETRAGON UNKNOWN PLANES★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> ★TETRAGON UNKNOWN PLANES★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 10:34.





Gemma Galgani senza freni dopo le lacrime, la frecciatina social: 'Voglio persone vere' - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani senza freni dopo le lacrime, la frecciatina social: 'Voglio persone vere' - Duration: 3:18.


Treino em casa por Fernando Medeiros 💪 | Submarino - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Treino em casa por Fernando Medeiros 💪 | Submarino - Duration: 6:49.


Votação do BBB19 gera efeito inédito e Boninho fica surpreso: 'Nunca vi isso' - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Votação do BBB19 gera efeito inédito e Boninho fica surpreso: 'Nunca vi isso' - Duration: 2:07.


Summer Specialization: Healthcare Management - Duration: 0:42.

On a 6th of July we will be starting our healthcare specializations course.

This is for people working in the healthcare industry who want to improve their management skills

Included in this course is

information on using big data in health.

business cases and practical application and decision making.

Very important is good clinical governance.

And we will be also looking at accounting and investment within the healthcare sector

For more infomation >> Summer Specialization: Healthcare Management - Duration: 0:42.


Canon EOS RP: I'm MAD! - Duration: 8:37.

it's Tuesday and Tuesday usually means that it's a teaching video but I

feel like talking Tuesday I feel like talking today I just feel like chatting

because there's been some gear announcements from Canon that have

excited me and annoyed me so I want to talk about the canon EOS RP and what I

love about it but also what makes me so mad about it so let's get into it

first of all what I love about the canon eos RP and if you guys want more details

on this fro from jared polin froknowsphoto.com in that stuff go check

that out if you want rambling and ranting here anyways the canon eos RP

when i saw the announcement i was like a full-frame camera for $1,300 i think

personally that this is gonna be the highest selling mirrorless camera ever

made or at least made to date it essentially gives a massive amount of

people access to full-frame cameras that they wouldn't have had before I think

its massive and I think it's gonna be massive for Canon and yes the specs

people and the specs guys that hang out on YouTube channels and the forums are

gonna talk about things like a lack of 24 frames per second at 1080p they're

gonna talk about the fact it's got a 6D mark 2 sensor which never got great

reviews but the average consumer doesn't care they're getting a full-frame camera

for $1,300 that's incredible and that's what I love about it but it's kind of

also when I hate about it I hate the fact that I paid full price for the

Canon EOS R which was $1,000 more expensive when I don't feel like there's

$1,000 worth of value in this compared to the RP that's what makes me mad about

the RP if we think about the things that this has that the RP doesn't yeah it

does faster frames per second photo wise yes it can do 24 frames per second at

1080p yes it has this manual function bar which I could really live without to

be honest and it's got the LCD on the which again I can live without but

doesn't really have a thousand dollars worth of value more just because it has

a better sensor and because it could do 24 frames per second at 1080p I really

don't think so and it almost makes me think that Canon released the are with

the idea that this was gonna be like a prototype to show off some new tech as

well as a data generating tool where they could throw this out in the field

and then see what people really thought about it what they liked about it what

they hated about it and then improve in the future but I don't want to be a part

of an experiment as a user I just want the best product and I almost feel like

canon shouldn't have released the are what they should have done is they

should have released the eos RP along with like a big-time super pro version of the

are like a 1 DX replacement and have both sides of the spectrum they could

have had the entry-level and they could have had the pro the R which i have and

i purchased kind of lingers in this in-between area where it doesn't really

have any any need i guess as soon as the pro version comes out anyway so it kind

of annoys me that I have the EOS R but that being said it has grown on me so

much and even though I think it's probably now overvalued I do love it and

I do think that I even like it more than my 5d Mark 4 I'm also mad because I want

the canon RP and I'm mad because I just bought the R and AM at myself because I feel

like I'm falling into this trap of consumerism where I just always want the

newest thing all the time and I'm mad because I do think I can actually

justify it because I have a YouTube channel that I can talk about it and

then I can kind of use it as an investment in my business and I do think

that I probably will get the RP despite the fact that I feel like I kind of got

ripped off so let's talk about that let's talk about the future of my gear I

have right now the 5d Mark for which I've been shooting stills on I have the

EOS R which I've been doing vlogging and video on as well as street photography I

think that i'll buy the eos RP I get to Singapore at the

start of March and I think I'll probably buy it there and I don't think I'll get

rid of the 5d mark for just yet but I do think that if I really am happy with the

video quality of the Canon EOS RP i will probably ditch the 5d Mark 4 and then

just kind of like simultaneously vlog with both of the arm mount cameras I

like the fact that the RP is only 440 grams and super light because I'm

finding my Ronin s to be really kind of almost a deterrent to filming yes it's a

brilliant tool but it's really hard to vlog on it's really hard to film myself

on and by using the lighter RP I feel like I could you know switch to a

lighter gimbal like the we bill or something like that and then of course I

can still use the Ronin for really epic cinematics if I need it so I think that

that's probably the way I'm leaning I'm also really excited about a couple

of the lenses that are coming out let me talk about those really quick as well

Canon announced the development of six lenses that are gonna come out hopefully

by the end of 2019 there's two on that list that have me just like so excited

one of them is the 15 to 35 millimeter F 2.8 and the reason I'm so excited about

that is because I feel like it'll allow me to actually get rid of two lenses

I'll be able to get rid of my 16 to 35 f/4 and my 14 millimeter of 2.8 I kind

of used those lenses for totally different things essentially I only use

that 14 millimeter for Star photography whereas with a 15 to 35 of 2.8 I can

essentially merge those two lenses into one and it would save room in my bag the

other lens I'm so excited about actually is the 70 to 200 F 2.8 I didn't miss my

70 to 200 F 2.8 for a really long time I switched it in preference of the 100 to

400 which I really love this lens but since we've been in Asia I've been

missing that lens I've really been missing the F 2.8 especially out in at

nights or in lower light situations and stuff like that so I feel like I want

70 to 200 again but because of the amount of space it takes up in my bag I

don't feel like I can really justify it until now and I'm not sure if you guys

have seen photos of this 70 to 200 so I'll lay one out over my face now but it

looks like it's gonna be one of those lenses that you know pushes in and out

and it should save space in my bag because the problem with my bag isn't

necessarily the weight of it it's just that I don't have room because when you

have telephoto lenses like this they need to lay flat in a bag like this and

it essentially takes up two or three slots that you can put in Al and the 70

to 200 potentially looks like I'd be able to stick it in my bag like this

which means that if I got rid of the 14 millimeter I could replace it with the

70 to 200 and not really add much in terms of size to my bag so those things

got me really excited I'm excited about the Canon EOS RP I think it's gonna be

probably the most used vlogging camera on the market especially once you know

things like that 24 to 240 millimeter lens come out I think that pairing will

be huge in the vlogging world I'm excited about the future again and I

mention this on the EOS our video when I talk to of my thoughts they're the thing

that excited me most about this camera wasn't anything in this camera it was

more just about the future and what was coming and the things that are coming

out right now and that are being developed they're really exciting and

I'm super stoked for the future now I want you guys in the comments section to

let me know what gear you're excited about I don't care if it's Canon or Sony

or Fuji or Pentax or Nikon in the comments let me know what gear you're

stoked about right now what gear you're thinking about buying and also let me

know your thoughts on the canon eos RP as for the vlog in a couple days i have

a vlog where i'm going to talk about taiwan and my photos from taiwan kind of

the mini portfolio i put together from my time in taiwan and then after I'm

heading to botanas here in the Philippines to do some landscape

photography and some nature photography and it should be a lot of fun so I'll

see you guys there peace

For more infomation >> Canon EOS RP: I'm MAD! - Duration: 8:37.


DAIGO、つるの剛士と共作の「ウルトラマンR/B」主題歌は「US」と自画自賛 - Duration: 3:13.

DAI語で「ウル ラソング」と自画 賛   [映 .com ニュー ]人気ヒーローの 画最新作「劇場版 ルトラマンR/B ルーブ) セレク !絆のクリスタル の完成披露上映会 2月19日、東京 丸の内ピカデリー 行われ、出演の平 雄也、小池亮介、 原有沙、濱田龍臣 主題歌「ヒカリノ ズナ」を手掛けた るの剛士とDAI O、武居正能監督 舞台挨拶に登壇し

  史上初めて兄 ウルトラマンが主 公のテレビシリー の撮影が昨年3月 ら始まり、昨年末 終了

映画も続けて撮っ いたため、兄の平 は「やっと来たな いう感じ。テレビ は家族や兄弟の絆 テーマに掲げてい けれど、劇場版に 投影されています と自信の笑み

弟の小池も「ルー の集大成にふさわ い作品です」と言 に力を込めた。  「ヒカリノキズナ はつるのが作詞、 AIGOが作曲

共に多忙な合間を っての作業になり つるのは「DAI Oのスケジュール なさすぎて、最終 には鼻歌で送って た曲で歌詞を書い 」と苦笑い

それでも、「出来 がった時は感無量 った」と満足げだ

For more infomation >> DAIGO、つるの剛士と共作の「ウルトラマンR/B」主題歌は「US」と自画自賛 - Duration: 3:13.


Try Hard English Siege Battle Video Top 50 - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 26:18.

For more infomation >> Try Hard English Siege Battle Video Top 50 - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 26:18.


Réforme des retraites: une hausse du pouvoir d'achat? - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Réforme des retraites: une hausse du pouvoir d'achat? - Duration: 8:42.


I'm Winning - The Doubleclicks [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:09.

(peaceful music)

(lightning crash)

(ominous music)

(lightning crash)

(cheery music begins)

I was jumping on shells ♫

I was falling down holes

there was a 3D open world out there

but I was stuck in a side-scroll

I could've been winning at checkers

but I was losing at chess

until I solved the biggest puzzle and I unlocked the treasure chest and now

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning,

I'm winning

I am using the right name, finally

♫ I'm a player

not an obstacle

I am redefining possible

I have a new victory condition

there are many more that two ways to win

i'm winning

♫ i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning

I'm winning

I'm using the right name, finally

left right left right b a and start

listen to me and love with your heart

pick up the piece and roll the dice

you can help a person have a better life

maybe it's new and maybe it's hard,

can't you try to care

cause players like me and my friends have always been there!

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am using the right name, finally

i'm winning

i'm winning

I am playing the right game, finally

i'm winning


For more infomation >> I'm Winning - The Doubleclicks [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:09.


🎮ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №116 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> 🎮ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №116 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 10:17.


More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.



For more infomation >> More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.


Écologie: ces 2 lycéennes mobilisent la Belgique - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Écologie: ces 2 lycéennes mobilisent la Belgique - Duration: 8:23.


Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.

Iowans would no longer need a permit to carry a firearm or to buy a gun in a person-to-person

sale under a bill under consideration by the Iowa Senate.

"I don't see why it would be in Iowa's best interests to have government regulate

the law-abiding and not have any way to regulate the lawbreakers," said Sen. Jason Schultz,


Anyone wishing to buy a gun from a federally-licensed firearms dealer would still be required to

have a valid permit to carry or complete a federal background check, if the bill becomes


But that would no longer be the case for person-to-person sales and sales that don't fall under federal

law, Des Moines News reports.

NO PERMIT: A bill moving through the Iowa legislature would lift a requirement for residents

to need a permit to buy or carry a gun in the state.

If the bill passes, Iowa would join the other 14 states that have adopted similar laws,

the newest being South Dakota on Feb. 1.

Democrat Sen. Tony Bisignano stated that he does not support the bill because it allows

handguns to be sold at gun shows and through personal sales without the need for a permit,

background check, or gun safety class.

Under the measure, which an Iowa Senate subcommittee approved Monday, Iowans would still be able

to obtain permits to carry firearms if needed when they travel out-of-state or for other


But they wouldn't need to have a permit to carry firearms in Iowa.

It seems common knowledge that anyone interested in owning a firearm needs to get educated

and proper training when they purchase a firearm.

It should be left up to the individual where they obtain the education and training, with

that being said, they should have a State and County site that for a small fee, provides

the safety.

When you share to your friends you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this video with your friends and family.

Thank you, we appreciate it!

For more infomation >> Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.



If it doesnt work try re-installing roblox

For more infomation >> *NEW* ROBLOX - HACK/GUI ARSENAL GUI (INSANE)| AUTO AIM LOCK, AUTO UPDATE ESP, 100% WIN | (FEB 19) - Duration: 10:46.


Dyson Pure TP01 Cool Tower HEPA Purifier and Fan with Re... - Duration: 26:01.

For more infomation >> Dyson Pure TP01 Cool Tower HEPA Purifier and Fan with Re... - Duration: 26:01.


Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished - Duration: 5:00.

Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House - Appliances furnished

For more infomation >> Incredibly Popular Custom Built 24' Tiny House Appliances furnished - Duration: 5:00.


Обзор Советской Символики для Продажи на Ebay. - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Обзор Советской Символики для Продажи на Ebay. - Duration: 8:13.


How to Add a New User to Your WordPress Website - Duration: 1:38.

hello in this video I'm gonna be showing you all how to add a new user to your

WordPress website adding a new user to your WordPress website will allow them

to add and change content on your website so what you're going to want to

do is come down here to or go over to the navigation menu go to users and go

to add new it should take you to a page that looks like this and what you want

to want to do is fill out the required information as you can see right here it

says required as you can see the three things I have highlighted are optional

so once you have the required fields filled out what you want to do is come

down here to password to set your password for your new user so what

you're going to do is click on show password and as you can see we're press

has automatically generated a password for you but you're going to want to

change that and right down here you can see how strong your password is so let's

go and change our password let's call it let's do this and now it's strong so

once you have filled out required fields and created a password for your user

what you want to do is now click what row you want on them have and if you

want them to have access to be able to you know edit the pages and posts and

add media and whatever else you need them do you're going to want them to be

an administrator or an admin for short and once you have done that click add

new user in now they have access to change content on your WordPress website

For more infomation >> How to Add a New User to Your WordPress Website - Duration: 1:38.


Learn to Trade Stocks

For more infomation >> Learn to Trade Stocks


OSTSG: Knock Knock (Ep. 3 "Don't Open the Door") - Duration: 12:40.

[music blaring from speakers]

You give the best gifts.

I know what you like.

You know what else I'd like?


Some flaming...




Wait, what?

and a Diet Coke.



Oh and cant you get some cigarettes and beer, too? We're almost out.

Wait. I have to go to the store?

I thought this was in the kitchen.

I will reward your troubles. Trust.


Don't go anywhere.

[banging on window]


[text alert]

[outgoing text alert]

[text alert]

[text alert]

[music stops]

[maniacal laughter]



[theme music]


No. Joely- Joely, wait! No!

No no no. Joely, wait!

W-w-wait, don't open the door.

They killed Ryker. I don't know what's happening but just don't open that door!

Jack. Go to your room.

But Mom. I think that-

Go to your room, please.

Savannah, have you been doing drugs in my house, again?


Fine, yes, okay? But this is not that, I swear. I-I didn't-

Vann! I told you. You can stay here.

You're family but you will not bring drugs in my house again

not with my kids here.

Jack, please go to your room like I asked.


No this is, it's not that, okay? I know usually I screw everything up and I-

it's different this time!

[knock on door]

It's just a delivery.

What did we order?

No. Jo, I am not making this up, okay? I swear.

They sent this from Ryker's phone. Just look at it.

[maniacal laughter from phone]

[door opening]

[door closing, lock turning]

[laughter from outside]

When I really want in

that lock won't stop me.

[maniacal laughter]


[howling and beating on the door]


Why is there no service?

Mom you know you actually have to pay the bill, right?

She's right, no service.

Mine either.


Did I miss something?

Jack. Check the house phone?

What house phone?

We don't have a house phone?

No one has a house phone anymore. It's the 21st century you old hag.

What happened?

Mason can you get your phone?

I don't want to scare you guys but we have to call 9-1-1.

Yeah okay.

Hurry honey. Sadie go with her

and then I need you both right back here okay?


Just go.


I really need you to keep it together, okay?





My service isn't working and my wifi's out too.

How's that even possible?

Ew. Is she sick?

You better not be contagious. I have a really important game next weekend.

She's got a-a cell phone jammer.

Okay listen this is important. We need to make sure all the doors and windows are locked.

Mrs. Jacobs what's going on?

Ryker's dead.



No asshole, he was murdered. Do you have another joke?

Mom is she tripping again?

No, Sadie she's not. And until we get the attention of the police department

we need to stay safe okay?

Is this really happening?

Our phones aren't going to work and I assume they cut the cable which is what knocked out the wifi-


As long as they're out there and we're in here, we're okay.

So let's make sure everything is locked up.

How many of them are there?

How are we supposed to know?

What do they want?

I don't know honey.

Is it the people from the news?

That's a good guess.

So why don't we just tell them we have nothing for them to steal?

It can't be them.

Whoever's been breaking into people's houses they've never hurt anyone.

Until now.

Okay none of that really matters right now we need to lock up.

Jack take Sadie and Mason with you and Vann come with me.

It'll be faster if I split off and check the basement.


Mom you just said we had to keep them out. If I split off we can cover more ground.

Just. Be careful.

Alright. Let's hurry.

I'm sorry about Ryker.

I hardly knew the guy.

Don't do that.

Do what?

That shut down you do when you don't want to cope.

We don't have time for an internal crisis right now we need you and you have to

knock it off with this shit. You're gonna kill yourself!

Come on!

It's gonna be okay you know.

My mom's gonna get the cops.

Our phone's don't work, Sadie!

I know but she'll figure it out.

But what if they're already inside?

Well then we show them that they chose to mess with the wrong house!

Let's go.

Are they still here?

Still here.

What are we supposed to do? Just sit in here and wait for them to come kill us?

You can go out there if you want. Let us know how it works out for you.

You're such a bitch. I don't see you coming up with any ideas.

They might just be messing with us. A prank. They saw the stories on the news and thought

Just a prank.

They slashed our tires, Mom.

And they killed what's-his-name-

[all] Ryker.

Whatever. I don't think it's a prank.

Maybe they'll leave any minute.

And what if they don't?

Then we wait.

And when they get in here we do what we can.

What do you mean?

She means be ready to fight.

We should all have something to defend ourselves.


I don't need anything.


I have Blue.

Never let Dad down.

Aunt Vann?

I'm good.

Do you always carry that with you?


That's not weird at all.


Do you really think that's a good idea right now?

Yeah. Yeah I do.

Your dad always wanted a gun.

What do we need with a gun? I said.

Now I know.

[whiskey being poured into the sink]

That was expensive whiskey.

I know, I bought it.

Someone's here.

It's probably my dad.

Oh my god! My dad's here!

They're not there. Maybe he scared them off.

Or they could be killing him, Sadie!

We have to go Mrs. Jacobs! He doesn't know what's going on!

Mason what are you doing?


No no no no Dad! Dad, dad!

Turn around!

Turn around no! Stop stop stop!

No no no.


What do we do?

Oh my God. Oh my God!

Mason wait!


No no no, let go of me!

Let go!

What are you doing? They're killing him!

And you just almost let them in here to kill us all!

He's gonna make it!

No no no no no.

You don't wanna see this.

[Mason crying]

Holy shit.

[Mason crying]

We're all gonna die.

[Mason crying]

For more infomation >> OSTSG: Knock Knock (Ep. 3 "Don't Open the Door") - Duration: 12:40.


Volkswagen T-Roc Style *NU € 1500 VOORDEEL!* - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc Style *NU € 1500 VOORDEEL!* - Duration: 1:09.


Squatch Rips Behind Wheeler 🙉Ohio Bigfoot Encounters Ep1 - Duration: 7:08.

Ohio Bigfoot Encounters Report # 37259 (Class Alpha)


OBSERVED: I was taking my 4 year old cousin for a ride on the ATV.

We were climbing an old cattle road; it was a hill.

About halfway up the hill I heard this loud thumping noise.

I turned around and saw this huge brown hairy manlike creature running up the hill after

us; he was at least 10 feet tall.

In its hands was what appeared to be a small log.

I was only going about 10 MPH and it was fairly close behind us.

Finally we got to the top of the hill into this grass opening and I laid on the gas.

I was up to about 30 MPH.

Its wasn't close to us but it wasn't far away.

At the time we were almost out of the field it hurled the log at us.

It landed fairly far away.

I came back the next day and the log was not there.

ALSO NOTICED: At least 10 feet tall, large strides, tremendous arm strength.

Earlier in the day found where it had knocked down a bunch of trees and moss leaned up against

a big tree, could be a home.

I'm not really sure.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: About 5:30 p m.

Fair skies, mid 60's, no precipitation ENVIRONMENT: Temperate deciduous forest, bottom

of hill is by a creek.

At top of hill, huge grass field.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Steve Nystrom:

I was able to meet with the witness regarding his encounter in late December 2013.

During our meeting, several interesting details emerged regarding his two encounters.

The witness was taking his four year old cousin for an ATV ride on the back of his family's

property on one of the old cattle trails searching for possible locations to set-up blinds for

the upcoming deer hunting season.

It was mid-November around 5:30 PM, and the sun was starting to set, so the witness decided

to turn the ATV around and take his cousin back home.

As they were riding up the hill on the ATV, the witness heard a loud thumping noise.

Not sure what it was, he turned around and saw a large, dark brown, hairy man-like creature

about ten feet behind the ATV - chasing them up the hill.

Due to the incline of the hill and the ruts on the trail, the witness could only travel

about ten miles per hour.

He was able to get a look at the Sasquatch, which he estimated to be around ten feet tall

with long hair covered arms, having a large head with no visible neck, two large eyes,

and a flat nose, as well as, a possible mouth.

His four year old cousin also turned his head around to see what was going on and pointed

to the Sasquatch for a few seconds as they were fleeing.

As they approached the top of the hill and were entering a large field, the road conditions

improved and the witness hit the throttle and eventually got the ATV up to around 30

miles per hour.

At this point, he was able to put some distance – but surprisingly not much between the

Sasquatch and the ATV.

As they were exiting the field and about to get on the dirt road leading back to the house,

the Sasquatch hurled the small log it had been carrying at them, but it did not come

close to hitting the ATV.

When the witness and his cousin arrived back at his house, he was still stunned by what

had just happened.

However, his four year old cousin thought it was really cool being chased by the "big

hairy man" and could not stop talking about it.

(He still mentions it periodically to this day.)

The witness offered to arrange an interview with his young cousin, but I had to decline

due to time constraints.

The witness had a second Sasquatch encounter about a year later in the same general area.

In November 2013, he drove his ATV out on the same trail where he had the Sasquatch

encounter the previous year to find a location for his blind a few days before deer season.

The witness was alone this time with just his portable blind, deer rifle, and a set

of binoculars.

He decided to set-up his blind on the top of a small hill overlooking an active deer

path, approximately 200 yards southwest off the trail where he had seen the Sasquatch

a year before.

When the witness finished setting up the blind, he sat down and started to scan the area toward

the deer path when he noticed what appeared to be a large dark gray, hair covered head

staring at him from behind a huge tree.

When the witness reached down to grab his binoculars, he briefly saw the head of the

creature before it departed.

The witness showed me the large tree that the Sasquatch was hiding behind.

A few yards behind the huge tree there was a small creek embankment, which combined with

the brush provided the Sasquatch with fairly good cover and concealment to prevent it from

being observed.

In addition, during my investigation with the witness I also noticed a dead deer in

the open field not far from his two Sasquatch encounters.

I asked the witness if he had noticed anything unusual about any of the dead deer that he

had found on his family's property over the years.

The only thing unusual that he could recall was at the time of his two Sasquatch encounters,

there were some deer carcasses in the vicinity of the sightings that had the legs completely

ripped off.

Also, there were no apparent wounds from gunshots or arrows on the dead deer, which was more

typical during hunting season.

Based on the details that he provided and his private demeanor, I strongly believe that

the individual is a very credible witness, who did in fact have two distinct Sasquatch

encounters on his family's property.

The Adams County region of Southwest Ohio has had a number of reported Sasquatch encounters

over the years.

There is also an abundance of food, water, and wooded areas that are capable of sustaining

a Sasquatch population.

For more infomation >> Squatch Rips Behind Wheeler 🙉Ohio Bigfoot Encounters Ep1 - Duration: 7:08.



It's about 8:40, we had a really productive morning. Um, I

Put away the Valentine's decorations. I

Unloaded the dishwasher I started a little kids laundry. I saw like two other loads to do I

Showered got myself ready and at 8:40

The reason being is that Ella only woke up one classmate and that was at 1:30 and 8's up until now. So that's awesome

My sister's coming over today we got that going on we had her a gender-reveal yesterday

She's having a baby girl scarlet grace we are so excited

You are Carter was right, he guessed girl he wore a pink necklace and a pink shirt. I'm

So yeah

It was a funny situation


the balloon wouldn't pop with the BB gun like it was like way too thick so she just went out with like a machete and

Stabbed with a balloon. It was ridiculous. I have to insert a clip of that here

So besides like catching up and doing things around the house today I

Really need to go to the grocery store

We have like no food

trying to figure out how I wouldn't do that like so I want to go nap time with my sister's here or

Bring the circus with me. I really don't know if I don't want to go to Aldi today

Not yet, she's gonna come over though. All right, let's get sissy changed and here's Tanner. Let me show you say good morning

Being a little cranky today

He's tired. Are you tired Buffy?

Also on my list of accomplishments for this morning is that these guys are all dressed. Let's have your teeth, baby

You'll cut your cheek. You have a cup on your teeth. I may need to cut your nails

These kids I swear I cut their nails every day of my life and they still scratch their face that caught me off guard

What they don't give up. Oh, I got them dressed and that's an accomplishment and it's felt just two boys dressed

Okay, so I'm gonna get little mikela ready and let's see where the day takes us

Maybe something else. That one's a little warm for today. I

Think do you think it's gonna be warm or cold out today?


A leg make two lines curve you want to go to Wegman? Whoa, why do you macaroni into youth?

Is that going to be our thing now every Monday?

You gotta go right man

And this is what happens when you have to get a baby dress and you have two little boys in the room

Why I love our Sunday morning routine, and I look forward to it so much

They come Winnie

Come my beautiful. She's ready to eat

Your mommy feed me

Okay, let's go

Your sisters eating right now you have to wait two minutes eight you're gonna go for a quiet time

Lord help me

Just finished, you know saying Ella it's fine like a food as you fall in the camera, you're so funny

there's nursing her and the boys are playing in the playroom and I'm gonna pick up this mess and

Then I just realized I haven't eaten anything and I need the pump. I

Swear, we need to get like on a really strict morning writing it

I know that sounds crazy, but I need it for my sanity like I need

All of it, but we're we're working on it. We're working progress

We're ready to dance go wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Like you can't have the best dance moves girl and you know that

You have that best dance move here. You play with us and Glenn clean up. I

Got this for her for Christmas. I think we're gonna open it today too, but the boys took this out and reminded me

Sissy's more fun than the playroom, huh? Oh

He's kissing you Carter


You guys love each other her nails crafts in you

critical here

Crinkles here. She's feeding Ella for the first time. We're having Paris today. We're not sure if she's like turned on

She usually opens her mouth like so wide so I


Chris made the egg white muffins from my

Meal prep video so I'm making some for Krystal and I think I just heated them up in the microwave

Thank you

The kids are all napping right now. I have whipped cream out of everything

I think I'm gonna try to do the Amazon Prime Whole Foods

My sister said she heard about it too. Holla. I

Really want to go to Aldi, but I don't know

Martyr also thinks he's going to Wegmans Oh in this believe it's already 1 o'clock

I said 1 o clock I have to clean up from the

also party from yesterday know

You believe you're having a girl


She did oh, that's our nays of her we are having the most

At night time and flying it Tommy. Oh, really? Yeah. Wow, I

Can message Oh, what should we do? It's only like it's not even 3 o'clock yet, and I'm like

Also, I was about to check out with the Amazon now and I was for the groceries from Whole Foods

and then it was like

$15 to

just feel like


That like not that that's like the friend doesn't do their budget not crazy about it

but crazy like wow Tiffany's you go to the store and

All my other grocery places, they don't have picked up until like some at some point tomorrow

I'm scared to bring three kids to I've never done it before and I'm petrified

Especially cuz they didn't nap good today. So it's like extra sorry

What's your issue Ella? Oh

Don't please answer me

Somebody answer, huh? I don't know what to do. Okay


It's mama hi mama

Hi mama, yeah Carter do you think I might bring all three of you guys to the grocery store that you'll be good?

Yeah, I know she nodded


Garrison. My mom said we can't go mama cow. Oh, really? Yeah, I

Say Leia world

She said what in the world?

L-look mom son full my mom. Hey same time she's facing time. Hi

Carter plays and she was I know he's gonna try Tanner others other foot baby other foot member. The velcro always goes on the outside

Means you that yeah, I did the right way

Practice makes perfect

Little brother and I'll help you since I'm done feeding sissy. Just getting everyone in the car is about to get Ella in and felt

felt something weird on my hand, so

Not going good already we made it. We're on our way to giant that's where we decided to go today

Aldys a little bit further and I'm already scared

I feel like somebody who is facing their fears with like going on an airplane

But mine is going to any place alone with three kids, honestly

Because Tanner runs off and we have some tre ATS in my pocket as backup

By the way

How great was Ellis timing for that I will say I'm glad it didn't happen in the grocery store

At least that happened

At home before we left so I just grab just sweep her out of the dryer and throw it on her so she didn't sleep

Her with a jacket, which is really kind of special bit

Pray for me

I'm trying to face my fears. I'm trying to rip the band-aid off

This man made a big deal to some of you but it's big deal to me. Yes, honey. What do we say when someone's talking?

Say excuse me, but I get what you're saying. Yes, honey

You talk about a baby about a bandit

Yeah, I'm just how are you talking about, baby?

You know what else Carter I forgot our bags so now I got to use plastic and be not green

Can't win them all

Who's gonna be my super big helper so we can do this again?

Network of if we're good. That means we can go more places to get it, right

Carter's gonna be my big helper. Oh, thank goodness. I'm so excited. I know you're gonna do a great job. Nice

Runs around and people

People can take you if you run away from your mom. Yes, that's right

Please help so you're gonna come why?

Well, we're all gonna be safe and stay together and get some groceries, right

Now baby, I don't want you to buy that damn right, okay, whatever gonna listen

Okay. Now this time just picked up grapes. Should I buy this tanner?

Tanner now has a banana

Sissy's being a good girl. We're gonna pick some apples

It's a robot

But do foot boys get to pick



See you see all these

Who is that wanna well look you what the minion one Tanner

You want the mini one?

It's not open yet got by it what you meant card is gonna pick. Oh

Crap I don't think we have mr. Incredible sweetheart. I'm sorry. I see cat boy

Or there's Marshall, look who's this? Oh that's outlet

Which one you're gonna get

Which one are you picking it's not open yet. Which one I pick in how do you even know who that is?

That's the Hulk all right, it's not open yet

We job harder

They through is how the heck I was gonna put the groceries back into the cart

So my wrist might break always take the stroller out when I go grocery shopping and my car needs to be cleaned fed

Wow, that's great. So this is what I had to deal with the groceries

But everyone's in the car safe and that's my biggest concern rice

wheat survived

What did you say to? Mom II don't know you're like see I really see I told you

Remember, you told me what?

You're a good boy, what does that mean?

We get to go back again, where's this guy Oh

Buster ho clutter I always thought his name was just the Hulk

You're sleepy so you don't know what you're talking about you sound like your mother proud of you

You're such a good boy too. Mr. Right needs play facing in it's in the trunk

That's a nice song. Thank you

We got

Rotisserie chicken monitor key. Yes, honey

Counter sorry. Mr. Hall was interrupted by having to change a poop and by Chris checking in

I'm glad that he called to check in because I completely forgot that he was going out tonight

He's meeting with one of his friends. I used to work with

For just a quick drink after work and I'm glad we were just getting ready to put spaghetti squash in their microwave

to make dinner for both of us and

I've been mad if I had made dinner for both of us for no reason so

Dinner just for me Ricky. What are you doing?

You just trying to open this door it's a ridiculous

Sorry what we're talking about

I'm gonna take a bath and have a glass of wine. So that'll be my night in by myself

But here is the grocery haul that we started to do

Rotisserie chicken honey, turkey regular turkey

nature rainbow chili bars for the kids

kettle corn pretzels

strawberries banana had its cheese

Almond milk. I did not have what cream in my coffee J was sad rice Chex a little happiness

blueberries grapes


Avocado broccoli

green beans

giant thing of cheese

The spaghetti squash that I was going to make for dinner that I am now not going to cuz I hate cooking

For it was just for me

English muffins bread for the boys and I think I already said peppers so


5:06 and I'm gonna put this away and making her dinner

and as soon as we're done eating they're getting in the bath and going to bed because

That's what it's nice to happen when they don't now, however if they wake up early and they did vote they woke up early

Really bad time. So the boys are just eating cheesy roll-ups. Ella wants to eat now -

With rotisserie chicken for a Tanner and Turkey for Carter. I have fruit too

But I don't like to give that to them until the end because I'll only eat the fruit. Okay, Ellie ready for sweet potatoes

She loves her speed poquito is huh more

Yeah, that's how you sign for more more


We're gonna dance now cuz it's good go ahead do

The wiggle wiggle

Evil evil

My dancin bean

Mmm so good

And there's a nice day

This is crazy you can't take it Bobby

Have bill for day keep on

Once upon a time there was a pepper tightenings, but one day put lots of odors there

Thank you


Giving it I love you know husband kisses man

Yes, we came

We love you


Curses late nights kill me you haven't noticed but sissy is around to of trying to get her to go to sleep

When I when I picked her up, she was like screaming for a really long time

I was trying to get the boy shot

So when I picked her up had a huge burp, so I'm hoping she goes down this time sweet dreams and that girl

You know

Well, that was an exhausting day kicked my butt

I told Chris I said I

Always feel like I by the end of Mondays. I am just like a beat up, but we made it

Got through now. I have to go do like my nighttime cleaning routine

It's the last video I put up on my channel if you're interested in seeing what I do

And I'm not gonna fold clothes tonight, though

I think gonna save it for tomorrow because I deserve a bath I

deserve take a nice hot bath have a glass of wine and just

chill out and then go edit this to go up tomorrow, but still, you know, it'll be

Relaxing and I'm excited. I'm sad that the Real Housewives of New Jersey over I usually catch up on those

When I have like a lot of time to watch something by myself started

Anyway, thank you so much for watching my crazy hectic day. I hope you guys had a good Monday

We're gonna have a great week. Today was a great day was just like

Tiring, I feel like sometimes like coming off the weekend, especially like my kids

I've been having like so much shoulder since Valentine's Day and they went to the gender-reveal and like they had cupcakes and cake pops and

Candy, every time I turn around they had some type of candy that somebody was giving them

And so like today I feel like they're like detoxing for all the sugar they had so

Yeah, I don't know. Well, that's where I have a new day on the way a better day and

I'm rambling because I'm tired and I have no idea what I'm talking about. So I'll see you in the next one

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Also, if you like this necklace, it's a piece in my jewelry line that launches on February 28th

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Make sure you go ahead and sign up and again

Thanks for watching and off the other next one

For more infomation >> SOLO DITL SAHM OF 3 UNDER 3 // REAL LIFE MOM VLOG // BEAUTY AND THE BEASTONS 2019 - Duration: 22:41.


Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi ExecutiveLine Lederen bekleding, Pannorama schuif-/kanteldak, Navigatie, 17" LM - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi ExecutiveLine Lederen bekleding, Pannorama schuif-/kanteldak, Navigatie, 17" LM - Duration: 1:14.


This DIY Mouthwash Gets Rid Of Bad Breath & Plaque - Duration: 9:34.

this DIY mouthwash gets rid of bad breath and plaque but the most important

features on your face is your smile it's a fact that everybody wants to have

perfect white teeth some people wear braces to get them

super straight others are lucky enough not to need

anything special to get those perfect pearly whites regardless of what you aim

for having a flawless smile adds a lot to your confidence and how you feel

about your own appearance so what can you do to make sure your white teeth

stay white what health tips can I use to improve my dental care are there any

home remedies for plaque removal I can use well let's dive right in but before

we begin don't forget to subscribe to besties and turn on notifications so you

never miss our new health tips and remember you'll always be flashing those

white teeth when you're with your besties so let's examine how to get rid

of that bad breath having a mouth that is in good shape is not only important

for appearance purposes but it's also important for your well being that is to

say having a healthy mouth will make you well more healthy people think to

maintain a well cared-for mouth is just brushing flossing and going to the

dentist ever so often but there's something more that you can do that

doesn't necessarily require dropping hundreds of dollars in order to prevent

plaque from building up alright so hold up what exactly is plaque for those of

us who have never been berated by the dentist plaque is something you don't

want anywhere near your precious white teeth according to dental health org

plaque is a thin sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on your teeth

people need to take control of this plaque because too much of it building

up on your teeth can cause serious issues in the future just to paint you a

picture too much plaque buildup can cause tooth decay the dreaded dental

disease gingivitis and finally bleed gums yeah sorry I don't mean to gross

you out and I don't want you to stress I'm also not about to sell you a super

expensive remedy that is supposed to change your life forever and ever but

the following DIY remedy backed up by websites like LIVESTRONG InStyle craze

and help you prevent plaque alright so do you need to finally learn how to get

rid of bad breath the ingredients for this mouthwash are pretty easy to come

by simple and quick heck you might not even need to go out and shop for it this

is stuff you can find lying around the house all you really need is the

following baking soda salt hydrogen peroxide cold and warm water toothpicks

and a toothbrush sounds easy enough to obtain but wait isn't hydrogen peroxide

that stuff your mom used to put on cuts that would sting and make you cry why

would you want to put that stinging Menace on your teeth according to the

dental professionals at intelligent dental hydrogen peroxide mouthwash can

be a godsend or can be a bane so too much of hydrogen peroxide is never good

but if you stick to the formula it'll work out very well on top of that a

study by researchers Jan winstram and Jay and Lindy published in the Journal

of Clinical period ontology found that a mouthwash which released hydrogen

peroxide effectively prevented the colonization of filaments the Sephora's

motile and curved rods as well as spirit he teased in developing plaque jeez that

was really a mouthful for those of us who didn't attend dental school what

they're trying to say there is that this method helped patients mouths stay

cleaner alright let's explore the way to make

this stuff doing it properly is important to your dental health your

teeth cleaning process and your health care in general first you want to make

salt and baking soda into a small container

place your toothbrush under some warm running water and swirl the bristles

around in a soda salt mixture after you've done that brush your teeth

normally spitting out the homemade pastes

now it's time for the mouthwash part this part takes absolutely little or no

effort all you do is combine 1/2 a cup of hydrogen peroxide with half a cup of

warm water and swirl it around in your mouth it should take only a minute or so

so what exactly is a toothpick for well there's actually a huge purpose for it

after you swish your mouth with peroxide you want to remove as much of it as

possible the toothpick helps remove the sticky tartar in all of those

hard-to-reach places people typically do this process once or two times a week

it's a fast and fun way to help prevent plaque buildup so try it out yourself

and see if it works however we can absolutely help if you're having some

trouble finding some of those ingredients or you're too apprehensive

to put hydrogen peroxide in your mouth people are of course concerned with

their own health care and a name like hydrogen peroxide and be intimidating

there are many other ways to help prevent plaque buildup as well as ways

to learn how to get rid of bad breath and we'll explore them right now you'll

see a lot of repetition from other parts of this video

however the methods we're about to explore bear repeating

for starters you're going to want to brush daily while this may seem super

obvious the way you brush your teeth is critical WebMD says that you should do

at least twice a day with a round tip bristled toothbrush those same good

people also recommend you pay close attention to the areas where the gums

and the teeth meet as it can be easily overlooked by the average person they

also recommend that the toothpaste that you use should contain fluoride a

chemical used in dentistry to strengthen the chompers finally a lot of people ask

for how long should I brush my teeth the people at Colgate tell us we should

brush our teeth for two minutes straight to make sure that they're completely

clean so break out those timers folks or maybe play a song that's two minutes

long so you can ensure you're getting rid of all that nasty

the last couple of methods are pretty obvious make sure that you floss go to

the dentist and eat a balanced diet just in case you're a little rusty we'll help

you with a quick refresher on how to floss get about 18 inches of the stuff

and wrap it around your two index fingers you can hold it tightly in your

thumb and forefinger if you so desire next gently guide the floss between your

teeth with a rubbing motion don't forget that you should never snap the floss

between those white teeth of yours once you reach the gum make a C motion that

will guide your floss into the space between the gum and the tooth that's

pretty much it for flossing don't forget the back of your teeth as well and how

about a healthy diet what foods are best for your teeth luckily for you we've

compiled a list of some of the best foods for your teeth

number 5 cheese every time you eat food your mouth is attacked by acids cheese

however is great for combating those acids making it one of the best

post-meal snacks grab some crackers and go to town number

4 fish so your teeth need a lot of calcium to stay strong but your body

can't absorb a lot of calcium unless it also has a lot of vitamin D luckily

fatty fish like salmon are a great source of vitamin D maybe it's time you

took your old man on that fishing trip just tell your work it's for your teeth

stick number 3 oranges you'd think the acidic

citrus fruit would be bad for your poor teeth but you'd be wrong turns out

vitamin C strengthens blood vessels in your mouth and slows down the

progression of gum disease so add oranges to your daily diet you don't

want to end up looking like a pirate do you number 2 green and black tea there

are micro nutrients in team known as polyphenols that destroy plaque causing

bacteria our advice drink tea during or after a meal it'll reduce the amount of

harm done to your mouth by that nasty bacteria

number one chocolate record scratch what chocolate didn't mom always say that

sweets were bad for your teeth well she didn't exactly lie not totally at least

as long as it's 70% cocoa and it's actually a superfood that strengthens

the enamel around your teeth which means you'll have to eat dark chocolate to

keep those teeth white weird huh if you stick to these methods and diets

your mouth will stay healthy and beautiful for a long time do you have

any health tips to keep your mouth clean comment below and share them with the

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For more infomation >> This DIY Mouthwash Gets Rid Of Bad Breath & Plaque - Duration: 9:34.


Bring It: Camryn Struggles with the Hip Hop Routine (Season 1 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Bring It: Camryn Struggles with the Hip Hop Routine (Season 1 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:38.


Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.

Iowans would no longer need a permit to carry a firearm or to buy a gun in a person-to-person

sale under a bill under consideration by the Iowa Senate.

"I don't see why it would be in Iowa's best interests to have government regulate

the law-abiding and not have any way to regulate the lawbreakers," said Sen. Jason Schultz,


Anyone wishing to buy a gun from a federally-licensed firearms dealer would still be required to

have a valid permit to carry or complete a federal background check, if the bill becomes


But that would no longer be the case for person-to-person sales and sales that don't fall under federal

law, Des Moines News reports.

NO PERMIT: A bill moving through the Iowa legislature would lift a requirement for residents

to need a permit to buy or carry a gun in the state.

If the bill passes, Iowa would join the other 14 states that have adopted similar laws,

the newest being South Dakota on Feb. 1.

Democrat Sen. Tony Bisignano stated that he does not support the bill because it allows

handguns to be sold at gun shows and through personal sales without the need for a permit,

background check, or gun safety class.

Under the measure, which an Iowa Senate subcommittee approved Monday, Iowans would still be able

to obtain permits to carry firearms if needed when they travel out-of-state or for other


But they wouldn't need to have a permit to carry firearms in Iowa.

It seems common knowledge that anyone interested in owning a firearm needs to get educated

and proper training when they purchase a firearm.

It should be left up to the individual where they obtain the education and training, with

that being said, they should have a State and County site that for a small fee, provides

the safety.

When you share to your friends you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this video with your friends and family.

Thank you, we appreciate it!

For more infomation >> Iowa Just Got A Whole Lot Better After What Was Just Announced… YES! - Duration: 2:37.


Stassi and Lala Kent Spill the Tea on Kristen Doute's Relationship | Vanderpump Rules | Bravo - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Stassi and Lala Kent Spill the Tea on Kristen Doute's Relationship | Vanderpump Rules | Bravo - Duration: 1:57.


Is She Using Me? | 7 COMMON Signs A Girl Is Using You | The Gold Digger Test - Duration: 7:20.

Gentlemen, today we're showing you the 10 most common signs she's using you.

Getting burned by a girl doesn't just hurt your feel bads;

It's a colossal waste of time you could have been spending with someone better.

So if you find yourself constantly wondering, "is she using me?", keep watching.

And to make sure you don't misread the signs and chase off a girl who actually might be into you,

We're also going to show you the most common

sign that mistakenly turns guys away.

10. She's a Payday Regular

Alright guys, the truth is… sometimes a

girl's just gotta eat If there's a girl in your life that never

seems to commit to hanging with you, And then, every couple weeks just before payday,

the secret vortex to her social calendar suddenly opens up.

You can be sure of one thing: she's definitely using you.

It's one of the main reasons why nice guys finish last.

If she knows you're the chivalrous type, who will always offer to pick up the tab,

Then you may find yourself stuck with a payday regular.

And if you find yourself stuck in this pattern, it's time to move on.

9. She Won't Commit to Hanging Alone

Having trouble getting her to hang out with

you alone?

If every time you try and make plans to hang out,

She invites you along to a group hang, there's a good chance she's not comfortable

hanging out one on one.

And sure, the group hang is perfectly normal in the budding stages of a new relationship.

But if you find yourself stuck there like a Dantesque circle of hell,

It's one of the obvious signs a girl doesn't like you.

8. She Slowly Fades into Casper the Unfriendly Ghost

Wondering how to tell if a girl doesn't like you?

If you get the sense you're a victim of the "slow fade" or that you're being "ghosted",

Follow this one very simple principle:

it's the same rule your t-ball coach taught you back when girls had cooties and the ice

cream man was king.

It's the 3 strikes and you're out rule, and this is how it works.

If you've reached out to a girl and received no response 3 times in a row,

It's time to write her off your list and move on,

But make sure not to burn bridges and make your last message as polite and inviting as possible

Just in case she like... ya know… befell

some tragedy and can't be reached.

7. When You Flirt, She Diverts

If there's a girl in your life who doesn't

respond to any of your flirtatious efforts, And you're confident you're not committing

the most common creeper fails?

(Better check out this vid on "how to flirt without being creepy" just to be sure.)

Be on the lookout for one of these familiar signs a girl is using you and doesn't like you back.

When you try and flirt with her, she immediately changes the conversation.

She might try and make it obvious like going out of her way to mention some other guy,

Or she might be more subtle and jump to a safe topic like work or the weather.

But if when you attempt to lay on the charm, You get a big old bucket of cold nothing in return,

You can stop asking yourself, "is she using me?".

'Cause she is, and it's time to move on.

6. She Only Calls When She Needs Something

Want to really know how to tell if a girl

doesn't like you?

Think about the last few times your girl has reached out to you.

Was she in a bind that she couldn't get out of herself?

Does she go dormant like a hibernating bear, Only to reappear out of nowhere with an SOS text?

Because that's one of the most obvious signs you're in the friendzone.

If she only comes calling when she needs something from you,

It means you're not on her mind when life is good, only when she's in a jamb.

And do you know who else she calls when she's in a jamb?

Her Uncle Bob.

Sorry, bro, but you're certified uncle status, or in what is more commonly known as the friendzone.

Hey Guys.

Don't forget that at end of this video, We're going to show you one commonly misread sign

That guys often mistakenly take to mean she's

not interested.

So stick around 'til the end.

Alright, let's get back to the last 5 on our list.

5. Messy Hair, Just Don't Care

Alright, guys.

Here's how to know a girl is using you And she just isn't that into you.

If a girl is totally into you, She'll reveal some of those tall tell body

language signs she's attracted to you.

And the most obvious one to look out for Is the quick, on the fly hair groom.

We've said it before, when a girl is into a guy,

she'll make some quick adjustments to her hair or clothes to straighten out her look.

And while these subconscious body language signs don't always mean she's definitely into you,

You can be sure of one thing: if you never

catch these body language signs when you're with her,

She's not concerned with what you think about her appearance.

It's one of those subconscious signs of attraction that,

when it happens, it means she might be into you.

But when it's missing, it's much clearer: she's hanging with you for other reasons.

4. She Doesn't Listen

If a girl is truly into you, she will listen

to what you have to say … like all of it … and carefully file it all away.

So if you find yourself with a girl who can't seem to holster her scrolling thumb

for long enough to hear about your day, She's not hanging with you for the same

reasons you're hanging with her.

This is one of the main signs she's using you, and she doesn't like you.

3. Caution, One Way

If you've ever accidentally driven down

a one way street, It becomes obvious fairly quickly that something's

not right, Especially when there's what looks like

a crazy person chasing down your car while shouting at you and flailing their arms.

Sadly, one-way relationships aren't as obvious one way streets...

Unless you're paying attention.

And one of the signs she's using you is when your conversations with her

Aren't really conversations at all and you're the one putting in all the effort.

Does she ask questions about your life or just quietly sit there until you ask her a question?

Are her texts to you uninspired and short?

The thing is…

If you ever get the feeling you're the one putting in all the legwork,

You should listen to that feeling because your instincts are telling you she doesn't

like you as much as you like her, And it's time to give it up.

2. She Has a Reputation

When you meet a girl you like, it's ridiculously

easy to get tunnel vision And ignore all the red flags you should be

on the lookout for.

Luckily, other people don't get those hearts in their eyes,

And if the people who care about you or those who have known her longer than you have

Tell you that she's bad news, you need to listen to them.

Because no matter how much you tell yourself that she wouldn't do that to you,

If she has a reputation, she already is.

And she's a pro at it.

1. Time Has Told

You've heard the saying, "Only time will

tell" before, haven't you?

In lots of situations - especially when you're trying to get a girl to like you -

It's a smart idea to keep that saying in mind,

Because sometimes a girl just isn't quite sure if she wants to date you yet.

But if you and her have spent countless hours together

And your relationship is just as stagnant as it was when you first met, time has told...

...And it's about time you ask her what, exactly your relationship means to her.

Maybe she just sees you as a friend, which is okay as long as you can be friends without

letting your feelings get in the way.

But if you've spent months hanging with her and you've noticed any of the other

signs on this list, She's definitely using you…

And you need to let her go.

As promised, here is the one most common misread sign that could cause you to throw in the

towel prematurely.

Sometimes, it's too easy to be lulled into the assumption that dating behavior is all

neat and tidy and easily classifiable.

But in reality, it's all super complicated, especially when factoring in the virtual dating

world of texting and social media.

People in America are busier and working more hours per week than ever before,

So don't be too quick to judge your girl's behavior.

If there's one most common mistake guys make when trying to figure out "is she using me?"

It's to be too impatient.

If you sent a message to a girl out into the ether

And got nothing but crickets in response, There's a very good chance that she's

been consumed with work.

Follow the 3 strikes and you're out rule that we discussed before,

And give her at least through the weekend to catch up on her life and muster up a response

Before you completely write her off.

Those are the 10 most common signs she's using you and the 1 sign that's commonly misread.

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to let us know, and give it a thumbs up

and don't forget to click and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Is She Using Me? | 7 COMMON Signs A Girl Is Using You | The Gold Digger Test - Duration: 7:20.


INSANE Hacks For Falling Asleep Faster ! - Duration: 6:11.

So I'm guessing you're tired of tossing and turning in bed a hundred times and staring

at the ceiling in the dark because you find it difficult to fall asleep…Im sure you

literally just want to fall asleep as soon as your head touches your pillow without any

stress or having to wait too long?

After a long day, your body deserves the most rest you can give it, after all the hustle

and strenuous activities its endured throughout the day the last thing you want is to not

be able to sleep at night.

Sleep does a lot to help calm the body and rest the brain every day, it also prepares

you for the activities for the next day, so that when you wake up, you feel rejuvenated,

and ready to go again.

I myself, sleep quite well, but its not always been like this, but applying these top life

hacks I've learnt from other people and incorporating them into my life, it's helped

me to improve my sleep improve ten fold.

Now Im not saying I'm no expert so please don't think that.

I just want to share some easy hacks which have helped me improve my sleep over the last year.

So lets get started.

Hack number 1 Set A Formal Bedtime. Most times in life with anything that we are

involved in, consistency is key.

When you consistently do something at a particular time, that thing becomes a normal routine,

and gradually, overtime your body and system will begin to adapt to that routine.

This simple concept applies to sleep too.

Setting a constant time for you to begin to wind down can be very beneficial to you in

your goal in finding sleep easier. Your body will begin to adjust to that time and very

soon, sleep will start to come more naturally as that time approaches.

And also having a set time for sleep will also regulate and help your brain in its levels of serotonin

and melatonin secretion.

So when setting a formal daily bedtime for yourself it is important that you pick an

early enough time which will allow you to get enough deep sleep. Some say the hours

before midnight count as double.

So I like to think of myself as a night owl, I find myself much more productive at night

which could be part of why I used to struggle to sleep.

For myself I find I sleep well when from 9:30 I begin to wind down from the electronics

and artificial blue light, and aim to have my head on the pillow with the lights out by 11.

Which brings me on hack number 2.

Hack number 2. This hack is the one which changed the game for me and it happened instantly.

I found myself sleeping much quicker and waking up feeling a lot fresher.

Install the App F.lux.

I just want to say that this video is not sponsored or affiliated with the app its just something I would 100% highly

recommend you start using.

So what F.lux does is it reduces the amount of blue light which is emitted by out screens and acts as a blue light filter.

The app progressively warms up throughout the evening allow you to get a more natural

light pattern.

So when scrolling through your instagram your feed is going to be very orange look like they spent too

long in the sun.

But this for me was an absolute game changer .

I use flux on my mac and have several automatic apps on my phone too.

Hack number 3 is to take a warm bath before bed.

Keyword being warm.

Taking a bath that is

Not too hot will help to relax your body and mind, it will also put you in the mood to wind

down to get some good sleep.

You could also try reading in the bath too, just make sure you don't drop your phone, kindle or book.

Which is something that I have done in the past.

Hack Number 4

Caffeine Caffeine Caffeine.

If you want to start to fall asleep instantly caffeine intake has to be cut down!

We all know that caffeine is one of the most potent chemicals that works against sleep.

Another truth though is that caffeine is a very addictive.

In fact, it is the most available addictive chemical thats around today.

So if you're really serious about falling asleep much quicker and easier its essential you cut down

on your intake of caffeine, especially after noon.

Studies have shown that your caffeine can last in your system up to ten hours after you've had the coffee and that the

intake of caffeine after 3 pm will have a negative impact on your sleep at night.

What I would suggest is maybe try taking a week off of coffee or giving yourself a coffee ban after noon.

Getting a better nights sleep is all about experimenting and finding out what works best for you.

So Hack number 5

Diet, yes you've heard it all before.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is one of the best ways you can improve

your sleep quality.

Researches have shown that the quality of food you eat has an impact on how well you sleep.

A regular intake of vegetables, fruits, and having an overall healthy balanced diet will

should help you immensely.

That being said if you're hungry before bed, try eating a banana or food with slow releasing carbs

in them.

Studies state, that carbs have been shown to increase serotonin uptake.

The hormone melatonin which is a sleep hormone is directly produced from serotonin.

So eating a small amount of carbs at night can boost serotonin, which will convert into

melatonin and helps support a healthy night sleep.

Thats not an excuse to start eating two pizzas on an evening though.

You could also supplement on melatonin too, but as with any supplement its best to naturally

produce it first before supplementing.

So there we have it, some top hacks which personally have helped me improve my sleep

over the last year.

I just want to quickly mention that you should not take this as personal advice.

I wanted to share this video to teach you what has worked for me.If you have any questions

or concerns about your own sleep you should speak to your doctor first.

Life is about experimenting, some things work, some things don't, we are all different.

But over time we will begin to learn how our own bodies work and adapt them to become the

best versions of ourselves.

If you liked this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up, and check out more of our

self improvement videos on the channel.

I hope you have an amazing and positive day and I hope you sleep much better... tonight!

For more infomation >> INSANE Hacks For Falling Asleep Faster ! - Duration: 6:11.


Doctor leading research into trends in opioid prescribing - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Doctor leading research into trends in opioid prescribing - Duration: 2:07.


More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.



For more infomation >> More Subscriber Then Pewdiepie & T series |100M+ subscribers|crash youtube|2019 Hindi - Duration: 7:38.


Homemade Colon Cleanse With 3 Juices - Duration: 2:30.

It's not always pleasant to talk of our intestines because the symptoms we experience

when something's wrong can be extremely uncomfortable and gross.

Diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation are some of the most common symptoms associated

with intestinal health problems.

However, it's incorrect to think that in order to maintain a healthy bowel we need

to follow a detox plan that takes days or obey fairly restrictive diet.

In fact, small changes in our eating habits can make a big difference and help our intestine

at getting better at eliminating the toxins that build up from our diet.

You can incorporate some healthy juices like the one we are going to share in today's video

in your diet and that will improve your digestive tract and intestinal function and cleansing.

The recipe calls for:

Ginger Ginger helps reduce abdominal bloating and

flatulence, and is also beneficial for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Green apples Because they're rich in soluble fiber, they

improve intestinal transit.

Apart from its laxative effect, the pectin contained in green apples stimulates the development

of our intestinal flora.

Lemon Lemon juice is great for our intestines because

it eliminates toxins and stimulates the peristaltic movement that makes us want to use the bathroom.

Sea salt Sea salt stimulates bowel movements and helps

remove toxins from our body.

Now that you know a little about the benefits, here's the recipe.

You will need:

Half a cup of green apple juice (can be red, if need be);

2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice; 1 teaspoon of ginger juice;

Half a teaspoon of quality sea salt; 1 cup of filtered water.

Start by placing the water in a pot on the stove, without letting it reach a boiling


The water should be warm enough to where you can still drink it.

Then pour the water into a glass and add the salt, mixing well.

Then add the apple, ginger and lemon juice.

The ginger juice can be made by grating it and then squeezing its juice out.

Stir the ingredients well and you're done.

This juice will stimulate you bowel, so you may need to use the bathroom more often.

Try and drink this juice on a day where you aren't too busy, just in case.

For more infomation >> Homemade Colon Cleanse With 3 Juices - Duration: 2:30.


Ski resorts report busy holiday weekend - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Ski resorts report busy holiday weekend - Duration: 1:44.


Why Money Can't Buy Happiness - Duration: 3:51.

Did you know that it costs more than a penny to make a penny?

A coin roughly costs 1.7 cents to manufacture.

So, theoretically, if you change your savings to coins and then sell them, you will end

up richer.

There are a lot of things that we still don't know about our money, even though we use them

every single day, but can it buy happiness?

Does making more money is going to make you happier.

Most people are going to say, that's a dumb question, if having more money isn't making

you happen, just hand them over to me, they will certainly make me happy.

However, that's not quite accurate because it turns out that the answer to this question

is a little bit more complicated than we have thought.

Of course, if you are starving and don't even have a roof over you, every penny is certainly

going to make you happier because they will satisfy your basic needs.

However, what if you make a little more than you need.

A 2010 study has found that any additional income you make above 82K (adjusted to inflation,75K)

dollars a year in the US, isn't going to impact your day to day happiness.

Money is like water.

When you don't have it at all, that's the only thing your mind.

When you are walking in the desert trying to find your way out, You care about nothing

but water to drink, you would do absolutely anything just to have a glass of water.

But what happens, if you are given a glass of water, you probably would want a second

one, maybe a third one.

However, after the fifth glass, it won't matter.

Even if you get thirsty again, when you have gallons of water right beside you, you probably

won't drink it immediately because you know that you have it anyways.

And that's the case with money.

Even though we want to believe that happiness is directly related to our materialistic well

being, it's mostly psychological.

If you are broke and you hardly make ends meet and then suddenly you win a thousand

dollars, you will feel like you are the happiest person in the world.

However, what if you make 200K dollars a year and you win a thousand bucks.

Sure you will feel good about it but it's not going to make you super happy.

Even though it's the same thousand dollars, it has a different impact on people based

on their perspective of life.

Lottery winners usually become the most unhappy people a year later.

Because right after receiving that fat paycheck, they rush to experience life greatest pleasures.

And once they run out of cash, they struggle to enjoy everyday pleasures and get into huge

debts to continue that lifestyle.

Nonetheless, our happiness highly depends on how we do compare to the people around


If you make 50 thousand dollars while your friends make 60K dollars year, you will most

likely feel unhappy, whereas if they all make 40k and you are the only one who makes 50K

dollars, you will feel much happier.

That's why with the rise of social media, it's really difficult to feel happy.

Every time you scroll through your Instagram, it seems like everyone is traveling and living

a life full of joy and happiness while you are the only who barely makes ends meet when

in reality most people are living a life that's not much different from yours.

For more infomation >> Why Money Can't Buy Happiness - Duration: 3:51.


Former Obama Border Chief Tears Apart Democrat's Wall Claims - Duration: 2:23.

Mark Morgan, The Head Of The U.S. Customs And Border Patrol Under Former President Barack

Obama Just Tore Apart Democrat's Claims About Our Southern Border, The Wall And Trump's

Declaration Of An Emergency, As The Daily Caller Reports:

Former President Barack Obama's Border Patrol Chief Blamed The Disagreement Surrounding

The Border Wall On Identity Politics, During A Friday Night Interview With Brian Kilmeade

On "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Mark Morgan Was On Carlson's Show To Discuss President Donald Trump's Decision To Declare

A State Of Emergency In Order To Reallocate Funds Toward Constructing A Wall Along The

Southern Border.

Trump Received $1.375 Billion From The Bill That He Signed, And Intends To Dedicate An

Around $6.5 Billion More From Other Agencies.

"Mark Morgan Is The Former Head Of The Border Patrol.

And He's Heard The Rhetoric, But He Knows The Reality.

Mark, Is The President Making Up An Emergency?"

Kilmeade Asked.

"Absolutely Not," Morgan Responded.

"Brian, This Is Part Of The Frustration For Those Of Us From A Law Enforcement, Border

Security Perspective.

How Many More Statistics Do We Have To Provide?

How Many More Factually Based Examples Do We Have To Provide?

How Many More Angel Families Have To Stand In Front Of Some Of These Individuals Before

They Finally Say, 'Yeah, Okay, This Is Real.'

It's Just Incredulous."

The DesTwitted.

Was It Right For Trump To Declare A #Nationalemergency To Fund A Border Wall?

- Who Else Would Know Better About The Situation

On Our Southern Border Than Border Patrol Agents On The Ground.

- Former Border Patrol Chief #Markmorgan Tells

It Like It Is.

Of Course There's An Emergency On Our Southern Border And Of Course Walls Work!

Rob Bluey Twitted.

"Walls Absolutely Work," Says Mark Morgan, Who Led @Cbp Under President Obama.

Listen To Our Full Interview On Today's @Dailysignal Podcast:

Alana Stewart Twitted.

Why Won't Dems Listen To #Markmorgan Obama Border Patrol Chief To Trump: 'Stay The

Course' On The Border Wall

The Hill Twitted.

Ex-Obama Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan: It's "Absolutely False" To Say Walls Don't


For more infomation >> Former Obama Border Chief Tears Apart Democrat's Wall Claims - Duration: 2:23.


Lauren Yakima: Qualifiers - World of Dance 2019 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Lauren Yakima: Qualifiers - World of Dance 2019 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 1:33.


This is why kid trappers make more money than the kid who is staying in their lane! - Duration: 4:16.

Hey guys,

Juan Mazo with you here today and today I'm going to be covering.

This is why kid trappers have a better shot at success than the kids who just

stay in their lane.

And what do I mean by that?

So growing up,

I was super disadvantaged,


And this is actually one of the main reasons why kid trappers or hustlers.

You know,

anyone who does it sell drugs,


This is why they can get ahead and it's because they know how to raise their own


Like me personally,

I was very disadvantaged growing up,

didn't have a ton of money.

My family didn't have all the resources in the world,

but it did teach me that I can be resourceful myself.

So I learned that certain people had a need and I can deliver that need.


Most kids for their first sales,

especially if their kids is probably a candy bar behind the teacher's back.


But for me it was actually pictures that I would print off the internet.

So I was growing up when computers were still white and gray and yellow and you


you know,

they weren't very super affordable,

so I was working with a buddy of mine and he would print the pictures out of an

anime and we would go ahead and sell these pictures to a kid in our neighborhood

for five,



20 bucks a pop.

This was super lucrative considering it was middle school.


it was.

We found something that someone needed and we sold it to them.

The reason that works is because we were a little bit more bold,


kid trappers are a little bit more bold and when it comes to things they see,

they need money than they're willing to take opportunities.

Some kids would say,


that's like,

you know,

they can just get it for free.

Why not show them the kid wasn't really interested in it.

So we took a shot and said,


you want to buy these from us?

And he's like,


how buy them from you.

That's pretty bold,


Like imagine the kid that is selling candy bars at a Walmart parking lot,

walking up to you and is like,


can you buy a candy bar?

For me,

that's pretty bold.

Most people are afraid to just ask for directions to a starbucks.

So yeah,


they learn certain things growing up that helps them be a little bit more

forward and have a better shot at success.


the last reason that makes kid trappers a little bit better positioned to

succeed is that they have street smarts and street smarts is knowing when to

hold them and knowing when to fold.


Reality is,

it's more about like being personable in my opinion,

like understanding the situation,

understanding if you're being played or not.

And this translates so well into like,

you know,

adult life,

whether it's,

you know,

you're trying to buy a car and dealing with a sales card guy,

no offense guys,

you know,

you have to know how to negotiate.

You got to know value.

You need to understand being bold in general.

All these things that that combined,

that most kids who stay in their lanes never have to deal with output a really

street smart,

witty person.

Like if you look at someone like my personal favorite mentors,

like Gary v,

he's all about hustling.

He's all about going out and finding your money,


Like who has your money?

He says,

be bold.

He tells you go to garage sales,

like buying something like negotiated down to a penny and like most people come

in and they're like,


How much is this pen?

They're like,

it's a buck.


here's a dollar,

like no fifty cents,

twenty five cents,



And then at the same time you can understand that the other person's getting

offended if they're,

you know,

not having it,

they're about to kick you out.

And that's the street smarts.

Being Witty,

being available,

like self-aware.

These are things that most kids just don't have the opportunity to fully learn

and develop growing up and in my opinion,

that makes them a little bit more disadvantaged.

That makes them into someone who's afraid to ask questions.

Someone who's afraid to get in trouble,

they go to school,

they get their papers in on time,

they never have interesting conversations with their teachers and you know,

maybe they're just,

they're partying and they have certain aspects,

but the kid trapper always has a dollar on his mind.

That's all I have for my video today guys.

I want to thank you for watching.

Let me know if you agree with it,


Drop the comments in the comment box below or shoot me a message.

If you want private messages,

let me know if you guys have any questions that you'd like for me to discuss.


that's it.

And thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> This is why kid trappers make more money than the kid who is staying in their lane! - Duration: 4:16.


Water Fasting Diet Refeed Results | Fasting Weight Loss Journey [Day 145] - Duration: 5:09.

hi its Mieka fasting weight loss and today is day 145 of my fasting weight loss journey

I'm doing OMAD diet

intermittent fasting diet water fasting diet this is my water fasting diet refeed

I'm starting today with a quote from Helen Keller we can do

anything we want if we stick to it long enough Helen Keller stick to what you're

doing you'll get to your goal that's the point okay so I'm doing

I made a 10 day routine I'm doing OMAD diet water fasting diet intermittent

fasting diet routine ok it's a fasting routine so yesterday I was supposed to

do 20 hours of fast I did not do that I'm gonna put a sad face I didn't do

that and I don't want to go into why but

mainly because 3 p.m. would have made three days and I wasn't trying to go 3

days but it's because my client cancelled the didn't cancel

it's so confusing I don't even want to explain it but I got to work at 9:40 and

I thought I was gonna leave at 12:30 but I ended up staying till like 5:00 I

didn't want to go all the way to 5 without eating so I had bright tuna with

me cuz I was gonna start my window with my client one of the dryer and then come

home and eat again but because my other client came I ended up eating I made

tuna salad before I left so it was one can of tuna two eggs and celery and

sweet peppers with some you know creamy stuff to mix in so that's what I had I

also have four sugar-free candy I did no exercise yesterday so I had this at

about 9:40 a.m. and then I had this in the evening like

6 p.m. and I went to the movie ok so I had 4 sugar-free candy

I ate a lot yesterday I'm not upset with it I am upset that I did not stick with

20 hours but I'm fastening in today so I'm okay with that

sorry I already messed up my plan but no food today than one meal I only have two

meals in the next six days so ok I had mashed cauliflower YUM with 1/3 cup of

ground beef on top of it I have popcorn and nacho cheese at the movie I try to

make praline and pecans sugar free style it didn't work that great but it tastes

ok oh I forgot I had sugar-free peanut

butter cookies that I made I didn't put that here

I had to fiber now Oh old members that's a little carb but I did have a lot I

probably had 100 to 150 carbs yesterday and then at in the evening since I had

already messed up my 24 my 20 hour fast I just had sugar-free pudding like at 9

p.m. so I ate all day yeah I apologize for that because I didn't want to and I

did no exercise that's it that's it you guys for today I'm not too upset with

that because I have my routine so day 145 water fasting diet refeed results

you're usually gonna gain weight if you did it oops and a line means I didn't

really intermittent I didn't do any kind of fasting if you

see this line but after a two day water fast your water fasting refeed is going

to have a weight gain most likely unless you know that doesn't match my son is

getting ready for school unless you have a tiny refeed like if you have a pee

so if I would have had celery and a piece of chicken or if I wouldn't ate

half of that I might have maintained but if you have a full day of eating you're

gonna gain most likely and I'm exactly 211 and that is plus two point six and

that's good I'm happy with that cuz look at those numbers I didn't even go back

to this I'm good with that tomorrow I should not be tomorrow will not be a 211

got one so that's it thank you for watching let me know how you're doing in

the comments below bye

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