13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Space Heater Nonsense - Duration: 17:43.This video will be a little bit different from most of mine.
I'm revisiting a topic from my very first YouTube days, long before this channel was
a thing.
At the end, I'll link to a follow up discussion on my second channel where I talk about why
I'm making this again.
But for now, here's what we're doing.
In the Northern hemisphere, it's winter right now.
At least, well, at least at the time of this video's upload.
Winter means cold and cold means sadness.
But thankfully, I have a friendly space heater to keep myself warm and my spirits high.
These electric heaters are a useful, if perhaps dangerous and expensive way to heat a space.
But, there's been something that's annoyed me about them for years.
And to show you, we need to go shopping.
Alright, let's see what we got here.
We have, "Medium Room", 1,500W for $31.99.
Take a step over, and we have "Small Room",
Thi… that… that number's the same.
Why is that the same?
Here's a different one.
"Medium room", fif… fifteen hun..
Here's a different one, we got small…
fif… hmmm.
Well, store #2 is almost entirely out of heaters.
Ugh, this is what I get for doing this AFTER the Polar Vortex.
There we go.
OK, so here we have an infrared quartz radiant heater, which is being marketed as for medium
sized rooms.
Shocker of shockers; 1,500W. And also, this is a radiant heater so really the size of
the room isn't as important as its application but let's move on.
So here we have a personal desktop heater, 1,500W.
This one is apparently some sort of genius, um, don't really get that
but look at that.
1,500 W.
Let's look at this guy here.
It's a ceramic heater.
Uh, 1,500W.
One of these 360 degree things.
Oh, it's 1,500W.
As you no doubt noticed, at every store we visited, many of the space heaters for sale
were categorized based on the size of the room that they would be appropriate for.
And yet, they were all rated 1500 watts.
Now first let me say that there are definitely reasons to choose some heaters over another.
For instance, this infrared radiant heater will do a great job of keeping you warm even
in a cold room, because the infrared radiation it generates will directly heat your skin
and thus body from a distance.
They're even useful outdoors because of their transmissive style of direct heating.
But if you want to heat a space, as in heat a room and keep it warm, all of these heaters
are doing the same thing.
They're heating the air around them and are thus increasing the temperature in the
With this goal in mind, literally any of these heaters will work.
And they're gonna work just as well as any of the others, with few exceptions.
It all comes down to that 1500 watts.
Let's take a step back and think about what heaters actually have to do.
Heat is really just energy, and the temperature of a room is a way of expressing how much
energy is currently concentrated in that room.
Now, energy always likes to spread out, and if there's a temperature gradient between
one space and another, the more highly concentrated energy in the warm place wants to exit the
warm place and spread out into the cold place.
Once it reaches equilibrium, energy transfer stops.
And eventually, this leads to the heat death of the universe.
*sound of party blower*
Now, to keep a room warm when the outside is cold, we have to keep releasing energy
into it.
And we need to add energy at least at the same rate that it leaves through the walls
and windows, which hopefully are well insulated to slow that process as much as possible.
The amount of energy leaving the room is called the thermal load.
Now, I'm going to use the BTU, that's British Thermal Unit, for much of this video;
I'm sorry for picking that unit, please write your complaints below.
The heater's basic job is to replace the energy that's leaving the room.
So if the room is losing 4,000 BTUs per hour through the walls, that's the thermal load,
and thus we need a heater which can produce at least 4,000 BTUs in order to maintain the current
indoor temperature.
We'll need more than that if we want to increase the temperature.
And if we can't produce 4,000 BTUs, the room will gradually get colder until the temperature
gradient is small enough that energy leaving equals energy being added, and we hit equilibrium
once more.
You may be asking what this has to do with space heaters.
Well children, it turns out that watts and BTUs are both units of the same thing!
That's energy!
Hold on, no.
Watts are a unit of power, and a watt-hour is a unit of energy.
BTUs makes this confusing because people often say "BTUs per hour" which I've already
said at least once but, anyway, it's a mess.
Let's continue.
1 watt equals 3.41 BTUs.
Now, all of these space heaters are labeled as using 1,500 watts.
That means they all produce 5,120 BTUs.
All of 'em.
Some of them are even kind enough to tell you that.
So then, I put forth to you dear viewer, how is this heater more suited to a medium-sized
room if it is producing the same exact amount of heat as this heater which claims to only
be suitable for a small room?
Regardless of how much energy is leaving a given space, both of these are capable of
adding the same amount of energy back.
That's 5,120 BTUs.
Now, we can argue as much as we want about how these two heaters distribute the heat they create.
But I do find it humorous that the one claiming to be better suited to a larger room doesn't
have a fan to assist heat distribution.
Instead it relies solely on the convection currents that are created as the now hot,
low density air rises up through it and pulls cold, dense air from behind.
This heater has a fan blowing air past its ceramic heating elements.
Surely it's moving more air, you can feel it.
But honestly, it doesn't need to do much because of that little thing we call convection.
No matter where heat is released into a room, it will eventually spread out.
Using a fan just speeds that process along.
And for those who may want to point out that the fan motor in this guy is part of that
1,500 watts and therefore it must cause the unit as a whole to release less heat, I'll
counter that in addition to the motor being a negligible part of the heater's energy
consumption, all of that energy will eventually be released as heat anyway, either through
friction with air molecules, or through the wasted heat created in the windings of the
motor itself.
The reason why I know without a doubt that these two heaters are both doing the same
work is that they are both electric resistive heaters.
This means they're taking the electrical energy from the wall outlet and releasing
it as heat.
This is 100% efficient.
In fact, when we talk about efficiency of various household devices like light bulbs
or laptops, we're really talking about how much waste heat they avoid releasing as they
do their work.
An incandescent bulb releases a ton of waste heat, because it needs a lot of electrical
energy to produce a given amount of light, the vast majority of which is simply wasted.
An LED bulb releases much less heat, because LEDs are a more efficient way of turning electricity
into visible light, which means less electricity is consumed by the bulb to do the same amount
of work.
But if our goal is to create heat, in other words if the work we want to accomplish is
to take that electrical energy and spread it out into the room as heat, 100% of the
energy being consumed will be directly released into the room.
There is no such thing as a more efficient space heater.
There are better and worse applications depending on the type, such as infrared radiant versus
oil-filled convective, but simply put, energy is energy.
If this "medium" heater can't release more energy into the room than it's "small
room" counterpart, then those labels are nonsense.
And they are.
We don't even need to rely on the labeling.
If we use an energy monitoring device like this Kill-A-Watt, we can see exactly how much
energy each of them is using.
And, shocker of shockers, it's the same amount, within a small margin of error.
Well, some may argue that the margin of error isn't quite that small, but in any case
it's pretty humorous that the small heater is about 90 watts more powerful than the medium
Many heaters have multiple settings which will switch between different heating elements,
therefore giving you the option of a more tepid amount of heat output.
And, nearly all of them have a bimetallic thermostat, if not a digital one, allowing
you to control the temperature within a reasonable degree.
You might be asking why so many of them are rated 1,500W. It turns out that this is the
maximum amount of power a device that continuously operates is allowed to pull from a 15A circuit
according to the national electric code.
A normal 15A household circuit is technically capable of 1,800Ws, but if a device is expected
to run for a long time, like a space heater, it's limited to using 80% of that capacity.
This creates a margin for error and protects against fires caused by not-quite-up-to-snuff
wiring, and it also helps prevent overloading in general.
But a device that's only used intermittently, like a hair dryer, is allowed to use the full
Since heating elements are phenomenally cheap and easy to make, pretty much all space heaters
are gonna bump right up against that 1,500W limit.
Now, not all of them do.
I'm a big fan of these little personal heaters that only use a couple hundred watts.
I keep this one on my desk and it's a great little comfort boost on a cold day.
But most "General purpose" heaters will go ahead and push out as much heat as they're
allowed to.
Now what was pointed out to me the last time I made this video was that heaters such as
this one store heat in the oil and thus are able to release heat even when the heating
elements aren't turned on!
That's great, but it doesn't mean it's more efficient.
It just means that the heat leaving the heater goes through a buffer.
If the heater is running at a 50% duty cycle, it more or less is constantly releasing 2,560
BTUs, when this heater would release 5,120 for 5 minutes, and then 0 for the next five
The end result is the same, though, they both release 2,560 BTUs over 10 minutes--this one
may simply provide more consistent heat.
If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from this video, it's that any space
heater that claims to be more efficient than its competition is… well its lying.
I'm particularly irked by these "premium" space heaters that claim to save you money
on your energy bills because of some new technology.
One in particular rhymes with "Schmeeden Glur".
Look, the way they save you energy is by… simply being a space heater.
That's by turning down the temperature to your whole house, and only heating the room
that you're in.
Compared to any other space heater, this is no more efficient and frankly, a waste of money.
What's worse is that electric heat is almost always the most expensive kind of heat, in
fact I made a video on why in cold climates we usually burn fuels like natural gas for
heat rather than use the electric grid.
Yes, the heater itself is 100% efficient, but electricity generation is not.
At least not yet.
And that's kind of the space heater paradox.
You can save money by using just one and lowering the temperature of your central heating.
But if you decide to buy a bunch of these supposedly miracle heaters for every room
in your house and use them instead of your furnace, you're gonna be spending a lot
more on energy.
But, let me be clear that the only reason I know these are all the same is that we're
talking about resistive heat.
If we venture into the land of heat pumps or gas-fired furnaces, now there are efficiency
comparisons to be made.
Some heat pumps work better than others, and condensing furnaces can release more than
95% of the energy from their heating fuel into the space, compared to only 80% for a
conventional furnace.
But any 'ol electric heater is gonna be 100% efficient.
Whatever energy gets pulled from the wall goes straight into the room.
So, the next time you need to buy a space heater, go ahead and buy a cheap one.
Those expensive ones are… well they're just not worth it.
This $10 wire-element heater will do just as great of a job heating a room as will a
$200 Schleeden Clure.
Now don't get me wrong, this thing is ugly and noisy and has a primitive thermostat--that
red mark is where I like to set it--so I'm not about to say that this is objectively
as good as one of those fancy-pants heaters.
But I can say with confidence that it heats just as well, and the cost of that energy
is exactly the same.
I will add that if there's a room that always needs supplemental heat, like a certain bedroom
in a certain house I grew up in, I prefer the oil-filled type because they're probably
the safest.
A fan-forced heater will quickly overheat if the fan fails, and then you've gotta
hope that the overheat protection cutout works.
These passive ones are pretty much immune from that failure, and because the heat is
spread out over such a large surface area, nothing really gets that hot.
Plus, they're virtually silent.
Which is nice.
But, keep in mind that they take FOREVER to get warm, so they're really not great for
short use.
These baseboard style heaters are a nice compromise, but their surfaces do get much hotter so my
gut tells me it's a little more dangerous.
And allow me to express my bewilderment regarding a companion product for a space heater that
doesn't seem to exist.
As I said, pretty much all space heaters have a thermostat built-in.
But let's be honest, they're usually not great.
It does regulate the temperature, but it's more of a… let it run until the room's
as warm as you want, then slowly turn the dial down until it shuts off.
Not very precise, or consistent.
And for those "Digital" heaters, having the thermostat located within the unit itself
(like this) means it will never get a very precise temperature reading of the room.
I'm surprised that you can't just buy a universal remote thermostat.
I can imagine something like a 10 foot long heavy-duty extension cord with a thermostat
in the middle of it, letting you put it on a table away from the heater itself, and set
an actual temperature.
You could actually build one yourself fairly easily using a thermostat for baseboard heating,
but it seems like a product that should just exist.
OK wait, it does exist.
Look at that!
An outlet thermostat.
That's actually a really good idea.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Dishonest marketing departments and misleading labels are some of the most annoying things
we deal with on this planet, but thankfully, with a little knowledge on how the world works,
we can see right through them.
Stick around a little longer for a few more observations regarding my recent space heater
adventures, and be sure to check out the Technology Connections 2 video about why I remade this
As always, thank you to everyone who supports the channel on Patreon, especially the fine
folks that are scrolling up your screen.
With the support of people just like you, Technology Connections has gone from my hobby
to, this!
And I'm very thankful for your support.
If you would like to support the channel and get perks like early video access, occasional
behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as other Patreon-exclusive content, please check out
my Patreon page.
Thank you for your consideration, and I'll see you next time!
♫ swelteringly smooth jazz ♫
Alright, so I was ready to buy a heater just like this one for this video, as Pelonis was
among my list of offending manufacturers who categorize based upon room size.
But, at least for oil-filled heaters, they've dropped that.
Now it simply says "whole room heater".
They're apparently not quite out of the woods yet, as this little thing is marked
"small room" even though, you guessed it, it's 1,500 watts.
But, I will give them credit for this very handy and truthful guide to which type of
space heater is appropriate for which application.
Though there were apparently a few render bugs when it comes to the illustrations.
Comfort Zone is still happily slapping room size suggestions on their products, but notably
their oil-filled heaters, at least the ones for sale here, have gotten smaller and are
only rated 1,200 watts now.
My guess is that this was a cost-cutting measure, and if you reduce its physical size and thus surface
area you'll need to lower heat output, too.
Both Comfort Zone and Pelonis used to rate this style as for a "large room", but
perhaps as a result of the 300W reduction, Comfort Zone has downgraded theirs to only
a "medium sized room".
Which is actually even more humorous, because this medium room heater produces less heat
than this small room heater.
Go figure.
I find this example particularly egregious because they're suggesting that a physically
larger heater, using the same ceramic heating element technology, is better for a larger
It's got two heating elements!
Surely it puts out more heat!
This is just yet another design that you can pick from.
And hopefully you pick the most profitable one!
These things.
I wonder how many watts this uses.
Well, 5,127 prototypes, that's useful I guess.
I guess I'll have to look that one up online.
Наклейка-розыгрыш на авто за $1 - не слишком реалистично - Duration: 1:45.Hi to all friends!
today we will see such sticker for car
it cost 1-1.5 usd
depends from time and sales
never saw it more from 2usd
it came in paper box
you see it was some damaged during shipping
unglued at some places
you see this is joke sticker
can glue it on any car, glue is not strong
you can joke with your friend
when he will see it on his car, he can scary
that his car really damaged
like bullets and scratches
letts go see is it real or no
will check which color of car is better to use
you see, so-so
on dark color cars is not good
you can cheat only old people
if use white color cars, will be better
when car become dirty, will be better also
but these white edging around every sticker
with time will transform to blue, yellow and other colors
you can see many feedbacks by link of product
so sticker will be untrully
nobody will trust in joke
so what we have
1 time for joke maybe will OK
you can try it with your friends
somebody will trust, some now
now you see
spent few days, it became dirty
from big distance can be trusted in joke
so you can make your choice
will see you!
🥀 I Hate Myself / Happy Valentine's Day. - Duration: 9:39.my name is Daryn Roongrawewan
I was born on the 8th of October 1999
I'm full Chinese but I was born and raised up in Thailand.
there's one thing I wanna let you guys know about me
I hate myself
this is my everyday life
I usually start my day at 1 p.m.
finished my first goal of the day
like making a bed or cleaning up some snack packages
then I make myself a tea
I hate myself that I start my breakfast at noon
and eat trash food
that brought me a happiness
I take time awhile
to let the warm green tea meet chocolate cookies in my stomach.
you know, the fighting of these two make me a good toilet time.
I turn on my favorite song to get me out of the boredom.
*taking the pants off*
*human's fart*
I hate myself that I enjoy all the shuffle songs while I'm taking a bath
till I forget the time
I hate my rough face so I apply some moisturiser.
I hate my dark under-eyes
and also I hate my dry lips.
just to please myself I also wear my favorite tomato red lipstick
even though, I stay at home
the weirdest thing that ever happened to me and I hate that
is I always wear earrings every single time
and here my new favourite earrings from LOVER ODIN
I usually wear only a bathing gown
cuz I hate wearing bra
I hate myself doing Chore with a lazy mood
so ,in a meantime, I turn on the loud song
and dance alone in my room
*vacuum sound*
it's Sunday ,basically my study day
grab some good American to fill my energy.
and start to study hard
because I know I'll probably hate myself a lot if I cannot get into the college
I also hate this
it's end
and also hate is easily end.
太突然了! 吴秀波通奸,证据太清楚了。 为什么他的妻子不离婚? 即使吴秀波的职业和财产遭到破坏。 真正的原因是什么? 超过160万中国人感到震惊! - Duration: 14:05.-------------------------------------------
2019 Suzuki GSX-R150 Upsie Down, ABS VS Honda CBR150R Upsie Down New Model | GSX-R150 Model 2019 - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Chicken Parmesan – Easy Low Carb Keto Italian Recipe - Duration: 5:14.Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present a traditional Italian favorite; chicken
parmesan. This absolutely delicious low carbohydrate recipe encompasses all the
flavor of its high carbohydrate counterpart, but paired with my low carbohydrate sauce and a few
low carbohydrate changes, has less than five net carbohydrates per serving. Let's get started.
We'll start with the marinade for our chicken breasts. This is an important step
in ensuring that our chicken breasts stay moist and tender, so don't skip it.
Mix two cups of almond milk with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Let
this sit for about 10 minutes while we prep our chicken. We'll be using four
boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. We're going to be slicing these into two by
splitting them down the middle. This will give us eight breasts total to work with.
Now that the almond milk and vinegar has had time to react, we'll add the spices. Add
some thyme; basil; rosemary; and some sage. Mix well to combine. Add the chicken to a
large plastic bag and carefully pour the marinade into the bag. Seal and mix so
that each breast is coated. Refrigerate for at least four hours to overnight.
For our breading, we'll be using a 1/2 a cup of ground pork rinds; 1/2 a cup of almond
flour; 1/2 a cup of grated Parmesan cheese. For the breading you want to use
the canned variety. I find this works better. We'll be using the freshly grated
Parmesan cheese a little later. Our final breading ingredient is a half
a cup of zero carbohydrate, unflavored, protein powder. This powder is very fine and adds
a perfect balance of texture. Place the breading in a sealable container or bag.
I find a plastic bag works better for me, but use whatever's
convenient for you. Mix until all the ingredients are fully combined. Now we'll
season the breading with some salt; onion powder; garlic powder; and some ground
black pepper. Give another mix to combine.
The breading technique I'm going to use is a little different than usual. I like
to do it this way to ensure minimal clumping and that we have enough
breading for all eight breasts. Add some breading to a plate or dish. Remove each
breast from the marinade and place on top the breading. Pour a bit more over the
top and use your fingers to ensure even coating. Repeat until all the chicken is
coated. Heat about a finger-nails depth of oil to 375°F and add the
chicken. I'm only doing two at a time here so as not to crowd the pan, and also,
it doesn't reduce the oil temperature too much. Fry each side only two minutes.
We're not cooking the chicken fully here, we're only cooking the outer layer.
Remove to a paper towel lined plate to drain. Repeat until all the chicken is
fried. Add just a little bit of my low carbohydrate marinara sauce to the bottom of
a 9 by 13 inch baking dish and spread it thin. Place the chicken in the dish so
that each breast lay on the bottom. Add one slice of provolone cheese to the top
of each piece. Spoon over the remaining marinara sauce. Evenly distribute it over
the chicken. Top the chicken with four ounces or about a cup of freshly grated
Parmesan cheese. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated 350°F oven
for twenty minutes. Uncover and cook an additional five to seven minutes.
Remove from the oven and let rest five minutes before serving. Serve hot.
Top with some parsley and enjoy a tender, juicy, and cheesy Italian favorite.
There you have it folks! My low carbohydrate chicken parmesan. A great way to tour
Italy while sticking to your diet. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did,
please like and consider subscribing. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!
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Forza Motorsport 7 - Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II 2002 (w/ Steering Wheel) Gameplay - Duration: 10:59.Help me get 1000 subscribears, Please!
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Lots of Toy Weapons for Kids Nerf Guns Military Toys - Duration: 5:51.Lots of Toy Weapons for Kids Nerf Guns Military Toys
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Ana Maria Braga questiona se - xualidade de Diego na Globo e ex-BBB surpreende com a resposta - Duration: 6:23.-------------------------------------------
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เลิกได้ก็เลิกเถอะ - Golf Pichaya [Official MV] - Duration: 5:00.Do you ever feel like
don't wanna be just
A love Advisor
- Break Up -
Let me help you heal your pain
I remembered these scar at the same spot
It's not yet healed
but yet you're hurt again
Sitting here & wipe your tears is all I can do
I'm going crazy when he hurt you
I don't understand. It's been how many times?
That your heart had been brutally abused
Your love is a thin air he never sees
I can't take it, I gotta say
Just forget about him, So we could be together
I'm still here and always
I knew you can't do it
Sorry that my words slipped out
If one day he ever hurt you again
One last time I won't take it
I would rather blind myself than see your tears
Please break up with him
I know how much you are into him
Its not easy for you
to make a decision I ask for
Hopefully you can erase him outta your mind
I don't wanna wipe your tears, once again
Listening to your story, All I feel is..
I'm going crazy when he hurt you
When he hurt you, you came running
to me... An Advisor
That your heart had been brutally abused..No
Your love is a
thin air he never sees
I can't take this, I gotta say this
Just forget about him, So we could be together
I'm still here and always
I knew you can't do it
Sorry that my words slipped out
If one day he ever hurt you again
One last time I won't take it
I would rather blind myself than see your tears
Please break up with him
Just forget about him, So we could be together
I'm still here and always
I knew you can't do it
Sorry that my words slipped out
(Sorry to ask you to breakup)
If one day he ever hurt you again
One last time I won't take it
I would rather blind myself than see your tears
Please break up with him
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Las Noticias de la mañana, miércoles 13 de febrero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 12:07.-------------------------------------------
Ariel Little Mermaid & Elsa Frozen - Ursula turned Elsa into a Mermaid #1 - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Top Comment - Chủ Tịch Giả Làm Thợ Sửa Ống Nước Thử Lòng Chủ Nhà Và Cái Kết!!! Phần 21 - Duration: 7:53.-------------------------------------------
Cópias - De Volta à Vida | Trailer 1 Oficial Dublado - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Check Point Hyperscale - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24 - Duration: 15:56.13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Формула успеха человека. Настоящая ФОРМУЛА УСПЕХА - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Tin Showbiz - Bôi kem chống nắng ngày nóng ghét nhất là da bóng nhờn, bạn sẽ cần đến 8 sản phẩm KCN - Duration: 5:24.Trời ấm lên đồng nghĩa với việc bạn nên chuyển sang kem chống nắng dạng lì. Không chỉ giữ cho da ráo mịn, chúng còn kiềm dầu và giúp lớp makeup bền màu hơn
Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense Broad Spectrum Sunscreen (780
000 VNĐ) Trong suy nghĩ của nhiều người, kem chống nắng lì đồng nghĩa với lớp kem dày bì, dính nhằng và khó tán đều nhưng tất cả những miêu tả đó đều sai bét đối với sản phẩm này của Drunk Elephant
Mặc dù có phần dày hơn chút xíu so với các loại kem chống nắng mỏng nhẹ khác nhưng em này vô cùng mềm mượt, dễ tán đều và trong trường hợp bạn đánh kem nền sau đó, nó có thể đóng vai trò như một lớp kem lót vô cùng thân thiện
Australian Gold Botanical SPF 50 Tinted Face Lotion (320.000 VNĐ) Ngoài Blue Lizard, nước Úc còn có một thương hiệu kem chống nắng ngon bổ rẻ mà bạn rất nên biết tới: Australian Gold
Kem chống nắng Botanical SPF 50 Tinted Face Lotion là một trong những sản phẩm nổi tiếng nhất của hãng
Không chỉ là kem chống nắng vật lý lành tính, em này còn có hàng loạt thành phần thảo dược với chức năng chống ôxy hoá mạnh mẽ cho da như mận kakadu, khuynh diệp, tảo đỏ
Khi thoa lên da, chất kem lỏng nhẹ sẽ chuyển mịn lì như phấn, kiềm dầu và chống thấm nước rất hiệu quả nhưng lại không gây tắc nghẽn lỗ chân lông
Tatcha Silken Pore Perfecting Sunscreen (1,5 triệu VNĐ) Trong trường hợp bạn có hầu bao rủng rỉnh một chút, hãy đầu tư cho sản phẩm kem chống nắng Silken Pore Perfecting của Tatcha
Theo sau kết cấu mịn mượt, mỏng nhẹ là hiệu ứng mịn lì lý tưởng để sử dụng trong những ngày nóng
Tuyệt hơn là em nó còn kiêm luôn chức năng làm mờ lỗ chân lông và kiềm dầu, có thể được sử dụng như một lớp kem lót trang điểm
Ngay cả làn da nhạy cảm nhất cũng có thể yên tâm sử dụng loại kem chống nắng này
Dermalogica Oil Free Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 30 (1,2 triệu VNĐ) Đại diện đến từ Dermalogica là ứng cử viên lý tưởng dành cho da mụn, dễ nổi mụn nhờ thành phần kết hợp giữa zinc gluconate và caffeine, niacinamide, biotin… Không chỉ duy trì bề mặt mịn lì, kiềm dầu trong nhiều tiếng, sản phẩm này còn làm dịu những đốm mụn trên da
It Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC+ Cream Oil-Free Matte with SPF 40 (880.000 VNĐ) Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm kem chống nắng kiêm kem nền, hãy thử ngay sản phẩm CC Cream với SPF 40 của It Cosmetics
Còn gì tuyệt hơn khi chỉ cần dùng duy nhất một sản phẩm là bạn đã có lớp nền đều màu không tì vết, mịn lì cả ngày mà vẫn yên tâm rằng làn da của mình được bảo vệ khỏi ánh nắng mặt trời? Và bạn sẽ còn thấy hài lòng hơn nữa với bảng thành phần cực kỳ nịnh da: tinh chất than tre giúp thải độc, đất sét hút dầu thừa, trà xanh kháng khuẩn trị mụn, kèm theo đó là collagen, peptide, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid cùng nhiều chất chống ôxy hoá nuôi dưỡng và duy trì làn da khoẻ mạnh
Kiehl's Super Fluid Daily UV Defense Sunscreen (880.000 VNĐ) Có chứa nhiều vitamin E giúp dưỡng ẩm và chống lão hoá nhưng kem chống nắng Super Fluid Daily UV Defense của Kiehl's lại không hề nhờn dính mà vô cùng mỏng nhẹ, thấm nhanh và để lại bề mặt mịn ráo
Sản phẩm cũng không gây tắc nghẽn lỗ chân lông nên ai dễ nổi mụn cũng có thể tin dùng
Peter Thomas Roth Instant Mineral SPF 45 (690.000 VNĐ) Đối với làn da siêu nhiều dầu, phấn chống nắng dạng khoáng lành tính của Peter Thomas có lẽ là lựa chọn hợp lý hơn hết thảy các loại kem chống nắng thông thường
Không chỉ lành tính, sản phẩm này còn có độ che phủ nhẹ, giúp da đều màu hơn và đặc biệt là hết sức tiện lợi khi bạn có thể dặm lại bất cứ lúc nào
Bạn có thể dùng nó riêng rẽ hoặc như một loại phấn phủ. Supergoop Smooth and Poreless 100% Mineral Matte Screen (880
000 VNĐ) Kem chống nắng vật lý Smooth and Poreless 100% Mineral Matte của Supergoop không chỉ mang đến hiệu ứng mịn ráo mà còn kiêm luôn chức năng làm mờ lỗ chân lông, tạo hiệu ứng da mịn mượt
Ngoài khả năng chống nắng cũng như chống ánh sáng xanh lý tưởng cho dân văn phòng, sản phẩm này còn dưỡng da với thành phần hoa cúc, chất chống ôxy hoá resveratrol… Nguồn: Byrdie
Amader Bhalobashay | Aurin | Shamim | আমাদের ভালোবাসায় | New Video Song | Movie Song | Bangla Song - Duration: 4:29.NewVideoSong
Identity V - Dead by Daylight "fowfow" - Duration: 10:33.-------------------------------------------
Forex con Café del 13 de Febrero 2019 - Duration: 27:05.-------------------------------------------
13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24 - Duration: 15:56.13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Space Heater Nonsense - Duration: 17:43.This video will be a little bit different from most of mine.
I'm revisiting a topic from my very first YouTube days, long before this channel was
a thing.
At the end, I'll link to a follow up discussion on my second channel where I talk about why
I'm making this again.
But for now, here's what we're doing.
In the Northern hemisphere, it's winter right now.
At least, well, at least at the time of this video's upload.
Winter means cold and cold means sadness.
But thankfully, I have a friendly space heater to keep myself warm and my spirits high.
These electric heaters are a useful, if perhaps dangerous and expensive way to heat a space.
But, there's been something that's annoyed me about them for years.
And to show you, we need to go shopping.
Alright, let's see what we got here.
We have, "Medium Room", 1,500W for $31.99.
Take a step over, and we have "Small Room",
Thi… that… that number's the same.
Why is that the same?
Here's a different one.
"Medium room", fif… fifteen hun..
Here's a different one, we got small…
fif… hmmm.
Well, store #2 is almost entirely out of heaters.
Ugh, this is what I get for doing this AFTER the Polar Vortex.
There we go.
OK, so here we have an infrared quartz radiant heater, which is being marketed as for medium
sized rooms.
Shocker of shockers; 1,500W. And also, this is a radiant heater so really the size of
the room isn't as important as its application but let's move on.
So here we have a personal desktop heater, 1,500W.
This one is apparently some sort of genius, um, don't really get that
but look at that.
1,500 W.
Let's look at this guy here.
It's a ceramic heater.
Uh, 1,500W.
One of these 360 degree things.
Oh, it's 1,500W.
As you no doubt noticed, at every store we visited, many of the space heaters for sale
were categorized based on the size of the room that they would be appropriate for.
And yet, they were all rated 1500 watts.
Now first let me say that there are definitely reasons to choose some heaters over another.
For instance, this infrared radiant heater will do a great job of keeping you warm even
in a cold room, because the infrared radiation it generates will directly heat your skin
and thus body from a distance.
They're even useful outdoors because of their transmissive style of direct heating.
But if you want to heat a space, as in heat a room and keep it warm, all of these heaters
are doing the same thing.
They're heating the air around them and are thus increasing the temperature in the
With this goal in mind, literally any of these heaters will work.
And they're gonna work just as well as any of the others, with few exceptions.
It all comes down to that 1500 watts.
Let's take a step back and think about what heaters actually have to do.
Heat is really just energy, and the temperature of a room is a way of expressing how much
energy is currently concentrated in that room.
Now, energy always likes to spread out, and if there's a temperature gradient between
one space and another, the more highly concentrated energy in the warm place wants to exit the
warm place and spread out into the cold place.
Once it reaches equilibrium, energy transfer stops.
And eventually, this leads to the heat death of the universe.
*sound of party blower*
Now, to keep a room warm when the outside is cold, we have to keep releasing energy
into it.
And we need to add energy at least at the same rate that it leaves through the walls
and windows, which hopefully are well insulated to slow that process as much as possible.
The amount of energy leaving the room is called the thermal load.
Now, I'm going to use the BTU, that's British Thermal Unit, for much of this video;
I'm sorry for picking that unit, please write your complaints below.
The heater's basic job is to replace the energy that's leaving the room.
So if the room is losing 4,000 BTUs per hour through the walls, that's the thermal load,
and thus we need a heater which can produce at least 4,000 BTUs in order to maintain the current
indoor temperature.
We'll need more than that if we want to increase the temperature.
And if we can't produce 4,000 BTUs, the room will gradually get colder until the temperature
gradient is small enough that energy leaving equals energy being added, and we hit equilibrium
once more.
You may be asking what this has to do with space heaters.
Well children, it turns out that watts and BTUs are both units of the same thing!
That's energy!
Hold on, no.
Watts are a unit of power, and a watt-hour is a unit of energy.
BTUs makes this confusing because people often say "BTUs per hour" which I've already
said at least once but, anyway, it's a mess.
Let's continue.
1 watt equals 3.41 BTUs.
Now, all of these space heaters are labeled as using 1,500 watts.
That means they all produce 5,120 BTUs.
All of 'em.
Some of them are even kind enough to tell you that.
So then, I put forth to you dear viewer, how is this heater more suited to a medium-sized
room if it is producing the same exact amount of heat as this heater which claims to only
be suitable for a small room?
Regardless of how much energy is leaving a given space, both of these are capable of
adding the same amount of energy back.
That's 5,120 BTUs.
Now, we can argue as much as we want about how these two heaters distribute the heat they create.
But I do find it humorous that the one claiming to be better suited to a larger room doesn't
have a fan to assist heat distribution.
Instead it relies solely on the convection currents that are created as the now hot,
low density air rises up through it and pulls cold, dense air from behind.
This heater has a fan blowing air past its ceramic heating elements.
Surely it's moving more air, you can feel it.
But honestly, it doesn't need to do much because of that little thing we call convection.
No matter where heat is released into a room, it will eventually spread out.
Using a fan just speeds that process along.
And for those who may want to point out that the fan motor in this guy is part of that
1,500 watts and therefore it must cause the unit as a whole to release less heat, I'll
counter that in addition to the motor being a negligible part of the heater's energy
consumption, all of that energy will eventually be released as heat anyway, either through
friction with air molecules, or through the wasted heat created in the windings of the
motor itself.
The reason why I know without a doubt that these two heaters are both doing the same
work is that they are both electric resistive heaters.
This means they're taking the electrical energy from the wall outlet and releasing
it as heat.
This is 100% efficient.
In fact, when we talk about efficiency of various household devices like light bulbs
or laptops, we're really talking about how much waste heat they avoid releasing as they
do their work.
An incandescent bulb releases a ton of waste heat, because it needs a lot of electrical
energy to produce a given amount of light, the vast majority of which is simply wasted.
An LED bulb releases much less heat, because LEDs are a more efficient way of turning electricity
into visible light, which means less electricity is consumed by the bulb to do the same amount
of work.
But if our goal is to create heat, in other words if the work we want to accomplish is
to take that electrical energy and spread it out into the room as heat, 100% of the
energy being consumed will be directly released into the room.
There is no such thing as a more efficient space heater.
There are better and worse applications depending on the type, such as infrared radiant versus
oil-filled convective, but simply put, energy is energy.
If this "medium" heater can't release more energy into the room than it's "small
room" counterpart, then those labels are nonsense.
And they are.
We don't even need to rely on the labeling.
If we use an energy monitoring device like this Kill-A-Watt, we can see exactly how much
energy each of them is using.
And, shocker of shockers, it's the same amount, within a small margin of error.
Well, some may argue that the margin of error isn't quite that small, but in any case
it's pretty humorous that the small heater is about 90 watts more powerful than the medium
Many heaters have multiple settings which will switch between different heating elements,
therefore giving you the option of a more tepid amount of heat output.
And, nearly all of them have a bimetallic thermostat, if not a digital one, allowing
you to control the temperature within a reasonable degree.
You might be asking why so many of them are rated 1,500W. It turns out that this is the
maximum amount of power a device that continuously operates is allowed to pull from a 15A circuit
according to the national electric code.
A normal 15A household circuit is technically capable of 1,800Ws, but if a device is expected
to run for a long time, like a space heater, it's limited to using 80% of that capacity.
This creates a margin for error and protects against fires caused by not-quite-up-to-snuff
wiring, and it also helps prevent overloading in general.
But a device that's only used intermittently, like a hair dryer, is allowed to use the full
Since heating elements are phenomenally cheap and easy to make, pretty much all space heaters
are gonna bump right up against that 1,500W limit.
Now, not all of them do.
I'm a big fan of these little personal heaters that only use a couple hundred watts.
I keep this one on my desk and it's a great little comfort boost on a cold day.
But most "General purpose" heaters will go ahead and push out as much heat as they're
allowed to.
Now what was pointed out to me the last time I made this video was that heaters such as
this one store heat in the oil and thus are able to release heat even when the heating
elements aren't turned on!
That's great, but it doesn't mean it's more efficient.
It just means that the heat leaving the heater goes through a buffer.
If the heater is running at a 50% duty cycle, it more or less is constantly releasing 2,560
BTUs, when this heater would release 5,120 for 5 minutes, and then 0 for the next five
The end result is the same, though, they both release 2,560 BTUs over 10 minutes--this one
may simply provide more consistent heat.
If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from this video, it's that any space
heater that claims to be more efficient than its competition is… well its lying.
I'm particularly irked by these "premium" space heaters that claim to save you money
on your energy bills because of some new technology.
One in particular rhymes with "Schmeeden Glur".
Look, the way they save you energy is by… simply being a space heater.
That's by turning down the temperature to your whole house, and only heating the room
that you're in.
Compared to any other space heater, this is no more efficient and frankly, a waste of money.
What's worse is that electric heat is almost always the most expensive kind of heat, in
fact I made a video on why in cold climates we usually burn fuels like natural gas for
heat rather than use the electric grid.
Yes, the heater itself is 100% efficient, but electricity generation is not.
At least not yet.
And that's kind of the space heater paradox.
You can save money by using just one and lowering the temperature of your central heating.
But if you decide to buy a bunch of these supposedly miracle heaters for every room
in your house and use them instead of your furnace, you're gonna be spending a lot
more on energy.
But, let me be clear that the only reason I know these are all the same is that we're
talking about resistive heat.
If we venture into the land of heat pumps or gas-fired furnaces, now there are efficiency
comparisons to be made.
Some heat pumps work better than others, and condensing furnaces can release more than
95% of the energy from their heating fuel into the space, compared to only 80% for a
conventional furnace.
But any 'ol electric heater is gonna be 100% efficient.
Whatever energy gets pulled from the wall goes straight into the room.
So, the next time you need to buy a space heater, go ahead and buy a cheap one.
Those expensive ones are… well they're just not worth it.
This $10 wire-element heater will do just as great of a job heating a room as will a
$200 Schleeden Clure.
Now don't get me wrong, this thing is ugly and noisy and has a primitive thermostat--that
red mark is where I like to set it--so I'm not about to say that this is objectively
as good as one of those fancy-pants heaters.
But I can say with confidence that it heats just as well, and the cost of that energy
is exactly the same.
I will add that if there's a room that always needs supplemental heat, like a certain bedroom
in a certain house I grew up in, I prefer the oil-filled type because they're probably
the safest.
A fan-forced heater will quickly overheat if the fan fails, and then you've gotta
hope that the overheat protection cutout works.
These passive ones are pretty much immune from that failure, and because the heat is
spread out over such a large surface area, nothing really gets that hot.
Plus, they're virtually silent.
Which is nice.
But, keep in mind that they take FOREVER to get warm, so they're really not great for
short use.
These baseboard style heaters are a nice compromise, but their surfaces do get much hotter so my
gut tells me it's a little more dangerous.
And allow me to express my bewilderment regarding a companion product for a space heater that
doesn't seem to exist.
As I said, pretty much all space heaters have a thermostat built-in.
But let's be honest, they're usually not great.
It does regulate the temperature, but it's more of a… let it run until the room's
as warm as you want, then slowly turn the dial down until it shuts off.
Not very precise, or consistent.
And for those "Digital" heaters, having the thermostat located within the unit itself
(like this) means it will never get a very precise temperature reading of the room.
I'm surprised that you can't just buy a universal remote thermostat.
I can imagine something like a 10 foot long heavy-duty extension cord with a thermostat
in the middle of it, letting you put it on a table away from the heater itself, and set
an actual temperature.
You could actually build one yourself fairly easily using a thermostat for baseboard heating,
but it seems like a product that should just exist.
OK wait, it does exist.
Look at that!
An outlet thermostat.
That's actually a really good idea.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Dishonest marketing departments and misleading labels are some of the most annoying things
we deal with on this planet, but thankfully, with a little knowledge on how the world works,
we can see right through them.
Stick around a little longer for a few more observations regarding my recent space heater
adventures, and be sure to check out the Technology Connections 2 video about why I remade this
As always, thank you to everyone who supports the channel on Patreon, especially the fine
folks that are scrolling up your screen.
With the support of people just like you, Technology Connections has gone from my hobby
to, this!
And I'm very thankful for your support.
If you would like to support the channel and get perks like early video access, occasional
behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as other Patreon-exclusive content, please check out
my Patreon page.
Thank you for your consideration, and I'll see you next time!
♫ swelteringly smooth jazz ♫
Alright, so I was ready to buy a heater just like this one for this video, as Pelonis was
among my list of offending manufacturers who categorize based upon room size.
But, at least for oil-filled heaters, they've dropped that.
Now it simply says "whole room heater".
They're apparently not quite out of the woods yet, as this little thing is marked
"small room" even though, you guessed it, it's 1,500 watts.
But, I will give them credit for this very handy and truthful guide to which type of
space heater is appropriate for which application.
Though there were apparently a few render bugs when it comes to the illustrations.
Comfort Zone is still happily slapping room size suggestions on their products, but notably
their oil-filled heaters, at least the ones for sale here, have gotten smaller and are
only rated 1,200 watts now.
My guess is that this was a cost-cutting measure, and if you reduce its physical size and thus surface
area you'll need to lower heat output, too.
Both Comfort Zone and Pelonis used to rate this style as for a "large room", but
perhaps as a result of the 300W reduction, Comfort Zone has downgraded theirs to only
a "medium sized room".
Which is actually even more humorous, because this medium room heater produces less heat
than this small room heater.
Go figure.
I find this example particularly egregious because they're suggesting that a physically
larger heater, using the same ceramic heating element technology, is better for a larger
It's got two heating elements!
Surely it puts out more heat!
This is just yet another design that you can pick from.
And hopefully you pick the most profitable one!
These things.
I wonder how many watts this uses.
Well, 5,127 prototypes, that's useful I guess.
I guess I'll have to look that one up online.
Наклейка-розыгрыш на авто за $1 - не слишком реалистично - Duration: 1:45.Hi to all friends!
today we will see such sticker for car
it cost 1-1.5 usd
depends from time and sales
never saw it more from 2usd
it came in paper box
you see it was some damaged during shipping
unglued at some places
you see this is joke sticker
can glue it on any car, glue is not strong
you can joke with your friend
when he will see it on his car, he can scary
that his car really damaged
like bullets and scratches
letts go see is it real or no
will check which color of car is better to use
you see, so-so
on dark color cars is not good
you can cheat only old people
if use white color cars, will be better
when car become dirty, will be better also
but these white edging around every sticker
with time will transform to blue, yellow and other colors
you can see many feedbacks by link of product
so sticker will be untrully
nobody will trust in joke
so what we have
1 time for joke maybe will OK
you can try it with your friends
somebody will trust, some now
now you see
spent few days, it became dirty
from big distance can be trusted in joke
so you can make your choice
will see you!
🥀 I Hate Myself / Happy Valentine's Day. - Duration: 9:39.my name is Daryn Roongrawewan
I was born on the 8th of October 1999
I'm full Chinese but I was born and raised up in Thailand.
there's one thing I wanna let you guys know about me
I hate myself
this is my everyday life
I usually start my day at 1 p.m.
finished my first goal of the day
like making a bed or cleaning up some snack packages
then I make myself a tea
I hate myself that I start my breakfast at noon
and eat trash food
that brought me a happiness
I take time awhile
to let the warm green tea meet chocolate cookies in my stomach.
you know, the fighting of these two make me a good toilet time.
I turn on my favorite song to get me out of the boredom.
*taking the pants off*
*human's fart*
I hate myself that I enjoy all the shuffle songs while I'm taking a bath
till I forget the time
I hate my rough face so I apply some moisturiser.
I hate my dark under-eyes
and also I hate my dry lips.
just to please myself I also wear my favorite tomato red lipstick
even though, I stay at home
the weirdest thing that ever happened to me and I hate that
is I always wear earrings every single time
and here my new favourite earrings from LOVER ODIN
I usually wear only a bathing gown
cuz I hate wearing bra
I hate myself doing Chore with a lazy mood
so ,in a meantime, I turn on the loud song
and dance alone in my room
*vacuum sound*
it's Sunday ,basically my study day
grab some good American to fill my energy.
and start to study hard
because I know I'll probably hate myself a lot if I cannot get into the college
I also hate this
it's end
and also hate is easily end.
太突然了! 吴秀波通奸,证据太清楚了。 为什么他的妻子不离婚? 即使吴秀波的职业和财产遭到破坏。 真正的原因是什么? 超过160万中国人感到震惊! - Duration: 14:05.-------------------------------------------
2019 Suzuki GSX-R150 Upsie Down, ABS VS Honda CBR150R Upsie Down New Model | GSX-R150 Model 2019 - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Chicken Parmesan – Easy Low Carb Keto Italian Recipe - Duration: 5:14.Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present a traditional Italian favorite; chicken
parmesan. This absolutely delicious low carbohydrate recipe encompasses all the
flavor of its high carbohydrate counterpart, but paired with my low carbohydrate sauce and a few
low carbohydrate changes, has less than five net carbohydrates per serving. Let's get started.
We'll start with the marinade for our chicken breasts. This is an important step
in ensuring that our chicken breasts stay moist and tender, so don't skip it.
Mix two cups of almond milk with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Let
this sit for about 10 minutes while we prep our chicken. We'll be using four
boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. We're going to be slicing these into two by
splitting them down the middle. This will give us eight breasts total to work with.
Now that the almond milk and vinegar has had time to react, we'll add the spices. Add
some thyme; basil; rosemary; and some sage. Mix well to combine. Add the chicken to a
large plastic bag and carefully pour the marinade into the bag. Seal and mix so
that each breast is coated. Refrigerate for at least four hours to overnight.
For our breading, we'll be using a 1/2 a cup of ground pork rinds; 1/2 a cup of almond
flour; 1/2 a cup of grated Parmesan cheese. For the breading you want to use
the canned variety. I find this works better. We'll be using the freshly grated
Parmesan cheese a little later. Our final breading ingredient is a half
a cup of zero carbohydrate, unflavored, protein powder. This powder is very fine and adds
a perfect balance of texture. Place the breading in a sealable container or bag.
I find a plastic bag works better for me, but use whatever's
convenient for you. Mix until all the ingredients are fully combined. Now we'll
season the breading with some salt; onion powder; garlic powder; and some ground
black pepper. Give another mix to combine.
The breading technique I'm going to use is a little different than usual. I like
to do it this way to ensure minimal clumping and that we have enough
breading for all eight breasts. Add some breading to a plate or dish. Remove each
breast from the marinade and place on top the breading. Pour a bit more over the
top and use your fingers to ensure even coating. Repeat until all the chicken is
coated. Heat about a finger-nails depth of oil to 375°F and add the
chicken. I'm only doing two at a time here so as not to crowd the pan, and also,
it doesn't reduce the oil temperature too much. Fry each side only two minutes.
We're not cooking the chicken fully here, we're only cooking the outer layer.
Remove to a paper towel lined plate to drain. Repeat until all the chicken is
fried. Add just a little bit of my low carbohydrate marinara sauce to the bottom of
a 9 by 13 inch baking dish and spread it thin. Place the chicken in the dish so
that each breast lay on the bottom. Add one slice of provolone cheese to the top
of each piece. Spoon over the remaining marinara sauce. Evenly distribute it over
the chicken. Top the chicken with four ounces or about a cup of freshly grated
Parmesan cheese. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated 350°F oven
for twenty minutes. Uncover and cook an additional five to seven minutes.
Remove from the oven and let rest five minutes before serving. Serve hot.
Top with some parsley and enjoy a tender, juicy, and cheesy Italian favorite.
There you have it folks! My low carbohydrate chicken parmesan. A great way to tour
Italy while sticking to your diet. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did,
please like and consider subscribing. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!
《壹鳩大事回顧》&100毛式致敬港媒 - 沒意淫 MV (含字幕) - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
5 SEGREDOS OBSCUROS DAS PRINCESAS DA DISNEY - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
ЗАЧЕМ НУЖЕН БАДЛИОН КЛИЕНТ? ПОВЫШАЕТ ФПС? + КРУТОЙ ЖЁЛТЫЙ ПВП РП! - Манкрафт Скай варс Хайпиксель - Duration: 12:39.-------------------------------------------
PUBGM || Play with subs - Duration: 8:38.-------------------------------------------
PUBGM || Play with subs || Road to 100 followers on twitch - Duration: 13:54.-------------------------------------------
Forza Motorsport 7 - Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II 2002 (w/ Steering Wheel) Gameplay - Duration: 10:59.Help me get 1000 subscribears, Please!
В лесу родилась ёлочка. Караоке - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Lots of Toy Weapons for Kids Nerf Guns Military Toys - Duration: 5:51.Lots of Toy Weapons for Kids Nerf Guns Military Toys
Portrait of Stephen Andrews, 2019 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 3:26.You know, having a camera pointed at you
and lights, and...
the artificialness of it all
makes me slightly nervous, but...
- It's going to be 2 minutes.
- Yeah. So, certainly I have said something two minutes' worth in all of this.
- I think we have at least 1:10.
[Both laughing]
- Even though we've been talking for an hour.
[Filmmaker laughs]
You know, hey?
That's the way people shoot photographs, right?
Shoot 5,000 photographs for one.
- Exactly.
I've been HIV positive for 30 years.
When I was 28, I figured it out and...
For the first part of the 80s, people didn't really know what was going on.
There was this kind of... rumours about
what was claiming the lives of a lot of young gay men.
It was our war.
And like all wars, it's a fire and it hardens you.
And it really just made me realize
that you have to live every day like it's your last.
That's what happened with my diagnosis
and the work that followed from it.
It was a kind of way to speak with authority
from a position of my own subjectivity
and address larger issues that were bigger than myself.
There is this moment when you start a new body of work
or do something that you haven't done before
and you don't quite know what you're doing,
but in that moment, there is an energy.
Somehow, the thing itself contains that energy, excitement...
the newness, and you can see it in the work itself.
Working is being and doing at the same time.
It's kind of a philosophical thing.
I can't imagine ever stopping working.
I think it's the only reason I'm here, in some ways.
Somehow, I think in these portraits
there's the kernel of these ideas that is developing.
And I'm just going to trust that it's going to reveal itself eventually.
Space Heater Nonsense - Duration: 17:43.This video will be a little bit different from most of mine.
I'm revisiting a topic from my very first YouTube days, long before this channel was
a thing.
At the end, I'll link to a follow up discussion on my second channel where I talk about why
I'm making this again.
But for now, here's what we're doing.
In the Northern hemisphere, it's winter right now.
At least, well, at least at the time of this video's upload.
Winter means cold and cold means sadness.
But thankfully, I have a friendly space heater to keep myself warm and my spirits high.
These electric heaters are a useful, if perhaps dangerous and expensive way to heat a space.
But, there's been something that's annoyed me about them for years.
And to show you, we need to go shopping.
Alright, let's see what we got here.
We have, "Medium Room", 1,500W for $31.99.
Take a step over, and we have "Small Room",
Thi… that… that number's the same.
Why is that the same?
Here's a different one.
"Medium room", fif… fifteen hun..
Here's a different one, we got small…
fif… hmmm.
Well, store #2 is almost entirely out of heaters.
Ugh, this is what I get for doing this AFTER the Polar Vortex.
There we go.
OK, so here we have an infrared quartz radiant heater, which is being marketed as for medium
sized rooms.
Shocker of shockers; 1,500W. And also, this is a radiant heater so really the size of
the room isn't as important as its application but let's move on.
So here we have a personal desktop heater, 1,500W.
This one is apparently some sort of genius, um, don't really get that
but look at that.
1,500 W.
Let's look at this guy here.
It's a ceramic heater.
Uh, 1,500W.
One of these 360 degree things.
Oh, it's 1,500W.
As you no doubt noticed, at every store we visited, many of the space heaters for sale
were categorized based on the size of the room that they would be appropriate for.
And yet, they were all rated 1500 watts.
Now first let me say that there are definitely reasons to choose some heaters over another.
For instance, this infrared radiant heater will do a great job of keeping you warm even
in a cold room, because the infrared radiation it generates will directly heat your skin
and thus body from a distance.
They're even useful outdoors because of their transmissive style of direct heating.
But if you want to heat a space, as in heat a room and keep it warm, all of these heaters
are doing the same thing.
They're heating the air around them and are thus increasing the temperature in the
With this goal in mind, literally any of these heaters will work.
And they're gonna work just as well as any of the others, with few exceptions.
It all comes down to that 1500 watts.
Let's take a step back and think about what heaters actually have to do.
Heat is really just energy, and the temperature of a room is a way of expressing how much
energy is currently concentrated in that room.
Now, energy always likes to spread out, and if there's a temperature gradient between
one space and another, the more highly concentrated energy in the warm place wants to exit the
warm place and spread out into the cold place.
Once it reaches equilibrium, energy transfer stops.
And eventually, this leads to the heat death of the universe.
*sound of party blower*
Now, to keep a room warm when the outside is cold, we have to keep releasing energy
into it.
And we need to add energy at least at the same rate that it leaves through the walls
and windows, which hopefully are well insulated to slow that process as much as possible.
The amount of energy leaving the room is called the thermal load.
Now, I'm going to use the BTU, that's British Thermal Unit, for much of this video;
I'm sorry for picking that unit, please write your complaints below.
The heater's basic job is to replace the energy that's leaving the room.
So if the room is losing 4,000 BTUs per hour through the walls, that's the thermal load,
and thus we need a heater which can produce at least 4,000 BTUs in order to maintain the current
indoor temperature.
We'll need more than that if we want to increase the temperature.
And if we can't produce 4,000 BTUs, the room will gradually get colder until the temperature
gradient is small enough that energy leaving equals energy being added, and we hit equilibrium
once more.
You may be asking what this has to do with space heaters.
Well children, it turns out that watts and BTUs are both units of the same thing!
That's energy!
Hold on, no.
Watts are a unit of power, and a watt-hour is a unit of energy.
BTUs makes this confusing because people often say "BTUs per hour" which I've already
said at least once but, anyway, it's a mess.
Let's continue.
1 watt equals 3.41 BTUs.
Now, all of these space heaters are labeled as using 1,500 watts.
That means they all produce 5,120 BTUs.
All of 'em.
Some of them are even kind enough to tell you that.
So then, I put forth to you dear viewer, how is this heater more suited to a medium-sized
room if it is producing the same exact amount of heat as this heater which claims to only
be suitable for a small room?
Regardless of how much energy is leaving a given space, both of these are capable of
adding the same amount of energy back.
That's 5,120 BTUs.
Now, we can argue as much as we want about how these two heaters distribute the heat they create.
But I do find it humorous that the one claiming to be better suited to a larger room doesn't
have a fan to assist heat distribution.
Instead it relies solely on the convection currents that are created as the now hot,
low density air rises up through it and pulls cold, dense air from behind.
This heater has a fan blowing air past its ceramic heating elements.
Surely it's moving more air, you can feel it.
But honestly, it doesn't need to do much because of that little thing we call convection.
No matter where heat is released into a room, it will eventually spread out.
Using a fan just speeds that process along.
And for those who may want to point out that the fan motor in this guy is part of that
1,500 watts and therefore it must cause the unit as a whole to release less heat, I'll
counter that in addition to the motor being a negligible part of the heater's energy
consumption, all of that energy will eventually be released as heat anyway, either through
friction with air molecules, or through the wasted heat created in the windings of the
motor itself.
The reason why I know without a doubt that these two heaters are both doing the same
work is that they are both electric resistive heaters.
This means they're taking the electrical energy from the wall outlet and releasing
it as heat.
This is 100% efficient.
In fact, when we talk about efficiency of various household devices like light bulbs
or laptops, we're really talking about how much waste heat they avoid releasing as they
do their work.
An incandescent bulb releases a ton of waste heat, because it needs a lot of electrical
energy to produce a given amount of light, the vast majority of which is simply wasted.
An LED bulb releases much less heat, because LEDs are a more efficient way of turning electricity
into visible light, which means less electricity is consumed by the bulb to do the same amount
of work.
But if our goal is to create heat, in other words if the work we want to accomplish is
to take that electrical energy and spread it out into the room as heat, 100% of the
energy being consumed will be directly released into the room.
There is no such thing as a more efficient space heater.
There are better and worse applications depending on the type, such as infrared radiant versus
oil-filled convective, but simply put, energy is energy.
If this "medium" heater can't release more energy into the room than it's "small
room" counterpart, then those labels are nonsense.
And they are.
We don't even need to rely on the labeling.
If we use an energy monitoring device like this Kill-A-Watt, we can see exactly how much
energy each of them is using.
And, shocker of shockers, it's the same amount, within a small margin of error.
Well, some may argue that the margin of error isn't quite that small, but in any case
it's pretty humorous that the small heater is about 90 watts more powerful than the medium
Many heaters have multiple settings which will switch between different heating elements,
therefore giving you the option of a more tepid amount of heat output.
And, nearly all of them have a bimetallic thermostat, if not a digital one, allowing
you to control the temperature within a reasonable degree.
You might be asking why so many of them are rated 1,500W. It turns out that this is the
maximum amount of power a device that continuously operates is allowed to pull from a 15A circuit
according to the national electric code.
A normal 15A household circuit is technically capable of 1,800Ws, but if a device is expected
to run for a long time, like a space heater, it's limited to using 80% of that capacity.
This creates a margin for error and protects against fires caused by not-quite-up-to-snuff
wiring, and it also helps prevent overloading in general.
But a device that's only used intermittently, like a hair dryer, is allowed to use the full
Since heating elements are phenomenally cheap and easy to make, pretty much all space heaters
are gonna bump right up against that 1,500W limit.
Now, not all of them do.
I'm a big fan of these little personal heaters that only use a couple hundred watts.
I keep this one on my desk and it's a great little comfort boost on a cold day.
But most "General purpose" heaters will go ahead and push out as much heat as they're
allowed to.
Now what was pointed out to me the last time I made this video was that heaters such as
this one store heat in the oil and thus are able to release heat even when the heating
elements aren't turned on!
That's great, but it doesn't mean it's more efficient.
It just means that the heat leaving the heater goes through a buffer.
If the heater is running at a 50% duty cycle, it more or less is constantly releasing 2,560
BTUs, when this heater would release 5,120 for 5 minutes, and then 0 for the next five
The end result is the same, though, they both release 2,560 BTUs over 10 minutes--this one
may simply provide more consistent heat.
If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from this video, it's that any space
heater that claims to be more efficient than its competition is… well its lying.
I'm particularly irked by these "premium" space heaters that claim to save you money
on your energy bills because of some new technology.
One in particular rhymes with "Schmeeden Glur".
Look, the way they save you energy is by… simply being a space heater.
That's by turning down the temperature to your whole house, and only heating the room
that you're in.
Compared to any other space heater, this is no more efficient and frankly, a waste of money.
What's worse is that electric heat is almost always the most expensive kind of heat, in
fact I made a video on why in cold climates we usually burn fuels like natural gas for
heat rather than use the electric grid.
Yes, the heater itself is 100% efficient, but electricity generation is not.
At least not yet.
And that's kind of the space heater paradox.
You can save money by using just one and lowering the temperature of your central heating.
But if you decide to buy a bunch of these supposedly miracle heaters for every room
in your house and use them instead of your furnace, you're gonna be spending a lot
more on energy.
But, let me be clear that the only reason I know these are all the same is that we're
talking about resistive heat.
If we venture into the land of heat pumps or gas-fired furnaces, now there are efficiency
comparisons to be made.
Some heat pumps work better than others, and condensing furnaces can release more than
95% of the energy from their heating fuel into the space, compared to only 80% for a
conventional furnace.
But any 'ol electric heater is gonna be 100% efficient.
Whatever energy gets pulled from the wall goes straight into the room.
So, the next time you need to buy a space heater, go ahead and buy a cheap one.
Those expensive ones are… well they're just not worth it.
This $10 wire-element heater will do just as great of a job heating a room as will a
$200 Schleeden Clure.
Now don't get me wrong, this thing is ugly and noisy and has a primitive thermostat--that
red mark is where I like to set it--so I'm not about to say that this is objectively
as good as one of those fancy-pants heaters.
But I can say with confidence that it heats just as well, and the cost of that energy
is exactly the same.
I will add that if there's a room that always needs supplemental heat, like a certain bedroom
in a certain house I grew up in, I prefer the oil-filled type because they're probably
the safest.
A fan-forced heater will quickly overheat if the fan fails, and then you've gotta
hope that the overheat protection cutout works.
These passive ones are pretty much immune from that failure, and because the heat is
spread out over such a large surface area, nothing really gets that hot.
Plus, they're virtually silent.
Which is nice.
But, keep in mind that they take FOREVER to get warm, so they're really not great for
short use.
These baseboard style heaters are a nice compromise, but their surfaces do get much hotter so my
gut tells me it's a little more dangerous.
And allow me to express my bewilderment regarding a companion product for a space heater that
doesn't seem to exist.
As I said, pretty much all space heaters have a thermostat built-in.
But let's be honest, they're usually not great.
It does regulate the temperature, but it's more of a… let it run until the room's
as warm as you want, then slowly turn the dial down until it shuts off.
Not very precise, or consistent.
And for those "Digital" heaters, having the thermostat located within the unit itself
(like this) means it will never get a very precise temperature reading of the room.
I'm surprised that you can't just buy a universal remote thermostat.
I can imagine something like a 10 foot long heavy-duty extension cord with a thermostat
in the middle of it, letting you put it on a table away from the heater itself, and set
an actual temperature.
You could actually build one yourself fairly easily using a thermostat for baseboard heating,
but it seems like a product that should just exist.
OK wait, it does exist.
Look at that!
An outlet thermostat.
That's actually a really good idea.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Dishonest marketing departments and misleading labels are some of the most annoying things
we deal with on this planet, but thankfully, with a little knowledge on how the world works,
we can see right through them.
Stick around a little longer for a few more observations regarding my recent space heater
adventures, and be sure to check out the Technology Connections 2 video about why I remade this
As always, thank you to everyone who supports the channel on Patreon, especially the fine
folks that are scrolling up your screen.
With the support of people just like you, Technology Connections has gone from my hobby
to, this!
And I'm very thankful for your support.
If you would like to support the channel and get perks like early video access, occasional
behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as other Patreon-exclusive content, please check out
my Patreon page.
Thank you for your consideration, and I'll see you next time!
♫ swelteringly smooth jazz ♫
Alright, so I was ready to buy a heater just like this one for this video, as Pelonis was
among my list of offending manufacturers who categorize based upon room size.
But, at least for oil-filled heaters, they've dropped that.
Now it simply says "whole room heater".
They're apparently not quite out of the woods yet, as this little thing is marked
"small room" even though, you guessed it, it's 1,500 watts.
But, I will give them credit for this very handy and truthful guide to which type of
space heater is appropriate for which application.
Though there were apparently a few render bugs when it comes to the illustrations.
Comfort Zone is still happily slapping room size suggestions on their products, but notably
their oil-filled heaters, at least the ones for sale here, have gotten smaller and are
only rated 1,200 watts now.
My guess is that this was a cost-cutting measure, and if you reduce its physical size and thus surface
area you'll need to lower heat output, too.
Both Comfort Zone and Pelonis used to rate this style as for a "large room", but
perhaps as a result of the 300W reduction, Comfort Zone has downgraded theirs to only
a "medium sized room".
Which is actually even more humorous, because this medium room heater produces less heat
than this small room heater.
Go figure.
I find this example particularly egregious because they're suggesting that a physically
larger heater, using the same ceramic heating element technology, is better for a larger
It's got two heating elements!
Surely it puts out more heat!
This is just yet another design that you can pick from.
And hopefully you pick the most profitable one!
These things.
I wonder how many watts this uses.
Well, 5,127 prototypes, that's useful I guess.
I guess I'll have to look that one up online.
10 Beautiful Ways To Say 'I Love You' ❤️ | Learn Romantic English Expressions for Valentine's Day - Duration: 10:42.-------------------------------------------
Portrait of Ali Kazimi, 2019 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 3:20.Through my practice and looking for archival material,
I got more and more excited by film, the medium.
That tactility of actually holding the medium in your hand
is such an important part of filmmaking.
When I asked archivists, I put out this plea:
Has anyone seen moving images of the Komagata Maru?
I got responses saying people had looked for this material and it simply didn't exist.
There were several points like that,
but I thought I could never make Continuous Journey.
I finally got this tape and suddenly the Komagata Maru appears.
I was in shock.
My entire body was in complete shock.
I called out to my wife.
She came, she held me and I cried more.
And I cried because I couldn't understand
why I was the first person to see this.
And it was at that point, it became clear to me
that there was no going back.
I just had to finish the film.
Yes, we took out a second mortgage on the house...
and that's how the film was finished.
When I arrived in Canada, I came as a foreign student.
One of the most striking moments for me when I arrived
was right at Pearson airport.
We had to show our passports and our student visas.
And there the immigration officer questioned the veracity of our student visas.
He made this big magnanimous gesture
and looked me straight in the eye and he said,
"The only reason I'm letting you into my country
is because you speak such good English."
And then he added, "And you'll remember me for that."
And I do!
I do, because I think what he did at that moment
was started by experience of living grace
rather than grace being a concept.
I also don't shy away from naming uncomfortable truths.
So I became the face of diversity.
But diversity is only accepted when it's palatable.
And I was presenting something that was unpalatable.
And I paid a price for it.
I've heard the terms "you will never work in this town again,"
"you will never be funded again,"
"you're committing career suicide."
I feel everyone has a story to tell.
And all stories matter.
And through the small stories, we get to know the world.
And then I look at the people whose lives I've documented
and any apprehension and anxiety I have dissolves.
Because they are my touchstones.
Carragher reveals what would make a Liverpool title win even sweeter - Duration: 4:34.Jamie Carragher understands why so many rivals fans don't want Liverpool to win the Premier League title – but doesn't believe the feeling is universal within the game
Supporters from several other top-flight clubs have become increasingly concerned on social media the Reds could end their 29-year wait for the championship this season
Only goal difference separates Jurgen Klopp's side from leaders Manchester City, who have played a game more
The incredible gesture made by Jamie Carragher to Liverpool fan Sean Cox But Carragher reveals the "anyone but Liverpool" sentiment isn't quite so prevalent among professionals
"A lot of people in the game – such as when you bump into players who have played for different clubs - want Liverpool to win the league," said the Kop legend to the ECHO
"Two reasons. I think people like the fact it would be a different winner and a different story
"On social media - and what a gauge that is - you see people (not wanting Liverpool to win the league)
Everton fans obviously, and United fans would prefer City won it. "We have a big rivalry with Chelsea over the years as well, and City don't have those real big rivalries with other clubs because they are new to the scene over the last seven or eight years
"Liverpool have been entrenched with their rivalries for many decades. "But I don't really care
It just makes it even better if we do win it, if so many people don't want you to win it
But it doesn't make any difference, to be honest." Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Indeed, Bournemouth winger Ryan Fraser revealed after his side's 3-0 defeat at Anfield on Saturday that he would like Liverpool to win the league
The Reds have 12 Premier League games remaining, starting with a trip to Manchester United on Sunday week
Carragher doesn't regard the match as a "must win" but accepts victory would be a significant marker ahead of the run-in
"It's very important, probably Liverpool's most difficult remaining fixture," he said
"Man City have to go there as well. "We don't have to win, but if we win there it sends a massive message
Not just to Man City, but it's a big statement to everyone. "That would be a little blow to City, because it is that fixture that both sides are wondering if the other could lose or draw
"It's a huge game, but there's 12 left. Every one of them is massive." Carragher was at the Etihad at the weekend working for Sky Sports to watch City embarrass Chelsea 6-0 to regain top spot
However, the former Liverpool man believes the Londoners played right into the hands of Pep Guardiola's side
"It was a brilliant performance from City," said Carragher. "Like any Liverpool fan, in every game we're wondering if City can drop points
"I actually think City this season have dropped more points against teams at the bottom
When people take them on, that's meat and drink to City, they showed that against Arsenal and Chelsea
"I didn't expect City to win 6-0, but I expected them to win comfortably against Chelsea
"We just have to win our games. City need us to falter. People are talking about City being favourites now, but there's still a long way to go
"Both sides will drop points. I think it will go to the wire, but there's no doubt we're in the best position because we have a game in hand
peter & wendy — kiss me slowly. (HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!) - Duration: 1:36.Forget them, Wendy.
Forget them all.
Come with me where you'll never,
never have to worry about grown up things again.
Never is an awfully long time.
Don't you know what a kiss is?
I shall know when you give me one.
I suppose I'm to give you one now.
I want... Always,
to be a boy,
and to have fun.
You say so,
but I think it is your biggest pretend.
We're going home.
You'll die alone...
I have never heard of it.
And unloved.
You're just a boy.
This belongs to you,
and always will.
You won't forget me, will you?
ZOO Animals Story from Steve and Maggie with Bobby | Learn Free Speaking Stories Wow English TV - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
Cute Baby and Daddy Playing Slide - Cute Baby Video - Duration: 3:43.Hi Guy! Thanks for watching. Have a nice day
Don't forget to subscribe, like and share our video
Hello My Friend, Let's Play Together | Songs For Babies | Kindergarten Cartoons by Kids TV - Duration: 3:19.Hello My Friend, Let's Play Together
Cute Baby Eating Lemon - Cute Baby Video - Duration: 3:35.Thanks For Watching!!!
The Bear Went Over The Mountain | Kindergarten Songs | Cartoons Videos by Farmees - Duration: 40:35.Hi Farmees!
Let's meet the bear that went climbing over the mountain..
The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain, To see what he could see.
And all that he could see, And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain, Was all that he could see.
Was all that he could see. Was all that he could see.
The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain, To see what he could see.
And all that he could see, And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the river, The other side of the river,
The other side of the river Was all that he could see.
Was all that he could see. Was all that he could see.
The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
How to Create the perfect French Smileline - Duration: 11:28.Kirsty: Hi everybody, I'm Kirsty Meakin from Naio Nails. In this video, I'm gonna show you how to
get the perfect Smile Line using gel polish.
Right! I'm gonna show you on a White Tip first of all.
Now, when you look at the nail, we've got an almond shape nail, yes.
It's very important to have your nail perfectly shaped. If the nail isn't perfectly shaped, it will throw off your smile line.
So, that is the first point that you need to make sure it's correct.
Then we're gonna find the middle, which will be the highest point here. Which is about there.
Kirsty: Can you see that little mark? Adam: It's quite small.
Kirsty: Quite small but I think you all will be watching it on a far bigger screen and you will see it.
Kirsty: That's not even a millimetre but yes, I know where it is.
And then, you need to think about how high your smile line is going to come,
and if you're doing like an extended smile line,
wanna come to about there, so you can do a line across. Now, see how that's wonky.
Adam: Little bit. Kirsty: Yeah! So, if that's wonky, that's going to mess up your smile line.
Kirsty: Totally did that on purpose.
So, we're gonna come from here.
That's much better, okay. So, we have a straight line now.
And then what you wanna do is come, think about the length of your nail.
So, the distance between here and here, you're gonna go halfway, roughly halfway. That's about there, yeah.
So, that's you starting point there.
Same on the other side.
Okay! You're gonna go from that line to this line.
So, you're gonna do a straight line all the way to that centre line.
You're gonna do the same on this side.
Kirsty: Bit like an 'A' Adam: A for Adam.
Kirsty: Yes! So, that's your starting point, yeah.
So, you can see we're starting to create a smile line but at the moment it's like a ballerina style smile line.
And now, all you need to do, once you've got those lines in place,
all you need to do is round off that corner there and this corner here
and you will have the perfect smile line.
Now, let's do it in gel polish.
Background colour is gonna be Beauty Beneath, which is a gorgeous really opaque nude
and I'm gonna do two coats of this colour.
Now, once I've got that background colour on, what I'm actually going to do this time,
to get the smile line super perfect is, I'm gonna take off the sticky layer
because when you put gel polish onto a shiny surface, it sometimes wants to move a little bit
and we don't want it to move at all.
So, I'm gonna take the sticky layer off so it's not such a slidey surface.
Adam: I thought it would have been the other way round it. Kirsty: It's gonna grab onto this thing now.
Kirsty: Now, to make it super perfect, I am going to place that down onto a Backing Form.
So, this is... a Backing Form? That's not a Backing Form. Ooh!
Things are falling. It's the Backing Paper from a Sculpting Form.
Now, with the Detail Brush,
you can make your little marks
with the gel polish. So, we started here, then you wanna do...
how far do you wanna come down the nail, you need to do that point, don't you?
So, you've got your straight line.
Then halfway between here and here, which is about there.
Do the same on the other side.
I'm gonna go from from there, we're gonna meet this point.
We're not curing anything at this stage.
And the same on this side.
Once you've laid that down,
you can take your brush and you can fill in these sections.
And then, we're gonna round off those corners,
so we're gonna come from the middle and sweep up
to curve that. And the same on the other side.
Little bit of gel polish on your brush.
There you are! So, we're gonna cure this now.
And then adding the second layer to that will be the easiest part of this.
So now, it'll be a lot easier to paint this on because you've got a guide
but you want to just make sure you push right up to that point.
Adam: See, I would still mess that up.
Kirsty: You can repeat the process we've just done. You could use your Detail Brush.
Adam: I just mean, I'd just mess that up. Like is in... Kirsty: What? Going over the top?
Adam: Id go over the lines?
Kirsty: Do you think? Adam: I was never good at colouring when I was a kid. You know, when you go over the lines. I'm too impatient.
Kirsty: And you don't always have to draw on, you know, those little lines with your gel polish
but if you can visualise that in your head as you are doing your French smile line,
then you're gonna get it perfect every time and the more you practice that.
So, really concentrate when you're creating your smile lines on this theory and you will do it perfect every time.
And pop that into the lamp.
Then we're gonna top coat. Top-coating will seal it all. It's gonna make it last longer.
It's obviously gonna bring in shine as well.
And what you want to do is let the gel top coat sit into this little smile line to help smooth that finish.
Give it a few seconds to settle before you put it in the lamp and pop it in.
There you are! Perfect smile line.
There you are, guys. Hope that's helped you with your application of the smile lines
because we all love a perfect smile line.
Don't forget, check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Everything I've used today will be listed below,
apart from the pencil that you can get from anywhere.
See you in the next video. Bye-bye!
Now, I'm gonna break it down.
Break it down, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna set myself in position.
Kirsty: Get my legs Adam: Break it down position.
Kirsty: Yeah! Right! I'm gonna show you on a white tip first of all.
Portrait of Susan Edgerley, 2019 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 3:10.Glass is, for me, a poetic material.
I've never really been attracted to making objects with glass.
I've very much been attracted to using glass as a means of expression,
often in very different ways from one group of work to the other.
I work in many different techniques
and each technique speaks to a certain idea
that I've been trying to express at that time in a series of work.
All those series are connected through the material,
but even though each one appears to be different,
there is an underlying thematic that pulls them through.
When I work with glass, I feel like I'm writing a story.
It's very much like you would write with a pen,
but for me, it's writing with a material.
A lot of my inspiration is originally from the natural world.
When I find something in nature,
often I'll just pick it up and look at it.
The more I see what's in front of me in this small objects that I found on the ground,
the more I feel the sense of connectedness to the world at large.
The more it inspires me to think of broader things.
The past few years,
I've been working on a specific series of work
called Light and Shadow.
I've found that juxtaposition and that duality very interesting.
Using these immaterial nuances of light and shadow
has elevated my work into an ethereal domain
that I find very fascinating.
The shadow becomes like a drawing to the glass.
It really started me thinking about
how the invisible could be made visible.
That relationship has always been,
in a very fundamental way, at the heart of my work.
For me, the quality of glass being unlimited
really responded to something very fundamental in myself.
I've never really liked to have limits;
I don't like to be defined as one thing or another.
I really feel that I am one element of a larger whole
and that really also is what I'm now reflecting in my work.
And that makes me feel good.
Incredible Hulk - SMASH or Pass? (A Review of Marvel's Hulk: Season One) - Duration: 8:08.So Marvel's Season One is a series of graphic novels, started in 2011, that tell the origin
stories of various characters.
Going into this one, I didn't think I would enjoy it very much.
The thing about origin stories is that we've all seen them over and over.
So if you do an origin and it brings nothing new to the table, there's a chance I could find it boring.
On the other hand, if you change too much, you risk making me irrationally angry.
It's a catch-22 and a very tough situation to be in, for comic writers, at last in my opinion.
Frankly, there's a reason why The Incredible Hulk's origin was told very quickly in the
opening credits of Marvel's 2008 movie The Incredible Hulk, starring Not Mark Ruffalo... you know... from... Fight Club.
It had only been five years since Ang Lee's weird-ass take on the Hulk, so the origin
was fresh in the minds of viewers.
It's the same reason why Tom Holland never got a Spider-Man origin story and the reason
why people make fun of DC for showing Batman's parents being shot every damned time we get
a new actor to play the caped Crusader.
There Youtube, I mentioned Batman.
Now give me my damned views.
So yeah, I have superhero origin fatigue and it's mostly the fault of movies but also comics.
Hulk: Season One came out in 2011, so even if I'd read it way back then, I'd still
have felt the same way to some extent but I was determined to give it a fair shake.
So here we go, let's jump into Hulk: Season One!
What new thing did writer Fred Van Lente (of Amazing Spider-Man fame) bring to the table
that will get me interested but not change so much that it gives me fanboy rage?
A new super-villain! Well played. Fred. What do you think, Credible Hulk?
Hulk demand citation of credible sources.
Our story begins with these words:
Clear day.
STILL day.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Optimal conditions.
I mean, even if you didn't know the story of Hulk's origin and even if this wide shot
of a small town didn't look like every nuclear test facility in games, movies and comics,
once you hear the words "nothing out of the ordinary" then you know some bad stuff is about to go down.
Dr. Banner's experiment, his dream, is to build the Bannerbomb.
A bomb with the power of a nuke, based on radioactive decay, that delivers an enormous
burst of gamma rays, with no fallout.
Banner's dream.
To make a bomb that can wipe entire cities off the map without bringing on a nuclear
I don't think this video is long enough for me to get into everything that's wrong
with that but a flaw in the characters does not equal a flaw in the fiction.
I mean, we're on page three here so let's give it a chance.
We learn that banner was testing his Bannerbomb (TM) when a young punk named Rick Jones was seen
within the blast radius.
Banner is explaining this to a military agent who likes to call the bomb "Little Green Man",
a nod to the actual name of one of the nukes dropped in Japan by the US in WWII.
I like Banner's WWE inspired name much better.
Anyway, this military man doesn't seem to be upset by Banner running into the blast
radius or Rick Jones breaking into a secure government facility, no.
He's upset because Banner was caught in the blast and he's ain't dead.
Not even a little.
Imagine the nerve, they spent 13.6 billion dollars and Banner didn't even have the
common decency to disintegrate into a pile of ash.
That's when it dawned on me.
This origin story starts after the origin.
Banner leaves that room, talks to Betty Ross (who is now a bit of an army brat) and she
starts talking about rumors of a giant green ape destroying property on the base.
We enter the story 12 days after Banner's exposure to gamma radiation.
He's well aware that he's been transforming at night and has set up a secret lab to study himself.
Just like that, only 10 pages in, we're seeing Banner transform into Hulk.
So Hulk Season: One, is it any good?
Well… it's the best version of Hulk's origin but honestly, it goes above and beyond that.
It's a great comic in its own right.
If the point here was to re-package Hulk's origin in a way that was interesting to experienced
readers while being a great jumping on point for new readers then mission accomplished.
Van Lente's decision to somewhat downplay the origin aspect and tell more than just
the story of how Banner came to create the Hulk was a wise and welcome surprise.
His new characters fit in well, and the few liberties he takes with the source material
don't really bother me like I expected them to, perhaps because they don't really clash
or invalidate the origin for Hulk that existed already in my mind from previous incarnations.
Tom Fowler's artwork is fantastic.
I know he worked on Venom, but I have yet to read any of his previous work, but,
it's got a Saturday morning cartoon vibe to it and I really enjoyed it. It's bright
and colorful but not overly so.
Faces are really hard to get right and I think he excels in that area specifically.
I can really see how the characters are feeling based on their facial expressions.
He seems to have put real serious thought into each panel, making sure that every character
has the proper mannerisms, posture and gestures for that specific situation, given their personality.
Throughout the book, many of the panels are slanted or misshapen, usually when there's
a lot of chaos or confusion, normally when the Hulk is on screen or Banner and Hulk are clashing.
Just like the Dutch angles in movies, it's a great way to use the medium to convey complex emotions.
I mean, surely no one would warp and slant images for no reason… right?
Van Lente's writing and Fowler's art truly shine when they depict Bruce Banner and The
Incredible Hulk interacting with each other.
The way it's written and directed is creative yet easy to follow and understand.
They've turned what I think would be the most difficult thing to illustrate and write
into one of the best parts of the book.
Just like with Old Man Logan, my complaints are few and feel a bit nit picky.
That may be because I got a lot of these trade paperbacks from a subscription service and
it's just not in their best interest to send bad or unpopular comics to their customers.
The new villain peaked my interest but he's killed off by the end of the story.
You'd think an origin story wouldn't have any one-off supervillains.
Lucky for me, the quality of the writing and art was enough to keep me interested, even
if I didn't get the huge new villian I signed up for (and if you're wondering, I knew
about the villain because it's in the short description of this comic on Marvel website,
and so it was copied and pasted literally everywhere, I wouldn't be surprised if Nicholas
Cage found it hidden on the back of the Declaration of independence).
There's also one scene where Banner and Hulk are talking and Banner looks and acts
angry while Hulk looks scared and that threw me off a bit, but it's just an illustration
of what's going on it Hulk's mind as he and Banner fight for control so maybe I'm
being unfair here.
I got over it pretty quickly.
I liked this one even better than Old Man Logan!
I give Hulk: Season One a 4.75 out of 5.
So jump down to the comments section and tell me what you think of Hulk: Season One.
Hit like and share and let's grow the channel together.
Until next time guys, be kind to each other.
I'm Jay Parks.
13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24 - Duration: 15:56.13 February 2019 Today International News || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
Travis Scott fans left fuming after rapper postpones Astroworld concert in Tulsa at last minute - Duration: 2:36.The rapper tweeted that the gig was being rescheduled to March 26 because of 'production issues
' The abrupt cancellation just a couple of hours before the sold out show was due to start left many fans fuming
At 5:30 p.m.local time, Kylie Jenner's baby daddy tweeted: 'Tulsa so sorry I can't perform at tonight's sold out show
' 'We had last minute production issues and I can't give y'all an incomplete show
Rescheduled to March 26 all tix still valid.Everyone get home safe.' However, a large group remained outside the BOK Center that had a 'Postponed' sign on its marquee
According to TMZ, the crowd started chanting 'Let us in!' and tried to rush the glass doors to the arena
One person threw a water bottle cracking some of the glass before the group ran away
Tulsa PD told TMZ Tuesday morning no arrests were made and no injuries were reported but investigators continue to try and identify anyone who was involved in vandalism
Scott, 26, is due to perform Wednesday night in his hometown of Houston, Texas.This comes after he took the stage at Sunday's Grammys to perform a medley of songs from Astroworld
He received three nominations - Best Rap Performance and Best Rap Song for Sicko Mode and Best Rap Album for Astroworld
Nolan Collins | Baptism Testimony - Duration: 1:59.I didn't really know God or went to Church at all
cuz I didn't I wasn't really around like a
more like a father figure
and I didn't really go to church
or really knew about like the Bible and stuff
until I started going here and I was like
this seems a good place for me to be and
I can just be myself without
being judged
I used to be abused by my mom's
old husband a lot
I was like the runt of the bunch
pretty much shoved away
pushed, bullied, pretty much
didn't really have too many friends
well at Love Your Neighbor
I feel like God connected with all of us
and me the most
well my heart became
overwhelmed with joy, happiness,
like I felt like God was trying to talk to me
and say how about you join the church
and become part of it
and help others
just really late at night
like everybody else was sleeping
I just woke up out of like nowhere
cuz I don't really wake up in the night
and I felt like I needed to pray or just
talk to God
I said dear God can you please
forgive me for all my sins
and then Joe, well you, took me outside
and we talked and I said
I prayed to God last night
to accept me into His life and
you kinda hugged me and lifted me up off the ground
I think it's impacted my life a lot
cuz ever since I did that I feel
less angry at my family or other people
and I feel like I need to always help somebody
well what it means to me
like I'll be forgived
for like everything I've done
and caused to everybody else
it's something that I want to do so like
my friends, family members
or just anybody in the church knows that
I'm following God now and
nothing can change my mind from it
I'm Nolan Collins
and I now follow Jesus
Best OPM Love Songs For Valentine's Day - The Most Popular Valentine Love Songs - Tagalog Love Songs - Duration: 1:22:30.opm love songs, tagalog, opm collection, songs, valentin, valentin love songs, valentin day, opm love songs collection, love songs, opm hugot, hugot, opm, opm playlist, hugot songs, tagalog songs, opm nonstop, tagalog love songs, opm tagalog songs, opm romantic, best opm, pampatulog, opm songs, opm love song, opm song, pampatulog love songs, hugot love songs, classic, nonstop, opm classic, pinoy, acoustic, opm romantic love songs, opm rock songs, pamatay, quotes, opm relax, romantic songs, opm hugot love songs, best opm songs, love, top opm, opm music, opm 2018
[ASMR] 얀데레와 발렌타인데이 (ヤンデレとバレンタインデーASMR /日本語の字幕) - Duration: 11:03.-------------------------------------------
What Man Utd boss Solskjaer did after PSG scored their first goal - it looks a mistake - Duration: 2:15.Manchester United boss Solskjaer saw his side lose for the first time since replacing Jose Mourinho against a brilliant PSG at Old Trafford
The Ligue 1 giants went into the game depleted, with star duo Neymar and Edinson Cavani both missing out through injury
But PSG were superior to Manchester United in nearly every department, with goals from Presnel Kimpembe and Kylian Mbappe enough to give them a stunning first leg lead
Solskjaer was fuming after United went 1-0 down courtesy of Pimpembe's goal. And he was seen motioning on the touchline for his players to get further forward and chase an equaliser
However, it appears not to have been a grave error. Right from the restart United players started to pour forward
Just about everybody seemed eager to get on the scoresheet. But PSG hit them on the counter mere moments after and United, simply, could never respond
After the game, Solskjaer lamented his side's faiulure to exploit PSG, saying: "Mountains are there to be climbed
"You can't lay down and say this is over. "We will go there, play our game and improve from today
But today was a reality check for us. "You could see that we hadn't played at this level for a while and we will have to learn
"It was an experience that can go either way. "It's not going to be a season defining one, it's one we have to learn from
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