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4712 ROUND LAKE - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
Warkop DKI bikin lucu, Warkop Geleng bikin geleng-geleng (wifi available coy) - Duration: 4:45.So if you have watched our next video
Oops I meant on our previous video
we already talked about the rice stall Marikena
We mentioned that we would go get a coffee afterward at Warkop Geleng.
According to Bintang, Warkop Geleng is like the local "Starbucks".
Coffee shop with the touch of local taste
The place is actually not far from the rice stall just now. You can walk from there.
This here is at Jamin Ginting Street, at the intersection with Parang I Street.
The location is at the corner, facing the Main Street.
It's a combination of two houses; the place is quite spacious and it is an open space.
Although the interior is quite old, but you'll be surprised because there's wifi here.
True, there's WiFi!
This is like the local community place where people come together just to hangout,
meeting friends or even doing business meeting here,
And usually this place is packed
Right now it's not but could be because it's lunch time so everyone looking to stuff their stomach with filling food first.
I heard that they sell breakfast in the morning.
Here, they are opened from 6AM to 12 AM.
It's run by a family.
Cause it's a family business, they have 3 shifts; each shift changes every six hours to make sure every single thing is handled by a member of the family.
This coffee shop has been around for 50 years
Named after the father who was called Geleng,
And this is the first coffee shop opened in the area of Padang Bulan
The first WarKop (coffee shop)?
Yes the first one here.
It's a legacy that has become family inheritance
It becomes a place where everybody comes just to talk about anything - literally anything
it's a must to talk business here.
In accordance with the changing era, they provide sterling stalls for people who want to sell foods.
They rent it out.
For example in the morning, there are people who sell pangsit, and at night there are people who sell mie goreng
Basically their drinks are halal but I'm not sure about the foods - it is up to the food seller.
What about the taste?
Generally, it has the standard taste of a coffee sold in any other Warkop
For me, it's too sweet.
Maybe it's because of the dense sweet creamer. It filled almost half the cup.
So for those who don't like sweet stuff, you may request them to put less creamer.
Or maybe just have them put it separately.
It's too complicated.
By the way, in the morning, they also sell a dessert called Pulut Srikaya (Glutinous rice with Srikaya) along with some traditional grilled toast.
So it's like a typical WarKop, then? They have grilled toast, and pudding.
According to my friends who mostly come here, their favourites are the Coffee Milk and Milk Tea.
It's too sweet for my preference.
I honestly like the place. First reason, it's not hot.
It's in open space and the tables aren't placed closely with each other.
It's not the stuffy type of WarKop.
But actually, they usually put more chairs at night because it was just too crowded.
So there is privacy - albeit a little.
When we talk about business, the people at the next table can't hear us.
Like those people, they're probably talking about business.
If you happen to be around in this area, then come and try this WarKop Geleng.
Z malé zubní ordinace vznikl byt plný funkčního designu - Duration: 2:22.Stomatologická ordinace se rozkládala na ploše 60 m2. Místo ní zde vznikl podle projektu od architektonického ateliéru + R Piuerre dvoupatrový byt
Navzdory velikosti prostor dobře funguje. Okna jsou ze tří stran a vysoké stropy umožnily vytvořit druhou úroveň, kde jsou umístěny kancelář a ložnice s šatnou
Mezi obývacím pokojem a kuchyňským koutem je situován uzavřený prostor, ve kterém jsou servisní prostory
Modrošedá barva na stěně opticky odlehčuje bílé schodiště z oceli. Nosná část schodů je skrytá, aby zachovala svou lehkost
Spodní část slouží zároveň k sezení. Konstrukce se pohybuje od teplých dřevěných prvků po zcela hladké, lesklé povrchy, které dávají prostoru hloubku a strukturu
Kuchyně byla vyrobena na zakázku. Je vybavena bílými skříněmi a žlutým pultem, který pokračuje dál jako lavička u jídelního stolu
Změna barvy u pultové desky zde zároveň pomáhá označovat různé funkce prostoru. Jedna strana ložnice má stěnu z polykarbonátových panelů
Přirozené světlo ze světlíků tak může prosvítat do kuchyně. Ve vstupní chodbě je řada horizontálních zrcadel, které pomáhají odrážet světlo a zároveň poskytují iluzi většího prostoru
Actualité TV - "Je vais me faire tuer" : Elodie Fontan lâche un dossier bien honteux sur Philippe L - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Disney Pixar Cars 2 & 3 Racers Grand Prix : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 10:40.Hello.
This time...
Cars 3 and Cars 2 racers The third time in the preliminary round of the Grand Prix.
The points earned up to the last time are as you can see.
So then, I will draw a lot.
The result of the third qualifying is here.
And here is the sum total of earned points from 1st to 3rd.
Who is the racer to advance into the final?
YAĞIZ TOYZZSHOPTA OYUNCAK BAKTI DEV NERF SİLAHLARLA ATIŞ YAPTI Thomas and Friends Toy Trains! - Duration: 10:45.welcome
Fitrat Kya Hai? Deen e Islam Ki Haqeeqat | What is Islam | इस्लाम क्या है | NABA7 TV | AHMED ESSA - Duration: 1:13:46.Must Watch Full Documentary on Dajjal & World War 3 (Link in Description)
Autonomie, alle Regioni un pezzo di Irpef. E si terranno il gettito extra - Duration: 7:26.Tutto ruota attorno ai soldi. Lombardia e Veneto, nel promuovere i referendum per l'autonomia differenziata, avevano calcato sul tasto del «residuo fiscale»
La volontà, cioè, di trattenere una consistente quota delle tasse raccolte sul territorio
Il Veneto prometteva, addirittura, di tenersi i nove decimi del gettito Irpef. Questo obiettivo non è stato completamente centrato, ma di certo sono state poste le basi perché, in futuro, possa avvenire
A certificarlo è la bozza di intesa arrivata ieri illustrata dal ministro delle Autonomie regionali, Erika Stefani
L'articolo 5, quello che affronta il tema delle «risorse finanziarie», è stato approvato con il via libera del ministero dell'Economia, rappresentato dall'ex assessore lombardo e oggi vice ministro, Massimo Garavaglia
Cosa dice esattamente l'articolo 5? Una commissione paritetica tra Stato e Regioni, dovrà quantificare esattamente il costo delle funzioni che saranno trasferite da Roma alle regioni del Nord
Inizialmente questo calcolo verrà fatto in base ai costi storici, quelli attualmente sostenuti
Poi si passerà, entro un anno, ai fabbisogni standard. Insieme alle funzioni lo Stato dovrà trasferire anche i soldi per finanziare i nuovi compiti
Come avverrà questo passaggio? Attraverso la cessione alle Regioni stesse, di un pezzo dell'Irpef, l'imposta sulle persone fisiche, o attraverso un'aliquota riservata sempre alla Regione, a valere su un'imposta statale
Per fare un esempio, se il gettito dell'Irpef di una delle Regioni è 100 e il costo delle funzioni trasferite è 20, vuol dire che la Regione contribuirà alle spese dello Stato solo con otto decimi del gettito Irpef e non con dieci decimi come le altre Regioni
IL PASSAGGIO Per il primo anno questo meccanismo è neutrale. Se lo Stato spende 20 per le funzioni trasferite e le Regioni ricevono 20, per il bilancio pubblico non cambia niente
Ma il gettito Irpef è legato all'andamento dell'economia. Se l'economia cresce, il gettito aumenta
Così, per esempio, il secondo anno a fronte di una spesa che vale sempre 20, una regione potrebbe trovarsi in cassa un gettito di 22
A chi andrà questo surplus, allo Stato o rimarrà nella Regione stessa? La bozza prevede che «l'eventuale variazione del gettito maturato nel territorio della Regione dei tributi compartecipati (
) è di competenza della Regione». Con questa norma, in pratica, i governatori, si appropriano di una parte del gettito Irpef
È vero che, all'altro lato, si assumono anche il rischio che il gettito si riduca, ma si tratta delle Regioni più ricche e dinamiche d'Italia e che, comunque, anche nel caso in cui le cose andassero male per tutti contribuirebbero un po' meno degli altri al fardello più importante, quello del debito pubblico che, a differenza del gettito tributario, non viene regionalizzato
Dei 167 miliardi circa di gettito Irpef, Veneto, Lombardia e Emilia Romagna, raccolgono circa 67 miliardi
Rispetto alle prime bozze dell'intesa, poi, è stato rimandato un nodo centrale da sciogliere: il metodo di calcolo dei fabbisogni standard
Il conteggio dei soldi da riconoscere alle Regioni avrebbe dovuto essere fatto, entro un anno, tenendo conto, diceva la prima bozza, della popolazione residente e del «gettito dei tributi maturati sul territorio»
L'INCISO SALTATO Questa impostazione avrebbe comportato un'attribuzione di risorse maggiori ai territori più ricchi
Dalla versione finale delle intese, questo inciso è scomparso. La metodologia di calcolo dei fabbisogni standard sarà individuata da un apposito comitato Stato-Regioni che il governo si impegna ad istituire
Il problema, insomma, è per ora soltanto rimandato. Non solo. Non si capisce perché sia necessaria una nuova commissione, visto che già ne esiste una, la Commissione tecnica per i fabbisogni standard, della quale fanno parte esperti dei ministeri, dell'Istat, dei Comuni e delle stesse Regioni
La nuova Commissione è scritto nella norma, dovrà operare in «raccordo» con quella esistente, ma nulla è specificato su chi avrà la parola finale in caso di divergenze sui parametri da utilizzare per i conteggi
È per il momento, invece, sparita un'altra norma. Una sorta di «clausola di salvaguardia» che era stata riconosciuta alle Regioni
Se lo Stato avesse ridotto la base imponibile dell'imposta compartecipata, spiegava l'articolo, avrebbe dovuto riconoscere alle Regioni una quota maggiore del gettito
Però all'inverso la regola non valeva. Così come è rimasta ancora in bianco un'altra parte delle intese, quella per il rafforzamento dell'autonomia tributaria
Veneto e Lombardia chiedevano il pieno controllo su alcune tasse regionali, come quella sulle automobili, e di mantenere in Regione tutto il gettito derivante dalla lotta all'evasione fiscale e dalle rottamazioni, che riguardava le imposte devolute
Due temi sui quali il ministero dell'Economia si è detto contrario.
8 modi per allontanare le formiche in modo naturale - Duration: 6:22.Grazie alla sua acidità e al suo aroma amaro, il limone repelle le formiche.
Avendo un effetto poco prolungato nel tempo, si consiglia di applicarlo ogni giorno nelle zone maggiormente infestate .
La presenza di formiche in casa è qualcosa di abbastanza comune che può anche essere tollerata se non rappresenta una minaccia per cibi e giardino.
Tuttavia, è possibile che la piaga delle formiche diventi più seria e si trasformi in un problema sia dentro che fuori casa.
Le formiche possono causare diversi problemi in giardino e possono anche arrivare all'interno della casa e tuffarsi su qualsiasi alimento che cade accidentalmente o che perdiamo di vista per un attimo.
Considerato ciò, sono molte le persone che cercano soluzioni per eliminarle o quanto meno per scacciarle.
Sul mercato ci sono diversi tipi di insetticidi che possono aiutarci a eliminare completamente le formiche; tuttavia,
si tratta di prodotti pieni di sostanze chimiche tossiche che possono danneggiare la salute oltre che le piante del nostro giardino.
La buona notizia è che esistono alternative naturali che permettono di disfarsi delle formiche in modo assolutamente ecosostenibile e senza danneggiare la salute.
Macerato d'aglio; I composti di zolfo e l'odore dell'aglio sembrano essere particolarmente fastidiosi per le formiche.
Questo ingrediente naturale aiuta a metterle in fuga e mantiene la casa protetta da questi piccoli intrusi.
Come si prepara? Mettere vari spicchi d'aglio tritato in una pentola con acqua e lasciare riposare per almeno 24 ore.
Trascorso questo tempo, riscaldare a fuoco basso per circa 15 minuti.
Versare in un flacone con nebulizzatore e applicare dove necessario.
Riso; Questo ingrediente naturale può essere un ottimo repellente per le formiche, soprattutto quando fermenta e crea funghi.
Cosa fare? Spargere un po' di riso nel corridoio usato dalle formiche.
In questo modo le formiche lasceranno il loro carico per raccogliere i chicchi di riso e portarli nel formicaio.
Nel formicaio, il calore farà fermentare il riso e di conseguenza si creeranno funghi.
Buccia di arancia; La maggior parte delle persone, scarta le bucce di arancia senza sapere che queste hanno incredibili proprietà che possono essere molto benefiche per la salute e utili in casa.
In quest'ultimo caso, ad esempio, possono essere utili contro le formiche perché liberano una sostanza tossica per loro.
Cosa fare? Tagliare la buccia di arancia in pezzi piccoli e cospargerli nel corridoio utilizzato normalmente dalle formiche.
Anche in questo caso, le formiche abbandoneranno il loro carico e trasporteranno i pezzi di buccia che libereranno la sostanza tossica all'interno del formicaio.
Lievito; Si tratta di un prodotto molto tossico per le formiche, che però le attrae in modo particolare.
Collocando del lievito vicino al formicaio, le formiche verranno attratte dal suo odore e lo consumeranno.
Cosa fare? Mescolare 10 grammi di lievito in un litro d'acqua con 10 grammi di zucchero.
Distribuire piccole porzioni del rimedio in alcuni contenitori e collocarli nelle varie zone del giardino o della casa infestate dalle formiche.
Pepe; Questo ingrediente naturale presenta composti che repellono e mettono in fuga le formiche per impedire che invadano il giardino o la casa.
Cosa fare? Bicarbonato di sodio; Questa polvere bianca ha una potente azione repellente sulle formiche, impedendo che queste invadano il giardino.
Cosa fare? Cospargere il bicarbonato di sodio attorno le piante o nel corridoio di solito utilizzato dalle formiche.
Si può ottenere un effetto simile usando il sale oppure la cenere.
Infuso di assenzio; L'assenzio è una pianta amara molto sgradevole per le formiche.
Questo ingrediente naturale riesce a scacciarle e a mentenerle alla larga dalla nostra casa.
Cosa fare? Far bollire due litri d'acqua e aggiungere un pugno di foglie e radici di assenzio.
Lasciare riposare l'infuso per almeno 5 ore e poi spruzzarlo sulle piante o nelle aree della casa invase dalle formiche.
Acqua e limone; L'acidità del limone e la sua amarezza riescono a scacciare le formiche in quanto sono molto fastidiose per loro.
Tuttavia, si tratta di un rimedio con un effetto limitato nel tempo, pertanto, affinché sia efficace, deve essere applicato tutti i giorni.
Cosa fare? Spremere un limone in un bicchiere con dell'acqua e versarlo in un flacone con nebulizzatore.
Applicare il composto nel passaggio delle formiche e soprattutto nel luogo in cui si trova il formicaio.
Malore per Umberto Bossi, il 'senatùr' cade e batte la testa: ricoverato d'urgenza - Duration: 5:02.Malore per Umberto Bossi. Questo pomeriggio, poco prima delle 18.00, Bossi "è stato portato in elisoccorso al Pronto Soccorso dell'Ospedale di Circolo di Varese
Sono in corso gli accertamenti necessari ad individuare le cause del malore che lo ha colpito mentre era a casa", riferisce l'Asst Sette Laghi
Secondo le prime informazioni riportate da Varese News, l'ex leader del Carroccio sarebbe stato colpito da una ischemia
Fonti di via Bellerio invece parlano di una caduta in casa e avrebbe sbattuto la testa
Circa 14 anni fa il senatore era stato ricoverato in gravi condizioni per un ictus cerebrale
La riabilitazione a seguito di quell'ictus lo costrinse ad una lunghissima degenza in ospedale
Umberto Bossi è stato il fondatore del movimento politico Lega Nord per l'indipendenza della Padania (di cui è stato segretario federale fino al 5 aprile 2012)
Il 5 aprile del 2012, a seguito dello scandalo della distrazione di fondi del partito a favore della sua famiglia, ha rassegnato le dimissioni da segretario della Lega Nord, carica che aveva assunto nel 1989
Dopo questi fatti ha ricoperto un ruolo più marginale all'interno del partito, del quale rimane comunque Presidente a vita
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) La mattina dell'11 marzo 2004 è ricoverato in ospedale in gravi condizioni, colpito da un ictus cerebrale; le condizioni cliniche di Bossi destarono notevoli preoccupazioni fin dall'esordio (in urgenza fu portato nell'Ospedale Fondazione Macchi di Varese)
Le circostanze in cui si è verificato l'ictus sono, tutt'oggi, fonte di discussioni e varie congetture mai, peraltro, verificate
La riabilitazione lo ha costretto a una lunga degenza ospedaliera presso la clinica Hildebrand di Brissago, nel Canton Ticino in Svizzera tenuta per lungo tempo (ben 51 giorni) segreta e a una faticosa convalescenza, poi conseguentemente a una lunga interruzione dell'attività politica
Gli sono vicini la moglie Manuela e i figli, la segretaria del Sindacato Padano Rosy Mauro, l'allora Presidente della Provincia di Varese Marco Reguzzoni
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Nonostante le condizioni di salute (l'emiparesi, conseguenza dell'ictus, gli ha lasciato un braccio indebolito, difficoltà a camminare e parlare da cui non si è mai completamente ripreso) è candidato come capolista al Parlamento europeo alle elezioni di giugno, risultando eletto nelle due circoscrizioni del nord, con circa 285
000 voti. Per il seggio di Strasburgo ha lasciato la carica di deputato italiano. Lo si rivedrà solo il 19 settembre nella sua casa a Gemonio e tornerà in pubblico gradualmente prima partecipando il 28 febbraio 2005 nella sede della Lega in via Bellerio a Milano all'inaugurazione dell'asilo nido interno, poi il 6 marzo tiene il suo primo comizio dopo l'ictus nella casa dell'esilio di Carlo Cattaneo a Castagnola, quindi il 19 giugno 2005 è in uno dei tradizionali raduni di Pontida, ma solo dal 15 novembre ritornerà a far politica a Roma ripresentandosi al Senato
(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Nella primavera 2006, in occasione delle elezioni politiche, interviene personalmente a comizi e incontri pubblici a sostegno dei candidati leghisti al Parlamento e alle successive elezioni amministrative
Eletto deputato quale capolista della Lega Nord Padania-Movimento per l'Autonomia, rifiuta il posto per rimanere al Parlamento europeo
Nel 2008 viene rieletto alla Camera e si dimette dal Parlamento Europeo. Nominato ministro delle Riforme istituzionali nel governo Berlusconi IV, Bossi nel 2009 presenta la legge delega per la riforma del federalismo fiscale
Attrezzatura per Vlog: Gorillapod e Pixi tremate, arriva il treppiede da tavolo SwitchPod! - Duration: 15:03.-------------------------------------------
✅ Xuxa Meneghel posta vídeo surpreendente e fãs vão ao delírio - Duration: 2:07.Xuxa Meneghel compartilhou com os fãs, nesta quinta-feira, 14, um instante bem interessante
Celebrando o Valentine's Day, a Rainha dos Baixinhos recordou uma participação de seu atual companheiro, Junno Andrade em um de seus programas
Sem economizar romantismo, a loira se derreteu pelo músico na legenda, fazendo jus ao quanto aos longos suspiros que o astro arrancou dela, na época
Nas imagens, ela anuncia o cantor como atração de seu programa, o suficiente para a platéia ir ao delírio
Do instante em que o rapaz, no auge da juventude, na época, entra ao palco, a estrela não economiza adjetivos positivos para se referir à Junno
Respirando fundo, a celebridade diz em alto e bom som: "Agora vamos curtir o gatão, cabelão, meu Deus! Com vocês, Junno!"
Na legenda, a atual apresentadora do reality show da Record TV, fez uma comparação ao instante que viveram juntos lá atrás e tudo que estão desfrutando hoje em dia
"Nossos destinos foram traçados na maternidade. Feliz Valentine's day
Amo sua voz e esse corpinho que vem com tudo que eu amo mais e mais. mto mais", escreveu Xuxa
Sempre mantendo o bom humor e a descontração ao apresentar sua atração, Xuxa brincou com a vida amorosa do cantor, perguntando se ele estava solteiro, ou disponível
Sem demorar, Junno respondeu dizendo que estava solteiro e aberto a negociações
Quando questionado sobre se namoraria com uma fã, ele surpreendeu e arrancou boas gargalhadas do público, dizendo que faria de tudo, sem dúvidas, com uma admiradora
Em poucas horas, o vídeo acumulou milhares de curtidas e comentários bem engraçados, parabenizando o casal pelo relacionamento que vivem atualmente e desejando as felicidades para os pombinhos
5 tips to choose carbohydrate consumption intelligently | Natural Health - Duration: 6:59.5 tips
to choose carbohydrate consumption intelligently.
Carbohydrates are not bad, but some can be healthier than others.
Discover why carbohydrates are important for health and which ones should you choose.
The consumption of carbohydrates usually has a bad reputation, especially in regards to
weight gain.
However, not all carbohydrates are bad . Because of its countless health benefits, carbohydrates
have earned a place in your diet.
In fact, your body needs them to function properly.
However, the consumption of some carbohydrates may be more recommendable than others . In
this video, you will learn more about them and how to choose the healthiest ones.
Before understanding what a 'good' carbohydrate is and why we have to use it in our daily
diet without complexes we should be clear about exactly what a carbohydrate is and how
it behaves in our body.
Information about carbohydrates;
Carbohydrates should represent a high percentage in our diet, choosing the most healthy.
Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages.
Most of them are found in foods of vegetable origin , as in cereals.
Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates in the form of starch or sugar added to processed
Frequent sources of natural carbohydrates include:
Fruits; Vegetables;
Nuts; Cereals;
Seeds; Vegetables.
Types of carbohydrates;
There are three main types of representative carbohydrates in our diet:
Sugar: Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate and is found naturally in fruits, vegetables,
milk and dairy products.
Among them we find fructose (fruit sugar), sucrose (common sugar) and lactose (present
in milk).
It is a complex carbohydrate, which means that it is made up of many units of sugar
Starch is found naturally in products of vegetable origin, and its concentration will be higher
the less processed or cooked the food is.
Fiber is also a complex carbohydrate.
It is found naturally in fruits and plant products such as whole grains and seeds.
How many carbohydrates do we need?
According to a report by the World Health Organization , it is suggested that carbohydrates
should meet most of the energy needs and represent between 55% and 75% of daily intake.
On the other hand, simple sugars should constitute less than 10%.
Therefore, if you consume 2000 calories per day, you will have to consume between 900
and 1300 calories per day from carbohydrates . This means to 225 to 325 grams per day.
5 tips to choose the consumption of carbohydrates in an intelligent way;
The consumption of carbohydrates is essential for a healthy diet because it represents a
very healthy energy source . However, not all carbohydrates are made in the same way.
Here you will see how to incorporate healthy carbohydrates to a balanced diet in an appropriate
Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber;
Fruits and vegetables are foods with a high load of healthy sugars.
Look for whole, fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables without added sugar.
Other options are fruit juices and dehydrated fruits, which are concentrated sources of
natural sugar and, therefore, have more calories.
Whole fruits and vegetables also provide fiber and water, as well as essential vitamins and
All this will help you to feel more satisfied with fewer calories.
Choose whole grains;
Whole grains are better sources of fiber and other important nutrients , such as B vitamins,
than refined grains.
Refined cereals go through a process that eliminates certain parts of the grain, as
well as part of the nutrients and fiber.
Eat low-fat dairy products;
Dairy products are rich in healthy sugars such as lactose, in addition to calcium and
Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium and protein, in
addition to many other vitamins and minerals.
Consider consuming low-fat versions to limit calories and saturated fat.
And be careful with dairy products that have added sugar.
Eat more legumes;
Legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils, are among the most versatile and nutritious
foods available.
In general, they are low in fat and high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium , as
well as fats and beneficial fibers.
Legumes are a good source of protein and can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has
more saturated fat and cholesterol.
Limits the consumption of added sugar;
Soft drinks are very representative foods of added sugars.
The added sugar is probably not harmful in small amounts.
However, consuming commonly added sugar has no health benefit.
The healthy eating guidelines recommend limiting the consumption of added sugar to less than
10% of the calories you consume every day.
They are especially the sweets, the processed foods and the soft drinks the foods that more
added sugar contain . Therefore, it is necessary to reduce your consumption to low levels.
Finally, you should choose carbohydrate consumption with intelligence.
Limit the consumption of foods with added sugar and refined grains, such as sugary drinks,
desserts and sweets, which have many calories but are not very nutritious.
Instead, eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
PARAPAPAPA REMIX | Cidinho & Doca - Rap Das Armas, The Best Song of Tik Tok 2019 By Mrr Theara [TND] - Duration: 2:55.
El Barón | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo - Duration: and situations. It contains sex, violence,
and inappropriate or provocative dialogue.
Viewer discretion advised.
Hey, Nacho!
Your merch is ready now, man.
All 500 kilos?
Yes, man!
All of it.
I told you, Lieb.
These guys are the real deal.
100% Jamaican efficiency.
Do you need anything else?
No, nothing.
Well, I have one question.
Have the police been by here lately?
The police? Here? Never, man!
Don't worry.
Then here's a little gift for you.
All yours.
Spend it well.
Let's go, Lieb.
Thank you!
<i> While everything was going</i> <i> exactly our way,</i>
<i> others were paying</i> <i> a different price.</i>
The blood made you sick, huh?
Same thing used to happen to me.
Don't worry. You'll get used to it.
No, Darwin...
Don't worry. Drink some water.
Drink slowly.
I don't understand why she has to be so cruel.
Why are you still here then?
Because of my son, Sonny.
Because I'm a coward.
Because I'm scared, ------- it.
If you become that woman's enemy, you die.
There has to be a way to get away from her.
I don't know, doll.
Killing isn't enough for her.
She likes to show no mercy to satisfy her sick desires.
Mr. Darwin, help me please.
She loves you a lot. Maybe if you...
She loves me?
She doesn't love anyone but herself and her son.
My son.
I don't want him to end up a murderer like his mother.
I don't know what to do anymore.
This isn't the time to get lazy.
I want you all working.
Where's Judy?
I'm sorry, excuse me.
Get ready. We're going to Palm Beach.
Let's see what your friend Nacho and his family are hiding.
Should we take the war wagon? We could use it.
You're always on the ball, Rios.
Good job.
Get it ready.
You're coming with me.
What do we do with the patient?
You, come here.
Take care of him.
You know what to do with that ---.
Let's go.
Paisa, when I have all this money,
I'm going to open a bar and you'll be my VIP!
Hey, hey!
Guess what, guys?
What's up, my lady?
I found the perfect hiding spot for all this money
and then some.
Oh, yeah.
There's a huge garden back there.
The dirt is already dug up. No one will suspect anything.
Plus, it smells like everything.
Tomatoes, pine, grass...
Even if they send dogs, they'll never find anything.
That's amazing, my lady.
I'm just going to make a map of the exact location
so we don't have any problems.
You're just full of surprises, aren't you?
You know it.
<i> Everything eventually</i> <i> comes to light.</i>
<i> I learned that lesson</i> <i> the hard way</i>
<i> and it's the best advice</i> <i> I can give today.</i>
<i> We took longer trying to hide</i> <i> the coke from the Godmother</i>
<i> than it took her to find us</i>
<i> and see if we</i> <i> were backstabbing her.</i>
<i> Lieb and I</i> <i> couldn't sniff out the danger</i>
<i> because we were in the air</i> <i> with 500 kilos of blow</i>
<i> that we were taking straight</i> <i> home and into the lion's den.</i>
<i> If the Godmother</i> <i> discovered our lie,</i>
<i> we were all as good as dead.</i>
Great job, guys.
Now we just need to wait for Nacho.
Yeah, let's have everything ready
for when that plane arrives.
-You know, my lady? -Oh, yeah.
I just have to add some finishing touches on the map.
Do you think the plane will be able to land on that?
Of course it will.
Mr. Drake designed it.
Let's hope everything works out, Mr. Drake.
What is this?
Stop, stop.
It's over there.
You sure?
Yes, I'm positive.
I'm trying to figure out what Mark told me,
but I'm sure that's it.
You'd better hope so, Judy.
I'm tired of all these circles you've got us going in.
<i> It's the house on the right.</i>
<i> Get the fireworks ready.</i> <i> The party is about to begin.</i>
Yes, ma'am.
Where is he?
Holy ----! It's Griselda.
Come out!
Come out, -------!
You? Confront them? Are you crazy?
No way.
This is between us Colombians and that's how we'll fix it.
Just stay quiet.
I bet that lady...
This is no time for bets!
She's going to shoot you.
No, she's not.
Shut up!
We'll see, man.
It's so great to have you here.
We weren't expecting you.
I know you weren't, you idiot. That's the whole point.
Where's your boss?
Do you have another boss?
No, Nacho and Liebberman are doing a job in Orlando.
Yeah, Orlando.
What kind of job?
Wolf to Eagle, over.
Wolf to Eagle. Eagle, please.
------- it, Eagle! Nacho!
Ramiro, tell me something.
Do I look stupid to you?
No, ma'am.
Then stop acting stupid and tell me once and for all
what you were burying.
I think if we stick to this route,
we won't have any trouble with the radars.
<i> Wolf to Eagle.</i> <i> Eagle!</i>
<i> Eagle here.</i> <i> Everything is fine.</i>
Listen to me.
<i> The Godmother and her men</i> <i> are on the farm right now.</i>
Rios, do me a favor.
Search the entire house.
Hey, hey.
With all due respect, Godmother,
this isn't your house and I can't let you in.
Let's all calm down.
No one here wants a shoot out.
What was that?
-Are you giving me orders? -No.
Are you telling me what I need to do?
No, ma'am.
<i> Isa, we're going to be there</i> <i> in about ten minutes.</i>
<i> Is everything okay?</i>
You can't land here with that merch.
You can't.
Okay, let me think of something.
Isa, baby, it's very important that the Godmother
<i> not see that money, okay?</i>
I have to go.
Please, go anywhere else but here.
<i> We'll deal with her here.</i>
<i> Over and out.</i>
Baby, did you hear me?
<i> Isa, are you there?</i> <i> Over.</i>
I just don't think the people in Medellin
would like it if you kill the guys
moving their merch.
He's right.
You're welcome to come in and search whatever you want.
We're not hiding anything.
What the hell is going on here?
Now this is a surprise.
How are you?
Fine, honey.
How are you?
Better now. Happy to see you.
I was dying to visit you.
How sweet!
I also wanted to ask you something.
Listen... where are you guys getting the money
to buy half of Miami?
Are you talking about this place?
This isn't ours. No way.
What are you talking about?
No, not at all.
Then whose is it?
This is actually a very important favor we're doing
for the people in Medellin.
They transferred a very significant sum to Nacho,
which includes your commission,
so you can imagine how much we're on the hook for,
so we could buy these properties under...
Damn it, I'm so bad with names.
Under Mr. Lehder's name and a few other people.
I just can't remember their names.
So that's what we're doing around here.
That's right.
Why didn't I know that?
I can't help you there, Godmother.
I have no idea.
From what I heard from Nacho,
everything is being kept under wraps.
If you're starting to doubt us, though,
I recommend you talk to Lehder directly.
That's just what I'll do.
Godmother, I found something back here.
What's that?
A surprise?
Let's check it out.
Excuse me!
What the hell is that?
Just what we needed.
We're low on fuel.
We can't go back to Jamaica.
------- it!
You have no idea how much I despise that bitch, Lieb.
I'm going to kill her.
Cursing won't get us anywhere.
We need to think clearly.
Let's go to Biscayne Bay.
That'll be the answer to all our problems.
Look at what they were keeping from us.
Alright, kids.
Tell me something.
What are you using this radio for?
Godmother, I'm surprised.
You're dealing with very cautious people here.
We use that radio to communicate
with our Miami house.
We have another one just like this over there.
We need to be alert in these types of circumstances
Yes, ma'am.
It's a short-range radio.
You can try it if you'd like.
You're playing the Godmother dirty.
Listen up, ------------.
I've had it with your little gun.
Think you're tough? Think you've got -----?
Then shoot!
Kill me, you son of a bitch!
You can answer to Nacho and the people in Medellin,
you ------- -------!
Son of a bitch.
Oh, Godmother.
I don't know what else to tell you.
I'm doing everything I can for this relationship to work
and so you and I can be okay.
And then look...
I thought you and I were friends.
I don't like secrets, sweetie.
No one does.
Not at all.
You need to talk to your countrymen, though.
This isn't our problem.
We're just learning about this like you are.
Talk to them.
I will.
You can be sure about that.
And you're going to learn that you can't trust anyone
in this business.
Yes, ma'am.
What do you think, Judy?
I don't know.
We'd have to call Medellin to find out what's going on.
It seems like this hippie earned their trust, huh?
You can tell.
What's all this?
Let's take a look.
Elimi Bırakma 29. Bölüm 3. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:00.Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 29 Trailer
Hi all my friends, Elimi Drop 29 Part 2 trailer released. We made the 29th episode 3. fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Azmi left Serap halfway. To confuse the family, he directs Cenk. But the whole incident seems to remain on top of Feride's wife, I think. What do you think Cenk does if he finds out he's the mother of the buyer?
Azra and Cenk go to camp together, everything goes very nice for them. But the possibility of Cenk's death seems to spoil all these beauties. If Azra finds out about Cenk's disease, do you think he's gonna leave Cenk?
Do you think Cenk will know all the facts? Did she tell Azra about her condition? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising. New videos will come. Stay on track.
Betty en NY | Capítulo 7 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:40.
Betty, you left your phone...
Betty, what's wrong?
Sir, I...
I don't know. I'm sorry.
Betty, sweetie.
Good evening, ma'am.
Good evening. And you are?
This is Mr. Armando, president of V&M.
This is my boss.
-It's nice to meet you, sir. -Likewise.
Come inside.
No, really...
My husband will be happy to meet you.
No, ma'am. Thank you.
Betty left her cell in my car and I was just bringing it.
At least come in for some coffee.
Thank you, really, but I'm having dinner with my fiancée.
See you tomorrow, Betty. Excuse me.
-Good night. -See you.
Mom, don't. Please don't.
Shh... Calm down.
Calm down. Have you been crying?
What do you think?
Can I have a glass of pinot noir?
No, you know what?
Actually, I want an entire bottle of cabernet sauvignon.
My souls is black as a cabernet sauvignon, Marce.
What happened? Didn't you have a date?
You can't have a date with a rabid dog.
You said you had a date with a fabulous candidate.
Don't tell me this is about Ricardo.
No, and don't even say his name.
He's a rabid dog too. Worse, he's a stray.
Speaking of strays, look who's here with his bitch.
Oh, no. Marcela!
I'm telling you! They're all dogs!
Look who we've got here.
The queens of Manhattan in person.
Marce, Patricia, how...
Stay away from me. You might catch the flu.
You're right.
I thought you had a family engagement.
Who is this? Your daughter?
Cousin, actually. My cousin Lupita, right?
You asked for her ID, right?
She looks like your daughter, you cradle robber.
You could get sued for being a sexual predator, you know.
That's a big trend right now.
Fortunately she's doesn't know Spanish.
Why don't you join us? Armando should be here soon.
Thanks, Marce. That's very nice of you,
but she needs to be home by midnight.
Uncle's orders.
Good night, ladies. Enjoy.
Alright, I'm kinda tipsy. You wanna...?
Have a great time! Idiot!
-Marcela! He's a dog! -I told you!
Pull over! I'm done with you!
Pull over! Now!
Now! Thanks!
Don't call me again!
Never call me again! Who do you think I am?
No, no!
No, no!
Giova, you're a guardian angel! I'm so glad you're here!
What's wrong?
Those men were following me and looking at me.
Really? Hey, what's up?!
What's going on? What's the matter?
Thought you'd have fun with the helpless woman walking alone?
Well, her man's here to defend her!
I've got something for you.
You're acting tough because you're in a group!
Thought you'd have a field day, tough guys!
The cops!
Over here! They went over there.
Did you see how I drove them away?
Thanks. You're an angel.
Let's go.
So that Nacho guy really had a girlfriend.
Girlfriend, wife... who knows?
What I do know is that the girl was in on it too.
He just wanted to seduce me, marry me,
and get his green card.
He looked so sincere.
And I kept pushing you to accept his advances.
I was deceived by his appearance.
Don't worry.
I'm sorry, honey.
Let's not talk about him anymore.
-At all. -Not at all.
Don't tell Dad.
No, of course not! Don't even say it.
Julia! Betty!
Who was here?
Oh, God.
Hey, Julia, don't give me those pills again.
I've been sleeping all day and I could barely get out of bed.
Those are the ones the doctor gave you.
Betty, have you been crying? Your nose is red.
It must be my allergies.
I'll take my medicine soon.
What's going on here? I heard a man's voice.
It seemed like Betty was arguing with him.
Who was it?
It was just a delivery guy. I left my cell at the office.
My friends sent it with him.
Oh, well. I'm going back... to bed.
What the hell did you give me, woman?
The pills your doctor prescribed.
"The pills your doctor prescribed..."
Give me that.
Thanks, Giovas.
Don't worry, honey.
You see how important it is for me to drive you home every day?
This neighborhood is really dangerous.
You know that.
Heck, I should come pick you up every morning as well.
Sound good?
No, it doesn't.
Giovas, in the morning I take my son to school
and then I take the subway.
Besides, how do three people fit here?
I don't know. We'll figure something out.
I got it!
I'll pick up your son every morning and take him to school.
In the meantime, you can get all nice and pretty.
After, I'll swing by to pick you up for work.
My son on a motorcycle?
It's too dangerous. No.
He's ridden with me before and he loves it.
He thinks it's cool.
I said no. Forget it.
Giovas, thank you for tonight.
If you want to give me a ride from time to time,
that's great.
But I don't need a chauffeur, alright?
I love my freedom.
I appreciate everything you do for my son and me
but most of all, I appreciate your friendship.
Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow.
I'm a great friend.
I'll need to do something drastic
to get out of this damn friend zone.
I've realized a lot today.
Love isn't for me.
I'll never be able to...
have a family...
a husband...
or kids...
because I'm ugly...
and no one will love me for me.
The worst part is that my heart still has hope.
I don't want to give up on love.
I know what can save me. My job.
I can prove I'm good at what I do.
You did a really great job.
Thank you, really.
Thank you for being so efficient and loyal.
Thank you.
<i> After my dad, </i>
<i> Armando is the only man</i> <i> who's ever given me a chance</i>
<i> and who trusts me.</i>
<i> He needs me</i> <i> and I won't fail him.</i>
<i> Starting tonight,</i> <i> I'll be by his side</i>
<i>and support everything he does.</i>
<i> Always.</i>
Oh, no! My baby!
What have they done to you? Oh, no, no!
Are you alright? Did the bad men hurt you?
-Wilson! -Hey, you!
-Wilson! -Hey, I'm talking to you!
-Handle the cabs. -Hey!
I'm talking to you. Take this off my car now!
Don't wear yourself out.
It's not my fault you haven't paid the owner.
I know, but you can't kidnap my car just because!
Take this thing off.
Talk to the owner.
He's on a cruise in Alaska.
Oh, a cruise! Are you making fun of me?
You obviously don't know who I am!
Well, I'll tell you.
My father is good friends with the district attorney.
I have her number and I'm going to call her.
She'll put you in your place, you insolent fools!
You'll see! I'm calling her.
Attorney General! Here it is!
Attorney General.
Good morning, may I please speak...
You should pay your phone bill, babe.
Your mother! The only reason I got cut off
is because there's no reception in this piece of crap garage!
I'll fix this.
Hey, you with the flannel shirt.
Can I please use your cell?
I don't know, bro.
Betty doesn't know squat about fashion.
I wouldn't listen to her advice.
I don't.
She's just giving me the numbers.
I'm making the decisions.
I think getting poly cotton blends is the best choice.
So you say,
but I can imagine how dramatic Hugo will get
when he finds out.
Check this out.
We'll figure it out when it happens.
Right now, the important thing
is to reach our business plan goals
and save the company from a crisis.
No, Armando.
The important thing is to let Thompson win.
We need to close that deal today.
You suck.
Ines, I need my valerian tea.
I'm going to have a panic attack!
You've no idea. My heart...
I'm gonna have a panic attack.
Calm down, sweetie. Calm down or you'll get sick.
I can't. I can't.
I'm about to release my latest collection
with these fabrics...
Look at these fabrics! Look at them!
Not to mention that after a long list of failed affairs,
I'm finally reuniting with the person
who makes my heart want to jump out of my chest.
I have to grab it and put it back.
It happens all the time.
I won't deny I'm glad you're happy.
But like I've always told you,
in matters of the heart, it's best to be prudent.
Not when you've found...
perfection, magic, love...
It's love, Ines! Love!
Let's hope he feels the same way.
I wouldn't want to you to suffer another disappointment.
Smell that? Smell it.
Breathe in!
Love is in the air.
Love is in the air!
Guys, breathe in! Can you feel the love?
It's my love. My heart's jumping out and I have to grab it.
My tea.
You're my friend. I couldn't do that to you.
-But if you insist... -250 for the first one.
This is our second one.
There they are.
-Hey! -Armando!
Hey, Mr. Thompson.
Always a pleasure.
How are you? It's nice to see you again.
-Hey, Ricardo. -Hi, honey.
Thompson, remember me?
Of course, Ricardo. How are you?
Long time no see. Last time we saw each other
was at my dad's Thanksgiving dinner.
Yeah, I remember. We had a great time in the Hamptons.
Your mother and father are amazing people.
It's because of him I'm here.
I did business with him for years.
-I know. -I hope nothing changes.
Nothing will.
I've got big shoes to fill.
I wake up every day set on continuing his legacy.
If that's the case, we'll be doing business for a long time.
I just hope you can play golf as well as your father.
Armando's great. Right?
That's right.
What are we waiting for? Let's go see.
-Let's go. -Come on, guys.
Last time we played, Armando was not all there.
I can't find Mr. Armando! He's not answering.
Betty, don't be so intense. Your boss is a busy man.
Yes, but he always gives me a heads up
and he didn't come in this morning.
Besides, if he doesn't sign these checks right now,
we'll get fined. These are for the suppliers.
In that case, why don't you go to him?
I don't know where he is.
Oh, just you wait.
Mari, it's Aura. I need a favor. I need some top secret intel.
Where's Mr. Armando?
He's at the club? Thanks!
I owe you one. He's at the club.
A word of advice,
if you want to locate a man, stalk his social media.
You won't say anything about this.
-Okay... -He's at the club.
What club? Where is it?
No idea, but ask Giovas to take you on his motorcycle.
Sure... Oh, no!
Hi, Patricia.
You're so weird.
I've never ridden a motorcycle.
You don't need a Master's. Just hop on and hold on.
Oh, no!
I'm never riding a motorcycle again!
Don't be so dramatic. I went slow.
You know this club?
Of course I do.
I've seen pictures.
Oh, no.
Alright, go look around. I'll ask inside.
If you see Mr. Armando, call me.
Mr. Armando!
It's Betty!
Mr. Armando!
I'm coming!
How's everything looking?
I brought you the checks!
I have the checks!
I can see you're just like your father.
You're prudent, conventional.
What's this idiot doing here?
No idea.
I try to be as prudent as my father.
Always trying to keep things under control
and avoiding accidents.
Did Lady Gaga and Fiancé Christian Carino Split? Here's What We Know - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Disney Pixar Cars 2 & 3 Racers Grand Prix : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 10:40.Hello.
This time...
Cars 3 and Cars 2 racers The third time in the preliminary round of the Grand Prix.
The points earned up to the last time are as you can see.
So then, I will draw a lot.
The result of the third qualifying is here.
And here is the sum total of earned points from 1st to 3rd.
Who is the racer to advance into the final?
나함워십 월요찬양예배 #123 - Duration: 1:01:39.-------------------------------------------
Free Fire - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
Draw for the Davis Cup Finals - Duration: 0:36.Group A: France, Serbia, Japan Group B: Croatia, Spain, Russia Group C: Argentina, Germany, Chile Group D: Belgium, Australia, Colombia Group E: Britain, Kazakhstan, Netherlands Group F: United States, Italy, Canada The six group winners plus the two second-placed teams with the best records based on percentage of sets won (followed by games won), will qualify for the quarter-finals
(Reporting by Martyn Herman Editing by Toby Davis)
Slang feat. Patron - Suikast (Seri Katiller Volume 2) - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Andreea Marin, din nou pe mâna doctorilor! «Tendonul lui Ahile a cedat» - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Подборка интересных товаров и гаджетов с Aliexpress, которые вам пригодятся / гаджеты 2019 - Duration: 7:27.Hello!
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4712 ROUND LAKE - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
Warkop DKI bikin lucu, Warkop Geleng bikin geleng-geleng (wifi available coy) - Duration: 4:45.So if you have watched our next video
Oops I meant on our previous video
we already talked about the rice stall Marikena
We mentioned that we would go get a coffee afterward at Warkop Geleng.
According to Bintang, Warkop Geleng is like the local "Starbucks".
Coffee shop with the touch of local taste
The place is actually not far from the rice stall just now. You can walk from there.
This here is at Jamin Ginting Street, at the intersection with Parang I Street.
The location is at the corner, facing the Main Street.
It's a combination of two houses; the place is quite spacious and it is an open space.
Although the interior is quite old, but you'll be surprised because there's wifi here.
True, there's WiFi!
This is like the local community place where people come together just to hangout,
meeting friends or even doing business meeting here,
And usually this place is packed
Right now it's not but could be because it's lunch time so everyone looking to stuff their stomach with filling food first.
I heard that they sell breakfast in the morning.
Here, they are opened from 6AM to 12 AM.
It's run by a family.
Cause it's a family business, they have 3 shifts; each shift changes every six hours to make sure every single thing is handled by a member of the family.
This coffee shop has been around for 50 years
Named after the father who was called Geleng,
And this is the first coffee shop opened in the area of Padang Bulan
The first WarKop (coffee shop)?
Yes the first one here.
It's a legacy that has become family inheritance
It becomes a place where everybody comes just to talk about anything - literally anything
it's a must to talk business here.
In accordance with the changing era, they provide sterling stalls for people who want to sell foods.
They rent it out.
For example in the morning, there are people who sell pangsit, and at night there are people who sell mie goreng
Basically their drinks are halal but I'm not sure about the foods - it is up to the food seller.
What about the taste?
Generally, it has the standard taste of a coffee sold in any other Warkop
For me, it's too sweet.
Maybe it's because of the dense sweet creamer. It filled almost half the cup.
So for those who don't like sweet stuff, you may request them to put less creamer.
Or maybe just have them put it separately.
It's too complicated.
By the way, in the morning, they also sell a dessert called Pulut Srikaya (Glutinous rice with Srikaya) along with some traditional grilled toast.
So it's like a typical WarKop, then? They have grilled toast, and pudding.
According to my friends who mostly come here, their favourites are the Coffee Milk and Milk Tea.
It's too sweet for my preference.
I honestly like the place. First reason, it's not hot.
It's in open space and the tables aren't placed closely with each other.
It's not the stuffy type of WarKop.
But actually, they usually put more chairs at night because it was just too crowded.
So there is privacy - albeit a little.
When we talk about business, the people at the next table can't hear us.
Like those people, they're probably talking about business.
If you happen to be around in this area, then come and try this WarKop Geleng.
Z malé zubní ordinace vznikl byt plný funkčního designu - Duration: 2:22.Stomatologická ordinace se rozkládala na ploše 60 m2. Místo ní zde vznikl podle projektu od architektonického ateliéru + R Piuerre dvoupatrový byt
Navzdory velikosti prostor dobře funguje. Okna jsou ze tří stran a vysoké stropy umožnily vytvořit druhou úroveň, kde jsou umístěny kancelář a ložnice s šatnou
Mezi obývacím pokojem a kuchyňským koutem je situován uzavřený prostor, ve kterém jsou servisní prostory
Modrošedá barva na stěně opticky odlehčuje bílé schodiště z oceli. Nosná část schodů je skrytá, aby zachovala svou lehkost
Spodní část slouží zároveň k sezení. Konstrukce se pohybuje od teplých dřevěných prvků po zcela hladké, lesklé povrchy, které dávají prostoru hloubku a strukturu
Kuchyně byla vyrobena na zakázku. Je vybavena bílými skříněmi a žlutým pultem, který pokračuje dál jako lavička u jídelního stolu
Změna barvy u pultové desky zde zároveň pomáhá označovat různé funkce prostoru. Jedna strana ložnice má stěnu z polykarbonátových panelů
Přirozené světlo ze světlíků tak může prosvítat do kuchyně. Ve vstupní chodbě je řada horizontálních zrcadel, které pomáhají odrážet světlo a zároveň poskytují iluzi většího prostoru
Actualité TV - "Je vais me faire tuer" : Elodie Fontan lâche un dossier bien honteux sur Philippe L - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Disney Pixar Cars 2 & 3 Racers Grand Prix : 3rd preliminaries : TOMICA - Duration: 10:40.Hello.
This time...
Cars 3 and Cars 2 racers The third time in the preliminary round of the Grand Prix.
The points earned up to the last time are as you can see.
So then, I will draw a lot.
The result of the third qualifying is here.
And here is the sum total of earned points from 1st to 3rd.
Who is the racer to advance into the final?
YAĞIZ TOYZZSHOPTA OYUNCAK BAKTI DEV NERF SİLAHLARLA ATIŞ YAPTI Thomas and Friends Toy Trains! - Duration: 10:45.welcome
Meet the Painting Prodigy Who is Taking the Art World by Storm-------------------------------------------
FAM - Don't Do It Clem - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
DG2 by Diane Gilman WrinkleResistant Gabardine WideLeg T... - Duration: 13:16.-------------------------------------------
Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi ComfortPlusLine Navigator 120 PK | NAVI | CAMERA | DAB + - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Chuyên gia Nga thừa nhận xe tăng T-64BM Ukraine vượt trội T-72B3 - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
S.W.A.T. - It Ain't Worth It, Kid - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Tidying Up w/ Jean-Claude Van Damme & James Corden - Duration: 4:43.-------------------------------------------
Elimi Bırakma 29. Bölüm 3. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:00.Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 29 Trailer
Hi all my friends, Elimi Drop 29 Part 2 trailer released. We made the 29th episode 3. fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Azmi left Serap halfway. To confuse the family, he directs Cenk. But the whole incident seems to remain on top of Feride's wife, I think. What do you think Cenk does if he finds out he's the mother of the buyer?
Azra and Cenk go to camp together, everything goes very nice for them. But the possibility of Cenk's death seems to spoil all these beauties. If Azra finds out about Cenk's disease, do you think he's gonna leave Cenk?
Do you think Cenk will know all the facts? Did she tell Azra about her condition? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising. New videos will come. Stay on track.
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Wake Up | Little Red Car | Kindergarten Songs & Cartoons For Babies by Kids Channel kids videos - Duration: 1:01:38.Wake Up - Little Red Car
Ding Dong Bell | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Cartoon Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:22.♪ Ding dong bell ♪
♪ kitty's in the well ♪
♪ Who put her in ♪
♪ Little Johnny Flinn ♪
♪ Who pulled her out ♪
♪ Little Tommy Stout ♪
♪ What a naughty boy was that ♪
♪ To try to drown poor kitty cat ♪
♪ Who never did him any harm ♪
♪ But killed all the mice in the farmer's barn ♪
♪ Ding dong bell ♪
♪Kitty's in the well ♪
♪ Who put her in ♪
♪ Little Johnny Flinn ♪
♪ Who pulled her out ♪
♪ Little Tommy Stout ♪
♪ What a naughty boy was that ♪
♪ To try to drown poor kitty cat ♪
♪ Who never did him any harm ♪
♪ But killed all the mice in the farmer's barn ♪
★Teddy Moutinho★ Wonderful Summer Fashion Style | Gorgeous Fashion Model | InstaTop Fashion - Duration: 2:20.★Teddy Moutinho★ Wonderful Summer Fashion Style | Gorgeous Fashion Model | InstaTop Fashion
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Did Lady Gaga and Fiancé Christian Carino Split? Here's What We Know - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Dreaming Hyena - Duration: 4:32.
Look he's going to walk right past the car. Look.
Right in-front of us.
Look how Big he is.
The doors are still Locked?
Isn't it Cool?
Woah he's Massive.
Right by the car.
Royal Az - Avril Lavigne Reveals She's Still 'Super Close' with Ex-Husband Chad Kroeger: 'He's in M - Duration: 3:58.There's nothing "Complicated" about Avril Lavigne's relationship with ex-husband Chad Kroeger
In this week's issue of PEOPLE, the pop-rock star tells PEOPLE, "Chad and I are super close
" Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
Indeed, Lavigne, 34, collaborated with the Nickelback frontman, 44, on her new album Head Above Water, with Kroeger helping cowrite the empowerment anthem "Warrior
" The song — like many on Lavigne's new record — is inspired by her debilitating battle with Lyme disease
"I'm really grateful to have had someone like him in my life who cared while I was getting back up on my feet," Lavigne says of working with her ex amid her health crisis
Lavigne and Kroeger split in 2015 after two years, but there are no hard feelings between the pair
"He took me under his wing, he got me in the studio, he recorded me, he was very encouraging
He helped me with some of the songs that I wrote, because he's such a good songwriter — I'd be stuck on a lyric or stuck on a part, and he'd help me finish a song if I couldn't and he would record it," Lavigne says
"He's just always been a cheerleader of mine and always been such a huge fan. He's in my corner, he's on my side, and he's always been really great," she adds
This isn't the first time Lavigne has stayed friendly with an ex following a divorce
She and her first husband, Sum 41 rocker Deryck Whibley, split in 2009 after three years together
But they went on to team up for her 2011 album Goodbye Lullaby, on which Whibley is credited as a producer and engineer
Lavigne began writing songs for Head Above Water, her sixth album and first since 2013, during her devastating battle with Lyme disease
The singer says she was bedridden for two years as she treated the disease with antibiotics and herbs
And she leaned on family, her faith and songwriting in her darkest moments. "Music really lifted me up and made me feel better," she says
"At first I didn't know I was making an album — I just naturally turned to songwriting in a time of healing
" Today, Lavigne — who has been linked to Phillip Sarofim since last April — is still managing her disease but is happy and healthier
"I'm in a good place," she says. "It's important to live your life to the fullest every day
" Lavigne's sixth album, Head Above Water, will be released Friday. For more on Lavigne's life now, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday
✨Как драгоценные камни буду оберегать вас в этом году. Талисманы 2019 года. Алена Никольская✨ - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
Why the Jets are the only choice to star in 'Hard Knocks,' regardless of the rules - Duration: 6:46.Because of NFL rules, the Jets are not eligible to be on this season of HBO's Hard Knocks: Training Camp with Whatever Poor Team the NFL Forces to Participate
New York has a first-year coach, and teams with first-year coaches get an exemption
This makes me sad because the 2019 Jets could have produced the greatest season of all-time
And It has nothing to do with any of the players. Sam Darnold is fine, I guess. Jamal Adams seems like a genuinely interesting dude
I'm sure there's some reserve player with a quirky personality who would steal America's heart
Whatever. No, the reason I want Jets training camp infiltrated with as many cameras as possible is the coaching staff
It's … insane. Let's start with the head coach. It's Adam Gase. you ok there adam gase pic — Jordan Heck (@JordanHeckFF) January 14, 2019 Yeah, the guy with eyes
Gase isn't known for getting along with players — just about every Dolphins player was in his doghouse during his three seasons in Miami — which could lead to some interesting scenes interactions
But I'm really not that interested in Gase, either. I'm more interested in the assistants he's hired
At the top of the list is defensive coordinator Gregg Williams, who was on last year's Hard Knocks with the Browns and somehow turned out to be even crazier than we thought
Best line from Gregg Williams. 😂 #thecleanse #HardKnocksHBO — Hakem Dermish (@hakemdermish) August 8, 2018 I mean, c'mon
I need more of that guy. And guess what? Old Gregg is bringing along his son, Blake
Apparently, Gase was reluctant to add Blake to the staff and there's a good reason for that
Via Deadspin: The younger Williams apparently screamed at a prospect in a scouting-combine interview during his tenure with St
Louis, and he was known to sit in seats reserved for senior staff members while on the bus
Sounds like a chip off the old deranged block. It gets better. Gase brought in his father-in-law Joe Vitt to work under Williams as outside linebackers coach
Yes, that's the same Joe Vitt who called Williams a "liar" during the NFL's "Bountygate" hearings and said this of his former, and now current, co-worker
Via Jets Wire: "The first time we brought Gregg Williams, we said, 'Jesus Christ, this guy is nuts
' You know, I mean, talking about himself, talking about his accomplishments, talking about his money, talking about how he should — you know, the guy had a pretty bad track record in being a pretty good defensive coordinator
"He's got this insatiable desire to talk about himself," Vitt continued. "He's got this insatiable desire to talk about how good he is and his family is
And in the course of all of the bulls—- stories, you've got to work your way through it, you've got to — you know, you've got to try to get the meat and the potatoes of what's true and not true
But after a while, that just gets to you. It just gets to you." YEEEEESSSSSSS. I feel bad for Adam Gase's wife, who will undoubtedly be caught in the middle of the Williams-Vitt drama that is sure to follow
That's a lie. I don't feel bad at all. I am actively rooting for this to happen. There's no way this doesn't end in some "loser leaves town" tag-team match with Gase and Vitt on one side and the Williams Boys on the other
If there isn't a fist fight at the Jets facility between now and whenever the team eventually breaks up this combustible staff, I'd be shocked
Sometimes, nepotism is good. We're not done. The team also brought in the immortal Jim Bob Cooter to coach the running backs
We as a country need more Jim Bob Cooter in our lives — if only so we can continue to say Jim Bob Cooter
Jim Bob Cooter. JIM BOB COOTER. JIM BOB COOTER. I'd call Jim Bob Cooter is the normal one in this group, but um… Via the Detroit Free Press: James "Jim Bob" Cooter, now 31, was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary in 2009 and with drunken-driving in 2006, according to previous reports from the Associated Press and The Tennessean
In June 27, 2009, a woman said he climbed through an apartment window, stripped down to his underwear and got into bed with her, the AP reported July 2, 2009
Knoxville police spokesman Darrell DeBusk said at the time that there was no indication Cooter knew the woman
So, yeah, Jim Bob Cooter fits right in. Gase should just lean into this crazy coaching staff thing
Bring in all of the crazy coaches. A sweaty Jim Tomsula yelling at nobody in particular
Tom Cable punching assistants. Joey Porter antagonizing opponents. Mike Singletary taking off his pants to prove a point
Bring in both Rex and Rob Ryan to feud with Williams & Son. I want them all. Alas
The NFL isn't going to bend its rules just to appease fans of good television, so we'll likely have to settle for Jon Gruden's Raiders on Hard Knocks
That isn't a bad consolation, I suppose, but the Jets would be so much better. Jim Bob Cooter
Gallery Every player John Elway has signed in his flailing effort to find a quarterback view 12 images More NFL!Danica Patrick shares delightfully goofy photo with Aaron Rodgers for Valentine's DayThis crazy idea for NFL relegation to the AAF or XFL is actually brilliantThe real mistake made by the store owner who lost his business after banning Nike / Kaepernick
White police officer who shot Laquan McDonald beaten up in his cell - Duration: 7:58.The wife of the white cop who killed Laquan McDonald sobbed on Thursday at a press conference she arranged to speak about him being attacked in his prison cell last week and tell of her fears for his safety
Jason Van Dyke is currently serving a six year and nine month sentence for shooting Laquan 16 times in 2014 in Chicago
The teenager was unarmed when Van Dyke, 40, opened fire on him while he walked away from him
He was convicted of second degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery after a highly publicized trial and was sentenced to just six years and nine months behind bars, a sentence which enraged many
On February 5, On February 5, Dyke was transferred from a prison in Illinois, where he was being held in isolation, to the Danbury Federal Prison in Connecticut
It is not clear why he was transferred but within four hours, he was attacked in his cell by a handful of other inmates who punched and kicked him
Scroll down for video Lawyers for the cop say his injuries were not serious and that no weapons were used
When he spoke to his legal team, he said he had been 'jumped', can reveal
On Thursday, his tearful wife Tiffany however said she feared for his life and that she had been through enough
Demanding that he protected more closely, she wept: 'I have had this pit in the bottom of my stomach since they've taken my husband away that something was going to happen to him
That somebody is going to hurt him. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Two persons of interest identified in Jussie Smollett hate
Revealed: Justice Department officials held meetings about. Share this article Share 'There is still the potential that someone is going to really harm him,' she said
'This is a race issue, this is a gigantic race issue. 'They put my husband in a setting to be harmed because of the fact that he was a white man who harmed a black gentleman in the line of duty
'I don't need people to go into his cell and attack him. The next time this could happen they could kill him
'I cannot bury my husband,' she sobbed. On Tuesday, Van Dyke told his lawyers about the incident for the first time while they spoke on the phone
The next day, his wife says their legal team received an anonymous call from someone who works in the prison saying they feared for his safety
The family is now appealing to prison officials to ensure he is placed back in isolation in a safe facility
As of Thursday morning, it was unclear where the former cop was being held. 'We are all petrified and in fear for Jason's life
Jason just wants to serve his sentence. 'He does not want any trouble. I hope prison officials will take steps to rectify this right away
'He never should have been in the general population,' Van Dyke's wife Tiffany told The Chicago Sun Times on Thursday
Van Dyke's lawyers say they did not know that he had been moved until several days after it happened
It remains unclear if the phone call on Tuesday was his first contact with them since the transfer or if they had spoken before
Van Dyke was sentenced to six years and nine months imprisonment on a second degree murder charge on January 28 this year
He was also convicted on 16 aggravated battery charges but the judge only sentenced him for the murder charge
Under those sentencing guidelines, he will only have to complete half of his sentence - a little over three years - before he is released
The case was among a series of police shootings which caused uproar across the country because the victim in each scenario was black and unarmed
Van Dyke's trial was highly publicized and his sentence sparked fury when it was handed down in January, with many calling for him to spend the rest of his life behind bars
The Department of Corrections did not answer questions about the beating on Thursday when contacted by DailyMail
com and Van Dyke's lawyer did not immediately respond. Tiffany Van Dyke was scheduled to hold a press conference at some stage in the morning
Новости Марий Эл. Судебные приставы Марий Эл. Служебный подлог - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
Kim Chui @ Peninkakasisit Festival 2019 - Duration: 0:13.PENINKAKASISIT FESTIVAL 2019
[ENG] Tatsuki Machida - Retirement Documentary (2.2.2019) - Duration: 22:36.Next up is Daytime Watcher
Called 'the philosopher on ice', this person has taken a new step forward
A top-class athlete has started his second life
He no longer puts on his skates
Tatsuki Machida got off the ice and changed his career to become a researcher
- It is not hard to imagine that the power that produces the products of this industry
- will soon reach a saturation in the near future
- when the rear linkage supposed to support practitioners is weak (t/n: I still have no idea what his speech was about tbh xD)
The saturation of production, like 'the dawn of Gaia' (t/n: a JP series)
And yet, you can see his female fans at the venue
That's definitely the power of figure skating
His first retirement was 4 years ago
He retired from competitive skating
As a pro skater, Machida once again captivated the audience with his original personal world view
It was a big success as a business
However, Machida also turned away from that steadiness
Last October, he also retired as a pro skater
Why did he do that?
The answer is hidden in his retirement performance
Machida who tried to open a new chapter in Japanese (skating)'s previous generation
The grand attempt was captured on camera
Authentic as it is, this will be Machida's last documentary
The drama hidden there, you haven't known about it yet
The 28-year-old man, his decisive career change
It might be a common thing in society, but in his case, his status is too big
He's an Olympian, a World Silver medalist, and is also very popular as a performer at ice shows
And yet, Tatsuki Machida decided that he would stop figure skating
Two days before his retirement performance
The preparation starts from now
How will he finish his final performance?
First of all, he heads to the audience seat
He looks over the rink from there
He imagines with his own view and fine-tunes the performance
Next is lighting
There are many skaters who leave it to the lighting professionals, but Machida is different
He interferes with the smallest details
- Well, please bring in the right one for 7 seconds starting at 31
- Bring it back a bit more, a bit more
- There, right there!!
- Please make that biggest spot fade out after 5 seconds
When he noticed it, it was already 3am
It has always been like this
He produces the show by himself, that is Machida's style
However, this will also become the last time for such work
- I don't feel any lingering attachment, I really don't
- Anyway, my duty...
- I'm aiming to become a researcher
- After all, I must settle down with a career in general
- And the moment for that has come
Come to think of it
His retirement from competition was also unexpected
He competed at Sochi Olympics after a selection competition full of strong rivals
and took 5th place
At the World Championships after that, he threatened Yuzuru Hanyu and got the silver medal
(Japanese Nationals 2014) However
- Although this is sudden, I would like to inform everyone
- At this Japanese National Championships
- I've decided today that I will retire from competitive skating
He retired at the age of 24 at the peak of his career
After that, ice shows became his stage
He loves figure skating till the end
That's exactly why...
- I've always had the motto that figure skating is a complete work of art
- so I've been trying to offer a new possibility to express figure skating until now
And at last, he also says farewell to shows
That stage is Carnival on Ice
Machida, he doesn't let it end so easily
We expected it, but when we asked about his program's content, we couldn't believe our ears
It is 9 minutes and 35 seconds
It's unbelievably long, more than 3 times the length of a typical program
For example, it's equivalent to a single pitcher making 27 throws in baseball
Taking the physical burden into account, it's definitely hard to choreograph and to memorize
Machida named the whole program "The Human Condition"
- For other programs, I'd bring them to stage after they have been perfected
- but (this last program) "Adagietto" is the only one that I haven't had a truly satisfying performance yet
One day before the performance
Actually, he hasn't been able to do a complete run-through yet
At 9pm when other skaters have left
He remained at the venue and continued practicing
This is the last one
Fans are coming to see the culmination of Machida's hard work
He can't show them a graceless performance
He ended up stopping in the middle of a spin
For a normal people, the last work before a career change
it naturally becomes their messages for what they leave behind
What did Tatsuki Machida the skater want to leave behind on the ice?
- In 'La condition humaine:Mahler, Adagietto', what I want to express is the human's dignity that
- despite the conditions of one's life and the despair that befalls them, one will take a step forward with their will
Machida who is particular even about the camera angle in his broadcasted show
In the close coverage of previous events, he has been giving out instructions that outshone the director
- Go back 15 seconds
- When they go up with a lunge, you can see their faces like just now
- When they are back down on the ground and go like this, change it again and...
However, this time...
- I ended up using quite a lot of physical strength the past 2 days, so I want to rest a bit
Saving his stamina
(30 minutes later) Or so we thought
- Ah, wait a little bit
- Go back 15 seconds
- Bring it in 1 second early is fine, but...
- Ah, this outside angle is good too, this overhead view too
- But I want you to take it from the basic lateral one
- Going from the corner for a moment at the beginning
- Until the stopping scene of this moment
- They come together like this
- Pull away a bit...
- I put my hand into my mouth in this moment
- so a bust shot (should be good)
- The footage will remain forever, so he work on it carefully
As he's come this far, he wants to be allowed to say...
His last performance will become a great one
"The Human Condition" is a story partly based on his skating career
He wasn't popular at the beginning
He also experienced failures and times of little progress
What he learned from figure skating is not that he must not fall down
but the attitude that he will stand up after falling
(In 4th grade, he moved to Hiroshima, where there are no year-round rinks, for his father's job transfer)
In high school, he commuted to school by the bullet train so that he could train
He also directly experienced the harshness of his training environment
- In my competitive years, especially my junior days
- I hardly got any results for a long time
- I thought about quitting many times during high school
Despite knowing that, did he not do anything?
He reached the answer to that question: to be a researcher
For the future of his beloved figure skating
- The decline of skating rinks, the decreasing number of skaters
- The average age of skaters is also reducing
- For example, there are many female skaters who are troubled with eating disorders
- and there are also a lot of male skaters who overtrain quads and sustain serious injuries
- Because of that, there are many skaters who ends up having no choice but to drop out of competition
- This sports has a lot of problems like that
He takes care of both (careers) and doesn't want to take any of them lightly
That's why he retires
He will no longer return to the rink
- I feel really sad after all...
- I wanted him to continue skating
- I think the things he wanted to do have been finished, I'll always support him
- When I think that this is the last time....
His senior of the same high school and the same university
Daisuke Takahashi returned to competition at the age of 32
Their roads are different, but we think that they feel the same way
They both love figure skating
That's exactly why....
He continued to practice on the day of the show
but couldn't finish it and decided to perform the 9-minute without rehearsal instead
(Japan Open) However, there was one more task he had to do before that
There was a competition on the same day
He performed as a guest there
and showcased a new program of 5 minutes and 20 seconds
Unexpectedly, two performances on the same day of his retirement because of the schedule
Firstly, a standing ovation
His retiring performance is after this
Taking a peek at the waiting room, we can see his exhausted figure
- Before I skate, my calf was a little bit...
(Trainer: Which one?) - Both
- I was worried that they would be tight
(Trainer: You have a hunch that they'd become like that during the performance?)
- When I was at the bottom of the stairs (before the performance)
(Trainer: At that time?) - But they were okay though
(Trainer: Should I loosen them a bit more just to be sure?)
Even he himself didn't know whether his body could hang on or not
An unprecedented attempt
About this unofficial 9-minute performance, his trainer said
- Well, his fatigue will set in gradually
- It's about how he distributes that and how he recovers from it, so...
- From a technical point of view, I feel that there's a chance that it won't go well
To complete his skate, to performance
He waits for the showtime thinking only about those things
And so, Carnival on Ice started
The performing skaters warm up their bodies in their own ways
Among them
Machida checks his choreography while letting the music play
He ends his performance in the narrow corridor after 9 minutes and 35 seconds
This is also the last time he uses makeup
From tomorrow, he will put on a different face as a researcher
We agreed to not exchange words before the performance
25 years since he first started skating when he was three
Facing the last moment
When this performance ends, Tatsuki Machida the skater will no longer exist
"The Human Condition"
The message that Machida leaves for other fellow active skaters
He dares to put 5 planned jumps in the second half of the performance
4 minutes 30 seconds into the performance
The first jump, using his tired legs
A serious fall
However, after this, a touching finale awaits
Tatsuki Machida, the last performance of his skating career
The first jump was at 4 minutes 30 seconds into the performance
A serious fall
But he stood up right away
'If you trip, stand back up'
That's the 'human condition'
Tatsuki Machida's skating career
He never stopped moving forward despite hardships and now has come this far
And at last
The last jump of his career
What he wanted to show isn't technique
To live
To survive
He wanted to express that dignity
Challenging the things that he might not be able to do
Tatsuki Machida completed his performance of "The Human Condition"
Once in a life time
The program that was made specially for this day
From now, he will throw away the high income of a show skater and become a modest researcher
His regret showed through
(The last jump of your career...)
- Well... it's exactly that kind of program
- But truly...coming resolution was that
- no matter how close I would be to falling flat
- even if I made a serious mistake and were about to break my leg bone
- I would go on till the end
- It feels like I've kept going just for that resolution
His retiring ceremony in which fellow skaters and a huge crowd saw him off
- It's exactly because many skaters around the world are delivering fantastic performances
- including the skaters here today
- that figure skating is truly thriving right now
- He is really fighting
- Therefore, please support and cheer for him
- And also, to create a figure skating culture, rather than a skating boom
- I hope that it will change from now on with everyone's strength
3 months since then
Changing from skating boots to leather shoes
Tatsuki Machida still continues to think about figure skating even now
- I've been working till now as both a skater and a researcher
- I think that life is a creative activity
- Well...I want to freshly create something from now on
- My passion doesn't change
- I think it requires so much courage to take a different path
- we can feel that he has no hesitation about it, right?
- To me it was not a different path
- Although he's a figure skating researcher, or you can call him a reformer
- he wants to raise some questions, such zeal and sincerity really show
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