Are you a new DM feeling maybe just a little bit overwhelmed by all the rules?
Or perhaps you've DM'd previous editions but are new to 5th edition and want to know
which rules to start learning first?
In this video, I'm going to give you a prioritized list of the most important rules you should
learn first.
Hey, Luke Hart here and I've been a dungeon master since high school, and I create weekly
D&D videos with information and resources to help dungeon masters run awesome games.
Okay, here's the deal.
Reading, memorizing, and then applying all these rules can be intimidating as crap.
So, if you're new to DM'ing or just new to 5th edition, where do you even start?
What I'm going to do is give you a list of the top 10 rules you should focus on learning
first from the 3 core rule books.
And I'm going to put them roughly in order of what I consider to be the most important
to the least.
Now, these will be broad categories of rules, so it will require some reading and whatnot.
And, I should mention that this is my personal take on the topic, mostly based on which rules
I've used the most and have come up most often in my games.
So if you have thoughts about which rules are most important, please let us know.
There's probably important stuff I've left out.
Oh, and as always, remember to stay tuned to the end of the video for a special DM Bonus
Now, before I jump into the list, I just want to mention one tiny thing.
A dungeon master should learn and be familiar with the rules.
I mean, I don't know, call me crazy, but it seems to me that if you're going to be running
the game, you should probably have a decent idea of what the rules are.
That's not to say you need to have them all memorized.
And, there are whole segments of rules that almost never come up, so they're not worth
bothering over.
However, a dungeon master should strive to learn enough to run a fun and satisfying game
for their players.
Now, I don't believe that one person can learn and know all the rules – though I'm
sure there are some rare specimens that can.
And I'm certainly not one of them.
Furthermore, the more you run D&D, the more engrained in your brain the rules will become,
So, I wouldn't let a lack of knowledge stop you from running the game.
Just make sure you're doing your best to get up to speed.
Now, I bring this up mostly because I've heard other content creators perpetuate the
belief that a DM DOESN'T need to know the rules.
Sometimes they even almost BOAST about not knowing the rules.
That line of thinking is erroneous.
A DM not having a sufficient understanding of the rules is a big mistake for various
reasons that are probably beyond the scope of this video.
And sufficient is the key descriptor there.
Don't go crazy; know just enough.
Anyway, travel the path of not learning the rules at your own risk.
Okay, now let's jump into our list of rules, shall we?
The first thing a DM should focus on learning are the rules around ability scores and ability
This is chapter 7 in the player handbook.
The reason this makes number 1 on the list is that ability checks come up ALL THE TIME
in the game.
It doesn't matter if you're in an exploration scene, a social interaction, or combat – you're
going to be using ability checks.
You know, things like Persuasion, and Stealth, and Athletics checks.
As a corollary to that, also check out Using Ability Scores in the Dungeon Master Guide
on page 237.
There it goes more in-depth for the DM and explains the Advantage – Disadvantage system
in 5th edition.
And advantage and disadvantage come up all the time during game play.
Number two is combat, chapter 9 in the player handbook.
Come on folks, this is Dungeons & Dragons, which is basically a wargame where players
control characters instead of armies.
So, yeah, you're more than likely going to use combat rules a whole lot.
Now, I don't want to get into a big debate about D&D being a role-playing game and a
story-telling game…
Because I agree that it is.
You are role-playing a character trained to a large extent in the combat arts.
And through the course of gameplay a story is told that almost always involves combat
of some sort.
And if there's any doubt, let's look at the D&D character sheet.
90% of it contains stats that are really only used during combat.
So, yeah, learning the combat rules is number 2 on our list.
And I totally get that some groups rarely have combat in their games, but I consider
those outliers.
They are few and far between.
Number 3 is learning the equipment rules in chapter 5 of the player handbook.
In particular pay attention to the weapons and armor rules.
The other items don't tend to come up quite so often during gameplay, so you can look
those up when needed.
And number 4 on our list is the Spellcasting rules, chapter 10 in the player handbook.
D&D is a game that heavily features magic, unless of course you plan on running a low-magic
But most of the time, the spellcasting rules come up quite a bit during gameplay – so
best learn them.
Now, please note, this DOESN'T include learning what all the spells do.
Because there are a lot of spells.
I will actually address how I handle learning all the spells in my bonus tip at the end
of the video.
And moving on, folks, we have number 5, character creation rules.
So, this is actually chapters 1 through 4 in the player handbook, so that's a LOT
of stuff.
Now, some people will tell you that it's the players' job to understand how their
own characters work.
And I agree to a certain extent.
However, the DM needs to have a clue in this area.
Because your players will often ask you for help with their characters.
This might be during character creation or during gameplay, but they'll look to you
for guidance.
And another note, some players are better than others at remembering how things work,
so they might need reminding.
AND, some players have a tendency to "misremember" how their abilities work, making them drastically
more powerful than they actually are.
Unless the DM is there to gently correct them.
Yes, just in case you're wondering, I have certain players that "misremember" their
PC's abilities with great frequency.
As a quick tip, feel free to allow your players to use pre-generated characters if they are
new to 5th edition.
Character creation is the most challenging and confusing parts of the game for new players,
I feel.
Oh, and real quick, I want to give a shoutout to Son of a Sofa Man, one of my patrons over
on Patreon.
Thanks dude for joining with me on this video creation journey!
Number 6 is the introduction to the Monster Manual, which starts on page 4.
Now, I'm not talking about reading all the monster entries – though you will need to
learn about individual monsters you use in your games.
In addition to containing rules we'd expect there – such as monster sizes, types and
hit dice, the introduction contains some VERY important
rules that are not found elsewhere in the rule books.
Even though you'd think they should be.
For instance, rules on blindsight, truesight, and telepathy are squirreled away there.
It almost feels like Wizards of the Coast was trying to hide them from us.
Well, Jeremy, Mike, is that true?
Anyway, since I don't really expect an answer, number 7 is the Creating Adventures rules.
You'll find them in chapter 3 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
In particular, I'd pay attention to the Creating Encounters section on page 81.
If you create your own homebrew adventures, these rules are moderately important.
Of course, if you run modules, then you can pretty much skip this.
And by the way, I'm more and more beginning to LOVE modules for a variety of reasons.
Number 8 is Treasure in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
Uh, yeah, so it's D&D.
What the heck is D&D if there isn't sweet sweet loot involved?
So, yeah, take a look at these rules.
Just bare in mind that you'll mostly use them outside of gameplay when you're preparing
your game.
So, you'll usually have plenty of time to reference them.
Number 9 is Creating Nonplayer Characters in chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
Now, NPCs are actually super super important in D&D.
I just don't know how useful I find the rules in the 5th edition DMG to be.
I mean they help sure, but I don't NEED them to create an awesome memorable NPC for
my players.
So, just because I rank the rules low on the list doesn't mean I think good NPCs aren't
And finally, number 10 is the Running the Game rules in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master
There is a lot of useful stuff in there that you'll certainly want to check out.
I think an argument could be made that this section should have been ranked higher on
the list.
However, I feel like these rules are rather broad and lack depth to a certain extent.
But definitely on the list and definitely worth reading and learning.
By the way, if you're finding my videos helpful, feel free to check out my Patreon
Not only do my patrons have the opportunity to join me on my creative endeavors, but they
also get lots of exclusive perks.
Link down below.
And now it's time for the DM bonus tip!
Let's talk about learning all the spells, because yeah, that's a lot of stuff.
Instead of reading through them all in detail or especially trying to memorize them,
What I do is just try to remember the main ideas of what the multitude of spells do.
And even then I'm not super successful at it.
See, specifics can be looked up when someone actually casts a spell.
Now what I do to try to get a basic understanding of the spells is just read over a few spells
ever so often when I'm bored or otherwise indisposed.
But the most productive moments of learning spells is when I'm preparing to run an enemy
Then I read their spells over very carefully and decided which ones I'm most likely to
use in a combat and why.
Finally, spells are really going to stick in your mind when players start casting them
and you need to resolve them at the table.
Look a spell up at the table and resolving it really helps them to stick in your brain
the best.
Now, if you want to learn more about dungeon mastering, I recommend you check out my Dungeon
Mastering 101 playlist here.
As always, if you have any questions about dungeon mastering, please let me know.
I'm always happy to help.
Smash that like button if you found this video helpful, click down here to subscribe, and
click over here to watch another fine video.
And until next time…
Let's play D&D! [weird, high-pitched voice] Let's play D&D.
For more infomation >> Most Important D&D 5e Rules for Dungeon Masters - Duration: 10:33.-------------------------------------------
Le Moment Curieux et la pierre fondue chez les Incas - debunk - Duration: 9:47.
【Cover/翻唱】░ ▌恋は戦争/戀愛戰爭 ▌░ (中文填詞/Chinese Cover) - Duration: 3:56.
Ah... there have nowhere can go.
This energy of love
almost bursting
Grey cloud
with some single tone of noise
sunlight can create shadows
sunset can change the color of sky
Ah... if the world gonna be destroyed
Even so
My love of you still keep unwavering
I already knew...
But what should I choose the correct...
How can I choose...
What should i do?
It's stupid....
I'm gonna...
Ignite the fire of war
The war gonna begin!
Look at you still completely unaware of this
and still just standing there
That helpless love
Already become a sin
I will let you see more clearly
My love for you!
that was try to use to shout
The loudspeaker has been
used to broken...
no matter how hard I try
I still completely can't
Let your eyes keeping look at me...
Ah...what time is begin?
Sky turn into the blue
Completely inconsistent with the mood!
This mind...
almost unable let it stop!
How can I choose...
What should i do?
Weeping that kind of thing
I'm not have plan to do that
I'm the one like you the most...
I'm gonna to start the fighting.
The goal is your heart!
I don't have too much choice
So just throw all my gunpowder!
Let you more clearly to see
my gorgeous proud's skirt
Will you let your sight
Focused on me!
Be prepared start the second fight!
The battle is still bad for us.
What should i do now?
Love is
can't be blind to see!
Just use your kiss
Let me waking up from here!
thanks for watching♥~(´∀`*) -@AliceDemon929
Marcelo elogia la Juve e parla di Ronaldo: 'un club spettacolare' - Duration: 3:21.
L'asse Merkel-Macron si allarga a Sanchez. E l'Italia rimane isolata - Duration: 5:31.
The Loveliest and Sexiest Accents in the World - Duration: 4:24.
Hi, this is Lize from MosaLingua. What's the sexiest accent ever?
Is there a language that sounds more attractive than others?
This is not an unusual question, and I bet you have your own answer to it.
Although there are quite a few rankings published online, every single one of them is based on opinions
or data gathered in a single country. So, taking advantage of the fact that our
team comprises people from 14 different nationalities, I asked this question to
my colleagues here at MosaLingua.
Before I get started I'd like to encourage you to subscribe to our channel.
We publish videos with the best hacks and tips for learning languages.
Click the big button down below and turn on your notifications, and if you're
watching this video on Facebook or another social platform you can simply
like or follow our page. We cannot say that our little research project was in
any way conclusive or objective but at least it reflects the opinion from
people from different parts of the world and different cultural backgrounds.
As you might have already guessed it's impossible to give this question a
straightforward answer. Like me, you might have thought of at least two ways to
answer it: there is, of course, that inexplicable gut feeling that you just
have it right, something that is definitely attractive but that you
cannot even put into words. And there is also a technical aspect, meaning that
as some linguistics studies show, most people tend to be more attracted to
languages with words that have open vowels, sibilants, fricatives and nasal sounds.
Let's take French as an example. Besides the open vowels that make words
as "ami" or "chéri" sound sweet, and the nasal sounds that make words like "bonbon"
"ventre," or "jambe" sounds smooth, there is of course also the famous pouting.
And it starts as early as your very first interaction with a "salut" or a "bonjour" and
it's still there in sentences like "Un bisou, mon chou?" Who dares to say it's not cute?
But actually there's more to our answer than simply pheromones and phonemes.
In our internal research, our team also pointed out cultural and emotional reasons.
Cultural, because most of us tend to make
associations between a given language and the culture most frequently associated to it.
For instance French and the romantic
image most foreign people have of Paris. Emotional, because many of us might
connect a foreign language with childhood memories or with a special
time in our lives. But I've also promised you the MosaLingua team's ranking, right?
So, the winner is... well that depends. Most of us shared a top three list and
according to it four different languages appeared as the number one pick.
In this ranking, French and Italian came in second place since 10% of the votes went
to each of these languages, and we also had a tie for first place between
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. 40% of us here at MosaLingua chose
Spanish as the number one sexiest language and another 40% chose
Brazilian Portuguese. But if we look at the languages mentioned at least once as
a team member's favorite, regardless if it was 1st, 2nd or 3rd on their lists,
the ranking is a little bit different. In this one, 5th place goes to German
and Russian both with 1% of the votes each. And in 4th place are both
English and Spanish with 15%. Brazilian Portuguese would be in third
place with 18% of the votes. In 2nd place we have French, which was on
21% of our team members' lists. And in this general ranking our gold medal
would go to Italian with 24% of the votes. How about you? Is your favorite
accent among the ones on the top of our rankings? If you need some more contact
with these languages to make up your mind, check out the video description.
I added a few links to former videos in which you can hear our team members
speak in French, Italian, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Thank you for watching and see you soon.
Thanks for watching. Want more videos like this one?
Subscribe to our channel and hit the little bell to be notified anytime we
publish new language learning content. Click the screen or below to go straight
to our app where you can start learning a new language today. See you soon!
Curso de Gerente e Mestre de Obras Online - O Melhor Da Construção Civil - Duration: 16:58.
Come ripristinare la modalità di configurazione | Stampanti HP Tango e Tango X | HP - Duration: 1:00.
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Ingrid's New Crush - Spoiler Episode 26 - FLUNK LGBT Series - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:25.
America has a farm labor shortage. We need a better guest worker program - Duration: 9:50.
Americans expect a lot from farmers and ranchers: fresh, unblemished fruits and vegetables, locally grown and responsibly harvested
In California, farmers and ranchers produce more than 400 commodities. That's more than a third of the country's vegetables and two-thirds of the country's fruits and nuts
California farm receipts exceeded $50 billion in 2017. Advertisement > This prodigious output isn't automatic and doesn't happen by chance
American agriculture relies on hundreds of thousands of skilled workers to plant the fields, tend the crops, harvest the produce and pack it for markets both here and abroad
We don't have enough of these workers. For many in Mexico or Central America, American farms and ranches represent a cherished opportunity
Share quote & link This is true not just in California, which employs more agricultural workers than any other state
I hear the same refrain from dairy farmers in Wisconsin; cherry producers in Michigan; tobacco growers in North Carolina; sweet potato farmers in Louisiana; citrus growers in Florida; and livestock farmers in Texas
Advertisement > Farming's labor system is broken. We need to fix it. Let's start with a few truths
The first is that less than 2% of Americans grow up on farms. But shifting demographics are only part of the challenge
Farm work is episodic and often seasonal, and fruits and vegetables have a short window to be harvested, packed and shipped to market
Dairy workers have the opposite problem: Cows don't take a day off. They must be milked twice, sometimes three times, a day, 365 days a year
In either case, farm labor means long hours of hard work. Most Americans don't see strong economic prospects in farming
But for many in Mexico or Central America, American farms and ranches represent a cherished opportunity
Advertisement > And yet, for farmers, making sure the person you hire is here legally is often beyond reach
The law tells farmers not to question a job applicant's papers unless they are obviously false
If a farmer questions a worker about his or her name, Social Security number or green card, the farmer is open to a lawsuit by the worker or even the U
S. Justice Department. Mandating E-Verify for agriculture without an expanded guest worker program would make the situation worse
Instead it would decimate the existing agricultural workforce without providing any workers to take their place
These realities — a dearth of Americans who want to work on farms, people from outside the U
S. who do want to work on farms, and a law that virtually compels farmers to hire workers who are in the country illegally — give us the situation we have today
The American Farm Bureau was encouraged last month when Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose), the new chair of the House Immigration Subcommittee, proposed to tackle one aspect of this issue
Lofgren introduced H.R. 641, the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019, which, if passed, would provide a pathway to legalization for agricultural workers who are already here
But this bill isn't enough. U.S. agriculture needs a guest worker program that will help us replace the workers covered by the Lofgren bill as they age out or move to other sectors of the economy
The current H-2A program, which is supposed to assist farmers and ranchers, too often falls short in meeting growers' or workers' needs
California growers traditionally don't employ their workers through such arrangements
As a result, although H-2A is expanding in California, it still represents a small portion of the workforce
The guest worker program needs to work for all growers in all states. It must be flexible for growers in California by providing employment for at-will workers
And it should grant flexibility for growers who cannot construct housing, by allowing them to use a housing voucher for workers
Some claim that guest worker programs depress U.S. wages, but the situation in agriculture clearly shows they do not
These jobs routinely pay well above minimum wage. Advertisement > Enter the Fray: First takes on the news of the minute » Others argue that H-2A workers surrender too many rights when they sign contracts, but workers who break the law and work outside the system are far more vulnerable to exploitation
Such workers often arrive after paying a coyote a hefty fee. They have no guaranteed housing, as with H-2A, and they will find it harder to return to the same farm year after year
The contractual arrangement under the current H-2A program has worked for some growers, and it should remain available to those who need it
But the wage structure in H-2A does not reflect market realities. In fact, the H-2A wage is not really a wage at all: It's a tally based on often questionable surveys undertaken by the U
S. Department of Agriculture aimed at protecting a worker who doesn't exist. Better data that reflect actual wages paid to real workers would protect both workers and growers and support continued U
S. agricultural production. Lofgren should be commended for her leadership. Now the hard work must begin by growers, worker advocates, Republicans, Democrats, the Trump administration and Congress
We need a 21st century solution that works for growers and workers alike. Zippy Duvall is president of the American Farm Bureau Federation
Rainbow Colors Song / Learn Colors Songs For Kids Children Toddlers Kindergarten Preschool - Duration: 2:03.
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
This are the colors of the rainbow
This are the colors of the rainbow
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
This are the colors of the rainbow
This are the colors of the rainbow
music is playing
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
This are the colors of the rainbow
This are the colors of the rainbow
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
This are the colors of the rainbow
This are the colors of the rainbow
Üzümlü Elma Hoşafı Tarifi & sevginin sofrasi - Duration: 4:14.
Scaffeye Quick Tip | Einsicht der Kundeninformationen per E Mail - Duration: 0:39.
Cuocere uova sode-Quanti minuti-Eggs Cooker un innovativo cuociuova silicone - Duration: 1:11.
Opel Insignia 1.5T 165pk Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:25.
Antes de dormir, Paula assusta brothers contando história de terror - Duration: 9:42.
Giovanni Toti: "Troppi intoccabili in Forza Italia, così regaliamo i moderati alla Lega" - Duration: 2:51.
Scaffeye Quick Tip | Annahme der Baustelle per E Mail als Nutzer - Duration: 1:44.
Hariany critica postura de Tereza: "É o tal do vitimismo" - Duration: 10:34.
Most Important D&D 5e Rules for Dungeon Masters - Duration: 10:33.
Are you a new DM feeling maybe just a little bit overwhelmed by all the rules?
Or perhaps you've DM'd previous editions but are new to 5th edition and want to know
which rules to start learning first?
In this video, I'm going to give you a prioritized list of the most important rules you should
learn first.
Hey, Luke Hart here and I've been a dungeon master since high school, and I create weekly
D&D videos with information and resources to help dungeon masters run awesome games.
Okay, here's the deal.
Reading, memorizing, and then applying all these rules can be intimidating as crap.
So, if you're new to DM'ing or just new to 5th edition, where do you even start?
What I'm going to do is give you a list of the top 10 rules you should focus on learning
first from the 3 core rule books.
And I'm going to put them roughly in order of what I consider to be the most important
to the least.
Now, these will be broad categories of rules, so it will require some reading and whatnot.
And, I should mention that this is my personal take on the topic, mostly based on which rules
I've used the most and have come up most often in my games.
So if you have thoughts about which rules are most important, please let us know.
There's probably important stuff I've left out.
Oh, and as always, remember to stay tuned to the end of the video for a special DM Bonus
Now, before I jump into the list, I just want to mention one tiny thing.
A dungeon master should learn and be familiar with the rules.
I mean, I don't know, call me crazy, but it seems to me that if you're going to be running
the game, you should probably have a decent idea of what the rules are.
That's not to say you need to have them all memorized.
And, there are whole segments of rules that almost never come up, so they're not worth
bothering over.
However, a dungeon master should strive to learn enough to run a fun and satisfying game
for their players.
Now, I don't believe that one person can learn and know all the rules – though I'm
sure there are some rare specimens that can.
And I'm certainly not one of them.
Furthermore, the more you run D&D, the more engrained in your brain the rules will become,
So, I wouldn't let a lack of knowledge stop you from running the game.
Just make sure you're doing your best to get up to speed.
Now, I bring this up mostly because I've heard other content creators perpetuate the
belief that a DM DOESN'T need to know the rules.
Sometimes they even almost BOAST about not knowing the rules.
That line of thinking is erroneous.
A DM not having a sufficient understanding of the rules is a big mistake for various
reasons that are probably beyond the scope of this video.
And sufficient is the key descriptor there.
Don't go crazy; know just enough.
Anyway, travel the path of not learning the rules at your own risk.
Okay, now let's jump into our list of rules, shall we?
The first thing a DM should focus on learning are the rules around ability scores and ability
This is chapter 7 in the player handbook.
The reason this makes number 1 on the list is that ability checks come up ALL THE TIME
in the game.
It doesn't matter if you're in an exploration scene, a social interaction, or combat – you're
going to be using ability checks.
You know, things like Persuasion, and Stealth, and Athletics checks.
As a corollary to that, also check out Using Ability Scores in the Dungeon Master Guide
on page 237.
There it goes more in-depth for the DM and explains the Advantage – Disadvantage system
in 5th edition.
And advantage and disadvantage come up all the time during game play.
Number two is combat, chapter 9 in the player handbook.
Come on folks, this is Dungeons & Dragons, which is basically a wargame where players
control characters instead of armies.
So, yeah, you're more than likely going to use combat rules a whole lot.
Now, I don't want to get into a big debate about D&D being a role-playing game and a
story-telling game…
Because I agree that it is.
You are role-playing a character trained to a large extent in the combat arts.
And through the course of gameplay a story is told that almost always involves combat
of some sort.
And if there's any doubt, let's look at the D&D character sheet.
90% of it contains stats that are really only used during combat.
So, yeah, learning the combat rules is number 2 on our list.
And I totally get that some groups rarely have combat in their games, but I consider
those outliers.
They are few and far between.
Number 3 is learning the equipment rules in chapter 5 of the player handbook.
In particular pay attention to the weapons and armor rules.
The other items don't tend to come up quite so often during gameplay, so you can look
those up when needed.
And number 4 on our list is the Spellcasting rules, chapter 10 in the player handbook.
D&D is a game that heavily features magic, unless of course you plan on running a low-magic
But most of the time, the spellcasting rules come up quite a bit during gameplay – so
best learn them.
Now, please note, this DOESN'T include learning what all the spells do.
Because there are a lot of spells.
I will actually address how I handle learning all the spells in my bonus tip at the end
of the video.
And moving on, folks, we have number 5, character creation rules.
So, this is actually chapters 1 through 4 in the player handbook, so that's a LOT
of stuff.
Now, some people will tell you that it's the players' job to understand how their
own characters work.
And I agree to a certain extent.
However, the DM needs to have a clue in this area.
Because your players will often ask you for help with their characters.
This might be during character creation or during gameplay, but they'll look to you
for guidance.
And another note, some players are better than others at remembering how things work,
so they might need reminding.
AND, some players have a tendency to "misremember" how their abilities work, making them drastically
more powerful than they actually are.
Unless the DM is there to gently correct them.
Yes, just in case you're wondering, I have certain players that "misremember" their
PC's abilities with great frequency.
As a quick tip, feel free to allow your players to use pre-generated characters if they are
new to 5th edition.
Character creation is the most challenging and confusing parts of the game for new players,
I feel.
Oh, and real quick, I want to give a shoutout to Son of a Sofa Man, one of my patrons over
on Patreon.
Thanks dude for joining with me on this video creation journey!
Number 6 is the introduction to the Monster Manual, which starts on page 4.
Now, I'm not talking about reading all the monster entries – though you will need to
learn about individual monsters you use in your games.
In addition to containing rules we'd expect there – such as monster sizes, types and
hit dice, the introduction contains some VERY important
rules that are not found elsewhere in the rule books.
Even though you'd think they should be.
For instance, rules on blindsight, truesight, and telepathy are squirreled away there.
It almost feels like Wizards of the Coast was trying to hide them from us.
Well, Jeremy, Mike, is that true?
Anyway, since I don't really expect an answer, number 7 is the Creating Adventures rules.
You'll find them in chapter 3 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
In particular, I'd pay attention to the Creating Encounters section on page 81.
If you create your own homebrew adventures, these rules are moderately important.
Of course, if you run modules, then you can pretty much skip this.
And by the way, I'm more and more beginning to LOVE modules for a variety of reasons.
Number 8 is Treasure in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
Uh, yeah, so it's D&D.
What the heck is D&D if there isn't sweet sweet loot involved?
So, yeah, take a look at these rules.
Just bare in mind that you'll mostly use them outside of gameplay when you're preparing
your game.
So, you'll usually have plenty of time to reference them.
Number 9 is Creating Nonplayer Characters in chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
Now, NPCs are actually super super important in D&D.
I just don't know how useful I find the rules in the 5th edition DMG to be.
I mean they help sure, but I don't NEED them to create an awesome memorable NPC for
my players.
So, just because I rank the rules low on the list doesn't mean I think good NPCs aren't
And finally, number 10 is the Running the Game rules in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master
There is a lot of useful stuff in there that you'll certainly want to check out.
I think an argument could be made that this section should have been ranked higher on
the list.
However, I feel like these rules are rather broad and lack depth to a certain extent.
But definitely on the list and definitely worth reading and learning.
By the way, if you're finding my videos helpful, feel free to check out my Patreon
Not only do my patrons have the opportunity to join me on my creative endeavors, but they
also get lots of exclusive perks.
Link down below.
And now it's time for the DM bonus tip!
Let's talk about learning all the spells, because yeah, that's a lot of stuff.
Instead of reading through them all in detail or especially trying to memorize them,
What I do is just try to remember the main ideas of what the multitude of spells do.
And even then I'm not super successful at it.
See, specifics can be looked up when someone actually casts a spell.
Now what I do to try to get a basic understanding of the spells is just read over a few spells
ever so often when I'm bored or otherwise indisposed.
But the most productive moments of learning spells is when I'm preparing to run an enemy
Then I read their spells over very carefully and decided which ones I'm most likely to
use in a combat and why.
Finally, spells are really going to stick in your mind when players start casting them
and you need to resolve them at the table.
Look a spell up at the table and resolving it really helps them to stick in your brain
the best.
Now, if you want to learn more about dungeon mastering, I recommend you check out my Dungeon
Mastering 101 playlist here.
As always, if you have any questions about dungeon mastering, please let me know.
I'm always happy to help.
Smash that like button if you found this video helpful, click down here to subscribe, and
click over here to watch another fine video.
And until next time…
Let's play D&D! [weird, high-pitched voice] Let's play D&D.
Le Moment Curieux et la pierre fondue chez les Incas - debunk - Duration: 9:47.
【Cover/翻唱】░ ▌恋は戦争/戀愛戰爭 ▌░ (中文填詞/Chinese Cover) - Duration: 3:56.
Ah... there have nowhere can go.
This energy of love
almost bursting
Grey cloud
with some single tone of noise
sunlight can create shadows
sunset can change the color of sky
Ah... if the world gonna be destroyed
Even so
My love of you still keep unwavering
I already knew...
But what should I choose the correct...
How can I choose...
What should i do?
It's stupid....
I'm gonna...
Ignite the fire of war
The war gonna begin!
Look at you still completely unaware of this
and still just standing there
That helpless love
Already become a sin
I will let you see more clearly
My love for you!
that was try to use to shout
The loudspeaker has been
used to broken...
no matter how hard I try
I still completely can't
Let your eyes keeping look at me...
Ah...what time is begin?
Sky turn into the blue
Completely inconsistent with the mood!
This mind...
almost unable let it stop!
How can I choose...
What should i do?
Weeping that kind of thing
I'm not have plan to do that
I'm the one like you the most...
I'm gonna to start the fighting.
The goal is your heart!
I don't have too much choice
So just throw all my gunpowder!
Let you more clearly to see
my gorgeous proud's skirt
Will you let your sight
Focused on me!
Be prepared start the second fight!
The battle is still bad for us.
What should i do now?
Love is
can't be blind to see!
Just use your kiss
Let me waking up from here!
thanks for watching♥~(´∀`*) -@AliceDemon929
Opel Insignia 1.5T 165pk Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:25.
'I went vegan to hide my eating disorder' - BBC Stories - Duration: 3:19.
I became a vegan back in September 2017 although I told everyone that it was
this ethical argument and I really wanted to save the planet and the
animals it was I'd say at least subconsciously
part of my eating disorder weight-loss yeah favorite food naturally lentil
Bolognese which is like really healthy and boring but it's okay before I became
ill I used to love cooking I did it as a GCSE actually when I was at the worst of
my eating I definitely didn't eat this sort of thing
I was scared of lots of different ingredients kind of see it's almost like
self-care now because I never used to do it and now I'm like no you need to
actually like cook yourself a meal because otherwise you'll feel rubbish
and it will just set you back I was diagnosed with anorexia in June 2016 but
I've always had kind of food issues I can go one on my first diet when I was
11 I'd watched loads of documentaries and vloggers and stuff like going vegan
I think with every dietary decision I made up until recently it was all about
weight loss it was all about trying to be the smallest version of myself
vegan fits very vegan inspo i already followed a load of fitness wellness
bloggers slowly a lot of them went vegan and so I found myself consumed by this
constant vegan messaging on Instagram in began Yuri were not super going vegan
there's people out there who are doing it completely for the right reasons
veganism is a lifestyle it's not a fickle lifestyle it didn't even cross my
mind that it could be a problem
I think I don't I think I'm not being I'm just like my mental state while I
was vegan was pretty horrendous I think the problem with anorexia is that it
kind of shuts off the nut rational side of your brain the vegan lifestyle that
I'd adopted wasn't right for me in it and I was in denial about it for a long
time I think and it wasn't until my parents kind of sat me down and they're
like look you've lost all this way and we're worried about you
and that was what kind of made me think and perhaps this isn't the right diet
for me I look back at that former version of myself and I just feel sorry
for her I think you're supposed to enjoy food and it's such a miserable existence
and it's really sad my relationship with food is the best it's been in about
three years I kind of coins the 10th league and I was like it's kind of like
flexitarian flexible vegan I'm seeing an eating disorder therapist at the
University at the moment but I'm a lot better than he used to be but the rules
are definitely still there I'd say if you've had an eating disorder especially
a restrictive one fair enough comes to veganism when you're recovered and
you're in a good place with food I'm not saying that veganism is a negative way
to eat it's a sustainable lifestyle but that's not necessarily one that people
with eating disorders should adopt
CLAY MIXER: FRENZY PUPPY DOG 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 11:10.
Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode on Clay Mixer:
If you love this video. Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"
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And don't forget the ♪BELL♪
(ENG SUB)I can't define this song with one word! ITZY - DALLA DALLA MV Reaction [GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:21.
Hello my dear subscribers! This is GoToe
Today, We will see DALLA DALLA of ITZY
beduted just one day ago
Because they are from JYP, one of biggest IDOL agency in Korea
they had a lot of issues before debut
and they already have their own fandom
I didn't see audition program in here
SO I don't have any information about them yet
They have 5 members
It's a new girl group in four years by JYP
New song released 12AM today
So it is 19~20 hours after released
But they have more than 10Million viewers already
I saw NEWS just before now
Their debut song has the most views in 24 hours until now
That means so many people interested with ITZY
When we think about JYP idol, we think
popular choreo and friendly image is what I can think first
So I am so wondering this new group ITZY also follow this concept
or break this image
I am so excited to see this!! Let's start now
When I see their clothes first, I guess this is purity concept???
I just guess
oh... maybe not
I think introducion is nice
I really like this first feeling of this song
I was really feeling something different
They seems to have made an extraordinary attempt
A strong impression
They really made an extraordinary attempt
By comparison, this feeling is mainly YG feeling
all of them are really beautiful anyway...
I like this song
Choreo is like JYP style I think
but concept is
really different with previous JYP idol
Those kind of rhythm is
This part is so impressive too
This is really toxic rhythm
The better you listen to the rhythm
It has many concepts in this song
It is so hard to define this song with one word
They are so pretty....
Normally in JYP
They doesn't make their MV with gorgeous feeling
They are always friendly mood
Surprised with their scale
Good.. I like this song
It is getting better and better
Meaning of DALLA is 'I am different'
(Did you know that now...?)
I love those kind of songs
like 'I love myself'
I really like a message they wanted to say
Like Self confident???
This song is so complicated
I don't know how to define
I like it
Yes we saw ITZY's debut song DALLA DALLA together
Personally I think It is so unconventional
If I saw this video without knowing they are from JYP
maybe I guess they are not from JYP
It's really a lot different from their music style
First of all, concept of this song is
I imagined 4 minutes and 2NE1, not JYP
and choreo, when I see main choreo I thought ' Oh! it is JYP'
but other parts like dance break or sth else
that is so unconventional too
Mainly concept of JYP MV is comfortable, ordinary feeling
but In this video, they use lots of Special effects and make Gorgeous feeling
When I think about gorgeous feeling,
I think it is YG style
when I think special effect, It is SM style
In any cases, it is so different with JYP style
It was a brilliant attempt and really good.
and message they want to present is really my style
I am not sure if I understand perfectly
I love myself
I am different with you
I think it is really important
and I am trying to be like that always
So It is so nice to deliver those kind of message
I like it
Music itself is so trendy
of course people in Korea like this
and I guess it will be popular internationally too
I think it is similar example with I-DLE's case
They just debuted two days ago now
We are really looking forward to future activities
I am so satisfied with their song
Thank you for watching
and I will be back with my next video
S. Korean gov't injects US$ 295 bil. to establish the nation's social security system - Duration: 1:56.
The government plans to inject hundreds of billions of dollars to improve the nation's
social security... in areas including employment, education and health.
The hope is this'll help improve quality of life... and pull the nation up from the bottom
of the OECD standings.
Cha Sang-mi outlines the five-year roadmap for us.
The South Korean government has revealed its master plan to lift South Koreans' ranking
in terms of quality of life by injecting nearly 3-hundred billion U.S. dollars for the nation's
social security system.
This comes as South Korea has long languished at the bottom among major advanced economies,
despite its large economy faring well.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare on Tuesday laid out its roadmap to increase the OECD
ranking of people's quality of living -- from 28th in 2017 -- to 20th by 2023 and the global
top ten by 2040.
The five-year plan covers a range of sectors in society.
These are the four major ones: In employment and education, the government
aims to reduce the proportion of low-income workers from 22 percent to 15 percent by 2040
and waive tuition for high school students.
This would benefit an estimated 1-point-5 million people or more.
The government will also strive to reduce the poverty rate by strengthening public assistance
and income security for working-age people.
In the health sector, the aim over the next twenty years... is to extend Koreans' healthy
lifespan from 73 years to 78 years... by strengthening health insurance and reducing medical costs
to one-third of the current amount.
Insurance will be expanded to cover for MRIs and ultrasounds.
The government will also nearly double its social spending, tailored to the stage of
life people are in,... and it will build more national and public nursing and care homes.
The plan will cost about 295 billion U.S. dollars... starting this year with a budget
of 48 billion.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
Cute Baby Kissing Moments - Cute Baby Video - Duration: 3:34.
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Генеральное сражение - Мультики про танки - Duration: 6:14.
To be continued
Astrid S faced backlash after winning «Norwegian Grammy»: – I was shattered | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan - Duration: 7:06.
Meghan Markle Royal - George Clooney says Meghan Markle is being 'vilified' like Princess Diana was - Duration: 3:16.
George Clooney compared Meghan Markle to Princess Diana as he lashed out at the way she's being "vilified"
The Hollywood actor criticised the way his royal friend is being treated, and warned that history could repeat itself as he compared her to the late Princess of Wales
Giving a stark warning, he said: "We've seen how that ends." George is a friend of Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex, and he and his human rights lawyer wife Amal attended the royal wedding in May last year
His intervention comes amid reports of a rift between Meghan, who is pregnant, and her father, Thomas Markle
Over the weekend a newspaper published a deeply personal letter allegedly written by the duchess to her father in August, months after he missed her wedding
After joking about a report suggesting he would be named godfather to 's baby, George, who was speaking at an event in Los Angeles, said: "I do want to say, I just saw this piece
"They're just chasing Meghan Markle everywhere, she's been pursued and vilified
"She's a woman who is seven months pregnant and she is being pursued and vilified and chased in the same way that Diana was, and it's history repeating itself
"And we've seen how that ends. "I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see that
"You're taking a letter from a daughter to a father and broadcasting it everywhere
"She's getting a raw deal there, it's irresponsible. "I'm sort of surprised by that
" George and his wife have 18-month-old twins, daughter, Ella, and a son, Alexander
Asked if he was going to be godfather to the royal baby , he said: "No, I'm now a father of twins, I've got enough s**t
Literally, literally s**t." Former Suits actress Meghan, 37, is estranged from her father after a string of high-profile incidents since she became engaged to Harry
Days before his daughter was due to marry into the royal family, Mr Markle staged paparazzi photos of himself
Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033
The Yellow Caterpillar | Kindergarten Music For Children | Cartoons by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 2:08.
The Yellow Caterpillar
Tell Your Love | Pepee Series | Cartoon Shows For Children by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 11:23.
Tell Your Love - Pepee Series
Amy Klobuchar slaps at Trump for calling her a 'snowman(woman)' - Duration: 23:08.
Sen.Amy Klobuchar on Monday slapped back at President Donald Trump's calling her a 'Snowman(woman)' with a shot of her own, asking 'I wonder how your hair would fare in a blizzard?' Trump welcomed Klobuchar to the Democratic presidential primary on Sunday with a tweet jousting her for talking about climate change while announcing her White House bid during a snow fall
She snapped back with a tweet of her own Monday: 'Science is on my side, @realdonaldtrump
Looking forward to debating you about climate change (and many other issues).And I wonder how your hair would fare in a blizzard?' She also used her tweet as a fundraiser, directing supporters to her website and asking them to donate
And she told ABC's 'Good Morning America' that climate change is happening.'Okay.That is so wrong,' she said
'I'm sorry if it still snows in the world but the point is that we know climate change is happening
Just this last year it was one of the four hottest years in the history of the world
That's what's happening right now,' she noted.Kloubuchar also brushed aside his name calling and said she wouldn't let it distract from her campaign message as it did for Hillary Clinton
'You don't go down the rabbit hole with everything he says.You have to have your own optimistic agenda
Hillary had that.It got lost in the campaign.You have to pick your battles with him
And I think you have to use some humor, like I got to do yesterday, right away.Because, you just can't take everything seriously
He's trying to get into every story that you have.You have to set your own agenda,' she said
Klobuchar made her announcement on a snow-filled day in Minneapolis, in a speech that countered the president's policies on climate change and immigration along with knocking his divisive tone in politics
Trump mocked the senator's snow-filled presidential announcement when his tweeted: 'Well, it happened again
Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President, talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures
Bad timing.By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman(woman)!' Klobuchar did mention climate change in her remarks, vowing to reverse the president's policies when it comes to the environment
'The people are on our side when it comes to climate change,' she said as snow poured down around her
'Why? Because like you and I, they believe in science.That's why, in the first 100 days of my administration, I'll reinstate the gas standard mileage and put sweeping legislation to invest in green jobs and infrastructure
And we will enter into a mutual climate agreement.' Klobuchar's announcement speech also focused on her humble roots and Midwest no-nonsense personality as she introduced herself to the nation
'I stand before you as the granddaughter of an iron ore miner, as the daughter of a teacher and a newspaperman, as the first woman elected to the United States Senate from the State of Minnesota, to announce my candidacy for president of the United States,' she said as snow poured down on her
She described herself as a candidate with 'grit.' 'I'm asking you to join us on this campaign
It's a homegrown one.I don't have a political machine.I don't come from money,' Klobuchar said
'But what I do have is this: I have grit.I have family.I have friends.I have neighbors
I have all of you who are willing to come out in the middle of the winter, all of you who took the time to watch us today, all of you who are willing to stand up and say people matter
' She made her announcement Sunday on a cold, snowy day at an outdoor event on Boom Island, a park that juts into the Mississippi River in Minneapolis
Snow poured down on participants and whited out the coverage of the event, obscuring the red and blue 'Amy' signs that filled the crowd
'We don't let a little snow stop us.We don't even let a little cold stop us,' said Klobuchar, speaking without a hat or gloves
Bands played and state officials touted Klobuchar's record for 45 minutes in the snowy conditions before the senator finally took the stage
Klobuchar, 58, started her speech by offering her thanks to her staff on behalf of herself and her husband John
'Now, John and I want to first thank our amazing and incredible team and staff for putting this together,' she said
The run up to Klobuchar's announcement has been marred by reports she mistreats her staff
She addressed those rumors to reporters on the ground in Minnesota.'You know, I love our staff,' Klobuchar said, according to Politico
'And yes, I can be tough.And yes, I can push people.I know that.But in the end, there are so many great stories of our staff that have been with me for years who have gone on to do incredible things
I have, I'd say, high expectations for myself.I have high expectations for the people who work for me
But I have high expectations for this country, and that's what we need.' In her remarks, Klobuchar touted her record of working with Republicans and said the country is tired of what she calls 'the shutdowns and the putdowns, the gridlock and the grandstanding
' She vowed her candidacy would be focused on 'getting things done.' 'I am running for this job for every person who wants their work recognized and rewarded
I am running for every parent who wants a better world for their kids.I am running for every student who wants a good education
For every senior who wants affordable prescription drugs.For every worker, farmer, dreamer and builder, I am running for every American
I am running for you.And I promise you this.As your president, I will look you in the eye
I will tell you what I think.I will focus on getting things done.That's what I've done my whole life, and no matter what, I'll lead from the heart,' she said
Her speech followed the trail of Mississippi River as she touted political heroes in the states it goes through, such as former President Barack Obama in Illinois and the Rev
Martin Luther King's work in Tennessee.'The Mississippi river, all our rivers, they connect us to one another, to our shared story
For this is how our country was founded, with patriots who saw more that united them than divided them,' she said
She emphasized her immigrant roots, speaking of her grandparents who came from Slovenia and Switzerland
'They made a home here.It was cold - okay, maybe not as cold as this.They didn't know anyone
But like so many immigrants, they wanted a better life for their families,' she said
Klobuchar may have gotten in a subtle dig at one of her primary opponents, Sen.Elizabeth Warren, when she thanked the highest-ranking Native American official in the nation, Minnesota Lt
Gov.Peggy Flanagan, for being at her announcement.Warren has apologized for over-emphasizing her Native American heritage
She didn't mention President Trump by name but did get in a knock at him when she praised Americans working overseas
'They deserve better than foreign policy by tweet,' she said, adding it was time to 'stop the fear mongering and stop the hate
' Klobuchar's remarks were designed to appeal to the working class, a group of voters that helped put Donald Trump in the White House and will be an influential voting bloc in the early caucus state of Iowa
She also threw in red meat for liberals, pushing an agenda that would invest in green infrastructure, net neutrality, comprehensive immigration reform, universal health care and bringing down the cost of prescription drugs
Klobuchar's team ordered 100 gallons of hot cocoa and 100 gallons of apple cider for supporters, CNN reported, and volunteers handed out small American flags and packs of Little Hotties hand warmers as people entered the park on the cold day
The senator has work to do to introduce herself the Democratic base.She barely registers in early opinion polls of 2020 candidates
Klobuchar was accused of being demeaning and cruel to her staff last week.Multiple former staffers told the Huffington Post that the senator, who cultivates the image of a nice, laid-back girl from the MidWest, is quite the opposite and that at least three people have turned down the chance to run her campaign because of the stories about her
The report came as Klobuchar was set to announce her decision to pursue the Democratic nomination
She has been setting the stage for her chance to win the right to take on President Donald Trump next year
She tweeted a photo on Sunday morning of her out with her staff the night before at a local brewery
'Good time last night with our great team at Boom Island Brewery.Good jazz and I'm glad we got out of the cold for a few hours to visit this local homegrown neighborhood brewery!,' she wrote
But staff describe the senator as a demanding boss who sends dozens of emails over night accusing of them of bad work, ccing multiple colleagues on said emails to publicly embarrass them with her floggings, and using aides to perform personal tasks such as washing dishes at her home or picking up her dry cleaning
One staffer even recalled how the senator would write out tardy slips to staffers who came to the office late
Long hours, being pulled into personal tasks, and temper tantrums can and does happen in offices on Capitol Hill where the political pressure turns the professional environment into a pressure cooker
And staffers are generally over worked and under paid compared to members of Congress
Klobuchar's Senate salary is $174,000.But the criticism comes as Klobuchar prepares to enter the national spotlight as part of the crowded Democratic presidential primary field, where the tiniest infraction can be multiplied into days of bad news
Other former staffers, however, defended the senator, saying she puts in long hours and demands that her office meet the high standards she sets for herself
And some questioned whether former co-workers who thought she was abusive were falling for sexist stereotypes about female leaders with high standards
'I've heard people say she's tough to work for and I sometimes cringe when I hear it because I rarely hear that said about male bosses in Congress despite the fact that half of Congress is tough to work for,' Tristan Brown, a former legislative aide who called Klobuchar 'probably the most brilliant, hardworking person I've had the privilege to work for,' told the Huffington Post
A troubling sign, however, is that Klobuchar's office has one of the highest rates of staff turnover in the Senate
From 2001 to 2016, she was No.1 in the Senate for staff turnover as measured by LegiStorm, a widely used database of congressional staff information
She's now third.Her campaign defended the senator as someone who 'loves her staff
' 'Senator Klobuchar loves her staff - they are the reason she has gotten to where she is today,' a campaign spokesperson told Huffington Post
'She has many staff who have been with her for years - including her Chief of Staff and her State Director, who have worked for her for 5 and 7 years respectively - and many who have gone on to do amazing things, from working in the Obama Administration (over 20 of them) to running for office to even serving as the Agriculture Commissioner for Minnesota
She is proud of them and the work they have done for Minnesota.' Despite the bad press her campaign is going forward
Klobuchar will be in the early caucus state of Iowa on February 21 to headline the Ankeny Area Democrats Winter Banquet, Politico reported Tuesday
Klobuchar, 58, was a local prosecutor and county attorney before she ran for the Senate in 2006
She's in her third term and garnered national attention recently for her interactions with two men: her questioning of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and her statement on Al Franken, her then fellow senator from Minnesota who was revealed to have touched women inappropriately during his 'Saturday Night Live' days
During Kavanaugh's contentious hearing, she patiently questioned him on his alcohol use
She noted that her father had long battled alcoholism and used that to ease into her questioning about the nominee's alleged drinking
Kavanaugh lost his temper when she probed him as to whether he had ever drank to the point of blacking out, asking the senator if she had a drinking problem
'I have no drinking problem, Judge,' she said.'Yeah, nor do I,' he snapped back.He later apologized to her for his comments
As for Franken, when the allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior came out November 2017, Klobuchar condemned his actions but did not call on him to resign
She, instead, spoke with him privately.Her name was conspicuously absent in a coordinated effort among her female colleagues, who called for Franken to step down rapidly, one after another
'I had condemned his conduct early on when the first allegation was made,' she told CNN at the time
''I felt I was in a different role as his colleague, that I'm someone that has worked with him for a long time, there's a lot of trust there, and I felt it was best to handle it in that way
' She joins several of her Senate colleagues in the Democratic primary: Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris have all already announced bids
She'll be the fifth woman in the campaign (Rep.Tulsi Gabbard has also announced her bid), an increasingly diverse field that includes two African American candidates - Harris and Booker - an opening gay candidate with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, a Hispanic
She would be the first candidate from the Midwest, which is the home to several battleground states including Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio
And the field of contenders may grow.Former Rep.Beto O'Rourke, former Vice President Joe Biden, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sen
#KitaMulaiSekarang: Vespa - Duration: 1:00.
Mom will be home soon...
Mrgunsngear-Sig Sauer P320 召回時做了什麼改變以及它現在是否安全(中文CC字幕) - Duration: 16:01.
박기웅이 쏘아올린 농구공! - Duration: 6:09.
Hi this is Park Kiwoong
Today is the day of playing basketball (once a week)
(See you at the basketball court)
(Kiwoong is practicing)
(NO editing)
(Team distributing time)
It's a bet It's a bet (Lost team has to buy fried chicken to everyone)
Kiwoong picked a wrong team LOL
he lost
I lost because of him
Hey i am the last one to pick!
How can i kick your ass bro
(Good relationship)
(Game start)
(Losing now)
(Defending alone)
(Enemy is offending)
(Trying to dunk)
He lost
(Enemy is offending)
(HAEWADAL doesn't fake)
(First quarter ends)
i lost because of him
I can't defend him
So this is the end of first quarter
Do you think your team will win?
I always think that i am doing good job!
even thought it's not really good... LOL
(Optimistic person)
Do you really think your team will win?
It's not going so smooth
But first quarter is usually used for warming up
that's why we can't do it very well.
We have to warm up a bit
(Manager's provocative speech)
Do you have a way to prove your skills?
Well I just have to do my best
How about we are going to do freethrow?
We bet?
with whom?
With me , Let's throw 5 times.
The one score higher wins
ok ok ok go now
Hit the loser's forehead
I am gonna hit your forehead
(Competition with manager START)
Rock Paper Scissors
(Manager wins)
You throw it first
5 shoots right?
You help me to catch the ball then.
(Player 1: Park Kiwoong)
(Player 2: Kiwoong's Manager)
(Manager already lost)
(Perfect pass)
(OMG it must be hurt...)
How can i hit you
you already did a great job
(Second quarter start)
(Kiwoong's perfect pass)
(Neck and neck)
(He falls)
(Don't give up)
(Intense moment)
(Could he do this?)
(Although they lost, they did a great job)
Is there any meanings of your uniform number 9?
My Japanese fans club called NO.9
so if it's possible...i would like to use the number that includes "9" in it as my uniform number in the future.
My fans, It has been a long time to see you guys on TV as things have not gone very smoothly recently
I will do my best in order to meet you guys on TV series or movies
Not only TV series or movies
but also other platforms like youtube or else.
I promise I will do my best and see you guys ASAP
Sorry for the noise in basketball
Thank you.
(Don't look back~the camea is here~~)
(Surprising present from fans)
February 13 is my birthday
My fans prepared this surprising birthday cake for me
Thanks so much~
mcq #our environment quiz : Class 10th Biology : CBSE Syllabus : ncert class 10 : X Science quiz - Duration: 7:51.
Our Environment
Le Moment Curieux et la pierre fondue chez les Incas - debunk - Duration: 9:47.
Mister Sun | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Children - Duration: 30:44.
Mister Sun - Momo Beats
President Moon promotes regulatory sandbox initiative, underlining its significance - Duration: 1:04.
President Moon Jae-in chaired the sixth cabinet meeting of the year.
The main talking point was the regulatory sandbox, implemented in the nation for the
very first time.
He highlighted the significance of the project and his expectations for it.
"The 'Regulatory Sandbox' initiative is the laboratory of an innovative economy.
As long as new tech and services don't pose any danger to the lives, safety, and health
of the people, it's key to create more opportunities for businesses to try new things under the
principle of approval-first, regulation-after."
The meeting comes a day after the trade ministry announced its approval of regulatory exemption
applications from four companies.
The South Korean leader stressed government needs to be a strong supporter of local companies
trying to innovate... by leveraging what he calls the world's most advanced regulatory
Moon also urged the cabinet to promote the system so more companies can take advantage
of the opportunity,... and the public better informed of its benefits.
Incredible Stunning Manteo Tiny House by Modern Tiny Living - Duration: 4:49.
Incredible Stunning Manteo Tiny House by Modern Tiny Living
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