For more infomation >> IDEALNY MAKIJAŻ NA RANDKĘ? COLOURPOP "SHE"😍💗💑 - Duration: 12:18.-------------------------------------------
Plattalloy XL Alloy - Kevin Guay - Duration: 0:41.
One of our most exciting innovations is the Plattalloy XL Alloy.
It's been a big asset to many of our customers in the marketplace, we have one customer in
particular in Illinois, who reports a five to seven times extended life on their wear
components on their flap valve.
Which, in terms of downtime, has saved them a significant amount of money.
So by moving to Plattco valves, and then moving to our XL coating, we've more or less eliminated
90-95% of the maintenance time required on their transport systems.
MANGA DAISUKI 13 あんアンドロどろ AN‐ANDRO‐DORO(漫画紹介) まんが だいすき - Duration: 3:54.
Sensei! When can I buy android?
I can buy it for a new car as much as I can! Do it quickly!
sorry. It's just a solilarew.
Do you like a machine (mechanical) woman?
I love you !! ... ... I love you !!!
Because the cover design is embarrassing.
Please note when purchasing at the shop front.
あんアンドロどろ AN‐ANDRO‐DORO
R-one ろん
Android came to squeeze that and do it!
Really like these comics !!!
It is my favorite type of android cartoon.
Ann san likes me as a name. Forehead and the temporal head are the best!
Old characters are Uran chan, Dorami chan Armoroid lady, glass Clea etc.
There is not a good character after Drossel Lady. Please let me know your recommendation.
Pepper, that lower body is good!
Eh … I am sorry for those who can not understand.
There is a man who likes robots!
However, the topic of this cartoon is All I can understand without any places
I think that it is not good as a person.
The first picture of episode 1,
To be able to understand in a moment you can not forbid lol.
The first picture of episode 7, Mr. ●●ka●● was a long-time owner at that pool.
... Is it true that a lie?
The first picture of episode 9
It is certainly such content, but I am worried that they will not be able to appeal from them.
I also often touched the butt.
Should I be conscious of my charm?
Kikaijima rituki san,That sister is interested. Depending on the expansion in the future
I feel like I'm going to be my favorite character.
Certainly, she has that scalp! Looks OK! Come one chance!
Four people silhouettes on the last page ...
I think they are strange people, I am looking forward to their appearance (laugh)
... ... Can you please send Ann san Mk-Ⅱ to my house with government power.
Thank you very much for your viewing and listening.
Please subscribe to the channel.
Channel registration. Please click here. → →
Corso de Teresina - Ambulantes realizam cadastro e reclamam da burocracia - Duration: 3:44.
Uomini e donne: Riccardi avrebbe scelto la Dionigi nonostante la lite | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:45.
✅ Federica Panicucci dedica due video a Barbara d'Urso: il gesto e la pace - Duration: 3:01.
Federica Panicucci e Barbara d'Urso, dopo anni torna il sereno: la conduttrice di Mattino 5 dedica due video alla collega Tra Federica Panicucci e Barbara d'Urso è ormai tornato il sereno, dopo anni di gelo in cui le due conduttrici in forza a Mediaset non hanno avuto un rapporto idilliaco
La questione è piuttosto nota, anche se è giusto sottolineare che le dirette interessate non hai mai confermato tale voce
Fatto sta che oggigiorno la situazione si è 'sbloccata'. Gli attriti paiono ormai essere acqua del tutto passata, come testimoniato dagli atteggiamenti recenti tenuti dalle due big di Canale 5
Che cosa è accaduto? Prima Barbarella ha menzionato Federica, poi quest'ultima ha risposto via social, dedicando due video alla collega
Il tutto con il sorriso sulle labbra e tanta simpatia. Federica Panicucci menzione Barbara d'Urso su Instagram: disgelo Nella puntata di ieri di Pomeriggio 5, Barbarella, parlando con Ronn Moss, ha narrato un simpatico dietro le quinte svoltosi nei corridoi di Mediaset
Nella fattispecie ha raccontato di quando ha indossato una parrucca per girare il promo di "Live: Non è la d'urso" ed ha incontrato Federica Panicucci
Quest'ultima nel vederla ha esclamato: "Sembri me!". Nella giornata odierna la fidanzata di Marco Bacini ha confermato la versione della collega, pubblicando un paio di Stories in cui ha immortalato il momento in cui Barbara ha descritto l'aneddoto
"Confermo", ha puntualizzato Federica, con tanto di emoticon ridenti. Sembra proprio che sia tornato il sereno tra le due
D'altra parte… Il retroscena di gennaio: Federica Panicucci, il primo passo verso Barbara d'Urso D'altra parte che ci fosse in corso una distensione tra le due conduttrici, non è notizia del tutto inaspettata
Circa un mese fa, Panorama.it, grazie a delle fonti molto vicine alle presentatrici, rendeva noto che dopo anni di gelo le due avevano ricominciato a salutarsi
Lo spiffero narrava inoltre che a fare il primo passo verso la 'pace' fosse stata la Panicucci che però avrebbe dovuto fare i conti con la reazione guardinga di Barbarella
A história de Dany e Nika parte 1(Legendado em português) - Duration: 8:53.
Passou 24 anos como faxineiro e agora é comandante de AVIÃO - Duration: 1:18.
Chuck E Cheese Responds To Shane Dawson's Theory About Leftover Pizza - Duration: 5:11.
In shane dawson's latest conspiracy theory video, Shane made the claim, and essentially
proved that chuck e cheese serves its customers old pizza that they have essentially taken
from other customer's unfinished pizza, recooked it and placed on a new plate.blechhh.
so much wrogn with that sentence.
If its true, That's gotta be breaking all kinds of FDA laws.
So does chuck e cheese really serve its customers leftover pizza?
I'm gonna serve this tea, right now on IO.
Welcome back to inform overload, we do the news.
I'm charlotte dobre, the hostess with the mostess.
Hit that subscribe for daily news updates you'll actually find interesting, and follow
us on instagram.
Tell me in the comments below if you've ever held your birthday party at chuck e cheese.
Personally, I absolutely loved chuck e cheese as a kid.
I think i held like 3 or 4 of my childhood birthday parties there, and I know I'm not
So when I saw shane dawson's new conspiracy theories video, I pretty much felt like I
was going to vomit.
There are over 600 chuck e cheese locations world wide, the chain has been around for
almost 40 years.
In the video, shane looked up the theory he had heard about that chuck e cheese recycles
pizzas that it serves to its customers, by taking leftover pizza from a previous customer,
sticking the pieces on a new plate, putting some extra cheese on it, baking it again and
then they serve it to a new customer and claim that it's a fresh pizza.
Most of the pictures that exist of chuck e cheese pizza shows the pizzas with misshapen
There have also been many chuck e cheese employees that have backed up the claim.
Shane's friend from high school who worked at chuck e cheese, confirmed the theory was
Shane then went to a chuck e cheese to order the pizza, and much to his surprise, when
it was placed on the table, all the pizza slizes were different sizes.
It looked as if the pizza was a compilation of older pizzas.
The slices didn't line up.
There were peperonni slices that didn't have their other halves.
I mean, what possible other explanation could there be for that?
When you cook a pizza, you make the dough a perfect circle, you add full pepperoni slices
then slice the pizza into halves, then quarters then 8ths using a pizza slicer.
You slce all the way across to make sure the pieces are somewhat even, you don't cut
each slice individually.
So why are all of chuck e cheeses' pizzas misshapen.
After shane dawson dropped his latest video, which has over 14 million views at the time
of this recording, chuck e cheese became a top searched phrase on google.
There were hundreds of thousands of people looking into shanes theory.
And essentially, shanes video forced chuck e cheese to respond to the claim.
Chuck E Cheese has responded to these allegations in a statement.
The claim made in this video about chuck e cheese and our pizza are unequivocally false.
No conspiracies here, our pizzas are made to order and we prepare our dough fresh in
Which means that they'yre not always perfectly uniform in shape but always delicious.
Uh huh.
Do you guys smell that?
I smell a rat.
And no I'm not talking about chuck e cheeses' mascot.
This isn't the only time chuck e cheese has come under fire.
Several lawsuits have been filed against the company for promoting gambling to young children.
You spend a ton of money on tokens to play chuck e cheese games, but when you go to cash
in your tickets, the company gives you little more than a 1 cent plastic toy that breaks
in the car ride home.
You'd think with all that extra money, they'd be able to afford to serve their customers
fresh pizza.
I should note that shane maintains throughout his whole video that the pizza theory is just
a claim.
There have been other employees that have come forward with their own explanations for
the misshapen pizza.
One employee who goes by reddit user mlball90 says that the misshapen slices are attributed
to the speed the staff are working to cut the pizza.
They said in a post 'we hand cut all of the pizzas.
We have to do it fast because we usually have 5 more coming out right behind it.
I've seen millions of pizzas cut, and they always look a little off, especially if the
person is new and just learning.
The reason why some pizza slices look shorter than others is because the first slice gets
squished into the center when the employee is cutting.
But I mean, if that explanation is true then shouldn't other slices beside the misshapen
slice also be affected?
I don't know guys, I'm not an expert on making pizza but I am an expert at eating
I'm curious to know, have any of our subscribers worked at chuck e cheese?
Is this theory true?
Spill that tea down there in the comments.
For now, its time to do some comment replies from our video Eugenia cooney agrees to seek
medical help.
Purpur kat – that title blew my eyebrows of.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Syraphym Aesphodel – oh man I miss IO.
I have been offline for nearly three months.
I feel like I've lost iq qithout IO, keepimg me fed with information.
Love this channel.
Anthony – May I have your hat?
It is cute.
That one potato – charlotte for host of the world.
Hi my name is charlotte and I'm the host of planet earth.
Been yonked – why am I crying.
Trailer Days Gone - Casamento de Deacon e Sarah - Cadê Meu Jogo (Ativar Legenda) - Duration: 2:37.
Anticipazioni serale Uomini e donne: la Langella avrebbe preferito Dal Corso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:40.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D Active | PACK PREMIUM - Duration: 1:11.
López Obrador se pronuncia sobre condena a El Chapo | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.
¿Qué pasará con el cártel de Sinaloa? | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.
Erkenci Kuş / Early Bird - Episode 30 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:02.
What is a soulmate? Where can it be found?
Wh-what should be done not to lose them?
It's not for me. I am asking for a friend.
I cannot fit in.
He gave me the baby bed and is lying in the double one.
Sanem, my hearing is perfect.
- Where is Emre? - In a meeting.
- Leyla? - In a meeting.
- Sanem? - In a meeting. In Ağva.
- Can? - In Ağva.
- Hi! - Come on! Polen?
Use the bars for your balance. That's why they are there.
You are not rivals, don't forget that.
It's only human nature. I sneezed!
I'll burn this place down. I will!
I will burn this whole place down!
Close your eyes now.
¿Cuál será el destino de El Chapo mientras espera sentencia? | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:34.
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And it is day 8 of our #timetoclean challenge.
So I hope you guys are keeping up I know it's a lot and it's very busy,
but it's starting to feel really good isn't it?
So be sure to do your daily 3 I will link that up there and down there.
So let's grab our schedule.
So today is Wednesday the 8th day and we are going to clean all the bathrooms again.
So once again it will not be that hard, we're more like at the wipe down phase
since we did it last week.
We are going to wash all the towels and today we are going to clean the disposal.
That stinky stinky hole in your kitchen.
So we got to get that cleaned out.
I know mine is not smelling so pretty.
So be sure to comment down below if you are liking this #timetoclean challenge.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
Let's get all our chores done today.
Alright guys we made it through day 8!
Wow actually that was a lot easier than the first time.
Because pretty much it was like a little wipe down and stuff instead of scrub down right?
So are you starting to see why this schedule will be helpful?
Even though it's a little harder at first.
I'm excited!
And the disposal actually came out really good.
I did not feel any slime or grime in there after I did all of that.
So yeah, it should be really good.
So thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And I will see you tomorrow.
Muchos rezan por El Chapo en Sinaloa | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.
CNCO Reveals Favorite Telenovelas & Childhood Memories (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 4:22.
Gülperi - Episode 20 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:03.
...who is it?
Is it the Superman?
Gülperi, are you ready?
We are getting married.
His name is Kadir Aydın.
I will give you his home address and the licence plate details.
You can go at night and finish the job.
Work your magic. His car should roll over and break into pieces.
He should be torn to shreds inside.
I am scared that something bad will happen. Is this all happening so fast?
Gülperi, what do you mean this is fast? There is a twenty-year delay, I hope you are aware?
Enough! Enough!
You will either believe me or you will go and call Kadir dad!
Everything will be alright.
(I have realized that) life could end suddenly...
...and you could be dead and gone before telling your beloved about your feelings.
- Gülperi! - A car! There is a car coming!
The Most Popular Bicycle Brands In The World - Duration: 1:59.
EXO PICTURES - The Most Popular Bicycle Brands In The World
Boom di Io sono mia, disastro Canale 5 superato da Le Iene e Il Segreto, Striscia cala a picco - Duration: 5:00.
Volvo V40 1.6 T3 R-Design / NAVI / LEDER / 18INCH - Duration: 1:24.
Volvo V70 2.0 D3 R-Design 163pk Automaat, Navi, Leder, Cruise, El. Achterklep - Duration: 1:13.
How i take instagram pics by myself 📸 - Duration: 9:41.
Plattalloy XL Alloy - Kevin Guay - Duration: 0:41.
One of our most exciting innovations is the Plattalloy XL Alloy.
It's been a big asset to many of our customers in the marketplace, we have one customer in
particular in Illinois, who reports a five to seven times extended life on their wear
components on their flap valve.
Which, in terms of downtime, has saved them a significant amount of money.
So by moving to Plattco valves, and then moving to our XL coating, we've more or less eliminated
90-95% of the maintenance time required on their transport systems.
MANGA DAISUKI 13 あんアンドロどろ AN‐ANDRO‐DORO(漫画紹介) まんが だいすき - Duration: 3:54.
Sensei! When can I buy android?
I can buy it for a new car as much as I can! Do it quickly!
sorry. It's just a solilarew.
Do you like a machine (mechanical) woman?
I love you !! ... ... I love you !!!
Because the cover design is embarrassing.
Please note when purchasing at the shop front.
あんアンドロどろ AN‐ANDRO‐DORO
R-one ろん
Android came to squeeze that and do it!
Really like these comics !!!
It is my favorite type of android cartoon.
Ann san likes me as a name. Forehead and the temporal head are the best!
Old characters are Uran chan, Dorami chan Armoroid lady, glass Clea etc.
There is not a good character after Drossel Lady. Please let me know your recommendation.
Pepper, that lower body is good!
Eh … I am sorry for those who can not understand.
There is a man who likes robots!
However, the topic of this cartoon is All I can understand without any places
I think that it is not good as a person.
The first picture of episode 1,
To be able to understand in a moment you can not forbid lol.
The first picture of episode 7, Mr. ●●ka●● was a long-time owner at that pool.
... Is it true that a lie?
The first picture of episode 9
It is certainly such content, but I am worried that they will not be able to appeal from them.
I also often touched the butt.
Should I be conscious of my charm?
Kikaijima rituki san,That sister is interested. Depending on the expansion in the future
I feel like I'm going to be my favorite character.
Certainly, she has that scalp! Looks OK! Come one chance!
Four people silhouettes on the last page ...
I think they are strange people, I am looking forward to their appearance (laugh)
... ... Can you please send Ann san Mk-Ⅱ to my house with government power.
Thank you very much for your viewing and listening.
Please subscribe to the channel.
Channel registration. Please click here. → →
Learn to Trade Stocks
HOW2: How to Kiss Passion! - Duration: 2:53.
WV Democrat Responds To Colleague's BIGOTED Tirade - Duration: 11:01.
New T-Rex Vs Indoraptor Terra Battat Acrocanthosaurus Jungle Expedition Playset Unbox Jurassic World - Duration: 12:08.
we're also gonna unbox this awesome Acrocanthosaurus jungle expedition set
by tear up attack okay man every Dino we capture here we aren't selling free
profit we're gonna retire rich guys cream with me
I agree boss I like money chop them up New T-Rex Vs Indoraptor Terra Battat Acrocanthosaurus Jungle Expedition Playset Unbox Jurassic World
don't care come something it's a baby in director oh we're gonna make a fortune
off of this she's at the gage Kwik shop how are we got her waist up to gauge
okay man our fortune is made with this Dyna we could retire as rich as king
okay postcards around the perimeter as night falls I don't want
there's parents coming back to get him
here's something down there
does not sound good
oh he's tracing baby-free quick man take him down okay boss no sign of her
everything's clear around here
what boss there's something weird going on around here
hey Big Jim go down there and see what's going on y'all love it takes my mates
the price
nobody Big Jim without a fight and pause is using some kind of camouflage
no way that guy's gonna sneak up on me
she's got me
see you today today I have an awesome Tara what a set I bought this one at
Target I'm sure you can find it on Amazon it is awesome these Dino lures
and lights up really cool playset helicopter action figure egg cage couple
smaller dinosaurs and I love the packaging and then they give you some
really cool data the Acrocanthosaurus
here's what it looks like in the package
a very affordable set to guys good quality and it's about $30
and here to join the Acrocanthosaurus is our custom
Jurassic world Pollack Kingdom
okay so this is a complete good quality set ah
it's similar to the Animal Planet sets but I think but tad actually makes a
better quality set for the most part I mean this here is pretty good quality
like the helicopter is a little bit cheap but let's go ahead and take a look
at this so you got like a three-level almost like a treehouse Clubhouse type
deal this here the winch actually lowers so you could put the cage onto here and
raise up the cage there so you got your Dino trap oops
you can put the cage and you got your Dino trapped in the cage which is cool
you could pull it up you got a second level there in the third level here with
like skeleton bones that like open and close there got a really cool spiderweb
here you could go over the entrance if you remove it you can see you got like a
dinosaur skeleton here tar pits maybe you got a little bridge here for the
humans to cross and then you got like a little Stone Hill over there and then it
comes with this tiny little helicopter I mean it's it's a little bit generic but
you know it's fun because it has a hook so here you could hook the cage on and
have the helicopter fly the cage out the human figure fits right
into the helicopter there let's go ahead and take a look at this set from other
side so even from other sides it's cool it comes with this rope ladder here
which you could hook on a lot of different areas of this set they're all
around it has like books some big holes over here even looking at it from the
back it's got good quality there I mean I I am really pleased with the quality
of the actual place set like I said the helicopter you know what the helicopter
looks cheap but this is strong plastic so it's not it's not gonna be easy to
break so I take that back even the helicopter is pretty good
quality there and then the cage here it's got a door that opens and closes
you got a medium-sized Dino into the cage there and it also comes with an egg
that actually opens up and they include a tiny little Dino to put into the egg
so that is awesome and then let's go ahead and check out the Acrocanthosaurus
and the Acrocanthosaurus was actually a really big dinosaur similar in size to
the Spinosaurus but this one you get an action feature you have a trigger here
if you cool a his head and he roars his mouth does
light up here it's really bright it's just a little hard to see actually
really good detail for less expensive bigger the arms move the legs you could
move in two different positions so to get this dinosaur to stand on its own
but when you turn it it's like oh no dude Hasbro start making dinos again
bullet holes everywhere for the screws so but you know I the whole set was $30
so for that I mean you are getting a lot of value oh we didn't and then it comes
with like a little generic human figure with some type of bow I don't have no
idea how he's supposed to hold that
weapon I've seen on a human figure so anyways guys this is an awesome set that
is very important
Wow guys that was awesome if you enjoyed that video I do that over a thousand
more check out the playlist on my channel or for more fun Jurassic world
fallen Kingdom videos wait till the video ends and check out my playlist I
will see you soon in today's secret word there's no word go ahead and put that in
the comment section below the video click the subscribe button below for a
lot more fun video also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make
a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to
see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
Photographer Shows Trump Without Fake Tan And Fake Hair And Its Hilarious - Duration: 3:42.
Recently a Photoshop image of Donald Trump went viral on social media because this image
was not mocking Trump.
It wasn't making fun of Donald Trump.
It was showing what Donald Trump would actually look like if he wasn't such a vain and vacuous
This image was created by a New Zealand photographer named Jordan Rivers.
He posted on Facebook and what he did was he took a regular picture of Donald Trump,
put it into Photoshop, did the color match tool, and he took the color around Donald
Trump's eyes.
You know, where the fake Orange Tan has not been able to penetrate.
So he then used that color from under the eyes and matched the rest of his face to it.
He also removed the ridiculous comb-over and showed what Donald Trump would look like if
he was just a normal human being that wasn't trying to alter his appearance to make himself,
I don't know, appear younger, appear more virile, whatever it is, he wants to look a
different way than he does.
And this new, uh, New Zealand photographers showed us the real Donald Trump.
And this is it.
This is the picture here.
This is what Donald Trump would look like without the fake orange spray tan or tanning
beds or whatever the hell it is.
And if he had the courage to admit, you know what?
I'm going bald.
It happens.
It happens to men all over the world and there's nothing to be ashamed about with it.
Trust me bud.
But you can't do that.
And to me, that's why this little project that this photographer put out there is so
We have a president who we're supposed to trust.
We're supposed to trust this person to handle our foreign policy, to make the right decisions
for our military, to protect us as American citizens and enact policies that are going
to benefit every one of us.
And yet we can't even trust him to show us who he really is.
He is fake.
The Harris fake, the Tan is fake.
Everything about this man is fake.
And that's what this photographer's project was trying to show us because when you take
away the comb over, you take away the fake Tan.
What do you have left?
You have a feeble, frightened white guy who's so terrified that people might eventually
peek behind the curtain and see how horrible he truly is.
Or at least that's what's happening in his mind.
There's nothing wrong with being yourself with looking like yourself.
You know, this guy could seriously pin a fit from some body positive, uh, advertisements
here yet instead, he would rather spend more time hiding his true appearance than actually
doing the job of being the president of the United States.
And that's just another reason why nobody in this country should ever trust this man.
He's more concerned about the Face he sees looking back at him in the mirror than he
is about taking care of American citizens.
The science of expansion: Andromeda, gravity, and the 'Big Rip' | Michelle Thaller - Duration: 4:12.
One of the questions I get asked most commonly as an astronomer is if almost all the galaxies
in the universe are flying away from us in space, why is the Andromeda Galaxy getting
closer to us?
Does that somehow mean that the Big Bang works differently in different parts of the universe?
And the answer simply is: no.
Space is expanding because of the Big Bang.
All of space is expanding in every direction all at once and from our viewpoint that means
that it looks like all the other galaxies are moving away from us.
But not all the universe around us appears to be expanding.
For example, the Earth doesn't seem to be getting any farther away from the Sun.
The Sun is not getting any farther away from our galaxy.
Thank about smaller scales, like your body; your body (luckily) is not expanding along
with the universe.
And the reason is that the expansion of the universe is actually a pretty gentle force;
you really only notice it out in the middle of nowhere in the vast reaches of space between
the galaxies.
There's a lot of space out of there, so there is a lot of space to expand and so you really
notice this expansion.
But there are things that are stronger than the expansion force.
For example, my body is held together by chemical forces and by electrical forces.
That is much, much stronger than the tiny little push that space has to expand inside
I hold together very well.
One of the analogies I think about is: You could try to push over the Empire State Building
by blowing on it.
You are actually exerting a force on the Empire State Building by blowing on it, you can measure
that force, but you're not going to blow over the Empire State Building.
There are things that are much stronger than this omnipresent but gentle force of the expansion
of the universe.
The gravity between the Sun and the Earth is stronger than space's pressure to expand
over that scale.
The force of gravity is stronger than the outward push of the expansion of the universe.
That's also true of the galaxy, we are held in orbit around the center of the galaxy.
Gravitationally, that's much stronger than any expansion force.
So why is Andromeda different?
Andromeda is close enough to our Milky Way Galaxy that the gravity between the two is
strong enough for the two to start moving together.
Yeah, space is expanding between us and the Andromeda Galaxy, but gravity is accelerating
Andromeda toward us faster than that expansion.
And, in fact, that means that Andromeda is going to collide with the Milky Way in a couple
billion years.
And we see this happening all over the universe.
There are clusters of galaxies where the galaxies are close enough together that they are merging
and colliding.
When galaxies are far enough away from each other that the gravitational force is weaker,
the acceleration due to gravity is weaker than the outward expansion, then they start
moving away.
Now one of the intriguing things is that we don't know what the future holds when it comes
to the expansion force of the universe.
Just recently in the last couple of decades we've measured that the universe is not only
expanding but it's actually accelerating.
In some ways that force is getting stronger and stronger all the time and we don't know
whether that will stop or whether that will stay constant or whether in fact that expansion
force will keep getting stronger.
Will there be a day when the expansion force of the universe is strong enough that our
galaxy does start to expand and the stars start to move farther and farther away from
each other?
Will there come a time when the Sun and the Earth are actually pulled apart by the expansion
of the universe?
And perhaps most intriguingly, will there ever come a time when the expansion of the
universe is strong enough to rip apart your atoms, to actually have matter disappear into
a little soup of organic particles?
We call this idea the Big Rip and it's one of the possible ends of the universe – that
the expansion force will eventually get so strong it literally rips everything apart.
We don't know whether this will happen yet so we have a lot more investigating to do
about this thing called dark energy that may be accelerating the universe and that's one
of the best questions we're trying to answer right now.
Always Never - This And You [Lyrics in CC] - Duration: 2:54.
You had me lifted You had me lifted
Denial turned to anger And it shouldn't matter
But I hear the chatter And I love it
But I hate it too You can't ease my mind, like I want you to
And I see it, fall in place so soon And it's clearly all or nothing
But I gotta choose (got to choose) Will you be back for me?
Yeah you know that I will be Yeah you know that I will
You had me lifted You had me lifted
Denial turned to anger And it shouldn't matter
But I hear the chatter And I love it
But I hate it too Cause this fear is real, you don't wanna lose
But I have to go, gotta pay my dues It's clearly all or nothing
So I gotta choose Choose
Between this and you Between this and you
Between this and you Between this and you
You Won't Believe What Happened at This Valentine's Dinner - Duration: 3:04.
Last year we celebrated Valentine's Day in the office
and it was great don't get me wrong
but this year we decided what better way to celebrate our clients than
to hold a Valentine's Day dinner giveaway?
we had over 1,000 entries.
we're gonna announce the winner right now...
the winner of the 5 Alarm Music
Valentine's Day dinner giveaway is
Jack and Monica Sheb!
congratulations on behalf of 5 Alarm Music
and Happy Valentine's Day!
hi are you the Valentine's Day guests?
yeah we are!
can I see your ticket?
great! right this way your guest is waiting
wait! what? guest?
right this way
welcome hello hi hi
you are?
oh my name is Nyiko!
hi Nyiko
so I didn't realize there would be anyone joining us
oh so I'm assuming you didn't read the fine print on the ticket
mmm-hmm accompanied by Nyiko
all right well I guess we're gonna make the best of this
I think that would be wise
so I got you a little something it's not much but well hear it is
that is so sweet of you thank you
you really shouldn't have
this is so special we should get a photo right?
to commemorate the night
Nyiko would you mind taking a photo?
yeah sure that sounds great
all right one two three cheese!
okay one two three cheese!
I'm just so glad that we're doing this and we're getting to see each other
and spend this time together
you know I got to be honest at first Jack and I were really shocked and a bit
weirded out that you were here but now I don't think either one of us can imagine
our lives without you in it so Jack and I discussed it and I just
had a question
will you be our Valentine?
would you? will you?
will you?
I would be honored
(emotional music plays)
Drunk Lisa Vanderpump Is Everyone's Fave | Vanderpump Rules | Bravo - Duration: 1:44.
How to Create a Life of Prosperity in 30 days (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 41:09.
the most valuable commodity I know of his information wouldn't you agree
how to attract prosperity by Katrina Wilton this audio is brought to you by
leaders basement it is found in the public domain feel free to use in
download introduction are your finances not quite what you imagine them to be
when you were young dreaming of what your life would be someday did the
idealistic picture of you possibly married blissfully happy with a lovely
house and having achieved every success turn out as you planned if it did then
that's fantastic and you should be thrilled with your success if you're
like most of us however things may look a little different did the dream include
credit card debt and the bills that seemed to come in faster than you can
pull them out of your mailbox did you picture the fact that you may have to
work two jobs go to night school and find a way to pay the babysitter because
you're raising two kids on your own since your divorce or you may even have
the fabulous house but perhaps the childhood picture didn't include the
fabulous mortgage in the expensive renovations and maintenance required is
it possible that reality turned out a little different and you're living week
to week just keeping on top of the bills rather than living the life of luxury
and ultimate abundance that you deserve imagine a life where you make your
decisions based on what you desire rather than what you can afford it's
time to start attracting prosperity into your life make some important changes
and become a wealth magnet yours in overflowing abundance the glow team
mindset Beauty and the Beast you may or may not have heard of the
term lack or poverty mentality and I'm here to tell you that right here is
where the changes begin the first thing you need to do to change your financial
situation is to change the way you feel about your financial situation if you're
constantly worrying about bills bills of more bills you're dwelling on you
guessed it bills this is giving a negative situation far more attention
than it deserves and making your own life miserable in the process wealth is
not just having money it is about being abundant in every area of your life to
have loads of money and fantastic relationships but be constantly sick and
run down isn't wealth similarly to be an amazing physical condition and
spiritually in touch with the planet and still be lonely due to lack of friends
is not wealth either there are plenty of millionaires out there who are
constantly concerned about hanging on to their money making sure they never lose
it focusing on not spending it too much for fear that they won't have it anymore
this is not a wealth mentality it's a lack mentality and it can't possibly be
enjoyable in any way can you think of anything worse than finally getting to a
financially comfortable position and not allowing yourself to enjoy a moment of
it conversely there are many families who have none of the material things
many of us now take for granted telephones computers even the
opportunity to attend school or a house with four walls in a meal every night is
more than many families ever hope to see in their lives yet they can find peace
and joy in small things such as spending time with the ones they love clean water
or a beautiful day this is a wealth mentality because wealth is so much more
than money so the next time you tell your friends and family how many bills
you have this month or what you can't afford to do stop for a
moment and be grateful for what you do have instead mind your language there is
so much to be said for the power of words just as everything that we attract
starts with our thoughts much of what we think is relayed in the words we speak
this can be and usually is so automatic that we don't even notice we're doing it
for instance how many times lately have you heard yourself say I can't afford it
what about that's too expensive or I have so many bills or I'm in so much
debt the list could go on but I think you get the point become aware of the
images you are producing in your own mind with the words that you use it is
those images along with the verbal reiteration that will guarantee you
manifest exactly that use positive language and use words that create
positive images for example being wealthy makes me feel light and free and
I have a bounce in my step compare this to being wealthy means I
don't have to endure the drudgery of working for someone else anymore even
though both are statements of what you want one feels better than the other
this is because the mind does not process negatives like don't and can't
it simply conjures up an image of the words you used remember always say it
how you want it to give you an example one of my coaches several years ago
started pulling me up on the language I was using every time I said I can't
afford it he would stop me and give me other examples to use such as my money
is otherwise allocated eventually it became natural to use only
positive terminology but it just required some practice at first to break
the habit I also wore a rubber band on my wrist for a month and snapped it
every time I caught myself saying something negative this is a very
effective strategy which was inspired from the best-selling and highly
recommended book the one minute millionaire pay close attention to the
language that you're using and you may start to notice how often you were
reiterating the very situation you don't want to be in don't give it that much
power change your language to the positive instead of saying I can't
afford it why don't you try I can afford it but I choose not to buy it today or
I've chosen to give something else financial priority put yourself back in
control and know that if you really wanted it you could absolutely find the
money consider this if someone you loved was injured and had to be rushed to the
hospital and it was up to you to pay the hospital bills to keep them there or
they may die do you think you could find a way to get the money I think so
remember that you always have a choice and even though the choice may not be a
pleasant one to make it is in your hands you can always afford something if you
need it you just may choose to prioritize food this week rather than a
new pair of stilettos similarly feeling alive healthy and
energetic are magnets for Prosperity and positive outcomes if you want to attract
fantastic people experiences and opportunities into your life then start
putting out the right energy next time someone asks you how are you
you could respond with actually I stopped really badly last night and I've
got a terrible headache plus the kids are sick at the moment and I've got
bills coming out of my ears but I don't recommend it how do you think that would
make you not to mention the poor person who incidentally will never ask you that
again feel in that moment crappy so you may have had a bad night's sleep and
have a headache but do yourself a favor and give yourself the best chance at
feeling great so when someone asks how are you try i'm sensational how are you
or i feel phenomenal and i'm getting better you'll probably scare the heck
out of people and they won't know what to think but you may even put a smile on
their face - best of all you will really start believing yourself and that's when
the magic happens tell it how it is tremendous
what's your story we all have a story we've been hiding for years giving us an
excuse not to accomplish everything that we've dreamed of whether you're already
consciously aware of yours or not I don't know but I bet that you have one
I'll let you in on a little secret and give you an idea of what mine was I grew
up with very little money in my family we never lived in our own home and
learned terrible financial habits from my parents I was never exposed to anyone
wealthy to learn how to be a success myself there are really only three words
to say in response to that bla bla bla our history has absolutely nothing to do
with our future it is always and only what we choose to do with what we have
learned that defines our future no exceptions the great Oprah Winfrey for
instance was raised in poverty and subjected to sexual assault when she was
a child she could have used that as an excuse for never making anything of her
life yet instead she not only rose above it but used it to fuel her super success
as a result Oprah is one of the wealthiest women in the world today we
can all find a story to hide behind to give us a reason for not achieving
everything that we're more than capable of or we can choose to achieve it anyway
what's your story exercise one set some quality time aside
for yourself and maybe set the mood for inspiration by lighting some candles or
putting on some soothing music whatever works best for you take out a pen and
paper and allow yourself to be truly honest with what you've write down
consider what has been holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams and
living the life that you desire allow your story to unfold and write it all
down so you have it on paper as stories should be do you feel there is something
or someone in your life that's holding you back was your childhood traumatic in
any way do you or have you had an illness to deal with in your life were
you not given many opportunities growing up write down anything else that you
consider an obstacle or a hindrance in your success once you have written down
your story take a few moments to review it and decide how you really feel about
it are you giving it more power than it deserves now it's time to make a
decision you need to decide if you want to continue hiding behind this story or
break free of it take back control of your life and choose success the object
of this exercise is to make you aware of anything you may be hiding behind that
is stopping you from having everything your heart desires
just being aware of it has so much impact as awareness is the first stage
of change observe yourself over the coming weeks and months and take note of
the times when your story rears its head it's difficult to hide behind an excuse
that you have put the spotlight on you may even enjoy a chuckle at yourself as
you make the decision to step up and push through whatever challenge you're
faced with go get them tiger girl let it go
now that you have established what it is that you're lugging around with you
aren't you suddenly aware of how heavy it feels
it's as if someone attached a trailer to you when you were young and over the
years you've been piling stuff onto it without even realizing it's been subtle
and happening quietly and the trailer is dragging behind you so you don't even
see it yet you definitely feel something weighing you down remember the feeling
as a child of having a spring in your step and bounding around the house or
the yard full of energy like one of those bouncy rubber balls what happened
to that feeling I'll tell you what happened it's hard to bounce around with
a trailer full of stuff attached to your backside it's time to let the stuff go
it's not serving you imagine if you woke up tomorrow in a
brand new place with complete amnesia about who you were
where you had been or what your life experiences had been like so far yes it
could be a little frightening because it's unknown but imagine the
possibilities how exciting with the feeling be of beginning a brand new
journey with no stuff to hold you back you wouldn't know if you were an heiress
to a multi-billion dollar fortune or a beggar off the street so you could
pretty much pick which one and start feeling like that I know which one I'd
choose exercise 2 I came across a beautiful technique recently to let go
of the stuff that is holding you back which is a simple yet powerful
visualization sit down somewhere quiet where you will be comfortable and
uninterrupted for about 10 minutes close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to
get into a relaxed state and then just allow a picture to come into your mind
the picture is of you in whatever environment you choose that brings you
the most peace and joy that may be sitting on the beach sitting by a stream
in a forest or on a cloud in the sky wherever you are happiest and wherever
your imagination takes you you will notice the parks nearby is a really big
truck with a strong heavy-duty tow bar looking like it's ready to tow something
away you know what to do it is time to reach behind you and unclip your trailer
immediately notice how much lighter your body feels with that immense weight
lifted off now turn around and have a look at what you've been carrying around
all these years these are all of the emotions experiences and stories that
you have hung on to from way too long that no longer serve you
these may be specific and detailed experiences or simply emotions such as
fear guilt or shame that it's time to let go of now allow yourself to feel
whatever you feel at this point and allow your intuition to create whatever
picture it needs to for you whether your trailer is full of Louis Vuitton bags
garbage bags boxes or simply a pile of stuff that's perfect
whatever it is for you is exactly how it should be similarly if you're having
trouble getting a picture at all but can allow yourself to feel the process
that's perfect - there are no rules after looking at your trailer load of
stuff and saying your final farewells a big burly man comes over to you grabs
your trailer and attaches it to the back of the truck as he drives away with all
of your stuff pay attention to how you feel do you feel lighter happier excited
anxious ecstatic take a few moments to really feel what it means to release so
much negativity and start fresh with no load then once you're done take a few
deep breaths and open your eyes now if you're used to doing
visualizations this may have been easy for you but if you've never really done
them before it can be challenging to get a picture it differs for everyone and
that's okay you may feel nothing straightaway and
that's okay too you may even find that you have some interesting dreams tonight
or over the next few days you may notice how much lighter you feel a positive
side effect is that you may even find that you drop some unwanted weight as a
result of this also carrying around emotional baggage can have a very strong
impact on our physiology as well how is that for a bonus how sweet it is to feel
so free haven't we been here before have you noticed that there are patterns in
your life where you find yourself again and again going through the same kind of
experience emotion or circumstance have you noticed that there are patterns
in your life where you find yourself again and again going through the same
kind of experience emotion or circumstance I couldn't help it for
instance do you know of anyone who always has trouble with relationships
this person always seems to end up with that loser guy or girl and gets their
heart broken every time they may be the loveliest person on earth yet this keeps
on happening what about being accident-prone have you ever met someone
who always seems to have something go wrong no matter what they do or where
they are they seem to be a magnet for disaster and as I'm about to explain
that's pretty much exactly what they are is there a recurring pattern in your
life that you can't seem to shake are you attracting a constant flow of bills
and debts rather than an unlimited flow of cash and checks there is a very
specific reason why this keeps happening and best of all once you know how it
works you can change it put simply the universe has laws they are basic
principles of life and have been around since time began these laws are
unchangeable undeniable and absolute no exceptions universal laws apply to
everyone everywhere they cannot be changed they cannot be broken consider
the law of gravity no matter how much it may be nice for the law of gravity not
to work sometimes it will absolutely positively 100% always be in effect so
too will the law of attraction this powerful universal law says that what
you put out you get back another way to say that would be that
you attract what you put your attention on whether wanted or unwanted so if your
attention is on how you always get your heart broken guess what you'll get more
of it the way this works is that everything on this planet is energy a
vibration not the solid forms that we see around us science and metaphysics
have broken down every particle of the human body and everything that we
consider matter or substance to discover that we are actually made of energy and
so is everything around us everything vibrates at varying levels and when we
are feeling flat down negative or unhappy we are vibrating at a low level
and attracting other low-level vibrations to us conversely when we are
happy positive excited energized we vibrate at a higher level and attract
more positive experiences to us which are vibrating at the same level this is
where such sayings originated as being on a roll or a winning the streak when
you're up you're up and things seem to keep coming your way
in fact sales trainers often teach that the best time to make a sale is when
you've just made a sale this is because you're already vibrating at that high
level and likely to attract more of the same
the reason you may have a challenge with this is that it's generally more natural
to focus on your current reality than it is to focus on what you want so rather
than focusing all your thoughts and feelings on the abundance of wealth that
the universe has always had waiting for you you may have been
looking of how you were going to afford to eat this month to give you an example
of how the law of attraction works several years ago I put pictures of my
perfect wedding on my vision board with beautiful weather on the beach with me
being head over heels in love with my new husband who I hadn't met yet not to
mention my perfect engagement ring I got married this last November and it wasn't
until I looked back at my old vision board recently that I realized I had
lived out my exact dream wedding I have married the most wonderful man who
bought me the perfect ring and we got married on the beach in Thailand with
all of our friends and family the crazy part is that we were right in the middle
of the wet season and despite raining heavily on the days either side of our
wedding we had a beautiful clear day with the most beautiful sunset
to add even more fuel to these new uplifting thoughts of what you want it's
important to add emotion and really feel how real it is for you
this may be challenging at first because your logical brain may be saying that's
not true don't talk crazy but if you continue to practice it will start to
become easier and more natural not to mention how great it will make you feel
to picture yourself driving your new car living in your new home or marrying the
man of your dreams a great tool to help you visualize and stay focused on what
you do want which I mentioned briefly above is to create a vision board a
vision board is a collection of pictures and words if you want them of all of
your goals and dreams so starting today keep your thoughts on all the good stuff
or to quote one of our great motivational speakers Jim Ron stand
guard at the door of your mind do your best bouncer at nightclub
impersonation and keep the riffraff thoughts out think it feel it then get
ready to receive it gratitude one of the most powerful ways of attracting more
positive experiences and more prosperity into your life is to experience
gratitude for what you already have consider this the universe has done its
job and sent you everything you ordered even if you didn't know you were
ordering it therefore if you aren't even happy with what you have already been
given why would the universe think to send you anything else
gratitude is one of the single most life-changing choices to make and yet it
is also one of the easiest choosing to express gratitude for everything in your
life will have a truly powerful impact on how you feel ever
what you attract into your life and the people that you surround yourself with
now I know that you're asking how can I be grateful for everything
what about insert traumatic incented here that happened to me how can I be
grateful for that I would like to tell you that you should be even more
grateful for the traumas the losses the dramas the tragedies and all the other
horrible experiences you're suddenly referencing right now they are the ones
that have taught you the most and made you the person you are today there is
usually so much more to learn from the tragedies than there ever are from the
victories and that's why they form such an important part of our lives what you
need to do though is focus on the positive learnings from these
experiences and not dwell in the negative using this approach will mean
you never look at what may seem at first as a negative experience the same again
you will take it for what it is and look for the blessing which is such a
beautiful blessing in itself I can personally say that this was one of the
most life-changing concepts that has ever had an impact on me to have things
go wrong and smile knowingly excited about the chance to grow and learn means
nothing has the power to make me feel unhappy again what is that worth
exercise 3 a beautiful tool for encouraging gratitude is to keep a
gratitude Journal this is simply a notepad or diary or whatever brings you
the most joy that you write in everyday with five things that you were grateful
for on that day the idea is not to repeat what you have
already written wherever possible to encourage you to seek out more to be
grateful for even if it's the worst day in the world you could choose to be
grateful that you have all your limbs a shelter over your head or food on your
table there is always something to be grateful
for whether it's big or small it could simply be that you're so grateful that
the worst day in the world is only 24 hours and tomorrow will be a new day a
good time to write in your gratitude journal is just before you go to sleep
at night keep it by your bed and before you nod off to Dreamland reflect on the
day and what you have to be grateful for today this will put you in a beautiful
frame of mind before sleeping but most of all it will encourage you the next
day to look out for more to put in the gratitude journal this is where the
magic happens consider how your life could change if
every day you were always seeking out reasons to be grateful can you see the
power in this beautiful technique if you take nothing more from this ebook I hope
you try this no no thank you place your order it's time to put your
goals out there and place your order for what it is you want to receive it's
important to focus on the what but learn to let go of the how and most of all let
go of your attachment to the outcome put your intent out there feel it at every
part of your body mind and heart really get in touch with the emotion of having
what you want and then release it to the universe to do what it does best here's
a step-by-step guide to achieving your goals
avoid talking about what you don't want and get busy on what you do want always
have a date that you want to accomplish your goal by be realistic with yourself
that means that if you don't reach your goals often then give yourself more time
if you kick goals all over the place with ease then challenge yourself a
little write them down make sure you have them written down and stuck up
somewhere that you can see them often you should read them at least once a day
every day or better still write them down every day there's great power in
the written word always write them in the present tense as if you already have
what you want and use full sensory description ie what you will be seeing
hearing smelling tasting touching be specific for example it is Christmas
2007 and I'm sitting on my deck overlooking the water sea breeze messing
my hair with champagne bubbles tingling on my tongue as I celebrate this awesome
property I now own use a mode of words engage
your emotion make it compelling for you can you feel the difference between I
feel happy and my joy fills every cell of my body and I get goosebumps when I
think of always have a very clear end step choose an exact moment and
circumstance that when it happens you'll know you've achieved your goal make it
something you can clearly visualize that relates to you personally visualize your
goals often take a few minutes to picture yourself experiencing your goal
and allow yourself to really feel the emotions as if they were real and
happening already the visualizations will have a great effect but adding
emotions will make the difference between getting there or just wanting to
review your goals often tip a trick we at glow use is to laminate our goals and
stick them up in the showers so we read them every day while we're relaxed and
happy give it a try we'd love to be your cheer squad
hurrah fake it until you make it a major part of attracting prosperity and wealth
is to act as if you already have it this may be a little challenging at first
while your mind is arguing that no don't be silly I can't afford this or this is
crazy I feel like a fraud but if you stick with it you'll start training your
mind to believe that you are as wealthy as you're making out that you are
remember the mind can't tell the difference between what is real and what
is imagined so let your imagination run wild here are a few things you can do to
start feeling wealthy before your bank account catches up even if your clothes
aren't expensive wear them as if they are one-of-a-kind designer label made
just for you and your body shape pretend they are the most expensive clothes you
can find and imagine that you purchase them from that of market shopping area
of town stand tall and proud and strut when you
walk down the street tip for the ladies if you have ever wondered how models
swing their hips so seductively when they're on the catwalk it's because they
put one foot directly in front of the other one they walk rather than just
straight ahead give it a try and see how sexy you feel always keep yourself
groomed and feeling good even if you're just doing some grocery shopping take
the time to splash on some lipstick mascara aftershave and do your hair or
put on a shirt it will make you feel good and stand tall so that you're a
magnet to prosperity don't be afraid to try on the super expensive items get
comfortable in the areas where the wealthy people shop for instance try on
a pair of really expensive shoes without feeling guilty if you're feeling good
and walking tall you will fit right in anyway you can look at and try on all
the expensive things and then just say to yourself I choose not to buy that
today but maybe I will later don't allow yourself to think you can't afford it or
you're not worthy of it because you can and you are you're just choosing to
prioritize your money elsewhere take your favorite sports car for a test
drive and then get a photo taken in it for your vision board walk into the
dealership feeling like you're genuinely in the market for the car of your dreams
and you are it just may not be today in fact you may be surprised when you drive
the car that it may not be everything you had hoped for and you may get to
searching for another dream car anyway which would make the test drive
completely justifiable you want to be sure that you're lusting
after the right set of wheels that's what happened to me when I first test
drove my dream car a few years ago it was a Mercedes SLK 230 convertible and I
had wanted it for years when I drove it though I was disappointed as it didn't
have all the luxurious features I thought it would it also didn't have
much power at takeoff what can I say I like to be the first off the market a
green light so I went off the SLK and started looking at completely different
cars like shiny black four-wheel drives today I owned a beautiful shiny black
Jeep Grand Cherokee her name is Bertha with all the luxuries I need and of
course plenty of take off make a list of characteristics that a wealthy person
would have not just any one though the type of wealthy person you see yourself
becoming how would they carry themselves what would they eat what would they
drive what would they wear how would they feel about themselves how would
they interact with other people become really clear on what characteristics you
would need to have to become wealthy and start adopting them as your own even if
it's one at a time remember that it's all about being wealthy which means it's
a behavior and a state of mind not an object plays dollar amount or something
that you do or to quote Audrey Hepburn elegance is an attitude go with the flow
one of the fundamental rules of wealth is that it is something that flows money
is energy which means it is always moving and transferring from here to
there and everywhere money and wealth are like blood which naturally must keep
flowing in order for us to be alive and healthy the minute it stops flowing at
clots and the same principle applies to well
it has been said that in giving without wanting or expecting anything in return
you will receive blessings tenfold what you gave out I know you have probably
heard the term good karma which is essentially the same principle you may
also have heard of the term teething which means giving 10% of everything you
earn away to a good cause Church charity etc basically no matter
what you call it this law exists without doubt I believe there is a challenge
with the way karma has often been referenced however that if you do
something good you will get something better in return the idea of doing
something good for someone with getting something better as the reason defeats
the purpose and the very essence of karma in the first place
the idea is to give with love and no expectation and that alone should make
you feel like a million dollars the fact that the universe is likely to bestow a
magnitude of wealth and blessings upon you is simply a bonus to give you an
example a couple of years ago a friend of mine had just placed his property on
the market for sale one night we were all at a fundraising event and he and
his wife contributed a sum of money to a very good cause that night when they got
home there was a very good offer for their property waiting for them on their
fax machine if you have been living beyond your means or struggling to make
ends meet then I know that you're wondering how on earth you could
possibly part with 10% of your precious income all I can say is that you should
try it for a while I'm certain that you will find that you really won't notice
the small difference much day-to-day but what you will find is that wonderful new
experiences and feelings and blessings find their way into your life and your
heart another important reason to teeth is because it is all part of having an
abundant mentality rather than one of lack to say I don't have enough to share
is coming from a lack mentality whereas to say I have so much money that I am
lovingly sharing it with others is thinking from a place of abundance if
you are truly not in a position to give money to help others then there are many
other ways that you are able to share such as donating your time perhaps you
can volunteer your services at a local charity or spend some time with a lonely
elderly person who needs someone to talk to you may even want to take on a
student to mentor on something that you have had success with what is the point
of learning all that we have in life if we can't teach others what we have
learned get creative as it is these experiences of giving back that will
truly enrich your life humans weren't designed to struggle and experience lack
the universe has endless blessings and abundance for each of us and it is
simply waiting for us to say the word and place our order today is the day
stop most valuable commodity I know of this information the truth
Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus - Hands-on Video LEAKED - Duration: 3:44.
So we have a hands-on video of the Galaxy S10 Plus, just seven days before the device
will go official.
It comes from an online retailer MobileFun, I'll link down the original video in the description
box do check them out.
As you can see the phone has a thick tempered glass screen protectors installed with holes
in it for the camera and for the in-display fingerprint scanner.
The video seems to be captured when the phone was being tested with screen protectors.
Honestly, this screen protector makes the phone look bad.
It also hinders with the user experience.
Swiping around that area will be very uncomfortable for the thumb I guess and I don't understand
why would anyone want to install such screen protectors.
Some people are saying the hole is there for the fingerprint scanner to work.
Some are claiming the ultrasonic scanner may not work with thick screen protectors.
I can't confirm right now if that is the case but Max who's also a credible leaker says
that you don't have to worry about installing this because the Galaxy S10 will come pre-installed
with a screen protector and the fingerprint scanner will work absolutely fine with the
normal ones.
So yeah, you don't have to put this ugly thing and spoil the look of your phone.
So someone leaked the entire spec sheet of all the Galaxy S10 devices revealing everything
about the device.
If you're following this channel then these specs shouldn't come off as a surprise.
But there are few features, though which we didn't know yet.
First of all, there are improvements to the slow-mo videos.
Now we can record videos up to 0.8s up from 0.4 seconds of the Note 9 and 0.2 seconds
of the S9+.
Samsung has also improved the scene optimizer.
Now it should be able to recognize up to 30 scenes, up from 20 on the Note 9.
The camera also supports HDR10+ recording.
With HDR+ enabled the colors should be a lot crisper and there should be a noticeable improvement
in clarity too.
Finally, the display has been improved as well.
The displays will apparently reach 800 nits of brightness up from 700 on the Note 9.
By the way, Samsung is not happy with this leak.
They're investigating the person who leaked this stuff and there may be repercussions.
And It's not like we didn't already know all of this but yeah, I agree that the leaks should
be done in a controlled manner.
A lot of times, companies leak their own stuff to generate hype but leaking a spec sheet
where it's giving away all of the information is not cool.
I hope it doesn't affect the unpacked event which will take place in a week.
Anyway, for all the latest updates on this please consider subscribing and as always,
I'll see you'll tomorrow...Peace out!
Quel est ta Vision du SUCCÈS ? - Réussir sa Vie - Duration: 5:25.
U-Haul Police Chase Almost Ends Badly - Duration: 1:48.
Kick Him to the Curb - Duration: 3:57.
(upbeat music)
(crowd cheering)
Alright, we're back and it's time for ask rap.
You can ask me anything you want.
Our first question... Hey Michael, how you doing?
How you doing?
So , my name is Melissa and I need your advice.
Okay. So this guy has been
on my heels for like six years,
and I, finally, gave him the opportunity to
date me and we've been talking for like two months,
but, I recently cut my hair,
and I can tell he doesn't like it,
he's kinda vocal about it, actually,
he's always reminding me of my old looks and
what he liked before.
He liked my (mumbles), have wigs and braid,
all of those things.
But this is the new me and I know I'm still fire.
(crowd cheers)
So, my question to you is,
should I kick him to the curb or
give him some time to warm up to the new look.
No, no ,no ,no.
First of all, can we see the new look?
Come on Michael, you know better than to ask a
queen to take of her crown. But, for you.
(crowd cheers)
First of all, you look fantastic.
I know, Mike.
This is what we're going to do,
we're not just going to
kick him to the curb. Okay.
We're going to drop kick him to the curb.
(audience applause)
Listen, there's plenty of fish in the sea,
if he doesn't like you the way you are...
I don't want no fish, I want the sausage.
There's sausages,
there's sharks, Hello.
Whatever you need out there, they got it.
So, if this guy doesn't like you the way you are,
we kick him to the curb.
He got to go. Yes, sir.
Thank you. Thank you.
Our next question.
Hi Michael, I'm Rory, how you doing?
How you doing?
So my birthday is in July, the same day as Wendy's,
and my brother is getting married this summer.
I asked him specifically "please don't
get married around my birthday.
Not the day after, not the birthday weekend,
because I'm a little of a baby still.
I like to make a spectacle of it all.
Okay. Deserving.
Well, he's getting married,
of course the weekend of my birthday.
Okay. And, obviously I'm going,
my brother's my best friend, I'm the best woman,
I'm also the maid of honor.
But, can may the wedding also become a
Rory birthday extravaganza? The band sings to me,
No, no, no, no, no.
No? Listen to me.
A wedding is chaotic, okay?
Nick Jonas they can attest that.
Listen, the birthday is the wedding,
the wedding is the birthday.
Well, do a little something in the morning and,
later on, on the wedding do a little something there.
But, it's your brother's day, let him shine, let him live.
You gotta let him live.
Alright. Alright.
Thank you. Next question.
Hi Michael, how you doing?
I'm Lerone, how you doing? How you doing?
So, I supervise a team,
and I have someone on my team who is really great.
The problem is that she has really bad breath.
She's a close talker, so she gets really excited so
the conversation becomes like, right there.
How do I tell her as her supervisor "you need a mint"?
I'm going to keep it all the way real with you.
One of my New Year's resolutions, and the only one that
I've stuck to 150%, is as a grown man,
if you're with an arms distance, and a
woman, man, animal, if your breath is fire,
and like Mike Tyson me on my face,
I'm going to tell you "Yo, hold this mint".
Alright. So, you could say in a
very polite way to a woman. So just,
drop them out there for her?
Yes, and if she says "no, I'm good",
then you have to say "no, you're not".
Do it in a gentle way, and if she resists then just...
Just Binaca? Just spray her? No, not the Binaca,
get the (mumbles) all out.
(upbeat music)
Mt. Joy: "Julia" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 3:25.
Mt. Joy: "Astrovan" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 3:50.
Carmen Ejogo Spotlight - Last Call with Carson Daly (Interview) - Duration: 5:09.
FEBRUARY 2019 FULL MOON READING Cancer | Pisces | Scorpio
Welcome this is the Full Moon reading for the Pisces Cancer and Scorpio's.
You guys or the water sign people. I want to say thank you for being here, thank
you for being back, thank you for the wonderful likes, shares and surprises. Okay
you water sign people let's see what is happening and what is transpiring with
you Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio guys okay. So as we look at your reading this energy set is coming
out. This is going to be really a shift of energies okay, so remember the Sun sign
people or the people who were born five o'clock in the morning until 6 p.m. so
this is your energy vibration okay so... You water sign people are going to be
dealing with the energy of Mars which is your energy vibration and which is the
energy of Mars is career and you're dealing with some Aquarians and Aries
okay... so the Aquarians and Aries are going to be coming up in your worl so
that is what you water sign people are dealing with. These could be people
who are coming up to help you along your way
the energy of the Cancers are here with the Gemini's... Cancer's and Gemini's so it's
all about love in this period for a lot of you. What I love is for the moon sign
people - and please like and share these videos, welcome if you're a newcomer - and
please leave a message about these videos. This video is going to be 50
minutes long you can pick up 15 minutes on YouTube and the rest is going to be on
on-demand, it is only $1.99... If you have a PayPal account you can use
your telephone to order this [extended part] of the reading. Okay so what is happening here is that
Mercury and Mars is coming so there could be a career shift or some of you
could be very very very very very getting these
wonderful creative ideas because you guys are really the creative types
Uranus is here so something is going to be taken out of your life and it's going
to be affecting the energies of the Scorpions okay, so the scorpions
you can expect that something is going to be ripped away from you this could be
someone who you think you're in love with this person was playing you, so be
aware of this because whatever is transpiring, this person did not come in
your life in a positive energy vibration. They pulled the wool over your eyes and
this is what is transpiring. Now three energies of the planets are here and
these are like the planets that you're really... Mercury is not that bad but
Uranus and Mars is really career shift and career change. It could be good could
be positive for you guys so let's look and see please remember that whatever is
transpiring in your life and whatever need to leave your life, you need to
understand that you need to let it go. Okay you need to let it go you can't
hold on on things if people and situations needs to be released out of
your life you just need to release them whatever is that happening it's all
about love the Gemini's and the cancers for especially cancers are in the center
the cancers are going to be affecting by career changes and some of you're going
to be receiving the dream job that you were waiting for the kid the scorpions
especially the scorpions who were born the moon scorpions was born between the
hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 8:00 and what is going to be transpiring is that
there's definitely something that is configuring right so let's see it puts
that limb with the energy of Mars come in Apple Imperial Imperial is here the
energy of Imperial when it's here what it's a basically saying is that you need
to to you know balance out your working careers really balancing out co-workers
career so does this going to be good once that moment Aquarius that's
in your life they're going to be teaching you about perfectionist okay
they're going to be teaching you about perfectionist and this is going to be
good so use some sign or going to be connecting with the aquarium's and
they're going to be teaching you about perfection is the Aries for here and
when the air is his destiny some of you are going to realize that these Aries
are coming in your life and it has to do with destiny so whoever is coming in
your life it could be that you cancers are connecting with Aries and it's
destined that you are connected whether it's in business but it's in work it
could be a chaotic situation that you guys have been in a relationship that is
coming in so be aware mercury is here and mercury is bringing in the mysticism
of your life okay so mysticism so mercury is going to
be helping you guys especially the creative people so this is really
wonderful and this is good because mercury is the mystical energy as
working with Archangel Metatron and Saint Germain and their awakening your
gifts and this is going to be good Uranus what is rearrange doing for you
guys Uranus is helping you to find your right soulmate or twin flame and this is
going to be good this is going to be extremely wonderful it's going to be
positive it's going to be good we're seeing positive energies that is coming
in energy of the Scorpion you scorpion whatever is transpiring in your world
whatever you need to go in from the situation okay because you scorpions are
going to be affected that a situation is to even out believe in your life now it
could be someone who pretend to be a soulmate that is leaving your life
whatever it is exceptin see isn't the name of the game
so you cancers need to learn exceptin see some of you Kansas was in a
relationship for a very long time it was a very active relationship but even
though you know that this relationship was very on lt you still and stayed in
this relationship now it is as if the universe is saying listen you know this
can't go any longer whatever the situation is whether it was a
relationship whether it was just a friendship or whatever but some of you
have to accept that this relationship was and doomed and you saw this
relationship going down and you never do anything to get this relationship back
on track this relationship could not have gone back on track because it was
not meant to be okay so some of you am cancers or connected with the Aries your
you're gonna see that this was destined to happen whatever that is going to be
trapped transpired if this person is going to be leaving your life you're
going to be seen that this was destined to happen some of you this could be an
unloved relationship because the soulmate is here and you're realizing
that your marriage has been costing you your life and now I think you're going
to decide because it's as if you're angels and spirit guides comes in to say
this is it no more you can't do this anymore whatever that was transpiring in
this marriage or relationship your angels are guides to say no no you need
to understand we have been giving you the signs for all these years and you
need to understand that this is not working out and this was a destiny this
was destined to be but now you have to accept that there is new growth and
spiritual growth is going to be coming in a lot of you seems to be connecting
with a soul mate and a twin flame this is really a period where you're going to
accept whether or not you own or you stay okay whether or not you're going to
be on staying in these relationships okay let's see we have the energy of a
pure and it has to do with the king of cups
so some of you could be in a relationship with you King of cups
Pisces cancer or scorpions because this is the the water energy you guys are
going to be realized especially with career that some changes
is going to come and you have to learn to balance work and career perfectionist
and the Aquarius what is this all about some of you could be meet in an aquarium
and they're going to be teaching you perfectionist and you're going to be
realize this is the person that I've been waiting for so the soul mate is
over here so some of you are going to be realized and oh my god this is a person
I've been waiting for my entire life so that is going to be really a spiritual
union that is going to be coming in for you scorpions let's look at the Aries
and destiny on the sixth of ones okay so some good news is going to be coming in
for some of you who are connected with the air in Aries you're ready to realize
that this is the person for you I was destined to be with this person okay so
it's kind of weird but sometimes soulmates and twinkling come up in
wearing ways and this is a situation that some of you men 45 years and older
is going to realize that you know whoever this cancer is I was destined to
be with this person this person is really there for me or and it has to do
with these areas that connect him there's going to be some good news that
it's coming now let's look at mercury in the mysticism mercury in the mysticism
you young people between the ages of 18 and 45 this is going to be affecting you
so whatever exactly there's some mysticism that is around you you need to
either release this okay that means our negative energies could have been
pushing you and you're going to be releasing this in this full moon okay
let's look and see what is happening mature Uranus and the twin frame or
some of you could be connecting with an Aries Leo or Sagittarius okay so you
guys could be connected with the Aries Leo Sagittarius this could be a soulmate
ice coming in for you okay um and this is what I'm saying
sometimes twin flame and so may come in so many different ways and it's good
when you acts where so main reading it's a totally different reading because you
go back from past like times to find out who is your soulmate and who when they
come and you can know when they're coming in so it's good to take a
soulmate reading with me because that is really an in-depth reading you can look
at my website and check it out because it's a very very in-depth reading now
you scorpions have this is going to be a period of groomed for you scorpion so
whatever is happening let's see the scorpion and growth has to do with money
okay so um you scorpions whatever the situation that is going on in your life
whatever situation is transpiring in the life of you guys and it doesn't have to
be the scorpion you can also have scarfin Sun lunar eyes and energy into
your energy vibration what is transparent what is that where you want
to sign people is that you're reconnecting with your twin flame and
soul means soul of your or accepting whatever is coming at you in a
relationships okay your understanding that I'm a trackless relationship and I
have to deal with this relationship however way this relationship is winners
work whether it's friendship whether it's your personal life your marriage or
your relationships your intimate relationships this is what is coming in
you guys are really showing up in your own energy vibration reading I haven't
seen the rest of the zodiac signs show up sign you guys new love is coming in
definitely some of you are going to be connecting with an Aquarius Gemini or
and Aquarius yeah Gemini and queries of a Gemini some of
you are going to be connecting because the energy of love is really this this
month of February and it is
Erkenci Kuş / Early Bird - Episode 30 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:02.
What is a soulmate? Where can it be found?
Wh-what should be done not to lose them?
It's not for me. I am asking for a friend.
I cannot fit in.
He gave me the baby bed and is lying in the double one.
Sanem, my hearing is perfect.
- Where is Emre? - In a meeting.
- Leyla? - In a meeting.
- Sanem? - In a meeting. In Ağva.
- Can? - In Ağva.
- Hi! - Come on! Polen?
Use the bars for your balance. That's why they are there.
You are not rivals, don't forget that.
It's only human nature. I sneezed!
I'll burn this place down. I will!
I will burn this whole place down!
Close your eyes now.
Gülperi - Episode 20 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:03.
...who is it?
Is it the Superman?
Gülperi, are you ready?
We are getting married.
His name is Kadir Aydın.
I will give you his home address and the licence plate details.
You can go at night and finish the job.
Work your magic. His car should roll over and break into pieces.
He should be torn to shreds inside.
I am scared that something bad will happen. Is this all happening so fast?
Gülperi, what do you mean this is fast? There is a twenty-year delay, I hope you are aware?
Enough! Enough!
You will either believe me or you will go and call Kadir dad!
Everything will be alright.
(I have realized that) life could end suddenly...
...and you could be dead and gone before telling your beloved about your feelings.
- Gülperi! - A car! There is a car coming!
David Foster's Daughters Joke About Losing Inheritance to His Wedding with Katharine McPhee - News T - Duration: 4:12.
David Foster's daughters have a good sense of humor about his upcoming wedding to Katharine McPhee
After seeing an article that claimed Foster, 69, and McPhee, 34, were planning a $50 million wedding, Foster's daughter, Erin, 36, posted a screenshot of the page to Instagram, captioning the image "There's [sic] goes my inheritance
" Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
In an exchange captioned by Comments by Celebs, Erin's sister Sara Foster, 38, commented on the post writing, "Our inheritance was gone a long time ago FYI
" McPhee showed her solidarity in the comments, writing "There goes mine too tbh
" McPhee and Foster got engaged in July. After dodging relationship rumors for months, they confirmed that Foster had proposed with a sparkling emerald-cut diamond ring while they vacationed in Anacapri, Italy
The pair has not yet revealed their wedding date. The couple has been friends for years — first meeting on the set of American Idol when McPhee was a contestant in 2006
Since her father and McPhee went public with their relationship, Foster's daughters haven't been afraid to tease their dad about his engagement with their soon-to-be stepmom
Erin left a comment on her dad's Instagram post from his vacation with McPhee to Italy in July, calling her soon-to-be stepmom, "Mommmyyy" (alongside a sea of heart emojis)
Sara also got in on the laughs, writing, "Out of the country. What did I miss?" In December, Erin commented on a sun-soaked photo of McPhee wearing a yellow bikini, writing, "Grandma!!!! Wtf I don't want to be next to you at the pool," Erin said in a message first spotted by Comments by Celebs
McPhee then hilariously poked fun at herself by replying, "@erinfoster Grandma carries it in the back
Don't worry- you'll see my cellulite when I stand up." Foster has five daughters — Sara, Erin, Amy, 45, Jordan, 32, and Allison, 48
Sara posted another bikini photo of McPhee in December, captioning the post, "When your mom refuses to dress age appropriately
" In response, the singer quipped, "I can't even think of a good response." This prompted Sara to reply, "As long as you keep looking this good in a bikini, I will be writing captions like these
" McPhee and Foster opened up to PEOPLE about their journey to love in September
"We genuinely love and respect each other and have for a very long time," McPhee said
"She didn't catch my eye on the first day because I was so busy trying to do my job," added David
"But the reality is that in the last 12 years I've always had a connection with her
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