Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2019

Annuncio Annuncio  Oggi, domenica 17 febbraio, è andata in onda Domenica Live, il programma domenicale di Barbara D'Urso, con diversi ospiti tra cui Paola Caruso, il Divino Otelma, Taylor Mega e Silvio Berlusconi

E' possibile rivedere la diretta in streaming, sul canale di Mediaset Ondemad. Domenica Live - diretta tv  18

35 "Ci troviamo in una situazione più grave del 1994. Questi grillini non solo si dichiarano comunisti, ma hanno la più totale impreparazione

I comunisti di allora avevano una formazione, avevano governato regioni e città. Questi non sanno fanno nulla" ha continuato Berlusconi

 18.30 Silvio Berlusconi sostiene che attraverso la flax tax, si producono più consumi delle famiglie, più investimenti delle aziende, più posti di lavoro e più soldi nelle casse dello Stato, mettendo in risalto i problemi che da anni ci sono in Sardegna

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: Ramon caccia di casa Celia, Samuel viene minacciato di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio      18.15 In studio arriva Silvio Berlusconi. In vista della decisione sul processo di Salvini, il presidente annuncia di votare no per il giudizio della magistratura

L'attenzione si sposta sulle problematiche della Sardegna per riattivare il territorio e il lavoro nell'isola italiana

"Credo che si debba intervenire per aumentare i controlli affinché non ci sia del latte che arrivi nella regione da altri paesi con un costo inferiore" ha dichiarato

Per questo, il Presidente sostiene la necessità di introdurre la fiscalità di vantaggio

Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo

Anticipazioni Tv Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Barbara D'Urso Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Serie TV Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Gossip Segui + Aggiungi a My Home TV Soap Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio   Le dichiarazioni della presunta madre biologica di Paola Caruso  18

05 Barbara D'Urso rivela l'intervista avuta con la donna e manda in onda un filmato

La presunta madre racconta di aver partorito una bimba all'ospedale S.Anna di Catanzaro, ma la madre le comunica che la bimba è nata morta

Dopo la morte della madre, la donna decide di ritrovare quella bimba e pensa che sia proprio l'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro

"Paola, io sono la tua vera mamma. Vorrei abbracciarti e darti un bacio. Se vuoi vivere una vita con me, io non ti toglierò niente

Io non ti ho abbandonata" ha dichiarato la donna.  Ignari sono anche gli altri due figli della donna che hanno saputo il tutto solo nello scorso natale

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: salto temporale di 10 anni, arrivano nuovi attori come Maria Gracia di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio  Infine sostiene di voler fare il test del dna. Anche Paola è favorevole al test per vedere se è davvero la sua vera madre

Inoltre decide di vederla dietro le quinte, senza la presenza delle telecamere, perché la presunta madre non vuole apparire in televisione

   18.00 Si passa a Paola Caruso. La conduttrice rivela di aver parlato con la madre biologica

La donna sostiene di essere lei la madre che dopo il parto ha saputo che la neonata non era più in vita

La donna, inoltre, ha avuto questa bambina con un noto calciatore di quell'epoca

Il Talk show dedicato all'Isola dei Famosi  17.55 Il Mago rivela di aver scritto una lettera dopo i 9 punti in testa in Honduras, ma l'argomento sarà approfondito un'altra volta    17

45 Torna in tv il Divino Otelma e si riconcilia con Francesca Cipriani dopo l'incidente al reality show

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Anticipazioni Una Vita: Rosina fa riavere la sartoria a Susana di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 L'uomo ha dovuto infatti mettere ben 9 punti sulla testa dopo la caduta.  17.35 Un video per raccontare la giornata tipo di Taylor

"Io faccio l'influencer marketing, lavoro con la mia immagine per interagire con i miei follower" spiega la modella alla domanda su come riesce a permettersi tutto questo lusso

Vladimir Luxuria la accusa per la troppa ostentazione sul mostrare oggetti così costosi

 17.30 In studio si parla della polemica sulla necessità di un milione di euro al mese per Taylor Mega

"Sono stata criticata per ambire a un milione di euro al mese. Che male c'è?" ha risposto

L'attenzione si sposta sull'orologio al suo polso molto costoso. Antonella Mosetti la difende

"Io sono partita dal niente. I miei genitori non mi hanno mai dato niente. Sono uscita di casa e ho fatto tutto io" ha continuato Taylor

 17.25 Inizia la nuova puntata di Domenica Live. Barbara D'Urso saluta il pubblico e i telespettatori

Si parte dal talk show sull'Isola de Famosi con Taylor Mega, Francesca Cipriani, Guendalina Tavassi, Eva Henger, Vladimir Luxuria, Antonella Mosetti e Daniele Interrante

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Un posto al sole, anticipazioni dal 25/2 all'1 marzo: Franco aggredito brutalmente di Antonietta Canale Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

  Domenica Live, cosa vedremo nella puntata di oggi  In studio ritornerà Paola Caruso, a poche settimane dalla nascita del primogenito Michele

L'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro, si ritroverà per la prima volta a faccia a faccia con la sua madre biologica

Sarà un momento davvero emozionante, dopo tutti questi anni di separazione tra le due

Già qualche settimana fa, durante Pomeriggio Cinque, la D'Urso annunciava di aver parlato con la presunta madre e l'intervista sarà mandata in onda questo pomeriggio

Inoltre la donna avrebbe confermato di volersi sottoporre al test di dna, per provare che è proprio lei la madre di Paola Caruso

 Inoltre ci sarà il consueto talk show dedicato al reality show "L'isola dei Famosi"

In studio arriverà il Divino Otelma con una busta choc. Il mago ha catturato l'attenzione dei media per la caduta a causa della spinta di Francesca Cipriani durante la prova ricompensa

Mentre le sue condizioni di salute sono stabili, molto probabilmente oggi assisteremo al primo confronto con la Cipriani

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Bufera all'Isola dei Famosi, su twitter accusano: 'Aiutano Soleil a vincere' di Sabina Nana Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 Ultimo spazio di Domenica Live dedicato a Silvio Berlusconi.   Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www

gossipetv.com/paola-caruso-madre-biologica-intervista-domenica-live-397475 https://www


shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia

For more infomation >> Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.


Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.

4:55 PM ETRob DemovskyESPN Staff Writer CloseCovered Packers for Green Bay Press-Gazette from 1997-2013 Two-time Wisconsin Sportswriter of the Year as selected by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters AssociationFollow on TwitterFacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint GREEN BAY, Wis

-- First, there was the question of how new Green Bay Packers coach Matt LaFleur would manage Aaron Rodgers

 LaFleur answered that with a story about his first interaction with Matt Ryan during his days as the Falcons quarterbacks coach

Now that LaFleur has his entire coaching staff in place, and it includes someone who knows Rodgers well, the question is this: Is Rodgers, at age 35 and about to begin his 15th NFL season, willing to be coached? Luke Getsy, who previously spent four seasons on the Packers coaching staff (2014-17) and returned last month as quarterbacks coach after a year as Mississippi State's offensive coordinator, believes so

 "Absolutely, I have no question about that," Getsy said. "I think he's as big of a competitor as I've ever been around

He has that desire to win more than anybody I've been around. I think whatever you want to call coaching, I think it's delivering the message, being consistent and holding people accountable to that message, and he wants that as much as anybody

" Rodgers' decrease in production, most notably in his completion percentage -- which was his second-lowest (62

3) since he became a starter, played at least a role in the Packers' decision to fire coach Mike McCarthy with four games left in his 13th season

Also, Rodgers had criticized McCarthy's offense after an early-season win over the Bills, exposing the tension between the two

 Getsy is the only member of a trio of coaches who will work closest with Rodgers who has any previous relationship with him

Getsy spent his first two seasons in Green Bay as a quality control offensive assistant, a job in which he worked closely with the quarterbacks, before two seasons as receivers coach

Rob Carr/Getty Images "It didn't have to be a guy that necessarily worked with Aaron," LaFleur said Monday when he formally introduced his first coaching staff

"Certainly we're going to find the best quarterback coach that's out there. Some things that I really did like about Luke was the fact that he played quarterback in college

Certainly I reached out not only to Aaron, but a couple other guys with him being in the building before, just to find out what they thought of him as a man and as a coach and everybody gave him a thumbs up

" Still, Getsy is expected to help ease the transition to LaFleur and new offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett

Neither LaFleur nor Hackett had any previous relationship with Rodgers. It could help that they're all close to Rodgers in age

 Getsy, like Rodgers, is 35, while Hackett and LaFleur are 39. In fact, youth is a common thread among LaFleur's staff

 "I think it starts first and foremost with character and I think that's one reason why Luke's in that room," said Hackett, who served as the Jaguars offensive coordinator until he was fired last November

"I think that's one reason, I hope, why Matt brought me along. I think we all know -- Luke, myself, Matt -- we all know it's about one voice

I mean, there's so many times that if you give mixed messages to anybody on the field, it's not just about Aaron, it's anybody, I mean, my whole job is to make sure that everybody is speaking the same language, everybody is saying the same thing

It's so important. You can never give mixed messages because these guys are expected to go out in front of 70,000 people and execute

They have to know exactly what we're expecting from everybody." Rodgers has been in the same offense, led by McCarthy, for his entire career as an NFL starter -- up until McCarthy was fired

 Like McCarthy, LaFleur plans to be a playcalling head coach, which means his relationship with Rodgers is critical

 "We've got three quarterback guys that are going to be hitting him from all angles," LaFleur said

"No, I'm going to do part. I know that I need to be in that room, especially as much as I possibly can because I am going to be the playcaller

I think that relationship between the playcaller and the quarterback is absolutely critical

So I will be in there as much as I can. I don't foresee ever missing a quarterback meeting


For more infomation >> Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.


'Rapper' Boef vindt rijverbod stom, gaat in hoger beroep - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 'Rapper' Boef vindt rijverbod stom, gaat in hoger beroep - Duration: 1:50.


Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XR 54 DKM - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XR 54 DKM - Duration: 1:10.


Fariba, retroscena su Giulia Salemi e Monte: sfogo a Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Fariba, retroscena su Giulia Salemi e Monte: sfogo a Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 3:55.


La fonte della felicità - Duration: 3:13.

already in this video I want to talk of the only thing that can make you

happy we all human beings are constantly looking for the

happiness constantly looking for wellbeing and often we look for it in the

wrong ways, for example, we look for the happiness in love for us

of another person we read a object of desire is evident that

doing this is very difficult to be happy or we'll be happy for a short

period of time because anyway then the other person could leave

could leave us could betray us could issue born of behaviors

that generates a suffering could die or we could after a while

it must involve us for which it is a form of search for happiness that does not lead from

no part any people can try to find happiness in the

success but also in this success is really film in permanent

it can change we can be scientists they can have so many things

or it may not claim to be successful and realize that it is not a source of

success so we can always go to the

search for different objects of desire but we will never succeed in this way a

find happiness the only way to experience happiness is

love is not an object of desire the love we have to try for ourselves

same and for others if we succeed really develop these skills

self-esteem to love for ourselves and also develop love for others

for all sentient beings

we will manage to be happy this wants say delete for real mental eni

elementary jealousy of the invitation e of the arrogance of attachment

attachment and often what we let's go to research with object

through the objects of desire attachment and source of say drift

from egoism comes from the fact that I have them mine

and important this way though unfortunately we will never be able to be

happy the only way we are sure not to be happy

we continue to search it always in the the same way we continue to

always search through them mechanisms the same systems but they are

mechanisms that will not make it mature then the quantum leap the ability to

be really happy to go to search for the spring in this direction

happiness in this direction in love that does not mean

attachment to an object of desire means the desire that one

person can be happy to desire that we ourselves can be

happy developing by hand for ourselves if we can do this we will succeed

truly develop the happiness that is however, within everyone's reach

we can get reach well for this video it's all if then he writes

to the channel a chance to make one question of chernobyl answer if the

video I liked it while a like share it with your friends bye

For more infomation >> La fonte della felicità - Duration: 3:13.


Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa" - Duration: 2:33.

Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa"

Ultime notizie Francesco e Giulia, una bellissima sorpresa per la ragazza (che resta senza parole!) Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi stanno trascorrendo delle fantastiche giornate.

La fashion blogger ha ricevuto un regalo inaspettato e ha voluto condividere la sua gioia con tutti i follower di Instagram. Come è solita fare.

Giulia è super-social: grazie a lei, scopriamo le novità sulla sua storia col bel Monte; quest'ultimo sta cercando di interagire di più con i suoi fan seguendo i consigli della fidanzata.

Si divertono, sì, e adesso hanno parlato di un magico momento.

Di quello che è veramente successo nel giorno di San Valentino.

Giulia e Francesco hanno sorpreso con dei messaggi scritti su Instagram.

Foto Giulia e Francesco insieme: l'amore è finalmente arrivato… zero dubbi! "Il più bel San Valentino di sempre insieme a una sorpresa che non mi aspettavo per niente.

Grazie Francesco, mi hai fatto sentire davvero una principessa e ogni giorno mi stai facendo scoprire cosa significa amare ed essere amati".

Francesco le ha fatto proprio una bella sorpresa, di cui vi abbiamo già parlato. Queste sono state le parole di Giulia.

Adesso i due piccioncini hanno condiviso le foto esclusive del loro 14 febbraio d'amore.

Il momento speciale di Francesco e Giulia dopo il Grande Fratello Vip: la coppia si sorprende e sorprende! Giulia Salemi è ancora incredula: "Pazza di te.

Una delle sorprese più belle della mia vita! Io sono basita".

Sorprese – subito dopo il giorno di San Valentino – anche per Stefano Sala! Nilufar Addati ha invece sorpreso con un messaggio scritto per Giordano Mazzocchi,

da cui si capisce bene il suo desiderio di ritornare insieme all'ex corteggiatore di Uomini e Donne.

Coppie che si amano alla follia, altre che scoppiano senza dare segnali di crisi.

Cos'altro ha in serbo per noi questo neonato 2019?

For more infomation >> Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa" - Duration: 2:33.


✅ Donne che allenano gli uomini, Amélie Mauresmo e le altre - Duration: 5:41.

 È cosa abituale nella danza, negli sport come il pattinaggio artistico, ma le donne stanno prendendo piede anche in altri sport come allenatrici

Ci sono donne allenatrici di uomini campioni del mondo. Nei tuffi Jane Figueredo è la guida dell'iridato dalla piattaforma Tom Daley

Una delle tante donne che allenano uomini come Amélie Mauresmo, che è stata scelta anni fa da Andy Murray nonostante i commenti sessisti e che ora ha portato Lucas Pouille alla semifinale degli Australian Open

 AMELIE MAURESMO «Amélie mi ha ridato fiducia e la gioia di giocare a tennis

  Essere allenato da una campionessa come lei è un onore». Il punto per Pouille non è che sia una donna ad allenarlo, ma una persona competente

«Uomo o donna, che importa? Nel tennis è fondamentale sapere cosa si fa, e Amelie lo sa»

La campionessa francese è passata ad allenare il connazionale lasciando l'annunciata panchina della squadra di Davis transalpina e ha fatto il «miracolo»

   La Mauresmo vinse a Melbourne nel 2006 e nel 1999 dichiarò qui pubblicamente la propria omosessualità

Ora è in tribuna con i figli a vedere i progressi dell'allievo che ripaga con risultati e complimenti: «Lo raccomando a tutti: prendetevi un coach donna»

È statala prima allenatrice donna di un Top 10 ATP e punta a tornare in testa alla classifica

 Nel tennis è ormai consuetudine che gli allenamenti siano misti. Serena Williams ha atleti uomini come sparring partner

Non gli ultimi arrivati per la regina: Tomic, l'americano Tiafoe, Dimitrov e Tsitsipas che ha eliminato Roger Federer

È una battaglia dei sessi perché i giocatori sono invitati a fare per davvero, ad allenarsi a loro volta

Senza risparmiarsi colpi.    È storia che viene da lontano quella delle donne allenatrici

Le prime sono sempre le mamme, per Murray come per Alexander Zverev, fresco di vittoria delle Finals in novembre

Sono donne anche molte allenatrici nelle categorie minori, dal calcio al basket

Sono per i bambini però. Dopo c'è il solito soffitto di cristallo.  CALCIO E BASKET Nelle categorie maggiori la musica cambia e la strada è sempre più difficile negli sport di squadra

Il manifesto lo ha scritto anni fa Becky Hammon, ex giocatrice WNBA ora sulla panchina dei San Antonio Spurs

«Gli uomini sono troppo grandi e forti. Una donna non potrebbe mai giocare con loro

Ma quando la faccenda diventa mentale, come allenare, stendere un piano gara, avere a che fare con schemi, non ci sono motivi per i quali una donna non possa avere un ruolo nello sport maschile»

 Per lei ha scritto il campione Nba Pau Gasol. «In 72 anni non c'è mai stata una donna allenatrice capo in Nba…Becky Hammon può allenare in Nba

Punto. L'ho visto in allenamento quando ha notato problemi e punti più di altri coach, dopo non ho più avuto un passaggio sbagliato in tutta la stagione»

 Fu Luciano Gaucci a mettere la prima donna su una panchina di calcio: Carolina Morace

Appena due partite alla guida della Viterbese. Corinna Diacre è stata tecnico del Clermont, serie B francese, per tre anni prima di andare a guidare la nazionale femminile francese

 In Italia un muro l'ha abbattuto Patrizia Panìco. È stata la prima donna a sedere su una panchina di una nazionale maschile di calcio come allenatrice guidando l'Under 16 in amichevole in sostituzione di Daniele Zoratto, di cui è assistente tecnico, impegnato con la nazionale Under 19 nella Fase Elite del Campionato Europeo

 Le armi sono due, preparazione e ironia. Alla domanda sessista di un giornalista che le ha chiesto se i suoi giocatori dovessero indossare i pantaloni prima che lei entrasse nello spogliatoio, Imke Wübbenhorst, alla guida del BV Cloppenburg, club professionistico maschile tedesco, ha risposto per le rime: «Certo che no

Sono una professionista. Scelgo i giocatori per le dimensioni del loro pene»


For more infomation >> ✅ Donne che allenano gli uomini, Amélie Mauresmo e le altre - Duration: 5:41.


Uomini e Donne Teresa e Andrea dopo la scelta, l'amico: "Attenzione a guardare solo…" - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne Teresa e Andrea dopo la scelta, l'amico: "Attenzione a guardare solo…" - Duration: 3:51.


✅ Eleonora Abbagnato, tra figli e amore (in punta di piedi) - Duration: 2:58.

 Eleonora Abbagnato è una donna decisa. Basta guardarla volteggiare per capire le tinte più nitide della sua personalità: sa sempre quello che vuole ed è abituata a prenderselo, con lavoro e sacrificio

Anche se le sanguinano i piedi e ha i muscoli paralizzati dal dolore

Sin da piccola, ha scelto di lasciare le bambole nelle scatole e dedicarsi alla danza, la passione della sua vita: oggi, tagliato il traguardo dei 40 anni, continua a raccogliere i frutti delle sue fatiche e l'esibizione a Sanremo, sulle note della canzone di Francesco Renga, è l'ennesima stellina nella sua luccicante carriera

     A 8 anni è già sulle punte, a 11 il primo passaggio in tv grazie a Pippo Baudo, a 13 l'ammissione alla prestigiosa scuola dell'Opéra di Parigi, a 23 la promozione come première danseuse, a 34 étoile

Nel 2015, inoltre, viene nominata direttrice del Balletto dell'Opera di Roma, la più giovane di sempre: «È il mio carattere», ci ha rivelato la scorsa estate, «avere sempre un obiettivo, arrivarci in fretta

Con sacrificio e duro lavoro». Lei, che sul palco dell'Ariston ci era già salita nel 2009 come valletta d'eccezione al fianco di Bonolis, torna in tutt'altra veste, per la serata dei duetti

   Un sogno, quello di Eleonora, iniziato a Palermo, alla scuola di ballo di Marisa Benassai, vicino al negozio di abbigliamento della madre: «Se non fossi diventata una ballerina, forse avrei fatto il suo lavoro»

In realtà, in testa aveva le idee chiare: «Da piccola non guardavo molto i giocattoli, ma ora mi sto rifacendo con i miei figli»

Julia (7), la primogenita, e Gabriel (3), poi ci sono Lucrezia e Ginevra Vittoria, le bambine che Federico Balzaretti – suo marito dal 2011 – ha avuto dalla precedente relazione

«Pensare che non volevo un calciatore, neppure un biondo. Oggi lo sposerei altre dieci volte»

 Perché nella vita del «comandante» Abbagnato, «l'imprevisto» è diventata la sua certezza più grande


For more infomation >> ✅ Eleonora Abbagnato, tra figli e amore (in punta di piedi) - Duration: 2:58.


come eliminare le emozioni negative - Duration: 1:18.

hello the negative emotions are Often we are incompatible with happiness

we feed on negative emotions often in sentimental relationships there

we fall in love with people who make us suffering make us suffer because there is not

they give their availability because they put amid the antagonists

because they have other people because they are with us but not completely often

let's say let's say we also give good we also give emotions to these

people who are not aware of the changes that is, they reciprocate with negativity with

negative emotions of these emotions negative are incompatible with the

happiness at the moment when we we also perceive a person gives us

negative emotions we must find the strength of the

involve us first and then second to let her leave it for her

his way this is the only way to live

emotions that can give happiness true at least the possibility well for

this video everything describes the channel will have the opportunity to ask a question

and of the answer area if the video you liked to put a like

share it with your friends bye

For more infomation >> come eliminare le emozioni negative - Duration: 1:18.


Gianluigi Nuzzi è un giornalista, saggista e conduttore italiano. Ecco tutte le informazioni su di l - Duration: 4:30.

     Gianluigi Nuzzi è un giornalista, saggista e conduttore italiano. È nato e cresciuto con la passione per la scrittura e infatti la sua carriera inizia da giovanissimo: a 14 anni comincia a scrivere per la rivista Topolino

Dal 1994 segue le più rilevanti inchieste giudiziarie italiane e due anni dopo, nel 1996, diventa giornalista professionista

Nel corso degli anni Nuzzi ha collaborato con diversi quotidiani e riviste. Ricordiamo Espansione, Corrier, L'Europeo, Gente Money e il Corriere della Sera

Ancora: ha lavorato a lungo a Il Giornale e a Panorama ed è inviato del quotidiano Libero

 Gianluigi Nuzzi è anche l'autore, tra gli altri, del libro inchiesta best seller nel 2009 Vaticano S

p.A., che è stato tradotto in quattordici lingue. Ma è anche un volto televisivo. Il novembre 2011 segna il suo debutto sul piccolo schermo con la conduzione su La7 del programma 'Gli intoccabili', poi, l'anno successivo, presenta sempre sullo stesso canale la trasmissione 'Le inchieste di Gianluigi Nuzzi', ma è con 'Quarto Grado' che arriva la popolarità

(Continua dopo la foto)      Nel 2013 Mediaset affida a Gianluigi Nuzzi il ruolo di conduttore al fianco della giornalista Alessandra Viero di 'Quarto Grado', in onda su Rete 4, e la carica di vicedirettore di news dopo le dimissioni di Salvo Sottile

Oltre a 'Quarto Grado', da giugno 2014 Nuzzi presenta l'approfondimento 'Segreti e delitti' che va in onda in prima serata su Canale 5 per sette venerdì

A partire da 3 maggio 2015 'Quarto Grado' ha ampliato la sua offerta informativa con la pubblicazione di un settimanale dallo stesso titolo e, dal 2017 al 2018, Nuzzi va in onda anche ogni domenica in access prime time con lo spin-off intitolato 'Quarto grado – La domenica'

(Continua dopo la foto)     La cicatrice che Gianluigi Nuzzi ha sul volto è dovuta a un brutto incidente avvenuto in Grecia nel 1998: "La cicatrice me la sono fatta a Paros, in Grecia, incidente in scooter nel pomeriggio di un giorno d'estate

Ero in vacanza, stavo raggiungendo un amico che faceva surf, mi sono distratto e sono caduto", ha rivelato il giornalista e conduttore nello studio di Verissimo

"Hanno fatto tutti un ottimo lavoro, ma l'incidente era stato così violento da rendermi irriconoscibile: quando è venuta a trovarmi mia sorella Lucia è finita in terra svenuta", ha poi raccontato a Ok

(Continua dopo le foto) Gianluigi Nuzzi è nato a Milano il 3 Giugno 1969 sotto il segno zodiacale dei Gemelli, è alto un metro e settantasei centimetri e pesa circa settanta chili

Per quanto riguarda la sua vita privata, è sposato con la collega Valentina Fontana, giornalista free-lance per Libero quotidiano e Il Giornale

Hanno due figli, Edoardo, nato nel 2007 e Giovanni, classe 2010. In un'intervista rilasciata a Visto Gianluigi Nuzzi ha parlato di sua moglie Valentina e raccontato quanto sia importante: "Mi incoraggia a scrivere libri, perché dice che quando non scrivo sono un uomo incompleto"

E ha anche svelato che Valentina lo ha baciato la prima volta proprio sulla cicatrice che ha sulla guancia

: "È il ricordo più caro che ho", ha confidato il giornalista.      

For more infomation >> Gianluigi Nuzzi è un giornalista, saggista e conduttore italiano. Ecco tutte le informazioni su di l - Duration: 4:30.


✅ Leo Dias fala sobre os bastidores da separação entre José Loreto e Débora Nascimento - Área VIP - Duration: 2:26.

 Nesta segunda-feira (18), o jornalista Leo Dias, durante o programa de fofocas, o "Fofocalizando", contou detalhes sobre os bastidores da separação entre José Loreto e a atriz Débora Nascimento

 Segundo Leo, Loreto foi colocado para fora de casa por Débora, na última quinta-feira (14), dias após a atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa ter dado uma festa em sua casa

Ainda de acordo com o jornalista, na festa os convidados eram proibidos de levar os namorados, namoradas, maridos e esposas

 Leo também contou que recebeu várias ligações de atrizes da Globo, dando detalhes sobre a separação

"Marina, nós sabemos que não foram os instagrans de fofoca [que deram a notícia]

Respeitamos demais você, mas essa fofoca surgiu na TV Globo e é lá de onde surgiram essas informações

Eu me baseei em fontes e essa moça aqui [Lívia Andrade] acompanhou tudo de perto", falou ele

 O jornalista ainda disse que muitas pessoas na emissora torcem pela queda da ruiva na emissora carioca: "Ela gera muita inveja, com apenas 23 anos é uma das mais bem sucedidas de sua geração"

 Leo Dias falou também sobre Débora Nascimento, dizendo que a mesma é forte: "A Débora é uma pessoa muito ciumenta, com opinião forte, muita gente acha ela chata e resmungona, ela nunca deixaria passar uma situação dessa

Ela flagrou mensagens e tinha um certo encantamento com a Marina Ruy Barbosa"

Apoio  A notícia que chocou o mundo dos famosos nos últimos dias foi a da separação dos atores José Loreto e Débora Nascimento

O casal, que tem uma filha de apenas 10 meses, Bella, ficou junto por cerca de 6 anos

 Após o anúncio do término, Débora Nascimento começou a receber inúmeras mensagens de apoio, tanto de famosos quanto de anônimos

Uma das celebridades que ganhou muito destaque, foi a da também atriz Alice Wegmann

 No espaço de comentários da última foto que Débora tinha publicado até então, Alice comentou: "Ainda bem que o mundo tem mulheres como você! Que sua filhota cresça com todo esse amo que você dá… E que vocês duas se bastem, sempre! Love!"…Confira! Leia também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Leo Dias fala sobre os bastidores da separação entre José Loreto e Débora Nascimento - Área VIP - Duration: 2:26.


✅ Carnaval: Fátima Bernardes e Túlio Gadêlha curtem mais que muita gente - Duration: 0:57.

 A apresentadora da TV Globo Fátima Bernardes e o namorado Túlio Gadêlha aproveitaram para curtir o clima do pré-Carnaval em Pernambuco, durante todo o final de semana

 Depois de ser coroada como rainha do Baile dos Artistas, em Recife, Fátima e Túlio seguiram para Olinda

Lá, desfilaram anonima e publicamente. Confira as fantasias: Carnaval: Fátima Bernardes e Túlio Gadêlha curtem mais que muita gente   14 FOTOS  Fátima e Túlio namoram há dois anos

Recentemente, a jornalista esteve em Brasília para acompanhar a posse do deputado no Congresso Nacional

Os dois foram vistos, ainda, em um restaurante da capital.

For more infomation >> ✅ Carnaval: Fátima Bernardes e Túlio Gadêlha curtem mais que muita gente - Duration: 0:57.


【MUKBANG】 Cheese Flood!! [Chicago Pizza] 3 Kinds [About 7000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:39.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !!!

i bought 3 kinds of chicago pizza from butcher republic restaurant

I ate chicago pizza before...

and it was so tasty

and when i found that this restaurant sell it, i bought it immediately


today's soup is onion milk soup


let's start first with this !

classic chicago pizza

waaa! look at this !

cheese is so melty

it's so thick, this is amazing

mmmm !

truly delicious

it contains plenty of meat and cheese sauce

mmmm !

it's classic chicago pizza

and the amount of mushroom on it, is so huge

the filling has spilled

waah! cheese is so stretchy

mmm !

cheese is the best

look how it's so thick

chicago pizza is really amazing

mmm !

no ! lon !

the one who thought about chicago pizza is really genius

this is like a course of cheese

next , black and white cheese

mmmm !


its black and white color is so beautiful

mmmm !

the taste of mozzarella cheese is so strong

mmmm !

cheese is mixed with bechamel sauce

there is plenty of sauce

gorgonzola cheese , mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese, it contains 3 kinds of cheese

that's why the taste of cheese is strong

cheese is so stretchy like in hotdog

and finally, tokyo traditional chicago pizza

aah, it contains plenty of Gouda cheese

from the first bite i can feel a really strong taste of meat, and the onion is really crispy

the look of chicago pizza is truly amazing

this is so appetizing

i can smell the taste

the last bite, itadakimasu



chicago pizza was so tasty

its thick texture that is filled with plenty cheese is really amazing

it looks like a cake and this is so cute

it will be so good for parties

and it's a good thing that there are many kinds of it to try it

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye !

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Cheese Flood!! [Chicago Pizza] 3 Kinds [About 7000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:39.


OUR NEW HOUSE TOUR in Japan !! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> OUR NEW HOUSE TOUR in Japan !! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:55.


#73-자작루어-Making a fishing Lure - Ugly fish - Duration: 4:34.

Be sure to set the subtitles. Provides a caption for the image description. Korean, English, French, German, Chinese, Thai Video description is provided as caption. Korean, English, French, German, Chinese, Thai

Let's make lure using the Singi Bus site after snake-shaped lure.

Let's download this file that's ugly, but still has details.

It creates space for us to add weights and secure hookers.

I've also created a place to hold the lip underneath the lips.

Printed layer height 0.1mm / fill 20%.

Two different positions of hooks for testing

one extra weight space

a model with two extra weight spaces

I don't know the exact weight balance, so I make two.

Remove support

It took about an hour to remove the support.

We've inserted about 11 grams of wate.

The second lure was to insert a weight of about 9 grams in the front and 5 grams in the back.

Use baking soda to fill gaps.

Harden soda with a quick fixer.

Sprinkle silvery first on the background, then clear orange and purple.

I don't know the exact weight balance, so I make two.

Paint the main color in black.

Sprinkle red point color on top of water purifier

Brush teeth with white acrylic paint

I use a brush to draw my lips.

Draw fish eyeballs.

Coat with epoxy.

The hook kid you use is 1.6mm in diameter.

It will dry for two days.

Cut 3mm-thick clear acrylic and make lip

Use epoxy to secure the lip.

It's dry for about a day.

It's about 36 grams, except for hooks.

I think B modeling is more weighty. I think it'd be nice to put a little more weight on the front.

I will share files with B design.

For more infomation >> #73-자작루어-Making a fishing Lure - Ugly fish - Duration: 4:34.


【호시우타*HSUT】 사무라이 하트 (サムライハート/Some Like It Hot!!) . cover - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 【호시우타*HSUT】 사무라이 하트 (サムライハート/Some Like It Hot!!) . cover - Duration: 3:11.


Povestea impresionantă a Isabelei Stănescu, țiganca din Piatra Neamț, olimpică la muzică! - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Povestea impresionantă a Isabelei Stănescu, țiganca din Piatra Neamț, olimpică la muzică! - Duration: 3:42.


El PSOE se persona como acusación en el caso Villarejo - Duration: 2:47.

 El PSOE se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa que investiga en la Audiencia Nacional las actividades del comisario jubilado y en prisión provisional José Manuel Villarejo y, en particular, en la pieza denominada Kitchen sobre el espionaje al ex tesorero del PP Luis Bárcenas que se habría sufragado con fondos reservados

 El PSOE ha abonado ya los 15.000 euros de caución necesarios para ejercer la acusación popular en esta pieza secreta de la instrucción en la que también está personado Podemos, partido que consta como parte en varias de las líneas de investigación de la causa, según ha avanzado Vozpopuli y ha confirmado Europa Press

  En la pieza Kitchen están asimismo personados pero en calidad de acusación particular el propio Bárcenas y su esposa, Rosalía Iglesias, quienes habrían padecido el supuesto espionaje por el que a partir de 2013 se pagó al chofer de la familia, Sergio Ríos, con fondos del Ministerio del Interior para que les sustrajese documentación sensible del PP que obraba en su poder

  En esta pieza están investigados además del comisario jubilado y Sergio Ríos, varios miembros de la Policía Nacional y entre ellos el entonces Director Adjunto Operativo de la Policía Nacional Eugenio Pino, el que fuera responsable de la Unidad Central de Apoyo Operativo Enrique García Castaño y el también comisario Andrés Gómez Gordo

  Se investigan entre otros, delitos de cohecho, malversación, revelación de secretos e incluso allanamiento de morada por el asalto que sufrió la familia de Luis Bárcenas en su domicilio de manos de un hombre que cumple 22 años de prisión por reclamarles documentación a punta de pistola y que podría estar relacionado con aquel operativo

For more infomation >> El PSOE se persona como acusación en el caso Villarejo - Duration: 2:47.


Grunnkurs syn: Vellykket bruk av hjelpemidler - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Grunnkurs syn: Vellykket bruk av hjelpemidler - Duration: 3:15.


Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.

Annuncio Annuncio  Oggi, domenica 17 febbraio, è andata in onda Domenica Live, il programma domenicale di Barbara D'Urso, con diversi ospiti tra cui Paola Caruso, il Divino Otelma, Taylor Mega e Silvio Berlusconi

E' possibile rivedere la diretta in streaming, sul canale di Mediaset Ondemad. Domenica Live - diretta tv  18

35 "Ci troviamo in una situazione più grave del 1994. Questi grillini non solo si dichiarano comunisti, ma hanno la più totale impreparazione

I comunisti di allora avevano una formazione, avevano governato regioni e città. Questi non sanno fanno nulla" ha continuato Berlusconi

 18.30 Silvio Berlusconi sostiene che attraverso la flax tax, si producono più consumi delle famiglie, più investimenti delle aziende, più posti di lavoro e più soldi nelle casse dello Stato, mettendo in risalto i problemi che da anni ci sono in Sardegna

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: Ramon caccia di casa Celia, Samuel viene minacciato di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio      18.15 In studio arriva Silvio Berlusconi. In vista della decisione sul processo di Salvini, il presidente annuncia di votare no per il giudizio della magistratura

L'attenzione si sposta sulle problematiche della Sardegna per riattivare il territorio e il lavoro nell'isola italiana

"Credo che si debba intervenire per aumentare i controlli affinché non ci sia del latte che arrivi nella regione da altri paesi con un costo inferiore" ha dichiarato

Per questo, il Presidente sostiene la necessità di introdurre la fiscalità di vantaggio

Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo

Anticipazioni Tv Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Barbara D'Urso Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Serie TV Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Gossip Segui + Aggiungi a My Home TV Soap Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio   Le dichiarazioni della presunta madre biologica di Paola Caruso  18

05 Barbara D'Urso rivela l'intervista avuta con la donna e manda in onda un filmato

La presunta madre racconta di aver partorito una bimba all'ospedale S.Anna di Catanzaro, ma la madre le comunica che la bimba è nata morta

Dopo la morte della madre, la donna decide di ritrovare quella bimba e pensa che sia proprio l'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro

"Paola, io sono la tua vera mamma. Vorrei abbracciarti e darti un bacio. Se vuoi vivere una vita con me, io non ti toglierò niente

Io non ti ho abbandonata" ha dichiarato la donna.  Ignari sono anche gli altri due figli della donna che hanno saputo il tutto solo nello scorso natale

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: salto temporale di 10 anni, arrivano nuovi attori come Maria Gracia di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio  Infine sostiene di voler fare il test del dna. Anche Paola è favorevole al test per vedere se è davvero la sua vera madre

Inoltre decide di vederla dietro le quinte, senza la presenza delle telecamere, perché la presunta madre non vuole apparire in televisione

   18.00 Si passa a Paola Caruso. La conduttrice rivela di aver parlato con la madre biologica

La donna sostiene di essere lei la madre che dopo il parto ha saputo che la neonata non era più in vita

La donna, inoltre, ha avuto questa bambina con un noto calciatore di quell'epoca

Il Talk show dedicato all'Isola dei Famosi  17.55 Il Mago rivela di aver scritto una lettera dopo i 9 punti in testa in Honduras, ma l'argomento sarà approfondito un'altra volta    17

45 Torna in tv il Divino Otelma e si riconcilia con Francesca Cipriani dopo l'incidente al reality show

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Anticipazioni Una Vita: Rosina fa riavere la sartoria a Susana di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 L'uomo ha dovuto infatti mettere ben 9 punti sulla testa dopo la caduta.  17.35 Un video per raccontare la giornata tipo di Taylor

"Io faccio l'influencer marketing, lavoro con la mia immagine per interagire con i miei follower" spiega la modella alla domanda su come riesce a permettersi tutto questo lusso

Vladimir Luxuria la accusa per la troppa ostentazione sul mostrare oggetti così costosi

 17.30 In studio si parla della polemica sulla necessità di un milione di euro al mese per Taylor Mega

"Sono stata criticata per ambire a un milione di euro al mese. Che male c'è?" ha risposto

L'attenzione si sposta sull'orologio al suo polso molto costoso. Antonella Mosetti la difende

"Io sono partita dal niente. I miei genitori non mi hanno mai dato niente. Sono uscita di casa e ho fatto tutto io" ha continuato Taylor

 17.25 Inizia la nuova puntata di Domenica Live. Barbara D'Urso saluta il pubblico e i telespettatori

Si parte dal talk show sull'Isola de Famosi con Taylor Mega, Francesca Cipriani, Guendalina Tavassi, Eva Henger, Vladimir Luxuria, Antonella Mosetti e Daniele Interrante

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Un posto al sole, anticipazioni dal 25/2 all'1 marzo: Franco aggredito brutalmente di Antonietta Canale Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

  Domenica Live, cosa vedremo nella puntata di oggi  In studio ritornerà Paola Caruso, a poche settimane dalla nascita del primogenito Michele

L'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro, si ritroverà per la prima volta a faccia a faccia con la sua madre biologica

Sarà un momento davvero emozionante, dopo tutti questi anni di separazione tra le due

Già qualche settimana fa, durante Pomeriggio Cinque, la D'Urso annunciava di aver parlato con la presunta madre e l'intervista sarà mandata in onda questo pomeriggio

Inoltre la donna avrebbe confermato di volersi sottoporre al test di dna, per provare che è proprio lei la madre di Paola Caruso

 Inoltre ci sarà il consueto talk show dedicato al reality show "L'isola dei Famosi"

In studio arriverà il Divino Otelma con una busta choc. Il mago ha catturato l'attenzione dei media per la caduta a causa della spinta di Francesca Cipriani durante la prova ricompensa

Mentre le sue condizioni di salute sono stabili, molto probabilmente oggi assisteremo al primo confronto con la Cipriani

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Bufera all'Isola dei Famosi, su twitter accusano: 'Aiutano Soleil a vincere' di Sabina Nana Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 Ultimo spazio di Domenica Live dedicato a Silvio Berlusconi.   Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www

gossipetv.com/paola-caruso-madre-biologica-intervista-domenica-live-397475 https://www


shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia

For more infomation >> Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.


✅ Malhação: Breno sequestra Verena - Duration: 1:27.

Verena (Joana Borges) deve passar por mais um belo susto, no capítulo desta terça-feira (19) de Malhação – Vidas Brasileiras

Tudo porque a jovem deve ser sequestrada, por ninguém mais, ninguém menos que Breno (Marcelo Argenta)

Vale lembrar que o professor foi recontratado, por Solange (Fernanda Paes Leme), para trabalhar no Colégio Sapiência, fazendo com que Verena ficasse desesperada, ao rever o homem que a assediou, ainda no início da trama

O que será que vai acontecer? Confira o resumo completo da novela de hoje: Jade e Bárbara se preocupam com Gabriela, que parte com Flora e Paulo

Breno sequestra Verena. Alex tenta agredir Rafael. Solange afirma ao Conselho do Sapiência que entrou em acordo com Rafael e a ONG Percurso

Gabriela batiza o bloco de Carnaval dos alunos. Fabiana relata a Solange suas exigências como presidente do Grêmio

Breno chega com Verena a seu cativeiro. Notícias Relacionadas   18/02/2019 | 17h20m - Giovanna Prisco Malhação: Alex precisa ser internado e quadro pode ser grave   18/02/2019 | 04h00m - Julia Teixeira Malhação: Rafael beija Solange e Gabriela vê   15/02/2019 | 04h00m - Julia Teixeira Malhação: Rafael quer colocar seu sobrenome em Alex e Flora

For more infomation >> ✅ Malhação: Breno sequestra Verena - Duration: 1:27.


Thanos Appeared~! PJ Masks Danger~ HULK Help! Red Hulk, Gray Hulk SMASH GO! toy for kids -CharlesToy - Duration: 12:59.

Thanos Appeared~! PJ Masks Danger~ HULK Help! Red hulk, Gray hulk SMASH GO! toy for kids -CharlesToy

For more infomation >> Thanos Appeared~! PJ Masks Danger~ HULK Help! Red Hulk, Gray Hulk SMASH GO! toy for kids -CharlesToy - Duration: 12:59.


Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R INCL LAADRUIMTE BETIMMERING DEMO - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R INCL LAADRUIMTE BETIMMERING DEMO - Duration: 1:12.


Ford Fiesta T100pk Navi 16"Lmv Cruise Pr.Glas BTooth El.r/Sp. 1.0 EcoBoost Hot Hatch Sport Edition O - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta T100pk Navi 16"Lmv Cruise Pr.Glas BTooth El.r/Sp. 1.0 EcoBoost Hot Hatch Sport Edition O - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Clio 90PK TCe Intens | R-LINK | CLIMATE CONTROL | BLUETOOTH | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 90PK TCe Intens | R-LINK | CLIMATE CONTROL | BLUETOOTH | - Duration: 1:13.


Renault Talisman 1.6 TCe Intens TREKHAAK WEGKLAPBAAR R-LINK CAMERA BOSE PACK WINTER - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman 1.6 TCe Intens TREKHAAK WEGKLAPBAAR R-LINK CAMERA BOSE PACK WINTER - Duration: 1:11.


CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 21:13.

For more infomation >> CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 21:13.


Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.

Annuncio Annuncio  Oggi, domenica 17 febbraio, è andata in onda Domenica Live, il programma domenicale di Barbara D'Urso, con diversi ospiti tra cui Paola Caruso, il Divino Otelma, Taylor Mega e Silvio Berlusconi

E' possibile rivedere la diretta in streaming, sul canale di Mediaset Ondemad. Domenica Live - diretta tv  18

35 "Ci troviamo in una situazione più grave del 1994. Questi grillini non solo si dichiarano comunisti, ma hanno la più totale impreparazione

I comunisti di allora avevano una formazione, avevano governato regioni e città. Questi non sanno fanno nulla" ha continuato Berlusconi

 18.30 Silvio Berlusconi sostiene che attraverso la flax tax, si producono più consumi delle famiglie, più investimenti delle aziende, più posti di lavoro e più soldi nelle casse dello Stato, mettendo in risalto i problemi che da anni ci sono in Sardegna

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: Ramon caccia di casa Celia, Samuel viene minacciato di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio      18.15 In studio arriva Silvio Berlusconi. In vista della decisione sul processo di Salvini, il presidente annuncia di votare no per il giudizio della magistratura

L'attenzione si sposta sulle problematiche della Sardegna per riattivare il territorio e il lavoro nell'isola italiana

"Credo che si debba intervenire per aumentare i controlli affinché non ci sia del latte che arrivi nella regione da altri paesi con un costo inferiore" ha dichiarato

Per questo, il Presidente sostiene la necessità di introdurre la fiscalità di vantaggio

Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo

Anticipazioni Tv Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Barbara D'Urso Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Serie TV Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Gossip Segui + Aggiungi a My Home TV Soap Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio   Le dichiarazioni della presunta madre biologica di Paola Caruso  18

05 Barbara D'Urso rivela l'intervista avuta con la donna e manda in onda un filmato

La presunta madre racconta di aver partorito una bimba all'ospedale S.Anna di Catanzaro, ma la madre le comunica che la bimba è nata morta

Dopo la morte della madre, la donna decide di ritrovare quella bimba e pensa che sia proprio l'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro

"Paola, io sono la tua vera mamma. Vorrei abbracciarti e darti un bacio. Se vuoi vivere una vita con me, io non ti toglierò niente

Io non ti ho abbandonata" ha dichiarato la donna.  Ignari sono anche gli altri due figli della donna che hanno saputo il tutto solo nello scorso natale

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: salto temporale di 10 anni, arrivano nuovi attori come Maria Gracia di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

Annuncio  Infine sostiene di voler fare il test del dna. Anche Paola è favorevole al test per vedere se è davvero la sua vera madre

Inoltre decide di vederla dietro le quinte, senza la presenza delle telecamere, perché la presunta madre non vuole apparire in televisione

   18.00 Si passa a Paola Caruso. La conduttrice rivela di aver parlato con la madre biologica

La donna sostiene di essere lei la madre che dopo il parto ha saputo che la neonata non era più in vita

La donna, inoltre, ha avuto questa bambina con un noto calciatore di quell'epoca

Il Talk show dedicato all'Isola dei Famosi  17.55 Il Mago rivela di aver scritto una lettera dopo i 9 punti in testa in Honduras, ma l'argomento sarà approfondito un'altra volta    17

45 Torna in tv il Divino Otelma e si riconcilia con Francesca Cipriani dopo l'incidente al reality show

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Anticipazioni Una Vita: Rosina fa riavere la sartoria a Susana di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 L'uomo ha dovuto infatti mettere ben 9 punti sulla testa dopo la caduta.  17.35 Un video per raccontare la giornata tipo di Taylor

"Io faccio l'influencer marketing, lavoro con la mia immagine per interagire con i miei follower" spiega la modella alla domanda su come riesce a permettersi tutto questo lusso

Vladimir Luxuria la accusa per la troppa ostentazione sul mostrare oggetti così costosi

 17.30 In studio si parla della polemica sulla necessità di un milione di euro al mese per Taylor Mega

"Sono stata criticata per ambire a un milione di euro al mese. Che male c'è?" ha risposto

L'attenzione si sposta sull'orologio al suo polso molto costoso. Antonella Mosetti la difende

"Io sono partita dal niente. I miei genitori non mi hanno mai dato niente. Sono uscita di casa e ho fatto tutto io" ha continuato Taylor

 17.25 Inizia la nuova puntata di Domenica Live. Barbara D'Urso saluta il pubblico e i telespettatori

Si parte dal talk show sull'Isola de Famosi con Taylor Mega, Francesca Cipriani, Guendalina Tavassi, Eva Henger, Vladimir Luxuria, Antonella Mosetti e Daniele Interrante

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Un posto al sole, anticipazioni dal 25/2 all'1 marzo: Franco aggredito brutalmente di Antonietta Canale Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

  Domenica Live, cosa vedremo nella puntata di oggi  In studio ritornerà Paola Caruso, a poche settimane dalla nascita del primogenito Michele

L'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro, si ritroverà per la prima volta a faccia a faccia con la sua madre biologica

Sarà un momento davvero emozionante, dopo tutti questi anni di separazione tra le due

Già qualche settimana fa, durante Pomeriggio Cinque, la D'Urso annunciava di aver parlato con la presunta madre e l'intervista sarà mandata in onda questo pomeriggio

Inoltre la donna avrebbe confermato di volersi sottoporre al test di dna, per provare che è proprio lei la madre di Paola Caruso

 Inoltre ci sarà il consueto talk show dedicato al reality show "L'isola dei Famosi"

In studio arriverà il Divino Otelma con una busta choc. Il mago ha catturato l'attenzione dei media per la caduta a causa della spinta di Francesca Cipriani durante la prova ricompensa

Mentre le sue condizioni di salute sono stabili, molto probabilmente oggi assisteremo al primo confronto con la Cipriani

Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Bufera all'Isola dei Famosi, su twitter accusano: 'Aiutano Soleil a vincere' di Sabina Nana Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati

 Ultimo spazio di Domenica Live dedicato a Silvio Berlusconi.   Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www

gossipetv.com/paola-caruso-madre-biologica-intervista-domenica-live-397475 https://www


shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia

For more infomation >> Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.


Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.

4:55 PM ETRob DemovskyESPN Staff Writer CloseCovered Packers for Green Bay Press-Gazette from 1997-2013 Two-time Wisconsin Sportswriter of the Year as selected by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters AssociationFollow on TwitterFacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint GREEN BAY, Wis

-- First, there was the question of how new Green Bay Packers coach Matt LaFleur would manage Aaron Rodgers

 LaFleur answered that with a story about his first interaction with Matt Ryan during his days as the Falcons quarterbacks coach

Now that LaFleur has his entire coaching staff in place, and it includes someone who knows Rodgers well, the question is this: Is Rodgers, at age 35 and about to begin his 15th NFL season, willing to be coached? Luke Getsy, who previously spent four seasons on the Packers coaching staff (2014-17) and returned last month as quarterbacks coach after a year as Mississippi State's offensive coordinator, believes so

 "Absolutely, I have no question about that," Getsy said. "I think he's as big of a competitor as I've ever been around

He has that desire to win more than anybody I've been around. I think whatever you want to call coaching, I think it's delivering the message, being consistent and holding people accountable to that message, and he wants that as much as anybody

" Rodgers' decrease in production, most notably in his completion percentage -- which was his second-lowest (62

3) since he became a starter, played at least a role in the Packers' decision to fire coach Mike McCarthy with four games left in his 13th season

Also, Rodgers had criticized McCarthy's offense after an early-season win over the Bills, exposing the tension between the two

 Getsy is the only member of a trio of coaches who will work closest with Rodgers who has any previous relationship with him

Getsy spent his first two seasons in Green Bay as a quality control offensive assistant, a job in which he worked closely with the quarterbacks, before two seasons as receivers coach

Rob Carr/Getty Images "It didn't have to be a guy that necessarily worked with Aaron," LaFleur said Monday when he formally introduced his first coaching staff

"Certainly we're going to find the best quarterback coach that's out there. Some things that I really did like about Luke was the fact that he played quarterback in college

Certainly I reached out not only to Aaron, but a couple other guys with him being in the building before, just to find out what they thought of him as a man and as a coach and everybody gave him a thumbs up

" Still, Getsy is expected to help ease the transition to LaFleur and new offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett

Neither LaFleur nor Hackett had any previous relationship with Rodgers. It could help that they're all close to Rodgers in age

 Getsy, like Rodgers, is 35, while Hackett and LaFleur are 39. In fact, youth is a common thread among LaFleur's staff

 "I think it starts first and foremost with character and I think that's one reason why Luke's in that room," said Hackett, who served as the Jaguars offensive coordinator until he was fired last November

"I think that's one reason, I hope, why Matt brought me along. I think we all know -- Luke, myself, Matt -- we all know it's about one voice

I mean, there's so many times that if you give mixed messages to anybody on the field, it's not just about Aaron, it's anybody, I mean, my whole job is to make sure that everybody is speaking the same language, everybody is saying the same thing

It's so important. You can never give mixed messages because these guys are expected to go out in front of 70,000 people and execute

They have to know exactly what we're expecting from everybody." Rodgers has been in the same offense, led by McCarthy, for his entire career as an NFL starter -- up until McCarthy was fired

 Like McCarthy, LaFleur plans to be a playcalling head coach, which means his relationship with Rodgers is critical

 "We've got three quarterback guys that are going to be hitting him from all angles," LaFleur said

"No, I'm going to do part. I know that I need to be in that room, especially as much as I possibly can because I am going to be the playcaller

I think that relationship between the playcaller and the quarterback is absolutely critical

So I will be in there as much as I can. I don't foresee ever missing a quarterback meeting


For more infomation >> Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.


'Rapper' Boef vindt rijverbod stom, gaat in hoger beroep - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 'Rapper' Boef vindt rijverbod stom, gaat in hoger beroep - Duration: 1:50.


Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XR 54 DKM - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XR 54 DKM - Duration: 1:10.


Jake Tapper: Republicans Don't Want To Vote On A Wall - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Jake Tapper: Republicans Don't Want To Vote On A Wall - Duration: 6:49.


只有白癡才想的到的戰術(記得打開字幕)_英雄危機#5《帥狗美漫》 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> 只有白癡才想的到的戰術(記得打開字幕)_英雄危機#5《帥狗美漫》 - Duration: 11:31.


How to Accept PEOPLE That You Don't Like - Duration: 4:42.

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my channel. My name is Karen Closs and I create

beauty, fashion, and Beauty From Within videos just like this one. So this is the

first post for this playlist. So our topic for today is about How to Accept

People that You Don't Like. So it's normal, it's possible that you'll face

people that you don't like, people who always do something bad against you,

people who doesn't inspire you, these individuals who don't like your opinion,

or don't follow you, anyone, anything, or a person who doesn't

respect you for instance. So you have to accept them and it is very important to

do so because no one is an island. Obviously, you have to interact with

these people, you have to love them, you have to work

with them, help them and inspire them. Okay, so there are 4 ways in order to do

so. First is you have to hate the sin but love the sinner. So meaning, you have

to hate the bad things that this person has done against you but love the person

so disregard the sin, not the person who did it.

Okay, so this is one of the techniques that has been used by a lot of people in

order to attain peace of mind. If they are going to deal with this kind of

people, love, forgiveness, these things are really important. The

second way is basically to be sensitive with the feelings of other people. You

know sometimes it is important to raise, or to augment or to better our emotional

quotient aside from having IQ or your

intellect because these things matter. These are the values that we have in

our lives. This is a kind of character building.

So being sensitive with the feelings of other people helps you to move on, to

complete your task, so you have peace of mind, to work in a peaceful environment,

because even if you don't like them you can still work with them because you al-

ready accepted in yourself that these people exist. That you have to help them.

Okay, so the third thing to do is you have to accept that no one is perfect.

Even me, you, anyone, no one is perfect so we have to find a work-around in order

to deal with a person or maybe you can talk to the person. It is always a good

thing to communicate well because by doing so you can reach out and then you

can know what's the problem and fix it. And then, maybe later on, you'll like the

person after going through these trials that you have experienced with the

individual. Okay, so the last is you have to be grateful for everything that you

have. Being grateful is always the anti-thesis or the antidote of being

angry all the time so you have to be grateful for life, that you still have

the opportunities, to work peacefully -

all you have to do with is love this person that you don't like. Right, so I think it

is easier. All you have to do is list all the things that you're grateful for

in this life and then by doing so you can imagine that these things are the

things that matter most to you than dealing with these people. So forget

about the sinner. I mean, forget about the sin but accept the sinner. So by going

through all of these, by any means, you can build your character. You can be well-

adjusted, you will have peace of mind. So they say that peace of mind is the new

success. So this is your time in order to develop

your character. This attitude or your attitude in your life. So I hope

that I was able to inspire you through this video. So Subscribe to my

channel, if you have not done yet. Yeah, subscribe to my channel. My

name is Karen Closs. I create beauty, and fashion videos including Beauty from

Within and now if you like this video don't forget to click thumbs up or any

of my other videos in my channel. So see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> How to Accept PEOPLE That You Don't Like - Duration: 4:42.


Mariés au premier regard 2019 : Steven va-t-il renoncer à son mariage avec Elodie ? - Duration: 1:09.

Ce lundi 18 février, M6 poursuivra la diffusion de la saison 3 de Mariés au premier regard .

Le docu-réalité, qui a formé des couples après une série de tests scientifiques et psychologiques, sera programmé à partir de 21 heures.

Pour ce deuxième épisode de l'édition 2019 de Mariés au premier regard, les téléspectateurs de la chaîne privée pourront retrouver Nolwenn et Florian.

Alors que ce dernier va aider son épouse à mieux s'accepter, la science a désigné Elodie,

27 ans, et Steven, 29 ans, comme deuxième couple compatible de la saison.

Ils vont respectivement annoncer à leurs proches qu'ils vont se marier avec un inconnu. La cérémonie est prévue dans un mois.

Alors que le jour J approche, Steven pourrait remettre en cause son union avec Elodie pour une simple question géographique.

Finalement, il va passer au-dessus de cette révélation-choc...

For more infomation >> Mariés au premier regard 2019 : Steven va-t-il renoncer à son mariage avec Elodie ? - Duration: 1:09.


jutes - Devil - Duration: 2:59.

[Intro] You bring the devil out of me

You bring the devil out of me You bring the devil out of me

[Verse 1] It was fun and games till I came up

Now some things have changed between us You promised me the world so I stuck it out

I wanted to quit but you cuffed me down Ou I'd die for ya

Ain't no comin back What you keepin' me alive for

You got me in your grasp I'm a slave to your lies

I just wish I could relax You creepin' in my mind

When you feelin' me off track Losing you is suicide

'Cause you're all that I have Always in line

I just follow the plan Everywhere I go

There you are, yeah I can't hide These drugs don't work no more

They make me paralyzed They make you come alive

I'm paranoid when I'm high If I lose you then I lose my life

Like I'm running outta time Baby I don't want no second try

Just say you're mine Just say you're mine

[Hook] I give you everything you need

But you won't ever let me breathe, no I never fully have control

You bring the devil out of me, woah You got me acting like a fool for ya

A fool for ya There's nothing I won't do for ya

I'll lose it all You never let me leave

You bring the devil out of me You bring the devil out of me

[Verse 2] Lay up in my bed for you

Give up all my friends for you I feel second best for you

Everything's a test for you You're the only club I like

But I'm always left in line Throw away my peace of mind

Always looking for a sign Sometimes I believe in anything

Sometimes I be hating everything You're all that I see

You haunting my dreams They wanna take you away from me

Lately I been, drinkin till I can't see you

I don't need a, milly I just really need you

And you stayin, on my brain yeah I fiend you So don't leave me

[Hook] I give you everything you need

(I'll give you what you need) But you won't ever let me breathe, no

(You never let me breathe) I never fully have control

(I never have control) You bring the devil out of me, woah

(The devil out of me) You got me acting like a fool for ya

A fool for ya There's nothing I won't do for ya

I'll lose it all You never let me leave

(You never let me leave) You bring the devil out of me

(The devil out of me) You bring the devil out of me

[Outro] You bring the devil out of me

You bring the devil out of me You bring the devil out of me

You bring the devil out of me You bring the devil out of me

You bring the devil out of me

For more infomation >> jutes - Devil - Duration: 2:59.


Learn English Greetings: How to Greet Someone in English When You Haven't Seen Them in a While - Duration: 7:27.

Hi Bob the Canadian here.

It's been a while, but I'm back to make videos to help you learn English once again.

If you're wondering why I'm wearing sunglasses, it's because it's sunny and it's quite snowy

out here in Canada and that makes it really hard to see and to keep my eyes open.

So, nothing wrong with my eyes, but I'm gonna wear sunglasses for this video.

Well since I've been gone for a while I thought I great topic for a video would be some phrases

that you could use to greet someone when you haven't seen them for a while.

And I did a video about this earlier, I think I went over four, I'll put a link up here

for you, four things that you could say when you haven't seen someone for while.

In that video I looked at the phrases, "Long time no see."

"It's been a while."

"It's good to see you." and "How have you been?"

So if you want to watch that video as a review you could do that, but in this video I'm going

to look at five more phrases, five more things that you can say when you haven't seen anybody

for a while.

Hey welcome to this video.

If this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below and give

me a thumbs up if this video helps you learn English.

So we haven't seen each other for a while and you might be wondering what kinds of things

can you say when you haven't seen someone for a long time.

So in this video let's look at 5 phrases, let's look at 5 English phrases that you can

use when you haven't seen someone for a long time.

Let's start with the first one, it's really simple.

Imagine that your mom or someone in your family has been gone on a trip and you're picking

them up at the airport.

The very first thing that you would say to them is, "Welcome back!"

You would just say, "Welcome back!" because you want them to know that while they were

gone you were thinking about them and that now that they have returned they are welcome

to be back in your country and to be back in your city.

So the first phrase that you could use when you see someone after they've been gone for

a while is, "Welcome back!"

A second phrase that you could use if you haven't seen someone for a long time is to

simply say, "I missed you!"

And if you're speaking on behalf of other people maybe you're speaking on behalf of

your family or, or as a boss at a workplace you could say, "We missed you!"

And in English when we say, "I missed you!' it's from the bottom of your heart.

If you haven't seen someone for maybe three or four months and then they finally come

back to visit or come back to your hometown and you would just say, "I really missed you!"

"I missed you!"

And that just lets them know that while they were gone you were thinking about them.

That while they were gone you were actually spending time each day thinking, "I hope they're


I hope they're having a good time.", etc.

So excellent thing to say when someone comes back is, "I missed you!" or "We missed you!"

if you're speaking on behalf of other people.

A third thing that you could say to someone that you haven't seen for a while is just,

"I'm glad you're back!" or "We're glad you're back!"

Just expressing to them that while they were gone you were sad, but now that they're back

you are happy or glad.

So you could say, "Oh, I'm so glad you're back!

I'm so happy you're back!

We're so happy that you're back!"

And that would just be another really warm and friendly way to greet someone that you

haven't seen for a while.

A fourth thing that you could say to someone who's been gone for a while is, "It wasn't

the same without you!" or "Things weren't the same around here while you were gone!"

And this really communicates to someone that, that it was noticeable that they were gone

for a while, that things just weren't the same.

You missed them because they weren't there at the supper table, or you missed them because

they weren't working alongside you.

So to say to someone, "It wasn't the same with you gone, or things weren't the same

while you were gone."

really communicates to them, that they were missed.

In the last video I looked at the phrase, "It's good to see you!" and there's a variation

on this where you can say, "It's really nice to see you!"

I'm not sure if it's really nice to see these cats the cats are meowing because I think

they want food, it's almost their suppertime.

But another phrase that you can say, "It's really nice to see you!" or "It's really nice

to see you again!" and that as well would be communicating to people how you feel that

that inside you're feeling glad, you're feeling happy to be able to see them.

And lastly we'll go over a phrase that I went over in the other video.

In the other video I mentioned the phrase, "How have you been?"

So when you see someone and you're just curious about how their trip was, or you're just curious

about what they've been up to while they were gone, you can say, "How have you been?"

But the variation on that is, is a really quick way to say it.

You can say, "How ya been?"

So we actually skip a word, we don't even say, "have" like we just say, "How ya been?"

So it's "How have you been?" but we actually say, "How ya been?"

And some of you might be wondering why I pronounce the word, "been" as "been" and not "been".

We don't often in English say, "been".

How have you been?

I think in the other video I over pronounce that.

Often in Canadian English we actually say, "been".

How, how have you been? or How ya been?

Anyways, that's five more ways to greet someone that you haven't seen for a while.

I really missed all of you guys so leave a comment below if you've, if you've done that

before or even if you haven't.

Give me a thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe if you're new here.

I'm Bob the Canadian.

You can learn English with Bob the Canadian.

I'm back.

I'm back for a number of months again and let's just look forward to a new video every

Tuesday and I'll be doing a live stream Friday morning again.

Look for some more information about that towards the end of the week.

But I'm back.

It's fun to be back, if you're wondering why I was gone it's just a busy time at work.

The school where I teach is a semestered school.

That means the students learn from September until the end of January, and then they write

their exams, and then their second semester goes from February 1st until the end of June.

So as we move from the first semester to the second semester it's a lot of work for teachers

so I just thought I would set aside making videos for a bit.

I hope you were able to keep learning while I was busy.

I'm sure you were, but it's really fun to be back and I look forward doing a lot more

of these.


Bob the Canadian here.

Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

Have a great day.


For more infomation >> Learn English Greetings: How to Greet Someone in English When You Haven't Seen Them in a While - Duration: 7:27.


ELECTRICIAN | I GOT MY TWIC CARD AND APPLIED FOR A JOB | #5 Ft. Keep it 100 experiences - Duration: 10:03.

Oh yo-yo was good. He should girl taijaei And of course you are company listen, man

I don't wanna journey to becoming a female

Electrician and I want you to join me on the process now something very exciting

Happened today and I want you to see what it is back there gotta be machine. Don't worry about that

I got nothing to do with this channel, but something exciting has happened and I want you to see what it is

So I've got at home today, right?

Check this out cuz I watch out watch out open this movie

I got home today and I walk in the house and I see something on the table and it hit I'm like what is B?

This point I'm thinking to myself if it is what I think it is then I already know that life is about to be let's

See the thing is is right now

I'm not working and I desperately need to find like a helper job and a plant somewhere in order to do that

I need to have

this thing that came in

So let's go ahead and see what I'm talking about at home. And guess what?

I've seen you just you see what that's fine. You see, do you see what that's from but I say, uh-huh, uh-huh

What else that's saying? Huh? I heard the address. Uh-huh. Oh this this is this is

225 hours ago

I don't know if y'all seen my other video when I told y'all that I was gonna document this whole process when the twic card

Came in but I in light of y'all not gonna lie to y'all. I'm gonna try not to anyway now if I actually lies

Don't blame me don't blame Jesus but blame blame somebody else that just not not one of us I don't care

Who else you blame? Just don't blame ground further ado, bro

Let's go ahead and open this and see what he breathes and she was ashamed


Come on

Alright boom we got our official letter

I don't think nobody ever showed y'all listen on you, too

But you don't wanna show you how all the exclusives all the details every single process every single so we got security access


Transportation Security Administration

Universal enroll and this is why I showed y'all in that last video where you got a call in order to make your point

Let's go ahead and open this up. She was black

Congratulations. Your Twic application was approved and your new twic card is and clothes

Please take a moment to check their tweak for any visible damage and verify all personal information on the card is accurate if any information

On your twic card is incorrect. Please call the US bla bla bla. Bla. Bla. Bla. Bla. Bla. Bla bla

bla eight digit personal identification paying for your twig has been mailed to you in a separate in Belize note as per use

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

You do not receive your pen within 5 business days of receiving your tweet or have questions regarding your tweet. Please call the brickyard

Let's finally just look at the twic card already. Let's

Let's let's Marvel

You know, it's up for me

So, yeah


Girl got her twic card or talk to me nice stuff to me. Like you got some sense your girl got a twic card

Talk to me like you got some sense twic card

It's because right now I'm not working and I really do need to get like in a helper position or something like that

Just so and I do finish school. I can have the experience. So that is actually something that I need y'all

He'll put out there

I help help me if y'all know of any positions that's hiring in like my area which is like the bedroom area

Let me know because I got a twic card y'all better. Talk to me. Nice. I got a twic card y'all better

Talk to me like y'all got some sense. I got a twic card. Stop treating me normal. Don't do that. Don't do that

I got a twic cardd now ok is up

I'm gonna put this to a twic card in a safe place because I seriously need to apply for some positions

But I went to the hairdresser today. She you tell me that her husband is like a supervisor or something like that

He has to do a hiring over at the plant that he works

So my plan is to apply for the positions that was available on the site, especially now that I have my treat card

This is something that I wanted to show y'all to as you can see they made me basically look Miriam behind my ears I had

To take my glasses on I couldn't smiles just crazy

But this thing is a facial brow up to me like you got six until February 20 20 bucks a car. Oh

I just dropped my future Oh

Now obviously I don't want to have much experience when it comes to

things and all of the stuff that's on my resume is pretty much times where I work with kids and y'all know I'm not doing

That no more ever. I never had no time again. Not none of that none of that

No to me

so I had did another resume and I kind of like tried to spice it up to kind of fit the

Description of like helpers and stuff like that. I don't know how well I did see. Oh

I'm making it on the website. Oh, she told me to apply for all three positions

I'm really just trying to get my feet in the door. I'm assuming that's

What she says a little cuz she still

Sleeps little ply for all three this this lens is extremely close up

I'm saying like bag up. Give a nigga biggie

More than likely I'm probably gonna record her reaction tomorrow

Being that she is but what I really wanted to do in this video was really give a special shout out to keeping it 100

Experience I'm gonna actually put her link to her channel in my description box as well as in the pink

Um, make sure you I'll go show her some love. I just think it's so cool

She's actually a trucker and it's cool because you know seeing females

Undertake a man's job or doing a man's job. It's always just empowering since you know, it's kind of what I'm doing

But um, this is her channel right here, please please please make sure y'all support her

And again, thank you for sharing my video when you shared it

I really really do appreciate you and I really do look forward to collab and what you in the future man

Gotta get these we got to get these editing skills on the way, you know what it is

You know what it is. You know what it is. Let's win a nice win again

Siana mom I

Got something to tell y'all I made it fast that what I'm really starting to think they like I think I make it's an interview

I'm not sure but I'm possible I will go ahead and type University and let y'all know if I made it to step enough

I made it to step three

Ice me out upload my resume and um

They better hire me because I read all in this town once I was qualified. Plus I got a twit car

Hire me. I got it. Sweet car. Don't talk to me regular I got a twit card

twit card

So this first one is called service technician

I read the description and they really just sound like a bunch of blahblah

Seneschal job fuck work with thinning power team to ensure all cell service safety

This sounds exactly like something that I could do with high school diploma reviews membrane cell rebuilds and repairs experience preferred

In high school, I definitely took biology if that's what they're talking about. A computer skills market to skills is

Marvelous a mom. I'm my computer skills. Is it so excellent interpersonal?

Communication skills. I've talked to the camera all day in my you know what? I'm qualified

I don't even need to read no more these I'm knowing I'm qualified for this position cause of having qualified for this position

I don't know who is the ability to work effectively as a team

Look I used to play softball, baby

Let me tell you something

I was the best team player that they had on the whole team on the entire team ability to work weekend


Holder, I split I put on my bathing all the time. You know how that goes

The green must be from a school that is accredited by crediting agency recognized by the Secretary of Education

Missing I got a degree and it's recognize trust me. Alright, this position is not eligible for expert excitement

I'm you know what that is. So you already know during a problem. I look this sounds perfect. This sounds perfect to me

I'm gonna apply for and I'm gonna see what happened. I'm gonna keep y'all updated if my camera is about to die

I'm probably gonna have to split this video into two days, but I plan to keep talking until it dies because

You know, man, so I mean I applied for something

I don't really know how this is gonna turn out, but they were asking me still stay isn't really qualify for

I don't know. She told me to do it

Anyway, I just was honest on the application and I submitted my resume and I applied for third position

I applied for three of those. Positionally. I hear some good things, but I will keep y'all

490 little tense Missy over here. I say how a nice little text message just explaining toward that I had applied for the physicians

I tried to Excel what husband name was because they did ask me for that information. But of course she's probably sleep by now

so I let her know that I did apply for some positions let her know that I did not apply for their counter position cuz

I did not

Not know what those programs were. They were asking me again

I'm gonna keep y'all updated

But I hope some good things come in from these guys with a lot a tweak or talk to me. Nice to be nice

I got a to talk to me. Nice. Yeah. Oh

I love y'all. Thank y'all for watching. I appreciate it in about this thing. Yeah, I applied for my first job

I got a tweet court



Hi, welcome back to the channel. So listen this your girl time

Hi, welcome back to the channel. It's a girl time saying of course you are company. Listen, man

Of course you a company I'm on a roll right now to become a female electrician and I want you to join my process well

That's how sweet I know see zzs

Cuz I don't sleep has some family up and died, but I can't wait you a Santos a Leo pussy, but I'm Shoni. Whoa

For more infomation >> ELECTRICIAN | I GOT MY TWIC CARD AND APPLIED FOR A JOB | #5 Ft. Keep it 100 experiences - Duration: 10:03.


Ultimate Rescue Construction Truck - Paw Patrol Pups Save Friends - Duration: 6:19.

Hi friends! New episode will be released every day on Super Pups TV. Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Ultimate Rescue Construction Truck - Paw Patrol Pups Save Friends - Duration: 6:19.


【MUKBANG】 Cheese Flood!! [Chicago Pizza] 3 Kinds [About 7000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:39.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !!!

i bought 3 kinds of chicago pizza from butcher republic restaurant

I ate chicago pizza before...

and it was so tasty

and when i found that this restaurant sell it, i bought it immediately


today's soup is onion milk soup


let's start first with this !

classic chicago pizza

waaa! look at this !

cheese is so melty

it's so thick, this is amazing

mmmm !

truly delicious

it contains plenty of meat and cheese sauce

mmmm !

it's classic chicago pizza

and the amount of mushroom on it, is so huge

the filling has spilled

waah! cheese is so stretchy

mmm !

cheese is the best

look how it's so thick

chicago pizza is really amazing

mmm !

no ! lon !

the one who thought about chicago pizza is really genius

this is like a course of cheese

next , black and white cheese

mmmm !


its black and white color is so beautiful

mmmm !

the taste of mozzarella cheese is so strong

mmmm !

cheese is mixed with bechamel sauce

there is plenty of sauce

gorgonzola cheese , mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese, it contains 3 kinds of cheese

that's why the taste of cheese is strong

cheese is so stretchy like in hotdog

and finally, tokyo traditional chicago pizza

aah, it contains plenty of Gouda cheese

from the first bite i can feel a really strong taste of meat, and the onion is really crispy

the look of chicago pizza is truly amazing

this is so appetizing

i can smell the taste

the last bite, itadakimasu



chicago pizza was so tasty

its thick texture that is filled with plenty cheese is really amazing

it looks like a cake and this is so cute

it will be so good for parties

and it's a good thing that there are many kinds of it to try it

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye !

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Cheese Flood!! [Chicago Pizza] 3 Kinds [About 7000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:39.


10 Reasons You Should STOP Working Hard (Animated Video) - Duration: 9:17.

10 Reasons You Should Stop Working Hard

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care,

caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives.

She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai.

Unfortunately, one of the top 5 regrets most people have on their death bed is, "I wish

I didn't work too hard" Why do people regret working too hard?

Simply because life is more than work, work and work.

This video was not made to preach laziness.

Instead, we made this video to show that life is more than work, work and work.

In this video, we'll be sharing with you, 10 reasons why you need to stop working hard.

And by working hard, we mean, working as if work is the only thing that matters.

If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting

videos like this.

Hard work doesn't lead to wealth We want to work hard because we want to be


Unfortunately, most hard working people are poor.

If working hard guarantees riches, then most people would have become millionaires but

it's not so.

Becoming rich in this age has more to do with how you use your brain than how you use your


Smart work is the new hard work Many years ago, the strength of a man was

measured by the joules of his muscle power.

Not so anymore, more so in the areas that require the workings of powerful machines.

A woman who could use a grinding stone to break down food, would receive much recognition

in the days of old than in this present time where different brands of electric blender

exist at affordable prices.

Smart working entails displaying some levels of cleverness and knowledge that help in tackling

work efficiently.

Planning work to be executed, complete with the time frame, is a way of working smart.

Delegating duties to capable people while playing the role of a supervisor brings out

the beauty of working with cleverness.

Using a less cumbersome, but reliable method of solving problems exhibits an enviable example

of working smart.

Smart working requires thinking beyond the status quo in order to turn around the laborious

nature of carrying out tasks rigidly.

Only the deep thinkers, solution strategists, and inquisitive minds are always in search

of eliminating working hard.

Now, has it made some sense to you?

Your health is at a risk The saying, "No risk, no venture" doesn't

apply to working too hard.

It means that for every worthwhile goal to be achieved there must be a decision to pursue

it at all cost, but not at the expense of your health.

Statistics has it that a lot of people are under undue stress, and most have already

broken under pressure with varying stress-related diseases to show for.

Indeed, the hustle and bustle accompanying working hard are ladened with lifelong diseases

affecting the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, and the hormones.

The health burden of stress-related conditions has become so overwhelming that policies on

occupational health and safety in workplaces have gained a lot of popularity in implicating

organisations that fail to take seriously, the health and wellness of their employees.

Better is quality than quantity When one works extremely hard, there's the

tendency that the mind would go numb, and there appear routine and boredom in their

finest forms.

Before long, the quality of the products and services churned out.

The output may still be of the same quantity, but lacking in zest.

The effort is more channelled toward producing more without any break to reinvent ideas.

Many hard working business owners have fallen into the rut of meeting deadlines supplying

goods and services, and have less room for carrying out objective market survey on ways

to improve without waiting for complaints from their consumers.

Reviews, vacationing, brainstorming sessions, and customer service assessment are opportunities

to upgrade quality, and match it with the corresponding quantity.

Working hard isn't one of the options.

Hard work is a poor example of how to make a living

Children learn more by observation.

Employees watch and play along.

A parent or leader who has a life quote that "Hard work is more rewarding" is setting

his observers up for failure.

They will come to rely more on their school grades and physical efforts than on their

abilities and skills.

As much as it is healthy to strive to make dreams come true, diversifying techniques

on ways to bring ambitions to reality is a function of less flexing of muscles and rote

learning, and more mind engagement and skills acquisition.

One of the challenges most countries are battling with is the heavy reliance on school certificates

and qualifications as indicators of success in the labour market.

The boomeranging nature of such a poor representation of the human mind has led to a skyrocketing

rush to unemployment as students struggle to work hard enough to pass school examinations

in order to be approved of.

Those that cannot pass successfully resort to criminalising their ways through school,

and into offices where they become more of a nuisance than solution bearers.

Passion does not equal to toiling Working hard to achieve a set goal can make

the idea of passionate pursuit of dreams a term common to daydreamers.

But that is a huge misconception.

A man who is passion-driven is always on the look out for ways to become better in learning,

and character.

He works toward being right for his interest, whilst patiently understudying successful


Toiling or working hard in this context, is the situation whereby a man struggles to do

everything by himself, as long as it is his brainchild, makes needless mistakes, and fails

to achieve his aim.

He is too proud to model after successful people or delegate authority.

He wants to start and finish all by himself.

Hard working people are proud of the wrong things.

Most people are proud of getting things done by themselves.

It's useless.

Learn how to be proud of the right things.

Delegate authority and have some free time.

Hard work may destroy your home It is no more a tale that a good number of

flourishing homes hit rock bottom as a result of staying away from home because work took

the place of sharing and intimacy.

It gives room for unhealthy competitions Since people who work hard are self-seeking,

they strive to use any means available to them to outshine their counterparts.

Their trigger is to be recognised as "The Most Hardworking Person Of The Century."

With such mind-sets, there is always something to clamour for, and much bitterness to go

round the organisation.

We'll all do better if we compete on creativity than hard work.

Hard work leads to untimely death Working too hard leads to eating bad meals

and having bad health.

This leads to early grave.

Does it really worth it?

Again, we're not advocating laziness.

Instead, we challenge you to consider what is important in life.

Yes, you need money but nobody makes a lot of money by working 25 hours every day.

People become rich because they think differently.

What about your health?

Your family?

Work, but never let work be your life.

Thank you very much for watching our videos.

We'll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then,

our team will be very happy if you can like this Video and share it with your friends

on social media.

If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos

like this.

Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next.

We love you.

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons You Should STOP Working Hard (Animated Video) - Duration: 9:17.


Small action, big impact - Duration: 2:47.

Hi, I'm Bonnie, I have secondary breast cancer, which means it's incurable

I've been using my experience to work with other Breast Cancer Now supporters like you

to make things better for people with breast cancer

Look what we've achieved together

Before November 2016, there had been no new breast cancer drugs

approved for use on the NHS by NICE in England for a decade

We decided it was time to act

130,000 of us across the UK signed petitions about Kadcyla

We asked MPs to join a Parliamentary debate, and we pushed for change

until Kadcyla was finally made routinely available on the NHS

Our tweets and Facebook posts

helped persuade drugs company Pfizer to temporarily give away

breast cancer drug Palbociclib for free

In 2018, we campaigned to make Perjeta

available to women in Scotland

It had previously been rejected three times

12,203 people signed our Perjeta Now petition, and in January 2019

it was finally made routinely available to women in Scotland

Thanks to all this hard work, there are

four new drugs for women with secondary breast cancer in the UK

including Kadcyla and Perjeta

Now thousands more women will benefit from more quality time with their loved ones

Back in 2016, thousands of us challenged members of the

Scottish Parliament to join with us to stop breast cancer deaths by 2050

Our 2050 challenge secured cross-party backing, and

as a result, the Scottish Government committed to stop anyone dying

from breast cancer by 2050, in their new cancer strategy

From 2018, we shared our reasons why breast cancer

needed to be made a priority in

the new NHS Long Term Plan

Hundreds of us told our stories of how we had been affected by breast cancer

which were compiled into a book for Health Secretary Mike Hancock

and it made a massive difference

Our stories helped convince the Health Secretary to include key commitments

like a breast screening review

and giving women with secondary breast cancer access to a clinical nurse specialist

or support worker

To everyone who signed a petition, sent an email, contacted their politician

and so much more

Thank you, on behalf of everyone at Breast Cancer Now

but most of all from me

Your your help to make sure new drugs are available

means extra time with my family, and extra time with my little boy

None of what we've achieved would have happened without

people like you taking action

Please join with us on the next step of our journey, to help us achieve even more

For more infomation >> Small action, big impact - Duration: 2:47.


World's End Murderer who raped and killed teens 'close to death in prison' - Duration: 2:53.

 World's End murderer Angus Sinclair is close to death, according to a prison source

 The killer, who was sentenced to 37 years in jail in 2014, was said to be "unresponsive in his bed" at Glenochil Prison yesterday

  The source told the Daily Record : "He was lying unresponsive in his bed this afternoon and I think it's only a matter of time

 "By the sounds of it he won't last much longer. He won't be missed as he is scum

"  Sinclair, 73, was tried twice for the murders of and in what came to be known as the World's End murders

 The teenagers, who were both 17, were raped and murdered after a night out at the World's End pub in Edinburgh in October 1977

 Their bodies were found six miles apart in East Lothian. Both had been gagged, beaten and raped before being strangled

   Police suspected that two men were involved.  Sinclair was acquitted of the murders despite DNA evidence linking him to both women

 The judge ruled there was no case to answer.  Sinclair was already serving life sentences when he was tried for the second time in 2014 following the introduction of the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Act in 2011

 He was first sentenced to time inside when he was handed down 10 years in 1961 for killing seven-year-old Catherine Reehill

 And in 1978 he was jailed for the murder of Mary Gallacher at Barnhill Rail Station in the north of Glasgow

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  In the second trial in 2014 the jury visited the World's End murder scenes

 Sinclair was found guilty.  In 2017, it was reported that Sinclair had suffered a series of strokes

 At the time, a prison source said the killer was drinking from a sealed baby cup and struggling to eat a restricted diet

 The source also described Sinclair as 'skeletal' and said he spent most of his time in bed or in a wheelchair

 The Scottish Prison Service have been approached for comment. Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> World's End Murderer who raped and killed teens 'close to death in prison' - Duration: 2:53.


Djokovic v Nadal: The insane numbers before the two tennis giants clash in the Australian Open final - Duration: 5:21.

 It was fascinating to hear Novak Djokovic explain what it will be like to face Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open final

 "The intensity that he brings on the court is immense," Djokovic said. "Without a doubt, probably the most intense tennis player that I have witnessed and played against

"  Hmmm.  "It makes you be alert, so to say, from the very first point," Djokovic said

"He doesn't allow you to kind of ease your way into the match."  All sounds rather similar to the way someone might describe competing against Djokovic

 When the No. 1-ranked Djokovic and No. 2 Nadal meet Sunday night at Rod Laver Arena for the tournament championship, there will be differences, right down to the most obvious: Djokovic is a righty, Nadal a lefty

 The similarities are far more compelling, among them an ability to go from suffocating defense to "How did he put the ball there?!" offense by aggressively staking out territory at the baseline, and an unwavering commitment to playing every point with full effort and desire, as though the ultimate outcome of the match hinged on each racket swing

 This matchup is their 53rd, the most between two men the professional era. Djokovic leads 27-25

 It is their 26th on a hard court. Djokovic leads 18-7.  It is their 15th at a major, equaling the record

Nadal leads 9-5.  It is their eighth in a Grand Slam final. Nadal leads 4-3.  It is their second in an Australian Open final

Djokovic won a five-setter in 2012 that lasted 5 hours, 53 minutes, the longest Slam final ever

 "Nadal has historically, throughout my life and career, been the greatest rival that I ever played against, on all the surfaces

Some matches that we had against each other were a great turning point in my career

I feel they have made me rethink my game," Djokovic said.  "I had some disappointing moments where I lost to him

. I won, also, some great matches. Those kind of encounters have also made me the player I am today, without a doubt," the 31-year-old Serb said

"These are the kind of matches that you live for, finals of Slams, playing the greatest rivals at their best

What more can you ask for?"  Djokovic is to collect a record seventh Australian Open title, breaking a tie with Roy Emerson and Roger Federer

 That would lift his Grand Slam haul to 15, pushing Djokovic one ahead of Pete Sampras

 The only men with more? Federer is at 20, Nadal at 17.  For Nadal, this represents a chance to cut into Federer's lead and become the third man with at least two championships at each major

The 32-year-old Spaniard's previous title in Australia came in 2009; he's lost three other finals, while Djokovic is 6-0

 Both were outstanding in the semifinals. Nadal beat 20-year-old Stefanos Tsitsipas 6-2, 6-4, 6-0; Djokovic defeated 24-year-old Lucas Pouille 6-0, 6-2, 6-2

 Tsitsipas on Nadal: "Just has a talent to make you play bad."  Pouille on Djokovic: "Not so many players can beat him, for sure

Maybe one or two."  He put Nadal in that category, and it's easy to see why. A tweaked serve and that lasso of a forehand are making Nadal as dangerous as ever; he hasn't dropped a set in Melbourne

 And to think: He is coming off a series of injuries on unforgiving hard courts

 Nadal retired from his Australian Open quarterfinal last year because of a right leg problem; stopped again during his U

S. Open semifinal in September with pain in his right knee; had offseason surgery on his right ankle; pulled out of a tuneup tournament this month because of a bothersome thigh

 He was rusty. He acknowledged being a "little bit worried" because of "issue after issue

"  "After four, five months without action at all," Nadal said, "then, of course, you know that you can come here and anything can happen, no?"  Djokovic dealt with his own health scare: A sore right elbow that cost him the last half of 2017 and contributed to a fourth-round loss in Melbourne a year ago before he had an operation

 Like Nadal, Djokovic is once again at the top of his game.  They're ready to resume their rivalry

 "Hopefully," Djokovic said, "we're all going to have a good time."

For more infomation >> Djokovic v Nadal: The insane numbers before the two tennis giants clash in the Australian Open final - Duration: 5:21.


📌Новости сегодня 📌 коррупция в России 📌 последние новости - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> 📌Новости сегодня 📌 коррупция в России 📌 последние новости - Duration: 11:09.


Ben Affleck explains why he quit as Batman: "I couldn't crack it" - Duration: 2:57.

Ben Affleck has discussed quitting Batman for the first time since the news broke

Back in January, Deadline reported he had left the DCEU, then the actor announced he was leaving the role of Batman by simply tweeting his congratulations to the new team

He said he was "excited" to see director and writer Matt Reeves bring it to life

Ben Affleck had signed on to star as well as direct the new movie, but first quit as director then from the project altogether

He starred in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League as the Caped Crusader

Affleck has now opened up about his exit from Batman and the DCEU on Jimmy Kimmel Live! "I tried to direct a version of it and worked with a really good screenwriter but just couldn't come up with a version," Affleck said

"I couldn't crack it and so I thought it's time for someone else to take a shot at it

They got some really good people so I'm excited." The film is now set for release in June 2021 , with Reeves at the helm

When Affleck stepped down from directing he said it was because he wanted to spend more time focusing just on the character - basically just acting

Then at Comic-Con 2017 he said: "I'm the luckiest guy. Batman is the coolest fucking part in any universe, DC, Marvel

I'm so excited to do it. I think there's this misconception that because I'm not directing it I'm not doing it, but I'm so excited to be Batman

" But the rumours about his exit continued as his personal life and the issues he faced continued to make headlines

Affleck spent time in rehab to beat alcohol addiction and divorced Jennifer Garner, with whom he has three children

In October 2018 he also revealed he had completed a 40 day stay at a treatment centre to "fight for [himself] and [his] family"

The odds on who will become the next Batman are hotting up already, with a whole range of names in the mix, with everyone from John Krasinkski to Robert Pattinson and Richard Madden all mentioned

The Batman is out June 2021

For more infomation >> Ben Affleck explains why he quit as Batman: "I couldn't crack it" - Duration: 2:57.


Gemma Atkinson says she's had the 'worst news' as beloved dog suffers a trauma - Duration: 2:59.

Gemma Atkinson has spoken of her heartbreak after her beloved pet dog Norman was injured

Sproodle Normon hurt a cruciate ligament in one of his legs - after having the same injury in a different leg eight months ago

34-year-old Gemma found her dog hurt while he played in a field but she was unable to scoop him up because she's pregnant

The Strictly star had to be helped by her mum, who lives nearby, to rush Norman to an emergency vet, reports Manchester Evening News

Sharing a video of her cuddling and stroking Normon, Gemma said : "I had the worst news today

Norman's other cruciate ligament has gone so he needs to have another operation

" She added: "Because I'm pregnant I couldn't pick him up. He was leaning on my feet for me to comfort him and I couldn't

Snuggling up to the patient she told him: "Oh Norman, I love you so much buddy." Explaining the situation in a post alongside the video she said: "Here we go again

Thank God for my mum and peter being retired and living 2 minutes away! "Another operation almost 8 months after his left cruciate ligament went, his right one has gone

"I remember loads of you telling me it was the case with your dogs so I was kinda waiting for it

"I'm just sad that I can't pick him up for snuggles or carry him upstairs to sleep with me in the evening

"Genuinely bringing my mattress down stairs when Gorks is on tour so the stairs won't be an issue," she said

Gemma had roped in dogs Norman and Ollie to help break her pregnancy announcement earlier this month

The former Hollyoaks actress is expecting her first baby with Strictly star Gorka Marquez, 28

One of Gemma's pooches was kitted out with a sign that read, "Guess what.mum's pregnant" while the other wore one which said: "We're going to be big brothers!" Mum-to-be Gemma shared the shot and added, "And what Amazing big brothers they will be! "Myself & Gorks are beyond excited and happy and feel incredibly blessed to be meeting our new family member later this year

"Baby Marquez!!! We love you loads already."

For more infomation >> Gemma Atkinson says she's had the 'worst news' as beloved dog suffers a trauma - Duration: 2:59.


Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.

4:55 PM ETRob DemovskyESPN Staff Writer CloseCovered Packers for Green Bay Press-Gazette from 1997-2013 Two-time Wisconsin Sportswriter of the Year as selected by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters AssociationFollow on TwitterFacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint GREEN BAY, Wis

-- First, there was the question of how new Green Bay Packers coach Matt LaFleur would manage Aaron Rodgers

 LaFleur answered that with a story about his first interaction with Matt Ryan during his days as the Falcons quarterbacks coach

Now that LaFleur has his entire coaching staff in place, and it includes someone who knows Rodgers well, the question is this: Is Rodgers, at age 35 and about to begin his 15th NFL season, willing to be coached? Luke Getsy, who previously spent four seasons on the Packers coaching staff (2014-17) and returned last month as quarterbacks coach after a year as Mississippi State's offensive coordinator, believes so

 "Absolutely, I have no question about that," Getsy said. "I think he's as big of a competitor as I've ever been around

He has that desire to win more than anybody I've been around. I think whatever you want to call coaching, I think it's delivering the message, being consistent and holding people accountable to that message, and he wants that as much as anybody

" Rodgers' decrease in production, most notably in his completion percentage -- which was his second-lowest (62

3) since he became a starter, played at least a role in the Packers' decision to fire coach Mike McCarthy with four games left in his 13th season

Also, Rodgers had criticized McCarthy's offense after an early-season win over the Bills, exposing the tension between the two

 Getsy is the only member of a trio of coaches who will work closest with Rodgers who has any previous relationship with him

Getsy spent his first two seasons in Green Bay as a quality control offensive assistant, a job in which he worked closely with the quarterbacks, before two seasons as receivers coach

Rob Carr/Getty Images "It didn't have to be a guy that necessarily worked with Aaron," LaFleur said Monday when he formally introduced his first coaching staff

"Certainly we're going to find the best quarterback coach that's out there. Some things that I really did like about Luke was the fact that he played quarterback in college

Certainly I reached out not only to Aaron, but a couple other guys with him being in the building before, just to find out what they thought of him as a man and as a coach and everybody gave him a thumbs up

" Still, Getsy is expected to help ease the transition to LaFleur and new offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett

Neither LaFleur nor Hackett had any previous relationship with Rodgers. It could help that they're all close to Rodgers in age

 Getsy, like Rodgers, is 35, while Hackett and LaFleur are 39. In fact, youth is a common thread among LaFleur's staff

 "I think it starts first and foremost with character and I think that's one reason why Luke's in that room," said Hackett, who served as the Jaguars offensive coordinator until he was fired last November

"I think that's one reason, I hope, why Matt brought me along. I think we all know -- Luke, myself, Matt -- we all know it's about one voice

I mean, there's so many times that if you give mixed messages to anybody on the field, it's not just about Aaron, it's anybody, I mean, my whole job is to make sure that everybody is speaking the same language, everybody is saying the same thing

It's so important. You can never give mixed messages because these guys are expected to go out in front of 70,000 people and execute

They have to know exactly what we're expecting from everybody." Rodgers has been in the same offense, led by McCarthy, for his entire career as an NFL starter -- up until McCarthy was fired

 Like McCarthy, LaFleur plans to be a playcalling head coach, which means his relationship with Rodgers is critical

 "We've got three quarterback guys that are going to be hitting him from all angles," LaFleur said

"No, I'm going to do part. I know that I need to be in that room, especially as much as I possibly can because I am going to be the playcaller

I think that relationship between the playcaller and the quarterback is absolutely critical

So I will be in there as much as I can. I don't foresee ever missing a quarterback meeting


For more infomation >> Packers QB coach: Rodgers wants to be coached - Duration: 5:19.


The 10 worst players statistically to have played more than 1000 mins in 2018/19 - Duration: 2:56.

 Being a player in Europe's top five leagues is far from easy.  Top-level football on the continent is of the highest standard it has ever been and being a consistent success is something few players achieve

 We previously looked at the top 10 performing players based on statistics, with Paris Saint-Germain's Neymar leading the way

 But what about the other side of the coin, who's been the worst?  Well, we've checked the ever-dependable statistics on WhoScored and have filtered out the 10 worst rated players in 2018/19

 To make things a bit fairer, we've only included players who have played at least 1000 minutes of football this season

 Poor old Lys Mousset at Bournemouth is the lowest rated of all 1354 players at 6

02 out of 10, but the Frenchman has played just 195 minutes in 17 substitute appearances in the Premier League

THE 10 WORST IN THE 1000 MINUTE CLUB  At the time of writing, Fulham defender Tim Ream is the worst of the bunch, with the newly-promoted side possessing the worst defensive record in Europe's top leagues

 But the big surprise is Manuel Neuer in seventh ahead of Bayern Munich's Champions League tie with Liverpool

 While the Bavarians have been lacklustre at times this season under Niko Kovac, it's surprising to see a player of Neuer's ilk on the list

 Is he being let down by the shaky defence in front of him, or is he losing his goalkeeping powers?  The German international missed a huge chunk of the 2017/18 season due to a serious foot injury, but made his comeback just in time for the summer World Cup

 However, he flattered to deceive out in Russia and the general consensus was that Die Mannschaft should probably have used Barcelona's Marc-Andre ter Stegen instead

 It does appear as if Neuer is in decline and Bayern will face a huge task in replacing the original 'sweeper keeper'

 Can he rediscover his form against Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino? You can't ever write off one of the true legends of the game

For more infomation >> The 10 worst players statistically to have played more than 1000 mins in 2018/19 - Duration: 2:56.


User ID - Duration: 1:19.

Sup! Dude what you doing? ah I'm creating a new gmail account. I see.

Ah! it's already taken yeah you'll have to change it a little but I don't want to I really like

this username you know. Well, you don't have a choice mate. Hmmm let's see

oh I know I'll just add a number then

are you kidding me. Change it again. Hmm

ah hey why not select one of this suggested users name then. Nah! I don't

like any of them well there are billions of active users

out there so I'm not even surprised Gmail will never let you register with

the same username.

I wonder who could have taken this it's pissing me off


I'll use brute force if I have to what to.

what the...

dude why not try adding some numbers in

the middle then.

will it work? I don't know just give it a shot.

Ah I'm in! mmm

that's good but that's insane how was this taken but not this

Who knows? But I did worked out for you didn't it

yeah but I still prefer the first one though.

Shut up

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