Hello everyone! Thanks for watching!
CANDIDATA QUE DENUNCIOU MINISTRO REGISTROU DESPESA COM MARIDO E IRMÃO - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Creative Destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 26:12.-------------------------------------------
Interview mit dem deutschen Komponisten Klaus Schedl - Duration: 18:09.-------------------------------------------
Brawl Stars Gameplay
Proteine del siero del latte: cosa sono e quando assumerle - Duration: 6:42.Le proteine del siero del latte aiutano a prevenire la perdita di massa muscolare dovuta all'invecchiamento,
ma anche a recuperare le forze dopo un allenamento sportivo.
Il siero del latte è stato per decenni un prodotto ottenuto solo dalla caseificazione.
Tuttavia, oggi è un ingrediente fondamentale e materia prima per elaborare alcuni integratori alimentari; ma,
soprattutto, funge da base dei popolari frullati a base di proteine del siero del latte.
Scopriamo in questo articolo le proprietà delle proteine del siero del latte e chi dovrebbe assumerle per trarne i benefici e le proprietà medicinali.
Cosa è il siero del latte? Il siero del latte, o lattosiero, è la parte liquida del latte che si separa dalla cagliata durante la caseificazione.
Ha un colore giallo-verdognolo, aspetto torbido e sapore vagamente dolce.
È per lo più costituito da acqua, ma contiene anche una piccola quantità di proteine e grassi.
Il lattesiero è ricco di vitamine A, B e C, di minerali come il ferro, il potassio, il magnesio, il calcio e il fosforo.
Inoltre, è importante sottolineare che contiene lattosio. Proteine del siero del latte.
Dal siero del latte si estrae un prodotto dietetico che sta diventando sempre più popolare e che è composto da proteine ad alto valore biologico.
Ciò vuol dire che contiene tutti gli amminoacidi essenziali in dosi elevate e proprio quelli che il nostro organismo assorbe meglio.
Questo derivato del latte -che viene venduto sotto forma di polvere e mescolato ad altri ingredienti- è molto conosciuto negli ambienti sportivi,
grazie alle sue eccellenti proprietà.
Le proprietà del siero del latte, A seguire elenchiamo i principali benefici che le proteine del siero del latte apportano alla nostra salute: Aumentano la forza,
la resistenza, la massa muscolare e accelerano il recupero dopo l'allenamento.
È proprio per questo che vengono consumate da molti sportivi.
È un'alternativa più digeribile rispetto ad altre proteine di origine animale.
Prevengono la perdita di massa muscolare associata all'invecchiamento e conosciuta come sarcopenia.
Limitano l'accumulo di grasso corporeo, soprattutto nell'addome.
Possiedono proprietà anticancerogene. Calmano le infiammazioni. Rinforzano le difese immunitarie.
Abbassano i livelli di glucosio nel sangue e, quindi, la fame nervosa che ci induce a mangiare dolci.
Riducono i livelli di trigliceridi nel sangue. Prevengono, inoltre, il diabete di tipo 2.
Alleviano lo stress. Combattono l'ipertensione arteriosa.
Come assumerle? L'ideale sarebbe assumere questo prodotto naturale sotto forma di integratore, per migliorare il rendimento sportivo, oppure occasionalmente.
Può essere anche una buona idea per la colazione se unite ad altri ingredienti, quali frutta, frutta secca, avena, olio di cocco purissimo e così via.
Inoltre, mescolare questo alimento a banana, cacao, cannella, vaniglia, frutti rossi o frutti tropicali, può dare come risultato un pasto delizioso.
Come scegliere la giusta varietà di proteine del siero del latte? Per ottenere le proteine del siero del latte,
si esegue un processo di trasformazione che è importante conoscere, dato che in commercio sono presenti innumerevoli varietà e marche dedicate a questo prodotto.
Dobbiamo scegliere quelle più valide, ma anche che apportano il maggior numero di benefici alla nostra salute: Proteine del siero del latte isolate: vengono ottenute eliminando grasso e lattosio.
Tuttavia, questa varietà non è consigliabile, poiché vengono impiegati acidi ad elevate temperature,
che annientano molte proprietà. Contengono un elevato indice proteico.
Il prezzo è solitamente molto alto, visto che il prodotto è processato.
Concentrato di proteine del siero del latte: questo prodotto viene ottenuto in una fase precedente al processo di isolamento appena descritto.
Contengono, quindi, una certa quantità di grasso e lattosio e una percentuale inferiore di proteine, ma sono più naturali e bilanciate.
Varietà biologica: oltre al concentrato, consigliamo anche la varietà biologica delle proteine del siero del latte.
Scegliendola avrete la certezza che le mucche sono state nutrite con pasti privi di pesticidi e di erbicidi.
Altri ingredienti: è importante leggere l'etichetta per essere certi che il prodotto sia di qualità. Inoltre, il prodotto è più ricco di nutrienti.
Dobbiamo evitare quelli che contengono zucchero, edulcoranti, coloranti o aromi artificiali.
Il miglior dolcificante per il nostro frullato è la stevia; e per quanto riguarda gli aromi, nel caso ce ne fosse bisogno, è meglio optare per estratti naturali.
CANDIDATA QUE DENUNCIOU MINISTRO REGISTROU DESPESA COM MARIDO E IRMÃO - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
El e fostul iubit al lui Mary de la Puterea Dragostei! S-au despărțit după ce tânărul a văzut imagin - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
BBB19: Rízia se desespera e entra em pânico após ser algemada: "Vontade de sair, desistir" - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Pittura e Colore personaggio dei cartoni animati #9 I Pittura Tom e Jerry - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Fedora 29 sul Raspberry Pi 3 ⋆ Ha senso l'uso Desktop sui single board computer? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 9:10.-------------------------------------------
Primul interviu cu iubita lui Tristan Tate: "Cine e Bianca Drăgușanu?! N-am auzit de ea!" EXCLUSIV - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
MARIANA RODRIGUEZ E SIMONE SUSINNA STANNO DI NUOVO INSIEME - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Bobo Vieri e Costanza Caracciolo si sposano, ecco le pubblicazioni di matrimonio - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
✅ Kylie Jenner abre jogo sobre plásticas, maquiagem e empoderamento feminino - Duration: 2:00.De pixie loiro platinado, pernas à mostra e com diferentes tipos de looks, Kylie Jenner posou para a Paper Magazine e contou sobre o que muita gente desejava perguntar: cirurgias plásticas! Na entrevista, ela contou que nunca fez plástica, e que a transformação da aparência se deve à preenchimentos estéticos, além de maquiagem e filtros no Instagram
"As pessoas acham que eu entrei na faca e reconstruí o meu rosto, o que é completamente falso
Tenho muito medo. Jamais faria. As pessoas não entendem o que um 'bom' cabelo, maquiagem e preenchimento podem fazer"
Em seguida, Kylie admitiu que já fez pelo menos alguns procedimentos estéticos
"É preenchimento. Eu não estou negando isso", disse. Empoderamento com maquiagem A dona da Kylie Cosmetics contou que maquiagem é uma coisa realmente positiva em sua vida
"Maquiagem é algo que me faz sentir empoderada, me faz sentir bem, e eu acho que é uma coisa tão positiva
Não há mal em brincar com isso e se sentir bem consigo mesmo", disse à Paper Magazine
Segundo a publicação, ela está maravilhada com os famosos maquiadores que tem o privilégio de trabalhar
Kylie também contou que o batom era um passatempo quase singular, uma "obsessão" que ela não pretendia rentabilizar, de início
A jovem empresária contou que para criar os kits de lábios - agora icônicos! - não foram feitas pesquisas sobre o consumidor, e ela não chegou a observar as tendências de beleza do mercado
"Eu só sabia por mim mesma como cliente, por que estou comprando um lápis labial e um batom diferente? Eu queria a mesma cor, eu queria que fosse fácil", lembra
(EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP3 [소리] - Duration: 6:21.SoRi's Youtube Channel
I arrived to the beach
This is Venice beach
The sunset
I need to take one too
People are leaving the kickboard scooters like this after riding them
I will just take it
It's kind of scary
Why it does this sound?
So there is this kind of color too?
This world is awesome
The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside
My style
I arrived to the beach
Venice beach?
This place is Venice beach everybody!!!
It was very hot during daytime
But because of the seaside, the wind here is strong
Now is around 5, it's getting darker
And today
In USA is the Thanksgiving Day!
So everybody came to eat lunch as is a holiday
quite freely
~free spirit fits me well, isn't it?
(here is the free spirit)
(the beautiful sunset seen from Venice beach)
(the difference of temperature between day and night in LA is quite big)
The sunset!!
Everybody this is the place I saw it a lot of times at TV
the famous Venice beach
It's a hot place
Here people are riding the kickboard scooters
(a lot of people riding the electric board)
I need to try it too
After they are riding it
they can just leave it like this anywhere
Is OK just to ride it?
How does it works?
From this place named "Bird" (the kickboard rental company)
I think is like this
(suddenly an alarm started)
(what is she doing?)
How does it work?
Notice: Don't do this!
Why does it make sound?
Everybody actually it cannot be just taken like this
You should reserve it through application
Like this
I did something that not a smart person would do
There are so many here
They are just leaving them here and leave
(there is not a separate place for parking them)
You can recharge them too
I want to ride a skateboard too
(such a beautiful color of the sky )
so beautiful
there are such colors of the sky too
~in this world
Why I didn't know?
(after taking a walk to the Venice beach now is time for dinner)
Really beautiful
this is LA
~why I didn't know till now that there is such a beautiful place
The street is so beautiful
I came to eat
But the street is really nice, isn't it?
(people walking on the street said "hi"to the camera)
They said "hi" to the camera
So cool
(Love for those who said "hi" to SoRi's camera)
This is Santa Monica
shopping downtown place
If you check on the back of this street, there is a mall too
And also a lot of people
tourists and locals as well
There are places where you can do some shopping, eat or drink coffee
Isn't it pretty?
(arriving at the dinner place)
I will have dinner here
Steak and shake
It came out
This is the shake
As the name of this place is Steak and Shake
The shake here is quite popular
I ordered strawberry shake
It looks I eat after a long time
First this is the original hamburger
(the LA original hamburger)
Look closer
It will fit in my mouth to eat it?
Let's try it
It's delicious
(shaking the head in approvement)
Is it because I am hungry?
(the next burger: frisco melt)
(butter toast with melted cheese and patty)
The best
This is my style
I will eat well
This is the first time eating this
(because of low battery the mukbang video ends here)
The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside
This is my style
(next day morning)
Hi everybody
I am SoRi
This is the second day in LA
Today's schedule
I am going to do some shopping in preparation for my second single "I'm Ready"
Is not decided what kind of costumes I would get
But I will go to get some clothes for my stage performance or other promotion activities
If I get some nice ones, I will do a new Haul video for you
And also
The most important reason I am going shopping now in LA
and going by car around 30 minutes
Today in USA
So I chose some black pattern clothes as well
and my hair is black too
Let's check out the Black Friday in USA together
The weather is so nice
(stay tuned for the next episode of SoRi's USA trip)
【ENG SUB】 철권과 태보의 만남 - Duration: 22:25.- TL, 5 Ex Pro party -
- No KR subs, but it's fine, you guys have Eng subs :) -
Is he mad?
Focus pal, don't get mad again
This is healing~
(In Game Chat) Gondar : Why the hell are you taking Living Bomb with you lol
Just keep hitting him!
Can't evade it...
Iron Fists' damage is so cool
Let's go... let's go...!
(In Game Chat) Gondar : Never knew Diablo was an Off lane hero
(In Game Chat) KyoCha, Frankle : That is Diablo's duty lol
(In Game Chat) Rich : That's how you gain your Soulstone
Used his Z
(In Game Chat) Gondar : You're better than me. Go on, you take this lane
You're nothing in front of Iron Fists
See how Iron Fists can finish the kill?
She failed to transform lol
Let me go..!
I realized now. Kharazim was not OP, Iron Fists was OP talent
This is the difference between Insight Kharazim
Healers are dead~
This is good to us lol
Alexstrasza and me? Then of course it's good to us
Hammer has Ult, she can now move while in Siege Mode
(In Game Chat) Rich : Retired old one, Gondar, only plays OP characters well now
(In Game Chat) Gondar : F***, thx
Always Seven-Sided Strike
Alexstrasza's Q build, so let's hit her
Catch me if you can~
(In Game Chat) Gondar : Jeez, she's fast
I'm disappointed...
? What the hell?
Seven-Sided Strike!
That was close, I could've killed him
Damn strong lol
It's coming...
Time for Fists of Fury is coming...
Got it
Their dealers and healer are mine to mark
Where did he go?
Don't you ever plan to block our back
Our comp cannot win that sort of fight
(In Game Chat) Gondar : You came so f***ing cool, made me think it was Divine Palm
Only Alexstrasza~
Way of the Hundred Fists?
Malthael~ Do Taebo~
Oh no no... Run!
Give me Living Bomb
Like that! Great
They escape so well
(In Game Chat) Gondar : Death in this timing?
(In Game Chat) Rich : Even if he's alive, nothing's different. It's fine
Are they taking Boss?
(In Game Chat) Rich : Sry. Save me plz
(In Game Chat) Gondar : No.. our bear...
(In Game Chat) Rich : What an animal abuse that is
Losing again?
No! We must win
You guys have enough damage?
With only you three? lol
Bear dead again... What's this lag again!
Don't do this to me~
Where are my teammates? lol
I did great damage to their healer and dealer
I need lvl 20
With that, I can kill Alexstrasza instantly
Rexxar is our ranged dealer
Wow, low cooldown
Oh, it was Dwarf Launch
Help me
Why is he in there? lol
WTF!!! Why is he keep using Haymaker!!
Grand Slam lol
This is madness kkkkk
500 damage, this is insane
(In Game Chat) Rich : Do something, Gondar
At least our lanes are good
I have to kill one 1:1
But they never stay alone
Why are you dead lol
(In Game Chat) Rich : You're doing nothing, Nova kkkkkk
Their comp is too strong!
They push so hard
We lost!!
(In Game Chat) Rich : Defend it, Orphea!
Defend it! You can do it!
(In Game Chat) Rich : Can't even evade Kael'thas's Q
(Twitch Donation) Making team lose just because of ₩ 10k, you are so professional /s
It's not me who made this game lose!
It's someone who died 8 times and damaged only 48k, LUL
8 death, 48k Hero damage kkkkkkk
What's wrong with him lol
Elimi Bırakma 30. Bölüm 3. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:10.Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 30 3. Trailer
Hi all my friends. We made the 30th episode 3. fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Cenk knows his resignation as Chairman. Who will pass the company now? Serap is getting away from his family. He even hates children.
In the face of all this, Cenk's health condition becomes even worse. Will he learn the health status of Cenk? Will Kadir return to Melis? Will he find himself guilty of having caused Cenk's illness?
Azmi, why did you stop Sumru? Can Cenk Feride be able to forgive? Remember to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.
US :Kylie Jenner Is Reportedly 'Very Torn' Over Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
US ; How Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian Family Really Feel About Jordyn Woods' Betrayal - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Nu mi-e frica de BAU BAU | Cantec pentru copii + karaoke - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
SUMMER DEEP HOUSE MİX I BEST OF REMİX 2019 - Duration: 13:27.-------------------------------------------
Las enfermedades catastróficas y el nuevo gobierno - Duration: 2:54.Mucho antes de ser secretario de Salud, una de las obsesiones de Julio Frenk era el carácter catastrófico de las enfermedades desde el punto de vista económico
Para atender una enfermedad inesperada o un accidente grave, las familias sin seguro médico podían, pueden, perder todo su patrimonio, contraer deudas asfixiantes, cambiar de clase social
Una de las piezas maestras del Seguro Popular fue por eso el Fondo de Protección contra Gastos Catastróficos (FPGC), calculado para que la red de salud pública pudiera hacer frente a las contingencias de salud que son a la vez frecuentes e impredecibles
Entre 2013 y 2018, dicen Julio Frenk y Octavio Gómez Dantés en una reflexión sobre el Seguro Popular, con recursos del FPGC se atendieron 98 mil niños que requerían cuidados neonatales, 13 mil casos de cáncer infantil, 18 mil casos de cáncer cérvico uterino, 51 mil casos de cáncer de mama y 93 mil casos de sida
En el proyecto de recentralización del sistema de salud que propone el nuevo gobierno, se ha planteado que podrían utilizarse los recursos de ese fondo para regularizar la situación de 80 mil médicos, asunto importantísimo, seguramente necesario, pero que sería el equivalente, dentro del sector Salud, a tapar un hoyo grande haciendo un hoyo mayor
Si los recursos del FPGC fueran redirigidos a esta cuenta corriente, dicen Frenk y Gómez Dantés, se empobrecería el rendimiento no solo de la red de atención del Seguro Popular, sino de los mismísimos Institutos Nacionales de Salud, orgullo de la medicina pública mexicana
"Entre 2013 y 2018 ", escriben los autores, el Fondo de Protección contra Gastos Catastróficos, "transfirió a estos y otros hospitales 5 mil millones de pesos para cuidados intensivos neonatales, 12 mil millones de pesos para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama y 17 mil millones de pesos para el tratamiento del VIH/sida"
Concluyen Frenk y Gómez Dantés: "La expropiación de este fondo representaría una auténtica catástrofe para las decenas de miles de personas que dependen de él" ("Salud: focos rojos" https://bit
ly/2TWMePG).Se dice que el nuevo gobierno no escucha a los expertos. No lo creo. Ojalá que no
Aquí está la voz de unos expertos que deberían escuchar. hector.aguilarcamin@milenio
Inchiesta sui genitori di Renzi, negli appunti sequestrati il doppio giallo di Genova - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
I quattro tempi verbali del futuro in inglese - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
100 Funny Baby Moments part 2 - Fun and Fails Baby Video - Duration: 10:38.Hello everyone! Thanks for watching!
CANDIDATA QUE DENUNCIOU MINISTRO REGISTROU DESPESA COM MARIDO E IRMÃO - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Creative Destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 26:12.-------------------------------------------
Interview mit dem deutschen Komponisten Klaus Schedl - Duration: 18:09.-------------------------------------------
Brawl Stars Gameplay
Sigrid Performs 'Don't Feel Like Crying' - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Tema had a farm fruits and Kid Ride on Tractor - Duration: 4:00.Tema had a farm fruits and Kid Ride on Tractor
Sony - Don't Go (EXO Albanian Cover) - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
Ex-Muslim '' Many Westerners don't know the real intention of Islam '' - English subtitles - Duration: 0:50.once , I sent you a video for one of the Saudis
talking on YouTube with his followers by saying '' They are ( non-Muslims ) are infidels and we have to do so and so but , we can't do it now , and we can't go to the USA to conquer it
and I think you watched that video ! so , the Saudi government bring ( certain ) people who are supposed to represent the civil authority and they lecture their followers
and they explain to them what the Saudi government is doing to the point that they Saudi government doesn't say anything but , there are other people explain to their followers
to the effect that '' At the present time , we can't impose our will on ( non-Muslims ) nor can we go and conquer them and other things which Muslims did in the past ( i.e. 1400 years ago )
and in the present time , we are in a weaker position and therefore , we should be patient , compliment the non-Muslims ( i.e. flatter and be nice to them ) until we have the upper hand [ Quran 47:35 ]
and here where the danger ( of Islam ) lies ! and unfortunately , many of the people of the Western World believe those tricks ( of Islam )
EATING REAL FOOD | KLUNATIK COMPILATION | ASMR eating sounds no talk - Duration: 10:26.Welcome to Klunatik`s official COMPILATIONS channel!
Here we will upload compilations and give more background information about these videos.
Check our MAIN channel for our latest videos: YOUTUBE.COM/KLUNATIK
This was our FIRST video where we ate real food on our channel
The original video was uploaded on january 5th 2018 and took 4 days to make
We create almost all the sound effects ourselves
For the more difficult sound effects we use an open source sound effect library
For this video we really ate an raw onion to create the sound effects
As you can amagine, it tasted awfull.. The taste in my mouth stayed for the rest of the day
These sardines still had all their bones and scales on them
It looked disgusting but to be honest the taste was not to bad
See the bones?! :S
Of course Charlie also wanted to try this delicious dish
This room smelled like rotten fish and onion for A FEW DAYS after filming
The original video was uploaded on June 22th 2018 and was inspired by a comment from a subscriber
Of course we made the special miniature noodle bowl for Charlie ourselves
We also made this CUTE mini shrimp ; )
Auwch, cooking water on my finger!
WARNING: drinking is fake, in reality we poured the hot water in a pan next to the camera
For the sound effects we ate these noodles raw for real
And to our surprise, the raw noodles tasted really nice!
If you want to eat raw noodles make sure you put the powder seasoning on top, it will taste a bit like chips
But dont eat to much of it, just on small bite for the taste. We dont want you to get a stomach ache!
Almost forgot about Charlie!
This video was originally uploaded on januari 4th
Do you alslo hate the feeling of raw cold meat in your hands?
NEVER EAT raw meat at home, this is very dangerous
Raw meat contains a lot of harmful bacteria that can make you extremely sick
Especially raw pork and chicken are very dangerous
The sound effects are extra important in this video
We love the sound of crunchy eggshell
You can eat raw eggs, but only if you know for sure that they are really fresh
If the raw egg is not fresh they van contain salmonella and you can get seriously sick
Ever wanted to try an spagetthi milkshake ;P
Ever ate a banana peel?
We tried it for the sound effect and it tasted really bitter, so dont try at home ;)
For this video we tried to come up with the most awfully tasting recipe
Gordon looked impressed by our recipe, dont you think ;)
Royal Az - Meghan Markle's baby shower reveals sad secret about her new life - Duration: 6:03.Meghan Markle is in New York right now celebrating hers. She is no doubt going to be heading back to Old Blighty with enormous suitcases full of Petit Bateau rompers and $687 cashmere blankies, perfect for a baby who will grow up having playdates with a future king — aka George, Prince Of Knee Socks
Her celebrity pals have overnight our time descended on The Mark, which bills itself as the city's "most boldly lavish" hotel (and where a room will set you back about $A1118 a night)
Dozens and dozens of pale pink roses were seen being delivered to the hotel along with decorative trees (sure, that seems totally normal)
The hotel's restaurant is run by two-Michelin starred famed chef Jean Georges, so it is safe to assume there will be no limp mini quiches and plastic cups of non-alcoholic punch here
Joining her are her Suits co-star Abigail Spencer who was seen making a quick dash into the hotel, clearly regretting her decision to wear a beanie and padded coat to front a veritable wall of paparazzi
Friends Jessica Mulroney and Serena Williams were also on the guest list. But the whole lavish, lovely affair has revealed a strange and sad truth about Meghan's life
She has made no new friends since she moved to London. Not one. Nada. Zilch. I believe the technical term might be Nigel no (new) friends
The trusted and beloved circle of women Meghan is surrounding herself with is the same coterie of girlfriends she had when she rolled up her yoga mat, shuttered her lifestyle blog The Tig and moved into Kensington Palace
They are the same gaggle of former co-stars, B-listers, and stylists who got the smattering of invitations to her wedding that didn't go to people with names like the Honourable Arabella Minter-Calthorpe-Forbisher or Bunter Rothschild
And while in the months since becoming a fully-fledged HRH Meghan has learnt the finer points of the perfect curtsy and how to avoid Princess Michael of Kent in the Palace parking lot, in all that time, she has not added one British pal to her inner circle
Meghan might have won the hearts of the Union Jack-waving hordes, Prince Charles and the Queen's dogs, but she has yet to forge any close bonds with people who aren't descendants of Queen Victoria or have four legs
For a woman whose warmth is evident every time she comes within hugging distance of a child or rescue dog, it is curious she has not found a single new person to join her entourage
She hasn't become pal-y with any of Harry's aristo mates (though being pregnant and not able to skull pints or do shots of Jagermeister might hinder developing these particular relationships)
Nor has she built a close bond with one of the few people on the planet who understand the ferocious scrutiny and need for fascinators she now faces — her sister-in-law the Duchess of Cambridge
Again, to be fair, they are very different people, one of whom built a $7 million fortune through her hard work and the other who had two-part time jobs in nine years and is working assiduously to bring the Alice band back
Meghan has created a lovely new life for herself in London: There's the royal husband and the baby on the way, along with the $5
4 million renovation of a delightful 10-bedroom "cottage" that is in spitting distance of Soho Farmhouse and the Queen's Windsor weekender
But it must surely be a lonely existence. There are only so many times you can get your US-based pals to pop on a flight across the Atlantic and keep them tucked away in one of your impeccably-arranged spare bedrooms for a few days of herbal tea and fireside catch-ups
Sure, these women might only be a WhatsApp group chat away, but that is not the same as having pals in the same country as you — people you can trust to help you find the perfect non-gender-specific paint swatch for your baby's bedroom
Everyone needs friends they know will jump in an Uber when you need a hug or someone to listen to you and force feed you macarons to cheer you up before you have to spend three weeks ensconced in a Scottish castle with no heating
That she hasn't built any close friendships in London makes me feel quite sad. True, it might be hard to find people to trust given her exalted position, but the rest of the Windsor clan have a largely, G & T-swilling gaggle of friends
Surely, there must be one or two among them Meghan could become mates with, people who would be happy to let her bang on about the power of reiki or want her recipe for smashed avo on toast
This year holds so much for Megs: a bubba and her own British mansion, but wouldn't it be lovely if she also made a friend or two?
Roll Call - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Elimi Bırakma 30. Bölüm 3. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:10.Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 30 3. Trailer
Hi all my friends. We made the 30th episode 3. fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Cenk knows his resignation as Chairman. Who will pass the company now? Serap is getting away from his family. He even hates children.
In the face of all this, Cenk's health condition becomes even worse. Will he learn the health status of Cenk? Will Kadir return to Melis? Will he find himself guilty of having caused Cenk's illness?
Azmi, why did you stop Sumru? Can Cenk Feride be able to forgive? Remember to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.
SUPERHERO BABY LEARNING TOOTH DECAY 💖 Animation Cartoons Play Doh - Duration: 11:15.Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:
If you feel this video is some kind of cool stop motion animation.
Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"
buttons below to see better episodes on WOA Luka Channel.
And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪
Beto O'Rourke won't rule out being vice presidential candidate - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Sao nhập ngũ Mùa 8 - Hay nhất Tập 7 & 8 - Mạc Văn Khoa, Quang Đăng, Mr T - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
(EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP3 [소리] - Duration: 6:21.SoRi's Youtube Channel
I arrived to the beach
This is Venice beach
The sunset
I need to take one too
People are leaving the kickboard scooters like this after riding them
I will just take it
It's kind of scary
Why it does this sound?
So there is this kind of color too?
This world is awesome
The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside
My style
I arrived to the beach
Venice beach?
This place is Venice beach everybody!!!
It was very hot during daytime
But because of the seaside, the wind here is strong
Now is around 5, it's getting darker
And today
In USA is the Thanksgiving Day!
So everybody came to eat lunch as is a holiday
quite freely
~free spirit fits me well, isn't it?
(here is the free spirit)
(the beautiful sunset seen from Venice beach)
(the difference of temperature between day and night in LA is quite big)
The sunset!!
Everybody this is the place I saw it a lot of times at TV
the famous Venice beach
It's a hot place
Here people are riding the kickboard scooters
(a lot of people riding the electric board)
I need to try it too
After they are riding it
they can just leave it like this anywhere
Is OK just to ride it?
How does it works?
From this place named "Bird" (the kickboard rental company)
I think is like this
(suddenly an alarm started)
(what is she doing?)
How does it work?
Notice: Don't do this!
Why does it make sound?
Everybody actually it cannot be just taken like this
You should reserve it through application
Like this
I did something that not a smart person would do
There are so many here
They are just leaving them here and leave
(there is not a separate place for parking them)
You can recharge them too
I want to ride a skateboard too
(such a beautiful color of the sky )
so beautiful
there are such colors of the sky too
~in this world
Why I didn't know?
(after taking a walk to the Venice beach now is time for dinner)
Really beautiful
this is LA
~why I didn't know till now that there is such a beautiful place
The street is so beautiful
I came to eat
But the street is really nice, isn't it?
(people walking on the street said "hi"to the camera)
They said "hi" to the camera
So cool
(Love for those who said "hi" to SoRi's camera)
This is Santa Monica
shopping downtown place
If you check on the back of this street, there is a mall too
And also a lot of people
tourists and locals as well
There are places where you can do some shopping, eat or drink coffee
Isn't it pretty?
(arriving at the dinner place)
I will have dinner here
Steak and shake
It came out
This is the shake
As the name of this place is Steak and Shake
The shake here is quite popular
I ordered strawberry shake
It looks I eat after a long time
First this is the original hamburger
(the LA original hamburger)
Look closer
It will fit in my mouth to eat it?
Let's try it
It's delicious
(shaking the head in approvement)
Is it because I am hungry?
(the next burger: frisco melt)
(butter toast with melted cheese and patty)
The best
This is my style
I will eat well
This is the first time eating this
(because of low battery the mukbang video ends here)
The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside
This is my style
(next day morning)
Hi everybody
I am SoRi
This is the second day in LA
Today's schedule
I am going to do some shopping in preparation for my second single "I'm Ready"
Is not decided what kind of costumes I would get
But I will go to get some clothes for my stage performance or other promotion activities
If I get some nice ones, I will do a new Haul video for you
And also
The most important reason I am going shopping now in LA
and going by car around 30 minutes
Today in USA
So I chose some black pattern clothes as well
and my hair is black too
Let's check out the Black Friday in USA together
The weather is so nice
(stay tuned for the next episode of SoRi's USA trip)
I Care For You Too Official Video - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Khloe Kardashian supported by Kourtney as she emerges after Jordyn Wood rumours - Duration: 3:22.The Kardshian klan are rallying together amid bombshell claims Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe with Jordyn Woods
Khloe is said to be 'completely devastated' by the allegations as 21-year-old Jordyn has been inside the family circle for years as the best friend of sister Kylie
A source told TMZ that Tristan and Jordyn had 'hooked up' during a house party on Sunday night
34-year-old Khloe was supported by her eldest sister Kourtney as she stepped out for the first time since the scandal broke
The close-knit sisters banded together as they were pictured arriving at Kanye West's Calabasas office
Khloe cut an eye-fetching figure dressed in head to toe white, with her outfit set-off by her newly cropped and bleached ice blonde locks
The star managed a small smile as she spoke to a security guard while emerging from her car
Khloe was flanked by mum-of-three Kourtney who looked downcast as she was pictured with a trench coat over her white jumpsuit, as she matched her sister's outfit
The family have locked in solidarity over the alleged betrayal, with all of the famous sisters now unfollowing Jordyn on Instagram
A source told TMZ that Jordyn was seen making out with Tristan at a party at his LA mansion on Sunday night
They said: "Everyone was just hanging out, smoking Hookah and drinking when they were instructed to stop all use of cell phones or leave
It's not unusual for phones to be confiscated while at the party with high-profile people
However, the vibe was chill and nobody was really checking for security until later in the night
"Once partygoers put their phones away, Kylie Jenner 's best friend Jordyn Woods arrived to the late-night kickback
Thompson and Woods were all over each other, and, it wasn't just "friendly." They couldn't keep their hands off of each other
' The source added: 'When partygoers asked to use their phone, they were told that they may as well leave if they needed to do so as Jordyn wouldn't be leaving anytime soon
Jordyn didn't leave the party until the early hours of 7 a.m." Following the allegations, Instagram site Hollywood Unlocked revealed that a contributor was at the house party and saw what went down
Khloe then 'liked' the post and responded with multiple emoji's of a person yelling
While her best friend Malika replied 'STRONG FACTS.' Tristan also appeared to respond to the allegations by tweeting 'FAKE NEWS' - though he later deleted the post
Is there anything interesting about its design? - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] ICE FOOD CHALLENGE! Eating Cold Noodles + Ice Cream in -5C degree!! [2idiots] - Duration: 9:48.[What are they actually doing.....]
All iz well! Hi there! We are 2idiots!
I feel like right now my hands are becoming frozen....
There's a saying: "Fight the heat with the heat"
But today we will "Fight the cold with the cold" in ASMR!
We will eat a SUPER cold food in SUPER cold weather like today
[Later they will look like this:]
But! Of course we cannot skip the Decibel challenge right
When you lost, your punishment is to take off one clothe :P
[Not 19+ content btw...]
<Preparing Food!>
First menu! What is this? We can't even know because it's covered!!
What's this ?
This is.. appitizer!
[So you can expected Main Dish + Dessert Later :D]
Let's begin with our manager Ready? Set? Go!!
Already defeated!?
[Taking off his coat as punishment..]
So it's my turn. Let's go!
Next cup:
<Breathing in>
<So warm! jk>
At the end..
[Chahun has to finished the rest]
Jaehyun has drank for almost 1 and a half cup!
Can't you just give me some credits.. ^^?
Ready? Let's go!
<Breathing in ..>
Guys, you see my hair now right?
It's just WIND sound!!
See my hair! [LOOLLL]
There are 2 ice cubes left!
Great! LOL ASMR!
You're so cool dude!
What's the next menu, please?
So after the appetizer, we are now going to eat "Main Course"
It's SO freaking COLDD!
For the Fresh & Cold food...
What the hell are you doing? [LOL]
Hun...hahaha we are broadcasting now
Music please!
Next menu is... Naeng Myun!!! [Korean-styled Cold Noodles]
My hands are freezing!
Hear the sound?
There is alive thing in the soup.. LOL
They're so...kind! hahahahah
[As Chahun is the last, he must finish all!!]
Ready? Set Go!
[Throw away the radish.. LOL]
As planned ;)
[He brings it back again hahaha]
It becomes iced ^_^_^_^
Hyung...you already exceeded the dB.. LOL
[Wind wind wind wind wind...]
Let's go again!
Ewww we are sharing this food okay!!!!
Manager finished off his round ^^
He spilled and only ate two times..
It's really dirty..oh god hahahaha
My turn, ready set go!!!
[It's the sound of plastic bag flying... LOL]
Faster take off!
[Hey! I wanna take this off!]
okay okay
Off my shoes okay
You have something else to take off?
I'll take off my accessory...
Jaehyun's done..
He ate almost all noodles and stuffs..
Actually what's more important is the soup...
Eat faster!
[Drinking all iced soup....]
We also are freeeezing!
Hey? He finished tho?
Okay!! Done!!
Hun... we are finished!
He is competitive!
Why is he like that...
He doesn't have enough scenes! [LOLLL]
Chahun DONE!
Next is the last course, dessert!!
[3rd meu - what could it be?]
[Ice Creams!]
It's...freaked up icecream XD
TAKE OFF! hahahahah
Faster! Quickly!!
[Sounds like 19+..]
Bye bye shoes..
[Manager's Finished!]
It's ma turn ^^
So... warmmm >_<
[Chahun looks like he feels so hottttt]
[Caution: Guys, please never follow us to do this okay!]
There is this much left
Let's do this quickly
[Start now!]
Off now!
Wait.. that was mine??
It was Jaehyun's glasses! loll
Just take off any!
We didn't expect to take off so many clothes..
Just chew!!!
[SAVE ME.....]
Last but not least!!The loser needs to get PUNISHED!
And we will give some gifts to that person! To spend this winter..warmly..
We will splash the person with ICE ^^
Counting how many clothes left ^^
The grand award for the punished person goes to....
[Hun: pieces/Jaehyun: 5/Manager: 4]
So please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and Turn on the alarm for us!
So bye for now, all iz well!
Oh NOOOO plssss...
Funny Baby Love Say "DaDa" For The First Time - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:43.Hello everyone! Have a good day! ^-^
또 버려질까 두려워 자는 주인 밤새 지켜보는 리트리버 - Duration: 2:47.전 주인에게 버려진 상처 때문에 주인이 자신을 또 버리고 도망갈까 밤새 지켜보는 강아지가 있다.
지난 24일(현지 시간) 온라인 미디어 더커버리지는 한 강아지가 밤에 잠을 자지 못하는 가슴 아픈 사연을 소개했다.
중국 출신으로 알려진 한 남성은 최근 지역 동물보호소에서 골든 리트리버 한 마리를 입양했다.
자신을 보고 꼬리 치며 활발하게 뛰노는 모습이 마음에 들었다.
녀석을 자신의 집으로 데려온 그는 강아지를 위해 새집과 침대를 사줬지만, 이상하게도 녀석은 밤에 잠을 자지 않았다.
어느 날 밤 잠에서 깬 그는 똘망똘망한 눈으로 자신을 지켜보고 있는 강아지를 보고 깜짝 놀라 자리에서 일어났다.
이를 심상치 않게 여긴 남성은 녀석을 처음 입양했던 동물보호소에 방문해 사정을 물었고,
보호소 직원을 통해 안타까운 이야기를 전해 들었다.
사연에 따르면 녀석의 전 주인은 가정 형편이 어려워져 더이상 강아지를 키울 수 없게 됐고 밤에 녀석을 버리고 도망갔다.
주인에게 버림받은 강아지는 동물보호소로 옮겨졌지만, 언제나 자신이 버려질 수 있다는 정신적인 상처를 받게 돼 밤에 잠을 자지 못하는 것이었다.
녀석에게 그렇게 가슴 아픈 사연이 있는 줄도 몰랐다"며 "녀석이 항상 버림받을까 두려워한다는 것을 알고 눈물이 쏟아졌다"고 말했다.
그는 "새로운 환경에 적응하지 못해 그런 줄만 알았다.
한편 주인은 자신의 강아지를 안심시키기 위해 밤마다 녀석의 곁에서 잠을 청했고,
그러자 강아지도 주인을 믿으며 밤에 편안히 잠을 잘 수 있게 된 것으로 전해졌다.
SKIP TO MY LOU - Baby Playing With Donuts - Clay Mixer and Play Doh - Duration: 3:16.In the buttermilk shoo fly shoo flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo
buttermilk, shoo fly shoo my darling
To Texas
My partner what'll I do Lux look while I do lost my partner what'll, I do
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