Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2019

How the English gentlemen saw us. Poles. at the end of the 18th century?

This Poland in the period heroic attempts

reforming and saving of the king Stanisław August day?

William Coxe (1747-1828) was a historian and his work "Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark.

[Interspersed with historical relations and political inquiries] ",

it shows the English assessment of the state of Poland at that time.

We present original, English release of Coxe's work from 1784.

The author, the son of the court doctor, graduated from an elite school at Eton and the theological faculty of the University of Cambridge,

he worked as an educating eldest son of Prince Marlborough,

and then young Lord Pembroke,

with whom he visited Poland during the reign Stanisław August - exactly in 1778.

From here he went further to Russia, Sweden and Denmark.

The description of the trip has been placed in the said richly illustrated work.

Coxe traveled through Bielsko, Cracow to Warsaw.

Cracow, a former capital city, assessed severely as a city where "You can only meet the remnants of ancient splendor".

In Warsaw he could watch Poland through the prism of the aristocracy,

he was also received by the king.

He negatively assessed noble freedom and the state of the state -

he lacked developed industry and trade,

pointed to the weakness of the king, the nobility found according to him in a state of uncontrolled anarchy,

And the peasantry is terrible yoke of feudal oppression.

It was certainly right in this vision of Poland ...

Coxe's work enjoyed great popularity,

it has been repeatedly published and translated into various languages,

constituting one of the important sources of knowledge about Polish matters in Europe at the end of the 18th century.

It is worth looking at the beautiful edition of this interesting historical work.

Please visit

to departments of foreign books and other objects until 1945,

books with graphics, polish history, art and literature in foreign languages.

For more infomation >> „Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark..." Williama Coxe'a (1747-1828) z 1784 r. - Duration: 2:23.


Fate/Grand Order - Mata Hari Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 0:35.

Here's some chocolate for you! Huhuhu, it's better to be do things straight at times like this, right?

Let's eat chocolate together, and drown in some sweet slumber.

...Ah, I look forward to the return gift. Huhuhu.

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Mata Hari Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 0:35.


So, I asked Reddit SAVAGES to Roast Me - Brutal Roast Challenge Compilation - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> So, I asked Reddit SAVAGES to Roast Me - Brutal Roast Challenge Compilation - Duration: 4:53.


ერთი მძგნერის ისტორია... Where's My Mommy - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> ერთი მძგნერის ისტორია... Where's My Mommy - Duration: 9:18.


АСМР✨Просыпайся со мной😘Ролевая игра забота в день влюбленных❣️ ASMR Role Play Care you valentine's - Duration: 23:36.

For more infomation >> АСМР✨Просыпайся со мной😘Ролевая игра забота в день влюбленных❣️ ASMR Role Play Care you valentine's - Duration: 23:36.


Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys - Duration: 6:32.

Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys

For more infomation >> Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys - Duration: 6:32.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 100pk Blue Edition (Titanium) 5drs - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 100pk Blue Edition (Titanium) 5drs - Duration: 1:14.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost 100pk Titanium 5drs - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost 100pk Titanium 5drs - Duration: 1:12.


オープニングはアポロ・シアターのドキュメンタリー!トライベッカ映画祭 - Duration: 2:26.

拡大写真 写 はイメージ アポ ・シアター D ipasupil / Getty mages  米ニューヨーク 4月24日から5 5日まで開催され 今年で18回目を えるトライベッカ 画祭のオープニン ナイト作品が、米 ピュラー音楽の殿 であるアポロ・シ ターを題材にした キュメンタリー映 『ジ・アポロ(原 ) / The pollo』に決 った

映画祭の公式サイ で明らかになった   本作はニュー ークの伝説のクラ となったアポロ・ アターのユニーク 歴史をひも解いて く作品で、音楽、 メディー、ダンス どのパフォーマン のアーカイブ映像 経営者・スタッフ どの裏側を捉えた 像を交錯させなが 描いている

インタビューには ティ・ラベル、フ レル・ウィリアム 、スモーキー・ロ ンソン、ジェイミ ・フォックスなど 参加しているよう

監督は映画『ぼく 魔法の言葉たち』 ロジャー・ロス・ ィリアムズで、H Oドキュメンタリ ・フィルムズのも 手掛けられた

  オープニング なる本作は、舞台 して描かれたアポ ・シアターで4月 4日にワールド・ レミアが行われる

(細木信宏/No uhiro Ho oki) 【関連 報】・【動画】ウ リアムズ監督作『 くと魔法の言葉た 』・ジャスティン ビーバー、うつ病 治療中・ラミ・マ ック、『ボヘミア ・ラプソディ』監 との仕事は「楽し ものではなかった ・レディー・ガガ 性的虐待疑惑のR ケリーと仕事しな と発表・『アリー スター誕生』主演 ったかも…意外な ターは?・40歳 死去…アレキサン ー・マックイーン んのドキュメンタ ー4月公開

For more infomation >> オープニングはアポロ・シアターのドキュメンタリー!トライベッカ映画祭 - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> BOLSONARO E FILHO USAM MORO PARA SAIR DAS CORDAS - Duration: 2:08.


I GESTI ITALIANI: Quali Sono? Cosa Significano? Come si Usano? Parla...anzi, GESTICOLA in italiano! - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> I GESTI ITALIANI: Quali Sono? Cosa Significano? Come si Usano? Parla...anzi, GESTICOLA in italiano! - Duration: 9:49.


Fx Trading Explicaçao Completa Sobre Binario.#canalbitcoinnetwork# - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Fx Trading Explicaçao Completa Sobre Binario.#canalbitcoinnetwork# - Duration: 10:01.


Anismo. Já ouviu falar? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Anismo. Já ouviu falar? - Duration: 6:37.


Romina Power preoccupata per la figlia Romina Carrisi: ecco cosa è successo. 'Ha bisogno ... - Duration: 13:54.

For more infomation >> Romina Power preoccupata per la figlia Romina Carrisi: ecco cosa è successo. 'Ha bisogno ... - Duration: 13:54.



For more infomation >> MASAJE FACIAL PARA LA NARIZ - Duration: 10:19.


10 фактов о Xiaomi Mi Wireless Mouse II Xiaomi Metal Mouse Pad - Duration: 6:25.

And again they put in place the apple conglomerate ... the same thing, but 4 times cheaper .. and say that it is not so ...

Tube 154 engine! Hello everyone, you don't have any benefit on the channel, and today, as I promised, I'll tell you about a small addition to a Xiaomish laptop, created in the image and style of apple accessories, our favorite Xiaomi corporation.

Namely, about their second generation mouse xiaomi mius. He promised to upload a review to her for a week, but I have an excuse. I waited for an equally attractive metal rug that I bought specifically for her.

Now, as you see, I have everything in color. Well, that as always, without further ado 10 facts about a second-generation mouse mouse mi mouse. Let's start.

1) The price is hers, considering that she really is a business class, a cheap one. About 1200 rubles. And as you see, you can freely buy it near your home. Just looking for a more reasonable price, we find, buy, order, it is clear that you can still read reviews on it ... if you suddenly do not believe me. The link to search for a mouse and a rug will be in my description

2) The packaging according to the principle of opening is similar to the principle of a matchbox. Externally, it looks no worse than boxes in the world. All information on the box about its capabilities and characteristics in stock. But I'll stop on that later.

3) Batteries are not always included with the mouse. My came without them. Regular batteries last for at least 2 months. Batteries used form factor AA in the amount of two pieces.

4) The mouse does not have a waiting mode in our general understanding. And this means that in order to activate it, if you did not turn it off physically through the switch, there is no need to click on the keys. In my opinion, this is both good and bad.

I do not think she spends too much energy when turned on, but not active. And at the same time, not to think that you need to click it when activated is also quite convenient.

Briefly - if you do not have bateries, it is better to disconnect it.

5) The photo element that is built into it for tracking movements does not hit the beam, neither green nor any other, whether it works you can only be determined by the on switch. Well, or through the wheel if you look. It works on any surface. By my standards, the mouse is very smart and extremely unpretentious.

6) The weight of this mouse with batteries of 77 grams is pretty decent. But at the same time convenient. No wonder because she has a metal surface. I will tell you such a pleasant burden.

By the way who is not signed - subscribe. On the channel every two weeks there are draws of band 3 and onon band 4 wounds edishen. Terms and Conditions Like koment and bell. And who is signed, do not forget to add to the channel in the telegram) so as not to miss the new vidos that go at least three times a week.

7) The convenience of this particular unit is also due to the ability to work as from the built-in bluetooth module of your device, be it a phone, tablet or laptop.

So it is from its own module, which is stored inside the mouse, and can be used to communicate over a blue tooth with devices that do not have a bluetooth module.

Just insert the transmitter in yusbi, and that's it. The only thing you do not forget is to change the operating modes of the device, this is done by a single button with an indicator at the bottom of the mouse.

Frequent flashing - operation from the radio module of the device, rare flashing - from your own radio module that you inserted. It is connected, as the mouse is installed, just instantly.

8) The mouse scroll is made of rubber and plastic. Tactile pleasant. But the possibility of clicking on it is missing. And what is rather positively silent that you rarely see in mice.

9) The controls are rather scanty) but it should be so) we know what exactly copied syami. The double-click keys, as well as no additional buttons, help the two standard buttons only scroll. The bottom surface is supplied with standard rubberized pillows. Which makes sliding the mouse quite comfortable.

10) The balance of the scales in it is not distributed as usual. And I would say that such a flat shape, which is as wide and as wide as a normal mouse, and much lower in height, is considered convenient for many.

But this form is convenient in the first place, as I believe because of its mobility. But the fact that with this hull structure your brush will not have support is a fact. Accordingly, for long everyday use, and even more so for games,

I will not advise it to you. The white mouse quickly turns gray when used. And as you already understood it is sold in two colors.

Under it, by the way, you can buy such a stylish metal rug, which not only has an anti-slip surface but also has a weight that it definitely will not move under your mouse. It costs almost like a mouse.

No functions except aesthetic does not possess. But I really liked it, both externally and in execution. Although wooden and I like it even more, but this one is in color to the laptop. I summarize today I am rather restrained. Mouse quality, very attractive, functional

For more infomation >> 10 фактов о Xiaomi Mi Wireless Mouse II Xiaomi Metal Mouse Pad - Duration: 6:25.


Toyota Corolla 2019 Hibrit - Hybrid – Yeni Test Sürüşü – İnceleme (MTV ŞOKUNA DİKKAT) - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 2019 Hibrit - Hybrid – Yeni Test Sürüşü – İnceleme (MTV ŞOKUNA DİKKAT) - Duration: 7:27.


Bring It: Bonus - Heat Duet Creative Dance (Season 5, Episode 18) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Bring It: Bonus - Heat Duet Creative Dance (Season 5, Episode 18) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:50.


Clase De Aerobic Para Adelgazar - Duration: 33:15.

Guapísimas Hello! How are you?

Welcome to a new exercise routine

Today we have a cardio aerobic dance routine

It is a very nice routine

The steps are easy

I promise

we will have different sequences, I'll explain slowly

until we have the complete choreography

do not give up at the beginning

we will do many repetitions

and above all we will enjoy these 30 wonderful minutes

let's go for it


to your left and to your right

and now an arm forward



We began with a warm

very easy


stretching up

with energy

and double


simple circles

simple circles

and double

double circle

flexes knees slightly

open and close

I open

I close


double on each side

Stay here

two more

come, first

one one

and double




close and open

well, bead gluteus

Stay here


twice with each leg

knees up


two double knee

moving sale to my heels

come to me

and double


above knee

once again

heels look like they are turning

Side to side

knees back

double knee

and stay here swinging

stay, stay

flexes and extends knees

two flipflops

and circle next


very well

and the last one

and from the beginning all






open and close

heel to gluteal


and double

very well


and double

Stay swinging

two flipflops



knee flexes

and you can jump a little

follow, follow

do not stop

Note that we already rising pace

and two, give me two more

and you're staying here at the center stretching


We do not stop

pulled aside

very well


and back

drops across

a quick stretch

very well


and back with the back of the leg

very well


and up

up with your right

we have heating

let's start

vee forward


drops slightly

bending knees

Leg Change

and the same


give two two

only two

two right

and left

well, still

and the last one

and stay



Cha Cha dance

we go


very well

Give me two vee with your right

only two

and two mambo, cha-cha

two uves

and two mambo

very well

Stay here with knees up

Easy, right

very easy movements today

we will be progressing

look, changes

tap here

touch back

very well

We do not need too much space

both knees


two points behind

two more

vee principle

mambo forward




and points back

I already have come

vee forward


Cha Cha dance

Today we will repeat until it takes

until you already get


go, go, vee


above knee

and tip back

come with me a grapevine on your right

and stay here



I open

I cross

I open

I close

I open

I close

I open

I close

give impetus

a little boost

If you can jump

but you can, stay without jumping

we go from the beginning with vee


very well



knees up


tip back

grapevine right



very well





look at the grapevine

moving forward jumps



and back

returning to the site again

well, you already have

Give me again a vee


knees up

and points back

very well

and ... grapevine




very well


Stay here

Stay here



all right

the first part we have, right?


look, this varies with three




change it

very well

in between we will put two cha-cha


double cha-cha


cha-cha and again forward




and cha-cha

go go, no pairs

today does not stop in this routine

let all the while moving

steadily, to an aerobic pace

look, changes




and ... cha-cha-cha

the same


Cha Cha dance

It is easy

If you do not get, you can stay in the previous

opening and closing

but you want to kick you stay here ...

come, if you want to come with me






very well

Look, the last change, the final will be very easy











few tips more

and let's start from the beginning

from vee

one more




here we are


Cha Cha dance

knees up

you remember?

and touch back

grapevine right

get moving

very well

Repeat this grapevine

a square

and come forward with the kick

we go





We do not stop

and new beginning


Cha Cha dance

knees up


tip back





once again


come, kick


we go

it is nice

Stay here in the "Chases"

very well

practice this exercise

and give him a little more intensity


enjoy it

very well

we go for the last block, stay here


down a bit

and I explained looks

crosses and opens

in three

with your right

I cross

I open

I cross

I open

I cross

I open

and the same back

I cross

I open

I cross

I open

I cross

I open

It is a bit more complicated

So I'm going slower


no hurry, that we will repeat much


come on

then we'll go with the other leg

we go

one twist forward

come with me


with the other leg

the same


Follow him

it is easy to see

picks up the pace

very well

we go

and now as I like to complicate things a bit ...







"No bourree"


do not stop

we will finish the song


and expect from the new

once again

enjoy, beginning



Cha Cha dance

knees up

very well

tip back

grapevine right

jumps forward

enjoy it

Do you remember the kick and twist?

come now


Cha Cha dance

You do not have to be perfect

let's go ahead


twist forward

come with me

and back




I already have come


While low mambo


come, give more intensity as have the exercise

very well

kicks forward

Cha Cha dance

music is guiding us, is putting us time

to be constant









still here

let's get a little jogging to raise the heart rate

and we will raise the speed of music

Now let's do reps non-stop

until we have

until we do our

we have two songs ahead

to learn it well and give it our personal touch

come up

we started together in four



above the knees

points back

grapevine right


moves arms

they also want to work

They want to get nice

kick forward


last step, look


y twist

Pas De Bourree




there we are!

four times

and we started


we go

low good



all right

grapevine right


and move your arms


It includes arms

kick forward



we go

low with cha-cha

crosses and opens

arms, invents


let playing


in a song more

a little rise

come on, give me a jogging

You know we have to do around recognition

very well


but you can jump, keep up

Of course




giving all

we go


Go up up

playing back and tip

grapevine right

opens opens

and back

come ... we're already running


Cha Cha dance


Cha Cha dance

crosses and opens forward

invent Yourself arms





We do not stop

This is our chance to give everything, to burn calories

on this day

we go

goes up


do nice


Cha Cha dance

to see, to see

I see you

we go

crosses forward

Put your style


and now, stay

we have a song

slightly higher

up knee

very well

do not stop

and here we go to jogging

if you want

up girls

heels to the buttocks

come, we can

up with jogging

vee forward


Cha Cha dance


and touch the tip back




back, back

and back


Cha Cha dance

How are you going?

How are you going?

Do you notice and work?


come with me later


this very nice step


Stay here

above knee

We breathe through the nose

exhale through the mouth

do not stop

up jogging

moves arms

because it is already running

Now from here and we will go down revolutions

give me one more rep



Now I want you to enjoy all

we have lowered the revolutions

and gradually slower

Now ... do nice


Cha Cha dance

go Go

it is the last one


sale later



We do more

the last of truth

just one more

and down

we go





do not jump, do not jump

Cha Cha dance


Cha Cha dance

crosses and opens without impact

and stay







Thank you

Guapísimas good

because we already have the routine today

cardio routine aerobic dance

to move the whole body, activate the metabolism and burn calories

this time much simpler, with many repetitions and up the intensity at the end

I hope you liked it

If you have been like to remind him to like and share it with all your people

so that the channel Feel Young reaches many more people each week

I command a super hug

and millions of thanks for train with me

For more infomation >> Clase De Aerobic Para Adelgazar - Duration: 33:15.


¿Qué es el HIIT y sus beneficios? - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es el HIIT y sus beneficios? - Duration: 3:54.


FREE | Drake x Meek Mill Type Beat 2019 ~ "RICH-RICH" [prod. OFEY] | Going Bad Type Instrumental - Duration: 2:49.



For more infomation >> FREE | Drake x Meek Mill Type Beat 2019 ~ "RICH-RICH" [prod. OFEY] | Going Bad Type Instrumental - Duration: 2:49.


🔥 Koba LaD - Aventador INSTRUMENTAL (101K Remake) 🔥 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 🔥 Koba LaD - Aventador INSTRUMENTAL (101K Remake) 🔥 - Duration: 3:16.


Breaking Celeb News | Rosario Dawson's family made our lives a living hell: suit - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Rosario Dawson's family made our lives a living hell: suit - Duration: 7:10.


Roma, Zaniolo: «Sogno di essere una bandiera come Totti o Del Piero» - Duration: 1:38.

 ROMA - Ti senti di essere il nuovo Totti? "No, no assolutamente". Così risponde Nicolò Zaniolo in un'intervista doppia realizzata dalle 'Iene' insieme a sua madre Francesca Costa che andrà in onda domani sera su Italia 1 a 'Le Iene show' e di cui Mediaset ha fornito alcune anticipazioni

Ma rimarrai anche tu per sempre alla Roma? "Il mio obiettivo è questo", risponde il giovane talento giallorosso che poi, alla domanda se gli piacerebbe essere una bandiera, come Totti e Del Piero? risponde "È un sogno, ci proverò", chiude il diciannovenne giallorosso, intercettato in macchina con la mamma che gli fa da autista, "ma devo prendere la patente"

Anche perché così, incalza l'intervistatore, sarà difficile trovare qualche ragazza: "Ora come ora non penso alle ragazze - chiude con una battuta Zaniolo - per ora penso al campo"

 Zaniolo è già della Juve: ecco cosa scriveva sui social  Ecco chi è Sara, la nuova fidanzata di Zaniolo  ( Roma, l'Europa incorona Zaniolo Zaniolo show, Paratici in tribuna scatena l'ironia social: occhiolino e sguardo laser

For more infomation >> Roma, Zaniolo: «Sogno di essere una bandiera come Totti o Del Piero» - Duration: 1:38.


VURGUN 3.BÖLÜM l 2.FRAGMAN - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> VURGUN 3.BÖLÜM l 2.FRAGMAN - Duration: 1:54.


MUCİZE | 🐞 Kara Aşk Tanrısı - Akumatize 🐞 | Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> MUCİZE | 🐞 Kara Aşk Tanrısı - Akumatize 🐞 | Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 3:49.


360 vlog in Tokyo - Stavo per andare a fuoco... - Duration: 8:24.

Hello Net Pilgrims! Today too it's super cold!!

I would wear a scarf today but I think it will cover the mic... too bad!

Ok let's begin!

So, even it is super cold outside I was about to burn alive yesterday

it happened at home

if I think about it now I laugh at it but it was really dangerous

To help you visualize better what happened let me describe you something about japanese houses

here in japan the house warming system is different from italian one

basically there is no "on wall" heating system, so you have to carry around the stove when you move from one room to another

there are some rooms with air conditioner but not all rooms have it so a stove is necessary

So, the bathroom is without air conditioner and I have to bring with me the stove there

I think I also need to explain how japanese bathrooms are, since they are different from italian ones

in Italy we have one big bathroom room with the toilet and the shower/bath

in japan it's split in 2 different rooms, usually connected by an anti-chamber

A fully water proof area for the shower/bath and sink and a separate room for the toilet

in Japan, you will hardly find the toilet in the same room of the bathroom, and my apartment makes no exceptions with these separate rooms

In my particular case, from the living you go one way through the anti-chamber and there you have 2 separate rooms only connected to the anti-chamber

so i left the stove in the anti-chamber, as I usually do to warm both the toilet and the shower

mind that is a really close space since these anti-chambers are usually made to take less space as possible

after putting the stove down i started shaving my beard

when i was shaving i heard a strange noise and i go out checking

to find out that the stove was on fire!!

the fire was coming out from the attachment of the electricity cable, and it was probably a short circuit issue

and in all of this the stove was still functioning!!!

I had to acted fast and i unplugged the cable. Now that I think it wasn't a safe procedure

i was just lucky it worked out in the way i did it

a safer way of action would have been shutting of all the power at home and then unplug the cable

I was lucky it worked out that way

anyway this is just a detail... i still had my stove on fire!!!!

to be honest i think i sort of panicked there

yes i panicked indeed!!

i suggest you shut of the general power first (of the whole house) and then unplug!

anyway it worked out and after a while the fire went off

but there was this smell of broken plastic

Now what really scares me is that i survived because I was 2 times lucky

one for unplugging bare hands with the power still running a cable that was burning

but i was even luckier to notice it was burning in the first place!!! It could have happened when I was taking a shower

I am pretty sure that if the fire started when i was having a shower I wouldn't have heard the rumor of the fire starting

fire would have propagated and I would have found myself trapped inside...

I was super lucky indeed!

Two times lucky!!!

And this makes me think on how life is short and unpredictable

and this makes me think of the car accident I had as well

I really think Death loves me because she saved me several times in my life

I really can feel her watching me all the time and just standing there, and asking me if I am afraid of her or not

I imagine her asking me: "how are you today? You birthday is coming, isn't it?"

I really have to thanks her for being so gentle with me

but she surely loves to get in touch with me like 20 years ago when i had the accident and in many other times

i really got to love her

cause she really helps me focusing on the real meaning of life

and this helps me stay focused and do my best

my time is limited and I have to make the best out of it

and it's on me as well to make the world a better place

you will probably see this after Valentine Day but it has been shoot the day before

I couldn't have lived to see Valentine Day nor my 41st birthday

all your projects may be wiped in a matter of seconds

so it is super important that you stay focused and live every day as it was your last one

accidents can happen anytime

you really have to be grateful that you are still alive in any single moment. we often think this is granted but it isn't

Thats's all!! See you soon!

For more infomation >> 360 vlog in Tokyo - Stavo per andare a fuoco... - Duration: 8:24.


Let there be light! Mountdog Softbox Lighting Kit Review - Duration: 3:04.

Hello tech lovers! If you're into videoing or photographing you've

probably encountered troubles with lighting, I know I certainly have, and a

good few months ago I was offered a set of softbox lights by Mountdog to review

so I got hold of those, I hadn't used soft boxes before and generally I just try

and use natural lighting this is all just natural lighting here I've got a

little LED light I occasionally use but as I was heading into winter and darker

times I was really keen to give these a go. The're very reasonably priced and they

come in a bag, the bags actually pretty low quality but it does the job of

holding all the component parts. You get two soft boxes included and three bulbs

these are the e 27 variety the bulbs are 135 watts and they have a temperature of

5500 K. I've been using them on both my video works and some photography.

So they're very lightweight, very easy to carry around, which means

you can use them in a variety of situations they're very easy to setup as

well you just have to assemble them it takes a few minutes just to get it all

set up and you've got the main tripod section, you then have the lamp section

that attaches to that, put in the bulb, job done! There's an inline on/off switch

but there's no method of changing the brightness level that's one of the

drawbacks of these you just have it on or off you can't lower the brightness

down if you find it a bit too harsh after move it away from your subject. One

thing I would say is the power plug is quite short so it's enough to reach to

an extension or a very nearby wall outlet but if you're going to stand

these up in the middle of a large room you're going to need to get some

extension cables to use these. So here's just a scene of various items

this is filmed just with the room light turned on, we're gonna add the

softbox light. Once the camera just you can see everything is much nicer and

clearer it gets a really nice daylight type feeling it's actually getting a

little bit dark now and yet all the items are fairly visible obviously the

further away from the light you go to get a bit darker.

So just as another example I'm currently just stood with a window on this side so

you see I'm getting a lot of natural light coming in, a bit of shadow over

here, let's compare that with the same setup but with the softbox switched on.

So now we've got natural light this side softbox on this side what do you

think? Can you tell the difference? Hopefully there's less shadow on this

side you see actually there's maybe a little bit more shadow on this side as

it's getting dark out there and that's why it's handy having two soft boxes you

can pop one on either side to get nice amount of light on your subject.

If you want to learn more about this product I will put a link in the description below.

If you haven't already click Subscribe and join my tech tribe I'll see you on

the next video.

For more infomation >> Let there be light! Mountdog Softbox Lighting Kit Review - Duration: 3:04.


Actriţa Maria Teslaru a murit. Suferea de cancer la pancreas - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Actriţa Maria Teslaru a murit. Suferea de cancer la pancreas - Duration: 4:01.


„Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark..." Williama Coxe'a (1747-1828) z 1784 r. - Duration: 2:23.

How the English gentlemen saw us. Poles. at the end of the 18th century?

This Poland in the period heroic attempts

reforming and saving of the king Stanisław August day?

William Coxe (1747-1828) was a historian and his work "Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark.

[Interspersed with historical relations and political inquiries] ",

it shows the English assessment of the state of Poland at that time.

We present original, English release of Coxe's work from 1784.

The author, the son of the court doctor, graduated from an elite school at Eton and the theological faculty of the University of Cambridge,

he worked as an educating eldest son of Prince Marlborough,

and then young Lord Pembroke,

with whom he visited Poland during the reign Stanisław August - exactly in 1778.

From here he went further to Russia, Sweden and Denmark.

The description of the trip has been placed in the said richly illustrated work.

Coxe traveled through Bielsko, Cracow to Warsaw.

Cracow, a former capital city, assessed severely as a city where "You can only meet the remnants of ancient splendor".

In Warsaw he could watch Poland through the prism of the aristocracy,

he was also received by the king.

He negatively assessed noble freedom and the state of the state -

he lacked developed industry and trade,

pointed to the weakness of the king, the nobility found according to him in a state of uncontrolled anarchy,

And the peasantry is terrible yoke of feudal oppression.

It was certainly right in this vision of Poland ...

Coxe's work enjoyed great popularity,

it has been repeatedly published and translated into various languages,

constituting one of the important sources of knowledge about Polish matters in Europe at the end of the 18th century.

It is worth looking at the beautiful edition of this interesting historical work.

Please visit

to departments of foreign books and other objects until 1945,

books with graphics, polish history, art and literature in foreign languages.

For more infomation >> „Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark..." Williama Coxe'a (1747-1828) z 1784 r. - Duration: 2:23.


Fate/Grand Order - Mata Hari Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 0:35.

Here's some chocolate for you! Huhuhu, it's better to be do things straight at times like this, right?

Let's eat chocolate together, and drown in some sweet slumber.

...Ah, I look forward to the return gift. Huhuhu.

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Mata Hari Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 0:35.


АСМР✨Просыпайся со мной😘Ролевая игра забота в день влюбленных❣️ ASMR Role Play Care you valentine's - Duration: 23:36.

For more infomation >> АСМР✨Просыпайся со мной😘Ролевая игра забота в день влюбленных❣️ ASMR Role Play Care you valentine's - Duration: 23:36.


So, I asked Reddit SAVAGES to Roast Me - Brutal Roast Challenge Compilation - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> So, I asked Reddit SAVAGES to Roast Me - Brutal Roast Challenge Compilation - Duration: 4:53.


ერთი მძგნერის ისტორია... Where's My Mommy - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> ერთი მძგნერის ისტორია... Where's My Mommy - Duration: 9:18.


Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys - Duration: 6:32.

Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys

For more infomation >> Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Toy Pistols Army Toys - Duration: 6:32.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 100pk Blue Edition (Titanium) 5drs - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 100pk Blue Edition (Titanium) 5drs - Duration: 1:14.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost 100pk Titanium 5drs - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost 100pk Titanium 5drs - Duration: 1:12.


オープニングはアポロ・シアターのドキュメンタリー!トライベッカ映画祭 - Duration: 2:26.

拡大写真 写 はイメージ アポ ・シアター D ipasupil / Getty mages  米ニューヨーク 4月24日から5 5日まで開催され 今年で18回目を えるトライベッカ 画祭のオープニン ナイト作品が、米 ピュラー音楽の殿 であるアポロ・シ ターを題材にした キュメンタリー映 『ジ・アポロ(原 ) / The pollo』に決 った

映画祭の公式サイ で明らかになった   本作はニュー ークの伝説のクラ となったアポロ・ アターのユニーク 歴史をひも解いて く作品で、音楽、 メディー、ダンス どのパフォーマン のアーカイブ映像 経営者・スタッフ どの裏側を捉えた 像を交錯させなが 描いている

インタビューには ティ・ラベル、フ レル・ウィリアム 、スモーキー・ロ ンソン、ジェイミ ・フォックスなど 参加しているよう

監督は映画『ぼく 魔法の言葉たち』 ロジャー・ロス・ ィリアムズで、H Oドキュメンタリ ・フィルムズのも 手掛けられた

  オープニング なる本作は、舞台 して描かれたアポ ・シアターで4月 4日にワールド・ レミアが行われる

(細木信宏/No uhiro Ho oki) 【関連 報】・【動画】ウ リアムズ監督作『 くと魔法の言葉た 』・ジャスティン ビーバー、うつ病 治療中・ラミ・マ ック、『ボヘミア ・ラプソディ』監 との仕事は「楽し ものではなかった ・レディー・ガガ 性的虐待疑惑のR ケリーと仕事しな と発表・『アリー スター誕生』主演 ったかも…意外な ターは?・40歳 死去…アレキサン ー・マックイーン んのドキュメンタ ー4月公開

For more infomation >> オープニングはアポロ・シアターのドキュメンタリー!トライベッカ映画祭 - Duration: 2:26.


Live PD: Where the Sun Don't Shine (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Where the Sun Don't Shine (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:56.


Millionaire Republican Senators Want To Kill Pension Plans For Lawmakers - Duration: 5:26.

A pair of Republican senators are actually trying to make it to where low income people,

people from moderate means basically anybody who is not already a millionaire or more.

They're trying to make it to where those people can't run for office anymore and they're trying

to do that by dismantling and completely scrapping congressional pensions.

The effort is being led by a man with a net worth of over $230 million.

My former governor, Republican Rick Scott, Rick Scott, the guy that doesn't have to worry

about a pension, the guy that doesn't have to worry about his hundred and $74,000 salary

a year that he's going to get as a senator because he literally is sitting on hundreds

of millions of dollars in cash.

Even though he did perpetrate a one point $7 billion fraud against Medicare and Medicaid

from the company he was running and then ran away from once they got in trouble for it.

Rick Scott should be in prison and not in the Senate, but that's neither here nor there

because the voters in my state unfortunately are not the best at picking people.

So Rick Scott brings his millionaire horribleness to the Senate and one of the first things

he tries to do is team up with Republican Senator Mike Braun, who has a net worth that's

estimated between 35 and $96 million and they come up with a plan to destroy the pensions

for everyone serving in Congress.

Here's what that does.

Obviously, just like in the case of Rick Scott, it means that if you're struggling, like say

if you're somebody like Alexandria ocozzio Cortez, we know she does not have a massive

net worth at all, but if they were to tell people like that in any other future Ocozzio

Cortez, like people out in this country that if you run for Congress, that's great.

You're not going to have a pension.

You will have no retirement whatsoever, so best of luck to you.

Maybe you should just let the millionaires and billionaires run for office because they

don't have to worry about money.

That's what they're trying to say and that's what they're trying to do.

That is the goal of this, to keep average everyday working class Americans out of Congress.

That's what Rick Scott wants to do.

And here's the thing, it's not even like we're, we're sitting out paying these massive pensions,

the former members of Congress.

Here's how it works.

This is according to think progress here.

Uh, to qualify a former member must be either 62 years old with five years of service or

be at least 50 years old with 20 years of service.

So a retired member of Congress with 25 years of service is going to receive an annual pension

of roughly $67,000.

A single term senator is going to receive an annual pitch of less than $18,000 when

they reach retirement age.

So the pensions already pretty small.

You know, you can get better pensions, uh, working in just a regular company, but they

do exist and they're there for a reason to help take care of the people who did devote

their lives to serving as an elected official.

But Rick Scott wants to take it away.

Just like when he was governor of the state of Florida, he decided to sell the states

private jet that the governor's office had because he didn't need it.

He had a private jet, so he was just going to use his jet instead of the one that the

state, the taxpayers had already paid for.

So we got rid of that one.


And if you don't think that's important, let me just explain something real quick.

We're aware, I'm sitting in Florida, which is borderline Alabama.

That's a horrible, it is.

Uh, it's about a 15 hour drive to the bottom of the state.

This is a much larger state than it really gets credit for.

So yeah, the private jet was important, especially in a state where we do tend to have a lot

of natural disasters.

But Rick Scott sold it because I don't need it so surely nobody else is ever going to

need it.

And he's doing the same thing with congressional pensions right here.

He'll never need it.

He doesn't care about that money.

He just cares about the power that he's gotten.

All the money he's already sitting on.


Mark my words, Rick Scott will one day run for president of the United States.

That is what this has been building up to.

You don't go from governor to senator if you don't have bigger political ambitions.

I know Mitt Romney did it, but trust me, Mitt Romney's not out of it either.

We'll see his name pop up again too, but Rick Scott, in the meantime, before he can secure

that run for president wants, there's no republican incumbent.

Rick Scott is trying to remake the house and the Senate so that it's only welcoming and

accommodating for millionaires and billionaires.

For more infomation >> Millionaire Republican Senators Want To Kill Pension Plans For Lawmakers - Duration: 5:26.


Opel Crossland X 1.2t Online Edition 110pk - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2t Online Edition 110pk - Duration: 1:09.


Gianfranco Zola Claims Chelsea FC Side Care About Woeful Form & Urges Squad to Build Team Spirit - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Gianfranco Zola Claims Chelsea FC Side Care About Woeful Form & Urges Squad to Build Team Spirit - Duration: 4:16.


We Wrote a Novel: The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> We Wrote a Novel: The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek - Duration: 0:59.


3 Signs you Are About to Go Through a MASSIVE SHIFT in Consciousness - Duration: 18:41.

this video I'm going to be sharing with you the three signs that you are about to go through,

a massive shift in consciousness and how you can most easily go through this process.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three signs that you are about

to embark on a massive shift in consciousness and the best thing you can do going through

this whole entire process.

Now a shift in consciousness is about understanding that one moment we feel respond to life in

a certain way and then as we have certain realizations and as we go beyond the intellect

and we realized that this is about experience, we start to be here.

Now we start to transform our level of consciousness.

We start to really be in this new vibrational state of being.

Now, this is something that happened to me.

Many of you know my story of me explaining this.

I'm not necessarily saying this is enlightenment.

However, this is a massive shift in consciousness.

And I went through this back in 2012, 2012.

I felt a lot of resistance.

I felt like through my past was weighing me down in the present moment.

I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes and I had to take adderall for Adhd in order

for me to focus and make money.

The side effects of that where you don't eat very much, you don't sleep very much, so I'd

go to work and I'd make a lot of money while I took this prescription for adhd called adderall.

But when I went home and I couldn't eat very much and couldn't sleep very much.

So eventually I got online, did some research, saw hey, meditation's powerful and will help

you get the same result.

You'll be able to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain and decrease the amount of cortisol

is like, okay, I'm going to try this.

So I sat down and tried it.

First two days, didn't really experienced much because I was trying to control my thoughts.

Then I learned how to observe my thoughts and to allow them to be there.

And that's when things began to change.

Then about two or three times of meditating like this, I started to feel completely different

about myself.

I remember that I started to feel in a totally new way.

I remember walking around my room after three or four days of doing this and asking myself,

is this feeling going to go away?

Because on a scale of one to 10, I normally felt like I was at about a three to a five

out of 10.

So I didn't feel exactly horrible, but I didn't feel that great.

Then after this experience in doing this, I started to feel like a seven or an eight

out of 10.

I started to observe my beliefs.

I started to become aware that my beliefs were creating my reality that I believed for

so many years that because I had a painful childhood that was going, that was something

that I should feel unworthy of.

I felt like I identified with my past.

I felt like there was something wrong with me because I had so much energy and people

labeled me as having adhd.

They're like, are you like that all the time?

And it was something that I then was able to observe.

I was able to accept it, and then it began to, uh, transform.

So this shift in consciousness is literally something that will change your whole entire


And if you're watching this video right now than my bet is that you are about to go through

this massive shift in consciousness because you can only perceive that which you are the

vibration of.

So as I share with you these different things, be aware of if they resonate with you and

if this is something that you are going through.

So the first sign that you are about to go through a massive shift in consciousness is

that simply things are not working in your life right now.

That's where I was back in 2012.

I realized that the things in my life were not working.

This is outdated.

I'm trying to just take this prescription.

I'm trying to go to work everyday.

I'm trying to control my thoughts.

I'm trying to do all of these things.

And the more that I tried, the more that I resisted in the present moment and many people

that had been through pain in the past, you know it's not a lot of people noticed that

people that go through spiritual awakenings have been through a lot of pain in the past.

And the reason that is is a lot of times that pain creates pressure and when there is that

pressure, there was also the ability to come out on the other end and to know that you

are so much more powerful.

It was a transmute the negativity into something that is positive and so many times what our

spirit will do, what we will do at a certain level, is we will create this kind of pain

so that we have something to create pressure for us to come out on the other end of.

And that's what I did, is I had this pain.

I had all of this burden I was carrying around with me.

I felt like, why did I didn't have a normal childhood between the ages of seven to 15,

I had a controlling.

Now it's my step mom.

My step mom and my life at the time, and it was like having no freedom whatsoever, being

required to work outside all the time, not allowed to have friends, not allowed to really

go to school at our earned, going to school or I would get in trouble and I get school

taken away.

It was a very unique thing and I thought that was the way it was and although I looked around

and noticed that friends and other people weren't experiencing that, they were allowed

to do what they want.

They're allowed to eat the food they wanted to do a knew my brother were both very malnourished

nutrition because of it.

So this was something that was very, uh, very different.

But nonetheless, I was aware then after my dad divorced when I was 15 for years, I felt

that resistance because why did all of that happen at a certain level, I felt kind of

excited because all of a sudden I have all this freedom and I don't have to deal with

that level of control ever again.

However, what I realized is I kept attracting people into my life that reflected that old

personality of my step, my step mom.

So for example, I had a manager at Nordstrom's that was the very same way.

She mean she physically couldn't have used, but she could mentally and she could talk

down to people.

She was protected by upper management and she worked there for years.

But the funny thing was is when I began to integrate all of this and I began to really

allow the past to be what it was and I accepted it.

Within a week or two of doing this, that manager was fired and people tried getting her fired

for months and months for years because she was talking down to people, but she's protected

by upper management so it couldn't get done.

But finally it did.

And it did when I became at peace with it.

So it's funny how every reflection reality is a reflection of what we believe to be true,

but if you find that things aren't working, my advice to you is to accept that things

aren't working.

To be aware of it, but to know.

And to give it a positive meaning because the meaning is because things aren't working,

you are becoming more aware of how to take your power back and this is a sign that then

we'll push you in the direction of where you want to go.

You know sometimes the self image and the old way of being just likes what is familiar,

so if you're in and doing what is familiar and it's comfortable, it's like let's just

keep on doing this because it feels so good to do, and then it just keeps on going.

In the autopilot mind, it just keeps on going, but when something happens or there is this

desire to wake up, this comes from that of knowing that there is so much more that there

is something to be shooken up and by this shaking up, there's that stability to then

move into a new way of being.

So this pressure is a good thing.

Give this a positive meaning.

Understand everything in life is fundamentally neutral and literally this is something I

realize is something I have been even going through more so.

Now it's understanding that reality is just simply a reflection of what we believe to

be true.

If we change what we believe to be true, our whole reality will change because reality

is just a reflection anyways.

That's all it is.

So if you get this experience that things are breaking apart, be grateful for it because

that's showing you that the old reality is falling apart.

I believe that over the next 10, 15 years, our government, different political structures,

you look around and see they're going to continue to fall apart.

They're not going to fault.

They are falling apart.

If you look around, you look at the last election, you look at the way people respond to what's

happening, people are becoming more awake.

They're becoming more aware, and the thing is, is the old three d reality must fall apart

before something else can come into fruition.

You can't.

You can't build a new sand castle on top of an old sand castle.

You gotta tear down the sand castles that you have the foundation to build a new one.

The old system is falling apart.

The old way of doing things is falling apart.

You may find that things in your life are falling apart, but that's okay.

This is a part of the process.

Be grateful for it because in this falling apart, there is new that can be built and

my old what I was going through, much this shifting consciousness, things were falling


There were times that I would feel kind of sad because some friends would kind of fall

away, certain things would happen, but it allowed for something great to come in.

For me to come into finding my passion.

I let go of the old nine to five job I had and by starting to put my energy into something

that was really passionate about, I was able to let that structure fall away.

But you see, you must take the first step and you must understand that this can be a

powerful sign for you and if you're experiencing anything like this right now, this is a sure

sign that you are about to experience a massive shifts in consciousness.

Now, the second sign that you are about to experience the massive shifts in consciousness

as you realizing and be aware of the ego, this is when you start to become aware of

old patterns.

For example, you may find, you may say, oh, I'm consistently thinking this way, and you

look and you're like, well, that's just the way I've always thought.

Why does it have to be that way?

Like I said a minute ago, reality is simply a reflection of what we believe to be true,

so if we have these thoughts, it's like, oh, this is the way reality is.

You start to catch yourself.

You start to become aware of why am I creating.

This is another thing.

You start to take your power back and you realize, why am I creating this?

That's a much different question.

Then why does this always happen to me?

Treat everything in your life is if you chose it and your life will begin to transform,

but you see we normally something happens.

We give it a meaning and we resist it in the present moment by resistant in the present


We then create more of that.

We always experienced that which we are the vibration up.

If we experienced and interpret resistance, we will continue to experience and interpret

that resistance.

So the key to this is becoming aware of all of this because as we do, we then start to

shift our level of awareness, but understand that everything in life is literally just

a reflection of what we believe to be true.

So normally what happens is in life we go to the outside to change things.

We over, we go over to the mirror in the wall and we're like, well, why is that reflection


I want to change it.

We try to change that frown upside down and as we do that, we start to do it and we realize

we don't get very far because we're trying to change the outer reflection and everyone

is looking external, but when you start to realize that you can go inside, that is the

sign that you are about to experience a massive shift in consciousness.

Even just being aware that these are repetitive thoughts that you're having.

You see the ego just wants to survive.

The ego is just repetitive thoughts happening over and over again, things have happened

in the past, bringing up past experiences and when you identify with those thoughts,

that will be your reality.

You will think that that is real, but when you start to observe those thoughts, you start

to shift out of the reaction mind and into the observation minded into the present moment.

Most people are walking around at the whims of society at the brink of circumstance, oh,

this is happening to me.

This is happening to me.

This has happened to me.

This is not happening to me.

This is happening for me.

Maybe this is being able to shift back into the awareness of the observation mind.

Instead of reacting, reacting, reacting.

Most people live their whole lives out of awareness, in reaction to everything that

is happening and the moment you begin to shift more into the observation mode is the moment

you begin to shift more into your true power.

You see, that is where the power is.

I became aware that my whole past experience of my ex step mom, a believer in add, adhd,

all these definitions and labels, all of the beliefs that I had in that, all of the repetitive

thoughts I could notice, we're all in reaction to everything and when I began to observe

it, I allow them to be there.

The key is to observe and allow not to try to control, try to control.

It's like you against you.

It's resistance, allows a paradox, but if you allow it, then you can observe it and

allow it to be there and naturally will go away.

That's the paradox and that's what I learned how to do and it transformed my whole entire

life because now I'm more awake.

Reality is what we believed it to be, and reality is a form of dream at a higher state

of consciousness.

We are unconditional love and bliss.

Dreaming that right now, this is who we are and at a greater level we are so much more,

but when we identify with our Avatar in this life experience, we identify with this ego

structure that creates pain, but the awareness is that we are not just the ego.

We are not just the Avatar.

Just like you may play a game of sims on the computer and play a little character that

gets up, that takes the kids to school, that goes back into the house and cleans up and

then eat some food that sims character.

You may play it and realize, oh, that's not who I am, but see, we log into this game of

life because there's things to be experienced here right now.

There is a massive transformation happening on the planet, so there's seven plus billion

people that are here right now because everyone wants to be a part of this wave, this wave

of consciousness shift that's happening right now.

This shift of consciousness is going from the deep levels of being at the effect of


That deep levels of this dream to becoming lucid in the dream of life.

To be an aware that, hey, we're creating our own reality.

We are choosing this.

Let's change the momentum of focus.

Let's go in this direction.

Instead it is time to wake up and if you're seeing this video, then this is a sign that

you are about to go through a massive shift in consciousness.

That is actually the third sign that you are watching this video right now.

If you can even perceive of me saying this and you even watched this video, this far

in than you are about to go through a massive shifts in consciousness, and I want to congratulate

you now, not congratulating the ego, you the egos, go into this massive shift in consciousness.

I'm congratulating the part of you that knows that it is time that is tired of the old systems,

tired of the old structure, tile of the old game, the repetitive thoughts that are just

on autopilot over and over and over again.

You are so much more and you are becoming aware of this right now.

If you can even perceive of me.

Synchronicity is a sign that you are about to have massive shifts in consciousness.

Now understand that the only moment that does exist is this moment right now, that when

you start to experience synchronicity, it just means you are now in alignment.

You are in alignment with who you really are.

This synchronicity will lead you to more and more amazing things and because you are aware

of this synchronicity, that is the key.

Most people are just simply not aware.

They're at the whims of society.

They are reacting and responding, reacting to everything that is happening.

Therefore they're not aware of that you power.

The truth is the only moment that exists is this moment right now and the more you become

aware of all of these different synchronicities, the more you are present to the moment because

everything exists here and now anyways.

What enlightenment is about or a shift in consciousness is about is about knowing that

you can go from doing and having into being in the present moment right now.

Say Yes to the present moment and understand that the more you are here and now, they'll


Your life will begin to transform, but most people are still asleep, still asleep and

identifying with past experience, looking through everything in their lives, through

the filter of the past, and the key is when you have set the past, you are aware of it.

You just let it go.

It just is what it is and you know you look around and then you realize that the true

power is right here and right now, and if you are watching this video, I want you to

know that you are about to go through this massive shifts in consciousness.

You wouldn't be able to perceive of me saying this unless it were actually true.

You can only perceive that which you are.

The vibration of you are of the vibration of going through a massive shifts in consciousness

or you will start to be more in the present moment.

Your life will begin to transform before you and you will become more aware of what you

are currently creating in your life.

You will be able to take your power back.

You will be able to allow the old structures to fall away to then allowing the new and

the sign that this is going to happen is the sign that you can even perceive of me saying

this to you, so congratulations and if you want to experience more of this shift in consciousness.

I am creating a program right now that will help you go through this shift in consciousness

and it will change your whole life.

It has the potential to do that.

I'm creating it right now.

It's called this shift experience with Erin Dowdy.

It's going to be in the top of the description box below, so if you want updates as to when

that goes live, it'll be live here with the next few months and when it goes live, I will

let you know.

I'll also be traveling the world doing speaking gigs and seminars on this shift experience,

which will be helping people to go through this shift in consciousness to understand

that you are high vibrational being.

You are high vibrational.

Anything less than that is an identification with the past experience is trying to have

and do.

Most people are creating with the law of attraction from that of the lesser paradigms.

When you understand that you are that which you seek, that you could feel the emotions

you want right now, that you can wake up past social conditioning into the present moment,

and that instead of being at the effect of environment, you can be the cause when he

starts to realize as this is when everything begins to shape shift, and this is the shift

experience since top the description box below if you want to join and this is the shift

and I'm excited to share this with you and I'm excited to help you go through this shift

in consciousness.

Now, something else I'll be doing is more live q and a's on instagram, so if you want

you can follow me on instagram.

I do live q and a's there, so if you want to interact, ask me questions.

Plus I post daily content there as well.

That is specifically for instagram.

You can follow me on instagram below.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

Feel free to like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you haven't already.

It's a little notification gear next to the subscribe button so that you could see the

daily bids that I do that way youtube does things now is you actually have to hit that

button to see the daily videos and other than that has always piece, but you love it.

For more infomation >> 3 Signs you Are About to Go Through a MASSIVE SHIFT in Consciousness - Duration: 18:41.


How To Get A Rash | 5 ITCHY Ways! - Duration: 3:50.

Hello boys and girls. In this video I'm gonna be telling you how to get a rash

Why would you want to give yourself a rash on purpose? I'll tell you why

because the ladies dig it. Back me up ladies. I love a man with a heat rash. Queries of

the interweb. What's going on Joel here and I amusingly answer questions that are

searched for every single day on the interweb. So I'm gonna get two

objections right off the bat, here's the first one. Why would anyone want to give

themself a rash on purpose? why would you even make this video? I have two answers

to that question. The first answer is according to vidIQ's keyword research

tool, the term how to get a rash is searched for over 22,000 times per month.

That means there's 22,000 of you who are looking for this crap.Iif that's how you

stumbled upon this video you have no one to blame but yourself and if you're

subscribed to me well then you've come to expect this kind of crap anyway.

Secondly if you do the opposite of the things I share with you you won't get a

rash huh? Reverse reverse engineering psychology. I don't know I'm very

scientific. So how to get a rash. Let's begin. The first way to give yourself a

rash is a dry shaving with a razor. Nothing will mess up your face more than

taking a dry razor to the face. Out of shaving cream? Yeah that soap

you're using isn't gonna cut it. You're gonna get a rash on your face. You are

gonna hurt your face really hard and talk about ingrown hair or whatever. Dry

razors to the face is gonna f up your face bra. A second way to give yourself a

rash is itchy fabric. I want you to replace that comforter on your bed with

something made out of like wool or a nylon or something very itchy okay. I'm

sure you have something laying around your house, you know that blanket you use

for your dog? Go ahead and use that on yourself. You're wondering why your dog

is always scratching themselves, it's because the blanket you gave them sucks.

Maybe you have an itchy ass sweater. Put it on over your bare body and see how

that works out for you. A third way to give yourself a rash is

exposure to skin irritants. If you got like some soaps some skincare crap that

irritates your skin, maybe some detergent, you wash the laundry or

dishes with. Use laundry detergent as lotion, let's see how that works out for

you or the dish soap okay, rub rub dish soap in your armpits and just leave it.

Don't do that. A fourth way to get a rash on purpose is

to dry out your skin like on your arms and legs and face okay. You're always

being told to moisturize for a reason. Moisture is good, is good for your

skin, the moisture, you got to get the moisture.

In this case you're gonna not get the moisture. You're gonna let your skin get

so dry... I couldn't think of any analogy. Dry out your skin to the point where it

looks like the surface of... I'll put a picture up okay, I'll put a picture. A

fifth way to give yourself a rash and this is gonna be a little bit gross so

brace yourselves, you're gonna do two things okay. You're gonna take the

underwear from yesterday and the day before that you haven't washed you're

gonna spray some water on it okay. You're

gonna make it as moist as you can and

then you're gonna wear that underwear for the next 24-48 hours. There's nothing,

nothing good is gonna happen to your to your region down there by doing this.

Yeah I don't know if what you get will be considered a rash or some sort of

other weird skin crap but it's not gonna be good. This is what I do. I arm you with

the tools and skills you need to be successful in life. Stay moist my friends.

I'll see you in the next video peace

For more infomation >> How To Get A Rash | 5 ITCHY Ways! - Duration: 3:50.


BIG REVEAL! New Season, new Bike! //EDGESOFSUPERMOTARD - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> BIG REVEAL! New Season, new Bike! //EDGESOFSUPERMOTARD - Duration: 3:32.


A Closed Door Meeting With An FBI Traitor Was Jeff Sessions Worst Betrayal Of Trump - Duration: 3:25.

The FBI's plot to remove Donald Trump from office was very real.

A new bombshell book left jaws on the ground when it revealed brand new details about who

the FBI plotted with to take down President Trump.

But you won't believe how close the FBI came to using Jeff Sessions to remove Trump

from office.

Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe kicked off a media tour to promote

his new book 'The Threat,' which is McCabe's pathetic attempt to settle scores with President

Trump after he was fired for lying to investigators about unauthorized media leaks during the

Hillary Clinton email investigation.

McCabe writes that after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, top FBI and Justice

Department officials met in secret to plot a coup to overthrow the President.

As part of his media tour to sell books and get back at Trump, McCabe sat for a softball

interview with so-called "journalist" Scott Pelley of CBS' flagship program, '60


McCabe described to Pelley how FBI and Department of Justice leaders tried to twist enough cabinet

secretaries arms to remove President Trump from office using the 25th amendment.

"There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice

president and a majority of the Cabinet could be brought together to remove the president

of the United States under the 25th Amendment," Pelley shared in a preview of the interview

during a segment on 'CBS This Morning.'

The New York Times also reports that in McCabe's book, the former FBI Deputy Director notes

that the conspirators thought they could get Attorney General Jeff Sessions to go along

with this banana republic-esque scheme to overthrow a duly-elected President of the

United States.

Donald Trump ripped McCabe's admission of treason on social media.

The President tweeted:












For two years, Donald Trump explained to the American people that there was a Deep State

within the federal government engaged in seditious acts of sabotage against him.

And for two years, fake news reporters at various so-called "mainstream" media outlets

smeared the President as a "conspiracy theorist."

But McCabe flat out admits he and his criminal conspirators met in secret and tried to rope

Trump's cabinet into removing the President.

This did not happen in some third-world banana republic where access to gold and guns determines

who rules.

This plot to overthrow Donald Trump happened after a free and fair election was held on

U.S. soil.

Donald Trump emerged victorious and rogue actors inside the FBI and Department of Justice

tried to exercise a heckler's veto over the American public.

What McCabe and his allies set out to do was un-American.

And it was treasonous.

For more infomation >> A Closed Door Meeting With An FBI Traitor Was Jeff Sessions Worst Betrayal Of Trump - Duration: 3:25.


#Gymshark66 | Weight Of The World: Brittne Jackson - Duration: 1:09.

I very rarely go to the gym.

Like I work out at home 95% of the time.

The other 5% will be at the gym,

it'll be once a week doing cardio,

doing the treadmill, things like that,

because I never have time

and I'm always working, I'm always doing something

and I don't wanna use that as my excuse

to not work out at all.

So I think people would be surprised

about how much they could do at home

before going to the gym, prior,

because, you don't know what you can do.

And when I first started, all I did was work out at home.

I still do today, but I had no idea

that I could do the same workouts

that anyone else could do in the gym at home.

Doing the same thing, just change up the equipment,

use two gallons of water, I mean,

just get creative, you can do the same exact things

but in the home, just gotta work harder.

For more infomation >> #Gymshark66 | Weight Of The World: Brittne Jackson - Duration: 1:09.


Apex Legends - Funny, Fails & WTF Moments #16 - Duration: 10:15.


For more infomation >> Apex Legends - Funny, Fails & WTF Moments #16 - Duration: 10:15.


13 ways YOU can reduce waste and save the planet in 2019 | Earth Day - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> 13 ways YOU can reduce waste and save the planet in 2019 | Earth Day - Duration: 11:36.


TASSE, Chamrousse bike park, France - Duration: 6:35.

Oh, he's showing me his legs!

Beautiful Ulysse's legs!

So, we take a common part of Blanchon?

(Yes, it's a common part of Blanchon, and then left)

Okay, Easy

We dive towards Grenoble

The brakes are digesting now

Green track "La Tasse" behind Ulysse, from the Chamrousse Urge Enduro Team

And now we can go to the red track

The "Rhodo" on the right

It's not right to make drifts!


Here we cross the "Transhumance" blue level trail


And here is the common part with the "Transhumance" trail so...

If you want to switch...

if you want to continue on the blue one, it's now!

Put a little style into it!

You look on fire right now!


a little "Tasse" !

For more infomation >> TASSE, Chamrousse bike park, France - Duration: 6:35.


Abuse was the only way I felt love after being abandoned by my family as a child - Duration: 10:15.

Aged 10 months old, me and my brother Martin, who was 15 months older, were found abandoned at the side of the road in Ireland

We were placed in care, only to find out we were actually brothers when the authorities handed us back to our alcoholic father when I was five

My parents were travellers. The authorities then were always keen to get as many kids out of care as possible

They traced my father and he came back for us and we moved to Manchester, but he quickly sent us out to beg and steal anything he could sell

Martin and I also realised we had 12 other siblings. None of us were cared for, but there was a sense of care between me and my brothers and sisters

Whatever we got from begging we would share out among us all before our parents got wind of it

There was zero affection from our parents. We were never even touched unless it was to be beaten

My sisters ended up running away because they were sexually abused by my father

My dad once had my hand stretched over a chopping block to chop my fingers off because I wouldn't hand over a tuppence coin to him

He only didn't do it because my mum caught him. I remember her saying, 'How can he go begging for us with just the one hand?' When I was eight, my parents just disappeared

My older sister came to take the young kids away, and me and Martin decided to leave too

We set fire to my parents' quilt as we left to burn the house down. I'd had no affection or love, but the memories of having a home were all I had

I didn't want anyone else to live there. Too young to be charged at just eight years old, we were placed in a children's home for a few months

It was fantastic. They handed us plates of food three times a day. We had warm beds, clean clothes

We were encouraged to play, and they set us up at a school. But this seemed alien, so we never went to the school and instead roamed the streets stealing

It was all we knew. Sadly, Martin and I were deemed too disruptive and were sent to Rosehill Remand Centre

There, we were both sexually assaulted by the staff and eventually, as we always were, sent somewhere else for bad behaviour

This time I was separated from Martin too, which to this day is one of the most devastating things that's ever happened to me

It was a different regime at St Vincent's school, and without Martin, I was alone and scared to death

We were punished in horrible ways, whether it be beatings or having nettles rubbed over our naked bodies and newts shoved in our mouths

At night boys were taken out of their beds to be abused and I would lie there paralysed with fear

There wasn't a day that went by I wouldn't pray for my safety. One teacher in particular, Mr Sweet, was terrifying

He beat us all and was very militant. But one day he started to take a strange interest in me

We had gone on a day out to a farm and I was tending to some chickens. 'You like tending to the animals, don't you?' he said

'I love them,' I replied. 'It's a good thing to be loved, isn't it?' he said flashing a rare smile

I told him I didn't know. From that moment, he knew how to get me. He led me into a shed and demanded I performed a sex act on him

He then raped me. All the time he was whispering in my ear how much he cared for me and how he loved me

This continued regularly. In many ways it was nice to hear someone say they loved me

He told me I was special to him, with warnings not to mention our relationship, otherwise he would stop loving me and I'd be in serious trouble

This went on for months until one day I saw one of the younger lads running into a small room Mr Sweet usually took me to

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I bent down and looked through the keyhole

I heard the boy whimper and Mr Sweet tell him, 'Shh, I'm not going to hurt you.' I felt betrayed, marched outside and attempted to kill myself

I don't remember tying the noose around my neck, but remember lying in the grass as I'd crashed to the ground

No one cared about me. I tried to carry on. The pain and hurt turned to anger, and when Mr Sweet approached me in assembly a few days later saying, 'I need you to help me with something,' I saw red

'I don't want you to love me any more,' I said. My anger had taken over any fear

'I'm not doing anything for you any more, so f***ing leave me alone.' Swearing at him didn't go down well

I felt my head smash against the wall. Another teacher joined in and they started attacking me

I fought back, kicking Mr Sweet's glasses off his face. The other kids cheered when this happened, which lifted my spirits

I was punished with a caning on my backside which drew blood, and from then on Mr Sweet bullied me every day

The worst being when he broke my thumb from treading on my hand, grinning wildly

I hatched many plans to escape, but never managed to. Then aged 12, I got called into the head teacher's office

'Your parents are taking you home,' he explained. I felt my stomach sink and protested I didn't have parents

The social services report proved otherwise. 'Your brother Martin is going too,' he said

If he was going, that changed everything. Two women from social services drove me to my mother

She shook my hand. She'd mistreated me my entire life and greeted me as though I was a stranger

Then she held out her other hand for the envelope of money from social services

She was paid to have me back, that's the only reason she took me. My younger siblings ran up to me, excited to say hello, but none of us cuddled

Five minutes later Martin turned up. We hugged and it felt amazing. He'd been abused in care too

The system had failed us. I carried the guilt of my abusers on my shoulders. I attempted suicide again at 15 and felt guilty I'd allowed men to abuse me just to feel love

I talked to a lot of therapists, but tried to take my own life again for the last time in 2000

Little boy with cancer defies odds to meet and name baby sister before dying Eventually, I had an amazing counsellor called Chris who changed me

He said I had to face my past in order to move forward. He also got me writing my books, which was therapeutic

My father died aged 55 and I didn't go to his funeral. By the time I'd had successful counselling and my mother died aged 84, I went to her death bed

It was part of my healing. I kissed her on the forehead as if to say, 'I forgive you'

I didn't feel any emotion, but I needed to do it for me. Me and Martin have remained close and live down the street from each other

I don't see many of my other siblings, but I'm now married with three children and nine grandkids, all of which are adored

I was worried what people would think of me and my past. Now I'm proud to have overcome such horror

I wrote to help myself, but I hope it helps others. I want to lend a voice to people who have suffered too

My lack of care destroyed my life. But I want people who have been abused to know they're not alone

For more infomation >> Abuse was the only way I felt love after being abandoned by my family as a child - Duration: 10:15.


Lucas & Eliott | Chasing Cars | Skam France - Duration: 1:34.

What did you tell yourself the first time you saw me in the common room?

The first time I saw you, it wasn't in the common room.

It's in the hallway, the first day I arrived.

You didn't see me.

But I did, I saw you.

I only saw you, actually.

You're surprising.

I like surprising people.

Am I your first?

First what?

Your first guy.

For more infomation >> Lucas & Eliott | Chasing Cars | Skam France - Duration: 1:34.


Andy Cohen Claps Back At Fans Who Dad-Shamed Him After His Dog Chewed Up His Baby Boy's Toy: People - Duration: 2:40.

Andy Cohen has already had to deal with people critical of his parents skills! The new father clapped back at people on Instagram after his dog ate his son's stuff torah toy!    You've heard of mommy-shaming

Well, get ready for daddy-shaming, folks! New father Andy Cohen, 50, was bombarded with critical messages on Instagram after he showed that his dog, Wacha, tore apart his newborn son Benjamin Allen's stuffed torah toy! "Hey I've been a dad for 12 days," Andy said on his Instagram Story to his dog

"People are judge-y as f*ck, we gotta be careful ok? Sometimes a Torah toy is just a Torah toy, everybody!'  "Wacha didn't know that the Torah toy belonged to the baby," Andy continued and responded to critics on Instagram Stories, after people insinuated his dog ate the Torah toy out of jealousy and spite of the newborn

You can see screenshots of Andy's story on People. "He just had his eye on this purple f*cking toy and wanted to rip it apart

It's not that deep. Stand down. Everything is fine in the West Village [where Andy lives]

"    Andy had previously shown the aftermath of Wacha and the toy that was ripped apart

Andy's dog was surrounded by the white fluff from the toy – and Andy shared on social media, presumably, due to the hilariousness of the dog simply ripping apart a toy

However, Andy ended up getting a taste of people on the internet thinking they know what's best for another person's child

But Andy seemed to let the criticism roll right off his back – and he's got more than enough love for his son and his dog! Andy shared a Valentine's Day post a couple days prior, showing his happy family together

View this post on Instagram TWO Valentines! Lucky me ♥️♥️♥️ A post shared by Andy Cohen (@bravoandy) on Feb 14, 2019 at 11:53am PST  We're so incredibly happy for Andy and his son, and hope that people trying to come at Andy with critical comments will think twice about shaming a new father before they do it again! For now, we just want to see more pics of Andy, adorable baby Benjamin, and Wacha!

For more infomation >> Andy Cohen Claps Back At Fans Who Dad-Shamed Him After His Dog Chewed Up His Baby Boy's Toy: People - Duration: 2:40.


★Shantel Chanel★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Wonderful fashion Style & Looks - Duration: 2:34.

★Shantel Chanel★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Wonderful fashion Style & Looks

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Shantel Chanel★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Wonderful fashion Style & Looks - Duration: 2:34.


Best Selling Smartphones - Samsung and Apple DOMINATES - Duration: 3:50.

So this year marks the 10 year anniversary of the Galaxy S devices, smartphones existed

before Samsung introduced this lineup back in 2009, but it helped Android gain traction

pushing Nokia into irrelevance and emerged as a true competitor to the iPhone lineup.

So let's a look at the 5 of the best selling smartphones of all time.

Samsung sold around 70 million Galaxy S3 handsets over its lifetime.

The Galaxy S3 is widely hailed as the first smartphone to kick off Samsung's domination

in the smartphone market.

Starting with the Galaxy S3, Samsung revamped its smartphone design language to incorporate

its now-iconic curved edges.

Traces of S3's design are present in every Galaxy S device released since 2013, and it

wasn't until the Galaxy S8 that Samsung would radically change the design language.

But yeah, the Galaxy S3 helped Samsung accelerate itself to the top of the market.

iphone 7 and 7 plus sold around 78 million units worldwide.

You might say, it's unfair since these are two devices.

Agreed but they're still part of the same release.

And Samsung also doesn't publish seperate numbers for the Edge or plus models so I think

it's only fair to count them together.

Also because we don't have seperate numbers for these models.

Anyway, iPhone 7 wasn't a big upgrade, either apart from the dual cameras on the 7 Plus

but they still managed to claim the number 4 spot.

The Galaxy S4 is Samsung's best selling smartphone ever.

It sold over 80 million handsets.

Samsung capitalised on the success of the Galaxy S3, coupled with a big marketing push

and also with some gimmicky features like eye tracking and Air View hover touch which

grabbed headlines, Samsung managed to make the handset their best selling ever.

It also helped Samsung strengthen its position as the number one smartphone company in the


This might come off as a surprise to a lot of you but it shouldn't.

Nokia was big and they were THE smartphone company back in the days.

They were so big that they had over 50% of the market share at some point.

In 2009, they released Nokia 5230 which was an instant hit with over 150 million units

sold worldwide.

It ran Symbian OS at that time, you might not consider that a smartphone today but it

falls under smartphone category.

So number 2 spot it is.

This shouldn't surprise anyone.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus was a monstrous hit, Apple sold over 220 million of these handsets.

The main reason it became so popular is its design change and also it's the first ever

big display smartphone from Apple.

You might be wondering why there are no recent handsets in the list.

Well, that's because the competition was so low back in the days.

If you wanted a smartphone you had Samsung, Apple, LG and a couple of other options but

now it's overcrowded, thanks to the Chinese OEM's so the user base is divided.

Also, smartphone used to cost less back then, now they're $1000 or more so people aren't

upgrading their smartphones every year.

So don't expect to see numbers like this ever again.

Anyway, consider subscribing for daily content like this and I'll see you'll tomorrow...peace


For more infomation >> Best Selling Smartphones - Samsung and Apple DOMINATES - Duration: 3:50.


Chelsea should have sacked Maurizio Sarri earlier - Mario Melchiot lays into Blues - Duration: 2:14.

 That is the view of ex-Chelsea star Mario Melchiot, who reckons the Blues are now stuck with Sarri

 Chelsea dropped out of the top four over the weekend after a disastrous 6-0 defeat at Manchester City

 Sarri himself admits he doesn't know if he will keep his job. Roman Abramovich is famously ruthless when it comes to sacking managers - but the Blues spent of fortune landing Sarri in the summer

 And Melchiot reckons Chelsea will have to reluctantly stay with their man for now

 "This is the situation now," he said on talkSPORT. "If they wanted to change it they had to do it earlier

" Sarri has previously admitted he is struggling to motivate his players. And Melchiot sees that as a major failing of the manager as much as the squad

 "There are too many ups and downs, but that comes down to the motivation," he said

 "If your coach comes out and says he can't motivate the squad, you can't point the finger at the players

 "If things go bad and the players don't perform, I (as a player) can take responsibility

"  Who Chelsea would draft in to replace Sarri it is unclear. Assistant Gianfranco Zola would be an obvious choice in the short term, should Abramovich axe Sarri before the end of the season

 Zinedine Zidane and Jose Mourinho are both out of work but the Blues would not likely go for either man right now

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