i am killing the
i am killing the army with my legs
World's Most Beautiful Clovis 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 390 SqFt By Tiny House Concepts From ld parkmodelsdire - Duration: 3:09.World's Most Beautiful Clovis 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 390 SqFt By Tiny House Concepts From ld.parkmodelsdirect
Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0TSI/116pk STYLE|2018|LED koplampen|Cruise+ACC|Navi|PDC|Zwart dak|17" 'Mayfield'| - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
BBB19: Carol Peixinho detona o comportamento de Tereza: "É terapeuta e age dessa forma?" - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
BÍBLIA EM ÁUDIO | Gênesis - Capítulo 1, 2 e 3 - Duration: 12:27.-------------------------------------------
Definições gravação Elekslaser A3 Pro - Duration: 11:38.gogle subtitles
Hello everyone, I'm Paulo Costa
Welcome to my channel. (A_Minha_Bancada)
I once bought this equipment
is the laser printer Elekslaser A3 Pro
was sent to me by Bangood
I today at the request of some subscribers, I will show you the forms of recording that I use
and all your settings
so do not go away
the software I use is Elekscam
I initially edit the images in photoshop
save the file to JPEG
I did this project
It's a trophy, one of these days I'll show you how I did it.
here are two types of recording
this recording here is a faster recording
and do not need so much definition
and this laser recording
I need more definition
now I'm going to make a recording like this and the settings I use
here I change the laser recording speed
and here in the settings
we can increase or decrease laser power
Let's do the first recording.
here at picCarve I'll get the picture
the image will be this
here I will decrease the color
I want the image this way
here I can increase the size of the recording
She has 10 cm by 10 cm, but I want to 15 cm by 15 cm.
that is, I will put 150 mm
here I will set the recording speed
I'm going to set it to 1200 mm / min
line of recording
and has these recording modes
I'll use the realpoint
I'll generate the image.
here in these arrows I will move the laser
and then I'll do the preview to see the location of the recording
Let's see on the plywood
he recording point / center is here
but I want more for this side
so I'm going to move the laser
here in the sethome, I will block the starting point
Let's do the preview again.
here I can still enjoy plywood better
still has a wide border on each side
still has a wide border on each side
I will fix the position
and I'll do the preview again
will be the oude space will do the job
I'll activate the laser.
and I will click start
and work will start
the recording was spectacular
I'll pass the vacuum cleaner to remove the ash
it was good
now let's go to another recording mode
I'm going to record the ball.
I'll put a measure of 5cm by 5cm
I'll use point mode
here the line is 6 and the mesc is 4
I'll generate the image.
I'll do the recording in this space.
I'll do the preview
I'll put it to record
this recording mode takes longer
but gets more definition of image
the image is very good
now I'll show you how to record a direct text
I use textcarv here
here we can change the measures
I'm going to put 100 mm
I'll use outline text mode
will write around the letters
I'll generate the file
here I can choose the font that I will use
I'll turn on the laser printer
I'm going to move to this side.
now it's just click on start
these are the settings that I use most
other recording modes, but I have not tested them yet.
with these recording modes you can do many jobs
just give wings to the imagination
as I said I bought this equipment in bangood
I'll leave the link in the description for you to consult
there you can see all the features of the equipment, and even buy
now I will show you some of the work I did with this equipment
and we got to the end of another video
my subscribers had asked to explain the recording modes I used
the definitions that I use most are the ones I showed you
I hope you have been enlightening
If you have any questions, please comment
I will always be available to respond to you if i know
I hope you enjoyed this video
if you like leave your like leave your comment
if it's the first time here, subscribe the channel
enable notifications to be the first to receive the next videos
A big hug, until the next video
ANGEL MIX COM COMERCIAIS E DESENHOS - Duration: 32:32.-------------------------------------------
✅ O ministro Bebianno negou que atacará Bolsonaro e disse que "o Brasil não merece isso" - Duration: 3:11.O ministro Gustavo Bebianno, da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência, diz que aguarda um desfecho de sua situação no governo para então "esclarecer a verdade"
Ele deve ser demitido por Jair Bolsonaro na segunda (18). Bebianno tornou-se o centro de crise instalada no Palácio do Planalto depois que a Folha de S
Paulo revelou a existência de um esquema candidaturas laranjas do PSL, presidido pelo ministro entre janeiro e outubro de 2018
"Eu não vou sair com pecha de bandido, de patrocinador de laranjais ou de traidor", diz Bebianno, que pretende dar entrevistas à imprensa depois de deixar o cargo
Ele nega, no entanto, que sairá disparando contra o governo. Coordenador da campanha presidencial de Bolsonaro, o ministro seria o detentor de segredos importantes que, revelados, poderiam abalar a permanência dele no comando do País
"Eu não vou fazer isso. O Brasil não merece. Eu não tenho nada a declarar sobre o presidente", afirma
Neste domingo (17), o jornal O Globo noticiou que ele teria dito que Bolsonaro é "uma pessoa louca, um perigo para o Brasil"
Bebianno nega "veementemente. Nunca falei nada parecido sobre o presidente"
"Estou triste com a situação, mas não chamei ele de louco nem nada. Agora é o momento de esfriar a cabeça, buscar o equilíbrio e olhar para o futuro, olhar para o país", afirma
Redes sociais O exército digital que deu sustentação à campanha que elegeu Jair Bolsonaro presidente foi acionado para uma ação de ataque ao ministro-chefe da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência,Gustavo Bebianno , alvo da primeira grande crise do governo
Pelas redes sociais, militantes ligados ao vereador Carlos Bolsonaro , o mais radical dos filhos do presidente, passaram a compartilhar vídeos, áudios, imagens e textos contra o ministro, cuja exoneração está prevista para ser publicada nesta segunda-feira no Diário Oficial da União
A estratégia é fragilizar ainda mais o ministro que, de saída do Planalto, pode se tornar uma voz de oposição contra Bolsonaro
A aliados, Bebianno tem feito duras críticas ao presidente, de quem se aproximou como um fã
A ideia, segundo integrantes desses grupos, é mostrar que "Bebianno é o traidor, por ter se aliado à mídia" e afastar de Bolsonaro a imagem de que não é leal a seus apoiadores
Neste domingo (17), passou a circular em grupos de WhatsApp um áudio intitulado "O Verdadeiro Bebianno", cujo conteúdo é uma conversa durante a campanha eleitoral entre o ministro e um apoiador de Bolsonaro no Ceará
No diálogo, Bebianno cobra o militante Edson Alex por supostamente ter divulgado um texto crítico a ele
Nele, afirmava-se que Bebianno e o agora deputado federal Julian Lemos, então presidente e vice do PSL, haviam tornado a legenda em "um grande balcão de negócios"
O texto é intitulado "Bandidos tomaram de assalto o partido do Capitão e hoje colocam em risco a candidatura do próximo presidente do Brasil
" No áudio, que voltou a circular neste domingo, Bebianno ameaça processar o militante
BolsonaroCriseGustavo Bebiannoministro
Meghan Royals Es - Marco Rubio viajó a Cúcuta e instó a los militares venezolanos a permitir el ing - Duration: 5:46.El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio pidió este domingo en Cúcuta a la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) que "tome la decisión correcta" y permita el ingreso a Venezuela de la ayuda humanitaria proveniente de Estados Unidos
"Es un crimen internacional, un crimen contra la humanidad, que esté muy claro eso y que tomen la decisión correcta", dijo Rubio a medios, refiriéndose a la negativa del régimen de Nicolás Maduro de dejar ingresar la asistencia
Las declaraciones las dio durante su visita a la ciudad colombiana de Cúcuta, en la frontera con Venezuela, donde se encuentra para supervisar la ayuda humanitaria almacenada en el centro de acopio del puente Tienditas y que se espera sea enviada a partir del próximo sábado a ese país
De igual forma, Rubio destacó la valentía del pueblo venezolano que lucha por su libertad y lo impulsó a continuar de esa manera: "No quiero que pierdan el ánimo
La libertad y la democracia requieren sacrificio", añadió. El senador también recorrió el puente internacional Simón Bolívar, principal paso fronterizo entre ambos países, acompañado de una marea de venezolanos que lanzaban gritos de protesta contra Maduro
En medio de su recorrido, el funcionario realizó una videollamada con el jefe del Parlamento y presidente interino de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, en la que reiteró el respaldo de Estados Unidos a su Gobierno y le dijo que "no deben perder nunca la esperanza"
Asimismo, le afirmó a Guaidó y a los venezolanos presentes que "la libertad va a regresar a Venezuela", y aseguró que "el mundo está con ustedes"
Por su parte, Guaidó afirmó en su cuenta de Twitter: "El mundo tiene puestos sus ojos sobre la lucha que estamos librando en Venezuela"
Y agradeció a Rubio por "acompañar todo este noble esfuerzo para lograr la ayuda humanitaria"
"Los venezolanos estaremos listos para hacer historia este 23 de febrero", sentenció Guaidó
Estados Unidos y Colombia fueron los primeros países, a los que se sumó la mayoría de América y Europa, en reconocer a Guaidó como presidente interino del país, después de que este asumiera las competencias del Ejecutivo venezolano el pasado 23 de enero
Adicionalmente, Rubio dijo no querer una intervención militar en Venezuela y expresó que "la única intervención militar es la de Maduro, que ha acabado con la institucionalidad en su país, han permitido que el Gobierno de Cuba llegue a maltratar a su gente y sus instituciones"
"La solución es muy fácil, la solución es una elección libre y democrática y eso es lo que esperamos", concluyó
Rubio viajó con el embajador de EEUU ante la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Carlos Trujillo, y el congresista republicano Mario Díaz-Balart, con quienes supervisó la ayuda enviada por el país a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (Usaid)
Este sábado, tres aviones C-17 de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos llegaron al aeropuerto de Cúcuta cargados con toneladas de suplementos nutricionales y kits de higiene, que se suman a la ayuda humanitaria que ese país envío hace una semana
Cúcuta, junto a Curazao y el estado brasileño de Roraima, son los puntos de acopio de las ayudas humanitarias, a los que se sumó el pasado viernes Miami
Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Llegaron a Colombia tres aviones militares de EEUU con nueva ayuda humanitaria para Venezuela Miles de voluntarios se capacitan para recibir la ayuda humanitaria, ante las amenazas de represión por parte del régimen de Maduro
LITSEA CUBEBA | ÓLEO ESSENCIAL | VIDA EM ESSÊNCIA #AROMATERAPIA - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 57 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 45:54.-------------------------------------------
本人も「似ている」と太鼓判!たこ虹・清井咲希、先輩・百田夏菜子のモノマネ披露 - Duration: 3:56.アイドルグルー 「ももいろクローバ Z」に完全密着する 組『ももクロCha 』。 テレ朝動画で 料公開中の『ももク Chan』DX版で 、昨年2018年1 月24日(月)・2 日(火)に開催され ももいろクローバー のクリスマスライブ ももいろクリスマス 018 DIAMO D PHILHAR ONY -The eal Deal- の舞台裏をテレビ朝 ・小松靖アナウンサ がリポートします
©ももクロChan 番組恒例、小松アナ ンサーのももクロラ ブリポート。今回も ももクリ"の魅力を 私混同でリポートし す。 さっそく、購 したグッズを確認す 小松アナウンサーに 組スタッフが、もも ロへの"偏愛ぶり" 語らせようと誘導尋 のような質問を投げ けると、小松アナウ サーが「(ももクロ 現場では)絶対ドラ が生まれるんですよ
どんな場面でも。我 の考えた"演出"な て、その前に吹き飛 ます」と熱く"もも ロ論"を説く場面も ©ももクロChan 恒例のライブ終了後 インタビューでは、 もクロの後輩グルー ・たこやきレインボ 清井咲希が百田夏菜 のモノマネを披露
百田本人も「似てい 」と太鼓判を押す清 のモノマネに、小松 ナウンサーも「完全 "本人"ですね」と 絶賛。百田と一緒に うモノマネは必見で 。©ももクロCha そしてその後、小 アナウンサーが推し ン百田夏菜子の前で 大失態"を起こしま
「全面的に私が反省 るしかない」と振り る、そのアクシデン とは一体…?©もも ロChan さらに ライブ会場の一角に メラを設置する人気 画「定点観測」は佐 県でのライブの舞台 に密着
地上波未公開の映 を盛り込んだ『もも ロChan』DX版 見逃し厳禁です! 動画の視聴は、こち から! ※テレ朝 画『ももクロCha 』DX版地上波未公 映像盛りだくさん! 回は2018年2月 2日(金)よる6時 ろ配信開始過去のア カイブも公開中! テレ朝動画『川上ア ラの人のふんどしで とりふんどし』毎週 曜よる7時~生配信 ももクロもゲストで 演も!?アーカイブ 公開中 ※テレ朝動 『Mus?e du ももクロ ~アート 学びをデザインする 』絶賛公開中!
本人も「似ている」と太鼓判!たこ虹・清井咲希、先輩・百田夏菜子のモノマネ披露 - Duration: 3:56.アイドルグルー 「ももいろクローバ Z」に完全密着する 組『ももクロCha 』。 テレ朝動画で 料公開中の『ももク Chan』DX版で 、昨年2018年1 月24日(月)・2 日(火)に開催され ももいろクローバー のクリスマスライブ ももいろクリスマス 018 DIAMO D PHILHAR ONY -The eal Deal- の舞台裏をテレビ朝 ・小松靖アナウンサ がリポートします
©ももクロChan 番組恒例、小松アナ ンサーのももクロラ ブリポート。今回も ももクリ"の魅力を 私混同でリポートし す。 さっそく、購 したグッズを確認す 小松アナウンサーに 組スタッフが、もも ロへの"偏愛ぶり" 語らせようと誘導尋 のような質問を投げ けると、小松アナウ サーが「(ももクロ 現場では)絶対ドラ が生まれるんですよ
どんな場面でも。我 の考えた"演出"な て、その前に吹き飛 ます」と熱く"もも ロ論"を説く場面も ©ももクロChan 恒例のライブ終了後 インタビューでは、 もクロの後輩グルー ・たこやきレインボ 清井咲希が百田夏菜 のモノマネを披露
百田本人も「似てい 」と太鼓判を押す清 のモノマネに、小松 ナウンサーも「完全 "本人"ですね」と 絶賛。百田と一緒に うモノマネは必見で 。©ももクロCha そしてその後、小 アナウンサーが推し ン百田夏菜子の前で 大失態"を起こしま
「全面的に私が反省 るしかない」と振り る、そのアクシデン とは一体…?©もも ロChan さらに ライブ会場の一角に メラを設置する人気 画「定点観測」は佐 県でのライブの舞台 に密着
地上波未公開の映 を盛り込んだ『もも ロChan』DX版 見逃し厳禁です! 動画の視聴は、こち から! ※テレ朝 画『ももクロCha 』DX版地上波未公 映像盛りだくさん! 回は2018年2月 2日(金)よる6時 ろ配信開始過去のア カイブも公開中! テレ朝動画『川上ア ラの人のふんどしで とりふんどし』毎週 曜よる7時~生配信 ももクロもゲストで 演も!?アーカイブ 公開中 ※テレ朝動 『Mus?e du ももクロ ~アート 学びをデザインする 』絶賛公開中!
小島梨里杏、初写真集で大人の色気 - Duration: 2:44.拡大写真 小 梨里杏 HK・Eテレ「天 てれびくんYOU (月~木曜・後6 20分)の司会を める女優の小島梨 杏(25)が3月 8日に初の写真集 半透明」(玄光社 税込み2916円 を発売する
撮影コンセプ や衣装など自ら積 的にプロデュース 伸ばしていた髪を ッサリとカットす シーンや、熊本・ 蘇の黒川温泉で撮 したバスタオル1 のセクシーショッ など大人の色気を し出している
「お風呂や旅館、 蘇のシーンと、濃 めのメイクで撮っ 夜の海のページな 、盛りだくさんで
この作品を通して 緒に旅に出てくれ らうれしい」と自 を見せている。3 21日に神保町・ 泉グランデで記念 ベントを行う
World's Most Beautiful Clovis 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 390 SqFt By Tiny House Concepts From ld parkmodelsdire - Duration: 3:09.World's Most Beautiful Clovis 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 390 SqFt By Tiny House Concepts From ld.parkmodelsdirect
Waffle House, St. Augustine to Denny's, 8215 Dix Ellis Trail, Jacksonville, Florida, 4 Aug GP115507 - Duration: 26:05.I-95 North
4 August 2016
Waffle House, 219 Sandy Creek Pkwy, St. Augustine, FL 32095 Sampson, Florida https://locations.wafflehouse.com/fl-saint-augustine-590 (904) 824-7869
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Johns County Rest Area I-95 NorthBound I-95, St Johns, FL 32259 Southside, Jacksonville, Florida dot.state.fl.us (850) 410-5757
Exit 333
Jacksonville, Florida
Kemper A Unitrin Business, 12926 Gran Bay Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32258 ekemper.com (904) 245-5600
Baptist Medical Center South Emergency Room, 14550 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32258 baptistjax.com (904) 271-6000
Old St Augustine Rd
Exit 337
Greenland Rd
Chuck E. Cheese's, 10320 Shops Lane 32258, Jacksonville, FL 32258 chuckecheese.com (904) 394-0005
Avenues Lighting, 10130 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL 32256 avelighting.com (904) 262-8113
Kay Jewelers, 10300 Southside Blvd Space 2590, Jacksonville, FL 32256 stores.kay.com (904) 363-0431
Sears, 10302 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 sears.com (904) 363-9200
Veterans United Craft Brewery, 8999 Western Way #104, Jacksonville, FL 32256 vubrew.com
Goodman Distribution Inc., 8952 Western Way Ste 10, Jacksonville, FL 32256 goodmanmfg.com (904) 824-9664
J-Tech Institute, 8813 Western Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256 jtech.org (877) 447-0442
Storage Rentals of America, 8539 Western Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256 sroa.com (904) 572-1909
Krystal, 9116 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 448-1061 https://locations.krystal.com/fl/jacksonville/9116-baymeadows-rd
Adamec Harley-Davidson Jacksonville, 8909 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 adamecharley.com (904) 493-1931
Prominence Parkway
Knights Inn Jacksonville at Dix Ellis Trail, 8285 Dix Ellis Trail, Jacksonville, FL 32256 redlion.com (904) 731-8400
Check In
【炎上】尾崎豊「盗んだバイクで走り出す~」→ 今になってとんでもないことにwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.今の時代に生きていたら大変やったと思うよ そういう承認欲求からも自由になれた がしてるやろからSNSにあげんやろ 昔の若者「せや!夜の校舎窓ガラス壊して回っ ろ!」 アニキのバイクやねんなあれ 校内暴力を正当化するのはNG 15: >>7窓ガラス割っただけで喧嘩したとは言ってないンゴ 尾崎豊の曲ってヒステリッ だよな 中間おすすめ記事 ま15歳ってほんま何も考えてへんからな そう考え と今の時代ってシビアすぎなんかなぁ 1 盗んだバイクで走り出す尾崎豊は付いて ただけ 1 実際にやってたわけじゃなくてそれくらい自由に生きたかったなあって う歌やからね 1 >>12バイク盗んだのはガチやろ 1 夜の校舎窓ガラス して回った←炎上不可避 好きな子の家を見つめる←きもe 1 ワイの学生時代 SNSあったら周り逮捕者だらけだったわw 1 チェッカーズもヤバそう 1 覚えたての煙草をふかし←未成年!ヤニカス! 2 街のどこかで誰かのクラクショ が哭いている←くっそ近所迷惑 2 そんな尾崎自身は優等生のお坊っちゃまだけど 2 政治家を撃ち殺す歌もあったよな 2 高校時代に大学生と乱闘したらし なパトカーが来るほどの騒ぎになって停学処分 「渡り廊下で先輩殴る」←暴行罪 >>30それは下校の時に6対1でボコボコにされるやつやろ? 4 「外国で 行機が落ちました」は今やとツイッターでめっちゃ叩かれそう 4 >>42当時も こそこ叩かれとった気がする 4 たかだか学校生活の教師に支配とか言っちゃう時 で 若者の尾崎豊離れ 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/0 /01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パ ク食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
The Darkwing Duck Theme Song but it's "soll ich mich ärgern?" - Duration: 2:09.(But I'm warning you kid)
One minute I'm in Central Park
Then I'm down on Delancey Street
From the Bowery to Saint Mark's
There's a syncopated beat
I'm street wise
I can improvise
I'm street smart
I got New York City heart
Why should I worry
Why should I care
I may not have a dime
But I got street savoir-faire
Why should I worry
Why should I care
It's just bebopulation
And I got street savoir-faire
The rhythm of the city
But once you get it down
Then you can own this town
You can wear the crown
Why should I worry
(Tell me)
Why should I care
Say I may not have a dime
But I got street savoir-faire
Why should I worry
Why should I care
It's just duopulation
And I got street savoir-faire
(Everything goes, everything fits)
They love me at the Chelsea, they adore me at the Ritz
Why should I worry
Why should I care
Even when I cross that line
I got street savoir-faire
How To Make Vegetarian Asparagus Pasta Recipe with Mushrooms Tomatoes - Duration: 2:59.I like a good vegetarian meal every now and then. I'm Tess and tonight I'm making
a vegetarian asparagus pasta dinner. Stay tuned!
This vegetarian asparagus pasta
dinner is easy to make and very satisfying. You can use the pasta of your
choice. Tonight I'm using a tricolor penne pasta and cooking according to the directions.
I have some mushrooms that I cleaned and quartered and I'm sauteing
them for a couple minutes in a little olive oil over medium heat then I'm
removing from the pan and setting to the side.
Next, in the skillet on medium-high heat I'm adding in some water and my asparagus.
I cut about an inch off the bottom of the asparagus and then cut the
stalks into about an inch or two pieces. Adding in some salt black pepper, minced
garlic and diced onions. Giving that a good stir, bringing up to a simmer,
covering and cooking for two to three minutes.
You will be able to find this recipe and the list of ingredients in the show more
section below. If you click on the word "show more" it will open and reveal this
recipe, links where you can purchase some of the items that I use and much much more.
If you have a chance please check it out.
Now I'm adding in the pasta and stirring to combine. I have my heat on medium.
I'm pouring in a little extra virgin olive oil, a little more salt and black
pepper, a pinch of red pepper flakes and this is optional, and you can add any
additional seasonings that you like but I'm just adding in a little oregano.
Giving everything a good stir to combine.
Adding in some sliced cherry tomatoes , my sauteed mushrooms and finally one cup of
shredded Parmesan cheese. Giving everything a good stir to combine and
let the tomatoes heat through and the cheese melt. This will only take a minute
and it is ready to serve.
This vegetarian asparagus pasta is such a light but hearty meal. It is so easy to
make and you can have this ready in less than 30 minutes. Serve with a slice of
bread and a side salad and you have a mea!l I hope you give this vegetarian
asparagus pasta a try and enjoy. If you like this recipe please hit the
like and subscribe button. Remember to hit the bell next to the subscribe to
make sure that you get my future video recipes. You can also find me on Steemit,
Facebook and at my website. Feel free to share this recipe and my channel with
your friends and family. And until next time, Much Love!
✅ Eleição na Nigéria é adiada horas antes da abertura das urnas - Duration: 4:44.A Comissão Nacional Eleitoral Independente (Inec, na sigla em inglês) da Nigéria adiou em uma semana a eleição para presidente
A decisão foi anunciada cerca de cinco horas antes da abertura das urnas, que deveria acontecer neste sábado (16/2)
A votação deverá acontecer no próximo dia 23. De acordo com o chefe da comissão eleitoral, Mahmood Yakubu, a medida foi necessária para garantir eleições livres e justas no país africano
"A comissão concluiu que o processo eleitoral não poderia ser realizado na data agendada", disse Yakubu
O chefe da comissão não especificou quais foram os problemas que levaram ao adiamento
Recentemente, três centros da comissão foram incendiados e denúncias apontam que muitos estados do país não haviam recebido as cédulas eleitorais
"Foram reportados os desaparecimentos de algumas folhas de resultado e cédulas
Nós queremos mapear onde está todo este material sensível e fazer um inventário do que está conosco e do que não está", disse um membro da comissão eleitoral para a agência de notícias Reuters
Os dois principais candidatos na corrida eleitoral são o atual presidente, Muhamadu Buhari, de 76 anos, e o líder da oposição, Atiku Abubakar, de 72, um empresário que foi vice-presidente do país entre 1999 e 2007
Ambos os lados da disputa lamentaram o adiamento. A sigla Congresso de Progressistas, partido do presidente Buhari, se disse "muito decepcionada" com a decisão e pediu que a comissão eleitoral mantenha sua neutralidade
Enquanto isso, Atiku Abubakar pediu calma aos seus partidários ante o que considerou como uma "provocação"
Em 2015, as eleições no país também foram adiadas e aconteceram seis dias depois da data prevista inicialmente
Naquela oportunidade, a justificativa para a medida foram ameaças do grupo jihadista Boko Haram
Oposição questiona. Após o adiamento, o Partido Popular Democrata (PDP), do candidato de oposição Atiku Abubakar, acusou o presidente Muhammadu Buhari de estar por trás do adiamento das eleições gerais para o dia 23 de fevereiro
"Ao instigar este adiamento, o governo de Buhari espera privar o eleitorado de seus direitos com a finalidade de assegurar baixa participação na nova data", denunciou o candidato a presidência
"Conscientes de que o povo nigeriano está determinado a rejeitá-los, eles estão desesperados e farão tudo ao seu alcance para negar esta rejeição", enfatizou
Apesar de chamar o adiamento de "inaceitável", Atiku pediu para que seus seguidores não caiam em provocações e preservem a paz, enfatizando que, se eles "foram capazes de tolerar quatro anos de má administração, poderão aguentar mais alguns dias"
"Não reaja a esta provocação com raiva, violência ou qualquer ação que possa ser explorada por quem não quer realizar esta eleição", insistiu o candidato
"Mantendo a calma, nós vamos superar isso. Pode-se adiar uma eleição, mas não pode-se adiar o destino", concluiu
Eleições acirradasCerca de 84 milhões de eleitores estão inscritos para votar nestas eleições na Nigéria
O país é a maior potência petroleira da África e também o mais populoso do continente, com 190 milhões de habitantes
A campanha presidencial foi marcada pela morte de 15 pessoas na última terça-feira, 12, após um tumulto durante um comício de Buhari
No último sábado, o presidente realizou seu maior principal evento de campanha em Lagos, o centro econômico do país
O partido de Abubakar também pretendia fazer um grande comício no mesmo dia, mas teve de cancelar o evento após uma proibição para o acesso ao local planejado para o ato
O opositor chegou a acusar o Buhari de envolvimento no caso, o que é negado pelo partido do presidente
A Nigéria mergulhou em uma recessão econômica entre 2016 e 2017, logo depois que Buhari chegou ao poder, e hoje enfrenta dificuldades recuperar seu crescimento
Atualmente, o país registra o maior número de pessoas vivendo abaixo do limiar da extrema pobreza (87 milhões) no mundo, à frente da Índia, de acordo com o World Poverty Clock
O tema economia dominou a maior parte da campanha e o oponente Abubakar prometeu em seu lema que "Faça a Nigéria trabalhar de novo", ou, em inglês "Make Nigeria work again", em cima do slongan "Make America great again", do presidente americano Donald Trump
O ex-vice-presidente defende uma política liberal para tirar o país da atual estagnação econômica
Por outro lado, Buhari sustenta uma política mais intervencionista e ganhou votos com sua medida "Trader Moni", um sistema de microcrédito de 24 a 75 euros (27 a 85 dólares) para dois milhões de pequenos empreendedores
✅ Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega fala sobre climão com Michel Temer - Área VIP - Duration: 2:06.Neste último sábado (16), o apresentador Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega publicou em seu perfil no Instagram, uma foto ao lado do ex-presidente Michel Temer, e relatou um climão que teve com o mesmo, por causa do famoso cabeleireiro, Jassa
"O Jassa me aprontou! Fui cortar o cabelo e o Temer estava lá. O Jassa em voz alta para todos ouvirem, soltou essa joia: 'Michel, o Carlos sempre disse que você era carrancudo, antipático e arrogante'
Eu não sabia onde enfiar a cara. Gargalhadas gerais", relatou o apresentador do "A Praça é Nossa"
Ele ainda falou que mudou a sua opinião a respeito de Temer: "O Temer se levantou sorrindo e me deu um abraço
Mudei de opinião. Cara legal! Mas o Jassa vai receber o troco", disse Carlos Alberto
Veja a publicação a seguir! Sunga na praia Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega, esteve junto com a sua esposa, recentemente, curtindo alguns dias de férias pelo Nordeste brasileiro
E em seu Instagram, ele compartilhou uma foto curtindo um dia de sol na praia
No click, ele aparece apenas de sunga, ao lado da sua amada. "Estamos fazendo um passeio pelo Nordeste
O Brasil é lindo. Estou agora em João Pessoa. Que praias! Que gente carinhosa
E como eles gostam da Praça. Viva o Brasil. Agora que vocês já leram…deem uma olhada no corpinho de 82 anos
Não precisam olhar pra RENATA! Risos. Amo você, povo brasileiro!", escreveu ele na legenda da sua publicação…Confira! Críticas O apresentador acabou recebendo uma crítica de uma seguidora em seu Instagram
Acontece que o artista publicou um vídeo, agradecendo aos seus fãs pelo carinho que estavam tendo pela saúde do seu filho, João Victor Nóbrega, que está internado em um hospital, com fortes dores na coluna, após sofrer uma queda enquanto jogava futebol…Saiba mais! Veja também:
Cómo hacer un Porta llaves en Decoupage y Resina Gemelos - Duration: 22:01.Hello my creative people I hope everyone they are very well as always,
Today we are going to teach you how to do this key holder that can be a detail
very nice to give or for the time to organize the keys in
our house is with a decorative touch I hope you like them and today as' bonuses
I will teach you how to apply the resin cufflinks then for the
people who want to learn and to everyone else I invite you to me
accompany until the end
Good friends to start our
project we are going to take a table, this It's mdf wood and it has a caliber or a
5 mm thickness the measure of this table is 17.5 by 11 cm and also
let's use a square stick in this case of using this stick of
Pine is 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters and has the same distance
of 17.5 cm, then what are we going to to do with this stick is to apply
glue and we will fix it very well after having this so those who from
this way then we are going to take a sheet or an image that you want
This sheet is called decoupage sheet or decoupage image, they get it very
easy in craft stores, here what I'm going to do is how I'm left
this part, this piece of here, I'm going to cut this part
so that I stay accurate, covering this piece then what I did was more or
least decide what part of the picture I want then I'm going to cut out
down here a piece and here another because I want to see the Eiffel Tower
then if you wish suddenly this other image because they can take it
also like that or it depends on the image that you get after you already
be well fixed this we are going to take We will also spread the glue
that is not too wet, spread out well, thin enough
layer of glue and then we will paste it very carefully
after having stuck very well the plate, as you see, now what we're going
to do is take a pin for rack, this is easy in stores
crafts these pins normally They bring another piece here, another pin more
small that is the one that is introduced to let him hold on but then what
let's cut very carefully and what let's leave like this, of course after having
this piece so well sanded then what we are going to do is paint it
yellow color after having painted the end of color
yellow in its entirety and have it let it dry very well what I did was
Put some ribbons on it. paper tape is tape if you do not
they get about this width more or less 5 millimeters then what we can
do is cut it into strips of 5 millimeters wide and these strips the
let's paste in the outline leaving interleaved to paint some stripes
ready these stripes we are going to paint them with black color then simply
what we are going to do is start paint then let's paint
interspersed here at the tip we can leave a small point or if you want what
they leave it totally yellow in tip
this is how we are going to apply carefully the paint in this area and we're going to leave it
dry off
ready friends after having left dry the paint we remove the tapes and
this way we will stay, there will be a post with yellow and black stripes that post
later we are going to paste it here in this part, then now for
continue the decoration now I'm going to take a circle in this case I'm going to
use this small wooden circle and this circuit I'm going to split it in two
parts so I'm going to split it in half very careful with the cutter
what I do is start to introduce it to go opening right in the center with
small cuts but if you do not they want to do all this process this is
so there are two caps so this size
so what they can do is cut two circles can be in a cardboard
Thickness in a carton that is resistant and after having
these two circles what we do is paint them the two circuits we're going to
paint red
well then this is the procedure that we are going to
do now paint it completely color red the circles should have in the
center a hole as you see it here
after the paint has dried so now let's take one of the
circles these circles have I been forgot to mention that he has three
centimeters and a half in diameter then let's take the wire and go
to start rolling it around the contour of the circle like this around the edge
taking into account that they do not loosen keep the shape
we're going to put it like that and we're going to mount
we mount the wire over the other watch
let's send it up, bending at the ends now what
let's send it to the side looking for half, let's say it's here we look for the
another half to form a cross first we send it like that we doubled and again
we look for it to form here
in this part let's try to make
what equitable or distributed the
wire here in this part we already have it we are going to stretch it more or less
let's use a wire meter So that's how we're left like this
here in this part we're going to let it stands out more or less a
centimeter we're going to fold there in that centimeter we let another centimeter
is left we go back to fold like this
we do the same
well and we turn to fold down then in this part what we are
doing is trying to give a way to bicycle handlebar
we bend again
we fold again and send the wire down
well with this form now what we do is to stretch the wire
we stretch well and we will take the another circle we are going to introduce it by the
center with the hole it has in the center
so let's try to stay at a moderate distance
It will not be too far from this wheel
A) Yes
this part of suddenly is the most complicated but then we must do it
slowly calmly here we are going to bend in the back
and in this part above, here when we bend we do the same again
what we did with the other wheel, turn it around
and then we're going to send it
it can be to this side if suddenly does not want to grab us then the
we send it down a bit in the part from behind to get hold of this
piece of wire, ready and we're going to send like this
and that's right
and if we do the same thing again we did with the other wheel
it's not going to be perfect, it's a job artisan
we send it up ready here is already forming more
the appearance of the bicycle
and in this part then what are we going to to do is tilt a little
in this part we are going to do the seat of the bicycle
It is not as long as the other
it's a job like I tell you a little of thoroughness
look how it looks, so here what we can do is
we turn the wire
and now we are going to complete the framework of the bicycle, then here as
you can see we can send it forward
we decide how far and we already have it in this distance
we can take two turns
so that we have something like that
we have this appearance more to bike this piece that we have left
so we cut it and we can soon try to accommodate a
little better the way but essentially this is what
we need already, then a way like that very basic bicycle which we are going to
paste in this part then more go ahead we will put it in this part
together with the other post
good friends here we have our
pieces already ready the main base, here I already hit the pin look how it looks and
also varnish it here and apply a layer of varnish to the entire pinewood as
can see and on the pin also now what let's do is place the hooks
for wood here they are called cancamo, not you know what they are called in your country have here in the
point a screw to enter it, what I do is that with a
bug of these for billboard, first Mark the distance that will fit me
distributed here of two centimeters in each end
so what I do is with the chinch
make a little hole this then then after we go to
insert the hooks to give it a little more decoration
take some accounts that sell wood and I split them in half so that
look like that, give us something more than decoration when we stick it there
beads (spheres) are sold in jewelery stores this is used to make bracelets
or necklaces, it's very simple simply by much
be careful that what I did so much take some tweezers hold it and with a
I cut it thin in half holding on a very firm base
if you do not want to do this they can simply put the
hook alone and it's ready, so now what we are going to do is
is to place the hooks
ready friends here we put the hook
with the accessory look how it looks, how highlights this part, now what we are going to
to do is to place the holder of the holder keys here in the back
then for that support I will use a stick low tongues this the one
doctors use to examine us and two pieces of wire those bits
they can be 13 centimeters approximately
and then what we are going to do is place thus leave a part on exit
let's leave about two centimeters and a half three centimeters of
the outside inward then we are going to fold like this
here in this part we are going to leave
a ring
more or less I'm leaving a ring in a little more than one centimeter
here in the front you see that the wire keeps protruding and
we turn and bend again so on the inside we would stay like this
the other part we will do the same
leaving approximately the same distance
the ring but we must take special care
leave it more or less the same, the same length
again we turn
this after doing this then now let's take hot silicone already
we have it this way the same length we're going to turn
in the part where you will be hanging in the back and then
What we do now is apply a lot of silicone or white glue,
we apply on this
part of here
and we're going to stick it right
well and well distributed to side and side
that is well stuck, already this part as it is wire the
we can bend a little out for when we go to place the two
sprigs or screws on the wall or where we are going to place it then
we are supported on both sides when we place a single support
so if we put two keys to the side then we turn the portal keys
so it is with better support
here at this point you could say that We have already finished if you wish
can stick the bicycle by applying a little silicone in the back
but then to give a better finish to this project at this point I'm going to
continue using a resin that called twins are these two liquids that
let's mix after having it very well mixed we will apply it with
very careful without having stuck yet the bicycle we are going to apply in this
surface and I'm going to show you how we are going to do it
good friends for the preparation of the cufflinks or the resin cufflinks then the
surface must be completely straight then how do you place this piece of
here then I will have the dea so what I do is with something that is
of the same size locate it and treat it the surface is completely flat and
not going to be inclined, now for the preparation then let's take
the twins here I made a little mark because we must take the same
quantity of the two bottles then when we have the right vial
then we see that we are going to take the same amount, here I made a
small mark then what we do is take out look that is right at the point
in which we have marked
here I take out and I'm checking here precisely
it was already on the line
and we are going to get the same amount of the other bottle
he was perfect then we get the same amount
Now what we are going to do is with a stick and in a bowl we're going to
start mixing, this mix we're going to do continuous until we feel that
the product heats up because these two liquids when mixed together form a
chemical reaction which warns us in the moment when we feel that it is
warm the mixture when it is already is heating up then we're going to
pour slowly we are going to pour it and what we are going to be scattering in all the
ready friends here I already made the mix already I feel like it's hot now I'm going to
start pouring already on the entire surface, first in
the center we are not going to apply on the post
the post we painted yellow no, not in the part where the
hooks, let's apply in the center to start distributing outward
then with this same stick we go spreading the mixture
taking it to the edges without leaving let it be watered
without reaching the point of spilling, then we will try to
spread the entire surface
well here then I finished, one in the corners or on the edges what does
It is very careful to give small touches so that the liquid does not overflow
then we already verified that no there was no space left unfilled then
Now I'm going to take the bicycle I'm going to locate right where I want to
that will remain so
We let it fall a little care ... well, then with this she goes to
get stuck also by the resin, she will stay together
to the project then now what are we going to do is let it dry there
approximately you have to let it dry 12 hours but I recommend that 12 hours
that you already feel that it is dry do not go to play because there may still be a
little fresh and traces may remain and then this project is to leave it in
this point is already letting it dry enough at least about 24 hours
good friends and here is already finished our project
and let the resin dry for 12 hours this point can be manipulated but
same way I recommend you leave it rest 12 more hours so that you already
compact very well and at the moment of touching it will not be printed
our footprints, I hope you have pleased this project, if so
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are publishing, thank you very much as always for having accompanied me and we
We come back to see you here with more Art in Your Hands
TRABALHO DE FÍSICA - O Aquecimento Global (LEGENDA DISPONÍVEL) - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
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Bring It!: FULL EPISODE - "Baby" Doll Don't Mean "Baby" (Season 1, Episode 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 42:39.-------------------------------------------
Mingyu "Don't I look adorable?!" [Happy Together/2019.02.07] - Duration: 15:54.JeA and Cheetah are the top ladies for fierceness,
but Mingyu is the top for self-love.
I heard it's really bad.
In a sense, it's my happiness.
- Please elaborate. / - I don't care
what people think of my looks and other things.
"I am handsome. I like myself."
I try to keep those thoughts and stay happy.
It's hard to be that way.
- He is the top. / - People may say that
I am self-absorbed or that I am narcissistic, but...
You are just happy with yourself.
It's fine as long as you don't cause harm.
- That's right. / - It's not a problem.
I really relate to him.
- What? / - I write to myself a lot.
- That's right. / - You write
- messages to yourself on SNS. / - What does he write?
- Let's take a look. / - How cute!
It's Mingyu when he was little.
- How cute! / - He wrote,
"Hello, Mingyu. How old are you? So cute!"
- Did you write this yourself? / - Yes.
- Don't I look adorable? / - You do, but...
I don't remember that time in my life,
so I was fascinated.
It's a message from Mingyu to Mingyu.
Right. It is a bit embarrassing.
Saeho, you also write to yourself often.
I pat myself before I go to bed.
- That's good. / - "You worked hard today."
"Let's work hard tomorrow as well, Saeho."
When I look at myself in the mirror,
"Don't stop, my heart. Let's beat a bit longer."
- You prepare comments. / - It's too early for
- your heart to stop. / - "Let's flutter a bit longer."
I do this a lot. Do you hate that?
- I love it. / - Really?
I have a question for Mingyu.
When do you think you look the coolest?
I tend to like myself at all times.
After work is done and I've thanked the staff members,
"Mingyu, thank you for your hard work."
- You tell yourself that. / - Yes.
Like Saeho,
I say to the mirror, "You worked hard today."
"Let's go to bed. Your skin looks amazing."
(Your skin looks amazing.)
You even love your oily hair.
When I wear a hat over my oily hair,
I think to myself, "You look fine."
What does Mingyu say to Mingyu?
I say, "You look fine."
(I look fine.)
Mingyu, your best friend is Cha Eunwoo.
(Mingyu's best friend is Cha Eunwoo?)
I can't believe it.
It's a friendship between handsome men.
That's incredible.
- Those words make me uncomfortable. / - What words?
- "Friendship between..." / - You are smiling.
- I am happy. / - You are smiling.
- I know. / - He definitely smiled.
I really thought he didn't like them.
I actually love hearing those words.
How did the two of you become friends?
We met many times through shows.
We are also the same age,
- so we speak comfortably. / - You are the same age.
Our dormitories are very close,
so we try to meet often.
Is there another member you hang out with?
We meet up with idols who were born in 1997.
There is a group.
- Who are in it? / - Kwon Hyuksoo is in it.
- What? / - Didn't he enter university in 1997?
We're close with Hyuksoo, and often hang out together.
He wasn't born in 1997, but he weighs 97kg.
(That's how he joined the group.)
- That's right. / - Look at them.
- They are handsome. / - Unbelievable.
They are handsome.
(Their good looks cleanse the eyes.)
You root for each other.
When we don't have time to see each other,
we root for each other that way.
Recently, photos of idols looking like a boyfriend
is popular among women,
and apparently, Mingyu's photos
are the epitome of boyfriend-looks.
I am jealous that he is on top of the trend.
(You will feel as if you are on a date.)
- How handsome! / - Do you aim for that effect?
I can't help but aim for that effect.
I knew it. Those photos seem that way.
- He is aiming for it. / - It's obvious.
It's an everyday photo
with a splash of handsomeness.
He has the know-how.
Kwangkyu, you need to learn the know-how
for these boyfriend photos.
His will be husband photos.
That's not true.
He hasn't gotten married.
- Right, he didn't. / - He is single.
Mingyu, please teach him a few tips.
The bottom of the frame should be at your shoes.
- Why? / - It makes your legs look long
and your face looks small.
I have an app that makes my skin smooth.
Do you use those apps?
Those photos might look artificial.
- That's right. / - Don't use them.
I go for the artificial look.
They'll say, "His skin doesn't look like this."
- That's right. / - It wouldn't be good.
- He is really bad. / - That's right.
- You recently posted a photo. / - Me? Yes.
It was like Saeho from 10 years ago.
- He is really bad. / - His eyes were big.
He looks different.
Mingyu, please teach Kwangkyu the know-how
on boyfriend photos.
- Mingyu to Kwangkyu. / - Teach him just the basics.
Take a photo from above
- to make your chin sharper. / - Go on.
Instead of a forced smile,
a blank face is better.
A blank face is better.
- Show us three options. / - Okay.
Let's do it without stopping.
In one, two, three. Click. In one, two, three. Click.
(He is the best at boyfriend photos.)
- He looked up and down. / - That was very natural.
The movement and angle of his neck
tell me that he is an expert.
(A date at a cafe with a boyfriend)
This is very simple.
Look up and down.
- I can't do it. / - Give it a try.
He looks handsome no matter what he does.
- That's not true. / - Don't worry about it.
Let's go. Get ready.
- In one, two, three. / - How cute!
(The atmosphere is that of film noir.)
- There is a problem. / - He looks down.
- He looks too down. / - There is a problem.
When you get your photo taken,
you should relax your mouth.
- You are right. / - Mingyu opened his mouth,
but Don Spike did this.
That's why he didn't look natural.
- Open your mouth. Relax your mouth. / - Open it a bit.
- There you go. / - In one, two, three. Click.
You got it.
- You got it. / - That's right.
- You got it. / - You got it.
- You looked like a baby dinosaur. / - You got it.
- What did I get? / - You got it.
- What did I get? / - Screen time.
I got screen time.
- Kwangkyu. / - Do I need to do it too?
- Be serious. Do it seriously. / - Okay.
- Kwangkyu will do well as an actor. / - He will.
In one, two, three. Click. In one, two, three. Click.
- What was that? / - "What does your dad do?"
Are you a villain?
(What does your dad do?)
(He looks like a villain.)
- You are a villain. / - "What does your dad do?"
Stop it! What does your dad do?
(He recreates a scene from "Friend".)
Why did you sneer?
- This is embarrassing. / - Mingyu.
If looking natural when seated is beginner level,
let's up this to intermediate level.
Give us your killer move.
- Killer move? / - The upper body shot.
- Okay. / - I fix my hair.
- You fix your hair. / - I see.
- It's a good tip. / - Fix my hair?
(Don Spike becomes sad.)
He doesn't have hair to fix.
(He belatedly realizes his mistake.)
He doesn't have hair to fix.
Are you making fun of them?
- Mingyu. / - They don't have hair!
(Things are out of control.)
Why did you tell them to fix their hair?
They don't have hair!
Why did you tell them to fix their hair?
They don't have hair to fix!
- Please leave that out. / - I will fix my wording.
Please be considerate.
- Scratch your head. / - Scratch your head.
You can do that, right?
- They don't have hair. / - Scratch your head.
Scratch your head like this.
Mingyu, let's take an upper body shot.
- Okay. / - In one, two, three. Click.
- It makes you look shy. / - In one, two, three. Click.
- In one, two, three. Click. / - You look cute.
- It's natural like the flow of water. / - I feel shy.
No need to be shy, Mingyu.
- The three of them / - That's right.
- starred in "Produce 101". / - That's right.
- You two were the teachers. / - That's right.
Chungha, you call them by their names
at this point, right?
Yes. I have done it with JeA,
but it's my first time to do it with Cheetah.
- It's your first time. / - I see.
I never asked her to call me by my name.
She did it anyway.
Calling them "Teacher" puts a distance.
- It puts a distance. / - Yes.
There is something Chungha wants to ask JeA.
- What is it? / - She gave an interview
after "Produce 101" ended.
When the interviewer asked which member
she would like for Brown Eyed Girls,
- she picked me. / - That's right.
- Really? / - Yes.
She would be perfect as the youngest member.
- For Brown Eyed Girls? / - Yes.
Brown Eyes Girls needs a makeover,
so Chungha would be the perfect addition.
Her character goes well with ours.
- She is chic. / - That's why you picked her.
Chungha's version of "Abracadabra".
I think it would be nice.
- It would be amazing. / - I know.
(Kwangkyu leans back.)
Let's hear it.
My goodness.
(He sounds like an old man.)
What was that?
Excuse me.
Do you think this is "Song Stage"?
I thought this was "Song Stage".
You sounded like the CEO of an agency.
You sounded like a higher-up.
I feel like I'm at an audition.
Would you give us a performance?
Let's see it. Come on.
(A collaboration for "Abracadabra")
Come on.
(JeA and Chungha's "Abracadabra")
(JeA shows off her hair.)
(Chungha shows off her flexibility.)
Let's go.
In one, two, three, four.
(I will go crazy at this rate)
(Chungha performs a former teacher's song.)
- Spin! / - They are good.
They are good.
(Yoonhee's jaw drops.)
This is nice.
(They give a fan service.)
(Do you love her?)
- Jaeseok is flustered. / - She is fierce.
(The next target)
Don't you know the song?
- I know the song, / - You asked the wrong man.
but you were too fierce.
I was excited.
♪ Do you love her? ♪
(It was like a karaoke after a get-together.)
I couldn't look her in the eye.
Chungha dances very well.
I saw the way she moved her hips. It was very sexy.
It's as if they were separate from her upper body.
You have a nice body roll.
(He is like the CEO of an agency.)
- Thank you. / - Is this "K-pop Star"? Are you a judge?
- Chungha has a question for Jaeseok. / - For me?
What is it?
- We met on a music show. / - "Sugar Man".
That's right. I.O.I was a guest performer there
- before our official debut. / - That's right.
We went to greet senior members of the show.
Most would just say, "Hello. Let's work well together."
However, Jaeseok knew each member's name
and shook everyone's hand.
11 is not a small number.
He even remembered that I am a dancer.
He diligently watched "Produce 101".
- I watched it from the start. / - I was so touched.
Do you have a coordinator for variety shows?
A coordinator for variety shows?
- Like "Sky Castle"? / - I don't have one.
Does the coordinator visit and teach you?
- The variety shows? / - That's right.
- I don't have one. / - Like a tutor.
I enjoyed watching "Produce 101",
so I was happy to meet you.
- You voted for Chungha, right? / - What?
I voted for everyone.
- There were many girls. / - I voted for everyone.
Now it's time for our signature segment.
We will erase your embarrassing past completely
for a small price of 1.10 dollar tax included.
No one has paid the price.
- How do you erase it? / - Pardon?
- Do you erase it on the Internet? / - Of course.
- Really? / - We erase it.
- Really? / - So it won't appear
- if we look it up? / - Of course not.
- A lot of people have doubts. / - That's incredible.
During the preliminary interview,
- Kwangkyu protested. / - Why did you do that?
This is a ploy to dig up my past.
- That's not true. / - Things will be worse.
This isn't a ploy to dig up your past.
We erase your embarrassing past.
When we say, "Leviosa", it becomes a secret.
Your memory will get erased,
but it might make the top search term.
Think of it this way. The top search term is
- like a necessary step. / - That's right.
Think of it this way.
People look it up to erase their memories.
Kwangkyu is like a vending machine
- of embarrassing past. / - There are many stories.
One of them is Kwangkyu's Chain Letter.
What is that?
The message inside goes,
"You have been hit with Hair Loss Beam."
(Take the Hair Loss Beam.)
"Type, 'Grow, hair' in 30 seconds"
"if you don't want to lose hair like Kwangkyu."
"It's not too late."
- "30, 29..." / - Do I need to do this?
- "28..." / - Really?
"Type, 'Grow, hair' in 30 seconds."
- Where is the keyboard? / - Grow, hair.
Grow, hair.
(You have been hit with Hair Loss Beam.)
- Do you know about this meme? / - "Grow, hair" showed
frequently in the comment section of my articles.
"Grow, hair."
I have seen it.
Kwangkyu has trauma about chain letters.
After a blind date,
I couldn't reach the woman
even though I was a bit interested.
After six months,
- I received a text. / - From her?
- Yes. / - After six months?
"This letter has its origin in the UK..."
She must have sent it to everyone to avoid the curse.
I called her.
"Did you send it by mistake?"
She said
she sent it in a fluster.
She had to send it right away.
- That's right. / - That's how it happened.
She must have been scared upon getting it.
- I know. / - My goodness.
Kwangkyu's name makes him the first person
- in the directory. / - That makes sense.
That's the answer.
- That's the answer. / - You are smart.
- I see. / - All actors have profile photos.
Kwangkyu has photos he wants to erase.
- What? / - What are those?
What are those?
- My goodness. / - I can't believe him.
He is like Heihachi of "Tekken".
- This is... / - "Tekken".
Why did you take those photos?
What are those?
I was going through a tough time,
so I tried to stand out.
I got Atom's hair.
Your facial expression isn't funny,
- but serious. / - That's right.
It makes you look like the devil. Seriously.
- Goodness. / - Don't I have Mingyu's eyes?
- You are handsome. / - What?
If you look this way, he is handsome.
- He is handsome? / - Yes.
He says he looks like Song Joongki with hair.
I feel bad for Joongki.
After he distributed those profile photos,
a broadcasting company gave him a call
for "Truth Game".
(It was for "Truth Game".)
My goodness.
"Who is really bald?"
Isn't it amazing? His face is the same.
- His face is the same. / - Seriously.
- He hasn't changed. / - I know.
I was living in a students' apartment,
where the monthly rent was 160 dollars.
The appearance fee was 300 dollars,
so I starred in the show to earn two months' rent.
Were the panelists confused about
who's really bald?
They were confused.
It's going around the Internet.
- We'll erase it for you, / - Yes, we will.
so don't worry.
- Leviosa. / - Leviosa.
We will take away your pain.
- Has it been erased? / - Yes.
- Is that so? / - Of course.
- Thank you for that. / - Don't you worry.
Just relax. We told you so.
Forgetting it yourself is most important.
Must I be the one to forget?
We already cast the spell.
- Isn't it gone now? / - You must forget it.
I just desperately want that photo gone.
- We'll make sure of that. / - Right.
WP Video Machine Review 😏 Don't Buy 😏 Without My Special Bonuses - Duration: 25:09.wp video machine review
Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0TSI/116pk STYLE|2018|LED koplampen|Cruise+ACC|Navi|PDC|Zwart dak|17" 'Mayfield'| - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Car Crash in Minneapolis Trucker Rudi 02-10-19 Vlog#1680 - Duration: 10:13.good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to the show we
have just gotten our day started here a little while ago and coming to
Minneapolis and this is what we get over here looks like another snowstorm coming
through yeah yeah yeah yeah this is not good I was really hoping that we were
gonna have nice dry roads today but sure doesn't look that way
that seems to be really sticking to the wind chill too so and we'll see how far
this will last but this is what you get this is what we get
anyhow I just figured I'd tune in and say good morning to you guys and
yesterday's video I told you guys about how about that you guys could vote or if
you wanted to see the video in the morning or in the evening and a few more
of you guys have gone in there and voted and it looks like the majority of you
guys want to see the videos in the morning so I think here in a couple more
weeks I'll probably change it back to the morning I'm not sure exactly one
that's going to happen but I figured I would do a test out test run and see how
you guys would like it and for the most part now there is a certain number of
people that like it in the evening and I personally like doing it because
then I can chat with you guys life and then a lot of people like that but
there's also a good number of people who like it in the morning so we'll see I
think I'll change it back to the morning is the majority of you guys said you
want to see it in the morning and that's been kind of what I've done it for many
years right so I guess most of you guys are used to doing it that way but anyhow
let's see we can get to Minneapolis here and get onto the i-35 southbound and
hopefully hopefully we don't get in any barracks oh dear on the road so we can
kind of you know just keep on cruising right I'm gonna go around this
four-wheeler up here he keeps going really slow I mean I feel safe I got a
really really heavy load anyways they got pretty much maxed out anyhow so I
got good traction but some people they're scared to drive in a little bit
of snow right there we go guys this is what I suspect that was going to happen
and sooner or later somebody's going too fast for the conditions and then
there's gonna be an accident and it's like just like minutes later after I
turned on the camera previously right and we already got an accident somebody
spun out over here it looks like and hit the wall and now everybody's gonna slow
down and come to a crawl and don't want to get some pictures of it right
of course I'm hands-free right so mine is a reading AG Boyce activated Lou this
guy here he's not given the four told truck any room they're really not
supposed to be in the lane there and two of them two four-wheelers right there
got into it so anyways let's go ahead and continue on cruising along here and
I just hope that the road doesn't get shut down you know that's what I'm
really hoping for looks like somebody has hit the ditch again or something
here yeah holy moly these pieces fell right off of the off of the flatbed over
there holy moly these big pieces of Steel
but we have finally got none of the snowstorm for right now I think a little
bit later we might be running into it again but as of right now we're out of
it but I was coming down pretty good there for a good while yeah and I could
have parked over here but maybe a little bit of a pit stop but I decided to go
ahead and continue on cruising along maybe that way even I was smoking bear
sitting up there in the middle I guess trying to give everybody a heads up to
move over into the left lane right but yeah things can happen really really
quickly right but I will be making me a little bit of a pit stop here in a
little bit I'm getting a little bit hungry so I still have food in the truck
so I might I might just go into a rest area somewhere
and just warned me some food up just decided to make me my little pit stop
here well in Iowa already at one of the rest areas it's a it's just like a
parking area they don't really have any bathrooms or anything like that here but
I went ahead and warmed up some chicken alfredo yeh I have my regular stuff here
a bottle of water and I had to go ahead and put in more windshield washer fluid
because I ran out just before I got here and I kind of figured that because I you
know I was only home overnight right so the mechanics didn't have time to fill
that up yet so I kind of suspected that but you know we used quite a bit already
over the last little while too because of all the snow and all that stuff that
we had gotten but man this thing is smelling good over here so I gotta hang
it up and eat and I'll talk to you guys in a bit
I just got onto i-80 here in Iowa guys and for some odd reason I got the
hiccups a little bit but yeah hold the customer up here a little bit earlier
and uh good thing I did because he told me that it's a different address than
what our dispatch had given me there so lovely it's not too far out it looks
like it's only a couple of blocks the other way but it is in the same area
right but anyways sad we got about 35 more
miles to go and then I'll be calling it a date because we got the Iowa 80 truck
stops in those areas right of pride although this paper towel just fell down
from up there I guess it doesn't like being up there but anyways my windshield
is constantly getting dirty here so I'm constantly having to use my windshield
washer fluid to keep it clean but hey that's how it goes right I'm gonna have
to clean my side windows and my mirrors to when I get up when I get up there to
Iowa 80 this is just ridiculous I can barely see my mirrors but anyhow
so that means we're will be done here in a little bit at least driving
and then we'll go deliver this load in the morning I didn't even make myself
available yet because I'm not honored sure if I'll get a load or war how long
it's going to take to get offloaded right I'm sure I'm gonna get me reload
somewhere but it's gonna be probably going back home wouldn't surprise me but
either way I don't really care I need more I need more miles right
if I have to roll on background rules Oliver I can't even say it right bike if
I have to run on recap and then that's okay
I don't mind or if I have to do a reset somewhere I don't mind that either now
as I get miles right
that's the main goal anyway so let's get down to Iowa 80 and all of the day I
made it down to Walcott Iowa to the Iowa 80 truck stop guys and I decided you
know what let's just call it a day over here I don't really want to get any
closer to Davenport there probably won't be any any parking available so we're
only 31 miles away from getting to the customer anyways and so figure I can
just do that in the morning and we already got a surreal oh - we're gonna
go to DeKalb Illinois and pick up a reload there and go to Winnipeg yeah at
least we know what we're doing so with that being said I know I didn't really
go in here and show you guys but you know I've been in here before right I've
shown you guys before maybe next time I'll feel feel like going in there and
showing you guys again but not today anyhow with that being said I'm gonna go
ahead and close off the show and we'll see you guys back here tomorrow I have a
great day
Filmora Intro Effects | Make Your Intros POP with Filmora 9! - Duration: 2:53.Intros can be a super cool thing to have in your videos and you can make a
lot of different types in Filmora... like this!
Stick around, I'll show you how
Hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell to be part of the conversation.
We're going to use a few tricks today that I haven't talked a lot about before.
The first thing we need to do is create the text graphic that we
want to use for our intro
For this one, I made it all about me.
Like I don't do that every week, right?
So I spelled out my name.
but you can use any words or font or even text motion
available in Filmora 9
That you want to use for your intro to make it exactly the way you want yours to look
The only thing you have to do, is to make sure that you create white letters on a black background.
Got it? White letters black background
Next, we want to bounce this footage
Bouncing is something I'll talk about more in the future
But all that means is taking the tracks you're currently working with
exporting them
at a high resolution and bringing that footage back into Filmora
Once we our bounced text footage back into Filmora you'll need to find yourself
some other footage that you think looks really cool.
I found this footage of a sunset
over the water looking at a city skyline on pixabay.com
This totally reminds me of my old stomping grounds in Boston, Massachusetts
so I went with this one
Next, bring the footage you think is cool down into the main timelin
Then, bring the bounced text footage into the track above it
Now here's where the magic happens
Click on the bounced text footage and in the upper left click
on "compositing"
In the blending mode drop-down, choose either Darken or Multiply
Both will work for this effect
I happen to like multiply because it's a
bit more crisp around the edges
the minute you activate it you'll
instantly see that your background image now shows through the white letters of your text.
How cool is that?
But to really make your intro pop,
Go to your background track and use Filmora's color adjustment tools
To really push them over the edge
For my intro, I really pumped up the orange and red colors
and I also added audio effects to make the entire thing seem more powerful
I zoomed in for a couple of frames and then I added the free suspense impact sound effect
Which is available from the Halloween sounds pack in the Filmora library
to give my intro that extra bang for its buck I've mentioned this before
I've mentioned this before, but there are a ton of free effects
that you can download from Filmora right now
and I'll put a link in the upper right hand corner in the description below
to show you how to find them.
I put all of these very simple elements together and...
【HANJO Japanese Lesson】#16 Weather - 天気 - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
Absolutely Stunning 30' Journey Tiny Home Ready for Her New Home in Warrior, Alabama - Duration: 4:20.Absolutely Stunning 30' Journey Tiny Home Ready for Her New Home in Warrior, Alabama
Oscars predictions: Glenn Close, 'Green Book' to take home the gold - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
2019 Seattle Real Estate Predictions - Duration: 5:38.- Let's talk about the few variables
that are going on this year that we really caused me
to be uncomfortable in making any kind of prediction.
(upbeat music)
Hello Seattle.
This is Christy Kinnaird, Seattle Living Spaces
coming to you with your 2019 real estate predictions.
I realize we are already in February but it is what it is.
I literally couldn't give you predictions
until I knew what was happening
with the government shutdown.
No chance.
And probably no chance that their accurate
because let's look at number one.
My real estate predictions are always wrong.
I've been doing them since 2015
and sometimes I'm off by an inch
and sometimes I'm off by a mile.
So I don't know why you guys are even listening to me
because I haven't gotten it right yet.
To prove that, last year I predicted single family houses
would end the year at $775,000.
The median sales price for a single family home
will be $775,000.
They ended it at $715,000.
I predicted condos even more boldly
would end the year at $550,000.
Median sales price for a condo is going to be $550,000.
They ended the year at $485,000.
So I am a science girl.
I am not a predictions girl.
A lot of real estate agents,
myself I've been guilty of this.
We like to say we don't have a crystal ball.
What I really mean is I can't make a prediction
because I don't have the right data.
We can come back again about a year from now
and see if I did it.
Right and I don't know which data I would need
to make an accurate prediction, but people love predictions,
and apparently I'm like the weatherman.
I can be wrong and you guys will keep tuning in.
So number one is the interest rates.
Although we are at historically low interest rates,
psychologically most of our buyers now,
first time home buyers are now 35% of the total buyer pool
okay and 75% of those first time home buyers
are millennials or younger and I'm sorry millennials.
I love you.
I know you hate that phrase but it is what it is.
And people who are under the age of 35
have really no interest rates to be above 5%, 6% right.
So when these interest rates
just barely popped into the fives,
it took the whole market to a halt.
So if our interest rates do get back up
to I don't know 5% or 6%, which is still a healthy number,
it's definitely gonna impact the transactional volume.
Second thing is international relations okay.
Real estate is a tangled web.
It does not live on its own island.
It is tied to consumer confidence, employment rates,
stock market activity, you know bond rates.
All sorts of really complicated stuff,
which we've got a lot of variables going on
with both stuff happening here on our home turf
and also with the way that we're getting along
with the rest of the nation.
And that brings me to part number three
is presidential behavior okay.
Again this is not politics.
This is real estate.
So you love him or you hate him, that's you.
Your choice.
What I know is he's not the most predictable person
in the world right.
- It's the honest ones you wanna watch out for
'cause you can never predict are they gonna
do something incredibly stupid.
- And large financial markets like the stock market
and the housing market thrive on predictability.
So without the predictability that we're accustomed to,
our markets are more nervous
and behave a little bit more erratically.
So this is an extra tough year to make predictions
and I read all the other predictions.
The National Association of Realtors.
The this' the that's.
The people that are way smarter than me,
have way bigger data than me,
and are way more respected than me
and everybody is saying we're gonna have
modest price growth this year okay.
They're saying it varies between 3% and 6%
is what all the experts are predicting.
Well maybe that's why you love me
because I don't always agree with the experts in my field.
So my bold predictions for the city of Seattle only.
I'm only talking about Seattle,
but for the city of Seattle in the year of 2019,
I think we're gonna have prices soften.
So by December 31st of 2019
here's what I think is gonna happen.
Our median sales price for a single family home
is currently I'm looking at all the nerdy stuff
I have hidden over there that you can't see.
Although you did see it because all these
giant pieces of paper that I use for all my videos,
yeah a lot of them live right on top of my desk.
It's like Rainman nerd central.
Anyway I predict houses to be $695,000
at the end of the year and condos to be $470,000.
So that is not gonna make me popular
and it's not me trying to freak you out okay.
For our lives when it's the right time to buy,
it's the right time to buy,
but if you're one of those folks
who thinks they can time the market, you might wanna wait,
because I think there may be better deals to have.
So softening not crashing.
Not great news.
Not horrible news.
And maybe totally wrong news 'cause again,
scene number one I'm always wrong.
So that's it, guys.
I am really interested.
I don't always love hearing your comments,
especially some of you YouTubers.
You know who you are.
But this I actually wanna hear what you have to think
and you are absolutely allowed to disagree with me
as long as we are being polite and we're playing nice
and if you don't play nice,
I will kick you out of my sandbox.
- So play nice.
- 'Cause I am meanmom.com.
Alright kids let's taco 'bout it
and yeah more data next time.
(upbeat music)
✅ Breaking News - Chris Eubank Jr reveals his dad's bankruptcy taught him a lesson - Duration: 5:13.Chris Eubank Jnr has revealed how going through his famous father's bankruptcy humiliation when he was only 15 taught him to cement his financial future
Chris Senior went under his debts, including more than a million in back taxes, in 2005
Chris Junior, as he prepares to bank a projected £2 million-plus from Saturday's super-middleweight grudge fight with James DeGale at London's 02, says: 'Dad's problem shaped me - 100 per cent
'You have to learn from other people's mistakes, especially those close to you. Share this article Share 'I saw how it affected my father and what he had to do and put up with at that stage of his life
That was the last thing I wanted to happen to me.' Eubank Sr, now 52, squandered an estimated £10 million in career earnings on his extravagant lifestyle when the Inland Revenue foreclosed and his son says: 'My Dad went crazy with his spending at certain times in his life
'He had a great life. He still has a great life. But you've got to be smart with your money and the sad, cold truth about this sport is that a lot of fighters are not educated or they're ill advised
'So they blow their purses on partying, drinking, girls or gambling. I know so many who've thrown their money away
It's sad.'Footballers have dedicated committees to help them with their money and it should be the same for boxers
Especially boxers because we are impulsive. We have to be to fight.'Most successful boxers come from hard backgrounds
From nothing. Hardly any are educated in private schools, like I was. So when they get their money they just spend It and they don't think about having to retire at 35
' Eubank thanks his father for that harsh example. As he does for all he is still learning, as a 29-year-old former IBO world champion, from Chris Snr
He denies that their relationship has changed, even though his father is less in attendance at the gym on Hove sea-front - now that he has finally employed a full-time head trainer - and will be less conspicuous near his corner for the DeGale fight
After going through his paces with his new American mentor Nate Vasquez he says: 'My Dad and I are as close as ever
He's not been physically around lately because he has a lot of business going on in other countries and is often away for months
'He's only just back from the US. But of course we talk on the phone constantly. Especially about boxing when I have a fight coming up
' Critics who had been calling for Junior to distance himself from his showman father are applauding the appointment of the Mayweather influenced Vasquez and Eubank admits: 'The loss to George Groves made me realise I need a full-on trainer and Nate has already done a lot of work on my movement
Which I never thought enough about before when I was focussing on my fitness, strength and heart to win fights
'But my Dad taught me so much about boxing from the beginning. And he's still teaching me
The amount of knowledge, advice and guidance he has given me for this fight with DeGale is invaluable
Not least because it is a cliff-edge fight for our careers and neither me nor James want to be the one who falls off
' When the talk returns to finance, he says: 'My goal is to invest most of my money in property, so it can build over time
It may not be exciting but I have flats I'm letting here (in Brighton). The returns may not seem massive but in 30, 40, 50 years time it will still be there
I would never want to have to keep on fighting to pay the rent.' It may seem to be a paradox that he speaks about 'spending in moderation on enjoying my life now' just as he takes delivery of a new McLaren road car to replace his Bentley
But the cost, £220,000, is only about a tenth of what he can expect to bank from his Saturday night's work at the O2 and he says: 'I've earned the hard way my right to have some fun in my 20s and 30s but I live the dedicated boxer's life while controlling my finances
' DeGale v Eubank will be televised live Saturday night on ITV Box Office. Share this article Share
Two suspects in Jussie Smollett attack released without charges due to new evidence - Duration: 4:30.UPDATE: Chicago Police announced Friday night that the two suspects arrested in connection with the Jan
29 attack on Empire star Jussie Smollett have been released without being charged
Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi tweeted: "Due to new evidence as a result of today's interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete
" Case Update: Due to new evidence as a result of today's interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete
pic.twitter.com/Hswn1Qjgcy — Anthony Guglielmi (@AJGuglielmi) February 16, 2019 EARLIER: More than two weeks after an apparent racial and homophobic attack on Empire star Jussie Smollett, two men have been arrested, the Chicago PD confirmed to EW, adding that no charges have yet been filed
While police tell EW they can't confirm the identities of the men until charges are approved, TMZ reports they are Nigerian brothers Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo, whose house was raided by Chicago PD on Wednesday
The arrest of the men comes the day after two Chicago media outlets reported that police believed Smollett wasn't the victim of a recent attack, but that he and his two supposed attackers staged the incident because the actor was being written off of Empire
The Chicago PD quickly struck those reports down as "uninformed and inaccurate," while Fox and the Empire team strongly denied any possibility that Smollett, who has starred as Jamal Lyon for all five seasons, would be killed off the show
On Jan. 29, Smollett, who is gay and plays a gay character on Empire, was walking to get food in Chicago, where the series films, when he says two unknown offenders approached him, yelling racial and homophobic slurs
They then attacked him, he claims, pouring an unknown chemical substance on him and even wrapping a rope around his neck
The offenders fled the scene, while Smollett transported himself to Northwestern Hospital
"I went to the Subway, got my order," Smollett said on Thursday's Good Morning America, his first interview since the attack
"During that time I texted my manager, thinking that he was still in Australia…I said, 'Call me when you can
' He called me immediately and while he was on the phone, I heard as I was crossing the intersection, 'Empire!' And I don't answer to Empire, my name ain't Empire
And I didn't answer, I kept walking, and then I heard, "f— Empire n—.' So I turned around and I said, 'What the f– did you just say to me?' And I see the attacker, masked, and he said, 'This MAGA country, n–,' and he punched me right in the face
So I punched his a— back and then we started tussling." He added: "There was a second person involved who was kicking me in my back and then it just stopped and they ran off
" Related content: Empire is killing off a major character — Fox insists it isn't Jussie Smollett Jussie Smollett details his assault in first interview since Chicago attack
Trump quotes Limbaugh: Mueller's investigators 'ought to be in jail' - Daily News - Duration: 4:05.President Donald Trump leveraged the opinion of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Sunday to suggest that investigators on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team should be facing prison terms for a political cover-up
'These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail. What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented,' trump tweeted, attributing the words to Limbaugh, the nation's most listend-to radio host
'This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup,' he continued, citing Limbaugh by name
The radio host said something similar on 'Fox News Sunday.' He alleged that there has been 'real collusion and conspiracy between Democrats and Russians to undermine the Trump candidacy and the Trump presidency,' while the much-sought evidence of collusion between Moscow and Trump's 2016 campaign has so far remained elusive
Limbaugh cited the case of Andrew McCabe, the former deputy FBI director who said this week in a CBS News interview that he knew of Justice Department discussions about using the 25th Amendment to the U
S. Constitution to remove Trump from office. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, McCabe said, 'raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort
'Limbaugh could hardly contain himself.'These people are unelected. They took it upon themselves to overthrow the election results of 2016,' he said, 'ignoring the potential real collusion and conspiracy between Democrats and Russians to undermine the Trump candidacy and the Trump presidency
' Share this article Share 11 shares Trump has repeatedly called the special counsel probe a 'witch hunt,' insisting that his campaign did not collude with Russians to tile the 2016 election in his favor
He and other Republicans have claimed that collusion could be found among Justice Department officials who used a thinly sourced but sensational opposition research dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee, as justification for surveillance warrants against his 2016 advisers
'The Mueller investigation, I believe, is a cover-up of all of that. It's to distract everybody's attention,' Limbaugh claimed on Sunday
'People unelected, simply because they don't like a guy's hairstyle or like where he came from, decided the American people's decision was invalid and began a systematic process to get him thrown out of office
This is a silent coup,' he said.'These guys, if you ask me, ought to be the ones in jail
They ought to be the ones under investigation.''What they have done, working with agents from the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented,' Limbaugh contended
'This is a kind – this is one of the greatest political hoaxes that has ever been perpetrated on the people of this country, certainly in a couple of generations
Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's Younger Sister and Former Princess, Dies at 85 - News Today - Duration: 7:33.Lee Radziwill, the younger sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and mother-in-law of Real Housewives of New York alum Carole Radziwill, died at her home in New York City on Friday, according to the New York Times and WWD
She was 85. Radziwill's daughter, Anna Christina Radziwill, told the Times that her mother died of natural causes
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The daughter of Janet Norton Lee and John Vernou "Black Jack" Bouvier, Radziwill grew up in New York City and East Hampton and attended Miss Porter's School, along with her sister, Jackie
She developed a passion for art, interior design, writers and fashion that continued throughout her life and made her a style icon for decades
Designer Tory Burch paid tribute to Lee on Saturday. "We are heartbroken and I will miss our dear friend
Rest In Peace, Lee Radziwill," she wrote in a tweet. The sisters were as close as they were competitive
Lee was considered "the pretty one," and her sister "the smart one." "The competition went on throughout their lives: 'Who's going to be more popular? Who will marry first?'" Jackie, Janet and Lee author J
Randy Taraborrelli told PEOPLE in January 2018. "But it all came to a crashing halt when Jackie became First Lady
Lee [was] saying, 'How can I compete with that?'" Lee married first, to Michael Canfield, while Jackie worked as a young photographer in Washington, D
C. But it was Jackie's marriage to John F. Kennedy in 1953 that catapulted her into "another life
" As Lee wrote in her memoir Happy Times: "With the wedding, Jackie's destiny led to another life
As the wife of the President of the United States, she was extremely busy. She had to travel a lot, and liked to have me with her as we were very close
Apart from great mutual affection, I think our strongest bond was a shared sense of humor, which was endlessly enjoyable
" "She had so defined herself as being in competition with Jackie that when finally there was no competition she didn't even know who she was," added Taraborrelli
"That marked a new era for her. She realized she needed to do something to distinguish herself from the First Lady and that's why she began to experiment with different careers (in the theater and interior decorating) but she was never able to establish herself with an identity that could compete with Jackie
" Lee was a frequent visitor to the White House during JFK's presidency and she came to her sister's side after JFK's assassination in 1963, reportedly leaving a note on Jackie's pillow after the funeral that read, "Good night my darling Jacks — the bravest and noblest of all
L." By then, she had divorced Canfield and had married the Polish aristocrat Prince Stanislaw Albrecht Radziwill, with whom she had two children, Anna Christina and Anthony Radziwill
Tragically, Anthony — who was married to RHONY's Carole, 55 — died from cancer in 1999 just a few weeks after his cousin, John F
Kennedy Jr. The two had been as close as brothers. Lee lived a storied life, befriending some of the greatest and most stylish artists of her time
She counted ballet star Rudolf Nureyev, author Truman Capote, conductor Leonard Bernstein and Andy Warhol among her closest friends, and she was continually on the world's best-dressed lists for her streamlined jet-set style
She later married Hollywood director Herbert Ross, whom she divorced in 2001, and was a public relations executive for Italian designer Giorgio Armani
"There were so many things I couldn't do when my brother-in-law was president," Lee told Vanity Fair in 2016, reflecting on his time in the White House
"Finally, I'm free." When Lee came to Jackie's bedside the day before she died to say goodbye in May 1994, she told her: "I love you so much
I always have, Jacks. I hope you know it." But Jackie's final mention of Lee in her will spoke volumes about their lifelong tension
After granting Lee's children, Anthony and Tina, each a half a million dollars, Jackie wrote that she made no provisions for her younger sister, "For whom I have great affection because I have already done so during my lifetime
" In her later years, Lee gave a few interviews about her legendary life. In 2013, she told the New York Times: "Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars… or narcissists
" "There have been many things in my life to have regrets about, in the sense I wish I could have changed them, or somehow made them not happen
What I don't have is envy. I'm perfectly content at this time of my life. I've done so many fascinating things and the greatest joy is that I continue to do interesting things and meet fascinating people
" Later in the same interview, she added, "When I was young, I used to think that everyone should die at 70… but my closest friends, like Rudolf [Nureyev] and Andy [Warhol] and, to an extent, [Truman] Capote, let alone most of my close family… didn't even reach that age
There is something to be said for being older, and memories."
caillou kills the army with his legs and d̛̛͢͟͠s̶̢͟f͏̵̛̛ì̶̢j̵͏̵̧͜o̢͢͢͝k̷͘w̶̧͝͡͞è̸̛́͜ş́҉h̢̧͘͢͞ǵ̡͢ - Duration: 0:16.i am killing the
i am killing the army with my legs
Om Nom Stories: Easter | Videos For Babies | Funny Cartoons by Kids tv - Duration: 2:39.Om Nom Stories - Easter
Brielle Biermann Shows Off Gigantic Red Lips & Fans Freak That She's Going 'Too Far' - Breaking News - Duration: 2:33.Brielle Biermann took to Instagram on Feb. 11 to post a pic of herself flaunting massive red lips while promoting her new makeup line, and her fans couldn't help but notice and respond to the size transformation
Brielle Biermann, 21, showed off much bigger lips in a new photo that she posted to Instagram on Feb
11, and her fans couldn't believe the difference! The reality star has been posting eye-catching lip pics to promote the lip kits from her new makeup line, KAB Cosmetics, which she started with mom Kim Zolciak-Biermann, 40, and sister Ariana Biermann, 17, and in the latest snapshot, she's flaunting some bright cherry red lipstick
Although Brielle, who has admitted to getting lip fillers, happily captioned the pic with just cherry emojis, it didn't take long for followers to post some opinionated comments about how they think she's gone too far with her lip size
"Wow how sad. She is such a beautiful young lady," one follower commented. "This is going too far
It looks almost painful!" "Sweetie please just appreciate your natural beauty," another wrote
"She's beautiful without the fillers. It's too much," a third follower commented
Although many of the comments were against Brielle's lip transformation, it's not the first time the young beauty has faced criticism for fillers, and it doesn't seem like she's letting it bother her
After getting negative feedback about a pic she posted of herself at Khloe Kardashian's baby shower in Mar
2018, Brielle took to Twitter to post a message that proved she wasn't going to let the criticism stop her from doing what she wanted to do
"Going to get my duck lips plumped up some more !! C ya!" the tweet read. View this post on Instagram 🍒🍒🍒 A post shared by Brielle (@briellebiermann) on Feb 11, 2019 at 3:30pm PST Being in the public eye and constantly being judged can't be easy for Brielle, but she seems to handle it in the best way she can
We're wishing her a lot of success with her makeup line and her other endeavors!
★Caitlyn Anganile★ Latest Fabulous Summer fashion style | Latest New Plus Size Fashion - Duration: 2:24.★Caitlyn Anganile★ Latest Fabulous Summer fashion style | Latest New Plus Size Fashion
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Naomi Osaka reveals reasons behind split with coach Sascha Bajin - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Jennifer Lopez Gushes About Boyfriend Alex Rodriguez: 'We Just Support Each Other' - Live News 247 - Duration: 3:14.Still going strong. and her longtime boyfriend, , are each other's biggest fans — and they have no plans of changing that
"We just support each other," Lopez, 49, told Us Weekly and other reporters at a screening of the World of Dance season 3 premiere in Los Angeles on Wednesday, February 13
"It's just how we do it." The "If You Had My Love" singer has served as a judge on the NBC dance competition series since it premiered in May 2017
She payed special tribute to her longtime love on the upcoming first episode of the latest season by wearing a "13" necklace — Rodriguez's old New York Yankees uniform number — around her neck
"I didn't think anybody would notice," Lopez said about the subtle gesture. "Somebody gifted that to me
It was so cute." Lopez and Rodriguez, 43, attended the 61st annual Grammy Awards together on Sunday, February 10
The former professional baseball player supported the Second Act actress as she did interviews on the red carpet, gave a speech to kick off the show and performed a Motown tribute to the legendary
"It was a fun night," the Bronx native said of the evening. The couple celebrated their second anniversary on February 3
"Two years of laughter … Two years of fun," the In Living Color alum captioned a series of Instagram pictures to celebrate
"Two years of adventures … Of excitement of growing and learning … Of true friendship … And so much love!!" A source told Us in December that "an engagement is definitely on the horizon" for the duo
The insider noted: "Alex is obsessed with Jen and spends as much time as he can with her
" Prior to her relationship with the retired Yankees shortstop, Lopez was married to from 1997 to 1998, from 2001 to 2003 and , with whom she shares 10-year-old twins Max and Emme, from 2004 to 2014
Rodriguez and his ex-wife, , share two children as well: 14-year-old Natasha and 10-year-old Ella
With reporting by Taylor Ferber
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