Cada vez que echamos un vistazo al Instagram de, nos sentimos un poquito débiles
Sus vídeos a cámara rápida en los que practica yoga, sus desayunos saludables y su piel perfecta nos recuerdan que hay algo que se nos escapa
Por eso, cuando la modelo sube un reto en el que tan solo tenemos que mover los deditos para hacernos unas gafas, nos sentimos un poquito menos culpables… Hasta que descubrimos que el reto en cuestión no era tan sencillo como pensábamos
¿Ni siquiera lo de las gafitas nos va a salir bien? ¿Pero qué broma es esta? Sin embargo, lo importante del challenge y lo que nos ha dejado buen sabor de boca ha sido en realidad el look que luce para grabar el vídeo en cuestión
Lorenzo lleva un pantalón de pana confeccionado en una delicada mezcla de algodón
Se trata de un diseño ancho, ligeramente acampanado con bolsillos laterales con detalle de volante, cinturón con trabillas, bolsillos detalle en el trasero, cierre mediante snaps y cremallera con tapeta
El pantalón lo firma . ¿Su precio? 39,95 €. Este pantalón es ideal para estilizar la silueta y demuestra que la pana es uno de los tejidos de la temporada
La modelo tiene varios modelos que siguen esta silueta, como sus pantalones blancos de , que combina con blazer de cuadros de , gorrito de Canadian Outfitter y zapatos de
Pero volvamos a sus de , que combina con botines color camel de ante de con un top de cuello chimenea y rejilla de manga larga decon un estampado chill out de soles que ya nos estaba dando pistas de que Vanesa está en una fase bien espiritual
Después de retar a sus seguidores a emularla y a seguir su estela subiendo vídeos intentando hacer el challenge, ha subido un story en el que aparece leyendo el que es su libro del momento, 'El poder del ahora: una guía para la iluminación espiritual', del escritor alemán Se trata de una guía para vivir el día a día sin estrés y conocer la importancia de vivir el momento presente
Por cierto: no nos vendría mal la guía ahora que hemos descubierto que los pantalones de de Vanesa están agotados, ¿no?
For more infomation >> Vanesa Lorenzo y el pantalón de Uterqüe que todas queremos - Ultimas Noticias - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
Sobre el Pemex de AMLO y sus calificaciones y cómo gobiernos anteriores le vieron a la cara a las ca - Duration: 5:02.
No hay razón técnica que justifique la grilla financiera contra Pemex, por supuesto que no (Un amigo que hace negocios globales importantes y que, desde luego, algo sabe de finanzas, me ha contado lo siguiente por WhatsApp): Las calificadoras de riesgo evalúan la probabilidad de que una empresa incumpla el pago de sus deudas
Sobre todo, las nuevas que desea adquirir. El cálculo de probabilidades se sustenta en algunos elementos bastante claros: 1
- Las ventas y el flujo de ingresos que genera la empresa. 2.- Los costos y gastos y el flujo de egresos que le significan 3
- Los márgenes de contribución y flujo neto que representan (el famoso EBITDA, que como leí una vez no es la mujer de Perón, sino otra cosa: earnings before interest, depretiation and amortization)
4.- Es decir, lo importante es medir ante todo la capacidad. Por ejemplo, una empresa que vende de contado y compra y gasta a crédito aunque tenga poco margen, es mejor pagadora que una que teniendo un margen enorme, vende a crédito y compra y gasta de contado
En el caso de Pemex habría que incluir atenuantes (el gobierno federal es deudor solidario y siempre paga pues tiene recursos y solvencia para hacerlo); también hay agravantes: el mismo gobierno federal utiliza indiscriminadamente el flujo de Pemex
Ahora con AMLO hay algunas mejoras notables: se ahorran costos al evitar robos y se aumenta el flujo al disminuir las aportaciones al gobierno
Si todos las demás variables permanecen igual, estadísticamente las probabilidades de pago de Pemex, deberían subir
No hay modelo estadístico que pudiera dar un resultado adverso ente esta situación
¿Por qué baja? Yo creo que por tres razones, ninguna estrictamente técnica, sino política: 1
- Porque no han entendido cómo será el manejo del flujo entre Pemex y Hacienda. Ellos creen que la nueva administración cambiará las reglas del juego y no saben cómo
Esto es normal y pasajero. 2.- Porque ahora que se empieza a saber la realidad, deben reconocer con una calificación menor que la cagaron dando anteriormente una calificación alta
En realidad se dejaron engañar por la administración de EPN e inclusive por la de Calderón
Compraron una historia de éxito que no lo es. 3.- Porque los índices de cobertura no dan
Una empresa debe tener ya cobertura de 1.5/2 veces al dividir EBITDA/ gasto financiero y ahora que el gobierno dice la verdad —que Pemex pierde, le roban, está muy endeudada y demás— las calificadoras se cubren las nalgas
Esto pasará si se hacen las cosas bien : producir más y ganar dinero al vender petróleo y gasolinas
Mientras tanto, ¿qué pasa con la deuda de Pemex? En el mercado secundario se venderá con algún descuento (no sucede todavía, según verifiqué el viernes) y si sale al mercado, seguramente le costará un poco más, unos 30/50 puntos base más
Pero con el costo del dinero tan bajo, es realmente irrelevante. Lo que sí pasa, sobre todo en México, es que los adversarios del régimen usan esto como argumento de descalificación
Pobres, no les durará el gusto.
Classic Rock 70s and 80s | Best Rock Songs Of 70s and 80s - Duration: 1:47:23.
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Tom Cruise brisé, cet enfant secret qu'il ne peut plus cacher -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:05.
Boruto: Sasuke se Arrodilla para Cargar a Sarada - Boruto se enoja con Sarada - Duration: 3:06.
Munich cap 4 - Deutsches Museum + Pizza + Friends - Duration: 3:42.
Vea los goles del FC Barcelona - Valladolid - Duration: 1:29.
El Barcelona consiguió derrotar al Valladolid en el Camp Nou gracias a un gol de penalti de Leo Messi y se reencontró con la victoria tras dos empates consecutivos en LaLiga Santander
El conjunto azulgrana se llevó la victoria, pero su juego no convenció a las puertas de su partido de ida de los octavos de final de la Champions League del próximo martes en Lyon
El Valladolid consiguió espesar el ataque de los azulgranas con la defensa de cinco hombres que planteó su entrenador, Sergio González, y el Barcelona solo pudo abrir el marcador con un gol de Messi de penalti en el minuto 43, tras una caída de Piqué en el área vallisoletana
En el segundo tiempo, los locales consiguieron incomodar algo más la portería de Masip, pero no lograron el gol de la tranquilidad por culpa del exazulgrana, que fue el mejor del partido
Masip fue incluso capaz de detener otra pena máxima a Leo Messi, en el minuto 85
JAVHD MASSAGE Healing Massage, Relaxing Muscle to Relieving Stress vietnam saigon hanoi - Duration: 8:07.
1. Relax Bed - a type of high-tech massage
Vụ án vòng cẩm thạch (P2): Bất ngờ từ cô gái mang vòng mã não | Hồ sơ vụ án | ANTV - Duration: 23:28.
Jezdila s Terezou do Pákistánu: Teď její kamarádka prozradila, jak to ve skutečnosti bylo! - Duration: 5:18.
Blízká přítelkyně Terezy finančně zajímavé focení v Pákistánu také zažila. Tuší tedy, jak složité je se do země dostat
„Nejprve jsme jeli do Anglie, kde nám byla zařízena víza, a pak jsme se vydali na cestu do Pákistánu
Ta byla trošku komplikovanější, neletěli jsme letadlem napřímo, ale přes Irsko, potom do Dubaje a odtamtud do Láhauru," řekla dívka pro Expres
cz s tím, že u letiště na ně vždy někdo čekal. Fotila se prý slavnostnější pákistánská móda i běžné oblečení jako džíny nebo halenky, modeling údajně probíhal v ateliéru
Spekulace, že Tereza a ostatní modelky jezdily do Asie dělat erotické fotky, dívka, která si přála zůstat v anonymitě, popřela
Mladou ženu z Uherského Hradiště do Pákistánu nalákaly snadno vydělané peníze. „Za jedno focení, které se vším všudy trvalo deset dní, jsme si vydělali 2700 liber (přibližně 77 000 kč, pozn
red.)," popsala pro Expres modelka, která poměrně nebezpečnou zemi navštívila dvakrát, vždy bez Terezy
Ta údajně do Pákistánu vycestovala potřetí a už tam zůstala. Že měla kamarádka Tereza H
v kufru drogy, prý dívku šokovalo, údajného vůdce pašeráckého gangu Tárika potkala a nebezpečný jí prý nepřišel
„Na mě působil velmi příjemně. V životě bych do něho neřekla, že se jedná o něco takového, jako drogy," svěřila se Expresu
Uvedla dokonce, že s ní Tereza mluvila o jakýchsi svých pletkách s drogovým bossem
Podle slov mladé dívky prý Tereza nemusela vědět, že v kufru cestou na další focení měla zašitý heroin
„Kufr nebyl její, ten kufr dostala jako fungl nový, zabalený s visačkou," řekla serveru Expres
„Opravdu jako když zajdete do obchodu a koupíte si kufr, přesně tak vypadal," dodala
Podle toho, co Expresu řekla, si Tereza do něj věci, které jsou prý sami o sobě těžké, naskládala sama a rozhodně ji prý nenapadlo zavazadlo prozkoumávat
O tom, že focení bylo pravděpodobně jen kamufláž asi ani jedna z dívek podle slov modelky, netušila
„Myslím, že kdyby toto věděla, tak by mi to ani ne-nenabídla, ale nebavila by se o tom se mnou," řekla Expresu s tím, že Tereza jí focení sama dohodila
„Terka mě brala de facto jako svoji rodinu," doplnila neznámá žena. To, co Češka vězněná v Pákistánu v současné době říká u soudu a jak se prezentuje, prý není póza
„Já si spíš myslím, že Terezka je na tom psychicky dost špatně a už neví jak dál," řekla Expresu
Její neustálý úsměv před veřejností je údajně jen póza. „Tereza je taková, že své city před danými lidmi vůbec nedává najevo," uzavřela rozhovor pro Expres dívka, která by podle svých slov podobný nátlak tak daleko od domova nezvládla, další cestu do ciziny by už prý neabsolvovala za žádné peníze
Ngọc Trinh gây bão khi làm Giám đốc điều hành công ty trị giá 140 tỉ - Duration: 10:20.
Hamidou Diallo, el nuevo 'rey' de los mates - Duration: 6:21.
La NBA ya tiene a nuevos campeones en los Concursos de Mates, Triples y Habilidades después de completarse la segunda jornada de la 68 edición del Fin de Semana de las Estrellas, en la que los grandes triunfadores fueron el escolta novato Hamidou Diallo, el veterano Joe Harris, y el de segundo año Jayson Tatum
Diallo, de los Thunder de Oklahoma City, se convirtió en el nuevo monarca de Mates, al ganar en la final al base Dennis Smith Jr
, de los Knicks de Nueva York. Un salto sobre el expívot Shaquille O'Neal en la primera ronda y luego recibiendo el balón del rapero Quavo en la final le permitieron ser el campeón
El joven jugador de 20 años de los Thunder superó a Smith 88-85 en la final, mientras que el alero novato Miles Bridges, del equipo local de los Hornets, el favorito de los 19
000 aficionados que llenaron las gradas del Spectrum Center de Charlotte, y el ala-pívot John Collins de los Hawks de Atlanta, fueron eliminados en la primera ronda
Diallo protagonizó un mate del que se hablará durante años en la primera ronda, al elevarse sobre O'Neal pero apoyándose con su mano izquierda en la espalda del exjugador de los Lakers, lo que ha generado polémica
Luego se colgó con el codo de la canasta para rasgarse la camiseta y tener otra debajo de Superman, que ya había mostrado antes de hacer el salto, para el que necesitó todo un ritual, que acabó siendo aburrido, pesado y monótono
Sin embargo, los cinco jueces lo vieron como válido y le dieron puntuación perfecta
Diallo, en el último intento de la noche, recibió el balón de Quavo y se elevó para volar hacia la canasta, donde hizo el mate que le aseguró el título
HARRIS BATIÓ A CURRY EN LOS TRIPLES Harris, el alero titular de los Nets de Brooklyn, se acreditó el título de campeón de Triples, al vencer en la ronda final al base Stephen Curry, de los Warriors de Golden State, tras encestar 12 tiros consecutivos y conseguir 26 puntos
Curry, que fue su gran rival en la lucha por el título, acabó con 24 puntos, mientras que el escolta bahameño Buddy Hield, de los Kings de Sacramento, finalizó tercero con 19 tantos
La estrella de los Warriors anotó sus primeros nueve tiros en la ronda final, pero falló tres de cinco desde el centro del perímetro y eso fue lo que le costó la derrota
Curry, campeón en la edición del 2015, superó la primera ronda con 27 puntos de los 34 que podía conseguir, mientras que Hield fue segundo al lograr 26 y Harris tercero con 25, que le permitieron pasar a la gran final
"Stephen (Curry) es el mejor tirador de todos los tiempos", declaró Harris. "Haber ganado esta noche no significa que yo sea mejor tirador que Curry
No quiero que se entienda de esa manera", señaló el actual campeón. Agregó que "para mí entrar y ganar la primera vez, es algo irreal
Ha sido un honor para mí estar aquí, participar este fin de semana, y es algo que recordaré durante mucho tiempo "
El gran derrotado fue el escolta hispano Devin Booker, de los Suns de Phoenix, que defendía el título de campeón del año pasado, pero que fue derrotado en la primera ronda al perder el desempate para un cuarto puesto con el escolta Danny Green, de los Raptors de Toronto, que logró 23 puntos
Los otros cinco jugadores, de los 10 que compitieron en el concurso y que no lograron superar la primera ronda, fueron el alemán Dirk Nowitzki y Damian Lillard (17 puntos), Seth Curry (16), Kemba Walker (15) y Khris Middleton (11)
El nuevo campeón, Harris, de 27 años, se llevó un premio en metálico de 60.000 dólares, mientras Curry recibió 40
000 y Hield ganó 25.000. TATUM, EL AMO Y SEÑOR DE LAS HABILIDADES Mientras que Tatum, el alero segundo año con los Celtics de Boston, se convirtió en el campeón de Habilidades al superar en la ronda final al base novato de los Hawks de Atlanta, Trae Young, con un triple espectacular y decisivo desde casi la mitad del campo del Spectrum Center, de Charlotte
El nuevo campeón en la primera ronda superó en el recorrido por el lateral del campo en el uno contra uno al veterano base Mike Conley, de los Grizzlies de Memphis
Luego en la segunda le tocó de rival el pívot serbio Nikola Jokic, de los Nuggets de Denver, quien en la primera ronda había eliminado a otro hombre alto, el montenegrino suizo Nikola Vucevic, de los Magic de Orlando, y Tatum fue muy superior, especialmente cuando llegó la hora de hacer el triple decisivo
Tatum, que había sido superado en velocidad por Young, le sorprendió por detrás con un triple espectacular, que dejó al novato de los Hawks sin el título después de que en la primera ronda superase al base De'Aaron Fox, de los Kings de Sacramento, para luego en la segunda hacer lo propio con el alero novato, el esloveno Luka Doncic, de los Mavericks de Dallas
Hadi - Bonfyre - Duration: 2:22.
*Disturbing background music*
Bonfire from the fucking room to the fucking yard
Put your body in a tomb, that's how I be stuntin' hard
Grab a nail and hammered it, knew your name and wrote it
Yeah I call that manuscript, i'm on some Death Note shit
Yeah Ill put you in the trunk, ill put your bitch on the seat
Homie i'ma fuck her up, homie no you cannot see
Duct tape on your mouth, duck Smith n' Wesson
You know I ain't riding if the motor ain't western
Pressure, I thrive under that bitch
Lester! Drop a chopper, i'm tryna kill a snitch
I'm- rich with the rhymes and you smell like thyme
I- make in a month what you make in your life
Rothschild with my worth all these hoes going wild
Defiled like a demon, my RBC hella white
Exiled from your spot, cause now I'm taking over
All designer and my girl Fashion Nova
Wonder why, they hating me
I make hits for fun, and I ride with my G's
I would die for the cheese, homie you fumbled that
When I get the bag better know i'ma double that
Double tap, tapped out
Smack-you-passed out
Got it all, mapped out
All planned, no doubt
All plants all greens, like i'm going vegan
But you can bring the beef if that's all your ass is eating
What is a challenger? Go ahead and saddle up
Right hand a pen, and the left? Excalibur
Shot my ex with a caliber, she wasn't acting right
Bust them like a massacre, can't find the X or the Y
All you rappers amateurs
Only flex on cameras
I'ma clean this shit up, you can call me janitor
More like a manager or just like a chancellor
Honor rolls, in a rolls, whipping like a bachelor
With that being said, it's dust beneath the rugs
No chance homie, tell me who can compete with us?
Now you only know me, you dick ride for the luck
Dick riders get their dreams circumcised- what the fuck?
Villaverde 0-1 Leganés B: El Leganés B se lleva tres puntos a casa al vence - Duration: 1:30.
Triunfo del Leganés 0-1 sobre el Villaverde. El Villaverde venía de perder su último partido mientras que los visitantes empataron el suyo
Con esta derrota el Villaverde se sitúa sexto al acabar el encuentro, mientras que el Leganés es décimo
El equipo visitante se adelantó en el marcador gracias al gol de Raúl Sánchez en el minuto 25 y la primera parte acabó 0 a 1
En la segunda parte no hubo goles y el resultado no cambió, por lo que el partido llegó a la conclusión con el definitivo 0 a 1
Con 34 puntos, el Leganés B se ubica en el décimo puesto de la tabla general a la conclusión del duelo, mientras que el Villaverde se sitúa en sexto puesto con 40 puntos
El próximo compromiso del grupo 7 de Tercera División para el Villaverde es contra el RCarabanchel mientras que el Leganés B se enfrentará al Vicálvaro
El 1x1 del Girona ante el Real Madrid - Duration: 3:46.
Bono (9): En su línea. Un tesoro para el Girona. Mantuvo con vida al equipo con tres paradas de mucho mérito a Lucas, Benzema y Marcelo
Casi nada. Ramalho (6): Impreciso y poco profundo en su función de lateral. Más liberado con el 4-3-3 de la segunda parte sin Pedro Porro delante
Sufrió para parar a Vinicius. Juanpe (6): Salvo en la jugada del gol, el central anuló a Benzema y se encontró cómodo
Recuperando sensaciones perdidas. Alcalá (7): También mal en la jugada del gol, donde perdió la espalda
Mucho mejor segunda mitad donde mostró seguridad y contundencia. Carnero (6): De menos a más
Su fichaje está aportando mucho al Girona. Bien en defensa, selectivo en sus internadas y cada vez más acoplado con sus compañeros
Pedro Porro (5): No ha sido el mejor partido del joven carrilero. Le tocó jugar de extremo derecho en el 4-1-4-1 que planteó Eusebio para aprovechar su versatilidad y sus internadas por banda
Marcelo lo supo parar. Sustituido al descanso. Douglas Luiz (6): Impreciso en el pase, errático en la entrega pero mejoró mucho con la entrada de Aleix García
Buena segunda mitad donde fue el encargado de recuperar el balón del 1-2. Granell (7): Tuvo el empate en la primera mitad y como interior se encontró muy cómodo
Buscando muy bien la espalda a Casemiro todo el partido. Pere Pons (7): Estaba realizando un buen partido junto a Granell pero un golpe en la cabeza lo dejó noqueado para la segunda mitad y fue sustituido
Portu (9): Un auténtico pulmón. Algo desaparecido en el primer tiempo pero imprescindible para entender la gran segunda mitad de los de Eusebio
Centró en la jugada del penalti y remató de cabeza para anotar el gol de la victoria
Stuani (7): Reconciliado con el gol. Remató al palo justo antes de las manos de Ramos y transformó el penalti con una frialdad que solo lo grandes 'killers' tienen
Suplentes Lozano (7): Un incordio para Odriozola que tuvo que estar mucho más pendiente de sus subidas a nivel ofensivo
Casi marca en la jugada del 1-2 que terminó Portu. Aleix García (7): Un bálsamo en el medio del campo
Su entrada dio un giro completó a la forma de jugar del Girona que lo agradeció. Falló una ocasión clamorosa
Valery (s.c): Testimonial. Sustituyó a Portu a cinco minutos para el final
Sánchez no se va aún: se asegura la residencia en Moncloa al menos hasta junio - Duration: 4:15.
Meghan Royals Es - Cómo es la celda en la que podría pasar sus días "El Chapo" Guzmán - Duration: 2:46.
Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán fue declarado culpable de 10 cargos en una Corte de Nueva York, podría se sentenciado el próximo 25 de junio a cadena perpetua en una prisión de máxima seguridad en los Estados Unidos
La ADX Florence podría ser el destino final de "El Chapo", una cárcel en donde están recluidos terroristas, espías, exmiembros de Al Qaeda, asesinos en serie y exintegrantes de las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia (FARC)
El ex director de ADX Robert Hood describió la penitenciaria como " la muerte en vida"
. . en mi opinión, "es mucho peor que la muerte ". Otros lo han denominado "la prisión de las prisiones", "inhumano" y "peor que Guantánamo"
Ahí los prisioneros están confinados durante 23 horas al día en pequeñas celdas de concreto, privadas de casi todo contacto humano
"El Chapo" no se mezclará con otros reclusos que ahí habitan. Guzmán Loera, quien se escapó dos veces de prisiones mexicanas consideradas de alta seguridad, podría pasar el resto de sus días en un cuarto de 2 por 3 metros, en donde hay solo una cama de cemento, baño, un lavabo y un distribuidor de agua
La sombría prisión ADX en Colorado es donde Estados Unidos encarcela a los "peores de los peores" y, cuando le dicten sentencia al exjefe del Cártel de Sinaloa, es muy probable que pase ahí a sus días
"Es una sentencia de la que no hay escapatoria ni retorno", dijo el abogado estadounidense Richard Donoghue después del veredicto
Una vez considerado "intocable", supo que todo había terminado para él en el momento en que abandonó la jurisdicción de México, donde la corrupción le había permitido operar con virtual impunidad
De la prisión de máxima seguridad, desde que abrió sus puertas en 1994, nadie ha escapado nunca
Sus 410 reclusos son llevados en autobuses, vehículos blindados e incluso en helicópteros Black Hawk, a las extensas instalaciones unos 115 kilómetros al sur de Denver
Una docena de torres de vigilancia y alambradas rodean la red de edificios de ladrillo, que son patrullados las 24 horas 7 días a la semana, por guardias fuertemente armados y con perros de ataque
La celdas son de paredes son gruesas y están insonorizadas, lo que garantiza que los presos no pueden comunicarse entre sí
La cama es una losa de concreto cubierta con un delgado colchón y mantas, hay un lavabo, un fregadero y una fuente de agua combinados
El único mobiliario es un escritorio y un taburete de hormigón inmóviles, y para algunos reclusos, una pequeña televisión en blanco y negro que muestra programas religiosos y educativos cuidadosamente seleccionados
Cada celda tiene una ventana con forma de hendidura de 42 pulgadas de alto y 4 pulgadas de ancho, que tiene un ángulo para que no haya una vista del cielo ni de otras celdas
Esto tiene la intención de evitar que los internos vean incluso el complejo de la prisión
Un exprisionero describió a de la ADX Florence como una "versión de alta tecnología del infierno, diseñada para apagar toda percepción sensorial"
Guzmán Loera fue encarcelado dos veces y escapado el mismo número: una vez en 2001 en una cesta de lavandería y nuevamente en 2015 a través de un túnel especialmente construido de una kilómetro con una motocicleta sobre rieles e iluminación eléctrica, Los años de prisión de "El Chapo" en México no fueron tan duros
Guardias y funcionarios corruptos le permitieron vivir como un señor, entreteniendo a los presos preferidos con cenas y fiestas
La ADX Florence va a ser muy diferente para "El Chapo" si es que la sentencia dicta que sea recluido ahí
Un informe de Amnistía Internacional de 2014 concluyó que el duro régimen de aislamiento y privación sensorial tenía un efecto devastador en la salud física y mental de los presos
Dos años antes, una demanda colectiva de presos con enfermedades mentales afirmaba que muchos de ellos "lamentaban, gritaban y golpeaban interminablemente las paredes de sus celdas" o mutilaban sus cuerpos con cualquier objeto que pudieran encontrar
Las autoridades dicen que incluso los presos en el H-Hut, otra cárcel de máxima seguridad, pueden publicar cartas, hacer ejercicio en su celda, hablar por teléfono durante hasta 30 minutos al mes y escribir libros
Reese Witherspoon ivre morte, elle descend l'escalier à genoux, photo choc - Duration: 1:27.
Matt Gets Fired - Duration: 5:57.
Boss, 老板
your two o'clock is here. 你两点约的人已经来了
Just give me a sec! 等我下
Okay, send them in. 好了 让他进来吧
Alright, mate. 你好啊
Ni hao! 你好
Uh.. 呃
My name's Matt. 我的名字叫Matt.
I could have sworn it was Jorge. 我还认为你是Jorge
We've worked together for years. 我们一起工作很多年了
I feel like I'd remember that. 如果是真的我一定记得的
Laowai Bao'an? 老外保安
Laowai Park? 老外公园
WeChat Groups? 微信群聊
Fascinating! 有趣
Look, ah 听着 啊
Matt, you've been a valued member of our team for... Matt你一直是我们团队的重要成员已经
Three years. 3年了
Well, 那是当然
it does feel nice to be recognized for my hard work. 你能认同我的工作让我非常的高兴
There's no easy way to say this; 要直接告诉你
you're generating more negative YouTube comments 你比米罗·雅诺波鲁斯健慰器的广告还吸引了很多不好的评论
than a Milo Yiannopoulos Shake Weight commercial. 你比米罗·雅诺波鲁斯健慰器的广告还吸引了很多不好的评论
You're being let go. 你被解雇了
Whoa, whoa, whoa! 喔喔喔
Who died and made you head of HR? 是谁死了 让你成为人力资源主管
Alessio's dead? Alessio死了吗
He made me head of HR. 他让我成为人力资源主管
Is he still alive? 他还活着吗
Well I haven't seen him this morning 今天早上我还没见过他
but you're missing the more important point here. 但是你找错重点了
Listen, Matt 听着 Matt
we here at Mamahuhu 对于马马虎虎来说
prioritize diversity. 多样性非常的重要
And we have our black guy quota covered. 我们已经有黑人了
Hispanic quota? 是拉丁美洲吗
I'm Scottish. 我是苏格兰人
Yeah, and I'm a 23 year old Eurasian barista. 是啊 我还是一个23岁的亚洲咖啡师呢
Matt this is serious! Matt 我是很认真的
Your career is on the line! 你的职业生涯有危险了
I really hope Alessio is okay. 我真的希望Alessio没事
You wouldn't fire me though, right? 你不会解雇我的 对吗
Afraid so. 恐怕是的
We're outsourcing your role to China. 我们将您的角色外包给中国
Norah here does a pitch perfect "Laowai Baoan." Norah在这里做了一个完美的 "老外保安"
Check it out. 来看看吧
Can't park here. 不能停车
Ha ha ha! 哈哈哈
Hilarious! 太搞笑了
And she can overact 她也是一个平庸的演员
and speaks... 也会说你的语言
I wanna say... 我是说
Arabic. 你应该是阿拉伯语
For the millionth time 要告诉你几万遍啊
I'm Scottish. 我是苏格兰人
Norah, what's he saying? Norah 他在说什么
Look, 你看
I know I'm a little bit racially ambiguous. 我知道表面上看有点难分辨我是哪里人
Oh my god, Stephen Curry!? 天呐 你是Stephen Curry
What are you doing in my office!? 你在我的办公室做什么
Still Matt. 再说一遍 我是Matt
Uncanny. 太不可思议了
When I took the helm at HR, 我当人力资源部头头的时候
I sacrificed the joy of getting my hands dirty 我牺牲了搬砖快乐的机会
being in the trenches, 与万死不辞伺候同志们的痛快
putting my life on the line 把我的生命放在前线
so I could serve the people. 所以我可以为人民服务
because I want to pass on the torch 因为我想传递这个火炬
and help others realize their passion. 并帮助他人实现他们的激情
We make goofy videos for the internet. 我们为互联网制作搞笑的视频
And "Head of HR?" 还有"人力资源主管?"
There is 6 of us. 我们有6个人
Five. 5个
Look, it is crushing to realize 看吧 它勉强实现
I've been so swept up in business affairs 我在商务上一直都是如此
that I forgot my obligation to guide you. 让我忘了我有义务来引导你
It's embarrasing to admit this, Matt. 承认这一点是令人尴尬的 Matt
But, 但是
When I came in here 当我来这里的时候
I wasn't sure which one of you is Matt. 我不确定你们哪一位是Matt
Your mustache and me 你的胡子和我
are the two most recognisable people. 是两个最容易识别的人
You know, I can see what's happened here. 你要知道 我可以看到这里发生了什么
I've lost my way in this corporate jungle. 我在这个公司的丛林中迷失了方向
I need to get back to basics. 我需要回到根本
Reconnect myself with my people. 重新与自己的员工建立联系
Any chance you could reconnect with someone else? 你有机会重新与别人联系吗
Maybe actual Jorge? 也许是真正的 Jorge
I think you misunderstand 我想你误解了
the gravity of the situation here, young man. 这里情况的严重性 年轻人
I was given your case to fire you. 我准备给你个事情好来解雇你
Wait. 等等
Woah, are you serious? 哇 你是认真的吗
Because that is, like... 因为那就像
Super not cool. 超级不酷
I know! 我知道
This is awful. 这实在是太糟糕了
If I don't fire you, 如果我不解雇你
I could lose my own job. 我可能会失去自己的工作
We are in a bind here, amigo. 我们被绑在一块了 朋友
There must be something we can do. 一定还有解决的办法
My hands are tied. 我的双手被捆绑住了
Look, 你看
you said yourself that this is your fault. 你说这是你自己的错
You weren't managing me. 你没有管理我
Alright, so... 好吧 所以
are you going to lose your job? 你会失去工作吗
It pains me to say this, but if I fire you properly, 我很难说这个 但如果我解雇你
I am a shoe in for a promotion. 我会得到升职
Promotion to what? 升到什么
Head of an Instagram account? Instagram帐号的负责人吗
Look, I know you've got some pull here. 你看 我知道你在这里有关系
You've got this sweet office, 你有这么漂亮的办公室
and just 而且
such a hot hot secretary. 有这么性感的秘书
Whatever it takes. 不管付出什么代价
I've got to do something 我必须做点什么
because my wife will leave me 因为要不然我的老婆会离开我
if I don't get any likes this month. 如果我没有得到任何的赞在这个月
Alright? She will leave me for another 好吧 她会离开我和另一个
d list internet celebrity 在上海
slightly recognizable in Shanghai. 互联网稍有名气的人在一块
You know, I know see a lot of myself in you, Mr Curry. 你知道吗 我确实在你身上看到很多的自己 Curry先生
Still Matt. 我是Matt
Your shoot-from-the-hip attitude, 你反应总是很快
your live every day disposition, 你每天生活都很积极
your apparent lack of personal hygiene. 但你就是缺乏个人卫生
Then it would really hurt you to see me on the streets. 那么看到我无家可归会让你感到非常伤心
It would! 当然会
So... 所以
please sir... 求你了 先生
can I stay some more? 我可以留在这里吗
This could cost me my job. 这可能会让我失去工作
But I have a plan. 但我有一个计划
Plan!? 计划
Great, I love a plan. 太棒了 我爱计划
Tell me what it is, boss. Let's do it. 告诉我是什么吧老板 咱们来实现它
I got a project coming up, 我即将有一个新项目
we're filming the "Ayi Chronicles." 我们准备拍一部"阿姨编年史"
We take GoPros, put them on ayis 我们把GoPro放在阿姨身上
and film their shenanigans! 并拍摄她们的生活
I can finagle this if you come on board as my assistant. 如果你加入的话我可以让你作为我的助手
It's the job I was born to do! 这生来就是做这个工作的料啊
What do you need? 你需要什么
Shoulder rubs? 肩膀按摩师吗
Coffee runs? 还是买咖啡
Want me to sleep test these chairs for you? 还是为你试椅子睡的舒不舒服吗
What's up? 说吧是什么
This is real work! 这是个真的项目
I'm talking up at 7am. 我说的是要早上7点开始工作
Working till late. 到很晚
Spending time finding props. 花很多时间寻找道具
Tomorrow, 明天
We're taking 6 ayis to Pudong 我们要带6个阿姨到浦东
for an ebike jousting tournament. 进行一个电动车的骑士比赛
How deep into Pudong? 浦东的哪里
Pretty deep! 很远很远的浦东
This is the opportunity of a lifetime, Matthew. 这是一次难得的机会 Matthew
You can go from our worst performer 你可以从我们最差的员工
to a star overnight. 过渡到我们最好的员工
Are you ready to take the challenge? 你愿意接受挑战吗
I'll still get paid the same? 我还会得到同样的报酬吗
Exactly the same. 完全相同的
One Starbucks voucher every fortnight. 每两周一张星巴克优惠券
Can I work from home? 我可以在家工作吗
If you can handle a living room full of 如果你可以处理好客厅全是
boom mics and wrestling ayis. 拍摄器材和摔跤的阿姨们的话
And you guarantee you won't fire me? 你保证你不会解雇我
You have my word? 我向你保证
Nah, screw it. 算了吧
I'm just going to go sleep on Jorge's sofa. 我还是住Jorge家的沙发好了
Wow 喔
You are a master at firing people. 你真的很会解雇人
What can I say? 我能说什么呢
Some people just need 有些人只是需要
a helping hand to give up their payout. 帮助放弃他们的遣散费
Now, 现在
send in the next dead man walking. 把下一个傻瓜叫进来吧
My man Andy, what can I do for you? 我亲爱的Andy 我能为你做点什么
Nerf Modulus with Attachments Toy Blaster Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:10.
Nerf Modulus with Attachments Toy Blaster Nerf Blaster
Чехия. Злата Прага, воспоминания (часть 5) Travels. Zlata Prague - Duration: 2:04.
Lindy McDowell Sorry George, but Meghan hasnt been vilified by the media... she and Harry need to v - Duration: 5:57.
Lindy McDowell Sorry George, but Meghan hasnt been vilified by the media... she and Harry need to v
Hi degreeC | Lo degreeC
They also tell the mag how shed written a loving and conciliatory letter to her estranged father.
Inevitably, news of this disclosure enrages Da Markle, who hits back saying that the letter was nothing of the sort. To back up his claims he spills its contents.
Meanwhile Megs friend George Clooney star of the Nespresso ad enters the fray, blasting the media who, he says, have "vilified" her.
This only provides further fuel for Clan Markle with Megs bitter half sister lashing out telling him to "be quiet Georgie".
Will George do as she says? Will Thomas Markle reveal more?
And will the royal family ever learn?
Its not as if the royals dont have considerable previous experience. Back in the era of annus horribilis Prince Charles famously lamented how events chez the House of Windsor were being viewed as soap opera.
And now, like the rebooted Cold Feet, the Warring Windsors may be back for a whole new series.
At the centre of this updated drama is the duchess and the dilemma of how to deal with her indiscreet family. The royal family have any number of experienced advisers to call upon. It is bewildering how the current drama has been allowed to spin so out of control.
Meghan has attracted some truly vicious and vile online abuse which no one should ever be subject to. That must be very difficult to deal with, particularly for a young, pregnant woman still learning the ropes of her royal role.
But she is also a public figure. Interest in her comes with the territory.
Despite what Mr Clooney says, she has not been vilified by the media. Coverage is generally positive, kindly and very often gushing.
Meghan mostly makes headlines because of her family fall out. And how this has been so woefully mishandled.
Did it not occur to her friends when they talked to the US magazine about the contentious letter that this would most likely prompt Thomas Markle to release the thing?
Or dark thought was that actually their intention?
Markle Senior has been roundly condemned for making the letter public. In his defence, though, it is not the loving "reaching out" claimed by Meghans mates.
In parts it reads more like a "cease and desist" notice.
Meghan is known to be keen on calligraphy and her missive is written in a particularly ornate cursive script. But all those careful, measured, fussy little flicks swirling from consonants seem somehow at odds with a spontaneous outpouring purportedly from a broken heart. A heart broken indeed, "into a million pieces".
Unlike her fathers heart which merely required stents.
Which brings us to the bewildering bit ...
Youre writing to your beloved father whom you havent seen since his hospitalisation and your marriage. Angry at him or not, wouldnt your first words be Dear Daddy, how are you?
The letter is all about Meghans hurt. Not her fathers health.
And why did she choose to write to him instead of, say, giving him a call? Or, perish the thought, flying over to see him?
I dont think Thomas Markle has behaved at all well. But its truly puzzling why no effort appears to have been made to bring the man on board.
Prince Harry has never met his own father in law. Meghan hasnt been near her "dear daddy" since her wedding.
The likelihood now is that the transatlantic sniping between Meghan and the Markles will only escalate.
And the mystery is why the royals and their advisers are, like the rest of us, just sitting back and watching what happens next.
My sister Heather recalls how, when she and our other sister were both 13 and queuing one day for school dinners, she saw a dinner lady nudge her colleague and say loudly: Thats the wee twins I told you about. Their mother isnt going to do.
Our mother did do. For most of her life, though, she suffered from kidney disease. She was hospitalised many times. But she lived to be 80. She had a good life.
Her illness gave me an insight into what kidney patients go through. I have the greatest respect for those who have to have dialysis yet still just get on with life.
Like the BBCs Stephen Watson.
In a powerful interview with Claire McNeilly, Stephen described in this paper this week how hed been given a kidney by his father 29 years ago. The organ recently failed, meaning that he is now on regular dialysis until such time as he gets another transplant.
Some interviews move you to tears. This interview moved me to utter, utter admiration for the man.
On the telly Stephen looks as fit as a fiddle. Off screen he has to work around a gruelling schedule of treatment. But there is not the merest whiff of self pity as he describes this. Nonchalantly he outlines how he organises dialysis when hes covering sports events abroad — much like you and I would talk about booking a taxi to the hotel.
He has courage in bucket loads, as have so many others in the same position waiting for that precious transplant.
The very least the rest of us can do to salute that courage is to make clear to our nearest and dearest that wed want our organs donated when we die.
Much debate this week about the now pregnant teenager who ran off to Syria to join ISIS. Should she be allowed back into the UK? She was only 15, a child, when she was seduced by the vile propaganda of the terrorist beheaders. And she is a UK citizen. So theres a strong argument for yes. But isnt there also an argument that her return might inspire other impressionable young fools to consider a similar prolonged gap year with the caliphate?
Belfast Zoo escapees of the week... the cheeky monkeys who, having constructed a makeshift ladder, vaulted out of their enclosure to see life on the outside. Maybe theyd been talking to the red panda. According to the zoo, the chimps returned because they are "cowardly" can simians sue? and intelligent enough to know they shouldnt leave. Lets hope not too intelligent to share ladder construction tips with, say, the inmates of the tiger enclosure.
By Lindy McDowell I am woman, I am strong. No, let me rephrase that. I am woman and I am sick of being told I am strong. Like this is a new thing. Its not that I have any problem with the idea of women or indeed...
By Lindy McDowell Liam Neesons problem may be that he is too intelligent for the sages of social media. Okay, so maybe it wasnt the cleverest thing in todays censorious, sanctimonious world to confess to a youthful...
By Lindy McDowell Is 40 the new 80? Rugby star Simon Zebo seems to think so... Responding to news that Ulster Rugby had banned for life a spectator whod racially abused him during a recent game at the...
By Lindy McDowell Tantrum Number One of the Week: the hissy fit thrown by Sinn Fein representatives on Belfast City Council, who have objected to allowing cartoonist/artist Brian John Spencer to sketch the...
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Uomini e donne, la reazione di inaspettata di Antonio dopo il no di Teresa: ecco cosa ha fatto - Duration: 3:23.
U&D: la De Lellis e Martina Sebastiani attaccano Dal Corso dopo il 'no' a Teresa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.
Primitive Trending_Hunting cooking survival #primitive technology - Duration: 14:43.
Teresa Langella, la scelta è un no: Andrea non si presenta al finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:38.
News24 - Man Utd news: Why Alexis Sanchez is a bigger problem than Arsenal's Mesut Ozil - pundit - Duration: 2:57.
Sanchez and Ozil are their respective clubs' highest earner. Sanchez joined Manchester United from Arsenal in January 2018 but has failed to live up to the performances he put in during his three-and-a-half years at the Emirates
Ozil was awarded a new contract with the Gunners shortly after Sanchez's departure, earning a reported £350,000-a-week
However, the German has been out of favour under head coach Unai Emery, featuring just twice in all competitions since Boxing Day
But Cascarino says Sanchez is a bigger worry than Ozil and has questioned the Chilean's desire to play
"I think there's massive challenges at that football club at the moment," Cascarino said of United on talkSPORT
"Alexis Sanchez really worries me. "Alexis has been missing for 18 months as a player since the final year of his contract at Arsenal
"The summer before last, what happened to him with Chile and the manager, questions were being raised about him, his fitness and condition and the temperament of this particular player
"There are massive challenges at Man United and he's their highest earner. "Alexis Sanchez is a bigger problem for Man United than Ozil is for Arsenal
"They're paying him more, they've invested a lot into getting Alexis and it's a real problem for United
"I'd certainly question his appetite for the game at the moment. He's missed a lot of games through injury
"He's never really shown, Alexis Sanchez, in all the games I've watched him, anything that sort of replicates what he did at Arsenal, when he was flying
"It looks like he's half a yard off his game, which is a lot in the modern game. "That's why Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is not playing him
"He's choosing to go 'I want [Anthony] Martial on the left, I want [Marcus] Rashford in the middle and I want [Jesse] Lingard on the right, that's my preferred three'
" United knocked Arsenal out of the FA Cup at the fourth round stage and now face Chelsea on Monday in the fifth round
Man Utd to make £90m Kalidou Koulibaly bid after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer made key decision - Duration: 3:15.
United have long been linked with the 27-year-old and they look to have ramped up their interest after The Sun claimed they sent scout Jim Lawlor to watch him as the Serie A giants drew 0-0 with Fiorentina last weekend
It is claimed that Lawlor was suitably impressed as he helped them keep a clean sheet against their rivals and he then went to watch him put in another fine display in the 3-1 victory over FC Zurich in the Europa League
United would now need to smash the world-record fee for a defender if they want to sign him
The reported £90m figure would dwarf the £75m Liverpool paid Southampton for Virgil van Dijk just over a year ago
But Koulibaly is one of Europe's top defenders and has previously admitted to being flattered by the interest in him
"I am pleased that many teams follow me," he said. "But I want to demonstrate on the field I am at the level of the greatest and I want to show it in the future
"I don't know if I'm one of the strongest defenders in the world. But I always try to give my best
" Signing a new centre-back has been a priority for United since former manager Jose Mourinho failed to land one last summer
He was keen to bring in Harry Maguire, Toby Alderweireld or Jerome Boateng but United chiefs did not believe any of them to be value for money or an upgrade on the players they already have at the club
Mourinho was frustrated by the board's lack of movement but interim boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer can be expected to get their backing if he lands the job full-time
The Norwegian has lead United to 10 victories in his 12 games in charge since taking over from Mourinho
However, their defensive frailties were exposed in the 2-0 defeat by Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League and Koulibaly would provide some much-needed experience at the back
While Victor Lindelof and Eric Bailly have improved under Solskjaer, it has rarely worked as a partnership and both would probably benefit from Koulibaly's presence
He has been at Napoli since leaving Genk in 2014 and has gone on to make 192 appearances for the club in all competitions
Koluibaly has been named in the Serie A team of the year in each of the last three seasons
NEED SOME LIGHT ROCK MUSIC? 🌆 instrumental background music for videos - Duration: 2:58.
Light rock music visualization for you! This is fantastic instrumental background music for videos animation.
Light, romantic rock composition about fantasy, dream and love.
BTS、38万人動員ドームツアー完走「夢が現実になりました」<最終公演セットリスト> - Duration: 1:16.
【BTS/モデルプレス=2月17日】韓国の7人組ボーイズグループ・BTS(防弾少年団)が17日、福岡 ヤフオク!ドームで、自身初のドームツアー「BTS WORLD TOUR "LOVE YOURSELF"~JAPAN EDITION~」の最終公演を開催した。 (写真 : BTS/写真は東京ドーム公演時(2018年11月13日、14日撮影)/提供画像)同ツアーは、2018年8月に発表したリパッケージ・アルバム「LOVE YOURSELF 結 "Answer"」で完結した"LOVE YOURSELF"シリーズを引っさげ行なっているワールドツアー。日本では2018年11月13日の東京ドームを皮切りに4都市9公演を実施し、「LOVE YOURSELF」シリーズの楽曲を中心におよそ30曲披露された。◆BTS、福岡弁でも会場沸かす開演前から席をぎっしり埋めたファンの熱気に包まれる中、1曲目から数十人のダンサーを従え、ヒット曲「IDOL」でスタート。「今日、一緒に盛り上げてくれますよね~?」と挨拶し、「Save ME」「I´m Fine」と続けてパフォーマンス。「もっとARMY(ファンの総称)の声を聞きたい」(JUNG KOOK)と、ファンとコール&レスポンスで会場を温めた。さらに、福岡弁で「ARMYのために頑張るけん。盛り上がってくれるっちゃろ?」「やっぱりARMYは最高っちゃんねー!」と話す場面も。ライヴ中盤にはヒット曲メドレーで会場を沸かし、「Airplane pt
2」「FAKE LOVE」では一際大きな歓声が沸き起こった。◆ソロパフォーマンスで魅了メンバー7人のソロステージでは、それぞれの魅力を存分に発揮。J-HOPEが花道も存分に使用したステージングで魅せるとファンがJ-HOPEコールで応え、それに続くようにJUNG KOOKがダンサーを従えてパフォーマンス。続くJIMINは、ファンも息を呑む身体能力の高さで魅了。RMが会場を暖かく「Love」で包み、Vはミュージックビデオでも話題のジャケットダンスをセクシーに披露。SUGAがチャーミングさとラップ力を見せると、JINはこのために特訓したというピアノを披露した。◆BTS「夢が現実になりました」そして、ファンからの歓声に応えてアンコールに登場すると「So What」「Anpanman」を続けて披露。メンバーのSUGAは「福岡ではじめてコンサートした時のことを思い出します、ZEPPの会場でした。この横ですよね。あの時、ドームに行きたい、ドームに行かなければ、行くのが夢だと思ってました。夢が現実になりました。ありがとうございます」と想いを伝えた。(modelpress編集部)■BTS「BTS WORLD TOUR "LOVE YOURSELF" ~JAPAN EDITION~」2019年2月17日@福岡 ヤフオク!ドーム セットリスト1
IDOL2. Save Me~I'm Fine3. Magic Shop4. Trivia 起:Just Dance5. Euphoria6. I NEED U -Japanese ver
-7. RUN -Japanese ver.-8. Serendipity9. Trivia 承:Love10. DNA -Japanese ver.-11. Medley (フンタン少年団(Japanese ver
)/進撃の防弾 -Japanese ver.-/FIRE -Japanese ver.-/ベップセ -Japanese ver.-/DOPE)12. Airplane pt
213. Singularity14. FAKE LOVE -Japanese ver.-15. Trivia 轉:Seesaw16. Epiphany17. The Truth Untold18
Tear19. MIC Drop -Japanese ver.-<アンコール>En1. So WhatEn2. AnpanmanEn3. Answer:Love Myself【Not Sponsored 記事】
I'm Yours - Feng Timo cover (uncompleted) - Duration: 2:39.
50 PALAVRAS-CHAVE e EXPRESSÕES ÚTEIS para CONVERSAR em ITALIANO I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 12:25.
Wrong Way Wreck On I-75 Kills Miccosukee Officer Driving Home From Work - Duration: 2:05.
3 Ways Men Trick Women (Instantly Reveal If He's Manipulating You) Dating Advice - Duration: 10:11.
today I'm going to tell you the three most common things that men will do to try to
trick you or manipulate you and gain control over your relationship and I'm
going to tell you exactly how to handle each one so that you don't give your
power away and instead you have him whining you more than ever
don't go anywhere because we're starting right now
hired one I'm dr. Antonio burello and I'm a psychologist in a relationship
coach this channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can
grow happy with the people you love so if you're interested in making your love
life the best part of your life start now by clicking the subscribe button and
hit the bow notification so you aren't missing anything onto how men trick
women ok what kind of tricks or manipulations am I talking about I'm
talking about calculated behaviors that are used to manipulate to intimidate or
fool you and cause you to question your own perceptions in intimate
relationships these manipulations are also used by insecure or controlling
partners who wish to change the direction and experience of a
relationship for example a person who doesn't feel they're getting enough
attention from their partner might engage in some manipulative behavior in
hopes of creating doubt or fear or jealousy in the relationship and get the
attention back on themselves so in this case they're hoping to get something out
of it including gaining self-esteem or confidence in the relationship and
besides getting the attention back on themselves they gain some control and
power in the relationship because it derails you and puts you in a reactive
mode instead of focusing on the positive aspects of a relationship and
co-piloting the direction of your relationship you are in a mode where
you're wondering and questioning and reacting to whatever chaos or
manipulation they've tried to engage you in you lose your power you become a
passenger and he's the pilot but when you know what's happening and what to do
about it you'll maintain your value and have him
wanting you more than ever before so without further ado here are three
common manipulations number 1 now I'm so busy manipulation this love trick
happens when you meet a man who looks like he's a great catch he's single he's
successful he's attractive and charming and when you begin communicating he
appears to be genuinely interested in knowing who you are
he seems authentic open and honest but he's also very type A personality he's
career oriented and successful and his schedule is rather packed with important
things like work and colleagues and travel and friends he's so busy that you
might even feel like you're compete for his time nevertheless it feels
flattering because he's such a great catch and he's interested in making time
to get to know you and the first few weeks of dating go very well and you
feel like he's genuinely interested in you and you're really into him and this
is when the manipulation starts just when he knows that you're into him and
you really like him he becomes a master of excuses now what does that mean well
when he makes plans with you he often cancels them last minute with excuses he
had to work late or he forgot about a thing he had already scheduled he
insists that he wants to see you but he couldn't get out of work or family or
other obligations and then he doesn't seem to be making plans or commitments
with you like he did before instead he calls you at night and last
minute and asked to come over to see you and because you know he's truly busy you
agree because you want to see him as well but if you continue to allow this
to happen it will eventually become the norm and
he will no longer be making you or the relationship a priority then the
relationship moves in the direction and speed that he wants because you've given
up your power so how do you handle this one well again here you've got to set
some boundaries and not be available for him at the drop of a head become more
scarce and only see him if he's making an effort to further develop the
relationship by investing his time and effort into you you can't allow him to
call you later tonight just for sex he should be making an effort to spend
relationship time with you the next time he tries to call that same night you've
got to be strong enough to decline his offer and say no because he should be
making an effort to take you on a proper date so when he calls last minute and
asks you've got to be willing to politely decline and offer him an
alternative that requires him to make an investment into the relationship it goes
something like this hey what are you up to I miss you can I come over
you need to redirect him and say oh that's sweet I miss you too maybe we can
go on a date this weekend or say I miss you too let's plan an afternoon where we
do a B or C and when you do that you are setting your standard
and it's up to him to meet them if he's really into you he will step up and meet
your standards oh and I'm sure he will attempt to call you last minute more
than one time so be ready to make him put up or shut up
stick to your standards if he disappears he's probably doing you a favor
that reminds me are you struggling with a dating or relationship problem that
you need some help with would you like to get my perspective or opinion on your
situation I coach people all over the world both over the phone through email
or through video conferencing so if you're a subscriber and you're dealing
with a dating or relationship problem send me an email at antonio burello at and perhaps we can work together one on one I'll also include my
email address in the notes below number two the I've been hurt before
manipulation this manipulation is one that men used to influence you into
feeling sorry for them because someone broke their heart and now they can't
trust again they use this manipulation as an excuse
for it not wanting a commitment while keeping you on the sidelines feeling
sorry for him there are so many people both men and women who fall into this
manipulation and then they voluntarily overcompensate by doing everything in
their power to prove their loyalty and their love to their new partner and
they're doing this and hoping to soon gain his trust and commitment and again
when you are overcompensating for someone's manipulation or trick you are
again in reactive mode not the person in control so think about this as an
example let's say that about a year ago you had your heart broken by your
ex-boyfriend who no longer wanted a relationship it was devastating and you
were hurt fast-forward to today you've met an
amazing man you get along so well he seems to be everything that you've ever
wanted he's an amazing catch and he's showing you all of the signs that he
really likes you he's investing into the relationship and he really wants you now
you just met this man that's wonderful that you really want are you gonna tell
him hey I was hurt before I don't want to be hurt again so let's continue to
date but you should also date other women because I don't want to get hurt
again no that's crazy certainly you would be cautious with
your heart and take things slowly at the same time when you meet that
one special person who turns your world upside down you're willing to do
whatever it takes to keep that person in your life whatever fears you might have
won't come close to the fear of losing the one that you really love so if a man
won't commit to you because he's afraid of getting hurt recognize this is the
manipulation and let him know that you're going to continue to date because
after all you want a relationship and that keeps you in the driver's seat then
move on and find the one that's afraid of losing you number three the I've been
cheated on before jealousy manipulation this is also a common manipulation that
controlling people used to justify and excuse they're jealous behaviors again
they want you to feel sorry about the fact that they were cheated on and they
use that as justification for why they're so possessive and jealous he
wants you to rationalize his behavior and say oh I understand why he's so
jealous he's been cheated on but I'm going to
prove to him that he can trust me and you think in time he will trust you and
not be so jealous and worried all the time and that's a big mistake here again
you'll be overcompensating thinking that you'll only have to do this temporarily
because he will soon trust you again you've been derailed your behavior is
reactive and you've given up your power the good news like most other difficult
emotional experiences jealousy that is motivated by insecurity can be a trigger
for growth but that starts with an honest conversation with yourself and
your partner discussing how jealous behavior is hurting your relationship if
you're dealing with an insecurity issue working together on the issue could
become the first step and increase self-awareness and greater
understandings of yourself and the relationship but let me make an
important distinction jealous feelings are not equal to jealous behaviors the
first is caused by some insecurities fear or anxiety over the possibility of
losing someone but jealous behaviors those are caused by a need to control
and possess your partner there's a big difference here so if you're seeing
multiple warning signs or a progressive pattern developed you should be
concerned pathologically jealous individuals construct these
evidence of disloyalty from irrelevant incidents they refused to change their
views even when confronted with contradicting information and they're
inclined to accuse their partner of unfaithfulness with many other
individuals under this form of jealousy one of the partners considers that he or
she has exclusive ownership over the other individual and that this ownership
is a necessity for preserving the relationship so be wise trust your
instincts and protect yourself if something doesn't sound or feel right do
what's best for you and keep yourself safe that brings me to my next point if
you've had experiences with a jealous partner and you'd like to share your
example please feel free to leave a comment sharing your story might be
incredibly helpful to someone who's dealing with a similar situation if you
haven't already watched the video on how men test women click here to check that
one out now and for more videos that will help you build great relationships
so you can grow happy with the people you love please subscribe so you aren't
missing any of our weekly videos thanks for watching I'll see you in the next
Alimenti con proprietà lassative, scoprite i migliori - Duration: 6:34.
Oltre a includere nella dieta alimenti dalle proprietà lassative, è molto importante aumentare il consumo di acqua per favorire il movimento intestinale e facilitare,
così, l'evacuazione In questo articolo parliamo di alcuni alimenti dalle proprietà lassative che vi aiuteranno a migliorare il transito intestinale.
L'Istituto Nazionale del Diabete e Malattie Digestive e Renali spiega che si può parlare di stitichezza quando una persona ha tre o meno evacuazioni in una settimana.
In questo caso, le feci tendono ad essere secche e dure, il che rende il processo di evacuazione molto doloroso.
Soffriamo tutti di stitichezza nel corso della nostra vita, ma spesso si tratta di brevi periodi o il problema non è considerato serio.
L'Istituto Nazionale del Diabete e Malattie Digestive e Renali segnala che non è necessario evacuare tutti i giorni; tuttavia,
nel caso in cui si manifestassero dei cambiamenti per quanto riguarda le abitudini intestinali, bisogna rivolgersi a uno specialista.
È comunque possibile migliorare la situazione grazie ad alcuni alimenti dalle proprietà lassative.
Come alleviare la stitichezza? A chi soffre di stitichezza si consiglia di praticare regolarmente attività fisica,
come camminare, nuotare o fare sport, almeno tre o quattro volte alla settimana.
Bisogna anche mantenersi ben idratati e consumare la quantità di fibra giornaliera raccomandata.
Se avvertite la necessità di andare al bagno, non rimandate e non cercate di trattenerla: andate subito. In caso contrario, rischiate di peggiorare la situazione.
Allo stesso modo, cercate di regolarizzare i vostri movimenti intestinali e far sì che le evacuazioni siano frequenti.
Come? Facile, stabilite un orario fisso per andare al bagno tutti i giorni e assicuratevi di rispettarlo. Alimenti dalle proprietà lassative.
Esistono diversi alimenti dalle proprietà lassative che possono aiutare l'organismo a depurarsi stimolando il movimento intestinale.
È proprio all'interno dell'intestino che gli alimenti ricchi di fibra svolgono un ruolo fondamentale in caso di stitichezza.
Per questo è importante aumentare il consumo di fibra, in quanto regola il movimento intestinale e favorisce l'espulsione dei rifiuti dal corpo.
Includete gli alimenti di questi tipo nella vostra dieta, ma progressivamente, altrimenti rischiate di causare gas e distensione addominale.
Chiedete al vostro medico qual è la quantità di fibra da consumare ogni giorno.
La dose giornaliera di fibra consigliata varia a seconda dell'età e del genere.
A seguire vi indicheremo alcuni dei migliori alimenti dalle proprietà lassative.
Avrete, dunque, più possibilità di contrastare la stitichezza una volta per tutte.
1; Mele; Le mele sono conosciute per i loro molteplici benefici per la salute.
L'elevata quantità di pectina a contatto con l'acqua diventa una sorta di gel che risulta di grande beneficio per la salute intestinale: Assorbe l'acqua, quindi chi ha problemi di diarrea noterà un miglioramento.
Il gel lubrifica l'apparato digerente, quindi permette al chimo (la massa in cui si trasformano gli alimenti nello stomaco come risultato della digestione) di avanzare più facilmente attraverso l'intestino.
2; Prugne; Le prugne sono tra gli alimenti più conosciuti e consumati per le loro proprietà lassative.
Sono un'ottima fonte di sorbitolo, un composto organico che viene assimilato e trasformato dai batteri del microbiota e attira l'acqua nel chimo.
Contribuisce, quindi, al corretto movimento intestinale; ecco spiegato l'effetto lassativo delle prugne.
3; Arance; Nel caso delle arance, i benefici per combattere la stitichezza si devono a un composto caratteristico di questi frutti, la naringenina.
Secondo diversi studi, questo flavonoide stimola la secrezione di ione cloruro nell'epitelio del colon.
Si crea così una forza osmotica e viene favorita la secrezione di liquidi, da qui l'effetto lassativo delle arance.
Altri lassativi; I semi di lino, l'uva passa, i frutti di bosco, le pesche, i kiwi e le albicocche secche hanno un effetto lassativo.
Aiutano a combattere la stitichezza anche la pasta, i pancake, il pane e i biscotti preparati con cereali integrali o ricchi di fibra.
È il caso dei broccoli, degli asparagi, delle patate con la buccia e della zucca. Anche certe verdure favoriscono il movimento intestinale.
Potete preparare anche insalate a base di spinaci, lattuga e cavolo per aumentare il consumo di fibra e, quindi, la frequenza delle evacuazioni.
Infine, i legumi (come i fagiolini, i fagioli bianchi, i ceci, le lenticchie), i semi di soia e di chia, la frutta secca (come le noci, le arachidi e le mandorle) garantiscono un elevato apporto di fibra alla dieta.
Dog morning routine! Funny dachshund video! - Duration: 1:49.
Das große Insta Q&A: Bin Ich mit Rebeka Koha verheiratet? Was finde ich gut an CrossFit? - Duration: 15:15.
Sings Happy Birthday
How long is this supposed to take today ?
About one hour
Then let me use the restroom real quick
Today is time for the bro shoes
Good morning competitive sports friend and welcome back on my YouTube channel
Todays location is my apartment
from where I'm going to answer all your questions
I gave you the opportunity to ask me questions via Instagram
And I am going to answer them today
Be excited
But before we do so let's start with a coffee
Hurry up
I want coffee
How long have you been lifting for ?
I am part of the weightlifting business for about 11 years now.
can I ,,,,, *starts coughin*
What the hell was that ?
Can I still lift heavy weights even if I have the feeling that my joints sometimes ...
Isn't something missing there ?
OK well I understand the question like this
That you want to know if you can still lift heavy weights even if you got the feeling your joints can't handle it
Hmmmm No
Well how am I going to start ?
Your own body always gives you signals
And when your body gets the feeling that the way that you about to lift is too heavy
I cant do it
Then it is trying to tell you that and some kind of way
It could be a little pain in your muscle
But it also can be that your knee joints dislocates
OK that might be a little bit too much
your body will tell you what's good and what not
And a little advice from a professional
listen to your body and cater to its signals
Good luck ---- Or get well soon
Is a 38 kg snatch and 48 kg clean and jerk good for a 13 year old boy
Who has been doing weightlifting for about six months ?
When you have been doing weightlifting for only six months
I guess it's not about how much a snatch or how much you clean and jerk but if your technique is right
And what you shouldn't forget starting weight lifting
The joints, muscles and tensions get exposed to a lot of strain.
And they will need time to adapt
Therefore I would say yes
But even if I would've said no,
it doesn't matter
Because after six months of weightlifting
nobody expects you moving heavy weights
The most important thing is that your technique is correct
and that you have fun
After your personal opinion. how old is a person supposed to be, at least, to start powerlifting?
OK let me give you my opinion regarding weightlifting
I know that you can start weightlifting in your youth already ,
And I talk about the age of 8,9 or 10 years
And by that I mean you're not doing only weightlifting
you do more like athletic exercises .
You could almost call it movement therapy
So to start weightlifting about 12, 13, 14 years.
How big is your quad ?
I don't know
And I have nothing to measure it here.
This would be actually funny but I don't have anything here to measure
What is your guess ?
10 meter
I want to start weightlifting , can you tell me how to do it the right way ?
I would say the best way to start weightlifting is in a weightlifting club with a trainer who enjoys teaching
In case you don't know where to find the next weightlifting club
our association had a really good idea
They installed A club finder ,
In which you just have to insert your postal code and it shows you at the nearest club to you
You can read it here
Click on it, insert your postal code and then ..
And even if the club is a little bit further away,
I think it's still a good idea to visit this club
to get to know the basics of weightlifting
And there it rings again
What do you like about CrossFit ?
Well what I really like about it is
That you can go all out
I even did a couple of workouts myself
And the first phase is like
You are excited and you're full of emotion
OK emotion is the wrong word maybe you're full of motivation
And you just want to get things done
The second phase is more like
OK well I have another 15 minutes to go
Can I do it ?
I do not have any joy in it anymore.
Your muscles start getting sore
But still you fight through it
And the last phase The phase of ecstasy
You can't think anymore and start miss counting
I miss counted a couple of times even when there were only 10 repetitions
I am not in control over my salivation anymore
And I have to keep my mouth shut to not drill on the floor.
And your mind is somewhere far away.
And while doing my first work out I mentally missed out on the last five minutes
When I wanted to reflect my performance I was missing on the last third
Therefore if you want to grow out yourself CrossFit is a really good way to do so
That is the reason I enjoy watching it
How the people ....
Well you know already
Is it true that you and Rebecca Koha are married?
I wish it would be that way but no
And it is nothing planned yet.
Well Ritvas wouldn't be happy with it and I am a little afraid of Eduard her coach...
so ——- no
What is the feeling like to always be the smallest ?
I am only 1 m 77 myself
1,77 is huge man.. if I would be 1,77 I would be really happy
Well sometimes I meet people they are smaller than me
Jolie per example
She is really tiny
Like this
The funny thing is
Even if the other person is only 1 cm smaller than me,
I'm always doing jokes about small people
Without exception and I think it's funny
The other person mostly don't think it's funny
Do you do other sports ?
No unfortunately not
I would really like to. I would really like to play some soccer once in a while
But I just do not have the time
If you train twice a day I don't know how to find more time for another sport .
And it would be contra productive if I do something on my rest days
But I like to watch other sports
Would you like to give squat classes ?
Yes I could do that but it's quick explained
That wouldn't be a long class
I think the limitation for the majority of people is the mobility
And when I hear mobility are always have to think of moving monkey
Therefore go and contact him.
Are you still an active member of the army?
If yes which career path ?
Yes I am
I am there for as long as the army wants me to be part of them
But this also go hand in hand with my competitive sports career
Therefore yes I am and my career path is
Seen on long-term sergeant
Do you have to wear your uniform from time to time ?
Do you have one ?
Of course I have a uniform
It doesn't fit really good but I have one
How did you deal with your injury ?
An injury always sucks
There's no discussion about it
The question is how you cope with it and how you cure it the fastest way?
And especially my last injury of the bone marrow odema
I really needed to rest.
And there was nothing I would've prefer then continue training
Maybe even training in pain
Which is definitely not a professional advice
But if you are injured
Dependent on how big the injury is
The best thing to do is take a break
Especially the people who aren't professional athletes as I am
Can and should really take a break when needed
Wait till the pain is gone and then you can restart doing sports
Why no belt ?
Actually a lot of people recommend that I should start using a belt
Well the thing is
Years ago
I trained with a belt
And I lifted with it as well
Till I forgot to bring it with me to a competition and it really made no difference
At least I didn't feel the difference
From that time I question myself do I really need it ?
Or makes it no difference?
Still it can be
a situation when you reach high weights and wearing a belt is useful
Therefore maybe I will try it again
Somewhen in the near future
Why do you breathe like that?
Well basically I breathe to stay alive
And in a free country like Germany
Everybody is allowed to breathe as he please :)
The next question is probably how often do you breathe like that
What is your personal best with the military press ?
When I hear military press I always think of somebody in uniform does a strict press
I don't even know where the name military press come from
Probably from the military
Does that mean you're only allowed doing strict press when you join the military ?
I don't get it
Well I never performed a strict press wearing my uniform
But wearing regular clothes
Not too sure it's the same thing still
My personal best is 105 kg
I had a really good day
can't do it always
What do you think before entering a platform on a competition?
Are you using any visualization?
Before I enter the platform I think ...
Did I turn off the oven ?
Did I feed my cat ?
Did I put my golf bag back into the cellar ?
Did I park my Maserati right ?
I'm only kidding
My Masarati stands in the garage.
Well before I enter the platform I'm very focused
I don't recognize what's going on around me
But at the same time I am trying not to get too nervous
So Actually I'm still cool
Because actually I know what it's going to happen
Are you happy with your performance and what would you like to improve ?
Well I'm never totally happy with my performance
And what would I like to improve ?
What would I improve
I would improve everything what gives me the ability to move more weight
This could be strength
But I'm already working on that
This could be technique
I'm working on that too on the daily basis
Well I guess my biggest problem is
My clean
But I'm working on that too
As you see I'm trying to work on myself
And I hope that I will gain from that
What are your goals for 2019 regarding your performance
Yeah I really have to give my all 2019
And mentally I think I can do a 160 kg snatch
And 195 kg With the clean and jerk
But I would still not be satisfied
Because I always want to do more
But 160 kg and 195 kg would be a great start
And if I make more I wouldn't be disappointed
The question of all questions
Since you made a cooking video with EDEKA Who did the female voice belong to ?
That was Charlotta
And Charlotta works for a Edeka
She took care of that I get the receipt right
And don't talk any bullshit either way
What is in your training bag ?
I remember that Gregor from All Things Gym did a video about this
I think I must've been at the European championship
We show you the link right here
So you can take a look for yourself
But let me say this, there are a lot of things in it
What is your favorite time to train morning , noon or evening's ?
Well Actually evening's
Because in the morning my body is still little bit tired
And noon , it is my time to eat and I don't want to train
Therefore in the evening
when I'm already awake a little bit and I already eaten it's my favorite time to train
Most competitions taking place in the evening as well
Especially the Bundesliga
And then I'm really motivated
What is the best place to weight lift in Germany ?
Our former national trainer Oliver Caruso
Open a big training place in Schwarzach.
I think they even opened a new training hall recently
And I think
Well not only think
I know that everything is brand new there
The plates are from Eleiko so as the whole equipment
So this makes it a really nice place to train
And I think it's the best place to do weightlifting in Germany
In my opinion
So that was it Bye
And if you like the video thumbs up if you dislike the video thumbs up as well
And greet your grandparents from me. Ciao
Everytime - Feng Timo cover (with Lyrics/Subtitles) - Duration: 3:30.
How To Stay Motivated When Learning A Language - Duration: 7:01.
Hello everybody welcome to my channel. It's Gloria. I hope you're having a great day
so far. I love learning languages and get really excited when I see my improvement
in the language but reality check sometimes we might lose the motivation
and feel discouraged with our learning it maybe because we can't see immediate
reward from the language that we're learning or it may be because we're too
busy doing other stuff in life that's why when it comes to language learning
mindset is really important today's video is about how I stay
motivated when learning Japanese and other languages also what I do to re-inspire
myself when I fall off track the first thing is to find out your preferred learning
method if you watch to my previous videos you will know that I took my
Japanese Language Proficiency Test level by level and I didn't jump straight into
the hardest level one of the reasons is that learning Japanese is my hobby and I
didn't want to give myself any pressure I just want to enjoy the process of
learning I like my learning experience to be flexible so I always work on my
target into smaller and more manageable goals you can choose suitable materials
learning format and language experiences that you prefer to learn a language then
try different ways of learning and see which method works best for you
the second is to be disciplined but flexible with your learning I set
language learning to be part of my daily life and make it a habit so it will be
deeply ingrained to maintain my language ability we don't need a lot of time to
study for example I have a study routine to study during the time when
I'm commuting or spend 15 to 30 minutes a day to read something that I'm
interested in or watch a video in the language that
learning what we need to do is to make it a discipline and show up every single
day whenever possible which I believe that a small amount of daily work will yield
major results in the long term don't feel frustrated if you don't feel like
studying one day or if you're too busy and don't have the time or energy this
is normal you can always recharge and get back your routine another day
next is to set achievable goals it's difficult to learn a language and become
fluent in just three months it's almost impossible the best thing to do is to
set ourselves a goal that's realistic and we believe to be achievable we are all busy
in life work or school so in order to make sure you stick with your study
schedule we can set some daily goals like for example to learn five new vocabulary
items every day listen to a five-minute podcast or read a page of a book
another way I do is to write a goal each week and display it somewhere in the house
so that I can see it every day with that it's kind of a reminder for myself what
I need to do this week to achieve my goal this should be doable every day but
there will be a day where you just don't have the time to complete your daily
tasks and that's okay too the priority is quality over quantity the next thing is
to focus on what you have achieved believe in yourself that you can do it
and be proud of yourself that each time when you do it well a lot of the time we
tend to focus on what we lack of but forget to see how much we have learned
think about the first day that when you start learning the language and
recognize how much you know now and what you're good at will remind yourself that
you are improving what I mean is always reflect on what you have learned so far
by doing this you will feel the encouragement and feel that you're
progressing which will in turn motivate you the fifth thing I want to
share is something that you can do it easily to boost your motivation it is to
reward yourself once you reach a milestone or let's say you have a very
productive week of studying don't forget to treat yourself on your
achievement whether it's to reward yourself a
piece of chocolate cake watch a movie that you've been waiting for
or an hour rest to play game or something like that
this can make your language learning journey and ongoing mission because
nobody wants to keep studying that we should have a balance between our
studies and personal life the next tip is to find interesting way to learn the
language learning a language should be fun and I find that use the resources
that you like to learn will make it more interesting for me I really like
watching dramas and movies in the language that I'm learning I also enjoy
reading books online articles and magazines or maybe you like to have a
conversation lesson with your language teacher most importantly do not stress
yourself and have fun with it find something that connects with you and
give yourself something that to work towards this tip for me is very
important it is do not compare yourself to others we are our own worst enemy
sometimes we like to compare ourselves to the achievements by others instead of
comparing ourselves to other language learners we should compare to our own
progress you can evaluate yourself by comparing the current year to the
previous or review it monthly for example you can tell yourself and think
back last year I was still a beginner in the language and this year I've managed to
reach the intermediate level that way we will be able to see our own improvement
boost our motivation instead of focusing on what other people have achieved the
last thing I wanna share is how to re-inspire yourself and know your motivation
triggers and remind yourself again why did you start learning the language in
the first place and what do you want to achieve
sometimes it's normal to feel like that we start to slow down or get discouraged
when learning a language so when it happens we need to know how to bounce back asap
for me when I'm feeling down I like to listen to inspiring podcasts reading books written
by people who inspire me as I do these and encouraged by their success then I will
start thinking I should be back in action and do what I need to do again so
realizing this gives me the motivation to start working towards my own goals
again and continue to expand myself in the language so these are what I do to
stay motivated when learning a language I hope you find these helpful and always
look for reasons to keep going with your language learning journey if there are
any tips you personally use to stay motivated in your studies please share
them in the comments or if you have any other questions do leave them down below
as well alright I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please don't
forget to give me a thumbs up so that I know also subscribe to my channel to see
more videos thank you so much for watching I hope you have a wonderful day
and I'll see you in the next one bye
Exploring Thailand: The Ancient City & Bang pu I เที่ยวเมืองโบราณและบางปู - Duration: 8:26.
we are at the ancient city
we just drove past here and wanted to check it out
what's going on
and it's just so amazing
just took a tour
spent sometime around
show you guys around
we arrived here at 3:30
we will start with the free zone
it's gonna be all important places in the south of Thailand
we're here in ancient city
one of the thing we want to share with you was the golf cars they have
that you can rent to drive all the way through here
These are green powered
they're electric
so it's sustainable energy
they have the energy sources right here
and it's much better than most of the tourist attractions
where they pile you on buses that blow black smoke out and destroy the planet
so you know try to support tourist attractions
there are at least not contribute to the problem
more we see of this
the more we will bring it to you
we want to share with you also that they have this electric chargers
for electric vehicles
this is something that we never seen at the tourist attractions in Thailand
I don't know how many people have the cars
that these would work with here
but man it's just awesome we hope to see more of these
and you know
if they can install more of these
and actually has more cars on the road that powered by this
the air pollution problem in Bangkok's gonna get better
people lives' re gonna get better
the water quality the air quality
everything's gonna get better
so let's hope keep our fingers cross
support places that's doing this
we are at Bang pu
it's the place
is a resort that built by military
it's built in 1930
this place is for
seagulls flew from the cold mostly from Siberia
stop here for a few months
and they are gonna go back when it starts to be summer again
we are here in Bang pu and this is a building that military built for the resort
you know back then in 1930
and this place names Sala Sukjai that means
happy heart or just happy place
look at it why it's so happy
it's super nice
it's really cool breeze
and right now it's after sunset
so we're gonna enjoy here
and get all this breeze
have all this nice environment
and fresh air
for a change
super nice atmosphere
this place also have a restaurant
and the restaurant
every Saturday night they have ballroom dancing
for older people basically
this is the hall
they're gonna have no tables
no chairs
just all the empty space
for everybody to dance
so get some exercise
having fun and enjoy
I'm gonna leave you guys with all these view even though it starts to get dark
I miss all these bird friends
💪How I Suffocate My Own Excuses? #SelfDiscipline 1★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 111★ - Duration: 9:34.
hey I have a question for you what was your last excuse
maybe for not going for the gym maybe for breaking your diet
maybe for eating that extra slice of cake
well in today's episode I will share with you
how I suffocate my own excuses how I silence my own excuses
more about that right after the amazing panoramic intro
welcome to the day 1 journey episode 1 1 1 yeah chi-ching
episode 111 yes 1 1 1 well you have an excuse in mind
the last excuse that you told yourself of doing something
or not doing something are you curious how you can silence
how you can suffocate your own excuses
so you can do the things that you really really really
wanna do well in today's episode I will share how
I suffocate my own excuses the answer might be long
it might be very very very long the answer is about I think
60 or 70 episodes yeah the last 60 or 70 episodes
I think the first episode was episode 38 when I started sharing
with you my daily routine and then afterwards the
NO routine I think the daily routine was
more than 30 episodes and the NO routine last episode
was probably the last episode of the NO routine was
episode 40-something a total of 70~ episodes of
how I silenced how I suffocate yes how I suffocate my own excuses
so what's the connection you might be saying
what's the connection between excuses and the daily routine
and the no routine well this is what this episode is about
what's the connection you see when we want to do something
and we don't do it every day we might do it every other day right
then we put some room we make some room right
because we don't do it every day so we have some room some space
for the excuses but if we want to suffocate think about it
if we want to.... suffocate these excuses
we need not to give them even air doing things everyday doesn't
even give air to our excuses to leave it doesn't give them space
it doesn't give them room you want to suffocate your excuses
don't even give them room or space to live in when you push yourself
to do the things every day you don't have these questions going on
in your mind which everybody has maybe today I won't do it
maybe that's today because when we say to ourselves
and when I used to say to myself in the past okay I'll do that
but I won't do it every day maybe I do it every other day
so when you say that to yourself or at least when I said that to myself
comes a day when I don't feel like it and I'm asking myself
maybe this is the day off and this is me putting space
making room for excuses to come in but when I decide and I push myself
to do it every day there's just no room for excuses
are you with me with that logic very simple you don't want excuses
you want to suffocate your excuses don't give them even room
push yourself to do them every day and this what's the daily routine
is all about so check episode 38 and forward
or check the link above afterwards we spoke about the
NO routine it is also about excuses
how to suffocate our excuses it's about the stuff that we don't do
it's about the stuff that we don't do to make room to make space for the stuff
that we do we wanna do the stuff that we really really wanna do
so you can check those episodes forty-something episodes
also in this link and how do we do that
how do we push ourselves to do this stuff every day
what is the main tool we talked about it
we are going to talk about more in the next episodes
and we mentioned it maybe as a sub series
for the NO routine do you remember?
we spoke about the 3 desires most responsible for our lack
of self-discipline self-discipline what's the connection
well it is the foundation of almost everything we talked
about in the daily routine and in the NO routine
this is the foundation this is the HOW
this is the bridge between where we are and we want to go
this is this how we do it so we mentioned that within
the daily(NO) routine and we spoke about the
3 most basic desires most responsible for our
lack of self-discipline if you remember
the desire for food the desire for sex
and the desire to express loosely organized opinions
you can check this sub series also the link above
but we never talked about self-discipline as the main thing
we never put it in the spotlight this is what we're going to do
yeah in the next few episodes we'll break down
what it is and how we can use it to do what we really really
want to do while remembering that self-discipline is choosing
what we really really really want what we want most
over what we might want right now this is self-discipline
this is self-discipline to be able to choose between what we want now
and what we want most yeah this is the thing
this is self-discipline we'll talk about that
in future episodes also as a series the self-discipline series
well I'm really excited about that this one of the core things
that I'm pushing myself to do what I'm pushing myself to be
better in we can always get better so back to you we're out of time
back to you just before we dive in the next
episode into self-discipline suffocating all the
all the excuses pushing us to do things every day just before that
back to you I have an interesting assignment
for you for the day yes again raise the level of self-awareness
and ask yourself what areas or more specifically
what one area in your life you want to have more
self discipline in have this short conversation
just with yourself it doesn't even need to be aloud
just ask yourself where do you want to have more self discipline
in your life whatever in your life your relationship your health
your career your studying in university what area in your life
put that in mind so we have things to work on in the next episodes
and of course do this today and until tomorrow
until tomorrow have an amazing
amazing day 1 see you tomorrow
Why You Should Always Count Rhythms Like This.. - Duration: 11:04.
Matt Gets Fired - Duration: 5:57.
Boss, 老板
your two o'clock is here. 你两点约的人已经来了
Just give me a sec! 等我下
Okay, send them in. 好了 让他进来吧
Alright, mate. 你好啊
Ni hao! 你好
Uh.. 呃
My name's Matt. 我的名字叫Matt.
I could have sworn it was Jorge. 我还认为你是Jorge
We've worked together for years. 我们一起工作很多年了
I feel like I'd remember that. 如果是真的我一定记得的
Laowai Bao'an? 老外保安
Laowai Park? 老外公园
WeChat Groups? 微信群聊
Fascinating! 有趣
Look, ah 听着 啊
Matt, you've been a valued member of our team for... Matt你一直是我们团队的重要成员已经
Three years. 3年了
Well, 那是当然
it does feel nice to be recognized for my hard work. 你能认同我的工作让我非常的高兴
There's no easy way to say this; 要直接告诉你
you're generating more negative YouTube comments 你比米罗·雅诺波鲁斯健慰器的广告还吸引了很多不好的评论
than a Milo Yiannopoulos Shake Weight commercial. 你比米罗·雅诺波鲁斯健慰器的广告还吸引了很多不好的评论
You're being let go. 你被解雇了
Whoa, whoa, whoa! 喔喔喔
Who died and made you head of HR? 是谁死了 让你成为人力资源主管
Alessio's dead? Alessio死了吗
He made me head of HR. 他让我成为人力资源主管
Is he still alive? 他还活着吗
Well I haven't seen him this morning 今天早上我还没见过他
but you're missing the more important point here. 但是你找错重点了
Listen, Matt 听着 Matt
we here at Mamahuhu 对于马马虎虎来说
prioritize diversity. 多样性非常的重要
And we have our black guy quota covered. 我们已经有黑人了
Hispanic quota? 是拉丁美洲吗
I'm Scottish. 我是苏格兰人
Yeah, and I'm a 23 year old Eurasian barista. 是啊 我还是一个23岁的亚洲咖啡师呢
Matt this is serious! Matt 我是很认真的
Your career is on the line! 你的职业生涯有危险了
I really hope Alessio is okay. 我真的希望Alessio没事
You wouldn't fire me though, right? 你不会解雇我的 对吗
Afraid so. 恐怕是的
We're outsourcing your role to China. 我们将您的角色外包给中国
Norah here does a pitch perfect "Laowai Baoan." Norah在这里做了一个完美的 "老外保安"
Check it out. 来看看吧
Can't park here. 不能停车
Ha ha ha! 哈哈哈
Hilarious! 太搞笑了
And she can overact 她也是一个平庸的演员
and speaks... 也会说你的语言
I wanna say... 我是说
Arabic. 你应该是阿拉伯语
For the millionth time 要告诉你几万遍啊
I'm Scottish. 我是苏格兰人
Norah, what's he saying? Norah 他在说什么
Look, 你看
I know I'm a little bit racially ambiguous. 我知道表面上看有点难分辨我是哪里人
Oh my god, Stephen Curry!? 天呐 你是Stephen Curry
What are you doing in my office!? 你在我的办公室做什么
Still Matt. 再说一遍 我是Matt
Uncanny. 太不可思议了
When I took the helm at HR, 我当人力资源部头头的时候
I sacrificed the joy of getting my hands dirty 我牺牲了搬砖快乐的机会
being in the trenches, 与万死不辞伺候同志们的痛快
putting my life on the line 把我的生命放在前线
so I could serve the people. 所以我可以为人民服务
because I want to pass on the torch 因为我想传递这个火炬
and help others realize their passion. 并帮助他人实现他们的激情
We make goofy videos for the internet. 我们为互联网制作搞笑的视频
And "Head of HR?" 还有"人力资源主管?"
There is 6 of us. 我们有6个人
Five. 5个
Look, it is crushing to realize 看吧 它勉强实现
I've been so swept up in business affairs 我在商务上一直都是如此
that I forgot my obligation to guide you. 让我忘了我有义务来引导你
It's embarrasing to admit this, Matt. 承认这一点是令人尴尬的 Matt
But, 但是
When I came in here 当我来这里的时候
I wasn't sure which one of you is Matt. 我不确定你们哪一位是Matt
Your mustache and me 你的胡子和我
are the two most recognisable people. 是两个最容易识别的人
You know, I can see what's happened here. 你要知道 我可以看到这里发生了什么
I've lost my way in this corporate jungle. 我在这个公司的丛林中迷失了方向
I need to get back to basics. 我需要回到根本
Reconnect myself with my people. 重新与自己的员工建立联系
Any chance you could reconnect with someone else? 你有机会重新与别人联系吗
Maybe actual Jorge? 也许是真正的 Jorge
I think you misunderstand 我想你误解了
the gravity of the situation here, young man. 这里情况的严重性 年轻人
I was given your case to fire you. 我准备给你个事情好来解雇你
Wait. 等等
Woah, are you serious? 哇 你是认真的吗
Because that is, like... 因为那就像
Super not cool. 超级不酷
I know! 我知道
This is awful. 这实在是太糟糕了
If I don't fire you, 如果我不解雇你
I could lose my own job. 我可能会失去自己的工作
We are in a bind here, amigo. 我们被绑在一块了 朋友
There must be something we can do. 一定还有解决的办法
My hands are tied. 我的双手被捆绑住了
Look, 你看
you said yourself that this is your fault. 你说这是你自己的错
You weren't managing me. 你没有管理我
Alright, so... 好吧 所以
are you going to lose your job? 你会失去工作吗
It pains me to say this, but if I fire you properly, 我很难说这个 但如果我解雇你
I am a shoe in for a promotion. 我会得到升职
Promotion to what? 升到什么
Head of an Instagram account? Instagram帐号的负责人吗
Look, I know you've got some pull here. 你看 我知道你在这里有关系
You've got this sweet office, 你有这么漂亮的办公室
and just 而且
such a hot hot secretary. 有这么性感的秘书
Whatever it takes. 不管付出什么代价
I've got to do something 我必须做点什么
because my wife will leave me 因为要不然我的老婆会离开我
if I don't get any likes this month. 如果我没有得到任何的赞在这个月
Alright? She will leave me for another 好吧 她会离开我和另一个
d list internet celebrity 在上海
slightly recognizable in Shanghai. 互联网稍有名气的人在一块
You know, I know see a lot of myself in you, Mr Curry. 你知道吗 我确实在你身上看到很多的自己 Curry先生
Still Matt. 我是Matt
Your shoot-from-the-hip attitude, 你反应总是很快
your live every day disposition, 你每天生活都很积极
your apparent lack of personal hygiene. 但你就是缺乏个人卫生
Then it would really hurt you to see me on the streets. 那么看到我无家可归会让你感到非常伤心
It would! 当然会
So... 所以
please sir... 求你了 先生
can I stay some more? 我可以留在这里吗
This could cost me my job. 这可能会让我失去工作
But I have a plan. 但我有一个计划
Plan!? 计划
Great, I love a plan. 太棒了 我爱计划
Tell me what it is, boss. Let's do it. 告诉我是什么吧老板 咱们来实现它
I got a project coming up, 我即将有一个新项目
we're filming the "Ayi Chronicles." 我们准备拍一部"阿姨编年史"
We take GoPros, put them on ayis 我们把GoPro放在阿姨身上
and film their shenanigans! 并拍摄她们的生活
I can finagle this if you come on board as my assistant. 如果你加入的话我可以让你作为我的助手
It's the job I was born to do! 这生来就是做这个工作的料啊
What do you need? 你需要什么
Shoulder rubs? 肩膀按摩师吗
Coffee runs? 还是买咖啡
Want me to sleep test these chairs for you? 还是为你试椅子睡的舒不舒服吗
What's up? 说吧是什么
This is real work! 这是个真的项目
I'm talking up at 7am. 我说的是要早上7点开始工作
Working till late. 到很晚
Spending time finding props. 花很多时间寻找道具
Tomorrow, 明天
We're taking 6 ayis to Pudong 我们要带6个阿姨到浦东
for an ebike jousting tournament. 进行一个电动车的骑士比赛
How deep into Pudong? 浦东的哪里
Pretty deep! 很远很远的浦东
This is the opportunity of a lifetime, Matthew. 这是一次难得的机会 Matthew
You can go from our worst performer 你可以从我们最差的员工
to a star overnight. 过渡到我们最好的员工
Are you ready to take the challenge? 你愿意接受挑战吗
I'll still get paid the same? 我还会得到同样的报酬吗
Exactly the same. 完全相同的
One Starbucks voucher every fortnight. 每两周一张星巴克优惠券
Can I work from home? 我可以在家工作吗
If you can handle a living room full of 如果你可以处理好客厅全是
boom mics and wrestling ayis. 拍摄器材和摔跤的阿姨们的话
And you guarantee you won't fire me? 你保证你不会解雇我
You have my word? 我向你保证
Nah, screw it. 算了吧
I'm just going to go sleep on Jorge's sofa. 我还是住Jorge家的沙发好了
Wow 喔
You are a master at firing people. 你真的很会解雇人
What can I say? 我能说什么呢
Some people just need 有些人只是需要
a helping hand to give up their payout. 帮助放弃他们的遣散费
Now, 现在
send in the next dead man walking. 把下一个傻瓜叫进来吧
My man Andy, what can I do for you? 我亲爱的Andy 我能为你做点什么
[쿡원] 차돌박이짬뽕 asmr 먹방 / Chadol-style Spicy Seafood Noodles asmr Eating show - Duration: 14:39.
Hello i'm Cook.
Today is
I ordered a different delivery food.
The menu
It's a Chadol-style Spicy Seafood Noodles
I'll go eat right now ^^
Okay, I'll ask you to subscribe ♥
Beef brisket
Thank you for watching me ^^
Qui-Gon's Funeral / Ending Scene | Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:48.
Confer on you the level of Jedi knight the council does.
But agree with your taking this boy as your Padawan learner...
I do not.
Qui-Gon believed in him.
The chosen one the boy may be.
grave danger I fear in his training.
Master Yoda, I gave Qui-Gon my word.
I will train Anakin.
Without the approval of the council, if I must.
Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you.
Need that you do not.
Agree with you the council does.
Your apprentice Skywalker will be.
What will happen to me now?
The council have granted me permission to train you.
You will be a Jedi, I promise.
There's no doubt the mysterious warrior was a Sith.
Mmm. Always two there are.
No more, no less.
A master and an apprentice.
But which was destroyed?
The master or the apprentice?
Hello, everybody!
North Korea holds HUGE celebrations for Kim Jong-il birthday anniversary - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:38.
North Korea holds HUGE celebrations for Kim Jong-il birthday anniversary
NORTH Koreans have paid tribute to the late leader Kim Jong-il on the 77th anniversary
of his birth with various sport and cultural events despite the freezing temperatures of
Kim, who ruled the country for 17 years, was the son of the founder of the country Kim
Il-sung and the father of the country's current leader Kim Jong-un.
He was born on February 16, which is a day now known as the Day of the Shining Star.
Locals celebrate this day with tributes, ice skating, flower shows and various shows.
Impressive pictures of the celebrations have emerged of students taking part in dances
as part of the tributes in Pyongyang.
People have also carried flowers to lay below the statues of the former leader on Mansu
Hill in Pyongyang.
Soldiers from the Korean People's Army have paid their respects by leaving flowers in
tribute of the late leader.
Kim Jong-il was born in a hut at a secret camp on the slopes of Mount Paektu on the
North Korean border in 1942.
However, Soviet records claim he was born in Russia where his father Kim Il-sung commanded
the first Battalion of the Soviet 88th Brigade.
Kim Chol Jun paid tribute to the late leader and said: "No sons and daughters feel tired
when they visit their parents.
"The great leaders are regarded as our own parents, so I visit here to bow before our
parents with my sons."
The Day of the Shining Star is one of the most important holidays in North Korea, along
with April 15, known as the 'Day of the Sun' , which marks the birth of the nation's
founder Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-un's grandfather.
The late leader is thought to have been married twice and to have had three mistresses.
He died of a heart attack in 2011 at the age of 69 when he was travelling on a train.
The current leader of the country Kim Jong-un has recently vowed to revitalise the nation's
economy, which has been hit by international sanctions.
How To Make Chocolate Heart Cake Decorating 💘💘💘 So Yummy Cake Desserts Recipe 2019 - Duration: 12:03.
So Yummy Cake Desserts Recipe 2019
【PewDiePie中文字幕】我犯了一个巨大的错误 I've made a HUGE mistake - Duration: 13:41.
Tekrar Tekrar Dinleyeceğiniz O Şarkı 2019 - Duration: 3:21.
✅ Charlize Theron esclarece sua relação com Brad Pitt - Duration: 1:20.
Charlize Theron aproveitou sua participação esta semana no programa de Ellen DeGeneres, para esclarecer se está saindo com o ator Brad Pitt
Há meses a imprensa americana assegura que os atores estão juntos, mas mantendo o namoro em segredo, até que Pitt resolva sua situação de custódia e divórcio de Angelina Jolies
A atriz de 43 anos foi ao programa de Ellen promover seu novo filme, Long Shot, junto com Seth Rogen, e durante a entrevista ela esclareceu que 'está solteira'
Mãe de dois filhos adotivos, August e Jackson, sua última relação confirmada foi com Sean Penn
Em janeiro, a mídia assegura que ela e Brad foram vistos se beijando durante um encontro no hotel Chateau Marmont em West Hollywood
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Granola Sem Lixo - Duration: 8:35.
Ce a făcut primul și cel mai cunoscut prezentator TV care și-a mărturisit orientarea sexuală, Leonar - Duration: 4:59.
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New Saraiki Song 2019 || New Saraiki Latest Saraiki Song || Latest Punjabi And Saraiki Song Gulaab - Duration: 7:28.
Aprende el IDIOMA GALES MODERNO Saludos y despedidas por horas del día - Duration: 1:58.
Loredana Chivu, accident la estetician? Cum arată buzele ei - Duration: 3:23.
Saints hire Rizzi, overhaul special-teams staff - Duration: 3:39.
Feb 11, 2019Mike TriplettESPN Staff Writer CloseCovered Saints for eight years at New Orleans Times-Picayune Previously covered LSU football, San Francisco 49ers Iowa native and University of Iowa graduateFollow on TwitterFacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint METAIRIE, La
-- The New Orleans Saints completed an overhaul of their special-teams coaching staff on Monday by announcing they have hired former Miami Dolphins coordinator Darren Rizzi
Rizzi, 48, worked for three different head coaches during an impressive 10-year run in Miami
He interviewed for the Dolphins' head-coaching job last month before the organization decided to hire Brian Flores instead
The Saints, meanwhile, decided to move on from their trio of special-teams coaches -- veteran Mike Westhoff, Bradford Banta and Kevin O'Dea -- despite New Orleans' improvement in many areas after coaxing Westhoff out of retirement as a midseason replacement in 2017
Westhoff, who turned 71 last month, recently told that he had not decided yet whether he was going to come back in 2019
He now plans to retire and was "surprised and very disappointed" that the Saints decided to fire Banta and let O'Dea's contract expire
Westhoff was considered a pioneer in the special-teams game during his long stints with the Dolphins and New York Jets from 1986 to 2012 before he retired the first time
The Saints have one of the NFL's best punters, Thomas Morstead, and one of the best kickers, Wil Lutz -- and they led the league in net punting average in 2019 while allowing a total of just 60 punt-return yards
They also turned backup quarterback Taysom Hill into a special-teams star over the past two years, which included a blocked punt, a 47-yard kickoff return and three successful fake punts in 2018
However, the Saints' return units have been just average, with none longer than 50 yards and no return touchdowns this past season
They finished on a low note by allowing a fake punt to turn the tide of their NFC Championship Game loss to the Los Angeles Rams
It's also likely that the Saints wanted to pounce on a standout coach like Rizzi once he became available
Rizzi began his tenure in Miami while current Saints assistant general manager Jeff Ireland was the Dolphins' GM
He also worked under current Saints assistant head coach/tight ends coach Dan Campbell when Campbell was Miami's interim head coach during the 2015 season
Rizzi also held the title of assistant head coach or associate head coach with the Dolphins over the past four years
Among other highlights, the Dolphins led the NFL with 10 blocked punts over the past eight years
And they ranked fourth in 2018 in longtime NFL writer Rick Gosselin's annual special-teams rankings (the Saints ranked second)
Before joining the Dolphins' staff in 2009, Rizzi served as a head coach at the University of Rhode Island and the University of New Haven, among other college jobs
Hamidou Diallo, el nuevo 'rey' de los mates - Duration: 6:21.
La NBA ya tiene a nuevos campeones en los Concursos de Mates, Triples y Habilidades después de completarse la segunda jornada de la 68 edición del Fin de Semana de las Estrellas, en la que los grandes triunfadores fueron el escolta novato Hamidou Diallo, el veterano Joe Harris, y el de segundo año Jayson Tatum
Diallo, de los Thunder de Oklahoma City, se convirtió en el nuevo monarca de Mates, al ganar en la final al base Dennis Smith Jr
, de los Knicks de Nueva York. Un salto sobre el expívot Shaquille O'Neal en la primera ronda y luego recibiendo el balón del rapero Quavo en la final le permitieron ser el campeón
El joven jugador de 20 años de los Thunder superó a Smith 88-85 en la final, mientras que el alero novato Miles Bridges, del equipo local de los Hornets, el favorito de los 19
000 aficionados que llenaron las gradas del Spectrum Center de Charlotte, y el ala-pívot John Collins de los Hawks de Atlanta, fueron eliminados en la primera ronda
Diallo protagonizó un mate del que se hablará durante años en la primera ronda, al elevarse sobre O'Neal pero apoyándose con su mano izquierda en la espalda del exjugador de los Lakers, lo que ha generado polémica
Luego se colgó con el codo de la canasta para rasgarse la camiseta y tener otra debajo de Superman, que ya había mostrado antes de hacer el salto, para el que necesitó todo un ritual, que acabó siendo aburrido, pesado y monótono
Sin embargo, los cinco jueces lo vieron como válido y le dieron puntuación perfecta
Diallo, en el último intento de la noche, recibió el balón de Quavo y se elevó para volar hacia la canasta, donde hizo el mate que le aseguró el título
HARRIS BATIÓ A CURRY EN LOS TRIPLES Harris, el alero titular de los Nets de Brooklyn, se acreditó el título de campeón de Triples, al vencer en la ronda final al base Stephen Curry, de los Warriors de Golden State, tras encestar 12 tiros consecutivos y conseguir 26 puntos
Curry, que fue su gran rival en la lucha por el título, acabó con 24 puntos, mientras que el escolta bahameño Buddy Hield, de los Kings de Sacramento, finalizó tercero con 19 tantos
La estrella de los Warriors anotó sus primeros nueve tiros en la ronda final, pero falló tres de cinco desde el centro del perímetro y eso fue lo que le costó la derrota
Curry, campeón en la edición del 2015, superó la primera ronda con 27 puntos de los 34 que podía conseguir, mientras que Hield fue segundo al lograr 26 y Harris tercero con 25, que le permitieron pasar a la gran final
"Stephen (Curry) es el mejor tirador de todos los tiempos", declaró Harris. "Haber ganado esta noche no significa que yo sea mejor tirador que Curry
No quiero que se entienda de esa manera", señaló el actual campeón. Agregó que "para mí entrar y ganar la primera vez, es algo irreal
Ha sido un honor para mí estar aquí, participar este fin de semana, y es algo que recordaré durante mucho tiempo "
El gran derrotado fue el escolta hispano Devin Booker, de los Suns de Phoenix, que defendía el título de campeón del año pasado, pero que fue derrotado en la primera ronda al perder el desempate para un cuarto puesto con el escolta Danny Green, de los Raptors de Toronto, que logró 23 puntos
Los otros cinco jugadores, de los 10 que compitieron en el concurso y que no lograron superar la primera ronda, fueron el alemán Dirk Nowitzki y Damian Lillard (17 puntos), Seth Curry (16), Kemba Walker (15) y Khris Middleton (11)
El nuevo campeón, Harris, de 27 años, se llevó un premio en metálico de 60.000 dólares, mientras Curry recibió 40
000 y Hield ganó 25.000. TATUM, EL AMO Y SEÑOR DE LAS HABILIDADES Mientras que Tatum, el alero segundo año con los Celtics de Boston, se convirtió en el campeón de Habilidades al superar en la ronda final al base novato de los Hawks de Atlanta, Trae Young, con un triple espectacular y decisivo desde casi la mitad del campo del Spectrum Center, de Charlotte
El nuevo campeón en la primera ronda superó en el recorrido por el lateral del campo en el uno contra uno al veterano base Mike Conley, de los Grizzlies de Memphis
Luego en la segunda le tocó de rival el pívot serbio Nikola Jokic, de los Nuggets de Denver, quien en la primera ronda había eliminado a otro hombre alto, el montenegrino suizo Nikola Vucevic, de los Magic de Orlando, y Tatum fue muy superior, especialmente cuando llegó la hora de hacer el triple decisivo
Tatum, que había sido superado en velocidad por Young, le sorprendió por detrás con un triple espectacular, que dejó al novato de los Hawks sin el título después de que en la primera ronda superase al base De'Aaron Fox, de los Kings de Sacramento, para luego en la segunda hacer lo propio con el alero novato, el esloveno Luka Doncic, de los Mavericks de Dallas
VIAGEM PARA AUSTRÁLIA || Road Trip - Mergulho - Praias || Profundo no Mundo - Duration: 1:43.
Our car is Chewbacca!
We're waiting to see kangaroos...
It's 4h40 in the morning.
And we're going to...
Scuba dive!
It was one of the most beautiful divings we did!
Breaking Celeb News | How Kanye West got Kenny G to serenade Kim Kardashian on Valentine's Day - Duration: 3:44.
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Light rock music visualization for you! This is fantastic instrumental background music for videos animation.
Light, romantic rock composition about fantasy, dream and love.
Meghan królewska - Meghan Markle maca swój biust i wciąga kokainę. Do kin trafia film z udziałem ks - Duration: 2:08.
Meghan Markle wraca do aktorstwa? Nic podobnego, chociaż jeszcze niedawno fani serialu "W garniturach" mieli nadzieję, że księżna zagra w 9
i zarazem finałowym sezonie produkcji. Producentom nie udało się ściągnąć Markle na plan
Jednak do kin trafi niebawem inna produkcja z udziałem żony księcia Harry'ego. Mowa o filmie "The Boys & Girls Guide To Getting Down", który został nagrany już w 2011 roku
Wcześniej materiał emitowany był jako serial, teraz został jednak przekształcoony w pełnometrażowy film
Meghan Markle zagra rozpustna dziewczynę W filmie widzowie zobaczą Meghan w roli rozpustnej i krnąbrnej dziewczyny o imieniu Dana
Producenci zadbali, by nie zabrakło scen, w których postać księżnej wciąga kokainę, eksponuje swoje ciało i decyduje się na przypadkowy seks
W jednej ze scen zobaczymy Meghan w kusej kreacji z dużym dekoltem. Bohaterka będzie przymierzała sukienkę i pytała koleżankę o radę
Co myślisz? Zbyt zdzirowata? - zapyta.W kolejnych sekwencjach będzie macała swój biust, porównując go z piersiami koleżanki, by później rozważać na temat jego potencjalnego powiększenia
Pałac do tej pory w żaden sposób nie odniósł się do tych doniesień. Coś nam się jednak wydaje, że królowa Elżbieta nie będzie zadowolona z takiego obrotu sprawy i do kina raczej się nie wybierze
Ronaldo-Dybala, scocca lascintilla. E la Juve scopre la coppia dei sogni - Duration: 6:00.
0 In un morbido venerdì di campionato la Juventus ha tirato giù la maschera: dietro la "Siuuu Mask", nuova divertente carnevalata degli assi bianconeri, c'è una certezza di granito
Non solo Paulo Dybala e Cristiano Ronaldo possono dividere felicemente il campo, ma hanno un'intesa istintiva, primordiale: bastava solo riscoprirla
Un feeling che nasce fuori dalla Continassa e che si è finalmente trasmesso pure nell'attacco bianconero: l'idea di mescolare l'esultanza è il segno del legame cementato in questi mesi, a dispetto di ogni apparenza
Non deve essere facile per una prima ballerina allontanarsi dalle luci del palcoscenico, ma Paulo si è adattato al nuovo vestito e ha fatto un passo indietro
Inutile girare attorno alla realtà, non poteva più essere lui il cocco di Madama
Ora la Juve si specchia solo in Cristiano, ma l'argentino può ancora brillare della vecchia luce
Certe giocate magnifiche col Frosinone, al netto di un avversario modesto, dimostrano come Dybala possa farsi ascoltare anche da secondo violino
Del resto, Allegri ha sempre creduto che prima o poi i due avrebbero fatto clic. I numeri avevano confermato la sua teoria, anche quando la Joya faticava a centrare la porta: dicevano al tecnico che l'argentino stava calpestando le stesse zolle degli anni passati
Un po' di pazienza e il gol sarebbe tornato, nonostante l'accentratore Ronaldo sotto ai riflettori
Così col Frosinone per la prima volta i due l'hanno messa dentro insieme: nella stessa partita il "Siuuu" si è definitivamente fuso alla "Dybala Mask"
E la loro foto è diventata un olio su tela virale tra i tifosi. producono di più — Dopo il sinistro sparato all'incrocio, Dybala ha piroettato come il portoghese e poi ha portato la mano vicino agli occhi, come da suo brand
Ieri su Instagram ha pure coinvolto i fan con una specie di sondaggio per certificare il nome (ormai deciso) per l'esultanza
In fondo, ha ricambiato la carineria concordata con Ronaldo che una settimana prima aveva brevettato il movimento contro il Sassuolo
La "Siuuu mask" si vedrà ancora: difficile separare ciò che il campo ha unito. Contro il Cholo, però, subentreranno altri ragionamenti e non è scontata la presenza di Dybala, tallonato sempre da Bernardeschi
Ma in generale il celebre Dybaldo, creatura mitologica nata d'estate, è finalmente uscito dalle acque
Finora sono state 28 le partite in cui Cris e Paulo hanno giocato insieme: totale di 2018 minuti con 42 reti
E la media-gol è superiore rispetto a quella delle cinque partite in cui uno dei due mancava all'appello (1,9 contro 1,7)
Tradotto: quando gioca insieme, la coppia fa crescere la produttività bianconera
piroette in mascheraIl tutto, nel rispetto della rigida gerarchia: anche con l'amico vicino, re Cristiano è sempre quello che tira di più (52 volte nello specchio contro le sedici di Dybala), è sempre quello che esulta di più (15 gol contro 5)
La tendenza è cristallizzata, arriva da inizio stagione: da quando il sovrano portoghese si è seduto sul trono, cerca come un ossesso la porta e spesso e volentieri fa centro
Finora in campionato, Cristiano ha usato entrambi i motori: comanda sia nella classifica cannonieri (19) sia in quella degli assist Magic (7), una rarità in questi luoghi
Ma in Champions, suo abituale terreno di caccia, è stata l'altra metà della "Siuuu Mask" a portare a casa la selvaggina: tra rossi, squalifiche e gare sfortunate, per Cristiano solo un gol nel pallottoliere, mentre Dybala ne ha messi in fila 5
Per questo davanti al Cholo dovranno mescolare le abitudini di stagione: la macchina portoghese vista in Italia da sommare alla vena argentina in Europa
A quel punto, anche la Spagna conoscerà certe piroette in maschera ABBONATI SUBITO A 0,33 € A COPIA 0
Tę śmierć opłakuje nie tylko jego Kraków. Nie żyje legenda polskiego jazzu - Duration: 3:26.
Jerzy Bożyk – jazzman i działacz opozycji antykomunistycznej zmarł. Jego śmierć wstrząsnęła Polaków
Ludzie opłakują to smutne wydarzenie i podkreślają, że był jedną z tych osób, które nierozerwalnie będą kojarzone z Krakowem
Jerzy Bożyk, jak podają media, zmarł wczoraj, co zasmuciło mieszkańców Krakowa. Jazzman urodził się w czasie II wojny światowej we Lwowie, a konkretnie w 1941 roku
Jego kariera rozpoczęła się od występów z zespołami takimi jak „The Jazz Five Boys" czy „Silver Jazz"
Od 1959 do 1976 roku koncertował za granicą. Odwiedził między innymi Szwecję czy Czechosłowację
W 1985 został magistrem studiów teatrologicznych, które ukończył na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim
W 1982 koncertował z krakowskim zespołem „Beale Street Band". Brał także udział w „Letnim Festiwalu Jazzowym" w „Piwnicy pod Baranami", którego był ikoną
Dzięki festiwalowi również współcześnie kojarzą go nie tylko krakowianie. W 2016 roku za zasługi dla kultury otrzymał medal „Gloria Artis"
Nie żyje Jerzy Bożyk Publiczność nieodzownie kojarzy go z rolą pianisty i wokalisty
Jest uznawany za niekwestionowaną legendę festiwali. Do dzisiaj wspominają jego wielki talent, a także wspaniałą charyzmę, którą to zarażał publiczność
Jego koncerty należały zdecydowanie do tych, które pamięta się na długo. Tak o zmarłym wyraził się Jan Józef Kasprzyk, szef Urzędu do Spraw Kombatantów i Osób Represjonowanych
– Bardzo smutna wiadomość. Dziś odszedł na Wieczną Wartę Jerzy Bożyk – lwowiak, strzelec, jazzman, działacz opozycji antykomunistycznej, jedna z najbarwniejszych postaci współczesnego Krakowa, bard Marszu Szlakiem Kadrówki… Jurku, odpoczywaj w pokoju! – napisał na swoim Twitterze
Źródło: RMF24
Dembélé: "Tengo que ser decisivo" - Duration: 3:13.
Ousmane Dembélé ya se siente importante en este Barça. El delantero galo superó momentos complicados y se ganó a base de goles y buenas actuaciones la confianza de afición, técnico y compañeros
Tanto es así que su ausencia se ha achacado como uno de los motivos del bajón del conjunto azulgrana en las últimas semanas
En una entrevista concedida a la web del Barça, Dembélé deja clara su ambición de cara al tramo decisivo del curso
"Estoy bien. Empecé siendo decisivo al principio. Tuve una fase en noviembre de pasar más por el banquillo, pero es normal y porque durante una temporada siempre pasamos por momentos difíciles
Pero tengo fe en mí e intentaré seguir con lo que sé hacer y ser decisivo", aseguró Ousmane
"Es importante marcar en los momentos clave. Soy delantero y tengo que ser decisivo cuando el equipo está en su mejor momento", añadió
Dembélé también se refiere a un momento clave de esta temporada. "El gol ante el Atlético en el último minuto fue importante
No pasaba por un buen momento y cuando Messi me dio el balón, vi a Oblak muy cerca mío
No me lo pensé y marqué", comentó. Todavía sobre Leo, el galo se deshizo en elogios
"Es genial, hace el fútbol más fácil. Le doy el balón y hace cosas increíbles. Cuando está en el campo es más sencillo para los delanteros, porque los rivales se centran en él
Nos hace pases muy buenos y nos deja en excelentes condiciones", valoró. Del Olympique de Lyon, rival en la Champions, Dembélé recalcó la dificultad del choque
"Es un equipo con jugadores muy buenos. Ganar ahí es muy difícil. Demostraron ante City o PSG que deberemos estar muy atentos y no pensar que será fácil
Umtiti me dice que son un gran equipo", reveló. De su lesión en el tobillo que le ha tenido varias semanas de baja, Dembélé reconoció que ésta llegó cuando mejor estaba
"La lesión llegó cuando me sentía muy bien. Era decisivo y hacía un gran trabajo durante los partidos, pero así es el fútbol", lamentó
Tutto su Piatek, il nuovo bomber del Milan - Duration: 1:17.
TORINO - Tra i principali protagonisti di Serie A c'è sicuramente Krzysztof Piatek, arrivato in estate al Genoa e passato al Milan nel mercato invernale
L'attaccante polacco è riuscito a realizzare già 17 gol nella sua prima esperienza nel campionato italiano, stupendo tutti, e insegue Cristiano Ronaldo nella classifica marcatori
Piatek è già diventato il beniamino dei tifosi rossoneri in pochissimo tempo dopo la cessione di Higuain al Chelsea grazie alla doppietta realizzata in Coppa Italia contro il Napoli e alle altre reti di campionato
Andiamo a vedere 10 curiosità sull'attaccante rossonero, statistiche o particolarità che in pochi conoscono
Gattuso: "Piatek vive per il gol"
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