Today International News 14 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
ASMR 🍣 SUSHI 🥢 ROLLS (EATING SOUNDS) АСМР ИТИНГ 🥢 СУШИ 🍣 РОЛЛОВ /Звуки еды,Мукбанг, Mukbang 땅 寿司 - Duration: 25:36.Hello, hello, hello) Hello!
Today, in the ASMR video, there will be
Eating, mukbang, eating
Speak at your convenience.
Eating Sushi and Rolls
I eat them for the 2nd time in my life, so I will use training sticks
I really like iting sushi or rolls
And if you also like this video, do not forget to rate it, and write in the comments
Iting what would you like (a) to see on my channel, but we will start!
Bought more ginger
GARRY'S MOD: DARKRP ► ТЕСТ СЕРВЕРОВ ► ТЕСТИМ СЕРВЕР RT - Duration: 15:42.-------------------------------------------
メルセデスAMG GTをマイナーチェンジ。限定モデルのGT R PROも登場した - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 1:59:09.-------------------------------------------
Nina Leonard Miracle Matte Jersey FauxWrap Dress with Ri... - Duration: 6:09.-------------------------------------------
"Smithereens" by twenty one pilots -- Sign Language Cover - Duration: 2:57.You know
I've always been collected, calm, and chill
And you know
I never look for conflict for the thrill
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
You know
I'll be in the corner taking notes
And you know, oh
I got your six while you're working votes
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
(Fight fight fight fight fight)
(I would get beat to--)
You know I had to do one
You know I had to do one
You know I had to one on the record (For you)
You know I had to do one on the record for her like this
You know I had to do one on the record for her--
If I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Write a slick song just to show you the world
For you
I know
They think it's messed up to sell out for your girl
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
Curso de Conserto de Celular, Reparo de Placas Funciona - Curso de Conserto de Celular Aula Grátis - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Avete Provato a Congelare l'Aloe Vera e poi a Strofinarla sulla Pelle? Il Risultato è Straordinario - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Ela Lavou Seus Cabelos com Bicarbonato de Sódio e Foi Isto que Aconteceu | Dicas de Saúde - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Copiar e Colar VBA - Copy e PasteSpecial VBA - Compilação de Vendas - Duration: 9:59.-------------------------------------------
Youngstown Blue Coats asking for busload of winter donations - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Trono classico spoiler: Luigi pronto a scegliere, 'guerra' tra Ivan e Zelletta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Perfil de Maycon do BBB19 assume erro do participante e pede desculpas publicamente: 'constrangidos - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino gossip: 'Voglio un altro figlio' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Biblia para todos los niños [Disponible en español e inglés] - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Amazon no buscará sede en Nueva York | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Padres de víctima de Parkland se refugian en el arte | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
✅ Ciao Darwin 8 – Terre desolate: data di inizio e anticipazioni - Duration: 3:29.Ciao Darwin 8 – Terre desolate: data di inizio, anticipazioni e casting Tutto pronto per l'ottava edizione del fortunato programma ideato e condotto da Paolo Bonolis
Ciao Darwin 8 – Terre desolate sbarcherà su Canale 5 in prima serata venerdì 15 marzo, prendendo lo spazio lasciato libero dalla conclusione delle scelte serali di Uomini e Donne
A renderlo noto è che assicura che il palinsesto della rete ammiraglia Mediaset vedrà protagonista l'istrionico conduttore romano a partire dalla metà del prossimo mese
Nel frattempo aperti i casting per arruolare i concorrenti da inserire in quella che dovrebbe essere l'ultima stagione dello show
Almeno stando a quanto ha dichiarato recentemente Bonolis. Aperti i casting per partecipare alla nuova edizione di Ciao Darwin "Per meriti acquisti e stagionatura il programma ha raggiunto il suo traguardo", ha detto il conduttore a proposito dello show
Fatto sta che l'ultima stagione è in rampa di lancio. Intanto prosegue l'arruolamento dei concorrenti
I possibili aspiranti, obbligatoriamente maggiorenni, potranno presentarsi ai casting disposti in molte città italiane
Potranno farlo solo dopo aver inviato una mail ad contenente una propria fotografia e i propri dati anagrafici
Gli appuntamenti già resi noti al momento sono i seguenti: il 7 e il 14 febbraio a Roma, il 4 e il 15 febbraio a Cernusco sul Naviglio, l'8 febbraio a Firenze, il 12 a Bologna, il 13 a Verona, il 18 a Milano e il 22 a Napoli
Vent'anni di Ciao Darwin: prima puntata datata 3 ottobre 1998 e la curiosità sulla celebre sigla 'Matti' Il programma ha festeggiato vent'anni nel 2018
La prima puntata è datata 3 ottobre 1998. Anche all'epoca, al timone c'era Paolo Bonolis, spalleggiato dall'immancabile amico e collega Luca Laurenti, protagonista assieme a lui di un'infinità di siparietti
Altra curiosità sullo show è che il celebre stacco musicale "Matti" è stato scritto da Renato Zero appositamente per la trasmissione, con la collaborazione del maestro Renato Serio
Ciao Darwin, che mescola i generi del varietà e del game show, è nato da un'idea dello stesso Bonolis e di Stefano Magnaghi, autore televisivo e dirigente d'azienda italiano
Law Of Attraction ONE MINUTE MANIFESTATION Tips! #4 (Your Youniverse New Video Series) - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Se cumple primer aniversario de masacre de Parkland | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Adrian Stresow - Big Time - Duration: 2:41.Adrian Stresow - Big Time
Apps para un feliz San Valentín | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Meet The Man Of Steel 5 Real Human Superpowers - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Good vs Evil: Episode 2 - Regression - Duration: 4:45.Justinsane: Don't, worry Marcus I've got this.
Justinsane: Camera man, I know you can bend the rules so, you're with me.
Justinsane: huuhuhhuuuh...
Camera Guy: weeeeeee...
...sans??... no but close...
Watts: Uh, it's my time to shine
Watts: Watch out, as I bust a mean rhyme.
Watts: Watts the name, I'm here to let you know.
Watts: I don't care for fame, all I want is for you to be my bro.
Watts: So, I made a friend a little while ago, he was my best buddy
Watts: But other things got in our way and he needed to study
Watts: He became a great guy, all tough and smart
Watts: Me, I was the voodoo king. His magical counterpart
Watts: But there were also a few others there too
Watts: Like Ellie and Marcus and a guy, just between me and you
Watts: he was just as fun as a shoe
Watts: The Inheritor broke our groove
Watts: But that's helped us to improve
Watts: After all that was done
Watts: After every one
Watts: Went and shot their guns
Watts: My Buddy had one more mission to do
Watts: One thing that we all just knew
Watts: The Inheritor must be stopped, someone had to pursue.
Watts: So, I've been here just to review
Watts: About the time we spent and how I grew
Watts: But it's been so hard and boring
Watts: The others are lame and have been snoring
Watts: Marcus has been storing
Watts: Ellie has been adoring and scoring about her new flooring
Watts: While I've been soaring by restoring and exploring, they won't even answer a door ring...
Watts: But if my time with him taught me anything
Watts: It would have to be that with everything
Watts: There is always a way to overcome
Watts: the challenges you face, to become number 1.
Watts: But if I'm being honest, I'm just waiting for him to come back
Watts: Because everything was better when he was playing a cool sound track
Watts: I tried for weeks to learn how to do it
Watts: To make a beat and not screw it
Watts: Wait I made a mistake
Watts: Can I try again?
Watts: I learnt from the best, from my best friend
Watts: I tried for days and weeks without end,
Watts: All to hope for one day he'll be back here
Watts: And I could show him, have him lend an ear.
Watts: And he would listen and notice I improved a tier.
Watts: Well that's all I suppose, I don't really know.. how to end this freestyle rap show...
Watts: So uh,
Watts: I guess I'll just... stop.
Watts: And, i'll return to my boring life.
Watts: (Breathes in (some how))
Watts: (sigh)
Watts: ...buddy...
KT Score KAYN Jungle vs REK'SAI | Patch 9.3 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 23:40.KT Score KAYN Jungle vs REK'SAI | Patch 9.3 | LOL KR Solo Queue
✅ Eleonora Abbagnato, tra figli e amore (in punta di piedi) - Duration: 2:58.Eleonora Abbagnato è una donna decisa. Basta guardarla volteggiare per capire le tinte più nitide della sua personalità: sa sempre quello che vuole ed è abituata a prenderselo, con lavoro e sacrificio
Anche se le sanguinano i piedi e ha i muscoli paralizzati dal dolore
Sin da piccola, ha scelto di lasciare le bambole nelle scatole e dedicarsi alla danza, la passione della sua vita: oggi, tagliato il traguardo dei 40 anni, continua a raccogliere i frutti delle sue fatiche e l'esibizione a Sanremo, sulle note della canzone di Francesco Renga, è l'ennesima stellina nella sua luccicante carriera
A 8 anni è già sulle punte, a 11 il primo passaggio in tv grazie a Pippo Baudo, a 13 l'ammissione alla prestigiosa scuola dell'Opéra di Parigi, a 23 la promozione come première danseuse, a 34 étoile
Nel 2015, inoltre, viene nominata direttrice del Balletto dell'Opera di Roma, la più giovane di sempre: «È il mio carattere», ci ha rivelato la scorsa estate, «avere sempre un obiettivo, arrivarci in fretta
Con sacrificio e duro lavoro». Lei, che sul palco dell'Ariston ci era già salita nel 2009 come valletta d'eccezione al fianco di Bonolis, torna in tutt'altra veste, per la serata dei duetti
Un sogno, quello di Eleonora, iniziato a Palermo, alla scuola di ballo di Marisa Benassai, vicino al negozio di abbigliamento della madre: «Se non fossi diventata una ballerina, forse avrei fatto il suo lavoro»
In realtà, in testa aveva le idee chiare: «Da piccola non guardavo molto i giocattoli, ma ora mi sto rifacendo con i miei figli»
Julia (7), la primogenita, e Gabriel (3), poi ci sono Lucrezia e Ginevra Vittoria, le bambine che Federico Balzaretti – suo marito dal 2011 – ha avuto dalla precedente relazione
«Pensare che non volevo un calciatore, neppure un biondo. Oggi lo sposerei altre dieci volte»
Perché nella vita del «comandante» Abbagnato, «l'imprevisto» è diventata la sua certezza più grande
✅ Uomini e Donne news, Lorenzo sceglie: Claudia stanca, Giulia sorprende - Duration: 3:29.Uomini e Donne news, Lorenzo Riccardi ha scelto Claudia Dionigi? I dettagli continuano a confermare A Uomini e Donne è arrivato anche il momento di Lorenzo Riccardi, il quale ha deciso di fare la sua scelta
Fino alla fine ha portato avanti due conoscenze, quella con Giulia Cavaglia e quella con Claudia Dionigi
Con la prima inizialmente sembrava esserci una forte complicità e feeling, tanto che qualcuno iniziava a credere che fossero d'accordo
Ma ecco che con l'arrivo di Claudia la situazione è cambiata. Infatti, la Dionigi è riuscita in pochissimo tempo a entrare nel cuore del tronista
Ora, però, la corteggiatrice rivela di non riuscire più a dare determinate attenzioni a Lorenzo, a causa delle molteplici delusioni
Questo atteggiamento di Claudia, che appare abbastanza stanca del comportamento del tronista, non viene per nulla apprezzato dal diretto interessato
Nel corso della puntata del Trono Classico, Lorenzo mostra tutto il suo disappunto nei confronti della Dionigi, sebbene non manchino momenti di ironia e sorrisi
Proprio il forte interesse che il Riccardi dimostra per l'atteggiamento di Claudia sembra confermare gli ultimi rumors
Ricordiamo che in questi ultimi giorni, Il Vicolo delle News ha annunciato che proprio la Dionigi sarà la scelta di Lorenzo
Sarà davvero così? Nel frattempo, Giulia riesce a sorprendere tutti, compreso il tronista
Nel corso dell'ultima esterna, la Cavaglia ha scelto di dichiarare tutto ciò che prova nei confronti di Lorenzo, attraverso una registrazione
Il Riccardi apprezza con grande entusiasmo il gesto della Cavaglia, tanto che trascorrono dei momenti molto romantici insieme
Anche Gianni Sperti ammette di essere rimasto sorpreso di fronte alla sorpresa di Giulia
Infatti, il tronista fa notare quanto sia difficile per la corteggiatrice dimostrare ciò che prova
News Uomini e Donne: l'esterna di Giulia Cavaglia da preoccupare i fan di Claudia Dionigi Lorenzo potrebbe aver scelto Claudia e alcuni dettagli sembrano confermare questa anticipazione
Ma l'esterna trascorsa con Giulia fa anche pensare il contrario. Il pubblico di Canale 5 spera che la scelta sia ricaduta sulla Dionigi, da sempre molto apprezzata
La corteggiatrice è riuscita a entrare nel cuore di tutti i telespettatori e anche di Gianni
Non ci resta che attendere per scoprire cosa accadrà.
Today International News 14 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24 - Duration: 10:49.Today International News 14 February 2019 || World News Bangla || International News || R NEWS 24
メルセデスAMG GTをマイナーチェンジ。限定モデルのGT R PROも登場した - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
ASMR 🍣 SUSHI 🥢 ROLLS (EATING SOUNDS) АСМР ИТИНГ 🥢 СУШИ 🍣 РОЛЛОВ /Звуки еды,Мукбанг, Mukbang 땅 寿司 - Duration: 25:36.Hello, hello, hello) Hello!
Today, in the ASMR video, there will be
Eating, mukbang, eating
Speak at your convenience.
Eating Sushi and Rolls
I eat them for the 2nd time in my life, so I will use training sticks
I really like iting sushi or rolls
And if you also like this video, do not forget to rate it, and write in the comments
Iting what would you like (a) to see on my channel, but we will start!
Bought more ginger
GARRY'S MOD: DARKRP ► ТЕСТ СЕРВЕРОВ ► ТЕСТИМ СЕРВЕР RT - Duration: 15:42.-------------------------------------------
Nina Leonard Miracle Matte Jersey FauxWrap Dress with Ri... - Duration: 6:09.-------------------------------------------
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 1:59:09.-------------------------------------------
"Smithereens" by twenty one pilots -- Sign Language Cover - Duration: 2:57.You know
I've always been collected, calm, and chill
And you know
I never look for conflict for the thrill
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
You know
I'll be in the corner taking notes
And you know, oh
I got your six while you're working votes
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
(Fight fight fight fight fight)
(I would get beat to--)
You know I had to do one
You know I had to do one
You know I had to one on the record (For you)
You know I had to do one on the record for her like this
You know I had to do one on the record for her--
If I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you
Can't describe just what I'm feeling
For you
I'd go
Write a slick song just to show you the world
For you
I know
They think it's messed up to sell out for your girl
For you
I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you
I know
I would get messed up
Weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
Curso de Conserto de Celular, Reparo de Placas Funciona - Curso de Conserto de Celular Aula Grátis - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Don't have a Valentine? Get the soft, smiling Taz Plushie instead! 😅 - Duration: 0:44.Get yours now from for ONLY $29 (limited)
My struggle with Facebook is that people don't remember filling out the home value request form - Duration: 2:41.- Hi, my name is Christina and I'm with Leads and Leverage.
I help Real Estate Agents sell more houses using Facebook.
And today's question comes from Lauren
from our Facebook for Real Estate Agents group.
Lauren says, my struggle with Facebook
is people not remembering
that they requested the value or the home search.
Well, Lauren, here's the thing.
A lot of times when we're giving away that kind of stuff
or you're putting out the home value or home search,
people are actually responding to the ad on a whim.
They're in the middle of something else.
They're in line, they're busy, they're at McDonald's,
they're getting coffee, they're waiting for the kids,
they're, you know, hanging out
and just maybe at a table like, you know what I mean?
They're just like, it's very, very quick moments.
They're not, like, going, oh I'm gonna go to Facebook
and I'm gonna go submit this
and I'm gonna- they're not gonna remember it.
We have the attention span of a goldfish
which is about eight seconds.
So they're not going to remember
what they've done or what they did.
Here's what you need to do.
What you need to do is followup with them
in a way that helps bring them along the journey
so they remember and that means
you're going to have to use email
but you're gonna have to use it strategically.
When people submit their information for a home value
or a home search, then you need to followup with them
via email and the best way to followup
is to actually help them along the journey.
Not to an appointment, that will come.
But the next step, if they submit it for their home value,
then you then go, send out quick in a email and say,
hey you submitted this just verifying that you wanted it
and that you are the owner.
Then the next question can be, have you done any upgrades
to the property, that does change the value.
Do you have a reason that you want this value?
Are you looking to sell or do you want a tax value
or you just, do you want to value it for your profile?
Those are several emails, those are not one email.
Each email needs to have
one specific little thought to this.
But here's the other piece to this.
You need to be connecting with people
who are part of your warm audience.
How do you get your warm audience?
You have a page that actually goes out
and connects with people on the level of,
hey I live in this area.
And then you build those relationships
and then when you run ads
and they submit their home value request
or their home search request, guess what?
It's intentional, they convert better.
So, if you wanna do that,
the link to the Facebook Page Setup Checklist
that I've included is in the description
of this video for you, Lauren.
And go ahead, download it, use that, make those changes,
start engaging with people and then you're going to notice
a big difference in the quality of people who respond
to your home value and your home search request.
You have got this, Lauren.
Trump Official's Wife Goes Full Anti-Vaxxer – "Bring Back Our Childhood Diseases!" - Duration: 4:19.Darla shine the wife of bill shine, who just happens to be the communications director
for the Trump White House.
Went on an unhinged Twitter rant yesterday.
Apparently after watching a clip on CNN that triggered her so much that she actually ended
up calling for the return of her childhood diseases.
Uh, here is what Miss Shine tweeted out.
Here we go.
Measles outbreak on CNN, the entire baby boom population alive today had the measles as
kids bring back our childhood diseases, they keep you healthy and fight cancer.
Um, I don't know what Darla shine has a degree in, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that
it's not an internal medicine because yeah, guests, what?
Darla, I don't know if you've been paying attention to medical statistics and cancer
rates in the United States, but as it turns out, baby boomers can and do in fact get cancer.
Whether or not they had measles as a child or any of these other childhood diseases that
you're clamoring to come back.
Um, they still get cancer.
In fact, uh, it's one of the top three I believe, killers of not just that generation, but American
citizens in general.
And so you're going to sit there, it say that, dammit, all these people need measles so that
we don't get cancer later in life.
Um, it would be awesome if that's how it worked, but unfortunately it's not.
Now, to the other point, I guess Darla is also sitting here telling us that we should
all be anti vaccs.
Everybody needs these diseases.
Let's get as many kids sick as possible because all it's going to do is tough.
And I'm up, right?
Well, no children under the age of five and actually anyone over the age of 30 are incredibly
susceptible to the worst effects, including death from catching something like the measles,
which yes, there is an outbreak right now, uh, in the northwest because the rate of vaccination
continues to drop in those areas.
And that's all based on things that aren't actually science.
The scaremongering of the anti vaccs crowd that has no basis in actual science.
They're believing one guy who was widely discredited, proven to falsify information, stripped of
his medical license, and they somehow think that that dude who is a national and international
disgrace at this point is correct.
Well, that's not how it works.
And those people that we have catching measles, losing their hearing because of it possibly
losing their lives because of it.
That's not a good thing.
Darla, she later went on to tweet after everybody on Twitter told her how stupid she is.
She said, was waiting for the left to come after me.
As soon as I retweet a fact about Hashtag vaccines, they come after me, bring it on.
You didn't state any facts.
You said stupid jibberish and everybody calls you out for it.
Don't sit there and act like, yeah, I'm so tough.
Bring it on.
You're getting decimated.
You're getting ratioed.
Everybody is telling you what a moron you are and that science disagrees with everything
you have to say and you're standing there as if you just won some kind of combat.
You are losing.
Do you understand that?
And the saddest part is I don't think she does.
I honest to God, don't believe that this woman has enough intelligence in her to understand
that not only is she wrong about all the facts, but that everyone in her comment thread is
making fun
of her.
Students don't give into fear at South Jordan Middle School - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
I'm JEALOUS of my Therapist's other Clients? [CC English & Español] - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
'I Couldn't Help Myself, I Was Fun' Ep. 1 Official Clip | 2 Dope Queens | Season 2 - Duration: 4:39.JESSICA WILLIAMS: Please give it up...
BOTH: ...for Solomon Georgio!
JESSICA: Solomon!
PHOEBE: Wow. Holy shit.
JESSICA: Solomon.
You better work.
SOLOMON GEORGIO: How you doing, New York?
Sorry, I had to throw
something comfy on before I got here, so...
Oh my God. New York. I love it here.
Brooklyn especially, oh my God.
-(QUIET CHEERING) -I, um... thank you.
I actually live in Los Angeles.
I know. I know.
I know, I've heard it from you before.
And here's the thing.
No one in L.A. makes fun of anyone in New York...
...because we're too busy enjoying our lives. It is...
And here's the thing. The main complaint every time
about people from L.A. is how fake they are.
"Everyone in L.A. is so fake!"
You guys, no one in L.A. is fake.
Those are their genuine shitty personalities.
You think there's another layer to there?
No, that person's terrible to the bone.
As you can tell by my outfit,
I've been, um, aggressively gay this year.
-(APPLAUSE) -Thank you.
I used to be a very docile, neighborhood homosexual.
But now that we're in Trump's America,
I'm like, "Mm-mm.
No one deserves my niceties ever again."
Like, now, when I go to the movie theater
and I see two straight dudes do that buffer seat,
I sit right in the middle.
And then I pull out my phone,
and I start watching hardcore gay porn.
It's gonna fit.
It always fits.
Growing up, I was a very effeminate child.
I couldn't help myself, I was fun.
My father was very manly,
and he didn't care to have an effeminate son.
So every time I did something girly,
he made me learn something manly.
And one day, I did something spectacular.
And my father took me outside...
and taught me how to throw knives.
That's a thing I can do now!
Suck dick and throw knives!
And I'm all out of knives, so...
I just, uh, turned 37 years old.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
I know, I look great for my age.
And I love getting older.
It is by far the best thing you can do.
If you're not into it, too late. You're doing it right now.
'Cause as you age,
you just get so comfortable with yourself.
You just wake up every day and there's a new thing
you don't give a fuck about anymore.
It's the best feeling.
I'm now at the place,
if I fart in an elevator...
-I'll claim it. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)
I'll claim other people's farts.
What are they gonna do?
Tell on me?
Felix Cartal & Lights - Love Me (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:13.So why can't I make you love me, love me
Man you make it easy for me
Why do I keep wasting my time
I can't get you off of my mind
So why can't I make you love me, love me
Man you make it easy for me
Why do I keep wasting my time
I can't get you off of my mind
Love me or just let me go
Don't wanna miss you
But I don't need another issue
Or a real lover, tell me how you want it to go
So this could be a cruel summer
So why can't I make you love me, love me
So why can't I make you love me, love me
Man you make it easy for me
Why do I keep wasting my time
I can't get you off of my mind
It's got me feeling another level
You know how to love me better
Wondering if you think of me ever
in the down town weather
when I'm tryna stay cool
Long as I got you lovin on me
I'm down to be your casual lady
I'm trying not to let these mind games play me
Maybe there's something there for once
While I dissect conversations
Liquor by the pool when I know you're lookin
So Imma play cool when you think I wouldn't
You're leaving me hanging
So why can't I make you love me
So why can't I make you love me, love me
Man you make it easy for me
Why do I keep wasting my time
I can't get you off of my mind
It's got me feeling another level
You know how to love me better
Wondering if you think of me ever
in the down town weather
I'm tryna stay cool
Every time I'm thinking of you
I'm packing a bag of bad ideas
I wish I knew the way things were between us
But I waited it out for you
I know I should've ghosted at two
Tropical sweat and two middle fingers
Looking for my car keys and pain killers
you're making me nervous
Kitten School 101: Teach your Cat this Simple trick! - Duration: 4:30.Hi there and welcome back to Kitten School!
Who DOESN'T love seeing cats perform tricks?
I mean, there's something so adorable about a cat performing a trick
and even more astonishingly - on command!
I have always been fascinated by the enigmatic psychology of cats
And particularly how cleverly they can manipulate and learn from us humans.
My Siamese cat Sing Sing has all the traits of a "highly trainable" cat:
He's outgoing, eager to please, and is very, very FOOD motivated!
I'm not kidding,
This cat will eat ANYTHING!
So I thought it would be fun to teach him some simple tricks.
I have trained Sing Sing before, such as when I trained him that scratching on the scratchin post -
and NOT our sofa, would earn him treats.
He now uses only the scratching post, and our sofa is untouched.
Recently I taught Sing Sing to walk through this cat tunnel on command
...using a "trilling" sound to indicate what I want him to do.
He's got so good at this that he now runs back and forth in the tunnel without me asking him to!
So I want to show you steps of how I am teaching Sing Sing to perform these tricks.
I am going to use this box and do a really simple exercise that almost any cat could learn.
I am going to "ask" him to jump into the box on command.
Simple as that!
First I get some tasty this case it is minced turkey, but other times it is bits of cheese.
You want the treats to be small enough that cat can eat them quickly.
Next I show Sing Sing the treats...and of course he is interested!
I then hold a treat over the box and say the command - which is a little "Bloop!" sound
The only way he can get the treat is to jump in the box....
...which he does!
He earns the treat and lots of praise.
Again, I hold the treat over the box and make the command - Bloop!
It takes just a few seconds for Sing Sing to jump inside to retrieve his prize.
Good Boy!
After repeating this a few times Sing Sing starts to jump in the box without me having to show him the treat...
He doesn't need visual proof that he's going to get a treat...
He just knows that if he jumps in the box, he will get one.
So by doing this, I know that he's made the connection between action - performing the command I ask...
...and reward: a tasty treat!
Ok, now he's definitely go the gist of what I want him to do.
So I'm going to ask him to jump in the box again,
But THIS time he's only going to get praise, not a treat.
Behaviorists call this "Intermittent Reinforcement"
which means you want to make the treats random once the trick is learned.
You don't want to give the treat EVERY single time.
The anticipation is very powerful...
It's what makes people sit at slot machines for hours, even though they don't win EVERY game!
Now the next time he performs the trick, he gets a treat along with the praise.
He always gets praise; it's the treats that are random.
His anticipation about whether or not he WILL get a treat drives the excitement and eagerness to continue
performing the trick.
Alright! I think Sing Sing has the box trick down!
We will back with some more difficult tricks soon,
so be sure to enroll in Kitten School by clicking that SUBSCRIBE button!
So you don't miss a thing!
Have you taught your cat to perform a trick?
If so, BRAG about it in the comments!
Samsung Galaxy S10 - OFFICIAL TEASERS - Duration: 3:18.So Samsung is gearing up for an unpacked event which will happen in just 6 days.
We know everything there's to know about the device but it never hurts to hear it again
from the official source right.
Samsung has uploaded 3 official teasers of the Galaxy S10 confirming the features that
have been rumored for months now.
Here's the first teaser.
It's about the Ultrasonic in-display fingerprint scanner.
It's a 3D scanner, not the 2D one that you can find on the current Chinese phones.
There's a lot of controversy surrounding this.
Some are saying it'll not work with tempered glass screen protectors while some are arguing
it will.
I think it should work.
We've seen companies making tempered glass screen protectors for the S10 without holes
in it.
If it doesn't work why would they even bother making those and taking huge losses that way.
So it should work in my opinion and thankfully we don't have to wait long to find out.
Here's the second teaser.
It's about the reverse wireless charging feature similar to that of Huawei's but the difference
is that it's actually useful and faster as it has an output of 9W vs Huawei's mere 2.5W.
The final teaser is very interesting as it shows that the front camera can record 4K
videos and also has optical image stabilization.
This is a first for a smartphone.
We heard about this a few days ago and it seemed too good to be true at that time but
Samsung with this teaser confirmed that it's true.
Yes, you read that right!
Google paid almost $10B to Apple in 2018 to stay as the default search engine in Safari.
Apple is one of the biggest channels of traffic acquisition for Google and it generates almost
half of search revenues from iOS devices so it's a no wonder why Google wants to pay them
such absurd amount of money.
By the way, analysts believe that this number will only continue to grow, potentially leading
to a payment of $12 billion in 2019.
These are just pure profits to Apple.
They don't have to do anything but set Google as the default search engine and get paid
$10B in a year.
Anyway, consider subscribing for all the latest updates on the Galaxy S10 and as always I'll
see you tomorrow...Peace out!
Temptation Island | Season 1 Episode 5: Evan And Morgan Get Super Close | on USA Network - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Never, EVER Flush These Things Down a Toilet - Duration: 3:26.Have you ever noticed those signs in public restrooms that say
"Don't flush anything down the toilet except toilet paper"?
Someone had to have done that and flooded the bathroom...right?
Turn out, it's not just about clogging the john.
Those pipes lead to the sewers, where wet wipes, condoms, and grease from your kitchen sink
can congeal and turn into huge masses called "fatbergs."
These blobs choke sewer systems around the globe.
They've contaminated waterways from Baltimore to Tokyo
and forced raw sewage to bubble up.
One discovered in London's Whitechapel district in 2017 weighed nearly 130 tons
and was 850 feet long— roughly the size of 89 Toyota Priuses.
And in New York City, 75% of all reported sewer backups were grease-related,
according to the 2018 State of the Sewer report.
So, how can you help keep our sewage system free of fatbergs?
If you're sending something down a pipe, stick to the 4 p's:
and (toilet) Paper.
Otherwise, throw it out... or recycle it!... even compost it! (if you can.)
Here are 5 kinds of products you should NEVER, EVER flush down a toilet, sink, or drain:
Anything advertised as "Flushable":
The term flushable only means that something can be flushed down your toilet—not that it should be.
Wipes and kitty litter aren't designed to break down within the sewer system,
meaning blockages and backups further down the line.
As a general rule: if it doesn't come out of you, it doesn't belong in the loo.
But there are exceptions to that.
Tampons, pads, and condoms:
"Catcher screens" in New York City's wastewater treatment centers
are covered in pads, condoms, and tampons that were flushed down the toilet.
Though some these products may come out of you, they're not biological products.
To dispose of them, throw them out.
Menstrual blood is OK to flush, but if you're bleeding profusely, go to a hospital!
Other biological products like hair and nail clippings can bind to grease and wipes—
remember the fatberg monster?
So they also belong in the garbage.
Whether it's contact lenses, "flushable" toilet bowl cleaners, or dental floss,
these materials aren't designed to break down in the sewer system.
Paper towels and diapers can also contain plastic fibers.
Even if you have a toilet powerful enough to flush them, don't.
Soup, food stuffs, and cooking grease:
Food waste can end up down a sink while cooking—
it happens.
But greasy foods or soups poured down a pipe may solidify and form or stick to fatbergs.
If you're dealing with grease, pour it into an empty can, let it harden, and throw it out.
Anything that's not the 4 P's:
Do it.
That's why trash cans, recycling bins, and compost heaps exist.
And worse, if these products—or chemicals within them—can't be filtered out,
they'll stay within the system, putting stress on the systems responsible
for filtering our drinking water.
… So, you might be thinking:
"Well, what about toilet paper?"
Even the thickest, most luxurious TP you can buy is specifically designed
to degrade in the sewers.
So poop proudly, and treat the pipes in your body, your home, and beyond the right way.
Beto's Primary Challenger Takes On John Cornyn - Duration: 10:12.-------------------------------------------
Broad City Set Tour: Abbi Jacobson Shares Her Character's Ever-Changing Apartment - Duration: 3:07.You guys have caught me, literally,
last moment off of the last scene on set.
I can't really process it yet.
Do you want to, let's take a last look with me?
All right, we're going to go in for the last time.
Okay. Let's go.
Bittersweet. Okay.
Let's do it.
Oh my God, this is really sad.
This is me, this is my artwork from college.
Like real artwork but they, it's a print.
You guys like scanned it-
... and there's another one of these in my bedroom.
Yeah 'cause originally we had some of your actual things.
Oh my gosh yeah. The markers was like yours.
Oh yes.
Yes. When we borrowed it.
When we get in there my bedroom is like so mine.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
In the hurricane episode there's like this little
close up of these little dudes having their moment.
You know this story. This is unbelievable.
I bought a rug, okay, in my personal living room
and I was like,
"Guys I really want Abbi to have a new rug."
And like just a couple new things to be like,
"Oh she's like older now."
I try to differentiate myself from the character
and I come in here and I was like,
"That's my fucking carpet." Of all the rugs in all the world
they bought the same carpet as me.
It makes me almost upset because I'm like,
"I'm her. I'm just her."
This is my brother and my dad in real life at the Grand Canyon.
Melody is a teeny Easter egg that we don't pay off ever.
All the teeny little touches are what makes it feel so real.
I think that's the fun part kind of like trying
to evolve the sets to match like what you guys are up to.
Want to go in here? This is crazy right?
I don't feel like it's real.
So I mean we changed the layout in here too last season.
Like four was like a big transition
so the bed was in this corner for the first three seasons.
This color of this room is crazy.
But yeah it's Guava if anybody wants to know.
It's Guava.
Watermelon and the-
It's very guava.
Yeah wait this is the thing in my actual apartment
that I had with markers just like this.
And this is like the recreation of your chair.
Yeah so this is crazy.
First the pilot we brough in my chair,
like all this stuff and then they recreated this chair
that's like a very mid century retro-y vibe.
It looks so good. Like this is not a chair that exists.
And I might cry right now,
but literally you two have like made the show.
Like you have made the tone of the look of every space
that we've entered people like want our stuff
and they copy our shit and it feels real
and you have made the characters feel
so fully fleshed out and honest
and like they actually live in New York City
and so thank you guys. Really.
I'm gonna cry too.
For putting your whole selves into this really.
It's been a (laughs)
Matt Walsh Spotlight - Last Call with Carson Daly (Interview) - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
I've been acting like I'm okay. - Duration: 2:45.They were all here.
They all let me in,
but they never LET. ME. IN.
You should be more scared than you are, Justin.
It's time to wake up, sweetheart.
I mean I know, I know now that it was him. But I don't feel it.
You would rather pick apart your friends than maybe admit that you're not being your most amazing-self right now.
I mean I know but I... I don't know. I mean [HERE] but not [HERE].
I feel like screaming, because...
I don't have anyone to talk to.
What're you talking about?
I am talking about not taking anymore shit,
3 Reality Transurfing Secrets That Will Change Your Life (New Law of Attraction) - Duration: 14:21.This video will show you three reality transurfing secrets that can totally transform your life.
I'm going to show you how to apply those today so that you start to make rapid changes in
your life.
Welcome back to another video.
My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.
Now on this video, I'm gonna be sharing with you those three secrets that I think could
be total game changers if you apply them, and before I get into that, before I be getting
into that, I'm going to share with you some of the context of what reality transforming
Now, if you've watched a lot of my other videos on this and you probably have a good basis
for it, but in case you don't, it's a manifestation process or a philosophy, a way for seeing
the world that when you start to apply, it can have big changes of the way you see yourself
and the way you see other people and we'll help you go along the process much easier
for you to track what you want.
Now, it was a book that somebody recommended.
I get.
It's a book that was written by a quantum physicist in Russia, is now being translated
a whole bunch of different languages and the information is really getting out there.
It's very powerful and there's a couple of key concepts I want to share with you now.
One of them has to do with something called the alternative space.
The idea behind this is that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and
that we can experience the ones that we intend for.
Intention is one of the most powerful things when it comes to reality.
Transforming the idea is everything you want to experience exists here and now simply add
a different vibratory frequency, so if we want to experience that life track is what
it's called, that direction of what we could then we need to start setting your intentions.
Now, the other side of this is understanding that because there's this, in a way, these
layers, these, this grid of thoughts that we have and any time we think thoughts, those
have an electromagnetic type reality.
Even though we might not physically see them, and what happens is because we're having a
co collective experience with other people, which is the population of the earth.
What happens is we kind of in a way subconsciously team together when we're having similar thoughts
and those create thought structures called pendulums.
Now pendulums are kind of what sucks our energy out.
They are any belief system of society, the social conditioning.
Many times we think we're having our own thoughts when in reality we're having the thoughts
of this social conditioning and this pendulum's pendulums are in a way like anytime you think
you're a republican or Democrat or four against the government or anytime you're for this
football team and against this one.
Those are all pendulums.
Because when you start to think about them and you start to eventually feel like them,
you are in a way feeling that the pendulum itself and it's kind of in a way taken away
your energy.
So the power is that when you become aware of this, you immediately start to take your
power back and then you can create what you really want in your life.
Now, another part of understanding rally insurance, Irving, is the power of the heart.
When you create from the heart, it's much more powerful because, I mean, even the heartmath
institute has shown that the electromagnetic energy of the heart is thousands of times
more powerful than that of the head.
And the idea is that that must be the goal.
The goals must be connected to the heart, not necessarily money.
Money is a side effect of us doing what we love and have us adding value.
And then the last part about reality transfer, if you know, this kind of, uh, explained to
give a little crash course on it, is that decreased in importance is very, very important.
This was a game changer for me.
I had a lot of my goals were very important that I attained them and I put so much, you
know, I'm so much into them that I created resistance.
And importance creates resistance.
So think about it like this.
When you, anytime you make something very, very important, you distance yourself from
it, you put it on a pedestal and you no longer have it within reach.
So this is like you have someone you're attracted to, you put them on a pedestal, and then all
of a sudden they're either not attracted to you or something just comes up that balances
that out.
Well, metaphorically speaking, that's because there are balancing forces that come into
play that make it so that it balances out that energy.
But if you don't give things excess meaning or excess importance, then everything's good.
So it's about understanding that balance of energy.
It's called the coordination of balance or the coordination of important.
So don't give anything too much important and you start to Moreso resonate with it.
So those are the kind of the main ideas of understanding reality.
Trans Surfing.
Now that I've explained that I feel I can get to the video a little bit more, and the
first one has to do that could completely change your life, is it has to do with understanding
luck and how you can become lucky right now in the present moment.
And that after you've watched this video, you can start to experience much more luck
in your life.
And this has to do with understanding how, what we focus on is what we get more of and
anything, anytime we have something that happens in our life that we give it some type of,
um, maybe we feel gratitude for it.
We start to see more and more of those patterns in our life.
So as we're going throughout our day, if something happens and we give it some type of positive
meaning, which means we're not making that more important than it is, we just simply
say, oh, that's something positive.
And we acknowledged that.
Guess what?
It shifts us to another life track that will also have some type of positive effect of
So it's almost like that's when it gets better and better.
And then you have may have even experienced this where something good happens at the beginning
of your day.
And guess what?
Those good things begin to continue to happen.
And on the other side of that, you may have had it to where something negative happens
and it keeps going down that negative momentum.
So this is about deciding an intending that something lucky can happen for you.
You can set the intention that you're just in the right place at the right time, and
as you do this, guess what?
Things start to happen and this is the key, the moment something does happen, even something
small, give it reassurance and give it acknowledgement.
So for example, you want to set the intention to say, I am lucky.
Things are just always happening for me, and then you go to the gym and somebody opens
up the door for you that give it and acknowledging don't give given access, meaning extra support.
It's like, oh my God.
And like fake it.
I'd say just acknowledge it and be grateful and be like, wow, things are working out for
So I'm just opening up the door for me.
That was very nice of them as you say that, guess what?
You create a pattern within yourself that is then more likely to have more and more
experiences that resonate with that kind of perspective.
And that starts to create for yourself a powerful momentum.
This is something actually I sent a email out to a whole bunch of people that are, uh,
that followed my newsletter.
And I sent it out to them and I showed them this exact what I'm telling you right now
with being lucky.
I have had literally thousands of people respond to me and say, thank you so much for that
I started to set the intention to be lucky.
I started to acknowledge the things in my life that could possibly be a small amount
of luck and now amazing things that have happened.
So I think it is something that can work for you just as well.
Simply set the intention that you're going to be lucky.
Start to acknowledge the parts of your life that you're already grateful for it.
And guess what?
You will start to perceive of more and more of that.
Now, the second part I want to talk about has to do with decreasing importance.
Now I've shared that I think is one of the most powerful things that can change your
life if you apply it.
And basically what this means is if you have certain goals that you want to accomplish
and set up seeing them on this big pedestal and you know, giving them so much.
I'm kind of like energy, which is good to have like the focus and the intention, but
not like you need it in order to feel better.
Instead of doing that, start to more so realized that that's where negative emotion comes from.
Anytime we feel stressed, it's because we're giving some situation, excess meaning an excess
importance, so knowing that what we can begin to do is to see it as natural that we accomplish
what we want to have it almost a part of ourself image that everything just works out for us
and as we have that, guess what?
Everything begins to change because that's like an overlaying belief that goes through
our whole life.
Now, if you want a free guided meditation that will help you to decrease the level of
importance you give things and then also to wire in a lot of these reality transport and
I've created a free meditation that you can download and the top of the description box
below and it will help you do that so that you attract what you want faster and you really
start to embody the things that I'm talking about.
In another part of this could be simply understanding that when you decrease the level of importance,
you more so resonate with that desire, with that reality that you want.
Now imagine it like you have this goal of making a certain amount per year and it's
something double what you may last year will, unless you change your self image and unless
you see it as natural for you to hit your goals, that will remain outside of the way
you see yourself.
So more so than seeing your goals at this as this important thing.
See it as a natural part of your self image for you to accomplish that.
I remember, and I've told this story before, but when I was at like a 90,000 subscribers
and it was like I gave so much importance and meaning to [inaudible], but it was the
moment I started to really relax it.
Then I had a huge jump and buy huge jump.
I mean I had a video go viral when I was at 90,000 subs.
I went to bed the next day, a hundred and 1000, 3000 overnight and for like the next
four days group I'd like 10 or 15,000 subs and just like three or four days and that
was shortly after I was like, that's cool.
It was more of just a part of who I am.
When I hit 100 I was like, you know what?
This is just, it's nothing.
You know?
It felt cool for like an hour or two because it was like the golden the beginning and it
was cool that we've grown to that much, but at the same time I'm like, this is just a
natural side effect of being making a lot of videos and doing what I love and adding
value to people.
That's the way I viewed it and because of that it was natural and it was much more likely
in the growth has continued to exponentially since then.
Start to see your goals as more of natural.
Start to see it as a part of your self image and don't give it meaning.
And if you do give it access, meaning learn to just allow things to be, to trust the process.
And as you do that, you will start to decrease the stress, decrease the resistance, and things
will start to resonate more.
We create resistance anytime we give something, access meaning, because we really wanted to
go in a certain way.
So that's powerful as well as the third part that can completely transform your life.
This has to do with understanding something called a reality Amalgam.
Now this is like an overarching belief that we put over our world and the layers for which
we see the world.
So for example, we all have subconscious beliefs of this means this.
And like, uh, things were constantly kind of going in the back of our mind.
And the power of this reality, Amalgam going to share with you is that it starts to brighten
the pitcher that you see in the world.
So think of it like this reality, Amalgam.
They use the analogy in the book of Venetian Mirror.
So back in the day, the Venetian times, there are these Venetian years that they had and
what they would do as they would put hints of gold inside of the mirror so that you look
at yourself, you're like, wow, I look so much more attractive and that's what they did,
and that hint of gold made it so that you just glue a little bit, you just glowed, and
he just looked really good and in a way, this is what reality Amalgam is.
You set kind of an overlaying, hew into your life, into your beliefs, and as you do that,
guess what?
Your vibration begins to raise.
You start to feel better.
You start to increase your state of being because you start to have these beliefs that
really serve you.
So first off, let me ask you this question.
What are your beliefs about the manifestation process in general?
Do you believe it when things work out well for you?
Do you believe that you have to try really, really hard in order to make things happen?
Or is it possible that she could start to see the process is very easy?
The process as a natural byproduct of your focus and your intention, the this is what
makes a huge difference is when you start to see this as more of a natural byproduct
of who you are and you start to set these reality amalgams.
Now, how do you set reality?
This is something that you're going to have to repeat throughout the day, not all the
time, maybe five or six times a day, but when you can, you put these beliefs through your
life that are overarching beliefs of how the world works, how the world works, so this
could be like I'm always in the right place at the right time, similar to the luck one,
I'm always in the right place at the right time.
Every day gets better and better.
Things are always working out for me.
The I always manifest what I want.
Eventually things were always happening for me.
You see, these are all perspectives that are very general, but there's something that we
could start to wire in and then as they happen, you can acknowledge them and be like, Yo,
See that goal in the mirror thing?
Starting to work, it'll start to see that and you're like, Yo, this is so cool.
Reality amalgams are working and it's very powerful.
So this is something that I've done.
The world always takes care of me.
I'm always in the right place at the right time.
I'm so lucky.
All of these things, and I get offers from people are like, Hey, come fly here and do
this and go to like a car.
Went back to Costa Rica here pretty soon because I've like redefine the way I see abundance
and I've had this belief that just like people want me to come and go wherever they are,
like they want me to come and just be some places in.
It's pretty much just for free.
You know what I mean?
That's the kind of mentality I have and that's an overlaying belief that it's starting to
kind of pepper in my world.
So that's Kinda the way that you can start to apply a reality.
Amalgam, and it is so powerful.
I'll make more videos on reality amalgams in the future, but it's just an overlay unbelief
that can change just about everything.
So remember that you can begin to start to do is to first off, see yourself as lucky,
set the intention, acknowledged the next thing that comes into your life that is somewhat
even at a small level, lucky, and start to feel appreciation for it, that secondly decreased
the level of importance.
See it as natural for you to attain your goals.
As you do that, you'll start to moreso resonate with desires that you have.
And then thirdly, add that gold into that mirror, make it so that it looks a little
bit more like you got that beautiful hue and which you can then do is start to set these
beliefs, these beliefs like the world always takes care of me.
Every day gets better and better.
I always get what I want.
Not always will you do.
You can, why not?
And what you do as you start to feel into that.
And as you do that, everything begins to change.
So with that being said, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
Feel free to like this video if you guys liked to subscribe, if you haven't already.
Also hit that little notification gear so that you guys can see the daily visit that
I do, and other than that, as always, please much love.
Discovery Channel's been looping a video about honey for more than 26 hours and it shows no signs of - Duration: 2:40.For anyone wondering how honey is made, Discovery Channel UK's YouTube page is here to help, maybe for eternity
Since Wednesday, the channel has been looping a How It's Made segment on the subject over and over again, like some sticky-sweet, avant-garde stoner rock performance
The stream, which has been unfolding for what appears to be roughly 26 hours at the time of this posting, started off teasing us with a handful of seconds, then minutes of the clip according to the deeply appreciative folks chronicling all of this on Reddit
It still shows no signs of stopping. For those who haven't already tuned in to the live stream event of the year, the video is simple
As infinitely-looping drum machines and slap bass provide a gentle soundtrack, narrator Tony Hirst explains how honey is made, from start to finish
Nothing more, nothing less. Watch long enough and you may start to read secret codes in this maddening, endless pool of words, music, and imagery, but don't be fooled: this is only about honey
Did you know that it wasn't until an 1851 breakthrough that we've been able to farm honey without killing the bees? Did you know that honey's "the product of one of the most intelligent and industrious of creatures" and has been used in "religious and pagan" celebrations? Did you know that one beehive can produce 3 kilograms of honey in a single day? Well, slap this video on for a while and you will never be able to forget these facts
What inscrutable reason could the channel have for doing this? Is somebody at Discovery determined to impress upon us the wonder of honey bees? Is a subliminal message regarding their importance to our planet's ecology being communicated through the calming, narcotic repetition of the clip? Did someone just fall asleep on the keyboard? We may never know, so, honey, just enjoy the show
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5 Best and 5 Worst Things About Caribbean Cruises. Know Before You Go! - Duration: 10:35.If you're interested in cruising the Caribbean I'm going to share with you
the five best and the five worst things about a Caribbean cruise. I'm Gary
Bembridge, and this is another of my tips for travellers. One of the best things
about cruising the Caribbean is there are three different main itineraries, so
even if you've been on a Caribbean cruise before, there is another one and
another alternative that you can go on. Broadly speaking there is the Eastern
Caribbean, the Western Caribbean and Southern Caribbean cruises. The
Eastern Caribbean normally visits places like the Bahamas, Cayman Islands,
Haiti, Dominican Republic, the US and British Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and
Dutch Saint Maarten. If you go on a Western Caribbean, some of the places you
could go to include Jamaica, the Cayman Islands are usually included, Mexico's
Cozumel and Costa Maya, sometimes Belize, the Honduran island of Roatan.
Increasingly you'll find that Cuba, so Havana and Santiago de Cuba, are often
included in this areas.Another development is
increasingly there are cruises which only go to Cuba, and you can often do
seven-night cruises out of Miami which only go to Cuba. The
Southern Caribbean goes to places like St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique,
Dominica, St Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Most of
the cruises to the Caribbean tend to be seven-night cruises. Another great thing
about a Caribbean cruise is choice. You have the choice of itineraries, but
you also have an enormous choice of cruise lines and style of ship to go on. There's up to 24 different cruise lines of that actually visit the Caribbean in
some form or fashion during the course of the year. Big ships,
small ships, sailing ships or whatever type of cruise experience you want and whatever
price bracket you're looking for, you're probably going to find that going to the
Caribbean. So, if you want a party atmosphere ship you've got that. If you
want a more enrichment type ship you've got that. Any type of experience you can
find, so it's very important to think about the type of experience you want to
see the Caribbean. Don't see all Caribbean cruises as the same.
Think about the type of experience you want because there is plenty of choice
and options. Another great thing is that it's very easy to get to. Most of the
Caribbean cruises head out of Florida, many go out of Miami which is
the biggest cruise port in the world. The two next biggest cruise ports in the
world are in Fort Lauderdale (Port Everglades)
and then you have Port Canaveral. Of course, you can go from many other ports
both within Florida and more widespread. It's very easy to get to. For
example, from Florida on a seven-day cruise you'll normally have one
sea day getting to the islands, you'll visit four or five islands and have one
sea day coming back. You'll normally have a good long day in the port,
getting there about seven or eight o'clock in the morning and normally be there until
early evening. Of course the best thing about the Caribbean is the weather,
the beaches and the outdoors. For a very large part of the year it's a great
region to cruise to. The best time of all is really between December and April.
December can be very very busy, because of course the holiday period. April again
can also be very busy as it is Spring Break time. Very importantly, the rainy season
runs from May to December. Of course, most important of all is the hurricane
season. Hurricane season officially runs from June to the beginning of November,
although historically most hurricanes happen between August and October. The
absolute best time to go, in my personal opinion, is early December
because the weather's fantastic and it's before the big crowds. I also like the
February into March period because again the weather's pretty good, it's not
massively hot, the prices tend to be really good and it's not a a crazy
busy time. If you go to the Caribbean in the run-up to Christmas or in April when
it's spring break and, of course, during the summer it tends to be very busy. It's
much more rowdy and it's much more raucous because that's a big holiday
time. One of the great things about cruising the Caribbean is all of the
islands use the US dollar, so wherever you go you only have to take one
currency and it's accepted wherever you go. It also means, if you're
familiar with the US dollar, you know whether things are good value or good
prices. But one of the best things about Caribbean cruise is you're visiting a
loads of different countries but you don't have to keep passing through
immigration. You don't worry about visas and once you've boarded
the ship and they've checked your passport, when
you arrive in a port you get off as soon as the ships clears and you head
off into town and you head back and you do not have to worry about any of that hassle.
Those are , in my view, the best things about cruising the Caribbean. What do
I think are the worst things about going on a Caribbean cruise? Probably the worst
thing of all of a Caribbean cruise is the crowds and how busy it is. As I
mentioned, there's lots of choice and lots of options and there are so many people and
so many cruise ships going to the Caribbean. You'll find when you arrive
in a port there can often be four or five, or even more, ships which means they
could be 12,000, 15,000, 17,000 people heading off into the tow, on the
excursions, heading to the beaches. It gets really really busy and a little bit
manic. This is probably the worst thing of all of a Caribbean cruise.
As the ships get bigger and bigger, there are fewer places that they can actually
call on and you'll find that many of the itineraries call on the same ports, which
is why they get so busy. If you're looking to have a quiet
experience on some of the islands, look at more cruise lines like Azamara Club
Cruises, Silversea, Regent Seven Seas and those kind of cruise lines which run smaller
ships and often go to more unusual places and therefore avoid the crowds.
One of the worst things about cruising the Caribbean is the reports, the
news and the concern that crime is growing across the islands of the
Caribbean. Of course, there's lots more people going to the Caribbean,
there's many more people heading there and the islands and the people there
are relatively poor and you've got all these people arriving that are
perceived as being much more wealthy. So, like in all major places where
there's lots of tourists, there is a risk of crime. The same is true whether
you're in Venice or you're in Rome or wherever on a cruise. It is
interesting to note is that many of the governments in big countries like
the United States, Canada the UK have started to put out more information
specifically for people going cruising, often about the Caribbean. In
terms of the islands where crime has been reported as more of an issue in
recent times include the Bahamas, St Lucia, Jamaica, Honduras and Barbados.
Most of the crime is fairly petty like pickpocketing, thefts and the kind of
stuff you see whenever there's lots of tourists in a place. Always bear in mind when
you go to these islands, even though it feels carefree and you're on vacation, act the
same as any vacation spot around the world and you need to
be sensible and careful. For me one of the worst parts of a Caribbean cruise,
although it's not probably a massive issue because you can avoid it, is the
obsession with shopping, particularly by the cruise lines. I've been on many
cruise lines and they have these shopping advisors that give talks
and run shopping expeditions and have all sorts of incentives and things to get
you shopping. When you come off the ship
you have to walk through a mall area which is just packed with all the same retail stores like
Diamonds International and Tanzanite International. There's a real
obsession with shopping and one of the most troubling mindsets
I've heard on a number of cruise lines from these shopping advisors is they talk about
the number one activity is shopping in the Caribbean. Of course you
can ignore it and you can avoid the shopping, but I dislike that
shopping has become a fundamental part of the Caribbean experience and actually
when you get to the Caribbean you have to wade through all the shopping malls before
you get out into the islands. Another thing for me that I put in the worst
bucket is the amount of hassling you get when you're on the beach. This
differs a little bit by island, but you'll find normally when you're on a
beach you are constantly harassed by hawkers. In their
defense, these people are trying to make a living and you've got all these people
coming with money and they're trying to make a living, but it can
become quite troublesome. It depends a lot which island you're on too. If
you're in Jamaica you're going to have people offering you everything from
drugs through to knick knacks. On most islands it's much more
handcrafted goods, drinks and food, but you will generally find
that when you're on the beach you'll have lots of
people try to sell you things and, depending on the island, they can be
quite pushy. One of worst things for me about the Caribbean
is how the islands are blurring into one. On your cruise
you'll go to four or five islands and it is quite hard to remember which island
was which often afterwards and what you did where, especially when you're explaining them to
people or discussing amongst yourselves. Unlike say if you're travelling to
Europe where each of the countries is very different, the islands tend
to be very similar and they have created a world where the ports
are very similar with the same shops, the excursions are all very
similar so all do the beach breaks, the ATV tours, the zip lining,
catamarans and snorkeling. It can all be very similar and all starts to blur into
one. The islands haven't tried to make themselves very distinctive and really
push the different cultures and they do tend to blur into one. I think that's a
pity in many ways that the islands have become so homogeneous and so similar, and
they haven't really tried to make themselves very different. All
of them are beautiful and you will have a great time, but I don't think it's
such a pity that they haven't created different identities and made
you feel very different. Some of them when you go are very memorable but they,
tend to be the more southern ones so St Maarten for example is very different to
Barbados but they tend to be the islands that are more developed and more
commercial. Cruising the Caribbean is fantastic but there are great parts to
it and there are more downsides to it. The downsides will not stop me cruising to the
Caribbean and should not stop you cruising Caribbean. But, I think
understanding the best parts of the cruise experience and probably the worst
parts will help you make some judgments and decisions as you look to cruise the
Caribbean. Hopefully you found this interesting. If you enjoyed this I would
love it if you watch more of my Tips For Travellers videos as they are designed to
help you make more of your very precious travel time and money on land, on sea and
and on the rivers.
Princessbri - I Miss You (prod. Hellraiser) - Duration: 2:38.I just wanted to protect you, Turn your shadows into light.
Was I the demon or the angel?
Was I your peace, was I your fight?
And if I die if I fall, was it worth it in the end?
Because you aren't here anymore.
I lost my lover and my friend.
I miss you
I miss you
Now you got me wishing.
Everything was different.
I didn't wanna hurt him, That was never my intention.
I just wanted to protect you, Turn your shadows into light.
Was I the demon or the angel?
Was I your peace, was I your fight?
And if I die if I fall, was it worth it in the end?
Because you aren't here anymore.
I lost my lover and my friend.
I miss you
I miss you.
All Through The Night - Gentle Giant (1980) FLAC Audio Remaster - Duration: 4:25.Everyday they clock me,
everyday is just the same.
And the people I see,
wear the same face as me.
As I turn the handle,
time goes slowly by.
Is that all that there is until the day that I die?
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
I can't believe I'm free til morning.
If I wipe the dirt and sweat,
Then I find that more's still there.
If the summer don't get you,
Then the winters always will.
Try not to think,
it never gets nowhere.
But at least everyday ends,
and the night's always there.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
I can't believe I'm free til morning.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
I can't believe I'm free til morning.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
I can't believe I'm free til morning.
All through the night.
All through the night.
All through the night.
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