Monday, February 11, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 11 2019



+14 (Bad russian words)

How you met and what feelings experienced?

Bendy: Well ... it's all school

Boris: There was rottenness in our direction

As we stood out from ordinary people. Understanding.

Bendy: And if you talk about feelings - no more then friendship ...

I guess ...

What do you choose, 3 million rubles, or Boris.

I ​​don't have enough money in Russia...

Of course, Boris, what we are talking about. Stupid question. Hah ...

Have you played in the Yandere simulator?

Of course! This is my favorite game after Dota 2!

What are busy in the evenings


If your life were a movie, what would it be called?

"I thought it couldn't be worse" in all cinemas in the country!

Do you watch anime? How do you feel about hentai? Bendy, do ahegao.

I am not interested in Hentai, but I have a positive attitude to anime.

what ... ahe-what?

Face for ***shots.

NO! LITTLES Perverts!

Recall the meme "***********" Who among you would use this phrase?


Bendy, a fork in the eye or ass times?

But isn't it clear that he has both eyes whole?) 0)

What gave each other for the new year?

Boris: Happy New Year!

Bendy: Happy New Year!

Boris: I think you will justify my gift with yours.

Bendy: Maybe...

Well, do you like it?

Bendy: My mother is Satan!!!

I'll get you later ... Pay for it!


Bendy, why are you embarrassed in the "answer to the questions," and not in the clips?

Clips are setting where everything is pure game for the camera according to the script.

In truth, it is difficult for me to do this ... To be who you are not.

Oh, did I say true us all?....Fuck

Would you like to be YouTubers?

If I wanted to be one, then only as Ruslan - Crazy Mega Hell

And I like Yulik.

Ruslan X Yulik CANON

Sorry xDDD

Bendy: Everything? Boris: Let's go smoke. Bendy: Come on.

For more infomation >> MMD + Голоса Персонажей ► Вопрос-Ответ 2 ► BATIM - Duration: 2:32.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Night&Day Camera r link pdc - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Night&Day Camera r link pdc - Duration: 1:04.


Дневники разработчиков: сезон Растахана - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Дневники разработчиков: сезон Растахана - Duration: 1:55.


Książka obrazkowa na potrzeby dzieci Comeniusa „Orbis Pictus" („Świat w obrazach") wyd. z 1746 r. - Duration: 2:55.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, the first European reader pictorial, developed for teaching children,

by Jan Ámos Komenský - called Comenius

- was entitled 'Orbis Sensualium Pictus' or "Orbis Pictus" simply

(meaning "World sensual in pictures ")

- was the first book written with thought in mind about the educational needs of children,

issued in 1658.

The book was reminiscent of today's encyclopedia.

Komenský presented pictures in 150 chapters of creation, things, ideas and behaviors,

in his opinion, the most important.

Her task was to facilitate the learning of Latin by combining sentences in Latin and native language.

For one hundred years it was the most popular textbook in Europe

and a prototype of modern materials for learning foreign languages.

The first Latin-Polish-German edition appeared in 1667 in Brzeg in Silesia.

"Orbis Pictus" was used in Polish schools from the second half of the eighteenth century in

editions without illustrations.

Interesting fact: in 1770, at the request Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski

(commandant of the Knight's School and KEN activist)

royal bookseller Michał Gröll

he prepared the composition of the issue Warsaw-Nuremberg book:

Latin-Polish-French-German. It contained woodcut illustrations.

Johann Amos COMENIUS (1592-1670) was Czech teacher, philosopher, reformer

and a Protestant thinker,

the general of the Czech Brethren.

He devoted his entire life to practical activity upbringing, arranging school textbooks

and theoretical development of issues pedagogical, especially didactic.

He was the creator and propagator of the uniform general education system.

He recommended teaching everyone independently from sex and state, as well as teaching in mother tongue.

Our edition comes from 1746. and contains an index in four languages

(Latin, German, Italian and French)

after text in a two-column system and numerous woodcuts in the text,

as well as decorative vignettes in a woodcut.

Thanks to this the book has so much character for old prints of charm.

Please visit

to departments of foreign books and other objects until 1945, antique books and graphic books.

For more infomation >> Książka obrazkowa na potrzeby dzieci Comeniusa „Orbis Pictus" („Świat w obrazach") wyd. z 1746 r. - Duration: 2:55.


BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V Exclusive / AIRCO / ARMSTEUN / VELGEN / 5DRS / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Exclusive / AIRCO / ARMSTEUN / VELGEN / 5DRS / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:52.





Fabiano RESPONDE // Um detalhe para fotos de crianças e pets - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Fabiano RESPONDE // Um detalhe para fotos de crianças e pets - Duration: 1:14.





Minuto IBGE - Internet e Idosos [Áudio] - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Minuto IBGE - Internet e Idosos [Áudio] - Duration: 1:30.


Sacadas do Desenvolvedor: A Temporada de Rastakhan, com Joseph Magdalena - Hearthstone - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Sacadas do Desenvolvedor: A Temporada de Rastakhan, com Joseph Magdalena - Hearthstone - Duration: 1:55.


Matteo Salvini, altro schiaffo ad Alessandro Di Battista e M5s: incontro con la delegazione pro-Guai - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Matteo Salvini, altro schiaffo ad Alessandro Di Battista e M5s: incontro con la delegazione pro-Guai - Duration: 2:41.


Depois que Apliquei Esta Receita, Minhas Mãos e Rosto Ficaram Impecáveis! | Dicas de Saúde - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Depois que Apliquei Esta Receita, Minhas Mãos e Rosto Ficaram Impecáveis! | Dicas de Saúde - Duration: 3:23.


Rebeca Carvalho - Te Venero (Clipe Oficial MK Music) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Rebeca Carvalho - Te Venero (Clipe Oficial MK Music) - Duration: 4:24.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 500 Avantgarde Dakraam Navi - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 500 Avantgarde Dakraam Navi - Duration: 1:12.


Jurado de El Chapo reinicia deliberaciones | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Jurado de El Chapo reinicia deliberaciones | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 350 CDI Avantgarde 4-Matic AMG - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 350 CDI Avantgarde 4-Matic AMG - Duration: 1:15.


Trump defenderá el muro fronterizo en El Paso | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Trump defenderá el muro fronterizo en El Paso | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.


Recipe for Life - How to Be Happy & Live Your Best Life - Duration: 4:37.

This is going to be a cake recipe for life stay tuned and I'll tell you more!

Everybody likes to make cake or cookies or pies or whatever baked goods they have a little bit differently.

You first have to start out with flour, but I use

organic whole wheat flour

Some people just use regular flour

I also like to add a little bit of natural almond flour

Some people don't. Of course, you have to have sugar and again, I like to use organic sugar.

And then I use organic light brown sugars. Some people like to use dark brown sugar.

You have to have a little bit of vanilla for chocolate chip cookies and

Of course, you have to have butter!

You need eggs, and I'd like to use free-range organic brown eggs.

Here's just another type of organic white flour. If you don't want to use the whole wheat flour, you can use the organic white flour.

And then of course you need some baking soda, baking powder, and if you want to sweeten things up

you need to have chocolate chips or any kind of chips.

You might like Reese's peanut butter chips, you might like white chocolate chips....

You might not like to have chips at all. You might like to have a totally different type of cake or cookie

Here's where I'm going with this

Every recipe (for happiness) is

Individual for you. Whatever it is that you want to do in life. It's your recipe

you can't look at somebody else's life and try to

use the exact ingredients they have because you have a different set of circumstances

So let's look at the word cake. C is

for clarity

Become clear on what it is that you want to do (in life). Don't worry about what anybody else wants. This is your recipe

Just worry about what it is that you want & become real clear (about that).

The letter A is for awareness. Becoming aware of

what it is that you really want in life. For example, If I

want to lose 10, 20, 30, 40 pounds, but I'm still eating fast food every day, I am

Self-sabotaging. K is for knowledge

if you want to be a wood carver, let's say, and you never

investigate how to carve wood... become

knowledgeable about your craft about what it is that you really want to do and what you really want to accomplish in life. You can

Google things on the internet.

You can ask people, you can follow people on social media who are doing exactly

what you want to be doing. Become knowledgeable.

investigate. E is for


If you don't want to gain weight, but you're eating fast food every day, you're drinking

sodas every day and you're surrounding yourself in an environment

that's not conducive to what your goal is

It's not gonna happen (your goal)

So become aware of not only your environment

but the people you surround yourself with as well. We know about energy or emotional vampires -

people who when you walk into a room and they just makes you feel bad about yourself

Do you know what I'm talking about? You just don't feel right around those types of people - or maybe it's a work environment or a home

environment a health environment. Think about how you feel. Get CLEAR on your vision...

Become AWARE if your

Self-sabotaging... become more KNOWLEDGEABLE about what it is that you want to do. I'm gonna add one more "E", so it's CAKEE.

Make an effort

You can

Have this recipe

Set out in front of you write down the steps that you need to take

If you don't make an effort, it's probably not going to happen

Hope this video has helped you until next time make sure you do something healthy and happy

For you. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Recipe for Life - How to Be Happy & Live Your Best Life - Duration: 4:37.


Here's what you need to know before adopting a dog - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Here's what you need to know before adopting a dog - Duration: 3:00.


The Fastest Vehicles In The World - Duration: 1:59.

EXO PICTURES - The Fastest Vehicles In The World

For more infomation >> The Fastest Vehicles In The World - Duration: 1:59.


✅ Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood: gli attori di Supergirl si sposano - Duration: 1:58.

Supergirl cast: Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood si sposano  Fiori d'arancio sul set di Supergirl

Gli attori protagonisti Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood si sposano. Ad annunciarlo i diretti interessati su Instagram

"Sì, sì, sì, sarà sempre sì", ha scritto l'ex star di Glee sul suo account, a corredo di una foto che ben mette in mostra l'anello di fidanzamento

Chris, ex Kai di The Vampire Diaries, ha condiviso lo stesso scatto. "Il più felice", ha fatto sapere il 30enne

Subito dopo ha postato un'altra immagine con la promessa sposa e la didascalia: "Non è ancora la foto del nostro matrimonio, che sarà presto"

  Per Melissa Benoist si tratta del secondo matrimonio  Al momento Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood non hanno ancora svelato la data del loro matrimonio ma è probabile che verrà fissata dopo la fine delle riprese della quarta stagione di Supergirl

Per l'attrice si tratta delle seconde nozze: dal 2013 al 2017 è stata sposata con l'attore Blake Jenner, conosciuto sul set di Glee

La storia d'amore tra Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood  Dopo il divorzio da Blake Jenner, Melissa Benoist ha conosciuto Chris Wood

Per entrambi è stato un colpo di fulmine e dal 2017 fanno coppia fissa.

For more infomation >> ✅ Melissa Benoist e Chris Wood: gli attori di Supergirl si sposano - Duration: 1:58.


YTP Reaction #1 TRY-NOT-TO-LAUGH - Duration: 34:09.

For more infomation >> YTP Reaction #1 TRY-NOT-TO-LAUGH - Duration: 34:09.


SKT Clid SEJUANI Jungle vs GRF Tarzan LEESIN | Patch 9.3 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 28:49.

SKT Clid SEJUANI Jungle vs GRF Tarzan LEESIN | Patch 9.3 | LOL KR Solo Queue

For more infomation >> SKT Clid SEJUANI Jungle vs GRF Tarzan LEESIN | Patch 9.3 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 28:49.


400 k Coins | HİLL CLİMB Racing | Game For Kids - Duration: 9:16.

Hello my friends,

Hill climb racing gameplay

For more infomation >> 400 k Coins | HİLL CLİMB Racing | Game For Kids - Duration: 9:16.


BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.


MMD + Голоса Персонажей ► Вопрос-Ответ 2 ► BATIM - Duration: 2:32.



+14 (Bad russian words)

How you met and what feelings experienced?

Bendy: Well ... it's all school

Boris: There was rottenness in our direction

As we stood out from ordinary people. Understanding.

Bendy: And if you talk about feelings - no more then friendship ...

I guess ...

What do you choose, 3 million rubles, or Boris.

I ​​don't have enough money in Russia...

Of course, Boris, what we are talking about. Stupid question. Hah ...

Have you played in the Yandere simulator?

Of course! This is my favorite game after Dota 2!

What are busy in the evenings


If your life were a movie, what would it be called?

"I thought it couldn't be worse" in all cinemas in the country!

Do you watch anime? How do you feel about hentai? Bendy, do ahegao.

I am not interested in Hentai, but I have a positive attitude to anime.

what ... ahe-what?

Face for ***shots.

NO! LITTLES Perverts!

Recall the meme "***********" Who among you would use this phrase?


Bendy, a fork in the eye or ass times?

But isn't it clear that he has both eyes whole?) 0)

What gave each other for the new year?

Boris: Happy New Year!

Bendy: Happy New Year!

Boris: I think you will justify my gift with yours.

Bendy: Maybe...

Well, do you like it?

Bendy: My mother is Satan!!!

I'll get you later ... Pay for it!


Bendy, why are you embarrassed in the "answer to the questions," and not in the clips?

Clips are setting where everything is pure game for the camera according to the script.

In truth, it is difficult for me to do this ... To be who you are not.

Oh, did I say true us all?....Fuck

Would you like to be YouTubers?

If I wanted to be one, then only as Ruslan - Crazy Mega Hell

And I like Yulik.

Ruslan X Yulik CANON

Sorry xDDD

Bendy: Everything? Boris: Let's go smoke. Bendy: Come on.

For more infomation >> MMD + Голоса Персонажей ► Вопрос-Ответ 2 ► BATIM - Duration: 2:32.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Night&Day Camera r link pdc - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Night&Day Camera r link pdc - Duration: 1:04.


Дневники разработчиков: сезон Растахана - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Дневники разработчиков: сезон Растахана - Duration: 1:55.


Książka obrazkowa na potrzeby dzieci Comeniusa „Orbis Pictus" („Świat w obrazach") wyd. z 1746 r. - Duration: 2:55.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, the first European reader pictorial, developed for teaching children,

by Jan Ámos Komenský - called Comenius

- was entitled 'Orbis Sensualium Pictus' or "Orbis Pictus" simply

(meaning "World sensual in pictures ")

- was the first book written with thought in mind about the educational needs of children,

issued in 1658.

The book was reminiscent of today's encyclopedia.

Komenský presented pictures in 150 chapters of creation, things, ideas and behaviors,

in his opinion, the most important.

Her task was to facilitate the learning of Latin by combining sentences in Latin and native language.

For one hundred years it was the most popular textbook in Europe

and a prototype of modern materials for learning foreign languages.

The first Latin-Polish-German edition appeared in 1667 in Brzeg in Silesia.

"Orbis Pictus" was used in Polish schools from the second half of the eighteenth century in

editions without illustrations.

Interesting fact: in 1770, at the request Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski

(commandant of the Knight's School and KEN activist)

royal bookseller Michał Gröll

he prepared the composition of the issue Warsaw-Nuremberg book:

Latin-Polish-French-German. It contained woodcut illustrations.

Johann Amos COMENIUS (1592-1670) was Czech teacher, philosopher, reformer

and a Protestant thinker,

the general of the Czech Brethren.

He devoted his entire life to practical activity upbringing, arranging school textbooks

and theoretical development of issues pedagogical, especially didactic.

He was the creator and propagator of the uniform general education system.

He recommended teaching everyone independently from sex and state, as well as teaching in mother tongue.

Our edition comes from 1746. and contains an index in four languages

(Latin, German, Italian and French)

after text in a two-column system and numerous woodcuts in the text,

as well as decorative vignettes in a woodcut.

Thanks to this the book has so much character for old prints of charm.

Please visit

to departments of foreign books and other objects until 1945, antique books and graphic books.

For more infomation >> Książka obrazkowa na potrzeby dzieci Comeniusa „Orbis Pictus" („Świat w obrazach") wyd. z 1746 r. - Duration: 2:55.


BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 120 - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V Exclusive / AIRCO / ARMSTEUN / VELGEN / 5DRS / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Exclusive / AIRCO / ARMSTEUN / VELGEN / 5DRS / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:52.


Learn to Trade Stocks

For more infomation >> Learn to Trade Stocks


Beekman 1802 Goat Milk PalmSize Bar Soap Assortment w/T... - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Beekman 1802 Goat Milk PalmSize Bar Soap Assortment w/T... - Duration: 10:24.


Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi ComfortPlusLine Navigator NIEUW - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi ComfortPlusLine Navigator NIEUW - Duration: 1:09.


Rosa Salazar & Robert Rodriguez on Alita: Battle Angel (2019 Movie) | HBO - Duration: 4:20.

Hello, this is Robert Rodriguez, director of Alita: Battle Angel,

and I'm here with Rosa Salazar, Alita herself,

and we're in the HBO Screening Room.


We're gonna watch a clip from Alita,

which is a movie set 600 years in the future

about a cyborg girl that wakes up

with no memory of who she is,

but goes to find that she actually possesses great power.

HUGO: This ship is from the Battle of Zalem.

Salvagers have jacked some stuff over the years for metal.

But it's mostly been left alone.

But it's pretty hard to sell this stuff,

(CHUCKLING) since no one knows what it is

-or what-- -Shh.


We have to go to the command deck.

It's forward.

How does she know that?

Hey, we-- we can't get there. It's underwater.

How long do you think she can hold her breath?

I dunno.





-This scene was actually our first day on set. -Yeah.

I--I look at it

with so much pride at what we accomplished there.

This is the moment where she arrives.

And this is the last step to deciding

the woman that she wants to be.

I've known James Cameron for about 25 years,

and he told me about, you know,

that he would probably never get around to Battle Angel,

and I asked to read it, and--

and that's how we started the journey.

It was a chance for him to see the movie

that he had always wanted to make,

and I really wanted to see

the lost Jim Cameron picture, so, I really jumped on board.

Last night, when we saw the movie,

-I was sitting next to Jim -(CHUCKLING)

in the theater, and I got the Jim Cameron commentary

-that I didn't know I needed. -(RODRIGUEZ LAUGHS)

During the scene that you just played,

she drops down into the water, and he goes,

-"Girlfriend don't float." -(RODRIGUEZ LAUGHS)

He's always been that kind of...

-funny... -He's very funny.

...and comforting supportive presence for me.

RODRIGUEZ: Jim's science fiction and fantasy

is always really grounded in reality,

so, I knew that I shouldn't shoot green screen,

I would actually shoot a real location, real sets,

so that they could just act like normally on a normal set.

The actors kind of forget the costumes they're wearing,

you know, when they've really got that kind of environment.

We've somehow managed to capture my essence.

This body, I feel a connection to it.

This could be who I am.

It's a very timeless story.

Those themes are always relevant.

They're in a dystopian city.

Everyone wants to escape until they meet her.

She changes everyone that she meets

because of her point of view, how she sees the world.

Not how it is, but how it can be.

I think that's the most important point.

Yes, this is a movie where young women will be inspired,

but more so than that, as a young moviegoer,

there were many male protagonists

that I related to.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

I just think that now,

we have a strong, relatable female protagonist

that young boys can also identify with.

It's all about having an array of perspectives.


You've made the biggest mistake of your life.


And what's that?

Underestimating who I am.

Thank you for joining us in the HBO Screening Room.


For more infomation >> Rosa Salazar & Robert Rodriguez on Alita: Battle Angel (2019 Movie) | HBO - Duration: 4:20.


My Complex Feelings on 2018's Perfect Film - Duration: 14:16.

Liz and the Blue Bird is a fantastic movie.

On a purely technical level, it may be the most impressive work I've ever seen and

it's certainly one of the most emotionally resonant ones I've witnessed.

Many people, my girlfriend included, have already declared it as the best anime ever

made and I truly understand how they can do so.


I can't.

I love this film but I'm incapable of fully embracing it in quite the same way that others


Its connection to Hibike Euphonium, a series which I've come to view as one of the most

disappointing that I've ever seen, is something that poisons my enjoyment of Liz.

That I still believe it's a 10/10 movie is a testament to how good it is.

Yet, it could have been my favorite film of all time if it were a standalone work and

I'm sad that I have to say that.

My history with Hibike Euphonium can't be called a fun one.

Like many, I began watching it in season 1, making it all the way to the famous mountaintop


It was a fantastic moment, a key point in the relationship between Kumiko and Reina

that had been built up and I could not have been more crushed when novel readers told

everyone that this wouldn't go anywhere, that Kumiko would eventually date Shuu.

The arc of the anime was so focused on Kumiko's budding queerness and Reina's mutual interest

that it didn't make sense for that to happen and I told myself that it wouldn't.

Surely, KyoAni was planning to change things.

After all, they're connected by the red string of fate in the ED, right?

How could they not get together?

Yet, I fell off the show, too frightened by the spoilers I had received.

Some may say that dropping a show just because your ship doesn't work out is silly, but

that's an unfair way of looking at things.

If you read the arc of a show as being about a character coming to understand their attraction

to another person, that being thrown away will inevitably put you off.

I did not simply "ship" Kumiko and Reina.

To me, their relationship was the series' core.

So when I returned to the show before season 2 aired, and the two of them showed no sign

of separating from one another, I was incredibly happy.

Perhaps KyoAni truly wouldn't go down the Shuu route.

I had and have a lot of faith in them as a studio, after all.

And to be fair, they mostly didn't.

In season 2, you never see the two of them date, though there are a couple hints that

Kumiko is on the way to reciprocating his feelings, which is already unnecessary.

Yet, the damage is done.

In spite of the first episode being the gayest thing of all time, an escalation of the tension

present in season 1, the rest of the narrative totally ignores Kumiko and Reina's relationship.

What happened to the red string?

Clearly, someone snipped it.

Because not only does their relationship get a backseat, but Kumiko basically allows Reina

to flounder in her weird Taki obsession for most the season, growing far more interested

in Asuka.

Which would already be a disappointing turn, but there are people who see them as romantic

too, which could be a salve for the wound, except Asuka leaves at the end of the story,

never to return.

Kumiko's queerness which, once again, was the central narrative element that stood out

to me, is totally thrown against the rocks.

The fact that Reina became, if not totally irrelevant, far less important, was just another

nail in the already burning coffin.

I have never been so disappointed watching an anime as it aired.

The series ended up echoing many of the tropes criticized in earlier Class S works in a period

where that's no longer necessary, less gay in actuality than fucking MariMite, and what

do those of us who were upset by it get?

"Oh it was never gay in the first place, why did you get your hopes up?"

"Oh, well, sure, but look at how cute KumiRei is, don't let the actual writing of the

damn show distract from that."

"Just stop getting so angry, it's just an anime."

I was already pissed off by the series, disappointed more than I'd ever been, and then all the

discourse surrounding it just served to further upset me, belittling my feelings and acting

as if it was unreasonable for me to expect anything more from a piece of media I once

cared about.

As a result, I've honestly come to hate Eupho, because thinking about it just makes

me feel horrendous.

So, I was not expecting to come to love Liz.

I enjoyed Mizore and Nozomi's story in season 2, so that wasn't a problem; after all, it

came before I was disillusioned, and given that I could not have cared less about Asuka's

arc or Kumiko's sister — not only do these arcs bore me on their own, their aforementioned

treatment of Reina just added injury to insult — it was far and away the aspect of the

season that I enjoyed the most, other than the admittedly amazing performance episode.

However, it was still a part of Eupho, and at this point, I could not trust something

which bore its name.

Much of this is because of the way it was advertised and discussed.

Most people that I talked to agreed that it's a yuri film, and yet all the discourse surrounding

it painted it in terms that conjured the ones that soured me from Eupho.

"Transience" and "parting" are topics that can certainly be handled well, Aria is

my favorite anime after all, but in yuri they often smack of "gay until graduation."

Furthermore, much of my anger at the franchise came from the fact that in one way or another,

Kumiko ended up parting from her potential romantic partners.

If that were to happen to Mizore and Nozomi, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

So, when I sat down to watch the film at Anime Expo, with Eupho fans literally surrounding

me, my heart was beating faster than it ever has.

I knew that this was a pivotal moment, one I'd been afraid of and excited about for

the last year.

I wanted to love the film, I wanted to prove to myself that my hatred of Eupho wouldn't

stop me, that Yamada could be trusted, that this weight which had been hanging over me

for almost two years could be lifted because I'm a strong person.


I did love it.

From that early moment where Mizore waits for Nozomi, only to sensually glue the camera's

gaze to her neck as soon as she arrives, I was enraptured.

Don't take this to mean that I calmed down, however.

I was constantly afraid.

The story-within-a-story of Liz and the Blue Bird is a tragic one, and given its clear

status as allegory for the relationship between Mizore and Nozomi, it left me more worried

than anything else, somehow beating my preconceptions at making me anxious.

Liz may love the bird romantically — she uses aishiteru after all — but she also

believes that she has to force the bird to fly in order to give her freedom.

People certainly can hold each other back but in refusing to give the bird a choice

here, she's the one who's truly behaving toxically, and while the ending is bittersweet,

it portrays this all as a good thing, something I simply can't agree with.

Breaking up with someone, as long as they're not abusive or actively harmful, is not and

will never be anything but sad and for them it certainly wasn't in that bad a state.

From the moment we saw the end of the story, I was left tapping my foot on the ground in

order to relieve stress, terrified that they would break up, afraid that the fairy tale

would speak to what would come of our two leads.

I loved almost every second of this film and yet on my first watch, I could not wholeheartedly

sit back and enjoy it, because my anxiety over these two lovely young women had me firmly

in its grasp, tightening by the minute.

The amount of stress I felt in that moment rivaled the most difficult conversations I've

ever been forced to engage in.

So when the story made it clear that both were Liz, that both were the Blue Bird, that

they'd have to go separate paths in life but that didn't mean they had to abandon

their love, to truly move apart, I was overjoyed.

I wasn't totally confident in my reading, I knew I'd need another watch, but I was

so happy.

Nozomi's "wait for me" was all the confirmation I needed that this film wouldn't go down

the path of Eupho.

The two birds flying together, drifting apart but always returning to each other's sides,

was perfectly clear visual language.

The fact that these two had finally overcome the disjoint was what I needed to see.

This could be my favorite yuri anime, or at least up there.

It would certainly be my favorite yuri film.

Yet, as I saw others react, I became confused.

Was I really correct to read it this way?

Many viewers seem to believe that they did break up and while I don't have to accept

what they saw, it clearly came from the text.

If the movie was ambiguous enough that someone could interpret Mizore and Nozomi as being

seconds away from breaking up, could I really love it as much as I'd like to?

This question plagued me in the coming months.

When the people who love Eupho in spite of what it does celebrate this film as similar,

can I really feel confident in my readings?

This may sound silly and unbefitting of a critic who has faith in her own opinions but

I really was afraid that I was just seeing what I wanted to in Liz.

Not in terms of queerness, you'd have to be trying to miss that element, but in how

happy I saw the ending.

If this film ultimately did promote the idea that to help someone grow, you have to leave

them, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

Call me a romantic, naive, whatever you like, but I don't believe that's a healthy message,

and people's reactions made me terrified that's what it was trying to say.

A rewatch, however, was enough to cure those fears.

As they walk together at the end of the film, different people yet in sync with one another,

it's clear that they're going to continue their relationship.

Throughout it, as other characters' romantic situations are brought up, it's obvious

that Mizore and Nozomi's feelings are just as romantic, whether they know it or not.

They may not have been the healthiest, but they're improving.

And their doing so is painted in the most masterful portrayal of a relationship that

I have ever seen in the film medium.

Yamada's direction, Nishiya's designs, Ushio's soundtrack, all come together to

sell this as one of the greatest films ever made.

I can honestly, confidently say that now.

I love Liz and the Blue Bird, it is perfect, and I've been reading it correctly.

Yet everytime I think about it, I can't shake the negative association that it has

in my mind as a part of the Eupho franchise.

What if Takeda writes a side-story breaking them up in a year, once again ruining what

I see as the core part of her work, her actual masterpiece?

What if an interview comes out that says, really, this isn't gay, nor is it a relationship

that has any chance at lasting beyond the story?

I honestly don't know what I would do.

I'm afraid, I think, and not in the way I was afraid of being let down by Liz.

I'm terrified that if I let myself care too much about this film, if I let it envelop

me like it's enveloped so many of my friends, my wife included, that I'll eventually be


I cared a lot about Eupho when I watched it.

I dropped it that first time because it mattered too much to me and I didn't want to be let


I was eventually let down anyway and it fucking hurt.

It hurt really, really bad.

And that might sound silly, I probably shouldn't let an anime upset me so much, it's not

good to let a work mess with you so badly but when there's so many damn people who

it has changed for the better, so many who'll proudly say that without Eupho, they wouldn't

be who they are today, how are you going to criticize me for feeling the same way in the

opposite direction?

I've managed to get over it to some degree.

I've calmed, joking about how much I hate the show to offload the pain of thinking about

it more seriously, but writing this, I can tell that it's still there, deep-down, ready

to come out if poked vigorously enough.

It's the same pain I felt when season 2 of Amanchu aired, and all the discussions

I've had about the series, the continued support of it in spite of what I can only

see as it being totally ruined, has only cemented this pain deeper.

It's a pain that shows up when I see Kumiko and Reina in the film, happy together, yes,

but not in a relationship, not the way they should've been.

I was able to deal with it for Eupho, eventually.

But if I give in to how much I love Liz, and I'm someday disappointed, I don't know

what I'd do.

I really, really don't, and I'm afraid to find out.

Writing this has helped, I think.

It's been very cathartic to talk in detail about what I've mostly kept silent about

for the past 2 years, barring a couple stray conversations and a lot of coping humor.

I have a lot of works I really love and very few of them have disappointed me like Eupho


As a result, I'm not sure I can totally conquer this fear in regards to Liz.

I will likely always be afraid that it will somehow be ruined, at least as long as Eupho

continues production as a cultural product.

It honestly wouldn't be healthy for me to totally drop my guard; I simply can't take

another disappointment on this scale again.

Yet, I do adore the film.

It really is perfect outside its connection to the franchise it's a part of and I'm

happy to say that.

The fact that a work can challenge Bloom into You as my yuri anime of the year is impressive.

But I'll always have to wonder how much more I could love it if I had never watched

Eupho, or if it simply weren't a part of that series, how it would be if I weren't

terrified of being emotionally destroyed.

Ah well.

Liz and the Blue Bird, I truly do love you and hopefully in another 5 years or so, I

can call you my favorite.

If you want evidence that my feeling in this video were genuine, just let it be known that

I started crying while editing it.

Thanks to all my patrons, especially my 10 dollar patrons, Alice

Vey Annalisa König

Petra Jolyne Munson

Rose Cathleen Rau

Shadowfish PjammaGod

A Huge Pair Of Cats Who Are Friends With Anime Characters

Blanc John Clark

DJJax Daysofsummer

Wardog_E Michael Tersigni

Mad Marx Swordy Meeks

You can also give me a one time donation with the Kofi link listed below, see where else

I'm at in the description, and I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> My Complex Feelings on 2018's Perfect Film - Duration: 14:16.


Fate/Grand Order - Sigurd Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 4:32.

—Oh, Master.

Judging by your appearance, it seems you've come to me for something.

...hmm. So what have you come to me for?

If I may be frank, it's Valentine's Day...

You have chocolate for me, then?

Choice 1: You know me so well... Choice 2: Correct!

Elementary, my dear Master.

...hmph, I was just copying someone. Ignore what I just said.

Choice 1: Anyways... Choice 2: Here's your chocolate!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hm? Have I talked to Brynhildr yet, you ask?

...I did, more or less. No, let's not talk about that.

Putting that aside, I have a gift for you.

But before I do that, I would like to take some measurements.

Choice: Measurements?

Yes. First, let me see your eyes.

Choice: Too close, too close!

No, this must be done up close. Otherwise I will not be able to properly measure your eyesight.


Choice 1: I'm limit…! Choice 2: His glasses...are shooting beams…!

Karna said that true heroes kill with their eyes, but…

I want you to stay calm. Your glasses will not shoot beams.

Choice: That's not what I meant…!

Alright, I have finished.

Now to carve the collected data into a rune…

Mix the fragments of the material acquired from Miss Da Vinci…

Afterwards affix the material with an origin rune…


Choice: Did you just make a pair of glasses!?


...Master, I know you already have good eyesight.

Which is why I decided to add other functions to these glasses.

Automatic recovery function for eye strain. Automatic inhibitory function of visual confusion.

Looking at intense light or something that your eyes cannot handle will destroy them…

But if that happens, these glasses will prevent that from occurring.

On top of that, they're sturdy.

Barring any Servants, enemies like beasts won't be able to scratch your eyes out.

I would like to offer this to you as a return gift. How do you find it?

Choice 1: It doesn't matter what it is... Choice 2: Thank you!

It's nothing.

You've shown courtesy to an extremely boorish person such as I.

I planned on putting all my effort into making these glasses as gratitude for everything after I was summoned.

Now this will depend on your fashion sense. In other words, whether you will look good wearing them or not.

Choice: How does it look?

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Sigurd Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 4:32.


Chelsea FC should have sacked Maurizio Sarri earlier - Mario Melchiot lays into The Blues - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Chelsea FC should have sacked Maurizio Sarri earlier - Mario Melchiot lays into The Blues - Duration: 2:51.


Russian with passion - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Russian with passion - Duration: 4:59.


Spidey Fights Green Goblin AND Venom! | Ultimate Spider-Man S1 Ep26 (FULL EP) | Rise Of The Goblin - Duration: 21:57.

For more infomation >> Spidey Fights Green Goblin AND Venom! | Ultimate Spider-Man S1 Ep26 (FULL EP) | Rise Of The Goblin - Duration: 21:57.


Edición Digital Houston 02/11/19 - Duration: 33:03.

For more infomation >> Edición Digital Houston 02/11/19 - Duration: 33:03.


Ariana Grande Savagely Shades The Grammys - Duration: 4:47.

Ariana Grande went on a twitter rampage last night and it seems like she's started a

fued with the Recording Academy.

She also threw some serious shade by posting images of herself wearing the dress that she

would have worn to the Grammy's, but Ariana didn't end up going.

I'm going to spill this tea, right now on IO.

Welcome back to Inform Overload, I'm charlotte dobre.

On this channel, we talk about everything that's trending on the internet.

Hit that subscribe if you want news updates that wont make you depressed, hosted by people

who you might actually wanna be friends with.

Alright, so Who watched the grammy's last night?

SO many deserved wins.

Cardi b took home best rap album for invasion of privacy.

Childish Gambino won Best Record of the year and song of the year for This is America.

Dua Lipa won best new artist But one person who was expected to be at the

grammy's didn't go.

They actually used pictures of her in billboards for the show and put them up all over L.A.

And that person was ariana grande.

Who actually won the award for best pop vocal album for Sweetener.

So why didn't ariana attend the ceremony?

In a series of tweets that are now deleted, ariana grande expressed her rage about the

fact that the family of mac miller, her late ex boyfriend, were invited to the Grammy's

even though mac miller was going to lose his best rap album win to cardi b.

As cardi b won the award, she tweeted, 'fuck, then TRASH, then Literal bullshit.

At first, the world was wondering if this was ariana's way of throwing shade at cardi

b, who definitely deserved to win best rap album, she was the first woman to do so in

the history of the grammy's.

Ariana soon clarified that it wasn't about cardi.

She wrote, good for her, I promise, I'm sorry.

She responded to a fans tweet and said that the reason why she was upset about cardi's

win was because mac miller's family was invited to the ceremony, but they would have

had to watch their son lose to someone else.

Thankfuly, while she was backstage, cardi said in an instagram video that 'she read

an article where mac miller's family said that if he didn't win, they wanted cardi

to win, so shes sharing this grammy with him.

It must have been a tough call.

While mac miller was recording his album Swimming, he slept in the studio for 2 months.

It was the only grammy nomination he ever got.

Mac also deserved to win best rap album, and this award would have been an amazing way

for the Recording Academy to honour his legacy and his death.

So that's reason number 1.

Reason number two is, ariana was actually supposed to go to the grammys' and she was

supposed to perform.

But the producers were only going to let her perform a medly featuring 7 rings, and they

made it a condition that they had to chose the second song.

She refused, and also refused to attend.

Ariana also posted photos of herself on twitter that show her wearing the zacposen dress that

she would have worn to the grammys.

And I'm not talking 1 photo.

I'm talkin 7 photos.

To make matters even worse, the Recording academy lied about why ariana wasn't present

at the Grammies.

Earlier this week, Grammy's producer Ken Ehrlich, said that arian pulled out because

she felt it was too late for her to pull something together.

Ariana then wrote on twitter saying that 'she offered 3 different songs.

She followed with, I've kept my mouth shut but now you're lying about me.

I can pull together a performance over night and you know that ken, it was when my creativity

and self expression was stifled by you that I decided not to attend.

I hope the show is exactly what you want it to be and more.

Ken Ehrlich responded to the accusation to rolling stone and said ' I saw those tweets

and what she said.

I guess it was a surprise.

I will say this, and they don't want to me to say it but I'm going to say it.

The thing that probably bothered me more than whatever else she said about me is when she

said I'm not collaborative.

He cited a few examples.

Mary J blige, Ricky Martin,and Mellisa Etheridge who went on stage bald after her cancer treatment.

He added that he never spoke to ariana directly, only to her management team.

He said that he doesn't tell artists what they should do.

Instead, he approaches it casually and says, hey, this might be a good idea, lets find

something in the middle.

Anyways friends, no one knows what actually happened between them except them.

Are you team ariana or team grammy's, let me know down there in the comments.

For now I'm going to wrap up this video with some comment replies.

These were from our video, here's why you should never sleep withyour bedroom door open.

Aiden Dennick – This made me close my door.

Panda shook – I shut my door because it loks like someone gonna bash in and start

stabbing me.

Also a good reason to close your bedroom door.

Nuclearman – although you never notice me you wear very interesting shirts.

I always try to wear an interesting shirt when I can.

Says the girl wearing a white hoodie.

Blazzinlove – dude, this gave me such bad anxiety…I cant sleep now and my breathing

feels so heavy, whyyy.

I'm not going to be able to sleep for 5 years.

I mean, it wasn't that serious.

A little anxiety is nowhere near as bad as what could happen if you sleep with your bedroom

door open.

Plus size boo – what if you don't have a bedroom door.

You're FUCKED.

Welcome to the end screen, this means the video is over.

to keep watching IO, click this playlist.

And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so I can see you in a future Io video.

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande Savagely Shades The Grammys - Duration: 4:47.


HOW LELOUCH WAS REVIVED? Zero Lelouch Resurrection Explained | Code Geass R3 Movie - Duration: 13:14.

the Code Geass King Lelouch has been officially revived but how? So what's up

guys Foxen here the Code Geass movie Lelouch of the resurrection has

officially been released in Japan. I just had a good long conversation with a

friend in Japan and I'm kind of jelly. Spoilers have been coming out all this

weekend about this movie and I've been able to verify some of this stuff so far.

I was not fortunate enough to be in Japan let me go ahead and give you a

summary in highlights starting off with how exactly Lelouch got revived! by the

way please do me the favor and like the video and subscribe more juicy anime

videos are coming. alright so the actual setup for this code geass movie like you

seen in the various trailers you got Nunnally getting ambushed in this trip to

the desert which happens in the first few minutes of the movie. you see Suzaku

as zero fighting the new so-called geass user Chario which I'm gonna get back to

him. Unfortunately Suzaku uses a prototype purple Shinkirou

which isn't complete. Either way it ends up with Suzaku losing and not only

getting captured Suzaku too. Just a little bit later you see chario taking

Suzaku into that kinky dungeon and then he starts whipping him. oh did someone

say fanservice yeah this is pretty much what the movie is. for the scene

apparently they did knew that zero had actually been Suzaku based on how zero

was moving before he killed Emperor Lelouch. Alright so now getting into

Lelouch is resurrection how exactly did that happen? for this they actually

already revealed Lelouch is returned in the poster and the recent trailer. I

still find it hard to believe that some people really thought that Lelouch

wouldn't be in the movie. I mean his name is in the frakking title but anyway for

the code geass movie keep in mind that this is technically a sequel to the

recap movies and not the TV anime. recall that surely is now alive a lot of people

are thinking that she would be the one to revive Lelouch. well not exactly but

she does help. in the third recap movie you could see c2 talking to Shirley

before the final war in the movies. it turns out that Shirley was responsible

for taking Lelouch's body over to France. Apparently orange-kun and CC

enlisted Shirley to do it since she wouldn't be suspicious as a regular

citizen. okay seems kind of forced. either way Lelouch is officially revived in the

European area except that it's only his body that comes back with monster reborn

which really just means that Lucius this empty shell acting like a baby for most

the movie eventually this leads into Lelouch getting the code mark in his

chest throat area which by the way it's funny how I randomly called this more in

my a prefers video like two years ago all right so now getting into the rest

of the movie which honestly is kind of disappointing and you're gonna see why

it's a solution sound empty shell of course they have to actually find his

mind or soul somewhere situ mentions that Lelouch is mind is somewhere in the

sea world in other words c2 actually has to go to the other side to get Lelouch

back the real one before he is really truly resurrected before that actually

happens both of them spent a lot of time traveling together as c2 is moving him

to the location as for Karin at one point she may so conceited to tell them

about Suzaku and not only situation but she got followed this they said to the

introduction of the first new Kia Caesar which is that lip ring dude over here

forget this his gills apparently makes others see him as an ally his first

victim of course is cotton this is cotton into finding the ninja girl

psycho of course the Geass doesn't work on c2 so they get the upper hand so

after that little conflict see to update some on her plan again Lulu each 100%

back she also confirms that she's reviving her due to her own wishes not

necessarily due to what's happening with Nunnally and Suzaku with that comes

second eventually all of them reach to the others seeking area he sees c2 and

Lelouch going into a veggie state as they enter the steam room in the sea

Road both of them walk up to that purple orb from the trailer briefly Casillas

Lucia's parents making a cameo yep you're gonna see Charles again over on

the outside these guys are fighting again they go ahead and shoot up c2s

Bonnie cuz well she could just dead pull herself back and then oh yes Lelouch is

freaking back he then goes ahead and orders all of them to die using his

Kia's this is that shot from the knee trailer when he got the new code mark on

his chest neck area more on this later next up eventually they find Suzaku in

the dungeon and yes both Suzaku and Lelouch meet up Suzaku has beyond

shocked to see Lelouch back in the flesh and he actually starts beating up

Lelouch I guess he just wanted to kill him again

c2 has to stop him alright so now we're getting the gang back together Lelouch

and friends eventually meet up with the other people that wanted to rescue not

only first off is meeting Cornelia Ella this is awkward

I'm surprised only she's super pissed that he's alive why didn't they get

yuffie back to but she still ends up agreeing to help them out and a similar

deal with the other former Black Knight guys

you actually have okie here coming up and offering to take his own life after

he betrayed zero but Lelouch is so forgiving he says it's fine no big deal

as for Snyder this guy pretty much has a cameo in the movie this guy's still

under the control of Lucius Geass at this point you might be wondering what

exactly is happening with nomally why did she get cabinet so for a good chunk

of the koteas movie she's been dipped in freakin honey forget this here's the

whole reason that she was kidnapped which is really for the plot of the

freakin movie apparently this warrior nation got screwed over by Lelouch is

zero Requiem planet the reason they kidnapped Nunnally was not just because

she's a leader figure if they need a nano needs to enter the sea Road and

then use its power to rebuild their nation can you say hey pretty convoluted

oh so why not just get situ by the way for this movie you're gonna see a ton of

me nightmares one of them being the purple shinkiro of that Suzaku used at

the beginning of the movie by the time that they're actually gonna get Nunnally

back this thing is officially completed so yes II have Lelouch in situ piloting

this new nightmare for the movie can you say a new figure coming and it should be

super simple to I mean this thing is just a freakin recolor mostly next up

let's actually get into the conflict with the big bat of the movie the blond

lady with everyone geared up this leads into the invasion of save Nunnally for

this blond lady here she actually has this coat mark on her stomach similar to

let loose oh yes but don't forget this Bond lady does have a Kia's power which

is revealed for a majority of the movie they were wondering how exactly they

knew about future events to come this is actually a powerful meridians whenever

she dies time is reset to six hours back and she resurrects apparently the only

downside of using this Geass power is that she doesn't completely keep her

memories of the events that just happened naturally she's gonna take full

advantage of this Lelouch and friendless actually go

through three loops to actually figure out a way to stop her after Lelouch

throws three times he starts freaking out so they somehow know about

everything eventually Lelouch gets the upper hand by using her gears and

putting her to sleep oh you can't use her power anymore at

this point they just to get Nunnally back which unfortunately

her mind is also now in the C world so Aleutian C to go back into the sea road

again stuff happens they eventually get her

back and then they blow up the sea temple right here here's the interesting

part about Lelouch is code Lelouch ends up finding out that the cony has on his

chest is actually in fact charros yeah think back to Code Geass r2 this goes

back to when Papa Charles touched the luge in season two and then got wiped

out the only problem with this is that it's apparently not complete and yes

they don't exactly explain what this means which I'm gonna get back to

alright for the other battles going on outside you have Karin with the upgraded

Corinth at fights at scorpion nightmare honestly I'm not too much of a fan of

this upgraded Guren it looks much more bulky and then you have the upgraded

Lancelot versus chario the main guy that got introduced so yes q and the other

new figure for the new Lancelot so both of these have been fighting outside and

what is this it turns out that this chario guy just looked weird I'm talking

about this dude's eyes this guy in fact did not actually have a Gears himself so

now that Suzaku is using his beloved land saw and then turned on by a Lelouch

he remembers that he still has a lip on Geass and he says it to be chario

cheerios nightmare explodes and the guy goes boom so what LOM kind of a waste of

a height though character anyway here are some other interesting things if you

actually recall back to the first two seasons you'll recall that c2s real name

was never given so are you finally gonna find out in this movie sorry

nope looks like you're never going to find out

apparently c2 cannot remember it what a load of bullcrap so who knows maybe the

over being littered they do a proper are three code geass season three next up

let's being immortal you might be wondering about that so Lelouch

obviously now has a code on his neck chest area but also keep in mind he asks

a Gears which we use that Lelouch is seemingly immortal

however they are actually pretty vague about it in the movie which means they

actually don't explain it at all who knows he could be in mortal as for other

little fun things apparently Loyd and Nina managed to make

this nightmare shield technology much smaller so now they actually have these

small shields that they can use with this special glass

I could totally see this being abused anyway now for the finale of the movie

so they actually finished us off Michael Bay style they blow everything up and

save the day for practically everyone in the movie it looks like they just go

back to whatever the hell they were doing but the important ones for this

movie of course being a luge nc2 Lelouch and she ends up going with c2 who is now

traveling the world apparently she wants to find out more information about the

sea world c2 actually tells him to stay but Lelouch is insisting that Shirley

and Nunnally do not need him but here is actually the more important reason that

being that his code isn't complete which he found out a little bit earlier

Lelouch claims that he doesn't know whether he could die at any moment

this is really going back to the idea of this guy really immortal is he or is he

not so finally the movie actually is for the luge calling himself L or L to both

him and C to hold hands and go off to travel the world alright at this point

you might be wondering is there anything post-credit after the credits you just

see the new L 2 and C 2 and the loose really just gives a power the King's

Speech before it ends so yeah that is it sounds exciting doesn't it here's a

couple of negatives from everything I've been able to confirm and been hearing

apparently there's really no development in the characters or story this movie is

literally fanservice till illusion c2 almost borderline fan fiction so yes

that is a win if you are an illusion c2 fan especially with both of these

getting together well ver are really just seems like this

movie is almost definitely just a cash grab right now I am feeling mix it down

it the whole way the events are played out in this movie you've really just

cream em this movie is man it doesn't really feel like any sort of actual real

progression here more like a what if science story and I guess that's

literally all this meant to be oh it I could see a lot of Kogi as shippers just

getting mad to be honest I've always been a fan of Lelouch and c2 getting

together but I was hoping for some sort of closure happening for Lelouch in

cotton that being said let me mention the other new revived girl Shirley

honestly this really just seemed extremely forced

I really don't see much reason for actually going through the trouble of

reviving her I mean he had her of deliberately Lucius Bonnie but then

after that and no importance in the movie if they really wanted to

just do that they could have explained the whole body part in some other way I

mean why not just do an actual our three chord gear sequel season it really seems

like a missed opportunity and don't quote me on this but I have heard that

the director and writer have been pretty vocal about not wanting to touch this

story in other words they didn't actually want to do some sort of sequel

maybe that's why they could only get them to agree on this

this almost science story movie on the bright side I don't think it actually

ruins our - season two ending but at the same time it doesn't really add almost

anything new like mentioned before is just screams fan fiction I guess we'll

see what happens how much money is this movie actually gonna bring in I mean

money always honks and so far the other recap movies have actually done pretty

well in ticket sales and blu-ray sales and if someone that's actually lived in

Japan I can tell you that Cody is still making a lot of money with merch sales

especially figures alright so here's some extra information in case you do

want to see it Funimation has actually confirmed some US showings on May 5th

they're gonna be doing the subdivision and then on May 7th and the 8th they're

doing the dub I'm a little disappointed since I'm most likely not gonna be able

to see it myself I'm gonna be out of the country by then and in case you also

can't make the us screenings just know that movies from Japan take typically

about nine months to come out so you may see this come out in November I'll talk

about the blu-ray but anyway more important let me hear from you what do

you think overall was this color yes movie sequel even needed and what do you

think about the way that Lelouch was revived should they have really just

gone the popular code round and do let me know are you a fan of CGI Lelouch

ending up together maybe forever together but anyway if you did enjoy

this video smash that thumbs up and subscribe if you're new to the channel

and definitely subscribe for more juicy enemy breakdowns like this one sorry

about anime movies don't forget that the conus of a movie is coming out soon

check out my breakdown on the latest trailer and I will have a review on that

also don't forget to check out my weekly SEO and shield hero videos now see you

guys later

For more infomation >> HOW LELOUCH WAS REVIVED? Zero Lelouch Resurrection Explained | Code Geass R3 Movie - Duration: 13:14.


Anti-Vaxxers Rally For Their Right To Revive Diseases We'd Eradicated - Duration: 6:46.

This past weekend, hundreds of anti-vaxxers descended upon Washington state to rally against

a proposed bill that would make vaccines in the state mandatory.

Basically, what it would do is it would take away parent's right to be conscientious objectors

and not have their children vaccinated.

They couldn't do that anymore.

The state would vaccinate their children is actually similar legislation in California

and more legislation kind of spreading throughout the United States.

And do you know what else is spreading throughout the United States right now, especially up

there in Washington, measles, a disease that we had essentially eradicated decades ago

is making a comeback at least 52 confirmed cases in Washington alone and dozens more

suspected of this disease that can be fatal, particularly in infants, toddlers, and the

elderly or people with weakened immune systems and Dhea.

Know why it's making a comeback because of these anti vaccs parents.

Let's get something 100 percent straight.


Vaccines do not cause autism.

There is no link between the two.

The one nude, the one doctor who made that link was later found to have completely falsified

his data, was stripped of his medical license and is now the subject of ridicule for the

rest of his life because he lied about the link between vaccines and autism.

It does not exist and I have seen so many wonderful people on social media in the last

few days make this point and this to me is probably the best point out there about this


Why is a dead kid or a kid with a disease that was easily preventable?

Why is that better than having a kid with autism?

Why are we acting like autism is some kind of death sentence or some kind of social stigma

that we need to look upon these people and say, oh my God, how horrible for you.

Your life must suck in every possible way.

That's not at all how it is.

Autistic people have the same odds as the rest of us have growing up to be high functioning,

normal, productive members of society, and yet we're treating this as something that's

just as deadly or as awful as having a child die from a preventable disease.

That to me, honestly is one of the most disgusting things out there, but I also have to issue

more statements here about the anti vaccs crowd.

There is no science on your side.

It doesn't exist and I have taken many courses just in autism over the years.

A while pursuing a master's degree in in cognitive neuroscience.

I actually did a lot of studies in courses and wrote tons of papers about autism itself,

so I'm no expert, but I do know a lot about this particular issue.

Do you know why the diagnoses of autism increased over the years?

Especially recently?

It's because we actually have a better understanding of what to identify.

You know, 50 years ago we didn't have that so kids could be autistic.

They wouldn't necessarily be diagnosed because psychologists at the time didn't know what

to diagnose it as the criteria did not exist.

It does today, that's why there's an increase in it, not because more people have developed

autism, but because we as a society, as doctors have gotten better at identifying it and being

able to put it on that spectrum.

A spectrum that didn't exist 50 years ago.

Very basic reading on the issue.

We'll give you this information.


It's not like some of us have access to private collections of books that tell us the truth.

This is all readily available out there, but these parents, these anti vaccine people choose

to live in darkness.

They choose to deny science the same way we ridicule people who deny the existence of

climate change.

That's what this is.

It is the same level of science deniers among these anti-vaxxers as we see amongst the climate

change deniers.

There is no difference in my opinion between the two of them and yeah, I know we got a

lot of prominent environmentalist's out there who were a part of the anti vaccine movement

and they're wrong and I have no problem saying that the wrong.

The science is not on their side and they're actively denying the science that does exist

by coming out there and telling us that vaccines are dangerous.

I suggest these people look into myelination of the nerves in the brain during development

and see how that effects the increase chances of autism.

Then go through and look and see if anything in these vaccines is going to affect myelination

of the brain because it won't because most of that actually happens in utero before these

vaccines or even administered.

They're denying the basic science.

They're not doing the basic research and they are all wrong and they're putting us at risk.

They are bringing back diseases that we had essentially said goodbye to decades ago because

they are leading their whole crusade based solely on a report from a guy who completely

fabricated everything in his study.

Not exactly what you want to build a movement on.

Not exactly a sturdy foundation, but the facts don't seem to matter to any of these anti

vaccine people that rallied this past weekend or that live all throughout this country and

are saying, you know what?

I don't care if my kid dies of a disease that could have been prevented because everybody

knows that's a hell of a lot better than having a kid on the autism spectrum.

This is disgusting, and these parents, these people out there telling us not to get vaccinated

because the kids might catch autism.

They're probably the lowest of the low in American society

right now.

For more infomation >> Anti-Vaxxers Rally For Their Right To Revive Diseases We'd Eradicated - Duration: 6:46.


Samsung Galaxy M - Xiaomi Is Feeling The HEAT - Duration: 3:48.

Samsung for the past few years remained a silent observer in the budget segment as brands

like Xiaomi, Vivo, and others launched a virtual assault where they were releasing budget models

with high specs for a very low price.

4 years after Xiaomi entered the Indian market, they did the unthinkable and dethroned Samsung

as the number one smartphone brand in India.

This made Samsung change their strategy and as a result, they launched the Galaxy M series

which offers great specs for a very low price to battle these low-cost Chinese phones.

And now it does look like the strategy is indeed working.

The M10 and M20 phones were sold out just minutes after going on sale.

I guess this is the first time ever that a Samsung device was sold out so quickly online.

And I've been doing some research and got to know that people who bought these phones

are actually liking it.

Xiaomi, on the other hand, is definitely feeling the heat.

Ever since the Galaxy M10 and M20 were announced, Xiaomi has gone on a mocking spree.

They've been mocking the Galaxy M series quite a lot on twitter.

Even the Vice president of Xiaomi bashed Indian YouTubers who were promoting the Galaxy m


What exactly happened was, the biggest Indian tech Youtuber, technical Guruji, was on stage

with Samsung during the launch of the Galaxy M10 and M20.

Which didn't go well with the Vice president of Xiaomi.

He bashed Technical Guruji saying he should not be making appearances at product launches

of specific companies.

Which is true in a way, because as a reviewer a YouTuber should be unbiased.

But I don't think Technical Guruji is a reviewer, he unboxes smartphones and talks about tech


So the VP of Xiaomi bashing him doesn't make much sense and it just shows that the Galaxy

M series is making a huge dent in Xiaomi's sales in India.

And things are gonna get even worse for Xiaomi because Samsung is launching another device

in the M series, the Galaxy M30 which represents the top of the Galaxy M food chain.

Today we have leaked specs of this phone and for a phone that's gonna cost around $200,

these specs sound Amazing.

As you can see, it'll have a 6.4" FHD+ AMOLED display, a triple camera set up at the back

which includes a wide angle lens, depth sensor, and a normal lens. 16MP front camera, USB-C,

5000mAh battery, 6GB RAM and 128GB of native storage.

Yes, 128GB base storage on a budget device.

How times are changing...And finally, the Exynos 7904 chipset will be under the hood.

This phone is carrying specs, that would have been considered high-end as recently as last


Honestly, this device is turning out to be a true value for money device and even though

the M series devices aren't making much money for Samsung, it is something that they had

to do, otherwise, they would be irrelevant in the budget or midrange sector.

Anyway, right now it's clear that the M series is a success and it'll be interesting to see

how much more dent the Galaxy M30 will make on Xiaomi's business.

Xiaomi will surely try to come up with even more good devices but with the brand power

that Samsung has, it'll be a matter of time till Samsung reclaims their number one spot

in the Indian smartphone market.

Of course, that being said, Consider subscribing for daily content like this and as always,

I'll see you tomorrow...Peace out!

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy M - Xiaomi Is Feeling The HEAT - Duration: 3:48.


Child's Play (2019) Trailer Reaction and Review - Featuring Larry - Duration: 5:10.

what's good YouTube I still got the man and we're going to be doing a trailer

review for Chucky they never killed his damn doll baby ass

in this video we're going to check out this trailer see if it's worth your time

I'm going to see it in theatres and it starts right now

here we go

in time you will know what it's like to lose to feel so desperately that you're

right but to fail

to read it


was good at YouTube Arno 111 up feeling I'm saying how powerful damn while

everything sex is hell still got Larry man this dude will not leave my premises

let's just make a video left and right keep on and this time we're gonna review

this chucky to see if this trailer is worth it but before we do that Larry we

have to put on our plus sevens of cinnamon you got some over there we go

that's the cinema sex is hail here we go cuz we're working on scaling up our crap

bring you a more in point YouTube expand something better to look at y'all let us

know is this good and it starts right now

happy white kids they really may look like a commercial oh hell no they

already scared his retinas



no value my sleep man now it doesn't let us talk about this

trailer man z-table chucky oh so that was a true teaser and true teaser

forward did you see how they didn't let us see

his face yeah that's all that they had him in shadow so they just wouldn't let

us see him now what I want to know is this truck here damn Android now because

he had a retinal scanner like it was a barcode yeah the Chucky I remember never

have that they upgraded them yeah a little kid tag these I can't can't hide

anyway yeah man so we want you guys to post your comments down below did you

see this back in the day was he scary back then are you gonna go see it now

let us know um that trailer didn't give me enough meat to say or make a good

educated guess on whether you should stream it and wait for or go see it in

theatres but I do like the nostalgia that the movie is bringing because

horror took a bad deal it rose a little bit and now we're starting to see them

reprise some of these old classics cuz you know they're getting ready to make a

Birds movie - are they a new bird oh yeah man new birds is coming so we want

to know what you guys think is this trailer so far enough to get you in the

theater or are you gonna wait for the string I'll tell you what it did do if

you've ever seen the old the old Chucky the old child plays this light brought

back some post-traumatic stress syndrome from being a kid

oh we're gonna never get this guy up out of here man I'm gonna brought back PTSD

from Chucky that's gonna do it for this video don't forget to like the video

comment and subscribe go get yourself a life Jay let us know if you're gonna go

and be scared as hell by Chucky and until the next sex is hell video

we'll see you oh wait I forgot love peace and hair grease


For more infomation >> Child's Play (2019) Trailer Reaction and Review - Featuring Larry - Duration: 5:10.


DINO Buttheads Championship!! T-Rex Vs Spinosaurus Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Dino Battles - Duration: 14:54.

it's teawrex first spinosaurus in the butthead championship we have arena all

set up in spinosaurus first t-rex for the Buckhead trophy who will

be no wow we're gonna unbox this big huge box of wowie but hit joy you get

the gripper I don't want the gripper

DINO Buttheads Championship!! T-Rex Vs Spinosaurus Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Dino Battles

bring four counters with you gotta smell the poop card again there's the Tucci


and this is for the championship it's sushi first robot pushy pushy

everybody is voting for tushy my champions gonna beat you into submission

again absolutely Matt you better win robot robots good counter with

earthbreaker did you tie the champions have to go to

run to till she starts off with

fire robot

she wins the golden anybody out there try to challenge me what do you have to

say to your fans - she pull my finger

great to see you guys today on my front porch with his big huge box with toilets

all over the cover I wonder what's inside

toilet walk

but first we have bring far it's a Butthead zombie disgusting next room


sour we have our arena all set up its finest swords first tier axe for the

Butthead trophy will be the winner watching

okay our first buck head is the Grim Reaper

information on em cool here is our forehead the Ripper the grim reaper rips

again what head is he is loud and proud and here we have to she ninja master

and each of these comes with a stick card the loser has to smell the stink

it's disgusting and our next champion is brain fart the disgusting

it's hard three champions but wait we have a fort

this one is robot he's a Buckhead robot there is a robot champion with his pink


and there is our four champions which one of them will win the trophy for

either the t-rex or the Spinosaurus and we can also send stink time-bombs bald

your finger here pull them up every time you pull up it adds five seconds

Goodwin is the best Wow hope you guys enjoyed that if you

enjoyed that and you've got over a thousand videos to play this on my

channel or for more fun drastic world videos just wait to this video and check

out the playlist goodbye in goodnight my friends in today's secret word is the


go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video click the

subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to

be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot

more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> DINO Buttheads Championship!! T-Rex Vs Spinosaurus Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Dino Battles - Duration: 14:54.


★Meli★ That waist to hips ratio though..😱 #instatopfashion - Duration: 1:54.

★Meli★ That waist to hips ratio though..😱 #instatopfashion

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Meli★ That waist to hips ratio though..😱 #instatopfashion - Duration: 1:54.


Eat fast Live Longer. Time restricted eating for health and fitness - Duration: 8:12.

So I'm going to start fasting. well I have already and I want to talk about it

hi my name is Christine L Conroy welcome to Happy Stuff and Fluff. A Channel for

women over 50 who are getting happy and growing younger.okay so as women

over 50 many of us are going through the menopause

we may be postmenopausal whichever we are we're probably hormonal and that

makes it easier to put on weight and increasingly more difficult to lose it

and so this particular thing weight loss is a delicious side effect and it's one

of the reasons I've started to do it. So of course I'm talking about

intermittent fasting. Now it's incredibly popular at the moment within the health

and fitness industries and for good reason now I looked at this a while ago

when those of you in the UK may remember that Michael Mosley the medical

journalist did a documentary on it I think it was called fast eating I'm not

sure but I'm going to leave a link to it down below so that you can all watch it

and I'm gonna leave an article too so you can have a look and see what you

think about intermittent fasting and yeah I did I did get his book and I did

watch the documentary. If you haven't been watching me for any length of time

you may not know that I love food. I absolutely enjoy everything about it I

love eating, I love people getting together to share food it's sensual its

social it's just, I love it and for me to go on a traditional kind

of diet where I have to cut lots of things out and you know deprive myself

of things wouldn't be sustainable for me, I do think this will be. I've started

already well let me tell you first of all. there are different methods

of intermittent fasting and what it simply means is - intermittent fasting is

having cycles of long periods of not eating or longer periods of not eating

and then eating, and so fasting is obviously going without food but two of

the methods that I looked at were - the first

5/2 method which is where you eat normally for five days, when I say

normally I mean healthily I think is how I would approach this. To still eat

healthily during the five days and then have two days fasting not back-to-back

so you may have a fast day on a Monday or a fast day on a Thursday for example

but on those two days you still eat a meal but one that is no more than 500

calories. So I looked at that and and for the moment have decided against it and

instead started the 16-8 method now you may have heard of this as, Time

restricted eating. So basically it's not, it's about consuming all of your daily

food within an eight-hour window let's say. The 16:8 method that's what that is

and then allowing your body to rest from digestion if you like for the next 16

hours. Now given that you sleep for eight of

those hours it's not that difficult to do and I've been doing it now for about

a week and I think it's going to be a sustainable method of eating for me. In

terms of losing weight it's meant to be, it's meant to be great for losing weight

so what happens is well first of all let me tell you when you eat your meals, so

three meals within eight hours, so let's say I will eat at eleven o'clock in the

morning then three o'clock and then 6:30 possibly so that I do not eat anything

then after seven o'clock until the next day at eleven so eating three meals in

that eight hour window I find I'm not eating as much during that eight hours

because I'm not that hungry so that's the effect its had on me I'm eating

slightly less anyway so obviously taking in fewer calories but the beauty of it

is fasting in this way also increases the calorie burning hormone or energy

burning hormone which is Noradrenaline fat burning Noradrenaline

So fasting releases that it also

increases your metabolism so just by doing this there's a good chance that

you may lose weight but the health benefits of it are amazing which is why

I think it's worth giving it a go so the health benefits include and you'll

read about it and if you watch Michael Mosley you'll hear about it

obviously weight loss and we talked in this video here about the fact

that we need to be eating less anyway it can help to reduce insulin resistance

which helps people with type 2 diabetes it reduces the risk factor for heart

disease and it's anti aging ladies. So it helps with cell

renewal and it also helps with longevity what's not to like? I think it's

something we should all have bear in mind. Now obviously there are health

contraindications to doing it so have a read and have a read of the article and

if you do think you fall into a medical category where you shouldn't be doing it

perhaps have a chat with your caregiver caregiver medical, I've just gone a

complete blank but you know who I mean talk to them about it before you do it.

Side-effects - you might feel hungry but we're not talking about starving

ourselves here we're not talking about starving yourself we're just talking

about mild hunger it's not going to be too bad at all and it's good for your

body. It's good for your body to have that rest period of from digestion for

16 hours. Now as I've said to you if you you may go to bed let's say you got

about it 11 o'clock and sleep for 8 hours then you break fast which is your

breakfast the next day so you fast for that period anyway .All we're doing is

extending that a little bit and for the claimed health benefits proven in some

cases, although I think the studies of all have been short-term so far but for

the health benefits that you get through doing it I really do think it's worth

giving it some attention. Now if you decide to do it will you let me know and

then we can do it together we'll talk about it on the Facebook group perhaps

I'll leave a link to that too down below yeah and that would be really good I

think now I'm going to continue with this for a while

and then I may have a look at the 5:2 method I'm not sure yet for now I'm

quite happy doing what I'm doing and it's making me feel good. I feel great!

Okay so that's why I've decided to do the fast but I'm doing the 16-8 method.

Okay so already this year we are: GETTING OUT IN NATURE. we are SLEEPING BETTER we

are EATING LESS now we're possibly LOSING A LITTLE BIT OF WEIGHT too. We're going to

ROCK IT this year ladies. Okay. Yeah we'll talk again and until then remember that

on the Happy stuff and fluff we are getting happy and growing younger.

Remember to give me a thumbs up if you liked the video and subscribe if you

haven't done already. See you soon


For more infomation >> Eat fast Live Longer. Time restricted eating for health and fitness - Duration: 8:12.


Disney's blue Genie mocked by Aladdin fans as Will Smith says "y'all need to trust me" - Duration: 3:21.

 Disney was always going to be up against it when it came to the Aladdin remake.  When the first photos of the Genie, played by Will Smith, dropped people were unsure

The images showed a 'human' Will Smith, with no trace of blue.  At the time the star reassured fans saying to wait, that a blue Genie would be on its way

 Now it seems fans wish they'd never asked. The new Aladdin trailer dropped during the Grammys 2019 showing the Genie in all his blue glory and there was, well, a mixed reaction

  Most people mocked the all blue Smith, others said it was the stuff of nightmares, while a few even said they found him strangely hot - one fans said: "This is one fit genie @willsmith  can't wait to see the movie

"  The special effects didn't look finished, leaving fans worried this was the final look

Luckily the movie isn't out until May, that's plenty of time to polish that lamp, er, Genie up

 Will Smith posted the trailer on his Instagram along with a hi-res image of the finished version of the Blue Genie, that may go some way to allaying your fears

 He captioned it: "I told y'all I was gon' be Blue!! Y'all need to trust me more often!"  Of course, fans still found a lot to mock - even with the hi res photo

Read More New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings  "It turns out that Will Smith's Aladdin Genie will haunt my nightmares," tweeted one

 One fan said: "I'll never sleep again and it's all Will Smith's fault."  The film trailer for Guy Ritchie's movie was shown during the Grammy Awards

It shows Aladdin in the Cave of Wonders searching for the lamp/  Disney released images from the film last year, with Smith admitting at the time that it was "always terrifying" when "you've doing things that are iconic

"  Smith told Entertainment Weekly he tapped into Bad Boys and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to create his Genie

 Ritchie said when creating the Genie look he went for the "muscular 1970s dad" so that explains the muscles

 "He was big enough to feel like a force - not so muscular that he looked like he was counting his calories, but formidable enough to look like you knew when he was in the room," he said

 Others were wiling to give them the benefit of the doubt.  "Yeah, that Will Smith Genie looks a liiiiiiitttle off, but I reckon in the full thing it'll look wild as heck in a good way

Intrigued," said one fan. Read More Aladdin remake   What do you think of the Genie? Let us know in the comments below

For more infomation >> Disney's blue Genie mocked by Aladdin fans as Will Smith says "y'all need to trust me" - Duration: 3:21.


How To Add A Favicon To Your Shopify Theme || Shopify Help Center - Duration: 4:43.

If you're looking for ways to build your store's brand identity, then keep watching

to learn how to create a favicon and add it your online store.

First, what is a favicon?

When you open a tab in your web browser, a small image appears in the corner of the tab.

This little icon is called a fave-ih-con or a fa-vih-con.

Favicons add to the look and feel of your store while making the brand easy to identify.

People often have many tabs open on their computer, so adding a favicon makes it easy

for customers to find your online store in their web browser.

If customers pin the tab for your online store or have lots of tabs open, then they won't

be able to see your store's name on the tab.

If you don't have a favicon, then it might be difficult for your customers to find the

tab for your store.

To add a favicon to your online store, you need to upload an image to your theme.

You can create a favicon image by editing your own image, by using a free favicon or

logo creator such as, or by hiring a Shopify Expert.

Check out the links below for more details.

Your favicon image should stand out and be easy to identify.

Favicons are small, so avoid using text or complicated images that are difficult to see.

It's better to have a well-defined logo or symbol as a favicon without any text included.

To make sure your favicon is easy to see, it should also stand out against backgrounds

ranging from white to black.

The background colour of a browser tab is usually light or dark grey, but browser backgrounds

can be any colour, including black.

Use an image with bright, saturated colours to contrast against many backgrounds.

For example, these favicons are easy to identify even though you can't see the name of the

page in the tab.

The colours contrast well with the background and the images are easily recognizable even

though they're small.

However, these images do not work well as favicons.

The first favicon uses text, which looks blurry and isn't easy to read.

The second favicon doesn't work well because the grey colours in the logo don't contrast

with the grey background.

To add a favicon to your store, your image needs to meet certain technical requirements

so it uploads properly.

First, your favicon needs to be square.

If you want to use a round logo or symbol, you can use a coloured circle on a transparent


Your favicon also needs to be in PNG format.

JPEG is not an accepted format for Favicons.

Finally, your favicon needs to have a resolution of 16 by 16 pixels or 32 by 32 pixels.

If the image you use is bigger than 32 by 32 pixels, then the image is automatically

reduced in size when you upload it into your theme.

Once you have a favicon image, add it to your store's theme so it appears when customers

visit your online store.

From your Shopify admin, click Online Store and check that you are on the Themes page.

Click Customize on your current theme to open the Theme Editor.

Click the Theme settings tab and then click Favicon.

Under Favicon image, click Select image.

From here, you can upload an image from your computer, or use an image that is already

in your library.

To upload an image from your computer, click Upload Image and select the file you would

like to upload.

Once the image is uploaded, a check mark appears in the bottom right corner of the image you've


If your image isn't uploading, make sure that your file is in PNG format and has a

resolution of 32 by 32 or 16 by 16 pixels.

If you would like to select an image that's already in your library, click the image so

a check mark appears.

After you've uploaded or chosen an image, click Select.

In the Favicon image area, you see the favicon image that you've selected.

From here, you can also change, edit or remove your image.

Once you're done selecting your image, click Save to add the favicon to your online store.

Your new favicon won't display here in the theme editor, but you can see your new favicon

by viewing your online store.

From your Shopify admin, click the eye symbol beside Online Store.

You see a new tab open in your browser.

This is the landing page for your online store.

Your favicon is in the tab at the top of the web page.

If you don't see your new favicon right away, you may need to clear your cache and

refresh the tab.

For more videos on how to grow your business, subscribe now!

If you still have questions, comment below or contact the Shopify support team directly.

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