Monday, February 11, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 12 2019

拡大写真 司 を務める雨上がり 死隊の宮迫博之( )と蛍原徹  今年で17回目 開催となるピン芸 O1決定戦「R‐ ぐらんぷり201 」の決勝開催日が 月10日に決まっ

フジテレビ系で生 送される(放送開 時間未定)。   会は、お笑いコン 「雨上がり決死隊 が第2回大会(2 04年)から16 連続で務める

  昨年は、ほぼ 盲の漫談家・濱田 太郎(29)が優 した。昨年を振り った宮迫博之(4 )は「全体的なレ ルも毎年上がって ていますよね

その前までは裸芸 (ハリウッドザコ ショウ=16年V アキラ100%= 8年V)が続いて たので、『もうど なるんだろう?』 思っていたんです 、濱田くんが優勝 てくれてよかった

ヘタしたら丸出し 出てくるやつが出 くるんじゃないか (笑)」。  相 の蛍原徹(51) 「今年は、濱田く が脱いで出てくる じゃないかと思っ いましたけど」と わせた

  準決勝は15 に開催される。「 ‐1」の挑戦者を 迫は「我々はコン でやっていますの 、1人でネタをす 恐怖というか、誰 助けてくれない状 で笑いを取るとい ことは、尊敬に値 る人たち」とリス クト

それだけに「緊張 楽しんで普段の力 発揮していただき い。勝ち負けも大 ですけど、やりき ということが一番 事

自分らしく頑張っ いただきたい」と ールを送った。  また、今年は参加 格がプロに限定さ たため、別枠で、 マチュアを対象に R‐1アマチュア 画ぐらんぷり20 9」を応募受付中

蛍原が「何でも、 りあえず送ってく さったらいいです ね」とチャレンジ 促す一方で、宮迫 「プロの『R‐1 を超えることはや てください

『こっちの方がお ろいやないかい! ってことがないよ に。期待している ど、超えないでほ いなぁ」と、逆に ロの意地にも期待 た

For more infomation >> 「R‐1ぐらんぷり」3月10日に決勝 司会は16年連続で雨上がり決死隊 - Duration: 5:44.



For more infomation >> ИГРАЮ ЛИНИЮ ФРОНТА ,ИЗИ ФАРМ!А ПОСЛЕ АБС ФОРМАТ С КЛАНОМ DEVIL - Duration: 6:14:15.


Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.


Vende no Mercado Livre? Veja essa DICA antes de comprar a maquininha Mercado Point! - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Vende no Mercado Livre? Veja essa DICA antes de comprar a maquininha Mercado Point! - Duration: 5:34.


Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 12 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 12 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:41.


Salvini, altro schiaffo ad Alessandro Di Battista e M5s: incontro con la delegazione pro-Guaidò - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Salvini, altro schiaffo ad Alessandro Di Battista e M5s: incontro con la delegazione pro-Guaidò - Duration: 2:19.


Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.


Amor, não "cosmética"! (Homilia Diária.1081: Terça-feira da 5.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Amor, não "cosmética"! (Homilia Diária.1081: Terça-feira da 5.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:25.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 02-11-2019 16:16:46 3528 E Lydia Ct, Spokane, WA 99223, USA - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 02-11-2019 16:16:46 3528 E Lydia Ct, Spokane, WA 99223, USA - Duration: 2:22.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 02-11-2019 16:19:14 4204 E 37th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223, USA - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 02-11-2019 16:19:14 4204 E 37th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223, USA - Duration: 4:39.


2Dais Liderança | Eduardo Tevah | 29MAR - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 2Dais Liderança | Eduardo Tevah | 29MAR - Duration: 1:51.


✅ É fake: imagem que circula sobre Metrópoles e Boechat foi inventada - Duration: 1:10.

 Uma imagem que circula nas redes usando o layout similar ao do Portal Metrópoles mostra uma informação mentirosa

O texto, que usa o nome do jornalista Ricardo Boechat, afirma que o apresentador da Band News fará uma revelação bombástica sobre o governo Bolsonaro

Esta iria "abalar as estruturas do país". A notícia nunca foi publicada no Metrópoles

 Datado de 2 de fevereiro, o print é uma montagem que utilizou tipografia diferente da adotada pelo Metrópoles

 Ricardo Boechat morreu aos 66 anos nesta segunda-feira (11/2) em um acidente de helicóptero na Rodoanel, em São Paulo

 A aeronave fez um pouso de emergência e foi atingida por um caminhão

Além dele, o piloto Ronaldo Quattrucci, que comandava o voo, também faleceu

 Confira a imagem:  

For more infomation >> ✅ É fake: imagem que circula sobre Metrópoles e Boechat foi inventada - Duration: 1:10.


Le Melanzane Assorbono Troppo Olio? Ecco Un Semplice Trucco Per Evitarlo! - Duration: 2:53.

Le melanzane fritte sono un ottimo piatto che però necessita, come vale per tutte le ricette,

di alcuni accorgimenti specifici legati in particolar modo all'eccesso di olio che può rendere sgradevole il risultato finale.

Spesso però è inevitabile che l'olio arrivi ad una quantità significativa e allora che cosa si può fare nei vari processi per evitare questo sgradevole problema?

C'è una specifica procedura che riguarda proprio l'assorbimento dell'olio,

Il primo passaggio riguarda, ovviamente, il dover lavare, asciugare e tagliare le melanzane fritte. la cosa che ci interessa di più quando cuciniamo le melanzane fritte.

In una ciotola a sé stante dovremo separare i tuorli dagli albumi e poi sbatterli, spennellando di albume alcune fette delle melanzane precedentemente tagliate.

Questo per creare una sorta di velo impermeabile che non permetterà all'olio di restare, accumulandosi durante tutta la procedura. Attenzione a farlo da tutte e due le parti delle fettine.

A questo punto dovremo adagiare tutte le melanzane preparate in precedenza in una padella, che dovremo scegliere antiaderente.

Sia per un miglior risultato finale sia proprio per, come detto, avere meno olio alla fine.

Ungiamo la padella con un cucchiaio d'olio (attenzione a non esagerare con le quantità, anche se sulle prime potrebbe sembrarci poco),

e se addirittura non vogliamo utilizzare l'olio in questo passaggio potremo optare per una noce di burro. Non ci resterà che friggere e alla fine servire e mangiare.

Se avremo esagerato, potremo sempre 'scolare' facendo finire nel lavandino la parte in eccesso, ma è comunque un errore che non dovremo commettere in quanto le melanzane resteranno lo stesso impregnate dell'olio.

Una parmigiana di melanzane, od una singola melanzana fritta che non lasci olio, sarà più adatta per chi ha i trigliceridi alta, sarà molto più digeribile e più salutare.

Un piccolo accorgimento come quello scritto sopra potrà davvero cambiare le cose.

For more infomation >> Le Melanzane Assorbono Troppo Olio? Ecco Un Semplice Trucco Per Evitarlo! - Duration: 2:53.


Quinto día de deliberación del jurado que decidirá el destino de El Chapo | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Quinto día de deliberación del jurado que decidirá el destino de El Chapo | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:59.


2019 podría ser el año con más detenciones de inmigrantes | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> 2019 podría ser el año con más detenciones de inmigrantes | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:55.


Las confesiones de una hispana víctima de violencia doméstica | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Las confesiones de una hispana víctima de violencia doméstica | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:21.


México le hace frente a la pedofilia en la Iglesia Católica | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> México le hace frente a la pedofilia en la Iglesia Católica | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.


Extreman las medidas de seguridad en el juicio contra El Chapo Guzmán | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Extreman las medidas de seguridad en el juicio contra El Chapo Guzmán | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:22.


La ayuda humanitaria ya llega a los venezolanos | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> La ayuda humanitaria ya llega a los venezolanos | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.


California retirará la Guardia Nacional de la frontera | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> California retirará la Guardia Nacional de la frontera | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Nueva tormenta de nieve se ensaña con buena parte del país | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Nueva tormenta de nieve se ensaña con buena parte del país | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.


¿Por fin llegará a nosotros la insulina en píldoras? | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ¿Por fin llegará a nosotros la insulina en píldoras? | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.


✅ Equipe da Band se despede de Boechat com homenagem emocionante após jornal - Duration: 1:36.

 A TV Bandeirantes teve um atitude lindíssima na noite desta segunda-feira, 11, para homenagear o grande jornalista Ricardo Boechat que faleceu nesta amanhã

 A emissora dedicou o essa edição do Jornal da Band, o qual era apresentado pelo profissonal, inteiramente para ele e, no final, mostraram todas as redações da Band espalhadas pelo país, aplaudindo a memória do jornalista

Além disso, mostrou também a cadeira em que ele sentava vazia, deixando todos muito emocionados

   Hugo Gloss comentou o episódio. "Esse encerramento foi de arrepiar! Todos os aplausos são poucos para esse homem que revolucionou o jornalismo do rádio e que também sabia como ninguém ancorar uma bancada na TV! A edição desta segunda-feira (11) do Jornal da Band, há mais de 12 anos apresentado por Ricardo Boechat, foi inteiramente dedicada a ele

No final, simbólico, as cadeiras vazias, que certamente não voltarão a ser ocupadas por alguém tão genial e corajoso

que praticava um jornalismo opinativo único e que sabia rir de si mesmo

Após um trágico acidente de helicóptero hoje em São Paulo, Boechat deixa a esposa Veruska e seis filhos", declarou ele

 Boechat faleceu no começo da tarde desta segunda-feira, após a queda do helicóptero que o levava de Campinas para São Paulo

 Assista o vídeo AQUI

For more infomation >> ✅ Equipe da Band se despede de Boechat com homenagem emocionante após jornal - Duration: 1:36.



For more infomation >> ИГРАЮ ЛИНИЮ ФРОНТА ,ИЗИ ФАРМ!А ПОСЛЕ АБС ФОРМАТ С КЛАНОМ DEVIL - Duration: 6:14:15.





「R‐1ぐらんぷり」3月10日に決勝 司会は16年連続で雨上がり決死隊 - Duration: 5:44.

拡大写真 司 を務める雨上がり 死隊の宮迫博之( )と蛍原徹  今年で17回目 開催となるピン芸 O1決定戦「R‐ ぐらんぷり201 」の決勝開催日が 月10日に決まっ

フジテレビ系で生 送される(放送開 時間未定)。   会は、お笑いコン 「雨上がり決死隊 が第2回大会(2 04年)から16 連続で務める

  昨年は、ほぼ 盲の漫談家・濱田 太郎(29)が優 した。昨年を振り った宮迫博之(4 )は「全体的なレ ルも毎年上がって ていますよね

その前までは裸芸 (ハリウッドザコ ショウ=16年V アキラ100%= 8年V)が続いて たので、『もうど なるんだろう?』 思っていたんです 、濱田くんが優勝 てくれてよかった

ヘタしたら丸出し 出てくるやつが出 くるんじゃないか (笑)」。  相 の蛍原徹(51) 「今年は、濱田く が脱いで出てくる じゃないかと思っ いましたけど」と わせた

  準決勝は15 に開催される。「 ‐1」の挑戦者を 迫は「我々はコン でやっていますの 、1人でネタをす 恐怖というか、誰 助けてくれない状 で笑いを取るとい ことは、尊敬に値 る人たち」とリス クト

それだけに「緊張 楽しんで普段の力 発揮していただき い。勝ち負けも大 ですけど、やりき ということが一番 事

自分らしく頑張っ いただきたい」と ールを送った。  また、今年は参加 格がプロに限定さ たため、別枠で、 マチュアを対象に R‐1アマチュア 画ぐらんぷり20 9」を応募受付中

蛍原が「何でも、 りあえず送ってく さったらいいです ね」とチャレンジ 促す一方で、宮迫 「プロの『R‐1 を超えることはや てください

『こっちの方がお ろいやないかい! ってことがないよ に。期待している ど、超えないでほ いなぁ」と、逆に ロの意地にも期待 た

For more infomation >> 「R‐1ぐらんぷり」3月10日に決勝 司会は16年連続で雨上がり決死隊 - Duration: 5:44.



For more infomation >> ИГРАЮ ЛИНИЮ ФРОНТА ,ИЗИ ФАРМ!А ПОСЛЕ АБС ФОРМАТ С КЛАНОМ DEVIL - Duration: 6:14:15.


Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> Teste ANPAD e Concursos-Geometria Plana Parte 01 Semelhança de Triângulos - Duration: 38:46.


Vende no Mercado Livre? Veja essa DICA antes de comprar a maquininha Mercado Point! - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Vende no Mercado Livre? Veja essa DICA antes de comprar a maquininha Mercado Point! - Duration: 5:34.


Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 12 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 12 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:41.


Leadership Dog Training - 7 Leadership Tips - Professional Dog Training Tips - Duration: 14:17.

- We all want to have a dog that listens reliably,

and a great way to get that is by

showing your dog that you're a great leader.

Now, in this video, I'm gonna talk

about some leadership training tips.

I've actually pulled seven examples

of great leadership training opportunities

from our Thursday night Livestreams for you,

so if you're looking to have that dog

who learns things faster and makes less mistakes,

then this is the video for you.

I'm Ken Steepe, and welcome back to McCann Dogs.

(guitar strum) (dog barking)

Dan and Ellen say, is indoor freedom

the same as outdoor freedom?

That's a great question. - That's a fabulous question,

and absolutely for sure, I find that sometimes

even when you give your dog a lot of freedom outdoors,

maybe without you being involved, it's very

self-rewarding because there's like, outside's tons of fun,

there's lots of things to dig and chew and chase,

and get into and... if you're giving them a lot of off leash

or outside freedom without you, some dogs can develop

barking issues, your recall, your come command can go

up the tubes really quickly, they can get into digging

and things like that so to answer your question, yes,

so what we do to manage the dog outside because we obviously

want them to go outside and have some fun,

is when they're babies we'll go outside with them

and we'll often attach a really, really long line,

so I'm talking like, we have a fairly decent sized yard

so we have about a 20 foot long, it's sort of like a

lunge-line almost, but it's like a long cotton web,

and the puppy, initially when they're first learning

we would keep it in our hand for safety.

But once the dog has a little bit of skills where they

can respond to their name and maybe they have a few little

verbal commands under their belt,

we would just let them drag that line around,

and we would only use it if we needed to,

so if they started to dig or started to bark at people

walking, you know, past our driveway,

then we could address the dog if they weren't listening,

we just have a bit of a backup, and then when

we're inside and we're controlling the freedom,

we would take the long line off because that would be a pain

of course, and we would put a leash on instead,

or if you have a really young puppy you could

even use like a long piece of rope.

And what we usually do is cut the handle off,

or cut the loop out so that it doesn't get caught on

things, and it still does get caught on things.

I'm not gonna lie there. - Yeah.

- It is a pain in the butt, but it's a pain

in the butt like 5% of the time,

and it's like a lifesaver 95% of the time.

So it like outweighs the annoying parts,

but that's sort of what we do with our leashes,

and again we're not pulling and dragging dogs around,

we're enhancing our verbal control,

but the line and the leash is there to back up

if we ask our dogs to listen to us and they choose not to,

which they will do, - Sure.

- When they're young and adolescent.

- They're learning - They're trying to

figure it out.

- Let's see Kathy's question, 'cause that's a good one,

she says I have a puppy that steals and runs

with everything, I use a leash in the house,

but when she does get something how do I get her

to drop the stolen object without using a treat?

And she's from Indianapolis, Indiana. So, that's a

really, really important question,

and we don't want to be training our dogs

for us to reward them... I guess

that's probably confusing sounding.

We don't want to teach our dogs that every time they do

something wrong we're - Mhm.

- going to bring out food, so you need to be really careful

about these types of situations

- I really like that you were able to...

- I know... - pinpoint that.

- It's really great Kathy that you could identify that,

this is where the house slang comes in handy,

you can reel your puppy in and all you've gotta do

in this situation is gently take their collar

and remove the object, but knowing that

you have this problem, you definitely wanna be working

on your out, this is something that we teach our puppies

very early on and we do use treats, when we're teaching our

puppy out, you know, with a puppy that offers up

the food in a separate event, you know, aside from these

situations where your puppy's stealing toys

and going for a run with it, you wanted to say something?

- Yeah, if my dog was to do that I would slip my hand

underneath the collar and I would actually roll the collar

up a little bit so I'd have more of a secure grip.

The other thing you wanna be really careful

that you try not to do is whatever object

is in their mouth, try not to pull it out,

because a lot of the times when you pull

something out of a dog's mouth,

they work against that and they'll actually grip much

harder, so what you actually wanna do is just

keep your hand in the collar and have your hand on

whatever's in their mouth but let it be really still and

sort of dull and boring - Yeah.

- So that the dog isn't really interested in continuing

to hold it and basically you're just gonna wait the dog out

because eventually the game of grabbing the toy

and running away with it or pulling on it,

it's not really fun anymore, because you're immobilizing

the whole game from stopping, and as soon as they finally

go ugh, this is a bore and they spit the thing out,

then you can say yay, good puppy!

And then you can play from there,

sometimes what I'll do depending on what the object is

of course, sometimes I'll let them have the object

back for a second and I'll tug and then I'll practice

my out, and then I'll have the dog release it to me,

and I'll give it back and then I'll release it

so we'll practice back and forth.

Obviously, there's certain items that

you don't do that with, but I would try to make sure

you get your hand on that leash and then slide

your hand down the leash right to the collar,

slip your hands right underneath it,

it's best if your fingers are underneath the collar

pointing towards the head,

you don't wanna be holding like this.

So underhand grip, you'll have way more control and power,

and you're just going to immobilize the dog but do not pull

on that item, because your dog's gonna think

there's a whole... - Tug time!

- Tug-of-war game about to start and then sometimes...

- Dogs love that game.

- The game is like, even more exciting so keep that item

limp and boring and dull, and then it's a waiting game

and you're gonna wait longer than the dog.

- Yeah.

When should a crate stop being used for overnights?

- This is totally dog-dependent so I don't wanna throw

an age out there, because all dogs are so different

it really depends on how well their house training

is going, how well their obedience and listening

is going, you know, are they doing a good job

with not chewing things in your house,

that's probably the big thing.

So it's hard to really say but you know,

when your dog you know, can be trusted

when you're not there, uh...

To not do bad behaviors, that I would say that would

be a similar time where you can start letting them

sleep out of their crate at night.

Bee-Line was pretty young when she started to sleep out

of her crate at night. - Yeah.

- But she also was really quick to not...

she wasn't really a dog that like

chewed a lot of things - No, no.

- But also keep in mind we're dog trainers and we don't

give the dogs many opportunities to make those errors.

- Right. - So we were able to give her

freedom overnight very quickly, I would say under a year

she was already sleeping out of her crate,

but it was definitely after the point where I completely

felt she was ready, it wasn't like okay, let's try this out

and see if still have a baseboard in the morning.

- Right. - It was, you know, I felt

very confident about what we were doing, so that would

be sort of my best answer, I don't wanna give an age,

it's more about behavior and the dog's ability

to make a choice by that point.

- So Lindy Smith mentions Hi I'm new here,

I follow you always my dog is crate trained

but when he's out he likes to run around the house.

How do I make him listen and to stay in one place?

So that's sort of a multi-tiered question but certainly

Kayl talked about using a house line or a leash,

so there's a video on the channel that is linked above

if you wanna check it out but having a leash

on your dog when they're in the house,

so that you can have a little bit of control of them

if they start to make a bad decision.

Actually a story that we heard from a student was

that she was getting her pill out for the morning

and her puppy was meandering about the kitchen

and she dropped the pill, and because she had a line

on the dog, she had the house line on the dog,

which is just a leash, you know, with the loop cut off.

Her puppy made a beeline for the pill and she was able to

step on that line - Mmm...

- So it's a real safety issue, but there's all sorts of

things you can do to have your dog want to listen to you.

But being sure that they're safe and supervised well

is the most important thing Lindy,

and using that houseline is going to be really helpful.

Check out our video on teaching your dog to go

lie on their bed - I was just thinking that.

- Yeah, that'll be a great one for you and then you can ask

your puppy to go lie down on their bed and they can rest

there and they're rewarded by it.

Steven said I let my 1 year old lab allow me to let

him set the training scheduling, one day he just stopped.

After that it was his choice if he wanted to,

he's past it but very few manners, back to square one?

Yeah, I love where your head is at,

you do understand that you need...

Here's the best training schedule, all different times of

the day, you know, don't set up like at 10:30 we're gonna

train or don't, you know, if your dog comes to you

looking like oh, take advantage of those times to train them

but also make sure that you're integrating it into your

making lunch, or maybe it's you know, after dinner,

or something but make sure it's throughout the day,

and it needs to be on your terms.

It's really, really important that both the...

Your dog's understanding that he needs to listen at all

times of the day, but he does need to listen to you

and it's not up to him when you guys train.

So, Brandon mentions how do we stop our little Boston

Terrier from pooping on the rug?

We try to keep him on a schedule but

we have to sleep sometime. Also, not keeping him in a cage.

So this really speaks to the idea of a crate,

now dogs are denning animals, so they naturally want to do

that kind of thing, they want to...

You might see your little Boston sleeping underneath

the table, you know, he might go and find a little

corner to curl up in because it's really comfortable

and it has that sense of security for him.

So, don't overlook the opportunity to, even if it's not

a cage, maybe it's a limited space area,

if that makes you feel better,

what's really important here is not giving him the

opportunity to make these mistakes,

because unless you're supervising him 100% of the time,

because you do need to sleep, then he needs to be

somewhere where he's less likely to make those bad choices.

- Yeah, to make the long story short you can't stop him

from pooping on your rug unless you put him in a crate or

some type of confined space, and it's probably

it sounds like it's you that has the issue with the crate

not so much the dog, so educate yourself a little bit more

on crates and all the fun things that you can do with them.

Because you know, it really will stop all kinds of bad

behaviors and most importantly it keeps your dog safe,

you know if you have to go out and you can't take the puppy

with you, you know, I would feel horrible if I went out

and my dog ate something that they shouldn't or you know,

chewed on an electrical cord or swallowed something and

I just had no idea, so number one it's for safety,

and you know, secondly, it's gonna solve a lot of unwanted

problems because you know, no one can supervise a dog

24 hours a day, there's just no one has that kind of time.

So that's why the crate is such

a necessity in your training.

- Dan and Ellen in Luton mentioned

we find the hardest, oh we just lost...

We find the hardest time to keep that freedom under

control is when friends and family are over.

- Oh yeah. - Everyone loves a puppy, it's

been hard sometimes to say no even

if we know it's the right decision.

- So true! - It's so true, absolutely,

but these are sort of the things where you...

- When people come over even like walking down the street

and you have a puppy people just get like,

these squeaky high-pitched voices...

- Yeah. - The moment they see a puppy

and it just makes our life a lot harder but...

- Absolutely and these are sort of the things, and we've

talked about this on previous livestreams and in some

videos, sometimes you've gotta be just a little bit...

What's the word I'm looking for?

Gruff, I don't know?

Abrasive? - Direct?

- Direct, I guess, yeah. When you're working on this puppy

stuff 'cause it's for the good of your puppy.

So there's been times when we will be out for, maybe we're

traveling or something and we have a dog or a couple of dogs

on leash and someone will say oh, your dogs are adorable,

are they friendly, can they meet my dog or can my dog

meet them, or whatever, and we will 100% of the time say no.

- Aah! - No, it's just not good,

especially for you guys with a young puppy in training,

it's just undoing all your hard work.

Now, there will come a time when they can go hang out

and they can go visit other dogs that you know,

and all of these things but that's long after

you've established that when you call they come to you.

You know, that they will sit and wait on a loose leash

beside you, you know, you sort of have to

have all these checks and balances before you allow

them that sort of freedom or to make those kinds of

decisions, because your puppy is

going to find that really gratifying.

- We find it a good idea if you are having people

come over with your dog is have the puppy or the dog

in their crate for the first couple minutes

until everybody gets in the house

and like the excitement of people arriving has

sort of settled a little bit, because that stimulation

can sometimes be just too hard of an environment

initially for the dog to be able

to make any good choices because they're just

so ramped that it's like, it's just not

gonna be successful so, you know, you always

can control the dog's environment by removing them from

it if you need to or getting them further away

from it, so rather than letting them get like, right

at the door and getting their head like poking

in everywhere, you know, have somebody

with the dog on the leash like back away from the door

a little bit, so that they can see the excitement

but they can't like, get right in to the hustle and bustle.

And then work some control exercises,

- Right. - We teach a controlled sit at

our left hand side where the dogs learn to be calm

and to be well-minded, and then once they're

settled you could let them go and greet from there,

but greet on leash so if they decide to jump up or

nip at people's hands, or whatever they do,

when they're excited, you have the leash to address

those issues opposed to just sorta

letting everything go free willy and hope that

it goes well, and you know, if the situation

is too overwhelming and your dog is not making good choices,

you need to be able to pull the plug,

and say okay, this is not good rehearsal,

I have been working my butt off and I can see

things unraveling before me, I need to

address this and get the puppy out of the situation.

- Now if you haven't stopped by already make sure

you pop by one of our Thursday night Trainstation

livestreams, so that we can answer your specific

dog training questions, and if this is your first time

on this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button,

so that I can help you have a well-behaved,

four-legged family member. On that note, I'm Ken.

Happy training!

For more infomation >> Leadership Dog Training - 7 Leadership Tips - Professional Dog Training Tips - Duration: 14:17.


Alfa Romeo 159 1.7 T Progression 1750 turbo uitvoering - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 159 1.7 T Progression 1750 turbo uitvoering - Duration: 1:16.


Love in the Time of Political Division | We The Internet TV - Duration: 3:08.

And whatever happened to passion?

Listen, I'm a left-wing black guy, and let me tell you something.

I love a low-tax, low-government woman.


You've got to have the passion, you know what I'm saying? You know?

I think it works for dating nowadays.

I have friends who are like, "I can't date this person, they're a Republican!"

But if you've been married for however many years, and you've made it work this far,

you've got to find the way to make it work.

We made a video at We The Internet, it's "HateF*** Dating App."

So you guys can spell out the words, I'm trying not to curse.

And it's a way to bring together people all the way on the left and all the way on the right, they can get together,

and hatef*** each other.

Oh, have they got any white nationalists on there? I would love to...

Oh yeah, that'd be great.

Well, I think there's a whole series of videos that actually is that exact plot

(laughing) Yeah, big shout out to those websites.

The thing with people who say that...I think some people who say that are able to manage relationships.

But then other people -- I have friends on both sides of the political aisle, where I'm like,

okay, it sounds like you're not comfortable with disagreement at any point.

Like, if you're gonna make such claims, that's fine. I can respect that difference.

But I'm gonna need to see some evidence from you that you're able to experience disagreement on some level,

and continue a relationship.

Like, you need to prove that you're the type of couple that doesn't fight over where you're gonna go to eat.

Like you can actually even get that to begin with.

Yeah, just something! And especially because a lot of that is people who talk about community,

"we want community" and it's like, you don't speak to your immediate family,

and you want a community in this improv school or whatever it is? You know?

Maybe I'm just a dreamer.

Because all the people that I was thinking, like,

give me a Bob Dole Republican, a John McCain Republican, we could talk,

have a good time, have some coffee, we could make out.

But Trump is now, Trump has messed that up now, right? You know what I mean?

You can't even make out with John McCain anymore!

I can't make out with John McCain anymore.

Well, that's nature.

I'm pretty sure McCain's not giving consent anymore, so you should stay away from him.

Well, it's just polarized, there's's like the dissolving of all the gentlemen's agreements,

all the "we'll just not talk about this one issue."

Like, everything's politicized now to where it's like, people are losing friends and family members out there.

That's the one thing where I actually thank God that I come from a working class liberal urban black family,

'cause I haven't lost any family members about Trump.

We weren't necessarily politically divided.

But I've seen, like for my friends in the middle of the country, they've lost people.

Like uncles...and it's all recent.

It's not like this is -- you know, there've been other Republican presidents,

we've been through 9/11 together, we've been through the war in Iraq, we've been through Afghanistan.

This is worse. This is worse.

This is worse, this is like some 1960s type stuff. You know what I mean?

Hey guys, thanks for watching.

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For more infomation >> Love in the Time of Political Division | We The Internet TV - Duration: 3:08.


19-2SCOOPS | ÉPISODE 2 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 19-2SCOOPS | ÉPISODE 2 - Duration: 3:19.


Sherri Shepherd's Grammy Recap - Duration: 20:03.

- [Announcer] Live from New York City,

it's the Wendy Williams Show!

- [Wendy] How you doin'?

(upbeat music)

♪ Feel it, feel it, feel it ♪

♪ Come on, you need it ♪

♪ Say it like you mean it ♪

♪ Just shout it out ♪

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Now, here's Sherri Shepherd!

(audience cheers)

- Oh my God!

Look at y'all.

(woman giggles)

Oh my God.


Hey everybody!

Thank you so much.

I am so glad y'all could join us.

I'm so glad you're watching.

(audience cheers)

I just wanna say hello to my co-hosts,

my studio audience, my family!

(audience cheers)

Alright y'all, so we gonna try this.

I've been working all night with my son Jeffrey.

How you doin'?

- [Audience] How you doin'?

(woman yells) (audience cheers)

- I just wanna say I love you too

and I wanna say we love Wendy Williams.

(audience cheers)

That's right, she is committing to her health.

She is going to be back, absolutely.

(audience cheers)

In the meantime, queen,

thank you for giving me the opportunity

to even try to fill your shoes.

Thank you queen. (audience cheers)

I'm so glad to be here!

You know what I wanna do?

Let's do Hot Topics.

(audience cheers) (upbeat music)

Wait, I wanna tell y'all something.

This is the queen's space and this is

the queen's fill-in chair and I've never been in this space.

I need some help 'cause I can't.

(audience cheers)

Well hello.


You can take the stool and you can go.

This is so sweet.

(audience laughs)

(audience cheers)

(audience laughs)

(woman yells)

That's the way they do it at the Wendy Williams Show.

(audience cheers) Yes!

Oh my goodness.

I gotta say I so love being in New York.

I'm telling you, the people were coming in,

can we braid your hair?

(audience laughs)

I told the lady, I said it's a wig.

She said, we'll braid the wig.

(audience laughs)

She braided my wig.

I am really excited to be here 'cause Friday night,

I walked in the American Heart Association's

Go Red for Women fashion show.

(audience cheers)

Look at that.

(woman laughs)

First of all, it was so amazing.

I really feel really great and I'm excited

'cause I've been about over 340 days no sugar.

(audience cheers)

This is it.

I've been doing keto.

It's so funny 'cause my keto mentor

that I met on Instagram is here.

Is Kendra here?

I just wanna say give a shout out.

Wave girl!

(audience cheers)

This girl right here, a Black keto girl.

It's been helping me get my health together

and I was walking on that runway y'all.

Let me tell you 'cause I was trying to have fun

because all of the fashion models, you always see them,

they walk down the thing and they're just like (woman hums).

(audience laughs)

Because you know they're hungry.

They need a cookie.

(audience laughs)

I said I wanted to have some fun but here's the thing.

This is why I see why they like this all the time

because you cannot salsa, smile,

and hold your belly in at the same time.

(audience laughs)

When I was walking, first of all I was like,

Jesus please don't let me fall while I'm trying to twerk.

(audience laughs)

Then I thought to myself that something's gotta give.

I can't salsa and smile.

I let the belly go.

I couldn't even. (audience laughs)

That was it.

Thank you Heart Health. (audience cheers)

Did you guys watch The Grammy's yesterday?

(audience cheers) I watched The Grammy's.

This is what I loved about The Grammy's.

It was year of the woman.

Alicia Keys, so lovely.

She hosted. (audience cheers)

She rocking her head scarf.

First off, they started with Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama came out. (audience cheers)

Lady Gaga, Jada Pinkett, it was Alicia Keys,

and it was J-Lo, and Michelle started talking.

Was it just me or did y'all think

she was making her pitch to be President?

(audience cheers)

I was like, I'm quitting my job.

I ain't even got no job.

I was like I'm quitting, (audience laughs)

I'm quitting my job and I am going to

stump for Michelle Obama 'cause

if she wants to run for President, we there.

(audience cheers) Loved her.

I like seeing her in this kind of format.

It's so crazy because y'all,

social media has been dragging J-Lo through the mud

(audience groans)

for her Motown tribute.

If I was looking at J-Lo like her Vegas revue

and she did this as part of the tribute, I'd be like yes,

but when I was looking at it,

I thought this would be great if

it was a Janet Jackson tribute or a Paula Abdul tribute

'cause it was a lot of dancing.

I just kind of thought,

this would be if it was Migos

doing a Barbra Streisand tribute.

(audience laughs)

Migos and Barbra Streisand.

Literally, I really wanted to see more R&B artists

doing the tribute who are part of it.

Didn't you? (audience claps)

Is that my bra?

Why y'all didn't tell me?

Why y'all didn't tell me?

(audience cheers)

No aw.

Y'all was gonna let me sit there

with all my boobies hanging out.

(audience laughs)

Thank you baby.

I thought it would've been so great.

There were so many R&B artists out there.

Lalah Hathaway was sitting there

with that beautiful blue hair.

(audience claps)


(audience cheers)

I know you had all them kids you was taking care of,

but I would have loved to see you on stage.

Uncle Charlie could've been up there.

Diana Ross was there!

Good grief, come on now. (audience cheers)

Diana Ross was there.

Valerie Simpson was sitting in the audience.

She wrote half the Motown songs.

I would've loved to have seen Valerie Simpson up there.

Anybody, just put them on up there.

My five year old who does R&B,

put her on up there. (audience laughs)

I love Diana Ross and speaking of Diana Ross,

she had an amazing moment.

She looked so beautiful.

(audience cheers)

Didn't she look like Glenda the Good Witch?

(audience laughs)

Here's the thing, I love Diana Ross.

Diana Ross, if y'all noticed,

she said happy birthday to me.

(audience aw's)

'Cause at 75, queen looks amazing at 75 years old.

(audience cheers)

She said happy birthday to me.

I looked it up.

It's February 11th.

Diana Ross' birthday is not 'til March 26th y'all.

(audience laughs)

I'm like, why are you saying it now?

When you the queen and you 75 years old,

you can say whatever you want

(audience claps) 'cause you Diana Ross.

You can say happy birthday to me.

Damn, did I pay the mortgage today?

Anything you wanna say.

There was a picture of her daughter Tracee Ross,

who is her daughter by Berry Gordy, it's Rhona Ross.

Rhonda Ross is her daughter by Berry Gordy

and she's on her cellphone.

Don't it look like Rhonda Ross is just going,

is momma's birthday today or is it March 26th?

(audience laughs)

'Cause she just said happy birthday.

We gonna have to move up that birthday party a little bit.

(audience laughs)

She said happy birthday.

By the way, I wanna say it's somebody else's birthday.

It's Norman's birthday.

Happy birthday Norman. (audience cheers)

- Thank you.

(man laughs)

- Happy birthday baby cakes.

Is it really today?

- It's really today.

It's not in March.

(audience laughs) (man laughs)

- Then I'm looking at The Grammy's.

I love Cardi B.

Did y'all see her performance?

(audience cheers)

Cardi B first of all,

she made history as the first female solo artist

to win the best rap album.

(audience cheers)

I have to say, Nicki, I'm so sorry.

I know you upset Nicki Minaj.

(audience laughs)

We can go for coffee girl.

I'll take you out for a drink,

but I loved Cardi B's performance.

It was visually stunning.

Social media is up in an uproar because they're like,

did Cardi B lip sync?

I don't care!

(audience laughs)

I don't care if Cardi B was lip syncing.

Look at this girl.

She going down the stairs, up the stairs,

she had a stool to get, she twerking on a piano,

(audience laughs)

twerking 'cause she looking at Offset,

and then they put a whole bird on her back right there.

(audience laughs)

First of all, you can't even think straight

on doing all of that so if Cardi B was lip syncing,

I don't care, okay?

(audience cheers)

You go on with your bad self.

Oh my God.

(audience cheers)

This is something I'm quite interested in.

Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale are still dating.

(audience hums)

The rumor is is that they're planning

a romantic getaway to get to know each other better.

(audience gasps)

I kind of like that because Kate is in her 40s

and Pete is in his 20s.

They're going away on a vacation

which I think is good to get to know each other.

The only thing I would say to Kate, caution.

Be careful because I still think that

he's in love with Ariana Grande

so you have to make sure that you're not a rebound.

That's the thing about dating a young man.

You always gotta be careful.

I like younger men, but that's a little too young, like 27,

'cause I'm so afraid that we would go out on a date,

he would take me home to meet his momma,

she'd be nice and as soon as she went to the bathroom,

her and them cousins would be like, why you with my son?

Was you in English class with me?

(audience laughs)

I'm so afraid that momma would say, I want grandkids.

Do you still have a uterus?

(audience gasps)

Which by the way, I do.

It's in a glove compartment with the rest of my wigs.

(audience laughs)

That's what I'm scared of.

It's so young, but go ahead.

Have your fun girl because you deserve it.

Get your little young thang. (audience claps)

It's so funny because Nick Cannon was here last week.

(audience cheers)

Look at Nick Cannon.

He was here last week and Nick took credit

for Pete hooking with the cougar.

Take a look.

- Imma take credit for it.

I'm the one that told him get you a older woman man.

(audience cheers) I said that.

Leave them little pop stars alone.

A older woman know what she want.

She don't play no games.

(audience claps)

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Get you somebody older.

Some mature.

(audience claps)

Seasoned, seasoned, put a little sprinkle on it.


Vintage vagina.

(audience laughs)

- Nick, you don't even have to tell people

that you like older women.

I can see 'cause you wearing your grandmother's turban.

(audience laughs)

My grandmother got that turban in

every color to go to church in.

I know.

Wait a minute with the vintage vagina.

No. (audience laughs)

Ladies, we don't have vintage vagina.

Let's call it limited edition.

Everybody can't get that. (audience cheers)

Come on now.

I'm sorry men, I don't wanna offend you,

but we don't be coming at you going,

look at that prehistoric penis.

(audience laughs) Stop, stop, stop.

Stop, stop, stop.

I do want to say as a seasoned woman,

as a woman who like her men a little young and tender,

Nick Cannon, I'm not doing anything for Valentine's Day.

(audience cheers)

I'm not sure about you.

Nick, I may not be Mariah,

but I think my name would look real good on your back.

(audience cheers)


I'm just saying 'cause Nick and I, we could go on vacation.

(audience laughs)

First of all, I don't even know what Nick is doing,

but it feel good!

(audience laughs)

(woman yells)

I think that picture just made me pregnant all over again.

(audience laughs)

Nick Cannon.

Nick Cannon, Nick Cannon.

Oh my God.

Norman, did you see all of that?

- All of that.

(man laughs)

- Nick, drink your glass of Enfamil and call me.

(audience laughs) (audience cheers)

Here's the scoop.

This is such a trip.

Lindsey Lohan's mom Dina Lohan is

still in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

She revealed that she's been in a relationship

for five, cinco anos, with the man that she wants to marry,

but this girl has never met him.

Take a look.

- I can't wait to tell you about this guy.

Been talking for five years, every day, a lot.

I feel like I know him.

You know when you talk to someone on the phone

you feel like you know them?

(audience laughs)

- Have y'all met?

- We will.

- Girl.

- It's not like that.

I swear to you, he's real.

- That's straight up catfish. - No, he's not.

I swear he's not.

- Catfish. - No.

- Five years, but no FaceTime?

(audience laughs)

- [Dina] He doesn't use that.

- Lies!

- It's 2019. - Lies, lies.

- My mother 71 and she use it.

(audience laughs)

- This is what I love about Black women.


(audience laughs)

Tamar's like (woman hums).

(audience laughs)

Imma tell Dina literally at this age,

you are being catfished.

You should know you are being catfished.

What Dina don't have, you need some Black girlfriends.

(audience laughs)

You really, really do because you girlfriends,

your ride or die, we will go over to that man's house

and see if this is the real deal.

(audience claps) You ain't got no FaceTime,

you ain't seen him in five years, really?

Every girl needs that ride or die.

For me, my ride or die is Niecy Nash.

(audience cheers) That girl.

Let me tell you something.

When I was with somebody who stood me up,

I called up Niecy Nash, she came right over.

She had that jar of Vaseline 'cause older women,

you know that we still use that.

(audience laughs)

She had pulled out her earrings,

put her baby hair back, we was ready to go.

When I was trying to find the ex-husband's and all the ex's,

we jumped in the car.

The only reason why we didn't go over there

for a good beat down was the GPS.

I couldn't find avenue, street, or boulevard.

(audience laughs)

Dina Lohan, you need me and Niecy to go with you.

(audience cheers)

It's probably gonna be some old lady in Kentucky!

That's probably who that man is,

some old woman in Kentucky with 19 cats Dina.

(audience laughs)

Nev Schulman, go on get that catfish.

Do you thang.

(man laughs) (audience laughs)

Robert De Niro was spotted coming out of court

and was pissed when his driver was not there to greet him.

Take a look. (audience gasps)

- [Robert] Where are you?

Where the (bleep) are you man?

You supposed to be right in front where you dropped us.

I don't care if they chase you away.

You tell them the officer (bleep).

What's the matter with you?

Where are you?

(audience laughs)

- He was in court for a child custody case

and anybody knows what I've gone through,

if you don't know, Google me,

when you're in court with a child custody case,

you're very emotional,

you don't want photographers in your face.

I understand him being like this,

but if you think putting two LA Times

in front of your face Robert. (audience laughs)

I go out with Whoopi Goldberg a lot

and sometimes be like Whoopi, Whoopi,

and she does this and her locks go in her face and you like,

you still Whoopi Goldberg.

(audience laughs)

We know who you with.

Robert De Niro, 'cause I got such a crush on him,

I hope your marriage works out.

I'm not for divorce at all, but if it don't work out,

I can't wait for Robert De Niro to

put his profile on

(audience cheers)

That is the ultimate cat daddy right there, Robert De Niro.

(audience laughs)

I'm just saying if it don't work out.

Is this wig on straight?

There's this video, speaking of wigs,

it is a video that just went viral.

It is a woman posting a video of

her father throwing her mom's wigs into their pool

(audience gasps)

because he was mad at her.

Look at all of the wigs!

That right there is an act of terrorism, right?

(audience laughs)

Let me tell you something.

All those wigs, do you know how expensive

that is all those wigs?

Niecy Nash, we going to make a doggone phone call!

(audience cheers) Where's Niecy?

We got a lot more show for you!

Up next, we're breaking down the fashion

hits and misses from last night's Grammy awards.

Y'all, grab a keto snack and come on back.

(audience cheers) (upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

♪ How are you doin' ♪

For more infomation >> Sherri Shepherd's Grammy Recap - Duration: 20:03.


The Story Behind Ilana's Genius Business: Phone Wigs - Broad City - Duration: 1:31.

This money is to get my wizna s-- woman on business up and running. Oh you mean phone wigs I'm using mine right now

I mean a line in real life every once in a while sure like wear her a week to a

Party how that way Excel up here. This is kind of what you get theory in prior seasons

Alana's had like wigs sewn into the back of her helmet. I do you want tell him I?

Kept that be stunt double wig to just wear and be her say weird wigs

Lana's phone wigs they are key prop from this season

They were designed and created by Marcel dejeuner. Our key hair guy phone wigs have never been made before

So it was a lot of engineering to figure it out

I honestly I wouldn't normally do this that I believe I pitched it and then it was like another wigs invention

It's the same as the helmet


But it's a theme but it's so funny and then we like student went nuts with like who she would make there's one for Abbi

Ilana it's Lincoln High May. This one was made out of a wig that Ilana wore in season four

That's the Ross the Rachel the Gunther from friends. That's Michelle Obama and

Bernadette Peters a lot of times. I'll see them on camera and I'm like, yeah, you know


Usually I ask props to bring them by me and to get a little quaff to do a little pick a lot of ones anyway

For more infomation >> The Story Behind Ilana's Genius Business: Phone Wigs - Broad City - Duration: 1:31.


Democrat Ilhan Omar Apologizes! Is AIPAC Right? - Duration: 13:39.

I don't know if you noticed this but there's a huge ...

political controversy and debate happening right now ...

in American politics around the comments of ...

congresswoman ihan Omar and her comments regarding ...

the American Israel public affairs committee a pack ...

which has one side accusing her of being quote ...

anti-semitic while the other side says that this is ...

completely legitimate criticism of another big lobbying group ...

inside of the United States and just as of moments ago ...

she just apologized for the statements unequivocal.

But regardless of that in this video we are going to be ...

talking about what happened the bigger debate hear some ...

poor context that you won't hear on the mainstream ...

media and at the end of this video where I personally ...

stand on it before we start just know that we are an ...

independent media organization that is supported ...

by you the viewer and one way you could support us is ...

by buying t-shirts on stores Fort /

we are change the link is in the description below and ...

what your purchases of t-shirts close you know what ...

to do to keep you warm sweaters or jackets are going ...

to basic needs things you actually could sport real ...

Independent Media and without you we would be here ...

so unequivocally unequivocally thank you for ...

supporting us as an independent media ...

organization which of course is surrounding a Somali ...

American us congresswoman who is serving Minnesota's ...

5th congressional district and is one of the first two Muslim ...

women elected to congress medical course is ilhan Omar ...

of course this big. Controversy recently erupted ...

because of Twitter and I think it is important to point out ...

here that congresswoman Omar does not have the best ...

record of being careful on Twitter as just two weeks ago.

Why are you at we deleted again very inaccurate attacks ...

that she laid on the Covington Catholic High ...

School Maga hat-wearing kids where she not only ...

falsely portrayed the events that happened helping of ...

course push a bigger hate mob towards teenagers but ...

at the same time also stood behind the black Israelites ...

which are racist bigoted hateful and also very anti ...

sematic I think it's very fair to describe this Behavior as ...

careless and now the current controversy that she is ...

involved in that she just apologized for which if you ...

know everything about feel free to skip towards a minute ...

Ford into this video. Everything started just late ...

last night where congresswoman Omar ...

retweeted Glenn greenwald's tweet was a political ...

commentator that tweeted how GOP lawmakers were ...

threatening to punish the congresswoman Omar and ...

fellow democratic congresswoman Rashida ...

tlaib over of course their criticism of Israel.

It's stunning how much time u s political leader spent ...

defending a four-nation even if it means attacking Free ...

Speech rights of Americans congresswoman Omar ...

retreated that with the caption It's All About the Benjamins ...

baby what which of course is a lyric from a very famous ...

1990s Puff Daddy songs and after being quizzed about this ...

by other commentator specifically asking her who ...

she thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-israel ...

Omar responded by saying a pack and this of course ...

created not only a media frenzy but people freaking ...

out calling her anti-semitic people like Ben Shapiro ...

freaking out the GOP freaking out and then even ...

the Democratic establishment freaking out.

News of course freaked out to other media Outlets freaked ...

out as well of course a pack freaked out American Israeli ...

Lobby who suggested that congresswoman Omar ...

apologize for suggesting pro-israeli groups quote is ...

buying off. American politicians and now ...

facing a lot of pressure including ones from her own ...

a party and calls for her to be kicked off many ...

congressional hearing committees and after a ...

strongly-worded letter by house Democratic Leadership ...

which included Nancy Pelosi saying that quote ...

anti-Semitism have to be called out without exception ...

after all that pressure from Democrats and Republicans ...

after this massive backlash Congress Omar just as of ...

moments ago decided to issue a public apology on her ...

Twitter account again same quote that anti-Semitism is ...

real you know the usual PR stuff in that quote she's ...

grateful for Jewish allies of colleague.

Got a lot of painful history of anti-Semitism when she is ...

attacked for her identity and that's why she unequivocally ...

apologizes but at the same time as shoot another ...

statement below saying that she reaffirms the problematic ...

role of lobbyists in our politics whether it's a pack the NRA ...

or the fossil fuel industry quote she says it's gone on ...

too long and we must be willing to address it now is ...

this the end of this bigger political controversy now ...

most likely the beginning but I just wants to come to delve ...

into this issue a little bit more because I think it is fair to say ...

that her comments original.

Weren't very diplomatic work very well thought out but ...

wasn't anti-semitic I mean some people have interpreted ...

them to be so but I think it's very hard to make that ...

argument because she is talking about a lobbyist.

And if you look up the direct definition of.

Happy historical fiction it is quote an activist who seeks ...

to persuade members of the government like members of ...

Congress to enact legislation that would benefit their group ...

so when she was talking about the lobbyist group that ...

is a pack the American Israeli group that takes money and ...

lobbies it gives it to government representatives ...

to enact positive legislation for them.

She's describing what the organization does because ...

it's a lobbyist organization. Of course this is not the first ...

criticism that congresswoman Omar faced with being ...

anti-israel as she is also a proponent of the BDS ...

movement which is a boycott and sanction movement ...

which is calling for those particular policies to be ...

enacted against Israel because of their geopolitical ...

greater political moves dealing with the Palestinians ...

claim and of course that Israel is breaking ...

international law believing that that's why products from ...

Israel should be boycotted and there should be ...

sanctions on that country that's also important that she ...

has called for similar measures against Saudi ...

Arabia as well not just Israel because of of course Saudi ...

Arabia's harsh foreign policy as well but honestly I don't ...

see the connection here and I get proved to me if I'm wrong ...

that if you criticize a country's foreign policy that you were somehow.

Anti. Country or anti-semitic for ...

example here with Israel as many people are pointing out ...

online very important points here about eight pack ...

because they pack doesn't just represent the goals and ...

the wishes of all Israelis a pack is also a very divisive ...

organizations which actual Israelis are divided on and ...

they're actually have been many Israelis who welcome ...

criticism of that organization because they are allegedly ...

funded by arms manufacturers evengelical ...

Christians and of course are very right-wing and if a ...

lobbyist organization is so divisive it's so on one side of ...

the political Spectrum they're obviously will be debate ...

they're obviously will be a bigger political discussion ...

that happens out of this and I don't think it's hateful and ...

bigoted to be against a group that you don't put a Khalil I ...

know and I'm sorry even though I disagree with ...

Congress woman's all Mars own political ideology I don't ...

think what she did was anti-semitic and I think the ...

attacks and smears against her Juju on.

Remind actual anti-Semitism that does happen and as ...

people are pointing out will have I'm negative recourse ...

because of it I don't think there's some aspects of Truth ...

in that which correctly the onion saying that quote see ...

her no more thankful for colleagues educating her a ...

huge painful history aipac lobbyists have had to endure ...

and and this is just where I personally stand of course ...

there's going to be a lot of dissenting opinions and if you ...

disagree with me let me know why in the comments section ...

below which of course I will genuinely take a look at out ...

of all of this I do believe that there does need to be a ...

bigger discussion but predominantly around ...

lobbyist themselves and other corporate tax that of ...

course bring big money into politics and by political reform ...

in the name of the highest bidder.

I think it's also interesting to also point out on this very ...

specific Digger topic here that overall a pact american-israeli ...

lobbyist firm does usually. Only spend 3.5 million dollars ...

in a year for their bigger lobbying efforts which of ...

course in Washington DC is not a lot of money and in ...

comparison as this writer points out it's not much even ...

compared it to planned parenthood's Pac money ...

which spends around $20 per year and I say hey all the ...

money in politics because it's corrupting the system which ...

is supposed to be representing you and not of ...

course the big money that keeps them in office did ...

anyone ever question how a public officials like Nancy ...

Pelosi's net worth is 26.4 million dollars when annually ...

she is supposed to be making $147,000 how is that ...

possible when she's been in politics for several decades ...

now there's something wrong with that system that of ...

course it does not add up at all since of course the ...

average American is pretty much getting screwed over of ...

course many people pointed this to of course very sick.

Cesspool real estate moves but if you don't consider the ...

possibility of corruption or any form of dark money here ...

I do believe you are being a little bit naive not even on this ...

very YouTube channel we interviewed former ...

congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and got into great ...

detail about how elected representatives even before ...

they choose to run for public office are quote co-opted or ...

persuaded to go along a particular philosophy or ...

political belief off the money that is thrown at them with ...

contracts that they have the sign when they're still ...

running to be in public office before they're even in there ...

saying yes I'm going to believe in this and actively ...

fight for this political belief for this amount of money and ...

that's a well-known fact that this happens in our political ...

system by the way this video will be in the description ...

below so you can fact check and reference everything ...

yourself but this happens on many different levels not just ...

with Israel but also what other countries like.

Saudi Arabia also with other bigger groups like the military ...

industrial complex like the big Banks the Pharma industrial ...

complex the prison industrial complex all big interest all big ...

money the beer companies the tobacco companies all of ...

the bigger money interest that are meant to of course ...

break the will of the people for their own benefit of course ...

are throwing money into a system that buys them ...

special rights and privileges this is a fact in our system ...

that should be widely criticized no matter if it's ...

Russia or a pack and the Israeli Lobby all of it should ...

be fair game and let's be honest it's not as even the ...

Russia gate investigation found out that that has been ...

illegal collusion on the bee hats of Israel especially by ...

Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner that ...

persuaded and pushed former National Security ...

adviser Michael Flynn who by the way is being charged by ...

this Russia gate investigation for the specific crime of not ...

lobbying. Russia.

Pacifically underhandedly lobbying for Israel with Jared ...

Kushner talking to Israel calling Michael Flynn and ...

telling Michael Flynn to get in contact with the UN Security ...

Council to vote in favor of a resolution for is real and ...

because Michael Flynn reached out and called ...

before actually having Donald Trump in the actual seat in ...

though he was elected in the presidential office this is why ...

Michael Flynn face those charges because he acted on ...

Jared kushner's wishes that told that the what he told him ...

to do clear collusion for the benefit of Israel Russia of ...

course no one talks about no one even wants to talk about ...

all the undercover spies that do operate in the United ...

States with immunity and these issues to me as well as ...

the other big issues at other big interest in other big ...

money would come from all different Spears all different ...

kinds of people should be debated and talked about open.

That is my opinion might be controversial you might not agree with it.

Reason with me let me know why if you disagree.

Comment section blowing there will be people who ...

disagree but I think it's important to call things out as ...

fairly as I can hear from my own point of view and if you ...

think I did that sure as hell won't but you will and ...

because of that because of your support because of your ...

donations Because of You purchasing t-shirt we're still ...

here somehow as an independent news.

Organization providing you this content for free if you ...

enjoy it tip us once again this is why I love you guys thank ...

you again so much for watching stay tuned for a lot ...

more here on we are change.

For more infomation >> Democrat Ilhan Omar Apologizes! Is AIPAC Right? - Duration: 13:39.


LOVE INTERESTS - Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 10:03.

CULT LEADER: Praise be to the Cuthulu and to this video's sponsor Dashlane!

CULTISTS: Cuthulu fhtagn!

Love is in the air.

You can tell because the plot just came to a screeching halt.

That's right.

One of the most commonly requested topics is romance so today we take on one of the

key elements of writing a romance plot line, the love interest!

Now I won't be covering the how to write a love interest for a story in the romance

genre, but fear not romance fans.

Those are on my list.

Oh romance novel alpha and beta males.

Don't you worry.

It will be your turn eventually.

Instead, I would like to focus on non-romance genres and how writers can integrate a love

interest into their story with all the grace, subtly, and elegance of a strategic carpet

bombing campaign.

So let's go a courting and introduce a love interest into our story.

First we should use our creativity, ingenuity, and careful planning to cheat and take as

many short cuts as possible!

You see, I don't want to actually put a love interest into the story because romance

is hard to write.

However, every story must feature a love interest because…

every story must have a romantic sub-plot no matter the genre.

That means our love interest should get little to no screen time and we should find a way

to get her out of my hair ASAP.

Oh no.

She has been captured by the villain!

How dastardly and vile of our antagonist and convenient and effort saving for me!

This will surely ratchet up the tension while saving me the trouble of writing about the

love interest since I have reduced her to the same level of a macguffin!

We could just replace our love interest with a briefcase and the story wouldn't be any


I am sure that reducing the love interest to the level of an object with garner no criticism


With our poor love interest in the clutches of the vile villain what will happen to her


Oh don't worry.

The worst thing she will endure is the villain might force her to marry him.

He may be a mass murdering psychopath who will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams

of total world conquest, but he is a stanch traditionalist when it comes it marriage.

The only thing he likes more than hijacked nuclear weapons is starting a nuclear family.

But she won't have to worry about that.

The hero will rescue her during the love interest's forced wedding to the villain.

Besides, we can sidestep the entire plot if we want to.

Instead, after the love interest's abduction, neither her nor the villain are mentioned

again until the climax of the story.

She has already served her purpose by motivating the hero to go on his quest.

You see, the love interest is the reward that will be handed over to the hero after he defeats

the bad guy.

Maybe I should put the love interest in a loot box?

I mean we could use the distressed damsel's point of view to get an inside perspective

to what the villain is planning, show off her cleverness by having her find a way to

send information to the heroes, characterize the villain trough his interactions with her,

or take over his entire operation and become the villain herself.

We can't do any of that because it undercuts the original reason for having our love interested

captured in the first place and that's to save effort better spent on giving our chosen

one protagonist yet more powers and abilities.

Or we can use the effort saved on writing a love interest to instead add more love interests

for the protagonist.

Wait a minute...

But what if a writer actually wants to include a romantic plot line in their story and not

simply play lip-service to it?

Well a romance side plot needs fuel.

One would think that the best way to fuel the romantic side plot is to have natural

and engaging interactions that showcase the chemistry that the two love interests share.

But we are going to use the cheap alternative!


That's right!

Long Unresolved Sexual Tension.

Most often shortened to UST, UST is essential to dragging out any tortured romance side

plot in fiction.

You see, we can't have people who are attracted to each other just get together.

First we have to milk that romance plot line for all it's worth by constantly teasing

the audience with the 'possibility' of characters entering a romantic relationship

but never actually deliver!

Now UST is a very potent fuel.

A little goes a long way.

Which is why a writer should just pour it on like there is no tomorrow!

Max that acceleration on the UST until the red string of fate becomes a hangman's noose

for the story!

Make sure to constantly break up the flow of the plot to show us how the characters

are pining to be together but lack any kind of spine to actually ask the other out.

Their love should gradually blossom like a beautiful ivy.

A beautiful invasive ivy that inevitably strangles everything around it as the romance side plot

takes over the story.

Oh no!

I've gone too far.

It looks like the couple might actually hook up before even the halfway point!

This is unacceptable!

At this rate, I might have to write an actual romantic relationship!

I can't write those!

I can't even maintain one of those in real life!

How can I stop this UST from going too far?

Better add a moment killer.

Uh oh, it looks like someone else just blundered in and ruined the moment.

Thankfully it will never occur to the eloping characters to just ask the third person to


The best thing about moment killers is that a writer can use these indefinitely without

any repercussions no matter how contrived the interruptions become.

Comedic sidekicks are the best at ruining romantic moments, and the story's tension,

and like the entire story.

Yeah you little comic relief stains you will get your own Terrible Writing Advice video

one day, mark my words.

How else can we ruin the moment?

Oh right.

By getting back to the actual plot!

No reason the villain can't ruin the romantic moment.

It's never too late for the love interest to be captured no matter how hyper competent

she was before.

A simple arm grab can disable even the most fearsome warrior woman.

I feel like I am forgetting something obvious.

Like what else could I do to amp up the romantic side plot?

Surely there is something, like an obvious reoccurring gag, that I could use.


I can't think of anything.

Oh wait.

I got it!

I need a… reason to pair off the side characters!

The story is nearing its end so I better pair the spares.

Did any of these couples share even a single scene together?

Did any of these last minute match ups share even a drop of chemistry?

Well it doesn't matter!

Hit'em and ship'em.

No time to worry about anything else.

Now foolish writers may question the need for the story to have a love interest at all.

Is the teenage protagonist too emotionally immature to handle something as complicated

as a romantic relationship?

Our protagonist needs to master their magic powers before evil destroys the world in mere


I'm sure we can pencil in a date in there somewhere.

Every story must feature a love interest no matter how much it detracts from the main


But let's be honest.

I'm just stalling because I don't want to actually commit to resolving the romantic

side plot for the love interest for fear of angering fans.

When a writer finds themselves in this position, the best thing to do is to simply not resolve

any of the romantic pairings.

That's right.

All of the characters are still in relationship limbo by the end of the story.

Not like this will utterly infuriate anyone invested in the outcome of the romantic pairing.

A writer cannot for sure pair off the characters until near the end of the series so we can

keep running the story off of UST indefinitely.

Or I guess you just awkwardly tie up the romantic pairings at the last minute of the story and

send your fandom spiraling into a never ending civil war.

CULT LEADER: Cuthulu fhtagn my brothers!

The end of the Terrible Writing Advice expanded universe draws near as was prophesied by the

Great Old Ones!

CULTISTS: Cuthulu fhtagn!


It is time!

We must spread the word!

COUNTRY CULTIST: About how people need to get right with Cuthulu or face the enteral


CULT LEADER: Well yes.


And that this video is sponsored by Dashlane.

You see my followers, Dashlane is a password manager that stores and auto-fills passwords

across all of a user's devices with patented security architecture.

It can generate secure passwords so you don't have to remember every stinking password because

I still can't get on my deviant art account after I lost that sticky note!


We already know about Dashlane.

We've been using it for weeks.



Soon the Great Old Ones will rise from their slumber to lay waste to mankind so I'm not

wasting any more time on remembering passwords.

Especially for all of the shopping I've been doing which Dashlane makes checkout easy

and secure.

It's really easy to sign up for plus it works across all major platforms; Android,

Windows, Mac, and iOS.

Like my iphone!

NERD CULTIST: You have an iPhone?

You apple fans are like a cult.

CULT LEADER: You are all already in a cult!

My cult!

And I thought I forbid all worldly possessions!


We know.

Cuthulu rises from the depths of R'lyeh to devour the souls of all mankind.

But until that happens I'm going to clock some hours in on Anthem.

If I can figure out when it launches.

NERD CULTIST: Yes we will drown the world in endless terror and blood, but at least

we are not EA.

CULT LEADER: This is unacceptable!

I forbid this blatant worldly consumerism.

We are Cuthulu's chosen!

Our purpose is to bring fire and death and oh is that on sale?

The first 200 people who use the promo code "TWA" get 10% off Dashlane Premium by going


Link is in the description below!

CONSPIRACY GUY: Did you think you could steal our sponsor and get away with it?


CONSPIRACY GUY: Don't play dumb with with!

You tried to kill me with one of your discount abominations.

And I know you hacked my password and stole what was rightfully ours.

CULT LEADER: We didn't steal your sponsor, but boy do we have the service for you!

For more infomation >> LOVE INTERESTS - Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 10:03.


HOW TO GET IT│Riding Duke 390 Wearing Shorts│Bakhawan Eco-Park, Kalibo│Latte Coffee Cafe - Duration: 30:06.

English subtitles are enabled. You may disable them on the settings.

We're going downstairs.

It was dark when you saw this place last night

so I'll give you a quick tour.

This is apparently used as an event venue.

This is one of the highlights of the tour because of the Atiatihan Festival

which is very evident by the flaglets hanging.

This is ran by a family.

We're here in Aklan for the Atiatihan!

He's been here very early.

We're on the top floor.

They have designated parking area for the vehicles.

It's small but for riders like us..

They close the gate every night

If you are bringing bikes, this place will do just fine.

They also stayed at this Inn.

We won't check out yet. Now on comfy clothes.

We'll have breakfast first then to a mangrove eco-park.

And that's the time we'll head to the festival.

I wore the appropriate attire, not the riding gears

Awesome thing about the festival according to them

is you can participate on dancing with them, unlike other festivals where you just watch.


You don't know what goes first.

There's a gate and you'll park here.

For more infomation >> HOW TO GET IT│Riding Duke 390 Wearing Shorts│Bakhawan Eco-Park, Kalibo│Latte Coffee Cafe - Duration: 30:06.


Cleaning the Driveway After a Big Snowstorm Trucker Rudi 02-04-19 Vlog#1674 - Duration: 11:03.

hey go more than good morning guys you know welcome welcome to the show you

want to say good morning there Missy hey Jess you want to say good morning to

everybody not this morning yeah yeah I know you're kind of sick this week but

anyways look at that we're getting some good coffee here sweetheart made good

but I quit right we'll see right so what are we having

well we got some eggs right there and the wife made some waffles

funky air pancakes yeah anyways we may not always get the name right but we

show you anyways yeah no you want to say something well

yeah all right anyways it's been kind of snowing since yesterday afternoon we've

been getting quite a bit of snow we probably already got like 1015

centimeters of snow already yeah schools got canceled that's why he's big got a

lady over here homie yeah there you go that guy over there is home too yeah

anyways let's go ahead and have breakfast guys and get our day started

so welcome to the show guys all right guys after breakfast we went into the

basement and I had to go get my compressor out let me see if I can show

you guys had to play around with it a little bit to get her going she was a

little bit cold she'd been sitting in the end a gradual winter long so far so

and what the plan is this guy says this computer is dirty so our plan is to take

this cover out and we'll go ahead and see if we can't clean this yeah so

usually a good idea to clean your computer every once in a while

and as you guys can see it is a little bit a little bit dirty right there on

the stuff there so let's give it a good clean another thing is that you

do is if you have like in compressor that has a knob right here you can see

that this gauge is not as high as this one right you see that that one is all

the way up there at about 125 psi this one is only sitting about it's dim to

light a little bit so you guys can actually see it looks like about 60 psi

and the reason I'm doing that is so that way when I blow into the computer I'm

not blowing anything apart so there is less pressure going into the components

right so you want to be careful you don't blow everything apart right so

let's see we can clean this let's give this a try

I'll be a little bit noisy but we gotta clean it right look at all the dust let

me let's just show you guys it is still snowing my driveway is supposed to be

right there right you can't even see it it's all covered and it's still snowing

so we will probably have to get the snowblower out here in a little while

that's a little very dear but yeah we'll probably have to get my snow blower out

here a little bit oh yeah I see a big big pile right there you guys see that

that's part of my driveway now that looks like more like 8 inches of snow on

the ground already but how well just finish cleaning all the computers I

clean my laptop as well get that all done and yeah so now everything is nice

and clean again alright guys it is time to go outside

and clean all this mess up look at that I think I'm gonna go ahead and grab me

this machine over here this bad boy right here I think I should probably

check the oil that might be a good idea I haven't done that in a good while

oh yeah we got good good I'm on the oil in there that's always a good idea to

protect your equipment before you do something right see we still got lots of

gasoline in there all right let's get my cable out this is the cable and we can

auto start this bad boy let me see I might have to move this a little bit

closer here and then I'm gonna plug this bad boy in and get it started up put the

show on a little bit let's get er start it up might be noisy but here we go now

she's having a hard time oh maybe I'll put the shock on

we are now in Luke hey guys we really are we had decided to go back to

Winnipeg and go back to Henry's because I made the wrong decision on getting the

wrong head for that tripod I thought that one had that was like a flat hat

was gonna be good and I didn't like it so I have 14 days to return it

exchange it for a different one so that's exactly what I'm gonna do I

called them up earlier and they said yep you can bring it back and exchange it

for a different one so that's what we're gonna do and then after that we'll

probably go somewhere and have supper and go back home again yeah got that

beautiful Sun with that ring around it again what was it called sundown yeah

some dog yeah that's what it was yeah it's not much today but Jessie you got a

coffee all of a sudden yeah we had quite a bit

of snow here the last day but that was even pretty windy today but right here

and tone is all right but outside the town when you're going what west east

west it's they got a little bit of snow drifts but

not too bad all right guys it is time for supper so let's take a look on what

we're having holy moly are you guys seeing this what do you say there boy

you having a good supper getting ready to have a good supper I think we are too

the wife is still out there looking for a good supper you see her over there

yeah she's she's getting all kinds of goodies but holy moly I got me a good

plate fault I'm telling you so let's go ahead and how it was good supper and go


For more infomation >> Cleaning the Driveway After a Big Snowstorm Trucker Rudi 02-04-19 Vlog#1674 - Duration: 11:03.


Royal Az - Sarah Ferguson compares Meghan vs Kate rumours to her relationship with Diana - Duration: 4:37.

They say any press is good press, but in the case of the royals, this couldn't be further from the truth

In fact, even Sarah Ferguson herself has broken her silence on the swirling reports and rumours surrounding two, rather prominent royals - Duchesses Kate and Meghan

In an open letter to Hello!, the former wife of Prince Andrew has spoken out against the idea of pitting women against each other - and she's used one very poingnant example to prove why it isn't right

Sarah's open letter comes after months of speculation and rumours that Meghan and Kate are at loggerheads with each other

From causing Kate to cry at a bridesmaids fitting before her royal wedding, to causing a rift between William and Harry, to even 'stealing' the royal's new publicist all for herself, rumours have been rife about the Duchess of Sussex - and Ferguson has clearly had enough

In her letter, Sarah writes: "Women, in particular, are constantly pitted against and compared with each other in a way that reminds me of how people tried to portray Diana and me all the time as rivals, which is something neither of us ever really felt

"She also weighed in on social media users who say damaging and abusive things online

"People feel licensed to say things online that they would never dream of saying to someone's face, and that encourages others to pile in

It's so ubiquitous that we've all become numb to what's going on," she wrote. "Bullying, sniping, bitching, even the most appalling sexism, racism and homophobia are commonplace

I believe that it's time to take a stand."WATCH: Sarah Ferguson says Princess Diana would be so proud of Prince William and Prince Harry

Story continues after video.When Sarah and Diana were younger, similar claims of feuds and fights between the two were common place - but that was before the time of social media

Now, she says new platforms like Twitter and Instagram "terrify" her. "I rarely if ever go 'below the line' on social media or news websites and read people's comments," she wrote

"I know that a lot say nice things, but there's a large minority who seem to think that all the normal rules of society don't apply to the internet

"She explained that this in turn can impact mental health. "There is good evidence that this online culture is having a detrimental impact on people's mental health, particularly vulnerable young people

"Sarah's poignant message was written in support of Hello!'s #HelloToKindness campaign, which came about when an explosive report revealed that Duchesses Catherine and Meghan are at the hand of violent threats posted on social media

While neither Kate nor Meghan have their own private social media accounts, many of their engagements and milestone celebrations are documented by Kensington Palace via official royal accounts

Thousands of comments have been posted by fans on the official accounts for many years, but in recent months, things have become more sinister

"It follows a Kate vs Meghan narrative and some of the worst stuff is between Kate fans and Meghan fans," a source told Hello!

"Arguments about who looks more appropriate, for example, that turn into personal attacks on other users

It's creating a supercharged atmosphere and everyone can join in, but what are the consequences of this?"

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Sarah Ferguson compares Meghan vs Kate rumours to her relationship with Diana - Duration: 4:37.


Absolutely Stunning The "Esk'et Sqlelten" is a 280 sqft tiny house on wheels Airbnb - Duration: 3:45.

Absolutely Stunning The "Esk'et Sqlelten" is a 280-sqft tiny house on wheels Airbnb

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning The "Esk'et Sqlelten" is a 280 sqft tiny house on wheels Airbnb - Duration: 3:45.


[ENG SUB] 190210 GOT7 JB instagram live - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 190210 GOT7 JB instagram live - Duration: 15:15.


"Devil May Cry 5" | V Story Analysis | Is he the Final Boss? - Duration: 6:58.

"Guess I'll have to see with my own eyes."


"Devil May Cry"

What's up guys? My name is RBG bringing you more coverage on Devil May Cry 5.

It's been a pretty good week for this title.

Like we've been getting a slew of coverage from personal hands-on experiences with the demo that's now available on the PS4.

And exclusive coverage from more reputable outlets like IGN and Maximillian Dood.

So the hype continues to build as we draw closer to DMC5's release.

Today I wanted to give a discussion/theory on V and what his intentions are.

Because there's been some footage floating around youtube showing him to have a very mired personality.

But before we get into that I wanna remind you that this video is sponsored by Kookygamer.

Since you guys have supported this channel I've linked up kookygamer to give you their free gaming mouse.

It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons.

An adjustable DPI, micro switches backed with LED lights, and much more.

To top things off we're also throwing in the brand new super bass earbuds which you can order in either black or white.

The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location.

The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last.

But getting back on track I wanna delve more on the psyche of V because there's some interesting things going on with his character.

Now I'm not gonna show any of the leaked footage floating around youtube.

Because I don't know if it will be taken down later by Capcom.

I also wanna warn you that that this video may pertain potential spoilers.

So you might wanna click away from the video if my theories just so happen to be correct.

But anyways upon observation it looks like a good majority of this game's plot is gonna somewhat center around V.

If you remember in the Dante gameplay trailer Morrison introduces him as the new client.

And essentially every client who seeks help from the Devil May Cry agency is someone who's well versed when it comes to demons.

If they don't they're not gonna get any assistance than being directed to the toilet at the back of the shop.

V seems to know quite a lot about demons and their realm so much to the point that he's able command Griffon and summon his own demon called Shadow.

What's interesting about both beast at they have similar abilities to demons Dante has faced in the past.

Like is it just me or does the shadow demon have a similar move set to the lion gatekeeper from DMC 1 who also goes by the alias, Shadow?

It can do everything the original shadow can do like shapeshift and morph into spikes, blades, and make these extended quills come out of it's back.

And based on the footage it looks like it's gonna be even more powerful than the original once players level him up as the game progresses.

It seems like if V were on the opposite team he'd be a thorn in Dante's side.

And that's what I'm getting at.

I don't think V's the good guy he's making himself out to be.

He could potentially be the final boss or 1 of the bosses Dante and Nero have to face at the end of the game.

Which would be cool because you're playing out the story with a character who you're leveling up to be your ultimate demise later on.

There have been a few instances where someone whether it was Dante or Vergil was getting used for a grander scheme.

Characters like Arkham have become one of the best villains in DMC history because of how mysterious he was and how he was able to play all three of the main characters.

And when you see V reading his mysterious book of poems and possible sorcery he instantly makes you harp back to Arkham.

A mysterious character that can play multiple roles and is out for his own personal gain.

If you notice V's play style you'll see that even though his demon companions deal out a great amount of damage to enemies they can't kill any of them.

Only V himself can put his enemies to rest using his walking cane.

And this is a pretty interesting concept to his gameplay because not only does it make him unique in which the way he plays.

It always raises questions to why he has to be the 1 to kill each enemy.

Is it because Shadow and Griffin simply lack the ability to kill enemy demons?

Or does V have to do it for his own personal gain.

This seems to be a reoccurring factor with his character because he looks like he has his own plans.

From some of the footage we've seen we know that there's a massive tug of war for this mysterious mcguffin that's been speculated to be a fruit.

This supposed fruit can empower any demon to rule the demon and earth realm simultaneously.

Sounds like the ultimate reward to for any top tier demon or potential mole like V.

Another thing that I think is kinda crazy is how V will mysteriously vanish and talk someone like Nero into fighting Urizen.

If you remember in 1 of the leaked cutscenes he tells Nero that Urizen was the 1 responsible for taking his arm.

And this has been 1 of the biggest debates in the DMC community on if Urizen and Vergil are 1 in the same.

On 1 hand we have fans saying that Vergil has his own plans and the other people believe that he is Urizen

because you see the demon king with what looks to be Nero's devil bringer in 1 of the cutscenes.

I don't wanna delve to deep into that because I'm saving a discussion on Urizen for another video.

But it wouldn't surprise me if V is pulling the wool over Nero's eye.

Like you gotta take into account that Nero doesn't know what Vergil looks like so he's basically playing the guessing game on which person took his arm.

In another scene where it looks like Nero just got finish fighting Goliath we see V come out as if he was waiting to finish the giant demon off.

He uses cane to stab Goliath and it looks like he's draining him of all his energy.

And it looks like that's gonna be the main source of his power like actually absorbing the energy of demons.

And I'm just gonna guess that this doesn't flat out kill Goliath.

Because he's obviously on a different level compared to some of the normal sized demons.

And in V's gameplay reveal trailer we see him going up again Goliath when he's all pale or weakened from the cane stab.

So these are things that make V a questionable character.

If he's able to absorb the energy from demons he could be the most powerful character in the game.

And what's not to say that won't try to absorb Dante's powers.

We already saw V looking like he wanted to stab Dante in the trailer.

But based on some of the leaked footage we saw that wasn't necessarily the case.

Since Dante was knocked out for what seems to be a month since his last encounter with Urizen.

And we hear Dante telling V to leave Nero out of it.

So things like this give more incentive to believe that V may in fact be the final boss.

Given the fact that Capcom has been very strict on his upgrades in the shop which I'm betting are gonna be insane later in the game.

He would make quite the opponent for the DMC gang.

But anyways these are just my theories based on some of the footage and trailers.

We still have about 26 days to go until the DMC5'S release and I'm pretty sure we'll get another trailer or more news that gives up more info on the story.

We'll just have to wait and see.

But go ahead and let me know what you think in regards to V's motives.

Do you think he can be the final boss?

Or do you think he's just a mysterious character that will still be on the good side?

Lemme know down in the comments below.

As always I ask that you like or dislike the video.

It doesn't have to be a thumbs up.

It can be a thumbs down.

Any feedback is good feedback and will only help me improve my channel.

But if you really enjoyed the video it would help me out tremendously if you shared it on social media outlets with all your friends and followers.

Sharing really makes a difference.

But this was your boy RBG signing out on another video.

I'll catch you guys later.

Peace out.

For more infomation >> "Devil May Cry 5" | V Story Analysis | Is he the Final Boss? - Duration: 6:58.


[Vietsub] ITZY (있지) "DALLA DALLA(달라달라)" - 8D AUDIO - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub] ITZY (있지) "DALLA DALLA(달라달라)" - 8D AUDIO - Duration: 3:17.


Denver Teachers Strike Begins: 'They Can't Do Our Jobs Without Us' - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Denver Teachers Strike Begins: 'They Can't Do Our Jobs Without Us' - Duration: 3:03.


Chelsea latest news: Chelsea told they need John Terry as Maurizio Sarri's job hangs in the balance - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Chelsea told they need John Terry as Maurizio Sarri's job hangs in the balance - Duration: 4:07.


Study recommends fixes for 'city that doesn't work' - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Study recommends fixes for 'city that doesn't work' - Duration: 1:36.


Strathmore Video - Duration: 5:17.

So you're thinking about moving to the Matawan / Aberdeen area located right here in Monmouth County.

So today I wanted to take you on a quick little tour of one of the areas known as

Strathmore, let's go

Hi everyone

its Cori,

yur local realtor right here in Monmouth County New Jersey with RE/MAX central and Monmouth County Dream Homes. If this is your first time here,

I want to say WELCOME!

I try to post new content every Monday and I talk about everything and anything that has to do with real estate and

Monmouth County. So if you want to stay up-to-date

Please go ahead and click that subscribe button and even tap on that little notification

Bell and you will know every time I post something new and exciting and trust me, You really don't want to miss my videos

Strathmore is an area located in Aberdeen, New Jersey in Monmouth County.

It is located right off the Garden State Parkway exit


Strathmore mostly features midsize homes that are competitively priced.

This community dates back all the way to 1961 and has continued to develop

over the years.

This neighborhood is perfect for those looking for single-family homes. In

general Strathmore homes range

anywhere from the mid 300s

to the upper 400s and they sit on quarter acre lots with 3 or 4 or even 5 bedrooms.

There are 5 models of homes to choose from.

The country clubber is the largest model offering 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths

The 4 -bedroom colonial

Is another fantastic model offering 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths

Next up is the Cape. This home offers 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths

2 bedrooms are upstairs, and there are 2 bedrooms located on the 1st floor.

That brings us to the ranch,

which is a 3 bedroom2 full bath home with full living area on the 1st floor and

Last but not least that brings us to the 3-bedroom colonial

This is a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath home. Please keep in mind the 3 and 4 bedroom colonial

Are the exact same square footage.

It's just the difference in the room sizes

Strathmore is actually divided into 8

little sections.

They focus each section by naming all streets with the same first letter. The

sections are

the B section

the C section

The O section the F section the D section

the A

section the N

section and the I section

You will find that within each of those sections every Street starts with the same first letter.

Although many of these houses look very similar from the outside,

many owners have put additions on and have even chosen to build up.

I Couldn't talk about Strathmore without mentioning Ivy Hill Park

This park is located in the "I" section.

Although it may look like there's not much there. This Hill gets packed every time it snows.

Strathmore is considered a suburb of New York City with a population of slightly over

7,500 residents

Strathmore is located in Monmouth County and many people consider this a fabulous place to live.

Living in this area offers residents a suburban feel and the majority of residents own their homes.

Located very close to Strathmore, there are so many restaurants, coffee shops and parks.

There are places you can walk to and shopping is very close . If you're looking for a wonderful place to live,

work and play

That is a short one-hour commute to New York City,

This just may be the perfect place for you.

I hope I was able to give you just a little bit of information and a quick overview of the Strathmore

section located right here in Aberdeen in Monmouth County New Jersey.

Thank you so much for joining me this week.

I'll be back next Monday when I talk about something else that has to do with Real Estate or Monmouth County. Thanks again, bye-bye

For more infomation >> Strathmore Video - Duration: 5:17.


Circus Baby's Crush on Toad! - Duration: 8:31.

Circus Baby: I really like him Chica

but i don't know if he likes me?

Chica: Well I don't see why he wouldn't like you!

Your really fun to be with and pretty too!

Circus Baby: Awww, thanks Chica!

Why don't you just go and ask Toad to be your Valentine Circus Baby?

Oh no! I get so nervous when I get close to him

Oh, I see

Ohhh..... but I can just imagine if we were together

Toad: Circus Baby! I got your favorite candies

reeses pieces

because you deserve all the chocolate in the world

Oh my! Toad! Your the best boyfriend a girl could ever have!

Toad: Yes I know

Nothing is too good for you!

Oh your just so sweet!

Toad: Weeeee! This is fun jumping on the clouds!

It sure is!

Toad: Come on baby! I'm gonna teach you how to jump on your head like me!


I don't know Toad! I'm nervous and I don't think I can

It's easy! and i'll be right here! Now watch me

Ok you show me how and I'll go next

Here I go

Yea!! ....... Whoooo!

Yeah! That was fun!

Your turn!

Ok...... here I go

Oh no! Circus baby my darling!

Are you ok?

Yeah! That was fun!

Ralph: Hey toad!......ummmm

Circus baby has been staring at you for the last 10 minutes!

I think she likes you!

Toad: Really!?

Don't turn around so fast!

No don't turn around!

Your making it to obvious

She is looking at me

Yeah! I like her too!

She's really cute

So go on over there and ask her to be your valentine

Yeah maybe I should

This is so exciting!

But first I want to get something for her

I want it to be something she likes, but I don't know what

Master Chief: Ugh, are beautiful!

Your blue eyes are the color

of my plasma baster when I shoot aliens heads off


Miffy: He's right there!

Bonnie: Come on we gotta hide here behind this wall

Little Jesse: Move! Scoot over!

Foxy: I can't see!

Master Chief: Roses are red.....violets are blue....I want to kiss you

Look at him!...That's his little strawberry shortcake

FNAF Bonnie: Shut up Little Jesse! He's gonna hear you!

Little Jesse: Oh sorry!

Master Chief: Barbie, your hair smells so good..... like strawberries

Miffy: Master Chief wants to kiss Barbies shortcake lips

Master Chief: Oh why yes Barbie, I have been working out

I'm glad you noticed my muscles. .

Little Jesse: Yea Hercules! We all notice!

Master Chief: Hey!

What are you kids doing there!

You better leave right now!

Bonnie: Uh-oh! Come on guys! Time to bail

Little Jesse: What's he doing?

Bonnie: Shh! Stay quiet! Play dead.

FNAF Bonnie: Little Jesse,......... do you realize what we've done!

We've unleashed a dinosaur in SugarVille!


Chica: Toad! Toad! Stop! I need to talk to you

Toad: What's wrong Chica? ..... Is everything ok?

Chica: Yes everythings fine

But it's Circus Baby

she really likes you and wants you to be her valentine

but she's too shy to ask

Toad: Oh yeah! Yeah! That's good!

Because I like her too and I want to ask her to be my valentine

but first, I want to get her something

Ohhhh well that's nice. Get her some reeses pieces

Those are her favorite!

Ok I'll do that!

Thanks Chica!

and don't tell her that I talked to you!

Toad: No problem and thanks again!

Your welcome Toad! Bye bye

Master Chief: Alright, let's do this!

Barbie: Life in's can brush my hair

Barbie: I wonder who that is?

Ohhh Master Chief.....

Master Chief: Hello Barbie

Barbie: It's wonderful to see you

Bonnie: Come on guys, hurry up! We're gonna miss it

I hope this isn't a bad time

No! Not at all

Well I have something on my mind I've been wanting to tell you for a long time now

Little Jesse: Look! He's gonna try to give her a kiss!

Bonnie:Yea! I wanna see that!

Master Chief: Hey! What are you all doing hiding there!

Little Jesse: We're not doing nothing!

We're just looking for something


Foxy: Yea.... we're just looking for something we lost.

So mind your own business!

Come on guys. Let's get back to work

Bonnie: Ughh... ok?

Miffy: Check it out, they're talking again

Barbie: Ok, i"m listening Master Chief.

Oh this is so nice of you! How can I ever thank you!?

Bonnie: Well how bout a lil kiss sweetheart!?

Master Chief: Shut up you guys!

Master Chief: I'm sorry about that

What I'm trying to tell you is your beautiful

and I would love

and I would love for you to be my valen

All of you need to stop! I'm trying to have a grown-up conversation here!

Barbie, I would love for you to be my Valen

My valen...

Barbie I would love for you to be valentine!

Ok that's it! All of you are gonna get spanked now!

Barbie: Leave them alone, they're just kids

But this is so romantic of you

So would you like to be my valentine Barbie?

Oh yes I would!

Circus Baby: I'm sitting here all alone just playing with my ball

Toad: Circus Baby!

Circus Baby!..... Circus Baby!

Circus Baby: Yes Toad! I'm right here

I got you something!

I wanted to tell you that, I think your really nice and pretty....... and have a big beautiful head


You think I'm nice and my big head is beautiful?


and I got your favorite chocolate candies

Oh my!

Would you like to be my valentine?

Oh i"m so happy!... and yes I would

Here share one of them with me!

Barbie: Oh Master Chief....

That chocolate rose was so beautiful and thoughtful

and I want to show you how thankful I am

Master Chief: You do?

Oh yes!

Bonnie: Man! Valentine's Day sucks!

It's only for little wimps and not tuff guys like us!

Little Jesse: Yeah! You got that right!

Miffy: You guys are funny!

Foxy: I don't want a girl kissing me..... yuck!

I rather eat hot Cheetos all day!

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