Saturday, February 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 2 2019

Hey everyone! Today we're going to talk about Boy Erased, a movie director by actor Joel Edgerton and starring Lucas Hedges as Garrard Conley, a real life writer,

who was sent by his religious parents to conversion therapy when he was young. People sent there their family members there to stop being gay, as they thought

being homosexual was a choice and that with work and effort and conviction they could remove it from their lives, return to their communities and be real men.

That's the kind of movie this is. I don't know if you have seen my other reviews of LGBT films, but I always have an issue when there are no gay people on a movie with that theme.

God's Own Country is a movie from England, that is excellent because the director is gay, one of the actors too, and you see what they brought to the movie.

You can see it, you can feel it. You can feel they get it. They know about the gay world and what it is to be a gay man.

Other movies, sadly, don't get that. Like Call Me By Your Name, which many people liked but, if you saw my review, you know I didn't care for it. I think it's too much fantasy,

it's just unreal and a bit corny in certain parts. This one has a bit of both but it's a little bit more provocative and it leans towards an interesting theme: conversion therapy.

It's something we haven't seen in movies, some documentaries, but not in movies. And they do it very well. Not only because of the great performances by Lucas Hedges,

and his parents Nicole Kidman and Russel Crowe that have minimal screen time (Crowe has a very small role) but they are great, it's also that they speak about many things.

It's not only about homosexuality but about all the things that go around that. They speak about abuse, family situations, about people we interact with every day

and all the kinds of relationships we can have with others, being gay, straight or whatever. It's a very well made movie in that sense. It has a very good screenplay

and as for technical aspects, its best thing is cinematography and maybe editing. There are shocking scenes, scenes that I wasn't expecting at all.

But I'm glad to see them in the sense that they didn't take the typical route, talking always about the same (He's gay so this and that). It's not that shallow.

There are scenes that are very deep and you have to give it to Joel Edgerton for making a movie that goes a little bit further. However, there are still stereotypes.

There are still repetitive things and we get why they're there. They didn't have someone to say "Please, don't do that" because you just shouldn't.

That's the thing that happens when there are no gay actors. As far as I know, Lucas Hedges is not gay, he has never addressed it. Maybe he's bi, I have no idea.

The point is that he's not openly gay. Neither are the director or Kidman or Crowe. The only gay person in the movie is Troye Sivan who is a singer.

He sings a nice song for the movie, nominated for a Golden Globe, so it might be worth listening to. He's the only drop of authenticity in the movie

and when he speaks, which is not very frequent, you do feel this person knows what he's talking about because he's actually gay.

Not everyone has been a victim of conversion therapy, it's something rare. So people should watch the movie to watch the interactions in that context.

The things that religion and fanaticism can do. To me those are not religions, they're sects. They follow rules without thinking about them. There are many all over the world

and they do awful things, not only to LGBT people but in general. It's something that should be abolished and we should always think about the damage we cause to other people

because of those convictions that blind us and make us deny hearing or knowing anything about others. I think this is a very important movie.

Again, it has some annoying things but the performances are excellent. Nicole Kidman can do anything, she's almost like Meryl Streep. Russel Crowe is also excellent, very small role.

And Lucas Hedges... I'm a fan. I loved Manchester by the Sea. He's not only super cute, very, but it's also that his looks and his way to carry himself and his physique,

really help him in his scenes and he knows how to use it all. He's a very good actor and I hope to see many more movies with him in them.

And again, Joel Edgerton is an excellent director and I want to see more of his work because he did a great job and he has a great sensibility.

Again, in an LGBT movie it would be perfect to have at least one gay person. In this case it's Troye Sivan. Maybe he helped in some way, I have no idea.

But there should be more and there should be a serious conversion, it's something that these movies lack when people that do them don't have any experience with the theme.

This is my review for Boy Erased, I hope you liked it. Give a "like", subscribe to my channel for more reviews, share this on social media

and obviously write down below whatever you thought about this movie, which is already available digitally. No idea if BluRay and DVD too, but it might be soon.

Thank you so much and goodbye!

For more infomation >> Reseña de Película: Boy Erased (2018) - Duration: 5:25.


No vamos a militarizar el paÃs: Marina - Duration: 2:02.

Ciudad de México— El Secretario de Marina, José Rafael Ojeda, aclaró a los senadores que la Guardia Nacional no representa la militarización del País, sino la salida para resolver la violencia

"La Guardia Nacional no significa para nada la militarización de la estructura del Estado, eso que quede claro, no significa la militarización", dijo en comparecencia ante la Comisión de Puntos Constitucionales

"En realidad es la oportunidad para que finalmente las Fuerzas Armadas dejemos gradualmente de realizar las tareas de seguridad y regresemos a nuestras funciones de defensa y seguridad nacional"

El funcionario federal afirmó que desde hace tiempo, el Gobierno ha usado a los militares para atender la seguridad en regiones violentas, sin embargo, nunca se planteó una temporalidad, por lo que la legislación de la Guardia definirá los tiempos y los espacios de las Fuerzas Armadas, además de delimitar el uso de la fuerza

Recordó que sus elementos serán soldados y personal civil, pero capacitados con disciplina militar

For more infomation >> No vamos a militarizar el paÃs: Marina - Duration: 2:02.


¿De qué manera te sentirías auxiliada en una situación de peligro? Esto nos dijeron algunas mujeres - Duration: 8:46.

¿Alguna vez te haz sentido acosada en la calle, en el transporte público, en la escuela, en el trabajo, en tu colonia o en cualquier lugar? ¿Crees que si acudieras con las autoridades a levantar una denuncia formal serviría de algo? ¿Qué harías si estuvieras en una situación de peligro? Estas y mil preguntas más han surgido en redes sociales ante la oleada de ataques, intentos de secuestro/violaciones, desapariciones y feminicidios que estamos viviendo con más frecuencia y cercanía

Sin embargo, la prevención no es tarea sólo de las mujeres o las víctimas potenciales sino también de las personas que están cercanas, las que pueden intervenir y evitar que la situación termine en una tragedia

Por medio de nuestras redes sociales lanzamos una pregunta para justamente poder entender qué acciones por parte de los hombres (y personas en general) harían sentir a las mujeres auxiliadas en estos casos: Recientemente se hicieron virales denuncias de mujeres que fueron atacadas dentro del metro (o transporte público), seguidas en la calle mientras caminaban de noche, golpeadas y seriamente lastimadas por defenderse de ser violadas, etc

Pero en algunos casos la intervención de las personas que estaban cerca les salvó la vida… Acá les dejamos algunas de las respuestas 👉🏻 "SIMPLE: Pregunten si necesitamos ayuda

Responderíamos Si o No. Si es SÍ, por favor NO se vayan, no se alejen con 'voy por ayuda, déjame le hablo a mis cuates'

Quédense. Si pasan más hombres y ven la escena o escuchan que sí, acérquense o quédense cerca, aunque no intervengan hagan un cerco alrededor, que se vea acorralado el abusador o la abusadora

No buscamos que sean héroes o que hagan justicia, ¡queremos su apoyo! ¡saber que están ahí! No que nos ignoren y sigan de paso porque 'somos unas locas o nosotras mismas nos lo buscamos y quién nos manda por salir a la calle'

" "Me sentiría auxiliada por un hombre cuando se de cuenta de sus acciones machistas y misóginas, cuando deje de acosar a otras mujeres, cuando se de cuenta de sus privilegios, cuando sea consciente, coherente y empatice con todos y cada uno de los casos de violencia hacia las mujeres y niñas, me sentiré auxiliada cuando le diga a su grupo de amigos que no está bien hacer chistes machistas, que no está bien que le grite a su pareja, que la cele y la vigile; cuando haga su parte en las labores del hogar y en el cuidado de los hijo sin que pida un aplauso por ello

Me sentiré auxiliada cuando se den cuenta en el transporte público que están abusando, sometiendo o violentando a una mujer y se involucre para poner a salvo a esa chica

" "Que se acerque y me diga 'hola, Fulanita, no te reconocí ¿cómo estás?' Y no se aleje hasta que me sienta segura

" "Si alguien me ve en una situación en peligro, que saque su celular, que empiece a grabar, que hable, que no se quede indiferente ante el acto, y no solo va para los hombres, para cualquier persona

Entiendo que da mucho miedo involucrarse, pero mientras más nos ayudemos entre nosotros, más seguros nos sentiremos TODOS

" "Siempre preguntarnos '¿estás bien?' Aún si el atacante dice 'es mi novia, está haciendo berrinche' y sin dar por hecho que el problema somos nosotras

" "Se sabe que existen diferencias en cuanto a fuerza física y no hablo entre hombres y mujeres, sino entre cada persona

Así que creo que la clave primero es cuidar tu propia integridad, y dos, no ser indiferente, hacer notar que estás presenciando algo y tratar de llamar la atención de las demás personas o llamar a la policía (a ver si llegan)

Que si están matando mujeres por el simple hecho de ser mujer y a los hombres, por dinero o lo que sea, da igual… violencia es violencia y no se vale ponerse en riesgo ni ser indiferente cuando puedes al menos, intentar hacer algo bueno por otra persona, sin importar si es hombre o mujer

" "Dejándonos caminar a su lado. En dos ocasiones que me he sentido insegura o en peligro me he acercado a hombres y explicado que me están siguiendo que si puedo caminar con ellos, ambos han aceptado

Uno hasta me fue a dejar a mi casa." "Hay hombres que sí se dan cuenta y que ofrecen su ayuda

Una vez dos hombres me dijeron que los tenía que acompañar, yo grité pidiendo auxilio

Un taxista se dio cuenta y encendió sus luces. Nos alumbró y huyeron." "Que me sigan el hilo de una conversación si me acerco a uno fingiendo conocerle

" Sin embargo, las respuestas que recibimos no fueron solo de mujeres sino también de hombres que buscan la manera de participar en el movimiento y ayudar de la mejor manera posible

"Independientemente de que tenemos que ayudar, cuídense solas por favor: No vayan distraídas en el teléfono o con audífonos, caminen en sentido contrario a la circulación de los autos, traigan un cambio cómodo de zapatos para caminar o correr y llegando a donde van se ponen sus tacones, traigan un gas pimienta (les da distancia del agresor), traigan algo más en la mano con que defenderse (llaves, navajita, pluma, desarmadorcito) siempre que vayan caminando solas; si las agarran griten, peguen en la garganta, genitales, ojos , espinillas; luchen por su vida, es una situación de vida o muerte en realidad, es preferible lastimar a alguien y que te metan a la cárcel a que no te vuelvan a encontrar

"Si aún hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, después de miles de mujeres desaparecidas y violentadas, necesitamos que ellas nos digan cómo hacerlas sentir más seguras porque nosotros no somos capaces de distinguir lo que está mal, entonces estamos mal

Estamos muy pinche mal." "Yo creo que todos los que estamos en alguna situación de peligro (independientemente del género y edad) nos sentiríamos más seguros si los que están a nuestro alrededor no fueran indiferentes: ya fuera con que llamarán a alguien más (autoridad, servicios de emergencia, etc) o solo no se fueran

Pero sobretodo es no perder la calma y mantener en control la situación. No sabes si la chava está siendo agredida o si están robando al chico y por no dejarse le están inventando delitos, o si al niño se lo están robando, etcétera

Lo importante creo yo, es tener calma como sociedad, han habido muchos casos donde la situación se sale de control porque la gente reacciona muy mal y quieren linchar por rumores

Es importante ayudarnos entre todos y no perder la calma." "Pueden descargar la app We Help

Hay muchos hombres y mujeres registrados, lanzas una alerta y se le avisa al usuario mas cercano si puede ayudarte

#LosBuenosSomosMas" "Simplemente que no les de pena pedir ayuda. Yo en una ocasión estaba en un parque y unas chicas se acercaron a pedirme ayuda porque había un señor que las venía siguiendo desde hace varias cuadras (eran niñas de prepa) y yo con gusto les dije 'quédense aquí a mi lado'

  Pasó el tipo y con un semblante extraño se les quedo viendo. Yo le dije 'qué te traes pendejo' y ya, siguió su camino pero les dije que se esperarán un momento más para que no fuera a ser que las estuviera esperando cuadras adelante

Todo resultó bien porque las he vuelto a ver sanas y salvas pasando por ahí. Solo del 1 al 30 de enero de este año se registraron 133 feminicidios principalmente en el Estado de México (14), Veracruz (10), Puebla y la Ciudad de México (9 en cada uno)

Estas cifras de acuerdo con el registro de la activista Frida Guerrera. Si nos ponemos a hacer cuentas con esos datos, ese periodo de tiempo implica 31 días, por lo que a nivel nacional se asesinaron a 4 mujeres por día durante casi un mes (aproximadamente)…

Entonces pongámonos a pensar… ¿por qué será importante escuchar los gritos de auxilio de las mujeres y qué tenemos que cambiar como sociedad para que no tengan miedo?

For more infomation >> ¿De qué manera te sentirías auxiliada en una situación de peligro? Esto nos dijeron algunas mujeres - Duration: 8:46.


VLOG // UNBOXING DE REYES 2019 // DiviertetealCocinar con ElRobarecetas - Duration: 7:29.

As usual since last year, or bring some of the gifts of kings this year 2019.

- Wooden and marble tables for presentation of tapas and appetizers.

Mold to make individual cakes.

- Koldo Royo cookbook, to make some delicious tapas.

- Cocinoligia a book of documentation on lso very interesting food.

- A mincer to make fantastic recipes.

Some other little thing that is not cooking but that are fun.

Give me a like if you liked the video and subscribed to the channel.

Remember Robarecetillas that cooking can be fun !!! Goodbye !!!

For more infomation >> VLOG // UNBOXING DE REYES 2019 // DiviertetealCocinar con ElRobarecetas - Duration: 7:29.


Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.


Breaking Celeb News | Travis Scott made custom tour merch for Stormi's first birthday - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Travis Scott made custom tour merch for Stormi's first birthday - Duration: 2:55.


Schengen New Visa Rules Announcement - Easy To Apply Visa 2019 - Duration: 6:25.

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Schengen New Visa Rules Announcement - Easy To Apply Visa 2019 - Duration: 6:25.


Celebrities Getting A Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame In 2018 - Duration: 6:18.

Celebrities getting a star on Hollywood Walk

The Freeman 2018 one of Hollywood's biggest achievements is being celebrated with your own star on the Hollywood Walk

And it's something Act


Singers and comedians work their whole

Careers to achieve

Here are all the celebs who have received their stars on the legendary walk

Cafe in this year so far 1 to remind U P Henson

Chris Taraji P Henson accepts her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The Empire star was joined by singer Mary J Blige and film director John Singleton

As well as her fiance Kelvin Hayden and her son Marcel Johnson

Lin-manuel Miranda

American composer and playwright lin-manuel Miranda received his star on the Hollywood Walk

Where we was joined by legendary actress Rita Moreno

Singer-songwriter Weird Al Yankovic

And his wife

Vanessa Nadal


Snoop Dogg

American rap icon Snoop Dogg become the latest Star to be immortalized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

With dr. Dre

Quincy Jones and Jimmy Kimmel honoring him at the ceremony

Michael bubble

Canadian crooner Michael bubble is induct

Get into the Hollywood Walk

Caffeine with help

Fellow Canadian David Foster and Friends

Priscilla Presley

Thanking his

We seen a Lucky Lotto

His children and his parents

The singer says it is with him that he can truly understand how beautiful the good moments are in this heartfelt

Sarah Silverman gets her star

Sarah Silverman is the latest celebrity to get a star on the Hollywood Walk

McAfee Manhattan the release of her latest

This film Ralph breaks the internet

The funny girl post

With her new owner in the stunning black frog

With adorable peplum detail

Michael Douglas

As he celebrates


Bands 50 years

Michael Douglas finally get his star on the Hollywood Walk of

The fame with a speech

From his China Syndrome co-star Jane Fonda and his legendary actor

Kirk Douglas

And wife

Catherine Zeta Jones by his side

Carrie Underwood

Crying pretty singer Carrie Underwood is the latest musician to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The 35 year-old couldn't help but get emotional after her star was revealed

How does a girl from Muskogee


End up with a star on the Hollywood Walk

She asked

The crowd before

Jack Black

Kisses his walk

A famous star

Actor and comedian

Jack Black couldn't be more excited to receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Posing hilariously

After being honored on stage

Eric McCormack

Will & Grace star Eric McCormack receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Where we was honored by Debra Messing in Michael Douglas

Will & Grace season 10 premieres on October

April 4th at 9 p.m.

PT on global

10 Weird Al

Weird Al Yankovic is the latest

Celebrity to NAPA store on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The singer

Best known for his music


I'm completely

Overwhelmed by the love and support of the fans

It means so much to me


Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell receives a star on the Hollywood Walk

The fame American Idol winner

Kelly Clarkson joins cow with a ceremony in Los Angeles on August 22nd 12

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner poses beside her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Where she was introduced

Viner 13 Going on 30 costar Judy Greer

Steve Carell and Bryan Cranston


Niecy Nash

Claws star Niecy Nash


Don's wife drunk while getting herself a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 14

Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldblum is all smiles as he poses with wife Emilie Livingston and their children

River Joe and Charlie ocean

As the Jurassic

Parkstar is honored

With a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana Jester intra very own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The Guardians of the Galaxy actress had battle Mila Kunis stop by

Hi to help celebrate the special occasion settled in his husband

Marco Perego

Brought by their sweet kids


To see the shiny new star


NSYNC boy band members Chris

Lance Bass

JC Chasez


Mytona Justin Timberlake accept their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Where Ellen DeGeneres in

Carson Daly presented the honor


Steve Irwin

The late crocodile hunter star Steve

Who passed away late 2006

Is commemorated with a posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Is y Perry

John R Bentley and Son Robert Irwin except

Did the honor on his behalf


Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria now to spot on the coveted Hollywood Walker

Go Fame The Desperate Housewives alum

Pregnant with her first child

Was honored and celebrated my pals

Victoria Beckham

Ricky Martin

Anna Faris and

And Felicity Huffman 19


Wallace hit show RuPaul's

Drag race

Kicks off a new season

Father and his very own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this year Jane Fonda stopped by

To help on our route


Ahead of her Oscar and Golden Globe nominations

Mary J Blige received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


Lynda Carter

Long before Gal Gadot took on the iconic role of Wonder Woman

Lynda Carter blonde

Female superhero to the small screen The 1975

Carter was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this year 22

Minnie Mouse

Our favorite

Fashionable Mouse

Minnie Mouse

Finally earned her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on her 90th anniversary


Mark Hamill

Jedi Master himself

Mark Hamill

Receive star on the coveted Hollywood Walk

Go Fame and most beloved late co-star Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie lourd help resent the ACT

Best known for

Playing Luke

Skywalker in Star Wars

With the honor 24

Tracy Morgan

After a long recovery following a horrific car

Tracy Morgan is back and better than ever

With his own star on the Hollywood Walk

For more infomation >> Celebrities Getting A Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame In 2018 - Duration: 6:18.


Važno je da se Transpozij um_desi - Duration: 0:47.

It's important for me that Transposium happens

so I can meet new people

new experiences,

new stories,

and have a nice time hanging out, because I come from a small place

where it's not really possible to meet

certain people

that I would like to meet,

it is after all a wordly Transposium

where you can get to know many things, learn, and draw a good lesson.

For more infomation >> Važno je da se Transpozij um_desi - Duration: 0:47.


Puppeteer | Om Nom Videos | Stories For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:25.

Puppeteer - Om Nom

For more infomation >> Puppeteer | Om Nom Videos | Stories For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:25.



For more infomation >> EMOTIONAL JERMIANE JACKSON..."LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE"!!! - Duration: 1:05.


Download free Hacked Games For Ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Download free Hacked Games For Ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.


ZOSTAŁAM NAUCZYCIELKĄ POLSKIEGO | Sylwia Lipka & Andra Gogan - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> ZOSTAŁAM NAUCZYCIELKĄ POLSKIEGO | Sylwia Lipka & Andra Gogan - Duration: 6:54.


앞주머니가 없단걸 깜박했다!! (남양주 삼각코스) - Duration: 18:37.

I go to the subway because I have to go far.

It takes only 90 minutes to subway.

Now, let's take a look at the course today.

It's a triangle like I thought.

Subway has come !!!

From Daegok Station to the center line

Go to Guri Station all the time ^^

My skull waiting for you!

Well, it looks like a lot of people.

Huck, can you ride ...

I think it would be uncomfortable to get something done right now. -_- ;;

I came first, but after all, it's a bitch.

I can only wait for the next train ...

I'm going to have a mask.

It's a bicycle place, but ...

(In the end,

Oh ~ Yangpyeong Grandpa also advertised !! I am glad somehow ㅋ

I do not have a seat, but now I'm alone.

I'm also riding my adult identity ^^

Because of the bike ...


"Would you like to tie your bike ??"

"I can tie the bike ^^"

I fixed it with a belt so that it does not move.

Now you go to the seat .. ^^

This is a half-space

Ahh!! cold!!!!

Ho ~ It's too cold.

But you still have to pretend ..

(Chungcheonggungri Station)

Okay, it was natural. Let's get on the fast track

Oh, it's colder because I come out !!!!

Once you get out of the sun and start ... ㅋㅋㅋ

Trip to Triangle Course !!

(The bike length is really near the station)

"Eh-huh ~ cold ~ ~"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

I'm going to step on my own to heat up.

The weather is clear. Instead I have some wind.

Go right across the bridge ...

Temporary closure .....

Do you give my trials to my friend today?

There are many places to build. I'm feeling uneasy .. -_- ㅋ

Oh! Let's cross this bridge!

I can not cross the bridge .. Glad * ^^ *

But why is not it so strange?

The bicycle lengths are similar to each other.

"Oh ~ Last time I went home from Chuncheon!"

I did not know it was a long way at night!

right! I went down this road.

(A modest speed uphill .. lol)

"Uh huh ~ the wind blows too much .."

"Turn right over there!"

This is another way to go.

I thought I saw no highway driving !?

What? What?? Did you go wrong?

(I look for it later.

Oh, I feel cheated by myself.

Go uphill in front!

Let's listen to your ass!

It's cool downhill, but it's narrow.

I have to go down carefully. ^^

Even though it was winter, I was very happy because I was able to lean on it. ^^

"Uhhh ... There's too much wind ..."

I was worried about going back on the subway.

(Gimcheon Line Kimpo Station)

I hope it does not worry about the wind ;;;;

I have to go across the street.

Oh! Discover riders!

"Hello ~ ^^"

I should have followed them.

I'm going to go this way alone.

Uphill goes up as it goes up ..

After all, I lost my way ... Ao ~ Damn it ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

I want you to go straight.

"Is it over me ??"

Let's go to the easiest one.

Is not it the way to the tunnel? ;;;

(Navi:Oh, Molly ~ just go straight)

I came up hard but there is no straight line !! LOL

(Deep sigh, lol!

Let's go forward once ~

"You are a lot of trouble ah ~"

The direction is not perfect.

"What do we do.."

"Is there a road on top?"

"I do not think the road is over again ..."

"Let's go down!"

Why are you wandering around today?

"Ah ~ Why ..."

"I do not think it is here."

I'm just going to feel like it.

"I think this is it!"

Are you frustrated ?! I'll do it again ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

How about getting back into the bike road again!

When I made the path roughly, I informed you roughly.

It is more pleasant tunnel today .. ㅋㅋㅋ

I have to cross the crossing.

Be careful if you come in the car ~

It's easy to see the red road.

You may not know it's passing, so let's go and get it safe!

No one is here! Dancing, Dancing ~

It seems to be a pedestrian road. Slowly pass ~

I have avoided cooking too much.

It looks like you're on the big side now.

That's why it's so easy to run.

I do not think so.

Leave one lane.

Murphy's Law. Three people meet at one point.

Now there is nobody !!

(Gyeongchun Line Maesuk Station)

"Oh, there are a lot of traffic lights here."

Now I think about it !!

Now, let's see it once.

The signal is very long .. (20x)

"Ah, the signal is so long."

"It's okay."

"Too long ah ~"

It's downhill, so if you put your foot on the pedal,

I will go out soon!

Oh ~ I'm cold and cool ~ ~

uh?!! What is that ...

Is it an authentication center I did not know ?? (Please tell us if you know ..)

This section was good because it smelled a lot of soil ^^

Today there is no fine dust, so I can see far away.

(In front of the Sacramento Crossing Certification Center)

Owl !! From now on the way to know is started !! Ha ha ha

I also like to feel comfortable with my way of knowing.

But the truck is still scary.

Chuncheon When I first came here I was stunned to see this hill .. ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

I think it's nice to have old thoughts.


"Hello ~"

"I will pass ~!"

"Pass me!"

I will not leave until the end ㅠ. ㅠ.

I finally get off ... ;;;

What is this?

It is wonderful to see the stem of the river!

(Bright Square certification center)

I can not hear it ^ ^

Well?? Why are you stopping suddenly?

I tried to take it off and took it out.

Taurine BCAA, carbohydrate 26 g, Sugar 13g. It is possible to produce 95 kcal /

I do not know .. I just eat it ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

(Function Certification Center)

Oh! On the left is a trash bin!

When you are there, you have to throw it away.

(I used to wash it with blinking in the past ,;;;)

Riding along the river is always fun ^^

Except for a little cold ...-, .- ㅋ

It seems to be near to the gathering of the station. I came quickly!

To be blessed, I have to go to Hanam,

Today I go straight to go to Guri City.

The river froze !!!

I am freezing too.

I do not have any people.

I was in front of me in the reception -_- ;;;

There is a wall on the wall.

But there was a real wall apart ...

"Ah ... (You're here!)"

"It's been a while!"

"(Slope a) 15% !!!"

Gaborz Aak !!!

Every time you come by highway driving I can not adapt it. -_- ㅋㅋㅋ

Clear to the second level .. I see the third level far away !!

A man is walking down from the cliff !!!

(Bridge:I do not get a bike punk.)

Mandarin ~ Mandarin ~ Breathing and ..

Eiger ... I can only hear the sound ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

Be careful slowly,

It's a picture of a whole tree! Cool ~

It is almost like the place where I started first ^^

(Namyangju-si Wangseong)

Every single turn. success!!

I came back to Guri Station. Close

Oden in front ... Oden house found !!!

No, let's go home.

Ah-oh!! Just eat it! let's eat!! ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

When the weather is cold, it is too! ^ _ ^

Wow ~ I can not do this!

Soy sauce ~

I did not want to eat this! I regret it!

The feeling that the lung is thawed ~ = 0 =

Let's eat another one. Rummy ~

"I ate two, how much?"

"2 thousand won ~"

Huck ... Why is it so expensive;

Oh, there was one thing I overlooked.

That's right ... !!

The fact that Guri Station was an outdoor station !!!

The sweat is cold and it is incredibly cold. ;

The barbarian zipper is also locked.

I want to put my hand but I do not have a pocket. ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

This is a train of salvation! Quickly open it soon ㅠ ㅠㅠ

(Let's go naturally ;;

It's hard to sit down.

My bicycle is not a handle = _ = ;;

This is the real training for the libera.

Huh ~ I could barely ride !!

Where's the zombie sound? ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

I believe even if there is a faint smell in my body !! Uhh ...

Dancing ... Yes, Dancing is the only one to live !!!

Let's go!

I can not hate the downhill !!!! ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

Ok .. I was alive .. I came back alive. Hopefully ~

For more infomation >> 앞주머니가 없단걸 깜박했다!! (남양주 삼각코스) - Duration: 18:37.


Straight Talk: Brooke Burke & Dr. Drew Weigh In On The Differences When Raising Boys & Girls - Duration: 5:04.

- When it comes to raising boys, and it comes

to raising girls, what do you think is the difference?

- [Dondre] Oh boy.

- Or should there be a difference?

- There is a difference.

- Very different

- There is a difference.

- Here we go.

- You have boys and girls.

- I have three daughters and my baby is my boy.

So it's very different.

And we're a girl house and I used to have

this conversation quite often with his father

about the differences and you know I want

all of my children to be an example for each other.

I'm figuring it out, it's very different.

But I raise my children differently as well.

They're different human beings, different personalities,

different privileges.

- This if very simple for us.

The rule of the house is structure.

And the structure is different.

So my daughter is 14, my son is nine.

My daughter has a different bedtime than my son.

There are certain things that we tailor to our kids

based on what we know their needs are.

- Tell you what the research shows, what happens to young

males when they don't have the daddy around,

is they can't regulate aggression.

And that is, just having a male around

allows a young male to regulate aggression.

And the research is super clear.

Male's not there, the aggression gets unregulated.

We don't know exactly why,

we're not doing anything specific except being there,

being bigger, but it helps them regulate their aggression.

- But what do you suggest for those people

who are single parenting out there, so that they,

you know, they're hearing this and going, oh no.

- Again, the literature tells us

that there's research on this,

if you can find a male figure, single positive relationship

outside the home that's sustained.

- [Brooke] Find one.

- Find a male, it could be a coach, it could be a teacher,

you have no idea the impact of people around the school.

These kids, the kid's gotta relate to that kid.

If we were the dad, we'd put them in football,

we'd put them in sports.

We focus it, and we get the other coaches around this kid,

and those male figures to attach to them too.

- No question about it,

I always say that every male that you see,

has got to fathered.

He doesn't need to be necessarily

fathered by his biological,

but he has to be fathered.

Because when a male goes unfathered, the state fathers him.

And when the state fathers him, they put him away.

- I can speak for myself.

You know, I had a father in the home,

but he was an alcoholic, and he wasn't there.

I grew up an overweight, chubby kid, glasses, asthma,

point six GPA at one point in time, 13 years old.

I had two older brothers,

they're both 10 and 14 years older than me.

I was a whoops, here we go again baby.

And my two older brothers decided to come back in my life,

they heard about their little brother messing up in school,

acting up, talking all this ying yang.

They came in, whipped me into shape,

turned my whole life around.

But yes, a male figure's important.

- Well, I have a boy and a girl.

My son is only four months old, my girl is two and a half,

but even, you know, trying to figure out

your parenting style when you have really young kids

who are starting to respond to cognitive behavior, right,

which are lessons, discipline,

something that I am trying to do,

that I think is something that is, kids want limits.

They want to know what is acceptable,

and what is not acceptable.

- When I was a young girl, I was very,

I noticed differences in gender,

and how I was being treated.

And that really shaped me becoming more vocal,

because I would often notice that

the rules will be different.

Now I understand you said 14 and nine,

obviously there's gonna be a different curfew.

But if you have a 13 and a 14 year old,

and the boy has a later curfew than the girl,

that can create discrepancies within the household

with them and their siblings,

because I was always very vocal about,

well I don't understand, I got better grades,

why am I the one that has a later, or earlier curfew,

just because he's a boy.

To me, rules for children, even though they're children,

it still has to make sense,

because otherwise there's a rebellion.

- I'm telling you Meg, I have all millennials now.

And watching them grow - Sorry.


- You know, it's a pain, man.

Watching them develop and grow.

And I had to raise them differently.

The girls had a different set of rules than the boys.

And they fought me on that and fought me on that,

but after I tried to explain to them,

see you and your sister out to a certain time,

versus these two brothers out to a certain time,

is two different elements.

Because you don't have the protection mode

that your brothers' got.

You can't fight off the enemy as well as your brothers can.

So let's not give them a chance to tap into you.

First of all, ya'll cute little girls, you're out here,

ya'll gotta come on in a little bit early,

because I know the wolves is out there.

The wolves is out there.

Man, I wish, I'm bringing this panel back.

I love you.


- We are human.

- This was a great panel, folks.

Thanks to all of you for joining me today.

Big hand for the panel everybody, we'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Straight Talk: Brooke Burke & Dr. Drew Weigh In On The Differences When Raising Boys & Girls - Duration: 5:04.


BURIED ALIVE - WHO DID IT? Teleportation Ep 3 - Duration: 8:16.

So they threw me off the metro

I got this letter. I don't know who the person was who gave me this letter.

this person had been following me for some time

I need to read this letter one thing is for sure we're gonna find

out what's going on. This is a huge mystery now

what is going on?

I'll be waiting for you

I know you were coming. You must be freezing. yes

What's that! Dead bird. that is what's gonna happen to us if

we don't hurry. you have received something I got this


hi Jarno. I've seen all of your videos I actually have a photo of you and me

I'm two year old in the photo and you are wearing a tiger suit

This letter is from from a seven-year-old boy. he's writing he wants to meet me.

you know what that means

that means that we have to move on we're in a hurry.

oh we've got a Sled

why isn't there anyone? do you need anybody else? you need to find

yourself first. then you can find the people.

that's where we going

we must hurry just follow me. if you knew that I was

coming why didn't you take pants for me. little bit this was fun for me how do

you know that no this is the right 100% sure that this is your way your way

doesn't end here your way goes that way my way goes better you must be kidding I

did not write your path

gotta be ha just kidding we go off we're not going anyway

whoo I understand I am freezing here

so this whole will take you where you need to be lay down

it's gone

hi it's yarn I hear I'm still buried in snow and I'm thinking how long will this

take to transport me somewhere and if this works where do I end up or do I

need to be here for the whole week well you can follow my Instagram account

Jarnodudeson in the meantime I'm wondering is this really happening to me

or is this just a dream Donna I wish you good luck I need to meet the boy who

wrote me the letter maybe that will explain something see

you again next week take care yarn

For more infomation >> BURIED ALIVE - WHO DID IT? Teleportation Ep 3 - Duration: 8:16.


아미(ARMY)라면 공감 백배 BTS 입덕 썰 [이십세들] - Duration: 5:21.

The billboard music award goes to


I heard they have more BTS fans.

Then what are you doing? I can't go.

I'm having a hard

2, 3! BANG TAN!

Hi guys! We are BTS!

honestly, I have a favorite member on BTS..

But, it doesn't make sense!

To be sure to pick one.. Written by Tomorrow's lyrics.

Yoon-gi (BTS SUGA)

You know Jimin's voice, right?

That ending tone!

The main dancer ... not to mention it!

I'm sure our fans are like this.

Started to like BTS... because of SUGA.

and V..

liked BTS RM

liked BTS JIN

World! 1st! handsome guy!

attractive! Bass! With a voice!

He is in charge of the killing part of the team!

SBS Music awards?

It's just awesome group dance!

Before I knew it, I've subscribed to YouTube.

Tae Hyung is like this ..

'I recognized you at first sight' (Song bt DNA)


wrinkle nose

Ah..(in love)

(Accidentally) I heard a song ~!

It's probably the first song I ever heard. <Tomorrow>!

'The sun is the darkest before the sun comes up!'

Since then I've started to like BTS!

<Tomorrow>, <I Need U> and..

There's something like <blood, sweat, and tears>

Among them...

Baepsae (Song in The Most Beautiful Moment In Life, Pt. 2)

Every member is...

phut! phut! phut! splattered.

Some members just ...

bounce a little bit.

And another member is like this Boom! Boom It's bouncing.

That's Son Sung-deuk (BTS Dance director)

BTS .. the dance

There is the director!

Thank you very much

Last year I'm having a hard time! When I'm depressed.

If I listen to <Magic shop>!

There seems to be someone who supports me ~

It's comforting.

<Lost> by vocal lines

You know something

Singing the <Magic Shop>

'I want to disappear forever ~

Let's make one door ~'

it's creepy. Hold on!

teens and twenties's worry?!

It's like that. They can't help but figure out...

'Even all the scars from your mistakes make up your constellation'

A little tear here ....

UN speech?

..This is the best, I remember. That's why..

I should live as hard as they do.

Especially proud

When they went up to win the prize!

They shout Army first!

I appreciate that as a fan!

I'm proud of you!

#Hashtags You know that, right?

'#Our army an award'

That was when I felt..

Ha.. they're my singer! Like this.

BTS has great power on Twitter.

Because BTS

Post it while BTS doing their schedule.

when the BTS breaks, post it!

If they get a prize! they'll upload it.

I've been tweeting a lot to see the pictures and comments!

Concert ... It's so hard to go!

Soooooooooooooooooo hard

When I had my last concert,

I tried to buy tickets on three computers. but I can not ...

Oh, honestly, I feel great!

BTS have more fans than that.

Then what? I can't go.

I'm so hard


because i'm late fan.

Being a fan for the first time

I searched for BTS on YouTube!

It's too much videos, until 2018

I have a lot of interest.

It's coming up every day!

I really wanted to go to a fan signing event

hosted by Puma Shoes.

I bought eight pairs!

Dad still doesn't know the meaning of the shoes.

He still wears those shoes.

My father is wearing ARMY shoes.

This lip!


And the face is really small!

His face is too small.

in the features...

I bought a season-greeting album

the day before yesterday.

Did you buy it?

Did you buy it!?!

I worked on three computers in PC rooms

Wow... so crazy (lol)

BTS advertised Coca Cola!

I want to leave this as a treasure of the house

Without opening!

Do not eat!!

It was a (concert) ticket, it was made in the form of a card.

(BTS LOVE YOURSELF in Taiwan ticket)

There's something you have to do when you go to the concert!

We will share it all together!

(During concert) There is event time ~

At that time, I'm holding a Cheer Placard

The Army bomb Ver.1

This is the Army bomb ver.2

Army bomb's coming up to version 3 and now it's version 4

a bright Army bomb...!

The concert was held at the concert hall on the fourth floor.

There is a picture taken up to the fourth floor.

You have to see that!


(Oh my gosh!)

She's crying again

She's crying again (lol)

(From BTS to Army) From debut to now

Thank you so much for BTS, they're constant singing.

When I had a hard time, thank you for supporting me with good music.

ARMY will let BTS go to the Grammy Awards.

All the army's pride and love!



And thank you very much for letting me always proudly say you are a ARMY!

I hope you're healthy this year and everything will be fine.


Do whatever you want.

We'll always cheer!

Really too ... Thank you!


Produce by 20birds (Please subscribe and like plz)

Now I can say this with army BTS the prohibited video (lol)

But I have some sort of defensive power.

Now everything is okay!

but I can not really see ...

'BTS LOVE SIMUL' shot by Japan

Do your hair like a bomb

saying cringy things

Eyes line is Cardinal Point (lol)


Pink RM (in Weekly Idol)

He wore pink tights..

He acted with shame...

It's cute to watch it again.

They were so cute.

For more infomation >> 아미(ARMY)라면 공감 백배 BTS 입덕 썰 [이십세들] - Duration: 5:21.


The Shared Human Experience || An American In Cairo - Duration: 21:50.

I wondered whether you could perhaps just start off by introducing yourself a bit

about who you are, where you're from and how we've ended up having this

conversation on a rooftop in Cairo at what is it 8am

or something like that? How much time do we have? All the time in the

world we're in Egypt! That is true that is true things seem to run a little

slower and a little faster here at the same time. Yeah it's a true. Well-put.

yeah so my name is Joshua Liberman I am a travel and documentary photographer

and I specialize in culture, religion rituals in mostly in third world and

developing countries but really what I do and what I love and what I am is I

love connecting cultures - I love connecting people, our common human

experience of language and food and music and arts it's what brings us

together and I just love experiencing that so much I love being out in the

world and the camera goes along with me as a sort of casual observer of the

whole experience. You're an American? I am an American I'm based out of Los

Angeles but I work, in the world. What are your first impressions of Egypt

having been here for a few days or longer... I've been here for three days

three days and I'll be here for about three to four weeks total what are the

differences between LA and Cairo?

everything I think yeah just about everything... is there anything which is

remotely similar? Probably not because let me just tell you - the first thing

that hit me is the driving - I mean can we just talk about the driving for a

minute?Because I feared for my life just on the drive here - did you get the hotel

pick up? No I didn't get the hotel pick up. You're lucky... and honestly what surprised

me most about Egypt as far as the driving goes is that uber is big here. Uber

is big I've used uber ever since but that first drive from the airport

was crazy, absolutely crazy - I thought we were gonna take off - not in a good way...

mm-hmm sometimes I like taking off if we're doing like these guys

yeah we got microlights behind us but there were boulders in the road yes and

we were going about 140kph between the boulders, he wasn't wearing a seat

belt I was like... nobody wears seat belts in this city... I kind of feel bad

when I put my seat belt on because I find it's like 'what are you saying 'I can't drive'?

I think that's the western perspective. It's nothing disrespectful

but I will be wearing my seat belt you're right okay if they work other

thing that I don't work just yeah pray... so that's a really interesting thing

because of course in Los Angeles we're obviously known for Hollywood movies and

for television but however we are world famous for our traffic in LA in LA

your world-famous for... as in, there's a lot of it? Oh yes absolutely

apparently the 405 is supposed to be the most congested freeway on earth but

after being in traffic in Cairo I I think... I don't think that's accurate let

me tell you I took I took a ten-mile drive... how long does it take you to

drive 10 miles in a city? Half an hour no not in Los Angeles in Los Angeles we

have we actually have a we when you talk to an Angeleno and somebody asks

someone from out of town asks how long does it take someone you know you

usually say 20 minutes without traffic because with traffic it could

take you an hour and a half to go two miles. Well let me tell you it took me an

hour and a half yesterday to drive from town back to the hotel which which was

about 10 miles which I thought was kind of crazy to be honest but...

back to what about Cairo and about the experience here other than the the

traffic experience although they drive much much differently here if we drove

as aggressively in Los Angeles there would be arrests... but otherwise no

culturally this is a very different experience I mean obviously it's Egypt

versus America its Cairo versus Los Angeles but as a culture its it's very

different you asked me what surprised me most about about the Egyptian culture

and what really struck me was how warm

everyone is... we're staying here in Giza obviously and there is a lot of how

do I put this... there's a lot of street hustle there's a lot of people who want

to take you on tours or want to sell you something

but everyone's so nice about it um there are plenty of places in the world where

that's the cultural reality I mean we are very blessed in the Western world

and it's something I don't think that a lot of Westerners realise unless they've

gotten out in the world is just how blessed we are with simple things like

the number of selections that we have in the grocery store or the amount of free

time or free money that we have. Disposable income leisure time... all of that

granted completely completely we get stressed out by the by the simplest of

things and yet you go... this is coming from an American by the way and

Americans work very hard - Americans only take two weeks off. Europeans we have six

weeks off - true - so that's an even... but then you come you come to a

place like this and people work 16 hours a day seven days a week to just barely

scrape by enough money yeah to feed their families if they're lucky and

you know it's very easy for that to sort of decline into - it could be very easy I

should say for that to decline into something kind of aggressive and it's

not here - everybody's really warm and and you know it's as long as I've learned

that as long as you learn to say no, with a smile on your face and to be kind

yes about it that's it it's the it's understanding the shared humanity that

we have and being kind and compassionate about the interactions

realising that... we all want the same things... that is so important yeah that

is something that that has blown me away I've spent a few days with the Masai

Mara in Tanzania in the Gora Gora and I was I was staying with one of

the Chief's son in a mud hut and we were talking about his children and because I

was fascinated by the culture and the people and just how incredibly different

it was from my own experience and one day I asked him I said what is it that

you want most for your children and he said oh I want an education for them I

want them to be well educated I said why he said because the educated

people here are the most successful and what I really want more than

anything for my children is I want them to live a better life than I did I want

them to be well and happy and I want them to to go forward in their life and

be successful. I stopped and I looked at him and I said you know what I

could ask almost anyone in hometown in my own country what they

want for their children they'd give me exactly the same answer you're

absolutely right we are more the same than we are different and as our shared

humanity and as our life experience is different but our humanity is the same

our day-to-day lives are wildly different depending on culture and

religion and city and you know country but the fundamental driving force of who

we are as a human society that that's that's that's nearly the same yeah I

totally yeah I couldn't agree more it's well put and just on that kind of

subject really if there's anyone watching this who's thinking about maybe

coming to Cairo and maybe they are American would you have anything to say

any kind of not really tips or advice but just any kind of any comments on on

what it's like to be here and maybe a bit of encouragement perhaps if they're

kind of sitting on the fence? If somebody's on the fence my my general

rule of thumb what I tell people if you're on the fence about going anywhere

in the world - buy the plane ticket book the trip and go. There is I don't know

how it is in the UK I don't know how it is in Europe I do know in America there

is a fair amount of misinformation and fear about the world if somebody if and

that's not to say that we're fearful but that's just - we're such a big country and

we're such a big culture you could actually travel your entire life and

never leave the country and just see the states but as a result there's our

worldview is very much tailored by our media

by our news by Facebook by what we see out there so if your friends travel you

tend to see one view of the world if your friends don't travel you see a

remarkably different view of the world. What do your friends back home think

about you going to all these far-flung places for example Egypt I mean I'd love

to hear what kind of feedback you get because personally like my family they

don't think I'm mad but they wouldn't they wouldn't go to the places that I go

to and they do question 'why are you going there?' you know I get that a

lot so what's the reaction from your friends and family back home when you

say oh I'm off to Cairo I'm off to Morocco I'm off to whatever these places

my family my friends are very supportive I've been doing this for almost 20 years

of my life so I think they've learned that while they're concerned about me

they're probably not gonna stop me so um and I've actually created a life

where this is what I do and so they're very supportive about it but yes some of

my friends think I'm crazy for the places I go in the world and again some

of that is that misinformation and some of that is just this is a faraway place

and a very different place and it's something that maybe they can't relate

to I imagine but they're very supportive about it and what you asked

earlier if someone were coming to Cairo or really if if someone's planning a

trip maybe where your friends and family aren't familiar with or your culture

doesn't normally go to - I've spent a lot of time in Cambodia and Indonesia, Tanzania

and you know I met people on this trip that have traveled deep into the into

Peru and Bolivia

go with your heart open and your mind open... leave your

expectations at home don't pack them don't put them in your luggage really

just go - we were talking about earlier I go to a place understanding that I am a

kind of cultural ambassador MA for some people I've been places in the world

where they've never met an American and some places where they've never seen a

white person before yeah have you had pictures taken with you

have you had kids absolutely oh my god yeah even here yesterday I

thought this is kind of weird and it wasn't they recognised me off o YouTube

definitely wasn't that - was just kind of... oh where you from? You're foreign

oh wow can I have your picture and and they they just want a picture and

it's so nice and they were flocking around and taking pictures and that's so

welcoming I think to to make that kind of gesture of 'can I have my picture with

you' that's a really welcoming thing and it makes you feel incredibly happy to be

here. Absolutely when we go into the world and I'm not

saying don't be wise about what you do I'm not saying you know throw yourself

into any experience and be foolhardy you have to be a little streetwise

but you also have to be really open and it's that understanding that that person

who's is you know in your space well they're actually just taking an interest

in you you know you might be the first Westerner that they've met yeah and

that's it that's a really special opportunity for a really amazing

experience and the more of those experiences that we have as individuals

the more we start to see how connected we really are the more we're open to new

cultures new ideas and where we don't - we're not so rigid and you know this

world travel is life changing you hear it over and over it's it's almost I

don't want to say trite but it's it's almost cliche but it truly is you go

back to your own home and your entire worldview has changed. Your

perspective changes you maybe stop taking those things for granted that you

were taking for granted, you appreciate the things that you have back at home

and I think you know like when you travel, the things that you miss are the

things which are quite important to you and you learn about yourself as a person

what's important what kind of places you like. For example, Cairo is a crazy city

it's hectic it's chaotic, right? I've learned something about myself in being

here I've learned that as much as I'm fascinated and happy to be here and to

see it to experience it it's not somewhere I'd want to live, to be

honest like I I wouldn't want to live here - I live abroad I think we both live

abroad but you know I can honestly say that Cairo is not for me in terms of

somewhere to live just because of how busy it is so I've learned that about

myself and that's not to say that it's not a beautiful and and a worthwhile

place to visit because it totally is but you discover things which maybe you

didn't know before. Well that's the thing about travel is you learn things about

other cultures that you didn't know before but you get to learn things about

yourself yeah that you didn't realise. I think it was Mark Twain that

said travel is destructive to essentially, I'm paraphrasing but our

biases our suppositions, our prejudices and it's true it is you can't

you can't go into another culture open open-minded and open-hearted you can't

learn or have these amazing experiences for the people and then go home and

maintain your presuppositions about it you

now have an experience of that culture and experience of those people that that

is so beautiful that it changes you. What did you think of the pyramids? To be

honest that I haven't I mean this is as close as I've been to the pyramids so

what do you think of them looking at them now?

oh the pyramids - I walked up here and saw this and you see them in

pictures and you see them on the internet and you're even gonna see them

in this video and it cannot compare to standing here at sunrise and watching

the sun's first light hit those mountains. I actually came up this morning

and I watched the sunrise from here I was up here at about 5am and I took a

timelapse maybe I'll put that in the video but but um it's it's quite

breathtaking isn't it? This is a magical place and I've got to say that

I've only been in Egypt for three days and I can tell you this is truly a

special place it's an incredibly special people and Egypt is magic

would you come back? Oh in a second in an absolute second

she explained to me she said everyone from California

sounds like they're sitting on a beach it's totally laid-back so so what she

was saying it was your tone of voice and I have to say just to give you a bit of

context guys, I overheard Joshua having a conversation with some Germans

a couple of days ago which is how we ended up here I just came up to you at

breakfast and said would you like to be in my video and thank you for

that - very grateful you said yes but the way you were

speaking it was the way you were speaking, speaking slowly calmly and I

saw you practicing Tai Chi where'd you learn that because that's all related I

think personally like the way you speak the way you present yourself I tend to

ramble I'm kind of like ____ but you're kind of like *calm* how'd you do that

where did you learn that? Oh well that's the martial arts

that's Tai Chi and Kung Fu I've been incredibly fortunate I was talking about

my tribe the people that sort of love and support me and you know even when I

go off and I do these crazy things and my Tai Chi community my my martial arts

community is at the core of that. Where did you learn Kung Fu? I learned it at the

American School of Martial Arts in Burbank California. Ok alright so it's so

that's not very exotic can you just make up an answer that sounds better?

I travelled with a backpack to the Himalayan mountains...

I learned it in a very humble school in Los Angeles

Same fundamental core principles? And it's it's not been tainted at all it's not you

know like, is the core of the Kung Fu still very much still intact

when you learn it in america UK europe as it is from the east? Well again I

got incredibly fortunate I met a martial arts master named Dom Baird who took a

traditional kung fu system that came to us from China and Korea and really

helped like watered and nurtured its roots and the roots of the roots of a

good traditional martial arts is philosophy its culture and it is it the

martial arts is very ritualised you so you know not that it's religious in any

way but it is deeply rooted in philosophy so I again got very

fortunate feel very blessed that I found a school that you know again even though

you say it's not very exotic because oh it's in it it's in Los Angeles so it's

not exotic for me [yeah kind of tongue-in-cheek but yeah] I get that but

but our roots are very multicultural and so by maintaining the tradition by

maintaining those roots again we're sharing humanity

we're learning from other cultures so I've spent the last 20 years with master

Baird learning this deep, rich you know traditionally rooted culture. And just

from a point of personal interest do do you learn meditation, is meditation part

of the Tai Chi, the Kung Fu - is it all kind of related yeah it's all

related what does your meditation look like? It's Chi Gong breathing exercises

okay so it's a coordinated breathing and movement. In for 7 out for 11? Oh so you know a

little bit about it yeah yeah that's at it's basics we teach a count we breathe

in as you rise up and you breathe out as you raise down and then eventually

that that sort of rudimentary counting takes place takes root in feeling I

think all of this is a really... as opposed to thinking.

yeah the whole idea is to you know go from here and to come into here hmm

and that's with any Tai Chi any martial art any meditation

really a lot of our life experiences this yeah gets in our way most of the

time yes - it's an obstacle. A lot of the time yes. Our intellect

beautifully creates this incredible world around us but then when it comes

to us connecting with each other it can tend to get in the way we connect much

better through our hearts than we do through our heads yes I like it

Joshua, thank you so much for talking with me this morning in Cairo Egypt you are

my 'American In Cairo' by the way... lucky me! Lucky you... tell the audience

about your website where they can find more about you look at maybe some photos

you've taken - videos the floor's yours so my website is

so that's my, that's a mixture it's my iPhone photos it's you know sort of the

quirks of where I am and what I'm doing is kind of the behind the scenes - the tao of

photography that's really the core of you know touching that shared humanity

when you say you know travel photography there's a certain

expectation when you say photojournalism there's a certain expectation I really

love to tell the stories of our shared human experience I think you can

probably tell that. I love the uplifting stories - I don't work well in

war zones I'm too empathetic and compassionate for it so it's it's really

about how we how we connect with each other how we connect with ourselves and

how we connect with - you know what's what's higher and greater than us

For more infomation >> The Shared Human Experience || An American In Cairo - Duration: 21:50.


学校がある日/School Morning Routine/ENG - Duration: 6:39.

Hello.I'm TOKO.

Today...This video is my school morning routine.

I get up from 7 am to 8 am

go back to sleep

I watch TV

Go to the bathroom.....

I brush my teeth and wash my face.

I also do skin care

I also use the Orbis lotion

I make coffee.

My favorite coffee is G7

I am going to school from now on today.

So, I wear light makeup.

I put on a cream whitening the skin

I'm not good at drawing eyebrows

I put on brown eye shadow

I put on eyeliner ... the outer corner

I put on brown mascara.

I clean up one's desk

I choose a turban

I decided this for today.

I hang nightwear on hangers.

I bring these to school

I'm studying graphic design at school

So, I need a MacBook pro.

I usually eat breakfast.

But, I don't have time to spare.

I'm going!

Please subscribe to my channel!

For more infomation >> 学校がある日/School Morning Routine/ENG - Duration: 6:39.


15-letnia Patrycja poszukiwana. Policja przeczesuje województwo łódzkie i prosi o pomoc | Nowości24h - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 15-letnia Patrycja poszukiwana. Policja przeczesuje województwo łódzkie i prosi o pomoc | Nowości24h - Duration: 4:12.


영주와의 1주년 기념 죠스바 염색! (바이올렛,핑크 옴브레염색)_요상한TV[Hairstylist YoSang] - Duration: 3:50.

What kind of hair style should we do today?

Do you have any hair styles you want to do?

I want to dye purple gradation I've had too many purple hair color.

Is there any color you want to recommend to me?

I have a dye that I bought from a trip to Japan this time.

What color is it?

It's not a splash color.

Ah... I want to dye my hair splashing color.

Whatever color I dye my hair right now, it's going to be pretty.

Should I just dye my hair purple again?

I talked to her more and changed the color.

I will dye my hair purple and pink.

Do you want me to give you a piece of paper while I'm holding it?

I'm done applying dye~

Her hair is like ice cream.

Good job~

Come to think of it... It's similar to the hair color we did a year ago.

A year ago...

I love it.

She is having a fan meeting and tickets are sold out.

I hope her fans like it.

After time... The hair color faded.

For more infomation >> 영주와의 1주년 기념 죠스바 염색! (바이올렛,핑크 옴브레염색)_요상한TV[Hairstylist YoSang] - Duration: 3:50.


Poteva andare peggio!!! - Duration: 12:48.

For more infomation >> Poteva andare peggio!!! - Duration: 12:48.


楊冪、劉愷威後,又一對明星情侶分手,結束長達7年的感情! - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 楊冪、劉愷威後,又一對明星情侶分手,結束長達7年的感情! - Duration: 4:32.


Patriots players explain what they do the night before the Super Bowl - Duration: 8:48.

 ATLANTA – Most fans probably think the Saturday night before the Super Bowl has to be the most stressful night of the players' lives

That it's a night of tossing and turning in bed while thinking about what they'll be playing for on Sunday, how big the stage will be, and how fortunate they are to be living their dreams

 So I decided to ask members of the New England Patriots this week about how they will actually spend this Saturday night

What are their routines? How easy is it too sleep? How darn stressful is it?  But instead of stress, what I found out was it will be a night full of chocolate ice cream, Fortnite, and episodes of popular Food Network shows like "Chopped" and "Guy's Grocery Games

"  Here are their stories. Julian Edelman: 'A little melatonin'  "Eat. Then we have meetings, usually

Go over the game plan, go over the whole call sheet. And then I take a little melatonin, like cherry juice

They have these melatonin cherry juices, it's supposed to be good for anti-inflammatory

 "And then I pass out. I like to be in bed by 9 and watch some TV. Catch a flick and then end up falling asleep

" Rob Gronkowski: 'You gotta take it all in' Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports  "We have meetings and stuff and final walk-throughs where we're bringing it all together to make sure we're all on the same page

Get a nice dinner. Probably watch a movie and get a good night's sleep – that's the most crucial

   "I wouldn't say it's the easiest night to sleep but you gotta treat it like any other game and keep your mindset in and keep your routine going like any other time

 "It's overwhelming every year because it's a once in a lifetime type of opportunity and now this is my fifth time here and it's pretty spectacular to be part of it

Every single year no matter how may times you've been you don't take it for granted because you know how hard it is to get here and you know how much work you put in and then you're season can be over just like that

You gotta take it all in, you gotta enjoy it." RelatedSuper Bowl 2019 gameplan: How we'd put Tom Brady in position to win his sixth ring Phillip Dorsett: 'Chocolate ice cream'  "I'm relaxed

I just try to get sleep. I like sleep. I mean, you think about (the game) but you try not to make it any bigger than what it is

I mean honestly, I'm the same guy. I do the same thing every game – I have a routine

I'm a routine-orientated guy.  "I eat junk food the night before a game. I eat chocolate ice cream

I do it before every game. That's the only night I eat ice cream… I like chocolate

I started doing it in college. We had really good chocolate ice cream in our team hotel in college and I just kept doing it

I had a big game after the first time but there have been plenty of games where I probably didn't have a good game so it's not really superstion or anything like that

I just do it." Patrick Chung: 'I like to watch Chopped'  "I just watch 'Modern Family,' Food Network … I like 'Chopped,' hopefully 'Guy's Grocery Games' is on

I like to watch 'Chopped' and wonder, 'Damn, how am I gonna make something out of this?' And I just try to ease my mind, man

Just chill out, have some juice and relax."  Dont'a Hightower: 'I'm playing Fortnite'  "It's not really different (than a regular night before a game)

I don't really have a crazy routine that I do, besides meeting and chilling or relaxing or whatever

Usually if it's a home game, I'm playing Fortnite, so I'm relaxing and I'm unwinding

Some dudes are playing spades or cards or whatever and we're just in there hanging out

We put in the work all week so we're just trying to unwind and relax."  Hightower brought his gaming system with him to Atlanta and when asked if he'd be playing Fortnite this Saturday night he smiled and said, "Probably

"  RelatedChiefs' Travis Kelce on what went wrong against the Patriots Nate Ebner: 'Kick up the feet'  "I mean, it's the same as it is every week for me

I treat it the same as any other game. This is not the time to start to try a bunch of different stuff

Freaking out is not going to do anything. Your sleep is important for you – it's a long game

So it's important to be as rested as possible so I just try to do whatever I can to calm myself and get a good night sleep

Trust that you've done enough of your studying and whatnot and get some good rest

Watch some TV, kick up the feet, just try to get comfortable and get some good sleep

 "You think about (the Super Bowl) a little bit but again, it's one of those things you could waste all your energy laying in bed thinking about stuff that's not even happening or you could relax your mind and wait because you know you can't control anything or change anything right then and fall asleep

" Rex Burkhead: 'Just lock in mentally' Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports  "Just lock in mentally, kind of go through the plays again and making sure I'm locked in on my assignments and then just try to relax

  Get as much sleep as possible because it's a long day leading up to the Super Bowl and you're going to be antsy until you go to that stadium

   "Last year I actually slept pretty good. It's a long week so you're kind of tired anyways and once you get some rest you're feeling good for the game

" Lawrence Guy: 'I just relax'  "Saturday night we go through our film session, finish it off

For me, I just relax. The game is a game. Big game, regular game… games are games

It's going to be decided by who plays more technically sound and who plays the hardest down-by-down football

So I just pretty much relax, enjoy it, get a good night's sleep, get up and get a good breakfast

   "If you want to watch a show, watch a show. Watch a movie. I go to sleep around 10:30-11

   "It's really easy to sleep. I tell the guys it's just another game. I know what type of game it is but when you step on that field everything gets ignored

You don't see the fans, you don't hear all that. You just see the person in front of you who you're gonna compete against

What happens in the game, somebody's gonna win, someone's gonna lose. So when you look at that atmosphere, it is what it is

" James White: 'It's that easy'  "I just relax in my room, watch a little film and go to sleep," he said with a laugh

   When asked if it was that easy, he laughed again and said, "Yup, it's that easy

" Gallery Ranking coaching matchups in all 53 Super Bowls: Where does Belichick-McVay land? view 50 images

For more infomation >> Patriots players explain what they do the night before the Super Bowl - Duration: 8:48.


Waking up napping puppies - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Waking up napping puppies - Duration: 1:58.


fun series - episode 5 - Entering Bhutan - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> fun series - episode 5 - Entering Bhutan - Duration: 4:40.


Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.


心理测试:你认为哪朵桃花最漂亮?测你近期的桃花运如何?我选A - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:你认为哪朵桃花最漂亮?测你近期的桃花运如何?我选A - Duration: 5:40.


Virgil van Dijk hailed as potentially the new Eric Cantona - Duration: 3:26.

 Virgil van Dijk has been likened to Manchester United's Eric Cantona for transforming Liverpool into genuine Premier League title contenders

 Van Dijk has made a significant difference to the Reds since arriving from Southampton for £75million 13 months ago

 The centre-back has been integral to Jurgen Klopp's side moving five points clear of champions Manchester City at the top of the table

   And former Liverpool skipper Paul Ince, who was at United when Cantona arrived during the 1992-93 season to help the Old Trafford side win their first title in 26 years, believes the impact of Van Dijk has been similar to that of the Frenchman

 "When we brought Eric Cantona in, it was the final piece of the jigsaw," said Ince

 "When he came into the changing room for the first time, he was a big man, a big presence of a man, and his attitude matched our attitude

He had a will to win titles, he wanted to be successful. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "Are we talking about the same thing with Virgil van Dijk? Is he the one? The goalkeeper (Alisson Becker) has come in and done well but I look at Van Dijk and think he has made the rest of the players around him better

 "Liverpool have that presence about them. That presence that we had. Teams have got to be scared about coming up against you

People look and think, 'Jesus, we have got Liverpool next week.'"  After City surprisingly lost at Newcastle United, Liverpool missed the chance to move seven points clear when they were held at home by Leicester City 24 hours later

 There was a sense of unease and nervousness around Anfield that the players have since admitted they could feel on the pitch

 And Ince, who won the Premier League twice at United and was involved in four title battles, believes it is too early to be concerned by what City have been doing

 "When we got to March, that is when you start to look at what the other team has done," said Ince, speaking to The Times

 "Have they got beat? You start looking at the table. Then you get a bit nervous, the crowd can get nervous

Keep up to date with all the latest Liverpool news and transfer rumours here  "We were fortunate in our time we didn't have social media, Sky

Every Liverpool player who goes out in town will be asked, 'Are we going to win it this year?' That brings a different type of pressure

 "Liverpool will have themselves in a position in March when they can win the title for the first time since 1990

You can't get away from it."

For more infomation >> Virgil van Dijk hailed as potentially the new Eric Cantona - Duration: 3:26.


Fight or Flight - Duration: 23:51.

For more infomation >> Fight or Flight - Duration: 23:51.


'Waiting' live @ Mau Mau - Duration: 1:37.

... the best she could

and hoped you'd rise above.

She prayed for you both night and day ...

... that you, you would live life in the right way.

But instead ...

... you play like you're dead.

Filling her every waking moment

with anxiety and dread.

You don't want a job!

A career to you is a joke.

So go out and deceive ...

... cos' you're always broke.

Taking away from the goodness you had...

... you developed an attitude that says:

"I'm bad."

Leaving people ...

... messed up and sad.

Can't you see, son...

... you will end up mad?

But somehow it is something you already know,

and it's only a matter of time before YOU let go ...

... and enter into the world of no return

Cos' all your bridges you'll have burned.

I know other young men who grew up here too.

And it makes me so sad when I think of you.

Your wasted chances.

You're not turning back.


We just live waiting to hear ...

... that you've been whacked!


For more infomation >> 'Waiting' live @ Mau Mau - Duration: 1:37.


Who is getting rich off you? The insidious big data economy. | Rita Gunther McGrath - Duration: 3:49.

A conservative estimate of how much your personal information is worth to these data brokers

is on the order of $240 a year for each of us, for millions and millions of people.

And that adds up to a really, really big number.

And a lot of that data, right, and the advertising against that data is just getting sucked out

of conventional sources and going right into the pockets of the big data brokers like Facebook

and Google and even Amazon, also a whole bevy of smaller data brokers-- you know, people

who run little websites like, you know, Housekeepers Like Me and, you know, do you have insurance,

and are you in the market for a new car?

And people willingly hand over this information, which then gets aggregated and copied across

databases and then put into this package which advertisers can then use to target you.

I think we're just at that very early stages where a few people are sounding the alarm.

But that has not spread out to the masses yet.

I mean, all those people posting about their grandkids on Facebook don't understand.

The minute that thing goes up on the internet, they have lost control of it.

They don't own it anymore.

And the minute you do a quiz or the minute you volunteer any information about yourself,

I'm sorry, it's their data, not yours, I think it kind of crept up on them by accident.

And I think about how Google, for example, got into the data business.

They had built this fantastic search engine, but they had no way of monetizing it.

And it wasn't until they figured out that you could sell ads against search-- and in

the beginning, it wasn't collecting personal data.

Let's not forget that.

In the beginning, it was, if I go in and search on tennis rackets and you show me an ad on

tennis rackets, that's kind of OK.

Like, that doesn't bother me that much.

It's when you start to get more pervasive.

And I think where they crossed the line-- maybe without intending to, but where they

started to cross the line was when you start targeting.

When you start saying, I can get you, you know, ads posted to 14-year-olds living in

Princeton, New Jersey who wear Keds tennis shoes, by the time you get that level of precision

posting or targeting, I think that's where you've crossed a line.

And I think we've gotten ourselves now into a situation where a lot of people are going,

hey, what?

You can do that?

And just as an example, so Facebook can actually allow people that want to rent an apartment

to exclude African-Americans, exclude people who are Jewish, exclude people who are Latino.

That is actually against the Fair Housing Standards Act of 1968.

So to me, that's an example of crossing a very big line.

So instead of just saying, OK, if I'm searching for, you know, tennis rackets and showing

me an ad about tennis rackets, going that extra mile and saying, because I know everything

you've been writing and I know that tennis is really important to you and I know that

you spend on average $567 per year on tennis related paraphernalia, I'm going to sell an

advertiser a super targeted ad to just reach you.

I mean, to me, that's creepy.

That just gets to the-- it's not so much about privacy.

It's about this ability to sort of algorithmically target on characteristics we may not want

the world to know about.

An even more insidious use of data to me is if you look at the recent agreement by 23andMe

with one of the big pharma companies to hand over their data.

And it was for billions of dollars.

Now the thing I really think is kind of objectionable about that is you've already paid to have

that data analyzed.

You've not necessarily given 23andMe permission to further monetize that data just because

they have it to other people.

So you know, to me, there's a huge amount of institutional lag here.

You know, our rules about property rights and your rights to your own data are so far

behind practice that I think we're in for a big reckoning.

For more infomation >> Who is getting rich off you? The insidious big data economy. | Rita Gunther McGrath - Duration: 3:49.


Ewa Wachowicz nie wyjdzie za mąż? "W Krakowie nie słychać nic o jej ślubie" - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Ewa Wachowicz nie wyjdzie za mąż? "W Krakowie nie słychać nic o jej ślubie" - Duration: 7:10.


Porsche 911 Carrera S (992). A MELHOR geração de SEMPRE? - Duration: 20:01.

For more infomation >> Porsche 911 Carrera S (992). A MELHOR geração de SEMPRE? - Duration: 20:01.


Shair O Shairi 5 | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | Best Urdu Audio Poetry | Purani Yadain - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Shair O Shairi 5 | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | Best Urdu Audio Poetry | Purani Yadain - Duration: 6:09.


Shair O Shairi 7 | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | Best Urdu Audio Poetry | Purani Yadain - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> Shair O Shairi 7 | Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi | Best Urdu Audio Poetry | Purani Yadain - Duration: 12:13.


🏈 BUFFALO BILLS: significado, pronúncia e origem do nome do time da NFL 🏈 - Duration: 1:02.

(A) beautiful night for football here in Los Angeles

as the Chargers take on the Buffalo Bills.

Buffalo Bills.

I don't think we're here to talk about football, but...

why your affinity for the Buffalo Bills?

I grew up in Buffalo. I'm a Buffalo-minican.

My parents got to Buffalo

because of the similarities in the weather between DR and Buffalo.

Buffalo's gonna win.

For more infomation >> 🏈 BUFFALO BILLS: significado, pronúncia e origem do nome do time da NFL 🏈 - Duration: 1:02.


Maryla Rodowicz: Po rozwodzie czekają ją chude lata? - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Maryla Rodowicz: Po rozwodzie czekają ją chude lata? - Duration: 6:21.


Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Jak zwiększyć WIARĘ DZIECKA we własne możliwość? - Duration: 8:58.


Ważne przesłanie! Jackowski opowiedział co się stało, gdy stanęło mu serce. Rozpacz... - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> Ważne przesłanie! Jackowski opowiedział co się stało, gdy stanęło mu serce. Rozpacz... - Duration: 13:16.


DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 & BOOM!!! Guitar | Mark Eric Gales Signatures @ NAMM 2019 | TopGuitar - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 & BOOM!!! Guitar | Mark Eric Gales Signatures @ NAMM 2019 | TopGuitar - Duration: 1:54.


ROMÂNIA ÎN AL DOILEA RĂZBOI MONDIAL ep.2: Dezmembrarea României Mari (1940) - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> ROMÂNIA ÎN AL DOILEA RĂZBOI MONDIAL ep.2: Dezmembrarea României Mari (1940) - Duration: 12:37.


Resul Abbasov ft. Xanim - Surpriz Lyrics Karaoke(RAP)(2019)(Baku - İstanbul) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Resul Abbasov ft. Xanim - Surpriz Lyrics Karaoke(RAP)(2019)(Baku - İstanbul) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 1:19.


Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska walczy z chorobą. Papież zaoferował pomoc - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska walczy z chorobą. Papież zaoferował pomoc - Duration: 2:28.


¿De qué manera te sentirías auxiliada en una situación de peligro? Esto nos dijeron algunas mujeres - Duration: 8:46.

¿Alguna vez te haz sentido acosada en la calle, en el transporte público, en la escuela, en el trabajo, en tu colonia o en cualquier lugar? ¿Crees que si acudieras con las autoridades a levantar una denuncia formal serviría de algo? ¿Qué harías si estuvieras en una situación de peligro? Estas y mil preguntas más han surgido en redes sociales ante la oleada de ataques, intentos de secuestro/violaciones, desapariciones y feminicidios que estamos viviendo con más frecuencia y cercanía

Sin embargo, la prevención no es tarea sólo de las mujeres o las víctimas potenciales sino también de las personas que están cercanas, las que pueden intervenir y evitar que la situación termine en una tragedia

Por medio de nuestras redes sociales lanzamos una pregunta para justamente poder entender qué acciones por parte de los hombres (y personas en general) harían sentir a las mujeres auxiliadas en estos casos: Recientemente se hicieron virales denuncias de mujeres que fueron atacadas dentro del metro (o transporte público), seguidas en la calle mientras caminaban de noche, golpeadas y seriamente lastimadas por defenderse de ser violadas, etc

Pero en algunos casos la intervención de las personas que estaban cerca les salvó la vida… Acá les dejamos algunas de las respuestas 👉🏻 "SIMPLE: Pregunten si necesitamos ayuda

Responderíamos Si o No. Si es SÍ, por favor NO se vayan, no se alejen con 'voy por ayuda, déjame le hablo a mis cuates'

Quédense. Si pasan más hombres y ven la escena o escuchan que sí, acérquense o quédense cerca, aunque no intervengan hagan un cerco alrededor, que se vea acorralado el abusador o la abusadora

No buscamos que sean héroes o que hagan justicia, ¡queremos su apoyo! ¡saber que están ahí! No que nos ignoren y sigan de paso porque 'somos unas locas o nosotras mismas nos lo buscamos y quién nos manda por salir a la calle'

" "Me sentiría auxiliada por un hombre cuando se de cuenta de sus acciones machistas y misóginas, cuando deje de acosar a otras mujeres, cuando se de cuenta de sus privilegios, cuando sea consciente, coherente y empatice con todos y cada uno de los casos de violencia hacia las mujeres y niñas, me sentiré auxiliada cuando le diga a su grupo de amigos que no está bien hacer chistes machistas, que no está bien que le grite a su pareja, que la cele y la vigile; cuando haga su parte en las labores del hogar y en el cuidado de los hijo sin que pida un aplauso por ello

Me sentiré auxiliada cuando se den cuenta en el transporte público que están abusando, sometiendo o violentando a una mujer y se involucre para poner a salvo a esa chica

" "Que se acerque y me diga 'hola, Fulanita, no te reconocí ¿cómo estás?' Y no se aleje hasta que me sienta segura

" "Si alguien me ve en una situación en peligro, que saque su celular, que empiece a grabar, que hable, que no se quede indiferente ante el acto, y no solo va para los hombres, para cualquier persona

Entiendo que da mucho miedo involucrarse, pero mientras más nos ayudemos entre nosotros, más seguros nos sentiremos TODOS

" "Siempre preguntarnos '¿estás bien?' Aún si el atacante dice 'es mi novia, está haciendo berrinche' y sin dar por hecho que el problema somos nosotras

" "Se sabe que existen diferencias en cuanto a fuerza física y no hablo entre hombres y mujeres, sino entre cada persona

Así que creo que la clave primero es cuidar tu propia integridad, y dos, no ser indiferente, hacer notar que estás presenciando algo y tratar de llamar la atención de las demás personas o llamar a la policía (a ver si llegan)

Que si están matando mujeres por el simple hecho de ser mujer y a los hombres, por dinero o lo que sea, da igual… violencia es violencia y no se vale ponerse en riesgo ni ser indiferente cuando puedes al menos, intentar hacer algo bueno por otra persona, sin importar si es hombre o mujer

" "Dejándonos caminar a su lado. En dos ocasiones que me he sentido insegura o en peligro me he acercado a hombres y explicado que me están siguiendo que si puedo caminar con ellos, ambos han aceptado

Uno hasta me fue a dejar a mi casa." "Hay hombres que sí se dan cuenta y que ofrecen su ayuda

Una vez dos hombres me dijeron que los tenía que acompañar, yo grité pidiendo auxilio

Un taxista se dio cuenta y encendió sus luces. Nos alumbró y huyeron." "Que me sigan el hilo de una conversación si me acerco a uno fingiendo conocerle

" Sin embargo, las respuestas que recibimos no fueron solo de mujeres sino también de hombres que buscan la manera de participar en el movimiento y ayudar de la mejor manera posible

"Independientemente de que tenemos que ayudar, cuídense solas por favor: No vayan distraídas en el teléfono o con audífonos, caminen en sentido contrario a la circulación de los autos, traigan un cambio cómodo de zapatos para caminar o correr y llegando a donde van se ponen sus tacones, traigan un gas pimienta (les da distancia del agresor), traigan algo más en la mano con que defenderse (llaves, navajita, pluma, desarmadorcito) siempre que vayan caminando solas; si las agarran griten, peguen en la garganta, genitales, ojos , espinillas; luchen por su vida, es una situación de vida o muerte en realidad, es preferible lastimar a alguien y que te metan a la cárcel a que no te vuelvan a encontrar

"Si aún hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, después de miles de mujeres desaparecidas y violentadas, necesitamos que ellas nos digan cómo hacerlas sentir más seguras porque nosotros no somos capaces de distinguir lo que está mal, entonces estamos mal

Estamos muy pinche mal." "Yo creo que todos los que estamos en alguna situación de peligro (independientemente del género y edad) nos sentiríamos más seguros si los que están a nuestro alrededor no fueran indiferentes: ya fuera con que llamarán a alguien más (autoridad, servicios de emergencia, etc) o solo no se fueran

Pero sobretodo es no perder la calma y mantener en control la situación. No sabes si la chava está siendo agredida o si están robando al chico y por no dejarse le están inventando delitos, o si al niño se lo están robando, etcétera

Lo importante creo yo, es tener calma como sociedad, han habido muchos casos donde la situación se sale de control porque la gente reacciona muy mal y quieren linchar por rumores

Es importante ayudarnos entre todos y no perder la calma." "Pueden descargar la app We Help

Hay muchos hombres y mujeres registrados, lanzas una alerta y se le avisa al usuario mas cercano si puede ayudarte

#LosBuenosSomosMas" "Simplemente que no les de pena pedir ayuda. Yo en una ocasión estaba en un parque y unas chicas se acercaron a pedirme ayuda porque había un señor que las venía siguiendo desde hace varias cuadras (eran niñas de prepa) y yo con gusto les dije 'quédense aquí a mi lado'

  Pasó el tipo y con un semblante extraño se les quedo viendo. Yo le dije 'qué te traes pendejo' y ya, siguió su camino pero les dije que se esperarán un momento más para que no fuera a ser que las estuviera esperando cuadras adelante

Todo resultó bien porque las he vuelto a ver sanas y salvas pasando por ahí. Solo del 1 al 30 de enero de este año se registraron 133 feminicidios principalmente en el Estado de México (14), Veracruz (10), Puebla y la Ciudad de México (9 en cada uno)

Estas cifras de acuerdo con el registro de la activista Frida Guerrera. Si nos ponemos a hacer cuentas con esos datos, ese periodo de tiempo implica 31 días, por lo que a nivel nacional se asesinaron a 4 mujeres por día durante casi un mes (aproximadamente)…

Entonces pongámonos a pensar… ¿por qué será importante escuchar los gritos de auxilio de las mujeres y qué tenemos que cambiar como sociedad para que no tengan miedo?

For more infomation >> ¿De qué manera te sentirías auxiliada en una situación de peligro? Esto nos dijeron algunas mujeres - Duration: 8:46.



For more infomation >> "EU DESEJO, SENHOR" - HINO 39 - CCB - MESSIAS ULLMANN - Duration: 5:01.


VLOG // UNBOXING DE REYES 2019 // DiviertetealCocinar con ElRobarecetas - Duration: 7:29.

As usual since last year, or bring some of the gifts of kings this year 2019.

- Wooden and marble tables for presentation of tapas and appetizers.

Mold to make individual cakes.

- Koldo Royo cookbook, to make some delicious tapas.

- Cocinoligia a book of documentation on lso very interesting food.

- A mincer to make fantastic recipes.

Some other little thing that is not cooking but that are fun.

Give me a like if you liked the video and subscribed to the channel.

Remember Robarecetillas that cooking can be fun !!! Goodbye !!!

For more infomation >> VLOG // UNBOXING DE REYES 2019 // DiviertetealCocinar con ElRobarecetas - Duration: 7:29.


Važno je da se Transpozij um_desi - Duration: 0:47.

It's important for me that Transposium happens

so I can meet new people

new experiences,

new stories,

and have a nice time hanging out, because I come from a small place

where it's not really possible to meet

certain people

that I would like to meet,

it is after all a wordly Transposium

where you can get to know many things, learn, and draw a good lesson.

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