Saturday, February 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 2 2019

El 23 de enero, una llamada de la Embajada estadounidense a Madrid adelantó: "Es probable de Guaidó se proclame presidente hoy y nosotros lo vamos a reconocer"

Horas después el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela cumplía con el "vaticinio"

 México.- Antes de que Juan Guaidó, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela,  se autoproclamara como presidente interino de su país, el gobierno de Estados Unidos avisó a su homólogo de España lo que sucedería y lo presionó para romper cualquier tipo de relación que tuviera con Nicolás Maduro, reveló el diario ibérico El País

 En un texto firmado por Miguel González, el periódico señala que incluso la administración de Donald Trump, a través de diplomáticos y funcionarios de alto nivel del aparato de seguridad, exigió tanto al presidente español, Pedro Sánchez, como al conjunto de la Unión Europea (UE), que reconociera a Guaidó como nuevo mandatario de Venezuela

   El País semana que al menos se realizaron tres reuniones en las que el gobierno de EU intentó maniobrar para que la Unión Europea (UE) y sobre todo España rompiera relaciones con el gobierno de Maduro

 "El pasado día 22, el secretario de Estado de Cooperación y para Iberoamérica (del gobierno español), Juan Pablo de La Iglesia, estaba de visita en Washington, donde se reunió con la subsecretaria de Estado para el Hemisferio Occidental, Kimberly Breier, y con responsables del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional

[…] Los interlocutores del diplomático español le anunciaron que se avecinaban "acontecimientos importantes" en Venezuela, sin dar más detalles", indica el rotativo

 La tarde del siguiente día, una llamada de la Embajada estadounidense a Madrid adelantó: "Es probable de Guaidó se proclame presidente hoy y nosotros lo vamos a reconocer"

 "El vaticinio se cumplió pocas horas después", y menos de un cuarto de hora después Guaidó era reconocido oficialmente por Donald Trump, así como por los países latinoamericanos del llamado grupo de Lima, con excepción de México, indica El País

 Además, señala el diario, el canciller español, Josep Borrell, recibió varias llamadas del gobierno estadunidense para abandonar su intento de crear un grupo de mediación en la UE que buscara alguna conciliación entre Maduro y la oposición venezolana

   "Borrell abandonó precipitadamente una conferencia en Casa de América para atender una llamada de la Embajada estadounidense en Madrid", porque el embajador de Estados Unidos en España, Duke Buchan III, quería verlo y hablar con el presidente Pedro Sánchez, en el Foro de Davos", señala El País

 "El jueves 24 de enero, Borrell se reunió con Buchan III quien le planteó dos demandas: que reconociera de inmediato a Guaidó como presidente legítimo de Venezuela y que renunciara a mantener cualquier canal de diálogo con Maduro", revela el diario

 Ante ello, la vocera del Gobierno de España, Isabel Celaá, negó que hayan existido presiones; en tanto, el canciller Borrell afirmó en un encuentro de ministros europeos en Bucarest que "España no está haciendo seguidismo de Estados Unidos en la crisis de Venezuela"

   No obstante, advirtió que si en un plazo de ocho días Nicolás Maduro uno había convocado a nuevas elecciones, España reconocería a Guiadó como "presidente interino de la República"

 Con información de El País.

For more infomation >> EU avisó a España horas antes sobre intenciones de Guaidó y le exigió romper relaciones con Maduro: - Duration: 3:58.


WOMEN'SECRET Making of #MUYNOSOTRAS - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> WOMEN'SECRET Making of #MUYNOSOTRAS - Duration: 0:56.


Alerta en la capital por acosadores sexuales - Duration: 2:31.

Chihuahua— En menos de 24 horas dos videos fueron difundidos por estudiantes que alertan de la presencia de exhibicionistas y hostigadores sexuales rondando calles, negocios y planteles de secundaria en esta ciudad

En el primer mes de este 2019, 8 hombres fueron remitidos a la Dirección de Seguridad Pública Municipal, mientras que el año pasado se detuvo a 48 por esas conductas que constituyen solamente una falta administrativa que se paga con máximo 36 horas de cárcel

En la secundaria Genaro Vázquez, dos alumnas hicieron público el caso para luego interponer su denuncia ante la Fiscalía por el acoso

Asimismo, estudiantes de un instituto de belleza de la colonia San Felipe divulgaron en Facebook el video de un exhibicionista que se masturba frente al lugar

Aunque decenas de usuarias de redes sociales refieren haber sido víctimas de situaciones similares, el Observatorio Ciudadano en su documento de Incidencia Delictiva registra 65 casos, debido a que, a consideración de la directora del Instituto Chihuahuense de la Mujer, Emma Saldaña, la sociedad normaliza estas acciones

Los casos de las afectadas se difunden en redes sociales debido a que el acoso y exhibicionismo se minimizan, pese al riesgo de que pueden derivar en delitos como abuso o violación sexual, dijo una de las afectadas que grabó a una de estas personas en video

For more infomation >> Alerta en la capital por acosadores sexuales - Duration: 2:31.


Normaleando un rato (DIRECTO) - Duration: 2:55:07.

For more infomation >> Normaleando un rato (DIRECTO) - Duration: 2:55:07.


Suman mil 800 maestros con descuentos - Duration: 5:01.

Ciudad de México— El Secretario de Educación de Michoacán, Alberto Frutis, informó que hasta este día suman mil 800 maestros estatales sancionados por faltas injustificadas

Refirió que este viernes se realizaron descuentos vía nómina a 500 docentes, mismos que se suman a los mil que fueron sancionados de esta forma en la primera quincena de este mes

"Hoy, se están aplicando otro paquete de 500 descuentos más y así seguiremos aplicando los descuentos", sentenció al ser abordado en el evento "Entrega de Actas de Asignatura"

Además, el funcionario advirtió que existen casos que tras la primera multa impuesta volvieron a hacerse acreedores a la segunda multa, por lo que se iniciarían procedimientos al respecto

Al respecto, el líder de la sección 18 de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) ha insistido en que las multas impuestas a los sindicalizados participantes en las movilizaciones de este mes serán impugnadas con el argumento del derecho a la libertad de expresión y a participar en manifestaciones

Delegan a Federación pago y plazas a normalistas Al ser cuestionado sobre los avances para plazas a normalistas, el titular de SEE Michoacán, Alberto Frutis, deslindó a autoridades estatales al indicar que ese tema competirá al Gobierno federal

Sin precisar cifras, precisó que existen casos de maestros normalistas que se les contrató vía interina y a los que se les adeudan pagos

El monto estimado para cubrir los contratos que vencieron el 31 de enero, informó, es de 80 millones de pesos

Insistió en que cubrir este monto no corresponde al Gobierno estatal, y recordó que sobre el tema de estabilidad laboral a normalistas, habló el Jefe de la Unidad de Administración de la SEP, Héctor Garza, en una reunión con representantes de la CNTE

"No va a ser a cargo del presupuesto del Estado va a ser un tema que ellos van a revisar y sobre todo es un planteamiento que se hizo cargo el Gobierno federal", apuntó

Frutis consideró que Michoacán requerirá de más recursos para el sector educativo, pues con lo que se cuenta sólo alcanzará para julio

"Se buscará financiamiento (.) nada más hasta el mes de julio de este año (alcanza) y en ese sentido tendremos que seguir este tiempo viendo dónde liberan los recursos para financiar lo que viene al cierre del año", dijo

"Es en lo que está buscando acordar con la Federación para darle esa certidumbre; tendrían que venir recursos federales

El gran reto de este Gobierno es resolver de manera definitiva este problema estructural para darle certeza a los todos los maestros estatales", agregó

Consideró que hubo buen ánimo para resolver las problemáticas entre la CNTE, autoridades estatales y federales

For more infomation >> Suman mil 800 maestros con descuentos - Duration: 5:01.


EU: Acusan a maestra por maltrato a niños con autismo - Duration: 1:34.

Según la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Okaloosa, los abusos a los niños los cometieron estas mujeres de manera "intencional y maliciosa" entre el 1 de septiembre y el 14 de noviembre del 2018

La maestra Margaret Wolthers y sus ayudantes Diana LaCroix y Carolyn Madison de la escuela Silver Sands supuestamente encerraron a menor de 10 años y a otros 2 de 8 años en el baño con las luces apagadas y bajo llave como castigo por portarse mal

Estas mujeres también son culpadas por hacer sonar silbato cerca del oído de 1 niño con umbral de audición bajo y que usaba audífonos para protegerse de los ruidos fuertes

Este método lo usaban para amenazarlo. Trabajadores del lugar atestiguan sobre los abusos y aseguran que los pequeños gritaban y lloraban cuando eran obligados a estar en el baño a oscuras

Llegaron a permanecer hasta 90 minutos encerrados.  A esta escuela asisten 170 estudiantes con discapacidad, a la cual pueden ingresar desde los 3 hasta los 22 años

For more infomation >> EU: Acusan a maestra por maltrato a niños con autismo - Duration: 1:34.



For those who do not believe what I'm going say here boil the coke here are the

results, simply staggering, for do not say deadly,

In my previous videos we enormously talk about soft drinks, the ocurence

Coke, damage that could do in the body, consequences that had

on your, because of the chemicals and contained in it, such as excess

sugar or aspartame, dyes,, sodium , and a lot of gas, because it made it easier

obesity and other disasters for the body, in this video I will explain

why instead of having a belly at the Kim Kardashian your belly looks like that

a woman's term, but before returning in the heart of the subject, remember to subscribe

, read and comment, think also about the bell notification and social networks

So as I said, if you are a follower coca,, soft drinks, sweet

or without sugar, they are horribly harmful, causes water retention in the body

, makes addict and weakens the digestive system , intestinal and your health in general, but

good as e back always, everything is question of will, you can decide everything

stop, if you're tired of this big belly , farts that go with, always have to

wear too loose clothing So try this for 10 days in a row

this mixture will not only cleanse the body excess sugar will clean your veins

in prevention of clogged arteries it goes help fight pets, constipations

bloating, nausea, intestinal pain short it will refine you in one click and especially

this is a powerful natural hunger cutter , in parallel as I always say add

a little sport, walking dance ... it will only do you good

For that Take two grapefruit, very thick skin

take the bio, wash and remove the skin with all the white part

Take 4 yellow or green lemons Take 50 grams of ginger

Lemon in sachets or fresh if you have

Cut out and crush , in the morning drink a glass to young, let

spend at least an hour before eating , for that to work, it will clean you

the belly, you will melt, lose all the fat

Absolutely to try, do this at least for 10, and you can push up

3 months let it boil for 15 minutes, reheat

each take So here, if it's a bit bitter, add

a little honey even if I do not advise, for those who want to lose weight more

quickly, take a hot drink three times a day, it is phenomenal it is also laxative

, , I assure you it's amazing

Thank you for watching this until at the end, share so that it reaches a maximum

people XOXO



Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?


Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am Here I am. How do you do?

That was so much fun, wasn't it Baby Boo? Now if you're a Jiggler a true wriggly

jiggler then make sure to hit that subscribe button, just there. Oh I

remember that do you? Baby Boo that was so much fun. Oh baby boo that's your

favourite, Jigglers you should watch that. Oh there's another fun one up there too.

Gosh so much choice. Shall we go and tell beans all about these fun videos?

Bye Jigglers. BEANS!

For more infomation >> Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.


Diego acredita que Maycon pode mudar de grupo: "Não duvido nada dele" - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Diego acredita que Maycon pode mudar de grupo: "Não duvido nada dele" - Duration: 10:52.


The Wheels On The Bus | Baby Bao Panda | Nursery Rhymes And Cartoons Videos - Kids TV - Duration: 47:12.

I wanna ride on that bus!

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;

Swish, swish, swish; Swish, swish, swish;

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,

All through the town.

The driver on the bus go move on back..

Move on back Move on back

The driver on the bus go move on back..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down

All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;

Beep, beep, beep; Beep, beep, beep;

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;

All through the town.

The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;

Wah, wah, wah; Wah, wah, wah;

The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;

All through the town

The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;

Shush, shush, shush. Shush, shush, shush.

The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;

All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

That was such a Fun ride wasn't it

For more infomation >> The Wheels On The Bus | Baby Bao Panda | Nursery Rhymes And Cartoons Videos - Kids TV - Duration: 47:12.


Vertrauen in Brazzo: Rummenigge glaubt an eine zukünftige Odoi-Verpflichtung - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Vertrauen in Brazzo: Rummenigge glaubt an eine zukünftige Odoi-Verpflichtung - Duration: 3:49.


Ubuntu Core 18 (su Raspberry Pi 3) ⋆ IoT sicuro? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> Ubuntu Core 18 (su Raspberry Pi 3) ⋆ IoT sicuro? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 12:37.


Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?


Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am Here I am. How do you do?

That was so much fun, wasn't it Baby Boo? Now if you're a Jiggler a true wriggly

jiggler then make sure to hit that subscribe button, just there. Oh I

remember that do you? Baby Boo that was so much fun. Oh baby boo that's your

favourite, Jigglers you should watch that. Oh there's another fun one up there too.

Gosh so much choice. Shall we go and tell beans all about these fun videos?

Bye Jigglers. BEANS!

For more infomation >> Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.



For more infomation >> ZULA - VONS EN İYİ VURUŞLAR !! KOMBO ŞOV !!( BAZUKA ON FİRE ) - #GS #ESPOR #VONS - Duration: 4:31.


Hacked Games download for free 2019 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Hacked Games download for free 2019 - Duration: 3:02.


Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.

For more infomation >> Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.


OYUNCULARIN SADECE %1'İ BUNU BİLİYOR! - (GTA San Andreas) - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> OYUNCULARIN SADECE %1'İ BUNU BİLİYOR! - (GTA San Andreas) - Duration: 10:10.



Does your key work ?


It's strange

maybe we have to change the keys

Try your key maybe

Do you think they could be demagnetized ?

Seems so

Let's ask the reception

These new high tech keys suck

they don't even work

Hi everyone, BenJ here

welcome in Les Diablerets, a ski resort in Switzerland

it's quite famous

As you can see, my hotel room is already in a mess

everytime I get in a hotel room it's the same thing, I like to use all the space haha

I arrived 30 seconds ago and it's already a mess

Today and tomorrow we're going to film a commercial for the resort

We will do a lot of cool activities

Sledging, skiiing by night, etc

I came with a guy you might have seen in my previous videos

let's go see him

Good bye

Let's get ready to go sledging

We're about to get our sled

two of the best sleds are booked for us

and then we'll head up there

on Antoine's nose

Just got our sleds

time to hit the slopes

I feel we're about to do dumb stuff

No !

He is going to do stupid things

It's not like me to do dumb stuff in videos

Hey Antoine Antoine, look !

you can simply put it on the floor

and slide it

it's magic

it's called a sled !

you're walking your sled ?

Come sled come !

Good sled !

Mine is bigger than yours

We're still talking about the sleds right ?

Here we go

he crashed too !

First snowboard-sled ever

the guy that really didn't understand the concept of sledging

Janine ! God damnit !

Hey you !

You sled is escaping !

Oh shit !

Fackie sledging !

I'm not doing to bad for the moment

Let me explain what's happening now

Antoine is going to try to go as fast as he can

to try to jump in the powder

but what he doesn't know is that I chose this spot because

someone pissed right there

so let's see if he's gonna land in it or not

he's coming ! He's coming !

Right in it !

What the hell ?!

dude !

it's so steep, you don't realize how steep it is

I got snow everywhere

Let me explain you quickly what happened, basically when I told him to jump there

I didn't see that it was a cliff (dumbass)

You can't really see it with the fisheye but it's a wall

and he almost hit a tree

he could've died, if you fall there, only the trees can stop you

If the tree was not there I've would've gone all the way down

the tree stopped him, it's a wall

it's so crazy, it's really steep

He was lucky, or unlucky, it depends how you see it

I just have a dumbass friend


I lost Antoine, I have no idea where he is


I just hit the wall

Time to trade the sleds for the skies

I haven't gone back on my skies for 3 years, I'm excited


It's over !

don't worry BenJ

You know what we can do ?

No what ?

Drink some beers

to be consumed in moderation


Yes ! Moderation, my friend that leaves next to my parents's place !

Ah yes, the guy that always buys you drinks

Exactly ! See you in the bar

Let's go ! Best friends 4 ever !

We didn't go out... After getting back at the hotel, we fell asleep at 8:30 PM and we slept like stones (if stones could sleep)

Guys I think you saw the title of the video

I didn't tell you everything

we come to the moment you're all waiting for

I'm going to attempt a ski jumping kicker on my snowscoot

it's right behind me, over there

It's actually forbidden to go on it

We'll try not to draw attention on us

I'm gonna get closer to show you how big it is

Let's go

I've just found some snowscoot friends

they don't ride Eretic or Black Ice but they are on snowscoots, so cool !

Are you guys riding powder ? - "Yes"

What's your name ?



Nice to meet you guys ! You are the stars now

So cool ! He's so fast

oh wait, he's about to ride powder

Here we are on the jump, look at how high it goes !

Can you even see the end ?

It's really steep

But the difficult part is actually the kicker

it heads down and not up

I am really not used to that, I'm gonna have to jump a lot

I have to go as far as possible and lean backwards but not too much

I don't know if it's gonna work

I start stressing a bit because it's really unusual

as you can see, it goes down

if you draw a line, it leads straight to the coping (the angle)

There might be a way to build a small kicker to make me jump higher

It's quite big, looks like 15 meters a least

Antoine just joined me

We're building a small extension

because if we don't do that

I'm gonna end right there in the middle

We had to dig a little bit to make the transition softer

otherwise I'm just gonna end up going through the jump

the inclination of the jump should be ok now

Let cross our fingers

and squeeze the buttocks

We can't do more at the moment, it's too cold and the snow is too powderish to build anything

It would be perfect if the snow would melt a bit

I really have the fear to go through the kicker

which would mean that I would do a frontflip and probably break my collarbone or my back

So I'll have to go faster than I think

lean backwards on the kicker

to be sure to reach the landing

it's never been done that way I believe

And there is no one to show me how fast to go

This is why I am stressing more than in regular snowparks

Usually in snowparks, there are always skiers or snowboards that can show us from where to start

There I have no idea, it's the first time it's ever attempted on a snowscoot

this is going to be a scary challenge...

let's set the cameras up and let's go

I need to poo a little bit

I'm gonna have to squeeze my buttocks

when I land

otherwise, everything is going to come out

it's not gonna be beautiful

it's not gonna smell beautiful either

It is so hard

the kicker we built sends me on my back

you might have seen it in the video

I'll try to lean forward a lot, I hope it's gonna be enough

It's really really scary, I'm really fast

Let's get it

It's my last try I think

we just changed the inclination of the kicker

it's still kicks a bit but just enough to allow me to do the transfer

Last try ?

Alright !

Incredible !

Guys it's possible !

We just needed to reshape the kicker and it's still difficult due to the speed

But it's incredible ! It's a real step down

Should I try a trick on it ? I probably wont land it but let's try a whip

Et voilà ! A whip to finish this crazy day !

I know I took the foot off a the end but let me explain why

There is a net at the bottom, so if I don't stop before...

That's why I put my foot down to stop

I'm so happy ! I can't believe it !

A ski jumping kicker ! It's a small one I know but still

The big jumps are 90 meters long minimum

it's huge

I'm so happy I pulled this off, it was really not easy

not easy at all

A little cute snowscoot tandem moment to finish this crazy session

What are you doing behind me ?


as always

That sucked

This video comes to an end ! It was an insane weekend !

Thank you so much Antoine for filming and spending this time with me upthere

Don't forget to write the little hashtag mhhhhh

#CONCRETE if you are walking on concrete as well

See you everyone ! Oh a drone !

Take care everyone !

Little "Antoine" moment

Let's take some speed

I think I'm getting the hang of it

it's fun

BenJ, you gonna have to watch all this, are you mad ?


For more infomation >> JE TESTE UN SAUT À SKI EN SNOWSCOOT (TROTTINETTE DES NEIGES) - Duration: 14:28.


YouTube Creator Trap. Hooked, addicted and burned out YouTube Creators? - Duration: 18:09.

A very good day ladies and gentlemen my name is Callum from DX Commander by the

way these little guy points for the DX commander expedition make rather

excellent coasters okay so a very good day by the way I wanted to talk about

the YouTube algorithm and why creators feel that they want to create more so

when you start creating on YouTube I mean nothing really happens for a start

your content is pretty crappy it just is you know and then you get a bit

better and then you might get some positive comments and oh that was

interesting what you said because the content itself was quite good it's just

the production was crap okay and that's what happened with me to start with I

didn't have a camera what I used to do is record my screen and show people

things and in fact I used to use where is it

it was the Heil goldline mic on the studio setting but listening back the bandwidth

was a bit crappy and those videos still exist and I still get comments on them

and for ten years my channel went from zero to 300 subscribers okay and then I

sort of formally launched the DX Commander all band vertical and then I thought what

I do because I had one nice camera I think that one there which is a very

nice camera it's the Canon 5d Mark 3 and this lens

which is a couple of thousand quid together we had it for a project at work

and I had a couple of other lenses as well but I realized that the audio was a

bit crud so I bought a decent microphone one

of these clip on so my early ones quite often I started using the clip-on but

with then I found out that with the little dead kitten - they call it that

bit - the fluffy thing you put over the top to stop the wind with dulling my

voice and so on and I was using moviemaker

you know the thing that just comes with Windows anyway it's got a long story

short I thought I just up my production a bit better and I bought the 60d which

is over there and I'm not plugged in I didn't have all the focus this has

autofocus and ok which is really cool and and then I invested in Adobe

Premiere I was terrified of course cuz then I had to learn how it all worked

but then very quickly we went from you know three four five six seven eight

nine and then got to a thousand which I thought was amazing like a small village

thousand people had subscribed to my banana content all about technical

baloney and ham radio and microphones and stuff and aerials I'm sure I used it

as part of my sales tool you know to get DX Commander launched but then you start

getting emails from YouTube congratulating you and reminding you to

keep your schedule up in not so many words and then there's all these tools

out there to measure yourself against and then a post oh you know one video my

get 10,000 views and you log into creator studio the backend of YouTube

congratulations you want to tell people about this you know share this with me

it's got funny really and I got certainly six months ago I was

in a whirlwind of creating content you know how to schedule stuff and I still

take do I have 100 well.. I keep 10 to 20 videos in.. in I've got to

do you know to keep the world out people get you guys happy as well because now

cards you know you can say four weeks time we'll hit 10,000 subscribers which

is to be honest pretty bloody scary for me I mean I don't get 10,000 views on

every video to thank goodness I get about 2,000 where between 2,000 and

4,000 although it depends how many people

share.. I try actually not to be contentious on

this channel I try and actually be factual I did half wide load of people

up with this Zelo PTT voice-over-ip app thing as a few of them I had to mute

them in the end they would go away that was the highest shared video it was a

lot of people who were sorry I'm telling me basically disagreeing with me and

telling me that this voice-over-ip Zelo PTT apps whatever you wanna call it was

ham radio and how you know it encourages people to get into ham radio yeah well

so does the email so does YouTube so does a club.. it's not the be-all and

end-all and I did make it absolutely clear and said that it's "probably great"

okay that's fine it's just not science as difference between technical signs I

remember my mother of my mother bless her when she was still alive

I taught how to program the VCR now if you're under at 36 years old

you won't know where that is but that was a technical challenge wasn't science

er anyway I'm just talking about this YouTube schedule and I was doing on

average 3 between 3 & 4 videos a week for a year that's quite incredible so I

certainly did 200 videos last year and then I did one every day from the 22nd

before Christmas Day er.. 22nd of December through to about the 2nd guy I thought I was just creating content for the hell of it - I was

down the workshop it's that one where I just had a bit of a rant and that talk

about my school report but I was making stuff I was plumbing in what was it now

the ladder-line though one wasn't it anyway whatever so now that we're about to

reach 10,000 because I had this little goal in my mind wouldn't 10,000 and

a stop I'm not gonna stop you know I actually enjoy the whole YouTube process

the .. it's technical not science the technical challenge of making a video

good enough for publication - I find very interesting

because after I've gone through the grind of recording it which I don't

particularly like doing I much prefer editing it - topping and

tailing - it chopping out all the ers and umms and the bananas and creating

something that will last you see and but I was getting a little bit like you know

am I gonna keep doing this hammer idea thing ever you know twice three four

times a week no I'm not what I'm gonna do because I've kind of missed my drums

the last twelve months and it's been creeping into the channel and our

thoughts myself well can I do a bit of drums and ham radio or the same channel

now to be honest that's very confusing some of you might like that but if

you're a drummer a gentler content you're gonna go what the hell is this

going on right if you're a ham radio guy you definitely but maybe you might want

some drumming I don't know but let's face it it's not a drumming channel okay

and I said I was thinking of starting this other channel I did I did some test

videos which some of the hilarious stories I mean almost unpublishable

about mine I use and as I was a young businessman and one that the hills I did

some of the crooked stuff I got odds wasn't really crooked but you know and

some of the really embarrassing things if I tell the story to you and you're in

the room I can guarantee it's hilarious I'll get a love when I try and be you

know I'm in this sealed room here trying to tell you that story er I don't even

have your eyebrows lifting up which makes me respond I got the body language

and a comedian if you like responds in a comedy club because he's got the

laughter or the the backlash of the other people in the room I didn't have

that he won't work I can't tell stories to make your eyebrows you know explode

in here now sometimes funny things come out but it's not intentional

so I've been that idea unless I can get someone who's never heard my stories

before to sit there and I could tell them and then it would be funny but can

I make a whole channel out of that no that's ridiculous

but I really enjoy my drumming as you know and so I created this drumming

channel and I've got two three videos up there now which I've reviewed this

morning and I've decided to scrap it all and start again because I'm going to

well I'll put a stock of like five videos in they've got to be quite good

you know like stick perfect for my first five and then I can chat to my drummer

audience and wouldn't be fun to grow that's ten thousand now then then I

start falling right into the YouTube trap this is way I could maybe get a

hundred thousand subscriber channel now that's a big tick of the box you get a

hundred thousand subscribers they send you a little plaque yeah it's really cool

and it's about the only thing I can't buy - I've bought Porsche Porsche 911

sports cars I've I've had an amazing life their own I've got a run out of how

many businesses I've started a three of them are still going very successfully

but there's something you can't buy which is a silver play button from

YouTube I mean I could have one made but you know it's not the same so but I love

my ham radio okay don't get me wrong but the audience is extremely small for the

amount of effort I put in so we'll have this drumming Channel and if you want to

come along on that ride with me then that's fine

you publicize it here but the are not comfortable with the quality yet and

exactly I'm not comfortable with how much drumming and how much talking this

should be here we are but I can do all my headphone reviews again but this time

from a drummers perspective things like that so there we are

there I've said it so I'm gonna reduce the amount of DX

Commander output to maybe every Friday night something like that the 500 poles

cuz I've been out of stock since December haven't I

so I've got people asking to place backorders - I'm not taking any money people going oh can

I backorder no you can't i'll just announce it and you can order and the

whole DX Commander concept's great just spoke to a guy called Mike this

morning he's had it up at his back yard garden whatever for six months now he's

made a couple of improvements really nothing particular he's just come up

with some ideas and it works for him it's fundamentally exactly the same

aerials I shit it was just a way of stopping the bass moving around cuz he's

got it on a chamois leather with some sand on the base that was all so it was

Wiggly wobbling in the wind he's had it storms thick and thin so that's great

I've had some lovely eHam review so the old dears come all of these fun fact

I've got nose dog I could launch the expedition model but the grounds frozen

solid at the moment I can't even get the guy steaks in the man from Canada if you

remember he's bought DX commander classy he wants it all built you spend a lot of

money six hundred and fifty pounds it's all done I can't test it as part of my

deal is I've gotta test it but I just I mean it's three inches just snowing

outside at the moment so there we are five hundred poles arrived redo the

workshop a bit so my Fridays are more productive because it's a complete tip

at the moment Stuart's gonna have to have his circular saw back because I'm

just not gonna have the room for it the roof next door there on the farm they

took it all off if put a new roof on they need to get into my workshop

apparently next Wednesday to do something something about the mezzanine

floor next door they're gonna drop a leg it's just the way the building is they

just couldn't drop it inside and he said is that all right and I said that's fine

and I've got the two bars that stick out with my two meter pole the moment I

always felt we're never far apart so go down this morning they cut

it off and weld it shows about by feet doubt so I having a T and K bracket five

feet apart they were like three for your part before I just saw one day they're

gonna rip off finally and there we are and then unbelievably next Sunday I on

the 10th of February I am 60 years old 60 I feel like I've had about three

lives it's been amazing it's fantastic ride best best life I've had so

apparently I got some new toys coming one of them is say another HDMI to USB

capture card so when our live streams said are using this little thing here we

can use the big camera which is nice and that's it for those of you interested I

own my other two companies are an IT recruitment business which is absolutely

stormy at the moment I've got some amazing people who work for the business

Wendy and I are in every day Monday to Thursday and they're very responsive to

us and we've got to write it all up but we've promised them some ownership so

that I can spend less time there and gradually sell the company to the team

you see so that's what we're gonna do and then James and I run Berkeley James

Dok ruk which is a web business you see now that's fairly quiet that pulls off

maybe three or four quite big deals a year we used to do sort of five hundred

thousand pound websites we don't do that anymore and two and a half three

thousand for a basic web site because that's what it costs weirdly enough for

all the meetings at the time and effort it's not the technical it's the it's

what's in here that you're buying know what I can do so that story of a man he

was big shit big expensive shit they couldn't could get the engine started or

something but old Tommy up the road he used to work on this engine and they

in down and he came out he said what's the problem and he looked round the

engine and he got a hammer and he tapped it in a certain place and it all worked

and sent the bill down it was like twenty thousand dollars or something

said oh my god you're only here for ten minutes he said yeah that's 20 years of

experience of course it's not a real story it's just for fun but it's ER

it's proves the point what are you buying you know a bit of a rant today

was a great movie or Lewis rossmann he repairs Apple Macs and stuff on YouTube

and it was the other guy I saw SuperSpeed a Robbie's it he was sat down

I watched him yesterday in fact I didn't have my headphones to him aside to read

it on the subtitles talking about why people go to school why they go to

college why they get a university why they when they come out of university

five years later with 30 40 50 thousand quids worth of debt they're really angry

cuz nobody wants to give them a job because they got no experience and

they're fundamentally assholes or American and they would say assholes and

they're angry because I thought I was buying into you know if I went to school

and I started now I got my grades I would just automatically end up on the

gravy train and I just I'll put a link to the film actually it's really it's

how I feel there's a lot of kids around here that want to be employed by me

they're having a bloomin clue and I wouldn't employ them to matter how

bright they are yet the last two best guys I've had didn't have any

qualifications one dug holes basically in a building company and then worked in

a shop and the other guy is just the extremely polite be extremely motivated

individual I don't need doctors and engineers to do the job sorry I have

done for me I wanted to be respectful I wanted to be able to shake somebody's

hand properly I want to be able to attend a meeting and turn up on time

that is a good human being not a guy with a first class honours degree in

bullshit my name is Callum from DX Commander have a jolly good day thanks

for tuning and if you like my stuff don't forget to hit the subscribe button

because I'll come up with some more real normal technical things

- and if I've made a complete balls-up of this one by all means give me a

thumbs down otherwise give me a thumbs up either way doesn't matter because

thumbs up or the thumbs down all goes to the algorithm in the Big Brother in the sky

a very good day!

[music sting]

For more infomation >> YouTube Creator Trap. Hooked, addicted and burned out YouTube Creators? - Duration: 18:09.





How to make TURMERIC powder at home (With English Subtitle) - Duration: 7:50.

these are turmerics plants

these plants are cultivated in the month of May and collected in the month of December

now you are seeing raw turmeric after being dried under direct sunlight for 10 days

now I am going to boil this turmeric in the water for ten minutes

after boiling the turmerics for ten minutes we have to cut it into very small pieces like this and then we have to dry it under the sunlight properly for 10-15 days

after being dried up, we have to make a paste using the mixer grinder

after pasting these turmerics, we have to filter these turmeric dust very well.

after that, you can use it as face pack and also in case of cooking

to keep these dust for long time we have to dry it very well in sunlight and then we need to keep it in an airtight jar

if required , you can dry it in sunlight at an interval of 20-25 days and then put it again in the jar to keep it for long time

if you want this pure turmeric dust and not able to cultivate turmeric at home then you can do this dust the same way, by buying the raw turmeric from the market

For more infomation >> How to make TURMERIC powder at home (With English Subtitle) - Duration: 7:50.


รีวิวหนัง HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3 I ปิดตำนาน อภินิหารไวกิ้งพิชิตมังกร 3 - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> รีวิวหนัง HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3 I ปิดตำนาน อภินิหารไวกิ้งพิชิตมังกร 3 - Duration: 5:34.


Vlog | 6 miesięcy i już stoi - Duration: 3:37.

Hey, welcome to our next vlog.

Today is Friday, so soon Alexander

goes to preschool.

but first we will have breakfast.

Now we are ready for our journey.

to preschool.

We're going! We're going!

We're going!

We're slowly going to the bus stop.

Amelia is already asleep.

Alexander is walking,

and Abel is here.

We are waiting for the bus

We are waiting! We are waiting!

It's a bus.

Where are we going?

To London?

No, home.

We're going home.

Now Aleksander is in preschool

and we're relaxing.

We're going to collect Alexander.

Say, oy-oy..

Where are we going?

On a special train?

No, we're going to Alexander.



Yes Yes!

We have Alexander.

We are going home.

Say something?


What are you doing?

It is not good to stand on the chairs.

[AMELIA SINGS] la, la, la.

[AMELIA SINGS] la, la, la.

Can you see me?

Amelia, I was in the shop today,

and I bought something special and symbolic

for you.

You have your first tooth,

so I bought

you your first toothbrush.

For you!

For you!

Amelia likes it.


You can put it in your mouth Amelia.

Every day.

She knows how to do it.

Say goodnight.

Good night.

Good night.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Vlog | 6 miesięcy i już stoi - Duration: 3:37.


過年與創作者同樂︳少不了的圍爐遊戲啦!考驗腦袋看誰反應最快👅︳這次玩初階版就各種鬧事 - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 過年與創作者同樂︳少不了的圍爐遊戲啦!考驗腦袋看誰反應最快👅︳這次玩初階版就各種鬧事 - Duration: 10:21.


[ENG] 치즈 듬뿍 치즈토스트와 꾸덕한 까르보나라 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:01.

Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !

Today What I'm going eat is ~

I've been obsessed with cheese lately

so, I got this ready


Double cheese toast and

jalapeno toast

and carbonara

Alright, Let's start qucikly

It looks start getting dry,

I can not wait any longer

That will make sound...

(I have to change the spoon)

I changed the spoon for prevent it from sound happening

Aeyyong's crying a lot today

sorry, you can't eat it

roll it up ~~

[Yum yum]

I'll try double classic toast first

That actually is really sweet

[Whoaa, so cheesy ]

[super crunchy]

this one tastes sweet

There's likes mozzallra in there and

a square bit of yellow cheese.

(She find out something)

You can cut the packaging by hand for eat them easily


it can leave the toast standing, it's cool

there's corn in here

I think there's like, not much content in here, but it's good

This is plum ade.

it tastes different

it's really different from other breads

the price is little bit high

I'll let you know after eat it all

It's slightly greasy now..

I put a extra jalapeño in it it was a good choice

(Price is..)

Price is

Double classic toast is 5,400 won

Jalapeno toast is 5,600 won

plum ade is 3,800 won

Carbonara is 12,900 won

It's quite expensive though, pretty big spender

Aeyyong's ~

I'm filming now ~ I have to earn money for buy your food

(Please stop crying ~)

it's really dry and soggy

I thought it a lot what pasta is better between rose pasta and cream carbonara

I chose it well, it's good

(Wipe your mouth)

I'm gonna try jalapeño toast

I've seen other brand toast lately, maybe

I saw on the face book but I can't remember that what it is..


it smells like the Issac toast

there is some sweet sauce on it.

it's pretty spicy

as soon as I ate it,

I mean, I can taste a cheese flavor and Jalapeño and slice ham flavor

This one's better than Double classic toasted bread

[it's so crispy !! ]

(Whoaa.. Look at this)

This one has a lots of jalapeño inside.

Even I've reheated it, but the cheese still hardened

It's like sweet and spicy

[put this down]

there's corn in the bread

(Why did you put your head down..)

(plum ade would be good after you have greasy food)

it's taste too rich

I have to… rip it off to eat them easily

it would be good for kids

usually sauce always leaked when I eat toast

I think there's no worry about that

Last one bite


It's rich, there's a lot of butter

it looks like, went for a little Sun Tan with butter cream lol

[Yum yum]

Areyyong's waiting for me, so cute

(it's taste too strong )

Plum ade is so strong

I enjoyed it !

you waiting me ~? Okay, l'll play with you babeee

Do you wanna hug ?

okay ~ come on *^^*

Thank you for watching my video ~

For more infomation >> [ENG] 치즈 듬뿍 치즈토스트와 꾸덕한 까르보나라 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:01.


I Risultati Della Settimana - Assessorato all'Innovazione Città di Torino - #4 Gennaio 2019 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> I Risultati Della Settimana - Assessorato all'Innovazione Città di Torino - #4 Gennaio 2019 - Duration: 2:00.


Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?


Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am Here I am. How do you do?

That was so much fun, wasn't it Baby Boo? Now if you're a Jiggler a true wriggly

jiggler then make sure to hit that subscribe button, just there. Oh I

remember that do you? Baby Boo that was so much fun. Oh baby boo that's your

favourite, Jigglers you should watch that. Oh there's another fun one up there too.

Gosh so much choice. Shall we go and tell beans all about these fun videos?

Bye Jigglers. BEANS!

For more infomation >> Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.


兩次搶走閨蜜老公,同居26年不肯過門,如今又和女婿牽手逛街! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 兩次搶走閨蜜老公,同居26年不肯過門,如今又和女婿牽手逛街! - Duration: 4:36.


World News - Chris Pratt stunned after fiancée Katherine Schwarzenegger confession - Duration: 3:06.

He announced his engagement to girlfriend Katherine Schwarzenegger two weeks ago.But it seemed that Chris Pratt's fiancée Katherine Schwarzenegger held a candle for him years before they met, as he was stunned to hear she had a crush on him in a resurfaced clip

 The Guardian's Of The Galaxy star, 39, admitted he was 'touched' that Katherine, 29, ranked him top of Hollywood's 'most famous Chris'' after she was shown the clip in a press junket with Access Hollywood

In the 2017 interview, Katherine is asked by the interviewer which of Hollywood's biggest Chris' - Evans, Hemsworth or Pratt

Share this article Share 41 shares The author and son of Terminator actor Arnold Schwarzenegger then replied: 'Chris Evnas, actually Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt's been looking good lately.'Chris was shown the clip along with his Lego Movie 2 co-star Elizabeth who immediately laughed saying: 'Wow! Did you know about this?'The Jurassic World star then added: 'When she said Chris Evans my heart sank and then she rescued it,' before saying to the interviewer 'you guys just made that!'As the interviewer confirmed Katherine made the response two years earlier, Chris said: 'She's on a book tour talking about Maverick and Me, I literally never seen that before, so thank you I'm really moved

'Chris and Katherine announced their engagement two weeks ago, about seven-months after they were first spotted together on a date

'Sweet Katherine, so happy you said yes! I'm thrilled to be marrying you. Proud to live boldly in faith with you,' the actor shared on Instagram about their pending nuptials

Chris shares his six-year old son Jack with ex-wife, actress Anna Faris, 42; they split in August 2017 after eight years of marriage

But the couple have remained on good terms, with Anna even congratulating Chris on his news

Commenting on their engagement post she wrote: 'I'm so happy for you both!! Congratulations!'

For more infomation >> World News - Chris Pratt stunned after fiancée Katherine Schwarzenegger confession - Duration: 3:06.


【MUKBANG】 Cheesy!! Making Hotdog Style Ehomaki Sushi Rolls!! 3 Rolls [6000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 11:52.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


we eat tomorrow ehomaki sushi roll isn't that ?

i tried to make ehomaki in really various ways until now

but what do you think i'll try this time !

for the Lucky Direction of 2019...


the lucky direction of 2019 is to eat and to face the right way

and today i'll try to combine between hotdog and ehomaki

so let's see that now

the ingredients...

rice, seaweeds

cheese sticks

cheese powder


black pepper


bread, french mustard

ketchup and parsley

and oil


cheese powder

and we mix well

we add to this soy sauce flavor

and to this ketchup

black pepper

we put a bag

we put the rice

spread the rice to put cheese sticks

and because it's so long, i'll use 2 sticks

and we roll it

ah, that's a lot of rice

we will tie the sides so that the cheese does not spread

and we roll it with seaweed

jaaan !

we deep it in the eggs and the bread

let's start with egg

and bread

and we fry it

let's fry the sushi rolls now

hay !

cheese !!!

ooh! it looks tasty

looks really tasty

is it ready now !

this is so good

jaan! we did it

hotdog ehomaki sushi rolls

i'm really happy about the result

Lucky Direction of this year is eating while facing right way

you don't speak while you eat

and you eat with energy

because it's a video, i'm not going to do that, but you should do that


today's soup is spicy minced meat bok-choy soup

hay, this is how it looks like


ah, cheese is not stretchy

rice with consomme is so tasty

consomme goes so well with rice after all

mmm! mmmm!

yummy !!

cheese is really strechy

tasty !!

this strechy cheese is so good

and the oily bread is with really strong and rich taste

frying seaweed is so good

i like it




and the fried rice is so tasty as well


bok-choy soup goes so well with rice


we finished the first one

it's really amazing how you can eat a ehomaki in hotdog style

because we have 3 rolls let's do the Lucky Direction with the seconde one

when you eat ehomaki tomorrow you can do that while watching this video

we ate all one without speaking

doing that is almost impossible for me

but it's good to eat without talking

the first one was with consomme flavor

and the seconde one was with soy sauce, and it was better

and the 3rd one! i'll use with it ketchup and mustard

now it looks like a hotdog

let's add parsley too

hay! it looks so luxurious now

the last one, itadakimasu

mmm! ketchup and mustard goes so well with it



the cheese is out

the aroma of parsley is so good

the last bite, itadakimasu


we did it


eating hotdog ehomaki sushi rolls was so tasty

and so much fun

and the stretchy cheese makes you so excited

cheese with ehomaki, isn't that amazing ?

this makes you so happy

and you too, you want to eat ehomaki tomorrow ?

let's eat sushi rolls for a lucky year

and because it was so tasty why you don't try this as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for every one a happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Cheesy!! Making Hotdog Style Ehomaki Sushi Rolls!! 3 Rolls [6000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 11:52.


HOW TO MAKE SOFIA THE FIRST DRESS CAKE with Squeeze Bottle | EASY DIY FOR KIDS - Duration: 10:29.

Welcome to our channel.

Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!

You are watching the video "HOW TO MAKE SOFIA THE FIRST DRESS CAKE with Squeeze Bottle | EASY DIY FOR KIDS"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE SOFIA THE FIRST DRESS CAKE with Squeeze Bottle | EASY DIY FOR KIDS - Duration: 10:29.



For those who do not believe what I'm going say here boil the coke here are the

results, simply staggering, for do not say deadly,

In my previous videos we enormously talk about soft drinks, the ocurence

Coke, damage that could do in the body, consequences that had

on your, because of the chemicals and contained in it, such as excess

sugar or aspartame, dyes,, sodium , and a lot of gas, because it made it easier

obesity and other disasters for the body, in this video I will explain

why instead of having a belly at the Kim Kardashian your belly looks like that

a woman's term, but before returning in the heart of the subject, remember to subscribe

, read and comment, think also about the bell notification and social networks

So as I said, if you are a follower coca,, soft drinks, sweet

or without sugar, they are horribly harmful, causes water retention in the body

, makes addict and weakens the digestive system , intestinal and your health in general, but

good as e back always, everything is question of will, you can decide everything

stop, if you're tired of this big belly , farts that go with, always have to

wear too loose clothing So try this for 10 days in a row

this mixture will not only cleanse the body excess sugar will clean your veins

in prevention of clogged arteries it goes help fight pets, constipations

bloating, nausea, intestinal pain short it will refine you in one click and especially

this is a powerful natural hunger cutter , in parallel as I always say add

a little sport, walking dance ... it will only do you good

For that Take two grapefruit, very thick skin

take the bio, wash and remove the skin with all the white part

Take 4 yellow or green lemons Take 50 grams of ginger

Lemon in sachets or fresh if you have

Cut out and crush , in the morning drink a glass to young, let

spend at least an hour before eating , for that to work, it will clean you

the belly, you will melt, lose all the fat

Absolutely to try, do this at least for 10, and you can push up

3 months let it boil for 15 minutes, reheat

each take So here, if it's a bit bitter, add

a little honey even if I do not advise, for those who want to lose weight more

quickly, take a hot drink three times a day, it is phenomenal it is also laxative

, , I assure you it's amazing

Thank you for watching this until at the end, share so that it reaches a maximum

people XOXO



Behind the scenes of the Super Bowl security joint operations center - Duration: 3:26.

It's a relatively quiet afternoon at the Super Bowl joint operations center located inside Atlanta's police headquarters

But, quiet is good. "No credible threats," said deputy chief Scott Kreher of Atlanta's police department

"We have a very extensive intelligence group that's manned by our federal, state and local partners also, and they're constantly giving us updates on what we need to know

" Kreher said around 70 different organizations — both private and public — are assisting in the security of the big game, including around 3,000-4,000 law enforcement professionals

Staff from various agencies sit side-by-side in long rows of office tables at the command center, surrounded by large screens around the room broadcasting information about the city

"We have several thousand people coming in [to Atlanta] every day to enjoy not just the NFL events, but you know, the city is open also," he said

"So we want to make sure everyone is safe when they come down and that takes a lot of communication and a lot of planning

" Kreher said his agency started really digging into its current public safety plan about a year ago

Now, the center is open 24/7 with staff working in 12-hour shifts, with only one day off over a 10-day period

In a connecting room to the command center, there are burners keeping communal meals warm

But despite the tough hours, Kreher said he's looking forward to the main event

"It's an exciting time for our city," he said. "I really want everyone to come and enjoy and have a good time


For more infomation >> Behind the scenes of the Super Bowl security joint operations center - Duration: 3:26.


Luis Suarez has spotted a problem that's contributing to Coutinho's poor form at Barca - Duration: 3:15.

 Philippe Coutinho has been a Barcelona player for just over a year now after swapping Liverpool for Catalonia in 2018's winter transfer window

   When he arrived at the Nou Camp, the Brazilian was touted to replace Andres Iniesta

So, no pressure there then.   Unfortunately, Coutinho's move hasn't quite gone to plan

   The most expensive signing in Barca's history has struggled to adapt to life in La Liga and has contributed to just six goals in 19 appearances

   In fact, he hasn't scored in the league since the 28th of October, during his side's 5-1 El Clasico victory against Real Madrid

   Plenty has been made about Coutinho's struggles so far and there was even talk of the forward leaving in last months transfer window, just one year after arriving

  PROVING THE DOUBTERS WRONG   That, of course, didn't happen. Instead, he'll fight for his spot at Barca and will try to recapture the form that saw him leave Anfield for €135 million

   Interestingly, teammate Luis Suarez may be able to help him get back to his best

That's because the Uruguay striker has spotted an issue that's contributing to Coutinho's struggles

   According to Suarez, the 26-year-old is showing promising signs in training, but they aren't coming across during actual games

 Apparently, that's because he's far more relaxed on the training pitch and enjoys his football behind closed doors, but when it comes to turning out on matchday, Coutinho is 'angry or sad'

   HE NEEDS TO RELAX   "Because of the relationship I have with Philippe, I tried to help and support him at all times and I always saw him with the best possible predisposition, with joy in training," Suarez told Mundo Deportivo, per the Mirror

    "Then, at the time of playing, some concentrate more than others, it can happen by being angry or sad

"  As well as suggesting Coutinho needs to relax and enjoy his football, Suarez also believes that his teammate shouldn't be worried about the transfer fee he arrived for last year

   "He should not train or go out on the field thinking that he is the most expensive player in Barcelona's history, but keep improving day by day with the players he has around

"  Only time will tell if the Brazilian will be able to settle in properly at the Nou Camp, but after scoring two goals in the Copa del Rey earlier this week, Coutinho's confidence might just be returning at the right time


For more infomation >> Luis Suarez has spotted a problem that's contributing to Coutinho's poor form at Barca - Duration: 3:15.


Antonio Rudiger makes frank admission after Bournemouth defeat - Duration: 3:23.

 It was a night to forget for the Blues on Wednesday as they were thrashed 4-0 away at Bounemouth

  The Blues lost in the Premier League by a four-goal margin for only the second time - and the first time since 1996 - as they suffered a humbling defeat at the Vitality Stadium

 And Chelsea defender Antonio Rudiger has spoken candidly about the nature of the defeat on the south coast

 "Everyone needs to be ashamed of what happened in the last game," the German defender said, as quoted by Sky Sports

 "Everyone needs to think very deeply about that, because you can win, lose or draw, but it's the manner which is important

 "In the second half, I can't really describe it. We went out and they scored after two minutes, then things went very badly

Nothing came from us. N'Golo [Kante] had a half chance, but that was it.    "If you look at the view of football, we made it too easy for Bournemouth by losing the ball up front, everyone knows Bournemouth are going on the counter, and they were waiting for this

 "We have played better this season and that's what hurts, we didn't really try to change this result, that is what is bad

"  The result meant that Chelsea dropped out of the top four, with Arsenal moving ahead of the Blues on goal difference as a result

   And Rudiger has demanded a response from Chelsea as they prepare to face bottom side Huddersfield Town at Stamford Bridge this afternoon (Saturday)

 "We call ourselves a top team, but this cannot happen to us," he said.  "We have to be mentally strong for the rest of the season

It's clear now, we are Chelsea, there has been a lot of criticism from outside, but here we must be cool in our mind and be honest with ourselves

 "Tactics is not my business because I am not the coach, I am a player, but everyone needs to commit again

 "If we speak about last season, we were solid in defence. Granted, it was a different system, but we need to go back to basics because it's not normal for a Bournemouth player to take on four defenders and go through

   "We have to find continuity because right now there are too many ups and downs

We have to try and win against Huddersfield and show a big reaction after the Bournemouth defeat

"   Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Antonio Rudiger makes frank admission after Bournemouth defeat - Duration: 3:23.


チェリー スピッツ フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> チェリー スピッツ フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:55.


【MUKBANG】 Cheesy!! Making Hotdog Style Ehomaki Sushi Rolls!! 3 Rolls [6000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 11:52.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


we eat tomorrow ehomaki sushi roll isn't that ?

i tried to make ehomaki in really various ways until now

but what do you think i'll try this time !

for the Lucky Direction of 2019...


the lucky direction of 2019 is to eat and to face the right way

and today i'll try to combine between hotdog and ehomaki

so let's see that now

the ingredients...

rice, seaweeds

cheese sticks

cheese powder


black pepper


bread, french mustard

ketchup and parsley

and oil


cheese powder

and we mix well

we add to this soy sauce flavor

and to this ketchup

black pepper

we put a bag

we put the rice

spread the rice to put cheese sticks

and because it's so long, i'll use 2 sticks

and we roll it

ah, that's a lot of rice

we will tie the sides so that the cheese does not spread

and we roll it with seaweed

jaaan !

we deep it in the eggs and the bread

let's start with egg

and bread

and we fry it

let's fry the sushi rolls now

hay !

cheese !!!

ooh! it looks tasty

looks really tasty

is it ready now !

this is so good

jaan! we did it

hotdog ehomaki sushi rolls

i'm really happy about the result

Lucky Direction of this year is eating while facing right way

you don't speak while you eat

and you eat with energy

because it's a video, i'm not going to do that, but you should do that


today's soup is spicy minced meat bok-choy soup

hay, this is how it looks like


ah, cheese is not stretchy

rice with consomme is so tasty

consomme goes so well with rice after all

mmm! mmmm!

yummy !!

cheese is really strechy

tasty !!

this strechy cheese is so good

and the oily bread is with really strong and rich taste

frying seaweed is so good

i like it




and the fried rice is so tasty as well


bok-choy soup goes so well with rice


we finished the first one

it's really amazing how you can eat a ehomaki in hotdog style

because we have 3 rolls let's do the Lucky Direction with the seconde one

when you eat ehomaki tomorrow you can do that while watching this video

we ate all one without speaking

doing that is almost impossible for me

but it's good to eat without talking

the first one was with consomme flavor

and the seconde one was with soy sauce, and it was better

and the 3rd one! i'll use with it ketchup and mustard

now it looks like a hotdog

let's add parsley too

hay! it looks so luxurious now

the last one, itadakimasu

mmm! ketchup and mustard goes so well with it



the cheese is out

the aroma of parsley is so good

the last bite, itadakimasu


we did it


eating hotdog ehomaki sushi rolls was so tasty

and so much fun

and the stretchy cheese makes you so excited

cheese with ehomaki, isn't that amazing ?

this makes you so happy

and you too, you want to eat ehomaki tomorrow ?

let's eat sushi rolls for a lucky year

and because it was so tasty why you don't try this as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for every one a happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Cheesy!! Making Hotdog Style Ehomaki Sushi Rolls!! 3 Rolls [6000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 11:52.



For more infomation >> 20 PREMIER LUTEGO | ZAPOWIEDZI WYDAWNICZE - Duration: 9:35.


Gwenole Fauve : « Les Bretons ne connaissent pas leur histoire ». - Duration: 58:01.

For more infomation >> Gwenole Fauve : « Les Bretons ne connaissent pas leur histoire ». - Duration: 58:01.


Ubuntu Core 18 (su Raspberry Pi 3) ⋆ IoT sicuro? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> Ubuntu Core 18 (su Raspberry Pi 3) ⋆ IoT sicuro? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 12:37.


GPOSSHETV #14: Estética e ontologia - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> GPOSSHETV #14: Estética e ontologia - Duration: 19:00.


Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?


Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am Here I am. How do you do?

That was so much fun, wasn't it Baby Boo? Now if you're a Jiggler a true wriggly

jiggler then make sure to hit that subscribe button, just there. Oh I

remember that do you? Baby Boo that was so much fun. Oh baby boo that's your

favourite, Jigglers you should watch that. Oh there's another fun one up there too.

Gosh so much choice. Shall we go and tell beans all about these fun videos?

Bye Jigglers. BEANS!

For more infomation >> Daddy Finger (where are you) Song - Sing Along The Family Finger Song - ESL Kids - Duration: 2:34.


La Biblia Hablada en Audio Romanos 1, 1-32 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> La Biblia Hablada en Audio Romanos 1, 1-32 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 11:07.


PSG vs Strasbourg : l'ambiance du match [23/01/19] - Duration: 31:05.

PSG vs Strasbourg / French Cup 2019 / Round of 32

French Cup Music...

better than French League Cup

but Champions League Hymn is the best

lots of Strasbourg fans for a wednesday match in winter

Block Parisii, fan group at Boulogne turn

the main group of ultras at Auteuil turn

Banner in tribute to Catucia. She founded a group PSG fan in Gabon. RIP

Tribute to Sala, an Argentine player who had just left Nantes club and died in a plane crash

Strasbourg ultras whistled because they sang after the tribute and before Paris fans

kick off

Cavani scored (1-0)

Strasbourg ultras are quiet suddenly

0°C (32°F) outside / 100°C (212°F) inside

Some ultras baned because of the last match against Nantes (click above for the match)

baned until end of January ?

Neymar show at the same time

same rythm as Paris ultras ?

where is the referee ?

spray substitution...

Neymar free kick

The best stop of the match

song "o ville lumiere" (city of light)

it had been a long time since we had heard it on this channel

half time

opportunity of Choupo-Moting

at the same time, Neymar is doing a lambretta on a free kick, then dribbling and shoots the ball

but he was injured just before the free kick

he's crying because it could be the same injury as last year

Jump... Jump...Jump !

Di Maria scored (2-0)

Di Maria substituted

Jese come-back

It's the end of the match... Will he really play ?

He will play !

End of the match. Paris in the round of 16 !

Jesé did not touch the ball !

Tuchel did not take any risk

Notes given by followers

To vote, read community news of the channel

For more infomation >> PSG vs Strasbourg : l'ambiance du match [23/01/19] - Duration: 31:05.


Walentynki 2019 data. W który dzień wypada święto zakochanych? | Nowości24h - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Walentynki 2019 data. W który dzień wypada święto zakochanych? | Nowości24h - Duration: 6:29.


"Prefere dormir com outro, não deita comigo", diz Maycon sobre Isabella - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> "Prefere dormir com outro, não deita comigo", diz Maycon sobre Isabella - Duration: 7:20.


Carolina consola Isabella e dispara sobre Maycon: "Atitude de moleque" - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Carolina consola Isabella e dispara sobre Maycon: "Atitude de moleque" - Duration: 8:28.



For those who do not believe what I'm going say here boil the coke here are the

results, simply staggering, for do not say deadly,

In my previous videos we enormously talk about soft drinks, the ocurence

Coke, damage that could do in the body, consequences that had

on your, because of the chemicals and contained in it, such as excess

sugar or aspartame, dyes,, sodium , and a lot of gas, because it made it easier

obesity and other disasters for the body, in this video I will explain

why instead of having a belly at the Kim Kardashian your belly looks like that

a woman's term, but before returning in the heart of the subject, remember to subscribe

, read and comment, think also about the bell notification and social networks

So as I said, if you are a follower coca,, soft drinks, sweet

or without sugar, they are horribly harmful, causes water retention in the body

, makes addict and weakens the digestive system , intestinal and your health in general, but

good as e back always, everything is question of will, you can decide everything

stop, if you're tired of this big belly , farts that go with, always have to

wear too loose clothing So try this for 10 days in a row

this mixture will not only cleanse the body excess sugar will clean your veins

in prevention of clogged arteries it goes help fight pets, constipations

bloating, nausea, intestinal pain short it will refine you in one click and especially

this is a powerful natural hunger cutter , in parallel as I always say add

a little sport, walking dance ... it will only do you good

For that Take two grapefruit, very thick skin

take the bio, wash and remove the skin with all the white part

Take 4 yellow or green lemons Take 50 grams of ginger

Lemon in sachets or fresh if you have

Cut out and crush , in the morning drink a glass to young, let

spend at least an hour before eating , for that to work, it will clean you

the belly, you will melt, lose all the fat

Absolutely to try, do this at least for 10, and you can push up

3 months let it boil for 15 minutes, reheat

each take So here, if it's a bit bitter, add

a little honey even if I do not advise, for those who want to lose weight more

quickly, take a hot drink three times a day, it is phenomenal it is also laxative

, , I assure you it's amazing

Thank you for watching this until at the end, share so that it reaches a maximum

people XOXO



MONDO SENZA API: il pesto alla genovese - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> MONDO SENZA API: il pesto alla genovese - Duration: 4:39.


Normaleando un rato (DIRECTO) - Duration: 2:55:07.

For more infomation >> Normaleando un rato (DIRECTO) - Duration: 2:55:07.


Diego acredita que Maycon pode mudar de grupo: "Não duvido nada dele" - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Diego acredita que Maycon pode mudar de grupo: "Não duvido nada dele" - Duration: 10:52.


Isabella detona Rízia: "Leva e traz, é uma das minhas opções de voto" - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Isabella detona Rízia: "Leva e traz, é uma das minhas opções de voto" - Duration: 10:55.


Danrley, Elana e Rodrigo temem indicação ao paredão - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Danrley, Elana e Rodrigo temem indicação ao paredão - Duration: 8:21.


Alerta en la capital por acosadores sexuales - Duration: 2:31.

Chihuahua— En menos de 24 horas dos videos fueron difundidos por estudiantes que alertan de la presencia de exhibicionistas y hostigadores sexuales rondando calles, negocios y planteles de secundaria en esta ciudad

En el primer mes de este 2019, 8 hombres fueron remitidos a la Dirección de Seguridad Pública Municipal, mientras que el año pasado se detuvo a 48 por esas conductas que constituyen solamente una falta administrativa que se paga con máximo 36 horas de cárcel

En la secundaria Genaro Vázquez, dos alumnas hicieron público el caso para luego interponer su denuncia ante la Fiscalía por el acoso

Asimismo, estudiantes de un instituto de belleza de la colonia San Felipe divulgaron en Facebook el video de un exhibicionista que se masturba frente al lugar

Aunque decenas de usuarias de redes sociales refieren haber sido víctimas de situaciones similares, el Observatorio Ciudadano en su documento de Incidencia Delictiva registra 65 casos, debido a que, a consideración de la directora del Instituto Chihuahuense de la Mujer, Emma Saldaña, la sociedad normaliza estas acciones

Los casos de las afectadas se difunden en redes sociales debido a que el acoso y exhibicionismo se minimizan, pese al riesgo de que pueden derivar en delitos como abuso o violación sexual, dijo una de las afectadas que grabó a una de estas personas en video

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