Friday, February 1, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 2 2019

With its decision to pull out of a major arms control treaty with Russia, the White House argues it is enhancing security for the United States and its European allies, but critics warned it could spark a dangerous new arms race with Moscow and a return to the nuclear tensions of the Cold War

 President Trump said Friday that his administration has started the process to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a cornerstone of superpower arms control for a generation, unless Russia destroys a new class of medium-range missiles that U

S. officials allege are noncompliant. Advertisement >  Washington says Moscow is violating the INF treaty by producing and deploying a ground-fired cruise missile that could reach Europe with little or no warning

Moscow says the system meets the limits of the landmark 1987 pact and counters that the U

S. decision to establish military bases in Eastern Europe that can launch Tomahawk missiles is a violation

 U.S. relations with Moscow have been strained since Russia's seizure in 2014 of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, an American ally

Presidents Obama and Trump have slapped multiple sanctions on Moscow for its role in Ukraine, the Kremlin-backed meddling in the 2016 U

S. election and other disputes.  But the collapse of a major arms control treaty, signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the final years of the Cold War, would signal a more serious and potentially dangerous breach between the nuclear-armed rivals

 In theory, letting the treaty terminate will allow Moscow to step up production of conventional and nuclear-tipped missiles that could threaten U

S. allies in Europe and elsewhere. For his part, Trump has complained the pact blocked the United States from developing or deploying new weapons

 Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo acknowledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to change course and destroy the allegedly non-compliant missiles

A six-month countdown before either side can withdraw, required by the treaty, starts Saturday

 "When an agreement is so brazenly disregarded and our security is so openly threatened, we must respond," Pompeo said at the State Department

 Trump's decision had been expected and is consistent with his "America First" policies, which already saw Trump pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord

Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, is contemptuous of arms control agreements, which he believes tie U

S. hands.  Washington first accused Russia of violating the INF agreement in 2014, and has repeated the charge every year since

Trump warned in October that he would pull out if Russia didn't comply.  Russia maintains it developed its cruise missile in response to the Pentagon's growing capability to shoot down ballistic missiles

Washington says that effort is aimed at Iran and North Korea, but Moscow contends that the U

S. anti-missile program puts Russia at risk.  A U.S. missile defense site is operational in Romania while another is under construction in Poland

 Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan recently acknowledged that the expanding U

S. defenses were a major factor driving Russia and China to build faster and more survivable missiles

 "Frustrated by our mid-course defenses, they are aggressively pursuing new technologies to circumvent today's systems," Shanahan said in a Jan

17 speech on the administration's plans to expand missile defense.  Trump administration officials have expressed concern that China, which isn't a signatory to the treaty, is deploying short- and medium-range missiles in Asia that the U

S. can't directly counter because it is bound by the INF accord.  Pompeo and senior administration officials rejected critics' claims that the White House is spurring a new arms race with Russia

Advertisement >  "If there is an arms race, it is Russia that started it," said a White House official who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity in keeping with administration rules

 The official did not answer questions about whether the United States will seek to develop and deploy new weapons overseas when the treaty terminates

"We are some time away to know what we want to deploy and where we want to deploy," the official said

 The administration last year announced plans to develop a low-yield warhead for the Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile and a nuclear-armed, sea-launched cruise missile, calling those options "important for the preservation of credible deterrence against regional aggression

"  The Pentagon also could deploy a new ground-launched cruise missile or larger intermediate-range missiles

Some NATO allies are uneasy about keeping U.S. missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads on their territory, although Poland may be willing to host U

S. missiles.  Andrea Thompson, undersecretary of State for arms control and international security, said the Trump administration has not held discussions with European allies about what will happen if the treaty terminates

 The INF treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventional missiles, as well as their launchers, with ranges of 310 to 620 miles, considered short-range, and 620 to 3,420 miles, or intermediate-range

It did not cover sea-launched missiles.  Arms control experts say the accord led to the destruction of 2,692 U

S. and Soviet missiles by 1991. The Arms Control Assn., a nonpartisan group in Washington, credits the treaty with helping end the Cold War

 "The only ones applauding the decision to tear up the INF treaty are the nuclear weapons manufacturers, eagerly anticipating the kickoff of Cold War II," said Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which was awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

 Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a Washington-based group that advocates for arms control, said walking away from even a flawed or violated treaty was senseless

 "When someone breaks the law, you don't repeal the law," he said. "Donald Trump walking out of Ronald Reagan's treaty is a gift to Vladimir Putin

It doesn't fix the problem. It makes it worse."  Russian officials reacted angrily to Trump's announcement Friday

 "The United States today took another step towards its destruction," said Konstantin Kosachev, a Russian lawmaker and head of the upper house of parliament's foreign affairs committee

 Russian Sen. Oleg Morozov warned of consequences for Europe if the treaty is canceled

 "It is important that the Europeans realize that now they will become a target for Russian missiles," Morozov said

Advertisement >  Thompson, the State Department official, said treaty talks last month in Geneva with Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, were "professional" but unproductive

The talks focused on the cruise missile system that U.S. officials call the SSC-8 and Russians call Novator 9M729

 "We didn't break any new ground. There was no new information," Thompson told reporters at the Pentagon last week

"The Russians acknowledged having the [SSC-8] system but continued to say… it didn't violate the INF treaty despite showing them, repeated times, the intelligence and information" gathered by the U

S. and its allies.  Russian officials displayed the missile at a press event in Moscow last month, saying it could only travel 298 miles, just under the treaty limits

 Thompson rejected those claims, saying the U.S. was confident in its assessment that the missile could travel well beyond the allowable limit

 "Arms control works when you can fully verify the compliance with it," Thompson said

"The transparency measures they brought to the table wouldn't have done so."  Special correspondent Sabra Ayres in Moscow contributed to this report

For more infomation >> U.S. announces withdrawal from INF nuclear arms treaty with Russia - Duration: 14:50.


立川志らく、キートンに「腐ってしまったら負け」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:02.

 落語家立川志らく 55)が、ピン芸人 本一決定戦「R-1 らんぷり2019」 大会運営や審査員を 判したお笑い芸人キ トン(45)に「腐 てしまったら負け」 メッセージを送った

 志らくは1月31 に更新したツイッタ で、キートンが同コ テストで敗退したこ について「意図的に とされたと思ってい 」と主張した騒動に 及し、「悔しいだろ が売れて見返すしか い」と諭していた

 キートンは2日更 のツイッターで、志 くに向け「私の不満 一方的に書いたよう ツイートに、コメン をいただきありがと ございました」と感 。志らくはこれに対 て、「世の中不条理 らけ

矛盾に耐えることは 分を強くすることと 教わりました。そし どんなに嘆いても現 が正解となってしま のが世の中。そこで ってしまったら負け でも上の者に食らい いていくのも芸人の 見

余計なお世話とは思 ながら黙っていられ 私見を述べさせて頂 ました」と返信した

For more infomation >> 立川志らく、キートンに「腐ってしまったら負け」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:02.


Are E-Scooters A Good Idea? - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Are E-Scooters A Good Idea? - Duration: 2:38.


Novena a Nossa Senhora de Lourdes com Pedro Pinheiro - #1 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Novena a Nossa Senhora de Lourdes com Pedro Pinheiro - #1 - Duration: 4:49.


Júlia Ribeiro - Cais (Vídeo Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Júlia Ribeiro - Cais (Vídeo Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:24.


2月新春,最有貴人運的4個屬相,窮人也能變富翁 - 知識命理 - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 2月新春,最有貴人運的4個屬相,窮人也能變富翁 - 知識命理 - Duration: 8:15.


Jesus Ressuscitou dos Mortos? Parte 1/2: Os Fatos - Duration: 6:43.

Por que Jesus de Nazaré foi crucificado?

Porque Ele fez declarações ultrajantes sobre si mesmo.

Ele declarou ser o único Filho de Deus.

Por que alguém levaria a sério as declarações dele?

Bem... depende.

Se Jesus ressuscitou mesmo dos mortos,

então Sua declaração de ser o único Filho de Deus

tem um peso considerável.

Por outro lado, se a ressurreição na verdade nunca aconteceu,

Jesus pode ser dispensado como outra figura histórica interessante mas trágica.


Ao explorarmos essa pergunta, precisamos lidar com duas outras questões:

Quais são os fatos que precisam ser explicados?

E que explicação melhor se encaixa com esses fatos?

Há três fatos principais que precisam ser explicados:

A descoberta da tumba vazia de Jesus.

As aparições de Jesus vivo após Sua morte.

E a crença dos discípulos de que Jesus ressuscitou dos mortos.

Vamos examinar cada uma delas.

Fato número um.

A descoberta de que tumba de Jesus estava vazia

é relatada em, pelo menos, seis fontes independentes.

E algumas dessas estão entre os materiais mais antigos do Novo Testamento.

Isso é importante porque, quando um evento é relatado

por uma ou mais fontes não conectadas entre si,

os historiadores tem mais confiança de que o evento aconteceu mesmo.

Quanto mais antigas forem essas fontes, maior é a confiança dos historiadores.

Além disso, os Evangelhos relatam que foram mulheres que descobriram

que o corpo de Jesus havia desaparecido.

Isso provavelmente é um fato histórico porque, naquela cultura,

o testemunho de uma mulher era considerado praticamente inútil.

Se isso fosse uma lenda ou invenção, a descoberta teria sido feita por homens.

Nossa confiança na tumba vazia é ainda mais aumentada

pela resposta das autoridades judaicas.

Quando ouviram o relato de que a tumba havia sido encontrada vazia,

eles disseram que os seguidores de Jesus haviam roubado Seu corpo.

Com isso, ele admitiram que a tumba de Jesus estava mesmo vazia.

"A grande maioria dos eruditos sustenta firmemente a confiabilidade

das declarações bíblicas sobre a tumba vazia."

Fato número dois.

As aparições de Jesus vivo após Sua morte.

Em uma das cartas mais antigas do Novo Testamento,

Paulo oferece uma lista de testemunhas das aparições de Jesus ressurreto.

"Ele apareceu para Pedro, depois para os doze.

Depois, Ele apareceu para mais de 500 irmãos de uma só vez.

Depois, Ele apareceu para Tiago. Depois, para todos os apóstolos.

Finalmente, Ele apareceu também para mim."

Além, várias aparições de Jesus ressurreto

são confirmadas de forma independente pelos relatos dos Evangelhos.

Com base apenas no testemunho de Paulo,

virtualmente todos os eruditos historiadores concordam

que vários indivíduos e grupos experimentaram

aparições de Jesus vivo após Sua morte.

"Pode ser tomado como historicamente certo

que Pedro e os discípulos tiveram experiências após a morte de Jesus

em que Jesus apareceu a ele como o Cristo ressurreto."

Fato número três.

A crença dos discípulos na ressurreição.

Após a crucificação de Jesus, Seus seguidores estavam arrasados,

desmoralizados e se escondendo, temendo pelas suas vidas.

Como Judeus, eles não tinham nenhum conceito

do Messias ser executado pelos seus inimigos

muito menos dele voltar à vida.

A única ressurreição em que os Judeus acreditavam

era em um evento universal no Dia do Juízo depois do fim do mundo.

Não em um evento individual dentro da História.

Além disso, na lei Judaica, a crucificação de Jesus como um criminoso

significava que Ele estava literalmente sob a maldição de Deus.

Mas, de alguma forma, apesar de tudo isso...

os discípulos, de maneira repentina e sinceramente,

passaram a crer que Deus havia ressuscitado Jesus dos mortos.

Eles estavam tão convencidos disso que, quando ameaçados de morte,

nenhum deles voltou atrás.

Até mesmo o fariseu Paulo, que perseguia os cristãos,

de repente se tornou um cristão.

O mesmo aconteceu com o irmão cético de Jesus, Tiago.

"É necessária alguma poderosa experiência transformadora

para gerar o tipo de movimento que foi o Cristianismo primitivo."

"É por isso que, como historiador,

não posso explicar o surgimento do Cristianismo primitivo

a menos que Cristo tenha ressuscitado deixando para trás uma tumba vazia."

Esses três fatos confirmados exigem uma explicação adequada.

Como podemos explicá-los?

Na História, muitas explicações naturalistas

foram oferecidas para explicar esses fatos.

A hipótese da conspiração. A hipótese da morte aparente.

A hipótese da alucinação, e assim por diante.

Todas elas foram quase que universalmente rejeitadas

pelos estudiosos contemporâneos.

O simples fato é que não há uma explicação naturalista plausível

para esses três fatos.

A explicação dada pelas testemunhas oculares originais

é que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos.

Se for possível que Deus exista, essa explicação não pode ser excluída.

"Para um Deus que pode criar todo um universo,

uma estranha ressurreição seria brincadeira de criança."

Uma tumba vazia, as aparições de Jesus vivo após Sua morte

e um grupo de seguidores deprimidos de repente transformados

por uma nova e radical crença em um Messias ressurreto.

Esses são fatos históricos independentemente confirmados.

Como você os explica?





For more infomation >> Jesus Ressuscitou dos Mortos? Parte 1/2: Os Fatos - Duration: 6:43.


[HD] GQ 1 minuto con Cagatay Ulusoy - PT BRASIL - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> [HD] GQ 1 minuto con Cagatay Ulusoy - PT BRASIL - Duration: 0:59.


Como Não Gozar Rápido Demais - 2 Dicas (INCRÍVEIS!!) Para VOCÊ - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Como Não Gozar Rápido Demais - 2 Dicas (INCRÍVEIS!!) Para VOCÊ - Duration: 5:15.


首辆"出租车版"奔驰C63,车漆骚黄色,车牌3838颇有个性 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 首辆"出租车版"奔驰C63,车漆骚黄色,车牌3838颇有个性 - Duration: 3:33.


US arrests China-linked 'birth tourism' operators - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> US arrests China-linked 'birth tourism' operators - Duration: 5:30.


Border security is a national security crisis: GOP Rep. - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Border security is a national security crisis: GOP Rep. - Duration: 5:01.


Tom Brady's former boss calls him a 'dime a dozen' - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Tom Brady's former boss calls him a 'dime a dozen' - Duration: 4:34.


U.S. announces withdrawal from INF nuclear arms treaty with Russia - Duration: 14:50.

With its decision to pull out of a major arms control treaty with Russia, the White House argues it is enhancing security for the United States and its European allies, but critics warned it could spark a dangerous new arms race with Moscow and a return to the nuclear tensions of the Cold War

 President Trump said Friday that his administration has started the process to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a cornerstone of superpower arms control for a generation, unless Russia destroys a new class of medium-range missiles that U

S. officials allege are noncompliant. Advertisement >  Washington says Moscow is violating the INF treaty by producing and deploying a ground-fired cruise missile that could reach Europe with little or no warning

Moscow says the system meets the limits of the landmark 1987 pact and counters that the U

S. decision to establish military bases in Eastern Europe that can launch Tomahawk missiles is a violation

 U.S. relations with Moscow have been strained since Russia's seizure in 2014 of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, an American ally

Presidents Obama and Trump have slapped multiple sanctions on Moscow for its role in Ukraine, the Kremlin-backed meddling in the 2016 U

S. election and other disputes.  But the collapse of a major arms control treaty, signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the final years of the Cold War, would signal a more serious and potentially dangerous breach between the nuclear-armed rivals

 In theory, letting the treaty terminate will allow Moscow to step up production of conventional and nuclear-tipped missiles that could threaten U

S. allies in Europe and elsewhere. For his part, Trump has complained the pact blocked the United States from developing or deploying new weapons

 Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo acknowledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to change course and destroy the allegedly non-compliant missiles

A six-month countdown before either side can withdraw, required by the treaty, starts Saturday

 "When an agreement is so brazenly disregarded and our security is so openly threatened, we must respond," Pompeo said at the State Department

 Trump's decision had been expected and is consistent with his "America First" policies, which already saw Trump pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord

Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, is contemptuous of arms control agreements, which he believes tie U

S. hands.  Washington first accused Russia of violating the INF agreement in 2014, and has repeated the charge every year since

Trump warned in October that he would pull out if Russia didn't comply.  Russia maintains it developed its cruise missile in response to the Pentagon's growing capability to shoot down ballistic missiles

Washington says that effort is aimed at Iran and North Korea, but Moscow contends that the U

S. anti-missile program puts Russia at risk.  A U.S. missile defense site is operational in Romania while another is under construction in Poland

 Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan recently acknowledged that the expanding U

S. defenses were a major factor driving Russia and China to build faster and more survivable missiles

 "Frustrated by our mid-course defenses, they are aggressively pursuing new technologies to circumvent today's systems," Shanahan said in a Jan

17 speech on the administration's plans to expand missile defense.  Trump administration officials have expressed concern that China, which isn't a signatory to the treaty, is deploying short- and medium-range missiles in Asia that the U

S. can't directly counter because it is bound by the INF accord.  Pompeo and senior administration officials rejected critics' claims that the White House is spurring a new arms race with Russia

Advertisement >  "If there is an arms race, it is Russia that started it," said a White House official who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity in keeping with administration rules

 The official did not answer questions about whether the United States will seek to develop and deploy new weapons overseas when the treaty terminates

"We are some time away to know what we want to deploy and where we want to deploy," the official said

 The administration last year announced plans to develop a low-yield warhead for the Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile and a nuclear-armed, sea-launched cruise missile, calling those options "important for the preservation of credible deterrence against regional aggression

"  The Pentagon also could deploy a new ground-launched cruise missile or larger intermediate-range missiles

Some NATO allies are uneasy about keeping U.S. missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads on their territory, although Poland may be willing to host U

S. missiles.  Andrea Thompson, undersecretary of State for arms control and international security, said the Trump administration has not held discussions with European allies about what will happen if the treaty terminates

 The INF treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventional missiles, as well as their launchers, with ranges of 310 to 620 miles, considered short-range, and 620 to 3,420 miles, or intermediate-range

It did not cover sea-launched missiles.  Arms control experts say the accord led to the destruction of 2,692 U

S. and Soviet missiles by 1991. The Arms Control Assn., a nonpartisan group in Washington, credits the treaty with helping end the Cold War

 "The only ones applauding the decision to tear up the INF treaty are the nuclear weapons manufacturers, eagerly anticipating the kickoff of Cold War II," said Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which was awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

 Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a Washington-based group that advocates for arms control, said walking away from even a flawed or violated treaty was senseless

 "When someone breaks the law, you don't repeal the law," he said. "Donald Trump walking out of Ronald Reagan's treaty is a gift to Vladimir Putin

It doesn't fix the problem. It makes it worse."  Russian officials reacted angrily to Trump's announcement Friday

 "The United States today took another step towards its destruction," said Konstantin Kosachev, a Russian lawmaker and head of the upper house of parliament's foreign affairs committee

 Russian Sen. Oleg Morozov warned of consequences for Europe if the treaty is canceled

 "It is important that the Europeans realize that now they will become a target for Russian missiles," Morozov said

Advertisement >  Thompson, the State Department official, said treaty talks last month in Geneva with Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, were "professional" but unproductive

The talks focused on the cruise missile system that U.S. officials call the SSC-8 and Russians call Novator 9M729

 "We didn't break any new ground. There was no new information," Thompson told reporters at the Pentagon last week

"The Russians acknowledged having the [SSC-8] system but continued to say… it didn't violate the INF treaty despite showing them, repeated times, the intelligence and information" gathered by the U

S. and its allies.  Russian officials displayed the missile at a press event in Moscow last month, saying it could only travel 298 miles, just under the treaty limits

 Thompson rejected those claims, saying the U.S. was confident in its assessment that the missile could travel well beyond the allowable limit

 "Arms control works when you can fully verify the compliance with it," Thompson said

"The transparency measures they brought to the table wouldn't have done so."  Special correspondent Sabra Ayres in Moscow contributed to this report

For more infomation >> U.S. announces withdrawal from INF nuclear arms treaty with Russia - Duration: 14:50.


立川志らく、キートンに「腐ってしまったら負け」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:02.

 落語家立川志らく 55)が、ピン芸人 本一決定戦「R-1 らんぷり2019」 大会運営や審査員を 判したお笑い芸人キ トン(45)に「腐 てしまったら負け」 メッセージを送った

 志らくは1月31 に更新したツイッタ で、キートンが同コ テストで敗退したこ について「意図的に とされたと思ってい 」と主張した騒動に 及し、「悔しいだろ が売れて見返すしか い」と諭していた

 キートンは2日更 のツイッターで、志 くに向け「私の不満 一方的に書いたよう ツイートに、コメン をいただきありがと ございました」と感 。志らくはこれに対 て、「世の中不条理 らけ

矛盾に耐えることは 分を強くすることと 教わりました。そし どんなに嘆いても現 が正解となってしま のが世の中。そこで ってしまったら負け でも上の者に食らい いていくのも芸人の 見

余計なお世話とは思 ながら黙っていられ 私見を述べさせて頂 ました」と返信した

For more infomation >> 立川志らく、キートンに「腐ってしまったら負け」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:02.


Joy Reid Thinks Congress Won't Let President Donald Trump Have Another Shutdown | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Joy Reid Thinks Congress Won't Let President Donald Trump Have Another Shutdown | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 10:27.


How Mentally Strong People Achieve Success - Duration: 2:50.

My mother passed away suddenly. I was widowed at age 26 and then my

father-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer and through all of that

it led me on this personal journey to learn more about what it means to be

mentally strong. Mentally strong people know how to regulate their emotions. They

don't let their anger cause them to do things that they later regret or if

they're sad they don't get stuck in a bad mood. They're able to control their

feelings well enough that they can move forward. Another thing that mentally

strong people do is that they know how to take positive action. So even if

they're having a bad day or they're feeling kind of stuck in a rut, they know

'okay what can I do about this?' They don't sit around and feel sorry for themselves

or convince themselves that they shouldn't try. Instead, they identify

concrete steps that they can take to make their life better. Because self-pity

keeps you stuck and it's not the same as feeling sad. Feeling sad or being upset

that can help you to heal eventually. But self-pity goes beyond that it's when you

start to exaggerate how bad your life is or it's when you dwell on all the

problems that got you there and you stop looking for solutions. Don't feel sorry

for yourself because hosting your own pity party, keeps you stuck. And it makes

it really hard to live the kind of life that you want to create for yourself.

Mentally starving people know how to regulate their thoughts. So they don't

think overly negative or overly exaggerated. Instead, they can identify their

thoughts when they're not true and replace them and reframe them with more

realistic statements. Identify what is your worst habit. Too often, we tend to

engage in all these good habits that busy ourselves but they don't

necessarily get us anywhere. So if you looked at physical strength, like you do

mental strength, maybe you'd go to the gym to become physically stronger. But if

you really want to see results you'd also want to give up junk food. Mental

strength is the same. So if you have good habits like practicing gratitude and you

spend time with your friends and you have hobbies, things that you enjoy,

that's great. But if you also spend time feeling sorry for yourself or expecting

yourself to be perfect, all of those good habits won't necessarily be effective.

So start by identifying: what's your worst mental habit? And when you get rid

of that all of your othear good habits become much more effective. Finally,

practicing gratitude. Studies will show that grateful people tend to be happier.

They take better care of themselves.They even live longer. Studies also show, if

you just write down three things that you're grateful for before you go to bed,

you'll sleep better. Or you might decide to start a gratitude habit it with your

family over dinner. Just identify small things that you're grateful for every

day and it can be the first step in changing your mindset so that you pay

more attention to the things that you have. Rather than, all the things that you

don't have or the things that you wish you could have in life.

For more infomation >> How Mentally Strong People Achieve Success - Duration: 2:50.


Royce Da 5'9" On Secret To Pusha T & If Scott Is Like Drake | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Royce Da 5'9" On Secret To Pusha T & If Scott Is Like Drake | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 4:05.


Season 3 All Synopsises Spoiler / Miraculous Ladybug - Duration: 2:31.

Hi guys I'm Animater!

I found some Miraculous Ladybug Season 3 Spoiler

These spoilers about Season 3 New Episodes.

For more infomation >> Season 3 All Synopsises Spoiler / Miraculous Ladybug - Duration: 2:31.


Arsenal transfer news: Guillem Balague delivers Denis Suarez update - Duration: 2:57.

 That's according to transfer expert Guillem Balague, who has revealed that Arsenal will not have to buy the Spaniard in the summer

 Suarez is expected to move to the Emirates until the end of the season with Gunners boss Unai Emery on the hunt for wingers

 Emery admitted this month that Arsenal can only bring in loan deals, in what is thought to be a cost-cutting mission

 The north London club have spent big in recent windows with the signings of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Alexandre Lacazette

 But it looks like Suarez will be making the switch from Barcelona with Arsenal having the choice to make it a permanent deal when the season is over

 Balague tweeted: "Denis Suarez finalistes today in London his loan deal with #AFC

 "He will have to renew his contract with #FCB one more year (to 2021). "Loan will cost €2

3m. Option to buy from #AFC is around €25m but not OBLIGATORY." Suarez has previously worked under Emery at Sevilla and the Gunners boss is keen to reunite

 "We need wingers," said Emery. "I know Denis because he played with me at Seville

 "It will be a challenge for him." Ex-Tottenham boss Tim Sherwood has questioned if Arsenal chiefs have been honest with Emery regarding their cash flow issues

 "It would be interesting [to know] what he was told when he came into the club," he told The Debate

 "He must have felt there would be money to spend. "I would suggest he's been taken by surprise to realise in his first window there's only going to be loan signings to the football club when they're desperate for defenders, that seems to be the case

 "Is it comparable to Jurgen Klopp at Liverpool in his first window? "Possibly. I'm sure Arsenal are going to give him time as well

 "They're used to that. "They don't like sacking managers, we saw that with the previous one

It did drag on a wee bit."

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Guillem Balague delivers Denis Suarez update - Duration: 2:57.


Found My Style of Beats... - Duration: 3:53.

Look at my FL Studio Beats playlist!

For more infomation >> Found My Style of Beats... - Duration: 3:53.


Heat Trade Package for Markelle Fultz the Sixers Must Consider | - Duration: 5:40.

Heat Trade Package for Markelle Fultz the Sixers Must Consider |

As NBA trade rumors swirl around big names such as Anthony Davis and other experienced players like Mike Conley and Marc Gasol, the Miami Heat are looking at another situation.

This would be the one with Philadelphia 76ers guard Markelle Fultz, who's dealing with a shoulder injury which has left him sidelined for the bulk of the season.

Fultz, who was diagnosed with Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, has yet to return to the court since November 19.

Rumblings have started to ramp up that the Sixers could consider moving him ahead of the deadline.

By doing so, they could potentially free up money for a max contract in the upcoming offseason, as The Athletic's Danny Leroux previously detailed.

With trade rumors lingering, Sixers analyst Jon Johnson reported that the team has re-engaged the interest in Fultz ahead of the deadline.

Beyond that, Brandon 'Scoop B' Robinson reports the Heat are a team interested in the former No.

1 overall pick.

Miami Heat are interested in Philadelphia 76ers guard, Markelle Fultz.

  Last month, Fultz was diagnosed with Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) And has not played organized basketball in some time. — Brandon Robinson (@ScoopB) February 1, 2019    .

With Miami being a potential landing spot, they have a few players which could provide much-needed depth for the Sixers and would be able to create a number of packages.

We're going to take a look at one specific potential deal that could make sense for both sides.

*Deal created with the ESPN NBA Trade Machine.

Heat Trade for Markelle Fultz, Sixers Add Depth & Shooting.

*Heat send a second-round pick to Sixers.

Unfortunately for the Sixers, the trade value of Fultz has hit a major decline.

After playing in just 14 games as a rookie and averaging 7.1 points with 3.8 assists and 3.1 rebounds, things haven't improved much in year two.

After a full offseason of attempting to fix his jump shot, Fultz has shot just 41.9 percent from the field and 28.6 percent from deep through 19 games.

The Heat seem interested in the obvious upside of Fultz, but it's tough to envision Philadelphia landing a first-round pick in any deal for him.

But what they could get here are two expiring deals who have the potential to step in and help immediately.

Wayne Ellington can provide outside shooting that's desperately needed on the Sixers' second unit.

Brett Brown's team lacks depth in a big way, and Ellington would provide scoring for the second unit.

Along with that, Rodney McGruder is having the best season of his career and would also see decent minutes.

Through the first 46 games, McGruder has averaged 8.8 points, 3.7 rebounds and shot 36.9 percent from beyond the arc.

While his game is still a bit of a work in progress, he's flashed upside and would be a good addition to the group.

Along with those two, the Heat could add a little more incentive with a second-round pick.

In turn, the Sixers get the cap space in the 2019 offseason they're looking for while also adding immediate help to the second unit.

READ NEXT: Markelle Fultz Trade Talk: Pacers, Pelicans Headline 3 Top Packages.

For more infomation >> Heat Trade Package for Markelle Fultz the Sixers Must Consider | - Duration: 5:40.


REACT 9x9 Hypnotize [Official MV] BRAZIL FAN - Duration: 6:55.

Hi guys all right? I'm Luckas. If this is your first time here

on the channel, already subscribes

today I'm going to do a Thai-pop reaction, already sign up give your like comments

on the channel ok, you do all this now now

and possibly this year we have other thai-pop reactions

Can be. I also have another project from Thailand

that I'm preparing for you we have the flag here

to show that I really like Thailand, I wear the shirt

I still have not been but I hope that next year 2020 I will realize

My dream to go to Thailand! In today's video we will talk

of the group 9x9 that is made by Captain

Some of them like the Tanapop, James, Porsche, Thurd

and Captain are my favorites because I already saw them

in dramas and etc, right in the lakorns of life

and now they are a group the first video we reacted to

The first song was released about 2 months ago, right?

the reaction was made and now we will see the new song that released

these days, Hypnotize

and I'm looking forward to seeing the boys, the bet is that thai-pop come back this year

I do not know if it's the same frequency as it was years ago but we'll see people

And that's it people, without curling let's see the clip 1 2 3 and now!

new song

The boys are so beautiful there

Some were just actors before. Thurd!

Thurd was alone, right now in a group. When he was from Kamikaze

they are in one place there the other arrives and begins to sing along

oh how I miss hearing things in Thai people

Those people

People I wonder when I go to Thailand as it will be, I do not even want to think

the song does not have the translation right? Had.

I forgot about you, I do not think I did it but it's okay, I'll see you later.

was recorded only the night

I find it interesting, well recorded

I got by the legend, now I understand.

There the lyrics are cute people!

It stays in the head, through the refrain


I love Porsche.

Guys, I already know the lyrics. as well?

boys coming back with

the thai-pop will be going back that same year people?

coming back to stay? Videos every week

many artists are coming back right!

is already with almost 1 million hits, is it that when this video goes online has it gone up?

Congratulations 9x9!

9x9 actually. The boys are wonderful.

most of us already know, some were actors, some were kamikaze

Third was solo, Porsche was from a group with two more boys

and I'm really excited for them now in thai-pop

I hope they come back and be the new kings!

and bring enough Thai music content that's what's missing

Many thanks to you who saw this video so far! Kop khun krub duu!

I really hope you liked it, if you liked it give your like comments and shares

do not forget to subscribe to the channel so you do not miss the next videos and we'll see each other

in the next video. This year I want to bring a lot of talk about Thai-pop

old. so wait for the next videos that we will have many news! Goodbye!

For more infomation >> REACT 9x9 Hypnotize [Official MV] BRAZIL FAN - Duration: 6:55.


Are Lizzie and Scott Still Together on Love After Lockup? | - Duration: 7:16.

Are Lizzie and Scott Still Together on Love After Lockup? |

Lizze and Scott, stars on WE's reality show Love After Lockup, are experiencing some trouble in paradise after a picture of a mystery woman popped up on Scott's Instagram story.

After the photo was posted, Lizzie took to Instagram to express her frustration.

"I was really upset that Scott has a picture of another woman on his Instagram story," she wrote along with a photo of her daily devotional.

"I read my daily devotional and it says keep your focus on God don't worry about this!" She added a string of hash tags that included #putgodfirst, #upset, #sad, #why, #trynottocry, #wetv, #loveafterlockup, and #dailydevotional.


Her daughter Jazmyne also jumped online to defend her mother, calling out Scott for possibly cheating on her mom:.

  @scottloveafterlockup what the actual f**k, I'm looking at all this bullsh*t about you cheating on my mom with another b*tch.

Like who the f**k is she? Was she there for you when you broke down? Was she there to pick you right back up? Everyone has issues even you! I'm not saying my mom doesn't have any but my mom was there for you just like you were there for her.

We're not talking about money we are talking about love and feelings and commitment.

You made a promise, you got down on one f**king knee and asked her to marry you.

Now look at you. F**king sh*t up.

I'm disappointed, I thought I could trust you to care for her to love her.

She's calling my ass early in the morning telling me all this sh*t.

I'm obviously gonna stick up for her.

When you see this Scott get your ass out of bed and give me a call so I can b*tch your ass out some more.

Scott denies that he had an affair however, and claims that the woman was "stocking" (stalking) him after they two went on a few dates in the past, writing: "Sorry honey I'm Being stocked [sic] by Some weirdo.

Last month my iPhone stolen I replaced it with an android.

I think this idiot's reading my text messages And She keeps blocking Elizabeth.

Is this even possible.

Every time I leave the house.

She just shows up.

This person Is gonna find out real quick what it feels like To be a victum."He also added in another comment: "Honey I'm pist off right now whoever did this is gonna pay.".


Lizzie and Scott apparently talked more behind the scenes, according to Starcasm, and Lizzie jumped back on social media to express how badly she wants to believe him, but she just doesn't know how to feel at this time.

"Update everybody so Scott went on a couple dates with this girl and "supposably" she is stalking him….

that's why last night when they were hanging out she used his phone and took pictures of herself I don't know if that's true or not but I believe that's what happened???" she wrote on Instagram, followed by a series of sad, angry and confused emojis.

She also responded to Jazmyne's post, writing: "omg, Scott was like, "whoever did this is going to pay,  so his new g/f grabbed his phone and posted a photo, that's the only way it can be done!".

The validity of the rumors is unclear at this time.

The alleged affair comes just days after WE announced that they were extending the second season from 14 episodes to 24, so many fans are left wondering if this might just be some publicity stunt to extend their story line.

However, before news broke of Scott's alleged side woman, the couple looked like they were generally happy, living a comfortable, domestic life in Wisconsin, so fans are crossing their fingers that Scott isn't lying, and has a legitimate stalker (although he could press charges against the woman if she is actually stalking him, if he is serious enough to prove that he isn't sleeping with her).

What do you think? Do you think Scott is lying to Lizzie, and seeing another woman on the side? Or do you think he's got some crazy woman trying to split him and Lizzie up? Let us know in the comments below, and tune in tonight at 9/8c to catch the newest episode.

READ NEXT: Floribama's Aimee Hall: Battery & Fight Case Status.

For more infomation >> Are Lizzie and Scott Still Together on Love After Lockup? | - Duration: 7:16.


ЛУЧШИЕ ХИТЫ 2019❄Лучшие ремиксы популярных песен❄Новейшая музыка 2019 - Duration: 55:19.

For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЕ ХИТЫ 2019❄Лучшие ремиксы популярных песен❄Новейшая музыка 2019 - Duration: 55:19.


7 rings ASL/PSE tutorial (clean) - Duration: 31:05.

What's up guys, how are y'all? Okay. So today we're doing an ASL tutorial and

I'm really excited about it because it took me all day

to Learn and you know memorize so I really hope you all like it


Seven rings by

ariana grande

Yep. It's a

super new song

Yeah, oh

It does cuss in some bits so I'll be changing the words


Whatever matches

And is appropriate yeah its a faster song so

lets get started

Okay, so before we begin make sure you like this video and subscribe

And make sure you hit that notification bell. So, you know when?

More stuff is in

Let's do this, okay, so

the first

Sentence is yeah Breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles. So, yeah and

Breakfast is morning food


At Tiffany's so you'll just spell

Tiffany and

Bottles a bubble. So have a flat hand make a seat put it there you go up some and then you'll close your fist. So

bottles of bubbles is your gonna make like this put it here and


So yeah Breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of

Bubbles okay, next sentence is

Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble so girls making a girls

With tattoos

So you're gonna make here?

here like


And then on your arm and take a G. You're gonna go

Like all over your arm and then who like getting in trouble


girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble

Lashes are next sentence. It's lashes and diamonds ATM machines

so lashes is gonna be


yeah, lashes and

Diamonds so flat hand like this make a D

This is diamonds

Atm. We're just gonna yeah machines

Like claws

Machines, so lashes and diamonds and ATM machines

last sentence of this

verse is

by myself all of my favoritest

favorite things so


myself all of my

favourite things

You do favorite is you do this one too on your chin and then things


Verse been through some bad

Beep I should be a sad


Been through

some bad


Things I

should be a


B because I could not find the words steps to do that. So we're just gonna do b

i Know it kind of makes me like a prude or something to not cuz but

Starters I'm not really allowed to

Second. It's I have younger people following me and

So I'm keep things clean


Next sentence and this second verse is who would have thought it turned me to a savage. So who?




Change it says turn but change is what it means me to a savage

See there's no word for savage and the closest thing I could get after looking through a lot of crap actually is

Its cold-hearted so heart


Heart cold that's as close as I could get

So next sentence rather be tied up with cuffs and not strings


So rather so

rather, right


Be tied up so to

Like do this again? It's like almost the team what we were doing for the bubbles. So this

tied up so

wrap it around BAM

Tied up


Cuffs so one to

Just grab your wrist and put them together cuffs it's handcuffs and not strings


To pinkies strings

Last minutes of this verse is write my own checks. Like I write what I sing

so I'm gonna

write my


Check certainty this

Checks light I write what I



Mmm pretty sure, this is like the chorus or you know, the thing that goes over and over and over and over again


My wrist you say Richard is gonna go like wrist

You see that wrist

Stop watching next is my flaw. My neck is flossing


that means

Little sign my neck


flossing so it means like


which is an odd sign by the way, so it's like

Almost like show, but it's does not


It's a weird. I know DON NA like

Yeah, take your hands and go BAM

Make big deposits. So make big

Deposits so make some eggs with your thumbs out more


Deposits deposits

Yeah, um

Last but not last but my gloss is poppin. So your lipstick so it's

Gloss is poppin. So there was no word for poppin like at all. I

could've done popcorn or explosion

Neither those work so I'm gonna do like it's amazing, but not this type of news. I'm like

mind blown like a pop

So my wrist stop watching my neck is flossing

make big

Deposits my gloss is poppin

Okay, next bit of the course

You like my hair she thinks oh


You like my hair

Gee thanks just bought it

you don't have to do G but

Like gee, thanks

Just bought it. I

See it I like it I want it I got it so I see it. I like it. I want it

I got it. Yeah

And it says I wanted I got it up a couple of times and then it goes you like my hair

She thinks just bought it. I

See it I like it. I want it. I got it. Yeah, it does that part a lot in a lot

Wearin our

next verse

Wearing a ring but ain't gonna be no missus


Was it wasn't even correct English

So wearing a ring so ring ring


But ain't gon be no. Yes, I'm guessing this is mrs. It's like woman

Bought matching diamonds for six. I'ma do you we're gonna say friends cuz that's what it means

But matching it's like same diamonds again

For six

Of my friends

I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches I'd

Rather you didn't we're gonna use that word a lot rather

Spoil so


My friends with my riches so



Riches I think retail therapy my new addiction

Think retail is store so retail

Therapy is like help

But with a tea so therapy

my new addiction

So let's do that whole verse

Wearing a ring but ain't gonna be no mrs. bought matching

diamonds for six of my friends

I'd rather

Spoil all my friends with my riches. I think retail therapy my new addiction

Next first, whoever said money can't solve your problems

Whoever said money can't

Solve is so solve your problems


Next sentence must not have had enough money to solve them

So must not have had

enough so enough


To solemn like we didn't mean to go solo

Next sentence they say which one I say nah, I want all of them. Oh

you know they say and then that's when you gonna do two a's which one I

Say nah, I want all

Yeah happiness is the same price as bread bottoms you see

I'm not entirely sure what red bottoms are. I'm just gonna guess they're red shorts because

So happiness

Happiness is the same

Price so price as red

Shorts so you'll just like

That to show shorts, okay, I'm gonna take a small break go fast. Cuz so

Next verse is my smile is beaming my smile, but there's no sign for beaming. Oh

We're using radiant. So it's radiant


My skin is bleaming my skin is believing so it's like

Like shimmering sparkling almost I'm not really sure I'll explain what I'm gonna sign because there's not a sign for cleaning so

And then the way it shine so the way it shines

Shines I know you've seen it. You've seen it. I know you've seen

You've seen it

next one next Burger

verse next verse so

I bought a crib it doesn't mean crib

Yeah means house. So I bought a



triangle house perfect

just for the closet, so just for

me clothes

So it's this is like shut or door so it's closed

Door like close not like close the door

Both his and hers, you know

Usually we just point out but it says he hasn't hurt us. I want you to know what the guy wouldn't girls

You're gonna go boy

Them girl there


Say, you know, it's different genders him, huh?

Next I want it I got it. Yeah

And then it says the whole I wanted a guy and I wanted I got like four or five times and

Then it goes to that


Course thing again, so you like my hair. Gee. Thanks just bought it

Oh, yeah, I see. I like it


starts to get a little

harder them


next verses

Yeah, my receipts be looking like phone numbers. So yeah, my receipts is

Almost like checks, so it's


Be looking like phone numbers so like phone numbers


Next sentence if it aint money then wrong number if it aint money I mean wrong


Next sentences black card is my business card

card is also the same as

Check so black

Except when you use card, I would do it like smaller

It's like check and receipt or big but you could do

card smaller

show difference is


Business it's a bean flat hand so business card

The way it be said in the tone for me I

See was having issues thinking of like how the tone word

So I'm gonna do the way it be making

My type

for me now, the people might do it differently, but

That's just the only thing I think of that will lose my cool little bit of sense. So

Let's do that all together so

My receipts be looking like phone numbers if it aint money then wrong number

Black card is my business card the way it be setting the tone for me. Okay, so next first is

Starts off with I don't mean to brag so I don't mean to brag so brag

Brag just gonna make wise you got your hips. I'm gonna go

Bragh I don't know why you just hit your little wise on your hips. So yeah

But I'd be like put it in the bag, okay, so but I'd be like

Put it in

The bag I guess it's like they're holding a bag or something, but this is bag


But when you see them racks

Yeah, okay, okay, but when you see them racks like

Racks, you know where I'm going with that see them racks

They stacked up like my just gonna say but can you just point your butt?


Yeah, so

Put it all together I don't mean to brag but

I like put it or put it in the bag. Yeah when you see them racks

They stacked up like my butt yeah, yeah

Were this close to being done yeah, okay, so next verse is


First is shoot

From the store to the zurich you haven't stopped the video

But I told you this song was a little harder for me to you know, get so okay


That verse again shoot from the store to the booth. So shoot. It's not like a gun

So it's gonna be shoot like hasn't gone

Flat hand, you're gonna go shoot

shoots go

To X's from the store retail to the booths


It's kind of like room except we're gonna go up



Hope you guys got that because it took me a bit to find so make it all back in one loop. So

Make it all back in one loop. So


Give me that loot

Okay, so loot so it's give me the loot okay, so

Take two of this and we're gonna go


Yeah, I don't even know hmm, okay

Nevermind. I got the juice so

Nevermind I got the juice I

Don't know why that's juice but whatever nothing but net when we shoot so nothing but


Net you only have to do it twice net

when we should win we


Yeah, now we're actually talking about shooting shoot

Last verse

We don't we have an article

So look at my net look at my jet

Look at my neck. Look at my jet. Sorry look at my neck

Look at my jet. So it's kind of like plane. Okay, but get this and we're gonna go



Ain't got enough money. It's a pay me respect so ain't got enough


to pay me

respect so

they can our


Ain't no budget when I'm on set


Ain't no budget so budget. Okay, put your hand flat like this

Get like this and we're gonna go

Up make this into that same exact kind of like money thing do this

Yeah, so it's I

Don't yeah when I'm on set so I had issues finding the word set, so I'm hoping

This is the the right version of the word set. I'm just gonna go with it

It was hard to find

If I like it, then that's what I get. Yeah, if I like it and that's what I get. Yeah

I'm terrified. Okay, it's time to start

the music

He's gonna take me a couple of few times to get it

Sorry if it sucks I know I'll probably mess up a

Couple of times, but sorry

Let's do this, I feel like a total idiot right now

Apparently when a says

Bubbles just

Not mean bubbles it means alcohol

Yeah, so I'm gonna change that


My god I

Did it I mean it's not great but I did

Okay, so

That's the song I have ever done by the way and the hardest so

Okay, so


Make sure you

like and

Like this video, please. It was way too hard to not get that many likes

Because I did at least I did more than 20 to 20 tries. I'm telling you man

But yeah, make sure you like it and subscribe to my channel definitely please hmm

Yeah, oh and


Have an Instagram now

and it's like

the head for

My youtube, you know



Signs of the day every day and

Other little things. So make sure you follow that

And it gives up days, you know

Okay, that's it

Awesome. Thanks guys

For more infomation >> 7 rings ASL/PSE tutorial (clean) - Duration: 31:05.


Channing Tatum 'moving out' of lavish mansion as Jessie J romance heats up - Duration: 3:04.

Channing Tatum 'moving out' of lavish mansion (Picture: REX/REDFIN) Channing Tatum is said to be moving out of his five bedroom mansion, after sparking up a romance with Jessie J

 The 38-year-old reportedly moved into the bachelor pad following his divorce from long term wifey Jenna Dewan

 However, it seems Channing is now looking for a place he can call home, as it's claimed the actor has recently upped sticks and parted ways with his California abode

The news comes as his romance with Jesse J heats up (Picture: Redfin) According to TMZ, the Magic Mike star has left the property, which is said to have cost him around $25k (£19k) a month

 The lavish pad is everything a single man could desire, with an outdoor pool, games room, sports room and even a guest house out the back

 It's thought that the actor only started renting the place back in November, and is already well on his way of finding somewhere else

It's said Channing has only been in the property since November (Picture: Redfin) Because you know, who doesn't rent a lavish house when trying to find a permanent home? Advertisement Advertisement  And we can't help but speculate that he might be moving closer to the popstar Jessie J, after the two have been spotted getting cosy together

 The pair were first romantically linked back in October, and have since been spotted out together on numerous occasions supporting each other's shows

He moved into the property following his split from Jenna Dewan (Picture: Redfin) However, it seems they are still reluctant to confirm their relationship as Tatum was more than happy to keep us guessing when he was quizzed about his girlfriend at the Magic Mike Live press night

 The actor was asked by The Mirror how Jessie was, and he jokingly responded: 'What's that? Who's that?'  Reporters continued: 'You know, Jessie J,' to which Tatum simply replied 'Who's that?' before giving a laugh and a wink

More: Jessie J Jessie J and Channing Tatum get touchy feely as they say goodbye Jessie J looks downcast after taking social media hiatus following bodyguard's death Sir Tom Jones actually had to warn Jessie J to stop 'scaring' contestants on The Voice UK Jessie has previously been the guest of honour at her boyfriend's show and recently shared an picture, writing: 'Magic Mike London Opening night

 'Congratulations @channingtatum what a show… Ladies and Gentlemen you don't want to miss this.' have reached out to Channing's reps for further comment.  Got a showbiz story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

 MORE: Clive Swift remembered by comedy legends as Only Fools and Horses' John Challis and Allo Allo's Vicki Michelle pay tribute  MORE: Kim Kardashian and Kourtney roll out of recording studio after The Game's graphic rap lyrics Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> Channing Tatum 'moving out' of lavish mansion as Jessie J romance heats up - Duration: 3:04.


😺 Kawaii Cute Cat's Paw かわいい猫のモフモフの手で遊ぶ - Duration: 8:24.

Hello, I'm CoCo. Siamese cat.

Thank you for watching my video!

For more infomation >> 😺 Kawaii Cute Cat's Paw かわいい猫のモフモフの手で遊ぶ - Duration: 8:24.


From heavy metal singer to UFC fighter, Sarah Frota's confident she can finish Livinha Souza - Duration: 5:28.

FORTALEZA, Brazil — Sarah Frota will enter the biggest stage of her life on Saturday, meeting former Invicta FC strawweight queen Livinha Souza at UFC Fortaleza, but it's not like she's unfamiliar with being under bright lights

Frota signed with the UFC after knocking out Maiara Amanajas in the opening round at Dana White's Contender Series last August

With less than three years as a professional MMA fighter, enough time to build a 9-0 record, the Brazilian had to make a decision before she turned her focus to martial arts

Frota fell in love with music and rock and roll when she was 15. Born in Goiania, she was the lead vocalist of a heavy metal band, playing in the "underground circuit" of her hometown, and dreamed with following a career in the business

Six years later, though, "A Treta" attended a jiu-jitsu class that forever changed her life

Frota, 21 at the time, realized it wouldn't be able to become a jiu-jitsu competitor if she continued playing in a band

"Two and a half years ago I was still teaching jiu-jitsu all day every day, leaving the gym at 10 p

m., going to a burger shop to play until three in the morning and going back home to sleep and wake up early to open the gym again," Frota told MMA Fighting

"I tried to do both, but I eventually had to make a decision. I had to leave that life to focus and dedicate to jiu-jitsu

" Inspired by Dead Fish and Brazilian heavy metal bands like Inocentes, Garotos Podres, A Última Theoria, Carne Doce and Aurora Rules as a musician, Frota credits Jean-Claude Van Damme's work in Bloodsport as what made her see martial arts with different eyes

However, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the one in Hollywood that she looks up the most

"I'm a huge fan of him, man, as an actor and as a person," said Frota, who has a picture of Schwarzenegger hanging on her wall among movies and music posters

"I've followed his work since his days as Mr. Olympia, his life and his work. He's an example of perseverance

He had to battle many adversities in life, so I'm a big fan." Schwarzenegger is no stranger to the mixed martial arts world, and Frota hopes that the Hollywood star would one day attend to one of her UFC fights

"Are you crazy? Imagine being watched by the Terminator himself," Frota said with a laugh

"Who wouldn't want that? It would be an honor for me, a dream come true." For her debut in Fortaleza, Frota has an experienced Souza as the opponent

The UFC newcomer admits she didn't expect to be matched up against a fellow Brazilian in her first appearance under the promotion's banner, but welcomes the challenge that Souza brings to the table

"Livinha is a high-level athlete and I like to fight the best," Frota said. "I'm always moving up, not down

" Souza, who improved to 12-1 as a professional fighter with a quick first-round submission win over Alex Chambers in her debut last September, became the Invicta FC champion before Frota even made her MMA debut in 2016

Close to turning 32, Frota admits that her road from MMA newcomer to UFC athlete was shorter than expected, but guarantees that her experience in pure jiu-jitsu will help get things done when the cage closes on Saturday night

"I've watched MMA since I was a blue belt, before women began fighting in the UFC," Frota said

"I used to follow athletes like Michelle Tavares and Claudinha Gadelha in Brazil

Not that I didn't expect to get to this level, but I was surprised that I got here this fast

But that's good because I'm on a roll and I'm earning my space. "Of all of the opponents I've faced my entire career, I think Livinha is the one that has a fighting style similar to mine

She's a black belt in jiu-jitsu as well, also has a dangerous striking and is very aggressive, doesn't wast any time, so I expect this to be a show for the fans because we're both aggressive fighters that go for it

"(Souza) is very efficient on the ground, but so am I, and I believe in my jiu-jitsu

I had a great training camp at Astra Fight to get here as complete as I can. It won't be easy, it's gonna be a war, but if she makes a mistake she's going down


For more infomation >> From heavy metal singer to UFC fighter, Sarah Frota's confident she can finish Livinha Souza - Duration: 5:28.


РУССКАЯ МУЗЫКА 2019 ХИТЫ-Лучшая песня 2019 года-Русский музыкальный клуб 2019 - Duration: 1:19:28.

For more infomation >> РУССКАЯ МУЗЫКА 2019 ХИТЫ-Лучшая песня 2019 года-Русский музыкальный клуб 2019 - Duration: 1:19:28.


U.S. announces withdrawal from INF nuclear arms treaty with Russia - Duration: 14:50.

With its decision to pull out of a major arms control treaty with Russia, the White House argues it is enhancing security for the United States and its European allies, but critics warned it could spark a dangerous new arms race with Moscow and a return to the nuclear tensions of the Cold War

 President Trump said Friday that his administration has started the process to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a cornerstone of superpower arms control for a generation, unless Russia destroys a new class of medium-range missiles that U

S. officials allege are noncompliant. Advertisement >  Washington says Moscow is violating the INF treaty by producing and deploying a ground-fired cruise missile that could reach Europe with little or no warning

Moscow says the system meets the limits of the landmark 1987 pact and counters that the U

S. decision to establish military bases in Eastern Europe that can launch Tomahawk missiles is a violation

 U.S. relations with Moscow have been strained since Russia's seizure in 2014 of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, an American ally

Presidents Obama and Trump have slapped multiple sanctions on Moscow for its role in Ukraine, the Kremlin-backed meddling in the 2016 U

S. election and other disputes.  But the collapse of a major arms control treaty, signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the final years of the Cold War, would signal a more serious and potentially dangerous breach between the nuclear-armed rivals

 In theory, letting the treaty terminate will allow Moscow to step up production of conventional and nuclear-tipped missiles that could threaten U

S. allies in Europe and elsewhere. For his part, Trump has complained the pact blocked the United States from developing or deploying new weapons

 Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo acknowledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to change course and destroy the allegedly non-compliant missiles

A six-month countdown before either side can withdraw, required by the treaty, starts Saturday

 "When an agreement is so brazenly disregarded and our security is so openly threatened, we must respond," Pompeo said at the State Department

 Trump's decision had been expected and is consistent with his "America First" policies, which already saw Trump pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord

Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, is contemptuous of arms control agreements, which he believes tie U

S. hands.  Washington first accused Russia of violating the INF agreement in 2014, and has repeated the charge every year since

Trump warned in October that he would pull out if Russia didn't comply.  Russia maintains it developed its cruise missile in response to the Pentagon's growing capability to shoot down ballistic missiles

Washington says that effort is aimed at Iran and North Korea, but Moscow contends that the U

S. anti-missile program puts Russia at risk.  A U.S. missile defense site is operational in Romania while another is under construction in Poland

 Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan recently acknowledged that the expanding U

S. defenses were a major factor driving Russia and China to build faster and more survivable missiles

 "Frustrated by our mid-course defenses, they are aggressively pursuing new technologies to circumvent today's systems," Shanahan said in a Jan

17 speech on the administration's plans to expand missile defense.  Trump administration officials have expressed concern that China, which isn't a signatory to the treaty, is deploying short- and medium-range missiles in Asia that the U

S. can't directly counter because it is bound by the INF accord.  Pompeo and senior administration officials rejected critics' claims that the White House is spurring a new arms race with Russia

Advertisement >  "If there is an arms race, it is Russia that started it," said a White House official who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity in keeping with administration rules

 The official did not answer questions about whether the United States will seek to develop and deploy new weapons overseas when the treaty terminates

"We are some time away to know what we want to deploy and where we want to deploy," the official said

 The administration last year announced plans to develop a low-yield warhead for the Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile and a nuclear-armed, sea-launched cruise missile, calling those options "important for the preservation of credible deterrence against regional aggression

"  The Pentagon also could deploy a new ground-launched cruise missile or larger intermediate-range missiles

Some NATO allies are uneasy about keeping U.S. missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads on their territory, although Poland may be willing to host U

S. missiles.  Andrea Thompson, undersecretary of State for arms control and international security, said the Trump administration has not held discussions with European allies about what will happen if the treaty terminates

 The INF treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventional missiles, as well as their launchers, with ranges of 310 to 620 miles, considered short-range, and 620 to 3,420 miles, or intermediate-range

It did not cover sea-launched missiles.  Arms control experts say the accord led to the destruction of 2,692 U

S. and Soviet missiles by 1991. The Arms Control Assn., a nonpartisan group in Washington, credits the treaty with helping end the Cold War

 "The only ones applauding the decision to tear up the INF treaty are the nuclear weapons manufacturers, eagerly anticipating the kickoff of Cold War II," said Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which was awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

 Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a Washington-based group that advocates for arms control, said walking away from even a flawed or violated treaty was senseless

 "When someone breaks the law, you don't repeal the law," he said. "Donald Trump walking out of Ronald Reagan's treaty is a gift to Vladimir Putin

It doesn't fix the problem. It makes it worse."  Russian officials reacted angrily to Trump's announcement Friday

 "The United States today took another step towards its destruction," said Konstantin Kosachev, a Russian lawmaker and head of the upper house of parliament's foreign affairs committee

 Russian Sen. Oleg Morozov warned of consequences for Europe if the treaty is canceled

 "It is important that the Europeans realize that now they will become a target for Russian missiles," Morozov said

Advertisement >  Thompson, the State Department official, said treaty talks last month in Geneva with Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, were "professional" but unproductive

The talks focused on the cruise missile system that U.S. officials call the SSC-8 and Russians call Novator 9M729

 "We didn't break any new ground. There was no new information," Thompson told reporters at the Pentagon last week

"The Russians acknowledged having the [SSC-8] system but continued to say… it didn't violate the INF treaty despite showing them, repeated times, the intelligence and information" gathered by the U

S. and its allies.  Russian officials displayed the missile at a press event in Moscow last month, saying it could only travel 298 miles, just under the treaty limits

 Thompson rejected those claims, saying the U.S. was confident in its assessment that the missile could travel well beyond the allowable limit

 "Arms control works when you can fully verify the compliance with it," Thompson said

"The transparency measures they brought to the table wouldn't have done so."  Special correspondent Sabra Ayres in Moscow contributed to this report

For more infomation >> U.S. announces withdrawal from INF nuclear arms treaty with Russia - Duration: 14:50.


【Undertale】強大於你(玩家版本) Stronger Than You(CC字幕) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale】強大於你(玩家版本) Stronger Than You(CC字幕) - Duration: 2:49.


Autism Kids At School: 3 Key Aspects to Simplify Schooling For Your Child's Well Being and Future - Duration: 8:38.

Hi I'm Dr. Andrea Libutti, today we're talking about autism kids at school: I

want to simplify schooling for you, and we can do that by looking at three key

aspects of schooling: the first is what are your children learning how are they

being taught and who are they being taught by now these three topics are

really important because it has a huge impact on your child's day-to-day

well-being they're your child's self-esteem and indirectly on your

child's future potential and prospects so let's talk about what are your

children learning the very most important thing about what they're

learning has to do with the grade-level work that they're doing do you have a

fourteen-year-old child with autism that might be nonverbal that is being taught

ABC's and 2+2 and simple math or do you have a fourteen-year-old child with

autism that is being taught 9th grade eighth grade or ninth grade level work

very important your child should be learning grade level work and you know

there are several books out there one of my favorites is Ito and autism land it's

written by a teenage boy who has nonverbal autism and he talks about the

hell that he went through with the rote memorization and the flashcards and the

drilling that his very well intentioned teachers did for him in his schooling

before he learned RPM or rapid prompting method so he could communicate with the

letter board and this child had a body that looked severely impaired his body

and mind did not connect so in other words someone would give him a command

and he knew in his mind exactly how to do it but his body would not cooperate

so he was constantly being drilled over and over with the most excruciating ly

boring information and lessons until he learned to communicate so when he was

able to communicate and they discovered he was highly intelligent he was then

put in classes that were grade or above grade level and he excelled so

that's really important what are they teaching your child and is it at grade

level or your child's level if that is above grade level but don't ever let

them you know under under score your child with very low simple menial

educational plans the other thing is what are they learning are they learning

social skills in a kind and compassionate and respectful way some

organizations do a beautiful job at this some not so much I happen to love the

Sun Rise Program it's sson rise Sun Rise program they are all about respecting

and accepting the child where they are and encouraging them to want to be

social and interact with us by celebrating them and accepting them and

having fun with them not forcing them to do things to memorize social scripts or

cues or you know act things out in an unnatural way one of the most important

things that you can do for your child in terms of social skills is approach your

child in a way that really facilitates a desire for that child to connect with

you really important you want your children to want to connect with you not

be forced to do it not um you know have some other agenda other than you want to

connect with them so that's important now how are they being taught is really

important because there are you know public education we are sitting at a

desk and you're being talked at all day not gonna work for a child with autism

you've got to focus on or the teacher has to focus on strengths and interests

and build curriculum and lesson plans around that and also take into

consideration you know what is the learning style of your child there's

basically just to understand this a little better there's for learning

channels there is the visuospatial Learning Channel there is the auditory

sequential learning channel those are the two primary ones

and by the way the auditory sequential probably 60 60 percent of the population

are auditory learners the other third of the population are visual learners so

auditory sequential is the way we are lectured at and taught in most of our

public schools if that's not a Learning Channel for your child there's gonna be

issue so really understand their learning child learning style the other

two secondary learning channels are tactile meaning you know touch things

and then can aesthetic moving around being able to move around and touch and

and and move to help engage your brain so something to think about when you are

looking at your child's schooling in classroom the you know important thing

about the how how how they're being taught is you know like really for any

child but certainly for children with autism are they in a dynamic engaging

interactive hands-on experiential classroom that's what is gonna work the

best for a child with autism and the third point I want to make is who is

teaching your child and I can't overemphasize how important this is

because what your child sorry what your teacher truly believes about your child

has a huge impact on your child's well-being because if that teacher

believes in your child's capabilities potential intelligence there's gonna be

a very different dynamic and learning experience then if that teacher is

looking at your child with autism it's not very capable and just sort of you

know letting them sort of sit there or do very easy meaningless tasks and

problems so one of the things that you can ask your teacher is how well do they

know your child do they know what your child is really good at do they know

what your child is really interested in do they know your child's quirks your

insecurities all of these things the whole child should be known by the

teacher or teachers that work with your child because that setting will be very

different if things are set up for your child to really expand on interests and

strengths and lessen the you know the fears or anxieties or insecurities but

one of the you know most important things that you can think about when you

talk about you know your child and the teacher is do you get a feel from your

teacher the teacher that they really respect and honor and accept your child

and I think another important point is is that teacher trying to make your

child normal or is that teacher trying to make your child the best best that

your child can be are they helping your child become the best version of

themselves so throw normal out because that's just gonna create a lot of

frustration and anxiety because your child is not here to be normal your

child's here to be better than normal your child's here to be their amazing

glorious different self because their unique differences are what we need so

make sure that your teacher believes that as well

so the bottom line when you think about schooling is you know the importance of

these topics of you know what is your child learning how are they being taught

and who is teaching them has such a great impact on their well-being from

the day-to-day you know life that they're living in school their

self-esteem and certainly their future possibilities and prospects so thank you

for listening:, for lots of resources

over there and information to help you on your autism journey I appreciate you

being here and I hope I can help you out these kids are brilliant and they

deserve every opportunity for their brilliance to shine thank you

For more infomation >> Autism Kids At School: 3 Key Aspects to Simplify Schooling For Your Child's Well Being and Future - Duration: 8:38.


Cozy Luxury Beautiful 36ft Tiny House Company out of Vancouver, B C , Canada - Duration: 3:25.

Cozy Luxury Beautiful 36ft Tiny House Company out of Vancouver, B C , Canada

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