Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 3 2019

This is hot off the press a bronzed baby Buddha was found in Western Australia by two Aussie blokes and

this could be

Exactly. What the Chinese Communist Party wanted to find

Before we get started if you want to keep up to date with Australia's first geopolitically focus YouTube channel

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Through Western stream, man

While exploring the state's north coast with the metal detector have discovered a bronze Buddha figurine that could date back to the early

Ming Dynasty if

Authenticated the infant Buddha could be of high value and potentially historically

Significant if its arrival on the coast could be shown to predate the first European visits to Australia's western


Leon des Champs and Shayne Thompson said the figurine appears to be made of gilded bronze and weighs more than a kilogram despite

Its small size that the pair understands that it belongs to them as they were fossicking legally in Main Roads reserve

While there is provision at a preferred rural level for objects of exceptional cultural value to be appropriated by the government at the moment

appears that possession is nine-tenths of the law and these guys are comfortable that they have notified all

Possible stakeholders in considering what should be done with the object. Let's have a look at the footage. I'm just going to continue the dig

This is pretty amazing

It seems odd. Looks like it was


And a lot all done Wow

Oh, it's heavy




Managed to get hold of Shayne Thompson on the phone and we had a little bit of a conversation

He explained that

some expert that they spoke to

believes that it is Ming Dynasty around 1350 to

1637 you see back in the Ming Dynasty

the emperor just off top of my head he

he built a big Navy and this big Navy was really expensive and

It was more of a show of strength and a show of wealth

to try to prove to the world how rich China was back then and these ships would go around and

trade with other countries and they'll turn up and they and if they weren't allowed to trade they would use their military might to

Beat their way in that didn't end too. Well

Because Navy ended up bankrupting this dynasty

I don't believe that the Ming Dynasty ever discovered, Australia

But you see after speaking the Shan he said that it was only

Ten centimeters deep and the sand was quiet loose

Which means that someone could have just dropped it there a few days

Prior a little bit of wind blew a little bit of sand over the top of it

See when I went to China. I would see a

road, that was 400 years old and it was at least

2-3 meters deep you would have to dig down to it. So

If it was to be that old

At least made a couple meters deep

I'm no archaeologists. I'm no expert in any of these things, but 10 centimeters. Come on

Secondly Shane Thompson was referred to the Western Australian Chinese community association Xinhua

now, this is very concerning to me because

They might just latch on to anything

They could to try and build some sort of legitimacy. And I'm sure you guys are aware of what happened with the Australian War Memorial


the the Chinese billionaire working for the Chinese Communist Party

paid for

Research to be done on a book and this book claims that there were Chinese people on the first fleet that arrived in Australia

It's almost like a counterclaim to Australia

and if and it's the same strategy they used with the South China Sea you see in the South trying to see a a

Map that was written by hand


1947 by some Chinese random Chinese guy

and they they pointed out the nine-dash line and that was their flimsy excuse for

taking the entire South China Sea and now

thousands of

Asian fishermen from Vietnam Philippines, Malaysia all around there

they're not allowed to fish things are gone kind of pear-shaped in the South China Sea and you can see that the pattern where

if China was

discover that the Ming Dynasty had have just

Landed just put set foot on Australia for five hundred years ago


That would possibly justify an invasion

I know it's I know it's crazy to think of that but look at the South China Sea, that's what they did there as well

Also Shane Thompson the guy who found this

He is a filmmaker

which is a bit suspicious to me, although when I spoke to him he was

He was quite well spoken. He will he seemed quite intelligent. He's a filmmaker

This seems like a little bit of a media beat up to me

and now what he's going to do is he him and his counterpart Leon des Champs they are going to

make a documentary all about this little

bronze Buddha that they found

So it seems like a little bit of a media beat up to me. I also

explained to Shane

the geopolitical implications of if this was to be

legitimized and how him how important it is to get to the I

Didn't actually call him a liar. I didn't didn't say anything like that

but what I did was I just said look we need to make sure this is legit and

Anything like this the Chinese Communist Party would love to get their hands on and if this is just some sort of a Jirga

We probably shouldn't be playing

These type of jokes and he wasn't aware of the geopolitical

Implications or sent him a few links same a few sent him a book. He should read and a few other things like that. So,

hopefully wisest up to what's going on and hopefully

some experts look at this and realize that

It's not legitimate because the last thing we want is

The Chinese Communist Party to have some sort of legitimate claim over Australia and this brings me to the next copy gets

The fact that so many Australians are unaware of the real

danger that China

Poses us it's as if we're we're all so naive to how dangerous this massive behemoth

on our doorstep is

You know people think there's 1.4 billion people but really there's so many undocumented Chinese

There's at least one point seven billion people over there

They got one of the biggest militaries in the world

one of the biggest economies in the world the economies like 20 times Australia's there and

They are officially our enemy a lot of people

Have not fully allowed that to sink in but the Chinese Communist Party this military is our enemy

They're not our friend

In any way shape or form they are not our fan friend and they are not America's friend either

It's quite disturbing how many Australians are not aware of how?

Dangerous they are

people worried about the Soviet Union and people were extremely

scared about

Russia and the Cold War

China is at least twice maybe three four times more powerful than the Soviet Union

yet people are just loaded into this false sense security and keep in mind before World War Two and

In World War one when that uh friends Fernan and guy got assassinated

You see there were so many emergencies leading up to these wars where it was

People were on on edge and they would panic and they'll try fix each drama one by one

But it got to the point where they got

How can I explain it?

They just got a bit burnt out from constantly being on edge and then eventually something went wrong and then it snowballed

So fast next thing, you know world war one world war two started. That's kind of how it happened. I feel like people are so

They're they're not taking it as seriously as they should be because

This massive behemoth on our doorstep is something that we really need to be taking seriously

But anyway guys, I just wanted to bring that to you today and I'll see you guys in the next video

I left my heart to the severs rock' said

The hammer song

wasabi to cigarettes a to the black of Markham and

The had to be out there cold turkey, but from the ocean to the Silver City

And that's only either way, it's good


The bellow of a god and acts and guarantees

I'll ever know be they heroes but back in

97 and free and happy sailing the save me harbored

Assault of about a kid who kiss her and she was landing




For more infomation >> PESCA con MOSCA en ARROYO COLORADO MENDOZA (COMO PESCAR en ARROYOS de MONTAÑA) 🎣 | FLY FISHING - Duration: 13:09.


Qual É A Música - 25 set 2005 - Pt.1 - Duration: 29:18.

For more infomation >> Qual É A Música - 25 set 2005 - Pt.1 - Duration: 29:18.


"Sem humildade", dispara Hariany sobre colega do BBB19 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> "Sem humildade", dispara Hariany sobre colega do BBB19 - Duration: 4:05.


Recondicionamento de ALTO Falantes - Reforme Alto Falantes (VÍDEO AULAS Em DVD) SOM AUTOMOTIVO - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Recondicionamento de ALTO Falantes - Reforme Alto Falantes (VÍDEO AULAS Em DVD) SOM AUTOMOTIVO - Duration: 0:59.


ARCHES, ZION AND NORTH RIM OF GRAND CANYON- Road trip across US part 5 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> ARCHES, ZION AND NORTH RIM OF GRAND CANYON- Road trip across US part 5 - Duration: 11:58.


[FREE] G Herbo Type Beat 2019 - "Catch Em Slippin" | feat. Southside | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:21.

G Herbo type beat

For more infomation >> [FREE] G Herbo Type Beat 2019 - "Catch Em Slippin" | feat. Southside | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:21.


Jorge Ben - Caramba... Galileu da Galiléia - (Com Letra na Descrição) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Jorge Ben - Caramba... Galileu da Galiléia - (Com Letra na Descrição) - Duration: 2:30.


'월드클래스 증명' 손흥민, 3시즌 연속 두 자릿수 득점 - Duration: 3:39.

손흥민(27)이 2경기 연속 골을 터트리며 최근 상승세를 이어 갔습니다. 지친 기색은 없었습니다.

토트넘 홋스퍼는 2일(이하 한국 시간) 영국 런던 웸블리

스타디움에서 열린 2018-19시즌 잉글랜드 프리미어리그(EPL)

25라운드 뉴캐슬 유나이티드와 홈경기에서 1-0으로 이겼습니다.

토트넘은 이날 압도적인 볼 점유율 속에도 답답한 흐름으로 앞서가지 못했는데요.

결승골의 주인공은 손흥민이었습니다.

후반 37분, 손흥민의 발끝에서 기다리던 골이 터졌습니다.

손흥민은 페널티박스 오른쪽 부근에서 강력한 무회전 슛을 때렸습니다.

뉴캐슬의 골키퍼 마틴 두브라브카가 따라가 봤지만 공을 잡기엔 무리였습니다.

경기 후 영국 유력 매체 '스카이 스포츠'는 토트넘-뉴캐슬전 MOM(Man Of the Match)으로 손흥민을 선정했습니다.

통계전문업체인 '후스코어닷컴'은 손흥민에게 8점으로 이날 경기 최고 평점을 주기도 했습니다.

승점 57점을 챙긴 토트넘은 리그 1위 리버풀을 승점 4점 차이로 뒤쫓았습니다.

지난달 31일 왓포드전에서 골맛을 본 손흥민은 2경기 연속 상대 골망을 흔들었습니다.

시즌 14호 골이자, 리그 10호 골이었는데요.

손흥민은 3시즌 연속 리그 두 자릿수 득점에 성공하며 세계 정상급 공격수임을 증명했습니다.

For more infomation >> '월드클래스 증명' 손흥민, 3시즌 연속 두 자릿수 득점 - Duration: 3:39.


✅ Presidente do Supremo anula decisão sobre votação aberta na eleição para a presidência do Senado e - Duration: 1:25.

O presidente do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), ministro Dias Toffoli, determinou, na madrugada deste sábado (02), que a eleição para a presidência do Senado seja feita por meio de votação secreta

Ele atendeu a um pedido dos partidos Solidariedade e MDB. A sessão que vai definir o novo presidente da Casa foi retomada no fim desta manhã após ter sido adiada na noite de sexta-feira (1º), depois de tumulto e bate-boca entre os senadores

Na decisão, Toffoli anulou a votação conduzida pelo senador Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), que por 50 votos a dois e uma abstenção estabeleceu voto aberto para a eleição que escolherá o presidente – 28 senadores não votaram

"Defiro o pedido, de modo que as eleições para os membros da Mesa Diretora do Senado Federal sejam realizadas por escrutínio secreto

Por conseguinte, declaro a nulidade do processo de votação da questão de ordem submetida ao Plenário pelo Senador da República Davi Alcolumbre, a respeito da forma de votação para os cargos da Mesa Diretora

Comunique-se, com urgência, por meio expedito, o Senador da República José Maranhão, que, conforme anunciado publicamente, presidirá os trabalhos", diz a decisão

Dias ToffoliSenadovotação

For more infomation >> ✅ Presidente do Supremo anula decisão sobre votação aberta na eleição para a presidência do Senado e - Duration: 1:25.


✅ John Vitale abbandona l'Isola dei Famosi, il motivo: "Ho capito la lezione" - Duration: 3:26.

John Vitale lascia l'Isola dei Famosi dopo il caso legato a Barbara D'Urso  John Vitale non diventerà un naufrago ufficiale dell'Isola dei Famosi, poiché ha scelto di abbandonare il gioco ancora prima del televoto che lo vedeva scontrarsi con Yuri Rimbaldi

Quest'ultimo ha avuto così l'opportunità di entrare a far parte ufficialmente nel cast senza dover affrontare il televoto

Al contrario di Giorgia Venturini e Alice Fabbrica. In questo caso, la fortunata è la prima

Nel frattempo, Alessia Marcuzzi, nel corso di questa terza puntata annuncia che John ha scelto di ritirarsi dal gioco, ma prima ha girato un confessionale in cui spiega le sue motivazioni

In quest'ultima settimana, è stato protagonista di un vero e proprio caso. Durante la scorsa puntata, Alessia informava John che alcuni suoi post del passato, in cui parlava di Barbara D'Urso, su Facebook

Il finalista di Saranno Isolani è stato accusato di aver insultato duramente la nota conduttrice, utilizzando termini troppo forti

La Marcuzzi si era subito mostrata furiosa per l'accaduto, tanto da fargli una vera e propria romanzina

A distanza di poco tempo, John ha scelto di lasciare il programma. John Vitale spiega i motivi che l'hanno portato a prendere questa importante scelta  John avrà ora l'opportunità di rispondere liberamente alle accuse

Sembra, però, che la scelta di tornare a casa non sia dipesa proprio da quanto accaduto in questi giorni

Infatti, lui stesso, in un video afferma di voler lasciare l'Isola per tornare dai suoi cari

"Non è un abbandono, bensì un traguardo. A casa ho lasciato persone che hanno più bisogno di me, più di quanto io abbia bisogno di stare qui", rivela John nel confessionale

Non solo, il finalista di Saranno Isolani ammette che le parole di Alessia, più che ferito, l'hanno aiutato a riflettere

Quanto accaduto gli è servito a crescere e ora è pronto a lasciare questa esperienza alle spalle, per tornare a casa dai suoi cari

John Vitale abbondona l'Isola e spera di poter incontrare Barbara D'Urso  "Ho capito la lezione, chiedo ancora scusa

Spero di avere ancora l'occasione di poterle fare di persona", confessa John prima di lasciare definitivamente il reality

Vitale spera, dunque, di poter incontrare Barbara D'Urso, per avere la possibilità di farle le scuse di persona e risolvere così questo caso

For more infomation >> ✅ John Vitale abbandona l'Isola dei Famosi, il motivo: "Ho capito la lezione" - Duration: 3:26.


✅ The Good Doctor 2, anticipazioni seconda puntata: Kalu torna, Glassman operato - Duration: 2:34.

The Good Doctor episodi 3 e 4: le anticipazioni  È ufficialmente partita su Rai 2 la seconda stagione di The Good Doctor, con protagonista Freddie Highmore

Come abbiamo visto nei primi episodi (ogni domenica sera andranno in onda due episodi della serie) al San Jose St

Bonaventure sono cambiate diverse cose. Glassman, che ha scoperto di avere un tumore al cervello, ha perso il ruolo di direttore dell'ospedale per via dell'errore di Shaun

Al suo posto è stato promosso il chirurgo Andrews, che comincia ad apportare i primi cambiamenti

Intanto cresce l'ostilità nei confronti di Kalu, tanto che il giovane specializzando è costretto a lasciare la California per cercare fortuna altrove

Ma questo non è un addio definitivo: l'attore Chuku Modu ha fatto sapere sui social network che si tratta solo di un arrivederci

The Good Doctor 2×03: Glassman viene operato  Nel terzo episodio di The Good Doctor 2, Glassman viene operato e l'intervento riesce alla perfezione

Per la gioia di Shaun, che nel frattempo deve fare i conti con il ritorno di Lea

Un ritorno che destabilizza il ragazzo, che non sa bene come comportarsi nei confronti della sua ex vicina

Nel frattempo la dottoressa Lim si mette nei guai e finisce in cella. Inoltre in ospedale riappare la figlia di Glassman

The Good Doctor 2×04: riappare la figlia di Glassman  Al capezzale di Glassman riappare Maddie, la figlia con la quale il medico ha da tempo un rapporto burrascoso

Qualcosa va storto e Aaron ha una brutta e inaspettata sorpresa. Shaun e Melandez devono vedersela con alcuni pazienti difficili, che porteranno a galla vecchi ricordi di infanzia e adolescenza

For more infomation >> ✅ The Good Doctor 2, anticipazioni seconda puntata: Kalu torna, Glassman operato - Duration: 2:34.


La mujer perfecta (1924 USA Cabanne) The average woman - Duration: 47:27.

For more infomation >> La mujer perfecta (1924 USA Cabanne) The average woman - Duration: 47:27.


✅ Após polêmica, Eduardo Costa faz reflexão: "Sou inconsequente, momentâneo" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:21.

 O cantor sertanejo Eduardo Costa, recentemente, teve seu nome envolvido em uma polêmica durante uma confusão em um de seus shows nos EUA

+ Eduardo Costa expulsa fã de show: "Tira ele e dá uns tapas"  Neste domingo, 03, o sertanejo fez uma reflexão em sua rede social com um click de sua viagem

Na reflexão, ele fala sobre o seu jeito.  "Sou passional, pensativo, racional, inconsequente, sonhador, depressivo, alegre, tímido, extrovertido, momentâneo, vivo, morto… e uma porção de outros termos que possam me definir num momento

Controverso? Prefiro chamar isso de humano", disse ele.  Confira a publicação:    Nos comentários, os seguidores do cantor enviaram palavras de apoio e muitos elogios

 "Continue sendo essa pessoa maravilhosa Deus te abençoe grandemente um abraço de uma humilde fã Pernambucana", comentou uma seguidora

"Lindo Edu só admiro cada vez mais", se derreteu uma segunda internauta

"E lindo também, por dentro e por fora!", elogiou uma terceira. Eduardo Costa se pronuncia após confusão em show  O cantor sertanejo Eduardo Costa usou sua rede social para se pronunciar após uma confusão em um de seus shows ganharem força na web

 Eduardo realizou sua tour internacional nos EUA, onde realizou quatro shows, um em Boston, dois em Danbury e um em Atlanta

 Em seu instagram,  Eduardo compartilhou um vídeo falando sobre a confusão e a atitude que teve em chamar seu segurança

O cantor começa afirmando que realmente fez o que fez e que o fã embriagado merecia

Confira o vídeo! Eduardo Costa anuncia show para ajudar Brumadinho  O sertanejo Eduardo Costa se envolveu em uma grande polêmica em sua turnê internacional que aconteceu neste último fim de semana, nos EUA

A atitude do cantor em pedir para o seu segurança retirar e dar uns tapas em um de seus fãs ganhou grande repercussão na mídia

 Após se pronunciar, o cantor retornou a web, e através de seu instagram, novamente se desculpou e anunciou um show exclusivo para ajudar os afetados da grande tragédia que ocorreu em Brumadinho, Minas Gerais

Confira! Confira também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Após polêmica, Eduardo Costa faz reflexão: "Sou inconsequente, momentâneo" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:21.


Libid Gel funciona? Libid gel como funciona? Libid gel funciona mesmo? - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Libid Gel funciona? Libid gel como funciona? Libid gel funciona mesmo? - Duration: 5:45.


¿Por qué es importante que entendamos sobre ciencia y tecnología? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué es importante que entendamos sobre ciencia y tecnología? - Duration: 6:10.



For more infomation >> A Rena do Nariz Vermelho - ANIMAÇÃO EM STOP MOTION DUBLADA PELA H. R, GRAVADO DA ANTIGA TVS - 1 DVD - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> A Rena do Nariz Vermelho - ANIMAÇÃO EM STOP MOTION DUBLADA PELA H. R, GRAVADO DA ANTIGA TVS - 1 DVD - Duration: 0:58.


PUBG MOBILE - 5 СЕЗОН - МОБАЙЛ ПУБГ НА ПК - ОФФ ЭМУЛЯТОР | @daggergaming - Duration: 3:25:29.

For more infomation >> PUBG MOBILE - 5 СЕЗОН - МОБАЙЛ ПУБГ НА ПК - ОФФ ЭМУЛЯТОР | @daggergaming - Duration: 3:25:29.


¿Por qué es importante que entendamos sobre ciencia y tecnología? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué es importante que entendamos sobre ciencia y tecnología? - Duration: 6:10.


Recondicionamento de ALTO Falantes - Reforme Alto Falantes (VÍDEO AULAS Em DVD) SOM AUTOMOTIVO - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Recondicionamento de ALTO Falantes - Reforme Alto Falantes (VÍDEO AULAS Em DVD) SOM AUTOMOTIVO - Duration: 0:59.



Playing fortnite to stop T-Series

What's up NarGang how are you doing

So Pewdiepie plays fortnite to stop T-Series

And this is 100% real

Right here is the livestream

And pewdiepie have been streaming for hours

To defeat T-Series and this is actually happening

There is 280 96

296,000 people are watching the stream

Highest it have been was 310,000 viewers watching the stream couple of hours ago I think

Pewdiepie just playing fortnite to stop T-Series

Let's watch a small clip of the video we are playing

Pewdiepie vs T-Series I'm playing fortnite

So right here let me just turn the sound on

Put it up up

Ok he is cussing Pewdiepie is cussing

Yeah that is what you call a Christian channel

Ok Pewdiepie is ending the livestream

I'm too late to make this video

Ok let me just get out of the video

The video is ended

So Pewdiepie was playing fortnite and

And about 300,000 people was watching

Also the subscriber count was going up let me go to

T-Series vs Pewdiepie youtube

T-Series vs Pewdiepie

So 13 people is watching flare tv's livestream on Pewdiepie vs T-Series

And the sub gap is went to 84,000 let me just

Turn this chat off

So Pewdiepie is growing a lot of subscribers see this

The subscribers is going up so fast because of Pewdiepie played fortnite

To gain lot of subscribers

This is actually so crazy

Pewdiepie even said "I'm so desperate to do it"

So yep I hope you enjoyed this video guys

Pewdiepie is playing fortnite to get a lot of subscribers

And in did work but

I think in the future like Tomorrow or 2 days Later in the future

Pewdiepie the suscriber gap is gonna go down again

I think Tseries is gonna Win

If pewdiepie doesn't play fortnite again

NarGang out

For more infomation >> PEWDIEPIE PLAYS FORTNITE TO DEFEAT T-SERIES (Did It Work?) - Duration: 2:28.


7 of the Most Uniquely Fierce Sharks - Duration: 10:11.

[ ♪ Intro ]

Sharks come in a lot of different shapes and sizes, and not just big, bigger, and

"God, help save me!"

Worldwide, there are at least 500 different shark species,

and most of them aren't the bazillion-toothed, seal and surfer-terrorizing nemeses of the deep that Hollywood tells us they are.

The great white may have a bite force of more than one and a half metric tons

and a top speed of 40 kilometers per hour,

but that stuff is almost boring compared the other species out there.

Because slashing, shredding, and dismembering with mere teeth and/or brute force

is not interesting enough for many of nature's weirdest sharks.

No, these sharks went down evolutionary roads that produced adaptations like slingshot faces,

chainsaw snouts, glow-in-the-dark skin, and lifespans that rival trees.

The Greenland shark looks like a poorly executed granite sculpture of a much more attractive species,

and that's not even the weirdest thing about it.

In 2016, researchers discovered that Greenland sharks may be the world's longest-living vertebrates.

The oldest one they tested was at least 272 years old,

although it could have been as old as 512.

Even the low end of that range is way longer than the previous record-holding vertebrate,

the bowhead whale, which lives for about 200 years.

Greenland sharks have such a long lifespan

that females probably don't reach sexual maturity until they're around 150 years old,

which seems like a really long time to wait for that first date.

Now, we don't know a ton about these sharks.

It hasn't been that long since we discovered they live so long,

and biologists hadn't studied them much before that.

But researchers think the secret to the Greenland shark's long life

might be the bone-crushingly cold water it lives in, which is usually around 1-10 degrees Celsius.

The cold water probably lowers the shark's growth rate, along with its metabolic rate,

or how quickly it uses up energy.

The cold might even affect its genes.

Researchers studying nematode worms have found that cold temperatures can activate anti-aging genes.

Sharks are not worms, obviously, but some scientists think something similar might happen

for the cold-loving Greenland shark.

The genes might help the shark's body fold proteins, for example,

keeping it healthy for longer.

Misfolded proteins become more common as an organism ages,

and they can cause age-related diseases when they accumulate.

The cold could also activate genes that help the shark fight off infection

or get rid of molecules that could damage its DNA.

Either way, some of these sharks, the individual living sharks,

have probably been around since before the American revolution.

And that is just weird to think about.

The thresher shark might seem sort of average at first, that is, until you see its tail.

The top half of the shark's tail fin is as long as the rest of its body,

which has inspired all kinds of wild speculation about these sharks taking down their prey Indiana Jones-style.


Until … scientists found out it was true.

In 2010, sharks from one species of thresher shark, called the pelagic thresher,

were observed literally whipping shoals of sardines with their big long tail fins.

The whipping action of the tail fin has been clocked at 129 kilometers per hour, through water!

And is so powerful that it doesn't just kill the shark's prey, it dismembers it.

You can see the advantage: Swiping at a bunch of prey at once

means they don't have to bother chasing around individual fish.

And they don't have to bother with cutting their food up into bite-sized portions, either,

since their whip-tail does that for them.

I don't think Indiana Jones ever tried that particular strategy, but maybe he should have.

The sawshark, meanwhile, uses a very different weapon for its slicing-and-dicing: its face.

It's like the Leatherface of the deep, with a rostrum, or snout, that looks kind of like a chainsaw,

flat and elongated, and lined with modified, teeth-like scales.

But the saw is more than just a weapon.

Sharks have electroreceptors on their heads called the ampullae of Lorenzini,

which they use to sense the electrical fields generated by prey animals.

Sawsharks are bottom dwellers, and their ampullae of Lorenzini are located on the underside

of the rostrum.

That, along with the long, mustache-like nasal barbels located about midway down the rostrum,

helps the sawshark locate buried prey.

Then, once the shark finds it, it can use the saw to quickly dispatch it.

Goblin sharks are kind of the opposite of what you'd expect from a deadly predator:

They're sort of flabby and poorly toned, with long snouts and skin that's a weird pinkish-gray color.

But what the goblin shark lacks in good looks and athletic physique,

it makes up for with its own bizarre built-in face weapon:

an upper jaw that can be dropped and fired at its prey, and then drawn back again.

Kind of like a certain alien that once tried to eat Sigourney Weaver.

The goblin shark's jaw isn't directly fused to its skull, it's attached more indirectly,

with ligaments and extra bits of cartilage.

That's what makes it so freakishly mobile.

The shark stretches the ligaments to draw the jaw back to the rest of its head,

then fires it forward by relaxing them.

As an added bonus, researchers think the movement might create suction

that draws the shark's prey towards its mouth.

So the goblin shark doesn't just look like a movie alien, it also hunts like one.

But there's a good reason for its strange appearance, too.

The shark's skin is basically see-through because it lives in the deep ocean,

where pigmentation is totally unnecessary.

And its flabby body is thought to be an adaptation to the energy-deficient environment down there.

By not having a lot of muscle, the sharks save the energy they'd otherwise use to maintain it.

Goblin sharks are also thought to spend more time hovering than swimming,

probably for similar energy-conserving reasons.

Although it's clearly also hovering because that's just super creepy and it's really good at that.

The wobbegong is more of a stealth killer, with an arsenal of strategies for attracting,

apprehending, and ambushing prey.

The shark has wiggly lobes on its upper lip, which to prey, look like yummy things to eat,

or maybe a safe place to hide.

Except that really, the prey are the yummy things to eat,

and the lobes are the opposite of a safe place to hide.

Scientists think the lobes also help the wobbegong blend into the ocean floor,

where it spends most of its time.

Because its prey often comes to it, the wobbegong doesn't have to waste a lot of time and

energy hunting its food.

It just hangs out and waits for its takeout order to arrive, usually in the form of fish,

cephalopods, and other small, doomed creatures.

Prey doesn't even have to come very close, because the wobbegongs can send their mouths out to meet their prey,

independent of the rest of their bodies.

One species, the spotted wobbegong, can extend its mouth further than the length of its own head.

Like the goblin shark, the motion enlarges the shark's mouth,

which also generates suction that traps prey as it passes by.

And if that doesn't work, they do have another option: some wobbegongs have been observed

sneaking up on their prey.

Extra, super creepy.

The frilled shark, named for the frills on its gills, is sort of like an eel, sort of like a snake,

and sort of like a thing that tried to eat the Millenium Falcon in the Empire Strikes Back.

What it's not very much like is a shark, at least not most sharks as we know and recognize them.

It really looks much more like an eel … until you see its bizarre, backward-facing teeth.

Scientists think these strange teeth might be used to lure prey.

They're bright white and stand out against the dark skin of the shark,

so curious fish might be tempted to come in for a better look.

Since the teeth face backward, they hook the prey and make it very hard to escape.

The frilled shark's mouth is also long and flexible, like a snake's.

That allows it to open its mouth really wide, swallowing prey up to half its body length.

Frilled sharks live at depths of 120 to 1,200 meters, and they aren't seen very often,

so we don't know exactly what their feeding behavior looks like.

But scientists think the arrangement of the shark's fins, combined with its natural buoyancy,

suggests that it might, like, hover in the water, and then strike at passing prey like a snake.

The catshark doesn't have a whip for a tail, or a saw for a head, or hooks for teeth.

It has a different type of clever adaptation that helps it survive

500-600 meters below the surface, where it lives:

it glows in the dark.

Catsharks are biofluorescent: They have special pigment in their skin that absorbs blue light,

the only color that penetrates that far into the ocean,

and then re-emits some of the energy as green light.

This strategy isn't as common as bioluminescence,

where an organism produces its own light through a chemical reaction.

But scientists are starting to realize that biofluorescence

is more widespread among fish than we thought.

It's just been hard to detect it

because the glow is often too dim for us humans to see without special equipment.

And in 2016, researchers discovered it in catsharks.

The sharks' eyes, which are shaped like a cat's, are much more sensitive to light.

They're attuned to the blue and green part of the spectrum,

and they have long rod cells that help them see better in low light.

So they can probably see the biofluorescence pretty clearly.

We aren't totally sure what they use it for,

but the researchers think the green glow helps the sharks see each other in the dark.

More specifically, it could help them find mates, an idea that's backed up by the fact

that males and females have different glowing patterns.

In at least one species, the males' claspers, which they use to mate, are part of that pattern.

There's still a lot we don't know about why some sharks glow,

or about most of the unusual qualities on this list.

But one thing is for sure: To find the truly awesome sharks out there,

you have to look past those plain old boring Hollywood sharks

to their lesser-known but weirdly fascinating cousins.

Happy swimming, everyone!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you're interested in learning more about some of the strangest animals out there,

along with all kinds of other fascinating science,

you can go on over to to subscribe.

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> 7 of the Most Uniquely Fierce Sharks - Duration: 10:11.


Democrats Are Coming For Trump's Tax Returns - Duration: 4:45.

On February Seventh, Democrats in the House of Representatives on the ways and means committee

headed by Democratic Representative John Lewis. They're going to have a meeting and what they're

going to talk about is donald Trump's tax returns and of course Mike Pence is tax returns.

They're going to have this meeting to try to figure out how can we get access to these

tax returns and then make this information available to the public. Now the Democrats

on this committee, they're trying to go about this, you know, by the law. They're doing

what they can. They're doing what they are allowed to do. They're handling it legislatively

as they are supposed to because after all, Donald Trump is under numerous different investigations.

He was one of the first president in the last 40 years, or actually the only president last

40 years I should say, to not give us any of his tax information.

And so it kind of seems likely that the man's trying to hide something and if he wanted

to shut everybody in this country up about his alleged business dealings that may have

compromised him, release the tax returns. Show us that nothing happened and then you're

good to go. You might even put an end to some of these investigations into you, but you

won't do that because we know you have something to hide and the Democrats on this panel also

know that and that's why they want these tax returns. Now they're going to try to go through

the rules and see what they can do, see if they can get it from the White House, make

it available to the public. They're gonna. Get opposition and resistance from the Republican

Party. They'll get opposition from the White House, but there is a provision in a 19, 24

tax rule that says that the chairman of any of the three tax committees can access any

taxpayers' information. Anybody's tax return, any single person in

this country, if you're the chairperson of one of those three tax committees, they have

access to it. They are legally allowed to get access to it so Trump could fight it all

he wants and they don't want to have to go through using this provision, but they will

if they have to and they will if they need to, and that's the key word here. This is

information that we need to know. It could completely show us how corrupt Donald Trump

is and I'm not talking about the Russia probe. I think to me, what's more intriguing? His

water, his deals with Saudi Arabia, what's going on with UAE, what's going on with Qatar?

There is so much shady dealings happening with those Middle Eastern countries and the

Trump family and we need answers into that. We need to know where money is going or coming

or whatever and that information could be contained in those tax returns.

Or as I said, these tax returns may show that this is a guy who's on the level. He just

sometimes acts like an but in reality never committed a single crime whatsoever. Everybody

calmed down. He's just stupid. He's not criminal. That could be something we find out. We don't

know what's in those returns because he's been too cowardly to release them to the public.

That's not good. Democrats also have a a provision and a new bill they want to get past that

would force presidential and vice presidential candidates to a release tax information to

the public when running for president or vice president. That is something I think is desperately

needed. If you want to be president of the United States, you got to come clean. You

got to show us what you got. You got to put all your cards on the table so that we can

make decisions and we can make sure that you're not doing things that you're not supposed

to with your money. I don't care about how much money you have or don't have. What I

care about is where it's coming from and what it got you and I think that's what a lot of

people in this country care about. You know, I don't care if he is a billionaire or not

a billionaire. Whoa. Well, what matters is, was he taking money from other countries that

could eventually influenced his policy, is president of the United States, and that is

something that all of us desperately deserve an answer to.

For more infomation >> Democrats Are Coming For Trump's Tax Returns - Duration: 4:45.


We Enhanced SypherPk With This Fortnite Edit - Duration: 10:08.

Other champion, I'm the champion

Listen up. Wow, that's dog

I didn't think it would be this easy

Hello viewers, my name is cypher get ready for the adventure of a lifetime


We said why have 33 funny questions, yeah, cuz I'm standing right now there's a lot people watching how much

6000 relaxi that's not too much but

How do I guess my age

Trap there, we break the roof. He runs into the trap or he stays and eats a handful of c4

What's he gonna do



this guy's probably not even that good but since you waited so long like

Probably. Oh, that's me. Oh

That guy was really good. Damn. I've never seen anything like that in my life Wow. Oh yo what's going on, man?

Are you in lobby? I no. No, I'm finishing out the solo real quick. So if you want to

Two hours later


Stopped it before I got to it. Hang on our marriage certificate. Yes. I'm not married anymore. I

Hope he falls off this thing

God bless I

Mean I have my ukulele with me. You're a song. Yeah, love is here a song. All right. All right. Let's go under here

Just new please. No copyright

Remember me?

Though I have to travel far remember me

Samuel here is a guitar

I sing a secret song to you each night. We

Though I have to say goodbye remember me

Don't let her make you cry. There he is

He's aiming a pump shotgun and I'm gonna drop and put a wall in front of him

This is gonna be like very strategic drop for the world. Shoot. I shoot

This is just the beginning boys all I can play so good and I can see everybody. Oh

Wow, why did I not do this before? Oh wait, it's because I care about what my viewers see

I'm ever back in the day we split. Oh look how fast we I can build a one by one everybody. Like wow

Wow, so fast this builder in the game, and now you got people like you

Know I'm just like what's the point?


Got the aimbot on deck bebop. We got him

Don't you miss when the pump used to kill people that I bet you like

I had six health - that was a clean head shot for only 144 unacceptable. I said I'm calling the police

I'm trying to get I'm trying to get like one big shield. Just one more. I know

Just above but you got be careful falling for that people wait for you go. They snipe it. Yeah there there. Oh



Feel so bad man, I've literally just killed a four-year-old who's playing on his Apple tablet

Killing zombies like oh my god. I've never had this many kills before look mom. It says 20 kills on the top

It says 20 kills mom look


I don't know. We have a lot of launch missiles. No, no is it?


Another way, Nick. Okay. Good luck, bro. Use me man GG, bro

Alright listen this is what we're gonna do cypher. We're now gonna kill this guy we're gonna find them

We're gonna build around them. Right and then we're gonna blow them up. Thank you. Sure. Where is he?

Yeah him up

We play second we got second place

We didn't even win pushing them. He knew that I saw him and he knew he was dead

So he just like he gave up he gave up

I'm gonna sweep this out


For more infomation >> We Enhanced SypherPk With This Fortnite Edit - Duration: 10:08.


lunéville, france - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> lunéville, france - Duration: 1:25.


GROWING VERTICAL Small Space Veggie Garden Profile Australia - Duration: 9:39.

Welcome to Martys Garden a place where you can learn how to grow sustainable organic food that

tastes great your backyard today's video we are visiting Greg Rays amazing

little garden on the Mid North Coast in New South Wales Australia

well she's hot man we're now last month of summer here in Australia and we're

getting record temperatures all over the place it's currently about 33 degrees

maybe around about that inside so I've got everything closed up cuz everyone's

out on the whipper snippers and stuff in the middle of day fixing their lawn -

Who would of thought you know I'd do it in the mornings and afternoons guys but anyway

look Karin my daughter she's in her second day at high school I sent her off

this morning and she's like getting the bus back she's happiest Larry well sort

of happy you know like a bit freaked out going to high school it's pretty full on right

I got this little studio I bought thank you Wazz my friend if you're watching this for putting

it together for me we have a little box light I gotta get some batteries in there

but anyway look let's get into it guys as you saw at the beginning of the video

I went to visit a friend called Greg Ray now he lives in a mobile home park down

near the river at Laurieton now we live in the subtropics on the coast so we

don't get any frost so we can grow year round if you go inland just a few k's

you're going to get the frost and get more problems but right here on the

coast we're pretty good and so these plants that he's growing you can grow

these too just like this in a temperate hot area in season so just grow in

season watch what he's doing and enjoy the show and I'll see you at the end of the

video to tell you what's coming up on the Martys Garden Show so welcome to

Marty's garden Greg thanks for coming Thanks marty so Greg when did you first

start this garden 2016 ok so it's around about two and a bit years old is that

right yeah you're may as well say it's 12 months old because New Years day last last year

this has got popped so I just let it go and had one pawpaw

tree left in and yeah you're the Hail struck everything so you're growing

on you're growing on sand here pretty much aren't you yep

and so what type of what are you using to build up the the soil profile

I just mainly compost and I brought some stuff from Marty and uh yeah and thats about it mate

you like believe in the soil biology in the ground that really makes the plants

healthy or do you feed different chemicals and things to you garden?

let us know how you do it it's all organic all my vegetables we've got a

worm farm up the back all my veggies go to them and then they process that

that goes into the garden I bury all my compost all the gardens that gets

done the same way I got a I used to have it what I call word cheered think buried

in the ground say all the scraps went into that and yeah it sort of come on

from there so can you tell us about the different plants that you have in your

garden currently at this moment well I've got the quite obvious passion fruit

vine there I had Tomatoes I had cucumbers there's a

big amaranth there's garlic little shoots there there's um there's a basil

there what else we got okay so how much square space do you think you've got all

up around the outside of because you're in basically a caravan park or a mobile

home park right 4 by 5 meters let's say and so you think vertical is the way

to go to get as much space use as much space as possible we've got more

vertical space than what I have on the ground yeah yeah you wouldn't you would

have so you're using like in layers using your bottom space the mid-story

and then your top story you

Well I out a few passionfruit vine groves around on a rio lactic works

let it grow up all over the front of the house put a couple of posts in the

front of the garden and another bits of Rio around it there's created a space

where you get the ground wine-growing reading the top an upper layer up a

story then you got the lower where the tomato it's come up onto the wire to

the attic work it's from the lower variety look I mean that you've got

other plants like the eggplant the aubergines in between that in the

front so got an upper I've got a few of attractant vines like they'll eventually

flower attract the bees pollinate while they pollinate that they pollinate

the passion fruit growing

okay can you tell us the story about this tomato that you've got vined up here

on the trellis it just looks so healthy yeah this tomato just popped up in the

middle of this spinach like last yeah last year so I'll just let it grab like

a line so that a vine and intwined it in this bit of Rio it's been the best producer

I have had beat all the other one so where did it begin because you found a seedling and

then it dug up somewhere I see this post first post well it's about a foot

back this way so like it was bent over and growing along the ground so I just

covered the actual long part if you squat down there you can show us where it come

up it's come up about here right and then you say you you left it in the ground

was laying over amongst me spinach so when I pulled my spinach back

I found this little plant so instead of pulling out all that I just humped a big

piece of dirt over it pulled it up threw it under that which is the trellis

I'll put up for me passion fruiti yeah that's just going on from there

yeah this is a result of birds again on one of my passionfruit I think it's

because we had such a dry spell they need moisture and they get

the moisture out of that but I'm not getting the benefits am I so

well that's gardening that's gardening That's a pretty nice little garden he's got there

guys like I really enjoyed going over and meeting Greg he's a great guy

and he was coming here and buying compost from me and I went over and checked out

his garden actually I had to do a delivery over there wow man you've got a great

garden he really liked my compost and he was getting good results from it so I was

Stoked to actually get over there and film say thank you Greg Ray for allowing

me on to your place and for allowing us all to see your garden it's very special

and it inspires people to show them what they can do at home as well

now what's coming up in the Martys Garden Show well I'm going to be

visiting more Gardens over time in between that I'm going to be building

up the worm composting business and getting more compost out to the public

breeding my worms and trialing lots of different things actually at two o'clock

today I'm heading around with Troy I've met up with Troy a while ago and he said

to me that he's a wood chipper and that he's got lots of material now I want to

use that also because I want to recycle everything we've got sawdust coming in

from non chemicals no chemicals in it whatsoever

look the coffee coming in on recycling like no tomorrow making these blends

getting the humans together getting the microbes in there getting the fungi in

there getting the worms and then creating the living soil which is the

base to organic gardening if you get that right you get healthy plants the

plants can get strong and build themselves up stay away from pests and

things that worm starts coming in all about ecology biology starts building up

in the soil down below and wow man do you get an awesome garden and as you

seen from Greg's he got hit by the hail a year ago and that's all just new

growth that because he kept his soil good from the beginning he got great

growth very quickly all right I'm Marty Ware from the Marty's Garden Show if

you haven't subscribed already guys do you want to see more gardens or any more

about the business want hear more about worm farming creating good soils

and growing awesome plants at home in your backyard follow me here by

subscribing and clicking a little bell I normally have a little Bell ding ding

ding I haven't got it here today I forgot to put it down on the table

anyway have a great day happy gardening and we'll see you at the next video real

soon Karin says hello she just went off the high school the second day and I'm

sure she'll be glad to get back on the Martys Garden Show and say Gday! By for now.

For more infomation >> GROWING VERTICAL Small Space Veggie Garden Profile Australia - Duration: 9:39.


ARCHES, ZION AND NORTH RIM OF GRAND CANYON- Road trip across US part 5 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> ARCHES, ZION AND NORTH RIM OF GRAND CANYON- Road trip across US part 5 - Duration: 11:58.


BLUE SPAN DIVINE 1 STREAM - Duration: 6:05:53.

For more infomation >> BLUE SPAN DIVINE 1 STREAM - Duration: 6:05:53.


Royal Az - Prince Harry's incredible gesture to grieving teen - Duration: 3:05.

 The Duke of Sussex, along with wife Meghan Markle, were visiting Bristol's Empire Fighting Chance's boxing club when they met Iestyn Jones, 15, whose father had died when he was a young boy

 RELATED: Teen drops f-bomb in front of Prince Harry and Meghan RELATED: Meghan's special message to sex workers The EFC charity promotes boxing as an outlet to help troubled youth deal with their issues stemming from grief, unemployment and crime

 During the royal visit, Iestyn opened up about his grief at losing his father, prompting an incredibly heartwarming reaction from Harry, who also lost a parent — his mum, Diana — when he was 12

 The sixth-in-line to the throne cleared the room to have a private word with Iestyn, who explained that the conversation had become "a bit emotional"

 "It just got a bit emotional because he mentioned something. He knew some stuff about me," revealed to People magazine

 "We had a chat for about 10 minutes. I didn't expect (Harry) to be like that." Harry has previously opened up about using boxing as a coping mechanism in the years after Princess Diana's death

 "During those years I took up boxing," he told the UK's Telegraphin 2017. "It's a really good way of letting out aggression

And that really saved me because I was on the verge of punching someone, so being able to punch someone who had pads was certainly easier

" It's not the first time Harry's had a heart-to-heart with a grieving child. On one of the last stops of last year's Royal Tour, Harry spent time with a six-year-old boy in Auckland who had also lost a parent

 Otia Nante's grandmother spoke to the prince during the stop at Auckland Viaduct Harbour, and explained that her grandson's mum had died when he was just a baby

 In a touching video captured by, Harry comforted Otia, telling him: "Life will always be all right, you know that? I've made it to 34 years old, and life is great

I have a beautiful wife and a baby on the way. Your life is going to be sorted. Don't you worry about that

"  Harry's mother, Princess Diana, tragically died in a car accident in Paris in 1997

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Prince Harry's incredible gesture to grieving teen - Duration: 3:05.


Assist 2 Develop's Diversity & Inclusion Program - Duration: 2:40.

hi my name is Bassanio Peters and I'm the founder of Assist 2 Develop which

is a start-up looking to democratize innovation in the engineering and

manufacturing industry know the first question you're asking is what do I care

about democratizing innovation and engineering and manufacturing because it

could be a path to prosperity for our communities both my parents grew up in

the inner cities my dad's from Watts, CA and my mom is from Carson, CA and as

a kid I would go visit my grandmother in watts and look around and see despair

and as I got older I started to try and uncover what were the reasons why these

communities suffered the community was stripped of its employment opportunities

a lot of the manufacturing and blue-collar jobs that used to help these

communities thrive were shipped overseas that's what happened to the people

living in those communities and the people that could afford to leave left

and found prosperity other places but what about the companies that ship those

jobs overseas what backlash did that cause it's called

the skills gap in engineering and manufacturing when you send those jobs

overseas you don't have as many people looking to fulfill those jobs in the

United States especially with the growth of advanced manufacturing and the lack

of vocational training and hands-on skills to do these jobs this is where

we're suffering so if you fast-forward to the present right now we have the

problems plaguing our inner cities and the skills gap in engineering and

manufacturing what if there was a solution that brought these challenges

together and allowed both sides of this equation to thrive and to do that you

truly have to monetize the knowledge and then give

access to the tools and that's what we've built into our platform it's an

online marketplace that connects these employers to people looking for work and

one thing I'm excited about I'm here to talk to you about today is we're

launching a scholarship program where we're trying to get more minorities in

women into engineering and manufacturing and then once we have people with the

skills and the tools in our communities to build products that's when we can go

out and start creating more of our own companies and employ more people in our

own communities so again this is what the long-term vision of this platform is

for hope you can join us on this mission

For more infomation >> Assist 2 Develop's Diversity & Inclusion Program - Duration: 2:40.


Rafael Nadal FURIOUS With Press For Engagement Leak | Tennis News Update Show - Duration: 5:26.

Usually after the conclusion of the Australian Open, there isn't much tennis news as everyone

is still focused on the year's first major.

This year however, isn't the case as this weeks headlines include A big member of the

big 4 getting engaged, another member of the big 4 getting surgery, a whitewashing ad featuring

a multi-grand slam champion, and a country taking away financial support from their own


I'll breakdown all of this and much more, here on GS Tennis News Today,

Much of this week's tennis news consisted of the news that Rafael Nadal is engaged and

is soon to be married to long-time girlfriend Maria Perello.


Magazine revealed that Rafa actually proposed eight months ago and is planning on getting

married this year.

Rafael was not happy at all of this information being let out.

When Rafa was questioned about this, he told Diario de Mallorca: "I'm not going to

tell anything, it has bothering me a lot.

I never report any of this, I'm not going to do it now.

You want to ask me about the wedding right?

I understand that you do your job, but I will not say anything."

(@RafaelNadalFans Instagram)

In more Big 4 News, Andy Murray recently had surgery on his hip which has been bothering

him for over a year now.

He posted a picture of himself after the surgery and said: "I underwent a hip resurfacing

surgery in London, feeling a bit battered and bruised right now, but hopefully that

will be the end of my hip pain" "I now have a metal hip and I look like I've got

a bit of gut" We imagine that this is a hard time for Andy, and Stanislas Wawrinka

did too as he and his girlfriend Croatan tennis player Donna Veckic got Andy a big teddy bear

to cheer him up.

We wish Andy the best on his recovery from surgery.

Speaking of Donna Veckic, Donna has let yet another chance to win her 2nd WTA Tour title

slip away as she lost to Kiki Bertens in the final of St. Petersburg 67 46.

Donna was up 5-2 in the first set with a double break, but her play dropped while Kiki's


This is Bertens' 9th tour title……

The other WTA tournament this week in Thailand ended as well with 18 year old Ukraine sensation

Dayana Yastremska won her second WTA Tour title beating Aussie Ajla Tomljanovic 62 26


The match was no short of controversy as Ajla was up 5-2 in the third set when Yastremska

called a Medical Time Out and then reeled off three games in a row and overpowered her

to win the match.

Congratulations again to Kiki and Dayana.

Davis Cup The Davis Cup World Group Qualifiers were

held this weekend and 12 nations have qualified for the year's end Davis Cup finals.

Belgium, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Serbia, Italy, and Kazakhstan have all advanced

while Sweden, Austria, and Switzerland all fell.

Germany and Australia had the most convincing wins with Germany beating Hungary 5-0 and

Australia beating Bosnia Herzegovina 4-0.

While on the discussion of Australia and Davis Cup, it seems as Bernard Tomic's comments

on Lleyton Hewitt's Davis Cup captaincy has come back to hurt him.

If you're unaware of the comments he made, Bernie called Hewitt selfish and that nobody

likes him anymore.

Hewitt then responded saying that it was simply Bernie being Bernie but that said that Bernard's

father John threatened his family and even tried to blackmail him.

Tennis Australia's CEO Craig Tiley has defended Hewitt and said that Lleyton is right to say

Bernard shouldn't be considered for Davis Cup as he doesn't meet the standards of

behavior and commitment to himself, the team, or the sport.

Tiley also said that Tomic is deliberately trying to damage Australia's team culture.

Now while still on the topic of Australia, Australian Open Champion and New World Number

One Naomi Osaka was honored by one her major sponsors, Japanese food company, Nissin, who

transformed her and Japan's number one male player Kei Nishikori into cartoons.

While this may have seemed like a good idea , many pointed out how the character's skin

tone was much lighter than Naomi's. (show tweets)

The company has since removed the ad and released a statement saying: "There is no intention

of whitewashing" "We accept that we are not sensitive enough and will pay more attention

to diversity issues in the future" The Japnese-Haitan star responded to the outrage

of the ad saying: "It's pretty obvious Im tan so its not like they did it on purpose.

Thats all for this week's tennis news, and tell us: what do you think about the press

leaking Rafa's engagement, also, do you believe Nissin deliberately white washed Osaka?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below, and make sure you subscribe you get

notified whenever we post new content.

Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time, here on GS Tennis News Today.

For more infomation >> Rafael Nadal FURIOUS With Press For Engagement Leak | Tennis News Update Show - Duration: 5:26.


Meghan Markle fans attack Piers Morgan for ridiculing banana messages to sex workers - Duration: 2:49.

 Pregnant Meghan penned messages of support to sex workers on the pieces of fruit as she helped prepare food parcels for the women when she made an unannounced trip to charity One25 with Prince Harry

The 37-year-old drew hearts on bananas and wrote "You are strong", "You are special", "You are brave" and "You are loved" on the fruit

 But Mr Morgan branded the move "one of the weirdest, most ridiculous things" he has seen a royal do

 Writing on Twitter, the Good Morning Britain host said: "Why is Meghan Markle signing bananas for sex workers to 'empower them'? "This is one of the weirdest, most ridiculous things I have ever seen a member of the Royal Family do…" However, the tweet prompted an angry response from some of Mr Morgan's followers who rushed to defend the duchess

 One said: "Because she has a good heart, she clearly sees sex workers as human beings and there is nothing wrong with reminding someone who needs such words of encouragement, she might just change someone's life with such a small gesture

Being nice is free." Another wrote: "Let it go. This is really sad if she is all you can talk about to be relevant

" A third said: "Yet if she'd given you time of day and invited you to wedding, you'd be saying how amazing she is for doing this

" One even told Mr Morgan to "get over being ghosted" by Meghan, writing: "I don't understand your desperate need to put her down

At least she's not judging these women. Get over being Ghosted by her !" But a number of others agreed with the outspoken breakfast host, with one saying: "I have to agree it's somewhat 'odd' - not within Royal protocol

" And another added: "I can't see the point in it either agree with piers." Speaking during the visit to the charity, which helps sex workers break free from prostitution, Meghan revealed she was inspired to leave messages in the food bags after learning about a similar gesture made for school children

 She said: "I was thinking about this the other day. I saw this programme this woman had started in the States on a school lunch programme when on each of the bananas she wrote an affirmation or something to make the kids feel really empowered

 "I thought it was the most incredible idea - this small gesture." Mr Morgan's tweet comes months after he accused Meghan of ghosting him when she met Harry

  Mr Morgan insisted that he was "dumped like a sack of spuds" by Meghan in July 2016 when she met Harry, after becoming friends with her a year earlier when he followed her on Twitter

 Writing in his Daily Mail column, the 53-year-old added that he had been left feeling "suspicious and cynical" of Meghan following the incident

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle fans attack Piers Morgan for ridiculing banana messages to sex workers - Duration: 2:49.


World News - EasyJet passenger 'mortified' after she was thrown off a flight - Duration: 4:17.

A TV producer was led away from her seat then thrown off an easyJet flight because it was overbooked

Charlotte Barton was looking forward to travelling alone to Geneva on a ticket bought for her as a 50th birthday gift

Ms Barton left home at 2am to drive to Bristol Airport for the 6am flight, but when she boarded the aircraft she was led away from her seat for a 'chat' - then told the 180-seater plane had 181 passengers on board

Ms Barton, from Exeter, Devon, was then told she would have to leave the plane.The television producer claims the crew offered a volunteer passenger 400 Euros and a taxi to Gatwick to disembark

But when nobody came forward, she was asked to leave.Ms Barton said the experience was 'absolutely mortifying

'A spokesman for the airline said: 'easyJet is sorry to hear of Ms Barton's experience and would like to sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused

Share this article Share 'Unfortunately due to a technical issue with the 186-seat A320 aircraft that was scheduled to operate her flight to Geneva, easyJet had to change the aircraft to a smaller 180-seat aircraft

'This meant that the aircraft was overbooked by one passenger.'We are currently investigating with our ground team why the matter wasn't resolved before boarding

'easyJet offered Ms Barton alternative flights, a full refund and has compensated her Euro 400 in line with our obligations under EU261

'It added that in 97 per cent of cases when it overbooks flights, which is not against the law, there is no need to remove any passengers

  WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS IF A FLIGHT IS OVERBOOKED? Overbooking is not illegal and every airline does it to maximise their revenue

  Airlines set their own 'boarding priorities' - the order in which they will 'bump' different categories of passengers in an oversale situation

 Some airlines bump passengers with the lowest fares first, while others will ask the last passengers who checked in to leave the aircraft

Any passenger who is forced to get another flight is entitled to compensation.  Compensation is reduced by 50 per cent if the airline gives you the option of re-routing your flights and arriving within two hours of your original scheduled arrival time, for short haul, three hours for medium haul and within four hours for long haul

 Andrew Shelton, managing director of Netflights, said: 'For UK travellers, the advice remains that they should check in for their flight online in advance or in plenty of time at the airport and if you're concerned about overbooking, mention to the check in staff why you need to fly and want to sit tight

For more infomation >> World News - EasyJet passenger 'mortified' after she was thrown off a flight - Duration: 4:17.


PUBG MOBILE - 5 СЕЗОН - МОБАЙЛ ПУБГ НА ПК - ОФФ ЭМУЛЯТОР | @daggergaming - Duration: 3:25:29.

For more infomation >> PUBG MOBILE - 5 СЕЗОН - МОБАЙЛ ПУБГ НА ПК - ОФФ ЭМУЛЯТОР | @daggergaming - Duration: 3:25:29.


Snack Crate Unboxing - BRAZIL - Duration: 9:55.


Bananinha com chocolate

For more infomation >> Snack Crate Unboxing - BRAZIL - Duration: 9:55.


Prince Harry appeals for parental advice during royal visit- 'How DO you control them?' - Duration: 1:54.

 During the Duke and Duchess' royal visit, the couple walked past crowds of toddlers from Abbeywood Nursery

While Harry was walking past the children he caught a glimpse of his own future as a parent

He said: "How do you control them?" The Duke then crouched down making aeroplane noises to a little boy and told the boy that he could run anywhere he wanted

 The executive of the Bristol Old Vic theatre also showed off her own child, Ocean who managed to steal the hearts of the couple

 Ocean introduced herself as "Ballerina" to the Duke and Duchess who took to her fondly

 READ MORE: Meghan Markle's assistant rushes to her aid after wardrobe mishap Meghan said: "Nice to meet you

Is Ballerina your real name?" Harry asked whether the little girl was a ballerina and was told that it was just a nickname she had chosen recently

 The Duke and Duchess remained enchanted by the girl who reached out and touched Meghan's hair

 Meghan said: "My hair is curly? Oh, my hands are cold! Ohh, thank you for warming them up

" Harry poked playfully at the girl's nose and said he loved her hair. Ms Cordwell joked afterwards that the presence of her daughter was coincidental

 READ MORE: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry practice parenting skills in Bristol She said: "Her nursery was closed and I didn't have much choice really, so I'm making a statement for working women

" The touching moment took place before the Duke and Duchess were taken on a tour of the Bristol Old Vic by the artistic Director Tom Morris

 During the visit to the theatre, the Duchess revealed how she wants schools to change in time for her own children by putting more emphasis on drama

 Meghan, who recently became the patron of the National Theatre, described how the theatre provides children with a creative outlet as well as a platform for "self-discovery"

For more infomation >> Prince Harry appeals for parental advice during royal visit- 'How DO you control them?' - Duration: 1:54.


RAVEN RAVIELOSO...Gorgeous Fashion Models...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:16.

RAVEN RAVIELOSO...Gorgeous Fashion Models...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas

For more infomation >> RAVEN RAVIELOSO...Gorgeous Fashion Models...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:16.


The Alexander Tiny House Park Model with 0.75 Acres For sale in GA | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> The Alexander Tiny House Park Model with 0.75 Acres For sale in GA | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:31.


[FREE] G Herbo Type Beat 2019 - "Catch Em Slippin" | feat. Southside | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:21.

G Herbo type beat

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