Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 4 2019

K-pop Nederland K-pop Comeback & Concert Agenda Week of 1 February 2019

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Week

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Month

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks in March

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Concerts in The Netherlands

Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!

Upcoming K-pop Concerts in Europe

Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!

Missing something? Let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> [AGENDA] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 4 February 2019 — K-POPNL - Duration: 2:01.


개 용혈성 빈혈(hemolytic anemia) - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 개 용혈성 빈혈(hemolytic anemia) - Duration: 4:50.


Diretta Serie A: Udinese - Fiorentina nel ricordo di Davide Astori quasi un anno dopo. - Duration: 18:06.

Annuncio Annuncio Conferenza stampa live dalla Dacia Arena:  Nicola: "Sono molto soddisfatto del punto, se noi giochiamo di squadra i risultati arrivano a differenza di Genova dove i singoli volevano portare a casa la partita

Abbiamo giocato con il baricentro basso per ripartire, pronti via potevamo subito andare in vantaggio, sono ottimista

Abbiamo applaudito comunque i tifosi sotto la curva perchè dobbiamo ringraziarli anche per la sola presenza e la loro contestazione va rispettata

De Paul ha fatto molto bene e sta migliorando anche nella velocità del gioco."    Pioli: "Tornare a Udine, non è una trasferta indolore, il ricordo è ancora intenso, ma conto in un gruppo di giocatori veramente forte e so che Davide da lassù sarà orgoglioso di noi

Sono contento di avere la panchina corta, meno scelte, meno possibilità d'errore, più coinvolgimento per tutti, abbiamo fatto una partita buona nel secondo tempo, peccato aver lasciato due punti sul campo per chiudere la settimana perfetta"   I migliori e i peggiori:  Il migliore dell'Udinese: Musso (para tutto anche di più, nulla può sulla sassata diagonale di Edimilson, ma salva il risultato e manifesta una certa sicurezza alla sua difesa)  Il migliore della Fiorentina: Edimilson (inizio da incubo per lui, poi cresce di tocco e sostanza, dal cilindro da mago estrae un gol bellissimo che consente il definitivo pareggio)  Il peggiore dell'Udinese: Mandragora (tante ombre a centrocampo, spesso distante dall'azione e rimedia pure un cartellino giallo, ci si aspetta molto di più dal giocatore considerato soprattutto l'alto valore del cartellino)  Il peggiore della Fiorentina: Veretout (giornata negativa per il centrocampista dai buoni piedi viola, non imbrocca quasi nulla di giusto ed è colpevole della ripartenza friulana che consente il vantaggio di Stryger)   Si sentono ora i tifosi friulani che iniziano a cantare polemicamente contro la dirigenza "Il progetto dov'è?"     93': Ancora Veretout

in tuffo la respinge Musso ed Orsato fischia la fine di UDINESE - FIORENTINA 1-1  92': Ancora angolo per la Fiorentina

Leggi anche Cagliari-Atalanta: la sfida tra Maran e Gasperini di lunedì mette in palio punti pesanti  Veretout precisissimo per Ceccherini, Musso con un colpo di reni mette in angolo  91': Lanci lunghissimi in profondità tra Udinese e Fiorentina che non sembrano aver voglia di giocare ulteriormente

Advertisement  Calcio d'angolo per la Fiorentina, battuto male, mette in moto Okaka che sbaglia ancora l'appoggio per Lasagna  90': Pericolo in area viola, cross da destra di Lasagna, non ci arriva Okaka, ma ci sta per arrivare l'accorrente D'Alessandro che viene di pochissimo anticipato da Lafont in tuffo, azione dubbia, ma Orsato lascia giocare

CI SARANNO 3 MINUTI di RECUPERO  89': Batti e ribatti nella metà campo difesa dall'Udinese, Mandragora per non temere ulteriori pressioni la bitta fuori lontanissimo  88': Angolo ad altezza uomo, la palla viene respinta dalla difesa friulana e finisce oltre la linea laterale sinistra, Orsato tiene fermo il gioco per il silent check  87': Fallo a centrocampo di Behrami su Ceccherini

palla a Chiesa che guadagna il fondo, D'alessandro la mette in angolo  86': Mandragora recupera palla e serve Okaka in campo aperto, l'attaccante friulano non trova però Lasagna

Advertisement  Occasione sprecata  85': Fofana da destra duetta con Stryger, palla a Lasagna, e passaggio indietreo per De Maio, lancio lungo, respinge Ceccherini e serve Muriel in corsa  84': Fallo di Chiesa su D'Alessandro ed è anche il momento di Lasagna

SOSTITUZIONE UDINESE: Esce Pussetto ed entra Lasagna     83': SOSTITUZIONE FIORENTINA: Esce Laurini ed entra Ceccherini     82': Bella azione della Fiorentina, da sinistra il cross di Veretout per la testa di Chiesa che ci arriva in tuffo

di poco sopra oltre la traversa  81': Chiesa da destra, cross basso stoppa Behrami che serve D'Alessandro, palla ad Okaka che apre a destra per Fofana, corre Fofana, serve Pussetto, di nuovo Okaka che prova il tiro sporcato dalla difesa viola, la palla arriva a Pussetto, il tiro

esterno della rete!  80': Fallo a centrocampo di Berhami su Muriel: AMMONITO BEHRAMI  79': Ancora Simeone attacca da destra difeso da Nuytinck, la palla supera la linea di fondo ed Orsato concede il rinvio dal fondo: protestano i tifosi di Firenze  78': Punizione repinta dalla difesa friulana, la palla termina oltre la linea laterale di sinistra

   77': Ancora Fiorentina dalla destra con Chiesa ed Edimilson, riceve palla il 26 viola, fallo di Behrami  76': Angolo battuto male da Veretout, respinto però in angolo da Behrami, il secondo angolo arriva a Chiesa che prova il tiro, respinge Musso, ancora di sinistro Chiesa

fuori!  75': Laurini batte la rimessa laterale da destra, trova Simeone che al volo prova metterla in mezzo, ma De Maio con il corpo la mette oltre la linea di fondo  74': SOSTITUZIONE UDINESE: Esce De Paul ed entra Okaka     73': Attacca ancora la Fiorentina, De Maio però lo ferma e lancia lungo per Pussetto che duella con Pezzella

Commette fallo Pussetto ed Orsato lo ammonisce per proteste: AMMONITO PUSSETTO  72': Alza il ritmo la Fiorentina che ora attacca con Simeone da destra, cross al centro dall'area piccola, spazza Ekong  71': Lafont innesca il contropiede per Edemilson, prova l'uno due con Pjaca che lo serve sul dischetto del rigore, non ci arriva bene Edimilson che di punta la mette fuori  70': Sulla destra si invola Pussettoche però viene anticipato da Pezzella che serve Lafont, Pussetto in corsa contrasta anche il portiere  69': Duello spalla a spalla tra Pjaca e D'Alessandro, il lancio di Laurini è oltre la linea di fondo

Orsato lascia giocare  68': Quasi pasticcio in area per Ekong che su un cross non di Biraghi non ci arriva, non è lesto Simeone a prender palla

 67': Equilibrio ristabilito nel momento migliore dell'Udinese, ora procede l'attacco viola  66': Attacca ancora la Fiorentina da sinistra, la palla arriva ad Edemilson fuori area sulla destra d'attacco prova il tiro

GOOOOOL! Diagonale di destro che sorprende Musso sulla sinistra, gran gol. Silent check

Orsato convalida il gol! UDINESE - FIORENTINA 1-1     65': Pjaca avanza sulla destra, contrastato da D'Alessandro, ma ha la meglio Pjaca, ci vuole Nuytinck per fermare il croato  64': Ci prova Chiesa dalla distanza

palla fuori sulla sinistra di Musso!  63': Contropiede Udinese, De Paul non riesce a contretizzare tanto che Simeone in corsa gli ruba palla e avanza indiavolato in attacco, Ekong lo ferma, ma Simeone ha fatto un coast to coast impressionante  62': Fallo in attacco di De Paul su Laurini, riparte la Fiorentina con Laurini dadestra  61': Cross da sinistra di Biraghi, esce a braccia alte Musso che blocca  60': SOSTITUZIONE FIORENTINA: Esce Gerson ed entra Pjaca     59': Behrami recupera palla a centrocampo, Laurini lo stende, brutto intervento

Orsato ammonisce Laurini e Gerson il secondo per proteste: AMMONITI Gerson e Laurini

 58': Grazie al gol l'Udinese ha preso coraggio e attacca, De Paul viene steso da Gerson, ma attacca ancora l'Udinese, cross di D'Alessandro

palla di Lafont  57': Intervento del VAR. Gol confermato! Udinese - Fiorentina 1-0  56': Angolo battuto malissimo intercettato per Laurini con De Paul che mette in moto Pussetto, cross al centro

ci arriva con il destro in scivolata Stryger Larsen che batte Lafont: GOOOOOL dell'Udinese!!!!! UDINESE - FIORENTINA 1 - 0     55': Azione rocambolesca d'attacco viola che guadagna un calcio d'angolo dalla sinistra di Musso  54': Chiesa manda in profondità Edemilson, Nuytinck lo anticipa e mette in fallo laterale  53': De Paul sul pallone, Orsato non ha ancora dato l'ok, De Paul serve centralmente Fofana, marcato prova il tiro

alle stelle, rumoreggia la Dacia Arena  52': Fallo di Laurini su Mandragora sulla trequarti sinistra offensiva dell'Udinese, resta a terra Mandragora  51': Fiorentina costantemente presente nell'area dell'Udinese in questo minuto, Gerson viene colto oltre la linea difensiva e Orsato fischia il fuorigioco  50': Rimessa laterale dal lato sinistro d'attacco di D'Alessandro completamente regalata alla Fiorentina, con Mandragora costretto al fallo su Veretout  49': L'Udinese in questo momento rinuncia ad attaccare, Behrami copre su Gerson e guadagna pure un fallo  48': Chiesa dalla destra si autolancia ma Nuytinck ci mette ancora il fisico e la palla si spegne oltre la linea di fondo  47': Ancora Fiorentina con Chiesa che prova a duettare con Simeone, ma Ekong lo anticipa  46': Fiorentina che parte forte, ma il muro friulano resiste    INZIA IL SECONDO TEMPO: Simeone neo entrato batte il calcio d'avvio del secondo tempo    SOSTITUZIONE FIORENTINA: Esce Mirallas ed entra Simeone  Esercizi di riscaldamento muscolare molto intensi per Simeone che si leva pure la tuta e resta con la divisa da gioco, con tutta probabilità sarà Mirallas a fargli spazio

    FINE PRIMO TEMPO: Udinese - Fiorentina 0 - 0  46': Udinese che fatica a mettere in gioco la palla, il possesso parte dalla linea difensiva e Orsato fischietto alla bocca fischia la fine del PRIMO TEMPO

 45': Ci sarà un minuto di recupero.  44': Palla profonda per Pussetto che viene incastrato nel sanwich tra Biraghi e Milenkovic, Orsato lascia andare  43': Riprende il gioco, Udinese pericolosa in area di rigore viola, la palla però non vede lo specchio della porta ed arriva a Fofana, steso da Biraghi  41': Pezzella in un contrasto con Mandragora vicino alla bandierina difensiva di destra della Fiorentina resta a terra, interviene lo staff medico  40': Ora ci prova l'Udinese con molta aggressività, Pussetto in scivolata e De Paul pressa alto così la Fiorentina va in difficoltà  39': Gioco fermo per un silent check, Orsato dopo 30 secondi consente a Lafont di ripartire dal fondo  38': Fofana serve de Paul che con un pallonetto a scendere serve Pussetto spostato sulla sinistra di Lafont, salta Biraghi

palla sulla rete esterna della porta.  37': Edimilson ci prova a servire Chiesa, Nuytinck con il gambone intuisce l'azione e serve D'alessandro che guadagna un fallo Lauriini  36': Fiorentina che riparte incontrastata dalla sua metà campo, Edimilson e Veretout usano Pezzella come vertice di un triangolo basso per i passaggi, non ci sono varchi  35': Biraghi prova con un cross al bacio a servire Mirallas, ma Nuytinck ci arriva per primo  34': Si riavvicina a Lafont l'Udinese con il cross da destra di Fofana, controcross di De Paul, palla al centro e di testa Pussetto non ci mette nè forza nè precisione  33': Udinese che fatica ad attaccare e Fiorentina imprecisa, su rinvio di De Maio la palla arriva a Pussetto che di testa prova a controllarla, ma viene strattonato da Pezzella: fallo  32': Lottano a centrocampo Edemilson, Biraghi e Fofana, commette fallo il giocatore friulano  31': Punizione tagliata bene da Veretout che respinge palla, ma Gerson mantiene alto il baricentro della Viola  30': Muriel porta palla sulla sinistra, Behrami lo blocca facendo fallo a sinistra d'attacco Viola di poco fuori dall'area  29': Ancora gioco fermo con i capitani che parlano con Orsato, Muriel molto nervoso

 28': Resta in attacco la Fiorentina, Chiesa cade a terra e perde palla, resta a terra infortunato e l'Udinese su indicazione di Orsato ferma la manovra

Muriel cerca la rissa con alcuni giocatori friulani. Mischie, ma nessun provvedimento al momento

 27': Ancora un angolo per la Viola, ma questa volta la palla non viene toccata da nessuno, ed esce sulla linea laterale opposta  26': Gerson riceve palla a metà campo e sposta l'azione sulla sinistra, Fofana reucpera palla su Veretout, serve De Paul e l'Udinese riparte da dietro  25': Angolo battuto benissimo da Biraghi che trova Milenkovic a botta sicura di testa, si tuffa Musso che con la mano d'appoggio respinge, cross da destra di Edimilson

blocca Musso. applausi per lui!  24': Udinese ancora imprecisa in attacco e va a nozze la Fiorentina a ripartire, questa volta la velocità porta Chiesa a trovare un tiro e Ekong si immola mettendo palla in calcio d'angolo  23': Udinese che sposta la manovra da sinistra a destra, ma non trova varchi, bravissimo Edemilson ad anticipare D'Alessandro e mettere in moto in profondità Muriel che non trova varchi, palla a chiesa cross e controcross di Biraghi, esce Musso che con le braccia ferma  22': Cross da destra dell'Udinese con Laurini e Chiesa che duettano, la palla arriva alta a Muriel che tutto solo non riesce a centrare la porta, ma di testa la mette tutta sulla sinistra di Musso: tanti fischi per lui  21': Riparte la Fiorenitna con Milenkovic da sinistra, Pussetto gli ruba palla dai piedi e la mette in mezzo, ma non c'è nessuno a supporto  20': Batti e ribatti a centrocampo con Behrami che sbaglia il controllo e la palla arriva direttamente su Lafont  19': Angolo battuto velocemente Ekong di piedi sbilanciandosi prova il tiro, troppo debole e Defont para in tuffo  18': Punizione da destra per De Paul, tutta la Fiorentina in area difensiva

Bella punizione con Mirallas che anticipa Nuytinck e mette in angolo  17': Azione sulla destra d'attacco friulana, riceve palla Fofana che in corsa prova ad avanzare, Biraghi lo stende a un metro dall'incrocio delle righe dell'area di destra  16': Fischiatissimo Muriel

che recupera palla su Behrami, ma è lo stesso Behrami a recuperare palla su Edimilson, mette in moto Mandragora che serve De Paul, fallo di Milenkovic

AMMONITO MILENKOVIC  15': Vola sulla destra Chiesa che corre come un treno, Nuytinck ci mette il fisico e lascia che il giovane viola superi la linea di fondo campo  14': Duello lungo la linea di centrocampo tra Veretout e Fofana, fallo del viola  13': Rinvio da dimenticare per Lafont che serve De Paul che attacca l'area: Pezzella in scivolata pulita gli leva il pallone! Coro per DAVIDE ASTORI, applausi di tutta la Dacia Arena

#DA13  12': Fofana si appoggia su Stryger e la manovra si sposta a sinistra fino a D'Alessandro, la palla arriva centralmente a De Paul che scarta Milenkovic perde l'equilibrio, di destro a tu per tu con Lafont e la palla esce di un filo dal palo

che occasione per l'Udinese!!!!  11': Edimilson è il centro di tutti i passaggi del possesso prolungato viola, il passaggio in profondità per Muriel è però preda di Nuytinck  10': Lancio in profondità di Stryger per Pussetto, non impensierisce Pezzella che si affida a Lafont per ripartire l'azione  9': De Paul recupera palla su Edimilson e subisce il fallo, sugli sviluppo non si trovano D'alessandro e De Paul tanto che la palla finisce oltre la linea laterale  8': Behrami recupera palla, cerca di mettere in moto De Paul che sbaglia l'appoggio per Pussetto e riparte l'avanzata viola  7': Sciopero della tifoseria organizzata friulana, mentre i tifosi della Viola cantano che sembra di essere al Franchi  6': Ci prova De Paul da sinistra per Behrami che trova Pussetto in sospetto fuorigioco, il suo cross però è preda della difesa viola  5': Sbaglia De Maio il rinvio

Resta in attacco la Fiorentina che guadagna un angolo. Biraghi batte fendente, la palla attiva al limite per Veretout

tiro alle stelle  4': Primo acuto viola con Muriel che riceve palla in area piccola ma non riesce a controllare  3': Chiesa viene lanciato in profondità sulla destra, prova il controllo lungo la linea di fondo, ma il suo cross è oltre la linea

rimessa dal fondo  2': Giroapalla della Fiorentina con l'Udinese che difende a un paio di metri dalla palla  1': Avanza l'Udinese da sinistra con D'Alessandro che non supera Laurini  INIZIO PARTITA: Orsato fischia l'inizio, la palla è tra i piedi di Pussetto

Udinese in campo con la divisa di casa, maglia bianconera, pantaloncini e calzettoni neri, Fiorentina con maglia viola ma con pantaloncini e calzettoni bianchi Stanno per scendere in campo le squadre guidate dall'arbitro Orsato

  Applausi scroscianti per il Capitano d'Italia, Davide Astori #DA13   Riscaldamento in corso per le due squadre:       Le formazioni ufficiali di Udinese - Fiorentina:  Udinese (3-5-2): Musso; De Maio, Ekong, Nuytinck; Stryger, Behrami, Mandragora, Fofana, D'Alessandro; De Paul, Pussetto

   Fiorentina (4-3-3): Lafont; Laurini, Pezzella, Milenkovic, Biraghi; Gerson, Veretout, Edimilson; Chiesa, Muriel, Mirallas

   Undici mesi, quasi un anno e la Fiorentina torna ad Udine dopo quella tragica notte che l'ha privata del suo capitano: Davide Astori

Basta questo per rendere speciale questa partita di Serie A. Udinese contro Fiorentina alla Dacia Arena alle ore 15 celebreranno quel terribile 4 Marzo 2018

Noi saremo ancora live a raccontare minuto per minuto le vicende sportive e non. L'omaggio delle due squadre su twitter:   Le probabili formazioni:  Udinese (3-5-1-1): Musso; De Maio, Nuytinck, Troost-Ekong; Stryger Larsen, Fofana, Behrami, Mandragora, D'Alessandro; De Paul; Okaka

 A disposizione: Nicolas, Perisan, Opoku, Wilmot, Zeegelaar, Ter Avest, Ingelsson, Pussetto, Micin, Lasagna, Teodorczyk

 Allenatore:Davide Nicola.  Fiorentina (4-3-3): Lafont; Milenkovic, Ceccherini, Pezzella, Biraghi; Gerson, Fernandes, Veretout; Chiesa, Simeone, Muriel

 A disposizione: Terracciano, Brancolini, Laurini, Hancko, Dabo, Norgaard, Pjaca, Mirallas, Graiciar

 Allenatore:Stefano Pioli. I tabelloni del Match day:   L'Udinese:  Fare punti e riuscire a risalire la classifica, serve come il pane per l'Udinese, serve per affrontare il resto della stagione con maggiore sicurezza e per non rientrare nel tritacarne della lotta per non retrocedere, per questo Mister Nicola si affida all'ossatura classica della squadra con il suo 3-5-1-1 con l'inserimento del solo De Maio in difesa al posto di Opoku

Confermati sulle fasce Stryger Larsen a D'Alessandro. L'ex di turno capitan Behrami verrà provato questa mattina, agirà assieme a Mandragora e Fofana, in caso di forfait dello svizzero potrebbe esserci un cambio di modulo

De Paul dietro alla punta che con tutta probabilità sarà Lasagna, spazio a partita in corso per Stefano Okaka

La Fiorentina:  Dopo la rocambolesca trasferta di Verona vinta 4-3 contro il Chievo e la schiacciante prova di forza con la Roma in Coppa Italia gli uomini di Pioli tornano in triveneto per affrontare l'Udinese

Come anticipato la partita sarà un insieme forte di emozioni visto quanto accaduto l'anno scorso e i tre punti sono l'omaggio migliore per celebrare il defunto capitano Davide Astori

Pioli conferma il modulo classico quel 4-3-3 che permette di esaltare Chiesa e Muriel, il colombiano ex di turno che ha un conto in sospeso con la tifoseria friulana

Recuperati Milenkovic e Biraghi per le fasce, Ceccherini e Pezzella centrali difensivi e Victor Hugo assente nemmeno convocato come del resto Benassi sostituito da Gerson

Unico ballottaggio in corso quello tra Mirallas e Simeone, favorito il cholito per una maglia dal 1'

I convocati di Mister Davide Nicola per la sfida con la Fiorentina:  Portieri: Musso, Nicolas, Perisan

 Difensori: De Maio, Troost-Ekong, Nuytinck, Opoku, Stryger Larsen, Ter Avest, Wilmot, Zeegelaar

 Centrocampisti: Behrami, D'Alessandro, De Paul, Fofana, Ingelsson, Mandragora.  Attaccanti: Lasagna, Micin, Okaka, Pussetto, Teodorczyk

I convocati di Mister Stefano Pioli per la sfida con l'Udinese:  Portieri: Brancolini, Lafont, Terracciano

 Difensori: Biraghi, Ceccherini, Hancko, Laurini, Milenkovic, Pezzella.  Centrocampisti: Dabo, Edimilson, Nordgaard, Gerson, Veretout

 Attaccanti: Chiesa, Graiciar, Mirallas, Muriel, Pjaca, Simeone. Le quote di Udinese - Fiorentina  Fiorentina che gode di un leggero vantaggio nelle quote per la vittoria con un 2,25 mentre la vittoria per l'Udinese è a 3,30 e infine il pareggio è dato a 3,10

La quota più interessante però è l'1X dei friulani che necessitano di far punti e potrebbero trovare la Fiorentina stanca dopo l'impegno di coppa Italia Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www https://www.tuttomercatoweb

com/udinese/?action=read&idtmw=1209749 Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia

For more infomation >> Diretta Serie A: Udinese - Fiorentina nel ricordo di Davide Astori quasi un anno dopo. - Duration: 18:06.


Comment vendre des produits ou services haut de gamme (sans difficulté) - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Comment vendre des produits ou services haut de gamme (sans difficulté) - Duration: 10:43.


SKETCHBOOK UPDATE JANUARY 2019 | Winsor and Newton Sketchbook [Midnight❌Cross] - Duration: 8:48.

Hello everyone, my name is midnight cross and welcome back to my channel in today's video

I am going to be giving you a sketchbook update showing my art from the end of 2018 to now the end of January

It has been a while since I have done with my last sketchbook update and that is because I've been putting a lot of time

Focusing on my manga and drawing my manga and writing script for my manga, but I have done some new sketches in my sketchbook

So in today's video, I'd really like to show you what I have drawn

That's new some stuff that I have not shown online and other little sketches and work-in-progress artworks

So as you can see here, this is the start of my sketchbook. This is a Windsor and Newton

Sketchbook, so they're very nice. Sketchbook said they're

Bound at the back. I don't know what you call that

They're bound

Not like there is scheduled to quake without the pages. This is like an actual book. So it's really really nice and

This is a kind of title page for it

I've never done this with any of my sketchbooks

But this is such a nice sketch book that I really wanted to make this one more like an a book of art

So I made this little title page midnight cross

2018 to whenever I finish this whether that be 2019, I don't know but we will find out

But as you can see, this is my first drawing

For 2018 I can just

Angle up that I've kind of got the camera balancing precariously on a book there


That's fun

so I'm trying to be really careful not to bump it because it will only stay in the high quality if I

Keep make it really really close to the table. So I'm trying to keep the high definition here

but as you can see

This is the first one I drew and I'm really really happy with how this one turned out. This one is called forgotten fairytales

It was originally supposed to be my character faith from my manga project having faith, but it is no longer faith

Because I made I not look like anymore

I added a lot of butterflies which has kind of become a thing for me in my art now

arose in a cave

Which was inspired by the rose in Reedy and the Beast and I really just wanted to have this sort of

Fairytale look about it. So I really really like how this one turned out this was with

outline pins which are my favorite inking pens to use

So this one again was also with outline pens and again as you can see

I've got the got the little butterfly things going I added some lilies

I was trying a little bit of a different style with this one. Let's try to make it look more like


more classic Japanese art

This is a picture of my two characters

Frederic and


halo from my other manga project reflections through time and

I really loved drawing these two to give up because I think it's really cool to draw them together

And for some reason they just really inspire me to think of new pictures

So that's why I drew them in this one and I put little roses in the background

Pretty much all of these sketches in here actually with outline pens

Cause I really like them, but I also added some shading with pencil for that one

This here is a fan art which is quite rare for me to do but there is only really one series

I always end up doing fan off four and that is emmenecker nanaka corny or just you mean echo mu I want the shortened title

but this is a fan art of one of my favorite characters from human incur burn castle and

With the fragments of time so she's got the firemen's of time here

That one is supposed to be glowing in the middle

But I didn't quite get the lighting right on her face for it to be glowing

So that is a fan of burn cast tool from you mean Oetker

This is a new work-in-progress drawing

I still have not titled this one yet, but you guys have probably seen the pictures of it on Instagram or Twitter

but yeah, I just have to finish inking these butterflies and adding in the shading for the rest of the characters that


This one is just some boy with some crows


Had the idea in my mind for a while. It has been in my mind for quite some time


Lo and I did end up putting it on paper it didn't exactly turn on how I turn I

Imagined it to be but that's okay

This was more of a sketch then mostly oh stuff in this one

This was really just lots of cross hatching lots of cross hatching practice shading practice, but overall I drew like the end result

This one is one you guys might have already

Sorry, this is one you guys might have already seen this is a picture of Jackie from my mega project reflected through time


assured the drawing process for this in my

how to create

supernatural o'seas video so you can guys you guys can check that out leave the link in the description because I three guys got the

whole drawing time-lapse of this

I'm trying to show the entire drawing you

Got a detail on the floor here

the mirror

Lots of dolls because Jackie likes dolls

Some more dolls on the floor and Jackie with her favorite doll, and there's Jackie here

So this is currently the only colored drawing in this sketchbook

I'm hoping to create more in the future, but currently it is the only colored one

Plus it was really fun to do a double spread cake show which I think was really cool

Work in progress sketch right here still not sure if I like it or not

I think I've got some proportions wrong in it sir. I may or may not complete this one

I don't know yet, or I might just change it up a bit, but I have to wait and see

This is another fan. Ah, my most recent fan on actually and this is another fan out for you me echoed

as I said

It's one of the only things I drove ran off for because I am such a big fan of a few me Necker

Of the manga and the anime and the visual novel sir. I'm really a big fan of Union echo, but this is

This is Maria from you mean IKAR

And as you can see, I also drew in all the butterflies. I

Changed up her face a lot before I finished the inking for this because it didn't quite look like her

but I'm really happy with how the end result looks because it did look like her in the end and

Even with the detail costume. I'm really quite happy with it


Here is a nother work-in-progress drawing of Alex Alex here and Annabelle from with extra time

They're probably my favourite Oasys to draw all of the characters

I have from reflection through time just because they have a lot of meaning for me. They're some of my oldest OC sir

They're very important to me. I

Really like drawing fragments of mirror. I don't know why it's just really interesting to ink it and

Sort of have the distortion in the glass

So I'll show you the full drawing

So this one is not finished yet

but I will be posting more work in progress updates for this drawing as I get closer and closer to finishing it and

That is it for now because as you guys can see I still have a lot of blank pages in this sketchbook

So that is all the drawings I have in the sketchbook. Thank you so much for watching everyone

I really hope you enjoyed seeing my sketchbook as I mentioned before if you want to see more

Work-in-progress art or any updates the follow drawings in this book. You are welcome to follow me on Instagram or on Twitter

As always my account name is midnight express

So again, thank you guys so so so much for watching and I will see you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> SKETCHBOOK UPDATE JANUARY 2019 | Winsor and Newton Sketchbook [Midnight❌Cross] - Duration: 8:48.


Видеодомофон CTV DP 4101 AHD - cctv домофон и видеонаблюдение (DVR) - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Видеодомофон CTV DP 4101 AHD - cctv домофон и видеонаблюдение (DVR) - Duration: 9:06.


Wee 2 กับ Q1 Flydigi เล่นเกมมือถือใช้แบบไหนดี ที่นี่มีคำตอบ - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Wee 2 กับ Q1 Flydigi เล่นเกมมือถือใช้แบบไหนดี ที่นี่มีคำตอบ - Duration: 6:45.


Don't go on the ice - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Don't go on the ice - Duration: 2:20.


Best Sniper Legacy: Dino Hunt & Shooter 3D (by T-Bull) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:11.

Best Sniper Legacy: Dino Hunt & Shooter 3D (by T-Bull) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Best Sniper Legacy: Dino Hunt & Shooter 3D (by T-Bull) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:11.


Row Row Row Your Boat | Best Sing Along Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:29.

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat Gently to the shore ,

If you see a Lion there listen to it roar!

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!

Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat Gently to the shore ,

If you see a Lion there listen to it roar!

For more infomation >> Row Row Row Your Boat | Best Sing Along Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:29.


A four-year-old Fresno girl's dying wish is granted. She's going to Disneyland - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> A four-year-old Fresno girl's dying wish is granted. She's going to Disneyland - Duration: 2:53.


Local Girl Scout Channels Her Inner Cardi B To Make That 'Money' - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Local Girl Scout Channels Her Inner Cardi B To Make That 'Money' - Duration: 1:26.


Commercial Space Flight: What Is the Future of Commercial Space Travel? What Next? - Duration: 7:34.

Thanks to the rapid advancements in the field of Aerospace technology, commercial space

travel no longer seems like a shot in the dark.

Governments throughout the world have been known to limit space programs due to budget

constraints historically.

However, for the past two decades, several adventurous billionaires have started investing

in space tourism.

Private space flight travel can definitely be called as an emerging industry, and it

plays an integral role in the way we see the universe today.

In less than ten years, space travel on a commercial scale has been converted from a

mere dream to a viable alternative for space exploration funded by the government.

In this video, Engineering Today will discuss about the Future of Commercial Space Fligh.

Why Does Commercial Space Travel Make Sense for future communication?

What Are the Challenges as Well As The Opportunities That Commercial Space Exploration Presents?

So let's get started.

The current administration of every country needs to determine exactly how to manage all

the priorities within a specified budget.

Therefore, public funding is not guaranteed when it comes to space programs.

Commercializing the concept of space travel also invites a significant amount of competition.

This presents many new opportunities for funding and new enthusiasm to spark innovation from

the private sector.

Government space programs like NASA can also let go of some of their burdens, and private

companies are paid to bring people or things into space.

There have been several advancements in Aerospace technology lately such as robotics, communication

and propulsion methods.

In addition to that, several new solutions have come up such as the autonomous technology

of rocket trackingwhich makes it possible for scientists and researchers to launch a

space flight at a much shorter notice.

Astronauts have traditionally undergone a substantial amount of training to prepare

themselves for all the mental and physical challenges presented by space travel.

That said, spacecraft today are so automated that anyone who is wealthy and healthy can

easily travel to space.

With the commercialization of the space industry, there has been a record investment of more

than 3.9 billion dollars that were made by as many as 120 venture capitalist firms into

some private space companies in the last year.

This industry is no longer restricted to Russia or the United States but has expanded to other

countries as well including China, Japan, New Zealand, India, and French Guinea.

More and more firms, governments as well as amateur enthusiasts are taking an interest

in spacecraft launches.

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Rocket was one of the many examples of progress in this sector.

Additionally, Japan also announced Minerva-II-1 which was its autonomous Rover.

Hence, last year did see some incredible advancement in commercial space flight.

Some of the biggest challenges that space exploration brings are hurdles such as scarcity

of information about space, gravity, distance and most importantly, its inhospitable environment.

In addition to that, firms also need to ensure that the items of utility reach space so that

people can use them.

This requires them to think of sustainable ways of manufacturing these products on Earth

and sending them to space.

To tackle this challenge, companies like Made in Space see this as an opportunity to manufacture

these devices in space itself.

Some of the things like spare parts, medical devices and tools can be created in space

when the demand arises.

This gives them the flexibility to manage inventory.

Moreover, some products can be manufactured better in space.

There is still a lot to think, consider and research when it comes to producing things

in space itself.

However, it is still a significant step forward to see that there are already companies thinking

about such possibilities.

When it comes to producing goods in space, one of the most crucial questions that pop

up is that of acquiring materials for manufacturing.

In this regard, space can offer abundant resources.

For example, asteroids offer metals for manufacturing, helium-3 which is a rare element on earth

can be found on the moon's crust and much more.

In fact, bringing back isotopes to the earth might help in eliminating the dependence on

fossil fuels permanently.

These are some speculations and possibilities considered by researchers and companies.

But we still don't have a concrete answer as to how the economics of commercial space

flight would work.

After SpaceX, there are also other big companies including Amazon that are planning to contribute

toward making space tourism a reality.

With these two big giants already in the game, there are big hopes that commercial space

flight would soon be a reality.

With private companies entering this sector, the scope for innovation has increased immensely.

Hence, the future might make us a multi-planetary species.

One of the biggest transitions has come in the form of a private sector-driven approach

which was earlier restricted to government-centric programs only.

This also marks the beginning of a highly competitive environment making it fast-paced

and driven by innovations.

Thanks to the entry of new investors, this sector will see great advancements in not

just commercial space travel but also resource mining in space, faster travel and much more.

The future of commercial space flight definitely seems promising, thanks to the entry of big

commercial giants and several other huge investors.

This would not just improve or bring about possibilities of making space travel easy,

but also help in improving research of the universe, resource mining as well as bringing

other insightful information to the forefront.

Despite the challenges posed by space tourism, it is crystal clear that in the future, commercial

space flight will be a big thing and it can definitely be the ticket to us knowing more

about the outer space.

For more infomation >> Commercial Space Flight: What Is the Future of Commercial Space Travel? What Next? - Duration: 7:34.


차 더러워진다며 피흘*리는 강아지를 '봉지'에 넣어 버린 주인 - Duration: 1:55.

비닐봉지에 싸여 버려지고도 사람을 보면 활짝 미소짓는 강아지가 보는 이의 마음을 울렸다.

지난 19일(현지 시간) 동물 전문 매체 더도도는 봉지에 담긴 채 버려진 가엾은 강아지의 사연을 전했다.

미국 캘리포니아주 가데나(Gardena)에 살고 있는 강아지 블랙키(Blackie, 10)는 꼬리에 생긴 종양때문에 출혈이 잦았다.

블랙키는 검은색 비닐봉지에 겨우 얼굴만 빼꼼 내민 채 카슨 동물 보호소() 앞에 버려졌다.

당시에도 녀석은 피를 많이 흘리는 상태였다.

블랙키를 발견한 보호소 직원은 카시트에 피가 많이 묻으니 주인이 봉지에 싸서 버린 것 같다고 말해 주변의 안타까움을 더했다. 

보호소 직원 켈리 스미세크(Kelly Smísek)는 "블랙키는 주인에게 버림받은 상처에 몸도 좋지 않은 상태였지만 나를 보자마자 환하게 웃어 주며 반가움을 표현했다"며 "녀석은 누구보다 호기심 많고 애교많은 사랑스러운 강아지다"라고 애정을 드러냈다.

현재 블랙키는 보호소 직원들의 극진한 보살핌 아래 건강을 회복 중이며 곧 종양 제거를 위한 수술을 앞두고 있다.

For more infomation >> 차 더러워진다며 피흘*리는 강아지를 '봉지'에 넣어 버린 주인 - Duration: 1:55.


I love the ACCC! Watch to the end! - Duration: 11:24.

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Roadshow.

Sorry I've been missing in action.

You know what they say?

Life is what happens to you

when you're planning other things. Anyway I'm back.

Ok, we all buy things and I bought a computer.

You might say what's that got to do with a Roadshow?

Well what do we do when we're out on the road?

We all take pictures.

We all bring them back & download them

onto the computer.

And some of us do something with them.

Make a little slideshow or we just put them in a folder.

We've got them there. I make a little movie of them.

Bad news!

The motherboard's stuffed.

It's too expensive to repair.

I suggest you just get another one.

20 months old folks.

State-of-the-art, high spec computer! You can imagine.

I was heartbroken.

I raced home and I checked the warranty.

Twelve months.

I rang up the person who sold it to me, the good guys.

I said do you have a special warranty? No, sorry.

It's just twelve months.

Whilst I was chatting to the woman there she said look

20 months, you know, it's not a long time

do you want me to ring the manufacturer?

So I said yeah that'd be nice.

I thought, well she's got more clout

than me you know what I mean because they buy

hundreds of computers off the manufacturer.

I buy one every few years.

After a bit of follow-up phone calls from me,

she gets back to me. She said oh, unfortunately Rona

bad luck. No they said it's out of warranty.

They're not gonna fix it. Good luck.

Naturally I was a bit upset and still grieving.

Well one thing she did say she said,

look come in, come and see our technical manager.

He might be able to help you. I thought oh ok.

So I go in and see him

and he said do you want me to just back up everything.

I said no I got that done by the

the guy who did the assessment

and I said I really want a new computer

and he says oh it's unfortunate Rona blah blah.

He tried to say it was the power pack because

the power pack had gone on this computer

after about 16 months I think it was

Completely failed.

So anyway he said oh! It's the power pack.

It's the wrong one.

Oh ok. So I left there feeling really terrible

He said contact the A triple C (ACCC).

They might be able to do something.

There's the brochure.

So I'm driving home with my daughter

and I said love, let's go and call in at the place that sold

us that replacement power pack

and check with them about it being the wrong one.

They absolutely assured me, they said

Rona that is the correct power pack.

That would not have damaged that computer.

Also the guy who did the assessment

he knew it wasn't caused by a faulty power pack too.

I went home, had a think about it for a couple of days,

and then I rang the ACCC.

I thought what if I got to lose?

This is what I learned.

Any issue you've got with a faulty good

is with the person who sold it to you.

The person who took your money

is the person you have the issue with

not the manufacturer.

Now as this all drew out the problem I had was

with the person who took my MONEY

kept trying to fob me off onto the manufacturer.

I kept saying I don't have a problem with the manufacturer.

I'm coming to you to get this rectified.

Next thing, don't forget you've got to put your issue in writing,

so state the issue, state what you would like done

and, most importantly, put a deadline date on it.

So I said I've got a computer,

I've had it assessed.

It's got a faulty motherboard. It's absolutely failed.

I would like it replaced or repaired by the end of the month.

So that give them about two weeks.

Ok, I emailed it to the technical manager and

I sent a copy to the store manager

just to keep him in the loop.

Firstly, they'll try and put you off.

I got several phone calls from the manager,

the technical manager.

He changed from being extremely friendly, sympathetic

to being really grumpy.

Ok, so that's one thing you've got to be prepared for

when you're going to get your rights. People don't like it.

1st thing he said, you want us to act as the intermediary

between you and the manufacturer.

I said no. My issue is with you.

Any issue you have with the manufacturer is separate to me.

You sold me the goods.

You're the one who has to rectify it.

He calls me and he says oh Rona I've been in touch.

Now you have to pay for an assessment

of the computer.

That's a standard thing with this manufacturer.

Notice that word again, the "manufacturer"?

It's the manufacturer that wants it.

Ok I said where does it say that?

and he says well, that's what they demand as

part of their warranty.

I said it's not under warranty. It's out of warranty.

That's what you kept telling me.

Aha. So I said I'm not paying for it.

I've already had it assessed, hung up.

Then I got back to the ACCC,

these wonderful people,

spoke to me on the phone.

They said Rona if it's under warranty

you have to abide by the warranty requirements

and my computer manufacturer requires

you to pay for the assessment if it's under warranty.

What a ripoff folks!

But anyway, mine's not under warranty.

I don't have to pay for the assessment.

So I felt really confident. It was great

just having these guys you could go and just

get their advice quickly.

The whole process... it was a grooming process.

They're trying to get you to think that

the manufacturer is the problem & they're the good guys

They're on your side. He's grooming me.

He's saying now what usually happens Rona

is the manufacturer will pay for the parts

(Notice that manufacturer in there again?)

and you pay for the labour.

No, not falling for it mate.

Now the deadline was drawing to a close.

It was three days away. I wasn't making much progress.

Still getting this ducking and weaving,

manufacturer wants this, you have to pay that.

I said no.

So I thought, well need to ramp it up a bit.

I asked the reception, front of house reception.

It's the national headquarters.

I said What's the email for your CEO?

And she said aw um you I could see her stumbling a bit.

She said can I ask what it's in regard to Rona?

I said it's in regard to a faulty computer I bought.

Anyway she said Oh we've got a head,

a National Complaints Manager.

Would you like to speak to him, John?

So she puts me through to John.

Hi, I'm John.

I'm not able to answer the phone at the moment.

So I left a message. Said my name.

I said the problem and I said what

I'll do John is I'm gonna email you

the long list of emails about this problem.

I rang back the lovely woman at front end

of reception, got his email, because he wasn't answering

and I said I just want to send that through.

Ok got that

I sent a covering email with all the other emails attached

just outlining the key points you know.

Anyway, I gave him a day so I'd sent that immediately

the next day, nothin, no phone call funny enough...

So did John get my email? I said. Yes he did.

She said I forwarded it through to him

immediately it came through.

Thank you very much

And she said hasn't he rung you yet?

And I said, no, not a dickiebird!

Do you want me to put you through she said?

Oh that would be lovely.

Hi, I'm not able to answer my phone at the moment.

So I left a message saying this is Rona again.

I contacted you on X.

I was hoping to hear back from you

but haven't heard anything yet. I know you're pretty busy

but anyway I've sent you the emails.

I know you got them because reception said you had

so I would love it if you would get back to me ASAP.

The deadline is drawing to a close.

I think we're now 24 hours left.

So I hung up.

I left it at that.

and on the last day the phone rings

and it's the technical manager from the store.

He says, Rona, ok we're gonna pay for everything.

You don't have to pay for anything. Just bring it in.

I said how long's it gonna be..?

He said I'll loan you a computer. No problem.

I dropped it in

and there's a big sheet of paper to sign.

And it says, it was a kind of an agreement with the

repairer that I would pay the assessment.

This is the manufacturer again remember?

I'll pay for the assessment and I'll pay for any repairs.

So I'm starting to go through it and then I thought, no,

I'm not going through this. I just wrote in big letters

right across the top, I am paying nothing.

The good guys will underwrite any costs

as agreed with the store manager

by telephone on the date, signed and signed it.

Then, the woman thought I was a bit mad but anyway

I did that and then I'm about to leave and I said

do you think I could get a copy of that please?

And she went oh yeah ok,. So she photocopied it

and I have the one with the big signing across the thing.

Even at the end they're trying to get me to accept

a direct relationship with that manufacturer.

About, I think it was, two weeks later I got a message.

Rona, your computer's back in store.

It's all repaired and ready to pick up.

So I went up there with some trepidation.

Oh gosh I think they're gonna ask me to pay this

that and the other. No.

They were really good. Big smiles now.

And the woman said Oh Rona, it was fantastic!

We sent it to the manufacturer and they agreed

not to charge us anything.

(This is the company remember that I bought it from)

They said, because they wanted to charge us

but we said, we'll take it to the ...

ACCC! Laughter!

Do you think they learned it from me?

Ok guys, that's it from Rona's Roadshow.

I hope that's of help to some of you.

All the best and I'll see you out there.

Bye bye

For more infomation >> I love the ACCC! Watch to the end! - Duration: 11:24.


4 ŞUBAT 2019 ALTIN FİYATLARI Dolar Fiyatları Anlık Altın Döviz Borsa Forex Son durumGold Price Today - Duration: 1:26.


can you subscribe

quarter gold

republic gold

For more infomation >> 4 ŞUBAT 2019 ALTIN FİYATLARI Dolar Fiyatları Anlık Altın Döviz Borsa Forex Son durumGold Price Today - Duration: 1:26.


Liverpool's front three firing again - but problem arises for Klopp - Duration: 4:24.

 Liverpool's front three have their mojo back.  Not that their mojo ever really went away, of course, but all three of Liverpool's forwards have been questioned at times this season

 Sadio Mane enjoyed a devastating start to the campaign, scoring four times in the first four games before finding the net in just one of his next 10 appearances for the Reds

 Roberto Firmino had similar struggles, scoring just four goals in the first half of the campaign

   Things were slightly different for Mohamed Salah, who still managed to score 12 times during the first half of the season, but still had to put up with scrutiny over his performances

 Since Boxing Day, however, the trio have had a change of fortunes.  Salah and Firmino have both scored five in six, with Mane netting three times in the same number of games

 It's a huge boost for Jurgen Klopp's title-chasing side, who have solidified their position as Premier League leaders in that period, despite losing at Manchester City

 The Reds have shown signs of reverting back to their devastating attacking best from last season, scoring four against Newcastle and Crystal Palace, as well as putting five past Arsenal

 Klopp will be delighted with his front three - but the Liverpool boss is facing up to another problem

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  No other player has scored for Liverpool in the Premier League since Boxing Day

 In fact, only Divock Origi has joined Salah, Firmino and Mane on the scoresheet since the win over Newcastle

 The goals have dried up for both James Milner and Xherdan Shaqiri, the latter being a huge plus for the Reds in the first half of the campaign

 Shaqiri added another dimension to Liverpool's attack, scoring six goals and giving Klopp's men another outlet

In fact, Klopp even changed his formation to include Shaqiri and make Salah the focal point of the attack

 Milner, meanwhile, hasn't added to the five goals he scored and the likes of Fabinho, Virgil van Dijk, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Joel Matip and Gini Wijnaldum have all weighed in with just one goal each so far

 Another concern will be the form of Daniel Sturridge, who started the season well but hasn't added to his tally since scoring his fourth goal of the season with a screamer at Chelsea

 The lack of goals from Naby Keita, Jordan Henderson, Andy Robertson and even Adam Lallana is also something Klopp will want to rectify as Liverpool continue their title push

 Contrast that with Liverpool's title challenge in 2013/14,  Luis Suarez and Daniel Sturridge fueled the charge with 31 and 21 goals respectively, but Steven Gerrard also found the net 13 times, Raheem Sterling nine, centre-back Martin Skrtel chipped in with seven, Philippe Coutinho notched five and Henderson, in a more advanced role, scored four times

 It's crucial that Liverpool find more goals from the rest of the team between now and the end of the season - but it's certainly no bad thing that the front three are on song once again

For more infomation >> Liverpool's front three firing again - but problem arises for Klopp - Duration: 4:24.


News24 - What Man Utd fans are saying about Alexis Sanchez is damning - Duration: 2:06.

  Alexis Sanchez has only just returned from injury for Manchester United, and scored on his comeback against Arsenal in the FA Cup last week

  Temporary boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer decided to start him against Leicester City as a result, but Sanchez struggled for large spells against the 2016 Premier League champions

  The Chilean is a world-beater on his day, but Manchester United fans haven't seen this day come around too often since he joined in the club in January 2018

 Sunday against the Foxes marked yet another disappointing performance for the former Arsenal forward, who kept giving the ball away too easily

 And fans on social media were very critical of him, demanding Solskjaer take him off for Anthony Martial, which he eventually did on the 67-minute mark

 One supporter wrote: "Sanchez has had enough time now. Sort yourself out lad," while another added: "Sanchez is finished

"  A third said: "United need to cut their losses on Sanchez [and] make this [Ashley] Young's last season

We need fullbacks a ball playing defensive midfielder and right winger."  And a fourth concluded: "Feel Sanchez needs to go in the summer

It hasn't worked and I just can't see it working.  "Martial, [Marcus] Rashford and [Jesse] Lingard are ahead of him in pecking order based on performances


For more infomation >> News24 - What Man Utd fans are saying about Alexis Sanchez is damning - Duration: 2:06.


আহলে হাদিসরা যেভাবে শিরক করে | Shiakh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | Short Waz - Duration: 2:21.

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For more infomation >> আহলে হাদিসরা যেভাবে শিরক করে | Shiakh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | Short Waz - Duration: 2:21.


Liverpool transfer news LIVE: Klopp on Pulisic, Nabil Fekir, Dominic Solanke to Palace - Duration: 7:42.

 Liverpool news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from Anfield Wednesday 2, JanuaryDominic Solanke to Crystal Palace updateBookies backing Nabil Fekir transferKlopp welcomes Pulisic to ChelseaEvery completed Premier League January transfer so farLiverpool to make Werner move? Liverpool have been linked with a cut-price deal for RB Leipzig's Timo Werner by German newspaper Bild

 The Germany international's current contract expires in 2020 and though Leipzig have offered him an extension, the 22-year-old striker has not put pen to paper

 And that could allow Liverpool to steal in and sign him for around £36million with Leipzig unwilling to risk losing him for nothing

 It is thought Leipzig would rather sell him to a foreign club than domestic rivals like Bayern Munich

Solanke to Palace off? Dominic Solanke's chances of moving to Crystal Palace may be over, according to new reports that claim the striker's injury issues could see Roy Hodgson look elsewhere

 The Reds striker is current sidelined by a muscle injury and has not played once for Liverpool in any competition this season

 And reports claim that Palace boss Roy Hodgson, who has confirmed his interest in Solanke, could look elsewhere because he wants a striker to have an immediate impact given the Eagles have scored just 17 times in 20 league games this season

Reason revealed for Pulisic decision Liverpool chose not to rival Chelsea for the signature of Christian Pulisic despite long-term interest in the forward

 And the Liverpool Echo have revealed the reason why - because of Jurgen Klopp's confidence in Xherdan Shaqiri

 The Reds boss is happy with his options in the final third and they have not considered bringing in any more attackers since Shaqiri signed from Stoke for just £13

5million. The Swiss winger has been a major hit at Anfield with six goals and three assists, while Liverpool did not see Pulisic as value for money at £57

5m with less than 18 months remaining on his Borussia Dortmund contract given he would only be a squad player

Liverpool delay loan decision Liverpool won't allow Rafa Camacho to leave on loan before they face Wolves in the FA Cup next Monday

 That's according to the Liverpool Echo, with the 18-year-old of interest to Portuguese outfit Sporting Lisbon

 The Reds are expected to heavily rotate for their third-round tie and Camacho could be involved in the squad, with the teenager able to play in a variety of positions

 Several Championship clubs have also expressed interest in former Manchester City trainee Camacho

Schalke deny Solanke interest Schalke do not want Dominic Solanke according to Sky in Germany, which could pave the way for the Liverpool striker to sign for Crystal Palace on loan

 The 21-year-old has not played for Liverpool this season and has been linked with a host of clubs this month as the Reds seek to secure him a move for much-needed game-time

 It was claimed that Solanke could be headed to the Bundesliga by reports in Germany but those suggestions have been quashed by Sky in Germany

 And that could allow Palace - who have publicly admitted their interest in England international Solanke - to swoop

Jurgen Klopp on January window As well as discussing Pulisic's move to Chelsea, Jurgen Klopp was also asked about Liverpool's own plans for the January window

 The Reds signed Virgil van Dijk 12 months ago but otherwise have been generally quiet in the winter markets while Klopp has been boss

 And he gave little away about any potential incomings or outgoings at Anfield. He told the media: "We don't talk about transfers, and loans are transfers as well

We will see what happens before January 31st. Nothing to say." Reds back in for Fekir? As a result of Pulisic's move to Chelsea, Nabil Fekir is the shortest odds he has ever been to join Liverpool - despite coming so close to moving to Anfield in the summer

 The Lyon captain was on the verge of a £53million move with fell apart at the eleventh hour due to concerns over surgery Fekir had to repair a knee ligament injury a few years ago

 Liverpool backed out of the deal and didn't speak with Lyon regarding a deal again all summer

 Yet Betfair have Pulisic at 2/1 to join Liverpool before the January market closes with Chelsea, one of their rivals for Fekir, having secured Pulisic's talents

 A Betfair insider said to Express Sport: "Straight from the traders' mouths, yes this is the shortest he has been

The price has continued to shorten from 5/1 over yesterday and today." Chelsea still remain joint-second favourites to sign Fekir, though well back at 12-1 alongside Bayern Munich

Jurgen Klopp on Pulisic to Chelsea Jurgen Klopp has welcomed the addition of Christian Pulisic to the Premier League after he joined Chelsea earlier today

 Liverpool wanted the American several seasons ago, seeing an £11million bid rejected, but he has completed a £57

5m switch from Borussia Dortmund to the Blues. He will remain on loan with the Bundesliga title chasers until the end of the season

 And Klopp - who worked with the 21-year-old in Germany - insists the English top flight will have the talents of "a skilled boy" once Pulisic comes next season

 Klopp said at a press conference: "Really good player for Chelsea. A skilled boy

I've known him for a while, good signing, good deal as well for Dortmund."

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news LIVE: Klopp on Pulisic, Nabil Fekir, Dominic Solanke to Palace - Duration: 7:42.


Tyler Higbee Girlfriend: Is the Rams Tight End Dating Anyone? | - Duration: 6:00.

Tyler Higbee Girlfriend: Is the Rams Tight End Dating Anyone? |

Tyler Higbee plays tight end for the Los Angeles Rams.

Higbee is not married and doesn't appear to have a girlfriend at this time, according to popular celebrity relationship database Who's Dated Who.

Higbee had a girlfriend a few years ago before the Rams drafted him in the fourth round of the 2016 NFL Draft.

Since then, however, Higbee seems to be focused on football.

He will have the support of his family, as the Rams face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LIII in Atlanta, Georgia, this evening.

Here's what you need to know:.

He's Fairly Active on Social Media But Hasn't Posted any Photos of a Potential Girlfriend.


Tyler Higbee is fairly active on social media and has been known to post various photos and videos to his Instagram account.

The 26-year-old NFLer has been focused on his career since joining the Rams in 2016.

A little over a week ago, Higbee posted a photo from the NFC Championship game in which he appeared to be "shushing" the crowd.

He captioned the photo using three of the "shush" emojis after scoring a touchdown and silencing the crowd at Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

You can check that photo out here.

Nearly all of Higbee's recent posts have been football-related.

"The legendary highway 77," he captioned a shot of himself on the field with Andrew Whitworth back on January 15.

"In our own bubble.

Can't hear the outside noise," he captioned a pic with his teammates back in October.

He Was Dating Someone in 2016 When He Got Arrested for Assault.


A few years ago, Higbee did have a girlfriend.

Their relationship came to light after Higbee got into a fight at a bar and was arrested on assault charges.

The incident took place on April 10, 2016, outside of Tidball's in Kentucky.

According to reports, Higbee was at the bar when a man by the name of Nawaf Alsaleh started interacting with his girlfriend and then talking back and forth with one of Higbee's friends.

Around 2 a.m. the group moved outside.

According to ESPN,  Higbee and his girlfriend "went to a nearby parking lot to buy from a food truck." The outlet reports that Alsaleh was still going back and forth with Higbee's friend and racial slurs were used (though Higbee's lawyer said that his client did not use any racial slurs) and things quickly escalated.

"Without even like a second thought, Higbee like just punched him.

Just knocked him out, to the ground, one punch," a witness told ABC 13 at the time.

Although he fled the scene, police caught up with and arrested Higbee.

About a year later, Higbee avoided jail time by pleading guilty to the charges.

"Warren Circuit Judge Steve Wilson ordered Higbee to pay the victim an undisclosed amount and perform 250 hours of community service as part of a five-year pretrial diversion program.

Higbee also can't own or possess a gun, use drugs or drink alcohol.

If Higbee violates the terms of the diversion program, he could be given a two-year prison sentence," ESPN reported.

Higbee's then-girlfriend's name was never released.

For more infomation >> Tyler Higbee Girlfriend: Is the Rams Tight End Dating Anyone? | - Duration: 6:00.


Melody Thornton's Dancing On Ice future uncertain after horrific jaw injury - Duration: 1:50.

Melody Thornton has suffered a fall in rehearsals (Picture: Instagram) Melody Thornton has become the next Dancing On Ice contestant to suffer a brutal injury, placing a question mark over her future in the competition

 The 34-year-old former Pussycat Dolls singer was involved in a fall during rehearsals with partner Alex Demetriou, resulting in some major bruising across her jaw

 Taking to Instagram, Melody also stated the accident had left her barely able to move her arms

Melody Thornton suffered a fall in rehearsals (Picture: Instagram) 'Just at the studio,' Melody said

'Here's my chin, it's swollen. There's some bruising but I can cover it with make-up today

 'I can't hardly use my arms at all, which is great because who needs arms when you're ice skating? More: Dancing On Ice Saira Khan praises Dancing On Ice pro Mark Hanretty as 'most amazing human being' Holly Willoughby busted by Phillip Schofield for checking out James Jordan's bum Gemma Collins bursts into tears and admits her 'confidence has gone' after DOI fall Advertisement Advertisement  'I'm just working on staying positive

I gotta try to find a way to get through this performance on Sunday. If I look good, I don't feel good.'  This is the latest injury from Dancing On Ice, after Wes Nelson sparked fears of bowing out the competition after a knee injury

   Dancing On Ice continues on Sunday 6pm on ITV.  MORE: Cardi B confirms she's working on marriage with Offset: 'There's a child involved'  MORE: Rami Malek claims his experience of Bohemian Rhapsody director Bryan Singer was 'not pleasant' Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> Melody Thornton's Dancing On Ice future uncertain after horrific jaw injury - Duration: 1:50.


Julian Edelman wins MVP title - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Julian Edelman wins MVP title - Duration: 3:32.


McCollum has triple-double, Trail Blazers beat Hawks 120-111 - Duration: 6:19.

CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMOREPORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — With the Trail Blazers playing without All-Star guard Damian Lillard, CJ McCollum reminded everybody just how good Portland's other guard are

McCollum had 28 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds for his first career triple-double, leading the Trail Blazers to a 120-111 win over the Atlanta Hawks on Saturday night

"CJ was terrific, maybe his best all-around game of the year," Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts said

Seth Curry, who got the start in Lillard's place, scored 22 points. Maurice Harkless also had a season-high 16 points to go with five rebounds

"Without (Lillard) out there I was just talking a little bit more, initiate the offense and tried to keep everybody involved," McCollum said

Trae Young had 30 points and eight assists to lead the Hawks.McCollum had 10 points and three assists in the third quarter to give Portland a three-point lead heading to the fourth

Atlanta pulled to 101-100 with 7:17 remaining, but Curry scored 11 points during the Trail Blazers' 13-0 game-closing run

"I was trying to get (Curry) some shots, he's a very great shooter, a guy who can read on-ball and off-ball screens," McCollum said

"I tried to take advantage of their defensive lapses, they were paying a lot of attention to me

I was trying to be aggressive and mix in making plays.""When they hit 3s, you feel it," Atlanta coach Lloyd Pierce said of the Blazers' final run

"And Curry did that late in the game with three 3s. And we hit a stretch where we couldn't get anything to go down

"Stotts thought Curry's night, in particular, was special for him."It's been tough for him, coming off the bench and playing behind Dame and CJ and coming into a new team," Stotts said

"All that — it's been a rough transition, but I think he showed tonight what he's capable of

He stepped up, I mean we needed a performance like that from him tonight."After Atlanta jumped out to a 11-7 lead, the Blazers outscored the Hawks 33-19 to build a 10-point lead after the first quarter

The Hawks quickly cut the Blazers lead to three in the early moments of the second quarter

Dwayne Dedmon's dunk with the 7:39 left in the quarter gave Atlanta a one-point lead and the Hawks led by as many as six

Atlanta held a one-point lead at halftime with Collins and rookie Trae Young leading the way

McCollum got off to an early start on a big night, with 14 points, eight rebounds and five assists in the first half

"CJ scores the ball, great passing, going after it on the boards," Young said about McCollum

"CJ does what CJ does — everything."Blazers sixth man Evan Turner was forced from the game at halftime with a sore left Achilles

TIP-INSHawks: John Collins has made a big jump from his rookie year in scoring, averaging 19

5 points per game, which is nearly double his average from last season. But another area in which he's improved has been on the offensive rebounding

Collins began the day averaging 3.8 offensive rebounds per game, a full rebound more than last year

In terms of percentage, Collins has improved by two percentage points and he's just outside of the top-10 in that category

Hawks coach Lloyd Pierce commended him for his willingness to embrace the mentality of dominating mismatches

"And it's easy to get frustrated when we don't find him when there is a guard defending him

The effort part that he's shown over the last month or two months. When there's a guard on him, we want to find him but if we don't, go to work

Because now you a small down there. He's completely bought into it. I said it a while back, it's like a new toy for him

"Trail Blazers: Lillard had been dealing with nagging injuries over the last few weeks

With the Blazers just returning home after a three-game road trip, the team elected to rest Lillard who has been listed with a bruised right hand and a sore right knee

"There's nothing serious," Blazers coach Terry Stotts said. "He almost didn't play against Phoenix so I think it's just, he needs a day

"Lillard was one of only four Blazers who had played in each of the first 50 games this season

The choice to rest Lillard comes at a brief break in the Blazers schedule. After Saturday, the Blazers only have one game in the span of nine days

UP NEXTHawks: At Los Angeles Clippers on Monday night.Trail Blazers: Host Utah on Wednesday night

___More AP NBA: and Copyright 2019 The Associated Press

All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

For more infomation >> McCollum has triple-double, Trail Blazers beat Hawks 120-111 - Duration: 6:19.


Doğal Taş Duvar ve Ahşap Kafe İnşaatı Belek Bellis Otel - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Doğal Taş Duvar ve Ahşap Kafe İnşaatı Belek Bellis Otel - Duration: 4:04.


*NEW RECORD* Facts Marshmello In Fortnite Moments #30 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> *NEW RECORD* Facts Marshmello In Fortnite Moments #30 - Duration: 5:04.


Arsenal player ratings vs Man City: Iwobi and Lichtsteiner poor, Guendouzi stands out - Duration: 5:07.

 Arsenal dropped valuable points in the race for a top four finish with a 3-1 defeat to Manchester city at the Etihad

 Sergio Aguero put Pep Guardiola's side ahead inside a minute with a diving header after a glaring error from Alex Iwobi and good work from Aymeric Laporte

 Laurent Koscielny pulled Arsenal level with a brilliant stopping header of his own but Aguero restored the advantage just before the break when he tapped home Raheem Sterling's perfect cross

 The Argentine completed his hat-trick with a controversial goal that looked to have been bundled in via his hand, with the third goal killing off Arsenal's chances of getting back in the match

 Express Sport has rated how the Arsenal players performed during their clash with Manchester City – do you agree?Arsenal player ratings vs Manchester City - Premier League GK: Bernd Leno – 5 Busy evening for the German, which didn't get off to a good start with Aguero striking within a minute

 No chance with any of the goals and very almost saved the third, despite being clattered by Koscielny

 RB: Stephan Lichtsteiner – 4 Given a tough examination by the fluid City attack, with Lichtsteiner caught out by a simple one-two for the second goal

 An experienced campaigner, but not designed to deal with such movement and trickery

 CB: Shkodran Mustafi – 5 Looked rattled in the early stages and got away with a pull on Aguero in the box

 Was so deep for City's opener, and always looks moments away from doing something reckless

 CB: Laurent Koscielny – 6 Fantastic stooping header brought his side level, with the Frenchman showing superb bravery so soon after a nasty cut to his jaw

 However, Arsneal's open style of play left both him and Mustafi vulnerable to runners marauding forward from midfield

 LB: Nacho Monreal – 5 Got up well to flick on the corner for Koscielny's goal, but offered very little protection from Sead Kolasinac and found himself pegged back for much of the match

 RM: Alex Iwobi – 4 Disastrous mistake to gift City the first goal, caught in possession when trying to dribble out of danger

 Barely got into the game after that. CM: Lucas Torreira – 7 One excellent tackle in the box early on to deny Raheem Sterling epitomised is defiant performance, with the Uruguayan harrying and hassling despite being outnumbered

 CM: Matteo Guendouzi – 8 Carried the ball well on occasions and relived the pressure whenever he could in a display that belied his lack of experience

 Sometimes reckless in his decision-making, but the Frenchman possesses boundless energy and isn't afraid to put himself about for the good of the team

 LM: Sead Kolasinac – 5 Didn't get much change out of Kyle Walker while his delivery let him down on occasions

 Forced a smart stop from Ederson just before half-time but struggled to offer a consistent attacking threat from a more advanced position than usual

 ST: Alexandre Lacazette – 6 Had to drop extremely deep in order to get hold of the ball, with the Frenchman at times closer to his own goal than Kolasinac

 Almost slipped his strike partner in and did his best to link up Arsenal's attacks, although clear-cut chances were at a premium

 ST: Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang – 5 Full of strong running but often found himself isolated with City determined to shut the Gabon international down before he got going

 Held the ball up well on occasions but sure to have more productive nights than this

 SUB: Aaron Ramsey (on for Iwobi, 65 mins) – 6 Tried to add some drive and direction as the game moved out of reach

 SUB: Denis Suarez (on for Kolasinac, 66 mins) – 5 On for his Premier League debut, but won't have been happy about being outmuscled by Aguero

 SUB: Konstantinos Mavropanos (on for Mustafi, 78 mins) - 5 Good to get some minutes under his belt

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