Do you have an account with Bitgrail and your XRB / NANO are stuck there?
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Send to your wallet as soon as possible because Francesco may regret it
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Never do business on ShitGrail again!
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The best tips on ICO and Altcoins
For more infomation >> BitGrail - Se tiver NANO/XRB lá tirem AGORA! - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Риски инвесторов. Часть 10 - Duration: 5:17.
5 selbstgemachte Handcremes gegen Hautflecken 1 - Duration: 4:10.
EVEN Hotel New York, Midtown East 44th en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, América del Norte - Duration: 5:02.
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA
Generate e-Way Bill for Invoices Recorded in Tally.ERP 9 - Duration: 2:13.
For Help: SysTech Mo: 95105 15803 : Tally Sales, Service, Customization
Ana Clara reclama descaradamente da produção do BBB18 e emissora faz mudanças - Duration: 3:40.
Paradiso e Inferno, un romanzo di Jon Kalman Stefánsson - Duration: 4:34.
ポルシェ911 vs ミッションE、新型対決!? 豪雪地帯を封鎖し極秘テスト【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 3:27.
その購入計画、ちょっと待って!販売絶好調のノートe-POWERを買うなら12月12日以降がオススメ!? - Duration: 6:27.
Carnival Tangerine Fritters (chiacchiere or bugie) | Eggless - Duration: 7:20.
Hello everyone.
Chiacchiere are a typical Italian carnival dessert.
Here is a very simple recipe.
Salt, a pinch of baking soda.
Extra virgin olive oil (3 tbsps).
Tangerine juice.
Slice the peel of 1-2 tangerines thinly.
Knead the dough for a few minutes to obtain this result.
Cut in half.
Lightly flour the surface and roll out the dough.
It should be this thin.
Cut like this...
...and fry.
The frying oil should not be too hot.
This will not take too long.
When golden-brown, remove them from the pan.
Our crispy chiacchiere are ready.
As a final touch, dust them with powdered sugar.
I hope you enjoyed my recipe.
Support my project by making a donation on my Tipeee page. Thanks!
ICE explica por qué autorizó a sus agentes para arrestar a indocumentados dentro de las cortes - Duration: 2:07.
Autoridades de salud instalan kioscos de medición de presión arterial en Nueva York - Duration: 2:07.
Líder del grupo latino LULAC se retracta de carta en la que respaldó el plan migratorio de Trump - Duration: 2:22.
8 sintomi che indicano una carenza di vitamina C - Duration: 5:35.
Su padre fue asesinado en México cuando era candidato presidencial y ahora busca seguir sus pasos - Duration: 2:12.
La lucha de un indocumentado por conseguir un trasplante de corazón que necesita con urgencia - Duration: 2:00.
Pueblo y patrimonio. Güéjar Sierra, Granada - Duration: 1:31.
BitGrail - Se tiver NANO/XRB lá tirem AGORA! - Duration: 0:41.
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The best tips on ICO and Altcoins
BitGrail - Se tiver NANO/XRB lá tirem AGORA! - Duration: 0:41.
Do you have an account with Bitgrail and your XRB / NANO are stuck there?
Access your account now and transfer to your wallet
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Send to your wallet as soon as possible because Francesco may regret it
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Never do business on ShitGrail again!
Thank you!
The best tips on ICO and Altcoins
Риски инвесторов. Часть 10 - Duration: 5:17.
5 selbstgemachte Handcremes gegen Hautflecken 1 - Duration: 4:10.
EVEN Hotel New York, Midtown East 44th en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, América del Norte - Duration: 5:02.
Discover The New Gen 2D Fi...
BRiN with John Di Natale - Part 4: Get Sh*t Done - Duration: 11:59.
Hello and welcome to another edition of Grow Your Business on BRiN. I'm John Di Natale.
Let's look at the things that we should do on the other hand so
we've just talked about the things that we should stop doing, let's have a think
about the things that we should do now to move towards our goals and do them on
a regular basis. The first one is: to review. I think it's important every now
and then to just stop and have a look back and go right what's happened in the
last month, six months, twelve months. And I think you have to do this
through two lenses; the first is a critical lens and I think this is the
one we all feel pretty comfortable with. This is the one we tend to
default to. The critical lens says well this is what happened, this is what went
wrong, this is what we did, this is what we could do differently. And that's okay,
I'm more than happy with that kind of analysis because it's important because
we take the learnings from that process and we apply them. The second lens though
is what I call the gratitude lens and that really is to look back and say well
what went right? What are the things that did go well? If you're
struggling a little bit right now I'm pretty certain that if you look
carefully you'll find things that are good, you'll find things that are adding
value, you'll find things that are working well, you'll find things that you
worked for that you now have, that you should be happy about; the clients you
currently have, the assets you currently have,
the lifestyle you currently have. You've worked for those and you should be
grateful that you have those. So they're the two lenses; a critical lens and a
gratitude lens and then have a look back and see what we need to learn from the
last period. The second thing to think about is: your 'why'. Now there's a lot of
talk about 'why'. You've seen lots of things about finding your 'why', I'm sure,
and tapping into the 'why', but I think it's really important. What is the thing
that drives you? What is the thing that really gets you out of bed in the morning?
Yes I know you want to succeed, I understand we want to build a business,
I understand we want to create wealth and lifestyle, I get all that. But what's the
real motivator behind that? What really drives you? The picture
you're seeing is a pic of me when I was very young and that's my family.
And for me it was interesting to watch my family and the families around us in
terms of how they establish themselves in a new country, okay, in the 50s when
when they came out here it was tough.
As it is now for people, I'm sure, who uproot their lives and move to
another country and start again. Not having capital, not having the language
advantage, not having understanding of the culture and what have you.
So I've watched people work very, very hard all their lives to build a life for
themselves, and along the way not really made some of the decisions that would
have helped them get to where they want to go and really get to a point where
they could live a life that's fulfilling and fun along the way.
Decisions around investing, decisions around businesses and getting involved
in businesses and the types of businesses to get involved in, and just
being able to have a plan for a financial future.
This often wasn't a big part of the thinking in this generation, it was more
about work hard, pay the bills, own your home, which is not a bad goal
but unfortunately when you reach your 60s and you're now looking for a little
more lifestyle, you don't want to work as hard perhaps as you have for the last 20
or 30 or 40 years, many of the people of that time didn't really have a plan for
what that would look like. So one of the things that drives us - me and my team
is to actually help people make those decisions to create the lifestyle
at some point that we really help them live a much more fulfilled and a much
more happy and enjoyable life down the track. So that's part of my 'why', it's part
of why I do what I do.
Tapping into yours is really important.
What is it that really is deep within you that is important
to you that drives you and that makes what you do make sense. Not just for the
job and the dollars and the time and paying the bills,
but for something bigger than that. I really encourage you to have a think
about what your 'why' is and what that looks like and where it takes you.
A really important driver. Have a plan. It's really interesting I often say to
people you know you need to have a plan. In fact I was asked recently
doesn't everybody have a plan? The short answer is no. Not when it comes to things
like my business; they may have a business plan but they don't really have
a plan in terms of where the business is going to take them, my life interestingly,
most people spent more time planning their last holiday than they do playing
their entire financial future for instance. So having a plan for wealth
creation, creating security, building assets, building cash flow, being tax effective,
all of those things. Have a plan and get some advice, don't just
think you can do the whole thing yourself. Very few people I know who have
been very successful have made that journey alone.
Very few. Most have advisers, most have got guidance from people, they have really had
some help to get there and they tap into that expertise to help them make better
decisions, so have a plan, get some advice, and then move forward.
Next thing to do: take some CEO time, as I call it.
The CEO is you; the CEO of your life. Every now and then it's good to just
unplug, it's good to just spend some time away. I don't know what works for you?
Sit by the beach? I like to take a notebook and a pen and no phone and no laptop and
no tech of any kind and just go sit somewhere with a coffee and
doodle for a while and scribble some stuff and think about things and see
where I'm heading and all that sort of stuff. That works for me, whatever it is
for you that allows you to just get out of the normal day-to-day stuff for a
little while and have a think about where you are and maybe do some of the
things we've talked about here in terms of the thought processes around these
key areas. Spend some time doing that and just unplug for a while. You'll find that
you think more clearly, you'll find that ideas pop up in that process that
wouldn't really appear on a normal day so being able to unplug and just get in
there and really think about where am I at and what do I want to do,
is really important. The next one: get some mentors. I know we've
all heard about mentors, we've heard about people who have mentors. It doesn't
have to be a formal thing. It doesn't have to be
something where you engage somebody's services. Find people who are doing what
you want to do, find people who have achieved the goals that you want to
achieve and go and talk to them. You'll be amazed at how many people will say
'yes' when you ask for guidance. Whatever industry you're in, whatever
goal it is you've set for yourself. If you can identify a couple of people
who are very successful in that space and approach them and say,
'Hey look I'm in a similar space to you, I would love to be able to get some
guidance, I'd love for you to be able to give me some input. Would that be possible?
Could I come and have a chat to you for 10 minutes or 15 minutes?'
You'll be amazed at how many people say 'yes'. In my experience, even direct competitors
can be great mentors. You can form friendships with your competitors
and learn a lot from each other in terms of what they're doing, what's working for
them, what's not working for them and in effect build the market and
there's more for everybody. So have a think about who the successful people
are in your space and go and approach them. I know that they probably
seem up here when you're down here. Don't let that bother you.
Everybody started here, okay? So they've been on the journey, they've learned some things,
they've made the mistakes. People say it's good to learn from your
mistakes, it's also good to learn from other people's mistakes so you don't
have to make the same ones. So go and find those people who are successful,
approach them, get in touch, say hello, get a meeting set up and go and have a chat
and I'm sure you'll learn heaps from those people and they're usually very
willing and very happy to share that experience with you.
And the last thing, I touched on this earlier, is: be thankful, be grateful.
One of the things that we do not enough of I think is just give a little bit of
gratitude for the things that we have. Fortunately, I get to travel
around the world and I get to speak in different countries and what have you
and I've just done a tour of parts of Asia and it really makes you realise
how good we may have it in the places that we live,
and the lives that we've been able to build for ourselves. So be thankful,
be grateful for the things that we have. Keep striving, for sure,
don't misunderstand me. If you're completely happy and you're
comfortable and you don't want to stretch, that's fine. I understand that.
Tthat's perfectly acceptable. If you want more of course strive, stretch,
go for the goals but also don't forget to be grateful for the things
that we already have. And have a bucket list. Okay there's lots of talk about bucket lists.
There are a couple of people who just talk about building your bucket
list and making sure that you actually go out and achieve some of these things
in your life I think it's really important to do some things that just are fun.
Just things that we wanted to do at some point, that we
probably thought were impossible. I can share a little story with you here;
in my early 20s with a friend we sat down and wrote a bucket list, which was
really a career bucket list, in lots of ways. There were lots
of things we wanted to achieve and things that at the time we thought were
completely unrealistic and impossible. But we wrote them down and we got
to work and we started doing some things and of course we got distracted and
went in different directions and then lost contact and what have you but
interestingly I happen to find that piece of paper you know probably 25
years later and everything that was on that list I've ticked off, which is
pretty cool when you think about it. I don't think that's a coincidence.
I don't think that happened just because. I think when you write things down and you
set big goals for yourself, it programs your subconscious in ways that I don't
understand, to actually then direct you to achieving those goals, to bringing
those things into your life and to making the connections you need and
making them happen. I really encourage you to create that list. They can be fun
things, they could be adventure things, they can be work-related, they can be
anything you like but whatever they are for you get the list down and
let it sink into your subconscious and then get to work
and I'm sure that in 10 years time you'll be able to look back as I did and
and cross some of those off. So to wrap up, here's the final thing.
All of these tips, all of these ideas are all useful, however if we don't pursue them, if we're
not consistent, if we're not persistent, we're unlikely to achieve the things we
want to achieve. This is one of my favourite quotes from Babe Ruth who said,
'It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.' And if you don't give up it's
pretty hard to get beaten. You can continue to strive, you can continue to
improve and you can continue to move towards your goals and along the journey
I wish you every success. Thank you for watching. I hope you've enjoyed this episode.
If you'd like more information on me or any of the experts on BRiN,
you can visit and take advantage of all the information that's there.
Until we see you again remember, life is for living.
The 10 WORST English mistakes you're making! - Duration: 10:58.
I'm Rebecca from engVid.
In the next few minutes you'll find out if you make any of the 10 worst mistakes in English.
Now, even though it seems like I'm joking, it's actually quite serious.
These mistakes could make you fail an exam or a job interview, they could make you lose
a sale or a client, they could also ruin your presentation, or worse still, your reputation.
You really don't want to be making these mistakes.
And luckily, you found this lesson, so at the end of this lesson you will know exactly
what to do to fix these mistakes in case you make them.
And if you don't make them, then you can feel really good and confident about the English
that you do speak.
So, let's get started.
The first one...
Now, I should say that the first five are all written mistakes, that is if you say these
things, nobody will be able to tell what you're saying, but if you write them down then they
will see your mistake.
In other words, they are spelling mistakes, but the spelling mistake is based on a grammatical
mistake that you have misunderstood something in English.
But I'm here to explain it to you, so no worries.
Here we go.
Number one: "Your late", "Y-o-u-r" or "You're late".
Now you see, they sound the same, but this one is written "y-o-u-'-r-e".
Have you seen this mistake on the internet?
I see it all the time, but not by you I hope.
So, what's the right answer here?
The first one: "Your late", "Y-o-u-r" or the second one?
So, the correct one is this.
This is the correct one, this is wrong.
"You're late" like this is what?
"You are", it's a contraction or short form of "You are", and the other one: "Y-o-u-r"
is a possessive form of "You".
It means this is your book, this is your brother, etc.
So: "You are late."
is what you wanted there.
Second one: "Who's that?", "W-h-o-'-s" or: "Whose that?", "W-h-o-s-e"?
Which is correct?
Well, this one is correct, and this is wrong
because: "Who's that?" is short for: "Who is", "Who is that?"
Again, it's a contraction or a short form. Right?
And this one: "Whose" is a possessive word to ask: "Who does this belong to?"
That's not what you want to say here.
Number three: "It's time to go." or "Its time to go."
Again, remember they sound exactly the same, they are what are called homonyms, but don't
worry about that.
You need to know how to spell, so is it like this or like this?
Well, this is correct, this is not.
This is, again, a contraction for: "It is", right?
"It is time to go. It's time to go."
This: "Its" with no apostrophe is the possessive form of "It", it shows that something belongs
to it.
All right?
That's not what you want to use here.
Next: "There here", "Their here", or "They're here".
Again, they sound the same, but what's the correct spelling?
Which word do you really want?
So, we want this one.
"They are here." Okay?
It's a contraction.
This one: "There" is the opposite of "Here", and "T-h-e-i-r", "Their" is the possessive
form of "They", it means something belongs to them, and that's not what you want in this example.
The last one here is: "Did you lose this?" or "Did you loose this?"
Now, some people don't pronounce it correctly so they end up sounding the same, they actually
pronounce differently, and spell differently, and the meaning is completely different.
So: "Did you lose this?" or "Did you loose this?"
Which is the right one?
This is correct, and this is wrong.
The first one: "lose" is a verb because that's...
It means...
Okay, like something is lost, you lost it.
You lose something.
And "loose" means not tight, like: "His pants were very loose", not tight.
So, these are the first five, these are mistakes that you can make in writing, and if you made
any of them don't worry.
As I said, afterwards I'll tell you where you can go to watch a video on whichever one
you got wrong because I've recorded lessons on each of these.
Let's go to the second part.
Now, let's look at five mistakes that people sometimes make while speaking.
Number six: "You speak English good."
or "You speak English well."
Which is correct?
Do you know?
Well, the answer is this, this is the correct one: "You speak English well", because "well"
is an adverb.
It describes how you speak: "You speak well."
And "good", in this case is wrong, because "good" is an adjective.
So, for example, you could say: "You speak good English" because then "good" describes English.
All right?
Next one, number seven: "He's doing his homework." or "He's making his homework".
"do" and "make", so many, many expressions with "do" and "make".
How do you decide?
Well, let's see if you know this one first, then I'll tell you how you decide.
"He's doing his homework.", "He's making his homework."
Which one is right?
This one is correct: "He's doing his homework."
And it is wrong to say: "He's making his homework."
just because it's wrong.
Now, the way to know whether to say "do" or "make", there is some explanation that tries
to help you understand, but I think it's very difficult for you to think through it every time.
I think in this case you do have to learn a lot of the expressions by heart, and one
way you can do that is to look at one of the resources that I've written on my engVid channel,
which actually has a long list of expressions with "do" and "make", but I'll tell you again
how to get to that.
Number eight: "I'll see you at 6:30." or "I'll see you on 6:30." or "I'll see you in 6:30."
Is it: "at 6:30", "on 6:30", "in 6:30", which is it?
Those little prepositions.
So important.
Which one is it?
"I'll see you at 6:30",
not "on", not "in", okay? "at" is used with very specific times,
like: 6:00, 6:30, midnight, and so on.
"on" is used with one day or one date, and "in" is used for anything more than one day
or one date.
Really very important because these little prepositions pop up everywhere when we're
speaking, right?
Number nine: "He and I are getting married."
or "Him and I are getting married."
Which one is right?
I just want to tell you that if you make this mistake it's a really bad mistake.
They're all bad, this is very bad.
So, which is correct?
This is correct.
This is wrong.
Because "He" is a subject pronoun, and "Him" is an object pronoun, and if you don't know
the difference between a subject pronoun and an object pronoun, then you should really
follow this by looking at the...
Watching the video which I have which explains this in more detail.
Each of the lessons that we have actually explains these points in much more detail
than I'm going into here.
Number 10: "He has a cool car."
or "He's having a cool car."
Sounds like could be, right?
Is there a difference?
Yes, we should say:
"He has a cool car."
We cannot say in correct English: "He's having a cool car."
Because "have", "have" is a...
What is called in English a stative verb.
It describes a state.
And so we can't normally use "have" to talk about something that you own, and there's
a lot of details that you need to understand when you're using stative verbs, of which
"have" is one example.
Now, did you make any mistakes here?
Did you make any of these 10 mistakes?
If you did, no problem, don't worry.
There are only three ways to improve your English.
One is to learn what's right, the second way is to correct what's wrong,
and the third way is to keep going forward, step by step.
So here are the steps that you can take now to improve your English.
Number one:
Go to and here you'll find many, many lessons that will help you
improve your English.
Number two, you'll also find in the lesson description links to each of these mistakes
and the video or lesson that explains it in more detail so you can understand exactly
and never make that mistake again, and last, subscribe to my YouTube channel
because this way you'll continue to get lots of tips on how to improve your English once and for all.
Good for you.
Thanks very much for watching, and all the best with your English.
【HD】沈佳玉《女人別回頭》歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質 ♫「故作堅強往前走...」Shen Jia Yu - Girls Don't Look Back - Duration: 4:21.
Kids ride on Power Wheels cars Family fun Playtime Competition Fun Cars video for kids - Duration: 1:34.
Kids ride on Power Wheels cars Family fun Playtime Competition Fun Cars video for kids
If You're Happy | Song for babies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:18.
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, Then your face will surely want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, Then your face will surely want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know It, Then your face will surely want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know It, do all three...
If you're happy and you know It, do all three...
If you're happy and you know It, Then your face will surely want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, do all three...
Slinky Brand FlounceSleeve Print Sharkbite Tunic and Pan... - Duration: 23:17.
Odyssey Bloopers: T-Rex Attack...? - Duration: 0:16.
T.E.N 정현의 1분자기소개!T.E.N Jeonghyeon's 1 Minute Intro!::Makestar - Duration: 1:13.
Hello, I'm the Jeonghyeon, the vocal of T.E.N
We have a minute to show to the StarMakers our charm
I will show my charm onstage,
but now, I'm going to do an imitation
This imitiation... I've been using it for 3 years now...
No about 2 years..
But I'm improving it everytime, here it goes
I'll do an imitation of Lee Jung-Jae from the New World
This was Jeonghyeon of T.E.N!
Pijamaskeliler yeni gümüş kostümlü oyuncak figürleri açıyoruz. Kaç kedi çocuk var? Farkı bul oyunu - Duration: 11:27.
[ENG SUB] BTOB KStar Lovers Interview - Duration: 5:50.
KStar Lovers viewers! Born to beat! Hello, we're BTOB
Hello I'm BTOB's shining Hyunsik. Thank you
Hello, I'm Sungjae the person to the right of Hyunsik. Please take care of me
Yes Hello~ I'm Changsub the person on Sungjae's higi [T/N: Migi means right but CS mispronounced it as 'Higi'] / IL: Person on the right, it's person on the right
It's migi
Everyone! I'm BTOB's Changsub~
I'm BTOB's Ilhoon. Please take care of me
Hello, I'm BTOB's Peniel
Hello, I'm BTOB's Minhyuk. Please take care of me
Yes everyone! I'm BTOB's leader Seo Eunkwang, please take care of me
(What's a healing point about the member that's next to you?)
Minhyuk's healing point is definitely his face. He's handsome and he has a good body too
Isn't it strange that you get healed by looking at Minhyuk's body?
Peniel has pretty eyes. His eyes are bright and sparkly
You'll get healed when you look into his pure eyes
I think you'll get healed if you listen to Ilhoon's rapping
Can you have none?
Stop it, no way
Changsub's point is his great voice
My voice?
He has a sweet voice when he sings
Thank you
Sungjae's healing point…. This is difficult…
I think it's good that he can act strangely wherever he is..
I don't think so
It's good!
It's his special trait!
I think Hyunsik's healing point is his whole existence
Yes, this was BTOB's healing points
Eunkwang's healing point is his face / SJ: Ah, that's right
When you look at his face it's funny
(What Japanese habits or food are interesting to you?)
Ichiran ramen is the best, it's the most delicious, it's the most wonderful, it's the most special, it's the most delicious!
(Lastly, please give a message to your fans)
We've worked hard to prepare 'L.U.V' and show off a beautiful image. So please continue to give us a lot of love and support, thank you so much. We'll work hard
I never thought we could receive all the support we did here in Japan, and we'd get support each time we came but I'm happy it seems to be growing. Thank you so much. We will become a BTOB that continues to grow, so please anticipate it
Since you've waited for a long time, we won't let you down. We've returned with a really cool album so please enjoy it. We'll become an even cooler BTOB, thank you
We'll always always be a BTOB who works hard. Thank you. I love you… I love you
We'll be releasing 'L.U.V' soon, so please give it lots of support. Please continue to love us
Please keep laughing with us forever. Bye bye~
It's been a long time since we've made an appearance, viewers of K star lovers. We want to keep making appearances on here. You guys will support us when we come out again right? We will always work seriously, so please give us your support
Let's give our last message
Born to beat! This was BTOB
Generate e-Way Bill for Invoices Recorded in Tally.ERP 9 - Duration: 2:13.
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Tucker Carlson Tonight 02/01/18 12AM | February 01, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:28.
Trump-Hating Union Boss 'Spews Lies' On Fox News, Maria Bartiromo DESTROYS Him On - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:48.
Trump-Hating Union Boss 'Spews Lies' On Fox News, Maria Bartiromo DESTROYS Him On
Live TV
Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo got into a shouting match with a global union
organizer after President Donald Trump's speech in Davos, Switzerland.
When Peter Jennings began to "spew lies," Bartiromo promptly destroyed him on live television.
Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo interviewed global union organizer Peter Jennings
after President Donald Trump's speech in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday.
(Screen Capture/YouTube) Peter Jennings, general secretary of UNI Global
Union, on Friday told Maria Bartiromo and FBN correspondent Dagen McDowell that President
Donald Trump has not been doing enough for American workers because he is hampering regulations
that union advocates pushed through during the Obama administration.
However, McDowell quickly noted that "it was those very union members in the Midwest
who came out and voted for Trump" on election day in November 2016.
"Stop this demonizing of the trade union movement," said Jennings.
"Stop it.
It just shows your ignorance of what it is we do, and how we try to lift all boats."
"Stop demonizing American workers who don't belong to unions who are happy in their jobs,"
McDowell fired back.
One day prior, while at the World Economic Conference (WEC) in Davos, Switzerland, Jennings
argued that the recent Trump administration tax cuts would not make any difference to
most people's quality of life.
"The ordinary man and woman in the United States is hardly going to be touched, a glancing
blow of a tax cut for them," he said.
Jennings also told CNBC that 83 percent of the tax cut's effect would only be felt
by the richest 1 percent of Americans.
He added that business leaders at the WEC were "dancing in the snow," thanks to
changes in the tax code.
His story shifted a bit on Friday when he told Bartiromo on FBN that "62 percent of
this tax cut will go to top 1 percent, full stop," but still, he was spewing lies and
Bartiromo was having none of it.
"That is absolutely not true," she said.
"I cannot have you spew lies on this program.
That is not the truth, everybody got a tax cut.
And there are the rich that are actually facing higher taxes those who are losing their [state
and local tax] deduction.
Those are people who are finding higher taxes, the majority of Americans are seeing a tax
cut," Bartiromo added.
Although Democrats like Jennings and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have insinuated
that the $1,000 bonus more than three million Americans are receiving as a result of Trump's
tax cuts is nothing more than financial "crumbs" to the middle-class, McDowell expertly disputed
this claim, noting just how helpful an extra $1,000 is to your average American family.
"A thousand dollars is twenty tanks of gas," she said.
"A thousand dollars is a new television set or a laptop.
A thousand dollars, potentially, in this country, feeds a family of four for nearly a month.
That's what a thousand dollars is to the average American."
Also on Friday, President Donald Trump delivered remarks at the WEC, telling political and
business leaders from around that world that "America is open for business," according
to The Daily Caller.
Trump touted the statistics of a burgeoning U.S. economy, but he also called on the rest
of the world to join him in his administration's quest to uplift the global economy.
"Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, and your investments to the United
States," he said.
The idea that your average American couldn't use an extra thousand dollars thanks to Trump's
tax cuts is an absolute absurdity.
I, for one, can think of about a hundred different ways that I could put that money to good use
just off the top of my head.
I'm sure you can, too.
This just proves how utterly out-of-touch these bigwig union bosses are — and why
so many union members turned their backs on men like Peter Jennings when they voted for
in 2016.
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언세인 UNSANE 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:24.
Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | #704 -- Havenwoods - Duration: 26:47.
Coleslaw Sandwich | Healthy Food | Breakfast Ideas | Yummy Snacks For Kids & Children - Duration: 2:24.
Hi friends welcome to Parul Ka Zaika
Today I am going to make Coleslaw Veg Sandwich
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So that you get instant notifications of my new & upcoming videos
Let's see the ingredients required to prepare Coleslaw Veg Sandwich
9 bread slices
100 grams mayonnaise
50 grams cabbage chopped into length
1 Capsicum Chopped into length
50 grams of lettuce leaves
50 grams purple cabbage
1 sliced cucumber
1 sliced tomato
1 teaspoon of white chilli powder
1 teaspoon of chilli flakes
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of chaat masala
1 bowl of green chutney
Tomato sauce
And salt
To start with take in a mixing bowl - cucumber, capsicum
Cabbage, purple cabbage, lettuce leaves
Mayonnaise, white chili powder, chilli flakes, origano
Salt and a spoonful of tomato sauce and mix well
Spread butter on the bread slices
Spread green chutney on two slices
And on one slice spread tomato sauce
Then on one slice spread the prepared mixture
Cover this with bread slice spread with butter and chutney
Then spread butter and tomato sauce on top of it
Put tomato and cucumber slices on top of it
Then sprinkle little chaat masala on top
Cover with bread slice spread with tomato sauce
Then cut it from the middle
Similarly prepare more sandwiches
This sandwich is ready to serve
If you have liked my recipe
Then please dont forget to click on the subscribe button on this side
And click on this side to see my other recipes
If you want me to make any recipes of your choice
Then please mention the same in the comment box below
I will reply as soon as possible
I will be back soon with many more recipes
Till then stay foodie and stay healthy
How to Make The Most Out of Your Internship. - Duration: 3:46.
Press the bell icon and never miss an update from Aasaanjobs. Almost everyone
always goes through an internship. Whether it's right out of college or
it's while switching your career fields. But everyone tends to take internships
very lightly. The general notion around the entire idea of internships is
that companies hire people just to do the menial work like make coffee or scan
papers. We at Aasaanjobs maintain that internships are an extremely important
part of starting one's career so we decided to make a video to give tips to
those interns who are likely to start their work journeys right now and we
hope with this video they get a few ideas about how to go about maximizing
their internship. Let us first begin by talking about your
work timings. Now internships are usually extremely short periods of time ranging
from three to five months on average. You need to make sure that throughout these
five months you are extremely punctual. Show up to work before everyone else
does and be available for work even after everyone else have left. If there
is a deadline to be met make sure you complete your work in advance. If there
is a meeting to be attended make sure you're the first one to reach. Everybody
else will definitely start to notice this and appreciate you for this.
Complete each task with excellence. Whether it's you've been assigned an
extremely mundane task or an extremely exotic one, something that interests
you or something that doesn't regardless. In short that you give your best to
everything even if you've been asked to make a lousy excel sheet to make sure
the result is brilliant and something that impresses everyone at work. Take on
more work without even being asked. Now obviously there will be a set of work
that is allocated to you but you need to do more. Say for example, you are a part
of the marketing team as a marketing intern but you've always
been interested in sales and are perhaps looking to convert as a sales executive.
There is no harm in going up to the sales head and introducing yourself and
telling him or her that you are a marketing intern but you would love to
get some exposure in sales. Make sure you go to him every couple of days and keep
asking for work. This way you will impress him and when the time comes for
you to convert there might be a sales position open for you. Be resourceful.
Take a look at all the resources you have whether it's your skills or the
people you know and see how you can pitch all of them to this company.
Whether you are part of a meeting or just generally discussing something with
your manager if you have a knowledge or you have something anything that can
help be always ready to pitch in and help out. Ask good questions. The hallmark
of an intelligent curious person is that they ask really brilliant questions. So
think about all the topics that you are discussing with your colleagues come up
with really insightful questions and ask them. The more you do this the more
people will realize that you really give a deep thought into everything that is
being worked upon. Build professional relationships even if this internship
converts or maybe does not but the relations you make will last a lifetime.
So make sure you're at your networking best and make connections in every
department of the company. Who knows two months later there might be an
opening which you're fit for and someone might give you a call. The bottom line
here is that throughout your internship you need to make your presence felt to
everyone in the company and with that we come to the end of this video. If you did
like the video hit the thumbs up button comment let us know and subscribe to our
channel for more such content.