Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2018

Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman

For more infomation >> Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman - Duration: 11:55.


Historia y datos de la Ciudad de México - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Historia y datos de la Ciudad de México - Duration: 3:24.


Elimina las toxinas con estas 4 bebidas con menta - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Elimina las toxinas con estas 4 bebidas con menta - Duration: 10:53.


Cataluña se encamina a otro bloqueo - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Cataluña se encamina a otro bloqueo - Duration: 8:06.


Puigdemont : Torrent aplaza el Pleno pero mantiene a Puigdemont como candidato - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont : Torrent aplaza el Pleno pero mantiene a Puigdemont como candidato - Duration: 2:08.


103 Carla u Susanne - Duration: 34:48.

She isn't here anymore

I threw Frederike out before I went looking for you.

So you were able to see through her, too?

That she wants to drive a wedge between us?

I don't want Lars

Frederike can say whatever she wants

I LOVE you

I know that

I had been afraid she would manage to break us up

No, it definitely wouldn't be Frederike

What then?

I simply believe that our problems lie elsewhere

What are you talking about?!?

Can you still remember - before we got married, you had a dream...

... a very clear one, with a man

But you even laughed over that yourself!

Lars didn't exist then!

Carla, I don't WANT anything from Lars!!

I would so much like to believe you

Then DO!

But that's exactly the problem, Susanne! I CAN'T believe you anymore.

What's wrong, Carla?

What have I done wrong? Please tell me.

You aren't doing anything wrong

But you are kidding yourself

I've never been so happy before in my life as I am with you!

== You still feel something for Lars. == No, that isn't true!

I would so love to believe you, but... I can't!

Carla, I have to tell you something

Lars and I kissed each other


Oh, I'll... of course I'll replace your plate

Well, I should certainly hope so. Before I sue you.

And is there some other reason you're here, besides the fact you terribly miss your old dad?

== Carla and I have had a fight. == Oh no! Again?!


== Hi! == You again.

Don't worry, I'm just picking up the last of my things

You were expecting Susanne

There's a little stress between us right now

Hopefully not on account of me

Would you like something to drink?

If you have some water...?

I think it's great the way you deal with each other and face up to your problems

It isn't that easy for us, either

It was about Lars again - or rather, Susanne's feelings for him

I'm just not coming to terms with that

I understand that only too well

I still can't get over Marion

Sometimes I'm just insensitive

Oh, forget it. I don't want to burden you with my problems now, too.

You can compete with a woman

You can one-up her, or drive her from the scene with various tricks

But a man...

... against a man you have no chance

And the worst part is - you aren't able to talk with anyone about it

You feel so alone

And helpless

So, it's about Lars Schneider again

Carla's afraid you feel more for him than friendship

It isn't true! I love Carla. Period!

I mean, Lars is a nice guy and I like him alot, but compared to what I feel for Carla - they aren't in the same league

Obviously she must not have grasped that yet

Lately she's been so incredibly sensitive and so jealous. And then there was that blasted kiss with Lars!

Why don't you explain to her once and for all that she has no competition to fear?!

How can I be sure some other guy won't turn up in her life, who throws everything into disarray again?

Do you want an honest answer?


You can't ever

I can kind of understand her, though. I mean, before her I'd exclusively had relationships with men.

She was the first woman in my life, and I never would have thought I'd marry her

Me either

Yeah thanks

Nonetheless, at some point you did convince me

So now. What was possible to accomplish with your old dad certainly ought to be easy for you to accomplish with Carla, right?

You're right

Maybe it's all very straightforward: Susanne quite plain and simply doesn't find me attractive anymore

You look fantastic


My pleasure

I know what's needed in a situation like this

When you're afraid of never being able to trust again, perhaps of never being FULLY loved again...

... of not being able to simply let go and fall

== Susanne, hello? == Am I interrupting?


I'd really like to see you. Do you have plans this evening?

Actually, no

Good. Because I have a surprise for you. I'll call you after my last fare. See you then. I'm looking forward to it!

So am I

How am I ever supposed to face her again?!

The best thing would be for you to tell her straight away what's happened. In her situation I'm sure she'll be understanding.

I'd like to be alone now

No problem. If you need me, you know I'm always here for you.

== This way, please. == Where are all your guests? It isn't that late yet.

Angelo, what's going on here?


For the greatest love of my life

For the ONLY love of my life

I know I've hurt you, and I'm infinitely sorry about that

But please give me another chance. I can't live without you.

I know I shouldn't have kissed Lars. But the kiss didn't mean anything to me, I immediately forgot all about it.

And I only confessed it to you because we swore we would always be honest with each other

You can't reproach me for that. You yourself said that in a relationship honesty is the most important thing.

What's wrong, Carla?


Oh God, this is so hard

Just say it

Oh, you're thinking this here doesn't make up for things, hm?

It does! And I'm totally thrilled, just...

What else do I have to do?

It isn't about you. It's about me.

I have to confess something to you

Frederike was there again today

Well, that's what I call brash - after you just finished throwing her out

She wasn't doing well, and neither was I

You don't even need to say it. I'm sure she put on the same old record about "My ex is marrying a man".

Yes. And then...

... you guys started in on me, and Lars, and the kiss, and whether I might not be turning hetero again after all,...

... and now you're questioning everything again

No, it was different

Carla, please! Don't let Frederike keep making you feel uncertain, hm?

I love you. And ONLY you, and nobody else.

I love you too

Thank you

It was a nice evening, wasn't it?

== Very. == And it isn't over yet.

Not right now

Everything still isn't all right, is it?

No, it is! You know...

I get it. The head is willing, but not the heart.

No! My heart is with you, more than ever.

I'm just a little worn out

Yeah, it takes more than one day to get over a crisis like this

We'll get through it!

What's important is we trust each other again

The thing with Lars - you shouldn't take it all that seriously. I care for him a lot, but you I love.

At least you're always honest

In a relationship you have to be - those were your words

I never really realized how much courage you had to have mustered

== Courage? Well... == And then all my jealousy, too.

== That was totally understandable. == No. Not at all.

Susanne, I would like for you to forgive me

I'd like to ask your forgiveness for...

... for all the things that have happened recently

== You're asking me? Actually, I should be-- == No! No, not at all.

All right then

What are you doing here?!

I could ask you the same thing

I'm Carla's wife. Have you forgotten?

And we haven't had breakfast yet. So if you'd like to come back later, please...?

I have plans with her, though. Did she not tell you?

Try and imagine - we don't spend all our time talking about you!

You should, though. It appears to me there are some things Carla hasn't told you.

Good morning, Carla

What does she mean by that?

Owh! Ahh!

== Why is there nobody here?! No doctor, no nurse-- == Susanne! Wait.

Oh, you're right! Sit down here.

== So, I'm gonna get somebody. == I don't think that's necessary anymore.

It's gone. I don't feel it anymore.

That's the way labor pains are. They come and go.

I think it was a false alarm. Probably the baby was just kicking.

We're here now and you're going to get checked out. We wanna make sure.

== Leonard, finally! == Hello.

== Carla, is everything all right? == Yes.

== Her labor pains have started. == What, already?

They might not have. I don't feel anything anymore.

Just a little while ago she was having horrible pains, all of a sudden!

Come on, Carla. A half hour on the fetal monitor. After that, we'll check the heart tones, and then we'll know more.


Don't play the hero, hm?

I'm sure this is just a waste of time!

The baby's doing great

I can't detect any signs of active labor

== It's like it's all just disappeared. == But what else could it have been?!

Well... there are various possibilities

Anything dangerous?!

No, I would rule that out. It was probably false labor contractions.

That can happen after the 32nd week, when the baby's head sinks into the pelvis

That's exactly how it felt

Really?! Well, then we have the answer to the mystery!

Yes. ...I'm really thirsty right now. Would you mind?

== No, sure. Water? == Mhm, yes, thanks.

The next time you come to the doctor, you'd be better off leaving Susanne at home

Unless you really do have false labor contractions

Yeah okay, I was faking it

And why?

I cheated on Susanne. With Frederike.


Hopefully Frederike will leave you in peace. If I know her, she's undoubtedly still hanging out at our place.

I will handle her

What was that peculiar scene of hers this morning?

And what did she mean with that strange remark?


Yes, that there's something you haven't told me

Oh right, that! Yeah, the problem with her ex - that's entering a new round.

== Ah. == You wanna hear the details?

No. Thanks. Frederike's love life doesn't interest me.


Ah, when you speak of the devil...

What, if I might ask?

Yeah, I'm sure you'd love to know

Carla's feeling fine again. Thanks for your concern.

Naturally, I would have come along, only... it seemed to me it wasn't appropriate. You didn't take that the wrong way, did you?

No, no! In fact, I preferred it that way.

Incidentally, it was a false alarm

I see

We don't need to stay here any longer. I'll take you home, all right?

I can take care of that

Carla needs rest, and if you're in need of a dumpster for your emotions again...

You're completely wrong about me

I'll go with Frederike, okay?

Say hi to Lisa from me

Right. Then, see you later.

== I'll call you. == Yeah.

Finally!... She isn't going to come back.

That isn't the point! You and I had a one-time thing!

You know good and well I don't want to lose Susanne

Does she know about it?

Doesn't appear that way

No. And it's going to stay that way.

Susanne, hello!

Hi! I reckon you have a lot to do, but... maybe I can still talk you and the baby into an ice cream sundae along the Rhine?

I'm gonna have to take a listen real quick

Yeah... yeah, I think we're both in agreement with that

Wow! I wasn't counting on that.

Wait just a sec

Please take down all of my phone calls. I'll be out of the building for the rest of the day.

Of course

All right then, we'll meet at the tower. Yeah, I'll go through the report this evening instead.


I should pry you away from work more often


Yeah, we've all got our hands full right now. Now that Degenhardt's on the loose again... oooooh...

You should take care of yourself, though. So you don't have premature labor pains like last week.

Was I too rough?

No. No, no. I...


From Frederike

[All I can think about is our night together - when can we see each other? Tomorrow morning? Frederike]

What does she say?

Nothing special

She wants to go out to breakfast with me tomorrow. Probably to say goodbye.

== Do you want some water, too? == Yes please.

She's planning to leave?!?

Well, I assume so. She has to go home at some point.


I'm sure you're going to miss her

Not all that much

Wouldn't we like to go home? I'd rather be alone with you.

Once the baby's here, we'll spend plenty of time stuck at home. Look, Lars is here, too.

== Hello. == Hello. == Hello.

Hello. I'm gonna go take a seat.

Will you come join us later? - Uh, that is if you can do without your uncle?

Sure. I was gonna go see Andi again, anyway.

Great, see you soon then

== Okay, a coffee. - Anything for you? == Some rose hip tea, please.


== Why that?! == What? I've always drunk rose hip tea.

No. Lars! I thought he'd be the last person you'd want to spend the evening with.

Just because Frederike tried to set the two of you up?

Set us up?! She wanted us to sleep with each other.

Yes, but that's totally far-fetched!

== Yes, right. == You see? Here he comes!

== Well, here I am. == Take a seat.

I wanted to apologize to you. I overreacted pretty badly the other day.

But I believe your daughter can be blamed for that

These days I'm nothing but a slave to my hormones

Okay, fine. You do know that excuse runs out in a few weeks?

Don't worry, I'll pull myself together

== Oh. == Oh.

Good morning. Uhm, did you order taxi service?

No. Uhm, but I'm glad I ran into you. Listen...

... about yesterday evening - did Carla really mean that seriously with the apology?

I believe so. At any rate, I'm delighted she isn't mad anymore.

Why should she be? We never went so far that she needed to worry about anything.

Even so, we went far enough that Carla was questioning whether our relationship had a future

I should have stayed in Hamburg


Then we would have never met each other. And would have been spared a lot of grief.

And Lisa might be dead, or Alex would have dragged her off to God knows where...

No, no. It's good that you turned up here again.

And I'm not saying that just because of Lisa

Uhm... we shouldn't...

Yeah, right. Pals...

Well, then... I'll be...

== Yeah. Have a good day. == Yeah, you too.

I've longed for you so much!

Are you insane?!

What's wrong?!? I thought you...

What happened between us was nothing more than a one-off thing

One-off thing?!

Good morning, Carla! What can I get for you?

Charlie, you're back already?! How are you doing?

Better every day, now that I'm back in my restaurant

And, uh, how are you doing? The TWO of you?

Oh, we're doing well, thank you

Yes, and we're hungry for a French breakfast with orange juice and a caffeine-free Cafe au Lait

All right, it will be right out. Would you like something as well?

I'm not hungry

Have you forgotten that is Lars' sister?!

I didn't do anything!

You know good and well what I mean

You will be gone soon, but I have to stay here. And I will be the one who has to pay, if Charlie detects something and runs to Lars.

Where do you come up with the idea that I'm going anywhere?!?

At some point you have to go back home

Don't misunderstand me. I've really... very much enjoyed seeing you again--

I yearned to see you so much!

But as you've surely realized, our seeing each other again has... turned out to be a bit complicated

And so soon before the baby's birth, I would be very happy if everything could become a bit simpler again

At some point, Susanne is going to leave you for a man

She won't

Wrong, she will

And deep inside you, you know that quite well

And I will be there for you, like you are for me

That's really very sweet of you, you know, but--

Carla, you may still be in denial about it, but... at some point, you are going to realize


That WE are meant for each other

Susanne loves me, I love Susanne, and we've started a family

I could be there for the child equally well. Strictly speaking, Susanne actually has nothing to do with the baby.

You're the mother and that there is the father

I'm really sorry that I... have to be this candid, but...

... Frederike, I am not in love with you

And nothing about that is going to change

At least give me a chance. I would do anything for you.

Stop it!

Even if Susanne were to leave me at some point, I would never get involved with you again, do you understand?

Never again!

Frederike! Come, let's take a walk. Let's talk about all of this in peace, okay?

I don't want our friendship to end like this

Don't TOUCH me!

Frederike, please, there are people!

I couldn't care less about the people!!!

Are you guys all right?

Yes, everything's fine

"Everything's fine"?! First you use me when it suits you, and then you just dump me!

And you think that's "fine"?!

You are so incredibly selfish!

Frederike, PLEASE!

For me it was a lot more than sex! But for you I'm just a consolation hookup!

Here. Carla, is everything really all right with you?

I'm doing just fine, thank you

I know it's none of my business, but what just happened looked like...


Well, if you'll excuse me. Angelo needs me.

Frederike has calmed down somewhat again. She's on the way to her hotel.

This is really your lucky day, isn't it?

Excuse me?!?

Why don't you call Susanne up and tell her that her wife has cheated on her

I'm certain you'll be happy to console her

I have no intention of getting involved

You've just been waiting for me to make a mistake

What's your point in all this?

Susanne and I were happy until you showed up

If you hadn't forced yourself between us, none of this would have happened

You're blaming ME for the fact that YOU cheated on Susanne?!

I don't have to listen to this any longer

Ms. Schneider, of course, that friend of the countess was rather volatile, but... your brother has managed to get the situation under control

Well, I don't know. Let's hope so, Angelo.

Lars, I don't KNOW what got into me!

I'm sorry. Of course it isn't your fault I cheated on Susanne.

I managed that all on my own

But I guess I don't need to understand the reason why, hm?

I don't understand it myself

But you must know WHY it happened!

I was totally mixed up!

I was afraid of losing Susanne, I was jealous of you. And Frederike was there for me and understood me.

Of course. And I'm sure she told you Susanne was only into men.

Carla, but that's EXACTLY what she was aiming for! She wanted to break you and Susanne up.

== It was irrelevant that... == ...That you're in love with Susanne.

And I never denied that

Susanne constantly made clear to me that I have no chance with her

My God, she fought SO HARD for your relationship!

And she didn't deserve to be betrayed like this

She experienced enough of that with her ex-husband

I know

Lars, what should I do?

That's your call. I'm staying out of it.

Can I count on you to... keep this to yourself?

Susanne won't find out anything from me

However,... you really should ask yourself if you can keep such a secret from her

After she's always been honest with you


Can we talk?

Why don't you just leave the door open?!

It would be the perfect opportunity to tell the entire company that you slept with me!

Carla, I'm sorry

If you really want that badly for Susanne to find out about our slip-up, then you're going to have to tell her yourself

Because Lars isn't going to do it

All I cared about was you

How many more times do I have to tell you?!?

I. Love. Susanne.

If you are so happy with her, then why did you sleep with me?

You and I belong together

I slept with you because I was trying to take my mind off of other things

But that was the biggest mistake of my life

There has never been a chance for us. And there won't be any in the future, either!

Susanne and you are not a fit for each other. If she hasn't left you for Lars, she'll do it for some other man.

Shut up and go

== You deserve better. == I said you should go!

Shall I tell you why you slept with me?

Because your relationship with Susanne fell apart a long time ago. You're just too cowardly to admit it to yourself.

== Susanne! == What a coincidence!

Yes, really. Well... I'd gladly wait for the next taxi, but I'm in a terrible hurry.

== We'll survive. Where are you headed? == To the airport. I'm flying back.

Have you heard something new from your ex?

I don't want to talk about it. Can we go?

I'm sure Carla was sorry to hear you had to leave so suddenly

She was

But you'll come back to visit us again soon, right?

Susanne, you can just go ahead and admit it: you want anything BUT to see me again

You were trying to break us up. What do you expect? For me to thank you?

At least now you realize Carla and I belong together

Is that so?!

Yes, it is

If you're so incredibly knowledgeable about everything, then I'm sure you can also explain to me why Carla slept with me


That was the last fare of the day for me

Why? Did something happen?

You could say that. I took Frederike to the airport.

Oh, so she's returned to Paris?

I certainly won't miss her

Did she say anything?

Yes. That you slept with her.

I was speechless, too. I mean, who could have suspected she'd go that far to break us up?

Susanne, I...

She actually thought I would believe her

You don't?

Of course not! You'd never go to bed with a backstabbing snake like that, right?


And that's exactly what I told her

And now I don't ever want to hear the name 'Frederike' again

Although, I should actually be grateful to her

For what?

She showed me that nothing and no one will break us up

What do you think about a nice long relaxing bath?

Sorry. There's some stuff I still need to do. You go ahead and take one by yourself.

But without you it's boring

Carla, what's wrong? You've been acting so strange.

I'm just tired

It's on account of Frederike, isn't it?

It's because of her lies

Carla, we can't allow her to weigh on our minds even after she's long gone to Paris. Hm?

She's gone! Which means that chapter is over for us.

But it isn't!

What do you mean?

Frederike wasn't lying

I did sleep with her

For more infomation >> 103 Carla u Susanne - Duration: 34:48.


ipl 11: ms dhoni reply ,jofra archer,jofra archer says ms dhoni lol,cricket news today,2018 - Duration: 0:54.

ipl 11:

ms dhoni reply ,

jofra archer,

jofra archer says ms dhoni lol,

cricket news today,


For more infomation >> ipl 11: ms dhoni reply ,jofra archer,jofra archer says ms dhoni lol,cricket news today,2018 - Duration: 0:54.


PARALYZED (CRITIQUE) - Duration: 0:48.


























For more infomation >> PARALYZED (CRITIQUE) - Duration: 0:48.


Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman - Duration: 11:55.

Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman

For more infomation >> Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman - Duration: 11:55.


آموزش زبان پرتغالی برزیلی به فارسی - Duration: 5:27.




o avô


a avó

‫او (پدربزرگ) و او (مادربزرگ)‬

ele e ela


o pai


a mãe

‫او (پدر) و او (مادر)‬

ele e ela


o filho


a filha

‫او (پسر) و او (دختر)‬

ele e ela


o irmão


a irmã

‫او (برادر) و او (خواهر)‬

ele e ela

‫عمو, دایی‬

o tio

‫عمه, خاله‬

a tia

‫او (عمو، دایی) و او (خاله، عمه)‬

ele e ela

‫ما یک خانواده هستیم.‬

Nós somos uma família.

‫خانواده کوچک نیست.‬

A família não é pequena.

‫خانواده بزرگ است.‬

A família é grande.




o avô


a avó

‫او (پدربزرگ) و او (مادربزرگ)‬

ele e ela


o pai


a mãe

‫او (پدر) و او (مادر)‬

ele e ela


o filho


a filha

‫او (پسر) و او (دختر)‬

ele e ela


o irmão


a irmã

‫او (برادر) و او (خواهر)‬

ele e ela

‫عمو, دایی‬

o tio

‫عمه, خاله‬

a tia

‫او (عمو، دایی) و او (خاله، عمه)‬

ele e ela

‫ما یک خانواده هستیم.‬

Nós somos uma família.

‫خانواده کوچک نیست.‬

A família não é pequena.

‫خانواده بزرگ است.‬

A família é grande.




o avô


a avó

‫او (پدربزرگ) و او (مادربزرگ)‬

ele e ela


o pai


a mãe

‫او (پدر) و او (مادر)‬

ele e ela


o filho


a filha

‫او (پسر) و او (دختر)‬

ele e ela


o irmão


a irmã

‫او (برادر) و او (خواهر)‬

ele e ela

‫عمو, دایی‬

o tio

‫عمه, خاله‬

a tia

‫او (عمو، دایی) و او (خاله، عمه)‬

ele e ela

‫ما یک خانواده هستیم.‬

Nós somos uma família.

‫خانواده کوچک نیست.‬

A família não é pequena.

‫خانواده بزرگ است.‬

A família é grande.

For more infomation >> آموزش زبان پرتغالی برزیلی به فارسی - Duration: 5:27.


Portuguese br language training for beginners 2018 - Duration: 5:35.

‫در مدرسه‬

Na escola

‫ما کجا هستیم؟‬

Onde estamos?

‫ما در مدرسه هستیم.‬

Nós estamos na escola.

‫ما کلاس درس داریم‬

Nós temos aulas.

‫آنها دانش آموزان هستند.‬

Estes são os alunos.

‫این خانم معلم است.‬

Esta é a professora.

‫این کلاس درس است.‬

Esta é a turma.

‫ما چکار می کنیم؟‬

O que fazemos?

‫ما درس میخوانیم.‬

Nós estudamos / aprendemos.

‫ما یک زبان یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos uma língua.

‫من انگلیسی یاد میگیرم.‬

Eu aprendo inglês.

‫تو اسپانیایی یاد میگیری.‬

Você aprende espanhol.

‫او (مرد) آلمانی یاد میگیرد.‬

Ele aprende alemão.

‫ما فرانسوی یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos francês.

‫شما ایتالیایی یادمیگیرید.‬

Vocês aprendem italiano.

‫آنها روسی یاد میگیرند.‬

Eles / Elas aprendem russo.

‫یادگیری زبان جالب است.‬

Aprender línguas é muito interessante.

‫ما میخواهیم انسانها را بفهمیم.‬

Nós queremos entender pessoas.

‫ما میخواهیم با انسانها صحبت کنیم.‬

Nós queremos falar com pessoas.

‫در مدرسه‬

Na escola

‫ما کجا هستیم؟‬

Onde estamos?

‫ما در مدرسه هستیم.‬

Nós estamos na escola.

‫ما کلاس درس داریم‬

Nós temos aulas.

‫آنها دانش آموزان هستند.‬

Estes são os alunos.

‫این خانم معلم است.‬

Esta é a professora.

‫این کلاس درس است.‬

Esta é a turma.

‫ما چکار می کنیم؟‬

O que fazemos?

‫ما درس میخوانیم.‬

Nós estudamos / aprendemos.

‫ما یک زبان یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos uma língua.

‫من انگلیسی یاد میگیرم.‬

Eu aprendo inglês.

‫تو اسپانیایی یاد میگیری.‬

Você aprende espanhol.

‫او (مرد) آلمانی یاد میگیرد.‬

Ele aprende alemão.

‫ما فرانسوی یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos francês.

‫شما ایتالیایی یادمیگیرید.‬

Vocês aprendem italiano.

‫آنها روسی یاد میگیرند.‬

Eles / Elas aprendem russo.

‫یادگیری زبان جالب است.‬

Aprender línguas é muito interessante.

‫ما میخواهیم انسانها را بفهمیم.‬

Nós queremos entender pessoas.

‫ما میخواهیم با انسانها صحبت کنیم.‬

Nós queremos falar com pessoas.

‫در مدرسه‬

Na escola

‫ما کجا هستیم؟‬

Onde estamos?

‫ما در مدرسه هستیم.‬

Nós estamos na escola.

‫ما کلاس درس داریم‬

Nós temos aulas.

‫آنها دانش آموزان هستند.‬

Estes são os alunos.

‫این خانم معلم است.‬

Esta é a professora.

‫این کلاس درس است.‬

Esta é a turma.

‫ما چکار می کنیم؟‬

O que fazemos?

‫ما درس میخوانیم.‬

Nós estudamos / aprendemos.

‫ما یک زبان یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos uma língua.

‫من انگلیسی یاد میگیرم.‬

Eu aprendo inglês.

‫تو اسپانیایی یاد میگیری.‬

Você aprende espanhol.

‫او (مرد) آلمانی یاد میگیرد.‬

Ele aprende alemão.

‫ما فرانسوی یاد میگیریم.‬

Nós aprendemos francês.

‫شما ایتالیایی یادمیگیرید.‬

Vocês aprendem italiano.

‫آنها روسی یاد میگیرند.‬

Eles / Elas aprendem russo.

‫یادگیری زبان جالب است.‬

Aprender línguas é muito interessante.

‫ما میخواهیم انسانها را بفهمیم.‬

Nós queremos entender pessoas.

‫ما میخواهیم با انسانها صحبت کنیم.‬

Nós queremos falar com pessoas.

For more infomation >> Portuguese br language training for beginners 2018 - Duration: 5:35.


ساده ترین آموزش زبان پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 5:37.

‫آشنا شدن‬




‫روز بخیر!‬

Bom dia!

‫حالت چطوره؟‬

Como vai?

‫شما از اروپا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Europa?

‫شما از امریکا می آیید؟‬

Você é da América?

‫شما از آسیا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Ásia?

‫درکدام هتل اقامت دارید؟‬

Em que hotel você vive?

‫چه مدت از اقامتتان در اینجا میگذرد؟‬

Há quanto tempo está aqui?

‫چه مدت اینجا میمانید؟‬

Quanto tempo fica?

‫از اینجاخوشتان می آید؟‬

Gosta disto aqui?

‫برای مسافرت اینجا هستید؟‬

Está passando férias aqui?

‫سری به من بزنید‬

Visite-me um dia!

‫این آدرس من است.‬

Aqui está a minha morada.

‫فردا همدیگر را می بینیم؟‬

Vemo-nos amanhã?

‫متاسفم، من کار دارم.‬

Lamento, mas já tenho planos.



‫خدا نگه‌دار!‬

Até à próxima!

‫تا بعد!‬

Até breve!

‫آشنا شدن‬




‫روز بخیر!‬

Bom dia!

‫حالت چطوره؟‬

Como vai?

‫شما از اروپا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Europa?

‫شما از امریکا می آیید؟‬

Você é da América?

‫شما از آسیا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Ásia?

‫درکدام هتل اقامت دارید؟‬

Em que hotel você vive?

‫چه مدت از اقامتتان در اینجا میگذرد؟‬

Há quanto tempo está aqui?

‫چه مدت اینجا میمانید؟‬

Quanto tempo fica?

‫از اینجاخوشتان می آید؟‬

Gosta disto aqui?

‫برای مسافرت اینجا هستید؟‬

Está passando férias aqui?

‫سری به من بزنید‬

Visite-me um dia!

‫این آدرس من است.‬

Aqui está a minha morada.

‫فردا همدیگر را می بینیم؟‬

Vemo-nos amanhã?

‫متاسفم، من کار دارم.‬

Lamento, mas já tenho planos.



‫خدا نگه‌دار!‬

Até à próxima!

‫تا بعد!‬

Até breve!

‫آشنا شدن‬




‫روز بخیر!‬

Bom dia!

‫حالت چطوره؟‬

Como vai?

‫شما از اروپا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Europa?

‫شما از امریکا می آیید؟‬

Você é da América?

‫شما از آسیا می آیید؟‬

Você é da Ásia?

‫درکدام هتل اقامت دارید؟‬

Em que hotel você vive?

‫چه مدت از اقامتتان در اینجا میگذرد؟‬

Há quanto tempo está aqui?

‫چه مدت اینجا میمانید؟‬

Quanto tempo fica?

‫از اینجاخوشتان می آید؟‬

Gosta disto aqui?

‫برای مسافرت اینجا هستید؟‬

Está passando férias aqui?

‫سری به من بزنید‬

Visite-me um dia!

‫این آدرس من است.‬

Aqui está a minha morada.

‫فردا همدیگر را می بینیم؟‬

Vemo-nos amanhã?

‫متاسفم، من کار دارم.‬

Lamento, mas já tenho planos.



‫خدا نگه‌دار!‬

Até à próxima!

‫تا بعد!‬

Até breve!

For more infomation >> ساده ترین آموزش زبان پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 5:37.


آموزش درس به درس زبان پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 6:25.

‫کشورها و زبانها‬

Países e línguas

‫جان اهل لندن است.‬

João é de Londres.

‫لندن در انگلستان قرار دارد.‬

Londres fica na Grã-Bretanha.

‫او (مرد) انگلیسی صحبت میکند.‬

Ele fala inglês.

‫ماریا اهل مادرید است.‬

Maria é de Madrid.

‫مادرید در اسپانیا قرار دارد.‬

Madrid fica na Espanha.

‫او اسپانیایی صحبت میکند.‬

Ela fala espanhol.

‫پیتر و مارتا اهل برلین هستند.‬

Pedro e Marta são de Berlim.

‫برلین در آلمان قرار دارد.‬

Berlim fica na Alemanha.

‫هر دوی شما آلمانی صحبت میکنید؟‬

Vocês dois falam alemão?

‫لندن یک پایتخت است.‬

Londres é uma capital.

‫مادرید و برلین هم پایتخت هستند.‬

Madrid e Berlim também são capitais.

‫پایتخت ها بزرگ و پر سروصدا هستند.‬

As capitais são grandes e barulhentas.

‫فرانسه در اروپا قرار دارد.‬

A França fica na Europa.

‫مصر در آفریقا قرار دارد.‬

O Egipto fica na África.

‫ژاپن در آسیا قرار دارد.‬

O Japão fica na Ásia.

‫کانادا در آمریکای شمالی قرار دارد.‬

O Canadá fica na América do Norte.

‫پاناما در آمریکای مرکزی قرار دارد.‬

O Panamá fica na América Central.

‫برزیل در آمریکای جنوبی قرار دارد.‬

O Brasil fica na América do Sul.

‫کشورها و زبانها‬

Países e línguas

‫جان اهل لندن است.‬

João é de Londres.

‫لندن در انگلستان قرار دارد.‬

Londres fica na Grã-Bretanha.

‫او (مرد) انگلیسی صحبت میکند.‬

Ele fala inglês.

‫ماریا اهل مادرید است.‬

Maria é de Madrid.

‫مادرید در اسپانیا قرار دارد.‬

Madrid fica na Espanha.

‫او اسپانیایی صحبت میکند.‬

Ela fala espanhol.

‫پیتر و مارتا اهل برلین هستند.‬

Pedro e Marta são de Berlim.

‫برلین در آلمان قرار دارد.‬

Berlim fica na Alemanha.

‫هر دوی شما آلمانی صحبت میکنید؟‬

Vocês dois falam alemão?

‫لندن یک پایتخت است.‬

Londres é uma capital.

‫مادرید و برلین هم پایتخت هستند.‬

Madrid e Berlim também são capitais.

‫پایتخت ها بزرگ و پر سروصدا هستند.‬

As capitais são grandes e barulhentas.

‫فرانسه در اروپا قرار دارد.‬

A França fica na Europa.

‫مصر در آفریقا قرار دارد.‬

O Egipto fica na África.

‫ژاپن در آسیا قرار دارد.‬

O Japão fica na Ásia.

‫کانادا در آمریکای شمالی قرار دارد.‬

O Canadá fica na América do Norte.

‫پاناما در آمریکای مرکزی قرار دارد.‬

O Panamá fica na América Central.

‫برزیل در آمریکای جنوبی قرار دارد.‬

O Brasil fica na América do Sul.

‫کشورها و زبانها‬

Países e línguas

‫جان اهل لندن است.‬

João é de Londres.

‫لندن در انگلستان قرار دارد.‬

Londres fica na Grã-Bretanha.

‫او (مرد) انگلیسی صحبت میکند.‬

Ele fala inglês.

‫ماریا اهل مادرید است.‬

Maria é de Madrid.

‫مادرید در اسپانیا قرار دارد.‬

Madrid fica na Espanha.

‫او اسپانیایی صحبت میکند.‬

Ela fala espanhol.

‫پیتر و مارتا اهل برلین هستند.‬

Pedro e Marta são de Berlim.

‫برلین در آلمان قرار دارد.‬

Berlim fica na Alemanha.

‫هر دوی شما آلمانی صحبت میکنید؟‬

Vocês dois falam alemão?

‫لندن یک پایتخت است.‬

Londres é uma capital.

‫مادرید و برلین هم پایتخت هستند.‬

Madrid e Berlim também são capitais.

‫پایتخت ها بزرگ و پر سروصدا هستند.‬

As capitais são grandes e barulhentas.

‫فرانسه در اروپا قرار دارد.‬

A França fica na Europa.

‫مصر در آفریقا قرار دارد.‬

O Egipto fica na África.

‫ژاپن در آسیا قرار دارد.‬

O Japão fica na Ásia.

‫کانادا در آمریکای شمالی قرار دارد.‬

O Canadá fica na América do Norte.

‫پاناما در آمریکای مرکزی قرار دارد.‬

O Panamá fica na América Central.

‫برزیل در آمریکای جنوبی قرار دارد.‬

O Brasil fica na América do Sul.

For more infomation >> آموزش درس به درس زبان پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 6:25.


آموزش مکالمه پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 5:10.

‫خواندن و نوشتن‬

Ler e escrever

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma frase.

‫من یک نامه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب میخوانم.‬

Eu leio um livro.

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫تو میخوانی.‬

Você lê.

‫او (مرد) میخواند.‬

Ele lê.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma frase.

‫من یک نامه مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo um livro.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫تو می نویسی.‬

Você escreve.

‫او (مرد) می نویسد.‬

Ele escreve.

‫خواندن و نوشتن‬

Ler e escrever

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma frase.

‫من یک نامه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب میخوانم.‬

Eu leio um livro.

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫تو میخوانی.‬

Você lê.

‫او (مرد) میخواند.‬

Ele lê.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma frase.

‫من یک نامه مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo um livro.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫تو می نویسی.‬

Você escreve.

‫او (مرد) می نویسد.‬

Ele escreve.

‫خواندن و نوشتن‬

Ler e escrever

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma frase.

‫من یک نامه را میخوانم.‬

Eu leio uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب میخوانم.‬

Eu leio um livro.

‫من میخوانم.‬

Eu leio.

‫تو میخوانی.‬

Você lê.

‫او (مرد) میخواند.‬

Ele lê.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫من یک حرف الفبا را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma letra.

‫من یک کلمه را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma palavra.

‫من یک جمله را مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma frase.

‫من یک نامه مینویسم.‬

Eu escrevo uma carta.

‫من یک کتاب می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo um livro.

‫من می نویسم.‬

Eu escrevo.

‫تو می نویسی.‬

Você escreve.

‫او (مرد) می نویسد.‬

Ele escreve.

For more infomation >> آموزش مکالمه پرتغالی برزیلی - Duration: 5:10.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


Mope.io I ate All the Snails on the Map - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Mope.io I ate All the Snails on the Map - Duration: 8:52.


North Korea satellite images reveal Kim Jong-un's rocket engine factory - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:42.

North Korea satellite images reveal Kim Jong-un's rocket engine factory

CHILLING satellite images of a North Korea explosives factory show how the regime's

missile capabilities have become more sophisticated under Kim Jong-un's leadership, as a CIA

director warns the secretive state could be able to hit the US with a nuclear weapon in

a "handful of months".

The images show two mixing and casting facilities that were completed in the regime's No.17

Explosives Factory in 2014, after construction work began two years earlier.

The site has allowed the secretive regime to expand its solid-propellant missile force,

the North Korea analysis site 38 North reported.

Kim Jong-un, who came into power in 2011, has been working on developing solid propellant

missiles because they can be transported, stored and launched more quickly than liquid-fuelled


United Nations satellite images have indicated buildings associated with the production of

solid fuel.

38 North said: "North Korea's current solid-propellant rocket engine developments are logically centered

on the No. 17 Explosives Factory and its branch factories in the Hamhung-Hungnam area—the

heart of the country's chemical industry.

"There are also a number of facilities in the area that both directly and indirectly

support solid-propellant rocket engine development."Aerial photos provided by the European State Agency

also show a rocket engine test facility, a chemical plant, and the No.17 Explosives Factory

in Hungnam-guyok along the eastern bank of the Songchon-gang.The No.17 Explosives Factory

has been around since the Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II, when it was

called the Chosen Nitrogen Explosives Factory.

It is the largest producer of explosives in the country.

In the early 1990s production slowed due to the collapse of North Korea's economy and

a famine known as the Arduous March.

The satellite images have emerged as Kim Jong-un announced North Korea would "smash" the

USA if it continued to interfere in the region.

Kim said Donald Trump's sabre-rattling is "driving the situation to the brink of war".

A retired US Army General has warned that his isolated state could conduct another "missile

test" during the Winter Olympics in South Korea.

CIA director Mike Pompeo told the BBC that North Korea's nuclear missiles could be

able to hit the USA in a "handful of months".He said: "Today the pressure campaign continues,

we are hopeful but our task at the CIA is to make sure, if the day ones that that does

not work, we're prepared to help the President achieve that objective."Asked a timeline

for a possible strike by Kim Jong-un, Pompeo continued: "I'll leave it to others to

talk about the red lines that is the policy determinations."With respect to our understanding

of the programme, I think that we collectively, the United States and our intelligence partners

around the world, have a developed a pretty clear understanding of Kim Jong-un's capability."

For more infomation >> North Korea satellite images reveal Kim Jong-un's rocket engine factory - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:42.


Donald Trump issues stark WARNING that North Korea could STRIKE US 'homeland very SOON' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:09.

Donald Trump issues stark WARNING that North Korea could STRIKE US 'homeland very SOON'

DONALD Trump has issued a stark warning to the US by claiming that "North Korea could

very soon threaten our homeland" in his State of the Union (SOTU) speech to a joint

Congress, it has emerged.

The Republican firebrand blasted despot leader Kim Jong-un for oppressing his people and

labelling his pursuit of nuclear weapons as "desperate".

He stated: "No regime has oppressed its own citizens more totally or brutally than

the cruel dictatorship in North Korea.

"North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland.

"We are waging a campaign of maximum pressure to prevent that from ever happening.

"Past experience has taught us that complacency and concessions only invite aggression and


The President then vowed to avoid "the mistakes" of past administrations that he claimed had

put North Korea in its threatening position.

He went on: "I will not repeat the mistakes of past administrations that got us into this

very dangerous position.

"We need only look at the depraved character of the North Korean regime to understand the

nature of the nuclear threat it could pose to America and to our allies."

A defector from the hermit kingdom was present in the audience - Ji Seong-ho's story of

having his limbs run over by a train before being subject to torture by the regime was

told by Mr Trump.

He said: "Seong-ho traveled thousands of miles on crutches all across China and Southeast

Asia to freedom.

"Most of his family followed.

His father was caught trying to escape, and was tortured to death."

The Republican firebrand declared that the defector was a "witness to the ominous nature"

of the rogue state.

Fred and Cindy Warmbier were also present at the SOTU address - the couple were reunited

with their son, Otto, after he returned from 17 months of captivity in the hermit kingdom.

Otto Warmbier died shortly after arriving back in the US after suffering from severe

brain damage.

In memory of the American college student, Donald Trump promised to "honour Otto's

memory with total American resolve".

Trump gave his first joint address to Congress last year, but it was not considered an official

SOTU speech as he had just taken office.

Melania attended the first joint address to Congress address and the US First Lady again

watched her husband's first SOTU speech.

His first SOTU speech came as his approval rating hovers in the 30s.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump issues stark WARNING that North Korea could STRIKE US 'homeland very SOON' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:09.


BLACK PANTHER | Everything You Need to Know - Duration: 4:40.

Welcome to I Am Your Target Demographic and today we're telling you everything that

you need to know about the character Black Panther from Marvel Comics.

Let's start at the beginning.

The hero known as Black Panther first appeared in 1966, in issue 52 of Fantastic Four.

His real name is T'Challa and he comes from a fictional African country called Wakanda,

where he serves as King.

Before him, the Black Panther was his father T'Chaka, as this title and responsibility

are passed down.

T'Chaka did not engage often with the outside world, for an important reason.

See, the country of Wakanda harbors one of the most important metallic substances in

the Marvel universe, called Vibranium, the remnants of an ancient comet.

This metal has been used ever since by the Wakandan people, allowing them to create fantastic

technology and futuristic advancements.

This metal is sought after by many villains, so Wakanda has remained very much in secrecy

and they are able to defend themselves against most invaders.

The Black Panther suit itself is lined with vibranium, making it bulletproof and incredibly powerful.

A hybrid vibranium was also used to create Captain America's famed shield.

They've said that vibranium is sold at about $10,000 a gram and there were about 10,000

tons of vibranium in Wakanda.

This makes T'Challa, as the king of this country, the richest man in the Marvel universe.

Going even further, Time magazine called T'Challa the richest fictional character of all time,

worth around 90 trillion dollars.

In the comic books, T'Challa took over the mantle when his father was killed by the villain

Klaw, though in the MCU, it was Baron Zemo who killed him.

Either way, T'Challa earned the responsibility to protect his people.

His powers are more than just the suit, as he also ingests a magical herb called the

Heart-Shaped Herb which allows the leader to commune with the Panther God and is given

extraordinary senses and skills.

Some people believe the more mystical origins, while others believe the foliage has been

mutated by the vibranium and chemically alters the person consuming it.

Either way, the Black Panther is able to fight against super-soldiers like Captain America

with relative ease.

Because Wakanda is relatively isolated, not many people know much about it, at least the

truth of their advanced civilization.

When T'Challa became ruler, he wanted to become a little more connected to the outside

world, which was controversial among his people.

T'Challa even studied at universities around the world and joined the Avengers, though

truth be told he did so originally to spy on them.

Eventually, they earned his trust, and Black Panther has been a loyal member for many years.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we saw T'Challa attempt to track down the Winter Soldier Bucky

Barnes, who he believed killed his father.

Once he realized the truth, T'Challa agreed to put Bucky on ice in Wakanda, until they

can try to find a cure for his mind control, and Bucky is now in isolation until the day he's needed.

Now, T'Challa doesn't protect Wakanda alone.

He is aided by his younger sister Shuri, who is also incredibly smart and a gifted fighter.

In the comics, Shuri has even taken on the Black Panther mantle when her brother is unable to.

T'Challa is also guarded by an all-female bodyguard force called the Dora Milaje, some

of the most skilled warriors in the entire kingdom.

In terms of his villains, we often see Ulysses Klaw, who appeared in Avengers: Age of Ultron

and will be reappearing in the Black Panther standalone film.

This man is obsessed with the technology of Wakanda and often tries to infiltrate and

steal their prized inventions.

In the comics, he is gifted with a weapon that allows him to create sound waves that

can cause devastating attacks and even create shapes and animated constructs made of sound.

Black Panther also often faces off against a rival Wakandan tribe that worships the ape

instead of the panther, led by immensely powerful ruler M'Baku, called the Man-Ape in the comics.

This faction often tries to usurp the throne from the Black Panther leader and often comes

close to doing so.

Those are the basics of the Black Panther, whose standalone film is set to hit theaters soon.

Hopefully you found this interesting and make sure to subscribe for more stuff, just like this.

For more infomation >> BLACK PANTHER | Everything You Need to Know - Duration: 4:40.


THE SHOOKENING...[ROCKET LEAGUE #44] - Duration: 13:59.

For more infomation >> THE SHOOKENING...[ROCKET LEAGUE #44] - Duration: 13:59.


Hot Wheels Super Mario Character Cars Review [CC] - Duration: 5:08.

Welcome to Storm Riders Wheels with your host Master Luke

First up is this Mario car it's has a lot of detail these actually don't have a name

for the actual car they just have it for the character that they are that rhymed

this is the Mario car it's number 1/6 and it's a nice Red Hat and body

with his blue overalls on the bottom in the back bottom it has like the engine

the wheels kind of look rubber but they're not I wish they were that would

be awesome it has two dots where the overalls buttons are and overall this is

like just a great car. So let's go ahead and move on. Next up is the Luigi car

there's actually six in this set my dad picked up the full set it's a nice green

body for his hair and his shirt his overalls are also blue so it's the same

blue color for the bottom of his two. The engine is actually in the bed of the

truck like car. It does have the flesh color and the mustache on the front for

his face so let's go ahead and move on next up is Yoshi it's a nice pickup

truck has his shell in the back also has horns running down his head it's a

really nice looking pickup truck it has the pickup thing in the back where the

wheels go onto that flat part and then it lifts up it pulls it up or only the

back tires of the car is touching the ground and then drives away

so on to the next car next up is Princess Peach it's a nice pink color

for her dress has a blue dot in the front for her blue jewel in the front

has her nice blonde hair and the gold and for the interior is her crown it

kinda like a face from the front. [laughter] white teeth and the eyes it's a really

nice convertible I'll probably drive this around if it wasn't pink

there's the jewels on the top of her crown on the back so it's going to move

on next up is toad it's a nice flesh color for her skin and then his vest or

the blue and the gold is the outline of his vest then he has the white for his

pants all they would need to add is his brown for his feet and then that would be it he has the

mushroom head with the dots it kind of looks like a face I think all of the

character cars are supposed to look like faces from the front at least this

series did so there's not much more to talk about this one so it's going to

move on last but surely not least is the white boat this is called the mad splash

it's a really nice yellow color this is really cool because it has water at the

bottom it has like a lot of detail on the front right here say 64 and also

says asarse let red line has sr60 for red line and do you see that right there

I let me see hold on huh oh see that logo right there

it's a treasure hunt. ye!! I ordered this from

@HWC _CHAD and my dad bought it for my birthday but it didn't come in

fast enough to be in the video so I'm gonna go ahead and add it into this to

these series so there's not too much more to talk about this so that's it for

this video thank you for watching Storm Riders Wheels

don't forget so like subscribe and ring that Bell

For more infomation >> Hot Wheels Super Mario Character Cars Review [CC] - Duration: 5:08.


Part 2: Sew Inspiring - Brooke Mullen, Founder of Sapahn - Duration: 1:35.

It's really about engaging and being a part of the artisan and their dreams and facilitating


So it's not us bringing our own ideas onto their communities.

It's really taking what they want and what they do really well and kind of helping them

take their business of their craftsmanship to the next level.

When I think about fair trade I think about who is it fair to?

And how is that determined?

All of our artisans, yeah, they determine what that is for them.

There's no bargaining, there's no bartering in the whole process.

They determine that and from there, oftentimes, we have gone back, for example with our silver

group, we've gone back and paid them triple what they've actually asked.

Because when we sat down and understood the craftsmanship and how long it takes to make

something, when we broke that down into what that means they get paid in a day, we realised

that wasn't sustainable for them to make a living.

There's always a human element and I think when we understand this piece of clothing

or this handbag didn't just come out of thin air.

There's people behind it and those people should be known, they should be celebrated

and they should be treated with like, much more than just respect, they should be treated

with dignity just like anyone else.

Oftentimes we buy without thinking and understanding the ramifications of that and I think that's

the most empowering thing too, is like, look there is direct impact and direct effect on

what I can do as an individual.

I can buy and hop better.

For more infomation >> Part 2: Sew Inspiring - Brooke Mullen, Founder of Sapahn - Duration: 1:35.


Many People Think Hillary Has Massive Mental Issues After Latest Statement…. - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 23:46.

For more infomation >> Many People Think Hillary Has Massive Mental Issues After Latest Statement…. - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 23:46.


2018 | ignite - Duration: 4:30.

HELLO. It is a new year.

I mean, we're already like a month into it, but a year has– has changed–

The year went from 2017 to 2018 in the last time since I last uploaded anything to this channel.

Two things to know about me is that I love New Year's stuff and I am basically always late to everything ever.

Also I'm literally not going to talk about it all in this video but I should cknowledge that also since the last time that I uploaded a video to this channel,

uuh, my hair is blue and I have a tattoo...hmm??

I mentioned last year that I sometimes do a big year end processing and goal setting thing and I did that again in December of 2017.

One part of that process is choosing a theme word for the year ahead and my word for last year was focus.

I had a lot of big ambitious plans for 2017 and none of it really panned out.

I fell short on all of my major goals, but I also put in a lot of work and I kept showing up in whatever ways my mental health allowed,

and so it's hard for me to really call that a failure.

I wrote about that earlier this month and I will link that blog post below, if you're interested.

Failure or not, it was rough.

And so I decided to set some looser umbrella goals for 2018.

To be clear: I think that anybody telling you that one or the other is inherently better or worse is wrong.

I think that it is a matter of understanding yourself and where you are at in your life.

But this is about me and where I'm at in my life right now.

So, my word for 2018 is IGNITE.

I even got this fun bracelet as a reminder.

This word, for me, is largely about beginnings. Starting things.

That's a space in which I generally come alive, which is also probably part of why I love New Year shit so much.

Last year was long and fucking difficult, but I got through it and now I am ready to get fired up about new wonderful things.

Including some old things that I am making new again.

One of the things that I hadn't really planned on focusing on that much,

but is already shaping up to be a big part of the year ahead is pouring a lot of my time and energy into Snark Squad again,

which isn't exactly a new thing, but it feels like a new beginning, I guess.

In part because we ARE doing a lot of new things this year.

The biggest being the podcast (Snark Squad Pod), which you should check out if you haven't already.

It is a media podcast where me and the always brilliant Marines talk about books and TV shows and just all sorts of pop culture, media-related things.

And it has just been a ton of fun.

The hours that I spend working on that are my favorite parts of the week.

I love it. I'm having a blast.

And I hope other people are enjoying it too.

We're also launching a newsletter and a Discord server and generally just...

trying new things with the site and the little community that we have there.

All of that relates to my two big umbrella goals for the year – the bigger of the two being trying to be better about spaces of community.

Building them, participating in them, nurturing them – just all of it.

I'm excited to be back in this place where I'm spending all of this time and energy on this thing that is bigger than myself that I care so much about.

There's always this weird dynamic that I have with personal content spaces like this one.

Creating conversation pieces out of my own thoughts and getting them out of my head is good,

but at the same time, it's also a space where I am an island.

Snark Squad, on the other hand, has always been a community, and one that (again) I care deeply about,

and I'm just really excited to be reinvesting myself in that community this year.

I think that starting my job at Complexly had me kind of going all in on Nerdfighteria and YouTube communities.

And I do love and care about those spaces, but Snark Squad is something that I helped build and so it means something to me in a very different way.

In all of my processing, I think that the feeling of being an island was part of what made 2017 so difficult for me,

and so that is why course correcting away from that is a big part of how I want to go forward into 2018.

My other major umbrella for the year is about learning new things, trying stuff. Making messes.

Which, again, is also related to all of the new kind of things that we're trying on Snark Squad,

but is something that I'm working on in other areas of my life, as well.

We will see how that works out for me.

But in the meantime: I would love to hear what kind of plans you are making right now – big or small, new year's related or not.

So please let me know in the comments below, so I can support you and cheer you on and all of that good stuff.

OK bye.

For more infomation >> 2018 | ignite - Duration: 4:30.


How To Speed Up Data Entry With nuBuilder Forte - Duration: 0:56.

Hi, in this video I'm going to show you how to use the nuReturnNewRecord(); function.

Ordinarily when you save an Edit Form, you need to exit the form to begin a new record,

as you can see if I try to add another record after saving,

it will only save the most recent record.

To save multiple records on the same screen, I need to add a custom nuBuilder function

called nuReturnNewRecord(); in the After Save section of Custom Code.

Now I can add as many records as I want,

and they will all be individually saved in the Browse Form.

For more infomation >> How To Speed Up Data Entry With nuBuilder Forte - Duration: 0:56.


Hello! Project Portrayed By Spongebob スポンジボブで表されたハロプロ - Duration: 4:23.


For more infomation >> Hello! Project Portrayed By Spongebob スポンジボブで表されたハロプロ - Duration: 4:23.


How to Get Rid Of Excess Earwax Buildup: Best Way to Remove Ear Wax - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid Of Excess Earwax Buildup: Best Way to Remove Ear Wax - Duration: 2:51.


Памяти Франциска Грязного / In the memory of Francis of the Filth - Duration: 2:50.

What the fuck is this?

I think that is notification

I don't receive them

Check it, idiot, maybe there is something important


That's my favourite moment

Why the fuck are you calling me dumbass, I'm filming that video

Bro, we'll manage this

He died 3 minutes after he watched all Frank's old videos

I buried him With honor

How did he fit there?

I've even watched all Joji's music videos Despite I don't like his music videos

All our heroes are dead

Our simple story comes to an end

My voice is not even close to Frank's MacBook, but it is loss for me too

And I don't even know how to cry

But I feel the pain

You may ask what the fuck is this?

Well, maybe his soul pain is not the only reason of his death

Rubbish, do it higher


It's still rubbish, higher!

Now it's clearly an end.

For more infomation >> Памяти Франциска Грязного / In the memory of Francis of the Filth - Duration: 2:50.


Valentines Day Ideas - Succulent Arrangement - Duration: 4:13.

Hi guys I just wanted to share with you a quick valentines day succulent arrangement.

I found this heart shaped wooden container at the Target Dollar Spot.

And I'm just gonna put some stain on it and throw some succulents in that I already have.

I just wanted to share this with you because I thought it would be a great gift idea for

valentines day if you have friends or family or coworkers or your child's teacher that

love succulents.

Its something quick and easy that you can throw together so lets get started.

I hoped you guys enjoyed that and if you guys need more detailed instructions I will have

those down in the description below on my blog at thisdesertlifechannel.com.

And I hope you guys give it a try and if you do please share those pictures with me.

You can also check me out on my Instagram at thisdesertlifechannel which is also linked below

So I hope you guys have a good day.


For more infomation >> Valentines Day Ideas - Succulent Arrangement - Duration: 4:13.


ASMR foams sounds - Duration: 13:59.

ASMR Foam Sounds


For more infomation >> ASMR foams sounds - Duration: 13:59.


Finding WiFi | Kenya Vlog 01 - Duration: 7:06.

I'm here with my friend Lenny here in Kenya, and we just ate some food, and we are now going to the gym

And I'm about to get some swole on at this gym real quick here we go

Let me show you all the problems of a tall person, I'm gonna hold the camera

head height eye height, and you see where that mirror reaches

I can't even see myself

Sorry I have not posted any videos

You know we haven't had Wi-Fi, so I haven't been able to upload on anything

but we're going to fix that Wi-Fi today, and so I'll start posting videos pretty much every day and

We'll have a great time here on the Internet. All right. We're done there at the gym

Jeff are you tired? "Yes I am tired. I have used all my energy"

But now we're going somewhere else, what's the plan now?

We're gonna go to a meeting - I don't know what are we doing? Jeff: "We are going to see Khaligraph Jones"

We're going to make some music we're going to make some music. I like to make music

We have been met with the famous Kenyan traffic nuit

We will probably be here for like three hours so stay tuned

I am here with my friend Khaligraph. Respect the OG's. This is him. This is him.

Big things coming, right Jeff? "yeah big thing coming"

This got done at the studio with with the man himself - og calligraph Jones

Big plans coming stay tuned

If you don't know him if you don't know him go searching Instagram Khaligraph Jones

Big-time Kenyan rapper so we're gonna make something cool

Now we are going to eat lunch

Lunch we're gonna have rice, right?

Ugali? Really? Don't lie...

All right time to eat some lunch we are here in feather the feather

Eastland east lands here Kayole, Kayole

Get on youtube man... you've declined???

He doesn't want to be on YouTube him

Hey, are we eating fish today?

All right, we're done eating - we are full very full

What did you cook today?

cow beef stew and rice, and they really enjoy the food, and it was very sweet

We are very happy, lets go!

We have eaten, we are full


And the translation is finished there... "I didn't understand that" *RUNS AWAY*

You are welcome. Thanks for coming

Come to Telkom

Come to Telkom you buy lines

It's only 60 ksh. only.

All right, we have the Wi-Fi we have secured the bag. This is the Wi-Fi so now I can actually upload this video

Alright, I'm gonna end it there. I'm very tired, but thanks for watching this video

If you want to see more make sure to subscribe happy to be back in Kenya, and I hope you can see

the rest of my shenanigans here

When will you be uploading this?

Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. "Tomorrow morning eh?"

For more infomation >> Finding WiFi | Kenya Vlog 01 - Duration: 7:06.


PARALYZED (CRITIQUE) - Duration: 0:48.


























For more infomation >> PARALYZED (CRITIQUE) - Duration: 0:48.


7 Creepy and Mysterious Events Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:17.

Spirit and Ghost photography are pretty popular among many, that are interested in the paranormal.

Even scary and creepy videos are getting captured, that include these paranormal phenomena.

While some of theme have been debunked over time, not every clip is being thought of as

not real.

This should leave as at least in a state of suspense when we are watching the following

7 scary videos.

Are you ready for today's Frosty episode?

Let's dive in into 7 Creepy Videos of Mysterious Events that have been captured all around

the world.

Number 7 In Asia, there are limitless Urban Legends

and Tales about haunting and ghosts, that take place in the strangest places imaginable.

Tonight, we are following a group of three teenagers, who want to know, if the lies any

truth behind the claim, that this house is being haunted by a roaming lady ghost.

As they inspect the abandoned building, they notice a latter that leads up to the attic.

And of course.. why not take a look, right?

The attic reveals nothing but darkness.. but still, they climb the latter.

After hearing strange sounds from one corner.. they capture this.

Have they come across the lady ghost, that is said to haunt this building?

Who can say for sure?

Number 6 A CCTV camera could capture a strange spectral

image in the Bodmin Jail in Cornwall.

Many criminals found their end in these dreaded halls.

People are not sure if an inmate or even a guard was haunting this notorious location.

As we zoom in on the footage, we can clearly see a manly shape that is passing by our camera.

Is he wearing a dark uniform?

Maybe it was even one of the executioners that were working in this prison, so long


What do you think?

Number 5 When a cousin visited her grandmother, she

immediately felt uneasy in the apartment.

She never had these strange feelings before and it seemed a bit odd, that a strong magnetic

field could be felt by both of them.

He grandmother even told her about nightmares that she was having at the time.

One night it got so bad, that the young girl decided to capture the living room of her

grandma's apartment on video.

As we see several orbs flying by, a creepy and grim creature seems to stare right back

at the camera.

Could it be, that her grandmother was haunted by an unknown ghost?

Frightened to the core, grandma moved to another apartment shortly after.

Number 4 This woman was skyping with her new boyfriend.

She told him that she thinks her apartment is haunted and that the spirit of a child

is trapped on the second floor.

Unfortunately, her room was also situated on the second floor of her families house.

At first, her boyfriend did not really put too much thought into this claim.

Since he was not really a believer, he thought that his girlfriend simply had a very vivid


But then, all of a sudden, this happens.

Zooming in on the shape reveals what experts believe to indeed the spirit of a child.

Not much is known what happened after this incident.. but one thing is for sure.

Her boyfriend is a believer now as well...

And before we proceed any further, I would love to inform you that I started playing

creepy games now and I would love to share this experience with my Frosty Family!

So if you haven't, please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon to never miss

any of my new uploads.

I also have a new shirt design with the Frostmare 2018 logo in my merchandise shop.

Please see the link in the description.

And now let's keep going.

Number 3

The man in the following clips stated that all of a sudden strange knocking in his apartment

caught his attention.

That caused him to look for the origin of this disturbance.

It didn't take him long, to also realize that a strange sweet smell was lying in the air

as well.

Was it the perfume of a woman?

The knocking kept going on.. and he was slightly freaking out at this point.

After checking his window a second time... this sinister face was waiting for him.

The man had no explanation of what had happened or who this mysterious face belonged to..

but he is certain, that a ghostly entity wanted his attention.

Number 2

A ghost hunter from South America documented his latest adventure.

He was hiking in the local woods, which apparently were said to be haunted by many spirits that

were trapped there after the civil war.

It is pitch black outside, and his camcorder doesn't reveal much besides Trees and plants

that he had to pass through in order to proceed on his journey.

After he felt the first blast of cold air, the man began to feel quite uneasy.

Seemingly nervous, he started to walk faster.

When he then can notice the creams of an unknown creature, he makes his way even deeper into

the woods.

And then.. something seems to have found him.

This unsettling image is believed to belong to a sinister demon.. of course we can't say

for sure.

But the man never forgot his nightly journey in these woods.

Number 1 Another ghost hunter was on a nightly investigation

in an old bathhouse.

He got the tip from a colleague, that swore, he had captured some unexplainable photos

in said location.

As he wanders through the rooms, he notices that some weird noises originated from the

shower area.

Alone and a little bit on the edge, he makes his way slowly towards the sounds.

He then recorded the shower room for several minutes, until he realized, that these strange

noises seemed to stem from the drain on the floor.

Foolishly, he decided to see if he could find the cause of these sounds.

Full of fear, his camcorder seems to record the face of a creepy figure... is it a ghost

that could not find peace and is bound to this old bath house?

What is your opinion?

Thank you guys for watching!

Please leave a like and consider becoming a Patron of Frostmare.

The link is in the bio.

I hope to see you all very soon!

Stay frosty

For more infomation >> 7 Creepy and Mysterious Events Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:17.


PATREON VIDEO - Duration: 2:07.

Hey guys, we don't have a lot of time because of short attention spans, so let's

get this started. My name is Anu and @anugetsreal is a

video and social media project that I'm using as a platform to address current

issues, as well as an avenue to promote my creative projects. With your patronage

I'm looking forward to publishing creative and informative content that

can help shape and grow our communities. I'm looking to change the world I see

with videos and art. How do videos and art change the world? Well for as long as

the creative arts have existed, they've been more than just entertainment. Art is

a way for us to reflect on ourselves and the society that we've created. We live

in a media centric society, now more than ever before,

and so I see it as my responsibility to create in a way that reflects on

ourselves in a productive way. I want to be a part of the solution, and becoming a

patron is one of the best ways for you to join my team, and to be a part of that

solution. So what is Patreon? Well...Patreon is a membership platform that makes it

easy for creators to get paid. When you become a patron you pledge a monthly

subscription amount to my project, and I've set up rewards filled with goodies

based on how much you pledge. I know that it can be hard sometimes to make ends

meet, so please only pledge if you can really do so comfortably. I will always

be creating free content, but if you want a little extra and to see more behind

the scenes, become a patron, and don't worry you're not signing up for a

two-year cellphone plan. You can cancel your monthly subscription at any

time. If a monthly subscription pledge is not your cup of tea and you would like

to make a one-time donation, or if you want to see other ways to donate and

contribute, you can visit my website anugetsreal.com/donate

I want to thank you for your time. My name is Anu this is @anugetsreal and


For more infomation >> PATREON VIDEO - Duration: 2:07.


Here We Have Two People Much in Love - Duration: 0:57.

Here we have two people much in love, A fact not celebrated every day,

Perhaps because more words would less convey, Perhaps because more fuss would little prove.

Yet love's a word one should make time to say.

Now's the time to celebrate your love In annual honor of your wedding day,

Needing just this moment to convey The feeling that the everydays will prove,

Here, now,

when the words are there to say.

For more infomation >> Here We Have Two People Much in Love - Duration: 0:57.


Dragon Ball FighterZ Voice of...

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ Voice of...


O QUE COME A RAINHA LETIZIA? - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> O QUE COME A RAINHA LETIZIA? - Duration: 2:18.


Bangla Gojol 2017 পাথরও কাঁদে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলামানদের জন্য Bangla Islamic Song 2017 / 2018 - Duration: 4:46.

Bangla Gojol 2017 পাথরও কাঁদে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলামানদের জন্য Bangla Islamic Song 2017 / 2018

Bangla Gojol 2017 পাথরও কাঁদে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলামানদের জন্য Bangla Islamic Song 2017 / 2018

For more infomation >> Bangla Gojol 2017 পাথরও কাঁদে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলামানদের জন্য Bangla Islamic Song 2017 / 2018 - Duration: 4:46.


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