Contaminating headphones vs. healthy headphones
Thrill... Homefront: The Revolution / Xox One . - Duration: 9:54.Today I'm going to show you a UNBOXING 📦 of a game
What Spanish means:
Homefront: the revolution.
Who do we have the game 🎮
here it is
from behind
let's start being the UNBOXING let's hope not
We take as long as other occasions
oh come on, do not eat cravings
oh yes I'm good 😆
there it is
well first of all the game cost
💲 429 Mexican Pesos
but in the description I will leave the price in dollars 💵.
let's remove the seal that is here
let's see if he has some code or something like that
let's leave this here
and if it includes a code
but let's see so they see the disk 💿 and wing you see
the code forgive the 😄
what it includes that is this
let's see if it says something says
what is a motorcycle 🕐
a weapon 🔫
and as a shotgun
do not , do not it's shotgun is a machine gun with a look
and it seems that it is a
like bomb 💥 something like that
here it is
obviously I will not show you the
code because it is
it's secret do not tell anyone
there it is
to see
the game 🎮
let's put this to who
let's close the camera a bit 📸
so that they can appreciate it
It is a video game of first person shooter,
Follow the story of Ethan Brady.
A member of the Resistance 🔰
that is waiting for a new visitor called
Benjamin Walker,
" The Voice of Freedom "
and leader of the National Resistance 🔰 against
the occupation of KPA.
Brady's cell is attacked 💥
by KPA, and all members of the cell
excep &#?
Brady's cell is attacked 💥
by from KPA,
and all the members of the cell except for Brady.
They are tortured by KPA.
Walker arrives to save Brady
but he ends up hurt in the fight 💢
Brady leaves to make contact 💽 with
another cell of the Resistance 🔰,
while he is gone
the KPA attacked 💥the refuge of walker.
Brady tries to meet 💬
with a new cell ,
but he is confused
by a spy 💾 korean,
and is struck 💢 unconscious, and almost
tortured by the Resistance 🔰,
being saved at the last moment
when your identity is established 📂.
Brady meets 💬 with a new Resistance cell
led by a generous and professional
Jack Parrish,
whose field commander is Dana Moore
a volatile and ruthless former criminal.
Two other key figures
They are Dr. Sam Burnett,
a pacifist doctor who works for the resistance 🔰
and James Crawford,
a spy 💽 of the Resistance
that operates in KPA is classified
as a contributor to U.S.
The main focus of the Resistance 🔰
is to find Ben Walker
and rescue him.
In the description I will leave the trailer of the game 🎮
in case you like to see it.
Developer (s)
Director (s) Hasit Zala
Graphics engine:
Release 📅: May 17
of 2016
Genre (s) Action and Adventure
Mode (s) One player and multiplayer
Platform (s)
Xbox One,
PlayStation 4 , STEAM
and Microsoft Windows.
Enhanced for Xbox One X
Approximate size:
45.6 GB
In the description
I will leave you how long it takes to settle 🔄
and if you need an Update 📶.
Languages 🌎 Spanish and English
in the description I will leave you the rest of the languages.
I would like to send a greeting
a El Barish , Christian gamer
Gzz, mini blogs
and Acxell Nieto
Well I hope you liked the video 🎥 there.
Do not forget to subscribe go ahead like 👍
SHARE 💬. Do not forget to follow me
in all my Social Networks 📲
On my new Facebook page.
Instagram, twitch and to whom on YouTube.
Do not forget to activate the bell 🔔 to get them
information of each time you upload a video.
Your friend says goodbye
Cook of Games
until then.
Thank you
Volvo V40 2.0 D2 Nordic+ - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
I have been cheated - Duration: 8:24.-------------------------------------------
5 partes del cuerpo de una mujer que los hombres no saben cómo distinguir - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
À CALAIS. - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Fat Tuesday 2018 Mardi Gras Parades New Orleans Blaine Kern Mardi Gras World - Duration: 6:27.Mommy, try the hairy jumping spider!
Hi guys, it's Pierce from Pierce'sWorld.
Mardi Gras is around the corner!
Is this is a sample? This is a sample. King cake?
Yeah, wanna try a piece?
Ok, I've already tried it in my school.
And the best place to celebrate is where it all started - New Orleans, Louisiana.
I wanted a real, behind-the-scenes look at Mardi Gras.
So, there's only one place to go…
Mardi Gras World!
It's open even when it's not Mardi Gras season.
If you're new to this channel, please hit that subscribe button right there.
Yes, right there.
So, you don't miss any of my upcoming videos.
Ok, now back to the show…
here's some interesting facts about Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday in French.
Each year it makes over $1 billion!
That's right more than 1 billion.
Oh my gosh!
Mardi Gras colors are Purple, Green, and Gold symbolizing justice as in purple, faith
which is green, and power which is gold.
Before I show you around, let's play a game!
Call out every character you recognize, ok?
Great, Let's start.
The tour let's you see firsthand what it takes to bring Mardi Gras to life each year.
As you walk through the Blaine Kern Studios, you see an operating workshop that creates
all the amazing floats for the parades here and around the world since 1947!
Oh, that Venus de Milo wearing a mask.
You can see artists and architects build new figures, repair older figures, and add on
new features to well known figures.
There's Jasmine…
Smokey Bear…
Indiana Jones.
Over here you can see the metal casts they use to make female and male busts.
Now, with the cast they made Green Lantern and also Darth Maul.
And that's Darth Vader!
Chick-Fil-A cows?!
Yup, that's right!…
They are the Chick-Fil-A cows!
Yes, they are made here for the billboards you see everywhere.
Some things here are made by hand and others by machine.
This robot is called Pixie.
They make floats for not just Mardi Gras, but also for Thanksgiving parades and Disney
Oh, and there are the 3 stooges.
Everything brown you see is paper mache patching up parts that need to be touched up.
Oh, there's thing one and thing two.
These artists are amazing painters who paint everything by hand.
Can you believe that they create show-stopping floats for more than 40 parades each year?
Emmet from Lego Movie… too easy!
Lots of these floats and their parts are made out of sheets of Styrofoam, paper mache, and
even fiberglass.
There's my Dad!
I had to check out their gift shop, too…
Mommy, watch this!
What is that Pierce? A hairy jumping spider!
Mommy, you gotta try it.
Mommy, try it!
No, I didn't buy the hairy jumping spider…
Mommy, try the hairy jumping spider!
I had a great time at Mardi Gras World.
Make sure to check it out if you're ever in New Orleans!
If you liked this video, please give me a big, big, big, thumbs up and don't forget
to subscribe to my channel, Pierce's World.
Follow me on Facebook, and Instagram, and check out my Pinterest page.
Ok, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!
Nuevo Holo Rank Disponibles Y Todo Actualizado *Activa el subtítulo* - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
5 tratamientos caseros para calmar la irritación de la depilación - Duration: 10:16.-------------------------------------------
Every um and uh from IHN's stream (asmr?) - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
CONTEMOS ALGO SOBRE LA TIERRA PLANA -subtítulos- - Duration: 7:53.-------------------------------------------
Ninety one - Mooz ( OST "91") [SUB ESPAÑOL] - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Cómo hacer una mascarilla negra para eliminar los puntos negros e impurezas - Duration: 8:14.-------------------------------------------
Get 99999999 GTA 5 Dollars-------------------------------------------
Maskenbal u SGINGZ - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Democrats Try Derailing Trump's SOTU Speech, Caught Filling Balcony With Nasty 'Surprise'! - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING NEWS! IT'S HAPPENING!! Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks! - Duration: 8:29.BREAKING NEWS!
Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks!
The Trump-Russia dossier circulated around the time of the presidential campaign and
while it has been debunked now by even the most gold star news organizations it is still
being discussed on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.
Specifically, within the committees of Congress who have jurisdiction over the issue.
And now there are some new developments,
Info Wars reported,
"GOP Congressional investigators have written six letters to individuals or entities involved
or thought to be involved in the funding, creation or distribution of the salacious
and unverified "Trump-Russia dossier" believed to have been inappropriately used
by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration in an effort to undermine Donald Trump as both
a candidate and President of the United States.
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SCS) wrote six Judiciary Committee
letters requesting information from: John Podesta, Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, Robbie Mook, the DNC, and Hillary For America Chief Strategist Joel Benenson.
A brief refresher of facts and allegations:"
Those facts include Hillary Clinton's PAC and the DNC having paid an opposition research
firm called Fusion GPS to create the dossier to try and harm the presidential campaign
of then-candidate Donald Trump.
During their research, Fusion commissioned a British spy known as Christopher Steele
to put together the dossier which he got based primarily off of Russian tips.
Info Wars continued,
"– According to court filings, Fusion also worked with disgraced DOJ official Bruce
Ohr, and hired his CIA-linked wife, Nellie Ohr, to assist in the smear campaign against
Bruce Ohr was demoted from his senior DOJ position after it was revealed that he met
with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson as well as Christopher Steele – then tried
to cover it up.– Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, denied under oath
to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he knew about the dossier's funding, while
Clinton's former spokesman, Brian Fallon, told CNN that Hillary likely had no idea who
paid for it either.– Current and past leaders of the DNC, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz
(D-FL) also denied knowledge of the document's funding.Podesta met with Fusion co-founder
Glenn Simpson the day after the Trump-Russia dossier was published by Buzzfeed News.
The Senate Judiciary Committee letters read in part:
In October 2017, the Washington Post reported that Hillary for America and the Democratic
National Committee had funded, via Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele's creation of a
series of memos relying largely on Russian government sources to make allegations against
Donald Trump and his associates.
A letter from the law firm Perkins Coie acknowledged that, " [t]o assist in its representation
of the DNC and Hillary for America, Perkins Coie engaged Fusion GPS in April of2016″
and that "the engagement concluded prior to the November 2016 Presidential election.
The Committee has been investigating the FBI' s relationship with Christopher Steele during
this time his work was funded by Hillary for America and the DNC.
The scope of our review includes the extent to which the FBI may have relied on information
relayed by Mr. Steele in seeking judicial authorization for surveillance of individuals
associated with Mr. Trump.
It also includes whether any applications that may have been made for permission for
such surveillance fully and accurately disclosed:
(1) the source of Fusion GPS's and Mr. Steele's funding;
(2) the degree to which his claims were or were not verified;
(3) the motivations of Mr. Steele, his clients, and his sources; and
(4) representations about their contacts with the press.
The letter then goes on to list twelve questions – the last being a request for all communications
between a list of 40 individuals or entities – including Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,
Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Glenn Simpson and former CIA Director John Brennan.
The six recipients of letters have two weeks to comply with the following requests (note;
"Hillary for America" is replaced by "the DNC" depending on who the letter is addressed
Prior to the Washington Post 's article in October of 2017, were you anyone else at
Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele's efforts on behalf of the Clinton campaign
to compile and distribute allegations about Mr. Trump and the Russian government?
If so, when and how did you first learn of his activities on the campaign's behalf?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive copies of any of the memoranda comprising
Mr. Steele's dossier prior to its publication by Buzzfeed in January of 2017?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Regardless of whether you or your associates received copies of the actual memoranda, did
you or anyone else at Hillary for America otherwise receive information contained in
the dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing the dossier in January of 2017?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive other memoranda written or forwarded
by Mr. Steele regarding Mr. Trump and his associates that were not published as part
of the Buzzfeed dossier?
If so, how and when?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America distribute outside of the organization any
of the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by
Mr. Steele?
If so, please list who distributed the information, what was distributed, and to whom it was distributed.
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with any government officials
– whether in the executive, legislative or judicial branches – regarding the dossier
memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele?
If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication,
and the date and means of the communication.
Please provide all related documents.
References such as "anyone at Hillary for America" include all of Hillary for America's
officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, advisors, volunteers, and, of course, Secretary
Clinton herself.
Mr. Podesta January 25, 2018
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America instruct, request, suggest, or imply that
any individuals should pass along information to Mr. Steele or his intermediaries?
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with members of the press regarding
the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by
Mr. Steele?
If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication,
and the date and means of the communication.
Please provide all related documents.
Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America inform Secretary Clinton of Mr. Steele's
efforts, whether by name or not, or of the allegations he was spreading?
If so, who and when?
Please provide all related documents."
The reason why is so serious is that it has been completely steeped underneath the rug.
The news organization who published the Trump-Russia dossier had to publicly apologize and take
a credibility hit for having even published it.
The people who actually falsified this document should also be held responsible as well.
However, they haven't.
And if the information that has been dug up so far is accurate them the results won't
be great for the United States.
Because that will mean our then President Obama, the Department of Justice and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation actively worked to interfere with and undermine a presidential
election to try and get a person elected whom they thought should be in office.
But that isn't the way that it works.
It is the people who decide this not the hegemonies in power.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
10 TIPS FOR HOW TO GET MY BABY TO EAT FINGER FOOD | MOM TIPS - Duration: 5:24.G'day guys today's video: Tips on how to get your baby day finger food is a
viewers request. I had a question in my video what my baby eats in a day as a
seven-month-old for some tips on how to get their baby to eat finger food. So I
thought I'd share with you some things that we've done that's helped Sophie to eat
finger food. She's now 10 months old and eats what we
eat except for salads I don't find salads have enough substance so she
doesn't eat salads when we're having salad for dinner.
So first off eat with your child so the old saying monkey-see and monkey-do. For
meal times we sit down and we all try to eat together so for us we actually eat
at 5:30 when Sophie eat and before Sophie was weaning we sat her at the
table in the bumbo so that she was part of the experience of mealtimes even
though she wasn't yet eating food so that really helped her to get interested.
The second one is have your baby in their high chair for meal so it's easy
sometimes to put them on your lap and just spoon in the food but by them
having their own seat in the highchair it just creates independence with eating.
My next tip is finger food first so like I said we actually eat at 5:30, so I
found that if I gave Sophie some finger food at about quarter past five when she
wasn't super hungry then she was more likely to try the finger food. Once she's
really hungry I found early on when we were getting
into the finger food she just wouldn't eat it she just wanted the puree she
wanted food in her tummy. So I suggest giving finger food first and giving it a
bit earlier than your normal mealtime another option if they're not showing
interest in their food is to give food from your plate so
Sophie has her own plate and she'll be eating the same food that we're eating
so for instance fried rice but if it comes from our plate she's more likely
to eat it so in the short term we've found this as a good solution for her to
eat finger food. So the next tip is to have some soft food that can easily be
gripped I've actually done a video on Sophie's kind of first finger foods I'll
link that in the description below. So they don't just give you some ideas of
some finger food so apple pieces as well as penne pasta which she really enjoyed.
The next tip is quite similar and it's about how you present your food so for
instance we found if you kind of do a carrot stick with foods
we did sweet potato where we just slice it and then cut it in half and it just
didn't work it was too hard for Sophie to grip onto so we found if we kind of
did it like a carrot stick she could grab onto one end and eat with the other
end. You don't want it to be too small that's your choke and speaking of
choking and gagging they're two different things so gagging is a natural
body reflex so for Sophie if she puts too much food in her mouth she will gag
and then all come out again. Even with gagging though sometimes she'll get red
and she'll cough but the airway isn't blocked whereas choking is a
life-threatening condition because something is blocking the airway and you
need to provide first aid. When you're giving them finger food it's important
that you're with your baby and you're sitting there and you're observing them
The next tip is demonstrating how to pick up food so first off we put the
food on the tray and then we used our hand to take it to her mouth. And then
once she was taking it that way we then demonstrated with her hand how
to pick it up and do it and then the next step is she does it by herself. Now
for some babies they will go straight to just picking it up by themselves but if
not you need to demonstrate how to do it especially for different food that's
different shapes some slimy some squishy we found it helpful to demonstrate with
Sophie how you'd pick it up. Leading on with this we found one bit of food at a
time now I know this is different to baby led weaning where they kind of
talked about putting it all out and letting your baby choose. With Sophie we
didn't find that worked if we had a variety of options of food in front of
her she would sort it. So she would and then chuck it over the side and she kept
doing that. So what we found best for us is to just put one at a time and she
eats it and once she swallowed it then we give her the next piece of food. So
that's also a difference between puree and finger foods for your babies, so when
they're having purees they're just swallowing whereas when you're having
finger food you need to chew first. and then swallow. When you're trying to get
your baby to have finger food do it at the meal that they are less tired so for
instance if your baby's most awake at lunchtime that's the time to really work
on having finger food. If by the end of the day they're too tired then not
gonna be interested they just want food in their tummy so they can go to bed. So
choose the meal that they are most awake and ready to learn. And the last tip for
you is offer water regularly especially when you're giving them bread and cheese
so in the mornings when Sophie is having her toast we have water there and she sips
it throughout. Thanks for watching guys I'm a first-time mum these tips have
helped us. If you've got some other tips to share please let us know in the
comments below I know personally when I'm watching other YouTube's I like to
scroll through the comments and see what other tips people are providing. So
please share in the comments below. I'll see you next time. Take care! Bye!
10 physical symptoms of emotional illness | Natural Health - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
How To Mask Visuals In Text | Final Cut Pro X - Duration: 3:35.What's going on everybody this is Le Sora and let's jump right into today's tutorial.
First things first let's bring out the Titles and Generators sidebar, by simply clicking this icon right here.
Go to the search bar, and then type in "Basic Title".
Drag that and then place it right above your clip.
Readjust your title's length so that it fits with your clip. Head over to the Text Inspector by simply clicking this icon right here.
Rename your title.
I'm renaming it to VISUALS for now.
Adjust the font style and size based on your preferences.
Reposition the text so that it centres the frame.
This is absolutely optional,
but if you like to space out the letters in your title, simply head over to the Tracking option and increase its percentage.
Moving on, let's head over to the Video Inspector by clicking this icon right here.
Go down to Blend Mode and click right here to drop down the menu.
Select "Stencil Alpha".
Let's take a look at what we've got.
But let's say you want to have this effect place on top of another playing video.
The same rule applies here, what you've got to do is bring out the Titles and Generators sidebar and then search for "Basic Title".
Drag that and place it above your clip.
Readjust its length.
And then head over to the Text Inspector.
Rename your title.
Adjust the font style and size based on your likings.
And then centre your title.
Moving on, let's bring out the Video Inspector. Go to blend mode, and then select the "Stencil Alpha" option.
Select both your title and clip. Right-click and then create a New Compound Clip.
Rename your new compound clip and then hit OK.
Drag your new compound clip and place it above your footage.
Readjust its length so that it fits with your footage.
Now let's give it a quick play.
And that's pretty much it for today's tutorial guys. Thank you so much for watching.
I hope you find this somewhat helpful, and if you did,
please leave it a like and also subscribe for more short films and Final Cut Pro tutorials like this one.
Good luck with your project, have fun and get creative with it, and I'll see you next Monday.
Bye bye :)
"아시아 히딩크"…'박항서 열풍' 베트남 현지 얘기 들어보니 - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
EJ Carter is Up Next-------------------------------------------
Winter flight 2018 // Sunset music video - Duration: 5:16.You wont believe it
we have sunshine in Cologne!
It feels like last time the sun was shining is years ago...
So I thought I use this possibility
and go out for a flight
as always I have my 500S training bitch with me ;)
as you know soon I will be at Rotor Live
so I need to get a bit of practice in
if I dont want to receive hate comments after Rotor Live
saying: " I saw you and you didnt fly very good"
Congratz! I would love to see how your skills are doing if you cannot fly for 3 months
Unfortunately I dont live in a country where its always warm and sunny
I live in f** freezing cold Germany
For all of you who suffer with freezin fingers in winter
I have here my super duper mega attractive
I call them my "Cuddle gloves"
These are 1€ gloves where I simply cut off the finger tips
I just need to have the thumb free for steering
if I try to do it with complete gloves on it doesnt work
I just flew 1 battery and notices that YES I am out of practice
my rolls looked like that
I will see if i can film the next flight for you
please dont expect any wonders
i am completely out of practice
all isnt that low, that nice that precise
and its COLD
although I have cuddle gloves on...its COLD
dont forget that! So now... have fun!
Chris Howland – I'll Remember (ft. Matthew Parker) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:41.[Verse 1] Summer Night
Just you and I I'm starin' at
You starry eyed The way you put
Your hand in mine I'm glowin' like a firefly
[Pre-Chorus] And darlin' I'm calling it like it is
Its a moment We'll never forget
And darlin' I'm calling it truth as this This feeling
We'll never forget I'll remember this
[Chorus] I'll remember this
I'll remember this I'll remember this
I'll remember this
[Verse 2] Lets pretend we're young again
You're just a [?] I'm just a friend
These memories They draw us in
Like a fume floating up the wind
[Pre-Chorus] So darlin' im calling it like it is
Its a moment We'll never forget
In twenty years from now you know we'll never miss
This feeling We'll never forget
Oh I'll remember this
[Chorus] I'll remember this
I'll remember this I'll remember this
I'll remember this I'll remember this
[Pre-Chorus] And darlin' I'm calling it like it is
Its a moment We'll never forget
And darlin' I'm calling it truth as this This feeling
We'll never forget I'll remember this
[Chorus] I'll remember this
I'll remember this I'll remember this
I'll remember this
Funny Hamster's reactions I'm thinking it' s not what I want to eat - Duration: 2:57.Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!
Top 10 Freaky Things That Only Exist In Japan - Duration: 7:48.Hello!
Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10, I am your Most Amazing Host, Rebecca Felgate and
today we are talking about the Top 10 Freaky Things that Exist Only In Japan.
Before we get into this video, I just want to remind you that if you aren't yet subscribed
to Most Amazing Top 10, you should go for it right now!
If you are subscribed, then turn on that big, beautiful notification bell!
Okay, back to Japan!
I am all about the weird and wonderful, and Japan is filled with it!
What crazy things can there that pretty much don't exist elsewhere?
10 - Horsemeat Flavour Ice Cream Riiiight.
Japan gives zero efss about the Horsemeat scandal, the Japanese are not above eating
In fact, they embrace tasty horse so much that they have even turned horsemeat into
an ice cream flavour.
I am not sure about meat ice cream flavours as a whole… it's pretty off putting to
me, but horsemeat…ergh.
Each to their own though.
No judgement!
9 - Toilet Slippers So, these are slippers that are solely worn
in the toilet.
The Japanese culture is pretty different to western culture in many ways, including shoe
In Japanese homes, outdoor shoes are left in a special transitionary room, and indoor
slippers are worn, however the indoor slippers are different to the toilet slippers.
These are left out in homes, and household dwellers and guests alike are supposed to
wear them when entering the lav.
If you forget to take them off and walk around a Japanese home in toilet slippers, you will
be mercilessly mocked.
8 - Expensive, Funky Shaped Melons Ohhhh haaaai there 27 thousand dollar melon!
It had better be delicious!
Speciality fruit is hella expensive in Japan, with some fruits considered luxury items.
Fruit farmers in Japan spend many laborious hours cultivating fruits for consumption.
They aim to make crazy things like square watermelons or aesthetically totally perfect
pieces of fruit.
This strawberry is the size of a tennis ball and costs over 4 thousand dollars.
This bunch of bright red ruby grapes sells for 800 bucks a bunch, but in 2016, a pair
of premium Hokkaido Cantaloupe's sold for 27 thousand 240 dollars.
That is insane.
I personally tend to by the misshapen fruit in the grocery store because I feel sorry
for it.
Still delicious, just much cheaper!
7 - Baby Mop Like, fair, I guess.
If honey is going to be crawling around the floor anyway, they may as well make themselves
useful, although a few people are up in arms about it.
Also….the commercial is genius.
6 - Arguably, this hare-brained Japanese invention creates as many problems as it solves….we
have an Armpit fan Thanko's electric armpit clip on cooler
fan is a fan you clip on your shirt sleeves to cool your underarms on a hot day.
It is battery operated and quiet so that no one will hear the tiny fans at work.
Pit sweat, be gone!
The only problem is that, sure, people may not hear the fans, but they are likely to
see them clipped on to your apparel.
Plus… they only really work for short sleeved items…
Maybe just…wear black instead?
5 - Hello Kitty Contact Lenses There is something pretty sinister about these
Japanese Hello Kitty Contact Lenses!
Eyes are….well…eyes…so what is Hello Kitty doing there!
These 58 dollar lenses are popular with teenage girls in Japan…imagine looking a 14 year
old girl in the eye and seeing they were pink and filled with tiny cats.
Have you ever been on the subway and thought…like…I really need to rest my chin.
No, never, right?
None the less, the Subway Chin Rest is a thing and it is here at number 4
I guess the idea here is to allow you to sleep standing up on a long journey home.
The problem is, is that even though it is aimed to give you a place to rest when there
is no place to sit, it takes up a reasonable amount of room itself.
Also….trains are jerky, sleeping on the chin rest is all very well and good, until
the train gets bumpy or turns.
Also… like… what is the world coming to if we have to sleep using chin rests on the
Bed bed bed.
Freaky, but I am all about this, we have a Lonely Persons Pillow at number three
If you need a hug, but there is no one to give you a cuddle, you can buy this lonely
persons' pillow… which…
It is basically a pillow in a shirt with an arm to put around yourself.
Some weirder and more expensive versions of these pillows come complete with a heartbeat.
That is kinda sad, but also kind of cute, however, the version for men is a lot freakier.
Men seem to have taken to buying a pair of disembodied thighs to sleep on…often called
the Lady Leg Pillow.
The leggy pillow comes complete with a miniskirt in black or red and flesh like kneely stumps
to lean on.
The inventor of the lady lap said what could be better than a pack-away lap to soothe those
occasional bouts of homesickness.
Taking a darker turn at number 2…..Japan has A Suicide Forest
In mount Fuji's shadow, lays a dark, scary place.
Aokigahara forest is 13.5 square kilometres and home to a lot of sad stories, for this
is what is known as Japan's Suicide forest.
This forest, for some reason, is the most popular suicide destination in the world.
Some say at least 100 people a year kill themselves here.
Freaky and very sad.
Okay, bringing it back up to freaky and kinda happy, we have the Japanese Penis Festival
at number 1 In April, Kawasaki celebrates The Festival
of the Steel Phallus.
It is a celebration of the penis and fertility, during which portable penis shrines are paraded
down streets and revellers wear pink wave penis memorabilia, people can even light Penis
There also some pretty graphic Penis lollipops…and there is no age restriction on consuming them.
Aside from the suicide forest, this list makes me really want to go there!
What do you think is the freakiest thing on this list?
Let me know in the comments section below.
For now, I am your host Rebecca Felgate.
I hope you liked this video…
Thanks for watching to the end, why not check out our Top 10 Surprising Facts About Japan
and our Top 10 Shocking Japanese Game Shows!
Profit Trailer Settings UPDATED Jan 28th 2018 - Duration: 7:06.okay this one's gonna be a little bit different video what I wanted to do I'm
get asked about the settings all the time will they constantly change and one
thing that I have found with profit trailer and using feeder that the
settings in a sideways market are incredible I mean it's it just goes
crazy but what I struggle with occasionally is buying some coins that
end up down one or two percent pretty quickly just because the trailer can
only hit hits the API like once every five minutes to update settings but the
trailer sometimes doesn't catch as quite as early as what I would like so I'm
gonna show you my strategy on what I look and then some of the settings and
what they mean so you're looking at my profit cherry they're right here on my
dashboard and I have it set to my possible by log my settings are based
off EMA spread and you can do some research on EMA spread to see what that
means but I'm basically set up to I believe it's two percent below the EMA
spread that I want to buy so what I like doing is looking at the possible by logs
and finding coins that are triggering and then manually going and looking to
buy those now on a sideways market like I said you'll kill it all day long but
when this market has been very volatile lately and you're seeing Bitcoin drop
quite a bit and then up again I find it's a lot easier doing it this way and
I'm actually increasing the amount of profits that I'm making on each one by
quite a bit so I'm just gonna show you a my sells log here where you can see WTC
OMG you know some of these that I'm buying here and yeah my goal is to get
1% at least on every single thing and I do that for the most part but that adds
up quick and I feel that I reach that profitability stage much quicker by
doing some of these buys manually in this type of market ok so again I'm back
to my possible by log and you can see WTC and l42 that it's showing currently
that are hitting my trigger so I'm gonna go look at both of those
right now and looking at WTC let me get into the advanced here so looking at WTC
you're gonna see my indicators here my EMA lines and it got way below so that's
where it was actually triggered was down here because that is more than two
percent below the actual EMA lines so that's what triggered the by but if you
don't do it manually then I could end up buying up here and
that would have taken away some of my profit or in this case it may have
bought up here so that's why I kind of like to watch these once they do trigger
and do a manual buy on it and in this case I ended up I think I showed you got
in at three hundred and sold it 303 and then another one got in at 308 they sold
it three twelve so even though this has been going down I've still been making
money on it just because of the settings they have
in place so let's pull up and look at a few of the settings okay now I'm on my
VPS and I'm taking a look at the settings I
currently have in place and as you can see my trigger is set at a - 1.5% won't
start - one point two five percent so that would be where I get triggered at
and that is below the EMA lines so that is a little more aggressive than what
the crypto CROs settings are I think his ascetic - three percent and I know a lot
of people that are using that yeah you're making one money with it and
that's wonderful but I believe you're making more money on the dca side with
less buys and DCA means that you're doubling down with your dollar cost
average when it hits a certain percentage down so if it drops - it's
under 3% you're the coin II bod is down 3% already then it may double up on that
and this current market I'm not doing that as much I may do more down the line
but I'm relying less on DCA and more on what I can make and buy and sell quickly
so the 1.25% is what I'm sitting on and mine is
set on a six percent total stashes so that's how much I can spend on a coin it
is set on dca enabled if I have the funds in there I use this particular
account just for my trading bot so a couple other things you're gonna want to
look at while you're here I have my trailing max trailing by set to 0.15
percent so what that means is when that does trigger that trigger the bot to buy
the bot does want to try to buy it a lower percentage so the best possible
price it can get for the coin so it's gonna continue to follow it down and
follow it down until it goes back up 0.15 percent and at that point that's
when it wants to buy now the bot isn't watching the exchange every single
second it sits there and goes back and goes back and check prices if you're
using a or if you're looking at a very volatile coin you know that some of
these can jump two percent in a 30 second period so you may trigger a coin
but then end up paying a much higher price so that's why I like to look at
mine a little bit more manually when I have time in a sideways market it's not
a big deal but when this volatile market is so volatile it can be an issue and so
you might look at that and in this situation I actually have I have been
setting my bot to sell only mode when I am watching the market so then I'm doing
my manual buys and then it will sell on its own but that I'm trailing by same
thing happens on the sell so my trailing sell is set to 0.15 and again it will go
and they'll keep going higher and higher and as the coin gets more profitable as
soon as it drops point 1 5 percent it triggers the bot to sell same situation
now I have my minimum profit set to 1.5% which that's when I wanted to trigger
and tried it to look at selling it then I believe in the crows settings I
believe it's 0.75 percent is that it's looking so that way it will do a minimum
at point five percent is what it will it
won't go below that I like to get mine a little higher right now especially with
the volatility that's happening if you have any questions message me in the
comments below but hopefully this helps you out if you're just getting into to
the profit trailer in the feeder and you want to buy it I put links in the
description below I've also got a link for the VPS down there and then some of
my other videos thanks
LEGO® NINJAGO SONS OF GARMADON EPISODE 6: LIES - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
MY TOP 20 KPOP BOY GROUPS (2017) | senpaitaehyung - Duration: 8:32.Energetic by Wanna One
DamDaDi by Golden Child
Really Really by Winner
O Sole Mio by SF9
Hero by Monsta X
Clap by Seventeen
Shangri-La by Vixx
My House by 2PM
Yesterday by Block B
I Wait by DAY6
Bling Bling by iKON
Black Suit by Super Junior
FXXK IT by Big Bang
1 of 1 by SHINee
Psycho by History
Crazy Sexy Cool by Astro
Switch by NCT127 ft SR15B
Lucky One by EXO
You Are by GOT7
Save Me by BTS
Mosaic Art as a gift / big announcement / mosaic art painting - Duration: 14:15.good morning January 28. 11am. I'm late. I'm going to a studio
I'm in the studio right now. Today's topic i: I thought let's talk,
today about mosaic artist. Some of the mosaic artist issues. The way of
thinking like, does it worth if I would make a mosaic as a gift to someone to
turn him to potential client. to attract his attention. but first let me make that :
I call it the big announcement. couple of days ago now it was yesterday. I couldn't
make it yesterday because Larry has leave the country for a week for a
holiday and Island Cyprus. but we're gonna make it today. we're also going to
talk about yesterday's on yesterday's vlog I went to that one place where they
want to have some stencil of mosaics we talked about that a bit. I'm not
allowed to tell you everything but I'm not allowed to talk about the project a
little bit. something more I'm gonna finish that work that I'm created for my
friend as you know. I call it once the stencil mosaic art painting but there is
no stencil actually. I just use spray to cover the background of that surface. So
apologies. it was not a stencil work. it was just mosaic art painting were I used
some spray which I'd normally used to create graffiti and stencil art works.
okay that big announcement . what is it ? so as you may notice we already... we
almost reached 1000 subscribers which I actually call the art people. who are
subscribed to this channel together I don't know why to. whatever. And to
celebrate. now people are celebrating when they reach 1000 subscribers on the
YouTube channels. and I want to make something like that.
I just have that willing to. after we reach 1,000 at that day. the next day I guess. I
will upload a video. the vlog I don't know which number it will be. where you
guys are on this video. so I want to have you guys in the vlog by preparing your
video about what we have done after all this two years to get this number of our
people. and I want to have you in this vlog. this will be some kind of . I want to
interact with you. and this is this the right way to say it ? I just want to have
you that you are... In short, I want to have you in the vlog directly in the video.
how are we gonna do that ? I have an idea. so here's the plan. I want you to upload
a 5 second 10 second or a 30 second video or just an audio about about this
channel. you know like I don't know. just say whatever you want to. okay I don't
want to organize your speech. and I also just don't want that you promote this
channel some kind of. but just tell me about your feeling. this is the right way.
just your feelings. why are you here ? on this channel ? and if you allowed me I'm
gonna put your audio your voice or your video where we talk the phone camera and
your smartphone. and I want to edit you in the video. so I actually want you all
taking something. I just wanna you take a part in this channel kind of. not just as
a subscriber. subscribers just sounds like a cheap word. it's just like you
know, subscribers these are people. these are art people. these are humanity so
they are not just. it cannot class them in to subscribers. there are a
lot of characters. a lot of people are all around the world. and
have your feeling why are you here on this channel ?
why are you watching ? so how are we gonna do that it's actually quite simple turn
your camera to yourself, tap on your video button and just say
something you're feeling. whatever you like. you welcome. okay
how you're gonna send this to me ? by the way our deadline is: I guess this
in this one week we should finish everything because it still had to edit
the video. it will take time. and from now on we have one week as a deadline but
around seven days. how we gonna do that how you can send me your video or your
audio your speech ? I wanna show. let me show you quite simple. I'm very excited
about this and hope you will be excited too.
this video will be there last forever. that's so nice. I will be waiting for your
video. it's I'm very excited about this hope you are excited too. so just go
ahead and push the button and just talk. thank you. no rules in this case just two
things don't put any any music you know playing during your speech because it
will violate YouTube's you know licensing stuff. so they will cut. so it's
not allowed to do that. That's it there is other rule. Just one rule.
just don't make it speech during and playing music in the background and
stuff. so it's it's not allowed. so this one is okay. I just want to sign it.
Löfel und Gabel. Spoon and this stuff. I just put this tapes here off. because I
didn't like the position they stayed. and this one ? there are more you know UX.
We talked about that. user experience is nice to view color and you know it's
shiny and stuff. And this shapes looks better than that. so I don't know I
wanna I wanna tape so here directly and maybe a piece of tape in here.
I guess that's enough. I mean that's enough. I'll just gonna spray over
this. we have some white. you know that white adhesive. once you know it keeps
his white color. It should be going transparent but it doesn't in this case.
so I'm gonna spray this over a bit. this one as well and then we're gonna put it
in frames and then we're gonna sign it and that's it.
okay I believe it's done yeah I guess this looks the bit masculine u know. it's
very... I don't know... it looks looks like a man somehow. this one looks different. I
guess it's the colors blue white and that black it turned to. I don't know it
looks like a pop art stuff. but they are totally in different characters somehow.
but it's okay. oh signing.. so why do I sign. not because of it's an
artwork. I like it. it's close it's not showing really if my character. Of art
that I have tried to build. you know a statement. but it looks.. it deserves a
sign kinda. So I'm gonna sign it right now. And I'M signing it right here. I want to make m y sign a piece of
this work kind of. it's not to get seen you know I don't care about that. but it
look nice.
where to sign this one ? here ? or here ?
they turn to something about like pop art. this is what I really like. not cuz.
that don't get me wrong. not because of I me this. it's just the my first reaction
was : you know what it was terrible. but now ? I like it more than yesterday because the
signs are part of the work. maybe I could make some extras on somewhere should we ?
do that yes we do we do we do that let's do this let's do this. Let's give it a bit of a movement.
A bit of activity.
2 straight lines over here is it too much ?
okay that's enough. that's enough it's quite dangerous what I'm doing
right now you know I know you know in a half our it will get full with stuff...
What about this one ? let's put two over here. and no. Lets do it like this.
Owh it is cold in here.
I'M talking to my stıff right now.
I love u.
you look so coo.l I even don't gonna bring it to them. I'm gona keep this part for
myself. that's the frame. you're gonna put this off. we say folie in german.
Simple as that. that now it looks more shinny and... It is '' hangible ''
well it's not bad. What do you think ?
well and as we are creating some. we can't call it directly mosaic art but. I'm
talking about normal regular mosaic work. I thought as we are already creating
something for friends a mosaic gift. does it worth it to create some mosaics and mosaic work.
like piece of mosaic work to give it to companies or potential people who can
maybe turn to a client ? does it worth it ? I mean mosaic is a lot of work, you
know. I'm saying. the answer is no it doesn't worth it !
why ? you know, at the beginning at my journey in the mosaic art world I did it
a lot of time. so many things that I have created and give it away to people, to
companies. and I even don't know right now where this works are staying ? they
have probably land somewhere in the garbage corner. and the main reason for
this you know, it worth it unless you you want to give it to your friends. you
know. if called it about love and friendship do it it. It worth it totally. it's
different but it's different in business. the reactions are always nice. well
that's a nice mosaic with our company logo and stuff. they are very
happy but what actually happens is the truth is psychologic being the company
owner or whoever is that you are giving your mosaic work as a gift to wait
create a potential client. what he feels is he starts to feel under pressure.
because he definitely know that he has to do something. which is actually not a
good marketing strategy. I prove it a lot of times. I made company logos. I made
people's portrait you know and stuff. gave it to high level rich people and
families. I never had a bad reaction but I also never had a commission from the
people. they start to run away from you. why ? because it gives us something which
is quite you know expensive love effort. and they also started to think why would
he do that ? why would she give me a mosaic like that ?
that's a lot of work ? so I should do something at this moment. they never
do it. they get under pressure which is a really bad idea when it comes to marketing.
especially luxury product marketing called luxury because mosaic is
expensive a lot of work. this is not the right way to marketing your mosaic work
or your mosaic art. so what are the rules in marketing of luxury product or
art works like this ? that's a long long stuff to talk. we're gonna talk about
this later on. do you mind if we talk about that one
project that I went yesterday. you saw it in a Vlog. some couple of walls . they
call me to come over to do some stencil and mosaic over there. we're gonna talk
about this tomorrow. if this is okay for you to you. because the video will be too
long and that's not a good idea. don't forget to send me the video. okay it is
and I also actually it's not a rule but because of this video we'll called.
'' art people '' okay. I want you to say your name if the
is okay for you in a private way. and what you are doing you are painter: I am
Ayhan Keser and I'm a painter I live in New York. I live in the x country. that would
be cool you can we need to show the people who will see you tomorrow take
care. Love you guys.
Scarlet Heart | We walk through the fire - Duration: 2:05.Deok, it's all right. Let's go together, okay?
That girl... I cannot let her go alone.
Did my Soon Deok receive lots of love from the prince?
A lot
Why don't you hate me? Why?
I'm sorry for leaving you alone.
Welcome to My Channel - Duration: 3:08.* Awkward silence* Is it filming? *BEEP* Hello Hello Hello, my name is Kendra Haven, and I'm so happy to finally be filming again!
I really hope this is focused cuz' I don't have a viewfinder on this camera,
And we don't know why. (It's a) Nikon D 3300 so... usually they have view finders.
You know you get what you get and I'm working on it. So in the past. I have made multiple, one after another
Amounts of Youtube channels. That wasn't a correct grammatical sentence, But we're just going to leave that be.
I have created so many YouTube channels. I don't even know why. I have one from when I was in second grade
I have one from when I was like super little, I have one from when I was like in the middle and a little bit
Older closer, to now. I have so many channels, and I have just kept them and not deleted them
But please don't go looking for them because they're actually horrible. And I don't think you would ever think of
The name that it is called
I mean
Maybe if you know me personally
You probably have already seen my videos if you know me personally by the way if you know me personally
and you know the channel name. Do not tell anyone. Please. I beg you. So anyway. Let me get back on track. Well
I'm finally starting a new channel. I'm not creating anymore
This is the one that I'm keeping. I just got a couple of inches shorter
because I was like this and I'm going down like this because I feel like the camera isn't getting me in it. *It is* *BEEEP*
So no matter how many channels I made in the past
I'm trying to start this one keep it and just run with this one try to get
*Weird Hand waving*
You know get somewhere
So this is the start of my 2018 even though January is coming to an end this
is my beginning. This was my new year's resolution: to start posting more
So here I am
"Science." so basically
I don't want to make this video too long
For it is just an introduction. A "welcome to my channel" even though I've had so many channels in the past
I'm so new to this at the same time. Literally my old channel in second grade was
Not the best way to run a channel. I was just a little kid making YouTube videos
I wanted to make people laugh and honestly, I wasn't funny at all
So a little bit to let you know is this channel will have many different things. There won't be
Exactly something set. I'll try eventually to settle down on a theme, but in the beginning
I'm going to try to get a variety and see that you guys like so I know. There will be some skits
They will be better than me you being in second grade. I will do challenges. I will do tags,
I will do so many things you guys can suggest things to me, so yeah
I want to keep this video short
Make sure you like comment and subscribe
So we can start getting this channel moving. Make sure you let your friends know about this channel if you randomly find it for whatever
Reason. Make sure you show your family
Go get your uncle, get your cat. Get your dog sit around a computer. Hopefully. I will post it soon
I hope you enjoyed this video. It was mostly just
Explanation introduction, you know so my other videos will be more interesting
Thank you all so so so so so much for watching if you watched this make sure you like comment and subscribe
So we can start getting this channel moving. I need to think of an outro and an intro but as of now
10 TIPS FOR HOW TO GET MY BABY TO EAT FINGER FOOD | MOM TIPS - Duration: 5:24.G'day guys today's video: Tips on how to get your baby day finger food is a
viewers request. I had a question in my video what my baby eats in a day as a
seven-month-old for some tips on how to get their baby to eat finger food. So I
thought I'd share with you some things that we've done that's helped Sophie to eat
finger food. She's now 10 months old and eats what we
eat except for salads I don't find salads have enough substance so she
doesn't eat salads when we're having salad for dinner.
So first off eat with your child so the old saying monkey-see and monkey-do. For
meal times we sit down and we all try to eat together so for us we actually eat
at 5:30 when Sophie eat and before Sophie was weaning we sat her at the
table in the bumbo so that she was part of the experience of mealtimes even
though she wasn't yet eating food so that really helped her to get interested.
The second one is have your baby in their high chair for meal so it's easy
sometimes to put them on your lap and just spoon in the food but by them
having their own seat in the highchair it just creates independence with eating.
My next tip is finger food first so like I said we actually eat at 5:30, so I
found that if I gave Sophie some finger food at about quarter past five when she
wasn't super hungry then she was more likely to try the finger food. Once she's
really hungry I found early on when we were getting
into the finger food she just wouldn't eat it she just wanted the puree she
wanted food in her tummy. So I suggest giving finger food first and giving it a
bit earlier than your normal mealtime another option if they're not showing
interest in their food is to give food from your plate so
Sophie has her own plate and she'll be eating the same food that we're eating
so for instance fried rice but if it comes from our plate she's more likely
to eat it so in the short term we've found this as a good solution for her to
eat finger food. So the next tip is to have some soft food that can easily be
gripped I've actually done a video on Sophie's kind of first finger foods I'll
link that in the description below. So they don't just give you some ideas of
some finger food so apple pieces as well as penne pasta which she really enjoyed.
The next tip is quite similar and it's about how you present your food so for
instance we found if you kind of do a carrot stick with foods
we did sweet potato where we just slice it and then cut it in half and it just
didn't work it was too hard for Sophie to grip onto so we found if we kind of
did it like a carrot stick she could grab onto one end and eat with the other
end. You don't want it to be too small that's your choke and speaking of
choking and gagging they're two different things so gagging is a natural
body reflex so for Sophie if she puts too much food in her mouth she will gag
and then all come out again. Even with gagging though sometimes she'll get red
and she'll cough but the airway isn't blocked whereas choking is a
life-threatening condition because something is blocking the airway and you
need to provide first aid. When you're giving them finger food it's important
that you're with your baby and you're sitting there and you're observing them
The next tip is demonstrating how to pick up food so first off we put the
food on the tray and then we used our hand to take it to her mouth. And then
once she was taking it that way we then demonstrated with her hand how
to pick it up and do it and then the next step is she does it by herself. Now
for some babies they will go straight to just picking it up by themselves but if
not you need to demonstrate how to do it especially for different food that's
different shapes some slimy some squishy we found it helpful to demonstrate with
Sophie how you'd pick it up. Leading on with this we found one bit of food at a
time now I know this is different to baby led weaning where they kind of
talked about putting it all out and letting your baby choose. With Sophie we
didn't find that worked if we had a variety of options of food in front of
her she would sort it. So she would and then chuck it over the side and she kept
doing that. So what we found best for us is to just put one at a time and she
eats it and once she swallowed it then we give her the next piece of food. So
that's also a difference between puree and finger foods for your babies, so when
they're having purees they're just swallowing whereas when you're having
finger food you need to chew first. and then swallow. When you're trying to get
your baby to have finger food do it at the meal that they are less tired so for
instance if your baby's most awake at lunchtime that's the time to really work
on having finger food. If by the end of the day they're too tired then not
gonna be interested they just want food in their tummy so they can go to bed. So
choose the meal that they are most awake and ready to learn. And the last tip for
you is offer water regularly especially when you're giving them bread and cheese
so in the mornings when Sophie is having her toast we have water there and she sips
it throughout. Thanks for watching guys I'm a first-time mum these tips have
helped us. If you've got some other tips to share please let us know in the
comments below I know personally when I'm watching other YouTube's I like to
scroll through the comments and see what other tips people are providing. So
please share in the comments below. I'll see you next time. Take care! Bye!
Parque del Retiro | Drone in Madrid - Duration: 8:55.Started the day, again, very late. Right now I have to finish packing
I have to clean the room, you know, I don't want to be a bad guest
and well, I'm just making myself some breakfast...
So, I know a lot of people usually ask me, "Oh! How do you travel so much? You must be rich!"
Traveling a lot doesn't necessarily have to be for rich people.
There are a lot of little tiny things that people do that just make the
expenses go up and go up and go up and obviously, if you travel like that, yeah, travel is expensive.
I like to think that I'm a very simple person.
I'm not minimalistic because I'm a hoarder I love to accumulate things and to
have a lot of extra things but at the cost of not having other things,
not having some luxuries that are not necessary... you don't have to have them.
I'm Couchsurfing right now. If you don't know what that is, check the link below.
Second of all: I'm always cooking at home, I usually just go to the grocery store
the first or second day that I'm... anywhere. Depending on how long I'm gonna be staying there,
I get enough for those days. Usually, I have some stuff left over,
so I either give it away or I take it to my next destination. Like right now, I still have a bunch of groceries leftover,
and I doubt that I'm gonna finish it today,
so I'm just gonna take whatever is left to Barcelona tonight.
I'm gonna take an overnight bus. I'm hungry now so....
I just made myself a smoothie Very delicious!
For today, I made some scrambled eggs with half a tomato that was leftover from yesterday,
some cheese and some ham that was also left over from... the sandwiches.
I also made myself some hashbrowns. To drink I made myself an orange juice and a banana smoothie.
I still have some milk left over, potatoes, I have two tomatoes, three eggs...
Oh! And, the bag of rice, so I'm gonna come up with something to make
for lunch and for dinner and then we'll see how much I have to take to Barcelona!
Hopefully, not that much because then the bag will be heavy.
My bus leaves at 11:30 PM, I think I have to be at the station 45 minutes or one hour before
So, yeah, I'll see you guys later
So, I just got to El Parque del Retiro, but I'm about to walk to Puerta de Alcalá
Wow! I wonder how long it took to make all of this.
This place is beautiful! Too bad it's like completely full of the same thing is Plaza del Sol
Street sellers selling glasses and taking pictures with the bubbles...
It's like a big market but it doesn't take away from the beauty I think it adds to it!
What do you think?
If I keep walking straight on this path, I'm gonna come across three of the most famous fountains.
Actually, I see one already!
Right in front of this fountain, there is what they call an "estanque" which is basically like a big lake.
You can rent paddle boats here and, yeah!
I'm so mad at myself right now! I... thought,
"Oh, It's not gonna be necessary to bring my backpack because I don't need that much stuff...
I had my lunch in there!!
I had to buy a freaking snack just to soothe my hunger for now.
All of my snacks for the day, all my lunch, I packed it all in the backpack
and then I decided not to bring it. And, I had also put in like extra memory cards, extra batteries...
and now my battery's about to run out! I'm really hungry and now I'm hangry
at the same time, so I'm just gonna keep walking around to relax and
I really need to find a restroom, like, desperately!
Geez! Okay I can finally breathe, I put my camera to charge
I went to the restroom and I'm not hangry anymore so...
Back to my regular self! Goodness!
Okay, the sun is almost setting Well, it's already like 8:30 PM.
The sun sets in about an hour, so there's like a nice amount of light...
Gonna go fly my drone now!!
A Fresh Start!! - Duration: 2:39.Hey guys, we're back we missed you guys
I know I know we've been leaving a lot, but we're gonna fix things. We've been inspired to start a channel again
So over our break. We made a prop/storage room
And we are gonna show you guys come with us Cj. follow us cameraman man
Okay, so starting over here. We have my
Beautiful electric guitar and okay, and we have our acoustic guitar it needs to be fixed a lot
And over here in my chair, and then we have many many suitcases
Still dark gosh dang it so right here. We have our detective jacket on detector jacket
*Some Nonsense*
Look at me
Serious Face On!! >:(
Okay, and then here we have like a soccer game Andrew care. Yeah, but me grow my fooz ball. Take ball
Can we have a fooz ball
We have a bike yeah, we have my bike and then we have some props just flying around
We got a bag that says
Whole bunch of Legos and nerf gun that's my Legos and here's my hot chocolate I found
Oh yeah, anyways, okay, so
Sorry, it doesn't upload till Monday. Um we are gonna try to get a good friend of ours
To make a video with us
Sorry Guys I cant crop this out :(
We love you guys bye my
[Download Link] Hello Darkness My Old Friend! 2018 [With English & Arabic Lyrics]! - Duration: 3:25.Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared No one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools," said I, "you do not know Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming
And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls And whispered in the sound of silence"
Sengoku Night Blood - Date - Eng Sub - Chapter 1.1 - Duration: 7:26.*I do not own anything *Check out the description for the source of the translations!
From that point on, I was confined in the prison.
(Imari-kun said he'd help me escape and went out somewhere……)
(Being alone makes me feel hopeless… I have no choice but to wait and believe though……)
There was a rustling sound of someone coming down the stairs and when I looked it was Kojuurou-san on the other side of the bars. He asked about my condition with the guard.
"You haven't eaten your meal again?"
I lowered my eyes to the untouched dish that Kojuurou-san had brought some hours ago and simply stayed silent.
(Not knowing anything that's going on, I was suddenly imprisoned, so there's no way I'd feel like eating……)
"If I may say, though I am one of those who has deprived you of your freedom, not eating anything is unhealthy to the body."
"…… I don't want to eat."
Wondering if I angered him, I looked at Kojuurou-san, but his stern gaze softened very slightly and he made eye contact with me.
"I understand your feelings of insecurity. However, please believe that we do not intend to harm you needlessly."
"As proof…… ah, I know, please tell me what you wish to eat the most. I will arrange for anything."
(Is he being considerate……?)
"Then, rather than food…… please tell me, why am I locked up?"
"That is…… because when we met you we were scouting in enemy territory."
"If you were someone from the enemy army and escaped from there and called for reinforcements then we would all have been killed."
"Masamune and Shigezane…… In order to protect the lives of my companions, there was only the choice of killing you or capturing you."
(In that situation, anyone would certainly be surprised if I suddenly appeared huh……)
"…… I understand your reasons. But then how long will I be here……?"
"Until we know you are not one of the enemy's, you cannot be let out from here."
(Not one of the enemy's, he says…… How do I go about letting them know that……?)
"However, other than leaving this place, I will do as much as I can. If there is anything you require, please tell me."
"…… I can't think of anything in particular right now. Just, um……"
"Thank you very much for showing consideration to me… and telling me your reasons. I feel a little bit… more at ease."
"No need to thank me."
"Yooo! I've come to playy!"
"…… Shigezane. Is it not time for practice?"
"I wanted to talk to this girl today, so practice is cancelled!"
"Good gracious, you……"
"Hey, hey, I got lots I wanna ask you! Can I?"
"Even if you say that…… what exactly should I talk about……?"
"Then, first, umm…… ah, I know! What's your name?"
"…… Shigezane. I've always told you to give your own name first before asking for the name of others."
"But…… I suppose we still have not asked for your name, hm."
"I am Kojuurou. Katakura Kojuurou. May I inquire your name?"
"It's…… Shiina."
"Oohh, nice name. I'm Date Shigezane! Nice to meet ya!"
"P-Pleased to meet you……"
(He's such an unreserved person…… it's completely different from the scary impression he had when we first met……)
"Anyway, why'd you appear from the air?"
"That's…… something I don't know myself."
"It wasn't because you used an amazing ninjutsu?"
"Ninjutsu…… I'm not a ninja, so……"
"Hm? Then what are you?"
"Even if you ask what I am, I don't know what to say…… ummm, I'm a very normal person."
"A very normal person wouldn't appear from the air suddenly. You're a funny one, huh."
"Well, whatever you are, it's best to talk about everything you know, okay?"
"Because you could be killed right here on the spot like this."
Killed…… that word froze my blood.
"Oi, Shigezane. Don't say such ominous things."
"Huh? But it's the truth?"
"We don't know her identity, and she's not someone we need to protect."
"If it was Masamune, he seems like he'd put her to the sword immediately."
"Nevertheless, it is unnecessary to threaten her."
(Shigezane-san said that lightly but it didn't feel like a lie or a joke……)
(Kojuurou-san… didn't deny it either……)
(Meaning I might really…… be killed like this……!?)
"Please do not look so anxious."
"If you can prove your identity, then we can release you as soon as possible."
(I don't even know why I'm here, so I can't prove my identity……)
"Um…… what if I'm not able to prove my identity……?"
"…… Not able to prove?"
Kojuurou-san's gaze, which had been soft, became tinged with a blade-like sharpness.
"In other words, you have a history you cannot tell us?"
"N-No! You're mistaken! That's not it, but……"
"Then you have nothing to worry about. I will not indiscriminately kill someone who will not cause harm to the Date Army."
(That is to say…… if he thinks I'm an enemy, he'll kill me, huh……)
"That's how it is so won't you tell me more about yourself? For exampleee……"
"Shigezane, that is enough. Return to your training."
"Ehhhh? Training doesn't really matter, right. 'Cause I'm already strong enough."
"If you are conceited like that, one day you will go through a bitter experience. Come. I'll be your training opponent."
"It's fine, it'll be a bother…… ack, owowow! Don't pull my arm, Kojuurou!"
(What do I do…… Proving my identity is……)
(Even if I said the real thing, that I came from another world, they probably won't believe me……)
(On the other hand, if I lie badly it's also dangerous……)
(Am I going to be killed like this…… and even if I'm not, they won't let me out of here for my entire life……)
As I was seized with insecurities, I heard a small noise.
"Sorry to keep you waiting!"
"Imari-kun! Where did you go?"
"I've been looking for this!"
Imari-kun proudly showed me a ring of keys.
"Is that possibly… the keys to this prison?"
"That's right!"
"Please wait. I'll get you out of here soon!"
"It's open! C'mon, let's hurry and run!"
(If I run away from here and I'm found…… I might be killed this time, maybe……?)
(…… But the situation here isn't going to get better, huh.)
"Let's go!"
"…… Right. Let's go, Imari-kun!"
30 CC Transformice Giveaway! (Description for rules and information) - Duration: 0:51.READ THE DESCRIPTION PLEZZZ
I'm doing another giveaway on Transformice (TFM) :D
I'll reply if you have won, but you need to comment your username down below!
I am in the GMT TIMEZONE (UK to be more specific)
ENGLISH ONLY SERVER!!!! Not International
I'll be giving away 30 CC!!
Hope to see you theeeerrreeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir - Real Friends - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Hand Simulator | Weird Inde Games | Lets count off the fingers! - Duration: 1:46:53.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X unboxing - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Trainspotting 2: The Power Of Nostalgia And The Perfect Sequel - Video Essay - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Voice Over Training & Life-C...-------------------------------------------
pintei o cabelo e fiz brigadeiro em casa// how to dyed your hair and make brigadeiro at home !!! - Duration: 14:51.hum.. stupid
what's up guys?
everything cool?
so today we're going to..
ohw yeah,, it's new year ..
happy new year !!
everyone who are wachting this happy new year
if you didn't subscribe yet .. do it now
and let's start with the video
so I put on my insta story
if you're not following me do it now
and I put there which colour do your prefer for my hair?
blond of black?
and you guys voted and black won
so lets the game begin
and let me just tell you
I never did this before
I don't know nothing about dyeing hair
I blond my hair with a pro braziliaan salon
(spelling hairdresser)
i can't say it right
but that's not important
so I went to the salon
but today we're going to do it home
let's see what the results will be
let's go buy an colour
let go
soo,.. I didn't find a good colour for my hair
so today we're going to do something different
last year I told youon my snap
that I would make a video teaching
how to make brigadeiro
because brigadeiro here is too expensive
and I don't know why
mf moquisto
brigadeiro here it's like srd 1,50,-
for just one brigadeiro
1,50 or srd 3,-
for just one
it's too simple to make it
so i will teach you today
and show you how to make it
and my next video I'll one colouring my hair
haha.. you tough we're gone give up like this ?
not like this
from now we will start
with what you asked for
you guys asked me to make a video talking dutch?
soo and asked
to making a video talking about food
so this video will be
an video bonus
talking about food and I will paint my hair
I found an good colour
from now I'll talk dutch
if you don't talk dutch
you click on subtitle
and you will see
an portugues subtitle
so just click on it
and you will understand what i'll be talking
sorry I just burp
so lets start
I found a good colour
let's see what is in it
do you thing this is a good Idea?
I never did this before
everything has the first time
what if it works
let's open it
it come with a formulary
not an formulary
how do you call this?
a thing to teach you
how to do it
lets see
I saw this on youtube
this is nothing
just to wash my hair
like a shampoo
so this
this is also nothing
and this is
so I put this in here
and mix it
so from i saw till not it's nothing difficult
it's just
mixing this two things
and put it on my hair
put I have to do it on all my hair
if you don't then will be a blond hair mix with black hair
two gloves
so let;s mix it
what is this?
everything in it
lets take the gloves
they told me to
out vaseline on my head
cause it can stain
I don't know if it's true but lets do it
omg this is so wrong .. I most go to the salon
some do with a brush
put you can to with you hands too it's not a probleem
if I fail I will go to the hairdresser
if you know for what is this
comment here below
in this video
cause I don't know for what is this
let's start from the front to the back
or from the back to the front
let just start somewhere
the beginning is already black so I don't to do it there
this if so wrong
let me see what time is it
let's leave it for 45min
my forhead is black
back to black
so now lets wait for the result
i have hope
so it isn't 100% black
It's a bit golden with grey
so this is it
it you liked the video
like it now
share it on facebook
with your friends
like my page on fb
and lets begin 2018 with everything
10 ciekawostek o Illaoi - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Kasia, Grażyna, Anna - KTO ZASTĄPI HANKĘ MOSTOWIAK: Trzy kobiety biją się o owdowiałego Marka - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Fernandinho - Para que entre o Rei | Radicais Livres 2017 - Duration: 14:41.-------------------------------------------
Adriana arma contra Clara, sua própria irmã, em O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 7:27.-------------------------------------------
¡¿"NUEVAS CARTAS" para LA "PRÓXIMA ACTUALIZACIÓN"...?! Clash Royale Fanarts [BySixx] - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
Killa Bi & Dendê - Máscaras Cairão (Prod. Biel Paradoxo) [Videoclipe Oficial] - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
BBB 18: Lucas faz revelação sobre vida pessoal e choca Patrícia - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
JPG to PNG Image Manipulation in Photoshop | Lasso Tool, Transparency, Shadows and Effects. - Duration: 15:11.-------------------------------------------
Thrill... Homefront: The Revolution / Xox One . - Duration: 9:54.Today I'm going to show you a UNBOXING 📦 of a game
What Spanish means:
Homefront: the revolution.
Who do we have the game 🎮
here it is
from behind
let's start being the UNBOXING let's hope not
We take as long as other occasions
oh come on, do not eat cravings
oh yes I'm good 😆
there it is
well first of all the game cost
💲 429 Mexican Pesos
but in the description I will leave the price in dollars 💵.
let's remove the seal that is here
let's see if he has some code or something like that
let's leave this here
and if it includes a code
but let's see so they see the disk 💿 and wing you see
the code forgive the 😄
what it includes that is this
let's see if it says something says
what is a motorcycle 🕐
a weapon 🔫
and as a shotgun
do not , do not it's shotgun is a machine gun with a look
and it seems that it is a
like bomb 💥 something like that
here it is
obviously I will not show you the
code because it is
it's secret do not tell anyone
there it is
to see
the game 🎮
let's put this to who
let's close the camera a bit 📸
so that they can appreciate it
It is a video game of first person shooter,
Follow the story of Ethan Brady.
A member of the Resistance 🔰
that is waiting for a new visitor called
Benjamin Walker,
" The Voice of Freedom "
and leader of the National Resistance 🔰 against
the occupation of KPA.
Brady's cell is attacked 💥
by KPA, and all members of the cell
excep &#?
Brady's cell is attacked 💥
by from KPA,
and all the members of the cell except for Brady.
They are tortured by KPA.
Walker arrives to save Brady
but he ends up hurt in the fight 💢
Brady leaves to make contact 💽 with
another cell of the Resistance 🔰,
while he is gone
the KPA attacked 💥the refuge of walker.
Brady tries to meet 💬
with a new cell ,
but he is confused
by a spy 💾 korean,
and is struck 💢 unconscious, and almost
tortured by the Resistance 🔰,
being saved at the last moment
when your identity is established 📂.
Brady meets 💬 with a new Resistance cell
led by a generous and professional
Jack Parrish,
whose field commander is Dana Moore
a volatile and ruthless former criminal.
Two other key figures
They are Dr. Sam Burnett,
a pacifist doctor who works for the resistance 🔰
and James Crawford,
a spy 💽 of the Resistance
that operates in KPA is classified
as a contributor to U.S.
The main focus of the Resistance 🔰
is to find Ben Walker
and rescue him.
In the description I will leave the trailer of the game 🎮
in case you like to see it.
Developer (s)
Director (s) Hasit Zala
Graphics engine:
Release 📅: May 17
of 2016
Genre (s) Action and Adventure
Mode (s) One player and multiplayer
Platform (s)
Xbox One,
PlayStation 4 , STEAM
and Microsoft Windows.
Enhanced for Xbox One X
Approximate size:
45.6 GB
In the description
I will leave you how long it takes to settle 🔄
and if you need an Update 📶.
Languages 🌎 Spanish and English
in the description I will leave you the rest of the languages.
I would like to send a greeting
a El Barish , Christian gamer
Gzz, mini blogs
and Acxell Nieto
Well I hope you liked the video 🎥 there.
Do not forget to subscribe go ahead like 👍
SHARE 💬. Do not forget to follow me
in all my Social Networks 📲
On my new Facebook page.
Instagram, twitch and to whom on YouTube.
Do not forget to activate the bell 🔔 to get them
information of each time you upload a video.
Your friend says goodbye
Cook of Games
until then.
Thank you
BBB18: Lucas perde a paciência e garante: "Não sou machista" - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Maquillaje de boda fácil - RETO DUCHA - Duration: 21:57.-------------------------------------------
Fat Tuesday 2018 Mardi Gras Parades New Orleans Blaine Kern Mardi Gras World - Duration: 6:27.Mommy, try the hairy jumping spider!
Hi guys, it's Pierce from Pierce'sWorld.
Mardi Gras is around the corner!
Is this is a sample? This is a sample. King cake?
Yeah, wanna try a piece?
Ok, I've already tried it in my school.
And the best place to celebrate is where it all started - New Orleans, Louisiana.
I wanted a real, behind-the-scenes look at Mardi Gras.
So, there's only one place to go…
Mardi Gras World!
It's open even when it's not Mardi Gras season.
If you're new to this channel, please hit that subscribe button right there.
Yes, right there.
So, you don't miss any of my upcoming videos.
Ok, now back to the show…
here's some interesting facts about Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday in French.
Each year it makes over $1 billion!
That's right more than 1 billion.
Oh my gosh!
Mardi Gras colors are Purple, Green, and Gold symbolizing justice as in purple, faith
which is green, and power which is gold.
Before I show you around, let's play a game!
Call out every character you recognize, ok?
Great, Let's start.
The tour let's you see firsthand what it takes to bring Mardi Gras to life each year.
As you walk through the Blaine Kern Studios, you see an operating workshop that creates
all the amazing floats for the parades here and around the world since 1947!
Oh, that Venus de Milo wearing a mask.
You can see artists and architects build new figures, repair older figures, and add on
new features to well known figures.
There's Jasmine…
Smokey Bear…
Indiana Jones.
Over here you can see the metal casts they use to make female and male busts.
Now, with the cast they made Green Lantern and also Darth Maul.
And that's Darth Vader!
Chick-Fil-A cows?!
Yup, that's right!…
They are the Chick-Fil-A cows!
Yes, they are made here for the billboards you see everywhere.
Some things here are made by hand and others by machine.
This robot is called Pixie.
They make floats for not just Mardi Gras, but also for Thanksgiving parades and Disney
Oh, and there are the 3 stooges.
Everything brown you see is paper mache patching up parts that need to be touched up.
Oh, there's thing one and thing two.
These artists are amazing painters who paint everything by hand.
Can you believe that they create show-stopping floats for more than 40 parades each year?
Emmet from Lego Movie… too easy!
Lots of these floats and their parts are made out of sheets of Styrofoam, paper mache, and
even fiberglass.
There's my Dad!
I had to check out their gift shop, too…
Mommy, watch this!
What is that Pierce? A hairy jumping spider!
Mommy, you gotta try it.
Mommy, try it!
No, I didn't buy the hairy jumping spider…
Mommy, try the hairy jumping spider!
I had a great time at Mardi Gras World.
Make sure to check it out if you're ever in New Orleans!
If you liked this video, please give me a big, big, big, thumbs up and don't forget
to subscribe to my channel, Pierce's World.
Follow me on Facebook, and Instagram, and check out my Pinterest page.
Ok, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!
Whatever You're Selling | Sims 2 Machinima - Duration: 1:07.Whatever you're selling I don't want it.
You probably have me confused with the guy upstairs.
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