shit goes hard
EEUU y Puerto Rico ¿quién le debe a quién entre? - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Recomendaciones para cuidar su vehículo de este frente frío y evitar accidentes - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Película de Gael Gracía provoca enfrentamientos entre pobladores de Xochimilco - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
El Komander narra su vida en un documental | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Verónica Salas ganó el título de Miss Intercontinenta | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Fanático se tatuó a Carmen Salinas en una nalga | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Una jefa llamada Inés Arrimadas - Duration: 8:09.-------------------------------------------
Puigdemont da plantón a los nacionalistas flamencos en Lovaina - Duration: 7:55.-------------------------------------------
Breaded Smoked Chop - Duration: 1:25.We put a comal on the fire. Add a little oil and let it heat up.
We add the smoked chop.
Fry for a period of 10 minutes.
5 minutes per side.
Remove from heat and place on absorbent paper.
We place a large container.
We add the egg.
We add salt, to taste.
We add pepper, to taste.
We integrate perfectly.
We passed a chop for the egg.
We went through the ground bread.
We booked the smoked chop.
We put a comal on the fire. We add oil and let it heat up.
We add a smoked chop.
Fry for a period of 15 minutes.
7 to 8 minutes per side.
Remove from heat and place on absorbent paper.
Ready! Bon Appetite.
Frenazo a Puigdemont - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
Jamie Dornan en The Ellen Show (Subtitulado) (31/01/18) - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Sobreproteger a los niños les hace más débiles emocionalmente. Mar Romera, maestra. - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
Versión completa: "Las emociones no se aprenden por apuntes, hay que vivirlas". Mar Romera, maestra - Duration: 1:03:36.-------------------------------------------
These BET Networks Shows ...-------------------------------------------
Surprise! We have an exciting announcement! | Behind the Scenes - Duration: 3:53.Hello my beauties! No I'm just kidding!
Okay, so Mia's actually in the studio over here
and she's filming a little something
So I thought I'd give you a little backstage access
to show you what's it like behind the scenes
of those fabulous videos
So biggest secret
is that whatever you don't see in the video
is actually a huge mess, so check this out!
Oh hey! What's up?
I'm just showing your fans you know
behind the scenes what it's actually like
Yeah, well actually do you want to tell them?
Yeah now, why not? You tell them
No you tell them!
Okay we both tell them
Okay fine
Squeeze me in
Okay so we have some very exciting news for you guys
as you know for the past five years
Asian Beauty Secrets has been all about health benefits
beauty remedies, makeup tips and everything
Growing up as a Chinese girl in a Western country
has really inspired me to share of all those remedies
and health and beauty tips
that was passed down to me from my family.
And it's so great to have a community
that I really like to connect with
and it really allows me to share with you everything
that I've learned and I've experienced
and it really also helps me
to develop like new products
like the new Belle Bar skin care range
And of course without you guys
that could not be possible and I'm so grateful
for your support, and because of that
I want to make this channel even better!
We want to incorporate more content, different varieties,
more host, and make this into a bigger family
Because that's what it's all about right?
So what does that mean exactly?
It means that we'll be changing the name
from "Asian Beauty Secrets" to "Beauty Within"
Yeah, cause when we're thinking about the name
we're like "what is beauty?"
and beauty really does start from within.
You know everything from what time you sleep?
For how long?
What you put in your body? What you eat?
And even things like confidence and habits
You know the foundation is all laid
from what we build inside
Don't worry, this doesn't mean you have
to go subscribe to a new channel
we just want to give you a heads up
so when you come back you don't see
a random new change and things
like that be freaking out going
"what the heck?"
Like "when did I subscribe to this?"
so another thing if you haven't noticed already
is that you'll probably be seeing
more host like myself and it's actually interesting
because we both been doing Youtube for a while now
But it's only recently that
we're both here in New York City so we thought
why not join forces and create more
exciting content expand on everything
that Mia has done already, but also take you out
and explore the city
because like what other better city
to explore than New York right?
And we'll also be incorporating things like challenges
and of course keeping the makeup and skincare aspect
Because you know with different hosts
you can relate to different people
and we have different styles
So that's all exciting things to come
So in celebration
we're going to give you a little
sneak peak of what's to come
So this is day 4 of the no makeup makeup
So I'm here at "Envious Lashes!"
Makeup swap challenge! Ahahaha…..
Styling to the hair!
My voice just broke…….
Is this thing even on?
Mermaid lashes, this is going to be hectic!
this smells like rotten fruit
Oh my God, Mia….
JUST IN!! Trey Gowdy Just Dropped Some Hints About What's in Secret FISA Memo! - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Skin Allergy | How to Identify and Treat Skin Allergy - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Pelosi Caught Playing With Something NASTY At SOTU – Didn't Know Camera Was On Her! - Duration: 5:19.Pelosi Caught Playing With Something NASTY At SOTU – Didn't Know Camera Was On Her!
If you had the chance to watch last night's State of the Union address by President Trump,
you know that it was an emotionally charged event.
The President honored some very deserving service members, police, and families who
had lost someone this year.
He also did what we all expected, which was to re-cap the nation's victories this year
as pertains to jobs and the economy, and stressed our need for more border security and immigration
Also, just as expected, the left retained their seats for most of the night, handing
out applause in stingy amounts, and generally looking like they were born drinking pickle
juice and had been sucking lemons ever since.
The queen of the sourpuss brigade was, of course, their real-life leader, Nancy Pelosi.
The Washington Times reports that she is making headlines, just with her facial expressions:
President Donald Trump delivered what most hailed as a very strong State of the Union
speech that hit the high points, addressed the low points and soothed and smoothed over
the partisan points — and through it all, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi managed
to maintain a scowl.
Other Democrats may have their hands-sitting, but when it comes to expressing distaste with
this president, Pelosi takes the cake.
Bluntly put, the woman looked pissed.
Now it's true, others in her party managed to convey dissatisfaction during the speech.
There's this, from former White House spokesman Sean Spicer: 'The group not clapping for
historically low black and Hispanic unemployment are Democrats.
In case you were wondering.'
But nobody did dour like Pelosi.
Somebody ought to make a montage of her State of the Union face.
It's classic Democrat disgust and can no doubt be used time and again as a pictorial
expression of scorn in future news and blog reports."
However, Pelosi's sour faces weren't the end of her delightful surprises for the evening.
As we all know, Pelosi is rather advanced in years and as much as everyone in Congress
wants you to believe that they're a bunch of spring chickens, still functioning at one
hundred percent, that might not be the case.
As it turns out, Pelosi let a little bit of her age slip when she didn't know that the
camera was on her.
The Daily Wire reports that cameras and comentators alike were shocked, and a little grossed out
by what they saw Pelosi doing while the President was speaking:
"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) put on her sour puss face for President Donald
Trump's first State of the Union address and appeared to be playing with her dentures.
Pelosi, who sat and did not clap for much of the night, was caught on camera appearing
to be adjusting something in her mouth as several media personalities quickly pointed
out that they believed she was playing with her dentures."
As disgusting as Pelosi's gross habit is, it appears to just be an absent-minded habit
that she has when she's thinking/plotting about something important.
Her entire body language shows just how frustrated she is with the entire night, and she wasn't
Everyone who watched Tuesday night's speech could tell that the Democrats were not at
all happy with with the President had to say about the State of the Union.
At a time when the President called for unity, they couldn't be bothered to stand, or show
appreciation, even when the President talked about a decrease in unemployment among the
minorities that they so loudly cater to.
The Washington Examiner reports that White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders spoke
on this very issue in an interview with CNN:
"White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi is a symbol of Democrats' bitterness toward President Trump, and said Democrats
would be better off if she smiled sometimes.
She was reacting to a question on CNN about Pelosi's dour reaction to Trump's State
of the Union address, during which she was mostly unresponsive.
'I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time,' Sanders said on CNN.
'I think she should smile a lot more often, I think the country would be better for it.'
She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat Party right now,'
Sanders added.
Sanders also said Pelosi and Democrats have to make a 'big decision' about whether
they will continue to let their hatred of Trump get in the way of getting things done.
'They need to decide … do they love America more than they hate this president, and are
they willing to put some of those differences aside, come together and do what's right
for this country?' she asked."
Every President wants the other party to "come together".
That's what they all say because they want to be able to unify the two parties, it helps
them get more done.
But usually, it's on big diplomatic issues that both parties will never agree on.
In this case, it's on issues that are going to make the lives and pocketbooks of every
American better.
But since it's not something that they were given permission to be happy about, they kept
their seats and any chance of standing for change.
This tweet says it best:
Sad, but true.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
HomePod - Beat - Apple-------------------------------------------
idk what name i should give it - Duration: 0:43.step 20
hands are wet
i`m not strong enough
lock of hair
you give them
past want to choose from it
neck is full
city is drying
told my mom
if you don`t love me
i broke hands
i broke lips
i broke
your body through
if you don`t love me
i broke hands
i broke lips
i broke
your body thtough
"I'm Batman" Opening Scene | Batman (1989) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:50.Thank you. Hi. I'd like to go to the Adelphi Hotel.
- Excuse me. - I'm sorry. This is my cab.
I was here first!
Oh, God.
Let's go across. Come on.
We'll get one down the road. Hurry.
For God's sake, Harold, can we please just get a taxi?
I'm trying to get a...Taxi!
We're going the wrong way!
Put that away. We'll look like tourists.
Hi, honey.
We'll never get a cab. Let's cut over to Seventh.
- Seventh is that way. - I know where we are!
Hey, mister. Give me a dollar.
- Come on. - How about it? One dollar.
Are you deaf? You don't speak English?
Come on! Up here.
Hey, lady...
do the kid a favor. Don't scream.
Hey, all right.
American Express card.
"Don't leave home without it."
Get out of here.
Let's beat it, man. I don't like it up here.
What, are you scared of heights?
I don't know. After what happened to Johnny Gobs...
Look, man, Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof. No big loss.
No, man, that ain't what I heard at all.
I heard that the Bat got him.
The Bat? Give me a break, will you?
Five stories. Straight down. There wasn't no blood in the body.
No shit. It was all over the pavement.
- I'm getting out of here, man. - Shut up, man. Listen to me.
There ain't no Bat.
You shouldn't have turned the gun on that kid.
You want your cut of this money or not? Now shut up! Shut up.
Don't kill me!
Don't kill me! man.
Don't kill me!
I'm not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor.
I want you to tell all your friends about me.
What are you?
I'm Batman.
[ENGLISH COVER] Love In Color (수채화) - Taeyeon (태연) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
$10 VS $20,000 EBAY MYSTERY BOX Challenge Unboxing Haul! (Penny worth more than Bitcoin?!) - Duration: 13:27.what a ninjas today I am buying the most expensive mystery box on eBay! I've got
Vy behind the camera! Kick Bump! Vy how much are you going to let me spend? ten dollars no we need to
go big time Vy. I just saw Guava Juice do this that's how I got the idea he
spent twenty thousand dollars on a mystery eBay box oh my gosh so we need to
spend $20,000 Vy I'm sure we won't get ripped off guys don't do this at home
first I'm gonna buy a $20 mystery box and then I'm gonna go to an eBay mystery
box the highest one is a Pokemon box for $80,000 a Pikachu is expensive yeah here
we go youtuber mystery box $20,000 Wow
this box will be custom tailored to match your personality should we buy
this maybe we get like 15,000 thumbs up yeah give us a thumbs up wishing us luck
hope we get $20,000 worth of something give us good vibes give us a thumbs up
maybe we'll be as lucky as guava juice cuz his box was worth like thirty
thousand dollars when it is ordered now we just gotta wait for it to arrive
a couple days have gone by and I just noticed a package has arrived up so this
is the inexpensive box let's bring it inside and wait for the next box to come
a few more days have gone by and we got another package in the middle oh this is
really white this better be worth $20,000 let's start with the twenty
dollar one what do you say be alright like Christmas
come on ninja hurry up I'm trying then just don't use scissors yeah if I had a
sword I opened it up to reveal what's inside another bag ah what is this
remote control flying shark you did one of these leave a comment below if you
want to see us make a video using this guy's because this is really cool you
can fly this thing around your house with a remote control
I'm gonna go online and real quick and just see how much this cost but that is
the air flying shark fish swimmer $19.99 alright we're already winning here we go
oh whoa lots of stuff finger twister let's set a plane with your body you
play with your fingers I'm gonna spin this and it says ring finger green so I
go like that cool let me spin again and then the other person does middle finger
red it's a good thing eventually you get all tangled up like this and then
whoever falls Baloo's is USB massage fan with switch ah it's so hot in here
look what I got my phone fan what is this it's like a little basketball game
and I got a truck that's right okay let's see if you can do it Wow
yuri-chan mini handheld sport basketball shooting game five dollars and 35 cents
what do we have here might be for you oh
so like how you do it with your hands and they go this way black black white
shiny one blue one looks like a phone case too bad
mine's broken oh if you guys know what we're talking about leave a comment down
below that means probably saw one of our last videos where Vy broke her iphone
pretty oh it's my color don't read so this phone case oh it's a red thermal
sensor magic phone case check this out three two one - awesome just a telescope
whoa you can see super far away can you see my eyeball no no you could look at
like your neighbors but don't do that they might get mad at you if you're
spying on your neighbors with this oh this is for your phone so here's that
painting on that phone here and I get it in just the right place what kind of
zoomed in is Wow evie our goggles are you ready for some for tool reality oh
this is cool you're gonna love this Oh
much cuter yeah you slip your phone right into these and you pretty much got
virtual reality with your phone well thanks CN direct for sending all
those I'm putting links to all these items down below check them out guys if
you want to check any of these out alright let's dig into this twenty
thousand dollar box Vy I'm pretty worried actually but before we get into
this let's check out the mail you did just house-sat me I got a bunch of fan
mail from you guys Malmo Sweden whoa yeah look what they sent me put their
name on it thank you whoever sent this to me from Malmo Sweden Knox from Jax
Florida yeah they sent me some of their favorite items they sent me ten thousand
dollars this is better than our mystery box oh wow look at this airplane
dinosaur eating a fuzzball Oh Black Panther the Minecraft keychain
thanks for the mystery box Knox and we got a couple letters here North Adams
Massachusetts dear champ I'll play my name is Adrian I'm in the third grade
you are cool to me and I'm a big fan of yours I like you because you use weapons
and caught fruit well thanks Adrian I like you too
Noonan all the way from Georgia look at that flippy knife CWC hi Chad you are my
favorite youtuber and I think you are really cool I love all of your videos
Vy's channel is also cool your fan Dominic thanks Dominic and this is from
Shilo Clearwater Florida CW soon if you guys want to send us
anything at all here is the address and I'll open some of your fan mail in one
of the next videos the $20,000 miss I probably shouldn't throw this around so
much huh okay if diamond in there a dive into Diamond
minecart minecraft okay air air bubbles a ladder
dear Chad congratulations on purchasing the $20,000 eBay mystery box
inside you will find many items some will be worth pennies and others much
much more okay good more valuable than pennies take your time examine
everything carefully and don't throw anything away or else you'll be feeling
blue air bubbles peanuts styrofoam oh okay or something oh it's like a magic
8-ball but it's like a magnet thing give it a spin like this and then you ask a
question will we be ripped off will we get $20,000 worth of items in this box
maybe it's that's it okay I guess we'll just open these eggs up hey first itch
it's a little Hulk hey they know I like Marvel characters but this sure ain't
worth $20,000 what else we got in here guitar picks so
they know they have done their research I do play guitar spider I have a huge
spider-man comic book collection what else we got here okay this is more like
it well don't get too excited because we
paid $20,000 there better be like 200 of these right
yeah take that moist towelette they must know that I have dirty hands I gotta
wash my hands this smells like exploding already okay it's just it's a french fry
squishy then if this does not love to be $20,000
I'm gonna be like yeah a candle
superglue a car charger USB so you plug your phone into your car I actually do
need one of these a band-aid even though the only thing I've ever cut myself is
when we made candy weapons okay this one's really heavy
oh hey bunch of pennies the note did say that there was gonna be some pennies
hope that's a joke it's this one a quarter okay it's a button okay I'm
wrong okay so they don't we make videos oh we're getting down low V come on big
money big money big money
little candy bones emergencies ha ha ha so you mix this with water if you're
feeling sick I think I'm getting sick of these eggs not holding anything of high
value Vy a $2 bill I was hoping to be a $20,000 bill if there were such a thing
okay here's a flashlight Oh remember this it said or else you'll be feeling
blue is that a clue the final egg here V now this one's a golden egg so this
one's got gotta have something of value idea yes
it feels pretty empty did we just get ripped off mr. magic magnet thing did we
just get ripped off let's see what it says it says maybe looks like a note
I hope this note sheds some light on this situation Oh light is all caps
let's what if we shine this light on it do you see that you can see like writing
let's turn the lights off and maybe then you can see it you know what is worth
more than a Bitcoin what penny but not just any penny that's it the
thought set so something to do with these pennies over here yes the black
way it doesn't do anything on the penny so string lights back on okay so these
are like really old pennies like a look at this one look at the back of this see
that yeah it's like an old wheat penny oh look at this one this penny is like a
silver penny of 1943 maybe there's worth money V let's take a look okay so this
was during World War two and they needed to save copper so they didn't make pays
out of copper in 1943 these are made out of Steel let's keep looking at the other
pennies here IV check this one out so this is a penny with an Indian Head on
it according to this website I'm looking at worth 2250 top of this don't lose
19:09 s vbd wheat penny worth 2417 up in time how could a penny be worth that
much protective pouch for that one super old 1877 worth $3,200 fun opening this
mystery box now beer like this one 1914 D weed penny worth 4268 dollar I guess
so you never know what kind of penny you'll find 1873 another Indian head one
worth 10,000 how could a penny be worth that much money put that in here please
I feel like these should be kept in a safe or something yeah not in a little
pouch well be let's go to the coin shop and Havey what have you ever done heads
or tails of the $10,000 penny no it's gotta be back here somewhere
well V&R not gonna move the fridge out and try to find that petty please give
us a thumbs up for a good luck and funny
well hey shout out to all the notification ninjas down at the bottom
we're showing your comments down here thanks for getting here during the first
hour because you have the bell symbol ringing if you haven't seen this video
yet click right there if you're not subscribed to me click
right there if you're not subscribed to me click there if you want some of this
amazing merch click right here and get some awesome merch next video we will
hopefully have that penny back kick bump from the floor
AUSTRALIAN BURGER HERO RECORD CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 6:44.Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and
proud owner of! Super very very excited tonight I'm going for
overall win number 502 and there are so many people here we're in the Braddock
area of Canberra, CT, Australian Capital Territory we are at Burger hero
I'm here with Jacob who is actually the current record holder for this challenge
we're taking on their Burger Hero Record Challenge! Pretty much there's 8 patties
all weighing 100 grams each so 800 grams of meat plus there is four slices of
bacon there are four slices of cheese we've got a side of their delicious
looking waffle fries and we each have to finish a drink
now for this you have to beat the current record the record is held by
Jacob which is 5 minutes and 27 seconds but he's eating with me tonight
which will be very fun but if we do break the record whoever sets the record
the new record is going to get the $25 Australian dollar meal for free and
We'll get a sweet hat so are you ready? I am ready alright we'll also be on the
wall of fame but let's get this challenge started!
All right now Jacob over here being in the mix adds a little to it so we've got
to actually set the new record so it's really kind of a contest with this to
make sure to set the new record so we're both trying to beat 5 minutes and 27
seconds I know he's over here trying to beat sub 5 so I'll see what I can do but
we've got to finish all this right here he's got a little bit of a smaller drink
so he's got the advantage but I guess oh and it is gassy, carbonated but because
I'm on a diet I'm going with water but we're ready are you good I'm good fun
1, 2, 3. . . Boom!
let's go Randy!
All right so I got four minutes of 26 seconds in I'll be a real dick if I
just finished now if there's nobody will finish after me so he's still leaving I
know I got him
I'll finish shortly before so people have a chance after me to finish.
While I'm waiting those the very very good burger the cheese and everything on here
are frickin awesome and don't get me wrong Jacob is killing it, he's eating
very fast but I'm gonna shut up get it down five minutes and seven seconds is
what I got which is the new record here at Burger Hero but with this challenge
keep on eating because if he beats it within the ten
minutes he still pays for the meal but he gets a free hat which will be a
second hat so let's go check it get it down!
Last bites, then his drink!
This is all fat-free - don't worry
Eight minutes and 45 seconds is what Jacob clocked in. He still has the number
two time from the last time he did it which was the 5 minutes and 27 seconds
what'd you think of the burger? Yeah we really just saved the time for enjoying
it but no it really wants a good burger loved how they cooked the meat medium or
like I asked and the cheese and bacon everything went well on there but 5
minutes and 7 seconds is the new record I'm going to get the 25 Australian
dollar meal for free and I will also get a sweet hat from burger hero here and
Bradden area of Canberra a CT the Australian Capital Territory my second
win in a CT and in the Canberra area but yeah awesome win big thanks to everybody
who came to watch really appreciate everybody watching our Channel
it was my overall win number 502 will be going for one more here in Canberra
tomorrow but thank you guys for watching!
SPAWN GUIDE for VALKYRIE the New Resistance Map CoD WW2 - Duration: 11:22.welcome to JGod gaming in a today's video we're gonna be looking at the
spawns for Valkyrie and team deathmatch domination and hardpoint and then I will
also have the capture the flag spawns up on the screen as well which all can be
found in the description below I'll also be having the different time
stamps so that you could skip ahead if you only play a specific mode or had
questions about a specific mode spawns so go ahead and check that out in the
description below so while I map still loading up hopefully can help me out
with this part which is the video has a light goal of 75 so hopefully you can
help me get up there if you do enjoy the video make sure you click that like
button subscribe if you haven't already make sure you ring that Bell have the
notifications on and then make sure you leave a comment in the bottom I've been
noticing there's been a little bit of downtick and comments but I pretty much
haven't been asking for them in the videos so if you can I'd like to know
your thoughts down in the comment section below please and thank you so
for the spawns you can see them on the map in the top right corner they're very
limited just to these edges of the map so the top right corner in the lower
left corner which make it very easy to trap your enemy team in in a designated
area so as I've played this map online I was able to actually find the top spawns
pretty easily and I kind of just hit it in the one room up there and just kind
of pick people off as it came around by the truck which you'll see demonstrated
in this video with the bots I use bots just demonstration purposes again so you
can actually see that the spawns are working the way that I am talking about
them working through trial and error I was able to find out this is where you
spawn obviously when you get into different modes the spawns do change
quite a bit so just keep in mind that when we go into the next mode and the
mode after that responds are slightly different especially on this map with a
hard point it does get kind of way more spawns which is nice to see
but those sponsors be corporated in the map on a regular basis so I'm just kind
of navigating around the map I got my recon plane already up so I got a idea
of where people are so I'm just gonna go ahead and call that in right now as soon
as I get this next kill and then pretty much just position myself so that I can
take out these people coming around this truck side you can see you can just peek
out they come on the other side of that truck so since it blocks the view of
them they'll continually spawn in the back corner so you can see
they're either gonna be pushing out through mid or they're gonna be pushing
out through this left side so I continue to just hold down the area right here
and just kind of position back and forth because I know they're gonna keep
popping out obviously they're BOTS but when I did play with regular people I
was just in the building right behind me now that the spawns are starting on a
flip I go and rotate back to the other side and you'll experience the same
thing they all spawn from the same general area and I could push through
this right side here that you see me going through and then pretty much I
could pop out and take them off coming off a spawn and just kind of get them
coming off this way so the spawns are again very predictable
on this map they're very rigid they're gonna keep coming over here and even
though I'm in this area I got enough of my teammates that they're probably not
gonna flip yet so you can see that they pushed out through this building and as
soon as I go ahead and come over here then they start spawning behind me again
so again the spawns are very rigid will probably skip on to the next next part
of domination but if you have any questions about TDM spawns in general or
any questions about the video make sure you leave that down in the comment
section below so when it comes to the domination spawns you can see that
they're pretty similar there is one or two different areas on the right-hand
side in that top corner where the spawns have been stretched to just a little bit
and then you can also see the different areas that you're supposed to cap and
that's pretty much kind of how this map plays it's not too much different than
what I was just talking about on team deathmatch but I'll demonstrate some of
those things don't forget to like the video if you're still watching and
enjoying the content make sure you go ahead and subscribe and have those
notifications on by ringing that bell so I go ahead and start the map off and I
already know they're gonna be pushing from that top right side so what I do is
I go ahead and push kind of through the middle get this flag just so I can get
the points get me on my way to my recon plane because you know the points are a
little bit slower in domination and then I push around knowing that they're
already at the V flag so I come through cut this area and pretty much you can
actually get the two different windows so if this teammate behind me isn't
stayin looking straight right there I wouldn't have to worry about it but you
can see now they're only gonna be pushing out of this top right corner and
there's a guy slipping around the right side to go for a flank so I'll go ahead
and turn around take him out and pretty much as long as you got that
the two flags if you got either a and B or B and C you can actually Center your
focus so that you can actually kind of cut off your enemy opponents from
pushing too far you don't really want a triple cap on this map just because the
way you can position you can pretty much just corner them off if you do get a
triple cap you got to have a really good team together to make sure that you
don't flip the spawns because you already have them corralled in this area
push a little too much deeper then you're gonna go ahead and cut off the
spawn you can see right now I'm standing kind of in one of those spawn zones and
they just keep coming out they'll just keep coming out and as long as I keep
doing this they'll keep coming out of that area the the team didn't do a good
job of countering them in that corner but pretty much that's what you can do
in domination if you happen to spawn over by the top right side from the
beginning now or you're pushing from that side you can do the same thing on
the opposite if you just get the C flag and the B flag you can kind of Center
the enemy team there might be a random spawn as a result if you push too far so
that's really why you want to stay on the outside of this spawn area just so
they can continue to spawn in that corner so you can see even though my
team is kind of pushing right at c-captain see the enemy team keeps
pushing through this corner side and spawning on this corner side we might
have pushed a little too deep it looks like one of them snuck all the way
around or the spawns flip so you see now I'm pushing over to the other side take
out this guy and then pretty much continue to push because now we're
starting to lose that objective and the enemy team keeps spawning on this other
side so I pushed forward a little bit closer we take them out pretty quickly
and then the spawns proceed to start flipping again so that's pretty much the
method obviously this is a triple cap typically I don't really recommend
triple cap I recommend just the two and hold the people off because then you got
better control you want the map pan real quick and you got a really good
coordinated team triple capping is fine but typically as soon as you go for that
triple cap the spawns flip and then they take over the other cap so it's still
like your double cap so keep that in mind we'll go ahead and move on to hard
point again while that's loading up just a friendly reminder make sure you click
that like button down into the bottom of the screen there and then go ahead and
make sure you subscribe if you haven't already and have them notifications on
by ringing that bell so with the with the different hardpoint locations you
can see there's tons responds there's tons of spawn so as
though the spawn point rotates with the actual hard point you'll kind of see
those happen as we kind of play through so right now it's at mid as the time
progresses I know they're coming from this back corner because that's kind of
a standard spawn but as the hard point is going to begin to rotate you're gonna
see some of the changes to the spawns of direction to where enemies are coming
from so typically the the spawns are always gonna be opposite of each other
so for example at the start of the the match for hardpoint one spawns are the
bottom left and then the top right but when the hardpoint rotates to maybe
a different point you're gonna have different spawn points that are opposite
of each other that are pretty close in distance as far as how far you got to
walk now when it for this map so if you're looking at the map right now you
probably won't actually see a difference until we get to a hard point three or
hard point four just because they want to make it so that the enemy team or the
the team that's not in the hard point has an equal chance to get to the hard
point based off the ways design so this one it still looks like bottom left top
right corner for the spawns so pretty much that's the way this this hard point
holds out nothing crazy there and then we just gotta wait for it to rotate and
pretty much see where the change happens there it looks like spawns flipped a
little bit now they're coming from the bottom-left spawns and pushing through
that direction but it just depends on how the how the maps planes so right now
we have so many teammates in the hardpoint
the spawns are coming from that bottom left and probably bottom mid so when you
when you play the map you you have to be aware of where the spawns are or the
spawn you know rotations are gonna be where the next rotation is gonna be so
you can better prepare for it a lot of times when I play the actual game I
actually pull up the maps on my screen like I said those are available to just
click on and you can download them to your phone or your computer so right now
I'm rotating to the next hard point they're still spawning bottom left but
my teammate will probably start spawning bottom right just so that we have an
equal push once everyone dies out or makes it to the center that's pretty
much where the push will be coming from either this bottom left or bottom right
not too much pushing from it so that's probably a
good opportunity if you want a flank around since the majority of everyone's
gonna be pushing through the right and the left you can actually come from the
top side from from a hard point one and cut down to a hard point three so you
can see that demonstrated they are pushing a little bit through mid but it
looks like they went straight through and then cut down so but their spawning
still left side they still have a straggler up top might have spawned up
there may have just walked around that way but for the most part you can see
the spawns are coming from the left on the right side where my teammates
positioned they might have forced a spawn to go top right and that's why
they're straggling to come down here so the spawns do move a little bit like I
said they're not 100% fixed that they're only gonna sponsor this location or that
location but you can see pretty pretty you know straight forward that they're
they're spawning top right so now I got the next hard point and this hard point
where we should get these bottom-left spawns I'm more than likely and they're
gonna either get that mid right spawn or top right spawn so the left spawns are
probably the more ideal for this situation just because you got to walk a
lot farther if you're coming from the right side they could potentially come
down at the bottom to where hardpoint 3 is it's just a matter of knowing the map
is you kind of filling out where your teammates are because a lot of times
it's gonna be dictated where you're at where your teammates are at and then
where the hard points at not necessarily where the enemy teams at so they want to
make sure that they're spawning people and safe spawn locations the only way
they can do that is if there's really none of your teammates around so your
teammates are too deep in the spawn they're probably gonna ruin the spawn
there so while that continues to roll in the background I switch over to capture
the flag spawn points just on the screen I don't want to do a whole map of that
one because it's pretty straight forward there are pretty similar responds to
what we've seen so far top right corner bottom left corner nothing new there and
then there's these little little routes right in the middle where it's gonna
spawn you right in the bottom mid and then top mid so I think those ones are
more just to prevent spawn trapping because as soon as you trap the spawn in
the other area but I'm sure people are smart enough to figure out how to stop
that so it's just a matter of playing the map hopefully you enjoyed the spawn
guide again the light goal is 75 so if you can help me out with that go ahead
and smash that like button if you can right now please thank you and then also
go ahead and subscribe if you're still watching you probably enjoy this type of
content and you probably want to stay up to date with my new videos so make sure
you ring that Bell keep the notifications on support still
being great channels still been growing thank you all so much thank you for
watching in as always have a great day
FNAF 1 Part 1 - GO AWAY BONNIE! - Duration: 18:50.Hello, everybody!
My name is Cyber Miner, and OH MY GOSH
It's been FOREVER since I have posted,
I feel REALLY bad XD
Um, so I happen to have gotten
Five Nights at Freddy's, frickin, what,
four years late, now? It's - yeah, it's four years late
And I have yet to actually play it,
I figured I could go ahead and do that
eeeeeehhhhhh, I'm not ready for this... ;-;
I've seen playthroughs *cough* MARKIPLER XD *cough*
so, I'm probably gonna run out of power, more like -
and die by Freddy more likely
than anything
else *INHALES*
*scared whine*
look at the fan XD
*unintelligible due to technical difficulties*
(I should really have muted the phone call)
*stares at poster on wall*
Don't run
Don't yell
Don't scream
Stay close to mom
and don't touch Freddy
Don't hit
and leave before dark.
*unintelligible due to technical difficulties*
*sarcasm* That's not suspicious at ALL.
How did-
Oh no, that's from
(something about the light circle cutting off the top of the posters)
I was looking at the posters.
(I thought my mouse was invisible lol)
I wonder -
can you see my mouse?
What was that, Mangle?
NO, the bite of '87 was Golden Fredbear.
('83? I don't remember lol)
(no idea)
No one moving yet
no surprise there...
Oh, this is SO EASY
How many years since I've posted a video?
Definitely... (unintelligible)
(Chica there)
(Chica gone ;-;)
(looking for Bonnie)
(I hate you so much right now -_-)
Excuse me
I had to turn my microphone off for a bit
*slightly hysterically* HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO COME OUT ON NIGHT ONE
what did I do wrong... ;-;
I -
Chica's been missing for a long time
and now I have to... (i dunno)
NEVERMIND, she's in the kitchen
...never mind
...Foxy's still peeking...
Bonnie's over there
Chica's in the kitchen
Well, might as well roll into the second night, why not?
I'm gonna die horribly to Foxy... ;-;
Oh jeez
Yes, hello Phone guy...
my goodness...
(not sure what I'm saying, something about them moving early)
...ONLY NIGHT 2 ;-;
It's dark
...that's what I was about to say
Where'd Bonnie go...
(I don't know lol)
That was fast...
Chica's missing
That was...
...standing, actually
go away >.<
*hysterical laughter*
astchsa -
I DEFINITELY wanted to see you at 1 AM
And Bonnie is STILL there...
BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP Will this make him go away?
I'm just used to watching people playing this
really fast-paced
*more purring*
Cause they suck at the beginning so they don't know any better
the by the ti- they finally time-
by the time they do
finally get better
they're running out of power
the power budget
nothing there - I guess they're both on the dining room
I-are they-are they both in there?
I'm- apparently
Oh yaay, it's already (2 am? I dunno)
I just realized I had the sound turned way up high
I do not want to get jumpscared with my headphones turned up
way up high
2 AM, whooptey dooo
Please, change to 3
Sooner, rather than later would be nice
Oh there's Bonnie, ok that's nice
It's nice that way
cause Chica, please stay over there
don't move
It's not actually THAT scary
it's just -
He's gonna be there the rest of the night, isn't he
Or - or not
Where did he -
He's in the dining area with Chica
who's been hanging in there
for 3 hours now
Ok then
Chica, stay there
cause at
at - at this power left I should be at 5
*furiously mathing in my head*
*sarcasm* no one expected that or anything
I'm gonna run out of power
You're good
Chica hasn't moved
Bonnie's gone!
He's over there
Thought so
*more purring*
Quarter of my power left... >.<
and only halfway through the night
I'm gonna die by Freddy~
Freddy go away
Oh there's Bonnie
Chica NO
Chica NO
Chica no
Why me ;-;
not there...
walking around
That was Bonnie
they're both coming for meeeeee
that goes fine
Eeeeeehhhhh, I don't like that
You're not there yet
Stop moving
It's 5 AM, thank goodness
Ok, I might
Well, I'm just gonna sit here then
It's 5 AM
My power is going down really fast
(0% lol)
It's night 2...
and I'm already dealing with running out of power
Haaaaiiii.... Freddyyyy ;-;
Six o' clock
*quiet sobbing*
All right, see y'all later people
I... am not ready for night 3
Mike Posner On The Origins of His New Live Album - Duration: 4:15.A moment is just a...this is a moment.
You know it's just....
Here we are
Is that what they say?
I've always been a poet
I've always been writing poetry, this whole
business started with this album because one day in
rehearsal I just did a poem while the band was
playing and it sounded incredible.
From there I just made this ridiculous goal of
creating a new piece for each show and the band
never...they never heard what I was gonna do.
Sometimes I don't know what I'm gonna do because
I'm making it up as I go and then we're never gonna
do it again, it's just for this show.
And I thought that was a really special way to
approach the concerts.
The poems for this album, I picked the ones that I
picked for the record just intuitively.
I remember which ones felt especially, I like the
word transcendent.
Where, of course, I'm Mike Posner on the stage, the
fan is the fan, we're doing a concert but then
if you hit the moment just right
All that goes away and you get at something
underneath it all, like what's really going on in
the room.
And I also wanted it to be in order, chronologically,
of how they were performed.
So you go kinda on the journey with us on the tour.
I would say my favorite poems are the first two,
"I Believe" and "Dear Mom"
"I Believe", to me, is just sort of a reminder for me.
All these things I believe in conceptually or things
I don't believe in conceptually.
That was really, yeah, it's important for me to include.
When my mom first heard "Dear Mom" we didn't say a
lot of words about it, I mean she said something
like "That really meant a lot to me" but it was more
than the words.
You know I think I could feel what she felt at the time.
She felt appreciated, she is.
You don't have to be an artist or have a
microphone to tell someone you love um or appreciate um.
I spent seven days in total solitude.
Often when you go to a retreat you cede control.
But this was not that.
This was, you're just here.
And there's no direction either.
Seven days of nothing to do.
And I finished unpacking and I sit on the floor and
I'm just, I just have to, you know, build up the
courage to be with myself.
The first thing my mind did was try to make
something up to do.
Cause it's so afraid of being still.
You know often we're running around trying to
make things perfect.
So we're looking outside, right, to perfect the
things out here, to make them just right.
So, we feel good in here.
Instead of looking that way, look this way.
What I realized was, I was really there to be cool.
I wanted to later tell people I spent seven days
alone and have them think I was deep, which is ridiculous.
It's a ridiculous reason to do something and I
realize I do that a lot.
I thought well actually I have a real opportunity
because I'm having this cool experience.
I can talk about it, I can share about it and
actually try to give what I got, if anything.
I started the podcast for that reason which was,
I wanted to share the things I was learning for myself
and maybe other people already know them.
Maybe people will think I'm preaching to them and
I'm sure some people do and that's okay.
But there's other people who it will resonate with.
Of course all the things I was learning will come out
in my music and my poetry but also I just wanted to
tell this story.
Scarecrow Vampire Fangs Unboxing & Try on | - Duration: 4:03.[This is...this is....*dying*]
Hello guys and welcome back to my channel!
For those of you that are new here, my name is Andreea.
Hope you stick around!
Today I was really excited because I got something in the mail that I had ordered a week ago;
so it didn't take long to get here.
And of course it's no big surprise, because I think you already see the title of this
This is what I got.
So I got my own Scarecrow Vampire Fangs and I am so excited about these because I read
a lot of good reviews so, I just wanted to try them out.
Because who doesn't want a pair of vampire fangs...
So I thought that since I ordered these, it would be like a fun video for me to open them
on camera and also try them out.
I got mine by the way in a size small, because they had the regular ones and the small ones.
So since my teeth are on the small size, I went ahead and got these ones.
I'm so excited about this!
So these are the two fangs right here and if you open this up...
Hope I don't lose them...
So when you open that up, you have the things you need in order to get them in there.
So you have like a little mixing bowl here.
This is the adhesive, I guess, the little liquid here.
You also have these small capsules that will get mixed with the adhesive; at least this
is what they say.
Do not attempt to do this if you don't read the instructions, because this is not a toy,
so yeah!
So, I will just move my camera angle in order for you to see what I am doing and how I am
mixing everything together.
And yeah; then let's get some fangs on!
Okay, so we have our mixing bowl here and you're supposed to take one of these capsules,
and then your liquid and your mixing stick.
So once you have your paste, you'll take your tooth and put some of that on the walls.
Hope you see what I am doing...
This is tedious work right here, so... sorry.
This is what they look like.
It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's so weird to talk with these on.
These are not usually the videos that I make but this was fun, so... okay...
I can't stop looking at myself actually...
So that was it, guys for today's video; I'm just gonna talk like this all the way through
this outro, because I cannot...
And thank you for watching, hope you enjoyed it and if you liked it, don't forget to give
it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel...
*Dying of laughter*
... if you like the sort of videos that I make.
Until next time!
[KDMO] Exploring Green Zone and Village of Smiles! - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
Setsu Dubs || The Road to El Dorado || Fencing and Chel-dorado (Eng sub) - Duration: 2:28.He gave me loaded dice!
Guard! Arrest him!
How dare you insult my honor!?
It's him who's a fraud! Arrest him!
- He cheated those sailors and took their money! - Oh? Now I'm a the thief?
- Yup! - Try take a look at yourself in the mirror, buddy!
You give them their money back, or else I'll-... En garde!
En garde yourself! I promise that you'll get a quick and painless... death!
But not with that one! A duel that's fair!
Well! Any last word?
I'll cut you into shreds!
What cockiness! Let your sword speak for you!
Just you wait! It's the definition of well spoken!
Take this!
You shuffling, twinkle toe, small fry!
- You fence like my sister! - I have fenced with her! Thanks for the compliment!
- Scum! - Heathen!
Not in the face, not in the face!
Ladies and gentlemen! We have deciced that it ended in a tie!
Thanks for coming! It was nice! See ya!
Maybe they should call this place "Chel-Dorado"
Yea, she's pretty rouuug-
WAIT! She's dangerous! Just wait a sec! - What??
The little voice.
Do you remember the little voice that-aghrtst
Just try and imagine that you got one!
What would it then say about Chel?
-NO!! No! Listen! We're partners. - We're partners!
- We have a plan! Do you remember that? - Grab the gold and go home to Spain!
Yes! Aaand... We're pretending to be gods!
Good! Add Chel to the picture, what is the little voice telling you?
Try listen... Really carefully!
Chel is.... No touchy, hm?
Bravo! Chel is no touchy! Put it there!
No touchy!
We're also supposed to be gods. We cannot give into temptations.
Gods-urgh... This is gonna be tougher than I thought.
Tulio, relax!
You just gotta smile, be god-like and do as I do.
San Francisco 49ers Draft Needs 2018 (Part 2) - Duration: 8:19.Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers
and going to be talking about the NFL Draft needs for the 49ers this year
coming in April or May. I don't know when it's going to happen, but it's going to happen
soon enough, but let's just dive into it. But before I get this video started,
hmm got this hat right here. I think I wore this a long time ago. Kind of
found it in my house in Charlotte. So decided to wear right now. I don't know
why, but got to give it a little change of scenery right here for me and I guess
for you guys as well. So hope you guys enjoy and let's just get into it.
Now the 49ers, they did a pretty good job near the end of season. I think you all
know summary yay, yay, yay. Jimmy Garoppolo, savior for the 49ers. No quarterback is needed
for this draft anymore. We don't look for Baker Mayfield or Josh Rosen or all
those other quarterbacks from this year's draft and what have you.
I'm not a fan of any of the quarterbacks to be honest with you. Now, we got Jimmy
Garoppolo and CJ Beathard as our quarterbacks. We don't have to worry
about that position. That position is no longer in need and I'm happy to say that.
No free agency, no draft. This time, the 49ers can focus on stuff to improve
around Jimmy Garoppolo and the defense as well because they can use a little
bit of help and I think with this draft and free agency, I think it's going to
really elevate the 49ers into playoff contenders potentially.
I don't know exactly, but I feel like with this roster right now; the way they were playing in 2017.
If they can keep it up, they can definitely make the playoffs for 2018.
So let's go. Alright, so the top three needs for the 49ers in my opinion are interior
lineman, wide receiver and defensive end. I think those are the three biggest
needs for the 49ers right now in the draft.
I think interior lineman is number one in my opinion because Brian Hoyer, CJ
Beathard before, they were getting beat up like crazy, especially CJ Beathard.
I felt really bad for him. I think one game I don't remember which one, but I think got
sacked like four or five times. I felt very, very bad for him. Man, gosh.
Jimmy Garoppolo didn't take the big beating as much. Maybe Jimmy Garoppolo was able to
take the ball faster; was able to avoid the sacks and avoid the pressure and
what-have-you. So I guess there's a little experience right there.
CJ Beathard hopefully, everything goes well for him whenever he needs to play.
I still think offensive lineman is still a big need for the 49ers just in case.
So I don't get my man, our golden boy Mr. handsome, Jimmy Garoppolo. A lot of people like to
call him handsome for some reason. He is a handsome guy. Nothing right there, but you
know what I mean. I don't want him to get beat up and I'm pretty sure nobody in
Niner Nation wants him to get beat up because that would be so unfortunate if
he gets injured next season and I don't think it's going to happen, but you never
know, In today's NFL, everyone's getting injured like crazy.
I mean Odell Beckham, JJ Watt. All these good stars end up going out during the middle of the season.
Injuries happen. It's the NFL. That kind of sucks. So offensive lineman,
it looks really good I would say. It's better in the last season, in the last
couple of games than it was in the beginning of the season. Joe Staley, Trent
Brown always a freaking beast, even though Joe Staley is getting up there in age.
If we can fix the interior lineman, then I think we should be set on
offensive lineman. I might talk about free agents that might help the 49ers in
the offensive linemen position and other position needs in another video, but
right now, I'm just going to be talk about the draft and position needs in particular.
So offensive linemen, always crucial. No offensive linemen, no help
because you can just ask I don't know. Uh... I don't know what the bad team is, but you
can ask what right now? I guess the Dallas Cowboys.
They're pretty good. I mean they're not as good as a couple years ago. They had some injuries.
Tyron Smith, but when they're out there, man. They're out there.
That offensive lineman is just freaking big and freaking destructive right there I would say.
Offensive linemen, a big need for the 49ers. Alright, let's get into the next one.
The next one I would say is wide receiver. Now I'm going to be changing
this a little bit. I don't think we need to look for a number, number one receiver right now.
I think Marquise Goodwin can be a number one receiver under Jimmy Garoppolo.
If this was another quarterback, I would not say Marquise Goodwin
is a number one receiver. I'd say he's a deep threat. Maybe almost number
one, but he's a number two receiver in my opinion for any team. With Jimmy Garoppolo,
he could be number one receiver for him and Pierre Garcon, he was injured.
He never got to play on the Jimmy Garoppolo. I don't think he did. He's going to be
coming back to 2018 I think. I don't think there's anything crazy, any trades
or whatever; but assuming Pierre Garcon comes back, which I think he will, it's
going to be even better. Jimmy Garoppolo the talent that he work with. I mean it's not
the best talent that the 49ers have this year, but next year, they're going to be even
better in my opinion with him, Marquise Goodwin, Pierre Garcon,
Trent Taylor, Victor Bolden Jr. I hope he gets more time. I think he was injured unfortunately.
Hopefully, he gets more playing time. I think with a full
offseason with Kyle Shanahan's offense and the way it's going to expand even more.
Because last year, he didn't really get a chance to expand on the playbook
because he only had a couple of games. He didn't really have no time to warm up
I guess you can say for the whole season because he was
on the bench with New England. With everything, with all the offseason stuff
and programs and training camp, I think this core is going to be even better.
You got the running backs of course. Carlos Hyde, he's a free agent, but I
think they're going to be signed him eventually. Joe Williams, he's out there waiting.
He's on IR from last year. So that should be able to work out. Matt Breida,
Raheem Mostert. I think he's a free agent as well, but I think he's a
restricted free agent. It's a weird situation with Mostert, but it's going to be
really exciting to see this offense going together and also George Kittle.
Really good tight end. Emerging as a good tight end for the 49ers right now.
I'm just really excited this offense. I mean the past couple years, I have not been
excited for the offense with Blaine Gabbert, Colin Kaepernick.
It's been pretty stale. I got to blame the coaches for all that, Jim Tomsula and Geep Chryst.
Very bad. Chip Kelly, couldn't really get anything going. I've kind of feel bad for
him, but couldn't really get anything going. Kyle Shanahan, he just needs the
right quarterback and he finally has his quarterback. So he can unleash his
playbook like he did in Atlanta and it should be great time. Hopefully, he can
replicate the offense like he did in Atlanta, except Super Bowl time near the
end, but I think it can work out. Wide receiver, not a dominant, dominant
receiver, but someone that we can rely on in third down situations maybe and
another target along with Marquise Goodwin and Pierre Garcon. I think it's going to
work out really well. Got another target for Garoppolo and it should be
even better in my opinion. Offensive line and wide receiver on the offensive side of
the ball, I think it should work out. Now defensive end, I think that's a big need.
At first, I was like eh. Got these young guys, Solomon Thomas and what have you.
Trying to emerge as a great defensive end, but you know. I'm looking at the sack total.
They were I think in the middle of the pack. A little bit lower echelons in the
NFL in terms of sacks by the defense. Hopefully, they can get some more.
They need to get a dominant, dominant pass rusher and one person I do like from the
draft this year is I think Bradley Chubb from NC State. That guy looks like a
fricking stud and it'd be really cool if we can get with a 9th or 10th pick, but I
think he's going to be gone way then and it'd be nice to try it out for him.
I would actually trade up for him to be honest with you. I really like this guy
from NC State. So if they can get him, that's great. But if not, then they can
focus on something else. Defensive end, got to get the sack totals up.
Got to pressure the quarterback even more. That's really pretty much it for all
these draft needs. Wide receiver, interior lineman, defensive end. I think if they
can get all that together from agency and the draft in particular, then I
think they'll be fine and I would say defensive back, but literally, the last
couple of weeks, they've emerged as a great defensive backfield I would say.
Adrian Colbert, Eric Reid. From linebacker, back to I think free safety now.
It looks really good. I mean Eric Reid kind of struggled for the past season or two.
I mean he wasn't like his 2013 rookie season Pro Bowl from. Now he's looking
like that guy again. Hopefully, he can stay away from the concussions because he's
had some concussions issues early on in his career. I think he had two in his rookie season.
That was pretty unfortunate, but what can you do right
and I think Dontae Johnson's on the other side. NC state guy as well.
I'm liking this backfield right now. I think it's a lot better than it was in the
first couple of weeks of the season and some rotation changes were from Robert
Saleh, boom! Not too bad at all. Not too bad.
So I'm not really concerned about the defensive backfield, although it would be
nice to get some depth as always for the defensive backfield or any other
position that the 49ers need. But those three positions that I mentioned are the
biggest needs that they should be addressing in the first couple of rounds
from one to three in my opinion and in free agency as well. I like the draft more
than free agency. I'm not a big fan of free agency as much as the draft
because hey, you have to overpay people in free agency to get what you want.
Sometimes, they don't even fit your system. Sometimes, they're not the best
players at all. They're not the way that they were before in the other team.
Not the biggest fan of free agency, but maybe it can work out. That's going to be pretty
much it you guys. Please let me know what you guys draft needs are for the 49ers.
Are they the same as mine? Are they different? You guys have something else
on your mind? Do you guys agree with me? All that cool stuff. Please comment below.
If you guys like this please "Like," SUBSCRIBE, do whatever you want with us and
I'll be catching you guys up later. So I hope you guys have a nice day, nice weekend,
nice whatever. Sorry if this video was a little bit long, but got to talk about the
draft because the draft is the most exciting part of the year in the
offseason. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye guys, Love y'all!
Awesome Cake Decorating Technique Compilation 2018 | Cake Style 2018 - Most Satisfying Videos - Duration: 10:21.Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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The Phone thats tells the Truth | Franco Benalak - Duration: 4:11.What's up bro? See you in 20 minutes?
Yes, yes
See you later
Bro, check out this app, wtf? It detects the lies of others
Hey bro, so…, see you in 20 or 30?
Yes, bro, in 30 minutes
No f***ng way, man, in 30 minutes? You're insane, dude
I just woke up, I'm f***ng messed up
And it takes me a lot to sh*t and take a shower
Yes, I'm in the car, approximately 30 minutes
My Love ♥️😍
Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?
Hey, my love, I'm doing well, but I'm tired…
I had many things to do today, and tomorrow the same
Actually… bad, I didn't even want to answer your call
I wish I could finally break up with you
And I hope you never, ever find out that I've been cheating on you with Brandon for months
This is so unfair!!
Mom? Can I talk to you for a minute?
Of course, sweetheart, what is it? Everything okay?
I don't know what's going on with me or my phone
Since morning I've been listening all the truths of all
I realized that everyone lie to me
In the morning, I was about to go out with Brandon…
…and he was like "yes, in 30 minutes" but, the he told me that he wasn't even awake
Then I called my girlfriend…
…and it turns out that she was cheating on me with Brandon, so…
I don't even know what to think or what to do
I feel bad… I just need a hug form my mother, you know?
You're adopted
Guys! Thank you a lot for watching my first sketch - skit
I hope you liked it
many sketches are coming and…
better, of course
This was the first one, it was a pilot, so… let's see how good is what's coming
Do not forget to subscribe, smash the like button if you liked the video, comment what ever you want
And, obviously, subscribe to these channels
You know, in the other channels I vlog, and in this I will do videos like this one
So… I really hope you liked it
Again, thank you and, see you in the next video!
Take care, guys!
Bye… and subscribe
I mean it, subscribe
Surprise! We have an exciting announcement! | Behind the Scenes - Duration: 3:53.Hello my beauties! No I'm just kidding!
Okay, so Mia's actually in the studio over here
and she's filming a little something
So I thought I'd give you a little backstage access
to show you what's it like behind the scenes
of those fabulous videos
So biggest secret
is that whatever you don't see in the video
is actually a huge mess, so check this out!
Oh hey! What's up?
I'm just showing your fans you know
behind the scenes what it's actually like
Yeah, well actually do you want to tell them?
Yeah now, why not? You tell them
No you tell them!
Okay we both tell them
Okay fine
Squeeze me in
Okay so we have some very exciting news for you guys
as you know for the past five years
Asian Beauty Secrets has been all about health benefits
beauty remedies, makeup tips and everything
Growing up as a Chinese girl in a Western country
has really inspired me to share of all those remedies
and health and beauty tips
that was passed down to me from my family.
And it's so great to have a community
that I really like to connect with
and it really allows me to share with you everything
that I've learned and I've experienced
and it really also helps me
to develop like new products
like the new Belle Bar skin care range
And of course without you guys
that could not be possible and I'm so grateful
for your support, and because of that
I want to make this channel even better!
We want to incorporate more content, different varieties,
more host, and make this into a bigger family
Because that's what it's all about right?
So what does that mean exactly?
It means that we'll be changing the name
from "Asian Beauty Secrets" to "Beauty Within"
Yeah, cause when we're thinking about the name
we're like "what is beauty?"
and beauty really does start from within.
You know everything from what time you sleep?
For how long?
What you put in your body? What you eat?
And even things like confidence and habits
You know the foundation is all laid
from what we build inside
Don't worry, this doesn't mean you have
to go subscribe to a new channel
we just want to give you a heads up
so when you come back you don't see
a random new change and things
like that be freaking out going
"what the heck?"
Like "when did I subscribe to this?"
so another thing if you haven't noticed already
is that you'll probably be seeing
more host like myself and it's actually interesting
because we both been doing Youtube for a while now
But it's only recently that
we're both here in New York City so we thought
why not join forces and create more
exciting content expand on everything
that Mia has done already, but also take you out
and explore the city
because like what other better city
to explore than New York right?
And we'll also be incorporating things like challenges
and of course keeping the makeup and skincare aspect
Because you know with different hosts
you can relate to different people
and we have different styles
So that's all exciting things to come
So in celebration
we're going to give you a little
sneak peak of what's to come
So this is day 4 of the no makeup makeup
So I'm here at "Envious Lashes!"
Makeup swap challenge! Ahahaha…..
Styling to the hair!
My voice just broke…….
Is this thing even on?
Mermaid lashes, this is going to be hectic!
this smells like rotten fruit
Oh my God, Mia….
How Can You Love The Sound Of Your Own Voice with Ella Glasgow - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
NORWOOD SAGBRUK - En tradisjon full av oppfinnsomhet, innovasjon og integritet - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
[BL] What The Duck - The Series - Episódio 9 legendado [PT BR \ Español] - Duration: 40:34.-------------------------------------------
Dark Water - Duration: 1:41:21.OZ PRODUCTION
And tomorrow, we can practice singing, okay?
Okay, see you tomorrow! Okay!
Okay, see you tomorrow!
Yoshimi, who's coming to get you?
Miss Yoshimi Matsubara.
Well, your husband has no objections on the division of property.
So it is our daughter?
He's absolutely insistent that he won't give up custody.
I wonder why he's saying this now?
Up to this point, he's never taken care of her, not even once.
Perhaps it's just that you've never noticed.
He may have, in his own way...
No, that's not it at all!
Every year, he forgets her birthday!
Where are you living?
I'm looking for a place for my daughter and myself right now.
But I'll be deciding this week.
Just a small question.
Is it true that you once received psychiatric treatment?
Did he tell you that?
That was before we were married.
Over ten years ago, now.
I was working proofreading novels at the time, and...
You mean correcting spelling mistakes, that sort of thing?
And some of the novels I was working on then
were extremely graphic and sadistic.
So it was a distraction to your work?
No, you see, the content was just so horrible!
And I had to read them over and over again.
So that's when you started going for treatment?
I see.
Is that going to...
Oh, no, that shouldn't present a problem.
You know, I...
I haven't had any problems at all since then.
It's all right.
And unless something major occurs,
the mother usually has the advantage
when the child is six years old or younger.
My being treated before,
that doesn't matter anymore.
Hey, a fact is a fact.
What's wrong with telling the truth?
I don't think it will get you very far now.
Go straight along the river.
- Right here? - Yes.
Thank you very much.
Are you tired?
This next one is going to be the last, okay?
All right, I'm going on ahead.
What do you think this room is for?
Is that where you eat?
How about this one?
Where you sleep?
How about this little one over here?
That's my room!
Okay, I'm off to go see Iku-chan's room! Bye!
How many floors are there?
Gee, I don't know...
Can you count them?
One, two, three, four, five...
So, what do you think?
A real bargain, I'd say.
We'll think about it.
Please do!
Ms. Matsubara?
I've been waiting for you.
Please, come in.
The apartment manager lives here too.
So you can feel safe, even coming home at night.
It IS a bit old.
But it's solidly built, you know.
Mr. Kamiya!
I told you to wipe this up.
I'm sorry, it looks like a bucket of water spilled earlier.
After you.
Which way?
Here we are.
After you.
How old is your daughter?
Iku-chan, how old are you?
Almost six!
Oh, then you're going to be a kindergartener.
Mama, where's my room?
How about this one over here?
All right!
From here, you can walk to kindergarten.
Next week, interior decorators are going to come in,
and replace all of the wallpaper.
It will look so new you won't recognize it.
The humidity in here is unreal.
Well, with the rain that we've been having...
Most people use this room as a bedroom.
Oh, that's right,
I haven't shown you the kitchen yet, have I?
The kitchen will be made up nice soon too.
You'll find it easy to use.
It looked like that last family liked this place too.
"The early bird catches the worm."
Oh, really?
It's just the two of you, right?
Oh, then there's plenty of room!
A real steal.
Maybe she went outside?
I'm going to go check.
Excuse me, has my little girl been here?
We haven't seen her.
I see...
Baron, have you seen a girl?
He says he hasn't either.
That's my daughter!
Which floor was that?
Can't tell. They all look the same.
What were you doing?
I was looking all over for you.
Where did you get this?
It was lying on the ground.
Over there.
There aren't any children living here now.
Well, maybe some children came over to play.
It's your lucky day.
It's not right.
We don't know who these belong to.
You don't have to work so hard.
No problem!
Come back here!
You silly!
The sound really echoes, huh?
The sound really echoes, huh?
Gotta be careful, right?
Gotta be careful, right?
What the...
Count to ten on each tooth!
I am counting!
- Cheese! - Cheese!
Everyone, I'd like to introduce our new friend, Ikuko Matsubara.
Nice to meet you, I'm Ikuko Matsubara.
You don't seem very excited.
I'm Ikuko Matsubara!
All right! Pleased to meet you!
Welcome! Which floor, Ma'am?
The first floor, please.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
There's water leaking from our ceiling.
I'm Yoshimi Matsubara, we just moved into apartment 305.
There's a wet spot on my ceiling, and water is dripping down from it.
Well, the building is very old, you see.
So it gets a little rickety.
And so...
I'll make a note of it in the log.
All right, everyone!
Quiet down and listen up.
I want to introduce our newest friend on her first day!
Now, can you be energetic as you tell us your name?
Nice to meet you, I'm Ikuko Matsubara!
Now let's all be friendly to her, okay?
Thank you. Please.
We believe in giving children the freedom to do what they desire.
This is our basic educational philosophy.
All of our children are really outgoing.
Ikuko will make friends in no time.
- Please take care of her. - Not a problem.
Here you are.
Oh, thank you.
- Please, go ahead. - Thank you for the drink.
Principal, Kobayashi is here.
I hear that you called Ms. Tsushima stupid.
That's no good,
you're going to be an elementary school student soon.
You said it to Kusano and Uesugi, right?
That I'm stupid.
Why is Ms. Tsushima stupid?
What was it that you said?
"Ms. Tsushima is stupid because she's fat."
That's what you said, right?
What's that all about?
Is everyone who is overweight stupid?
What are you crying for?
Hey, Kobayashi!
Yes, why are you crying?
Is it our fault?
Well, that's not it, it's nobody's fault but your own.
<i>The place might be old, but I really doubt that that's the cause.</i>
I think that it might be a plumbing leak or something
from somewhere above us.
<i>Maybe from the room right above you.</i>
That's what I thought, so I went up and checked,
but no one answered.
Thank you for the food.
<i>I understand, I'll tell the apartment manager myself tomorrow.</i>
No, you see, he won't lift a finger, that's why I called you.
<i>But I'm not involved with management, you see.</i>
But water is dripping from my ceiling.
Okay, see you tomorrow!
Sorry to keep you waiting, I was a little tied up.
Where were we?
Oh, yes, Ms. Yoshimi Matsubara.
You have previous experience, correct?
I worked up until six years ago.
I see, I see...
At Sanyu Publishing, quite a large company.
As you can see, we're a small publisher.
Why did you leave Sanyu?
I got married and had a child.
Oh, I see, I see.
Are you sure you'd be okay with a little place like this?
The pay wouldn't be like what you got before, you know.
Well, I'm in a situation right now
where I really want to start working soon.
Of course, I don't mean taking a job just anywhere...
That's all right, I understand.
I'm sorry.
Mr. Kono!
Excuse me again, please.
I'm sorry for having to leave so many times.
Okay, goodbye!
What's going on?
Yoshimi's been waiting here by herself all this...
What? You can't just...
So who's coming to pick her up today?
I see.
Today, they said that your father's coming to get you.
So just wait a little longer, okay?
What about my mama?
Your mama? Well, your mama...
Sir, even if you say that,
there is just no way for us to deal with it...
Ms. Matsubara?
Oh, yes, I worked at Sanyu until six years ago, when I had my child.
My job was proofreading and revisions, and...
I look forward to working with you.
Hey, wait a second, Ms. Matsubara?
Don't just do whatever you want!
What do you mean, "whatever I want?"
What are you doing? You didn't even go to pick her up!
This has nothing to do with you!
Waiting there all alone...
Do you know how that feels?!
We're going home.
Let's go.
This is pretty.
Yes, it's pretty, it's pretty.
What does it look like to you?
A flower?
Do you want to try that?
Let's get some on the way home.
Where should we set the fireworks off?
We'd get in trouble on the balcony, right?
I'm okay with being with just you, Mama.
Did Papa say something to you?
I'm sorry.
As long as you're with me, Iku-chan,
I'll be okay, no matter what happens.
You have one new message.
<i>This is Kono, head of personnel at Mitsuba Publishing.</i>
<i>I'm really sorry for all of the commotion at your interview today.</i>
<i>In any case, I was thinking, that if you would like,</i>
<i>we would like for you to take over the proofreading and revisions...</i>
No way!
I got the job!
You got the job? You did it!
All right! I did it!
You did it!
Would you like to go to the top floor, Ma'am?
Yes, please.
Fourth floor, toys.
Going up!
Let's go!
No, don't!
Ow! That hurts, ow!
There, I win!
But that's not yours, Mit-chan.
That's no fair.
I like this one, so I'll give you this one, Mit-chan.
That's okay, right?
Iku-chan, turn off the water and come on out.
But she loves the bath. She's going to stay in it forever.
Come on now, time to come out.
Okay, let's play hide and seek!
First you start with rock,
rock, paper, scissors!
Okay, Mao-chan's it!
One... two... three... four...
Hey, can I hide here too?
This is our spot. Hide over there.
I'm ready!
What happened?
She suddenly threw up and collapsed?
That's never happened before.
You probably forced her to do something, didn't you?
No, not at all...
You two...
Just what have you done to my child?
We haven't done anything at all.
Ma'am, please try and calm down.
Please, please.
Lately, I've heard that Ikuko has been behaving strangely.
Apparently, she talks to herself a lot.
I also hear that you're divorced.
That must be affecting her.
We see this often with children of divorced parents.
As a matter of fact, she used to behave oddly too.
Although in Mitsuko's case,
her mother suddenly just left their house, and left her behind.
You've never heard of her?
About the girl who disappeared two years ago?
Mitsuko Kawai?
She was one of our children here.
Is she still missing?
I still think that she was kidnapped by some perverted individual.
Excuse me?
Apparently, you're late picking Ikuko up from kindergarten every day?
That can't be..."Every day"?
Is that incorrect?
Well, sometimes I get there late, because of work, but really...
"Every day"?
Who told you that?
And is it true you yanked on your daughter's arm
and dislocated her shoulder?
Dislocated it?
Why no, of course not!
What about your experiences in wandering about at night,
like you were sleepwalking?
Do you deny that?
It happened when I was a child.
My parents had divorced.
Apparently, I did such things without realizing it.
But it was only for a short period of time.
Well, I assure you that it would not happen now.
If the mother cannot show that she is capable of raising the child...
Don't just talk about anything you want to!
Why are you shouting about "talk about anything I want to?"
- But you did, didn't you? - Please, let's remain calm.
Who is this?
I'm Mr. Hamada's lawyer, Masato Nishioka.
Using a guy like this... Doing things like spying on us!
Hey, I'm just worried about Ikuko.
What are you saying, now of all times?
I don't care how you rationalize it, stop playing dirty!
Please, both of you.
We need to set the next date.
Right, sorry.
So it was you...
And the bag, you put it there.
The red bag on the roof!
Why did you do that?!
What are you talking about?
Ms. Matsubara!
Please cut it out!
Let's go inside, Mr. Hamada.
Are you all right?
I take it you're still in the middle of mediations.
If you let them see you like this,
they'll think you're unstable
which can only hurt you.
My secretary is off today, so this may be a little strong.
Whoops, I forgot the milk and sugar.
If they take my daughter away from me, I...
Your husband seems pretty serious.
We don't know where he'll move against you.
They say in cases with children under the age of six,
the mother has the advantage.
But if you continue along this path,
and your body and mind continue to weaken,
it will be nearly impossible for you to retain custody.
In any case, now is the most critical time.
If you wish to continue living with your daughter,
the first thing you need to do is pull yourself together.
Come now.
We can't get very far with you being down like that.
It'll be all right.
Let's do our best together.
Thank you very much.
Did she eat her lunch?
Sure did.
Girls are just the cutest things.
Auntie, leaving already?
Yeah, I have to buy something on the way home.
You know how he leaves it all to me.
Sorry, I know it's a long way.
You're the only one I can ask, Auntie.
It's all right.
You've done well with Ikuko.
A far cry from the mother you had.
My sister just couldn't think of anyone but herself.
Okay, see you later.
Thank you.
See you later.
Thank you.
Are you there?
It's me.
Is Ikuko with you?
Don't lie.
<i>I wouldn't lie about that!</i>
<i>Why? What happened?</i>
<i>Yoshimi! What's going on?</i>
Iku... Iku-chan!
Hello? Please open up!
Iku-chan, are you in there?
Iku-chan, are you in here?
Iku-chan! Iku-chan! Iku-chan!
Mitsuko Kawai...
May I come in?
Pardon me.
What are you doing?
We're moving out.
If you do that,
then Ikuko will have to change kindergartens again.
That's right.
Why not wait a while, until the deliberation is over?
That's impossible.
Ms. Matsubara...
You know that, as it stands, we're at a disadvantage, right?
On top of that, if you change the situation,
then the impression that the committee will get...
This is no time to be saying that!
Mitsuko has returned to the apartment upstairs,
and she's trying to take Ikuko away!
So the door to the apartment upstairs is unlocked, correct?
I'm sorry to bother you at such a busy time,
but I'd like for you to see this.
What the? How?
Mr. Kamiya!
But it should be locked.
Wow, you were right.
What is this?
The family of the girl that disappeared,
how long ago did they leave?
When was that?
It was the end of last year, wasn't it?
The father lived here for a while by himself.
He said that his daughter would have no place to come home to.
Which means, the water in here may have been running for over half a year.
Mr. Kamiya,
Ms. Matsubara complained to you about this once, didn't she?
Did you properly look into it then?
Mr. Kamiya,
there are a lot of people in line for your job, you know that.
There are a lot of people who can replace you.
Mr. Ohta,
I believe she also called you.
Well, I'm...
Well, what about the footsteps I heard?
Well, we know that Ikuko was in here.
So someone else could have gotten in too.
The bag was lying right here.
Did you throw the red bag away again?
Well, I threw it away once.
But I don't know anything about it being here again.
Maybe it's part of some superstition.
Either way, it's probably the work of some local kids.
But, man, look at how dirty this thing is.
Are you cleaning it properly?
That's the cleaning company's job.
I can go now, right?
I wonder if he's upset?
And then, right over there, there was someone over there.
Did you get a clear look?
It was just for an instant, but I saw something.
But I'll bet there was no one there when you checked.
Well, yes...
There's a highway over there, right?
And there's a neon sign on that building.
This water tank is exposed to light from all around.
If something passed in front of the light,
it would cast a shadow on the tank.
So it wouldn't be strange if you saw something.
coming up here, all alone at night,
and seeing what you saw,
that would scare anyone.
Your husband's lawyer has looked this over,
and agreed to the terms.
I don't think that this will compromise your position at all.
Thank you very much.
Just remember, this is simply a set of legal points worked out by lawyers.
So just continue with your daily routine, and try and remain focused.
I will.
Well, I think that you'll be fine.
Do you think that you're ready to go back to kindergarten?
I can!
Well, you seem better!
I would really like to thank you for all that you've done.
On my own, I was so confused.
Not at all.
I believe that Ikuko needs you.
And that you need her. That's all.
I'm so hopeless.
I can see now that I need to be stronger.
But it's not over yet.
The final decision will probably be made at the next session.
All right?
In any case, if anything does happen before then,
you must not act on your own.
Contact me immediately.
I will.
One, two, three!
All Auntie Kayo made was gruel.
That couldn't be helped, Iku-chan, because you were sick.
But the gruel was good, right?
I like this better.
She brought her own water to make dinner.
Her own water?
Yeah, she said the water here is no good.
That's true...
The water here is a little...
Are you sure you can go to school tomorrow?
I can!
All right! Then we need to get your things ready.
I'll go and get your bag.
Iku-chan, how did this get in here?
I don't know.
Did you go back to the roof?
Really, I don't know.
I won't get mad. I won't get mad, so just tell me the truth.
Did you go up to the roof?
I didn't!
I'm sorry.
<i>Connecting to personal voice mail...</i>
<i>Hello, this is Kishida.</i>
<i>Hello, Kishida Law Offices.</i>
Hello, my name is Yoshimi Matsubara.
Is Mr. Kishida there?
<i>He's out at the moment, and we don't expect him back today.</i>
I see...
Well, thank you very much. Excuse me...
Listen, don't move.
Don't follow me!
JULY 14, 1999
What happened?!
What is this?
There we are.
I'll never leave you alone again.
I'll always be with you.
It's going to be all right.
You mustn't come any closer!
Please stop...
I'm not your mama!
Iku-chan, no!
...your mama.
Mama, Mama!
Should we call her?
Hello? We're here.
Okay, we'll be waiting here. Bye.
Is she coming?
Yeah, said she'd ride her bike and be right down.
Want to buy some ice cream?
Yeah, let's buy some!
Let's go! Yeah, let's buy some!
Ikuko, what about you? Don't you want any?
What? No, I'm all set.
<i>I don't remember much from when I was in kindergarten.</i>
<i>Just that for a very brief period,</i>
<i>I remember that I was living together with my mother.</i>
- I'm sorry, Ai-chan! - Mama!
Thank goodness, right, Ai-chan?
I'm so sorry.
Oh, not at all.
See you tomorrow, Ai-chan.
Welcome home.
You've gotten so big.
Nobody told me.
Have you been living here all this time?
My friend's house is right near here.
Everyone's going there to hang out today.
It's next to my old kindergarten.
The Shimizus, do you know them?
That's the kindergarten I went to, isn't it?
The one next to the bus stop.
This used to be mine.
So you're already in high school, are you, Iku-chan?
How time flies.
If only I had known,
I would have come to see you long before this.
It's all right.
Because you came to see me today.
Say, Mama?
Do you remember when you said that as long as I was with you,
you'd be okay, no matter what happened?
Of course.
Do you, well, still feel that way?
Yes, I do.
Thank goodness.
Hey, Mama,
could I live here, together with you?
I'll tell Papa myself, all right?
I'm sure that he'd say okay.
He has a new wife now, and my younger sisters.
I'm sorry.
We can't be together.
Hey, Mama?
<i>My mother was here all that time, protecting me.</i>
♪ Since then, I haven't been able to
♪ That's right, remember you for quite some time
♪ It was because of those busy days
♪ The cluster of pains
♪ Was always deep in my heart
♪ But recently, it looks like I've gotten better
♪ Today the sky looks like it might
♪ Reach all the way to the stars
♪ There's no way that I could ever wipe away
♪ All of the tears in the world
♪ I'm planning on always treasuring
♪ The small things that you taught me
♪ Hey, no matter how well
♪ I held you
♪ We'd get interrupted all of the sudden
♪ Could it possibly be that
♪ You knew that
♪ Which is why you smiled at me then?
♪ Hey, I wonder what kind of day
♪ Tomorrow is going to be?
♪ There's no way that I could ever wipe away
♪ All of the tears in the world
♪ I'm planning on always treasuring
♪ The small things that you taught me
♪ My memories are so much, so much more distinct
♪ Than sadness or recollections
♪ The very definite words you left in my heart
♪ The very definite words you left in my heart ♪
- Det var en tøff beskjed - Duration: 7:09.I had been interviewed by NRK,
as representative of the gay group called "Åpen kirkegruppe" (open church group)
So it was no more a secret that I was gay.
But me living with Erling was not known
by others than family and friends and a few more.
It was in itself a burden.
I knew very well that if it were to be known inside the church and for the bishop, then ....
things could get complicated, to put it mildly.
And it did.
We were in this conversation group.
The other participants got to know, including those from the Norwegian Church,
that we lived together.
The bishop were told and I was summoned.
He meant ...
He made it clear that I could not continue as a minister in the church as a gay man living with another man.
It was...
of course a tough message.
But not surprising. I knew all about that.
In retrospect I have learned that ....
I was not ready to quit my position.
I thought, "What will I do then?"
I did not know what would happen to me, professionally.
So I continued.
And I know that ...
the bishop tried to get me fired.
I was priest at Dikemark Hospital.
In that position I was employed by the Oslo municipality.
And not by any church body.
Which was otherwise common.
The bishop had to go the trough Oslo municipality to ....
get me fired.
I have learned that he sought a council in the City Hall.
I can mention her name: Martha Seim Valeur.
She first said that she had to investigate this further.
She asked the hospital were they ...
as I have understood, saw no reason to fire me.
They were happy about the job I did.
And she made it clear to the bishop.
When he apparently appeared a third time in the office, she just said quite frustrated that "we have no more to talk about".
That of course was a victory for me. I did not know at the time.
It's nice for me to think that she, Oslo municipality and Dikemark hospital ....
didn't think this was a problem.
But after all, I found this to be pretty complicated
for myself.
So I started to orientate...
out elsewhere. I searched for other jobs.
Meanwhile, I had taken some more education to have more options, also outside the church.
Human Resources Management at BI
and a basic subject in public law.
Thinking about administrative work.
But then a job in the church propped up, one I applied for,
a administrative position in the Church Council, the church's central administration.
I thought maybe it was easier for the church, having me in such a position,
slightly retracted, not out in the battlefront, as a manner of speaking.
I applied for the position in 1988.
They put me up as number one.
But someone in the church council had ...
learned that I lived with Erling.
The director, Johannes Ulltveit-Moe at that time,
was commissioned to find out if this was the case.
Invited me to a conversation.
I confirmed that it was correct. I lived with Erling.
I was told that, unfortunately, I could not be added anyway.
Of course it felt very unreasonable.
Very disappointing.
Just like that, but then I thought that
ok, that's how it is in the church right now.
Nothing to do.
But by chance I met with a lawyer.
A lawyer from the unions.
He told me, "You should go to court and I will be your lawyer."
The court was set in -89.
In Oslo Byrett.
A lot of attention and smoke and steam around the proceedings.
It was to be tested wether the church could legally refuse to hire me.
The legal basis for this was to be tested.
I lost the case.
Not very surprising, although it was not obvious in any way.
But even if I lost the case, I have always been glad for what I did.
Because it helped to put the matter on the agenda also inside the church much stronger than before.
There was a lot of attention around the matter.
So the debate continued even stronger than before.
Marvel - Black Panther-------------------------------------------
Mocne słowa Koroniewskiej. Pisze o szykanowaniu dziecka - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Programação em Blocos Lógicos - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
BEHIND THE RIFT S02E02 | UMA JORNADA INESPERADA - Duration: 12:01.-------------------------------------------
Quais serão as prioridades do presidente após as eleições? - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Como reportar acoso físico o verbal en Metro - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Como excluir o instagram - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
🔴 ESTAS FASCINANTES RECETAS ALISAN TU PIEL RAPIDAMENTE - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
DIP 2018 | Coragem para compartilhar - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
[BL] What The Duck - The Series - Episódio 9 legendado [PT BR \ Español] - Duration: 40:34.-------------------------------------------
Los Garcia, Season 1, Episode 1: The birthday - Duration: 12:50.Good morning, good afternoon, ...
Good evening to all lovers of Spanish
Wherever you are, welcome to a
new program of Spanish With Carmen. I am carmen,
your favorite Spanish teacher.
Are you ready? I hope so! Well... let's start!
In this series of videos we will see
a simple but very effective method:
Natural Learning or Imitation Learning
Hello! Hello!
Say hello there, look at the camera ... Hello!
What is your name? Pablo
And how old are you?
And how many are they? 1, 2, 3 y 4
And do you know to speak Spanish? Well yes... [unintelligible]
Bye....! Bye....!
Pablo, with only 4 years
He speaks and understands Spanish perfectly.
I'm going to tell you a secret: he does not know anything about grammar ...
He does not know the basics of Spanish.
How can it be possible? That's what I want...
present to you and explain today here, in this series... in this program.
Why can Pablo speak Spanish so well ...
with only 4 years? Because children are great observers.
They look at gestures, at movement ...
they fix and listen to the words,
the sounds, the intonation, the pronunciation...
In short... they look at what I say and how I say it.
Children absorb everything they see around them.
And in this way, at the beginning, all they do is see...
and listen, see and listen ...
until in the end, suddenly, one day, they catch and they start talking
this is what is called IMITATION
Good! And what is to imitate?
Is imitating ... repeating?
It's similar...
Is imitating... copying?
It seems, but ... it is not.
To imitate is TO CLONE.
Do and repeat exactly what the person...
is doing and saying.
And how are we going to practice this learning by imitation?
We have done for you...
some very funny videos.
My family and I...
in plan... similar as a television series...
comic in which you are going to practice
and you are going to do it in 3 phases
In the first phase, the easiest ...
the simplest, you just have to listen and read the text.
As children do...
In the second phase you have to listen...
and after each sentence there will be a pause...
in which you will have to repeat, to clone....
Exactly the phrase. With the same intonation,
the same pauses, the same pronunciation
This step can be repeated as many times as necessary...
until you feel comfortable.
In the third phase, the most difficult ...
you will have to talk at the same time that I speak
It is a difficult challenge ...
but... you will get it.
If you do this exercise consistently, on a regular basis ...
you will...
improve your skills,
and speak like a true native Spanish.
In today's video Carmen wants to surprise her husband ...
What will happen?
Remember: in this phase you should only listen and read...
Surprise!... Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
we all wish you...
What happens?... What happen?
Is not your birthday right? I am sorry!
Was it... yesterday? Is it... tomorrow? When was it?
I've been thinking about it for days... believe me!
If I asked... bad, if I did not ask... worse.
You already know how clueless I am.
I had thought... ask your friends: Javier and Pablo.
But I was afraid that they would say...
I did not know when is your birthday ....
Do you know what I did Antonio?
I opened a false account on Facebook ...
Yes !, on Facebook, yo! ... I have no idea of computers!
Because on Facebook you are notified of birthdays ...
... but it did not work!
because to be my friend...
you have to add me, it is said like that?, add me?
You have to accept me as a friend ...
Well, you know better than me ...
I sent you a friend request...
but ... you did not accept it.
Very well done for you! ... because you should not accept
requests for unknown...
and I... I did not want to insist... I'm sorry!
In this second phase, after... each sentence ...
there will be a small pause that you will take advantage...
to repeat exactly the same
the phrase you've heard
In this third phase
you will talk at the same time, simultaneously
that Carmen
And here's the class today
But do not go yet, there is still more!
My work, today, is over, but now
is when your true challenge begins
you have to repeat this exercise for
all week and I promise you that you will improve your spanish radically
In addition, you have complementary material at this address
where there are infinite resources
but I would highlight 3 resources
The first: the happy birthday transcript
The second: associated vocabulary.
Very important: from spanish to spanish
Always when you learn a language
there has to be an immersion in it
You also have an audio that you can listen to
everywhere: when you are [driving] to work ...
when you are at home, quietly.
And well, just thank you for following me and until the next ...
Until the next class! ... See you later, lovers of Spanish!
Memórias Carnavalescas | Maestro Oséas (Maestro da Orquestra do Maestro Oséas - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Tiempo de Debate: Discurso del Estado de la Unión de Trump ¿tuvo sustancia o fue teatro? - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Consulado de México en Dallas ofrece ayuda a inmigrantes que quieran terminar o revalidar estudios - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Como não ser um idiota no wattpad (autores) PARTE II - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Degrassi:Next Class 2 Temporada - Episódio 6 - #futuroeu - Duration: 23:37.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 Ghost Videos , Real Ghost Videos Caught on Tape , Unexplained Nightmare Paranormal Videos - Duration: 4:34.Dáme 10Like pro další Top 5 We'll give 10 This for another Top 5
hello people today look at the top 5 Ghost
Here we go
number 5 abandoned school
and now slowly
number 4! a heavy figure on the road
number 3! a mysterious character in the window
you bet it
to come closer
number 1! the spirit on the tree :O
if you liked the video
do not forget
like like
what would you like for another top 5?
write me down in the comment
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