eibar news
HomePod - Beat - Apple-------------------------------------------
Fixing I-35: Is a bipartisan Washington plan a reality or a pipe dream? - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V50 1.6 D2 S/S Limited Edition LEER I NAVI I - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Sanremo 2018, lite furiosa tra i conduttori? La rivelazione choc | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Darling in the Franxx - Neet Review ( Episode 3 ) - Duration: 3:19.So you just had awkward sex and I know whatcha thinking.
Well the good news is
You don't have erectile dysfunction
The bad news is
Everybody now knows that you're a disappointment.
You're going to have to live with the consequences of participating in terrible sex.
Hopefully she doesn't go to a journalist.
It's important that we talk about our feelings.
So let's open up to our good friend.
Who happens to be the cuck dating the girl you just f**ked
I mean it still counts even if you just put it in.
Alright I know whatcha thinking.
But it's incest in name only.
I mean come on who hasn't fantasized about sleeping with their siblings.
Uh I mean I wouldn't know I'm an only child.
Alright moving on.
Look, you know. You're not alone.
We've all had our moments where we were not in peak performance.
It's okay to be ashamed.
Recognizing our flaws allows us to improve on them.
But at least you have a girlfriend.
So let's go see her.
I wonder why.
So your girlfriend takes you out on a date.
And she's got it all planned out.
Yeah I know right you really lucked out on her.
Don't you f**king blow it
So she takes you dancing.
And then you do the impossible with her.
You go outside.
What a joyous occasion.
You're finally a man.
Oh geez I don't know babe, I think we should take it slow.
Oh God! NO!
Of course I'll marry you!
This [nice female] I swear to God.
So I know whatcha thinking.
Where did all these mechs come from?
Now allow me to explain.
As a Neet with an online PhD in clinical sexlexia.
When you are having sexual intercourse.
And you become one with your partner.
The two of you enter a fever dream together.
Where you have to work together to fight off the dreaded STDs.
It's like Pacific Rim.
Except instead of trying to save mankind.
You're trying to keep your manhood clean.
Sometimes when you are having an orgy.
You enter a matrix like environment.
Where couples can interact and fight off the venearal diseases together.
But sometimes it doesn't go as planned.
Some partners can climax to early and be left vulnerable.
Well now your friends are in a pickle.
It's time to whip it out and get in there.
But sometimes life gets in the way.
Turns out you still have to do paperwork that your dickhead boss threw at you.
But your girlfriend needs to be satisfied.
I mean you need to save your friends.
Now this asshole shows up and does the equivalent of slapping your girlfriends ass at the bar.
He's planning on taking her away and leaving his mark in her.
This is where you step up and...
Ok nevermind. I guess we'll go the cuck route.
I mean you're clearly busy and she has her needs.
I don't know what to do now.
Hopefully he's bad at sex.
Ok um. Turns out he's pretty good.
I mean I guess you don't have a girlfriend anymore.
Well it turns out your girlfriend might be a little crazy in bed.
She might be a dom.
That's pretty hot >.<
Making videos and films while legally blind - Duration: 5:12.- Hey everybody what's going on? So in the past few weeks I've been talking about my bad eyesight.
My legal blindness, now the one thing I haven't really talked about is...
You guys are probably wondering. Some of you may be wondering.
"Well if this guy is legally blind how exactly is he making short films and videos on YouTube in the first place?"
Well here's the video for that.
[whoosh, clapper sound]
So in my video. The one I talk about accepting my blindness I mentioned that I have to take a few
extra steps order to make films and videos because well just because I can't see very well.
Now what are these steps? I'm gonna highlight some of them starting now.
I don't know what else to say.
I don't know how else to segway into that.
Now when I'm filming I have to of course look at the screen on the back of my camera.
The thing is because the numbers kind of get tiny a little bit I have to lean in a little bit.
Still I mean it's not that big of an inconvenience. The problem for me happens to be when I'm focusing.
Now the good news for me is that the software that I used to film my videos called Magic Lantern
has this nice little zoom in feature where you just press this button and this little window pops up.
That rectangle, that window will turn green whenever something is in focus.
So the thing is that takes a lot of guesswork out of me.
As soon as that rectangle turns green I know bang, in focus right there,
and you may be wondering, "Well why don't you just turn the screen around for your camera
and just look at yourself right there?" That's the thing, my camera doesn't have a screen that turns around.
What happens is that I have to go into this long process of focusing going back and forth.
Walking back and forth to the camera. I made a video talking about that.
So if you want to check that process out, right over here.
Now if you've been watching my channel for a while you're gonna notice that I have a lack of exterior daylight
Outdoor shots,
and this is basically because well, I have trouble seeing in the daylight.
When the sky is overcast everything looks kind of foggy and misty.
Not because of the clouds just because the light dissipates all over.
Like if I'm walking down the street it just looks like a big fog.
When it's direct sunlight a cloudless day I can see better but the problem is
when I have my camera screen on I still have to like just you know
do this to properly see even if I have the screen at full brightness.
So this clip is from a collab that I did with JessaJay a couple of years ago and well...
the shot may look fine, but the thing is.
I couldn't really see the top and bottom of the frame and I was just like.
"OK, well here's the lines of the parking lot." and I was trying to frame everything properly,
but trying to cup my hands over the camera. "Okay this kind of looks good.
I kind of have an idea where it is I'm gonna go out and walk."
Now contrast this when I'm in a darkened room or a darkened area.
Let's say I have one light just lighting everything or a couple lights lighting everything.
Most of the set is going to be dark and I have to really watch out for not tripping over cables.
Or you know the mic stand or light stands or even my tripod which I've done a couple times already.
Or I think it's been more than a couple times.
Those are the more obvious things let me give you a better example here.
So I have one light here and one light here.
I may not be able to see where the camera is especially if it's dark, if it's night.
This is where I put in old-school, yes iPod nano. I just put a rubber band around it and just
put it on top of the camera, Very high-tech solution here.
So what that does is the screen. The light from the screen actually is a guide point for me
because I'm not looking at the screen directly but what it tells me is that,
"Ok, the lens is a couple inches, two, three inches below that so look there."
I can't really see much right now I just see a bunch of blobs the only reason why I know
the camera is right there is because there's a dark blob right in front of me being backlit by the window.
That's how I know the camera is there
When it comes to editing it's a little bit more interesting. here let me show you.
I think it's better to show than tell.
So this might look a little jarring a little inconvenient a little "What the heck is this?"
This is my normal this is what I'm used to seeing when I'm editing
and really if I would go back to the old-fashioned way of editing it would be very jarring for me.
I have to zoom in because a lot of the numbers there a lot of the sliders there a lot of the settings there
have tiny font. It's so normal for me that well. When I go online, when I go on social media,
When I use my computer I have to zoom in. So when I'm on YouTube I sometimes zoom in quite a bit too.
Also Final Cut Pro, YouTube, Twitter, thank you for having dark mode.
if you had a white interface I would be just my eyes would be hurting.
Facebook, Instagram, Mac OS...come on.
So those are some of the hacks that I have to do to make life easier for me to edit in film and stuff like that.
Now I'm wondering. You don't have to be visually impaired or anything like that.
but do you happen to have a special setting a certain setting that you turn on when you're editing
when you're filming that makes life easier for you? Let me know in the comments below
because I mean that'd be really interesting. I might be able to maybe
adapt something that you use for my own needs as well.
Anyway I will see you guys in the next video. Hopefully you enjoyed this. If you did give it a thumbs up
and if you're new to my channel. Hey my name is Juan. Welcome to JC5 Productions.
I am a legally blind filmmaker and I makevideos like this.
I make a lot of videos where I tell stories. A lot of them are short films. A lot of them are comedy sketches.
I recently made a trailer it's over here or just go to my main channel page.
Anyway I will see you guys in the next video. I will talk to you later.
Relaxed Hair | Diy oils vs Hair Polish - Duration: 4:16.hair polish vs hair oil mixture have we been using these wrong let's find out in
this video
welcome back to my channel everybody hair obsess JC here always on a hair
obsessed journey to long relax here welcome back to my new subscribers thanks for
tuning in, if you guys haven't seen in my last relaxer update my update number 4 I
want to leave that up in the cards for you guys to check that out now in that
video I mentioned to you that when I entered into the salon and the lady checked my
hair she told me that man hair was hard, dry and brittle she asked me if I was
using some sort of oil on my hair on a daily basis and I said to her normally
when I style my hair I would use a little of my oil and you guys have seen
me in my videos using a little bit of this oil just to give me a nice little
shine to go to work so I wanted to tell you the reason why she told me enough to
use this anymore now she explained to me that this oil is
not supposed to be placed on the why because this is an oil with natural
oils that we blend up in our homes she says that this oil is for your scalp for
your new growth and the oil is to promote growth now
she explained to me that when you use these oil mixtures the reason why is not
to be placed on the length of your hair is because when you go out into the heat
when you go out into the Sun it attracts the Sun and causes the hair to dry out
and feel brittle so she said to me I should get a hear polish Nova hear
polish is the sign for the length of your hair that he abolished this is the
one I got the boys here appear hair polished these are designed to protect
the hair from heat damage moisture and humidity so instead of using the oil
mixture to the length of the hear you use a ear polish because the heat polish
is for that purpose let me know in the comment section if you guys are
understanding the difference between the heum oil mix and the hair polish less
retarded as she said the hair oil that we make in our home has natural oils it
has no chemicals in the oil to protect the ear from the heat I live in a
country where it's heat all year round you guys in the United States you have
different climates so in the summer what she's recommending that you would do is
use it here polish because the heat of the Sun
sucks the moisture and dries out the year when we use these air mixtures on
the length of your here this is a big place on the scalp on the new growth and
it is to promote growth let me know in the comment section if you're
understanding this explanation so this is why I got the hair polish because the
hair polish is designed to protect you here from the heat I won't dry out your
hair and let you hear think brittle so I no longer use this on the length of my
hair I now use the hair polish to the land to protect my hair from behind I
hope this video was helpful I hope you guys learned something new if you did
please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven't already if the
notification bell so you don't miss any of my videos I'll see you guys in the
next video thanks for watching adios
2018 Nissan Rogue Sport Review - Interior and Exterior Changes - Duration: 7:39.The 2018 Nissan Rogue Sport is the best crossover for you if believe subcompact size doesn't
have to mean subpar comfort.
Nissan introduced this little five-seater for model-year 2017, and it's back for '18
with an important safety feature standard instead of optional.
Unchanged is the handsome styling and refined manners that help it stand out in the crowded
subcompact crossover segment.
Its main audience continues to be young urbanites abandoning cars for the versatility and image
of an SUV.
But must you be a millennial to appreciate this crossover's virtues - and accept its compromises?
Let's answer that question...
[startup sound fx]
I'm Chuck Giametta.
Join me for a CarPreview video review of the 2018 Nissan Rogue Sport.
[open / music]
Leveraging the popularity of its Rogue compact crossover, Nissan calls this subcompact crossover
the Rogue Sport.
It may as well call it the Rogue spittin' image.
As you can see, the Sport - here in Nitro Lime -- is essentially a Rogue scaled down
for an even faster growing market segment.
Where the Rogue competes with the likes of the Ford Escape and Toyota RAV4, the Rogue
Sport takes on the Jeep Renegade, Honda HR-V and a slew of other diminutive crossovers.
For some shoppers, these rivals will also include Nissan's own Kicks, introduced for
2018 to replace the eccentric Juke.
The Kicks is slightly smaller and less expensive than the Rogue Sport, but it carries a whiff
of the flamboyant styling that defines many of the Sport's rivals.
By comparison, the Rogue Sport stands out as pretty conservative.
It's also a standout for the look and feel of this interior, which would be at home in
a vehicle costing lots more.
There's a reason for that.
The Rogue Sport is actually an Americanized version of the Nissan Qashqai.
In Europe, the Qashqai competes with premium-class crossovers from BMW and Audi.
It's so successful, Nissan insiders call the Qashqai the cash cow.?
Our version stresses affordability, with three levels of trim outfitted and priced appropriately
for this very attainable class.
All three share a trendy flat-bottom steering wheel - a leather-wrapped and heated wheel
is optional on the SV and standard on the SL.
Every model also comes with Bluetooth connectivity and satellite radio.
The middle-of-the-line SV gets 17-inch alloy wheels, mirrors with integrated turn signals,
and conveniences like pushbutton ignition, dual-zone automatic climate control, and a
power driver's seat.
Exclusive to the top-line SL are 19-inch alloys, leather upholstery, and an optional moonroof.
Standard on the SL and optional on the SV is a navigation system with a 7-inch dashboard screen.
It supplants a tiny 5-inch screen and it's the only way to display a map because smartphone
interfaces like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are not available.
The big change for 2018 is inclusion of autonomous emergency braking on all Rogue Sports.
Last year, it was available only on the SL, and only as an option.
It can automatically slow or stop the crossover to avoid a frontal collision with another
vehicle or a pedestrian.
That's a laudable standard feature, but you still have to pay extra for most other
safety technology.
Blind-spot and rear cross-traffic detection are available on the SV and SL in packages
costing more than twenty-four-hundred dollars.
And lane-maintaining automatic steering and radar cruise control - along with LED headlamps
- are exclusive to the SL's twenty-eight-hundred-dollar Premium Package.
All Rogue Sports are again available with a choice of front-wheel drive or all-wheel
drive, but the only engine remains a four-cylinder that links with a continuously variable automatic
transmission, also known as a CVT.
Horsepower and torque are middling for this class but performance is pretty good around town.
Part of the credit goes to the relatively sporty calibrations of the CVT - Nissan even
gives it simulated gear changes and a manual mode.
Still, you'll need to floor the throttle to pass quickly or merge with fast-moving
When you do, there's no escaping that annoying engine drone characteristic of a CVT powertrain.
Since Nissan calibrates this CVT for enhanced performance, the Rouge Sport does not excel
for fuel economy.
EPA ratings are no better than average for the class.
In fact, they're slightly below those of the larger and more powerful Rogue.
Far more satisfying is the way the Rogue Sport rides and handles.
We could ask for sharper steering, but otherwise this crossover is comfortable and composed
and, unlike some others in this class, doesn't feel small or lightweight.
The Rogue Sport isn't designed to be a handling hooligan, but it does give you confidence
to take turns with some spirit and unlike lots of rivals, it tackles bumpy roads without
being thrown off course or jarring your bones.
A measure credit goes to the independent rear suspension, technology that's not universal
in this class; the Kicks, for example, doesn't have one.
Contributing to this sense of well-being is a refreshingly rational cabin design and a
high seating position on roomy front buckets.
The rear bench is supportive and legroom's OK, if the front seats are less than halfway
Nissan thoughtfully includes air vents, but there's no escaping narrow rear doorways
that force you to twist your ankles to get out.
Cargo volume is among best in class, and SV and SL models get Nissan's nifty Divide-N-Hide
cargo-management system.
As for value, base prices are competitive, although you'll need the twenty-four-hundred-dollar
Technology Package to equip the volume-selling SV model with the extra safety features, navigation
and things like heated mirrors, seats, and steering wheel.
That's still not a bad buy, but it does put you in the price range of larger compact crossovers.
Still, the Rogue Sport is easy to rationalize, thanks -- we believe -- to its Qashqai roots.
With its clean styling and polished demeanor, the Rogue Sport seems like the grownup of
the compact crossover class.
Still, it's playful enough to justify the Sport part of its name.
For more on this and other cars, trucks and SUVs, go to CarPreview.com, and please subscribe
to our YouTube channel.
Americans Try Jjajangmyeon!! 미국인들의 짜장면 먹방!!! - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
DIY Wall Banner + How To Make Tassels | How To Make a Banner | DIY Wall Decor - Duration: 5:37.Hey whats up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you how
to make this wall banner and I will also be showing you how to make the tassels
that are going on this banner. In the comments down below let me know what you
think about this wall banner and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up
and subscribe to see more videos like this.
Let's get on with the video!
What you will need for this DIY is two pieces of paper, any type of stick that you want,
I used a barbecue stick,
a ruler, scissors, a pencil, a paintbrush, paint, two or more colors of twine, string, or thread,
tape, a needle, fabric, and a glue gun.
The first thing you want to do is to print or draw out a template of words.
The words can be anything that you want.
I chose the words "Stay Positive".
After you made your template, you want to put it under a piece of fabric.
and then you want to draw out the shape of your banner with a ruler and a pencil.
The banner can be any size or shape
and you want to make sure you make the banner long enough for the words.
Now you can cut out your banner with scissors.
After you cut out your banner, you want to place the banner over the template
and trace the letters onto the banner.
Now you want to place the banner on a new piece of paper or on the template paper
so the paint doesn't get on anything if it goes through the fabric
and paint the words in with any color of paint that you want.
Now you have to wait for the banner to dry
and make sure you pick up the banner every now and then so the banner doesn't get stuck to the paper.
While the banner drying you can measure the stick that you are going to use
and cut off any of the extra stick that you don't want with wire cutters, a saw, or you can just break the stick.
I cut my barbecue stick with wire cutters and then I sanded down the sides of the stick with sand paper.
For the tassels, you want to take a book and wrap the string you want to use for the tassels around the book.
I used pink thread.
Remember the longer the book the longer the tassels are going to be.
Once you are done wrapping your string, you want to cut off any extra string
and then you want to take another piece of string and put it under the string that's on the book
and tie it to the tassel.
Then you want to pull off the string from the book and cut the loop at the bottom.
You don't have to worry if it's not even at the bottom because you're going to fix it at the end.
Now you want to take another piece of string and place one string onto the tassel.
Make sure this string is long as the string that you tied earlier onto the tassel
and then you can take more of the same string to make a loop and place the loop over the same string.
Then you want to wrap the string, that's from the loop around the tassel.
You can tie it around as many times as you want.
When you are done tying your string you want to take the string that you are wrapping with
and put it though the loop
and then you want to pull the other string that not the loop.
All you have to do now is cut off any of the extra string and then you won't see that string.
If you need to you can take some tape and wrap it around the bottom of the tassel
and cut in the middle of the tape with scissors to make sure the tassel is even on the bottom
and then you can pull off the tape.
If you want to make another tassel, just follow the same steps.
When your banner is dry you want to flip over your banner
and place your stick near the top of the banner but leave some room.
Take your glue gun and start putting a little bit of glue at a time
and wrap the fabric over the stick.
Do this until you get to the end of the fabric.
Then you can tie on your tassels onto the stick.
The last thing you have to do is take one piece of string
and tie one end of the string to one side of the stick
and then you want to tie the other end of the string to the other side of the stick.
All you have to do now is to cut off any of the extra string.
For this optional step you can draw a shape onto the banner
and put some thread onto a needle
and then you can sew on the shape with any type of stitching that you want.
and that's how you make this wall banner!
In the comments down below let me know what you think about this wall banner
and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos like this.
I will see you in the next video. Bye!
오랜만에 완전체로 다시 뭉친 소녀시대.jpg - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
What do You Trade in the Forex Market? - Currency Trading Tips for Beginners - SimpleForex - Duration: 6:09.what is going on guys welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going
to answer what are you really trading when you trade the currency market stay
tuned so a lot of people have been wondering what am I really treating what
am I getting what am i buying what am i selling when I'm trading Forex the
simple question of the simple answer to this question is nothing it's all
speculative meaning you do not get anything in the mail you don't get
anything let any receive any back in the old days used to get like certificates
or for buy stock none of that happens nowadays 80% of the trades in the
flooring in the forex market or just speculative the other 20% are large
corporations trading currencies from one denomination to another so the majority
as you can see is strictly I don't call a guessing game but that's what
speculative nature is it's a thinking or knowing that you have an edge following
your trading plan and taking advantage that's what all the watch has hedged
wants to that's what all the large retail banks do that actually take
speculative trades so what are you trading it's on the computer it's it's
pretty much invisible all trades that you take are just on the computer there
you won't get like I said you won't get our seat any certificate like the old
days everything is just in your history so you're speculating on currencies
whether you're going to go up or down you're in other words speculating on how
good a country is going to do so you're not in reality buying or selling
anything it's all on the computer I know it sounds weird but just bear with me
hear me out it's not as weird as you first think
because everything's electronic so you're actually not seeing anything
physical which might freak a lot of people out but it's not weird if you're
making money right and you know what you're doing because once you start
understanding how the market works then you actually get a bigger perspective of
it the primary reason why the forex market exists and was created was to
facilitate currency has changed from multinational corporations so what does
that all mean it simply means if somebody say BMW in Germany wants to
lock in a price for the Urist of the US dollar that's what it was originally
created for and then that's when all these large banks retail investment
banks hedge funds and even retail traders started coming in eventually for
speculative nature so they just figured that hey I can get an edge I can make
money off this if I can profit make money why not join in I'm trying to get
a piece of the action too so that's the main reason why was it created but
everything is done electronically nowadays before the year's bag feels
completely different before retail traders weren't even allowed to join it
with the big voice now that's the beauty of Florrick's now even if you have a
thousand bucks to start two thousand bucks you can even open an account with
500 bucks nowadays because brokers have made it so easy they want you they want
your business they made it so easy that even a retail trader with 500 bucks can
join in with the big boys you get the same quotes you get everything the same
execution speed up they're extremely fast super fast so that's the main
reason why I was first traded but eventually as time went on they started
allowing a smaller and smaller fish if you want to call it into the pond so in
reality to summarize what are you trading well it's uh you're buying the
economy that you think is going to go up the country that you think is going to
go up and you're selling the currency that you
think is going to fall that's all it really is you don't see any of these
currencies or no one brings to you like a stack of
for Japanese yen to your door and I know that happens all done electronically you
open occlusion precision whenever you want you're betting on the country speak
and not make success and of course you're capitalizing on certain events
that happen throughout just everyday life so you have terrorist attacks you
have all kinds of interest rate hikes you have all kinds of speeches from like
important political political figures so you're just capitalizing on those
movements it's all about having a training plan sticking to it and making
money and of course like I said before financial freedom because no one wants
to stay at a job their entire life work every single day and live a miserable
life that's not what living is about living is about spending time with your
kids your wife your girlfriend if you have one just you guys get what I'm
saying if you want to go on vacation it's having time separating time from
money and trading or working wherever there's an internet connection whether
it's at your house your grandma's house while she's making you some cookies
when you're on vacation in Europe it doesn't matter
that's what it's about it's about separating your time for money and make
you money while you sleep because actually you can't make money while you
sleep doing this you just leave your position overnight easy as that so with
that being said guys send me other any other questions I'm willing to answer
everything no matter how hard or how easy it is don't be afraid don't be
embarrassed I'm not going to call you an uber beginner I'm answering everything
make sure to subscribe for the Forex course where I teach you every single
little detail in the forex market for you to become a profitable trader at the
end of the course once you graduate you'll get certificate of completion
meaning that you actually took the course you know what you're doing it's
sirs the course will help you out if you have
no idea for exists if you want to get into this and you see people making
money with this you guaranteed take a course it might take you a while because
like I said I want the course to be extremely detailed and tell you every
single thing about the market before you jump in if you want with that being said
guys check out my other videos I teach all kinds of ii-i've been trading for
years so I'm teaching guys all kinds of advice from just really basic things to
a little bit more events I've been trained for years I've been a profitable
trader so with that being said guys thanks for watching send me any other
questions and I'll see you guys later
Friday The 13th - Camping With Jyestur and New Friends! TURN ON CC! - Duration: 10:13.I also miss...
GUY: Alright, looks like I found a...
partially used...
GUY: Sgunna come in handy...
...Yeah Bro.
GUY: Oh, it's all out of fucking batteries.
GUY: Hey man, you got double A batteries?
JYESTUR: Triple A.
GUY: Triple A?
JYESTUR: Or I got the...
"D" batteries.
(snare drum starts on fire)
(cheeseburger laughter)
(snare drum contiunes)
GUY: Oooooowwwaaa..
Icey what you did there...
I know.
POLICE RADIO: Copy on the road...
JYESTUR: Fucking four seater's ready to go...
if somebody has keys...
cops commin'.
Is Roy even
(band warms up that snare again for anticipated hilarity)
GUY: Ahhhhh
JYESTUR: Fuckin' Roy.
GUY: Yeah right now he's trying ta...
fuck up my plans...
with the vibrator.
GUY: Awwite, I found double A batteries.
GUY: Hey, where you at?
You're right here.
So (x2)...
GUY: OOOhhhhh! What the fuck?
JYESTUR: I know, right?
GUY: (baffled)
GUY: Wait.
GUY: Woah
JYESTUR: I rock this...
don't I?
GUY: MmmHmm
GUY: (searching for file): "G:\Common_Sense\Logical_Explanation.exe"
(search results): ERROR! FILE NOT FOUND.
GUY: Are you my brother?
JYESTUR: Think...
Does that make sense?
Think about that.
GUY: It does...
Think about it...
We look alike.
JYESTUR: Maybe...
Time to shimmy.
(shimmying music plays)
GUY: H h h hayayay
(shimmying music continues)
(shimmying music ends)
GUY: So uhh...
you wanna use this...
partially used...
JYESTUR: So, it's weird...
GUY: Found batteries.
JYESTUR: Yooooouuuu...
are a, ahh...
guy character...
and you seem like you...
may be a male...
in ahh...
GUY: (searching for file): "G:\IRL.txt"
JYESTUR: In Real Life.
JYESTUR: Ummm...
GUY: Uh hu.
JYESTUR: So the...
the vibrator part...
I don't know how it fits.
(get ready snares)
JYESTUR: I mean...
I know how it fits.
GUY: Queso
(cheeseburger laugh)
(cue snares)
JYESTUR: I did it again!
(small cynbal crash)
(incoherent mumbling)
GUY: So I'm like...
think about this...
long and hard.
(side tracked)
GUY: You fucking dumb bitch.
JYESTUR: Did you bring The Jason?
GUY: Awwite, as I was saying...
JYESTUR: Alright.
JYESTUR: That's for...
That trap's for Jason...
GUY: Oh...
It was meant for a counselor...
JYESTUR: Oh, wuhh...
wait, no. You don't get my...
(restart sentence)
JYESTUR: You don't get my...
Jason trap.
(trap unsetting music plays)
JYESTUR: I get the Jason trap.
(trap unsetting music continues)
(perfect track mix to...
trap setting music)
JYESTUR: This is for Jason...
(trap setting music fades)
GUY: Not you
GUY: Ayee, Let me just give you a warning all right?
(standby for #ProTip)
GUY: The host...
GUY: Megan_Molly_P...
GUY: Don't trust her.
JYESTUR: I don't...
I don't trust her...
I don't already.
GUY: So, what do you want to do...
JYESTUR: Ummm....
JYESTUR: This one?
(cheeseburger laugh short)
(cheeseburger laugh extended version)
GUY: I'm down.
Com-mear sexy chocolate...
come over here.
I bet you there's...
some tents.
(cheeseburger whistling)
GUY: Hey, hey...
(GUY rustles leafs around)
GUY: A...
a com-mear
JYESTUR: We got sumptin for ya...
JYESTUR: We got some..
sweet fucking moves...
for you.
("sweet fuckin' moves" seductive dance track plays"
JYESTUR: Get over here.
GUY: (incoherent word x5)
GUY: Is he warmin' it up?
Warmin' it up!
Youkan have that...
all for you...
All for you.
Awww yeah.
JYESTUR: Juhh-yea...
Don't step in that trap.
GUY: No, you see...
Tiffany's interested.
Thatsa Jason trap...
we're waiting for Jason.
I thinka...
we found one.
JYESTUR: Oh, You know what?
they're keys setting right over there...
Maybe we could jus...
take the car.
GUY: You know what?
You're* right twin...
I never thought about that.
JYESTUR: I think there's a
Jason nearby.
JYESTUR: Yeah, it's getting louder...
the music's pretty good.
GUY: There it is.
JYESTUR: Slittle loud though.
GUY: You hear how...
the cords are going?
GUY: Dramatic chords.
JYESTUR: That means...
JYESTUR: Oh shit!
JYESTUR: Whaaa...
GUY: Oh!
(tandom vocals unplanned)
JYESTUR: Aww, my...
weiner hurts.
GUY: Run my brother...
GUY: I'll fend them off brother.
JYESTUR: I don't think...
I don't think you will!
GUY: Oh! This muff-hugger...
really IS on me!
GUY: NOOooooo!
JYESTUR: Shoe...
use you're...
use your* stick!
JYESTUR: Use youra...
GUY: No!!
betcha din-na-expect tha.
JYESTUR: Glowstick...
The orange one.
GUY: Openin' a...
Trout City
JYESTUR: Trout...
JYESTUR: Damn right!
Heavyweight Champ-o-the world.
Hello Zero...
to the
Golden Stream.
(police siren)
JYESTUR: I was just about to come and save you...
I didn't.
JYESTUR: Is Roy right behinda...
a-yeah. He's right behind us.
JYESTUR: I'm so tired right now.
It seems like...
(obtaining visual verification)
He's still after you.
Roy! Come after me!
I'm the...
I'm nother one.
(checking "The Jarvis Guide To Survival")
JYESTUR: It's me you want...
JYESTUR: Baseball...
or wrench?
JYESTUR: Have you seen...
my baseball?
This "Roy Music" is pretty bad ass.
It is.
Loud though...
I still need to..
just the settings...
On my head...
JYESTUR: Oh, a toilet...
I gotta...
take a...
(flatulent noises and other bodily debris)
Well that was...
probably not smart.
Oh, the key.
That is app...
That IS a person.
That is totally a person.
Didn't think it was...
but it is.
A wrench.
If ZERO was here...
he'd take that wrench.
Sha-go save...
Tommy Jarvis?
He said don't trust...
Have fun...
you're a cheeseburger.
I was told not to...
trust this person.
Where is there a Roy?
Is there a Roy?
Don't chew...
Don't you hurt Jarvis!
Don't you hurt that Jarv!
I missed.
I did not save Jarvis.
I have an idea though.
Nora baseball bat is.
I'll save you.
I got your back Jarvis.
I got your back.
I got your back.
You don't hurt him!
Don't you dare!
Don't you dare!
It's okay.
We should both go now.
Don't you think we should both go?
Come on.
Come on Jarvis!
Bye Roy.
Sorry about your son.
I know you said...
not to trust...
GUY: The host...
GUY: Megan_Molly_P...
GUY: Don't trust her.
I wanted to make sure that...
Tommy Jarvis escaped.
I have a feeling everyone's in party chat.
I'm curious...
Is it MEE-GAN?
Put it on...
Crystal Lake...
small if it's MEE-GAN.
And put it on Crystal Lake regular size
NO! Put it on Packanack regular size...
if it's Meh-gan.
Crystal Lake...
small size...
if it's...
Packanack regular size...
if it's...
one of the options.
You can put it back on the other one.
박서준 '팬들 환호성에 극장이 떠나갈 듯' - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
PTV Park Next Bumper - Bill Nye the Science Guy (1997 KCET-TV) - Duration: 0:10.Hey, What next's on PTV?
Oh Cool, it's Bill Nye the Science Guy.
♪Bill Nye the Science Guy♪
SURRENDER with these Meditation Techniques - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 6:25.they were also two or three questions by people to whom the stillness is yet only
a mental concept and so they asked it's great to hear about it but I've never
experienced the stopping of my mind my mind is continuously noisy compulsive it
continuously worries and thinks so what are you what can you tell me they ask
there are also a few questions on meditation the use the purpose
usefulness or otherwise of meditation and I'd like to bring the two together
the two questions
especially if the mind is incessantly active even here as you sit here if you
cannot notice the gaps if you cannot be attentive to the gaps now make sure that
this is actually the truth because you may actually notice the gaps for a
moment there may be a momentary cessation but because you're so used to
listening to your mind - the mind is saying no nothing is going on I don't
get it maybe you do briefly however it may be if your mind is as such
overpowering momentum meditation is a wonderful thing there is a meditation
there are different methods one could say of course that being in the body is
a kind of meditation feeling the inner body directing attention into the inner
body is a kind of meditation the way it's presented here is in a non formal
formalized way I just feel that and it may be that people whose mind is
extremely extremely active may need a somewhat more formal approach to being
in the body and so there's a beautiful meditation technique
Vipassana that directs your attention slowly and gradually into the body
so that would be a good thing to take up the practice of that
they're also mantras if used rightly they should stop the mind and replace
all the various mental activities with just that the mantra and eventually of
course the mantra needs to come to an end and then the stillness is there
Buddhism has designed for hopeless cases
the counting meditation not hopeless no
the way you count mentally from 1 to 10 in 10 to 100 I think maybe you started a
hundreds I don't remember but you just you count backwards and forwards and
backwards and forwards and then that gives your mind something to do but at
least it becomes more focused and once the chaos of the mind has become a more
focused kind of noise it's easier eventually to drop it once the chaotic
noise has become focused noise you can more easily drop once of noises become
focused then you could drop the chaos it's hard to drop with the chaos except
in great suffering
the aim of all meditation of course his presence
그 우승' 김연경 "목표는 챔프전 우승, 이제 시작이다" - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
Dark Aspects of Nintendo #10 - Super Paper Mario: Count Bleck's Story - Duration: 16:09.Aww… look at that adorable Squiglet- says this card description in Super Paper Mario.
So adorable… under your foot.
Welcome to the third and final episode of my Dark Aspects of Paper Mario, where I'll
look now at the Wii's 2007 release.
This dapper fellow over here on the box is Count Bleck, and he's the villain of this
He's also a nihilistic murderer that wants everything eradicated from existence.
All life in the uni and multiverse, including himself.
If you think I am at all exaggerating, meet the focus of today's episode: a tragic character
fittingly introduced in the most plot-focused Mario adventure ever made.
I will now explain his backstory, using 100% actual lore found in the game through NPC
dialogue and heavy story implications.
Be warned- this will spoil the main plot and ending.
Without further ado,
"The Ancients" through historical tellings were an intelligent civilization and gifted
in the powers of magic- though they lacked physical strength.
To make up for this major drawback, the tribe invented "thinking tools" they called
Pixls, using knowledge from a mysterious book that would later be dubbed the "Dark Prognosticus".
These Pixls were cherished for ability to fortify, and were capable of building worlds
that would further spread The Ancients influence.
But after 1000 years of being in control of these entities- the Pixls rebelled by influence
of their Queen: the very first Pixl ever made.
The other first 12 Pixls helped fight with the Ancients against their Queen- but unfortunately
this uprising resulted in only one single survivor of the tribe.
That survivor learned the truth behind Pixls- they were born by using the souls of those
that had died: The Pixl Queen being the deceased daughter of the Ancient that invented Pixls.
That one surviving Ancient took the Dark Prognosticus so an event like the foretold Pixl war wouldn't
happen again.
In doing this, he also founded a new group- The Tribe of Darkness.
Their goal was to protect humankind and prevent the book from misuse, though descendants of
the Ancients twisted the real history and wrongfully believed the Tribe of Darkness
stole it only to enhance their power.
This generation has since banned the production of any new Pixls, in fear of a second rebellion
that would ultimately lead to their downfall.
This new Tribe of Darkness became very secretive from the rest of the world, and forbade marriage
outside of their circle- in fear of diluting their sorcerer blood.
Normal humans were completely off limits, which is where Bleck comes in...
Gradually told in a series of flashbacks at the end of each chapter, it's revealed his
backstory: before he became the Count, his name was Blumiere and he fell in love with
a human woman named Timpani that saved him after a fall from the cliffside.
After proposing marriage and agreeing to live life far away from the tribe that wants them
apart, it's learned that his father made Timpani "no longer reside in this world".
Thinking Timpani was murdered (but actually had her memory wiped and cursed to quote "wander
through dimensions forever"), Blumiere opened the Dark Prognosticus to use for his newfound
life philosophy- to actually put in motion his idea that nothing should exist since everything
in the universe is pointless and bleak.
He's had the sole person he's loved taken away from him- so, his approach is utterly
nihilistic- to destroy all until nothing is left.
So what does Count Bleck do to kickstart this plan?
Within the first minute we're shown exactly how, as the player's thrown right into a
cutscene in which Peach is forcibly being married to Bowser- the Count acting as the
unholy wedding's priest.
This non-consensual bond forms a world-ending catalyst known as the Chaos Heart: just as
predicted in the Dark Prognosticus.
With magic force to make her say "I do", the union is successful and sets course for
complete annihilation.
After the Chaos Heart is born into the world, "The Void" was formed as a result- an
ever growing, dimension-eating black hole that appears everywhere in the universe without
I say "without exception", because this Void also appears in this game's version
of heaven and the underworld.
That very fact is terrifyingly existential when thinking critically- because it means
that not even the afterlife is safe from non-existence.
The Count's plan will delete all forms of thought, comprehension, and consciousness
from all of being.
And as such, the stakes could not be raised any higher than this.
Comparable to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, in which the moon is on a crash-course
to kill all of Termina's inhabitants, the NPCs reveal how they're preparing for the
upcoming apocalypse through their dialogue interactions.
Right before facing Bleck, many characters approach their inevitable doom with a mix
of fear and surprising earnest in the overworld- some accepting death while others reflecting
on what the point of their lives were and whether or not they're happy..
It's respectable and sad, adding more depth and realism to this time and space the player's
trying to save.
Surprising too is fact that we're shown -not simply told- how powerful the Void really
Sammer's Kingdom (a location we'll talk about later) hosts a "Duel of 100" tournament,
in which the player must fight 100 challengers in order to meet with the King and claim the
treasure needed to counter the dark power of Bleck's Chaos Heart.
As I mentioned before, and because this chapter is accessible fairly late into the game- the
Void is gradually increasing in size and at its largest now.
Look at that thing!
In an effective display of storytelling, the party is told they must face every opponent
before receiving that world's Pure Heart, though after floor 20 the Void has grown so
massive the ground begins to tremble and each Vassal bows their knee to allow Mario to hurry
through and make it to the King.
This makes for a very tense atmosphere as the normally prideful, in-your-face Sammer
Guys stop their introductions short: until they halt greetings entirely and simply yell
at you to rush towards the final gate.
But no matter how quick you are, the player's efforts are fruitless as eventually a hopeless,
manic warrior laughs off the impending doom and flees.
Tippi exclaims the worst, and Sammer's Kingdom ceases to be.
The player can re-enter this eliminated world to reclaim a Pure Heart sapped of its power-
showing only the vast emptiness that remains.
The player must traverse white space with the occasional rubble and collapse- while
a bleak music track plays driving hard what's been lost.
This is emotionally impactful.
The entire setup and payoff of Chapter 6 is an example of how to make an audience care
for what they're doing: this act of showing us the aftermath was a brilliant move and
one of the most memorable narrative moments in Mario's history for those that have experienced
Mimi, a servant of Count Bleck, has helped initiate this apocalypse by stalling time:
one of several the man's gathered and wrongly told this is all necessary to build a new,
better world upon destroying the current one.
However as we learn from his monologue, the true plan from the beginning was really to
obliterate himself and everything.
Dimentio- the real final boss of the game- actually knew of this and planned to betray
the tormented Count when the Pure Hearts were used up by Mario's team to fight him.
The good part about all this, is that even after a defeated, regretful Count wants Mario
to put an end to him- Mario's Pixl companion throughout the quest helps Blumiere come to
his senses.
Through slow buildup throughout the past chapter, it's realized that Tippi is actually Timpani-
transformed into a Pixl by Merlon as a last-ditch effort when he found the woman "barely alive".
Note that (as stated way back) Pixls are created with the souls of the dead.
As the two are finally reunited again, they move quickly to the altar used at the beginning
of the game- exchange love vows with one another, and vanish- leaving behind a restored Pure
Heart (the embodiment of love) to null the Chaos Heart.
Nobody knows where they went, and Natasha (Bleck's closest assistant, also revealed
to have been in love with him albeit one-sided) believes them to be alive somewhere.
The credits roll and afterwards, a picture of Timpani as a human with Blumiere appears
on screen.
This was the "place" they promised to find in the flashbacks that would accept their
It's very touching, and whether this is their afterlife or not (Bleck did say it would
cause both their demise) it's reassuring that their souls are together again at peace.
Count Bleck's previous dedication in wanting life to end is extremely depressing and makes
for a heartrending end, with an impactful moral as even this man (who remember, did
murder his own father and tribe) is deserving of happiness, redemption, and Timpani's
Additionally, his main theme is derived from the melancholy "Memory" track that plays
during the cutscenes revealing his past with Timpani, and their eventual reunion.
It's a perfectly touching tie-in that only accentuates the story.
And whether you like that sort of plottelling or not, it's no doubt the writers really
tried to construct a universe away from the typical Mario game- and expand on every detail.
Super Paper Mario has possibly the most external lore to find in any game of the franchise-
meaning aside from the main plot, veering off and speaking to characters like Garson
the Milk Bar owner and his Flopside counterpart Carson the Coffee barista- revealing so much
more world-building information that connects everything I've been speaking about.
In fact, they provided most of the filling-in-the blanks about Pixls I first discussed in the
Continuing this world-building we have The Pit of 100 Trials: a multi-layered dungeon
in the previous game and a series of rooms designed for torture.
In this sequel, there are two descending pits- and, according to these two gossipers- one
was used "by the Ancients to research the power of the Pure Hearts"- while the other
was to simply "study the powers of darkness".
Their experiments involved all sorts of "nasty" enemies from throughout the game's worlds,
explaining why they occupy each floor- with two boss monsters housed at the basements
of each pit.
This includes an upgraded mechanical dragon fought early on in the game, and "Shadoo"
a shapeshifting demon that acts as the final challenge to this side quest.
The duplicator works for its own cursed powers, and reveals that it asked the main cast to
complete the Pit simply as a way to study and clone their character.
Its goal was to perfectly replicate and replace the heroes to seek revenge on The Ancients-
an interesting bit of story that adds to the overarching one.
Both it and Wracktail had a hatred for their creators, the latter we know for imprisonment.
But just what is Shadoo?
These tidbits of lore add a lot of intrigue to the game's history with the mysteries
of these Ancients this game so loves to talk about.
Shadoo's origin is left vague enough to investigate further, but satisfies curiosity
and is worth talking about because the developers cared enough to build this world and constantly
reference in-game events.
Transfering to my segment of hidden sexual themes within the game, and for a little break
from the darker topics, we have another tale from Garson- this time gossiping about the
Ancients and their supposed passion for love.
Sorry, I meant HOT burning passion.
He even whispers about an Ancient sage the player meets early on- Merlumina and her particularly
"spicy" love life.
So if all the Ancients were so passionate, and Merlumina was the most promiscuous- just
what is she romantically competing against?
Well, if you remember the Sammer Kingdom and its 100 soldiers- these fighters are said
to be the children of King Sammer and Merlumina's younger sister.
If her sister gave birth to 100 kids and Merlumina is the one with a spicy love life, we can
get a glimpse of just how passionate this tribe really was.
Take that in for a minute.
Speaking of, Garson goes on to say "The 100 princes and their royal parents ushered
in a new era of prosperity.
Imagine all the budding romances with 100 strapping princes around..".
Goodness, who would have expected that kind of dialogue and topic from this series?
Moving forward, additional sexual references include:
Dimentio (another one of Bleck's minions) calling Luigi's mustache a shag to insult
This was censored in the PAL region because in Great Britain, "shag" is slang for
Mimi also dreams of pools filled with hunky lifeguards, revealed by Dimentio upon reading
her diary.
Embarrassed, she transforms into Bowser- a reference to the first game in which Peach
must read his diary to learn where Mario has to travel next.
While on the topic of Mimi, and like Shadoo- Caron brings up the important question of
what exactly she is.
Both offers of an answer involve her being a "failed experiment" of sorts, whether
it be an attempt at creating a new Pixl or a witch's unintended brewing.
A potion with mimicking properties would explain her ability- and may give reason for her terrifying
"true" form.
That's right, as hinted by Tippi this is not the real Mimi- undergoing a horrific transformation
(wow, more like Majora's Mask than I thought) in which her neck audibly snaps and head rotates
It uncomfortably stops upside down, where spider-legs sprout out from where her neck
was to become this beast.
A deranged laugh using her name is accompanied by a purple-jagged text box usually reserved
for the series' most sinister villains, where it then proceeds to chase you around
(in its first appearance, throughout a maze where it will warp to try and catch up to
Nerve-racking and classically scary being a creepy-crawler: paired with her innocent
girl to gag-inducing metamorphosis- provides some of the game's greater nightmare fuel.
Before we move away with Mimi, it's also worth mentioning her prominence before this
as a ringleader: enslaving Mario & Peach by locking them in a mansion and forcing them
to pay off a massive debt for breaking an inexpensive vase.
The slavery theme is played heavily here, with those that thought were going to Merlee's
mansion for a charm were instead tricked into the same position Mario's in as a prisoner.
In worse shape than you, these unfortunate souls are bound by ball & chains and serve
by direction of these whip-wielding "Ackpows".
Clearly inspired by ancient Egyptian labor systems, it's certainly an unexpected direction
to interact with and work as a peasant in inhumane circumstances.
Getting back to what I mentioned about this game's afterlife, there is frequent talk
of death in this game.
"Death" itself in usually always spoken of with the pretty clever euphemism "game
As in, that character lost his last life, without any extra chances.
For the team at Super Paper Mario to write-in "game overs" as an actual story consequence
is incredible and something I hope to see revisited in a future Mario RPG.
김연경 소속팀은 곧 우승팀, 4개국 리그 우승 주역 대기록 - Korean Hot News - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
メルセデス・ベンツ 「MFAⅡ」 Aクラス フルモデルチェンジ 次世代プラットフォーム採用 AI搭載インフォテイメントシステム標準装備 新型2018年世界初公開 | 車世界 - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
Discussing Cross-Promotion with The Nine [Apartments] at Gainesville - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Real Food Vs. Gummy Fount...-------------------------------------------
🔴 Ivete Sangalo Mostra o enxoval das Gêmeas e Última Mensagem COMOVE - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Homilia Diária.759: Quinta-feira da 4.ª Semana do Tempo Comum (P) - Não há apóstolo sem sacrifício - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Abuso? Ana Clara é obrigada a estar com o pai no edredom e reação choca | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Relaxed Hair | Diy oils vs Hair Polish - Duration: 4:16.hair polish vs hair oil mixture have we been using these wrong let's find out in
this video
welcome back to my channel everybody hair obsess JC here always on a hair
obsessed journey to long relax here welcome back to my new subscribers thanks for
tuning in, if you guys haven't seen in my last relaxer update my update number 4 I
want to leave that up in the cards for you guys to check that out now in that
video I mentioned to you that when I entered into the salon and the lady checked my
hair she told me that man hair was hard, dry and brittle she asked me if I was
using some sort of oil on my hair on a daily basis and I said to her normally
when I style my hair I would use a little of my oil and you guys have seen
me in my videos using a little bit of this oil just to give me a nice little
shine to go to work so I wanted to tell you the reason why she told me enough to
use this anymore now she explained to me that this oil is
not supposed to be placed on the why because this is an oil with natural
oils that we blend up in our homes she says that this oil is for your scalp for
your new growth and the oil is to promote growth now
she explained to me that when you use these oil mixtures the reason why is not
to be placed on the length of your hair is because when you go out into the heat
when you go out into the Sun it attracts the Sun and causes the hair to dry out
and feel brittle so she said to me I should get a hear polish Nova hear
polish is the sign for the length of your hair that he abolished this is the
one I got the boys here appear hair polished these are designed to protect
the hair from heat damage moisture and humidity so instead of using the oil
mixture to the length of the hear you use a ear polish because the heat polish
is for that purpose let me know in the comment section if you guys are
understanding the difference between the heum oil mix and the hair polish less
retarded as she said the hair oil that we make in our home has natural oils it
has no chemicals in the oil to protect the ear from the heat I live in a
country where it's heat all year round you guys in the United States you have
different climates so in the summer what she's recommending that you would do is
use it here polish because the heat of the Sun
sucks the moisture and dries out the year when we use these air mixtures on
the length of your here this is a big place on the scalp on the new growth and
it is to promote growth let me know in the comment section if you're
understanding this explanation so this is why I got the hair polish because the
hair polish is designed to protect you here from the heat I won't dry out your
hair and let you hear think brittle so I no longer use this on the length of my
hair I now use the hair polish to the land to protect my hair from behind I
hope this video was helpful I hope you guys learned something new if you did
please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven't already if the
notification bell so you don't miss any of my videos I'll see you guys in the
next video thanks for watching adios
Rainbow Fruits and Vegetables Olympics Ski Cross | Animation | Healthy Kids Songs - Duration: 2:35.
The fruits and veggies are off to race
Down the hill, they all give chase
Strawberry starts out in the lead
But look out Red, pick up your speed!
Here comes Asparagus around the gate
Don't look now, no time to wait!
Blueberry, Eggplant, Pepper, and Squash
Even Cauliflower flies by in a flash
Oh, yeah
Here it goes
It's ok to feel sad
A friend can lend a hand
When things don't go your way
Teamwork saves the day!
Fruits and veggies are so sweet
Crunchy or squishy, they can't be beat!
Three servings of veggies,
two of fruit
You'll feel great and look it too!
Oh, yeah!
[End Credit Music]
Amazon echo dot 2nd generation (Unbox & Review) - Duration: 6:39.Hey hey. Welcome to your favorite youtube channel, Allan George.
In this moment, we will be doing a review of the...
Amazon Echo Dot Second generation.
But, before starting...
Roll the intro!
Oh, you arrived.
Here we have the Amazon Echo Dot.
Some people told me this could do a lot of things for me.
Now, we are going to
remove with finesse the duct ta...
With finesse the duct tape.
Well, I just removed the first duct tape
Wow... So amazing!
We are going to remove the other one
Let's see what this little box contains.
Wowww, So cool!
Here we can visualize
the powerful device.
And here we have,
the power source!
My mother!
So cool!
we can visualize with the view of our eyes.
This has an AUX connector.
And... ok.
I think it's time to connect it, so we can test it.
Well, we already have it connected.
Let's see.
Oh My...
Oh my God! What is this?
A robot!
Shut up, shut up.
Shut up!
Oh my God!
What is this?
On second thought
Some people told me this could do a lot of things for me
Let's see...
if that's true.
I think I want to put some music.
What now?
All these dishes...
Wow Alexa!
I love you!
It is really cold right now...
Let me ask my sweetie: how is the weather?
Cold weather for us to cuddle.
Come hug me.
Wow my friend.
I see you can do a lot of things.
Let's carry on testing your limits.
Let's see if you can fly.
Wow my friend!
You can fly!
You are amazing!
Well my brother...
I don't know how to do that.
I truly don't know.
My friend can help me.
. .
Oh yeah!
I will get an A.
It's time to sleep.
Let me go to bed.
Allan, you are so dumb!
I forgot to turn off the light.
What now?
Who is going to turn that off?
My friend Alexa could help me.
Oh my God!
I'm in love with you Alexa!
I forgot to set the alarm.
You will help me with that.
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