Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jan 30 2018

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For more infomation >> GuardiaN set a NEW CSGO RECORD! Eleague Major 2018 (Cloud9 vs FaZe) - Duration: 1:54.


СТРОЙКА БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> СТРОЙКА БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:41.


Dacia Duster 1.2 TCe 125pk Lauréate (NAV./Airco/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Dacia Duster 1.2 TCe 125pk Lauréate (NAV./Airco/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.


Lewex - LEMMiNO研究報告 The LEMMiNO Documentation 中文字幕cc - Duration: 18:17.

For more infomation >> Lewex - LEMMiNO研究報告 The LEMMiNO Documentation 中文字幕cc - Duration: 18:17.


Talking Tom Run Gold UPDATE. Kung Fu HANK. #116 ANGELA FRIENDS Ben - Duration: 19:47.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Run Gold UPDATE. Kung Fu HANK. #116 ANGELA FRIENDS Ben - Duration: 19:47.


Concentrem-se em suas visualizações de como as mudanças acontecerão e quais os seus resultados - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> Concentrem-se em suas visualizações de como as mudanças acontecerão e quais os seus resultados - Duration: 9:59.


Romina Power e il post con Al Bano e Yari che ha fatto impazzire il web | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Romina Power e il post con Al Bano e Yari che ha fatto impazzire il web | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:35.


31 Gennaio 2018: la Superluna Blu Rosso Sangue - La Fisica che non ti aspetti - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> 31 Gennaio 2018: la Superluna Blu Rosso Sangue - La Fisica che non ti aspetti - Duration: 5:48.


Al Bano e Romina Power disperati: l'appello e la confessione shock |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power disperati: l'appello e la confessione shock |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:57.


Vlog PARIGI, una città fantastica! - Duration: 26:41.

For more infomation >> Vlog PARIGI, una città fantastica! - Duration: 26:41.


Fortes emoções: Clara e Adriana descobrem o pior sobre Duda e reações chocam | NOTÍCIAS DO BRASIL - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Fortes emoções: Clara e Adriana descobrem o pior sobre Duda e reações chocam | NOTÍCIAS DO BRASIL - Duration: 4:59.


Albano Carrisi e Loredana Lecciso: tutta la verità a Domenica Live |Hot News 24 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Albano Carrisi e Loredana Lecciso: tutta la verità a Domenica Live |Hot News 24 - Duration: 4:04.


Combinazioni di frutta e ortaggi per perdere peso - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Combinazioni di frutta e ortaggi per perdere peso - Duration: 10:55.


Tatá Werneck revela ter levado soco de ator e que precisou fazer cirurgia. | NOTÍCIAS DO BRASIL - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Tatá Werneck revela ter levado soco de ator e que precisou fazer cirurgia. | NOTÍCIAS DO BRASIL - Duration: 5:00.


CURA DA DIABETES ➜ Tome Isto Antes de Dormir, e Diga ADEUS a DIABETES da Sua Vida... - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> CURA DA DIABETES ➜ Tome Isto Antes de Dormir, e Diga ADEUS a DIABETES da Sua Vida... - Duration: 3:06.


Deus Salve o Rei: Após embate histórico de Catarina e Amália, princesa será duramente punida - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Deus Salve o Rei: Após embate histórico de Catarina e Amália, princesa será duramente punida - Duration: 4:42.


さらばCクラス!メルセデス・Eクラス カブリオレ次世代型、400馬力の直4搭載で3月デビューか? - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> さらばCクラス!メルセデス・Eクラス カブリオレ次世代型、400馬力の直4搭載で3月デビューか? - Duration: 1:50.


My Favorite Books & Movies (Part 1) By: Beyond Transmission - Duration: 7:25.

hey what's up guys this week we've been

all over the Mediterranean we've been

through Italy and France and now we are

in Spain and we are in Barcelona check

it out the second F Emilia today is just

kind of a different episode I wanted to

talk a little bit about just kind of

real talk with you guys some of my

favorite books and movies and podcasts

and YouTube channels that really helped

me kind of transition from this whole

religious experience to more of a

spiritual experience and even if you are

religious I think you guys might really

enjoy a lot of this stuff anybody really

that's looking to you know to progress

personally and enhance their spiritual

life I think might really enjoy some of

this stuff but anyway I starting with

books I would highly recommend checking

out a book called chakra therapy by

Keith Sherwood that's probably been one

of my favorite books it's a lot more

than just chakra cleansing I you know I

picked it up thinking it would just be

teaching me about chakras but it's

basically like a guide to life and talks

a lot about different religions and how

they all coincide and just really kind

of understanding the big picture thing

so I'd highly recommend that one another

one that I've really enjoyed is Michael

singers the untethered soul that's a

great book just about not attaching and

kind of opening your mind to different

ideas and such another one would be

waking up by Sam Harris and that's kind

of like a guide to spirituality without

religion but again you're just really

great for anybody another thing that I

would I would recommend anybody read

that might seem a little overwhelming if

you're not familiar with it but it's the

daodejing you can actually just download

online just a PDF for free and read it

and I think I mean it's a real easy

read in the sense that it's pretty

shorts you could probably get through it

in a day or two but it's just so

beautiful and poetic that you know I

took a little more time reading it and

there's also a bunch of books about the

daodejing as well that kind of explain

it a little bit more so I would highly

recommend that and then the last two

books I would recommend would be

allusions by Richard Bach that is it's a

fiction but there is a lot of kind of

parables throughout it talks about this

reluctant Messiah and in Richard Bach

basically playing himself learning from

this this this Messiah and it's really

really interesting

yeah and lastly I would recommend a book

by David Lynch called catching the big

fish and really anything by David Lynch

is gonna be great he is a filmmaker

director and really big in

Transcendental Meditation so in ways of

movies one that I would really recommend

that I actually watched twice the first

time that I saw it it's called the shift

by Wayne Dyer this shift this movement

from the morning to the afternoon of

your life generally it's preceded by

what we call a quantum moment I would

highly recommend that movie it's so good

another another film well two films

actually that I would recommend is

samsara and Baraka not so there's no

message there's no narrative in it but

it's kind of like a guided meditation in

a sense because it's mostly it I mean

it's shot all over the world but just

really beautiful cinematography that

kind of opens your mind to different

cultures and different ways of seeing

things and so that that really opened my

mind as well I I would say most of what

I've been watching lately has been like

YouTube videos and so a couple YouTube

channels that I've really been following

is Sadhguru see if you believe that it's

gone or if you believe there is no god

you're in the same boat you believe

something that you do not know if you

see I do not know

the longing to know will arise within

you if the longing arises the seeking

and Isis is the seeking arises the

possibility of knowing exists it's

usually a crowd of people in a room that

are just kind of asking you know a bunch

of different questions anything and

that's really cool somebody very similar

to him if you like that would be mushi

from one candle you can light a million

candles if one common lights their own

candle right there you can let a million

souls so powerful is there and again

really great stuff especially if you're

trying to get a little bit more into

self-awareness living the moments also

anything by Eckhart Tolle it's really

good this is the most vital thing in

spirits alive is to be able to watch

your mind to be the observer of your

mind so that the mind is not controlling

you and that is how you eliminate stress

yes and suffering and and of course my

favorite who was a huge factor in in

basically introducing me to Eastern

philosophy and explaining in a way

that's understandable and interesting

would be Alan Watts is that each

individual experiences himself as a

peculiarly separate being in other words

every man thinks of this world as a

collection of objects and speaking of

Alan Watts even though he has passed on

there is a podcast of all of Alan Watts

is like speeches and discourses which is

really interesting and speaking of

podcasts a couple of my favorite

podcasts would be first of all the Joe

Rogan experience that podcast is

extremely interesting for me and very

insightful he has just awesome guests on

there some of my favorite episodes on

there is where he has Neil deGrasse

Tyson if there is really an infinity

there is not only a you and and I but

there's a you and I and everybody else

we've ever met and all the exact events

and the exact same order have gone down

an infinite number of time

including this conversation okay except

except there is I don't how many people

know this but often its mind-blowing

when you learn that some infinities are

bigger than others anyway you guys just

thought I'd share with you some some

insightful content and and media that

I've been into as a blade that had been

kind of inspirational to me and

educational as I've been creating this

channel as I've been transitioning from

religion spirituality but again anybody

can be spiritual whether you're

religious or not and I think I think you

know always expanding our mind being

open that's the best way to live you

know and so with that said you guys stay

curious and we'll see you next time


For more infomation >> My Favorite Books & Movies (Part 1) By: Beyond Transmission - Duration: 7:25.


COMO AFINAR A CINTURA RAPIDINHO! 4 Exercícios Para Afinar a Cintura Tenha Cintura Fina em Casa - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> COMO AFINAR A CINTURA RAPIDINHO! 4 Exercícios Para Afinar a Cintura Tenha Cintura Fina em Casa - Duration: 9:07.


Ice Hockey Stories to Watch at PyeongChang 2018 | Olympic Winter Games - Duration: 6:54.



The roots of the sport came from sledding.

Skeleton made its Olympic debut in 1928.

Then, after a 20-year hiatus, returned again.

It was then discontinued for decades before 2002,

when it found smooth sliding again on the Olympic programme.

In Pyeongchang, there will be separate competitions for men

and women consisting of four runs apiece,

with the total aggregate times determining placements.

The skeleton events will take place

at the Olympic Sliding Centre,

which will host luge and bobsleigh events.

The venue allows 7,000 spectators watching a course

over 1,300 metres long.

The track drops from 940 metres at the start

to 800 metres at the finish,

at an average tilt of 9.5 degrees.

What do Formula 1 drivers

and Olympic skeleton athletes have in common?

The answer later on Stories To Watch.


Lizzy Yarnold won the gold medal at the 2014 Olympics,

where she led after each round of the competition.

She won the world title a year later.

Lizzy goes by the nickname She-Ra,

an animated character known as the Princess of Power.

Lizzy skipped the 2015-16 season

after suffering from burn-out.

She married sled engineer James Roche

and now lives in south-west England in a house

originally owned by 2010 Olympic champ Amy Williams.

In 2008, she attended UK Sport's

Gold For Girls talent search,

hoping to become an equestrian rider.

Instead, UK Sport introduced her to the skeleton.

Lucky them.

For all of Germany's success in the sliding sports,

Jacqueline Loelling will try to win her nation's first-ever

Olympic gold medal in skeleton.

In 2012, she became her sport's

first-ever youth Olympic Games gold medallist.

Now, Jacqueline enters Pyeongchang

as the youngest woman to win a world skeleton gold.

Jacqueline has worked for the federal police

and comes from central Siegerland.

She draws inspiration in her career from the German

football team's victory in the World Cup in Brazil in 2014.


The five best countries in skeleton

start with Italy in fifth.

Switzerland stands fourth, with three overall.

In third place, Canada, winners of two gold, four overall.

Great Britain holds six total medals in its history,

and the USA is at the top,

with three gold and eight overall medals.

At age 33, Martins Dukurs

is one of the greatest skeleton athletes in history.

He has won World Championship gold five times

and the European Championships eight straight seasons.

He walked away from Sochi

with his second straight Olympic medal.

Martins' ultimate goal is to stand on top

of the medal podium in Pyeongchang.

His father Dainis was head coach of the national team

and managed the track in Sigulda.

Those long hours sliding on that track paved a career

that led him to being honoured as Latvia's flag bearer

in the opening ceremony at the Olympics in 2010.

Martins lists his favourite book as The Da Vinci Code,

but the only mystery he wants to crack

is how to put Latvia at the top of the podium.


First-time Olympian Axel Jungk

was fourth in the World Cup circuit last season,

and the German has been steadily knocking on the door

of the podium places.

Axel often makes accommodations in his training

for lingering back problems.

Doing so helped him to win the silver medal

at the 2017 World Championships.

Now, he has his eye on other competitors.

I think there are two men to beat.

Martins Dukurs and Yun Sung-Bin.

I think that both guys will be very hard to beat.

Yun Sung-Bin became the first Korean

to win a World Cup skeleton event

when he edged Martins Dukurs in a competition in 2016.

As an 18-year-old high school senior, he won his first

national title after just three months of training.

Yun's hometown is in the south of the country in Jinju,

less well-known for winter sports

than lantern raising festivals and bullfighting.

No Korean athlete has won an Olympic medal

in a sliding sport.

Did you know that skeleton

will field its first black athlete at Pyeongchang?

Akwasi Frimpong from Ghana

learned skeleton whilst studying in the US.

Janine Flock became the first Austrian woman

to compete in the skeleton at the last Games.

Then, she won her country's first overall World Cup

skeleton title in 2015.

She began 2017 late because she needed physical therapy.

In her words, "My body was a single construction site."

Off the ice, she began studying yoga and Pilates,

and took time to cook her own meals.

Janine said the single vision that pushed her through

was the thought of an Olympic medal.

Tina Harriman won gold in the individual

and mixed team event at the World Championships in 2017.

To become an Olympian is a really big dream,

and to fight for the medal.

Tina is a very consistent slider

with an uncanny ability to find the most navigable line

in changing weather conditions.

The poorer the weather, the better her chances.

Did you guess the answer to our question?

Skeleton athletes share something important with

open wheel drivers in Formula 1.

It's G-forces.

Both fight more than five times the force of gravity.

The Olympic competition will take place over three days,

with the men completing two runs each

on February 15th and 16th

and the women taking their turns on the 16th and 17th.

The Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang

are set to begin February 9.

Fill your knowledge tank by watching other

episodes on Olympic Channel.

For more infomation >> Ice Hockey Stories to Watch at PyeongChang 2018 | Olympic Winter Games - Duration: 6:54.


GGWP: Crystallize & XBOCT Thug Life - Duration: 22:01.

Hello, friends.

This is almost the most intellectual show in the world - GGWP, and I am the host - Yana Khymchenko.

Today, two contestants will be competing for "The smartest person in the room" title - Crystallize and XBOCT.

Before we start, I'd like to know your predictions for this contest.

Tell me what you think.

Of course, our coach is the smartest.

The coach thinks the same, so let's start.

Okay, here are the rules: we have eight topics.

Crystallize, Women's, Movies, Random topic, XBOCT, Men's, Animals, Back-to-school questions.

Now you will draft those topics for each other.

Crystallize chooses a topic for you, you choose for Vlad.

Let's decide who goes first with a round of rock-paper-scissors.


You automatically receive questions about XBOCT, don't take a look yet. And a topic about Vlad goes to you.

You can draft all the other topics, let's go.

I choose that one for XBOCT.

- Women's topic goes to Sasha. - Nice.

Should I read it?

Now you should choose topic for him.

- Animals! - You get animals.

Random... There are some difficult questions in there.

Nothing can be done about it. Back-to-school topic is for you then.

School, Animals, XBOCT, everything you like.

We keep these two topics in case of a draw.

Let's start with Crystallize because he won. You can only cheer for him.

I will read the questions, but you can look at them yourself.

Our topic is Animals, I don't have it here, so let me read from your card.

Which of the following animals doesn't inhabit Africa?

A. Okapi; B. Tiger; C. Jackal; D. Baboon.


- Did you hear the question, Sasha? - No.

Crystallize is the one who should answer, but you can have some fun too.

Can I have any hints?

No, you can't.

There are only four answers to choose from, come on.

Do you know the answer?

Hell no.

Okay, I'm gonna take a guess and say Okapi.

Okapi, what is it?

I don't know, that's the problem.

It's an animal.

Yes, I know.

I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

- The are no tigers in Africa, they live only in Asia. - Baboons.... Yeah, that's right.

Yes, and Okapi is a hybrid of zebra and giraffe.

It was so obvious...

Question number two.

What's the breed of this dog? Let me show you the picture.

A. Beagle; B. Spitz; C. Jack Russel; D. Corgi.

Your questions about animals are way too difficult. Thank God you got this topic.

I have no idea what Beagle or Corgi look like, it's either Pom or Jack Russel.

- It's clearly a spitz. - I choose Jack Russel.

Did you listen to this guy?


Okay, I accept it, and you're wrong. It's a Beagle.

It's a Beagle, a young Beagle.

The third question: Which one doesn't fit in the list?

A. Titanosaur; B. Heterodontosaurus; C. Vicosaur; D. Stegosaurus.

Vicosaur, clearly.

I accept your answer and you're right, congratulations on your first point.


Vicosaur brings you the first point.

Now it's you turn, choose the topic.

Let's start with Random.

Okay, I'll read the question, you can take a look yourself.

What is a PP duster?

A. Unfortunate young man; B. A dust brush; C. A stand for notes; D. Glasses without ear hooks.

I think it's C, A stand for notes.

I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

Do you know the correct one?

PP duster?

Yes, you probable mistook it.

Yea, probably, and what is the correct one?

It's a dust brush, you know, it's...

Fluffy? Yes, I got it. It's okay.

Okay, the second one. Which commandment is not in the Bible?

A. Honor your Mother and Father; B. Remember the sabbath day; C. Don't take the Lord's name in vain; D. Don't swear.

To be honest...

How often do you read Bible?


Let's try to guess.

Let's try, we probably should honor Mother and Father, so it is correct.

Sabbath day also has some meaning behind it, don't swear is probably there as well...

Hold on... Commandments are something important...

- 10 Commandments. - 10?

- Only one of these isn't present there? - Yes.

Don't take the Lord's name in vain...

Do you know?

What's the 4th answer?

Don't swear.

I have two ideas... Okay, I choose answer C.

Okay, I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

The 4th answer, Don't swear is the correct one, there is no such commandment.

I knew it.

The 3rd question, the famous quote from Mayakovsky:

A. Night, street, street-light, drugstore; B. I like the fact that you're not mad about me;

C. My uncle, man of true conviction; D. Could you perform a nocturne?

Well, "My uncle, man of true conviction" isn't it, probably.

Night, street, street-light, drugstore is incorrect as well, probably it's "Could you perform a nocturne?"

I accept your answer and it is...

- Incorrect? - Correct!

Nice. 2:1. Up top! We can make it together.

Let's move to Crystallize, your topic is Back-to-school questions.

Which of the words has incorrect stressing?

A. CraTER; B. PLUMmy; C. FlintSTONE; D. MoSAic.

I wasn't listening again, but I agree, it's moSAic.

Where is the mistake? CraTER, PLUMmy, FlintSTONE, MoSAic.

- I know the answer. - You do?

Well, considering my previous answers, I can't be certain.

CraTER is correct for sure, PLUMmy... I choose PLUMmy.

PLUMmy, I accept your answer and it's incorrect, craTER is incorrect, it's CRAter.

- CRAter of the volcano? - Yes.


For example, someone comes to me and says how awful my CRAter is... it can't be true.

I thought...

Not only you, the whole world apart from Yana thought it's correct.

The question is flawed.

Okay, I won't count it.

The second question, you have to think here.

You have 1000 gold, your GPM is 400. How many seconds do you need to buy Shadow Blade?

A. 250; B. 255; C. 245; D. 260.

You need to do the math here.

Only if he knew the cost of the Shadow Blade.

How much gold does Shadow Blade cost? Let's go from there.

How much gold does Shadow Blade cost?

Well, Claymore is 1400.

Yeah, I know that too. What about Shadow Amulet though?

- 1300 or ... - 1350, I guess.

Could be.

1300, yeah? Okay it's 1300 then.

Let's stick to the 2700 gold cost of Shadow Blade.


So, 1000 gold...

- Let's do it this way. You have 1000 gold. - So?

You need 1700 more.

- So it's a minute and a half... Ah, 1700? - Yes.

If Shadow Blade costs 2700 gold and you have 1000 that means you need 1700 gold more.

I see.

- 1600 is 4 minutes. - That's right.

Add 15 seconds. 4 minutes + 15 seconds... Do the math.

240 and 15 more... Wait a second. 15? Hold on...

That's right, your GPM is 400, you need 100 more gold on top of that 1600...

- 100? - Or is it 200 more?

No, he needs 100 more.

100 it is, which makes it 15 seconds, the fourth part of a minute.

- Add 15, go ahead. Is there a 255 option there? - Are you sure?

- Is there? - Yes.

I'd go for it.

Okay, 255 then.

That's correct.

Nice! Slip me five! Teamplay.

The third question. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in:

A. Tanzania; B. Tibet; C. Mesopotamia; D. Chile.

Probably in Chile.

I pick Chile.

Okay, I accept it.

You're wrong, Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, Africa.

You earned 1 point for this round.

And what a point it was!

- The score is 2:1. - Yes, 2:1.

Sasha, Women's.

I'll do just fine here.

Go on.

Complete the phrase: I'm hard to..., easy to..., impossible to...

A. Understand, find, get rid of;

B. Find, lose, forget;

C. Find, feed, lift;

D. Lose, forget, forgive.

I'm hard to find, easy to lose, impossible to forget, as far as I remember.

That's what I tell to my socks every morning.

Also, I think every second person on the Internet knows that phrase... So, yeah.

I accept your answer, you're right.

What don't girls do with their eyebrows?

A. Microblading; B. Trimming; C. Threading (plucking with a thread); D. Sealing.

You should know that.

Okay. Plucking with a thread sounds somewhat absurd.

Sealing... How can you seal your eyebrows?

Trimming... I think that's possible. Microblading most likely too.

It probably has something to do with a microblade.

So, it's either sealing or threading.

How can you thread eyebrows?

Do you thread your eyebrows?


Does anyone in here thread their eyebrows?

Not much to go on.

Maybe ask Vlad, he helped you before.

Any chance you seal your eyebrows?

It depends.

It's either sealing or threading. Two options.

Probably you can pluck them with a thread somehow... But how do you seal them?

Or wait. You shave eyebrows off and then draw new ones back on.

Definitely! I pick threading.

I accept your answer and it is incorrect.

Threading is possible, whereas sealing is not.

What?! I just said how it's done.

You start with a micro blade, then...

You can use it as a startup idea.

All my startups have been successful thus far.

Third question. What does a concealer do?

A. Makes the skin matte; B. Pushes up the breasts; C. Makes the shoes shine; D. Covers blemishes.

Well, conceal means to hide, which makes it D. Covers blemishes.

Wow, such knowledge!

That's correct, you earned two points for this round.

The score is 3:2 in favor of Sasha.

Now questions about Sasha.

Actually, I should've gotten 3 points because sealing is possible for sure, but threading is not.

Ok, here's the question.

As a teenager, Sasha used to steal:

A. Sunflower oil; B. Oranges; C. Credit cards; D. Gas.

You should've added bananas.

We should switch credit cards with bananas, I used to steal them too. So...

Sunflower oil... I don't think you'd shoplift bottles of oil.

- You never know. - Though who knows.


I was cupping it in my hands.

Why cupping? You could siphon off.

Well, I just did some sucking off on Huskar.

Credit cards...

Cards happened later when I was older.

Really? Well, no one has figured out that it was you since you haven't been caught yet.

Oranges then.

Okay, I accept your answer, but unfortunately, you're wrong.

Sasha, tell us the story.

It could very well be oranges, I may have stolen some, there were very few in our city.

It was oil. My childhood in Yalta was rough and we had to survive.

The city of Yalta is sloping down and there was this store with the angled floor,

and a gap between the floor and the storeroom door.

Since the floor was angled, I could reach the bottles of oil with my quick hand through the gap.

I didn't steal much, only 3 bottles.

Then I sold them and bought myself a chocolate bar.

Bought oranges?

I bought credit cards and it got the ball rolling. Then I started going to an internet cafe, then there was TI and so on.

Never ever try this yourself, it was a professional's work. So, don't do this.

What's Sasha's nickname?

A. Valet; B. Sandy Dasher; C. Wiseguy; D. Crook.

I'd choose valet.

You know, when I was picking nicknames, I stumbled upon a website with prison nicknames.

I see.

That explains stolen credit cards.

Well, valet refers to someone else.

I don't think it's Sandy Dasher.

Wiseguy or crook...

Yeah. I think I'll go for Wiseguy.

What do you think "wiseguy" means in prison slang?

Prison slang? I have no idea.

Me neither.

Probably a clever person. That's clearly not me, so...

Okay, I accept your answer and it is wrong.

Sasha, tell us.

Well, it's pretty obvious. There are 3 prison nicknames and Sandy Dasher.


- Okay. What's my name? - Sasha.

- Do you know what my last name is? - Dashkevich.

Now look, Sandy is a female form of Sasha.

That's a nickname and it's supposed to be offensive to me.

Dashkevich, dash, dasher...

Well, people in Yalta are particularly creative and imaginative.

That's what one girl named me.

By the way, she currently lives in the US and always says Sandy.

On to the third question.

A kid's game led to an accident of Sasha:

A. Cracking his head on the brick; B. Setting a neighbor's car on fire; C. Falling from 9 meters height; D. Breaking his neck.

You could've asked me because more than one of the above things happened to me.


Now there are at least 2 correct answers.

I guess so. Sasha, you had quite an eventful childhood.

Well, it's Yalta, there was nothing much to do there.

There's no money, you can't go anywhere, learn music or something.

You have to steal sunflower oil and play games.

And jump from 9 meters height?

Fall. Go ahead, Crystallic.

Cracking his head on the brick...

Come on, focus.

What's more possible? Don't pick the one you just said.

Both accidents could be fatal, actually.

Which ones?

Falling from 9 meters height and breaking the neck.

There's a 50-50 chance.

If I broke my neck, I wouldn't be here with you right now. Yana knows what to pick.

Also setting a neighbor's car on fire... That's quite possible.

Why set on fire? I didn't set anything on fire, the car caught fire itself, I was just passing by.

I'll go for setting a neighbor's car on fire.

I accept it. Is it correct, Sasha?

No, it's not. There was a car on fire though, but it wasn't neighbor's.

- You didn't set it on fire? - No, what am I, thug or something?

That's the wrong answer then.

Well, looking at these questions you could very well be a thug...

Sasha fell from 9 meters height. How did that happen?

As kids, we were playing a game of tag in trees, touching the ground wasn't allowed.

So I was jumping from one tree to another, but I didn't quite make it and...

...fell into the lower courtyard. Well, 9 meters is a bit of a stretch, more like three-storey height.

I landed on some construction, it was some kind of boiler house with the soft roof, so I didn't get hurt.

I felt bad about losing a game of tag though.

Indeed. I feel bad about Crystallic not answering correctly too.

- So, he's already lost, right? - Yes.

But how would you like to answer questions about Crystallize?

I'm going to tell everything I know about you.

Which pet does Vlad want to get most?

A. Wombat; B. Dolphin; C. Panda; D. Pony.

I'd say it's a wombat, I'd want one and I think it's the best animal.

But I'll say panda.

That's correct.

It's not difficult at all.

- You see? I know everything about and you didn't even know about sunflower oil. - It was a process of elimination.

What? Okay, a dolphin. What would you do with it? Take a bath together?

What's the most... Oh, it's your job to read.

What's the most games Vlad has played in a row?

A. 21; B. 27; C. 25; D. 30.

It's a hard one. I pick 30.

What's the most games you've played?

In a row? I played two once.


Yes, I played two games today.

I accept your answer and you're wrong.

- Then 21. - 27.

How long did it take you to play 27 games?

About 26 hours, I didn't want to sleep.

Good for you.

Did you increase your MMR?

I won 14 games and lost 13.

Quite a productive day.

Yes, very.

What prevented Vlad from joining a football training class?

A. Broken arm; B. CS:GO; C. School; D. Sculpture classes.

Well, it's definitely not sculpting, and definitely not school.

Why not?

I know everything about you.

CS:GO? Definitely not GO. He was supposed to attend football classes when he was still in school, which means more than a year ago.

There's a football training class in our town.


Two years ago Vlad was still in school.

I know, but there was no CS:GO at the time.

What? There was.

No, there wasn't.

Two years ago?

It's wasn't CS:GO for sure.

- School or broken arm... - CS:GO has been out for 4 or more years I guess.

People have been playing it for 5 years, but you're saying that he wanted to join a football class while in the 9-10th grade?

Why not?

That's not how it works.

Okay, what if it was CS 1.6?

I'd choose it.



Are you sure?

Of course not. I say a broken arm.

That's incorrect.

Well, to be fair, all of the answers are incorrect, because it was CS 1.6 at the time.

Of course 1.6. All the answers are incorrect, you're fired, you can go now.

We'll finish without you.

That was the last question, you've won.


Sasha, on this occasion, I want to give you a prize.

Since this is an intellectual show, I'm giving you this book - "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

- I hope you haven't read it. - I have.

Well, it's okay, I'll give you another book.

Thanks everyone for watching this video.

Crystallize, don't get upset.


Maybe you'll get your revenge next time.

Guys, thanks again. See you soon on Natus Vincere channel. Bye.

For more infomation >> GGWP: Crystallize & XBOCT Thug Life - Duration: 22:01.


Francesco sarà squalificato dall'Isola dei Famosi? Ecco tutta la verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Francesco sarà squalificato dall'Isola dei Famosi? Ecco tutta la verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Webinar Secrets The Top Marketers Won't Tell You (Controversial) - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Webinar Secrets The Top Marketers Won't Tell You (Controversial) - Duration: 6:28.


The power of everyone singing melody with gang vocals - Duration: 11:29.

Have you ever watched a video from Hillsong or Gateway worship and noticed

all of the singers that they have on stage? Besides the energy that these

singers bring to the stage visually, these vocal channels actually add quite

a bit to the audio mix as well. Here's a few tips about arranging your worship

band using gang vocals and the power of everybody singing melody. Hey, it's Dave

Dolphin at practicalworshipblog.com, sharing ideas, tips and practical advice

for the everyday worship leader. The way that we arrange our band and our

songs is that we can have anywhere from four to seven singers on the stage. One

singer is leading the song, one is providing harmony as needed, the rest are

only singing melody in the bigger sections of the song like choruses and

parts of the bridge. We call these additional singers gang vocals. We

used to just have four singers on the front line of the stage, but recently

we've been experimenting with adding an ensemble of additional singers on the

back riser between the keys and the drums. This is where our bass player

would normally be, but we usually don't have a live bass player most Sunday's.

We have to fly that in through Ableton Live. So I've got this open space on the

stage and meanwhile I have a good amount of vocalist looking for reps and

opportunities to sing. Some Sundays there can be up to seven singers on the

stage and besides what they bring to the stage visually in terms of encouraging

others in their worship gang vocals can be a great tool to add dynamics to the

song itself. We're here at FOH, and I've got some multitracks

from a service we did a couple weeks ago. I'll play them for you

focusing on the vocals, and I'll show you how this works. I'm gonna play the

chorus of this particular song from Sunday. This is everything. This is the

full mix. This is as it happened on Sunday.

I'm going to go ahead and play that section again, but I'm going to mute all

the gang vocals and also the harmony. We're going to have just the lead

going into the chorus, and then I'm going to add back in just the gang vocals. Again,

still no harmony—just the gang vocals—so you can hear the difference between just

the lead and then what the gang vocals are adding to the mix.

Here's all the gang vocals minus the harmony.

See how even just adding in all the gang singers, everyone's singing melody,

even without the harmony there was a lift. There was an increase in the dynamics.

They added to the energy that was going on. It was all those singers singing

melody that added to the dynamics, not necessarily the harmony. The harmony is

more of the salt that we add to the mix, but if we want to add power and umph gang

vocals is how we accomplish that. Moving to a different portion of the

song, this is the bridge. The way that this song works is it's one of those

bridges that repeats over and over and over and it just builds on itself each

time that we do it until the final one where the lid just pops off

and it explodes. I'm going to play this bridge with just the lead vocal which is

right here and the harmony vocal right here. Everything else we're going mute

the rest of the gang vocals. We just have these two,

so as the song is growing the only thing we're going to add in is the one single


Let's play that same section of the song again and instead of bringing in

the one harmony we're going to bring in all the gang vocals and no harmony. We're

going to mute the harmony, but I'm going to bring in the rest of the gang vocals so

when we get to the repeat of the bridge what gives it the umph is the

gang but we're not going to do harmony. This is what that sounds like.

Here's all the gang right here.

See how if we had to pick between one of the two, if we had to pick between adding

in a single harmony to make it lift or to add in a bunch of gang vocals singing

melody, if we had to choose between the two, do you see how the gang vocals actually

accomplishes more? It gives us more lift, more umph. It adds to the dynamics more

than the harmonies. Now, if we add the harmony in...

now it adds some color but not necessarily dynamics.

Something else I want to point out while I'm here just in terms of how

we arrange the vocals, I want you to notice something. When we play this part

of the bridge notice how the lead and the harmony actually take it up going

into the final repeat.

Right here.

But if we mute the lead and the harmony and we leave just the gang listen to

what they do.

See how they sing it normally. They don't take it up. They don't go up like they do.

When we do gang vocals we will sing it like the people in the room are going to

sing it. We don't modify the melody or anything like that. If the lead

and a harmony—if the lead is going to take liberties then obviously the harmony has

to follow that—the rest of the gang we instruct them to just sing it normally.

If you would normally sing it down, then we do that. We just let the

lead do that. That way it's not this big hodgepodge mess. Again, part of what helps

with the gang vocals is that we're singing what the people in the room are

singing, so that allows the lead to maybe take some liberties at the end of the

song and add some flourish and some color, but still give it a

foundation to what the melody is so that people can sing along. Alright, same

concept, different song. Here's the entire mix.

Here's everyone's singing as it happened on Sunday.

Especially a song like this, it's very authoritative and just very declaring,

to have all those singers just come at you gives it a lot of umph going into the chorus.

So let's just leave it the lead. We're going to mute everyone else.

Here's all the gang vocals and harmony and everything, they're all

muted. It's just the lead.

Not the same power. Not the same power at all. Now if we add in the harmony, so just

the lead and the harmony—oh, I've got to do it this way because they're all in the same

VCA. So we have our lead and we have our harmony, same spot. The only

thing we're going to do to lift it is we're going to add in the harmony.

It adds some color but it doesn't add umph. We want umph, so compare that to if I had

to pick between just one harmony or everyone singing melody, so we're going to

mute the harmony but everyone else comes into play,

just the gang vocals. Same thing, no harmony but gang vocals.

See even without the color of that harmony, the salt that that adds, there's

still power.

Now I'm not saying that you should never do harmony with the arrangements with

your band. In fact you heard that we had one person specifically assigned to

sing harmony for our band, but I think when we're adding singers to our bands

we're very quick to add harmony parts as well. We're scared to have too many

people singing the same thing, and now we've got two, three, four harmony parts.

We think that's going to add power. It's going to add color for sure but not

necessarily power. My point in this exercise is showing you the power of

gang vocals. If I had to choose between one person singing harmony or a

bunch of people only singing melody, gang vocals are going to add to the power and

the dynamics of a song every time. You're definitely going to want to have a

vocal rehearsal to work with all your singers and make sure that they're

locked in, that their timing's the same, their phrasing is the same, we're taking

our breaths at the same place. You don't necessarily have to have everybody

on mic when you do this. You can do a 15-20 piece choir with everybody singing

melody and still get the same effect. Well, here at Practical Worship we love

sharing ideas and tips and practical advice for the everyday worship leader

with videos just like this one, so if you haven't already consider subscribing to

the channel. That way you're notified when new videos come online every single

week. wW also have a small little ebook called "20 Things I Wish I Knew 20 Years

Ago." It's the advice that I've learned over the last 20 years of doing music

ministry, and you can download it right now for free by going to


For more infomation >> The power of everyone singing melody with gang vocals - Duration: 11:29.


Ap Nay Sub Say Pehle Cigarette Kis Kay Kehne Par Pi | Haji Imran Attari | Emotional Shortclip - Duration: 2:01.

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For more infomation >> Ap Nay Sub Say Pehle Cigarette Kis Kay Kehne Par Pi | Haji Imran Attari | Emotional Shortclip - Duration: 2:01.


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GuardiaN set a NEW CSGO RECORD! Eleague Major 2018 (Cloud9 vs FaZe) - Duration: 1:54.

Don't forget to like and subscribe <3

For more infomation >> GuardiaN set a NEW CSGO RECORD! Eleague Major 2018 (Cloud9 vs FaZe) - Duration: 1:54.


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Webinar Secrets The Top Marketers Won't Tell You (Controversial) - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Webinar Secrets The Top Marketers Won't Tell You (Controversial) - Duration: 6:28.


Nightcore - Crush - Duration: 2:49.

See you blowing me a kiss

It doesn't take a scientist

To understand what's going on baby

If you see something in my eyes

Let's not overanalyze

Don't go too deep with it baby

So let it be, what it'll be

Don't make a fuss and go crazy

Over you and me

Here's what I'll do, I'll play loose

Not like we have a date with destiny

It's just, a little crush

Not like I faint every time we touch

It's just, some little thing

Not like everything I do

Depends on you

You say the words 'forever more'

That's not what I'm looking for

All I can commit to is maybe

So let it be, what it'll be

Don't make a fuss and go crazy

Over you and me

Here's what I'll do, I'll play loose

Not like we have a date with destiny

It's just, a little crush

Not like I faint every time we touch

It's just, some little thing

Not like everything I do

Depends on you

It's just, a little crush

Not like I faint every time we touch

It's just, some little thing

Not like everything I do

Depends on you

Everything I do, everything I do

Not like everything I do

Depends on you

It's just, a little crush

It's just, some little thing

Not like everything I do

Depends on you

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Crush - Duration: 2:49.


Try Not To Laugh Watching SUPER Funny Videos Compilation 2018 | Funny Kids and Family Vines 2018 - Duration: 10:14.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Watching SUPER Funny Videos Compilation 2018 | Funny Kids and Family Vines 2018 - Duration: 10:14.


GGWP: Crystallize & XBOCT Thug Life - Duration: 22:01.

Hello, friends.

This is almost the most intellectual show in the world - GGWP, and I am the host - Yana Khymchenko.

Today, two contestants will be competing for "The smartest person in the room" title - Crystallize and XBOCT.

Before we start, I'd like to know your predictions for this contest.

Tell me what you think.

Of course, our coach is the smartest.

The coach thinks the same, so let's start.

Okay, here are the rules: we have eight topics.

Crystallize, Women's, Movies, Random topic, XBOCT, Men's, Animals, Back-to-school questions.

Now you will draft those topics for each other.

Crystallize chooses a topic for you, you choose for Vlad.

Let's decide who goes first with a round of rock-paper-scissors.


You automatically receive questions about XBOCT, don't take a look yet. And a topic about Vlad goes to you.

You can draft all the other topics, let's go.

I choose that one for XBOCT.

- Women's topic goes to Sasha. - Nice.

Should I read it?

Now you should choose topic for him.

- Animals! - You get animals.

Random... There are some difficult questions in there.

Nothing can be done about it. Back-to-school topic is for you then.

School, Animals, XBOCT, everything you like.

We keep these two topics in case of a draw.

Let's start with Crystallize because he won. You can only cheer for him.

I will read the questions, but you can look at them yourself.

Our topic is Animals, I don't have it here, so let me read from your card.

Which of the following animals doesn't inhabit Africa?

A. Okapi; B. Tiger; C. Jackal; D. Baboon.


- Did you hear the question, Sasha? - No.

Crystallize is the one who should answer, but you can have some fun too.

Can I have any hints?

No, you can't.

There are only four answers to choose from, come on.

Do you know the answer?

Hell no.

Okay, I'm gonna take a guess and say Okapi.

Okapi, what is it?

I don't know, that's the problem.

It's an animal.

Yes, I know.

I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

- The are no tigers in Africa, they live only in Asia. - Baboons.... Yeah, that's right.

Yes, and Okapi is a hybrid of zebra and giraffe.

It was so obvious...

Question number two.

What's the breed of this dog? Let me show you the picture.

A. Beagle; B. Spitz; C. Jack Russel; D. Corgi.

Your questions about animals are way too difficult. Thank God you got this topic.

I have no idea what Beagle or Corgi look like, it's either Pom or Jack Russel.

- It's clearly a spitz. - I choose Jack Russel.

Did you listen to this guy?


Okay, I accept it, and you're wrong. It's a Beagle.

It's a Beagle, a young Beagle.

The third question: Which one doesn't fit in the list?

A. Titanosaur; B. Heterodontosaurus; C. Vicosaur; D. Stegosaurus.

Vicosaur, clearly.

I accept your answer and you're right, congratulations on your first point.


Vicosaur brings you the first point.

Now it's you turn, choose the topic.

Let's start with Random.

Okay, I'll read the question, you can take a look yourself.

What is a PP duster?

A. Unfortunate young man; B. A dust brush; C. A stand for notes; D. Glasses without ear hooks.

I think it's C, A stand for notes.

I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

Do you know the correct one?

PP duster?

Yes, you probable mistook it.

Yea, probably, and what is the correct one?

It's a dust brush, you know, it's...

Fluffy? Yes, I got it. It's okay.

Okay, the second one. Which commandment is not in the Bible?

A. Honor your Mother and Father; B. Remember the sabbath day; C. Don't take the Lord's name in vain; D. Don't swear.

To be honest...

How often do you read Bible?


Let's try to guess.

Let's try, we probably should honor Mother and Father, so it is correct.

Sabbath day also has some meaning behind it, don't swear is probably there as well...

Hold on... Commandments are something important...

- 10 Commandments. - 10?

- Only one of these isn't present there? - Yes.

Don't take the Lord's name in vain...

Do you know?

What's the 4th answer?

Don't swear.

I have two ideas... Okay, I choose answer C.

Okay, I accept your answer and it's incorrect.

The 4th answer, Don't swear is the correct one, there is no such commandment.

I knew it.

The 3rd question, the famous quote from Mayakovsky:

A. Night, street, street-light, drugstore; B. I like the fact that you're not mad about me;

C. My uncle, man of true conviction; D. Could you perform a nocturne?

Well, "My uncle, man of true conviction" isn't it, probably.

Night, street, street-light, drugstore is incorrect as well, probably it's "Could you perform a nocturne?"

I accept your answer and it is...

- Incorrect? - Correct!

Nice. 2:1. Up top! We can make it together.

Let's move to Crystallize, your topic is Back-to-school questions.

Which of the words has incorrect stressing?

A. CraTER; B. PLUMmy; C. FlintSTONE; D. MoSAic.

I wasn't listening again, but I agree, it's moSAic.

Where is the mistake? CraTER, PLUMmy, FlintSTONE, MoSAic.

- I know the answer. - You do?

Well, considering my previous answers, I can't be certain.

CraTER is correct for sure, PLUMmy... I choose PLUMmy.

PLUMmy, I accept your answer and it's incorrect, craTER is incorrect, it's CRAter.

- CRAter of the volcano? - Yes.


For example, someone comes to me and says how awful my CRAter is... it can't be true.

I thought...

Not only you, the whole world apart from Yana thought it's correct.

The question is flawed.

Okay, I won't count it.

The second question, you have to think here.

You have 1000 gold, your GPM is 400. How many seconds do you need to buy Shadow Blade?

A. 250; B. 255; C. 245; D. 260.

You need to do the math here.

Only if he knew the cost of the Shadow Blade.

How much gold does Shadow Blade cost? Let's go from there.

How much gold does Shadow Blade cost?

Well, Claymore is 1400.

Yeah, I know that too. What about Shadow Amulet though?

- 1300 or ... - 1350, I guess.

Could be.

1300, yeah? Okay it's 1300 then.

Let's stick to the 2700 gold cost of Shadow Blade.


So, 1000 gold...

- Let's do it this way. You have 1000 gold. - So?

You need 1700 more.

- So it's a minute and a half... Ah, 1700? - Yes.

If Shadow Blade costs 2700 gold and you have 1000 that means you need 1700 gold more.

I see.

- 1600 is 4 minutes. - That's right.

Add 15 seconds. 4 minutes + 15 seconds... Do the math.

240 and 15 more... Wait a second. 15? Hold on...

That's right, your GPM is 400, you need 100 more gold on top of that 1600...

- 100? - Or is it 200 more?

No, he needs 100 more.

100 it is, which makes it 15 seconds, the fourth part of a minute.

- Add 15, go ahead. Is there a 255 option there? - Are you sure?

- Is there? - Yes.

I'd go for it.

Okay, 255 then.

That's correct.

Nice! Slip me five! Teamplay.

The third question. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in:

A. Tanzania; B. Tibet; C. Mesopotamia; D. Chile.

Probably in Chile.

I pick Chile.

Okay, I accept it.

You're wrong, Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, Africa.

You earned 1 point for this round.

And what a point it was!

- The score is 2:1. - Yes, 2:1.

Sasha, Women's.

I'll do just fine here.

Go on.

Complete the phrase: I'm hard to..., easy to..., impossible to...

A. Understand, find, get rid of;

B. Find, lose, forget;

C. Find, feed, lift;

D. Lose, forget, forgive.

I'm hard to find, easy to lose, impossible to forget, as far as I remember.

That's what I tell to my socks every morning.

Also, I think every second person on the Internet knows that phrase... So, yeah.

I accept your answer, you're right.

What don't girls do with their eyebrows?

A. Microblading; B. Trimming; C. Threading (plucking with a thread); D. Sealing.

You should know that.

Okay. Plucking with a thread sounds somewhat absurd.

Sealing... How can you seal your eyebrows?

Trimming... I think that's possible. Microblading most likely too.

It probably has something to do with a microblade.

So, it's either sealing or threading.

How can you thread eyebrows?

Do you thread your eyebrows?


Does anyone in here thread their eyebrows?

Not much to go on.

Maybe ask Vlad, he helped you before.

Any chance you seal your eyebrows?

It depends.

It's either sealing or threading. Two options.

Probably you can pluck them with a thread somehow... But how do you seal them?

Or wait. You shave eyebrows off and then draw new ones back on.

Definitely! I pick threading.

I accept your answer and it is incorrect.

Threading is possible, whereas sealing is not.

What?! I just said how it's done.

You start with a micro blade, then...

You can use it as a startup idea.

All my startups have been successful thus far.

Third question. What does a concealer do?

A. Makes the skin matte; B. Pushes up the breasts; C. Makes the shoes shine; D. Covers blemishes.

Well, conceal means to hide, which makes it D. Covers blemishes.

Wow, such knowledge!

That's correct, you earned two points for this round.

The score is 3:2 in favor of Sasha.

Now questions about Sasha.

Actually, I should've gotten 3 points because sealing is possible for sure, but threading is not.

Ok, here's the question.

As a teenager, Sasha used to steal:

A. Sunflower oil; B. Oranges; C. Credit cards; D. Gas.

You should've added bananas.

We should switch credit cards with bananas, I used to steal them too. So...

Sunflower oil... I don't think you'd shoplift bottles of oil.

- You never know. - Though who knows.


I was cupping it in my hands.

Why cupping? You could siphon off.

Well, I just did some sucking off on Huskar.

Credit cards...

Cards happened later when I was older.

Really? Well, no one has figured out that it was you since you haven't been caught yet.

Oranges then.

Okay, I accept your answer, but unfortunately, you're wrong.

Sasha, tell us the story.

It could very well be oranges, I may have stolen some, there were very few in our city.

It was oil. My childhood in Yalta was rough and we had to survive.

The city of Yalta is sloping down and there was this store with the angled floor,

and a gap between the floor and the storeroom door.

Since the floor was angled, I could reach the bottles of oil with my quick hand through the gap.

I didn't steal much, only 3 bottles.

Then I sold them and bought myself a chocolate bar.

Bought oranges?

I bought credit cards and it got the ball rolling. Then I started going to an internet cafe, then there was TI and so on.

Never ever try this yourself, it was a professional's work. So, don't do this.

What's Sasha's nickname?

A. Valet; B. Sandy Dasher; C. Wiseguy; D. Crook.

I'd choose valet.

You know, when I was picking nicknames, I stumbled upon a website with prison nicknames.

I see.

That explains stolen credit cards.

Well, valet refers to someone else.

I don't think it's Sandy Dasher.

Wiseguy or crook...

Yeah. I think I'll go for Wiseguy.

What do you think "wiseguy" means in prison slang?

Prison slang? I have no idea.

Me neither.

Probably a clever person. That's clearly not me, so...

Okay, I accept your answer and it is wrong.

Sasha, tell us.

Well, it's pretty obvious. There are 3 prison nicknames and Sandy Dasher.


- Okay. What's my name? - Sasha.

- Do you know what my last name is? - Dashkevich.

Now look, Sandy is a female form of Sasha.

That's a nickname and it's supposed to be offensive to me.

Dashkevich, dash, dasher...

Well, people in Yalta are particularly creative and imaginative.

That's what one girl named me.

By the way, she currently lives in the US and always says Sandy.

On to the third question.

A kid's game led to an accident of Sasha:

A. Cracking his head on the brick; B. Setting a neighbor's car on fire; C. Falling from 9 meters height; D. Breaking his neck.

You could've asked me because more than one of the above things happened to me.


Now there are at least 2 correct answers.

I guess so. Sasha, you had quite an eventful childhood.

Well, it's Yalta, there was nothing much to do there.

There's no money, you can't go anywhere, learn music or something.

You have to steal sunflower oil and play games.

And jump from 9 meters height?

Fall. Go ahead, Crystallic.

Cracking his head on the brick...

Come on, focus.

What's more possible? Don't pick the one you just said.

Both accidents could be fatal, actually.

Which ones?

Falling from 9 meters height and breaking the neck.

There's a 50-50 chance.

If I broke my neck, I wouldn't be here with you right now. Yana knows what to pick.

Also setting a neighbor's car on fire... That's quite possible.

Why set on fire? I didn't set anything on fire, the car caught fire itself, I was just passing by.

I'll go for setting a neighbor's car on fire.

I accept it. Is it correct, Sasha?

No, it's not. There was a car on fire though, but it wasn't neighbor's.

- You didn't set it on fire? - No, what am I, thug or something?

That's the wrong answer then.

Well, looking at these questions you could very well be a thug...

Sasha fell from 9 meters height. How did that happen?

As kids, we were playing a game of tag in trees, touching the ground wasn't allowed.

So I was jumping from one tree to another, but I didn't quite make it and...

...fell into the lower courtyard. Well, 9 meters is a bit of a stretch, more like three-storey height.

I landed on some construction, it was some kind of boiler house with the soft roof, so I didn't get hurt.

I felt bad about losing a game of tag though.

Indeed. I feel bad about Crystallic not answering correctly too.

- So, he's already lost, right? - Yes.

But how would you like to answer questions about Crystallize?

I'm going to tell everything I know about you.

Which pet does Vlad want to get most?

A. Wombat; B. Dolphin; C. Panda; D. Pony.

I'd say it's a wombat, I'd want one and I think it's the best animal.

But I'll say panda.

That's correct.

It's not difficult at all.

- You see? I know everything about and you didn't even know about sunflower oil. - It was a process of elimination.

What? Okay, a dolphin. What would you do with it? Take a bath together?

What's the most... Oh, it's your job to read.

What's the most games Vlad has played in a row?

A. 21; B. 27; C. 25; D. 30.

It's a hard one. I pick 30.

What's the most games you've played?

In a row? I played two once.


Yes, I played two games today.

I accept your answer and you're wrong.

- Then 21. - 27.

How long did it take you to play 27 games?

About 26 hours, I didn't want to sleep.

Good for you.

Did you increase your MMR?

I won 14 games and lost 13.

Quite a productive day.

Yes, very.

What prevented Vlad from joining a football training class?

A. Broken arm; B. CS:GO; C. School; D. Sculpture classes.

Well, it's definitely not sculpting, and definitely not school.

Why not?

I know everything about you.

CS:GO? Definitely not GO. He was supposed to attend football classes when he was still in school, which means more than a year ago.

There's a football training class in our town.


Two years ago Vlad was still in school.

I know, but there was no CS:GO at the time.

What? There was.

No, there wasn't.

Two years ago?

It's wasn't CS:GO for sure.

- School or broken arm... - CS:GO has been out for 4 or more years I guess.

People have been playing it for 5 years, but you're saying that he wanted to join a football class while in the 9-10th grade?

Why not?

That's not how it works.

Okay, what if it was CS 1.6?

I'd choose it.



Are you sure?

Of course not. I say a broken arm.

That's incorrect.

Well, to be fair, all of the answers are incorrect, because it was CS 1.6 at the time.

Of course 1.6. All the answers are incorrect, you're fired, you can go now.

We'll finish without you.

That was the last question, you've won.


Sasha, on this occasion, I want to give you a prize.

Since this is an intellectual show, I'm giving you this book - "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

- I hope you haven't read it. - I have.

Well, it's okay, I'll give you another book.

Thanks everyone for watching this video.

Crystallize, don't get upset.


Maybe you'll get your revenge next time.

Guys, thanks again. See you soon on Natus Vincere channel. Bye.

For more infomation >> GGWP: Crystallize & XBOCT Thug Life - Duration: 22:01.


How to Find the Right Keywords to Rank #1 on Google | Powerful Keyword Research Tools for SEO - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> How to Find the Right Keywords to Rank #1 on Google | Powerful Keyword Research Tools for SEO - Duration: 5:25.


15 Things Only Siblings Can Understand - Duration: 3:42.

15 Things Only Siblings Can Understand

Siblings understand special communication that others may not.

Additionally, there are some other things that only siblings understand.

After all, except your parents, the only other people who can understand you really well

is your siblings.

Unlike your mom and dad though, siblings can be the one who understand you completely about

the nitty gritty parts of your life, you know, there are one or two things you don't want

your parents discover, such as your embarrassing moment, or sad moment.

And the good thing is, it's happened to even the best of us.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 15 things that only siblings can understand.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

#1 - Moving back home with parents

One of you will not surprise, excited, or expressive when one comes back to your home.

It is not really that exciting anyway.

#2 - Unspoken communication

Siblings usually do not need words to communicate their ideas.

They only need clap on hands, and they get what they want.

Pretty handy if one of them wants to tell something in secret.

#3 - Memory lane

There is always event that only siblings know, and it will be just remembered forever.

#4 - Being honest

Siblings usually comment each other.

However, one may not really listen it anyway.

#5 - Shifting the Blame.

Well, nothing is ever your fault isn't it?

#6 - Having the Blame Shifted to You.

And now, it's suddenly become your fault.

#7 - Double standard

Your sibling may not be special to you, but you will always be protecting him, or her.

#8 - Parent talks

Your parents will tell you the same story over and over again and they will suggest

something that you may not need now.

#9 - Mistaken identities

Your parents and even your friends may mistake your name with your siblings

#10 - Passing the responsibility

If you are just too lazy to do something asked by your parents, you tell that your sibling

can do that.

#11 - Obviously

You will get the responsibility just because your sibling pass it to you.

#12 - You will never grow up

Though you are an adult now, you still do the childhood games with your siblings.

Slap on heads, passing the responsibility, and just being annoying.

#13 - Mutual hatred

You hate the same person with no reason.

#14 - Awkward moment

Sometimes people think that both of you are couple.

#15 - Learning to trust

You are trying to trust the reasons behind everything your sibling has done to you.

It may not be true, but you just have to accept what she or he said anyway.

All in all, that's the 15 things that only siblings can understand.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Things Only Siblings Can Understand - Duration: 3:42.


СТРОЙКА БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> СТРОЙКА БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:41.


Diner Dish Part 4 from the cast of Waitress The Musical - Duration: 1:09.

"Doc, I think I'm pregnant by hearing your voice."

That would be troublesome.

"Dawn is HOT!"

"A complete meal of talent, entertainment, and heart.

No dessert needed."

"Let's get a beer sometime!"

I'm gonna keep that one.

"How much do I love Lulu?"

"You are the funniest, dorky doctor."


"This show is LIT!"

You know? Honestly? (laughs)

Awww "Dawn is my queen turtle."

"How could someone be cuter than Katie Grober?

That Benny sure did it."

No! It's, "how much do I love Lulu? A lot!"

"How much did I love little Cal Cal."

"My husband hates musicals but loved this."

Thank you. And honestly, thank your husband.

"Love from your Australian friends!

If only we had you all down under!"

I think my accent was good. Down unda!

Honestly we love you guys. Best fans around!

For more infomation >> Diner Dish Part 4 from the cast of Waitress The Musical - Duration: 1:09.


Does It Matter That Science Can't Detect God? - Duration: 2:37.

Atheists often justify their atheism by saying there's no evidence for God.

But when pressed about what type of evidence they're looking for, it often turns out

they're only looking for scientific evidence.

But this quest for truth starts off on the wrong foot.

Science is an empirically based discipline, and as such is ordered to physical reality

within our physical universe.

But if science's detecting powers are restricted to physical reality, and God by definition

is a non-physical being, then how could science in principle detect God?

The answer is, "It can't!"

Science can no more detect God than a metal detector can detect plastic cups.

And to not believe in God because there is no scientific evidence for him is as unreasonable

as refusing to believe there are plastic cups on the beach because a metal detector provided

no evidence for them.

The metal detector's inability to detect plastic cups says nothing about whether or

not plastic cups exist on the beach.

It's simply a manifestation of the limitations of the detecting powers of the instrument.

Similarly, science's inability to detect God says nothing about whether or not God

exists; it's simply a manifestation of the limitations of the detecting powers of science—it

can be used to detect only that which is empirically verifiable and quantifiably measurable.

To say that God doesn't exist because science can't detect him is to confuse the method

for knowing reality with reality itself.

In order to know the things that science can't, such as God, we must use other methods, such

as philosophy.

So, it really doesn't matter that science can't detect God, and therefore it's not

a justifiable reason to be an atheist.

If you want to learn more about this topic and others like it, visit our website at catholic.com.

For Catholic Answers, I'm Karlo Broussard.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Does It Matter That Science Can't Detect God? - Duration: 2:37.



For more infomation >> THIS FIFA 18 SECRET ROOM IS GAME BREAKING! 😱 - Duration: 6:50.


Altech Lansing Versa Review - Just Sloppy - Duration: 7:07.

A few months ago I reviewed the Altec Lansing mini life jacket 3 and I came away very unimpressed,

but I still gave it a participation award.

But I still decided to give the Altec Lansing Versa Smart speaker a try.

Although they were aiming for something great, I feel their execution was sloppy.

There are some things that are good about the Versa and some other things that just

fall flat.

A lot of manufacturers are starting to incorporate voice assistants into their speakers whether

you need it not.

And the Altec Lansing Versa is a rugged Alexa Enabled smart speaker which will better suit

people who are heavily invested into the Amazon Alexa echo system and if you use one of the

three supported streaming services: Spotify, Deezer, or Napster.

If you want to pick this speaker up or any of the other speakers showed off in this video

I'll have links in the description below.

Check them out cause you never know when they're on sale.

As Altec Lansing puts it, the Versa is everything proof.

Its IP67 rated so its both water and dust resistant and it also floats.

The outer boarder of the speaker is made up of 2 rubber layers that also help make the

speaker shock proof.

But unfortunately the metal faces of this speaker get scratched very easily, so if you

take this speaker out with you on hikes on a regular basis its eventually going to show

a lot of wear and tear.

And since we're on the topic of taking this speaker out with you on a regular basis…

although the triangular design of the speaker looks good at home and I like how the face

plates play with lighting, this speaker isn't the easiest to travel with.

Its big, its an odd shape, and theres no built in carrying handle or somewhere to attach

a clip.

Ok, now lets talk about buttons and ports.

Like a lot of other smart speakers on the market, the Altec Lansing Versa doesn't

have a Aux jack… which to me is a little silly.

But it does charge via a micro USB port.

On the side of the speaker theres your power button, a blue tooth button, and a star button

that is actually used as a mic mute button when the speaker is in wifi mode and you can

cycle through LED lighting modes if you're using the speaker in bluetooth mode.

And on the top of the speaker you also have your volume buttons and a mic button so you

can manually activate your voice assistant.

Obviously if you press the plus or minus button you'll adjust your volume, but if you want

to skip a track you have to press and hold the plus button and if you want to go back

a track you have to hold the minus button.

And in order to play or pause you're music you have to press the power button, which

is a little odd.

Now one of the things that I do like about the Versa is how easy it is to switch between

bluetooth and wifi mode.

Which oddly enough was a problem for the UE Megablast and Blast which are also Alexa enabled

smart speakers that cost way more than the Versa.

But actually connecting the Versa to your Alexa account requires downloading 3 apps

and is a hair pulling process.

It took me multiple times to get it right.

Which wasn't the case with the UE Blast or MegaBlast or any of the other Google Assistant

enabled smart speakers I've had.

And the Versa can only connect to 2.4 ghz networks.

And unfortunately the microphones on the Versa don't do a good job of pick up your voice.

I find myself having to speak up and enunciate a lot more so that the versa will hear me

compared to other smart speakers.

But if your voice assistant decides to cooperate you can ask it questions, control you smart

home, and if you're signed in to one of the supported streaming services: Spotify,

Deezer, or Napster, you'll be able to control your music playback by just asking.

Now lets talk about tech specs.

While in bluetooth mode the Versa can only be connected to 1 device at a time and it

has a wireless range of 30 feet with direct line of site.

But unfortunately placing one wall between the Versa and your phone will cause the signal

to stutter.

Altec Lansing claims a battery life of 8 hours buts its really more like 5 hours.

And a 5 hours battery life is way below average for speakers in this price range.

And when it comes to speaker set up the Versa is rocking a single 2 inch diameter woofer

and an 85 by 45 millimeter passive radiator.

Honestly, I feel the Altec Lansing Versa sounds pretty bad for a speaker in its price range.

My biggest problem with it is that vocalists very nasally.

The sound stage is very narrow and instrument separation is very weak.

Everything sounds like its on the same plane.

The passive radiator does give this speaker a good amount of bass but it will easily over

power the rest of the song or you get a lot of reverb in the back ground.

The Versa does get loud, but sound quality takes a huge hit at those louder volumes.

And I'm making a big deal about this cause just because the Altec Lansing Versa is a

rugged speaker it doesn't mean it cant sound good.

Take for example the Bose Sound link Micro, this is another rugged speaker that can take

everything the Versa can take and it sounds surprisingly good for its size.

And it also does this while using smaller hardware

Now you can adjust the EQ on the Versa and it does help a bit, but theres only so much

EQ settings can do on so so hardware.

But in order for the EQ settings to be active on the Versa you need to have the versa navigator

app open and streaming your music through that.

But if you don't have the app open then your EQ settings goes back to default.

The EQ settings aren't stored into the speakers firmware.

At the end of the day I wouldn't recommend picking up the Altec Lansing Versa.

It doesn't sound as good as other speakers at the same or below its price range and using

your voice assistant on this speaker isn't as easy as other smart speakers.

The Microphones don't do as good as a job of picking up your voice and you're going

to find you're self repeating your commands on a regular basis.

Battery life on this speaker is also below average giving this speakers price range and

its sheer size.

And then theres the triangular shape of this speaker, for a rugged speaker that I assume

a lot of people would like to take on the go… its kind of hard to take this speaker

on the go.

If you're looking for a small rugged speaker I highly recommend the Bose Sound link Micro

or the JBL Flip 4.

For more infomation >> Altech Lansing Versa Review - Just Sloppy - Duration: 7:07.


Trump Found A Way To Make A Profit Off State Of The Union Address - Duration: 3:35.

Tonight is Donald Trump's first State of the Uniom Address.

And, the reason I say, uniom is because if you've seen the tickets to the event, they

managed to somehow misspell the word union, and it is instead written as u-n-i-o-m.

None the less, first State of the Union Address tonight, and for the price of at least $35

dollars, possibly as much as $2,700 dollars, you too can have your name scroll across the

bottom of the screen as a verified, bonafide Donald Trump campaign supporter.

According to Donald Trump's official campaign website, the names of individuals, who donate

between $35 dollars and $2,700 dollars, will be put in a scroll across the bottom of the

screen during the State of the Union Address, which means that, yes, Donald Trump finally

found a way to profit off of the State of the Union Address.

You know, we really shouldn't be surprised at anything that comes out of this administration

at this point.

But, what this does, the reason Trump is doing this, is one, the money, obviously.

That's why he does everything he does.

But, two, because he thinks American citizens are as egotistical and disgusting as he is,

that he believes people would donate money just to see their name go across the bottom

of that screen for five seconds.

That little five seconds of fame should be more than enough to satisfy the peons throughout

this country, according to Donald Trump.

Well, guess what?

Most of us don't care.

Most of us don't care to have our names go across the bottom of the screen to prove to

the rest of the country that we were stupid enough to send you money for your next campaign,

which at this point, probably won't even happen.

But, nonetheless, that's what Donald Trump has done.

That's their plan.

Give them at least $35 dollars, and your name is going to go across the bottom of that screen.

Hopefully, they'll have somebody there spell checking it since obviously this administration

is really, really bad with spelling.

A few other things to point out about tonight's State of the Union Address, I can guarantee

you that tomorrow we're going to see some pundits, newspapers, other members of the

press, saying Donald Trump looked presidential.

Well, he does not look presidential.

The State of the Union has not yet happened, but I can guarantee you based on everything

we've seen from Donald Trump, he is not going to act presidential during one second of tonight's

State of the Union Address.

Furthermore, it's going to be filled with lies that the media would do a very poor job

of debunking immediately after the speech, and the American public will just continue

as usual.

The third prediction I have is that, sometime either tonight after the speech or tomorrow,

we will see Donald Trump tweet out that this was the highest rated, most watched State

of the Union Address ever, even though we will eventually get numbers in that show that

it, in fact, was not.

I guarantee you, that will happen.

For more infomation >> Trump Found A Way To Make A Profit Off State Of The Union Address - Duration: 3:35.


Kosine: "Grammy Nominated, Song Of Year, 'Anaconda,' Nicki Minaj…And Then We Lost" | BET's Mancave - Duration: 3:45.

- [Slick] Oh we behind the scenes of Man Cave,

where I'm here with such a prestigious media mogul,

Executive producer here, Jeff Johnson.

- [Jeff] Oh, that's me.

- [Slick] Yes, sir.

That's you. That's you. - [Jeff] Oh yeah, and I'm here

with the prestigious man about town.

- [Slick] Yes.

- [Jeff] Yes.

- [Slick] Yes, preferably the south side of town.


- [Jeff] It's Man Cave b*tches!

(upbeat hip hop)

- [Slick] Man Cave is all about realness.

Pure, unadulterated honesty.

You know, just a place where guys can feel free to speak,

and be guys, without being quote unquote P.C.

- [Tank] Man Cave is comprised of four gentleman

that aren't necessarily the same,

but kind of are.

- [Kosine] There's nothing on TV

with brothers having real conversations.

Sometimes there's issues that come about

and you don't know how to feel.

So you turn to the Man Cave

and see how brothers are feeling.

[Jeff] I want to hear about that moment when sh*t got real.

- [Kosine] Okay. - [Tank] Wow.

- [Kosine] That takes me right back to 2015,

being Grammy-nominated for the hit pop song of the year,

Anaconda: Nicki Minaj.

I knew I was about to win, and then we lost.

I didn't save no money,

and my ass was back in Chicago, at my Auntie house,

eating arroz con pollo.

- [Tank] Mm, arroz con pollo.

- [Slick] You talking about your auntie with the ass?

- [Kosine] Stop.

(group laughs)

- [Tank] Everybody has their own take on what's going on,

and it's very rare that you're able to speak,

you know what I mean,

and tell that perspective on national television.

You know what I mean?

Especially from a Black man's point of view.

- [Jeff] There are some stories, y'all...

That you just can't possibly believe that they're true,

but they are.

Dynamite on the dick.

- [Tank] What?

- [Slick] Wait... Come on.

- [Tank] Hell nah...

- [Jeff] What do you think about this video,

of this sister who got attacked by a store owner,

it's a pizza shop,

they wanted her to leave his job.

- [Slick] Oh man, oh. I'm livid.

(production noise)

I'm so upset. - [Kosine] Me too.

- [Slick] Whoever was filming that,

- [Kosine] That...

- [Slick] and didn't help that woman, he need his ass whooped

- [Joe] Folks think that Black men

are sort of, a monolithic thing,

when really, we are super diverse, right?

We come from different socio-economic backgrounds,

we come from different geographical areas,

different ages,

different education ranges,

from hoods, some people are hood.

Some people are more, you know, sophisticated.

But it all makes up the tapestry which is us,

as Black men.

There's really not a show or a piece of media,

that really speaks to that.

- [Steve] Man Cave is an exciting place.

It's interesting because it represents an opportunity

for Black men to come together.

To speak openly, passionately, honestly,

about the things that affect them.

That shape them.

You know, what's happening in their personal lives,

community, politics, pop culture, relationships.

We also as showrunners and co-creators,

want to create a space where Black men are free

to be themselves.

And to be honest.

And defy some of the traditional stereotypes

that we expect of who the Black man is.

That's what this show is.

- [Jeff] What brings me absolute joy

about being in this moment is that it is bigger than me.

And the greatest blessing

is that there are people working

because of an idea that we had.

There is a cast that came together because they're brothers.

And nobody is jocking to be the leader.

Everybody is appreciating.

The most fulfilling thing,

is to see a symphony of excellent Black folks,

and others,

making this show real for an audience

that frankly has never seen a show like this,

for Black men.


(Upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Kosine: "Grammy Nominated, Song Of Year, 'Anaconda,' Nicki Minaj…And Then We Lost" | BET's Mancave - Duration: 3:45.



hey everybody @itslindsayjay back with another

video and today's video I am going to be reacting to other people reacting to my

videos I absolutely cannot wait to do this video and it should be really

interesting I'm so excited to do this because oh my god guys um let's just say

there are so many videos and if you guys want me to put a part two please comment

down below and let me know if you would like a part two of this video like we do

at the beginning of every video here's a huge shout out to these two people right

here for having my post notifications turned on and if you would like a shout

out right here on my channel please smash the thumbs up button down below

and also don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon right

next to the subscribe button so you can post pump notification squad within the

first 5 minutes of every video without further adieu let's get to the video oh

oh my god i'm so excited okay

literally this is my favorite reaction video to my channel hands down

thank you to Marco and Lorin lukic for this

well that's it for this guy oh my god he is so funny oh my god

okay let's go Janko party

well that is it from this guy also and I think that is it for this video I do

know who Janko is I've never met him in real life but I do know he is and I

don't understand what people are saying in these videos but I am hoping that he

he liked it I mean he smiled and he's sang so that's a good thing I

think I think it's a good thing that is it for this video I hope you guys

enjoyed it if you did please smash the thumbs up button

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For more infomation >> KAKO SU DRUGI REAGOVALI NA MOJE KLIPOVE??? - Duration: 12:20.


Scamp Life: How the Biolite Stove Works - Duration: 2:53.

Hello there! I've got some fan-freakin'-tastic videos that I'm

working on right now of these nomads that I met at RTR, but they're taking me

a long time, they're very involved because they're gonna be great videos!

In the meantime, I would still like to do a video for you, so I'm gonna show you

simply how our wood-burning Biolite Stove works! A lot of you in the last video

liked barron talking, so we're gonna have Barron tell you how it works!

The Biolite converts wood into energy via a phenomenon called the Seebeck Effect

The Seebeck Effect works on the difference in temperature between two

different things. So, you have the probe that's in the fire and the heat sink

that's on the back of the fan and the difference in those two temperatures

somehow produces electricity.

Some of that electricity is then used by the fan

to pump more oxygen into the fire, burning up extra sediment in the air

which would otherwise become smoke. So it makes a hyper efficient fire.

The rest of the energy created the fan doesn't use is then put into the little lithium

battery on the back. You can use this to charge your phones, laptops*, or run lights or whatever.

This was our only source of energy beyond the car when we first started camping.

We would make tea or something and then plug our phones into the battery

as the fire burned and that's how we charged both of our phones when we were initially off-grid.

It comes with a lid which... we don't love all that much

because it lets out a lot of heat and it's not a very useful shape.

We'll normally just put a plate on top of it when we're cooking.

For the way that we live, the bio light is extremely handy. If I were going backpacking or something,

I don't know that I would bring it unless it were maybe a longer trip.

One cool thing if you did have it when you were backpacking is

that you could use it as an electricity generator, so you wouldn't have to have a

solar panel and an extra battery and everything, you could just have your

stove that also converts wood into electricity. So, if you're in a pinch you

can charge your phone or whatever you need. GoPros, that kind of thing.

We love Biolite and they're doing some awesome things for people in other countries.

They have lots of products that bring electricity to people

that wouldn't otherwise have it and the efficiency of their fires reduces

smoke inhalation, which is one of the leading causes of death in third-world countries.

So, we really believe in what they're doing and if you're gonna get

anything like this, you should get it from them!

Hope you like this video!

If you like our stuff, buy a sticker from Elsa and if you haven't yet check out my site,

it's normal2nomad.com

See ya in the next video, byeeee!

..ladies ... :D


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