Monday, January 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jan 30 2018

President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats are Panicking!

By all accounts, Republicans and Trump supporters possess the key to unlocking the door concealing

the machinations of Deep State that poses a direct threat to our Republic.

A four-page memo apparently regarding the criminal misuse of warrants obtained fraudulently

from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) rests in the hands of certain

congressional committee members trying to gather enough votes to disclose the memos

contents to the public.

The Independent Journal Review (IJR) quotes several Congressmen who have studied the document

as describing it as "stunning", "important" and revealing abuses "worse than Watergate."

The Washington Examiner quotes Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) as commenting:

"I have concerns about the process, about representations that may be made in [FISA]

court pleadings.

I have concerns about the duty of government to provide complete, full, accurate information.

FBI agents and prosecutors are not advocates at this stage.

We are representatives to the courts.

So there is an obligation to present accurate, full, complete information.

And that's true in every criminal case or every counterintelligence case.

They don't get the scrutiny that this one does."

Parliamentary procedure dictates that a majority of the committee that produced the memo must

vote in favor of releasing it, after which the President has up to five days to block

its publication.

According to statements from President Trump, it appears that he is all for the memo's


CNN writes, "President Donald Trump is inclined to allow the memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin

Nunes that alleges FBI abuses of surveillance laws to be released if the House Intelligence

Committee approves it being declassified, a person familiar with the matter tells CNN."

Once again, CNN rushed into the story by saying the President has already made his decision,

but White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah showed that to be 'fake news',

saying that "there will be a full interagency and national security review and the President

will be advised before making a decision."

Asked at a White House briefing what the Oval Office 'feels' about the memo, Spokesman

Sarah Huckabee Sanders replied, "We certainly support full transparency and we believe that

is at the House Intel committee to make that decision at this point.

It sounds like there are some members in the House that have some real concerns with what

is in that memo and feel very strongly that the American public should be privy to see


The assertion by some propaganda outlets that the President must give a "yea" or "nay"

to the memo publication is also fake news, writes the Daily Caller.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told a radio show audience on January 24 that,

"We don't have to approve it.

They [House Intelligence Committee] have the right to de-classify the document."

What looks to be the inevitable release of the memo has Democrats sharting their pants.

In panic mode, top libtards in Congress are resorting, in knee-jerk fashion, to what they

know best: lies.

The Independent reports that Democrats, led by House Intelligence ranking retard Rep.

Adam Schiff-head (D-CA), are preparing their own "FISA memo".

That ought to make for hilarious comedic fiction in the vein of Douglas Adams, but with a more

outrageously idiotic cast of libtard characters.

Before the Left pushes out a 'Russian Dossier'-like counter-memo to the real findings possessed

by the Republicans, President Trump should use his power to disclose any intelligence

he deems necessary for the good of the public and READ THE ENTIRE MEMO DURING THE STATE

OF THE UNION address coming up.

Let the cameras of CSPAN record the looks on the faces of the treasonous left as the

litany of their conspiracies are read before them and the American people.

What a historic moment that would be!

What do you think?

Does the FISA memo deserve


be published?

For more infomation >> President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.


BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.


Loredana Lecciso rompe il silenzio e rivela la verità sulla crisi con Al Bano a Domenica Live - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso rompe il silenzio e rivela la verità sulla crisi con Al Bano a Domenica Live - Duration: 8:07.


Understand more and improve your English pronunciation with the GRAB & BREAK METHOD - Duration: 21:43.

I can, can't.

Hi. James from engVid.

This lesson, what I want to do is help you...

Well, I want to help you improve two things at once, your pronunciation and your listening.

Really, I will be focusing on the listening part, but if you do this right, your pronunciation

will also get better.

You ready?

Let's go to the board.

As you can see, Mr. E has a big ear.

Listening is one of those things when people are learning a language they don't really

pay attention to.

It's quite funny because I hear many people say right away: "I listen to English all the time.

I listen to videos at home.


I don't need anyone to tell me about...

Help me with listening."

And usually the same people will say something like: "My pronunciation's not very good.

I really don't understand when people speak to me", and so on and so forth.

And you're trying to explain: Listening is a skill that is natural.

Actually, there's a difference between hearing and listening, and we're going to go to the

board right now and talk about that so that we can get to what I call "active listening".

You ready? Let's go.

So, E, as you can see, has a big ear because he is now listening because he wants to improve

on his listening skills and his pronunciation, and he's come to the right place.

All right, so the first thing I want to look at here is "hear".

When we use the word "hear" in English it's for sound, it really is.

It's just for sound. Like...

[Drops marker] Did you hear that?


You don't say: "Did you listen to that?"

You can't listen to that.

You can hear that. All right?

So that would be music, when people are speaking, because if you can't hear...

And here I wrote this: "If you don't hear it, it doesn't exist", and that's true.


Or hearing is physical. Okay?

The ear actually has to work, or you have to make it work.

There are two things you have to be careful on, that your ear is good, so get a hearing

test if necessary, if you need one; but also we can make it better, if physically everything

works, sometimes people don't pay attention so they miss the sounds.

And when you miss a sound, it changes the word and sometimes the meaning.

And that's when we look over here, to "listen".

"Listening" makes us focus and gives us meaning.

So, when you're listening to someone, you will look at them and you will pay attention,

and that's how you get the meaning.

You need to be able to physically hear the sound, which is true, but if you don't listen,

you won't get the meaning of what they say. Okay?

So we need a combination.

And luckily for us, when the ear works, we can use our listening or our focus skills

to improve how this works so we can get better at learning language and learn faster.

If you remember what I said here: If you don't hear, it doesn't exist.

That's the physical part.

If you cannot hear it, it doesn't exist.


Which will lead to bad pronunciation, because if you cannot hear a T, you won't say the

T. "Huh? Hmm?" Yeah.

For many Spanish people, the "d" sound is a "th".

They cannot actually hear us when we say "duh", so they say: "the", right?

So they go: "I stanthe", "I stanthe" instead of: "I stand".

When they can hear it, because when I make them say the sound "d", they can do it, and

"duh", they can say it, then all of a sudden they're like: "I can stand.

He wanted".

Not: "I wantith".

-"I wanted".

-"Oh, it's a different sound."

By focusing and listening we're able to make them realize there are different sounds being

said and improve on their pronunciation. Okay?

Now, if we use active listening, which is what I will teach you now, it will help us

retrain the ear.

"Retrain" means make the ear go back to the beginning and then start again, and retrain

to make it better.

Now, I have a little game we're going to play, which is a fun game because you can do it

by yourself, -- I will give you an example in a second -- but you can also do it with

a friend.


So you can both help each other improve.

So, I'm going to read something to you. Okay?

And I want you to close your eyes and I want you to listen. Okay?

Now, I want you to look for the words with the letter C. All right?

So you're going to close your eyes, like I'm closing my eyes now.

And I'm going to read this to you, and I want you to count how many C words are in this


Are you ready?

Are your eyes closed?

Okay, do it now.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."


How many letter Cs?

I'll read it one more time for you, so focus on the words.

How many words with C in them?

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."

Count them up.

All right.

Now, probably the first time you did it, you were like: "What?" and it just went by very


But the second time you probably noticed you were catching, grabbing.

This will help with pronunciation, but it also does another little thing I didn't explain

to you but you would find: You started to make breaks in the words so you can understand

much more clearly what I was saying.

Cool, huh?

When you're actively focused on catching one sound, your brain has to separate things to

make it clearer for you.

Continually practicing this, you're going to start noticing when English speakers put

breaks in the word, so your speech will flow much more naturally, and you'll catch the

actual pronunciation that we say.


Yeah, I thought so.

Let's try another one for you.

Are you ready?

Now I want you to count the number of words with S this time, the number of words with

S. Listen carefully.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used and took pictures of the sites was not hers."


I'll do it again, so pay attention.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used and took pictures of the sites was not hers."

This time you probably noticed you got the letter S or the words with S a little faster

because you were able to go: "S, s, s, s".

If you missed out, there's a second thing.

Remember I told you about the speed of English and the breaks, and proper pronunciation?

You're also probably going: "What is a site?"


We work on vocabulary.

In listening, when you're able to catch the words, because you probably caught the word

"site" from me, you learned a new vocabulary word.

English people cannot explain these words to you when you say: "I heard the word 'sia',


It's nothing.

But when you say: "I heard this word 'site', what is it?"

I go: -"Oh, that's one of two things.

'Sight', the ability to see, and 'site' is an area that we look at things, like a city

can be a site, a place, an area."

-"Oh, nobody told me that."

-"And they're spelt two different ways."


So, in learning to listen you can pick up new vocabulary that you've probably missed

because you weren't able to hear it.


What you don't hear, it doesn't exist.

But by focusing on one sound or one letter-we talked about one letter-you're able to pick it up.

All right?

Take it out, and then it makes the other things clearer that you were probably missing.

Pretty cool, huh?

Now I'm going to teach you something else in a second, I'm going to teach you a little

bit more advanced because right now I'm asking you to look for the words, or sorry, the letters

that you know: A, B, C, D, or E, what have you.


We haven't worked on sounds, just the letter name.

So, C, the letter C you're looking for, but now we're going to work on sounds to improve

your listening ability.

Are you ready?

It gets to be fun now.

Okay, so I gave you a little exercise to try and we practiced it.

I'm going to make that exercise a little bit more difficult now because we worked on the

name, I call it the...

You could say the capital letter, and I say it's the name of the letter.

So, an example would be: This is a capital letter, the big...

The big size.

But this is the sound.

I would say this is the name of the letter and this is the sound.

So, the sound might be here.

Name is B, the letter B, but the sound-right?-would be "b", "b".

Now, we worked on letter name, right?

Like, how many words have the letter in it.

We didn't care about the sound that it makes, we just cared that the letter exists in the word.

That's the first step.

Then I'm going to have to work on sounds because you need to be able to tell the difference

between sounds.

But before we do that, let me give you a little bit of help with working with consonants.

Now, I'm just assuming everybody knows a consonant, but in case you don't: A, E, I, O, U, U are

sometimes strong...

Oops, sorry.

That's an old song.

Those are vowels.

Okay, so I'm not talking about vowels, to be honest with you.

Vowels are really hard to do because we mix vowels, we put E and I together to make an

"a" sound or an "e" sound, so I don't want to start with that, and nor should you.

Best to start with the consonants because they're hard sounds.

Also, many Latin languages, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish don't end in hard sounds, the

hard consonants, so it's a good idea to bring your mind to it so you can practice.

Also, Japanese people have a little difficulty with this.

So, working with the consonants will almost instantly improve your pronunciation by 5

to 10% just by listening and knowing how to listen.


So, for a bonus little lesson: Do only the consonants first, I just explained why. Okay?

And I'm going to give you a specific consonant to work on because it will help you improve

faster and immediately.

The most used consonant in the English language is the letter T. Kind of strange, huh?

Some people would say the...

When I used to teach it I would say it's "s", "d", "t", and "th", not that these are...

TH is a consonant, but most people would have difficulty saying these sounds, especially

at the end of words, so I would make students use this exercise and practice with this again

and again while watching movies, so they got really good at hearing and they also found

they could understand more of what the people were saying.


So it's best to know that T is the most used consonant in English, so it's best to start

with that.

Now, practice first before you even do the listening exercise of putting on...

I wouldn't start with music.

Go for a movie or TV program to start with first.


First practicing saying T, and you could do it like this: "t, t, t, t", it's to get the

brain to become aware of it.

If you have difficulty with T, T is done by this: Your throat back here, you kind of close

it a little bit, like swallow, swallow, and then at the tip of your tongue... See?

Tip tongue, two Ts.

Your tongue...

Tip of the tongue goes to the front of the teeth, so: "t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t".

That's how you make the T. All right?

So T: "t". Got it? Cool.

Now we're ready to start.

I'm going to give you, by the way, the same two sentences I gave you before.

"Huh, so what's the challenge, man? I just did it.

You told me, right?"

Now, remember I told you how many...

Oh, did I tell you how many words or did I leave you hanging?

So, before I do it again: How many words did you find with the letter C?

Remember the first sentence with the cat?

If you said five, congratulations, you're correct.

There were five words with the letter C. "Cat", "quickly", "came", "couch", and "caught".

Good on you.

How about the second sentence?

How many words with the letter S?

This was a little bit tougher, so I hope you were paying attention.

Remember I did it twice and you had to focus on just that "s", right?

That "s" sound, S-word.

So, what do we have?

"She", "shopped", "sites", "seemed", "strange", "she", I said "she" again, "used", "pictures",

"site" again, but I said "sites", "was", and "hers".

Pretty cool. Right?

That was 11 words with an S in it, if you were paying attention.

All right?

Now, remember I'm going to repeat the same sentences this time, but we're going to do

a different job.

This time, instead of concentrating on the name of the letter, I want to concentrate

on the sound.

So, the first thing we have to look at is: The letter C can make two sounds.

It can make a "s" sound or a "k" sound.

I'm going to concentrate on this, and we're not going to concentrate on the letter C,

we're going to concentrate on one thing it can do.

I want to hear how many words have the letter "k"...

Or, sorry, the "k" sound. All right?

How many of them?

So I'm going to read the same sentences as before.

Now, don't rewind the video to go check it out, I'm going to read it to you anyway, but

this time look for a "k" sound that could be the letter C. Are you ready?

Let's do it.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."

Okay, how many "k" sounds did you hear?

Let's try again.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."


Now, you remember before I said there were five words with the letter C, but the "k"

sound, there are actually seven words with the "k" sound.

Whoa, yeah, extra.

Because remember "k-kite"-right?-and "kept" or "keep" have a "k" sound.

And sometimes the C sounds like a K, and that's what I mean by you have to start being able to...

The first thing is: How many words are there?

We work on vocabulary and listening.

The second time we're listening to grabbing sounds, taking sounds out of sentences.

And in order to do that we can actually start noticing there are breaks between words, and

when you start noticing the breaks, you can start catching the words afterwards and understanding

even better.

All right?

Okay, now we've done with the C, I want to work on the letter S. If you remember the

sentence I did earlier with S, I told you there were 11 words with S. The words were:

"she", "shot", "sites"-right?-"seemed", "strange", "she", because I said "she" twice, "used",

"pictures", "sites" again, "was", and "hers".

There're 11 words, that's a lot of words.

That might have been difficult because I did read it at, you know, a decent speed.

Now we're going to redo that sentence again, but this time I don't care about the S. What

I want to work on is the sound, because S can have two sounds, it can have a "z" sound

or a "s, S" sound.

All right?

So your job now is to catch how many words have the "s" sound, not the letter S. Are

you ready? Let's do it.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used to take the pictures of the sites was not hers."

You ready? One more time.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used to take the pictures of the sites was not hers."

Okay, I'm smiling because I can see you go: "I got it.

I know how many words."

Some of you will say 11, right?


Remember I said there's a difference between the name of the letter and the sound of the

letter, and the example I gave was the name of the letter B is B, the letter B, but the

sound it makes is "b".

In the case of S, S can be "s" as in "silent" or "z" as in "hers".

Now, some of you are going: "Oy vey!

He said 'hers'."

I'm like: Yeah, it's a "z" sound and you have to be careful.

All right?

So, in this case, how many sounds of S?

You'll be surprised, because it's not all the words you think.

"She" and "shopped" are a "sh" sound, not a "s" sound.


Some of you who have trouble saying "ch" and "sh" are now noticing: "Oh, there's a difference."

So those don't count.

"Sites" count and "city", but some of you will go: "James, 'city' starts with a C."

Remember over here?

We said C sometimes can sound like "S, s".

And for proper pronunciation we need to be able to tell the difference.

So, we have: "sites", "city", "seemed", "strange", and the word "cellphone".

Starts with a C, but it sounds like an "s".


We can't say: "she", because it's a "sh" again, right?

And we can't say "used" because that is a "z" sound.

We can't say "pictures" because that's a "z" sound.

But we can say "sites" again.

So the number that we used dropped down dramatically.

I hope you were paying attention to that and I hope you got a lot out of the lesson, because

if you use this properly, you will find that you can improve greatly and quickly in your

pronunciation, but also your listening skills and understanding when you speak to other


Now, of course I have homework for you, and this is very specific homework.

So for those of you who like The Matrix, I'm about to make you happy and it's only 18 seconds


I need you to...

Well, you're probably on YouTube.

If you're not on engVid, you're on YouTube.

You can go to YouTube and you can look under: "Blue Pill or Red Pill?

The Matrix."

And I only want you to listen to 18 seconds.

In the first 18 seconds, Morpheus-we'll call him by his movie name-uses many words with

the letter W. I want you to count up how many times or how many words he uses with the letter

W, like: "which", "when", "window".

He uses many, many, many of them.

Your job is to do homework, go there.

It's 18 seconds.

You've watched me for about 15 minutes.

18 seconds to improve is great.


Great that it's just a short amount of time to improve.

Count how many times Morpheus uses a W word when he's talking to Neo.

And when you're done, go pop at the website and see who got it right.

Was it 10?

Was it 15?

Was it 5?

Challenge yourself and challenge others.

Anyway, I've got to wrap this up, and that means I have to go.

I'm going to make this quick.

Please subscribe to our website, and if you want to get my latest video, you want to be

informed right away, be the first person to get it, what you have to do is hit the "Subscribe"

button which is usually...

It could be a red box, but it says: "Subscribe".

But don't forget you have to also hit the bell.

You have to hit the bell because then that will come to your email or on your cellphone,

you'll get instantly let aware when I have a new video.


I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Don't forget to go to the website.

Don't forget to subscribe.

Hit the bell, and have a great day.

See you soon.

And I want to know how many Ws happened with Neo and Morpheus.

Maybe I'll be the first one.

For more infomation >> Understand more and improve your English pronunciation with the GRAB & BREAK METHOD - Duration: 21:43.


Porokaler Jibon V-2 By Maulana Kausari Koborer ajab কবরের আজাব!! - Duration: 26:52.

Porokaler Jibon V-2 By Maulana Kausari Koborer ajab কবরের আজাব!!

For more infomation >> Porokaler Jibon V-2 By Maulana Kausari Koborer ajab কবরের আজাব!! - Duration: 26:52.


Reynoldsburg police searching for man accused of attempting to take infant from mother - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Reynoldsburg police searching for man accused of attempting to take infant from mother - Duration: 1:57.


Closing Sales: 4 Day High Ticket Deal - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Closing Sales: 4 Day High Ticket Deal - Duration: 7:22.


Zindagi Aur Maut Allah Azzawajal Ki Nematain Hain | زندگی اور موت اللہ عزوجل کی نعمتیں ہیں - Duration: 0:47.

Like, Comment & Share!

For more infomation >> Zindagi Aur Maut Allah Azzawajal Ki Nematain Hain | زندگی اور موت اللہ عزوجل کی نعمتیں ہیں - Duration: 0:47.


Alessia Mancini uno "scorfano"? Flavio Montrucchio la difende | STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Alessia Mancini uno "scorfano"? Flavio Montrucchio la difende | STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:11.


PL/SQL tutorial 78: PL/SQL FORALL statement with INDICES OF clause in Oracle Database - Duration: 9:19.

What's up Internet?

I am Manish from where we make learning SQL, PL/SQL and Oracle Database


Now that we have learnt the concepts of first bound clause which is Lower & upper bound

in the last tutorial, let's move ahead and learn how to use FORALL statement with the

second bound clause that is 'Indices of'.

As we learnt in the previous tutorial that FORALL statement takes the data from the collection

and stores it into a table.

Thus we will start this tutorial by creating a table for holding the data.


mul_tab NUMBER(5) );

Here is the table.

This table has only one column mul_tab of Number data type.

Except for the name, the structure of this table is pretty much the same as the one we

created in the previous tutorial.

Let's execute this CREATE TABLE statement and create our table.

Table created.

So before we jump onto this tutorial and start learning how to write a FORALL statement with

INDICES OF bound clause; let's just do a quick demonstration and learn what exactly

is the need for INDICES OF bound clause when we have a bound clause like LOWER & UPPER


[Screen change with PL/SQL Block with associative array]

Here is a PL/SQL Block.

In this block I have created a nested table with the name 'my_nested_table'.

Right after creating this nested table, I have also initialized its first 10 indexes

by storing 10 numeric elements into it using its collection variable var_nt.

This nested table is a dens collection because the indexes of this collection are populated


But if you look at the first statement in the execution section, you will find that

using collection method DELETE I have deleted data from index 3 to index 6.

Which means that now the index of our collection is not populated sequentially.

That changes the nature of our collection from DENSE to SPARSE.

Followed by the collection method DELETE call we have a FOR Loop which will print the data

stored into the index if it exists otherwise it will print a formatted string alerting

the user that there is no data stored into the index.

Let's execute this program and see the result.

Here is the result as you can see that except from the index number 3 to 6 all the other

indexes have some data stored into them.

Now we are sure that our collection "My_Nested_Table" is a sparse collection.

Now let's see what happens if we use FORALL statement with first bound clause which is

Lower & Upper bound with this sparse collection.

First let's just close this output panel.

Ok Now let's modify this code.

The work of this for loop is to show us whether we have data stored into the index or not.

I think it has done its work and we don't need it anymore so let's get rid of this

and write our FORALL statement in its place.

FORALL idx IN 1..10 INSERT INTO tut_78 (mul_tab)

VALUES (var_nt(idx)); Here we have our FORALL statement.

Using this statement we are taking the data from our collection and storing it into the

table tut_78.

Also, in this statement we have used 1 as our lower bound and 10 as our upper bound.

Which means this statement will traverse through the index number 1 to index number 10 of our


Let's execute this program now and see what will happen.

Here we got an error saying 'the element at index number 3 does not exist'.

The shortcoming of the Lower & Upper Bound clause is that we cannot use it with sparse


We can easily solve this error by using a bound clause like indices of or values of.

So let's move on and learn how to overcome this shortcoming of Lower & Upper Bound clause

by using INDICES OF with FORALL statement.

INDICES OF bound clause comes handy when the bulk data processing involves a sparse collection.

Let's see how to write a FORALL statement with INDICES OF clause.

Once again just to save the time, let's modify this same block.

This time we just have to modify the FORALL statement.

But first let's close this script output ok now.

So let's do it.

FORALL idx IN INDICES OF var_nt INSERT INTO tut_78 (mul_tab) VALUES (var_nt

(idx)); Here is our modified FORALL statement.

Let's take a look.

The statement starts with the keyword FORALL followed by a loop counter, you can name it

whatever you want, like here we named it 'idx'.

Followed by the loop counter we have another keyword IN and then our bound clause that


Right after writing the reserved phrase 'INDICES OF' we have to specify the collection whose

data you want to use.

Like in our case we want to use the data of our collection which is "my_nested_table".

As we know we referenced the collection in the program through its collection variable.

That is why we wrote the name of the collection variable var_nt here.

In our case 'var_nt' is a collection variable for our collection 'my_nested_table'.

That is the definition of our FORALL statement, using this statement we are INSERTING the

data from our collection into the mul_tab column of table tut_78.

That's all about this FORALL statement.

Just to verify that we have fetched and inserted the right number of rows let's add one more


tot_rec NUMBER; This variable will hold the total number of

rows inserted into the table after fetching them from the collection.

SELECT COUNT (*) INTO tot_rec FROM tut_78; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Total records inserted

are '||tot_rec); Here in the execution section we have added

two statements.

Among these the first one is a SELECT-INTO statement which will return the total number

of rows inserted into the table tut_78 and will store that value into the variable tot_rec

which we just declared.

Remember; here I am assuming that the table is freshly created and no data is stored into


The second statement is an Output statement which is displaying back the value stored

into the variable tot_rec with a formatted string.

Can you guess what could be the result of this DBMS OUTPUT statement?

Yes the correct answer is 6.


Ok let me show you why.

In declaration section we initialized our nested table with 10 elements.

Then in the execution section we deleted 4 elements.

After deleting those 4 elements from index 3 to 6 we are left with only 6 elements.

That is why the answer of this OUTPUT statement should be 6.

Let's execute and see the result.

As we guessed the output is 6.

Which means we have fetched 6 elements from the collection and stored them into our table.

Since we haven't put any restrictions in the program therefore each time we execute

it, it will keep on adding the same 6 elements again and again.

So for example if the first output is 6 then on second execution it will become 12 because

the program will append the same six elements again into the table.

Now you guys have to tell me how to solve this problem.

Go ahead and comment your ideas down below.

That being said.

Let's wind up today's tutorial.

So in this tutorial we learnt how to overcome the shortcomings of the first bound clause

along with how to use FORALL statement with sparse collection using INDICES OF clause.

Hope you enjoyed watching and learnt something new.

Do make sure to give this video a thumbs up also share this with your friends on your

social media.

More importantly don't forget to Subscribe.

Thanks for watching this is Manish from

For more infomation >> PL/SQL tutorial 78: PL/SQL FORALL statement with INDICES OF clause in Oracle Database - Duration: 9:19.


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For more infomation >> Elezioni: Scoppia il 'caso' Cecchi, ex Pd candidato con M5s. E' polemica - Duration: 3:53.


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BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:06.


President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.

President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats are Panicking!

By all accounts, Republicans and Trump supporters possess the key to unlocking the door concealing

the machinations of Deep State that poses a direct threat to our Republic.

A four-page memo apparently regarding the criminal misuse of warrants obtained fraudulently

from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) rests in the hands of certain

congressional committee members trying to gather enough votes to disclose the memos

contents to the public.

The Independent Journal Review (IJR) quotes several Congressmen who have studied the document

as describing it as "stunning", "important" and revealing abuses "worse than Watergate."

The Washington Examiner quotes Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) as commenting:

"I have concerns about the process, about representations that may be made in [FISA]

court pleadings.

I have concerns about the duty of government to provide complete, full, accurate information.

FBI agents and prosecutors are not advocates at this stage.

We are representatives to the courts.

So there is an obligation to present accurate, full, complete information.

And that's true in every criminal case or every counterintelligence case.

They don't get the scrutiny that this one does."

Parliamentary procedure dictates that a majority of the committee that produced the memo must

vote in favor of releasing it, after which the President has up to five days to block

its publication.

According to statements from President Trump, it appears that he is all for the memo's


CNN writes, "President Donald Trump is inclined to allow the memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin

Nunes that alleges FBI abuses of surveillance laws to be released if the House Intelligence

Committee approves it being declassified, a person familiar with the matter tells CNN."

Once again, CNN rushed into the story by saying the President has already made his decision,

but White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah showed that to be 'fake news',

saying that "there will be a full interagency and national security review and the President

will be advised before making a decision."

Asked at a White House briefing what the Oval Office 'feels' about the memo, Spokesman

Sarah Huckabee Sanders replied, "We certainly support full transparency and we believe that

is at the House Intel committee to make that decision at this point.

It sounds like there are some members in the House that have some real concerns with what

is in that memo and feel very strongly that the American public should be privy to see


The assertion by some propaganda outlets that the President must give a "yea" or "nay"

to the memo publication is also fake news, writes the Daily Caller.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told a radio show audience on January 24 that,

"We don't have to approve it.

They [House Intelligence Committee] have the right to de-classify the document."

What looks to be the inevitable release of the memo has Democrats sharting their pants.

In panic mode, top libtards in Congress are resorting, in knee-jerk fashion, to what they

know best: lies.

The Independent reports that Democrats, led by House Intelligence ranking retard Rep.

Adam Schiff-head (D-CA), are preparing their own "FISA memo".

That ought to make for hilarious comedic fiction in the vein of Douglas Adams, but with a more

outrageously idiotic cast of libtard characters.

Before the Left pushes out a 'Russian Dossier'-like counter-memo to the real findings possessed

by the Republicans, President Trump should use his power to disclose any intelligence

he deems necessary for the good of the public and READ THE ENTIRE MEMO DURING THE STATE

OF THE UNION address coming up.

Let the cameras of CSPAN record the looks on the faces of the treasonous left as the

litany of their conspiracies are read before them and the American people.

What a historic moment that would be!

What do you think?

Does the FISA memo deserve


be published?

For more infomation >> President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.


BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Mark Cuban - Don't follow your passion - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:14.

(chiming tone)

- One of the great lies of life is follow your passions.

Everybody tells you,

"Follow your passion! Follow your passion!"

I used to be passionate to be a baseball player,

then I realized I had a 70 mile per hour fastball.

I used to be passionate about

being a professional basketball player,

then I realized I had a seven inch vertical.

There's a lot of things I'm passionate about,

a lot, but you know what?

The things I ended up being really good at

were the things I found myself putting effort into.

A lot of people talk about passion,

but that's really not what you need to focus on.

You really need to evaluate and say,

"Okay, where am I putting in my time?"

Because when you look at where you put in your time,

where you put in your effort,

that tends to be things that you're good at.

And if you put in enough time,

you tend to get really good at it.

And if you put in enough time and you get really good,

I'll give you a little secret,

nobody quits anything they're good at,

because it's fun to be good.

It's fun to be one of the best.

But in order to be one of the best,

you have to put in effort.

So don't follow your passions, follow your effort.

Now I'm gonna give you one other secret.

The one thing in life that you can control

is your effort.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Mark Cuban - Don't follow your passion - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:14.


Understand more and improve your English pronunciation with the GRAB & BREAK METHOD - Duration: 21:43.

I can, can't.

Hi. James from engVid.

This lesson, what I want to do is help you...

Well, I want to help you improve two things at once, your pronunciation and your listening.

Really, I will be focusing on the listening part, but if you do this right, your pronunciation

will also get better.

You ready?

Let's go to the board.

As you can see, Mr. E has a big ear.

Listening is one of those things when people are learning a language they don't really

pay attention to.

It's quite funny because I hear many people say right away: "I listen to English all the time.

I listen to videos at home.


I don't need anyone to tell me about...

Help me with listening."

And usually the same people will say something like: "My pronunciation's not very good.

I really don't understand when people speak to me", and so on and so forth.

And you're trying to explain: Listening is a skill that is natural.

Actually, there's a difference between hearing and listening, and we're going to go to the

board right now and talk about that so that we can get to what I call "active listening".

You ready? Let's go.

So, E, as you can see, has a big ear because he is now listening because he wants to improve

on his listening skills and his pronunciation, and he's come to the right place.

All right, so the first thing I want to look at here is "hear".

When we use the word "hear" in English it's for sound, it really is.

It's just for sound. Like...

[Drops marker] Did you hear that?


You don't say: "Did you listen to that?"

You can't listen to that.

You can hear that. All right?

So that would be music, when people are speaking, because if you can't hear...

And here I wrote this: "If you don't hear it, it doesn't exist", and that's true.


Or hearing is physical. Okay?

The ear actually has to work, or you have to make it work.

There are two things you have to be careful on, that your ear is good, so get a hearing

test if necessary, if you need one; but also we can make it better, if physically everything

works, sometimes people don't pay attention so they miss the sounds.

And when you miss a sound, it changes the word and sometimes the meaning.

And that's when we look over here, to "listen".

"Listening" makes us focus and gives us meaning.

So, when you're listening to someone, you will look at them and you will pay attention,

and that's how you get the meaning.

You need to be able to physically hear the sound, which is true, but if you don't listen,

you won't get the meaning of what they say. Okay?

So we need a combination.

And luckily for us, when the ear works, we can use our listening or our focus skills

to improve how this works so we can get better at learning language and learn faster.

If you remember what I said here: If you don't hear, it doesn't exist.

That's the physical part.

If you cannot hear it, it doesn't exist.


Which will lead to bad pronunciation, because if you cannot hear a T, you won't say the

T. "Huh? Hmm?" Yeah.

For many Spanish people, the "d" sound is a "th".

They cannot actually hear us when we say "duh", so they say: "the", right?

So they go: "I stanthe", "I stanthe" instead of: "I stand".

When they can hear it, because when I make them say the sound "d", they can do it, and

"duh", they can say it, then all of a sudden they're like: "I can stand.

He wanted".

Not: "I wantith".

-"I wanted".

-"Oh, it's a different sound."

By focusing and listening we're able to make them realize there are different sounds being

said and improve on their pronunciation. Okay?

Now, if we use active listening, which is what I will teach you now, it will help us

retrain the ear.

"Retrain" means make the ear go back to the beginning and then start again, and retrain

to make it better.

Now, I have a little game we're going to play, which is a fun game because you can do it

by yourself, -- I will give you an example in a second -- but you can also do it with

a friend.


So you can both help each other improve.

So, I'm going to read something to you. Okay?

And I want you to close your eyes and I want you to listen. Okay?

Now, I want you to look for the words with the letter C. All right?

So you're going to close your eyes, like I'm closing my eyes now.

And I'm going to read this to you, and I want you to count how many C words are in this


Are you ready?

Are your eyes closed?

Okay, do it now.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."


How many letter Cs?

I'll read it one more time for you, so focus on the words.

How many words with C in them?

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."

Count them up.

All right.

Now, probably the first time you did it, you were like: "What?" and it just went by very


But the second time you probably noticed you were catching, grabbing.

This will help with pronunciation, but it also does another little thing I didn't explain

to you but you would find: You started to make breaks in the words so you can understand

much more clearly what I was saying.

Cool, huh?

When you're actively focused on catching one sound, your brain has to separate things to

make it clearer for you.

Continually practicing this, you're going to start noticing when English speakers put

breaks in the word, so your speech will flow much more naturally, and you'll catch the

actual pronunciation that we say.


Yeah, I thought so.

Let's try another one for you.

Are you ready?

Now I want you to count the number of words with S this time, the number of words with

S. Listen carefully.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used and took pictures of the sites was not hers."


I'll do it again, so pay attention.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used and took pictures of the sites was not hers."

This time you probably noticed you got the letter S or the words with S a little faster

because you were able to go: "S, s, s, s".

If you missed out, there's a second thing.

Remember I told you about the speed of English and the breaks, and proper pronunciation?

You're also probably going: "What is a site?"


We work on vocabulary.

In listening, when you're able to catch the words, because you probably caught the word

"site" from me, you learned a new vocabulary word.

English people cannot explain these words to you when you say: "I heard the word 'sia',


It's nothing.

But when you say: "I heard this word 'site', what is it?"

I go: -"Oh, that's one of two things.

'Sight', the ability to see, and 'site' is an area that we look at things, like a city

can be a site, a place, an area."

-"Oh, nobody told me that."

-"And they're spelt two different ways."


So, in learning to listen you can pick up new vocabulary that you've probably missed

because you weren't able to hear it.


What you don't hear, it doesn't exist.

But by focusing on one sound or one letter-we talked about one letter-you're able to pick it up.

All right?

Take it out, and then it makes the other things clearer that you were probably missing.

Pretty cool, huh?

Now I'm going to teach you something else in a second, I'm going to teach you a little

bit more advanced because right now I'm asking you to look for the words, or sorry, the letters

that you know: A, B, C, D, or E, what have you.


We haven't worked on sounds, just the letter name.

So, C, the letter C you're looking for, but now we're going to work on sounds to improve

your listening ability.

Are you ready?

It gets to be fun now.

Okay, so I gave you a little exercise to try and we practiced it.

I'm going to make that exercise a little bit more difficult now because we worked on the

name, I call it the...

You could say the capital letter, and I say it's the name of the letter.

So, an example would be: This is a capital letter, the big...

The big size.

But this is the sound.

I would say this is the name of the letter and this is the sound.

So, the sound might be here.

Name is B, the letter B, but the sound-right?-would be "b", "b".

Now, we worked on letter name, right?

Like, how many words have the letter in it.

We didn't care about the sound that it makes, we just cared that the letter exists in the word.

That's the first step.

Then I'm going to have to work on sounds because you need to be able to tell the difference

between sounds.

But before we do that, let me give you a little bit of help with working with consonants.

Now, I'm just assuming everybody knows a consonant, but in case you don't: A, E, I, O, U, U are

sometimes strong...

Oops, sorry.

That's an old song.

Those are vowels.

Okay, so I'm not talking about vowels, to be honest with you.

Vowels are really hard to do because we mix vowels, we put E and I together to make an

"a" sound or an "e" sound, so I don't want to start with that, and nor should you.

Best to start with the consonants because they're hard sounds.

Also, many Latin languages, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish don't end in hard sounds, the

hard consonants, so it's a good idea to bring your mind to it so you can practice.

Also, Japanese people have a little difficulty with this.

So, working with the consonants will almost instantly improve your pronunciation by 5

to 10% just by listening and knowing how to listen.


So, for a bonus little lesson: Do only the consonants first, I just explained why. Okay?

And I'm going to give you a specific consonant to work on because it will help you improve

faster and immediately.

The most used consonant in the English language is the letter T. Kind of strange, huh?

Some people would say the...

When I used to teach it I would say it's "s", "d", "t", and "th", not that these are...

TH is a consonant, but most people would have difficulty saying these sounds, especially

at the end of words, so I would make students use this exercise and practice with this again

and again while watching movies, so they got really good at hearing and they also found

they could understand more of what the people were saying.


So it's best to know that T is the most used consonant in English, so it's best to start

with that.

Now, practice first before you even do the listening exercise of putting on...

I wouldn't start with music.

Go for a movie or TV program to start with first.


First practicing saying T, and you could do it like this: "t, t, t, t", it's to get the

brain to become aware of it.

If you have difficulty with T, T is done by this: Your throat back here, you kind of close

it a little bit, like swallow, swallow, and then at the tip of your tongue... See?

Tip tongue, two Ts.

Your tongue...

Tip of the tongue goes to the front of the teeth, so: "t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t".

That's how you make the T. All right?

So T: "t". Got it? Cool.

Now we're ready to start.

I'm going to give you, by the way, the same two sentences I gave you before.

"Huh, so what's the challenge, man? I just did it.

You told me, right?"

Now, remember I told you how many...

Oh, did I tell you how many words or did I leave you hanging?

So, before I do it again: How many words did you find with the letter C?

Remember the first sentence with the cat?

If you said five, congratulations, you're correct.

There were five words with the letter C. "Cat", "quickly", "came", "couch", and "caught".

Good on you.

How about the second sentence?

How many words with the letter S?

This was a little bit tougher, so I hope you were paying attention.

Remember I did it twice and you had to focus on just that "s", right?

That "s" sound, S-word.

So, what do we have?

"She", "shopped", "sites", "seemed", "strange", "she", I said "she" again, "used", "pictures",

"site" again, but I said "sites", "was", and "hers".

Pretty cool. Right?

That was 11 words with an S in it, if you were paying attention.

All right?

Now, remember I'm going to repeat the same sentences this time, but we're going to do

a different job.

This time, instead of concentrating on the name of the letter, I want to concentrate

on the sound.

So, the first thing we have to look at is: The letter C can make two sounds.

It can make a "s" sound or a "k" sound.

I'm going to concentrate on this, and we're not going to concentrate on the letter C,

we're going to concentrate on one thing it can do.

I want to hear how many words have the letter "k"...

Or, sorry, the "k" sound. All right?

How many of them?

So I'm going to read the same sentences as before.

Now, don't rewind the video to go check it out, I'm going to read it to you anyway, but

this time look for a "k" sound that could be the letter C. Are you ready?

Let's do it.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."

Okay, how many "k" sounds did you hear?

Let's try again.

"The cat quickly came to the couch and caught sight of the kite in the tree and kept quiet."


Now, you remember before I said there were five words with the letter C, but the "k"

sound, there are actually seven words with the "k" sound.

Whoa, yeah, extra.

Because remember "k-kite"-right?-and "kept" or "keep" have a "k" sound.

And sometimes the C sounds like a K, and that's what I mean by you have to start being able to...

The first thing is: How many words are there?

We work on vocabulary and listening.

The second time we're listening to grabbing sounds, taking sounds out of sentences.

And in order to do that we can actually start noticing there are breaks between words, and

when you start noticing the breaks, you can start catching the words afterwards and understanding

even better.

All right?

Okay, now we've done with the C, I want to work on the letter S. If you remember the

sentence I did earlier with S, I told you there were 11 words with S. The words were:

"she", "shot", "sites"-right?-"seemed", "strange", "she", because I said "she" twice, "used",

"pictures", "sites" again, "was", and "hers".

There're 11 words, that's a lot of words.

That might have been difficult because I did read it at, you know, a decent speed.

Now we're going to redo that sentence again, but this time I don't care about the S. What

I want to work on is the sound, because S can have two sounds, it can have a "z" sound

or a "s, S" sound.

All right?

So your job now is to catch how many words have the "s" sound, not the letter S. Are

you ready? Let's do it.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used to take the pictures of the sites was not hers."

You ready? One more time.

"She shopped at many sites in the city that seemed strange.

The cellphone that she used to take the pictures of the sites was not hers."

Okay, I'm smiling because I can see you go: "I got it.

I know how many words."

Some of you will say 11, right?


Remember I said there's a difference between the name of the letter and the sound of the

letter, and the example I gave was the name of the letter B is B, the letter B, but the

sound it makes is "b".

In the case of S, S can be "s" as in "silent" or "z" as in "hers".

Now, some of you are going: "Oy vey!

He said 'hers'."

I'm like: Yeah, it's a "z" sound and you have to be careful.

All right?

So, in this case, how many sounds of S?

You'll be surprised, because it's not all the words you think.

"She" and "shopped" are a "sh" sound, not a "s" sound.


Some of you who have trouble saying "ch" and "sh" are now noticing: "Oh, there's a difference."

So those don't count.

"Sites" count and "city", but some of you will go: "James, 'city' starts with a C."

Remember over here?

We said C sometimes can sound like "S, s".

And for proper pronunciation we need to be able to tell the difference.

So, we have: "sites", "city", "seemed", "strange", and the word "cellphone".

Starts with a C, but it sounds like an "s".


We can't say: "she", because it's a "sh" again, right?

And we can't say "used" because that is a "z" sound.

We can't say "pictures" because that's a "z" sound.

But we can say "sites" again.

So the number that we used dropped down dramatically.

I hope you were paying attention to that and I hope you got a lot out of the lesson, because

if you use this properly, you will find that you can improve greatly and quickly in your

pronunciation, but also your listening skills and understanding when you speak to other


Now, of course I have homework for you, and this is very specific homework.

So for those of you who like The Matrix, I'm about to make you happy and it's only 18 seconds


I need you to...

Well, you're probably on YouTube.

If you're not on engVid, you're on YouTube.

You can go to YouTube and you can look under: "Blue Pill or Red Pill?

The Matrix."

And I only want you to listen to 18 seconds.

In the first 18 seconds, Morpheus-we'll call him by his movie name-uses many words with

the letter W. I want you to count up how many times or how many words he uses with the letter

W, like: "which", "when", "window".

He uses many, many, many of them.

Your job is to do homework, go there.

It's 18 seconds.

You've watched me for about 15 minutes.

18 seconds to improve is great.


Great that it's just a short amount of time to improve.

Count how many times Morpheus uses a W word when he's talking to Neo.

And when you're done, go pop at the website and see who got it right.

Was it 10?

Was it 15?

Was it 5?

Challenge yourself and challenge others.

Anyway, I've got to wrap this up, and that means I have to go.

I'm going to make this quick.

Please subscribe to our website, and if you want to get my latest video, you want to be

informed right away, be the first person to get it, what you have to do is hit the "Subscribe"

button which is usually...

It could be a red box, but it says: "Subscribe".

But don't forget you have to also hit the bell.

You have to hit the bell because then that will come to your email or on your cellphone,

you'll get instantly let aware when I have a new video.


I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Don't forget to go to the website.

Don't forget to subscribe.

Hit the bell, and have a great day.

See you soon.

And I want to know how many Ws happened with Neo and Morpheus.

Maybe I'll be the first one.

For more infomation >> Understand more and improve your English pronunciation with the GRAB & BREAK METHOD - Duration: 21:43.


Closing Sales: 4 Day High Ticket Deal - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Closing Sales: 4 Day High Ticket Deal - Duration: 7:22.


City-mandated paid sick days becoming real possibility for small businesses - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> City-mandated paid sick days becoming real possibility for small businesses - Duration: 2:39.


Kim Scott - Care personally. Challenge directly. - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:49.

(upbeat music)

- Radical Candor is what happens when you show that you

care personally and you challenge directly at the same time.

Obnoxious aggression is what I call it

when you challenge directly,

but you fail to show that you care personally.

This is when you behave like a jerk.

Now, you're not a jerk. Nobody's a jerk all the time,

but we all are a jerk some of the time,

so that's obnoxious aggression.

By far, the most common management mistake happens

when somebody does show they care personally,

but they fail to challenge directly.

They're just trying to be nice,

but then they don't help people improve.

This, I call ruinous empathy. And

generally - when you don't wanna hurt somebody's feelings

so you don't tell them something,

and then they keep screwing up and they don't fix it -

you're trying to be nice, but it's not so nice afterall.

Especially if you wind up having

to fire them for whatever that mistake is.

Now, the worst quadrant of all is

manipulative insincerity.

This is what I call it when you neither

show you care personally, nor challenge directly.

And manipulative insincerity is when political behavior

creeps in, passive aggressive behavior creeps in,

backstabbing behavior creeps in, that sort of thing.

The way that you should use this framework is to

move every conversation you have towards radical candor.

Radical candor is really what you're shooting for.

But please don't start writing names in quadrants,

or please don't start judging yourself with these terms.

We all make all of these mistakes all the time.

The goal is just to move your

conversations towards radical candor.

For more infomation >> Kim Scott - Care personally. Challenge directly. - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:49.


Columbus police say social media has helped reduce violent crime - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Columbus police say social media has helped reduce violent crime - Duration: 1:52.


BREAKING: President Trump Just Delivered MASSIVE Karma To Racist Thug Rapper Who Insulted Him! - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: President Trump Just Delivered MASSIVE Karma To Racist Thug Rapper Who Insulted Him! - Duration: 5:39.


President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.

President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats are Panicking!

By all accounts, Republicans and Trump supporters possess the key to unlocking the door concealing

the machinations of Deep State that poses a direct threat to our Republic.

A four-page memo apparently regarding the criminal misuse of warrants obtained fraudulently

from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) rests in the hands of certain

congressional committee members trying to gather enough votes to disclose the memos

contents to the public.

The Independent Journal Review (IJR) quotes several Congressmen who have studied the document

as describing it as "stunning", "important" and revealing abuses "worse than Watergate."

The Washington Examiner quotes Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) as commenting:

"I have concerns about the process, about representations that may be made in [FISA]

court pleadings.

I have concerns about the duty of government to provide complete, full, accurate information.

FBI agents and prosecutors are not advocates at this stage.

We are representatives to the courts.

So there is an obligation to present accurate, full, complete information.

And that's true in every criminal case or every counterintelligence case.

They don't get the scrutiny that this one does."

Parliamentary procedure dictates that a majority of the committee that produced the memo must

vote in favor of releasing it, after which the President has up to five days to block

its publication.

According to statements from President Trump, it appears that he is all for the memo's


CNN writes, "President Donald Trump is inclined to allow the memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin

Nunes that alleges FBI abuses of surveillance laws to be released if the House Intelligence

Committee approves it being declassified, a person familiar with the matter tells CNN."

Once again, CNN rushed into the story by saying the President has already made his decision,

but White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah showed that to be 'fake news',

saying that "there will be a full interagency and national security review and the President

will be advised before making a decision."

Asked at a White House briefing what the Oval Office 'feels' about the memo, Spokesman

Sarah Huckabee Sanders replied, "We certainly support full transparency and we believe that

is at the House Intel committee to make that decision at this point.

It sounds like there are some members in the House that have some real concerns with what

is in that memo and feel very strongly that the American public should be privy to see


The assertion by some propaganda outlets that the President must give a "yea" or "nay"

to the memo publication is also fake news, writes the Daily Caller.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told a radio show audience on January 24 that,

"We don't have to approve it.

They [House Intelligence Committee] have the right to de-classify the document."

What looks to be the inevitable release of the memo has Democrats sharting their pants.

In panic mode, top libtards in Congress are resorting, in knee-jerk fashion, to what they

know best: lies.

The Independent reports that Democrats, led by House Intelligence ranking retard Rep.

Adam Schiff-head (D-CA), are preparing their own "FISA memo".

That ought to make for hilarious comedic fiction in the vein of Douglas Adams, but with a more

outrageously idiotic cast of libtard characters.

Before the Left pushes out a 'Russian Dossier'-like counter-memo to the real findings possessed

by the Republicans, President Trump should use his power to disclose any intelligence

he deems necessary for the good of the public and READ THE ENTIRE MEMO DURING THE STATE

OF THE UNION address coming up.

Let the cameras of CSPAN record the looks on the faces of the treasonous left as the

litany of their conspiracies are read before them and the American people.

What a historic moment that would be!

What do you think?

Does the FISA memo deserve


be published?

For more infomation >> President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.


Kourtney Kardashian Basically Tells Scott Disick to Suck It - Duration: 3:23.

We don't typically approve of passive aggressive behavior.

Just come out and say how you feel, you know?

After viewing the following photos of Kourtney Kardashian, however, we are willing to make

one exception.

And that exception is this:

Passive aggression while wearing a skimpy bikini is totally awesome and recommended!

Kardashian is currently on vacation in Punta De Mita, Mexico and, thankfully for warm-blooded

men around the globe, she brought both a camera with her and the password to her Instagram


Oh, and she also brought her young and very handsome boyfriend with her, Younes Bendjima.

Kourtney and this attractive model have been bumping proverbial uglies for several months

now, much to the extreme chagrin of Kardashian's ex-lover and three-time baby daddy, Scott


Just this past Sunday, on Keeping Up with the Kardashians , Disick exploded over Kourtney's

relationship with Bendjima.

You can see what we mean in this clip:

Fast forward a couple days and Kourtney has shared multiple pictures of herself in a two-piece

bathing suit on a trip she's taking with Bendjima.

Coincidence? We think not!

Especially when you consider the caption she included with one of the red hot images.

While sitting at a bar by herself, a leg propped up on a stool and her buttocks basically exposed,

Kourtney wrote the following:

Mujer feliz .

This translates to "Happy woman."

We're happy to translate it even more for Disick's sake, though.

Kourtney is essentially saying:

I am smokin, I am on vacation with a total hunk of a man, I am far away from you and

I am one happy woman!

Meanwhile, just to remind the world that he's in the tropics with his famous girlfriend, Bendjima

posted the following snapshot to his Instagram page:

Good luck competing with this, Scott!

Kardashian and Bendjima were introduced during a trip to Paris in October 2016 and took their

relationship public in Cannes last May.

Disick is reportedly furious that Kourtney has snagged herself a young stud muffin (Bendjima

is only 24 years old), even as he parades around with Sofia Richie every chance he gets

these days.

Scott and Sofia apparently have an amazing sex life , but this isn't enough to divert

his attention from the person Kardashian is banging on a regular basis.

"They had a relaxing weekend," a source tells People Magazine of Kourtney and Bendjima's

Mexican jaunt, adding:

"The resort is in the jungle and they had a guided jungle tour. They also hung out on

the beach, enjoyed room service and the spa."

They probably also had tons of intercourse.

Sorry to break it to you, Scott, but just look at the photos below.

Ain't no way Kourtney could resist breaking herself off a piece of THIS at every conceivable


Younes Bendjima Photos: Meet Kourtney Kardashian's Boy Toy!

Start Gallery

For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian Basically Tells Scott Disick to Suck It - Duration: 3:23.


The Ingraham Angle 01/29/18 10PM | January 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 37:28.

For more infomation >> The Ingraham Angle 01/29/18 10PM | January 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 37:28.


Susan Cain - How to lead introverts - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:41.

(upbeat music)

- So if you are an extrovert watching this

and you're building your team,

number one, introverts love you.

The introverts tend to really appreciate

the extroverts around them

who keep the conversation going and inject energy

into the room.

Second, know that you really need those introverts

on your team.

The best performing teams are a mix,

but you're not gonna get the best out of the introverts

in your company unless you are mindful

about who they are and what their needs are.

There was a study done by the psychologist Russell Geen.

He gave math problems to introverts and extroverts

to solve, with varying levels of background noise playing.

And, he found that the extroverts did well

when the noise was loud,

but the introverts did much better

when the background noise was softer.

And I think that is profound research for you,

because it's telling you that you cannot set up

your company in a one-size-fits-all way.

So try to think of, "How can I set up my office

in ways that have the big open spaces,

but also the nooks and crannies?"

And, "How can I organize the work day

so that some of the time we're in meetings,

but maybe we declare certain hours of the day

no meeting zones where people can really

have the freedom to sit down and go deep

and get into a state of flow?"

Figure out what is the team,

where each member compliments the other,

and then you're gonna be greater than the sum of your parts.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Susan Cain - How to lead introverts - Insights for Entrepreneurs - Amazon - Duration: 1:41.


BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! FBI Just CONFIRMED What Happened To Andrew McCabe's Text Messages! - Duration: 7:05.


German Kids try Brazilian Sweets (Part 2) - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> German Kids try Brazilian Sweets (Part 2) - Duration: 6:14.


동맥을 청소하고 심장을 보호하는 음식 20종 - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 동맥을 청소하고 심장을 보호하는 음식 20종 - Duration: 10:34.


আইস ক্রিম কেক রেসিপি/Multi-Colour Multi Flavour Ice cream Cake Recipe/Rainbow Ice Cream Cake Recipe - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> আইস ক্রিম কেক রেসিপি/Multi-Colour Multi Flavour Ice cream Cake Recipe/Rainbow Ice Cream Cake Recipe - Duration: 4:22.


Shubman Gill best batting or innings vs pakistan,Shubaman Gill 102 runs by 94 balls,highlights,2018 - Duration: 0:40.

Shubman Gill best batting or innings vs pakistan,

Shubaman Gill 102 runs by 94 balls,







For more infomation >> Shubman Gill best batting or innings vs pakistan,Shubaman Gill 102 runs by 94 balls,highlights,2018 - Duration: 0:40.


Tohoshinki 東方神起 - Tea For Two FMV [eng + romaji + 日本語 + karaoke sub] - Duration: 4:40.




I love you

you want me to try?

hear this one


and one for you

and one for me

you're the one

our love begins

yes or no?

kiss me now

For more infomation >> Tohoshinki 東方神起 - Tea For Two FMV [eng + romaji + 日本語 + karaoke sub] - Duration: 4:40.





【BH Makeup Channel】EP46 Samyang Spicy Ramen Challenge - Duration: 15:41.

Hi everyone, welcome to Baozi & Hana's Food Channel

I bet everyone knew what we will be doing, we have been hinting it for so long

This time we will be eating the SamYang Hot Chicken Ramen!

Honestly, we've dragged this video for such long time since the unboxing

It hasn't been touched since we wanted to use it for the video

One of our employee even stole one without notifying us

And this was her message to us: Yes, it doesn't taste that good, you guys… can try

Also her: I've never tried such terrible instant noodle

Hearing that made me want to try even more, she only said it was terrible but not spicy

She even said it was sweet

She said it was very sweet instead of spicy

Maybe that employee is a spicy food master, but not in our case

Two days ago me and baozi went to eat hot spicy steamboat and we can't even stand it

It was like: Spicy! Spicy! Give me milk!

Did you prepare milk today? Yea… where is it? it's downstairs, go bring it up

So, we heard that the noodle is very spicy, and the both of us are from the south

We are not even good at eating spicy food, so it is even interesting this way! Right?

If you like this kind of videos, please let us know in the comment down below

Remember to subscribe and like!

For this noodle challenge, I believe most youtuber had done it

But still, we will do a short introduction, it is noodle with sauce

You will have to boil the noodle and mix with the sauce! mixed sauce noodle kinda thing

And now we will open the packaging, it has a ramen block

The noodle is thicker than regular ramen noodle, its very thick! and inside

There is also a dried veggie pack, and this is the legendary spicy sauce

This should be sweet, I think, most youtuber says it will be normal if we only put half the sauce

If you put everything, prepare to cry! And today's objective to cry!

So you want to cry? That is the main purpose of this video! If it's only for the sake of testing, why bother buying?

Show everyone , this noodle is really different from what we always eat

This is really thick, compared to those we always eat, we can always eat it without boiling

This feels hard to swallow, ok, without further do, we will boil the noodle now

Ok, we now have our pot, we will cook the noodle now, tada, one, two

Can you finish ? Should be ok! Put the small piece in too, its too wasteful to throw

But you can't eat the crumbs, I'll throw it later

Then the veggies, put it in too

This is not veggie, it's seaweed and sesame, should be garnishes

Ok, now I'll go down and cook the noodles as we can't do it upstairs, I'll do it in the kitchen

I'll bring it up after its done, bye~

Tada! It's now done, it looks disgusting cause I added two eggs

Now we will put the sauce in

This is the garnishes, seaweed and sesame, looks good

This is the spicy sauce! Special sauce, do you want to smell it?

It smells sweet

The second sauce smells like laoganma [china dried chili paste]

Ok, we added everything in. It looks disgusting

We will mix it now

If you don't mix it evenly, some strand will be spicier, am I speaking nonsense

So we will eat it from here

Who will take the first bite? Decide with rock paper scissors

Rock paper scissors

You're welcome, I'll give you a big piece of ham

I'll eat it myself, don't play, I'll eat myself, if


If it's very spicy, where is the milk?

The milk is downstairs, take a bite first

I'll eat first

What if it's not spicy

You are so brave, such big bite

Spicy! Spicy! Super spicy!

Really? I'll get the milk

Super spicy! I feel like i can breathe fire now, my throat hurts

Drink some water

My throat really hurts!

My throat really hurts

The first bite really hurted my throat, it's better now

Is it that spicy? No, the point is it hurts your throat really bad

I'll eat the egg, are you serious!

What? Its so spicy!

You are so annoying, eat the noodles!

The egg is already so spicy

Eat the noodles, you have to show everyone your face, they can't see you from this angle

OMG! You are so disgusting, don't be so near

It's too spicy, I'm sweating!

Your chin! It's all over your chin so disgusting!

There's no tissue

Where is the employee! Didn't she say that it's not spicy but sweet

I want a second bite

I'm impressed of your bravery

What is the purpose of its existence? It's the worst ramen I've had

I don't think its spicy now, whats happening

Why? Finish it up then

Are you serious? Its not spicy anymore?

I think I'm used to it

So fast?

My brain is numbed

It was still spicy when I ate

My brain is numbed by the spiciness, this is my natural lip color

It seems that the second bite isn't that spicy

Really? Yea, your chin

The first bite will hurt your throat, real pain

It probably killed the cells on my throat

My tongue hurts now

Its still spicy!

Continue eating! Everyone wants to see those who suffers and take spicy food, I'll feed you

Im Mrs Bao, Mrs Bao's feeding time, taking care of the old and weak Director Bao

How is it? It's still very spicy

I think I can still stand it even though my tongue is on fire

I'll leave the rest to you then

I'll talk about the noodle, I think the noodle is

Bad tasting

Really? I think it's quite springy

For real?

Don't you think its very bouncy? Is there any ramen bouncier than this?

It's because its thick

It is similar to udon but udon is not that springy

I still prefer udon

Are you spouting nonsense? Udon is refreshing

I'll do the sound effect for you, slurp~~~hahaha

You definitely have the largest bowl for spicy ramen among all youtuber

No, those mukbang challenge video, they usually have a big pile

Put it closer to the screen to make it look bigger

You are so annoying

Its as big as the screen!

You are so annoying

Maybe those mukbang youtuber doesn't have big pot too, just that they put it close to the screen

You are so pro

Its so spicy

Wipe your mouth, you keep eating despite it being spicy

It is starting to feel good

Really? Yea

Why can't I feel good

I feel good

I think those that can eat spicy food will think its nice

I'm confused, I'm not the kind that can eat spicy food

So today's video became spicy ramen challenge to mukbang challenge, you ate two portion

The spicy hot pot we ate few days made me cry but this feels different

What feeling

I feel the spiciness doubling

The spiciness doubling

And then

I'm so full, I want to puke, I ate so much, I'm so full


I wanna take a selfie while eating the noodle

Do you want me to do it for you?

I will eat it

Why do you want to make this face!

My tongue is on fire

I want milk!

I feel like puking

We should throw it away!

My stomach feels bad

Of course, you keep eating it

I wanna puke

Drink more milk

Eat yours!

I thought the video has ended

Finish it up fast

Why are you presenting yourself so attractive

You are like the bar lady, to make food look tasty

Who are you seducing, people won't give you thumbs up if you do it this way

[You guys will give me a thumbs up right!]

Why are you using your face as attraction!

Its so spicy

Its time to show your manliness now!

Not like this

Continue eating, the rest is yours, finish it!

Stop dripping the milk, is there hole in your mouth, are you a kid?

There's still so much, we will have to finish it

Edit this away like magic

I'll clear some for you

I'll eat it since you don't feel comfortable

Do it fast!

I just blurt it

Do it fast

I was being nice


You are so annoying!

They can't see you like that

You are so annoying

This lip color make me look so fair

Be serious, its not hot anymore

Its spicy!

Eat it!

You are so sweaty now

Baozi is the kind that sweats easily

One for you one for me

Stop making sound!

Let me voice over

I don't need it

You are too shy

I do big bites unlike you, strand by strand!

I'll give you the last sip of milk

You are so annoying

Can you help me to finish it up

Its not that spicy after cooling down

I will not eat this again

I think it taste good after cooling down

Are you serious?

I think its pretty good

And then you cant stand it

Its spicy but good

Stop making weird sound!

I'm providing sound effect

This are the leftover

Finished, drink this fast! Wipe your mouth

You are so annoying

We have now finished the noodle!

Please share your experience

I must say that its quite nice, its abit sweet but very spicy

I think its bearable, you could stand it too right

I can not bear! I can not!

Aren't you fine now, you never felt any spiciness afterwards right

Nope, cause i drank a lot of milk

I think for our level it is still bearable

It wasn't as bad as i thought, the R18 chips i ate previously was worse

That was even spicy

Right, the R18 chips

That is also my the list of food to never try again

It wasn't that spicy, i think it was good, although Baozi think otherwise

If any of you enjoy eating spicy food, please give it a try

It is too bad for me, I don't think there will be a second time

I don't like it when they made it for the sake of spiciness, I like it aromatic and spicy

This is quite aromatic

No this is pure spicy, not even aromatic, super spicy

I think its really nice

They say if you might have bought a fake spicy ramen if it doesn't taste spicy

So its this the real one

So this is the real deal

Alright we will end our video here

If you guys have anything to recommend us to eat, please comment and tell us

We might do more of these video if we get a great feedback

Recently someone recommended us to make a video while eating the river snail rice noodle

I've never tried snail noodles but my friends really like them

There's two employee that loves them too

Every time when they cook the noodle, I'll ask them if they're cooking poo

It smells really bad

If you wish to see us eat the snail noodle, let us know in the comment section

Recommend us brands too

Yep, which taste better and which is not the smelly

Alright, we'll end the video here, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe

Bye, see you next time

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