Sunday, January 28, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jan 28 2018

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on English pronunciation

In my humble opinion the American R is the hardest sound to master

you either learn it as a child or you never will

It's the single biggest giveaway with regard to sounding like a native speaker

The R sound is by far the biggest difference between American and British English.

I'm very puzzled by the inability of some advanced English learners

to tell the difference between British and American accents.

To me this is the same as not being able to tell the difference between

'Rock' and 'Heavy Metal'.

It's all music but a different type of music,

it's all English but a different sounding English.

Listen carefully



The American R at the end of words is very bubbly with a lot of tongue movement.

I liken it to baby gurgle.

Let me demonstrate

On the other hand,

the British R is no R.

British people don't pronounce R at the end of words.

Super easy

R pronounced Schwa and/or A

Pronouncing R as Schwa ə is something I learned from my father.

He wasn't a very good speaker of English but the few words he knew

he pronounced with a very good British accent.

By British accent, we mean English spoken in England.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are a part of Great Britain but

have very different and distinct accents.

Scottish and Irish accents are different from the British accent

and one of the major differences is in the way R is pronounced.

In British English, R at the end of words is pronounced as either Schwa /ə/

or if you struggle with schwa you could pronounce it as A

The British R is much easier to pronounce than the North American R.

And it's not just in English spoken in England but also

Welsh English,

Australian English,

New Zealand English

and South African English,

as well as Honk Kong & Singapore.

Approximately a quarter of all native speakers of English drop the R at the end of a word

they are non-rhotic English speakers.

R is better pronounced as /ə/ schwa

but if you struggle with it then you could say A:

mother /madə/

father /fa:də/

sister /sistə/ or /sista/

brother /bradə/ or /brada

Do as Japanese people do.

In the Japanese language, all loanwords ending in R are pronounced as A

Pronouncing R as Schwa ə or A will be very beneficial to English language learners from

the Middle East and North Africa as well as Eastern Europe and Russia.

That's it guys.

there are 2 chapters on Pronunciation in my book Virtually Native,

you don't need a voice coach, you can improve your pronunciation by yourself.

Save yourself some money and read my book Virtually Native

which is available on Amazon and

For more infomation >> English Pronunciation: R as schwa /ə/ (non-rhotic) & A (British v American) - Duration: 5:30.


Vlog#1-Cars 3 hunting at Toy R us!!!Radiador springs cars! - Duration: 39:32.

For more infomation >> Vlog#1-Cars 3 hunting at Toy R us!!!Radiador springs cars! - Duration: 39:32.


Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.

It's not allowed to ride here with your bike

I don't care!


I don't care! Im riding wherever i want!

I make a note of your license plate and go to the police

Do whatever you want

You're on camera by the way

For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.


Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.



when he lost courage when he felt like just giving up just lie down and not get

up again he would recite it and it would give him the what he needed to keep


the other night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole I learned it

when I was in school yeah did you believe yeah I think whatever God there

may be from my unconquerable soul the fell clutch of circumstance I have not

cried aloud under the bludgeonings of fate my head is bloody but unbowed

beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the shadow of the shade

he had the minister of the year's finds and shall find me unafraid matters not

how Strait the gate now punishment charged the scroll I am the master of my

fate I am the captain myself your job as an actress to give it your best shot

each every time so yes I'm going into it with the idea that I'll play it to the

best of my ability and they wouldn't give it to me

the role if they didn't think I was capable of pulling it off oh I wouldn't

take it if I didn't think I was capable of pulling it off like I don't say his

first time when I was 8 years old I played a little boy blue in a pageant

power one of the things that was aware of that

I own the stage at 8:00 so no it isn't far off in America but we still and we

still here don't abandon the idea that it isn't finite it isn't finite if you

were born where were you born me yeah Baton Rouge Louisiana batteries General

Hospital you know Louisiana I was born in Memphis Tennessee

I had a long haul from where I came from to here but here we are right so proof

is in the proof of the pudding is in the eating and here we sit at the dining

table but it's hard to when you say that to some people because they say oh there

you go with a pull yourself up by the bootstraps thing and you know you're

just being respectable not everybody can do that

look everybody can but it doesn't courage courage is the

key to life itself a lot of people who are born in

situation of us survive just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to

people say well I would like to have done so and so and so so you could have

done it so when I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day exactly

right yeah you exist if there if there if you can conceive it in your mind if

you can think of it you can do it that's the human condition again we can imagine

that we can do it right and I think that that the condition of each individual

human got on spades the very first time when I was 8 years old I was brilliant

then I got on stage again four years later when I was 12

brilliant again so by the time I was 13 it was pretty much a foregone conclusion

and everybody else's mine teachers parents that acting was gonna be my

thing I hadn't

like made a conscious decision I'm going to be an act I don't think you do I

think you just that's what you do there for us because I was it as it turns out

I was romanticizing that whole idea you know we were refighting World War two

as I was growing up so we had all these heroic movies and I fell in love with

the idea of flying and then when I got into the Air Force had just big

eye-opener that racism was rampant there also and that I didn't I not is

qualifying or suit it's it's better word for military life

that kind of

unquestioning obedience to a lot of things that I think of stupid didn't

quite go over well so when I got out I was I was an early discharge it was

almost dishonorable you know because I just really didn't fit but the catalyst

actually was I did get to sit in a jet trainer because I had a lot of people

behind me to get me into flight school in this town but sitting there it

occurred to me that this is absolutely not what I want it's it isn't movies

it's for real these you know this little red button on a joystick controls guns

with real bullets and I'm sick I said that for quite a while and knew that if

I made a strafing run and needed a camera here and I needed the people to

be able to get up and go back to number one so I got out of that plane on the

runway at North Island Air Station a Naval Air Station and I walked away from

that and towards acting I knew that it was all about the movies it was all

about the movies their little horn Tooting I can do for myself is merely

having the courage to keep going

back in the hall there young people young actors struggling we because I go

along with it want to assure them that it's best to keep going don't don't give

up I tell kids it's the surest way to lose is to quit and in this business

it's really difficult because there were so many talented people out there

scrambling to get through that first Dewar that being able to get there and

do it is stroke of a lot of things including luck well as I said I went to

the movies all the time I've seen the movies and at some point it struck me

rather dramatically how much I wasn't in the movies would you give purely in an

acting sense to yourself 30 40 years ago same advice I gave myself 30 to 40 years


Act there are unfortunately those of us who say well I want to be a star

that's way out there in the ether somewhere I want to be a working actor

you can pull that off so act work work I someone asked me and watts and you were

about to do it what would you do if you weren't an act if you didn't make it as

an actor what would you do I have no idea I would act somewhere maybe I'd be

driving a cab maybe I'm working somebody's yard whatever I'm doing I'm

going to belong to somebody's little theater group

I will act because I'll die if I don't I

auditioned I don't think I even got to audition I interviewed for the movie the

thing the remake so I read the script and I go back for the audition and the

producer or the director one was said did you inscribe that say yes what do

you think I said well you've got 11 people at the South Pole eight of the

scientists and then you have a cook a mechanic and something else

they're all black none of the scientists are what do you think I think neat let's

just add and get that job the other night that covers me black as the pit

from pole to pole I learned it when I was in school you know did you believe

yeah I think whatever God there may be from my unconquerable soul

the fell collective circumstance I have not cried aloud under the bludgeonings

of fate my head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears

looms but the shadow of the shade yet the Menace of the year's finds and

shall find me unafraid matters not how Strait the gate how punishment charged

the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain

For more infomation >> THE 10 TRUTHS - MORGAN FREEMAN [MOTIVATION] - Duration: 10:47.


Sandra Lynn - Somebody Kis...

For more infomation >> Sandra Lynn - Somebody Kis...


La luna muore e rinasce - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 4 - Duration: 7:36.

"Seasons don't last forever.

Some days are short, some are long.

The moon waxes, and wanes".

THE STRATEGY OF WATER Ep.4 - "The moon waxes, and wanes"

The first time I wore a suit, was the day I graduated.

I felt ridiculous.

But everybody else looked at me differently.

People don't realize it, but what they do

ends up influencing who they are.

This process is irreversible.

Some of them wear a mask, at work.

A mask among many others, that hardly hides their secrets.

And sometimes…

the mask and the face match perfectly".

- I won't disappoint you.

Chinese native speaker, of course.

Yes, sir!

Loan application. First house.

Near to wedding.

If they get there…

- Your faith in people is touching.

- Because you don't know… You don't know how many…

How many couple I've seen, that close…

Then they crash into reality and…

- We hope we can get the new home by May, before the wedding.

- I see you work as shop assistant. And what about you, Domenico?

- I am the CEO of the start-up I founded.

Basically, we give items a second life by transforming them

into fancy gifts, through recycling.


From trash, to fashion.

And, speaking of which…

Voilà! A little present for you.

- Oh, thank you but… I cannot accept that.

Um… company policy.

- Yes, we respect self-starters here,

but you are required to deposit the 20% of the property value in advance.

- Oh, we have the money!

15 years of savings.

My savings…

- In that case, we just need few days to check that everything's fine.

- One last question.

Do you already have a loan obligation to another bank?

- No, this is a special occasion.

- Uh, he has a lot of debts.

Two bankrupts.

So much for the new house… and for the wedding.

- Everybody lies.

The only variable is about what.

- "The Art of War"?

- "House Medical Division"!

- Did you stay up late, last night?

- Yes, I didn't sleep.

My flatmate is leaving for the U.S., and we had a party all night long.

Don't worry. Ivan only gave me a lift, ok?

However, you spend too much time in office.

Who knows what are you working on…

- Working on… what?

"Keep calm, Giona. Nobody knows about your secret assignment".

- No big deal, I'm just saying…

since the Chinese Group arrived, it's a total mess.

- I told you I am here to see the Director!

Do you understand me?

- Musky octopus. Premium selection. Daily catch.

Tunas. All in the hold.

- For pity's sake!

- Who was she?

- Chinese delegation. From Beijing.

And me…

I'm the interpreter.

- And when did you learn Chinese?

- Three years working in the port of Genoa didn't give me only these muscles!


- Don't take it personal, Mr. Vanini.

To receive a bank loan, some checking is required.

It applies to everyone.

- Why am I feeling that this is going to be a delayed "no"?

- Let's think instead

that I am delaying the moment I will give you good news.


- Do I look like a man who has another chance?

- We'll talk to you soon, ok? Come on.

- Vanini! How are you?

- You treated him well, didn't you?

- Are you still here?

- The last check, and you will have a perfect IT system.

So you will get rid of me.

What a vision!

Do you need a lift? - No, thanks.

I've already accepted his offer.

"Winning without fighting. This is the art of war".

- Pizza or cinema?

- Later.

- Are you going to stay late, also tonight?

- You're a fool!

What are you still doing here, at this hour of the night?

For more infomation >> La luna muore e rinasce - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 4 - Duration: 7:36.


D/E Anonymous labeled as terrorist group | Anonymous als Terroristengruppe gebrandmarkt - Duration: 1:32.

Hello World

This picture appeared today in Austria.

The picture was taken out of context and published with lurid press arrogance, which we know

to well.

We see these lies as a preparation to defame Anonymous as a terrorist and violent group

and thus to criminalize it.

We know how to fight back to expose these lies for what they are, system propaganda.

We as Independent Anonymous activists clearly distance ourselves from this type of fight.

Expect Us !

Hallo Welt

Dieses Bild tauchte heute in Österreich auf.

Das Bild wurde aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen und mit reißerischer Pressearroganz, die

wir ja zu genüge kennen, veröffentlicht.

Wir sehen diese Lügen als Vorbereitung dazu Anonymous als Terroristen und gewaltbereite

Gruppierung zu diffamieren und damit zu kriminalisieren.

Wir werden uns zu wehren wissen, um diese Lügen als das aufzudecken was sie sind, nämlich


Wir als unabhängige Anonymous Aktivisten distanzieren uns ganz klar von dieser Art

des Kampfes.

Erwartet uns!

For more infomation >> D/E Anonymous labeled as terrorist group | Anonymous als Terroristengruppe gebrandmarkt - Duration: 1:32.


BBB18: Ayrton desabafa sobre assédio e preocupação com Ana Clara - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton desabafa sobre assédio e preocupação com Ana Clara - Duration: 4:29.


Natanael é flagrado e desmascarado pelo filho Henrique em O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Natanael é flagrado e desmascarado pelo filho Henrique em O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 3:12.


Che cos'è l'artrosi? Cause, sintomi e trattamento - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> Che cos'è l'artrosi? Cause, sintomi e trattamento - Duration: 8:48.


Abitudini contro la cellulite - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Abitudini contro la cellulite - Duration: 9:50.


Gossip Uomini e donne,Tina umiliata dall'ex marito a Pomeriggio 5: ecco perché | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne,Tina umiliata dall'ex marito a Pomeriggio 5: ecco perché | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.


Ep 2: Sem Censura | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 8:46.

I challenge you to jump naked in the pool!

Rafaela ...?

Rafaela! Wake up, Rafaela!

Ahh ...

Wake up!

Wake up, Rafaela! What?

Wake up, girl! It's taking too long!

Is that what you want, Rafaela?

Come on,darling! Wake up, Rafaela.

Who do you think you are? Sleeping Beauty?

I'm going, ok?

Okay then, but open your eyes. I'm not seeing your eyes open.

Wake up!

I'm going! My God, what a mess ...! Wake up soon.

Go on, go. Ok, I'm going, but come soon too, huh.

Girl, what a delay.

Hurry up.

Good Morning!

Good Morning.

It's Rebecca, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Dandara.

Pleasure. We have not introduced ourselves yet.

So, are you excited for today's test? How is it going to be?

I have no idea. I'll cook something to eat.

Here! I made two if anyone wanted too.

Thanks. You're welcome.

Ouch! Gee! ... You are devastated, my dear.

Girl! You look like a haunt!

Only need to bury, because you died yesterday, right?


Damn it, Barbara! Drink more!

Don't scream. Lack of shame in the face.

I do not even know how you're going to do this test today because I will not help you.

Hey, will not ... Hey! I will not help you.

Oh, don't even start. I'm with a terrible hangover.

Shame on you.

But wait there. Let me ask you something.

Ask me. Ask me because I am the largest source of information of this house.

Oh, Barbara! Anyway, let me ask.

Yeah. Did I do any shit yesterday?


Girl, it's easier to say the shits than you didn't do. Oh, no!

My God! You must be spoken out there. Tell me this, for God's sake. What did I do?

If I start talking you will not want to give the air of the grace of your person in this life ever again.

Girl! Because it was heavy.

God help me! It was very heavy, friend.

Dude, let me tell you. You have no idea what have you done!

It was vexation. Barbara, tell me.

Vexation. Do you remember the bomb you gave at the pool?

That you wet the whole house? Oh no!

Even the people at home must have gotten wet after that bomb you gave at the pool.

Girl, it was a shame! Then you threw your shoes like this...

And that is more...


Oh ... Let's go.

Girls, come here! Let's start the test?


I like it like that, everyone is very excited.

Come on, girl. I'll win for sure!

Oh my God! I'm coming, I'm coming.

Hey, girls, how are you today?

Good! Ready to win! All right?

Did you enjoy the party yesterday? Yup! Sure!

Right, Larissa? Very good!

That's good! Great!

So, as you know, today is the first test of our reality show:

Censuradas Reality Show! Are you ready?

Yes! Very ready!

Look! Today is going to be a test. of great perception and agility.

So come on. First I'll explain to you how will our test work.

First thing: I need you to split into doubles.

Come on, girls, let's go. We don't have much time.

Person 1 of the pair will be here

and will go, in a sack race, find person 2 of the duo on the other side.

And person 2 will be bandaged.

So person 1 will pick up a food that is there and will give the person 2 to taste.

If person 2 scores the food,

she will take the bandage and will do the same course that person 1 did,

with person 1 on the back, until you touch the green button there.

The person who eats? No, the person who ate that carries on the back.

Oh! OK!

All right? All understood? Doubts?

No. No?

I'll win this one for us! Let's do this! Your bandages.

Can we go?

Best part, huh?

The winning pair will win for a week... Will have access

to the little room Uncensored! Hmm!

The more reserved room, most exclusive place in the house.

A little more intimate, right? It's already ours!

For you to enjoy, huh? There's a whole week to enjoy it.

The winning pair will also win immunity in our first voting.

Wow! Great!

People number 2, please, go to your places.

Lets go, girls? Ready?

Attention! 3, 2, 1, go!

I'm coming, girl! C'mon C'mon!

Lari, is everything okay there, Lari? Oh, I give up.

But, Lari, try it, come on. No, I can't go on anymore. I just can't.

Come on, Dandara. Go, go, go, go ... Oh, my finger!

Come on! Cinnamon Cake!

What cinnamon cake? No. Give me more.

Here. Go Go go go.

Gingerbread! You got it!

Let's go! Come on, Dandara!


Lets go, girls!

Go go go go! Fast! Go, boo, go boo!

Gee, man.

Congratulations, Gabi and Andréia!

You will be the first ones to take advantage of the perks of the house.

I said I would win! Calm down, girl. Calm down.

Come here, girls. Please, come here.

Closer. Are you better, Lari?

Yes. Come here, give me your hand.

I'm ok.

We lost too. Come here.

Well, girls, now there's another surprise for you.

Which surprise?

You can come in now, girls! What? Hm?

My goodness!

Welcome Malu and Eduarda!

What's up?

(whisper) *Is everything alright?* Alright, Censuradas, I have to go now.

(whisper) *Eduarda is my ex.*

but I hope you are a good host and receive the two new participants of the show.

Kiss, girls! See you!

Hello, my name is Gabriele and if you want to meet this wonderful house

you just have to look the description down here.

And, well, if you come to see this house, I'll bet that you will get your ex back in two days.

For more infomation >> Ep 2: Sem Censura | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 8:46.


SonDaRúa - Liberando mentes (Prod. Peter Petrowski) - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> SonDaRúa - Liberando mentes (Prod. Peter Petrowski) - Duration: 4:34.





EL CICLO DEL AGUA 💧 | Draw My Life - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> EL CICLO DEL AGUA 💧 | Draw My Life - Duration: 3:05.


Warning, the mics were live during Week 2 of WWE Mixed Match Challenge! - Duration: 1:03.


Here we go, here we go.


>> Don't move, graves.

I got a whole stack on your head.

>> You're undefeated.

Nobody can take you on. >> Come on E.

You got this baby. >> You got this.


>> You got this.

>> No, no, no, I don't got this!

No, back her up! >> [INAUDIBLE].


>> Get out of my face!

Get out of my face! >> Undefeated!

Greatest Intercontinental Champion ever!


>> WWE Facebook MixedMatch Challenge, live on Facebook Watch.

For more infomation >> Warning, the mics were live during Week 2 of WWE Mixed Match Challenge! - Duration: 1:03.


Filha de integrante do Fat Family, surpreende, canta no The Voice Kids e causa rebuliço na web - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Filha de integrante do Fat Family, surpreende, canta no The Voice Kids e causa rebuliço na web - Duration: 7:36.


Këpurdhat - Une Raba Bota (Official Video) - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Këpurdhat - Une Raba Bota (Official Video) - Duration: 3:31.


Assumere la forma dell'acqua - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 7 - Duration: 10:14.

"You need to assume the shape of water.

As the water shapes its path according to ground's configuration,

the armies devise their victories adapting themselves to any events".

THE STRATEGY OF WATER Ep.7 - "The shape of water"

"Survival has little to do with strength and cleverness.

Actually, it concerns the ability to adapt to changes,

and to absorb the blows that life throws at you.

Especially when changes requires effort.

You can fail,

but at least you can try.

Leaving aside any doubts linked to the future.

What today scares you, tomorrow is going to be your routine".

- Multitasking!

Hey Plinio, it's time for you to learn English!

"But first of all, you should figure out the conflicts you should avoid.

And the battles that are worth fighting for".

- Good morning. I'm calling for the apartment…

- Thank you!

Thank you.

I don't even dare to think what could have happened…

an invaluable damage to the reputation of our bank!

Yet again, the right man at the right time, Giona!

Pay attention, please!

Today is a special day.

First of all, because we are still alive. And we shouldn't take it for granted.

Secondly, because we can finally officialise the merger.

At the press conference we will have the honour to host a special guest

directly from our headquarters, in Beijing.

We have to give an impeccable image of ourselves.

Today, any mistake is forbidden.

- I understand that Chinese people don't drink coffee,

but this is too much!

I wish we had merged with the Brazilians!

- All that time spent looking for

the perfect blend of caffeine and tranqs…

- Come on, guys!

Don't freak out, yet!

- Giona?

Can you please stop ignoring me?

- I'm not ignoring you.

I just don't want to talk to you.

- But I do.

- Well, not now.

There's another woman waiting for me.

- Ernestina!

It's a pleasure meeting you again!

What can we do for you, today?

- She is closing her account.

- Has anything happened?

- No!

I believe it's time for me

to put myself first and to get myself a gift.

- Oh, and what's the occasion?

- The occasion is that…

I have been saving money my whole life, thinking about the future.

And now?

My children are grown, my grandchildren too.

I'm going to get myself the gift I wanted when I was 20.

I'm leaving for the Grand Tour!

Au revoir!

- There you are.

We only need some autographs…

- Well, I had to come to this to feel like a Diva.

By the way, you two…

don't waste too time before…

If you know what I mean…

"Embracing change

by seizing the opportunity.

Because life and death could be faster,

and beat you to the punch.

And that's when you realize there's nothing else to do, but accept it.

Seize the day,

or spend your life regretting the chances you didn't have the guts to take".

- Giona, have you ever seen a cock fight,

in Bali degraded suburbs?

- We both know we're not here to talk about cocks.

However, I appreciate the new comparison

because, I have to confess it: I've never been able to play chess.

- And I've never bet on the wrong cock.

- Well… at least once, you did.

You asked me for a name.

Now you've got it.

- This is not happening because of me.

I didn't give him your name.

- I know. It was my decision.

- Why?

- Because I realized I still have a choice.

- You are not going to leave the battlefield right now, aren't you?

War is not over, yet.

- Mr. Wang!

Come in, please!

It's an honour to have you here.

Please, have a seat.

You'll be pleased to know that we managed to reduce the staff,

as requested.

What's going on?

- Don't you see? We didn't ask you to fire someone.

We wanted you to select.

And now?

Who's going to guard the guardians?

- I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you.

Can we not mince words and get straight to the point?

- Actually, there's no need to use words when you can rely on monitoring tools.

The good commander guides his whole army with his hand,

as if it was one man.

"The Art of War" teaches us this.

And you, you didn't understand it!

- Um, yes… but…

- The best commander don't wreak havoc on his troops.</font>

He's willing to sacrifice himself, if necessary.

For the benefit of his army.

"Sometimes, life is a game of Chinese boxes".

For more infomation >> Assumere la forma dell'acqua - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 7 - Duration: 10:14.


BMW 335i Coupe with Holographic Vinyl Wrap - Car Show Off with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 6:53.

it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their

own car, and here's this week's winner,

what's going on guys I'm Zack, this is a video for the Scotty Kilmer channel,

I've seen a video on there about a week, two weeks ago maybe, Plasti Dip and I used to

use plastidip a lot it's a great product, I actually have it on the

wheels right now, but I figured I'd do a quick show off of what a good vinyl wrap

could look like, this vinyl wraps been on the car for a while now, it does have its

issues, I usually switch it up a lot, I do a small vinyl wrap

business that we're currently looking to get another garage, and get

everything situated there, but we still do business and whatnot, we just try to

tell everybody you know a lot of people get the misconception about vinyl wraps,

and you know that it's bad, it's you know different things like that, and so I wanted

to make a quick video of the possibilities of it, I changed my vinyl

wrap usually every four months I would say, and I change it like this and

what not, just for more or less getting the name out, so the car is very well

known, I had it chrome gold before this which looked pretty cool as well,

and this was just more or less one for this winter it's just something to

protect the paint, because it does protect the paint, vinyl wraps are

really good for protecting paint, causing less wear on the car really and

you could get good looks out of it, so another thing a lot of people don't

think you could wash these in a car wash, I just got it off the car wash actually,

you know it usually has no effect to it, you could see a lot of like little

hairline scratches, that is something that you'll experience with any chromes

or something of this nature, normal vinyl like here's carbon-fiber hood for

instance, this is wrapped in carbon fiber, and this has actually been on here for

maybe two years, it holds up real good,

other things like this, not as good, it depends where, this is like I said this

has been on all winter, this is my daily car, so a little issue that's starting to

come up right there where it's peeling up, where we had the knifeless tape

go across it's starting to come up a little bit, but it's whatever, this like I

said, it doesn't last forever, the materials like this in chrome usually

aren't going to last as long, this has been driven through snow and probably 20,000

miles since I put the vinyl on it, it's actually been used a lot, so there's

definitely some signs of ware, but for the most part nothing really wrong with the

vehicle itself, so what can you do, a lot of the I don't know if you can see

any now, but a lot of these vehicles that you see

that have pictures and whatnot, it's all vinyl just like this, so you can do that

or you could do any colors and it's very cheap to do, there's a lot of shops that

will overcharge and whatnot, but you figure something if I want to do this

white, we would usually charge about a grand, maybe a little less depending on

the car, what material you want to go with, 3m has some good ones, Avery, this is

actually a vivid concept material here, that I decided to go with and just try

it, like I said I don't really use them on too long, I kind of like the clean look,

you know your matte colors and whatnot, but it's something,

so you get that a lot with the wraps like this, where a lot of people like to

come take a look at it they never seen anything like it, so yeah we're getting

ready to rip this off, we had a problem with the back trunk we had this ordered

and I did my front bumper and the fenders with it, well got into a little

bit of a fender bender I guess you would say, and the front bumper needed to be

replaced it, was already wrapped, it was a fresh wrap, so I had to use that material

then I didn't end up having enough for the trunk, and it's the concept wrap so

they were out of stock and so I never really got to that, I was going to actually

just replace the trunk with a carbon fiber one, but sometimes like in the

shade like this it really doesn't have much of a color, it's it's like a gray

wrap, this is known as black holographic by the way, they make a silver

holographic version, my buddy actually put it on his BMW i8, so we're kind of

matching there, yeah if you guys have any questions hit me up on Instagram this

actually is an old tag, I just realized I have to take that off but, my Instagram is

E92_ZACH, you'll see fresh pictures of the car all the time you

know, like I said we're getting rid of this wrap, we're going to be putting a

new one on, not too sure what I'm going to go with, I really like battleship gray

it's a nice 3m wrap, so yeah if you want to stay updated on some pictures

definitely check it out, I do have a YouTube channel I post some vinyl

wrapping videos on, that's Zach Caves, yeah some other quick things

about the car, what we're doing to it, what's been done, we got a new set of

wheels for it, so those are coming on right after we get rid of all the snow

and whatnot, potholes are horrible right now, new wheels definitely, I'll

show under the hood, this is a BMW 335i coupe, it's the e92 chassis, more or less

known for the tunability, it's a twin turbo inline six stock,

a little bit dirty, oh yeah it is dirty, I really can't do much in the wintertime,

it's too cold out here, but yeah we got the dual cone intake, catless downpipe

down there, upgraded intercooler, we actually are looking to do a single

turbo conversion too, so we'll have to relocate that over there, do a couple

other things, get rid of the old boost solenoids, single turbo is the way to go

with these, upgraded twins are also an option, but you know stock from the

factory they make 300 to the wheels, 1,500 bucks in bolt ons, you're making

450, 500 horsepower, and honestly I run 85 on this too, that jb4 tune allows an e85

mix on the stock fuel pump and whatnot, it's a mix, it's definitely recommended

to get port injection and upgraded fuel pumps, which I'll be doing with the turbo

upgrade, but yeah it's a quick overview of the car, that's about it, see you guys

later, well that was this week's video and

remember to have your car video highlighted here on my channel, check

this out!

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember

to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> BMW 335i Coupe with Holographic Vinyl Wrap - Car Show Off with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 6:53.


Cambiare strategia - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 6 - Duration: 10:54.

"At war, changing the strategy according to enemy's plans

is essential".

THE STRATEGY OF WATER Ep.6 - "Changing strategy"

"Power and wealth are like sea water.

The more you drink, thirstier you become.

All in all, you keep on looking for new desires.

Without them, you don't feel rich enough.

For some people,

the finish line is the hope for a future reward.

After many years of hard work.

Someone else is driven by the need for certainty.

While others put their loved ones,

or their passions, first.

People like this… they do exist.

But I've never met them".

- Nobody could imagine how loudly Rita snores when she eats a lot…

- I know, trust me… my mother too…

I mean… my girlfriend…

- I'll give you a piece of advice!

If you date a woman, don't sleep with her!

It's the beginning of the end!

Hey, I'm talking to you!

What's the matter?

- Hi! I tried to call you, last night.


You don't answer to my calls

and now you don't even talk to me anymore?

- Sorry. There's a customer waiting for me.

- That's what I thought.

- This doesn't mean that we didn't try…

The point is that you already have a loan with another bank.

And the same guarantees… As you can understand, the bank can't…

- Of course, I understand.

We have to understand.

- I know how you feel.

But there's nothing I can do.

- And what about if I told you that this loan would have been my last chance?

- It's never like this.

That's what we say whenever we can't see a solution.

- It depends on the time we still have.

- Now, I won't let you get out of here

till you tell me what is going on!

- What should I tell you, Nicole?

- Look…

If the problem is what happen between us,

I am big enough to accept that it was just a crush.

A crush? A crash, I would rather say.

I crashed against your wall of lies.

- What… what are you trying to say?

Let me understand!

- I know you have been

spying on me and reporting everything to the Director.

And don't try to deny it, I have evidence.

- I hope we didn't get to this point.

It hurts me.

- Oh, great.

Now, you are the victim.

- You are the chosen one, Giona!

Your task is not easy.

The Director wanted someone to check on you, to see if he could trust you.

- And what about me?

Who can I trust?

- Trust yourself. Your heart.

Without judging.

Aren't we all in the same aquarium, after all?

- Yes, but I don' know if I want to swim anymore.

- Can I at least offer you a coffee?

- Never mind, I've already tried…

- Excuse me, Sergio. I need 5 minutes break.

- 5 minutes break?

Your working-day is already a sort of long break!


Vanini, what are you doing?

Keep calm.

- Hands up!

- Yes.

- Shut the door!

- Sergio, shut the door.

- I'll get the keys.

- Give me the keys!

- Go there! That side!

- Please don't hurt us, for pity's sake!

My mother has no one but me!

- Is there anybody else inside?

- Nobody else. Please, calm down.

- Where is the Director?

- He's off.

- What are you going to do?

- The vault is closed.

We can't withdraw any money

without the director's code.

- It's not about the money.

- You should pick up the phone.

- I don't want to talk to anybody.

I need to think.

- If you don't answer, it might end up bad.

- Shut up!

You think to be all-powerful, don't you?

Suddenly, a stupid piece of iron changes everything.

And you become just like us.

- Do you think we're having fun, here?

Playing the same role every single day?

Do you know how I manage to survive here?

I make up stuff, in my head.

- Are you are talking about survival, to me?

How much do you earn, working here?

How much did it cost, that suit?

I am the one that strives to survive, here!

Not you! Me!

And what do you do?

You turn your back on me!

- Don't do it!

- Vanini, we can still find a solution.

Enough of your bullshit!

Stop treating us like a bunch of idiots!

The truth is that you…

you don't care about us!

- You're right.

Nobody cares about you.

No one really cares about anybody.

Every night we fall asleep thinking about our sorrow.

And we just don't care about anybody else.

Sometimes we think that we have someone who truly understands us.

But we are alone, when we have to make choices.

And alone when we face the consequences.

Is that, what you want? Killing yourself? Do it.

Is it me that you want to shoot? You can do it.

I understand why you don't trust us anymore.

But I trust you.

Because you are not a man who shoots.

- Do you really trust me?

We'll see it.

For more infomation >> Cambiare strategia - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 6 - Duration: 10:54.


7 alimenti energetici che non possono mancare nella dieta - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 7 alimenti energetici che non possono mancare nella dieta - Duration: 5:05.


Le spie che sopravvivono - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 1 - Duration: 10:03.

"Surviving spies are those who bring back the news from the enemy's camp".

THE STRATEGY OF WATER Ep.1 - "Surviving spies"

"What is Switzerland known for?

The mountains…




Heidi, Roger Federer, William Tell.

And, of course, there are the banks.

Aside from some stock market crash,

financial world is deadly predictable.

Just like the bank where I work.

But… can a place where so many different people walk in be predictable?

This is Marco.

The youngster of the group,

and the only one still scared of another diligently inactive workday.

This is Franco, the veteran.

He's the Jack-all-of-Trade in the bank,

but he likes public relations best.

In other words,

you better walk past him when he has already taken a hostage.

Today is Sergio's turn.

He is the security man,

but he's never where he should be.

And finally, there's Nicole.

The last one who joined the group, and the last one joining us every morning.

Nevertheless, our customers love her.

And… they're not alone.

Me? My name is Giona.

Bachelor of Commerce and seven years in this very bank.

Experience taught me

that only two things can help you survive a long day in a bank.

The coffee machine, and a fervent imagination.

Everything as planned,

an ordinary workday in an ordinary Swiss bank".

- One head.

- Do you have to put it just in that way?

- A name, if you prefer.

Do you know what a gambit is, playing chess?

It means that you sacrifice a pawn, or a piece, to achieve an advantageous position.

This is the moment you come into play.

You can either help me find that pawn or join your colleagues on the chessboard.

"That is, eat or be eaten".

Make your choice.

You know where to find me.

- Gentlemen,

our bank merged with the Chinese group Wang Celestial Empire.

"The first time I heard about China I was ten years old.

The teacher at school read us the adventures of Cion Cion Blu.

A very poor Chinese countryman.

He lived under a rice paper umbrella.

He had nothing, but he was happy.

Nothing to do with the present China,

China that has just bought us".

For our small bank, this is a period of big changes.


From now on,

your key-words will be: strictness, discipline, sense of duty.

And punctuality.

Hand out the books.


This is "The Art of War", by Sun Zu.

An ancient Chinese treatise on military strategy.

From now on, it will be your Bible.


The choice is yours.

You can adapt, and survive.

Or resist, and perish!

"Old ladies love me.

They are my favourite customers".

- Where is Nicole?

I want to speak with her!

- Uh, she's arriving… She was in the director's office.

- He's Jürgen, my grandson.

I haven't seen him since he was a child.

He had so many blonde curls…

My little angel!

- I can imagine…

- He came back from the West Germany, specially for me!

"Driving a De Lorean?"

He deserves a good prize.

I'd like to withdraw 10'000 Francs.

- 20'000.

- Ernestina! What should we do with so much money?

Good morning.

- Dear Nicole,

he's my grandson, Jürgen.

- Jürgen!

Sure! Your grandmother told me so much about you.

- And about my 10'000 Francs?

- 20'000!

- You're right, my dear.

- Any probem?

- No, but the computer froze.

I'll call the tech guy.

- Let me take a look…

- Giona, could you make some coffee

for our guests, while they are waiting for us?

- Black?

- Irish!

- I'll be right back.

- It's more likely that he's her toy-boy than her grandson!

- Thank you for this chilling vision!

- If it helps you see things as they really are, then it's okay.

- Ok, but… a fake grandchild would never go in a bank with his prey.

It's written right here.

- No, listen to me! Now I'll go there and try to hold them.

In the meantime, you'll call the police!

- You don't need the police!

You need me.

They're fleeing!

- Don't worry, Nicole! I've already forgotten everything.

It's a shame!

I have to ask for a permission to go to the toilet!

And now they want me to come back!

Let's go, we are already late!

- Everything's fine, isn't it?

I can't decide if it is more unbelievable that Jürgen is actually Ernestina's grandson…

or that Sergio was hit by an old lady!

Are you ok?

What's the matter?

- Ernestina's money is gone.

- What?

- I had a tip and I needed a starting fund.

Ernestina never touches her savings, so I thought I could invest them.

- What have you done, Nicole?

- I'll give them back to her!

I just need a couple of days.

If you cover me up, nobody will ever know about it.

I would do this, for you.

Would you?

- Yes. I'm in.

- Smart choice.

So, do you already have a name?

- Actually, I'm not even sure that I will ever have one.

- Yes, I see.

With time you get fond of your colleagues. It's natural.

Don't think of yourself as an executioner.

- Ain't I?

- Keep your eyes open,

and save the job to those who deserve it.

For more infomation >> Le spie che sopravvivono - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 1 - Duration: 10:03.


Il nemico - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 2 - Duration: 7:34.

"The art of war is not about relying on that the enemy is not coming,

but on being sure to receive him properly".

THE STRATEGY OF WATER Ep.2 - "The enemy"

"Crisis management is like an art for us.

Our job is making clear the dark laws that rules the financial world.

We offer assurances to customers that grope in the dark.

But when even our certainties crack,

hiding a doubt behind a smile… it's more and more difficult".

- What do you think about it?

- Well, we are ready for the restoration…

We don't have to worry, do we?

I mean… not yet.

- Don't touch that plant!

You could hinder the Qi.

It has to be placed here.

To assure a good cash flow.

- The new spiritual designer…

- But… we have never had a spiritual designer!

- That's obvious…

- I know, I know…

- There must be a problem

in the internaut service.

It notifies me strange payments that I've never done…

but the balance of my account is still the same!

- So… If the balance is still the same, where is the problem?

- Where is the problem?

I have nothing to do with this stuff!

- Maybe, your wife made these purchases…

- I am a widower.

- How are these payments notified to you?

- I receive a message on my phone.

Here, take a look!

- So, you have never bought anything at Maison Bourlesque, have you?

- For heaven's sake! I can't stand French cooking!

- It's all right, don't worry! Everything is under control.

See you soon! Have a nice day, good bye!

- Well, I called the IT.

They will send us a tech guy, but we have to be patient.

- God give us patience!

Today I've received five customers, all of them complaining for this very problem!

Even my phone has that thing…

- That thing that makes payments?

- Yes that thing! But I don't know what to do!

I told you, remember? Internet is a trouble maker!

- Go on, say it!

- Yes! I will!

We were better off when we were worse off!

- These times, we're better off if we stay here… trust me.

Let's have a coffee.

- However, I'm fine here.

And… Don't worry,

I prefer coffee and people to your workstations.

(Spiritual designer) [Corners are where energies get caught and become stagnant!]

[We have to fill them, to make them harmless!]

- I hate her!

- Just take a breath.

(Spiritual designer) [We have to knock down that wall, or the Ba Gua will be on the blink!]

(Sergio) [But… that's a load-bearing wall!]

(Spiritual designer) [Purple! Paint it purple!] (Sergio) [Purple? It's bad luck!]

- Keep calm.

- It's not fun.

- Don't you feel it? You're hindering the quantum flux…

Don't you care about the cash flow?

- Problems?

- Look, I know I owe you one.

- Do you?

- Well.

You covered me up for… you know, and you won't regret it.

It's all worked out, now.

- Ok, but… you said you owe me one, so…

- Why, do you have any ideas?

- I don't know.

We could go out for a dinner, one of these nights…

- And these photos?

We decided to toss them out, didn't we?

- Not this one.

- Ladies!

- Marisa, please!

- Hey, you! Cut it out!

- What are you doing with the fire extinguisher?

- Leave it to the professionals!

- No, Sergio! Put it down!

Sergio, keep calm!

And you! What are you doing here?

- You tell me! You called for a tech support.

- Does it hurt?

- A little bit.

I just didn't expect that.

- Nobody's expecting to receive an extinguisher on the face.

People don't have a security-man like Sergio.

- No. I meant that I didn't expect to see him.

"When the future is doubtful, a phantom coming back from the past is perfect".

- Do you know him?

- I thought so.

But I was wrong.

- Why? What has he done?

For more infomation >> Il nemico - La Strategia Dell'Acqua | Ep. 2 - Duration: 7:34.


Vlog#1-Cars 3 hunting at Toy R us!!!Radiador springs cars! - Duration: 39:32.

For more infomation >> Vlog#1-Cars 3 hunting at Toy R us!!!Radiador springs cars! - Duration: 39:32.


English Pronunciation: R as schwa /ə/ (non-rhotic) & A (British v American) - Duration: 5:30.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on English pronunciation

In my humble opinion the American R is the hardest sound to master

you either learn it as a child or you never will

It's the single biggest giveaway with regard to sounding like a native speaker

The R sound is by far the biggest difference between American and British English.

I'm very puzzled by the inability of some advanced English learners

to tell the difference between British and American accents.

To me this is the same as not being able to tell the difference between

'Rock' and 'Heavy Metal'.

It's all music but a different type of music,

it's all English but a different sounding English.

Listen carefully



The American R at the end of words is very bubbly with a lot of tongue movement.

I liken it to baby gurgle.

Let me demonstrate

On the other hand,

the British R is no R.

British people don't pronounce R at the end of words.

Super easy

R pronounced Schwa and/or A

Pronouncing R as Schwa ə is something I learned from my father.

He wasn't a very good speaker of English but the few words he knew

he pronounced with a very good British accent.

By British accent, we mean English spoken in England.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are a part of Great Britain but

have very different and distinct accents.

Scottish and Irish accents are different from the British accent

and one of the major differences is in the way R is pronounced.

In British English, R at the end of words is pronounced as either Schwa /ə/

or if you struggle with schwa you could pronounce it as A

The British R is much easier to pronounce than the North American R.

And it's not just in English spoken in England but also

Welsh English,

Australian English,

New Zealand English

and South African English,

as well as Honk Kong & Singapore.

Approximately a quarter of all native speakers of English drop the R at the end of a word

they are non-rhotic English speakers.

R is better pronounced as /ə/ schwa

but if you struggle with it then you could say A:

mother /madə/

father /fa:də/

sister /sistə/ or /sista/

brother /bradə/ or /brada

Do as Japanese people do.

In the Japanese language, all loanwords ending in R are pronounced as A

Pronouncing R as Schwa ə or A will be very beneficial to English language learners from

the Middle East and North Africa as well as Eastern Europe and Russia.

That's it guys.

there are 2 chapters on Pronunciation in my book Virtually Native,

you don't need a voice coach, you can improve your pronunciation by yourself.

Save yourself some money and read my book Virtually Native

which is available on Amazon and

For more infomation >> English Pronunciation: R as schwa /ə/ (non-rhotic) & A (British v American) - Duration: 5:30.


Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.

It's not allowed to ride here with your bike

I don't care!


I don't care! Im riding wherever i want!

I make a note of your license plate and go to the police

Do whatever you want

You're on camera by the way

For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.


Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.



when he lost courage when he felt like just giving up just lie down and not get

up again he would recite it and it would give him the what he needed to keep


the other night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole I learned it

when I was in school yeah did you believe yeah I think whatever God there

may be from my unconquerable soul the fell clutch of circumstance I have not

cried aloud under the bludgeonings of fate my head is bloody but unbowed

beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the shadow of the shade

he had the minister of the year's finds and shall find me unafraid matters not

how Strait the gate now punishment charged the scroll I am the master of my

fate I am the captain myself your job as an actress to give it your best shot

each every time so yes I'm going into it with the idea that I'll play it to the

best of my ability and they wouldn't give it to me

the role if they didn't think I was capable of pulling it off oh I wouldn't

take it if I didn't think I was capable of pulling it off like I don't say his

first time when I was 8 years old I played a little boy blue in a pageant

power one of the things that was aware of that

I own the stage at 8:00 so no it isn't far off in America but we still and we

still here don't abandon the idea that it isn't finite it isn't finite if you

were born where were you born me yeah Baton Rouge Louisiana batteries General

Hospital you know Louisiana I was born in Memphis Tennessee

I had a long haul from where I came from to here but here we are right so proof

is in the proof of the pudding is in the eating and here we sit at the dining

table but it's hard to when you say that to some people because they say oh there

you go with a pull yourself up by the bootstraps thing and you know you're

just being respectable not everybody can do that

look everybody can but it doesn't courage courage is the

key to life itself a lot of people who are born in

situation of us survive just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to

people say well I would like to have done so and so and so so you could have

done it so when I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day exactly

right yeah you exist if there if there if you can conceive it in your mind if

you can think of it you can do it that's the human condition again we can imagine

that we can do it right and I think that that the condition of each individual

human got on spades the very first time when I was 8 years old I was brilliant

then I got on stage again four years later when I was 12

brilliant again so by the time I was 13 it was pretty much a foregone conclusion

and everybody else's mine teachers parents that acting was gonna be my

thing I hadn't

like made a conscious decision I'm going to be an act I don't think you do I

think you just that's what you do there for us because I was it as it turns out

I was romanticizing that whole idea you know we were refighting World War two

as I was growing up so we had all these heroic movies and I fell in love with

the idea of flying and then when I got into the Air Force had just big

eye-opener that racism was rampant there also and that I didn't I not is

qualifying or suit it's it's better word for military life

that kind of

unquestioning obedience to a lot of things that I think of stupid didn't

quite go over well so when I got out I was I was an early discharge it was

almost dishonorable you know because I just really didn't fit but the catalyst

actually was I did get to sit in a jet trainer because I had a lot of people

behind me to get me into flight school in this town but sitting there it

occurred to me that this is absolutely not what I want it's it isn't movies

it's for real these you know this little red button on a joystick controls guns

with real bullets and I'm sick I said that for quite a while and knew that if

I made a strafing run and needed a camera here and I needed the people to

be able to get up and go back to number one so I got out of that plane on the

runway at North Island Air Station a Naval Air Station and I walked away from

that and towards acting I knew that it was all about the movies it was all

about the movies their little horn Tooting I can do for myself is merely

having the courage to keep going

back in the hall there young people young actors struggling we because I go

along with it want to assure them that it's best to keep going don't don't give

up I tell kids it's the surest way to lose is to quit and in this business

it's really difficult because there were so many talented people out there

scrambling to get through that first Dewar that being able to get there and

do it is stroke of a lot of things including luck well as I said I went to

the movies all the time I've seen the movies and at some point it struck me

rather dramatically how much I wasn't in the movies would you give purely in an

acting sense to yourself 30 40 years ago same advice I gave myself 30 to 40 years


Act there are unfortunately those of us who say well I want to be a star

that's way out there in the ether somewhere I want to be a working actor

you can pull that off so act work work I someone asked me and watts and you were

about to do it what would you do if you weren't an act if you didn't make it as

an actor what would you do I have no idea I would act somewhere maybe I'd be

driving a cab maybe I'm working somebody's yard whatever I'm doing I'm

going to belong to somebody's little theater group

I will act because I'll die if I don't I

auditioned I don't think I even got to audition I interviewed for the movie the

thing the remake so I read the script and I go back for the audition and the

producer or the director one was said did you inscribe that say yes what do

you think I said well you've got 11 people at the South Pole eight of the

scientists and then you have a cook a mechanic and something else

they're all black none of the scientists are what do you think I think neat let's

just add and get that job the other night that covers me black as the pit

from pole to pole I learned it when I was in school you know did you believe

yeah I think whatever God there may be from my unconquerable soul

the fell collective circumstance I have not cried aloud under the bludgeonings

of fate my head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears

looms but the shadow of the shade yet the Menace of the year's finds and

shall find me unafraid matters not how Strait the gate how punishment charged

the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain

For more infomation >> THE 10 TRUTHS - MORGAN FREEMAN [MOTIVATION] - Duration: 10:47.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


When Things DON'T Exactly Go the Way You Planned! - Duration: 10:45.

Here are some of the most painful examples of when things go wrong!

9 - Shot live on Facebook When I say shot live on facebook, sometimes

I mean it literally in another sense.

Some people should probably know by now that not everything needs to be livestreamed.

That and not talking trash to someone with a bun.

If only this woman from Chicago realized this, she would have saved herself a lot of trouble.

This woman decided to livestream herself crossing a street in the Washington Park neighborhood

of Chicago.

She essentially encountered another woman in a car who she seemed to know.

The discussion between them escalated quickly.

When threatened by the gun the woman in the car held in front of her, she started laughing

and shouting "I ain't afraid of that gun!

What you gonna do?"

Needless to say, this didn't end well – a clear sound of a shot is heard on the video,

which is confirmed by the woman's loud cries of being shot.

This is basically Chappelle's real life version of "When keeping it real goes wrong".

Well, at least there's a bit of a consolation.

If it weren't for the livestream the woman was doing, police wouldn't have been able

to identify the shooter.

8 - Iron Man 3 premiere Ahhh cosplay.

It'd be a huge understatement to say that some people like to make movies come to life.

Back in 2013, a movie theater in Jefferson, Missouri, decided to hire a group of actors

to dress like Marvel's popular Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series, armed with fake guns and props.

They were expecting this publicity stunt to make moviegoers feel as if they were part

of the action.

And they did, except just not the way they expected.

Considering this stunt was performed less than a year after the shooting that happened

during the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, it's safe to say this was a really dumb move.

People started calling 911 immediately.

Obviously, storming into a room with fake guns and in the style of action movie characters

gave a lot of people a lot of stress, including a veteran who said that the event triggered

his PTSD.

Obviously the theater issued an apology and refund to everyone, and hopefully, the marketing

department got someone new with better brains.

7 - Showing off money on Facebook Here's life lesson number 178 in life: if

you're going to show off a large amount of cash on social media, don't give away

any traces of where you live!

I don't understand why people need social media validation, but then again, that's

just me.

At least when rappers do it they're doing it for their brand.

Anyways, one guy in New York decided to brag about the seventy thousand dollars in cash

he had earned from his handbag business on Facebook.

The 20-year old Bronx resident, feeling great about his cash, had no idea what was in store

for him just a few hours after posting the picture on his Facebook profile.

Three men broke into his place that same night and beat him into telling them where his stash


He was repeatedly struck with a frying pan and he still had to give up his cash!

He later told police officers that this MIGHT HAVE something to do with the picture he had

posted online.

Wow, the brains on this guy!

What was that line Biggie rapped about?

Rule number Uno, never let no one know how much dough you hold.

Biggie wasn't wrong, that cheddar just always breeds jealousy.

Moral of the story is, being flashy on social basically has zero payoff!

6 - Logan Paul Ahhh where do I begin with Logan Paul?

YouTuber Logan Paul has had a brush or two with very risky situations, and one certainly

had a lot of backlash.

Back in 2014, Paul received some serious backlash for aggressively entering a woman's car without

her permission in a Walmart parking lot.

You'd think he'd learn his lesson right?

Of course not.

On a recently highly-criticized trip to Japan, in which he's seen mocking many locals,

Logan went to visit a very popular forest, known as a place where many people commit


In the video that's since been taken down, he's seen laughing and making fun of someone's

whose passed.

The backlash that followed quickly made him realize he acted like a complete idiot.

Twitter went ballistic with thousands of persons condemning the video and asking YouTube to

take him off for good..

Logan's video apology wasn't well received either.

Can millennials act any dumber?


5 - LifeLock CEO 457-55-5462 Advertising has always been a field where

businesses try to showcase their creativity in order to attract more attention.

Sometimes their ideas may seem a little off, but they end up working.

This wasn't the case for Lifelock's CEO back in 2007.

LifeLock, an identity protection software, introduced one of the riskiest campaigns anyone

could've ever imagined.

Their ads showed a message from Todd David, the company's CEO, sharing his social security

number and guaranteeing that no one would be able to steal it or do anything with it.

Well, hackers were able to do exactly just that.

13 times to be exact.

The first case that was reported was a $500 bad check.

From then on, the chain of illegal transactions carried on.

He got calls from credit companies, phone and internet providers, banks and even a gift

basket company asking for him to pay bills that were in his name.

The overall total reached a figure close to $5000, which actually isn't that bad considering

soooo many people saw his social security number.

As if that weren't enough, LifeLock received a $12 million penalty by the FTC for deceptive


4 - Slim Jxmmi loses 100K chain We've all lost a thing or two in our lives.

Who hasn't misplaced a pencil or a pen?

Or maybe something of yours got stolen?

But, I bet you've never lost 100 thousand bucks worth of stuff crowdsurfing!

Apparently this is exactly what happened to Slim Jxmmi, one half of Rae Sremmurd.

He had a very expensive crowd surfing experience during a concert in Paris, one that resulted

in him losing a custom-made diamond chain worth somewhere around $100,000 dollars.

Caught up in the moment, he decided to dive right into his fans, only to have someone

take his chain off from his neck.

Although he tried to convince the person who took it to bring it back by offering a special

visit with them on their tour, that strategy didn't work at all.

After this, Slim decided to throw some money into the mix by initially offering 5,000 euros,

which he then increased to 50,000 euros.

Eh, you win some and you lose some, then ya dim sum, that's what I say.

He didn't seem to be too upset, because he did tweet quote "Yes I hit a 100k crowd


3 - Live reporting gone wrong News reporting has gotten edgier with the

years, which why it comes as no surprise that some journalists even risk their lives to

try to catch on camera the most dangerous events.

Sometimes, these stunts can turn into very awkward situations that puts their lives in


Eitam Lachover is an Israeli news reporter from Channel 1 who decided to show how a knife-proof

vest worked on a live broadcast.

The owner of the company that produced the vest would slab him live in order to demonstrate

the effectiveness of the vest.

Or so he thought!

Yaniv Montakyo, the owner of the manufacturing company, showed him the knife, ensuring him

nothing would go wrong.

He then proceeded to stab him a few times, but on the third attempt, the knife's tip

went right through the vest.

The broadcast was cut, but just before that Lachover gave one of the most frightful glances

at the camera, making this one of the most awkward moments on Israeli television.

Lachover later reported that he didn't receive any serious injury, but let's learn from

this dude's experience, how about let someone else be the guinea pig for a new product!

2 - Marcos Maidana Stacks Whenever you're joking around, you have

to make sure people are in on the joke, especially if it involves Floyd Mayweather.

Marcos Maidana, the Argentinian boxer who lost his last two professional fights against

Mayweather, decided to make fun of him.

He wanted to mock mayweather by posting a similar photo of him acting like Mayweather,

basically a picture with a bunch of cash in front of him.

Maidana thought it would be a funny idea to do this, but his fans didn't think it was

funny at all.

He posted online a picture of him sitting with a huge stack of money in front of him.

His fans were extremely disturbed by the post, as they thought it was tasteless and arrogant.

Maidana later issued an apology in which he tried to explain that it was joke between

him and Mayweather– a joke that unfortunately no one seemed to get.

Although these kind of stunts are common with Mayweather, followers of the boxing world

weren't pleased seeing Maidana do the same.

The obvious thing is that this just didn't fit Maidana's image.

At all.

Mayweather has been flashy since day one, even when he was known as Pretty Boy Floyd!

1 - Soulja Boy robbed live When it comes to showing off, you'd probably

immediately think rappers, because c'mon, who're the people that almost always shows

off chains and cash?

You'd also expect that they're experts at it since they're always trying way too

hard to show off a lifestyle that they're trying to live.

And that's the key word here, trying.

Soulja Boy ended up proving that things can get really weird when you show off a lifestyle

that you clearly don't live.

Back in early 2017, fresh in the middle of his twitter feud with Chris Brown, Soulja

Boy decided to do a livestream on Instagram with some supposed gang members.

In the video he's seen walking down a street along with some other guys when another guy

shouts out his name.

Soulja Boy decided to approach him, yelling out essentially, "What's going on, man?

They say Soulja Boy ain't from the hood!"

And yeah, that's when everything went off the rails.

When Soulja Boy put his arm around the other dude, the guy threw his arm off while pushing

him and his phone to the ground.

All of the sudden, the livestream is cut.

The next few minutes are as confusing as you can imagine: yelling is going back and forth

and Soulja Boy seems obviously scared.

Although no firearms or guns are seen in the video, what we can tell is that it's probably

safe to assume that Soulja Boy didn't get his phone back since the last image on the

livestream wasn't Soulja Boy.


Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> When Things DON'T Exactly Go the Way You Planned! - Duration: 10:45.


5 Common Relationship Killers - Duration: 8:01.

Relationships are great, there's no denying that.

One thing I hear from women often though, is that they don't understand what they've

done wrong once their love life runs dry and they find themselves single again.

Well, believe it or not, there are some very common mistakes women make that kill relationships,

and in this video I'm going to share with you the five biggest ones.

Before I do, I want to take a moment to introduce myself.

My name is Amy North, I'm a relationship expert and woman's dating coach.

You may recognize me from my YouTube channel, but if you haven't already subscribed, please


I really appreciate all of your support and it's allows me to keep coming out with free

videos for you all, so thank you very much!

Oh, and once you do subscribe be sure to hit the little bell icon to get a heads up when

I release my next video!

Now, let's talk relationship killers.


Being Clingy

If your entire day revolves around your man, whether it's texting him insistently, checking

up on his social media, or calling to share what you ate for lunch, then we have a problem.

Expecting your man to communicate with you constantly, to always be by your side, or

to rearrange his life to suit your needs are clear signs of clinginess.

That said, sometimes clingy behaviour isn't as obvious, and instead takes the form of

being emotionally needy.

When this happens, women find themselves upset when their guy doesn't involve them in all

of their plans, or they need daily reassurance and he still likes her or finds her attractive.

This kind of desperation is far from attractive, and it doesn't take long for men to grow

sick and tired of it.

The number one reason why men fear commitment and getting into relationships is because

they don't want to lose their freedom.

This is why when you act clingy, it doesn't take long for him to find the door.

Often times this sort of behaviour starts off as mildly and can easily be overlooked.

Like wildfire though, it can quickly evolve into something much bigger and when that happens,

more often than not the relationship goes up in flames.

Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you it's important that you learn how

to be your own person.

This means having your own interests and activities outside of the relationship.

To do so, keep busy with your friends, pick up a new hobby, or take a class you've always

been interested in.

Focusing on other areas of your life will not only keep your head clear and attitude

positive, but it will also give your guy a chance to miss you when you're not around

– this is one of the best ways to keep the spark alive between the two of you, but it's

not possible when you act clingy.


Acting Insecure

Hand in hand with being clingy, is acting insecurely.

Allow me to explain how this happens, and why it's so unattractive.

Think for a moment about the early days of a relationship.

You probably feel like a million bucks around your man, and the buzz you shared was infectious.

Over time though, you may start to feel those initial butterflies fade, and when they do,

it's not uncommon for feelings of doubt to come creeping in.

If this happens you might find yourself over analyzing or looking for small changes or

reasons why you think your man is losing interest in you and the relationship.

Unfortunately, this is a vicious circle situation, because if you're bugging him about these

things, then he's bound to get bored of your insecurities and leave.

Overcoming insecure feelings can be tough, but the first step to doing so is recognizing

these tendencies in yourself.

In fact, you may even think the questions you ask about his female co-workers or comments

you make about his dating history are justified, but to him, they're much heavier and scream


Of course you'll have days when you feel less than awesome, we all do, but when those

insecure feelings come creeping in it's important that you keep them under wraps and

don't unleash them on your man.

A good tip for getting into a positive, confident headspace is to make a point to stop focusing

on the past or the future, and instead learn to enjoy the moment.

And instead of looking for reasons why you man wouldn't want to be with you, tell yourself

that ANY guy would be lucky to have you.

For some awesome tips that will help boost your confidence and keep you radiating with

positivity check out the free video on my site.

The URL is, and I'll post it in the description below, too.


Acting Abusively

Some people believe that it's okay to take out their daily frustrations on their partner,

but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Sure, you might get upset with your guy from time to time, but there is never a good reason

or excuse to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse him.

This kind of behaviour is a guaranteed relationship killer.

Now you may be thinking, "I'd never do that!" and believe me, that's what most

women say.

What so many of them fail to realize though is that their words do more damage than they

think, so what to them is simply venting, is actually belittling and harmful to their


To complicate the situation even further, most times guys won't show that what you've

said has upset him, and instead they choose to bottle it up.

Since we all like being around people who make us feel good, if you're doing the opposite

and constantly putting your man down, calling him names or criticising him then you're

going to be the last woman on earth he's going to want to be with.

To prevent this from happening think before you speak and keep your words kind.


Control Issues

If you're constantly calling the shots, telling your man how to act, or trying to

"fix him," then he's going to make a run for it.

If he feels he has to compete to get his voice heard or like he has no control over the relationship,

it's only a matter of time until he calls it quits.

Since relationships are about two different people coming together to create something

special together, if only one of you is laying down the law then the relationship will become

a ticking time bomb.

The scary thing with control issues is that they aren't always obvious.

In fact, you may be controlling without even realizing it, or mistaken these tendencies

as "winning because he cares about you."

It sounds dumb, but something as simple as being the one who chooses what shows you watch,

or what you eat for dinner on a regular basis all stems back to control issues.

To avoid this be sure that you're asking for his input and taking his preferences into


Even if the two of you barely agree on anything, relationships are about give and take, so

be sure you're playing a role in both parts of that.

It can be tough to change a behaviour that's become such a strong part of your personality,

so if you notice a controlling tendency in yourself then talk to your guy about it.

Openly admit that you realize you have a habit of being power hungry and tell him that you

want to work on it.

Letting him know that you recognize this behaviour is the first step to overcoming it, plus who

knows, talking about it sooner than later may be the saving grace that prevents him

from leaving you.



Everyone has a different idea for what constitutes as cheating, so right from the beginning of

your relationship – or now if you haven't already done so – it's important that

the two of you set some boundaries and establish what constitutes as cheating.

This may sound unnecessary, but you'd be surprised by what some people consider it

to be, and to prevent this kind of heartache, you have to first know.

Since cheating is the ultimate betrayal it can be hard to bounce back once a partner

has been unfaithful.

To avoid this situation completely, make a point to be completely transparent with your

man, and let him know about the uncomfortable situations you may find yourself in.

for instance, let's say you were out with the girls and a handsome stranger tried to

put the moves on you.

As much as your man may not want to hear about other guys coming onto you, hearing it from

you is so much better than hearing it from someone else he knows who may have witnessed

it go down.

Lastly, remember that double standards don't exist in a healthy relationship, so if you're

behaving one way and have different expectations for your man then the relationship is going

to crumble.

Instead make a point to be fair and treat him and the relationship the same way as you'd

like him to.

At the end of the day men want to be with the kind of woman who brings something positive

to his life, not one who sucks the life out of him.

If you're acting like a leech, putting him down, trying to call all the shots, or sneaking

around behind his back then you're going to lose him.

To prevent this, and for a complete guide on how to be any man's dream woman, grab

a copy of my latest free PDF.

You can find it at!

Well, that's all for this video, thanks so much for watching.

I really hope that you found this one helpful, and that you keep these pointers in mind with

your own relationship.

Again, please take a quick moment to subscribe to my channel, and be sure to check out my

other videos.

If you have any questions or would like me to cover a particular topic then post in the

comments section below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Until next time, good luck and take care!

For more infomation >> 5 Common Relationship Killers - Duration: 8:01.


DROELOE - Backbone (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Nevve - Duration: 3:15.

lace it in my veins

Lock it like a chain in my brain

to the face all day

Hit me like a train Novocaine

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

I donÕt wanna be like that though

But I keep losing my voice

I wanted more at this point

The world just leaves me behind

Flat on the floor of my life

lace it in my veins

Lock it like a chain in my brain

to the face all day

Hit me like a train Novocaine

Better grow a fucking backbone

I donÕt wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

I donÕt wanna be like that though

But I keep losing my voice

I wanted more at this point

The world just leaves me behind

Flat on the floor of my life

For more infomation >> DROELOE - Backbone (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Nevve - Duration: 3:15.


The Gift ( El Don) Annie Lennox ( Venecia) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> The Gift ( El Don) Annie Lennox ( Venecia) - Duration: 5:02.


Warning, the mics were live during Week 2 of WWE Mixed Match Challenge! - Duration: 1:03.


Here we go, here we go.


>> Don't move, graves.

I got a whole stack on your head.

>> You're undefeated.

Nobody can take you on. >> Come on E.

You got this baby. >> You got this.


>> You got this.

>> No, no, no, I don't got this!

No, back her up! >> [INAUDIBLE].


>> Get out of my face!

Get out of my face! >> Undefeated!

Greatest Intercontinental Champion ever!


>> WWE Facebook MixedMatch Challenge, live on Facebook Watch.

For more infomation >> Warning, the mics were live during Week 2 of WWE Mixed Match Challenge! - Duration: 1:03.


Bitconnect - Neet Review ( Kokkoku Review ) - Duration: 1:38.

So you just invested into CryptoCurrency and I know whatcha thinking.

Alright you know to be honest.

Things aren't looking too hot right now.

My Grandpa is retired.

My Dad is unemployed.

My sister is fresh out of college.

With no work experience.

But I'm still amazing.

Unfortunately being amazing doesn't pay the bills.

So I took our family savings and invested that into Cryptocurrency.

There were many coins to choose from.

I really wish I invested earlier.

But I opted to get one bitcoin.

Because everyone knows that if you invest high, you'll get a higher payout.

But I was impatient.

And also very poor.

Because I just invested my savings into a digital currency that's trending down.

I was going to cut my losses.

And sell it for a quarter of my savings back.

But then I saw this young youtuber talking about how great Bitconnect was.

And if I put my money into this trading robot. I could get increased return.

So I invested my only Bitcoin for some Bitconnect tokens.

And things were looking good.

I was making money off the interest.

And bragging to my friends telling them to invest.

But then Bitconnect closed.

And it made the value of Bitconnect tokens worthless.

So I was completely broke.

My friends who also invested got angry that they lost everything.

And proceeded to kidnap me and beat me up.

God I wish I could stop time.

Wait no.

That wouldn't really help me.

I'd still be poor.

For more infomation >> Bitconnect - Neet Review ( Kokkoku Review ) - Duration: 1:38.


Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.

It's not allowed to ride here with your bike

I don't care!


I don't care! Im riding wherever i want!

I make a note of your license plate and go to the police

Do whatever you want

You're on camera by the way

For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2018 - Duration: 11:09.


TrashTop Xeon: €170 gaming PC with + super low budget Gaming CPU (Overwatch, PUBG, Destiny 2, more) - Duration: 7:43.

This is Xeon CPU from 2007, literally a decade old CPU.

When this processor released it retailed for a hefty $1245 and was meant for servers, workstations

or other heavy work application and yet...

you can find them online on 2018 for less than 20 dollars.


Should you?

Is this possible?

If this even worth it?

Some time ago I released my first two trashtops videos on which I started building my attempt

at a gaming PC using mainly components that a very dedicated fan had salvaged from trash

and donated to the channel.

At the end of the second video I released, which I highly suggest you watch before this

one, I had an 8 Gingerbytes DDR2, GTX 570 pc with a Core 2 Quad CPU.

While that PC did fantastic on a lot of modern games the CPU was very obvious it's weakest point

which caused the entire comment section to erupt in questions regarding using a Xeon

So let's explain something, in its original state this CPU uses the server-oriented 771

socket, which is different from the 775 on common consumer motherboards from the time.

Because of this, there is a fairly active community and marketplace for modding these

chips so they work on regular 775 sockets and that is when I move to the next part of

this story.


Because by using the power of the internet I discovered that you can get these chips,

pre-modded for 775 sockets for less than 15 euros.


There is like a ton of listings for these too!

I have tried to do some research about this and the best explanation I have is that there

is an entire market in China for salvaging CPUs from decommissioned servers or workstations,

then modifying the CPUs for consumer equipment and selling them online.

Heck, from what I have read every time a big company decommissions or upgrades a CPU farm

the price of a certain generation of Xeons drop.

So, back at this little guy that I bought straight from Ali express.

This is a Xeon E5460.

A 3.16 georgeheartz quadcore CPU that is already premoded with a couple of extra holes and

2 inverted pins for 775 sockets.

Before we can pop this in our GA-P35-DS4 motherboard, one final modification is required.

You see Xeons have a bit of a different microcode (that is the firmware of the CPU) than 775 CPUs so a bit of modification is

required to ensure system compatibility.

I will leave the link to the guide I followed in the description, but essentially since

this motherboard uses the award bios

it was a matter of downloading the latest driver, released in 2009, downloading the

775 and 771 microcode and modifying it over the command prompt using a tool called cbrom195.exe.

Once again, all of this is explained in detail in the link in the description.

Then I had to install the bios using a tool called @Bios because the tool included with

the bios is not compatible with 64-bit windows

and the motherboard itself is so old that it can only be updated directly from a floppy


Which is something I will kindly remind everyone that comments about how this is not obsolete

or old hardware.

Finally, this whole thing has a TDP or Thermal Design Point of 120W... quite a bit over

our core 2 quad

and it has a substantially lower operational temperature so

I hunted local used PC parts for the cooler master TX3 which cost about 8 euros.

Since the previous CPU was about 13 euros the cooler was virtually the only added expense,

making the current referential price around 170 Euros.

But what do actually get in terms of gaming?

Games like Counter-Strike global offensive which people keep asking over and over for some reason are

just crushed with no problems.

Now, using the Intel Core 2 Quad I was able to play Overwatch at around 45 fps but our

Xeon goes above and beyond delivering over 60 fps through a standard match.

This... might become one my new Overwatch PCs.

From here on I wanted to try games that had too high CPU requirements for the intel core

2 quad... like Player Unknown's Battleground.

This game's rise in popularity and infamy as an unoptimized benchmark makes it the perfect

place to start.

But after the lag that always seems to happen on the first jump the game, running on full

1080 and lowest settings, seem to settle for around 40 FPS with both the CPU and GPU working

very hard.

I have seen PCs with twice the budget doing more or less the same so this is really, really


Heck, I decide to play an entire match just to make sure there were no further performance

problems... and ended up playing the best match I have managed to do so far.

While I am not much into Destiny 2, it proves to be another interesting test.

The game can be made to work on low-end GPUs but usually requires a modern CPU to work...

but the Xeon does just fine.

I will be using the small tweaks from my Destiny 2 video but at full 720 resolution the

game performs almost perfectly.

If you push to some of the most intense sections you see it drop occasionally but recover quickly

and in general maintain its playable state.

But can it run Crysis? (I am getting tired of making that joke)


Yes, it can.

And very well it seems.

This is Crysis 3 on lowest settings but full 1080 and it is pulling more than 60 fps in

most instances and keeping high fps all around.

Very impressive so far.

Finally the great and mighty Witcher 3 in 1080.

This game hit a very hard CPU bottleneck on the Intel 2 Quad and would stutter constantly,

but on the Xeon, it does fine, and the game stays close to 30 fps.

Funnily enough, Witcher 3 is another interesting way to measure GPU performance if you can

meet the minimum CPU requirements and at 1080 this is really good performance.

Just cutting resolution to 720p can already take a long way towards a better experience.

And of course, I did run the GTA V benchmarks on lowest settings to see how far we had gone

and in general, the Xeon crushed it, just having more difficulty on the driving section

at the end but in general doing really, really well.

However, not all is perfect and there are definitive limits to this technique.

The infamous Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a good example.

This version of the frostbite engine tends to have very strong CPU requirements and on

the trashtop Xeon, it was a bit of a stuttery mess with full CPU usage. Not really playable.

This motherboard has overclocking capabilities so there is the possibility we can get more

in that front.

Problem is the CPU has a very conservative temperature limit that we are already hitting

with our current cooler solution so, I am going to need something significantly better.

So I guess I will leave it at that.

What cooler should I use?

Let me know in a comment.

or you can enjoy this as a written article in the modmy website

And thank you if you are on the super cool Patreon people.

For more infomation >> TrashTop Xeon: €170 gaming PC with + super low budget Gaming CPU (Overwatch, PUBG, Destiny 2, more) - Duration: 7:43.


Apache Stealth - Duration: 1:15.

Do you enjoy listening to Native American short stories? Then Apache Stealth is for you.

Hello my friends... I'm D'akhenya Montoya...

creator, writer, artist and musician for Apache Stealth.

Where I was growing up in the wilderness, we didn't have electricity.

Instead we would sit around the fire pit every night and listen to wonderful stories from our Elders.

Those stories led me to become the next storyteller.

I created the character Mahko Ma'ahtala, called Burro by his tribe...

to tell many of those stories.

I decided to bring Burro's adventures here...

and I called it... Apache Stealth!

Now you too... can feel like your sitting around the fire...

listening to those wonderful stories.

About every 2 weeks, I post a new story.

If you're new to Apache Stealth... you should start with the first story.

Thanks for watching...

and please like... comment... share... and subscribe to my channel so you wont miss the next story.

For more infomation >> Apache Stealth - Duration: 1:15.


3 Things You Must do to Attract Miracles into Your Life using the Law of Attraction - Duration: 8:07.

on this video I'm gonna show you three things that you must do to attract

miracles in your life I'm going to share with you perspectives you can have and

things that you can actually do in order to get what you want and to really

experience that miracle welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I

help people expand their consciousness now in this video we're going to be

specifically talking about attracting a miracle into our life now a miracle how

could we really describe this well this is something that maybe isn't really

understood by the logical mind this is something that's very out of the norm

for the current paradigm that we're in and when we attract something like that

into our life there is no doubt whatsoever that that is something that

is outside of the paradigm for the way that we think or that's something that's

just so far outside of our current I guess belief system but from a certain

level it's not outside of our belief system it's just something that's kind

of like jolts us awake in the law of attraction process and is something that

we just think is amazing now this video will show you those three things that

you must do in order to have that kind of experience and the first one has to

do with not thinking that it's something that's on this pedestal like it's almost

counterintuitive right because you think this miracle comes into my life it's

something that's going to be amazing but the thing is is if we're dependent on

the outcome or if we're focused on it being like this amazing type thing and

we immediately in that moment start to distance ourselves from it now let me

give an idea to you what if you waking up today is a miracle in itself

what if being on a you know on a planet that is spinning thousands of miles per

hour in the direction through space and the fact that we have just the amount of

elements on the planet that contains life like all of these little things can

be considered miracles in themselves but for some reason what we do is we assume

that the only type of miracles that really come is when something is very

you know beneficial in certain ways is a miracle now what I'm saying the reason

I'm saying this is I still think that you know you can create miracles in your

life but what I'm saying is if you realize the miracles that are already

all around your life you start to create more of that whatever you focus on

rose and when you start to celebrate the small little wins or just the things you

can already be grateful for you automatically open up so many different

things that can come into your life so this is something you can easily do by

simply being more grateful in your life for the things that are around you you

know maybe you have a nice house that you live in or maybe you just have a

house in general that you have a roof over your head or maybe you have the

ability to do what you want for a living or to read the kind of books that you

like or to go to the gym or to do a little bit of physical activity and walk

your dog or to have an animal that you love whatever it is if you have that

freedom you can start to see that in a way as a miracle and by defining it

you are kind of relating to the idea of a miracle in a new way to where you take

away the distance from where it is because the moment we say that we're

here but this is really really important to me is the moment that we start to

distance ourselves from it because we're giving it too much importance so that's

something that if you do you will automatically start to see more of more

of it in your life and you realize that the natural synchronicity and life is a

miracle in itself and when you come to that understanding more and more of it

will come and even greater proportions now the second thing we can do in order

to really attract miracles into our life is to let go of cause and effect now

what I mean by this is our brain thinks in linear type terms so that we're

always thinking of this causes this but the idea with the miracle is if it then

when it comes into our life what happens is it jolts us awake in a way because we

can't logically understand how this led to this because it's something that's

kind of out of the own paradigm for our old cause and effect way of thinking so

under a paradigm a paradigm is a system of thinking or it's like repetitive

thoughts that we have and based in that paradigm there's certain things that

happen if we always done what if we always do what we've always done we'll

always get the same result that's like the quote by Einstein where he says the

definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result

well the idea behind this is to begin to understand that we can take out cause

and effect and we can start to be more playful in our life we could stop trying

to say I have to understand every part of the process we can allow life to

happen and as we start to allow life to happen

that's where everything begins to change because we stop needing to make sense of

everything the more sense we need to make of everything in our life to

understand it from a logical point of view the more we keep it inside of a box

so what I encourage you to do is to break outside of the box realizing you

don't have to know how every little thing happens the cause and effect of it

and by taking out cause and effect you allow other opportunities to come into

your life also understand that our definitions many times create our

reality and if we have definitions I say this can come into my life only when

this happens and this happens and this happens what ends up happening is we

create limitations because then there's only so many avenues that those things

could come in because of that limitation within our own belief system now the

third thing we must do has to do with stepping outside of our old comfort zone

now the reason this is so important is kind of similar to the second one but

what we must do is we must get outside of what the norm is and because in a way

that type of thing would be like a jolt in our own reality because it's like it

we can't logically make sense of the you know the cause and effect of it what we

must do is pit put ourselves in completely new circumstances where

there's no predictable outcome because what neural science shows us is that 90%

of our thoughts are recycled from the day before which means we continue to do

the same things trigger the same emotions think the same thoughts

therefore we create the same things over and over again we refuel ourselves with

those same emotions and we have those same kind of experiences so in order to

do something completely outside of that what we can do is go do something we've

never done before when we step into the unknown unknown things can happen this

thing comes in the unknown miracles come in the unknown they don't come in the

expected because there's already habitual eyes thinking that goes along

with those strains of thought so go out and do things maybe you've never done

before maybe if you've never done yoga you go out and you do yoga maybe if

you've never gone to like a meet-up before you go to a meet-up or you go

meet and go to a seminar or you go do something

and she just didn't always wanted to try but she'd never done maybe a skydiving

maybe something just more settled maybe it's you know pushing yourself to go

talk to someone that you normally wouldn't talk to whatever it is put

yourself in uncomfortable situations that will expand your comfort zone and

then you're allowing more opportunities of way things can come to you because

you've changed the way you view it and if you want an easy way to change your

self-image to change your own comfort zone what you can do is download my free

mp3 which is in the description box which will allow you to reprogram your

subconscious mind around the way that you see yourself this is something if

you listen to for three weeks for 21 days can radically change the way you

feel about yourself the way you see yourself and from there everything will

begin to change that's why I give it away for free in the description box

below and that's a powerful way that we can go along and attract more miracles

into our life so remember it can be very simple all we have to do is understand

that the more we become aware of our definitions of what a miracle is the

more we realize that they're all around us already the more we take out cause

and effect and we realize that things can happen in a spontaneous type way and

the more we expand our comfort zone the more likely we are to increase the

chances of a miracle come into our life to really be and to have the experiences

that we want so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel

free to like this video if you guys like to subscribe if you guys haven't already

other than that as always I'll see you guys on the next pitch peace much love

and namaste

For more infomation >> 3 Things You Must do to Attract Miracles into Your Life using the Law of Attraction - Duration: 8:07.


Get Your Clone To Go To Work For You! - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Get Your Clone To Go To Work For You! - Duration: 1:47.


Beanie from old Sweater - Easy DIY project - Duration: 1:21.

it's still gray and cold outside. So let's make some head protection.

I will show you how to make a beanie within 5 minutes.

get your old sweater and cut out

a piece of fabric big enough to make the beanie

The length will be the circumference of the head.

And then this will be the height of the beanie.

Fold the fabric 2 times and then cut out a point shape at the top.

So when you unfold the fabric you will end up with 4 points.

First I sew the seam on the outside and then I connect the other points together.

Turn the right side out.


and a few minutes later I have a beanie to keep my head warm.

thank you for watching and if you like my videos please subscribe!

For more infomation >> Beanie from old Sweater - Easy DIY project - Duration: 1:21.


Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Obama's Former General Busted In DISGUSTING Plot To Take Out Trump - Duration: 2:54.


America's News HQ 01/28/18 12PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:57.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 01/28/18 12PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:57.


How to Watch 2018 NFL Pro Bowl Online Without Cable || CACAO TV - Duration: 7:18.

How to Watch 2018 NFL Pro Bowl Online Without Cable

The best players in the NFL–at least among the ones who aren't playing in the Super Bowl, injured, or came up with another excuse–will take part in the 2018 Pro Bowl in Orlando on Sunday afternoon.

Kickoff is scheduled for 3 p.m.

ET, and the game will be broadcast on ESPN.

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services: DirecTV Now or Sling TV.

They both cost a monthly fee, but they also all come with free trials, allowing you to see what service best fits your streaming needs.

Here's everything you need to know about what these services provide, and how to sign up to start watching the 2018 Pro Bowl:.

DirecTV Now.

DirecTV Now offers four different channel packages, and ESPN is included in all of them.

The cheapest bundle is $35 per month, which is the most expensive entry point of these particular services, but you can also get a free Roku Streaming Stick when you prepay for one month.

Here's everything you need to know about DTV Now:.

Total Channels Included: Live a Little: 60-plus, depending on local channels available | Just Right: 80-plus | Go Big: 100-plus | Gotta Have It: 120-plus | You can find the complete channel list right here.

Price: Live a Little: $35 per month | Just Right: $50 per month | Go Big: $60 per month | Gotta Have It: $70 per month | Plus, if you enter the promo code "BDAY2017" before checking out, you can get $25 off your first month.

Extras: Watch on two different devices at the same time; DVR is in Beta stage; free Roku Premiere Streaming Media Player if you prepay one month.

How to Sign Up: Head to the DirecTV Now website and select "Start your free trial now." After creating an account, select your channel package–every bundle includes ESPN–and add the free Roku if you want to prepay a month.

You'll need to enter your payment information, but if you cancel your subscription within seven days of signing up, you won't be charged.

How to Watch: If you want to watch on your computer, return to the DirecTV Now website to watch ESPN live.

If you want to watch on your phone, tablet or other device, you can do so via the DirecTV Now app, which is free to download for the following devices: Amazon Fire TV or TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Android phones and tablets 4.4 and higher, and iPads and iPhones with iOS 9 and higher.

You can read here for more information on compatible devices.

Sling TV.

The first to dive in to the cable-free, live-TV streaming service, Sling TV remains the lowest price point if you're planning on keeping a service for the long term.

The downside is that you won't get as many channels as the other streaming services unless you include a bunch of add-ons, but if you're looking to keep things basic, Sling Orange is just $20 per month and includes ESPN.

Here's everything you need to know:.

Total Channels Included: Sling Orange: 25-plus | Sling Blue: 45-plus | Sling Orange + Blue: Everything from both Sling Orange and Sling Blue | You can find the complete channel list right here.

Price: Sling Orange: $20 per month | Sling Blue: $25 per month | Sling Orange + Blue: $40 per month.

Extras: Watch on one device at once with Sling Orange, or three devices at once with Sling Blue; 50 hours of cloud DVR is $5 per month extra (restrictions with certain channels).

How to Sign Up: Head to the Sling TV website and select "Watch Now 7 Days Free." After creating an account, select your channel package–ESPN is included in both the Sling Orange and Sling Blue bundles–and any extras if you want.

You'll need to enter your payment information, but if you cancel your subscription within seven days of signing up, you will not be charged.

How to Watch: If you want to watch on your computer, just return to the Sling TV website to watch ESPN live.

If you want to watch on your phone, tablet or other streaming device, you can do so via the Sling TV app, which is free to download for the following devices: Amazon Fire TV or TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Android phones and tablets, iPads and iPhones, Fire tablets, and Xbox One.

You can read here for more information on compatible devices.

For more infomation >> How to Watch 2018 NFL Pro Bowl Online Without Cable || CACAO TV - Duration: 7:18.


Good habits to develop your career as an artist - Duration: 4:34.

In this video you will know how to change your habits to become

the artist at the top of your career.

Hi, I'm Fanny Duhaime, I'm artist painter and I gave myself as

mission to help you propel your career as an artist painter.

Today we are going to talk about your habits. I will not hide it from you,

to level up your career as a painter,

we will have to review your habits good and bad.

I'm sure you have some who are holding you back in the goals or objectives that

you have fixed yourself. So get rid of it! Replace that by

wath will bring you to the top. Do not be afraid, we'll go slowly. Start by making a list.

Write all the habits that you have and who do you think hurt your

productivity or your development. Then, you choose one, then you see

by which you could replace it to help you instead of hurting you.

Example; in the morning while having my coffee, I lost a lot of time on

social networks to read about nothing important, a real waste of time.

I made the decision to stop that, now I watch videos of

training, personal growth and mindset.

Anything that can help propel my business. I still have something to

do while sipping my coffee but at less this time, it serves me for some

thing then it makes me move forward. Maybe for you, your bad

is it that you spend too much time in front of the TV? Replace that with physical exercise.

Ok, at least a good walk. In addition,

if you take it in the morning, you can enjoy it to make your schedule of the day.

Or, for example, you are looking for yourself all the time, you do not know where to start.

Get in the habit of organizing your days. Make a roadmap, take

an agenda, write down your lists of things to do, so you're going to have it on paper

you will not spend more time looking for yourself, you will be much more productive.

One thing that is very important, make a habit of investing in yourself. Own developing

your strengths, your interests, train yourself to become better. Call on

a mentor, follow groups that will help you achieve your goals and

who will motivate you. Also, take some risks. Get in the habit of putting your

fears aside, try something new!

For example, you paint landscapes all the time, but you're not moving forward, your

career does not evolve, you do not know anymore what to do.

You've always dreamed of touching the abstract, the portrait, dares, go ahead, try!

You have nothing to lose, even if it's completely missed

maybe it will be a revelation for you or you'll have an awesome idea

that will bring you completely elsewhere then that will unlock your

career. As they say, you have to fall to get up.

Another thing that can really help you, write your goals.

Put a date of realization for each one. You want, for example, to do your

first exposure, you'd like this this summer. You may want to learn

to paint with oil, discover the pastel, or any other medium. You want

to learn the photography to be able to better photograph your works for

put on your website. You want to train in marketing for

better manage your career. You want to let go your full time job for a job

part time who will leave you more time to develop your artistic career.

Put it all in writing. There may be even

sub-objectives to achieve for each one. By doing that, I tell you, you're going

really realize that there are things in your life that keep you from moving where you want to go.

It's starting by replacing

bad habits by better that concretely you will move forward.

Take the time to act. You make the decision today, that

does not mean that you will see results tomorrow. You have to be patient.

Go step by step. Make a plan, then gradually

you will see the changes arrive.

So here you now know what could help you bring your career to the top.

It just remains to act!

So what is this habit that you will change first?

If you do not want to miss anything of my next video, do not forget to subscribe!

You can also join us on Facebook, on the group L'ARTmoire, or visit

to discover all the blog articles! I put you all

links in the description below the video. Thank you for listening! If you have

questions do not hesitate to let your comment it would make me

really pleasure. See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Good habits to develop your career as an artist - Duration: 4:34.


America's News HQ 01/28/18 1PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:18.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 01/28/18 1PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:18.


CloseUp: Blankenbeker Hesitant to Embrace President's Immigration Deal - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> CloseUp: Blankenbeker Hesitant to Embrace President's Immigration Deal - Duration: 12:40.


Free Room Upgrade at Planet Hollywood Hotel - Duration: 6:18.

Today, we're going to try tipping at the Planet Hollywood of Las Vegas.

They have a lively atmosphere and of course the pleasure pit.

This place isn't going to be your upscale hotel, but it offers great value for the younger crowd

First, I booked the cheapest room which was the Ultra Hip Room for $17/night

$17 a night?! You might be asking?

You want to know how my rate is so low?

You just need to be a Total Rewards member which is free to sign up and I'll leave

the link below

By the way, I'm all about savings so if you want to see more saving tips, please subscribe.

Next, I noted down which room I actually wanted.

I didn't want to be too greedy, so I went two steps up and chose the Ultra Resort Vista


That's it.

Got some $20 bills, packed my bags and got some rest.

Planet Hollywood sent me an email to check-in online

I ignored it

They also have these check-in kiosks

I ignored them too

I wanted to talk to a hotel clerk so I have a say in my room.

No matter how many times I do this or what I tell myself, I still get nervous.

The feeling is like a combination of a bet I really want to win and the feeling I get

when opening a gift because I don't know what I'm going to get.

When I got to the hotel front desk,

I scoped out the workers to see who I might get along with.

As I was walking with a bill in my hand, a worker, I swear he saw the bill in my hand

and called me over.


This looks promising.

Ok Kenji, relax and try to be charming…

I tried to smile and handed him my ID, credit card, and the $20 bill

"Hey, I'm just checking in."

"I'll get you taken care of sir.


"We have you for 2 nights"

"Let me put you in one of our newer rooms"

I didn't like the way that sounded, I've been told something ambiguous like

I'll be getting a higher floor or the nicest room only to find out I wasn't given an

upgrade at all.

So I asked "Is it the Ultra Hip Room?"

"Let me see, uhh yes it's the Ultra Hip Room"


That's the exact same room I booked

He tried to play me off cat.

You.. how could you look at me like that.


No. stay calm.

It's not over.

We can still work something out.

"I was hoping that I can try your Ultra Resort Vista Room"

"Oh, those rooms are a lot nicer"

I remained silent with a smile.

"There "may" be none available"

His tone didn't sound firm so I was just trying to gently push him over.

"I apologize for wasting your time, but is it ok if you please check if it's possible?"

And then...

I saw the crack...

"Those Vista rooms are a lot bigger, but this …"

And the worker looked down at the $20 bill I gave him.


I understood..

"I can throw in another one"


remodeled ultra resort vista room felt very modern and it was a pleasure eating in the

room with a view.

I really appreciate the upgrade, but Planet Hollywood remodeled their rooms and if you

had to pay the actual asking prices, I think the regular ultra hip room is where the best

value is.

Planet Hollywood is not known for their buffet or their shows or their nightclubs, but you

are right across the street from the well known

attractions and restaurants.

And to finish your day, you can come back to a lively environment to gamble and a modern

room to rest in for a reasonable price.

If you're in Las Vegas to have fun on the strip on a budget, Planet Hollywood is a great


If this was helpful, I would appreciate a thumbs up and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Free Room Upgrade at Planet Hollywood Hotel - Duration: 6:18.


Einstein's Brain Was Stolen and Chopped Up Into Tiny Pieces...For Science?! - Duration: 3:44.

On April 18, 1955 the father of relativity, Albert Einstein, died of a burst Aorta and

was taken to a mortuary in Princeton, New Jersey.

Einstein's wish was to be cremated but the pathologist on duty thought it a shame to

destroy such a celebrated brain.

So, without permission, he picked up a saw and cut Einstein's cranium and extracted

his brain… oh and he also grabbed his eyeballs.

Dr Harvey then plopped everything into a couple of jars.

And promptly alerted the New York Times.

The family was furious, but Harvey eventually convinced them his actions were all in the

the name of science!

The jar of eyes was given to Einstein's eye doctor Henry Abrams who placed them in

a safe deposit box which is rumoured to be somewhere in New York City.

The brain however, went on a far wider journey.

after cutting the brain into 240 blocks he was able to make a thousand slides out of

different portions of Albert Einstein's brain.

He boxed up those slides and sent them to researchers around the world.

 Although Harvey stole the brain in the name of science, promising to publish important

research,  in the four decades that followed he never did...But the slides that Harvey

sent to qualified brain researchers around the world did reveal some interesting things

about Einstein's brain.

Even though Einstein's IQ was way higher than most, the size of his brain was actually

smaller than the average male.

More significantly though, Einstein's inferior parietal region was about 15 percent larger

than average.It's thought to be the part of the brain that helps with language and


Another anatomical difference is that he was lacking a crevice in the skull area in the

brain called the Sylvian fissure.

Also his brain did not show any significant signs of aging.

which it appears in the brain with age.

It was lacking a substance called lipofuscin, which is an autofluorescent brown-yellow pigment

that's not very well understood.

What we do know is that it accumulates in the human body with age, and yet at 76 years

old, Einstein's brain was almost completely void of it.

But none of these facts could be considered a huge breakthrough in understanding Einstein's


So eventually the hub bub died down and for the most part, the famous brain was forgotten.

The remainder of Einstein's brain that was not dissected into slides was put into a cider

box under a beer cooler in Dr. Harvey's home.

After spending decades in a beer cooler, Dr Harvey donated the brain to Princeton Hospital.

As for the 1000 slides?

What happened to them.

There were five boxes of slides created of Einstein's brain.

We know that one set of slides is at the National Museum of Health and Medicine.

At the Mutter Museum we have 46 ….the rest of the slides are MIA.

There's no doubt that what Harvey did wasn't exactly ethical and probably not in the name

of science BUT hopefully with modern technology and our developing knowledge of the human

brain, secrets about Einstein's brain may finally be revealed and it's long journey

from an Ivy League hospital to a beer cooler won't be for nothing.

Thanks for watching Focal Point, if you were still wondering about Einstein's eyeballs,

in the 90s, there was a rumor that Michael Jackson wanted to buy them for $5 million,

but Dr Henry Abrams quickly denied they were for sale.

As far as we can tell they are still in a safety deposit box somewhere.

For more, please subscribe to the channel or if you want to see these episodes as they

are released, head over to our Facebook Watch page, the link is down in the description.

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