Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jan 31 2018

Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel! It is Claire and Rags and we have something

a little bit different for you this week. This is going to be an update on how

things are going between the girls - Rags and Godiva

The other cat in this house. Now a few weeks ago I shared some tips with you on

how to introduce two cats together in a household so that they live together

harmoniously and it's stress free. Now we've been doing this for a few weeks

now and it seems to be working really really well

Now Rags and Godive aren't exactly best buddies, but they are able to be in the house

together and even in the same room together without any aggression or

fighting which is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?

Now I'm going to share with you

a few other tips and just in case you are introducing two cats together

and to have experienced a couple of hiccups. Now we have continued with the

boundaries with our cats so for example Ragsy isn't allowed to go upstairs which

is a Godiva's main teritorry and Godiva isn't allowed in our side of the house

she does try occasionally but Rags is quite good at telling her to carry on walking

Well I have a few other tips for you just in case you need a little

bit of extra help. Now one thing you can do is spend time

with both of your cats in the same room that isn't the room that you introduce them

in so for example a lounge. So on an evening sometimes I've had Ragsy on

my knee in the lounge and Godiva's owners have had her on their side. Now

this is really good so that your cats can get used to each other when in a room

But they have the added security and added comfort of having you in the

room with them. This will do wonders for them being up spend time together

in a room and then you get to spend some quality time with your cats too

Now one thing that is very important is keeping their food and out litter trays at

separate. This is very important cats are hugely territorial and

especially when it comes to when they're feeding or using the litter tray they

want to feel comfortable and safe. Now this is especially important in our

house as Godiva is on a special medicated diet so she isn't allowed to

have any access to any food that Ragsy has otherwise it should not leave quite

poorly. This has worked out that Godiva has her foods and turn into tray in an

area in the kitchen where Ragsy doesn't have easy access to and Ragsy's foods and

a litter tray is in our bathroom, which she has easy access to but Godiva

doesn't have so much and it's ensuite and linked on to our bedroom where Ragsy

spends most of their time. Now this is very important for your cat to feel they

have an area where they can go eat and use a litter and have all that

immunities while feeling safe but your cats might get along it is very

important if your cats have their own space to retire to so that feels safe

secure and happy. Now it is very important to keep up regular play

with your cats and if you want your cats to have a positive association with one

another try doing this together in a communal area quite often Rags and I will

play in the hallway where Godiva is either in the background or sometimes

she even joins in. Again this is just so that your cats can get a little

exercise and you bond with your cats, but also they get a positive association

with the other cat of being in the area. This has been really fun with it Rags

and Godiva it took us a few goes and as Godiva is quite a shy cat but we have

had a few instances where I've been playing with Rags or I've been playing with Godiva

and they've joined in. It's been absolutely lovely.

And lastly you need to make sure that you pay attention to your cat's body language and their cues

if you are all together in the house or the cats are in the same room as one

another and your cat is visibly upset or not very happy being in the vicinity of

the other cat. You need to make sure that they have somewhere easy to go to to get

away from that situation either that or you take them outfit yourselves

It's not fair for your cat to be put in a stressful situation just so that you can

feel like you have to buddy cats. Again this is where having their separate food

and litter areas comes in handy because it's somewhere they can go to and

feel completely comfortable. Now these have worked really well for me

Rags and Godiva and I hope that they have worked for you too. Now if you are

introducing two cats together whether you've moved house like us or you

have adopted another cat please let me know in the comments below

Rags and I really do love reading about our lovely followers and their cats

And we really hope that you have such a positive experience as we've had too

Thanks for watching guys I hope that you enjoyed these tips and again let me know

in the comment section below if they have helped you in any way now if you did

like the video, please give me a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button

and don't forget to join a notification squad by clicking the little bell button

Thanks again guys and Rags and I will see you in another video and Godiva too!

For more infomation >> How To Introduce Two Cats Pt 2! Update On Rags and Godiva! Helping Cats Get Along - Duration: 5:19.


Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.


New Mom Tips for Breastfeeding - Duration: 8:28.

I never thought that I would be the person talking about breastfeeding to so

many people but I am that mom now. I want to share my tips and I

want you to be successful at breastfeeding. Shawn here. If you are new

welcome to prayerlights. I would love for you to consider hitting that subscribe

button down below and ringing that little bell to get notifications of when

I post on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. today's video is on my 10 breastfeeding

tips. Tip number one is a comfy rocker. This is an absolute must.

I have tried breastfeeding sitting in the bed and I just cannot get

comfortable with numerous amounts of pillows behind me so just invest in a

good rocker. We actually have two rockers this go-round.

The nursery is on the second floor so I needed a rocker on both floors. I

will put a link to the two rockers that we have down below. you might be watching some

footage right now of me and baby girl in the rocker that we have in the nursery

which came from Target. Tip number two is a very large bottle of water like this

fancy cup that I have from Mcallister's. it doesn't matter what cup you use just

get a really large one and keep it right beside your rocker because you are going

to be insanely thirsty. It's like you put the baby to the breast and suddenly you

haven't had anything to drink in a month. Instant thirst. Having a lot of water and

keeping hydrated is not only good for your milk supply, but trust me here,

you're going to need this. Tip number three is a good nipple butter.

Here is the nipple butter that I enjoyed and I swear by it. This is the Bella B

nipple butter and it is all natural, plant-based healing and protection ,soft

and easy to apply. You don't need to wipe off. I wish that I had this in the

hospital. For some reason I was thinking: oh my milk doesn't come in while I'm in

the hospital after baby is just born. I don't need a nipple butter. yes,

yes you do because your baby is still trying- you're attempting breastfeeding

there's no milk supply hasn't come in yet so there's no lubrication and

you're definitely going to need this. Number four is a good aloe moisturizing

gel. I really like this one because it's 98% aloe. This is the Jason's brand.

I'll post a link to this as well as anything else I talked about in the

description box down below. This is just good for moisturizing not your

nipples but the rest of your breasts.

Weird things happen. itchiness happens.

this helps with itchiness and moisturizing and cooling. then when

your baby starts getting some nails and they start digging in and scratching. my

baby girl likes to scratch as she is drinking. aloe is good at healing. so

trust me on this one. Tip number five patience and persistence.

so breastfeeding is hard and it doesn't come natural to everybody. With my son,

like I said, I only lasted five weeks. I just could not get the hang of it. With

baby girl I feel like it came easier maybe. Or maybe that I was just so

persistent I was determined I was going to last a minimum of six months and we

are on almost on month five. Things are so much better but it was so difficult in

the beginning. I just had to keep telling myself look this is what I want

to do so I'm going to stick with it. I had patience and I persisted. I

kept trying and kept at it even though we failed so many times. The latch was hard

to get down. The sleep deprivation of constantly having to feed a child, a baby

and not getting a break like you do with bottle feeding where someone else can

feed your baby. I have the opposite problem and I did a whole video on how

my baby now refuses to take a bottle from anyone. but I have a video on that

so I will post a link somewhere up here if you want to go and hear that story.

But just be patient and be persistent and if breastfeeding isn't for you

that's okay too. My first son he was mostly formula-fed.

He is 10 and has turned out perfectly fine so whichever way you choose that is

up to you. Tip number six: attend a lactation

support group at your local hospital. there should be one. I did not know that

this existed and probably would have been too embarrassed to attend. it was my

first time in my 20s because I was a lot more private but for my second child I

am NOT as worried or concerned about breastfeeding in public as weird as that

sounds to me because I'm a very private person.

You need a lactation support group. It is the best thing. I can't recommend it enough.

Just to breastfeed your babies and ask questions with other moms in a secure

private location in the hospital with a lactation consultant who anytime you

have a question you can ask her. Tip number seven: use a pillow. you don't

necessarily need a Boppy. I had a Boppy with my first son, my first

child, my son and I absolutely loved it. As a new mom I felt like I needed that

security around my waist. With baby girl I used the Boppy when she was a newborn

just to get her to be able to put her on it and get her closer to my breast that

was very helpful. Now I just use a regular pillow and that works just as

fine. Really it just helps get rid of that space between your lap and

your breasts. so depending on the distance between those two is what kind

of a pillow you would need. Number eight: a foot stool is a must. When you get

your rocking chair make sure that you have a foot stool that goes with it

because your comfort level just increases by ten percent when you're

able to put your feet up. Tip number nine: keep ear buds and a snack by

your rocker. Trust me. On top of being thirsty you are

going to be hungry because your little one is like a vampire sucking the life

out of you. I'm not trying to be mean saying that but that's

what it's like. You're going to be so hungry and so thirsty so I like to keep

by my rocker granola bars those are really good like high protein.

I love those and then also you're going to need your earbuds. For some reason I

hadn't been doing this and just recently discovered I need my earbuds because I

was just watching videos on my phone while breastfeeding her and now she's

more aware. so she notices the phone a lot more. so get you some earbuds.

Number ten: easy access camis or sports bras. Nursing

sports bras specifically. I don't feel like you need a whole lot of Nursing

wear that's specifically for nursing moms but definitely highly recommend

getting a nursing cami. I have four I think because I just wear them every

single day. It's so much easier to just be able to clip an unclip. If you

are larger chested, I've heard, that you need the sports bras. To

be honest with you guys I'm just using the camis and it's the best thing ever. I

don't know if I'll ever be able to go back to a regular bra. I am normally

small chested so I've been told that small chested girls can do the t-shirt

method. Here's the t-shirt method: you just have your shirt or a t-shirt

with a cami underneath and that is all that you need. You can lift up your

shirt and have your clipdown cami underneath and then your baby's face

is kind of hidden because the t-shirt falls over their face just a

little bit. They can still breathe and everything but everything is still

hidden sp you're not popping out or anything or showing the world too much.

it's the best thing ever. Now I've been told that larger chested

women cannot do this and so need a sports bra. Just make sure it's comfy.

Whatever you're doing be comfy. Thanks so much for watching today's video you guys

on my 10 breastfeeding tips. I post new content every week Tuesdays and

Wednesdays. I will see you guys in my next video.

thanks for watching! bye! TMI!

For more infomation >> New Mom Tips for Breastfeeding - Duration: 8:28.


FINAL FANTASY NT - Testing SEPHIROT [4K] - Duration: 3:28.


Testing SEPHIROT [4K]

For more infomation >> FINAL FANTASY NT - Testing SEPHIROT [4K] - Duration: 3:28.


Dr. No (1962) – James Bond Arrives in Jamaica – Sean Connery | 007 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Dr. No (1962) – James Bond Arrives in Jamaica – Sean Connery | 007 - Duration: 1:43.


Gossip Uomini e donne,Gemma scopre la verità su Giorgio: ecco perché la rifiuta | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne,Gemma scopre la verità su Giorgio: ecco perché la rifiuta | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.


Latte di scagliola: preparazione e benefici - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Latte di scagliola: preparazione e benefici - Duration: 6:30.


UOMINI E DONNE: Domenico e "l'agguato" a Tina Cipollari: l'anteprima della prossima puntata - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> UOMINI E DONNE: Domenico e "l'agguato" a Tina Cipollari: l'anteprima della prossima puntata - Duration: 7:39.


Uomini e Donne, Gianni Sperti è innamorato? Ecco il suo messaggio sospetto |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Gianni Sperti è innamorato? Ecco il suo messaggio sospetto |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:15.


Matrix - Sabelli Fioretti e Massimilian Lenzi ,Sallusti ''Mussolini e Spadolini dei giornalisti '' - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Matrix - Sabelli Fioretti e Massimilian Lenzi ,Sallusti ''Mussolini e Spadolini dei giornalisti '' - Duration: 3:19.


Le migliori erbe e spezie per il cervello - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Le migliori erbe e spezie per il cervello - Duration: 5:08.


Linhas skate - Pogo air 5-0 e bordas - Tuco Tucão - Complex - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Linhas skate - Pogo air 5-0 e bordas - Tuco Tucão - Complex - Duration: 1:26.


Matrix - Gas di scarico su cavie umane - Davide Comunello Quattroruote e Alessandro Cecchi Paone - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Matrix - Gas di scarico su cavie umane - Davide Comunello Quattroruote e Alessandro Cecchi Paone - Duration: 7:00.


Indice glicemico e dieta: scopri i cibi giusti e come cucinarli - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> Indice glicemico e dieta: scopri i cibi giusti e come cucinarli - Duration: 9:48.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.





Matrix - Alessadro Sallusti i candidati sgraditi - Massimliano Lenzi e Sabella - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Matrix - Alessadro Sallusti i candidati sgraditi - Massimliano Lenzi e Sabella - Duration: 1:42.


BBB 18: Globo muda regra em participação de Ayrton e Ana Clara - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> BBB 18: Globo muda regra em participação de Ayrton e Ana Clara - Duration: 1:35.


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For more infomation >> Divertidos, Kate e William jogam hóquei no gelo - Duration: 1:30.


Henrique e Juliano - Vidinha de balada (Alvin e os esquilos) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Henrique e Juliano - Vidinha de balada (Alvin e os esquilos) - Duration: 3:24.


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For more infomation >> KEN THE 390 / Winter Song (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:11.


10 cause scatenanti dell'emicrania - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> 10 cause scatenanti dell'emicrania - Duration: 9:23.


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For more infomation >> Anticipazioni L'Isola dei famosi 2018,squalifica dopo lo scandalo droga? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.


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For more infomation >> Volvo C30 1.6 D2 R-edition Navi Xenon Leer Cruise Control - Duration: 0:54.


How To Introduce Two Cats Pt 2! Update On Rags and Godiva! Helping Cats Get Along - Duration: 5:19.

Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel! It is Claire and Rags and we have something

a little bit different for you this week. This is going to be an update on how

things are going between the girls - Rags and Godiva

The other cat in this house. Now a few weeks ago I shared some tips with you on

how to introduce two cats together in a household so that they live together

harmoniously and it's stress free. Now we've been doing this for a few weeks

now and it seems to be working really really well

Now Rags and Godive aren't exactly best buddies, but they are able to be in the house

together and even in the same room together without any aggression or

fighting which is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?

Now I'm going to share with you

a few other tips and just in case you are introducing two cats together

and to have experienced a couple of hiccups. Now we have continued with the

boundaries with our cats so for example Ragsy isn't allowed to go upstairs which

is a Godiva's main teritorry and Godiva isn't allowed in our side of the house

she does try occasionally but Rags is quite good at telling her to carry on walking

Well I have a few other tips for you just in case you need a little

bit of extra help. Now one thing you can do is spend time

with both of your cats in the same room that isn't the room that you introduce them

in so for example a lounge. So on an evening sometimes I've had Ragsy on

my knee in the lounge and Godiva's owners have had her on their side. Now

this is really good so that your cats can get used to each other when in a room

But they have the added security and added comfort of having you in the

room with them. This will do wonders for them being up spend time together

in a room and then you get to spend some quality time with your cats too

Now one thing that is very important is keeping their food and out litter trays at

separate. This is very important cats are hugely territorial and

especially when it comes to when they're feeding or using the litter tray they

want to feel comfortable and safe. Now this is especially important in our

house as Godiva is on a special medicated diet so she isn't allowed to

have any access to any food that Ragsy has otherwise it should not leave quite

poorly. This has worked out that Godiva has her foods and turn into tray in an

area in the kitchen where Ragsy doesn't have easy access to and Ragsy's foods and

a litter tray is in our bathroom, which she has easy access to but Godiva

doesn't have so much and it's ensuite and linked on to our bedroom where Ragsy

spends most of their time. Now this is very important for your cat to feel they

have an area where they can go eat and use a litter and have all that

immunities while feeling safe but your cats might get along it is very

important if your cats have their own space to retire to so that feels safe

secure and happy. Now it is very important to keep up regular play

with your cats and if you want your cats to have a positive association with one

another try doing this together in a communal area quite often Rags and I will

play in the hallway where Godiva is either in the background or sometimes

she even joins in. Again this is just so that your cats can get a little

exercise and you bond with your cats, but also they get a positive association

with the other cat of being in the area. This has been really fun with it Rags

and Godiva it took us a few goes and as Godiva is quite a shy cat but we have

had a few instances where I've been playing with Rags or I've been playing with Godiva

and they've joined in. It's been absolutely lovely.

And lastly you need to make sure that you pay attention to your cat's body language and their cues

if you are all together in the house or the cats are in the same room as one

another and your cat is visibly upset or not very happy being in the vicinity of

the other cat. You need to make sure that they have somewhere easy to go to to get

away from that situation either that or you take them outfit yourselves

It's not fair for your cat to be put in a stressful situation just so that you can

feel like you have to buddy cats. Again this is where having their separate food

and litter areas comes in handy because it's somewhere they can go to and

feel completely comfortable. Now these have worked really well for me

Rags and Godiva and I hope that they have worked for you too. Now if you are

introducing two cats together whether you've moved house like us or you

have adopted another cat please let me know in the comments below

Rags and I really do love reading about our lovely followers and their cats

And we really hope that you have such a positive experience as we've had too

Thanks for watching guys I hope that you enjoyed these tips and again let me know

in the comment section below if they have helped you in any way now if you did

like the video, please give me a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button

and don't forget to join a notification squad by clicking the little bell button

Thanks again guys and Rags and I will see you in another video and Godiva too!

For more infomation >> How To Introduce Two Cats Pt 2! Update On Rags and Godiva! Helping Cats Get Along - Duration: 5:19.


New Mom Tips for Breastfeeding - Duration: 8:28.

I never thought that I would be the person talking about breastfeeding to so

many people but I am that mom now. I want to share my tips and I

want you to be successful at breastfeeding. Shawn here. If you are new

welcome to prayerlights. I would love for you to consider hitting that subscribe

button down below and ringing that little bell to get notifications of when

I post on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. today's video is on my 10 breastfeeding

tips. Tip number one is a comfy rocker. This is an absolute must.

I have tried breastfeeding sitting in the bed and I just cannot get

comfortable with numerous amounts of pillows behind me so just invest in a

good rocker. We actually have two rockers this go-round.

The nursery is on the second floor so I needed a rocker on both floors. I

will put a link to the two rockers that we have down below. you might be watching some

footage right now of me and baby girl in the rocker that we have in the nursery

which came from Target. Tip number two is a very large bottle of water like this

fancy cup that I have from Mcallister's. it doesn't matter what cup you use just

get a really large one and keep it right beside your rocker because you are going

to be insanely thirsty. It's like you put the baby to the breast and suddenly you

haven't had anything to drink in a month. Instant thirst. Having a lot of water and

keeping hydrated is not only good for your milk supply, but trust me here,

you're going to need this. Tip number three is a good nipple butter.

Here is the nipple butter that I enjoyed and I swear by it. This is the Bella B

nipple butter and it is all natural, plant-based healing and protection ,soft

and easy to apply. You don't need to wipe off. I wish that I had this in the

hospital. For some reason I was thinking: oh my milk doesn't come in while I'm in

the hospital after baby is just born. I don't need a nipple butter. yes,

yes you do because your baby is still trying- you're attempting breastfeeding

there's no milk supply hasn't come in yet so there's no lubrication and

you're definitely going to need this. Number four is a good aloe moisturizing

gel. I really like this one because it's 98% aloe. This is the Jason's brand.

I'll post a link to this as well as anything else I talked about in the

description box down below. This is just good for moisturizing not your

nipples but the rest of your breasts.

Weird things happen. itchiness happens.

this helps with itchiness and moisturizing and cooling. then when

your baby starts getting some nails and they start digging in and scratching. my

baby girl likes to scratch as she is drinking. aloe is good at healing. so

trust me on this one. Tip number five patience and persistence.

so breastfeeding is hard and it doesn't come natural to everybody. With my son,

like I said, I only lasted five weeks. I just could not get the hang of it. With

baby girl I feel like it came easier maybe. Or maybe that I was just so

persistent I was determined I was going to last a minimum of six months and we

are on almost on month five. Things are so much better but it was so difficult in

the beginning. I just had to keep telling myself look this is what I want

to do so I'm going to stick with it. I had patience and I persisted. I

kept trying and kept at it even though we failed so many times. The latch was hard

to get down. The sleep deprivation of constantly having to feed a child, a baby

and not getting a break like you do with bottle feeding where someone else can

feed your baby. I have the opposite problem and I did a whole video on how

my baby now refuses to take a bottle from anyone. but I have a video on that

so I will post a link somewhere up here if you want to go and hear that story.

But just be patient and be persistent and if breastfeeding isn't for you

that's okay too. My first son he was mostly formula-fed.

He is 10 and has turned out perfectly fine so whichever way you choose that is

up to you. Tip number six: attend a lactation

support group at your local hospital. there should be one. I did not know that

this existed and probably would have been too embarrassed to attend. it was my

first time in my 20s because I was a lot more private but for my second child I

am NOT as worried or concerned about breastfeeding in public as weird as that

sounds to me because I'm a very private person.

You need a lactation support group. It is the best thing. I can't recommend it enough.

Just to breastfeed your babies and ask questions with other moms in a secure

private location in the hospital with a lactation consultant who anytime you

have a question you can ask her. Tip number seven: use a pillow. you don't

necessarily need a Boppy. I had a Boppy with my first son, my first

child, my son and I absolutely loved it. As a new mom I felt like I needed that

security around my waist. With baby girl I used the Boppy when she was a newborn

just to get her to be able to put her on it and get her closer to my breast that

was very helpful. Now I just use a regular pillow and that works just as

fine. Really it just helps get rid of that space between your lap and

your breasts. so depending on the distance between those two is what kind

of a pillow you would need. Number eight: a foot stool is a must. When you get

your rocking chair make sure that you have a foot stool that goes with it

because your comfort level just increases by ten percent when you're

able to put your feet up. Tip number nine: keep ear buds and a snack by

your rocker. Trust me. On top of being thirsty you are

going to be hungry because your little one is like a vampire sucking the life

out of you. I'm not trying to be mean saying that but that's

what it's like. You're going to be so hungry and so thirsty so I like to keep

by my rocker granola bars those are really good like high protein.

I love those and then also you're going to need your earbuds. For some reason I

hadn't been doing this and just recently discovered I need my earbuds because I

was just watching videos on my phone while breastfeeding her and now she's

more aware. so she notices the phone a lot more. so get you some earbuds.

Number ten: easy access camis or sports bras. Nursing

sports bras specifically. I don't feel like you need a whole lot of Nursing

wear that's specifically for nursing moms but definitely highly recommend

getting a nursing cami. I have four I think because I just wear them every

single day. It's so much easier to just be able to clip an unclip. If you

are larger chested, I've heard, that you need the sports bras. To

be honest with you guys I'm just using the camis and it's the best thing ever. I

don't know if I'll ever be able to go back to a regular bra. I am normally

small chested so I've been told that small chested girls can do the t-shirt

method. Here's the t-shirt method: you just have your shirt or a t-shirt

with a cami underneath and that is all that you need. You can lift up your

shirt and have your clipdown cami underneath and then your baby's face

is kind of hidden because the t-shirt falls over their face just a

little bit. They can still breathe and everything but everything is still

hidden sp you're not popping out or anything or showing the world too much.

it's the best thing ever. Now I've been told that larger chested

women cannot do this and so need a sports bra. Just make sure it's comfy.

Whatever you're doing be comfy. Thanks so much for watching today's video you guys

on my 10 breastfeeding tips. I post new content every week Tuesdays and

Wednesdays. I will see you guys in my next video.

thanks for watching! bye! TMI!

For more infomation >> New Mom Tips for Breastfeeding - Duration: 8:28.


Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.


FINAL FANTASY NT - Testing SEPHIROT [4K] - Duration: 3:28.


Testing SEPHIROT [4K]

For more infomation >> FINAL FANTASY NT - Testing SEPHIROT [4K] - Duration: 3:28.


Dr. No (1962) – James Bond Arrives in Jamaica – Sean Connery | 007 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Dr. No (1962) – James Bond Arrives in Jamaica – Sean Connery | 007 - Duration: 1:43.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Tea Cupping at Dilmah t-Lounge - Episode 13. - Duration: 16:22.

I'm Ossi Valpio and I welcome you all to join the

wonderful world of tea with TeaBagPackers.

TeaBagPackers will take you from Finland to Sri Lanka uncovering people, places, and

phenomena in the heart of tea culture.

You will discover the secrets of this historic and healthy plant.

All right, Sri Lanka has treated us incredibly well.

We have seen some pretty awesome stuff and now we will learn how to taste good tea.

We also make sure you know how it's done.

Thivanka, a professional tea taster, is waiting for me inside Dilmah t-Lounge.

Let's go in. This is how it goes.

Let's go in. See how I go.

Okay, now we are here in Dilmah t-Lounge going through a professional tea cupping.

And going into the world of tea and tasting it really well.

Please introduce yourself and tell us what we are going through.

My name is Thivanka.

I'm working as a tea taster or you can say tea blender for Dilmah Ceylon tea.

My experience is 15 years in the tea trade.

My job role is to check the tea quality for Dilmah products.

So we check dry leaf, the liquor, the tea appearance and moving it for production.

Okay so before tasting we need to brew it.

Could you please go through the brewing process?

Normally to make a good cup of tea you should put 2 grams of tea.

Depending on the customer's requirement, if it's a lighter cup you can put 1.5 grams or 1 gram.

If you want good colour in the cup you can add 3 grams.

So we can go with 2-gram cup here.

All right.

So what type of tea we have here?

We have used BOP Fannings grade, it's called Brilliant Breakfast.

So BOP Fannings stand for broken orange pekoe fannings.

So it gives really good strength as well as good aroma.

And it keeps your body cool.

Because high grown Ceylon tea is mainly for freshness.

So we use high grown character tea.

Brewing time is 5 minutes.

You should keep it 2 minutes before stirring and close it again.

Okay. So you use this for timing?

Yes, of course.

It's really nice.

So now we wait.

Yes, we wait for 2 minutes, or another 1 hour. 1 minute, sorry!

Okay, so we have waited for a little bit.

What happens next?

After 2 minutes we should stir the cup.

Stir it up!

Close it again for another 3 minutes.

Okay, 3 minutes. Wait for it! Wait for it!

Now we just add some elevator music.

(Elevator music playing)

3 minutes have gone.

So we'll pour the tea.

Do you want to see the infused leaves as well?


Now we are here starting the tasting of the tea.

So please lead us through the process.

These teas are a rare quality which Dilmah Ceylon tea has packed.

Rare quality means specialty tea.

As I told you earlier, we have three tea growing elevations and from those, we have selected 4 cups for black tea.

We have 3 elevations but we have selected 4 items, 4 cups.

One is low grown, another one mid grown and two high grown.

High grown is divided into two – Dimbulla region and Nuwara Eliya region.

So same elevation but two different characters.

Nice. What is the first tea we taste?

We will go to low-grown sector.

You can see the dark cup.

So it gives the body as well as bitterness and real strength in the cup.

Mid-grown also gives strength, fair strength with some flavor.

This is high grown.

We have 2 varieties – Dimbulla region and Nuwara Eliya region.

Both cups give freshness as well as aroma.

The Nuwara Eliya tea is very light.

It's more similar to green tea in colour as well.

But a bit browner colour.

So how we taste it?

I show you how we are tasting.

It's with the air.

It needs a little bit air.

So you suck it.

Ok, I will suck it.

At the office, we don't drink all the tea.

We taste and spit out.

Because in a week we taste around 8000 cups and here we are tasting only 15 cups.

Okay, it's a small fraction. I'll live with it.

Next one.

As I told you this is mid-grown tea.

It's lighter than the low-grown cup.

It's more earthy.

Now we are tasting the high-grown tea.


Lighter than the low-grown and mid-grown cup but it gives the freshness in the cup.

When the tea is cold it doesn't give the real character.

That's why you have it hot.

Nuwara Eliya is a very light cup.

It's called a champagne tea.

Very light.

Still has the black tea taste. A little bit bitter.

Let's move to green tea and white tea.

So what do we have here?

This is a white tea.

We call it silver tips in Sri Lanka.

It is the most expensive tea in Sri Lanka.

So it's called silver tip.

I tell you how we make this tea.

To make black tea we pluck two leaves and the bud.

For silver tips, we are plucking only the bud. Tea bud.

So it's difficult to get the quantity.

For example, one factory can produce it only 5 kilos per month.

That's why it's very expensive.

It's very rare quality and it's very smooth tea.

It's also very good for your body.

All right, let's have it in our bodies.

Slowly we move to green tea sector.

This is a Ceylon green tea.

It's similar to Nuwara Eliya tea.

It's a lighter cup. Yellowish cup.

You can say greenish cup as well.

In oolong tea, the cup colour is darker than in green tea.

This looks very black compared to others.

Mattiiii. It's black!

Oolong is actually a product from China.

In China oolong is very famous.

Oolong and Lapsang Souchong.

In Sri Lanka oolong is made in some district in small quantities.

This Sencha green tea extra special. Sencha comes from China.

Full leaf so very smooth drink. You can say it's smoother tea.

It's also green tea.

Jasmine green tea with flowers.

It has natural jasmine added to green tea.

It's very good for your body.

Let's start tasting from the first one.

Silver tip away.

It's pretty light.

I love it.

I had it earlier. This is very smooth.

This is green tea.

Also very smooth.

I hope you like white tea.

Yeah, I like it.

In oolong, there is a kind of smoky taste.

There is a nice difference since this leaves a bit drier aftertaste.

This is also green tea but different taste compared with Ceylon green tea.

Ceylon green tea has more harsh character.

This has a lighter cup.

I hope you like Sri Lankan tea because they are easy to drink.

It's very smooth.

We like Sri Lankan tea, no worries.

This is jasmine flowers, natural jasmine flowers.

It's not artificial taste.

Really flowery. Like fruity bodied.

Now we move to herbal and flower section.

Herbs it is. All right.

This has peppermint leaves.

100 % pure peppermint leaves.

We are using this as a herbal tea.

This is chamomile flowers.

The chamomile flowers come from Egypt.

So we import the flowers and export the tea.

It's a very good drink, very smooth to drink as green tea.

This we can call a red tea.

It has hibiscus and rosehip. It's also a herbal tea.

It's all natural peppermint leaves.

I like mint.

We are moving to chamomile.

Come on Milla.

I drink a lot of chamomile before night time.

Rosehip and hibiscus.

How's the taste? You like it?

It goes into red wine or sour beer.

I need to take this a little bit more.

It's like juice.

With these three you can go with hot water or cold water.

This would be very nice as ice tea.

Yes, ice tea of course.

This is it. I love it.

So you taste 8000…

cups per week.

Not only me. We have a team of 8 tea tasters in the company or tea department.

We taste to check the quality of the product which is going further to pack.

Thanks for everything.

It was a great privilege to have this tasting and cupping in here.

One more last question.

What would be your recommendation for our Finnish viewers?

I would like to recommend you all to have black tea because Ceylon black tea has a unique taste.

There are Chinese tea, Indian tea, and Kenyan tea but Ceylon tea has a unique taste.

That's why it's very popular and it's called Ceylon.

I like to recommend black tea for newcomers.

Welcome to Sri Lanka to have the best black tea in the world.

Thank you Tivanka.

That was great.

We had the pleasure of tasting great teas and learn what makes a good tea with Thivanka.

He and his colleagues taste 8000 cups per week to ensure you get the best possible cup of Ceylon tea.

I had two favourites.

The other was silver tips, the white tea.

And another was rosehip with hibiscus which would go nicely as an ice tea.

I will go back there to meet with the CEO of Dilmah, Mr. Fernando.

Next week we'll see how multifunctional tea is.

You do well and taste some new teas in the meanwhile.

For more infomation >> Tea Cupping at Dilmah t-Lounge - Episode 13. - Duration: 16:22.


Chrissy Teigen Doesn't Like When You Call Her Mom - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Chrissy Teigen Doesn't Like When You Call Her Mom - Duration: 2:17.


War Robots — Hangar Deck X Guide - Duration: 1:18.

Hangar deck X is now available in Custom Games.

Any robots or weapons can appear on this deck — even those not yet in the shop.

This lets you try out any weapon or robot on the battlefield!

This deck is the same for all pilots.

Want to compete with your friends on an equal footing and show them what you've got?

Want to battle with a rival from another clan?

Letting a rookie into your clan and want to test them in action?

Now you don't need to customize a separate hangar deck to do this.

Just choose Hangar X and you're ready to go!

You can't change the hangar load yourself, but it will change regularly.

Follow War Robots news and vote on the content of the next hangar. The most popular selection will be the next one!

What setups would you like to try? Tell us in the comments below!

Subscribe to stay in the know about the latest updates. See you on the battlefield!

For more infomation >> War Robots — Hangar Deck X Guide - Duration: 1:18.


Fifth Harmony's Normani Kordei Performs 'Bootylicious' by Destiny's Child | Lip Sync Battle Preview - Duration: 0:56.

♪ You gotta do much better if you gone dance with me tonight ♪

♪ Read my lips carefully, if you like what you see ♪

♪ Hook up your seat belt, it's time for takeoff ♪

♪ I don't think you ready for this jelly ♪

♪ I don't think you ready for this jelly ♪

♪ I don't think you ready for this ♪

♪ 'Cause my body too bootylicious for you, babe ♪

and I just remember...


in my grandmother's living room, and just like...

you know, and not being able to stop.

Chrissy: Shaking it as a young thing.

Normani: And I just wanted to pick something--

In front of my grandma. My grandma twerks with me.

-It's fine. Everybody-- you know. -(laughter)

And... I just-- thank you,Lip Sync,

for making my dream come true. I got to be Beyoncé for a day.

For more infomation >> Fifth Harmony's Normani Kordei Performs 'Bootylicious' by Destiny's Child | Lip Sync Battle Preview - Duration: 0:56.


Altered Fairy Mixed Media canvas art Tutorial - Duration: 5:47.

Hello my Guimauves !

I hope you're fine

Today I'm glad to see you

for making

a mixed media tutorial

on a fairy theme

with pastel and galaxy colors !

I will not talk too much

in this video

because I want you

to enjoy the music

of the same ambiance

I would like

to thanks

each person

who'll like

share and subscribe

to my channel

I put creative video every week

and I really

appreciate your support

please feel free to let me know

what you think about this

mixed media art canvas tutorial

and I'll be happy to answer you ! :)

Bye ! :)

For more infomation >> Altered Fairy Mixed Media canvas art Tutorial - Duration: 5:47.


Aku Datang PadaMu PS-383 - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Aku Datang PadaMu PS-383 - Duration: 2:03.


Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In WH- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:45.

Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In White House!!

The White House is filled with historical pieces and artifacts that represent our nation's

history, but perhaps none are so controversial as what President Donald Trump just donned

the walls of the West Wing with today.

Among the painted pieces of notable figures in our nation's history, is a new framed

piece of work that comes with a clear message that cannot be ignored.

Now, idiots everywhere are infuriated about what our leader had the guts to put up that

we're pretty sure his supporters are going to love.

The First Family is getting comfortable in their new home, just as the Obamas did in

their disrespectful way that nobody seemed to have a problem with.

When Trump moved in and began putting his personal touch on the People's House, all

hell broke loose with accusations of tactless taste that his predecessor never got when

hosting rappers and their wives.

Whether people agree or disagree with what our President just put on the walls, he had

the right to celebrate his victory in the way he chose to decorate.

The White House isn't just a place where the president lives, it's a monument that

represents milestones in leadership throughout our nation's history.

Perhaps not a single leader has been so controversial as our current Commander-in-Chief who overcame

all odds to call this place home.

Because of that, he has every right to document this incredible feat with a framed piece that

shows exactly how that happened.

The media tried to portray that Trump's opposition, Hillary Clinton, had a huge lead

in the presidential race.

However, one picture proved that wrong, which has now become the West Wing's latest and

perhaps most extraordinary piece of artwork.

Trump didn't become president by a mere margin — he won by a landslide of votes

where it counted most.

The Electoral College is the deciding vote and the now infamous image of which way each

area of every state went has become its own modern art on display in the White House,

and for good reason.

Trey Yingst was among the first to spot this new display and seemingly without realizing

the can of controversy he was opening with this Tweeted picture of it, he simply stated,

" Spotted: a map to be hung somewhere in the West Wing."

The image of the Electoral College Map from the election Trump swept in 2016 accompanied

his sentiment and infuriated idiots around the country who couldn't fathom why Trump

would display such a thing.

It's unknown at what point these Democratic degenerates forgot who they were talking about

— thinking that somehow it was out of character for Trump to gloat.

When it's his right to do so by having earned it through honest means and against all odds,

he should display that victory since it sends a message about what America is all about.

Trump was truthful in his lead and the media was not, however, this is photo proof of that

bias and that the American dream can be accomplished despite any adversary against you, and needs

to be displayed for that reason..

Perhaps the most humorous part of the outrage over this imagery in the West Wing is that

the same people who publicly express how tasteless and gross it is, in their opinion, were in

support of a wife using the desk her husband received disgusting sexual favors at during

his time in office.

I think what it comes down to is that the truth hurts and no matter how much some people

in America hate Trump, they can't deny that he legitimately painted the country red in

approval of him.

It's often said that "a picture says a thousand words" but this one speaks volumes

beyond that.

Trump beat supposed frontrunner Hillary Clinton by far more than a thousand Electoral College


This wasn't just a victory for him, but for the American people who were heard and

deserve to have the piece of our country's history commemorated on the wall of the White


Every little girl and boy in America with a dream to make a difference and become president

one day can do that, just like Trump did as a non-career politician.

That's significant and part of what makes America great.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In WH- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 25:45.


Will: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 17 - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Will: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 17 - Duration: 8:10.


Why You Should Never Fall in Love with a Narcissist - Duration: 3:16.

Why You Should Never Fall in Love with a Narcissist

People say that you cannot help to fall in love.

It holds true especially if you meet someone you really like from his or her personality,

look, and attention to you.

Unfortunately, it is actually dangerous if you eventually end up with a narcissist.

You know what, giving your precious time, energy and soul to someone with narcissistic

personality will only leave you with an empty feeling, used up and spat out like some discarded

lounge suite that has provided long and faithful service without asking for much in return.

If you still decided to do this, someday you will get frustrated, upset and eventually

become burnt out from your repeated efforts of giving to your narcissistic partner, it's

almost the same as doing a bad investments with little or no return for what you put


They have no real loyalty to others, only themselves first and foremost.

If you are still asking why you should never fall in love with narcissist, here are some

reasons you should understand.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

#1 - They are liars

Okay, falling in love with a narcissists means you are putting yourself in a trap, literally

by yourself.

You will be drown into miserable life because narcissists lie a lot about themselves.

Narcissists are basically sick or toxic people who convince you at the initial meeting just

for absorbing your kindness.

They lie about everything ranging from how they treat you, how they say nice things to

you, and how they are willing to help you.

#2 - They are abusive

If you think narcissists are nice people.

Yes, they are.

However, they are only nice in the beginning of any relationship story.

Apart from that, they will reveal their true face.

When they reveal their face, there are many things that can happen.

One of them includes being abusive partner.

They really do not like when you talk back.

They will make sure they still have the power over you, and that is why they start to be


#3 - They will not listen

This is the real disease, and it is also the reason why dating with narcissists is the

worst thing that can happen.

Communication is vital in any relationship and social interaction.

If one does not listen, how can communication be established?

The answer is it is just impossible.

Unfortunately, narcissists are people who do not want to listen to others.

They only think that the one who can speak is them, and that is why the only person who

has right to listen is you.

All in all, that's the reasons why you should never fall in love with a narcissist.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Why You Should Never Fall in Love with a Narcissist - Duration: 3:16.


Funny Animals Compilation - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Dogs and Cats Videos - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Funny Animals Compilation - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Dogs and Cats Videos - Duration: 10:44.


Classic Film Stars Who Were Actually Really Weird People - Duration: 5:32.

"Old Hollywood" is synonymous with class, sophistication, and images of matinee idols

chastely stealing kisses on the silver screen.

In reality, though, all sorts of bonkers nonsense was going on behind the scenes.

Here's a look at some classic film stars who were actually really weird people.

In 1960, the editors at Good Housekeeping

magazine got a strange call.

Cary Grant, the suave, sophisticated film star who almost never gave interviews, was

on the line and wanted to talk - about the magnificent amount of LSD he'd dropped.


Plagued by personal demons, Grant finally found peace when his third wife introduced

him to the wonders of acid, which he dropped over a hundred times between 1958 and 1961.

And he wanted everyone to experience the same wonderful benefit, so he went on a campaign

to promote the benefits of LSD, which according to the biography Cary Grant: A Touch of Elegance,

included Grant saying things like: "It releases inhibition.

You know, we are all unconsciously holding our anus.

In one LSD dream I s--- all over the rug and s--- all over the floor.

Another time I imagined myself as a giant penis launching off from earth like a spaceship."


"I don't know sir, but it looks like a giant…"


"Yea" "Oh my God it looks like a huge…"


"Oh where?"

"That's not a woodpecker it looks like someone's…"


We have reports of an Unidentified flying Object."

Most people who get nose jobs want to make

their nose smaller.

But legendary writer, director, and actor Orson Welles was obsessed with making his

nose larger.

He thought his real nose was too small for his round face, so in every movie, he had

a fake nose made - and as his career went along, those noses got bigger and bigger and


When he finished a film, Welles kept his noses, named them, and stored them in his Hollywood

home, where he would occasionally take them out at parties and perform magic tricks with


That's the sort of crazy you can get away with when you've directed the best film ever


In one of the most famous cases of a star

having a secret weird side, Joan Crawford was outed by her adopted daughter Christina

as a jealous egomaniac in the infamous memoir Mommie Dearest, which was later turned into

a hit movie.

An account of her time as Crawford's ward, it made the Hollywood star sound like the

mother from hell.

Among other tidbits were harrowing descriptions of the physical abuse Crawford occasionally

unleashed on her children, the revelation that Crawford lied when she told Christina

her birth mother was dead, and of course the famous meltdown over wire hangers.


Some claim the book wasn't entirely true, but considering Crawford was so weird she

once sabotaged her own movie in order to spite rival Bette Davis, separating truth from fiction

is nearly impossible.

The star who who gave us Doctor Strangelove

and Inspector Clouseau wasn't just a weirdo, he was apparently also such a monumental butthead

that few could stand to be around him.

Peter Sellers would have screaming meltdown tantrums on set.

He'd freak out at his wives, smash crockery, and threaten them with his shotgun.

He'd even get low-level people fired on movies as a way of venting his frustrations against

people like producers and directors who were more powerful than he was.

He was also profoundly superstitious.

So when director Vittorio de Sica told him that the color purple represented death, Sellers

took it way too literally.

According to the biography Mr. Strangelove, Sellers became convinced the color purple

could kill.

He refused to be in rooms with it and would have screaming tantrums if he came into contact

with it.

Elizabeth Taylor's hellraising is so infamous

that her private life was publicly denounced by the Vatican.

Over her lifetime, she married eight times, had endless affairs, and took great pride

in the offense she caused.

Sometimes, her behavior was truly outrageous.

After marrying and divorcing Richard Burton twice, Taylor was so upset that she got engaged

just to spite him.

While working on the play Private Lives, Taylor and Burton brought out the worst in each other.

They separately turned up drunk.

They broke character.

They skipped performances.

When Taylor missed a show, Burton got fed up, went to Vegas, and married Sally Hay.

When Taylor heard the news, she was so furious she announced her engagement to Victor Luna,

upstaging Burton.

Not that she hated her ex-husband.

Later in life, Taylor claimed they would have married a third time if only Burton hadn't


The best way to describe Katharine Hepburn

is "fiercely independent."

She lived as if married with both women and men, all while acting like it was no big deal.

Part of that, though, was that she had plausible deniability, as according to the book Kate:

the Woman Who Was Katherine Hepburn, the famed actress not only didn't like physical intimacy,

she hated nudity to the point where she would walk out on a film if there was a scene showing

someone naked.

So why did Hepburn loathe nudity and physical romance so much?

According to a college friend, she tried intercourse once and, quote, "just didn't like it."

Fair enough!

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness,

but matinee idol Clark Gable took it to a whole new level.

According to Warren G. Harris' biography of Gable, the star shaved his chest and armpits

because he didn't like sweating.

He also didn't like baths, because it meant soaking in your own dirty water, so he always

showered, even carrying his own portable shower around with him when he was in the army.

Considering his obsession with hygiene, it's ironic that Gable's Gone with the Wind co-star

Vivien Leigh later publicly called him out for having bad breath.

Still, no matter what people said about his weird ways, he always had the perfect comeback.

"Frankly my dear I don't give a Damn."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Classic Film Stars Who Were Actually Really Weird People - Duration: 5:32.


The Divorce Process Explained. - Duration: 1:17.

Alot of people aren't sure how the divorce process works.

In this video I will explain the divorce process

outlining the key stages you need to go through to get your divorce.

Unless you've been married for 12 months you can't apply for a divorce

and when you apply you will need to prove that your marriage has permanently broken down.

You will need to give one of the following five reasons.


Unreasonable behavior.


Two years separation with consent.

Or five years separation.

We then file a divorce petition and pay a fee

or you may get help with fees if you are on low income.

The court then send a copy to your husband or wife and they complete an acknowledgement of service.

You then make the application for the decree nisi if they don't intend to defend the divorce .

There's a short hearing which you only need to attend if there are cost issues outstanding.

Six weeks and one day after you can apply for the decree absolute

which is a document that ends your marriage.

We understand that you're going through a difficult time.

We are here to listen help and guide you through your divorce.

Give us a call to arrange a time for a chat.

For more infomation >> The Divorce Process Explained. - Duration: 1:17.


NTSU Elections 2018 FAQs - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> NTSU Elections 2018 FAQs - Duration: 5:55.


Try Not To Laugh Best of Just for Laughs Gags Compilation 2018 - Duration: 7:54.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Best of Just for Laughs Gags Compilation 2018 - Duration: 7:54.


Eat Your Words Idiom | English Idioms for Business and Life - Duration: 5:20.

English Winners. Have you ever heard the phrase 'eat your words?' Let's talk about

that. "Be careful what you say. You may have to eat your words." "Be careful what

you say. You may have to eat your words." "I'll make you eat those words."

"I'll make you eat those words." "Don't promise what you can't keep. You may have

to eat the words you say." "Don't promise what you can't keep. You may have to eat

the words you say." So, we're gonna talk about 'eat your words,' and what it means.

Before we do that, please SUBSCRIBE to this channel and click the bell so you

can know when I release more English Win videos. Now, 'eat your words' means

that you say something, and then later you are embarrassed by it. It's like you

say something, and then later you are wrong about what you say, and other

people know that you are wrong. This causes embarrassment or humiliation. So

long ago, I wrote marketing material for businesses. If you go on a website and

you read what's on the website... often I'm writing the things on those websites.

That was my job. And I was a freelancer. That means I worked for myself, and I had

a lot of fun doing it. But one day, I was given an assignment that would lead to a

lot of future work for a financial news letter. And... I bragged about how I never

missed a deadline. By the way, a 'deadline' is a date where you have to complete

something and send it to a client. So that's a deadline. It's kind of like a

due date when you're doing homework at school. It's- It's exactly like that, right?

So, I never missed a deadline, and I was completely honest in that I never missed

a deadline. And when I was bragging about that in an email, that very week,

I missed the deadline for that client. And when I apologized, and sent in the

assignment, they sent me an email with all the words I had written bragging

about how I never missed a deadline. Oh, I ate those words; it was embarrassing. The

really sad thing about that was I had finished the assignment on time, and I

just forgot to email it. But it doesn't matter, right? And I screwed up; I'll be

the first to admit that. I screwed up. I missed out on future business, and it

caused the other person to think worse of me... to give me a worse reputation then

perhaps I deserved, when you add everything together that

I've ever done. Unfair? Not really. I bragged, and then later I was proven to

be wrong... by myself - my own neglect - so I ate my words, and it was embarrassing. So

how do you use eat your words? It's pretty simple; you just warn somebody

that if they're wrong, they will eat their words. And I gave three examples

above. What were they? First one was: "be careful what you say. You may eat your

words later." Right? That's a warning. Or: "Don't make promises you can't keep.

You may have to eat those words." Or: "I'll make you eat those words." That's when

somebody tells you something like. "You're a loser, and you'll never make it." And

then you work really hard, because you want to prove them wrong. you might say,

"I'll make you eat those words." Hopefully, nobody in your life is telling

you such horrible things. If they are, you may just want to... not spend so much time

with them, right? Leave them out of your future invitations.

Don't let people talk to you that way. Anyway, that is how you use 'eat your

words.' Did this help you? I really want to know. Please tell me down in the comments

below. LIKE. SHARE this video with English learning friends and acquaintances, and

SUBSCRIBE to this channel to help this channel get to the top of the English

business YouTube community. I have left up an idioms playlist and one more video

I think you might like. So I will see you over on those video lessons. Keep on

winning, English Winners. Have you ever had to eat your own words? Tell me about

it right down there in the comments below.

For more infomation >> Eat Your Words Idiom | English Idioms for Business and Life - Duration: 5:20.


World is Mine - Megurine Luka [Happy 9th Anniversary Luka!] - Duration: 5:09.

Ear Rape Warning

For more infomation >> World is Mine - Megurine Luka [Happy 9th Anniversary Luka!] - Duration: 5:09.


Etsy Shop Update + Amazing Hogwarts Desk Organizer! | Wake Up Date #38 - Duration: 2:55.

Good morning and welcome to another episode of the Wake Up Date! Today is

gonna be a pretty quick episode, I just have a couple of news updates, there's

one of you that I wanted to feature because you've made something really

cool, and I have a bunch of patreon shoutouts at the end as well. First of

all, I think this is pretty exciting, a bunch of my sold-out plushies are now

back in stock! It takes me a really long time to make these and a lot of them

have been out of stock for a while now and so I wanted to get at least a couple

of each of the different designs back in the store for those of you who have been

asking so nicely for them. Probably the most requested one is this red fox, there

are only a couple in the store right now. A lot of you have been asking for the

wolf and there's only one left at the moment, I also made a couple of these

black bears and the deer which is one of my personal favorite designs.

I still have a Ravenclaw inspired eagle left in the shop and of course the cute

round little penguin! There are still a bunch that I haven't had time to make

that are still sold out but hopefully I'll have those back in the store soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to remind you that I have some t-shirts for sale on - there's the "Harry I'm coming home" shirt designed by Evie

stormzand, the "it's real for us" shirt designed by Kristine Thune, and the "my

muggle friends just don't understand" shirt designed by me! So I mentioned

earlier that I wanted to feature one of you in this episode and that is because

over on Instagram, Becca posted these amazing photos of the

Hogwarts desk organizer tutorial that I designed. Becca took it to a whole new

level, I can't even express into words how much this blows me away. The Hogwarts

desk organizer that I made was a lot more simple and I would have loved to do

something like this, but really I just don't have the drawing and painting

skills to make something like this happen and I am so glad that Becca took

my idea and just ran with it. Look how beautiful this is! You can check out more

of Becca's photos and a video of the project over on Instagram! I'm gonna put

a link in the video description below where you can go and check that out.

So as usual, I'm gonna tie up this episode with a bunch of patreon

shoutouts! I wanted to send out a huge thank you to everybody over on my

patreon! You are the reason why I can keep making videos on my youtube channel

and I just appreciate you so much. I'd like to send a shout out and a thank you

to Antonio G. Thank You Ashley Sousa! Thank You markslide! Thank You Roni!

Thank You Saxony! And thanks Abby Ritter! In light of YouTube's

new partner program restrictions, I would love it if you could leave me a comment

down below telling me about your favorite small creators or creators who

stand to lose their monetization because of the new rules. I'm going to

check out as many of them as I can, just be sure to include a small description

of what their channel is like, and if you also want to help these channels reach

their goals, just scroll down, read a bunch of the comments, and see if

anything looks interesting to you! Thank you so much for watching and I'll see

you soon.

For more infomation >> Etsy Shop Update + Amazing Hogwarts Desk Organizer! | Wake Up Date #38 - Duration: 2:55.


Christ Centered Conversations: "Silence" Movie Review - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Christ Centered Conversations: "Silence" Movie Review - Duration: 3:11.


L'Aposta. Capítol 09. - Duration: 13:40.

I am in a very cool country house in Ontinyent.

Today I want to see Bocairent in the morning and Alcoi in the afternoon

... and I'll spend the night there.

I've been recommended to go to Muro de Alcoi ...

... but I don't know if I'll can go.

They also recommended me Cocentaina.

I don't know whether to go to Alcoi ...

... or sightseeing around here.

Now we're on our way to Bocairent.

Have you seen what a beautiful sight?

Queco says it's one of the most beautiful villages ...

... in the Valencian Community.

I've never been there.

Queco is leaving.

He left me just to the "Festero" museum.

Let's see: Bocairent, ...

... ,just so everyone knows, ...

Bocairent is a Royal Vila founded by Jaime I El Conquistador ...

- If you go to the Culture's House they'll give you a map ...

- Yes, later I'll go ...

- .. a map with all this - All this.

- If you speak in Valencian we understand each other.

- What do you mean? that women shouldn't work?

- No, women has a function that doesn't meet.

- What is the female's role, of women?

- Have you seen the swallows or the bees?

- The female seeks out the male and the male seeks out ...

... the female. What cannot be is that we put the top down.

- I understood perfectly. - I was prisioner in La Mancha ...

- That's not what I think.

- You're entitled to think what you want ...

- but I'm saying that … - I have to go,

- I'm working ... - Look, look, ...

Go to hell!

I'm pissed off.

- ... he camped out in the morning and during the night

- And your daughters, how old are they?

- Two years old. - What?

- This is my home. - Aha!

- What do you call this drink? - That is Herbero.

- It's a typical Bocairent drink.

- They are herbs of La Mariola with anise and cazalla.

- Do you do it? - No, it's made here in Bocairent.

- My friend makes it.

- Next week he'll make the "pacharán"

- ... a lot of herbs and you let it marinate ...

- There you'll find more, okay?

- Look, you're going t o be lucky. A tomato

- Yes, I'm going to use it ...

- What is this? - Carrots ...

- Well, you can use these ...

- Potatoes, zucchini, ...

... there are some beans ...

... and on the other hand ...

- Do you want some horchata?

- It isn't cool - I don't know ...

- A question: To piss and all that?

- To piss? There under the mulberry, ...

... or under the fig tree. ...

I'm with a guy who lives here in Bocairent.

He's going to introduce me to his girls, to his daughters.

There's Mari and Quito, Quito is Trans ...

- Quito, like the Ecuador's capital.

Quito is Trans and Mari passed trough a psychological pregnancy, right?

- Here you can see the mastitis, she has an infection. Mari…

- I'm going around Bocairent ...

... on the mountain.

... along a path that Joan is showing me, ...

... with her girls.

We are inside the caves of the Moors and we are going to go up the stairs.

Let's continue inwards.

- Have you seen, how is the people? Scarves ...

To make pens, for bugs,

to place woods ... and close the windows.

Wow, how beautiful!

And after here, go to the hell outside.

I'm going to take a natural shower.

The water drops from there ... this little cave.

- The water is fine

- Wow, now that looks cool, this seems...

... the Fa advertisement, wild freshness ...

If you could see what I'm seeing ...

... it's so beautiful ... I have no words to describe it.

Good morning, I've spent a very good night,

We will see Bocairent with the tour guide.

The portal of the Hotel of a Thousand Stars.

Now we'll go for a walk before living for Alcoi.

Three days ago I was going to Alcoi and I've not even gone.

I've found good people and, well, you know.

It is the narrowest street in Bocairent.

You have to pass ... this way ... the recommendation ...

-How is called? ... Hip Hop? ... dancing Lindy Hop ...?

Very nice ...

Joan is leaving now.

He returns to his village ... to his cave.

I'm entering inside the main square ...

... of the historic center of Alcoi.

"Dins Square" ... because it's ... inside.

I've been surprised. I was having a drink ...

... because it's so hot and I've met a friend ...

... named Lucia.

And it was a surprise, because she didn't know that I was here ...

... and neither did I.

She is working with an association called Ivas.

She's doing social work with older people who have problems.

I'm going to spend the night with them,

They'll take care of me and I'll take care of them too.

Two of the guys here are going to get married.

- Tell me…

- I'm Christian…

- Marta ...

- Mala? ...

- Marta ...

- Marta ...

- Marta is the one who marries ... with you.

I think that I am going to be the main photographer ...

... or video camera of the wedding ...

... of Anis and Marta.


Such a mess, Lorena!!! Ha, ha, ha!

Hi everyone,

I'm with the guys from ...

... the Ivas association ...

... I don't know if I should use the opportunity ...

... to take a bath.

For more infomation >> L'Aposta. Capítol 09. - Duration: 13:40.


How to Paint with SLIME | Most Crazy Ideal Ever!!! - Duration: 4:39.

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