Assista a aula completa. O link está na descrição do vídeo.
Slip knot
Multiple of 2
Even number of chains
After you finish the number of chains, chain 1.
Single crochet foundation row. It's optional.
Grave malore per Massimo Giletti:ecco cos'è successo e come sta ora |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Rei Leão Medley (TriGO! cover acústico) Nossa Toca na Rua - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
Walcyr Carrasco manda recado e se despede do ator Juca de Oliveira, o Natanael de - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
Neymar elogia Marquezine e recebe declaração: "eu te amo demais! Muito obrigada, preto" - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
CMC's Message to the Force | Execute - Duration: 0:46.Hey Marines General Neller coming to you from Camp Shorabak in Afghanistan.
We've just released this year's message to the force the title is 'Execute'.
I need everybody to take the time to read it and talk about it within your chain of command.
I need our leaders and all our junior leaders to sit down and discuss
the ideas and thoughts that are in this document.
Live in the title you've earned as a Marine, honing our combat skills
and leading like you want to be led.
I believe these things are all important themes for us.
We're making great progress in a lot of areas but we've got room to grow and room to get better and
we always have to try to get better.
So I appreciate your effort, I appreciate the support of our families,
Thanks very much. Semper Fidelis.
Terra da Padroeira | Assista a matéria exclusiva no Santuário Nacional - 28 de janeiro de 2018 - Duration: 12:50.-------------------------------------------
Uomini&Donne: Mariano Catanzaro criticato dall'ex fidanzata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Isola dei Famosi 2018: Non posso uscire dal residence, situazione difficile in Honduras - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano Carrisi sarà giudice a The Voice of Italy | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Loredana Lecciso, clamoroso attacco a Romina Power dalla D'Urso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
O Que Você Vai Fazer Com o Seu Dinheiro - Dica da Semana 05 - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
7 oggetti da disinfettare tutti i giorni - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Making a Wedding Cake with Tips Behind the Scenes Part 2 - Duration: 13:00.Welcome to part two of how to make a wedding cake. You're gonna get a ton of
tips so stay tuned. So part two is about filling and frosting the cakes, so as I
told you in part one it's going to be white chocolate buttercream and
Raspberries and I'm going to show you, you're gonna see actually me making the
buttercream. Now if you want a really detailed tutorial on how to make Italian
meringue buttercream I have one and it's really awesome and it's on youtube so
I'll put the link for you on beneath the video and also at the end of the video.
So I hope you enjoy the video and I'll see you in a little bit. So I've got my
sugar syrup cooking, I've got my butter or softened and waiting over here. I've
got my six egg whites waiting in the mixer to be beaten and my salt for a
little pinch at the end, vanilla for flavoring and I'm going to be adding
white chocolate, because this is my white chocolate raspberry supreme cake which
is an orange cake, orange butter cake, white chocolate buttercream and
raspberries and it's like my one number-one best-selling wedding cake.
It's really elegant, it's delicious, it's got a lot of flavor. So this is the one
that my Brides pick quite often. So you can learn all about this on my youtube
channel or my website. I have all the detailed instructions on how to make
Italian meringue buttercream. So what I like to do is use some cold packs on the
side, chill the bowl down a little bit,
or you can just walk away and let it cool down on its own. Takes about at
least 10 minutes. I'm going to leave those cold packs on the side there.
So my meringue is definitely ready and then the butter is soft, nice and
soft. And I'm just gonna add a little bit at a time.
Now I'm going to go ahead and whip this.
So it starts to come together
and if it's a little soft, then you can just take your ice packs
and massage the bowl.
and a touch of salt. Just a tiny bit of salt.
You don't have to add the salt sometimes I don't, sometimes I forget actually, it's
good without the salt too, but the salt just brings out the little little bit
more of the sweetness. Tastes like vanilla ice cream, like really intense vanilla
ice cream. So I have an 11 ounce classic white chips Ghirardelli
chocolate and since this is for a wedding cake, it's not a huge wedding
cake, but it's a 12 9 6. I'm gonna put like probably three-quarters in the bag
in there. Probably about 9 ounces. Here's a little tip if you want to
ensure that your white chocolate comes out smooth just put a drop a few drops
of oil in there and that will help immensely. And also
once the burner gets hot you can shirt it shut it off,
you got the water the hot water underneath you don't want it to get too
hot, and just stir it till it's
till it melts. I'm gonna add the white chocolate.
So something to scoop. I love this spatula it's a great spatula it's a
Le Creuset. Generous amount. For wedding cakes I usually do two layers and I fill
it really generously because I like a lot of filling. This is the bottom, the first
layer of filling and then I'm going to put the raspberries. And I'm going to put
a lot of raspberries.
Just like that.
Sometimes I will, in some cases, I will open up the raspberry like this and lay
it flat. But I want to make this a little higher. And then a ton of buttercream
over that. So basically your sealing in the raspberries and then the second
layer goes on. I think I only have enough for the 12
and the 6 right now.
Messy messy job.
And this is the part that they keep. And some people don't keep it, but they eat
the following year.
And I've been told by many of the brides that cakes are wonderful even a year
Okay so I'm just going to do that because you don't want to overfill it.
You want to put a lot of raspberries in but not too close to the edge.
Because sometimes the juice can leak out,
and you definitely don't want that.
Butter cream is great because it hardens when you put it in the fridge, holds
everything together like glue, and then when you let it sit out for the six
hours before the wedding, before they actually eat the cake, the cake becomes
the perfect temperature, so it softens up just enough.
So you're safe putting a pretty thick layer in there of buttercream. You
wouldn't do this with a like a cream, ike a pastry cream. That's a lot softer and
it would never hold. These cakes are cold so what happens is right away the
buttercream starts to set and that's what you want. So I had some extra butter
cream from my weekend Father's Day celebration and I didn't have to make
another batch, which is nice, and I just added some white chocolate. I'm doing a
12 9 6. I think I mentioned that earlier I like
to do at least a three inch to four inch difference in in size cake sizes. I like
the way it looks. I don't really like it when you're tall and thin. I like a
wedding cake to have enough space in between them to kind of look more
balanced. To me it doesn't look balanced when it's like a 10 8 6. Having
said that I have done cakes that were 14 10 8 6 and they look
okay, but I prefer a little more of a difference in sizes, which is why I went
with a 9-inch cake so normally I would do a 14 10 6 but this
cake, this wedding cake, is for a smaller amount of people, small wedding and
actually it serves 75 people. So 12 9 6 the 12 and the 9 will serve 75
people. Wedding cake size pieces, they're not giant pieces. This cake, this wedding
actually is even smaller than that, but they wanted to have some extra cake, so
they could take some home. Because a lot of times the bride and groom they don't
get to really enjoy the cake on the day of the wedding, because they're so busy
running around greeting everybody and making sure everybody's happy, and I
noticed that about the bride and groom they don't really truly get to relax. So
that way they can take the cake home and enjoy it later.
Okay I'm gonna stop there.
A couple more raspberries left.
Another reason why I like to really feel it good is because the layers of
themselves are thinnish, they're not super thick cake layers so, this is adds
height to the cake.
And if needed I will put a third layer on here. These 9-inch cakes are a bit
thinner than I normally would want.
This is a really good one, this is a moist...super moist.
This is ideally how I like all my cakes to look, kind of a pale yellow not orange.
Cakes are filled and covered up and put back in the fridge for tomorrow.
Thanks for watching part two I hope you enjoyed it and I'm linking to part three and
part 4 which is finishing the cake and its really a good video it's about the
caramel the drip caramel. And it's um it shows you the recipe and how to put the
drip on the cake. Alright so I hope you enjoy my videos
and leave me a comment below and don't forget to subscribe see you soon.
L'Isola dei famosi 2018, concorrente lascia il reality show: l'annuncio choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
LEY DE BIOENERGIA 5TA B.A. PARA ATRAER LO QUE DESEAS NECESITAS..., RESULTADOS, VOLUMEN 5 - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
Ersay Üner - İki Aşık Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
The Reason Why D.Va is Annoying - Duration: 15:14.D.Va keeps on focusing me so it's so frustrating
I can't make any plays on my own
Ahhh I died because I was talking;;
D.Va keeps on focusing me so it's so frustrating
I can't make any plays on my own
I shot it!
I shot it, so why didn't it break?
Ah please..
I think my head is lacking
Shouldn't have died..
Look, I shoot but it doesn't hit
If you're gonna bubble me when I high noon
you should bubble me when I use it. If we're both there
do you think we can hide with your huge body?!
Terra da Padroeira | Cantinho do Cata-Vento: Villa Bagagge/Bruno Scandalli - 28 de janeiro de 2018 - Duration: 34:45.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien-------------------------------------------
OTOBUS KAÇIRMA!! Fİ.T. DU.A.T.O. KULLANDIM BABAM ÇOK FEZANAA KIZACAK!! VOL 1 (otobüs tayo'!!!) :D HD - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
OnePlus 5T - The Dog Test - Duration: 0:41.This man is a moron.
He's going to be testing the video stabilisation of two smartphones:
the Samsung Galaxy S8 and the shiny new OnePlus 5T
Good luck friend. It's dinner time.
That's one hungry pooch
This test can also be done with mutton or turkey.
And there you have it, a victory for the new OnePlus 5T.
The new OnePlus 5T.
The smarter choice, however you test it.
Pres. Moon orders safety checks on all public facilities after Miryang tragedy - Duration: 2:32.Turning our focus to a meeting held between the president and his top aides.
The liberal leader called for the formation of a special task force on fire safety measures.
Hwang Hojun starts us off from Cheongwadae.
President Moon Jae-in called for an overall safety check on fire-prone public facilities
as well as new safety measures to put an end to fire-related accidents.
"The pervasive feeling that we aren't safe, the tendency to go for stopgap measures.
This is another way of saying that safety is not a priority and that it's a waste of
These are just the kind of deep-rooted evils we have to eradicate."
That was the President speaking during Monday's meeting with his top aides, just a couple
days after he visited the site of the hospital fire in Miryang last weekend,... which, as
of Monday morning, had resulted in 39 deaths.
The fire in Miryang came just over a month after another fire in a commercial building
that killed nearly 30 people in the city of Jecheon.
Since then, the Moon administration has been blamed by some for the deep flaws revealed
in the nation's safety.
The fires have been seen as a setback for President Moon's pledge to make the country
safer,... with the PyeongChang Winter Olympics coming up in a matter of days.
President Moon said the fundamental cause of catastrophes like these lies in the past,
a jab at the past two conservative administrations which were focused more on external growth.
But amid the finger-pointing, President Moon stressed that no one is blameless and asked
all parties to put their full efforts into righting this wrong.
"We can ask whether this was caused by local governments failing to properly manage safety
or by the National Assembly falling behind in safety-related legislation.
But ultimately, the people's lives and safety are the responsibility of the central government.
And with that in mind, I urge you take action."
The South Korean President called for the creation of a special task force within the
Blue House that will deal with fire safety measures.
He also insisted that the government come up with new methods that will find every last
problem with buildings across the country and let the public know about them.
Even if it takes time, he said, they can't continue with business as usual.
Several safety measures were suggested by the President, such as mandatory fire drills
and installing an emergency button at larger facilities that will alert the authorities.
When it comes to applying new safety rules to existing buildings, he asked his top aides
to find a way that won't put too much financial pressure on building owners.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
WHERE'S THE R.O.M WITNESS? - Duration: 8:21.Heading to Jo Malone London's event right now.
I'm very early.
Second one actually.
We're at Jo Malone's Christmas event and..
I have Khai here giving me a hand massage.
Khai said we're gonna go with a handwash first.
Then topping it up with hand lotion, ending everything up with this cologne
I'm making it bubbley.
I know right?
This IS foamy.
Jen and I came earliest today
Sorry, I'm still impressed.
Khai's hands tho.
Cecilia here is getting Ming very excited.
Next level man.
So I'll do it for you?
Wanna try?
It's like he's never smelled cologne, or any scent before?
Do you have a nose? LOL.
Guys I'm feeling it guys.
This is a new experience for me.
I'm very grateful for all of you.
My name is Mei Ling.
I'm from Jo Malone London.
I think I've said hello to everybody?
Thank you for joining us.
So excited.
Ming Yue doesn't ever do massages.
You can actually customize your boxes..
..that i have here?
With these, but I'm not sure (which to pick)
The blue one looks so nice tho?
I didn't plan to vlog today.
But I was supposed to have dinner with..
My friends from high school and my cousin Emily, who also went to the same high school.
I was waiting right there alone.
Sitting opposite this other girl (at another table)
And i made an IG story about it saying that..
Im actually hogging up a whole space alone, but I don't feel so bad because..
..this OTHER girl was also waiting for her friends while hogging another whole spot.
Turned out, my cousin is actually..
is actually throwing herself a bridal shower?
A bridal party?
I don't know what it is.
Cuz i was sick i was gonna dress for the occasion of being sick.
I was supposed to be dressed in like house attire.
But you know?
I still don't know what's going on.
I think it's her event?
I actually looked back and thought "Wow there's gonna be a celebration right here."
Does everybody know?
Who else knew before coming?
Only one person.
Oh sexy.
Pose, pose, pose.
You have to read the meaning of the flower.
We have to read the meaning of this flower.
Everyone's card is different.
So you guys can open it.
What's the difference?
It's #effingforreal!
Oh my god!
Why would you give a dead flower for your wedding?
Please read the meaning.
Oh I'm so sorry.
..of why cotton?
Being given cotten,
is a connotation that you will be blessed..
..for more than you are expecting.
Your dreams will be exceeded
..or you will excel.
Okay Nat.
So deep.
So deep right? I found it from the internet.
So do we tailor our own clothes?
Let Naailah suggest a tailor for you guys when she arrives.
Ask her to faster, faster.
OHMYGAD Sze Ye Sze Ye!
Faster faster.
Go infront first.
Sze Ye is late.
Everybody is gancheong.
Sze Ye asked if she's witness.
Ginny : What you mean? I took your IC that time!
Because I went to Korea I took out my IC.
Ginny : Oh my god..
Driving license?
Yeap both I took both out.
Passport? You got passport?
Can change witness right on the spot?
Ginny : Don't know?
Are you serious?
Ginny : Can change anot one?
Eh you got bring photostat copy?
Why you chop your own head?
Nah video ah.
All dressed like angels but this is a Chinese temple.
Can go in, can go in already.
Oh my god - you're getting married!
Eh why you don't look at camera.
How i know you snapping.
Anybody caught my new shoes?
Do you take Ms Yap Sheen Leng as your lawful wife?
I do.
Ms Yap Sheen Leng.
Do you take Mr Lai Kuan Yew as your lawful husband?
I do.
This marriage cannot be dissolved during the lifetime
except by the valid judgment of the court
Eh, clap hand la.
Right or left hand one ah?
Slow mo ah.
You got half his car already now.
Well done.
Think we're going to take photos but I don't know where we're heading.
Hi Keegan (the bobble head)
Piau here just had his brother's wedding last night,
Great effort for making it today.
Visitors are taking photos with them
We're at part 2 of the ROM.
Here's my marinara.
My marinara that everybody thought had squid in it.
Here's Aaron dealing with Sophie
Anyone who was cynical about me and Ginny we finally made it.
Yesterday was our 8th anniversary.
It's today (LOL)
When I met her Ju Piau was very fat.
Look at him now,
Anyway thanks for coming, especially Sharon and Aaron.
Next year when we plan the wedding, please come again.
Experts warn that kids who watch TV see more ads for junk food, - Duration: 4:15.Experts warn that kids who watch TV see more ads for junk food, consuming on average 500
more snacks per year than kids who don�t
Indeed, advertisements influence the mind.
Experts discovered that children and teens who watched over three hours of TV commercials
a day consumed more unhealthy foods compared to those who only saw only a few TV ads.
The research team based the study on a YouGov survey, which involved more than 3,000 participants
who were 11 to 19 years old.
The survey asked the participants questions regarding their TV viewing habits and diet.
The findings of the study revealed that teenagers who saw more TV commercials consumed more
than 500 snacks per year compared to those who saw very little TV commercials.
Each week, they ate ten snack items on average, such as chips, biscuits, or soft drinks.
Meanwhile, there was no link between screen time and the chances of eating more junk food
when they watched TV without commercials.
�This is the strongest evidence yet that junk food adverts could increase how much
teens choose to eat,� Dr. Jyotsna Vohra, one of the researchers, said.
Vohra also said that their research suggests a strong link between advertisements and eating
Junk food is one of the contributing factors that cause childhood obesity.
�Our report suggests that reducing junk food TV marketing could help to halt the obesity
crisis,� Dr. Vohra added.
In a different study by the Obesity Health Alliance (OHA), it was revealed that more
than half of food and drink ads shown in popular family TV shows were for products rich in
fat, sugar, and salt � all of which would be banned from TV channels for children.
In the U.K., advertising high-calorie food is prohibited in TV shows for children.
However, health campaigners argue that it does not apply to mainstream shows like live
football matches, which a lot of teens watch.
In fact, it was revealed that children, as young as four, are watching around 12 advertisements
for junk food within an hour during family TV shows.
The OHA, which commissioned the study, said that children were still being exposed to
ads for unhealthy foods because they watch shows aimed at adults, wherein the restrictions
do not apply.
(Related: UK begins serious debate to ban TV advertising of junk foods to children.)
�We know brand recognition influences children�s behaviours from as young as 18 months, which
is why the government saw it fit to ban junk food advertising during children�s shows
back in 2010,� Mary Fewtrell, nutrition lead at the Royal College of Paediatrics and
Child Health, said.
On the other hand, Caroline Cerny, the OHA�s lead, said: �The rules to protect children
from junk food advertising in the UK are 10 years old.
They weren�t strong enough then and they are definitely not fit for purpose now, as
they only cover 27 percent of children�s viewing time.�
Childhood obesity, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is one of the most
serious public health problems in the 21st century.
Since 1975, obesity in general has almost tripled � more than 340 million children
and adolescents aged five to 19 were overweight or obese in 2016, while over 1.9 billion adults
were overweight or obese.
Obesity in childhood puts children and youth at risk for becoming obese as adults.
Moreover, it is also linked to a lot of diseases such as diabetes, heart health problems, and
some types of cancer.
N. Korea will be wiped off world map should it use nuclear weapons on S. Korea, U.S.... - Duration: 2:04.At an international security forum, the nation's Defense chief used some strong words to warn
Pyongyang against using nukes to attack Seoul or Washington.
According to our Oh Jung-hee, he also reassured, in dealing with the regime's threat, South
Korea's non-proliferation stance remains unchanged.
North Korea will be wiped off the world map should it use nuclear weapons on South Korea
or the United States.
That's what South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo confidently stated on Monday
at a security forum in Singapore.
When asked whether Pyongyang has a coercive purpose to its nuclear weapons program,...
Minister Song said... the North attacking South Korea or the U.S. won't happen for real...
and that the nuclear development program is just a part of the Kim Jong-un regime's propaganda
He stressed that it's (quote)"anachronistic" to say Pyongyang will use its nuclear weapons,...
but added... if it does, then the regime will be erased
off the world map.
And to deal with this threat,...
Minister Song gave assurances... that South Korea won't be deploying tactical
nuclear weapons... but developing stronger conventional weapons... to keep peace, not
go to war.
The remarks came during a question-and-answer session after Minister Song's keynote speech
at the 2018 Fullerton Forum... the very first as Seoul's defense chief.
During his address,... he stressed the most urgent and grave security threat in the Asia-Pacific
region is Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development... and said South Korea will not,
under any circumstances, accept North Korea as a nuclear state.
He emphasized that Seoul will work towards a complete denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula,... through peaceful measures like dialogue and negotiation, saying sanctions
and pressure will only be used as means of achieving this.
Mentioning that North Korea could have been secretly trading with other nations using
foreign vessels, Minister Song urged all nations in the region to abide by UN sanctions and
up the pressure on the regime.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Answerman Answers: Am I Ready to Buy a Home? - Duration: 2:16.How do you know if you're ready to purchase a home? That's a great question,
and it deserves a great answer! #1. If you are renting, rent is so high
that it's cheaper to own. If you can afford rent, you can afford to own. Homes
are appreciating at an amazing rate. The easiest way to make an extra $25K
per year is to own a home. For every month you pay rent, you
lose an estimated $2K worth of appreciation - plus, you give up
your home interest tax deduction. Next, check your credit score. Lenders can work
with you if your score is around 650 or above. The higher your credit score, the
lower your interest rate; so, if it's low, work on raising it! It's often not hard
to do, and it may not take that long. #3. if you're getting a tax refund, a bonus, or a
raise (and some people are getting all three), put that money to work for you!
Rather than spending it like it's a birthday gift, investing in a home is one
of the best ways to securely multiply your money. If you've been able to save
at least a little money, you're probably ready to purchase a home. The amount
you've saved isn't always as important as the discipline that it demonstrates.
Lenders love to see good habits, and you will need some funds to cover closing
costs and inspections. It's even better if you save enough for a down payment.
If you can put down 20%, you can avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). Finally, if you plan
to stay in the area, buy a home. Do not wait! Remember that the appreciating home
prices we see every month works against you if you don't own. Now is a great time
to purchase a home because interest rates are still very low, but they're starting to
climb! As rates go up, less people can afford to buy. That means more people
rent, and rent goes up. So, don't wait! If you have questions about buying a home,
please give me a call 365.394.1823.
Thank you!
Velyn Steward, Real Estate Answerman
Korean online retailer plans to accept payment in cryptocurrencies - Duration: 2:43.A major local online shopping mall and one of South Korea's biggest currency exchange
are joining forces to develop a system that would allow purchases using crypto-currency.
Although not an entirely new concept..., it is still foreign to many in the nation.
Lee Jeong-yeon provides a closer look.
A major project is underway in South Korea for virtual currency.
One of the country's biggest online shopping malls, Wemakeprice, and the largest local
crypto exchange, Bithumb, are working on a system that'll see virtual currencies used
on a large scale... for their original purpose -- namely, buying things.
Currently, Bithumb and Wemakeprice are waiting on government regulations on virtual currency
to be finalized before launching the service.
If this were to become possible, it would mean that 12 types of virtual currency, including
Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum, could be used to make purchases online.
It's not the first time in Korea that a vendor has accepted virtual currency, but it is the
first time that a major online retailer has done so.
Crypto prices are notorious for their volatility, so transactions will reflect the coins' value
in real time.
But not everyone's convinced.
"I think for now the prices of cryptocurrency fluctuate too much, so I would think twice
before using it as money.
But it would be convenient if I could."
"Virtual currency isn't yet backed by by the government, so I think there's a risk.
I'm not sure, but I feel like it's too soon to be used as currency."
In the United States, Bitcoin is already accepted by major online platforms such as Overstock,
Expedia, and Microsoft.
Japanese electronics store BicCamera has also started accepting it at their brick-and-mortar
So there's evidence that cryptos are gaining a foothold, but experts see significant downsides.
"The current crop doesn't really have a central authority trying to stabilize the prices,
so I think they're working against themselves in trying to make this a currency.
The value is just too volatile."
Still, the expert says it might be worth a try.
"It will be an interesting experiment.
I think a lot of people will look at this as perhaps trying to figure out what the future
path of the cryptocurrency will be, whether it will be able to fulfill its original intention
as a currency or whether it will just be a niche asset like gold."
He also speculates that it could be years before the value of cryptos is stable enough
for it to become a mainstream form of currency.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
Why Minoxidil Doesn't Cause Hair Loss, but Additional Treatment is Needed for Aggressive Hair Loss - Duration: 10:27.Thank you for your question.
You submitted your question without a photo. And you're describing in your question that
you've been on minoxidil for about 4 weeks and that it has been your observation that
your hair loss is actually getting worse to the point that you are counting over a hundred
hairs per day. And it seems that you're asking whether or not this is caused by the
minoxidil. Well, I can certainly share with you how I discuss the use of minoxidil in
my practice for patients who like yourself are dealing with hair loss.
A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial
plastic and reconstructive surgeon. I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island
for over 20 years. I am also the founder of TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration Centers, a
system we developed which was derived from the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and
Acellular matrix during hair transplant as an additional tool in the treatment armamentarium
for men and women with genetic pattern hair loss. And we treat patients from all around
the world and we've been doing this since 2011.
So I spend a lot of time putting the treatment strategies into context for people who are
suffering from male pattern hair loss. And it's important to understand that the use
of minoxidil may have a certain value based on its pharmaceutical effect but its relative
success for patients does vary. And it's also important to recognize that the drug
which was originally a drug for hypertension, for high blood pressure, had this side-effect
of hair growth. However, there is variable expression of male pattern hair loss. So you
can understand that there are people who start losing hair early and they lose hair very
fast. There are people who start losing hair closer to their late 30s and lose hair very
slowly and there is a wide variation in between. So it is common that patients will do something
called a correlation-causation error which means that they will use a drug like minoxidil
and because their hair loss is still progressing, they feel that the drug caused the hair loss.
It's kind of a temporal thing but not necessarily a cause and effect.
It's also important to understand that minoxidil is not the only treatment for hair loss. And
that if you are progressing, you may want to also look at other strategies and this
is the discussion that I'll have with my patients. Essentially, just to go over the
concept of Hair Regeneration, when we were doing hair transplants and we wanted to help
our patients for a better wound healing in the donor area as well as better graft survival,
the material that we used, Acellular matrix and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) appeared to
also stimulate hair growth and so thinning hairs became thicker that were not transplanted.
And from that, we derived a system to help patients maximize hair growth.
And what we do is essentially an injection treatment and then we watch our patients.
And routinely, we'll also do a booster injection around 15-18 months or 15-24 months depending
on a profile that I developed from all these years of experience in treating so many patients
from around the world. And basically the profile that I am referring to is based on the gender,
the age of the patient, the age of onset of hair loss, the rate of progression of hair
loss, the degree of progression as well as other variables which is the use of different
drugs, the certain hormonal issues and other medical conditions.
That being said, it is not unusual for me to hear the story that someone tried minoxidil,
they got frustrated with it and then they abandoned it or they tried minoxidil and they
thought that it made their hair loss worse.
So when I see a patient and they learn about Hair Regeneration and they want to come for
a treatment, I also discuss with them other options that includes transplant, that also
includes for men the use of a DHT blocker like finasteride. It's very important to
understand that regardless of the strategy where no one is curing hair loss, what we
are doing is we're working with your genetics to maximize the longevity and coverage of
your scalp.
So a lot of my patients who are describing a scenario like yours where they're losing
a lot of hair, if it's a male pattern hair loss patient, then I'll say to them well
even with Hair Regeneration where we can really, independent of other drugs, make a big impact,
I have attributed a certain level of DHT sensitivity based on a person's profile. So for a lot
of our patients, I still have a discussion about DHT and I'll put them also on a drug
like finasteride.
Now of course, there's a lot of fear about finasteride and the medical community still
has a general consensus that the drug is effective and is relatively safe enough to continue
prescribing it with consistency. That being said, the key to hair loss is not just DHT.
We've had many patients who were on finasteride and they would still progress but I feel that
the DHT blocker did have a value in sustaining the hair follicle longer than otherwise would
have been without the pharmaceutical intervention. In those patients, I'll do a Hair Regeneration
treatment and their hairs will get thicker. So DHT blocking will prolong the lifespan
of the hair. The stimulation of Hair Regeneration results in better coverage. So ultimately,
there's kind of a synergy opportunity there.
Now if someone has been on minoxidil for an extended period of time then I usually let
them stay on it because that's a strategy to control a variable. However, minoxidil
has a certain pharmaceutical effect that is dependent on the drug being continuously applied
and the relative responsiveness. And I would argue that it is really dependent on relative
DHT sensitivity and the rate of progression. So if someone has, let's say, someone in
their late 30s or really 40s is starting to lose hair to the point that they're noticing
something, that somebody who has a later onset probably has a slower progression, someone
like that generally seems to do well with minoxidil. In contrast, a younger person with
an early onset and rapid rate of progression generally doesn't seem to find value in the
use of minoxidil.
So I would say that it is important for you to explore all the options you have to help
you with your hair loss that includes the drug called finasteride, the technology of
PRP and Acellular matrix which we call in our practice TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration
as well as of course, what everyone knows about hair transplant and see what strategy
makes the most sense for you. And as far as the minoxidil is concerned, it is again, without
the benefit of more information and detail, I can't say if the minoxidil is not going
to have any value in your long-term treatment strategy but I think you have to look at other
options in order to get the most optimal strategic benefit for your hair loss situation.
So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.
Saint Joseph Health System - "Hernia" - Duration: 0:31.
I kept putting off my hernia surgery.
I didn't want to miss out on all those special moments with my family.
But with robotic surgery at Saint Joe, recovery was just days, not weeks like I thought.
And I'm grateful, to finally be back doing the things I love.
Don't miss another moment, schedule your hernia assessment today.
DIY How To Make Gorgeous Elsa Slime | Most Satisfying Slime 2018 - Duration: 3:25.
FOX & Friends 01/29/18 6AM | January 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:19.-------------------------------------------
Cheeky Meghan Markle & Prince Harry will receive not one, but TWO new titles on their wedding day😇 - Duration: 10:09.
9 TIPS and TRICKS in FORNITE Battle Royal! GAMEPLAY! - Duration: 7:31.the gaming world is always crying out for something new exciting and amazing
but players want something that mimics games that they know and like already
but also starts to branch off from what they know to do something interesting
and different one of the games that has managed to give players what they want
extremely successfully is fortnight available on all platforms from daily
and in today's video we're gonna find out 10 facts about this game number 10
change your settings so many players are just too damn excited when they first
boot up the game that they just go straight into playing and find that the
controls are very jarring to say the least and don't really suit their method
of gameplay one of the best things you can do to give yourself the best chance
is the head of the game setting scream before you begin to play here you can
change your controller sensitivity or Mouse sensitivity if you're on the
computer you can invert your view toggle sprint or even turn vibration off these
settings may seem like a small thing but in the long run they add up to creating
an extremely more playable experience and a more customized one for each and
every player you can change this when you wait for the battle bus to take off
number 9 practice shooting another pretty simple tip that can help you just
that little extra bit before dropping onto the map you are sent to a sort of
pre-deployment area a loading area if you will here you can locate weapons and
you might even want to use them to actually practice your shooting skills
this is a great aspect of the game especially if you are just starting out
but also if you have just sat down to play the game and you want to get a good
feel of it you can pick up your favorite weapon fire a few shots and see if it
feels right for you number eight get to the high
you need to be strategic in the shooting game right here you can't just hop in
and spray a load of bullets to kill all your enemies in one fell swoop it
definitely takes a bit more strategy than that to say the least
so what better way to actually get a leg up on the competition
then take a page out of obi-wan Kenobi's book and get to the high ground the high
ground especially in fortnight is a great vantage point at which to assess
your enemy's movements and plot how exactly you were going and go about
winning the entire game it will be easier to spot enemies up there search
out pick up points that even see bad guys coming number seven watch your
landing just before you start shooting out the place you have to jump from the
battle bus alright and this is really important moment in the game as it can
actually tip your match one way or the other the best thing you could do in
this situation is to aim for the lower terrain on the map basically aim for the
rivers of flat areas of mountains trees or anything else once you start aiming
for low points the glider will open a bit later and you can lend sooner why is
this important well you can land and find crates hiding places and even more
finding crates and things like that before your opponents do makes you have
a leg up on them for the firefight number 6 use the building function
though a building function can seem like a useless accessory in the shoot-'em-up
game really can become your new secret weapon if you use it right just keep
building and this doesn't mean you actually have to build forts 24/7 or
really build anything walls ramps and sort of obstacles that you can actually
create to protect you that's the whole point there are enemies coming at you
from every inch on this map every little nook and cranny on the game you need to
have some sort of protection and shields aren't enough building ramps and things
like that can give you high ground advantages while also protecting you
from the fire number 5 close the doors you weren't born in a
barn please don't leave that goddamn door open yeah
there is a reason other than simple politeness as open doors a symbol to
another player of someone entering that door so picture this you've just found
an amazing hiding space better than any other you've ever seen you quickly race
into the door and run upstairs players outside can see this door has been open
and they will follow you up search you out and most likely kill you if you
value your life close that door behind you this way players will not realize
you have actually gone into the building and you will stay safe that little bit
longer number four bang your volume all the way up don't be sitting playing this
game with the volume all the way down the sound design is funny entertaining
and actually really informative if you push the volume up you will actually be
able to make out enemies footsteps this way you can actually know if there is
someone approaching you before they know you they've even seen you or you can
know when a player's we're creeping up on them it's just a little nice tip that
can actually give you the leg up on your competition just be aware players may
also be listening to your footsteps so tread lightly
number three cover each other one of the best things about modern games is that
they are actually getting more and more and more realistic as they go before you
would be able to just run into a room and do your best to blast everyone in
there you'd probably get pretty far with a strategy - but now games require you
to be a little bit more subtle and intellectual with your movements and
actions this being the case make sure that you work as a team in this game on
the duo's mode and cover each other at every given opportunity one of the best
ways to do this is to keep a distance from your team whilst advancing through
an area this will make enemies believe they have found a player on their own
and that they can easily pick you off which means you can get the jump on
number two the noise of the crates the crates in fortnight are great means of
getting an advantage over the other players when you need it they can
actually give you any number of items that will help you win out a gunfight
but one of these things that can actually be annoying about them is the
sound they admit you will hear a sort of shimmering noise
as you close in on a crate but you need to learn to use this to your advantage
do you're building and running around near a crate s it's noise will mask the
noise of your construction or your footsteps so players will not spot you
as easily as if you were building something away from a crate number one
use traps like in any game of its kind traps to provide you with easy
effortless kills but it depends on exactly where you place them if you
place them in the clearing of an open land you might not get that much success
but you need to think strategically about it hide one in the entrance to a
house or in a doorway have a look next time you are playing at where players
are constantly moving through this will be the ideal place to set up a trap and
get the jump on someone there you have it now you will have a certain advantage
over your competition in this increasingly popular game watch out for
enemies this fortnight moves extremely fast and you can lose your footing on
your enemies pretty easily but if you follow these tips you will have the best
chance out there before you go away and start trying them all while make sure
you leave a comment on the video down below telling if this was informative
give us a subscribe a like comment all that have a nice day guys and goodbye
白蘿蔔糕(電子鍋版)。White radish cake( Electric Rice Cooker) - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
ZERO1 AWARDS 2017: Best Gaming Laptop | - Duration: 3:04.hey guys welcome back to and today we are going to talk about Zero1
award winner for the best gaming laptop of 2017 the PC master-race is
all-inclusive but gaming laptops were always seen as a step down from their
desktop counterparts but from what we have seen in 2017 that clearly does not
hold true also the gaming laptops that we tested this year included humongous
beasts that came with their own carrying cases so that you would not have to
invest in those separately as with any new category of products these are very
expensive right now but rightfully so we are a bit unfortunate since the taxation
makes it even more expensive but for enthusiasts price was only a secondary
consideration and this year's winner epitomizes that very fact and the winner
of the Zero1 Award for this category goes to the Asus GX800 with 2 GTX 1080 GPUs in
SLI there was absolutely no doubt in our minds that the Asus GX800VH was
going to be this year's zero one Award winner the moment had arrived powered by
an Intel Core i7 7 8 to 0 HK processor and 2 GTX 1080 GPUs we saw a fire strike
1.1 score of 24,000 468 and that is the highest we have seen this entire year
when you compare that against the single GD X 1080 then we are looking at nearly
a 40 percent gain in gaming performance the unit comes with a liquid cooling
attachment and two power adapters so for all intents and purposes you can throw
portability out of the window but that's a minor trade-off for the performance
gain that you get at the end of the day you don't get the full potential of the
laptop without connecting the cooling unit so you have portability should you
need it and when the need arises you can call in the big guns the
runner-up is the MSI gt73vr 7RF Titan pro for less than half the price
of the GX 800 VH you get this gaming behemoth from MSI there's the same Intel
Core i7 7 8 to 0 HK but just one GT X 1080 GPU and the display is a treat to
look at since it does have a GTX 1080 that's air cooled you can expect quite a
lot of noise during heavy gaming sessions so it is best to get a headset
with this laptop and finally we have the ACER
Nitro 5 and the Acer 3VD as our best buys for this category when you are
buying a gaming laptop the 80 to 90,000 price bracket is the sweet spot because
that's where you get a gtx 1050 or gtx 1050 TI you are already compromising
when getting a gaming laptop the least you can do is ensure that you can game
on it both the Acer and Asus laptop sport an Intel Core i7 7700 HQ
processor along with an NVIDIA GTX 1050 GPU the GL553vd comes with 8
gigabytes of RAM while the Acer nitro 5 comes with 16 gigabytes of RAM and if
you look at the pricing the difference equals the RAM modules cost so they are
practically the same so what are your thoughts are you game for our winners
comment down below and don't forget to like and share this video thanks for
Splitography Quick Start - Duration: 3:18.When you get your keyboard, you'll have a handful of things
Little screwdriver to take the baseplate off Some little feet you can stick anywhere
They don't come already on the board because the clear plastic plate at the bottom is made
to be easy to drill or cut so you can modify it to fit any tripods you want, and not even
have to use the rubber feet.
A card, if you have any trouble just contact me
Email me To actually use it, plug it in of course
USB cable and you should be ready to type.
Except the starting mode it comes in is not Plover mode, it's a normal keyboard mode.
So I can type normally.
To switch to the keyboard input mode for Plover, hold the left thumb key and the Escape key
and now, in the configuration, choose Keyboard, Save
Now you should be able to use steno It works
The problem with this mode, even though it's the easiest to set up,
if you take a normal keyboard, of course, I can't type normally anymore.
You have to manually toggle in the configuration whether or not I want to be able to type.
And the same applies to this keyboard, I have to manually cancel the Plover keyboard mode
by pressing these two keys in the corner and now I can type normally.
To get around this, you can switch to TxBolt.
To enable that in the keyboard, make sure you've exited the other mode with these two
keys at the same time, then hold both thumb keys instead of just
the left thumb key and press Escape.
Now the keyboard won't have any keyboard input whatsoever.
In the configuration of Plover, choose TxBolt, scan for some ports, see what there is—I
don't know which one's which, I'll try COM4 and see if it works.
If it works, the output should come up here.
It doesn't, so I'll scan for the other port.
And now input comes in.
I enable that.
Now I should be able to both type normally here
and switch to this keyboard without changing any of the settings.
Same with this keyboard by itself.
If I want to type on steno as I was typing just now, it works.
I can toggle it, type normally, then toggle back, type in steno.
You never have to be interrupted by going into this little menu here
[luckily that's the end]
💞5 IKEA Nightstand And End Table Makeover Projects Worth Trying💞 - Duration: 2:51.Do you feel excited every time destiny call you to visit IKEA for whatever reasons?
if so, this video will probably make your day.
This is 5 IKEA nightstand and End table makeover projects worth trying
by unofficial IKEA house of speaker
1. Hallway Storage Solutions: DIY Side Table – By a Lovely Drawer
Spray paint hairpin legs with 2 light coats.
Place the block of wood on one of the bigger sides of the box file,
stand the legs as you would prefer,
and draw around bottom section of legs with a pencil.
Attach three legs, and turn them over to see if they are securely fixed.
Cover the top of the wood off,
apply a thin layer of wood glue and position the box file on top.
Push down and let it dry!
2. IKEA Malm End Table DIY
Measure holes for drawer handles, drill them in,
and place the contact paper on top.
Ask a friend or family member to help out
by holding the paper tautly till you finish sticking it on the entire surface from back to front.
Smoothen bubbles with a plastic card.
3. Penny Topped IKEA Lack Side Table
Use a picture frame mount so the coins don't go right to the edge on all sides – just float away under the mount.
Molding is used for the edges to create an insert for the coins.
Utilize reinforced glass to prevent damage.
The 10mm thickness is ideal for the depth left by the molding.
4. Three Tone Selje
Wipe down pieces before painting for removing dust and dirt and
then mark off the area you don't want to paint using painter's tape.
Prime furniture and let it dry.
Once the cover coat is dry, paint the nightstand and let it sit.
Afterwards just assemble nightstands and remove the tape.
5. Nightstand Remix by Beautifulprotest
Use a palm sander to sand away the black finish before staining.
Sand top surfaces of the tables with 100 grit paper,
and prime with a KILZ oil-based, stain-blocking primer.
Apply 3 coats of white cabinet paint and replace the knobs.
That's it for now
The Greatest Shame-Busting Truth - Duration: 2:59.Just before penning his now-famous advice to the Corinthians about the weapons of our
warfare, Paul confessed, "Indeed, we live as human beings."
This seems like an obvious admission.
But Paul's words here contain perhaps a reality we Christians don't like to concede.
Yes, we live as humans, and so, we all deal with human things from time to time: struggles,
temptations and weaknesses.
Issues to which, on this side of eternity, none of us are completely immune.
While this might seem counterintuitive to how he usually works, the enemy would rather
you not know this.
He'd prefer you to believe that after you're saved, you shouldn't struggle any longer.
As part of his great strategy of shame, the devil uses every slip up or confrontation
by that all-too-familiar weakness to make accusations about who you aren't or what
you don't have.
"You're not a real Christian," "You don't have enough faith," or "You don't
pray enough," he charges.
With these, the enemy tries to silence you—to keep you quiet about your flaws, to influence
you to put on a mask and pretend through pain.
"Don't tell anyone," he urges.
"Nobody will understand; they'll reject you!"
The devil knows the powerful truth that healing often happens through the sharing of weakness.
Accordingly, he uses a strategy of isolation to keep you shackled to the shame of your
Have you ever experienced this?
I have.
One of our first reactions when we've made a mistake or are feeling discouraged or depressed
is to withdraw from people.
We skip church or small group.
We stop calling and texting.
Our answers to the questions of family and friends become short and vague.
While it might feel good for a moment to lock yourself away, it soon only intensifies the
You and I were not designed to be alone.
No, God made us for relationship.
When we withdraw because of feelings of guilt, shame or the belief that "nobody else suffers
like I do," discouragement is only magnified, which in turn, leads us back to the same ole
struggles, and on and on the cycle goes.
If you truly want to begin the process of healing the shame of your struggles, then
don't hide out.
Ignoring is not the road to redeeming.
Find someone you trust to take off your mask around and confess your faults.
In doing so, you'll realize you are not alone in your weaknesses, but you are just
another human being dealing with human things.
You'll have somebody to pray for you and keep you accountable.
Ultimately, though, you'll experience perhaps the greatest shame buster—the reality that
somebody who truly knows you, truly loves you.
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