Gazab Ka Hain Din
Vadaima Koutuk 2018| ভাদাইমার শিরি ফরহাদ |Badaima Natok| Bangla New Comedy Video HD| বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 13:06.Vadaima Koutuk
Vadaimar Shiri Forhad
Sandra Lynn - Somebody Kis...-------------------------------------------
Fique no Estado de FLUXO e seja FELIZ | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso: Crisi in corso o superata? Le donne si schierano contro il cantante - Duration: 10:18.-------------------------------------------
Porque TOMILHO faz bem (com receita fácil e especial) - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Neymar lamenta distância de Bruna Marquezine e diz estar com saudades | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Cecilia e Ignazio non si sposano più | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Culto de Louvor e Adoração - Duration: 49:54.-------------------------------------------
O QUE OS CANADENSES PENSAM SOBRE OS IMIGRANTES - Duration: 22:32.-------------------------------------------
6 combinazioni di alimenti ottime per la salute - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Bryan Behr - Tua Canção Preferida (Autoral) - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
10 Strangest Powerful Toys,That are INCREDIBLE - Duration: 10:39.welcome to TTI today we are counting down top 10 most powerful toys which
might make you wish to be a child once again just to play with them wait a
minute these strange toys are for adults too so watch and enjoy my friends number
1 Pro boat UL 19 every curious person wants a remote-controlled boat but now
wet dreams became true with this pro boat a 30 inches brushless hydroplane
with ultra sleek design but it doesn't have turbine housing or rear spoiler
thanks to six pulls water cooled motor 128 ESC this incredible boat can cruise
up to speed of more than 50 miles per hour
that's enough speed which makes this ship capable of daring against
alligators install a waterproof camera on it and be ready to become a wildlife
photographer by the way it's one of the most sophisticated toys that can take
instant 90-degree turns at full speed that's why indeed this model is
incredible number two dolphin jet
it is dolphin jet and elegantly designed remote-controlled aircraft model
developed by a company pilot RC this aircraft may look like similar to a toy
but this is a sophisticated mini model which requires so much time and
considerable skill to construct it it's 22 kilogram body is made up of
Basla-wood with some additional coating material thanks to its
aerodynamic shape and a multiple servos the air stunts in the sky are now
possible number three blizzard FR
convert your regular chores into fun meet blizzard fr an insane
remote-controlled sophisticated toy now removing ice from the ground isn't much
more comfortable with a lot of fun this mighty belt tracked a mini toy vehicle
manufactured by Kyosho corporation and this user-friendly toy works on 2.4
gigahertz radio frequency it has powerful 370 motors and twin K 817 W so
that you can enjoy dominance over any terrain like sand dirt and snow only an
actual belted vehicle can deliver this type of performance with a high
suspension system this Blizzard clears every challenge in its path including
rocky obstacles steep hill climbs and gravel or sand that would trap a machine
with standard tires without a doubt this is fascinating and most attractive for
most curious people number four bushmaster 8e Ready Steady Go
this is Bushmaster an incredibly designed car made only for extreme
environments designed by thunder tiger its speed is the most fantastic feature
thanks to bushmasters 1/8 electric buggy and the great shock absorbers this crazy
car can run and jump on any uneven terrains
it's body is made up of robust lightweight metal chasis so don't worry
it's sturdy enough and combined with high-capacity hydraulic shock absorbers
and lipo battery I love this car are you ready for race with me definitely I will
win number five Toyota Hilux this is a replica of Toyota Hilux but 1/12 in size
of an original model this Toyota toy is another sophisticated model for off-road
adventures this cute Toyota has incredible suspension for both the front
and rear wheels this toy interacts with our curiosity
because besides it has excellent speed with the crazy suspension and well
protected battery and transmission system but surprisingly it's very
advanced and protecting lithium-ion battery from degradation by utilizing
the sophisticated cooling process the Toyota Hilux weighs just one kilogram
only and powered by 380 brushed motor that's why you can appreciate its charm
and how realistic it is number 6 RC king tiger this is a replica of
Germans heavy tank king tiger but way smaller than that it's 1/16 in size of
the actual tank this awesome toy is made by Tamiya corporation not only this
remote control tank can move forward and backwards and turn with a great sense of
power but the turret can also be rotated and the 88 millimeter gun raised and
lowered interestingly the King Tiger was the most powerful tank that was used in
World War two other versions of this mini tank are available in four channel
radio control system even though this keep tank works on 27.2 volt to NiCad
battery it produces the same sound like a real tank
number seven big rock 6S if you want an RC crew cab truck
with pounds of scalar realism and mean street presence then the Arrma big rock
6S is for you manufactured by company ARRMA loaded with ARRMA 6s BLX
brushless power system the big rock 6s delivers four driving modes all with
compelling muscle truck looks beneath the matte black crew cab body shell is a
stunningly engineered TVP chasis take control of on-the-fly locking diffs that
let you go straight from impressive 60 miles per hour speed to skillful terrain
climbing and rock hopping all from Armas dedicated tactic 2.4 gigahertz radio
transmitter speed sized scaler looks and brooding power makes the arm a big rock
6 s what it is the meanest looking fastest RC crew cab truck you can own
number 8 icon A5 like it's full scale inspiration the e-flite icon a5 park
flyer makes it easy to discover the thrill of amphibious flight the bind and
fly version comes equipped with a powerless brushless motor and the smooth
stable response of a spectrum as3x receiver if you're a relatively new RC
pilot you have the option of activating the receivers built-in save select
technology that limits pitch and Bank angles so you don't accidentally put the
model in an unrecoverable altitude during your first few flights
it will also return the wings to level whenever the sticks are released
number nine E-flight Opterra the opterra is the best flying remote-control
airplane a 2-meter flying wing is the collaborative effort of George Hicks and
Mike McConville two of model Aviation's premier aircrafts designers it's a
lightweight construction long wingspan and efficient aerodynamics give it a
wide range of capabilities that include everything from sports aerobatic to
soaring it even gives you the ability to put yourself in the pilot's seat with
fpv gear while using the gopro cameras to record HD video at the same time this
crazy aircraft comes with the added benefit of a spectrum as3x receiver that
features optional safe select technology the opterra has some vortex generator
for better stability and control a powerful brushless motor some digital
metal geared servos and lightweight carbon fiber with a Z foam material
those things together make it incredibly advanced the plane ever number 10 carbon
cub 15 CC this airplane is my favorite toy because I have this plane this
incredible aircraft can take off from runways like an ordinary Road or it can
take off from water runways the flying process from the ground is an out doll I
am pleased to see the fascinating take off by this cute plane from the water
surface it brings the heritage and versatility of the full-scale airplane
to this lightweight wood model it features a 90 inch wingspan yet it is
practical enough to fly every day surprisingly every single detail like
cockpit doors interior features landing lights and a scale spinner look the same
of actual carbon cub design this 5 kilogram lightweight laser-cut design
toy has shock absorbers LED landing lights so don't worry and
enjoy this toy without any fear thanks for watching which toy did you find most
impressive share this video with your friends and share happiness make me your
friend just by subscribing to this channel I'll catch you in the next
episode peace
DJI QuickShots - FLY AUTONOMOUSLY! + CINEMATIC SHOTS - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
What to Do When He "Loves You", But Won't Commit to You - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
THE SECRET OF LEVITATION! Two ways! - Duration: 4:27.Hello.
Today we will check whether it is possible to create the effect of levitation at home.
For those who do not know.
Levitation is the ability of a person or thing,
overcome the forces of gravity
and move through space through the air.
Consider two ways how to demonstrate the effect of levitation.
The first method is very long and requires a lot of work and patience.
Each of us has seen in films how masters of kung fu soar in the air.
This they have achieved through training and meditation.
Well, let's repeat their path.
So, we need a special form, training and meditation.
Let's get started.
and meditation
and meditation
So we repeat every day, about 50-70 years.
And you will learn levitation.
If this is a very long and difficult journey for you.
There is a very simple way number two.
You need to prepare: hydrogel balls (always transparent),
glass jar, any small toys, capacity and water.
First, we pour the hydrogel into the water and leave it for a day.
During this time, the balls absorb water and increase in size.
A day passed and our hydrogel balls are ready for use.
Now you need to fill them with a glass jar.
We place the toy in the center of the can, we pour water and watch what happens.
It's incredible, but the balls disappeared and the toy began to soar in the center of the can.
The secret is that the transparent hydrogel balls become completely invisible in the water.
Take such an interesting trick on your note if you want to surprise your friends.
It is also an interesting way for decorating an apartment.
That's all for today. Bye.
And if you liked it, then do not forget this video to share with your friends.
LA MIA ITALIA [PIEMONTE EDITION] EPISODIO #4 CERES - Duration: 19:38.-------------------------------------------
Down with the SLED from the THREE PEAKS | ENG Subs | - Duration: 5:32.Hi Pioneers! It's 6:00 a.m.! Now we go to pick up Giulia and some friends...mountain direction!
Here we are! This is lake Antorno, it's located 2 km after lake Misurina...
soon we will get the snowmobile that will take us to the base of the Three Peaks of Lavaredo!
exactly at the mountain hut "Auronzo"
and then we'll go down the mountain with the sleds!!!
Three Peaks of Lavaredo!
Wow! This ascent with the snowmobile was amazing! You have to try it!
Now we are at the Auronzo hut! We eat something...enjoy the view...
...and the we go down with the sleds!
the discent with the sleds was so cool! Now we take that order to go to dine at the "Malga Rin Bianco"!
What an amazing day! Here some info if you want to try this experience...
The snowmobile service costs 25€ RT
once you'll get to the Auronzo hut you can descent by feet, sleds or snowmobile...the sled is defìnitly cooler!
the crowler service costs 5€ RT
If you have enjoy this video...
don't forget to leave a like, comment, share and subscribe!
[ENG SUBS] Pyrotechnical tests #139 - Firecracker Black Widow (TXP859) by Triplex - Duration: 2:32.Welcome Guys on my Fire Academy channel
Today we`re going to judge Black Widow firecrackers
It`s TXP859 distributed by Triplex
This is a flash firecracker
It`s F3 class
We have 20 pcs in one pack
And all pcs have 38 g of NEC
It has CE certificate
This pack has been produced in 2016
And these are all informations
Let`s test it!
We`re testing Black Widow firecrackers
Let`s burn 1st piece
Probably it`s misfire
It`s time to burn a carabine
Let`s do it
We`re going to safer zone
One shot has flown above me and next to camera
We`ll see on a review
These firecrackers cost about 9 PLN
They are recommendable
The price is ok
Nice, elegant bang
Nice flare which informs us it`ll explode for a moment
My note is 8/10
Special thanks for Arka Fajerwerki because they sent me this product to test
You can visit their online shop where you can find many interesting products
That`s all
We`ll see in next movie for 3 days
See ya!
Gazab Ka Hai Din Cover | Jubin Nautiyal | DIL JUUNGLEE | Faysal Miraj(Heartbeat Style) - Duration: 2:49.Gazab Ka Hain Din
BBB18:Jorge acredita que Kaysar será o mais votado pela casa | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
LES 7 PLUS GROS MENSONGES DE L'ÉCONOMIE (Galbraith) - Duration: 13:19.-------------------------------------------
Arance e peperoni proteggono i nostri polmoni - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
GG KE GHAR PG-------------------------------------------
Gazab Ka Hai Din Cover | Jubin Nautiyal | DIL JUUNGLEE | Faysal Miraj(Heartbeat Style) - Duration: 2:49.Gazab Ka Hain Din
Vadaima Koutuk 2018| ভাদাইমার শিরি ফরহাদ |Badaima Natok| Bangla New Comedy Video HD| বাদাইমা কৌতুক - Duration: 13:06.Vadaima Koutuk
Vadaimar Shiri Forhad
10 datos curiosos que seguramente desconocías - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
On Sensitivity, and K-Pop Star Jonghyun's Death - Duration: 14:00.Hi guys
so in this video I'll be talking about what it means to be sensitive
and how so many people have it wrong about being sensitive and often think negatively of it
when sensitivity is very essential to our mental well-being and happiness.
So let's start right away.
Charlie Chaplin, a comedic icon who now of course has passed away
once said, "We think too much and feel too little."
And I agree.
In our society, we are taught either directly or indirectly from so many people and medium
that emotion, what we feel, is something that we should feel ashamed of and
try to hide and not show.
If you do show it, you will often be
discouraged to continue from people who tell you things like "You are being too sensitive. You're being dramatic.
It's no big deal. You should chill," and try to force you into a fake chill
and that unconsciously conditions us to believe that our feeling is of no importance and
it's better off being put aside or
going unacknowledged.
So as a result, we refuse to feel, but nonetheless the feeling is there already
whether you want to admit it or not, and therefore
inevitably what happens is,
you unconsciously form thoughts about your feelings. "This is stupid. I'm being sensitive. I'm overreacting.
it's weird to feel like this."
And that adds more feelings more thoughts and more feelings and more thoughts
continuously and
becomes a vicious cycle.
But we don't have to complicate our feelings.
We have to know that it's okay to feel in the first place. We're all humans, and it's completely normal.
You see, the healthiest way to deal with any sort of emotions especially the negative ones is to just feel it.
Letting the feeling be instead of resisting it or thinking about it, because that only amplifies it.
I think the best way to let your feeling be is to express and show it.
In other words, being honest about how you feel whether people understand you or not.
And one of the biggest reason why people are scared to
share their deepest and genuine feelings is fear of other people's judgment.
"What if they invalidate my feelings?
What if they don't like me anymore? What if they think I'm too emotional, weird or sensitive?
I want to look cool and chill."
We all know it's easy to judge other people circumstances, feelings or whatever it is that's not our own.
It's easy to just see what's going on on the surface level and think what he or she is doing is wrong,
the better way is this, she should do it this way not that way,
but the truth is, at the same time, those judges haven't even figured out about themselves either.
Nobody has.
Even the richest man in the world Bill Gates is still coping with the common task we're all given:
Even with all the wealth he has and
accomplishment he has achieved so far,
he is still trying to figure out how to do better charity, how to better distribute as well and
many more things that I have no idea about unless I'm Bill Gates.
I don't know how many of you know about the suicide of a very famous k-pop star
Jonghyun that happened about a month ago that shocked the world.
And I don't know how many of you read his will (note before death) that he wrote before he killed himself
But I definitely think that, although it's tragic and I wish it didn't happen,
his death and his well pose a lot of meaningful questions for us to
deeply ponder upon to understand better about life and ourselves.
Before we judge him for killing himself,which I noticed from so many comments online and from
Eavesdropping people's gossip about it, we can instead think about
with all that he had, a very handsome look, talent, a lot of money obviously,
fame and popularity,
all of which definitely fit into society standard of success, what made him suffer so much?
Was it the fame or wealth that directly affected his mental suffering?
Does that mean fame or wealth equals suffering?
Buddha said life is dukkha, and that knowing this is the beginning of enlightenment.
Dukkha translated into English is suffering. If you are human your fate is inevitably to suffer.
We suffer when our loved one dies, we suffer when something totally unexpected befalls us,
we suffer when other people betray or say horrible things to us, we suffer when we have physical disease.
There are so many causes of human suffering,
but the simplest and the most exact answer to "Why does one suffer?" would be
"It's because we're human."
I talk about Enlightenment and inner peace in my videos a lot
and I noticed that some people don't get my message correctly and misunderstand that
to obtain peace,
you need to fake peace and fake chill, but you will never enter peace trying to fake it.
As Buddha said,
you have to accept that you are suffering, accept that the circumstances or problems you're facing right now
are making you suffer and giving you some sort of inconvenience.
That's the primary step you need to take: acknowledging,
because only then you can move to the next appropriate step:
figuring out what you can do to solve the problem you're facing,
to get out from the current suffering however big or small.
It's spiritual practice, but it's also scientific.
It's like when you are going to see a doctor,
you first have to come to terms with the fact that you feel
physical pain, where it hurts, how it hurts for the doctor to diagnose properly and give you proper medication.
But when you disregard the pain and choose to put it aside,
that won't stop the pain; that will only make it grow more and more and worsen the symptoms eventually.
Same with your emotions and mental suffering of any sort.
We have to know that
mental suffering is not a disease or an abnormality.
It's what we all go through.
But choosing to disregard and not pay attention to your suffering or emotions, now that becomes a disease.
Jonghyun was at least honest about the fact that he was suffering;
although the solution that he chose, which was going to see that particular psychiatrist,
turned out to have worsened his suffering, because the psychiatrist didn't have any empathy or compassion
for Jonghyun's depression, and only blamed his personality,
that him having depression is because there's something wrong with him.
That psychiatrist has been criticized by the masses, and I think he deserves it,
but aren't we a little too quick to judge him ?
Because, I don't think many of us either would have understood
Jonghyun's sypmtom if he came to talk to us for help.
Then do I understand him? You may ask, And I would say,
fame and money could have triggered suffering in Jonghyun
just like poverty or indifference can trigger suffering as well.
But what exactly was his problem is of less significance
compared to the fact that whatever the problem was that made him suffer, tt was REAL for him.
One of the problems about fame or money or exceptional beauty is that
because they are part of minority, because let's face it the majority of us are not
famous, are not super wealthy are not super beautiful,
so there are less people
who can understand that their unique problems.
But nonetheless,
they are problems, although very underappreciated by the majority of people,
they are very real at least to the sufferer.
They say "A person to think means what to that person then the feminine China which kills the million."
It's not necessarily because we are selfish, but because we all have our own cross to bear,
and whatever that cross takes form on the outside, if it gives suffering to us, then it is a real problem.
It is as real as
having the potential to make someone commit suicide.
I'm not saying we should always expect other people to care about our problems
as much as we should our own.
It's our own problem, that after all WE need to proactively deal with,
and other people have their own things deal with.
I think after we come to terms with our own pain,
we also have to come to terms with the reality that
nobody can understand me as well as I do myself.
Not even your parents, not even your spouse, not even your best friends.
No matter how much they love you. It's very natural.
However, what we can do is to realize and understand
that we all have the same faith as human
and we all suffer, we all go through hard time at some point in our life,
that very basic understanding about life,
so that we could first feel secure about ourselves
and then extend our compassion and understanding and empathy to others.
Our society lacks compassion and empathy, because we care so much about
how we appear on the outside, and care so little about what's going on inside.
So the first step of developing empathy or compassion,
or to put it more accurately,
of going back to our most innate human nature is to be sensitive to our own feelings first.
If you're insensitive to your own emotions and pain, how can you understand that of others?
With compassion, we may not be able to give practical solutions to our loved ones or people who seek for help.
But at least we can listen and understand without judgment.
You can understand,
he or she might feel terrible in such circumstances.
If I were in his shoes, I would have felt the same too.
And that's not small.
That's actually, big because one of what encourage and soothe people the most is
the feeling that I am being understood, even if enough just a little bit.
So to put everything in a nutshell:
Only by being sensitive to your own feelings and having no shame about it
can you truly understand that your circumstances, and what you need to do,
and also feel true compassion for the suffering and pain of others.
Once you can do that, you will realize how so many people are
ashamed and try to deny their own pain when it's obvious that they are in pain.
And that's the consequence of our "fake chill culture" that I hope we all come out from.
There's a quote about writing by Marcel Proust
and this is exactly what I want to do through my contents.
I want to be sensitive not only for my own well-being
but also to help others find themselves and cope with their issues independently and effectively,
not based on false hope and expectation and disregard the most important matters in life.
But Vicky you're not a writer, I hear you say.
And I know what you mean. I haven't written any books.
I'm not well known for my writing, but I would love to call myself a writer
and I think anybody else can be a writer in that regard because
we all have feelings, we all have thoughts that come from the most sacred place in our heart.
But it takes courage, a lot of courage and strength to embrace it, give form to it, and put it out there,
you know, to do the actual work of writing.
I think writing is a talent, and although everybody has it,
if you're not brave enough to fully use it, you will only squander it.
So I invite all of you to be a writer
or an artist that
expresses honesty, your true thoughts and feelings.
If you think you don't have anything to offer to the world or to people,
you can give them your honesty.
Whether people judge you or not is actually not so significant
because that will ultimately bring you peace.
Honesty is the simplest thing to do
and it's what most people find so difficult to do.
So let's be simple, let's be honest and let's be sensitive, for our own good.
So guys I made it to China, and it's been two weeks.
And in my next video
I will share my impression on China so far.
I've been posting some pictures and videos I took in China on my Instagram so
Please follow me on Instagram and I will see you on my next video (very soon).
What to Do When He "Loves You", But Won't Commit to You - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Et tout le monde s'en fout a 1 an - 300 000 MERCIS - - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
LSD hangover? ★ Morning After Meal - Duration: 5:18.Welcome, Party Animals. Welcome to the only YouTube channel...
that will help you get rid of your hangover. My name is Juicy Justes and this is...
Morning after Meal.
Let me know in the comments what drugs you've taken this weekend...
and I will make a Morning after Meal especially for you.
JellyJ let me know he took a lot of LSD last weekend.
So especially for Jelly and all other psychonauts, I'm making...
The Chubby Chilli Peanut Butter Chicken.
These are my cooking rules: Never over 15 minutes to prepare...
never over 15 euros and never over five ingredients.
Perfect if you're lying on the couch with a hangover.
These are the ingredients: 120g chicken fillet, one lime...
two cloves of garlic, one red pepper, and one full spoon of peanut butter.
Take a screenshot, because you don't want to get lost in the supermarket.
Oh Juicy, what are you going to cook for me now?
I'm going to cook a nice and juicy chicken for you and all other Party Animals.
I've got a nice piece of chicken fillet, which is lean meat with lots of protein.
Cut it open a bit. I hope you've seen what I've done.
Take the red pepper. Peppers are spicy. You can taste the lovely fiery flavour.
But peppers are healthy too. Red pepper in particular contains lots of capsaicin.
This was also used as a medicine because the pungent taste clears your nose.
It's also full of vitamin C.
Let's get a bowl. Here I have the peanut butter.
We're going to make a delicious peanut sauce.
Just use the tip of your knife to drop the peanut butter into the bowl.
Taking LSD at a party makes you trip right to the moon.
Now we've got a new tool, which is the spoon.
To turn the peanut butter in the bowl into a sauce, I'm adding some olive oil.
I've also added some lime.
Don't overdo it, or the taste of lime will be too powerful.
Add the pepper and mix it all together.
To make it really tasty I'm going to add the garlic.
But first we have to take off the skin. Just press it with your knife.
Garlic adds a lot of flavour and it's healthy because it contains lots of vitamin B16.
There's nothing like a nice stink, G. Keep it lit on the fire pit.
You can watch tv chefs all day, but I send your hangover on its way.
The chicken. Oh shit, I splattered some oil.
Fortunately I'm wearing sunglasses, so it won't hurt me.
And now the chicken I'm frying is actually sort of lying.
The outside is brown, but it needs to be well done.
That's no problem, because we'll put it into the oven.
Why does everyone love chicken?
Because it's good for your immune system and your digestion.
Now the moment has come to spread the peanut butter over the chicken.
Add some more red peppers for more flavour.
Then we'll close the chicken. Have you ever done that? I sure have.
Put the pieces of chicken on top of each other.
Drop the chicken into a casserole.
I'm going to the oven. I hope you have a good oven too. I really love this one.
The oven is nice and hot. Just like I was at last night's party.
I was waiting in line for ages. When I got in, it was so hot.
Close the oven door.
You can really trip hard on LSD. You can keep going for 10 hours.
You use a lot of energy. This dish will boost your energy level.
Ping, ping, ping.
The chicken is ready.
Wow! It looks great.
It's nice and juicy and bursting with protein.
So what are we going to do? -We're going to nibble it.
It's delicious.
It's a great combination: chicken, peanut butter and pepper.
Great, Juicy.
Oh, are you feeling hot after eating the Chubby Chilli Peanut Butter Chicken?
Then raise your fat thumb and hit that lovely subscribe button.
Nine Unmistakable Signs You're Dating An INTJ - Duration: 5:38.Nine Unmistakable Signs You're Dating An INTJ
INTJs are the rational, strategic planners of the Myers-Briggs world.
They hold high personal standards for both themselves and others.
This analytical type finds themselves drawn to relationships with other intuitive-dominant
types who place a high value on intellectual exploration.
If the person you're dating exhibits most of the following behaviors, chances are you've
got an INTJ on your hands.
So, here are 9 Unmistakable Signs You're Dating An INTJ:
They're taking forever to make a move.
INTJs are not impulsive people.
In fact, it could take them years to properly decide whether or not the two of you make
sense together.
First they have to discern whether or not they are attracted to you.
Then they have to assess your suitability as a partner.
Last but certainly not least (in terms of time allocation), they have to form an action
plan regarding which steps they should take to win you over.
This process doesn't happen overnight.
It takes a long-ass time for an INTJ to make a move but when they do, you can bet your
ass they're serious about it.
You feel a little bit like they're studying you.
INTJs are interested in people, what makes them tick, what pushes their buttons and how
they operate on a rational and emotional level.
In the initial stages of getting to know an INTJ it can feel like they're constantly
analyzing you, most conversations are focused on you and you are constantly hearing the
words "Interesting," or "I see."
It takes a bit for the INTJ to shift the focus onto him or herself, they like to listen first
and reveal their opinions second.
They don't take well to changing plans.
If you've planned a dinner date with an INTJ on Friday, please, for the love of God,
do not call them up Thursday night and say you'd rather go to a party.
INTJs plan out their every move, they have probably been contemplating your date on Friday
since Monday.
Changing the plan at the last minute is offsetting to them, and will almost never go over well.
They understand your motivations better than you do.
We all sugar coat our own core feelings, it's how we stay emotionally stable.
The INTJ however, isn't interested in sugar coating anything.
They analyze people exactly as they are, the good, the bad and the downright terrifying.
They're often able to identify what it is that inspires and drives you on a level that
even you aren't aware of.
It's a little bit creepy at first but it becomes incredibly useful over time.
Just go with it.
They get you and that is usually a good thing.
They react best to direct communication.
INTJs have no patience for passive-aggressive comments or subtle remarks.
If something is amiss in the relationship, they appreciate being told point-blank what
is wrong and what the best course of action would be to fix it.
INTJs want to maintain harmony in a relationship, they simply don't care to achieve it through
They don't argue from their emotions.
To an INTJ, every conflict is a puzzle to be solved.
Though they can get their feathers ruffled just like any other type, their first reaction
is always to break down a given situation, analyze what is or isn't working and strive
to improve upon the existing method of operation.
Sound a little technical?
Because it is.
INTJs use logic to deal with just about every component of their lives, which means they're
going to need a bit of reflection time before they can tell you how they feel about a conflict.
They do, however, experience surprisingly strong emotions.
Once an INTJ has decided that you are the partner for them, they become highly emotionally
invested in the relationship.
Though they aren't always the masters of showing it, INTJs are emotional, even romantic,
at heart.
They show their love by devoting themselves to the relationship and by tirelessly working
to improve it.
Sex is as mental as it is physical.
To the INTJ, arousal is not purely instinctual.
Attraction begins in the mind and the best way to get them in the mood is to mention
a sexual fantasy that gets them thinking hard.
INTJs are creative, kinky lovers who view some parts of sex as a challenge.
They want to constantly improve their game and continually get their partner off in better,
more creative ways.
This type enjoys the mental connection that comes with sexual intimacy just as much as
they enjoy the raw physical component.
When it ends, they need closure.
INTJs are balanced out by Ne dominant types, that is, ENFPs and ENTPs.
The tricky part of this equation is that both types are a little less relationship-oriented
than the serious INTJ.
When a partner leaves the relationship with little warning, the INTJ has a difficult time
moving on until they can fully understand the cause for the upheaval.
Relationships are a puzzle just like everything else and the INTJ wants to solve it before
they can finally put it to rest.
All in all, that's the 9 Unmistakable Signs You're Dating An INTJ.
Really cool information isn't it!
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Fox and Friends Sunday 01/28/18 6AM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:05.-------------------------------------------
Почему люди уходят из сетевого. Сетевой маркетинг Работа - Duration: 12:49.-------------------------------------------
Child cancer fighter has secret brush with royalty as Kate donates her hair - Duration: 10:01.
Eachine E58 Tutorial How To Fly a Drone With Your Phone Using Wifi FPV Connect To The UFO App - Duration: 6:12.hello every body welcome to a new episode of how to DIY Rc and in today's episode
we have the eachine e58 and we're going to show you how to fly Wifi FPV drone
using a phone with an app the UFO app we are going to test all the functions
and see how useful they are but before we can do that you have course have to
install the JV UFO app on your phone or tablet from the Google App Store and
when that's done you have to power on the drone then go to your Wifi and connect up
to the drone
and make sure it's connected then you're ready to go I make and everything should
work then the next step is going back into the app and then the first thing
you have to do is go into settings and then you have to activate the 720p
camera so you got a better recording sorry for the flickering let me go back
and we start by passing play the first icon that you get to see that is camera
and you can make a photo the second one is to start recording when useful tip
stop recording before you disconnect the battery or you will lose all your data
the third icon you have overview from your videos and your photos and
everything works just like let's go back and go into the fourth icon that
is now at 30% those are your speed rates you can switch to 60 and then you can switch to
100 making fly as its fastest and it's really good on a horrible day when
there's a lot of wind the fifth icon is for aerial footage or we have to turn on
our interface and let's go back this is the normal interface that you will have
me a press aerial video then you get
genetics stop that button is not stopped bottom is actually a kill button if your
something goes really south and goes wrong and you will just want to kill the
power to the quad so nothing is going to happen you kill you push the little red
button that says stop exactly a panic button the other options that you are
getting with this aerial footage is the automatic takeoff and automatic landing
and if you're up in the air though automatically hold the altitude and it
starts to drift you can use the trim buttons to the side to counter the drift
to make it stand stable and straight and at that position that you'll like to
have it there's some pretty nice pitches and it's one of the most features that
you're going to be using for aerial footage photo and the standard feature
is going to be used a lot those are the two main features that you will be
using on a daily basis a six button is gravity mode and as you can see now your
phone turns into this direction you can turn the cotton you want to go left you
want to go right you want to go forward you want to go back and probably still
have to manually control the height but it's not something that I recommend for
a beginner because it's pretty difficult to turn your quad this way but we are
not all the same maybe you like it let's turn it off and
then the seven I already showed it remove your interface but if it's off a
long time it also disconnects with the quad I think because your lights started
flashing again so it shows like it's disconnected turn it back on and then
the eight icon opens a whole new bunch of options that you have and the first
one is reversing your camera such as upside down then you have a 3d option as
Even can use with two people at the same time but I don't have a VR display or
glasses so I don't have a clue
the fourth option is Atlas mode so now always the front of the cot is always
the front of the quad I don't really like it I really also don't recommend it
as a beginner but my dad and the old-time guy he really likes it but he
doesn't get it when you turn around facing the court towards you that left
turns right and right turns left just that switching making in your head then
this fifth icon that makes the quad flicker is re-calibration that sometimes
is needed and then the last number six is voice command and Waypoint
Center so you can say like oh I'm going to go left right then then over there
and the quadcopter/drone going to follow that route but we have to then how we really want
to test that in practice it looks very interesting and there was it how to fly
a Wifi FPV mini drone with your phone I hope you liked this video it was
very helpful for you guys and you helped this video do we go even it a thumbs up
if you didn't know then give the thumbs up I hope you subscribe so the next
episode are we going to take out for a real test flight and we have some of
your upgrades coming up I want to say goodbye until next time
Steven & Carolina | Unboxing | HiHo Kids - Duration: 4:23.- Me being awesome, really, that's my life.
(woman laughs)
- [Woman] Wait, can I see your punch, you have pretty...
Oh my god, you do not wanna mess with Steven.
- Hello, I'm Steven.
- And I'm Carolina.
- And today we are doing a unboxing.
(woman laughs)
- What's in the box?
- I don't know.
Maybe fresh Rocky Mountain air.
What do you hope that's in the box?
- I don't know. - Barbie dolls?
Polly pockets? (laughter)
- I love my mom-- - Infinity.
- I do-- - Ice skating.
I do ice skating.
- And I do Taekwondo.
- Sometimes I just lay on the ice for no reason.
- I like to lay on the ice.
Yeah. - Just like a worm.
- [Together] Yes.
- He usually does.
- Just like this, you know.
- A punch, it's called a punch.
(doorbell rings)
- From Rebecca.
It's to Steven and Carolina.
Company Name: High Hill Kids.
I'm glad I have fans from Australia.
- 'Cause we were born there.
- We were born there, yeah, that's my story.
(shakes box)
- It's candy.
- I don't know.
Do you want to open it?
'Cause I've been holding it. - Scissors?
- I know.
- Just tell me when you want some help.
Steven and Carolina.
There's a card and well, what do you know.
Carolina and Steven, I really like these, thank you.
These are super cool.
- I'll do a big smile.
- Hi Steven and Carolina,
I love watching all the Kids Try videos
and when I found out that you lived in Australia,
so I decided to send you both some stuff
that your parents said you like.
My favorite thing is Curly Wurlys.
- [Together] Thank you, Beck
- I really like this.
- [Woman] I know and you haven't even gotten to
what's in the box.
- What's in the mystery?
- Can I undo this?
- Look at all of these things.
Okay, I'm gonna put them out.
So, we got some, I don't know what this is.
- What is it called?
- Violet Crumble.
Smarties, Minties.
Finally, Red Skins.
I like these a lot.
- [Together] Yeah.
- Thank you, mail man.
Or mail woman.
Sweet treats from Switzerland.
Use your muscles, you've been training for this.
I don't know when you've been training,
but you've been training for this.
They're called Kagi.
Something gingerbread, thank you,
I really appreciated it a lot.
- This tea of some sort, I don't know.
- This looks like tea, I'm not sure if it is.
- I think they're on the front.
- Hope you enjoy, don't trash my country too much, please.
Okay, we won't, we enjoy it.
- [Together] Thanks Miranda.
- I appreciate it a lot.
I can't wait to try this on Kids Try.
- Me too.
- Thank you everyone for sending packages.
If you want to send a package, the address is down below.
- [Together] Thanks for watching.
- Don't forget to subscribe.
- [Together] See you later.
(upbeat music)
Fun Ways to Teach Kids Emotional Literacy | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 6:24.Hey, hey my friend! Welcome back to Parenting A-to-Z. I'm Kelly Bourne and in this week's
episode we're diving into emotional literacy. And I know it probably sounds
like a total snoozefest but it's really important and we're
gonna have a little bit of fun with it. We're gonna dive into what it is, why
it's important, and how we can teach our kids to flex those emotional muscles.
Plus I've got a sweet little download for you and some fun activities. So like
I said, you're not falling asleep with "emotional literacy" -- it sounds so lame!
Okay -- so what is emotional literacy? I know, it just makes you want to fall
asleep probably even hearing me say it because it's kind of a
mouthful, isn't it?! And basically all it really means is the ability to
recognize and name emotions, not only in ourselves, but in others. Because that
underpins, that skill is so important. It's the root of all those juicy
characteristics we want to develop in our kids. Things like self
compassion, empathy -- those things are impossible if we don't have the language
to recognize and name emotions that we're seeing and witnessing in others.
Because the thing is -- I found this really interesting -- when I
first heard this, the average person can only name three emotions. Can you
guess what they are? Just off the top of my head I was
able to. Happy, sad and then some version of mad or angry or cheesed off. That's,
for a lot of us, those are our go-to emotions. But the human
experience is so much more varied and so much more vast than that. And especially
when it comes to anger. Because anger is actually a secondary emotion. Anger only
shows up after some other more sensitive emotions have maybe cropped up and
we're using anger as that socially acceptable mask. Things like jealousy,
fear, resentment, regret. Those can all be masked by anger. So that's where
emotional literacy is really important. To
just kind of "beef up" our awareness and not be distracted by -- especially,
especially anger. To peel back the layers and look at what's underneath. But we
can't look at what's underneath if we don't have the language to match. So
that's where we come in. And this is one of those interesting things where, at
least for myself, I was kind of learning this skill as I was trying to teach it
to my kids. Because I was a happy, sad, mad person. That really
was the extent of my emotional vocabulary just because it wasn't a
muscle I was used to flexing. So as I was learning these emotions I was sharing
them with my kids and one really fun way you can do this it's through your phone.
Of course, like I've got my phone in arm's reach -- who doesn't?! But using the
emojis on your phone to go through and ask your kids what each of the faces are
and what they think each of the emojis is feeling. For us this
happened quite organically. I had an update and there
were some new faces and I didn't actually know what they were. I was kind
of confused by them. I was just sitting there with my kids and
we were going through and naming them and guessing what the emojis were
feeling. That's a really fun way to start the process with your kids.
And to help you in naming those emotions I've got a free download called "Feeling
Vocabulary," just moving beyond happy and sad. It's got a ton -- I don't know
how many, over 50 different feeling words -- and I'll leave the link, you can
grab it in the description below. It'll also give you access to my entire
Parenting Resource Library so from here on out you'll have all the cheat sheets
all the worksheets right there in one spot. But make sure to grab your "Feeling
Vocabulary" before you start working on things like emoji emotions with your
kids, so you have some back pocket examples and aren't just scrambling
with the happy, sad, and mad like I was. I found that
really helped. Another really good option, especially with small kids -- don't try
this with older kids, they'll probably think you're totally lame and
they'll just roll their eyes -- is, I call it "grocery store
detectives." I would do this with my kids when they were younger.
Really what it is is recognizing and naming emotions in others and
developing that sensitivity for "why do you think that baby is crying?" And
"what do you think that face means?" And "why do you think that little boy's laying
in the middle of the aisle throwing a fit? Oh wait -- that's you!" But I think you
you get the idea. It's all just about practicing and naming those
emotions. You can even make faces with each other around the table -- of
course, depending on your kids' developmental level and their age -- this
would probably not be appropriate for a 14-year, fifteen-year-old. They
would just totally tune you out. But for your little kids it can be really fun
and really effective just to practice making different faces and guessing what
the emotion is. Another really good one too, you can put the old Google machine
to work and just Google "feeling faces" and about a million different -- there's
probably actually more than a million search results -- of a whole bunch of
little faces showing different emotions that you can go through with your kids
and look at the faces and start to get names for what each of the feelings are.
So your kids can have more of an emotional vocabulary that many of us had
growing up -- the happy, sad, mad. So then that way they can start developing self
compassion. They can better experience empathy. Because they've got the tools
and the underlying skills to do that. So I'll leave you to it guys! I hope this
has inspired you to try out either "emoji emotions" or "feeling faces" or trying
"grocery store detectives" to help boost your kids' emotional literacy. And of
course, if you're looking for more in-depth support, one-on-one resources,
join us over in The Parent 'Hood, our private membership community. We have a
lot of fun over there and you're always welcome. Until then, best of luck with
your emotional literacy -- see it's such a mouthful I can't even say it!
I'll see you in the next video guys!
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Best Rock Love Songs Ever - Rock Love Songs 80s 90s Playlist - Duration: 1:57:00.Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
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