BEMBI 56 - Besonners schöne Mondach; die Politik derzeit bringt aan escht zur Verzweiflung. By B.S. - Duration: 1:34.www.Bembeltown.de
Sandra Lynn - Somebody Kis...-------------------------------------------
Culto de Louvor e Adoração - "Tempo, a Moeda Mais Valiosa do Mundo - Duration: 1:36:15.-------------------------------------------
Mattia Briga e Ludovica Valli avvistati insieme: cosa c'è davvero tra i due?| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, la decisione shock di Paolo Crivellin| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Which One is Better? - Duration: 2:14.What you're probably thinking is:" I know he's gonna say paper"
But the answer may surprise you. Because I'm not gonna say paper.
But before dropping the bomb, let me introduce.
E-reader isn't this much of a thing.
I remember when this thing was released some years ago,
it appeared like we could basically burn all the books,
Fahrenheit 451 style. But it didn't happen. Or if you say that it must happen,
it will happen, it hasn't happened yet. And the reason is a matter of value.
Because we tend to assign higher value to a thing we can physically own than to
a digital one. Even if it isn't very logical. Because the physical books have
the same legibility than digital ones. This was proven by making people read
short texts written on: paper, an iPad LED screen like this one, and an Amazon
Kindle that uses e-ink like this one. Then these people had to answer a
comprehension questionaire, and they noticed that there was no real difference in
comprehension and brain effort between the readings. So by reading from a LED screen,
e-ink or paper your brain takes the same effort. But still they noticed that
most of the people were preferring the paper.
So in terms of what is easier to read,
the answer is: "Whatever you like". But I'm gonna spend a word more for LED
screen. You may already know that long exposure to LED screen is bad for your eyes,
so do prefer paper or e-ink to that, UNLESS
you are senior (60+ age). In that case reading from a tablet (LED screen) may
result to a better understanding. Why? Because old eyes make more effort to
read things with low contrast. LED screen have a higher contrast, so for old eyes
it's easier to read things there.
[...] basically burn all the books, Fahrenheit 451 style.
Detectan en EEUU software malicioso 'jackpot' que genera expulsión de dinero en cajeros automáticos - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Menalo se quitó la marca de tres defensores y sacó derechazo peligroso - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Al menos 30 asesinatos en siete estados de México se reportaron en el último fin de semana de enero - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Hessex Alone The Audio Mixdown #2/12 - Duration: 5:29.i have been thinking why do i feel so empty?
i have been thinking why do i feel so empty?
of flesh and bones i can feel all the memories.
they come to visit when i'm high.
of flesh and bones i can feel all the memories.
they come to visit when i'm high.
step by step i'm not afraid. Yeah yeah!
step by step i'm not afraid. Yeah yeah!
When i realize myself.
i just don't know why.
Why did i become a stranger.
why did i become.
Why did i become a stranger.
Why did i become a stranger.
why did i become.
Father's Message.
I hope I have made
good records.
And that ...
And that can cause
Somesickness for those who watch in the future.
México es el país de América en el que se han registrado más terremotos desde 1990, según la ONU - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Ronda Rousey WWE Debut! (WWE Royal Rumble 2018) - Duration: 1:26.instagram: WWERondaRousey
BREAKING!! WIKILEAKS Just DESTROYED Robert Mueller's Career! ENJOY PRISON! - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
MINECRAFT INŦRØ「TEMPLATE v4」[C4D] [AE] - Duration: 0:27.Ralph Felix SDJM - The Heat (I Wanna Dance With Somebody)
guérir l'asthme, l'asthme et toutes les maladies avec Ail dans le lait juste à la maison - conseils - Duration: 12:18.-------------------------------------------
7 suggerimenti per essere belle senza trucco - Duration: 9:45.-------------------------------------------
SAN DIEGO HUSTLE - Episode 086 - Duration: 7:01.How the hell is this going to help my business? [Sshhh.. b]
What is up crew, here we are at the end of an awesome weekend!
Cool, so here I am on the stage, on the set literally. Everybody's done for the
day got like the epic stuff going on here and I'm just gonna selfie this, and
just sit down and talk about this week for a quick set in this nice chair, it's
comfy. So big week, this week I launched "Hello You!" the course started it and it's
going super well. I'm loving the engagement that people are having within
the group with each other, that's super awesome and then another big thing is I
had this epic event that I came to speak at and because of that I
got things started to do my very first lower price point product, digital
product. I'm creating a forty seven dollar course and I sold it here for the
first time, I have no idea if I made any sells or not. I'll find out because I
just put a link and didn't know if any came through. I put a link and had like a
booth in the back with like a couple boards and stuff like that just
said "Hey if you want to buy go to this link" so I'll check that out and see if I
have any sales so I did that, that was cool. A big highlight of this week is
when I got here to San Diego, I went to meet with my buddy Billie Jean because
we decided to do a skit together to make fun of just to bring humor to
entrepreneurship, and I'll show you the whole video here. Billie Jean if we
don't increase sales in the next 30 days, we're going bankrupt. Calvin don't worry I went to
college and so did they. LD, 13th President of the United States? Millard
Courtney, capital of South Dakota? Pierre
Hector, spell receive. R-E-C-E-I-V-E. I before E except after C. How the hell is
this going to help my business?.
That video was a ton of fun to create. We literally just put it together in like a
couple hours there at the place, it was a ton of fun to do. Just got together for
this team and just came up with the script and shot it as we went, it was kind of fun.
And then the rest of the week was this event, it was fun. This is the second year
I've been here, I spoke here last year and I just spoke here again. And the
thing that was different I think for me this year is I just felt really
comfortable on stage because when I came here it reminded me of last year and I'm
just flashing back of when I spoke last year and how I felt and this year I
honestly didn't even prep for any talk but I just got up on stage and just
spoke from my heart of what I felt like people needed and it just went super
well. That's this week, it's been a good week connecting with so many people and
this week has been like just leaning into what I really feel like I meant
to do. Be around like, I've been being around with awesome people here in San Diego
connecting with other people, impacting people and I just feel like I'm on the
right track so it's been a good start. Again the first couple of weeks here
into the new year, today is January 14th so just two weeks in it's been awesome.
And so now it's time to get back home for a little bit, again it was cool to
see all the other speakers especially in connect with my buddies like Caleb
Maddox and Matt Maddox and it's just time to keep the grind going. This events
actually going for one more day but I'm heading home soon so I can just keep
pushing this stuff out going tomorrow. I'm launching the podcast officially
curious with Calvin Wayman, by the way it was just cool connect with people like
doing cool interviews with this dude. If you're gonna see the podcasts
it's releasing tomorrow, the podcast that we
just recorded you're gonna love it. Here check it out, [Zero to a
million I definitely think his gonna get so much quicker than he thinks he is.]
I'm gonna have to drop a link here in the description so you can watch it. It was just a fun thing.
[Thank you, thank you for that again.] You're welcome, bro. It's been a good week, thank you so much for
watching. And just in closing, as a cool reminder of getting to come back and
speak here at this event I just want to say let this be evidence that whatever
it is that you want to go after you can do it. Because right here, you're just
watching a regular dude go from zero to a million
as it's happening. Thank you so much for watching.
AIR! Thinker, talkative, harmonious, separate, mediator, unorganized, photographic memory AIR! - Duration: 16:45.Hi! I'm Martina. Welcome to Facebook Live! If we've never met before, my
name is Martina Cevero, founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
through oracle cards and astrology. I hope to be a source of support and
encouragement for you wherever you are on your life's journey. If you want to
know more about how this retired Catholic school teacher and former nun
ended up becoming an oracle card reader and astrologer be sure to check out my
Facebook Live posted on Dec. 10, 2017. I assure you, it's
interesting. Make sure you comment in the feed, even after this video has gone live.
I love your participation and read and respond to all your posts. If you like
this video, hit that heart button or that Wow face and give me a share. Thank
you so much! Today our topic is AIR! Thinker, talkative, harmonious, separate,
mediator, unorganized, photographic memory...AIR! Tag someone in the comments, if
you feel they should watch this broadcast and let me know where you're
watching from; and be sure to stick around till the end for a special gift.
Air is one of 4 elements that we talk about in astrology. In her book,
"The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition", Debra Silverman,
my teacher and mentor, blends psychology and spirituality, examining the elements in
depth and offering ways to embrace and make peace with ourselves so that we can
become more powerful and effective human beings. I LOVE studying the elements!
Water, Earth, Air and Fire - are an integral part of our lives. Right from the moment
of conception when we grew in the watery depths of our mother's womb, to when we
took our first breath at birth, to when we started to eat and cry and crawl and
walk and run and talk. The elements are so much a part of our lives. And our
personality. To describe them briefly... The elements are: Fire is energy and it's
represented by the colour red. Water is feelings and represented by the colour blue. Earth is
practicality and represented by the colour green and Air is intellect and represented
by the colour yellow. Last week we talked about Earth; two weeks ago, Water;
three weeks ago, Fire. Today, let's take a closer look at Air. How do you think? Are
you talkative or do you prefer to be quiet? How do you communicate? AIR is the mind.
It's the ability to put words to things. It's the endless curiosity. It's having
an unquenchable desire for books and newspapers and magazines and watching
the news. It's reading and writing. Air people pay close attention to detail.
They can be clever and witty. Other words to describe Air people: comforted by
books, libraries, bookstores; (I love bookstores!); love the mail; love the
internet; love conversation; great listeners; charming; pleasing; photographic
memory; visionaries; motivate and encourage new thoughts and ideas. That's
Air people. The problem with Air people is that they think too much, they don't
feel. The low road of Air... is talking and talking about nothing and anything. Our
words have no meaning we have so many words to distract to build walls to keep
others at a distance to stay detached to keep others from getting too close we
find it difficult to socialize we may use our words to gossip to hurt others
the low road of their we forget where we put things our minds go in many
different directions at the same time we can't finish a book we can be messy and
unorganized we may even have the organizational tools that we need but
can't find them when we need them the low road of air we value peace and
harmony at all costs even at the expense of ourselves and what our heart wants or
needs we need to be aware of the show there we lie by not telling the whole
truth we may take a slice but not very serious interest in the subject or
activity for a short period of time never mastering that pursuit or interest
yet pretending to be the know-it-all on that subject we may stay in unhealthy
relationships because we don't like being alone we may have lots of ideas
but never put them into practice mmm the low road are there for me
is where my mind goes in so many different directions and I could get so
caught up in those thoughts in my head that I can't feel that's when I find it
difficult to speak from my heart I feel more secure when I write my words down
that helps me to keep focused to remember things and it carefully choose
my words you know this is we've watched my past videos I'm also reminded of a
time when my air was very low I was upset with things going on at Woking and
I was talking with someone about another colleague of mine well and when she know
it that person walked into the room and heard some of the things that I said I
was mortified I was so embarrassed here I was gossiping doing the very
things that I hate you know these people do and the stead of going and talking to
the person directly about my concerns here I was talking to them about someone
else and not in a very favorable light I'm so
ashamed the highroad American is the poet it's using our emotions to inform
our thoughts so our words have meaning it's using our words to tell the truth
to inspire to share wisdom to build bridges to heal to bless to pray to
unite people the high voter there is writing love letters it's using our
words spoken and written to connect deeply with others to build harmonious
peaceful relationships the highroad air is knowing when
to talk its gracious and understanding it's wise and inclusive it's the
mediator to diplomat the teacher to sage the elder the wisdom keeper the
ambassador the high-roller there it's being honest and sharing our feelings
with others not to hurt but to Mangin to heal it's saying I'm lonely I felt hurt
angry jealous scared run it's being able to say I'm sorry and ask for forgiveness
the high votive air for me remember the story about the person I was gossiping
about and how that person heard me well I was so ashamed I finally had the
courage to go speak directly to the person and to say that I was sorry and
to ask for forgiveness thankfully that person was gracious and forgave me I was
so grateful I've never forgotten that experience the high road America is
knowing when to stop talking and to listen not just listening to others but
you also listen to my heart to slow down my mind to stop the chatter in my head
to be still and meditate to feel my feelings to be honest with others and
with myself to be my authentic self to be the best that I can be in a loving
healing way to bless others I'm a great cheerleader I use my words to love and
to which I love to encourage and support others you know I am also good at being
with someone who is suffering holding a hand being a presence so that they're
not alone that's often when I don't have the words
so being is so important I always remember the time when my husband we
were just trying to go out together and a friend of his was in the hospital was
very sick and and he was dying and she didn't want to go he was afraid
to go and to be with that person and so I said I'll collect you and so we went
together and she danced I see mom lets the person wasn't feeling well so you
don't want to spend a lot of time but we were there held his hand my friend like
not my husband's hand but I held that person's hand you know introduce myself
chatted a little bit but basically was just there I mean what words do we have
to say where it seems so meaningless at times like that and so often it's just
being there so it's knowing when not to talk when my father passed away and
friends were coming and you're kind of in a in a in a state of shock and you
know grief and you know not and trying to be polite to people and stuff and I
had one thing come up to me who I never from that I never forgot this the
spanking much means that if there's ever anything you need give me a call let me
know so that was so helpful I ended up calling him and asking him to give me a
ride to the airport because I was I needed to fly from Susak Murray back to
where I was living at the time here in Thunder Bay and so I called him I
remembered those words and recently I - I had a friend whose husband passed away
recently and I put off calling I didn't want to call I thought what do I say
there are no words and I waited almost eight hours and I thought I cannot send
an email I need to call so I called and she knew that it was me right away
probably has at that recognition on the phone that she knew it was me
and the words that come our if you made me give me a call you know I'm here for
you I'm so sorry you know those are always the first words but but but you
have to say if there's anything that you need let me know I'm here for you
may our words bless others that's the high rule in there if you'd like to
discover more about the elements in your life I can help by completing Gebbie
Silverman's elemental survey we can discover your relationship to each of
the four elements right now at the present time then we can look at ways to
help you balance those elements we learn to see ourselves and others with eyes
and compassion understanding and love what a wonderful gift if you're
interested please send me a personal message for details you can also send me
an email at MCA arrow at shot seeing or comment in a post below this video I'm
just going to take a moment and see if there's anybody with me right now on the
chat nope that's it tell me what your biggest takeaway is from today's
Facebook like posting it in the comments below I'd love to hear from you and if
you liked this video hit that heart button or that wow place and share it
with someone for our gift today let's take a look at sudeerneer and call it
you and me the good tarot card Jack Colette says we relate to suited air to
the way we think the results of that thinking and where our thoughts could
lead us therefore in this deck the suit averag represents the mind our thoughts
our attitudes and our subconscious we're asked remember that our thoughts you
like powerful seeds what seeds will we plant what thoughts will we rehearse
what perspective do we take for the highest good of all
if we you're intelligent creatures how best
can use our minds to align with the highest good and the best outcome how
can we find value in our suffering as we shift from reacted to victimized to be
responsible can we find freedom through radical exceptions and the right use of
reason and intellect that answer is yes if you are willing to allow the fruit of
their to reveal the deep truths of your mind and so I pulled a card from the
suit of error asking what do we need to know about our thinking for the highest
good and was gifted with king of air which is about intellectual Authority
reason over instinct interact over passion successful negotiation rules
laws the affirmations are truth is everything I think before I act I work
the universal laws with clear intention do I see how the foundations of the past
affect the present and future the King Adair reminds us of discipline the
reason over intellect that we need to think things through and to use our
thoughts responsibly to think before we act just before I go to know when I'm
going live on things but be sure to like my Facebook page so that you can find it
in your newsfeed and make sure that you have indicated that you would like to
receive all notifications you can subscribe also to my site on many chat
I'll post in the link in alley I'm sorry I'll post a link in the description
above this video and I'll also include a link to my website at
www.mataharicourse.com since
if you would like to discover more about the elements in unite and you would like
a personal meeting please send me a message or an email for details by using
the links at the top of the page and I have a favor to ask if there is someone
that you know we can help with today's reading please be sure to share it with
them we never know the difference that we can
make in someone's life by a simple act of kindness thank you so much for
listening remember that you are air be still focus decide to quote Mary Davis
may I quietly words and listen may I call my thoughts and be man soften my
heart and be open man still my soul and received and from dr. Jane W Dyer change
your thoughts change your life may we use our air to bless ourselves and
others talk Jason by
Domenica Live: Loredana Lecciso racconta tutta la verità su Al Bano | STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
Voici comment sauver la vie d'un bébé qui étouffe ! Info à partager ! - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
The Seinfeld - S01Ep01 - Chronicles (Legendado) - Duration: 22:10.-------------------------------------------
Ana Paula vs Mara Primeiro Paredão do BBB 2018 - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Voice Over Training & Life-C...-------------------------------------------
►Los Peores Traidores en los Videojuegos | Saimsboy - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
WARFACE: -Дошираки- VS Элез. Штурм "Черное золото" - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Amazing 2018 Lexus LC 500H Convertible Revealed - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Besonners schöne Mondach; die Politik derzeit bringt aan escht zur Verzweiflung. Created by B.S. - Duration: 1:34.www.Bembeltown.de
BEMBI 56 - Besonners schöne Mondach; die Politik derzeit bringt aan escht zur Verzweiflung. By B.S. - Duration: 1:34.www.Bembeltown.de
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
[T포토] 빅뱅 탑 '완전 무장하고 공익 첫 출근' - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
President Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In White House!! - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
SHPING - SHPING ICO SHOPPING REVOLUTIONIZED !! - Duration: 9:33.What's going on good people, this is Mike again with another video today. I want to bring to you something
I was reading about it's called pink
Pink is a traditional. ICO, but it offers a really good solution
And I've been following this for quite a while now
and they had their presale the pre-sale actually still going and
It looks like they're gonna sell out three days before their presale ends
Which means it has a lot of hype people are loving it, and it's gonna go places
Therefore I'm gonna bring it to you, and I'm gonna share with you
What this tool can really offers it does offer a real solution for a real problem?
It is thinking outside the box in a way therefore. I like it personally, but before I even tell you about being
United States citizens Chinese citizens, you are not allowed to participate in this, ICO
Unfortunately, so what is pink coin pink point is a world first integrated shopper marketing brand protection
project safety and global product database rolled into a single
ecosystem that rewards
consumers for using it and
Contributing to it, so I'm gonna explain what that means?
But the reason I like this is because of that lets the world first now remember when I look at high CEOs
I don't look at I see OHS that bring us a solution that somebody else came up with I look at these icos as a
Brand new idea that just came out
that's gonna offer a lot of solutions so spin coin will become a
decentralized cryptocurrency that fuels the growth and adoption of shipping
platforms amongst shopper brands retailer certification bodies and authorized agent can use
Bing coin so you can use it as a consumer and guess what the brand
Provider can also use it as a way to advertise and I'm gonna explain how that works so if you go into a supermarket
Right like you do your shopping every day you walk into a supermarket you find some brands if you scan the barcode Bing
Gonna, tell you where the product was made. What's in it, and it's gonna
Show you some reviews from other
Pink users that scan the same barcodes for the same product and told you
What their opinion is now every time you write a review on something that you scan the barcode for you get awarded some shipping
tokens and another way to earn tokens is when you scan that barcode the
Brand of the company is a coca-cola right so coca-cola will see that you scan the barcode of one of their products
They will send you a video via the app and if you watch it
You will get awarded some shipping, so what does that?
Do that cuts out the middle person so instead of coca-cola?
Going to Google on YouTube and the television to advertise it just
Advertises to you directly and that way it cuts the cost of advertising and you will get rewarded with their advertising
Money rather than somebody else and that's why I like this idea. It's actually very creative. Okay. There is a small video right here
I want to show you before I continue
Sping is set to change the world of shopping and marketing forever
And we invite you to take part at the beginning of the revolution by simply scanning barcodes with the shipping app
shoppers can receive valuable information that brands and other shipping users have entered into our global product database
Think of it as a search engine for products
Each time shoppers spin a product barcode to the cup information search for product recall information
participate in product promotions write product reviews and
Upload valid details to ship ins global product database they can earn shipping coins
The spin coins can be stored in any AMC 20 compliant digital wallet, but that's just the beginning
That's because SH Bing has created a new way for brands to market directly to consumers
Directly as they shop
brands spend billions on targeted online
Advertising paying media giants to distribute messages to persuade online shoppers to bind
But there's no comparable way for marketers to target shoppers in a retail environment
Where the overwhelming majority of purchasers are still made?
Sping has invented a shopper marketing
Ecosystem that closes this gap through shipping brands can precisely target and tailor their
Communications two classes of consumers when they scan their products based on their profile location and preferences as they are out shopping
What's more through many brands combined past media intermediaries and reward consumers with Bitcoin?
Directly when they want to see and hear their messages before they make a purchase
That's right brands can reward shoppers directly with spin coins to receive
promotional messages that they want to hear from and when they need it most
Ok so this is exactly what I just told you so what happens when you get the sprink coin
You can take it to an exchange you can sell it or trade it
for another cryptocurrency or even for fiat currency, which is really cool, so
Many big companies are gonna jump on board with
Bing and let me tell you why because it really does cost billions and billions of dollars
advertising with Google with TVs with
YouTube all that stuff it's gonna cost a lot of money to put your brand out there
But if you can target the consumer directly imagine how much money you can save now if you scroll down right here you will see
There's strategic partners ico box
You know it costs 300 thousand dollars to list your token on ico box that tells me that this company is legit
They've had the potential to grow they've had the funding necessary to move forward and complete the project and another thing
That's really interesting is that they're still have two days 19 hours 23 minutes to finish their presale
But they're already sold out
99% of their tokens, there's still time if you want to buy
This is their team right here. It's it's a large team various expertise from all over the world good advisers. I looked them up
You will actually find some interesting stuff like chrono bank that I oh if you don't know about Rana Bank
You should check it out. It's pretty cool. So they are very well versed as far as the team goes
It's not a it's not a joke. It's not a small company
Let me tell you a little bit about the specs of this coin now if you buy with the pre sell which is right now
You get a 40% bonus, which is really cool, but the minimum to buy is
$3,000 worth of ring token the total supply is 10 billion and
You will get 40% when you buy, and they're selling it for one penny
so if you pay $3,000 in the presale right now you one penny you will get
300,000 tokens plus the 40%
After the pre-sale the crowd sale starts and you get 20%, but the minimum purchase is
8,000 tokens so you can spend 100 bucks and buy the tokens if you want to
Wait for the crowd sale which is day one and that's gonna start in February
22nd so it's pretty interesting project very cheap to buy
I think we'll go the long way just because it has a real case Hugh's
Behind it people start using it like Steam when its steam first came out
You know every time you post and somebody upload to you will earn steam rewards and everybody thought that idea was
Not a good idea, but look where they are they're growing very big
They're making it and people are getting rewarded just by posting on steamin with Spink you really use it an outside world by shopping
products clothes
Food all that kind of stuff and when the manufacturers see that you are interested in their products
They're gonna direct advertise to you and reward you with shipping token
Meanwhile the shipping token is getting appreciated and value because it's getting used by multiple people. This is absolutely a long-term hold
It's not gonna happen overnight, but it's a product that will actually
offer a solution
Every time you put a review on a product you get awarded some tokens every time you
Scan a product you get awarded some tokens now. They do have their app right now if you want to download it
Whether you have a Google Android or an Apple phone
Download the app you can check it out. Also. I want to share with you that you can actually buy the ICO with US dollar
Australian dollars Bitcoin, etherium, etherium classic light coin - and z cash
So it's a wide variety of payments. This is their road map we already talked about it a little bit so the cross sale
20% goes all the way to 5% bonus and it's gonna end in on March 23rd
2018 so if you guys want to check it out
I'm gonna put a link down below check it out
See if you like it see if that's something you want to enter you're interested in at one penny
I think if it hits the exchange
It's probably an instant to 3x until it gets proven and people start adopting the coin
And then it will grow accordingly from there, but let me remind you. I'm not your financial adviser
I don't tell you what to do you do your own research?
You do what you want to do like always? Thank you guys so much for watching
I appreciate you it does subscribe mine if you're not a subscriber hit that Bell right next to that subscribe button
And until next time stay safe
Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace - Trey Gowdy; Marc 01/28/18 10PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 45:13.-------------------------------------------
Nepal Pokhara to Kathmandu Bus Journey goodbye to the Annapurna Mountain Range & Himalayan mountains - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Managing People Effectively in Your Property Business | This Week In Property Podcast - Duration: 27:41.ALG Property Academy presents This Week In Property. Stay current, relevant and
up-to-date in the world of property investment. Learn from the UK's leading
property professionals and grow your property business. Hello and welcome to
today's episode of This week In Property
I'm your host Richard Swan and in today's show we're going to be tackling
the subject of people. As in: dealing with people, managing staff, outsourcing
connecting, all sorts of subjects round about people because it's something we
have to deal with. And to get stuck into that very important topic oh it's find
out who our guest is today. I had her on the show a couple of weeks ago. The legend
from platinum from ALG. From deepest darkest Englandshire; we've flown her up. The
lovely Jan Alexander good morning Jan good morning you're all good very good
thank you and touch that you have the very elated for the subject don't tell
you with your experience in the corporate world a vast and varied
experience as well they'll say there's one or two people you have to deal with
and have to work with so I think one of the cliches this often brought up as the
business would be a dawdle if it wasn't for staff and customers it's like and
what are the the of people and the people listening endless no youth Ausmus
all different levels of the Germany different paths in the Japanese mob a
complete overseas just listening and and want to get involved with property some
people being along the truth maybe you know thirty forty years as property
investors who knows but they all have to deal with people that might be the
perfect team and they've got the part of the deal worth it because that
accountant the tax advisor the lawyer and so on
it might be staff MEP actually people under them because the belt the a
business option where they are dealing with staff they've got people on the
main office and you know they've gotten deal with the social media stuff for
they've got them doing all the admin for the portfolio
who knows we're taking pieces actual employees of them you know a
be customers from the point of view of investors you know be we seek to get
funds from investors that we can then you know joint venture with that kind of
stuff there's a whole area that we have to deal with people would you see that
it's key that it's one of the key skills they have to have to be successful yes
most certainly you have to become a people person or people but you have to
also feel that you want to meet people you also recognize that everyone is
different mmm that's why I think to have a self
skill of understanding people may be a gain the intuition thing you have to
really create or build your experience of people because also they have all
different kinds of reactions but if you if you structure or understand how
people operate say in a business environment I think you can really crack
how you speak and how you approach people for instance the key element of
success with people is is the relationship side you know you cannot
assume that whatever you need is going to happen in the first meeting right you
have to really think about perhaps having an initial meeting and maybe even
listening to what they want understanding their problems but then
you are the one that's in charge of this of helping them achieve what maybe they
want to achieve through or if you want to achieve as a business person so you
need to say okay that was all great we've made a really big step could we
meet again next week because also you know if you go on too long on the first
meeting it really does have a dive if it has a it has a it has a pattern of
rising and then falling you know you need to also regroup we Bri prepare for
your next meeting and also think of it as not just a casual conversation you
need to achieve what you need to achieve out of it right so there's a structure
there yeah yeah yeah there is you don't have to say what that
structure is you know what it is so for instance if you if you're looking at
your power team you want to maybe think about okay an accountant mm-hmm would
that be a good start definitely yeah let's go yeah so my my
my world is of image you know I need for myself to present myself with first
class approach and it's usually over the top but that's good because people get
an element of surprise because the majority of people don't approach
meetings with any kind of shake hands I'm here for a purpose you know they
they sit down and they they haven't thought it through they haven't got
their list of agenda you know that they want to achieve and discuss that is key
so you are looking for an account and he's also squaring you up yeah so he
doesn't want to take on anyone who's not of the right level yeah so this is an
out of comfort zone approach with an accountant as opposed to say a builder
where you can perhaps have a different kind of approach so you you you rock up
it you know you shake his hands you've got the appointment and you know what
you want to talk about know and you know also that he is a tax a property person
you've already done your digits on you haven't just drawn him up the other
pages or something of course you know who this person is
so you need to impress as much as he he won't want to impress you because
obviously it's his business yeah but this is probably one of the
most difficult relationships because also you've got to make sure it's a
growing one you know if you're gonna need him really for your business and so
therefore you need to maybe have an approach where it might be formal
initially but you need to be creating a relationship a level where you can feel
you can communicate you know if that person doesn't give you that chemistry
back then he might not be the right one you have to consider that that you might
meet somebody and say he might not be for me are you
talking even if he's got the actual skills the technical skills the
accountancy skills it's just not a good fit there's a lot of good energy between
you're not a good relationship to the longer tail is it that kind of thing
well I'm not saying it's a black-and-white situation but he may
have staff of course and you know you need to know that that staff is there
you meet the people you asked to meet the people who are going to do your your
the work for you you need to visit you know you need to get into their business
as well you know so that you understand and get a familiarity I mean it's all
very well isn't it you want you want what you want you want the figures you
want them to do your job for you but you know to get a good job done is it's much
better to approach all of this power chain thing with a person with a
personal a kind of approach that's the right way and you're building on that so
really when you come to call a favor or something that you need quickly they're
gonna say oh okay yes no worries they know yes oh you stood out as one of
their clients of you right I was a good person to be down look you I was at be
first in the queue right but with some that netsensor my father my kids he
always kept that clock fifteen minutes fast really should but you know all
these kind of quirky things they they they make you who you are but really in
general terms from the business part but I've seen people come to meetings and
not prepared mmm that's the main thing so you take the accountant right to the
next party member might be the Builder okay so that's the opposite you still
need to do your work you you you still have this thought that you don't quite
believe what are you saying you have to just out sure because they're gonna sell
themselves don't take it as face value you know if and from that perspective go
and see a number of build no but in each case so that you can make
a comparison it's mics it's like selecting staff you know they won't
present a CV but they will have had pictures maybe all a history yeah would
you have even asked to see something that walks and publishes real
I actually test their comfort zone do you yes I do I say but I'd love to see
where where was your last job it was your favorite job what was the best
thing you did you know sir really reach out because they you don't
have to employ them unless you want to yeah you know so let them work for their
job yes that's a great main set position and alayka only going go yes yeah
because I feel like you know I stand above because I'm paying you money if
you prefer or alternatively if you're providing me with a service then I want
to know what that service is because if you fall down I'm not going to keep on
you so I would have a get out course if the works no good that's it yeah I've
been on some poor I mean I'm not black and white as it is as it goes but I do
believe the standards no so it's no good having you know 12 to out of 12 builders
in a row you're probably only gonna get maybe two that will suit and that's the
same with recruitment you know you get so many CDs you get so many of this and
that and there's not many that fit in though yeah I like the questions you
have given them Israel what was your favorite job who's your base job thy
something that's really going to put them in the bike first at whoa never but
I start before you I'll Ogoni just naturally stand out from the code and I
can I question it on you yeah you're right there's so many people that will
either just pick the boat and go with that yeah Oh there'll be another group
that ball pink back the Builder from just courts are you get here's my job
I'm gonna send it to see well those first course I don't really pick a
cheapest I'm gonna pick another one then there's some about but more clever and I
actually asked you so can i for one of your clients can I see one of your jobs
but yearly you're then even pushing out a whole other label
yeah you know you're talking to them one on one okay so
what's what's the biggest challenge of hood wish your favorite job to unit me
nice good Amy didn't think Nathanial remember you only well I always aim to
be memorable and yeah a builder is they give you a quote right well I want to
break down don't give me one of your vhe kind of hazard pay for fits I want to
know what that float is and please give me the lot yes you're not going to do
that then they're not for me because yeah also we haven't done it that way
yes exactly dizzy I just packed a number in here so you're trying to trip them up
in some senses not really but you know you don't need to know that they are
standard with it but then I'm tackling it from a very fierce approach in a way
because in the corporate world you know you have to be sure who you're getting
well but why not test it out this way yeah you know there's too many people in
the world they're doing things and they don't do a good job
mm-hmm Oh wake up you know so actual staff if I use that to people under ISM
not me no but do these any employees you know maybe to someone where that's built
the property business that they've they've got people working for them if
maybe you know employ some people this do know that I've met none of the office
and home office wherever there's are certain things we need to be late when
we've got actual employees of source of the people as in ways we should handle
them the best thing I think about employees these days is to create a team
a team element of each dynamic we're of the group realizing that they're skilled
at this this and this and bring them all together you know and in a sense
obviously you need them to respect you so you need to maybe give to them the
same as they're giving to you living in some sense is obviously different what
you give to them but it's like creating the team element because that's what
work best people like to be long you know so that's why you think yeah this
yeah so for instance they're in different places that doesn't matter you
know you can combine any one you know in any ways they need
you have two or three one or two but at some point always join them up together
make them feel like they're worth that they're worth something right it is
quite a secret because in a sense of motivation motivation of staff is key to
them retention right totally I also you know
it's even more so if you're building your own company and you're employing
them yourself you don't need them to dedicate to you you know so you need to
create some kind of relationship around them mm-hmm oh my god I actually feel
the ball I'm not just doing a B and C for you the X nu of T yeah that's a new
company's team your company's trade yeah link up and finding the right people so
efficient you spoke about feeling that he Boulder fainted on each staff they
people to work with you and be a part of that team do you have a main set of
philosophy and who you do that do you you know I would we do receive ease
first of all and then I meet them or I try them over a couple of weeks and then
I take them on push your angle the earth when you bring Emily I prefer not to try
pinklao to prepare to do it the same as like you you look at this if it's an
office space like a bookkeeper or someone someone you need to help you for
instance you need them to really approach you properly you don't want to
loose kind of member of staff you need someone who's gonna appear professional
you know who's going to really show you that they're good so that starts with a
CV tell me about what your background is so if I was booking a bookkeeper or an
virtual or something I want to know what their experience is and then I would
want to have a conversation with them in the form of an interview right nothing
that's terrible that so that person's gonna convince me that
they are long for me if they don't do that then it's enough right because
there's so many come so much competition out there now you've got a we get out
and so what you would do then is once you select somebody then you give them a
month say let's let's have a start let's try for a month after that because
then they feel they're on trial they're going to do their best
yeah it's not three months like in the court for sure you're giving them a four
week period which you'll pay them for you know and then you know at the end
whether it's a no and if it's a no it's a no see you're back to square one
because you can't afford to waste time on all of this taking people on board
just in hopefully it's gonna you have to have a structure you have to really
appreciate that you know this people want to work for you if you have these
guidelines around and you have like not rules but this is the way I like to work
this is the best way they have respect for that kind of thing you know and if
they're not up to that then that they're not the right person
right I mean if you're going to take your company to a relatively good level
you need good standard don't start with stand I don't I mean I love to train
people I'd love to make them nurture them and if they show potential and love
that but they have to really show me that that is possible and you I've had
people begged me to to start come on I'll be the best person you've ever had
and and I've smiled and given them a chance because it's quite good to do
that yeah you know but you have to want to do it mm-hmm you know if you if you
don't prove yourself within one month then this is our Green Man today and you
put it in writing so yeah we've all got problems for the
problems to deal with so when it comes to that when we when we have things with
our staff just they haven't dialed or there's been a problem or we just want
to understand exactly where they are because we're not being
maybe not God we feel as after slopping a little and below standard you
mentioned about standards earlier how do you approach that how do you tackle
those situations I think you have to assume an assumption is probably but to
them that they have got a problem that may be personal right now I wouldn't say
that I would just ask lets her go and have a coffee
let's go and chat about this you know just get them on the straight and narrow
again so they're not feeling so emotional it's so worth it to spend time
with them yeah and if they if you're fact if they valuable to you then you
should do this right you know so I found in two recent examples that I've done
this one lady she was she had a very very unfortunate thing happened that
many women young women can happen to but she still came into work but that I
immediately saw something was wrong right you have to spend the time so go
have a chat see how she is she had to go if you if there have to go if they have
no don't mean leave the company cheat she has to go and get herself together
yeah so let them do that you know don't give them that time because they'll give
you so much fat that's what it so as an investment you're doing doesn't say
you're getting up like every summer this they're really gonna show up for you
because of what you've done yes a they are and in some senses it's
quite good to have a staff member open up if they feel they can will want to
wear as opposed to you saying oh go and sort yourself out when you feel better
come back no it can't do that frayed I'm quite caring believe it and I really do
have a bit a lot of people respect myself because if you want them you must
make the effort to keep them mm-hmm it's not a one-way Renee
exactly huh I think that is the way around it now I mean I've counseled a
lot of staff and you have to imagine the value of that in a very long day of
having to do tasks and everything if you're there to help not only on the
career side but they'll come to you as well for other reasons so it's a whole
picture also you go to somebody yes it is and I'm not saying it takes forever
to do this it's only periodically that this happens but it's probably worth
actually timetabling a regular like every month say to have a face-to-face
like a coffee or something how you feeling what do you think proms are but
how would you see any provements get their point of view make them feel
they're giving you their point of view right yes that you are going to listen
to them yes certainly and especially if you action something that maybe they've
suggested you send their feeling involved because time and time again
this been certainly members of staff would say oh I wish it was like this why
doesn't she do that you know so this is your chance to actually take in that
person take them into you know everything that you're doing trust them
openly trust them give them everything that's possible because you are
investing in them as yeah yeah and and if for any reason it doesn't work out I
have not experienced anything that hasn't worked out in some way then
that's the way it is I mean we start staff members now don't stay as long as
forever but all you want is quality yeah you know you want quality commitment you
know those standards are good I just learned that's a flaky caught in
something you know I would definitely take my ladies out for lunch or you know
or whatever something to help them relax in every every so well right and and I
think it's this is the relationship thing well you know and it's worth it
other thing is I do think that when were when we're building around
business we are also building a brand for ourselves and that involves treating
staff well and believe it or not that spreads ah yes of course no such a good
we're looking at the angel brand your reputation yeah you are yes because you
never know you become big you could do anything
word-of-mouth is powerful and it can it can achieve for you but it can ruin you
yes and put doubt in people you know so you need to be thinking about the
relationship side of people oh my god that's excellent
there's our last clip of people want it touch one with you though is that the
belt those their kids and so Leo's the stuff you know you know is a to be thing
yes but mostly they are stamping to you the seventy you you'd needs giving you
service but of course there's people that we self as customers I feel like it
maybe the sailors of homes that we are you know trying to buy and bring it to a
portfolio maybe the people are coming along to a level of service
accommodations that are setting up it could be
investors we actually you know working with people and pulling in their money
and we are double-dating a service to them or maybe building in my portfolio
etc as a different way of working with customers working with people who are
their expectations from us or is it the same thing this seems I called you in
the same relationship I do think I don't nothing's the same right but if I use an
example I've got two houses in Oxford I had a manager who's managing that for me
now that's it's it's my investment but effectively she's my member of staff you
know so that that also is the same because I need to build confidence in
her about my stance my standing point and then vice versa and we are doing
really well and we haven't even met yet yeah we will meet shortly because they
are not going to be automatically ringing you for things that you need or
what whatever it is unless again the relationship has been built and and
it's not about tackling them it's about sometimes sitting back and waiting
because if it's doing things for you they're going to approach you and that's
your chance to make them feel that they're doing well right and thank you
so much I only appreciate this but you know if I
have an idea what do you think you know so gain involving them so it's still
it's still a similar thing yeah okay that I start to ething yeah breaking
reservation people you are you are very much because also in the process again I
think like probably others and it's a people game and people going to speak
and and I want to I'm getting to know all of the people in Oxford I'll be
going up there soon the game and I want people I shake their hand and I want to
talk to them about well how you gonna help my business so yeah word of mouth
from this property manager she needs she will be telling them yeah so it's it's
it's it's all going to go round you know see you need again to present this image
of you know who you are and what you're trying to achieve and I I want to
involve you behind us excellent yeah well no I show you on
your mentioned there one of the focuses you are really going to have a service
accommodation do you view your customers your tenants are certainly you provide
me my service or is that a separation you're going to purposefully separate
yourself from the end customer and you want a manager to deal with that all the
time we just saw something there but yes yes a well at the moment certainly I've
got the management company doing the apartment in Canary Wharf right so there
is probably no need to greet sort for cleaning the in my perspective no for
someone else on you know the letting agent kind of level of course that's
their job they would do that but I want to stay on my business up so I need that
valuable time so I it's worth it to me to pay a percentage to a management
company so that they do that and especially if it's already set up
because management companies do have set standards as well yeah different ones
I'm noticing different standards different companies and it can really
work for you yeah now eventually with my website coming on
board I will be able to take an element of control but the moment I'm not ready
to do that right because I want to scale up mm-hmm but it's possible - to change
your way of operating the company but you need to take a stance as to what is
the value that creates your company it's built yeah that's where I'm at at the
moment Oh fantastic fantastic people so key to
so many areas of our business and also one of the biggest risks and the biggest
headaches the biggest problems is there's well within your worth I loved
all the tough but she gave there that was tremendous a very hopeful for our
listeners really appreciate it thank you yesterday who has been John Alexander
she's flying about she's not flying off she's going to be jetting off for their
some of our finest railways and first classes ever don't you maintaining your
standards yes I'm getting I'm getting a little better stop Donkin know if you
would like to connect with John and get in touch and maybe he'll be along live
in your own Germany go to this weekend proko.com and check out the show notes
for this episode you'll find all of Jan's details there along with any of
the links and resources we've mentioned in the show
two other links a monetary then aog property network calm if you're looking
for high level networking events in your area and also
elg property academy.com and there's tons of free resources on there if
you're starting your property Johnny or you're just looking to scale it from
above then that's the place to go thanks all for today I've been your host
Richardson and we'll see you in the next show
hey LG property Academy presents this week in property
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2018 Goddess Braided Hairstyles - Duration: 6:09.Hello…
Welcome Back to Sheryl TV.
Today our video about: Goddess Braided Hairstyles for Black Women.
Before We begin..
Don't forget to Subscribe and hit the Notification button.
So you won't miss the next great videos from us!
An incredibly versatile style, Goddess braids are like cornrows, but thicker and more pronounced,
and can be done with natural hair or with the help of extensions.
Classy and feminine, once your hair is in these braids you don't have to worry about
your style.
Take care of these braids by wrapping your head with a silk scarf at night and moisturizing
with a braid spray, and you'll be able to keep the style for two weeks or more.
Here's our list of 30+ beautiful African goddess braids styles.
বোতাম বিস্কুট রেসিপি/Button shape Biscuit Recipe/বেকারী স্টাইল চকলেট ও ভ্যানিলা বিস্কুট রেসিপি - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
2 Hairstyles that I recorded, but didn't uploaded since - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Scandalous - A Woman Named Paula 01/28/18 11PM | January 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:01.-------------------------------------------
Kate Wright and Rio Ferdinand can't keep their eyes off each other at Disneyland Paris - Duration: 2:20.Kate Wright and Rio Ferdinand can't keep their eyes off each other as they enjoy rare public appearance together at Disneyland Paris
KATE Wright and Rio Ferdinand put on an incredibly rare loved-up display as they took a trip to Disneyland Paris together. Rio Ferdinand and Kate Wright take a romantic trip to Disneyland Paris [Rex ].
Former TOWIE star Kate Wright and her footballer boyfriend Rio Ferdinand couldn't keep their eyes off each other as they walked hand-in-hand during a romantic trip to Disneyland.
The couple, who went public with their relationship last year, looked stronger than ever as they joked around at the theme park in a rare public display of affection.
Rio, 39, proved that he's still a kid at heart as he posed with Stormtroopers during the Season of the Force event in the French capital. Kate Wright and boyfriend Rio Ferdinand walk hand-in-hand during romantic day out [Rex ].
Loved-up couple Kate and Rio couldnt keep their eyes off each other on the day out [Rex ]. Meanwhile cheeky Kate, 26, posed in Minnie Mouse ears as she walked hand-in-hand with her beau around the grounds of the park.
The pair both sported causal outfits featuring warm jackets and scarves as they wrapped up from the cold weather during their trip and proved that their relationship is still stronger than ever as they kept a firm grip on each other.
Dad-of-three Rio recently gushed over his other half in an emotional statement. Rio Ferdinand and Kate Wright pose with light sabers during Season of the Force at Disneyland Paris [Rex ].
The footballing legend shared a picture of himself and Kate Wright from their recent holiday to Dubai in which the pair are pulling silly faces.
Rio wrote an emotional statement next to the picture which read: To say 2017 has been a tough year would be a huge understatement.
Some dark moments but brightness has been spread around me and mine by this one in many different forms. Rio Ferdinand paid tribute to Kate Wright [Rio Ferdinand/ Instagram ].
Christmas being just 1 example, all the thoughtful little details that make things that much better for all of us. little throwback pic #visitdubai..
According to The Sun, a fried of Kate's recently said of the couple: They are so happy together. Its going really well.
Kate was telling her friends how great everything is for her at the moment. Rios children love her. She sees Rio as her soul mate – they have a real connection..
Which One is Better? - Duration: 2:14.What you're probably thinking is:" I know he's gonna say paper"
But the answer may surprise you. Because I'm not gonna say paper.
But before dropping the bomb, let me introduce.
E-reader isn't this much of a thing.
I remember when this thing was released some years ago,
it appeared like we could basically burn all the books,
Fahrenheit 451 style. But it didn't happen. Or if you say that it must happen,
it will happen, it hasn't happened yet. And the reason is a matter of value.
Because we tend to assign higher value to a thing we can physically own than to
a digital one. Even if it isn't very logical. Because the physical books have
the same legibility than digital ones. This was proven by making people read
short texts written on: paper, an iPad LED screen like this one, and an Amazon
Kindle that uses e-ink like this one. Then these people had to answer a
comprehension questionaire, and they noticed that there was no real difference in
comprehension and brain effort between the readings. So by reading from a LED screen,
e-ink or paper your brain takes the same effort. But still they noticed that
most of the people were preferring the paper.
So in terms of what is easier to read,
the answer is: "Whatever you like". But I'm gonna spend a word more for LED
screen. You may already know that long exposure to LED screen is bad for your eyes,
so do prefer paper or e-ink to that, UNLESS
you are senior (60+ age). In that case reading from a tablet (LED screen) may
result to a better understanding. Why? Because old eyes make more effort to
read things with low contrast. LED screen have a higher contrast, so for old eyes
it's easier to read things there.
[...] basically burn all the books, Fahrenheit 451 style.
[1.29.18] WvW and Chill: Relaxing and Chatting! (Laid-back) - Duration: 2:56:47.-------------------------------------------
The identity of 'C' - League of Legends Theory - Duration: 11:10.Since forever, one of the biggest mysteries in League of Legends has been who this "C" character is.
With the only information given to us being that Caitlyn has been continuously hunting
for leads on their whereabouts.
Let's start this video with one of my favorite league champions, Camille.
Camille is a champion shrouded in mystery, in case you did not know, she is several centuries
old due to her cyborg body, meaning she has seen a lot of history and probably even made
some of it, seeing how her job is mainly focused on assassinating royal and influential people.
So it wouldn't be weird if she knew who this "C" character is, really.
Now with the upcoming Swain visual upgrade, straight outta Hogwarts, he is able to hear
whispers from his demonic ravens.
And what he says to Camille is really intruiguing.
"My-my, does your dear grandniece know what 'C' has been up to?"
This grandniece of Camille's seems to be her favorite, according to Camille's background story.
But who is she, actually?
When you look at the three most piltover-like champions you get Camille, Caitlyn and Jayce.
Both Camille and Jayce get their Clans' names mentioned in the lore, Camille's being Ferros,
and Jayce's being Giopara.
As for Caitlyn, we never actually learn the name of her clan.
In Camille's lore, it is said that she "Installed" her niece as a sort of a "face" of her clan
while Camille is the one who is really in control behind the scenes.
This can mean that said grandniece doesn't actually know that Camille is in control,
let alone who Camille really is.
The ignorant grandniece might be just leaving the management to her servants, or at least
she thinks that's what she's doing.
So what if Camille's ignorant niece was actually Caitlyn?
Although it isn't stated anywhere that Caitlyn took leadership of her clan, it might actually be safe to assume so.
"Did daddy buy you that gun?"
As for who 'C' really is, this might sound like a stretch but hear me out.
So while we know that Camille had only one brother, we do not know how many children
that Brother had.
Building upon the previous theory of Caitlyn being related to Camille, that means that
Caitlyn was one of his grandchildren, or perhaps even his great grandchildren but the "Great"
is ommitted from the lore because it would be too specific.
Since we get no mentions of Caitlyn's siblings or cousins, it is plausable to think that
they are insignificant to be mentioned beside a name such as The Sheriff of Piltover.
Or that she's simply a single child with very few relatives.
After reading Camille's lore we find out that in order to keep her family going and preserve
their privilege she is prepared to do anything, even kill her own brother.
"Privilege must be preserved at all costs"
Since her favorite grandniece is called her "favorite" that means that there are other
ones that happen to be not-so-favorite.
What if one of her brother's children married another wealthy family, thus preserving the
family's privilege and prestige and giving birth to the "perfect heir", Camille's favorite
grandniece, Caitlyn.
While her brother's other child fell in love with a Zaunite, and they eloped together.
Being the person she is, Camille could not allow another heir born of Zaunite blood to
suddenly appear one day and contest against her grandniece, since that would make it harder
for her to be able to manipulate the clan behind the scenes.
So, the natural thing to do is to find the couple who eloped and murder them, burying
away their existence.
But by the time Camille had found them they already had a child.
And although she mercilessly murdered them both she felt pity on the child knowing that
she wouldn't remember her parents anyway, so why not just leave her behind in Zaun?
And scrolling through League champions' backgrounds guess who just happens to be from a Zaunite
orphanage while not remembering her past?
The Piltover Enforcer, Vi.
Think about it, she is in the same age range as Caitlyn, they both have Blue Eyes, and
her feet lead her towards Piltover eventually anyway.
Not to mention the brutal line Camille says to Vi that is.
"Ever wonder how you becamse an orphan?"
Now with this type of theory you would think, why wouldn't Camille just dispose of Vi once
she found out that she returned to Piltover?
Wouldn't everyone eventually find out about Vi's lineage?
And the answer to that question lies in Camille's other lines towards Vi.
Put yourself in Camille's shoes, a person who has lived for centuries no longer thinks
for just the few fleeting years ahead, she plans for the centuries to come.
What Camille most likely plans to do is reveal Vi's lineage to her when she sees that she
has matured enough, thus allowing her to take over as the assassin behind the scenes, the
way Camille is now.
Since as we can see Vi is still far too inexperienced and not to mention, reckless.
The reason why she would choose Vi for this position is because the girl is already adapting
to the use of technology as body parts, her gauntlets.
Which will allow her to adapt much faster should she perform the same surgery Camille
underwent long ago.
"Watch it, girl.
I am your future."
And her observation of Vi's inexperience:
"So direct, like most fools."
"Mmm, it's like looking into a crude, boorish mirror."
Since Camille herself was once rather inexperienced, or "a fool", being swayed by emotions such as Love and
the like.
Moving on.
In Caitlyn's background story it is stated that one day, she came back home to find it
ransacked and everything stolen, when she looked for clues she found the criminals one
by one, each only giving away the information that the orders were given to them by 'C'.
And when Caitlyn finally reached the location where her parents were kept, it turned out
that they were forced to work in a secret hextech laboratory for a rival clan.
Caitlyn rescued her parents and the leaders of said rival clan were arrested by the wardens.
But honestly, this story seems too strange to be true.
The entire thing seems fabricated.
What if Camille wanted the new face of her clan, Caitlyn, to gain more influence and
fame by causing an incident where she would come out victorious?
The fishy things about this entire incident start right from the beginning.
If the robbers were a rival clan there's absolutely no way they wouldn't know about the Clan's
daughter, who just happened to be missing.
The timing of the robbery was far too perfect, when Caitlyn was out of the house, so she,
and everybody else, wouldn't discover that the story is just one big play created by
Second flaw is, even if Caitlyn just happened to be out when the robbery happened why didn't
they leave a few men behind to kidnap her when she came back?
Wouldn't her parents be more willing to listen to them if the rival clan had kidnapped their
precious daughter, Caitlyn, as hostage?
Third flaw is, why would you kidnap an extremely rich couple and have them WORK of all things?
Instead of taking them as hostage and demanding money in return?
Heck, making them work is a bad idea in itself since I'm willing to bet that they had no
idea what they were doing since their servants probably did all the work for them.
Fourth flaw is the entire thing went too smoothly, the criminals and clues appearing before Caitlyn
one by one, as if she was a mouse led by small pieces of cheese to eventually reach her destination.
Final flaw is the fact that it ended way too happily, you would expect a "secret" hextech
laboratory to have some powerful weapons and protection, but it wouldn't do to have Caitlyn
injured or damaged mentally by any of her parents' deaths since she is, after all, Camille's
favorite niece.
So what was the outcome of this whole incident?
Caitlyn gaining fame as the brave young girl who rescued her parents from kidnappers by
tracing clues like a professional detective, discovered a secret hextech laboratory that
she will most likely take over, and not to mention, utterly crushed the rival clan that
kidnapped her parents, meaning that her own clan will gain much more influence, privilege
and prestige, sounds familiar?
"Privilege must be preserved at all costs."
The 'C' behind the kidnapping was the first letter of Camille's name, she was the one
who gave the order to the Rival Clan to perform this stunt, the way she forced them to do
it can vary a lot, really.
Blackmail, Hostages, Threats, I can think of anything really, since that is the kind
of character she is.
However, after the incident was resolved, Caitlyn wasn't satisfied with the results
and pressed on looking for this 'C' character, which displeased Camille, since that wouldn't
benefit her or the clan at all, knowing Caitlyn's justice-driven character.
Thus comes Camille's following quote.
"Don't go looking for something you don't want to find."
And if you look at Swain's quote yet again, it can be seen in a totally different light.
"My-my, does your dear grandniece know what 'C' has been up to?"
Notice how his tone changes when he says 'C', this could be a way to mess with Camille by
subtly hinting to the truth which he knows because of the Raven's whispers.
It's like he's saying "I know that you're actually 'C' and I can tell your dear grandniece
so watch it."
I personally want to believe this Theory, because Camille just seems like a puppet master-kind
of Character which honestly just enhances her character for me.
Now I want to go and main her all over again.
But hey that's JUST a
No.. no, let's not steal other people's catchphrases.
Hessex Alone The Audio Mixdown #2/12 - Duration: 5:29.i have been thinking why do i feel so empty?
i have been thinking why do i feel so empty?
of flesh and bones i can feel all the memories.
they come to visit when i'm high.
of flesh and bones i can feel all the memories.
they come to visit when i'm high.
step by step i'm not afraid. Yeah yeah!
step by step i'm not afraid. Yeah yeah!
When i realize myself.
i just don't know why.
Why did i become a stranger.
why did i become.
Why did i become a stranger.
Why did i become a stranger.
why did i become.
Father's Message.
I hope I have made
good records.
And that ...
And that can cause
Somesickness for those who watch in the future.
參加晚宴必勝髮型!優雅低髮髻4步驟完成|玩美星期ㄧ|VOGUE - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Gogglebox's June QUITS show following Leon's shock death - Duration: 4:10.Gogglebox's June QUITS show following Leon's shock death
The telly favourite has revealed she has left the award-winning show following the death of her husband Leon last month.
Fans were left devastated when the 83-year-old Gogglebox star passed away following a short illness on December 23.
June – who was married to Leon for of 53-years – dropped the bombshell that she wont be returning to TV screens on her Twitter account.
A fan asked her: Would you do the show with on of your daughters?.
June replied to her 242,000 followers: It was a great adventure with a great finale with NTA. Naturally long-serving viewers of the Channel 4 show were gutted to hear Junes announcement, but sent her well wishes all the same.
You will be missed but its totally understandable.
he was such a great character on the show, will be missed by us all, take care of yourself, wrote one.
Another added: I am really going to miss you and Leon, may he rest in peace.
I wish you all the best..
"It was a great adventure " June Bernicoff The hubby and wife had been had been on the show ever since it first aired in 2013, alongside the likes of the Tapper family and Siddiqui family.
When the heartbreaking news of Leons death had been announced, Channel 4 and Studio Lambert said: It is with a heavy heart that we announce the sad news that after a short illness Goggleboxs Leon Bernicoff passed away in hospital earlier today.
Leon and his wife June were the first members of the public to be cast for Gogglebox back in early 2013, and they soon grew to become much-loved voices during the course of the shows 10 series to date.
Leons unique personality and sharp wit endeared him to fans of the show, as he contributed fully to Goggleboxs reputation as a programme full of warm humour and unvarnished opinion.
To those of us that knew him personally, Leon was a man of unwavering principles who exerted a distinct paternal presence both on and off screen.
He will be dearly missed by the entire Gogglebox family; cast and crew. Gogglebox scooped up a gong at the highly-coveted National Television Awards earlier this week for Best Factual Entertainment Show for the fourth year running.
Sisters Izzie and Ellie Warner accepted the trophy and dedicated it to Leon and June.
Daily Star have contacted Junes reps for comment.
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