Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman
6 Year Old Surfer-------------------------------------------
Bali Designs 0.24ctw Swiss Blue Topaz CableTwist 2Tone E... - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Mara fica irada, sai do BBB e arma protesto histórico na Globo - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Trump resalta disminución en porcentaje de hispanos-estodounidenses desempleados - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
31 de janeiro de 2018 | Dizer e fazer - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
"Monte non è un santo, la canna non è educativa", e la mamma di Cecilia Rodriguez ...| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Monte e la marijuana all'Isola, da Mediaset: "Verifiche in corso, ..."| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
HIGHLIGHTS (Clean Bandit Live In Manila 2015) DOLBY+ 5.1 - Duration: 5:59.CLEAN BANDIT Valkyrie Nightclub, Bonifacio Global City 10 December 2015
Real Love
Come Over
Up Again
Heart On Fire
Mozart's House
Dust Clears
Show Me Love
Rather Be
Kylie Jenner e Travis Scott têm passado por mais crises no relacionamento, segundo fonte - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
Lucas Lucco e Pabllo Vittar estouram a internet com clipe sensual de sua nova parceria - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Após polêmicas, Globo divulga mudanças em regras para Ayrton e Ana Clara - Duration: 3:28.Após polêmicas, Globo divulga mudanças em regras para Ayrton e Ana Clara
A participação da família Lima no BBB18 está deixando os telespectadores de cabelos em pé.
A ideia era convidar uma família que iria representar a família brasileira, mas até o momento só tem causado polêmicas.
Telespectadores até acusaram Ayrton de tentar assedio a própria filha, que se chama Ana Clara, pois pode ser visto durante o programa pai e filha em um nível de intimo, nada usual entre familares.
Tiago Leifert, perguntou para a família Lima se esses tipos de carinhos trocados entre pai e filha dentro do reality eram normais entre eles, falou também que a produção ficou perplexa com a repercussão dos vídeos na internet.
Eva, a mãe, já saiu do BBB18, disse estar assustada com a repercussão do caso e disse ser normal esse carinho entre sua filha e seu marido, que é apenas carinho.
Ela compareceu no programa "Mais Você", onde reafirmou ser comum na sua família, que o marido dê selinho na filha.
"É uma família que se ama muito, que se protege muito, se cuida muito.
Essa repercussão do selinho, a gente nem imaginava, porque até onde eu sei é comum em muitas famílias, que se amam e que se cuidam.
Isso não tem nada a ver com o que as pessoas estão imaginando por trás…".
Após a saída de Eva e do sobrinho Jorge, Tiago Leifert disse que iram mudar algumas regras no jogo para Ayrton e Ana Clara.
Na segunda-feira (29), o apresentador disse aos participantes que não será sempre que pai e filha representarão apenas uma pessoa.
Ayrton e Ana Clara atuaram como um só no jogo,mas em caso de ganharem algum presente como cinema do líder e/ou jantar do anjo poderão ser escolhidos de forma individual.
No caso do jogo da discórdia, que ocorreu na segunda, seria uma exceção, dessa forma Ana Clara e Jorge disputam individualmente.
Nas outras provas valerá as regras anteriores, ou seja, Ayrton e Ana Clara continuam sendo um.
Se forem ganhadores do prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão, terão que dividir ao meio.
Dentro da casa a convivência de Ayrton e Ana Clara está normal e não fazem parte das intenções de votos dos outros confinados.
Porokaler Jibon V-3 By Maulana Kausari Koborer ajab কবরের আজাব!! - Duration: 24:32.Porokaler Jibon V-3 By Maulana Kausari Koborer ajab কবরের আজাব!!
Trump pide modernizar y reconstruir el arsenal nuclear para poder actuar ante cualquier amenaza - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Presidente Trump dice que desde su elección se han creado 2.4 millones de nuevos empleos - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump dice que el pueblo de EEUU es fuerte en el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump: "Nunca hubo un tiempo mejor para comenzar a vivir el sueño americano" - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Trump dice que las pandillas han llegado a EEUU por las "fronteras abiertas" - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Trump: "Pido a ambos partidos que se unan para brindarnos infraestructura segura, rápida y moderna" - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump pide al Congreso más de 1,5 billones de dólares para invertirlos en infraestructura - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
I 5 momenti imperdibili della seconda puntata dell'Isola dei famosi 2018| STARS NEWS - Duration: 9:02.-------------------------------------------
Eva Henger accusa Francesco Monte: "Hai portato la droga all'Isola..."| STARS NEWS - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Renault Clio 1.5 dCi Ecoleader Intens | Airconditioning | Cruise Controle | Navigatie R-Link| Half L - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
WARFACE: НАГИБ ЗА ВАРБАКСЫ. КОРОБКА УДЧИ С MSBS RADON НАВСЕГДА - Duration: 9:04.-------------------------------------------
생각의 속도로 질주한다..닛산 GT-R - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman - Duration: 11:55.Colored Cars and Superheroes Cartoons about cars for children Learn colors and numbers Spiderman
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Highlight of Hot Springs: Single Mud Spring! "I don't want to leave~" [Battle Trip/2017.01.28] - Duration: 4:21.She's healthy because she eats well.
I think that's why I'm healthy.
- Because I eat well. / - Nem nuong is a must.
(Nem nuong to egg mud hot spring, 30 minutes)
It's called Tram Trung?
- Egg? / - Oh, here.
It's a mud hot spring with an egg theme.
You see the eggs there?
- That was so funny. / - Why?
They've decorated with eggs and chickens.
It was so cute.
- It'd be good to go there with kids. / - It's the concept.
It's chickens everywhere.
With lots of chickens and eggs...
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
Since I love eggs,
I feel like eating...
Boiled eggs.
That hot spring is fairly new
so it's really clean.
This is the hot spring swimming pool.
If you just pay the entry fee, you can swim
and enjoy the hot spring.
It's really big.
You could spend an entire day there.
- So we go up this way? / - Yes.
There are so many eggs here.
We did spend some money...
- And we got individual springs. / - Oh, really?
It's one egg per person.
- Private? / - Yeah.
- So we go in here? / - Yes.
It's mud.
They have numbers like hotel rooms.
Oh, my goodness.
(So beautiful)
(She enters the egg mud with a great body)
It's deep.
Is it deeper than it looks?
- So deep. / - What's deep?
- Hyunjoo's just... / - It's not deep.
She's already inside.
It feels like my skin is getting sleek.
I can stay in here for 40 minutes.
I don't want to leave.
Was it warm? How was it?
It's warm.
That'd be so nice then.
- Ma'am. / - Yes.
Through here?
She's so cute.
Hey, this is nice.
- So cute. / - The theme is fun.
In this forest...
- It's like we're in the jungle. / - Exactly.
So nice.
The private tubs are good.
Nice, nice. With all those trees...
It's so nice like this.
It'd be nice here with kids.
Mothers and daughters...
It'd be nice to come together.
I think that'd be nice.
The minerals in the mud
will make your skin better.
It's not coarse mud.
It's very soft, like flour.
It's really fine.
And this place...
There are 3 mud hot springs in Nha Trang.
It's the newest one of the three.
It's the newest facility.
- That's why it must have a theme. / - Yes.
- I like it. / - You do?
I like things like this.
- Put the mud on your face. / - Okay.
(She's already doing it)
You need to put the mud on your face.
Make sure you don't get any in your eyes.
(Massaging for prettier skin)
(How actresses take care of their skin)
- Ma'am. / - Yes.
Vietnam is known for pho...
- But it's also known for coffee. / - Yes, coffee.
It's like she's got a beard.
- I've reserved a cafe. / - Okay.
Let's wash up and go.
Let's have a cold cup of coffee there.
But don't call me too soon.
I'm going to use up all of my time here.
(She actually filled up all of her time)
I really didn't want to leave.
It'd be nice if you could relocate in the egg.
There's a time limit?
- Fly! / - Yes, there is.
- How many hours? / - You can't stay longer.
I think Nha Trang was a good choice.
Volkswagen T-Roc 1.5 TSI 150 : la boîte DSG disponible - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
[Eng Sub] BTS - Trendy Angel makes them do SEXY VOICE on Japanese Radio... What have they done... - Duration: 7:47.Saito: It's BTS! They came to our radio station.
(Saito singing DNA Japanese Ver.)
BTS: Wow, great!
Saito: They really cheered me on.
Saito: They showed such great reactions.
Takashi: When I tried dirty(sexy) jokes, they were like...
Takashi: He kept on doing that. You must have noticed today.
Now, this is how they made our boys into doing sexy voices on Japanese radio. You ready????
Saito: Secvo's section!
Saito: So this is Saito's sexy voice section.
JH: Ah~ RM: Yes, yes.
Saito: We receive letters from our audiences and include phrases that they want us to read in a sexy way.
Saito: And we actually read them.
BTS: Oh~ Okay, we got it.
Saito: And we also want BTS members to try it today.
Saito: I will show you an example.
Saito: For example. BTS: Yes, for example. Please show us.
Saito: Radio name, from Katatsumuri (snail).
Saito: It's okay...
Saito: Don't say anything...
Saito: Just listen to what this old man says...
Takashi: Sexy~~
Suga & BTS: That's sexy!
V: The echo... Jimin: The face was sexier than the voice!
Saito: That's right. It cannot be delivered through radio.
Saito: Jimin was tilting his head so much.
Saito: Tilting so wildly.
Saito: Isn't it irresistible?
Saito: Suga is lowering his head so deep. Look at him.
(Suga laughs)
Suga: You are super sexy.
Saito: Super sexy? Oh really? Thank you, thank you.
Saito: Something like this. Now..
Saito: Who will go first? Today is...
Suga: I will.
Saito: I want all of you to do it.
Saito: Who is the most confident for being sexy?
Takashi: Who is in charge or sexiness?
Suga: I am the super sexy guy.
Saito: Should Suga go? Suga: Yes. I am the super sexy guy.
Suga: Ah.. this, this... I can't read who wrote this letter.
Suga: The one on the last page.
Saito: The one on the bottom.
(Interpreter: Radio name is Nao & Ai chan, pause once, and say the phrase....
Saito: You just said the whole thing.
Suga: Nao Chan, Ai Chan.
Saito: Yes, Nao Chan, Ai Chan, okay.
Suga: Yes.
Suga: Nao Chan, Ai Chan.
Suga: I am...
Suga: Doraemon.
Saito: Good, good, good, good!
Takashi: This is the first time someone actually read the radio names in a sexy way.
Saito: Amazing. You were sexy, Suga.
Suga: I am the super sexy guy.
Saito: He says it so casually.
Saito: The next is.. Let's go V! Jungkook: Rapmon hyung should do it.
V: Yes. Insta-hage (Insta-bald)
Saito: Both are bald.
RM: Ah yes. I will try.
Insta Hage.
V: Insta Hage san.
V: Just the words..
V: saying I love you..
V: Then I won't need it.
Saito: This is really sexy.
Saito: Girls would go crazy over this.
Takashi: For sure. Girls.
Takashi: Girls and I were going crazy... Saito: Takashi couldn't hold it in.
(BTS making some noise)
Saito: And one more.
Saito: There is one more. Let's do it.
Saito: Let's all do it. (V reading the phrases)
RM: Now, I will do it.
Saito: You guys are reading them so casually. It kind of ruins the fun.
Suga: Boudan(BTS)'s super sexiest man.
Suga: RM san. RM: I will, I will do it.
RM: What is the name?
Saito: Akahige.
Saito: It's Akahige (Red Beard). Takashi: Face has to be sexy too. Saito: Make face sexy too.
Saito: I'm looking forward to that. (Takashi laughing out of control)
RM: From Akahige san...
RM: That's.. my..
RM: Dragon Ball
RM: Isn't it?
Takashi: That was sexy!
JIN: He was sexy! RM: My... Saito: That was sexy. (BTS imitating RM's pronunciation)
Saito: We wish we could show his face.
(BTS imitating RM's pronunciation)
Saito: Rolling his tongue.
Saito: That was amazing, RM. Okay, thank you.
Saito: Now, who in BTS would go next?
Suga & RM: A member who hasn't done it yet. J-HOPE: Jimin-kun?
Saito: Jungkook is raising his hand. Should he go?
Jungkook: What.. What should I do from here?
Saito: Jungkook-kun. Which one will you do?
Jungkook: Ah, love machine.
Jungkook: It says love machine. LOL
Jungkook: What is the name?
Nao chan.
Jungkook: Now, oh...
Jungkook: Nao chan...
Jungkook: Love...
Jungkook: Machine...
Ooohhhh~~ RM: Love, love!
All: Love machine!
All: Love machine! Jungkook: Ah, seriously... Jimin: I will go next!
(Imitating wow) Saito: Will you go next? Jimin: I will do it.
Takashi: Do you know "Morning Musume"? (Japanese Girl Idol Group)
RM: Yes! we know them. Saito: You know them?
Takashi: It's their song title, "Love Machine".
BTS: Ah~ Love Machine~
Takashi: Japanese Otaku (Maniac).
RM: But we all know them.
Saito: You know Morning Musume. They are famous, aren't they?
Saito: Let's go next. Jimin, will you do it? Jimin: Yes.
Jimin: Which one should I do?
Saito: The interpreter is choosing for them.
Interpreter: I'm sorry. Saito: That's okay.
Insta-hage (bald) san. RM: Insta-hage san again.
Jimin: What is yours is mine. okay, okay.
Saito: In a sexy way.
Jimin: Hah...
Jimin: I will start...
Jimin: What is yours...
Jimin: is mine...
Jimin: Hah...
Jimin: I love you...
Saito: No, no, no.
Saito: Not done yet. There is more.
(Jimin holding laughter)
Jimin: What is mine...
Jimin: is yours...
Saito: Wasn't it horror? It sounded like horror.
All: That was horror!
Saito: Now, it was Jimin.
Jimin: Thank you.
Saito: One more?
V: J-HOPE san~ RM: HOPE!
Saito: J-HOPE!
Radio name, Eidori san.
J-HOPE: Oh~ Saito: In a sexy way, Hope.
J-HOPE: Oh~ Sexy Hope.
Sexy Hope!
Saito: Today, not as J-HOPE but as SEXY-HOPE.
J-HOPE: Eidori san...
J-HOPE: Beautiful girl…
J-HOPE: Beautiful girl…
J-HOPE: Passing one...
J-HOPE: What...?
J-HOPE: Desitiny with...
J-HOPE: the girl...
Jin: Awesome!
J-HOPE: I got nervous!
Saito: That was awesome. Jin: Awesome.
Saito: It meant a beautiful person.
Saito: Passing one. All: Oh~
Saito: They use the phrase at a comedy.
Saito: That was awesome.
Saito: Now that was secvo's section!
All: Yay~
Saito: Now, we are going to listen to BTS song.
In a normal way? Saito: Let's listen in a normal way.
Obama Busted For Allowing KNOWN PEDOPHILES Unbelievable Access Inside Our Government - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING: 'Resisters' FURIOUS At Trumps' 'Special' SOTU Guest, But Americans Are ECSTATIC - Duration: 2:35.BREAKING: 'Resisters' FURIOUS At Trumps' 'Special' SOTU Guest, But Americans Are
ECSTATIC Tuesday night is President Trump's first
State of the Union Address, and he's invited a "special" guest to the event that's
sure to have both "Resisters" and AntiFa outraged.
The President and his wife have an all-American guest list for tonight's event, but the
one who's most likely to capture the hearts of Americans is 12-year-old Preston Sharp
from California.
Sharp was visiting his grandfather's grave in 2015 when he noticed that other vets weren't
being honored like his grandfather, so he took action on his own, Breitbart News reports.
Preston Sharp, a 12-year-old from Redding, California, started placing the flags on graves
to honor the service of American soldiers when he was ten, his family says.
The boy was invited to sit in the gallery as first lady Melania Trump's guest at President
Trump's first State of the Union address, according to a statement released by the White
"Preston Sharp was visiting his veteran grandfather's grave in 2015 when he noticed
that other local veterans were not being honored with American flags or flowers," the White
House said in its statement.
"Today, Preston has organized the placement of more than 40,000 American flags and red
carnations on soldiers' graves."
"I knew I wanted to do something, because if it wasn't for them fighting for us then
we wouldn't be here," the patriotic young boy told the media
Isn't that cool?
Young Preston is about as patriotic as it gets, meanwhile, Democrats are inviting illegal
aliens as their guests.
Who do you think Americans will be more impressed with?
Here's more on who the Trumps will have as their guests of honor:
Others invited by the first couple include a police officer who adopted a drug-addicted
child, small business owners, first-time homeowners affected by the tax reform bill, and an Army
sergeant who survived the trauma of an improvised explosive device (IED).
The Trumps will also honor the parents of two teens who were murdered in September 2016
by members of the vicious foreign gang MS-13.
Parents Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas will be
in the gallery to memorialize their slain daughters, Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas.
Goku's CHEAT CODE STAMINA Explained! - Duration: 10:47.
How I Animate in Firealpaca [Tutorial] - Duration: 9:04.hey before we get started with this I have a few disclaimers first and
foremost I am NOT an animation student I have never taken an animation class and
what I've learned from animation is what I have observed from YouTube tutorial
videos animations in the community and from critiques from animation students
and graduates I am giving my advice for how I look at animations in this program
I am by no means an expert with this program or animation but I do have an
idea of what I'm talking about that being said let's get started
I thrive off of hotkeys
I'll leave the ones I use up on the screen I use Windows laptop but Mac
users shouldn't have any issue with translating things over in case you
aren't already aware of what firealpaca is it's a free art program for Windows
and Macintosh OS system it's essentially like medibang and I believe they're made
by the same people but they have a slight difference I've used both and
come to find medibang is better for cloud saving since it has a feature for
that and fire alpaca is better for animations and note that fire alpaca
isn't fully an animation program it's an art program with an animation feature
that helps make animating easier what you need for this tutorial is fire
alpaca a mouse tablet trackpad whatever you use to draw with on your device and
editing program I use Sony Vegas 14 and it's not free
moving on into the actual tutorial I'm going to start by opening a canvas I
always set my base canvas into 1920 by 1080 as it's the current standard for
most videos assuming you know some terminology of animation I like to start
off with setting in the keyframes of where I want my movement to flow I turn
on the onionskin mode whenever I start the second frame and to get to this go
to view and onionskin this is what will help you settle into the animation
aspect of this program once they get those in place i set a good middle point
between them making sure to keep things like fur and ears and a flow of movement
this isn't something i chose to do here in this specifically but sometimes it's
more helpful to do straight ahead animation with objects like ears and
clothing keyframing them with full movements can cause some issues within
the flow of the object one thing I always keep in mind while doing
animation is the preparation of movements the muscles on any living
thing do a slight drawl back before an action for example punch at the air you
just drew back your arm before doing the punch there was different effects at
different types of drawbacks and gifts and it's a good thing to keep in mind
when animating different scenes for apex here I kept it simple and angled his
head down slightly before it moves to raise up when in doubt you can always
use auto play to see how your animation is turning out to do that click View
auto play this assuming you have onionskin already on now I know there's an
easier method to saving frames of what I do but I prefer to save each one
individually it's what I've grown used to even though
it's super time-consuming to save faster you would click file export layers
onions good mode this will allow you to save all your layers and a PNG s without
doing it manually though you will have to have onions good mode on
I'm not entirely sure if my alpaca has a feature we could open all separate pngs at
what sai does but if it does I have no idea where it is moving on from that I
always line the first frame as I do like any other drawing I use really low
opacity for my sketches when I'm lining over them but that's a personal
preference of mine as then move into the next frame I have a habit of putting the
line are not done of the previous frame under when I'm drawing the layer order
of these tends to be the base sketch a blank layer where the frames lineart
will be and the previous frames lineart I do this because of the onionskin
colors have a red and a lime green it's easier on my eyes personally to base off
of the red color and not the green so again personal preference I go through a
cycle for a while of linearting frames and packs so to speak this really just being
the rows pngs are separated into when I go to open more files I always keep the
last frame of the last pack open when starting a new one as it just makes
things easier to look back on once I finish the frames line art I have the
habit of looking in Vegas and making sure everything's looking all right and
then I didn't miss a line somewhere or something after they're all lined and
pretty I move on into coloring them
let it be known I have a habit of making a test image for colors and atmosphere
before moving into coloring frames I highly recommend you do this as well
unless it's a color palette animation you are making do yourself a favor and
always draw your backgrounds first this will help you decide what kind of
overlay should or could be over your colors to make the character look like
it's in the scene you're creating here's a test image I did for this along with
the background I did the test image and background in a program called a clip
studio paint but you can easily make something like this and fire alpaca as
well now it's just a character with a sort of busy design for a reason and
that wish though I can show you some things about fire alpaca you should
know if you're going to be using this method of coloring I believe this is one
of the key methods of coloring an adobe flash or animate as it's now called but
I learned this by watching from a friend so I'm not entirely sure anyway
I break detailed designs like that of Apex into layers top layer and what
I'll be mostly lining in here is the marking color that takes up his face I
make a layer above the line art and go to town with lining where the marking
should be I don't use onion skin for this but it said just copy/paste the
last frames redlined markings into the frame of working on now one thing I
cannot stress enough while working on this is to clean up your bucket fills
you can have the best animation ever but if the coloring is sloppy it takes away
from the whole action of your work taking a few extra minutes to glance
over frame make sure everything looks good will kill you I promise
make sure your bucket tool is set to referencing the whole canvas and not a
singular layer and also make sure that it increases by at least one pixel
this makes it easier to color and takes away from that awful outline you'll see
if you don't increase the pixel at all after getting down the bucket fills I go
and underneath that layer start working on other colors I go back and forth here
between using the line method I just showed you enjoy the markings freehand
and using opacity which is between frames to see how they look I don't
recommend this for big spacious markings like the ones I lined they can easily
wobble and mess up however sometimes it's easier to draw the freehand as you
get further into using these methods you'll learn to decide which one should
meet which at the end of each frame I saved both a PNG and MDP file MDP is
the main saving format for fire alpaca and medibang this saves your layers for
you and this is key because you don't want to use this shading method I'll
show you later on a PNG that's fully colored trust me
shading follows the same line principles as colouring
I typically hide the colored layers as it takes away from what I'm looking at
and generally has it too busy to work with I line where I want the shades to
be since this follows the main principle I show to the colouring tutorial part of
this video I won't be talking about sharing it just keep in mind that layer
modes do exist and they are your friend I clip the shading layer which is just
one color over the base color layer so no random shading colors appear outside
of the intended area for this specific animation I use the multiply layer mode
option you can also use overlay or other layer modes but multiply looked a lot
better for the scene I was trying to create make sure that if you mess with
the opacity of the shading that you keep it the same for all frames as well the
first frame has a 35 percent opacity for multiply the rest needed match it
sometimes I'll take the final pngs and throw a little over late gradient it on
them and that's what I decided to do here using the gradient tool to make my
base gradient I copy pasted it through the frames and used it as a clipping
overlay layer above it overlays are your friends but don't overuse them they can
help make your character look like they're within the scene but they can
also go overboard if you're not too careful make sure to look back to your
editing program to preview how everything looks as you work
I hope this helps explain how I work within fire alpaca thank you so much for
watching and be sure to check the description because I'm gonna put some
videos that help explain animation terminology if you have any questions
regarding what I've talked about this video feel free to leave a comment I'll
do my best to answer whatever questions you may have or link you to a source where
you can find a solution to your questions once again a big thank you for
watching more content coming soon
Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, ZY 430+ Straight Razor Shave, Totally Proraso GREEN #SOTD - Duration: 25:49.Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In
Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first time
here and you're interested in learning how to straight razor shave go ahead and
hit that subscribe button then click on the bell next to it to be notified when
I upload videos and that way you won't miss a thing I do Shave Of The Day
videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by next Sunday and check it out
alright now as you see I have got Proraso green pre-shave on doing that
menthol thing oh yeah yeah for our razor tonight I have got my ZY 430 and this
is just a beautiful razor that's faux wood hollow ground
excellent excellent shaver this would be a good beginner razor actually yeah for
soap tonight Proraso green so now again this is eucalyptus and menthol
wonderful absolutely wonderful scent and I really do enjoy the menthol all right
now of course I've had that blooming as well so I'm gonna put that on a pre-shave
along with the pre-shave cream and I did put the pre-shave cream on
before I start filming that way it had a chance to kind of start working
oh yeah mmm nice I really do enjoy eucalyptus
it is quite nice dry now get these hands dried up and for our brush tonight okay using my
Omega 10098 and it is marvelous so let's go ahead and get that brush loaded
up alright we made it to the midweek shave yes sir uh-huh hump day how wonderful
right Wonderful Wednesday yeah that means the weekends right around the
corner yep which is good and hopefully you're having a good week and you're in
high spirits yeah and you know hopefully maybe you're getting some good chase
right I hope so yeah maybe even some great shapes that
would be good too yeah great shapes are always good but how you doing hopefully
you're well yeah and you know this flu season isn't really doing too much to
hurt you yeah hopefully all right I think we may
pretty much be there on the soap yeah there we go
I'm gonna stop right there I'm going to clean up around the bowl like normal
yeah but most of that on the brush put what's left on the face go now
yeah hopefully you've been enjoying your shaves you can let me know down in the
comments that would be excellent why do you shave them with you know what
are your what soaps what do you do this time of year
that would be cool yeah I also do straight razor edge Friday
specials alright and they come out the first and third Friday of every month so
you can check that out this coming Friday I've got a special straight razor
edge Friday special and that one I'm going to be doing a home on a very
unique razor so you need to stop in and check it out yeah it's going to be
interesting that's all I'm going to tell you but it is really an interesting
razor alright let's get our lather
and in the meantime you could click up here on this car and find out the secret
why you can't home the straight razor and then you'd be able to hold a
straight razor yeah so check that out as well oh yeah that's low great sides a
little more water on that oh yeah look at that come alive here we go
right now this is past one and that's primarily with the gray let's do this
now feels good
yeah nice can't beat her ass up excellent yeah excellent so just
marvelous now this razor by the way the edge on
this is an ILR so that's my finishing stone of choice and you can check that
out I've got some honing videos as well
yeah nice yeah I could say the ILR is my finishing stone of choice I really do
like the edge against and you know I I just think you don't have to spend a
fortune one a finishing stone and the ILR is actually pretty good price
especially compared to J nets and things like that
yeah I think it really produces a nice edge and we did that cell in that
excellent you have produces a nice edge it is just really comfortable to shave
with for me
yeah you can check this card right up here and see my basic honing series
which will give you an idea about that ILR so as well and pass one complete
yeah let's see how we did hmm oh yeah nice oh that is a smooth razor
very nice I like it yeah now has two now the tip of the day yeah I am really
sorry I forgot who put this in there I think though it was t so the tip of the
day comes from t tonight and that is make sure you start with the shave ready
straight razor yeah very important that is the very first place to start and
that is a fantastic tip
oh yeah we those sides nice
yeah there we go oh yeah yeah excellent now this is pastor which
is going to primarily be across the grain on my cheeks like this are against
the grain on my cheek sorry yeah it against the grain here you know on each
side of my neck that will be across the gray let's do it
excellent now switching hands let's get this other side
alright switching up the handle
okay here we go now switching hands again at this other
side hmm
nice feels good yeah I hope you're having as good a shades as I'm having
excellent excellent stuff
nice there you go pass to complete yep yeah excellent feeling good
let's get that washed off see how we did oh yeah cheeks feel good yeah
and you can't go wrong with the per a so excellent stuff now this is the half
pass now what that's going to be is against the grain primarily on my jaw
line in my neck yep so that would be good you can also check
this card right here if you haven't seen the half half revealed and I will go
into more detail about it and you can see if this is something that might work
well I found it's the best way for me to do my jaw line in my neck so you know
that's the thing when you're wet shaving you need an open mind okay open mind and
try new things and see what works that's how this whole thing really works is you
have to just keep trying stuff
oh yeah nice that's good yes it is okay let's do this other side
oh yeah looking good
nice nothing in the books yep that is yes sweet really nice
let's see how did let's get that washed oh yeah oh yeah oh that's nice mm-hmm
alright Alum everywhere and I dry that off there you go now
Proraso green and this is the aftershave lotion okay now this is going
to be a Totally Proraso green shave it is going to be good one
yes it is never
a marvelous scent really like it I do I do now were going to top this off with Proraso
green and this is post shave ceam it's aftershave cream yeah it it's gonna
repair that skin and then wonders yes it is so let's get that on and there you
go very nice alright you click right up
here to see the best shave how to shave video you've ever seen thank you so much
really appreciate yet click right over here to see my latest video click down
here on my video especially picked out for you click over here on me Subscribe,
Like, Comment, Share this video with your friends have a Great Shave and a Good
Day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving
Goodbye Nepal & welcome back to India! Kathmandu to Mumbai India flight. - Duration: 9:33.-------------------------------------------
MaKenzie Helms can't wait to get to Nebraska - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
White House Reviewing Memo That Alleges Bias In FBI And Justice Department | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
U.S. drops Victor Cha as pick for ambassador to South Korea - Duration: 0:55.The man who was widely rumored to be the next U.S. ambassador to South Korea is not going
to get the nod after all.
The White House has confirmed that Victor Cha will not be considered for the position
that has been vacant for months on end.
The Washington Post says Cha,... who served as the director for Asian affairs on the White
House National Security Council during the George W. Bush administration,... was dropped
over his disagreement with the Trump administration's considerations of a limited military strike
on North Korea.
It's thought he also didn't see eye-to-eye with the president on his threats to terminate
the South Korea-U.S. FTA.
The lack of a top U.S. diplomat in Seoul for so long has raised concerns over the allies'
ability to closely coordinate at a time of heightened tensions over North Korea's nuclear
and missile programs.
Rare 'Super blue blood moon' coming tonight - Duration: 2:01.Now for a moment you might want to set your alarm for.
On January 31st -- tonight for us in Korea -- half of the Earth -- parts of western Northern
America, Asia, the Middle East, Russia and Australia -- will experience a very special
moment: "a super blue moon."
It will be the first time in decades that the world will witness a total lunar eclipse.
Park Soyun reports.
On Wednesday night, sky-watchers will be able to enjoy a special cosmic three-for-one deal,
"a super blue blood moon."
Half the world will be witness to not just one, but three uncommon events: a lunar eclipse,
a supermoon and a blue moon.
Individually the three aren't that rare, but the last time all three occurred at the same
time -- a celestial trifecta -- was 35 years ago.
The "super blue blood moon" combines a 'supermoon' which is a full moon that is closest to earth,
a 'blue moon,' the second full moon of the month' and a lunar eclipse, a phenomenon that
occurs when the earth casts a shadow over the moon.
"The supermoon looks especially big due to it being closer to earth.
The blue moon and the blood moon....
For all three to occur simultaneously is a once in a life time event, a very rare moment."
In South Korea, you can catch the show from 8:48 p.m. when the moon enters the darkest
part of the Earth's shadow, the umbra, during the period of the partial eclipse.
From 9:51pm to 11:08 the moon will turn a deep shade of dark red, when it undergoes
a 'totality,' the period when the moon is totally covered, or the total eclipse.
The rest of the visible eclipse will end at 12:11am on February 1st.
The whole process will last as long as an hour and twelve minutes, depending on your
So you may want to catch this "once in a blue moon" moment -- a truly once in a lifetime
Park Soyun, Arirang News.
Higher temperatures than Tuesday _ 013118 - Duration: 2:13.Good afternoon, the capital's blanket of snow should melt with higher readings than yesterday,
Seoul will rise to 1 degree Celsius, under mostly sunny skies but some disappointing
news for star-gazers in Gwangju and Jeju as cloudy skies are expected tonight.
So this might help... the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute will broadcast
live tonight's three uncommon events: a lunar eclipse, a supermoon and a blue moon.
So if you hesitate to go out on this freezing weather you could also check it out from your
computer or smartphone.
As for the weather outlook, the cold snap will return this Saturday, but it will feel
freezing for another couple of weeks.
With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.
While most cities in the nation will see temperatures a few notches higher than Tuesday, most cities
in North Korea will still have highs below sub zero temperatures.
As for the rest of Asia, the last time a Blue Moon and total lunar eclipse appeared was
in 1982, so to see such a rare phenomenon, we'll have to wait another 35 years.
Meanwhile, Australia will get the first glimpse of the full event of super blue blood moon,
as it spreads across the world.
Heading to North America, sky watchers in North America are excited about Super Blue
Blood Moon as it has not be visible in North America for more than 150 years.
Unfortunately, those in South America will miss out on seeing this phenomenom this time
as it is only visible in certain parts of the world.
So the UK, Western Europe will probably miss out on seeing the blood moon, or lunar eclipse.
Because only select parts on Earth's nightside will have a chance to see all three at once.
Lastly to Africa, western Africa and will miss out eclipse but don't miss out the super
Hot Wheels Super Mario Character Cars Review [CC] - Duration: 5:08.Welcome to Storm Riders Wheels with your host Master Luke
First up is this Mario car it's has a lot of detail these actually don't have a name
for the actual car they just have it for the character that they are that rhymed
this is the Mario car it's number 1/6 and it's a nice Red Hat and body
with his blue overalls on the bottom in the back bottom it has like the engine
the wheels kind of look rubber but they're not I wish they were that would
be awesome it has two dots where the overalls buttons are and overall this is
like just a great car. So let's go ahead and move on. Next up is the Luigi car
there's actually six in this set my dad picked up the full set it's a nice green
body for his hair and his shirt his overalls are also blue so it's the same
blue color for the bottom of his two. The engine is actually in the bed of the
truck like car. It does have the flesh color and the mustache on the front for
his face so let's go ahead and move on next up is Yoshi it's a nice pickup
truck has his shell in the back also has horns running down his head it's a
really nice looking pickup truck it has the pickup thing in the back where the
wheels go onto that flat part and then it lifts up it pulls it up or only the
back tires of the car is touching the ground and then drives away
so on to the next car next up is Princess Peach it's a nice pink color
for her dress has a blue dot in the front for her blue jewel in the front
has her nice blonde hair and the gold and for the interior is her crown it
kinda like a face from the front. [laughter] white teeth and the eyes it's a really
nice convertible I'll probably drive this around if it wasn't pink
there's the jewels on the top of her crown on the back so it's going to move
on next up is toad it's a nice flesh color for her skin and then his vest or
the blue and the gold is the outline of his vest then he has the white for his
pants all they would need to add is his brown for his feet and then that would be it he has the
mushroom head with the dots it kind of looks like a face I think all of the
character cars are supposed to look like faces from the front at least this
series did so there's not much more to talk about this one so it's going to
move on last but surely not least is the white boat this is called the mad splash
it's a really nice yellow color this is really cool because it has water at the
bottom it has like a lot of detail on the front right here say 64 and also
says asarse let red line has sr60 for red line and do you see that right there
I let me see hold on huh oh see that logo right there
it's a treasure hunt. ye!! I ordered this from
@HWC _CHAD and my dad bought it for my birthday but it didn't come in
fast enough to be in the video so I'm gonna go ahead and add it into this to
these series so there's not too much more to talk about this so that's it for
this video thank you for watching Storm Riders Wheels
don't forget so like subscribe and ring that Bell
State of the Union Address 01/30/18 10PM | January 30, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 58:25.-------------------------------------------
Tampa Bay Rays team doctor dismissed after video claiming sexual abuse is posted - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
31 de janeiro de 2018 | Dizer e fazer - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Pregnant Kylie Jenner 'hasn't hired a nanny' yet | news 24h - Duration: 7:12.Kylie Jenner 'hasn't hired a nanny' because she's 'worried about new people around her baby'... and only wants help from her family
Shes expecting her her first child - a daughter - in February with boyfriend Travis Scott. And Kylie Jenner is planning on leaning on her mom Kris Jenner and her sisters once she gives birth, according to People.
The 20-year-old pregnant star hasnt hired a nanny yet because shes worried about new people around her baby, reports the magazine.
Soon to be mama: Kylie Jenner is planning on leaning on her mom Kris Jenner and her sisters once she gives birth, according to People .
Show off your shoulders in a Bardot dress like Kylie Jenner £44.10 My Style Mode Off The Shoulder Mini Dress Sold out- click to shop the brand! Buy now Shes got a closet full of designer goods, yet Kylie Jenner mixes high fashion with affordable brands like the best of them.
Just like this curve hugging mini dress she sported for the gram a while back now. Its by My Style Mode and originally set her back less than £45.
With an off shoulder silhouette and cut outs at the elbow, this nude hued frock oozes sex appeal and is bang on trend.
Wear it with a pair of barely there strappy sandals on your next night out and youll be guaranteed to turn a few heads.
Sadly its now sold out so follow the link on the right to shop the brand, then recreate the look with one of the picks from our roundup below.
Their insider claims that at first she only wants [Mom Kris Jenner] and her sisters to help with the baby.
Her older sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian have three children each; Kourtney is mom to Mason, eight, Penelope, five, and Reign, three, and Kim is mom to North, four, Saint, two, and newborn Chicago, born January 15.
Her brother Rob is dad to Dream Kardashian, 14 months. Sister Khloe Kardshian is currently seven-months pregnant with her first child - reportedly a son - with her boyfriend of one year, Tristan Thompson.
Glowing: The 20-year-old pregnant star hasnt hired a nanny yet because shes worried about new people around her baby, reports the magazine.
Family is everything: Their insider claims that at first she only wants [Mom Kris Jenner] and her sisters to help with the baby; pictured with the Kardashian/Jenner clan in February 2016.
Kylie talks to Khloe about being pregnant, the magazines source says, adding that she plans on going to her sisters baby shower. Earlier this month, the reclusive reality star was spotted getting a large crib delivered to her home.
Peoples sources says that the makeup entrepreneur hired a company to baby-proof her house, adding that its nearly done. Kylie, who has just weeks to go in her pregnancy, is anxious about the birth, but excited to meet her baby, People notes.
Sister, sister: Her older sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian have three children each and Khloe is seven months pregnant with her first child.
New chapter: The Kylie Cosmetics founder is very happy and all about baby People reports, adding that her daughters nursery is ready. The Kylie Cosmetics founder is very happy and all about baby the magazine reports, adding that her daughters nursery is ready.
While she is anxious about being a mother, she is never alone, sleeping at her mom Kris house and spending time with her best friend Jordyn Woods.
Kylie was seen last week - months after her last sighting - while at a construction site in Hidden Hills, California. She hid her baby baby with an oversized black T-shirt and matching sweats while walking besides mom Kris and Jordyn.
News broke of Kylies pregnancy in the fall; since then the star has rarely been seen in public. Kylie and Travis, 25, went public with their romance in April at the Coachella Music Festival, after she finally split with on-off boyfriend Tyga.
Support system: While she is anxious about being a mother, she is never alone, sleeping at her mom Kris house and spending time with her best friend Jordyn Woods (pictured).
Mom and dad: Kylie and Travis, 25, went public with their romance in April at Coachella Music Festival, after she finally split with on-off boyfriend Tyga; seen in April 2017 at a game in Texas.
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