* Intro starts*
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Francisco envía a Chile experto en delitos sexuales | Noticiero | Telemundos - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
New Rampage The Movie Mega George Figure King Kong Vs Subject George Battle Unboxing Skull Island #7 - Duration: 16:03.Wow who can say New York City went or drow and Lizzie attack and what is King
Kong doing here keep watching okay it's great to see you again today we have
another awesome ramage the toy movie figure this is mega George and it also
includes Dwayne Johnson is also Davis Akoya so groovy cool guys and watched my
last video it's the same company that made the King Kong toys so here we have
New Rampage The Movie Mega George Figure King Kong Vs Subject George Battle Unboxing Skull Island #7
his el final toilet I guess light-colored okay but anyways I'm gonna
go ahead and open up and then we'll take another look at them side by side okay
guys so here is mega George so guys this guy is your
the monkey in relation to Curious George
but anyways let's go ahead and take a look at these first we're gonna go ahead
and take a look at Wayne Johnson and by the way guys I am making these toy
videos in January 2018 so if you guys are watching these like
after the movie came out I do apologize for any mistakes because I'm making it
way earlier okay but anyways so they did a really great job on doing Johnson here
movable head if you guys never heard a lay nerd toys I mean they are awesome
they made all the King Kong Skull Island toys so uh if you want to go ahead check
out my playlist and ahh they only sell the toys at Walmart so that that's why a
lot of you guys may not have heard of it because I didn't hear about it until
I've seen they were making King Kong toys so anyways the action figure very
similar to GI Joe I do love the job they do with the toys and for the amount of
money you pay you get a great deal so 360 degree of movement at the waist the
legs turn all the way around they've been at MIDI like I said really great
detail he does have a holster here with no weapon so uh I definitely think he's
probably not going to be weapon watch once he comes out because I
know he's trying to save George he's trying to save George will be killed so
must be piece of old Lobby not like post is action ok so anyways we're moving on
to George you know this one said it has like a chomping jaw I think it was
talking about some of the other rampage toys or the small one the smaller set it
has a chomping jaw but this one the mouth doesn't open at all the head will
turn a little bit well actually it'll go
really cuz it's like flattened a so it will turn a little bit like that so you
could have him looking around ah movement wise on the arms
you've got 360 degree movement here at the shoulder it is really tight though
so I don't want to break it or anything the arms move all the way up and down
like that you've got 360 degrees and almost you
hit right there ok so not quite 360 well I'm not movement so you could do a lot
of stuff and then his hand also lose both his hands are open like this it
would have been nice if they make the fingers moved too so you could have a
bold objects for I would've liked that fun movement wise
if you guys have the big King Kong this guy is identical I mean it's probably
they probably use Wow okay they couldn't have used the same mold because he is a
little shorter so as you can see he is shorter but you know I did a better job
okay but anyways moving on they definitely gave this guy ripped
chest and six-pack over there and then movement wise on the legs
you have 360-degree movement on the leg and the foot will move 360 degrees so
you could even have him standing which is feet backwards well I like the fact
that they let the foot move because this is a big figure so sometimes if you
wanted to stand up correctly you do have to move that walk off to the side and
then let's take a look at George from the back so cool see right there he does
not want to stand so you go ahead and adjust the legs cuz he is he's a
decently heavy bigger bird like something that's hollow but ah anyways
here's a good look good back really good muscle definition there
so if you look at his back he is very similar there to the here is the back
you can see I mean it almost looks like they took the same mold and shrunk it
okay man be on the lookout we have a 200-foot gorilla headed into the city
sir I did
to fire
Chicagoans burning sir soldier
desert your clothes it's every man for yourself this city is going to burn
what is there something is happening to the creatures they're shrinking down to
the size they were before Wow conch must have pounded the genetic material right
out of them there is Rafi normal side Wow she's
small too
but what about poor George look check it out he's shrinking Wow George is
normal-sized - there he goes now that their normal size Ralphy old bunny come
on let's get going they're reunited with their owners
Wow guys what a bad hole these three guys have destroy New York City but King
Kong went ahead it seeped everyone because Kong is still king of the jungle
the ones who stand against calm wow guys that was totally awesome if you want to
see more fun videos go ahead and click the subscribe button and the bell next
to it to be notified when I make new one and do that over a thousand videos the
majority are Jurassic world drastic bark King Kong Godzilla Power Rangers Wow
lots of fun guys you guys are totally awesome and I will see you in today
go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I know you
remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video
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Renovar la elegibilidad y el Formulario de evaluación del médicoEl Programa para niños con necesi - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
7 partes del cuerpo que no son estrictamente necesarias para vivir - Duration: 8:06.-------------------------------------------
No más empates en los pronóstico de la Jornada 5 del Clausura 2018 - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Les Soul Pleureurs - Moulin à Paroles (Live Château Rouge 2017) - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
CHRISTMAS IN BUDAPEST DAY 2 - SPARTIES AND ICE SKATING - UNCORDOBESVIAJANDO - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
La escapada familiar de Francisco Rivera y Lourdes Montes al paraíso - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
Las fotos de Katie Holmes y Jamie Foxx que han enamorado al mundo - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Lluvias incrementan el caudal del río Rocha y anegan la zona sur - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
6 Year Old Surfer-------------------------------------------
Honda Jazz 1.2 90pk Cool (Airco, Radio-cd, Centrale deurvergendeling) - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
OBYČAJNÍ ĽUDIA majú nové posily pre zdravotníctvo, kultúru a školstvo - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
HomePod - Beat - Apple-------------------------------------------
The Crazy Way I Got Hired At BuzzFeed - Duration: 5:32.- Apparently someone at this company thought I was charming
and not like a total loser. (laughs)
(playful music)
- So, data science is a pretty specialized field
and I kind of fell into it by accident.
I had no intentions of being a data scientist.
- I moved to LA about a year and six months ago with no job,
no place to stay, none of that,
and I was just kinda like interning around the city of LA.
- I had my own small YouTube channel
and I was a big BuzzFeed fan girl.
I watched like all the videos.
I like had all my favorites.
- I was in my final week of college doing finals
and I freaked out one night
and was like well I need to get a damn job.
- I'm a very big soccer fan and I was in a betting pool
with a bunch of my friends and I was doing really well in it
so I was like, you know what?
I bet I could write an algorithm
that does all this betting for me on scale
and I could just sit back and just rake in the cash.
So I went and starting teaching myself data science
using free online courses for the sole purpose
of writing a betting algorithm and getting rich off of it.
- When I found out that they were hiring,
a friend of mine who had went through the internship here
said, "Oh, you'd be perfect for this.
"I'll recommend you."
- One night I went out
and I got extremely, extremely intoxicated.
I got back home at about like three in the morning
and my drunk friend convinced me
that I should look for jobs.
- I applied for like seven jobs at this company
and then after that I graduated, lived my life,
and the night of my birthday actually I got an email
from Buzzfeed to do a video interview.
So heres the thing, I was intoxicated
because I had been drinking since like 9:00 a.m.,
and then I saw the interview and I was like (bleep).
I actually need to look appropriate and look nice
and not look like I've been having like five tequila shots.
- I was like, you know, BuzzFeed's a viral company.
They like internet things and trends on the internet.
So, I tweeted: if this tweet gets 1,000 retweets,
BuzzFeed has to hire me
because that's how the internet works.
- I got called in for my interview.
On the way I got very nervous
so I kept checking my phone
to make sure I was going the right way,
and one of the times I was checking my phone,
don't check your phone while driving!
I didn't notice the person in front of me stopped moving
and rolled right into them.
I wasn't going super fast but I definitely hit the car
in front of me.
- And I was like,
oh, if this catches on it will be
like the most epic BuzzFeed article.
It didn't catch on.
It got nowhere near 1,000 retweets.
I don't even know if anyone at BuzzFeed ever saw it.
It was just kinda like a really sad thing
and I was like I kinda wanted to just delete
the tweet just 'cause I was like,
oh, this is embarrassing for me that I put this out there
and got nowhere near where I wanted.
So I was like now it's just a sad BuzzFeed article.
- Immediately I called the person I was meeting here
at BuzzFeed for my interview and being like,
"I might be late, I just hit a car."
And I like kinda was starting to cry
and this person on the other line was like,
"Uh, are you okay?
"Don't worry about it we can like adjust your time."
I'm like, "No, no I think I'll figure it out."
- I did the video interview and I looked at the camera
and I was like, "Hi, my name is Joyce
"and I'm really fun-loving."
I don't even remember much of what it said.
It was mostly like, "What's your favorite BuzzFeed video?"
And I couldn't think of crap.
So I was like, "Oh, I really love the dry ice."
- So then the guy gets out of the car
and we have a discussion and he clearly just doesn't want
to deal with me so he kinda, like, leaves.
Never heard from this guy again, so I'm still sorry sir.
And I like get to BuzzFeed and I'm still on time.
I'm 5 minutes early.
And they're like, "Do you need a moment?"
And I'm like "No, no I got this."
And I like ran upstairs still shaking.
- Funny enough nobody from BuzzFeed actually got back
to me when I applied on the website and so I went online
and went on Twitter and on LinkedIn
and every recruiter I found that was for Buzzfeed,
anybody that said anything about a BuzzFeed type thing.
I just started messaging them directly
and after two months and I think seven or eight stages
of interviews I eventually got hired
to be the first data scientist in BuzzFeed LA's operations.
- While I was out here interning I ended up being
an extra in a BuzzFeed video
where I met another production coordinator here.
We ended up getting coffee,
and then I just kind of told him some of my experiences
and then I showed him the tweet.
He laughed at it and he was like,
"Yeah no, that's not gonna work."
But he told me to apply for the position.
I applied, interviewed, and the rest is history.
- And at the end of the interview I was like,
"Oh, what are you looking for in an employee here?"
And they said, you know,
someone who kinda goes with the flow.
And I was like, "Well, if you want someone that goes
"with the flow, I got in an accident on the way here
"and still made it to my interview on time."
And they were like...
- And then like a couple days later I was asked to come
to California for the real interview.
And they really liked me
and it's all because I got drunk one night on my birthday.
- Overall I would say the funniest part of all of this is,
you know, me landing this really big career jump
as a result of gambling and drinking that got me here.
- I made it!
Fan girl turned employee.
It's a Cinderella story.
- If you put it out there, I mean, whatever your goal is,
whatever your dreams are,
no matter how like ridiculous they may seem at the time.
It's really weird that in some way,
I think putting it out there makes it more real.
So you know, put it out there.
The universe might give it to you.
(playful music)
Come Scurire i Capelli Bianchi Precoci in Modo Naturale? - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
I trucchi in cucina per una dieta senza glutine sana e nutriente - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
Boston Major VS the World - Duration: 5:07.Is CS:GO Dying?
Just kidding.
I think the community's in a good place right now.
CS:GO's first major of 2018 was a massive success, the finals, one of the greatest the
game has ever seen.
And this was reflected in the numbers, the finals managing the highest peak viewing number
ever, according to the viewers listed in the match description here.
The previous record was 5,000 fewer, set exactly a year ago during the Atlanta finals.
The game's doing well!
Let's be happy for a moment.
And now let's compare it to other majors, just out of curiosity.
I didn't bother listing the ones before Dreamhack 2014 since it's harder to get
information about them.
CS:GO has nicely tracked and recorded every match of every major since then and I simply
went through and put them all into some graphs- so you don't have to.
Of course, peaks only represent the most successful second of the match.
I would rather we had average numbers to compare, but hey.
What I did instead was to get the AVERAGE of each matches peak to try and get a more
accurate representation of how much the majors were being viewed, and here were my findings.
Boston's quarter-finals were the 3rd most watched of all time, behind Columbus 2016
and Cologne 2015.
Its semis were 4th most watched, behind Cologne 2015, Atlanta 2017 and Columbus 2016.
And its finals were also 4th most watched of all time, behind Columbus 2016, Atlanta
2017 and Cologne 2015.
So CS:GO's viewbase at the start of 2018 is healthy, but not the biggest it's ever
This graph helps put its current situation into perspective, and I think you'll agree
that Boston was a respectably viewed major.
While we're on this chart, there are some other interesting things I'll quickly cover.
I would normally expect semi-final matches on average to get more views than quarter-finals,
but you can see that it isn't always the case- the last 2 majors have had almost exactly
the same views for both!
This has got to be down to which teams are playing and you'd expect a match between
2 of the most popular teams to be the most viewed, even if it is earlier on in the event.
Still, hasn't stopped the finals from always being the most viewed so far… apart from
with Dreamhack 2014 where they were SLIGHTLY behind the semis.
Thanks for ruining my point, 2014.
This is all stuff that I covered in more depth last year, following the Atlanta major.
I suggest you check the video out- I'll leave it here in the cards to click on.
I talked about the importance of which teams are playing.
I also speculated that the time between majors mattered and that the less popular events
had always occurred when there hadn't been much time since the previous one.
But this hasn't been the case since- Krakow and now Boston have both had a 6 month gap
since the one before and yet Krakow still underperformed.
I now just think that majors alternate between successful and disappointing for absolutely
no reason… but that doesn't bode well for the next major, which rumour has it will
be hosted by Faceit in London.
I wish them all the best to break the curse.
And while we're at it can we please have some decent English teams?
So, the Esports side of CS:GO seems to be doing well.
What about the people actually playing the game?
Steamcharts is a great resource for this, showing the average player numbers per month,
as well as the peak.
Player Unknowns somehow continues to grow month on month, it's utterly insane how
it's still rising.
And although CS:GO's growth is nowhere near as impressive, you may be surprised by how
well the game is performing.
I'm honestly surprised.
I considered 2015 to be the year the game took off but the viewerbase has remained remarkably
strong since then.
2016 as a whole saw significantly higher average and peak numbers of players, and 2017 managed
even higher average numbers, although peak numbers have dropped a tiny bit.
Isn't this video happy and positive!
Makes a change doesn't it.
But let's try to see the negative in everything, as is tradition.
The tournament went as well as it could have done: it was well hosted, had been a long
time since the previous one, it had excellent matches and an epic EU VS NA final that extended
into overtime.
And yet, despite all of that, it still hasn't been as viewed as much on average as earlier
majors were, even though those weren't anywhere near as 'perfect'.
It's easy to see the new record-breaking peak viewing figure and to think that CS:GO
is more popular than it has ever been before, but in reality, the game is beginning to slip.
Player-wise, this January has seen the highest peak player numbers since March last year
and the highest average since April.
But both these figures are below where they were last January, which had 12,000 more players
on average and a peak that was 100,000 higher.
After that, it was only down-hill for the rest of the year.
So, if this January is the same, then it will be a disappointing year.
Hype from the tournament will soon die down.
It won't be long before players expect more from the game again!
These spikes in viewers and players aren't the start of a golden age- but rather, last
gasps before the inevitable collapse!
Perhaps CS:GO is dying.
Starting next month.
Sans Souci The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti | New Discovery - Duration: 8:28.Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti.Often called the Palace of Versailles of the Caribbean, the Palace of Sans-Souci, in Haiti, was constructed during the early 19th Century as the royal residence of King Henry I
He was a self-imposed monarch who was a former slave and fought in the American Revolutionary War
The palace was the site of opulent feasts and dances and considered the most important of the nine buildings built for the king
There was once a masterfully planned system of waterworks that many believe was modeled after the palace of Frederick the Great in Potsdam, Germany
The Sans-Souci palace is located in the town of Milot, Haiti, a few miles from the renowned Citadelle Laferriere fortress, also built by him
It was the royal residence of King Henry I of Haiti, also known as Henri Christophe, who resided there with his wife, Queen Marie Louise, and their two daughters
Architecture of the Palace of Sans-Souci.Situated at the base of a spectacular mountain range, the palace is a magnificent testament to another era
It was built in 1810 and completed in 1813 at the cost of hundreds or even thousands of laborers lives
With the reputation of having been one of the most magnificent structures of the West Indies, San-Souci was once a palace of feasting and dancing and grandiose gardens that were enjoyed by many foreign guests
Recognized largely for its immense gardens, the palace grounds are reminiscent of the stepped gardens of Potsdam and Vienna and the canals and basins throughout the complex were inspired by the Grand Canal of the Palace of Versailles
Sans-Souci also housed artificial springs with fountains, bronzed lions, opulent furniture, decor and art from all over the world
The palace had a grand façade, sweeping baroque staircases and classical terraces
Italian statues were also imported for Henri's wife, with at least 15 of them scattered about the property
The walls on the outside have been burnished by weather and time, revealing a multitude of colors on the rocky surfaces, which has left this aging building with a watercolor impression
The Infamous Henri Christophe.Henri Christophe (1807 - 1820) was one of the most prominent figures of the Haitian slave revolution of 1791-1804
Before the construction of Sans-Souci, the town of Milot was a French plantation that he was in charge of during the Haitian revolution
He was a brutal kleptocrat and autocrat, infamous for his cruelty and historically a polarizing individual
A former slave that became a key figure in the Haitian revolution, he rose to General under Jean-Jacques Dessallines, the principal leader of the revolution
After years of struggle, black slaves finally rebelled against the colonists to successfully proclaim the independent Republic of Haiti when the small nation gained its independence from France
The end of French rule meant that the colony of Saint Domingue was renamed Haiti after its original Taino Indian name and was newly independent
However, after the revolution Haiti split into two. On January 1, 1804, after the long Revolutionary War against France, Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared Haiti free and independent
On September 22 of that same year, Dessalines proclaimed himself emperor for life and had every intention of ruling over the newly created nation until the end of his days
Henri Christophe however, found his title appealing, and along with other disaffected administration members, conspired to have Dessalines assassinated
After he was killed, Christophe created a separate government in Plaine-du-Nord (the north) and was elected President of the State of Haiti
One of his co-conspirators Alexandre Pétion would be elected president in the South
In 1811, Christophe declared himself king of the northern part of the country when the Haitian Republic became divided in two
He would proclaim himself Henry I, King of Haiti and go on to create a short lived kingdom which he ruled until his death in 1820
On October 8, 1820, depressed from politics, King Henry I committed suicide after being crippled by a debilitating stroke
Legend has it, he shot himself with a silver bullet on the grounds of the palace and was subsequently buried in the Citadel
His widow, Queen Marie-Louise, emigrated to Europe and died in faraway Pisa, Italy
His son and only heir, Jacques-Victor Henry, would succeed King Henry in assuming the throne
However, his untimely death came just 10 days after his father's. He was bayoneted to death by revolutionaries on October 18, 1820
With his death, the age of Haitian nobility was over.The Ruined Palace of Sans-Souci
Today, the Sans-Souci palace is in ruins. Fences now surround this national landmark, yet visitors are still permitted to walk around the ruins
A considerable part of the palace was destroyed during the Haitian earthquake of 1842
At that time Haiti was reunited but Henri Christophe was long gone, and there was no desire for the palace to be rebuilt
The ruined shell of the palace is rarely visited today due to political instability in the area
However, the Sans-Souci Palace is in the process of being restored thanks to its uncontested artistry which makes it a valuable part of Haitian history
Past events of the area are even recreated in the varied and vibrant town of Milot surrounding this scenic structure
At one time, Sans-Souci Palace was a symbol of prestige and it remains an example of Haitian-built pride and engineering
It demonstrates the architectural style and splendor that made it one of the most admired structures of the West Indies
It is an expression of Haiti's diverse architectural accomplishments as well as a monument to Haiti's struggle for liberty
While no longer the center of extravagant feasts and dances, thanks to its historical significance, it was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982
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Thrift Store Hi-Fi: Some tips and tricks - Duration: 6:46.If you've seen some of my earlier videos, you may have noticed one of these speakers.
These are Infinity RS-2000 bookshelf speakers, originally from 1988.
I picked 4, yes 4, of these up from Goodwill for $5 apiece.
They all had busted foam surrounds on the woofers which required replacing, but with
an eBay purchase of new surrounds and a little Elmer's glue later, they were working perfectly.
These speakers are certainly nothing state-of-the art, but they are a decent little bookshelf
In fact, I quite like these.
I'm no audiophile, and it looks as though this particular model never really achieved
anything more than a lukewarm reception among the audiophile community, but I think they sound great.
I've grown to appreciate clarity and definition more than a booming bass, so the limited bass
response on account of the 6.5 inch woofers doesn't bother me much.
I use these on my desk as computer speakers, and the other pair sits hooked up to my TV.
And let me tell you, I don't think there's a better option out there if you want fantastic
sound for cheap.
And that's what this video is about.
Now of course, audiophiles in the audience are gonna argue with me and themselves, so
I'll just say: your mileage may vary.
This video is based on my personal experience and opinions.
These speakers might not sound great to you, and I'm sure there are better options, but
having spent just $60 all in for 4 speakers and an amp, I think it turned out pretty well.
To start with, speakers.
You might be surprised what speakers you'll find in a thrift store.
It does take some luck and patience, but here are some hints.
When hunting in a thrift store for speakers, there's one thing you should do before putting
too much thought into any speaker: pick it up.
True hi-fi speakers are heavy, usually because they're filled with dense acoustic foam
or fiber.
The cabinets tend to be made of better and thicker materials, too.
If you can effortlessly pick up a shoe-box size speaker with just one hand,
put it back down.
For reference, these speakers weigh about 12 pounds apiece.
Brands to keep your eye out for include Infinity, JBL, Harman Kardon, Bang and Olufsen, Bose,
Klipsch, and others.
This is very much a generalization, but speakers from big electronics brands are often not
too great.
A speaker boasting a Sony or Panasonic logo probably isn't that fantastic, since it probably
came from an all-in-one, mass produced system.
I'm sure there are exceptions, but something out of a home theater in a box or a dedicated
bookshelf system likely won't be too exceptional.
You also want to check to see how the speakers are hooked up.
A speaker with wires permanently attached to it is probably a no-go.
That's a tell-tale sign that it came from a boxed system.
You want to see old-fashioned speaker terminals or screw posts.
Especially avoid speakers with 2 pairs of wires or connections.
These don't have a crossover of their own to drive the woofer and tweeter separately,
which definitely means they're from an all-in-one system.
Next, you want to check the speaker drivers for signs of damage.
Good speakers will usually have fabric grilles that can easily be removed simply by pulling
them forward.
If the drivers have cracked or blown foam surrounds, it's not necessarily the end
of the world.
Like I said, all of these Infinitys suffered from this, and I'm sure that's why they
ended up in goodwill.
But It's not hard to replace the surrounds, and I'll put a link in the description to
a good guide for doing so.
Another good thing to check is if any drivers are stuck.
I'm not sure how often this happens, but I have a pair of JBL speakers which had a
completely seized woofer.
Check for this by gently pressing on the woofer to see if it can move.
You can also do this with a mid-range driver, but you shouldn't do it to a tweeter.
Tweeters can be very fragile, and you wouldn't be able to tell anything by feel, anyway.
Which brings me to the next bit: you probably won't be able to test a speaker you get
until you're home and can hook it up to your amplifier.
If you should find that one of the drivers is dead, fear not!
It's often easy to obtain a replacement.
Search around for a website specializing in speaker repair and you'll find plenty of
Of course, this will alter the sound of one of your speakers, so you should buy a pair
of replacements and replace both drivers.
And I know, that's not exactly ideal, but hey, better than a broken speaker, I say.
Ideally you would find a direct replacement of the exact same part number to prevent altering
the speaker's sound.
But good luck with that
These are the JBL speakers which had the seized woofer.
I use these with my stereo, and they're pretty good to my ears.
Not as detailed as the inifitys, though.
You'll also notice that they are white.
Where'd the old-school wood grain go?
Well, here you can get creative.
One of the nice things about buying old speakers for pennies is that you can do crazy things
like paint them or replace the speaker grille cloth without regret.
And in this case, I've done both.
I would have been happy to keep the original finish, but these were very beat up and needed
some TLC anyway.
I figured, why not go with something a little more modern?
And finally, what about an amp?
The audiophiles will not be happy with this, but I really like these little 20 watt amplifiers
you can get on Amazon for $20 or so.
They're perfect for a PC setup, and can rest next to your monitor rather unobtrusively
and you still have access to the volume and tone controls.
Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can mount them to the underside of your desk for
even more flexibility.
Unfortunately the quality of these seems to have dropped in recent years, so it's definitely
worth reading the reviews, but for a small speaker like this, 20 watts is plenty.
In fact, the spec sheet recommends amplifiers from 15 to 75 watts, so while 20 is on the
low end, it isn't starving the speaker.
Most speakers from the same time period will work well with an amp of this size.
These little amps usually accept a 3.5 mm mini-plug in addition to RCA cables, so if
you're fine with the blasphemy that is running them from your motherboard's built-in DAC,
all you need is an "aux cable".
Personally I've never been bothered by using the computer's own analog output, and I
think these days they're all pretty decent, though it should be noted that for my particular
setup, my monitor is actually working as the DAC, taking digital audio via displayport
and sending it out to the amp via the headphone jack.
And, that's it!
I know, this isn't for everyone.
Maybe the idea of shopping in a thrift store isn't your cup of tea, or perhaps you're
not as crazy as I am.
Also, you might have better ears than me and think these aren't even worth $5.
But for my money, I think these are excellent.
The biggest downside I face with these is that, well, they're kinda big.
They eat up a good deal of my desk space.
But I don't mind.
Also, while the oak veneer works well with a black desk, I'm not so sure it will work
with the new bamboo-topped desk I have on its way.
Overall I actually quite like the design of these, especially with the floating black grille
cloth, but the finish is rather intensely dating itself.
Perhaps I'll refinish these, too.
Anyway, thanks for watching!
If you're ever on the lookout for a new speaker setup, why not take a trip down the
path of oddities and see what's available outside of your traditional retailer.
You might be impressed with what you can find.
V Call of Duty WWII je i Praha! | DLC Resistance | PlayStation CZ - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Melania Trump Is FURIOUS At Donald Over Affair - Duration: 3:38.It's now been several weeks since it was revealed that Donald Trump, through his lawyer, paid
an adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, $130,000 to keep her mouth shut about an affair that
the two had many years before.
This money was paid to her in October of 2016, right before the 2016 election that made Donald
Trump president of the United States.
Now, the media, the American public, the world at large seems to really for some reason not
care about this story, even though it's likely that this contribution, this payoff, to Stormy
Daniels violated campaign finance laws, and it would implicate both Donald Trump and his
lawyer in a felony offense for making an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign that exceeded
campaign finance limits.
Nobody seems to care about that.
Nobody seems to care about the fact that he was having an affair a few months after his
wife Melania gave birth.
I mean, if this happened to Obama, if this happened to George W. Bush, we would still
be talking about it today, or at least the media outlets would, talking about how disgusting
this person is for doing this to his wife, but not Trump.
In Trump world, this was just another day of news.
This was just another, "Wow.
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
Move on."
But there's one person, thank God, who's actually not moving on from this story, and that person
happens to be Melania Trump herself.
According to reports of people close to Melania, she is absolutely furious over the affair
that took place between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, and that is why you haven't really
seen too much of her recently.
Yes, she traveled with Donald Trump to Switzerland when he went to go speak recently at Davos;
however, she decided at the last minute to not actually go with him to the events there,
which was the whole reason she even went on the trip.
Instead, she decided to stay back and do her own thing away from Donald Trump.
So, not only is she distancing herself from the press right now, because she's so furious.
She is literally distancing herself from her husband because of her anger over this affair.
I do not fault Melania Trump in any way for what has transpired here, but she is the one
who at this point could stand up.
She could leave him.
She could explain to the world that "This is disgusting behavior by this man, by my
husband, by your president, and I'm not going to stand for it.
I'm not going to stand by him and neither should you."
Hopefully, that is the next step that Melania Trump takes.
I have to admit.
I'm kind of furious myself about the fact that nobody seems to care about this story.
He paid off a porn star using money that was seen as an in-kind campaign contribution,
a clear felony violation of campaign finance laws, and everybody except Melania Trump just
thinks, "Well, that's another day in Trump world.
What's the next atrocity that we have to be shocked by for the next 15 minutes?"
Kia Venga 1.6i 125pk Automaat DynamicPlusLine - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Nikki Haley Blasts Overly Political Grammys… Shuts Down Clinton in Epic Fashion - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
Kia Rio 1.2i Eco Dynamics 5D Plus Pack - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
NIKON D7200 vs CANON 6D mark II nel fare i video - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Corolla Wagon 1.4 VVT-I LINEA TERRA 1e eigenaar | 100% TOYOTA OH | TOPSTAAT | - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
2-Minute Neuroscience: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) - Duration: 2:01.Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or
In this installment I will discuss selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.
SSRIs were developed in the 1970s with the goal of treating depression by increasing
serotonin levels.
This goal was formulated based on the serotonin hypothesis of depression, which suggests that
depression is caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
SSRIs work by inhibiting a mechanism called reuptake.
In reuptake, a protein called a transporter transports excess neurotransmitter molecules
out of the synaptic cleft, usually back into the neuron that released them.
SSRIs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin.
By inhibiting the removal of serotonin from the synaptic cleft, this causes levels of
serotonin in the synaptic cleft to rise.
These increases in serotonin levels have been hypothesized to be the mechanism by which
SSRIs can treat the symptoms of depression.
There are reasons now, however, to believe that there must be more to the mechanism of
SSRIs than just changing serotonin levels.
For example, when someone begins taking an SSRI, they generally have to wait about 4
weeks before their symptoms improve.
Evidence suggests, however, that their serotonin levels rise as quickly as within an hour after
taking the medication.
Thus, it seems likely that SSRIs may affect serotonin levels, which then leads to other
effects that influence the symptoms of depression.
Therefore it's probable that more than serotonin levels must be changed for SSRIs to work,
which suggests that depression isn't caused only by low serotonin levels.
Additionally, evidence has now emerged that questions the effectiveness of SSRIs.
Some research has found they do not work much better than placebos, and may only benefit
those who are most severely depressed, which is a minority of patients who actually take
the drugs.
What'll It Take to Find Life? Searching the Universe for Biosignatures - Duration: 11:00.The supertelescopes are coming, enormous ground and space-based observatories that'll let
us directly observe the atmospheres of distant worlds.
We know there's life on Earth, and our atmosphere tells the tale, so can we do the same thing
with extrasolar planets?
It turns out, coming up with a single biosignature, a chemical in the atmosphere that tells you
that yes, absolutely, there's life on that world, is really tough.
I've got to admit, I've been pretty bad for this in the past.
In old episodes of Astronomy Cast and the Weekly Space Hangout, even here in the Guide
to Space, I've said that if we could just sample the atmosphere of a distant world,
we could say with conviction if there's life there.
Just detect ozone in the atmosphere, or methane, or even pollution and you could say, "there's
life there."
Well, future Fraser is here to correct past Fraser.
While I admire his naive enthusiasm for the search for aliens, it turns out, as always,
things are going to be more difficult than we previously thought.
Astrobiologists are actually struggling to figure out a single smoking gun biosignature
that could be used to say there's life out there.
And that's because natural processes seem to have clever ways of fooling us.
What are some potential biosignatures, why are they problematic, and what will it take
to get that confirmation?
Let's start with a world close to home: Mars.
For almost two decades, astronomers have detected large clouds of methane in the atmosphere
of Mars.
Here on Earth, methane comes from living creatures, like bacteria and farting cows.
Furthermore, methane is easily broken down by sunlight, which means that this isn't
ancient methane leftover from billions of years ago.
Some process on Mars is constant replenishing it.
But what?
Well, in addition to life, methane can form naturally through volcanism, when rocks interact
with heated water.
NASA tried to get to the bottom of this question with the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, and
it was expected that Curiosity should have the tools on board to find the source of the
Over the course of several months, Curiosity did detect a boost of methane down there on
the surface, but even that has led to a controversy.
It turns out the rover itself was carrying methane, and could have contaminated the area
around itself.
Perhaps the methane it detected came from itself.
It's also possible that a rocky meteorite fell nearby and released some gas that contaminated
the results.
The European Space Agency's ExoMars mission arrived at Mars in October, 2016.
Although the Schiaparelli Lander was destroyed, the Trace Gas Orbiter survived the journey
and began mapping the atmosphere of Mars in great detail, searching for places that could
be venting methane, and so far, we don't have conclusive results.
In other words, we've got a fleet of orbiters and landers at Mars, equipped with instruments
designed to sniff out the faintest whiff of methane on Mars.
There's some really intriguing hints about how the methane levels on Mars seem to rise
and fall with the seasons, indicating life, but astrobiologists still don't agree.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all that.
Some telescopes can already measure the atmospheres of planets orbiting
other stars.
For the last decade, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has been mapping out the atmospheres
of various worlds.
For example, here's a map of the hot jupiter HD 189733b.
The place sucks, but wow, to measure an atmosphere, of another planet, that's pretty spectacular.
They perform this feat by measuring the chemicals of the star while the planet is passing in
front of it, and then measure it when there's no planet.
That tells you what chemicals the planet is bringing to the party.
They also were able to measure the atmosphere of HAT-P-26b, which is a relatively small
Neptune-sized world orbiting a nearby star, and were surprised to find water vapor in
the atmosphere of the planet.
Does that mean there's life?
Wherever we find water on Earth we find life.
Nope, you can totally get water without having life.
When it launches in 2019, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is going to take this atmospheric
sensing to the next level, allowing astronomers to study the atmospheres of many more worlds
with a much higher resolution.
One of the first targets for Webb will be the TRAPPIST-1 system with its half-dozen
planets orbiting in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star.
Webb should be able to detect ozone, methane, and other potential biosignatures for life.
Except, as I mentioned earlier, confirming biosignatures is going to be tough.
And we'll get to that in a second, but first I'd like to thank:
The Universe.
Of all the universes that we could have formed in from a vast multiverse, it's great to
have one with a reasonable force of gravity and binding energy of atoms.
Thanks Universe, as well as:
JTheory Rob Stuart
Travis B. Vallance
And the rest of our 783 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to patreon.com/universetoday.
So what will it take to be able to view a distant world and know for sure there's
life there.
Astrobiologist John Lee Grenfell from the German Aerospace Centre recently created a
report, going through all the exoplanetary biosignatures that could be out there, and
reviewed them for how likely they were to be an indication of life on another world.
The first target will be molecular oxygen, or O2.
You're breathing it right now.
Well, 21% of every breath, anyway.
Oxygen will last in the atmosphere of another world for thousands of years without a source.
It's produced here on Earth by photosynthesis, but if a world is being battered by its star,
and losing atmosphere, then the hydrogen is blown off into space, and molecular oxygen
can remain.
In other words, you can't be certain either way.
How about ozone, aka O3?
O2 is converted into O3 through a chemical process in the atmosphere.
It sounds like a good candidate, but the problem is that there are natural processes that can
produce ozone too.
There's an ozone layer on Venus, one on Mars, and they've even been detected around
icy moons in the Solar System.
There's nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas.
It's produced as an output by bacteria in the soil, and helps contribute to the Earth's
nitrogen cycle.
And there's good news, Earth seems to be the only world in the Solar System that has
nitrous oxide in its atmosphere.
But scientists have also developed models for how this chemical could have been generated
in the Earth's early history when its sulfur-rich ocean interacted with nitrogen on the planet.
In fact, both Venus and Mars could have gone through a similar cycle.
In other words, you might be seeing life, or you might be seeing a young planet.
Then there's methane, the chemical we spent so much time talking about.
And as I mentioned, there's methane produced by life here on Earth, but it's also on
Mars, and there are liquid oceans of methane on Titan.
Astrobiologists have suggested other hydrocarbons, like ethane, isoprene, but these have their
own problems too.
What about the pollutants emitted by advanced civilizations?
Astrobiologists call these "technosignatures", and they could include things like chlorofluorocarbons,
or nuclear fallout.
But again, these chemicals would be hard to detect light years away.
Astronomers have suggested that we should search for dead earths, just to set a baseline.
These would be worlds located in the habitable zone, but clearly life never got going.
Just rock, water and a non-biologically created atmosphere.
The problem is that we probably can't even figure out a way to confirm that a world is
dead either.
The kinds of chemicals you'd expect to see in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide could
be absorbed by oceans, so you can't even make a negative confirmation.
One method might not even involve scanning atmospheres at all.
The vegetation here on Earth reflects back a very specific wavelength of light in the
700-750 nanometer region.
Astrobiologists call this the "red edge", because you'll see a 5X increase in reflectivity
compared to other surfaces.
Although we don't have the telescopes to do this today, there are some really clever
ideas, like looking at how the light from a planet reflects onto a nearby moon, and
analyze that.
Searching for exoplanet earthshine.
In fact, back in the Earth's early history, it would have looked more purple because of
Archaean bacteria.
There's a whole fleet of spacecraft and ground observatories coming online that'll
help us push further into this question.
ESA's Gaia mission is going to map and characterize 1% of the stars in the Milky Way, telling
us what kinds of stars are out there, as well as detect thousands of planets for further
The Transiting Exoplanet Space Survey, or TESS, launches in 2018, and will find all
the transiting Earth-sized and larger exoplanets in our neighborhood.
The PLATO 2 mission will find rocky worlds in the habitable zone, and James Webb will
be able to study their atmospheres.
We also talked about the massive LUVOIR telescope that could come online in the 2030s, and take
these observations to the next level.
And there are many more space and ground-based observatories in the works.
As this next round of telescopes comes online, the ones capable of directly measuring the
atmosphere of an Earth-sized world orbiting another star, astrobiologists are going to
struggling to find a biosignature that provides a clear sign there's life there.
Instead of certainty, it looks like we're going to have the same struggle to make sense
of what we're seeing.
Astronomers will be disagreeing with each other, developing new techniques and new instruments
to answer unsolved questions.
It's going to take a while, and the uncertainty is going to be tough to handle.
But remember, this is probably the most important scientific question that anyone can ask: are
we alone in the Universe?
The answer is worth waiting for.
I'd love to hear your predictions.
When do you think we're going to know for certain that there's life on another planet
orbiting another star in the Milky Way?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Do you want to know when we release a new episode.
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I've created an email mailing list to announce new videos when we post them.
I'll put a link to the mailing list in the shownotes below.
In our next episode we'll be looking at some anomalies of spaceflight.
You've probably heard of the Pioneer anomaly, but there's an even stranger one that slingshotting
spacecraft experience called the Flyby anomaly.
That's next time.
And finally, here's a playlist
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.0I TOURING Clima / CV met AB / El. Rmn / Trekhaak / El. Spiegels - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-VISION | NAVIGATIE | CAMERA | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i20 1.2I 5-DRS PDC/BLUETOOTH/TREKHAAK. 35.00 KM - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V50 2.4I 170PK SUMMUM XENON, LEDER, HISTORIE COMPLEET, NL AUTO! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
SUPER FEET INSOLES - CAN THEY CHANGE THE WAY YOU SKATE? - Duration: 8:11.because you´re a nice guy I'm gonna give you a pair of insoles
let me just tell you that it's not every day that a Scotsman gives lemming away
let me tell you so take it
olá youtube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel
addict second day of ISPO 2018 I'm in Munich and I'm inside the super feet
booth and I'm with Andrew nice to meet ya
Thank You Andrew Andrew was a hockey player for 20 years and for those of you
who don't know super feat is probably the best insole brand in the whole
market so Andy is going to explain this why is it that good so I'm gonna let you
talk you're gonna do the talking very good so why do we need an insole in
an ice hockey skate I'm very often asked that but the reason is that for
virtually all Footwear you can benefit from having an insole inside the shoe so
the questions why well feet are very complex it is your
foundation and basically feet have lots of shape it's a fully three-dimensional
object a lot of people just look at the arch for support that super feet we look
at the whole foot but we start in the rear foot so the heel is the largest
bone in the foot it's where all the pressure goes through it's designed to
move and this happens when you skate especially it's called pronation and
supination so every time you push off one foots pronating and the other foot
is supinating so when we put a shape under the foot we help that foot to
function better so what does that mean it means it's in terms of ice hockey is
that you will have a much stronger foot to push off and this equates to more
power and more speed also because an ice hockey skate has an angle which starts
higher at the heel and comes down to the forefoot it means that that foot wants
to slide on that surface and once again if we put a good
shape starting at the heel there we will give the food more stability and more
stability means that you use less energy and that means you have more time to
skate more power to skate and when you as an example we take a slap shot
obviously you go forward on one foot and this means that more weight is going
through that foot and more weight usually means less stability so if we
put some shape under the foot we guarantee you'll have a harder slap shot
one of the last things that I would say coming from a Sookie I've lost a few
teeth a couple of little nose pops as well is that if you have good stability
under your feet you can punch someone harder as well
okay the product so this is our latest product it's the carbon pro hockey a
little bit history about super feet is that we produce the far stencils for
Bauer I'm sure you all know who Bauer are back in the 80s and we produce this
shape for Bauer a long time ago and we've been developing ever since in
Canada we are by far the number one ice hockey insole in the market and as I say
this is our newest insole you can see 11% written there what this means is
that when we tested this insole with professional ice hockey players from
blue line to blue line they had an increase in speed by almost 11% why is
that well the
our original insult from all those years ago is called the yellow and you can see
the way this insults it's it looks lower than the heel then it isn't a forefoot
but because ice hockey skates have a ramp angle a higher heel section this is
how this insole is designed to set and that piece of footwork all those years
ago we use a high density form we have a plastic base now imagine when you skate
or walk or run you put power through the insole and this insole has worked great
for years but you can see it's fairly flexible what this means is that when
you go to push off especially if you're you know 150 kilo ice hockey player you
can lose some energy in that insole which means a loss of power with the new
carbon combination in this insole if I twist this one you can see is much much
more stable and therefore that power and energy is transmitted into the foot up
the body and basically this is how you can increase your speed so based on what
I've just said insoles and all types of footwear helps think of your foundation
it needs to have a good solid foundation in order to give you a good stance and
good power but it also has to have a good shape feet have a three-dimensional
shape your ice hockey skates only have a two-dimensional flat shape and if you
put an insole and nose I guarantee that you will skate faster you'll have more
power and you'll probably have more energy to keep skating longer there's no
other type of sport that I can think of that you couldn't benefit from having
some shape under the foot think about this very quickly if if I have a glass
I'm having a beer the surface is flat and up here on the bar the surfaces are
the same so that beer glass is stable if I took that beer glass and put it on its
side it would be unstable on that surface so I believe that all feet and
all activities including all those skating activities will benefit from all
the things I just said more power more comfort less chance of aches and pains
like blisters and such like if you put that shape under your foot so I believe
it will help all aspects of skating so thank you so much Andrew it was awesome
to have a little lesson a little inso lesson I hope you guys learned something
with Andrew and now that you know what to do with insoles you know what to get
to know so now I want to I want to try something I really want to try someone
just tell you that it's not every day that Scotsman gives something away let
me tell you so take it yes no that's cool that's good I'll make a little
review after what you said I'll make another view about it and all of you
guys out there watching these then you first listen from them the insole master
and now you're gonna listen for some from someone who never try the insoles
you gotta listen to like my first experience with these insoles
thank you so much hope you guys enjoyed this video if this is the first one that
you ever watched well you know what to do subscribe to the channel for more and
like I always say just don't forget why we all started skating you know why
because it's fun cheers guys you soon
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